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Queenmaker 10


‪(앵커) 한국공화당‬ ‪백재민 서울시장 후보의‬ ‪[심각한 음악]‬FOR THE 39TH SEOUL CITY MAYORAL BY-ELECTION D-5 Candidate Baek is alleged to have an illegitimate child.
‪혼외자설이 터졌습니다‬Candidate Baek is alleged to have an illegitimate child.
‪불륜 상대는‬ ‪백 후보의 최측근 보좌관인‬His partner in this affair is reported to be his closest aide, G.
‪K 씨로 전해지고 있는데요‬His partner in this affair is reported to be his closest aide, G.
‪이 현재 임신 중인 K 씨는‬G, currently pregnant, was a member of the Corporate Strategy Team at Eunsung.
‪은성그룹 전략기획실 출신으로‬G, currently pregnant, was a member of the Corporate Strategy Team at Eunsung.
‪백 후보의 아내 은채령 씨의‬ ‪수행 비서였다는 사실이 알려지며‬Even more shockingly, she was once the personal secretary of Baek's wife,
‪더욱 큰 논란이 되고 있습니다‬adding fire to the controversy.
‪(앵커) 완벽한 남편‬ ‪자상한 아빠 이미지로‬Baek has been known as a loving father and perfect husband,
‪여성 유권자들의 압도적인‬ ‪지지를 받아온 백재민 후보‬Baek has been known as a loving father and perfect husband, receiving overwhelming support from female voters.
‪백 후보에게 실망한 민심이‬ ‪싸늘하게 돌아서고 있습니다‬People are now turning their backs on Candidate Baek in disappointment.
‪[칼 윤 소리치며]‬ ‪제정신이야, 다들?‬Have you all lost it?
‪(칼 윤) 선거가 코앞인데‬The election is right around the corner, and you let this scandal surface?
‪이딴 스캔들 하나 못 막아!‬The election is right around the corner, and you let this scandal surface?
‪언론 관리 안 하고 뭣들 했어!‬Why haven't you kept the press in check?
‪저희도 당황스럽습니다‬We're flustered as well.
‪어제까지만 해도 불러주는 대로‬ ‪받아쓰기하던 애들이‬Until yesterday, they printed what we told them to.
‪갑자기 후보님을 공격하는데…‬Until yesterday, they printed what we told them to. But they suddenly turned on Candidate Baek.
‪최초 유포자가 누구입니까?‬But they suddenly turned on Candidate Baek. Who released this story first?
‪(남직원) IBC에 사회 2부‬ ‪김초롱인데‬Kim Cho-rong from IBC's City News team.
‪보도국장이‬ ‪커버해 주는 거 같습니다‬I think their director is protecting her.
‪(남직원) 그 아무래도‬ ‪오경숙 쪽에서‬It seems Oh Kyung-sook made a deal with him--
‪국장한테 딜을 친 거 같습니다‬ ‪[칼 윤 분노하는 신음]‬It seems Oh Kyung-sook made a deal with him-- God damn it!
‪[영어] 젠장!‬God damn it!
‪[한국어] 수단, 방법 가리지 말고‬ ‪무조건 틀어막아‬Stop this story from spreading at all costs.
‪(칼 윤) 김초롱이부터‬ ‪보도국장까지‬Take legal action against everyone from Kim Cho-rong to the director of IBC!
‪전부 고소 들어가고!‬Take legal action against everyone from Kim Cho-rong to the director of IBC!
‪은성 계열 언론사 총동원해서‬Deny the rumors using all of Eunsung's news outlets.
‪사실무근 기사 뿌려‬Deny the rumors using all of Eunsung's news outlets.
‪오경숙이 아들 건부터 불륜설까지‬Oh Kyung-sook's son's case and the affair.
‪오늘 중으로 무조건 덮어야 해‬Cover both up by day's end, at all costs!
‪그럴 수 없을 거야, 절대로‬They'll never be able to do that.
‪언론은 대세가 되는 쪽으로‬ ‪기울 수밖에 없으니까‬Because the press can't help but side with whoever's winning.
‪대세 좋죠‬I do love winning.
‪본부장님, 어떻게 치고 나갈까요?‬ ‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬Ms. Hwang, what should we do next?
‪지금부턴‬ ‪내가 짠 로직대로 구도 잡아‬From now on, let's shape this election as a showdown…
‪슬픈 엄마 오경숙이냐‬between the heartbroken mother, Oh Kyung-sook,
‪(도희) 가증스러운 불륜남‬ ‪백재민이냐‬and the despicable cheater, Baek Jae-min?
‪이제부턴 프레임 전쟁이야‬The war of narratives begins.
‪[활기 넘치는 음악]‬
‪[모두 오경숙을 연신 외친다]‬Oh Kyung-sook!
‪안녕하십니까‬-Hello. -Oh Kyung-sook!
‪(학부모 연대원) 저희‬ ‪바른 학부모 연대에서는‬The Good Parents Association
‪오경숙 후보를 적극 지지하며…‬wholeheartedly supports Candidate Oh…
‪이 육승철이를‬ ‪품어주셨던 모성애로‬I, Yook Seung-cheol, ask that you all support Oh Kyung-sook
‪오경숙을 밀어주십시오, 여러분!‬with the same motherly love that you embraced me with!
‪[모두 오경숙을 연신 외친다]‬-Oh Kyung-sook! -Oh Kyung-sook!
‪(도희) 유세 현장에‬ ‪선거 운동원 세 배씩 늘리고‬Triple the campaigners and rent ten more campaign cars for each district.
‪지역구당‬ ‪유세 차량 열 대씩 확충해‬Triple the campaigners and rent ten more campaign cars for each district.
‪사대문 안에서부터‬ ‪서울 끝까지 비어 있는 벽은‬Fill all the empty walls in Seoul with posters of Oh Kyung-sook.
‪전부 오경숙 포스터로 채우고!‬Fill all the empty walls in Seoul with posters of Oh Kyung-sook.
‪이제부턴 세몰이가 중요해‬We need to dominate public opinion.
‪코뿔소가 서울을 접수했다‬"The Rhino has taken over this city and is already the mayor of Seoul."
‪서울시장은 이미 오경숙이다‬"The Rhino has taken over this city and is already the mayor of Seoul."
‪천만 시민이 체감할 수 있게‬Make the ten million citizens of Seoul believe that.
‪[환호]‬ ‪기호 2번 오경숙입니다!‬I am candidate number two, Oh Kyung-sook!
‪여러분의 소중한 한 표‬Please cast your precious vote for candidate number two!
‪기호 2번에 부탁드립니다!‬Please cast your precious vote for candidate number two!
‪(양 대표) 백재민 후보‬ ‪정작 본인은‬Baek has been caught in an affair and even has an illegitimate child!
‪불륜에 혼외자까지 만들어 놓고‬Baek has been caught in an affair and even has an illegitimate child!
‪무고한 오경숙 후보의 아들을‬Yet, he shamelessly accused Oh's innocent son of being a sex offender!
‪성범죄자로 내몰았습니다!‬Yet, he shamelessly accused Oh's innocent son of being a sex offender!
‪이런 내로남불이‬ ‪어디 있습니까, 여러분!‬I ask, what kind of hypocrisy is this?
‪[환호]‬I ask, what kind of hypocrisy is this?
‪혼탁 선거의 주범 백재민 후보!‬Candidate Baek Jae-min plunged this election into chaos and corruption!
‪사퇴해야 사람이다!‬If you have any shame, withdraw!
‪(사람들) 사퇴하라, 사퇴하라!‬-Withdraw! -Withdraw!
‪[음악이 멈춘다]‬
‪(칼 윤) 마음 흔들리지 마‬Don't lose your nerve.
‪- 아직 끝난 게임 아니니까‬ ‪- 게임?‬-The game isn't over yet. -Game?
‪이게 게임으로 보여?‬Is this a game to you?
‪내가 지금 한가하게‬ ‪노닥거리는 걸로 보입니까?‬Does it look like I'm doing this just for the hell of it?
‪그렇게 절박했으면‬ ‪진작에 조심했어야지‬If you were desperate to win, you should've been careful.
‪국지연이 네 아이를 품고 있는데…‬Guk is pregnant with your child--
‪근데!‬Guk is pregnant with your child-- And how
‪그것도 모르고 뭐 했냐고, 응?‬did I not know about it?
‪그건 내가 묻고 싶은 말인데?‬That's what I want to ask you.
‪나 당선시키겠다며?‬You said you'd get me elected.
‪그럼 당신이 하나부터 열까지‬ ‪다 알았어야지!‬Then you should've known every single thing about me!
‪[긴장감 도는 음악]‬Then you should've known every single thing about me!
‪황도희한테 꼬리나 밟혀서‬ ‪이 꼴 나게 만든 건‬You let Hwang Do-hee go on a rampage like this,
‪다 당신 책임 아니야?‬so this is your fault.
‪앞으로 나한테‬ ‪아무것도 지시하지 마‬Don't you ever order me around again.
‪이번 선거 내 방식대로 치를 거고‬I'll run in the election my way and get rid of Guk Ji-yeon myself.
‪국지연도 내가 알아서 치울 거니까‬I'll run in the election my way and get rid of Guk Ji-yeon myself.
‪(칼 윤) 치워?‬Get rid of her?
‪땅속에 파묻기라도 할 건가?‬Put her six feet under?
‪(칼 윤) 여론, 언론, 정치권까지‬ ‪모두 국지연만 들여다보고 있는데‬The press, the public, and everyone in politics have their eyes on her.
‪그 아이가 갑자기 사라지면‬If she suddenly disappears,
‪자수라도 할 건가?‬everyone will suspect you.
‪(칼 윤) 한이슬, 국지연‬From Han I-seul to Guk Ji-yeon.
‪네가 품은 여자들‬ ‪전부 네 손으로 치웠다고‬Are you going to say you've gotten rid of all your mistresses?
‪[소리치며] 자수라도 할 건가!‬Are you going to admit to it all?
‪[재민 숨을 몰아쉰다]‬
‪지금 이 선거판에서‬The biggest ticking bomb
‪가장 위험한 폭탄은‬in this election is Guk Ji-yeon.
‪국지연이야‬in this election is Guk Ji-yeon.
‪감정 추스리고‬Rein in your emotions
‪네 편으로 만들어‬and get her on your side.
‪그 아이가 어떤 스탠스를‬ ‪취하느냐에 따라서‬Your fate depends on
‪네 운명이 결정돼‬the stance she takes.
‪(앵커) 불륜과 혼외자설로‬Candidate Baek is facing the worst crisis
‪선거 이래 최대 위기를‬ ‪맞고 있는 백재민 후보‬Candidate Baek is facing the worst crisis due to rumors about his affair and an illegitimate child.
