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  청춘기록 2

Record of Youth 2


이런 행운이 어떻게 나한테 왔을까?

“I can’t believe I got this lucky.

살면서 이런 벅찬 순간이 ‪나한테 오다니

This is such an exciting moment of my life.

착하게  보람이 있구나

Living an honest life paid off.

정말 감사하면서 살아야겠다는 개뿔

I should be grateful.” Scratch all of that. Damn it.


 와중에 우리 혜준이는 ‪ 이렇게 멋있니?

But why was Hye-jun so handsome today?


‪[휴대전화 조작음] ‪[코를 훌쩍인다]

‪(정하) ‪착하게 사는 거랑 행복하게 사는 거랑 ‪무슨 상관이야?

Living an honest life doesn't mean I'll be happy in life.

‪[코를 훌쩍인다]

인생은 원래

Nasty people who don’t care about others

성질 못돼 처먹고 ‪ 배려  하는 인간이 위너야

Nasty people who don’t care about others always win in this life.

  하기를 ‪정말 잘했다는 생각이 들어

But I’m so glad that I decided to be your fan.


‪(혜준) ‪ 팬이었어요?

Are you my fan?

‪[밝은 음악]

‪[정하의 당황한 신음]

‪(정하) ‪뭐예요?



Do you like me?



‪(혜준) ‪아니라고 해야 되겠죠이해해요

You probably have to say that. I understand.

‪[정하의 어색한 웃음]

You probably have to say that. I understand.

진짜 아니라니까요?

No, I’m really not your fan.

알았어요아닌 걸로  줄게요

Okay. I'll believe you.

 사진   나온 것도 있는데

But I have better photos, you know.

 사람이 진짜

Come on.

알았다니까요 ‪아닌 걸로  준다잖아요

Okay. I got it. I said you’re not my fan.

내가 진짜   하려고 했는데

-I wasn’t going to say anything. -Gosh.

아유해도 괜찮아요

-I wasn’t going to say anything. -Gosh. You can say it.

원해효 팬이에요

I’m Won Hae-hyo’s fan.




I want Won Hae-hyo.

‪(정하) ‪ 사람이잖아요

Look. There are two people.

 본인이라고 확신해요?

How could you be sure that I’m your fan?

‪(혜준) ‪그러게내가  확신했지?

Right. Why was I so sure?

내가 좋아하기를 바랐어요?

Were you hoping I'd be your fan?

바란  아니라 팩트라고 착각했어요

No, I wasn't. I was mistaken that you were my fan.

오해할 만했어요

I can see how it could be misleading. I feel less humiliated now.

‪(혜준) ‪그러니까   쪽팔리네

I feel less humiliated now.

 착각하는  되게 싫어하거든요

I hate misunderstanding people.

‪[어색한 웃음]

‪[잔잔한 음악이 흘러나온다] ‪(1) ‪대박

No way.

‪- (2) 오빠! ‪- (3)  오빠 팬이에요어떡해!

-Hae-hyo. -I'm your fan.

‪(2) ‪사진 찍어 주시면  돼요?

-Can we take a photo? -Oh, my. -You're so handsome. -You're so hot.

죄송해요진짜 너무 멋있어요 ‪[팬들이 저마다 말한다]

-You're so handsome. -You're so hot. -Can we take a photo? -With my phone, please!

‪- (2) 하나 ‪- (1) 저희도 찍어 주세요

-Can we take a photo? -With my phone, please! -You're so handsome. -One, two, three.

‪- (4) 너무 잘생기셨어요 ‪- (해효하나

-You're so handsome. -One, two, three.

‪[팬들이 저마다 말한다] ‪(1) ‪너무 멋있어요

-My gosh. -You're so handsome.

‪[카메라 셔터음] ‪(5) ‪저도  찍어 주세요

-My gosh. -You're so handsome. -Can we take a photo, too? -All right.

‪(이영) ‪[웃으며] ‪

-Can we take a photo, too? -All right.

이제 여기까지 찍고 그만해요

That’s the last one, and let him go now.

 해효 엄마예요 ‪오해하지 말아요

I’m his mother. Please don’t get any wrong ideas.

‪(2) ‪어머니너무 미인이세요! ‪[팬들이 저마다 말한다]

-You're beautiful! -Bye.


-Ma'am! -I love you.

‪(3) ‪ 며느리예요

I'll be your daughter-in-law!

‪[팬들의 탄성]

‪[이영의 탄성]

  뭔데? ‪[이영의 웃음]

-What did you need to give me? -Congratulations.


-What did you need to give me? -Congratulations.

‪- ? ‪- (이영 아직 몰라?

-On what? -Did you not hear yet?

오디션 붙었어

You got the role. You’ll finally be in Choi Se-hun’s movie!

‪(이영) ‪네가 최세훈 감독 영화에 ‪출연하게 됐다고

You’ll finally be in Choi Se-hun’s movie!


근데 그걸 엄마가 어떻게 알았어?

But how did you find out?

연락해 봤어

-I called them. -You're such a Mama Bear.


-I called them. -You're such a Mama Bear.

극성 아니라 케어

No, I'm just taking care of you. You’re my creation.

 엄마 작품이야 ‪엄마는 너한테  걸었어

You’re my creation. I’m investing all I’ve got in you.

‪(해효) ‪엄마 자신한테 걸어

You should invest in yourself. Who knows? I might betray you later.

나중에 나한테 뒤통수 맞지 말고

Who knows? I might betray you later.

그렇게  할걸?

I doubt that you can once you find out everything I've done for you.

엄마가  위해 하는 모든  알면

once you find out everything I've done for you.

‪- 독립해야 되겠어 ‪- (이영

-I need to move out. -Hey.

‪(해효) ‪ 이제 들어가야 

I need to get back in now.

‪(이영) ‪  좋아?

Aren’t you happy? You got the role!

네가 됐다니까?

Aren’t you happy? You got the role!

반응이 너무  뜨겁다?

I thought you would be really excited. It’s complicated.


It’s complicated.

혜준이 때문에?

Is it because of Hye-jun?

‪(혜준) ‪아까 되게 떨렸겠어요

You must have been nervous earlier.

‪(정하) ‪왜요?


‪(혜준) ‪덕질 하는 상대를 처음 만났잖아요

You met your star for the first time.

거기다 스킨십도 있었고

And you got to touch him, too.

직접 닿지는 않았잖아요

It wasn't direct contact.

‪(혜준) ‪

직접  닿으면  떨리는구나

So you don’t get nervous unless it's direct contact.


No, I was nervous.

‪(정하) ‪얼마나 떨렸는지 알아요?

Do you know how nervous I was?

어제 밤부터 떨렸어요

I’ve been nervous since last night.

해효 좋은 애예요 ‪[부드러운 음악]

Hae-hyo is a good guy.

탁월한 덕질 인정

I approve of your choice.

‪(혜준) ‪ 살이에요?

How old are you?

나이 물어보면 실례인가?

Is it rude for me to ask that?


I’m 26. We’re the same age.

‪(정하) ‪우리 동갑이에요

I’m 26. We’re the same age.

‪(혜준) ‪어쩐지 친근하더라우리 친구네?

No wonder I felt like we could be friends. We’re the same age.


Should we speak casually, then?



‪(혜준) ‪이제 들어가야겠다

I need to get back in now.

‪(정하) ‪근데 여기  왔어?

But why did you come here?

설마  찾은 거야?

Were you looking for me?

‪(혜준) ‪ 아까 되게 억울했지?

What happened earlier wasn’t fair.

하지도 않았는데 했다고 오해받았잖아

You didn't steal her client, but she misread the situation.


Yes, it was totally unfair.

나도 그거 알거든

I know how that feels.


그런 눈빛으로  필요는 없어

You don’t have to look at me like that.

‪(혜준) ‪근데   단독 사진이 아니라 ‪같이 나온 사진으로 덕질 하냐?

But why did you use that photo as your wallpaper? I’m in it, too.


That’s confusing, you know.

‪(정하) ‪하고많은 스타 놔두고 ‪ 사혜준을 좋아하는지

I clearly realized today why I am a fan of Sa Hye-jun

오늘 확실히 알았다

out of all the celebrities.

그는 특별한 공감 능력을 갖고 있다

He has a special ability to connect with people.

‪[흥미진진한 음악] ‪[카메라 셔터음이 연신 울린다]

‪"옴므정 ‪서울"

‪[리드미컬한 음악이 흘러나온다] ‪[관객들의 환호성]

‪[백스테이지가 분주하다]

‪- (스태프수고하셨습니다 ‪- (해효수고했어

-Good work. -Good work.

‪(진우) ‪


사진 겁나 많이 찍었다 ‪ 중에  개나 건지겠냐?

I took a million photos today. How many do you think I can use?

‪(해효) ‪ 실력에 달렸겠지

It’s up to your photography skill.

‪(혜준) ‪아이뉘앙스가  저러냐?

Why would he say it like that? Hey, you are bad at this, too. Let's see who wins.

너도 사진  찍잖아 ‪누가 이기나 붙어 

Hey, you are bad at this, too. Let's see who wins.

‪(진우와 해효) ‪내가 이기지!

-I'll win. -I'll win. -Jinx. -Jinx!

‪- (해효찌찌뽕 ‪- (진우뽕찌찌나만의 열쇠

-Jinx. -Jinx! Buttercup!

‪(혜준) ‪[웃으며] ‪나이 먹어도 하는 짓은 초딩이야

Buttercup! You still act like elementary school kids.

‪(진우) ‪초딩  만났으니까 초딩이지 ‪ 유딩이야 자식아

We did meet in elementary school. -But I met you in kindergarten. -Fine. Good for you.

‪(혜준) ‪그래 잘났다 자식아

-But I met you in kindergarten. -Fine. Good for you.

‪(진주) ‪화장 지워 줄게요앉아요

I'll remove your makeup. Sit. Okay. I’m sorry. You should be getting off work.

‪(해효) ‪퇴근하셔야 되는데  때문에

Okay. I’m sorry. You should be getting off work.

‪(진주) ‪괜찮아요

It’s okay.

‪(혜준) ‪클렌징 내가 할게

Give me the cleanser. I’ll do it.

‪(해효) ‪ 반말?

-Why are you speaking casually to her? -Say hi, guys.

‪(혜준) ‪너희들 인사해

-Why are you speaking casually to her? -Say hi, guys.

우리 친구 먹기로 했어

We’re friends now.


I’m Kim Jin-u.

‪[웃음] ‪(해효) ‪이런 친화력  같으니

You’re so sociable.

너한테는 수줍음이라는  없냐?

Don’t you ever get shy?

‪(진우) ‪그런   키운다나는

No, never. -What’s your name? -It's An Jeong-ha.

‪- (진우이름이 뭐야? ‪- (정하안정하

-What’s your name? -It's An Jeong-ha.


"An Jeong-ha"? You want to be stable? You have a fun name.

 이름 대따 재밌다

You have a fun name.

원해효 원해요? ‪ 이름도 대따 재밌다?

"Won Hae-hyo"? What do you want? You have a fun name too.

‪[혜준 일행과 정하의 웃음]

You’re in! She’s one of us. Let's be good friends, Jeong-ha.

‪(진우) ‪합격 친구가 우리 과네

You’re in! She’s one of us. Let's be good friends, Jeong-ha.

친하게 지내자정하야

You’re in! She’s one of us. Let's be good friends, Jeong-ha.

그러면은 친구  기념으로 ‪ 같이 밥이나 먹으러 가자

All right. Let’s go and have a meal with our new friend.

‪(혜준) ‪

We're up against Japan today. We can eat while watching the game.

‪(해효) ‪한일전 하는  알지? ‪그거 보면서  먹으면 되겠다

We're up against Japan today. We can eat while watching the game. -I'm buying with the money I earned today. -Did they already pay you?

오늘  돈으로 쏜다내가

-I'm buying with the money I earned today. -Did they already pay you?

‪(진우) ‪ 벌써 들어왔어?

-I'm buying with the money I earned today. -Did they already pay you? They will. I’m using it in advance.

‪(해효) ‪아유들어올 거잖아 ‪미리 당겨 쓰는 거지

They will. I’m using it in advance. That's so you.

‪(진우) ‪역시

That's so you. I have something to take care of. Decide where we’re going.

‪(혜준) ‪ 잠깐 갔다 올게 ‪어디 갈지 정하고 있어

I have something to take care of. Decide where we’re going.

‪(진우) ‪어디 가는데

Where are you going?

‪(찰리) ‪수고했어요스페이스가 아주

Great job. The space you have here…

마음에 들어요

-is to my liking. -Thank you.

‪(디렉터) ‪감사합니다

-is to my liking. -Thank you.

‪(혜준) ‪말씀 중에 죄송한데

I'm sorry to interrupt.

잠깐 시간   주세요

-Can you spare me a moment? -What?

‪(디렉터) ‪?

-Can you spare me a moment? -What?

저기 가서 기다리고 있어

Okay. Can you wait for me over there?

‪(찰리) ‪아니야얘기해

No, you guys talk. I’m done here.

 얘기 끝났어

No, you guys talk. I’m done here.

‪(디렉터) ‪뭔데?

What’s this about?

오늘 모델료  통장으로  

Can you pay me directly for today’s show?

‪(디렉터) ‪귀찮게 ?

That’s a hassle. Why?

 에이전시랑 끝났냐?

-Did you end it with your agency? -Yes. Pay me fast.


-Did you end it with your agency? -Yes. Pay me fast.

‪(디렉터) ‪알았다자식아

-Did you end it with your agency? -Yes. Pay me fast. You got it, punk.

‪(찰리) ‪혜준아


 나한테는   없냐?

Don’t you have anything to tell me?

