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  열아홉 스물 10

Nineteen to Twenty 10


- [상원] 레츠고, 레츠고 - 레츠고, 레츠고-Let's go, let's go, let's go. -Let's go. Wow, reserving an entire theater? I'm excited.
영화관 대관이라니 좀 신나는데Wow, reserving an entire theater? I'm excited.
어, 신난다Yeah, I'm excited.
저기, 저기, 어, 저기 있다Where, where… Oh, there it is.
[상원의 탄성]-Oh. -[Seo-yeong] Wow.
[서영이 감탄하며] 대박-Oh. -[Seo-yeong] Wow. -So cool. -[Sang-won] Pretty fancy.
[상원] 좀 고급진데?-So cool. -[Sang-won] Pretty fancy.
[상원의 감탄]Yo.
- [서영의 감탄] - [상원] 조금 고급진걸-Yo. -[chuckles] It's pretty fancy.
[상원의 감탄][Sang-won] Bam. Oh, wow. [chuckles softly]
- 너무 좋은데 - [서영의 감탄]-This is so nice. -Oh!
너무 좋은데, 야, 팝콘-This is super nice. Hey, popcorn! -Wow, that looks good.
너무 맛있겠다-This is super nice. Hey, popcorn! -Wow, that looks good.
팝콘은 캐러멜이죠Caramel popcorn is the best.
[상원] 원래 무슨 장르 좋아해?What kind of movies do you like? Oh! It's starting.
오, 시작한다What kind of movies do you like? Oh! It's starting.
여기 이름이랑 생년월일이랑Here, put your name and your birthday down and…
[상원] '삐삐 번호'The pager number.
여긴 삐삐 번호 적으면You get a free movie if you put your pager number down.
비디오 하나 서비스래You get a free movie if you put your pager number down.
- [서영] 야, 너무 설렌다 - 번호를 이렇게 따는 거야?Is that… Is that how she's getting his number? [laughs]
또 본인들만 있으니까 막 얘기하면서도 보고So, they can talk while watching because they're the only ones there.
- 그러네 - 그러네요So, they can talk while watching because they're the only ones there.
- 영화 보면서 저렇게 얘기해서 - [지은] 좋다That's nice.
- 집에서 보는 거랑 똑같은 거지 - [세운] 그러니까요, 와-It's like watching at home. -[Se-woon] Exactly.
[영화 속 남자] 예뻐, 너 목소리[man] Your voice… it's pretty.
[서영의 탄성]-Oh. -[exclaims]
- [낯간지러워하는 탄식] - 아, 달달 치사량-Oh. -[exclaims] Oh, that's way too sweet.
이 썩겠다-I think my teeth are rotting. -Yeah, my teeth are rotting.
이 썩겠다-I think my teeth are rotting. -Yeah, my teeth are rotting.
[헛웃음 지으며] 야[chuckles softly] Hey.
- [흥미로운 음악] - [상원, 서영의 탄성][both] Oh!
[서영] 남자들의 기 싸움인가요, 이거?[Seo-yeong] Are they both trying to get the girl right now?
[상원] 나 이거 본 것 같기도 해[Sang-won] I think I've seen this before.
그러니까 영화 말고 이 장면 어디서 본 것 같기도 해[Sang-won] I think I've seen this before. Not this movie, but I've seen this scene before.
우리의 그 안에서You know, with our group.
[상원, 서영의 웃음][both laughing]
[서영] 일단 전체 대관이라는 게 너무 신기했고SEO-YEONG First of all, it was so cool that we had the whole theater to ourselves.
제가 기대했던 거만큼 되게 좋았어요First of all, it was so cool that we had the whole theater to ourselves. It was as nice as I expected it to be.
영화를 보면서 자유롭게 그때그때 감정이라든가SANG-WON During the movie, we were free to talk about
아니면 지금 느끼고 있는 거를what we were feeling or thinking.
자유롭게 얘기할 수 있어서 훨씬 재미있게I think it made the movie a lot more fun.
영화를 볼 수 있었던 거 같아요I think it made the movie a lot more fun.
- [서영이 감탄하며] 분위기 좋다 - [상원] 그러니까-[Seo-yeong] This place has a nice vibe. -[Sang-won] Yeah. It's super pretty.
- [상원] 되게 예쁘다 - [서영] 야, 왜 이렇게 이뻐?-[Seo-yeong] This place has a nice vibe. -[Sang-won] Yeah. It's super pretty. [Seo-yeong] Why is this place so pretty?
[서영] 오늘 데이트 어떠셨습니까?[Seo-yeong] Why is this place so pretty? -How do you feel about our date today? -It was so much fun.
- [상원] 너무 재미있었어요 - [서영] 어, 진짜-How do you feel about our date today? -It was so much fun. Yeah, I feel the same.
우리 좀 잘 맞는 거 같아Yeah, I feel the same. -We click pretty well. -Yes, ma'am.
생각보다 잘 맞네요We clicked better than I thought we would. [Seo-yeong] Yeah.
나는 솔직히Honestly,
다음번에 너가 괜찮다면Honestly, if you're okay with it, I want to go on another date with you sometime.
너랑 한 번 더 데이트 갈 의향 있어if you're okay with it, I want to go on another date with you sometime.
- 저야 영광이죠, 언제든 - [서영] 응, 좋아요-Ma'am, it'd be my honor always. -Okay, all right, sir.
서영이 완전 적극적이네요Seo-yeong is being super bold.
- 적극적이다, 진짜 적극적이다 - [수현의 웃음]She's being bold. She's being super bold.
나는 솔직히 너한테 궁금한 게 진짜 많거든Honestly, I've been dying to ask you so many things.
[상원의 호응]Honestly, I've been dying to ask you so many things.
오케이, 궁금했던 거 다 물어봐Ask me everything that you've been wanting to ask.
[고민하는 소리]Ask me everything that you've been wanting to ask.
너의 호감도 순위가 좀 궁금했어I've been curious about who you like, and in what order?
[한숨] 호감도 순위?I've been curious about who you like, and in what order? Oh. Rank the girls I like?
그런데 사실, 뭔가…Oh. Rank the girls I like? To be honest, I've only been certain about my number one.
1위만 확실한 느낌이었고 다음부턴 잘 모르겠었어To be honest, I've only been certain about my number one. But I'm not sure about the rest.
1위는 누군지 아실 테고You probably know who's number one.
- 서현이? - 응, 아실 테고You probably know who's number one. -Seo-hyeon? Yeah. -You probably know. Other than her?
근데 그다음부터는 뭐…-Seo-hyeon? Yeah. -You probably know. Other than her?
- 너는? - 나?-What about you? -Me?
나는… 어떨 거 같아? 너의 예상으로?For me, if you had to guess, -what would you say? -I mean, actually,
- 진짜, 아니, 사실 - [서영] 진짜 진심으로…-what would you say? -I mean, actually, -honestly, I was surprised. -Be completely honest.
- 나 솔직히 말해면 좀 당황했어 - 솔직하게 말해 줘-honestly, I was surprised. -Be completely honest. When you asked me out on a date yesterday, that came out of nowhere.
'갑자기?'라는 느낌이었어When you asked me out on a date yesterday, that came out of nowhere.
어제 너가 나한테 데이트 신청을 했을 때When you asked me out on a date yesterday, that came out of nowhere.
- 아, 갑자기? - 그러니까-Oh. Out of nowhere? -The thing is, until now,
약간 너가 뭔가-Oh. Out of nowhere? -The thing is, until now, I've never got the feeling that you were trying
지금까지 나랑 뭔가I've never got the feeling that you were trying
'가까워지려고 노력을 한다'라는 느낌을 받은 적은 없었거든I've never got the feeling that you were trying -to get to know me better. -I suddenly--
- [상원] 딱히, 어, 그래서… - 어, 어-Right, right, right. -Yeah, so…
[서영] 솔직하게 말하면If I'm being honest, here's what I've been thinking.
그냥 내가 이렇게 생각을 해 봤어If I'm being honest, here's what I've been thinking.
여자애들 말도 다 들어 보고 생각을 해 봤는데If I'm being honest, here's what I've been thinking. I thought about this after listening to the other girls.
'지금까지 내가'I realized, "Oh, Sang-won is the one
'여기 있으면서 가장 편했던 게 상원이었구나'I realized, "Oh, Sang-won is the one who I felt the most comfortable with during my stay here."
- [서영] 그렇게 딱 알게 됐고 - [상원의 호응]who I felt the most comfortable with during my stay here." I came to understand that.
내가 적어도 니 옆에서I came to understand that. Compared to the others,
막 억지로 막 어떤 말을 해야 될지라고I haven't had to force myself to come up with…
그렇게 다른 애들에 비해서I haven't had to force myself to come up with… I haven't had to think, "What should I say?"
생각한 적이 별로 없더라고I haven't had to think, "What should I say?"
[상원이 호응하며] 그래 가지고?I haven't had to think, "What should I say?" -So that's why? -Yeah, yeah.
어, 그래서 너랑 더 알아 가고 싶었고-So that's why? -Yeah, yeah. So, that's why. I wanted to get to know you better and get closer to you.
친해지고 싶었고I wanted to get to know you better and get closer to you.
근데 너는 좀 더I wanted to get to know you better and get closer to you. But I haven't been able to talk to you.
다른 사람한테 가까워 보여서 내가 좀 말을 못 걸다가But I haven't been able to talk to you. Because it seemed like you were closer to someone else.
[상원의 호응]Because it seemed like you were closer to someone else.
좀 용기를 냈지-So I kind of gathered up my courage. -Mm-hmm.
[상원의 호응]-So I kind of gathered up my courage. -Mm-hmm.
근데 나 은근You know, I'm pretty honest, aren't I?
솔직하지?You know, I'm pretty honest, aren't I?
오늘 좀 새로운 면을 많이 보게 된 거 같은데I feel like I'm seeing a lot of things in a new light today. About you, I mean.
너에 대해서About you, I mean.
- [상원] 좋은 쪽으로 - 좋은 쪽으로?-In a good way. -In a good way?
좋은 거 같아That's good.
[상원] 토마토피클? 처음 먹어 봐[Sang-won] Tomato pickle. Never had that before.
- 토마토 원래 나 좋아하는데 - 나도 토마토 엄청 좋아해-I like tomatoes. -I love tomatoes, too.
[감탄하는 소리]Mm!
토마토에서 이런 맛이 날 수가 있어?Mm. I didn't know a tomato could taste like this.
[서영] 야, 너무 맛있다Mm. I didn't know a tomato could taste like this.
나 지금까지 나와서 먹어 본 것 중에This is so good. Best thing I've eaten on a date so far.
- 물론 한 번밖에 안 나왔지만 - [웃으며] 어This is so good. Best thing I've eaten on a date so far. I mean, I've only been on one date.
먹은 거 중에 제일 맛있었어I mean, I've only been on one date. -But that's the best. -The best?
[상원] 제일 맛있었어? 다행이네, 다행이네-But that's the best. -The best? That's good. That means it's number one. Not bad. I'm glad.
적어도 1등인 거잖아That's good. That means it's number one. Not bad. I'm glad.
나쁘지 않네, 다행이네That's good. That means it's number one. Not bad. I'm glad.
그래, 너가 1등이야-Yeah, you're number one. -[chuckles softly]
[잔잔한 음악]-Yeah, you're number one. -[chuckles softly]
어떻게, 1등이 되신 소감이 어떠세요?Well, sir, how does that feel?
[서영의 웃음]Well, sir, how does that feel? -[laughing] -It's an honor, ma'am.
[상원] 영광입니다, 영광입니다-[laughing] -It's an honor, ma'am. It's an honor, yeah.
[서영] 너무 웃긴다[Seo-yeong] You are so funny.
- 아, 맛있다 - [서영] 어, 진짜-Ah, that's good. -Yeah, for real.
마냥 즐거웠다라고는 말할 수 없을 거 같아요I can't really say that I had fun because, uh…
마음 한켠의 불편함 때문에I can't really say that I had fun because, uh… I kept feeling a bit uncomfortable.
그니까 제가 딴 사람한테 마음이 있다는 걸The things is, Seo-yeong pretty much knows I have feelings for someone else.
서영이도 어느 정도 알고 있으니까The things is, Seo-yeong pretty much knows I have feelings for someone else.
계속 그런 감정으로는 데이트를 하고 싶지 않을 것 같아요, 그래서I don't want to go on dates with her if I'm feeling that way.
'얘기는 더 해 보고 싶지만'So, I want to talk with her more,
'아직은 데이트를 더 하고 싶진 않다'So, I want to talk with her more, but I don't want to go on any more dates yet.
라고 생각이 들었어요but I don't want to go on any more dates yet.
- [지은] 어머? 그런가? - [규현] 그치-Oh! -Oh! -[Kyuhyun] Right. -[Ji-eun] Really?
상원이도 예전에-[Kyuhyun] Right. -[Ji-eun] Really? When Sang-won was talking about the kind of person he dislikes,
- 싫어하는 사람 얘기할 때 - [지은] 확실하다When Sang-won was talking about the kind of person he dislikes,
헷갈리게 하는 사람?he mentioned something about a person who makes things confusing.
- 이런 얘기를 했었잖아요 - [지은] 맞아, 맞아he mentioned something about a person who makes things confusing.
[세운] 상원이 자체도 참-I think Sang-won felt uncomfortable. -[Ji-eun] I think that's it.
본인 스스로도 좀 불편하게 느꼈나 봐요-I think Sang-won felt uncomfortable. -[Ji-eun] I think that's it.
[지은] 그런가 보다-I think Sang-won felt uncomfortable. -[Ji-eun] I think that's it.
서영이가 진짜 이게, 좀…Oh, I think Seo-yeong might be--
- 좀 늦은 걸까요? 이미 뭔가… - [세운의 아쉬운 한숨]She might be too late. Relationships have already been formed.
구도가 만들어져 버려서She might be too late. Relationships have already been formed.
[수현] 아직 몰라요But you never know. So many things happened in just one day.
지금 하루 동안에도 너무 많은 일이 일어나기 때문에But you never know. So many things happened in just one day.
- 맞아, 모르는 거야 - [세운] 맞아But you never know. So many things happened in just one day. -Right. You never know. -You never know.
나는 그 아무것도 믿지 않아요-Right. You never know. -You never know. -I don't trust anything now. -[Ji-eun laughs]
[지은의 웃음]-I don't trust anything now. -[Ji-eun laughs]
[잔잔한 음악]
[희지의 웃음][Hee-ji chuckling]
- [서현] 야, 미친 - [희지] 아, 너무 좋아-[Seo-hyeon] Wow. Oh, man. -Wow. This is so nice.
[서현] 잠깐만 나 지금 살짝 충격이야Hold on. I'm kind of in shock.
[희지가 놀라며] 추워?Hold on. I'm kind of in shock. -Huh? Are you cold? -No, I'm in shock.
아니, 충격-Huh? Are you cold? -No, I'm in shock.
[서현] 너무 예뻐서It's so pretty.
[희지의 탄성][sighs]
[서현] 야, 예쁘다[Seo-hyeon] Wow, this is beautiful.
[희지] 엄청 편하지?-[Hee-ji] Isn't this super comfortable? -[Seo-hyeon] Totally.
[서현] 완전-[Hee-ji] Isn't this super comfortable? -[Seo-hyeon] Totally.
- [서현] 근데 고민이 있어 - 응I'm worried about something though.
상원이랑 오늘 그 진실의 방에서 진짜Today Sang-won and I went in the Room of Truth. -[Hee-ji] Oh, yeah? -And--
- [희지] 얘기했어? - 응-[Hee-ji] Did you talk? -Mm.
[서현] '너 아니면'-"You're the only one…" -"For me"?
- 안 돼? - '안 된다'-"You're the only one…" -"For me"? -[chuckles] -"For me." He kind of said it like that.
- 이런 식으로 진짜 얘기를 했어 - [희지의 탄성]-[chuckles] -"For me." He kind of said it like that.
[희지] 진짜? 아, 근데 진짜 정말 말 잘한다[Hee-ji] Seriously? Wow, he's so good with his words and expressing his emotions.
표현 잘하고Wow, he's so good with his words and expressing his emotions.
[서현] 그래서 지금 그냥 굉장히 어지러워Wow, he's so good with his words and expressing his emotions. So I just feel super dizzy.
[서현] 나는 약간 좀 '모든 애들을 다 알아보자' 이 주의였거든I mean, I've kind of been like, "Let's get to know everybody."
