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  신성한, 이혼 8

Divorce Attorney Shin 8


[라디오 속 DJ] 변호사님 요즘‬ ‪인싸신 거 아시나요?‬Attorney Shin, did you know that you're the talk of the town?
‪- [잔잔한 음악]‬ ‪- [라디오 속 성한] 요즘 뭐‬I've been getting a lot of requests to appear on TV recently.
‪방송 섭외가 막 들어오더라고요‬I've been getting a lot of requests to appear on TV recently.
‪그런 거 보면 좀 신기하기도 하죠‬This is all very new to me.
‪[라디오 속 DJ] 단기간에‬ ‪영상 조회 수가‬Your video got more than a million views in no time.
‪100만을 넘으셨어요‬Your video got more than a million views in no time.
‪SNS에도 자주 등장하시고‬It also went viral on social media.
‪[라디오 속 성한이 웃으며] 아, 네‬This is a personal question,
‪[라디오 속 DJ] 개인적인‬ ‪질문인데요‬This is a personal question,
‪변호사님 혹시 결혼은?‬but are you married by any chance?
‪[라디오 속 성한] 저는 아직‬ ‪미혼입니다‬No, I'm not.
‪[라디오 속 DJ] 와우‬I bet that caught our listeners' attention.
‪우리 청취자분들‬ ‪갑자기 집중하는 것 같은데요?‬I bet that caught our listeners' attention.
‪대신 제가 여쭤봐 드리겠습니다‬ ‪애청자 여러분‬I'll ask him this on everyone's behalf, dear viewers.
‪자, 개인적인 질문 하나 더‬Here's another personal question.
‪여자 친구 있으신가요?‬Do you have a girlfriend?
‪[정식] 없다‬No.
‪- [라디오 속 성한] 아…‬ ‪- 없다, 없다!‬Say no!
‪[라디오 속 성한] 수임하는 사건이‬The cases I take on are as precious as a girlfriend.
‪- 여자 친구만큼 소중합니다‬ ‪- [라디오 속 DJ의 탄성]‬The cases I take on are as precious as a girlfriend. -I see. -Oh, my.
‪- [정식] 엄마야‬ ‪- [형근] 좋다, 멘트 좋다‬-I see. -Oh, my. -That's a very professional answer. -Good. That was clever.
‪[라디오 속 DJ] 굉장히‬ ‪프로페셔널한 대답을 해주셨는데요‬-That's a very professional answer. -Good. That was clever. I'm sure you're very popular.
‪예, 인기가‬ ‪정말 많으실 것 같습니다‬I'm sure you're very popular.
‪이번에 거리에서 연주하신‬ ‪슈베르트의 '마왕'‬The piece you played on the street was "Erlkönig" by Schubert.
‪음, 굉장히 역동적이라고 할까요?‬It's a very dynamic piece.
‪어, 평소에도 많이‬ ‪좋아하시는 곡인가요?‬Is it one of your favorites?
‪[라디오 속 성한] 네, '마왕'은‬Yes, not only is "Erlkönig"
‪그, 연주곡으로도 좋은데‬Yes, not only is "Erlkönig" a great piece to play on the piano,
‪사실은 가곡으로도‬ ‪굉장히 유명한 곡이에요‬but it's actually quite famous as a song.
‪저도 변호사님 뵙기 전에‬ ‪공부를 조금 해 봤는데요‬I did my homework before I came to meet you today.
‪[DJ] 이 가사가‬The lyrics are from a poem written by Goethe,
‪독일의 작가이자 철학자인‬ ‪괴테의 시‬The lyrics are from a poem written by Goethe, the German writer and philosopher.
‪- [성한] 네, 맞습니다‬ ‪- [DJ] 예‬-You're right. -Yes.
‪[성한] 씁, 근데 실은 시의 내용은‬The poem itself is actually quite tragic.
‪상당히 비극적이죠‬The poem itself is actually quite tragic.
‪[라디오 속 DJ] 근데요, 변호사님‬So tell us, Attorney Shin.
‪이, 어떤 계기로‬ ‪직업을 바꾸셨나요?‬So tell us, Attorney Shin. What caused you to make a shift in your career path?
‪어, 피아니스트‬You used to be a pianist.
‪독일에서 학생들을‬ ‪가르칠 정도였으면…‬You used to be a pianist. And if you taught students in Germany…
‪[준] 아니‬ ‪영상을 누가 만들었는지‬Why won't he talk about who took the video?
‪왜 멘트가 없어, 응?‬Why won't he talk about who took the video?
‪아, 방송이 처진다, 진짜‬Man, this show is getting boring. LIVE
‪[라디오 속 성한] 아, 뭐‬ ‪특별한 계기라기보다는‬LIVE Well, there was no specific reason.
‪법이 궁금했습니다‬I was curious about the law.
‪[탄식]‬Curiosity is one thing, but this is on a whole different level.
‪[라디오 속 DJ] 궁금은‬ ‪할 수 있는데‬Curiosity is one thing, but this is on a whole different level.
‪이건 완전히 다른 차원이잖아요‬Curiosity is one thing, but this is on a whole different level. -You're so annoying, Shin Sung-han. -How did you study for the bar exam?
‪- 아, 나 너무 짜증 난다, 신성한‬ ‪- [라디오 소리]‬-You're so annoying, Shin Sung-han. -How did you study for the bar exam?
‪[라디오 속 DJ] 교과서 위주로?‬Did you study textbooks?
‪[라디오 속 성한] 교과서요?‬"Textbooks"? EVERY ISSUE
‪법전 위주로요‬-I studied law books. -I see.
‪[라디오 속 성한, DJ의 웃음]‬-I studied law books. -I see.
‪너도 그냥 죽었으면 좋겠다‬I wish you would die too.
‪[라디오 속 DJ] 어, 그럼 이제‬ ‪현재의 본업으로 넘어가서‬Now, let's move on to your current occupation.
‪어, 가장 어려운 소송으로‬ ‪기억되는 게 있으실 것 같은데‬I'm sure some cases are tougher than others.
‪[DJ] 어떤 케이스였는지‬Which one was the toughest?
‪그, 모든 소송들이 다 어렵죠‬Every case is difficult.
‪그, 제가 혹시라도 뭐‬ ‪빠뜨리는 게 있나‬I'm always on edge, worrying if I left anything out.
‪항상 조마조마합니다‬I'm always on edge, worrying if I left anything out.
‪현재 진행 중인 소송도‬ ‪만만치가 않고요‬My current case isn't a piece of cake either.
‪어떤…‬What is it about?
‪[성한] 어, 한 부부의‬ ‪이혼 소송인데‬It's a divorce suit.
‪이게 갑자기‬ ‪사회적인 문제로 대두되면서‬But it's suddenly turned into a sensitive social issue.
‪굉장히 예민해져 버렸거든요‬But it's suddenly turned into a sensitive social issue.
‪아, 사회적인 문제요?‬A social issue?
‪실례지만 어떤 사건인지…‬Would you mind telling us a bit about it?
‪[성한] 음…‬Would you mind telling us a bit about it?
‪그, 베트남 아내분께서‬ ‪이혼 소장을 내셨어요‬My client's Vietnamese wife filed for divorce.
‪근데 제 의뢰인께서는‬My client, however,
‪이혼해야 할 사유를‬ ‪찾지 못하고 있는 상황이고요‬cannot wrap his head around why.
‪- [긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪- 근데 이게 좀‬Since it's a sensitive issue, I'd rather not talk about it here.
‪예민한 사항이라‬ ‪방송에서 말씀드리긴 좀…‬Since it's a sensitive issue, I'd rather not talk about it here.
‪[DJ] 예, 어떤 사건인지‬ ‪알 것 같습니다‬I WAS A FAN FOR A MOMENT… BYE. I think I know which case you're referring to. IS HE FRIENDS WITH THE ABUSIVE HUSBAND?
‪[DJ] 예, 그렇군요‬ ‪예, 부담이 크시겠어요‬I see. It must be a lot of pressure.
‪[성한] 네‬ ‪수임하는 모든 사건들이 다‬It is. Just like every other case I take on.
‪- 부담스럽긴 하죠, 예‬ ‪- [DJ] 아, 예‬Just like every other case I take on. -I see. -Yes.
‪그럼, 음, 이번 소송에 임하는‬So… what's your resolution in approaching this case?
‪[라디오 속 DJ] 변호사님만의‬ ‪특별한 각오가 있을까요?‬what's your resolution in approaching this case?
‪[라디오 속 성한] 아, 각오요?‬Resolution?
‪씁, 항상 법 안에서‬I intend to do my best
‪- 법 안에서 최선을 다하겠습…‬ ‪- [유석] 이 새끼‬-as an attorney-- -This prick.
‪[경쾌한 음악이 흐른다]‬
‪[새봄] 우리 변호사님‬ ‪목소리 되게 좋지 않아요?‬Doesn't Attorney Shin have such a great voice?
‪방송이랑 찰떡이죠?‬He's perfect for radio.
‪어, 왜, 방송 처음 나온 게스트들‬ ‪되게 떨고 그러잖아요‬I mean, most people tense up when they're on air for the first time.
‪[서진] 그렇지‬I mean, most people tense up when they're on air for the first time. Right.
‪신 변이 약간 엔터테인먼트가 있지‬Attorney Shin sure is a bit of an entertainer.
‪[준] 사실 신 변호사님은‬To be frank,
‪이 모든 영광을‬ ‪저한테 돌리셔야 돼요‬it's me that should be getting all the credit. If it weren't for me, who would ask him to be on their show?
‪나 아니었어 봐‬ ‪무슨 수로 방송 섭외되냐고‬If it weren't for me, who would ask him to be on their show?
‪이 얼마나‬ ‪아름다운 명분이야, 이게?‬It's just a beautiful story.
‪[사람들의 고민하는 소리]‬
‪[형근] 씁, 거‬ ‪우리 중학교 2학년 때‬Do you remember Jae-sik from middle school?
‪- 재식이 알지?‬ ‪- [성한] 응‬Do you remember Jae-sik from middle school? -Yes. -He's a reporter.
‪[형근] 걔가 기자라던데?‬ ‪거기 한번…‬-Yes. -He's a reporter. -Let's talk to him. -Articles would get swept under the rug.
‪[성한] 아이, 기사는 금방 묻혀‬ ‪금화에서 도배를 해 놨는데‬-Let's talk to him. -Articles would get swept under the rug. Keumhwa's story is everywhere.
‪여보세요, 우리 기사 나가잖아요?‬ ‪그럼 바로 묻혀‬It'll be covered up the moment it's published.
‪[호영] 근데 저 궁금한 게 있는데‬I have a question. Why did you call me here?
‪저는 왜 불렀어요?‬Why did you call me here?
‪[서진] 휴직 중이잖아요‬ ‪재능 기부 해요‬You're on leave. Might as well put your talent to use.
‪[호영] 아, 재능 기부‬Right, okay.
‪[준] 그럼 그런 거 있잖아요‬How about this?
‪그, '보내드림' 그런 거 있잖아요‬Why don't we post on an online community?
‪거기서 이슈 되면‬ ‪피의자도 잡고 막 그러던데?‬Why don't we post on an online community? They've even caught suspects for some cases.
‪[성한] 아니야, 아니야‬No.
‪저기, 마춘석 씨는‬ ‪더 이상 주목받으면 안 돼요‬Mr. Ma doesn't need any more attention.
‪[성한의 숨 들이켜는 소리]‬Speaking of which,
‪그래서 제가 그…‬Speaking of which,
‪아이디어 차원에서‬ ‪그냥 한번 던져 봅니다‬and this is just an idea I'd like to throw out there.
‪그냥 던져 보는 거예요‬I'm just throwing it out there.
‪이미 이 사건은‬ ‪굉장히 사회면 단골이 됐어요‬This case has already become a huge social issue.
