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5:35"6월 12일 교전" "두 번째 정박지 6월 11"
7:28(송영) [한국어강화 앞바다에 미리견의 군함
다섯 척이 출몰해
At the coastal waters of Ganghwa, five
American battleships were spotted.
7:32(송영강화도 일대의 탐측을 허하라They wanted permission to explore the
Ganghwa area.
7:34병인년 평양에 침공한 이양선을 불태운 연유를
고하라 트집 잡더니
Then, they accused us of burning down a
foreign ship in Pyongyang back in 1866.
7:41금일에는 수교 맺기를 희망한다 전해 왔사옵니
But today, they wanted to establish diplomatic
ties with us.
7:47(어린 고종미리견은 어떤 나라인가?What kind of a country is this America?
7:50(대원군미리견이란 나라는 화성돈이란 촌장
America is a country founded by Washington
7:54영길리와 교섭하면서 만든 촌락 정도의 나라로who negotiated with England. You can think of
it as a small village
7:58과히You can think of it as a small village
8:00오랑캐와 다를 바가 없지요and the people are no different than
8:04(세훈그러하옵니다단호히 척사하소서That is correct. You should fight them off.
8:17하면... - (대원군하니-Then-- -No.
8:20(대원군오랑캐와 수교할 수는 없는 일이지요We cannot establish diplomatic ties with
8:26강화도에 병력과 화포를 증원하라Increase soldiers and cannons in the
Ganghwa area.
8:29훈련도감 보군 2별파진 300From Military Training Corps, 2 units, Special
Destruction Corps, 300 men,
8:31화약 1천 근수노궁 10장 구전 300a thousand geun of gun powder, ten
crossbowmen and 300 archers.
8:36(김 판서강화에 꼴랑 네 개 영을 증원을 해?Only four more units were increased in the
Ganghwa area?
8:40네 개 영이면 많아야 병력이 고작 오백인데That is only 500 soldiers at the most.
8:43(김 판서양이들 상대가 되겠나?How could that be enough?
8:45양이랑은 함포 차이도 엄청날 텐데They probably have a lot more naval guns
than we do.
8:47대원군은 양이들 함포보다 반란이 더 걱정인
양반 아닙니까
You know how the regent is. He worries more
about revolts than Western barbarians.
8:52[김 판서의 못마땅한 신음] (세훈괜히 대병력
을 묶었다가 들고 일어나기라도 할까 걱정인
He's worried there might be an uprising once
more soldiers are dispatched.
8:58과연 대원군의 혜안은 따라갈 재간이 없네He sure knows how to think ahead, doesn't
9:08(김 판서해서 말일세That being said,
9:10이렇게 초야에 묻혀 군자의 도를 다함도 좋지your studies as a nobleman is honorable,

9:14대원군 곁에서 군신의 도를 다함도...but maybe you could aid the regent--
9:16죽을 때가 되셨소?You must have nothing better to do
9:20(세훈웬 팔자에도 없는 나라 걱정이시오?seeing how you spend your time worrying
about the nation.
9:30(김 판서거택을 넓혀 갔다 들었네I heard you moved to a bigger residence.
9:33종비가 꽤 필요할 듯싶은데I'm sure it requires more female servants.
9:43군신의 도를 다함에는 한성 판윤 정도면 되시
In order to serve the regent, I guess I should
be the Chief Magistrate of the capital.
9:48되다 뿐인가Yes, of course.
9:51(김 판서이런Goodness.
9:53한데 그 자리는 이미 차 있지 않나?Isn't that spot already occupied by someone?
9:57내일도 차 있으란 법은 없지요It could be vacant by tomorrow.
10:02(김 판서이 사람You witty man.
10:04한데 저년은 서방이 있네But... that girl is already married.
10:08내 처녀로다가...Let me find you a virgin--
10:13(세훈대감을 보면 초야에 묻히는 데는 다 이
유가 있지 싶소
Seeing how you are, it is pretty obvious why
you never made it far.
10:18자리가 찼으면 비우면 될 일이고You can vacate a spot that is taken, by force
10:21서방이 있으면 없애면 될 일 아닙니까?and get rid of a girl's husband if she has one.
10:24(김 판서옳거니한 잔 쭉 들이켜시게You are absolutely right. Now, drink up.
10:28그래야 잔을 또 다 채울 거 아닌가?That way, I can pour you another glass.
11:08(행랑아범뭘 그리 보는 것이냐?What are you looking at?
11:11(어린 유진하늘을 봅니다The sky, sir.
11:13(행랑아범하늘이 뭐 어째서?Why though?
11:17검은 새 한 마리가 온 하늘을 망칠 수도 있구나
싶어서 봅니다
I was thinking how one black bird can ruin the
view of the sky.
11:24어느 댁 종놈이냐?Which house do you serve?
11:28어찌 그러십니까?Why do you ask?
11:29땅을 보고 살거라Your eyes should be glued to the ground.
11:32하늘은 멀다The sky is too high for you.
11:34종놈 눈길이 멀면 명이 짧은 법이다If slaves look or aim high, they tend to die
11:41소인도 압니다I know that, sir.
11:59간밤에 꿈이 좋더니 이게 웬 횡재란 말이냐I knew last night's dream was a good sign.
Now this is what I call luck.
12:05(김 판서감히 종놈이 도망칠 궁리를 해!How dare you slaves try to run away!
12:09그것도 네놈이?Especially you of all people.
12:12딱 네놈이?You of all people?
12:19뭣들 하느냐저놈을 멍석에 말아라What are you waiting for? Roll him up. -Yes,
sir. -Yes, sir.

