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  셀러브리티 6

Celebrity 6


[현수] 서장님, 서장님!‬-[Jang] Sir… Listen, sir. -[door opens]
‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬-[Jang] Sir… Listen, sir. -[door opens]
‪이건 마약 사건입니다‬This has become a drug case.
‪당장 수사해야 됩니다‬We've got to investigate it.
‪[숨을 들이켜며]‬ ‪수사 근거가 뭔데?‬But what ground do you have? It's 'cause some ghost said so?
‪귀신이 준 첩보?‬But what ground do you have? It's 'cause some ghost said so?
‪폭로 내용이 상당히 구체적이에요‬What's revealed in the livestream is highly detailed.
‪[현수] 확인해 볼 필요가 있습니다‬We need to look into it.
‪석 달 전에 죽은 여자라며?‬This woman died three months ago.
‪니가 무당이야, 이 새끼야?‬ ‪새끼, 쯧!‬Are you some kind of shaman now? -[sucks teeth] -But what if she's not dead?
‪[현수] 아직 안 죽었다면요?‬-[sucks teeth] -But what if she's not dead?
‪살아있다면요?‬What if she's alive?
‪그럼 산 채로 끌고 와 보든가!‬Then bring her to me alive, okay?
‪[서장이 숨을 들이켜며] 이거…‬I'm well aware of this case.
‪나도 알아‬I'm well aware of this case.
‪내 마누라도 얘기하더라‬My wife knows this too.
‪근데 어떤 장난질일 줄 알고‬ ‪경찰이 나서?‬That said, why do anything if we don't even know if it's a prank?
‪- [한숨]‬ ‪- 당사자가 이미 법적으로‬That said, why do anything if we don't even know if it's a prank? That person's already been pronounced legally dead, you fool.
‪- 죽은 사람이라고!‬ ‪- [책상을 탁탁 치는 소리]‬That person's already been pronounced legally dead, you fool.
‪상대가 태강이라서가 아니고요?‬Are you sure this isn't 'cause of Taegang?
‪- [비밀스러운 음악]‬ ‪- 뭐?‬-What? -I know you're well acquainted.
‪[현수] 잘 아시지 않습니까?‬-What? -I know you're well acquainted.
‪법무 법인 태강‬Taegang, the law firm. Jin Tae-jeon, the lawyer.
‪진태전 변호사, 그래서 그때도…‬Taegang, the law firm. Jin Tae-jeon, the lawyer. -Why, back then, you-- -Hyeon-su, shut the hell up!
‪야, 장현수, 안 닥쳐!‬-Why, back then, you-- -Hyeon-su, shut the hell up!
‪[서장] 그때?‬Back then?
‪[드르륵 의자 바퀴 소리]‬
‪그때가 뭐?‬Back then, what?
‪언제 뭐가 있었다고?‬What are you accusing me of, huh?
‪[멀리서 사이렌 소리가 난다]‬[dramatic music playing]
‪당신들은 어때?‬So how about you?
‪놀랐나? 아님…‬Are you surprised? Or…
‪[신음이 울린다]‬[Chae-hee moans softly]
‪[아리] '그것들‬ ‪지저분하게 놀 줄 알았지'‬[A-ri] …are you thinking something like,
‪그런 기분일까?‬-"I knew these people were trouble"? -[inaudible]
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬[phone buzzing]
‪[승혁] 예, 지금 작업 중입니다‬Sir, we're on it now.
‪- 예, 전부 동원했습니다‬ ‪- [키보드 조작음]‬We've got all hands on deck.
‪[재훈] 완전히 폭파시켜요‬Blow up her whole feed. Make it look like she was hacked.
‪- 계정이 해킹당한 것처럼 보이게‬ ‪- [차가 다가오며 멈추는 소리]‬Blow up her whole feed. Make it look like she was hacked. [tires screech]
‪- [어두운 음악]‬ ‪- [통화 종료음]‬[tires screech]
‪[클럽 사장] 자, 자‬ ‪이쪽으로, 어?‬All right, over here, yeah?
‪빨리 태워, 이쪽으로‬Get him in. Hurry.
‪- [안젤라] 조심‬ ‪- [재훈] 차에 타‬-[Angela] Careful. -[Jae-hun] Go, go!
‪[재훈] 아, 씨‬[Angela] Careful, please.
‪[안젤라] 조심, 조심‬[Angela] Careful, please.
‪[재훈] 아, 씨, 타‬[Jae-hun] Get in.
‪[안젤라] 잠시만, 힘줘, 힘!‬[Angela] Come on, push, push! [grunts]
‪- [재훈] 우이 씨‬ ‪- [안젤라] 이얍! 아!‬[Angela] Come on, push, push! [grunts]
‪[차 문이 드르륵 닫힌다]‬
‪[시현이 다급하게] 재훈 씨‬-Please call once you're out. -Yeah. Yes, I understand.
‪- 나가면 연락해요‬ ‪- [재훈] 네, 네, 알겠습니다‬-Please call once you're out. -Yeah. Yes, I understand.
‪[시현, 재훈의 가쁜 숨소리]‬-Please call once you're out. -Yeah. Yes, I understand.
‪아리 씨, 이쪽 [다급한 숨소리]‬A-ri, this way.
‪[시현] 아리 씨, 어서요!‬A-ri, please hurry!
‪- 이렇게 덮어버리면 그만인가요?‬ ‪- [시현의 급한 숨소리]‬So we're just gonna run away?
‪[아리] 경찰도 119도 오지 않고‬ ‪그냥 이렇게 덮어버리면?‬We need to call the cops. We can't leave him like this.
‪씨발년아, 작작 좀 하라고, 이…‬Bitch, didn't I say to put a fucking lid on it?
‪어디서 함부로 손을 올려!‬How dare you raise your hand to her? [breathing heavily]
‪- [당황한 숨소리]‬ ‪- [시현의 다급한 숨소리]‬How dare you raise your hand to her? [breathing heavily] A-ri, please. I don't have time for an excuse right now,
‪[시현] 아리 씨‬ ‪지금 어떤 변명도 못 하겠어요‬A-ri, please. I don't have time for an excuse right now,
‪근데 나 아리 씨 설득해야 돼요‬but I need you to believe me.
‪사람은 다치지 않게 할게요‬ ‪약속해요‬I'll make sure that he doesn't get hurt. I promise you.
‪[클럽 사장] 인마, 이쪽이라고‬-[Yong-tae] Dammit, this way. -[Si-hyeon breathing heavily]
‪- [시현의 가쁜 숨소리]‬ ‪- [다가오는 차 엔진음]‬-[Yong-tae] Dammit, this way. -[Si-hyeon breathing heavily]
‪- 이쪽, 이쪽!‬ ‪- [시현] 아리 씨!‬-[Yong-tae] Here! -[Si-hyeon] A-ri, please.
‪[클럽 사장] 스톱!‬-[Yong-tae] Here! -[Si-hyeon] A-ri, please.
‪[잦아드는 차 엔진음]‬[Yong-tae] Stop!
‪- [기어 조작음]‬ ‪- [의미심장한 음악]‬
‪[아리] 솔직히 말하자면‬[A-ri] To tell the truth,
‪난 좀 놀랐어‬I was a little surprised.
‪이런 상황들 때문에?‬Surprised by the situation?
‪그 후로 벌어졌던‬ ‪모든 일들 때문에‬I was surprised by what would happen afterwards.
‪정말이지‬To be honest, from that day on,
‪매일매일‬To be honest, from that day on,
‪이런 생각이 들더라고‬I kept thinking to myself,
‪'억울하니?'‬"Life's unfair."
‪'그럼 성공하든가'‬"Sorry, not sorry."
‪[초조한 숨소리]‬[exhales]
‪- [도어록 조작음]‬ ‪- [반가운 숨소리]‬-[alarm device beeping] -[door opens]
‪- [문이 달칵 열린다]‬ ‪- [도어록 작동음]‬-[alarm device beeping] -[door opens]
‪- [문이 철컥 닫힌다]‬ ‪- [도어록 작동음]‬-[door shuts] -[device beeps]
‪[시현] 여보‬Honey.
‪어떻게 됐어요? 그 사람은요?‬How'd it go? How's he doing?
‪[태전] 잠깐 쇼크였대‬ ‪다행히 큰 문제는 없을 거 같아‬Just temporary shock. Fortunately, he should recover.
‪[시현이 안도하며] 정말이죠?‬[Si-hyeon] Is that really true?
‪[태전] 사람까지 다치면 끝장이야‬ ‪당신 몰라?‬It'd be over for us if it wasn't. Did you forget?
‪당연하잖아‬-It should be obvious. -[Si-hyeon exhales]
‪[시현의 안도하는 숨소리]‬-It should be obvious. -[Si-hyeon exhales]
‪채희는?‬-[Si-hyeon breathes shakily] -Chae?
‪[시현이 한숨 쉬며]‬ ‪서재 방에 재웠어요‬She's asleep in the study.
‪어머님 아시면 안 되니까‬Her mother can't find out.
‪[태전] 아니, 대체 저건‬ ‪언제 철드는 거야, 어?‬Just when do you think she's going to mature, huh?
‪아, 누가 약을 하지 말래?‬No one told her she can't do drugs.
‪남들처럼, 어? 좀!‬Why can't she be like everyone else?
‪제대로, 적당히!‬ ‪그게 왜 안 되냐고!‬How hard is it to take just the right amount of drugs?
‪[한숨] 아, 당신‬ ‪그, 서아리 얼마나 알아?‬Oh, and honey, how well do you know A-ri?
‪아, 아까 신고하려는 거 못 봤어?‬ ‪입부터 막아야 될 거 아니야‬Didn't you see just how close she was to calling the police?
‪[태전] 그, 출신 성분이‬ ‪어떻게 돼?‬What exactly is her background?
‪말이 통할 정도 수준은 되냐고‬Can she understand us at her level?
