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 나의 해방일지 2

My Liberation Notes 2



‪(제호) 아유, 됐어‬SANPO SINKS I got it.
‪[제호의 힘주는 신음]‬I got it.
‪또 있다‬Put this over there. Right there.
‪자‬Put this over there. Right there.
‪요거 상부 두 개 올리고‬This is the top. -That's the top, okay? -Okay.
‪[혜숙의 시원한 숨소리]‬
‪[제호의 시원한 숨소리]‬
‪(제호) 아이고‬Gosh.
‪[다가오는 오토바이 엔진음]‬
‪(구 씨) 잘 마셨습니다‬Thanks for this.
‪(혜숙) 아, 수고했어요‬ ‪씻고 와 밥 먹어요‬You're welcome. Get washed up and come have lunch.
‪[달려가는 발걸음]‬You're welcome. Get washed up and come have lunch.
‪(집배원) 어?‬What?
‪염미정은 여기 아닌데?‬ ‪[구 씨의 가쁜 숨소리]‬Yeom Mi-jeong doesn't live here.
‪(구 씨) 여기 맞아요‬You're at the right place.
‪(집배원) 어? 이건 또 저기네?‬What? But this one is addressed to her house.
‪아, 저, 여기예요?‬-Should I leave this here too? -That goes over there.
‪(구 씨) 저기‬-Should I leave this here too? -That goes over there.
‪[문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪[매미 울음]‬
‪[직원들의 질색하는 탄성]‬
‪(수진) 나 태어나서‬ ‪40도는 처음이야‬It's never been this hot. What's happening to this planet?
‪어떻게 지구가 이럴 수 있지?‬ ‪[직원들의 지친 숨소리]‬It's never been this hot. What's happening to this planet?
‪(보람) 아, 얼른‬ ‪겨울 왔으면 좋겠다‬I can't wait for winter to come.
‪(미정) 겨울엔 또 그럴걸?‬When it does, you're going to wish it was summer again.
‪'얼른 여름 왔으면 좋겠다'‬When it does, you're going to wish it was summer again.
‪지금 기분 잘 기억해 뒀다가‬Let's remember how we're feeling right now and use it when it gets cold.
‪겨울에, 추울 때 써먹자‬Let's remember how we're feeling right now and use it when it gets cold.
‪잘 충전해 뒀다가 겨울에‬We'll save it for winter.
‪(보람) 그럼 겨울 기억을‬ ‪지금 써먹으면 되잖아요‬You can just use your memories from last winter right now then.
‪추울 때 충전해 둔 기분 없어요?‬Didn't you save anything to remember?
‪[보람의 웃음]‬
‪[멀어지는 버스 엔진음]‬
‪[술병을 탁 놓는다]‬
‪[풀벌레 울음]‬
‪우편물 왔는데‬Your letter's here.
‪이따 들를게요‬I'll pick it up later.
‪다녀왔습니다‬I'm home.
‪(혜숙) 구 씨가 뭐래?‬What did Mr. Gu say to you?
‪웬일로 먼저 말을 다 건대?‬It's not like him to say something first.
‪뭐래?‬What did he say?
‪그릇 가져가라고‬He has some of our plates to return. I said I'd pick them up later.
‪이따 가져간다고 했어‬He has some of our plates to return. I said I'd pick them up later.
‪(혜숙) 갖고 오라 그래도‬ ‪맨날 깜빡‬I tell him to bring them over, but he always forgets.
‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬The table is set. Eat before you wash up.
‪상 있을 때 먹고 씻어‬The table is set. Eat before you wash up.
‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬The table is set. Eat before you wash up.
‪[기정의 한숨]‬ ‪(직원1) 들어가 보겠습니다‬I'll be heading out then.
‪- (직원2) 내일 뵙겠습니다‬ ‪- (기정) 예, 들어가세요‬-See you tomorrow. -Okay, see you.
‪[발소리가 들린다]‬
‪(직원3) 저희 동네 진짜 괜찮아요‬You know, my neighborhood really is great.
‪회사랑도 가깝고‬ ‪주변 환경도 괜찮고‬It's close to work and it's a nice place to live.
‪시간 되실 때 언제 한번‬ ‪저하고 같이 돌아봐요‬I can show you around when you're free.
‪그래, 어‬ ‪[직원3이 살짝 웃는다]‬Yes, sure.
‪(직원3) 편하신 날 잡아서‬ ‪연락 주세요‬Just pick whatever day works for you.
‪전 언제든 오케이입니다‬I can always make time.
‪그래, 들어가‬All right, see you.
‪(직원3) 네, 내일 뵙겠습니다‬Okay, see you tomorrow.
‪(기정) 응‬Bye.
‪[힘주는 신음]‬
‪[풀벌레 울음]‬ ‪[멀리서 개가 짖는다]‬
‪[달그락거리는 소리]‬
‪(혜숙) 강소주만 먹지 말고‬Tell him to eat something if he's going to be drinking like that.
‪안주도 좀 먹으라 그래‬ ‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬Tell him to eat something if he's going to be drinking like that.
‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬
‪(기정) 다녀왔습니다‬I'm home.
‪(두환) 어, 오늘 하루도‬ ‪수고하셨습니다‬Hey, you did a good job today.
‪[두환이 피식 웃는다]‬ ‪(혜숙) 밥은?‬Did you eat?
‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬
‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬
‪(기정) 밝을 때 퇴근했는데 밤이야‬I left work when it was bright outside, but it's already night.
‪저녁이 없어‬ ‪[창희의 한숨]‬My evening is gone.
‪[두환이 콜록거린다]‬Come and eat.
‪(두환) 얼른 와서 앉아요‬Come and eat.
‪먹으면 막 힘이 나요, 막‬You'll feel better if you eat this.
‪저 오이냉국‬ ‪지금 세 그릇째예요, 지금‬I already finished three bowls.
‪[두환의 웃음]‬I already finished three bowls.
‪[기정의 한숨]‬
‪[풀벌레 울음]‬
‪[다가오는 발걸음]‬
‪[미정이 쟁반을 툭 놓는다]‬
‪고마워요‬Thank you.
‪여기다 좀 둘게요‬I'll leave this here for now.
‪(미정) 집엔 둘 데가 없어서‬I can't keep it at my house.
‪[쓱 넣는 소리]‬ ‪누가 볼까 봐‬Someone might see it.
‪은행에선‬The bank
‪등본상 주소가 아니면‬ ‪주소 변경 안 해 준다고 해서‬refused have it sent anywhere other than my registered address,
‪여기로 주소 옮겨 놨어요‬so I changed my address to here.
‪죄송해요, 급해서 물어보지도 않고‬I'm sorry. I didn't have time to ask you.
‪[멀어지는 발걸음]‬
‪(기정) 근데 왜‬ ‪자기네 동네로 이사를 오래?‬Why does he want me to move to his neighborhood? He has a girlfriend.
‪애인도 있는 놈이‬Why does he want me to move to his neighborhood? He has a girlfriend.
‪(창희) 동네가 좋다고, 동네가‬Because it's a nice place to live. He's not into you.
‪네가 좋다는 게 아니고‬Because it's a nice place to live. He's not into you.
‪그런 말을 아무한테나 하냐?‬ ‪애인도 있는 놈이‬But he shouldn't say that to another woman.
‪(창희) 뭐, 애인 있는 놈은‬Can't people with girlfriends tell others how nice their neighborhood is?
‪자기 사는 동네‬ ‪좋단 말도 못 하냐?‬Can't people with girlfriends tell others how nice their neighborhood is?
‪(기정) 그냥 좋다는 게 아니라‬That's not all he said. He says I should move there.
‪이사를 오라잖아‬ ‪자기네 동네로, 어?‬That's not all he said. He says I should move there.
‪'가까이 살자', '한동네 살자'‬ ‪이런 말을 아무한테나 하냐? 쯧‬Do you ask just anyone to move to your neighborhood?
‪좋아했네, 고새 또 좋아했어, 아휴‬You fell for him already, didn't you?
‪[기정의 한숨]‬
‪자기네 동네로‬ ‪이사를 오라고 하니까‬It's because he told me to move to his neighborhood.
‪씨, 그 전엔‬ ‪아무 관심도 없었어, 전혀, 쯧‬I had no interest in him at all before that.
‪(기정) 그놈‬Jerks who lead girls on for fun like him,
‪관계에 있어서 질질 흘리면서‬ ‪양아치 짓 하는 놈들은‬Jerks who lead girls on for fun like him,
‪싹 다 멸종이 돼야 돼, 응?‬should all go extinct. They should be straightforward like me.
‪나처럼 다이렉트로‬should all go extinct. They should be straightforward like me.
‪싫으면 싫다, 좋으면 좋다‬ ‪후다닥 까고‬If I don't like them, I kick them to the curb--
‪아, 뭐, 태권도 대련하냐고!‬Kick them to the curb? What is this, a taekwondo match?
‪뭘 까긴 후다닥 뭘 까!‬Kick them to the curb? What is this, a taekwondo match?
‪[혜숙의 못마땅한 한숨]‬
‪[쾅]‬Look what you've done.
‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬
‪[창희와 기정이 구시렁거린다]‬What? Don't play dumb.
‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬Don't play dumb.
‪[두환의 헛기침]‬
‪(두환) 잘 먹었습니다‬Thank you for dinner.
‪[TV 소리가 흘러나온다]‬ ‪그래, 들어가‬Sure, good night.
‪[문이 쾅 닫힌다]‬-Yes. That was great. -And with that he…
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬
‪(미정) 연체가 5일 넘어가면‬ ‪신용 카드 정지된다고 해서‬If a payment is over five days late, my credit card will get suspended.
‪일단 이번 달 건 내가 막았어‬So I made this month's payment.
‪연락 줘‬Call me.
‪[미정의 한숨]‬
‪[거리 소음]‬
‪[지희의 놀란 숨소리]‬
‪오늘 친밥조에‬I checked my lunch mates for today,
‪민호식 있어‬and Min Ho-sik is there.
‪[지희가 키득거린다]‬
‪(지희) 아이스?‬ ‪[직원들의 웃음]‬-Iced? Iced Americano? -Yes.
‪- 아이스아메리카노요?‬ ‪- (호식) 네‬-Iced? Iced Americano? -Yes.
‪[직원들의 웃음]‬
‪(지희) 저도‬ ‪아이스아메리카노 좋아하는데‬I like iced Americanos too.
‪이거 무작위 추첨 아닌 거 같아‬I don't think the tables are randomly picked.
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬
‪동호회 안 하는 사람들만‬ ‪모아 놓은 거잖아‬We're all people who didn't sign up for any clubs.
‪저 하는데?‬I'm a member of a club though.
‪- 해?‬ ‪- (직원4) 네‬-You are? -Yes.
‪동호회 아무것도 안 하세요?‬Haven't you joined any?
‪(상민) 응‬No.
‪두 분도?‬You two don't either?
‪(직원4) 왜 안 하세요?‬Why not?
‪저는 집이 멀어서요‬I live too far away.
‪아…‬I see.
‪수원 근처요‬It's near Suwon.
‪아…‬I see.
‪[직원4의 어색한 웃음]‬
‪부장님은 왜…‬What about you, sir?
‪누가 반긴다고 그런 델 나가?‬Who would want me in their club?
‪(상민) 아이스아메리카노‬ ‪두 개하고‬Two iced Americanos and a hot one, please.
‪따뜻한 아메리카노 하나하고요‬Two iced Americanos and a hot one, please.
‪소미 님은 뭐?‬What do you want, Ms. Bang?
‪아아요‬IA, please.
‪아아도 하나 주세요‬And one IA, please.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬
‪[상민이 입소리를 쩝 낸다]‬
‪밥 먹는 시간까지 사람 부담스럽게‬They're now making lunch uncomfortable too.
‪내가 회사 전 직원 다 알아야 돼?‬Do I have to know everyone here?
‪(상민) 다른 부서 사람들이랑‬ ‪친하게 지내서 뭐 하려고?‬Why do I need to know people in other departments?
‪내 부서 인간들이랑도 힘든 판에‬It's hard enough with those in mine.
‪학교 때 오락부장들만 모아 놨나?‬It's as if everyone here used to be popular kids at school.
‪[상민의 한숨]‬I'll never join any club.
‪동호회 드나 봐라‬I'll never join any club.
‪[엘리베이터 도착음]‬
‪(미정과 태훈) 안녕히 가세요‬-Bye. -Bye.
‪(미정) 그날‬My sister…
‪죄송했다고 언니가 전해 달래요‬wanted me to tell you that she was sorry about the other day.
‪(태훈) 아, 친언니세요?‬Was she your sister?
‪아‬I see.
‪안 닮았네요?‬You don't look alike.
‪(기정) 긴급 리서치‬ ‪이 팀장 순번 아니에요?‬Isn't it Ms. Lee's turn to do the emergency research?
‪이따 나중에 얘기해 줄게‬I'll tell you later.
‪(진우) 자, 자, 자, 들어갑시다‬All right, let's head inside.
‪염 팀장님‬Hello, Ms. Yeom.
‪(진우) 어제 유명 정치인께서‬Yesterday, a well-known politician said
‪뭐, '서른다섯이 무슨 청년이냐'‬35-year-olds should no longer be considered young
‪'청년은 스물아홉 살까지다'‬ ‪라고 해서‬and that youth ends at the age of 29.
‪시대착오적 발언이다, 아니다‬ ‪의견이 분분한데요‬Some people consider his remarks to be more anachronistic than others do.
‪아직 저 자신을‬ ‪청년이라고 생각하는 제 입장에선‬I, for one, believe I'm still young
‪이 뭔 귀신 씻나락 까먹는‬ ‪소리인가 싶지만‬so I think it's absolutely preposterous.
‪[조사원들의 웃음]‬
‪실없는 소리였고요‬I was just joking. Now.
‪자, 국민들은‬I was just joking. Now. We're all here today to figure out
‪몇 살까지 청년으로 보는 게‬ ‪적당하다고 생각하는지‬We're all here today to figure out
‪알아보기 위해서‬at what age the general public considers youth to be over.
‪저희가 이렇게‬ ‪급하게 모이게 됐습니다‬at what age the general public considers youth to be over.
‪한걸음에 달려와 주신‬ ‪여러분께 감사드리며‬Thank you for coming in on such short notice.
‪주의할 점에 대해서‬ ‪말씀드리겠습니다‬I will relay a few things to keep in mind.
‪[저마다 통화한다]‬ ‪(조사원1) 안녕하십니까‬ ‪저는 여론 조사 전문 기관인…‬I will relay a few things to keep in mind. -Hello? I'm calling from Ystat… -Hello? We are a research company…
‪(조사원2) 다른 목적으론‬ ‪절대 사용되지 않고요‬-Hello? I'm calling from Ystat… -Hello? We are a research company… …will not be used to make a profit,
‪통계법 제33조 및 34조에 의거하여‬ ‪비밀이 보장됩니다‬and under Article 33 of the Statistics Act, your information will be kept confidential. We'd appreciate it if you could spare a moment of your time.
‪잠시만 협조하여 주시면‬ ‪감사하겠습니다‬We'd appreciate it if you could spare a moment of your time.
‪(김 이사) 박진우‬ ‪이 팀장이랑 헤어졌어‬Park Jin-u broke up with Ms. Lee.
‪아, 뭐, 박진우가‬ ‪사내 연애가 한두 번인가?‬Well, she's not the first woman he's dated at work.
‪(기정) 자기랑은‬ ‪오래갈 줄 알았나 보지?‬Did she think they'd last longer?
‪[기정의 한숨]‬Did she think they'd last longer?
‪잘됐네요‬Anyway, it's good.
‪여직원들이랑은 다 사귀어서‬Now that he's dated every woman here, there isn't anyone left for him to date.
‪이제 더 이상 사귈 여자도 없고‬Now that he's dated every woman here, there isn't anyone left for him to date.
‪한동안 조용하겠네‬He'll be quiet for a while.
‪(김 이사) 경영 지원 팀에‬ ‪새로 온 여직원이랑‬Rumor has it that he and a new girl in the management are a thing.
‪썸 탄단 소문이 있어‬Rumor has it that he and a new girl in the management are a thing.
‪[기정의 어이없는 숨소리]‬
‪(기정) 대단하다‬Unbelievable.
‪[기정의 헛웃음]‬
‪(직원5) 염 팀장님‬Ms. Yeom, agent 37 keeps on asking leading questions.
‪37번 조사원‬Ms. Yeom, agent 37 keeps on asking leading questions.
‪자꾸 의도를 가지고 질문하는데요‬Ms. Yeom, agent 37 keeps on asking leading questions. I think we should scrap all of their data.
‪자료 로스시켜야 될 거 같은데요‬I think we should scrap all of their data.
‪알았어요, 확인해 볼게요‬Okay, I'll check.
‪(직원5) 네‬Okay.
‪(김 이사) 모른 척해‬You didn't hear anything, okay?
‪[문이 덜컹 닫힌다]‬
‪[문이 덜컹 닫힌다]‬
‪[리드미컬한 음악이 흘러나온다]‬ ‪[창희의 한숨]‬
‪(정훈) 현아는?‬Where's Hyeon-a? She's coming with Mi-jeong.
‪(창희) 미정이 만나서 같이 온대‬She's coming with Mi-jeong.
‪그래, 간만에 서울 왔다, 어‬It's been a long time since you came out to Seoul, right?
‪왜, 금목걸이도 하고 오지?‬You should've worn gold chains too.
‪오두환‬Oh Du-hwan.
‪너 여름에 여자 만나지 마‬Don't ever meet any girls during the summer.
‪진짜 쉰내 장난 아니야‬Don't ever meet any girls during the summer. You seriously smell.
‪겨울에 만나라, 꼭‬Make sure you only see them in winter.
‪잔인하게 그런 말을 하냐?‬How could you be so cruel?
‪얘 혼자 살아‬He lives alone. He wouldn't know unless someone tells him.
‪얘기 안 해 주면 몰라‬He lives alone. He wouldn't know unless someone tells him.
