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  오징어 게임 1

Squid Game 1


(기훈) 우리 동네에선‬ ‪그 놀이를 '오징어'라고 불렀다‬[man] In my town, we had a game called the "Squid Game."
‪마치 오징어를 닮은 그림 때문에‬ ‪붙은 이름이었다‬We called it that because it's played in a court shaped like a squid.
‪규칙은 간단하다‬The rules are simple.
‪아이들은 무리를 지어‬Children are divided into two groups, the offense and the defense.
‪공격과 수비 두 편으로 나뉜다‬Children are divided into two groups, the offense and the defense.
‪게임이 시작되면‬ ‪선 안의 수비자는 두 발로‬Once the game starts, the defense can run around on two feet within bounds,
‪선 밖의 공격자는‬ ‪깽깽이 발로 움직여야 한다‬Once the game starts, the defense can run around on two feet within bounds, while the offense outside the lines are only allowed to hop on one foot.
‪너희 엄마‬It's your mom.
‪(기훈) 하지만 공격자가 기회를 노려‬[man] But if an attacker cuts through the waist of the squid passing defense,
‪오징어의 허리를 가로지르면‬[man] But if an attacker cuts through the waist of the squid passing defense,
‪두 발로 자유롭게 다닐 수 있는‬ ‪자격을 얻는다‬[man] But if an attacker cuts through the waist of the squid passing defense, then they are given freedom to use both feet.
‪암행어사‬Inspector royal.
‪(기훈) 이유는 알 수 없지만‬[man] Inspector royal.
‪우린 그걸 '암행어사'라고 불렀다‬For whatever reason, we called that the inspector royal.
‪최후의 전투를 할 준비가 되면‬When we were ready for the final battle,
‪공격자들은‬ ‪오징어 그림의 입구로 모인다‬all the attackers gathered at the entrance to the squid.
‪(기훈) 승리하기 위해선 공격자는‬[man] In order to win, the attackers must tap the small closed-off space
‪오징어 머리 위의 작은 선 안을‬ ‪발로 찍어야 한다‬the attackers must tap the small closed-off space on the squid's head with their foot.
‪이때 수비자에 밀려‬But if someone on the defense manages to push you
‪선을 밟거나 밖으로 나가면 죽는다‬outside of the squid's boundaries, you die.
‪그래, 죽는다‬That's right. You die.
‪[무거운 효과음]‬
‪[아이들의 환호성]‬[playful music rising] -Victory! -[kids cheering]
‪만세!‬-Victory! -[kids cheering]
‪(기훈) '만세'‬[man] Victory.
‪결승점을 밟으면 '만세'라고 외친다‬Once you tap the squid's head, you win and yell out, "Victory."
‪그 순간 나는‬At that moment, I felt as if I owned the entire world,
‪세상을 다 가진 것처럼‬At that moment, I felt as if I owned the entire world,
‪[기훈이 국물을 후루룩 마신다]‬ ‪(기훈 모) 응‬[woman] Ah.
‪[개운한 신음]‬Um…
‪이거 뭐야, 나 주는 거야?‬Is this my daily allowance or what?
‪(기훈 모) 니, 니 오늘‬No. Remember, Ga-yeong's birthday is today?
‪가영이 생일인 건 알제?‬No. Remember, Ga-yeong's birthday is today?
‪어, 알지‬Yeah. Of course, I do.
‪(기훈 모) 까묵지 말고‬[woman] And don't forget, go and get her, uh, something for dinner later.
‪이따가 가가‬ ‪저녁이라도 한 끼 사 멕이라‬[woman] And don't forget, go and get her, uh, something for dinner later.
‪아, 요즘 물가가 얼마인데‬ ‪이거 가지고 뭘 사 먹여?‬Well, I can't buy her a nice meal with these much. Times are tough.
‪가영이 가가 치킨 좋아 안 하나‬Ga-yeong loves fried chicken, you know.
‪(기훈 모) 니‬ ‪닭이나 한 마리 사 멕이고 와‬Go buy her some fried chicken.
‪애 치킨만 먹여?‬Just chicken, Mom?
‪생일인데 선물이라도 하나 사 줘야지‬Don't you think I should get a present for her?
‪좀만 더 줘 봐‬Give me some more, huh?
‪(기훈 모) 돈 없다‬[woman grunts] I'm broke.
‪(기훈) 아이, 돈이 왜 없어?‬[man] What are you talking about?
‪내가 대리 뛴 것도 다 갖다줬잖아‬I gave you everything I made chauffeuring.
‪(기훈 모) 아이고, 그깟 놈의 돈‬Oh, please, that petty change?
‪야, 너 대출받은 한 달 이자도 안 된다‬Hey, we can't even pay your loan's monthly interest off with that.
‪아이고‬[woman grunts] We can't do that now, and we barely spend anything.
‪(기훈) 아이, 그건‬ ‪이렇게 살아서 다 못 갚아!‬We can't do that now, and we barely spend anything.
‪그러니까 쓸 거는 좀 쓰고 살자‬-[grunts] -Let's use some when we have to.
‪(기훈 모) 아이고‬[woman] Goodness.
‪[기훈 모의 한숨]‬[woman groans]
‪아, 그것 좀 그만해, 그리고!‬And will you stop working so much?
‪(기훈 모) 아, 그릇이나 물에 담가 놔‬[woman] Make sure you soak the dishes after you're done.
‪[기훈 모의 한숨]‬ ‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬-[woman sighs] -[door closes]
‪맨날 허리 아프다면서‬ ‪몇 푼이나 번다고 그래!‬You don't even make that much, plus you're pulling your back out!
‪[멀어지는 발걸음]‬[receding footsteps]
‪[숟가락을 탁 내려놓는다]‬-[metal clinks] -[grunts]
‪[힘주는 신음]‬-[metal clinks] -[grunts]
‪[기훈의 들뜬 숨소리]‬
‪[기훈의 탄성]‬[whispers] Ah!
‪[ATM 오류음]‬[beeping]
‪(기훈) 어? 아이, 내 생일 맞는데?‬Huh? [man] Hey. It should be my birthday.
‪- 비밀번호 바꾸셨네‬ ‪- (기훈) 이게…‬-No way. -Pin number changed on you, huh?
‪너희 엄마가 드디어 널 버렸다, 야‬I guess your mother finally abandoned you.
‪[기훈 친구의 웃음]‬[chuckles]
‪(기훈) 씨…‬[sighs] Hold on.
‪[ATM 조작음]‬[ATM beeping]
‪[ATM 오류음]‬ ‪어어?‬-[dings] -[man] Huh?
‪아이씨, 이 노인네 뭘로 바꾼 거야?‬Oh, shit. What did that woman change it to, huh? Try her birthday or, or something.
‪(기훈 친구) 네 엄마‬ ‪생일 같은 거 해 봐‬Try her birthday or, or something.
‪엄마 생일?‬Her birthday?
‪엄마 생일…‬Her birthday.
‪[기훈의 한숨]‬Um, uh… You're telling me you don't know your own mother's birthday?
‪(기훈 친구) 모른다, 모른다‬ ‪자기 엄마 생일 모른다‬You're telling me you don't know your own mother's birthday?
‪에라, 호로새끼야‬You're telling me you don't know your own mother's birthday? -Any kid knows that. -Hey!
‪(기훈) 아이씨, 씨발, 병신아, 알아!‬-Any kid knows that. -Hey! -Don't say that. I do know. -Hey.
‪노인네가 매년 그, 음력을 쇄 가지고‬She celebrates it going by the lunar date, meaning it's not the same every year.
‪매년 바뀌어서 그런 거야‬She celebrates it going by the lunar date, meaning it's not the same every year.
‪병신 새끼, 씨발, 알지도…‬She celebrates it going by the lunar date, meaning it's not the same every year. -Use your brain for once. -Then put in the lunar date.
‪(기훈 친구) 그럼 음력을 쳐 보든가‬-Use your brain for once. -Then put in the lunar date.
‪(기훈) 아이씨‬ ‪[ATM 조작음]‬[groans] Come on. Work!
‪[ATM 오류음]‬[ATM beeps]
‪아! 나, 씨발‬Oh, goddamn it!
‪아이씨‬Oh, shit.
‪(기훈 친구) 아, 야, 야, 야‬ ‪아니야, 아니야‬Hey, hey, hey, hey, hold on.
‪야, 한 번만 더 틀리면 거래 정지야‬They'll block your card if you get it wrong again.
‪[기훈의 한숨]‬ ‪생각 잘해, 뭐, 다른 거 없어?‬They'll block your card if you get it wrong again. -[sighs] -You really gotta think about this one.
‪[안내 음성이 흘러나온다]‬[automated voice] Please select the amount you would like to withdraw.
‪[함께 웃는다]‬-Oh! -[both cheering and laughing]
‪(기훈 친구) 야, 뭐 했어, 뭐 했어?‬-What was it? Your birthday? -[exclaims]
‪(기훈) 오늘 우리 딸 생일‬My kid's. It's today.
‪아이, 요즘 노인네가‬ ‪나보다 손녀를 더 끔찍이 챙긴다니까‬Ah! The old woman cares about her granddaughter more than her own son.
‪아이참‬-Ah, shit. -[beeps]
‪(영상 속 캐스터) 2위에‬ ‪9번 마 트리플라인‬ ‪[사람들이 소란스럽다]‬-Ah, shit. -[beeps] -[commentator on TV] Number nine… -[man 1] Go, go, go.
‪3위에 6번 마 드라이썬더‬-[commentator on TV] Number nine… -[man 1] Go, go, go. -[gambler 1] Come on! -[gambler 2] Come on!
‪4위 3번 마 잭프린스가 차지하며…‬-[gambler 1] Come on! -[gambler 2] Come on! [indistinct chatter and shouting]
‪[중계가 계속된다]‬[indistinct chatter and shouting] [all cheering]
‪(기훈) 어, 그래, 들어와‬Go! Yeah, come on. Go! Go!
‪더, 더!‬Go! Yeah, come on. Go! Go!
‪(영상 속 캐스터) 3번 마 잭프린스‬ ‪점점 더 속도를 끌어 올리며‬ ‪[기훈이 소리친다]‬-[man 1] Go, go! -[gamblers shouting] -Let's go. -[cheering]
‪9번 마 트리플라인을 따라잡습니다‬-[all shouting] -[man 1] Let's go!
‪[중계가 계속된다]‬ ‪(기훈) 더, 더!‬Go! Go! Faster!
‪빨리 달려, 달려, 9번!‬Go! Go! Faster! -[commentator speaking indistinctly on TV] -[indistinct screaming]
‪달리라고, 씨‬-[commentator speaking indistinctly on TV] -[indistinct screaming]
‪[기훈과 기훈 친구의 탄식]‬ ‪[사람들의 환호]‬-Dang! -[all screaming]
‪(기훈 친구) 9번 명기‬ ‪대가리 확실하다며!‬You told me that I was gonna win this. Goddamn it!
‪하, 병신, 씨‬[whispers] Stupid little jerk. [indistinct commentating on TV]
‪좋은 말을 데리고‬ ‪아주 피똥을 싸네, 정말, 씨, 아유!‬[indistinct commentating on TV] How could you lose with an animal like that?
