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  쌈 마이웨이 11

Fight for my way 11





다신  놓쳐

I won't let you go again.

우리 이제 그만 돌아서 가자

Let's stop making detours.


Stand strong.

어차피 키스했고  썸이니 나발이니 그런  몰라

We already kissed, and I don't know anything about dating or whatever.

키스했으면 1

If we kiss, it's day one.

우리 사귀자

Let's date.

우리 사귀어

Let's date.


I said let's date.


Since we're dating...


I want to do it again.



 하고 싶어

I want to do it again.

(동만저놈의 불꽃놀이저거

They should ban those fireworks nationwide.

아주 국가적으로 금지시켜야 

They should ban those fireworks nationwide.

괜히 여자한테  보이려고  지랄하다가

Doing that kind of thing to impress girls,

모래사장이나  태워 먹고 손이나 데지저거

and they end up burning the beach and burning their hands.

(동만) [ 가다듬는 소리]

모래사장이  ?

Why would the beach burn?

 매사  그렇게 극단적이고  충동적이고상놈 같고

Why are you always so extreme, impulsive, vulgar...

 박력 터지고...  그러냐?

and so masculine like that?

충동적으로   아니고

I didn't do it impulsively.

  입술만 보인   됐거든

It's been a while that I could only see your lips.


그럼  오늘부터 진짜로 1?

Then is today really day one?

친구끼리 뽀뽀하면 불법 반칙양아치

Kissing between friends is illegal, cheating and a jerk move.

그니까 무조건 사귀는 거고 [ 가다듬는 소리]

So we're definitely dating.

그니까  다신 누구 만날 생각하지도 말고

So, don't think about seeing anyone else.

버스를 타더라도 남자 옆엔 앉지도 

And even when you're riding the bus, don't sit next to a man.

 버스 옆자리까지...

Even on the bus?

  생각은 하지 

Don't think about any other man.

특히  첫사랑인가 뭔가 불주사도

Especially that first love or whatever. Don't think about that vaccine or wrist again.

 손모가지도 다신 생각하지도 말고

Don't think about that vaccine or wrist again.

나만 생각해

Think only of me.

불주사도 손모가지도 넌데?

The vaccine and the wrist were both you.


What did you say?

 첫사랑 눈치 드럽게 없는  첫사랑

My first love... that disgustingly dense first love...

20 동안  징글징글 괴롭히던  새끼

the one that haunted me for 20 years...


It's you.

[류지현의 ' 밤이 지나버렸네재생]


To me, you are like...

... 화농성 여드름 같은 존재야

a pimple.

혼자 부풀었다 가라앉았다 

It would rise and fall by itself.

아팠다  아팠다 

It hurt and then it doesn't.

냅두면 가라앉다가도 짜면 겁나 아파

If I leave it alone, it's fine. But if I try to pop it, it hurts like hell.

 20 내내  보면서   했어

I did that for 20 years, looking at you.

그게 나라고?

That was me?

누구 좋아하면 납치라도   같은  ...

You seem like the type of person who'd kidnap the person they like...

[ 가다듬는 소리]

You seem like the type of person who'd kidnap the person they like...



이제 남사친 같은  그만해

Stop being my guy friend.

뽀뽀까지 해놓고 다시 아리까리한 남사친 나부랭이로 돌아가면

If you go back to being a tricky guy friend after kissing me,

 그땐 진짜    같아

then I don't think I can live.

나는 네가 정말...

I really, really,

정말 너무 좋단 말이야

really like you.



그냥 뽀뽀라도 한번  보지 그럼 내가 바로 넘어갔지

You should've just kissed me. I would've fallen for you right away.

되게 좋디?

Did you like it a lot?

  ...  볼래?

Want to do it... one more time?

 불꽃 누구 향해서    없나?

Can you shoot those fireworks to someone?

제가 말했죠이번엔 불발이 아닐 거란 감이 왔다고

I told you, right?  I got the feeling it would be on this time.

요즘도 이사  돌리는 사람이  있네

People still give out rice cakes when they move in?

이거 짐이 이게 원룸 스케일은 아니다그지?

This luggage doesn't seem like it's meant for a one-room flat, does it?

여잔  같은데? - 예쁜가?

-I think it belongs to a girl. -Do you think she'll be pretty?

[액세서리 부딪치는 소리]

 어디 ?

Where are you going?

쓰레기 버리러 - 쓰레기 버리는데  그러고 나가?

To throw out the trash. Why are you going out like that?

뭐가그냥 쓰레기 버리러 가는 차림인데?

What? This is how I dress to throw the trash out.

(설희 혹시...

By any chance...

대천에서 무슨  있었어?

did something happen in Daecheon?

[멋쩍은 음악혹시...

With Dong-man?

똥만이랑... -  했어

With Dong-man? We didn't do it!


What? What didn't you do?


애라는 옷을 짜다가 나온 거야?

Are your clothes drying?

  기집애 옆구리를  쫌매고 있어?

Hey, why are you exposing your stomach?

이거   보여 주려고 환장했어?

Are you trying to let everyone see?

그냥 쓰레기 버리러 가는 패션이라는데?

She said she normally dresses like that just to throw out the trash.

(애라 빨리빨리 출근  ?

Hurry up and go. Aren't you going to leave for work?

근데 니들은 오늘도 하루 종일 붙어 있는 거지?

You guys are going to stay together all day, right?

같은 백수니까 심심하진 않지

Well, we're both unemployed, so at least we won't be bored.

설희네 매실주 개봉은 이따가 퇴근하고 하자

Let's open Seol Hee's plum wine when come back from work.

- (동만그래 - (주만

Okay. -Bye! -Okay.

- (설희근데 니들... - ?

-But you guys... -What?


Don't do it.


Do what?

개봉은 하지 말라고 매실주

Don't open it first. The plum wine.


Don't do it.

- (복희) 101 - (동만깜짝이야아이고깜짝이야

-Unit 101. -Ah! That scared me, you scared me.


-You didn't get it, right? -Pardon?


-You didn't get it, right? -Pardon?

이사  아가씨가 101호만   주던데?

The lady gave everyone rice cakes except you.

101호만  101호만  주더라고

Just you. She only skipped you, Unit 101.

뭐야 나만  괜히 기분 나빠

What the heck? Why just me? Making me feel bad.

유명한 사람이래

She's famous.

이삿짐 아저씨가 사인까지 받아 가던데?

The moving man even got her autograph.

연예인 아니야연예인?

Is she a celebrity?

(복희한국에서 아주 유명한...

She's an extremely famous Korean...





니가  동만이 윗집으로 이사를 ?

Why did you move to the apartment above Dong-man's?

언닌 오빠 앞집 살아도 되고  오빠 윗집 살면  돼요?

I was allowed to live across from him, but not above him?

 ...  인터넷 보니까 위자료도  달라로 받았다매

I saw on the internet that you got alimony in dollars.

근데 네가  400 30짜리 우리 집으로 이사를 오냐고?

So why move here? It costs 300,000 won a month!

오빠 매일 보려구요 언니처럼

To see obba everyday, just like you.

우리 사귀어 정식으로 그러기로 했어

We're dating, officially.

알아차라리 잘됐어

I know. It's for the best.

그럼 이제 오빠  끔찍하던 여자 사람 친구를 잃은 거잖아

Then you've lost that disgusting female human friend.

[의미심장한 음악]

So I'll fill in that spot. I'll be your friend.

그럼 이제 내가  자리 할게 내가 오빠 친구 할게

So I'll fill in that spot. I'll be your friend.

(혜란그게 얼마나 거슬리는 건지

I'll make sure that unnie gets to know...

언니도 알게  주고 싶어요

how annoying that friend is.

나는  여자 친구기도 하고

I'm both his girlfriend and his friend.

친구기도 하고 - (혜란아니죠

I'm both his girlfriend and his friend. No, you're not. After you guys break up, you'll be nothing.