‪[밝은 음악]

‪(혜준) ‪차가 최고 출력이 374마력이라는데

I heard this car goes up to 374 horsepower at max.

차가 정지 상태에서 100km까지 ‪가속 시간이 4.6초래요

It can reach 100km per hour in just 4.6 seconds.

이런 차는   밟아 줘야 되는데

You must drive faster with a car like this.

‪[웃으며] ‪ 되지

No. I should be on the Autobahn, then.

‪(찰리) ‪아우토반 가야지

No. I should be on the Autobahn, then.

‪(찰리) ‪운전할래?

Do you want to drive?


Sounds great.

‪[혜준이 안전벨트를 딸깍 푼다]

‪[혜준의 웃음]

‪[밝은 음악]

‪[ 문이  닫힌다]

‪[ 문이  닫힌다]

‪[카드 인식음] ‪[부드러운 음악이 흘러나온다]

‪(찰리) ‪여긴 처음이지?

Isn’t this your first time here?

‪(혜준) ‪

Yes, it is.

배고프지는 않아?

Aren't you hungry?


I am.

‪(찰리) ‪간단하게 기분 좋게 먹자

Let's have a simple, delightful meal.

‪[혜준의 의아한 신음]

‪(찰리) ‪네가 좋아하는 관자야

It's scallop, your favorite.

‪(혜준) ‪여기  제가 좋아하는 것들이에요 ‪먹어도 돼요?

I like everything on this table. -Can I eat it? -Sure.

‪(찰리) ‪그럼

-Can I eat it? -Sure.


‪(찰리) ‪와인 네가 

You can open the wine bottle.

‪[포크를  내려놓는다]

‪(혜준) ‪다른 사람들은 언제 와요?

When are the others coming?


No one is coming.

너도  바닥 알지?

You know how this industry works.

처음에는  그렇게 시작해스폰 끼고

That's how they all start. They have sponsors.

‪(혜준) ‪선생님


 선생님 존경해요

-I respect you. -Respect is a form of love.

존경도 사랑의 일종이야

-I respect you. -Respect is a form of love.

스폰은 비즈니스예요

But sponsorship is a business.

‪(찰리) ‪속여서 미안해

I'm sorry I lied to you.

나랑 둘이 있는다고 하면 ‪네가  온다고   같았어

I thought you wouldn't come if I told you it would be just you and me.

‪[찰리의 옅은 한숨]

My love for you is too big

이런 무리수를  만큼 ‪내가 너에 대한 마음이 

My love for you is too big that I was even willing to deceive you like this.

비즈니스 아니야 ‪ 처음 봤을 때부터

It's not about money. The first time I set my eyes on you--

그만하시는  좋을  같아요

I think you should stop here.

끝까지 들어!

Let me finish.

시작했으니까 멈추고 싶지 않아

I don't want to stop now that I developed feelings for you.

거절당한다고 해도

I won't stop even if you turn me down.

‪[차분한 음악]

선생님께 상처 주고 싶지 않아요

I don't want to hurt you, sir.

‪[멀어지는 발걸음]

하실 말씀 있으면 하세요

If you need to talk to me, go ahead.


You’re so cold. That’s what makes you hot, though.

그게  매력이지만

You’re so cold. That’s what makes you hot, though.


-Do you need money? -I always need money.

돈은 언제나 필요하죠

-Do you need money? -I always need money.

‪(찰리) ‪그러게 5 전에   들었으면

If you listened to me five years ago, you wouldn’t be

지금  모양이겠냐?

where you are now.

 지금  모양 싫지 않아요

I don't hate the life I have now

좋지도 않지만

although I'm not thrilled about it.

내가  에이전시가 되어 줄게

I’ll be your agent.

‪(찰리) ‪배우가 되고 싶다면 ‪배우가  때까지 스폰도  주고

If you want to be an actor, I can sponsor you until you become an actor.


I'm sorry.

마지막 기회야

This is your last chance.

시간 줄게일주일

I’ll give you a week to think it over.

‪[태커 작동음]

‪[영남의 아파하는 신음]

‪(장만) ‪어유괜찮아?

Are you okay?

‪[영남의 아파하는 신음]

그러게 내가 한다니까

I told you I’d do it.

‪[영남의 한숨]

I should at least be able to do one-third of it, if not half.

‪(영남) ‪반은  해도 3분의 1 해내야지

I should at least be able to do one-third of it, if not half.


I’m a burden to you.

민폐는 뭐가 민폐야?

No, you’re not a burden to me. To be honest, I’m partially responsible for your shoulder injury, too.

‪(장만) ‪사실 형님 어깨 다친 데는 ‪ 지분도 있잖아

To be honest, I’m partially responsible for your shoulder injury, too.

형님은  얘기  하지만  알잖아

I know you don’t talk about it, but I know.


‪[영남의 아파하는 신음]

‪(장만) ‪한동안 잠잠하더니 ‪ 스트레스받는  있었어?

It looked like your shoulder was doing okay for a while. Are you stressed out?

혜준이 입영 통지서 나왔어

Hye-jun got the draft notice.

‪(영남) ‪진작 갔다 왔으면  좋아?

It would’ve been better if he'd already done it.

갔다 오면 서른이야

It would’ve been better if he'd already done it. Once he comes back, he’ll be 30.

내가  때문에 잠이  온다

I can’t get any sleep because of him.

‪(장만) ‪진우도 딱히 시원한 꼴은 없어

Jin-u isn’t exactly doing better, either.

‪[아파하는 신음]

That’s it. Go home.

아이 되겠다집에 

That’s it. Go home.

있어 봤자 ‪내가 신경 쓰여서 일을  

That’s it. Go home. I won’t be able to focus with you here.

그럼 이번 일은 3  7 

Then let's split the pay by three to seven.

‪(장만) ‪내가 대장이니까 내가 알아서 할게

I’m the boss here. I’ll take care of it.

병원   ‪대충 파스 붙이지 말고?

Go to the hospital. Don’t just put on pain relief patches. Okay?

‪(영남) ‪알았어

Okay, I got it.


‪(애숙) ‪마음에 드세요?

Do you like it? Your son sent the flowers to make you feel better,

아드님이 어머니 기분 전환하시라고 ‪보내서 엄청 신경 썼어요

Your son sent the flowers to make you feel better, so I tried my best.

‪( 여사) ‪[놀라며] ‪이쁘다

How beautiful.

경준 엄마는 손재주가 좋아

You’re so good with your hands. I even won an award at a drawing contest in middle school,

중학교  사생 대회 나가서 ‪  적도 있어요

I even won an award at a drawing contest in middle school,

엄마 일찍 돌아가시는 바람에 ‪ 날아갔어요

but nothing came of it since my mother passed away when I was young.

엄마가 오래 살아야 자식한테는 좋지

It’s better for children when their mothers live long.

‪- 오래오래 사세요 ‪- ( 여사그거 욕이다

-You should live a long life, ma’am. -Hey, that’s a curse.

‪[웃음] ‪( 여사) ‪ 놀다 올게

-I’m going out. -Okay.

-I’m going out. -Okay.


This is great.

‪[애숙이 컵을  내려놓는다] ‪[휴대전화 진동음]


-Hey. -Ae-suk, Yeong-nam went to the hospital.

‪(경미) ‪언니오빠 병원 갔대 ‪어깨  말썽 부렸나 

-Hey. -Ae-suk, Yeong-nam went to the hospital. His shoulder must've acted up again.

 어깨는 진짜

That darned shoulder!

그럼 장만 씨가   하겠네?

Then, Jang-man must be doing all the work.

어휴혜준이 때문에 ‪스트레스 많이 받나 보다

He must have been stressed out because of Hye-jun.

‪(경미) ‪이번에 군대 간다며?

I heard he’s going to the military this time.

아직 몰라

We don't know yet. He auditioned for a role.

오디션   있는데 ‪그거 붙으면    미룰 거야

We don't know yet. He auditioned for a role. If he gets it, he’ll postpone it again.

됐으면 좋겠다

I hope he gets it.

‪(경미) ‪지금 군대 가면 너무 어중간하잖아

If he goes now, his career would be halted. And all of his efforts would come to nothing.

여태까지    헛고생 되고

And all of his efforts would come to nothing.


Hopefully, it will work out.

‪(경미) ‪너무 남의 일처럼 얘기하는  아니야?

You don't sound interested at all. Hae-hyo's mom has been helping him with his career,

해효는  엄마가 팍팍 밀어줘서 ‪CF 나오더구먼

Hae-hyo's mom has been helping him with his career, so he even filmed a commercial.

해효가 잘해서  거야

He got it because he's good.

아유 언니 이렇게 순진하다

Gosh. You're so naive.

자기 힘으로 일어서야 ‪그걸 지킬  있는 거야

He must build his career on his own to protect it.

아휴혜준이 힘들겠어

It must be hard for Hye-jun.

‪(경미) ‪집에서 밀어주는 사람 하나도 없어서

No one in his family is helping him. All right. Let's start our class now.

‪(강사) ‪수업 시작하도록 하겠습니다

All right. Let's start our class now.

‪[신나는 음악이 흘러나온다] ‪언니  봐야겠다흔들러

Ae-suk, I must go. It's time for me to dance.

‪[통화 종료음]

좋겠다흔들고   있어서

Lucky you. You have time for dance.

‪[휴대전화를  내려놓는다]

‪[익살스러운 음악]

‪[민기가 쩝쩝거린다]

Gosh, this is good.

‪(민기) ‪아유맛있네

Gosh, this is good.

얘는  며느리지만 ‪진짜  아들한테는 아까운 애야?

She's my daughter-in-law and all, but she’s too good for my son.

‪[탄성] ‪[젓가락을  내려놓는다]

집에 있으니까 너무 좋네

It’s so nice to stay at home. I would have to pay for everything if I go out.

나가면 죄다 돈이고

I would have to pay for everything if I go out.

‪[흥미로운 음악]

‪[문이 달칵 여닫힌다]

집에 있었네?

You were home.

‪(민기) ‪집밥이 좋아

Yes. I like home-cooked meals.

‪(영남) ‪춤추는  좋은  아니고?

I thought you liked dancing.

‪[난처한 숨소리]

  먹었으면 여기 앉아같이 먹게

If you didn’t eat yet, sit down and join me.

됐어 ‪[아파하는 숨소리]

I’m good.

어깨  아파?

Does your shoulder hurt again? Did you go to the hospital?

‪(민기) ‪병원 갔다 왔어?

Does your shoulder hurt again? Did you go to the hospital?

병원은 공짜로 ?

Hospitals aren't free.

돈보다 건강이  중요하지

Health is more important than money.

어차피 죽을  뭐가 그렇게 중요해?

I’m going to die in the end. Why is that so important?

‪(영남) ‪아버지처럼 자기  ‪끔찍이 아끼는 사람도 아마 드물 거다

Not everyone is awfully health-conscious like you.

내가 아프면 네가 힘들어지잖아 ‪그거라도  줘야지

If I get sick, it will only make things worse for you. This is the least I can do.

암튼 말은 잘하지

You’re a smooth talker, aren’t you?

‪(민기) ‪  말이라도  잘해 보지 그러냐?

Why don’t you be one, too? Seriously.

아무튼 말하는  보면

The way he talks to me

‪[문이 스르륵 여닫힌다] ‪먹던 것도 뺏어서 ‪버리고 싶게 한다니까?

makes me want to steal his food and throw it out.

‪[잔잔한 음악] ‪[새가 지저귄다]

‪[플라스틱 용기가 우르르 쏟아진다]

‪[애숙의 웃음]

‪(애숙) ‪아버님 좋아하시겠다

Father will like this.

남자 잠바 없나? ‪ 나갈  입히면 좋은데

Is there a men’s jacket? He needs a jacket to go to work.

맞을  같다

This will fit.

근데 샀다 그러면  믿을 텐데

But if I say I bought it, he won’t believe me.

주워 왔다 그러면  입을 거고

And I'm sure he won't wear it if I tell him the truth.

뭐가 이쁘다고 갖다줘?

He doesn’t deserve this.

‪[아파하는 신음]


‪[아파하는 신음]

My goodness.

‪[영남의 못마땅한 신음]

Damn it.

‪(영남) ‪아버지!



What is it?

내가 파스 붙여 줄까?

Do you need help with the patch?

‪(민기) ‪아유요거 고질병 됐어

It’s turning into a chronic condition.

이래서 일은   있는 거야?

Will you be able to work?

일을   있어서 하나? ‪해야 되니까 하지

I work because I have to, not because my body can take it.

기다려 봐라?

You just wait. When I win the lottery, you won’t have to work.

‪(민기) ‪아버지가 복권에 당첨되면 고생 끝이야

When I win the lottery, you won’t have to work. You always hope to get lucky.

‪(영남) ‪그렇게 평생 요행 바라고 사니까 ‪아버지가 지금 이렇게 사는 거야

You always hope to get lucky. That’s why you’re living like this.

‪(민기) ‪ 틈만 나면 가르치더라?

You always lecture me whenever you get a chance.

   말이 없어 가만있는  아냐?

Do you think I have nothing to say to that? Yes. That's why you’re not saying anything back. I know you.

‪(영남) ‪  없으니까 가만히 있지 ‪아버지 성격에

Yes. That's why you’re not saying anything back. I know you. Don’t say something like that to Hye-jun.

‪(민기) ‪혜준이한테 그러지 말아

Don’t say something like that to Hye-jun.

우환덩어리가 뭐냐? ‪어제는 내가  막았지만 ‪[한숨]

How can you call your son a burden? I was there to stop you last night, but you’re not supposed to say something like that to your son.

그런  자식한테 하면  되는 거야 ‪말이  된다고

but you’re not supposed to say something like that to your son. Words have power. Did you think I wanted to say that to him?

