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  신성한, 이혼 12

Divorce Attorney Shin 12


최종 협의가 끝난 걸로 아는데?‬I thought we were done negotiating.
‪네, 뭐, 법무 일정‬ ‪마무리하기 전에‬Yes, but there is something I need to check
‪씁, 확인하고 싶은 게‬ ‪하나 있어서요‬before the case is wrapped up.
‪그, 회장님께서는 이 이혼을‬Do you really want to…
‪정말 원하시는 건가요?‬divorce your wife?
‪내가 평생 그 사람‬ ‪마음고생시킨 건 사실이고‬It's true that I gave her a hard time throughout our marriage.
‪뭐, 용서를 구해도‬And she insisted on getting a divorce even though I asked for forgiveness.
‪정 이혼을 하겠다 그러니까‬ ‪대안이 있어야죠‬And she insisted on getting a divorce even though I asked for forgiveness. I had no other choice.
‪그럼 회장님께서는 이 결혼 생활을‬ ‪유지하고 싶다는 말씀으로 제가‬May I take it that you want to
‪이해해도 되겠습니까?‬preserve your marriage?
‪[성한] 여사님‬Ms. Ma.
‪그, 이혼의 목적이 뭔가요?‬What's the… purpose of this divorce?
‪[금희가 살짝 웃는다]‬
‪[금희] 무슨 뜻이에요?‬What do you mean?
‪서 회장이 꼴도 보기 싫은 거‬Your contempt for Chairman Seo,
‪긴 세월에 대한 복수‬the long-awaited revenge…
‪정말 이런 게 맞나 해서요‬Are those really your reasons?
‪[성한] 고통스럽고‬ ‪수치스러운 왕관‬You wear the crown of pain and disgrace.
‪네, 벗어 버리고 싶은 거‬ ‪당연할 거 같아요‬So it's no wonder you'd want to take it off.
‪그렇지만‬But then again,
‪이왕 이렇게 버티신 거‬you've already held out for so long.
‪그 왕관‬Why don't you
‪지키시는 건 어떨까 해서요‬hold on to that crown?
‪이혼을 하지 말라는 건가요?‬Are you telling me not to divorce him?
‪[성한] 회장님께서는‬Chairman Seo,
‪'여사님이 원하니까‬ ‪이혼을 해 보겠다'‬you're only getting divorced because Ms. Ma wants to.
‪여사님께서는‬you're only getting divorced because Ms. Ma wants to. And Ms. Ma wants to secure her dear grandson's financial stability,
‪'애틋한 손자의‬ ‪안전한 미래를 위해서'‬And Ms. Ma wants to secure her dear grandson's financial stability,
‪'이혼을 해서라도‬ ‪자산 확보를 해야겠다'‬even if it means divorce.
‪[성한] 이게 지금‬ ‪두 분의 상황입니다‬That's the situation between you two.
‪[창진] 흥미롭군요‬Interesting.
‪그래서 두 분께서, 씁‬I'd like for both of you
‪본질에 집중하셨으면 싶어서요‬to focus on the essence of this matter.
‪[성한] 마 여사님의 몫을‬Give Ms. Ma her share.
‪주시죠‬Give Ms. Ma her share.
‪기혼 상태에서 먼저 주십시오‬Do it while you're married.
‪[성한] 누구보다‬I know that
‪기영이한테 최선을 다하시는 거‬ ‪알고 있습니다‬you have always done your best for Gi-yeong.
‪저 역시도‬I'll also do my best for him.
‪기영이한테 최선을 다할 거고요‬I'll also do my best for him.
‪[성한] 그렇지만‬However,
‪기영이를 위한 선택이‬I hope your decision for Gi-yeong…
‪저는 그래요, 여사님의‬This is how I feel, at least.
‪희생이 아니길 바래요‬I hope it won't be a sacrifice on your part.
‪[창진의 웃음]‬
‪그렇군요‬I see.
‪신성한의 끝은 어딘가요?‬So what's Shin Sung-han's endgame?
‪[창진] 동생 일이 한이 맺혀서‬ ‪여기까지 달려온 거 아니에요?‬Didn't you come this far because of what happened to your sister?
‪신성한의 진짜 끝은‬So tell me. What's Shin Sung-han's true endgame?
‪어디냐고‬What's Shin Sung-han's true endgame?
‪제 끝이요?‬My endgame?
‪제 끝은‬My endgame is…
‪서기영 친권 상실 청구 소송입니다‬to file for the termination of parental rights over Gi-yeong.
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪내가 이혼을 하건 안 하건‬You're determined to go all the way
‪끝까지 가 보겠다, 맞죠?‬whether I get divorced or not, correct?
‪[톡톡 두드리는 소리]‬
‪[생각하는 숨소리]‬
‪[창진의 힘주는 소리]‬
‪[창진의 한숨]‬
‪[창진이 입소리를 쩝 낸다]‬
‪이혼, 하지 맙시다‬Let's call off the divorce.
‪재산 분할 해 줄게요‬I'll give her her share.
‪우리 변호인단 일 잘하죠?‬Wouldn't you say my attorneys are very competent?
‪예, 뭐, 아주‬ ‪훌륭한 분들이라고 생각합니다‬Yes, I think they're excellent.
‪일 잘하는 사람들‬My divorce suit is about to end
‪싱겁게 끝나게 생겼어요‬before they get to show off their skills.
‪[성한이 살짝 웃는다]‬Is that so?
‪[성한] 그런가요?‬Is that so?
‪어쩌면 다행입니다‬Maybe this is for the best.
‪[창진] 노인네들 이혼 소송은‬ ‪몸풀기라 치고‬This old couple's divorce suit was just a warm-up.
‪내 손자 친권 지키는 데‬They will now be focusing solely
‪전념할 겁니다‬on keeping my grandson.
‪그래서 당신은‬And you're…
‪질 겁니다‬going to lose.
‪[성한] 회장님과‬ ‪사모님 간의 합의는‬I'll talk to your attorneys
‪변호인단하고 잘 상의해서‬ ‪마무리 짓겠습니다‬regarding the settlement between you and Ms. Ma.
‪제 조카 친권에 대한 소송은‬as for the lawsuit over my nephew…
‪제가 이기려고요‬I'm going to win.
‪- [문 닫히는 소리]‬ ‪- 아티스트라 그런지‬You sure are an artist.
‪철이 없구나‬How naive.
‪[개 짖는 소리]‬
‪[애잔한 음악]‬
‪계속 말 안 해 줄 거야?‬You really won't tell me?
‪삼촌이랑 무슨 얘기 했는지‬ ‪아빠가 알아야 될 것 같은데‬I need to know what you talked about with Uncle Sung-han.
‪[정국] 기영아‬Gi-yeong.
‪여기가 니 집이고 내가 니 부모야‬This is your home, and I'm your parent.
‪왜 삼촌한테 찾아가고‬ ‪그러는 거냐고‬Why do you keep going back to your uncle?
‪[정국의 답답한 숨소리]‬
‪[서진] 음…‬
‪엄마 있잖아, 음‬Can I tell you something? What?
‪라디오 복귀 말이야‬About going back on the radio.
‪아직 결정을 못 하겠어‬I still can't make up my mind.
‪왜?‬Why not?
‪알맞은 때가 아닌 거 같아서‬I don't think this is the right time.
‪어떤 게?‬How so?
‪엄마랑 현우 엄청 힘들 때‬ ‪변호사님이 도와주셨잖아‬You know how Attorney Shin helped us when we were having a hard time?
‪[서진] 그리고‬ ‪엄마 취직도 시켜 주셨고‬And he even let me work for him.
‪그래서 우리가‬ ‪안전하게 살고 있거든?‬That's why we can live safely right now.
‪복잡하지만 어른들 상황이 그래‬It's a bit complicated, but that's how it is.
‪근데 지금‬And the thing is,
‪변호사님이 좀‬ ‪사실은 되게 많이 힘들어‬Attorney Shin is going through a hard time right now.
‪[서진] 엄마가‬ ‪현우랑 살고 싶었던 것처럼‬Just like I wanted to live with you,
‪변호사님은 조카랑‬ ‪살고 싶어 하거든‬he wants to live with his nephew.
‪근데 그렇게 되는 게‬ ‪엄청 어려운 일이래‬But apparently, it's very hard to make that happen.
‪[한숨]‬I think it's time for me to return the favor.
‪지금은 엄마가 은혜를 갚을 시간?‬I think it's time for me to return the favor.
‪난 엄마가‬ ‪개인 방송 하는 것도 좋고‬I support you whether you're a streamer or a radio DJ.
‪라디오 하는 것도 좋아‬I support you whether you're a streamer or a radio DJ.
‪[살짝 웃는다]‬
‪[현우] 그런데‬Just…
‪악플 다는 사람들한테 지지 마‬don't let the haters get you down.
‪그게 부탁이야‬That's my request.
‪[잔잔한 음악이 흐른다]‬NOTARIAL DEED
‪카페 자리 알아보세요‬Go find a place for your café.
‪아이고, 이거, 고마워서야 [웃음]‬Goodness, how can I ever thank you?
‪카페 내주는 걸로‬ ‪우리 모든 인연은‬Now that I got you a café like you wanted,
‪완벽하게 끝이에요‬we have nothing to do with each other. I got my severance pay, so I'd be happy to back off.
‪퇴직금 챙겼으면‬ ‪물러서는 거야 당연하죠‬I got my severance pay, so I'd be happy to back off.
‪[영주] 신성한이‬ ‪이딴 짓을 하고 있어요‬This is the nonsense Shin Sung-han is up to.
‪친권 박탈 소송이라는데‬He filed for the termination of parental rights.
‪행여 박 변호사님이‬ ‪이쪽에 쓸데없는 짓 하신다면‬If you try to do something stupid,
‪같이 죽어요‬we'll go down together.
‪혼자 안 죽어‬I'm not going down alone.
‪[옅은 웃음]‬
‪[정식의 시원한 숨소리]‬
‪[정식] 야, 박유석‬ ‪카페 자리 알아본다더라?‬I heard Park Yu-seok is looking for a spot for his café.
‪[형근] 너한테 안 왔어?‬I heard Park Yu-seok is looking for a spot for his café. He didn't come to you?
‪[정식] 나는 그때 바퀴벌레 약을‬ ‪너무 많이 뿌려 가지고‬Not after I doused him with all the cockroach spray.
‪[성한] 야, 그날은 간보러 온 거고‬He was just testing the water that day.
‪[정식] 아, 나를 왜‬ ‪간보고 지랄이야?‬He was just testing the water that day. Why the heck would he feel me out?
‪[성한] 너 말고‬Not you.
‪진영주 간보러‬ ‪쇼잉한 거라고 했잖아‬Like I said, it was a show to feel out Jin Yeong-ju.
‪[정식] '뭔 짓거리 하기 전에‬ ‪나 입 막아라'?‬So like, "You better shut my mouth before I do something"?
‪야, 이씨, 그 인간은 변하질 않아‬That jerk will never change.
‪[형근] 일단 정 기사님이‬ ‪증언하시기로 하셨고‬So Mr. Jung said he'll testify.
‪마금희 씨는?‬What about Ms. Ma?
‪증언은 못 하신대‬She can't testify.
‪[형근] 거봐‬See?
‪팔은 안으로 굽는다잖아‬She's a mother after all.
‪자기 아들이 먼저지‬ ‪손자가 먼저겠어?‬Of course she'd put her son before her grandson.
‪[금희] 친권 사, 상실은‬Termination of parental rights?
‪너무 가혹하잖아요‬ ‪왜 그렇게까지…‬That's too harsh. Why would you take it that far?
‪[성한] 저는요‬Here's the thing.
‪엄마가 해 주셨던 밥은‬I don't really remember…
‪솔직히 잘 기억이 안 나요‬my mother's cooking.
‪그냥 뭐, '맛있었다' 정도?‬I just remember that it was delicious.
‪근데 엄마가 절 안아 주고‬But what I do remember is…
‪응원해 주고 격려해 주고‬how she held me in her arms, supported me,
‪때론 혼도 내 주고‬and scolded me at times.
‪[애잔한 음악]‬That's what I remember.
‪그랬던 게 기억에 많이 남아요‬That's what I remember.
‪사람이‬Do you think…
‪사람이 입에 밥만 넣어 준다고‬one could live a good life from nourishment alone?
‪잘 사는 걸까요?‬one could live a good life from nourishment alone?
‪[금희] 나는‬I'm…
‪이 소송에서 물러섭니다‬taking a step back from this lawsuit.
‪이해할 수 있어요?‬Do you understand?
‪네, 이해합니다‬Yes, I do.
‪[성한] 씁, 진영주가‬ ‪카페 차려 주는 거 한번 파 보자‬Let's look into this café he's getting from Jin Yeong-ju.
‪우리 주화 이혼했을 때‬If we can prove that Seo Jeong-guk and Jin Yeong-ju
‪서정국이랑 진영주랑‬ ‪위법이 있었다는 거 밝혀내면은‬If we can prove that Seo Jeong-guk and Jin Yeong-ju broke any laws during Ju-hwa's divorce,
‪충분히 가능성 있어‬-we definitely have a chance. -Right.
‪그렇지‬-we definitely have a chance. -Right.
‪야, 씨‬ ‪애가 나중에 커서 알아봐라‬Imagine if Gi-yeong grew up and found out about it.
‪[정식] 그 집에 어떻게 사냐?‬How will he live with them?
‪[형근] 금화 퇴직한 변호사들‬ ‪얼마나 받나 알아볼게‬I'll look into the average severance pay at Keumhwa.
‪카페 받고 나간다는 거‬ ‪이상하긴 해‬A café is an unusual severance pay.