이젠 헤어지면 아무것도 아니죠 이젠 친구도  하는 거죠

No, you're not. After you guys break up, you'll be nothing. You won't even be friends.

니가  안다고?

What do you know?

이젠  아니면 도야 돌이킬  없게  거야

Now it's going to be all or nothing. We can't go back anymore.

그거 몰랐어?

Didn't you know that?

[ 가다듬는 소리]


그런  어딨어뭐가  아니면 도라는 거야?

What does she mean it's all or nothing?

[똑똑] (동만어이!


[발랄한 음악]

[ 가다듬는 소리]

[ 가다듬는 소리]


 갈아입고 나와나가게

Get changed and come out.

 오늘 계체량이 있다고 거기나 따라가

I have the weigh-in today, so you should come along.

그거 갔다가 데이트...  그거 하던가

Then let's go on a date or whatever it's called.

  아까부터 말을  갑자기 그렇게 상여자가   같지?

Why aren't you been talking? Why do I feel like you're acting like a real woman now?

상여자는 무슨...

What are you saying?

섹시하지도 않고 청순하지도 않은 네가

You're not sexy or innocent.

말도 없이 입까지  붙이고 있으니까

And since you're keeping your mouth shut and not saying anything...

내가  무슨 낙으로 만나야 되는 건지...

what would my pleasure be in seeing you?

너는 그냥 계속 이렇게 웃겨야 되는 캐릭터라...

You are a character who should constantly be funny...


Of course, on the cuteness side,

 깜찍 쪽으로야 평균 이상이지

Of course, on the cuteness side, you are above average.

[엄살떠는 소리심쿵

Ah, heart attack.


청가네서 2 방송  하시겠단다

The Chun's said they won't do a second broadcast.

그래도 방송 매진 찍었는데    얘기해 보시면

But we sold out, so could you please talk to her--

 얘길해오너 맘이  돌아섰는데

Talk to them about what? The owner's feelings have completely turned around.

( 부장자기  마다하는 대리 나부랭이한테

Would they even want to give a rice cake to an assistant manager who rejects her daughter?

 하나  주고 싶겠냐고

to an assistant manager who rejects her daughter?

예진  월차   알아?

Did you know Ye-jin took the day off?

근데   계속 여기 서서 얘기해? - ?

But why do you keep standing there and talking? What?

  들어오고 여기서 얘기하냐고택배 아저씨처럼

Why are you talking here outside instead of coming in, like a delivery man?

... 들어가면    같아 이제는

Well... I don't think I can come in anymore.

? - 우린 아직 젊고

Why? Because we are young, vigorous, impulsive...

왕성하고충동적이고미성숙한 일개의 동물일 뿐이니까

Because we are young, vigorous, impulsive... and immature animals.

불시라는  원래 순식간이니까

And accidents always happen fast.

새끼 드럽게 빡빡하게 구네 - 뭐라고?

This bastard is so uptight. -What did you say? -Nothing.

[익살스러운 음악아니야

-What did you say? -Nothing.

암튼  여기서 기다리고 있을 테니까 얼른  갈아입고 나와

Anyway, I'll be waiting here, so get changed and come out.

[ 가다듬는 소리]

저기    시간  정도 걸릴  같은데

Oh, I think it will take about an hour and a half though.

 시간 ?

An hour and a half?


Why? Are you exfoliating your whole body?



황금발만 그냥 갈아입고 나오면 되겠구만

You just need to change that shirt and come out.

 데이트 아니냐?

Isn't it our first date?

여자 맘을 그렇게 모르냐?

Do you really know that little about women?

여자 ?

How women feel?

 - ?

-Bah. -Bah?

아니 시끼가  저러지?

I mean, why is she like this?

[동만 기다림에 지친 탄식...

[익살스러운 음악]

되게 이쁘냐

What, am I that pretty?

최애라 빠꾸빠꾸

Hey, Choi Ae-ra, come back! Back.

빨리  갈아입고 나와 - 이상해?

Hurry and change clothes. Why? Is it weird?

다리가 이씨! - 다리 굵어 보여?

Your legs! Do my legs look fat?

다리가 이씨...  이뻐?

Why are your legs so darn pretty?

[류지현의 ' 밤이 지나버렸네재생]


-What? -Your legs are those of a woman!

다리가 이거 완전 여자네?

-What? -Your legs are those of a woman!

아니그럼 내가 진짜 남자일  알았냐?

-Did you think I would really be a man? -Hey.

-Did you think I would really be a man? -Hey. I feel like I'd kick the guys who look at your legs.

 다리 쳐다보는 새끼들한테 돌려차기해 버릴  같으니까

I feel like I'd kick the guys who look at your legs.

빨리 바지로 갈아입고 나와

So put on pants and come back out.

아니이게 어따 대고! [작아지는 소리이래라저래라야?

Who are you to be...

 신발주머니나 들고 다니던  어디서 깝쳐?

How dare you, who used to carry my bag around, defy me?

신발주머니고 나발이고 빨리 바지로 갈아입고 나오라고!

Whatever about your bag, just go and change to pants.

[작은 소리이씨

까불고 있어...

How dare you...

바지로 갈아입고 나와!

Go change to pants and come back out.

아이씨진짜  다리가...

Ah, really. Her legs...


Wow, seriously...

저게 큰일  다리네!

Those legs will cause trouble.

(앵커상대 2루수의 얼굴을 맞추는 강습 안타를 만들어 냈습니다

He hit the second baseman's face.

8  우전 안타를 추가한 추신수는

Choo Shin-soo, who added a base hit,

3타수 2안타에 볼넷  개를 기록해

had two hits and four walks,

시즌 타율을 2 7 5리로 끌어올렸습니다

which brought his batting average up to 0.275.

야구만 ?

-Are you just going to watch baseball? -What?


-Are you just going to watch baseball? -What?


-Are you just going to watch baseball? -What?

아니코앞에 여친을 두고도

I mean, your girlfriend is sitting right across from you. Do you only want to watch Choo Shin-soo playing baseball abroad?

이역만리 추신수가 야구 하는 것만 보고 싶냐고?

Do you only want to watch Choo Shin-soo playing baseball abroad?



뭐가  왜야우린 이야기  ?

What do you mean, "why"? Aren't we going to talk?

밥집에선 그냥 밥만 먹는 거야?

Are we only supposed to eat in a restaurant?

6년을 만났는데 어떻게 식당에서 눈만 쳐다보고 있어?

We've dated for six years.  How can we just sit and make eye contact? You get duller.

 편해지고 무뎌지고 그러는 거지

How can we just sit and make eye contact? You get duller.


It's duller?

[깊은 한숨설아 말꼬리   잡을  없어?

Sul-hee, could you stop twisting my words around?

나도 지친다고

I get tired of it, too.


Tired? Exactly what are you tired of?

아니대체 뭐가 지쳐?

Tired? Exactly what are you tired of?

나랑 데이트도  하고 얘기도  하잖아

You don't go on dates with me or talk with me.

뽀뽀도   하고하지도 않잖아! - 

You don't even kiss me much, and we don't do it either. Hey.

나랑 아무것도  하면서 대체 뭐가 지쳐?

What are you tired of when you don't do anything with me?

[젓가락 놓는 소리]

[옅은 한숨내가 뭐가 지치냐면...

What I am tired of is that...

너랑 있으면 그냥 내가 맨날 나쁜 놈이 

when I am with you, I always become the bad guy.

[슬픈 음악] (주만 지치지도 않고착하고

You don't get tired, you are kind,

 주고사랑이 충만한데

and you're endlessly giving and full of love,

나만 그냥 맨날 나쁜 놈이 된다니까나만

so I always seem like the bad guy. Only me.

(주만  그래?

Why are you like this again?

뭐가 또야?

What do you mean "again"?

(설희아니내가 너한테  많은  바랬어?

