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  신성한, 이혼 10

Divorce Attorney Shin 10


좀 앉아요‬Take a seat.
‪한참 기다려야 돼‬This will take a while.
‪[창진] 입질도 없어‬There's not even a nibble.
‪길게 있을 생각은 아니어서‬I don't plan on staying for long.
‪신성한이 걸려‬I'm bothered by Shin Sung-han.
‪변호사들 많은데, 왜?‬There are plenty of other attorneys.
‪내가 소개해 줘요?‬I can get you one.
‪알아서 해 보려고요‬I'm trying to manage on my own.
‪화가 많이 났지, 뭐‬You must have been upset with me.
‪평생을‬For all your life.
‪[창진] 내가 좀 변해 보면‬If I change,
‪화 풀어 주실 건가?‬will you forgive me?
‪[금희가 피식한다]‬
‪[금희] 당신 안 변해요‬You're incapable of changing.
‪굳이 날 여기까지 불러낸 걸 보면‬Seeing that you called me all the way out here.
‪갑니다‬I'm leaving.
‪아휴, 물비린내‬This place smells terrible.
‪[코를 훌쩍인다]‬
‪[변호사1] 요거랑 요거‬ ‪두 가지만 포함시켜 주세요‬Please include these two.
‪[변호사2] 네‬Yes, sir.
‪[변호사1] 어, 그리고‬ ‪유책 배우자 방어는‬She can't claim that he's at fault without any evidence.
‪증거를 내놓지 않는 이상‬ ‪무의미할 거고‬She can't claim that he's at fault without any evidence.
‪[변호사3] 마금희 씨‬ ‪은닉 재산은 없어요‬-Ms. Ma has no hidden assets. -What about Chairman Seo?
‪[변호사4] 서 회장 쪽은요?‬-Ms. Ma has no hidden assets. -What about Chairman Seo?
‪[변호사5] 서로‬ ‪은닉 재산은 없어요‬Neither of them has any.
‪[변호사1] 가사 기여도로‬ ‪재산 분할 들어오겠죠‬She'll demand a division of property as the homemaker.
‪[변호사6] 마금희 씨 호화 생활‬ ‪사치 쪽으로 만들어 봤습니다‬I put together proof of her extravagant lifestyle,
‪하와이 체류 생활비, 명품 쇼핑‬ ‪이런 거요‬I put together proof of her extravagant lifestyle, from her living expenses in Hawaii to shopping sprees.
‪아, 이 정도로는‬This won't do.
‪더 찾아 봅시다, 응‬Let's look for more.
‪[변호사1이 중얼거린다]‬Homemaker…
‪[멀리 개 짖는 소리]‬
‪- [툭 놓는 소리]‬ ‪- [흥미로운 음악]‬
‪[성한] 야‬Dude.
‪이거는 포기김치하고는‬ ‪다른 문제야, 어?‬This is different from the time we got kimchi. Okay? Yours might be smaller, but you got three and I got two.
‪아무리 작아도‬Okay? Yours might be smaller, but you got three and I got two.
‪세 마리하고 두 마리인데‬ ‪이건 아니지‬Okay? Yours might be smaller, but you got three and I got two. This is unfair.
‪[형근] 아니, 이거는‬Listen. This one doesn't even have legs.
‪다리가 다 떨어졌잖아‬This one doesn't even have legs.
‪이건 서비스라고 봐야 돼‬This shouldn't count as one.
‪얘 봐, 얘‬ ‪걷지도 못하잖아, 지금, 응?‬Look, it can't even walk.
‪아니지, 이 양반아, 여기 봐‬No, my man. Look here.
‪[성한] 중요한 건 그게 아니야‬ ‪여기 보라고, 배, 여기‬That's not what's important. Look. Look at its belly.
‪여기 설핏 비치는 알, 주황색 알‬Look at its belly. Do you see that orange roe through the shell?
‪수놈이야, 이거!‬This one is a male!
‪이게 뭘 의미하냐면‬Do you know why this is important?
‪[성한] 게딱지에 밥을‬ ‪세 번 비비냐‬This determines how much rice you can mix into the insides of the crab.
‪- 두 번 비벼 먹느냐인데‬ ‪- [형근의 한숨]‬This determines how much rice you can mix into the insides of the crab.
‪이거는 엄연히 반띵이 아니지‬This determines how much rice you can mix into the insides of the crab. This is clearly not halfsies. Sung-han.
‪- 성한아‬ ‪- [성한] 어떻게 생각해?‬Sung-han. What's your take?
‪성한이 돈 없어? 이 건물주 새끼야‬Are you low on cash, Sung-han? Don't you own a building?
‪[정식] 너도 이 새끼야‬ ‪그거를, 응?‬And you're no better.
‪걷지도 못하는 불쌍한 애를‬ ‪꼭 먹어야겠냐?‬Do you have to eat that poor crab that can't even walk?
‪니네 뭐 하냐?‬What the hell are you doing?
‪마금희, 대남전자‬Ma Geum-hui. Daenam Electronics.
‪소송 준비 안 해?‬-Shouldn't you prepare your case? -We will.
‪할 거야‬-Shouldn't you prepare your case? -We will.
‪게장 먹고‬After we eat the crabs.
‪[성한의 비명]‬
‪- 지랄하고, 아휴‬ ‪- [성한] 아씨‬-You idiots. -Darn it.
‪[형근] 더 줄게, 자‬You can have more.
‪[성한] 야, 집게는 먹을 게 없잖아‬ ‪좀 다른 거 줘‬There isn't a lot of flesh in the claws. Give me another part.
‪[서진] 그, 역사에‬ ‪관심 있는 분들이 꽤 많더라?‬A lot of people are interested in history.
‪[호영] 그러니까요‬ ‪그래 가지고 제가…‬Yes, that's why I found…
‪- [잔잔한 음악]‬ ‪- 프로그램이랑은 조금‬But this doesn't go very well with the show, does it?
‪- 안 어울리는 경향이 있지 않아?‬ ‪- [호영] 씁, 좀 그런가?‬But this doesn't go very well with the show, does it? Maybe not.
‪- [호영] 음‬ ‪- [작가] 이거는 소개랑‬Here's the overview. They make a lot of videos there.
‪유튜브 많이 촬영하더라고요‬Here's the overview. They make a lot of videos there.
‪[서진] 난 요런 분위기가‬ ‪괜찮을 거 같은데?‬Here's the overview. They make a lot of videos there. -I like the vibe here. -Me too.
‪[호영] 그렇네, 여기‬-I like the vibe here. -Me too. This one…
‪현우야, 오, 감동인데?‬Hyeon-u. I'm so touched. You're the best.
‪너 좀 멋있다?‬I'm so touched. You're the best.
‪[여자들의 웃음]‬
‪[작가] 고마워‬Thanks.
‪[스위치 조작음]‬
‪- [호영의 탄성]‬ ‪- [작가] 어때요?‬What do you think?
‪[서진이 감탄하며] 너무 깨끗하다‬What do you think? -It's so well-kept. -It's nice.
‪[호영] 좋다‬-It's so well-kept. -It's nice.
‪- [작가] 괜찮죠?‬ ‪- [호영] 네‬-Nice, right? -Yes.
‪- [작가] PD님도 앉아 보세요‬ ‪- [호영] 네‬-Ms. Bang, take a seat. -Okay.
‪- 오, 화면 되게 잘 나온다‬ ‪- [서진의 웃음]‬-You look great on camera. -You look gorgeous.
‪[작가] 너무 이뻐요‬-You look great on camera. -You look gorgeous.
‪[서진] 오랜만이라 어색하다‬This feels so awkward now.
‪[여자들의 웃음]‬This feels so awkward now.
‪[사락 집는 소리]‬
‪이서진이에요‬"It's me, Lee Seo-jin."
‪아니야‬That's not it.
‪[후 내뱉는 소리]‬
‪아, 이렇게 떤다고? 베테랑이면서?‬How can you be so nervous? You're a veteran!
‪화장실 갔다 와서 하자‬Let me use the restroom real quick.
‪[호영] 나올 것도 없어‬ ‪내가 봤을 때‬I doubt there's anything left inside you.
‪자, 정말로‬Okay. Here we go for real.
‪진짜로 빼박 슛입니다‬We're actually going live now.
‪하나, 둘, 셋‬One, two, three.
‪- [버튼 조작음]‬ ‪- 큐‬Cue.
‪저예요, 네‬It's me. Yes, it's Lee Seo-jin.
‪이서진‬Yes, it's Lee Seo-jin.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪사람들이 행복을 느끼는 순간은‬ ‪저마다 다르지만‬Everyone feels happiness in different moments of life.
‪간혹 아주 사소한 것에서‬But at times, you find happiness in the smallest things.
‪행복을 발견할 때가 있습니다‬But at times, you find happiness in the smallest things.
‪ID 하늘엽서 님‬ ‪사연 보내 주셨는데요‬This story is from username SkyPostcard.
‪'저는 원래 개인 방송, 라방'‬"I was never interested in online streams."
‪'이런 거 크게 관심 없었거든요'‬"I was never interested in online streams."
‪'근데 진 DJ 개인 방송으로‬ ‪복귀하셨다는 소식 듣고'‬"But ever since I heard that you made a comeback online,
‪'자주 들어와요'‬I've been an avid viewer."
‪감사해요‬Thank you.
‪'다른 방송은 먹든지 만들든지‬ ‪막 그러잖아요'‬"Other streamers often eat or make things on their shows."
‪'진 DJ, 여기는 뭐랄까?'‬"But the thing about your show is,
‪'그냥 보이는 라디오 같은‬ ‪느낌이에요'‬it just feels like a radio show that I can watch."
‪'그래서 낯설지 않아서 좋고'‬"I love how familiar it feels
‪'라디오 사연처럼 읽어 주시니‬ ‪친숙하고'‬and how you read stories just like you did on the radio."
‪'친구들한테도'‬"I've been recommending it to all my friends."
‪'꼭 한번 들어 보라고‬ ‪영업도 하고 있으니까'‬"I've been recommending it to all my friends."
‪'진 DJ, 앞으로도 따뜻한 목소리'‬"DJ Jin, please let us hear your heartwarming voice more often."
‪'자주 들려주세요'‬"DJ Jin, please let us hear your heartwarming voice more often."
‪[영상 속 서진] 그럴게요‬I'll do that.
‪아, 협찬사 소개도 해 드려야죠‬Let me introduce our sponsor.
‪서초동 라면집‬Grandma's Noodle Shop in Seocho-dong.
‪조촐한 협찬에 감사드리고요‬Grandma's Noodle Shop in Seocho-dong. Thank you for your humble support.
