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  모범가족 3

A Model Family 3


‪(동하) 이번에 티오 나고‬ ‪한 자리 얻으려면‬I LOVE YOU, HYUN-WOO
‪나도 교수님한테 잘 보여야 되니까‬
‪(은주) 어제 애가 수술했어‬His surgery was yesterday.
‪그깟 교수가 애보다 더 중요해?‬Does it mean more to you than your son?
‪(동하) 알아, 미안해‬I know. I'm sorry.
‪[또렷한 말소리]‬ ‪아니, 근데‬ ‪내가 어떻게 못 간다고 그래‬But, how am I supposed to tell him I can't make it?
‪그 교수란 것들‬ ‪당신 피 빨아먹는 악귀들이야‬Those damn professors are blood-sucking vampires.
‪[한숨]‬ ‪(은주) 우리 가족 말려 죽이는‬ ‪악마 같은 것들이라고!‬They're like demons trying to ruin our family!
‪[은주의 한숨]‬ ‪교수 안 돼도 좋으니까‬You don't have to become a professor.
‪우리끼리라도 행복하게 살자‬Let's just try to be happy ourselves.
‪현우 아프잖아‬Hyun-woo's sick.
‪동생 아프니까‬ ‪연우는 맨날 눈치만 살살 봐‬And Yeon-woo walks on eggshells because of that.
‪그래서 내가 더 그러는 거야!‬That's exactly why I'm trying so hard.
‪그나마 나라도 이 교수 자리 따야‬I have to at least get that job as a professor
‪(동하) 이, 현우 병원비라도‬ ‪댈 거 아니야‬I have to at least get that job as a professor so we can pay for Hyun-woo's medical bills.
‪너도 하루 종일‬ ‪현우만 보고 있어 봐!‬Try watching Hyun-woo all day long!
‪가…‬It breaks my heart. It's killing me!
‪가슴이 찢어져서 죽을 것 같다고!‬It breaks my heart. It's killing me!
‪(동하) 그러니까‬I know.
‪[어깨를 탁 잡는다]‬
‪우리 진짜 좋아질 거야‬Everything will get better.
‪믿어, 어?‬Trust me, okay?
‪- (어린 연우) 엄마‬ ‪- (동하) 응?‬ ‪[은주의 한숨]‬-Mom. -Yes?
‪(어린 현우) 엄마‬Mom.
‪나 하나도 안 아파‬I'm perfectly fine.
‪[은주의 놀란 숨소리]‬I'm perfectly fine.
‪집에 가자‬Let's go home.
‪[잔잔한 컨트리풍 배경음악]‬
‪[깊은 한숨]‬
‪(은주) 달아나고 싶어‬I want to run away.
‪[유리 깨지는 요란한 소리]‬ ‪[동하의 신음]‬
‪[괴로운 숨소리]‬
‪[괴로운 숨소리]‬
‪[힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪[동하의 헐떡이는 숨소리]‬
‪[괴로운 신음]‬
‪- (수하1) 거기 안 서?‬ ‪- (수하2) 거기 서!‬ ‪[동하의 다급한 숨소리]‬-Get him! -Stop right there!
‪[안간힘 쓰는 신음]‬
‪[힘주는 신음]‬
‪[거친 숨소리]‬
‪[거친 숨소리]‬
‪[울음기 섞인 숨소리]‬
‪[달그락 내려놓는 소리]‬
‪(의사) 다 됐습니다‬You're all set.
‪[동하의 신음]‬You're all set.
‪[부스럭 장갑 벗는 소리]‬
‪(의사) 어떻게 다치셨어요?‬How did you get hurt?
‪(동하) 유리창에…‬The window…
‪유리창이 깨져서‬The window broke.
‪[동하가 코를 훌쩍인다]‬
‪(의사) 소독해 주시고‬ ‪일주일쯤 뒤에 실밥 제거 받으세요‬Make sure to clean your wound and have the stitches removed in a week.
‪[떨리는 숨을 내쉰다]‬
‪[달칵 안전띠 푸는 소리]‬ ‪[동하의 떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪네가 진짜‬ ‪제대로 하는 게 하나라도 있니?‬Is there anything you can do properly?
‪[떨리는 한숨]‬
‪[착잡한 한숨]‬
‪[서류철을 탁 내려놓는다]‬
‪야, 와서 이것도 좀 실어‬Hey, come and load this too.
‪꼭 이렇게 해야겠냐?‬-Do you have to go this far? -Hello.
‪오셨어요?‬-Do you have to go this far? -Hello.
‪(정국) 아니, 그 동네 들어가서‬ ‪뭘 어쩌겠다고?‬What are you moving into that neighborhood for?
‪감시팀 있잖아‬ ‪필요하면 다른 팀 불러‬There's a surveillance team. Have them do it. Don't go yourself.
‪직접 가지 말고‬There's a surveillance team. Have them do it. Don't go yourself.
‪(정국) 팀장은‬ ‪팀장의 할 일이 있는 거다‬A team leader has her own set of responsibilities.
‪그러니까요, 그래서 하는 거예요‬You're right. That's why I'm doing this.
‪[서류철을 탁 내려놓는다]‬You're right. That's why I'm doing this.
‪[라이터를 툭 던진다]‬
‪뜨거울 때가 항상 위험한 때다‬It's dangerous when you're hot on the trail.
‪[휴지통을 텅 내려놓는다]‬It's dangerous when you're hot on the trail.
‪위험하니까 제가 가야죠‬And that's exactly why I have to go.
‪[한숨]‬And that's exactly why I have to go.
‪누굴 보내요?‬Who would I send?
‪(정국) 그럼‬ ‪애들 더 데리고 들어가‬ ‪[라이터로 불붙이는 소리]‬Then take more guys with you.
‪흉악한 놈들이잖아‬You're dealing with brutal thugs. Plus, something ended up happening.
‪안 좋은 일도 있었고‬You're dealing with brutal thugs. Plus, something ended up happening.
‪잘 마무리해서‬ ‪훈장 하나 달아 드릴게요‬I'll wrap this case up well, and get you a medal.
‪과장님 영전하시도록‬So you can get promoted.
‪비꼬는 거 같다, 왠지?‬That sounds sarcastic to me.
‪한철이‬I know…
‪네가 어떻게 생각했는지 잘 아는데‬how you felt about Han-cheol,
‪(정국) 이렇게 된 게‬ ‪내 탓은 아니잖아?‬but this isn't my fault.
‪[한숨 쉬며] 한철이가 원한 거야‬ ‪억지로 보낸 사람 없어‬Han-cheol wanted to do it. Nobody forced him.
‪[연기를 후 내뱉는다]‬That's why we acted like it never happened. Didn't we?
‪그래서 덮었잖아요‬That's why we acted like it never happened. Didn't we?
