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  열아홉 스물 2

Nineteen to Twenty 2


- [희지] 가자, 가자, 가자[bell dings] [Seo-hyeon] Let's go, let's go!
[예린] 뭐야, 뭐야, 뭐야?[Seo-hyeon] Let's go, let's go!
- [서영] 나도 갈래! - [지민] 반대, 반대, 반대-[Seo-yeong] Wait for me! -[Ji-min] The other way! Slow down!
천천히 가, 천천히-[Seo-yeong] Wait for me! -[Ji-min] The other way! Slow down!
- [서현] 어디야, 어디야, 어디야? - [희지] 어디야?-[in Korean] Where is it? -Where is it?
[희지] 아, CA-1, 2[in English] Classroom one and two.
[웃음 참는 소리][Seo-hyeon snorts] Hello.
[서현] 안녕하세요, 안녕하세요[Seo-hyeon snorts] Hello. -Hello. -[Hee-ji] Hi, boss.
- [희지] 안녕하세요, 부장님 - [서현] 안녕하세요-Hello. -[Hee-ji] Hi, boss. -[Seo-hyeon] Hello. -Hi.
- [수현] 어, 잠깐만! - 에?-Oh, wait. -Huh?
[세운] 아이고, 상원이 어떡해[Se-woon] Oh, no, poor Sang-won!
서현이가 오길 원했었는데[Se-woon] Oh, no, poor Sang-won! He wanted Seo-hyeon to join.
어, 고민하는데?-Oh, she's conflicted. -Why, why, why?
왜, 왜, 왜?-Oh, she's conflicted. -Why, why, why?
- [규현] 세연이는 예린이 원해요 - [지은] 맞아요[Kyuhyun] Se-yeon wants Ye-rin. [Su-hyun] Yeah.
[예린] 아![Ye-rin] Ah!
[흥미진진한 음악][Ye-rin] Ah!
어, 아…
우리 근데 인원수 선착순 4명 다 차가지고Oh, I'm sorry, but I don't think you can join. We already have four people.
[상원] 같이 못 할 것 같아, 미안We already have four people.
- 아이고 - [상원] 아이고[Jung-yun] Oh, no.
- 잘 가요 - [서영] 어떡해[Jung-yun] Oh, no. -Goodbye. -[Seo-yeong] I'm sorry!
[예린] 아, 이런!-Goodbye. -[Seo-yeong] I'm sorry! Oh, bummer.
[지민] 탁구 치러 간다 [웃음][Sang-won] She is going to go play table tennis.
[예린] 아, 여기가 탁구반이었구나!Oh, so this is the table tennis club.
아, 여기가 탁구반이었구나! [머쓱한 웃음]So this is the table tennis club?
난 몰랐지I didn't know that.
[귀여운 음악]I didn't know that.
[세연] 기분은 좋았죠, 당연히[Se-yeon] Of course I felt good.
저를 보고 들어왔는지I don't know if she joined because of me or table tennis.
아니면 탁구를 보고 들어왔는진 모르겠지만I don't know if she joined because of me or table tennis.
탁구를 보고 들어왔어도 그래도 제가 탁구선수니까 좋았고Even if she joined to play table tennis, I'm happy because I'm a table tennis player.
저를 보고 왔어도 고맙고 좋은 거기 때문에…because I'm a table tennis player. If she joined because of me, I'm still thankful and happy.
네, 그런 감정이 들었던 것 같습니다That's how I felt. Yeah.
천문은 제가 맨 마지막으로 들어가서 끝났더라고요I couldn't join the astronomy club because they were full, and I was the last one there.
그래서 '아, 탁구가 운명이었구나' 해서because they were full, and I was the last one there. So I figured, "I'm destined to play table tennis" and happily joined the table tennis club.
기분 좋게 탁구로 들어갔어요and happily joined the table tennis club.
세연이는 세연이잖아요, 문세연Q. DO YOU THINK YOU'LL LIKE THE TABLE TENNIS CLUB? Se-yeon is Se-yeon. Moon Se-yeon. Table tennis will be awesome.
탁구 짱이죠! [웃음]Se-yeon is Se-yeon. Moon Se-yeon. Table tennis will be awesome.
[상원] 네, 오신 걸 환영합니다[Sang-won] All right, welcome. Hi.
- 저희 재밌게 별 한번 보죠 - [지민의 웃음][Sang-won] All right, welcome. Hi. Let's have some fun looking at the stars.
- 좋아요 - [지민] 네, 좋아요Yeah, okay. Up on the rooftop.
- 옥상 가서 그런 거 좋아해? - 응!Up on the rooftop. You like stars?
[설레는 음악]You like stars?
나가서 또 이제 관측 한번 해보고We can go outside and observe the stars.
[서영] 내 핫 팩 어디 갔지 근데? [웃음]Where's the best place in our school to--
[상원] 그거… 아마 그건 준비를 좀 해야 될 거야We need to prepare in advance for that.
땡큐Thank you.
- [상원] 추울 테니까, 아무래도 - [지민] 그렇지-[Sang-won] It'll probably get cold. -[Ji-min] Right.
재밌겠다It'll be fun.
[상원] 나름 다들 별 보고 싶다고 오신 분들이니까[Sang-won] I mean, you guys are here to look at the stars, right?
재밌어해 주시기를 [웃음]I hope you enjoy it.
- [지민, 서영] 좋아 - [박수 소리]-[Sang-won] All right -[Seo-yeong] All right.
- [상원] 수고했다 - [정윤] 수고했다-[Sang-won] All right -[Seo-yeong] All right. -[Sang-won] Good work. -[Seo-yeong] Yeah.
[활기찬 음악]
"12월 25일"♪ Try to get you think ♪ ♪ Try to make you the same ♪
[발랄한 음악]
[서현] 등교해서는 도서관으로 갔어요[Seo-hyeon] I went to the library as soon as I arrived.
어제 그 숙제를 받자마자Right when we got the homework yesterday, Ji-min…
옆에서 지민이가…Right when we got the homework yesterday, Ji-min…
누구한테 써줄 거야?Who're you going to write to?
- 나? 아직 모르겠어 - 응Me? I don't know yet.
- 그래? 서로 써줄래? - 콜!Me? I don't know yet. -You wanna write to each other? -Sure.
'막, 딱히 상관없겠다' 하는 마음으로-You wanna write to each other? -Sure. I said yes because I figured it wouldn't matter.
'그래!' 이렇게 했는데I said yes because I figured it wouldn't matter.
상원이한테 계속 마음이 가더라고요But then, I started thinking about Sang-won.
그래서 상원이한테 쓰고 싶은데So I want to write one for Sang-won, but I'm still thinking about it.
아직 고민 중이에요So I want to write one for Sang-won, but I'm still thinking about it.
- 어머! 거봐! - [규현] 그래-Look at that! -[Kyuhyun] Wow.
- [규현] 마음 가는 대로 해야 돼 - [지은] 근데 왜 탁구부를 갔을까-Look at that! -[Kyuhyun] Wow. Why did she join the table tennis club then?
- 그러게 - [지은] 정말 의문인데-Yeah. -[Ji-eun] I mean, I don't get it.
[예린] 나 어제는… 와, 너무 추워가지고…[Ye-rin] Wow. I was so cold yesterday. -[Hee-ji] Right? -[Se-yeon] It was so cold.
- [희지] 그니까 - [세연] 진짜 추웠어-[Hee-ji] Right? -[Se-yeon] It was so cold.
- [예린] 눈 한 번씩 밟을까? - [희지] 발 쿵!-[Hee-ji] Right? -[Se-yeon] It was so cold. [Hee-ji] Step on the snow like this. Want to step on it, too?
- 너도 밟을래? - [세연] 나 이거 새 신발인데[Hee-ji] Step on the snow like this. Want to step on it, too? -[Se-yeon] Oh, but these shoes are new. -[Hee-ji] I want them now.
[예린의 웃음]-[Se-yeon] Oh, but these shoes are new. -[Hee-ji] I want them now.
[희지] 어! 탐나네!-[Se-yeon] Oh, but these shoes are new. -[Hee-ji] I want them now.
- [예린] '레고'! - [희지의 내뱉는 숨][Ye-rin] Let's go!
아, 근데 도시락 가방 오늘 좀 무거워서 맘에 들어Oh, my lunch bag is a bit heavy today.
기분 좋은…It's a good kind of heavy.
[희지] 나 계란말이 들어 있어 계란말이It's a good kind of heavy. -I have rolled omelet in mine. -Rolled omelet? I love rolled omelet.
계란말이 나 진짜 좋아하는데!-I have rolled omelet in mine. -Rolled omelet? I love rolled omelet.
[세연] 오후에 체육 시간 계속 있잖아[Se-yeon] We have PE in the afternoon.
- [희지] 맞아! - [세연] 밥 많이 먹어야지-[Ye-rin] Yeah. -[Se-yeon] We need a big lunch.