‪- [한숨]‬ ‪- [문 열리는 소리]‬
‪- [문 닫히는 소리]‬ ‪- 오셨어요?‬You're back.
‪[성한] 뭐야? 아직 안 갔네?‬Why are you still here?
‪아니, 이거 [한숨]‬I'm just… a bit lost.
‪답이 안 나와서요‬a bit lost.
‪양육비 받는 거 만만치 않죠?‬Child support suits are tough, aren't they?
‪준희 엄마가 이미‬ ‪다 파악하고 있는 거 같아요‬I think Jun-hui's mom already knows
‪[준] 양육비 지급 명령 받는 거‬that it's hard and time-consuming to get a court order for child support.
‪까다롭고 오래 걸리고 그러는 거‬that it's hard and time-consuming to get a court order for child support.
‪[성한] 음…‬
‪씁, 할머니께서‬ ‪청구하는 거라고 했죠?‬Did you say her grandmother is filing the suit?
‪그래서 더‬ ‪오래 걸리는 거 같기도 하고‬That might be why it's taking so long.
‪[준] 아니, 뭔 놈의 법이 이렇게‬ ‪실효성이 없어요?‬How could the law be so ineffective?
‪[피식 웃는다]‬How could the law be so ineffective?
‪법이라는 게 원래 그래‬That's how the law is.
‪돼먹지 않은 인간들‬ ‪편들어 주기도 하고 그래요‬At times, it sides with the worst of our kind.
‪아니, 시어머니‬ ‪비법 가지고 나가서‬The woman took her mother-in-law's recipe and started a franchise.
‪체인점까지 운영한단 말이에요‬The woman took her mother-in-law's recipe and started a franchise.
‪[준] 돈을 엄청 많이‬ ‪번단 말이야, 근데‬She's raking in money. But she says she has no income because it's all her husband's, man.
‪남편이 버는 돈이라고‬ ‪자기는 벌이가 없대‬But she says she has no income because it's all her husband's, man.
‪반말이잖아‬I'm not your "man."
‪죄송합니다‬Sorry, sir.
‪[성한의 숨 들이켜는 소리]‬
‪[성한] 그러면 시점을‬ ‪한번 바꿔 보는 건 어때요?‬Why don't you try looking at it from a different perspective?
‪시점이요?‬What do you mean?
‪레시피‬The recipe…
‪할머니 레시피‬The grandma's recipe…
‪아, 지금 마음 같아서는‬At this point,
‪옥수 수제비 앞에 가 가지고‬ ‪시위라도 하고 싶어요, 예?‬At this point, I'm on the verge of holding a protest in front of Corn Sujebi,
‪'이 그지 같은 인간들이‬ ‪만든 음식은 죄다 독이다', 그냥‬I'm on the verge of holding a protest in front of Corn Sujebi, saying, "Everything made by these jerks is poison!"
‪[준의 놀란 소리]‬
‪- 좋은데?‬ ‪- [준] 예?‬-That could work. -What?
‪아니, 어차피 특허 낸 거 아니니까‬The recipe wasn't patented,
‪할머니 레시피라고‬ ‪증명할 길이 없잖아‬so we can't prove that the grandma invented it.
‪- [흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪- [성한] 그럴 땐 어떡해야 돼?‬What should we do then?
‪소비자들 정서에‬ ‪한번 맡겨 보는 거지‬We leave it up to customers' sentiments.
‪아니, 옥수수수제비라는 게‬ ‪일반적인 메뉴는 아니잖아요‬Corn sujebi isn't exactly common.
‪[준] 그, 며느리가‬She took the recipe
‪시어머니 가게에서‬ ‪전남편이랑 같이 운영한 레시피‬from her mother-in-law's restaurant that she used to help run alongside her late husband.
‪근데 애는 돌보지 않고‬And now she's neglecting her child,
‪그 레시피로 잘 먹고 잘 사…‬using the recipe to…
‪아, 깜짝이야‬You scared me. Find out what she's most desperate for
‪그러니까 제일 절실한 거에‬Find out what she's most desperate for
‪목줄을 탁!‬and put a leash
‪걸어 봐요‬around its neck.
‪[딱 손가락 튀기는 소리]‬
‪목줄‬A leash.
‪- 제일 절실한 거에‬ ‪- [문소리]‬Something she's most desperate for.
‪[풀벌레 울음]‬
‪[창진] 나랑 둘이 상의했으면‬ ‪더 좋았을 텐데‬I wish you had discussed this with me first.
‪일을 이렇게 크게 만드셨어‬Why did you make such a big deal out of this?
‪[금희] 똑똑한 변호사 덕분에‬ ‪당신이나 나나 체면은 지킨 거죠‬We both got to save our faces thanks to that clever attorney.
‪앞으로 이렇게 식사도 자주 하고‬We should eat together more often
‪여행도 같이 가고 합시다‬and go on trips too.
‪살던 대로 살아요, 서로 편하게‬Let's just live as we always have. That's easier.
‪하와이로 가 버리려고?‬Will you go back to Hawaii?
‪기영이는 좋겠어‬Gi-yeong is lucky.
‪할머니가 이렇게 챙겨 놓고 있으니‬ ‪든든허지‬His grandmother has his back. It must be reassuring.
‪식사하세요‬Just eat your food.
‪주화 아이라서 애틋한 거, 내 알지‬I know you have a soft spot for him because he's Ju-hwa's son.
‪영주가 걱정일 뿐이에요‬I was just worried about Yeong-ju.
‪[창진] 어찌 됐건‬I was just worried about Yeong-ju. Anyhow,
‪기영이 몫‬I think it's a good idea to secure Gi-yeong's share.
‪안전하게 잡고 있겠다는 거‬ ‪뭐, 좋아요‬I think it's a good idea to secure Gi-yeong's share.
‪삼촌한테 보내는 건 안 돼‬he can't live with his uncle.
‪그 재산 다‬ ‪삼촌한테 넘어가게 할 건가?‬Do you want his uncle to take everything that belongs to the boy?
‪그렇게 생각하세요?‬Is that what you think?
‪사람 모르는 겁니다‬You never know.
‪[창진] 영주가 괘씸하죠?‬ ‪그게 다 돈 때문이거든‬Isn't Yeong-ju brazen? It's all because of money.
‪신성한이라고 뭐 다를 거 같아요?‬Shin Sung-han is no different.
‪돈 앞에‬In the end,
‪장사 없어요‬it's all about money.
‪[차분한 음악]‬
‪[성한] 재산 분할 받으시면‬Remember how you said
‪기영이 몫으로‬ ‪남겨 두겠다고 하셨던 그 돈이요‬you'd set aside money for Gi-yeong once you get your share?
‪기영이 안 주셨으면 해서요‬I don't think you should give it to him.
‪[금희] 우리가 체면 세우면서‬ ‪이 정도로 정리된 거‬You do know it's all thanks to Ju-hwa's brother
‪주화 오빠 덕분인 거 아시죠?‬that we got to save face and patch things up, right?
‪[금희] 당신을 만나‬ ‪협의를 해 보겠다고 하면서‬He agreed to meet and negotiate with you
‪신 변이 나한테‬ ‪조건을 하나 요구했어요‬He agreed to meet and negotiate with you on one condition.
‪재산 분할 받으면‬And that condition was
‪기영이 주지 말라고‬to not give my share to Gi-yeong.
‪자기 건물로 애 공부시키고‬He said he'd put Gi-yeong through college
‪장가 잘 보내겠다고‬and marry him off with his own assets.
‪돈 앞에 장사 없는 거‬You say it's all about money in the end,
‪그거 같잖은 인간들이라‬ ‪그런 거고요‬but that only applies to those who are foolish.
‪사는 거, 그거‬ ‪기준이 다른 사람들도 있어요‬There are those who live life by different standards.
‪당신은 다른가요?‬Are you different? I just became different.
‪지금 달라졌어요‬I just became different.
‪[금희] 그래요‬Yes.
‪기영이 걱정돼서‬ ‪이혼이라도 할까 싶었어요‬I considered divorcing you out of my concern for Gi-yeong.
‪지금까지는 그럭저럭 버텼고‬I didn't see a point in it otherwise.
‪'다 늙어 이제 와 뭐 하러'‬ ‪했었으니까‬Not at my age and after holding out for so long.
‪이젠 해야겠어요‬But now, I have to divorce you.
‪서창진이랑은 더는 못 살겠어‬I can't live with Seo Chang-jin anymore.
‪하던 거 마저 합시다‬Let's pick up where we left off.
‪이혼‬Let's get divorced.
‪[문 닫히는 소리]‬
‪[준] 할머니! 할머니, 할머니‬ ‪할머니, 할머니‬Ms. Yang!
‪어유, 나, 할머니‬Ms. Yang!
‪- [복순] 아유, 여기‬ ‪- [준] 예, 예‬-Here. -Thank you.
‪[복순] 아유‬
‪보자‬Let's see.
‪[준] 이게…‬And…
‪[복순] 이건 왜…‬No, that's not it.
‪[준] 아니, 아니, 아니야‬ ‪아니, 아니, 아니야‬No, that's not it.
‪아, 있을 거 같은데‬There's got to be something.
‪[준이 중얼거린다]‬Where is it?
‪[놀란 소리]‬
‪[복순, 준희]‬ ‪- 어? 이게 뭐야, 이게, 어?‬ ‪- ♪ 생일 축하합니다 ♪‬What is this? -Happy birthday to you -I can't do it like you.
‪[준희 모] 아유‬ ‪어머니를 어떻게 따라가요‬-Happy birthday to you -I can't do it like you.
‪[복순] 뭐야, 이게 뭐야?‬What's going on? Happy birthday to you
‪- [준희] ♪ 생일 축하합니다 ♪‬ ‪- [준희 모, 복순의 놀란 소리]‬Happy birthday to you Happy birthday, dear Mommy
‪- [무거운 음악]‬ ‪- ♪ 사랑하는 엄마의 ♪‬Happy birthday, dear Mommy
‪♪ 생일 축하합니다 ♪‬Happy birthday to you
‪- [복순의 탄성]‬ ‪- [준희 모] 우아, 고맙습니다‬Happy birthday to you Thank you!
‪준희가 준비했어?‬-Did you prepare this, Jun-hui? -Good girl.
‪- [복순] 아이고, 이뻐라‬ ‪- [준희 모] 아유‬-Did you prepare this, Jun-hui? -Good girl.
‪[준희 모의 후 부는 소리]‬
‪[준희 모, 복순의 환호성]‬-Thank you! -What a good girl!
‪- 고맙습니다‬ ‪- [복순] 아이고, 이뻐라, 아이고‬-Thank you! -What a good girl!
‪할머니, 나 이거‬ ‪한 장만 가져가도 되죠? 응?‬Ma'am, may I take just one photo?
‪- 요거, 요거 한 장만, 어?‬ ‪- [복순] 이, 이거요?‬Ma'am, may I take just one photo? -Just this one. -Okay.
‪[북적거리는 소리]‬
‪아유, 원조집이 훨씬 낫다, 이거‬The original place is much better.
‪- [잘그랑 놓는 소리]‬ ‪- [준] 아유‬
‪으, 입맛 버렸다, 이거‬Man, that ruined my appetite.
‪[준의 헛기침]‬
‪[포스 조작음]‬
‪[준희 모가 웃으며] 맛있게‬ ‪드셨어요?‬-Did you enjoy your meal? -I guess.
‪[준이 웃으며] 예, 예, 뭐, 네‬-Did you enjoy your meal? -I guess.
‪[연철] 저, 손님, 옥수 수제비는‬ ‪원조가 따로 없어요‬I'm sorry, sir. But there's no "original place" for Corn Sujebi.
‪- 저희가 개발한 거거든요‬ ‪- [준희 모의 옅은 웃음]‬We came up with the recipe.
‪아유, 그래요?‬Really?
‪준희는 그렇게 말하지 않던데?‬That's not what Jun-hui said.
‪[연철] 당신 누구야?‬Who are you?
‪[준] 저 양복순 님 변호사요‬I'm… Ms. Yang Bok-sun's attorney.
‪솔직히 제가 이 사람 보기‬ ‪너무 미안해요, 내가, 응?‬I honestly feel really bad for my husband. Don't you feel bad for Jun-hui?
‪준희한테는 안 미안하시고요?‬Don't you feel bad for Jun-hui?
‪[준희 모] 아유, 미안하죠‬Don't you feel bad for Jun-hui? Of course I do.
‪그래도 어쩌겠어요‬But what can I do?
‪이 사람하고 나‬My husband and I agreed not to have children.
‪애 낳지 말고‬ ‪둘이서 사이좋게 살자고 해 놓고‬My husband and I agreed not to have children.
‪어떻게 내 애만‬ ‪'양육비 내줘라' 그래요‬So how could I ask him to support my child?
‪[준] 외람되지만요‬With all due respect,
‪자식을 낳았다는 건‬ ‪그 아이와의 약속 아닌가요?‬when you decide to have a child, aren't you supposed to
‪최선을 다해서 양육, 보호하겠다‬raise and protect them as best as you can?
‪아니, 그것도 편견이야‬That's just a stereotype!
‪[준희 모] 아, 모성애‬ ‪강요하는 거 아닌가?‬Not all parents feel that way!
‪아유, 해 봐요, 어디‬ ‪법대로 하자고‬Do as you wish. Let's settle this in court.
‪[준의 웃음]‬Do as you wish. Let's settle this in court.
‪양육비 소송‬ ‪네, 오래 걸리는 거 맞아요‬Child support suits… Yes, they do take a while.
‪그러다 애는 크고‬Meanwhile, the kid grows up.
‪지금 돌봄이 필요한데 안타깝죠‬It's a shame because the kid needs support now.