‪누가 뭐랬어요?‬That's why we acted like it never happened. Didn't we?
‪- (정국) 윤석아‬ ‪- (윤석) 예‬-Yun-seok. -Yes, ma'am.
‪[정국이 피식 웃는다]‬-Be careful out there. -Yes, ma'am.
‪(정국) [어르듯이] 몸조심해라‬-Be careful out there. -Yes, ma'am.
‪예‬-Be careful out there. -Yes, ma'am.
‪(정국) 너희 팀장 잘 챙겨‬-And take good care of Joo-hyun. -Yes, ma'am.
‪(윤석) 예, 알겠습니다‬-And take good care of Joo-hyun. -Yes, ma'am.
‪- 들어가십시오‬ ‪- (정국) 응‬-Goodbye. -Bye.
‪[멀어지는 발소리]‬
‪[주현의 한숨]‬ ‪[문 열리는 소리]‬
‪[문이 닫힌다]‬
‪뭘 봐, 새끼야, 짐 날라‬ ‪밤새울 거야?‬What? Hurry up. Are you going to move these all night?
‪[라이터를 툭 던진다]‬What? Hurry up. Are you going to move these all night?
‪(윤석) 알겠습니다‬Yes, ma'am.
‪[풀벌레 소리]‬ ‪[동하의 지친 숨소리]‬
‪[차 문을 달칵 연다]‬
‪[동하의 한숨]‬
‪[문이 덜컹 닫힌다]‬ ‪[밤새 울음소리]‬
‪[옅은 한숨]‬
‪[피곤한 한숨]‬
‪[고요한 배경음악]‬
‪[외롭고 조용한 배경음악]‬
‪[동하의 불편한 숨소리]‬
‪[매미 소리]‬
‪[바쁜 달그락 소리]‬
‪어제 밤늦게 어디 갔었어?‬Where did you go last night? And what's wrong with your face?
‪얼굴은 또 왜 그러고?‬Where did you go last night? And what's wrong with your face?
‪아니, 거 밤에‬ ‪잠도 안 오고 그래 가지고‬I just couldn't fall asleep,
‪거, 차 몰고‬ ‪저기 수변 공원 있잖아, 왜‬so I went on a little drive to Waterside Park.
‪거기 갔다가 그냥 비탈에서 굴렀어‬ ‪[자조적인 웃음]‬When I got there, I fell down a hill.
‪바보 같아 가지고‬ ‪[헛웃음]‬Like a moron.
‪(연우) 거기 온갖 변태들이‬ ‪다 몰린다던데‬I heard that park is packed with perverts.
‪변태 어, 없던데?‬Perverts? I didn't see any. You look so manly with that scar on your face.
‪(현우) 얼굴에 상처가 있으니까‬ ‪꼭 남자 같아요‬You look so manly with that scar on your face.
‪아빠 마초 맨‬Very macho.
‪[웃으며] 그래‬Thanks.
‪[연우의 한숨]‬
‪(연우) 다녀오겠습니다‬I'm leaving.
‪(동하) 연우야, 같이 가자‬Yeon-woo, let's go together. I'll give you a ride on my way.
‪아빠 가면서 태워다 줄게‬Yeon-woo, let's go together. I'll give you a ride on my way.
‪[문 열리는 소리]‬
‪[한숨]‬ ‪(동하) 연우야!‬Yeon-woo!
‪[문이 닫힌다]‬ ‪[도어록 작동음]‬
‪[문 열리는 소리]‬
‪[문이 닫힌다]‬ ‪[도어록 작동음]‬
‪[새가 지저귄다]‬ ‪(동하) 박연우‬Park Yeon-woo!
‪아, 좀!‬Stop it. Why aren't you acting yourself?
‪아, 왜 안 하던 짓을 하려고 그래?‬Stop it. Why aren't you acting yourself?
‪나 그냥 버스 타고 간다니까‬I'm just going to take the bus.
‪(동하) 아이, 가는 김에‬Come on, you can ride with me in the car,
‪아빠랑 같이 가면서‬Come on, you can ride with me in the car,
‪얘기도 하고 좋잖아‬and we can chat. It'll be nice.
‪[주민들이 웅성거린다]‬and we can chat. It'll be nice.
‪(경찰) 실례하겠습니다‬ ‪[무전기 소리]‬Excuse me.
‪어, 이 집에 사세요?‬Do you live in this house?
‪- (동하) 예‬ ‪- (경찰) 아‬-Yes, I do. -I see.
‪혹시 앞집 사시는 분‬Do you remember the last time you saw the man who lives in front of you?
‪마지막으로 보신 게 언제인지‬ ‪좀 알 수 있을까요?‬Do you remember the last time you saw the man who lives in front of you?
‪글쎄요‬I'm not sure.
‪아니, 엊그제 밤인가…‬I think I saw him two nights ago.
‪아이, 근데 이, 무슨 일입니까?‬What's going on?
‪(경찰) 아, 예‬Oh, okay.
‪아니, 개가 아침에 하도 짖는다고‬ ‪신고가 들어와서 와 봤더니‬We got a call because his dog kept barking, but there was no one inside.
‪집에 사람이 없어서요‬but there was no one inside.
‪[쿵 하는 효과음]‬ ‪[상구의 힘주는 신음]‬
‪(경찰) 저 혹시 앞집 사시는 분‬Did you ever notice anything strange about him?
‪평소에 뭐 이상한 건 없었습니까?‬Did you ever notice anything strange about him?
‪이상…‬ ‪[숨을 씁 들이켠다]‬Strange?
‪글쎄요‬I'm not sure.
‪저, 별로 안 친해서…‬I didn't know him too well.
‪그럼, 저 집에서‬So, you had no idea that he's been growing marijuana inside his house?
‪대마를 재배하고 있었다는 사실도‬ ‪전혀 모르셨겠네요?‬So, you had no idea that he's been growing marijuana inside his house?
‪대… 대, 대마요?‬"Marijuana"?
‪(연우) 어젯밤에‬I thought I heard screaming coming from that house last night.
‪옆집에서 비명 소리 같은 것도‬ ‪나고 그러던데‬I thought I heard screaming coming from that house last night.
‪막 '어디 있어!'‬ ‪이런 소리가 열 번쯤 났나?‬I heard someone yell "Where is it?" at least ten times.
‪(동하) 그래?‬-Really? -Maybe that's why the police came.
‪(연우) 그래서 경찰이 온 건가?‬-Really? -Maybe that's why the police came.
‪[매미 소리]‬
‪아드님은 괜찮습니까?‬-Is your son okay? -Yes, he is.
‪아, 예‬-Is your son okay? -Yes, he is.
‪아이, 그땐 제가 그…‬ ‪고맙다는 인사도 제대로 못 드리고‬I didn't even get a chance to say thank you.
‪(동하) 그땐 정말 감사했습니다‬I really appreciated your help the other day.