‪현재 백 후보 측은‬Candidate Baek's campaign is actively fighting these allegations,
‪이 거짓 루머의‬ ‪최초 유포자를 찾아내‬Candidate Baek's campaign is actively fighting these allegations,
‪강력한 법적 조치를 취하겠다며‬saying they will take legal action against those who initially spread the rumors.
‪적극적인 대응을 하고 있는데요‬saying they will take legal action against those who initially spread the rumors.
‪[문이 여닫힌다]‬ ‪이번 스캔들의‬ ‪진위 여부가 밝혀지기 전까진‬saying they will take legal action against those who initially spread the rumors. It seems his supporters' anger and disappointment will not abate
‪백 후보에 대한‬ ‪지지자들의 분노와 실망이‬It seems his supporters' anger and disappointment will not abate until the truth regarding this scandal is revealed.
‪계속 이어질 것으로 보입니…‬ ‪[TV 꺼지는 소리]‬until the truth regarding this scandal is revealed.
‪[떨리는 목소리로]‬ ‪믿지 않으시겠지만‬You won't believe me,
‪[지연 떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪정말 계획적으로 임신하거나‬ ‪그런 거 절대…‬but I never planned to get pregnant or do anything--
‪[지연 떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪(재민) 어떻게 다 감당했니?‬How did you hold it together?
‪(재민) 캠프 일도 힘들고‬You must have been so stressed by it
‪스트레스도 많았을 텐데‬as well as the campaign work.
‪몸은 좀 괜찮은 거야?‬Are you feeling all right?
‪[음침한 음악]‬
‪후보님‬Candidate Baek.
‪서울시장 후보로선‬As Seoul's mayoral candidate,
‪이번 선거 너무 중요해, 나한테‬this election means the world to me.
‪너도 나한테 정말 중요한 사람이야‬you're just as important to me.
‪(재민) 너 아니었으면‬ ‪여기까지 오지도 못했을 거고‬I couldn't have made it this far without you.
‪그러니까 앞으로도 쭉‬So you're telling me
‪후보님을 위해서 희생하라‬to keep making sacrifices for you.
‪그 말씀이신가요?‬Is that it?
‪(지연) 선거 끝날 때까지‬You want me to lay low
‪이 세상에 없는 사람인 것처럼‬like I don't exist in this world until the election is over?
‪죽은 듯이 숨어 있어라?‬like I don't exist in this world until the election is over?
‪숨지 말고‬Don't go into hiding.
‪내 옆에 나와서‬Come stand beside me, and let's get through this together.
‪나랑 같이 돌파하자고‬Come stand beside me, and let's get through this together.
‪(재민) [숨을 들이쉬며] 지금부턴‬From now on, we have to keep it together.
‪정신 똑바로 차려야 돼‬From now on, we have to keep it together.
‪이번 선거 망치면‬ ‪손 회장이 가만 안 둘 거야‬If we lose this election, Chairwoman Son won't leave us unscathed.
‪너랑 나‬Not you, me…
‪[재민 숨을 들이쉰다]‬
‪배 속의 우리 애까지‬or our unborn child.
‪(재민) 우리가‬It's true that we used each other for our own survival,
‪살아남으려고‬It's true that we used each other for our own survival,
‪서로 이용한 건 맞지만‬It's true that we used each other for our own survival,
‪아무 감정도 없이‬ ‪여기까지 온 건 아니었잖아‬but you can't say we have no feelings for each other.
‪(재민) 그치?‬Don't you agree?
‪그러니까‬So let's get through this
‪끝까지‬So let's get through this
‪같이 살아남자‬together to the end.
‪[재민 숨을 들이쉰다]‬
‪[한숨 쉬며] 오늘은‬As for today,
‪아무 걱정 하지 말고 푹 자‬don't worry and get some rest.
‪내일부턴 경호 팀이‬The security team will help you get to work from tomorrow, so relax.
‪출근 도와줄 거니까 안심하고‬The security team will help you get to work from tomorrow, so relax.
‪아...‬One more thing.
‪(재민) 오다가‬I saw these.
‪예뻐서‬Aren't they cute?
‪너무 걱정하지 마‬Don't worry too much.
‪[문이 열린다]‬
‪[문이 닫힌다]‬
‪[활기 넘치는 음악]‬ ‪- (유세단) 오경숙! 오경숙!‬ ‪- (경숙) 기호 2번입니다!‬-Oh Kyung-sook! -Oh Kyung-sook!
‪(유세단) 기호 2번 오경숙!‬ ‪[떠들썩하다]‬Candidate number two, Oh Kyung-sook!
‪- (경숙) 기호 2번!‬ ‪- (유세단) 기호 2번 오경숙!‬Candidate number two, Oh Kyung-sook!
‪(경숙) 2번!‬ ‪[상인이 호응한다]‬Number two!
‪얼마예요, 얼마?‬ ‪육천 원? 육천 원 주세요‬How much is this? 5,000 won? Give her 5,000 won.
‪아, 예, 육천 원‬ ‪아, 여기 있습니다, 육천 원‬Sure. Here's 5,000 won.
‪- (상인) 아이고!‬ ‪- (팀원) 아이, 받으셔야 돼‬-No. -You have to take it.
‪(경숙) 여러분‬Dear citizens.
‪선거 때마다 쏟아져 나오는‬We've been fooled so many times
‪부동산 관련 정책들‬by the promises of real estate policies and tax reforms
‪그런 공약들 또 세금 관련 공약들‬ ‪[촬영음]‬by the promises of real estate policies and tax reforms that always pour out during election campaigns, right?
‪많이 속으셨죠?‬that always pour out during election campaigns, right?
‪(사람들) 네!‬Yes!
‪그리고 여야, 진보와 보수‬And all those campaign promises and policies that divide us into sides,
‪(경숙) 요즘엔 남녀, 갑을‬And all those campaign promises and policies that divide us into sides, the ruling party or the opposition, liberal or conservative, and lately,
‪강남과 강북까지‬the ruling party or the opposition, liberal or conservative, and lately,
‪그렇게 편 가르기 하는‬ ‪정책과 공약들‬even women or men, employer or employee, Gangnam or Gangbuk.
‪얼마나 지겨우십니까?‬Aren't you tired of it all?
‪화합과 공생의 서울‬I, Oh Kyung-sook, promise to build a Seoul
‪이 오경숙이 만들어 보겠습니다!‬of harmony and coexistence!
‪믿어주십시오!‬You can put your faith in me!
‪오경숙이 해내겠습니다!‬I will make it happen!
‪(앵커) 오경숙 후보의 행보가‬ ‪심상치 않습니다‬Candidate Oh seems to be moving up.
‪아들 사건이 조작으로 밝혀진 후‬Since her son's name was cleared,
‪운동장을‬ ‪넓게 쓰기 시작한 오 후보는‬Candidate Oh has been expanding her scope of campaign,
‪적극적인 현장 유세를 펼치며‬ ‪시민들과 호흡하고 있는데요‬actively promoting her campaign in person and communicating with citizens.
‪이 소수를 대변하는 활동가에서‬Oh Kyung-sook, the Rhino, has transformed
‪다수를 아우르는 정치인으로‬ ‪환골탈태 중인 코뿔소 오경숙‬from an activist for minorities to a politician that leads the masses.
‪백재민 후보에게‬ ‪실망한 민심까지 끌어당기며‬She is rising to the top, gaining the favor of people
‪대세가 되고 있습니다‬disappointed by Candidate Baek.
‪[멀리서 들리는 타이어 마찰음]‬
‪(기자1) 백재민 후보의 혼외자‬ ‪임신하신 거 사실입니까?‬ ‪[카메라 셔터음]‬Are you pregnant with Candidate Baek's child?
‪[긴장감 도는 음악]‬ ‪[질문이 빗발친다]‬ ‪(기자2) 불륜 인정하시는 겁니까?‬-Do you admit to the affair? -Is the rumor true?
‪- (기자3) 국지연 씨, 맞죠?‬ ‪- (기자1) 한 말씀만 해주시죠!‬Can we have a comment?
‪(기자4) 백재민 후보와‬ ‪언제부터 불륜 관계셨습니까?‬Can we have a comment? When did this affair with Candidate Baek start?
‪(남자) 야, 이 마귀 같은 년아!‬ ‪[모두 놀라는 신음]‬When did this affair with Candidate Baek start? You evil bitch!
‪네가 뭔데 우리 후보님 앞길 막아?‬ ‪[지연 비명]‬How dare you ruin things for Candidate Baek?
‪(여자) 어디서‬ ‪우리 후보님을 꼬드겨!‬How dare you seduce him!
‪[지연 비명]‬ ‪(남자) 야! 이년아, 내가 너‬ ‪오늘 아주 죽여버릴 테니까‬Come here, you bitch! I'm going to kill you.
‪[지연 놀라는 신음]‬ ‪(남경호원) 이러시면 안 됩니다!‬Please stop! Please calm down!
‪[지연 비명]‬ ‪- (남경호원) 이러시면 안 됩니다!‬ ‪- (여경호원) 가세요, 가세요‬-Stop this! -Move aside!
‪[소란스럽다]‬ ‪[지연 힘겨운 신음]‬-Stop this! -Move aside! Are you all right? Let's go.
‪괜찮으세요? 가시죠‬Are you all right? Let's go.
‪[지연 힘겨운 신음]‬
‪[지연 가쁜 숨소리]‬
‪(기자5) 해명해 주셔야 될 거‬ ‪아닌가요?‬You owe us an explanation.
‪[깊은 한숨]‬
‪(재민) 지금부턴‬From now on, we have to keep it together.
‪정신 똑바로 차려야 돼‬ ‪[지연 숨을 들이쉰다]‬From now on, we have to keep it together.
‪이번 선거 망치면‬ ‪손 회장이 가만 안 둘 거야‬If we lose this election, Chairwoman Son won't leave us unscathed.
‪(재민) 너랑 나‬ ‪[지연 떨리는 숨소리]‬Not you, me,
‪배 속의 우리 아이까지‬ ‪[지연 훌쩍인다]‬or our unborn child.
‪[통화 연결음]‬ ‪[한숨]‬
‪할게요‬I'll do it.
‪기자회견‬The press conference.
‪- (남기자1) 왔다, 왔다‬ ‪- (남기자2) 어? 나왔다, 나왔다‬ ‪[카메라 셔터음]‬KOREAN REPUBLICAN PARTY CANDIDATE BAEK JAE-MIN'S URGENT PRESS CONFERENCE They're here. They're coming.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪(재민) 먼저‬First,
‪저의 불미스러운 스캔들로 인해서‬I'd like to sincerely apologize
‪많이 불편하셨을 국민 여러분께‬to all the citizens that I've caused discomfort to…
‪깊은 사과의 말씀 올립니다‬due to the recent scandal.