‪[준] 그렇다고‬ ‪그만두지는 않을 거고요‬But I'm not going to stop.
‪지급 명령 나오면‬ ‪지금까지 받지 못했던 거‬Once the court order is out, you'll have to pay
‪한꺼번에 소급받을 계획입니다‬all the overdue payments at once.
‪[연철] 무슨 얘기인지는 알겠고‬I get what you're saying. But I feel a bit uncomfortable.
‪난 이 자리가 좀 불편하네‬ ‪두 분이 얘기 나누시면 될 것 같아‬But I feel a bit uncomfortable. You two can talk.
‪[준] 아유, 아유, 앉으셔요‬No, please stay with us.
‪지금부터는 같이 들으셔야 돼‬You both need to hear the next part.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬
‪옥수수수제비 레시피‬ ‪반죽 비율, 국물 비율‬The recipe for making the dough and soup for corn sujebi.
‪양복순 님 레시피잖아요‬It belongs to Ms. Yang.
‪[연철] 아이, 아까부터‬ ‪뭔 헛소리야, 당신 미쳤어?‬What kind of nonsense is this? Are you insane?
‪어디서 와 가지고‬ ‪지금 영업 방해야?‬How dare you barge in and interrupt my business?
‪아니, 아내분이‬ ‪개나리 수제비 며느리였고‬Your wife's ex-mother-in-law runs Forsythia Sujebi.
‪전남편분도 운영도 하셨고‬It used to be run by her late husband.
‪[준희 모] 아니, 뭐, 그러면‬ ‪중국집에서 일하던 주방장이‬It used to be run by her late husband. Would it be weird for a chef of a Chinese restaurant
‪짜장면집 차리는 게 이상해요?‬to start his own jjajangmyeon place?
‪아유, 왜 이래요‬ ‪중국집은 안 이상하지‬Come on, that's different.
‪국민 소울 푸드 말고‬We're not talking about such a common dish.
‪[준] 옥수수를 말려서 가루 내서‬You dry corn, grind it, and mix it with flour in the golden ratio of 6.5 to 3.5.
‪밀가루와 6.5 대 3.5, 황금 비율‬grind it, and mix it with flour in the golden ratio of 6.5 to 3.5.
‪비율이 중요하잖아요‬It's all about the ratio.
‪[준희 모] 그거 다‬ ‪이 사람이 개발한 거예요!‬He came up with the recipe!
‪- [준의 웃음]‬ ‪- [연철] 내가 한 거예요‬I did.
‪[준] 조연철 님‬Mr. Jo Yeon-cheol.
‪그때 옥수숫가루 납품해 주셨죠?‬You used to supply the corn flour, right?
‪할머니가 고향에서 즐겨 먹던‬ ‪토속 음식을‬This was a local dish from Ms. Yang's hometown.
‪서울이 고향이신 조연철 님께서는‬ ‪어찌 아셨을까잉?‬How did you come to know about it when you're from Seoul?
‪그때 거기를 나도 여행을 자주‬ ‪가던 곳이에요, 거기가‬I used to travel there often.
‪[준] 어유, 그래요?‬ ‪거기 어디? 어디? 응?‬Is that so? Where exactly? Where?
‪아니, 청양에 여행 간 것도 죄야?‬Is it a crime to travel to Cheongyang?
‪- [연철] 맞아, 청양, 청양‬ ‪- [탁 치는 소리]‬That's right, Cheongyang!
‪[준] 부창부수‬Like husband, like wife.
‪그래서 전 원조 레시피 소송‬ ‪먼저 진행할 거고요‬I'm going to file a suit for the ownership of the recipe first.
‪그리고 제가‬And I'll also be…
‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬using this.
‪여기‬using this.
‪여기다 사연 올리려고요‬I'll be sending her this story.
‪- [흥미진진한 음악]‬ ‪- [연철] 야‬Hey.
‪니가 변호사면 다야, 어?‬ ‪협박해, 지금?‬I don't care if you're a lawyer. You can't blackmail me!
‪[부정하는 소리]‬
‪증거요‬I have evidence.
‪제가 시위 피켓 만들려고‬ ‪사진을 이렇게‬I got a picture for my protest picket.
‪시위? 무슨 시위?‬Protest? What protest?
‪요 앞에서 1인 시위 하려고요‬I'm going to hold a one-man protest out front.
‪응, 여기‬Have a look.
‪[연철의 한숨]‬The people of Korea
‪[준] 우리나라 국민분들이‬ ‪정도 많으시고‬The people of Korea happen to be warmhearted and emotionally intelligent.
‪정서 수준도 굉장히 높으셔요‬happen to be warmhearted and emotionally intelligent.
‪옥수 수제비 모든 체인점에‬ ‪돈쭐을 낼지‬Will they bombard all your restaurants with compliments
‪혼쭐을 낼지‬or with criticism?
‪여론부터 보시죠‬Let's see how they'll respond.
‪[개 짖는 소리]‬
‪[다가오는 자동차 엔진음]‬
‪[성한] 기영아‬Gi-yeong.
‪[기영] 삼촌!‬Uncle Sung-han!
‪- 아이고, 기영이 밥 먹었어?‬ ‪- [기영] 응‬Did you eat dinner? -Yes. -I see.
‪- [성한] 응, 학원 갔다 왔어?‬ ‪- [차 문 닫히는 소리]‬-Yes. -I see. Are you coming back from your academy?
‪운동도 열심히 하고 그러고‬ ‪잘하고 있어?‬Have you been exercising regularly?
‪- [기영] 응‬ ‪- [성한] 응‬-Yes. -I see.
‪[박 기사] 기영이‬ ‪들어가 봐야 되는데요‬Gi-yeong has to head inside.
‪[성한] 아, 제 고객이라서요‬He's my client.
‪변호사 만나고 있다고 전해 주세요‬Please tell them that he's seeing his attorney.
‪씁, 기영아, 삼촌이‬Gi-yeong. There's something I need to tell you.
‪꼭 해 줘야 할 말이 있어‬There's something I need to tell you.
‪- [잔잔한 음악]‬ ‪- 기영이 나중에 크면‬When you grow up,
‪진짜 되게, 되게‬you'll be extremely rich.
‪되게, 되게 부자일 거야‬you'll be extremely rich.
‪이 집에 그냥 살면‬If you stay here, that is.
‪근데 있잖아‬But you know,
‪외할아버지께서 삼촌이랑 엄마한테‬your grandfather… He left me and your mom a small building.
‪작은 건물을 하나 주셨거든?‬He left me and your mom a small building.
‪그래서 삼촌이 계산을 해 봤잖아?‬I did some calculations,
‪씁, 그 정도면은‬and I think I have enough
‪기영이 공부도 하고‬to put you through school
‪기영이 커서 결혼도 하고‬ ‪할 수 있겠더라고‬and marry you off when you grow up.
‪뭐, 모자라면 삼촌이‬ ‪피아노 학원도 하고‬If we run out of money, I can always give piano lessons.
‪꼭 해 줘야 하는 말이 그거야?‬Is that what you needed to tell me?
‪[성한] 음…‬
‪지금처럼 이렇게‬Are you okay with…
‪왕부자가 아니어도 괜찮아?‬not being as rich as you are now?
‪지금도 부자 같은데‬I think I'm rich now,
‪기분이 좋지가 않아‬but I don't feel good.
‪[기영] 마음이‬I don't
‪좋지가 않아‬feel happy.
‪기분이가 안 좋으면 안 되지‬We can't have you not feeling good.
‪그러면은 기분 좋게, 마음 좋게‬So let's make you feel better
‪그렇게 사는 걸로 하자, 오케이?‬and live happily, okay?
‪- [성한이 웃으며] 오케이‬ ‪- [웃음]‬
‪[차분한 음악]‬
‪[성한의 한숨]‬You can go now.
‪[성한] 이제 가라‬ ‪비공개 재판이라고‬You can go now. It's a closed trial.
‪[형근] 복도에 있을게‬I'll be in the hallway.
‪[정식] 아, 가만있을게‬I'll be quiet.
‪[성한의 헛웃음]‬
‪[판사] 청구인 서기영의‬ ‪친권 상실 청구와‬You have asked to terminate Mr. Seo Gi-yeong's parents' rights
‪후견인으로 청구인의 대리인‬ ‪신성한을 요청함이 맞습니까?‬and appoint Shin Sung-han as his guardian. -Is that correct? -Yes, Your Honor.
‪예, 맞습니다‬-Is that correct? -Yes, Your Honor.
‪[판사] 후견인은 삼촌이죠?‬And you are his uncle, correct?
‪네‬-Yes. -Could you tell us why
‪[판사] 친부에게서‬ ‪친권 상실을 청구하는 이유‬-Yes. -Could you tell us why you're asking to terminate his father's parental rights?
‪다시 설명해 주시겠어요?‬you're asking to terminate his father's parental rights?
‪[성한] 네‬Yes.
‪만 3세‬Three years old.
‪부모와의 유대 관계가 형성되는‬ ‪아주 중요한 시기죠‬It is a crucial age for children to form a bond with their parents.
‪바로 그 시기에‬ ‪서기영 군은 갑자기‬And it was at that age that Gi-yeong was suddenly separated from his biological mother.
‪친모와 분리되었습니다‬suddenly separated from his biological mother.
‪게다가 낯선 사람이‬ ‪엄마의 방에서 생활을 하고‬He also had to deal with a stranger living in his mother's room
‪그리고 또 이복동생이 태어나고‬and the birth of his stepsister.
‪이 혼란스러운 시기를 서기영 군은‬Gi-yeong had no choice
‪다 그대로 받아들이며‬ ‪살아야 했습니다‬but to accept this confusing situation.
‪하지만 그때부터‬ ‪열한 살이 된 지금까지‬However, from then until now, when he's turned 11,
‪부모 중 누구도‬neither of his parents noticed his depression.
‪서기영 군의 우울감을‬ ‪인지한 사람은 없었습니다‬neither of his parents noticed his depression.
‪서기영 군은 현재‬As a result,
‪극심한 소아 우울증으로‬ ‪고통받고 있습니다‬he is currently suffering from severe child depression.
‪제출한 청구인의 정신과 진단서를‬Please refer to the psychiatric diagnosis for the petitioner that I have submitted.
‪참고해 주시기 바라겠습니다‬Please refer to the psychiatric diagnosis for the petitioner that I have submitted.
‪[변호사] 재판장님‬ ‪청구인의 대리인‬Your Honor. This diagnosis was issued in the presence of his uncle.
‪즉, 삼촌과 동행해서 받아 온‬ ‪진단서를‬This diagnosis was issued in the presence of his uncle.
‪객관적이라 인정하기 어렵습니다‬It can't be seen as objective.
‪증인 신문 하겠습니다‬I'll be questioning the witness.
‪기영이가 갑자기 폭식을 하고‬Gi-yeong often had binge episodes,
‪먹은 걸 다 토하는 날이 잦았어요‬after which threw up everything he ate.
‪[정 기사] 제가 일을‬ ‪그만하게 돼서‬On my last day of work,
‪새 기사분이랑 인수인계하는 날‬Gi-yeong suddenly disappeared
‪기영이가 갑자기 사라졌습니다‬while I was briefing the new driver.
‪알고 보니‬I later found out that he went to see his uncle.
‪삼촌을 찾아갔더라고요‬I later found out that he went to see his uncle.
‪[성한] 그, 증인은‬Witness.
‪서기영 군이‬ ‪불안정한 상황이라는 것을‬Did you inform Gi-yeong's parents
‪부모에게 전하셨었나요?‬of his unstable condition? Yes.
‪[정 기사] 네‬ ‪새엄마에게 전했습니다‬Yes. I informed his stepmother.
‪[정 기사] 멀쩡한 애‬ ‪환자 취급 하지 말고‬She told me not to treat him like a patient
‪운전이나 잘하라고 하셨고‬and just do my job as his driver.
‪그리고 일주일 뒤에‬ ‪전 해고됐습니다‬And then a week later, I was fired.
‪[성한] 그렇다면 증인은‬ ‪청구인 서기영이‬How old was the petitioner
‪몇 살 때부터 이렇게‬ ‪함께하셨던 건가요?‬when you started working with him?
‪태어날 때부터 돌봤습니다‬I've been there since he was born.
‪네, 씁‬I see.
‪[성한] 청구인은 평생을‬Throughout his life, the petitioner has spent more time with Mr. Jung than with his own father.
‪자기 친부보다 더 많은 시간을‬ ‪함께해 준 아저씨가‬the petitioner has spent more time with Mr. Jung than with his own father.
‪하루아침에 해고되었을 때‬So how would he have felt when Mr. Jung was suddenly dismissed?
‪과연 어떤 기분이었을까요?‬So how would he have felt when Mr. Jung was suddenly dismissed?
‪갑자기 친모도 분리되고‬He was not only separated from his birth mother
‪유일한 외가인 삼촌도‬ ‪만나지 못하게 되고‬but also banned from seeing her only family, his uncle.
‪청구인‬ ‪즉, 열한 살짜리 이 아이는‬The petitioner, this 11-year-old child,
‪상실이라는 것 앞에‬ ‪무력해지고 우울해지고‬became helpless, depressed, and distressed when he was faced with such losses.
‪고통받고 있습니다‬when he was faced with such losses.
‪바로 부모의 무관심과‬This was caused by indifference and bad decisions of his parents.
‪잘못된 결정 때문에요‬This was caused by indifference and bad decisions of his parents.
‪해고되고 기분이 안 좋으셨겠어요?‬You must have been upset about being fired.
‪[정 기사] 아니요‬ ‪기영이가 걱정될 뿐이고‬No. I was just worried about Gi-yeong.