‪(광철) 따님인가 보죠?‬This must be your daughter.
‪아, 예‬Yes, she is.
‪밤에도 일하시나 봐요?‬ ‪자주 나가시는 것 같던데‬Do you work night shifts, too? You seem to go out at night often.
‪아니요, 그런 건 아닌데‬ ‪제가 그, 밤에 그…‬No, not really. I just go on a lot of walks at night.
‪산책을 자주 가서요‬I just go on a lot of walks at night.
‪차를 타고 산책을 가시는구나?‬You take your car to go on walks?
‪[어색한 웃음]‬
‪그래요, 또 봅시다‬All right, then. I'll see you around.
‪[한숨]‬ ‪[기어 조작음]‬
‪[긴장되는 배경음악]‬
‪[슥슥 분필 소리]‬
‪(학생) 아, 진짜, 가지가지 한다‬He's so annoying.
‪[학생들 웅성대는 소리]‬-What's with him? -What is he even doing?
‪[숨을 크게 내쉰다]‬
‪- (주민1) 무슨 일이야?‬ ‪- (형사1) 이것도 싹 다 차에 실어‬-What's going on? -Put this in the van. Yes, sir.
‪(형사2) 네, 알겠습니다‬Yes, sir. -He grew them in his house? -Yes.
‪(주민1) 집에서 키웠던 거야?‬ ‪[주민2가 긍정한다]‬-He grew them in his house? -Yes.
‪(형사2) 안에 박스 더 있습니다‬ ‪[주민들이 계속 웅성댄다]‬There are more boxes inside. Is that legal?
‪(형사3) 이제 거의 다 나왔습니다‬We got almost everything.
‪[새가 지저귄다]‬
‪[다가오는 발소리]‬
‪(윤석) 예‬Okay.
‪네, 알겠습니다, 감사합니다‬ ‪수고하십시오‬All right, thank you. Have a good day.
‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬
‪경찰에는 한 번도 마약으로‬ ‪걸린 적이 없다는데요?‬He's never been caught for narcotics, and no priors whatsoever.
‪다른 전과도 없고‬He's never been caught for narcotics, and no priors whatsoever.
‪제 생각엔 거, 대마 그 새끼하고는‬ ‪관련이 없는 것 같은데‬I don't think the weed guy has anything to do with our case.
‪[주민들이 웅성댄다]‬
‪(중배) 응, 알았다‬All right.
‪형님‬Sir, we have a report from one of the places we scattered their photos.
‪사진 뿌린 데서‬ ‪신고가 하나 들어왔는데요‬Sir, we have a report from one of the places we scattered their photos.
‪[마우스 클릭 소리]‬Sir, we have a report from one of the places we scattered their photos.
‪어젯밤에 이상한 놈 하나가‬ ‪돈세탁하겠다고 찾아와서‬He said a strange man showed up to launder some cash,
‪개판 치고 도망간 일이 있었답니다‬but then ran away after causing a ruckus.
‪(광철) 거기가 어디인데?‬Where was it?
‪용수 사장님 거래처입니다, 여기‬It's one of the businesses connected to the boss.
‪찾아왔다는 새끼는 누구야?‬-Who's the guy that went there? -I don't know.
‪(중배) 모르겠습니다‬-Who's the guy that went there? -I don't know.
‪어떤 놈인지‬ ‪확인해 보려고 했더니만‬They tried to find out who he was, but he took off.
‪바로 튀었다는데요?‬They tried to find out who he was, but he took off.
‪우리 애들은 아니었답니다‬It wasn't any of our guys.
‪(상구) 찾았습니다‬We found him.
‪대학교수인데요?‬He's a university professor.
‪(민규) 씁, 교수가‬ ‪왜 이런 짓을 했을까요?‬But would a professor have done that?
‪[느릿한 배경음악]‬Call the cleaners, and ask if this is the guy.
‪(광철) 세탁소에 전화해서‬Call the cleaners, and ask if this is the guy.
‪이 새끼 맞는지 확인해 봐‬Call the cleaners, and ask if this is the guy.
‪[새가 지저귄다]‬
‪[깊은 심호흡]‬
‪[결연한 숨소리]‬
‪[당황한 숨소리]‬
‪아, 나, 병…‬ ‪[안전띠를 달칵 푼다]‬
‪[신호등 알림음]‬
‪(동하) 수고하십니다‬Good afternoon.
‪수고하십니다‬ ‪수고하십니다, 수고하십니다‬Good afternoon…
‪수고하십니다, 수고하십…‬Good afternoon…
‪수고하십니다, 저…‬Good afternoon, I'm calling about the disappearance of…
‪씁, 그 실종 사건 때문에…‬ ‪아니, 아니, 아니야‬Good afternoon, I'm calling about the disappearance of… No, that's not it.
‪용봉동 전원마을…‬Yongbong Village…
‪[동하의 긴장한 숨소리]‬
‪[수화기를 달칵 집어 든다]‬
‪[뚜 하는 신호음]‬
‪[통화 연결음]‬
‪아, 예, 수고하십니다‬Yes, good afternoon.
‪예, 저기, 그, 신고 좀 하려고요‬I would like to call in with a tip.
‪(동하) 그, 어, 용봉동 전원마을‬ ‪그 실종 사건 말인데요‬Well, it's about the Yongbong Village case…
‪아니‬I'm talking about the person growing marijuana at his house.
‪그, 집에서 그, 왜‬ ‪대마 키우고 그랬던 사람‬I'm talking about the person growing marijuana at his house.
‪예, 예, 예, 근데, 그…‬Yes, him. But, something seems off about the people living across from him.
‪그 집 맞은편에 사는 사람들이‬ ‪좀 수상해서요‬Yes, him. But, something seems off about the people living across from him.
‪아니요, 그…‬ ‪제가 뭐 직접 본 건 아니고요‬Yes, him. But, something seems off about the people living across from him. No, I didn't see anything myself. I just heard from someone…
‪저는 그, 누구 통해서…‬No, I didn't see anything myself. I just heard from someone…
‪저는 그 동네 안 살아 가지고‬ ‪잘 모릅니다‬I don't live in that neighborhood, so I'm not sure.
‪제 이름이요?‬My name?
‪제 이름은 왜, 왜…‬Why do you need to know my name?
‪아니요, 아니요‬ ‪이거, 이거 장난 전화 아닙니다‬No, this isn't a prank call.
‪그러니까 꼭 좀 그, 수사‬Just, please look into it. Thank you.
‪아니, 그, 조사‬ ‪조사 부탁드리겠습니다‬Just, please look into it. Thank you.
‪수고하십시오!‬Just, please look into it. Thank you.
