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  신입사관 구해령 16

Rookie Historian Goo Hae-ryung 16


‪(대비 임씨)‬ ‪어서 오세요, 도원‬Welcome, Prince Dowon.
‪(이림)‬ ‪그간 강녕하셨습니까?‬How have you been, Your Majesty?
‪나야 늘 그날이 그날이지요‬It's always the same for me.
‪이리 가까이 앉으세요‬Come here and sit.
‪(대비 임씨)‬ ‪도원에게 이리 급한‬ ‪성정이 있는 줄 몰랐습니다‬I did not know you could be so impatient.
‪가례청이 열린다는 소식에‬ ‪이 늙은이를 재촉하러 오신 겝니까?‬Are you here to rush me after you heard about the Garyecheong? No.
‪마마께 드릴 청이 있어 왔습니다‬I'm here to ask you for a favor.
‪간택령을 거두시고‬Please withdraw the order to find a bride
‪저의 혼사를 멈추어 주십시오‬and put a halt to my wedding.
‪도원...‬Prince Dowon. I am already in love with someone.
‪이미 마음에 품은 여인이 있습니다‬I am already in love with someone.
‪[애절한 음악]‬
‪너무나도 깊이 연모하여‬I love her very deeply.
‪그 여인이 아닌 다른 누구도‬And I do not wish to marry anyone else
‪원하지를 않습니다‬other than her.
‪[옅은 한숨]‬
‪(대비 임씨)‬ ‪그 여인이 누군지 묻지 않겠습니다‬I will not ask who that lady is.
‪스쳐 가는 이름을‬ ‪이 할미까지 알 필요는 없으니까요‬I do not need to know the name of someone you are only casually seeing for a short while.
‪- 마마...‬ ‪- (대비 임씨) 아직도 모르시겠습니까?‬-Your Majesty. -Do you still not know?
‪(대비 임씨)‬ ‪도원은 사내이기 이전에‬ ‪이 나라의 대군이고‬You are a prince of this kingdom before you are a man.
‪대군의 혼사는 사사로운 정이 아니라‬And a prince's marriage is not decided based on your personal feelings.
‪국사로 이루어집니다‬It is a national, historic event.
‪어찌 이리 당연한 것을‬ ‪가르치게 만드십니까?‬Why must you make me teach you such common sense?
‪얼마나 애타는 심정인지 잘 알겠습니다‬I fully understand how much you wish to be with this lady.
‪하나 한낱 젊은 날에 품은 연정으로‬However, you must not let such young, fleeting love
‪인륜지대사를 그르칠 수는 없습니다‬ruin one of the most important events in your life.
‪마음은‬Just bury
‪마음으로 남겨 두시고‬those feelings.
‪의연해지세요‬Be strong.
‪그게 도원을 위하고‬That is the best thing you can do for yourself
‪또 그 여인을 위하는 길입니다‬as well as for that lady.
‪(해령)‬ ‪저는 이만 가 보겠습니다‬I will head back, then.
‪넌 왜 아무렇지도 않아?‬Why don't you seem bothered at all?
‪뭐가 그렇게 태연하고 무심해?‬How can you be so nonchalant about it?
‪(이림)‬ ‪지금 이 상황이‬ ‪너한테는 아무 일도 아닌 거야?‬Does this situation mean nothing to you?
‪(해령)‬ ‪참고 있는 겁니다‬I'm holding it all in.
‪마마께 화를 내게 될까 봐요‬-I don't want to be angry at you. -I'd rather deal with that
‪그럼 차라리 그렇게 해‬-I don't want to be angry at you. -I'd rather deal with that than you congratulating me and saying you should head back.
‪(이림)‬ ‪'감축드린다'‬ ‪'이만 가 보겠다' 이딴 소리가 아니라‬than you congratulating me and saying you should head back.
‪네가 무슨 생각을 하고 있는지‬I want to know what you're thinking
‪어떤 기분인 건지‬and how you feel,
‪나한테 좀 보여 달라고‬so please show me.
‪[옅은 한숨]‬
‪(해령)‬ ‪제 생각요?‬What I'm thinking?
‪그럼 마마께서는‬ ‪대체 무슨 생각이셨습니까?‬Then what on earth were you thinking earlier?
‪대비마마께서‬ ‪그 청을 받아 주셨으면요?‬What if the Queen Dowager accepted your request?
‪그다음은 제 이름을 밝히고‬Then what? Were you going to tell her that I am that lady and pester her to allow you to marry me?
‪저 여인을 내 것으로 만들어 달라고‬ ‪조를 작정이셨습니까?‬and pester her to allow you to marry me?
‪제 마음이나 의지는 상관없이‬Did you think you could just marry me like that regardless of how I would feel?
‪혼례까지 끌고 가면‬ ‪그만이라고 생각하셨냐고요‬just marry me like that regardless of how I would feel?
‪전 분명히 말씀드렸습니다‬I have made it clear to you
‪규문 안의 부부인으로‬ ‪살고 싶지 않다고요‬that I do not wish to live here married to a prince.
‪제가 그 자리를 원하지 않는다고요‬I... do not want that. Even if you don't want it,
‪원하지 않아도‬Even if you don't want it,
‪난 상관없어‬I do not care.
‪그렇게라도 곁에 있어‬-Just put up with it and stay by my side. -Your Highness.
‪- (해령) 마마...‬ ‪- 그렇지 않으면 내가‬-Just put up with it and stay by my side. -Your Highness. Otherwise,
‪내가 널 잃게 되잖아‬I will end up losing you.
‪[애잔한 음악]‬
‪(이림)‬ ‪솔직히 말해‬Be honest with me. Tell me that you do not want me
‪너도 내가 다른 여인과‬ ‪혼인하길 바라지 않는다고‬Tell me that you do not want me to marry another woman. Say you're not okay with it at all.
‪하나도 괜찮지가 않다고‬to marry another woman. Say you're not okay with it at all.
‪- (이림) 구해령!‬ ‪- 어명입니다‬-Hae-ryung. -It's the King's orders.
‪따르십시오‬You should obey him.
‪(삼보)‬ ‪마마! 대체 어딜...‬Your Highness, where have you been?
‪[풀벌레 울음]‬
‪[힘겨운 한숨]‬
‪[새가 짹짹 지저귄다]‬
‪(시행)‬ ‪아니, 이 서리가‬ ‪어떻게 대군마마일 수가 있냐고‬I mean, how could Clerk Yi be Prince Dowon? The gap is just too huge.
‪이 격차가 너무 크잖아, 격차가‬The gap is just too huge.
‪아니, 서리는, 어?‬A clerk is a rankless position
‪이, 품계도 없는 말단 중의 말단이고‬ ‪[익살스러운 효과음]‬A clerk is a rankless position that is the lowest of the low,
‪대군마마는 품계를 매길 수조차 없이‬whereas a prince doesn't even need a rank
‪[익살스러운 효과음]‬ ‪지극히 존귀한 주상 전하의 적통이고‬because he is His Majesty's son.
‪이, 이게 지금, 응?‬The gap is just...
‪(홍익)‬ ‪와, 그럼 양 봉교님은‬ ‪이 나라 대군마마한테‬Officer Yang, you treated a prince of this kingdom
‪머슴 대접하시고 혼내고‬ ‪부려 먹으신 거네요?‬like a servant, scolded him, and bossed him around when you're a mere senior seventh-rank officer.
‪정7품 주제에?‬when you're a mere senior seventh-rank officer.
‪(치국)‬ ‪그냥 혼낸 게 아니라‬ ‪미친놈이라고 하셨습니다‬He didn't just scold him. He called him a lunatic.
‪제가 정확히 기억합니다‬I remember it clearly. "Are you a lunatic?"
‪[시행의 말투로]‬ ‪'너 미친놈이니?'‬"Are you a lunatic?"
‪너 입 안 다무냐?‬Shut your mouth, will you?
‪(시행)‬ ‪너희도 다 공범이야, 이것들아!‬You're all accomplices, you fools.
‪(장군)‬ ‪근데 그건 대군마마 잘못 아닙니까?‬You're all accomplices, you fools. But wouldn't you say it's His Highness' fault?
‪자기 처소에서‬ ‪시중이나 받으면서 편히 살지‬Why not just stay at his residence and enjoy his comfortable life?