‪전 좀 쉬고 싶었던 때라‬I'd been in need of rest,
‪기분이 안 좋지 않았습니다‬so I wasn't so upset.
‪그래요?‬Is that so?
‪서기영 군과 만 10년의 세월을‬ ‪함께하다가 해고되셨는데‬You were fired after working with Gi-yeong for a decade.
‪억울하진 않으셨나요?‬Didn't you feel wronged?
‪아니요‬No. You have great character.
‪인품이 훌륭하시네요‬You have great character.
‪[변호사] 앙심이 남아‬You're not giving a biased testimony out of spite, are you?
‪주관적인 증언을‬ ‪하시는 건 아니죠?‬You're not giving a biased testimony out of spite, are you?
‪[성한] 저, 재판장님‬ ‪이건 무례한 유도 질문입니다‬Your Honor. That was a rude leading question.
‪[판사] 인정합니다‬That was a rude leading question. Sustained.
‪[준의 초조한 숨소리]‬
‪[준의 한숨]‬
‪[변호사] 청구인 서기영 군이‬ ‪사라졌다고 하는 그날을‬Please tell us about the day when the petitioner disappeared.
‪설명해 주시겠어요?‬Please tell us about the day when the petitioner disappeared.
‪[박 기사] 기영이가‬ ‪저를 낯설어했어요‬Gi-yeong seemed to feel awkward with me.
‪당연한 일이라고 생각했습니다‬I thought it was natural.
‪그날 기영이 동선 마지막 지점에서‬At the end of that day,
‪삼촌을 만나러‬ ‪다녀오겠다고 했어요‬he told me he wanted to go see his uncle.
‪[변호사] 이미 알고 있는‬he told me he wanted to go see his uncle. Do you mean
‪서기영 군이 허락을 받은‬ ‪이동이었다는 거죠?‬he went to see his uncle with your permission?
‪[박 기사] 네‬Yes.
‪제가 사모님께‬ ‪자초지종을 말씀드렸어요‬I informed Ms. Jin of it as well.
‪[변호사] 증인이‬ ‪서기영 군을 태우고 이동 중에요‬Is it true that someone tailed you for three days
‪누군가 3일 동안이나‬ ‪미행을 했다는 게 사실인가요?‬while you were driving Gi-yeong around?
‪[박 기사] 네, 그땐 정말‬Yes, I was…
‪무서웠습니다‬quite frightened.
‪그래서 신고했어요‬So I called the police.
‪그 미행자는 누구였습니까?‬Who had been tailing you?
‪삼촌분의 친구셨습니다‬A friend of his uncle.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪[변호사] 그래서‬ ‪어떻게 정리됐습니까?‬So how did that end?
‪[박 기사] 사모님께서‬ ‪너그럽게 이해해 주셔서‬Ms. Jin showed him mercy,
‪무사히 정리됐습니다‬so there was no more conflict.
‪[변호사] 이상입니다‬That is all.
‪[영주] 앞으로‬ ‪잘 부탁한다는 의미에서‬I'd like to give you a little welcome gift.
‪이왕 선물하는 거‬If I'm going to give you a gift,
‪박 기사가 좋아하는 차면 좋잖아요‬I want it to be a car you want.
‪- 저는…‬ ‪- [영주] 부담 갖지 말고‬-I… -It's just a gift.
‪한식구로 생각해 줘요‬Please think of us as your family.
‪[성한] 증인‬Witness.
‪증인은 서기영 군과 마지막으로‬You said the last place you saw Gi-yeong that day
‪어, 헤어진 동선이‬was his science academy, correct?
‪- 과학 학원이라고 하셨죠?‬ ‪- [박 기사] 네‬was his science academy, correct? -Yes. -Do you mean
‪[성한] 그러면 서기영 군이‬-Yes. -Do you mean he shared his destination with you
‪증인에게 행선지를 공유하고‬ ‪이동했다는 말인 건가요?‬he shared his destination with you before leaving?
‪[성한] 음‬
‪[모니터 전원음]‬
‪[리모컨 조작음]‬LOBBY
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪[리모컨 조작음]‬
‪이건 뭔가요, 그럼?‬Then please explain this.
‪[리모컨 조작음]‬
‪아니, 행선지를 공유했는데‬If he shared his destination with you,
‪왜 교실로‬ ‪허겁지겁 가고 계시는 거죠?‬why did you rush into his classroom?
‪그리고‬And look.
‪[리모컨 조작음]‬
‪서기영 군은‬Why did Gi-yeong
‪왜 가방을 숨겨 두고 간 거고요?‬hide his backpack in the classroom?
‪[리모컨 조작음]‬
‪이게 지금 허락받고 이동하는‬ ‪아이의 모습으로 보입니까, 증인?‬Does that look like a child who's leaving with permission?
‪글쎄요‬I'm not sure.
‪[박 기사] 첫 근무 날이라‬ ‪아이 성향은 잘 파악하지 못해서…‬It was my first day, so I wasn't familiar with his character--
‪그럼에도 증언을 지금‬ ‪하고 계시네요‬Yet you chose to testify.
‪네, 알겠습니다‬All right.
‪[가사 도우미] 기영이가‬ ‪입이 짧아요‬Gi-yeong doesn't eat much.
‪입에 안 맞으면 잘 안 먹는데‬He refuses to eat any food that he dislikes.
‪또 입맛에 맞으면‬ ‪걱정이 될 만큼 과식을 하거든요‬But if he likes the food, he eats so much of it that it worries me.
‪그래서 집에 항상 소화제가 있어요‬That's why we keep digestive medicine at home.
‪감사합니다‬Thank you.
‪재판장님‬Your Honor.
‪[변호사] 정신적 문제로 인한‬ ‪폭식은 일방적 주장입니다‬It's a one-sided argument that he binges due to stress.
‪편식과 식탐을‬ ‪폭식이라 하지 않습니다‬Picky eating and gluttony does not equal binge eating.
‪증인 [헛기침]‬Witness.
‪서기영 군이 주로 어떤 음식을‬ ‪잘 안 먹나요?‬What kind of food does Gi-yeong dislike?
‪[가사 도우미] 나물도 잘 안 먹고‬ ‪국이나 찌개도 좀…‬He doesn't like namul or any kind of soup or stew.
‪네, 한식은 주로 잘 안 먹어요‬He doesn't like Korean food very much.
‪음, 보통의 초등학생들도‬But most elementary schoolers
‪나물이나 국, 찌개‬ ‪이런 거 싫어하잖아요‬don't like namul, soups, or stews, do they?
‪아, 네?‬-Sorry? -In that case,
‪그러면‬-Sorry? -In that case,
‪아까 말씀하신 대로‬what kind of dishes does he eat so excessively that it worries you?
‪걱정이 될 만큼‬ ‪과식하는 음식은 어떤 건가요?‬what kind of dishes does he eat so excessively that it worries you?
‪몸에 안 좋을 거 잘 먹죠‬Mostly junk food.
‪햄, 소시지, 즉석식품 그런 거‬Things like ham, sausages, and instant food.
‪[가사 도우미] 라면 많이 먹고요‬He eats a lot of ramyeon too.
‪몇 개까지 먹길래 소화제를 먹죠?‬Does he eat so much that he needs digestive medicine?
‪두 개 먹고 밥도 말아 먹고 그렇죠‬He eats two servings with some rice on the side.
‪그 정도면 그냥 과식 아닌가요?‬That's not too bad, is it?
‪폭식을 보실까요?‬Here's what binge eating looks like.
‪- [리모컨 조작음]‬ ‪- [무거운 음악]‬
‪[깊은 한숨]‬
‪[리모컨 조작음]‬
‪[성한] 초등학교 4학년 남학생이‬A boy in fourth grade
‪나물 반찬 싫어하고‬ ‪라면 두 개 먹는 거‬who prefers two servings of ramyeon to namul.
‪예사로운, 그냥 말 그대로‬That's normal. Literally speaking,
‪예사로운 일인 거죠‬it's perfectly normal.
‪아씨, 쯧‬Come on.
‪[형근] 안 나오겠다고‬ ‪그렇게 버티시더니‬You insisted on not coming,
‪판사님 부르니까 도리가 없네요?‬but you couldn't disobey the judge. Tell me about it.
‪내 말이 그 말입니다‬Tell me about it.
‪아, 집안싸움에 난 뭔 죄야?‬Why drag me into this family feud?
‪당신 마지막 기회야‬This is your last chance.
‪잘 살자, 좀‬Try to live decently.
‪각자 알아서 삽시다‬I decide how I live.
‪[유석] 아, 비켜요‬Move.
‪[판사] 신문하세요‬You may start questioning.
‪[성한] 증인‬Witness.
‪증인께서는 피청구인‬ ‪서정국과 이혼한‬You used to be the attorney for Mr. Seo's ex-wife,
‪신주화의 대리인이었죠?‬Ms. Shin Ju-hwa, correct?
‪[성한] 그 당시 이혼과‬ ‪양육권 결정에‬The factor that affected their divorce and custody suits
‪가장 큰 영향을 미쳤던 사안은‬more than anything was
‪신주화의 정신과‬ ‪치료 자료였습니다‬more than anything was Shin Ju-hwa's psychiatric records. -Do you remember this? -Yes, I do.
‪이것도 기억하시죠?‬-Do you remember this? -Yes, I do.
‪네, 기억합니다‬-Do you remember this? -Yes, I do.
‪[성한] 하지만 그 기록은‬However, the records had been
‪남편도 신주화의 친정 가족들도‬ ‪모르고 있었던‬unknown to not only her husband but also her parents and siblings.
‪미국 유학 당시의 기록이었는데요‬They were from when she was studying in the US.
‪증인은 의뢰인이었던‬ ‪신주화의 병력을‬Were you aware of her medical history?
‪알고 있었습니까?‬Were you aware of her medical history? No.
‪알았으면 죽어라 숨겼겠죠‬Had I known, I would have hidden them.
‪명색이 이혼 소송 대리인인데‬I was her divorce attorney.
‪네, 그렇군요‬I see.
‪[성한] 씁, 자, 증인은‬Witness.
‪음, 신주화가‬While Ms. Shin Ju-hwa was
‪양육권을 되찾기 위해‬ ‪소송을 준비하는 와중에‬preparing for her custody suit,
‪상대 쪽인 금화로펌의‬ ‪파트너 변호사가 됐습니다‬you were made a partner at Keumhwa, who was defending her husband.
‪사실이죠?‬Is this true?
‪스카웃 제의를 받았거든요‬I received an offer.
‪[성한] 대한민국 상위권 로펌에서‬ ‪패소한 변호사에게요?‬So one of the top law firms in Korea offered a job to an attorney
‪그것도 가정법 전문인 변호사를요?‬who had just lost a case and specialized in family law?
‪[피식하며] 뭐‬ ‪뭐, 장점이 있었겠죠‬I guess they saw something in me.
‪씁, 그렇다면 증인은‬ ‪피청구인 서정국 씨하고‬Did you know the respondent, Seo Jeong-guk,
‪[성한] 이혼 소송 전부터‬ ‪알던 사이인가요?‬even before his divorce suit?
‪그럼 이상하지 않나요?‬Isn't that strange?
‪[성한] 아니‬ ‪장점이 있을 순 있겠으나‬Sure, they might have seen something in you,
‪그 수상한 타이밍은‬ ‪어떻게 설명을 할 수가 있죠?‬Sure, they might have seen something in you, but the timing is just too suspicious.
‪[쩝 소리를 낸다]‬
‪동생 일이라‬ ‪객관적 시선을 잃으신 건가요?‬Are you failing to remain objective since this concerns your sister?
‪아니, 법정에서 만난 인연으로‬ ‪로펌에 추천받은 게‬Is it so strange that I got a job at a company I became acquainted with in court?
‪뭐 이상한 일입니까?‬at a company I became acquainted with in court?
‪[성한] 아니요‬No.
‪이상하다기보다는‬I wouldn't say it's strange, but it's suspicious.
‪수상합니다‬I wouldn't say it's strange, but it's suspicious.
‪- [긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪- 씁, 증인은‬Witness, you recently resigned from Keumhwa Law Firm.
‪얼마 전에 금화로펌에서 퇴직했죠‬Witness, you recently resigned from Keumhwa Law Firm.
‪그리고 퇴직금으로‬And as your severance pay,
‪프랜차이즈 카페‬ ‪지점 하나 받으셨고요‬you received a branch of a café franchise.
‪그 카페 명분이 뭔가요?‬Why was that?
‪아이, 퇴직금에‬ ‪무슨 명분이 필요합니까?‬What reason do I need to get my severance pay?
‪글쎄요, 제가 알기로는‬Well, from what I found out,
‪금화로펌에서 근무했던 변호사들‬ ‪퇴직 시 퇴직금은‬the average severance pay for Keumhwa attorneys
‪증인이 받은 카페 가치에 비하면‬ ‪터무니없이 적었습니다‬is far less than the value of the café that you received.
‪더군다나 더 수상한 점은‬What's more suspicious is
‪[성한] 다른 파트너 변호사들보다‬that you worked on much fewer cases
‪수임률과 승소율이‬ ‪현저히 떨어지는 증인에게‬that you worked on much fewer cases and had a far lower winning rate than your colleagues.
‪이런 역대급 퇴직금이라니요‬and had a far lower winning rate than your colleagues. So why the huge severance pay?
‪이건 납득이 안 되는 일이죠‬It just doesn't make sense.
‪[씁 들이켜는 소리]‬
‪아, 그래서 줬나 보네요‬Maybe that's why I got the café.
‪[유석] 데려다 놓고 보니‬ ‪일은 잘 못하고‬I wasn't as good as they thought I would be,
‪월급은 축내고‬yet I was getting paid every month.
‪로펌에선 안 나갈 것 같고‬And I didn't seem to be leaving anytime soon.