‪[밝은 음악이 흘러나온다]‬
‪(스피커 속 아나운서) 알려 드립니다‬[woman on PA] Attention. Betting for the tenth race is about to end.
‪제10경주의 마권 발매가‬ ‪곧 마감됩니다‬[woman on PA] Attention. Betting for the tenth race is about to end. -Please place your final bet. -[sighs]
‪아유, 씨‬-Please place your final bet. -[sighs] -I repeat. Betting for the tenth race… -Hey, man, hurry up, will you, please?
‪[안내 방송이 계속 흘러나온다]‬ ‪(남자1) 아, 거기 빨리 좀 합시다, 좀‬-I repeat. Betting for the tenth race… -Hey, man, hurry up, will you, please?
‪(스피커 속 아나운서) 제10경주의‬ ‪마권 발매가 곧 마감됩니다‬-I repeat. Betting for the tenth race… -Hey, man, hurry up, will you, please? …is about to end. Please place your final bet.
‪[한숨]‬…is about to end. Please place your final bet.
‪(남자1) 이봐요‬-[sighs] -Hey, buddy.
‪아, 당신 뭐 하는…‬-Hey, what are you-- Ooh! -Please don't touch me!
‪(기훈) 아, 제발‬ ‪나 좀 가만히 내버려 둬!‬-Hey, what are you-- Ooh! -Please don't touch me! How about you leave me alone? Can't you see I'm trying to think?
‪생각 좀 하게!‬How about you leave me alone? Can't you see I'm trying to think?
‪[기훈의 거친 숨소리]‬
‪아, 씨‬[groans]
‪[한숨]‬[inhales, exhales deeply]
‪그래‬[grunts] Okay.
‪(영상 속 캐스터) 그 뒤로‬ ‪9번 백일신화‬[commentator on TV] No. 9 Baekil Legend is placed right in the middle.
‪중위권에 자리하고 있습니다‬ ‪[기훈이 호응한다]‬[commentator on TV] No. 9 Baekil Legend is placed right in the middle. -[man 1] That's it. -[indistinct commentating on TV]
‪[중계가 계속된다]‬-[man 1] That's it. -[indistinct commentating on TV]
‪(기훈) 그렇지, 들어와‬-Come on. -[indistinct shouting]
‪- (기훈 친구) 달려 봐!‬ ‪- (기훈) 어, 어, 어, 그래, 돌아‬Go, come on. Go. Okay. Yeah.
‪(기훈) 어, 빨리 돌아, 돌아, 자‬-[indistinct shouting continues] -[man 1] That's it. Come on, come on!
‪- (기훈) 붙어!‬ ‪- 어?‬-Come on! Faster! Faster! Come on. -[gamblers shouting]
‪- (기훈) 나와, 나와, 나와!‬ ‪- 저 옆으로 붙어, 붙어, 붙어…‬-Come on! Faster! Faster! Come on. -[gamblers shouting]
‪[사람들이 소란스럽다]‬-[indistinct commentating on TV] -[all cheering]
‪(기훈 친구) 으, 으, 으, 안 돼!‬-[indistinct commentating on TV] -[all cheering] -Yeah. Oh! -[all shout]
‪[기훈의 다급한 신음]‬ ‪(영상 속 캐스터) 6번 마 천둥이‬ ‪계속 갑니다!‬-Yeah. Oh! -[all shout] No. 6, Thunderflash, continues to run forward.
‪[중계가 계속된다]‬ ‪(기훈) 됐어, 좋아, 좋아, 좋아, 좋아!‬-Go! Go! -Thunderflash outruns No. 7… -[gamblers shouting] -[man 1] Go six and eight!
‪가자, 가자, 가자, 가자, 가자!‬-[gamblers shouting] -[man 1] Go six and eight! That's it! That's it! That's it! [gamblers shouting]
‪가자, 가자, 가자, 가자, 가자!‬[gamblers shouting] -[indistinct commentating on TV] -[man 1] That's it! Go, six and eight!
‪6, 8, 6, 8!‬-[indistinct commentating on TV] -[man 1] That's it! Go, six and eight! [all cheering] -[commentator on TV] Second place from… -[gamblers shouting]
‪[사람들의 환호]‬-[commentator on TV] Second place from… -[gamblers shouting]
‪왔어, 6, 8 왔어!‬[shouting] I did it, man. Six and eight!
‪[기훈의 웃음]‬[all cheering]
‪(기훈 친구) 아, 중간에 왜 튀어나와?‬ ‪[기훈의 환호]‬[all cheering] -Why did you choose six, anyway? -Oh! Damn! What did I say?
‪(기훈) 내가 뭐라 그랬어?‬Damn! What did I say?
‪오늘 우리 딸 생일이라 그랬잖아‬Today's June 8th. Six and eight! The day my daughter was born!
‪6월 8일, 6, 8!‬Today's June 8th. Six and eight! The day my daughter was born!
‪(직원) 456만 원입니다‬-[cashier] Four and a half million won. -Oh, thanks so much.
‪(기훈) 예, 감사합니다‬-[cashier] Four and a half million won. -Oh, thanks so much.
‪자, 아메리카노 한잔 사 드세요‬Here. A little something for you. Thanks again.
‪(기훈 친구) 난 안 주냐?‬ ‪[기훈의 웃음]‬-What do I get? -[man 1 giggles] Come on!
‪(기훈) 야‬ ‪우리 엄마 돈부터 채워 놔야 돼‬[man 2] Hey, wait up for me, asshole!
‪여기 ATM 어디 있냐?‬[man 2] Hey, wait up for me, asshole!
‪(기훈) 아빠가, 저기‬ ‪학원 앞으로 데리러 갈게‬[man 1] I hope you're excited. Uh-huh! I'll pick you up after school, okay?
‪[기훈의 웃음]‬[cackles]
‪뭐, 치킨?‬Fried chicken?
‪야, 그런 거 말고 더 비싼 것도 괜찮아‬Hey, you can get something really expensive tonight, huh!
‪먹고 싶은 거 있으면 다 적어 놔, 어?‬Don't worry about the price at all, okay? Hmm?
‪응, 응, 응‬Mm, mm, mm…
‪수업 시간에는 선생님 말씀만 적고‬Think about what you wanna eat and make me a list during recess.
‪쉬는 시간에 적어 놔, 알았지?‬Think about what you wanna eat and make me a list during recess. Okay, honey?
‪[기훈의 웃음]‬Okay, honey? [laughs]
‪알았어, 7시‬I'll see you at seven then.
‪생일 선물은 과연 뭘까요?‬[in singsong] ♪ Guess what I'm getting for the birthday girl ♪
‪[웃으며] 기대하시라‬[in singsong] ♪ Guess what I'm getting for the birthday girl ♪ -Look forward to it. -[both laugh] You're not gonna believe what…
‪너 진짜 깜짝 놀라…‬You're not gonna believe what…
‪(남자2) 야, 기훈아!‬[lender 1] Hey! Hey, Gi-hun!
‪(남자3) 어이!‬[lender 2] Hey!
‪야, 오랜만이네!‬Long time no see, huh!
‪어, 가영아, 어‬Hey, Ga-yeong, hold on, right. I love you too. Okay, bye.
‪아빠도 사랑해, 어‬Hey, Ga-yeong, hold on, right. I love you too. Okay, bye.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪- (기훈 친구) 뭐야?‬ ‪- (남자3) 야, 야, 야, 잡아, 잡아!‬-Huh? -[lender 2] Hey, hey, hey. -He's running! -Get him!
‪[기훈의 다급한 신음]‬[Gi-hun panting] Excuse me. Coming through. Sorry.
‪(기훈) 잠시만, 잠시만, 잠시…‬Excuse me. Coming through. Sorry.
‪[기훈의 다급한 신음]‬Excuse me. Coming through. Sorry. Oh. [heavy breathing]
‪[기훈의 놀란 신음]‬Oh! [Gi-hun grunts]
‪[아파하는 신음]‬Oh. [sighs]
‪아유, 아, 미안해요‬Oh. [sighs] I'm sorry.
‪어, 학생, 괜찮아요?‬I'm sorry. Hey, kid, you okay? Oh. Shit!
‪아…‬Hey, kid, you okay? Oh. Shit!
‪[기훈의 다급한 신음]‬Hey, kid, you okay? Oh. Shit!
‪아, 미안해요, 어?‬-I'm sorry. -[lender 1] Hey, get him!
‪(남자2) 저 새끼 잡아!‬-I'm sorry. -[lender 1] Hey, get him!
‪(남자3) 야, 이 새끼야‬ ‪거기 서! 거기 안 서?‬-I'm sorry. -[lender 1] Hey, get him! [lender 2] Get him! Over there! Over there!
‪[아파하는 신음]‬[grunts]
‪아, 잠시만요‬Wait a minute. Let me stand up.
‪잠시만요, 잠깐, 저‬Wait a minute. Let me stand up. Okay. Just… Look, I got cash for real.
‪저 돈 있어요, 돈 있어요, 돈 있어요‬Okay. Just… Look, I got cash for real.
‪[기훈의 거친 숨소리]‬ ‪정말?‬Oh, yeah?
‪근데 왜 토꼈어?‬-Then why did you run, huh? -Because I…
‪아이, 그게요‬-Then why did you run, huh? -Because I…
‪아이, 선생님 번거로우실까 봐‬I, I've been saving up so I… I could pay you all the ones that I took.
‪제가 한꺼번에 모아서‬ ‪드리려고 했거든요‬I, I've been saving up so I… I could pay you all the ones that I took.
‪(남자2) 아유, 자식이 기특하네‬-Goodness, what a trooper. Look at you. -[grunts]
‪아, 그래서 얼마 있는데?‬ ‪[기훈의 아파하는 신음]‬-Goodness, what a trooper. Look at you. -[grunts] So then, how much you got?
‪400요‬[pants] Four million.
‪일단 이거 받으시고‬Take this amount now. I'll pay the rest next month, so…
‪나머지는 제가 다음 달까지 꼭…‬Take this amount now. I'll pay the rest next month, so…
‪(기훈) 어?‬
‪[기훈의 놀란 신음]‬Oh! [grunts]
‪(기훈) 아이, 괜찮아요, 학생?‬Hey, kid, you okay?
‪[아파하는 신음]‬Oh. [groans]
‪아이, 봐 봐, 아, 봐 봐, 봐 봐‬Let me see. Oop, oop, oop, opp, oop,
‪[아파하는 신음]‬ ‪(남자2) 봐 봐, 봐 봐‬-[groaning] -Come on, let me see.
‪아이고‬Poor thing.
‪[남자2의 탄성]‬Ahh…
‪이거 달짝지근하다‬Got a sweet taste of it.
‪씁, 아이, 그동안 내 돈으로‬ ‪맛난 거 많이 드셨나 봐‬I guess you're still eating well. Spending the money you know is mine.
‪돈이 있었거든요‬I swear I had it…
‪아까, 아까 6, 8, 6, 8이 들어와서‬I had it, I had your money. Look, I bet on six and eight and they won, so I had the cash right here.