‪[수화기를 철컥 내려놓는다]‬
‪[새가 지저귄다]‬
‪[사진을 쓱 집어 든다]‬
‪[미스터리한 배경음악]‬ ‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬
‪[다가오는 차 소리]‬
‪(주현) 넌 여기 왜 왔고‬Why am I here…
‪넌 여기서‬ ‪뭔 지랄을 하고 있는 거며‬What the hell are you doing here…
‪[주현의 한숨]‬
‪넌 무슨 일이 있었던 거냐?‬And what happened to you?
‪- (윤석) 팀장님‬ ‪- (주현) 왜?‬-Joo-hyun. -What?
‪(윤석) 그, 112 신고가‬ ‪들어왔다는데요?‬Someone called in with a tip
‪대마 팔던 새끼‬ ‪실종 관련해 가지고‬Someone called in with a tip about the missing weed dealer.
‪그, 광철이 애들이 의심스럽다고‬Someone asked the police to investigate
‪조사를 좀 해 달라고 그랬답니다‬Kwang-chul's gang, saying they looked suspicious.
‪뭐, 그래서 일단 지구대에서‬ ‪순찰차 보냈답니다‬So they dispatched a patrol car.
‪그 순찰차 세워‬Stop that patrol car.
‪[연기를 후 내뱉는다]‬
‪[차 세우고 내리는 소리]‬ ‪[매미 소리]‬
‪(창수) 자…‬All right.
‪(상구) 아, 무슨 일입니까?‬What's the matter?
‪(창수) 아, 실례하겠습니다‬ ‪112로 신고가 들어와서요‬Sorry to bother you, but someone called in with a tip.
‪저기 아랫집 실종 사건하고‬ ‪이 집이 관련이 있다고‬They're saying this house is tied with the missing person's case.
‪(상구) [웃으며] 무슨 관련?‬How so? Hold on. Who made the tip?
‪(민규) [웃으며] 아, 잠깐만요‬ ‪그, 누가 신고했죠?‬Hold on. Who made the tip?
‪(창수) 그건 저희도 모르죠, 뭐‬ ‪센터에서 연락을 받아 가지고‬Hold on. Who made the tip? No idea. The operator received it. Forget it. Do you have a warrant?
‪(상구) 아, 됐어요‬ ‪영장 있어요, 영장?‬Forget it. Do you have a warrant?
‪(준영) 에이, 형식적인 거니까‬ ‪그냥 잠시만 좀 둘러볼게요, 예‬Let us look around for a bit. It's just a formality.
‪(상구) 아니, 영장도 없이‬ ‪이렇게 막 들어와도 되나, 이게?‬Let us look around for a bit. It's just a formality. -Can you come in without a warrant? -Please cooperate.
‪(창수) 협조해 주십시오‬-Can you come in without a warrant? -Please cooperate.
‪(광철) 영장이 왜 필요하냐?‬ ‪우리 집이‬Why would they need a warrant?
‪들어오시라고 해‬Tell them they can come in.
‪(창수) 살림이 없으시네요?‬ ‪[문이 닫힌다]‬You don't have any furniture.
‪(민규) [웃으며]‬ ‪아, 어제 이사 와서요‬ ‪[도어록 작동음]‬We moved in yesterday, so nothing is set up yet.
‪아직 세팅이 안 됐습니다‬We moved in yesterday, so nothing is set up yet.
‪(창수) 네‬I see. And what do you do for a living?
‪- 근데 무슨 일 하시는데요?‬ ‪- (민규) 네?‬I see. And what do you do for a living? What?
‪[웃으며] 아, 저 주식 합니다‬Oh, I invest in stocks.
‪(민규) 근데‬ ‪무슨 일로 오셨다 하셨죠?‬What's the reason for your visit again?
‪(창수) 아, 저 아랫집에‬ ‪실종된 사람이‬Someone called in with a tip
‪여기 있다고 누가 신고를 했어요‬that the missing person was in this house.
‪- (상구) 찾아보시죠, 뭐‬ ‪- (창수) 예‬that the missing person was in this house. -Feel free to look around. -Okay.
‪[긴장되는 배경음악]‬-Feel free to look around. -Okay.
‪[메시지 도착음]‬
‪[다가오는 발소리]‬
‪(중배) 세탁소에서 연락 왔는데‬I just received a call from the cleaner. He said it was him.
‪저놈 맞답니다‬I just received a call from the cleaner. He said it was him.
‪돈도 다 흘리고 도망갔다는데‬He left all the money and took off, so I told him to bring us the money.
‪그 돈 그대로 갖고 오라고‬ ‪말해 놨습니다‬He left all the money and took off, so I told him to bring us the money.
‪[무전기를 달칵 집어 든다]‬ ‪[무전기 소리]‬Hey, take a look at the laptop.
‪야, 그거 노트북 봐 봐‬Hey, take a look at the laptop.
‪[한숨]‬ ‪(주현) 뒤로 돌려 봐, 캡처됐어?‬Rewind the footage. Did we get it?
‪[마우스 클릭 소리]‬
‪[마우스 클릭 소리]‬
‪신고자는?‬-Who called in with the tip? -It was anonymous.
‪익명 제보라던데요?‬-Who called in with the tip? -It was anonymous.
‪112 종합 상황실 연결해 봐‬Contact the police control room.
‪[멀어지는 발소리]‬
‪[긴장감 흐르는 배경음악]‬
‪[라이터로 불붙이는 소리]‬ ‪[매미 소리]‬
‪[연기를 후 내뱉는다]‬
‪[동하의 유쾌한 웃음]‬
‪밤에도 일하시나 봐요?‬ ‪자주 나가시는 것 같던데‬Do you work night shifts too? You seem to go out at night often.
‪밤에, 그…‬No, not really. I just go on a lot of walks at night.
‪산책을 자주 가서요‬No, not really. I just go on a lot of walks at night.
‪[매미 소리]‬
‪[밤새 울음소리]‬
‪[쿵 하는 효과음]‬
‪[날카로운 효과음]‬
‪[지게차 후진 경고음이 울린다]‬
‪[가래 끌어모으는 소리]‬ ‪[퉤 뱉는다]‬
‪(강준) 네‬Yes.
‪(강준) 알았어요‬All right.
‪(부하1) 아유, 형님, 오셨습니까?‬-Hello, sir. -Hey.
‪- (강준) 어‬ ‪- (부하2) 형님, 오셨…‬-Hello, sir. -Hey. Hello.
‪[용수의 웃음]‬
‪[용수 처의 웃음]‬ ‪[바둑알 잘그락대는 소리]‬
‪(용수) 아이고, 이놈‬ ‪[용수의 흐뭇한 웃음]‬Jeez.
‪[용수와 용수 처의 웃음]‬
‪누나, 애 데리고 좀 나가 있어‬-Sis, take the kid and wait outside. -What?
‪(용수 처) 어? 어, 그래‬-Sis, take the kid and wait outside. -What? All right.
‪가자‬Come on.
‪가자, 자, 자, 자‬Let's go.