‪- [무거운 음악]‬ ‪- [태전의 한숨]‬Can she understand us at her level? [Tae-jeon sighs]
‪[호로록 마시는 소리]‬[Tae-jeon sips]
‪- [멀리서 개가 왈왈 짖는다]‬ ‪- [풀벌레 울음]‬[gentle music playing]
‪[취한 웃음소리가 울린다]‬[chuckles]
‪- [휴대전화 조작음]‬ ‪- [클럽 사장] 뭐, 신고?‬Report this? You don't get it, do you, you crazy bitch?
‪넌 안 했어도‬ ‪뽕 하는 자리에 같이 있었어‬Report this? You don't get it, do you, you crazy bitch?
‪그럼 너 무사할 거 같아? 어?‬Even if you aren't using stuff, you were still in this room.
‪조용히 빼줄 때‬ ‪기어 나가란 말이야, 어?‬You think you'll be safe? So crawl your way out of here, and don't look back!
‪- [정선] 야, 서아리!‬ ‪- 어?‬-[Jeong-sun] Seo A-ri! -[gasps] Huh?
‪[정선] 너 어디 갔다 인제 와?‬ ‪얼마나 기다렸는데‬Just where have you been? Do you know how long I've waited?
‪- 그게…‬ ‪- 너 밤새 뭔 일 있었는 줄 알아?‬-Uh, I was-- -Do you have any idea what happened?
‪[웃으며] 터졌어!‬ ‪반응 대박 났다고!‬They love you! Everyone's totally blowing it up!
‪- 어?‬ ‪- [밝은 음악]‬What?
‪[아리] 댓글이 2천 개?‬ ‪하룻밤 만에?‬Two thousand comments? Just tonight? [gasps] Have you seen this?
‪[아리 모] 이거 다 보이지?‬[gasps] Have you seen this?
‪'완전 저세상 센스'‬"Totally out of this world!" "Can I pre-order this outfit? I'd love to put myself down for one."
‪[웃으며] '프리오더 가능할까요?‬ ‪선주문 넣고 갑니다'‬"Can I pre-order this outfit? I'd love to put myself down for one." "When are you shipping them? The wait's killing me! A-ri, hurry!"
‪[정선] '배송 언제 되나요?‬ ‪현기증 나요'‬"When are you shipping them? The wait's killing me! A-ri, hurry!"
‪'아리 님, 빨리빨리'‬"When are you shipping them? The wait's killing me! A-ri, hurry!"
‪[아리 동생] 댓글이 다가 아니야‬And that's not all.
‪DM까지 포함하면‬ ‪선주문만 3천 장이라고‬Including the DMs, we're at 3,000 pre-orders.
‪- [아리 모] 3천?‬ ‪- [아리] 진짜?‬-Three thou-- -Get out.
‪[정선] 아후, 현기증은 내가 난다‬Oh! Now I'm getting dizzy. You know, once this takes off, you have to get me a Birkin.
‪너 성공하면 알지? 나 버킨 하나만‬You know, once this takes off, you have to get me a Birkin.
‪[아리 동생]‬ ‪정선이 누나는 다음이고‬[brother] Jeong-sun, wait your turn. I'm first. Get me a computer.
‪- [가슴을 치는 소리]‬ ‪- 나부터, 나부터 컴퓨터‬[brother] Jeong-sun, wait your turn. I'm first. Get me a computer.
‪[아리 모] 아유, 시끄러워‬Oh, enough!
‪하여간 이것들은 쪼잔해서‬ ‪야망이 없어, 야망이‬Oh, enough! What's with you guys and your tiny dreams? You have no ambition. None!
‪이제 시작이다, 내 딸‬This is just the beginning for you, dear!
‪서아리! 아리앤!‬Seo A-ri. Ari.&!
‪니가 걸어 다니는‬ ‪브랜드가 되는 일만 남았다고‬And now, all that's left is for you to become a brand of your own.
‪[흥분한 숨소리] 코코 샤넬‬ ‪루이 비통, 구찌! 오!‬And now, all that's left is for you to become a brand of your own. Coco Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Gucci! Oh! [chuckles]
‪[아리 모의 웃음]‬Oh! [chuckles]
‪[힙한 음악이 흘러나온다]‬[upbeat music playing faintly]
‪- [문이 탁 닫힌다]‬ ‪- 뭐야?‬Hey…
‪[명호] 에휴, 씨…‬[sighs]
‪[달려 올라가는 발걸음]‬
‪여보, 지금 서아리 피드‬ ‪터졌다니까, 이거 봐 봐‬[Myeong-ho] But her feed blew up overnight!
‪[다급한 숨소리]‬ ‪아, 여보, 지금 한가하게‬Come, honey. You shouldn't be focusing on that now.
‪이런 거 하고 있을 때가‬ ‪아니라고, 지금‬Come, honey. You shouldn't be focusing on that now.
‪[민혜] 그럼 뭐?‬ ‪가서 그년 머리채라도 잡아?‬And so? Should I go there and rip her hair out?
‪[명호] 아니, 저, 하…‬Please, just look.
‪[민혜] 촐랑대지 마‬Don't make a fuss.
‪어휴, 이런 사람이‬ ‪사업은 어떻게 해?‬Ugh, how do you run your own business?
‪- [명호] 자‬ ‪- 당신은 나 없으면 어떡할래?‬-Come on. -Really. What would you do without me?
‪[명호] 아, 나 당신 걱정돼서‬ ‪이러는 거잖아, 어?‬Baby, I'm just really worried about you, huh?
‪아, 그 여자가 여보야한테‬ ‪방해될까 봐, 지금‬What if Seo A-ri does something that gets in your way, huh?
‪[민혜] 서아리, 둬‬Seo A-ri? How? What can a loser like her do?
‪지깟 게 어디까지 갈 수 있나‬What can a loser like her do?
‪싹도 나기 전엔 재미가 없지‬Where's the fun in destroying her so soon?
‪- [탁 앉는 소리]‬ ‪- 고개를 쳐들 때‬Next time she shows her face,
‪그때 짓밟아야‬ ‪밟는 맛이 있는 거야‬that's when I'll crush her beneath my heel.
‪[다가오는 발걸음]‬
‪당신 무슨 생각 있는 거구나?‬It seems you have something in mind? That right?
‪- [명호] 그치?‬ ‪- [숨을 들이켜며] 됐고‬It seems you have something in mind? That right? Honey, you know the owner of Aragon?
‪당신 아라곤 사장 알지?‬Honey, you know the owner of Aragon?
‪용태 형‬Yong-tae.
‪[민혜] 이거나 뭔지 좀 알아봐‬Can you find out what's up with this?
‪어젯밤 진채희 피드에 올라왔다‬ ‪삭제된 건데‬This was on Chae-hee's feed last night, but it was deleted.
‪봐, 이상하지 않아?‬Look, something's off.
‪눈깔이 왜 이래, 이거?‬What's with her eyes?
‪[어두운 음악]‬[curious music playing]
‪[명호] 옆에 서아리잖아‬And that's Seo A-ri?
‪그치?‬Weird, right?
‪이것들 분명히 뭐 있으니까‬Something's definitely going on.
‪털어보라고‬I'll figure it out.
‪- [명호] 아, 이 자식들 지금…‬ ‪- [휴대전화 조작음]‬Ugh, these shitheads.
‪[깊은 한숨]‬[sighs]
‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬[door opens]
‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬
‪[옅은 한숨]‬[exhales]
‪[태전] 그래, 거기서 보자고‬Right, see you there.
‪아, 뭐긴, 그냥 같이‬ ‪점심이나 먹자는 거지‬What do you mean? I'm just proposing we get lunch.
‪어, 그래‬Yeah, fine.
‪김 원장은? 연락됐어?‬Doctor Kim? Hear from him?
‪네, 근데 그게 좀 지금…‬ ‪[숨을 들이켠다]‬Yeah, but right now, sir…
‪[숨을 들이켜며]‬ ‪어, 지금 바로 올 수 있지?‬Uh-huh. Can you get there now, then?
‪[준경] 알았어, 형, 거기서 봐‬Sure. Meet you there.
‪[자동차 가속음]‬
‪[아리] 다행이네요‬ ‪큰일은 없었다니‬It's a relief that it wasn't serious.
‪[편한 음악이 흘러나온다]‬It's a relief that it wasn't serious.
‪사실, 저도 끝까지 고민했어요‬I was feeling conflicted about everything.
‪'119에는‬ ‪신고해야 하는 게 아닌가'‬About whether I should call the police or not.
‪근데 못 했어요, 저도‬But, in the end, I couldn't.
‪나까지 괜한 일에 휘말릴까‬ ‪겁이 나서‬I was afraid I wouldn't be able to avoid being entangled.
‪아리 씨한텐 할 말이 없어요‬A-ri, I don't know what to say.
‪[시현] 이 상황도 너무 부끄럽고요‬I'm so ashamed about this situation.
‪[아리] 이해해요‬Don't worry. Chae-hee wasn't the only one involved.
‪채희 씨 혼자만의 일이 아니니까‬Don't worry. Chae-hee wasn't the only one involved.
‪저라도 당연히 시현 씨처럼‬ ‪했을 거예요‬If it had been me, I would've handled it the same way.
‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬[door opens]
‪[태전] 어, 내가 좀 늦었지?‬Oh, sorry I'm late.
‪[시현] 아니, 여보, 당신 여긴…‬Honey, why… why are you here? You and Ms. Seo were meeting, so I thought I should too.
‪[태전] 아니, 당신 서아리 씨‬ ‪만난다고 했잖아, 겸사겸사‬You and Ms. Seo were meeting, so I thought I should too.
‪어, 준경이 같이 왔어‬Jun-kyoung came too.
‪어젠 서로 [난감한 숨소리]‬Things had been hectic, wouldn't you say?