‪돈이 정말 여기 있었거든요‬Look, I bet on six and eight and they won, so I had the cash right here.
‪(남자2) 야‬Hey.
‪[기훈의 겁먹은 숨소리]‬[Gi-hun breathing shakily] [panting]
‪[기훈의 당황한 신음]‬
‪[아파하는 신음]‬[grunting]
‪너‬Do you know why nosebleeds are so easy to get, huh?
‪코피가 왜 잘 나는지 알아?‬Do you know why nosebleeds are so easy to get, huh?
‪[겁먹은 숨소리]‬[whimpering] Because there are so many capillaries.
‪코안에 모세 혈관이 많아서 그래‬Because there are so many capillaries.
‪[다급한 신음]‬Oh, no. Hey, don't do this.
‪살려 주세요, 사, 살려 주세요‬Oh, no. Hey, don't do this. -I don't wanna die. -[lender 1] Your blood was tasty.
‪(남자2) 피 맛도 좋던데‬-I don't wanna die. -[lender 1] Your blood was tasty.
‪한 사발 받아다가‬ ‪오늘 밤 선짓국이나 끓여 먹어야겠다‬I think my boys and I should make a nice delicious soup in it.
‪[흐느끼며] 갚을게요‬I'll pay you! [sobs]
‪갚을게요, 정말이에요, 갚을게요‬I'll pay you! [sobs] I'll pay you. I mean it. I'll pay you. [whimpers]
‪(남자2) 아이, 새끼‬-[crying] -Jesus, guy.
‪아이, 마음 약해지게‬ ‪왜 울고 지랄이야?‬Don't make me feel sorry for you with all that crying.
‪아, 내가 잔정 많은 건‬ ‪어떻게 알아 가지고‬How did you know I was such a softie? [sobs]
‪야‬-Hey. -[crying]
‪자, 눈물 닦고‬Okay, wipe off your tears.
‪여기 지장 찍어‬Okay, wipe off your tears. Sign here and your fingerprint.
‪[기훈이 콜록거린다]‬ ‪다음 달까지 못 갚으면‬If you don't pay it off by next month, I'll take one of your kidneys.
‪여기 신장 하나랑‬ ‪[기훈의 겁먹은 신음]‬If you don't pay it off by next month, I'll take one of your kidneys.
‪여기 안구 하나‬ ‪대신 가져간다, 오케이?‬And then after that, I'll take one of your eyes. Okay?
‪왜, 싫어?‬ ‪[기훈의 다급한 신음]‬-You don't like it? -No, uh, I got it. Yeah.
‪(기훈) 아니요, 예‬ ‪알겠습니다, 알겠습니다‬-You don't like it? -No, uh, I got it. Yeah. Next month is good with me. [breathing heavily]
‪[기훈의 거친 숨소리]‬Next month is good with me. [breathing heavily]
‪(남자2) 야‬-Here. -Okay.
‪(기훈) 네, 저, 이, 인주…‬-Here. -Okay. Well, I, I need ink.
‪[아파하는 신음]‬[grunts] -[whimpers] -[lender 1 chuckles]
‪[남자2의 웃음]‬-[whimpers] -[lender 1 chuckles]
‪아이, 거기 나오네‬There, you got your ink. It's all natural too.
‪(남자2) 자연산 인주‬There, you got your ink. It's all natural too.
‪(기훈) 예?‬Huh? [whimpers]
‪아, 네‬Oh.
‪[기훈의 힘겨운 숨소리]‬[lender 1] That's it. Right there.
‪(남자2) 그래그래, 거기 꾹‬[lender 1] That's it. Right there.
‪[남자2의 웃음]‬DISCLAIMER OF PHYSICAL RIGHTS [chuckles] You did it, huh!
‪잘했어, 어‬[chuckles] You did it, huh!
‪[남자2의 웃음]‬[chuckles] You did it, huh! You have one month. Take care of yourself.
‪한 달이야, 몸 간수 잘해‬You have one month. Take care of yourself.
‪아, 저기, 선생님‬Uh, hold on. Sir, excuse me.
‪아, 저, 죄송한데‬I'm sorry to even ask but… [stammers]
‪만 원만 빌려주시면 안 될까요?‬may I please borrow 10,000 won?
‪[남자2의 헛웃음]‬[scoffs] You little…
‪(남자2) 아이, 진짜‬[scoffs] You little…
‪아이, 새끼‬ ‪[남자들의 웃음]‬-[lender 1] Forget it. -[goons laughing]
‪[멋쩍은 숨소리]‬-[lender 1] Forget it. -[goons laughing]
‪(기훈) 저기요‬[Gi-hun] Excuse me.
‪죄송한데‬Sorry to do this.
‪아까 드린 만 원 좀…‬Uh… Can I get back that 10,000?
‪[기훈의 멋쩍은 신음]‬[Gi-hun sighs]
‪[게임기 소리가 흘러나온다]‬[claw machine beeping]
‪아이씨‬[frustrated scream]
‪[기훈의 탄식]‬[whirring] -Ah! -[claw machine beeping]
‪[기훈의 탄식]‬[Gi-hun yells]
‪(기훈) 그렇지‬Yeah. Come on. That's it, that's it.
‪자, 그렇지, 그렇지‬Yeah. Come on. That's it, that's it. That's right. Ah!
‪좋아‬That's right. Ah!
‪[기훈의 탄식]‬That's right. Ah!
‪[기훈의 고함]‬[yells]
‪아유, 씨, 아이씨‬Goddamn it!
‪(아이) 아저씨‬[boy] Excuse me, sir.
‪그렇게 생각 없이‬ ‪아무거나 집으니까 안 되죠‬You need to stop and pick the prize you want first.
‪너 좀 뽑냐?‬Does that help you?
‪[봉지를 부스럭거린다]‬
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬[guitar strums]
‪[기훈의 탄성]‬[Gi-hun] Ah. Ah…
‪(기훈) 자, 그렇지‬-That's it. Good. -[whirring]
‪아, 이걸…‬Yes, that's it.
‪[기훈과 아이의 탄성]‬-Oh! -Yay!
‪[함께 웃는다]‬[both cheering]
‪[기훈의 웃음]‬[Gi-hun whooping]
‪(기훈) 잘했어!‬ ‪잘했어, 잘했어, 잘했어‬-Great job! Thank you. Thank you! -[both laugh]
‪[기훈의 웃음]‬-Great job! Thank you. Thank you! -[both laugh] -[Gi-hun guffawing] -[boy] Yay!
‪아, 이거?‬Oh, this?
‪이거‬It's a huge mosquito bite, that's all.
‪왕모기한테 물린 거야‬It's a huge mosquito bite, that's all.
‪(기훈) 아, 요즘 모기가 얼마나 독한지‬Mosquitoes are really mean these days. Yeah.
‪아유‬Mosquitoes are really mean these days. Yeah.
‪(가영) 아빠‬Dad, you can be in all of the fights that you want,
‪싸움하는 건 아빠 자유인데‬Dad, you can be in all of the fights that you want,
‪맞고 다니지는 마‬but don't get hurt too bad.
‪(기훈) 아빠가‬I'm sorry, sweetie. I really am.
‪미안해‬I'm sorry, sweetie. I really am.
‪가영이 더 맛있는 거‬ ‪사 주려고 그랬는데‬You know, I wanted to buy you a nicer dinner than this.
‪괜찮아‬It's okay.
‪어제 엄마랑 새아빠랑‬ ‪스테이크 하우스 갔었어‬We went with my stepdad to a steakhouse earlier, so…
‪아, 스테이크‬A steak, huh?
‪아, 그랬구나‬That's nice of him.
‪근데 난 떡볶이가 훨씬 더 맛있어‬Well, I still want tteokbokki a lot more, though.
‪(가영) 엄마가 이런 거‬ ‪불량 식품이라고 못 먹게 하거든‬[whispers] I'm not allowed to have it at home. Mom says it's junk food.
‪[기훈과 가영의 웃음]‬[Gi-hun chuckles] -[both laugh] -Eat up then.
‪(기훈) 먹어, 먹어‬-[both laugh] -Eat up then.
‪아, 맞다‬Oh, my gosh.
‪아빠가 가영이 생일 선물 사 왔지롱!‬Surprise. -Ga-yeong, I got your present right here. -[muffled gasp]
‪[가영의 놀란 숨소리]‬-Ga-yeong, I got your present right here. -[muffled gasp]
‪[기훈의 웃음]‬[Gi-hun chuckles]
‪[기훈의 당황한 신음]‬[Gi-hun] Ah…
‪[기훈의 난감한 숨소리]‬Uh…
‪야, 너 알지?‬You know why, huh? These days, even women go to war.
‪여자도 요즘 군대 많이 가는 거‬You know why, huh? These days, even women go to war.
‪[어색한 웃음]‬Uh-huh.
‪앞으로 너희들이 살아갈 세상은‬I mean, when you finally get older, there's not gonna be that kind of discrimination like we got now.
‪남자, 여자가‬ ‪다 똑같이 평등한 세상이야‬there's not gonna be that kind of discrimination like we got now.
‪가영이 너도‬ ‪이런 거에 좀 익숙해질 필요가 있어‬And you'll need to get used to this pretty soon, you know.
‪[당황한 웃음]‬Ah. [chuckles]
‪아유, 불까지 나오네‬Oh, plus, it's a lighter. [laughs]
‪[웃음]‬Oh, plus, it's a lighter. [laughs]
‪야, 야, 진짜 같다, 야‬Looks like the real deal, doesn't it? [chuckles]
‪(기훈) 그렇지, 어?‬Looks like the real deal, doesn't it? [chuckles]
‪[어색한 웃음]‬Looks like the real deal, doesn't it? [chuckles] [laughs awkwardly]
‪근데‬I think you'll get in trouble with Mom again
‪이거 엄마가 보면‬ ‪아빠 또 혼날 거 같은데‬I think you'll get in trouble with Mom again if she saw me holding this.
‪아, 그런가?‬Is that right?
‪야, 그럼 이거 너 더 클 때까지‬ ‪아빠가 갖고 있어야겠다‬I'll keep it then, just till you get a little bit older. Okay?
‪그걸로 담배는 피우지 말고‬Hey, don't smoke of it, though.
‪아빠 담배 끊었어‬Oh, come on, I'm clean now.
‪[코를 킁킁거린다]‬[sniffing]
‪[코를 킁킁거린다]‬
‪알았어, 알았어‬All right. All right. I'll make sure I'll stop smoking for real.
‪(기훈) 아빠가 담배도 꼭 끊고‬I'll make sure I'll stop smoking for real.
‪내년 생일에는‬ ‪진짜 좋은 선물을 사 줄게‬And you'll see next year, huh, I'll get an awesome present for you, okay?
‪가영이 약속‬Ga-yeong, I swear.
‪내년?‬Next year?
‪너 작년 생일 생각해 봐‬Last year, you had a birthday.
‪올해도 금방 생일 됐지?‬This one came right around, right? And the next one will be quick.
‪내년 생일도 금방 와‬And the next one will be quick.
‪아빠‬Um, Dad?
‪(기훈) 응‬Hmm? Shoot.
‪뭐?‬Hmm? Shoot.