12:25잘못했습니다대감마님My lord, we are sorry.
12:27(유진 모제발 용서해 주세요! [유진 부의
힘겨운 신음
Please forgive us!
12:29죽을죄를 지었습니다 제발 살려 주십시오We have committed a mortal sin. Please don't
kill him. Sir, I'm sorry!
12:32제발잘못했습니다 살려 주세요!Please don't kill him. Sir, I'm sorry!
12:34저이는 죄가 없습니다 제가 그랬습니다He did nothing wrong. It was all me.
12:37[울먹이며제가 먼저 도망치자고 꾀었습니다
I asked him to run away.
12:39- (어린 유진아버지어무이! - (노비1) 어유,
-Please... -Father! Mother! No, don't.
12:44저놈도 몰랐을 리 없을 터 [유진 모의 놀란 숨소
The boy would have known too.
12:46- (유진 모아닙니다대감마님 - (김 판서끌고
-He didn't! -Take him.
12:48(유진 모자는 아무것도 모릅니다참말입니
He did not know, sir. Please believe me!
12:50[절규하며제발 살려 주십시오대감마님Please don't kill them, sir!
12:52부모의 죄가 곧 자식의 죄다The child must bear its parents' sin too.
12:55[유진 모가 흐느낀다네놈은 똑똑히 지켜보고You sit there and watch.
12:57(김 판서종놈이 법을 어기면 어찌 되는지 뼈
에 새기거라
Watch and learn what happens to slaves who
disobeys the law.
13:01뭣들 하느냐저놈을 매우 쳐라!What are you waiting for? Beat him.
13:20(어린 유진) [울먹이며도련님제발 살려 주십
Young master, please help.
13:23제발 아비 좀 살려 주십시오도련님Please help my father, young master.
13:26저리 맞으면 죽습니다He will die if you do not!
13:27(안평말리다간 나도 저기 말려 저리 가저리My father will roll me up too if I do. Go away.
13:29나한테 집중되게 하지 마!People are watching. Just go!
13:33죽여라Kill him.
13:35(김 판서재산이 축나는 건 아까우나It may be a waste of my property,
13:37종놈들에게 좋은 본을 보이니 손해는 아닐 것
but this will teach the other slaves a lesson,
so I guess it is not all a loss.
13:44(유진 모유진아!Yu-jin!
13:46[어린 유진의 아파하는 신음유진...Yu-jin...
14:18아니... [호선의 겁먹은 숨소리]You...
14:19[무거운 음악] - (호선서방님 - (안평부인!-Honey... -My dear!
14:23(김 판서뭣들 하느냐계집년 하나 못 잡고!Stop standing around and get that bitch!
14:25움직이지 마Nobody move.
14:28(유진 모움직이면 아씨는 죽습니다If you do, I will kill her.
14:30Do not move. She told you to stay still!

(호선) [울먹이며움직이지 마움직이지 말라
14:34네놈들이 정녕 날 죽일 참이냐!You bitch, how dare you try to kill me!
14:37(유진 모다음에는 더 깊이 그을 것입니다The next cut will be deeper.
14:39대감마님은 대감마님 자손 지키세요You save your children
14:41난 내 자식 지켜야겠으니까and I will save mine.
14:46저런Why you...
14:48주워얼른!Pick it up. Now!
15:04(유진 모쌀 서 말은 받을 거야That is worth at least 3 mals of rice.
15:06그 밑으로는 팔지 마 그거 들고 얼른 도망가Do not exchange it for less. Take it and run
15:09그리고 다신 돌아오지 마and do not come back.
15:12어서!Go. Run!
15:17가래도!-Go already! -Shut it!
15:18닥쳐라이년저년 잡아아니저놈부터 잡아-Go already! -Shut it! Grab the bitch. No, grab
the boy first.
15:21그러기만 해 보십시오 다음에는 여기입니다Do not dare or I will stab the baby next.
15:27(안평부인좀만 참으시오 강건히 버티셔야
Why you... Hang in there. You must be strong.
15:30(호선입만 그리 분주하시지 말고 어떻게 좀
해 보셔요
Stop talking your way through this and do
something. I am close to dying!
15:34[울먹이며저 죽습니다and do something. I am close to dying!
15:36(안평뭐 하냐이놈아썩 안 꺼지고 빨리 가,
Go, boy, go! Run away from here!
15:39(김 판서저런 모자란 놈You pathetic fool.
15:42저놈 잡으라니까!Stop the boy!
15:43(호선움직이지 마움직이지 마!Do not move!
15:45움직이기만 해 봐라이놈들!Nobody take a single step.
15:47내 똑똑히 지켜볼 것이니! [유진 모의 가쁜 숨소
I am watching who does!
16:01제발!Go! Please...
16:09[울먹이며너라도 살아야 개죽음 안 되는 거야!Our deaths won't be in vain if you escape!
16:13멀리아주 멀리 가유진아Now, go. Go as far away as you can.
16:29(김 판서저런 능지처참할 연놈을 봤나Why those little scoundrels...
16:33(노비3) 아유에구머니나 애기씨가 나올 모양
My goodness, she is about to give birth!
16:36(안평부인괜찮소부인! (호선괜찮
아 보이오
-My dear, are you all right? -Do I look all right
to you?
16:46(김 판서저런 등신비켜!That idiot! Move!
17:10죽이세요Kill me.

