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  별에서 온 그대 2

My Love from the Star 2



[몽환적인 음악] [새가 지저귄다]

[신비로운 효과음]

[정겨운 음악] [장터가 시끌벅적하다]

Why is it so expensive?

(남자1) 모야! [사람들의 웃음]

(남자2) 아유 이래

[사람들이 저마다 대화한다]

[신비로운 효과음]

[끼익 소리가 울린다]

[밝은 음악]

[신비로운 효과음]

[신비로운 효과음]

[신비로운 효과음]

[장터가 시끌벅적하다]

(상인나물 들여가세요 [사람들의 놀란 신음]

[사람들의 환호]

[사람들의 탄성]

Place your bets.


Place your bets. Pick one, any one.

(야바위꾼1) [엽전을 짤랑거리며 놓고

Pick one, any one.

 냥이   냥이  

Double your bets. Two becomes four, four
becomes eight.

 냥이 여덟  여덟 냥이 열여섯 

Double your bets. Two becomes four, four
becomes eight. Place your bets and make

 놓고  먹기

Place your bets and make money. Okay.
Children, be gone.

애들은 가라

Okay. Children, be gone.

어이맞혀들 보세요

Okay. Children, be gone. Okay, choose one.

[야바위꾼1 기합]


- (남자3) 이거! - (야바위꾼1) 

This one.

[남자4 비장한 신음] [남자4 좌판을  

(야바위꾼1) 아이고

My gosh.

[의미심장한 효과음] [경쾌한 음악]

- (야바위꾼1) 아이고이거 - (남자3) 뭐야?

-Oh, no. -What?

(야바위꾼1) 이걸 어쩌나? [남자3 당황한

-Oh, no. -What? What a shame.

여기 있네

Here it is.

[야바위꾼1 웃음] [남자4 탄식]

Here it is.

아이고이를 어쩌나? [남자3 한숨]

My gosh. Such a shame.

[남자5 탄식 놓고  먹기

Place your bets.

날이면 날마다 오는 야바위가 아니야

Place your bets. Okay, pick one, any one.

맞혀들 보세요


(남자3)  이거

Okay. Here.

우리  약값이야

This is for my daughter's medicine.

[엽전을 짤랑거리며이거 잃으면

This is for my daughter's medicine. If I lose
this, I'll jump in the river and kill myself.

나도 한강 물에 뛰어들어  죽어 버릴 거야

If I lose this, I'll jump in the river and kill


If I lose this, I'll jump in the river and kill
myself. Do it.

(야바위꾼1) [헛기침하며




[야바위꾼1 헛기침]

- (남자3) 이거! - (야바위꾼1) 

This one.

(야바위꾼1) 그럼 결과는

Okay. So, where is it?

[신비로운 효과음]

Okay. So, where is it?

[사람들의 놀란 신음]

[남자3 웃음]

[남자3 탄성] [사람들이 저마다 놀란다]

(남자3) 얼른  

I won.

[남자5 웃음]

I won.

[야바위꾼1 당황한 신음]



아휴목매달아 죽어 물에 빠져 죽어

Hanged, drowned,

(이화굶어 죽어울다 죽어

starved to death, cried to death.

Goodness. They died through all sorts of

갖가지 방법들로 죽었네

Goodness. They died through all sorts of


어머니는 도대체 열녀  따위를  베껴 
라는 거야?

Why is Mother telling me to copy The
Virtuous Woman?

나도 서방님 따라 죽으라는 거야뭐야?

Does she want me to follow my husband
and die as well?

내가 ?

Why should I?

꽃다운 나이 열다섯에 과부  것도 억울한데

I'm upset enough about being a widow at
only 15 years of age.

[이화의 한숨]

[짜증 섞인 한숨]

[긴장되는 음악]

[다가오는 발걸음]

[남자6 입바람을  분다]

[이화의 힘겨운 신음]

[밤새 울음]

[이화의 힘주는 신음] [남자6 신음]

[남자6 다급한 숨소리]

[남자6 화살을 뿌드득 당긴다]

[날카로운 효과음]

[신비로운 효과음]

[떨리는 숨소리]

[이화의 비명]

[부드러운 음악]


My lord.

그때  도와주셨던 분이 아닙니까?

Are you not the man who helped me last

(이화행색이 달라 얼른  알아뵈었습니다

I did not recognize you right away because
you look so different.


But what are you doing here…

여긴 어떻게

But what are you doing here…

By chance,

방금 전도

did you just help me again?

저를 도와주신 겝니까?

did you just help me again?

정말 무어라 감사 인사를 드려야 할지

I do not know how to thank you.

오늘은 성함이라도 여쭙고자 하옵니다

I would like to ask you for your name this

(이화 이름은

I am Seo Yi-hwa.

서이화라고 하오

I am Seo Yi-hwa.

[신비로운 효과음]


(학예사 비녀는 중요 민속자료로서

According to folklore, this hairpin…

정식 명칭은 수정죽절비녀입니다

is called Crystal Bamboo Binyeo.

수정을 다듬어 대나무 밑동처럼 만들어

A crystal was carved to give it the form of a
bamboo root,

머리로 삼고

to give it the form of a bamboo root,

몸통에다가 구리판을 말아서 끼웠는데요

and a copper plate was rolled up for the

원래는 끝부분도 수정이었을 것이나

That part was most likely made of crystal as

어떤 이유에서인지 모르나

but for some reason,

부러져서 없어졌습니다

it was broken and lost.

제작 연도는 1600년대 초반으로 추정이 되고

Its estimated year of production is the early

비녀의 주인에 대해선 알려진 바가 없습니다

There is no information about the owner of
the hairpin.


Notably, every item displayed in this room

 방에 전시된 모든 유물들은

Notably, every item displayed in this room

우리 학교가 개교할 당시인 1914

was donated by one anonymous benefactor

익명의 후원가께서 기증을  주셨다고 하는

in 1914 when our school was created.

워낙 의미 있고 귀중한 자료들이 많아서

So many meaningful and precious items
were donated,

기증자를 찾기 위해 백방으로 노력을  보았

that we tried everything under the sun to
identify the benefactor,

끝내 찾을 수가 없었다고 하네요

but we were never able to.

[활기찬 음악]

but we were never able to.

[의미심장한 효과음]

[몽환적인 음악]

[코웃음 치며저기요

Excuse me.

[엘리베이터 문이 스르륵 닫힌다]

아까 내가 학교에선  당황을 해서

I was a little flustered at school earlier,

(송이 말을 제대로  했는데

and couldn't say all that I wanted to.

내가 하고 싶은 말을   하면

I have such a temper,

자다가도  발차기를 하고 그러는 성격이라

I have such a temper, that if I don't say
everything I want to, I kick in my sleep.

마주친 김에  하면 어떨까 싶은데

I'd like to say it since I ran into you.

아이사람이  말을 하는데 대꾸도 없고

I'm talking here. Can you at least respond?



그쪽  살이세요?

-How old are you? -Must I answer that?

대답을 해야 되나?

-How old are you? -Must I answer that?

[헛웃음 치며이거 

-How old are you? -Must I answer that?
See? Look at you being rude again.

(송이말이  짧아

See? Look at you being rude again.

물론 내가 심하게 동안이긴 한데요

I know I look extremely young for my age,

내일모레면 서른이에요

but I'll be 30 soon.

아니어린 나이에 무슨 백으로 대학교수까지
됐는진 모르겠는데

I don't know what connections you have,
that you became a college professor at such
a young age,

내가 나이가 있는데 반말은 

that you became a college professor at such
a young age, but I'm older. You should show
some respect.


but I'm older. You should show some

병자년 방죽을 부리는군

"The fool waits for water at a brook during a

[익살스러운 음악아니 양반이 지금 사람
 좋게 좋게 말을 하는데

Why you… Look. I'm trying to be nice.

방금 ''이라고

Did you call me a fool?

지금 저한테 욕했어요?

Did you just insult me?

고종 13년이 병자년이었는데

Did you just insult me? During a drought in
the Joseon Era…



그해가 몹시 가물어서

Rain was very scarce,

조선 팔도 방죽이란 방죽이 모두 말라붙었지

so that every brook, creek, and river dried

그걸 보고 사람들은 '건방죽'이라고 했고

But some people went daily anyway, in
search of water.

지금 무슨 '전설 따라 삼천리하시나

But some people went daily anyway, in
search of water. What the heck are you
talking about?


You're not making sense.


You're not making sense. Impudent.

(민준그게 지금 '건방지다'라는 말의 시초가

That is when the term was created.

그래서 당시엔

So, they called someone acting out without
any awareness of their situation

주제도 모르고 날뛰는 사람을 보면 이렇게 

So, they called someone acting out without
any awareness of their situation

'병자년 방죽을 부리는군'

"a fool waits for water at a brook during a

그러니까 지금 나한테

So, you're not dissing me using modern day

요즘 욕도 아니고

So, you're not dissing me using modern day

조선 욕을

but a Joseon era insult?


Hey, you! Wait right there!

이거 봐요이거 

Hey, you! Wait right there!

! [문이 달칵 열린다]

Hey, you! Wait right there! Hey, you!