‪응, 마, 마셔, 응‬Yes. Have a drink.
‪(창희) 너 이거 버려라, 진짜‬Toss that shirt out. I'm serious.
‪한번 쉰내 난 옷은‬ ‪빨아도 안 없어져‬Once it starts to stink, it'll never go away. Throw it away.
‪꼭 버려‬Once it starts to stink, it'll never go away. Throw it away.
‪진짜 내 눈에 다시 띄면‬ ‪확 태워 버린다, 진짜‬If I see it again, I'll burn it. I swear.
‪이걸 명품이라고 여태 못 버리고‬You've kept that for years because it's designer.
‪요즘 누가 이런 걸 명품이라고…‬No one would consider this designer.
‪[창희의 한숨]‬
‪(TV 속 기자) 모 야당 의원의‬ ‪발언이‬A politician's comment regarding the age of young people
‪청년 나이 기준 논란에‬ ‪불씨를 지폈습니다‬ ‪[조르르 따르는 소리]‬A politician's comment regarding the age of young people has sparked controversy.
‪현재는 지자체마다‬ ‪청년의 기준이 다른데요‬Currently, each local government defines it differently. In Seoul, it is considered that youth ends at the age of 29,
‪서울시에선 29세까지‬ ‪청년으로 보지만‬In Seoul, it is considered that youth ends at the age of 29,
‪전북, 전남은 39세까지‬In Seoul, it is considered that youth ends at the age of 29, but in Jeolla-do, it's 39,
‪경북 봉화군은 49세까지‬ ‪청년으로 보고 있습니다‬and in Bonghwa-gun, North Gyeongsang-do, it's 49.
‪'과연 몇 세까지 청년으로‬ ‪보는 것이 적당한가'라는 질문에‬We asked the citizens of Seoul what they considered to be the appropriate age
‪서울 시민들은 응답자의 56%가‬We asked the citizens of Seoul what they considered to be the appropriate age at which a person should no longer be classified as youth.
‪만 19세에서 29세까지‬And 56 percent of the respondents
‪청년으로 보아야 한다고‬ ‪답했습니다‬answered that youth should be between the ages of 19 to 29.
‪[못마땅한 숨소리]‬ ‪[TV 속 기자가 계속 말한다]‬answered that youth should be between the ages of 19 to 29. -If youth is defined to be… -I just don't get it.
‪이해가 안 된다, 이해가 안 돼‬-If youth is defined to be… -I just don't get it.
‪[창희의 한숨]‬
‪(기정) 사내 연애 중독도 아니고‬ ‪한 회사에서 계속‬Is he addicted to dating people at work or what? Can't he find a girl anywhere else?
‪딴 덴 여자가 없나, 씨, 쯧‬Can't he find a girl anywhere else?
‪(정훈) 우리 박진우 씨‬ ‪또 여자 바뀌었나 보네?‬I guess Park Jin-u has found himself a new girl.
‪[조르르 따르는 소리]‬
‪나는 아는 사람 같아‬I feel like I know him now because you talk so much about him.
‪하도 들어 가지고‬I feel like I know him now because you talk so much about him.
‪그놈은 그렇다 쳐‬It's not just him.
‪난 여자들이 더 이해가 안 돼‬It's the girls that I have a harder time understanding. They all know who he's been with.
‪다 알아, 누구누구랑 사귀었는지‬They all know who he's been with.
‪(기정) 어? 회사에 그 인간이랑‬ ‪사귀었던 여자가 줄줄이야‬He's already dated a bunch of girls at work.
‪그런데도 사귀고 싶어?‬Why do they still go out with him?
‪박진우의 원 오브 뎀으로‬Why do they want to belittle themselves by becoming another one of his girls?
‪그렇게 하찮은 여자가 되고 싶냐고‬Why do they want to belittle themselves by becoming another one of his girls?
‪하, 진짜 이해 안 돼‬Why do they want to belittle themselves by becoming another one of his girls? I really don't get it.
‪이해 안 해도 돼‬You don't have to get it.
‪난 네가 이해가 안 돼‬It's you that I don't get.
‪(창희) 인조이 되는 사람들끼리‬ ‪인조이 하겠다는데‬They're fine with having a casual fling. How is it any of your business?
‪네가 뭔 상관이냐고, 남 연애사에‬They're fine with having a casual fling. How is it any of your business?
‪뭐가 하찮아?‬And how is that belittling?
‪그럼 뭐, 나 만났던 여자들은‬ ‪다 하찮아?‬Then have the girls I've dated belittled themselves too? From my point of view, they're like one of the girls I've dated.
‪내 입장에서 보면 그 여자들은‬ ‪내 인생의 원 오브 뎀이야‬From my point of view, they're like one of the girls I've dated.
‪아니, 뭐, 세상 남녀들이‬ ‪다 너처럼‬I mean, does everyone need to be like you and only ever love one person,
‪남자도 하나, 사랑도 하나‬ ‪하나가 아니었어도 하나였던 척‬does everyone need to be like you and only ever love one person, or pretend they're the only person they've ever been with?
‪너밖에 없었던 척‬ ‪뭐, 그러고 살아야 돼?‬or pretend they're the only person they've ever been with? They live in a different world from yours.
‪그들만의 리그야‬ ‪네 리그가 아니고‬They live in a different world from yours. So just leave them to enjoy themselves.
‪그러니까 그냥 두라고, 놀게‬So just leave them to enjoy themselves.
‪그 사람들?‬ ‪지금 다 해피해, 즐거워‬They're all happy and having a blast. They don't care what others think.
‪남 시선 신경도 안 써‬They don't care what others think.
‪네가 죽어라 욕해도‬ ‪신경도 안 쓴다고‬You can bad-mouth them, but they just don't care.
‪[답답한 한숨]‬
‪왜 나만 건너뛰어?‬Why hasn't he ever asked me out?
‪[창희의 황당한 숨소리]‬ ‪[딸랑거리는 소리]‬
‪미치겠다‬You've got to be kidding me.
‪다 사귀면서 왜 나만 건너뛰어!‬He dates everyone, so why did he skip me?
‪박진우도 취향이라는 게 있겠지‬I'm sure Jin-u has his own taste in women.
‪내가 10위 안에는 들어‬I'm at least in the top ten at work.
‪거기 회사 여직원이 몇 명인데?‬Out of how many women? Are there like 20?
‪뭐, 스무 명은 되냐?‬Out of how many women? Are there like 20?
‪나보다 한참 떨어지는‬ ‪여자도 사귀면서‬He's even dated someone way less attractive than I am.
‪왜 나만 건너뛰냐고‬So why won't he date me?
‪야, 봤지?‬See?
‪내가 무슨 팩트를 날리면‬When I hit her with the facts, she just ignores me and keeps going.
‪(창희) 못 들은 척‬ ‪자기 얘기만 계속해요‬When I hit her with the facts, she just ignores me and keeps going.
‪무슨, 정치를 했어야 됐는데, 씨‬When I hit her with the facts, she just ignores me and keeps going. You should've become a politician.
‪나보다 이쁜 여자는 있어도‬Some of them may be prettier than me, but none of them are as charming as me.
‪나보다 더 매력적인 여자는 없어‬ ‪[창희의 한숨]‬Some of them may be prettier than me, but none of them are as charming as me.
‪[어이없는 숨소리]‬
‪[창희가 쓴 숨을 내뱉는다]‬ ‪(기정) 응?‬
‪사실이야‬It's true. I think I'm pretty awesome.
‪난 내가 괜찮아‬It's true. I think I'm pretty awesome.
‪[기정이 술잔을 탁 놓는다]‬
‪나는, 어?‬ ‪[조르르 따르는 소리]‬I'm a woman who has a lot of charm.
‪매력 자본이 어마어마한 여자야‬I'm a woman who has a lot of charm.
‪야, 마셔라, 마셔‬Hey, drink up. Let's just drink.
‪[술잔이 쨍 부딪친다]‬ ‪애들 왜 안 오냐?‬Why aren't the girls here yet?
‪[기정의 한숨]‬You know, I…
‪(창희) 내가 진짜…‬You know, I…
‪쪽팔린다, 진짜‬I'm embarrassed that you're my older sister.
‪염기정이 누나인 게 내가…‬I'm embarrassed that you're my older sister.
‪[창희의 답답한 숨소리]‬
‪난 누나 이해된다‬I feel you, Gi-jeong. I can see why you're offended.
‪기분 나쁠 만해, 누나‬I feel you, Gi-jeong. I can see why you're offended.
‪[두환이 피식 웃는다]‬
‪[어이없는 웃음]‬
‪[두환의 헛기침]‬
‪(정훈) 이 타이밍에‬ ‪정말 미안한데요, 누나‬This may not be the right time to ask,
‪그, 왜, 이빨 하나하나에도‬but that girl in your office with "nasty, nasty, nasty" all over her face,
‪'못됐음, 못됐음'이라고‬ ‪쓰여 있다는 여직원이요‬but that girl in your office with "nasty, nasty, nasty" all over her face,
‪박진우랑 사귀었죠?‬Park Jin-u's dated her too, right?
‪그럴 것 같았어, 응‬I knew it. It's just as expected.