‪왜 서리 옷까지 주워 입고‬ ‪예문관을 오시냐고요‬Why bother coming here dressed as a clerk?
‪- (시행) 내 말이!‬ ‪- (장군) 진짜 이상한 분이셔‬dressed as a clerk? That's exactly my point. He's so weird.
‪(길승)‬ ‪어제 구 서리 끌고 간 건 또 뭐고?‬And why did he take Clerk Goo yesterday? I swear I saw some sparks between those two.
‪아주 부싯돌 한번 탁 스치면‬ ‪화르르 불타겠더만?‬I swear I saw some sparks between those two.
‪(시행)‬ ‪쓰읍, 그러고 보니까‬I swear I saw some sparks between those two. Come to think of it, it did look like something was going on between them.
‪분위기가 예사롭지 않기는 했어‬Come to think of it, it did look like something was going on between them.
‪아, 이거 굉장히 궁금해지는데‬I'm suddenly so curious now.
‪누군가 알고 있을 거 같은데‬Someone here must know what's going on.
‪(아란)‬ ‪[혼잣말로]‬ ‪나한테 묻지 마라, 묻지 마라‬Don't ask me. Please don't ask me!
‪(해령)‬ ‪저, 늦어서 죄송합니다‬I'm sorry I'm late.
‪(경묵)‬ ‪어이, 당사자‬ ‪빨리 와서 말해 봐, 어제...‬Hey, come here and tell us. Yesterday--
‪(우원)‬ ‪오늘부터 구 권지는‬Apprentice Goo. From today,
‪대비전으로 입시하거라‬you'll go to Her Majesty's chamber.
‪도원 대군의 가례 기록 담당이다‬Record everything about the prince's wedding.
‪가례 기록요?‬Prince Dowon's wedding?
‪[은임의 어색한 웃음]‬
‪(은임)‬ ‪대비전은 제 담당인데‬ ‪왜 구 권지를 시키십니까?‬I normally go to Her Majesty's chamber. Why are you sending Apprentice Goo?
‪제가 가겠습니다, 구 권지는 녹서당...‬I'll go. You should go to Nokseodang...
‪녹서당도 안 되는데‬She can't go there either.
‪(아란)‬ ‪저요, 제가 녹서당으로 가겠습니다‬She can't go there either. I can go. I'll go to Nokseodang.
‪구 권지는 중궁전으로 가십시오‬Apprentice Goo, you can go to Junggungjeon.
‪(은임)‬ ‪[손뼉을 짝 치며]‬ ‪예, 그럼 되겠네요‬Yes, that's perfect.
‪대비전, 중궁전, 녹서당‬ ‪[은임과 아란의 어색한 웃음]‬Queen Dowager Im's chamber, Junggungjeon, and Nokseodang. No, it's okay.
‪(해령)‬ ‪아닙니다‬No, it's okay.
‪제가 대비전으로 가겠습니다‬I'll just go to Queen Dowager Im's chamber.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪[삼보의 힘겨운 신음]‬
‪[나인들의 난처한 신음]‬ ‪[삼보의 의아한 신음]‬What are you waiting for?
‪(삼보)‬ ‪아이, 뭣들 하고 있어?‬What are you waiting for? His Highness must have woken up a while ago.
‪마마께서 진즉에 기침하셨겠구먼‬His Highness must have woken up a while ago.
‪(최 나인)‬ ‪아, 그걸 몰라서 그럽니까?‬Of course, we know that.
‪괜히 들어갔다가 불똥 튈까 봐 그러죠‬We're just afraid he might take his anger out on us. Still, do you realize what time it is now? You little...
‪아무리 그래도 그렇지‬ ‪시간이 몇 신데...‬Still, do you realize what time it is now? You little...
‪[못마땅한 신음]‬Still, do you realize what time it is now? You little...
‪마마‬Your Highness.
‪삼보 왔습니다‬It's me, Sam-bo.
‪[삼보의 놀란 숨소리]‬
‪마마‬Your Highness.
‪(삼보)‬ ‪마마‬ ‪[이림의 옅은 신음]‬Your Highness.
‪(이림)‬ ‪눈이 좀 일찍 떠져서‬-I woke up earlier than usual. -Are you all right?
‪(삼보)‬ ‪괜찮으십니까?‬-I woke up earlier than usual. -Are you all right?
‪안 괜찮을 건 또 뭔데?‬Why wouldn't I be?
‪(이림)‬ ‪아침상을 내오거라‬Bring my breakfast now.
‪(나인들)‬ ‪예‬-Yes, Your Highness. -Of course.
‪[손을 탁탁 턴다]‬
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪(최 나인)‬ ‪차라리 울고불고하시든가‬ ‪저게 뭡니까?‬I'd rather deal with him bawling his eyes out. What is this? I'm afraid His Highness might lose his sanity at this rate.
‪(박 나인)‬ ‪이러다 우리 마마‬ ‪실성하시는 거 아니에요?‬I'm afraid His Highness might lose his sanity at this rate.
‪이미 하신 것도 같아‬That may have already happened.
‪(아란)‬ ‪대군마마‬Your Highness.
‪예문관 권지 허아란입니다‬I am Apprentice Heo A-ran from the Office of Royal Decrees.
‪[사람들이 웅성거린다]‬
‪[대비 임씨가 혀를 쯧쯧 찬다]‬
‪명색이 대군의 국혼인데‬We are looking for the prince's bride-to-be.
‪어찌 이리 하나같이‬ ‪한미한 집안들뿐인지...‬How come all the candidates are ladies from such humble families?
‪(최 상궁)‬ ‪아직 시일이 꽤 남았습니다‬ ‪너무 염려치 마십시오‬We still have some time. Please do not be concerned, Your Majesty.
‪도원은 어찌 지낸다고 하던가?‬How is Prince Dowon doing?
‪(최 상궁)‬ ‪그날 이후로 말수가 줄었으나‬He has been quieter than usual since that day.
‪평소와 크게 다르시지 않다고 하옵니다‬But other than that, not much has changed.
‪(대비 임씨)‬ ‪그래, 그리 지내다 보면‬ ‪또 다 지나가는 일이 되는 것이지‬I see. As time passes, he will put it all behind him.
‪허 내관에게‬ ‪더 성심성의껏 모시라 전하게‬he will put it all behind him. Tell Eunuch Heo to serve him more attentively.
‪(최 상궁)‬ ‪예‬Yes, Your Majesty.
‪- (상궁1) 대비마마‬ ‪- (대비 임씨) 들라‬-Your Majesty. -You may come in.
‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬
‪(상궁1)‬ ‪소백선 영감에게 답신이 왔습니다‬We just heard from Lord So Baek-seon.
‪처녀단자를 넣었다 합니다‬He has submitted information about his daughter.
‪그래?‬Has he?
‪[비밀스러운 음악]‬
‪(우의정)‬ ‪경주 소씨‬ ‪틀림없이 경주 소씨라 하였는가?‬The Gyeongju So clan? Are you sure it is the Gyeongju So clan? Yes, I heard it myself at the Office of Rites.
‪예, 제가 직접 예조에서‬ ‪듣고 오는 길입니다‬Yes, I heard it myself at the Office of Rites.
‪(이조 정랑)‬ ‪경주 소씨 소백선 영감의 장녀라고요‬It is the Gyeongju So clan. She is Lord So Baek-seon's eldest daughter. The military officials from that family made many contributions during the war.
‪아니, 경주 소씨라면‬ ‪왜란 때부터 명망 높은 무문 아닌가?‬The military officials from that family made many contributions during the war.
‪(대제학)‬ ‪그런 집안에서 왜 도원 대군을 탐내?‬Why would that family want Prince Dowon?
‪(대사헌)‬ ‪게다가 소백선 영감은‬ ‪훈련도감의 수장입니다‬Besides, Lord So is the commander of the Military Training Corps.
‪군사를 이끄는 자가 어찌 왕실과‬ ‪사돈을 맺으려 한다는 말입니까?‬Why would a military commander wish to marry his daughter into the royal family?