- [예린] 진짜 많이 먹을 거야 - [희지] 들어오시죠-[Ye-rin] Yeah. -[Se-yeon] We need a big lunch. [Ye-rin] I'm gonna eat so much.
[예린, 세연] 감사합니다-[Hee-ji] Come in, miss. -[Ye-rin] Thank you, ma'am.
- [규현] 어! - [수현] 상원이가 왔어?-[Se-woon] Oh! -Sang-won's there!
- [지은] 운명인가? - [수현] 야…-[Ji-eun] Maybe it's destiny. -[Su-hyun] Wow.
- 마주치나요? - 마주, 마주…Will they run into each other?
[설레는 음악]
제가 어제는 서현이랑 얘기해 볼 기회가 거의 없어서I didn't really get the chance to talk to Seo-hyeon yesterday.
친해지지 못했는데I didn't really get the chance to talk to Seo-hyeon yesterday.
'오늘은 같이 교실 가거나 하면서 얘기도 해볼 수 있겠다' 해가지고But today, I figured that I could talk to her while we walked to class.
반갑고 좀 기뻤어요So I'm pretty happy about that.
[상원] 갑시다-[Sang-won] Let's go. -[Seo-hyeon] All right.
- [서현] 좋아요 - [상원] 오늘도 날 많이 춥다-[Sang-won] Let's go. -[Seo-hyeon] All right. Today's super cold, too.
[서현] 그니까, 앞으로 계속 춥대Today's super cold, too. Right? I heard it'll be cold for a while.
- [서현] 어디로 가야 돼? - [상원] 이리로?-Which way? -This way.
- 오케이! - [상원] 너 길치지?Okay. You're terrible at directions.
- [서현] 어! - [웃음]You're terrible at directions.
나 한 번 온 길 절대 기억 못 해I never remember routes after just one visit.
이거 끝날 때까지 여기I never remember routes after just one visit. What if you can't memorize the school layout
그, 학교 지리 기억 못 하는 거 아니야?What if you can't memorize the school layout until we're done for the day?
그럴 수도 있어That could happen.
- 체육관도 빨리 가보고 싶다 - [상원] 아, 맞아I can't wait to check out the gym too.
[서현의 웃음][Sang-won] Oh, yeah.
[상원] 아무리 생각해도 오늘 체육이 제일 기대된단 말이지You know, I'm so excited for today's PE class.
[서현] 맞아!You know, I'm so excited for today's PE class. [Seo-hyeon] Yeah.
[서현] 체육 뭐 할까?What do you think we'll do in PE? I bet we'll play badminton.
- [서현] 배드민턴 할 것 같아 - [상원] 배드민턴 잘해?What do you think we'll do in PE? I bet we'll play badminton. -[Sang-won] Are you good at badminton? -Super good.
[서현] 짱 잘하지!-[Sang-won] Are you good at badminton? -Super good.
[상원] 탁구는, 탁구는 좀 친다며[Sang-won] And table tennis? You said you're pretty good.
[서현] 나 탁구 진짜 장난 아니잖아[Sang-won] And table tennis? You said you're pretty good. I'm crazy good at table tennis.
- [상원] 아, 진짜 장난 아니야? - 응I'm crazy good at table tennis. -Crazy good? -Yeah.
- 그래서 탁구 동아리 간 거야? - [서현] 응-Crazy good? -Yeah. Is that why you joined the table tennis club?
- 아, 근데… - [상원] 어Is that why you joined the table tennis club? -Yeah, but-- -Yeah?
- [서현] 탁구? 잘 모르겠어 - [상원] 왜, 왜?-Yeah, but-- -Yeah? -I'm not too sure about table tennis club. -Why?
- 헉, 어떡해, '너 때문에…' - [수현] 아이고, 귀여워-[Su-hyun] Oh, my God! -Oh, my God! He cares for you!
- 너가 있으니까 - [수현] 너가 있잖아![Ji-eun and Kyuhyun] "Because you're there!"
- 오상원! - [수현] 너가 있잖아-[Ji-eun] I feel like we're too obsessed. -Oh, Sang-won!
[서현의 웃음]-[Sang-won] Why not join? You should've. -Right? I chose wrong.
- 아쉽다 - [상원] 아니What a shame!
어제 문 너머로 나 있는 거 보고 다른 데 갔잖아Yesterday, you saw me in the room and went somewhere else.
- [서현] 아니야! - '저렇게 프리 패스 하는 거야?'-No way! -Yeah. So I was like, "Wow, is she really ghosting me like that?"
[희지] 아, CA-1, 2Classroom one and two.
- 여기 천문부다! - [지민] 천문이야?This is the astronomy club,
[서현] 나, 나 이건 진짜 짚고 넘어가야 돼-I-- I really need to clear this up. -[Sang-won] Okay.
- [상원] 아, 왜, 뭔데? - [서현] 아니…-I-- I really need to clear this up. -[Sang-won] Okay. -Okay. What? -[Seo-hyeon] So…
- [상원] 들어줄게, 들어줄게 - [서현] 내…[Sang-won] Okay, yeah, yeah, I'll listen.
내가 정해지기도 전에 탁구 소질 있다 했잖아So I said that I'm good at table tennis before anything was set in stone.
[상원] 어before anything was set in stone. -Right? -Right.
- 난 그냥 진짜… - 어-Right? -Right. -I swear, I just… -Okay?
아무 그거 없이 그냥 진짜 탁구를 하고 싶었어I just really wanted to play table tennis. That's it.
아, 그래서 갔던 거야?I just really wanted to play table tennis. That's it. Oh, is that why you went over there?
아, 오케이, 오케이-Okay, okay. -No--
'오케이'가 아니라 나 이거 진짜 억울해-Okay, okay. -No-- Don't "okay" me! I swear it's a misunderstanding.
- [웃음] - 나 이거는…Don't "okay" me! I swear it's a misunderstanding. I wasn't… trying to do that to you.
너 그런 식으로… [웃음]I wasn't… trying to do that to you.
상원이랑 얘기했을 때 되게 재밌고When I was talking with Sang-won, I had a lot of fun
되게 웃음이 끊이지 않았어서 되게 잘 맞는다고 느꼈어요When I was talking with Sang-won, I had a lot of fun and I was laughing the whole time. I felt like we get along pretty well.
다시 선택한다면 당연히 천문부로 선택할 것 같아요If I got to choose again, I think I'd choose the astronomy club for sure.
[모두의 탄성][all gasp]
그 정도로?[all gasp] That much?
분위기가 되게 설레지 않았어요?Isn't that kind of romantic?
- [수현] 너무 설레 - 그쵸? 저만 느낀 거 아니죠?-[Ji-eun] Rght? -[Su-hyun] It's so romantic.
일단 이게 나왔잖아요-[Ji-eun] Rght? -[Su-hyun] It's so romantic. I mean, she did the thing. "Hey, no!" She did that thing.
'아, 아니야!', 이게 나왔잖아요I mean, she did the thing. "Hey, no!" She did that thing.
그리고 계단에서도 서로 되게 뭔가 더 천천히 걸으려는 듯한…I mean, she did the thing. "Hey, no!" She did that thing. They were both walking slower on the stairs. [Ji-eun] Yeah. I saw that.
[수현] 그래, 그래! 맞아[Ji-eun] Yeah. I saw that.
- [세운] 그 시간이 좋아서… - [규현] 맞아[Ji-eun] Yeah. I saw that. Because they were enjoying the moment.
오래 이 시간을 더 가지고 싶어 하는 듯한?I felt like they wanted that moment to last a bit longer.
- [지은] 맞아요 - 그런 느낌도 들었어요I felt like they wanted that moment to last a bit longer. [Ji-eun] Exactly.
[정윤] 반장 선거 한다네-In fifth period… -We're electing a class president.
- [지민] 응? - [서영] 에?-In fifth period… -We're electing a class president. -[Seo-yeong] What? -On the to-do list.
[정윤] '오늘의 할 일'-[Seo-yeong] What? -On the to-do list.
[서영] 반장 하고 싶은 사람 있어?Any of you want to be president?
- 나! - [서영의 감탄]Any of you want to be president? -Me! -I can see that.
- 하고 싶어 - [세연] 어울린다, 반장-Me! -I can see that. I'll be the class vice-president.
- [서영] 어울린다 - 내가 부반장 할게, 부반장I'll be the class vice-president.
- [세연] 딱 어울린다 - 고마워Class vice-president. -I can totally see that. -Thanks.
- 안녕하세요 - [상원] 안녕하십니까-Hello. -Hello. Hey.
[지민] 반갑습니다-Hello. -Hello. Hey. -[Ji-min] Good to see you. -[Sang-won] Hello there.
- [밝은 음악] - [상원] 안녕하십니까-[Ji-min] Good to see you. -[Sang-won] Hello there.
오늘 좀 재밌을 거라고Today's going to be interesting.