17:17마음은 굴뚝이나 네년에게 내 입신양명이 달렸
I very much want to, but my rising in this world
depends on you
17:23참는 것이다which is why I will not.
17:24(호선아유나 죽네아유나 죽어I am dying. It hurts so much!
17:37(김 판서뭣들 하느냐마당이 이 모양인데Can you not see that the yard is a mess?
17:40내다 버려비질하고Throw him out and clean the yard.
17:43저년은 광에 가두...As for her, lock her--
18:44(유진 모) [울먹이며제발!Go! Please...
18:49멀리아주 멀리 가유진아Now, go. Go as far away as you can.
19:26(노비5) 이놈이 어디로 간 거야찾아!Where did he go? Find him.
19:29(노비6) 저쪽으로That way.
19:31(노비7) 저쪽This way.
19:57(안평눈이 막 초롱초롱하고His eyes are very bright.
19:59머리는 산발인데 그게 또 잘 어울리고콧날...His hair is disheveled but it suits him well and
his nose is--
20:06왜요걔 정말 그렇게 생겼어요What? That's really what he looks like.
20:10아홉 살 난 사내놈이다엿새 주겠다He's nine years old. You have six days.
20:13걱정 마십시오대감마님Don't worry, my lord.
20:14(안평뭘 돈까지 들여서 잡아요?Why spend money to find him?
20:16안 잡아도 다 얼어 죽고 굶어 죽고...He'll freeze or starve--
20:18그 입 안 닥쳐!Shut your mouth!
20:20그게 다 재산인데He's an asset.
20:25(일식과 춘식대감마님Yes, my lord.
21:05(남자1) 절로 해가 저쪽으로 지나가던데요He went that way.
22:44(은산찬이 입에 맞아?Is the food to your taste?
22:50그렇게 처먹으면 체한다You'll get sick if you eat so fast.
22:53우물은 저쪽이다The well's over there.
23:22어쩌라고?-What? -It's worth three mals of rice,
23:23(어린 유진쌀 서 말은 받아야 하는데 두 말 반
값만 받겠습니다
-What? -It's worth three mals of rice, but I'll
only take two and a half.
23:27[은산의 코웃음나머지는 밥값입니다The rest is for the food.
23:30이걸 사서 내가 얻다 쓰냐이놈아What good is that to me?
23:33차고 다니랴?Shall I wear it?
23:34되파시면 이문을 남길 수 있습니다You can make a profit if you sell it.
23:37어디서 났어?Where did you get it?
23:39(은산꼬라지가 딱 도망친 종놈 아니면 부모
버린 백정인데
You look like a slave that escaped or an
abandoned butcher's kid.
23:43네놈이 그걸 어디서 훔쳤을 줄 알고 되파냐
How am I to sell something you stole?

23:46사람 헤프게 보지 마I'm no fool.
23:47(어린 유진훔친 거 아닙니다It wasn't stolen.
23:51어무이 목숨값입니다It's worth my mother's life.
23:59그놈의 노리개 밥값에목숨값에 비싸기도
That accessory is worth a life and some food?
How expensive.
24:05비싸서 안 산다이놈아 얼른 갖고 꺼져바쁘다It's too expensive for me. Take it and get lost.
I'm busy.
24:08하면 두 말 값만 주시고 하루만 재워 주십시오Then give me two mals of rice and let me stay
the night.
24:12(어린 유진너무 고단합니다I am so tired.
24:16거참바쁘다니까I said I'm busy.
24:18(요셉) [어눌한 발음으로성님!Eun-san!
24:20아휴My goodness.
24:24(은산저거는 화통을 삶아 먹었나Did he swallow a hwatong whole? Why is his
voice so loud?
24:27왜 또 와도자기 안 판다니까!Why are you back here? I told you I won't sell
my china.
24:30성님화통이 뭐야맛있어요?Eun-san, what's a hwatong? Is it delicious?
24:33[어이없이 웃으며어디 한번 처먹어 봐라맛있
You try eating one and see if it is.
24:36(요셉그래그래미국 배 왔어Okay. Oh, the American ship came in.
24:39나 오늘 돈 있어요 도자기 팔아 주십시오I have money today. Sell me your china.
24:42사라팔아라 이거 왜들 지랄이야?Buy this, sell that. What's the problem with
you all?
24:46둘 다 안 꺼져?Get lost, both of you.
24:47(요셉제독 도자기 좋아해 나 미국 돌아가야
The Admiral likes Chinaware. I have to return
to America.
24:51돌아가라고글쎄!Go ahead then. I'm not stopping you.
24:53너도!You too.
24:57(요셉성님진짜!Come on, Eun-san.
25:00깜짝이야My goodness.
25:02무슨 일이야이놈아?What do you want?
25:04미국이 어디입니까?Where is America?
25:52(수군1) 정신 차려라!It's a bomb!
26:57(수군2) 쏴라!Fire!
27:03- (수군4) 빨리 피해라! - (수군5) 피해피해!Get out of here!
28:11정신 차려새끼야빨리 불!Get a grip and move!
30:35(대원군) [한국어!Water.
30:37(수군12) 불 [총성이 탕탕 울린다]Fire! Fire. Fire.
30:57(승구 부! [총성이 요란하다]Fire.
31:04(어린 승구아버지지금이라도 도망갑시다 이Dad. Let's run away while we can. -We'll all