‪[대제학의 한숨]‬ ‪(도승지)‬ ‪뭔가 이상합니다, 대감‬wish to marry his daughter into the royal family? Something is fishy, my lord. He doesn't even want to have
‪조정 대신이라면‬ ‪술 한 잔도 진저리 치는 인사입니다‬He doesn't even want to have a drink with us ministers in the royal court.
‪씁, 갑자기 나서는 데는‬ ‪필시 속셈이 있을 것입니다‬I'm sure there is an ulterior motive behind this sudden move.
‪[익평의 한숨]‬
‪훈련대장에게 연통을 넣어 주세요‬Please contact Lord So.
‪(도승지)‬ ‪예, 대감‬Certainly, my lord.
‪놀랍군요‬I'm surprised.
‪소백선 영감에게‬ ‪여식이 있는 줄은 몰랐는데‬I did not know Lord So Baek-seon had a daughter.
‪서른이 넘어 귀하게 얻은‬ ‪자식이라고 합니다‬She is a precious child he got after the age of 30.
‪(부제학)‬ ‪올해로 열여덟 된 처녀고요‬She is 18 years old this year.
‪[이진의 옅은 한숨]‬
‪한데, 저하‬However, Your Royal Highness,
‪좌상이 이미 부부인을 내정해 놓았다는‬there are rumors going around about how the Second State Councillor
‪은밀한 소문이 돌고 있습니다‬has someone specific in mind.
‪[옅은 한숨]‬
‪[풀벌레 울음]‬
‪(익평)‬ ‪듣자 하니‬ ‪훈련도감에서 배출한 무관들이‬I heard that the officials trained at the Military Training Corps
‪각 도에서 큰 활약을 하고 있다더군‬are making many great contributions all over the country.
‪대장의 기개가 남다르니‬ ‪걸출한 인재가 차고 넘치나 보오‬Your exceptional bravery must attract all the outstanding talents.
‪(백선)‬ ‪과찬이십니다‬must attract all the outstanding talents. I am flattered, sir.
‪저는 그저 나라와 백성들에게‬ ‪충성해야 하는‬All I do is teach them that it is their duty as military officers
‪무관의 소명을 가르치고 있을 뿐입니다‬to be loyal to our country and the people.
‪무관의 소명이라...‬ ‪[깊은 한숨]‬"Their duty as military officers"?
‪한데 어찌하여 대장은‬ ‪소명만 알고 주제는 모르시는 게요?‬Why you do not know your rightful place when you know what your duty is?
‪그대가 간택에 나선 걸 보니‬I am only saying this
‪외척이 되겠다는 큰 꿈을‬ ‪품은 것 같아서 하는 말이오‬as you seem determined to marry your daughter into the royal family.
‪[입소리를 쩝 낸다]‬
‪(익평)‬ ‪이 나라 조정의 근간은‬ ‪어디까지나 우리 문관들이오‬We, the civil officials, are the core of the royal court.
‪병서나 익히면서 창검이나 휘두르는‬ ‪무관들이 낄 자리는 아니지 않겠소?‬There is no place for you military officials, who mindlessly brandish your spears and swords all day.
‪[백선의 웃음]‬ ‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪(백선)‬ ‪대감, 참으로 과민하십니다‬Sir, you are being overly sensitive. People say that this kingdom is ruled by the Min family,
‪이런 식으로 사람을 겁박하고‬ ‪정사를 휘두르시니‬People say that this kingdom is ruled by the Min family, not the Yi dynasty, because you always threaten everyone
‪세간에 이 나라 왕은 이씨가 아니고‬ ‪민씨라는 소문이 도는 것 아닙니까?‬not the Yi dynasty, because you always threaten everyone and try to influence every political decision like this.
‪소인은 그저 어명에 따라‬ ‪처녀단자를 냈을 뿐입니다‬I simply submitted information about my daughter as per the royal orders.
‪누구처럼 딸자식을 팔아‬ ‪권세를 살 생각은 추호도 없으니‬Unlike someone, I do not intend on selling off my daughter to gain power and authority,
‪괜한 걱정은 마십시오‬so there is no need to worry.
‪(익평)‬ ‪착각하지 마시게‬Don't fool yourself.
‪내 자네를 훈련도감 수장에 놔둔 것은‬I am letting you lead the Military Training Corps because you are
‪권력을 멀리하는 강직함 때문이지‬a man of integrity who has no interest in power,
‪방도가 없어서가 아니야‬not because I cannot replace you.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪[새들이 짹짹 지저귄다]‬
‪(여인1)‬ ‪통례원 김영식의 차녀 진명입니다‬I am Kim Jin-myeong, the second daughter of Kim Yeong-sik.
‪(여인2)‬ ‪한성부 서윤 박재학의 장녀 선정입니다‬I am Park Seon-jeong, the eldest daughter of Deputy Magistrate Park.
‪훈련도감 대장‬ ‪소백선 영감의 장녀 영화입니다‬I am the eldest daughter of Commander So Baek-seon, So Yeong-hwa.
‪[애잔한 음악]‬
‪[해령의 옅은 한숨]‬
‪[해령의 옅은 한숨]‬
‪[옅은 한숨]‬
‪[숨을 하 내뱉는다]‬
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬ ‪[옅은 한숨]‬
‪(여인1)‬ ‪소녀 부녀자로서‬ ‪고금 역사를 통달하였고‬I was taught that it is wrong for women to study history
‪예의를 논하는 것은‬ ‪폐단이라 배웠습니다‬and to discuss manners.
‪하여 소녀는 여훈이 아닌 다른 서책은‬ ‪단 한 권도 읽지 않았습니다‬Hence, I have never read any books that are not about essential lessons for women.
‪(여인2)‬ ‪밥은 봄처럼 따듯하고‬Rice must be warm like spring,
‪국은 여름처럼 뜨거우며‬soup must be hot like summer,
‪장은 가을처럼 서늘하고‬tea must be cool like autumn,
‪음료는 겨울처럼 차가워야 합니다‬and beverages must be cold like winter.
‪(영화)‬ ‪부인으로서는 효성이 지극하며‬The wife of King Wen of Zhou, Tai Si, who was known for her filial piety
‪투기를 하지 않았던‬ ‪주 문왕의 부인 태사가 으뜸이고‬The wife of King Wen of Zhou, Tai Si, who was known for her filial piety and gentle temperament, was the greatest wife in history.
‪어머니로서는 훌륭한 교육으로‬ ‪주 문왕을 길러 낸‬And his mother, Tai Ren, who thoughtfully educated him, was the greatest mother in history.
‪태임을 으뜸으로 칩니다‬who thoughtfully educated him, was the greatest mother in history.
‪[해령의 지친 숨소리]‬
‪[숨을 하 내뱉는다]‬
‪(이림)‬ ‪솔직히 말해‬Be honest with me. Tell me that you do not want me
‪너도 내가 다른 여인과‬ ‪혼인하길 바라지 않는다고‬Tell me that you do not want me to marry another woman. Say you're not okay with it at all.
‪하나도 괜찮지가 않다고‬to marry another woman. Say you're not okay with it at all.
‪그러게‬He was right.
‪괜찮지가 않네‬I'm not okay with it.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪[해령의 옅은 한숨]‬
‪[숨을 하 내뱉는다]‬
‪[옅은 한숨]‬
‪(장군)‬ ‪막둥이, 너 왜 그래?‬What's wrong, kiddo?
‪또 예조 놈들이 텃세 부렸어?‬Did those jerks bully you again?
‪(치국)‬ ‪[힘없이]‬ ‪아니요, 그런 게 아니라‬No. It's not that.
‪이상한 거를 봐 가지고요‬I just saw something strange.
‪이상한 거 뭐?‬"Something strange"? What?
‪(시행)‬ ‪아니, 뭔데 애가 넋이 다 나갔어?‬What did you see? You seem so out of it.
‪줘 봐‬ ‪[홍익의 다급한 신음]‬-Let me see. -Let's see.
‪(홍익)‬ ‪이게 뭐야?‬What is this?
‪'한성부 서윤 박재학의 장녀가‬ ‪생년을 어긴 것이 발각되어'‬What is this? "The eldest daughter of Deputy Magistrate Park Jae-hak will be excluded from the third evaluation, for she lied about her year of birth.
‪'삼간택에서 제외하고'‬excluded from the third evaluation, for she lied about her year of birth.