봐봐, '연애'Today's going to be interesting. -[Se-yeon] Why? -Look. Dating.
[웃으며] 재밌어 보이지?-Looks fun, right? -[Sang-won] "The secret of dating"?
[상원] '연애의 비밀'?-Looks fun, right? -[Sang-won] "The secret of dating"?
[정윤] 나 중학교 때 딱 한 번 해봤어-Looks fun, right? -[Sang-won] "The secret of dating"? -I had a relationship in middle school. -Just once?
중학교 때 한 번?-I had a relationship in middle school. -Just once? [Ji-min] You're forever single.
아, 정윤이 해봤어?Oh, Jung-yun's been there already?
[웃음]Oh, Jung-yun's been there already?
- 오빠 왜 그러세요! - 아쉬워, 아쉬워서Why did you say that, bro? I'm just disappointed.
아예 다 처음이었으면 좋겠는데I'm just disappointed. I wish it was the first time for all of them.
- 아, 무언가가… - [수현] 정윤이I wish it was the first time for all of them. -Oh, like that. -Jung-yun!
연애 고수를 꿈꾼다My dream is to be master of dating.
[예린] 근데 이거는 내가 알려줄게I can teach you guys about this, though.
- [웃음과 환호] - [서영] 그래! 너가 설명해 봐[Hee-ji] Yeah, you can be the teacher.
[희지] 네, 선생님, 알려주세요![Ye-rin] So what's the secret?
[지민] 네, 알려주세요!-[Hee-ji] Tell us. -[Sang-won] Please tell us.
[예린] 어…-[Hee-ji] Tell us. -[Sang-won] Please tell us.
아, 저도 거의 모솔이라I'm also forever alone.
[모두의 웃음]I'm also forever alone. [Sang-won] Have you ever had a boyfriend?
안 되고요[Sang-won] Have you ever had a boyfriend? [Ye-rin] Yeah, no.
[예린] 제가 이상한 걸 알려드릴 순 없죠I don't want to say something weird.
[희지] 오늘도 기대가 되네I don't want to say something weird. I'm excited for today.
- [희지] 어머나, 선생님! - [모두] 안녕하세요-[Ye-rin] Oh, ma'am. -[Se-yeon] Hello.
- [정윤] 9시에 시작인데… - [모두] 안녕하세요-[Ye-rin] Oh, ma'am. -[Se-yeon] Hello. -[Ji-min] Aren't we starting at 9:00? -[all greeting]
[유정] 되게 재밌는 시간이었나 본데?[You-jung] You guys seem to be having a lot of fun.
[희지의 웃음][You-jung] You guys seem to be having a lot of fun.
[유정] 아, 네, 아주 웃음이 가득한 시간이었네요, 네Well, I heard you guys laughing a lot. Yeah?
저는 상담하는 상담 심리 전문가 이유정입니다I'm a licensed mental health counselor, Uh, Lee You-jung.
[유정] 지금 뭐 하는 시간인지 아세요?Do you know what this class is?
- [희지] 연애 수업이요 - [상원] 연애의 비밀을 알아가는…-[Sang-won] Secrets of dating. -Dating class. -[Ye-rin] Love. -[You-jung] Uh, right.
네, 사랑은 한마디로 딱 정의하면 뭐일 것 같으세요?-[Ye-rin] Love. -[You-jung] Uh, right. So, guys, how would you define love in one word?
[유정] 안정되게 관계를 유지하기 위해서는…This is what I mean when I say that you need to know the core emotions
핵심 감정을 안다는 건 이거예요This is what I mean when I say that you need to know the core emotions in order to maintain a stable relationship.
두려움과 부담감을 한번 잘 생각해 보세요in order to maintain a stable relationship. Now think very carefully about fear and pressure.
가장 어린 시절의 기억을 떠올려 보시면 좋은데요Now think very carefully about fear and pressure. The earlier the memory, the better.
간단하게 여러분이 지난 연애를 어떻게 했나[You-jung] Let's go into detail about what your relationships were like in the past.
좀 더 구체적으로 얘기를 한번 해보겠습니다about what your relationships were like in the past.
오늘 뭐, 여러 가지 얘길 했는데 여러분들, 뭐, 이상형 있어요?So we talked about a lot of things today. Do you have a dream guy or girl?
[유정] 어떤 스타일 좋아해요?What's your type?
[익살스러운 음악]What's your type? [chuckles softly]
[유정] 딴청 피운다You're pretending that you didn't hear me.
[모두의 어색한 웃음]You're pretending that you didn't hear me. Did you guys hear that?
다들 근데 하나같이 먼 산을 바라보다가… [웃음]Wow, everybody looked away at the same time.
[상원] 다 이러고 있다가 이러고 있다가 순간 다들…-Wait. Is it something to hide? -Everyone was like this.
[옅은 웃음][faint laughter]
[상원] 어떻게든 눈 안 마주치려고 다들…We're all avoiding eye contact.
정윤이는 어떻게 돼요?What about you, Jung-yun?
[모두의 웃음]What about you, Jung-yun? I really don't have enough dating information for that.
전 진짜 데이터가 안 쌓였어요, 아직I really don't have enough dating information for that.
그럼 좋아하는 이미지 있잖아 이미지I really don't have enough dating information for that. You probably have an image of your type.
뭐, 이렇게 연예인 이미지나 뭐, 이렇게…You probably have an image of your type. -A celebrity maybe? -An image?
-A celebrity maybe? -An image?
웃을 때 아름다운 여성분A woman who has a beautiful smile.
[유정] 아, '웃을 때 아름답다'A woman who has a beautiful smile. -[You-jung] A beautiful smile. Okay. -[Jung-yun] A beautiful laugh.
- 아… - [정윤] 웃을 때 아름다운…-[You-jung] A beautiful smile. Okay. -[Jung-yun] A beautiful laugh.
[유정] 어떤게 아름다운 거야?-[You-jung] A beautiful smile. Okay. -[Jung-yun] A beautiful laugh. [You-jung] What do you consider beautiful?
[정윤] 아, 그냥 딱 느낌이 옵니다[You-jung] What do you consider beautiful? -I just know it when I see it. Yeah. -You know it when you see it?
- [유정] 느낌이 와요? - 네-I just know it when I see it. Yeah. -You know it when you see it?
[유정의 감탄]-I just know it when I see it. Yeah. -You know it when you see it?
- 딱 꽂히는 때가 있구나? - 아, 예-I just know it when I see it. Yeah. -You know it when you see it? So there's a moment when you fall for her when you see her.
어느 순간 [감탄]So there's a moment when you fall for her when you see her.
근데 아직 꽂혀 본 적은 없습니다Yeah. But I haven't fallen for anybody yet.
[모두의 탄성]Yeah. But I haven't fallen for anybody yet.
[세연] '아무도 나를…'[Se-yeon] Nobody?
[상원] 그의 마음을 훔치지 못했다[Ji-min] Nobody's managed to steal his heart yet.
[모두의 웃음][Ji-min] Nobody's managed to steal his heart yet.
[유정] 예린이는 어때요?-[You-jung] What about you, Ye-rin? -Me?
- [예린] 저요? - [유정] 네-[You-jung] What about you, Ye-rin? -Me? -[You-jung] Yeah. -[Ye-rin] Uh…
[예린] 어… 일단 남의 말을 잘 들어줄 줄 알고-[You-jung] Yeah. -[Ye-rin] Uh… Somebody who's calm and good at listening to other people.
차분한 사람?Somebody who's calm and good at listening to other people.
[유정] 음, '차분한 사람'[You-jung] A calm person.
- 그럼 상원이는? - 저요? [숨 들이마시며]And you, Sang-won? Me?
이상형을 이렇게 생각을 해본 적은 없는데I never thought about my ideal girl,
어쨌든 잘 통하는 사람을 좋아하는 것 같아요but I think I like people who I get along with. [You-jung] Get along with, how?
[유정] 뭐가 잘 통하는 사람?[You-jung] Get along with, how?
[상원] 그냥 얘기나[You-jung] Get along with, how? I guess somebody who I can talk to and empathize with.
'서로 공감해 줄 수 있다'라든가 그런…I guess somebody who I can talk to and empathize with.
[유정] 그럴 때 되게 가까워짐을 느낄 것 같아[You-jung] I bet that'll make you feel really close to somebody.
- [설레는 음악] - [서현] 저는…[You-jung] I bet that'll make you feel really close to somebody. [Se-hyeon] Sang-won…
상원이 이상형이 약간 밝고He was saying that his ideal girl is a cheerful person
서로 코드 잘 맞는 친구라고 해가지고He was saying that his ideal girl is a cheerful person who he can click with.
저랑 계속 비교를 하면서 들었던 것 같아요I think that's why I kept comparing myself to that as I was listening.
- 되게 귀기울여 들었구나 - [놀리듯] 그렇구나-Okay, I see it. -She's listening so closely.