‪[용수의 기분 좋은 숨소리]‬
‪(강준) 사업 얘기 좀 합시다, 매형‬Let's talk business, Yong-soo.
‪꽝철이 돈 찾으러 갔다가‬ ‪애먼 놈 죽였대‬Kwang-chul killed some random guy while looking for the money.
‪경찰도 다녀갔고‬The police stopped by his place.
‪뭔 소리냐?‬What did you just say?
‪꽝철이한테 문제 생기면‬ ‪매형한테도 똥물 튀어요‬If shit hits the fan for Kwang-chul, it'll get all over you, too.
‪버립시다, 꽝철이‬Let's cut him out.
‪(강준) 우린 가족 아닙니까‬ ‪패밀리‬I mean, we're family,
‪근데 꽝철이는‬ ‪우리 가족이랑 뭔 관계냐고‬but Kwang-chul has nothing to do with our family.
‪그래도 같이 고생한‬ ‪친동생 같은 놈인데‬We went through a lot together, like brothers.
‪같은 거지 친동생 아니잖아, 씨발…‬He's like a brother. He's not your actual fucking brother.
‪매형 가장이야‬You're the head of the household. What about my nephew and my sister?
‪(강준) 우리 조카, 우리 누나‬You're the head of the household. What about my nephew and my sister?
‪의무감 가져야지‬ ‪[한숨]‬You're the head of the household. What about my nephew and my sister? Take some responsibility.
‪가장은 가족을 지킬 의무가 있잖아‬The head of the household needs to protect his family.
‪[느릿한 배경음악]‬
‪(주현) 어, 찾았어‬ ‪[안전띠 푸는 소리]‬Yes, I found it.
‪너, 그 관할서에‬ ‪대마 새끼 수사 자료 협조 좀 받아‬Call the precinct and get them to share what they have on the weed guy.
‪[전철 지나가는 소리]‬
‪[출입문 종소리]‬ ‪[경쾌한 음악이 흘러나온다]‬
‪(점원) 어서 오세요‬Welcome.
‪말보로 레드 하나 하고요‬Can I get a pack of Marlboro Reds and some nicotine gum?
‪금연 껌 하나‬Can I get a pack of Marlboro Reds and some nicotine gum?
‪(주현) 저기 밖에 CCTV‬ ‪작동되는 거죠?‬-Does the security camera outside work? -Yes.
‪아, 네‬-Does the security camera outside work? -Yes.
‪[포스기 조작음]‬ ‪그거 좀 볼 수 있을까요?‬Can I take a look at the footage?
‪오늘 13시 23분 12초부터‬ ‪보면 되는데‬I need to see footage from 12 seconds past 1:23 p.m.
‪(점원) 아, 근데 죄송한데, 이거‬I'm sorry, but we're not allowed to show this to anyone. We--
‪원래 함부로 보여 드리면‬ ‪안 돼 가지고요‬I'm sorry, but we're not allowed to show this to anyone. We--
‪저희는…‬I'm sorry, but we're not allowed to show this to anyone. We--
‪[음악이 멈춘다]‬
‪(주현) 스톱‬Stop.
‪[엔터를 탁 누른다]‬
‪조금만 더 돌려 볼게요‬ ‪[마우스 클릭 소리]‬Keep it rolling for a bit more.
‪스톱‬ ‪[마우스 클릭 소리]‬Stop.
‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬
‪[짧은 통화 연결음]‬
‪어, 차량 넘버 좀 따‬Can you run a license plate for me?
‪95모‬95 MO…
‪0809, 색깔은 검정‬0809. It's black,
‪차종은 요즘 나온 건 아니고‬and it doesn't look like it's a new model.
‪(점원) 이거 SM5 01년식인데‬This is a 2001 SM5.
‪아, 이거, 이거‬ ‪아는 형이 중고로 샀다가요‬Someone I know bought the same model,
‪[웃으며] 막 기름 다 터지고‬ ‪오일 터지고, 난리가 나 가지고…‬Someone I know bought the same model, but it started leaking oil. It was a total mess--
‪(주현) SM5 01년식‬It's a 2001 SM5.
‪저장‬Save it.
‪[점원이 USB를 달칵 끼운다]‬
‪(윤석) 그러게요‬ ‪[신호등 알림음]‬Yeah. They won't cooperate without giving us a reason why.
‪이유도 없이 그냥‬ ‪수사 자료 공유가 안 된대요‬They won't cooperate without giving us a reason why.
‪위에서 지시가‬ ‪그렇게 내려왔다는데 뭔 소리인지‬They said it was an order from the higher-ups.
‪맞다!‬Oh yeah. The chief said to wrap things up here. What's going on?
‪그리고 서장님이‬ ‪여기 철수하라 했다는데‬The chief said to wrap things up here. What's going on?
‪뭐, 어떻게 된 겁니까?‬The chief said to wrap things up here. What's going on?
‪(서장) 정신 차려, 인마‬ ‪[긴장되는 배경음악]‬Get your head straight, man.
‪'불법 수사로‬ ‪애가 하나 사라졌어요'‬"We lost someone in an illegal investigation."
‪'영장 좀 주세요, 판사님'‬ ‪그럴래?‬"Help us with a warrant, your Honor." Is that what you'll say?
‪이거 오픈되면‬ ‪우리 옷 벗는 걸로 끝날 것 같아?‬If any of this gets out, you think we'll just lose our badges?
‪[한숨]‬ ‪이번 잠입 수사 건‬you think we'll just lose our badges? Get rid of anything that has to do with the undercover operation.
‪자료 삭제하고 덮어‬Get rid of anything that has to do with the undercover operation.
‪없었던 일이야‬It never happened.
‪알아들어?‬Do you understand?
‪구조가 잘 빠졌죠? 뷰도 좋고‬Isn't the layout great? The view is so nice.
‪예, 그러네요‬Yes, you're right.
‪(부동산 중개인) 혹시 매매는…‬Are you interested in buying?
‪월세도 하지만‬ ‪매매도 같이 진행하고 있는데요‬We can offer a rental contract, but there's also the option to buy.
‪(동하) 아니요, 저, 월세, 그‬No, I'm fine with just renting.
‪전 월세가 좋습니다‬No, I'm fine with just renting.
‪(부동산 중개인) 아, 네‬I see.
‪그러시면, 뭐‬All right, then.
‪(동하) 씁, 혹시 여기 근처에‬ ‪그, 대형 병원 있어요?‬Is there a large hospital in the area?
‪(부동산 중개인) 네, 차로 10분?‬Yes, just ten minutes away by car.
‪쇼핑몰부터 다 있어요‬There's even a shopping mall. And the school district is great too.
‪여긴 학군도 좋습니다‬There's even a shopping mall. And the school district is great too.