‪하지만‬But I promise you the rumors about my affair and the illegitimate child
‪저의 불륜설과 혼외자설은‬But I promise you the rumors about my affair and the illegitimate child
‪단언컨대 사실이 아닙니다‬ ‪[단상을 탁 내리친다]‬are completely untrue.
‪단지 여자라는 이유만으로‬Ms. Guk was victimized
‪또 제 보좌관이었단 사실만으로‬by filthy political machinations
‪더러운 정치 공작‬and smear campaigns,
‪마타도어의 희생양이 된‬simply because she's a woman
‪국지연 씨에게‬and my aide.
‪너무나도 미안한 심정입니다‬I feel deeply sorry for her.
‪(칼 윤) 자네는 지금부터‬ ‪불륜 가해자가 아니라‬From now on, you're no longer a home-wrecker.
‪가짜 뉴스에 희생당한‬You're a victim of fake news.
‪피해자야‬You're a victim of fake news.
‪(칼 윤) 내가 써준 멘트 그대로‬ ‪토씨 하나 빼놓지 말고‬Read exactly what I prepared for you
‪차근차근 뱉어내‬word for word.
‪이 기자회견에서‬We'll put an end to this messy scandal
‪이 난잡한 스캔들‬We'll put an end to this messy scandal
‪다 덮을 거니까‬with this press conference.
‪백재민 후보님의 보좌관‬I am Guk Ji-yeon,
‪국지연입니다‬Candidate Baek's aide.
‪[목소리를 떨며] 저는 맹세코‬I swear before you all
‪후보님께 사적인 감정을‬ ‪품은 적이 없으며‬that I have never harbored romantic feelings for Candidate Baek
‪후보와 보좌관 이상의 관계를‬ ‪맺은 적도 없습니다‬or had an inappropriate relationship with Candidate Baek.
‪무엇보다‬Above all else,
‪[훌쩍인다]‬ ‪저에겐 사랑하는 사람이 있습니다‬I'm in love with someone else.
‪저는‬I am
‪국지연 씨 남자 친구‬Guk Ji-yeon's boyfriend,
‪차진혁입니다‬Cha Jin-hyeok.
‪(진혁) 현재 은성그룹‬ ‪계열사에서 근무하고 있으며‬I work for a subsidiary of Eunsung Group,
‪지연 씨와는‬and we've been dating for the past two years.
‪2년째 연애 중입니다‬and we've been dating for the past two years.
‪올가을 결혼을 약속했고‬We're planning to get married this fall…
‪[지연 훌쩍인다]‬ ‪그리고 제 여자 친구는 지금‬and my girlfriend is currently
‪제 아이를 임신한 상태입니다‬pregnant with my child.
‪[울먹이며] 제 이름은‬ ‪국지연입니다‬My name is Guk Ji-yeon.
‪불륜녀 K가 아닌‬I am not "Mistress G."
‪평범한 여자 국지연으로‬I am just an ordinary woman…
‪사랑하는 사람과‬ ‪행복한 가정을 꾸리고…‬who wants to start a family with the man I love--
‪- (남기자3) 이거 봐 봐‬ ‪- (여기자1) 뜬 거 봐 봐‬-Look at this. -What is it?
‪- (남기자4) 방금 뜬 거지?‬ ‪- (여기자2) 뭐야, 뭐야?‬Was it just uploaded?
‪- (남기자4) 야, 대박, 야!‬ ‪- (여기자3) 백재민 후보 맞지?‬-Whoa. Unbelievable! -It's Baek Jae-min, isn't it?
‪[불길한 음악]‬-Whoa. Unbelievable! -It's Baek Jae-min, isn't it?
‪[기자들이 연신 웅성댄다]‬What in the world?
‪(초롱) 국지연 보좌관님?‬Ms. Guk Ji-yeon!
‪혹시 지금 포털 창에 올라온‬ ‪실시간 기사 보셨나요?‬Have you seen the article that was just released online?
‪(초롱) 보좌관님‬Ms. Guk.
‪정말 그 시간에‬ ‪백재민 후보님과 단둘이‬Did you really spend time alone at home with Candidate Baek at such a late hour?
‪본인 집에 머무셨나요?‬Did you really spend time alone at home with Candidate Baek at such a late hour?
‪집 안에 캠프 식구들이‬ ‪먼저 와 있었습니다‬The campaign staff was there with me.
‪(지연) 다음 날 유세 일정 때문에‬ ‪급하게 회의가 잡혔고‬We had an urgent meeting regarding a canvass for the next day,
‪마침 후보님 마지막 일정이‬and Mr. Baek's final appointment happened to be near my house, so--
‪저희 집 근처에서‬ ‪끝나셨기 때문에…‬and Mr. Baek's final appointment happened to be near my house, so--
‪운전기사도 없이‬So, he visited your home secretly, alone without his driver?
‪혼자 은밀하게 보좌관님의‬ ‪집을 방문하셨다고요?‬So, he visited your home secretly, alone without his driver?
‪- 그건…‬ ‪- (초롱) 사진을 보면‬-That's-- -The photos showed
‪후보님께서 현관 비밀번호까지‬ ‪직접 누르고 들어가시던데‬Candidate Baek entering the entry code to your apartment himself.
‪후보와 사생활까지 공유하시나요?‬Do you share private information with him?
‪(초롱) 남자 친구분‬ ‪어떻게 생각하십니까?‬What do you think, Mr. Cha?
‪이건!‬This is a case of horrific sexist abuse!
‪끔찍한 성적 학대입니다!‬This is a case of horrific sexist abuse!
‪[지연 힘겨운 신음]‬
‪(재민) 제 불륜 스캔들을‬ ‪조작하기 위해서‬They went and installed a camera
‪제 보좌관 집 앞까지‬in front of her house so they could fabricate this so-called affair.
‪카메라를 설치했다는‬ ‪얘기 아닙니까?‬in front of her house so they could fabricate this so-called affair.
‪제 보좌관이 남자였어도‬Would this have happened if Ms. Guk were a man?
‪과연 이런 일을 당했을까요?‬ ‪전 그렇게 생각하지 않습니다‬Would this have happened if Ms. Guk were a man? I don't think so.
‪그럼 백 후보님은 왜‬Then why did you visit the home of a female aide who's soon to be married
‪결혼할 사람까지 있는‬ ‪여자 보좌관의 집을‬Then why did you visit the home of a female aide who's soon to be married
‪자기 집처럼 출입하셨나요?‬-like it was your own apartment? -That day--
‪- 그날은…‬ ‪- 그거야말로 성적 학대 아닙니까?‬-like it was your own apartment? -That day-- Isn't that the sexual abuse you're speaking of?
‪(초롱) 국지연 보좌관님‬ ‪다시 한번 질문하겠습니다‬Let me ask you again, Ms. Guk.
‪그날 밤 백재민 후보님과‬Did you spend time alone with Candidate Baek at home that night?
‪단둘이 집에 계신 거 맞습니까?‬Did you spend time alone with Candidate Baek at home that night?
‪[가쁜 숨소리]‬Did you spend time alone with Candidate Baek at home that night?
‪[지연 가쁜 숨소리]‬ ‪[아득히 들리는 말소리]‬
‪[힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪이건 명백한 정치적 음해입니다!‬This is clearly political slander!
‪(당원) 보좌관님!‬-Ms. Guk! -It's political terrorism!
‪- (재민) 정치적 테러라고!‬ ‪- (진혁) 지연아, 지연아!‬-Ms. Guk! -It's political terrorism! Ji-yeon!
‪(진혁) 정신 차려, 지연아!‬Ji-yeon! Wake up, Ji-yeon!
‪- (당원) 구급차 불러주세요, 빨리‬ ‪- (재민) 이건 정치적 음해입니다!‬Wake up, Ji-yeon! This is political slander!
‪생방송 기자회견에서‬Baek's aide, Ms. Guk Ji-yeon,
‪백재민 후보와의 불륜설을‬ ‪전면 부인하던 보좌관…‬who has denied all allegations of an extramarital affair
‪(린조) 우와‬who has denied all allegations of an extramarital affair with Candidate Baek, collapsed during a live press conference.
‪(앵커) 회견장에서‬ ‪의식을 잃고 쓰러졌습니다‬ ‪[린조 숨을 씁 들이쉰다]‬with Candidate Baek, collapsed during a live press conference.
‪본부장님‬ ‪[뉴스가 계속된다]‬Ms. Hwang.
‪이번에 공격 제대로 먹혔는데요?‬We seem to have really gotten to them with this attack.
‪국지연이가 많이 놀란 거 같더라‬It looked like Guk Ji-yeon was extremely startled,
‪그 중요한 타이밍에‬ ‪실신을 다 하고‬fainting like that at such a crucial moment.
‪완전 당황했겠죠‬She must've been stunned.
‪그런 상황에 사진이 찍힌다는 건‬Because she couldn't have had any idea there'd be photos of their rendezvous.
‪1도 몰랐을 테니까‬Because she couldn't have had any idea there'd be photos of their rendezvous.
‪[한숨]‬ ‪근데, 너무 궁지로‬ ‪모는 거 아닌가요?‬But aren't we backing her too far into a corner?
‪아무리 그래도 임산부인데‬She's pregnant, after all.
‪[어깨를 툭 친다]‬ ‪궁지로 모는 게 아니라‬We're not backing her into a corner. We're protecting her publicly.
‪공개적으로 보호하는 거야‬We're not backing her into a corner. We're protecting her publicly.
‪이제 전 국민이‬ ‪국지연의 존재를 알게 됐고‬Because now that the whole country knows about her,
‪기자들은 걔 일거수일투족을‬ ‪집요하게 쫓아다닐 테니까‬Because now that the whole country knows about her, the reporters will be keeping tabs on her every move.
‪그래, 그럼 뭐‬Yeah. Well, then,
‪최소한 선거 기간 동안에는‬this means that she'll be safe, at least until the election is over.
‪신변 보호를‬ ‪확실히 받는다는 얘기네‬this means that she'll be safe, at least until the election is over.
‪그러니까 쓸데없는 동정심‬ ‪부리지 말고‬So save the pointless sympathy, and keep the attacks going.
‪몰아붙여‬So save the pointless sympathy, and keep the attacks going.
‪(선영) 네, 알겠습니다‬Yes, ma'am.
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬Yes, ma'am. "Candidate Baek frequents his aide's home like it's a hotel."
‪'백재민 후보, 여자 보좌관‬ ‪집을 호텔처럼 드나들다'‬"Candidate Baek frequents his aide's home like it's a hotel."
‪'권력을 이용한 성적 학대의 극치'‬"The epitome of sexual exploitation using power imbalance."