‪(영남) ‪오죽하면 그러겠어

Did you think I wanted to say that to him?

자식  몰라라 하고 ‪ 밖으로  사람이

You never took care of your child. All you did was go out and play.

자식 걱정이 뭔지나 알겠어?

You wouldn’t know how to take care of one.

 너무 애가 공격적이야

You’re too aggressive.

‪(민기) ‪나이 60   갖고 ‪부모 잘못 감싸 주지는 못하고

You’re almost 60 now. Instead of embracing my mistakes,

말끝마다 갈구냐?

all you ever do is criticize me at every chance you get. Seriously? That's why you’d never get lucky. Got that?

그러니 네가 복을 받겠냐?

That's why you’d never get lucky. Got that? You can put it on yourself.

네가 붙여인마!

You can put it on yourself.

까불고 있어

How dare you talk to me that way?

‪[영남의 당황한 숨소리]

붙여 주고 나가지 ‪[문이  닫힌다]

You could just put it on before you go. Come on.

‪[영남의 한숨] ‪[잔잔한 음악]

‪(영남) ‪ 속을 누가 알겠어?

No one can understand me.

 단추 잘못 꿰면 망하는  평생이야

Starting off on the wrong foot can ruin you completely!

아버지는 평생 살고도 그걸 모르냐?

How could you not know that when you have experienced it firsthand?

‪[영남의 한숨]

‪[민기의 탄성]

‪[문이  닫힌다] ‪(민기) ‪아버지 봐라?

Look at me.

너처럼 똥고집  부리고 ‪금방 잘못한  깨닫고 들어오잖아

I’m not stubborn like you. I realized my mistake and came back right away.

사람이 반성을 해야 잘되는 거야

People must accept their mistakes to have a successful life.

가르치려면 자기 인생 정도는 ‪성공한 사람이 하는 거야

If anyone is going to lecture me, he should at least have a successful life.

‪(영남) ‪아버지처럼 실패한 인생

Someone with a failed life like you--

‪[영남의 아파하는 신음]

그러지 말고

Hey, forget about the patches. Let’s go to the hospital.

병원 가자?

Hey, forget about the patches. Let’s go to the hospital.

‪(민기) ‪그깟  얼마나 아낀다고 ‪너보다 귀하겠냐?

I don’t care about the cost. It can’t be more important than your health.

‪(영남) ‪아버지가 그러니까 ‪평생 가난하게 사는 거야

This is why you’ve been poor all your life.

‪[영남의 힘겨운 숨소리]

Unlike you, I won’t be a burden to my children.

 자식들한테 민폐   거야

Unlike you, I won’t be a burden to my children.

‪[영남의 힘주는 신음]

‪(혜준) ‪다들 어디 갔어?

Where is everyone?

‪(정하) ‪밖에


‪-   여기 있어? ‪- (정하 일하러 가야 

-Why are you still here? -I still have work left.

아까  얘기  했어?

Why didn’t you say that earlier?

‪(정하) ‪그때 얘기하면 분위기  좋아지잖아 ‪내가 뭐라고

Then, I would have ruined the mood. I’m a nobody.


That's not true.

‪[흥미로운 음악] ‪(혜준) ‪ 다시 가야 ?

Are you going back to the salon?

‪(정하) ‪아니 메이크업 버스킹해 ‪개인적으로 짬짬이

No, I do free makeup lessons on the street in my free time.

‪(혜준) ‪ 되게 열심히 사는구나

You’re so diligent.

보통  팬들이 그러는데

Usually, my fans are diligent.

 팬들이 괜찮긴 

Your fans are pretty good.

인정 잘하는  보니까 해효  맞네

Seeing how you're quick to agree, you're his fan.

해효랑 아직도 친한가 

I see you're still close with him. You’ve been friends since elementary school.

‪(정하) ‪초등학교 때부터 지금까지 

I see you're still close with him. You’ve been friends since elementary school.

그런  되게 어렵지 않아?

Isn’t it hard to stay friends that long? You know that we’ve been friends since elementary school?

해효랑 나랑 초등학교 때부터 ‪친구인 것도 알아?

You know that we’ve been friends since elementary school?

‪(정하) ‪같은 동네다른 느낌인 것도 알아

You live in the same district, but different neighborhoods.

‪[정하가 화장품을 달그락거린다]

You live in the same district, but different neighborhoods.

해효 팬이라면서 나도 같이  거야?

You said you’re Hae-hyo’s fan. Did you look into me too?

‪(혜준) ‪대답하기 싫다?

You don’t want to answer that?

‪[화장품을 달그락 집으며] ‪하긴내가 뭐라고

Right. I’m a nobody.


That's not true!

‪(혜준) ‪ 소리를 질러?

Why are you yelling at me? That makes me almost believe that I'm a nobody.

네가 그러니까 ‪진짜 내가 뭐가 아닌  같잖아

That makes me almost believe that I'm a nobody.

‪(정하) ‪그렇네내가  그랬지?

Right. Why did I yell?

‪(혜준) ‪그걸 나한테 물으면 어떡하니? ‪ 마음인데

Why are you asking me that? It was you who yelled.

물은  아니고 혼잣말이고 ‪[흥미로운 음악]

I wasn't asking you why. I was talking to myself.

‪(정하) ‪생각해 보니까

But think about it.

‪'뭐라니'라는 말은 ‪자신을 비하하는 말이잖아

You say something like that when you are belittling yourself.

누가 됐든 그런  쓰는  싫어

I don't want anyone to say that. That's why I was strongly showing you my disapproval.

그래서 내가 강력하게 어필한 거지

That's why I was strongly showing you my disapproval.

네가 먼저 썼어

You said it first.

‪(혜준) ‪ 네가 무안하지 않게 리액션  거야

I was just responding to what you said, so you don't feel bad.

 억울한   참는 성격이구나

You can't stand being unfairly treated.

어떻게 알았어?

How did you know?

지금 무안당하면서 알았지

I just found out when you corrected me.

‪[혜준과 정하가 피식 웃는다]


FOLLOWERS, 553K He has 553,000 followers.

‪(이영) ‪55 3

He has 553,000 followers.

생각 같아서는 ‪  하면 좋겠는데

If I could, I want to buy 10,000 followers,

이슈도 없는데 그러면  나지?

but he’s not on any projects. It'll look suspicious.

영화 캐스팅된  기사 나면 ‪ 올려야지

I'll hike it up when the articles about the movie get published. INCREASE THE NUMBER OF FOLLOWERS

‪[이영이 키보드를  누른다]




‪[다가오는 발걸음] ‪[마우스 클릭음]


‪[컴퓨터 알림음]

PAYMENT SUCCESSFUL You’ve been lounging around now that your exams are over.

‪(이영) ‪ 시험 끝났다고 맨날 빈둥빈둥이야

You’ve been lounging around now that your exams are over. I told you to stop eating chips. You’ll get fat.

과자 그만 먹으랬잖아살쪄

I told you to stop eating chips. You’ll get fat.

‪(해나) ‪엄마는 사람 못살게 구는  ‪일가견 있어

Sure. You have a knack for torturing people.

 하는 거야?

What are you up to?

‪(이영) ‪아무것도 아니야


‪(해나) ‪아무것도 아닌데  덮어?

If it's nothing, why did you close it?

‪[안경을 만지작거린다]


-Is it… -What?

‪(이영) ‪혹시 ?

-Is it… -What?

‪(해나) ‪요즘 강남 사모님들 ‪남자 친구 있는  유행이라던데?

I heard having a boy toy is trending among housewives in Gangnam. Watch your language.

 하는 소리가 없다

Watch your language.

‪(이영) ‪ 아빠가 재미없긴 해도

Your father can be boring, but I’m very ethical.

엄마는 도덕적인 사람이야

Your father can be boring, but I’m very ethical.

‪(해나) ‪아니면 말고


‪- (이영   볼래? ‪- (해나고리타분해

-Should I set up a blind date for you? -That’s so lame. Then, find a guy when you go to law school.

‪(이영) ‪그럼 로스쿨 가면 거기서 하나 골라

Then, find a guy when you go to law school.

알아서 할게

-I’ll handle it. -Suit yourself.

‪(이영) ‪그럼 알아서 하시고 ‪결혼은  마음대로는  

-I’ll handle it. -Suit yourself. But you can’t just marry whoever you want. Everyone in the family must approve.

가족 모두 합의해야 

Everyone in the family must approve.

엄마랑 10 이상 마주하면  

I shouldn’t talk to you for more than ten minutes.

스트레스 지수가  올라

My stress level is rising.

 백화점  건데

I’m going to a department store. I saw a cute pair of sneakers from Chanel.

‪(이영) ‪샤넬 스니커즈 이쁜  나왔더라?

I saw a cute pair of sneakers from Chanel.


지금  거야?

Are we leaving now?

끝까지  편은 엄마야

I'm the one who'll stay by your side no matter what.

머리 좋은 애니까 긴말  

You’re a smart girl, so I’ll stop here.

믿는다는 말로 편애를 퉁치려고?

Is that how you want to get away with your favoritism? You're all about him.

오빠한테  신경이   있잖아

You're all about him. All I get from you is some expensive stuff.

나한테 가끔 명품 던져 주고 때우고

All I get from you is some expensive stuff. You just wait. Once I'm done with Hae-hyo, you're next.

‪(이영) ‪기다려오빠 작업 끝나면 너니까

You just wait. Once I'm done with Hae-hyo, you're next.

‪[해나의 못마땅한 신음]

백화점  ?

-Aren’t we going to the department store? -I have to change.

‪(이영) ‪ 갈아입어야지

-Aren’t we going to the department store? -I have to change.

‪(진우) ‪다리 떠는  보니까 뭐가 있구먼

You’re shaking your leg, so something must be up.


What is it?

영화 오디션 연락 왔어

-I got the role in the movie. -Tell him.


-I got the role in the movie. -Tell him.

아니면 혜준이 ‪계속 떨면서 기다려야 되잖아

If you don’t, he will keep waiting to hear back.

말하기가  그런 

It’s not that easy.

이번에 떨어지면 군대 간다 그랬어

He said he'll join the military if he's not cast.

‪(진우) ‪그러니까

Seriously. When I asked him to serve in the military with me, he said no.

   같이 가자고 하니까 ‪그렇게  가더니

Seriously. When I asked him to serve in the military with me, he said no. He was preparing for a show with Gucci, so he couldn't.

‪(해효) ‪그때는 구찌 무대 준비했을 때잖아 ‪어떻게 가냐?

He was preparing for a show with Gucci, so he couldn't.

‪(진우) ‪혜준이한테 영화사에 연락하라 그럴까?

Should we tell him to call the studio?

영화사 오늘 놀아

They are closed today.

네가 말해라

-You should tell him. -No, I can’t do that.

그건 아니지

-You should tell him. -No, I can’t do that.

‪(진우) ‪ 당사자가 아니잖아 ‪디렉트로 듣는  제일 좋아

I didn’t get the role. It’s best to hear it from you.

‪(해효) ‪그럼 어떡해?

-Then, what do I do? -Tell him when he’s in a good mood.

‪(진우) ‪기분 좋을  말해

-Then, what do I do? -Tell him when he’s in a good mood. I don't know when he'll be in a good mood.

‪(해효) ‪걔가 언제 기분 좋을지 어떻게 아냐?

I don't know when he'll be in a good mood.

‪(진우) ‪오늘 한일전

Hey, the match against Japan. What if we win the soccer match?

축구 이기면 어떨  같냐?

Hey, the match against Japan. What if we win the soccer match?

‪[무릎을  치며] ‪죽이네요?

-That's awesome. -Yes.

‪(진우) ‪그래 ‪[탄성]

-That's awesome. -Yes. Nice.

‪(진우) ‪


‪(정하) ‪이제 

Now, give it back. I’ll carry it to the bus stop. It’s heavy.

‪(혜준) ‪버스 타는 데까지  줄게무거워

I’ll carry it to the bus stop. It’s heavy.

‪(정하) ‪괜찮아맨날 드는 거야

It’s fine. I carry this all the time.

 애가 되게 독립적이다

You’re so independent.

기댈 데가 없어서 그래

I have no one to rely on.


That's a surprise.

기댈  많이 가진  알았어 ‪해효 팬이라 그래서

I thought you grew up comfortably because you said you were Hae-hyo’s fan.


Why is that?

보통 자신하고 비슷한 사람한테 ‪끌리지 않냐?

Aren’t you drawn to people who are similar to you?

‪(혜준) ‪ 그러거든

Well, that’s the case with me.

‪(진우) ‪  거야?

Are you coming?

‪(혜준) ‪간다

I’m coming!

그럼 나중에 보자

See you later then.

‪(정하) ‪나중에 어떻게 ?

Later? There’s no later.

그런 의례적인 인사 좋지 않아

That kind of empty formality isn’t nice.


Give me your cell phone.

‪[흥미로운 음악]

우리 숍에 내가 연예인 DC  줄게

Come to our salon. I’ll give you a celebrity discount.

근데  덕질을  쿨하게 한다

You’re such a cool fan.

보통 이럴 때는 ‪ 집어치우고 따라가지 않냐?

Usually, other fans would skip work and follow him.

그럼 생활이 망가지잖아

Then, my routine would be ruined.

‪(정하) ‪ 일상이 단단해야 ‪누군가를 안정되게 지지할  있잖아

I should have a stable life myself before I support someone.

 안정 좋아해서 안정하냐?

Is that how you got your name?

아니뭐든  정해서 안정하야

No, it's because I never decide on things.

  마디도  진다

-You don't let anything slide. -If I do, it becomes a habit,

 마디를 지면  마디를 져서 ‪ 마디를  

-You don't let anything slide. -If I do, it becomes a habit, so I don’t.