‪'퇴직금이나 왕창 줘서 내보내자'‬"Let's give him a huge severance pay and kick him out."
‪뭐, 그런 거였나 봅니다?‬"Let's give him a huge severance pay and kick him out." I guess that was it.
‪그래요?‬Is that so?
‪[성한] 씁, 그런데‬However, about that café you received as your severance pay…
‪막상 퇴직금으로 받은 그 카페요‬However, about that café you received as your severance pay…
‪음, 금화로펌 대표와는‬ ‪전혀 상관없고‬It has nothing to do with the CEO of Keumhwa.
‪여기 앉아 계신 피청구인‬ ‪서정국 씨가 제공한 거잖아요‬It was offered by the respondent, Mr. Seo Jeong-guk.
‪서정국 씨가 보유하고 있는‬ ‪450개 지점 중에‬Among the 450 branches that he owns,
‪강남 지점이요‬Among the 450 branches that he owns, you got the Gangnam branch.
‪이 정도면은‬ ‪명분이 필요한 거 아닌가요?‬Don't you think that needs to be explained?
‪- [변호사] 재판장님‬ ‪- [판사] 더 들어 볼게요‬-Your Honor. -I'll hear him.
‪신성한 변호사님‬Attorney Shin Sung-han.
‪[유석] 서초동에서 밥벌이하면서‬ ‪모른 척하실 겁니까?‬You're an attorney yourself, so stop playing dumb.
‪증인, 예의를 갖추시죠‬Witness, show some respect.
‪아니, 내가 답답해서‬I mean, it's just so frustrating.
‪[유석] 금화로펌이‬ ‪대남전자가 주 고객인 거 몰라요?‬Don't you know Daenam is one of Keumhwa's key clients?
‪대남전자 며느리가 홍보 이사‬ ‪자리를 꿰차고 앉았던 건‬Then what do you think about Daenam's daughter-in-law
‪뭐, 잘된 건가요?‬landing a PR director position at Keumhwa?
‪아, 이 바닥 사람들 다 아는 걸‬ ‪왜 굳이…‬Everyone in this field knows about this.
‪[변호사] 재판장님‬ ‪증인과 서기영의 친권과는‬Your Honor, there is no connection between the witness and Gi-yeong's custody.
‪어떠한 연관성도 찾을 수 없습니다‬between the witness and Gi-yeong's custody.
‪아니요‬ ‪어떠한 연관성도 없다고요?‬Wrong. You think there's no connection?
‪[성한] 이혼한 친모의‬ ‪대리인이었습니다‬He was the attorney for his biological mother.
‪이혼 소송이 끝나자마자‬ ‪양육권이 박탈되자마자‬He was the attorney for his biological mother. As soon as the divorce was finalized and she lost her son's custody,
‪박유석 변호사, 즉‬As soon as the divorce was finalized and she lost her son's custody, Attorney Park Yu-seok, her divorce attorney,
‪친모의 이혼 소송 대리인이‬Attorney Park Yu-seok, her divorce attorney,
‪친부의 입김으로‬ ‪대형 로펌에 자리를 잡았습니다‬was recruited by a big law firm through her ex-husband's connections.
‪이게, 이게‬ ‪이게 자연스럽다고 생각하십니까?‬Does this sound natural to you?
‪증인 위증이 얼마나 큰 범죄인지는‬ ‪잘 아실 테고요‬I'm sure you already know that perjury is a serious crime.
‪다시 한번 묻겠습니다‬Let me ask you again.
‪그 당시 양육권 박탈에‬ ‪가장 큰 영향을 미쳤던‬You were aware of Shin Ju-hwa's psychiatric records from the US.
‪신주화의 미국 정신과 진료 자료‬The biggest factor in her losing the custody suit.
‪그거 알고 있었죠?‬Weren't you?
‪몰랐습니다‬I wasn't.
‪[유석의 한숨]‬
‪[옅은 한숨]‬
‪[변호사] 신성한 변호사님‬ ‪클래식을 전공하셨죠?‬Attorney Shin. You majored in classical music, correct?
‪[성한] 예, 맞습니다‬Yes, that's correct.
‪전 클래식에 문외한입니다만‬I don't know much about classical music,
‪어떻게 하면 이 안타까운 상황을‬ ‪객관적으로 전달할 수 있을까‬but I wanted to find a way to get this tragic situation across.
‪[변호사] 예를 좀 찾아 봤어요‬So I looked up some examples. Are you talking about Beethoven and his nephew?
‪그, 혹시‬Are you talking about Beethoven and his nephew?
‪베토벤과 조카 얘기‬ ‪말씀하시는 건가요?‬Are you talking about Beethoven and his nephew?
‪[변호사] 역시‬There you go.
‪베토벤도 조카의 친권 소송을 했죠‬He also fought for his custody. Yes, and he won.
‪네, 승소했죠‬Yes, and he won.
‪[성한] 조카가 건강하게 살아갈‬ ‪환경이 아니었으니까요‬His nephew was not living in a healthy environment.
‪해석이 다 다른 거니까요‬That's one interpretation.
‪[툭 놓는 소리]‬
‪제가 말씀드리고 싶은 것은‬What I want to ask you is
‪그래서 베토벤과 조카가‬ ‪행복하게 잘 살았냐는 겁니다‬if Beethoven and his nephew lived a good life afterward.
‪[변호사] 어떻게 됐나요?‬What happened to them?
‪- [한숨]‬ ‪- 조카는 비행 청소년이 되었고‬The nephew became a delinquent teenager,
‪자퇴를 반복하다가 급기야‬repeatedly dropped out of school,
‪자신의 머리에 총구를 겨누며‬ ‪자살을 시도했죠‬then attempted suicide by shooting himself in the head.
‪지나치게 결과론적이지 않나요?‬You're focusing solely on the outcome.
‪[성한] 200년 전의‬ ‪한 사람의 일화를‬I can't agree with such a generalization
‪일반화시키는 것에‬ ‪저는 동의할 수가 없습니다‬based on a single person from 200 years ago.
‪200년 전의 음악이‬ ‪아직도 감동적이고요‬Yet the music from 200 years ago still moves our hearts.
‪[변호사] 그 한 사람이 하필‬ ‪클래식의 거장이고요‬And that single person happens to be a great classical musician.
‪신성한 변호사님도‬ ‪실은 피아니스트시죠?‬You're a pianist yourself, right?
‪전 많이 닮았다고 생각합니다‬I think you have a lot in common with him.
‪무슨 근거입니까?‬What makes you so confident
‪본인이 친부보다 아이를‬ ‪잘 양육할 거라는 자신감은?‬that you can raise the child better than his own father?
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪[옅은 웃음]‬
‪이상입니다‬That is all.
‪[판사] 청구인 서기영의 거주지로‬A custody investigator will be sent to the home of the petitioner.
‪- 가정 조사관을 보내겠습니다‬ ‪- [한숨]‬A custody investigator will be sent to the home of the petitioner.
‪청구인의 생활 환경을‬ ‪면밀히 조사해 본 후‬His living environment will be thoroughly inspected
‪또 청구인과의 면담 후‬and he will be interviewed
‪재판을 재개하겠습니다‬before the next trial.
‪[탁탁 서류 정리하는 소리]‬
‪[변호사가 속삭인다]‬
‪[정식의 초조한 숨소리]‬
‪[형근] 야, 괜찮아?‬-Hey, are you okay? -He's obviously not okay.
‪[정식] 야, 안 괜찮아‬ ‪아, 안색 봐, 이거‬-Hey, are you okay? -He's obviously not okay. Look at his face.
‪야, 뭐 좀 먹자‬You should eat. How about chicken soup?
‪백숙 어때? 보양식‬You should eat. How about chicken soup?
‪[성한] 아, 저, 미안한데‬Guys, I'm sorry.
‪병원 좀 가자‬-I need to see a doctor. -A doctor?
‪- [형근] 병원?‬ ‪- [정식] 어‬-I need to see a doctor. -A doctor? -Okay. -Is it that bad?
‪뭐, 많이 안 좋아?‬-Okay. -Is it that bad?
‪- [형근의 한숨]‬ ‪- [성한의 아파하는 신음]‬
‪[형근] 너 커피 퍼마시면서‬ ‪밤새우고‬With all the coffee and the all-nighters, it's no wonder you got stomach cramps.
‪경련이 나고도 남지‬With all the coffee and the all-nighters, it's no wonder you got stomach cramps.
‪아, 그거 아니야, 변론이‬It's not that. It was the trial.
‪변론이 진짜 빡세더라고‬It was really tough.
‪거기 대가리수 봐 봐‬You were outnumbered.
‪다음엔 너 최 변 데리고 들어가‬Take Attorney Choi with you next time.
‪[정식이 큰 소리로] 아이‬ ‪사무장도 못 들어가?‬Why can't the paralegal go in?
‪[성한] 소리 지르지 마, 쪽팔려‬Stop yelling. You're embarrassing me.
‪진짜…‬Darn it.
‪[개 짖는 소리]‬
‪[깊은 한숨]‬
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪[힘겨운 신음]‬
‪- [노크 소리]‬ ‪- 네‬Come in.
‪- 변호사님‬ ‪- [성한] 어‬-Attorney Shin. -Hey.
‪[준의 뿌듯한 숨소리]‬
‪제가 변화구를‬ ‪제대로 꽂아 넣었습니다‬I threw an awesome breaking ball.
‪[피식하며] 그래?‬Really?
‪[준] 아니‬ ‪딱 시뮬레이션을 해 줬거든요‬I laid out how things would go for them.
‪타자가 엉성했던 건 아니고요?‬Are you sure they weren't lousy batters?
‪그 인간들 보통 아니었어요‬They weren't that easy.
‪[준] 끝까지 가 보자고‬ ‪하는 거 있죠?‬They were willing to go all the way.
‪'면허 정지 해 봐라‬ ‪택시 타고 다닌다'‬"Suspend our licenses. We'll take cabs."
‪'해외 나갈 일 없다‬ ‪출국 금지 하거나 말거나'‬"We don't have to go abroad." "Go ahead and put a travel ban on us."
‪법대로 해 보자고 버티는 거예요‬They weren't afraid of going to court.
‪[어이없는 웃음]‬
‪아니, 자기가 낳은 자식‬ ‪먹고사는 문제 가지고‬How could she do this when her child's life is at stake?
‪그럴 일이냐고요‬How could she do this when her child's life is at stake?
‪씁, 그래서?‬So?
‪[성한] 시뮬레이션이 뭔데요?‬How did you tell them it would go?
‪원조 레시피 싸움으로‬ ‪변화구를 탁 던졌죠‬My breaking ball was turning it into a dispute over the recipe.
‪[성한] 음‬
‪[준] 어차피 원조법으로‬ ‪땅땅땅 할 순 없지만‬The court won't be able to determine who the recipe belongs to,
‪준희 사정이 공개돼 봐‬but once Jun-hui's story got out,
‪사람들이 거기 안 가지‬they'd lose customers.
‪[헛웃음 치며] 겁먹더라고요‬She got scared.
‪[준의 한숨]‬You were right.
‪역시 변호사님 말씀이 맞았어요‬You were right.
‪제일 아쉬운 거에‬ ‪목줄을 탁 거니까‬I put a leash on something she was most desperate for,
‪바로 깨갱이야, 아주 [웃음]‬and she gave in right away.
‪한 달에 180만 원 지급‬She'll pay 1.8 million won a month,
‪그동안 받지 못한 양육비도‬ ‪똑같은 금액으로 책정, 수급‬and she'll cough up all the overdue payments.
‪오, 잘됐네요‬Good work.
‪아유, 이게 다 훌륭하신‬ ‪신성한 변호사님의…‬Good work. It's all thanks to you, the great--
‪아닌 거 같습니다‬I don't think so.
‪- 예?‬ ‪- [성한] 이게‬-Sorry? -Well…
‪방법을 찾는 거보다‬It's not just about finding a solution.
‪찾은 방법 끌어내 놓은 게 좀‬ ‪훌륭한 거 같아서‬It's the way you executed that solution that was impressive.
‪저 칭찬해 주시는 거 맞죠?‬That's a compliment, right?
‪'나는 왜 이 모양일까'‬I'm wondering why I'm like this.
‪지금 반성하고 있는 건데요‬I'm reflecting on myself.
‪[발랄한 음악]‬
‪예, 예, 예‬Right.
‪[준] 네 [웃음]‬Okay.
‪[살짝 웃는다]‬
‪[잔잔한 음악이 흐른다]‬
‪카페 번창하시길‬I hope your café does well.
‪하하, 뭐‬Sure.
‪[유석] 이제 겨우‬ ‪계약금만 지불한 건데, 뭐‬I only just made the down payment.
‪아무튼 고마워요‬But thanks anyway.
‪앞으로 변호사 같은 거‬ ‪안 하실 거잖아요‬You won't be a lawyer anymore, right?
‪차릴 생각도 없고‬You don't want to start a firm,
‪이직 받아 줄 데도 없는 거 알아요‬and no one will hire you.
‪[유석] 음…‬
‪그래요?‬Is that so?
‪증언해 줘요‬Testify for him.
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪우리 주화‬You're the one…
‪의료 기록 당신이 알려 줬잖아‬who leaked Ju-hwa's medical history.
‪그거 자수합시다‬Please confess.
‪[정식] 변호사법 위반‬I looked into the Attorney-at-Law Act.
‪그거 내가 알아봤는데‬ ‪변호사 자격 정지랑 벌금이래‬I looked into the Attorney-at-Law Act. You'll get suspended and fined for breaching it.
‪그걸로 벌금 내셔‬That will cover the fine.
‪지금 뭐 하자는 겁니까?‬What are you trying to do?