러다 우리 다 죽소!die! -You fool!
31:10우리가 도망가면 여기는 누가 지키냐이놈아!Who will guard this place if we run away?
31:13- (승구 부! - (어린 승구아버지Fire! -Fire! -Father.
31:21아버지도망갑시다Father, let's run away.
31:22어서어서!Hurry. Hurry!
31:23도망갑시다도망갑시다 [승구 부의 다급한 신
Let's run away! Let's go.
31:55(어린 승구아버지Dad.
32:00정신 차려 봐요아버지Dad, stay with me. Dad.
32:24(어린 승구) [흐느끼며아버지Dad.
33:11네놈이야?Was it you?
33:14네놈이 양놈들 대장이야?Are you the leader?
34:31(송영조선군 243인 전사A total of 243 Joseon men died in battle
34:36(송영) 100인이 익사and 100 drowned.
34:39어재연 장군 또한 전투 중 전사하였다 하옵니
General Heo also lost his life in the fight.
34:52조선이 진 것인가?Did Joseon lose?
34:55사상자가 많긴 하나Many were killed
34:57저들이 원하는 수교를 하지 않았으니 졌다 할
수는 없는 전쟁이옵니다
but we did not establish diplomatic ties so I
cannot say we lost, Your Majesty.
35:02하면 미리견이 진 것인가?Then did America lose?
35:06미리견은 군사적으로 이겼으나America may have a superior military force,
35:10외교적으로는 패했으니but they lost in the diplomatic sense.
35:12미리견의 텅 빈 승리요 조선의 꽉 찬 패배지요It is their empty victory and our fruitful defeat.
35:19그런 패배가 다 있구려Such a defeat exists?
35:22(송영포로로 잡힌 자가 스물 남짓이라 합니
They took about 20 prisoners.
35:26살려 데려와야...-We must bring them-- -Are you saying
35:27(대원군양이와 협상이라도 하라는 것이냐?-We must bring them-- -Are you saying we
should negotiate with the barbarians?
35:32나라를 위해 싸운 백성을 구해 오자는 것입니
We must save the men who fought for our
35:34닥치거라이놈!Shut your mouth!

35:38그자들이 포로 송환을 명목으로 무엇을 요구할
줄 알고
We have no idea what they will demand in
exchange for the prisoners!
35:44(대원군포로로 잡힌 자들은Those who were taken prisoner
35:46임무를 다하지 못하고 살아남아 그리되었으니were captured because they failed to do their
duty and survived.
35:49비겁한 자들이다They are cowards.
35:52조선의 조정은 그들을 환영치 않으니 돌아오지
말라 기별하라
Our court does not welcome them back. Send
word that they are not to return.
36:00(세훈하면 화친에 대해서는...What about the peace offer?
36:03화친은The peace offer
36:06곧 나라를 파는 것이니equates to selling our country.
36:29(세훈) [한국어네 이놈통변하지 않고 뭘 하는
You fool. Why are you not translating?
36:32저자가 지금 뭐라고 중얼거린 것이냐?What did that man just say?
36:37'미개한 조선 아새끼들 개화시켜 줄랬더니 싫
으면 관둬라
"We wanted to civilize the Joseon savages. If
they're not interested, leave it," is what he
36:42이럽니다If they're not interested, leave it," is what he
36:45이런 무례한 역관 놈을 보았나!You insolent fool!
36:48통변이 무슨 벼슬도 아니고 어디 감히 중인 놈
How dare you speak such foul language! You
are just a mere interpreter!
37:28(수군13) [한국어이보시오Hey.
37:30우린 어찌 되는 거요?What will happen to us?
37:32조선 조정에선 아직 기별이 없소?Have you heard from the Joseon court?
37:35기별이 어찌 아니 왔겠니?Why do you think we didn't?
37:38(완익죽이든 살리든 양이들 속대로 하라는 기
Whether you live or die is up to the foreigners.
37:43조선은 너희 것들을 버렸다Joseon has abandoned you.
37:47그럴 리 없소헛말 마시오That can't be. You're lying.
37:49세상천지 어느 나라가 자기 백성을 버린단 말
No country would turn against its people.
37:52(완익누굴 나무리니?What are you talking about?
37:53그라니 상것들이 무시게 그리 죽기 살기로 싸
운단 말이니
You're so ignorant and that's why you risk
your lives fighting.
37:57조선이 너희 간나새끼들한테 뭘 그리 해 줬다
아니 그러니?
What did your country do for you? Aren't I
38:06개간나새끼You son of a bitch.
38:08네 숨은 내가 직접 끊을 것이니 기다리라I will kill you myself. You just wait.
38:13(수군13) 이런 숭한 인사를 봤나 당신도 조선인
You piece of shit. Aren't you Korean?
38:16그렇게 좋거들랑 네놈들이나 실컷 하라조선
If you want to be one so much, then you be
my guest.

38:48지랄 통소 불지 말라What a load of crap.
38:51정의로워서 삼백을 넘게 죽였구나So you killed over 300 people because you
are righteous.
38:58이렇게 되면In this case,
39:01역시 일본인가should I turn to Japan?
39:49아재우리 아버지가...Mister, my father...
39:58(어린 승구) [흐느끼며아버지Father.
40:38(은산부러진 데는 없다만Nothing’s broken,
40:40전신에 빠꼼한 구석도 없으니but you have cuts and bruises all over.
40:44며칠은 앓을 게다You’ll feel ill for a few days.
40:48일단 오늘은 예서 자고Sleep here for now
40:52내일은 나랑 가마터로 가자and tomorrow, come with me to the kiln site.
40:58움막으로 갈랍니다I’m going to the mud hut.
41:00(어린 승구집에 가야지요I have to go home.
41:04아버지 총도 거기 다 있고Father’s guns are there.
41:06개미 한 마리도 못 죽이는 놈이 총은 뭐 하러?Why do you need guns when you can’t even
kill an ant?
41:09포수 자식이 뭐 하겠습니까포수 해야죠What would a gunner's son do other than be a
41:14(어린 승구덫도 놓을 줄 알고 여우 털이랑 토
끼털도 다룰 줄 알고
I know how to set a trap and how to trim fox
and rabbit fur--
41:17곧 겨울이다봄 되면 가거라It’ll be winter soon. You should go when spring
41:23걱정 마소아재나 안 굶소Don’t worry about me, Mister. I won’t starve.
41:39네 아버지의 죽음은Your father died
41:43의로운 죽음이었다a righteous death.
41:48(은산이 땅에 발붙이고 살아갈 자손들을 위해
He risked his life for his children
41:53목숨을 건 것이다who will continue to live on this land.
41:57그걸 잊지 말거라Do not forget that.
41:59아재요나는...Mister, I...
42:09나는요아재Mister, I...