 어디 가서 지고 살지는 않겠다

It sounds like you always win.

계속 지고 살아

I've been losing.

‪(정하) ‪회사 관두고 나서  많이 지고 살아

After I quit my office job, I've been losing a lot.

‪(혜준) ‪그래서?

So are you venting about that on me when we are total strangers?

그걸 처음 보는 나한테 푸는 거야?

So are you venting about that on me when we are total strangers?


You're brutally honest.

직설적이라는 말은 듣지내가

People do say I'm straightforward.

‪[통화 연결음]


‪[휴대전화  소리]


‪(정하) ‪상상했던 거랑 다르네

He's not what I had pictured in mind.

‪(혜준) ‪ ?

-Why are you staring at me? -Just because.


-Why are you staring at me? -Just because.

언제까지 그냥  거야?

-Until when will you stare at me? -Until you leave.

네가  때까지

-Until when will you stare at me? -Until you leave.

그럼 가야겠다부담스러워서

Then, I should go. Your stare is uncomfortable.

사람하고 말했는데 ‪ 인형하고 말한 기분이 들지?

I was talking to a guy, but why does it feel like I was talking to a doll?

‪(혜준) ‪ 먹어?

-What should we get? -Did you wait long?

‪- 오래 기다렸어? ‪- (해효

-What should we get? -Did you wait long? -Yes, very long. -I'm sorry.

‪(혜준) ‪미안

-Yes, very long. -I'm sorry.

안정하정신 차려

Jeong-ha, get a grip.

사혜준은 이제 현실이야

Now, he's real.

‪(태수) ‪ 그렇게 계속 읽어?

Are you still reading that?

애들한테 물어봤는데

I asked my friends,

계약 기간이 너무 길다고

but they said the contract period is too long.

그럼 하지 말아야지

Then, don’t sign it.

‪(태수) ‪매니지먼트를 믿지 못하는데 ‪어떻게 같이 일해?

How can I work with you if you don’t trust me?

신인 하나 키워 내는 

Do you know how much money and time I have to invest to help a rookie?

돈과 시간이 ‪얼마나 많이 들어가는지 알아?

how much money and time I have to invest to help a rookie?

근데 애들이 그러는데

But my friends said if my cut is only 30 percent, it’s not a good deal for me.

‪(남자) ‪, 3  7이면 아주 빡센 거라던데

But my friends said if my cut is only 30 percent, it’s not a good deal for me. Who are your friends? Seriously.

그러니까 네가 도대체 ‪만나는 애들이 누구야?

Who are your friends? Seriously.

‪(태수) ‪암튼 요즘 애들

Kids these days are so calculative and materialistic,

이거저거 재기만 하고 ‪돈만 밝히고 패기도 없고

Kids these days are so calculative and materialistic, but you’ve got no grit. How can you succeed with that attitude?

그래서 너희들이 뭐가 되겠냐고

How can you succeed with that attitude?

‪(남자) ‪제가  소심해서

I’m kind of indecisive. I’ll think about it again.

다시 한번 생각해 볼게요

I’m kind of indecisive. I’ll think about it again.

‪(태수) ‪진짜 너한테는 내가 필요하다

You definitely need me. How could you survive in this industry when you’re that indecisive?

그렇게 결단력 없어서 ‪ 사회생활 어떻게 할래?

How could you survive in this industry when you’re that indecisive? Others will definitely deceive you.

어디 가서 100% 당해

Others will definitely deceive you. My mom said I’m not even good enough to get conned.

‪(남자) ‪우리 엄마가  어디 가서 ‪당할 놈도  된대요

My mom said I’m not even good enough to get conned.

안녕히 계세요

-Bye. -Fine. Leave now.

그래빨리빨리 가라아유

-Bye. -Fine. Leave now.

‪[태수의 한숨]

‪(민재) ‪누구예요계약했어요?

Who is that? Did you sign that model?

‪(태수) ‪저런 찌질이랑내가  계약을 하냐?

Why would I sign with that loser? -Why are you here? -Why do you think?

‪- (태수웬일이야? ‪- (민재웬일이긴요?

-Why are you here? -Why do you think?

‪(민재) ‪혜준이  주셨나 확인하러 왔죠

I came here to check if you paid Hye-jun.

요즘 재수 없게 ‪성격 이상한 애들만 계속 꼬이네

What’s up with me lately? Only weirdos are coming my way.

플랜  가동해요

Should I proceed with plan B? Don’t you know anything about Hye-jun?

너는 아직도 그렇게 혜준이를 몰라?

Don’t you know anything about Hye-jun?

‪(태수) ‪걔가 너한테 민폐 끼칠 애로 보이냐?

Do you think he’d ever be a burden to you?

‪(민재) ‪아니 그렇게  아시면서 ‪그런 짓을 하셨어요?

And you still stole from such a nice kid like him? I’m trying to make ends meet, so that's what I did.

먹고살다 보면 그렇게 

I’m trying to make ends meet, so that's what I did.

‪(태수) ‪착해 빠져 갖고 걔는  

He won’t survive. He’s too soft.

‪[휴대전화  소리] ‪ 바닥에 있기에 애가 너무 맑아

He’s too innocent to be in this kind of industry.

달만 캐스팅 디렉터네

That’s the casting director from Dalman.

이번 패션쇼에 혜준이 세우고 싶대

They want Hye-jun for this season’s fashion show.


-That’s great. -So do you know what I said?

‪(태수) ‪그래서 내가 뭐라 그랬게?

-That’s great. -So do you know what I said?

‪[작은 목소리로] ‪ 은퇴했다 그랬어

I told them that he retired.

‪[영어] ‪여보세요

‪[태수의 웃음]

‪(태수) ‪

‪[잔잔한 음악]

‪[멀리서 개가 왈왈 짖는다] ‪[민기의 한숨]

‪(애숙) ‪[한국어] ‪아버님!


‪[애숙의 웃음] ‪(민기) ‪ 늦었다

You’re late. That's not your usual route.

 그쪽에서 ?

You’re late. That's not your usual route.

‪(애숙) ‪아이  봤어요 ‪경준 아빠 좋아하는 생태탕  주려고

I went grocery shopping. I’m cooking pollack soup. It’s Yeong-nam’s favorite. Find anything good?

‪(민기) ‪  건졌어?

Find anything good?

아버님한테 아주  어울리는 ‪양복 건졌어요

I found a great suit for you. -I’ll get it dry-cleaned. -Anything for Yeong-nam?

‪- (애숙드라이해 드릴게요 ‪- 아비  없디?

-I’ll get it dry-cleaned. -Anything for Yeong-nam?

‪(애숙) ‪잠바 하나 건졌는데 입겠어요?

I found a jacket, but I bet he won’t wear it.

내가 입다가 줄게내가  걸로 해서

I’ll wear it first and give it to him. I’ll say I bought it.

아버님은 머리가 진짜 좋으세요

Father, you’re so smart.

‪[민기의 웃음]

When I hit the lottery, I’ll buy you a house.

‪(민기) ‪내가 복권 되면   줄게

When I hit the lottery, I’ll buy you a house.


Thank you, Father.

‪(애숙) ‪고맙습니다아버님

Thank you, Father. No, I should thank you for accepting such a lousy hope.

‪(민기) ‪아이고제가 고맙습니다 ‪이런 허접한 희망을 받아 주셔서

No, I should thank you for accepting such a lousy hope.

아버님은 진짜 미워할 수가 없어요

I could never hate you. There hasn’t been a single woman who hated me.

‪(민기) ‪지금까지 여자한테 ‪미움받아  적은 없다내가

There hasn’t been a single woman who hated me.

경준 아빠가 ‪아버님 반만 닮았으면 좋겠어요

I hope Yeong-nam would express half of what you express.

표현하는  ‪[민기의 웃음]

I hope Yeong-nam would express half of what you express. Okay. Let's go inside. Let's go.

‪(민기) ‪그래그래 ‪들어가자들어가

Okay. Let's go inside. Let's go.

‪[영남이 코를 드르렁 곤다]

‪[답답한 숨소리]



‪[애숙의 한숨]

‪[서랍이 스르륵 여닫힌다]


What time is it?

‪(애숙) ‪아프면 제발 병원엘 

If you’re in pain, please go to the hospital. The doctors don’t do anything.

‪(영남) ‪병원  봐야  주는 것도 없어

The doctors don’t do anything.

주사  방에 ‪얼마나 비싸게 받아먹는지

Do you know how expensive a shot is?

 먹고 파스 붙이고 그러느니 ‪ 방에 끝내는   

Getting proper treatment is cheaper than taking medicine and putting on relief patches.

병원비 내가 줄게

I’ll pay the medical bill.

궁상  그만 떨어

Stop acting so pathetic over money.



‪(영남) ‪[힘주며] ‪남편한테 그게  소리야?

How could you say that to me?

당신이야말로  소리   소리 ‪구분  

You’re the one who should know when to shut your mouth. I know Jang-man is a close friend, but don’t talk about our kids.

장만 씨가 아무리 친해도 ‪자식 얘기는 조심해야지

I know Jang-man is a close friend, but don’t talk about our kids.

어차피   얘기야

He’ll find out anyway.

오늘 혜준이 들어오면 결판낼 거야

When Hye-jun comes home, I’ll put an end to this.

‪(영남) ‪오디션 봐서 영화 하나 한다고 ‪걔가 인생이 달라지겠냐?

Starring in a movie won’t change his life.

‪- 혹시 알아? ‪- (영남 손에 장을 지져

-Who knows? -I’ll eat my hat if that happens.

괜히 펌프질 하지 말고 가만있어

Stop encouraging him and don’t say anything.


-Go, Korea! -Go, Korea!

‪(사람들) ‪대한민국!

-Go, Korea! -Go, Korea!

‪[TV에서 중계가 흘러나온다]

Kim Min-jae is dribbling.


-Go, Korea! -Go, Korea!


-Go, Korea! -Go, Korea!

‪- (혜준! ‪- (해효!


‪[함께 탄식한다]

That was so close.

‪[밝은 음악]

-Go, Korea! -Go, Korea!

‪(함께) ‪대한민국!

-Go, Korea! -Go, Korea!

‪[함께 떠들썩하다]

‪- (진우! ‪- (해효!

‪(해설 위원) ‪!

‪[함께 환호한다]

-Lee Seung-woo! -Lee Seung-woo!

‪(함께) ‪이승우이승우이승우!

-Lee Seung-woo! -Lee Seung-woo! -Lee Seung-woo! -Lee Seung-woo!

‪(해설 위원) ‪황희찬! ‪[함께 환호한다]

Hwang Hee-chan!

‪(혜준) ‪!

Hwang Hee-chan!

‪- (해효뭐야 ‪- (혜준!

‪[함께 환호한다]


Go, Korea!


-Go, Korea! -Go, Korea!

‪[리드미컬한 음악이 흘러나온다]

‪[사람들이 노래한다]


‪[거리가 떠들썩하다]

궁금한  있으면 물어보셔도 돼요

If you have any questions, you can ask me.

‪(정하) ‪안녕하세요


‪(여자) ‪화장  하거든요

I don’t wear makeup. But when the fine dust level is high, my skin feels a bit itchy and dirty.

근데 미세 먼지 심한 날에는 ‪ 간질간질하고 찜찜해요

But when the fine dust level is high, my skin feels a bit itchy and dirty.

미세 먼지 막는 화장법이 있거든요

There’s a way you can block out fine dust particles with makeup.

‪(정하) ‪제가 지금 영상 촬영 중인데

I’m filming a video right now.

혹시 촬영 가능하시면 ‪제가 가르쳐 드릴게요

If you don’t mind being on camera, I can teach you.

 똥손인데   있을까요?

I’m bad with my hands. Do you think I can do it?

‪- (정하안녕하세요 ‪- (여자

-Hello. -Hi. I'll show you how you can block out fine dust particles with makeup.

‪(정하) ‪미세 먼지 막는 화장법 ‪제가 알려 드리도록 하겠습니다

I'll show you how you can block out fine dust particles with makeup. Your skin tone… Let me check your skin first.

피부 톤이 한번… ‪제가 한번 볼게요

Your skin tone… Let me check your skin first.

‪[혜준 일행의 웃음]

Son Heung-min must be over the moon today.

‪(진우) ‪아이손흥민 ‪오늘 진짜 기분 째지겠다!

Son Heung-min must be over the moon today.

‪(혜준) ‪우리  면제 인정!

Son Heung-min must be over the moon today. He deserves to skip his military duty!

‪(해효) ‪우리  ‪날아다닐 일만 남았다좋겠다!

He only has good days coming for him. Good for him.

‪[진우와 해효의 웃음] ‪(혜준) ‪좋겠다

Good for him. Isn’t that such an honor as a man?

‪(해효) ‪남자로서 진짜 영광 아니냐?

Isn’t that such an honor as a man? The real honor should go to young men who dedicated two years of their lives

‪(진우) ‪진짜 영광은 나라를 지키느라 ‪2년이라는 시간을 바친

The real honor should go to young men who dedicated two years of their lives to protect our country like me.

우리 같은 청춘들이거든?

to protect our country like me.

‪[혜준이 호응한다] ‪너희  삼시 세끼  먹어 봤어?

Have you had chicken for all three meals in one day? -When avian flu breaks out-- -Samgyetang for breakfast.

‪[혜준의 코웃음] ‪조류 독감  터지지그럼 아침

-When avian flu breaks out-- -Samgyetang for breakfast.

‪(혜준) ‪아침 삼계탕점심 닭볶음탕

-When avian flu breaks out-- -Samgyetang for breakfast. Braised chicken for lunch. Fried chicken for dinner.

‪- (진우저녁… ‪- (혜준저녁 치킨!