‪야, 이빨‬It's just as expected. I bet she has a beautiful face.
‪이빨 정말 이쁘다, 그 여자, 응?‬ ‪[헛웃음]‬I bet she has a beautiful face. Right?
‪백, 백 프로 이뻐, 응‬I am 100 percent sure she's pretty.
‪씁, 그 여자가 이빨만 이쁠까?‬And I think she's not just pretty
‪다른 데도 이쁠 거 같은데‬but also pretty charming.
‪[기정이 술잔을 탁 놓는다]‬but also pretty charming.
‪[풀벌레 울음]‬
‪(미정) 응‬Hey.
‪나 여기 광장 동상 앞에‬I'm in front of the statue in the square.
‪언니 어딘데?‬Where are you?
‪여기!‬Over here!
‪[통화 종료음]‬
‪늦게 끝났네?‬You got off late today.
‪언니 시간 맞췄어‬So we could go together.
‪(현아) 가자‬Let's go.
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬Hold on.
‪잠깐만‬Hold on.
‪미친놈‬That jerk…
‪왜, 누구인데?‬Who is it?
‪(현아) 아니야, 가자‬Nobody. Let's go. Who's there?
‪누구누구 왔대?‬Nobody. Let's go. Who's there?
‪[리드미컬한 음악이 흘러나온다]‬
‪(창희) 야, 왔다‬-Hey, they're here. -Right.
‪[정훈의 탄성]‬ ‪왔어!‬-Hey! -Hey, guys.
‪(현아) 와, 오랜만이다‬ ‪[정훈이 재촉한다]‬Hey. You're so late. What took you so long?
‪- (정훈) 왜 이렇게 늦게 와? 아휴‬ ‪- (현아) 그러니까‬What took you so long? Sorry.
‪(정훈) 아, 누구 때문에‬ ‪분위기가 아주 최악이었어‬Someone here has been a serious buzzkill.
‪- 왜?‬ ‪- (정훈) 아, 빨리 좀 왔어야지!‬-Why? -You should've come sooner.
‪(사람들) ♪ 생일 축하합니다 ♪‬ ‪[밝은 음악]‬-Happy birthday to you -Happy birthday to you
‪♪ 생일 축하합니다 ♪‬-Happy birthday to you -Happy birthday to you
‪♪ 사랑하는 현아의‬ ‪생일 축하합니다 ♪‬Happy birthday dear Hyeon-a Happy birthday to you
‪[저마다 환호한다]‬Happy birthday dear Hyeon-a Happy birthday to you
‪[입바람을 후 분다]‬
‪(현아) 짠‬ ‪[창희가 호응한다]‬Cheers. Bottoms up.
‪(현아) 이것 좀 드세요‬Here, try some of this.
‪(남자들) 어? 감사합니다‬-Thank you. -Thank you.
‪(현아) 남자가 왜 없어요? 어?‬What do you mean there are no guys?
‪이렇게나 많은데?‬There's a bunch right here.
‪80점짜리를 찾으니까 남자가 없지‬It's because you look for someone who's worth 80 points.
‪상대가 80점이어도‬And even if you do find him, you grill him about the 20 points he lacks
‪모자란 20 때문에 남자 족치고‬And even if you do find him, you grill him about the 20 points he lacks
‪더 괜찮은 남자 없나 짱 보고‬while you look for someone better. That's what you do.
‪그러잖아요, 언니‬while you look for someone better. That's what you do.
‪근데 무슨 아무나 사랑한다고‬Love is not for everyone. Don't kid yourself.
‪난 텄다고 봐‬Don't kid yourself.
‪아니, 나는‬I mean, I go out with guys who are worth 20 points because I like them.
‪20점짜리도‬ ‪그 20이 좋아서 사귀는데?‬I mean, I go out with guys who are worth 20 points because I like them.
‪20이 어디야‬What's wrong with 20 points? That's 20 points above zero.
‪좋은 게 20씩이나 있는데, 어?‬What's wrong with 20 points? That's 20 points above zero.
‪어쩌다 30점짜리 만나면‬If I get lucky and meet someone who's worth 30 points, I'm just grateful.
‪'아이고, 감사합니다', 어?‬If I get lucky and meet someone who's worth 30 points, I'm just grateful.
‪40점짜리 만나면 대박‬And if it's 40points, then I've hit the jackpot.
‪그, 자기가 80점이라서‬ ‪80점짜리를 찾는 거면‬I mean, I'd understand if you're worth 80 points yourself.
‪내가 이해를 해‬I mean, I'd understand if you're worth 80 points yourself.
‪언니, 솔직히 내가‬ ‪몇 점짜리인지 얘기해 줘요?‬Do you want me to be honest and tell you how many points you're worth?
‪오늘 아주 적나라하게‬ ‪점수 좀 찍어 줘?‬Should I be brutally frank?
‪(현아) 아, 그러니까‬ ‪자기 자신을 좀 알라고요‬I'm just saying, you could use a little self-awareness.
‪남들 다 언니를 아는데‬ ‪이렇게 언니만 언니를 모를까‬Everyone else knows you except for you.
‪[현아가 술을 호록 마신다]‬
‪아, 그리고 하지도 않을 거잖아요‬Besides, you're not going to do it anyway.
‪안 할 거잖아요, 아무나 사랑‬Besides, you're not going to do it anyway. You're not going to love just anyone.
‪(두환) 그만해라‬ ‪언니한테 왜 그러냐?‬That's enough. Why are you being so mean?
‪(현아) 너희들은 기정이 언니‬ ‪왜 그냥 놔두니? 어?‬And why are you guys letting Gi-jeong do this to herself?
‪염미정, 너는 너희 언니‬ ‪왜 그냥 놔둬?‬Mi-jeong. Why did you let it come to this? You're at fault too. Knock some sense into her.
‪너도 문제야, 밟아 주라고, 좀‬You're at fault too. Knock some sense into her.
‪(기정) 야‬Hey.
‪너 왜 골났어? 왜 골질이야?‬Why are you so upset anyway?
‪여태 너 기다렸어, 네 생일이라고‬We all waited for you to celebrate your birthday.
‪얘네 산포에서 올라왔어‬ ‪너 보겠다고‬They came all the way here from Sanpo.
‪왜?‬Do you want to stop seeing your hometown friends?
‪옛날 동네 친구들‬ ‪그만 보고 싶은데‬Do you want to stop seeing your hometown friends?
‪우리가 눈치 없이 챙기냐?‬Were we too dense to notice?
‪그런 거 아니에요‬It's not that.
‪(기정) 근데?‬Then what?
‪(정훈) 생일인데 좀 봐줘요, 어?‬ ‪[정훈의 어색한 웃음]‬It's her birthday. Cut her some slack, okay?
‪오늘은, 어, 현아 마음대로 하자‬Hyeon-a can do whatever she wants to do today.
‪어, 땡깡 부려! 어‬Hyeon-a can do whatever she wants to do today. Be as crabby as you want!
‪[술잔을 툭 놓는다]‬
‪[조르르 따르는 소리]‬ ‪남자 친구랑 헤어질 거예요‬I'm going to break up with my boyfriend.
‪됐다, 궁금하지도 않다‬Forget it. I'm not even interested.
‪네가 사귀었다 헤어졌다‬ ‪뭐, 한두 번이냐?‬It's not the first time.
‪[조르르 따르는 소리]‬
‪[기정의 한숨]‬
‪아니, 그 자식이 침대 산다잖아요‬He says he's going to buy a bed…
‪사귄 지 2년이 넘었는데‬when we've been together for over two years.
‪아니, 침대가 한두 푼이야?‬I mean, you know beds aren't cheap.
‪결혼을 하면‬ ‪내가 혼수로 해 올 건데‬I'm supposed to buy one when we get married, so why would he buy it?
‪자기가 침대를 왜 사?‬I'm supposed to buy one when we get married, so why would he buy it?
‪(현아) 나랑‬ ‪결혼할 마음이 없으니까‬It didn't occur to him because he's not planning to marry me.
‪그런 생각 못 하는 거지‬It didn't occur to him because he's not planning to marry me.
‪[남자1의 옅은 탄성]‬
‪(남자1) 돈이 많은 거 아니야?‬Maybe he's just rich.
‪[남자1의 웃음]‬ ‪(남자2) 그러네‬Yes.
‪[현아의 한숨]‬
‪[현아의 옅은 웃음]‬
‪그 인간 돈 없고요‬That jerk has no money.
‪(현아) 음, 더블도 아니고‬ ‪싱글 침대 산대요‬And it's not even a double, it's a single. An 800,000-won single bed.
‪80만 원짜리 싱글 침대를‬And it's not even a double, it's a single. An 800,000-won single bed.
‪[웃으며] 미친 거죠‬That's crazy, isn't it? He wants to be single forever, right?
‪예, 평생 혼자 살겠다는 거죠‬That's crazy, isn't it? He wants to be single forever, right?
‪마흔셋이에요, 그 남자‬-And he's 43 years old. -Right.
‪- (남자1) 어, 네‬ ‪- (현아) 예‬-And he's 43 years old. -Right.
‪너도 결혼이 하고 싶었니?‬You want to get married?