‪아니야, 응‬Nothing. [nervous chuckle]
‪그래, 더 먹어, 더 먹어‬Okay. Come on, come on. Have more tteokbokki.
‪떡볶이 더 먹어‬Okay. Come on, come on. Have more tteokbokki.
‪아줌마, 여기 천 원어치만 더 주세요‬Excuse me, sir, one more order, okay?
‪그, 어묵 좀 많이 섞어서‬Excuse me, sir, one more order, okay? And mix it with some of that in.
‪(기훈 전처) 왜 이렇게 늦게 데려와?‬[Ga-yeong's mom] Why did you bring her back so late?
‪애 옷도 얇게 입었는데‬[Ga-yeong's mom] Why did you bring her back so late? She's not dressed for the cold.
‪(기훈) 아, 애 졸리다고 업고 오느라…‬Oh, she got sleepy, I carried her.
‪아유, 10분 늦었다, 10분‬We're ten minutes late at most. Okay?
‪그러게 내가‬ ‪차로 데리러 간다고 했잖아‬I said I'd drive down to get her, didn't I?
‪(기훈) 아, 그만하자, 애 생일이다‬It's her birthday. Let's not yell.
‪[기훈의 못마땅한 신음]‬ ‪(가영) 엄마‬[Ga-yeong] Mom.
‪[기훈이 호응한다]‬ ‪(기훈 전처) 어, 가영아, 내려‬-Oh. -Hey, Ga-yeong, hey, get down.
‪(기훈) 아, 내가‬ ‪여기 엘리베이터까진 업고 갈게‬I'll carry her to the elevator if you don't mind, okay?
‪(기훈 전처) 버릇돼, 내려‬She can walk on her own.
‪[가영의 졸린 신음]‬[Ga-yeong] Mom…
‪- (기훈 전처) 가영아, 내려‬ ‪- (기훈) 아, 참, 정말‬[Ga-yeong] Mom… -Ga-yeong, get down. -Ah, jeez. Seriously.
‪- (기훈) 아이…‬ ‪- (기훈 전처) 잠 깨, 가자‬[Ga-yeong's mom] All right. Let's go.
‪(가영) 아빠, 안녕‬[Ga-yeong] Bye, Dad.
‪(기훈) 어, 들어가, 들어가‬[Gi-hun] Go on in. Good night.
‪[안내 음성] 출입문 닫습니다‬[train alarm beeping]
‪[출입문 경고음]‬[train alarm beeping]
‪(기훈) 아, 아, 잠깐만요!‬ ‪아, 잠깐만, 잠깐만‬[train alarm beeping] [Gi-hun] Ah, wait a minute! Hey, open the door!
‪아, 잠깐…‬Ah, shit!
‪[기훈의 가쁜 숨소리]‬Ah, shit! [panting]
‪[힘주는 숨소리]‬
‪[한숨]‬ ‪[다가오는 발걸음]‬-[exhales sharply] -[footsteps approaching]
‪[기훈의 한숨]‬[Gi-hun sighs]
‪선생님?‬Hello, sir.
‪잠깐 시간 좀…‬Can I talk to you?
‪(기훈) 예수 안 믿어요‬I don't believe in Jesus.
‪(남자4) 그게 아니라‬It's not that.
‪제가 오늘 선생님에게‬ ‪그, 좋은 기회를 드리고자…‬Listen, I wanna let you in on a great opportunity to…
‪우리 집 불교 믿으니까‬ ‪귀찮게 하지 말고 저리 가라고‬I come from a very long line of Buddhists, so find another guy to preach to,
‪저랑 게임 한번 하시겠습니까?‬ ‪[기훈의 한숨]‬-Would you like to play a game with me? -[sighs]
‪뭐야?‬Who are you?
‪잡상인이야?‬Salesman, huh?
‪(기훈) 요즘 상술이 아주 다양하네?‬ ‪[남자4가 가방을 달칵 연다]‬You people have all kinds of tactics.
‪아저씨 사정도 지금‬ ‪딱해 보이긴 하는데‬And I know you're only doing your job, but I really don't have time to sit here…
‪내가 지금 아저씨…‬And I know you're only doing your job, but I really don't have time to sit here…
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬[guitar strums]
‪(남자4) 선생님‬I'm sure you've played ddakji before, right?
‪딱지치기해 보셨죠?‬I'm sure you've played ddakji before, right?
‪저랑 딱지치기를 하셔서‬Play a few round of ddakji with me.
‪한 번 이기실 때마다‬ ‪10만 원을 드리겠습니다‬And each time you win, I'll pay you a 100,000 won.
‪[헛웃음]‬[Gi-hun scoffs]
‪아이, 그러니까‬ ‪내가 당신 딱지를 쳐서 넘기면‬Wait, so if I hit your ddakji, and it flips over,
‪10만 원을 준다고?‬I get a 100,000 won?
‪반대로 제가 이기면‬ ‪저에게 10만 원을 주시면 됩니다‬And if I can flip yours, you will give me the exact same amount of money.
‪선공을 양보하겠습니다‬You can also be the first to play.
‪나 오늘 상태 많이 안 좋다‬Hey, look, I had a bad day today.
‪지금 나한테 야바위 치는 거면‬You pull a scam or you rip me off, well, then, I'll… I'll kill you, huh?
‪오늘 내 손에 진짜 죽어, 어?‬You pull a scam or you rip me off, well, then, I'll… I'll kill you, huh?
‪(기훈) 정말 내가 먼저 친다?‬So then it's my turn, eh?
‪어떤 컬러로 하시겠습니까?‬So which color do you wanna play as?
‪[기훈의 힘주는 신음]‬[grunts]
‪[한숨]‬[frustrated grunt] Shh…
‪돈이 없으세요?‬Well, what's wrong?
‪돈이…‬So the thing is…
‪그럼 몸으로 때우시면 됩니다‬ ‪[기훈의 한숨]‬How about you use your body to pay?
‪몸으로요?‬A what? [grunts]
‪[기훈의 아파하는 신음]‬A what? [grunts]
‪너 이 새끼 뭐야?‬What the hell, man?
‪뺨 한 대에 10만 원 까 드립니다‬I'll take a 100 grand off per slap.
‪[분한 숨소리]‬[frustrated sigh]
‪[기훈이 딱지를 탁 집는다]‬
‪한판 더 해‬One more round.
‪[출입문 경고음]‬ ‪[안내 음성] 출입문이 열립니다‬[alarm beeping]
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬[alarm beeping] -[loud clacking] -[Gi-hun] One more round.
‪[짝 소리가 난다]‬ ‪(기훈) 한판 더‬-[loud clacking] -[Gi-hun] One more round.
‪[기훈의 힘주는 신음]‬[Gi-hun grunts]
‪[안내 음성] 출입문 닫습니다‬ ‪[출입문 경고음]‬[quirky music]
‪[한숨]‬[frustrated sigh]
‪[남자4의 기합]‬-[loud clacking] -[Gi-hun gasps]
‪[한숨]‬[exhales sharply]
‪[아파하는 신음]‬[yelps]
‪[기훈의 힘주는 신음]‬[Gi-hun grunts]
‪[남자4의 기합]‬[clacking]
‪[아파하는 신음]‬[grunts]
‪[기훈의 힘주는 신음]‬[grunts, yells]
‪[기훈의 성난 신음]‬[grunts, yells] [grunts, groans]
‪[기훈의 아파하는 신음]‬[grunts, groans]
‪[기훈의 아파하는 신음]‬Oh! Ah! [exhales sharply]
‪[한숨]‬Oh! Ah! [exhales sharply]
‪[기훈의 아파하는 신음]‬[grunts]
‪[기훈이 숨을 씁 들이켠다]‬[grunts]
‪[기훈의 힘주는 신음]‬[Gi-hun grunts]
‪[긴장한 숨소리]‬
‪[무거운 효과음]‬
‪[기훈의 환호]‬[screams] [guffawing] Did you see that? I beat you, man!
‪이야, 봤지, 봤지, 봤지?‬[guffawing] Did you see that? I beat you, man! [Gi-hun laughing] Did you see that? I did it. I won.
‪(기훈) [웃으며] 봤지?‬[Gi-hun laughing] Did you see that? I did it. I won.
‪봤지? 내가 이겼어‬[Gi-hun laughing] Did you see that? I did it. I won.
‪너 일로 와, 너 면상 이리 대, 이씨‬Get over here. It's my turn to do this.
‪너 이거 안 놔, 이 새끼?‬What are you doing, jerk? [grunts]
‪10만 원입니다‬Your 100 grand.
‪축하드립니다‬You're welcome, sir.
‪아…‬Oh, yeah.
‪10만 원‬The money.
‪[침을 퉤 뱉는다]‬
‪(남자4) 선생님‬[man] You know, sir.
‪이런 거 며칠만 하시면‬ ‪큰돈을 벌 수 있습니다‬There are other games like this where you can make even more.
‪한번 해 보시지 않겠습니까?‬-Come on, it must sound tempting. -[scoffs]
‪[기훈의 헛웃음]‬-Come on, it must sound tempting. -[scoffs]
‪(기훈) 아저씨‬Hey, dude.
‪이거 신종 피라미드 뭐, 그런 거지?‬Is this some new pyramid scheme or what?
‪사람 잘못 봤어‬Look, I'm desperate, okay?
‪나 그렇게 어리숙한 사람 아니야‬Still, not that desperate yet.
‪[지폐를 사락 넘기며] 치…‬[scoffs]
‪(남자4) 성기훈 씨‬[man] Mr. Gi-hun.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬[foreboding music]
‪오늘 신체 포기 각서 쓰셨죠?‬Earlier, you signed away your physical rights.
‪이름 성기훈, 47세‬Your name, Seong Gi-hun. 47 years old.
‪최종 학력 대한공업고등학교‬Your name, Seong Gi-hun. 47 years old. You attended Daehan Technical High School.
‪전직 드래곤 모터스 조립 1팀 직원‬Worked at Dragon Motors, Assembly Team One.
‪10년 전 구조 조정 당시 희망퇴직 후‬ ‪치킨집, 분식집을 열었지만‬The company laid you off ten years ago. Opened a chicken shop, and then a small snack bar.
‪모두 실패하고‬ ‪현재 대리 기사로 일하고 있음‬Both of them failed, you're working as a chauffeur right now.
‪3년 전 이혼한 부인과의 사이에‬ ‪열 살 딸이 있음‬You've been divorced for about three years, and your daughter is ten years old.
‪현재 채무액 사채 1억 6천‬A hundred and sixty million won owed just to loan sharks,
‪은행 대출 2억 5,500‬and you owe 250 more to the bank.
‪너 누구야?‬Who are you?
‪너 뭔데 내 뒷조사를 해?‬What business of yours is all that?
‪[다가오는 지하철 엔진음]‬
‪빈자리가 얼마 안 남았습니다‬We don't have many spots left.
‪연락 주십시오‬Just think about it.
‪[남자4가 가방을 탁 집는다]‬ ‪[출입문 경고음]‬[foreboding music continues]
‪[출입문 경고음]‬
‪아이, 그래, 씨‬All right, then. [chuckles]
‪(기훈) ♪ 한밤중에 목이 말라 ♪‬[Gi-hun humming]
‪♪ 냉장고를 열어… ♪‬-♪ I got thirsty ♪ -You drink at all tonight?