‪'이조 정랑 송재천의 장녀‬ ‪송사희를 후보에 더한다'‬The eldest daughter of the Section Chief of Personnel, Song Sa-hui, will be added to the list of candidates."
‪(시행)‬ ‪뭐야, 이, 지금 여기 적힌 송사희가‬ ‪우리 송사희야?‬What? Is this the Song Sa-hui that we know?
‪[아란과 은임의 놀란 숨소리]‬
‪[다가오는 발걸음]‬
‪저 송사희?‬That girl, Song Sa-hui?
‪무슨 일입니까?‬What's the matter, sir?
‪(경묵)‬ ‪네가 도원 대군 부부인‬ ‪삼간택에 들었다는데?‬You're on the list of candidates for Prince Dowon's bride-to-be.
‪(은임과 아란)‬ ‪예?‬Pardon me?
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪(홍익)‬ ‪이야, 이러다가 네가 우리 중에‬ ‪제일 먼저 정1품 되겠다‬At this rate, you'll obtain the senior first-rank before any of us do.
‪[사희의 다급한 숨소리]‬
‪- (시행) 좀 더 잘해 줄 걸 그랬나?‬ ‪- (홍익) 그러니까‬Maybe we should've been nicer to her. Yes, I know.
‪(이조 정랑)‬ ‪사희, 너...‬Sa-hui, what are you doing here?
‪네가 여길 왜 들어와!‬Sa-hui, what are you doing here?
‪다들 잠시 자리를‬ ‪좀 비켜 주시겠습니까?‬All of you, please kindly leave the room for a few minutes.
‪(이조 정랑)‬ ‪아니, 사희 너, 저...‬ ‪[대신들의 한숨]‬Sa-hui, why... Gosh.
‪[대사헌의 헛기침]‬ ‪(도승지)‬ ‪자, 가시죠‬-Let's go. -Hey.
‪- (이조 정랑) 야, 사, 사희...‬ ‪- (도승지) 자, 자, 자, 자‬-Let's go. -Hey. -Go on. -Sa-hui.
‪(이조 정랑)‬ ‪아니, 저...‬I mean...
‪- 어떻게 된 겁니까?‬ ‪- (익평) 적힌 그대로네‬-What is this about? -Just as you read.
‪한성부 서윤의 여식이 나이를 속였고‬The deputy magistrate's daughter lied about her age,
‪그 빈자리를 자네가 대신했고‬-and you've been chosen to fill her spot. -Why was I chosen to fill her spot?
‪그러니 그 빈자리에‬ ‪왜 제가 들어가 있냐는 말입니다‬-and you've been chosen to fill her spot. -Why was I chosen to fill her spot?
‪[사희의 옅은 한숨]‬
‪(사희)‬ ‪물러 주십시오‬Please revoke this order. I do not...
‪저는‬Please revoke this order. I do not...
‪도원 대군과 혼인할 생각이 없습니다‬wish to marry Prince Dowon.
‪[위태로운 음악]‬
‪[울음 섞인 숨소리]‬
‪대감!‬-My lord! -You were the one who came
‪내 수족이 되겠다고‬ ‪먼저 찾아온 건 자네 아니었나?‬-My lord! -You were the one who came to see me and said you wish to work for me.
‪(익평)‬ ‪자네가 어디에 필요한지‬ ‪어떻게 쓸지는 내가 정해‬I decide where you are needed and how I will use you.
‪지금 나의 결정은 자네가‬ ‪도원 대군의 부부인이 되는 거야‬And I've decided that you must marry Prince Dowon.
‪대체 제가 부부인이 되어서‬ ‪무슨 쓸모가 있다는 말씀이십니까?‬What on earth can you get out of me marrying Prince Dowon?
‪차차 알게 되겠지‬You will find out soon.
‪(익평)‬ ‪삼간택 후보들이 별궁에서 지내고 있네‬The candidates for the third evaluation are staying at Byeolgung.
‪내일부터는 예문관이 아니라‬ ‪별궁으로 입궐하게‬That is where you should be starting tomorrow.
‪[문이 달칵 여닫힌다]‬
‪[사희가 계속 흐느낀다]‬
‪(이진)‬ ‪부부인을 내정해 놨다니요?‬He has someone specific in mind?
‪또 자신의 일가를 내세워‬ ‪외척을 만들겠다는 겁니까?‬He wants another family member to marry into the royal family? This time, it is not someone from his own family.
‪이번엔 좌상의 가문이 아닙니다‬This time, it is not someone from his own family.
‪(부제학)‬ ‪이조 정랑 송재천의 여식이라고 합니다‬I heard it is Section Chief of Personnel Song Jae-cheon's daughter.
‪- 하면...‬ ‪- (부제학) 예‬-That is... -Yes. It is Apprentice Song Sa-hui at the Office of Royal Decrees.
‪예문관 권지 송사희입니다‬It is Apprentice Song Sa-hui at the Office of Royal Decrees.
‪(사희)‬ ‪손대지 마‬Don't touch it.
‪[문이 달칵 여닫힌다]‬
‪[아련한 음악]‬
‪[울먹이는 한숨]‬
‪(경묵)‬ ‪쟤는 뭐, 하루 종일‬ ‪말 한마디를 안 하냐? 사람 무섭게‬She hasn't said a word all day. She's scaring me.
‪(홍익)‬ ‪송 서리가 출근을 안 해서 다행입니다‬Thank goodness Clerk Song didn't come in today. Had she come in, there would've been so much tension.
‪걔까지 있었으면‬ ‪한여름에 아주 칼바람 불 뻔했어요‬Had she come in, there would've been so much tension.
‪(치국)‬ ‪근데 송 서리는‬ ‪이대로 안 나오는 겁니까?‬By the way, will Clerk Song never come back, then?
‪(시행)‬ ‪몰라, 인마, 쯧‬I have no idea.
‪요즘 예문관 진짜 왜 이러냐?‬ ‪자꾸 한 명씩 줄어‬What is happening these days? We're losing our historians one by one.
‪이러다 나만 남겠어, 나만‬ ‪[옅은 한숨]‬We're losing our historians one by one. At this rate, I'll be the only one left soon.
‪[사희의 옅은 한숨]‬
‪[은임의 놀란 숨소리]‬
‪(은임)‬ ‪송 권지님‬Apprentice Song.
‪[옅은 한숨]‬
‪[새들이 짹짹 지저귄다]‬
‪(익평)‬ ‪오늘부터 별궁으로 입궐하라 했을 텐데‬I said you must stay at Byeolgung starting today.
‪전 아직 사관입니다‬I am still a historian.
‪[못마땅한 한숨]‬
‪(이진)‬ ‪훈련도감의 소백선 대장을‬You'd like Commander So Baek-seon
‪함경도 관찰사로 전출하라는 말입니까?‬to be transferred to Hamgyong Province as the governor?
‪요새 들어 아라사의 간자들이‬ ‪두만강을 넘어‬I heard that Russian spies often cross the Tumen River
‪군영과 민가를 염탐하는 일이‬ ‪빈번하다 하옵니다‬to spy on commoners' houses and our military camps these days.
‪경륜이 출중한 소백선 대장을 보내‬ ‪국경을 살피게 하십시오‬Commander So Baek-seon is extremely experienced, so he should guard our borders.
‪훈련도감 대장은‬ ‪정예병을 양성하고 도성을 방어하는‬The Military Training Corps Commander is responsible for training our troops and guarding the city, which is extremely important.
‪막중한 소임을 가진 직책입니다‬and guarding the city, which is extremely important.
‪쥐를 잡자고‬ ‪대검을 쓰지는 않을 겁니다‬I will not send him there to catch a few mice.
‪물러가십시오‬Please leave. I can find a suitable replacement for--
‪(익평)‬ ‪대장직은 신이‬ ‪마땅한 후임자를 천거할 테니...‬I can find a suitable replacement for--
‪(이진)‬ ‪대체 뭣 때문에 이러는 겁니까?‬What is your real reason for this?
‪또 무엇이 아니꼬워서‬What got on your nerves this time?
‪이 나라 제일가는 무신을‬ ‪변방으로 밀어내려 하냐는 말입니다‬Why are you trying to send our greatest military official to the border region? You are being outrageous, Your Royal Highness.