‪그럼요‬Of course.
‪아니, 프리섹스주의자가‬ ‪왜 결혼을 못 해요?‬Can't I get married just because I prefer open relationships? I'm open to anything.
‪프리인데?‬I'm open to anything.
‪프리가 뭘 못 해, 다 하지‬I'm up for anything.
‪[현아의 한숨]‬
‪(현아) 2년을 사귀었단 말이에요‬We've been together for two years.
‪2년을 사귀었어도‬But even after two years,
‪결국 난 아니라는 거잖아요‬he still doesn't think I'm the one.
‪(기정) 그냥 물어봐, 어?‬ ‪나랑 결혼 안 할 거냐고‬Just ask him if he's going to marry you or not.
‪싫어요, 그걸 뭘 물어‬No, why would I do that?
‪(현아) 근데 쟤는 아까부터‬ ‪누구랑 저러고 있는 거냐?‬By the way, who has he been talking to for so long?
‪뭐, 쟤 요즘 여친이랑 심각하니?‬Is he on bad terms with his girlfriend?
‪(두환) 헤어졌는데?‬They broke up.
‪벌써 헤어졌어‬They already broke up.
‪(현아) 그럼 누구야?‬Who is it then?
‪변상미네‬It must be Byeon Sang-mi then.
‪(기정) 있어, 편의점 점주‬Some convenience store owner.
‪왜, 그런 아줌마들 있잖아‬She's the type of woman
‪아무 때고 전화해 가지고‬ ‪자기 얘기 한 시간씩 늘어놓는 거‬who calls you whenever and yammers on for an hour
‪남편이 어쩌고저쩌고‬ ‪아들이 어쩌고저쩌고‬ ‪[현아의 한숨]‬complaining about her husband, her son, and so on.
‪(현아) 하, 돌아 버린다‬ ‪[조르르 따르는 소리]‬You've got to be kidding me.
‪[현아의 한숨]‬
‪(기정) 아, 누가 쟤 좀‬ ‪구해 줬으면 좋겠다‬I hope somebody rescues him.
‪(정훈) 야, 야, 야, 야‬ ‪너, 네가 거길 왜 가냐!‬Hey! Why would you go in there?
‪(창희) 뭐, 야, 왜?‬Hey. What are you doing?
‪(현아) 헤어져!‬We're breaking up! How could you ditch your girlfriend to talk to another woman for an hour?
‪어떻게 여자 친구를‬ ‪한 시간 동안 놔두고‬How could you ditch your girlfriend to talk to another woman for an hour?
‪딴 여자랑 통화를 할 수가 있어!‬How could you ditch your girlfriend to talk to another woman for an hour? Just go out with her instead then!
‪이럴 거면 그냥 그 여자랑 사귀어!‬Just go out with her instead then!
‪[감성적인 음악]‬
‪(미정) 사람들은‬People are
‪말을 참 잘하는 거 같아‬so good with words.
‪(현아) 어느 지점을 넘어가면‬Once you reach a certain point,
‪말로 끼를 부리기 시작해‬you start playing with your words.
‪말로 사람 시선 모으는 데‬ ‪재미 붙이기 시작하면‬And once you start to enjoy drawing attention to yourself with your words…
‪막차 탄 거야‬there's no turning back.
‪내가 하는 말 중에‬Do you think there's even a single thing
‪쓸데 있는 말이‬ ‪하나라도 있는 줄 알아?‬coming out of my mouth that's actually worthwhile?
‪없어, 하나도‬There isn't. Not one.
‪그러니까 넌‬So I don't
‪절대 그 지점을‬ ‪안 넘었으면 좋겠다‬want you to ever reach that point.
‪정도를 걸을 자신이 없어서‬It feels like I'm taking a detour
‪샛길로 빠졌다는 느낌이야‬because I'm too afraid to walk on the right path.
‪너무 멀리 샛길로 빠져서‬But I've come so far away
‪이제 돌아갈 엄두도 안 나‬that I can't even dare to turn back.
‪나는 네가‬I like
‪말로 사람을 홀리겠다는 의지가‬ ‪안 보여서 좋아‬that you don't try to get attention from people with your words.
‪그래서 네가 하는 말은‬ ‪한 마디 한 마디가 다 귀해‬That's why each and every word you utter is so special.
‪[풀벌레 울음]‬
‪(미정) 다시 태어나면‬If I ever get to be born again,
‪언니로 태어나고 싶어‬I want to be born as you, Hyeon-a.
‪전생에 너처럼 살다가‬I was like you in my previous life
‪'다시 태어나면 막살아야겠다'‬ ‪한 게 지금 나고‬and decided to live recklessly if I were born again. And that's me now.
‪(현아) 또 나처럼 살다가‬Then I'll realize that this isn't right either
‪'아, 이것도 아닌가 보다'‬Then I'll realize that this isn't right either
‪'다시 태어나면'‬and decide to have a quiet life the next time around.
‪'단정하게 살아야겠다'‬ ‪한 게 지금 너야‬and decide to have a quiet life the next time around. And that's you.
‪너나 나나 수없이‬ ‪이리 갔다 저리 갔다‬You and I have been switching back and forth millions of times.
‪왔다 갔다 했어‬You and I have been switching back and forth millions of times.
‪왜 이래, 순진한 척‬Why are you acting so naive?
‪(미정) 우리 다 행복했으면 좋겠어‬I want all of us to be happy.
‪쨍 하고 햇볕 난 것처럼‬As bright and cheery as a sunny day.
‪구겨진 것 하나 없이‬Without so much as a crease in our hearts.
‪[비가 솨 내린다]‬ ‪[자동차 경적이 요란하다]‬
‪[출입문 종이 딸랑거린다]‬Hello.
‪[문이 덜컹 닫힌다]‬ ‪[창희의 가쁜 숨소리]‬
‪[카드 인식음]‬You want to add more shelves?
‪(창희) 진열대 올리신다고요?‬You want to add more shelves?
‪어유, 추워라‬God, it's cold. Aren't you cold? I think you set the temperature too low.
‪안 추우세요?‬God, it's cold. Aren't you cold? I think you set the temperature too low.
‪무슨 에어컨을‬ ‪이렇게 세게 틀어 놓으셨어요?‬God, it's cold. Aren't you cold? I think you set the temperature too low.
‪이게, 이게 다 올리긴 뭐하고‬Well, adding a shelf to everything won't really work.
‪그쪽에서 여기 사각지대‬ ‪거울은 보여야 되니까‬You still need to be able to see the mirror.
‪여기랑 여기 두 군데만 올리시죠‬So how about just doing this one and that one?
‪뭐, 한 30cm 정도면 될 거 같은데‬I think about 30cm should do it.
‪[키보드 조작음]‬
‪(점주1) 아니, 진짜‬ ‪나 때문에 헤어진 거야?‬Hey, did you really break up because of me?
‪헤어질 때 됐어요‬It was about time we did anyway. Don't worry about it.
‪신경 쓰지 마세요‬It was about time we did anyway. Don't worry about it.
‪[착잡한 한숨]‬
‪나 어떡하니, 진짜‬What have I done?
‪내가 여자 친구한테‬ ‪전화 걸어 갖고‬Why don't I call your girlfriend and try to explain things?
‪잘 말해 보면 안 될까?‬Why don't I call your girlfriend and try to explain things?
‪(창희) 25, 27일 중에‬ ‪언제가 좋으세요?‬Which works better for you, the 25th or the 27th?
‪설비 팀 나와서 작업할 건데‬For the maintenance team to come.
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬
‪네, 네‬Yes.
‪아…‬I see.
‪(점주2) 그 플라스틱 의자가‬ ‪바람에 뱅글뱅글 돌다가‬The plastic chair was spinning around because of the wind
‪아이, 저 혼자서 그 차에‬ ‪틱 하고 부딪쳤는데‬and dinged that car all by itself.
‪자기 차 수리비 대려면‬ ‪이 가게 문 닫아야 된다고‬The owner said I'd have to sell this store if I was to pay for it.
‪하이고야‬ ‪공갈도 그런 공갈이 없다‬Jeez, what a load of crap.
‪차가 뭐라 그러는데‬He said his car was…
‪내가 뭐, 처음 들어 보는 차라‬I've never even heard of it before.
‪'아, 내 인생 이제 끝났구나'‬I thought my life was over then.
‪(창희) 그런 일 있으면‬ ‪바로 전화 주세요‬Call me when something like that happens. Insurance covers all of that.
‪다 보험 처리 돼요‬Call me when something like that happens. Insurance covers all of that.
‪(점주2) 내가‬ ‪염 대리 신으로 보였다‬Call me when something like that happens. Insurance covers all of that. You looked like a god to me at that moment.
‪[피식 웃는다]‬ ‪아나, 진짜‬Jeez, seriously.
‪염 대리‬ ‪우리 끝까지 같이 가야 된다?‬ ‪[달그락거린다]‬Mr. Yeom, we have to stick it out together until the end. I'll replace the table with a wooden one with benches attached.
‪아, 테이블은‬ ‪원목 테이블로 바꿔 드릴게요‬I'll replace the table with a wooden one with benches attached.