‪- '조촐한'?‬ ‪- [영상 속 서진] 구독자 여러분‬-"Humble"? -Dear subscribers.
‪서초동 가시면‬ ‪꼭 한 번 들러 주세요‬Please check it out when you're in Seocho-dong.
‪어, 근데 이러면 이게‬ ‪협찬이야, 광고야?‬This is starting to sound more like an advertisement.
‪뭐, 어쨌든 라면 맛은 엄청나니까‬Anyway, they serve amazing ramyeon.
‪출출하실 때, 지나시는 길에‬Go there if you happen to be nearby and hungry.
‪[영상 속 서진] 저도 직접‬ ‪먹어 봤는데‬I've been there myself,
‪면발이 순삭되는 경험을‬ ‪경험하실 수 있을 거예요‬and it's so good that you'll end up finishing your bowl in no time.
‪- 아, 라면집의 정확한 상호명이‬ ‪- [시원한 탄성]‬I bet many of you want to know what exactly the place is called.
‪궁금하신 분들이 많을 거 같은데‬I bet many of you want to know what exactly the place is called.
‪말 그대로 '라면집'이에요‬It's called Grandma's Noodle Shop.
‪간판에도‬ ‪'라면집'이라고 쓰여 있고‬That's what it says on the sign,
‪메뉴도 오직 라면만 있어요‬and all she sells is ramyeon.
‪근데 여러분, 그거 아시죠?‬As you probably all know,
‪[영상 속 서진] 그런 집이‬ ‪진정한 맛집이라는 거‬As you probably all know, those restaurants are the true gems. Finish your homework and food first, Hyeon-u.
‪[서진] 숙제 다 하고 봅시다, 현우‬ ‪밥도 먹고‬Finish your homework and food first, Hyeon-u.
‪예쁜 거 입어‬Wear something pretty.
‪[현우] 옛날에 방송할 때처럼‬ ‪밝은 거, 예쁜 거‬Like you did before. Something brighter and prettier.
‪엄마 그런 거 많잖아‬You have a lot of those.
‪엄마 의상이 너무 칙칙하지?‬My outfit is too dull, right?
‪[현우] 응‬Yes.
‪이런 거‬Something like this.
‪[서진] 어디‬Let's see.
‪[서진의 탄성]‬You're all grown up.
‪[서진] 다 컸네, 다 컸어‬You're all grown up.
‪- [현우의 웃음]‬ ‪- 엄마 스타일도 봐 주고, 응?‬You're big enough to be my stylist.
‪[서진의 웃음]‬
‪- 다 컸어, 강현우‬ ‪- [탁탁 토닥이는 소리]‬You're all grown up, Hyeon-u.
‪- [함께 웃는다]‬ ‪- [현우] 숨 막혀‬I can't breathe.
‪[서진이 웃으며] 밥 먹어, 얼른‬Come on, eat your food.
‪[영상 속 서진] 피천득 선생님‬ ‪'인연'이라는 에세이에‬Here's an excerpt from Affinity,
‪그런 글 있는데요‬an essay by Pi Chun-deuk. HER SMILE DISGUSTS ME
‪- '그리워하는데도'‬ ‪- [차분한 음악]‬"There are those whom you meet once
‪'한 번 만나고는‬ ‪못 만나게 되기도 하고'‬"There are those whom you meet once and miss for the rest of your life."
‪- [무거운 효과음]‬ ‪- '일생을 못 잊으면서도'‬"And there are those whom you never forget
‪'아니 만나고 살기도 한다'‬"And there are those whom you never forget yet choose not to meet again."
‪- [휴대전화 진동음]‬ ‪- [TV 소리]‬
‪아이씨‬Damn it.
‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬
‪[성한] 이 새끼 잡을까?‬Should we catch this prick?
‪야, 이 새끼 잡자‬Hey, let's find this jerk.
‪누에고치야?‬What are you, a cocoon?
‪고대로 자면 되겠네, 처자‬You should go to sleep just like that.
‪[성한] 사무장님‬Mr. Jang.
‪[형근] 아, 왜? 밉상 변호사야‬What is it, you annoying attorney?
‪이 새끼 잡아야 될 거 같아요‬I think we should.
‪악플이 도를 넘었다고 봐요, 나는‬These malicious comments are way over the line.
‪'어차피막살', 그 개새…‬You mean LifeSucksAnyway,
‪[형근] 확 쥐여 터져 가지고‬ ‪접시 물에 코 박을‬that sly little asshole
‪그, 그, 정신 차릴 그 새끼?‬who deserves to drop dead?
‪응, 보셨군요‬So you saw.
‪씁, 근데 왜 나는 기분이‬ ‪기분이 안 좋아지지?‬Why is it that I feel offended?
‪내일 얘기해 보자‬ ‪니가 왜 기분이 안 좋아지는지‬We can discuss that tomorrow.
‪[형근] 잘 자‬-Good night. -Hey.
‪- [통화 종료음]‬ ‪- [성한] 야‬-Good night. -Hey.
‪아, 나 기분이 안 좋아‬I feel offended.
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬
‪왜 안 좋지? 기분 안 좋아‬Why is that? I'm offended.
‪이 새끼 나한테 욕한 거야?‬Was he cursing me out?
‪재산 분할에서 힘 많이 빼실 텐데‬The division of property won't be an easy battle.
‪대략 하한선은 좀 생각해 보시고…‬Have you thought about your lowest limit?
‪괜찮아요?‬Are you okay?
‪혼자서 쫄리지 않냐고요‬Aren't you scared to go in alone?
‪저쪽 변호인단은 여섯 명이던데‬You're up against six attorneys.
‪[성한] 뭐, 하나보다 여섯이‬ ‪세긴 하겠죠‬I guess six will be stronger than one.
‪전략은 정했어요?‬Have you decided on a strategy?
‪전략이요?‬A strategy?
‪- 씁‬ ‪- [펜 달칵이는 소리]‬
‪6 대 1에 대처하는 전략…‬A strategy to take on six attorneys…
‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬
‪[성한] 베토벤‬My strategy is
‪'피아노 협주곡'‬like Piano Concerto No. 3
‪'3번' 같은 전략이라고 할까요?‬by Beethoven.
‪귀에 익네요‬It sounds familiar.
‪[성한] 씁, 일화가 있는데요‬There's a story behind this.
‪- 베토벤이 이 곡 초연했을 때‬ ‪- [작아지는 음악 소리]‬When this piece premiered,
‪악보가 미완성이었대요‬the score was incomplete.
‪보통 그때는‬Back then, they had at least two rehearsals before a concert.
‪공연 전에 리허설을‬ ‪두 번 정도는 하는데요, 적어도‬Back then, they had at least two rehearsals before a concert.
‪베토벤 이 양반은‬ ‪악보도 미완성이면서‬But not only did Beethoven leave the score incomplete,
‪씁, 그날 오전 8시엔가?‬but he also only had one rehearsal at 8 a.m. on the day of the concert.
‪리허설 딱 한 번‬but he also only had one rehearsal at 8 a.m. on the day of the concert.
‪더 불안한 건요‬It gets worse.
‪그때 제일 잘하는 오케스트라가‬ ‪같이 하기로 했는데‬The piece was supposed to be played by the best orchestra of that time.
‪하이든 있잖아요‬The piece was supposed to be played by the best orchestra of that time. But Haydn interfered.
‪하이든이 그 팀을‬ ‪데려가 버린 거예요‬He took all the musicians away.
‪왜냐면 '천지 창조'도‬ ‪그날 같이 공연했거든요‬His piece, The Creation, was performed that day as well.
‪뭐, 6 대 1‬Six against one.
‪베토벤만큼은 아니더라도‬I may not be as nervous as Beethoven,
‪저도 뭐, 많이 걱정되고‬ ‪긴장됩니다, 근데‬but I am still quite worried and nervous. However,
‪한번 잘해 봐야죠‬I'll do my best.
‪그 공연, 베토벤은‬How did the premiere go
‪어떻게 됐나요?‬for Beethoven?
‪[살짝 웃는다]‬for Beethoven? Well…
‪성공적으로 마쳤습니다‬It was a great success.
‪그렇군요‬I see.
‪[창진] 변호인단 말이야‬About my attorneys.
‪[영주] 네‬Yes.
‪니가 만나서 밥도 멕이고‬ ‪술도 좀 멕이고‬You should meet them, buy them food and drinks,
‪필요한 거 없나 들여다보고‬and find out if they need anything.
‪[창진] 내가 하는 말들‬And pass along my words,
‪알아듣게끔 워싱해서 전하고‬but rephrase them first so that they will understand.
‪정말 미꾸라지면‬ ‪더 곤란해지시지 않을까요?‬If I really am a rotten apple, you'll end up in bigger trouble.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪[창진] 내가 일전에 그랬지?‬I told you before, didn't I?
‪넌 뭐랄까‬The thing about you is,
‪노골적이라고‬you know no shame.
‪[창진의 한숨]‬
‪적임자야‬You're a perfect fit.
‪마금희 여사‬Geum-hui will come at me with everything that she had pent up.
‪그동안 참았던 거‬ ‪다 퍼부을 거 아니냐‬Geum-hui will come at me with everything that she had pent up.
‪예를 들면‬For example,
‪여자 문제라든가‬my affairs.
‪그런 거 변호사들한테‬ ‪맞네, 틀리네‬You're a perfect fit for discussing those matters
‪말 실어 나르는 덴 니가 적임자야‬with the attorneys on my behalf.
‪두 번째는, 신성한이잖니‬Secondly, we're up against Shin Sung-han.
‪흥정은 붙이고 싸움은 말리라는 말‬Have you heard the saying, "Help others bargain but break up their fights"?
‪들어 봤니?‬"Help others bargain but break up their fights"?
‪신성한이랑 저‬Are you saying Shin Sung-han and I are
‪싸움이 아니라‬ ‪흥정이라는 말씀이세요?‬bargaining, not fighting?
‪[창진이 웃으며] 거봐‬See?
‪넌 말귀 알아듣는 덴 재능이 있어‬You catch on quick.
‪그래, 흥정이야‬Yes. You two are bargaining.
‪'안 산다', '못 판다'는 없어‬There will be a deal anyway.
‪값을 잘 받아 내는 거‬But you need to get a good price.
‪그거 하는 거야‬That's what I want.
‪할 수 있겠니?‬Can you do that?
‪저 뭐 주실 거예요, 아버님?‬What's in it for me, Father?
‪[호쾌한 웃음]‬
‪넌 정말 예상값에서‬ ‪벗어나지를 않아‬I'm amazed by how predictable you are.
‪[창진의 웃음]‬I'm amazed by how predictable you are.
‪뭘 갖고 싶은데?‬What do you want?
‪기영이한테 줄 지분‬The shares that will go to Gi-yeong.