I mean, have I asked for much?

 너한테 원하는  없잖아

I don't want anything from you.


You know, I just want us to be like before.

그냥 옛날처럼  지내자고  변하는  그렇게 힘든 거야?

You know, I just want us to be like before. Is it that hard not to change?

사람이 어떻게 6 내내 똑같을 수가 있어?

How can someone stay the same for six years?

나는 그래

I can. 

(설희 여전히 네가 설레고 예전보다  안쓰럽고 좋아

I still blush when I see you. I'm like you more now than then.

그리고 그냥  뭐든 그냥  너랑 같이하고 싶어

And I just want to do everything together with you.

내가 미안해 -  한숨 쉬네

-I'm sorry. -You're sighing again.

(설희나는 맨날 동동대고 너는 맨날 한숨 쉬어

I'm always jumping up and down for you, and you're always sighing.

(설희우리 지금 그냥 권태기인 거야?

Are we just in the seven-year itch,

아님 헤어지는 중인 거야?

or are we in the middle of breaking up?



나는 요즘 너랑 같이 있는   외로워

Lately, I feel more lonely when I'm with you.

저기잠깐 - ?

-Just a sec. -What?

손에 땀이...

My hands are sweaty.

[ 가다듬는 소리]

근데 애들한테는 말할 거야?

But are you going to tell them?

쭈만이 새끼 겁나 놀릴 텐데

Ah, Joo-man is going to laugh so much about us.

일단 비밀로  설희도 뭐라 그럴  같애

Let's keep it a secret for now. Sul-hee would say something.

? - 몰라

Why? I don't know. Sul-hee has always been like that.

설이는 옛날부터 그랬잖아 너희 둘이 싸우다 사귀지는 말라고

I don't know. Sul-hee has always been like that. She said not to end up dating while fighting.

차라리 결혼을 하지 사귀진 말라고

She said to get married, instead of dating.

그럼  지금...

In that case... are you proposing to me right now?

청혼하는 거야?

are you proposing to me right now?

청혼이었으면 좋겠냐?

Would you like this to be a proposal?

(장호 여기서 이제 내가 암바  건데  어떡할 거야?

I'll be doing an arm bar now, what will you do? I have to escape.


I have to escape.

[동만 아파서 앓는 소리!


Hold on.

- (장호어떡하라 그랬지? - (동만!

What did I tell you to do?

! - (장호 자식진짜

(장호 새끼야

Hey, you punk! I told you not to tap me. Why are you tapping me again?

 내가  치지 말라 그랬지   탭을 ?

Hey, you punk! I told you not to tap me. Why are you tapping me again?

아프니까 - ?

Because it hurts! What? Why are you such an honest bastard?

 이런 솔직한 새끼가  있지 이거?

What? Why are you such an honest bastard?

아픈데 장사 있어요?

Who can bear the pain?

다른 파이터들이  뼈가 부러져도 탭은  치는데  어떻게 이렇게 맨날

Other fighters don't flinch, even if their bones break. How come-- That's just being an idiot. Why wouldn't you tap when you're hurting?

(애라그게 등신이지등신아픈데  탭을  치냐구요?

That's just being an idiot. Why wouldn't you tap when you're hurting?

 아프면 바로  바로!

Hey, if you're hurting, tap right away. Right away!

남의 팔을  뽑냐고진짜 이상한 아저씨잖아!

Why would you pull someone's arm out? You're seriously a weird person.

[작은 소리  진짜 달고  거야?

Hey, are you really going to let her stick around?

코치님이랑 훈련  하겠어요 두호는 언제 오는데?

I can't train with you, Coach. When's Doo-ho coming?

[호통 두호 없으면 훈련  ?

-What? Can't you train without Doo-ho? -Why are you yelling at him?

[호통 얘한테 소린 질러요?

-What? Can't you train without Doo-ho? -Why are you yelling at him?

[호통김탁수이런 양아치 새끼 어유!

Kim Tak-su, that jerk!

[박진감 넘치는 음악] [카메라 셔터]

(남자 선수 마주 보시고 포즈 취해 주세요

Please face each other and pose.

[감탄하면서완전 드라마네드라마

Wow, this is totally a drama.


Han Doo-ho.

[신발 끌리는 소리]


What is this?

(두호선수가 [무거운 음악]

An athlete can change teams,

  옮길 수도 있는 거죠

An athlete can change teams,

 조건 좋고비전 있고 그런  가서 나도  커야죠

to a team with better conditions and vision. I need to go somewhere like that and grow.

코치님 미리 아셨냐?

Did the coach know in advance?

타이거는요 대우가 다르다고요

At Tiger, I'm treated differently.

벌써 시스템부터  체계적이고요

-Their system is so organized-- -I asked you if the coach knew?

코치님은 아셨냐고? - (두호홍보도

-Their system is so organized-- -I asked you if the coach knew? They also promote you a ton...


They also promote you a ton...

[두호 울먹이는 소리]

원래  많은 개가 짖는 법이라더라 - 뭐요?

The dog with the most fear barks the loudest. What?

계속 양아치  해라

So keep acting like a jerk.

그래야 우리 동만이가  이를 악물지

That way, Dong-man will grit his teeth even more.

지금은 우리 코치님이 말이  많으신  같은데?

I think you're the one talking more right now.

탁수야 이제는 사람들이   알아

Tak-su, now people know better.


Know what?

구린내 나는 쪽이 똥이라는 

That the side that stinks is the side that's crap.

[불꽃 튀는 긴장된 음악]

피차  섞지 말자구요?

Let's not talk to each other.

너무 쉽게 굴지 

Don't go there too easily.

(장호니가 너무 핏덩어리면 밟아 주는 맛도 없으니까

If you're too weak, it'll be no fun to crush you.

[기막혀하는 소리 




정말 면목 없습니다

I'm so ashamed.

 코치 - 

-Coach Choi. -Yes.


Doo-ho has a three-year old kid, and he's only 26-years-old.

애가 지금  살이고 걔가 지금 스물여섯이다

Doo-ho has a three-year old kid, and he's only 26-years-old.

? - 아주 애라고

So? He's still a kid. A kid.

살아 보겠다고 하는 기특한  이용하지 말고  키워라

Don't use the kid who's trying to survive. Raise him well.


[깊은 한숨진짜 내가 쪽팔려서 진짜...

Gosh. Seriously, I'm so embarrassed...

내가 그냥  혼자였으면 진짜 절대 절대  갔거든요

I would never have moved if I was alone.

근데 우리 딸애가 아토피가 너무 심해서 피가 계속 나니까

But my daughter's eczema is really severe, and she keeps bleeding.

이사는 해야 되는데 답도 없고

We had to move, but there was no other way.

[가슴 뭉클해지는 음악]

누가 뭐래냐?

Did I say anything?

무도인이 울어 코치님한테 등짝 맞아 새끼야

A crying martial artist? You'll get hit on the back by Coach Hwang.

진짜 형한테  먹이고

I know he's trying to screw you and have Coach close the gym...

코치님 도장  닫게 하려는    아는데

I know he's trying to screw you and have Coach close the gym...

진짜 코치님  부탁해요

but I leave Coach in your care.

[장호 호통내일 싸울 놈들끼리  말을 섞고 있어?

Why are people who are supposed to fight chit-chatting?


Hey, Han Doo-ho.

순대나 먹으러  아무 때나

Just come eat sausages whenever you want.

그래 그냥... 니들끼리 먹어

Well, you two go eat alone.

여기 장충동에 사대천왕 나온 맛집 있어 가지고 내가

There's a famous restaurant that was featured in the Four Heavenly Kings.

계체량 끝나고 소고기나  줄까 했는데

I was going to buy you beef, but whatever.

그냥  그냥 따로 먹자고

Just go. Let's eat separately.


Are you sulking? You said you're a martial artist!