[문이 달칵 닫힌다]

That freak…

무슨 저런 또라

That freak…



(송이아니자기나 무슨 방죽을 부리든가 

He can go wait for water if he wants.

븅자년 같은 소리 하고 있네 진짜재수

What is he talking about, a fool? That
annoying punk.

[송이의 짜증 섞인 신음]

[어이없는 숨소리]

[혀를 쯧쯧 찬다]

[민준의 옅은 숨소리]

[무거운 음악]

[의미심장한 효과음]

[거친 숨소리]

[긴장되는 효과음]

[ 떨어진다] [풍덩 소리가 난다]

(영목) 12 전처럼

Perhaps you're foreseeing

앞으로 일어날 사고를 미리 보시는  아닐까

an accident that's about to happen, just like
12 years ago.

떠날 시간이 가까워져 오면서

You may be getting a sign since it's nearing
your time to go.

뭔가 신호가 오는  수도 있고요

You may be getting a sign since it's nearing
your time to go.

(민준무슨 신호요?

What kind of a sign?

(영목그야 인제

Since you have only three months left here
on Earth,

지구에 있을 시간  달밖에  남았으니까

Since you have only three months left here
on Earth,

떠나기 전에

maybe it's a message to you to help people
in need

, '있는 능력 가지고'

maybe it's a message to you to help people
in need

'어려움에 처한 사람들  도와주고 와라,

before you leave or something like that.

(민준) '어려움에 처한 사람을 도와줘라'

Help people in need.

그럼 뭐가 달라질까요?

Will that change anything?



뭣도 모르고

I did that once before, when I was naive and

그랬던 적도 있었습니다

I did that once before, when I was naive and

[의아한 숨소리]

[긴장되는 음악] [왁자지껄하다]

[남자3 비장한 기합]

(남자3)  딸을 걸겠소

Here. I'll bet my daughter.

얼마를 쳐주겠소?

How much will you give me for her?

 사람이  왔네이거?

How much will you give me for her? This
man's back.

 없으면 가라고 사람아

If you have no money, get lost!

내가 이것 때문에 집도 날렸고

If you have no money, get lost! Because of
this, I lost my house,

(남자3) 마누라도 도망쳤고

my wife left me,

이제 남은 거라고는  병든 딸년밖에 없는데

and all I have left is this sick daughter.

얘라도 걸고 하게  달란 말이야! [야바위꾼
 놀란 신음]

and all I have left is this sick daughter. Let
me bet her and play!

(야바위꾼1) 아니 미친놈이… [야바위꾼2
 힘주는 신음]

Let me bet her and play! What's wrong with
you? Crazy jerk.

[야바위꾼1 힘주는 신음] [남자3 신음]

Crazy jerk.

- (아이아버지 - (야바위꾼1) 그러니까?

-Father! -That's why

(야바위꾼1)  땄을  관뒀어야지 [남자3

you should've quit when you won a little.

그래 같은 놈은? - (아이아버지

-A loser like you… -Father!

그때 돈을 따지 말았어야 했어

-A loser like you… -Father! …should never
have won!

[울부짖는다] (야바위꾼1) 아니  뒤로 그냥
미쳐 날뛰더니만

You acted all arrogant afterward. Serves you

아주 꼴좋다이놈아

You acted all arrogant afterward. Serves you

[침을  뱉는다] (아이아버지 그래?

-Father, stop this. -Good riddance.

(야바위꾼1) 에이  거지 같은   봤네

-Father, stop this. -Good riddance. That


-Let us start over. -Come.

 [남자3 오열한다]

(아이) [울며아버지아버지


잠깐 돕는다고

Lending a helping hand didn't improve

좋아지는  없었습니다

Lending a helping hand didn't improve

(민준결국 일어날 일은 일어났고

What was going to happen happened,

나빠질 일은

and the bad that was to occur became even

 크게 나빠졌어요

and the bad that was to occur became even


-What special? -Cheon Song-i Special.

'천송이 스페셜'이요

-What special? -Cheon Song-i Special.


-What special? -Cheon Song-i Special.

 원래가 뼛속 깊이 스페셜해

I'm special to my bone to begin with.

그런   하면 사람들이  스페셜한  
를까 ?

People will know I'm special even without
doing things like that.

(알죠 국민이  아는데 [카메라 셔터

People will know I'm special even without
doing things like that. Of course, the entire
nation knows.

일부 몰지각한 사람들이 아직도 누나를 의심

The small group of idiots out there still doubt

'학교 다니는 것도  쇼가 아니냐이러면서

They say your going to school is an act.

그런데 누나의 24시간 사생활이  공개가

But if they see 24 hours of your day,

그런 소리들도  들어갈 거고

they won't say that anymore.

조금  친근한 이미지로

-You'll seem more approachable-- -For

친근한 이미지 만들어  하게?

-You'll seem more approachable-- -For

동네 반장 하게?

To become class president?

그래도 누나

Still, Mr. Ahn worked really hard

이거 메이드시키느라  대표님 진짜 힘들었

Still, Mr. Ahn worked really hard -to make
this-- -Forget it. I won't do it.


-to make this-- -Forget it. I won't do it.

언니가  하면 한유라가 한다던데?

I heard if you don't do it, Han Yu-ra will.



그쪽 코디한테 들었거든요

Her stylist told me.

(민아그쪽에선 언니가 이거 까기만 기다린

They're hoping you'll refuse to do this.

'한유라 스페셜' 간다고

Then they'll do a Han Yu-ra special.



Oh my gosh! What the heck?


걔가 어디가 스페셜하냐?

Hey, what about her is special?

걔가 하면 '한유라 스페셜' 아니지

If she does it, it wouldn't be Han Yu-ra

[혀를 굴리며] '한유라 노멀'이지 노멀 

It would be Han Yu-ra "Normal." Seriously.

[송이의 코웃음] [탄성]


우리 누나 영어 느셨네

Your English improved.

(역시 원어민 튜터랑 스터디한 보람이 

The native speaker tutor was worth it.

[송이의 웃음]

내가 한유라 걔가 걱정이 돼서 그래요

It's because I'm worried about Yu-ra, that's

사람들이 '한유라 스페셜이러면 얼마나 

People would laugh if you say they're doing
Han Yu-ra Special. When I won Best Actress
recently at the Grand Bell Awards,

내가 지난번에 대종상에서 여우 주연상 탔을

When I won Best Actress recently at the
Grand Bell Awards,


what did she win?


The Popularity Vote?


But you got nothing at the Blue Dragon,

대신 청룡에선 언니가 물먹고 한유라가 여우
주연상 탔잖아요

But you got nothing at the Blue Dragon, and
she won Best Actress.

[익살스러운 음악]

  대표 생일이지?

Mr. Ahn's birthday's coming up, right?

아유 생일 선물 미리 줘야겠다

I should give him his gift early.

한다고 스페셜인지 뭔지

Tell him I'll do that special thing.


Tell him I'll do that special thing. You mean


대중들이 원할 

It's not bad to seem approachable

가끔은 친근한 이미지 나쁘지 않지

once in a while when the public wants it.

[만족스러운 신음]

하지 [웃음]

I'll do it.


She'll do it?

 [밝은 음악이 흘러나온다] (코디 천송이네
 하기로 했다네요

Yes, Cheon Song-i said she'd do it.

[잡지를 사락거린다]

   같다더니 ?

You said she probably won't, so why?


You said she probably won't, so why? I don't
know either.

[짜증 섞인 신음]

언니가 그거 되게 하고 싶어 하셨는데

You wanted to do it so badly.


-Sorry. -Shut up!


-Sorry. -Shut up!

[유라의 짜증 섞인 신음]

[다가오는 발걸음]


Hi, Yu-ra.

[유라가 잔을 달그락 내려놓는다]

자긴 요새   ?

Aren't you working recently?

왜요 드라마 하는데

I am. I'm in a drama.

(코디천송이 나오는 드라마

You're in the drama with Cheon Song-i,

거기 나오시죠?

You're in the drama with Cheon Song-i,

역할이 뭐더라?

-What was your role? -That's right.


-What was your role? -That's right.

자기 천송이랑 친하지?

You're close with Song-i, right?


Yes, well…


Do you know she's shooting some special

이번에 스페셜 다큐 찍는  알아?

Do you know she's shooting some special

[잡지를 뒤적이며들었어요

Do you know she's shooting some special
documentary? -I heard. -I mean,


-I heard. -I mean,

 그런  싫어하지 않아?

doesn't she hate doing things like that?

 갑자기 하기로  거래?

Why did she suddenly agree?

글쎄요저도  모르죠

I don't know. Who knows?

[못마땅한 숨소리]



[살짝 웃는다]

송이가  신경  쓰지만

Song-i doesn't worry about me,

유라 언니는 신경 되게 많이 써요

but she's very wary of you.

무슨 소리야?

What do you mean?

(세미나야 어차피 경쟁 상대가  되니

I'm not a competition to her anyway, so
she's nice to me and gives me advice,

친구 하면서 잘해 주지만

I'm not a competition to her anyway, so
she's nice to me and gives me advice,

언니는 경쟁자로 생각한다는 얘기죠

but she considers you her rival.