‪저 주세요‬I want them.
‪니 몫을 갖고 싶은 거냐? 아니면‬Are you asking for your share?
‪기영이 손발을 자르고 싶은 거냐?‬Or are you trying to tie Gi-yeong's hands?
‪[영주] 하율이‬Or are you trying to tie Gi-yeong's hands? It's for Ha-yul.
‪하율이를‬ ‪지키고 싶다는 마음이에요‬All I want to do is protect Ha-yul.
‪[창진의 생각하는 숨소리]‬
‪하율이 몫을‬ ‪주는 걸로 하자, 어떠냐?‬Then I'll give you Ha-yul's share. How about that?
‪감사합니다‬Thank you.
‪[창진] 대신‬However,
‪흥정 망치면 어쩔 거냐?‬what will you do if you mess up?
‪넌 뭘 걸 거냐?‬What will you put on the line?
‪그게 니 포지션이야‬That's where you stand.
‪흥정할 뭣도 없는 지금 너‬You don't have anything to put on the line.
‪만약 흥정을 망치면‬If you mess it up,
‪니 포지션에 맞게 사는 거다‬you'll go back to the life that you deserve.
‪이해되니?‬Do you understand?
‪[옅은 웃음]‬
‪충분히 이해됐어요‬I fully understand.
‪[기영] 아저씨‬ ‪저 간식 먹고 갈래요‬Mr. Jung, I want to get some snacks.
‪지금?‬-Right now? -I'll make it quick.
‪금방 먹어요‬-Right now? -I'll make it quick.
‪저기 세워 주세요‬Please pull over.
‪[애잔한 음악]‬
‪[후루룩 먹는 소리]‬
‪[성한이 작게] 야‬Hey.
‪'어차피막살' 다 지웠더라‬LifeSucksAnyway's comments got deleted.
‪[작게] 방 PD가 지운 거 같던데?‬I think Ms. Bang deleted them.
‪그 새끼 잡아야 되거든‬ ‪또 기어 나온다, 백 퍼‬We have to catch that prick. Or they'll be back again.
‪[준] 왜? 뭔데요? 뭔데요?‬What's going on?
‪그, 대남전자 부지 말이에요, 가평‬About that land in Gapyeong owned by Daenam.
‪[형근] 아, 거기 ITX 들어가면서‬ ‪땅값이 어마어마하던데?‬The land price skyrocketed after it was included in the ITX plan.
‪아, '어차피막살'이‬ ‪ITX랑 관련된…‬So LifeSucksAnyway is related to ITX…
‪[준의 당황한 소리]‬
‪[준] 왜, 왜?‬
‪[성한] 그 부지가 6만 평인데‬It's a secret. That land is about 60,000 pyeong,
‪마금희 씨‬ ‪아버지 소유였단 말이에요‬and it used to belong to Ms. Ma's father.
‪서 회장 초창기 때‬But Chairman Seo took it over
‪딸 결혼시키면서‬ ‪그 부지를 같이 넘겨준 거지‬when he married Ms. Ma in his early days.
‪[준] 응, 1980년대 땅값이‬It was worth 130 won back in the 1980s.
‪130원? 그럼 얼마 정도일까요?‬It was worth 130 won back in the 1980s. How much would that be now?
‪- 헐값, 헐값‬ ‪- [준] 아…‬Dirt cheap.
‪[형근] 땅값 오른 것만 해도‬Shouldn't the land price alone be considered as Ms. Ma's contribution?
‪마금희 씨 기업 기여도‬ ‪쳐줘야 되는 거 아니야?‬Shouldn't the land price alone be considered as Ms. Ma's contribution?
‪아니, 뭐, 그 땅은 뭐‬ ‪마금희 씨가 올렸나?‬It's not like she raised the price.
‪어쩌다 보니까‬ ‪부동산 쇳복 터진 거지‬It's not like she raised the price. They just lucked out.
‪아이, 그런 걸로 기여도 운운하면‬ ‪재판장님 썽내십니다‬If we claim that it was her contribution, the judge will get mad.
‪근데 요즘엔 가사 양육도‬ ‪기여도 많이 인정해 주잖아요‬These days, the court often recognizes contributions made by homemakers.
‪[성한] 아이, 아마 그쪽에선‬They must be digging up Ms. Ma's living expenses.
‪우리 원고 그, 경제생활 내역도‬ ‪탈탈 털고 있을 거고‬They must be digging up Ms. Ma's living expenses.
‪하와이, 하와이 체류하는 것도‬They must be digging up Ms. Ma's living expenses. Plus, she lives in Hawaii.
‪어떻게든 막 이렇게‬ ‪잡아내 가지고‬They'll probably try to find fault with that.
‪막 흠집 낼 거고‬They'll probably try to find fault with that.
‪한 푼도 못 받아 내는 건 아니죠?‬She'll get something, right?
‪[성한의 한숨]‬I don't think it'll be anywhere close to what she wants.
‪원고가 원하는 만큼은‬ ‪택도 없을 거 같은데‬I don't think it'll be anywhere close to what she wants.
‪- 씁, 아, 뭘로 걸지?‬ ‪- [툭툭 치는 소리]‬What can I use?
‪원고가 얼마나 원하는데요?‬How much does she want?
‪- 1년 내내 부지 월세도 못 냈어요‬ ‪- [차분한 음악]‬He couldn't pay the rent for the land for a year.
‪[금희] 내 아버지는‬ ‪독촉 한 번 안 하셨고‬My father never pressured him.
‪서 회장이 회사 경영은‬ ‪열심히 했어요, 인정‬Chairman Seo ran the company well. I give him that.
‪우리 아버지가 그런 거에 반하셔서‬ ‪결혼시켰으니까‬That was the reason my father let him marry me.
‪나도 뭐, 그때는‬And I'll admit.
‪그 사람 좋아했던 거 맞아요‬I did like him back then.
‪그 땅을 기반으로‬ ‪크게 일어났다는 말씀이시죠?‬Are you saying that the land played a part in his success?
‪한참 후에야 금값 됐지만‬ ‪어쨌든 그 땅 덕분에‬The price went up much later, but without that land, Daenam wouldn't be where it is now.
‪지금의 대남전자 부지도‬ ‪있는 거니까‬but without that land, Daenam wouldn't be where it is now.
‪나도 대남전자 지분 가져올 기여는‬ ‪한 거 아니에요?‬Wouldn't you say I've earned my share?
‪[금희] 한 20%는 내 몫 같아서‬I believe I deserve 20 percent.
‪[준] 아유, 오버다‬That's too much.
‪원고님 워라밸 버짓이‬ ‪너무 크신데?‬Her expectations are too high.
‪[성한] 근데‬Here's the thing.
‪이게 이혼을 하자는 건지‬I'm not sure if she wants a divorce
‪회사를 야금야금하자는 건지‬or if she wants to take over the company.
‪도무지 서브텍스트가 안 읽혀‬I can't read between the lines.
‪[형근] 재벌들 마인드는‬ ‪우리랑 시작점이 달라‬Rich people have different standards.
‪[성한의 한숨]‬
‪[영주] 여기 채광 좋다고 하셨죠?‬You liked how well-lit this office is.
‪박 변호사님 룸, 여기 하세요‬You can have it, Attorney Park.
‪사직을 하게 됐어요‬I'm going to resign.
‪[영주의 숨 들이켜는 소리]‬
‪어머님이 굳이‬ ‪이혼을 하시겠다고 하니‬My mother-in-law insists on getting a divorce,
‪집안이 비상이에요‬so my family is in a crisis.
‪난 무슨 죄로 시아버님‬ ‪대변인 노릇을 해야 되나 몰라요‬DIRECTOR JIN YEONG-JU And I don't understand why I have to be my father-in-law's spokesperson.
‪[탁 짚는 소리]‬
‪방 비우면 뭐, 여기 사용하시든지‬Once I'm gone, take over this office or whatever.
‪[유석] 금화 두고 진영로펌에서‬ ‪변호인단 꾸리셨을 때부터‬I expected as much when he hired attorneys from Jinyeong Law Firm instead of Keumhwa.
‪예상은 뭐‬I expected as much when he hired attorneys from Jinyeong Law Firm instead of Keumhwa.
‪씁, 그나저나‬Anyway…
‪변호인단 그렇게 꾸리시는 바람에‬ ‪금화는 졸이 됐고‬With his current team of attorneys, those of us at Keumhwa have become mere pawns.
‪바람막이해 주시던‬ ‪진영주 이사님께서‬And I'll have no one left to cover for me once you retire,
‪퇴직하시는 바람에‬And I'll have no one left to cover for me once you retire,
‪나는 졸의 졸이 될 테고‬which makes me the pawn of pawns.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪큰일 났네 [웃음]‬That's not good.
‪[영주] 겸손한 말씀 부담스럽다‬You're being too modest.
‪제가 바람막이라니요?‬ ‪박 변호사님 실력이시지‬I didn't cover for you. You've made it this far on your own.
‪바람막이해 드릴 이유도 없고‬There's no reason for me to cover for you,
‪바람 막을 힘도 없고‬nor do I have the power to do so.
‪[유석] 아니‬Do you really think so?
‪정말 그렇게 생각하세요?‬Do you really think so?
‪서 회장님이 그러시더라고요‬Chairman Seo told me
‪이 정도가 딱 진영주 포지션이라고‬that this is where I stand.
‪제 코가 석 자 됐어요‬I have to cover for myself.
‪저야말로 아주 큰 일 났습니다‬Things are looking much worse for me.
‪[영주의 웃음]‬
‪[후후 부는 소리]‬
‪[호영] 차 이쁘다‬Sweet ride.
‪[정식] 아, PD님이 더‬ ‪아름다우시죠 [웃음]‬Not as sweet as you, Ms. Bang.
‪[호영] 그런 드립 하지 마시라니까‬Stop saying lines like that.
‪이것도 X?‬This one's no good either?
‪[호영] 삐!‬
‪[정식] 아, 저기요‬Wait!
‪씁, 그, 게스트가 한번‬ ‪나올 때가 된 거 같아 갖고‬I think it's time you brought in a guest.
‪'그이서' 말이에요‬I mean on your show.
‪'그래요, 이서진이에요'‬That's Right, It's Lee Seo-jin.
‪[호영] '그래요, 이서진입니다'‬Yes, It's Lee Seo-jin.
‪너예요‬It's you.
‪[정식의 웃음]‬You know-it-all.
‪[정식] 너 음청 잘났어요‬You know-it-all.
‪아유, 이뻐‬You're so pretty.
‪아유, 이뻐‬So pretty.
‪이쁘다, 너나‬So pretty. Both you…
‪나나‬and me.