[서현] 근데 상원이는 약간 처음부터But I can see that Sang-won has been feeling this way for me
- 나한테만 계속 그런 게 보이니까 - 응, 응But I can see that Sang-won has been feeling this way for me from the very beginning.
[희지] 근데 상원이는You know, in my opinion,
누가 봐도 너를 좋아하는 것처럼You know, in my opinion, it's super obvious that Sang-won likes you.
내 눈에는 그렇게 보이는데it's super obvious that Sang-won likes you.
서현이는 너무 편해진 느낌?But it feels like you've gotten too comfortable.
나도 그게 진짜 고민인 게 친밀감과 호감But it feels like you've gotten too comfortable. I'm worried about that, too. Being comfortable with somebody versus liking them, that's so…
- 그게 참 - 어Being comfortable with somebody versus liking them, that's so…
[서현] 다른 애들이랑 좀 데이트를 해 봐야 알 수 있을 거 같아I think I'll know how I feel after going on some dates with other people.
상원이한테 느끼는 감정이랑I want to know the difference between the way I feel about Sang-won
그, 다른 애들이랑 데이트를 했을 때 느끼는 감정이랑I want to know the difference between the way I feel about Sang-won and how I feel when I'm on a date with other guys.
뭐가 다른지
[서현의 한숨][sighs]
고민이 많은 밤이네요[sighs] This is so hard.
다 서로 뭔가 고민 없이I wish people would stop worrying about everything
'으악, 으악' 했으면 좋겠는데I wish people would stop worrying about everything and just be happy.
- [희지] 다들 고민이 많아 - 다 고민이 있는 것 같아-They all have worries. -Everyone's worried about something.
- 진짜 다 많은 거 같아 - 다들 고민이 너무 많아-They all have worries. -Everyone's worried about something. -Everybody has so many problems. -Everybody has so many worries.
내가 제일 없어-Everybody has so many problems. -Everybody has so many worries. -I don't have any, though. -Yeah.
[포근한 음악]-I don't have any, though. -Yeah.
[서현] 그런 거 같아-I don't have any, though. -Yeah.
너네는 그냥 너무 예뻐Oh, you guys are just so cute.
- [희지] 뭐가 예쁜데 - 진짜Oh, you guys are just so cute. -What do you mean? -I mean it.
[서현] 연애 금지가 없어진 만큼-What do you mean? -I mean it. Now that the no-dating rule is gone, it's like you guys are actually dating.
진짜 연애하는 거 같아Now that the no-dating rule is gone, it's like you guys are actually dating.
너네는 딱 둘이 꿈의 데이트 한번 가고I think you guys will go on a dream date together, then not go on a dream date with anybody else.
꿈의 데이트는 다른 애랑 안 할 거 같아then not go on a dream date with anybody else.
- 너는? - 나 왜?What about you? What about you? Your dream date?
너는? 꿈데What about you? What about you? Your dream date?
꿈데? 난 정윤이한테?My dream date? I think I'll ask Jung-yun.
- [세운의 놀란 숨소리] - 어?-Huh? -[Se-woon] Jung-yun?
- [세운] 정윤이? - 오, 새로운 전개인데?-Huh? -[Se-woon] Jung-yun? -Oh! This is unexpected. -[Su-hyun] Jung-yun?
어, 근데 정윤이가 제일 재밌긴 하지Oh. I mean, Jung-yun is so entertaining.
[희지] 티격태격해도 재밌지 않아?Isn't it fun to tease him?
- 응, 응, 응 - [희지] 그치?Isn't it fun to tease him? Right?
[서현] 뭔가 정윤이랑 있을 때 좀It's kind of fun when I'm with Jung-yun.
재밌기도 하고It's kind of fun when I'm with Jung-yun.
더 편하기도 하고I feel more comfortable too.
어제도 그렇고 오늘도 그렇고I feel more comfortable too. I felt that way yesterday and today, too.
뭔가 정윤이랑 친밀감이 많이 생겼고I felt that way yesterday and today, too. I kind of feel like I have a bond with Jung-yun.
뭔가 딱 꽂히는 게 있으면 그거를When I want something, I just-- So I want to go on a dream date with Jung-yun.
정윤이랑 같이 가고 싶어요So I want to go on a dream date with Jung-yun.
- [세운, 수현의 탄성] - 정윤이가 이렇게 급부상하네Ah, Jung-yun is suddenly so popular.
이래서 재밌는 친구들이 인기가 많아요Funny guys are so popular.
아니, 서현이가 정윤이랑 있을 때 되게 막 편해 보이고Seo-hyeon seemed comfortable when she was with Jung-yun.
장난기가 막 생기고 그랬어요And she seemed a lot more playful.
상원이랑 있을 때랑은 또 다른 모습들이 조금 보였어요Totally different than when she was with Sang-won.
맞아, 재밌으면 헷갈려요 이게 재미있어서 호감인지It's confusing when a guy is funny. You wonder if that's why you like him or…
[서현] 12시 전에 물어봐야 되잖아[Seo-hyeon] We need to ask before midnight.
진짜, 지금 물어볼까?Right. Should I ask him now?
[흥미로운 음악]Right. Should I ask him now?
[서현의 웃음][chuckles]
[희지가 웃으며] 아, 잠깐-Hey, hold on! -[both laughing]
[서현] 자네[Seo-hyeon] He's sleeping.
완전 꿀잠이야He's sleeping like a baby.
- [희지] 정윤이 혼자 있어? - 응[Hee-ji] Is he alone?
[서현의 한숨][Seo-hyeon sighs]
[서현] 아, 쟤랑 빨리 말해야 되는데[Seo-hyeon] Ugh, I need to ask him right now.
[희지] 갔다 와, 난 방에서 있을게[Hee-ji] Go ahead. I'll be in the room.
[밝은 음악]
[똑똑 두드리는 소리][knocking softly]
[연신 똑똑 두드리는 소리][knocking continues]
[속삭이며] 야!Hey!
[난감한 웃음][laughing]
[예린이 놀라며] 뭐야? 왜 애들이 없지?[Ye-rin] Huh? Where is everybody?
- 잤어? - [희지] 응Fell asleep?
현이?-What about Seo-hyeon? -Seo-hyeon just woke up.
현이, 현이 방금 깼어-What about Seo-hyeon? -Seo-hyeon just woke up.
[희지] 서현이가 너한테 할 말 있다는데Seo-hyeon said she wants to tell you something.
- 나? - [희지] 너 깨웠다는데Seo-hyeon said she wants to tell you something. -Me? -She said she tried to wake you up.
- [희지의 기침] - [예린] 어휴-Me? -She said she tried to wake you up. -[Hee-ji clears throat] -Oh.
너 깨우러 갔었는데 너가 너무 푹 자서 못 했대She went to wake you up, but she couldn't tell you because you were sound asleep.
- 잘한다, 희지야 - [규현의 탄성]You're doing great, Hee-ji.
희지가 친구들 많이 도와주네요, 진짜-Hee-ji's helping her friends a lot. -[Ji-eun] I wanna be her friend.
[지은] 진짜 희지랑 친구 하고 싶어-Hee-ji's helping her friends a lot. -[Ji-eun] I wanna be her friend.
[서현의 하품][sighs]
[노크 소리][knock at door]
- [정윤] 안에 있니? - 네?[knock at door] -[Jung-yun] Are you in there? -Hello?
[정윤] 니 근데 아까 나 깨웠니?-[Jung-yun] Are you in there? -Hello? [Jung-yun] Did you try to wake me up earlier?
- 어 - 왜?[Jung-yun] Did you try to wake me up earlier? Why?
- [서현] 너 내일 뭐 하냐? - 아니-Doing anything tomorrow? -No.
- 아무것도 안 해? - [정윤] 내일 뭐 없지-Doing anything tomorrow? -No. -Not doing anything? -I don't have any plans.
없다고? 내일-Not doing anything? -I don't have any plans. [softly] You don't?
[속삭이며] 꿈의 데이트 아니면 자유 데이트 나갈래?Do you want to go on a dream date or a casual date with me tomorrow?
- 뭐라고? - [서현] 내일 꿈의 데이트 아니면[softly] What? Do you want to go on a dream date or a casual date?
- 자유 데이트… - 너랑?Do you want to go on a dream date or a casual date?
- [서현] 안 돼? 없어? - 내일 뭐 없어-With you? -What do you think? -I don't have any plans. -You don't?
- 동의? - 응-I don't have any plans. -You don't? -Want to go? Okay. -Sure.
오케이, 나 화장 좀 하고-Want to go? Okay. -Sure. Let me put on some makeup.
[서현] 지금 일어났어?Did you just wake up?
나 아까 일어났는데 한 20분?Did you just wake up? I woke up a while ago. Like, 20 minutes.
난 지금 일어났어[in normal voice] Well, I just woke up.
- [정윤] 그 말 하려고 온 거야? - 응-Oh, is that why you came over? -Yeah.
[서현] 아니, 내가 이렇게 똑똑똑 하고-Oh, is that why you came over? -Yeah. I mean, I knocked and I kept calling your name.
[속삭이며] 임정윤 계속 불렀는데Like, "Jung-yun."
나 이러고 이렇게 뻗어 있었어I was like this. I was totally out of it.
- [서현] 계속 자고 있었어 - 맞아I was like this. I was totally out of it. You just kept sleeping.
- [서현] 누가 알려 줬어? - 희지You just kept sleeping. -Who told you? -Hee-ji.
[서현] 오케이Okay.
[작게] 와, 희지, 와…Wow. It's Hee-ji. [sighs]
- 희지, 나이스 샷 - [세운] 희지 진짜-Nice shot, Hee-ji. Nice shot, Hee-ji. -She's a good friend.
희나샷-Nice shot, Hee-ji. Nice shot, Hee-ji. -She's a good friend.
- 되게 학교에서부터 얘기했잖아요 - '희나샷'She's been saying it since she was at the school.
[지은] 맞아요[Se-woon] Right.
모두랑 조금씩 다 얘기해 보고 싶고She said "I want to talk with everybody and get to know them."
알아 가고 싶다고 했는데She said "I want to talk with everybody and get to know them."
상원이 외에 정윤이에게 드디어 시작을 했습니다She's moved on from Sang-won and starting something with Jung-yun.
뭔가 예감이 좋은데요? 이…She's moved on from Sang-won and starting something with Jung-yun. -I have a good feeling about these. -[Ji-eun] Me, too.
- [지은] 저도 - 이제 꼬이는 거예요, 이렇게-I have a good feeling about these. -[Ji-eun] Me, too. This is how things get messy.
- 다 꼬여라, 다 꼬여 - [지은] 재미있어진다-Get messy! -[Ji-eun] It's getting interesting.
- [세운의 웃음] - 실타래처럼 그냥 다 꼬여-Get messy! -[Ji-eun] It's getting interesting. Super messy like tangled earphones!
- [평석] 심심했지? - [희지] 응-[Pyeong-seok] Were you bored? -[Hee-ji] Yeah.
진짜I was really, really bored.
진짜 많이I was really, really bored.
어디 갔어?-Where did you go? -Uh, a manga cafe.
- [평석] 어, 만화방 - 어디 갔었어? 만화방?-Where did you go? -Uh, a manga cafe. -A manga cafe? -Yeah.
[평석] 진짜 아무것도 안 했다-We didn't do anything. -You didn't do anything?
[희지] 아무것도 안 했어?-We didn't do anything. -You didn't do anything?
[평석] 엄청 심각하게 앉아 있었어Yeah. We just sat there super seriously.
[희지] 아, 진짜 꿈의 데이트 가고 싶다Oh, I really want to go on a dream date.
좀 큰 거 나올 거 같은데They'll give us something big soon. -[laughing] -I feel like it's time.
나올 때 됐는데-[laughing] -I feel like it's time.
롯데월드가 너무 컸나?Maybe the Lotte World one was too big.
- [희지] 근데 진짜 그런 거 같아 - 그치?-I totally agree with you though. -Right?
[사랑스러운 음악][soft music playing]
[희지] 진짜 그 머리 잘 어울린다[Hee-ji] You look really good with your hair slicked back.
[희지의 수줍은 웃음][Hee-ji chuckles softly]
이제 눈 잘 마주치네You can look me in the eyes now.
[Pyeong-seok chuckles softly]
진짜 여기 그리고 싶다Wow. I really want to draw something here.
그럼 그릴까? 가자Do you want to draw something? Let's go.
[희지의 신나는 웃음] 진짜?Do you want to draw something? Let's go. [Hee-ji laughing]
- [희지가 웃으며] 재밌겠는데 - [평석의 옅은 웃음][Hee-ji laughing] [Hee-ji] This will be fun. [laughing]
[희지의 웃음][Hee-ji] This will be fun. [laughing]
[희지] 어디 앉히지? 여기 앉힐까?Where do you want to sit? You want to sit here?
[희지의 웃음]-[chuckles] -Wow, this room is huge.
[평석] 야, 여긴 엄청 넓네-[chuckles] -Wow, this room is huge.
아, 그, 다섯 명 자니까Oh, I guess it's because five people sleep in here.
[의자 놓는 소리]Oh, I guess it's because five people sleep in here.
[희지의 웃음][both chuckling]
[희지] 도전[chuckles] Let's go.
[밝은 음악][chuckles] Let's go. [upbeat music playing]
[희지의 신나는 웃음][Hee-ji laughing]
[카메라 셔터음][phone camera clicking]
[희지가 감탄하며] 진짜 속눈썹 길다Wow, your eyelashes are so long.
- [희지의 웃음] - [평석] 잠시만-[laughing] -One second.
[평석과 희지의 폭소][both laughing]
[지우] 아니, 다 해산…[Ji-woo] Oh, did they all go--
어디 간 거야? 지하에 있나?-Where is everybody? In the basement? -[Se-yeon shivers]
[세연의 한숨]-Where is everybody? In the basement? -[Se-yeon shivers]
[지우] 야, 근데 너 춥겠다[Ji-woo] Oh! You must be cold.
[예린] 화장실[Ye-rin] I'm going to the bathroom.
[세연의 말소리][Ye-rin] I'm going to the bathroom. [Se-yeon] …your clothes, you're wearing only half of it.
- [예린] 어! 왔다 - [정윤] 누구 왔어?[Se-yeon] …your clothes, you're wearing only half of it. -Huh? They're back. -Who's back?
[예린] 데이트 갔던 애들The people who went on a date.
[정윤] 상원이랑 왔나?The people who went on a date. -Is it Sang-won? -No, no. Se-yeon and Ji-woo.
- [예린] 아니, 아니, 세연이 - [지민] 나가기 귀찮다-Is it Sang-won? -No, no. Se-yeon and Ji-woo. I'm not going outside.
[리드미컬한 음악]I'm not going outside.
[예린] 아니, 도대체 어디 있는 거야?[Ye-rin] Where the heck is he?
[예린이 흥얼거리며] 어디, 어딨죠Where did he go? Where is he?
- [세연] 왜? - [예린] 일로 와 봐-What? -Come here.
[예린] 아, 좀 옷이 다크한가?Uh, is my outfit too dark?
[세연] 아니야, 잘 어울려No, it looks good.
[예린] 여기 앉아Sit down.
[예린의 기합]Yup.
[예린의 웃음][Ye-rin chuckles]
[세연] 너무 더럽네-It's too dirty. -Mm-mmm.
[예린의 고민하는 소리]-It's too dirty. -Mm-mmm.
데이트 재밌었어?How was the date?
데이트?The date? Oh, I mean, we didn't do much other than eating dinner.
근데 사실 밥 먹은 거 말고는 한 게 없어 가지고The date? Oh, I mean, we didn't do much other than eating dinner.
[세연] 그냥 맛있는 거 먹어서 좋았다It was nice to eat good food.
솔직하게 얘기해Be honest.
맛있는 거 먹어서 좋았다It was nice to eat good food.
그래서 우린 데이트 언제 나가?Well, when are we going on our date?
언제 나갈까?Do you want to go?
나가고 싶어?Do you want to go?
나가자, 얘기도 많이 하고Let's go. We can talk a lot.
나가서 뭐 맛있는 거라도 먹으면은Let's go. We can talk a lot. We can go and eat some good food.
좋지 않을까?I guess that'd be nice.
[예린] 나 진짜 고민이야 꿈데 누구랑…I'm super conflicted. I don't know who to bring on my dream date.
나는 너가I'm super conflicted. I don't know who to bring on my dream date. I'm curious about you. But honestly, I have no idea what you're thinking.