42:13절대 아버지처럼 죽지 않을 것이오I'll never die like my father.
42:17(어린 승구그래서 총을 잡는 겁니다That’s why I'm holding the gun once again.
42:23자기 백성도 버리는 이딴 나라To destroy this hell of a country that
42:27내 손으로 탕탕 다 부숴 버릴라고abandoned its own people with my own
42:38아재요나는Mister, I...
42:47역적이 되렵니다I'm going to become a rebel.
43:19(은산뉘시오?Who are you?
43:20(일식여기 주인장이시오쪼까 뭐 하나 물읍
Are you the owner of this place? Let me ask
you something.
43:23요만한 사내아이 하나 못 봤소?Have you seen a boy yay high?
43:26(은산내가 봐야 하오?Should I have?
43:27(춘식보자 보자 하니 이 양반이...Look, mister.
43:37확실히 못 보셨구먼가자You definitely haven’t seen him. Let’s go.
43:40(춘식) [힘겨운 신음을 내뱉으며헹님Il-sik!
44:04(은산도자기인가?Is this a piece of pottery?
44:07내가 이런 것도 빚었나?Did I ever make something like this?
44:10깨지나 안 깨지나 어디 볼까?Shall we see if it breaks?
44:19내가 꺼지라고 했지?I told you to get lost.
44:24(어린 유진갈 곳이 없습니다I have nowhere to go.
44:28아비는 매 맞아 죽고My father was beaten to death
44:32[울먹이며어미는 우물에 몸을 던졌습니다and my mother threw herself into the well.
44:36보셨다시피 추노꾼들에게 쫓기고 있고요As you see, the slave hunters are chasing me.
44:43(어린 유진잡히면 맞아 죽고I’ll be beaten to death if they catch me
44:46안 잡히면 굶어 죽습니다or starve to death if they don’t.
44:51이 조선 팔도에 제가 살 곳이 없습니다I have nowhere to go in this whole country.
44:56제발 절 좀 살려 주십시오Please help me.
45:02그거야 네 사정이고 나 살기도 바쁘다이놈아That’s your problem. I've got enough on my
plate, boy.
45:05[울먹이며도와주십시오Please help me.
45:08(어린 유진미국인지 어디인지로 가겠습니다I’ll go to America or wherever it is.
45:12그저 모르는 척만 해 주십시오Just pretend like you never saw me.
45:25성님무슨 일 났어이 보이 왜 이래?Eun-san, what’s going on? What's wrong with
this boy?
45:35네가 믿는 그 한울님이라는 작자 진짜 있어?The guy called “God” that you believe in.
Does he really exist?
45:40그럼Of course.
45:42그 작자는 기도하면 진짜 들어?Does that guy really listen if you pray?
45:47물론Of course.

45:49그럼 크게 기도해Then pray loudly.
45:51네놈들이 죽인 조선 백성 목숨값으로 이놈 거
For all the Joseon men your people killed, he
must take care of him.
45:56(요셉그게 무슨 소리야?What do you mean?
45:58(은산얘 데려가라고 미국인지 뭔지 네 고향에Take him to America or whatever it's called.
46:04성님진짜...Eun-san, seriously?
46:07곤란 생기네나 이놈아 몰라I'll get into trouble. I don’t know him.
46:09고맙습니다어르신정말 고맙습니다Thank you, sir. Thank you so much.
46:13이건 어르신 쓰십시오This is for you.
46:16(어린 유진이 은혜는 반드시 크게 갚겠습니다I will repay you for your generosity.
46:19목숨을 걸고서라도 제가 꼭...Even with my life, I will--
46:22넌 지랄 말고 살아서 미국인가 뭔가에 도착이
나 해
Stop babbling nonsense and survive and get
to America.
46:27넌 따라와도자기 줄 테니까You follow me. I’ll give you the pottery.
46:30(요셉억장이 무너진다진짜This is a disaster.
46:32성님잠깐만!Eun-san, wait.
50:21(요셉) [한국어깜짝이야For goodness’ sake!
50:23너무 놀라 조선말 나왔어I got so scared that I spoke Joseon language!
50:25너 왜 따라와?Why are you following me?
50:27- (어린 유진갈 곳이 없습니다 - (요셉?-I have nowhere to go. -What?
50:29거두어 주십시오어르신Please take me in, sir.
50:31이놈아내 코가 석 자야Hey, boy. My hands are already full.
50:34너 미국까지 온다며여기 미국이잖아You wanted to come to America. This is
50:37나 너 도와줬잖아I helped you.
50:39부탁드립니다어르신I beg of you, sir.
50:41시키시는 건 뭐든 하겠습니다I’ll do whatever you ask.
50:45적게 먹고 부지런히 움직이겠습니다I’ll eat less and work harder.
50:48(어린 유진재워만 주십시오I only ask for a place to stay.
50:51[한숨 쉬며조선 사람 진짜 무섭네Joseon people scare me.
50:54물에 빠진 거 건져 주니까 보따리 내놔라야?I give you an inch and now you want to take a
50:59어르신께서 하느님은 어디든 계신다면서요You said God is everywhere, sir.
51:03다 들으신다면서요?You said he hears everything.
51:06여긴 안 계십니까?Is he not here?
51:08너 진짜Wow, you are really
51:11(요셉) [한숨 쉬며청산유수구나a smooth talker.
51:20내 팔자야Story of my life...