‪[호영] 반응이 꽤 있어요‬The response is pretty good.
‪[서진] 다 우리 방호영이 덕분이야‬It's all thanks to you, Ho-yeong.
‪[함께 웃는다]‬It's all thanks to you, Ho-yeong.
‪[호영] 방송국 접고‬ ‪본격적으로 해 볼까 봐‬I might quit my job and go all-in on this.
‪광고 또 들어왔어요, 콜라겐‬We got another ad. A collagen product.
‪[서진] 진짜?‬Really?
‪요즘 연락이 와요‬I've been getting calls from the celebrities we worked with.
‪우리 같이 방송했던‬ ‪배우, 가수, 개그맨‬I've been getting calls from the celebrities we worked with.
‪세상이 아주 쉣은‬ ‪아닌 거 같아요, 선배님‬I don't think the world is all that shitty, Seo-jin.
‪이서진의 개인 방송 응원한다면서‬They all showed support for your online show
‪게스트 출연 줄 섰어요‬They all showed support for your online show and offered to appear as guests.
‪다들 고맙다‬I'm so grateful.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪지금 저 하늘은‬It's the famous autumn sky.
‪[호영] 애국가에도 나오는‬ ‪가을 하늘‬It's even in our national anthem.
‪땅도 좋은데, 가끔은 하늘도‬You can look down, but from time to time,
‪좀 보세요‬look up at the sky too.
‪[잔잔한 음악이 흐른다]‬Have you been eating well?
‪평소에 식사는 잘 챙겨 드세요?‬Have you been eating well?
‪[성한] 그럼요‬Of course.
‪[금희] 집에선 햄, 즉석 밥‬ ‪단골집은 라면집‬At home, it's ham and instant rice. When you eat out, it's ramyeon.
‪좋은 것도 먹어야 돼요‬You need to eat better.
‪나중에 훅 갑니다‬Or it'll catch up to you.
‪제 단골집은 어떻게…‬How do you know where I eat out?
‪기영이가 걱정하더라고요‬Gi-yeong worries about you.
‪[멋쩍은 웃음]‬
‪[금희] 먹어요‬Go ahead.
‪- 예‬ ‪- [금희] 먹어요‬Okay. Eat up.
‪[분위기 있는 음악이 흐른다]‬
‪보여 드리고 싶은 게 있어서‬ ‪식사하자고 했어요‬I asked to meet with you to show you something.
‪[금희] 자‬Here.
‪서 회장 만났던 여자들 수습한‬They're Chairman Seo's ex-lovers.
‪히스토리라고 해야 되나?‬I wrote down how I kept them quiet.
‪아니, 94년부터면 이게‬Wait, this dates back to 1994. How long has this been going on?
‪도대체 몇십 년을 정리하신…‬How long has this been going on?
‪이혼하려고 정리해 둔 건 아니에요‬ ‪오해하지 말아요‬I didn't put it together for my divorce. Don't get the wrong idea.
‪아니, 그럼 왜 이렇게까지…‬-Then why did you… -I gave them money
‪[금희] 그 여자들‬ ‪돈을 달라고 하면 돈을 줬어요‬-Then why did you… -I gave them money when they asked for it.
‪돈 떨어지면 다시 연락을 해 와‬They'd call me again once they ran out.
‪2년이 지나서 유산한 진단서를‬ ‪갖고 오질 않나‬One of them even showed up with a miscarriage record from two years ago.
‪골치 아팠죠‬It was a headache.
‪그다음엔 차 달라, 집 달라‬Then they would demand a car, a house.
‪스물셋 된 애는‬I once even paid for this 23-year-old's
‪유학비도 내줬어요‬studies abroad.
‪거기 학비 보낸 내역 있을 거예요‬You'll find the transfer record in there.
‪다시는 손 내밀지 말라고‬ ‪각서 받고 공증받고‬I made them sign papers saying that they'd stay away and had them notarized.
‪그 험한 걸 수십 년을‬I went through that hell for decades.
‪도움이 될까요?‬Could this help?
‪[한숨 쉬며] 이 정도면 저 아니라‬With this kind of information,
‪로스쿨 갓 졸업한 변호사도‬ ‪승소할 수 있을 거 같은데요‬an attorney fresh out of law school could win your case.
‪그만 일어날까요?‬Let's go, shall we?
‪저기, 여사님‬Ms. Ma.
‪[금희] 네‬Yes?
‪[성한] 제가 두 가지가 궁금한데요‬I have two questions.
‪왜 지금인가요?‬Why now?
‪한 가지는?‬What's the other one?
‪왜 저인가요?‬Why me?
‪차일피일하다가 늙고 두렵고‬I put it off for too long and grew old and afraid.
‪그래서 지금이고요‬That's why it's now.
‪[금희] 끝까지 달려 줄‬ ‪엔진 있는 변호사가‬And I wanted an attorney who's motivated to go all the way.
‪글쎄‬And well…
‪난 신성한 변호사밖에 없다는‬ ‪생각이 들어서‬I thought you were my best bet.
‪[차분한 음악]‬
‪개인사만큼 성능 좋은 엔진이‬ ‪또 있나요?‬What's more motivating than personal history?
‪많이 받아 주세요, 나‬Please get me as much as possible.
‪돈 필요해요‬I need the money.
‪50%부터 시작해 보시죠‬Let's start at 50 percent.
‪말만 들어도 기분이 좋네요‬I already feel much better.
‪[형근] 음! 총각김치‬Radish kimchi? Thank you.
‪고맙습니다‬Radish kimchi? Thank you.
‪'좋아요', '구독' 당첨자예요‬It's an event reward.
‪[소연] '그래요, 이서진입니다'‬Yes, It's Lee Seo-jin.
‪'좋아요', '구독'‬ ‪댓글 이벤트 중이거든요‬You can enter if you like, subscribe and comment.
‪- 혹시 보셨어요?‬ ‪- [손님1] 아니요‬-Have you seen it? -No.
‪[소연의 탄식] 재밌어요‬ ‪꼭 보세요‬It's great. Watch it.
‪지금도 가능합니다‬You can watch it now. If you leave a supportive comment,
‪응원의 댓글까지 남겨 주신다면‬If you leave a supportive comment,
‪- 지금 드시는 이 라면 공짜‬ ‪- [손님1] 어?‬If you leave a supportive comment, the ramyeon you're eating now is on the house.
‪- [작게] 우리 이거 쓸까?‬ ‪- [발랄한 음악]‬
‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬
‪[소연] 여기‬ ‪'좋아요'부터 누르시고‬You can start with a like.
‪- 댓글‬ ‪- [손님1의 탄성]‬And comment.
‪- 감사합니다‬ ‪- [손님2] 감사합니다‬-Thank you. -Thank you.
‪[손님1] 감사합니다‬Thank you.
‪[형근] 예‬Thanks.
‪저, 주, 주말에‬Do you want to go to the arboretum this weekend?
‪수목원 가실래요?‬Do you want to go to the arboretum this weekend?
‪어, 수목원 좋죠‬The arboretum? Sounds great.
‪[형근] 차 막히려나?‬Will there be traffic?
‪[소연의 웃음]‬
‪[소연] 막히면 막히는 대로‬ ‪둘이 이렇게…‬If there is, we can make the best of it.
‪그냥 영화 볼까요?‬Should we just go see a movie?
‪아, 영화는 우리 다 봐 가지고‬We already saw everything.
‪뭐, 새로운 거‬ ‪재밌는 거 나왔어요?‬Is there something new?
‪[형근] 아, 다 봤구나‬I guess we did see everything.
‪아, 거기 쇼핑몰 새로 생겼다던데‬ ‪거기 갈까요?‬I heard a new shopping mall just opened. Should we go there?
‪예, 뭐, 예, 거기도 좋고‬Sure. That sounds good. Okay.
‪[형근] 예‬Okay.
‪- [어색한 웃음]‬ ‪- 예‬Okay.
‪그냥 과수원, 아니, 수목원‬ ‪아까 가, 그냥…‬Let's just go to the orchard… I mean, the arboretum.
‪과, 아니, 수목원, 예‬I mean the arboretum. Yes.
‪[소연의 시원한 숨소리]‬
‪[소연] 아니, 형근 씨랑‬ ‪둘이만 있어도 좋은데‬I'd just be happy to spend time with Hyeong-geun.
‪왜 자꾸 어딜 가자고 하고‬ ‪뭘 하자고 하고‬I don't know why he keeps suggesting this and that.
‪그러는지 몰라, 응?‬I don't understand. I don't have the energy for this.
‪기운 딸려 죽겠구먼‬I don't understand. I don't have the energy for this.
‪데이트 프로그램 어렵지‬It's tough to plan dates.
‪같이 운동을 해요, 등산‬You should work out together. Go hiking.
‪땀 나는데‬No, too sweaty.
‪흉하잖아요‬I'd look ugly.
‪캠핑, 세 친구 캠핑 자주 가잖아요‬Camping. The three of them go camping often.
‪[서진] 어, 캠핑 좋네‬Yes, camping sounds great.
‪야외니까 답답하지 않고‬ ‪땀도 안 나고‬You can get some fresh air, and you won't sweat.
‪던져 보자, 좋아할 거 같다‬Ask him. I think he'll be thrilled.
‪- [소연] 저는 캠핑이 좋아요‬ ‪- [재촉하는 소리]‬I want to go camping.
‪- [형근] 응? 응?‬ ‪- [성한] 응‬
‪[형근] 응‬
‪뭘 고민해야 되는 건데?‬What are you worried about?
‪캠핑은 부끄럽잖아‬I feel too shy to camp with her.
‪내가 이해가 안 돼서 그러는데‬ ‪뭐가 부끄러워?‬I'm having trouble understanding. Why do you feel shy?
‪도대체 어느, 어느 포인트가‬ ‪부끄럽다는 거야?‬What about this makes you feel shy?
‪아, 캠핑 좋지‬Camping sounds great.
‪- 고기도 구워 먹고‬ ‪- [정식] 응‬Camping sounds great. We can grill meat, make coffee,
‪[형근] 커피도 내려 마시고‬ ‪라면도 끓여 주고‬We can grill meat, make coffee, and have ramyeon too.
‪라, 라면은 아니고‬Not ramyeon.
‪어, 라면은 아니고‬No, not ramyeon.
‪아니, 라면, 커피 이런 거 말고‬Forget ramyeon and coffee.
‪그러니까 어느 지점이‬ ‪왜 부끄럽냐고‬Forget ramyeon and coffee. So what about this makes you feel shy?
‪텐트를‬I'm not sure
‪두 개를 쳐야 되는지‬ ‪하나를 쳐야 되는지…‬if I should put up two tents or one.