‪- (동하) 예‬ ‪- 그럼 큰방부터 보실까요?‬-I see. -Would you like to see the master bedroom?
‪아니요, 됐습니다, 예‬-I see. -Would you like to see the master bedroom? No, I'm okay. This is great.
‪좋네요, 예‬No, I'm okay. This is great.
‪(부동산 중개인) 네?‬ ‪방도 안 보시고…‬Sorry? You didn't even look around.
‪아니, 제가 좀 급해서 그러는데‬I'm sort of in a rush.
‪내일이라도‬ ‪당장 옮겨 오면 좋겠는데‬I'd like to move in as soon as possible. Tomorrow, even.
‪(은주) 짠, 촛불 켜졌다!‬ ‪[아련한 배경음악]‬Ta-da! We lit the candles!
‪(동하) 파이브!‬
‪(함께) 쓰리, 투!‬ ‪[동하의 웃음]‬
‪[함께 환호한다]‬All together, guys!
‪[동하의 웃음]‬ ‪(은주) 와!‬
‪(동하) '해피 뉴 이어'!‬
‪(어린 연우) 아…‬
‪[동하가 장난치며 말한다]‬ ‪아!‬Have some of this.
‪(어린 연우) 아, 진짜‬ ‪[동하의 웃음]‬Seriously!
‪아, 현우야, 문지르면 어떡해‬ ‪[꼬마 현우의 웃음]‬Oh, no! Hyun-woo! You rubbed it all over me.
‪[함께 웃는다]‬Hyun-woo.
‪(동하) 현우야‬ ‪'아빠, 사랑해요' 해 봐‬Hyun-woo, say "Daddy, I love you."
‪- 사랑해요‬ ‪- (동하) 얼마큼?‬ ‪[은주의 탄성]‬I love you. How much?
‪[풀벌레 소리]‬
‪[멀리서 개가 짖는다]‬
‪[유리창이 깨진다]‬
‪[잠금장치가 달그락거린다]‬
‪[문이 끼익 열린다]‬
‪[느리고 기묘한 배경음악]‬ ‪[유리 조각 밟히는 소리]‬
‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬
‪[유리 조각 밟히는 소리]‬
‪[한숨 소리]‬
‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬
‪[주현의 긴장한 숨소리]‬
‪[주현의 긴장한 숨소리]‬
‪[거친 숨소리]‬
‪[주현의 옅은 한숨]‬
‪[주현의 한숨]‬ ‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬
‪[진동음이 계속 울린다]‬
‪[무선 이어폰 조작음]‬
‪왜?‬What is it?
‪뭐 좀 나왔습니까?‬Did you find anything?
‪(주현) 이제 들어왔다, 새끼야‬I just got in, dumbass.
‪여긴 재밌는 거 나왔는데‬ ‪[웃음]‬I found something interesting.
‪뭔데?‬What is it?
‪(윤석) 아까 말씀하신 그 차 넘버‬The license plate number you asked about.
‪이거 112에 신고한 사람‬ ‪누군지 아십니까?‬Guess who called in to give us that tip?
‪[주현의 한숨]‬Guess who called in to give us that tip?
‪(주현) 누군데?‬Who?
‪(윤석) 지금 팀장님 계시는‬ ‪고 바로 옆집‬It's the guy that lives right next to the house you're currently staying in.
‪박동하라고 이웃집 남자더라고요‬It's the guy that lives right next to the house you're currently staying in. His name is Park Dong-ha.
‪직업은 대학교수고‬He's a university professor with a clean record.
‪전과 기록은 고사하고‬ ‪[한숨]‬He's a university professor with a clean record.
‪뭐, 딱지 한 장 뗀 적 없는‬ ‪완전한 모범 시민인데요? 이거‬He's never even gotten a traffic ticket. He's a perfect law-abiding citizen.
‪근데 진짜 재밌는 게‬ ‪뭔 줄 아세요?‬But do you know what's interesting?
‪[한숨]‬ ‪너 뒈진다‬Just say it already.
‪이 새끼들이 이 교수 뒷조사를‬ ‪하고 있었더라고요‬These bastards have been running a background check on this professor.
‪(윤석) 아까 그 노트북 옆에‬ ‪쌓여 있던 우편물 있잖아요?‬You know that pile of mail next to that laptop earlier?
‪그게 그 교수네 거더라고요‬It was the professor's.
‪근데 이거 그 신고자가‬It was the professor's. But how did they know that
‪앞집 교수인 거‬ ‪그건 어떻게 알았을까요?‬it was the professor who reported them?
‪신고당하기 전부터‬ ‪교수 뒷조사를 하고 있었나?‬Or were they already looking into him before the tip-off?
‪근데 그걸 어떻게 알아?‬How could they have known?
‪씁, 암만 봐도‬ ‪그럴 인물이 아닌 것 같은데‬He doesn't look like that type of guy at all.
‪그냥 일단 그냥‬Maybe they were just running background checks on all the residents.
‪뭐야, 동네 주민들‬ ‪그, 싹 훑어보는 건가, 그냥?‬Maybe they were just running background checks on all the residents.
‪그러기엔 너무 교수네‬ ‪우편물밖에 없는데요? 이게‬But they only took the professor's mail.
‪여보세요, 팀장님?‬ ‪듣고 계세요? 여보세요?‬Hello? Joo-hyun? Are you listening? Hello?
‪목격자일 수도 있지‬He might be a witness…
‪어쩌면 살인 사건 같은‬to a murder or something.
‪(윤석) 살인이요? 아이…‬to a murder or something. Murder? No way.
‪수배 뜬 거 보니까 이 새끼‬ ‪그 뭐야, 대마‬He's on the wanted list. He probably fled after his grow-op got busted.
‪뽀록나 갖고 튄 거 같은데‬He's on the wanted list. He probably fled after his grow-op got busted.
‪안 그래도 얼마 전에‬I mean, not too long ago, one of his buyers got caught too.
‪그 새끼한테 물건 받던 애 하나가‬ ‪잡히긴 했었거든요‬I mean, not too long ago, one of his buyers got caught too.
‪(주현) 수배가 아니라‬ ‪수색을 해야 될지도 몰라‬We might need to do a search instead.
‪에이, 아무리 그래도‬ ‪경찰이 뭐 그렇게 허술하려고‬Come on. Cops aren't that sloppy.
‪여기 애들은 광철이를 모르잖아‬The guys here don't know Kwang-chul, or who he actually is.
‪어떤 새끼인지‬The guys here don't know Kwang-chul, or who he actually is.
‪[풀벌레 소리]‬ ‪[멀리서 개가 짖는다]‬
‪(윤석) 그나저나 여기‬ ‪서장님이 철수하라는 거‬Either way, what are you going to do about the chief's orders?
‪그건 어떻게 하실 겁니까?‬Either way, what are you going to do about the chief's orders?