어떻게 이렇게 풋풋할까, 와[sighs] It's good to be young.
[유정] 또요
[세연] 일단 잘 맞아야 돼요But first we need to get along.
얘기하는 거나 잘 통해야 되는 거 같고But first we need to get along. I think we should be able to have good conversations.
[세연] 어, 사랑도 사랑인데Love is important, but I think that timing is really important in life.
인생은 좀 타이밍이라는 게 느껴지는 게Love is important, but I think that timing is really important in life.
[세연] 제가 헤어질 때When I broke up, I was in a slump.
한창… 슬럼프라고 흔히 슬럼프라고 하죠?People say "slump," right?
[유정이 호응한다]People say "slump," right?
탁구가 가장 안 될 때, 제가 그날 코치님한테도 엄청 혼나고That was the worst part of my table tennis career. My coach yelled at me and I couldn't play.
- 탁구도 안 되고 - [유정] 다 안 되는 날이야My coach yelled at me and I couldn't play. -[You-jung] It was a terrible day. -I can totally relate.
이입이 너무 잘돼-[You-jung] It was a terrible day. -I can totally relate.
[세연] 그냥 모든 게 다 안 되는 날이었어요-[You-jung] It was a terrible day. -I can totally relate. That day, nothing was going my way. So my practice ended after 11:00 p.m.,
그래서 훈련이 막 11시 넘어서 끝나고 이제 숙소를 가는데That day, nothing was going my way. So my practice ended after 11:00 p.m., and I was going back to my dorm.
제가 이제 또 연락 잘 안 되고 하니까The girl had sent me a long text and she was really mad at me
그 여자애가 장문 써놓고 삐져 있는 걸 티를 낸 거예요The girl had sent me a long text and she was really mad at me because I wasn't texting her often enough.
근데 거기서 너무 화가 나는 거예요, 그냥At that moment, I just got so mad.
[세연] '아, 안 되겠다'"This isn't gonna work."
다 이렇게 장문으로 저도 썼어요 '어떻게 뭐라 뭐라 해서 헤어지자'I also wrote a long text like this. It was like, "Blah, blah, blah. Let's break up." And I just sent it.
그냥 딱 보냈죠It was like, "Blah, blah, blah. Let's break up." And I just sent it.
[예린] 세연이의… 이제 연애사를 들어봤는데I got to hear about Se-yeon's previous relationship.
'서로의 시간을 존중해 주지 않는 그런 연애를'I thought, "So Se-yeon doesn't want a relationship where the two people aren't respecting each other's time."
'세연이는 원치 않아 하구나'where the two people aren't respecting each other's time."
'나랑 되게 똑같다' 생각을 했어요That sounds just like me.
재밌다, 재밌어It's interesting. Interesting.
[유정] 예린이도 고개를 끄덕이고 있어가지고…[You-jung] I see that you're nodding along, Ye-rin.
무슨 생각 했어?What were you thinking about?
제가 연애 쪽에서 또 완전 초보라가지고…So I'm super-inexperienced when it comes to relationships.
[유정이 호응한다]So I'm super-inexperienced when it comes to relationships.
[예린] 어…Uh…
저를 몇 년 동안 계속 좋아해 준 애가 있어요There was a guy who liked me for several years.
- [유정] 변함없이 - 전 친구로 있어줬으면 좋겠는데[You-jung] So he never changed. I just wanted him to remain a friend,
저를 계속 여자로 보니까but he kept showing romantic interest.
[예린] '얘라면 한번 나를…'So I started dating him because I thought maybe,
'얘를 믿어봐도 되지 않을까?' 싶어서 만났어요So I started dating him because I thought maybe, that maybe I could trust him.
연인으로 이렇게 만났는데that maybe I could trust him. So we were in a relationship.
안 설레는 거예요But I didn't feel anything.
[예린] 연락도 잘 안 보게 되고 손도 못 잡고 이러니까I wasn't checking my texts, and we weren't even holding hands.
안 좋아하면 손도 못 잡겠더라구요I couldn't hold his hand when I didn't have any feelings.
- [모두의 웃음] - [유정] 그럴 수 있지I couldn't hold his hand when I didn't have any feelings. I can only hold somebody's hand if I like him,
- [상원의 웃음] - 그치, 그치, 그치, 그치, 그치I can only hold somebody's hand if I like him, I need to be in love with him.
안 설레서 또 헤어지면서So we broke up because I didn't feel anything.
'나는 죽어도 너를 좋아할 수 없다' 얘기했죠So we broke up because I didn't feel anything. And I told him, "I don't think I'll ever have feelings for you."
- 어떻게 확실할 수 있었어? - [예린] 저도 모르겠어요And how could you be so sure?
그냥 그게 없어요, 막… 심장이 없나 봐요I don't really know. It just wasn't there. There wasn't that flutter in my heart.
- 그 하트 심장이 - [유정이 호응한다]I don't really know. It just wasn't there. There wasn't that flutter in my heart.
[예린] 그냥 안 설레더라고요Yeah. So I didn't really feel anything.
[유정] 음, 설렘이 중요하구나So I didn't really feel anything. [You-jung] So feeling that flutter is important.
그래[You-jung] So feeling that flutter is important. Okay.
들으면서 정윤이는 어때요?Back to you, Jung-yun, you've been listening closely.
되게 진지하게 듣고 있는데 어떤 생각이 들었어?Back to you, Jung-yun, you've been listening closely. What were you thinking about?
'다들 이제 재밌게 살았구나'What were you thinking about? It sounds like they've all lived interesting lives.
- [유정] 본인은… - [정윤] 저는…[You-jung] But you… [Jung-yun] I thought…
[유정] 응[Jung-yun] I thought…
저 캐릭터 어쩔 거야What are we gonna do about him?
'앞으로의 20대를 재밌게 살아야겠다'What are we gonna do about him? I should try to make my 20s more interesting.
[유정이 호응한다]
저는 3년 동안 한 번도 한 적이 없거든요I've never been in one during the past three years.
[유정] 연애를 한 적이 없어서?I've never been in one during the past three years. [You-jung] So it's because you haven't been in a relationship.
[유정이 호응한다][You-jung] So it's because you haven't been in a relationship.
[착잡한 한숨][sighs]
[모두의 웃음][all laughing]
[정윤] 애들 연애 이야기를 다 들어보니까I was listening to the stories about their relationships,
'다들 각자 사연이 많구나'and I thought, "So, they all have a lot to talk about."
'나도 이제 많이 하면서'I also thought I should date a lot and get more experience from now on.
'더 경험해 봐야겠다'라고 많이 생각했던 것 같아요I also thought I should date a lot and get more experience from now on.
- 정윤아 - [수현] 아이고, 정윤이Poor Jung-yun.
- 왜 안 했지? - 근데 남고니까Why didn't he date? He went to an all-boys high school.
아아, 기회가 없었지He went to an all-boys high school.
- 운동도 해야 되고 - [수현] 맞아, 정윤이 파이팅!-He had no chance. -He had to play sports, too. You got this, Jung-yun.
[웃음]You got this, Jung-yun.
[유정] 아, 여러분, 좀 어때요? 좀 친해진 것 같아요?[You-jung] What do you think, guys? Do you know each other better?
- [서현] 네 - [상원] 네Yeah.
오늘 그래서 반장을 뽑을 건데요We're going to pick a class president today.
[모두의 환호]We're going to pick a class president today. [all cheering]
- [유정] 반장을 뽑을 건데 - [희지] 반장!-[You-jung] We'll have an election. -[Ye-rin] Awesome.
[유정] 일단 자기가 하고 싶은 사람 자진해도 돼요-[You-jung] We'll have an election. -[Ye-rin] Awesome. [You-jung] First. If you wanna be the class president, you can volunteer.
[모두의 감탄][all] Wow! I'd like to do it.
하고 싶습니다I'd like to do it.
[탄성과 박수][You-jung] Wow.
[유정] 또, 또 하고 싶은 사람?Is there anybody else?
일단 지민이 후보 한 명So we have one candidate, Ji-min.
[익살스러운 음악]
- 제가 하겠습니다 - [모두의 웃음]-I'd like to do it. -[girls laughing]
저는 잘할 수 있습니다I know that I can do it.
- [유정] 오, 나오세요, 네 - [쾌활한 음악]You are awesome, Mr. Class President.
와!Yeah. Wow!
[유정] 오, 어떻게 이렇게…Yeah. Wow! [You-jung] Wow. How come…
반장이 있으면 부반장이 있어야 되잖아Now we need a class vice-president.
[상원] 오!Now we need a class vice-president. Oh, wow. So the class vice president too.
- [상원] 아, 부반장도 이제… - 네, 반장의 지명으로…Oh, wow. So the class vice president too. Yes, the class president will pick--
[상원] 아, 지명이에요?-[Sang-won] He's going to pick? -…the class vice president.
- [유정] 뽑겠습니다 - [지민] 부반장-[Sang-won] He's going to pick? -…the class vice president.