‪- [익살스러운 음악]‬ ‪- [정식의 씁 들이켜는 소리]‬
‪[정식의 고민하는 소리]‬
‪[성한] 하나지‬One.
‪- [정식] 두 개지‬ ‪- [성한] 어차피 하나거든?‬-Two. -They'll end up only using one.
‪어차피 하나여도‬ ‪시작은 두 개 쳐야지‬Yes, but he should still begin with two.
‪[성한] 야, 야‬ ‪텐트 하나 치는 데도 졸라 빡센데‬Listen. It's tough enough to put up one.
‪그거를 뭐, 쳤다 접었다가‬ ‪장난해?‬Why put up one more if you're not going to use it? -Tents aren't umbrellas. -Hey.
‪텐트가 뭐, 우산이냐?‬-Tents aren't umbrellas. -Hey.
‪야, 야, 형근이는‬-Tents aren't umbrellas. -Hey. Hyeong-geun is the gentleman type.
‪그냥 딱, 딱 선비 스타일이야‬Hyeong-geun is the gentleman type.
‪[정식] 너, 니가 아니고‬He's not like you.
‪[한숨 쉬며] 그러니까‬Exactly.
‪나는 뭔데?‬-What am I like? -You?
‪[정식] 너, 씨…‬-What am I like? -You?
‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬
‪[카메라 셔터음]‬
‪야, 이씨‬ ‪현상 수배범 나왔다, 이거‬We have a mugshot right there.
‪야, 이게 니 얼굴이고, 이게‬This is how you look.
‪- 이거 보내 줘‬ ‪- [형근의 헛웃음]‬Send it to me.
‪[형근] 정했어‬I've decided.
‪두 개 치고‬ ‪하나만 필요한 경우에는‬I'll put up two. And if I only need one,
‪다른 하나는 짐 보관용으로‬-I'll use the other as storage. -That's it.
‪[정식] 그렇지‬-I'll use the other as storage. -That's it.
‪- 맞아‬ ‪- [형근] 응‬-That's right. -You two are ridiculous.
‪[성한] 참 물색없다, 아, 물색없어‬-That's right. -You two are ridiculous. So ridiculous.
‪결정했어‬-I've decided. -I get it, so drop the arm.
‪[정식] 그래, 결정했으니까‬ ‪이거 내려‬-I've decided. -I get it, so drop the arm.
‪알았어‬Good job.
‪[유석] 발 떼네‬So she's resigning.
‪진영주‬Jin Yeong-ju, you must be…
‪너는‬Jin Yeong-ju, you must be…
‪머리를 쓰겠지?‬racking your brain.
‪너는 대가리를…‬I bet your little head is…
‪굴리겠지?‬plotting something.
‪[서진] 새봄 씨‬ ‪이번 주 상담 일지‬Ms. Yu. This week's consultation record.
‪[새봄] 아, 네, 실장님‬Thanks, Ms. Lee.
‪[준] 아, 실장님 업무 속도가‬You work really fast.
‪[준의 감탄]‬
‪[형근] 최 변의 세 배 정도?‬About three times as fast as you.
‪- [서진의 웃음]‬ ‪- [새봄] 열 배 아니에요?‬Not ten?
‪[준의 헛기침]‬Not ten?
‪[준] 인정‬Fair enough.
‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬
‪[툭 놓는 소리]‬
‪[서진의 떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪[다가오는 발소리]‬
‪[노크 소리]‬
‪[호영이 살짝 웃는다]‬
‪[차 문 열리는 소리]‬
‪그런 거 많았나 봐‬There must have been a lot of those.
‪삭제한다고 자기가 애썼어‬Thanks for trying to delete them.
‪[호영] 없어요‬No, there weren't.
‪아, 그 새끼가 유난이더라고‬It's just this one asshole.
‪정말 너무 집요해서‬ ‪혹시나 싶었다니까요‬They're so persistent that I thought, "Could it be?"
‪현우 아빠인가 싶어서‬I thought it might be Hyeon-u's dad.
‪현우 운동화를 사 주면서‬ ‪다짐했었어‬I made a promise to myself as I bought Hyeon-u's sneakers
‪'숨지 말자'‬that I'll stop hiding
‪'고개 들고 살자'‬and keep my chin up.
‪'현우 위해서라도 뻔뻔하게 살자'‬That I would toughen up for Hyeon-u's sake.
‪그게 맞지‬As you should.
‪맞는 걸까?‬Should I really?
‪- [힘겨운 숨소리]‬ ‪- [무거운 음악]‬
‪내가 고개를 내밀면 현우가 노출돼‬If I hold my head high up, Hyeon-u will be exposed.
‪아무 잘못 없는 현우가 다쳐‬That innocent boy will get hurt.
‪나 이 새끼 잡으려고요‬I'm going to find this prick.
‪[서진] 더 시끄러워져‬It'll only attract attention.
‪[호영] 물러나면 조용해져요?‬And if you back off, will this blow over?
‪그래, 조용히 숨만 쉬고 살면‬If you just lie low,
‪현우는 안전해요?‬will Hyeon-u be safe?
‪[옅은 한숨]‬
‪[자동차 경적]‬
‪[호영의 놀란 숨소리]‬
‪[호영] 그만해요, 선배님‬Stop that, Seo-jin.
‪봐야겠어‬I need to see for myself.
‪어떤 인간인지 봐야 되겠어‬I need to see who this person is.
‪나도 볼 거야‬Me too.
‪보자마자 발로 차 버릴 거야‬And I'll kick their ass.
‪[호영의 분한 숨소리]‬Seriously.
‪[호영] 아, 진짜‬Seriously.
‪[호영의 속상한 숨소리]‬
‪[호영의 한숨]‬
‪[준] 아, 그, 대남전자 가치 평가‬ ‪사감정 맡기신 거요‬JO JEONG-SIK REAL ESTATE About the appraisal you ordered for Daenam.
‪[성한] 예‬Yes?
‪결과 나와서 변호사님 책상 위에‬ ‪올려 뒀는데, 보셨어요?‬I put the result on your table. Did you see it?
‪[준] 아휴‬
‪정식 평가 하기에는‬ ‪규모가 너무 커서‬The company's too big for an official appraisal,
‪우선 대략적인 평가 금액이래요‬so they made a rough estimate for now.
‪회사 가치가 5조 원‬If the company is worth five trillion won
‪서 회장 지분이 15%, 7천5백억‬and Chairman Seo owns 15 percent, that's 750 billion.
‪와, 거기서 50%면 얼마야?‬How much is 50 percent of that?
‪아이, 50% 던진다고‬ ‪50% 내놓겠어요?‬He won't give 50 percent just because we ask. He'll hold onto it with all he's got.
‪악착같이 방어하려 그러겠지‬He'll hold onto it with all he's got.
‪[준] 아이, 혼자 괜찮으시겠어요?‬Are you sure you'll be okay alone?
‪- 제가 딱, 응?‬ ‪- [성한] 으음‬I could step in and--
‪너는 그냥 딱 가만있으세요‬Just don't do anything.
‪- 예‬ ‪- [성한의 힘주는 소리]‬Yes, sir.
‪[성한] 아, 저, 뭐야‬Right.
‪'어차피막살'‬ ‪그거 어떻게 됐어요?‬What happened to LifeSucksAnyway?
‪실장님 고소하시겠대?‬What happened to LifeSucksAnyway? -Will Ms. Lee sue that person? -She says so.
‪아이, 뭐, 한다고는 하는데‬-Will Ms. Lee sue that person? -She says so.
‪고소해야 돼, 그거‬-She should. -But the thing is,
‪[준] 아이, 근데 그럼‬-She should. -But the thing is,
‪실장님이 직접‬ ‪경찰서 가셔야 되잖아요‬she'd have to go to the police station.
‪그럼 내용 증명을 보내‬Then send a warning.
‪'고소하겠다', '사과하면 선처다'‬"We'll sue you unless you apologize."
‪어디 사는질 알아야 그러죠‬But we don't have their address.
‪[준] 아, 뭐, 형사 고소를 하면‬ ‪찾긴 하겠지만‬If we file charges, we'll be able to find the jerk.
‪그럼 실장님이 피곤해지시고‬But it also means more trouble for Ms. Lee.
‪[성한] 얼굴이 많이 안 좋으시던데‬She didn't look too well.
‪[준] '그냥 참으세요' 하기에는 또‬But I can't tell her to ignore them because they keep attacking Hyeon-u.
‪현우를 너무 공격해‬But I can't tell her to ignore them because they keep attacking Hyeon-u.
‪현우가 그거 보면‬ ‪어떻게 되겠어요?‬What if he sees them?
‪[성한] 벌써 봤을 수도 있어‬He may have seen them already.
‪그 녀석이 그거 어른이거든‬That kid is mature.
‪[성한] 이미 봐 놓고‬ ‪한참 속 끓이고 있을 수도 있다고‬He might have seen it and be keeping it to himself.
‪[현우의 한숨]‬
‪[성한] 아, 그, 내가 저기‬When you uploaded my video, I sent you a DM saying I would sue you
‪쭌 변이 그때 영상 올렸을 때‬ ‪DM 보냈잖아‬When you uploaded my video, I sent you a DM saying I would sue you
‪빨리 내리라고, 고소하겠다고‬When you uploaded my video, I sent you a DM saying I would sue you if you didn't take it down. Can't we do that?
‪그렇게 해 보면 안 돼?‬if you didn't take it down. Can't we do that?
‪[준의 탄성]‬
‪[준] 그럼 기어 나오겠죠?‬That'll get a response.
‪대꾸 없으면‬ ‪진짜 고소해 버리는 거고‬If not, we can just sue them.
‪[준] 예‬ ‪어? 우리 저거 안 버렸는데‬If not, we can just sue them. Sure. Wait, the cans.
‪[성한] 내비둬‬ ‪알아서 잘 버리더라‬Leave them. He can throw them away tomorrow.
‪[준] 그, 저…‬Still…
‪같이 가요‬Wait for me!
‪[정식의 힘주는 소리]‬
‪[정식] 아, 이거 진짜‬ ‪잊을 만하면, 어? 한 번씩!‬Damn it. Not again!
‪아휴, 이씨, 이거 어떤 개새…‬Man. What kind of asshole…
‪개새끼 맞지, 뭐‬You're right, I am an asshole.
‪오랜만입니다‬It's been a while.
‪어여 가‬Get out of here.
‪아침부터 경찰차 오게 만들지 말고‬I don't want to call the police so early.
‪[유석] 사무실 나온 거 있어요?‬ ‪아담한 거‬I'm looking for a cozy little office.
‪주차되고‬With parking.
‪그냥 가라고, 이 양반아‬Just get out of here.