‪'백재민 후보'‬"Is Candidate Baek Jae-min really fit to be mayor?"
‪'과연 시장 자격이 있나?'‬"Is Candidate Baek Jae-min really fit to be mayor?"
‪'결혼을 하려는 남자와'‬"A man who wants to get married and a man who wants to get elected."
‪'권력을 쥐려는 남자'‬"A man who wants to get married and a man who wants to get elected."
‪'둘 중 진짜 아이 아빤 누굴까?'‬"Which of the two is the real father?"
‪'보좌관 K는 그 진실을 알고 있다'‬"Only Aide G knows the truth."
‪이대로 헤드라인 걸어서‬ ‪언론사에 뿌리고‬Get these headlines delivered to the press,
‪온라인에 물타기 시작해‬and start uploading posts online.
‪'성적 학대의 극치'‬"The epitome of sexual exploitation."
‪[깊은 한숨]‬
‪[문이 열린다]‬
‪아, 편하게 있지, 왜, 하루 종일‬ ‪시달리느라 힘들었을 텐데‬You should relax. You must be tired after the day you had.
‪죄송해요‬I'm sorry.
‪기자회견까진‬ ‪어떻게든 버틸려고 했는데‬I tried to keep it together at the press conference.
‪본의 아니게‬I don't mean to,
‪제가 자꾸 후보님 발목을 잡네요‬but I keep getting in your way.
‪황도희가 잡은 거지‬Hwang Do-hee's getting in the way.
‪네가 아니라‬Not you.
‪[지연 한숨]‬
‪황이 그렇게 집요하게‬ ‪나올 줄은 몰랐잖아‬You didn't know how far she'd take things.
‪알았으면‬If you had,
‪[숨을 내쉬며] 네가‬ ‪나한테 얘기를 했겠지‬you would have told me.
‪[재민 한숨]‬
‪집에 한 번 찾아왔었어요‬Do-hee came by my place once.
‪(지연) 황 선배가‬Do-hee came by my place once.
‪뭐 때문에 왔었는데?‬About what?
‪이슬이에 대해서 캐물었어요‬She asked about I-seul.
‪(지연) 이슬이가 떨어진 다음 날‬She already knew that all of Eunsung headquarter's CCTVs
‪본사 CCTV가 통으로‬ ‪교체된 것도 알고 있었고요‬She already knew that all of Eunsung headquarter's CCTVs had been replaced the day after I-seul fell.
‪황이 날 캐고 있었구나‬ ‪아주 열심히‬So she's been working hard, digging up dirt on me.
‪[숨을 들이쉰다]‬So she's been working hard, digging up dirt on me.
‪넌 그걸 알면서도‬ ‪나한테 얘기를 안 했네?‬You knew, but you didn't tell me about it?
‪확신이 없었어요‬I wasn't sure…
‪나도 이슬이처럼 되지 않을 거라는‬that I wouldn't end up like I-seul.
‪이슬이는 처음부터 끝까지‬ ‪내 실수였지만‬I-seul was my mistake, from start to finish,
‪넌 처음부터 내 선택이었어‬but with you, it was my choice.
‪[어두운 음악]‬ ‪(재민) 다른 사람 다 몰라도‬ ‪너만큼은 그거 알아줘야…‬You have to know that even if everyone else--
‪네, 알아요‬I do.
‪(지연) 이슬이 그렇게 된 거‬You never planned
‪후보님이 의도하거나‬or intended for I-seul
‪계획하신 일은 아니죠‬to end up like that.
‪그거 믿으니까 저도‬ ‪여기까지 같이 온 거고요‬I only came this far with you because I believe that about you.
‪저 선택했다고 하셨죠?‬You said you chose me, right?
‪그래‬I did.
‪선택엔 어떤 식이든‬ ‪책임이 따르는 거고요‬And all choices come with responsibilities.
‪(지연) 후보님이‬ ‪제 신변을 책임져 주시면‬If you say you'll guarantee my safety…
‪저도 이슬이 죽은 그날 일‬I will forget everything that happened
‪[울먹이며] 책임지고‬ ‪가슴속에 묻을게요‬on the day that I-seul died.
‪네가 그런 거 약속 안 해도‬Even if you don't promise anything…
‪난 너 지킬 거야‬I'm going to protect you.
‪[지연 떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪(재민) 쉬어‬Get some rest. I'll drop by again tomorrow.
‪내일 다시 올게‬Get some rest. I'll drop by again tomorrow.
‪[음침한 음악]‬
‪국지연 통화 내역부터 온라인 검색‬I went over her call history, search history, and her email.
‪이메일 회신 내역까지‬ ‪전부 보고 왔습니다‬I went over her call history, search history, and her email.
‪특이 사항은?‬Did anything stand out?
‪최근 통화 내역 중에‬ ‪이게 있었습니다‬We found this in her recent call history.
‪[통화 연결음]‬
‪[상대가 전화를 받는다]‬ ‪네, 수고 많으십니다‬Yes, hello.
‪지난번에 의뢰한 태아 유전자 검사‬I took the prenatal DNA test the other day.
‪결과가 언제쯤 나올까요?‬When will I get the results?
‪[재민 한숨]‬
‪[재민 한숨]‬
‪[옅은 한숨]‬
‪국지연이가 영리하네‬That Guk Ji-yeon is quite clever.
‪오늘같이 궁지에 몰리는‬ ‪상황이 올까 봐‬Knowing she may get cornered like she did today,
‪[숨을 들이쉰다]‬
‪미리 쥐구멍을 파 놨어‬she dug herself an escape route.
‪태아 유전자 검사를 한 모양이야‬Looks like she had a prenatal DNA test.
‪[오묘한 음악]‬
‪결과 나오는 대로 알려주세요‬Let me know when the results are in. As quickly as possible.
‪최대한 빨리요‬Let me know when the results are in. As quickly as possible.
‪[불안한 숨소리]‬
‪국지연‬Guk Ji-yeon…
‪이제 그만 보내주죠‬We should let her go now.
‪천국으로‬To heaven.
‪그 친구 지금 사는 게‬ ‪지옥일 겁니다‬Life must be hell for her right now.
‪배 속의 애까지 내세워서‬ ‪살려고 발악하는 거‬Desperately using her unborn baby for her survival,
‪사람이 할 짓이 못 돼요‬she cannot live with that.
‪무리수야‬It's too dangerous.
‪기자회견까지 나가서‬ ‪얼굴 팔린 아이를…‬Her face is known from the press conference.
‪계속 살려 두면‬If we keep her alive,
‪이슬이 건은 어떻게 막으시려고요?‬how will you handle the I-seul incident?
‪황도희가 국지연 집까지 찾아가서‬Hwang Do-hee went to Ji-yeon's apartment
‪이슬이 캐물었다는데‬to question her about I-seul.
‪[음산한 음악]‬ ‪뭐, 타이밍을 봐야지‬ ‪조용히 처리할 때를‬We'll wait for the time to deal with her quietly.
‪조용히 말고‬Instead of doing it quietly,
‪공개적으로 최대한 요란하고‬we should give her a dramatic
‪엄숙하게 보내자는 겁니다‬and somber farewell publicly.
‪성녀 만들어서‬By making her a martyr.
‪불륜으로 남의 가정 파탄 낸‬ ‪마녀가 아니라‬Instead of a home-wrecking witch,
‪억울하게 누명 쓰고‬she'll be a victim who took her own life because of the false accusations.
‪스스로 목숨을 끊은 피해자‬she'll be a victim who took her own life because of the false accusations.
‪불륜녀로 생매장당하는 거보단‬Wouldn't that be more honorable for her…
‪훨씬 더 숭고한 죽음 아닌가?‬than being denounced as a mistress?
‪선거판의 잔인한 마타도어를‬ ‪세상에 알리고 죽은 성녀라‬A martyr who dies after exposing the cruel slander of the political world.
‪그 더러운 스캔들 조작하고‬And Hwang Do-hee is the very person who fabricated this filthy scandal,
‪국지연이를 불륜녀로 만들어서‬And Hwang Do-hee is the very person who fabricated this filthy scandal,
‪자살케 만든 장본인은 황도희?‬framed Ji-yeon as a mistress, and drove her to death?
‪오경숙은‬And Oh Kyung-sook
‪오직 당선을 위해서‬ ‪황의 그런 조작을 묵과한 거고‬let Hwang do the unspeakable so that she could be elected.
‪이 건으로 오경숙은‬This will absolutely
‪완전히 목이 잘리는 거죠‬destroy Oh Kyung-sook right before the election.
‪선거 직전에‬destroy Oh Kyung-sook right before the election.
‪(재민) 청출어람이라고 했나요?‬They say the student becomes the master.
‪이 살벌한 선거판에서 덕분에‬Thanks to you, I have learned many things…
‪참 많은 깨달음이 있었습니다‬about the cutthroat world of politics.
‪아, 깨달음, 좋은 거지‬It's good to learn things.
‪[숨을 들이쉰다]‬It's good to learn things.
‪헌데 절대 넘어서는‬ ‪안 되는 선이 있어‬But there are lines that should never be crossed.
‪그 선을 넘는 순간‬And the moment you cross one,
‪다신 사람답게 살 수 없는 거고‬you lose your humanity forever.
‪[재민 옅은 한숨]‬
‪전 이미 선 넘었습니다‬I already crossed that line
‪내 아버지 돌아가셨던 바로 그날‬the day my father passed away.
‪[위태로운 음악]‬
‪성녀의 탄생은 모레 밤이 좋겠구나‬We'll christen the martyr the night after tomorrow.
‪선거 이틀 전이‬ ‪마지막 반등 타이밍이니까‬The two days before the election are our last chance to come back.
‪[더욱 떠들썩해진다]‬
‪- (시위자1) 사퇴해, 이 새끼야!‬ ‪- (시위자2) 사퇴하라!‬Withdraw, you scumbag!
‪(시위자3) 꺼져, 이 새끼야!‬Get lost, you bastard!
‪(시위자2) 사퇴하라!‬Withdraw!
‪[재민 홍보 노래]‬ ‪[환호와 시위 소리가 뒤섞인다]‬
‪[사람들이 백재민을 연신 외친다]‬
‪[노래와 연호가 이어진다]‬-Baek Jae-min! -Baek Jae-min!
‪[연신 환호한다]‬
‪사랑하는‬Beloved citizens of Seoul.
‪서울 시민 여러분‬ ‪[환호가 잦아든다]‬Beloved citizens of Seoul.
‪제 결백을 증명하는 것과는 별개로‬ ‪[카메라 셔터음]‬I mustered the courage to stand before you today
‪여러분께 꼭 제안드리고 싶은‬ ‪사항이 있어‬not to prove my innocence
‪이렇게 용기를 냈습니다‬but to make you an offer.