 소리야 알아듣게 얘기해

What do you mean? You're not making any

 입으려고 했던 드레스도

Even if she doesn't want a dress,

언니가 입겠다고 하면 일단 홀딩

if she hears you want it, she'll at least put it
on hold.

(세미 하려고 했던 드라마도

Even if she doesn't want to do a drama, if
she hears you want to do it, she'll sign

언니가 하고 싶어 한다고 하면 덜컥 계약

if she hears you want to do it, she'll sign

그게 천송이거든요

That's how she is.

[살짝 웃으며우리 송이  같은 데가  

She's kind of like a child that way.


What the hell?

이번 것도 내가 하고 싶어 하는  알고

She knew I wanted to do this,

자기가 하겠다고  거란 얘기니?

and that's why she's doing it?

[웃으며아유 어머설마 그랬겠어요?

and that's why she's doing it? I'm sure that
isn't it.

[살짝 웃는다]

[어이없는 숨소리]

[밝은 음악]

[송이의 못마땅한 신음]

(남자7) 천송이다천송이다 [시끌벅적하

There she is. It's Cheon Song-i.

(안녕하세요 [카메라 셔터음]

-Hello. -Hello.


-Hello. -Hello. Hello. Thank you for coming
out so early in the morning.

아침부터 수고가 많으시네요 [송이의 웃음]

Hello. Thank you for coming out so early in
the morning.


[사람들이 저마다 말한다]

[송이의 탄성]

(PD) 자전거 타고 가시게요?

You're riding a bike?


평소에도 스케줄 없을  자전거를 애용해요

I like riding the bike when I have free time.

 녹색  지킴이 홍보대사인  아시잖아
? [카메라 셔터음]

You know I'm an advocate for the

[사람들의 탄성]

(작가역시 [PD 웃음]

How befitting.

(송이그나저나  서둘러 나오느라 완전

Anyway, I don't have any makeup on
because I was rushing.

벌써 찍으시는 거예요? [작가의 웃음]

Are you filming already?

아유 프로그램 정말 리얼이다?

This program is so real.

[사람들의 웃음]

[리드미컬한 음악]

(송이생얼처럼 해라생얼처럼

Make it look like I have no makeup on, got

(메이크업 아티스트그게  어려워요

Make it look like I have no makeup on, got
it? That's the most difficult.

(송이어려운  해내야 진정한 프로지

That's the most difficult. Hey. You need to
accomplish the difficult to be a real pro.

에이망할 놈의 HDTV

Hey. You need to accomplish the difficult to
be a real pro. Shit. Stupid HDTVs.

아주 그냥 콧등의 피지까지 선명하게 보이는

It's a frightening world. You can see every
blackhead on your nose.

무시무시한 세상이에요?

It's a frightening world. You can see every
blackhead on your nose.

사람들이 생얼 좋아한다고 진짜로 생얼로 

If I really go on TV with no makeup because
people like that,

 완전 생매장당한다고

I'll lose all my fans.

모공 하나도  보이게 물광 장난 아니게 

Make sure you can't see my pores, and
make my skin look crazy dewy.

화장으로 포토샵을 한다 생각하면서?

Make sure you can't see my pores, and
make my skin look crazy dewy. Photoshop
my face with makeup, got it?

아니저는 정말 세수만 하고 나왔거든요

I really only washed my face.

(송이아이 로션이라도  바를걸

I really only washed my face. I should've put
on some lotion.

[사람들의 웃음]

I should've put on some lotion.

(PD) 예쁘기만 한데요

You look pretty.


Really? Do you mean it?


Really? Do you mean it?

[사람들의 웃음] (PD) 평소 미모 관리는
어떻게 하세요?

What is your skincare regimen?

 (송이특별한  없어요

Nothing special.

 웃고  먹고

I laugh a lot, eat well,

긍정적인 마음가짐

and remain positive. I think that's the most

그게 제일 중요한  같아요

and remain positive. I think that's the most


 제가 특별히 챙겨 먹는  있는데

There's something I never skip.

[혀를 굴리며바로 바이타민하고요오메가

My vitamins and omega-three.

[함께 웃는다]

My vitamins and omega-three.

[PD 웃음] (작가나도 먹는데

Me too.


그리고 프로포폴 애용하고요

And I use propofol.

[익살스러운 음악] [사람들의 의아한 신음]


Seriously, it is so effective.

효과가 짱인  같더라고요

Seriously, it is so effective.

(송이몸이 날아갈  같으니까

I feel like I can fly, so it puts me in a good

기분도 좋아지고요

I feel like I can fly, so it puts me in a good


Excuse me.

잠시만요, PD

Just a minute. I think there was a

뭔가 오해가 있으신  같아서요

Just a minute. I think there was a


Song-i, what do you mean, propofol?

 요즘 매일 먹잖아

Song-i, what do you mean, propofol? What?
I take it every day.

노화 방지된다며?

I thought it fights aging.


Song-i, that's propolis.

프로폴리스잖아요 저번에 호주 갔다   

Song-i, that's propolis. You got that from

그래둘이 많이 달라자매품 아니야?

That's right. Are they very different? -Aren't
they the same? -No!


-Aren't they the same? -No!

검찰 출두   있어요누나?

Do you want to get arrested?

[복화술로 지금 나한테 성질냈니?

Are you getting mad at me?

(아니요그럴 리가요

No, of course not.


Just a minute.

 [민아의 어색한 웃음]

아유, PD헷갈렸나 봐요

Sir. She must have been confused between
propofol and propolis.

프로폴리스랑 프로포폴이랑 우리 누나 

Sir. She must have been confused between
propofol and propolis. Isn't she so cute?

[범의 웃음] (PD) 

Isn't she so cute?

[사람들의 웃음]

편집해 주실 거죠?

You'll edit that out, right?

(PD) 아이 상황이 재미있긴 한데?

It's funny, though.

(작가그러게날리긴 아깝다

I know. It's such a waste.

(잠깐 재미있으려다가 배우 하나  갑니

A moment of amusement will kill an actress'

[코웃음] (PD) 어쩔  없지


[송이가 살짝 웃는다] [카메라 셔터음]

(사진  찍을게요 사진  찍을게요

No pictures, please.

(PD) 평소 학교 동기나 선후배들과 친하게 
내는 편인가요?

Are you close to the other students?

[송이가 살짝 웃는다]

Are you close to the other students?


Of course. I'm only a star in the outside

밖에서나 스타죠

Of course. I'm only a star in the outside

학교에선  그냥 평범한 학생일 뿐이랍니다

At school, I'm just an average student.

동기며 선후배들 모두 편하게 지내고 있어요

I get along with classmates and students of
all ages.

[흥미로운 음악] [송이의 웃음]

() [복화술로] 2 방향 파란  같은  

Blue shirt at two o'clock. Lee Hyeon-su.

(송이어머현수야 [학생들의 들뜬 숨소리]

Hi, Hyeon-su.


-Me? -That's right.


-Me? -That's right. Lee Hyeon-su.

우리 언제  한번 먹어야 되는데

Let's get lunch sometime.


Let's get lunch sometime. With me? But


I'll call you.


Me? But why…

() [복화술로] 6 방향박영아

Six o'clock. Park Yeong-a.

- (송이영아야 - (교수님

Hey, Yeong-a. -Professor. -Professor!


-Professor. -Professor!

 [놀라며진짜  때마다 어려지시네요

You look younger every time I see you.

제가 '영아야'라고 부르고 싶을 만큼

So much that I want to call you by your first

[송이의 웃음]

별일 없으시죠?

How are you doing?

[송이의 웃음]

How are you doing?


Please edit that.

[범의 웃음]

[학생들의 탄성]


Cheon Song-i.



그동안  수업  나와서  수업 룰을  
르나 본데

Yes? You haven't been showing up to my
class, so you must not know the rules,

 수업 리포트는

but you cannot copy, piece together, or cut
and paste

베껴 쓰기짜깁기복사해 붙이기 절대  

but you cannot copy, piece together, or cut
and paste when preparing reports for my

(민준그런데 그걸  했네요?

But you did it all.

(학생1) 대박그걸 베꼈어 [학생들이 웅성

But you did it all.

[익살스러운 음악]


No human being can tell. I swear.

이건 진짜 귀신도 몰라요

No human being can tell. I swear.

여기저기서 교묘하게 베껴서 짜깁기한 거라

It was copied and pieced together from so
many sources,

전문가 솜씨야 몰라절대  수가 없어

that there's no way he can tell.


That's not true. I did not.


That's not true. I did not.

(민준 장의 개론은

The introduction on page one was from a
1999 article by Davison

1999 논문

The introduction on page one was from a
1999 article by Davison

'데이비슨의 심리 철학과 해석론을 중심으로

The introduction on page one was from a
1999 article by Davison on the philosophy of
the human mind, "The Fundamentals of

'사유 조건으로서의 사랑의 원리'

on the philosophy of the human mind, "The
Fundamentals of Love." You copied it

그대로 베꼈네요

You copied it verbatim.

 [학생들이 웅성거린다]

'사랑은 옵션이 아니라 조건이다'

"Love is not an option, but a condition.

'심적인 것의 본성이다'

It is an instinct of the mind."

라는 문구까지 그대로

You copied his statement exactly.