- 네, 그럼 희지 하겠습니다 - [상원] 오!I'll pick Hee-ji for a vice president.
[지민] 아까 하고 싶다고 했으니까-[all] Wow! -I know you wanted to do it.
[유정의 탄성]-[all] Wow! -I know you wanted to do it. I know you wanted to do it.
오!I know you wanted to do it.
[유정] 네[You-jung] Okay.
[예린의 웃음][You-jung] Okay.
- 잘해 보자 - [유정] 네-I look forward to it. -All right.
두 분이 힘을 합쳐서 반을 잘 이끌어 주시면 좋겠습니다I hope you two will work together in order to lead the class.
- [지민] 점심시간 - [희지] 나이스!-[Se-yeon] It's time for lunch. -[Hee-ji] Nice!
- 밥 먹자 - [상원] 잘 먹겠습니다-Let's eat. -Yeah, let's eat.
[예린] 잘먹겠습니다람쥐-Let's eat. -Yeah, let's eat. [Ye-rin] Let's eat, parakeet.
- 짠, 같이 먹자 - [놀라며] 야!Here, we can share. Hey!
- [웃음] 맛있겠지? - 잠깐만Hey! -Looks good, right? -Hold on.
- [서현] 야! - 맛있겠지?-Hey! -Doesn't that look good?
[서현] 맛있겠당!-Wait. What is it? -[Seo-hyeon] It looks so good.
왜 이렇게 애들이 귀엽지?Why are they so cute?
어디서 햄 냄새가 나네? 햄인가?Something smells like ham. -Is there ham somewhere? -Here.
여기-Is there ham somewhere? -Here.
어, 아! 너 거였어? 아, 스팸 냄새 난다 했더니만It's yours? I thought I smelled ham somewhere.
[음미하는 탄성]Mm.
음! 맛있어Mm. That's good.
[세연] 와, 이제 활동적인 것밖에 안 남았는데Wow. We only have PE left now.
아, 도서관 가야 되잖아I know. We need to go to the library.
나 도서관 가야 돼I know. We need to go to the library. Oh, right.
야, 먹고 도서관 가자Hey, let's go.
나 갔다 왔는데?I already went.
- [희지, 지민] 어? - [서현] 아!Oh?
- [정윤] 누구보다 빠르네, 뭐지? - [상원의 웃음][Jung-yun] Wow, she beat everybody else to it.
갈까?Do you want to go?
[서현] 아, 이거 얘기해도 되는 거야?Maybe I shouldn't have said that.
[규현, 수현] 어, 상원이 본다!-She's looking at Sang-won. -[Su-hyun] Why?
- 뭐야! - [수현] 왜 봐, 왜 봐?-She's looking at Sang-won. -[Su-hyun] Why? [Se-woon] What the heck?
책은 '당신, 거기 있어 줄래요?'라는I picked a French novel titled Will You Be There?
- [상원] 프랑스 소설을 골랐고요 - [잔잔한 음악]I picked a French novel titled Will You Be There?
저는 그냥I gave the book to Seo-hyeon because I want to get to know her better.
제가 좀 더 친해지고 싶었던 친구인 서현이한테I gave the book to Seo-hyeon because I want to get to know her better.
책을 줬습니다
엽서에는On the postcard.
이제 제가 말한 것처럼I wrote things like, "I want to get to know you better."
'좀 더 친해져 보고 싶다'라는 얘기도 썼고I wrote things like, "I want to get to know you better." Like I just said.
'메리 크리스마스' 썼습니다 [웃음]Like I just said. I also wrote "Merry Christmas."
- 아이고! - [수현] 어머, 어머![Su-hyun] Oh, my!
[세운] 와, 상원이…[Se-woon] Wow, you're pretty cool, Sang-won.
- 멋있다! - [수현] 너무 멋있다[Se-woon] Wow, you're pretty cool, Sang-won. [Su-hyun] He's so cool.
- [지민] 서현, 숙제 했어? - [서현] 어?Seo-hyeon. Did you do your homework?
- [지민] 숙제했어? - [서현] 숙제는 아직 안 했는데?-Me? -Your homework? I haven't done it yet.
- [지민] 아, 그래? - [서현] 빌리기만 했어I haven't done it yet. -Really? -I just checked out the book.
- [지민] 아, 그래? - [서현] 응-Really? -I just checked out the book. [Ji-min] Oh, yeah?
[서영] 나랑 도서관 갈 사람Who wants to go to the library with me?
- [정윤] 도서관? - [지민] 나랑 가자!Who wants to go to the library with me? -The library? I'll go with you. -The library. Yeah? Let's go.
- [서영] 어? 갈래? - [지민] 가자, 도서관!-The library? I'll go with you. -The library. Yeah? Let's go. Let's go to the library. Let me just brush my teeth.
- 나 양치만 하고 - [서영] 그래Let's go to the library. Let me just brush my teeth.
[지민] 아, 서영이가 그… 중간에Okay. Uh, I heard Seo-yeong saying, "Who wants to go to the library?"
'도서관 갈 사람'이라고 말을 하길래Uh, I heard Seo-yeong saying, "Who wants to go to the library?"
더 친해지고 싶었고 알아가고 싶은 친구여가지고I said that I'd go with her because I wanted to be closer friends with her
같이 가자고… 네, 말을 했습니다because I wanted to be closer friends with her and get to know her more.
[서영] 근데 이거 도서관… 그 책 줄 애한테[Seo-yeong] You know, can't we just tell the person
그냥 미리 까버리면 안 되나? 나 너한테 줄 거라고[Seo-yeong] You know, can't we just tell the person we're gonna give the library book to, that we're going to give it to them?
- 딱 설레게 이렇게 건네야지 - 아, 설레게? 알았어You need it to be in a cute way. -Cute? -Yeah.
설레게 건네거나 아니면-Cute? -Yeah. Give it to them in a cute way or put it in their locker.
- 딱 사물함에 넣는 거지 - 아, 오케이or put it in their locker.
- [밝은 음악] - 그리고 살짝…And make sure to… Make sure it peeks out so they see it.
못 볼 수도 있으니까 살짝 삐져나오게And make sure to… Make sure it peeks out so they see it.
아…And make sure to… Make sure it peeks out so they see it. Ah.
- 알겠지? - 응Okay.
[모두의 웃음]-She planned it, that's cute. -That's so cute.
- [지은] 귀여워 - [수현] 계획적이야, 귀여워-She planned it, that's cute. -That's so cute.
- 계획적인데? - [수현] 와, 치밀하다-Wow, she plans it all out? -[Su-hyun] So meticulous.
- [규현] 어, 세연이? - [지은] 예린이 옷 아닌가요?[Kyuhyun] Oh, it's Se-yeon. [Ji-eun] Isn't that Ye-rin's jacket?
[예린] 어쩔 수 없이야?-[Ye-rin] So you have no choice? -[knock at door]
[세연이 노크하며] 예린아, 그냥 도서관 갔다 올까?-[Ye-rin] So you have no choice? -[knock at door] [Se-yeon] Ye-rin. Wanna go to the library?
- [예린] 어, 그래, 가자 - [세연] 가자[Se-yeon] Ye-rin. Wanna go to the library? -[Ye-rin] Sure. Let's go. -Let's go.
- [예린] 갔다 올게 - [세연] 이거 네 옷이야?[Ye-rin] I'll be back. -[Se-yeon] Is this your jacket? -Yeah.
- [예린] 응, 땡큐 - [세연] 자-[Se-yeon] Is this your jacket? -Yeah. [Se-yeon] Let's go.
희지 혼자 남은 거예요?Did he leave Hee-ji by herself?
어, 세연이 되게 뚜렷하다Wow. Seo-yeon is super straightforward.
- [세연] 아으, 추워 - [예린] 기다려 봐[Se-yeon] It's cold. [Ye-rin] Hold on. Uh, we need to check the mirror.
거울 한번 봐주는 게…[Ye-rin] Hold on. Uh, we need to check the mirror.
[웃으며] 됐어! 한 번씩 해줘야 돼, 나All done. I do this whenever I go outside.
[예린] 밖이다!We're back outside.
[세연] 가입시더!Let's go.
- [예린] 도서관이 어디지? - [세연] 도서관…Where's the library? -The library? -Do you know where it is?
- [예린] 너 어딘지 알아? - 여기로 들어가는 걸 거야-The library? -Do you know where it is? -Maybe you're supposed to go in there. -Like this.
믿을게, 믿을게-Maybe you're supposed to go in there. -Like this.
- [예린] 우리 학교야, 열아홉 - [세연] 열아홉학교-[Ye-rin] That's our school, 19. -19 School.
- [예린] 어, 여기 한번 봐볼래? - [세연] 시?[Ye-rin] Okay, come over here for a second. Yeah.