‪[정식] 왜?‬ ‪등쳐 먹고 금화 자리 꿰차더니‬What? Are you getting kicked out of Keumhwa, you turncoat?
‪이제 쫓겨나냐?‬Are you getting kicked out of Keumhwa, you turncoat?
‪왜 살아?‬ ‪자식들 커 가는데 괜찮아요?‬Why do you live? Your kids are growing up.
‪그 드럽게 얻은 것들로 먹고 싸고‬Are you okay with them growing up
‪진짜 괜찮아?‬with your dirty money?
‪아휴, 사무실 구하러 왔는데‬I come looking for an office,
‪욕만 먹여서 보내시려고?‬and this is the treatment I get?
‪[정식] 나 당신한테‬ ‪중개할 물건 없고‬I'm not doing business with you.
‪얼쩡거리지 마, 제발‬Don't come back here again.
‪[쩝 소리를 낸다]‬
‪- [정식의 짜증 섞인 숨소리]‬ ‪- [출입문 종소리]‬Darn it.
‪[유석] 사람 일 모르는 거야‬You never know what will happen.
‪냉난방 잘되는 사무실 나오면‬ ‪연락 줘요‬Call me if you find an office with good AC and heating.
‪- [달그락거리는 소리]‬ ‪- 아이씨‬Damn it. Hey!
‪- 아, 에이, 참, 에헤! 쯧, 아유‬ ‪- [카메라 셔터음]‬Damn it. Hey! Here.
‪- 자, 자, 자, 자, 연락 줘요‬ ‪- [카메라 셔터음]‬Here. Call me.
‪아휴, 씨‬Darn it.
‪[계속되는 카메라 셔터음]‬
‪[정식의 한숨]‬
‪- [성한] 왜?‬ ‪- [형근] 응?‬-What? -What?
‪[성한] 아니, 조정식이‬ ‪할 말 있는 숨소리인데, 뭐, 왜?‬Jeong-sik exhaled like he had something to say. What is it?
‪- 그 새끼 왔다 갔다‬ ‪- [형근] 왜?‬-That asshole was here. -Why?
‪뭐, 사무실 구한다고‬-He wanted an office. -And?
‪그래서?‬-He wanted an office. -And?
‪씨, 꺼지라고 했지‬I told him to get lost.
‪[정식] 근데 겁나 찜찜해‬But something doesn't feel right.
‪씨, 소금 뿌렸어?‬Did you throw salt?
‪야, 이거 한‬ ‪이거 한 통 다 뿌렸어‬No, but I used up this whole can. This was brand new.
‪이거 원래 새거였거든‬No, but I used up this whole can. This was brand new.
‪[성한] 아이씨‬Darn it.
‪여기 바퀴벌레 나오니?‬Do you have cockroaches?
‪아, 진짜 바퀴벌레가‬ ‪이런 데 있어?‬There are cockroaches here?
‪이만한 거 막 날아다니는, 어?‬ ‪그, 막 극혐, 그거‬The huge ones that fly? I hate those.
‪아, 아니, 그, 왔었다잖아‬No, he said that jerk was here.
‪간보러 왔나 보지, 뭐‬ ‪아니면은 뭐‬I'm sure he came to feel us out. Or maybe it was just a show.
‪퍼포먼스?‬Or maybe it was just a show.
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪동선이 왜 이래?‬Why was he there?
‪[형근의 하품]‬
‪[정식] 야, 가자, 아, 야‬Okay, let's… Right.
‪나, 이씨, 어떤 놈이 있잖아‬Some lunatic leaves trash right here
‪이게 잊을 만하면 여기‬ ‪딱 여기다가‬Some lunatic leaves trash right here every once in a while.
‪지가 처마시던 거를‬ ‪껍데기를 버리고 가는 거야‬every once in a while.
‪이거, 씨, 야, 이거‬ ‪CCTV 한번 확인해 봐야겠다‬every once in a while. This is… I need to check the CCTV footage.
‪[성한] 야, 할 일도 드럽게 없다‬Hey, don't you have better things to do?
‪그거 뭘 찾아? 그냥 치우면 되지‬What's the point? Just throw it away yourself.
‪[정식] 와, 이씨, 이 새끼는‬ ‪지 일 아니라고, 그렇지?‬What's the point? Just throw it away yourself. Let's see if he can say that when it happens to him.
‪야, 어떻게?‬Anyway, what do you say?
‪먹태에다가 그냥 시원하게‬ ‪맥주 한잔하고 갈래?‬Want to grab some dried pollack and cold beer?
‪[성한] 안 돼, 안 돼, 안 돼‬We can't.
‪형근이, 형근이‬ ‪빨리 들어가서 쉬어야지‬Hyeong-geun needs to go home and get some rest.
‪얘 내일 캠핑 가잖아‬ ‪소연 씨랑 둘이‬He's camping with So-yeon tomorrow.
‪[형근] 쉿, 간다, 들어가‬I'm off. Bye.
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬Are you running away?
‪[정식] 야, 이씨, 도망을 가?‬Are you running away?
‪잘 자!‬Good night!
‪[성한] 와, 저렇게 갑자기‬ ‪뛰어간다고?‬He's running all of a sudden?
‪[정식이 피식한다]‬He has no reason to…
‪저 줄행랑이 의미가 있나?‬He has no reason to…
‪[성한의 안타까운 소리]‬He has no reason to…
‪[정식] 재밌겠다 [웃음]‬It looks fun.
‪[성한] 씁, 형근이가‬Hyeong-geun is…
‪참 착해‬a really nice guy.
‪[정식] 엄청 착해‬Totally.
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪[성한] 이 정도면 저 아니라‬With this kind of information,
‪[성한] 로스쿨 갓 졸업한 변호사도‬ ‪승소할 수 있을 거 같은데요‬an attorney fresh out of law school could win your case.
‪[금희] 차일피일하다가‬ ‪늙고 두렵고‬I put it off for too long and grew old and afraid.
‪그래서 지금이고요‬I put it off for too long and grew old and afraid. That's why it's now.
‪많이 받아 주세요, 나‬Please get me as much as possible.
‪돈 필요해요‬I need the money.
‪[툭 놓는 소리]‬
‪[성한의 한숨]‬
‪나오니까 좋다‬It's nice to be out.
‪[형근] 오늘 한번 해 보고‬ ‪괜찮으면 자주 나와요‬Let's see if you like it. We'll do it more often if you do.
‪아이, 또 이런 거‬ ‪안 좋아하는 사람들도 있거든‬Some people don't like camping.
‪난 무조건 좋을 거 같은데?‬I know it'll be great.
‪나 처음이에요‬It's my first time.
‪오, 너무 설렌다‬I'm so excited.
‪[소연] 성한 씨랑 정식 씨도‬ ‪같이 올걸‬We should have invited Sung-han and Jeong-sik.
‪[형근] 아유, 걔네들 오면‬With them around,
‪여기가 캠핑인지 라면 가게인지‬ ‪소용이 없어요‬it wouldn't matter where we are.
‪힐링이 안 된다니까‬They'd spoil the mood.
‪나 솔직히‬To be honest, I thought you'd bring your friends.
‪형근 씨가 친구들‬ ‪데리고 올 줄 알았거든요‬To be honest, I thought you'd bring your friends.
‪[소연] 아유, 뭐, 쩝‬ ‪그래도 친구들이 경우가 있다‬They're more thoughtful than I thought.
‪그래, 뭐, 우정도‬ ‪경우가 있어야 오래가지‬Then again, they wouldn't still be your friends if they weren't.
‪[형근] 애들이 철은 좀 없어도‬They may be immature,
‪뭐, 이런 데 막 쫓아다니고‬ ‪그런 모지리들은 아니거든요‬but they aren't stupid enough to follow us all the way here.
‪[소연의 웃음]‬but they aren't stupid enough to follow us all the way here.
‪그랬으면 내가 벌써 절교했지‬-If they were, I would have cut them out. -I thought so.
‪[소연] 그런 거 같더라‬-If they were, I would have cut them out. -I thought so.
‪하기는 뭐‬ ‪나이가 마흔인데, 그렇죠?‬I mean, they're 40, right?
‪[함께 환호한다]‬
‪[소연] 음악을 좀 틀어 볼까?‬-Should we put on some music? -Music, cue!
‪오, 음악, 큐!‬-Should we put on some music? -Music, cue!
‪- [형근] 뚜껑 직, 열렸다 치고‬ ‪- [소연의 웃음]‬Let's pretend the roof is open.
‪바람 솨솨, 솨솨솨 온다 치고‬Let's say the wind is blowing in.
‪[형근의 환호성]‬
‪[함께 웃는다]‬
‪- [소연의 탄성]‬ ‪- [부드러운 음악]‬
‪[소연] 이게 불멍인가?‬-So this is what a campfire is like. -Don't run!
‪- [남자] 얘들아, 뛰지 마!‬ ‪- [소연, 형근의 웃음]‬-So this is what a campfire is like. -Don't run!
‪- [사람들의 대화 소리]‬ ‪- [형근] 자, 됐습니다‬All done.
‪어, 너무 신기하다‬-This is so cool. -I only brought the necessities.
‪[형근] 간단하게 준비한 거예요‬-This is so cool. -I only brought the necessities.
‪이게 캠핑 고수일수록 간단하게‬The more experienced you are, the lighter you pack.
‪[웃음]‬I only pack the necessities.
‪필요한 것만‬I only pack the necessities.
‪이렇게 되는 거구나‬Is this how you hold it?
‪[소연의 탄성]‬
‪[웃으며] 못하는 게 없네?‬You're good at everything.
‪[함께 웃는다]‬Become delicious.
‪맛있어져라, 맛있어져라‬Become delicious.
‪- [소연] 우아, 우아‬ ‪- [형근] 와, 너무‬
‪- 너무 잘 구우시는데요?‬ ‪- [소연의 웃음]‬You're doing great.
‪음, 진짜 맛있겠다‬It looks so good.
‪[형근의 힘주는 소리]‬
‪엄청 시원해요, 시원해‬It's ice-cold.
‪아니요, 형근 씨 드세요‬ ‪저 이따가 운전할게요‬You can drink it. I'll drive later. Chauffeur service is pricey.
‪[소연] 대리비 많이 나와‬I'll drive later. Chauffeur service is pricey.
‪아유, 소연 씨 드세요‬ ‪저는 탄산수 마실게요‬You can have it. I'll drink fizzy water.
‪[소연] 아니에요‬ ‪두 시간씩 왕복하면 너무 힘들어요‬No, I can't let you drive another two hours.
‪드세요, 드세요, 저 탄산수 주세요‬Come on, drink up. Give me the fizzy water.
‪아이, 저는 캠핑 자주 오니까‬ ‪소연 씨 드세요‬I go camping often, so you can have it.
