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Màu sắc & tính cách (theo Max Lüscher)

  The Lüscher color test is a psychological test invented by Max Lüscher in Basel, Switzerland, first published in 1947 in German and first translated to English in 1969. The simplest form of the test instructs a subject to order a series of 8 colors in order of preference. This test claims that the order of preference can reveal characteristics of the subject's personality. The simplicity of the test has allowed it to be heavily tested.

Lüscher believed that personality traits could be identified based on one's choice of color. Therefore, subjects who select identical color combinations have similar personalities. In order to measure this, he conducted a test in which subjects were shown 8 different colored cards and asked to place them in order of preference. Colors are divided between "basic" (blue, yellow, red, green) and "auxiliary" (violet, brown, grey, and black). 

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