‪말씀이 지나치십니다, 저하‬You are being outrageous, Your Royal Highness.
‪신은 그저 나라의 안위를‬ ‪염려하고 있을 뿐입니다‬I am only concerned about our national security--
‪나라가 아니라 좌상의 안위겠지요‬I am only concerned about our national security-- You are concerned about your own security.
‪나의 사람이 아닌‬ ‪누군가가 외척이 될까‬You are afraid someone who is not your supporter
‪미리 짓밟아 두는 속셈을‬ ‪내 모를 것 같습니까?‬might become part of the royal family. I know what you are up to.
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪영특하십니다‬You are very smart, indeed.
‪하면 현명하게 판단해 주십시오‬Then please make a wise decision.
‪(익평)‬ ‪가뜩이나 입지가 약하신‬ ‪도원 대군마마십니다‬Prince Dowon doesn't have any power.
‪소씨 가문과 엮였다가‬ ‪소백선 대장에게 변고라도 생기면‬If something bad happens to Commander So Baek-seon because of the marriage,
‪누가 대군마마를‬ ‪지켜 줄 수 있겠습니까?‬who will protect His Highness?
‪(이진)‬ ‪좌상!‬Second State Councillor!
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪이만 물러가겠습니다‬I shall leave now, Your Royal Highness.
‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬
‪[이진의 분노에 찬 숨소리]‬
‪(이진)‬ ‪이만 물러가거라‬You should leave, too.
‪[이진이 술을 쪼르르 따른다]‬
‪[이진이 숨을 하 내뱉는다]‬
‪[이진의 한숨]‬
‪(사희)‬ ‪멈추지 않을 겁니다‬ ‪[이진이 술을 쪼르르 따른다]‬He will not stop.
‪오늘이 안 되면 내일‬If not today, tomorrow.
‪내일도 안 되면 또 다음 날‬If not tomorrow, the day after that.
‪자신의 목적을 이룰 때까지‬He will pressure you
‪저하를 조여 올 것입니다‬until he reaches his goal.
‪[숨을 하 내뱉는다]‬
‪해서 내가 좌상의 뜻대로‬ ‪휘둘려 주기를 바라느냐?‬So what? Do you want me to be under his control?
‪그래야 네가 부부인이 될 수 있으니까‬So you can become Prince Dowon's wife?
‪아무것도 가진 것이 없어‬ ‪여사가 됐다고 했었지‬You said you became a female historian because you had nothing.
‪몰랐다‬I did not know
‪네가 좌상을 등에 업고‬ ‪갖고자 한 게 이런 것일 줄은‬this is what you wanted with the Second State Councillor's help.
‪- 단언하지 마십시오‬ ‪- (이진) 축하를 해 주는 것이다!‬-Do not jump to conclusions. -I'm congratulating you. You can live a life of luxury now.
‪평생을 부귀 속에 살 수 있게 됐어‬You can live a life of luxury now. You'll soon become someone
‪(이진)‬ ‪이젠 여사가 아니라 모두가 우러러보는‬ ‪그런 귀한 사람이 될 터인데‬You'll soon become someone whom everyone looks up to, not just a female historian.
‪네 결국 원하는 바를‬ ‪이룬 것이 아니더냐?‬Didn't you get what you wanted?
‪[못마땅한 숨소리]‬
‪[울먹이며]‬ ‪제가 원한 건 그런 것들이 아닙니다‬That is not what I wanted.
‪[애잔한 음악]‬
‪선택권을 갖고 싶었습니다‬I wanted the freedom to choose.
‪누구에게도 휘둘리지 않고‬ ‪흔들리지 않고‬I wanted to live my life with my own choices
‪오로지 제 선택으로‬ ‪살아 보고 싶었습니다‬without getting swayed or controlled by anyone else.
‪여사가 되면‬ ‪그리 살 수 있을 거라 믿었습니다‬I thought I could live that life if I became a female historian.
‪그래서 좌상을 찾아간 것이지‬That is why I went to see him.
‪그자의 손에 제 인생을‬ ‪모두 맡기겠다는 뜻은 아니었습니다‬It did not mean I wanted to leave my entire life in his hands.
‪한데도 제가 원하는 걸‬ ‪얻었다 생각하십니까?‬Even so, do you still think I got what I wanted?
‪내 삶이 내 것이 아니라는 거‬My life is hardly mine.
‪그걸 깨달은 제 마음이 얼마나‬Do you know how devastated I am
‪얼마나 비참한지...‬after realizing that reality?
‪[사희가 훌쩍인다]‬
‪마지막 입시가 될지도 몰라‬I came in
‪얼굴을 뵙고 인사를 드리고 싶었습니다‬to say goodbye face-to-face, because this may be the last time.
‪강녕하십시오, 저하‬Stay strong, Your Royal Highness.
‪(이진)‬ ‪나도 안다‬I know that feeling, too.
‪내 삶을‬Realizing that
‪내가 택할 수 없다는 게‬I cannot choose
‪어떤 기분인지‬my own life.
‪앉거라‬Have a seat.
‪나도 마지막으로‬I will hear you out
‪너의 이야기를 들어 주마‬one last time.
‪[슬픈 음악]‬
‪(예조 관리)‬ ‪동뢰의 때는 왕자 궁에‬ ‪왕자가 먼저 도착하고‬"On the honeymoon night, the prince arrives at the prince's palace first. Then he leads his wife into the room.
‪이어서 들어오는 부인을‬ ‪방 안으로 인도한다‬Then he leads his wife into the room.
‪왕자는 서쪽을 향해 서서‬ ‪부인에게 읍을 하고‬The prince faces west and bows to his wife.
‪부인은 동쪽을 향해 서서‬ ‪두 번 절을 올린다‬His wife faces east and bows down to him twice.
‪왕자가 답절을 한 뒤‬After the prince bows down in return,
‪부인에게 다시 읍을 하고‬ ‪자리에 앉는다‬he bows to his wife once again and takes a seat."
‪[풀벌레 울음]‬ ‪[새가 짹짹 지저귄다]‬
‪[이태의 옅은 한숨]‬
‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬ ‪(상선)‬ ‪전하‬Your Majesty.
‪전하‬Your Majesty.
‪아침부터 무슨 소란이냐?‬What is all this fuss? Well, it's...
‪예, 그, 그것이...‬Well, it's...
‪[비밀스러운 음악]‬
‪(은임)‬ ‪뭡니까, 저 영감탱이들은?‬What's with those old fogeys?
‪- (아란) 저 얼굴에 뭐 묻었습니까?‬ ‪- (은임) 아니‬Is there something on my face? No.
‪[아란과 은임의 못마땅한 신음]‬No.
‪(시행)‬ ‪야, 누가 어쩌고, 쳇!‬Hey, what did you say?
‪아니, 소문을 지어내려면‬ ‪정성이라도 들이든가‬They should make a better effort before coming up with a rumor.
‪우리 송 서리가 뭐, 아유...‬Clerk Song? My gosh, come on.
‪(경묵)‬ ‪예, 제갈 주서님이 잘못 아셨습니다‬Yes, Scribe Jegal. You must be mistaken.
‪걔는 저하한테 대들어서‬ ‪쫓겨났으면 쫓겨났지‬It would make more sense if she talked back and got kicked out.
‪그런 짓 할 애가 아니라니까요?‬She wouldn't do such a thing.
‪- (시행) 그래, 인마‬ ‪- (주서) 아이, 진짜라니까, 어?‬-I'm telling you. -I'm serious.
‪(주서)‬ ‪김 나인이 박 내관한테 말하고‬ ‪박 내관이 최 서리한테 말해 준 거‬Court Lady Kim told Eunuch Park, and Eunuch Park told Clerk Choe,
‪내가 직접 들었다고‬and I overheard them talk.
‪(시행)‬ ‪어!‬Hey, Clerk Song.
‪야, 송 서리, 아니, 아니‬ ‪우리 송 권지가 얘기 좀 해 줘요‬Hey, Clerk Song. Wait, Apprentice Song, you should tell him the truth.
‪자꾸 이상한 소문 씨불이고 다닌다‬He keeps on spreading a weird rumor.
‪(은임)‬ ‪무슨 소문요?‬What rumor?