Braised chicken for lunch. Fried chicken for dinner. -What about swine fever? -Spicy pork for breakfast.

‪(해효) ‪돼지 콜레라 터지면?

-What about swine fever? -Spicy pork for breakfast.

‪(혜준) ‪아침 제육볶음 ‪점심 돼지갈비찜저녁 삼겹살!

-What about swine fever? -Spicy pork for breakfast. Braised pork ribs for lunch. Pork belly for dinner. -I'll throw up. -I'll throw up.

‪(함께) ‪ 나와!

-I'll throw up. -I'll throw up.

‪[해효의 질색하는 신음]

‪(진우) ‪너는 아마 나를 통해서 ‪간접 경험 많이  가지고

Hey, you experienced the military indirectly through me.

‪[혜준이 호응한다] ‪지금 당장 군대 가도  적응할 거야

I’m sure you’ll adapt well over there even if you go now.

‪(혜준) ‪[웃으며] ‪ 지금 군대 가냐?

Am I going to the military now?

‪[진우의 헛기침]

영화사에서 전화 왔어

The movie studio called.

‪(해효) ‪너한테 어떻게 말할지 망설였는데

I didn’t know how to bring this up,

매도 빨리 맞는  낫다 싶어서

but it’s better to get it over with.

잔인한 새끼

You’re so cruel!

지금  순간이어야만 했냐?

Did you have to tell me that now?

미친놈아 ‪그걸 지금 얘기 하면 어떡해

-You jerk. Why did you do that? -You told me to do it.

‪(해효) ‪네가 이렇게 하라며?

-You jerk. Why did you do that? -You told me to do it.

‪(진우) ‪그래도 네가 이렇게 ‪갑자기 하면 어떡해진짜

-How can you do it now? -It was your advice.

‪"나에게는 꿈이 있습니다"

-Hye-jun. -Hye-jun.

‪- (진우사혜준혜준아! ‪- (해효혜준아!

-Hye-jun. -Hye-jun.

‪[신나는 반주가 흘러나온다] ‪스리!

‪(해효) ‪♪ 잔인한 여자라 ♪ ‪[혜준의 탄성]

‪♪ 나를 욕하지는  ♪

‪[신나는 반주가 흘러나온다] ‪(함께) ‪♪ Love, for love, for love ♪

‪[진우의 추임새]

‪[신나는 노래를 부른다]

‪[경쾌한 반주가 흘러나온다] ‪(함께) ‪♪  달리자 ♪

‪[함께 탄성을 지른다]

‪♪  달리자 ♪

‪[리드미컬한 반주가 흘러나온다] ‪(혜준) ‪♪ 같은 같은  ♪

Same day, same moon

‪♪ Twenty-four seven ‪매번 반복되는  순간 ♪

It's 24-7, every moment repeats

‪♪ 어중간한어중간한   ♪

My life is in between Jobless twenty-somethings are Afraid of tomorrow

‪♪ 20대의 백수는 ‪내일이 두려워 ♪

Jobless twenty-somethings are Afraid of tomorrow Follow your dream like breaker

‪♪  꿈을 따라가 like breaker ♪

Follow your dream like breaker

‪[리드미컬한 반주가  끊긴다]

‪(해효) ‪그만해어유청승

Stop pitying yourself.

‪(진우) ‪고마해라마이 묵었다 아이가

Stop it. I've had enough of this.

너희들은  소중한 순간을 망쳤어

You guys ruined my precious moment.

‪(혜준) ‪아무 생각 없이 기분 좋은 순간이 ‪얼마나 된다고

I don’t get a lot of chances to be happy, worry-free.

‪(해효) ‪얘가 기분 좋을  말하는  ‪제일 좋다고 펌프질 해서

He told me that telling you when you’re in a good mood was the best.

‪(진우) ‪ 그렇게

Did you really have to tell on me?

 일러바쳐야만 속이 후련했냐!

Did you really have to tell on me?

‪[차분한 음악] ‪[혜준의 헛웃음]

‪[진우의 웃음]

‪(혜준) ‪방탄 노래는 세계관이 좋아

I like the stories of BTS songs.

노래 듣고 있으면 ‪제대로 살고 싶게 만든다니까?

When I listen to their songs, it makes me want to live a good life.

‪(진우) ‪너희들이 ‪그렇게 되면 되잖아너희들이

Hey, guys. You guys can live those lives. Of course, that probably won't happen.

물론그렇게   없겠지만

Of course, that probably won't happen.

‪[진우의 웃음]

‪(해효) ‪아주 초를 쳐라초를 ? ‪[진우가 숨을  내뱉는다]

Why don't you finish him? -Just crush him. Do it. -It hurts.

 ‪[진우의 아파하는 신음]

-Just crush him. Do it. -It hurts.

‪- (진우아파초를 치라네 ‪- (해효새끼야 새끼야

-Just crush him. Do it. -It hurts. -You're crushing him. -Hey. -You jerk. -I crush him, and he crushes me.

‪(진우) ‪나는 초를 치고 얘는 나를 치고

-You jerk. -I crush him, and he crushes me.

‪[진우의 웃음] ‪(해효) ‪너도 칠래?

-You jerk. -I crush him, and he crushes me. Do you want to do it, too?

‪(영상  정하) ‪이렇게 셰이딩을  주시면 ‪이목구비가 뚜렷해 보여요

All right. When you contour your face like this, your facial features stand out. And as for this T zone,

그리고  존은

And as for this T zone,

하이라이터 이용해 주시고요

use a highlighter.

‪(여자) ‪언니 남자 친구 있죠?

I bet you have a boyfriend.

‪(영상  정하) ‪연애는 감정 소모 심하고 ‪삶에 지장 생겨서  하고

I don’t date since dating requires a lot of emotions and affects my life. But I’m a fangirl.

 덕질 해요

But I’m a fangirl.

‪(영상  여자) ‪누구인데요?

Who is it? Let me join you.

같이 해요 휴덕 중이거든요

Who is it? Let me join you. I’ve been on a break from that.

비밀인데 사실 오늘 낮에 만났거든요

It’s a secret. But I met him this afternoon.

‪(여자) ‪대박 사건 ‪[여자의 놀란 신음]

No way.

‪(진우) ‪위로가 필요한가친구?

Do you need me to comfort you?


That was enough.

‪(진우) ‪ 무조건 된다

I know for a fact you'll make it. I’m not saying this because I'm your friend.

내가  친구라서 ‪하는 소리가 아니야

I’m not saying this because I'm your friend. You know how objective I am, right?

 내가 ‪얼마큼 객관적인 사람인지 알지?

You know how objective I am, right?

‪(혜준) ‪조용히 가자

-Let’s go home silently. -Sure.

‪(진우) ‪그래

-Let’s go home silently. -Sure.

머리 복잡할 때는 ‪조용한  최고다

When you have a lot on your mind, silence is the best companion.

‪[휴대전화 진동음] ‪(진우) ‪?

Perfect timing. If this is a girl, I’ll marry her.

타이밍 죽인다 ‪이거 여자면 내가 결혼한다

Perfect timing. If this is a girl, I’ll marry her.


Let's eat ramyeon.


-Are you getting married? -You're crazy.

‪(진우) ‪미친놈 ‪[혜준이 피식 웃는다]

-Are you getting married? -You're crazy.


I’ve got to go.

생각 너무 많이 하지 오늘은

Don’t think about anything. Just for today. Bye.


Don’t think about anything. Just for today. Bye.


‪[잔잔한 음악] ‪[멀리서 개가 왈왈 짖는다]

‪(찰리) ‪생각  하고 살아

You ought to think about your life.

‪(찰리) ‪5 전에 내가 뭐랬어? ‪ 혼자는 절대  된다고 했잖아

What did I tell you five years ago? I said you wouldn’t make it on your own.

혼자   없으면 그만둬야죠

If I can’t do it on my own, I should quit.

‪(찰리) ‪  야망이 없냐?

Why aren’t you ambitious?

그저 그렇게 살다 이름도 없이 죽을래?

Do you want to just die a nameless model?


Screw you.

‪[부드러운 음악이 흘러나온다]

‪[숨을  내뱉는다]

‪[도어  조작음]

왔다 ‪[도어  작동음]

He’s here.

‪[문이 달칵 열린다] ‪[도어  작동음]

‪(이영) ‪어유 많이 마셨네뒤풀이한 거야?

You drank a lot. Did you go to an after-party? I didn’t go there. I drank with Jin-u and Hye-jun. I’m tired.

‪(해효) ‪거기에는  가고 ‪진우랑 혜준이랑피곤해

I didn’t go there. I drank with Jin-u and Hye-jun. I’m tired.

‪[이영의 걱정스러운 신음]

It’s a good day.

‪(이영) ‪기분 좋은 날이잖아 ‪근데   좋아 보여?

It’s a good day. Why the long face?


Mom. Do you know anyone at the movie studio?

영화사에 아는 사람 없어?

Mom. Do you know anyone at the movie studio?

내가 어떻게 알아?

How would I know people from there?

근데 ?

Why are you asking?

혜준이 다른 역이라도 없나 해서

They may have a different role for Hye-jun.

그놈의 혜준이혜준이

Is this about Hye-jun again? Is he your brother? Why are you so eager to help him?

‪(이영) ‪걔가  형이니동생이니? ‪ 이렇게 챙겨?

Is he your brother? Why are you so eager to help him?


Is he your brother? Why are you so eager to help him? I won’t help even if I can.


Fine. Forget I said anything.

‪(해효) ‪괜히 쓸데없는  했다소리

Fine. Forget I said anything.

아빠 들어왔어?

-Is Dad home? -He's sleeping.

‪(이영) ‪엄마는 너무 좋아서 ‪축하주 하려고 기다렸어

-Is Dad home? -He's sleeping. I was so happy and waited for you, so we could celebrate with a drink.

근데  실망이야

But this is disappointing.

실망했다고 말하는  ‪축하주 끝까지 포기  했다는 건데?

It sounds like you still want to have a drink with me.


But I’m going to bed.

‪(이영) ‪!


‪(이영) ‪아주 평안하시네

You don’t seem bothered at all.

해효 학교만 생각하면 아직도 분해

Whenever I think about his school, I'm still furious.

‪(태경) ‪뭐가 그렇게 분해?

What are you still furious about?

‪(이영) ‪깜짝이야 잤어요?

You startled me. I thought you were sleeping.

‪[태경의 피곤한 신음]

‪(태경) ‪카페인 1 허용량이 넘쳤나 어유

I must have had too much caffeine for the day. I told you I wanted to send Hae-hyo to a private elementary school,

‪(이영) ‪내가 해효 ‪사립 초등학교 보내자고 했더니

I told you I wanted to send Hae-hyo to a private elementary school,

기어이 공립 보내더니친구 봐요

but you sent him to a public school. Look at his friend. He’s best friends with the housekeeper's son.

도우미 아들하고 절친이야

Look at his friend. He’s best friends with the housekeeper's son. Men ought to experience people from various economic classes.

‪(태경) ‪남자는 여러 계층을 경험해 봐야 

Men ought to experience people from various economic classes.

같은 계층하고만 어울리면 ‪시야가 좁아서  

Sticking to just one class will narrow down his perspective.

공자 가라사대  하지 마요

Stop with your Confucian ideas. Birds of a feather flock together.

‪(이영) ‪인생은 끼리끼리야

Stop with your Confucian ideas. Birds of a feather flock together.

언젠가 혜준이가 해효 발목 잡을 거야

Hye-jun is going to be a roadblock to Hae-hyo one day.

지금도 오디션 붙어서 ‪기뻐 춤춰도 모자랄 판에

He should be dancing and celebrating because he got the role,

혜준이 때문에 ‪제대로 즐기지도 못하잖아

but he can’t enjoy it because of Hye-jun. Why must he go through that?

 아들이  그래야 ?

Why must he go through that?

어차피 취미로 잠깐 하다 관둘  ‪ 그렇게 열을 ?

That’s just his hobby. He’ll quit later. Why are you getting so worked up?

누가 취미로 한대?

Who says this is his hobby?

해효는 학교 이사장이 취미고 ‪스타가 본업이  거야

Taking over the school will be his hobby. Being a celebrity will be his main job.


By the way, you’re slacking off lately.

당신 요즘  되겠어

By the way, you’re slacking off lately.

반말존댓말 섞고

You've been dropping honorifics.

‪[코웃음] ‪(태경) ‪부부 사이에도 예절이 필요하다고

How many times did I tell you couples must be polite to each other?

내가  번이나 말했어?

How many times did I tell you couples must be polite to each other?


That's so vulgar.

‪[태경의 못마땅한 신음]

That's so vulgar. People tell me that they are envious of me

부럽다 그러더라사람들이 나보고

People tell me that they are envious of me


People tell me that they are envious of me because I have everything.

 사람들은 모르는 거지

But they have no idea

소통  되는 남편이랑 사는  ‪얼마나 고통스러운 건지

how painful it is to live with a husband whom you can’t communicate with.

‪[태경의 못마땅한 신음]


‪[해효의 피곤한 숨소리]

‪[통화 연결음]

‪(해효) ‪

Hey, I want to do Arena's photoshoot with Hye-jun.

아레나 화보 촬영 ‪혜준이랑 같이 했으면 좋겠어

Hey, I want to do Arena's photoshoot with Hye-jun.

그걸 너를 원하는 건데

They want you.

‪(매니저) ‪혜준이랑 같이 한다 그러면 ‪좋아하겠어?

They won't like it if Hye-jun joins.

그럼 나도  한다고 

Then, tell them I won’t do it.

‪(해효) ‪그게 원래 취지가 ‪모델에서 배우가  루키잖아

This photoshoot is for rookie actors who used to be models. I’ll cover all the additional costs.