누가 삐져? - 이게  삐진 말투냐고?

-Who's sulking? -You sound like you're sulking.

됐다고요그냥 니들끼리 가서 맛있게  먹으라고요

Ah, just forget it. You two just go and have a delicious meal.

우리 사귀어

We're dating.

[익살스러운 음악?

What? I said we're dating.

우리 사귄다고

I said we're dating.

아니 ? - 뭐가 ''예요?

-Why? I mean, why? -What do you mean, "why"?

(동만그러니까   끼셔야죠 우리 오늘  데이트란 말이에요

So, you should know when to invite yourself. It's our first date today after all.

 코치님한테 이렇게      이런  있어?

Is there something you can't tell me?

 내가  사고라도 쳤을까 ?

Are you worried that I caused an accident?

아니임마 그런  말고

No, nothing like that.  Do you have a big debt on her or something?

얘한테 무슨 상당한 빚을 졌다거나 이런  있잖아

Do you have a big debt on her or something?

 진짜  아저씨랑  맞는다니까!

I told you I really don't go well with this old man.



[자동차 경적]

아니...  자꾸 멍멍이 새끼처럼 안겨싸?

Why do you keep clinging to me like a puppy?


I'm hungry.

[끈적한 음악]

[ 가다듬는 소리]

내가 먹던   개밥 느낌이었는데

The food you used to make seemed like dog food, but...

이건 연못에서  쇠도끼가 아니라 금도끼가 나온 기분인데?

this feels like I got a gold ax... instead of my iron ax from the pond.

닥치고 먹어

Shut up and eat.


Hey, eat.

[프라이팬에서 숟가락 미끄러지는 소리]

(동만이게 개밥이야뭐야이씨

Is this dog food or what?

주는 대로  먹어

Eat what you're given.

[애라  가다듬는 소리]

 바닥에서 그래여기 자리 많은데?

Why are you on the floor? There's space here.

개수작 부리지 

Don't try to play tricks on me.

 내가... 내가  그런  환장했냐?

Hey, do you think I want to do something?

근데  침대에 누우래?

-Why are you telling me to lie on the bed? -When did I? 

내가 언제 누우랬어앉으라고 다운!

-Why are you telling me to lie on the bed? -When did I?  I told you to sit down.

앉았다 눕는 거지  그런  아니겠어?

Won't sitting down lead to lying down?

그게 개수작이지

That's the trick.

니가  개수작이 먹히기나  애냐?

Are you someone that would fall for that?

(동만너는 거의 여자계의 효도르라고

You're almost like a girl Fedor.

니가 진짜  악물고 덤비면 내가  치명상을 입을  같다니까

I feel like if you tried to hurt me, I would get a fatal injury.

그리고어제 사귀었는데 오늘   그러냐?

And would I do something like that when we just started dating yesterday?

내가  생양아치냐고 진짜 아무 생각도 없다니까

Am I some kind of jerk? I really didn't have any other intentions.

생각 없는 쉐끼

A jerk without any intentions.



[멋쩍은 음악]

우리가 오늘 사귀었다고 오늘만  사이는 아니잖아

Even though we only dated today, we've seen each other forever.

20 넘게 징글징글하게 순결했던 사이잖아

We've been sickly platonic for over 20 years.



그게 사람이냐사람이 그렇게 빡빡할 필요가 있냐?

Are you a human? Does a person even need to be this uptight?

니가 나를 자꾸 바야바나 효도르로 보니까 나도  속상하고

I'm a little upset that... you keep looking at me like I'm Chewbacca or Fedor.

우리 사이에 터닝 포인트가 필요한가...  싶고

I also think we might need a turning point in our relationship.

우리 진짜 돌고 돌아서 23 만에  키스 했잖아

We really just went around and around and had our first kiss in 23 years.

늦게  만큼 속도를...  내야 되나 싶기도 하고

Don't you think we have to pick up the pace, as slowly as we have gone?

[ 가다듬는 소리]

그게  이렇게 진취적인...

Why are you so progressive...


Do I have to keep talking?

 떠들어야 ?

Do I have to keep talking?

[끈적한 음악]


[애라  가다듬는 소리]

[주만 깊은 한숨아휴

(주만동만아 남은  없냐?

Don't you have any alcohol?

[장난기 어린 음악]

[작은 소리비밀번호 바꾸랬지?

I told you to change your password.

[작은 소리여기가 무슨 동네 마을회관이야?

Is this some community hall?


Hey, you two...

깐쇼새우에 빼갈 먹고 싶지 않냐?

Want chili shrimp with Kaoliang liquor?

 새끼 진짜 빼갈로   버리고 싶네

I could beat him up with Kaoliang liquor.


아이고아이고 좋아라 근데 니네 진짜 회사  제껴도 ?

Oh wow, that feels good. But can you all really skip work?

내가  베프 데뷔전  월차도  쓰면 회사 뭐하러 다니냐?

Hey, why should I keep working if I can't take a day off for my BFF's debut fight?

내가 6 때부터  키우다시피 했는데 당연히 가야지

I've basically raised you since you were six-years-old. -Of course I have to go. -Thank you.

[작은 소리감사합니다

-Of course I have to go. -Thank you.

우리 가다 청심환  살까?

Should we go buy some tranquilizers?

그런  먹고 어떻게 시합을 뛰어? - 아니   먹게

-How can I take that before a match? -No, for me, so I can take it.


Oh. Two, three...

  - ( 같이안녕하세요

Oh. Two, three... Hello!

다들 어디들 가나 ?

Are you all going somewhere?

제가 일이  있어 가지구요 - 그럼 수고하세요

Yes, I have something... -Have a good day. -Okay.


-Have a good day. -Okay.

- (복희어이, 102 - ?

-Unit 102. -Yes?

[아주 작은 소리화이팅해

-Uh... -Ah, the room rent...

 방세는요 - 아니

-Uh... -Ah, the room rent...

[작은 소리화이팅!


[급하게 멀어지는 발소리]

뭐래지금 뭐라고 했지?

What did she just say?

- (주만욕하신  같은데? - 하이킥?

I think she cursed at you. High kick?


My goodness.

발차기로 일단 자빠뜨린 다음에 바로 달려들란 말이야

After kicking him down, you need to go in right away.

근데 너는 자빠지면   그라운드가  되니까

But you can't fall, because you can't ground fight.

초장에 무조건 발차기로 KO 시킨다는 생각을 하란 말이야

You have to knock him out with your kick in the beginning.

원래 태권도 베이스 파이터들이 그라운드가  되거든

Taekwondo-based fighters usually can't ground fight.


Kick... But hey, why did you follow us all the way here and act like this?

너는 근데  여기까지 이렇게 따라와서 이래?

Kick... But hey, why did you follow us all the way here and act like this? I used to be his original manager.

원래 제가  원래 원조 매니저였어요

I used to be his original manager.

나도 이거 티셔츠 하나 주면  돼요황장호 체육관?

Can I have this t-shirt as well? The "Hwang Jang Ho Gym" shirt?


Gosh, anyway, remember to kick.

하여튼 발차기? - 타격으로 쇼부를 봐야 

Gosh, anyway, remember to kick. Finish it with a blow.

알았어 알았어

I got it, I got it.

(아나운서) RFC 3 경기웰터급 슈퍼파이트 지금부터  선수를 소개합니다

RFC match three, welterweight super fight. I will be introducing both fighters.

우와여기 앉자

Wow, let's sit down here. Height 184 cm, weight 76 kg.

(설희어우남자들은  이런  좋아하냐?

Height 184 cm, weight 76 kg. Why do guys like things like this?

진짜 이해가  

I can't understand it.

다시 케이지로 복귀한 광마의 파이터 타격의 원더 보이

The crazy fighter, who's returned to the cage, the wonder boy of strikes, Park Jung-sik!

[우렁찬 소리!

the wonder boy of strikes, Park Jung-sik!