‪딘티 화 쪽으로 이슈 몰이가 됐고‬The public opinion is in support of Dinh Thi Hoa,
‪덩달아서 마춘석 씨도‬ ‪무대에 올려졌는데‬The public opinion is in support of Dinh Thi Hoa, and Mr. Ma has been dragged onto the stage as well.
‪스포트라이트는‬ ‪딘티 화가 다 받아요‬But Dinh Thi Hoa is hogging the spotlight.
‪[호영] 그럼 여기도‬ ‪스포트라이트 받아야죠‬We should be getting some of the spotlight too.
‪여론은 기선 제압인데‬We need to be provocative.
‪그렇죠? 그래서 던져 봅니다‬Right? So here it goes.
‪- [서진] 아이디어 차원에서‬ ‪- [성한] 그렇죠‬-It's just an idea. -Yes.
‪그러니까 신…‬Hear me out.
‪신성한‬Shin Sung-han.
‪어, 변호사 신성한‬Attorney Shin Sung-han.
‪어떤, 음…‬A sort of…
‪법조계를 대표하는‬The hottest guy in the field of law.
‪모든 걸 겸비한 어떤‬A sexy guy who's perfect in every way.
‪- 섹시 가이? 섹시남?‬ ‪- [익살스러운 음악]‬A sexy guy who's perfect in every way. A total stud.
‪그리고‬Who's also…
‪뭐, 아이돌을 버금가는‬as pretty as an idol.
‪미모의 어떤, 서초동‬The hidden gem of Seocho-dong… I mean, of the whole district.
‪서초구를 대표하는 어떤‬ ‪숨은 보석, 보물?‬The hidden gem of Seocho-dong… I mean, of the whole district. -A treasure? -You do know you aren't that hot, right?
‪[서진] 그 정도 아닌 거 아시죠?‬-A treasure? -You do know you aren't that hot, right?
‪[성한] 아니요, 그러니까…‬-No, I mean-- -How about the radio?
‪[서진] 라디오 쪽 어때요?‬-No, I mean-- -How about the radio?
‪게스트 출연할 만한‬ ‪프로그램 알 텐데‬Are there any shows he could go on?
‪[호영] 그래서 날‬ ‪굳이 오라 그랬구나, 선배님‬So this is why you told me to come.
‪방송 하나 뚫자고?‬You wanted a gig.
‪솔직히 뭔가 이슈가 있어야‬ ‪판을 짜죠‬We need the public's attention to turn the tables.
‪아, 미친 척하고 서초동 아이돌‬Even if we go with that ridiculous
‪[웃으며] 숨은 보석‬Seocho-dong idol story…
‪아휴, 아, 그런 거 한다고 쳐‬Anyway, even if we go with that, who's going to buy that?
‪아, 누가 받아?‬who's going to buy that?
‪미친 척…‬"Ridiculous"?
‪[톡톡 두드리는 소리]‬
‪[형근의 한숨]‬
‪[성한이 작게] 하지 마라‬Don't.
‪아유, 우리 회의가‬ ‪너무 빡세다, 응?‬This meeting is too intense.
‪BGM 좀 깔까요? 슈베르트 '마왕'‬Let's play some music. "Erlkönig" by Schubert. It's perfect.
‪[준] 너무 좋다‬It's perfect.
‪[호영] 그게 뭐야?‬What's that?
‪아름다운 이슈 있을 텐데‬I think we might have a beautiful story.
‪[성한] 퇴사 이슈 만들지 마시고요‬That story ends with you getting fired. Attorney Choi!
‪최 변!‬Attorney Choi!
‪천잰데?‬You're a genius!
‪[성한이 작게] 죽일 거야‬I'll kill you.
‪[준의 탄성]‬
‪[격정적인 피아노 연주가 흐른다]‬Please.
‪[호영] 이거 진짜예요?‬ ‪합성 아니야?‬Is this real? It's not a deepfake?
‪[성한] 아니에요‬ ‪합성 아니에요, 저예요‬No. It's really me.
‪이 정도면 이슈 될 만하죠?‬This should draw attention, right?
‪- [새봄] 와, 너무 멋있어‬ ‪- [성한의 옅은 웃음]‬He's so cool.
‪[호영의 탄성]‬
‪[격정적인 음악]‬
‪[남자1] 변호사 배지 달면‬ ‪뭐 하냐 이거예요‬Who cares if he's a lawyer?
‪그저 돈만 되면‬ ‪아무 데나 가서 줄 서 있습니다‬These people will do anything for money.
‪[남자2] 이런 변호사는요‬We need to come together and bring this lawyer down.
‪우리가 힘을 모아서‬ ‪아작을 내 줘야 됩니다, 예?‬We need to come together and bring this lawyer down. -Okay? Donate to my account. -That jerk's lawyer is a jerk too!
‪- [남자3이 비난한다]‬ ‪- 제 후원 계좌 아시죠?‬-Okay? Donate to my account. -That jerk's lawyer is a jerk too!
‪[남자4] 패널이 죄다 변호사고‬ ‪또 정치도 하고‬Everyone is an attorney before they get into politics.
‪아, 드라마, 드라마 주인공이‬ ‪왜 다 변호사야?‬Why are all the protagonists attorneys in dramas these days?
‪[부드러운 음악]‬
‪피아노에 관심이 많아요?‬You like the piano?
‪[유석의 코웃음]‬
‪[유석] 이상하다 했어‬I thought it was strange.
‪하필 왜 신성한인가 했거든요‬I wondered why he went to Shin Sung-han.
‪피아노라는 접점이 있었어?‬So you had that in common?
‪그 사람처럼‬Did you also switch majors like he did?
‪전공을 바꾼 거예요?‬Did you also switch majors like he did?
‪아니요, 전공까지 할‬ ‪실력은 아니고요‬No, I was never that good.
‪짝사랑하고 있습니다‬I just have a crush.
‪신성한을?‬On Shin Sung-han?
‪피아노를‬On the piano!
‪[영주, 유석의 헛웃음]‬I told you he was a funny guy.
‪[유석] 재밌는 친구라고‬ ‪했지 않습니까, 제가 [웃음]‬I told you he was a funny guy.
‪이렇습니다, 이 친구가‬ ‪일을 아주 재밌게 해요‬This is his style. He has an unusual approach.
‪[옅은 웃음]‬
‪요즘 어떻게 지내, 신성한?‬What is Sung-han up to these days?
‪변호 준비하시고‬He's preparing for his defense
‪친구분들이랑 잘 지내시고‬and hanging out with his friends.
‪[유석] 마춘석 사건은?‬ ‪뭐 준비하는 거 있어?‬Is he preparing anything for the Ma Chun-seok case?
‪어떤 준비…‬What do you mean?
‪[준] 아, 뭐, 승소할 만한 치트 키‬ ‪그런 거요?‬Are you asking whether he has an ace up his sleeve?
‪[준의 숨 들이켜는 소리]‬
‪뭘 주실 건데요?‬What's in it for me?
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪아니, 일 가르쳐 놨더니‬ ‪퇴사한다고‬I thought you were pulling my leg because I quit right after my internship.
‪장난치는 줄 알았죠‬I thought you were pulling my leg because I quit right after my internship.
‪이렇게 진지하고 지속적인 거면‬But if it's going to be this serious and consistent,
‪딜인데, 이건?‬we should make a deal.
‪[영주의 옅은 웃음]‬
‪[유석] 신성한인 줄 알았어‬ ‪많이 배웠네, 그새?‬You sounded just like Sung-han. You've learned a lot from him.
‪에이, 뭘 배워요‬ ‪다 자기 쪼대로 사는 거지‬No, I didn't learn anything. I do my own thing.
‪[피식 웃는다]‬No, I didn't learn anything. I do my own thing.
‪[준] 저쪽에‬ ‪입사하자마자 다 불었어요‬I told him from the get-go
‪당신 뒤 캐고 다녔다고‬-that I'd been spying on him. -What did he say?
‪뭐라는데?‬-that I'd been spying on him. -What did he say?
‪스파이 잘하라고‬He told me to be a good spy
‪뭐, 진행비 받으면‬ ‪밥도 사라고 그러던데?‬and to treat him when I get paid.
‪[영주, 유석의 어이없는 웃음]‬
‪[준] 진지하게 정보를 원하시면‬If you seriously want me to spy for you,
‪다른 걸 좀‬ ‪개런티 했으면 좋겠는데‬I'd like something else in return.
‪[유석이 입소리를 쩝 낸다]‬
‪배운다고 될 컨셉은 아니긴 하다‬You really are one of a kind.
‪내가 면봉도 아니고‬ ‪맞춘다고 맞춰지는 놈도 아니고‬I'm not some cotton swab you can tailor to your liking.
‪최준‬Choi Jun.
‪[영주] 변호사님‬Attorney Choi.
‪뭘 개런티 하면‬What can I offer
‪그럴싸할까요?‬to stir up your interest?
‪[성한] 진짜? 정말이냐?‬Are you serious?
‪- [형근] 박유석 자리를?‬ ‪- [준] 네‬-Park Yu-seok's position? -Yes.
‪나도 내가 멋있더라고‬I even impressed myself.
‪씁, 그, 기세가 보였다라고 할까?‬I saw this vigor inside me.
‪[준이 피식 웃는다]‬
‪감동받으셨어요?‬Are you touched?
‪제가 이런 놈입니다, 예?‬This is who I am, okay?
‪의리, 그냥‬So loyal.
‪무슨 의리 말하는 겁니까?‬What are you talking about?
‪[준] 전 변호사님 버스킹에서‬ ‪다크 블루를 봤거든요‬I sensed a deep melancholy from your street performance.
‪- [잔잔한 음악]‬ ‪- 그, 뭐라 그럴까, 그…‬How can I put this?
‪딥 다크 한 깊은 빡침?‬Some sort of deep, dark anger.
‪뭔가 사연 있는 그, 슬픈…‬Some deep-rooted sorrow…
‪- [준의 놀란 소리]‬ ‪- [늘어지는 효과음]‬
‪[소연] 저기‬Excuse me.
‪- 슈만…‬ ‪- [형근] 슈베르트‬Schumann… Schubert.
‪- [발랄한 음악]‬ ‪- [소연] 아, 예‬Schubert. Right.
‪- '마귀'‬ ‪- [형근] '마왕'‬-"Iconic." -"Erlkönig."
‪[소연] 그거, 그거‬That one.
‪엄마 보여 드렸더니‬ ‪너무 놀라시는 거 있죠?‬I showed the video to my mom, and it blew her mind.
‪[성한의 어색한 웃음]‬
‪[준의 웃음]‬
‪남기시는 거예요?‬Aren't you going to finish that?
‪엄마가 한번 오신대요‬She'll be here soon.
‪[성한, 형근의 놀란 소리]‬-Really? -When?
‪[성한이 웅얼거리며] 보고 싶어서‬ ‪아니고요?‬Does she want to see me?
‪'내가 살면 얼마나 살겠노'‬"I won't live much longer."
‪'내 신 변호사 피아노 치는 거‬ ‪한번 봐야 되겠다'‬"I've got to see Attorney Shin perform in person."
‪[형근] 아, 그래서‬ ‪박유석은 뭐래요?‬So what did Park Yu-seok say?
‪[준] 아무 말 없던데?‬Nothing.
‪표정은?‬How did he look?
‪[준] 그, 뜯다 만‬Like a cotton swab with half the cotton missing.
‪면봉 솜?‬Like a cotton swab with half the cotton missing.
‪[시원한 탄성]‬
‪[성한] 야, 저기 저거‬Hey, look over there.
‪- [형근] 응?‬ ‪- [성한] 저기 저거‬-What? -Look at that.
‪쭌 변 닮은 거, 저거‬It looks just like you.
‪뜯다 만 라면 봉지‬That half-opened ramyeon bag.
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬
‪[형근의 웃음]‬
‪[준] 아, 웃지 마요‬Stop laughing.
‪아, 웃지 마‬Cut it out.