 뒤에 있는 사례와 예시들은

The examples that you give thereafter

1996 발표된 논문

are from an article published in 1996,

'사랑 태도 척도의 타당화 연구'에서

"The Study of the Attitudes of Love and
Proper Criteria." You skillfully pieced parts of
it together.

아주 기술적으로 짜깁기했고

You skillfully pieced parts of it together.

[학생들의 탄성] [학생들이 웅성거린다]

1959 발표된 '사랑으로서의 경험 이성'

"The Experience From Love," published in

결론 부분을 토씨 하나  바꾸고 그대로 
사해 붙여 놨고

You copied the conclusion verbatim, without
even paraphrasing it.

[민준이 리포트를 사락 넘긴다]

학술 기사도 교묘하게 베꼈네요?

You were clever in how you copied the
academic journal.

1953 11 '사상계' 실린 김기석 기자의

Kim Ki-seok's article, which was published
in the November 1953 issue

제목은 '사랑의 현상학 에로스와 아가페'

titled, "The Phenomenology of Love, Eros
and Agape."

[학생들이 웅성거린다]


그래서  리포트는

NAME: CHEON SONG-I That is why you
get a zero for this report.


That is why you get a zero for this report.

[학생들의 웃음]

이의 있습니까?

Any complaints?

[학생들이 웅성거린다] [카메라 셔터음이 

(학생2) 빵점이래빵점

She got a zero.

[학생들이 웅성거린다]

(에이진짜 [PD 한숨]


(학생3) 아까 천송이 얼굴 봤냐가관이더

Did you see Cheon Song-i's face? What a
spectacle. I took a video of it.

(학생4)  그거 동영상 찍었잖아 '빵점입니
  [학생들의 놀란 신음]

What a spectacle. I took a video of it. -"You
get a zero." -Awesome.

(학생3) 대박 게시판에 올려올려

-"You get a zero." -Awesome. Post it.

(학생3 학생4) - 완전 조회  폭발하겠

Post it. I bet it'll go viral.


(학생4) 제목 '빵점 송이' [휴대전화 조작음]

Title, "Song-i Gets a Zero."

[학생들의 웃음]

Title, "Song-i Gets a Zero."

 올라오는 속도  LTE, LTE

Hey. Look at the speed at which people are
cursing her out.

(학생3) '뇌에 보톡스 맞은 천송이 이젠 표절

"Cheon Song-i, who got Botox on her brain,
is now plagiarizing.

'역시 무개념무뇌' [학생들의 웃음]

She has no common sense or ability to

[잔잔한 음악그러니까 내가 상식도 없고 
념도 없다 이거잖아요지금

So, you're saying I lack common sense and
the ability to think.


I'm incapable of thinking.

[학생들이 저마다 험담한다]

I'm incapable of thinking.

(학생5) 천송이 그게  개쪽이니?

What's wrong with Cheon Song-i?

(학생6) 그러게 말이야

Right? I couldn't show my face if I were her.

(학생6 학생7) -  같으면 얼굴  들고 
닌다 창피해

Right? I couldn't show my face if I were her.
I'm dieting, so all I ate today was an apple
and half a cabbage,

(송이 오늘 다이어트하느라

I'm dieting, so all I ate today was an apple
and half a cabbage,

하루 종일 사과  개랑 양배추 반쪽밖에 

I'm dieting, so all I ate today was an apple
and half a cabbage,

배가 불러요

but I'm full thanks to all the curses people
fed me.

사람들한테 욕을  터지게 먹어서

but I'm full thanks to all the curses people
fed me.

(학생3)     올려 

but I'm full thanks to all the curses people
fed me. Post it somewhere else, too.

- (학생4) 오케이여기 올릴까? - (학생3) ?
신비로운 효과음]

Post it somewhere else, too. How about

(학생3)  하는 거야?

What did you just do?

(학생4) 몰라자기 혼자 떨어졌어

I don't know. It fell by itself.

(학생3 학생4) - 핸드폰에 귀신이 붙었
? - 몰라

I don't know. It fell by itself. -Is your phone
possessed? -I don't know. SONG-I GETS A

[잔잔한 음악]


[음성 변조 효과음] (네티즌1) 천송이 강의실
개망신 소식 접하셨나요?

Did you hear about Cheon Song-i being

(네티즌2)  교수님 칭찬받아야  

That professor should be praised.

[네티즌2 웃음]

That professor should be praised.

 (송이천송이도 사람인데 실수할  있는 

Cheon Song-i is human too. She can make

(네티즌3) 천송이  여기서 이러시면  

Song-i, you can't do that here.

[문이 달칵 열린다]


Hey, Song-i.

귀신도 몰라?

No human being can tell?

 인간은 귀신이냐?

Is he not human?

아니진짜 어떻게 알았지?

How did he know?

(그게 절대로  수가 없는 건데

That's impossible to tell.


That's impossible to tell. Get out. I want to
be alone.

 혼자  있자

Get out. I want to be alone.

[멋쩍은 숨소리]

Get out. I want to be alone.

누나 그러세요?

What's wrong?

(평소대로 그냥 패세요 그게  편해요

What's wrong? Beat me up as you usually
do. -That'll make me feel better. -Forget it.


-That'll make me feel better. -Forget it.

 진짜  혼자 있고 싶어서 그래

I really want to be alone.


Please leave.


[문이 달칵 닫힌다]

[메시지 수신음]

[한숨] [휴대전화 조작음]

[우아한 음악이 흘러나온다] [미연의 옅은 



여기서 보네?

Hi there.

(선영언니 근데  ?

What are you doing?

(미연백화점에서 기도하겠니쇼핑  했지

What else would I do at a department store?
I'm shopping.

저렴한  많네너도  골라 

There's a lot of inexpensive things. You
should get some.

(선영아니그럴 시간 있어  봐도 ?

Do you have time for that? You don't need to



(선영언니 혹시 모르나?

Do you not know?


About what?

'천송이 스페셜한다던데?

Song-i's filming a special.

(선영지난번에  사람   보니까

I saw the previous' person's,

집도 나오고 가족도 나오고 하던데

I saw the previous' person's, and his family
and house were all in it.

언니 인터뷰는  ?

Aren't you doing an interview?

그래도 엄마인데

You're still her mom.

[어색한 웃음]

  뭐라고하기로 했지

Oh, that? Yes, I'm doing it.

(미연우리 송이랑 윤재랑  같이  먹는
 찍기로 했어

They're filming Yun-jae and me having a
meal with her.

I wonder if my son-in-law will be there too.

우리  서방도 오려나?

I wonder if my son-in-law will be there too.

 서방? - (미연우리 휘경이

-Son-in-law? -Hwi-gyeong.

[어이없는 웃음]

둘이 아직 사귀는 것도 아닌데  서방은 

They're not even dating yet. You're getting
ahead of yourself.

우리 송이 입에서 오케이가  떨어져 

They're not even dating yet. You're getting
ahead of yourself. Hey. It's only because
Song-i hasn't said yes.

떨어지면 번거롭게 사귀고 말고   없이

Once she does, they don't even need to

바로 결혼이지

They'll just get married.

(미연근데 계집애가 너무 비싸게 굴어서

But that brat is playing hard-to-get.

내가 우리  서방한테 미안해 죽겠다진짜

I feel so bad for my poor son-in-law.

명색이 S&C

He's the second son of the conglomerate
S&C, after all.

둘째 아들인데

He's the second son of the conglomerate
S&C, after all.

[미연의 웃음]

(휘경에이어떤 자식이 우리 송이 빵점

SONG-I GETS A ZERO Shit. What bastard
gave Song-i a zero?

[못마땅한 신음]

[휴대전화 조작음]


[통화 연결음]

( 부장우리 커피나 한잔씩 할까?

Okay, how about some coffee?


Okay, how about some coffee? -I'd like a
caffe latte. -I want a chocolate latte.


-I'd like a caffe latte. -I want a chocolate

나는 카모마일

Chamomile tea for me.

 ( 대리 카페모카

-I'll have a caffe mocha. -Americano for me.

[키보드 조작음나는 아메리카노

-I'll have a caffe mocha. -Americano for me.

[휴대전화 조작음]


-Rookie? -Yes?


-Rookie? -Yes?

( 과장부장님은 카페라테  과장은 초콜

Caffe latte, chocolate latte,

 대리는 카모마일  대리는 카페모카

chamomile tea, caffe mocha,

'나는 아메리카노'라고 혹시  들었나?

and an Americano for me. Didn't you hear

[살짝 웃으며아하

and an Americano for me. Didn't you hear
us? Okay.

저는 밀크티요

I'll have a milk tea.

[웃음] [휴대전화 조작음]


[ 과장의 한숨] [흥미로운 음악]




( 과장신입 [휴대전화 조작음]


[헛웃음 치며신입


(휘경) [웃으며


Thank you.

[ 과장의 헛웃음]

[휴대전화  소리] - 신입  말이야 - (

-Hey, you-- -Hello?

(휘경과  과장) - 세미야아니야아니

Hi, Se-mi. -No, it's okay. I can talk. -Where
are you going?

괜찮아얘기해 - ( 과장 어디 가니

-No, it's okay. I can talk. -Where are you

- ( 부장아니 저런… - ( 과장부장

-Why that-- -Sir.