‪어차피 변호사 못 하잖아요‬You can't be a lawyer anyway.
‪[정식] 카페 잘할 거잖아‬You'll be running a café.
‪주화는 못 살려도 기영이‬Ju-hwa can't come back to us, but Gi-yeong…
‪기영이 데리고 나오게‬We've got to do something to get him out of that place.
‪뭐, 뭐라도 좀 해 봅시다‬ ‪우리, 제발‬We've got to do something to get him out of that place.
‪우정이 아주 그냥‬ ‪문화재네, 문화재 [웃음]‬Your friendship is one of a kind.
‪제발 부탁합니다‬Please, I'm asking you.
‪나 아니었으면 주화‬ ‪당신 만날 일도 없었잖아요‬Ju-hwa never would have met you if it hadn't been for me.
‪난 그런 적이 없어서‬I didn't do it.
‪증언할 일 자체가 없어요‬I don't have anything to confess.
‪[성한] 야, 니네 싹 다 대리 불러‬Hey. Both of you better call chauffeurs.
‪자고 간다고 하지 마‬You can't sleep over.
‪아휴, 차 팔았…‬I sold my… I mean, I didn't drive.
‪안 가져왔어‬I sold my… I mean, I didn't drive. You're getting another car?
‪- 너 또 차 바꿔?‬ ‪- [조르르 따르는 소리]‬You're getting another car?
‪아니, 차 안 팔았어‬No, I didn't sell it.
‪[성한] 야, 둬라, 차에 진심인 놈‬ ‪지가 알아서 하겠지‬Let him be. He loves cars. Let him live his life.
‪[정식] 야, 차 나 다시 안 사‬ ‪자전거 산다고 했잖아‬I'm not buying another car. Like I said, I'll buy a bicycle.
‪'일 포스티노', 시인‬Like the poet from Il Postino.
‪시 한 줄이라도 썼냐?‬Have you even written anything?
‪차 왜 팔아?‬Why did you sell it?
‪- 사채 썼냐?‬ ‪- [정식] 아이씨‬Are you in debt? Jeez.
‪이 새끼, 너 코인 했지?‬You messed with crypto, didn't you?
‪- [정식] 야‬ ‪- [형근의 못마땅한 소리]‬Hey.
‪야, 인마, 그럴 기분 아니야…‬-Hey, we aren't in the mood for that. -Look.
‪[정식] 야, 여기 있다, 차 판 돈‬-Hey, we aren't in the mood for that. -Look. It's the money I got for the car.
‪[놀란 숨소리]‬
‪[형근] 현금을 왜 들고 다녀?‬Why are you carrying cash?
‪계좌로 주고받지 않아?‬They didn't wire you the money?
‪박유석‬It was for Park Yu-seok.
‪주려 그랬어, 이거‬I was going to pay him.
‪[정식의 한숨]‬
‪택시 부를까?‬Should I call a cab?
‪[정식] 나 그냥 꺼질까?‬Should I just get lost?
‪[성한의 한숨]‬
‪[형근의 한숨]‬
‪[형근의 힘주는 소리]‬
‪- [서정적인 음악이 흐른다]‬ ‪- [조르르 따르는 소리]‬
‪[형근] 내가 저기‬You know,
‪클래식은 잘 모르지만‬I don't know a lot about classical music,
‪너 힘 될 만한 거‬ ‪뭐 좀 있나 싶어서‬but I did some research to cheer you up.
‪이것저것 찾아 봤거든‬but I did some research to cheer you up.
‪"라흐마니노프‬ ‪피아노 협주곡 3번"‬Yes, Rachmaninoff. This guy.
‪어, 라흐마니노프, 이 양반‬Yes, Rachmaninoff. This guy.
‪마음고생 엄청 하다가‬ ‪이거 만든 거라더라고‬He wrote this piece after some really rough times.
‪너도 알지?‬You know that, right?
‪이게‬This guy…
‪그렇게 죽을 만큼 힘들다가‬ ‪혼신의 힘을 다해서‬He was going through hell. But then he pushed beyond his limits
‪자신의 한계를 넘으면서‬and put everything he had into making this piece.
‪그렇게 만든 곡이라더라고…‬and put everything he had into making this piece.
‪정식이도‬Just like Jeong-sik is giving this everything he's got.
‪혼신의 힘을 다한 거고‬Just like Jeong-sik is giving this everything he's got.
‪나도 혼신의 힘으로 도울 거고‬And I'll give it all I've got to help.
‪너도 힘을 좀 더 내 봐‬So try to stay strong.
‪그래서‬So that
‪한계를 넘어 보자, 우리‬we can go beyond our limits.
‪[울컥하며] 새끼, 진짜‬You idiot.
‪같이 울어‬Let's cry together.
‪[성한이 울먹인다]‬
‪[툭 놓는 소리]‬
‪[정식] 야, 성한아, 진짜 미안하다‬Sung-han, I'm so sorry.
‪[성한이 흐느낀다]‬
‪[성한] 아이씨…‬Damn it.
‪- [성한의 울음]‬ ‪- [고조되는 음악 소리]‬
‪기영이 친권, 나 포기 안 합니다‬I'm not giving up on Gi-yeong's custody.
‪[정국] 내가, 내가 아빠입니다‬I'm… I'm his dad.
‪어느 부모가‬ ‪자기 자식 친권을 포기해요?‬No parent would give up their parental rights.
‪아빠면서 왜 그래요?‬How can you call yourself his dad?
‪[무거운 음악]‬How can you call yourself his dad?
‪[성한] 그때 하와이에서‬What if you found out
‪진영주가 주화한테‬ ‪어떤 통화를 했는지, 만약에‬what Jin Yeong-ju said to Ju-hwa on the phone from Hawaii? What if
‪그날의 통화가‬ ‪주화를 뒤흔들 만큼 잔인했고‬you found out that call was cruel enough to shake up Ju-hwa,
‪그렇게‬and that's why
‪넋이 나간 주화가‬ ‪사고 나서 죽게 된 거라면‬she died in that accident?
‪당신은 아무렇지도 않게‬Would you be okay with that?
‪그냥‬As if…
‪[성한이 피식한다]‬
‪괜찮겠어요?‬nothing happened?
‪[영주] 그 운전자랑 저랑‬ ‪일면식도 없는 사람이에요!‬I don't even know that driver.
‪[금희] 그 통화!‬That phone call.
‪내가 들었을지도 모른다는 생각은‬ ‪안 해 봤니?‬Has it never occurred to you that I might have overheard it?
‪오빠인 당신은 알아?‬You're her brother. Do you know?
‪왜 이렇게까지 하는 건데, 왜!‬Why take things this far?
‪기영인 살려야 되니까‬Because I need to save Gi-yeong.
‪아니, 삼촌인 나도‬ ‪이렇게까지 하는데‬I'm here doing this as his uncle.
‪당신은 아빠면서 왜 그래?‬You're supposed to be his dad. Why do you live with your eyes closed?
‪왜 눈을 가리고 살아, 왜!‬Why do you live with your eyes closed?
‪[답답한 숨소리]‬
‪[성한] 있잖아‬ ‪내가 패소한다고 해도‬You know what? Even if I lose, I'll keep filing the same suit over and over again.
‪난 계속 소송할 거야‬Even if I lose, I'll keep filing the same suit over and over again.
‪적어도 기영이 혼자가 아니라는 거‬I'll let Gi-yeong know he's not alone.
‪누군가는 기영이를‬ ‪심장 터지게 아끼고 있다는 거‬I'll let Gi-yeong know he's not alone. That someone out there loves him with all his heart!
‪그거 알게 해 줄 거야‬I'll make sure he knows that.
‪피아노 치던 놈이‬People laughed at me
‪변호사 하겠다고 했을 때‬ ‪비웃는 놈들 많았거든?‬when I said I wanted to quit the piano and become an attorney.
‪미친 새끼라고‬They called me a lunatic.
‪- 또라이 새끼라고‬ ‪- [고조되는 음악]‬They thought I had lost it.
‪근데 봐‬But look.
‪나는 시작했다‬I've already started.
‪[소연] 음, 이게 더 맛있네‬-This is much better. -Right?
‪[형근] 그렇죠?‬-This is much better. -Right?
‪그래서 내가 좀 걷더라도‬ ‪여기만 간다니까요‬That's why I bother to go all the way there.
‪아, 우리 이앤장 분들도‬ ‪좀 드려야겠다, 따뜻할 때‬We should give some to those guys while it's hot.
‪- 잠깐만, 드리고…‬ ‪- [소연] 응, 응‬We should give some to those guys while it's hot.
‪[형근] 안녕하세요‬Hello.
‪- [손님1] 아유, 예‬ ‪- [형근] 이거 여기 밑의‬-Hello. -These are from down the street.
‪그, 할아버지 하시는 붕어빵집인데‬From that old gentleman's stall.
‪하나 드셔 보세요, 진짜 맛있어요‬From that old gentleman's stall. Try some. It's great.
‪- 드셔 보세요, 좀, 후식으로‬ ‪- [손님2] 감사합니다‬Try some. It's great. -Thank you. -For dessert.
‪- [형근] 자주 오세요‬ ‪- [손님1] 네‬-Come by often. -Sure.
‪[작게] 요즘 자꾸 패소하신대‬He keeps losing cases recently.
‪자주 오시라 했어‬I told him to come by often.
‪라면집 휴업합니다‬I'm closing down the restaurant.
‪[형근] 예? 문 닫아요?‬What? For good?
‪문을 닫을지 휴업을 할지는‬ ‪리프레시해 보고 결정하려고요‬I'll decide if I'll open it again after taking some time off.
‪[웃음]‬I've always been working, so I've never been to Europe.
‪나 직장 다니느라 한 번도‬ ‪유럽 여행을 못 가 봤거든요‬I've always been working, so I've never been to Europe.
‪[소연] 아, 그러고 보니까‬Come to think of it,
‪씁, 일 터져서‬ ‪출장 간 적은 있는데‬I guess I've been there on business trips.
‪이번에 한 두 달 정도‬ ‪유럽 갔다 오려고요‬I'm going to go for a couple of months.
‪우아, 좋네요‬Sounds great.
‪[형근] 정식이도 스페인 갔다 왔고‬Jeong-sik has been to Spain,
‪성한이야 뭐, 독일에서‬and Sung-han studied in Germany.
‪아이, 그러고 보니까 나도‬ ‪먹고산다고 가 본 적이 없네요‬I've been too busy trying to make ends meet as well.
‪같이 갈래요?‬Do you want to come? Me?
‪[형근] 둘이서 두 달 동안‬You want to travel together for two months?
‪여행을 하자는 거잖아요?‬You want to travel together for two months?
‪좋네요‬Sounds great.
‪[소연] 부담 갖지 마세요‬ ‪부담 갖지 마세요‬No pressure.
‪뭐, 뭐, 유럽 여행이‬ ‪그렇게 가기가‬You can't suddenly drop everything and fly off to Europe.
‪갑자기 가기가 쉽습니까?‬You can't suddenly drop everything and fly off to Europe.
‪나 어차피 혼자 가려고 생각했어요‬I was going to go alone anyway.
‪음, 맛있어요‬It's good.
‪- 네‬ ‪- [소연의 탄성]‬
‪[호영] 마음도 힘드실 텐데‬I know you're stressed out.
‪갑자기 죄송해요‬I'm sorry for barging in.
‪아니에요, 별말씀을요‬It's okay. Don't worry.
‪제 일인데요‬It's my responsibility.
‪변호사님‬Attorney Shin. Yes?
‪서진 선배 양육권도 지켜 주시고‬Thank you for winning Seo-jin's custody suit
‪[호영] 취직도 시켜 주시고‬and giving her a job here
‪현우 뺏기지 않게 돌봐 주셔서‬so that she can keep Hyeon-u with her.
‪감사해요‬I appreciate it.
‪[옅은 웃음]‬
‪그게 메인 테마가‬ ‪아닌 거 같은데요‬I don't think you came here to say that.
‪[호영] 어…‬Well…
‪선배가‬I want her…
‪복귀하면 좋겠어요‬to come back on the radio.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪변호사님 지금‬I heard that things are very tough for you right now.
‪많이 괴로운 시간인 거 들었는데요‬I heard that things are very tough for you right now.
‪그래서 선배가‬ ‪마음이라도 도와야 된다고‬Seo-jin said she should stay and support you.
‪국장님이 4시 자리‬ ‪겨우 잡았거든요‬Director Jang managed to secure the 4 p.m. slot,
‪근데 선배가 아직은…‬but she says it's not the right time.
‪저 이기적이죠?‬I sound so selfish. No, not at all.
‪아니요, 전혀 이기적이지 않아요‬No, not at all.
‪당연히 복귀하셔야죠‬She should definitely make her comeback.
‪저는요‬I won't…
‪선배가 라디오 부스에‬ ‪다시 앉아야 제가…‬I won't be okay until she comes back to…
‪[흐느낀다]‬I won't be okay until she comes back to…
‪[호영] 제가 소개했거든요‬I set her up with that guy.
‪선배는 내 입사를 도왔는데 저는‬She helped me get a job, but I ended up…
‪저는, 제가… [울음]‬but I ended up…
‪죄송해요‬-I'm sorry. -It's okay.
‪[서진] 저는 솔직히‬ ‪요리 되게 못해요‬To be honest, I'm an awful cook.
‪요즘에 인터넷 보면서‬ ‪해 보고 있거든요‬But I've been trying out some recipes I found online.
‪뭐, 맛은 그럭저럭‬ ‪괜찮은 거 같은데‬The food doesn't taste so bad,
‪비주얼이 영상이랑 달라요‬but it doesn't look as good.