궁금해, 진짜 나 너가 뭔 생각인지 모르겠는 거야I'm curious about you. But honestly, I have no idea what you're thinking.
- [세연] 응 - 그냥 너가 누구한테 하는지를I'm curious about you. But honestly, I have no idea what you're thinking. I just want to know who you're gonna take on your dream date.
- 궁금했던 거 같아 - [세연의 호응]I just want to know who you're gonna take on your dream date. Yeah.
조금 나는 신중하게 쓰려고 하는 거 같아I kind of want to be careful with my dream date.
꿈데라는 걸 하고 싶어서 하는 것보다는A dream date is special, of course. But I think what's more important
약간 좀 그래도A dream date is special, of course. But I think what's more important
뭔가 하고 싶은 사람이랑 하는 게 난 맞는 거 같아서is that you go on the date with somebody who you want to go with.
조금 더 신중하게 지금…So I just want to be a bit more… careful.
하려고So I just want to be a bit more… careful.
- 너 - [세연] 왜?-You… -Yeah, what?
변했어, 너무 변했어You've changed. You've changed so much.
[세연] 뭘… [머쓱한 웃음]You've changed. You've changed so much. What? [chuckles]
- [규현, 세운의 탄성] - [긴장감 도는 음악][all exclaiming]
[지은] 귀여워, 어떡해[Ji-eun] That's cute.
[세연] 뭘… [머쓱한 웃음][Se-yeon] What? [chuckles]
[깊은 한숨][sighs]
[세연] 계속…I…
아이, 그냥 변했어Oh, you've changed.
서운해, 진짜I'm so hurt.
[세연의 한숨][Se-yeon sighs]
봐 봐, 오늘 대화는 내 눈 안 보잖아, 잘Look, we're talking… You're not even looking at my eyes.
- [세연] 너 못 쳐다보겠어 - 계속, 계속Look, we're talking… You're not even looking at my eyes. I can't look at you now.
니가 지금 이러는데 어떻게 쳐다봐I can't look at you when you're like this. [Ye-rin] Ugh.
[예린] 나는… 너는 선 그어 자꾸[Ye-rin] Ugh. You keep pushing me away.
[세연의 힘주는 신음]You keep pushing me away. Okay, so…
너가 누군가를 알아 가는 거에 대해서I didn't want to worry about you getting to know other girls.
나도 아무런 생각을 안 하려고 그랬거든I didn't want to worry about you getting to know other girls. [Se-yeon] Mm.
그런데 신경이 안 쓰려고 해도 쓰여I can't help but worry about it, though. -I'm worried about it. -Mm.
- 신경이 쓰여 - [세연의 호응]-I'm worried about it. -Mm.
[예린] 너는 나 신경 안 쓰여?Are you not worried about me? Do you not feel jealous?
질투 안 나?Are you not worried about me? Do you not feel jealous?
[세연] 나는 되게 너한테 그 얘기를 한 뒤로After I said all that stuff to you, I've been wanting to be careful more than anything else.
좀 조심스러운 느낌이 더 큰 거 같아I've been wanting to be careful more than anything else.
솔직히 알아 가는 것도 누군가를 알아 가는 거지만Honestly… I could get to know other people.
[한숨 쉬며] 나도[sighs] But I…
되게 그냥 지금 조심스러운 거 같아, 되게I'm just being careful, that's all. Really.
[차분한 음악]
[예린] 저는 일단I just wanted to talk things out with Se-yeon as soon as possible.
어떻게든 빠르게 세연이와 뭔가를 풀고 싶었어요I just wanted to talk things out with Se-yeon as soon as possible. YE-RIN
그런데 세연이는 되게 흐지부지한 대답을 내더라고요But Se-yeon gave me very unclear answers.
명확하지 않은 답But Se-yeon gave me very unclear answers. They were ambiguous.
그냥 차가워요, 되게He was being so cold, it felt like
멀어지는 느낌?we were drifting apart.
[지민의 웃음][all laughing]
[서현] 왜 이렇게 잘해?[Seo-hyeon] Why are you so good at this?
[대화 소리][Seo-hyeon] Why are you so good at this?
[상원의 가쁜 숨소리][Sang-won panting]
[왁자지껄한 소리]
- 다녀왔습니다 - 왔어?-Hey. -[Sang-won] Hey.
되게 늦게 오네You're back so late.
영화를 한 여섯 개 보셨나?How many movies did you watch? Six? You're so late.
되게 늦게 오네How many movies did you watch? Six? You're so late.
재밌네That's funny. [all laughing]
- 나쁘지 않은데? - [서현] 뭐가?[all laughing] Not bad. -What? -Your reaction.
- 너 그런 반응 보는 거 - [서현이 웃으며] 왜?-What? -Your reaction. [Seo-hyeon chuckling] What?
- [상원] 있어? - [서현] 응-Probably. -You do? [Seo-hyeon] Mm.
- [서현] 왜? - [상원] 어?-[sighs] All right. You're a busy girl. -[Seo-hyeon] Why?
[서현] 오늘 집에 있었는데 내일 있어야지I need to have plans. I've been at home all day. I stayed home today. I mean, I was gonna ask you to stay home with me.
[서현] 응?Who are you going out with tomorrow? Who?
[상원의 옅은 웃음][chuckles softly]
[상원의 한숨][sighs]
[서현] 뭐…Well, I want
[밝은 음악]-Wait, what? What did you say? -Did you not hear me? I heard you, but…
어… 솔직히 그 말을 듣고SEO-HYEON Um, if I'm being honest after he said that, um…
[서현의 고민하는 소리]Um, if I'm being honest after he said that, um…
그 말은 좀 살짝 부담스러웠던 거 같아요What he said made me feel a bit pressured.
저는 다른 친구들이랑 같이 뭔가 시간을 보낼I haven't had the chance to spend any time with other guys,
상황이 아예 없었고I haven't had the chance to spend any time with other guys,
같이 데이트를 나가 본 적도 없고and I've never gone on a date with any of them.
그런 상황에서That was the situation I was in,
뭔가 상원이가That was the situation I was in, and then I was caught off guard when Sang-won said,
'마지막엔 나였으면 좋겠다' 얘기를 하니까and then I was caught off guard when Sang-won said,
전 좀 당황스러웠던 거 같아요"I hope you'll choose me in the end."
- 미치겠네 - [세운] 어떻게 되려나-Oh, my God. -[Se-woon] What's happening?
근데 그럼 질투를 왜 했지?Why did she get jealous then?
- 근데 크게 한 거 같진 않아 - [지은의 호응]Why did she get jealous then? -I don't think she got too jealous. -Yeah.
그냥 예의상 질투 같은 느낌도 있어요She was acting jealous to be polite.
[수현] 아, 그래요? 예의상 질투가 있어요, 또?She was acting jealous to be polite. -Really, is that a thing? -Yeah.
[지은] 예의상… [한숨]-Really, is that a thing? -Yeah. -[Ji-eun] Just to be polite? Oh. -Oh.
맞아, 상원인 좀 헷갈릴 만하죠Yeah, this could be pretty confusing for Sang-won.
그러니까요, 이런 상황에 대해서 눈치를 못 챌 거 같아요Yeah, I think he's oblivious about the situation.
- [규현] 못 채죠 - 그러니까Yeah, I think he's oblivious about the situation. -[Kyuhyun] He doesn't know. -Exactly.
내가 저기 앉아야겠다I'll sit over there.
[평석] 오늘 달린다[Pyeong-seok] I'm going for it today.
[상원이 소리치며] 아! 후![Sang-won] Ah! Whoo!
[평석] 오케이Okay.
[상원이 폭소하며] 아, 이 친구들[Sang-won laughing] You guys.
[상원] 난 열심히 구경하고 있을게I'll be watching, okay? Hey, you… Hey, you need to grab it with your right hand today.
야, 오른… 야, 평석아, 오른손으로 잡아야 돼Hey, you… Hey, you need to grab it with your right hand today.
지금 자리 잡고 있는 거 봐 봐Look at how they're waiting to write their names quickly.
빠르게 선착순 하려고Look at how they're waiting to write their names quickly.
[지민] 뭐야 오늘 못 하겠네, 그러면I guess I can't do it today.
- [희지] 앉아라 - [평석] 앉아라-Sit down. -Sit down.
[상원이 웃으며] 아, 여러분 저는 재밌게 구경할게요[Sang-won] Esteemed colleagues, I'll just be watching and having fun.
[지민] 그렇게치면 자리 차지 순이야, 이거는[Sang-won] Esteemed colleagues, I'll just be watching and having fun. [Ji-min] This is about getting good seats first.
[정윤] 자리를 잘 잡아야 돼Got to pick the right seats.
[지민] 20분 전에 와 가지고 앉아 있으면 하는 거야, 그냥-Come 20 minutes early. -[Jung-yun] You're all dead.
- [평석] 어, 맞지 - 그렇게 치면-[Pyeong-seok] Yeah, right. -[Ji-min] Then…
[정윤이 웃으며] 뭐 하는 거야?-[Pyeong-seok] Yeah, right. -[Ji-min] Then… What are you doing?
- [정윤] 펜을 숨겨 놓을까? - [서현] 그래야지Should we hide the pen? [Seo-hyeon] Yeah. We can win this.
[서현] 이길 수 있어[Seo-hyeon] Yeah. We can win this.
- [서현] 이지민 한 방에 이기지 - [정윤] 이걸 어떻게 이겨?-We can beat Ji-min. -How are we supposed to win?
- 엎어치기 - [정윤이 버럭하며] 야!-I'll throw you on the floor. -Hey!
- 야, 인마! - [평석] 왜?Hey, you! -What? -What are you doing?
- 너 뭐 해? - [평석] 뭘-What? -What are you doing?
- [정윤] 이 자식 - 왜 낙서해?Your right pocket. Are you doodling?
멀쩡하게 붙어 있던 게 지금 없어졌는데Your right pocket. Are you doodling? -What? -The pen used to be there. -And now it's gone. -It's gone?
아, 없어졌네?-And now it's gone. -It's gone?
아니, 내 립밤이야, 립밤!No, it's my lip balm. My lip balm.
- [지민] 싹 다 지워 버려야지 - [모두의 웃음]No, it's my lip balm. My lip balm. [Ji-min] He just erased everything.
- [정윤] 나 이러면 같이 못 하지 - [서현] 이건 아니지-That's cheating. Seriously? -That's not nice.
- [평석] 아, 이거… - 딱 걸렸어-[Pyeong-seok] Well, oh, uh… -[Jung-yun] We got you.
[서현] 양말에 숨겨?-[Seo-hyeon] You hiding it in your sock? -[Jung-yun] Your sock?
[정윤] 이제 양말에 넣으려고?-[Seo-hyeon] You hiding it in your sock? -[Jung-yun] Your sock?
- [정윤] 보인다, 보여 - [지민] 아, 정말-I can see it. -[Ji-min] Behind his ear.
[지민] 귀에 넣었네 귀에 꽂았어, 아유…-I can see it. -[Ji-min] Behind his ear. He put it behind his ear. [all exclaiming] Oh!
- [지민] 어? - [상원] 어?[all exclaiming] Oh!
[상원이 웃으며] 임정윤![Sang-won] Jung-yun!
- [상원] 몇 시야? 시간 몇 시야? - [서영] 55분-What time is it? -[Seo-yeong] 55. -[Jung-yun] 50. -[Seo-yeong] 56.
56분-[Jung-yun] 50. -[Seo-yeong] 56.
[정윤] 우리 애처럼 굴지 말자-Let's not act like children. -[Seo-hyeon] Let's not. We're all adults.
- [서현] 그래, 성인인데 - [정윤] 신사답게-Let's not act like children. -[Seo-hyeon] Let's not. We're all adults.
[세연] 정윤이 앞에 있는 거 나 처음 보는데?-Let's not act like children. -[Seo-hyeon] Let's not. We're all adults. [Se-yeon] I've never seen Jung-yun up front before.
[상원, 희지의 웃음][Se-yeon] I've never seen Jung-yun up front before.
[상원] 나 평석이 저러고 있는 게 너무 웃겨, 나는[Sang-won] What Pyeong-seok is doing now is so funny.
평석아, 우리 신사답게 하자[Sang-won] What Pyeong-seok is doing now is so funny. Let's be gentlemen.
[지민] 신사답게 일대일로 결정하는 거야You should duel like gentlemen.
[평석] 우리 오늘 서로 편지 쓰기 할래?Hey, do you want to write letters to each other today?
- [희지의 폭소] - [평석] 서로 편지 쓰기 할래?Hey, do you want to write letters to each other today? Wanna write letters?
[모두의 놀라는 소리][all] Whoa!
[신나는 음악][all] Whoa!
[평석] 서로 편지 쓰기 할래?Wanna write letters? DREAM DATES: TRIP TO BUSAN, TRIP TO GYEONGJU
- [세운] 부산, 와 - [규현] 가자-Wow, that's awesome. -Come on, let's go, let's go.
- 이거 써야 되겠다 - 가, 가!-They need to go. They need to go. -Go, go!
[규현] 가야 돼-They need to go. They need to go. -Go, go!
하루 종일 한단 얘기예요-It'll be an all-day trip. -[Se-woon] They've got to go.
[지은] 그치, 하루 종일이지 저 정도 거리면-It'll be an all-day trip. -[Se-woon] They've got to go. Considering the distance, it has to be an all-day trip.
[규현] 가야 돼, 가야 돼Considering the distance, it has to be an all-day trip.
[수현의 감탄]Considering the distance, it has to be an all-day trip.
[모두의 놀라는 소리][all exclaim] Whoa!
- [희지] 아니, 아니야 - [저마다 말한다][all exclaim] Whoa! -[Hee-ji] Hey! No, sit down. -[Sang-won] Sit down.
- 콜? 왜, 왜, 왜? - [희지] 아니야, 앉아-[Hee-ji] Hey! No, sit down. -[Sang-won] Sit down. -[Seo-hyeon] Why? -[Hee-ji] Sit.
[평석] 내가 MC야, 앉아-[Seo-hyeon] Why? -[Hee-ji] Sit. -I'm the MC. Sit. -[Jung-yun] Since when?
[세연] MC란다 [웃음][Se-yeon] Wow, he's the MC now.
[평석] 빨리 앉으세요-[Pyeong-seok] Sit down. -[gasps]
- 진짜 다 좋아 - [상원] 당일치기 갔다 오나?-[Pyeong-seok] Sit down. -[gasps] [Sang-won] Would you be leaving early? Oh, it must be a day trip.
- 미쳤다 - [지민] 당일치기겠지[Sang-won] Would you be leaving early? Oh, it must be a day trip.
자, 경주 여행-Okay, the Gyeongju trip. -[Ji-woo] That's awesome.
[지우] 대박이다-Okay, the Gyeongju trip. -[Ji-woo] That's awesome.
- 너 그렇게 슬쩍슬쩍 쓰지 마 - [평석] 경주 여행, 손-Stop trying to be sneaky. -Raise your hand for the Gyeongju trip.
[상원이 웃으며] 너 슬쩍 긋기 없어-Stop trying to be sneaky. -Raise your hand for the Gyeongju trip. Hey, so the Gyeongju trip, huh? The Gyeongju trip?
아니, 그러니까 이거 경주 여행, 어?Hey, so the Gyeongju trip, huh? The Gyeongju trip?
[모두의 폭소]Nobody? [all laughing]
[서현] 아, 왜저래?-What is he doing? -[Pyeong-seok] Nobody?
[평석] 부산 여행What about Busan?
부산-[Jung-yun] Why are you writing your name? -Busan?
그냥 30분 후에 다시 모여Hey, hey. Let's just reconvene in 30 minutes.
[서현] 그래, 30분 후에 다시 모여Hey, hey. Let's just reconvene in 30 minutes. -[Hee-ji] Let's meet in 30 minutes. -Some people might not have…
아직 합의가 안 된 애들이 있을 수 있잖아-[Hee-ji] Let's meet in 30 minutes. -Some people might not have… Hey, some people might not have agreed to go yet.
[평석] 그럼 지금…Hey, some people might not have agreed to go yet. -[Pyeong-seok] Then… -Wow, this is pretty tough.
와, 이거 근데 빡세다-[Pyeong-seok] Then… -Wow, this is pretty tough.
네다섯 시간 걸려, 이거-It's gonna take five… -[Sang-won] Takes four to five hours.
[상원] 네다섯 시간 걸려 부산까지-It's gonna take five… -[Sang-won] Takes four to five hours.