들어가는 비용은 내가  낼게

I’ll cover all the additional costs. All right. I’ll talk to them.

‪(매니저) ‪일단 얘기는  볼게

All right. I’ll talk to them.

그리고  인스타 팔로워  ‪ 늘었더라?

By the way, you got more followers on Instagram.

이대로 백만 가자?

Let’s hit one million!

‪[피식 웃는다]

‪[통화 종료음]

, 3천이나 늘었네하루 사이에

I got 3,000 more followers in a day.


‪[정하가 키보드를 탁탁 두드린다]

‪"안정하 ‪메이크업 버스킹"


‪(정하) ‪[책상을  치며] ‪피니시


‪[정하의 웃음]

Today was a perfect day.

이런 날은 기록해 놔야 

I should record a day like this.

‪[휴대전화 조작음]

‪[경쾌한 음악]

All right.


Today was a perfect day.

완벽한 하루였다

Today was a perfect day.

‪(진주) ‪원해효 이쪽으로 와요

Mr. Won Hae-hyo, this way. Okay.

‪(해효) ‪



-It was exciting. -So you always do this.

‪(진주) ‪너는 언제나 이렇구나?

-It was exciting. -So you always do this. You always try to steal clients.

남의 손님한테 껄떡대는 

You always try to steal clients.



It was unfair.

‪(혜준) ‪우리 친구네?

We're the same age. Should we speak casually, then?


We're the same age. Should we speak casually, then?




-It was surprising. -What happened earlier wasn’t fair.

‪(혜준) ‪ 아까 되게 억울했지?

-It was surprising. -What happened earlier wasn’t fair.

하지도 않았는데 했다고 오해받았잖아

You didn't steal her client, but she misread the situation.

나도 그거 알거든

I know how that feels.


It was touching.

직설적이라는 말은 듣지내가

People do say I'm straightforward.


And it got real.

‪[카메라 셔터음이 연신 울린다]

‪[드릴 작동음]

You have so many problems.

‪(애숙) ‪ 병도 가지가지다

You have so many problems. You said you were sick. Why are you doing that now?

아프다는 사람이 ‪이걸  지금 하고 있어?

You said you were sick. Why are you doing that now?

‪(영남) ‪취직했는데 새집은    망정 ‪ 문짝은 달아 줘야지

He got a job. I can’t afford to buy him a new house, but I should install a new door.

‪[영남의 웃음]


It’s nice and sturdy. You know?

우리 경준이 인생도 ‪이제 이렇게 나가야지

Gyeong-jun’s life should be just like this door.

이번에 월급 타면 ‪아빠  하나  줄게

When I get paid this month, I’ll buy you a present.

‪[영남의 웃음]

‪(애숙) ‪나는? ‪[영남이 부스럭거린다]

What about me?

‪(경준) ‪엄마도  주지 ‪[경준과 영남의 웃음]

Of course, you get one, too.

‪- (애숙진짜? ‪- (경준백화점 한번 가자간만에

-Really? -Let's go to sleep. Stop.

‪(애숙) ‪[웃으며] ‪고마워

Thank you.

‪(영남) ‪아이고우리 경준이가 효자다효자 ‪[영남이 공구를 달그락거린다]

My goodness. Gyeong-jun is the best.

‪[덜그럭 소리가 난다]

‪- (애숙? ‪- (영남어휴한심하다한심해 ‪[문이 달칵 열린다]

How pathetic.

‪[숨을 들이켠다]

‪(영남) ‪네가 지금  처먹고 다닐 때냐?

Do you think you should be drinking right now?

‪(혜준) ‪오늘은 그냥 넘어가 주세요

Just let it go today.

‪(영남) ‪그렇게 나약해 빠져서 ‪세상 어떻게 살래?

How will you survive in this world if you’re that weak?

아빠가 지금 뭐라  해도 ‪내가  괴로우니까 그만해

I don’t need your input. My life is miserable enough. Stop it. When I was your age,

‪(영남) ‪아빠는  나이  ‪공사판 다니면서 식구들 먹여 살렸어

When I was your age, I worked at construction sites to feed my family. You just need to take care of yourself. How can you say you have it bad?

너는   몸만 건사하면 되는데 ‪뭐가 그렇게 괴롭냐?

You just need to take care of yourself. How can you say you have it bad?

괴로운  말하면

If I tell you,

아빠가  이해해  거야?

will you understand me?

내가 언제  이해     있어?

When have I not been understanding?

오디션 떨어졌어

I didn’t get the role.

‪[경준의 한숨] ‪(영남) ‪잘됐다

Good! Now, you can go to the military.

그럼 이제 군대 가면 되겠네

Good! Now, you can go to the military.

‪(경준) ‪결국 그렇게 끌려가네

You end up in the military anyway.

 봐라군대부터  갔다  

Look at me. I went to the military first. Poor people like us

우리같이 가난한  애들은 ‪국가의 의무는 빨리하는  좋아

Poor people like us should get it done as fast as possible.

 와중에 깨알 자랑하고 있네

Stop bragging about yourself now.

‪[경준의 기가  숨소리] ‪(영남) ‪ 군대 가는  때문에

He wouldn’t have said that if your brother wasn’t worried about you.

 형이 얼마나 걱정하면 ‪그런 소리를 하겠어?

He wouldn’t have said that if your brother wasn’t worried about you.

군대는 숙제야언제든 갔다 와야 

The military duty is like homework. We all have to go at one point.

‪(혜준) ‪숙제  하면  해도 ‪머리에서 계속 떠나지를 않아

The military duty is like homework. We all have to go at one point. But until I finish that homework, it will be on my mind.

그럼 누가  괴롭겠어?

Who do you think it'd bother more?

 인생인데 누가  괴롭겠어?

It’s my life. Wouldn’t it bother me more than you guys?

‪(영남) ‪그러니까 누가 너더러 모델 하래?

I didn’t tell you to become a model.

 모델 한다고 설렁설렁 다닐 

When you were trying to become a model, he got into Seoul National University without having a private tutor.

 형은 과외    받고 ‪서울대 갔어

he got into Seoul National University without having a private tutor.

부모가 뒷받침   줘도 ‪ 형은 해냈어

Your brother did it even without any help from us. Studying is the easiest thing in the world.

‪(혜준) ‪책상에 앉아 공부만 하는  ‪제일 쉬운 거야

Studying is the easiest thing in the world.

 형보다 먼저 사회생활 시작했어

I started working way before he did -and became a top model. -But no one on the street

‪-  모델 됐고… ‪- (영남 모델 됐다고

-and became a top model. -But no one on the street

길거리 다녀 봐야 ‪알아보는 사람 하나 없더라

will recognize this top model.

‪[차분한 음악]




‪(경준) ‪ 운이 거기까지야

That’s the end of your luck.

이제 땅으로 내려와서 현실을 

Just come back to your place and face reality.

  잘난 사회생활 7 했는데 ‪통장에  얼마 있냐?

You’ve been working for seven years, but how much money did you save up?

너나 나나 각자 도생해야 

You and I have to make a living for ourselves. I won’t sacrifice myself because I'm the eldest

가난한  장남이라고 희생하는 ?

I won’t sacrifice myself because I'm the eldest


-of this poor family. -I don’t care if we’re poor.

‪(혜준) ‪가난한  좋아

-of this poor family. -I don’t care if we’re poor.

근데 이렇게 사람을 물어뜯어야 되냐?

But must you criticize me like this?

‪(혜준) ‪사회에서 물어뜯기고 ‪집에 와서는  뜯기고

People chew me out. I get chewed out even more at home. You said you’re my family. You want the best for me.

가족이라면서 위한다면서?

You said you’re my family. You want the best for me.

‪(경준) ‪가족이 무슨 만능 키야?

-Family can’t solve everything. -Then,


-Family can’t solve everything. -Then,

 인생에 훈수 두지 

don’t tell me what to do with my life.

고등학교 졸업하고 지금까지 ‪아빠한테  벌린   번도 없어

I have never asked for money from you after I graduated high school.

  미래를 ‪자기네들끼리 상상해서  무시해?

Why are you looking down on me with your assumptions for my future?

‪(경준) ‪ 인제 피해 의식까지 생겼냐?

Are you playing the victim right now?

내가 피해 의식이면  사이코패스야!

If you think I’m playing the victim here, you’re a psychopath.

‪(혜준) ‪오디션 떨어졌다 그러면

When I said I didn’t get the role,

‪'안됐다', '얼마나 마음이 아프겠냐' ‪이러는  상식 아니야?

wouldn’t normal people try to comfort me and see my pain?

‪'잘됐다', '군대 가야 된다' ‪그게 인간이냐?

"Good. Go to the military now." -No human would say that! -How dare you?

‪(영남) ‪이놈의 새끼가진짜 이게!

-No human would say that! -How dare you?

 지금 나한테 인간이냐 그런 거야?

Are you saying that I'm no human? You ungrateful child. How dare you say that to your parents?

이게 인간 말종이네부모한테!

You ungrateful child. How dare you say that to your parents?

‪(민기) ‪얘가 인간 말종이면 ‪너도 인간 말종이야

Hey. If he’s an ungrateful child, you’re just the same given how you treat me.

나한테 하는  보면

you’re just the same given how you treat me. Why are you making this worse, Father?

‪(애숙) ‪아버님까지  이러세요?

Why are you making this worse, Father?

‪(민기) ‪ 우리 혜준이만 갖고 그래?

Why do you always pick on Hye-jun?

애가 오디션 떨어져서

He didn’t get the role, so he can’t do what he loves to do.

자기가 하고 싶은  ‪ 하게 됐는데 그럼 되냐?

He didn’t get the role, so he can’t do what he loves to do. How could you say those things? You should comfort him first.

먼저 위로를 하고

How could you say those things? You should comfort him first. -Unbelievable. -Grandpa, if you butt in like this,

‪(영남) ‪얼씨구

-Unbelievable. -Grandpa, if you butt in like this,

‪(경준) ‪할아버지가 이렇게 끼어드시면

-Unbelievable. -Grandpa, if you butt in like this, Dad can’t discipline him properly.

아빠가 훈육하는  혼선 오잖아요

Dad can’t discipline him properly. Hey, Hye-jun is 26 now.

‪(민기) ‪혜준이 나이 스물여섯이야!

Hey, Hye-jun is 26 now. Back in my day, he’d be old enough to marry.

옛날 같으면 장가도 갔어

Back in my day, he’d be old enough to marry.

자기 인생 자기가 알아서 가는 거지 ‪ 가르쳐?

He’s living his own life. You don’t need to teach him.

‪(혜준) ‪할아버지들어가자

Grandpa, let’s go inside.

‪(민기) ‪그래들어가자우리방으로

Yes, let’s go to our room.

‪(영남) ‪진짜 끼리끼리다

They deserve each other.

‪(민기) ‪ 문짝  봐라문짝?

Look at this shabby door.

누구 앞길은 ‪탄탄대로라고 하면서 새로  주고

You installed a new door for his bright future. But do you want us to live a shabby life with this shabby door?

우리는 쭈구렁방통으로 ‪살라는 거야뭐야?

But do you want us to live a shabby life with this shabby door?

기왕  주는     주든지

If you were fixing his door, you should have fixed both doors

아니면    주지 말든지

or shouldn’t have done it at all.

 차별을 !

You always play favorites.

‪[삐그덕 소리가 난다]

‪[울리는 효과음]

‪[익살스러운 음악] ‪(민기) ‪아니

What's wrong with this door?

아이이거 ‪ 그래

What's wrong with this door?

? ‪[헛기침]

What's wrong with this door?

내가  그랬다

That wasn't me.

‪[영남의 한숨] ‪[애숙의 놀란 숨소리]

괜한  만들어서

I only caused trouble.

‪(민기) ‪네가 고생한다

I'm sorry for inconveniencing you.

‪[커터칼을 드르륵 집어넣는다]

‪[ 내려놓는다]


Thank you for taking my side.

  들어 줘서

Thank you for taking my side.


내일  아빠한테 죽었다

Your dad is going to kill me tomorrow.

원인은 나니까 해결할게

I’m the cause. So I’ll handle it.

‪(민기) ‪사람은  변해

People don’t change.

할아버지가 맨날 사고 치고

I always caused trouble,

 할머니가 해결하고 그랬거든

and your grandma always took care of it.

‪[피식 웃는다]

암튼 솔직해서 마음에 들어

I like you because you’re honest.

오늘  했어?

What did you do today?

‪- (혜준콜라텍 갔었어? ‪- 아니야

-Did you go dancing? -No.

지겨워 벌고 싶어

I’m sick of it now. I want to make money.

젊어서도  벌었는데 지금  벌어?

You couldn’t do that when you were young. How can you do that now?

‪(민기) ‪ 나한테 그렇게 말하면이놈아

If you mean that,

 아빠랑 똑같은 거야

you’re just like your dad.



 내가 주는 돈으로 ‪편하게 놀라는 거였어

I just meant you should have fun with the money I give you.

‪(민기) ‪편하게 어떻게 놀아?

How could I do that?

네가 힘들게  버는데

You worked hard to earn it.


Can you get a job for me?

 발도 넓고 많이 돌아다니잖아

You know a lot of people and go to a lot of places.

‪(혜준) ‪알았어알아볼게

Okay. I’ll look into that.


 아빠한테  주고 싶어

I want to give some money to your dad.

‪[잔잔한 음악]

‪(민기) ‪오늘 어깨 아파 일찍 들어왔어

He came home early today because of his shoulder.



He won’t go to the hospital

병원도  가고

to save money.


Gosh, it’s so upsetting.

‪[민기가 흐느낀다]

‪[민기가 훌쩍인다]

‪[울먹이며] ‪울지 

Don’t cry.