( 과장제가  저런 애들 전문 아닙니까

I'm an expert with punks like that.

열받지 마십시오 [ 부장의 한숨]

Don't get angry.

 바운더리 안에서 확실하게 처리하겠습니

I'll handle him within my boundaries.


Tonight? What day is it today?

오늘이 무슨 날이지?

Tonight? What day is it today?

[깨달은 신음]


그래 생일이다

That's right. It's my birthday.


미안하면 저녁 

If you feel bad, buy dinner.

(휘경당연하지  베스트 프렌드인데

Of course. You're my best friend.

각오해라 내가 아는 최고 비싼 걸로 산다

I'll take you to the most expensive place I


I'll take you to the most expensive place I
know. -Really? -We should call Song-i, too.

(휘경천송이도 불러야지

-Really? -We should call Song-i, too.

송이오늘 바쁠 거야

She's probably busy tonight.

오늘 인터넷 오르내리는  봤잖아

You saw the posts online.

예민할  혼자 두는  나아

It's best to leave her alone when she's




Of course. I know her the best.

내가  알잖아

Of course. I know her the best.

(휘경오케이 촬영  시에 끝나데리러 

When do you finish? -I'll pick you up. -
Around eight?


-I'll pick you up. -Around eight?


[휴대전화 조작음] [들뜬 숨소리]

[휴대전화 알림음]

(기사 왔습니다

We're here.


[잔잔한 음악]



(송이 [지갑을 뒤적인다]



(철수, 10?

Yeah. A billion won?

아유깎지 말고 그냥  [문이 달칵 닫힌다]

Just buy it. Don't haggle.

10억에 사고

Buy it for 1 billion won, and give Mr. Oh 200

, 2억은  사장 주고 그러란 말이야

Buy it for 1 billion won, and give Mr. Oh 200

[봉지를 바스락거리며오케이?

Buy it for 1 billion won, and give Mr. Oh 200

[휴대전화 조작음]

- (왔어? - 왔어!

( 이렇게 늦었어? [탄식]

Why are you so late?

눈이 썩어 버릴  같은 기분이야

I want to gouge out my eyes.

안구 정화를 해야지  되겠어

I need eye candy.

[마우스 조작음]

[마우스 조작음아유

( 사장 계집애는 실시간 검색 1위를

She's trending every single day, non-stop.

그냥  먹듯이 하네

She's trending every single day, non-stop.


My gosh. Look at those nasty comments.


키보드 조작음저는 천송이의

I was Cheon Song-i's classmate

[흥미로운 음악중고딩 동창입니다

in junior high and high school.

천송이에 대해 오해가 있으신  같네요

You seem to be mistaken about her.

 아이는 떠서 싸가지가 없어진  아닙니

She didn't become a bitch because she got

원래가 싸가지가 바가지였답니다

She was always a bitch to begin with.



(송이 신나는  있냐?

-Having fun? -Huh?

( 사장?

-Having fun? -Huh?

[놀란 숨소리]

[ 사장의 한숨]


What brings you here?

  동네로 이사 왔어

-I moved into this neighborhood. -Why?


-I moved into this neighborhood. -Why?


-Is that a problem? -Of course, not.

아니그럴 리가

-Is that a problem? -Of course, not.


Here. Eat.

[입바람을  분다]

  라면 먹고 그래도 ?

Can you eat instant noodles and stuff?

내일 촬영 없어?

Don't you have a shoot tomorrow?

소주나 따라 

Pour me some soju.


[입소리를  낸다]

[숨을  내뱉는다]

인터넷 봤어

I saw the post.

 ( 사장 빵점 맞은  때문에 그래?

Is it about the zero?

고등학교 때도 비슷하게 맞은  있었잖아

You got similar grades in high school, too.

수학 4점이었나?

You got a four in math, I think?

 줄로 찍으라니까    듣더니

I said to stick to one letter, but you didn't

빵점 맞은  때문에 그런  아니야복자야

I said to stick to one letter, but you didn't
listen. It's not about the zero, Bok-ja.

- (송이… - 얘기 끊어서 미안한데

-I-- -Sorry to interrupt,

 개명한  10 됐거든?

but I changed my name ten years ago.

[젓가락을  내려놓는다] ( 사장혜인이라
 불러 줄래?

but I changed my name ten years ago. Will
you call me Hye-in?



 이해가  되거든

I don't get it.

사람들은  앞에선  좋아한다고 하면서

Why do people say to my face that they like

뒤에선  미워하지?

but hate me behind my back?

[어이없는 숨소리]

도대체  그럴까복자야?

Why is that, Bok-ja?

그거야 네가 미워할 만한 짓을 골라 가면서

Why is that, Bok-ja? That's because you do
things to make them hate…

[한숨 쉬며글쎄다왜들 그럴까?

I don't know. Why do they do that?

[송이의 한숨]

[ 사장이 병을  내려놓는다]

나쁜 새끼

-Bastard. -Who?


-Bastard. -Who?

[정겨운 음악이 흘러나온다]

제가 쓰모 하면 됩니까?

Is it my turn?

(노인1) 어허 내가 지금 타패를  했어

No, not yet. I didn't discard my tile yet.


No, not yet. I didn't discard my tile yet.

[피식 웃는다]

죄송합니다 - (노인1) ?

My apologies.

 [노인1 놀란 신음]

I win.

(노인1) 아니


Thirteen orphans.

[사람들의 놀란 신음]

-What? -My gosh.

(노인2) 어허이건

-What? -My gosh.

 [노인1 아쉬운 신음이건 당할 수가 

-What? -My gosh. There's no beating that.

젊은 사람이 어디서 이런  배운 겐가?

Where did you learn this? You're still so

아버지 되시오?

Are you his father?




[마작 패를 달그락거린다]


[삼식의 놀란 신음]

(삼식자네 혹시

Aren't you Kim Mu-san?


Aren't you Kim Mu-san?

(민준화료! [의미심장한 음악]


[젊은 삼식의 아쉬운 신음]

(젊은 삼식김무산이 자네

Mu-san, do you play Mahjong all day long
without eating or sleeping?

밥도  먹고 마작만 하나?

Mu-san, do you play Mahjong all day long
without eating or sleeping?

어떻게  번을  지나?

How do you never lose once?

[분한 숨소리]

(노인2) 아유 [정겨운 음악이 흘러나온다]

김무산이 손주 되나?

Are you Kim Mu-san's grandson?


그분이 돌아가신  아버님이시고요

He is my late father.


This gentleman…

[웃으며이놈은  아들놈입니다

He's my son.

[삼식의 깨닫는 신음]

손주가 할아버지를  뺐구먼

You look just like your grandfather.

(삼식어떻게 이렇게 똑같을 수가 있을까?

How could you look so similar?

(영목아버님 마작 실력을

He must have inherited my father's mahjong

[웃으며 녀석이 닮은 모양입니다

He must have inherited my father's mahjong

[웃음] (삼식실력은 무슨

Skills? As if!

번번이 내가 이겼는데

Skills? As if! I always won.

자네 할아버지는

Your grandfather always lost to me.

 나한테 졌다네

Your grandfather always lost to me.


그럴 리가요

I doubt that.

 (민준제가 듣기로

From what I heard,

저희 조부님께서 마작으로는 경성 최고셨다

From what I heard, my grandfather was the
best in mahjong in all of Gyeongseong.

예끼 사람

my grandfather was the best in mahjong in
all of Gyeongseong. How dare you?

(삼식경성 최고의 마작꾼은 나였지

I was the best in mahjong in Gyeongseong.

자네 할아버지가 거짓말을 했구먼그래

Your grandfather must have lied.

제가 알기로

From what I know,

거짓말 같은  하실 분이 아닌데

he would never lie.

그럼 내가 거짓말을 하고 있다는 건가지금?

Then are you saying I'm lying?


I was the best in mahjong in all of

경성 최고의 마작꾼은 나였어

I was the best in mahjong in all of

 시절을 살아온 내가  알지

I lived through those times, so I know best.

자네가 봤나?

I lived through those times, so I know best.
Did you see?

자네 할아버지가  이기는  봤어?

Did you see your grandfather beat me?


Did you?


[영목의 웃음]

(민준내가 이름도 기억합니다 강삼식이

I even remember his name. Kang Sam-sik.

 친구가 그때도 그렇게 우기기를 잘했어요

He would lie through his teeth then, too.

60년이 흘렀는데

It's been 60 years, but human beings never

역시 인간은  변해

It's been 60 years, but human beings never

(영목살다 보니까  재미난 일도  있네요

What an amusing night.

[영목의 웃음]

(민준그때가 엊그제 같네요

That feels like just a few days ago.


Does it?

(민준) 80년을 살든 100년을 살든

Whether they live 80 years or 100,

인생이 길다고 하는 사람 없죠

no one says life is long.

다들 낮잠 한숨  것처럼 짧다고들 해요

Everyone says it was short, as if they took a

이곳에서 400년을 살았지만

I've lived here for 400 years,

막상 돌아보니

but looking back, I don't have many
memories to take with me.

가지고  기억은  가지  됩니다

but looking back, I don't have many
memories to take with me.

 (영목지난번에 말씀하셨던  있잖습니까

Remember what you said last time?