‪[킥킥거리는 소리]‬I go camping often, so you can have it.
‪- 아이, 진짜, 드세요, 괜찮아요‬ ‪- [형근] 아, 아…‬No, you can have it. I'm fine. Let's eat. This looks good.
‪[소연] 드세요, 맛있겠다, 이거랑‬Let's eat. This looks good.
‪[형근] 그러면 같이 탄산수 마셔요‬Let's both have fizzy water.
‪[성한, 정식이 속닥거린다]‬-Can you see anything? -Look.
‪- [소연의 웃음]‬ ‪- [성한이 작게] 야, 탄산수…‬He's having fizzy water.
‪[정식] 야, 저거‬ ‪소연 씨는 생각이 없는 거 같은데?‬It doesn't seem like So-yeon is going to stay.
‪- [형근] 아, 소시지에는 탄산수지‬ ‪- [소연의 웃음]‬It doesn't seem like So-yeon is going to stay. Sausages taste best with fizzy water.
‪- [성한] 탄산수‬ ‪- [형근] 탄소‬Sausages taste best with fizzy water. S and F.
‪[형근] 두 개니까‬SF.
‪- [성한] 미친놈이네‬ ‪- [소연] 왜 이렇게 웃겨요?‬SF. -He's insane. -You're so funny.
‪- [형근] 이산화 탄소‬ ‪- [성한] '이산화'…‬-Like sci-fi. -"Sci-fi."
‪- [정식] 아이씨‬ ‪- [소연, 형근의 웃음]‬Is he serious?
‪- [성한] 미친놈 아니야‬ ‪- [정식] 응‬Is he serious?
‪[웃으며] 야, 그나저나 씨, 우리‬Hey, get this.
‪텐트 몇 개 칠지‬ ‪왜 고민을 한 거야?‬Why did he even worry about how many tents to put up?
‪- [성한이 웃으며] 그러니까‬ ‪- [정식의 웃음]‬Why did he even worry about how many tents to put up? Tell me about it!
‪[연신 웃는다]‬
‪- [익살스러운 음악]‬ ‪- [정식의 떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪- 아휴, 씁‬ ‪- [성한] 왜? 똥이야?‬What's wrong? Do you need to poop?
‪[정식] 아니야, 아, 쉬 마려워‬What's wrong? Do you need to poop? No. -I need to pee. -What is it?
‪- [성한] 쉬, 쉬…‬ ‪- [정식] 아, 하지 마, 쉿, 쉿‬-I need to pee. -What is it? Cut it out. Don't do that.
‪하지 마, 하지 마‬Cut it out. Don't do that.
‪- [정식의 힘겨운 신음]‬ ‪- [성한] 야, 여기다 쉬, 쉬‬Hey, use this.
‪이게 되겠냐? 이씨‬That won't do.
‪[성한] 두 개야‬I have two.
‪- [정식] 아, 꺼져, 절로 꺼져‬ ‪- 될 거 같은데? 이거‬-Get lost. -I think it's enough.
‪[정식] 아, 죽여 버려‬I'll kill you.
‪- [성한] 오, 마이…‬ ‪- [정식의 떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪큰일 났다, 마시멜로 나왔어‬That's not good. He got the marshmallows out.
‪한 시간도 더 걸리겠는데?‬That will take over an hour.
‪- [형근, 소연이 화기애애하다]‬ ‪- [정식의 놀란 소리]‬That will take over an hour. -Like grilling rice cakes? -Yes. -You have to turn it around. -I see.
‪[정식의 힘겨운 신음]‬-You have to turn it around. -I see.
‪[정식] 아, 미치겠네‬I'm losing it. Why won't they go anywhere?
‪아니, 왜, 왜 자리를 안 떠?‬Why won't they go anywhere?
‪- [정식의 떨리는 숨소리]‬ ‪- [성한의 웃음]‬
‪[부드러운 음악]‬
‪[소연] 음, 진짜 잘 굽는다‬You're so good at this.
‪나는 왜 타?‬Why does mine keep burning?
‪이게 은근히 구워야지 안 타요‬You have to toast it gently to prevent it from burning.
‪[소연] 은근하게‬"Gently."
‪새삼 어감이 참 좋네요‬I like the sound of that word.
‪형근 씨랑 잘 어울려요‬It suits you.
‪묵묵하게, 그런 거‬Steadily. Such words.
‪제가 좀 투박하죠?‬I'm a bit rough around the edges.
‪투박하고 은근한 거‬Rough and gentle.
‪매력인데요?‬I think that's charming.
‪[성한이 다급하게] 야, 야!‬
‪- [직 지퍼 열리는 소리]‬ ‪- [정식] 몰라, 씨‬Screw this.
‪- [정식의 다급한 신음]‬ ‪- [성한] 야‬Screw this.
‪- [익살스러운 음악]‬ ‪- [정식의 힘겨운 신음]‬
‪[소연] 아니, 저, 저…‬Wait.
‪정식 씨 아니에요?‬Isn't that Jeong-sik?
‪[형근] 왜 저 텐트는 신발도 없고‬ ‪인기척도 없나 했다‬I was wondering why that tent seemed empty.
‪- 뭐가 킥킥거리나 했어, 어?‬ ‪- [소연의 헛웃음]‬And I knew I heard someone snickering.
‪저기, 공교롭지만‬What a coincidence.
‪반갑습니다, 소연 씨‬It's good to see you, So-yeon…
‪[성한의 아파하는 신음]‬
‪- [성한의 멋쩍은 웃음]‬ ‪- [형근의 한숨]‬
‪[성한] 믿어, 믿어‬Believe me.
‪믿어, 우연이야, 어? 우연이야‬It's a coincidence. I'm telling you.
‪아니, 정식이가‬ ‪너 없다고 하도 징징거려 가지고‬Jeong-sik was whining about how you were gone,
‪'그럼 우리끼리 오붓하게‬ ‪캠핑 갈까?' 그랬더니‬so we decided to go camping by ourselves,
‪진짜 딱 여기 하나 남은 거야‬and this was the only spot left!
‪알지? 우리 저기, 둘이‬You know we're both the cautious type,
‪MBTI 다 저, S라서‬ ‪낯선 데 트라이 못 하는 거‬You know we're both the cautious type, so we don't like unfamiliar places.
‪근데 진짜 우연히도‬And by a strange coincidence, this spot right here
‪딱 이 자리, 여기‬ ‪딱 여기 하나만 TO가 난 거지‬And by a strange coincidence, this spot right here was the only one that was left.
‪[기가 찬 숨소리]‬
‪참, 니들도 참 물색없다‬You two are ridiculous.
‪이게 재밌어?‬Is this funny to you?
‪[형근] 야, 조정식 방광은‬ ‪무슨 죄니?‬What did Jeong-sik's bladder ever do to you?
‪아, 저기 뭐‬ ‪500cc 저, 생수 통 있는데‬Look, man. We had 500ml water bottles. He's just being extra.
‪괜히 오, 오버하는 거야, 저거‬We had 500ml water bottles. He's just being extra.
‪[형근] 아휴, 씨‬Darn it.
‪반갑습니다, 반가워요!‬It's nice to see you. Very nice.
‪[성한] 네‬Same.
‪야, 우리 멜로 하고 있었잖아‬ ‪마시멜로‬We were getting mellow over marshmallows.
‪[소연의 웃음]‬
‪와, 재밌다‬Wow, that's a good one.
‪[사람들의 떠드는 소리]‬
‪[정식] 소연 씨, 우리 셋이‬ ‪여기 텐트에서 잘 테니까‬So-yeon, the three of us can sleep in that tent,
‪여기서 편하게 주무세요‬So-yeon, the three of us can sleep in that tent, so sleep here alone.
‪[성한] 아이, 알아서 하시겠지‬Let her decide.
‪야, 혼자서‬ ‪혼자서 무서울 수도 있는 거잖아‬She might feel scared to sleep alone.
‪[정식] 아, 그래, 그럴 수 있지‬That's right.
‪[형근] 닥치고 라면이나 먹어‬Shut up and eat your ramyeon.
‪이게 뭐가 재밌다고‬ ‪밥 굶고, 오줌 참고‬Why would you starve and hold in your pee for this?
‪[정식] 은근하고 묵묵한‬We came to see
‪우리 형근이‬ ‪보고 싶어서 왔다, 왜?‬the gentle and steady Hyeong-geun.
‪- [익살스러운 음악]‬ ‪- [형근의 한숨]‬
‪- [성한, 정식의 웃음]‬ ‪- [소연] 아휴‬
‪노총각들 앞에서 물도 못 먹는다‬I can't say anything around these old bachelors.
‪- [정식의 옅은 웃음]‬ ‪- [성한] 아휴‬
‪[형근의 한숨]‬
‪아직도, 아직도 멜로를 하고 있어‬Are you still feeling mellow?
‪마시멜로‬Over marshmallows?
‪- [성한의 웃음]‬ ‪- [형근의 탄식]‬
‪[정식] 어디서 그런‬ ‪썩은 개그를, 씨‬Get that shitty pun out of here.
‪기분 언짢으시죠?‬Isn't it upsetting?
‪우리 원래 그런 사람들 아니에요‬We usually aren't like this.
‪[형근] 정식이랑 캠핑하면‬ ‪이 마시멜로가 필요해요‬We need marshmallows to camp with Jeong-sik.
‪- [소연의 웃음]‬ ‪- 이거 귀마, 귀마개를 해 줘야…‬I use them as earplugs.
‪[정식] 얘가 원래 재밌는데‬ ‪오늘 이상하네요‬-Marshmallow earplugs. -He's usually funny. He's being weird today.
‪아까 이산화 탄소 듣고‬ ‪그때 나올 뻔했거든요‬He's being weird today. I almost ran out of the tent when I heard "sci-fi."
‪[형근] 야‬ ‪너네 어디까지 들은 거야‬I almost ran out of the tent when I heard "sci-fi." Hey, how much did you hear?
‪[함께 웃는다]‬Hey, how much did you hear?
‪아, 야, 귀도 밝다‬ ‪그게 들려, 그게?‬You have such good hearing! How did you hear that?
‪[정식] 이건 말려야 되겠다‬ ‪싶더라고, 내가‬I thought I should stop you.
‪[형근] 아, 그게 들린다고?‬ ‪저기까지?‬You could hear that in your tent?
‪[정식] 진짜 가끔 그래‬ ‪원래 재밌어요, 진짜‬He's usually funny, I promise.
‪[성한] 정말 깜짝 놀랐다‬-I mean it. -I was shocked.
‪- 이산화 탄소, 응?‬ ‪- [정식] 이산화 탄소는 진짜…‬-"SF, just like sci-fi." -I thought it was funny.