‪[코를 훌쩍이며] ‪그래


‪[함께 흐느낀다]



Why are you crying?

‪[함께 흐느낀다]

‪[멀리서 개가 왈왈 짖는다]


‪[잔잔한 음악]


‪(혜준) ‪평생  방을 가져   없다

I have never had a room for myself.

 순간 혼자 마음 편히   있는 ‪방이 필요했다

At this moment, I needed a room to cry out by myself without worrying about my family.

‪(혜준) ‪ 방을 갖고  집을 갖는 

Having my own room and my house…

내가 하고 싶은 일을 해서 ‪갖게 되는 꿈을 꿨었다

I dreamed of having my own house by doing something I liked.

나한테 허락되지 않는 것을

I will reject the reality

나도 거절한다

that won’t give me what I want.

‪[민재가 흥얼거린다]

‪(혜준) ‪어디 ?

-Where are you going? -On a trip. I’ll travel around Namhae.

‪(민재) ‪여행남해  거야

-Where are you going? -On a trip. I’ll travel around Namhae.

가기 전에 너에게 ‪기쁜 소식을 전하러 친히 납셨다

Before I go, I have great news for you, so I came here in person.

빨리 얘기해  있어

-Make it quick. I have to go somewhere. -I can't.

빨리  되는데?

-Make it quick. I have to go somewhere. -I can't.

‪[발랄한 음악]

‪(민재) ‪[영어] ‪대니얼나야

‪[웃으며] ‪ 지냈어?

혜준이 모델   있어

은퇴아니은퇴  했어

에이전시를 바꾼 거야



내가 하는 

그러니까 이제부터 나한테 말하면 

 회사 차렸어

‪[어색한 웃음]



회사 이름이 뭐냐면… ‪[익살스러운 효과음]

짬뽕 ‪[빛나는 효과음]



Yes, it's called JJamppong. "JJamppong"? Jjajangmyeon is better than jjamppong.

‪(혜준) ‪[한국어] ‪'짬뽕'?

"JJamppong"? Jjajangmyeon is better than jjamppong.

아이짬뽕보다는 짜장이지

"JJamppong"? Jjajangmyeon is better than jjamppong.

‪(민재) ‪짜장보다는 짬뽕이다

-Jjamppong is better than jjajangmyeon. -I feel bad, though.

‪(혜준) ‪근데 미안해서 어떡하냐?

-Jjamppong is better than jjajangmyeon. -I feel bad, though.


I can’t go.

‪- ? ‪- (혜준비행깃값 없어

-Why not? -I can’t afford a plane ticket.

숙소도 구해야 되잖아

I would need a place to stay, too. I can’t do it alone. It’s in three days.

 혼자는  , 3 후잖아

I would need a place to stay, too. I can’t do it alone. It’s in three days.

오늘 밤에는 ‪비행기 타야 되잖아무리야

I would have to get on the plane today. It’s impossible.

‪- (민재 ‪- (혜준고마워누나

-Hey. -Thanks, Min-jae

이렇게까지  위해 생각해 주고

for going out of your way for me.

내가 어떻게 잡은 건데

Hey, it was so hard to book this. I can’t cancel this.

어떻게 취소하냐?

Hey, it was so hard to book this. I can’t cancel this.

그러게  구라를 치고 다녀?

So why did you lie?

‪[자동차 경적이 울린다] ‪(혜준) ‪앞에 아유조심해아유

Eyes on the road. Be careful. Gosh.

나라의 부름 받고 ‪국방의 의무를 이행할 귀하신 몸이야

I need to serve in the military at the beck and call of our country.


Military? When are you going?

언제 가는데?

Military? When are you going?


Next month. That will be my turning point. I’m quitting.

‪(혜준) ‪군대를 터닝 포인트로   접으려고

Next month. That will be my turning point. I’m quitting.

저쪽에 세워 

Drop me off over there.

‪(민재) ‪


‪(혜준) ‪[안전벨트를 풀며] ‪여행  갔다 

Have fun. When you come back, I’ll buy you something delicious.

갔다 오면 맛있는   줄게

Have fun. When you come back, I’ll buy you something delicious.

‪(민재) ‪아니혜준아혜준아

Hye-jun. Hye-jun, wait.

‪[ 문이  닫힌다]

‪[난감한 신음]


Damn it.

‪[짜증 섞인 신음]

‪[난감한 신음]

‪[문이  닫힌다]

벌써 왔니?

-I didn't expect to see you soon. -I cannot accept your offer.

거절해요선생님 제안

-I didn't expect to see you soon. -I cannot accept your offer.

군더더기 없이  용건만 말하는구나

You don't like to beat around the bush. You got to the point.

선생님 존경하고 좋아했습니다

I respected and admired you.

‪(혜준) ‪제안은 감사합니다

Thank you for the offer.

‪(찰리) ‪그래 뜻이  그렇다면알았다

Okay, if that's what you want, I understand.

점심이나 같이하자

-Let's have lunch together. -I have plans.

선약이 있어요

-Let's have lunch together. -I have plans.

되게 바쁘구나?

You're very busy.

‪(찰리) ‪ 사람들한테는 ‪시간도   주나 ?

I guess you easily spare your time for other people.

아니면 없는 약속 만들었냐?

Or did you make up plans that you didn't even have?


I lied.

선생님하고 점심 자신 없습니다

-I don't think I can have lunch with you. -Why is it so complicated?

‪(찰리) ‪뭐가 그렇게 복잡해?

-I don't think I can have lunch with you. -Why is it so complicated?

네가 그렇게 잘났어?

Do you think you're that important?

  뭐라고 생각해?

Am I a joke to you?

거절에 대한 답을 호의로 하니까 ‪하찮아 보여?

Is it because I'm being nice to you after you rejected me?

너는 진짜 머리가 나쁘다!

You’re so dense.

 머리로 네가 뭐가 되겠냐?

You can’t succeed with that brain of yours.

그러니까 지금까지  모양이지

That’s why you’re still at the bottom.

‪[무거운 음악] ‪ 비난하시는  마음 편하시면 ‪그렇게 하세요

If criticizing me makes you feel better, go ahead.

‪(찰리) ‪ 보면 그런 생각이 들어

This crossed my mind when I looked at you.

‪' 되는 데는  이유가 있다'

There’s a reason you’re not successful.

같이 시작한 해효를 

Look at Hae-hyo now. You two started out together.

걔는 백그라운드가 좋으니까 ‪계속 승승장구잖아

Since he has support, things are working out for him.


You’ll probably die

공사판에서 인생 마감할 거다

at some construction site just like your father.

 기억해 주세요오늘

Remember today.

 선생님께 끝까지 예의를 지켰습니다

I was polite to you to the end.

‪[문이 달칵 열린다]

‪[입소리를  낸다]

‪[자동차 경적이 울린다]

‪(혜준) ‪뭐야?


‪(민재) ‪아유아파아이고아파

Gosh, it hurts. It hurts.


Gosh, it hurts. It hurts.

‪[민재의 어색한 웃음]

‪(혜준) ‪여행  갔어?

Why aren't you on your trip?

 사고 쳤어혜준아

I did something crazy, Hye-jun.

‪[흥미로운 음악]

‪(혜준) ‪누나 ‪[민재가 호로록거린다]

Min-jae, people can make mistakes when they are cornered.

사람이 궁지에 몰리면 실수할  있어

Min-jae, people can make mistakes when they are cornered.

미안하다 그러면 이해해  거야

If you apologize, I’m sure they'll understand.

‪(민재) ‪내가 회사 다닐  ‪너희들 티켓 작업  했잖아

I used to book all the tickets at the agency. This is a piece of cake. I even booked a place for you to stay.

아이이런  일도 아니지 ‪숙소도 구했어

This is a piece of cake. I even booked a place for you to stay.

 프랑스 ?

-Am I going to France, too? -A direct flight to Milan costs twice.

‪(민재) ‪밀라노 직항은 비행깃값이  배야

-Am I going to France, too? -A direct flight to Milan costs twice.

프랑스 경유해서 밀라노로 가려고

-We'll land in Milan via France. -Min-jae.

‪- 누나 ‪- (민재약속 있는   취소하고

-We'll land in Milan via France. -Min-jae. If you have plans, cancel. It leaves at six.

‪6 비행기니까 ‪집에 가서 여권 챙겨 갖고 나와

If you have plans, cancel. It leaves at six. Go home and get your passport.

‪(민재) ‪짬뽕!

I can’t tell them


JJamppong was made up!

‪[당황한 신음]


‪[잔잔한 음악이 흘러나온다]

‪[마우스  조작음]

‪(진주) ‪우리 브러시   필요해요?

What kind of brushes do we need?

‪(정하) ‪셰이딩블러셔파운데이션 브러시요

We need shading, blush and foundation brushes.

‪(진주) ‪누르면 나오는 자판기처럼 대답하네?

It’s like you had the answer ready.

항상 재고 체크를 하고 있으니까요

I always know what we have in the inventory.

안정하 씨는 

You know, Jeong-ha?

정이  가는 스타일이야

I could never like you.

‪(정하) ‪정이  가시면 정을  주시면 돼요

If you don’t like me, then don’t like me.

‪[진주의 한숨]

‪(진주) ‪내가 유치해서 ‪이런   하려 그랬는데

I wasn’t going to say this because it’s childish.

‪(정하) ‪ 하려고 하는 말은 ‪ 하는  낫더라고요

I wasn’t going to say this because it’s childish. Then, it’s better that you don’t say it.

‪(진주) ‪!


감정 조절  하세요 ‪후배들한테 미칠 영향 생각해서

Control your feelings. Think about how you’ll affect your juniors.

‪(진주) ‪역시 내가 사람을  

I’m a good judge of character, indeed.

이제야 발톱을 드러내네?

Now, you’re showing me your true colors.

해효 씨랑 같이  먹으러 가서 ‪ 좋은  있었어?

Why? Did something happen when you had a meal with Hae-hyo?

어떻게 혼자 사람 옆에 두고?

How could you not invite me? I was there, too.

‪(정하) ‪가지 않았어요해야  일이 있어서

I didn’t go. I had other things to do.

사람 옆에 두고 ‪어떻게 혼자  생각을 하냐고요?

How could I not invite you?

사람들 앞에서 개망신 주신 분이 ‪하실 말씀은 아니라고 생각됩니다

I shouldn’t hear that from you after you humiliated me in front of other people.

누구나 가슴속에 ‪쌍년 하나쯤은 품고 살잖아요

Everyone has a bitchy side.

선생님만 있는  아니에요

You’re not the only one with that.


‪[정하가 물을  뿌린다] ‪[진주의 떨리는 숨소리]


‪(수빈) ‪우아진짜 대박 사이다

That hit the spot!

‪(정하) ‪이제는 전면전이야 ‪너한테 불똥  수도 있어

That hit the spot! I won’t hide now. You might get caught in the crossfire.

‪(수빈) ‪언니한테 집중해서  완전 편해

I just focus on you, so it’s comfortable for me.

사혜준하고 만난  어땠어?

How was meeting Sa Hye-jun?

우리 숍에 오라고 영업했어

I told him to come to our salon.

왔으면 좋겠다원해효도 데리고

I hope he does. And he can bring Won Hae-hyo.

해효까지 오면 진주 쌤이 ‪ 갈구는  장난 아닐 거야

If Hae-hyo comes, Jin-ju will bully me even more.

걔는  왔으면 좋겠어

I hope he doesn’t come.

‪(수빈) ‪근데  '해효'?


언니 지금   봤다고 ‪친한 척하는 거야?

You only met him once. Are you trying to brag?

역시 사람은 길게 봐야 

You only met him once. Are you trying to brag? You must get to know someone over a long time.

허세가 있구먼?

You're pretending to be his friend!

친한 척하는  아니라 ‪걔들하고 친구 먹었어

I'm not pretending. We became friends.

대박 사건

No way.

 혜준이 덕분이야

It’s all thanks to Hye-jun.


‪[민재의 탄성]

‪(혜준) ‪비행기 처음  사람처럼  이래?

You look like it’s your first time on a plane.

처음 탔어

It is my first time.

‪[당황한 웃음] ‪[민재의 탄성]

‪(혜준) ‪누나는 사람 입을 ‪틀어 막히게 하는 재주가 있어

You have a knack for surprising people.

 지금까지  위해   없어

I never had a chance to live for myself.

이번  주인공은 ‪내가 아니라 누나 같다

I think this fashion show is for you, not me.

‪[피식 웃는다]

‪- (민재오렌지주스요 ‪- (승무원

-Orange juice, please. -Okay.

‪(혜준) ‪

‪- (혜준 물요 ‪- (승무원

-Water, please. -Okay.

‪- (승무원여기 있습니다 ‪- (민재감사합니다

-Here you go. -Thank you.

‪[리드미컬한 음악] ‪(민재) ‪맛있어

It's good.

‪[현장이 분주하다]

‪[리드미컬한 음악]

‪[카메라 셔터음이 연신 울린다]

‪[우아한 음악이 흘러나온다]

‪[옅은 탄성]

‪[문이 달칵 열린다]

‪(혜준) ‪한국 같으면 ‪편의점 가서 마시면 좋은데

If we were in Korea, we could’ve drunk at the convenience store.

‪(민재) ‪여기   이틀인데 ‪ 달은   같아

We’ve been here only for two days, but it feels like it’s been a month.


It must be boring for you if you feel it’s been that long.

시간 길게 느껴지는  보니까

It must be boring for you if you feel it’s been that long.

‪[민재가 캔을  내려놓는다]


It’s like I'm dreaming.

‪(민재) ‪먹고사는  걱정  하고

I don’t have to worry about making ends meet

네가 무대에서 ‪잘되기를 바라고 잘되니까

and want you to do well on the stage. And when you did well, it made me happy, too.