‪아시아 최고층 마천루‬I will share with you
‪은성면세점의 지분을‬the stakes in Asia's highest skyscraper,
‪여러분과 공유하겠습니다‬Eunsung Duty-Free Shop.
‪[웅성댄다]‬ ‪[신성한 음악]‬
‪(재민) 제가 약속드렸죠?‬I promised you, didn't I?
‪은성그룹의 부를‬That I'd share Eunsung Group's wealth with the citizens of Seoul.
‪시민 여러분과 나누겠다고!‬That I'd share Eunsung Group's wealth with the citizens of Seoul.
‪이제 그 약속을‬I now plan to put forward a policy that will make my promise come true.
‪실현 가능한 정책으로‬ ‪구현하려 합니다!‬I now plan to put forward a policy that will make my promise come true.
‪저 백재민‬I, Baek Jae-min,
‪은성면세점의 지분 50%를‬will donate half of the Eunsung Duty-Free Shop's shares
‪서울시에 기부채납하고‬to the Seoul Metropolitan Government
‪그 지분을 서울 시민 모두에게‬and distribute them to each and every one of you, the citizens of Seoul!
‪시민 배당으로 나눠 드리겠습니다‬and distribute them to each and every one of you, the citizens of Seoul!
‪[모두 백재민을 연신 외친다]‬-Baek Jae-min! -Baek Jae-min!
‪(앵커) 한국공화당의‬ ‪백재민 후보가‬KRP Candidate Baek has announced an unprecedented campaign pledge.
‪파격적인 공약을 내걸었습니다‬KRP Candidate Baek has announced an unprecedented campaign pledge.
‪은성면세점 지분의 반을‬He's pledged to distribute half the shares of Eunsung Duty-Free Shop to citizens.
‪서울 시민에게‬ ‪배당하겠다는 건데요‬He's pledged to distribute half the shares of Eunsung Duty-Free Shop to citizens.
‪시민들의 반응이 뜨겁습니다‬The offer's been met with great enthusiasm.
‪[구두 소리]‬
‪어디서 멋대로 헤븐을 팔아먹어?‬How dare you sell off Heaven without my permission?
‪팔아먹은 게 아니라‬I didn't sell it off.
‪미끼로 쓴 겁니다‬I'm using it as bait.
‪선거 끝나면 온전히 거둬들일…‬I'll withdraw it when the election--
‪거둬들이든 걷어 먹이든!‬Whether you withdraw it or not!
‪면세점을 내세울 거면‬You should have asked for my permission
‪나한테 허락을 구했어야지‬if you were going to use the duty-free shop.
‪엄마‬Mom. The election is only three days away.
‪선거 사흘밖에 안 남았잖아‬Mom. The election is only three days away.
‪일단 당선되고 나면‬ ‪내가 면세점부터…‬Once he's elected, I'll manage the duty-free--
‪입 닫아‬Shut your mouth.
‪[비웃으며] 사내 하나‬ ‪간수 못 하면서‬You can't even keep your man in check,
‪뭘 챙긴다고?‬and you'll manage what?
‪[숨을 들이쉰다]‬
‪이 면세점 하나에 얼마나 많은‬ ‪사람들이 엮여 있는 줄 알어?‬Do you know how many people are involved in this duty-free shop?
‪(영심) 청와대부터‬ ‪검찰에 국회까지‬From the government to the prosecution to the National Assembly,
‪수십 명의 이해관계가 걸려 있는데‬the interests of dozens of people are at stake here, and what?
‪[비웃으며] 뭐?‬the interests of dozens of people are at stake here, and what?
‪지분을 나눠 줘?‬Distribute the shares?
‪[어두운 음악]‬Distribute the shares?
‪당장 철회해‬Retract the offer immediately.
‪철회 못 합니다‬I can't do that.
‪이제부턴‬ ‪제가 다 알아서 할 테니까‬From now on, I'll be in charge,
‪회장님은 그냥 조용히…‬so you can just stay quiet and--
‪[고조되는 음악]‬
‪[영심 분한 숨소리]‬
‪이제 판이 바뀌었습니다‬The tables have turned.
‪[가슴을 툭툭 친다]‬
‪내가 시장이 돼야‬I have to become mayor
‪회장님 그 알량한 목숨도‬ ‪연명할 수 있는 거고‬to be able to save your little neck
‪은성그룹도 무너지지 않는 거고‬and protect Eunsung Group.
‪저 곰팡이 같은 두 딸자식들도‬And those two daughters who sponge off of you
‪계속 돈 냄새 풍기면서‬ ‪[서진 기가 찬 한숨]‬can go on with their lives
‪번식할 수 있는 겁니다‬and keep their stinking money.
‪- 백재민!‬ ‪- 그러니까!‬-Baek Jae-min! -That's why!
‪저한테 예의를 지키십시오‬You need to show me respect.
‪내가 당선돼야‬I have to become mayor…
‪니들도 살고‬for all of you
‪니들이 그렇게 애지중지하는‬ ‪이 그룹도 사는 거니까‬and your precious company to survive.
‪모자란 머리들 굴리지 말고‬So stop racking those empty brains of yours,
‪전부 날 도우란 말이야!‬and start helping me!
‪[휴대폰 진동음]‬
‪[음악이 멈춘다]‬
‪[자동차 엔진 소리]‬
‪[라이터를 켠다]‬
‪백재민이 아주 발악을 한다‬Baek Jae-min has gone totally nuts.
‪나름 기발하던데?‬It was a clever move.
‪[불만스러운 탄성]‬
‪불륜을 면세점 지분으로‬ ‪틀어막다니‬Covering up his affair with the duty-free shop shares.
‪역시 아주 하수는 아니야‬He isn't completely incompetent.
‪선거‬You'll be fine
‪문제없는 거지?‬in the election, right?
‪장담할 수 없지‬Nothing is for certain.
‪사람들이 혹할 수밖에 없는‬ ‪카드를 내밀었으니까‬Because he's played a card that people can't help but be tempted by.
‪선거 자금 더 필요해?‬Do you need more funds?
‪고맙지만 사양할게‬Thanks, but I'll pass.
‪네 코 묻은 돈으로‬ ‪해결할 수 있는 상황은 끝났거든‬We're past the point where your pocket money can solve things.
‪갈수록 재밌네‬This is getting more interesting.
‪우리 황 실장이 나한테 돈 말고‬What could you possibly need from me other than money?
‪부탁할 게 뭐가 있을까?‬What could you possibly need from me other than money?
‪전략기획실에‬The Corporate Strategy Team has assigned some staff to you, right?
‪너 담당하는 팀 있지?‬The Corporate Strategy Team has assigned some staff to you, right?
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪걔들 국지연이 주변에‬ ‪조용히 배치해 놔‬Position them around Guk Ji-yeon, quietly.
‪백재민 쪽에서 눈치채면 안 되니까‬Baek Jae-min can't find out about this,
‪특별히 충성도 높은 애들로 추려서‬so use only your most loyal people.
‪국지연이 동선부터 건강 상태‬ ‪만나는 사람까지‬Keep tabs on everything about her, including her whereabouts, her health, and who she meets.
‪실시간으로 파악해서 알려주고‬And keep me updated every second.
‪왜?‬What for?
‪백재민이 걔 죽이기라도 한대?‬Does Baek Jae-min want to kill her?
‪그렇게까지‬ ‪무리수를 두진 못할 거야‬He won't be able to take things that far.
‪선거 사흘밖에 안 남았고‬The election is only three days away, and there are too many eyes on them.
‪보는 눈도 너무 많으니까‬The election is only three days away, and there are too many eyes on them.
‪그럼 증거 보호 차원?‬So, you're preserving the evidence?
‪백재민이 네 엄마 면세점까지‬ ‪내놓고 폭주를 하니까‬Baek is on a rampage, to the extent that he's even using the duty-free shop.
‪백이 무슨 발악을 어떻게 하든‬So, no matter what crazy things Baek does,
‪국지연만 온전히 지키고 있으면‬we can turn the tide as long as we keep Guk Ji-yeon safe,
‪최악의 상황에도‬we can turn the tide as long as we keep Guk Ji-yeon safe,
‪판은 뒤집을 수 있어‬even if the worst comes to the worst.
‪다른 건?‬Anything else?
‪표정 관리 잘해‬Maintain a poker face.
‪네 엄마한테 들키지 말고‬Don't let your mom find out.
‪도희가 짊어진다?‬Do-hee will be blamed for everything?
‪(칼 윤) 예‬Yes, ma'am.
‪무고한 여자를 상간녀로 만들어서‬We'll turn Hwang into an evil witch who turned an innocent woman into a home-wrecker
‪자살까지 하게 만든 마녀로‬who turned an innocent woman into a home-wrecker
‪황도희를 몰아갈 겁니다‬and drove her to suicide.
‪오경숙이는요?‬And Oh Kyung-sook?
‪바늘 가는 데 실 가야죠‬The thread must follow the needle.
‪같은 여자를 제물로 바친 여자가‬You can just sit back and watch
‪선거판에서 어떻게 무너지는지‬how a woman falls to her knees in elections
‪재밌게 관전만 하시면 됩니다‬for offering up a fellow woman as a sacrifice.
‪[칼 윤 숨을 들이쉰다]‬
‪재민이한테‬ ‪노여우신 거 잘 압니다만‬ ‪[싸늘한 음악]‬I know you are angry with Jae-min,
‪지금은 처벌의 시간이 아닙니다‬but now is not the time to punish him.
‪마음 푸시고‬Please put your anger aside and focus on the election.
‪선거에 집중하시죠‬Please put your anger aside and focus on the election.
‪이번 선거가 잘못되면은…‬-If this election goes wrong-- -Then Jae-min will find out.
‪재민이도 알게 되겠죠?‬-If this election goes wrong-- -Then Jae-min will find out.
‪윤 선생이‬Everything.
‪지 애비를 죽인‬ ‪원수라는 것까지 전부 다‬Even that you are the one who caused his father's death.
‪이번 선거 잘못되면‬ ‪처벌을 받는 게‬It won't just be Jae-min who'll be punished
‪재민이뿐이겠습니까?‬if we don't win this election.
‪실수 없이‬Deal with this quickly
‪신속하게 처리하세요‬and make no mistakes.
‪알겠습니다‬Yes, ma'am.
‪(칼 윤) 시작하지‬Let's get started.
‪검사 결과 나왔어요?‬Have the test results come in?
‪[은밀한 음악]‬Have the test results come in?
‪아니요, 아니요‬ ‪메일링 하지 마세요‬No, don't email them to me.
‪우편 발송도 하지 마시고요‬Don't send them by post, either.