‪경황이 좀 없었죠?‬Things had been hectic, wouldn't you say?
‪[준경] 형‬Tae-jeon, just what are you doing?
‪뭐 하자는 거야, 지금?‬Tae-jeon, just what are you doing?
‪[태전] 아, 인사도 제대로‬ ‪못했잖아, 상황이 좀 그래서‬Well, we never got to properly meet due to what was happening.
‪그리고 두 사람‬ ‪뭐, 좋은 관계 아니야?‬Besides, aren't you seeing each other now?
‪야, 그럼 나한테도‬ ‪정식으로 소개해야지, 인마‬Hey man, you should've at least formally introduced her.
‪[아리] 뭔가‬I'm sorry. There seems to be a misunderstanding.
‪오해가 있으신 거 같네요‬I'm sorry. There seems to be a misunderstanding.
‪한 대표님과 저는‬ ‪어떠한 관계도 아니고‬Mr. Han and I aren't affiliated in any way.
‪당연히 이런 인사를‬Therefore, our relationship doesn't require such formalities.
‪- 나눌 사이도 아닙니다‬ ‪- [한숨]‬Therefore, our relationship doesn't require such formalities.
‪- 먼저 일어날게요‬ ‪- [태전] 그럼 인사는 됐고‬I think I should go now. Fine, enough of that.
‪그, 용건은 처리하고 가시죠‬ ‪서아리 씨‬Why don't we get to business, Ms. Seo?
‪[웃으며] 아, 별거 아니에요, 여기‬Oh, it's nothing. But, please,
‪사인만 해주면 됩니다‬sign here. That's all we need.
‪여보!‬-But, honey-- -We cannot have any loose ends.
‪정리는 깔끔하게‬ ‪해야 될 거 아니야‬-But, honey-- -We cannot have any loose ends.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬-But, honey-- -We cannot have any loose ends. What is this?
‪[아리] 이게 뭐죠?‬What is this?
‪[태전이 한숨 쉬며]‬ ‪이거 법적으로 완벽하고‬It's flawless from a legal perspective.
‪서아리 씨한테도‬ ‪불리할 거 없으니까, 뭐‬And you don't have to worry about any ill-will clauses.
‪읽어볼 필요도 없을 겁니다‬You don't even need to read it.
‪설마 어제 일 때문인가요?‬This meeting is about what happened last night?
‪뭐, 비밀 서약서 그런 거예요?‬You want me to sign an NDA?
‪[웃으며] 이해가 빠르네요‬You catch on pretty quick.
‪그럼 사례가 충분할 것도‬ ‪짐작하겠죠?‬Then I'm sure you can imagine what's in it for you.
‪[태전] 아, 그 무슨 장사… 아니‬You're starting something, no?
‪사업이라고 해야 되나?‬ ‪뭐, 그런 거 시작했다면서요?‬It's a business. At least that's what I was told.
‪여유도 없을 텐데 [숨을 들이켠다]‬Money must be a tight, right?
‪- 도움이 될 겁니다‬ ‪- [잘가닥]‬I'm sure this will help.
‪- 여기 사인만 하나 해주면…‬ ‪- [준경] 형!‬-And if you sign this document… -[Jun-kyoung] Tae-jeon.
‪- 그만‬ ‪- [아리] 아니요‬-Enough. -I can't do that.
‪전 하지 않을 겁니다‬I won't sign that document.
‪서약이요? 사례?‬An NDA? Compensation?
‪그런 게 저한테 왜 필요하죠?‬Why would I need anything like that?
‪무슨 권리로‬ ‪이런 요구를 하시나요?‬What right do you have to ask that, and how dare you ask so rudely?
‪그것도 아주 무례하게‬What right do you have to ask that, and how dare you ask so rudely?
‪[마땅찮은 숨소리]‬
‪비밀은‬Aren't secrets
‪죄를 지은 사람이 갖는 게‬ ‪아닌가요?‬meant to only burden the sinners among us?
‪전 아닙니다, 잘못이 없으니까‬This has nothing to do with me. I did nothing wrong.
‪[피식 웃는다]‬[chuckles]
‪저는 이 자리가 서로‬ ‪사과를 나누는 자리인 줄 알았어요‬I thought we were meeting here so we could apologize to each other.
‪이런 불쾌한 협박을‬ ‪받게 될 줄은 몰랐네요‬I didn't expect to be confronted with such revolting threats.
‪- [시현] 아리 씨‬ ‪- [태전] 서아리 씨‬-A-ri, please. -Ms. Seo.
‪[태전이 웃으며] 뭘 크게‬ ‪잘못 알고 있는 거 같은데‬There seems to be a misunderstanding.
‪나나 이 사람‬My wife and I aren't in a position to apologize,
‪서아리 씨한테 사과나‬My wife and I aren't in a position to apologize,
‪협박 같은 거 할 위치가 아니에요‬and we certainly aren't threatening you.
‪관용이나‬It's more like we… allow.
‪경고?‬It's more like we… allow.
‪라면 몰라도‬That's just a warning.
‪- [시현] 여보, 그만해요!‬ ‪- [태전] 그러니까!‬-Honey, please stop! -Ms. Seo.
‪베풀어 줄 때 쉽게 끝내자고요‬It's best you settle while this offer's still here.
‪[태전] 아, 준경이랑도 아무 사이‬ ‪아니면 뭘 믿고 까부는 건데?‬I mean, if you're not dating Jun-kyoung, what's with the bravado?
‪[차가운 음악]‬[dramatic music playing]
‪지위‬Status, one's class, and place. You know them, right?
‪위치, 수준, 뭐, 이런 거 몰라요?‬Status, one's class, and place. You know them, right?
‪지금 그쪽이 뭘 해야 하는지?‬Not to mention what you should be doing.
‪[준경] 여기까지만 하지, 형‬Tae-jeon, it's enough.
‪이미 이 정도도‬This display has been a joke.
‪너무 후져‬This display has been a joke.
‪나가요‬Let's go.
‪- [태전] 야, 한준경!‬ ‪- [문이 달칵 열린다]‬[Tae-jeon] Hey, Han Jun-kyoung!
‪[태전의 한숨]‬[sighs]
‪[시현] 그래서 나한테‬ ‪아리 씨를 만나보라고 했어요?‬Is this the reason why you told me to go see A-ri?
‪준경이까지 데리고 와서‬ ‪아리 씨한테 이러려고?‬So you could start interrogating A-ri in front of Jun-kyoung?
‪아, 알아보니‬ ‪수준이 너무 이하길래, 어?‬I checked her background, and her level was too low, okay, huh?
‪내 딴에는 최대한 배려해서‬ ‪좋게 좋게 끝내려고‬What I did was try to be considerate and end things on a good note.
‪[태전] 근데, 뭐?‬ ‪[기 막힌 숨소리]‬Oh, but what? [sighs]
‪[헛웃음] 불쾌한 협박?‬ ‪아니, 내가?‬A revolving threat? From me?
‪[시현] 네‬Yes.
‪당신 그랬어요‬You did exactly that.
‪그리고 너무 후졌다는‬And Jun-kyung was right to call you out.
‪준경이 말도 맞고요‬That was a total joke.
‪[멀어지는 발걸음]‬
‪[엘리베이터 문이‬ ‪스르륵, 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪[엘리베이터 작동음과 알림음]‬[elevator chimes]
‪내 차 타고 가요, 데려다줄게요‬We can take my car. I'll drive you home.
‪- 싫어요‬ ‪- [준경] 압니다‬-I'm good. -I know you are.
‪그래도 한 번이라도‬ ‪말을 좀 들으라고요!‬But this once, you need to listen to what I say.
‪그리고‬Regardless of how crass his methods were, he was right.
‪방식은 치졸했지만‬ ‪진 변호사 말이 맞아요‬Regardless of how crass his methods were, he was right.
‪서아리 씨는‬Ms. Seo,
‪저항할 수 있는 위치가 아니에요‬you're in no position to say no.
‪[씁쓸한 음악]‬
‪당신이 어떤 사람인지 알아요‬I know what kind of person you are.
‪하지만 원하는 대로‬ ‪모든 걸 하다간 다칠 수 있어요‬But you'll get hurt if you keep trying to do everything your way.
‪상관없어요‬I don't care if I do.
‪난 내가 원하는 대로 할 거예요‬I don't care if I do. I'm not going to stop doing what I want.
‪[아리] 지금 원하는 거?‬And what I want right now
‪그쪽과 단 한순간도‬ ‪같이 있지 않는 거고요‬is to not spend another moment in this elevator with you.
‪[엘리베이터 알림음]‬is to not spend another moment in this elevator with you.
‪[엘리베이터 문이 스르륵 열린다]‬[elevator doors open]
‪[멀어지는 발걸음]‬
‪[자동차 시동음]‬[engine turns over]
‪[자동차 엔진음]‬[engine rumbling]
‪[자동차 가속음]‬[engine roars]
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬[exhales shakily]
‪[타이어 마찰음]‬[tires screech]
‪[차 문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪[매혹적인 음악]‬
‪[아리] 뭐 하는 거예요?‬What are you doing?
‪[준경] 다르게 알려주려는 겁니다‬I'm trying something different since you won't listen to me.
‪말로는 설득이 안 될 테니‬I'm trying something different since you won't listen to me.
‪'한순간도 나와 함께 있기 싫다'‬Not wanting to spend another moment with me?
‪그 생각은 바꾸는 게‬ ‪좋을 거예요, 서아리 씨‬You would do better to lose that mindset, Ms. Seo.
‪그래야 당신도 안전할 테니까‬'Cause I'm why you'll stay safe.
‪알겠어요?‬Can't you see?
‪난 어떤 걸 해도 상관없지만‬ ‪당신은 아니라고‬I can do whatever I want without fear of what happens.
‪다칠 수도 있다고‬It isn't the same for you.