‪(상우 모) 또 한잔했어?‬-♪ I got thirsty ♪ -You drink at all tonight?
‪아니에요‬[laughs] No.
‪[상우 모가 생선을 탁탁 썬다]‬ ‪아이, 근데 술을 안 마셨는데도‬ ‪막 취한 것 같네?‬I haven't had a drop, but I feel tipsy still, anyway.
‪[기훈의 웃음]‬I haven't had a drop, but I feel tipsy still, anyway.
‪(기훈) 나 오늘 돈 벌었거든요‬Because look what I got. [cackles]
‪[웃음]‬Because look what I got. [cackles]
‪기훈이 너 아직도‬Gi-hun, what did you do now? You gambled again?
‪노름하냐?‬Gi-hun, what did you do now? You gambled again?
‪아이, 노름한 거 아니거든요?‬Don't you look at me like that. I didn't.
‪내가 진짜로 내 힘으로 번 거거든요?‬Don't you look at me like that. I didn't. I earned it all this time. It's all legit.
‪(상우 모) 근데 너 얼굴은 또 왜 그래?‬[vendor] What's with your face, by the way?
‪너 인제 싸움질도 해?‬-What'd they try to beat you up for now? -Hey.
‪(기훈) 아이, 됐고‬-What'd they try to beat you up for now? -Hey. [Gi-hun] Forget it.
‪상우는 요즘 뭐 하나?‬Sang-woo been around here?
‪회사 잘 다녀요?‬How's he doing at work?
‪걔는 맨날 바빠‬Always keeping busy.
‪(상우 모) [생선을 탁 썰며] 지금도‬ ‪외국에 출장 갔다‬Right now, he's on a business trip abroad.
‪(기훈) 에이, 싸가지 없는 새끼‬Ah, ungrateful prick.
‪상우 집에 오면‬ ‪나한테 연락 좀 하라고 그래요‬Tell him to give me a call when he gets back in town.
‪어머니도 알지?‬After all I did?
‪이 새끼 서울대 붙은 거‬ ‪다 나 때문이야‬He got into Seoul National University, thanks to me.
‪[헛웃음]‬ ‪내가 어렸을 때부터‬ ‪학교도 데리고 다녔잖아‬He got into Seoul National University, thanks to me. I used to take him to school when we were young.
‪근데 자식 대학 가고, 취직하고‬That's why he went to school, got a good job.
‪나한테 술을 한번 안 사‬He at least ought to buy me a drink.
‪쓸데없는 소리 하지 말고‬What are you talking about now? Here, take this home, okay?
‪너 이거 가지고 얼른 집에 가‬What are you talking about now? Here, take this home, okay?
‪(상우 모) 또 술집으로 새지 말고‬Not to a bar. Go straight home.
‪자, 잔돈은 됐어요‬Here. Keep the change.
‪(기훈) ♪ 한밤중에 목이 말라 ♪‬[Gi-hun singing] ♪ I open the fridge ♪ - ♪ To find a treat ♪ -[scoffs]
‪[헛웃음]‬- ♪ To find a treat ♪ -[scoffs]
‪♪ 냉장고를 열어 보니 ♪‬♪ But she pour it all down… ♪
‪만 2천 원이다, 이놈아‬Prick! That was 12,000 won.
‪[멀리서 개가 짖는다]‬[Gi-hun singing] ♪ Mom salted the mackerel ♪
‪(기훈) ♪ 한 귀퉁이에 고등어가 ♪‬[Gi-hun singing] ♪ Mom salted the mackerel ♪ [sings indistinctly]
‪♪ 소금에 절여… ♪‬ ‪[고양이 울음]‬[sings indistinctly] [cat meows]
‪[고양이 울음]‬[meowing continues]
‪[고양이 울음]‬-[cat meows] -[Gi-hun chuckles]
‪[기훈의 웃음]‬-[cat meows] -[Gi-hun chuckles] Are you hungry? Huh?
‪배고파? 어?‬Are you hungry? Huh?
‪이거 먹어‬Come on. [chuckles]
‪너 남기면 안 된다?‬You have to finish it, okay?
‪이거 이 뺨 맞아서 번 돈으로 산 거야‬I got that with the money I made getting slapped, so enjoy it.
‪[기훈의 웃음]‬ ‪[고양이가 가르릉거린다]‬I got that with the money I made getting slapped, so enjoy it. [chuckles]
‪[웃음]‬Ooh. [chuckles]
‪(기훈) ♪ 나는 참 바보다 ♪‬♪ My stomach was empty Yeah, my pockets were light ♪
‪♪ 엄마만 봐도 봐도 좋은걸 ♪‬♪ My stomach was empty Yeah, my pockets were light ♪ ♪ I got thirsty late at night ♪
‪[웃으며] 자‬[cackles] Here. Some allowance.
‪엄마 용돈 써‬[cackles] Here. Some allowance.
‪[기훈의 웃음]‬
‪(기훈) 아, 받아‬Come on. Take it.
‪(기훈 모) 아이고‬Hold on.
‪[기훈의 의기양양한 신음]‬[inhales, exhales]
‪니 또 노름했나?‬[inhales, exhales] Were you out gambling again?
‪(기훈) 아니야‬Of course not.
‪(기훈 모) 그라모‬Wait a minute. What did you do to your face?
‪얼굴이 와 그 꼴인데?‬Wait a minute. What did you do to your face?
‪아, 와 말을 안 해?‬Answer me right now!
‪(기훈) 아이, 그런 거 아니라니까‬It was nothing like that!
‪(기훈 모) 너, 너‬Hold on. Are you saying this money is stolen?
‪어디서 이, 남의 돈 훔쳤니?‬Hold on. Are you saying this money is stolen?
‪아, 노름도 아니고 훔친 것도 아니고‬I didn't steal anything, Mom. I earned it all.
‪내 손, 어?‬I worked, okay. All day, I worked my hands and face off to earn this money for us.
‪내 얼굴, 내 몸뚱어리로 진짜‬I worked, okay. All day, I worked my hands and face off to earn this money for us.
‪죽도록 번 거라고‬I worked, okay. All day, I worked my hands and face off to earn this money for us.
‪(기훈) 아, 정말‬Oh, gosh.
‪니‬So did you get fried chicken for Ga-yeong?
‪가영이‬So did you get fried chicken for Ga-yeong?
‪치킨은 사 멕였나?‬So did you get fried chicken for Ga-yeong?
‪저녁도 사 주고‬Yes, I got her dinner…
‪선물도 하나 사 주고 그러고 왔지‬and my present and everything. It was nice.
‪가영이가 니한테 별말 없드나?‬And did anything come up tonight?
‪무슨 말?‬Like what?
‪가영이 지그 어매랑‬Ga-yeong, her mother, and her stepdad are all going somewhere.
‪새 남편이랑‬Ga-yeong, her mother, and her stepdad are all going somewhere.
‪내년에 뭐, 다 미국으로 간다 카더라‬Ga-yeong, her mother, and her stepdad are all going somewhere. They're moving to the US next year.
‪내년 생일에는‬ ‪진짜 좋은 선물을 사 줄게‬And you'll see next year, huh. I'll get an awesome present for you. Okay?
‪가영이 약속‬Ga-yeong, I swear.
‪내년?‬Next year?
‪미국?‬The US?
‪(기훈 모) 그래‬That's right.
‪그 남자가, 뭐‬Her stepdad's job begins soon and needs him to go.
‪미국으로 직장을 옮겨가‬Her stepdad's job begins soon and needs him to go.
‪즈그들 식구 다 같이‬ ‪미국으로 들어간다데‬So the entire family is going to move there.
‪그래?‬I see.
‪니 시방‬You hear me? How can you eat anything right now, huh?
‪(기훈 모) 목구멍으로‬ ‪밥이 넘어가네? 어?‬You hear me? How can you eat anything right now, huh?
‪너거 아는 찾아야 할 거 아이가‬You need to get your daughter to stay here.
‪아, 애를 어떻게 찾아?‬And how do I do that?
‪그때 도장 찍을 때‬ ‪벌써 얘기 다 끝난 건데‬We're done. We settled that when we agreed to the divorce.
‪요 위층에‬I talked to that young man upstairs who knows the law,
‪저, 법 좀 안다 카는 총각이 그라는데‬ ‪[기훈의 한숨]‬I talked to that young man upstairs who knows the law, and he said that the father has to show the child
‪애 아바이가‬and he said that the father has to show the child
‪아를 키울 경제적인 그런 거만, 어?‬ ‪된다고 보면은‬and he said that the father has to show the child will have financial support, and when you can prove that…
‪아를 찾을 수 있다 카데, 어‬then you can take custody. Huh?
‪(기훈 모) 가 미국으로‬ ‪그냥 들어가 불믄‬If she moves to the US, you know what will happen?
‪한국말 다 까묵고‬She'll forget how to speak Korean.
‪니랑 뭐, 말도 영영 안 통할 기고‬She won't be able to talk to you like she can right now.
‪영영 남 돼 삐는 기다‬You're going to become a stranger to her.
‪[기훈의 한숨]‬ ‪어?‬[both exhale]
‪니 진짜로‬Are you sure that you…
‪가영이 안 보고 살 자신 있나?‬can really keep going without seeing your little girl?
‪[무거운 음악]‬[somber music]
‪[기훈의 한숨]‬[sighs deeply] [clicks tongue]
‪[멀리서 개가 짖는다]‬[distant dog barking]
‪[한숨]‬Ah, shh…
‪[기훈이 혀를 쯧 찬다]‬[inhales, exhales]
‪[기훈의 한숨]‬[inhales, exhales]
‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬[keys beeping]
‪[통화 연결음]‬[keys beeping] [line rings]
‪(남자5) 안녕하십니까‬[man] Hello. Who's calling?
‪(기훈) 아, 저‬Hello.
‪낮에 명함 받은 사람인데요‬You gave me your business card earlier.
‪(남자5) 게임에 참가를 원하십니까?‬Do you wish to participate in the game? If you wish to participate, please state your name and birthdate.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬ ‪참가를 원하시면 귀하의 이름과‬ ‪생년월일을 말씀해 주세요‬If you wish to participate, please state your name and birthdate.
‪[초조한 숨소리]‬[inhales sharply] [sighs]
‪[다가오는 자동차 엔진음]‬
‪(남자6) 성기훈 씨?‬[man] Mr. Seong Gi-hun?
‪아, 예‬Uh, yeah.
‪(남자6) 암호는?‬Password?
‪'무궁화꽃이'‬Red light, green light. That's the password.
‪'피었습니다'‬Red light, green light. That's the password.
‪[차 문이 스르륵 열린다]‬[door lock clicks] [door slides]
‪[기훈의 놀란 신음]‬[Gi-hun] Ah…
‪[기훈의 힘주는 숨소리]‬[sighs]
‪다들 피곤한가 보네요‬I guess everyone is… pretty tired. Um…
‪저…‬pretty tired. Um…
‪게임하는 데까지는 여기서‬How long will it take to get to the…
‪[가스가 쉭 새어 나온다]‬How long will it take to get to the… -[steam hisses] -game venue or whatever?