‪제가 지금 직접 받으러 갈게요‬I'll come and pick them up right now.
‪(간호사) 어? 환자분, 잠시만요‬Ma'am, stop. You should be resting.
‪안정 취하셔야 돼요‬Ma'am, stop. You should be resting.
‪아, 저… 집에 좀‬ ‪다녀올 일이 있어서요‬Oh, I just need to get something from home.
‪지금요?‬Right now?
‪네, 금방이면 돼요‬Yes, it will be quick.
‪그럼 잠깐 주사만 맞고 가실게요‬Why don't you go after this shot?
‪[작게 웃으며] 잠깐이면 돼요‬It won't take long.
‪지금 주사 맞을 시간이에요‬It's time for your shot.
‪[도어록 해제음]‬
‪[긴장감 도는 음악]‬
‪[USB 연결음]‬
‪[고조되는 음악]‬
‪준비됐습니다‬We're ready.
‪국지연 명의로‬ ‪아, 중고차 한 대 매입해‬Buy a used car under Guk Ji-yeon's name.
‪(칼 윤) 그리고 강원도 쪽에‬ ‪무인 펜션도 하나 예약하고‬Book a self-check-in vacation rental in the Gangwon-do area.
‪간단한 소지품도‬ ‪여행 가방에 챙기고‬And pack some of her belongings in a travel bag.
‪[마우스 조작음]‬
‪[마우스 조작음]‬
‪[마우스 조작음]‬
‪끝났습니다‬It's done.
‪더 지시하실 내용 있습니까?‬Any further orders, sir?
‪황도희가‬ ‪그 집에 방문한 날이 있어‬Hwang Do-hee visited Guk Ji-yeon's house once.
‪아, 보안실 통해서‬ ‪그날 CCTV 자료 확보해‬Contact the security team, and get the CCTV footage from that day.
‪자, 이제‬Now,
‪마지막 절차만 남았네요‬only the last step remains.
‪(칼 윤) 눈물 없인 볼 수 없는‬ ‪유서를 남겨야지‬We need a tear-jerking suicide note.
‪많은 사람이 국지연이를 애도하고‬So people will mourn Guk Ji-yeon's death
‪그 가련한 여인을 자살하게 만든‬and despise the two evil witches who drove the poor woman to take her own life.
‪두 악녀를 증오할 수 있게‬who drove the poor woman to take her own life.
‪내일 오경숙이‬ ‪등판하는 토론회에서‬It'll be a dramatic reveal during the debate
‪극적으로 공개하는 거지‬with Oh Kyung-sook tomorrow.
‪[음악이 멈춘다]‬ ‪[한숨]‬
‪이걸 토론회에서 공개한다고?‬Releasing this during the debate?
‪내일 토론이 마지막 반등 기회잖아‬Tomorrow is our last chance for a comeback.
‪이 정도 재료면‬ ‪[숨을 들이쉰다]‬Someone of your talent
‪[한숨 쉬며] 중석 씨 실력으로‬can cook up something good
‪충분히 맛있게 만들 수 있지 않나?‬with info like this.
‪황도희‬Hwang Do-hee.
‪너 왜 자꾸 위험한 짓 하는 거야?‬Why do you keep putting yourself in danger?
‪장인어른 돌아가신 걸로 부족해?‬Is it not enough that your father lost his life?
‪부족할 리가 있겠어?‬Of course it's enough.
‪내가 아버지 얼마나 좋아했는지‬ ‪중석 씨가 제일 잘 알잖아‬You know better than anyone how much I loved my father.
‪그래서 이러는 거고‬And that's why I'm doing this.
‪[도희 숨을 들이쉰다]‬And that's why I'm doing this.
‪중석 씨‬Joong-seok.
‪나 은씨 일가 밑에서‬ ‪10년 넘게 일하는 동안‬In over a decade of working under Eunsung's owners…
‪한 번도 아버지한테‬ ‪솔직하지 못했어‬I was never once honest with my father.
‪[음울한 음악]‬
‪큰 회사에서 좋은 일 한다‬ ‪그래서 돈 많이 버는 거다‬"I have a good job at a big company. That's why I get paid a lot."
‪맨날 거짓말만 했지‬I always lied to him like that.
‪[도희 한숨]‬
‪근데 이제 마음이 너무 편해‬But now, I feel so relieved.
‪아버지한테 떳떳할 수 있어서‬I don't have to hide anything from my father.
‪[숨을 들이쉰다]‬
‪- 도희야‬ ‪- (도희) 나중에‬Do-hee. Later,
‪다 끝나면‬after all this is over,
‪중석 씨가‬ ‪아버지한테 가서 얘기해 줘‬I'd like you to go see Dad
‪아버지 딸이 얼마나‬ ‪자랑스러운 일을 했는지‬and tell him that he can be proud of his daughter.
‪[멀어지는 구두 소리]‬ ‪[사무실 소음]‬
‪황본, 아무래도 내일‬Do-hee. I think Baek Jae-min
‪백재민 측이‬ ‪면세점 지분 배당 문제‬will emphasize the duty-free shop shares to no end tomorrow.
‪이거 엄청 파고들 거 같은데‬ ‪[리모컨 조작음]‬will emphasize the duty-free shop shares to no end tomorrow.
‪막아야지, 이걸로‬We'll stop him. With this.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪이게 무슨 명단이야?‬What's this list?
‪그냥 명단이 아니라 비망록이야‬It's not just any list. It's a memorandum.
‪은성면세점 인허가 과정에서‬A list of people who have received bribes from Son
‪손 회장한테 로비 자금을 받은‬ ‪사람들의 이름‬in the process of issuing the permit for Eunsung Duty-Free Shop.
‪(도희) 전현직 국토부 장관부터‬ ‪검찰 라인‬Former and current ministers of MOLIT, prosecutors,
‪서울시 관계자‬ ‪안전 검사 전문가까지‬Seoul City officials, and even safety inspectors.
‪손 회장 지시로‬I delivered the money myself
‪내가 직접 컨택해서 전달했고‬under Chairwoman Son's orders.
‪직접 전달했다고?‬You did it yourself?
‪특급 기밀이었으니까‬It is a highly classified document that was never supposed to be leaked.
‪외부에 절대로 새 나가면 안 되는‬It is a highly classified document that was never supposed to be leaked.
‪[숨을 들이쉰다]‬
‪그 집 딸들도‬ ‪전혀 모르는 사안이야‬Even her daughters don't know about it.
‪(경숙) 그 말인즉슨‬In other words…
‪애초부터 이 면세점이‬ ‪굉장히 문제가 많았다는 거네‬this duty-free shop has been full of problems right from the start.
‪공사 부지 선정부터‬ ‪준공 검사, 안전 검사까지‬From choosing the plot of land to construction and safety inspections,
‪저 많은 사람들한테 로비해서‬ ‪그 문제들 다 막은 거고‬Eunsung bribed all those people to keep the problems under wraps.
‪이런 치트 키를‬why did you keep this silver bullet hidden all this time?
‪왜 지금까지 숨기고 있었어?‬why did you keep this silver bullet hidden all this time?
‪어설프게 공개해 봤자‬ ‪덮일 게 뻔하니까‬Because they'd just cover it up if we aren't fully prepared.
‪[도희 숨을 들이쉰다]‬
‪[한숨 쉬며] 돈 받아먹은 인간들은‬Those who accepted the bribes
‪절대 아니라고 오리발 내밀 테고‬will vehemently deny everything,
‪은성그룹에선‬and Eunsung Group
‪청와대에 검찰 라인까지‬ ‪동원해서 막아낼 텐데‬will use its connections in the Blue House and the prosecution to stop us.
‪이깟 비망록이 무슨 힘을 쓰겠어?‬What use would this memorandum be, then?
‪(경숙) 그래서?‬So?
‪(도희) 기다린 거지‬So I've waited…
‪아무도 막을 수 없는‬ ‪돌발 상황에서‬for someone to blow the whistle
‪가장 명확하게 진실을 폭로해 줄‬on this unstoppable chaos and reveal the truth
‪나팔수를‬in all its clarity.
‪그게 바로‬And that's me, Oh Kyung-sook?
‪나다? 오경숙?‬And that's me, Oh Kyung-sook?
‪200%‬I'm 200% certain.
‪[서정적인 음악]‬
‪[리모컨을 탁 내려놓는다]‬
‪덮자‬Bury it.
‪(경숙) 그냥 덮자고‬Just bury it.
‪이거 터트리면‬If we expose this,
‪손영심 회장 가만히 안 있을 거야‬Son Young-sim will retaliate, and we don't know what she'll do to you.
‪너한테 무슨 짓 할지 몰라‬Son Young-sim will retaliate, and we don't know what she'll do to you.
‪그게 불 보듯 뻔한데‬How am I supposed to reveal that when the consequences are obvious?
‪내가 내 입으로‬ ‪저걸 어떻게 터트려!‬How am I supposed to reveal that when the consequences are obvious?
‪- 오경숙‬ ‪- 그래‬-Oh Kyung-sook. -Fine!
‪내가 네 방식대로 가보자고 했어‬I said I'd do it your way so we could win the election, but…
‪그래서 선거 이겨 보자고 했어‬ ‪근데 그게‬I said I'd do it your way so we could win the election, but…
‪너 몸 하나 던져서, 너 망가지면서‬that doesn't mean I'll let you sacrifice yourself
‪이기자는 거 아니야‬for my victory.
‪너 혼자 저걸 어떻게 책임지고…‬-I can't let you take the fall alone-- -Then you should win!
‪그러니까 이기면 되잖아!‬-I can't let you take the fall alone-- -Then you should win!
‪[심각한 음악]‬ ‪네가 이겨서 힘을 갖고‬You can win the election
‪[숨을 들이쉰다]‬You can win the election and protect me with your power, right?
‪그 힘으로‬ ‪날 지켜주면 되는 거 아니야?‬and protect me with your power, right?
‪설마‬Tell me.
‪너한테 인생을 건 여자를‬ ‪버릴 건 아니잖아?‬You won't abandon a woman who bet her life on you, will you?
‪[도희 한숨]‬
‪면세점은‬The duty-free shop
‪백재민이 쥐고 있는 마지막 카드야‬is the final card Baek Jae-min has up his sleeve.
‪그걸 꺾고 나면‬If we take that away…
‪[고조되는 음악]‬
‪이번 선거의 진짜 퀸은‬ ‪네가 되는 거고‬you'll be the real queen of this election.
‪(앵커) 선거를 이틀 앞둔 오늘 밤‬With two days to go until the election,
‪후보자 마지막 토론이‬ ‪생방송으로 진행됩니다‬With two days to go until the election, the final debate will be aired live tonight.