‪- [소연의 웃음]‬ ‪- [성한] 정말‬I mean…
‪- [정식의 탄성]‬ ‪- 나, 면 코에 들어간 거 같아‬I think I got some noodles in my nose.
‪[사람들의 웃음]‬
‪- [성한의 힘겨운 신음]‬ ‪- [정식] 아, 나 진짜‬Oh, man.
‪[사람들의 웃음]‬Oh, man.
‪- [차분한 음악]‬ ‪- 가 보자‬Let's do this.
‪[변호사1] 자리가 좀‬ ‪그렇긴 한데요, 변호사님‬I'm not sure if this is appropriate for the occasion,
‪직접 뵙게 돼서 반갑습니다‬but it's very nice to meet you in person.
‪제가 사실 변호사님 팬이거든요‬I'm actually a fan of yours.
‪제가 이슈가 좀 많죠?‬I've been causing some noise, haven't I?
‪- [웃으며] 감사합니다‬ ‪- [변호사1의 웃음]‬I've been causing some noise, haven't I? Thank you.
‪[변호사2] 사진보다‬ ‪실물이 더 좋으세요‬You look much better in person.
‪- 그래요? 고맙습니다‬ ‪- [변호사2] 네‬-Really? -Yes. Thank you.
‪[함께 웃는다]‬
‪[변호사1] 이야기 나누기 전에‬ ‪이렇게 웃고 시작하니 좋습니다‬It's nice to break the ice before we begin.
‪- [변호사1] 네‬ ‪- [성한] 예‬-Okay. -Okay.
‪[변호사1의 한숨]‬
‪[변호사1] 피고는‬ ‪이혼을 원하지 않아요‬The defendant does not want a divorce.
‪'유책 배우자'라는 표현도‬ ‪옳지 않습니다‬And it's not right to say that he's the spouse at fault.
‪그럼 매우 긴 세월‬ ‪매우 빈번한 외도가‬He frequently had affairs over a long period of time.
‪유책이 아니라는 말씀인가요?‬How is he not at fault?
‪[변호사1의 한숨]‬
‪신 변호사님‬Attorney Shin.
‪어떤 근거로 저희가‬ ‪그 유책을 인정해야 하나요?‬Do you have anything to back up those accusations with?
‪흔한 사진 한 장 찍힌 게 없는데‬We haven't even seen a single photo.
‪외도라니요?‬What affairs?
‪사진 한 장 없는 게 당연하죠‬Of course there are no photos.
‪[성한] 원고가 그 수많은 사진들‬ ‪그 수많은 흔적들‬The plaintiff spent half her life trying to cover up
‪지워 내느라고‬ ‪반평생을 고생하셨는데요‬all evidence of his affairs.
‪제가 미리 서면으로‬ ‪공유를 드렸었는데‬all evidence of his affairs. I already shared all of this with you.
‪안 읽어 보셨구나‬I guess you didn't read it.
‪[변호사2] 저희가 모두 검토했는데‬All you sent us was circumstantial evidence and claims.
‪정황과 말씀만 있을 뿐이라서요‬All you sent us was circumstantial evidence and claims.
‪씁, 제가 정황만으로 [웃음]‬Would I be sitting here with you if that was all I had?
‪여기 이렇게 앉아 있겠습니까?‬Would I be sitting here with you if that was all I had?
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪이게 다 사실‬ ‪증빙할 수 있는 자료라면요‬If all of this can be backed up with hard evidence,
‪[변호사1] 원고는‬ ‪오래전부터 아주 치밀하게…‬the plaintiff must have planned--
‪음, 치밀하게 이혼을 계획했다고‬ ‪말씀하시면 안 됩니다‬You can't say that she planned on getting divorced.
‪[성한] 왜냐면 이 자료들은요‬These files are like trophies.
‪피고와 대남전자를 지켜 왔던‬And behind them is a sad story of how the plaintiff protected the defendant and Daenam Electronics.
‪아주 슬픈 전리품이거든요‬protected the defendant and Daenam Electronics.
‪남편과 회사를 공격하려고‬ ‪차곡차곡 모아 온 것이 아니라요‬She didn't put these together to attack her husband and his company.
‪남편의 여성 편력으로‬ ‪언제 터질지 모르는 사고들을요‬They're the result of the plaintiff dedicating her life to preventing
‪원고가 정말로‬ ‪필사적으로 막아 낸, 그런‬the problems that the defendant's philandering could have caused. They're…
‪상흔들인 거죠‬her scars.
‪자료들 신빙성‬ ‪검토해 보겠습니다, 네‬We'll read through the files to verify them.
‪네, 당연히‬Yes, of course.
‪검토 후 다시 말씀 나누시죠‬Let's talk again after that.
‪[비장한 음악이 흐른다]‬
‪"베토벤 피아노 협주곡 3번"‬
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪[서진의 한숨]‬
‪몇 살이에요?‬How old are you?
‪열네 살이요‬Fourteen.
‪[서진의 한숨]‬
‪[준의 탄식]‬
‪[서진] 왜 그랬어요?‬Why did you do it?
‪죄송합니다‬-I'm sorry. -No, I'm asking you why.
‪그런 거 말고, 왜‬-I'm sorry. -No, I'm asking you why.
‪왜 어린아이한테 그렇게…‬Hyeon-u is just a kid.
‪[서진이 울먹이며] 너도‬ ‪이렇게 어린데‬You're a kid too!
‪재수 없었어요‬I hated you.
‪아줌마가 재수 없었어요‬I hated your guts.
‪[준] 이봐요, 학생‬-All right, young lady. -Don't talk to me like a teacher.
‪나 학생 아닌데요?‬-All right, young lady. -Don't talk to me like a teacher.
‪[소녀] 저 학교 안 다녀요‬ ‪돈 없어서 관뒀어요‬I don't even go to school. I couldn't afford it.
‪[서진] 그래‬Fine.
‪그럴 수 있어‬I understand.
‪어떻게 그럴 수 있어요?‬What do you understand?
‪[소녀] 엄마는 바람난 남자랑‬ ‪졸라 부자고, 잘살고‬My mom lives a happy life with this rich guy she ran off with,
‪아빠는 화병에 암 걸려서…‬while my dad got cancer and…
‪할머니는 아들 죽은 것도 힘든데‬My grandma is devastated that she lost her son,
‪나 불쌍해서 죽지도 못하고‬My grandma is devastated that she lost her son, but she feels too bad for me to kill herself.
‪뭐가 그럴 수 있어요?‬So what exactly do you understand?
‪아줌마 같은 엄마도‬ ‪자기 아들 키우겠다고‬Even someone like you filed a lawsuit to keep your son.
‪소송까지 하던데?‬Even someone like you filed a lawsuit to keep your son.
‪우리 엄마 그 여자는‬ ‪명품 처바르면서 살면서도‬But my mom is living in luxury
‪자기가 버리고 간 애새끼‬ ‪뒤지거나 말거나‬but doesn't give a damn about the kid she left.
‪씨‬Damn it.
‪그래서 재수 없었어요‬That's why I hated you.
‪[울컥하며] 아줌마가 뭐라고‬ ‪아들을 지켜요?‬Who do you think you are to protect your son?
‪아줌마 같은 사람도 엄마라고‬ ‪아들을 지키면‬If even a woman like you protects her son,
‪나 같은 애는, 씨…‬what does that make me?
‪다 울었니?‬Are you done crying?
‪저 소년원 가요?‬Am I going to juvie?
‪집으로 가‬Go home.
‪[서진] 그리고 다음부터는‬ ‪악플 달지 말고 도와 달라고 말해‬And instead of writing malicious comments, ask for help.
‪누구한테요?‬Who would I ask?
‪누가 날 도와요?‬Who's going to help me?
‪좋은 어른들이‬Good grownups.
‪[서진] 여기‬Right here.
‪이 아저씨가 도와주실 거야‬This man will help you.
‪[준의 어색한 웃음]‬
‪아저씨 변호사인 거 알지?‬You know that he's a lawyer, right?
‪[준의 어색한 웃음]‬
‪너무 쉬워‬Too easy.
‪[노크 소리]‬Come in.
‪네‬Come in.
‪[성한] 왜?‬What is it?
‪[작게] 이리 와‬Come in.
‪[성한] 뭐야? 기영아‬Gi-yeong.
‪무슨 일이야, 갑자기?‬ ‪어? 어떻게 왔어?‬What are you doing here? How did you get here?
‪[성한의 반가운 소리]‬
‪뭐야?‬What the…
‪너 혼자 왔어? 정 기사 아저씨는?‬Did you come alone? Where's Mr. Jung?
‪혼자 왔어요‬I came alone.
‪아니, 어떻게…‬How did you…
‪저, 앉아‬Have a seat.
‪[성한] 여기 앉자, 기영아‬Have a seat right there.
‪물 줄까, 기영아?‬Do you want water, Gi-yeong?
‪[성한] 기영아, 너‬Gi-yeong. Did you tell your parents
‪여기 삼촌 만나러 온 거‬Did you tell your parents
‪집에다가 얘기했어?‬that you were coming here?
‪어? 안 한 거 같은데?‬I don't think you did.
‪[울먹이며] 변호사님‬Attorney Shin.
‪[애잔한 음악]‬
‪신성한 변호사님‬Attorney Shin Sung-han.
‪저도 도와주세요‬Please help me too.
‪저도 변호해 주세요‬Please defend me too.
‪[성한의 당황한 숨소리]‬
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪[성한의 힘겨운 신음]‬
‪어, 할게‬I will.
‪삼촌이‬Uncle Sung-han will…
‪삼촌이 다 할게‬take care of everything.
‪[감성적인 음악]‬
‪[영주] 막말로 내가 떠밀었어?‬It's not like I pushed her.
‪[유석] 잊었어요?‬Did you forget?
‪범죄잖아요, 우리가 한 거‬We committed a crime.
‪기영이 아빠는 알고 있어요?‬Is Jeong-guk aware of this?
‪[기영이 울먹이며] 이제 내 편이‬ ‪아무도 없어, 삼촌‬I have no one left on my side.
‪[서진] 나 같은 엄마한테도‬ ‪권리를 줘요‬Even a mom like me can have my rights.
‪그걸 변호사님이 해 주셨고요‬And you're the one who made it happen.
‪같이 찾아 봐요‬Let's look for a way.
‪나도 뒤져 볼게‬I'll help out.
‪[정식이 흐느낀다]‬
‪[성한] 이제야 악보가 좀‬ ‪해석이 되네요‬I'm finally starting to understand the score.
‪[금희] 맞아요‬ ‪곡 해석 정확하게 하셨네‬You're right. You interpreted the music perfectly.

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