‪[형근의 웃음]‬
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬
‪[서진] 주차장이에요, 올라가요‬I'm in the parking garage. I'll be right up.
‪- [휴대전화 조작음]‬ ‪- [통화 종료음]‬
‪[엘리베이터 알림음]‬
‪[아련한 음악]‬
‪[서진] '이서진의‬ ‪런 온 더 라디오'‬Lee Seo-jin's Run on the Radio.
‪마지막 사연입니다‬This is our last story of the day.
‪남양주에 사시는 김수지 씨‬It was sent in by Kim Su-ji from Namyangju.
‪'저번 달 제주도 여행에서'‬"I went on a trip to Jeju Island last month,
‪'꿈에 그리던‬ ‪이상형을 만났습니다'‬and I ran into the man of my dreams there."
‪'여기서 그를 놓치면‬ ‪영영 후회할 거 같아서'‬"I knew I would regret it if I didn't do anything,
‪'저는 용기를 내‬ ‪전화번호를 물었죠'‬so I worked up the courage to ask for his number."
‪오, 너무 잘하셨다 [웃음]‬Good for you.
‪'그리고 집으로 돌아와서‬ ‪연락을 하려고 보니'‬"I got back home and was about to contact him,
‪'내가 너무 성급한 건 아닌가‬ ‪멈칫하게 되더라고요'‬but I stopped, wondering if I'm rushing it."
‪'서진 언니‬ ‪저 어떻게 하면 좋을까요?'‬"What do you think I should do, Seo-jin?"
‪[호로록거리는 소리]‬
‪방 PD랑 둘이 읍소를 하시며‬ ‪프로그램 섭외 부탁해 놓고‬You and Producer Bang desperately begged me to get him on a show,
‪[존호] 이건 뭐, 인사도 없고‬ ‪기별도 없고‬but you never thanked me or even got back to me.
‪아, 둘 다 뭐, 양아치니?‬-Where are your manners? -Look.
‪[서진] 아니‬-Where are your manners? -Look.
‪뭐 좀 보내 드린다니까‬ ‪괜찮다고 주소도 안 주시고‬I wanted to send you a gift, but you wouldn't give me your address.
‪뭘 어떡하라고‬What was I to do?
‪뭘 보낸들, 뭐, 뭐‬I don't need any gifts.
‪이서진 얼굴‬ ‪보여 주는 것만 하겠어?‬I just wanted to see you.
‪포털 검색을 하든지‬ ‪너튜브를 열든지‬You should have looked me up on the internet.
‪거기 엄청 많아요, 이서진‬There's a whole lot of Lee Seo-jin on there.
‪아휴, 저 입, 저거, 아휴‬You and your words.
‪[존호] 아휴‬
‪아휴, 저 입으로 방송해야지‬ ‪아깝다, 야‬Too bad you're wasting your talent.
‪아까우면 데려다 쓰든지‬Give me a show if you really think so.
‪뭐, 얼굴 봤으니 됐고, 뭐‬Anyway, I'm glad to see you.
‪뭘 보낼지, 뭐‬ ‪주소는 내가 문자로 보내 줄게‬If you want to send me something, I'll text you my address.
‪[존호] 씁, 그… [한숨]‬Anyway…
‪그, 연말에 개편 있잖아, 응?‬About the year-end reshuffle.
‪심야 방송으로 슬슬 복귀 준비하자‬Why don't you come back with a late-night show?
‪내가 심야 방송이 어울리는 서사지‬I guess a late-night show would be a good fit.
‪복귀, 소원이죠‬And I can't wait to make a comeback.
‪근데 쉽게 되겠어요?‬But it won't be that easy.
‪아, 당연히 어렵지‬Of course not. You know how conservative this station is.
‪방송국 얼마나 보수적인 데인지‬ ‪잘 알면서‬You know how conservative this station is.
‪그러니까 심야부터 천천히‬That's why you should start with a late-night show.
‪[서진] 아침 9시‬Nine in the morning.
‪그 자리‬The same slot.
‪만약에 청취자들이 절 용서한다면‬As long as the listeners accept me,
‪그 자리로 복귀하고 싶어요‬that's where I want to return to.
‪너무 놀란다‬You seem surprised.
‪[서진이 픽 웃는다]‬
‪아침, 빡신데‬The morning show would be tough.
‪[조르르 흐르는 물소리]‬
‪[잘그랑거리는 소리]‬
‪- [정식] 아유, 앉으세요, 예‬ ‪- 예‬-Please have a seat. -Sure.
‪- [정식] 여기, 예‬ ‪- 감사합니다, 네 [웃음]‬-Thank you. -No problem.
‪DJ님은?‬Where's Ms. Lee?
‪[호영] 계시면 잠깐‬ ‪보고 가려 했더니 외출하셨다네요?‬I wanted to see her, but she wasn't in.
‪- [정식] 응‬ ‪- 씁, 왜 바쁘지?‬I wanted to see her, but she wasn't in. What is she up to?
‪그러니까, 나도 이상해‬Beats me.
‪여기 요즘‬ ‪사람 엄청 많이 오거든요‬They have a ton of visitors these days.
‪[정식] 방송 타고 더 몰려, 근데‬Especially after the radio. But they've only taken on a couple of cases.
‪이게 수임 건수는‬ ‪뭐, 한 건, 두 개‬But they've only taken on a couple of cases.
‪근데 다들 바빠‬And yet, everyone seems busy.
‪- [살짝 웃는다]‬ ‪- 이상해‬It's weird.
‪뭐, 상담은 바쁘겠네‬They must get a lot of consultations.
‪근데 외근 상담도 하나?‬Do they make visits too?
‪에이, 여기 뭐, 오는 사람도‬ ‪다 돌려보내는데 외근을?‬No way. They even send away those who visit them here.
‪[호영] 음‬
‪여기 오피스텔 전세도 나와요?‬Do you have two-year leases too?
‪씁, 여기는 이제 보통 월세, 예‬It's mostly monthly rent around here.
‪월세는 얼마나 해요?‬What's the average rent?
‪여기 방송국에서 많이 멀 텐데‬Isn't it too far from your work?
‪아, 쯧‬I used to want to live close to work,
‪직장이랑 가까워서 좋았는데‬I used to want to live close to work,
‪요새는 멀었으면 좋겠어요‬but not anymore.
‪[휴대전화 알림음]‬
‪[살짝 웃는다]‬
‪- [휴대전화 조작음]‬ ‪- 신나셨다‬You look excited.
‪[정식이 작게 웃는다]‬
‪- 주식 올랐어요?‬ ‪- [정식] 어?‬Did your stocks go up?
‪아, 이거? 아‬This?
‪저, 제가 하고 있는 모임이‬ ‪쪼끄만 게 있는데‬There's this small club I'm in,
‪거기 이제 살짝‬ ‪관심 가는 여성분이…‬and I'm interested in one of the ladies there.
‪[함께 웃는다]‬and I'm interested in one of the ladies there.
‪여성분, 음 [웃음]‬A lady? Her username is Orange Sky.
‪[정식] 아이, 저‬ ‪오렌지스카이 님이라고‬Her username is Orange Sky.
‪여기 보시면‬Her username is Orange Sky. Look at this.
‪- '늦참이요, 지송, 유유'‬ ‪- [흥미로운 음악]‬She said, "I'll be joining late. Sorry. Tears."
‪이렇게 와 가지고 내가‬She said, "I'll be joining late. Sorry. Tears."
‪'필참이요, 황송‬ ‪눈웃음, 눈웃음' 이렇게‬So I said, "Be there or be square. Smiley face."
‪어필을 딱!‬I want her to notice me. This Saturday?
‪토요일?‬This Saturday?
‪- [출입문 종소리]‬ ‪- [형근] 조정식입니다‬"This is Jo Jeong-sik."
‪오, 여기 계셨네요‬Hey, you're here.
‪선배님 외부라고 하셔서‬Seo-jin wasn't in.
‪오피스텔 시세 물어봤어요‬I was asking him about rent.
‪아, 이사하시게요?‬Are you going to move here?
‪[호영] 아, 이 동네‬ ‪너무 비싼 거 같아요‬Are you going to move here? This part of the town is too expensive.
‪말씀 나누세요‬-I'll leave you two to talk. -Sure.
‪예, 예‬-I'll leave you two to talk. -Sure.
‪[호영] 아, 저, '필참'‬ ‪지우는 게 어때요?‬You should probably delete the "be square" part.
‪[호영] 이런 사연 본 거 같아서‬I've seen this before. You seem a bit too…
‪'필참'은 좀…‬You seem a bit too…
‪굿 럭입니다 [웃음]‬Good luck anyway.
‪- 갈게요‬ ‪- [형근] 예, 예‬-Bye. -Bye.
‪- [출입문 종소리]‬ ‪- [정식] 야, 필, 필참이 나쁘냐?‬Hey, is "be there or be square" bad?
‪어, 니가 하면 나빠‬ ‪너 차 좀 쓰자‬Everything you do is. I need your car.
‪너 필참 뭔지 알아?‬Do you even know what it means?
‪'필히 지참하시오'‬-It means you're uptight. -Dude.
‪[웃으며] 야, 이씨‬-It means you're uptight. -Dude. It means you have to be there. You need to learn these things.
‪아, '반드시 참석'‬ ‪인마, 좀 배워라, 아휴‬It means you have to be there. You need to learn these things. -Good grief. -Hey.
‪야, 어린애들 쓰는 말‬ ‪굳이 쓰잖아?‬-Good grief. -Hey. It looks pathetic when you try too hard to sound young.
‪더 짜쳐‬It looks pathetic when you try too hard to sound young. It would if I looked like you.
‪하긴 뭐, 니 비주얼에 하면‬ ‪좀 짜치긴 하겠다‬It would if I looked like you.
‪난 글쎄?‬-Me, not so much. -I need your car.
‪아, 차 좀 쓰자니까‬-Me, not so much. -I need your car.
‪- 니 차는?‬ ‪- [형근] 정비 들어갔어‬-What about yours? -It's in the shop.
‪- 성한이 차는?‬ ‪- [형근] 아, 좀 내놔, 좀!‬-What about Sung-han's? -Just give it.
‪[정식] 아이, 어디 가게?‬Where are you going? Not too far.
‪[형근] 멀리 안 가‬Not too far. So where exactly?
‪[정식] 아, 그러니까‬ ‪멀지 않은 어디 가게?‬So where exactly?
‪전라도, 전라도 금방 가, 길 좋아‬Jeolla-do. It's a quick drive. Nice roads.
‪- 전주 가게?‬ ‪- [형근] 아니‬-Are you going to Jeonju? -No.
‪아유, 광주도 멀다‬Even Gwangju is too far.
‪아이, 쪼잔한 새끼‬You're so stingy.
‪야, 됐어, 인마‬Forget it, man.
‪해남이 뭐가 멀어? 금방이지‬-Haenam isn't even that far. -It's literally the farthest.
‪해남? 씨, 땅끝…‬-Haenam isn't even that far. -It's literally the farthest.
‪아! 야, 그거구나‬ ‪너 저기, 베트남 결혼, 응?‬It's the Vietnamese wife case, isn't it?
‪[정식] 야, 아무리 변호가, 인마‬ ‪서비스직이라지만‬I get that attorneys are in the service industry,
‪해남은 좀 오버 아니냐?‬but Haenam is just too far.
‪해남 아니라‬ ‪지구 끝까지라도 갈 판이야‬I'd even travel to the ends of the earth.
‪승소밖에 없어‬We have to win this one.
‪아이, 상대 변호사가 박유석이잖아‬We're up against Park Yu-seok.
‪[형근] 긴장해야지‬We have to step it up.
‪야, 진지하지 마, 됐어‬ ‪렌트할 거야‬Don't get so serious. Forget it. I'm renting a car.
‪[정식] 야‬Hey.
‪지금 출발하면 되냐?‬Should we leave now?
‪야, 너랑 왜?‬Why would I bring you?