‪어, 탕수육을 처음 만들었을 때‬When I made sweet and sour pork for the first time,
‪제가 가장 사랑하는 가족에게‬ ‪맛보여 줬거든요‬I let my most beloved family member have a taste.
‪무척 긴장하고 식탁을 차렸어요‬I was really nervous when I set the table.
‪그때 아주 맛있게‬ ‪먹어 주던 모습이‬I still remember
‪오래오래 기억에 남아요‬how much he enjoyed it.
‪여러분도 사랑하는 사람을 위해‬AREYOURLIPSSWEET: YOU SURE LIKE MEN. ARE YOU TAKING A BREAK? I'm sure all of you
‪- 요리해 줬던 경험 있으시죠?‬ ‪- [호영] 하, 이 새끼‬have made something delicious -This jerk. -for someone you love.
‪[현우] 악플 다는 사람들한테‬ ‪지지 마‬I'LL COOK FOR YOU IF YOU DO SOMETHING FOR ME. Just don't let the haters get you down.
‪그게 부탁이야‬That's my request.
‪'니입술맛있냐' 님‬Dear AreYourLipsSweet.
‪ID 꼬라지가 참 한심하네요‬What a pathetic username.
‪- [유쾌한 음악]‬ ‪- 이것 좀 보세요‬You need to see this.
‪[영상 속 서진]‬ ‪'니입술맛있냐' 님은‬So you're a good cook?
‪요리 잘하시는구나‬So you're a good cook?
‪[준] 뭔데?‬What is it? What are you good at in bed?
‪[영상 속 서진] 침대에선‬ ‪뭐 잘하세요?‬What are you good at in bed?
‪자빠져 자는 거밖에 할 게 없죠?‬I bet you only know how to sleep in it.
‪[준의 웃음]‬Man, that's harsh.
‪어유, 멘트가 센데?‬Man, that's harsh.
‪[서진] 이런 개새끼를‬ ‪누가 만나 주겠어요‬Who'll ever date an asshole like you?
‪딱해서 커피 쿠폰 보내 드릴게요‬I feel bad for you, so you'll be getting a coffee coupon.
‪손가락 가지고‬ ‪이런 거 쓰지 말고, 음…‬Instead of writing these comments with your fingers,
‪똥이나 닦아요‬ ‪'니입' 쓰레기 새끼님‬you can shove them up your ass, AreYourLip-Shit.
‪다음 사연 볼까요?‬Shall we move on to the next story?
‪그 인간은‬Do you think…
‪[웃으며] 똥, 똥 잘 닦고 있겠죠?‬that jerk's fingers are up his ass?
‪뭐, 알아서 하겠죠‬Well, who cares?
‪[성한의 웃음]‬
‪이, 개인 방송도 좋은데‬I love your streams,
‪[성한] 한 나른한 4시쯤?‬but when I get drowsy around 4 p.m.,
‪라디오에서‬ ‪우리 이서진 DJ님 목소리도‬I wouldn't mind hearing your voice on the radio.
‪듣게 해 주실 거죠?‬Will you let me do that?
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪거기에서 응원해 주세요‬Support me from afar.
‪라디오 부스, 거기 그 자리‬In your seat, in the radio booth,
‪하, 멋있는 DJ 그 자리에서‬being the awesome DJ you are.
‪거기가 원래 이서진 씨 자리잖아요‬That's where you belong.
‪[성한] 그래도 어느 정도‬ ‪정체가 풀렸겠네요‬The traffic should be getting better now.
‪갈까요?‬Shall we?
‪내일‬About tomorrow…
‪힘내세요‬Good luck.
‪[성한] 네‬Thanks.
‪요거는‬And these stay…
‪요기다‬right here.
‪[깊은 한숨]‬
‪[문 열리는 소리]‬
‪[변호사] 친권 상실‬ ‪선고를 위해서는‬To have one's parental rights terminated,
‪친권 남용, 현저한 비행‬ ‪아동 학대‬there must have been authority abuse, gross misconduct, child abuse,
‪그 밖의 친권을 행사할 수 없는‬ ‪중대한 사유‬or another significant reason for termination.
‪이 넷 중 하나의 사유가‬ ‪명백히 존재해야 합니다‬One of these four reasons must be apparent in the case.
‪더불어 이로 말미암아‬ ‪자녀의 복리를 현저히 해치거나‬Also, the said reason must either have harmed or be likely to harm
‪해칠 우려까지 있어야 합니다‬the well-being of the child.
‪전 궁금합니다‬I want to know this.
‪친권자인 서정국 씨가‬Has the parent, Seo Jeong-guk,
‪친권을 남용하거나‬ ‪현저한 비행을 한 사실이 있나요?‬ever abused his rights or committed gross misconduct?
‪아동 학대를 하거나‬Has he abused his son?
‪기타 친권을 행사할 수 없는‬ ‪중대한 사유가 있나요?‬Or is there a significant reason that he can't maintain his rights?
‪밥이라도 굶겼냐는 말입니다‬Has he ever starved him?
‪헐벗고 있나요?‬Is the child not dressed?
‪아니면 적합한 교육을‬ ‪받지 못하고 있나요?‬Or is he not receiving appropriate education?
‪이혼 가정에서‬ ‪새엄마와 함께 살고 있는 거‬He's been living with his stepmother since his parents' divorce.
‪마음 아픈 일인 거 당연합니다‬It is unfortunate indeed.
‪하지만요, 그게‬It is unfortunate indeed. However, I would like to ask
‪친권이 상실될 만한 일인지‬ ‪묻고 싶습니다‬if his father deserves to lose his parental rights.
‪이상입니다‬That is all.
‪그, 지난번에‬Well, last time,
‪베토벤 음악에 대해서‬ ‪말씀을 해 주셨는데요‬the respondent's counselor mentioned Beethoven and his music.
‪[성한] '200년 전의 음악은‬ ‪아직도 우리에게 큰 감동을 준다'‬"The music from 200 years ago still moves our hearts."
‪정말 옳은 말씀이라고 생각합니다‬I couldn't agree with him more.
‪그렇다면 우리는 어떻게 그 음악‬ ‪음악뿐만이 아니죠‬I'd like to ask how music… No, not just music.
‪뭐, 미술, 건축‬ ‪모든 예술 분야에 있어서‬How paintings, architecture, and other artistic creations
‪500년, 1000년 전 것들에 대해서‬from 500 or even 1,000 years ago
‪감동을 받게 되는 걸까요?‬still touch our hearts.
‪정서, 저는 정서라고 생각합니다‬Emotions. It's thanks to our emotions.
‪정서라는 것이‬Emotions are
‪그때의 일들을, 그 감동을‬what have kept those works alive to this day.
‪견인하는 거라고 생각합니다‬what have kept those works alive to this day.
‪그럼 그 정서라는 것은‬So what do emotions…
‪아이들에겐 어떤 걸까요?‬mean for children?
‪그저 밥만 먹인다고‬ ‪발달하는 걸까요?‬Can their emotions be developed just from being fed?
‪충분한 정서, 사랑‬Sufficient emotional support, love, and comfort.
‪어떠한 안정‬love, and comfort.
‪그런 환경에서 자라게 해야 한다고‬ ‪저는 생각합니다‬These are the things that a child should be surrounded by.
‪[애잔한 음악]‬
‪그렇다면 피청구인의 가정은‬ ‪서기영 군에게‬Is the respondent's family an emotionally safe place
‪충분히 정서적인 곳인가요?‬for Gi-yeong?
‪서기영 군에게‬Does your family provide
‪사랑과 안정이‬enough love and support for Gi-yeong?
‪충분한 곳입니까?‬enough love and support for Gi-yeong?
‪[금희] 알아야겠니?‬Do you have to know?
‪[정국] 네‬Yes.
‪[금희] 영주랑 어려워질 수 있어‬Your relationship with Yeong-ju may be jeopardized.
‪그래서 말씀 못 하셨어요?‬Is that why you couldn't tell me?
‪영주랑 헤어질 것 같아서요?‬Because I might leave her?
‪[금희] 글쎄‬I'm not sure.
‪주화 오빠도 묻더라, 알고 싶다고‬Ju-hwa's brother wanted to know too.
‪대답하지 않았어‬But I didn't tell him.
‪그도 너도‬ ‪모르는 게 낫겠다 싶어서‬I thought it would be better if I kept it from both of you.
‪그날 무슨 통화를 했는지‬ ‪알아야겠어요‬I need to know what that call was about.
‪기영이를 위해서 알아야겠어요‬I need to know for Gi-yeong's sake.
‪[성한] 조금은‬ ‪뜬금없을지도 모르겠지만‬This may sound out of place,
‪[성한] 결혼이라는 것은‬but I once heard
‪바다에 사는 거북이와‬this metaphor for marriage.
‪산속에 사는 토끼가 만나‬Marriage is a union between a sea turtle
‪함께 바닷가에 사는 거라는 비유를‬ ‪들은 적이 있습니다‬Marriage is a union between a sea turtle and a mountain rabbit who decide to live together on the beach.
‪그리고 이혼이라는 것은‬And divorce is when they begin to miss their homes,
‪그들이 그렇게 함께 살다가‬ ‪서로의 것을‬And divorce is when they begin to miss their homes, their seas and mountains, after living together for a while,
‪서로의 바다를‬ ‪서로의 산속을 그리워하게 되고‬their seas and mountains, after living together for a while,
‪그렇게 각자의 곳으로‬ ‪떠나가는 거라는‬and decide to part ways.
‪비유였습니다‬and decide to part ways.
‪그렇다면‬In that case, what should be done for the child
‪이 둘 사이에서 태어난 아이는‬In that case, what should be done for the child
‪어떻게 해 줘야 하는 걸까요?‬born between these two?
‪적어도 바닷가에 살고 싶은지‬ ‪산속에 살고 싶은지‬Shouldn't we at least ask if he prefers the sea or the mountain?
‪아이의 생각이 먼저가 아닐까요?‬Shouldn't the child's opinion come first?
‪부디 단 한 번만이라도‬Please. Just once.
‪아이의 심정을‬Please try…
‪단 한 번만이라도‬to think about…
‪들여다봐 주시기를‬how the child feels.
‪간곡히 부탁드립니다‬I ask of you.
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪[작게] 제가 증언하겠습니다‬Let me bear witness.
‪갑자기 무슨 말씀을?‬What are you talking about?
‪[작게] 어떤 말씀이냐에 따라‬Whatever you say can be used against you.
‪[변호사] 우리에게 불리하게‬ ‪작용할 수도 있어요‬Whatever you say can be used against you.
‪재판장님‬Your Honor.
‪청구인 측 대리인이 피청구인에게‬The petitioner's attorney asked
‪당사자 신문 신청을 했습니다‬to question the respondent.
‪어, 거부했었는데 방금‬The respondent had initially refused, but he just agreed to be questioned.
‪신문 신청 응하고 싶다고 합니다‬but he just agreed to be questioned.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪[못마땅한 한숨]‬
‪신주화의 미국 병원 기록은‬How did you obtain Ms. Shin Ju-hwa's medical records
‪어디에서 받으셨습니까?‬from when she was in the US?
‪[정국] 제가 직접‬ ‪뉴욕 병원에 가서 받아 왔습니다‬I visited the hospital in New York and obtained them myself.
‪그럼 신주화는‬ ‪그 사실을 알고 있었나요?‬Was Ms. Shin aware of this?
‪아니요‬No, I made sure she didn't know.
‪그 사람 모르게 다녀왔습니다‬No, I made sure she didn't know.
‪그때까지 부부로 되어 있어서‬We were still married then,
‪필요한 서류 구비해서‬ ‪받아 왔습니다‬so I prepared the necessary paperwork for it.
‪그 진료 자료와‬How did you first find out
‪[성한] 병원 정보는‬ ‪어떻게 알게 되셨나요?‬about her medical records and the hospital?
‪[정국] 신주화의 변호인‬I was informed
‪박유석 변호사에게 받았습니다‬by Ju-hwa's attorney, Park Yu-seok.
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪예‬I see.
‪그, 사건 본인 서기영 군이‬What if Gi-yeong
‪언젠가 이 사실을 알게 된다면‬found out about this one day?
‪친모의 양육권 박탈을 위해 친부가‬That his father did something like that…
‪그런 일들을 자행했다는 걸‬ ‪알게 된다면‬to take his custody from his biological mother.
‪[성한] 피청구인 서정국의 가정은‬Could you really say the respondent's family
‪청구인 서기영 군이‬is a suitable environment…
‪자라기에‬for the petitioner to…
‪적합한 양육 환경일까요?‬For Gi-yeong to grow up in?
‪이상입니다‬That is all.
‪[변호사의 한숨]‬
‪[영주의 한숨]‬
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪[판사] 주문‬Decision.
‪피청구인의‬ ‪사건 본인에 대한 친권을‬The respondent's parental rights over the petitioner shall be limited.
‪제한한다‬The respondent's parental rights over the petitioner shall be limited.
‪피청구인의 사건 본인에 대한‬ ‪친권 중에서‬Among his parental rights over the petitioner,
‪보호권, 교양권‬ ‪거소 지정권, 징계권‬the rights to protect, educate, designate residence, and discipline,
‪기타 양육 관련된 권한을 제한한다‬along with other rights regarding his custody, shall be limited.
‪[밝은 음악]‬along with other rights regarding his custody, shall be limited.
‪보호권, 교양권‬ ‪거소 지정권, 징계권‬Regarding the rights to protect, educate, designate residence, and discipline,
‪기타 양육 관련된 권한에 관하여‬along with other rights regarding his custody,
‪신성한을 후견인으로 선임한다‬the court appoints Shin Sung-han as the petitioner's guardian.