51:28(요셉나 너 잠만 도와I’ll help you only for a while.
51:30너 입에 풀칠 난 몰라I can’t keep taking care of you.
51:32(어린 유진어르신Yes, sir.
51:34(요셉너 나 조선말 배워 주고You teach me Joseon language
51:37나 3년 뒤에 다시 조선 가and I'll go back to Joseon in three years.
51:40(어린 유진어르신Yes, sir.
51:42(요셉너 이름 뭐야?What’s your name?
51:43최가 유진입니다Choi Yu-jin, sir.
51:50(어린 유진?-Sorry? -You have a great name.
51:51너 멋진 이름 가졌네 이 땅에도 있어그 이름-Sorry? -You have a great name. We have
that name here, too.
51:58고귀하고 위대한 자여The great and noble.
52:26(어린 유진) [한국어감사합니다감사합니다Thank you, sir. Thank you!
56:16[한국어왜 둘만 들어와요상완은?Why is it only you guys? Where's Sang-wan?
56:18(송영짐 챙겨 너 얼른 아이 업어피해야 돼Pack your bags. Carry the baby on your back.
We have to run.
56:24거사가 잘못된 거예요?Did the revolt fail?
56:26(송영총성이 단 한 발뿐이었어There was only one gunshot.
56:28대응 사격도 확인 사살도 없이 단 한 발Just one without a return fire or a confirmed
56:30그건 동지 중 누군가 배신했단 소리야That means one of our own betrayed us.
56:33그게 누구든 피해야 돼Whoever that is, we should run.
56:36(남자2) 대충 챙겼어I packed the bags.
56:37(송영일단 피하자상황 파악은 나중에...Let’s go. We can think through this later.
56:53(희진몸 푼 지 하루밖에 안 됐어요 나까지 움
직이면 우리 다 죽어요
I gave birth only yesterday. If I go, we all die.
56:58- (희진빨리 가요 - (송영무슨 소리야?-Hurry. -What are you saying?
57:00빨리!Just go!
57:16최대한 시간을 벌어 보겠지만 길진 않을 거예
I’ll try to buy you time as much as I can but it
won't be long.
57:20반드시 살아서 상완과 나의 아이를 지켜 주세
You have to survive and protect Sang-wan
and my child.
57:26잘 가요동지들Goodbye, my friends.
57:40잘 가렴아가Goodbye, my baby.
58:45안 챙기고 뭐 하니사례금 아니 받니?Why aren't you picking it up? Don’t you want
your reward?
58:57(남자3) 총을 버려 주게Lower your gun.

59:03(상완그럴 수야 있나?I can’t.
59:05그래도 명색이I'm part of the Righteous Army,
59:08의병인데after all.
59:11얼마를 받은 것인가?How much did they pay you?
59:13얼마면 남은 생을How much does it take
59:17자식에게 부끄러운 아버지로for you to live as a shameful father
59:20부끄러운 아들로and a shameful son
59:24명예도 없이 조국도 없이without honor, without a country,
59:28살 수 있나 해서for the rest of your life?
59:49[힘겨운 목소리로조선의 이름으로For the sake of Joseon, I,
59:53이가 완익Lee Wan-ik,
59:58네놈에게 묻는 것이다am asking you.
1:00:14(완익끝끝내 답을 들을 길이 없어졌구나In the end, you never got the answer
1:00:19밀고자를 동지로 착각한 덕에because you took a snitch for a friend.
1:00:23(희진그렇지Of course.
1:00:26상완일 리가 없...Sang-wan wouldn't...
1:00:35(희진너였구나배신자가It was you. You're the traitor.
1:00:40내 하나 죽인다고 조선의 운명이 바뀔 것 같니?Do you think killing me will change the fate of
1:00:50네년 뒤네년 옆Behind you, next to you,
1:00:54네년 앞and in front of you...
1:00:56조선의 운명에 기대 먹고사는 자들이 이래 많
지 않니
So many men live off the fate of Joseon.
1:01:02당신은Do you think
1:01:05우리 조직 하나 없앤다고 당신의 운명이 바뀔
것 같나
eliminating our organization can change your
1:01:09곧 뒈질 간나가Bitch, you’re about to die.
1:01:13묻는 말에 답이나 하라Just answer my question.
1:01:15다른 조직원들은 어디 있니?Where are the other members?
1:01:21당신을 죽이러 갔지They set off to kill you.
1:01:26오래 걸려도Even if it takes time
1:01:30꼭 갈 거야그들이they will come for you.
1:01:40그리하라오라Do it. Come.
1:01:44내 조선을 갈기갈기 찢어서 팔아먹고 있을 것
I will be selling Joseon piece by piece.
1:01:54(행랑아범) [통곡하며서방님요!Young master!
1:01:58아유서방님요 [함안댁이 통곡한다]Young master!
1:02:02아유어쩔까Oh, dear.
1:02:05아유서방님 어쩔까Poor young master!
1:02:22상완이 사랑하는 여인에게서 난 어린것입니다This child was born between Sang-wan and