- [예린] 어, 어 - 시랑 소설 이런 거 있잖아[Ye-rin] Okay, come over here for a second. Yeah. -Looking for poems and novels? -[Ye-rin] Yeah.
- [세연이 숨 들이쉬며] 근데… - 응Okay.
[세연] 이렇게 책은I think it'll be a little hard for me to understand a book in such a short time.
짧은 시간에I think it'll be a little hard for me to understand a book in such a short time.
파악하기는 난 쉽지 않은 것 같아I think it'll be a little hard for me to understand a book in such a short time. You're right.
- 맞아, 응 - 그래서 좀 1차원적으로 가려고You're right. So I'm going to take a simple approach.
난 바로 지금For me, this is right now.
[세연] 골랐어?You picked one?
[설레는 음악]
이거에 대한 답이야WHEN I WAS MOST BEAUTIFUL This is what I'm looking for.
- [세연] 아… - [예린의 웃음]This is what I'm looking for. -[Ye-rin laughs] -Okay.
- [세연] 그래 [웃음] - 목차를 봐볼까-[Ye-rin laughs] -Okay. Let's take a look at the index.
[숨을 들이켠다]
- [예린] 여유 있게 고르세요 - 네Take your time, good sir. Yes, ma'am.
[설레는 음악]
[고민하는 소리]Hm.
[웃음][Ye-rin laughs]
[어쩔 줄 모르는 탄성]-[Su-hyun] Oh… -[Kyuhyun exclaims]
[수현] 설마 그 사이로 얘기할 거야?-They're gonna talk through the bookshelf? -[Kyuhyun] I think so.
[규현] 하나 봐-They're gonna talk through the bookshelf? -[Kyuhyun] I think so.
[숨 들이쉬며] 괜찮은 거 있어?Did you see any good ones?
전 정했습니다I have made a selection.
- [세연] 정했어요? - [예린] 예스!-Selection? -Yes.
[세연] 뭐로 정했습니까?What might your choice be?
[예린] 자, 너에게만 보여줄게 빨리, 빨리 숙여 봐What might your choice be? Here, I'll let you see it. Come on, bend down a bit.
- [세연의 탄성] - 어때? 괜찮지?-Wow. -What do you think? It's nice, right?
[세연] 고민되네This is hard.
[세연이 흥얼거린다]
아까 내가 어디다 놨지?Wait. Where did I put that?
아!Oh. [sighs]
[세연이 길게 숨을 들이쉰다]Oh. [sighs]
- 너도 처음 책이야? - [세연] 응?-Is that your first book? -Hm?
- [예린] 너도 처음 책? - 아니-Is that your first book? -No.
- [예린] 바꾼 거야? - [세연] 어, 난 바뀌었어-Is that your first book? -No. -You changed your mind? -Yeah, I did.
오케이, 끝?-You changed your mind? -Yeah, I did. Okay. Then?
- 아쉬워? - 아니, 아쉽지 않아, 아쉽지 않아Uh… -Have regrets? -No, no regrets, no regrets. -I have no regrets. -Oh, no regrets?
- 아쉽지 않고... - 응, 아쉽지 않아?-I have no regrets. -Oh, no regrets?
근데 나는...You know,
- 이 책을… - 응I think it'll be too cold to take this book all the way back.
저기까지 들고 가기가 너무 추울 것 같아I think it'll be too cold to take this book all the way back.
넣자!-In here? -No.
아니, 너 가져-In here? -No. It's for you.
- 나 가져? - 응You want me to have it?
[설레는 음악]You want me to have it?
- [예린] 나 주는 거야? - 어, 너 읽어, 괜찮은 것 같아You're giving it to me? Yeah, you can read it. I think it's a good book.
- [예린] 진짜? - [세연] 어Yeah, you can read it. I think it's a good book. -Really? -Yeah.
[규현, 수현의 탄성][all gasp and exclaim]
[지은] 어머, 어떡해? 세연아Oh, my goodness, Se-yeon!
- [예린] 나 주는 거야? - 어, 너 읽어, 괜찮은 것 같아-You're giving it to me? -Yeah, you can read it. It's a good book.
- [예린] 진짜? - [세연] 어-Really? -[Se-yeon] Yeah.
[예린] 우와, 잘 읽을게I SEE YOU LIKE A FLOWER -Wow. I'll definitely read it. -[both chuckle]
[예린] 기분 너무 좋고This is super nice.
저는 세연이가I wasn't even thinking about the possibility
저에게 책을 준다는 생각 자체를 아예 못 하고 있었어요I wasn't even thinking about the possibility of Se-yeon giving me a book.
왜냐하면 같이 도서관을 가기도 했고We went to the library together, after all.
근데 저한테 주는 거라고 해서When he said it was for me, uh,
약간 설렜다고 해야 되나?I think I got butterflies in my stomach.
좀 설렜습니다It was kind of romantic.
설렘을 느꼈대요, 그래도-[gasps] Wow. She got butterflies. -[Kyuhyun] She finally felt it.
- [규현] 드디어 느꼈네요 - [수현] 드디어!-[gasps] Wow. She got butterflies. -[Kyuhyun] She finally felt it.
- '책 고백' 이런 거 같아 - 처음 느껴보는 설렘이에요[indistinct chatter] It's Ye-rin's first time feeling butterflies.
[수현의 웃음][Su-hyun] Exactly!
- [세연] 너 얘랑 닮았길래 - [웃음][Se-yeon] He looked like you.
- [예린] 꼬부기야? - 응-[Ye-rin] Is it Squirtle? -Yeah.
- 나 꼬부기 닮았어? - [세연] 응, 닮았어-You think I look like Squirtle? -Yeah, you do.
이건 또 뭐야[laughs] And what's this?
읽어 봤는데 글이 다 좋길래I read it, and I really liked the writing.
그냥 '꽃을 볼 때처럼'It was something like…
'예린이도 본다'라는…I see Ye-rin like a flower. [chuckles]
[쑥스러운 웃음][chuckles]
책 제목이 딱 예쁘잖아요 그냥 예쁜 사람한테 주기 좋은I mean, the title of the book is just pretty. I gave it to her because it seemed like a good book to give to a pretty person.
그런 책인 것 같아서 선물해 준 것 같아요I gave it to her because it seemed like a good book to give to a pretty person.
가, 갈까?-Uh, do you want to go? -No.
- [세연] 아니 - 더?-Uh, do you want to go? -No. -You wanna stay? -A bit longer.
- [세연] 조금만 더 있자 - 그래-You wanna stay? -A bit longer. Okay.
[설레는 음악]Okay.
[놀란 숨소리][gasps]
- 어떡해 - [세운] 세연이-Oh, my goodness! -[Kyuhyun] Look at Se-yeon!
- 세연이… - [세운] 어떡해요?-Oh, my goodness! -[Kyuhyun] Look at Se-yeon!
어떡해요? 저 닭살 계속 돋는데 세연, 세연아!Oh, no, I keep getting goosebumps. Se-yeon!
[예린] 어, '웃는 남자'다It's "The Smiling Man."
딱 너네, 너 웃을 때 멋있잖아That's you. You look cool when you smile.
[세연의 옅은 웃음][both laugh]
- [예린] 자주 웃으세요 - 그래, 고맙다-You should smile more -Sure. Thanks.
[세연] 여기 와서 저랑 이성 친구랑Since I got here, I don't think I've actually been alone with one of the girls.
단둘이 있었던 시간이 없었던 것 같아요, 한 번도Since I got here, I don't think I've actually been alone with one of the girls.
처음이었어요That was the first time.
교실 내려가다가 거울… 큰 거울이 하나 있더라고요That was the first time. We were coming down from the classroom, and there was this big mirror.
서가지고 이제 둘이 이렇게 거울을 마주 봤는데…We were coming down from the classroom, and there was this big mirror. We stood there and looked at our reflection.
[예린이 웃으며] 됐어! 한 번씩 해줘야 돼, 나We stood there and looked at our reflection. Hold on. We need to check the mirror.
그런 것마저도 약간 재밌고 설레는…Even that was fun, and made my heart flutter.
그런… 네, 일들이 있었던 것 같습니다So, yeah, that's what happened.
이런 상황은 솔직히 인생에서 겪어보기 힘든 상황이잖아요Honestly? This is a pretty rare thing to happen in life.
도서관에서 '너를 위한 책이야 너 주고 싶어서 골랐어'This is a pretty rare thing to happen in life. You're in the library and he goes, "This book is for you, and I picked it out to give to you."
배경이 도서관인 것도 너무 맘에 들고I also really like that we were in a library.
아, 설렜습니다Oh, it made my heart flutter.
저는 상원이 줄 겁니다Q. WHAT ABOUT YOUR HOMEWORK? I'm going to give mine to Sang-won.
[익살스러운 음악]I'm going to give mine to Sang-won.
- 어, 어, 잠깐만! - [규현] 에?-Huh, what? Wait! -Sang-won?