‪얼마나 걸릴까요?‬-[steam hisses] -game venue or whatever?
‪[기훈의 의아한 신음]‬[gasps]
‪[기훈의 힘없는 숨소리]‬[grunts]
‪[밝은 음악이 흘러나온다]‬ ‪[기훈의 졸린 신음]‬-[rumbling] -[Gi-hun] Mm…
‪[기훈의 피곤한 신음]‬[faint classical music] [Gi-hun] What?
‪[엘리베이터 도착음]‬
‪[탄성]‬ ‪(일남) 50, 51…‬-[man 1] Fifty… Fifty-two… -What the…
‪55, 56‬-Fifty-five, fifty-six. -Excuse me, sir.
‪(기훈) 영감님‬-Fifty-five, fifty-six. -Excuse me, sir. -And then, there are those-- -What are you doing?
‪[일남이 중얼거린다]‬-And then, there are those-- -What are you doing?
‪뭐 하시는 거예요?‬-And then, there are those-- -What are you doing?
‪아, 말 시키지 마라, 헷갈려‬Stop talking to me or I lose count.
‪(일남) 예순일곱‬And so I was at 50, so the…
‪[일남이 중얼거린다]‬And so I was at 50, so the…
‪(기훈) 아이, 지금 몇 명 왔는지‬Ah, you must be trying to count how many of us there are, is that right?
‪사람 쪽 수 세시는 거예요?‬Ah, you must be trying to count how many of us there are, is that right?
‪아, 그래, 그러니까 말 시키지 말아‬That's right. So could you stop talking to me for a while?
‪[일남이 중얼거린다]‬And then… Huh?
‪[의아한 신음]‬And then… Huh?
‪아, 이거‬Hold on.
‪몇까지 셌더라?‬Where was I just then?
‪(기훈) 영감님, 저기, 456명 왔네요‬Up on the board, sir. There are 456 here.
‪[일남의 헛기침]‬[man 1 clears throat]
‪오, 야, 영감님 1등으로 오셨네?‬Oh. Look, that means you were given the number one.
‪나, 어?‬And I'm… Oh.
‪나 꼴찌네?‬-I'm the last. -[chuckles]
‪[코웃음]‬-I'm the last. -[chuckles]
‪나도 알아‬I know all that too.
‪(일남) 그냥 세 보는 거야‬I'm just counting the numbers.
‪의사가 그러는데 숫자 세는 거‬My doctor said counting is good so I don't get dementia or anything.
‪치매에 좋대‬My doctor said counting is good so I don't get dementia or anything.
‪(기훈) 아, 치매 걱정할 나이에‬ ‪어쩌려고 이런 데를 오셨어요?‬If dementia's a concern for you, then what are you doing here?
‪며느리가 차려 준 따슨 밥 드시고‬I think you'd wanna stay at home, let your daughter-in-law cook your meals for you.
‪따뜻한 아랫목에서‬ ‪손주들 재롱떠는 거 보면서‬let your daughter-in-law cook your meals for you. Go sit on a coffee chair somewhere.
‪등이나 지지고 계시지, 참‬Go sit on a coffee chair somewhere. -And look at your grandkids, I think. -You think so?
‪(일남) 아이, 그러는 자네 부모님은‬-And look at your grandkids, I think. -You think so? What about both of your parents?
‪며느리가 차려 주는‬ ‪따슨 밥 드시고 사시나?‬Do they get nice food cooked by their daughter-in-law all day long?
‪[일남의 한숨]‬[man 1 sighs, coughs]
‪[기훈의 헛기침]‬[man 1 sighs, coughs]
‪내가‬I don't have much time left now.
‪얼마 안 남았어‬I don't have much time left now.
‪의사가 그러는데‬The doctor said there's a…
‪내 이 머릿속에‬a lump inside over here. Growing every day.
‪혹이 생겼대‬a lump inside over here. Growing every day.
‪혹이요?‬Your… your head?
‪뇌종양‬Brain tumor.
‪(덕수) 씨발 년아!‬ ‪[퍽 소리가 난다]‬[man 2] You little shit!
‪[사람들의 놀란 신음]‬-[man 3] Stop them! -[background chatter]
‪[덕수의 웃음]‬-[man 2 laughs] -[panting]
‪[덕수의 탄성]‬Wow.
‪널 여기서 다 만나네, 어?‬It really is a small world, huh!
‪이년 눈깔 봐라, 성질은 여전하네, 어?‬Look at those eyes. You still have that temper, huh.
‪하긴‬Then again…
‪네가 몇 대 맞는다고, 뭐‬ ‪쫄 캐릭터는 아니지‬nobody broke your spirit, you could always take a hit.
‪오갈 데 없는 년‬I took care of you,
‪먹여 주고 재워 주고‬ ‪기술까지 가르쳐 줬더니‬I fed you, I taught you when you had nowhere else.
‪내 뒤통수를 쳐?‬This is what I get?
‪너한테 빚진 거보다‬ ‪갖다 바친 게 더 많아‬You took more from me than whatever I might possibly owe.
‪[웃으며] 그렇게 당당한 년이‬If all of that's true, how come you ran then?
‪왜 도망을 쳤을까?‬If all of that's true, how come you ran then?
‪도망이 아니라 독립한 것뿐이야‬Well, I didn't. I went independent.
‪[웃음]‬Hmm. [cackles]
‪(덕수) 하, 아이씨‬[sighs]
‪[사람들의 놀란 신음]‬[crowd gasps]
‪[사람들이 웅성거린다]‬-[crowd exclaims] -[both grunt]
‪[새벽의 아파하는 신음]‬-[crowd exclaims] -[both grunt]
‪[사람들의 놀란 신음]‬[man 2 grunts] [crowd exclaims]
‪[사람들이 웅성거린다]‬[crowd exclaims]
‪[사람들의 놀란 신음]‬[crowd gasps]
‪[새벽의 거친 숨소리]‬[crowd gasps] -[background chatter] -[woman grunts]
‪(덕수) 독립을 해?‬[man 2] Independent, huh? Are you some kind of activist?
‪네가 뭐, 유관순이냐?‬[man 2] Independent, huh? Are you some kind of activist?
‪그럼 나가서 태극기라도 흔들든가‬Come on then, go wave a flag.
‪아, 맞다‬Oh, that's right.
‪너 북한 년이니까‬ ‪인공기 흔들어야지, 응?‬You're from North Korea, huh? Then wave theirs. Hmm?
‪[사람들의 놀란 신음]‬Damn you! [grunts]
‪(기훈) 야, 너 일로 와 봐, 어?‬ ‪[새벽의 힘겨운 신음]‬-[woman groans] -Hey, you come here. Hold still.
‪너…‬-[woman groans] -Hey, you come here. Hold still.
‪어? 어, 목에 흉터, 어?‬Oh. That scar on your neck.
‪너 맞네, 소매치기 너, 이씨‬You're the damn pickpocket! You loser.
‪내 돈, 내 돈 내놔‬My money, give it back. Where is it?
‪내 돈 어디 있어, 내 돈 내놔! 이씨‬My money, give it back. Where is it? -You took it. I need it-- Ah! -[crowd gasps]
‪[기훈의 아파하는 신음]‬ ‪[사람들의 놀란 신음]‬-You took it. I need it-- Ah! -[crowd gasps]
‪아, 씨, 뭐야?‬[Gi-hun] What the hell?
‪(덕수) 너 뭐야?‬Who are you?
‪[멋쩍은 신음]‬-Uh… -What do you think you're doing?
‪넌 뭐야? 이 새끼야‬-Uh… -What do you think you're doing?
‪예, 저, 저는‬Me? Uh, well… Look.
‪저 쌍문동 사는 성기훈인데요‬The name's Seong Gi-hun. I live in Ssangmun-dong.
‪어이, 쌍문동 씨‬Hey, Ssangmun-dong shit.
‪(덕수) 나 이년이랑‬ ‪아직 얘기가 안 끝났는데‬This little bitch and I weren't done talking.
‪아, 예, 죄송한데 저도 이 자매님이랑‬Yeah, I understand that. It's just there's something that me and this…
‪급한 용건이 좀 있어서요‬Yeah, I understand that. It's just there's something that me and this… woman should talk about urgently.
‪(덕수) 너 이 새끼‬-[sighs] -[man 2] You bastard!
‪이년이랑 무슨 관계야?‬What scheme are you two running?
‪[헛웃음 치며] 참, 정말‬[mocking laugh] You're asking me?
‪그러는 너는 무슨 관계신데요?‬What's your problem with this girl, 101?
‪딱 얼굴 보니까 이런 애들 뒤에 숨어서‬ ‪먹고사는 양아치 같으신데‬Yeah, I'll bet that, that you're a thug who preys on girls that takes advantage of them.
‪네가 시켰냐, 내 돈 훔쳐 오라고?‬Did you tell her to rob me like that?
‪이 개새끼가…‬ ‪[기훈의 겁먹은 신음]‬-You little son of a bitch! -Get away! Hey! -[crowd gasps] -Hey, he wants to hit me.
‪(기훈) 여기 깡패가 사람 죽여요!‬-[crowd gasps] -Hey, he wants to hit me. This thug is trying to hit me, huh!
‪[기훈의 다급한 신음]‬This thug is trying to hit me, huh!
‪어, 여기‬ ‪빨리 좀 나와 보세요! 빨리 좀…‬ ‪[버저가 울린다]‬Hey, somebody get over here! We need help!
‪어, 저기 나오셨다‬-[alarm buzzes] -Oh! Oh, there they are!
‪어, 아니‬ ‪여기 깡패랑 소매치기 있어요‬ ‪[문이 덜컹 열린다]‬-[alarm buzzes] -Oh! Oh, there they are! Over here. She'll pick all our pockets, sir.
‪깡패랑 소매치기, 깡패…‬-[clattering] -Him too. They'll pick, they'll pick…
‪[신비로운 음악]‬ ‪[기훈의 거친 숨소리]‬[breathing heavily]
‪[당황한 신음]‬[breathing heavily]
‪(관리자) 이 자리에 오신‬ ‪여러분을 진심으로 환영합니다‬[masked manager] I would like to extend a heartfelt welcome to you all.
‪여러분들은 앞으로 6일간‬Everyone here will participate in six different games over six days.
‪모두 여섯 개의 게임에‬ ‪참가하시게 됩니다‬Everyone here will participate in six different games over six days.
‪여섯 개의 게임을 모두 이긴 분들께는‬Those who win all six games will receive a handsome cash prize.
‪거액의 상금이 지급됩니다‬Those who win all six games will receive a handsome cash prize.
‪(영욱) 그 말을 어떻게 믿습니까?‬[man 3] And why should we believe that?
‪갑자기 마취시켜서‬ ‪핸드폰, 지갑 다 뺏고‬Y-You took all our stuff and put us to sleep coming here,
‪어딘지도 모르는 곳에 끌어다 놓곤‬and then you brought us to this strange warehouse.
‪갑자기 나타나서‬ ‪게임 몇 개만 하면 거액을 준다?‬Now you're saying you'll pay us if we go and play a few games?