‪(창희) 의자 달린 걸로‬I'll replace the table with a wooden one with benches attached. Thank you so much.
‪고맙다, 진짜‬Thank you so much.
‪염 대리‬ ‪나랑 평생 같이 가야 된다?‬Mr. Yeom. You and I have to stay partners forever, okay?
‪보건증은요?‬-Did you get the health certificate? -Right.
‪아…‬-Did you get the health certificate? -Right.
‪아, 그거 이제 커피 기계 들어와서‬ ‪받아 놓으셔야 된다니까‬I told you you need to have it to put a coffee machine in the store.
‪(점주2) 아, 내가 시간이 안 된다‬I just don't have the time.
‪(남자3) 여기 계산이요‬Can you ring this up? Sure.
‪(창희) 네‬Sure.
‪[카운터가 달칵 여닫힌다]‬
‪네‬ ‪[출입문 종이 딸랑거린다]‬
‪(남자3) 비 오는데 왜 내렸어?‬Why did you come? It's raining. Wait, hang on.
‪(예린) 어, 잠깐만‬Wait, hang on.
‪(점주2) 뭐 찾으세요?‬-Can I help you find something? -Wet wipes.
‪물티슈요‬-Can I help you find something? -Wet wipes.
‪[바코드 인식음]‬ ‪(점주2) 저쪽에, 저기, 저기‬They're over there, right there.
‪(예린) 아‬Okay.
‪[물티슈를 탁 놓으며] 이거…‬We'll take this too--
‪[바코드 인식음]‬
‪(창희) 9천 원입니다‬That'll be 9,000 won.
‪(남자3) 차 막히기 전에‬ ‪얼른 서울 나가 봐야 되는데‬We should hurry and get out of Seoul.
‪[바스락거리는 소리]‬
‪(창희) 안녕히 가세요‬ ‪[출입문 종이 딸랑거린다]‬Have a good day.
‪[차 문이 탁 여닫힌다]‬
‪[자동차 시동음]‬
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪[차창이 쓱 열린다]‬
‪(민규) 일하냐?‬Are you working?
‪(창희) 왜 여기 있어?‬What are you doing here?
‪(민규) 카메라 없는데?‬There are no cameras around here, so I'm just killing time.
‪시간이 떠서‬There are no cameras around here, so I'm just killing time.
‪점심은?‬Did you have lunch?
‪폐기‬Expired food.
‪(민규) 안 질리냐?‬Aren't you sick of it?
‪아직‬Not yet.
‪사무직 좀 하고 싶다‬I wish I could work in an office.
‪(민규) 건물에 가만히 앉아서‬I want to sit inside a building
‪밖에서 천둥이 치든‬ ‪벼락이 떨어지든 고요하게‬where it's quiet even if there's a thunderstorm going on outside.
‪[민규의 한숨]‬
‪길바닥 인생 8년째다‬We've been working like this for eight years.
‪이번에도 팀장 못 달면‬If neither of us makes team leader this time,
‪접자, 우리‬let's just quit.
‪이번엔 달겠지‬We'll make it this time.
‪달아야지‬We have to.
‪- 수고해‬ ‪- (민규) 가‬-See you later. -Bye.
‪(은비) 대박이지 않아요?‬-Isn't it great? -How many tickets did he give you?
‪(직원6) 근데 몇 장 받아 온 거야?‬-Isn't it great? -How many tickets did he give you?
‪- (은비) 다섯 장이요‬ ‪- (직원6) 다섯 장?‬ ‪[은비의 웃음]‬-Five. -Five?
‪(은비) 저 5천 원‬ ‪진짜 처음 돼 봐요‬ ‪[직원들이 호응한다]‬I've never won 5,000 won on the lottery.
‪그러니까요‬-This is amazing. -Seriously. I've never--
‪[은비의 웃음]‬-This is amazing. -Seriously. I've never--
‪아…‬-This is amazing. -Seriously. I've never-- I guess Mr. Park gave that to you.
‪박진우 이사가 줬나 보네?‬I guess Mr. Park gave that to you.
‪(은비) 네‬Yes.
‪새로 들어온 경영 지원 팀?‬You're the new hire with the management team, right?
‪(은비) 네, 안녕하세요‬Yes. Nice to meet you.
‪로또 주면서 그랬지?‬He said he was gifting you excitement when he gave it to you, right?
‪설렘을 선물하는 거라고‬He said he was gifting you excitement when he gave it to you, right?
‪이제 토요일이면 설렐 거라고‬That you'd be excited on Saturday.
‪어떻게 아셨어요?‬How did you know that?
‪(이 팀장) 여기 박진우 이사한테‬There isn't a single girl here who hasn't received a lottery ticket
‪로또 안 받아 본 여자‬ ‪한 명도 없어‬There isn't a single girl here who hasn't received a lottery ticket from Mr. Park.
‪금요일에 주면 좋잖아‬Why does he always give them on Mondays and not Fridays?
‪꼭 월요일에 준다?‬Why does he always give them on Mondays and not Fridays?
‪로또 보면서 일주일 내내‬ ‪자기 생각 하게 하는 거지‬He wants you to think about him all week whenever you look at your ticket.
‪너무 싼 작업법 같지 않아?‬It's such a cheap move, don't you think? It costs 5,000 won.
‪5천 원으로‬It costs 5,000 won.
‪[다가오는 발걸음]‬
‪(김 이사) 그래도 그거‬ ‪사람 기대하게 하는 면 있다?‬But it still makes you pretty excited.
‪주말에 딴짓하다가도‬ ‪'아차, 로또' 그래‬On the weekend, you suddenly go, "Right, the lottery ticket."
‪[피식 웃으며] 그렇지 않아?‬Isn't that right?
‪아, 그, 그렇죠‬Right.
‪박진우 이사 로또로‬ ‪일주일에 5만 원은 쓴대‬Apparently, he spends at least 50,000 won on lottery tickets every week.
‪[은비의 놀란 숨소리]‬
‪(김 이사) 그런 상사가 어디 있니?‬Isn't he a pretty good boss?
‪난 커피 사 주는 거보다 좋더라‬I like it better than coffee.
‪(기정) 로또도 나만 건너뛰어‬Again, he's given lottery tickets to everyone but me.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬He's given them to married women and new employees.
‪(기정) 유부녀도 받고‬He's given them to married women and new employees.
‪새로 온 직원도 받고‬He's given them to married women and new employees.
‪다 받는데 나만…‬He's given them to everyone but me.
‪그냥 대놓고 물어봐‬Just ask him straight up why he keeps on leaving you out.
‪왜 나만 건너뛰냐고‬Just ask him straight up why he keeps on leaving you out.
‪[기정의 한숨]‬
‪아무한테나 전화 와서‬I just want to get a call from anyone…
‪아무 말이나 하고 싶어‬and talk about anything.
‪(원희) 여태 떠들었는데‬You've been talking all this time.
‪맨날 떠들었는데‬You talk all the time.
‪여전히 떠들고 싶니?‬You still want to talk more?
‪나 하고 싶은 말은 못 했어‬I've never said what I really wanted to say.
‪[원희의 한숨]‬
‪(기정) 존재하는 척‬ ‪떠들어 대는 말 말고‬I don't want to just say things to feel like I exist.
‪쉬는 말이 하고 싶어‬I want to talk to relax.
‪대화인데‬A conversation…
‪말인데‬Words that make you feel relaxed.
‪쉬는 것 같은 말‬Words that make you feel relaxed.
‪섹스라고 말하지만‬I say I want to have sex,
‪사실 나 남자랑 말이 하고 싶어‬but the truth is, I want to talk with a man.
‪(직원7) 냉면 먹을래?‬
‪[시끌시끌하다]‬ ‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬
‪(미정) 응‬Yes.
‪(여자) 갑자기 찬혁 선배는 왜?‬Why are you asking about Chan-hyeok?
‪(미정) 뭐 좀 물어보려고 하는데‬ ‪연락이 안 돼서‬I want to ask him something but I can't reach him.
‪(여자) 선배 여기저기‬ ‪돈 꿔 달라고 해서‬He's been borrowing money here and there,
‪사람들하고 애매해진 것 같더라‬He's been borrowing money here and there, so things have gotten awkward for everyone.
‪사업한다고 들떠서‬ ‪떠들고 다닐 때부터‬I had a bad feeling when he started to boast about starting his own business.
‪내가 불안불안하다 했어‬I had a bad feeling when he started to boast about starting his own business.
‪한국 완전히 정리하고 태국 갔대‬I heard he closed his business and went to Thailand.
‪신용 불량자 되고‬ ‪여기선 답이 안 보이니까‬He couldn't carry on here because of his bad credit.
‪누구한테 갔겠니?‬ ‪세영 언니한테 간 거지‬And who did he go to? I bet he went to Se-yeong.
‪세영 언니가‬ ‪먼저 불렀다는 얘기도 있고‬Some say Se-yeong suggested it first.
‪사귀었다 헤어졌다‬ ‪반복하더니 결국‬They broke up and got back together over and over. Now it's come to this.
‪근데 선배는 갑자기 왜?‬But why do you need to talk to him?