‪그러니까 내 말 들어요‬So you should listen to me.
‪아까 같은 일 다시는‬ ‪겪게 하고 싶지 않으니까‬I don't want you to have to go through what happened again.
‪특히나 내가 보는 앞에선‬Especially not when I'm there.
‪[용태] 야, 이 새끼야‬ ‪빡빡 좀 닦아라, 어?‬[Yong-tae] Hey, dickhead, mop with little muscles, okay?
‪[명호] 행님!‬[Myeong-ho] Hey, bro!
‪- [용태] 음!‬ ‪- [명호] 예, 씁‬-[Yong-tae] Mm-hmm? -Hey. [inhales]
‪[용태] 뭐 하러 직접 왔어?‬ ‪애들 보내면 되지‬Why'd you come here yourself? You could've just sent a guy.
‪[명호] 이달 치 형님 몫‬Your cut this month.
‪요즘에 그, 형님이 물어다 준‬ ‪호구들 덕분에‬Thanks to those assholes you sent me, business has been really thriving.
‪- 아주 그냥 짭짤합니다‬ ‪- [용태의 코웃음]‬Thanks to those assholes you sent me, business has been really thriving.
‪[용태] 이 슈퍼 카라면‬ ‪환장하는 놈들이 천지니까, 응?‬Well, there's a lot of crazy bastards that lose it over supercars, huh?
‪[명호의 옅은 웃음]‬Well, there's a lot of crazy bastards that lose it over supercars, huh?
‪[명호] 아, 행님‬And also… [inhales]
‪[숨을 들이켜며] 이 사건은‬ ‪뭐예요?‬And also… [inhales] …know what's up with this?
‪[용태] 어?‬Huh?
‪[명호] 이거요‬This.
‪이거 진채희‬Jin Chae-hee.
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪이거 클럽 맞죠?‬ ‪지금 진채희 약 빤 거고‬This is the club, right? It's like she's on something.
‪- [코웃음] 아, 뭔 헛소리야?‬ ‪- [스윽 미는 소리]‬[chuckles] That's bullshit, man.
‪[명호] 아이, 참‬ ‪우리 집사람이 그러더라니까‬Hey, come on, my wife told me that she had to be, though.
‪- 이거 눈 돌아간 게 백 퍼라고‬ ‪- [스윽 미는 소리]‬Hey, come on, my wife told me that she had to be, though. She said the eyes are a dead giveaway.
‪[용태] 아, 이 새끼가 뭐래?‬You have no idea what you're talking about.
‪그냥 취한 거야‬She's drunk there.
‪이년 한번 처마시면‬ ‪옷까지 벗고 쇼하는 거 몰라?‬Don't you know this bitch puts on a whole show when she's blacked out?
‪아, 얘 유명해‬She's famous for it.
‪- 아이, 참, 씨‬ ‪- 그래?‬-[chuckles] Man… -Really?
‪[명호] 아, 그 정도로‬ ‪이렇게 맛이 가?‬-That's really all it was, huh? -[Yong-tae sighs]
‪[용태의 한숨]‬-That's really all it was, huh? -[Yong-tae sighs]
‪야, 시답지 않은 소리‬ ‪집어치우고 가라‬Yeah, so stop talking nonsense and leave me. I've got to open up now.
‪나 오픈해야 된다‬Yeah, so stop talking nonsense and leave me. I've got to open up now.
‪클럽에서 약?‬Drugs in my club?
‪야, 내가 그년이랑 같이‬ ‪골로 갈 일 있어?‬You think I'm gonna get screwed alongside that bitch?
‪이상하네‬That's odd. My wife was positive that's what it was.
‪[명호] 아, 우리 집사람이‬ ‪이거 분명 백 퍼랬는…‬That's odd. My wife was positive that's what it was.
‪아이, 술 많이 들었구나?‬-I guess she must've had a lot. -That's it, okay?
‪- [용태] 그거지, 어?‬ ‪- [명호] 하!‬-I guess she must've had a lot. -That's it, okay?
‪[용태가 웃으며] 야, 이년 때문에‬ ‪아주 미쳐버리겠다, 진짜, 씨‬Yeah, dammit. That bitch has been driving me crazy lately.
‪[숨을 쓰읍 들이켠다]‬[chuckles, inhales]
‪- [노크 소리]‬ ‪- [문이 달칵 열린다]‬[knocks on door] [door opens]
‪[직원] 한 대표님 오셨습니다‬Mr. Han's here.
‪[태전] 어!‬Hey, why are you here so late?
‪웬일이냐, 이 시간에?‬Hey, why are you here so late?
‪왜겠어? 용건이 있어서지‬Why else, though? I'm here for a reason.
‪- [옅은 웃음]‬ ‪- [문이 탁 닫힌다]‬[scoffs]
‪- [탁 떨어뜨리는 소리]‬ ‪- [태전] 용건?‬Reason?
‪그날 그래서 날 부른 거지?‬You called me over the other day
‪서아리가 내 앞이면‬ ‪꼼짝도 못 할 거 같아서‬because you thought it would mess with A-ri, didn't you?
‪아, 그거? [피식 웃음]‬Oh, that?
‪야, 너 피곤하겠더라, 어?‬Man, she seems exhausting, right?
‪[태전] 그 성질 보통이 아니던데‬She sure has quite the temper.
‪아, 뭐, 아무 사이 아니라니까‬ ‪걱정은 안 하겠는데‬I mean, I'm not worried since you said there was nothing going on, but…
‪[웃으며] 너도 이제‬ ‪어울리는 여자 만나‬You should date women more suitable for you, huh?
‪어? 그럴 때도 됐잖아‬You should date women more suitable for you, huh? It's about time you did.
‪[준경] 걱정해야 할 텐데, 형‬Maybe you should start worrying.
‪김민찬 성형외과‬Kim Min-chan Plastic Surgery.
‪[비밀스러운 음악]‬[dramatic swell]
‪[피식 웃음]‬[chuckles]
‪[숨을 들이켠다]‬
‪[태전의 힘주는 소리]‬[sighs]
‪[태전] 선은 [옅은 웃음]‬I hope that you
‪넘지 않았으면 좋겠는데, 응?‬don't end up overstepping, okay?
‪그 일은‬And that, it's handled.
‪내가 알아서 할게‬And that, it's handled.
‪그러니까, 알아서 잘했으면 해서‬ ‪온 거라고‬That's the thing. Fix it before I have to, okay?
‪[코웃음 치며] 뭐?‬What?
‪[준경] 채희나 시현이는‬ ‪당연히 모를 테고‬Chae-hee and Si-hyeon probably know nothing,
‪[숨을 들이켜며]‬ ‪그 사람 어느 정도야?‬Chae-hee and Si-hyeon probably know nothing, but how bad is it?
‪코마? 뇌사?‬Coma? Brain-dead?
‪야, 한준경!‬Han Jun-kyoung.
‪마약?‬But drugs?
‪[고조되는 음악]‬
‪[준경] 보통 사람들한텐‬ ‪큰일이어도 여기선 아니지‬Maybe that's a big deal to ordinary people, but not us. It should be easy to make it disappear.
‪쉽게 막을 수 있으니까‬It should be easy to make it disappear.
‪근데 왜 형이 직접 나섰을까?‬ ‪겨우 그 정도 일에‬So I wonder why you had to step in if it's so easy.
‪겨우 그 정도가 아니었던 거지‬Maybe it wasn't so trivial after all.
‪형이 나서서 서아리라는 변수까지‬ ‪처리해야 할 만큼‬And that's why you had to step in and get A-ri out of the picture.
‪너 뭐 하는 짓이냐, 나한테?‬Just what do you think you're trying to do here?
‪수습해야지‬ ‪내가 더 개입하기 전에‬Shouldn't you handle it before I get more involved?
‪- [기가 찬 웃음] 워, 워‬ ‪- [무릎 치는 소리]‬Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
‪워, 아니지 [코웃음]‬Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Come on now.
‪[태전] 이건 많이 곤란하지‬ ‪준경아‬You're really putting me in a tough spot, Jun-kyoung.
‪한준경‬Han Jun-kyoung,
‪여기 태강이야‬this is Taegang.
‪나 진태전이고‬And I'm Jin Tae-jeon.
‪[차가운 음악]‬
‪형 같은 위치는 협박 같은 거‬ ‪안 한다고 했지?‬Didn't you say someone in your position doesn't make threats?
‪[준경] 맞아‬ ‪우린 그런 건 안 하지‬You're right, we don't do such things,
‪그게 뭐든 그냥 해버리면 되니까‬since whatever we want, we can just do.
‪[숨을 들이켠다]‬[Tae-jeon inhales]
‪나도 그래‬And it's the same now.
‪그래서 협박은 아니야, 형‬I'm not threatening you.
‪정중한 경고지‬This is just a courtesy warning.
‪[쓴웃음이 새어 나온다]‬
‪수습 잘하기 바래‬Best of luck with the cleanup.
‪거기에 서아리는 끼워 넣지 말고‬But you better leave A-ri out of it.
‪[태전의 피식 웃음]‬[Tae-jeon scoffs]
‪[길게 숨을 내뱉는다]‬[sighs]
‪"김민찬 성형외과"‬
‪안녕!‬Hi, ladies!
‪[간호사들] 안녕하세요‬-Hello. -I brought you something.
‪- [유랑] 이것 좀 드세요 [웃음]‬ ‪- [간호사1] 감사합니다‬-Hello. -I brought you something. Thank you so much.
‪[유랑] 원장님은?‬-And Dr. Kim? He still operating? -Yeah.
‪- 아직도 진료 중?‬ ‪- [간호사1] 네‬-And Dr. Kim? He still operating? -Yeah.
‪쯧, 근데 성형외과가 요즘‬ ‪왜 이렇게 야간진료가 많아?‬[sucks teeth] Why is a plastic surgeon getting so many late-night patients?