the woman he loved.
1:02:29계집아이입니다It’s a girl.
1:02:30(행랑아범아유서방님Young master!
1:02:35(행랑아범아유어쩔까Oh, no!
1:02:39(함안댁아이고애기씨요My lady.
1:02:42아이고애기씨요Oh, my lady.
1:02:58(애신그렇게That is how I met
1:03:01처음 할아버님을 뵈었다my grandfather for the first time.
1:03:05반 자 남짓 좁은 상자 속In a small box barely a half foot long,
1:03:10보드라운 내 아버지내 어머니와 함께was my father and mother's soft ashes.
1:03:17그리고 그해 가을And that autumn,
1:03:33(애신누군가는 목숨을 걸고 지키려 했던 조선
the Joseon that many died to protect
1:03:37일본 수군의 상륙에 완전히 무너졌다was destroyed by the landing of the Japanese
naval forces.
1:03:40[사람들의 힘겨운 신음병력 고작The number of their troops
1:03:44열네 명이었다was only 14.
1:03:53"갑오개혁"GABO REFORM
1:03:57뭔 소리여싸게 읽어 봐언능What does it say? Read it.
1:04:00(춘식아이고Oh, dear.
1:04:02헹님우리 다 조졌어예Il-sik, we are screwed.
1:04:04(일식긍게 뭔 말이여?What do you mean?
1:04:06뭣이 뭐개혁을 해 가지고예There was a reform
1:04:08(춘식노비제가 폐지가 됐다 캅니다and slavery is abolished.
1:04:12- (춘식우리 어짭니까? - (일식뭣이여참말
-What do we do? -What? Really?
1:04:17(일식이짝은 왜 그런다냐?What’s wrong with them?
1:04:19양반님네들도 글공부한 거 완전히 말아묵
The aristocrats who studied for the exams are
screwed, too.
1:04:22노비제랑 쌍으로 마 과거제도 작살났다 아입니
They got rid of both slavery and civil service
1:04:26작살 안 났어도 급제 일절 못 하게 생겼는디They don’t look like they could’ve passed
1:04:27- (춘식좀 작게 말하이소 - (일식인나,
-Il-sik, lower your voice. -Come on, get up.
1:04:32가자위기는 기회라고 했어Let's go. Opportunities are found in times of
1:04:35새 세상 만난 노비랑 벼슬길 막힌 양반이 [춘식
의 한숨
What do slaves in the new world and
1:04:38제일로 필요한 시설이 뭐여?who can’t enter the government service really
1:04:41뭔데예?What is it?

1:04:43(춘식) [박수 치며!ANYTHING YOU WANT
1:04:47(일식물건도 잽혀 주니 전당포요We keep things like a pawnshop,
1:04:49사람도 찾으니 흥신소요find people like a detective agency,
1:04:52필요한 거 다 구해 주니 만물상이요 [춘식의 감
and provide anything like a general store.
1:04:55'말만 하시오다 해드리오해서Anything you ask for, we do it.
1:04:58'해드리오'이 말이여Hence, it's called "Anything You Want."
1:05:00이 중의 뭐 하나는 걸리겄지기여?One of those will work, right? -Yes. -Of
1:05:03기요!-Yes. -Of course.
1:05:03(춘식헹님은 사람이 참말로 본능적이야Il-sik, you have great instinct.
1:05:07사람들은 나가 일자무식해서 일식인 줄 아는디People think my name means, "dumb,"
1:05:09아무것도 모르고 하는 소리여but they don’t know anything.
1:05:10아닌데일자무식해서 일식이 맞는데But it does. Your name means, "dumb."
1:05:13아니여!It doesn't!
1:05:18'하루에 한 끼는 꼭 묵어라해서 '일식'이여My name means, "Never skip a meal."
1:05:22울 엄니가 나 굶지 말라고...Mom told me never to starve.
1:05:24(춘식헹님웁니까?Il-sik, are you crying?
1:05:30헹님헹님손님손님Il-sik, a customer.
1:05:34(춘식노비노비유 대감네He's the slave that belongs to the Yoo family.
1:05:36우리가 잡아다 준We hunted him down for them.
1:05:39유 대감네 노비그럼 구면인겨?Yoo family’s slave? So we know each other?
1:05:41(일식아따어찌 지내셨... [춘식의 만류하는
How have you been?
1:05:42(춘식안부 물을 사이는 아니고예We're not in good terms.
1:05:44우리가 발로 막 칼로 막...We beat him with our feet and swords.
1:05:49우리 딱 걸린겨?Did he see us?
1:05:50(남자4) 누구 한 놈만 잡아 주시오 돈은 있응께I need to find someone. I have the money.
1:05:53그것은 또 나가 척 보면 척이제 (일식마누
라랑 도망간 놈 잡으러 왔구먼
No need to tell me. You're looking for the man
who ran away with your wife.
1:05:58미혼이오I'm single.
1:06:00(남자4) 그라고 나가 잡고 싶은 건The man I want to find
1:06:01유가네 지주 유종명이오 [춘식의 놀라는 숨소
is the landlord of the Yoo family, Yoo Jong
1:06:04나 잡아 오라고 했던!The one who hunted me down.
1:06:05양반은 우리가 경험이 없어가...What? We aren’t experienced with aristocrats.
1:06:09세상이 겁나 변한 모양이다The world has turned upside down.
1:06:13격변하는 갑오년이네예I guess the year of Gabo is the year of
1:06:16(소작농세상천지에 이런 법이 어디 있습니까How could you do this, my lord?