[관중 환호성]

the wonder boy of strikes, Park Jung-sik!

(아나운서이에 맞서는 레드 코너 소개합니다

Fighting against him in the red corner...

- (애라저기요 - 

-Excuse me. -Yes?

저런  지원은 어디서 해요?

Where can you apply to do that?

어떤 거요? - 저거요

-What do you mean? -That.

[아나운서 우렁찬 소리식스 킬러 !

-What do you mean? -That. Hong Su-hwan!

[관중 환호성]


(아나운서다시 한번 멋진 경기를 보여  박준식 선수에게

Please give it up for Park Jung-sik, who's shown us a good fight.

뜨거운 박수를 부탁드리겠습니다!

Please give it up for Park Jung-sik, who's shown us a good fight.

[우렁찬 소리!

Ko Dong-man!

[ 가다듬는 소리] [익살스러운 음악]

[우렁찬 소리...

Kooooooo! What, what, what? What is it?


What, what, what? What is it?

 불러? - 아이깜짝아!

What, what, what? What is it? You startled me!

 이런 데서도  내가 보고 싶고 그런가 

I guess you miss me in places like this, too.

[ 가다듬는 소리그런  아니야

It's not like that.

저게   짓을 하려고 저래?

What is she plotting that she's acting like this?

[우렁찬 소리

Kooooooooo! That sounds familiar.

어디서 많이 들어  건데

Kooooooooo! That sounds familiar.

아씨 소리도  내고 저기 박혀 있어?

Why was he back there not making a sound?


How embarrassing!


 원래  삼각김밥 별로 좋아하지도 않는데

I don't really like triangle kimbap.


It's just a concept.

'삼각김밥 먹고 싸웠어요'

It'll be very touching to show that you're a hungry fighter.

 이러면 뭉클하잖아 헝그리 파이터

It'll be very touching to show that you're a hungry fighter. I don't really want to be hungry, and it feels like I'm trying to sell my--

아니나는 별로 헝그리하고 싶지도 않고

I don't really want to be hungry, and it feels like I'm trying to sell my--

이거 그냥  사연 팔이 같기도... - 그럼 그냥 먹어

I don't really want to be hungry, and it feels like I'm trying to sell my-- Then just eat it. Think of it as acting, acting.

연기라고 생각해연기

Then just eat it. Think of it as acting, acting.

이거 방송 나가면 우리 엄마아버지도 보실 텐데

If this gets broadcasted, Mom and Dad would see it too...

그것도  그렇고 - 아이고그냥  먹어 보라니까

If this gets broadcasted, Mom and Dad would see it too... Gosh, just try eating it.

 아무래도  방송 취지를      같아

I think I misunderstood the purpose of this program. This is kind of...

이건 아무래도 ... -  뜨기 싫어?

I think I misunderstood the purpose of this program. This is kind of... Don't you want to become famous?

(경구뭐가 진짜 효돈지 모르겠어 아직도 정신  차리면 어떡해

Don't you know what will make your parents happy?

... 애라도 동만이 응원 왔구나

Ah, so you came to cheer Dong-man on, too.

오빠 - (경구?

Obba, I'm dating him.

 나랑 사귀어

Obba, I'm dating him.


Right... What?


Right... What?

이제 아주 공식적으로  뒤엔 내가 있다고

Now, I officially got his back.

[익살스러운 음악]

어떻게 그렇게 갑자기?

Oh, how can you so suddenly? Anyway, congratulations for now.

일단 축하들 

Oh, how can you so suddenly? Anyway, congratulations for now.

오빠 그런  조심 문구 들어봤어?

Did you hear this warning sign?

'검둥 개는 물지 않지만 검둥이를 건들면'

The black dog doesn't bite, but if someone bothers him,

' 개가 물어요얘를 건들면 내가 '!' 문다고

the white dog bites. If you bug him, I bite.

이거 찍지 

Don't film this.

애라야근데 이거는 내가 동만이랑 얘기를  거고

But Ae-ra, this time around, I have talked with Dong-man, and-- I told you clearly not to film this.

내가 분명히 말했어 이거 찍지 말라고

I told you clearly not to film this.


I'm leaving.


저게  매사 자중을  하고 이렇게 박력이 터졌싸?

Why can't she hold herself back instead of being so powerful all the time?


[카메라 셔터]

[희망찬 음악] (설희

RECRUITING CAGE ANNOUNCER - RFC Hey, do you really want to scream and all that?

(우렁차게...  이러는  진짜로 하고 싶어?

Hey, do you really want to scream and all that?


Rather than that, isn't it really cool to hold a mic in the middle of the cage?

 가운데서 마이크 잡는  진짜 멋지지 않냐?

Rather than that, isn't it really cool to hold a mic in the middle of the cage?

저게? - 벌써  두근두근하잖아

-That? -My heart is already pounding.

근데 저런  남자들이나 하는  아니야?

But isn't that usually for men to do?

마이크 잡는  남녀가 따로 있나?

Do men and women hold a mic any differently?

그래도 남자들이 하잖아 - 그러니까  하고 싶어

Even so, usually men do it. -That's why I want to do it even more. -What?

? - 최초의 여자

-That's why I want to do it even more. -What? The first woman, the only woman, the best woman. 

유일한 여자최고의 여자 이런 타이틀 죽이잖아

The first woman, the only woman, the best woman.  Aren't these titles a killer?

우리 탁수 새낀 진짜 봐주지 말고 두호는 그냥 이해해 주자

Let's not go easy on that Tak-su jerk and just understand Doo-ho.

이해해요  찝찝해서 그렇지이기기가

I understand. It just feels iffy to win.

짜식 이기는   확실하냐?

Are you sure you'll win? Doo-ho is stronger than Byung-joo.

두호가 병주보다 실력은 윈데?

Are you sure you'll win? Doo-ho is stronger than Byung-joo.

(주만! [박수]

(동만뭐야뭐야 약수터에 있던 영구냐?

What? Are you some idiot from nowhere? That's sick!

하여튼 뭔가 살벌하다 - 됐고

What? Are you some idiot from nowhere? That's sick! Whatever. They have three seconds.

쟤들은 세컨이 셋이야

Whatever. They have three seconds.

나라도 나서서  기를 살려줘야   아니야?

I should at least be there to cheer you up.

인마이게 이게 지금   살려 주는 거야?

This is the way to cheer him up? Why didn't you write sausages?

찰순대는   적었어?

This is the way to cheer him up? Why didn't you write sausages?

집중하고 발차기로 자빠뜨리고 자빠지면 바로 들어가

Focus. Knock him over with the kick. And go in right away.


Yes, I'll go inside.


Ah, I'm getting really nervous.

[관중 환호성]

(해설자중계로 되는 경기로는  선수 데뷔전이라고   있는데요

This is his debut match on TV. But internally, he's very well known.

이미 내부적으로는 굉장히 핫한 선수입니다

But internally, he's very well known.

이슈가 되는 선수라 데뷔전도 굉장히 빨리 잡힌 편이고요

Because he has become a hot athlete, he got his debut match very quickly.

설아 잠깐 화장실  갔다 올게

Sul-hee, I'm going to the toilet.

경기  시작할 텐데

But the fight is about to begin.

[관중 환호성] [흥분감을 고조시키는 음악]

아니 갑자기 배가  아파서

My stomach suddenly started aching.


[경기장  종소리] (심판오케이


(심판오케이레디 파이트!

Okay! Ready! Fight!

[종소리] [관중 함성]

Okay! Ready! Fight!

[박진감 넘치는 음악]

이얍 - (해설자고동만 선수

That was a great kick from Ko Dong-man!

시원한 발차기가 터졌습니다!

That was a great kick from Ko Dong-man!

(태희궁금해  발차기 저거저거

That kick... Was Tak-su first or him?

탁수가 원조예요쟤가 원조예요?