아, 넌 관심 없어?-Aren't you interested? -[Se-yeon] Huh? I'm going to…
[세연] 나, 나는, 응-Aren't you interested? -[Se-yeon] Huh? I'm going to…
난 여기 있을게-[Sang-won] What're you gonna do? -I'll stay here.
[차분한 음악]-[Sang-won] What're you gonna do? -I'll stay here.
[세연] 아냐 헬기 뜰지 어떻게 알아[Se-yeon] They might put you on a helicopter. -A plane? -[Seo-hyeon] True.
- [서현] 그러네 - [상원] 비행기?-A plane? -[Seo-hyeon] True.
[지우] '비행기'? 이런다[Ji-woo] Seriously?
[서현] 펜, 펜 어디 있어? 펜 누가 갖고 있어?Oh, where's the pen? Who has the pen?
[희지의 웃음]
[서현] 앉아 봐Sit down.
[서현] 그런데 제일…[Seo-hyeon] The one that I most--
[희지] 어디 가고 싶었는데?-[Jung-yun] The others… -Where do you wanna go?
- [평석] 응? - 어디 가고 싶었는데?-[Jung-yun] The others… -Where do you wanna go? -[Pyeong-seok] Hm? -Where did you want to go?
[평석] 갈 거야?Are we going?
[희지] 난 잘 모르겠어I'm not sure.
- 그런데 애들이 다 좋아한다 - [평석] 그러게-The others are so happy, though. -Yeah.
[잔잔한 음악]
[평석] 양보해?Let them go.
양보해?Let them go.
[정윤] 응-[Jung-yun] Doesn't Busan sound nice? -[Sang-won] In a car for four hours?
[상원] 4시간을 차 타고 가야 돼?-[Jung-yun] Doesn't Busan sound nice? -[Sang-won] In a car for four hours?
- [정윤] 하루 종일이네, 내일 - [서현] 그러네-[Jung-yun] It'll take all day? -[Seo-hyeon] Yeah.
[서현] 뭘로 가?
[긴장감 흐르는 음악][clears throat] [indistinct chatter]
아, 고민하네 지우가 보고 있으니까Oh, he's hesitating because Ji-woo's watching.
아, 근데 진짜 이 시점에 정윤이 가면은…Oh, if Jung-yun goes on that date right now, though…
지우도 처음 느껴 보는 감정을 지금 느끼고 있지 않을까요?Wow, I bet Ji-woo is feeling a brand new emotion right now.
지우는 확실히 해 주길 바랬잖아요 정윤이가Wow, I bet Ji-woo is feeling a brand new emotion right now. Ji-woo wanted Jung-yun to make it clear.
이 시점에 가면 안 좋을 거 같은데It won't be good if he goes on that date right now.
- [서현] 나만 믿고 따라와 - [정윤] 따라와?-You can come with me. -[Jung-yun] Go with you?
[정윤] 따라오면 돼?-[Seo-hyeon] You don't want to? -I can go with you?
[서현] 뭔가 나중에 쓸 수도 있잖아-[Seo-hyeon] You use your ticket later. -Mm.
[정윤의 호응]-[Seo-hyeon] You use your ticket later. -Mm.
뭐가 됐든 생각보다 강행군이다They're both tough on the schedule. Hurry up and write your name down.
야, 이거 빨리 적고, 아니, 그니까Hurry up and write your name down.
적을 때 적고 갈 사람들은 지금 빨리 자라Write your name down if you're going. We should go to bed soon.
[나지막이] 굳이 꿈의 데이트…This is a dream date, so…
- 너 슬프지? - [지우] 응-You're sad, aren't you? -Yeah.
되게…-I really… -That made you tear up?
- 눈물 나오지 않아? - 응, 좀…-I really… -That made you tear up? Yeah, I was a little… surprised.
놀랐어Yeah, I was a little… surprised.
왜 이렇게 여기 와서 감정이 약간 너무…Why is this place making me feel so…
[예린의 울먹이는 소리][sobbing]
[예린이 흐느낀다]
[차분한 음악]
나 근데 진짜 나도 엄청 놀랐어, 근데I was so shocked too.
- [예린] 아니, 그게 아니고 - 나, 나 좀-[Ye-rin] No, that's not it. -I… I need to…
[예린] 아니, 근데 그냥 사람 때문에 우는 게 아니라[Ye-rin] I mean, I'm not crying because of love.
그냥 요즘 약간 뭔가 힘들어 뭔지 알지?I've just been having a hard time recently. You know what I mean? I don't know how anybody feels anymore.
모르겠다, 애들 마음을You know what I mean? I don't know how anybody feels anymore.
- [수현의 놀란 탄성] - [놀라며] 아이고, 어떡해-[Ji-eun gasps] -Oh, no.
[지은] 어떡해[Ji-eun] Oh, no.
[예린이 울먹이며] 아니…[Ye-rin, voice breaking] I mean, why…
[지우] 근데 나는 진짜 서운한 게 뭔지 알아?[Ji-woo] You know what really hurt my feelings, though?
[예린이 훌쩍인다]-[sniffling] No, what? -When I…
- [예린] 뭔데? - [지우] 내…-[sniffling] No, what? -When I…
내가 가고 싶다고 했을 때는When I said I wanted to go on a date, he didn't.
나한테는 저렇게…When I said I wanted to go on a date, he didn't.
아, 울 거 같아Oh, I'm about to cry. He's never been very proactive with me.
적극적인 모습을 한 번도 보인 적이 없는데Oh, I'm about to cry. He's never been very proactive with me. But he was sitting up front today, right?
오늘따라 앞에 앉아 있고 그랬잖아 그래서 나는…But he was sitting up front today, right? So I thought… [Ye-rin sniffs]
나를 위해서 앉아있는 줄 알았어…he was sitting there for me. [chuckles]
내가 보고 있는 게 잘못 보고 있는…I couldn't believe my eyes.
[예린] 둘이 '어디 가지?' 이러고 있는 게?Them talking about where to go.
[지우] 응Them talking about where to go.
[세연이 놀라며] 애들 어디 갔어?-Where is everybody? -Talking amongst themselves?
다 각자…-Where is everybody? -Talking amongst themselves?
아니야 예린이랑 지우는 여기 들어갔고-Where is everybody? -Talking amongst themselves? Ye-rin and Ji-woo went there.
둘이 대화하고 있는 거야?Are… Are they talking right now?
- [상원이 웃으며] 몰라, 난… - [세연] 왜?Are… Are they talking right now? [laughs] I have no idea.
[세연] 난 모르겠다-[Jung-yun] Why? -I don't even know.
[지민] 아, 여기 너무…Oh, this is so hard. I'd have to skip my graduation to go.
난 졸업식을 포기해야 되는데 이거 가면Oh, this is so hard. I'd have to skip my graduation to go.
[세연, 서현] 어! 그러네Oh, this is so hard. I'd have to skip my graduation to go. -Oh, that's true. -Yeah.
[세연] 너는 왜 그러고 있는 거야?-[Sang-won] Ji-woo's is tomorrow. -What are you doing?
- 어? - [세연] 너 왜 그러고 있어?-[Sang-won] Ji-woo's is tomorrow. -What are you doing? -A secret meeting. -[Seo-hyeon] Strategy.
- [상원] 비밀스런 토의 중이래 - [서현] 비밀스럽잖아-A secret meeting. -[Seo-hyeon] Strategy. -Supposed to be secretive. -Like a strategy.
- [정윤] 작전 회의 느낌? - [서현] 응-Supposed to be secretive. -Like a strategy.
[세연] 뭔 작전? 너네 둘이 가려고?-Supposed to be secretive. -Like a strategy. Strategy? Are you going together?
- [서현, 정윤] 응 - [지민, 세연] 응?-[Seo-hyeon] Mm. -Huh? What?
[상원의 폭소]-[all laughing] -What?
[세연] 어?What, what, what, what?
[서현] 왜? 왜? 왜?What, what, what, what?
[세연] 둘이 간다고?-[Se-yeon] You guys are going together? -[Seo-hyeon] Mm.
[서현] 어-[Se-yeon] You guys are going together? -[Seo-hyeon] Mm.
- 응? 네? - [지민] 엥? 왜?[all] What? What? What?
[상원, 서현의 폭소][all] What? What? What? -What? Why? -It's just--
- [서현] 왜? - [지민] 왜?-What? Why? -It's just-- -You're going? -What?
- [상원] 개웃겨, 진짜 개웃겨 - [서현] 왜?[laughing] What should I even say? This is so funny.
- [서현] 왜? 왜? 왜? 왜? - [지민] 뭐? 왜? 어?-What? -[Seo-hyeon] Why? What? What? What?
[세연] 이유가 있을 거 아냐There must be a reason. I mean--
아니, 이유가 있을 거 아니냐고There must be a reason. I mean-- There must be a reason.
[서현] 똑같아, 이유는…[Seo-hyeon] It's the same. It's because…
[지우] 근데 진짜 서운하다You know, I feel so hurt. [men laughing]
[예린] 아니, 왜 그렇게 답답하게 구는데Oh, why is he being so frustrating?
쟤든 뭐든, 모든…I mean, why? Why?
[지민] 근데 우린 졸업식 빠져야 돼Hey, we have to skip our graduation.
- 나 졸업식 6일이라서 그냥 안 가 - [예린] 너 졸업식 가?My graduation? It's on the 6th. -So I'm not going. -Are you going?
[지민] 그래서 깊이 고민[Ji-min] So I'm really conflicted.
왜 그래?What's wrong?
표정이 슬픈 오리 같아You look like a sad duck.
[지민] 상당히 큰 고민이 있구만You must be really upset about something.
[지민이 나지막이] 졸업식My graduation…
그럼 지민, 넌 못 가는 거네So you can't go, Ji-min,
- 부산이든 경주든 - [지민] 나?-whether it's Busan or Gyeongju? -[Ji-min] Me?
나는 지금 50퍼야 졸업식 빠질까, 말까?-whether it's Busan or Gyeongju? -[Ji-min] Me? It's 50/50 for me. Should I go to my graduation or not?
[지민] 만약 부산 되면 졸업식 빠져야겠어[Ji-min] If I get the Busan trip, I won't go to my graduation.
[지우] 나 여기 앉아 있을게[Ji-min] If I get the Busan trip, I won't go to my graduation. Where should I sit? I'm just going to stay here.
- [지민] 2층 갈래? - [예린] 응[Ji-min] Want to go upstairs?
[지민] 내가 고민을 엄청 많이 했거든[Ji-min exhales] So I've given this a lot of thought.
[예린] 응[Ji-min exhales] So I've given this a lot of thought.
[지민] 진짜 많이 했는데 사실 내가I really thought about it a lot.
지우랑 둘이 진지한 대화를 했었잖아Ji-woo and I had a serious conversation, right?
내가 물어봤어, 내가 지우한테Ji-woo and I had a serious conversation, right? When I asked Ji-woo, "If I asked you out on a date, would you go?"
'내가 너한테 데이트 신청하면 받아 줄 거야?'"If I asked you out on a date, would you go?"
물어봤을 때 지우는 받아 준대Ji-woo said she would go. So I kept thinking about it.
그래서 생각 계속해 봤는데So I kept thinking about it.
어… 나는But, uh, I wanna go with you.
너랑 가고 싶어But, uh, I wanna go with you.
[설레는 음악]
- 나랑? - 응[Ye-rin] With me? [chuckles]
[모두 놀란다]-[gasps] -[Ji-eun] Oh!
- [세운] 갔다 오자 - 그래, 가, 가-[gasps] -[Su-hyun] Just go. Yeah, go, go.
나는 너랑 가고 싶어But, uh, I wanna go with you.
- [예린] 나랑? - 응-[Ye-rin] With me? [chuckles] -Yeah.
그래서 만약에 내가 신청하면 받아 줄 거야?If I asked you out on a date, would you go with me?
[예린의 울먹이는 소리]-Oh, of course. -You'd go?
- [귀여운 말투로] 당연하죠 - 받아 줄 거야?-Oh, of course. -You'd go?
난, 어, 솔직히 지금 너 호감도가 더 높아Honestly, I like you the most right now.
[예린이 훌쩍인다][Ye-rin cries]
- [지민] 진짜, 아… - [예린의 울먹이는 소리][in Korean] Yeah, so…
- 왜 울어? - [울먹이며] 눈물 나-[in English] Why are you crying? -I'm crying.
[잔잔한 음악]-[in English] Why are you crying? -I'm crying.
울지 마Don't cry.
난 너랑 갈 거야I'm going with you.
[울먹이며] 여기 휴지 있었는데[Ye-rin] I swear I saw some tissues around here.
[예린의 울먹이는 소리][sobbing]
[지민] 왜 울어? 일단 앉아Why are you crying? Here, sit down.
괜찮아?Are you okay?
왜 울어?Why are you crying?
- 몰라 - 응?I don't know. -[Ji-min] Hm? -[sniffles] I don't know.
몰라-[Ji-min] Hm? -[sniffles] I don't know.
[예린의 무안한 웃음]-[Ji-min] Hm? -[sniffles] I don't know. [sobs]
[예린이 흐느낀다]
편하게 울어, 편하게Cry all you want. You can cry.
편하게 울고 진정되면 말해Cry all you want. We can talk when you feel calmer.
이게 타이밍입니다, 진짜-That's the importance of timing. -Well, that's the importance of timing.
- 진짜 이게 타이밍이다 - [수현, 세운의 감탄]-That's the importance of timing. -Well, that's the importance of timing.
[예린이 흐느낀다][Ye-rin sniffles] [women laughing]
[지민] 울지 마-[Ye-rin cries] -Don't cry.
[서현] 계단, 계단Upstairs, upstairs.
[지민이 단호하게] 올라오지 마Don't come up.
- [서현] 거기서 해? - 내려가-Are you talking up there? -Go back down.
- [서현] 거기야? - 올라오지 마-Are you talking up there? -Go back down. -Right there? -Don't come up.
잘한다, 잘한다Good job. Good job. [Se-woon and Su-hyun] Wow, Ji-min.
[수현, 세운] 와, 지민이[Se-woon and Su-hyun] Wow, Ji-min.
이거 명장면이다, 명장면-This is a highlight. A highlight. -"Don't come up."
- [규현의 탄성] - '올라오지 마'-This is a highlight. A highlight. -"Don't come up." -So cool. -"Don't come up!"
- '올라오지 마' - '올라오지 마'-[all] Don't come up! -[all laughing]
- [지민] 근데 경주는 괜찮아? - [예린] 응?Are you okay with going to Gyeongju?
경주 괜찮아?Are you okay with going to Gyeongju? You okay with Gyeongju?
- [훌쩍이며] 경주 괜찮아 - 경주 괜찮아?You okay with Gyeongju? -I'm fine with Gyeongju. -[Ji-min] That's okay.
근데, 왜 울었는지 알려 줄 수 있어?-I'm fine with Gyeongju. -[Ji-min] That's okay. Could… you tell me why you cried?
- 왜 울었는지? - [지민] 응-Why I cried? -[Ji-min] Mm.
아니, 그냥I guess I've been feeling all sorts of different emotions after coming here.
여기 와서 만감이 교차한다고 해야 되나?I guess I've been feeling all sorts of different emotions after coming here.
원래 살면서 잘 안 느꼈던 감정들 느끼고 막I felt emotions that I never really felt before.
너도 뭔지 알지? 생각해야 되는 거You know what I mean, right? You need to think about it.
- 그냥 - 뭔가 긴장이 풀렸어?-It's like-- -So you suddenly felt less tense?
긴장이 풀린 것도 있고I did feel less tense.
응, 미안하고 고맙고Yeah. I felt bad, but also thankful.
[지민] 뭐가 미안해?Yeah. I felt bad, but also thankful. -What do you feel bad about? -Acting like this.
그냥…-What do you feel bad about? -Acting like this.
[무거운 음악][sniffles]
내가 지우한테 신청할 거 같았어?Did you think that I would ask Ji-woo out?
그럴 수 있다고 난 생각을 했어 왜냐면Uh, I thought you might, because…
솔직히Uh, I thought you might, because…
너랑 나랑 데이트하는데Honestly, when we were on our date,
친구인 감정이 더 컸잖아we felt more like friends.
그 짧은 시간 안에 너의 감정이 바뀐다고는I didn't really think that your feelings would change in such a short time.
솔직히 생각 잘 안 했거든 그렇게 쉽게 막…I didn't really think that your feelings would change in such a short time. That it'd be so easy for you to…
너가 더 좋아-Mm. -I like you more.