‪요즘 좀 손님이 많아요‬We've had a lot of patients lately.
‪- [의자에서 일어나는 소리]‬ ‪- [다가오는 발걸음]‬[door shuts]
‪- [문이 탁 닫힌다]‬ ‪- [민찬] 아, 예, 변호사님 [한숨]‬[sighs] Yes, yes, I understand. I'm working on it, but the patient's vitals are…
‪지금 해보고는 있는데 바이탈이…‬I'm working on it, but the patient's vitals are…
‪[부스럭거리는 소리]‬I'm working on it, but the patient's vitals are… Hey, honey. I'm here. [chuckles]
‪[유랑] 오빠, 나 왔어 [옅은 웃음]‬Hey, honey. I'm here. [chuckles]
‪죄송합니다, 다시 연락드릴게요‬I'm sorry, sir. I'm gonna have to call you back later.
‪[통화 종료음]‬
‪뭐 하는 짓이야?‬ ‪당신이 왜 여기 있어?‬Why are you here? What do you think you're doing?
‪어? 아니‬What? I mean, you left a few days ago for some emergency and never came home.
‪당신 며칠 전에 응급 전화 받고‬ ‪나가서 안 들어오길래‬I mean, you left a few days ago for some emergency and never came home.
‪[유랑] 여기, 옷하고‬ ‪음식 좀 가져왔어‬I brought you some clothes and food.
‪[민찬] 누가 당신한테‬ ‪그딴 거 신경 쓰래?‬You can't just come down here whenever you want.
‪- [서늘한 음악]‬ ‪- 이 시간에‬You can't just come down here whenever you want. Why would you just let anyone walk in here?
‪왜 아무나 병원에 들여?‬Why would you just let anyone walk in here?
‪똑바로들 안 해?‬Do your damn jobs!
‪[간호사1] 죄송합니다, 원장님‬I'm sorry, Dr. Kim.
‪뭐 하고 섰어? 안 가?‬You gonna just stand there? Go home.
‪[멀어지는 발걸음]‬
‪- [아리 모] 아가씨‬ ‪- [여자의 놀란 소리]‬-[gasps] -Tell me. That's Ari.&, isn't it?
‪[아리 모] 이 옷‬ ‪아리앤에서 샀죠?‬That's Ari.&, isn't it?
‪[여자] 네, 그런데요?‬Yeah. Why do you care?
‪[아리 모] 우리 딸이잖아‬That's my daughter, you see.
‪내가 서아리 엄마예요 [웃음]‬I am Seo A-ri's mother. [chuckles]
‪- [경쾌한 음악]‬ ‪- [카메라 셔터음이 연신 난다]‬-[upbeat music playing] -[camera shutter clicking]
‪- [여자1] 미안해‬ ‪- [여자3] 어, 왔어?‬-[woman 1] Hey, you're here. -Sorry.
‪- [여자3] 어? 야!‬ ‪- [여자 2] 야!‬-[woman 1] Hey, you're here. -Sorry. -[woman 1] Cute! -[woman 2] Hey! You too?
‪- [여자2의 웃음]‬ ‪- [여자1] 너도 아리앤?‬-[woman 1] Cute! -[woman 2] Hey! You too?
‪- [여자1] 나도 아리앤‬ ‪- [여자2] 그래‬-[woman 3] I got it from Ari.&! -[woman 2] Of course!
‪[여자4] 오오오‬ ‪센스 완전 대박이다‬[woman 1] Wow, her fashion taste is so unbelievable.
‪[여자5] 기본 티나 사려다가‬ ‪결국 착장대로 다 사버렸잖아‬I was only gonna buy a shirt, but I bought the entire outfit in the end.
‪- 아리앤‬ ‪- [여자4] 아리, 아리앤 맞아?‬-Ari.&. -A-ri? Ari.&?
‪[휴대전화 조작음이 연신 난다]‬[keypad clicking]
‪[남자의 힘주는 소리]‬
‪[오토바이 엔진음]‬
‪- [밝은 음악]‬ ‪- [사장] 여기 영수증 써놨어요‬I've got a receipt for you.
‪- [여자] 됐어요?‬ ‪- [정선] 됐어요‬-[Jeong-sun] There. All set. -[photographer] Let's do this.
‪- [사진작가] 가볼게요‬ ‪- [카메라 셔터음이 연신 난다]‬-[Jeong-sun] There. All set. -[photographer] Let's do this. [camera shutter clicking]
‪[정선] 다음 건 이거랑 이거 어때?‬[Jeong-sun] How about this one? -[A-ri] Mm-hmm. -[Jeong-sun] And then this?
‪[카메라 셔터음]‬[camera shutter clicks]
‪[휴대전화 조작음이 연신 난다]‬-[keypad clicking] -[camera shutter clicking]
‪[카메라 셔터음]‬
‪[카메라 셔터음이 연신 난다]‬[camera shutter clicking]
‪[아리 동생] 누나‬ ‪이번 것도 터졌어‬A-ri, this drop's blowing up too. We've got 10,000 orders.
‪순식간에 만 장 돌파‬A-ri, this drop's blowing up too. We've got 10,000 orders.
‪와, 미쳤다! [옅은 웃음]‬Wow, insane. [chuckles]
‪[승혁의 반가운 소리]‬[Seung-hyeok] My dear.
‪[웃으며] 유입량이 어마어마해요‬You've got so many new followers, yeah?
‪예? 271K‬You've got so many new followers, yeah? Almost 300K. I mean, you past Ji-na ages ago and Angela today.
‪뭐, 지나 제친 지는 오래고‬I mean, you past Ji-na ages ago and Angela today.
‪뭐, 오늘은 안젤라까지‬I mean, you past Ji-na ages ago and Angela today.
‪씁, 이 추세면‬ ‪오민혜 따라잡는 건 시간문제고‬I mean, you past Ji-na ages ago and Angela today. At this rate, it's only a matter of time before Min-hye too.
‪보자고 한 용건은요?‬Is that why you called me in?
‪[승혁] 공구나 콜라보 제안이‬ ‪엄청나요‬You've gotten a lot of collaboration and mass purchase offers.
‪그중에 몇 가지 추려봤는데‬I've picked a few to look through.
‪- [탁 앉는 소리]‬ ‪- [승혁의 한숨]‬[A-ri sighs]
‪그보다는 저는 아리앤을‬[sucks teeth] What if, instead, I wanted Ari.& to become something more?
‪단순한 계정이 아닌‬ ‪브랜드로 만들고 싶어요‬[sucks teeth] What if, instead, I wanted Ari.& to become something more? Turn it into its own brand.
‪브랜드라면…‬By brand, you mean… start making your own clothes?
‪제작하고 싶다?‬By brand, you mean… start making your own clothes?
‪디자인부터 직접 제작이요‬From design to production, in addition to Dongdaemun purchases.
‪- 동대문 사입과 병행해서‬ ‪- [사무실 전화벨 소리]‬From design to production, in addition to Dongdaemun purchases.
‪[당황한 숨소리]‬[exhales] [inhales sharply]
‪굳이 힘든 길을‬ ‪골라 가는 스타일이네‬You really love doing things the hard way.
‪[승혁] 서아리 씨‬Ms. Seo.
‪돈은‬You want to make easy money, work less, yeah?
‪어렵게가 아니라 쉽게 버는 거예요‬You want to make easy money, work less, yeah?
‪[웃으며] 응?‬ ‪그게 진짜 돈 버는 재미고‬You want to make easy money, work less, yeah? You want making money to be fun.
‪[숨을 들이켜며] 뭐, 직접 제작이‬ ‪만만한 일인 줄 알아요?‬You want making money to be fun. I mean, do you really think this is going to be easy?
‪당장 공장 뚫는 일부터 해서…‬To get started, you'll need a factory-- I'm aware how hard it'll be.
‪[아리] 어려운 거 알죠, 하지만‬I'm aware how hard it'll be. But then again, "Are you just in it to make money?"
‪'겨우 돈만 벌 건가?'‬But then again, "Are you just in it to make money?"
‪'세상은 돈이 다가 아닌데'‬"'Cause there's a lot more out there than that."
‪그 말을 한 건 대표님 같은데요?‬I believe those were your words.
‪[몽환적인 음악]‬[pensive music playing]
‪확실한 성공‬Guaranteed success.
‪더 큰 위치로 가고 싶다, 뭐‬ ‪[숨을 들이켠다]‬A chance to get into the big leagues. [inhales sharply] Is that why you want this?
‪[승혁] 그런 뜻인가요?‬[inhales sharply] Is that why you want this?
‪개소리 듣기 싫어서요‬I'm just done with all the bullshit.
‪맞아요‬ ‪그래서 성공해야겠더라고요‬So, you're right. And that's why I have to succeed.
‪[아리] 이왕 시작했다면‬And while I'm at it,
‪누구도 아무도‬I'll make sure no one
‪날 함부로 대하지 못하게‬ever disrespects me again.
‪- [탁 미는 소리]‬ ‪- 그러니‬So please…
‪당분간 공구는‬ ‪최소한으로 줄여주세요‬Keep any mass purchase events to a minimum for the moment.
‪크게 커서‬I'm gonna make it big, and you'll be rewarded as well.
‪세게 돌려드릴 테니까‬I'm gonna make it big, and you'll be rewarded as well.
‪[웃으며] 야심이 큰 건 좋네요‬I do admire big dreamers.
‪근데 서아리 씨‬But, Ms. Seo, please.
‪조심은 해요‬Do watch your step.
‪[승혁] 이 바닥‬In this world,
‪[웃으며] 까불다가는‬ ‪다칠 수도 있으니까‬if you get too big, you may grow a target.
‪[채희가 버럭 하며] 야, 씨!‬Fuck!
‪이년은 진짜‬ ‪눈에 뵈는 게 없는 거니?‬[sighs] This bitch seriously thinks she can do whatever she wants?