That kick... Was Tak-su first or him?

[두호 넘어지는 소리 강조!


(해설자고봉만 선수의 하이킥 한두호 선수의 

Due to Han Doo-ho's cut,

잠시 닥터 체크를 진행하도록 하겠습니다

we will have a doctor check it briefly.


we will have a doctor check it briefly.


Coach, I think he's badly hurt.

 많이 다친  같은데

Coach, I think he's badly hurt.

두호 다친  니가  신경 인마 지금 시합 중이잖아!

Why do you care? You are in the middle of a fight!

[동만 거친 호흡]

[두호 부인 흐느낌]




Ready! Fight!

[멀어진 관중 함성]

[안에서 연타로 들리는  소리]

[깊은 한숨누가 맞는 거야누가?

Who is getting hit?

[관중 열띤 응원 계속]

지금지금 !

Now! Go now!

(해설자 선수 지금 결정적 타이밍을 놓치고 있는데요

He seems to be missing his chance right now.

저렇게 기다리고 있으면  되죠

He shouldn't be waiting like that.

[관중 야유 이어짐]

 이렇게 끌어?


(태희 파운딩을  하는 거예요?

Why isn't he hitting him?

(관중 하는 거야?

(관중그냥 들어가라

[계속 이어지는 야유]


Go in! Go in!


Go in! Go in!

(심판스톱 [종소리]

[관중 웅성웅성]

[긴장감 고조되는 음악]

(해설자지금부터 RFC 3경기 라이트급 슈퍼 파이트

RFC match three, light class super fight.

공식 판정 결과를 발표하겠습니다

We will be announcing the winner.

 경기는 심판 3 0 전원 일치로

We had a unanimous vote of the referees for this fight.

(해설자블루 코너태권 보이 고동만 선수가 승리했습니다!

Blue corner, taekwon boy, Ko Dong-man is the winner!

[관중 환호성과 박수] (심판!


[주만 환호성]


Are you okay?


Why did you go easy on me?

봐주는 것보다 KO패가 낫다고!

I'd rather you knock me out than you go easy on me!

[분위기 가라앉는 음악]

[관중 환호성]

(장호이기면 뭐하냐고이기면이따위 닉네임이 생겼는데

What matters whether you win or not? You made this kind of name for yourself.

(주만옥타콘 웨이터?

Octagon Waiter?

상대가 넘어지면 기다린다고 엄청 친절하대

They say you're really nice because you wait if the opponent falls.

모냥 빠지게 이게 뭐냐이게 뭐야닉네임이 이게!

So embarrassing. What kind of nickname is this?

넘어진 사람은 치지도   거면서 무슨 격투기야?

Why would you fight in the ring if you can't hit an opponent who fell?

니가  알어?

What do you know?

이게 태권도  호구 차는 느낌이랑 완전 다르다니까

It feels totally different from kicking a protective gear for taekwondo.

사람의 뼈와 살이 팍팍 닿는 느낌이라니까

It feels like I can feel the person's bones and skin.

아주 마음 약해서 사람  치는 파이터네

You're so weak-hearted you can't hit.

 우리 똥만이 완전 이해해

I totally understand, Dong-man.

(장호  위에선

In the ring, the strong fighter beats the nice fighter.

착한 놈이 좋은  아니라 그냥  놈이 최고라고

In the ring, the strong fighter beats the nice fighter.

  새끼야 그딴 식으로 하려면  때려쳐인마

If you're going to be like that, just give up!

 때려쳐 거라고!

I won't! I'm going to continue!

 그냥 KO 하면   아니에요!

I just need to do a K.O. then. I won't go into a dog fight like today, and just finish in the beginning.

오늘처럼 개싸움까지  가고 그냥 초장에 KO 끝내면   아니냐고?

I won't go into a dog fight like today, and just finish in the beginning.

, KO 니가 하고 싶다고 맘대로 하는   알아?

You think you can get a knockout just because you want to?

누군  처음부터 잘하나인생이 영화야?

Is anyone good from the start? Is life a movie?

(두만파이터는   로키야그거야말로 사기 캐릭터지

Are fighters all Rocky? That's what a fake character is!

하자는 극복하면 되는 거지 - 거지?

-I just need to overcome my flaw. -My flaw?

거지? [포크 놓는 소리이놈의 새끼!

My flaw? I should just whack you.

[익살스러운 음악여기   주세요

Please give me water!

명마를 얻은 코치가  이렇게 맘이 조급해요?

Why is a coach with such an excellent stallion so anxious?


What? Stallion?

얘는 원래 스타일이 전설이라고

He was already a legend.

(애라서산 코찔찔이가 국대까지 될지 누가 알았겠냐고요?

Who knew a Seosan novice would make it to a national team?

그냥 두고 보시라니까!

Just sit still and watch.

(애라 머리통은 자꾸 톡톡 때리지 마시고

And don't keep hitting his head.

(형식애가 돈을 버는지 먹고는 사는지 들여다봐야   아녀

You have to see if he's making money, eating and living well.

그렇게 걱정이 되면서  애한테 전화  통을   보는데?

If you're so worried, why don't you give him a call?

전화해서 뭐라 그랴걔랑 무슨 말을 ?

What would I say on the phone? What would I talk about?

(순양부모 자식 지간에     있어서 전화해?

Do a parent and child only call to talk about specific things?

당신 재취업한 얘기도  하고 당장 출장 얘기도 해야   아니냐고

You should talk about your new job. Oh, and your business trip.


You call him.

이유부자가 아주 똑같아

Like father, like son.

[형식  가다듬는 소리]

그럼  자기 전에 전화는...

What about a phone call before you sleep...

[멋쩍은 음악코앞에 살면서 전화는 ...

Why call when we live right in front of each other?



그럼 내일 아침에  먹으러 갈게

Then I'll come over for breakfast tomorrow.

그럼 이제 아침마다 머리 감아야겠다

I should probably wash my hair every morning.

원래 그러는 거야바보야

You're supposed to do that, stupid.

그럼  이제 이거 누른다

Then I'll enter my passcode now.


Oh, me too.


Should I...

 니네  갈까?

-just go to your house? -What?


-just go to your house? -What?

아이 같이 테레비 보면서 뭐라도 끓여 먹고

I mean, we can watch the television and eat something.

... 끓여?

Eat... what?

라면... 같은 ?

Something like ramen?



[ 가다듬는 소리]

(복희혼숙 금지에다가 야간 라면 취사 금지 추가

In addition to no cohabitation, I'll add no late night ramen.

[애라  가다듬는 소리]

근데 왜요?


? -  자꾸

What? Why are you prohibiting eating ramen and living together?

라면에 취사 금지 혼숙 금지  이런  자꾸 하시냐고요?

Why are you prohibiting eating ramen and living together?

(애라그거는 명백히 월권이죠

That's an abuse of authority.

니들 내가 관리비  줬지 쎄시코  줬지

I gave you a discount on maintenance fees. I even did pest control.

방값도  번도  올렸지 - 여러모로

I never even raised your rents. I agree that you've treated us well. But--

복지는 최고라고 생각합니다만 - 근데

I agree that you've treated us well. But-- And you can't even follow that rule?

그것도  지켜 짐승들이야?

And you can't even follow that rule? Are you animals?

아니 다들 연애질을  해서 안달이냐고?

Why are you guys all dying to date?

빌라가 전부 ... 치정이야치정

The whole villa is... love affairs.

[속삭임] B사감, B사감...

I think she's jealous.

(복희꼬우면 혼숙 가능하고 방값 비싼  데로 

If you're unhappy, you can move to a place where you can sleep together for higher rent.

눈앞에서 사람  말리지 말고

Stop making me walk on pins and needles.

[작은 소리히스테리인  같애

I think she's hysterical.

터가 지랄인 거야피가 지랄인 거야?

Is it the neighborhood or the blood?