‪별거 아니야‬It's nothing.
‪(여자) 뭔데?‬Come on, tell me.
‪별거 아니야‬It's nothing.
‪(여자) 너 혹시‬Don't tell me
‪선배랑 사귀었니?‬you went out with him.
‪사귀긴‬Of course not.
‪[시끌시끌하다]‬ ‪(직원7) 집 앞까지 데려다줬거든?‬He walked me to my house.
‪[직원들의 탄성]‬ ‪[직원7의 웃음]‬He walked me to my house. But he's… What do I do if he's not replying anymore?
‪아, 근데 연락이, 답장이 없어‬But he's… What do I do if he's not replying anymore?
‪(지희) 어차피 알게 되지 않을까?‬You'll find out in the end.
‪소개팅 있다니까‬ ‪[직원들의 웃음]‬I have a blind date.
‪(수진) 어유, 근데 피부과면‬ ‪내 피부만 보면 어떡해?‬He's a dermatologist. -What if he keeps staring at my skin? -No way.
‪[저마다 질색한다]‬ ‪(직원8) 어유, 설마요‬-What if he keeps staring at my skin? -No way.
‪(직원7) 밥 먹는 데까진‬ ‪분위기가 좋았거든?‬It was great when we were eating. He even took me home.
‪집에도 데려다줬어‬It was great when we were eating. He even took me home.
‪[직원들의 탄성]‬
‪(지희) 데려다줬는데 답장이 없다?‬-But he won't return your texts? -Correct.
‪톡을 안 하는 남자일 수도‬ ‪있지 않을까?‬Maybe he doesn't check his phone.
‪[지희의 웃음]‬ ‪(직원7) 아니, 요즘에‬ ‪톡을 안 하는 사람이 어디 있어‬Please, in this day and age?
‪[직원들이 말한다]‬ ‪(수진) 에이그‬Please, in this day and age? Hey.
‪(직원7) 먼저 해 볼까?‬ ‪[직원들의 웃음]‬Should I text him again?
‪내가 먼저 해 볼까?‬Should I text him?
‪(수진) 야‬ ‪미정이 너무 귀엽지 않니?‬Hey, isn't Mi-jeong adorable?
‪[저마다 긍정한다]‬-She is. -Yes.
‪[직원들의 웃음]‬She's so cute.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬She's so cute. She's cute. She's very cute.
‪(미정) 초등학교 1학년 때‬When I was in the first grade, I once scored 20 out of 100 on a test.
‪20점을 받은 적이 있었어요‬When I was in the first grade, I once scored 20 out of 100 on a test.
‪시험지에 부모님 사인을‬ ‪받아 가야 했는데‬I was told to get my parents' signatures on the test.
‪꺼내진 못하고‬I couldn't bring myself to show them. And whenever I looked at my bag, my heart felt heavier than a rock.
‪시험지가 든 가방만 보면‬And whenever I looked at my bag, my heart felt heavier than a rock.
‪마음이 돌덩이처럼 무거웠어요‬And whenever I looked at my bag, my heart felt heavier than a rock.
‪사인은 받아야 하는데‬ ‪보여 주면 안 되는‬I had to get it signed but I couldn't show them.
‪해결은 해야 되는데‬ ‪엄두가 나질 않는‬Something I had to figure out but couldn't bring myself to.
‪지금 상황에서‬ ‪왜 그게 생각날까요?‬I wonder why I'm reminded of that right now.
‪[안내 방송이 흘러나온다]‬I wonder why I'm reminded of that right now.
‪[열차 진입음]‬
‪(미정) 뭐가 들키지 말아야 하는‬ ‪20점짜리 시험지인지 모르겠어요‬I don't know what I should be more embarrassed about.
‪남자한테 돈 뀌어준‬ ‪바보 같은 나인지‬Is it me, the fool who lent money to some guy?
‪여자한테 돈 꾸고‬ ‪갚지 못한 그놈인지‬Or is it him, the guy who couldn't pay back the money he owes to a girl? Or is it
‪그놈이‬Or is it
‪전 여친한테 갔다는 사실인지‬the fact that he ran off to his ex-girlfriend?
‪도대체‬I can't tell which of the three is the test paper I'm trying to hide.
‪뭐가 숨겨야 되는‬ ‪20점짜리 시험지인지 모르겠어요‬I can't tell which of the three is the test paper I'm trying to hide.
‪(미정) 그냥‬Maybe…
‪내가 20점짜리인 건지‬it's just me who's worth 20 points.
‪[매미 울음]‬
‪[자동차 시동음]‬
‪[다가오는 자동차 엔진음]‬
‪(혜숙) 아이고‬Oh, dear. What are we going to do about all this blood?
‪아유, 이 피‬ ‪이걸 어떡하면 좋아, 어?‬Oh, dear. What are we going to do about all this blood? Good heavens. Gosh, are you okay?
‪아이고, 세상에, 아이고‬Good heavens. Gosh, are you okay?
‪아이고, 괜찮아요? 어?‬Good heavens. Gosh, are you okay?
‪아이고, 이거 큰일 났네‬ ‪큰일 났어‬ ‪[차 문이 달칵 열린다]‬Oh, dear. This is terrible. Absolutely terrible.
‪아이고‬Oh, dear. This is terrible. Absolutely terrible.
‪아이고, 참‬ ‪[달려오는 발걸음]‬
‪(제호) 어이, 구 씨, 일어나 봐‬ ‪[혜숙의 다급한 소리]‬-Come on, Mr. Gu. Let's get you up. -Oh, God. Here.
‪- (혜숙) 아이고, 자, 자, 신발‬ ‪- (제호) 일어나, 일어나‬-Come on, Mr. Gu. Let's get you up. -Oh, God. Here. Here we go. Put your shoes on.
‪- (혜숙) 아유‬ ‪- (제호) 신발 신어, 신발 신어‬Here we go. Put your shoes on.
‪(혜숙) 아이고, 아이고, 조심‬ ‪아이고, 세상에‬Oh, good heavens.
‪아유, 조심해‬Be careful.
‪아유, 세상에‬-Gosh. -Oh, my God.
‪[차 문이 달칵 열린다]‬
‪아이고‬Oh, dear.
‪[안전벨트 조작음]‬
‪- (제호) 들어가 있어‬ ‪- (혜숙) 예, 조심해서 갔다 와요‬Get back inside. I'll see you later. Be careful.
‪[차 문이 탁 닫힌다]‬ ‪[자동차 시동음]‬
‪아이고, 참, 쯧‬Oh, dear.
‪(혜숙) 아휴, 어떡하면 좋아, 아유‬How terrible.
‪아이고‬My goodness.
‪[풀벌레 울음]‬ ‪[달그락거리는 소리]‬
‪(혜숙) 밥 먹으라고 갔더니‬I went to get him for dinner,
‪여기가 시커메서‬ ‪피떡이 돼서 자다 일어나, 어?‬and he woke up with a bruise and blood on his face.
‪얼굴이 왜 그러냐니까‬ ‪자기도 거울 보고 놀라‬I asked him what happened, and he didn't even know.
‪술 먹고 자빠져서‬He must have gotten drunk and tripped.
‪술김에 아픈 줄도 모르고 잔 거지‬He was too drunk to feel anything and just passed out.
‪겨우내 술에 젖어 사는 거, 어?‬He was drunk all winter, wasn't he?
‪간신히 끄집어내서‬ ‪사람 만들어 놨더니‬We just barely turned him into a decent human being,
‪하루 일 없다고‬ ‪고새 또 그렇게, 아유‬then he does this the very moment he gets a day off.
‪그렇다고 없는 일‬ ‪만들어서 시킬 수도 없는 노릇이고‬It's not as though we can give him work when there isn't any work to give.
‪어디서 뭐 하다 왔대요?‬What did he use to do?
‪내가 알아?‬How would I know? He doesn't give me a straight answer when I ask him.
‪물어보면‬ ‪대답이나 시원시원하게 해?‬He doesn't give me a straight answer when I ask him.
‪이름이 뭐냐니까 우물쭈물, 어?‬I asked his name, and he hesitated to tell me.
‪뭐라고 불러야 되냐니까‬I asked him what I should call him, and he just said, "My last name is Gu."
‪'구가입니다'‬I asked him what I should call him, and he just said, "My last name is Gu."
‪사고 치고 숨어 있는 거 아니야?‬Maybe he's in hiding here.
‪너무 오버해서 챙기고 그러지 마요‬Don't look after him too much. We don't even know who he is.
‪뭔 사고 치고 들어와 있는 줄 알고‬Don't look after him too much. We don't even know who he is.
‪(혜숙) 사고는 아니야‬I'm sure he's not a bad person.
‪뭐, 당한 거지, 응?‬He probably had something bad happen to him.
‪본인이 사고 치고‬ ‪그럴 성품은 못 돼‬I doubt he'd do something bad. He's probably the victim.
‪당한 거야‬I doubt he'd do something bad. He's probably the victim.
‪소라 할머니 툭하면 전화해서‬So-ra's grandma calls me all the time to go and check on Mr. Gu.
‪구가네 한번 가 보라고, 어?‬So-ra's grandma calls me all the time to go and check on Mr. Gu.