‪[채희의 짜증 난 숨소리]‬[sighs] This bitch seriously thinks she can do whatever she wants?
‪서아리‬Seo A-ri.
‪아직도 내 댓글에 대댓 안 달았어‬She still hasn't responded to the comment I made on her post.
‪처돈 거 아니냐고!‬Is she out of her mind?
‪[편한 음악이 흘러나온다]‬
‪[지나] 웬일?‬[Ji-na] What the hell?
‪그 아래 듣보잡한테는‬ ‪존나 친절하게 멘트 쳤는데?‬She even took time to kindly respond to some random nobody's comment.
‪보란 듯이 날 엿 먹이겠다?‬How can she screw me like this in front of everyone?
‪[채희] 지가? 나를?‬How can she screw me like this in front of everyone? How dare she?
‪씨…‬[scoffs] Why do you need her to talk to you at all?
‪그러게 뭐 하러 먼저 말을 걸어‬Why do you need her to talk to you at all?
‪하고 싶어 해?‬ ‪씨발, 클럽 일 땜에…‬You think I want this? It's because of what happened at…
‪[채희] 관리는 해야 될 거 아니야‬I should be keeping that bitch on a leash.
‪그년이 입 털고 다니면 어떡해, 씨‬You know, in case she decides to snitch.
‪[지나] 그러게 거긴 왜 끌고 와서‬I know, right? Why'd you even bring her there?
‪언니‬Angela, were you trying to get close to A-ri?
‪혹시 서아리 크루 탐났어?‬Angela, were you trying to get close to A-ri?
‪그년 빨이라도 좀 받아보려고?‬Glean some followers, maybe?
‪미쳤어? 그딴 년한테‬For what? That worthless bitch?
‪[안젤라] 걔가‬ ‪내 밑으로 오면 왔지‬It would've been me showing her how it's done.
‪[코웃음] 아니‬ ‪내가 뭐가 아쉬워서?‬[scoffs] What does she have that I don't?
‪[지나] 바로 그딴 게 지금‬ ‪우리보다 팔로워 수가 많아졌다고‬And that "worthless bitch" happens to have more followers than either of us.
‪좀 있음…‬She's even close to surpassing Chae-hee's count.
‪채희도 제치게 생겼다고!‬She's even close to surpassing Chae-hee's count.
‪- [안젤라] 그래?‬ ‪- [분한 숨소리]‬-[Angela] She is? -[inhales]
‪[민혜] 다들 여기 있었네?‬So this is where you've been.
‪[어이없는 웃음]‬[scoffs]
‪[다가오는 발걸음]‬[Ji-na scoffs]
‪- 요즘 왜 이렇게 뜸해?‬ ‪- [채희의 헛웃음]‬-We haven't spoken in a while. -[Ji-na scoffs]
‪설마 나 빼고‬ ‪이렇게만 보는 건 아니지?‬You aren't meeting on the regular without me, are you?
‪[한숨 쉬며] 가자, 나 골프 레슨‬Let's go. Got a golf lesson.
‪[민혜] 뭐가 이렇게 급해?‬Come on, what's the rush? Really. Have a seat.
‪- 좀 앉아 봐‬ ‪- [채희] 야!‬Come on, what's the rush? Really. Have a seat. Hey, let go.
‪안 놔?‬Hey, let go.
‪[민혜] 그치?‬ ‪많이 거슬리지, 서아리?‬I see. She's gotten under your skin?
‪이년 내가 치워줄까?‬Want me to get rid of her?
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬[pensive music playing]
‪- [지나] 뭐래?‬ ‪- [민혜가 웃으며] 이럴 줄 알았어‬-Really? -[chuckles] I knew that was it.
‪[숨을 들이켜며]‬ ‪다들 얼마나 빡이 쳤겠냐고‬You all must be so angry right now.
‪서아리, 걱정 마‬ ‪곧 정리될 거니까‬Don't worry. I'll take care of A-ri very soon.
‪주제도 안 되는 걸‬ ‪내가 끌고 왔는데‬I am the reason, after all, that loser's even here.
‪내가 끝내야지‬It's only fair that I end her.
‪안 그래?‬Don't you think?
‪[옅은 웃음]‬[chuckles softly]
‪[다가오는 자동차 엔진음]‬
‪- [타이어 마찰음]‬ ‪- [정선] 어? 어! 아리야! 야!‬-[tires screech] -[Jeong-sun] Watch… A-ri!
‪- [자동차 경적]‬ ‪- 아리야! 야! 빨간불이잖아‬-[horn honks] -Hey, A-ri! Come on! The light's still red.
‪[놀라며] 야, 너 오늘 이상해‬What's with you today?
‪어후, 미안, 정신이 없네‬-Uh, sorry, I'm just out of it. -Oh, what is it? Is something wrong?
‪어, 어, 뭔데? 뭔 일 있어?‬-Uh, sorry, I'm just out of it. -Oh, what is it? Is something wrong?
‪아니야, 일은 무슨‬Uh, nothing. It's nothing.
‪오늘 미송 잡은 데가 어디였지?‬What shops did we get the preorders from again?
‪317호, 610호 맞나?‬Three seventeen and at six ten, right?
‪[정선] 아후… 깜짝이야‬God, you really scared me. [exhales]
‪[정선의 놀란 숨소리]‬God, you really scared me. [exhales]
‪[아리] 물건이 안 된다니요‬ ‪사장님?‬[A-ri] What do you mean you aren't able to fulfill our order?
‪그, 그게 무슨 말이에요?‬[A-ri] What do you mean you aren't able to fulfill our order?
‪[잘그락 옷걸이 소리]‬[A-ri] What do you mean you aren't able to fulfill our order?
‪아니, 여기 장끼요‬Look, right here. It says I preordered 5,000 units from you.
‪저 선주문 5천 장 넣었잖아요‬Look, right here. It says I preordered 5,000 units from you.
‪[당혹스러운 숨소리]‬[sighs] Well, we can't now.
‪그렇게 됐어‬[sighs] Well, we can't now.
‪암튼 그 니트는 어려우니까‬ ‪다음에 와‬We can't get you that order, so try again later.
‪- 아니‬ ‪- [잘그락]‬Wait! You can't say no and think you can just walk away.
‪[아리] 무작정‬ ‪안 된다고만 하시면 곤란하죠‬Wait! You can't say no and think you can just walk away.
‪저희 미송 잡아서 주문받고‬ ‪판매까지 완료했어요‬We've already sold out the preorders that you guaranteed to provide us.
‪당장 배송해야 된다니까요‬We have to start shipping them out.
‪글쎄, 안 돼‬ ‪나도 어쩔 수 없다니까‬But I said I can't. My hands are tied, don't you see that? [scoffs]
‪- [사장1의 난감한 소리]‬ ‪- [아리] 사장님‬My hands are tied, don't you see that? [scoffs] [A-ri] Please, ma'am!
‪[서늘한 음악]‬
‪[사장2가 버럭 하며] 안 돼!‬ ‪안 된다는데 왜 자꾸 그래?‬[woman] I already told you! We can't do it, so leave me alone! [Jeong-sun] Seriously? None of this makes any sense!
‪[정선] 아니, 이게 지금‬ ‪말이 되는 상황이냐고요!‬[Jeong-sun] Seriously? None of this makes any sense! [woman] Make sense or not, a no is still a no!
‪[사장2] 말이 되든 말든‬ ‪안 되는 건 안 돼‬[woman] Make sense or not, a no is still a no!
‪[정선] 아, 사장님, 장난해요?‬Ugh, are you kidding me?
‪이 원피스 우리가 먼저 잡았잖아‬You know we ordered this dress first. You had no right to give our order away!
‪이걸 누구 맘대로 딴 데로 넘겨요!‬You know we ordered this dress first. You had no right to give our order away! What was I supposed to do? They marked it as exclusive!
‪[사장2] 아, 그럼 나보고 어쩌라고‬ ‪단독이 걸렸는데!‬What was I supposed to do? They marked it as exclusive!
‪콕 집어서‬ ‪그 물건을 딱 걸어버리잖아!‬They picked that exact item, so we can't sell it to you!
‪[정선] 이봐요, 사장님!‬ ‪그걸 지금 말이라고 지금…‬[Jeong-sun] You've got to be kidding. How's this possible--
‪[아리] 우리가 잡은 물건에‬ ‪단독이라뇨?‬Someone designated these items as exclusive?
‪누가요? 어디서?‬Who did? Who was it?
‪[난감한 탄성]‬[sighs, groans]
‪- [아리가 큰 소리로] 사장님!‬ ‪- [사장2의 깊은 한숨]‬[A-ri] Ma'am, please! [groans] Besta Room. Besta Room made them exclusive.
‪베스타룸, 베스타룸이라고‬[groans] Besta Room. Besta Room made them exclusive.
‪[사장2] 자기들도 옷 파니까‬ ‪알 거 아니야‬Since you're in the business, you should be aware.
‪동대문에선‬ ‪베스타룸이 갑 오브 갑인 거‬In Dongdaemun, Besta Room runs everything here.
‪이러면 자기들 큰일인 거‬ ‪나도 알아‬I understand that this may cause a lot of trouble for you,
‪근데 어떡해‬but what choice do I have?
‪황유리‬Hwang Yu-ri.
‪이년 눈 밖에 나면‬ ‪나도 장사 접어야 된다고 [한숨]‬If I get on that bitch's bad side, I would be in the same spot as you two. Ugh!
‪[당황한 숨소리] 아리야, 어떡해?‬[Jeong-sun breathes shakily] A-ri, what do we do now? We already received all the payments.
‪[정선] 프리오더에‬ ‪입금까지 다 받았는데‬A-ri, what do we do now? We already received all the payments.
‪다른 데라도 알아볼까?‬ ‪같은 상품 있을지도 모르잖아‬Should we look at another store? They might carry the same products.