- [세운] 상원이? - '너무 설렜습니다'-Huh, what? Wait! -Sang-won? "It made my heart flutter. I'm giving it to Sang-won." Wow, that's…
'저는 상원이 줄 거예요' 라고 하니까 조금…"It made my heart flutter. I'm giving it to Sang-won." Wow, that's…
아, 예린씨... 예린이 알 수가 없네Wow, Ye-rin, she's so hard to figure out.
- [지은] 진짜 엉뚱하다 - 이유를 빨리 들어보고 싶어요Wow, Ye-rin, she's so hard to figure out. Wait. I want to I want to hear why.
[예린] 상원이에게 책을 주고 싶다고 생각하게 된 계기가[Ye-rin] I wanted to give the book to Sang-won because he seemed like a person
제가 본 상원이는 어려운 일이 있어도because he seemed like a person
좀, 말 안 하는 성격일 것 같은 거예요who wouldn't open up to anybody about his struggles.
그래서 '혼자 앓지 말고 가끔은 남에게 기대어도 된다'So I said, "It's okay to lean on other people sometimes instead of dealing with everything by yourself."
더 친해져서 상원이가 저에게도 고민 같은 걸 말해주고I hope we can become better friends so that Sang-won can talk to me about his worries,
제가 좀 조언도 해주는 친구이고 싶어요so that Sang-won can talk to me about his worries, and I can give him advice.
- [세운] 아, 짱친, 짱친이네 - [규현] 이건 짱친이에요-Oh, best friends. -She wants to be best friends.
'나한테 다 털어놔라 힘든 거 있으면'Yeah. "Tell me if anything's bothering you."
[지은] 처음 주는 거니까Yeah. "Tell me if anything's bothering you." [Ji-eun] That's why she's doing it.
[경쾌한 음악]
[웃음 섞인 숨소리][laughing]
심플하구만[laughing] Short and sweet.
[문 여는 소리]
- [세연] 어? 뭐야? - [당황한 웃음][Se-yeon] Huh? What?
어? 뭐야? 왜 아무도 없어?Huh? What? Why is there nobody here?
[예린] 어…What? Why is there nobody here?
- [세연] 으아, 추워, 추워, 추워 - [예린] 아, 이런Ugh, cold, cold, cold! Oh, no!
너 빼빼로 하나 먹을래? 하나밖에 안 남음Do you want a Pepero stick? There's only two left.
[세연] 나? 하나만 줘, 하나만Just one. I'll take just one.
여기 있습니다Here.
- [세연] 땡큐 - 응Thank you.
음! 나 난로 앞에 가야겠다I'm gonna sit by the stove.
[예린] 몸이 너무 뻐근해My body's so stiff.
아, 빨리 체육복 입고 스트레칭하고 싶다My body's so stiff. I wanna change into my PE uniform and stretch.
너무 근질거려, 몸이I wanna change into my PE uniform and stretch. I feel so restless.
- [세연] 운동 좋아해? - 어?-Do you like to play sports? -Huh?
- [세연] 운동 좋… 어? - [뚝 소리]-[bone clicks] -Do you like to play… Oh. Oh.
- 운동 좋아… 어? - [예린] 어, 나 잘 나지-[bone clicks] -Do you like to play… Oh. Oh. You heard that?
나 고관절에서 뚝뚝 소리 많이 나My hip joints pop a lot.
- [세연] 운동 좋아해? - 운동?Do you like playing sports? Sports?
운동을 했었지 무용했었다고 했잖아I used to play a sport. -What kind? -I told you, I used to dance.
맞다Oh, right.
[예린] 운동? 좋아하는 편이지But I do like to play sports.
- [세연] 무용 - 응But I do like to play sports. -Dance? -Mm.
[세연] 뭐야?What's that?
[설레는 음악]What's that?
- [예린] '그날의 메아리' - [세연] 오메, '그날의 메아리'?-Oh, The Echo of That Day. Wow. -The Echoes of That Day.
[숨을 들이켜며] 뭘려나? 이야…-Oh, The Echo of That Day. Wow. -The Echoes of That Day. I wonder what this is. There's a letter, too.
편지도 있어There's a letter, too.
- [예린의 웃음] - [세연] 오…[gasps]
[예린] 보지 않아, 한번 읽어 봐I won't look. Go ahead, read it.
- [세연의 웃음] - 뭐래?What's it say?
[세연] 아휴[sighs]
처음에 서랍에서 발견을 했을 때는When I first found that in my desk,
어, 누군지도 궁금했는데 일단uh, I was wondering who it was.
'나한테도 써줬구나, 고맙다'At first I thought, "So somebody wrote one for me, too. I'm thankful."
예상은 희지로 하고 있는데…At first I thought, "So somebody wrote one for me, too. I'm thankful."
[세연] 어, 엽서에My guess is Hee-ji.
제가 배에서 꼬르륵 소리가 났던 내용이 있었어요The postcard talked about how my stomach was growling.
[세연이 속삭이며] 배가 갑자기 더 고파[whispering] I'm suddenly hungry again.
[세연] 제 그 꼬르륵 소리를 옆에서 제대로 듣기도 했고[Se-yeon] She was right next to me. So she heard that growling.
[희지] 저는 세연이한테 엽서를 썼는데[Hee-ji] I wrote my postcard for Se-yeon.
세연이가 배에서 꼬르륵 소리가 났는데Se-yeon's stomach was growling.
너무 재미있었기도 하고It was so funny, and unforgettable.
잊을 수가 없을 것 같아서 그 에피소드를 책이랑 엮었습니다It was so funny, and unforgettable. So I tied that memory to the book.
자기를 유추할 수 있게…So that he can guess who it was.
- [지은의 탄성] - [규현이 숨을 들이켠다]So that he can guess who it was. [Ji-eun] Wow.
지금 뭐, 난리가 났습니다 일단 세연이랑 우리 예린이가…Well, things are going crazy right now. -Right? -Se-yeon and Ye-rin… Uh… Se-yeon is already hitting her with those romantic words.
아니, 세연이가 지금Uh… Se-yeon is already hitting her with those romantic words.
주옥같은 멘트들을 벌써 날리기 시작했어요Uh… Se-yeon is already hitting her with those romantic words. -It's just like a movie. -He's straightforward.
돌직구예요 약간 순둥순둥할 줄 알았는데-It's just like a movie. -He's straightforward. I thought he'd be more gentle.
- [지은] 생각보다 되게 그냥 확… - 예, 맞아요I thought he'd be more gentle. He's a lot more direct in expressing his feelings than I thought.
자기의 마음을 감정을 표현하던데요?He's a lot more direct in expressing his feelings than I thought.
예린이는 마음이 없다가I don't think Ye-rin had any feelings for him.
- 이번 계기로 생겼을 것 같아요 - 되게 설레했던 것 같아요I don't think Ye-rin had any feelings for him. And now she does, after what just happened. -I think she got nervous. -Yeah, you're right.
- 부끄러워했어요 - 맞아-I think she got nervous. -Yeah, you're right.
나중에 도서관 데이트 꼭 해봐야겠어요-I think she got nervous. -Yeah, you're right. I'm definitely trying the library date in the future.
[모두의 웃음]I'm definitely trying the library date in the future.
- 저거 하러 갈 거예요, 진짜로 - [수현] 나도 저거 할래, 나도-What? -I'm going to. -Me too. -I'm going to try it later. I really will.
[귀여운 음악]
[코 훌쩍이는 소리]
[서현이 나지막이] 아!
[서현] 상원이한테 마음이 계속 가가지고[Seo-hyeon] I gave the book to Sang-won because I kept thinking about him.
상원이한테 책을 주게 됐어요because I kept thinking about him.
어, 제가 그 책을 읽으면서MY TOMORROW, YOUR YESTERDAY When I was reading that book,
비록 해피엔딩은 아니었지만 되게 재밌고 행복했던 기억이 있거든요When I was reading that book, I remember that it was really fun and made me happy, even though it wasn't a happy ending.
그래서 그 친구도 같은 행복을 느꼈으면 좋겠어서even though it wasn't a happy ending. I picked that book because I wanted him to feel that same happiness.
그 책을 골랐어요I picked that book because I wanted him to feel that same happiness.
지민이한텐 말로 전달을 할 건데Well, I'm going to tell Ji-min about this.
또, 지민이가 저한테 썼으면I would feel so, so bad
진짜 너무 미안할 것 같아요if Ji-min wrote one for me.
이거를 어떻게 얘기를 잘 할 수 있을지I don't know how I'm going to talk about that with him.
잘… 잘 모르겠어요I don't know how I'm going to talk about that with him.
근데 얘기하는 것도 뭔가 좀… 어떻게 해야 되지, 얘기를?But talking to him about it is a bit… How does she do that?
- 근데 지민이도 안 줄 것 같아요 - [세운] 지민이도…I don't think Ji-min will give it to her either.
지민이는 한 말 까먹었을 수도 있어요I don't think Ji-min will give it to her either. Ji-min might have forgotten what he said. I think it'll be someone else.