(복희개시 빨리빨리  ?

Aren't you going to hurry and open?

배가 불렀어장사 이렇게밖에  ?

Are you living that well? Can't do your business right?

제가 여기서 이렇게 순대 파는  어떻게 아시고?

How did you know I sell sausages here?

몰랐어소주 사러 나왔다가  거야

I didn't. I came out to buy soju and I saw you here.


Ah, okay.

소주나   줘봐  - ?

Give me one bottle of soju. Excuse me?

꿍쳐 놓고 마시는  있을  아니야

You must have some hidden away.


 그게 ... 저희는 술을  파는 노점이라

I can't sell any alcohol here.

술값 받지  그럼 파는  아니니까

Don't take my money. Then you're not selling it.

(장호진짜로 영광입니다

It's truly an honor.

(복희오바는 하지 말고

Don't overreact.

(장호어우오바 아니에요

I'm not overreacting. My life really changed because of you.

 정말로 누님 때문에 인생이 바뀐 놈이거든요

I'm not overreacting. My life really changed because of you.

누님께서 그냥 인생  마이웨이 가시는  보면서

You became my role model after I met you, living your life the way you want.

 롤모델 삼았습니다

living your life the way you want.

사인이라도  ?

-Should I give you an autograph? -No, I'd just throw it away...

아니요사인은  어차피 쓰레기인데

-Should I give you an autograph? -No, I'd just throw it away...

근데 제가 일본으로 건너가신 것까진 알고 있었거든요

I knew that you went to Japan a while back,

근데 갑자기 어떻게 귀국을...

but why did you come back?

죽다 살아나 보니까 찾아야겠더라고

After a near death experience, I thought I must find him.

우리 남일이

My Nam-il.



남일이...  새끼

Nam-il. My baby.

[격투기 중계]

He'll release his fury...


Song Yong-jin...

아니집주인 진짜 똘끼 있지 않냐?

Don't you think the landlady is really strange?

(애라남의 ...

Why does she care if we sleep-- I mean, eat ramen or not?

라면을 끓여 잡수든 말든 자기가  오지랖이냐고?

Why does she care if we sleep-- I mean, eat ramen or not?

남일이는 뭐하나 몰라 자기 엄마  들여다보고

I wonder what Nam-il is doing, not looking after his mom.

남일이는 아들이니까 어쩔  없다고 해도

Nam-il is her son, so never mind him, but what about her daughter-in-law?

 며느리는  죄냐고

Nam-il is her son, so never mind him, but what about her daughter-in-law?

(애라그런 시엄마 있다고 생각하면

Imagine if you had a mother-in-law like her. 

나랑 아주 상극상극

I would flip out.

(장호 자제분이 있으시구나

So, you have a child. How are you going to find him?

그럼 어떻게 찾으시려고...

So, you have a child. How are you going to find him?

벌써 찾았어

-I've already found him. -What?


-I've already found him. -What?

[깊은 한숨]

[ 위에서 뛰는 소리]

(탁수그러니까 이제 어쩔 거냐고?

So, what exactly are you going to do now?

 새끼   풀렸더만! - 워워워

That bastard's all warmed up.

탁수야고동만  일은 형한테 맡기고   쉬어

Tak-su, leave Dong-man to me. You just worry about resting. You've been working out so much lately, you actually seem like an athlete.

 지금 운동 너무 열심히   진짜 운동선수 같아

You've been working out so much lately, you actually seem like an athlete.

그럼 형은 내가  하는 사람 같은데?

What did you think I was?

탁수  동만이랑 그냥 붙어

Tak-su, just fight with Dong-man.

? - 그냥 하루빨리 동만이랑 붙으라고

Excuse me? Just fight Dong-man as soon as possible.

[긴장된 음악] (원보안면 가드 없고

He doesn't protect his face or attack low.

그라운드  가고 누구 생각나는 사람 없어?

He doesn't protect his face or attack low. Reminds you of someone?

 처음에 태권도에서 이쪽으로 넘어왔을 때랑

Dong-man is exactly like you

동만이가 지금 똑같아

when you first switched over from taekwondo.

[동만 신음 소리...


- (동만아후 - 들어와

Come on. Aren't you going to grapple? Will you only ever fight standing up?

 그라운드   거야서서만 싸울 거야?

Come on. Aren't you going to grapple? Will you only ever fight standing up?

 스탠딩에 자신 있으니까

I'm confident up here.

 새끼야  어떻게  하고 싶은 거만 ?

Ah, you jerk, how can you only do what you want?

시합 때도 쌍방이 합의 봐서   짜는 거야뭐야?

Will you negotiate with your opponent during a match?

그라운드  가면 되죠 유도에도  들어가면   아니냐고

I just don't have to go low, even if he tries to pull me down.

그럼  끝까지 반쪽짜리 파이터밖에  된다고

Then you'll never be any more than half a fighter.

[호통네가 극복  하면  여기까지가 끝이라고!

If you can't overcome it, this is the end for you!

[긴장된 음악] (원보바로 붙자

Let's just fight him. He's someone you can't avoid anyway.

어차피 피할  없는 거면 지금 붙어

Let's just fight him. He's someone you can't avoid anyway. Let's fight him now.

탁수야어쩔 거야?

Tak-su, what do you want to do?

 장담하는데 동만이가 이거 극복하면 아무도  잡는다

I promise you. Once Dong-man overcomes this, no one can catch up to him.

(애라신장 163.2

Height 163.2 cm, weight, 50-- 45 kg...

몸무게 5... 45킬로그램

Height 163.2 cm, weight, 50-- 45 kg...

국내 최초 여성 격투기 아나운서 최애라!

The first female MMA announcer, Choi Ae-ra!

[난감한 음악]

[ 가다듬는 소리]

남의  벼루빡은   두들기고 계세요?

Why are you knocking on someone else's wall?


Are you a renter here?


Who are you?

여기 주인 아들입니다

I'm the owner's son.

남일이 남일이?

Nam-il? That Nam-il?


Do you know me? Why do you keep calling my name like that?

 남의 이름을 그렇게  부릅니까?

Do you know me? Why do you keep calling my name like that?

죄송합니다 - 근데

I'm sorry. By the way, aren't the stairs a public, common area?

계단은 공동 장소 아닙니까?

By the way, aren't the stairs a public, common area?


Yes, they are.

남에게 혐오감을   있는 복장

Don't wear clothes that make others feel uncomfortable.

위협적인 고성으로 공동생활에 피해를 주지 마시길 부탁드립니다

Please don't harm other's enjoyment of the common area with your loud shouting.

그쪽이 163.2 45키로인  믿을 사람도 없고

No one would believe you're 163.2 cm and 45 kg.

궁금해할 사람도 없습니다

Neither are they curious to know.


잘생긴  싸가지는 드럽게 없으시네

He's so handsome, yet so rude.


Is she crazy or what?

[ 넘기는 소리]

[휴대폰 조작음]

[분위기 가라앉는 음악]

[휴대폰 내려놓는 소리 강조]

[휴대폰  소리]

예진 제가 다신 전화하지 말라고 부탁드렸잖아요

Ye-jin, I asked you to never call me again. Why are you doing this to me, seriously?


Why are you doing this to me, seriously?



(사고  차주 찍어찍어찍어

Take a picture. Here. That's right.

(사고  차주여기여기

Take a picture. Here. That's right.

(사고  차주그래그래 [카메라 셔터]

Take a picture. Here. That's right.

아니원래가 이게

No, normally the car in the back is always the one at fault!

뒤에서 박으면  차가 과실이라고이게!

No, normally the car in the back is always the one at fault!

아니아저씨가 갑자기 신호 바뀌니까 이거 후진하셨잖아요

You suddenly backed up when the light changed.

내가내가 후진을 했다고?

Me? I backed up? Wow.

 아가씨 이거 진짜 웃긴 아가씨네이거?