‪너 사입 단독이 뭔지 몰라?‬Don't you know what an exclusive purchase is?
‪이제 아무 데서도‬It means no store
‪우리한테 같은 상품은 안 넘겨‬is allowed to sell us any of these products.
‪- [박 씨] 아, 베스타룸이?‬ ‪- [남자] 어‬-[Mr. Park] Really, Besta Room? -[man 1] Yeah.
‪[남자] 아, 이게 그거잖아‬This is that, you know.
‪[힘주며] 요즘 들어‬ ‪부쩍 잘나가는 데서 먼저 잡은 걸‬She put an exclusive deal on a bunch of items, and some up-and-comer had tried to reserve them first.
‪단독으로 싹 쓸었어‬and some up-and-comer had tried to reserve them first.
‪아하이, 황유리 걔가‬ ‪하여간 난년에 썅년이지‬God, Hwang Yu-ri may be a bitch, but she's one savvy businesswoman.
‪- 아, 이거 뺏긴 데는 어딘데?‬ ‪- [부스럭, 툭]‬So which store lost out then? Who was it? Ari.&, was it?
‪그, 뭐라더라‬ ‪아리앤인가, 엘인가?‬Who was it? Ari.&, was it?
‪[부스럭 비닐 소리]‬
‪[박 씨] 아리, 뭐?‬Ari, what?
‪[남자] 그, 아마 그럴 거야‬ ‪앤인지 엘인지‬Well, something like that. Ari something, maybe.
‪어, 사장 이름이‬ ‪아리라고 그러더만‬Oh, I think I heard that A-ri was the name of the owner. Seo A-ri.
‪서아리‬Oh, I think I heard that A-ri was the name of the owner. Seo A-ri.
‪[무거운 음악]‬[pensive music playing]
‪[휴대전화 조작음이 연신 난다]‬-[keypad clicking] -[whooshing]
‪[아리의 어이없는 숨소리]‬[sighs]
‪[아리] 황유리가‬ ‪단독으로 올린 상품‬[A-ri] Those exclusive items Hwang Yu-ri posted,
‪'조심해라, 다친다'‬"Watch your step, or you'll get hurt."
‪'까불지 마라, 다친다'‬"Fly too high, and you'll regret it."
‪맞아‬That's right.
‪그랬어, 거긴 그런 데였던 거야‬That's how things were. And that was a rule of the land.
‪- [무거운 음악]‬ ‪- 뭘 보든‬Whatever you witnessed, whatever they did to you,
‪어떤 꼴을 당하든‬Whatever you witnessed, whatever they did to you,
‪나 같은 건‬ ‪얌전히 짜져 있어야 하는‬you were just supposed to shut up and take it.
‪- [달려오는 발걸음]‬ ‪- [정선의 가쁜 숨소리]‬
‪아리야!‬ ‪집에 빨리 가봐야 될 거 같아‬A-ri, I think you need to hurry home right now. [exhales]
‪- [도어록 작동음]‬ ‪- [아리 동생] 네, 네, 그니까‬[brother] Yeah, sure. Uh, but the thing is… No, the thing is…
‪그게 아니라요, 그니까‬Uh, but the thing is… No, the thing is…
‪죄송합니다, 고객님‬ ‪바로 환불 조치 해드리겠습니다‬I'm sorry, ma'am, but we'll get you refunded right away.
‪[아리 모] 환불한다고요‬I told you already.
‪계좌로 입금한다니까요‬ ‪[억울한 숨소리]‬I will give you a refund as soon as we can.
‪[아리 동생] 아니요‬ ‪그니까 저희도 최선을 다했는데…‬[brother] Not at all. We tried our best, but we're--
‪[아리 모의 억울한 숨소리] 야!‬ ‪그럼 어쩌라고?‬[Mrs. A-ri] Come on! What do you want us to do?
‪다른 년이 물건을 채 갔다는데‬This is all 'cause some bitch stole our stuff.
‪우린 신나서 환불하는 줄 알아?‬You think we're happy we have to do this?
‪[정선] 아, 어머니‬ ‪[당황한 숨소리]‬Oh, ma'am! You can't treat them like that, or it could be bad for us!
‪CS 응대 그렇게 했다간‬ ‪진짜 큰일 나요‬You can't treat them like that, or it could be bad for us!
‪이거보다 더 큰 일이 뭔데?‬And just how much worse could it get? Can't you see how badly this hit us?
‪지금 손해가 얼마인 줄 알아?‬And just how much worse could it get? Can't you see how badly this hit us?
‪[아리 모] 다른 상품도‬ ‪못 믿겠다고‬We're getting cancellations from people who say they can't trust our products.
‪줄줄이 취소 들어오는데‬We're getting cancellations from people who say they can't trust our products.
‪[숨을 들이켜며] 저 쌓인 옷들은‬ ‪대체 어쩔 거냐고, 이제!‬We're getting cancellations from people who say they can't trust our products. Exactly what are we going to do with all this goddamn clothing now?
‪[아리 모가 울먹인다]‬[sobbing]
‪[아리 모가 오열한다]‬[pensive music playing]
‪[멀어지는 발걸음]‬-[door opens, shuts] -[alarm device chimes]
‪- [도어록 작동음]‬ ‪- [문소리]‬-[door opens, shuts] -[alarm device chimes]
‪- [멀어지는 자동차 엔진음]‬ ‪- [의미심장한 음악]‬[A-ri] And as usual, my temper got the best of me.
‪[아리] 근데 말이야‬[A-ri] And as usual, my temper got the best of me.
‪성격이 팔자라고‬[A-ri] And as usual, my temper got the best of me.
‪난 그럴 수가 없더라‬I couldn't just lie down and take it.
‪분했거든, 억울했거든‬I was furious. I had been wronged.
‪아무리 생각해도‬And the more I thought about it,
‪내가 그런 꼴을 당해야 할‬I couldn't come up with a single reason why I deserved all this bullshit.
‪[헛웃음] 이유가 없었거든‬I couldn't come up with a single reason why I deserved all this bullshit.
‪[유리] 아니야, 뭐 대단한 거라고‬[Min-hye] Oh please, I hardly did anything.
‪[숨을 들이켜며] 아니, 안 그래도‬ ‪나도 걔 좀 거슬려서‬No, don't worry. She was starting to get on my nerves, so I was gonna do that anyways.
‪한번 까주려던 참이었어‬She was starting to get on my nerves, so I was gonna do that anyways.
‪[민혜의 옅은 웃음] 그러니까‬She was starting to get on my nerves, so I was gonna do that anyways. [Min-hye] I know, she's the worst.
‪언니 아니면 누가 그걸 하겠어?‬[Min-hye] I know, she's the worst. Only you could've done something like this.
‪베스타룸 위력이 뭔지‬ ‪제대로 보여줘‬Besta Room needs to show her who's in charge.
‪아, 근데 서아리?‬What was it? Seo A-ri?
‪그 기집애 센스는 좀 있더라‬I'll give her this, she knows her fashion.
‪올린 물건 바로 완판되던데?‬Everything we posted instantly sold out.
‪그게 물건 탓이겠어?‬ ‪당연히 언니 이름값이지‬It wasn't because of the products. It's your name that sells.
‪[숨을 들이켜며] 아무튼 알지?‬ ‪8 대 2‬Oh, and you remember? Twenty percent.
‪[민혜] 상품 소스는 내가 줬으니까‬ ‪신경 써줘‬Because I was the one who tipped you off. I trust you'll do the right thing.
‪- [카드를 탁탁 나누는 소리]‬ ‪- [웃음]‬Because I was the one who tipped you off. I trust you'll do the right thing. [chuckles]
‪[웃으며] 당연하지‬ ‪내가 뭐, 날로 먹는 사람이야?‬Yes, my dear. You know I pay back what I owe, right?
‪어, 연락할게‬Yeah, I'll be in touch.
‪- [통화 종료음]‬ ‪- 놀고 있네‬-[phone line ends] -Unbelievable.
‪서아리랑‬ ‪베프질 할 때는 언제고? 쳇!‬It's as if they never pretended to be besties. [scoffs]
‪하긴, 이 바닥에‬ ‪친구가 어디 있겠어?‬Again, this work has no true friends anyways.
‪- [여자1] 유리야‬ ‪- [유리] 가, 돌려‬-[woman 1] Yu-ri. -Okay, let's start. [woman 2] I told you, you can't do this.
‪[매니저] 아니‬ ‪이러시면 안 된다니까요!‬[woman 2] I told you, you can't do this. [A-ri] And I told you I need to see your boss.
‪[아리] 사장님만 뵙겠다고요‬[A-ri] And I told you I need to see your boss.
‪[매니저] 아, 저기요!‬-[woman 2] Ugh, but, ma'am-- -Once I see your boss, I'll be on my way.
‪[아리] 사장님만 뵙고 가겠다고요!‬-[woman 2] Ugh, but, ma'am-- -Once I see your boss, I'll be on my way.
‪[매니저의 당황한 소리]‬[woman 2 scoffing]
‪- 뭐야?‬ ‪- [매니저] 아, 그게요‬-What's this? -Uh, well, I…
‪아이, 저기요 [난감한 소리]‬-What's this? -Uh, well, I… Uh, excuse me! Excuse me! [scoffs]
‪저기 [난감한 소리]‬Excuse me! [scoffs]
‪베스타룸 대표 황유리 맞죠?‬You're Besta Room's CEO, aren't you?
‪[아리] 저 서아리입니다‬I'm Seo A-ri.
‪됐어, 나가 봐‬-It's fine. You can go. -Ma'am.
‪[매니저] 네‬-It's fine. You can go. -Ma'am.
‪[유리의 헛기침]‬[Yu-ri clears throat]
‪서아리라… 서아리‬Seo A-ri? Seo A-ri…
‪- 누구시더라?‬ ‪- 잘 아실 텐데요, 아리앤‬-I don't recall. -You should know me well. Ari.&.