‪[호영] 장 국장님이‬ ‪복귀 말씀하셨다면서요?‬I heard the station director talked to you about your comeback.
‪[서진] 현우 혼자 두고‬ ‪심야 방송을 어떻게 하겠어‬I can't do a late-night show with Hyeon-u alone at home.
‪못 하는 거 아니까‬ ‪인사말 하신 거지‬He made that offer knowing I couldn't accept it.
‪[호영] 내가 케어할게요‬ ‪현우 나 좋아해‬I'll look after Hyeon-u. He loves me.
‪[도어 록 조작음]‬He loves me.
‪- [서진] 물어보면 되겠다‬ ‪- [문소리]‬I guess we can ask him. Hyeon-u, is that you?
‪- 현우 왔니?‬ ‪- [호영] 응?‬Hyeon-u, is that you?
‪현우 좋아하는‬ ‪호영 이모 왔다! [웃음]‬It's your favorite aunt, Aunt Ho-yeong!
‪끝?‬That's it?
‪- 헐‬ ‪- [서진이 피식 웃는다]‬Wow.
‪현우야, 가방 벗고 손 씻고 와‬Hyeon-u, put your backpack down and wash your hands.
‪- 자‬ ‪- [서진] 네, 안녕하세요‬-Here. -Hello.
‪- [서진의 통화 소리]‬ ‪- [호영] 현우야‬Hyeon-u.
‪엄마 라디오 방송 다시 하면 어때?‬What do you think about Mom going back on the radio?
‪다시 할 수 있어요?‬Can she go back?
‪만약에 말이야‬If she does…
‪만약에 다시 방송 시작하면…‬If she does comes back…
‪엄마가 더 잘하잖아요‬Mom does it better.
‪아침 9시 방송이요‬The 9 a.m. radio show.
‪엄마가 제일 잘하잖아요‬She's the best at it.
‪[서진] 네, 네‬Yes.
‪네, 다시 전화드릴게요, 네‬Okay, I'll call you back. Goodbye.
‪[통화 종료음]‬
‪- [호영] 드세요‬ ‪- [서진의 웃음]‬One for you.
‪- [서진] 먹어‬ ‪- [호영] 네‬-Eat up. -Okay.
‪[멀리서 개 짖는 소리]‬
‪[유석] 팔이 불편해서‬ ‪애기 돌보기가 힘들겠어요‬It must be tough to look after your child with your injured arm.
‪[딘티 화] 도와줘요, 사람들‬People here help me out.
‪[유석] 아, 씁…‬
‪여기 계시는 분들이‬ ‪도와주시는구나‬So they help you out.
‪애기 컨디션은?‬ ‪아직 많이 어리던데‬How's your son? He's still very young.
‪잘 먹어요, 잘 자고요‬He eats well and sleeps well.
‪다행이네요, 씁…‬Good. I just have some questions.
‪내가 저, 궁금한 게 있어서요‬I just have some questions.
‪어, 그러니까‬ ‪마춘석 씨로부터 폭행당한 날이‬You were assaulted by Mr. Ma
‪9월 12일, 9월 12일?‬You were assaulted by Mr. Ma on September 12, correct?
‪[유석] 이혼하자고 했고‬ ‪딘티 화 씨가‬You asked him for a divorce,
‪애기 데리고‬ ‪돌아가겠다고 했고, 맞죠?‬and you told him you'd take your child with you.
‪네‬-Yes. -What did you just say?
‪- [춘석] 뭐라고 했냐?‬ ‪- [영광의 울음]‬-Yes. -What did you just say? Divorce?
‪- [무거운 음악]‬ ‪- 이혼? 이혼?‬Divorce? Divorce?
‪염병헌다, 염병혀, 이혼?‬Don't be ridiculous! Divorce?
‪아이, 나가 뭣을 잘못해서‬ ‪이혼인디? 어!‬What did I ever do wrong?
‪엄마 집으로 가‬I'm going back to my mom's. I'm leaving with Yeong-gwang.
‪영광이 데리고 갈 거야‬I'm leaving with Yeong-gwang.
‪- [거친 숨소리]‬ ‪- [딘티 화가 흐느낀다]‬
‪[춘석이 소리친다]‬
‪- [춘석 모] 아이고, 춘석아‬ ‪- [딘티 화의 울음]‬Chun-seok, you need to stop.
‪- 춘석아‬ ‪- [춘석의 악쓰는 소리]‬Chun-seok.
‪아이고야, 그만혀!‬You need to stop.
‪[유석] 그래서 마춘석 씨가‬ ‪크게 화를 냈고‬So Mr. Ma became furious.
‪- [할머니의 말리는 소리]‬ ‪- 옆집 할머니?‬-Stop that! -The old lady next door? -The sweet potato lady. -Yes, her.
‪- [딘티 화] 고구마 할머니‬ ‪- [유석] 응, 그분‬-The sweet potato lady. -Yes, her. She came and pulled you away.
‪그 고구마 할머니가 와서 말렸고‬She came and pulled you away.
‪[딘티 화] 네‬Yes.
‪[유석] 그리고 집을 나가셨어요‬ ‪딘티 화 씨‬And then you left home, Ms. Dinh Thi Hoa. Yes.
‪애기는 두고‬But without your son.
‪집에 두고, 맞죠?‬You left him behind, correct?
‪애기 데리고 못 가요‬I couldn't bring him with me.
‪애기 아직 애기예요‬He's still a baby.
‪[유석] 응, 그렇죠‬He's still a baby. Right.
‪씁, 그리고 그다음 날‬And the next day…
‪그다음 날, 어, 9월 13일‬The next day. Yes, September 13.
‪9월 13일‬Yes, September 13.
‪그날 다시 와서 부탁을 했고‬You went back and asked him once again.
‪네‬Yes. Hey, get back here!
‪- [춘석] 야, 야, 씨! 일로 안 와?‬ ‪- [딘티 화의 겁먹은 소리]‬Hey, get back here!
‪- [긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪- [거친 숨소리]‬
‪들어간 돈이 얼마인 줄이나 알어?‬Do you know how much I spent on you? I want to live with my mom.
‪[울먹이며] 나 엄마랑 살고 싶어‬I want to live with my mom. I'm leaving with my baby.
‪애기랑 갈 거야‬I'm leaving with my baby.
‪[딘티 화] 당신 술, 때리는 거‬ ‪너무 힘들어‬I've had enough of your drinking and beatings.
‪어서 주둥이 나불대냐!‬Watch your damn mouth!
‪[춘석] 맞아야‬ ‪정신을 차리겄지, 니가, 응?‬I've got to beat some sense into you.
‪[유석] 마춘석 씨는 화가 나서‬ ‪몽둥이를 들었고‬Mr. Ma became furious and picked up a stick…
‪[딘티 화의 비명]‬
‪[유석] 여기 다쳤고‬and he hurt you right there.
‪[춘석] 영주권이고 뭐고‬She said she'd give up permanent residency and leave for Vietnam with Yeong-gwang.
‪영광이 데불고‬ ‪베트남으로 가 분다고‬She said she'd give up permanent residency and leave for Vietnam with Yeong-gwang.
‪나가 뭣을 잘못했는지‬ ‪아직은 모르겄지만‬I still have no idea what I did wrong,
‪- 뭐든 고쳐 본다고 했어라‬ ‪- [차분한 음악]‬but I promised her I'd change.
‪달래고 얼러도 안 되고‬I tried to talk her out of it, but she wouldn't listen.
‪나도 눈깔이 확 돌아가 불더라고요‬In the end, I lost it.
‪다 걷어차 불고, 부수고‬I kicked and broke everything.
‪술이 좀 챘지라‬I was a bit drunk.
‪그 꼬라지를 보다가‬ ‪옆집 할매가 말리니께‬When the old lady next door stepped in,
‪집을 나가 불더라고‬she left home.
‪[성한의 한숨]‬
‪[성한] 물건을 부수거나‬ ‪던지는 것도‬It's considered emotional abuse to throw and break objects.
‪정서적인 폭력이에요‬It's considered emotional abuse to throw and break objects.
‪뭔지 알지라‬I know what that is.
‪차라리 한 대 맞고 마는 게‬ ‪낫다 싶은 거‬You'd rather be hit and be done with it.
‪[춘석] 하루 종일‬ ‪벌벌 떨어야 되는‬It sucks to tremble with fear all day.
‪그 더러운 놈의 거‬It sucks to tremble with fear all day.
‪그걸 내가 하고 있더라고요‬But that's what I was doing.
‪절대로‬I swore…
‪아부지 허던 짓은 안 하겄다고‬that I'd never turn into my father.
‪[춘석 부] 나 무시하는 거여! 응?‬Do you think I'm a pushover?
‪시방 나 무시하는 거냐고‬ ‪묻잖아! 이씨, 어?‬I'm asking you! Do you think I'm a pushover?
‪[춘석 부의 성난 소리]‬
‪[우당탕거리는 소리]‬
‪[춘석 부의 말소리]‬-You need a beating. -Because of the memories of your father,
‪[성한] 아버지에 대한‬ ‪기억 때문이라도‬-You need a beating. -Because of the memories of your father,
‪선생님께서는 절대로‬-you've never used violence. -Don't hit her, Father!
‪[어린 춘석] 때리지 마세요‬ ‪아버지!‬-you've never used violence. -Don't hit her, Father!
‪[성한] 내 다리 물어뜯어‬ ‪살점을 떼 낸 강아지조차‬Even if a dog bites into your leg, you just let it be.
‪그냥 두신다고요‬Even if a dog bites into your leg, you just let it be.
‪- [춘석 부가 버럭 한다]‬ ‪- 힘 빠질 때까지 그냥 두신다고‬You just wait for it to grow tired.
‪[춘석] 하나 빠뜨리지 않고‬ ‪담아 뒀소?‬Do you remember everything I told you?
‪- [들이켜는 숨소리]‬ ‪- [툭툭 두드리는 소리]‬
‪제가 신경 쓰이는 부분은‬ ‪좀 다른 겁니다‬There's something else that bothers me.
‪[성한] 그날‬ ‪마당에서의 싸움 이후에‬After you two had a fight in the yard,
‪집을 나간 딘티 화 씨가 다음 날‬your wife left home but returned the next day.
‪다시 집으로 돌아온 거‬your wife left home but returned the next day. And then
‪그러고는 마당을, 집 안을‬And then she started walking around the yard and the house.
‪이리저리‬she started walking around the yard and the house.
‪- [쿵 치는 소리]‬ ‪- 쿵‬Thud.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪[춘석 모가 울먹이며] 아이고‬
‪아이고, 내 새끼가…‬
‪- [무전기 소리]‬ ‪- [춘석 모가 흐느낀다]‬
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪[차 문 여닫히는 소리]‬Are you her guardian?
‪[경찰] 관계자 되시죠?‬Are you her guardian?
‪- [영광의 옹알이]‬ ‪- [춘석 모의 초조한 소리]‬
‪[춘석 모가 놀라며] 아이고‬ ‪아이고, 아이고, 아이고‬Goodness.
‪- 아이고, 영광아, 아이고‬ ‪- [영광의 울음]‬Goodness, Yeong-gwang.
‪아이고, 아이고, 아유, 영광이‬No. Don't take him.
‪[춘석 모의 힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪- 아유, 영광아! 아이고, 아이!‬ ‪- [사이렌 소리]‬No, Yeong-gwang!
‪[울며] 아이고, 춘석아!‬Goodness, Chun-seok.
‪[탁 공 받는 소리]‬
‪그 동선이 나는 이상한 거지‬I just think it's weird.
‪뼈가 부러질 때까지 맞을 걸‬ ‪예상하고‬She knew she'd get badly beaten
‪여성의 집 관계자들을 호출하고‬and asked the people at the Women's Shelter to come.
‪그리고 이혼 후의 다시 선택이‬ ‪베트남행‬and asked the people at the Women's Shelter to come. And she wants to return to Vietnam after the divorce,
‪[성한] 씁, 영주권도 포기하고‬giving up permanent residency.