[부드러운 음악]
지우랑 데이트 안 해 봤잖아But you've never been on a date with Ji-woo.
안 해도 돼?Are you okay with not going?
안 해도 되지It's okay if I don't go.
너랑 가는 게 더 재밌어Going with you is more fun.
그래서That's why I'm asking you out.
너한테 가자고 하는 거고That's why I'm asking you out.
근데 꿈의 데이트를 너가 나한테 하면If you use your dream date on me, though,
나 너한테 못 해, 알지?I can't use mine on you. You know that, right?
[지민] 괜찮아That's okay.
나는 너가 갔다 온다고 해서I trust that you won't suddenly change your mind after your dream date.
갑자기 안 달라질 거라고 믿어I trust that you won't suddenly change your mind after your dream date.
멋있다, 지민, 멋있어You're so cool. Ji-min. You're so cool.
분명 말하지만 나는 너 믿어I totally trust you.
너무 미안하고YE-RIN
너무 고마운 거예요I felt so guilty and thankful at the same time.
아직은 이제At that point,
평석이와 세연이I was thinking about Pyeong-seok and Se-yeon more.
이렇게 생각이 더 많았었기 때문에I was thinking about Pyeong-seok and Se-yeon more.
지민이에 대한 그런So I wasn't completely sure how I felt towards Ji-min.
감정들을 정리를 하지 못했었을 때거든요So I wasn't completely sure how I felt towards Ji-min.
그 상황에서 저는But in that situation, I ended up being able to
감정 정리가 거의 다 됐고But in that situation, I ended up being able to
지민이에게 저의 감정이 많이 기울어졌어요to sort out my true feelings and I started liking Ji-min a lot more.
- 야! 사랑은 타이밍이다 - [지은] 나이스 타이밍이다-Timing is so important in love. -Perfect timing.
[지은, 세운] 진짜-Timing is so important in love. -Perfect timing.
근데 지금 지민이가-[Se-woon] Totally. -You know, Ji-min fell hard for Ye-rin
그때 아까 예린이랑 다녀온 데이트 이후로-[Se-woon] Totally. -You know, Ji-min fell hard for Ye-rin -after going on that date with her. -Totally, totally.
- 완전 홀릭 돼 버렸네 - 완전-after going on that date with her. -Totally, totally.
지민이는 마음을 아예 굳힌 거 같아요I think Ji-min made up his mind.
- 원래 맨 처음에 서영이였다가 - [규현의 호응]-In the beginning, it was Seo-yeong. -[Kyuhyun] Right.
- 두 번째에 지우였다가 - [규현] 지우로 갔다가Then it was Ji-woo. And now, it's Ye-rin. Maybe I shouldn't list them.
지금 예린이And now, it's Ye-rin. Maybe I shouldn't list them.
- 나열하면 안 되겠다, 이거 - [세운] 근데 지민이…And now, it's Ye-rin. Maybe I shouldn't list them.
[수현, 지은] 나열하면 안 돼-You can't list them. -I shouldn't.
근데 지민이가 은근 다 만나 보고 있네요-You can't list them. -I shouldn't. Ji-min is going through all the girls.
얘기도 많이 두루두루 해 보고He's talking with different people.
근데 제일 적극적이었어He's talking with different people. -He's being super bold. -Yeah, Ji-min is the boldest one.
어! 지민이는 제일 적극적이었어요-He's being super bold. -Yeah, Ji-min is the boldest one.
근데 지민이도Ji-min felt really comforted by Ye-rin, too.
예린이한테 엄청난 약간 위로를 받았어요Ji-min felt really comforted by Ye-rin, too.
지민이가 힘들어할 때 예린이가 갑자기 훅 나타나서When Ji-min had a hard time, Ye-rin came to him.
지민이가 예린이를 통해서 위로를 얻고-He felt comforted by her. -She asked him out.
이번에는 또 예린이가-He felt comforted by her. -She asked him out. And this time, Ye-rin was having a rough time.
힘들어하는 중에And this time, Ye-rin was having a rough time.
- [지은] 서로가 위로를 해 줬어 - 지민이가 또 위로를 줘서And this time, Ye-rin was having a rough time. Ji-min comforted her.
- 잘됐으면 좋겠네요 - 안아 줄 수, 보듬어 줄 수 있는I hope things work out for them. They can comfort each other. They can support each other.
[지은] 그런 사이가 될 수 있을 것 같아요They can comfort each other. They can support each other.
[정윤] 근데 이걸 다 하는데 하루가 돼?[Jung-yun] Could you do everything in one day? [chuckles] One day.
[서현] 안 될 거 같은데 6시에 출발하면I don't think so. If we leave at 6:00, we'll get there at 11:00.
도착하면 11시, 그거 타고If we leave at 6:00, we'll get there at 11:00. -After we get on the thing and get ready-- -Arrive at 11:00.
- 준비하고 뭐 하면 - 저녁 먹으면 7시-After we get on the thing and get ready-- -Arrive at 11:00.
[상원] 딱 거의 24시간 갔다 오겠는데? 풀로Have dinner there-- You'll be out almost 24 hours, all day.
[정윤] 그러면 들어오면 한…You'll be out almost 24 hours, all day. -When you get back, it's basically-- -Around 4:00 in the morning.
[상원] 새벽 4시 될 것 같은데?-When you get back, it's basically-- -Around 4:00 in the morning.
새벽 될 것 같은데?-When you get back, it's basically-- -Around 4:00 in the morning. Maybe early morning. Is it okay if we can't get up the next day?
[정윤] 다음날 못 일어나도 되나? [옅은 웃음]Maybe early morning. Is it okay if we can't get up the next day?
[서현] 내가 잠을 진짜 못 참는단 말이지[Seo-hyeon sighs] I'm really bad at waking up.
- 그건 나도, 살짝 자신 없긴 해 - 일어날 자신이 진짜 없고-Same here, I'm not too confident. -I really don't think that I can get up.
[서현] 나는 9시에 일어나는 것도 힘들어-For me, even getting up at 9:00 is tough. -[Jung-yun] Oh, same.
[정윤] 아, 나도-For me, even getting up at 9:00 is tough. -[Jung-yun] Oh, same.
- 나 오늘… - 일단 좀 비밀스럽게 얘기하자-Today I-- -Wait, let's talk somewhere more private.
[정윤, 서현의 웃음]-Today I-- -Wait, let's talk somewhere more private. -[Jung-yun] Private? -[Seo-hyeon laughs]
[서현] 이거 너무 공개 그거야-[Jung-yun] Private? -[Seo-hyeon laughs] Ugh, this feels way too public.
[상원] 아, 재밌네-[Sang-won] Oh, I feel guilty. -This is fun.
[서영] 재밌다-[Sang-won] Oh, I feel guilty. -This is fun.
[서현] 그래All right.
그래[Jung-yun clears throat] [Seo-hyeon] All right.
[정윤의 헛웃음]
[서현] 너 가능해? 불가능해?-Can you do it or not? -[Jung-yun] Huh?
- [정윤] 어? - [서현] 가능해?-Can you do it or not? -[Jung-yun] Huh? -Going. -[Jung-yun] I can do it if I want to.
하라면 하는데-Going. -[Jung-yun] I can do it if I want to.
너가…-But you? -[Seo-hyeon] I can't do it.
- 난 못 해 - [정윤] 넌 못 해?-But you? -[Seo-hyeon] I can't do it. You can't? If you can't do it, then we can't go.
- 그러면 못 하지, 넌 못 하면 - [서현] 그러면You can't? If you can't do it, then we can't go. [Seo-hyeon] Well…
[흥미로운 음악][Seo-hyeon] Well…
내일 일단 난 나가야겠어We still have to go out tomorrow.
- 자유 데이트로 가자 - [정윤] 나가? 그래We still have to go out tomorrow. Let's go on a casual date. Yeah.
- 그게 더 여유롭긴 해, 오히려 - [서현] 맞아, 맞아Let's go on a casual date. Yeah. -[Jung-yun] That's more relaxing. -[Seo-hyeon] Right?
- 오히려 더 재밌을 수도 있어 - [정윤] 맞아-[Jung-yun] That's more relaxing. -[Seo-hyeon] Right? -It might actually be more fun. -[Jung-yun] Right.
- 그치 - 응I mean, I can't just tell her not to go. -Right. -[grunts softly]
[무거운 음악]
[상원] 나? 응You look like you feel really upset, that's all.
[희지] 잠깐만One second.
- [평석] 어디 가? - [희지] 잠깐만-Where are you going? -One second.
[지우가 울먹이며]Jung-yun said all that stuff to me. So, I was sure he'd take me on the dream date, but then…
[희지] 오늘은…He's never done that with me. [sniffles]
[무거운 음악]
[지우가 훌쩍인다]
오늘 둘이 얘기하긴 얘기했거든The two of them talked today.
- [지우] 응? 서현이랑, 응 - 그러니까 서현이가-So, Seo-hyeon-- Yeah. -Seo-hyeon?
서현이가 정윤이한테-So, Seo-hyeon-- Yeah. -Seo-hyeon? Seo-hyeon asked Jung-yun to talk.
얘기하자 그래서 먼저 서현이가 그랬고Seo-hyeon asked Jung-yun to talk. I think Seo-hyeon asked him.
꿈의 데이트 하러 가자고 한 거 같아I think Seo-hyeon asked him. She asked him out on a dream date first, so…
그래 가지고She asked him out on a dream date first, so…
아, 세연이 봤어 또?Oh, did Se-yeon see it?
세연이도 복잡하겠다, 마음이Oh, Se-yeon must be feeling so conflicted.
[깊은 한숨][sighs]
- [차분한 음악] - [세연이 속삭이며]
[세연의 한숨][Se-yeon sighs]
[지우] 나 그냥 싫어졌어, 이제[Ji-woo] I don't wanna go anymore.
[세연의 한숨][sighs in exasperation]
지우의 눈물을 바로 앞에서 봤을 땐SE-YEON When I saw Ji-woo crying right there,
정말 당황했어요, 그때는I was so startled.
저랑 데이트를 잘하고We had a nice date, right before, and then
마치고 와서We had a nice date, right before, and then
정윤이가…to see her, um… crying like that,
뭐, 이렇게 해서to see her, um… crying like that,
지우가 우는 모습을 보고 나니까because of what Jung-yun did,
'정윤이랑 지우의 사이가 그만큼 깊었었구나'I thought, "So, Jung-yun and Ji-woo had something serious going on."
라는 생각이 들었던 거 같아요I thought, "So, Jung-yun and Ji-woo had something serious going on."
- [지우] 아, 왜? 왜? 왜? - [정윤] 어?-What? What, what? -[Jung-yun] Huh?
얘기 좀 할래?-Can we talk? -[Ji-woo] No, huh? Okay.
[지우] 알겠어-Can we talk? -[Ji-woo] No, huh? Okay.
- 아니, 내가 얘기를 하려 했거든 - [지우] 어, 해-So, I was planning on talking to you. -Yeah, go ahead.
너 내일 지민이랑 나간다 했잖아You said you're going out with Ji-min tomorrow, right?
- [지우] 모르겠다 - 모르겠어?-[Ji-woo] I don't know. -You don't know?
- [지우] 아, 근데 상관없어 - 아, 그러니까, 그 말…-I don't care. -Oh, it's not about that.
- 가자 했다고, 서현이가 - [지우] 가도 돼-That's why I agreed to go. -You can go. Yeah.
그래서 뭐, 내일-That's why I agreed to go. -You can go. Yeah. Well, since I didn't have any plans for tomorrow…
아무것도 없고 하니깐Well, since I didn't have any plans for tomorrow…
- 가, 가도 돼 - [정윤] 알았다 했지-[Ji-woo] Go. You can go. -And… Huh?
[정윤] 어?-[Ji-woo] Go. You can go. -And… Huh?
아니, 그랬는데-Okay, so-- -Yeah.
[지우] 아, 진짜 괜찮아It's totally fine. Of course you should go.
당연히 가야지, 부산이면 가야지It's totally fine. Of course you should go. You should go if it's Busan.
부산 안 가You should go if it's Busan. -I'm not going. -Go if it's Gyeongju.
- [지우] 경주면 가야지 - 안 가기로 했어, 거기-I'm not going. -Go if it's Gyeongju. We won't go…
- [정윤] 그냥 - 자유 데이트라도 가야지You should go on a casual date, at least.
- 심심하잖니 - [정윤] 그래서You should go on a casual date, at least. -I know you're bored. -[chuckles] "I know you're bored."
심심한…-I know you're bored. -[chuckles] "I know you're bored."
앉아-Sit. -Okay.
- [정윤] 그런 게 아니고 그냥 - 아, 괜찮아It's not what you think. I'm fine. Why are you telling me this, though?
왜 말하는 거야, 근데?I'm fine. Why are you telling me this, though?
[긴장감 도는 음악]-Can't I tell you about it? -[Ji-woo] No.
- 말하면 안 돼? - [지우] 응-Can't I tell you about it? -[Ji-woo] No.
- 안 돼? - [지우] 응-I can't? -[Ji-woo] Yeah.
왜냐면Because… I'm kind of upset.
좀 짜증 났거든Because… I'm kind of upset.
아, 울 거… 너 때문에 울 거 같아Oh, I'm gonna cry. You're gonna make me cry. -Wait! Hold on, come here. -Ugh, so annoying!
- 아, 잠깐만 - 아, 진짜 짜증 나-Wait! Hold on, come here. -Ugh, so annoying!
빨리 와, 어디 가?-Wait! Hold on, come here. -Ugh, so annoying! Where are you going?
[지우] 아, 싫어, 아, 나 잠시만I don't want… Just give me a second.
- [정윤] 나랑 얘기 안 해? - 나 너랑 얘기 안 할래I don't want… Just give me a second. -You don't wanna talk? -No.
- 아, 빨리 와 - [지우] 안 할래-Oh, come on. -I'm not gonna talk.
[정윤이 한숨 쉬며] 지우…-Oh, come on. -I'm not gonna talk. Oh!
[정윤] 아니, 어디 가?Ugh, where is she going?
[지우의 울음 참는 소리]Ugh, where is she going?
[문 잠그는 소리][Ji-woo sniffles] [door locks]
[지우가 훌쩍인다]
[희지] 어떡해, 이 분위기?[in Korean] Everything's messed up.
[평석] 두 개 다 가지 않을까 애들?[Pyeong-seok, in English] I think both will get taken, right?
[희지] 서현이랑 정윤이[Pyeong-seok, in English] I think both will get taken, right? [Hee-ji] Seo-hyeon and Jung-yun.
정윤이는 어떤 생각일까?I wonder… I wonder what Jung-yun is thinking.
- 그러자 - 응, 좋아Let's do that.
- 나 지우 달래 주고 올게 - 응I'm gonna go and comfort Ji-woo.
[지우] 다 했어?
[지우] 나 집에 데려다줘-Take me back home. -What?
- [희지의 달래는 소리] - [지우] 나 집에 데려다줘-Take me back home. -What? -I don't feel good. -Why?
[울먹이며] 아니, 근데 웃긴 게 뭐냐면I feel like they're just playing with me.
[희지] 어I feel like they're just playing with me.
[서정적인 음악]
[지우] 장난치는 거야, 뭐야, 다?-They're just playing. -[Hee-ji] What do you mean?
[희지] 왜?-They're just playing. -[Hee-ji] What do you mean?
[희지] 응?-Hm? -[Ji-woo sniffles]
아니, 그럴 거면 나한테 호감이 있는 것처럼 말하지 말든지I mean, he shouldn't have made me think that he liked me.
다들 나빴어[chuckles] It's messed up.
나 원래 여기서 그냥 놀다 가려고 했는데I came here to have fun. How dare he play with my emotions?
[희지가 웃으며] 응I came here to have fun. How dare he play with my emotions?
내 마음 그렇게 해 놓고They're all toying with me. [sniffles]
[희지의 귀여워하는 웃음][chuckles]
[희지] 그치Yeah.
당연히If I were him,
나였어도, '우리 같이 가자'If I were him, I totally would have said, "Let's go together."
이래야지I totally would have said, "Let's go together."
그리고 정윤이가 나한테 와서 해명 아닌 해명을 했는데Jung-yun came to me and kind of tried to explain himself.
[희지] 뭐래? 뭐래? 뭐래? 뭐라던데?[Hee-ji] What? What? What did he say?
몰라, 뭐… 가기로 해서 가게 됐는데I don't know. He said they agreed to go, so they were going,
안 가기로 했대I don't know. He said they agreed to go, so they were going, but they're not going anymore.