‪(홍익)‬ ‪아니, 글쎄 이걸 뭐라고 말하냐?‬Well, how can I put this? It's that, you know,
‪그러니까, 저, 송 서리가‬ ‪저기, 뭐시기...‬It's that, you know,
‪아이, 아침에 동궁전에서‬ ‪나오는 걸 누가 봤다고‬someone saw Clerk Song walk out of Dongungjeon this morning.
‪(아란)‬ ‪에이, 그게 무슨 말도 안 되는‬Come on, that makes no sense. Apprentice Song came in this morning with us...
‪송 권지는 오늘 아침에 우리랑 같이...‬Apprentice Song came in this morning with us...
‪같이 안 오기는 했는데‬She didn't come in with us.
‪(장군)‬ ‪송 서리, 너 왜 말이 없어?‬Clerk Song, why aren't you saying anything? Tell them it's not true.
‪빨리 아니라고 하라니까?‬Tell them it's not true.
‪[은임의 멋쩍은 웃음]‬
‪(은임)‬ ‪송 권지님?‬Apprentice Song?
‪동궁전에‬It's true
‪있었던 건 사실입니다‬ ‪[은임의 놀란 숨소리]‬that I was in Dongungjeon.
‪[비밀스러운 음악]‬
‪너, 너 지금 그게 무슨 뜻이야?‬Wait. What do you mean by that?
‪설마, 설마 저하랑...‬Wait, did you... Did you and His Royal Highness...
‪그런 게 아닙니다, 전...‬It's not like that. I...
‪(시행)‬ ‪그런 게 아니면 뭐?‬ ‪네가 왜 거기서 밤을 보내?‬Then what is it? Why would you spend the night there?
‪야, 너 지금 제정신이야, 어?‬Hey, are you out of your mind?
‪어떻게 사관이 그, 그...‬How can a historian be with...
‪[한림들의 한숨]‬
‪(치국)‬ ‪양 봉교님, 양 봉교님!‬Officer Yang! Officer Yang!
‪[헐떡이며]‬ ‪밖에, 밖에 상궁이 와 있습니다‬There's a court lady outside.
‪세자빈마마께서 송사희를 찾으신다고요‬Her Royal Highness is looking for Song Sa-hui.
‪(우원)‬ ‪안 된다고 전하거라‬Tell her that she cannot go.
‪민우원 봉교가 허락하지 않았다고 해‬Tell her Officer Min U-won said no.
‪(치국)‬ ‪아이, 저도 그렇게 말은 해 봤는데...‬-I tried telling her that, but... -I'll go.
‪(사희)‬ ‪다녀오겠습니다‬-I tried telling her that, but... -I'll go.
‪(우원)‬ ‪송 권지!‬Apprentice Song.
‪[위태로운 음악]‬
‪(아란)‬ ‪[발을 동동 구르며]‬ ‪어떡합니까?‬What will happen to her? What if something terrible happens to Apprentice Song?
‪송 권지 이러다 봉변이라도‬ ‪당하는 거 아니에요?‬What if something terrible happens to Apprentice Song?
‪(시행)‬ ‪쟤는 또 어디 가?‬Where is she going?
‪야, 구 서리!‬Apprentice Goo!
‪[시행의 힘겨운 신음]‬Your Royal Highness, Apprentice Song Sa-hui has arrived.
‪(상궁2)‬ ‪마마, 예문관 권지 송사희 들었사옵...‬Your Royal Highness, Apprentice Song Sa-hui has arrived.
‪[해령의 가쁜 숨소리]‬Your Royal Highness, Apprentice Song Sa-hui has arrived.
‪예가 어디라고 드는가? 물러가시게‬What do you think you're doing here? You should go back.
‪저희 예문관의 관원입니다‬She's an officer at the Office of Royal Decrees.
‪사관 없이는 독대하실 수 없습니다‬Her Royal Highness cannot meet her without a historian.
‪(세자빈)‬ ‪들라 하라‬Tell her to come inside.
‪다들 나가 있어‬I want all of you to stay outside.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪(세자빈)‬ ‪뻔뻔하구나‬ ‪무릎이라도 꿇을 줄 알았는데‬How brazen of you. I expected you to get on your knees.
‪그래, 우스울 만도 해‬I'm not surprised that you look down on me.
‪저하 곁에는 얼씬도 못 하는‬ ‪허수아비 세자빈이 투기를 하니‬I'm being jealous when I'm not even capable of approaching the Crown Prince.
‪같잖고 아니꼽겠지‬So you must find me foolish and revolting.
‪- (사희) 아닙니다‬ ‪- (세자빈) 아닌데 대체 왜!‬-That is not true. -Then why...
‪(세자빈)‬ ‪왜 죄스러운 기색이 하나도 없어?‬Why don't you look guilty at all?
‪'세자빈이 십수 년간 노력해도‬ ‪꿈쩍 않던 저하의 마음을'‬Is it because you feel superior thinking that you managed
‪'내가 한순간에 동하게 만들었다‬ ‪내가 저하를 차지했다'‬to sleep with His Royal Highness when I've failed to do so for over ten years?
‪그런 우월감인 것이야?‬when I've failed to do so for over ten years?
‪곧 애첩이 되어 궁에 눌러앉을 테니‬Do you not fear me because you're sure
‪세자빈 따위 무섭지도 않다는 것이야?‬that you’ll soon become his concubine?
‪(세자빈)‬ ‪착각하지 말거라‬Don't get mistaken.
‪네가 무슨 짓을 해도‬ ‪저하는 너의 사람이 되지 않아‬Regardless of how hard you try, His Royal Highness will never become yours.
‪그런 일‬I've never dared
‪감히 바라 본 적도 없습니다‬to even wish for something like that.
‪전 그저 저하께서‬All I wanted was for His Royal Highness
‪제 마음을‬to acknowledge
‪알아주셨으면 했습니다‬my feelings.
‪마음?‬Your feelings?
‪(세자빈)‬ ‪그 마음이 네게서 모든 것을‬ ‪앗아 갈 수 있다는 거‬Are you even aware that your feelings
‪네 인생을 망칠 수도 있다는 거‬could snatch everything away from you
‪알기는 하느냐?‬and ruin your life?
‪압니다‬Yes, I am.
‪후회하지 않습니다‬I do not regret it.
‪뭐라? 세자와 여사가?‬What? The Crown Prince and a female historian? Yes.
‪예, 게다가 그 여사가‬Yes. And she's apparently the Section Chief of Personnel's daughter,
‪좌상이 삼간택에 넣었던‬ ‪이조 정랑의 여식이라고 합니다‬And she's apparently the Section Chief of Personnel's daughter, one of the candidates for Prince Dowon's bride.
‪[기가 찬 웃음]‬
‪기특한 아이로구나‬How nice of her.
‪알아서 좌상의 일을 그르쳐 줬어‬She helped me ruin the Second State Councillor's plan.
‪하나 이번 일은‬ ‪저하께도 큰 추문이 될 겁니다‬However, this will turn into a big scandal for His Royal Highness.
‪지금이라도 나인들이‬ ‪거짓 소문을 퍼트렸다고 밝히면...‬We could say it was just a false rumor made by the court ladies...
‪(최 상궁)‬ ‪송구합니다, 마마‬I apologize, Your Majesty.
‪(상궁1)‬ ‪대비마마‬Your Majesty.
‪마마‬Your Majesty.
‪그간 귀체 만강하셨습니까?‬Have you been well?
‪(대비 임씨)‬ ‪고맙네‬Thank you.
‪민익평을 등지고 나서는 일이‬ ‪쉽지는 않았을 텐데 말이야‬I'm sure it wasn't easy to get on Min Ik-pyeong's bad side.
‪(백선)‬ ‪마마께서 부탁하신 일에‬ ‪고민할 여부가 있겠습니까?‬It was a request from you, so I had no reason to hesitate.
‪한데 좌상이 저의 전출을‬ ‪요구하고 있다 들었습니다‬But I heard that he's trying to have me transferred.
‪(대비 임씨)‬ ‪나도 들었네‬I also heard the news.
‪아쉽지만 이쯤에서‬ ‪한발 물러서야 할 거 같아‬It's a pity, but we will have to take a step back.