‪(주현) 가서 물어봐야지‬I'll go ask him what the hell he's messing with us for.
‪왜 지랄인지‬I'll go ask him what the hell he's messing with us for.
‪어? 광…‬It looks like…
‪광철이‬It looks like… Kwang-chul's on the move. Should I follow him?
‪(윤석) 나왔는데요‬ ‪지금 따라붙을까요?‬Kwang-chul's on the move. Should I follow him?
‪어?‬What the…
‪어유, 씨!‬ ‪잠, 잠깐, 잠깐만, 잠깐만!‬Shit! Wait!
‪팀장님, 지금‬ ‪그쪽으로 가고 있는데요!‬He's headed that way! Damn it.
‪아이, 씨‬ ‪[윤석의 다급한 발소리]‬He's headed that way! Damn it.
‪[한숨]‬ ‪[통화 종료음]‬
‪[풀벌레 소리]‬ ‪[불안한 배경음악]‬
‪[긴장한 숨소리]‬
‪[다급한 발소리]‬
‪[밖에서 들리는 발소리]‬
‪[발소리가 계속 다가온다]‬
‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬ ‪[유리 조각이 잘그락거린다]‬
‪[유리 조각 밟히는 소리]‬
‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬ ‪[유리 조각 밟히는 소리]‬
‪[유리 조각이 잘그락거린다]‬
‪[주현의 긴장한 숨소리]‬
‪(주현) [희미하게] 아이, 씨발‬Fuck.
‪[다급한 숨소리]‬
‪[느릿한 발소리가 가까워진다]‬
‪[긴장한 숨소리]‬
‪[배경음악의 불안감이 고조된다]‬
‪[다가오는 발소리]‬
‪[쨍그랑 소리]‬
‪[철컹대는 소리]‬
‪[주현의 한숨]‬
‪[가쁜 숨을 내쉰다]‬
‪[풀벌레 소리]‬
‪[힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪[멀리서 개가 짖는다]‬ ‪아이, 씨‬
‪[가쁜 숨소리]‬
‪[불안하고 기묘한 배경음악]‬ ‪[중배의 한숨]‬
‪(중배) 경찰 아닙니까?‬You think it's the cops?
‪아니면 돈 배달하던 놈 중의‬ ‪한 놈 아닐까요?‬Or maybe it's one of the delivery guys?
‪여기 이 새끼는?‬What about this guy?
‪아직 안 들어왔습니다‬He hasn't come home yet.
‪(광철) 가자‬-Let's go. -Yes, sir.
‪(중배) 예‬-Let's go. -Yes, sir.
‪[안도의 한숨]‬
‪[힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪아, 씨…‬Damn…
‪[달려오는 발소리]‬
‪[주현의 힘주는 신음]‬ ‪[윤석의 비명]‬
‪[괴로운 신음]‬
‪[주현의 가쁜 숨소리]‬ ‪[윤석의 거친 숨소리]‬
‪놀랐잖아, 새끼야, 씨‬You scared the crap out of me.
‪[문이 철컥 열린다]‬
‪[문이 탁 닫힌다]‬ ‪왜 때려?‬Why did you have to hit me?
‪[억울한 숨소리]‬Why did you have to hit me?
‪(윤석) 아이고‬Jeez.
‪[마우스 클릭 소리]‬
‪[한숨]‬ ‪씨발, 놓쳤어‬Fuck. We lost them.
‪저 새끼 어디 가는 거지?‬Where the hell is he going?
‪(주현) 걱정할 거 없어‬ ‪아직 튄 거 아니야‬Don't worry. He didn't take off for good.
‪뭔가를 찾고 있는데‬ ‪아직 못 찾았거든‬They're still looking for something.
‪돈이요?‬Is it money?
‪모르지‬Who knows?
‪뭐, 찾았으면 벌써 떴겠지‬They wouldn't be here if they found it.
‪그 돈은 상선으로 갈 돈이어서‬ ‪꼭 찾아야 돼‬They need to find the head cartel's money.
‪(주현) 그건 우리도 그래‬ ‪우리한테는 그 돈이‬And that goes for us too. Because that money
‪상선으로 갈 티켓이거든‬is our ticket to the head cartel.
‪(윤석) 아니, 근데 이게 지금까지‬ ‪다 돈 때문에 벌어진 일이면‬If everything that's happened until now was because of money,
‪돈이 여기 왜 온 거예요?‬ ‪이런 동네에 뭐가 있다고?‬how did the money end up here in this neighborhood?
‪(주현) 그걸 모르겠다‬I can't figure that out.
‪돈을 여기로 끌어들인‬ ‪뭔가가 있겠지‬There must be a reason why the money ended up here.
‪그 돈이 여기로 오는 바람에‬But because that money ended up here,
‪이 사람이 재수 없이 엮인 거 같네‬it looks like this man unwillingly got involved.
‪[통화 연결음]‬
‪[통화 연결음이 계속된다]‬
‪[벨 소리가 울린다]‬DAD
‪[다가오는 발소리]‬DAD
‪네, 아빠‬-Hey, Dad. -Hyun-woo.
‪(동하) 어, 현우야‬-Hey, Dad. -Hyun-woo.
‪어떻게, 학교 잘 다녀왔어?‬-Did you get back from school? -What?
‪- 네?‬ ‪- (동하) 현우야‬-Did you get back from school? -What? Hyun-woo, how long has it been since we've lived in our neighborhood?
‪우리가 지금 그 동네에 산 지‬ ‪얼마나 됐지?‬Hyun-woo, how long has it been since we've lived in our neighborhood?
‪이제 좀 지긋지긋하지 않아?‬Aren't you getting kind of tired of living there?
‪- (현우) 우리 이사 가요?‬ ‪- (동하) 아, 아니‬-Are we moving? -No, just asking.
‪아니, 그, 그냥‬-Are we moving? -No, just asking.
‪저기, 그, 어, 엄마는?‬What about Mom?
‪(현우) 계세요‬She's home.
‪아빠‬Dad, are you not coming home today?
‪오늘 집에 안 들어오세요?‬Dad, are you not coming home today?
‪(동하) 아니, 왜 안 들어가?‬ ‪아, 나 지금 가는 길이야‬Why wouldn't I be? I'm on my way right now.
‪저기, 그…‬Hey, do you remember how you fainted the other day
‪현우 접때 그, 쓰러졌을 때‬Hey, do you remember how you fainted the other day
‪우, 우리 앞집에 그 아저씨들‬and those guys from across the street, the ones that helped you…
‪왜, 그, 우리 도와줬던 아저씨들‬and those guys from across the street, the ones that helped you…
‪그, 창밖으로 한번 봐 볼래?‬Can you look out your window and see if they're home?
‪아직 집에 계신지?‬Can you look out your window and see if they're home?
‪(현우) 잠깐만요‬Just a second.
‪불 켜져 있어요‬Their lights are on.