1:06:22보릿고개 때 진 빚도 아직 탕감하지 못했는데I still have debt left from the famine.
1:06:26이렇게 갑자기 소작을 떼 가시면If you sell the land for tenant farming,
1:06:29소인 굶어 죽습니다요대감마님!I’ll starve to death, my lord!
1:06:33허허내 이런 놈을 보았나How dare you!
1:06:37(김 판서보릿고개를 내가 만들었더냐?Did I bring famine?
1:06:40내 땅 내가 팔겠다는데It’s my land and I wish to sell it.
1:06:42내 그 땅을 팔아야 우리 손주 시계도 사고I have to sell that land to buy my grandchild a
1:06:45유학길에 여비를 보탤 것 아니냐?and pay for him to go study abroad.
1:06:47땅 한 마지기 안 남긴 네놈의 조상을 탓해야지You should blame your ancestors for not
leaving you a scrap of land.
1:06:51감히 어디 와서 행패야행패가How dare you come here and cause a scene.
1:06:53땅이 있어야 빚도 갚고!We need the land to pay the debt.
1:06:56(소작농저희도 먹고살 것이 아닙니까요 대감
We have to make a living somehow, my lord!
1:07:01제발 살려 주십시오대감마님Please save me, my lord!
1:07:03식구가 일곱입니다요대감마님!I have a family of seven, my lord!
1:07:08이런 경을 칠 놈Why you little... You ought to be punished.
1:07:10땅이 없으면 몸으로 갚으면 될 것 아니냐?If you don't have any land, you can pay it off
with your body.
1:07:13(김 판서소작을 못 붙이면If you can't pay with farming,
1:07:14들어와 종살이라도 하면서 갚을 생각을 해야지you should think about of working as a slave.
1:07:18그저 울고불고할 생각부터 하니Instead, you come crying and begging.
1:07:21매양 네놈 꼬라지가 그 꼬라지인 것이다That's why you will always be the way you
1:07:25뭣들 하느냐당장 끌어내지 않고Get him out of my sight!
1:07:27대감마님대감마님제발 [하인들의 만류하는
My lord! My lord! Please have mercy on my
1:07:29- (소작농식구들 좀 살려 주십시오! - (하인
리 와
My lord! My lord! Please have mercy on my
family! Let go!
1:07:31(소작농) [절규하며이놈들대감마님!Let go! My lord! My family!
1:07:34우리 식구들 좀 식구들 좀 살려 주세요My lord! My family! Have mercy on my family!
1:07:37대감마님대감마님!My lord!
1:07:39(김 판서세상이 바뀌었다고Just because the world has changed,
1:07:41천한 놈들이 속에 있는 말까지 다 하고 사니the lowly ones seem to think that they can
speak their minds.
1:07:49단발을 하니 아주 인물이 훤하구나You look handsome with your short hair.
1:07:52할아비 선물은 마음에 들고?Do you like my gift?
1:07:57(희성이리 귀한 걸 주실 줄 생각 못 했습니다I didn't expect that you would give me
something so precious.

1:08:03우리 손주 유학길에 할아비 체면이 서는구나My grandchild is studying abroad. I am so
1:08:10대국에 가 식견도 넓히고Broaden your knowledge while you are there,
1:08:13한 1년 있다 들어와서 혼인하거라and after about a year, come back and get
1:08:16돌아오면When you return,
1:08:18내 한자리 마련해 놓을 테니I will arrange a position for you.
1:08:22저는I am...
1:08:25나랏일에는 뜻이 없습니다not interested in national affairs.
1:08:27누가 너더러 정사를 돌보라더냐?Did anyone ask you to manage national
1:08:30그 자리가 너를 돌볼 것이다That position will take care of you.
1:08:34(김 판서네 아비가 칠칠치 못하니Since your father is unreliable,
1:08:37격변하는 세상에 내가 믿을 데라곤 너뿐이다I have only you to rely on in this turbulent
1:08:41이 할아비가 쌓아 올린 걸 네가 지켜야 한다What I have accomplished, you must protect.
1:08:45더 불려야 한다You must make it greater.
1:08:47그러려면 가진 것에 만족하지 말고In order to do that, you must not be satisfied
with what you have,
1:08:51가질 수 있는 것에 한계를 둬서는 안 된다and must not put a limit on how much one can
1:09:02이 무한한 시간처럼 말이다Just like this infinite time.
1:09:10알겠느냐?Do you understand?
1:09:56(아파어떠셔요애기씨?What do you think, my lady?
1:10:00(애신다 곱네They are all lovely.
1:10:02거짓말도 잘하십니다You are a bad liar.
1:10:25참으로 희한도 하십니다How peculiar you are.
1:10:27(아파어찌 이 패물들보다 그 기별지가 더 좋
You seem more interested in the daily
newspaper than these jewels.
1:10:33(애신보름께에 다시 들러 주게Come back in two weeks.
1:10:35이거 다 읽을 동안 내게 흥정도 붙여 주고While I am reading all of this, arrange a
bargain for me, too.
1:10:38(아파애기씨Yes, my lady.
1:10:46(애신어제는 멀고 오늘은 낯설며Yesterday seemed like a distant past, today
felt unfamiliar,
1:10:51내일은 두려운 격변의 시간이었다and tomorrow was terrifying. It was a time of
1:10:55우리 모두는 그렇게 각자의 방법으로All of us, each in their own way,
1:11:00격변하는 조선을 지나는 중이었다were living through the rapidly changing
1:12:01(사홍조선은 날로 위태로워지는데Joseon is becoming more and more
1:12:05그 아이는 몸을 숨긴 투사로And she seems to want to become a hidden
1:12:08그 모든 시간을 지낼 모양일세throughout that time.

1:12:11(유진어느 쪽으로 가시오그쪽으로 걸을까
Which way are you going? I thought I should
go that way...
1:12:15우린 서로 뭔가 들킨 듯하니It seems like we both got caught.
1:12:18(애신도울 생각 없소I have no intention of helping.
1:12:19작금의 조선엔 이상한 것투성이라These days, Joseon is filled with oddities.
1:12:23지금 내 앞에도 서 있고There is one in front of me.
1:12:31자막최혜란Subtitle translation by Soo-hyun Kim

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