내가 잘된 것처럼 좋고

And when you did well, it made me happy, too.

이거 뭐니당황스럽다

What is this feeling? It’s flustering.

그거 사랑할  느끼는 감정인데?

You feel that way when you’re in love.

‪(민재) ‪사랑하나 

I must be in love.

아이 말고 이런 과정

-Not with you. With this process. -Okay.


-Not with you. With this process. -Okay.

‪(민재) ‪사람을 잘되게 도와주고 ‪잘되게  주고

Helping people succeed and stuff like that.


Helping people succeed and stuff like that.

그러니까 내가 누나보고 ‪매니저 하라 그랬잖아

So I told you to be my agent.

  접는다는  진심이야?

Do you really want to quit?

진심은 아니고

I don’t want to, but it's only logical.

현실적 결정이야

I don’t want to, but it's only logical.

 그런 결정을 하게 됐는데?

Why did you decide that?

영화 오디션 떨어졌어

I didn’t get the role in the movie.

‪(혜준) ‪내가 정말 일하고 싶었던 감독님이거든

I really wanted to work with that director.

마지막 보루였어

It was my last chance.

누가 됐어?

-Then, who got the role? -Hae-hyo.

‪- 해효 ‪- (민재

-Then, who got the role? -Hae-hyo. Hey. No. That’s not right.

그건 아니다

Hey. No. That’s not right.

내가 해효도 알고 너도 알잖아

I know both you and Hae-hyo.

물론 해효 괜찮지

Of course, he’s great,

근데  되게 특별해

but you’re special.

‪[잔잔한 음악]

사람 마음을  움직인다니까?

You can move people’s hearts.

 같은 사람도 움직였잖아

You even moved mine.


It’s all over, anyway. Cheers!

‪[못마땅한 신음]

‪[혜준과 민재의 웃음]

‪[캔을  내려놓는다] ‪[탄성]

너무 좋아

I love it.

‪(민재) ‪그러니까  비행기에서  그랬어?

Why did you sleep on the plane?

‪(혜준) ‪맛있었어?

-Was it delicious? -Totally.

‪(민재) ‪완전 맛있었지

-Was it delicious? -Totally.

‪- (민재자서자서  먹었잖아 ‪- (혜준뭐였어메뉴?

-You slept, so you didn't get to eat. -What did they serve?

‪(민재) ‪비빔밥!


‪[함께 웃는다]


‪(혜준) ‪?

‪(해효) ‪안녕하세요누나

-Hello, Min-jae. -It’s been a while.

‪(민재) ‪오랜만이다

-Hello, Min-jae. -It’s been a while.

영화 캐스팅된  축하해

Congratulations on getting the role.


Congratulations on getting the role. Thank you. I’ll take Hye-jun now.

이제 제가 혜준이 데려갈게요

Thank you. I’ll take Hye-jun now.

누나교통 편한 데에다 내려다 ?

Do you want us to drop you off somewhere?

‪(민재) ‪아니야 여기서 ‪바로 가는 버스 있어

No. There’s a direct bus from here.

숍으로 바로  거야?

Are you heading to the hair salon?

얘가 하도  바꾸자고 해서

Yes. He’s been pestering me to change the salon.

아마 너도 후회   거다

You won’t regret it.

‪[피식 웃는다]

‪(민재) ‪그럼  이만 갈게얘들아바이

All right, guys. I'm off now. Bye.

‪(혜준) ‪고마웠어

Thank you.

‪- (해효가세요누나 ‪- (민재안녕!

Thank you. -See you. -Bye.


-Let's go. -Let's go.

‪[리드미컬한 음악이 흘러나온다]

‪(정하) ‪나가실  적어 드릴게요

Before you go, I’ll write down the brand and color of the foundation.

‪- 파데 색상하고 브랜드 ‪- (손님

Before you go, I’ll write down the brand and color of the foundation. Okay.

‪- (진주안녕하세요 ‪- (원장안녕하세요어서 오세요 ‪[진주의 웃음]

-Hello. -Hello, welcome.

‪(원장) ‪어머니한테 말씀 많이 들었어요

I heard a lot about you from your mother.

 이렇게 늦게 왔어요?

You should have come sooner.

‪(혜준) ‪제가 가자고 강력 밀었습니다

I strongly recommended coming here.

‪(원장) ‪[웃으며] ‪감사합니다

I strongly recommended coming here. Thank you.

여기 안정하 씨가 친구거든요

I'm friends with Jeong-ha.

‪(원장) ‪우리  선생하고 친구시구나

I didn't know you were a friend of Jeong-ha.

‪(해효) ‪참고로  친구는  친구입니다

And his friend is my friend as well.

‪[원장의 웃음]

‪[함께 웃는다]

‪[리드미컬한 음악이 흘러나온다]

‪(해효) ‪ 진짜

My gosh, this is nice.

‪(혜준) ‪연예인 DC  준대서 데려왔어

You said you’d give us a discount.

‪(해효) ‪둘이 되게 친해 보인다?

You guys look so close.

패션쇼 전에도 만난  있었어?

Did you meet before the fashion show?

‪(혜준) ‪아니얘가 친화력 갑이야 팬이다?

No. She’s really friendly. And she’s your fan. What? Really?

‪(해효) ‪진짜?

What? Really?

그걸  이제 말해 팬이었어?

Why didn’t you tell me that before? Are you my fan?

‪[웃으며] ‪아니야

-No. -It's okay. You can tell him.

‪(혜준) ‪아이괜찮아말해도

-No. -It's okay. You can tell him.

너무 샤이하다

-You're so shy. -And you have a big mouth.

‪[작은 목소리로] ‪ 입이 되게 싸다?

-You're so shy. -And you have a big mouth.


That was a bit harsh.

‪(혜준) ‪싸다고  만큼 우리가 친하냐?

Are we close enough to exchange such remarks?

‪[정하의 당황한 신음]



‪(해효) ‪[웃으며] ‪ 놀랐다

Hey, she seems flustered. Don't make a joke sound so serious.

 무슨 농담을 진담처럼 하냐? ‪[혜준의 웃음]

Hey, she seems flustered. Don't make a joke sound so serious.

‪(혜준) ‪요즘  연기가 늘잖니놀랐어?

My acting has been improving lately. Did I get you?


-What's wrong with you? -I'm sorry.


-What's wrong with you? -I'm sorry.

‪[진주의 웃음]

‪(진주) ‪뭐가 그렇게 재밌어요? ‪저도 같이 웃어요

What's so funny? Let me join you guys.

‪[진주의 웃음] ‪(혜준) ‪그럼 가시죠제가 웃겨 드릴게요

What's so funny? Let me join you guys. Let's go. I know a lot of jokes.

‪- (혜준 정하한테 해라 ‪- (해효그래

-Ask Jeong-ha to take care of you. -I want my hair washed.

‪(해효) ‪ 샴푸하고 싶어

-Ask Jeong-ha to take care of you. -I want my hair washed.


Come this way.

‪(정하) ‪잠깐만 앉아 있으면 스태프  거야

Sit here. Someone will be here.

‪(해효) ‪ 부담스러워하지 

Don't feel uncomfortable around me.

팬이라고  어렵게 대하지도 말고

You don’t need to be careful around me because you're my fan.


   진짜 아니야

I’m really not your fan.

아이사람 무안하게 ‪ 계속 아니라고 ?

Why do you keep saying that? It’s embarrassing me.

고구마  개는 먹은  같네

This is so frustrating. Why can’t you say that you’re my fan when you are?

‪'아버지를 아버지라 부르지 못하고' ‪네가 홍길동이냐?

Why can’t you say that you’re my fan when you are?

혜준이 팬이야

I’m Hye-jun’s fan.


-What? -I couldn’t tell him the truth

그날 쪽팔려서 말을  했어 ‪알잖아상황

-What? -I couldn’t tell him the truth because I was embarrassed. You saw it, too.

나한테   팔리고?

-You weren't embarrassed in front of me? -No.

‪-  팔려 ‪- (해효 웃기네?

-You weren't embarrassed in front of me? -No. -You're funny. -Don’t tell Hye-jun.

혜준이한테 비밀로  ?

-You're funny. -Don’t tell Hye-jun.

내가  그래야 되는데?

Why must I do that?


You’re Won Hae-hyo.

‪(정하) ‪'원해효는 따뜻하고 ‪부드러운 성품이다'

“Won Hae-hyo is warmhearted and kind.

‪'그를 아는 ‪모델들 사이에서는 그를…'

Models who know him said…" Okay, stop it. Did you look into me, too?

‪(해효) ‪됐어그만해

Okay, stop it. Did you look into me, too?

 나도 팠냐?

Okay, stop it. Did you look into me, too?

‪'마음이 약해서 ‪남의 부탁을  들어준다'

"…he does a lot of favors as he’s softhearted.”


Okay. Fine.


Wait here.


‪[리드미컬한 음악이 흘러나온다]

‪[정하의 당황한 신음]

‪(정하) ‪[웃으며] ‪어디  건데?

-Where are you going? -To the restroom.

‪- (혜준화장실 ‪- 이쪽으로 가면 

-Where are you going? -To the restroom. I see. It's that way.

‪(혜준) ‪좋냐해효 보니까?

Are you happy to see Hae-hyo?

남의 연애사에는 ‪끼는  아닙니다손님

Please don’t butt in my business.

 메이크업만   알아?

Can you do other stuff than makeup?

아니손으로 하는  ‪흉내는  

Yes. I can kind of do everything that requires hands.

머리도 자를  아냐?

Can you cut hair?

‪(정하) ‪바리캉 정도는   있지

Can you cut hair? I can use hair clippers for soldiers and kids under seven years old.

군인과 7 미만 아가들?

for soldiers and kids under seven years old.

우리 이틀 후에  촬영이야 ‪그때 나와

The photoshoot is in two days. You should come then.

‪- 아레나 화보라 그랬지? ‪- (혜준

-It’s a photoshoot for Arena, right? -Yes.

진주 쌤한테 이겨

You should beat Jin-ju.

‪[잔잔한 음악] ‪(혜준) ‪ 번은 이겨야 되지 않겠냐?

You should beat Jin-ju. You should beat her at least once.

이렇게 밀어주는데 지면

If you lose even with my help,


you’re a fool.

진다니까 맨날 지는  아나 

He must think I've been losing all the time.

이번에는 이길 거야

I'll win this time.

‪[카메라 셔터음이 연신 울린다]

Good. Try to look livelier.

‪(사진작가) ‪좋다  느낌 있게

Good. Try to look livelier.

‪(혜준) ‪설명할  없지만

I couldn't explain it.

안에서부터 뭔가가 치미는 그거

But deep down in my heart, I felt something rising up.

그게 뭔지 알았다

I figured out what it was.

너는 너대로

You and I shine in our own way.

나는 나대로 멋지다

You and I shine in our own way.

‪[카메라 셔터음이 울린다] ‪(민재) ‪네가  오디션에 떨어졌는지 알아?

You and I shine in our own way. Do you know why you didn’t get the role?

감독이 처음에는   밀었었는데

The director liked you at first,

해효 SNS 팔로워 수가 ‪너보다 훨씬  많아서 뽑았대

but Hae-hyo has more followers than you. So they went with him.

인지도에서 밀린 거야 ‪실력에서 밀린  아니라

You lost because of popularity, not because of your acting.

‪(혜준) ‪비교하며 경쟁하지 않는  ‪좋은 성품이라고 속였다

I fooled myself that not comparing myself and competing against him was virtuous.

이제 후련하다

Now, I have no regrets.

‪(혜준) ‪ 끝난 거야? ‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]

Are you done?

‪(정하) ‪뭐야연락도 없이  오는 거야?

What? So you don’t even call before you come now?

‪(혜준) ‪해야  일이 생겼어

I need to do something.

‪(정하) ‪여기서?

Right here?

‪[혜준이 입소리를  낸다]

‪(혜준) ‪머리  잘라 줄래바리캉으로

Can you cut my hair with the hair clipper?

‪(정하) ‪뭐야, 7 미만 아가들로 ‪돌아가고 싶은 거야?

Do you want to go back when you were seven years old?

‪[부드러운 음악] ‪[한숨]

Do you want to go back when you were seven years old?


I’m joining the military.

‪(혜준) ‪ 남자는 사귀어 봤냐?

-Have you ever been on a date? -Of course I have.

‪(정하) ‪나도 사귀어 봤지

-Have you ever been on a date? -Of course I have.

‪(영남) ‪ 좋아서 ‪혜준이 닦달하는  알아?

Do you think I enjoy going off at Hye-jun?

‪(영남) ‪ 아빠 알은척도  ?

Hey. Aren't you even going to greet me?

‪(혜준) ‪서로  마주쳤잖아

You saw me too.

 군대 가면  어떡하냐?

What am I going to do when you join the military?

‪-  보고 싶어서 ‪- (혜준) 18개월만 기다려

-I'm going to miss you. -Just wait 18 months.

‪(이영) ‪혜준이 때문에 속상하겠다

You must be upset because of Hye-jun. If he joins the military,

지금 군대 가면 ‪이쪽이랑은 빠이빠이잖아

You must be upset because of Hye-jun. If he joins the military, his career will be over.

‪(혜준) ‪잠깐 삐끗한 거야생각이

It was just a phase.

‪(민재) ‪남은 시간 1초까지  쓰고 수건 던져

Don't give up until you exhaust all the possibilities.

‪(혜준) ‪성공이 별거야?

Success is doing what you like and eating delicious food. There's nothing to it.

하고 싶은  하고맛있는  먹고

Success is doing what you like and eating delicious food. There's nothing to it.

 소박한 스타가 되는  좋아

I just want to be a humble star.


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