‪자, 먼저 불미스러운 스캔들로‬ ‪위기를 맞았던 백재민 후보‬Candidate Baek was caught up in a scandal that could've ensured his defeat,
‪파격적인 면세점 공약으로 다시‬but he managed to consolidate his supporters
‪지지층을 결집하고 있는데요‬with his duty-free shop campaign pledge.
‪자, 매 순간‬ ‪반전의 드라마를 쓰면서‬And we also have Candidate Oh, the Rhino,
‪꿋꿋하게 올라온‬ ‪코뿔소 오경숙 후보‬who has dramatically turned the tables, time and time again.
‪과연 마지막 토론에서‬ ‪백 후보를 넘어서는‬Can she turn the tables in the debate against Baek
‪기적을 만들어 낼 수 있을까요?‬ ‪[박수]‬and make a miracle happen?
‪자, 이제 성녀를 위한‬Now, it's time
‪마지막 세리머니를‬to start the last rites for our martyr.
‪해야지?‬to start the last rites for our martyr.
‪[문이 열린다]‬
‪[문이 닫힌다]‬
‪[구두 소리]‬
‪[긴장감 도는 음악]‬
‪[떨리는 목소리로] 나보고‬You want me…
‪국지연 퇴원을 시키라고?‬to take Guk Ji-yeon home from the hospital?
‪네 애 가진 년을‬ ‪내 손으로 모셔 오라고‬You called me over here to escort your pregnant mistress home?
‪여기까지 날 불렀어?‬You called me over here to escort your pregnant mistress home?
‪[채령 한숨]‬
‪(채령) 너‬How far…
‪어디까지 막 나가자는 거야?‬are you going to take things?
‪엄마한테 들이받은 걸로 부족해?‬Was defying Mom not enough?
‪(채령) 너 때문에 지금 내가!‬Do you have any idea how much humiliation you've put me through?
‪어떤 꼴을 당하는지 알아!‬Do you have any idea how much humiliation you've put me through?
‪정신 차려!‬Pull yourself together!
‪[채령 떨리는 숨소리]‬Pull yourself together!
‪아이, 참…‬For God's sake…
‪[음산한 음악]‬
‪내가 지금 너 도와주는 거야‬I'm doing you a favor right now.
‪응?‬All right?
‪(재민) 네가 이 판에서‬Do you think your mom
‪[재민 숨을 들이쉰다]‬Do you think your mom
‪나한테 아무런 도움이‬ ‪안 된다고 하면‬would give you her approval if I told her that you were useless to me…
‪네 엄마가‬would give you her approval if I told her that you were useless to me…
‪널 인정해 줄까?‬in this election?
‪(재민) 너도‬You should be using me for your survival too.
‪날 이용해서‬You should be using me for your survival too.
‪살아남아야지‬You should be using me for your survival too.
‪그 험한 집구석에서‬I know you've gone through
‪나보다 훨씬 더 끔찍하게 버틴 거‬ ‪내가 뻔히 아는데‬worse than me living with your horrible family.
‪[채령 훌쩍인다]‬
‪여기서 종 칠래?‬Do you want to give up now?
‪[속삭이며] 끝까지 살아남아야지‬You need to survive to the end.
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪가서‬Go there
‪이렇게 안아줘‬and hug her like this.
‪이게 걔가 이승에서 받는‬This will be the last farewell she receives
‪마지막 인사니까‬in this world of the living.
‪그럼 너는‬With that,
‪고통을 참고‬you will become the Virgin Mary…
‪원수를 용서해 준‬who endured excruciating pain…
‪[고조되는 음악]‬
‪성모마리아가 되는 거고‬and forgave her enemy.
‪[구두 소리]‬
‪은 상무님께서 국 보좌관‬ ‪병원 방문하신다고 합니다‬Director Eun is going to visit Ms. Guk at the hospital.
‪[긴장감 도는 음악]‬ ‪채령이가 걔 병원을 간다고?‬Chae-ryoung is visiting her?
‪(비서) 네‬Yes, ma'am.
‪지금 백 후보님 캠프에서‬ ‪병원으로 출발하셨답니다‬She just left Mr. Baek's campaign office for the hospital.
‪[멀어지는 구두 소리]‬
‪(동주) 의전 팀요, 여기, 여기요‬The protocol team. Here, this way.
‪[소란스럽다]‬The protocol team. Here, this way.
‪- (동주) 오늘 큐시트 받았어요?‬ ‪- (당원1) 아니요, 아니요‬-Did you get the cue sheet? -No.
‪- (동주) 저 아직 못 받았죠?‬ ‪- (당원2) 네‬You didn't get it yet?
‪저기, 누나‬ ‪큐시트 나온 거 없어요?‬ ‪[휴대폰 진동음]‬Hey, did you get the cue sheet?
‪(도희) 병원?‬The hospital?
‪- 일단 숙지하고 계셔 주시고요‬ ‪- (도희) 일단 알았어‬ ‪[당원1이 대답한다]‬-Please read it through. -Okay, I got it.
‪[당원1이 중얼댄다]‬
‪- (동주) 잠시만요‬ ‪- (당원1) 예‬-Excuse me. -Sure.
‪[오묘한 음악]‬
‪[도희 다급한 숨소리]‬
‪국지연 병원에 좀 가봐‬You should go to Ji-yeon.
‪지금요?‬Right now?
‪지금‬But the debate is
‪토론 세 시간도 안 남았는데요?‬less than three hours away.
‪그러니까 가보라는 거야‬That's why you should go.
‪채령이가 병원에 나타나는 순간‬ ‪사람들 관심이 집중될 텐데‬If Chae-ryoung shows up there, people's attention will shift to her.
‪토론 코앞에 놓고‬ ‪갑자기 저러는 게 이상하니까‬It's strange that they'd do this right before the debate.
‪빨리 움직여‬Hurry.
‪네, 알겠습니다‬Yes, ma'am.
‪[고조되는 음악]‬
‪[힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪[놀라는 숨소리]‬
‪[지연 떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪그냥 누워 있어‬Don't get up.
‪[지연 떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪얼굴이 많이 상했네‬You've grown quite haggard.
‪마음고생 심했나 보다‬This must've been very hard on you.
‪[목소리를 떨며] 여긴 왜…‬Why are you here?
‪이거 전해 주려고‬To give you this.
‪[숨을 몰아쉰다]‬
‪[지연 떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪(채령) 왜?‬What's wrong?
‪실망했어?‬Are you disappointed
‪[지연 떨리는 숨소리]‬ ‪(채령) 네가 기대했던‬ ‪결과가 아니라서?‬because it wasn't what you expected?
‪이게 어떻게 된 거예요?‬How could this happen?
‪어떻게긴‬What do you think?
‪백재민이 조작한 거지‬Baek Jae-min fabricated it.
‪백재민이 너 묻을 거야‬And he will now get rid of you,
‪배 속의 애랑 같이‬along with your unborn child.
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪[가쁜 숨소리]‬
‪그걸 저더러 믿으라고요?‬And you expect me to believe that?
‪믿고 안 믿고는 네 자유겠지‬It's up to you whether you believe it or not.
‪근데 생각해 봐‬But think about it.
‪(채령) 백재민이‬ ‪우리 엄마까지 밟아가면서‬Baek Jae-min is so desperate to become mayor
‪시장 되겠다고 설치는 마당에‬that he's even trampling all over my mother.
‪너를 살려 둘까?‬Do you think he'll keep you alive?
‪(채령) 심지어 지 뒤통수 치려고‬ ‪유전자 검사까지 했는데‬Especially after you took this DNA test to stab him in the back?
‪상무님이 나한테 이런 얘기를‬ ‪해주는 이유는 뭔데요?‬And why are you telling me all this?
‪내가 살아야 되니까‬Because I need to survive.
‪나 백재민 그 새끼‬ ‪무조건 시장 만들어야 돼‬I have to make that bastard mayor, no matter what.
‪근데 네가 죽으면?‬But if you die…
‪백재민의 유일한 약점이‬ ‪없어지는 거잖아‬Baek Jae-min's only weakness would end up disappearing.
‪내 통제를 벗어난 상태로‬I don't want him to be mayor without having a way to control him.
‪그 새끼 시장 자리에‬ ‪올려놓고 싶지 않아‬I don't want him to be mayor without having a way to control him.
‪[더욱 어두워지는 음악]‬I don't want him to be mayor without having a way to control him.
‪나더러‬Are you asking me
‪상무님 무기가 되라는 거예요?‬to become your secret weapon?
‪그럼 내가 책임지고 너 지켜줄게‬Then I'll do whatever it takes to protect you.
‪나 한 번만 도와줘‬help me out, just this once.
‪백재민이 시장 만들어서‬ ‪내가 그룹 물려받으면‬If I make Baek Jae-min mayor and inherit Eunsung,
‪네 애‬I'll raise…
‪내가 품어줄게‬your child as my own.
‪나처럼‬Just like my mom did.
‪(채령) 나도 우리 아빠가‬ ‪밖에서 낳은 딸이지만‬My father had me out of wedlock too,
‪엄마 품에서‬but I grew up as a legitimate member of the family, raised by my mom.
‪은성그룹 일가로‬ ‪온전히 클 수 있었어‬but I grew up as a legitimate member of the family, raised by my mom.
‪네 애도‬I can do the same…
‪내가 그렇게 만들어 줄게‬for your child.
‪지금 내가 한 말‬ ‪처음부터 끝까지 녹음했어‬I've recorded everything I've said up to now.
‪(채령) 이제 너는‬Now, you have
‪내 약점을 쥐고 있는 거야‬my weakness in your hand.
‪그러니까 제발‬So, please…
‪나 한 번만 도와줘‬help me out, just this once.
‪제가 뭘 어떻게 하면 되는데요?‬What do you want me to do?
‪[승강기 도착음]‬ ‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪[소란스럽다]‬ ‪[카메라 셔터음]‬ ‪(남기자1) 나왔다, 나왔다!‬-There she is. -They're here!
‪(여기자1) 은채령 상무님!‬Ms. Eun, is the rumor of the affair between Candidate Baek and Ms. Guk a lie?
‪백재민 후보와 국지연 씨의‬ ‪불륜설은 거짓인가요?‬Ms. Eun, is the rumor of the affair between Candidate Baek and Ms. Guk a lie?
‪[질문이 빗발친다]‬ ‪(남기자2) 누구의 아이입니까?‬-Whose child are you carrying? -How do you two feel?
‪(여기자2) 두 분 지금‬ ‪심경이 어떠십니까?‬-Whose child are you carrying? -How do you two feel?
‪(남기자3) 은채령 상무님‬ ‪국지연 씨를 용서하신 겁니까?‬-Whose child are you carrying? -How do you two feel? Ms. Eun, have you forgiven Ms. Guk?