12 전에 만났다던  아이

About that child you met 12 years ago.

찾아보고 있습니다

I'm looking for her.

 동네 근처에 중학교가  개더라고요

There are three junior high schools in that

 시기 졸업 사진을 뒤져 보면

I figure she'll be in one of the yearbooks

그중에 있지 않을까 해서요

from back then.

확실한 방법은 아니겠지만

I know it isn't a foolproof method, but…

그렇게까지  하셔도 됩니다

You don't need to do that.

그래도 떠나기 전에  한번 보고 싶다

But you wanted to see her before you leave.

궁금은 합니다

I am curious.

[부드러운 음악]


However, if there is a reason for us to meet,

만나야  이유가 있다면

However, if there is a reason for us to meet,

만나지지 않겠습니까?

I'm sure we'll meet.

(민준만나지 못하고 간다면

If I can't see her before I leave,

그럴 이유가 없으니 그런  테고요

it means I have no reason to.

여기서  세월 살면서

It's something I've learned during my long
stay here.

배운 겁니다

It's something I've learned during my long
stay here.

[민준의 옅은 숨소리]

[바깥이 소란스럽다]

[책을  내려놓는다]

[소음이 계속 들린다]

[편안한 음악이 흘러나온다]

[신비로운 효과음]

(송이) [ 취한 목소리로] 2, 8, 3, 2 [도어 

Two, eight, three, two.

[기계 음성비밀번호가 틀렸습니다 [도어 

Incorrect code.


Incorrect code. What? That can't be.

그럴 리가

What? That can't be.

(송이) 2, 8, 3, 2

Two, eight, three, two…

[도어  오류음]

Incorrect code.

[기계 음성비밀번호가 틀렸습니다 [한숨]

Incorrect code. But why?

 (송이아니도대체 ?

But why?

[송이가 코를 훌쩍인다]

[송이의 못마땅한 숨소리]

가만있어내려오지 말고

Stay still. Don't come down.

[익살스러운 음악]


 언니   들을 거야?

You won't listen to me?

자꾸 내려오면이거 귀신 같아요

If you keep coming down, I look like a ghost.

이거옷도 화이트한데

If you keep coming down, I look like a ghost.
I'm wearing white, too.


I'm wearing white, too.

[숨을 들이켜며



[도어  조작음] 2, 8, 3, 2

Two, eight, three, two.

[헛웃음] [도어  오류음]

Two, eight, three, two.

[송이의 코웃음] [기계 음성차단되었습니다

You've been locked out.

차단시켜감히 ?

You've been locked out. You locked me out?


[못마땅한 신음]


Open sesame!

[어이없는 숨소리]


Open sesame!


Open sesame! Open sesame!


Open sesame! Open sesame!

진짜 열렸네?

Yes! It really opened.



Of course, it did, since I opened it.

내가 열었으니까

Of course, it did, since I opened it.


조선 욕쟁이?

Joseon disser.

 욕하고 그러는 사람 아니야

Joseon disser. I don't diss people.

욕쟁이 우리 집에 있어?

You disser. Why are you in my apartment?

(민준당신 집이 아니라  집이니까

You disser. Why are you in my apartment?



This is my apartment, not yours…

[익살스러운 음악]


You happy?

(송이 빵점 주고 망신 주고 그러니까 

Are you happy after giving me a zero and
humiliating me?

내가 봤을 

From what I can tell,

 찌르면 퍼런 피가 나올 놈이야

blue blood flows through your veins.

이런 자선냄비에 씹던 껌도  넣을 새끼

You wouldn't donate even chewed up gum
to the Salvation Army. -Hey, you. Ms. Song.

이거 천송이  - (송이?

-Hey, you. Ms. Song. -What?

너만 조선  하냐?

Only you can diss me using Joseon terms?

나도 한다

I can do it too.

이런 븅자년에 죽빵을 날릴

You idiot looking for water during a typhoon-

죽빵이 아니고 방죽

You idiot looking for water during a typhoon-
- Not typhoon but drought.


Shut up!

(민준어디를 들어가!

Where are you going?

[들뜬 숨소리]


What? Why didn't you tell me?

 그런 얘기를 이제 하면 어떡해!

What? Why didn't you tell me?

그럼 낮부터 지금까지 연락  되는 

You couldn't reach her all day?

(전화를 아무리 해도  받고

No. She won't answer her phone.



[타이어 마찰음]


[흥미로운 음악]

[ 취한 숨소리]


[송이가 새근거린다]

[강조되는 효과음]

[휴대전화  소리]


-Who is it? -Who…


-Who is it? -Who…


Who is this?

누군데 우리 송이 전화를

Who is this? Why are you to answer Song

천송이 바꿔

Why are you to answer Song-i's… Put
Song-i on the phone.


Put Song-i on the phone. Why is she…

자기네  놔두고 옆집에 가서 잠을 ?

Why is she sleeping next door, instead of at

[도어  작동음]

Why is she sleeping next door, instead of at

[휘경의 거친 숨소리]

사람이 실수로?

If a person comes by mistake,

(휘경잘못 들어왔으면

shouldn't you take her home safely?

집에 곱게 돌려보내 주는  맞는  아닌가?

shouldn't you take her home safely?

그것도 여자가 만취해서 들어왔는데?

Especially a drunk woman!

집에 곱게 돌려보내 주려고

Especially a drunk woman! I answered your

당신 전화 받아  집까지 들여보내 줬으면

and let her into my home in order to send
her back safely.

고맙다고 얘기하는  맞는  아닌가?

Shouldn't you be thanking me?


[짜증 섞인 숨소리]


[거친 숨소리]


[못마땅한 숨소리]

(휘경우리 송이한테 아무 짓도    

You didn't do anything to her, right?

빨리  집에서 치워 주기나 

You didn't do anything to her, right? Remove
her from my home.


What? Remove her?

(휘경 자식이거 말하는  보게

You rude punk.

우리 송이가 무슨 쓰레기야?

Is Song-i garbage or something?

치우긴  치워?

Remove her?



Forget this.

  자식핸드폰 내놔 

Give me your cell phone.

핸드폰 달라고

Give me your phone.

 천송이 알잖아

You know who she is.

대한민국에서 제일 핫한 여배우가

The hottest actress in all of Korea

저렇게 만취해서 들어왔는데  찍어 놨을지

came here all wasted. Who knows what
photos you took?

알게 뭐냐고

내가 당신  믿고 순순히 나가겠어?

Why would I leave willingly? I have no
reason to trust you.


You're right.

(휘경) ''…

You're right.

[못마땅한 신음]

(민준당신 말대로  여자가 그렇게 유명하
 대단한 여자라면

If she is as famous and important as you
say she is,

나는 당신  믿고 순순히  여자를 내주지?

If she is as famous and important as you
say she is, how can I trust you to hand her
over to you?

[익살스러운 음악]

how can I trust you to hand her over to you?


-What? -She may be the hottest in Korea,

대한민국에서 가장 핫하지만

-What? -She may be the hottest in Korea,

지금은 만취한  여자를 데려다 무슨 짓을

but she's drunk now. Who knows what you'll
do to her?


What, you punk?

  여자 남자 친구야

I'm her boyfriend!


Shut up!


I'm trying to sleep.

[휘경의 짜증 섞인 신음]

I'm trying to sleep.


Song-i, you realize you're sleeping in some
strange guy's apartment?

 지금 애먼 남자 집에서 자고 있는  

Song-i, you realize you're sleeping in some
strange guy's apartment?

(송이여기 어디야?

-Where am I? -That's what I'd like to know.

(휘경내가 묻고 싶다

-Where am I? -That's what I'd like to know.

[송이의  취한 신음] [휘경의 한숨]


Get up. One, two, three.

[휘경의 힘주는 신음]

정신 차려천송이

-Get it together. -Fine.

[휘경의 힘주는 신음] (송이알았어알았어

-Get it together. -Fine. -Let's go home. -

(휘경아이거기 아니야 이쪽이쪽이쪽

-Let's go home. -Careful.

[신비로운 효과음]

[한숨] [문이 달칵 열린다]

[송이의  취한 신음]

 [휘경의 힘겨운 신음]

(송이아휴여기가 어디… [휘경의 힘주는

[문이 달칵 닫힌다] (휘경

You're home.

[휘경의 힘겨운 신음] (송이  따라 

You're home. Why did you come in? Get

(휘경아유   걱정되니까 그러지

Why did you come in? Get out. I'm worried
about you, that's why!

 암만 정신이 없어도 그렇지

Even if you're wasted, how could you go into
someone else's apartment?

어떻게 남의 집에를  들어가냐

Even if you're wasted, how could you go into
someone else's apartment?

[송이의  취한 신음] (휘경아유 

Hey. What if that punk had done something
bad to you?

너한테 이상한 짓이라도 했으면 어쩔 뻔했냐

What if that punk had done something bad
to you?

 보니까 인상도 별로던데

I can tell he's a real prick.

[기가  숨소리]

[잔잔한 음악] [물소리가  난다]

(송이아유 피곤해  거니까 얼른 

I'm tired. I'm going to sleep, so leave.

(휘경커피  잔만 하고 갈게

I'm tired. I'm going to sleep, so leave. After
some coffee.