‪후견인 신성한은‬ ‪다음과 같은 의무를 부담한다‬As his guardian, Shin Sung-han has duties as follows.
‪매년 말 후견 보고서를 제출한다‬submit a guardian's report at the end of every year.
‪상대방과 사건 본인의‬ ‪면접 교섭이 진행될 수 있도록‬cooperate actively to facilitate the visitation of the respondent
‪적극 협조하되‬with the petitioner.
‪- 다만 면접 교섭 여부는…‬ ‪- [고조되는 음악]‬However, the visitation will be…
‪[소연] 장국영‬ ‪너 요새 왜 이렇게 안 먹어?‬Jang Guk-yeong, why won't you eat these days?
‪- [차분한 음악]‬ ‪- 똥도 별로 안 누고‬You're not pooping well either.
‪- 일로, 일로, 일로 와‬ ‪- [문소리]‬Come here.
‪[소연의 어르는 소리]‬Come here.
‪식사 시간?‬Lunchtime?
‪묵어 보자, 쭈쭈‬Come on.
‪[형근] 그…‬So…
‪유럽 가는 거 있잖아요‬About your trip to Europe.
‪티켓 예약했어요?‬Have you booked the tickets?
‪나도 가려고요‬I'm coming with you.
‪[따뜻한 음악]‬
‪[소연] 아, 잠시만‬Hold on.
‪[소연의 당황한 웃음]‬
‪[소연의 기쁜 숨소리]‬
‪[성한] 서기영! 기상‬Seo Gi-yeong! Wake up.
‪- [잠에 취한 소리]‬ ‪- 서기영 기상‬Seo Gi-yeong, wake up.
‪[노크 소리]‬Seo Gi-yeong, wake up.
‪서기영 기상, 기상, 기상, 기상‬Seo Gi-yeong, wake up.
‪- 서기영 [웃음]‬ ‪- [기영이 칭얼댄다]‬Seo Gi-yeong.
‪기영아, 일어나‬Gi-yeong. Wake up.
‪일어나야지, 기영아‬Time to get up, Gi-yeong.
‪어유, 일어나야지, 일어나야지‬Rise and shine.
‪일어나, 일어나‬Here we go.
‪- 읏차차차차차‬ ‪- [기영의 힘주는 소리]‬
‪학교 늦어, 빨리 와‬You'll be late for school. Come on.
‪[장난스럽게] 아, 일어나, 일어나‬Get up.
‪- 빨리 나와‬ ‪- [부드러운 음악]‬Come out.
‪서기영! 얼른 와‬Gi-yeong. Hurry up.
‪[성한] 옳지‬Good boy.
‪샌드위치는? 사 왔어?‬Did you get the sandwich?
‪[성한] 그럼‬Of course.
‪- 햄, 치즈, 에그‬ ‪- [호로록거리는 소리]‬Ham, cheese, eggs,
‪토마토 빼고 양파 빼고‬no tomatoes, no onions…
‪어? 이 늙은 삼촌이‬Must this old uncle of yours go out at the break of dawn…
‪그 식전 댓바람에 그냥‬Must this old uncle of yours go out at the break of dawn…
‪너 '식전 댓바람'이‬ ‪무슨 뜻인지 알아?‬Do you know what "break of dawn" means?
‪몰라도 될 거 같은 느낌‬I feel like I don't need to know.
‪어유, 그런 느낌쓰‬Is that how you feel?
‪[기영] 삼촌‬Uncle Sung-han.
‪간헐적 단식, 그거 언제까지 해?‬When does your intermittent fasting end?
‪나 혼자만 아침 먹잖아‬I always eat breakfast alone.
‪어, 그러면 한 입 주든가‬Then give me a bite.
‪[성한의 재촉하는 소리]‬
‪[성한] 어어, 어어, 어어, 어?‬
‪[성한의 웃음]‬
‪잘 먹네, 맛있니?‬Look at you go. -Is it good? -Yes.
‪[기영] 응‬-Is it good? -Yes.
‪[준이 입소리를 쩝 낸다]‬Mr. Jang.
‪[준] 사무장님 너무 부러워요‬Mr. Jang. I'm so jealous.
‪[한숨 쉬며] 많이들‬ ‪부러워해 주세요‬Please be more jealous.
‪[형근] 나의 첫 유럽 여행입니다‬It's my first trip to Europe.
‪'마이 퍼스트 유럽 투어'‬
‪라면집 사장님은 좋겠다‬I envy Ms. Kim.
‪[준] 아, 당분간은‬ ‪새봄 씨랑 나랑 둘만 있겠네‬I guess it'll be just you and me for a while, Ms. Yu.
‪그, 파이팅의 의미로다가‬ ‪저녁 식사 한번 할까요?‬Why don't we go for dinner in the spirit of teamwork?
‪아니요, 저 오늘‬ ‪강아지랑 약속 있어요‬No, I have plans with my dog tonight.
‪[준] 네‬Okay.
‪사무장님, 가시기 전에‬ ‪저랑 식사 한번 하시죠‬Mr. Jang, eat with me before you leave.
‪'아이 라이크 누들'‬
‪기영이는 잘 지내죠?‬Is Gi-yeong doing well?
‪네, 덕분에요‬Yes, thanks to you.
‪[금희가 살짝 웃는다]‬
‪[금희] 다행이네요‬That's good to hear.
‪[한숨 쉬며] 그, 이혼을‬So… You're saying
‪꼭 하셔야겠다는 거죠?‬you have to get divorced, correct?
‪그러니까 그게‬You see,
‪왕관이 너무 무겁고‬this crown of mine is so heavy
‪[금희] 그리고 내가‬ ‪이 목 디스크가 이게 날 것 같…‬that my discs are about to slip.
‪[함께 웃는다]‬that my discs are about to slip.
‪빨리 끝내 줘야 돼요‬So please hurry it up.
‪[성한] 아이고야‬-Goodness. -This crown is way too heavy.
‪[금희] 아, 왕관도 너무 무겁고‬-Goodness. -This crown is way too heavy.
‪- [성한] 네, 알겠습니다, 예‬ ‪- [금희의 웃음]‬Yes, ma'am.
‪[금희] 준비는 다 된 거죠?‬We're all ready, aren't we?
‪그럼요‬Of course.
‪- [금희의 웃음]‬ ‪- [달칵 펜 누르는 소리]‬
‪[사락거리는 소리]‬
‪[영주] 여보‬Honey.
‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬
‪이제 좀‬I think it's time…
‪서로 얘기를 하는 게 어때?‬we started talking to each other.
‪[정국이 입소리를 쩝 낸다]‬
‪재판 때 말이야‬During the trial,
‪내가 만약 증언을 한다면‬I suggested that if I testified,
‪친권 제한으로 하자고 했어‬my parental rights should be limited.
‪친권 상실이면‬ ‪당신 더 좋을 거잖아‬If my rights had been terminated, you would've been happier.
‪대남전자에서 기영이‬ ‪영 지워질 테니까‬It means Gi-yeong would be gone forever from Daenam.
‪우리가 잘못한 거‬ ‪우리가 안고 살자‬Let's live with the consequences of our wrongdoings
‪하율이 엄마로 아빠로‬as Ha-yul's mom and dad.
‪조용히 살아‬Let's just live quietly.
‪- [문소리]‬ ‪- [휴대전화 진동음]‬
‪[짜증 섞인 한숨]‬
‪[통화 연결음]‬The number you are trying to reach is currently unavailable.
‪[안내 음성] 고객님의‬ ‪전화기가 꺼져 있어‬The number you are trying to reach is currently unavailable. You will be redirected to voicemail after the beep.
‪- 삐 소리 이후 음성 사서함…‬ ‪- 아휴‬You will be redirected to voicemail after the beep.
‪주기로 한 건‬ ‪줘야 될 거 아니야, 이씨‬You have to keep your end of the bargain.
‪- [분한 숨소리]‬ ‪- [안내 음성] 연결이 되지 않아…‬The number you are trying to reach…
‪[버럭 하며] 아, 전화 안 받아?‬Why won't you pick up? A charge will be incurred after the beep.
‪- 야, 진영주! 이씨‬ ‪- [사람들의 놀란 소리]‬A charge will be incurred after the beep. Jin Yeong-ju!
‪이게 진짜…‬You little…
‪[안내 음성] 고객님의 전화기가…‬The number you are… You…
‪이게, 씨, 야!‬You… Damn you!
‪야, 이씨!‬Damn you!
‪[유석] 야! 이씨, 야, 이씨‬Damn it! Damn it!
‪아휴, 씨, 내 카페 내놔!‬Damn it! Give me my café, damn it!
‪야, 이씨‬Give me my café, damn it!
‪내 카페 내놔!‬Give me my café!
‪내 카페 내놔!‬Give me my café!
‪[서진] '주위에 정말 얄미운 친구'‬"Everyone has that one annoying friend."
‪'DJ님은 이런 친구 있으세요?'‬"Everyone has that one annoying friend." "Do you have a friend like that too?"
‪'있으시면 해결 방법 좀‬ ‪알려 주세요'‬"Do you have a friend like that too?" "If you do, please tell me what I should do with them."
‪아유, 그런 친구들 꼭 있어요‬There's always that one friend.
‪얄밉지, 좀‬They're annoying.
‪전 이럴 때‬ ‪예전엔 그냥 넘어간 거 같아요‬I used to just let it go when something like this happened.
‪근데 요즘엔 굳이 안 만나요‬But these days, I choose not to meet that friend.
‪친구를 더 만들어 보세요‬Why don't you make new friends?
‪나이 들어서 만나는 친구는‬ ‪찐이 되기 어렵다는 거‬They say it's hard to make good friends when you get older…
‪사람마다 다르지 않을까요?‬but I think that depends on the person.
‪[부드러운 음악]‬
‪[라디오 속 서진] 우리 PD님이‬ ‪제일 좋아하는 시간‬I'll be back after our producer's favorite part.
‪광고 듣고 올게요‬The commercials.
‪[깊은 한숨]‬
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪[옅은 웃음]‬
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬
‪- 어‬ ‪- [정식이 칭얼대며] 어디야?‬-Hey. -Where are you?
‪왜?‬-Why? -Where are you? I'm bored!
‪[정식] 아, 어디야? 심심해!‬-Why? -Where are you? I'm bored!
‪아니, 내가 어디 있는지‬ ‪너한테 왜 알려 줘야 하는데?‬Why do I have to tell you where I am?
‪[정식] 아, 인마! 그‬ ‪친구가 물어보면 알려 주는 거지‬Because your friend is asking!
‪뭘 그걸 왜 알려 줘야 되냐고‬ ‪얘기를 해?‬Because your friend is asking! What do you mean, why?
‪- 야, 정식아‬ ‪- [정식] 어‬What do you mean, why? -Hey, Jeong-sik. -Yes?
‪내가 신기한 거 하나 알려 줄까?‬-Want to know something cool? -What?
‪[정식] 뭔데?‬-Want to know something cool? -What?
‪- 이, 와인이‬ ‪- [정식] 어‬-It's about wine. -Okay.
‪종이컵에도 디캔팅이 된다?‬You can decant it with a paper cup.
‪[정식] 이 봐, 너, 너 이 새끼‬ ‪술 마시지?‬I knew it! You're drinking!
‪어디야? 어디야? 나 데리고 가‬ ‪나도 갈래‬Where are you? I'll be there! I want to go!
‪어, 종이컵? 종이컵‬ ‪너 편, 편의점이지?‬Paper cup? You're at a convenience store! Stay right there, you--
‪- 이 새끼야, 잠깐 기다려, 너…‬ ‪- [통화 종료음]‬You're at a convenience store! Stay right there, you--
‪[시원한 숨소리]‬
‪[정식] 야, 너 언제 가?‬ ‪스위스부터 간다 그랬지?‬When's your flight? You start in Switzerland, right?
‪[형근] 내일 아침?‬Tomorrow morning.
‪[정식] 근데‬ ‪지금 낮술을 처먹고 있어?‬And you're out here drinking?
‪- [형근] 응‬ ‪- [성한이 살짝 웃는다]‬Yes.
‪[정식] 아유, 씨, 야, 너 가지 마‬Good grief. Hey, don't go. How dare you?
‪어디, 으이그‬Hey, don't go. How dare you? You can stay here and drink wine with us.
‪그냥 우리랑 와인이나 먹어‬You can stay here and drink wine with us. What?
‪[형근] 어?‬What?
‪[성한] 야‬Guys.
‪우리도 이제 그만 좀‬ ‪이혼 좀 하자‬The three of us need to get divorced too.
‪이러다 다 망한다‬Otherwise, we'll all be screwed.
‪- [형근] 사랑한다‬ ‪- [정식의 한숨]‬I love you.
‪[정식] 나도 그런 거 같아‬I think I do too.
‪[성한] 취했네, 응‬You're drunk.
‪[리드미컬한 음악]‬
‪[정식] 왜?‬Come on.
‪[성한] 아유, 못 먹겠다‬ ‪소주 먹자, 콜?‬I can't drink this anymore. Time for soju. -Are you in? -I'm in.
‪[정식] 아이씨, 콜‬-Are you in? -I'm in.
‪[형근] 아, 나 내일 가…‬Damn it, I'm leaving…
‪- 콜‬ ‪- [성한, 정식] 콜‬-I'm in. -"I'm in."
‪[함께 웃는다]‬-I'm in. -"I'm in."
‪[정식] 다시 해 봐, 이상한데?‬ ‪이게 뭐야?‬Try that again. That was weird. What is this? "I'm in!"
‪- [형근] 콜‬ ‪- [정식] 그냥 손가락을 돌려야지‬What is this? "I'm in!" Use your finger.
‪- [성한의 웃음]‬ ‪- [형근] 감사합니다‬Thank you.

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