‪아이 가진 여자입니다‬ ‪지금 막 퇴원하는 환자고요‬She's a pregnant woman who's just been discharged!
‪궁금한 거 있으면‬ ‪저한테 물어보세요‬If you have any questions, you can ask me, instead of bothering my employee.
‪제 사람 힘들게 하지 마시고‬If you have any questions, you can ask me, instead of bothering my employee.
‪(경숙) 저건 또 무슨 퍼포먼스야?‬What show is she putting on now?
‪아무리 지 남편 당선이 급하다지만‬ ‪[뉴스가 계속된다]‬I know she's desperate to get her husband elected,
‪은채령이 저런 쇼까지‬but is Eun Chae-ryoung someone who can put on a show like that?
‪할 수 있는 애인가?‬but is Eun Chae-ryoung someone who can put on a show like that?
‪그럴 수 없지, 절대로‬Definitely not. Never.
‪(앵커) 수행 비서였던 국 보좌관을‬ ‪내 사람이라고 칭하며 굳건한‬Definitely not. Never. …showed strong trust in her, referring to her as "my employee."
‪믿음과 애정을 보여주었습니다‬…showed strong trust in her, referring to her as "my employee."
‪네‬That's right.
‪[카메라 셔터음]‬
‪국지연 보좌관‬Ms. Guk Ji-yeon
‪5년 동안 저희 그룹에서 근무한‬ ‪제 직원이었습니다‬was one of my employees, who worked for us for five years.
‪전략기획실에서 업무 능력이‬ ‪제일 뛰어난 인재였고‬And she was our most capable employee in the Corporate Strategy Team.
‪그래서 제가‬And that was why
‪남편에게 적극적으로 추천했는데‬I strongly recommended her to my husband.
‪이런 일이 생겨‬ ‪너무 미안하게 생각합니다‬I only feel terribly sorry that something like this happened.
‪아닙니다‬It's okay, ma'am.
‪(남기자3) 은채령 상무님‬Ms. Eun, then are you saying you forgive Ms. Guk Ji-yeon?
‪그럼 국지연 씨를‬ ‪용서한단 말씀이신가요?‬Ms. Eun, then are you saying you forgive Ms. Guk Ji-yeon?
‪(여기자3) 남편과 국지연 씨의‬ ‪관계 인정하시는 건가요?‬Do you acknowledge the affair she had with your husband?
‪남녀 사이는 당사자 말곤‬ ‪아무도 모른다고 하죠‬They say only those in a relationship know its nature.
‪하지만‬ ‪제 남편과 무슨 일이 있었든‬However, whatever may or may not have happened between her and my husband,
‪팩트와 관계없이‬However, whatever may or may not have happened between her and my husband,
‪저는‬I have
‪국지연 씨를 무조건 믿습니다‬absolute trust in Ms. Guk Ji-yeon.
‪[고조되는 음악]‬
‪(여기자3) 상무님‬ ‪그럼 인정하시는 건가요?‬Care to comment, Ms. Guk?
‪(남기자4) 국지연 씨‬ ‪한 말씀 해주세요!‬ ‪[질문이 빗발친다]‬Care to comment, Ms. Guk?
‪후보님, 시간 됐습니다‬It's time, Ms. Oh. We should get going.
‪- 출발하시죠‬ ‪- 네‬It's time, Ms. Oh. We should get going. Okay.
‪[TV 속 뉴스가 이어진다]‬
‪(앵커) 은 씨는 근거 없는‬ ‪불륜 스캔들까지 휘말리며‬
‪고통받고 있는 국씨에게…‬ ‪[경숙 한숨]‬
‪가면서 더 얘기하자고‬We'll talk more on our way there.
‪(앵커) 미안한 마음이라며‬ ‪취재진 앞에서…‬
‪[차선 다급한 숨소리]‬
‪- 후보님 모시고 먼저 출발해‬ ‪- (린조) 네‬-Go ahead with Ms. Oh. -Yes, ma'am.
‪(선영) [호응하며] 가자‬Let's go.
‪[우르르 나가는 발소리]‬
‪[가쁜 숨소리]‬
‪추가로 확보한 영상이야‬This is the latest footage we acquired
‪은성 본사를 찍고 있는‬ ‪대로변 CCTV 중에서‬from a camera on one of the main roads surrounding Eunsung HQ.
‪[키보드 조작음]‬ ‪[속삭이듯] 자‬from a camera on one of the main roads surrounding Eunsung HQ.
‪[키보드 조작음]‬
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪(차선) 이슬이가 사망하던 그날‬Baek Jae-min was at the headquarters the day I-seul died.
‪백재민은 본사에 있었어‬Baek Jae-min was at the headquarters the day I-seul died.
‪[키보드 조작음]‬
‪(차선) 이슬이가 추락한 시간이야‬This is when I-seul fell to her death.
‪그걸 본 사람들이 놀라서‬They're running, startled by what they saw?
‪- 뛰어가는 거고요?‬ ‪- 응‬They're running, startled by what they saw? Right.
‪[키보드 조작음]‬
‪(차선) 40층 건물에서‬A person fell from a 40-story building,
‪사람이 떨어졌는데‬A person fell from a 40-story building,
‪백재민은 놀라지도 않고‬and Baek Jae-min just left the scene
‪[고조되는 음악]‬and Baek Jae-min just left the scene
‪차분하게 현장을 뜬 거야‬without any signs of shock.
‪[도희 놀라는 숨소리]‬
‪[속삭이듯] 떨어질 걸‬ ‪알고 있었던 것처럼‬As if he knew she was going to fall.
‪[기가 찬 한숨]‬
‪[속삭이듯] 설마 했는데‬I doubted it, but…
‪[놀란 숨소리]‬
‪[차선 놀란 숨소리]‬
‪[더욱 고조되는 음악]‬
‪백재민이 이슬이를 죽인 거예요‬It was Baek Jae-min who killed I-seul.
‪- (여기자1) 국지연 씨!‬ ‪- (여기자2) 은채령 상무님!‬-Ms. Eun! -Give us a comment, Ms. Guk.
‪(남기자1) 국지연 씨‬ ‪한 말씀 해주십시오‬-Ms. Eun! -Give us a comment, Ms. Guk.
‪(여기자1) 국지연 씨는‬ ‪하실 말씀 없으십니까?‬Do you have any comment for us, Ms. Guk?
‪[질문이 빗발친다]‬Do you have any comment for us, Ms. Guk? -Ms. Eun Chae-ryoung. -Ms. Eun.
‪- (남기자2) 은채령 상무님‬ ‪- (여기자3) 상무님‬-Ms. Eun Chae-ryoung. -Ms. Eun.
‪(여기자4) 국지연 씨‬ ‪심경이 어떠십니까?‬-Ms. Eun Chae-ryoung. -Ms. Eun. Ms. Guk, how are you feeling right now?
‪[기자들이 연신 질문한다]‬Ms. Guk, how are you feeling right now?
‪고생 많았어요‬Thanks for hanging in there.
‪감사합니다‬Thank you.
‪넌 이제 끝났어‬It's over for you now
‪[싸한 음악]‬
‪[긴박해지는 음악]‬
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪(앵커) 네, 지금 국지연 씨가‬ ‪탑승한 차량이 병원에서 국 씨의…‬
‪이거 셋업하는 거예요‬This is a setup.
‪이슬이를 자살로 위장한 것처럼‬Just like they staged I-seul's death as a suicide…
‪국지연도‬ ‪자살로 만들려는 거라고요‬they'll make it look like Ji-yeon killed herself.
‪[울먹이며] 채령인 그걸 뻔히 알고‬they'll make it look like Ji-yeon killed herself. Chae-ryoung just lied to the press, knowing full well what's going on.
‪거짓말을 하는 거고요!‬Chae-ryoung just lied to the press, knowing full well what's going on.
‪(차선) 뭐?‬What?
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪(도희) 동주야, 어디니?‬Dong-joo. Where are you?
‪네, 따라붙고 있습니다‬I'm on their tail.
‪[타이어 마찰음]‬
‪본부장님, 근데 저 새끼들‬ ‪낌새가 좀 이상한데요?‬Ms. Hwang. Something's up with these bastards.
‪(동주) 아이, 뒤에‬ ‪다른 차도 따라붙고‬There are all these cars following them, and they're exchanging signals.
‪지들끼리 싸인 맞추는 거 같습니다‬There are all these cars following them, and they're exchanging signals.
‪무조건 따라붙어‬You can't lose them.
‪그 차 놓치면‬If you lose that car, there's no telling what will happen to Guk Ji-yeon.
‪국지연 어떻게 될지 몰라‬If you lose that car, there's no telling what will happen to Guk Ji-yeon.
‪[더욱 긴박해지는 음악]‬
‪[지연 놀라는 신음]‬ ‪(요원) 휴대폰은‬ ‪저희가 보관하겠습니다‬We'll hold on to your phone for you.
‪[지연 힘주는 신음]‬
‪[지연 비명]‬ ‪[남자들 힘주는 신음]‬
‪[타이어 마찰음]‬
‪뭐야, 씨‬What the hell?
‪[타이어 마찰음]‬
‪[남자들이 지연을 만류한다]‬Let go!
‪[지연 절박한 신음]‬
‪[지연 신음]‬
‪[지연 발악하는 신음]‬
‪[긴장감 도는 음악]‬
‪[노크 소리]‬
‪(칼 윤) 어, 잠시 자리 좀‬Give us some privacy.
‪수고들 했어요‬Great job, everyone.
‪토론 중반에‬There will be a news flash during the debate.
‪속보가 뜰 거야‬There will be a news flash during the debate.
‪[휴대폰 진동음]‬
‪지금 어디야?‬Where are you now?
‪오 후보‬Kyung-sook.
‪내 말 잘 들어‬Listen carefully.
‪백재민 쪽에서‬ ‪국지연을 죽이려는 거 같애‬I think Baek Jae-min is trying to kill Guk Ji-yeon.
‪[긴박해지는 음악]‬
‪속보 내용은요?‬What's it about?
‪실시간으로 공개해야지‬We'll reveal everything live on air.
‪국지연이가 직접 쓴 유서부터‬From Guk Ji-yeon's handwritten suicide note
‪자살로 확실시되는 증거까지‬to the evidence proving that it was suicide.
‪그럼 오경숙이하고 황도희는‬Then Oh Kyung-sook and Hwang Do-hee
‪생방 토론 중에 생매장당할 거고‬will be buried alive during the live debate.
‪시신만 발견된다면은‬When they find Guk's body, that'll be the end of this election.
‪이번 선거는 완전히‬When they find Guk's body, that'll be the end of this election.
‪게임 오버‬Game over.

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