자유 데이트라도 나가려는지but they're not going anymore. They were going to go on a casual date, but they're not going on a dream date.
아무튼 꿈의 데이트는 안 가기로 했대They were going to go on a casual date, but they're not going on a dream date.
그런데 나한테 뭐, 왜 말해?They were going to go on a casual date, but they're not going on a dream date.
난 그것 때문에Why would he tell me that? That's not why I feel so hurt.
서운한 게 아닌데Why would he tell me that? That's not why I feel so hurt.
- 아, 나 진짜 왜 여기서 왜 이래? - [희지의 웃음]What am I doing? [both laugh]
나 왜 여기서 이러고 있어?[both laugh] Why am I doing… What am I doing here?
[지우가 웃으며] 나 화장 다 지워졌다All my makeup has gone now. I think I'll just go to bed.
나 그냥 이대로 자야겠다All my makeup has gone now. I think I'll just go to bed.
- [지우] 가기로 했어? 아직? - [희지가 작게] 아니-Are you guys gonna go? -No. [Ji-woo] Not yet?
[희지] 응, 안 가기로 했어[Ji-woo] Not yet? We're not going.
예린이는 지민이랑 가기로 한 거 같던데-I think Ye-rin is going with Ji-min. -Yeah, that was mutual.
어, 쌍방으로-I think Ye-rin is going with Ji-min. -Yeah, that was mutual.
- [지우의 한숨] - [희지] 그니까 [한숨][sighs] So…
[지우] 난 참 정윤이를 이해할 수가 없고You know, I don't understand Jung-yun.
더 이상 뭔가를You know, I don't understand Jung-yun.
기대하고 싶지가 않아졌어 지금 이 순간 이후로I don't even wanna expect anything from him, from this point on.
아니, 이렇게 한 방에 바로 이렇게 된다고?That's all it took for her to change her mind?
아닐 거예요 지금 순간적인 감정일 거예요That's probably not it. She's just emotional right now.
[규현] 자, 지우가 이제, 어…[Kyuhyun] Okay, now, Ji-woo… Uh…
정말 저렇게 귀엽게 우는 사람 보셨습니까?Have you ever seen somebody who cries
- 아뇨, 처음 봐요 - [지은의 흐느끼는 소리]-so cutely? -No, never.
[규현] 잘 따라 한다That's good. Perfect impression.
어, 그래, 그렇게 울었거든요That's good. Perfect impression. She was crying just like that.
어, 그리고 희지가 옆에서 많이 달래 주고 했는데Oh, and Hee-ji comforted her a lot, too.
- 그런 같아요 - 적극적이지 않으니까-This is what I think… -He's not acting interested.
정윤이한테 제일 기대했던 모습이었는데-This is what I think… -He's not acting interested. …she really wanted Jung-yun to act that way with her.
그걸 다른 여자애한테 갑자기 보여 주니까-But he did that for another girl. -[Ji-eun] Exactly. -That's why she's so hurt. -[Se-woon] Right.
- 그게 너무 서운한 거지 - [지은의 호응]-That's why she's so hurt. -[Se-woon] Right.
사실 뭐, 언제 질투해 봤겠습니까?Honestly, I bet she's never felt this jealous before.
여기 이 자리에 오니까 질투의 마음을 느낄 수 있는 거죠Honestly, I bet she's never felt this jealous before. Because she's there. She's feeling so jealous.
질투하는 본인이 약간 용납이 안 되는I don't think she can accept the fact that she's being jealous.
그런 느낌인 거 같아요I don't think she can accept the fact that she's being jealous.
그래서 표현 방법이 조금 더 서툰 거 같아요I don't think she can accept the fact that she's being jealous. That's why she's still a bit clumsy expressing herself.
[규현] 아마 질투 처음 해 볼 거예요, 거의That's why she's still a bit clumsy expressing herself. -[Kyuhyun] Her first time being jealous. -First time.
처음 할 거예요-[Kyuhyun] Her first time being jealous. -First time.
- [수현의 한숨] - 미치겠다, 진짜 미치겠다-[Kyuhyun] Her first time being jealous. -First time. -[Su-hyun] Wow, yeah. -This is crazy.
- 휘몰아친다, 휘몰아쳐 - 데이트 전에 이러는데…-[Su-hyun] Wow, yeah. -This is crazy. There's a storm brewing.
[세운] 뭐가 갑자기 너무 많이 몰아치는데? 감정의 소용돌이가There's a storm brewing. Wow, I didn't expect this whirlwind of emotions.
우리도 이런데 쟤네들 진짜 어떻겠어요If we're reacting like this, imagine their feelings.
[상원] 운 거 같았는데, 예린이 울었어, 눈 빨갰어[Pyeong-seok] She was? [Sang-won] Her eyes were red.
[상원의 웃음]I'm giving up my graduation.
- [정윤] 뭐야, 그러면 - [지민] 난 예린이한테…-[Jung-yun] What? -[Ji-min] I wanna go all in.
[무거운 음악]
[정윤의 한숨]
[세연] 어? 뭐가?-Oh, really? -Yeah. I think Ji-woo should be free tomorrow.
[상원] 아, 그니까, 그렇지Oh, well, uh… Yeah, right. I mean…
[세연이 탄식하며] 진짜 나 생각하면 막 머리가…[Se-yeon] Oh! Honestly, when I think about all of this… -My head-- -[Sang-won] You should be selfish now.
[상원] 솔직히 말하면 여기선 이기적인 게 맞아, 그냥-My head-- -[Sang-won] You should be selfish now.
그래, 마음 가는 대로 하는 게 지금은 사실 맞긴 해You should be following your heart right now.
[상원] 뭐, 딴 사람을 배려를 해 이건 이기적으로 하는 게 맞지[Sang-won] Why be considerate of other people? You should be selfish.
나 솔직하게Honestly, Ye-rin and I were talking,
이거 공개하기 전에 바로 1, 2분 전까지만 해도Honestly, Ye-rin and I were talking, one to two minutes before the thing was revealed.
예린이랑 둘이서 얘기하고 있었거든one to two minutes before the thing was revealed. -[Sang-won] I saw. -[Se-yeon] Ugh.
- [상원] 응, 봤어 - [평석] 뭐라 그랬는데?-[Sang-won] I saw. -[Se-yeon] Ugh. What did you say?
예린이도 자꾸 [한숨]Ye-rin also… [sighs]
지민이가 있어서, 약간 내가 지금 얘기하기 좀 그렇긴 해I don't know if I should say, since Ji-min's here.
[지민] 상관없어-I don't mind. Just be honest. -Ye-rin told me
- [상원] 솔직히 얘기해 - 예린이도-I don't mind. Just be honest. -Ye-rin told me
나한테 그런 서운한 감정을 내비쳤어that she feels hurt, too.
그래서 내가 많이 못 받아 주고선But I didn't say a lot to her, because I don't know how I feel yet.
내 마음을 아직 모르겠으니까But I didn't say a lot to her, because I don't know how I feel yet.
내가 좀 애매하게 대답한 것도 있고So I kind of gave ambiguous answers.
근데 봐 봐 바로 그냥 지민이랑 가는 거잖아Well, look, she's going with Ji-min now.
그냥 혼란스러웠죠JI-MIN I was just confused.
혼란스러웠어요I was confused.
[평석] 대화가 필요해야[Pyeong-seok] This is, "We need to talk."
[상원] 넌 지금 누구랑 좀 얘기를 해야 돼?[Sang-won] Who do you need to talk to?
아까 예린이랑 데이트 갔다 왔잖아[Sang-won] Who do you need to talk to? Uh, I went on a date with Ye-rin, right?
- [평석] 꿈데 같이 가자 했거든 - [정윤] 같이 가자 했어, 너가?She asked me to go on a dream date with her. [Jung-yun] Did you say yes? You said that? You said yes?
- [평석] 걔가 - [정윤] 그래서 알았다 했어?[Jung-yun] Did you say yes? You said that? You said yes?
- 난 더 고민해 보라 그랬지 - [정윤] 어I said she should think about it some more.
갑자기 이렇게 선택하는 거 아니니까I said she should think about it some more. That shouldn't be a rash decision.
[긴장감 도는 음악]
[한숨][exhales heavily]
[깊은 한숨][breathes deeply]
지금 무슨 감정인데?How do you feel now?
나한테 왜 미안하다 했나 좀 궁금했거든?I kind of wanted to know why she apologized to me.
- 예린이가 나한테 미안하다면서 - 예린이가?-Ye-rin apologized to me. -Ye-rin?
근데?-Ye-rin apologized to me. -Ye-rin? -Yeah. -Okay.
나한테 미안하다면서 울었거든 내가 같이 가자 했을 때-Yeah. -Okay. She apologized and cried when I asked her to go with me.
- 왜 미안하다 했는지 알겠어 - 왜?-I think I know why she apologized. -Why?
- 너한테도 말을 했었고 - [세연] 응Uh, she talked to you, too.
평석이한테도 꿈의 데이트를 같이 가자고 했었고And she asked Pyeong-seok out on a dream date, too.
그런 행동을 했다는 걸 들었을 때When I heard that she did all that stuff, I felt betrayed.
- 배신감이 들었고 - [세연] 응When I heard that she did all that stuff, I felt betrayed. Hm.
난 걔한테 확실히 말했는데 다시 너네랑 얘기하니까I made my feelings clear to her. But after talking to you guys, I…
또…I made my feelings clear to her. But after talking to you guys, I…
- [수현의 탄식] - [규현] 미치겠네, 진짜-[Se-woon] Oh. -Wow. -It's driving me crazy. -[Ji-eun] It's like a TV show.
- 나 고구마 먹은 거 같아 - [지은] 진짜 드라마 같다-It's driving me crazy. -[Ji-eun] It's like a TV show.
어떡해, 이제 지민이가 슬픈 오리가 됐어요-[Su-hyun] This isn't good. -Ji-min is the sad duck now.
[수현의 웃음]-[Su-hyun] This isn't good. -Ji-min is the sad duck now. -[Ji-eun laughs] -He said that he felt betrayed.
'배신감이 느껴졌다' 표현을 했는데-[Ji-eun laughs] -He said that he felt betrayed.
어때요? 같은 입장으로서Uh, what do you think? Since you're in the same position?
- 같은 입장은 아닌… - [수현] 아니, 남자의 입장에서-Same position? -[Su-hyun] As a guy.
- [세운의 웃음] - 같은 입장은 아닌데I'm not really in the same position.
- [지은] 배신감이 들까요? - [세운] 근데 진짜I'm not really in the same position. -[Su-hyun] Would you feel betrayed? -I think…
배신감까지도 느낄 수도 있을 거 같아요-[Su-hyun] Would you feel betrayed? -I think… -[Kyuhyun] No. -I might feel betrayed.
[세운] 저때는 또-[Kyuhyun] Really? -[Se-woon] He went there
자기는 이제 올인하겠다고 여겨 왔는데-[Kyuhyun] Really? -[Se-woon] He went there thinking that he was going to go all in.
또 알고 보니까 예린이는 꿈의 데이트도 여기저기 신청하고But he found out Ye-rin had asked those other guys out on a dream date.
지금 올인하겠다고 한 지 30분 지났거든요It's been 30 minutes since he said he wanted to go all in.
[모두의 폭소]It's been 30 minutes since he said he wanted to go all in.
서로 또, 지민이가 속도가 좀 빠른 것 같아요Basically, they're going at… I think Ji-min is going faster. They're going at two different speeds.
[세운] 그래서 약간 30분만큼의 배신감?I think Ji-min is going faster. They're going at two different speeds.
근데 판도라의 상자잖아요 사실 이런 게I think Ji-min is going faster. They're going at two different speeds. It's like Pandora's box. You don't need to know.
알 필요가 없거든요 모르는 게 나은데It's like Pandora's box. You don't need to know. It's better if you don't.
근데 그거를 예린이를 통해서가 아니라But he didn't hear it from Ye-rin. Uh, he heard about it through his friends.
그 친구들을 통해서 그걸 알게 된 거니까Uh, he heard about it through his friends.
- [규현] 안 꼬였으면 좋겠어요 - [지은] 진짜로[Kyuhyun] I hope things don't go wrong.
한 번만 다녀오면 알 텐데 서로 마음을[Kyuhyun] I hope things don't go wrong. They'd understand each other if they went on a date.
지금 예린이는 1순위가 됐잖아요 마음속으로They'd understand each other if they went on a date. In his heart, Ye-rin is his number one.
아휴, 진짜 다들 어떡하냐[sighs] I feel so bad for them.
무슨 꿈의 데이트 하나로 이렇게까지Why is all of this happening over a dream date?
[정윤] 아이고[Ji-min] Oh, man. Oh, man.
- [무거운 음악] - [정윤의 한숨][sighs]
[정윤의 탄식][sighs]
오케이Okay. I've made up my mind.
정했어Okay. I've made up my mind.
[세연] 정했어?[Se-yeon] Oh, you have?
나는 걔의I'm gonna
데이트권을 쓸 거야use her date ticket.
난 내 데이트권을 쓰지 않을 거야I'm not gonna use mine.
- [세연] 예린이 데이트권을 쓴다? - 응I'm not gonna use mine. [Se-yeon] Use Ye-rin's date ticket?
- 어? 뭐라고? - [수현의 웃음]-Oh? What? -[Su-hyun] Oh, he's gonna use
- [수현] 예린이 데이트권을 쓴대 - 무슨 말이야, 지금?-Oh? What? -[Su-hyun] Oh, he's gonna use -Ye-rin's date ticket. -What?
- 잠깐 한 번만 돌려 주시겠어요? - 뭔 소리 한 거야?-Could you rewind that? -What the heck?
- 잠깐, 뭐라했어요? - 눈을, 아니 귀를 의심했어요-What did he say? -I just doubted my own ears.
- 눈과 귀를 의심했거든요 - [세운] 저는 잘 못 들었어요I just doubted my eyes and ears. -[Se-woon] I didn't hear that right. -[Ji-eun] Rewind the clip.
- [수현] 다시 돌려 주세요 - 잠깐 조용히 해 봐요-[Se-woon] I didn't hear that right. -[Ji-eun] Rewind the clip.
나는 걔의 데이트권을 쓸 거야I'm gonna use her date ticket.
난 내 데이트권을 쓰지 않을 거야I'm not gonna use mine.
'걔한테'가 아니라?He won't use his.
- '걔의' - '걔의 데이트'-Her's. -Her date ticket.
'나는 걔의 데이트권을 쓸 거야'[Ji-eun] "I'm going to use her date ticket."
[규현] 그러지 마[Ji-eun] "I'm going to use her date ticket." -Don't do that! -So he's gonna make Ye-rin use her…
그러니까 예린이가 쓰게…-Don't do that! -So he's gonna make Ye-rin use her…
예린이가 원래도 다른 애들한테 쓰려고 했으니까-Don't do that! -So he's gonna make Ye-rin use her… Ye-rin wanted to use her ticket on other guys.
그걸 나한테 쓰게 할 거야"I'll make her use it on me."
다른 사람이랑 아예 못 가게So she can't go with anybody else?
지금 지민이가 거의 올인하면서 표현을 많이 해 줬잖아요So she can't go with anybody else? Ji-min went all in, and he was open with his feelings.
그러니까 예린이도 그만큼I think he wants Ye-rin to express her feelings, too.
- 표현해 주길 바라는 - [지은] 맞아요I think he wants Ye-rin to express her feelings, too.
- [세운] 그런 느낌 아닐까요? - 그치, 그치, 그치-Just as much as he did. -Right.
[세연이 한숨 쉬며] 야, 나, 나…[Se-yeon] Oh. Ugh. Hey, hey. Why do I feel so frustrated?
왜 이렇게 답답하냐[Se-yeon] Oh. Ugh. Hey, hey. Why do I feel so frustrated?
[지민] 너 지우랑 나가고 싶지?[Jung-yun] You wanna go with Ji-woo?
- [정윤] 그치, 근데 계속… - 그럼 가지 말자 해-Yeah, but she-- -Then tell her you don't wanna go.
계속 있다고 하니까, 나도-Yeah, but she-- -Then tell her you don't wanna go. Because she's always had something, so I…
계속 나가야 되는 일이 있다고 하니까Because she's always had something, so I… -Say you don't wanna go. -She keeps having dates.
- '나가지 마' 이럴 수도 없고 - [지민] 응And I can't be like, "Don't go out." -[Ji-min] Yeah. -[sighs]
[지민의 깊은 한숨]-[Ji-min] Yeah. -[sighs]
[나지막이] 아, 진짜Seriously.