‪뭔가 부자연스러워, 아니‬Something doesn't seem right.
‪동생들이 많아 가지고‬ ‪결혼을 선택한 건데‬She got married because she had too many younger siblings.
‪굳이 애를 데리고‬ ‪다시 베트남으로?‬So why would she go back with her kid?
‪정 이혼할 거면‬ ‪양육비 받고 애 좀 크면‬She'd be better off being here and getting child support and doing some part-time jobs once the kid is older.
‪잠깐만 일해도‬ ‪베트남보다 나을 건데‬and doing some part-time jobs once the kid is older.
‪그러니까, 뭔가 안 맞아‬Exactly. Something doesn't add up.
‪[형근] 정식이랑 내가‬ ‪최선을 다해 볼게!‬Jeong-sik and I will do our best!
‪정식이? 웬 정식이?‬Jeong-sik? Why Jeong-sik?
‪같이 가기로 했어‬He's coming along.
‪아이, 지 차로 가자고 굳이…‬He insisted on taking his car.
‪조정식이가‬Did he…
‪박유석의 상자를 깠구나?‬open up the Box of Park Yu-seok?
‪뭐, 어떻게 하다 보니까‬ ‪그렇게 됐어‬It kind of ended up that way.
‪아, 그래서 해남을 따라나선대?‬So he'll come to Haenam with you?
‪와, 조정식 이 새끼‬ ‪평생 가겠는데?‬Man, when will he get over it?
‪뭘?‬Get over what?
‪아, 박유석이랑 세트야, 뭐야?‬ ‪왜 지가 엮여?‬Is he Park Yu-seok's other half? Why is he getting involved?
‪정식이 입장에서는 쉽지가 않지‬This isn't easy for Jeong-sik.
‪던져‬Throw it.
‪- [땅땅 공 치는 소리]‬ ‪- [가쁜 숨소리]‬
‪[성한] 야, 해남 멀다‬Haenam is really far.
‪[정식] 플레이리스트‬ ‪잘 만들어 놨다‬That's why I put a nice playlist together.
‪[힘주며] 장거리 운전 딱 좋아‬It's perfect for a road trip.
‪- 너 있잖아‬ ‪- [정식] 아니야‬-Listen. -No.
‪뭐가, 자식아?‬What do you mean?
‪뭐, 부채감? 그런 거 아니라고‬I'm not doing it out of guilt.
‪[성한] 야, 공인 중개사가‬ ‪해남까지 지원 나서는 게‬Why else would a realtor volunteer to drive all the way to Haenam?
‪부채감이지 뭐야?‬Why else would a realtor volunteer to drive all the way to Haenam?
‪[땅땅 공 치는 소리]‬
‪지 좋아하는 것만 하고 사는‬ ‪친오빠 대신에‬All you did was help her find an attorney
‪변호사 소개해 주고‬ ‪도와주고 한 게 이럴 일이야?‬All you did was help her find an attorney on behalf of her selfish brother.
‪[정식] 그게 박유석이었다는 게‬ ‪이럴 일이야‬But that attorney happened to be Park Yu-seok.
‪이겨라‬You better win.
‪[가쁜 숨소리]‬
‪운전 조심하고, 인마‬Drive safely, idiot.
‪내일 새벽에 출발하기로 했어‬ ‪야, 이제 가자‬We're leaving early tomorrow. Let's go home.
‪- 내일 간다고?‬ ‪- [정식] 어‬You're leaving tomorrow? Yes, I have Supper for Singles the day after.
‪나, 나 모레 파랑만찬 나가‬Yes, I have Supper for Singles the day after.
‪파란만장?‬Suppressed singles?
‪[정식] 아니, 파랑만찬‬No, it's a supper. For singles.
‪[정식의 힘주는 소리]‬No, it's a supper. For singles.
‪뭐야, 그게?‬-What the heck is that? -A singles' club.
‪솔로들의 만찬‬-What the heck is that? -A singles' club.
‪파랑만찬‬Supper for Singles.
‪- [힘주는 소리]‬ ‪- [익살스러운 음악]‬I have to be there.
‪꼭 나가야 돼‬I have to be there. She's joining late.
‪[정식] 그녀가 늦참이거든‬She's joining late.
‪난 필참이고‬And I… refuse to be square.
‪진짜 바쁘다, 바빠‬What a busy life you lead.
‪- [유쾌한 음악]‬ ‪- 파랑만찬은, 씨‬Supper for Singles, my foot.
‪파란환장이 낫지‬I'd rather go to Supper for Shingles.
‪- [퍽 공 부딪는 소리]‬ ‪- [성한] 아이, 에라이, 씨‬Darn it.
‪[정식] 야, 엉, 엉망진창이 낫겠다‬How about Supper for Shambles?
‪[성한] 아, 왜 이렇게 빨라, 여기?‬ ‪아이씨‬Why are the balls so fast here?
‪[정식] 변화구 있대, 변화구‬They have breaking balls.
‪[성한] 아, 뭐, 공이 막‬ ‪뚝뚝 떨어져, 아씨‬They drop right in front of me. I'm done with this.
‪[정식] 아, 못 치겠다, 이제, 아…‬I'm done with this.
‪[성한의 힘겨운 탄성]‬
‪[왈왈 개 짖는 소리]‬
‪[금희의 한숨]‬
‪낡은 데만 좀 수리해서‬ ‪살면 되겠어‬I could live here after fixing up a few things.
‪[정국] 여기서 사신다고요?‬You're going to live here?
‪[금희] 허름해서 놀라는 거야‬ ‪아니면‬Are you surprised because it's shabby or because I'm not returning to Hawaii?
‪하와이에 안 들어가서‬ ‪당황한 거야?‬Are you surprised because it's shabby or because I'm not returning to Hawaii?
‪[정국의 당황한 숨소리]‬
‪텃밭은 적성에 안 맞고‬Gardening isn't for me.
‪나‬I am
‪기영이 데리고 여기서 살까 하는데‬thinking of living here with Gi-yeong.
‪떠본 말이다‬I was testing you.
‪너한테 기영이는 있어도 없어도‬I wondered if Gi-yeong meant
‪그만인 아이인가 해서‬anything to you.
‪중하다니 천만다행이구나‬I'm relieved to know that you care.
‪성에 안 차는 아들이어도요‬I may not be a great son myself,
‪자식이 소중하지 않은‬ ‪그런 부모는 아니에요‬but I do care about my child.
‪그러니까 천만다행이라고‬Exactly. I'm quite relieved.
‪당연한 걸 다행이라고 하시니까…‬Isn't it obvious?
‪[금희] 당연한 걸‬ ‪왜 뺏겠다고 했니?‬Then why did you try to take away what's obvious?
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪기영이가 소중할 거잖아, 당연히‬obviously cared about Gi-yeong too.
‪그렇게 사람을 잃었으면서‬ ‪또 잃게 되면 어쩌려고 그래‬You already lost her. What if you lose more?
‪그 사람은 사고였고 기영이는…‬She had an accident. -Gi-yeong-- -Why would you
‪[금희] 기영이가‬-Gi-yeong-- -Why would you
‪제일 좋아하는 걸 왜 뺏어?‬take away what he loves the most?
‪뭐가 무서워서‬ ‪애가 삼촌도 못 만나고 살게 해?‬What are you so afraid of that you'd ban him from seeing his uncle?
‪지금은 가족이 견고한 게‬ ‪더 중요하다고 생각해요‬Keeping my family strong is my priority.
‪너랑 내가 견고하지 않아서‬Do you think our relationship is like this
‪우린 이렇게 지낸다고 생각하니?‬because our family isn't strong?
‪[금희] 산다는 게 어떤 거 같니?‬What do you think life is?
‪[정국] 글쎄요‬I'm not sure.
‪늘 선택‬It's full of choices.
‪잘하면 본전이고 잘 못하면…‬Make wise choices, and you break even. If not…
‪[금희] 주말에‬ ‪기영이 스케줄 다 비워 줘‬Free up Gi-yeong's schedule for the weekend.
‪오랜만에 기영이랑 데이트하려고‬I want to spend some time alone with him.
‪[정국] 집으로 다시 오세요‬ ‪기영이도 할머니 찾아요‬Come stay with us. Gi-yeong misses you too. I'll stay at a hotel during the renovation.
‪[금희] 수리하는 동안은‬ ‪호텔이 좋아‬I'll stay at a hotel during the renovation.
‪기영이 보내 줘‬Send Gi-yeong over.
‪[리드미컬한 음악]‬
‪- [안전띠 푸는 소리]‬ ‪- [정식의 힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪- [정식의 신음]‬ ‪- [형근의 힘주는 소리]‬
‪[정식의 아파하는 신음]‬
‪[차 문 닫히는 소리]‬
‪- [형근의 한숨]‬ ‪- [정식이 작게] 저 새끼‬Asshole.
‪- [정식의 힘겨운 숨소리]‬ ‪- [익살스러운 음악]‬
‪[뱃고동 소리]‬
‪어떻게, 내가 좀, 운전 좀 해?‬So? Should I take over?
‪[정식] 더 자‬Go back to sleep.
‪[형근] 뭘 자?‬ ‪나 그냥 눈 감고 있었는데‬What? I just kept my eyes closed.
‪[정식] 참, 씨‬ ‪너 여섯 시간 잤어, 여섯 시간‬You slept for six hours straight. You're lying.
‪[형근] 뭘 여섯 시간을 자?‬ ‪뚜껑 열어서 한숨도 못 잤는데‬You're lying. I couldn't sleep at all with the roof open.
‪- [정식] 어, 나 허리 어떡해‬ ‪- 아, 공기가 좋아서 그런지‬-My back. -The air is so crisp here.
‪[형근] 아유, 상쾌하네‬How refreshing.
‪- [형근의 헛기침]‬ ‪- [정식] 허리가 좀 이상한데?‬-My back feels weird. -Why?
‪[형근] 왜? 내가 운전할게‬ ‪왜 차 키를 안 줘?‬-My back feels weird. -Why? I'll drive. Give me the keys.
‪[정식] 야, 이씨, 니가 운전하면‬ ‪인마, 경찰이 잡아가‬The police would pull you over thinking you stole the car.
‪훔친 줄 알고‬The police would pull you over thinking you stole the car.
‪[형근의 헛웃음]‬
‪아, 좋다‬This is nice.
‪[힘주는 소리]‬
‪[형근] 이제 몇 시간 남았지?‬-How much longer do we have? -Fifteen minutes.
‪[정식] 15분만 가면 돼‬-How much longer do we have? -Fifteen minutes.
‪여기 해남이야?‬We're in Haenam?
‪니가 사람이야?‬Are you even human?
‪[정식] 아휴, 새끼‬Darn you, punk.
‪피부 좋아진 거 봐‬You're glowing from your nap.
‪- [잘그락거리는 소리]‬ ‪- [정식] 아이씨, 쯧‬GWANGJEODANG PHARMACY
‪[정식, 형근의 시원한 숨소리]‬GWANGJEODANG PHARMACY
‪[형근] 저, 80 중반‬ ‪할머니 드실 거‬What do you recommend for a lady
‪몸에 좋은 거 뭐 있을까요?‬-in her mid-eighties? -Mid-eighties?
‪[약사] 80 중반이어라?‬-in her mid-eighties? -Mid-eighties?
‪- 씁, 기복이 할매일까?‬ ‪- [형근] 예?‬Is it Ms. Gi-bok? -Sorry? -I know most people around here.
‪[약사] 응, 앵간 나가 아요‬-Sorry? -I know most people around here.
‪씁, 뉘실까? 영양제 자실 할매가?‬Which old lady is the supplement for?
‪마춘석 씨 아세요?‬Do you know Mr. Ma Chun-seok?
‪마춘석 씨‬ ‪어머니 드실 만한 걸로 추천‬Any recommendations for his mother?