Wow, this girl is pretty hilarious.

- (주만예진  - 대리님

Ye-jin. Mr. Kim.

일단 블랙박스 먼저 확인해 보시면...

First, let's check the black box-- But my black box is broken right now...

근데 지금 블랙박스가 고장이 나서요

But my black box is broken right now...

아니뒤에서 박았으면  프로지  그렇게 따져 싸냐고!

It's the car at the back's fault! Why do you keep arguing? -You called the insurance, right? -If your insurance goes up,

- (주만보험사 연락했죠? - 보험 할증 붙으면 아가씨   깨져

-You called the insurance, right? -If your insurance goes up, you'll lose more money.

그냥 현금 이백에 보험이고 뭐고 퉁칩시다

Let's just deal with cash. We'll call it even at two million won.

(사고  차주그래

Let's just deal with cash. We'll call it even at two million won.

근데   삼겹살 드셨죠?

You two had samgyeopsal, right?


Thank you, Mr. Kim.

대리님 아니었으면 진짜 이백 뜯길 뻔했어요

If it wasn't for you, I would've given them two million won.

남자 둘이서 삼겹살 먹으면서 소주    했을 리가 없잖아요

There's no way for two men to eat samgyeopsal without soju.

지들이 구리니까 괜히 현금으로 퉁치자고 그런 거지

It was shady. That's why they wanted to deal with it in cash.

  받았나 봐요

I must be getting punished.

자꾸 내가 대리님한테 오면  되는데 그럼 진짜 나쁜 년인데

I shouldn't always come to you. I would really be a bad girl for doing so.

그러니까 이제 그만하세요정말

So stop it already. 

우리 동네까지 와서 사고가 나시고...

Why did you come all the way here and get into an accident?



이제 진짜... 정말 그만하셨으면 좋겠어요

I really hope you'll stop from now on.

이제 거기  갈게요

I won't go there anymore.

그만할게요 걱정 마세요

I'll stop. Don't worry.

[아쉬운 음악조심히 올라가요

Go home safely.


[ 잠기는 소리]

[ 절뚝이는 소리

[예진 신음]

- (주만괜찮아요? - (예진!

Are you okay?

(주만방금 다친 거예요?

Did you hurt yourself?

아까 놀라서 브레이크를 너무 세게 밟았나 봐요

I think I was so shocked earlier that I pressed the brake too hard.

[ 끄는 소리]

내일은  회사 나오세요

Please come to work tomorrow.

예진   나오시니까 저도 괜히 입장 곤란하고

If you don't come, I get uncomfortable and a lot of people talk about it.

(주만사람들 말도 많고

If you don't come, I get uncomfortable and a lot of people talk about it.

내일 회사에서 봐요

I'll see you tomorrow.

오늘 감사했어요

Yes. Thank you for today.


[상자 옮기는 소리]

[무거운 음악]


(주만 그렇게 많이 샀어요?

What did you buy so much?

(주만어우 [상자 드는 소리]

[무거운  드는 소리]



(동만 재취업?

What? He got a new job?

아니아버지가 어떻게 나도  하는 재취업을?

How did Dad get a job that I can't even get?

근데 굳이 우리 집을...

But does he have to... at my house...


(동만일단 알겠어

Okay, I got it. Bye.

 아버지 재취업하셨대?

What is it? Your dad got a new job?


Yeah, but he's going to sleep at my house for one night.

주무시고 가신대 우리 집에서하루

Yeah, but he's going to sleep at my house for one night.

근데  그렇게 심각해?

What's so serious about that?

... 생각해 보니까

Now that I think about it...

아버지랑 둘이  적은 없는  같은데

I don't think I ever slept alone with my dad before.

아빠잖아 같이 자면 되지

He's your dad. You can just sleep.


Is that right?

맞다 근데  모레 면접이라고?

You have an interview the day after tomorrow, right?

   아나운서 그거   있겠어?

Do you think you can do that ring announcer...

  싸우는    있어?

and watch me fight?

니가 죽어도 하겠다면 내가 죽어도 봐야지

If you're going to do it even if you die, I have to watch it, even if I die.

봐야 지켜주지

To protect you.

  코딱지만   어렸을 때부터   엔간히 지켜줘?

You are such a tiny person, who's been protecting me since I was little.

나는 여차하면 케이지 안으로 뛰어 들어갈 각오가  있어

I'm ready to jump in the cage if I have to.

그럼    아나운서 이거 되면...

If you become a ring announcer...

우리 사내커플 되는 건가?

would we become a couple within the company?

사내 커플?

A couple within the company?

 그거  섹시하다고 생각했는데 사내 커플

I think it sounds pretty sexy. Within the company.

(애라그냥    하고  밥벌이하면 되는 거지

You just do your job and make a living.

그게  섹시하고 자시고  일이야?

You just do your job and make a living. It's nothing sexy.

아니 일하다가 몰래...

No, in the middle of work, secretly...

뽀뽀도   있으니까...

we can kiss each other.







귓구멍이 막혔냐? - ?

Are you deaf? What?

 혹시 지금 부끄러워하는 거야?

Are you being shy right now?


I'm not shy.

[ 짖는 소리]

이거 완전 상여자  됐네

You're a real woman now.

 지금  디게 빨개

Your cheeks are super red right now.


What are you saying?

 이유 없이 남의 손을  잡아!

Why are you holding someone's hand without any reason?

원래 이유 없이  잡는 거여

You're supposed to do that.

 그렇게 빤히   화장도  떴는데...

Why are you looking at me so much? My makeup's all messed up...

(애라아니 남의 손을  포박을 해싸

Why are you tying my hands?


Why do I... 

 입만 보이지?

only see your lips?

[류지현의 ' 밤이 지나버렸네재생]


? - 이제 사귀면

What? If we're dating...

자꾸 해도 되냐?

can I keep doing it?

 미친놈이 진짜! - 미친놈?

You crazy jerk, seriously! Crazy jerk?


Why are you asking?


Do you like it?


Why do you keep asking?

그냥 옛날에 뽀뽀 한번  볼걸

I should've kissed you long ago.

그럼  나한테 맞았지

Then you would've gotten a beating from me.


Since I did it...

너무 좋아

I really like it.

최애라... 디게 좋아

Choi Ae-ra, I really like you.

미칠  같아

I think I'm going crazy.

나는  원래 좋았어  웬수 같은 새끼야

I've always liked you, you jerk.

 아니면 도면

If it's all or nothing...

그냥 모로 가자 - ?

let's go with all. What?

 오늘 그냥

Do you want to...

앞집에서 잘래?

sleepover at my apartment today?

[서은광임현식육성재의 '알듯 말듯해재생]

깐쇼새우가 맛나냐새꺄맛나?

Hey, is the chili shrimp good, dude? Is it good?

겁나게 맛나냐?

Is it super delicious?

 집중하는 사람 괴롭혀?

Why are you bugging someone trying to concentrate?

 오늘 나에게 몹쓸 짓을 줬어

You did something bad to me today.

뭐야  무슨  있어? [ 가다듬는 소리]

Why? Did something happen to you?

말하면 놀릴 거냐?

Well, if I tell you, will you tease me?

뭔데뭔지 들어 보고 놀릴지 말지 결정하겠어

What is it? I'll hear it first then decide to tease you or not.

그래? - 

Is that so? Then... honestly, I...

그래 [ 가다듬는 소리사실은...

Is that so? Then... honestly, I...

... - !

Is that so? Then... honestly, I... A bow! Bow! It's a bow!


A bow! Bow! It's a bow! -Bow? -Bow!

! - !

-Bow? -Bow! -Bow? Did you get a bow? -A bow!

 나왔어? - !

-Bow? Did you get a bow? -A bow! -A bow! -A bow!

 나왔어 나왔어이씨!

-A bow! -A bow! A bow? You got a bow?


A bow? You got a bow?


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