[정윤] 아, 이것도 병이야, 병[Jung-yun] Ugh, this is painful. It's painful.
[지민이 한숨쉬며] 진짜 뭐야, 이게[Ji-min sighs] What's going on?
[예린] 세연이는?-Where's Se-yeon? -[Jung-yun] I think
[정윤] 세연이 어디 잠깐 나간 거 같은데-Where's Se-yeon? -[Jung-yun] I think -he went outside for a minute. -Outside?
- 나갔다고? - 어-he went outside for a minute. -Outside?
[예린] 지우는 어디 있는데?And where's Ji-woo?
[정윤] 모르겠어, 안 보여-[Jung-yun] Can't find her. -[Ye-rin] You upset?
[지민] 예린Ye-rin. Let's go upstairs.
- 올라와 봐 - [예린] 응Ye-rin. Let's go upstairs.
- [정윤] 방에 있나? - [예린] 모르겠어-Is she in her room? -[Ye-rin] I don't know.
- [지민] 물어볼 게 있어 - [예린] 응Uh, I have a question.
평석이한테 꿈의 데이트 가자고 했었어?Did you ask Pyeong-seok out on a dream date?
[예린] 어, 어제Yeah, yesterday.
세연이한테 질투 안 나냐고 물어봤었어?Did you ask Se-yeon if he felt jealous?
물어보긴 했지, 오늘Yeah, I did. Earlier.
나는 내 데이트권을 쓰지 않을 거야I'm not going to use my date ticket.
많이 실망해서I'm really disappointed.
[지민] 갈 거면 너 데이트권을 쓰자[Ji-min] If we're going, we're using your ticket.
[긴장감 도는 음악]
사실 아까 너한테 미안한 감정이 든다는 게Actually, when I told you that I felt bad. -Yeah, I know. -That's what it was.
- 응, 알아 - 그거였거든-Yeah, I know. -That's what it was.
바로 생각났어I figured that out right away.
너가 데이트권을 사용하면 그래도But I'll go on the date…
[한숨 쉬며] 갈게if you use your ticket.
방금 막 10분 전에 저 자리에서 되게 둘이Wow, just ten minutes ago, they were sitting there,
- 아, 너무 행복했는데 - 영화 찍지 않았어?-and they were so happy. -It was like a movie.
너랑 데이트 나가기 전에I said that to Pyeong-seok before I went on a date with you.
평석이한테 그 얘길 했었던 거고I said that to Pyeong-seok before I went on a date with you.
그거 언제 얘기했다고?When did you say that?
너랑 데이트하기 전에 얘기했던 거야, 평석이와는When did you say that? I told Pyeong-seok that before I went on a date with you.
- 꿈의 데이트 가자고? - 어You asked him out on a dream date?
왜 그런 얘기를 했냐면I said that because
내가 약간 너무 생각이 많아지고 하니까I was feeling really conflicted, so I was like, "Let's stop taking everything so seriously."
그냥 '뭐든 다 가볍게 생각하자'so I was like, "Let's stop taking everything so seriously."
꿈의 데이트도"Even with the dream date,
원래 마음이 있던 애랑 가는 것보다it wouldn't be so bad to go with somebody I want to get to know better,
'그냥 알아 가고 싶은 애한테 쓰는 것도 나쁘지 않겠다'it wouldn't be so bad to go with somebody I want to get to know better, instead of the person I actually like."
'그냥 다 나가 보자' 이 생각이었거든instead of the person I actually like." "Let's just go on all the dates." That's how I was thinking about it.
상대에 대한 배려가 아니지That's being inconsiderate to the other person.
[예린] 근데 솔직히 나는Honestly, though, I didn't want to be considerate.
하기 싫었어, 배려Honestly, though, I didn't want to be considerate.
하기 싫어I don't want to be.
나는 지금까지 배려할 거 다 했다고 생각했거든I think I've been considerate enough.
해서 힘들어That's why it's been tough for me.
그래서 안 할 거야That's why it's been tough for me. So I'm not going to do it.
[지민] 사실 내가 좀 많이 생각했거든[Ji-min] I've been thinking a lot about this.
와, 그 말 듣는데When I heard that stuff, I kind of got angry at you.
너도 미워지고, 약간When I heard that stuff, I kind of got angry at you.
세연이도 미워지더라I got angry at Se-yeon, too.
그냥 뭔가 돌고 돌아서 나한테 왔다는 느낌이 너무 컸어I just felt like you came to me after going through everybody else.
솔직히 입장 바꿔 생각하면 너도 마찬가지일걸?Try putting yourself in my shoes. I bet you'd feel the same way.
나는 너가 나한테 그렇게 다가와 줬을 때Well, when you approached me first…
왜냐하면 나는 너가 언제든 지우를I thought you would probably start liking Ji-woo more than me.
더 좋아해도 이상하지 않다고 생각을 했거든I thought you would probably start liking Ji-woo more than me.
그런데 그렇게 얘기해 줘서But I thought,
'지민이라면 내가 좀 기대도 되나' 싶었어"Maybe I can rely on Ji-min a bit" after you told me all that stuff.
[잔잔한 음악]
그때 솔직히 감정 정리는 많이 됐었거든If I'm being honest, that really helped me come to terms with my feelings.
왜냐면 나도 확실하지 않은 사람은 싫거든I also don't want to be with someone who's not sure about me, though.
그리고 계속 나를 신경 쓰게 하는 사람은 솔직히 싫어I also don't want to be with someone who's not sure about me, though. And honestly, I don't like people who keep making me worry about them.
그래서 세연이도 미웠어, 난And honestly, I don't like people who keep making me worry about them. That's why I was mad at Se-yeon.
근데 너가But now, you've heard about Pyeong-seok and Se-yeon…
평석이와 세연이 그 얘기를 듣고But now, you've heard about Pyeong-seok and Se-yeon…
모르겠다, 나한테 이렇게I don't know. You're being like…
나도 뭐 어떻게 해야 될지 모르겠어I don't know what to do here.
[지민] 대충 어떤 내용인지 알 거 같아I get what you're trying to say.
그래도 좀 전보다 오해는 좀 풀렸던 거 같아I think there's less of a misunderstanding now.
하지만 내 데이트권을 쓰면But if I use my date ticket on you,
약간 너 데이트권을 누구한테 쓸지 난 솔직히 잘 모르겠어But if I use my date ticket on you, I honestly don't know who you'll use yours on.
그래서 난 너 데이트권을 써서 가자는 거야That's why I'm saying that we should use your date ticket.
근데 나도 내 감정이 너무 지금 혼란스럽거든The thing is, I'm super confused about my own feelings right now.
내가 여기 와서 이렇게까지And I don't know why I need to worry about all this stuff while I'm here.
생각을 해야 되나 싶기도 하고And I don't know why I need to worry about all this stuff while I'm here.
하지만 어쩔 수 없지Well, there's no other way.
[불안한 음악]
어디 가? 어디 가?Where are you going? Where are you going?
[예린] 이리 와, 빨리 와 봐Come here.
빨리, 빨리 와 봐Come on. Come here. Come on. Come here.
- [예린] 야 - [지민] 진짜로, 근데-Hey. -[Ji-min] Seriously.
[예린] 진짜 이러기야?[Ye-rin] Oh, don't be like that.
네 거 쓰는 거야We're using your ticket.
[예린] 가지 말아 봐[Ye-rin] Don't go.
네 거 쓰면 가고 네 거 안 쓰면 안 갈 거야I'll go if we use your ticket, but I'm not going if we don't use yours.
아니, 그니까 고민하는 이유가 뭐야?Why are you so conflicted about this?
그냥, 그냥, 그냥 고민돼 그냥 다…I'm just conflicted about everything.
이제 그냥 다 못 하겠어I can't do anything anymore.
[예린] 그냥 결정이란 걸 내리지 못하겠어I don't want to make any decisions.
이지민도 미워I don't like you anymore.
[모두의 탄식][all exclaiming]
여기 너무 각자의 입장이 이해가 간다-Why? -That was so sudden. -Wow. -[Su-hyun sighs]
- [지은] 어떡해? - 와, 이거 진짜 어떡해야 돼요?Oh, no. -What's going to happen? -[Kyuhyun] It's bad.
- 진짜 모르겠다 - 꼬였어-I really don't know. -It's messed up.
근데 예린이도 끝까지 고민하는 모습을 보였잖아요But Ye-rin was still thinking about it until the end.
그냥 '아, 알았어 내 꿈의 데이트 너한테 쓸게'She could have said, "Oh, okay. I'll use my ticket on you."
이렇게 하면 사실 됐는데She could have said, "Oh, okay. I'll use my ticket on you." So I'm thinking,
왜, '그 고민을 한 이유가 뭘까' 라는 생각도 조금 들어요"Why was she so conflicted?"
그것도 살짝 저는 이해가 가는 게 지민이의 이런"Why was she so conflicted?" I kind of get why she did it, though. Ye-rin started liking Ji-min and became more stable
'난 확실히 너야'라는 그 모습에Ye-rin started liking Ji-min and became more stable
예린이는 조금 호감을 가지고 안정적이어졌는데because he was like, "I definitely like you."
'너가 나에게 확신을 줘'라는 지금 입장으로 조금 바뀌었으니까But now, it's a bit different. Now, he's like, "You need to show me that you like me."
- 뭔가… - 거기에 좀, 그럴 수 있겠다-That's a little… -That's kind of… Oh, I get it now.
'어, 난 아직 그건 아니었고'-That's a little… -That's kind of… Oh, I get it now. She feels like, "Huh? I'm not there yet."
'너의 확신에 나는 만족을 느낀 거였는데'She feels like, "Huh? I'm not there yet." "I just felt more stable because of how confident you were."
라는 입장이 아닐까"I just felt more stable because of how confident you were."
지민이가 되게 뜨거운 남자인 거 같아요-I think Ji-min is a very fiery guy. -[Ji-eun] He's fiery.
- [지은] 뜨겁고… - 불이 확 타오르는 것 같아요-I think Ji-min is a very fiery guy. -[Ji-eun] He's fiery. He's like a raging flame.
확실히 좀 감정적이에요Ji-min is definitely pretty emotional.
예, 맞아, 조금 감정적이어서Ji-min is definitely pretty emotional. Right. He's a bit emotional.
근데 예린이는 어쨌든 잡고 있잖아요, 이렇게Still, Ye-rin is still holding onto him.
- 그니까, 잡고 있어 - 아직 끈은 잡고 있는 거 같아Still, Ye-rin is still holding onto him. -[Ji-eun] She's still holding onto him. -[Su-hyun] Right.
뭐, 한잔해?Uh… Have a glass.
한잔해Have a glass.
다들 생각이 많네They're all thinking about so much.
난 별로 생각 없는데I'm not thinking about much, though.
한곳만 바라보고 있어서 그런가?Maybe it's because I'm only looking in one direction.
[희지의 웃음]Maybe it's because I'm only looking in one direction. [Hee-ji laughs]
[포근한 음악]
-Oh… -[Seo-yeong laughs]
나 방금 봤지-Did you guys see that? -Seo-yeong.
[서영의 놀란 소리]-Did you guys see that? -Seo-yeong. "Oh, oh."
- [서영] 둘이 뭐, 긴급한 얘기야? - 아니, 아니-You two having a private conversation? -No, it's okay.
나 그냥 있어도 돼? 저기 너무 무서워-You two having a private conversation? -No, it's okay. Really? It's scary in there.
- 근데 인생이 원래 다 그래 - [서영] 그래?-Life is just like that, though. -[Seo-yeong] Oh, yeah?
호락호락하지가 않아-Life is just like that, though. -[Seo-yeong] Oh, yeah? It's not easy.
몇 년 차이신가 봐요So, you know all about life huh, sir?
[서영] 나는 하나 바램이 있는데 좀 들어주면 안 될까?Could you guys do something for me? [Hee-ji] Sure.
제발 행복한 행복한 둘로 남아 줘Please, please stay a happy couple, you two.
제발, 알았지?-[Hee-ji chuckles] -Please, okay?
[희지] 행복하잖아 여기 스마일 웃고 있네[Hee-ji] He is happy. Look at that smile. He's smiling.
[서영] 달달하다[Seo-yeong] So sweet.
야, 어떻게 지금 딸기우유보다 달달하냐?Wow, you guys are sweeter than this strawberry milk.
달달하네, 좋을 때다You guys are so sweet.
- [지우] 아니, 근데 - [서현] 왜, 아까…So, why--
[지우] 내가 속상했던 게 뭐냐면-How Jung-yun was acting… -Yeah? …was the only thing that hurt my feelings.
오로지 딱 정윤이 태도 때문이지…was the only thing that hurt my feelings.
- 응 - 왜?Yeah? Why?
왜냐면-Jung-yun's… -Because…
난 정윤이가 그렇게 적극적으로 해 주기를 바랬다고I've always said that I want Jung-yun to be more proactive.
항상 말했잖아I've always said that I want Jung-yun to be more proactive.
정윤이 태도가 서운했던 거지 너라서 그런 게 절대 아니지I was hurt because of how Jung-yun acted. It wasn't because of you, not at all.
[서현이 탄식하며] 나 진짜, 아!Oh, I thought-- Oh!
- [서현] 나 때문에 그런 줄 알고 - [노크 소리]I thought it was because of me.
- 진짜 너무… - [지우] 네?-I was so-- -Yeah?
[세연] 들어가도 돼?[Se-yeon] Can I come in?
- [지우] 어 - [서현] 응Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
나가라고? 나와?Want me to leave? Should I leave?
[세연] 아니야, 들어가도 되냐고Want me to leave? Should I leave? No, I'm asking if I can come in.
- 너희 둘이 있어? - [지우, 서현] 응No, I'm asking if I can come in. -Are you two alone? -What?
[지우] 왜, 왜?-Are you two alone? -What?
[지우] 와이, 와이?Why? Why?
너희 지금 뭔 얘기 했어 너네 둘이?What did you just talk about?
나도 그거 좀 듣자What did you just talk about? I want to hear it, too.
근데 이건 하나 말해 주고 싶은 게 너한테도 방금 말했지만I want to tell you this first, though. I just told you this too.
너랑 데이트가 너무 좋았어서I liked the date that I went on with you.
[잔잔한 음악]
[지우의 고민하는 소리]Hm.
아니, 나 여기 왜 껴 있는 거야?What am I doing here?
[세연] 아니, 얘기하자, 그냥What am I doing here? No, you can stay here and talk.
도움이 됐다 해야 되나? 마음을I guess it was helpful. With my feelings.
그니까So, I…
너가 아직 정윤이한테 마음이 있었다는 걸 나도 알겠고I know you still have feelings for Jung-yun. -I know that. -I told you about it.
너한테도 말했잖아, 내가-I know that. -I told you about it.
알겠고 이해를 했어 이해를 했는데-I know that. -I told you about it. I know that, and I understand. I understand.
너랑 나랑 데이트를 잘하고 들어와서But when you came back from having a great date with me,
정윤이한테 그런 모습을 봤다고 갑자기 울어 버리면then suddenly started crying because of how Jung-yun was acting…
- [지우의 웃음] - 있잖아, 나도 마음이then suddenly started crying because of how Jung-yun was acting… -[Ji-woo] I'm sorry. -I felt really--
- [서현] 그 얘기도 아까 했어 - [지우] 너한테 미안하다고-[Seo-hyeon] We talked about that. -Yeah. -She feels bad. -It put me in a weird spot.
나도 되게 웃기다니까-She feels bad. -It put me in a weird spot.
나 방금 머리 아파서 나가 있었어-She feels bad. -It put me in a weird spot. I just stepped outside because I had a headache. I was on the terrace, and all of a sudden--
테라스에 나가 있었는데 갑자기I was on the terrace, and all of a sudden--
- 아, 눈이 딱 마주쳤어 - [세연] 아, 뭔가-Our eyes met. -[Se-yeon] You know.
나도 억장 와르르 맨션이야I was feeling like crap, too!
- [서현] 너무 이해된다, 다 - [지우] 너무, 응I was feeling like crap, too! [Ji-woo] I'm sorry. [Seo-hyeon] I understand.
- [불안한 음악] - [정윤의 탄식][Jung-yun sighs]
지우 어디 갔냐?-Hey, where's Ji-woo? -[Seo-yeong] She's right there.
[서영이 작게] 지우 저기 있잖아-Hey, where's Ji-woo? -[Seo-yeong] She's right there.