‪그걸 지금 믿으라는 겁니까?‬You really expect us to buy that?
‪(관리자) 여러분들을‬ ‪이곳으로 모셔 오는 과정은‬[masked manager] We reluctantly took all of those measures
‪보안 유지를 위해‬ ‪어쩔 수 없이 취한 조치였을 뿐입니다‬to maintain confidentiality as we brought you here.
‪게임이 끝나면 모두 돌려드리겠습니다‬We'll return everything once the games are over.
‪(미옥) 근데‬You all… you all have masks. Why are you wearing those things?
‪그런 가면은 왜 쓰고 있는 거죠?‬You all… you all have masks. Why are you wearing those things?
‪(관리자) 진행 요원들의‬ ‪얼굴과 신상은‬[masked manager] We do not disclose the faces and personal information of our staff to any of the participants.
‪참가자들에게 공개하지 않는 것을‬ ‪원칙으로 하고 있습니다‬and personal information of our staff to any of the participants.
‪게임의 공정한 진행과‬ ‪비밀 유지를 위한 조치입니다‬It's a measure we take to ensure fair games and confidentiality.
‪이해해 주십시오‬Please understand.
‪난 당신 말 하나도 못 믿겠는데?‬Well, I don't believe you one bit. You got that?
‪(상우) 유인, 납치, 감금‬You tricked us. We were kidnapped.
‪온갖 불법 행위를 하고도‬You can make as many excuses as you want
‪이런저런 핑계를 대면서‬ ‪누군지도 밝히지 않는데‬You can make as many excuses as you want to make sure nobody knows you broke the law in here.
‪우리가 당신들 말을 믿어야 할‬ ‪이유를 하나만 대 봐‬If you're going to make up for that, then we're gonna need something more.
‪(관리자) 218번 조상우‬[masked manager] Player 218, Cho Sang-woo.
‪[리모컨 조작음]‬[masked manager] Player 218, Cho Sang-woo. -[beeps] -[lights click]
‪나이 46세‬Age, 46 years.
‪전직 기쁨증권 투자 2팀 팀장‬Former team leader of Team Two at Joy Investments.
‪고객 예치금을 무단으로 빼돌려‬Former team leader of Team Two at Joy Investments. Siphoned money off from his clients' balances,
‪주식 파생 상품과‬ ‪선물 옵션에 투자했다가 실패‬then invested it in derivatives and futures options and failed.
‪현재 손실액 6억 5천만 원‬then invested it in derivatives and futures options and failed. Current loss, 650 million won.
‪107번 김미옥, 채무 5억 4천‬107, Kim Mi-ok, 540 million in debt.
‪118번 오영욱, 채무 10억 2천만 원‬118, Oh Yeong-uk, 1.02 billion in debt.
‪322번 정민태, 채무 8억 8천‬322, Jung Min-tae, 880 million in debt.
‪119번 노상훈, 채무 13억 9천‬119, No Sang-hun, 1.39 billion in debt.
‪369번 박주운, 채무 9억‬369, Park Ju-un, 900 million in debt.
‪[영상 속 사람들의 신난 탄성]‬Every person standing here in this room is living on the brink of financial ruin.
‪지금 이 자리에 계신 여러분들은‬Every person standing here in this room is living on the brink of financial ruin.
‪모두 감당할 수 없는 빚을 지고‬Every person standing here in this room is living on the brink of financial ruin.
‪삶의 벼랑 끝에 서 계신 분들입니다‬You all have debts that you can't pay off.
‪저희가 처음 여러분을 찾아갔을 때도‬When we first went to see each of you, not a single one of you trusted us.
‪여러분들은 저희를 믿지 않으셨습니다‬When we first went to see each of you, not a single one of you trusted us.
‪하지만 보시는 것처럼‬But as you all know, we played a game,
‪저희는 게임을 하고‬But as you all know, we played a game, and as we promised, gave you money when you won.
‪여러분에게 약속된 돈을 드렸습니다‬and as we promised, gave you money when you won.
‪여러분께선 그런 저희를 믿고‬And suddenly, everyone here trusted us.
‪모두 자발적으로 어떤 강압도 없이‬And suddenly, everyone here trusted us. You called and volunteered to participate in this game of your own free will.
‪이 게임에 자원하셨습니다‬You called and volunteered to participate in this game of your own free will.
‪지금 다시 선택의 기회를 드리겠습니다‬So this is it. I'll give you one last chance to choose.
‪돌아가서 남은 인생을‬Will you go back to living your old and depressing lives
‪빚쟁이들에게 쫓기며‬ ‪쓰레기처럼 사시겠습니까?‬Will you go back to living your old and depressing lives getting chased by your creditors?
‪아니면 저희가 드리는‬ ‪마지막 기회를 잡으시겠습니까?‬getting chased by your creditors? Or will you act and seize this last opportunity we're offering here?
‪[사람들이 웅성거린다]‬[all murmuring]
‪(알리) 우리‬Hey! Which games are we playing here?
‪무슨 게임 합니까?‬Hey! Which games are we playing here?
‪(관리자) 모두에게‬ ‪공정한 게임을 위해서‬[masked manager] In order to play fair, we cannot disclose any information about the games ahead of time.
‪게임 정보는‬ ‪사전에 공개할 수 없습니다‬we cannot disclose any information about the games ahead of time.
‪(기훈) 아, 저…‬[Gi-hun] One question.
‪상금이 대충 얼마나 되나요?‬If we win, just how much do we get?
‪[리모컨 조작음]‬[remote beeps]
‪[긴장되는 음악이 흘러나온다]‬-[top door opening] -[quirky music]
‪(관리자) 한 게임이 끝날 때마다‬[masked manager] Your prize money will be accumulated in there after every game.
‪돼지 저금통에 상금이 적립될 겁니다‬[masked manager] Your prize money will be accumulated in there after every game.
‪상금 액수는 첫 번째 게임이 끝나고‬We will disclose the amount to everyone after the first game is over.
‪모두에게 공개하겠습니다‬We will disclose the amount to everyone after the first game is over. If you do not wish to participate, then please let us know at this time.
‪게임에 참가를 원하지 않는 분은‬If you do not wish to participate, then please let us know at this time.
‪지금 말씀해 주시길 바랍니다‬If you do not wish to participate, then please let us know at this time.
‪[신비로운 음악]‬[mysterious music]
‪[미옥의 초조한 신음]‬
‪이게 다인가요?‬So then, is that it or…
‪[일남이 종이를 사락 집는다]‬
‪[우아한 음악이 흘러나온다]‬["The Blue Danube" playing on speaker]
‪[안내 음성] 잠시 후‬ ‪첫 번째 게임이 시작됩니다‬[woman on PA] Attention, all players. The first game is about to begin.
‪참가자들은 진행 요원의 안내에 따라‬ ‪이동해 주시기 바랍니다‬Please follow the staff's instructions. Please make your way towards the game hall.
‪(남자7) 야, 여기 뭐냐? 장난 아니다‬[Player 324] Dude, look.
‪와, 씨발, 존나 크다‬Wow, this place is gigantic.
‪[안내 음성] 카메라를 바라보세요‬ ‪스마일‬[woman on PA] Please look into the camera. Smile.
‪[카메라 셔터음]‬[shutters click]
‪카메라를 바라보세요‬Please look into the camera.
‪[카메라 셔터음]‬[shutter clicks]
‪(남자7) 아이씨‬Ah, shit.
‪- 나와, 병신아‬ ‪- (남자7) 아이씨‬-Hey, move it. -Ah, shh!
‪[안내 음성] 카메라를 바라보세요‬[woman on PA] Please look into the camera.
‪[카메라 셔터음]‬[shutter clicks]
‪[기계 작동음]‬[trilling] -[elevator beeps] -[automated voice] Identity verified.
‪[안내 음성] 확인되었습니다‬-[elevator beeps] -[automated voice] Identity verified.
‪[사람들이 웅성거린다]‬
‪(기훈) 야, 상우야!‬[Gi-hun] Hey, Sang-woo!
‪아, 상우 맞네!‬Oh, Sang-woo, my man!
‪야, 너 어떻게 된 거야?‬ ‪네가 여기 왜 있어?‬What happened? What the hell are you doing here?
‪아, 며칠 전에 너희 가게 갔었는데‬Uh, your mother and I were talking the other day.
‪너희 엄마가‬ ‪너 해외 출장 갔다고 하던데‬She told you were out of the country on a business trip.
‪아이, 그리고 아까 그 소린 또 뭐야?‬What was that guy talking about, huh?
‪네가 빚이 있어?‬You can't be in debt?
‪아, 쌍문동에 사는 서울대 조상우가?‬The same Sang-woo who attends SNU, right?
‪[안내 음성] 첫 번째 게임에 오신‬ ‪여러분을 환영합니다‬[woman on PA] Attention, all players. -After you enter the game hall… -We'll talk about it later.
‪형, 다음에 얘기해‬-After you enter the game hall… -We'll talk about it later.
‪[안내 음성] 참가자 여러분께서는‬…please stand behind the white line drawn on the field
‪운동장에서‬ ‪잠시 대기해 주시기 바랍니다‬…please stand behind the white line drawn on the field and await further instructions.
‪다시 한번 말씀드립니다‬Once again, will all players please stand behind the white line
‪참가자 여러분께서는‬Once again, will all players please stand behind the white line
‪운동장에서‬ ‪잠시 대기해 주시기 바랍니다‬Once again, will all players please stand behind the white line and await further instructions.
‪[엘리베이터 도착음]‬[dings]
‪[전화벨이 울린다]‬[phone ringing]
‪[엘리베이터 문이 스르륵 닫힌다]‬
‪(대장) [영어] 프런트 맨입니다‬This is the Front Man speaking.
‪첫 번째 게임 준비 완료했습니다‬Preparations for the first game are complete.
‪이제 시작하겠습니다‬We can begin now.
‪[수화기를 달칵 내려놓는다]‬[phone clatters]
‪[사람들이 웅성거린다]‬[all muttering]
‪[갈매기 울음]‬[birds twittering]
‪(남자7) [한국어] 야‬-Hey. -Huh?
‪- (남자8) 왜?‬ ‪- 저거, 저거‬-Hey. -Huh? What's that? Over there.
‪(남자7) 저거 뭐냐?‬What's that? Over there.
‪존나 이상하게 생겼네‬[Player 324] Looks really freaky.
‪(남자8) 아이, 씨발, 대가리 존나 크다‬[Player 250] Damn, that thing has a freaking huge head.
‪[남자7의 웃음]‬ ‪[안내 음성] 첫 번째 게임은‬-[both laugh] -[woman on PA] Here is the first game.
‪'무궁화꽃이 피었습니다'입니다‬You will be playing Red Light, Green Light.
‪술래가 '무궁화꽃이 피었습니다'를‬ ‪외치는 동안‬You are allowed to move forward when "it" shouts out, "Green Light," stop when "it" shouts, "Red Light."
‪전진할 수 있으며‬stop when "it" shouts, "Red Light."
‪이후에 움직임이 감지되면‬If your movement is detected afterward, you will be eliminated.