아니다맥주 있냐?

Actually, no. Do you have beer?

[물소리가 커진다]



날도 춥고

It's chilly out.

언제 집에 가지?

It'll take so long to get home.


My gosh. Look at the time.

시간이 벌써 이렇게 됐네?

My gosh. Look at the time.

[긴장되는 숨소리]


[캔을  내려놓는다]


Want to die?


You're awake?


-Hey. I'm leaving! -Get out!

- (송이집에 빨리  - (휘경가잖아

-Hey. I'm leaving! -Get out!

 (휘경경고하는데 뒤통수는 때리지 

Hey. I'm warning you. Don't hit my head.

 무척 자존심 상해

Hey. I'm warning you. Don't hit my head. I'll
be really--

[ 소리가 들린다

I'll be really-- Hey!


I told you not to…

[차고 문이 스르륵 닫힌다미치겠다

Oh no.

[한숨] [휴대전화 조작음]


Hello? Se-mi?


I'm sorry. I forgot…


No. Song-i got drunk and went to her
neighbor's apartment.

천송이  계집애가 취해 가지고 옆집에 들어

No. Song-i got drunk and went to her
neighbor's apartment.


It's okay. My shoot ran long,

 그래도 우리 촬영 길어져서  만나겠다

It's okay. My shoot ran long, so I was going
to ask to reschedule, anyway.

밥은 다음에 먹지

Let's grab dinner another time.

[아련한 음악]

[떨리는 목소리로  들어가야 

I need to get back to the shoot. Bye.


I need to get back to the shoot. Bye.

[휴대전화 조작음]


[허탈한 숨소리]

[세미가 훌쩍인다]



퇴근 늦었네?

You're home late.

(재경유기견 보호 센터 봉사하는 날이라

I was volunteering at the animal shelter.

[휘경의 탄성]

(휘경이건 재벌 2세계의 간디지

You're like the Gandhi of conglomerate

[재경의 웃음대한민국에서

What heir in Korea does volunteer work
when there are no cameras?

카메라도 없는데 봉사하는 재벌 2세가 어디

What heir in Korea does volunteer work
when there are no cameras?

[휘경이 피식 웃는다]

(재경 귀국해서도 얼굴 보기 힘들다?

You're back in Korea, but I never see you.

(휘경단속  되는  여자 때문에  바쁘

I'm busy because of my uncontrollable

 (재경 여자는 무슨

Your woman, my foot.

맨날 끌려만 다니면서

You're always the one being dragged

나는 끌려다닐 여자라도 있지

You're always the one being dragged
around. At least I have a woman to drag me
around. What about you?

형은 그럴 사람이라도 있어?

At least I have a woman to drag me around.
What about you?

(휘경맨날 일만 하다 결혼   거야?

All you do is work. Aren't you ever getting

S&C 후계자께서   갔다 왔다고 겁먹은

Is S&C's heir afraid just because he got
divorced once?


just because he got divorced once?

출근은 잘했지?

How was your first day at work?

사람들이  배경 모르니까 알아서 잘해

People don't know you're our family, so work

형은 들어갈 때부터 팀장 자리 주시더니

People don't know you're our family, so work
hard. You were a manager from day one.

나는 신입 사원이냐

Why am I an entry-level?

 큰형이 회사 물려받을  알고

Why am I an entry-level? I thought Han
gyeong would take over the company,

후계자 수업은 받아 보지도 못했던 사람이야

so I was never trained to be the successor.


You know my dream was to be a vet.

 수의사가 꿈이었던 

You know my dream was to be a vet.


I know.

큰형   있고 나서 작은형 노력 많이 했던

You worked very hard after what happened
to Han-gyeong.

그러니까 너도

So you should--


형은 완벽한 인간이고요

You're perfect.

나는  따라갈 수도 없고

I can't catch up to you,

따라가고 싶지도 않거든

and I don't want to.

[피식 웃는다]

[휴대전화  소리]

(재경먼저 들어갈래 통화 

Go in first. -I need to take this. -Sure.


-I need to take this. -Sure.

(K) [울먹이며  살려줘요 꺼내 줘요

Help me! Get me out of here!

[의미심장한 음악잘못했어요 다신  

I was wrong. I won't do it again. I swear!

당신 그렇게 나쁜 사람 아니잖아요

You're not that evil.

물론  나쁜 사람 아니야

No, I'm not evil.

여태 죽인 사람보단

Of all the people I've wanted to kill,

죽이고 싶었지만 살려  사람들이 훨씬 많거

I killed fewer than I let live.

 후자에 속해

You're in the latter.

그러니까  네가 나한테 애원할  아니라

So, you shouldn't plead with me,

고마워하길 바라

you should thank me.


[의미심장한 음악]

[신비로운 효과음]

[문이  닫힌다] (?

[도어  작동음우리 누나 빵점 주신 교수님

It's the professor who gave Song-i a zero.

(민준천송이  지금 어디 있어요?

Where is she now?

우리 누나는 갑자기 

Why are you asking?

누나 점수 고쳐 주시려고요?

-Will you change her grade? -Where is she?

어디 있어지금!

-Will you change her grade? -Where is she?

[긴박한 음악]

[타이어 마찰음]

[자동차 가속음]

[자동차 가속음]

[자동차 가속음]

[경쾌한 음악이 흘러나온다]

(메이크업 아티스트언니


얼굴에  맞았어요?

Did you inject something on your face?



(메이크업 아티스트어마어마하게 부었네요

Your face is crazy swollen.

아이어제 소맥 해서 라면도 먹고

I had soju and beer last night. Instant
noodles, too.

(송이와 메이크업 아티스트) - 어유 그렇
 많이 부었어? - 각이  나오네

-Am I that puffy? -It doesn't look good.

(메이크업 아티스트오늘은 그냥 촬영 접는
 나을  같은데?

I don't think you should shoot today.

아휴  어제도 잠수 

No. I went MIA yesterday--


No. I went MIA yesterday-- Hold on.


[변기 물이  내려간다]

 [힘겨운 숨소리]

아휴 [물이  흘러나온다]

[다가오는 발걸음]

[송이가 가글한다]


-Hello. -Hey.


-Hello. -Hey.


 미용실 옮겨라

Find a new salon.

(송이지금 저보고 그러셨어요?

Were you talking to me?


Were you talking to me?

머리 나쁘면 말귀도  알아듣나?

If you're stupid, can you not hear, either?

[유라의 한숨]

여기  말고  누가 있니?

Who else is here?

근데 내가  미용실을 옮겨요?

Why would I change salons?

(유라내가 너랑 마주치면

Because I feel like crap whenever I see you.

기분이 더러우니까

Because I feel like crap whenever I see you.


Because I feel like crap whenever I see you.

그건 나도 그런데

Same goes for me.

언니가 바꿔 보시는  어때요?

Why don't you find a new salon?

이게 어디 선배가 얘기하는데 토를 달아?

How dare you give me an attitude? I'm your

죄송해요나이 많은 언니가 얘기하는데 

I'm sorry for giving an attitude when
someone old is talking.

(송이근데 말은 똑바로 해야죠

But let's get this straight.

늙은  언니가 사실이지만

Yes, you're old,

선배는 아니지

but you're not my senior.


but you're not my senior. -What? -I debuted
at 15,

(송이 열다섯에 데뷔해서 지금 데뷔한 

-What? -I debuted at 15, so it's been 12

언니 데뷔한  이제 5?

But you debuted only five years ago.

사실 내가 그런 권위 의식이 없어 가지고

I don't care about things like that, so I don't
show it,

티를  내서 그렇지

I don't care about things like that, so I don't
show it,

제대로 따지고 보면

but strictly put, I'm much more senior than

선배는 내가 선배예요

but strictly put, I'm much more senior than


[짜증 섞인 숨소리]

듣자 하니까 

I hear you weren't going to do Cheon Song-i

이번에 '천송이 스페셜 하려다가

I hear you weren't going to do Cheon Song-i

내가 한다니까 날름 한다 그랬다며?

until you heard I was going to do it.

[코웃음 치며

until you heard I was going to do it. Yes.
How did you know?

어떻게 아셨어요?

Yes. How did you know?

 나한테 무슨 열등감 있니?

Do you have an inferiority complex toward


Not at all.

열등감은 내가 상대보다 못났을  느끼는 

An inferiority complex is something you
have when the other person is better.

 머리 나빠도  정도는 아는데

I'm dumb, but I know that much.

내가 언니한테 느끼는 

What I feel toward you…


-is superiority. -Okay.


-is superiority. -Okay.

 그렇게 우월해서

You're so superior,

사람들이 '막장이다'

that you only choose stories that people
mock as being trashy

'우리고 우려먹은 신데렐라 이야기다'

that you only choose stories that people
mock as being trashy

이런 것만 골라서 작품 하냐?

and the overplayed Cinderella story?

요즘 사람들 모이면

and the overplayed Cinderella story? When
people get together,

 드라마 욕하느라고 정신이 없더라

When people get together, they're too busy
criticizing your dramas.


Right? Why is that whenever people get

어떻게   사람들이 모였다 하면

Right? Why is that whenever people get

 얘기 드라마 얘기

all they talk about are me

그거밖에   없나 

and my dramas?