‪(동하) 아, 그래?‬Oh yeah?
‪(현우) 아빠, 언제 들어오세요?‬Dad, when are you coming home?
‪(동하) 아니…‬Hello.
‪안, 안녕하세요‬Hello.
‪이제 퇴근하시나 봐요?‬-Are you just getting off work? -Yes.
‪아, 예‬-Are you just getting off work? -Yes.
‪아니, 근데‬Wait a second.
‪무슨 일 있으세요?‬Is there something going on?
‪아직까진‬Not yet.
‪[광철이 숨을 들이켠다]‬
‪[당황한 신음]‬
‪지금부터 일이 생기지‬Something's about to happen now.
‪[동하의 비명]‬
‪(동하) [겁에 질려]‬ ‪둘 다 죽어 있었습니다‬They were both already dead.
‪진짜입니다‬I'm telling the truth. The car was covered in blood.
‪차가 피 칠갑이 돼 있더라고요, 예‬ ‪[느릿한 컨트리풍 배경음악]‬I'm telling the truth. The car was covered in blood.
‪누가 볼까 봐‬I didn't want anyone to see, so I came home
‪어디 묻을 데가 없어서‬ ‪저희 집, 그…‬I didn't want anyone to see, so I came home and just buried them in my backyard.
‪뒷마당에 잘 묻어 놨습니다‬and just buried them in my backyard.
‪그리고 그 돈, 그 돈은‬The money… The money is in my garage.
‪저희 집 그, 차고에 있습니다‬The money… The money is in my garage.
‪근데, 그…‬But, when I went to go get it laundered
‪제가 그, 세탁하러 갔다가‬But, when I went to go get it laundered
‪한 4분의 1‬I lost maybe a quarter of it. No, maybe even a third of it?
‪아니, 그, 한 3분의 1 정도‬ ‪잃어버렸는데‬I lost maybe a quarter of it. No, maybe even a third of it?
‪그 돈은 제가 꼭 갚겠습니다!‬I promise I'll pay it all back!
‪(민규) 아휴, 씨!‬ ‪[동하의 신음]‬My gosh!
‪(동하) 진짜 갚겠습니다, 예!‬ ‪[민규의 한숨]‬I'll really pay all of it back!
‪돈이 문제가 아니야, 인마‬The money's not the problem, dumbass.
‪넌 너무 많이 알았다고‬You know too much.
‪아무한테도 말 안 했습니다‬-I haven't said a word. -Get up, man.
‪- (상구) 일어나, 이 새끼야‬ ‪- 진짜입니다‬-I haven't said a word. -Get up, man. -It's the truth. -But you called the cops?
‪(상구) 그래 놓고‬ ‪경찰에 신고했냐?‬-It's the truth. -But you called the cops?
‪[동하의 겁먹은 숨소리]‬
‪(동하) 제발!‬ ‪[동하가 두려움에 떨며 흐느낀다]‬Please!
‪[겁먹은 숨소리]‬
‪(민규) 아휴‬
‪씨발, 하, 진짜‬For fuck's sake.
‪(상구) 아, 씨!‬ ‪[상구의 성난 신음]‬Shit.
‪[동하의 겁먹은 숨소리]‬
‪(상구) 우리 교수님‬Mr. Professor,
‪대마 새끼 옆집 살더니‬you get to stay neighbors with the weed man even in the afterlife.
‪죽어서도 옆집이네‬ ‪[상구의 웃음]‬you get to stay neighbors with the weed man even in the afterlife.
‪에휴!‬ ‪[동하의 신음]‬
‪(민규) 이 짓을 또 하네, 이 씨발‬We're doing this shit again. Fuck.
‪[민규의 짜증 섞인 한숨]‬Jeez.
‪(상구) 아, 이 새끼 때문에‬ ‪씨발, 아주 개고생이네‬Breaking our backs, all because of this bastard.
‪아유, 씨‬Damn it.
‪[상구의 가쁜 숨소리]‬ ‪[동하의 괴로운 신음]‬
‪이제 돈 찾아 가지고 뜨시죠‬You should leave with the money.
‪(중배) 마무리되는 거‬ ‪보고 내려가겠습니다‬ ‪[겁먹은 신음]‬I'll make sure they finish the job before I head down.
‪[괴로운 신음]‬I'll make sure they finish the job before I head down. What is this?
‪[상구와 민규의 힘주는 신음]‬
‪[힘겨운 신음]‬
‪[가쁜 숨소리]‬
‪- 중배야‬ ‪- (중배) 네, 형님‬-Jung-bae. -Yes, sir.
‪꺼내‬Dig him out.
‪(중배) 예?‬Sorry?
‪애 꺼내라고‬I said, take him out.
‪[가쁜 숨을 몰아쉰다]‬
‪[동하의 가쁜 숨소리]‬
‪넌 이제부터 우리 돈을 갚아야 돼‬From now on, you are going to pay us back.
‪(광철) 어떻게?‬How?
‪그냥 우리가 시키는 대로 하면 돼‬Just do whatever we tell you to do.
‪우리 이제 한 가족이 되는 거야‬You're a part of the family now.
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪[느릿한 배경음악]‬
‪(광철) 가‬Go.
‪가서 연락할 때까지 기다려‬Go and wait for us to contact you.
‪돈 필요해서, 약 필요해서‬ ‪이런 일 하는 놈들은 많아‬A lot of people get involved because they need money or drugs.
‪아주 절실한 놈들이지‬They're all desperate.
‪근데 맨날 사고가 나‬But they always cause trouble.
‪돈 들고 튀고, 약 들고 튀고‬Running off with cash or dope.
‪결국은‬ ‪자기 자신한테만 절실했던 거지‬Those people were only desperate for their own lives.
‪이런 놈들보다 더 절실한 놈들이‬ ‪누군지 아냐?‬Do you know what kind of people are more desperate than them?
‪가족을 먹여 살려야 되는 놈들이야‬People who need to feed their families.
‪근데 얘는‬ ‪거기에 하나를 더 가졌어‬But he has something else on top of that.
‪아픈 자식을 살려야 되는 가장‬He's a breadwinner that needs to save his sick child.
‪이보다 더 절실할 수 있겠니?‬No one could be more desperate.
‪배신?‬A double-cross?
‪절대 못 하지‬He could never.
‪물건 배달 왔죠?‬ ‪[동하가 놀란다]‬Are you here for the delivery?
‪(광철) 게다가 얜 경찰이 보기엔‬ ‪벌금도 낸 적 없는‬ ‪[여자가 피식 웃는다]‬Are you here for the delivery? On top of that, as far as the cops can tell,
‪완벽한 모범 시민이야‬he's a law-abiding citizen.
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬ ‪이 바닥의 뉴 페이스‬The new face in town.
‪최고의 마약 배달원이지‬The best mule we could ask for.

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