‪애초에 좌상이 세운 후보를‬ ‪막는 것이 목표였으니‬Our goal was to stop him from getting Prince Dowon to marry the candidate he had in mind.
‪자네의 훈련대장직을 잃으면서까지‬There's no reason to push ahead with the marriage
‪혼례를 진행시킬 필요는 없지‬when your current position is at risk.
‪(백선)‬ ‪예‬Yes, Your Majesty.
‪(대비 임씨)‬ ‪자네의 여식은‬ ‪내 좋은 혼처를 알아봐 줄 테니‬I'll try to find a decent husband for your daughter,
‪너무 상심하지 않도록‬ ‪잘 다독여 주시게‬so please console her so that she doesn't feel distressed.
‪(백선)‬ ‪염려치 마십시오‬Don't worry, Your Majesty.
‪(대비 임씨)‬ ‪자네, 도원을‬ ‪한번 보고 싶다고 했었던가?‬Didn't you once tell me that you wanted to meet Prince Dowon in person?
‪[장엄한 음악]‬
‪그분이십니까?‬Is that him?
‪서책을 좋아하시나 봅니다‬He must like reading books.
‪어려서부터 손에서 놓질 않는다더군‬He was always reading ever since he was young.
‪닮으셨습니다, 전하와‬He's very similar to His Majesty.
‪[문이 달칵 여닫힌다]‬
‪[재경의 옅은 웃음]‬
‪(재경)‬ ‪이리 주십시오‬Let me take that.
‪[재경의 옅은 신음]‬
‪[멋쩍은 숨을 내쉬며]‬ ‪왜 그러십니까?‬What's the matter?
‪여전하다 싶어서‬You haven't changed.
‪남의 손에 뭐 들려 있는 거‬ ‪못 보는 성격‬You still won't let others carry things.
‪그간 어찌 살아온 것이냐?‬How have you been?
‪그 아이와 너‬Both you and that girl.
‪(재경)‬ ‪처음 청국에 가서 몇 년은‬When I first went to Qing,
‪먹고살아야 된다는‬ ‪생각밖에 없었습니다‬I was only focused on making a living.
‪저는 상단에 들어가 통역을 하고‬I worked as an interpreter for merchants,
‪해령이는 절 따라다니며 돕고‬and Hae-ryung helped me as she followed me around.
‪그다음 몇 년은 또 전쟁이었습니다‬And I spent the next few years struggling
‪스승님께 무슨 일이 있었는지‬because Hae-ryung asked me every single day
‪우리가 왜 조선 땅을 떠나야 했는지‬regarding what happened to our teacher
‪매일같이 해령이가 물어 왔으니까요‬and why we had to leave Joseon.
‪해서 그 아이는‬ ‪어디까지 알고 있는 것이냐?‬So tell me. How much does she know?
‪[애잔한 음악]‬She thinks her father passed away because
‪누명을 쓰고 아버지가 죽었다‬She thinks her father passed away because
‪그리 알고 있습니다‬he was falsely accused.
‪언젠가는 알게 될 것이다‬She'll find out the truth one day.
‪그때는‬And when she does,
‪해령이도 널 용서하지 않을 거야‬she won't forgive you.
‪용서받을 수 있을 거라고‬ ‪생각한 적 없습니다‬I have never thought about being forgiven.
‪(재경)‬ ‪다만 해령이가 감당할 수 없을까 봐‬I'm just scared that Hae-ryung might not be able
‪그게 두렵습니다‬to cope with the truth.
‪제가‬The fact
‪스승님을 죽게 만들었다는 사실을요‬that I'm the one who made her father die.
‪[재경이 잔을 달칵 내려놓는다]‬
‪(아란)‬ ‪[놀라며]‬ ‪우와‬
‪왕실 혼례 물품이라 그런지‬ ‪때깔부터 다릅니다‬They look exquisite. I guess it's because they were made for the royal family.
‪이건 장인 중의 장인이 만든 솜씨인데‬This looks like it was made by a master craftsman.
‪[아란의 감탄하는 신음]‬
‪(삼보)‬ ‪이, 이것이 다 무엇이냐?‬What is all this?
‪(박 나인)‬ ‪수방에서 받아 온 겁니다‬We got it from the embroidery room. They need to check the size
‪의양은 맞는지 입어서 불편하지는‬ ‪않으신지 확인해야 한다고요‬We got it from the embroidery room. They need to check the size and whether His Highness finds them comfortable.
‪(삼보)‬ ‪이것들이 불난 집에 부채질을...‬Are you trying to make things worse?
‪꼭 오늘 해야 하느냐?‬-Must I do it today? -No, not exactly.
‪(최 나인)‬ ‪아니요, 그거는 아니옵고...‬-Must I do it today? -No, not exactly.
‪그럼 다음에 해‬Then let's do it next time.
‪(삼보)‬ ‪어여 나가, 얼른‬You should leave.
‪[삼보의 옅은 웃음]‬
‪마마‬Your Highness.
‪제가 사가를 몇 개 봐 뒀는데요‬I looked into a few houses outside of the palace.
‪(이림)‬ ‪나중에...‬I looked into a few houses outside of the palace. Tell me next time.
‪(삼보)‬ ‪에이, 그러지 마시고‬Please don't be like this.
‪이렇게 방에 있어 봤자 모기나 물리고‬ ‪얼굴만 푹푹 익어 가잖습니까‬If you stay indoors, you'll get bitten by mosquitos, and you'll feel really hot and stuffy.
‪이참에 바깥바람도 좀 쐬시고...‬Why don't you go outside and get some fresh air--
‪생각 없어‬I don't want to.
‪응, 그럼 일단 저 앞에 그 정원까지만‬ ‪걸어갔다 오시는 거는...‬Then why don't you at least take a walk to the garden-- I said, no.
‪생각 없대도‬I said, no. I know you don't want to, but just do it anyway!
‪(삼보)‬ ‪생각 없어도 좀 하십시오‬ ‪좀, 좀, 좀! 쯧‬I know you don't want to, but just do it anyway!
‪사방 천지가 다‬ ‪구 권지가 있었던 공간입니다‬This entire room is filled with memories of Apprentice Goo.
‪여기 가만히 이렇게 앉아 있는다고‬ ‪뭐가 나아지겠습니까?‬Nothing will get better if you just stay indoors like this. You should at least go outside and keep yourself busy
‪차라리 밖에서 몸이라도 바빠야‬You should at least go outside and keep yourself busy
‪구 권지 생각을 덜 하실 거 아닙니까?‬so you don't think about her too much.
‪좋게 생각해 보면‬If you think about it positively, this is your chance to get what you've always wanted.
‪마마께서 그렇게 고대하시던‬this is your chance to get what you've always wanted.
‪출합을 하는 겁니다, 출합‬You'll get to move out of the palace.
‪나가서 이 집 저 집 구경하고‬ ‪고르다 보면은‬You should go outside and take a look at a few houses.
‪'아, 그래, 여기서는‬ ‪이렇게 살면 되겠구나'‬Then you'll think about how you want to live in the future,
‪'삼보야, 삼보야', 응?‬and start chattering about it to me.
‪기분도 풀리고‬ ‪기운도 나시지 않겠습니까?‬It'll make you feel better and cheer you up. What do you say?
‪응?‬What do you say?
‪[애잔한 음악]‬
‪[삼보의 웃음]‬Let me tell you about this house.
‪(삼보)‬ ‪이 집으로 말할 거 같으면은‬Let me tell you about this house. The god of childbirth is very generous to those who live here.
‪어찌나 삼신할매가 점지를 잘해 주는지‬The god of childbirth is very generous to those who live here.
‪여기 사는 부인마다‬ ‪아들을 막 6명, 7명씩‬Every woman who lived here gave birth
‪그냥 숭숭 나게, 응?‬ ‪[삼보의 웃음]‬Every woman who lived here gave birth to at least six or seven sons.
‪[삼보의 어색한 웃음]‬
‪(삼보)‬ ‪이게, 이게 그 귀하다는‬This is the famous and priceless front gate that was made with the jujube tree that was struck by lightning.
‪벼락 맞은 대추나무로 만든‬ ‪그 대문입니다, 어?‬that was made with the jujube tree that was struck by lightning.