‪옴마, 그라요? 잉‬Is that so?
‪[약사] 근데 그 집은 시방‬ ‪씁, 영양제 자셔도‬But even if she took supplements,
‪세포로다가 영양이‬ ‪지대로 쫙쫙 빨릴‬I don't think she's in any condition to absorb any nutrients from them.
‪컨디션이 영 아닐 것인디?‬I don't think she's in any condition to absorb any nutrients from them.
‪어, 아, 그렇죠?‬Yes, you're right.
‪[정식] 그러니까 이 사태에 대해서‬ ‪어떻게 생각을 하세요?‬So what's your take on this situation?
‪- [형근] 얼마예요?‬ ‪- [약사] 응‬How much is it?
‪긍게 나가 봤을 적에 말이여‬In my opinion,
‪모든 발단은 쩌그 농약 방‬everything began over there at that pesticide shop.
‪쩌그 백 사장이랑 춘석이랑‬When Chun-seok got into that huge fight with the owner, Mr. Baek.
‪깽판이 났을 때부터여‬ ‪그라제잉, 씁‬When Chun-seok got into that huge fight with the owner, Mr. Baek. You know what I mean?
‪근데 그짝이랑 춘석이랑‬ ‪어찌게 되는 사이여?‬But how do you two know Chun-seok?
‪아, 마춘석 씨 변호사 사무실에서‬ ‪나왔습니다‬We're with Mr. Ma's attorney.
‪응, 어디, 광주여?‬We're with Mr. Ma's attorney. -From Gwangju? -No, Seoul.
‪아니, 서울, 서울이요‬-From Gwangju? -No, Seoul.
‪으메, 멀리서 오셨소잉‬Oh, my. You came very far.
‪[약사] 근데 마춘석이 갸가‬Chun-seok won't end up behind bars or anything, right?
‪징역 살고 그라지는 않겄지라잉?‬Chun-seok won't end up behind bars or anything, right?
‪- 징역이요?‬ ‪- [약사] 감옥은 안 가겄져?‬-Behind bars? -Will he go to prison?
‪폭행죄람서?‬He assaulted her.
‪[서진] 조민정 씨가‬ ‪남편을 만나게 된 건 교회였어요‬Ms. Jo first met her husband at church.
‪- 남편이 새 신자로 등록하면서‬ ‪- [의미심장한 음악]‬They grew closer after her husband
‪[서진] 조금씩 가까워졌다고 하고‬registered as a new member. "To you, Yahweh, I lift up my soul."
‪[목사] 여호와여‬ ‪나의 영혼이 주를 우러러보나이다‬"To you, Yahweh, I lift up my soul."
‪나의 하나님이여‬ ‪내가 주께 의지하였사오니‬"My God, I have trusted in you." "Don’t let me be shamed."
‪나를 부끄럽지 않게 하시고‬"Don’t let me be shamed."
‪나의 원수들이 나를 이겨‬ ‪개가를 부르지 못하게 하소서‬"Don’t let my enemies triumph over me."
‪[민정 부] 직장은 어디세요?‬What do you do for a living?
‪[현태] 아…‬
‪저는 오산 쪽에서‬ ‪공장장으로 일하고 있습니다‬I work as a plant manager in Osan.
‪원래는 대학교 휴학하고‬ ‪아르바이트로 시작한 공장인데요‬I started as a part-timer while I was taking time off from college,
‪계속 다니고 있습니다‬but I ended up staying.
‪[민정 부] 응‬
‪[서진] 적당한 팩트가‬ ‪거짓말을 안전하게 만들었대요‬He mixed lies with facts to sound trustworthy.
‪[여자] '예수께서‬ ‪또 말씀하여 이르시되'‬"Again, therefore, Jesus spoke to them, saying,
‪'나는 세상의 빛이니‬ ‪나를 따르는 자는'‬'I am the light of the world.' 'He who follows me will not walk in the darkness,
‪- [민정의 기침]‬ ‪- '어둠에 다니지 아니하고'‬'He who follows me will not walk in the darkness,
‪'생명의 빛을 얻으리라'‬but will have the light of life.'"
‪'바리새인들이 이르되'‬"The Pharisees therefore said to him,
‪'네가 너를 위하여 증언하니‬ ‪네 증언은 참되지 아니하도다'‬'You testify about yourself.' 'Your testimony is not valid.'" "Jesus answered them,
‪'예수께서 대답하여 이르시되'‬"Jesus answered them,
‪'내가 나를 위하여 증언하여도‬ ‪내 증언이 참되니'‬'Even if I testify about myself, my testimony is true,
‪'나는 내가 어디서 오며‬ ‪어디로 가는 것을 알거니와'‬for I know where I came from, and where I am going…'"
‪[민정] 2시만 되면‬ ‪베란다에서 신호가 와요‬I hear a signal from the balcony every day at 2 p.m.
‪모스 부호 같은 거?‬It sounds like Morse code.
‪[준] 조현병 증상을‬ ‪이상하게 생각하지 않고‬He didn't seem bothered by her schizophrenic symptoms
‪잘 들어 준 거죠‬and heard her out.
‪그걸 조민정 씨 어머니께서는‬ ‪'다행이구나' 생각하신 거고‬Her mother was relieved to have him.
‪[서진] 어머니 입장에선‬ ‪학력이나 직장보다‬Her mother thought his character was more important than his education or career.
‪돌봐 줄 인성이 중요하니까‬than his education or career.
‪그 사람이 직장이 너무 멀어‬He works too far away.
‪[민정 모] 멀지‬That's true.
‪같이 있을 수 있으면 좋겠어요‬It'd be great if I could be with him.
‪나 바리스타 학원 다녔거든‬I studied to be a barista.
‪- [민정 모] 어?‬ ‪- [민정이 살짝 웃는다]‬What?
‪이거 봐‬Look.
‪[서진] 카페를 차려 줬는데‬ ‪영업은 잘됐어요‬They opened a café for her, and it was going well.
‪문제는 그걸 다‬ ‪조민정 씨한테 맡겨 두고‬The problem was that her husband would disappear,
‪남편은 사라진다는 거죠‬leaving her alone in charge.
‪[준] 조현병을 앓았다라는 걸‬ ‪모르니까‬He didn't know she was schizophrenic,
‪조민정 씨가‬ ‪충분히 할 수 있을 거라 생각하고‬so he must've thought she could do this alone
‪놀러 다닌 거 같아요‬and stayed out.
‪[성한] 씁, 이 조현병이라는 게‬ ‪완쾌, 완치?‬Schizophrenia can't be cured, right?
‪이런 게 없지 않아요?‬Schizophrenia can't be cured, right?
‪[서진] 호전은 있어요‬It can be treated.
‪조민정 씨가 남편을 만났을 땐‬ ‪호전돼 가는 중이어서‬When Ms. Jo met her husband, she was improving,
‪교회 사람들도‬so no one at her church knew she had schizophrenia.
‪민정 씨가 조현병이 있는지‬ ‪잘 몰랐던 거 보면‬so no one at her church knew she had schizophrenia.
‪그 애가 날 죽인다고 했어‬That girl said she'd kill me.
‪[겁먹은 숨소리]‬That girl said she'd kill me. She bought a knife.
‪칼을 샀어‬She bought a knife.
‪내가 버렸는데 또 샀잖아‬I threw it out, but she got it again.
‪[음산한 효과음]‬But you know,
‪알지?‬But you know,
‪그건 작아서‬ ‪사람을 죽일 수가 없어‬it's too small to kill a person with.
‪'그 애'?‬-"That girl"? -The seven-year-old girl
‪[준] 아, 조카라고 했던‬-"That girl"? -The seven-year-old girl who Park Hyeon-tae said was his niece
‪일곱 살짜리 여자애가 사실‬ ‪박현태 딸인 거죠‬who Park Hyeon-tae said was his niece turned out to be his daughter.
‪그 사실을 알게 되고 나서‬ ‪급격하게 조현병이 악화됐어요‬Her condition quickly worsened after she found out.
‪남편 쪽에서는 그제야‬ ‪조현병 사실을 알게 된 거고‬That's when her husband finally found out she had schizophrenia.
‪[서진] 그래도 사랑으로 돌보겠다‬But he said he'd look after her with love
‪조현병 보호자 모임도‬ ‪나가고 했나 봐요‬and joined a schizophrenia support group and whatnot.
‪'그래도 사랑으로 돌보겠다'?‬"Look after her with love"?
‪숨어서 예능 보는 놈이‬ ‪돌보기는 무슨, 씨‬He hides to watch shows on his phone. Who is he trying to fool?
‪[성한] 씁, 아이, 그러면‬ ‪실장님 추측으로는‬So you believe that Mr. Park was already aware
‪조민정 씨가‬ ‪조현병 치료 중이라는 거를‬So you believe that Mr. Park was already aware that Ms. Jo was being treated for schizophrenia?
‪박현태 씨는‬ ‪미리 알고 있었다는 거죠?‬that Ms. Jo was being treated for schizophrenia?
‪그래서 민정 씨 이야기를‬ ‪잘 받아 준 거 아닐까 해서요‬I think that might be why he was so receptive to her.
‪[생각하는 소리]‬
‪그러면‬In that case,
‪[성한] 박현태가 나가고 있다는‬ ‪조현병 보호자 모임에‬why don't we go talk to the members of the support group Mr. Park goes to?
‪한번 취재해 보는 건 어때요?‬why don't we go talk to the members of the support group Mr. Park goes to?
‪직접 가 보시죠‬We should go. But he has already…
‪근데 두 분은‬But he has already…
‪음, 다 알려졌으니까‬seen you two.
‪변호사님께서 직접…‬You could go yourself…
‪- [툭 차는 소리]‬ ‪- [준의 아파하는 신음]‬
‪[성한] 사무장님 오시면‬ ‪한번 상의를 해 보죠‬Let's discuss this when Mr. Jang returns.
‪아, 그, 사무장님이랑‬ ‪해남 같이 가기로 했었는데‬I was supposed to go to Haenam with him.
‪[준] 아, 떡갈비 맛집‬ ‪있다 그랬었거든요‬I heard about this great tteokgalbi place.
‪변호사님 '마왕' 영상‬ ‪그거 또 터져 가지고‬After that video of yours went viral again, everyone's been asking for a new video.
‪다음 영상 내놓으라고‬ ‪지금 난리가 났어요‬everyone's been asking for a new video.
‪그래서 해남 떡갈비 먹방으로‬ ‪대체하려고 했는데‬So I was going to upload a tteokgalbi mukbang video.
‪뭐, 조 사장님이랑‬ ‪오붓하게 드시고 오시겠네요‬He'll probably be enjoying it with Mr. Jo.
‪[준의 웃음]‬
‪- [준] 아니, 사실은‬ ‪- [익살스러운 음악]‬There's this restaurant where someone made a great mukbang video.
‪거기 먹방 레전드 찍은‬ ‪맛집이 있거든요‬There's this restaurant where someone made a great mukbang video.
‪아유, 내가 이번에 한번 좀‬ ‪가 보나 했는데‬I thought I'd finally get to go.
‪아휴, 부럽다‬Man, I'm jealous.
‪[형근의 뜨거워하는 숨소리]‬
‪[형근의 만족스러운 탄성]‬
‪[정식의 뜨거워하는 숨소리]‬
‪[형근] 아유, 엔진 소리가‬ ‪자장가야, 푹 잤어‬The sound of the engine is like a lullaby. I slept like a baby.
‪[정식의 찌뿌둥한 소리]‬I slept like a baby.
‪[정식] 야, 너‬ ‪그냥 혼자 갔다 와라‬You can go alone.
‪[형근] 응, 당연하지‬ ‪내가 갔다 올게‬Of course, I'll do that.
‪[정식] 갈 때 니가 운전해‬-You're driving on our way back. -Sure thing!
‪[형근] 당연하지, 조금만 있어‬-You're driving on our way back. -Sure thing! I'll be right back.