‪세놓은 집에‬ ‪사람 죽어 나갈까 봐 불안한 거지‬She's just worried that someone might die in the house she's renting out.
‪1년 치 월세를‬ ‪미리 내고 들어왔다는데?‬She said he paid a year's rent upfront.
‪이 동네가‬This town
‪젊은 사람 죽어 나갈 만큼‬isn't dramatic enough for someone as young as him to suddenly drop dead.
‪그렇게 드라마틱한 동네가‬ ‪아니에요‬isn't dramatic enough for someone as young as him to suddenly drop dead.
‪(창희) 내가 태어나서 여태까지‬ ‪이 동네에서‬In my entire life, all I've ever seen happen here is old people dying and floods in summer.
‪여름철에 홍수 나고‬ ‪노인네들 죽는 거 빼고는‬all I've ever seen happen here is old people dying and floods in summer.
‪본 게 없어‬all I've ever seen happen here is old people dying and floods in summer. Nothing big happens around here. Nothing at all.
‪큰일이라는 게 없어, 그냥‬Nothing big happens around here. Nothing at all.
‪아무 일이 없어‬Nothing big happens around here. Nothing at all.
‪[당황한 탄성]‬
‪강적이다‬He is impossible.
‪또 술 사 와‬He bought alcohol again.
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪[밤새 울음]‬
‪[옅은 한숨]‬
‪[커피 머신 작동음]‬
‪(보람) 혹시‬Hey, are you going to Guam too?
‪언니도 괌 가요?‬Hey, are you going to Guam too?
‪뜬금없이 무슨 괌을 가?‬Guam? What are you talking about?
‪아, 난 언니도 가면서‬ ‪나한테 비밀로 하는 줄 알고‬I was upset because I thought you were also going but weren't telling me.
‪(보람) 기분 좀 그랬는데‬I was upset because I thought you were also going but weren't telling me.
‪한수진하고 김지희‬ ‪걔네들 휴가 때 괌 간대요‬Su-jin, Ji-hui, and the girls are going to Guam for vacation.
‪[직원들의 웃음]‬ ‪(보람) 넷이 속닥거리다가‬ ‪내가 가면 딱 멈추고‬They'd stop chatting whenever I showed up.
‪기분 나쁘게‬ ‪그런 걸 왜 비밀로 하나 몰라‬Why would they keep it a secret? It's offensive. As if we'd tag along.
‪(보람) 누가 쫓아갈까 봐?‬As if we'd tag along.
‪한수진이랑 언니는‬ ‪되게 친한 줄 알았는데‬But I thought you and Su-jin were quite close.
‪나 돈 없어‬I don't have money for that.
‪[직원들이 속닥거린다]‬ ‪[차분한 음악]‬-It's very nice. -You have it here too.
‪- (직원7) 진짜 이쁘다‬ ‪- (지희) 손톱 길었어‬It's so pretty. I wish they were longer.
‪(지희) 잘하는 데 있어?‬ ‪아는 데 있어?‬Do you know a good place?
‪[직원들이 연신 속닥거린다]‬It's beautiful. I love it.
‪[쓱쓱 적는 소리]‬I messed up so many times.
‪[종이 넘기는 소리]‬ ‪(준호) 아이씨‬Damn it.
‪[쓱쓱 적는 소리]‬Damn it.
‪아이씨, 진짜‬Oh, for God's sake.
‪하, 참‬
‪씨, 쯧‬
‪(향기) 제가 염미정 씨한테‬ ‪딱 맞는 동호회를 발견했어요‬I've found the perfect club for you, Ms. Yeom.
‪낭독회‬A recital club.
‪발음도 너무 좋지 않아요?‬It rolls right off the tongue, doesn't it?
‪전 이런 게 좋아요‬I like it
‪단어하고 느낌하고‬ ‪딱 맞아떨어지는 거‬when a word matches exactly how it sounds.
‪어딘가 모르게 쓸쓸하고 도도한 게‬It somehow sounds lonely and aloof.
‪낭독하고 딱이잖아요‬It's the perfect word for it.
‪[향기가 살짝 웃는다]‬
‪이번에, 어‬ ‪새로 결성된 동호회인데‬This club has been formed recently
‪어, 기술 부서 세 분이‬ ‪신규 동호회로 등록하셨더라고요‬by three employees from the engineering department.
‪저 이거 보자마자‬ ‪염미정 씨가 딱 떠올랐어요‬I thought of you immediately as soon as I saw it. "She should join the recital club."
‪[살짝 웃으며] '낭독이다'‬"She should join the recital club."
‪'염미정 씨는 낭독이다'‬"Ms. Yeom is perfect for the recital club."
‪[떨리는 한숨]‬
‪못 하겠어요‬I don't think I can do it.
‪힘들어요‬It's exhausting.
‪예, 그래요, 뭐‬Right, sure.
‪어, 집도 멀고…‬You live far away and all.
‪[쓸쓸한 음악]‬
‪(미정) 지쳤어요‬I'm exhausted.
‪어디서부터 어떻게‬ ‪잘못된 건진 모르겠는데‬I don't know when it all started to go wrong,
‪그냥 지쳤어요‬but I'm exhausted.
‪(미정) 모든 관계가‬Every relationship
‪노동이에요‬feels like work.
‪눈 뜨고 있는 모든 시간이‬Every moment that I'm awake…
‪노동이에요‬feels like work.
‪[풀벌레 울음]‬
‪(미정) 아무 일도 일어나지 않고‬Nothing ever happens.
‪아무도 날 좋아하지 않고‬No one ever likes me.
‪(미정) 왜 매일 술 마셔요?‬Why do you drink every day?
‪아니면 뭐 해?‬What else would I do?
‪(미정) 할 일 줘요?‬Should I give you something to do?
‪술 말고 할 일 줘요?‬Should I give you something to do other than drink?
‪날 추앙해요‬Worship me.
‪[쓸쓸한 음악]‬
‪[울먹이며] 난 한 번도‬ ‪채워진 적이 없어‬I've never felt whole before.
‪개새끼, 개새끼‬One asshole after another… Every guy I've ever dated was an asshole.
‪내가 만났던 놈들은 다 개새끼‬Every guy I've ever dated was an asshole.
‪그러니까 날 추앙해요‬ ‪가득 채워지게‬So worship me and make me feel whole.
‪조금 있으면 겨울이에요‬It'll be winter soon.
‪겨울이 오면 살아 있는 건‬ ‪아무것도 없어요‬Nothing survives when winter comes.
‪그렇게 앉아서‬ ‪보고 있을 것도 없어요‬There will be nothing to see sitting there and no work at the factory.
‪공장에 일도 없고‬There will be nothing to see sitting there and no work at the factory.
‪낮부터 마시면서‬ ‪쓰레기 같은 기분 견디는 거‬If you drink all day, you'll only feel like crap.
‪지옥 같을 거예요‬It'll be like hell.
‪당신은 어떤 일이든 해야 돼요‬You have to do something.
‪난 한 번은 채워지고 싶어‬I want to feel whole for once.
‪그러니까 날 추앙해요‬So worship me.
‪사랑으론 안 돼‬Love isn't enough.
‪추앙해요‬Worship me.
‪[감성적인 음악]‬
‪(미정) 인사는 하고 지내요‬Let's at least say hi from now on.
‪(구 씨) 아무것도 안 하고 싶다고‬I don't want to do anything with anyone.
‪사람하고는‬I don't want to do anything with anyone.
‪(소영) 소개팅은 어떻게 되셨어요?‬How did the blind date go?
‪(기정) 참수당하는‬ ‪남편의 머리를…‬…the severed head of her husband. I stand by my man and never betray him. I protect him.
‪전 배신 안 때리고 쭉 가요‬ ‪남자를 지켜요‬I stand by my man and never betray him. I protect him.
‪(창희) 그냥 혼자 살아‬Just live alone.
‪한번 가 볼까?‬Should I go?
‪(창희) 술꾼 집에 술이 없겠냐?‬Why wouldn't there be when he's a drunk?
‪(창희) 제가 술 취해서 오버했어요‬I was drunk and crossed the line.
‪(기정) 너 구 씨랑 친하잖아‬You and Mr. Gu are close.
‪(창희) 말은 해 봤냐?‬Have you guys even talked?
‪(미정) 거지 같은 인생에‬ ‪거지 같은 인간들‬This crappy life with these crappy people.
‪나보고 한 소리?‬Were you talking to me?
‪(미정) 꼭 갇힌 거 같아요‬I feel trapped.
‪우리 진짜로 하는 건 어때요?‬How about we actually do it?
‪(향기) 세 분이서 뭘 하시겠다는…‬-So what are the three of you going to do? -I'm going to break free.
‪(미정) 뚫고 나갈 거야‬-So what are the three of you going to do? -I'm going to break free.
‪(찬혁) 세영이한테 연락하면‬ ‪돈이고 뭐고 없어‬If you call Se-yeong, you can forget about the money.
‪(구 씨) 너 남자한테 돈 빌려줬지?‬You lent money to a guy, didn't you?
‪받아 줘?‬Want me to get it back for you?

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