저기 똑똑 해서 얘기하자고 하든가Go and ask her if you guys can talk. Is she downstairs with Seo-hyeon?
서현이는 밑에 있어?Is she downstairs with Seo-hyeon?
[서영] 세연이, 서현이 같이 있잖아-[Seo-yeong] Se-yeon? -Seo-hyeon. -[Seo-yeong] Seo-hyeon is with her. -Are they talking now?
둘이 얘기하고 있잖아-[Seo-yeong] Seo-hyeon is with her. -Are they talking now?
- [상원] 둘이 얘기 중이야? - [서영] 어-[Seo-yeong] Seo-hyeon is with her. -Are they talking now?
그러면은 단순하게 가자Then let's just keep things simple.
[세연] 나도 너무 많이 생각을 했어Then let's just keep things simple. I'm over-thinking.
[서현] 이제 나도 진짜 생각 그만하고 싶어I'm over-thinking. -[Seo-hyeon] I also want to stop thinking. -Need to regroup in six minutes.
야, 우리 이제 6분 뒤에 모여야 되거든-[Seo-hyeon] I also want to stop thinking. -Need to regroup in six minutes. [Seo-hyeon sighs]
- [서현] 재밌게 놀면 안 돼? - [세연] 나, 나…-[Seo-hyeon] Why can't we just have fun? -I… I…
잠시만, 너가 너무 빠른 결정을 할 수도 있는 거야Oh, wait. You might be making a hasty decision.
잘 생각해Think carefully.
[지우] 왜냐하면 너가 나중에 후회할까 봐Think carefully. You might regret it later.
무슨 후회를 해?Regret what?
나 또 김칫국 마신 거임?Did I jump to conclusions again?
- [세연] 아냐, 맞아, 그거 맞아 - 맞아? 그니까Did I jump to conclusions again? -[Se-yeon] No, you're right. -Am I? Exactly.
- 어디든? - [지우] 응Anywhere?
아, 부산이든 경주든? 자리가 비면Oh, Busan or Gyeongju? Whenever there's an empty spot? Okay.
[세연] 그래Whenever there's an empty spot? Okay.
아, 근데 내일 나가는 건 좀 아닌 거 같아Whenever there's an empty spot? Okay. I don't think we should go out tomorrow.
[지우] 너무 다 복잡하잖아Things are so messy right now.
- [세연] 뭘 복잡해, 아니야 - 뭔가 기분 좋게 나갈…What do you mean "messy"? I don't think I'd be able to go out and have fun.
놀 수 없을 거 같은 느낌이 있어I don't think I'd be able to go out and have fun. Don't you think so?
그치 않아?Don't you think so?
[세연의 한숨][Se-yeon sighs]
[지우] 지금 내가 너무 생각이 많은 상태이고I'm just thinking about so many things right now.
그리고 어쩌면 어제가 더 편했어In a way, I felt more relaxed yesterday.
왜냐면 정윤이에 대한 마음이 확실히 너보다 컸던 걸In a way, I felt more relaxed yesterday. Before, I knew that I definitely liked Jung-yun more than you,
나도 알고 있었는데Before, I knew that I definitely liked Jung-yun more than you,
오늘은 확실히 좀 헷갈리기 시작한 건 맞아but things are starting to get confusing today.
- [서현이 장난스럽게] 반반 - [세연] 반반이야? 치킨이야?[Seo-hyeon] Half and half. -Half and half, like coffee? -Yeah, it's like half and half for coffee.
어, 반반 치킨 됐어-Half and half, like coffee? -Yeah, it's like half and half for coffee.
- 아, 지금 반반이야? - 그래서 더 복잡해서-It's half and half now? -That's why it's complicated.
정윤이랑 가도 너가 너무 생각날 거 같고I'll be thinking about you if I go with Jung-yun,
너랑 가도 정윤이가 생각날 거 같아서and I'll think about Jung-yun if I'm with you.
[지우] 너무…I don't think I'll be able to have fun.
내가 너무 즐겁게 못 할까 봐I don't think I'll be able to have fun.
[세연] 아, 그건 너 편한 대로 해 너 편한 대로 해, 나는-Do what feels comfortable. -[Seo-hyeon] Do what feels good.
다음 꿈데를 가기로 약속해 줘, 그럼Promise me that we'll go on the next date, then.
와, 진짜 와, 신기하다, 요즘Wow, that's so surprising. -People these days-- -She's so honest, isn't she?
진짜 솔직하죠-People these days-- -She's so honest, isn't she?
너도 좋고 걔도 좋다는 걸 이렇게 요즘에는 표현을 하는구나People these days say stuff like "I like you, but I like him too."
[지은] 아직은 여기에 호감인지 여기에 호감인지People these days say stuff like "I like you, but I like him too." Right now, she doesn't know if she likes this guy or that guy.
좀 이제 여기에 조금 더 '너에게 가고 있다, 세연아'라고Right now, she doesn't know if she likes this guy or that guy. But she's confused right now, so she's like, "I'm starting to like you a bit more, Se-yeon."
좀 헷갈려 하는 거 같은데so she's like, "I'm starting to like you a bit more, Se-yeon."
제가 봤을 땐 정윤인 거 같아요I think she likes Jung-yun, though.
- [규현] 정윤이죠 - 너무 정윤인데-[Kyuhyun] It's Jung-yun. -It's totally Jung-yun.
너무 정윤이를 좋아하지만She likes Jung-yun a lot, but somebody else is doing the things
그 원하는 모습을 다른 친구가 자꾸 해 주니까She likes Jung-yun a lot, but somebody else is doing the things that she wants from him, so she's conflicted.
- 흔들리는 거죠 - 그게 멋있는 거죠that she wants from him, so she's conflicted. That's what she's falling for.
그래서 반반이라고 하는데 저는 한 80 대 20?That's what she's falling for. Why she said half and half. But I think it's 80/20.
수치로 표현하는 것도 너무 웃기지만It's funny that I'm using a ratio.
반반이 아니에요It's not half and half.
지금 세연이가 앞에 있으니까 반반이라고 한 거 같아요She said half and half because he was there.
- [지은] 그니까 - [세운] 맞아, 맞아Exactly. She said "it's half-and-half" on a whim because she felt so disappointed.
그리고 또 실망했으니까 홧김에She said "it's half-and-half" on a whim because she felt so disappointed.
'반반이야' 이렇게 한 거 같아요She said "it's half-and-half" on a whim because she felt so disappointed.
[긴장감 도는 음악]
[정윤의 깊은 한숨][sighs]
[나지막이] 왜 안 오지
[정윤] 나오라고 해, 그냥
기다리는데[in Korean] We're all waiting…
[서현] 나 20퍼에서 50퍼 됐어, 갑자기It was 20%, but now it's 50.
- [희지] 얘들아 - [세연] 응It was 20%, but now it's 50. [in English] Guys, the others are all waiting.
- [희지] 애들 기다리고 있어 - [세연] 어, 미안하다[in English] Guys, the others are all waiting. [Se-yeon] Oh, I'm sorry.
[정윤의 괴로운 한숨]Oh!
[상원] 얘기하고 갈 건 가야지 상대방과의 동의를 구하고[Sang-won] Well, now that we've talked, we need to go on our dates.
'나는 내일 부산 여행 가고 싶다', 손Raise your hand for the Busan trip.
[세연의 한숨][Se-yeon sighs in exasperation]
[긴장감 도는 음악][Se-yeon sighs in exasperation]
[희지] 가고 싶은 사람 없나?[Ye-rin] Does anybody want to go?
[서영] 가고 싶은 사람 없나요?[Ye-rin] Does anybody want to go? [Seo-yeong] Do any of you guys want to go?
- 경주는? - [서영] 경주도 없나?What about Gyeongju? [Seo-yeong] Nobody for Gyeongju?
[상원] 갈 사람이 없는 거야 얘기가 부족한 거야?Does nobody wanna go, or have you not talked enough?
아니, '나는 오늘 없다'Raise your hand if you're like, "I don't have anything, I have nothing."
'없다', 손 들어 봐Raise your hand if you're like, "I don't have anything, I have nothing."
[세연] 약간 '계획이 진짜 1도 없다', 자기한테는You're not even thinking about going on the trip.
갈 계획이You're not even thinking about going on the trip.
계획 없어I'm not planning on it.
[세연] 그래?[Se-yeon] Really? [Sang-won] People who didn't raise their hands don't know yet.
[상원] 그럼 안 든 친구들은 아직 모르겠고[Sang-won] People who didn't raise their hands don't know yet.
얘기가 부족한 거잖아[Sang-won] People who didn't raise their hands don't know yet. We need to talk more.
그러면 각자 얘기가 필요하다고 생각하는 사람과We need to talk more. Go and talk with the person you want to.
얘기를 하고 오는 게 맞지 않을까?Go and talk with the person you want to.
[상원] 더 얘기가 필요한 거면 해야지If we need to talk, then we should.
필요한 거면 해야지, 그러니까We need to do what it takes. So…
그러니까 지금부터 선착순으로 하자고So, let's do first come, first serve from now on.
지금 우리가 다 가려고 하는 상황이 아니잖아So, let's do first come, first serve from now on. We're not rushing up there. So, first come, first serve.
그럼 선착순으로 하자고, 지금부터We're not rushing up there. So, first come, first serve.
각자 얘기할 사람 데리고 가 지금 뭐, 필요한 사람All of you, grab the person you need to talk to. -The person you need now. -Good idea.
어, 그렇게 하는 게 맞지-The person you need now. -Good idea. That's what we should do.
지우야Ji-woo. Can we talk?
- [정윤] 얘기 좀 하자 - [지우] 응Ji-woo. Can we talk?
나 헤어롤Oh, my hair roller.
[정윤의 한숨]
어디로 갈래?Where do you want to go?
[지우] 너 가고 싶은 데Where you want to go.
[정윤의 한숨][Jung-yun] Hm.
[지우의 한숨][Ji-woo] Hm.
지금 너 생각은 어때?What are you thinking now?
- 나? - 응-Me? -Hm.
생각이 너무 많아졌어I'm thinking about a lot right now.
약간It's a bit…
- 그냥 솔직하게 다 말해도 되지? - 응[sighs] Can I just tell you what I really think? Yeah, that's why we're here.
[정윤] 그러려고 온 거니까Yeah, that's why we're here.
나는 원래You used to be the only one that I had feelings for,
호감이 가는 사람도 너밖에 없었고You used to be the only one that I had feelings for,
다른 아이들과는 비교가 안 될 정도로and I liked you so much more than anybody else.
너가 제일 컸어and I liked you so much more than anybody else.
그리고 뭐, 지민이랑And even when Ji-min and Se-yeon said they had feelings for me,
세연이가 나한테 호감이 있다고 말했을 때도And even when Ji-min and Se-yeon said they had feelings for me,
너랑 데이트가 제일 기대가 됐고I was most excited about going on a date with you,
제일 너의 이야기를 많이 듣고 싶었어and I wanted to talk to you the most,
[울먹이며] 근데 너는 말을 안 해 줬어and I wanted to talk to you the most, but you didn't say anything to me.
잠시만, 휴지가 있나?[crying] Hold on. Do we have any tissues?
휴지가 있나?Do we have any tissues?
[정윤이 한숨 쉬며] 아, 진짜[Jung-yun sighs]
[잔잔한 음악]
[중얼거리며] 음, 그렇구나Hm… [in Korean] I get it now.
[지우의 숨 가다듬는 소리][Ji-woo chuckles]
너는 말을 안 해 줬지 그치? 너도 알지?You didn't say anything to me. You know that too, right?
You know that too, right?
- [정윤] 나도 솔직하게 말할게 - 응Let me be honest too.
- 서현이가 - 응Seo-hyeon…
한번 그냥, 내일 한번 가자고 했어asked me to go on a date tomorrow.
그래서 나도 지금 약간 생각이 많기도 하고asked me to go on a date tomorrow. So I have lot to think about right now, too.
너도 졸업식도 있다고 하고You said you had your graduation, and you said you'd go out with Ji-min.
원래 지민이랑 나간다고 했으니까You said you had your graduation, and you said you'd go out with Ji-min.
그래서 나도 뭐, 이렇게 계속So I, uh, didn't want to
- 집에만 있는 것도 아닌 거 같고 - 그렇지So I, uh, didn't want to -just stay at home all the time. -Right.
그래서 그냥 '한번 나가자, 그래, 뭐'So, when she asked me to go out with her, "Okay, sure."
'그래, 한번 갔다 오자'라고 생각하고I thought, "Yeah, let's just go on a date."
그냥 가볍게 했던 건데-I wasn't super serious about it. -Hm. Hm.
그리고 서현이랑은Besides…
그런 게 없었으니까I didn't have anything going on with Seo-hyeon.
막, 호감이 가고…I didn't have anything going on with Seo-hyeon. You know, being attracted to her.
그러니까 더 편하게 그랬던 거 같아I think that's why I didn't think much about it.
[지우] 응I think that's why I didn't think much about it.
그래서 뭐…So, yeah.
[지우] 응
근데You know, I've been wanting you to be more engaged.
내가 계속해서 너한테 적극적인 태도를 바래 왔었거든You know, I've been wanting you to be more engaged.
오늘 꿈의 데이트하기 전에 막The way you were acting before the dream date announcement today
난 너의 모습 중에 가장 적극적이라고 봤어The way you were acting before the dream date announcement today was the most proactive you've ever been.
앞에 나가 있기도 했고You were sitting up front and everything.
근데 너가 그래서 '어, 뭐지?' 했는데You were sitting up front and everything. Because you were doing that, I was like, "Huh, what's this?"
어쨌든 나 때문에 그런 게 아니었잖아But you didn't do it because of me.
내가 서운했던 건I felt hurt because…
내가 계속해서 보고 싶었고…I saw something that I've been wanting to see…
그랬던 걸for so long.
오늘 처음 봤는데For the first time today, but it wasn't for me.
그게 나 때문이 아닌 게 제일 서운했고For the first time today, but it wasn't for me. That was the most hurtful part.
[무거운 음악]
난 너가 제일 좋은데I like you the most, but…
말을 안 하면 사람이 모른다, 그지?You never know if I don't say anything, right?
- 당연히 모르지 - 응You never know if I don't say anything, right? Of course you don't know.
약간 너한테는 뭐가Whenever I want to say something to you,
하고 싶은 말이 있어도Whenever I want to say something to you,
약간 한 5번 정도 더 생각하고 말하게 되는데I have to think over it, like, five times before I say anything.
그러다 보니까 내가I think that's why I didn't get to tell you things…
- 너가 듣고 싶은 말을 - 응I think that's why I didn't get to tell you things… [Ji-woo] Hm?
- 다 못 해 준 거 같아 - 응-…that you've been wanting to hear. -Hm.
그냥, 내 말은What I'm saying is, you're the only person here who made…
나는 그냥What I'm saying is, you're the only person here who made…
여기서What I'm saying is, you're the only person here who made…
설레고What I'm saying is, you're the only person here who made…
이랬던 게my heart
너밖에 없었다flutter.
이런 말을 하고 싶었지, 어제도I wanted to say that yesterday, too.
[버럭하며] 왜 안 했어?Why didn't you say it?
다른 애들한테는 못 느끼는 그런 게 있었다I felt something that I didn't feel with anybody else.
- [정윤] 거기까지 - [지우의 한숨]Until the end.
이런 말을 왜 이제야 하는 거지?Why are you telling me this now?
[나지막이] 하, 진짜 미치겠다[sighs] This is driving me crazy.
난 항상 그랬어, 한 명밖에 없었고Uh, you're the only one. You've always been the only one.
그래서 네가 온 날 좋았고That's why I was really happy on the day you arrived.
[지우의 한숨]That's why I was really happy on the day you arrived.
어제 이렇게 말해 줬으면 얼마나 좋았어I wish you'd told me all of that stuff yesterday.
난 처음 느끼는 감정이었다랄까?I've never felt that way before.
[부드러운 음악][Ji-woo sniffles]
내가 누구한테 이렇게 한 번에 이렇게 빠진 적 있나?I've never fallen for someone so quickly.
[지우] 응[sniffles] Hm.
진짜 진지하게 생각했어So I really thought hard about how things will go.
어떨… 어떨까?So I really thought hard about how things will go.
내가 좀 늦었으니까But you… I know I'm a little late.
사람 마음은 갈대라고, 알겠냐?People change easily, okay?
언제 바뀔지 모르는 거야You never know when they'll change their mind.
그래서 내 마음이 변해 버렸어So, I've changed my mind,

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