‪[정식의 하품]‬
‪야, 어떻게 해가 계속 나냐?‬How is it sunny all day long?
‪[정식] 해남이라 그런가?‬Is this how it is in Haenam?
‪그늘이 없네, 그늘이 없어‬There's not a cloud in the sky.
‪[후 부는 소리]‬
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪[자동차 리모컨 작동음]‬
‪[자동차 시동음]‬
‪[분주한 소리]‬
‪[유석] 씁, '나막신'?‬Down, seven.
‪아이고, 아이고 [웃음]‬Goodness.
‪아유, 어떻게‬ ‪손해 배상 건 잘 종결됐죠?‬So? Did your suit for damages end well?
‪역시, 와‬You're amazing.
‪저 죽다 살아났어, 완전‬ ‪와, 진짜…‬You saved my life.
‪- [유석의 웃음]‬ ‪- 아, 일 많이 남으셨어요?‬Are you busy right now?
‪아니, 아니요‬Not really.
‪- [유석의 웃음]‬ ‪- 저기, 그‬I'd like to buy you a drink to celebrate.
‪축하주 제가 한잔 올리겠습니다‬I'd like to buy you a drink to celebrate.
‪- 아이고, 정말요?‬ ‪- [정식] 네‬-Goodness, really? -Yes. Thank you.
‪[웃으며] 아이, 고맙습니다‬Thank you.
‪[정식] 아, 진짜 너무 감사해요‬Thank you so much.
‪아, 변호사님, 혹시 그…‬Attorney Park.
‪이, 이혼 변호도 하세요?‬Do you handle divorce cases too?
‪아, 뭐, 하면 되죠, 지금부터‬I can start doing them from now on.
‪- [유석의 웃음]‬ ‪- [정식이 웃으며] 아…‬
‪아, 저, 제 친한 친구 놈‬It's for a younger sister of a good friend of mine.
‪여동생이 있는데요, 그…‬It's for a younger sister of a good friend of mine. You know Daenam Electronics, right?
‪[작게] 대남전자 아시죠?‬You know Daenam Electronics, right?
‪[유석] 아, 그 사람이 친구 동생?‬Right, she's your friend's sister? Yes, she can't find a lawyer.
‪[정식] 예, 아씨‬ ‪변호사가 안 붙어요‬Yes, she can't find a lawyer.
‪이게 구하는 족족 아주 목을 잘라‬Every single one got fired.
‪[유석] 아니, 누가 목을 잘라?‬-Who got them fired? -Daenam!
‪[정식] 대남‬-Who got them fired? -Daenam!
‪[작게] 대남요‬Daenam did.
‪금화로펌이‬I think Keumhwa Law Firm actually belongs to Daenam Electronics.
‪솔직히 대남전자 건가 봐요‬I think Keumhwa Law Firm actually belongs to Daenam Electronics.
‪[유석이 웃으며] 아이고‬ ‪아이, 기업은 로펌에 투자 못 해‬No way. Corporations can't invest in law firms.
‪아아, 대남? 응‬Daenam.
‪[형근] 아이, 내가 운전한다니까?‬I'll drive.
‪그러지 말고 여기 어디 세워‬Let's pull over somewhere…
‪아니, 안전하게‬ ‪휴게소 가서 세우자, 다음 휴게소?‬No, let's pull over at the next rest area, okay?
‪야, 해남 왕복은 디스크 터져‬Your discs will slip if you drive both ways.
‪쓰레기 같은 새끼‬Piece of shit.
‪이 새끼 여기 왜 왔지?‬Why the hell was he here?
‪어떤 새끼가 쓰레기인지‬ ‪분명히 해, 너‬You better clarify who you're talking about.
‪[형근] 나 지금 기분 졸라 안 좋아‬I'm in a crappy mood right now.
‪- [형근이 멀리서] 신 변!‬ ‪- [한숨]‬Attorney Shin!
‪['삑삑 삑 삑삑' 하는 경적]‬
‪- 신 변!‬ ‪- [성한] 씨…‬Attorney Shin!
‪[형근] 사무실에 맥주 있어?‬Do we have any beer in the office?
‪맥주 없다!‬No beer!
‪[성한] 아니‬I mean, what's the big deal if he switched to another pesticide shop?
‪농약 가게 바꾼 게 이슈가 되냐고‬I mean, what's the big deal if he switched to another pesticide shop?
‪[형근] 아니지, 그 가게가‬But it is. His family's done business with that shop since Mr. Ma's father's days.
‪마춘석 씨 아버지 때부터‬ ‪거래를 했던 데걸랑‬His family's done business with that shop since Mr. Ma's father's days.
‪아버지들끼리 단골이고‬ ‪아들들이 단골인 걸‬They'd been doing business for two generations
‪하루아침에 등을 졌다?‬and he turned his back on them overnight.
‪원수지간이 됐다는 거잖아‬It means they became enemies.
‪[성한] 얘는 왜 이러는 거야?‬ ‪이렇게 둬도 돼?‬What's with him? -Is he okay? -Let him be.
‪[형근] 둬‬ ‪혼잣말 타임을 죙일 그냥…‬-Is he okay? -Let him be. He's been talking to himself all day.
‪아무튼‬Anyway, that pesticide shop owner used to nag Mr. Ma
‪그 농약 가게 아저씨가‬ ‪마춘석 씨한테‬Anyway, that pesticide shop owner used to nag Mr. Ma
‪볼 때마다 듣기 싫은 소리를‬ ‪했던 거지‬whenever they met.
‪- [탁 치는 소리]‬ ‪- [백 사장] 아따, 참말로‬whenever they met. Come on! I only said that to him because I was worried, okay?
‪아, 나가 걱정이 돼서‬ ‪말해 준 거랑께, 잉?‬I only said that to him because I was worried, okay?
‪- [무거운 음악]‬ ‪- 아, 동네 사람들 다, 잉?‬Everyone in the neighborhood was talking behind his back,
‪그, 수군대는디‬Everyone in the neighborhood was talking behind his back,
‪아, 누구 하나 직접 대고‬ ‪말을 안 해 줘‬but nobody would tell him to his face.
‪[형근] 무슨 말을요?‬Tell him what?
‪[백 사장] 아니, 인자‬ ‪그 뭣이여, 잉?‬You know,
‪그, 걱정이 되니께, 잉?‬ ‪혹시나 혀서‬I was just worried. I told him to keep an eye on her just in case.
‪'미리미리 단속 좀 혀라'‬I told him to keep an eye on her just in case.
‪춘석이 마누라가 애잖여, 애‬Chun-seok's wife is just a kid.
‪겁나 어리잖여‬She's really young. Chun-seok doubled his workload to support her family in Vietnam.
‪춘석이는 베트남에 있는 처가까지‬ ‪먹여 살린다고‬Chun-seok doubled his workload to support her family in Vietnam.
‪일을 배로 하고 자빠졌고‬Chun-seok doubled his workload to support her family in Vietnam.
‪지 마누라는 한국어 공부한다고‬ ‪맨날 나가 쌓고‬But his wife stays out using her Korean lessons as an excuse.
‪그라고 열성으로 댕겼으면‬ ‪말이라도 잘해야제‬If she studied so hard, she should speak better Korean by now. Good grief.
‪염병, 허구한 날 술 처먹고‬ ‪택시 타고 들어가고‬Good grief. She gets drunk and takes a taxi home all the time.
‪내가 한번은 딱 봤다니께‬ ‪그, 뭣이여?‬I saw this with my own eyes. You know,
‪베트남인지 필리핀인지‬ ‪모르겄는디, 잉?‬I'm not sure if he was Vietnamese or Filipino,
‪지 또래 남자랑 치맥을 하더랑께!‬but she was drinking beer with a man her age!
‪아, 열이 받어, 안 받어?‬How could I not be angry?
‪화가 날 수도 있죠, 응, 그러면‬I guess it is.
‪[형근] 마춘석 씨라면‬-For Mr. Ma. -That's what I mean!
‪[백 사장] 아, 내 말이‬-For Mr. Ma. -That's what I mean!
‪아이, 그려서, 응?‬ ‪몇 마디 해 준 거 가지고‬So I said a few things to him,
‪친형 같은 나한테 지랄 지랄을…‬but he threw a huge fit at me, when I'm like his brother!
‪으미, 징한 거‬Good grief, this is crazy.
‪아이, 말은 안 느는데‬ ‪출석률은 제일 좋았다더라?‬She didn't get any better at Korean, but she had the best attendance rate.
‪박유석은 왜 왔을까?‬Why was Park Yu-seok there?
‪이거 꽂혔구먼, 이거‬Are you still on about that?
‪[형근] 박유석이‬ ‪거기까지 올 짬밥은 아닌데, 응?‬Why would someone in his position travel that far?
‪이상하긴 해, 아, 찝찝해‬It does seem weird. Doesn't feel right.
‪뭘 집어먹은 걸까?‬What was he up to?
‪뭔가 한 얼굴인데, 그거‬He looked like he was up to something.
‪개새끼‬That asshole.
‪[성한] 출석률이 좋았다?‬So she had good attendance.
‪박유석이가 왔었다니까‬Park Yu-seok was there.
‪아유, 어쩌라고?‬ ‪지도 후달리니까 와 본 거겠지‬So what? I'm sure he came because he was worried too.
‪- [형근] 왜 후달려?‬ ‪- [정식의 한숨]‬Why would he be? I told you many times already!
‪[성한] 몇 번을 말해?‬ ‪딘티 화 동선이 이상하다고‬I told you many times already! Dinh Thi Hoa is acting strangely.
‪이혼하고 나서‬ ‪다시 베트남으로 빽하는 거‬It's unnatural for her to return to Vietnam after the divorce.
‪그거 부자연스럽다고‬It's unnatural for her to return to Vietnam after the divorce.
‪사람이 말을 하면 좀 들어라‬ ‪집중을 해 가지고, 이 사무장 놈아‬Try to focus and listen carefully, you stupid paralegal.
‪[코 고는 소리]‬
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬ ‪갑자기 이런다고?‬What the heck?
‪[형근] 운전을 지가 다 했거든‬He drove both ways.
‪[코 고는 소리]‬
‪[옅은 한숨]‬
‪[입소리를 쯧 낸다]‬
‪[초인종 소리]‬
‪[코 고는 소리]‬
‪- [성한] 기영아, 어‬ ‪- [기영] 삼촌!‬-Gi-yeong. -Uncle Sung-han!
‪[금희] 머리도 해야 되고‬ ‪사우나도 가야 되고‬I have to get my hair done, go to the sauna, and get a massage.
‪경락도 들렀다 와야 되고‬I have to get my hair done, go to the sauna, and get a massage.
‪기영이 좀 봐 줘요‬Can you stay with Gi-yeong? I'll be back before dinner.
‪저녁 전에 올 거예요‬ ‪애 잘 먹이고‬Can you stay with Gi-yeong? I'll be back before dinner. Feed him well.
‪[성한] 아직‬ ‪하와이 안 가신 거예요?‬You haven't left for Hawaii yet?
‪안 가려고요‬I'm not going back. Things have become interesting lately.
‪요즘 재밌던데‬I'm not going back. Things have become interesting lately.
‪그 좋은 구경거리 놔두고‬ ‪어떻게 가‬I don't want to miss out on anything.
‪기영아, 잘 놀아‬Gi-yeong, have fun.
‪[차 문 여닫히는 소리]‬
‪[자동차 시동음]‬
‪[영주의 한숨]‬
‪[영주] 주말엔‬ ‪핸드폰 내려 두자, 여보‬Put your phone away during weekends, honey.
‪[툭 놓는 소리]‬
‪[하율] 오빠는?‬Where's Gi-yeong?
‪아빠, 오빠는?‬Dad, where's Gi-yeong?
‪오빠 오늘 할머니랑 약속 있어‬He's meeting Grandma today.
‪하율이는 왜 약속 없어?‬Why can't I meet her?