‪해서 그 나쁜 기운은 막아 주고‬ ‪재물 복은 불러들이고‬It blocks all the bad energy from coming inside and brings money to those who live here.
‪그야말로 만사형통!‬and brings money to those who live here. This house is filled with good luck.
‪(삼보)‬ ‪여기는 들어오는 부부마다‬ ‪잘 산다고 해서‬Every couple that lived here were happily married.
‪'연리재'라는 이름이 붙은 집입니다‬So they named this place Yeonrijae.
‪(이림)‬ ‪연리재?‬"Yeonrijae"?
‪더 자세히 말해 보거라‬Tell me more specifically.
‪아이, 아, 예, 예, 예‬Certainly, Your Highness.
‪두 나무가 붙어서 하나로 자라는 거를‬ ‪'연리지'라고 하지 않습니까?‬When the branches of two trees get tangled up, they eventually become one, and it is called "yeonriji."
‪(삼보)‬ ‪이 집에 들어오는 부부도 연리지처럼‬ ‪평생을 하나가 돼서‬And every married couple who lives here is known to live the rest of their lives as one
‪떨어지지 않고 오붓하게‬ ‪오붓하게 산다고 합니다‬is known to live the rest of their lives as one without ever breaking apart.
‪[삼보의 웃음]‬
‪[애잔한 음악]‬
‪(해령)‬ ‪'원컨대'‬"I hope
‪'내 사랑 오래오래 살아서'‬you live for a long time
‪'영원히 내 주인 되어 주소서'‬and be the owner of my heart."
‪(이림)‬ ‪[문을 쾅쾅 두드리며]‬ ‪구해령, 구해령!‬Hae-ryung!
‪구해령, 구해령!‬Hae-ryung!
‪구해령, 구해령!‬Hae-ryung!
‪(설금)‬ ‪아니, 뉘신대...‬Hae-ryung! Who are...
‪어? 아이...‬Who are...
‪아이, 아이, 저기‬
‪아유, 저기, 여기가 어디라고‬My goodness, where...
‪아니, 어디 가시는 거여, 지금?‬Where are you going?
‪[설금의 다급한 신음]‬
‪[설금의 난처한 신음]‬
‪아, 잠시만, 아유‬Wait.
‪아, 뭐 하시는 거예요?‬What are you doing?
‪밤중에 남의 집에, 어?‬ ‪쳐들어와서는...‬You can't just barge into someone's house like this.
‪아씨, 이 선비님이 갑자기‬Lady Hae-ryung, he just barged in here...
‪뛰어들어 와서...‬Lady Hae-ryung, he just barged in here...
‪[옅은 한숨]‬
‪돌아가십시오‬Please leave.
‪[애절한 음악]‬
‪(이림)‬ ‪내가‬I'll just...
‪다 버릴게‬abandon everything.
‪네가 대군의 부인으로 살기 싫다면‬You do not need to live as a prince's wife
‪그렇게 해 줄게‬if you don't want to.
‪내가‬I can just...
‪대군이 아니면 돼‬put down my title as a prince.
‪난 다 버릴 수 있어‬I can give up everything. I am fine
‪전부 다‬I can give up everything. I am fine
‪다 버릴 수 있어‬with abandoning everything.
‪(해령)‬ ‪마마...‬Your Highness. Let's just go to a place where no one knows us.
‪(이림)‬ ‪아무도 모르는 곳으로 가면 되잖아‬Let's just go to a place where no one knows us.
‪아무도 모르는 곳에 우리 둘이‬Let's go to a place where no one knows us
‪그냥 행복하게‬and live happily there.
‪넌 그냥 하고 싶은 걸 하고‬You can do what you want
‪가고 싶은 곳을 가고‬and go where you want.
‪난 그냥‬And I'll just...
‪[훌쩍이며]‬ ‪네 옆에 있고‬stay by your side.
‪그냥 그렇게‬That's all I want.
‪마마‬Your Highness.
‪현실은‬The world we live in
‪소설이 아닙니다‬isn't a novel.
‪그렇게 떠나 버리는 거‬Running away like that
‪소설 속에서는‬ ‪아름다운 결말일지 몰라도‬might sound like a beautiful ending when you read it in a novel,
‪현실은 다릅니다‬but the reality is different.
‪책을 덮어도 끝나지 않는‬Unlike a book that has an ending,
‪남은 생애 모든 나날들을‬we'll have to live the rest of our lives
‪마음속에 짐을 안고‬ ‪쫓기며 사는 겁니다‬feeling burdened and being chased.
‪그렇게 살 수 있어, 후회 안 해‬I'm fine with that. I won't regret it.
‪(해령)‬ ‪아니요‬No.
‪우린 시간이 갈수록 지칠 겁니다‬We will get tired as time goes by.
‪지치고 지쳐서‬We will eventually get exhausted
‪언젠가는 서로를 미워하고‬and end up hating each other one day.
‪오늘 이날의 선택을 후회하면서‬We will regret the choice we made
‪그렇게 살 겁니다‬and live in resentment.
‪약속할게‬I promise.
‪그러지 않겠다고 내가 맹세할게‬I won't ever feel that way. I swear.
‪[애잔한 음악]‬
‪저는 마마가 아니라‬It is not you that I do not trust.
‪저를 믿지 못하는 겁니다‬I just don't trust myself.
‪제가 어느 날 갑자기‬ ‪아주 작은 후회라도 하게 된다면‬What if I end up feeling the slightest bit of regret?
‪그리고 그게 커져서‬And what if that feeling grows,
‪마마를 탓하고 미워하면‬and I end up blaming and hating you?
‪견디실 수 있습니까?‬Will you be able to endure that?
‪그러니까 돌아가십시오‬So please go back.
‪저는 이만큼밖에 안 되는 사람입니다‬This is the best I can do.
‪부디 마음이 넓은 사람을 만나서‬I hope you meet someone who has a big heart
‪같은 곳을 바라보고‬that can walk beside you,
‪같은 걸 바라면서‬wish the same wishes,
‪사랑받고 사십시오‬and love you wholeheartedly.
‪마마께선 그러실 수 있습니다‬You can meet someone like that.
‪(이림)‬ ‪해령아‬Hae-ryung.
‪나한텐 네가‬You know
‪전부인 거 알잖아‬that you're everything to me.
‪미안해요‬I'm sorry.
‪난 그렇지가 않아서‬I don't feel the same way.
‪[애절한 음악]‬
‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬
‪[울먹이는 숨소리]‬ ‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬
‪(이진)‬ ‪가만히 당하고만 있을 사람이 아니다‬He will not just sit back.
‪그자가 네게 어떤 짓을 할지 몰라‬You never know what he might do to you. Her Majesty even took Prince Dowon?
‪(이태)‬ ‪도원까지 데리고...‬ ‪혹시라도 좌상이 이 일을 모르게 하라‬Her Majesty even took Prince Dowon? Make sure the Second State Councillor doesn't find out.
‪(해령)‬ ‪훌륭한 낭군감이십니다‬You will be a great husband.
‪그 어떤 여인에게도‬ ‪모자람이 없으십니다‬Any woman would be glad to have you as her husband. Ever since you came to Nokseodang,
‪(이림)‬ ‪네가 녹서당에 오면서부터‬ ‪나쁜 꿈은 한 번도 꾼 적이 없어‬Ever since you came to Nokseodang, I never once had a bad dream. You practically killed everyone
‪(대비 임씨)‬ ‪자네가 죽인 거나 다름없네‬ ‪주상도, 서래원 사람들도!‬You practically killed everyone including the King and the people of Seoraewon!
‪(해령)‬ ‪오라버니?‬Jae-gyeong?
‪(이림)‬ ‪내가 태어나던 날‬ ‪그 사람이 죽었다는 뜻이니까‬That means he died the day I was born. I saw the name "Ho Dam" near the royal villa.
‪이 행궁에서‬ ‪호담이라는 이름을 본 적이 있거든‬I saw the name "Ho Dam" near the royal villa.
‪(익평)‬ ‪살아 있을 이유도‬ ‪살아 있을 필요도 없습니다‬There's no reason or need for him to be alive!
‪도원 대군은 폐주의 적장자입니다‬Prince Dowon is the first son of the dethroned King.

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