‪탈락입니다‬If your movement is detected afterward, you will be eliminated.
‪(영욱) 무궁화꽃?‬Red Light, Green Light?
‪그, 옛날에 어릴 때 하던 거 말이에요?‬The thing we did as kids in the playground?
‪[안내 음성] 다시 한번 말씀드립니다‬-[woman on PA] Let me repeat the rule. -I think that's what she said.
‪(기훈) 아, 그런 것 같은데요?‬-[woman on PA] Let me repeat the rule. -I think that's what she said.
‪(남자8) 무궁화, 씨발, 장난하나‬ ‪[안내 음성이 흘러나온다]‬[Player 250] Red Light, Green Light? -Is this a joke? -[woman on PA] You're allowed to move…
‪뭘 이런 걸 시키냐?‬-Do you think they're serious? -…when "it" shouts out, "Green Light."
‪(남자7) 내기할래?‬-Do you think they're serious? -…when "it" shouts out, "Green Light." -Well then, bet on the first one there? -Stop when "it" shouts, "Red Light."
‪누가 먼저 골인하나‬-Well then, bet on the first one there? -Stop when "it" shouts, "Red Light."
‪[안내 음성] 이후에 움직임이 감지되면‬ ‪탈락입니다‬If your movement is detected afterward, -you will be eliminated. -A million won.
‪(남자8) 백만 원 빵‬-you will be eliminated. -A million won.
‪[남자7의 헛웃음]‬[cackles] Goddamn it.
‪(남자7) 아이, 씨발‬[cackles] Goddamn it.
‪콜‬You're on!
‪[안내 음성] 5분 안에‬ ‪술래의 눈을 피해‬[woman on PA] Those players who cross the finish line without being eliminated within the five-minute playtime
‪결승선에 들어오는 분들은‬without being eliminated within the five-minute playtime
‪통과입니다‬will pass this round.
‪그럼 시작합니다‬With that, let the game begin.
‪[기계 음성] ♪ 무궁화꽃이‬ ‪피었습니다 ♪‬[doll] Green Light.
‪[남자7의 당황한 신음]‬-Whoa. -[beeps, trills]
‪[기계 작동음]‬-Whoa. -[beeps, trills]
‪[거친 숨소리]‬ ‪[안내 음성] 324번‬-[panting] -[woman on PA] Player 324. Eliminated.
‪탈락‬-[panting] -[woman on PA] Player 324. Eliminated.
‪병신, 걸렸네‬Dumbass got caught.
‪[탕 소리가 난다]‬[gunshot]
‪(영욱) 방금‬That bang.
‪무슨 소리예요?‬Did you hear that?
‪[기계 음성] ♪ 무궁화꽃이‬ ‪피었습니다 ♪‬[whirs] [doll] Green Light. Red Light.
‪(남자8) 야‬Hey, you got eliminated, idiot.
‪너 탈락이야, 병신아‬Hey, you got eliminated, idiot.
‪개쇼하지 말고 일어나‬You can stop with the act.
‪[기계 작동음]‬[digital trilling]
‪"움직임 감지"‬[digital trilling]
‪[총성]‬ ‪[남자8의 아파하는 신음]‬-[gunshot] -[grunts] [players exclaim]
‪[사람들의 놀란 신음]‬[players exclaim]
‪[사람들이 웅성거린다]‬
‪[총성]‬ ‪[사람들의 비명]‬[all clamoring]
‪[소란스럽다]‬ ‪[총성이 연신 울린다]‬-[gunshots] -[screams]
‪[기훈의 아파하는 신음]‬[grunts]
‪[사람들의 아파하는 신음]‬
‪[소란스러운 소리가 흘러나온다]‬[floor beeping]
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪[기계 작동음]‬[whirring]
‪[총성]‬ ‪[아파하는 신음]‬-[gunshot] -[grunts]
‪[안내 음성] 다시 한번 말씀드립니다‬[woman on PA] I will now repeat the rules.
‪술래가 '무궁화꽃이 피었습니다'를‬ ‪외치는 동안 전진할 수 있으며‬You are allowed to move forward when "it" shouts out, "Green Light" stop when "it" shouts, "Red Light."
‪이후에 움직임이 감지되면‬If your movement is detected afterward, you will be eliminated.
‪탈락‬If your movement is detected afterward, you will be eliminated.
‪탈락입니다‬If your movement is detected afterward, you will be eliminated. [ominous music]
‪다시 한번 말씀드립니다‬I will repeat the rules again.
‪술래가 '무궁화꽃이 피었습니다'를‬ ‪외치는 동안 전진할 수 있으며‬You can move forward when "it" shouts out, "Green Light," stop when "it" shouts, "Red Light."
‪[기훈의 떨리는 숨소리]‬If your movement is detected afterward, you will be eliminated.
‪이후에 움직임이 감지되면‬If your movement is detected afterward, you will be eliminated.
‪탈락입니다‬If your movement is detected afterward, you will be eliminated.
‪그럼 시작합니다‬-With that, let the game resume. -[whirs]
‪[기계 음성] ♪ 무궁화꽃이‬ ‪피었습니다 ♪‬[doll] Green Light. -Red Light. -[whirs]
‪[기계 음성] ♪ 무궁화꽃이‬ ‪피었습니다 ♪‬Green Light. -Red Light. -[whirs]
‪[기계 음성] ♪ 무궁화꽃이‬ ‪피었습니다 ♪‬Green Light. Red Light.
‪[총성이 흘러나온다]‬[gunshots]
‪[겁먹은 신음]‬[shaky breathing] [doll] Green Light.
‪[기계 음성] ♪ 무궁화꽃이‬ ‪피었습니다 ♪‬[doll] Green Light. Red Light.
‪[총성]‬ ‪[사람들의 아파하는 신음]‬Red Light. -[gunshot] -[man grunts]
‪[기훈의 겁먹은 신음]‬ ‪[총성]‬Gi-hun, don't look back. Just listen.
‪(상우) 형‬Gi-hun, don't look back. Just listen.
‪고개 돌리지 말고 들어‬Gi-hun, don't look back. Just listen.
‪[기훈의 거친 숨소리]‬Gi-hun, don't look back. Just listen. -[guns firing] -You can't stay there much longer.
‪그렇게 있으면 어차피 죽어‬-[guns firing] -You can't stay there much longer.
‪내 생각에 저 인형이 동작 감지 장치야‬I think that doll senses when you move around.
‪[기계 작동음]‬[trills]
‪앞사람 등 뒤에 숨으면 감지되지 않아‬You won't get caught if you're behind somebody else.
‪[기계 음성] ♪ 무궁화꽃이‬ ‪피었습니다 ♪‬[doll] Green Light. Red Light.
‪[총성]‬ ‪[남자9의 아파하는 신음]‬-[gunshot] -[man 1 yelps]
‪[총성]‬ ‪[남자10의 아파하는 신음]‬-[gunshot] -[man 2 grunts]
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬ ‪[총성이 연신 울린다]‬[heavy breathing]
‪시간 없어‬[whispers] That timer.
‪[떨리는 신음]‬-[gun fires] -[whimpers]
‪[기계 음성] ♪ 무궁화꽃이‬ ‪피었습니다 ♪‬[doll] Green Light. Red Light.
‪[가쁜 숨소리]‬[pants]
‪[총성]‬ ‪[당황한 신음]‬[pants] -[gunshot] -[grunts]
‪[총성]‬ ‪[거친 숨소리]‬[breathing heavily]
‪[기계 음성] ♪ 무궁화꽃이‬ ‪피었습니다 ♪‬[doll] Green Light. Red Light.
‪[총성이 연신 울린다]‬
‪[기계 음성] ♪ 무궁화꽃이‬ ‪피었습니다 ♪‬Green Light. Red Light.
‪[총성]‬ ‪[남자11의 비명]‬-[gunshot] -[man yelps]
‪(덕수) 누구냐, 아까부터?‬-Who is that? I hear you. -[gunshot]
‪(새벽) 네 뒤통수 친 년‬The bitch who crossed you.
‪(덕수) 이런 쌍년이…‬-You little shithead. -[gunshot]
‪[총성]‬ ‪[남자12의 비명]‬-You little shithead. -[gunshot] [man grunts]
‪(새벽) 지금 한 대‬ ‪더 쳐 줄까, 네 뒤통수?‬Want me to cross you one last time?
‪하지 마, 제발‬ ‪[총성이 연신 울린다]‬Let go of me.
‪떨지 마, 병신아‬Quit trembling, you jerk. He'll kill you if you get caught.
‪그러다 걸리면 죽어‬He'll kill you if you get caught.
‪[기계 음성] ♪ 무궁화꽃이‬ ‪피었습니다 ♪‬[doll] Green Light. Red Light.
‪[총성이 연신 울린다]‬ ‪[사람들의 비명]‬Red Light. -[gunshots] -[men grunt]
‪[당황한 신음]‬-[grunts] -[shaky breathing]
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬-[grunts] -[shaky breathing]
‪[기계 음성] ♪ 무궁화꽃이‬ ‪피었습니다 ♪‬ ‪[기훈의 당황한 신음]‬-[doll] Green Light. -[grunts] Red Light.
‪[힘겨운 신음]‬[whimpers] Help, please. I don't wanna die.
‪나 좀 살려 주세요, 예?‬[whimpers] Help, please. I don't wanna die.
‪이거 놔요‬[whispers] Let go. What are you doing?
‪제발‬Please, help.
‪제발…‬Help me. [sobs]
‪[영욱이 흐느낀다]‬Help me. [sobs] [doll] Green Light.
‪[기계 음성] ♪ 무궁화꽃이‬ ‪피었습니다 ♪‬[doll] Green Light. Red Light. [gunshot]
‪[총성이 연신 울린다]‬[gunshot]
‪[거친 숨소리]‬[pants]
‪[기계 음성] ♪ 무궁화꽃이‬ ‪피었습니다 ♪‬[doll whirs] Green Light. Red Light.
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬[breathing shakily]
‪[총성]‬[breathing shakily] -[gunshot] -[Yeong-uk grunts]
‪[영욱의 비명]‬ ‪[놀란 숨소리]‬-[gunshot] -[Yeong-uk grunts]
‪[리모컨 조작음]‬[beeps]
‪"재즈"‬["Fly Me to the Moon" playing]
‪[부드러운 음악이 흘러나온다]‬["Fly Me to the Moon" playing]
‪[총성이 연신 흘러나온다]‬-♪ And let me play among the stars ♪ -[guns firing]
‪[기계 음성] ♪ 무궁화꽃이‬ ‪피었습니다 ♪‬-♪ Let me see what spring is like on ♪ -[doll] Green Light. Red Light.
‪[부드러운 음악]‬♪ In other words ♪ ♪ Hold my hand ♪
‪[놀란 숨소리]‬♪ In other words ♪ [gasps]
‪[기계 작동음]‬ ‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬-[panting] -[whirs]
‪[총성]‬ ‪[남자13의 비명]‬
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬[gasps]
‪[긴장한 신음]‬[shaky breath]
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬[grunts]
‪[불안한 숨소리]‬[shaky breath continues]
‪[리드미컬한 음악]‬♪ I love you ♪

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