‪- [부드러운 음악]‬ ‪- [성한] 고고‬Go.
‪- [게임 소리]‬ ‪- 고고, 고고‬Go!
‪[성한의 힘주는 탄성]‬
‪이거, 이거 먹어야 돼, 먹어야 돼!‬You have to take that. Take it!
‪안 먹어져, 아이, 왜 어려워?‬If you don't take it, it'll be too hard to win!
‪[기영] 이거 정식이 삼촌‬ ‪되게 잘한대‬I heard Uncle Jeong-sik is good at this.
‪[성한] 뻥이야‬He's lying.
‪[기영] 근데 삼촌들 왜 갔어?‬Why did you send them away?
‪[성한] 어, 위험한 사람들이야‬Because they're dangerous people.
‪[기영의 웃음]‬
‪아니, 아니, 아니야, 아니야‬ ‪아니야, 아니야, 아니야, 아니야‬No!
‪[초인종 소리]‬
‪[기영] 어? 삼촌들인가 봐‬It must be the uncles!
‪- [성한] 잉?‬ ‪- [초인종 소리]‬Really?
‪아씨‬Darn it.
‪- 누구야?‬ ‪- [인터폰 조작음]‬Who is it?
‪[무거운 음악]‬I've always wanted to meet you,
‪한번 뵙고 싶었는데, 여기서 봬요‬I've always wanted to meet you, and here we are.
‪무슨 일이세요?‬How may I help you?
‪[영주] 우리 애가‬ ‪여기 있다고 해서‬I heard my son is here.
‪정 기사님한테 주소 받았어요‬I asked Mr. Jung for the address.
‪우리 기영이 말씀이신가요?‬Are you talking about Gi-yeong?
‪저녁에 기영이 수업이 있어서요‬He has a lesson in the evening.
‪저, 기영이 부탁하신 분은‬ ‪친할머니시라‬His grandmother is the one who dropped him off.
‪친할머니 오시면 보낼게요‬I'll keep him here until she returns.
‪신성한 씨‬Mr. Shin.
‪[영주] 기영이‬ ‪가족 관계 증명서의 가족은‬On Gi-yeong's family registration,
‪정국 씨, 나‬ ‪그리고 동생 하율이가 다예요‬there are only Jeong-guk, me, and his sister, Ha-yul.
‪신성한 씨 이름은 없어요‬Your name is not on it.
‪그럼 우리 넷‬That means the four of us,
‪서정국, 진영주, 서하율, 서기영‬Seo Jeong-guk, Jin Yeong-ju, Seo Ha-yul, and Seo Gi-yeong,
‪넷이 가족인 거예요‬are family.
‪[문 여닫히는 소리]‬
‪[영주] 어머니, 저예요‬Mother, it's me.
‪바쁘신 거 같아서‬ ‪제가 기영이 데리러 왔어요‬You must be busy, so I came to pick up Gi-yeong.
‪천천히 편하게 일 보세요‬Please take your time and enjoy your day.
‪[작게] 기영아‬Gi-yeong.
‪[성한] 다음번에 기록 깨자‬Let's break the record next time.
‪[영주] 가자‬Let's go.
‪[차 문 열리는 소리]‬
‪- [차 문 닫히는 소리]‬ ‪- [자동차 시동음]‬
‪[격정적인 음악]‬
‪[갈매기 울음]‬
‪선생님‬Mr. Ma.
‪여까정 어떻게?‬What are you doing here?
‪[춘석] 피아노 선생님이셨소?‬You used to be a piano teacher?
‪핸드폰을 찾아본께‬ ‪길바닥서 피아노 겁니 잘 치더만‬I looked you up on my phone and saw you going wild on the street.
‪손꼬락이 남아나는가 몰러‬Are your fingers bruised yet?
‪[성한의 웃음]‬
‪좋아하는 노랜갑소‬You must like that song.
‪여기 오면서도 계속 들었어요‬I listened to it on my way here.
‪[성한] 원래 가곡으로‬ ‪만들어진 곡인데‬It was meant to be sung,
‪가사가 되게 유명한 시예요‬with this famous poem as the lyrics.
‪죽어 가는 아들이 나오고‬There's a dying boy in the poem.
‪살리려는 아버지가 나와요, 또‬His father tries to save him from the Erlking,
‪그 아들을 데려가려는‬ ‪마왕도 나오고요‬an evil being who tries to take the boy. It sounds more like a novel.
‪시가 뭔 소설 같구먼‬It sounds more like a novel.
‪[숨 들이켜는 소리]‬
‪많은 사람들이 선생님을‬Many people think you are…
‪마왕이라고 생각해요‬this Erlking.
‪[성한] 좀 중립적인 사람들은‬Those who are on the fence think you're the father who's trying to save his son.
‪아들을 살리려는 아버지라고‬ ‪생각하고요‬you're the father who's trying to save his son.
‪좀 어렵죠? 말이‬It sounds complicated, right?
‪[춘석] 변호사님헌테는‬To you,
‪나가 마왕이요, 아버지요?‬am I the Erlking or the father?
‪아들 같습니다‬I think you're the son.
‪아버지 품에서 죽어 가는‬The son who is dying
‪아들이요‬in his father's arms.
‪[춘석의 떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪[성한] 제가 궁금한 게 있어서요‬I want to ask you something.
‪근데 이건 꼭‬And I really…
‪꼭 알아야 돼서‬really have to know.
‪[차분한 음악]‬How do you think the trial will go?
‪[기자1] 오늘 재판‬ ‪어떻게 보십니까?‬How do you think the trial will go?
‪[기자2] 지금 심경이 어떠십니까?‬How are you feeling now?
‪[기자3] 심경이 어떠십니까?‬How do you feel?
‪[기자들] 한 말씀만 해 주십시오‬-Please say something. -Please give us a comment. -Any comments? -Tell us how you feel.
‪[기자들이 소란스럽다]‬-Any comments? -Tell us how you feel. GWANGJU FAMILY COURT
‪[기자4] 심경이 어떠십니까?‬How do you feel?
‪[기자들의 질문 세례]‬How do you think it'll go? Tell us how you'll defend him.
‪[판사] 피고 측 대리인‬ ‪당사자 신문 시작하세요‬Defendant's counselor. You may question the plaintiff.
‪[성한] 원고‬Plaintiff.
‪마영광 군은 잘 있나요?‬Is Yeong-gwang doing well?
‪[통역사가 베트남어로 통역한다]‬Is Yeong-gwang doing well?
‪[딘티 화] 네‬Yes.
‪영광 군의 성은 '마'‬Yeong-gwang's family name is Ma.
‪마영광 군입니다, 맞죠?‬His name is Ma Yeong-gwang. Is that correct?
‪제가 딱 하나만 묻겠습니다‬I will ask you just one question.
‪[성한] 딱 한 가지만요‬Just one.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬I'll talk slowly, so listen up.
‪[유석] 잘 들어요, 천천히 말할게‬I'll talk slowly, so listen up.
‪법정에선 거짓말해도‬You may lie in court,
‪나한텐 하면 안 돼‬but you should never lie to me.
‪그러니까 솔직해야 됩니다‬So be honest with me.
‪절대로 숨기는 게 있으면 안 돼‬You can't keep anything from me.
‪그러면 당신만 망하는 게 아니라‬ ‪내가 망해‬Because you won't go down alone. I'll go down with you.
‪그러니까 솔직해야 합니다‬So be honest.
‪명예 회복에‬ ‪아주 중요한 질문인데요‬This is a very important question for reclaiming your honor.
‪[성한] 그래서 이 질문에는‬So please be honest
‪꼭 솔직하게‬be honest
‪대답해 주셔야 돼요‬with me.
‪[성한] 사건 본인 마영광 군이‬Is the child in question, Ma Yeong-gwang,
‪마춘석 씨‬really the son of the defendant,
‪피고의 아들이‬of the defendant,
‪맞습니까?‬Ma Chun-seok?
‪[통역사가 베트남어로 통역한다]‬
‪- [긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪- [유석] 애 아빠 어디 있어요?‬Where's the dad?
‪몰라요‬I don't know.
‪전화번호 바꿨어‬He changed his number.
‪내 전화 안 받아요‬He won't answer my calls.
‪[딘티 화가 울먹이며] 베트남으로‬ ‪간다고 했어요‬He said he was going to Vietnam.
‪나도 가야 살 수 있어‬I have to go back to survive too.
‪베트남으로 간 거 확실해요?‬Are you sure he went back to Vietnam?
‪이름, 나이, 다니던 공장‬Tell me his name, age, former workplace,
‪아는 거 다 말해요‬and everything you know.
‪찾으면 어떻게 돼, 우리?‬What happens to us once you find him?
‪찾아서‬We need to find him
‪베트남으로 숨겨야죠‬and hide him in Vietnam.
‪[춘석] 노인네 살믄‬ ‪얼마나 사시겄어‬My mother won't live for long.
‪[춘석] 노인정서‬ ‪민화투 치는 것이 낙인디‬Card games at the senior center are her only enjoyment.
‪만약에 진짜로 만에 하나‬If by any chance,
‪내 아들이 아니면‬he isn't my son…
‪우리 엄니는‬my mother
‪이 마당서 쩌그 골목도 못 나가라‬will shut herself in this house.
‪만약에‬Even if…
‪만약에라도 설령‬ ‪내 아들이 아니라고 혀도‬Even if he really isn't my son,
‪서류에 내 아들이라고 돼 있응께‬he's still my son on paper.
‪이러고저러고 살다 보면‬So if we continue to live like this,
‪식구 안 되겄나 싶고‬maybe we could be family.
‪[애잔한 음악]‬
‪[힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪어떻게 하면 좋을까요?‬What should we do?
‪[춘석이 흐느낀다]‬
‪어쩌면 좋겄소?‬What do you think we should do?
‪저는 말씀드렸습니다‬I already gave you my opinion.
‪어린 여자 타국에서 데리고 와서‬ ‪학대하고‬People think you married a young, foreign woman
‪[성한] 폭력을 가하는 아들로‬ ‪그런 사람으로‬only to abuse her. You need to clear your name…
‪이렇게 계속‬ ‪오해받으면서 사는 거는‬You need to clear your name…
‪그건 명예가 훼손된 삶이죠‬in order to live honorably.
‪[힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪[성한] 재판장님‬Your Honor.
‪사건 본인 마영광 군에 대한‬I request a paternity test of their son, Ma Yeong-gwang.
‪친자 확인 검사를‬ ‪요청하는 바입니다‬I request a paternity test of their son, Ma Yeong-gwang.
‪- [한숨]‬ ‪- [리드미컬한 음악]‬
‪[딘티 화] 변호사님‬ ‪박유석 변호사님!‬Attorney Park. Attorney Park Yu-seok!
‪[유석] 하지만‬ ‪가장 고통스러운 이유는‬However, the most painful thing for her to bear was…
‪[성한] 그, 과연 딘티 화 씨만‬ ‪명예 훼손 하셨을까요?‬Do you think Ms. Dinh Thi Hoa is the only one who slandered him?
‪[성한의 한숨]‬Ms. Lee. We even pulled that off.
‪서진 씨, 우리‬ ‪그 힘든 것도 해냈잖아요‬Ms. Lee. We even pulled that off.
‪[소연] 아내였던 분‬Your ex-wife.
‪끝 사랑, 그런 거 아니죠?‬She's not your last love, is she?
‪- 첫사랑…‬ ‪- [정식, 성한이 버럭 한다]‬-She was my first love. -Come on, man!
‪- [정식] 미친 새끼야‬ ‪- [성한] 돌은 새끼‬-You idiot! -You've lost your mind!
‪[창진] 기영이 손발을‬ ‪자르고 싶은 거냐?‬Are you trying to tie Gi-yeong's hands?
‪[성한] 왜 저인가요?‬Why me?
‪분명히 뭔가 있는데‬I know something is up.
‪[금희] 도와주세요‬Please help me. 

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