좋아요그게 욕이든 칭찬이든

Whether they're compliments or criticisms, I
don't mind.

4프로짜리 드라마 하면서

It's better than filming dramas with four
percent ratings

누가 드라마를 시작했는지 끝냈는지

that no one knows whether they started or

아무도 몰라주는 것보단

that no one knows whether they started or


that no one knows whether they started or
ended. Are you talking about my drama?

 드라마 얘기하는 거니?

Are you talking about my drama?

[살짝 웃으며맞다

Are you talking about my drama? That's

언니 지난달에 끝난  드라마 4프로로 끝났

Your drama that ended last month never hit
more than four percent.

그거 내가  한다고 깠던 건데

I had rejected it.

너무 망하니까 괜히 내가  미안하더라고요

Seeing it flop so badly made me feel bad.

[헛웃음] [어두운 음악]

Seeing it flop so badly made me feel bad.

Look. Ratings aren't everything.

시청률이 다가 아니야

Look. Ratings aren't everything.

(유라 드라마 웰메이드라고 칭찬 얼마나
많이 받았는데

My drama was complimented for being well

 드라마 폐인이 얼마나 많았는지

Do you know how many dedicated fans we

네가 알아?

Do you know how many dedicated fans we

(송이폐인 많았던  알죠

I know there were many.

 드라마 때문에 망한 제작사 사장님도

I heard the CEO of the production company
who dedicated himself

아주 폐인 되셨다고 하던데

to that drama is a wreck now.

연락이라도 해서 밥이라도   사요

You should call him and buy him a meal.

사람이 양심이 있어야지

You should have a conscience.

-Hey, you! -Should I tell you

(송이 하나

-Hey, you! -Should I tell you

내가 아는  얘기해 줘요?

what else I know?

 언니가 증권가 지라시에

I know that you've been spreading

말도  되는  소문 퍼트리고 다니는 것도

ridiculous rumors about me to those cheap

명예 훼손으로  걸려다가

I was going to press charges for defamation,

용케  참고 있는 중인데

I was going to press charges for defamation,
but I'm holding myself back.


You didn't know, did you?

그러니까 웬만큼만 해요

So, give it a rest.

[유라의 분한 숨소리]

[유라가 씩씩댄다]

 [경쾌한 음악이 흘러나온다]

[사람들의 놀란 신음]

[유라가 씩씩댄다]


Hey, you.

Hey, you.

S&C 둘째 꼬시느라고 애쓰고 있다는 소식 

I hear you're busy trying to seduce S&C's
second son.

이것도 루머냐?

Is that a rumor too?

루머 아니고 사실

Is that a rumor too? It's true.

(송이근데 뭐가  바뀐  같네

But you got it in reverse.

내가 아니라 그쪽에서  꼬시느라 애달프죠

He's the one desperate to win me over, not
the other way around.


그래서 그런 거니?

Is that why?

 팔아 대출도 받고 장사도 하던  엄마가

Your mom, who used your name to get a
loan to start a business

요즘은 S&C 팔고 다닌다는 소문이  바닥에

has been dropping S&C's name left and
right now.

자기 사위  사람이  집안 아들이라면서

She says their son is her future son-in-law.


너무 앞서 나가는  아니냐?

She's getting so ahead of herself.

가족은 건드리지 말지?

Let's not touch family.

[긴장되는 음악]


Why not?

나도  집안 사람이 될지도 몰라서 그래

It's because I may join that family too.

괜한 분탕질 그만하고

Stop wasting your time.

 먹을  같으면 깨끗이 포기했으면 해서

If you can't have it anyway, you should give
it up.


 먹는  아니고  먹는 거야

It's not that I can't have it. I don't want it.

(송이몰랐나 본데

You must not know,

 누구처럼 찌질하게

but I'm not like some loser

남의 돈으로 인생 역전 하고 싶은 생각 없거

but I'm not like some loser who wants to use
someone else to improve her life.

나도  먹고살 만큼은 버니까

I make enough to support myself.




Why you…

 [의미심장한 효과음]

Why you…

[흥미진진한 음악]


What's this?

여기 어떻게  거예요?

-What are you doing here? -Let's go.


-What are you doing here? -Let's go.

(유라나가긴 어딜 나가?

She isn't going anywhere!


Look here.

 지금  계집애랑 얘기 중인   보여?

Look here. Can't you see I'm talking to this

괜히 껴들지 말고 꺼지라고!

Don't butt in, and get lost!

[신비로운 효과음] [전구가 펑펑 터진다]

Don't butt in, and get lost!

[사람들의 놀란 신음]

[놀란 신음]

[사람들의 놀란 비명]

[겁먹은 숨소리]

[송이의 어이없는 숨소리]

(송이 지금 완전 황당한  알아요?

I'm in utter shock right now.


 여기 있는   어떻게 알았대?

How did you know I was here?





혹시 어제 내가 취해서 그쪽 집에 잘못 들어

Is this about my getting drunk last night and
going to your apartment by mistake?

그거 따지려고 이러는 거예요지금?

Are you doing this to argue about that?

[송이의 한숨]


It was my bad.

그럴  있잖아요

It can happen.

살다 보면 술도 먹고

You can drink and get drunk,

먹다 보면 취하기도 하고

You can drink and get drunk,

취하다 보면 실수도

and make mistakes.

(민준이거 누구야?

Who is this?

[감성적인 음악]

 허락도 없이 남의 사진을 봐요?

Who said you could look inside?


Who said you could look inside? Who is

내가 대답해야 돼요?

Why must I answer you?

 [송이의 어이없는 숨소리]

[송이의 놀란 신음]

 하는 짓이야이게미쳤어?

What are you doing? Are you mad?



are you?

(민준원하든 원하지 않든

Things that are meant to happen will

일어날 일은 일어나게  있어요

whether I want it to or not.

지구인들은 그것을

Earthlings call it… "destiny."


Earthlings call it… "destiny."

이라고 부르더군요

Earthlings call it… "destiny."


My first love?


My first love?



질문 진부해

That's so cliché.


That's so cliché.

데이트야    봤지만

Well, I've gone out on a few dates,

아직  첫사랑?

but there hasn't been anyone that I'd call my
first love.

그럴 만한 사람은 없고요

but there hasn't been anyone that I'd call my
first love.

어렸을  크게 한번 사고가  뻔한 적이 

When I was young, I was almost in a big

그때 어떤 아저씨가  구해 줬거든요?

A man showed up and saved me.

얼굴이 자세히 생각은  나고

I don't remember what he looked like.

[생각하는 숨소리]

I don't remember what he looked like.

키가  크고 훈남 스타일?

But he was tall and good looking.

좋아하는 여자 스타일은

What kind of women do I like? I don't have a
type that I like,


What kind of women do I like? I don't have a
type that I like,

싫어하는 여자 스타일은 있습니다

but there is a type that I hate.

 취한 여자

Drunk women.


I can't stand them.

주사 있는 여자  싫고요

I hate women with drunk habits even more.


Arrogant women. Women who are ignorant
or haughty.

무식하거나 잘난 척하는 여자

Arrogant women. Women who are ignorant
or haughty.

굉장히 싫어요

I despise them.

 모든 특징들을 갖고 있는 여자를 하나

I do know a woman who possesses

알긴 알아요

all of those traits.


She's the worst.


He was the best.

짧은 순간이었지만

It was brief,

굉장히 신비스러우면서도 다정했던 느낌?

but he was very mysterious and tender at
the same time.

아직도 기억이 나네요

I still remember him.

 아저씨도  기억할지는 모르겠어요

I wonder if he still remembers me.


But you know what?

 그분 보면  알아볼  같아요

If I ever saw him again, I'd recognize him
right away.


It would feel like destiny.

(PD) 오케이

(수고하셨습니다 [사람들이 인사한다]

-Thank you. -Thank you. -Good work. -
Thank you.

[사람들이 저마다 대화한다]

-Good work. -Thank you. -Sorry about that. -
Let's pack up.

어유 재수탱

That annoying prick.

[못마땅한 신음]

[경쾌한 음악]

(세미 남자는 누구야 손목 잡고 끌고

Who was that man that took your hand and
led you out?

(송이우리  느낌 알잖아

We know how it is.

작업 거는  같더라고나한테

We know how it is. I think he was coming on
to me.

(영목환생 아니면 도플갱어

Maybe that's what it is, reincarnation. Or a

속으로 신경 쓰시는 거잖아요

You're worried about it on the inside.


You're worried about it on the inside. My
stomach... I'm a star. I am the star of Asia.

나는 스타야아시아의 여신이

My stomach... I'm a star. I am the star of

[난감한 신음내가 몸이 너무  좋아서 그러

I feel really sick right now.

그런 부탁을 내가 들어줄 거라고 생각했어?

Did you think I'd actually agree?

(송이가면  돼요

Please don't go. When I wake up, you have
to be by my side.

 깼을   옆에 있어요

When I wake up, you have to be by my side.

 (영목구두 주인이 죽을 수도 있단 얘기인데

Then that woman may die.

12 전처럼 사건에 개입하실 겁니까?

Will you get involved as you did 12 years
ago, or ignore it?

외면하실 겁니까?

or ignore it?

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