‪동대문에서 제가 사입한 물건에‬ ‪단독 거셨잖아요‬You made some items I reserved exclusive over at Dongdaemun.
‪아주 비열하게‬-Like some kind of snake. -[scoffs]
‪[헛웃음] 어머, 자기야‬-Like some kind of snake. -[scoffs] Oh, sweetie. It seems you forgot your manners.
‪앞뒤 없이 말이 좀 세다?‬Oh, sweetie. It seems you forgot your manners.
‪그쪽이야말로‬ ‪근본도 없이 말이 짧네‬I think you're the one who needs to be reminded of their manners.
‪뭐?‬-What? Hey, you-- -[A-ri] That's enough.
‪- [유리] 야!‬ ‪- [아리] 됐고!‬-What? Hey, you-- -[A-ri] That's enough.
‪할 말 있어 왔으니 닥치고 들어요‬I have something to say to you, so shut up and listen.
‪- [당찬 음악]‬ ‪- 한 번은 당하지만 두 번은 없어‬I have something to say to you, so shut up and listen. You got me once, but it won't happen again.
‪그쪽이 이 바닥에서‬ ‪얼마나 강자인지 모르겠지만‬I'm well aware of how much influence you think you have,
‪또 한 번 이딴 식으로 나오면‬ ‪나도 가만있지 않을 거라고‬but I warn you, if you do this again, I won't sit back and no nothing.
‪[아리] 그리고‬Now that we've gotten to know each other, let me tell you what I think of you.
‪이왕 안면 튼 김에‬ ‪감상 하나 덧붙여요‬Now that we've gotten to know each other, let me tell you what I think of you.
‪꼴같잖은 힘 좀 있다고‬You abuse what little power you have
‪밟고 뺏고 갑질로 횡포 부리는 거?‬to step on, to lord over, and torture others.
‪그거 유치하고 불쌍하고 한심해‬It's all so immature, pitiful, and pathetic.
‪넌 니가 잘난 줄 알겠지만‬It's sad you can't see it for yourself.
‪이게 진짜 듣자 듣자 하니까‬Why, you little bitch. Just who do you think you are?
‪[유리] 뭐? '유치'?‬What? "Immature?" "Pathetic?"
‪'불쌍'? 너 말 다 했니?‬"Immature?" "Pathetic?" Are you done now?
‪다 했어‬I'm done.
‪[유리의 헛웃음] 야!‬[scoffs] Hey!
‪오민혜가 왜 밟아 달라나 했더니‬ ‪이래서였구나?‬I've been wondering why Min-hye asked me to humble you. Is this why?
‪주제를 몰라서‬'Cause you don't know your place?
‪- [어두운 음악]‬ ‪- [기가 찬 웃음]‬[chuckles]
‪와, 뭐 이런 미친 개또라이 썅년이‬ ‪다 있냐, 어?‬Wow, get a load of this crazy bitch, everyone, huh?
‪아니, '갑질', '횡포'?‬I mean, "Lord over?" "Torture?"
‪야, 그럼 갑이 갑질하지 을질하니?‬Hey, I'm going to lord if I rule this castle. I won't grovel.
‪이봐요, 서아리 씨‬So listen, Ms. Seo A-ri,
‪아리 언니, 억울해요?‬my big sis. You feel wronged?
‪억울하면 성공해‬If your feelings hurt, succeed.
‪올라와서 갑질하라고‬Make it to the top so you can lord over others.
‪나 치열하게 승부 보며 이겨서‬ ‪여기까지 온 거야‬I fought tooth and nail to get exactly where I am today.
‪니가 말하는 그 갑질하려고‬All so I can lord over others, you know.
‪잘난 줄 아는 게 아니라‬ ‪실제로 잘났다고, 나는!‬I am not claiming to be a hotshot because I am actually a hotshot!
‪- [고조되는 음악]‬ ‪- 밑바닥에서 찌질대는 게‬How dare you try to lecture me on life? Lectured by pathetic garbage like you?
‪얻다 대고 인생 강의야‬ ‪인생 강의는?‬How dare you try to lecture me on life? Lectured by pathetic garbage like you?
‪[유리의 분한 숨소리]‬[scoffs]
‪[웃으며] 야, 야, 카드 돌려‬Hey, yeah, deal me in.
‪미친년 액땜하는 거 보니까‬I think I'm gonna get lucky today, seeing as that crazy bitch is the one with all the bad luck.
‪나 오늘 완전 터질 건가 보다‬ ‪진짜 [웃음]‬seeing as that crazy bitch is the one with all the bad luck. [women chuckle]
‪[털썩 앉는 소리]‬[women chuckle]
‪[휴대전화 조작음이 연신 난다]‬
‪[아리] bbb 님‬[A-ri] Bbb.
‪[휴대전화 알림음]‬[alert chimes]
‪[강조하는 효과음]‬TYPING…
‪[다가오는 발걸음]‬
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪- 너 뭐 하냐?‬ ‪- 자리 비었잖아요‬-What are you doing? -You had a spot open.
‪게임은 쪽수가 많을수록‬ ‪재밌을 텐데‬The game would be more fun with more people, don't you think?
‪나도 할 줄 알거든, 홀덤‬I even know the rules. -Hold'em, right? -[scoffs]
‪- [헛웃음]‬ ‪- [아리] 왜?‬-Hold'em, right? -[scoffs] What's wrong? Feeling uncomfortable?
‪불편해요?‬What's wrong? Feeling uncomfortable?
‪아님 겁나나?‬Or are you feeling scared?
‪[여자1] 이봐요‬ ‪이건 친목 모임 위한…‬I'm sorry, but this game is supposed--
‪[유리] 됐어, 그냥 가‬I'm sorry, but this game is supposed-- It's fine. Let her.
‪[유리가 숨을 들이켠다]‬
‪[코웃음 치며] 근데‬ ‪너 돈은 좀 있니?‬Do you have what it takes, though?
‪난 시시하게는 안 노는데‬-We don't do under a thousand here. -Yeah?
‪그래?‬-We don't do under a thousand here. -Yeah?
‪[아리] 그럼…‬Then…
‪이 정도면 재밌을까?‬would this be enough to spice things up?
‪[유리] 딜러, 뭐 해? 카드 돌려‬Dealer, let's go. Start dealing.
‪[카드 탁탁 돌리는 소리]‬
‪[여자1] 콜‬[woman 1] Call.
‪[여자2가 한숨 쉬며] 다이‬[woman 2] Fold.
‪[아리] 레이즈‬[A-ri] Raise.
‪50만‬Five hundred.
‪[유리] 콜‬[Yu-ri] Call.
‪- [탁 던지는 소리]‬ ‪- [여자1] 다이‬Fold.
‪[아리] 100만‬[A-ri] One million.
‪[카드 만지는 소리]‬
‪[여자1의 어이없는 소리]‬[scoffs]
‪[칩 만지는 소리]‬
‪[탁탁 칩 만지는 소리]‬[sighs]
‪- [칩 던지는 소리]‬ ‪- [유리] 콜‬Call.
‪- 200만‬ ‪- [칩 던지는 소리]‬Two million.
‪너 돌았니?‬Are you insane?
‪룰 알고 치는 거야?‬Do you actually know the rules?
‪'노 리밋'‬ ‪베팅에 제한 없는 거 아닌가?‬No limit. I can raise as much as I want.
‪[어이없는 숨소리]‬[scoffs]
‪- 500만‬ ‪- [유리] 야!‬-Five million. -Enough.
‪너 지금 도박해?‬Do you think we're gambling here?
‪- 씨발, 이거 게임이야‬ ‪- [아리] 아니‬This is supposed to be a game! I know, but this game is serious.
‪나한텐 승부야‬I know, but this game is serious.
‪내가 건 판돈은‬ ‪차례차례 니 몸값이고‬That's why I'm betting what you charge clients for your services.
‪뭐?‬-What? -VIPs.
‪브압‬-What? -VIPs.
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬
‪유명 셀럽‬ ‪미인 대회 타이틀 소유자‬Famous e-celebs, even beauty pageant winners.
‪요즘엔 당신 같은 사람들‬ ‪명단 만들어서‬I heard brokers for VIPs make lists of women that they can hand out
‪브압 브로커가 유력 인사들한테‬ ‪프로필 돌린다지?‬I heard brokers for VIPs make lists of women that they can hand out to people in positions of power.
‪[아리] 너 그렇게 컸잖아, 황유리‬That's how you made your money, Ms. Hwang.
‪50만 원부터 100만‬ ‪200만, 500만 원까지‬Five hundred thousand, then a million, then two million, all the way to five million.
‪몸 팔아서 돈 벌고‬ ‪옷 팔고 라인 잡아 방송 타서‬You made your money whoring yourself out, selling clothes, and making connections to gain power.
‪여기까지 온 거잖아‬ ‪그게 베스타룸이고!‬selling clothes, and making connections to gain power. -Besta Room's secret. -What are you accusing me of?
‪- [유리] 씨발년이 뭐라는 거야?‬ ‪- [아리] 딱!‬-Besta Room's secret. -What are you accusing me of? This!
‪니 몸값만큼 베팅했다고‬My bets are exactly what you charged.
‪[아리] 치열하게 승부 봐서‬ ‪여기까지 왔다고?‬You fought tooth and nail to get where you are?
‪나도 마찬가지야‬I've had to do the same. I've always had to.
‪지금까지 그래 왔고‬I've had to do the same. I've always had to.
‪앞으로도 걸어오는 승부는‬ ‪절대 안 피해‬And I don't plan on backing down anytime soon.
‪- 까 봐, 승부 봐서 이기라며?‬ ‪- [카드 만지는 소리]‬Show them. You told me to fight to the top.
‪니가 날‬Do you think…
‪이길 수 있어?‬you can beat Seo A-ri?

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