[지은] 아, 지민이는 줄 것 같은데I think it'll be someone else. I think Ji-min will give it to her.
왜냐하면 서영이랑 도서관 같이 갔잖아요I think Ji-min will give it to her. But it's because he went to the library with Seo-yeong,
뭔 일이 있을지 모른다고요But it's because he went to the library with Seo-yeong, who knows what's going to happen.
[서영] 뭔가[chuckling] Exactly. It's a bit lonely, but not really, but it actually is.
[서영] 뭔가 고독한데 고독하지 않으면서 고독한…[chuckling] Exactly. It's a bit lonely, but not really, but it actually is.
[옅은 한숨]
- [지민] 하이 - [정윤] 하하Hey.
[흥미로운 음악]
[서영] 어, 야, 야, 여기 앉을래?[Seo-yeong] Hey, hey, hey. Want to sit here? This is the warmest seat.
- 여기가 제일 따뜻해 - [서현] 오케이Want to sit here? This is the warmest seat.
- [지민] 따뜻하게 해놨어 - [서영] 내가 따뜻하게 뎁혀놨어-[Ji-min chuckles] You warmed it up? -[Seo-yeong] I warmed it up.
- [지민의 웃음] - [서영] 옆으로 가 봐라Scoot over.
[서영의 힘주는 숨소리][sighs]
[지민] 우린 체육 시간에 무엇을 할까What do you think we'll do in PE?
하, 기대가 된다What do you think we'll do in PE? I'm excited.
[무거운 한숨][sighs]
[희지의 웃음][chuckling]
얘기할 게 있어I have something to say.
지민이한테Ji-min, I have something to say. Come over here.
[서현] 얘기… 너 이리 와 봐Ji-min, I have something to say. Come over here.
아, 뭐지?What is this?
- [희지] 무서워 - [서영] 무서워, 니들 이러면-I'm scared. -It's scary. You guys are acting kind of scary.
- [서현의 웃음] - [정윤] 뭐야?You guys are acting kind of scary. Huh? What's this?
쟤네 왜 작전 회의 하는데?[Jung-yun] Why are they having a secret meeting?
[속삭이는 말소리]
[정윤이 숨을 들이켠다]
[정윤] 그렇게 열어도 안 들릴 것 같은데[Seo-hyeon] I don't think that'll help you hear them.
[작게] 어, 안 들려 [웃음][Seo-hyeon] I don't think that'll help you hear them. Yeah, I can't hear them.
[문 닫는 소리]
뭐야?What's going on?
[정윤] 수상해, 수상해[Jung-yun] That's very suspicious.
- [서현] 으아아, 진짜… - [지민] 그렇게 했는데…[Seo-hyeon] Oh, come on. [Ji-min] Yeah. So I did this.
- [서현] 잠깐만, 얘기해 봐 - [지민] 어[Ji-min] Yeah. So I did this. [Seo-hyeon] Wait. Tell me.
- 내가 서영이랑 갔거든? - 응Okay. So I went with Seo-yeong.
도서관 갔는데Okay. So I went with Seo-yeong. We went to the library and she asked me
걔가 이제 누구랑 쓸 거냐고 나한테 물어본 거야We went to the library and she asked me -who I was going to write to. -She asked you?
- 뭐야, 이거? - 근데 너 줄 사람은 골랐어?What is this? -Do you know who you're giving yours to? -What's this? Me?
이거 뭐야? 나?-Do you know who you're giving yours to? -What's this? Me?
몰라, 서현이랑 서로 줄 것 같은데I don't know. I think I'm exchanging one with Seo-hyeon.
- 뭐가? '서현'? - 어I don't know. I think I'm exchanging one with Seo-hyeon. What? Seo-hyeon? Yeah. So, you know when we first started this?
- 이거 처음에 할 때 있잖아 - 어Yeah. So, you know when we first started this? Yeah.
할 때 서로 안 써줄 거 같아가지고 서로 써주기로 했었어Yeah. We thought nobody would write one for us, so we promised to write one for each other.
[한숨][sighs in exasperation]
아이, 바보야-Seo-yeong! -Idiots.
- 서영이 표정 싹 굳었다 - [규현] 그래!Seo-yeong's face is frozen! Look at Seo-yeong's face. Ji-min knows it too.
근데 지민이도 그걸 알았어 '어, 뭔가 잘못됐다, 지금'Look at Seo-yeong's face. Ji-min knows it too. He's like, "Something is not right. Something is wrong."
'잘못됐다'He's like, "Something is not right. Something is wrong."
[서영이 숨을 들이켜며] 뭐가 재밌을까?[indistinct whisper]
- 그럼 우리끼리 쓸래? - [따뜻한 음악]Wanna write one for each other?
[서영] 우리끼리 쓸까?Wanna write one for each other? Should we write one for each other?
- 그래 - [서영] 그래Should we write one for each other? -Sure. -Okay.
근데 뭘… 너 뭐 좋아한다 했지?-By the way, what do you like? -I'll pick a world history book for you.
- [지민] 난 세계사… - 세계사, 알았어-By the way, what do you like? -I'll pick a world history book for you. World history. Okay, I'll pick from here then.
그럼 내가 이걸 고를게World history. Okay, I'll pick from here then.
'일단은 뭐, 둘이 쓴다고 내가 서현이한테 말해볼게' 이랬거든I said we can right for each other, and I was like, "I'll tell Seo-hyeon."
그래, 나도 지금 그걸 느껴 가지고…I said we can right for each other, and I was like, "I'll tell Seo-hyeon." Actually, I sensed that too.
응, 너는 뭐, 너는 왜?Actually, I sensed that too. Okay. Wait. What about you?
그니까 너가 쓰고 싶은 사람이 있으면 써도 돼So if you wanna write yours for somebody else, go ahead.
- 그걸 얘기하려고 했어? 왜? - [서현] 응, 그것도 있고So if you wanna write yours for somebody else, go ahead. -That's what you wanted to say? -Yeah, part of it.
나도 뭔가 이렇게…-But why? What happened? -I have something…
- [지민] 누구한테? 그냥 말해 - 그런 게 있어-To who? -Don't worry about it? Just tell me it's fine. I already told you anyway.
- [서현] 아니야, 싫어 - 난 너한테 말했잖아Just tell me it's fine. I already told you anyway.
[서현] 야, 넌 딱 보였어!Hey, it was pretty obvious for you.
[지민] 아, 그래도 그냥… 누구야?Hey, it was pretty obvious for you. But still, just… Who is it?
- 상원이? 응 - [지민] 상원이-Sang-won. -Sang-won? Nice!
[웃음 참는 소리]-Sang-won. -Sang-won? Nice!
- [지민] 좋아 - 약간 그래서 이게…-Sang-won. -Sang-won? Nice! Wait, so I wanted to say I thought we should just write one
서로 마음 가는 사람한테 쓰는 게 좋을 것 같아가지고Wait, so I wanted to say I thought we should just write one for the person that we like.
- 좋았다 - 좋았다-We had a good time. -Yeah, we really did.
- 신기하게 이렇게 딱 되니까… - [서현] 그러니까!-We had a good time. -Yeah, we really did. -It's crazy how things worked out. -Right?
나도 너한테 얘기하려고 했고 너도 나한테 얘기하려고 했구나-It's crazy how things worked out. -Right? We were going to tell each other.
[지민] 야, 좋다, 야 상원이가 약간 좀 나이스하지We were going to tell each other. [Ji-min] This is nice. Sang-won's a nice guy, so…
- [서현] 그렇지, 그렇지 - [지민] 그렇지[Ji-min] This is nice. Sang-won's a nice guy, so… [Seo-hyeon] Yeah, right? Right.
이래서 매점 아주머니가 모든 걸 다 아는 거예요This is why the snack shop lady knows everything.
- [웃음] - [수현] 맞네, 맞네[all laughing] [Su-hyun] Right, right.
- 아, 아주머니 계셨구나 - [지은] 귀엽네The lady's there.
아, 아주머니 재밌겠다 거기 앉아서 다 모든 얘기 듣고-It's so much fun for her. -Exactly. She's just listening to everything.
[지민 웃으며] 이걸 자리에 놨네[chuckles] This is scary though.
[발랄한 음악][chuckles] This is scary though.
[옅은 웃음][indistinct chatter in Korean]
아유, 저렇게 표정이 티가 나요[in English] I can tell everything by her face.
- [수현] 아이구, 좋아 - [세운] 좋아한다[in English] I can tell everything by her face. She likes it.
서영이가 약간 거짓말 못 하네I guess Seo-yeong is really transparent.
[옅은 웃음][indistinct chatter]
[지민] 저는 서영이가 좋아하는 역사에 관련된 책을 골라줬고I'M WRITING TO YOU HOPING YOUR GRAPH WILL GO UP MORE. LET'S BE FRIENDS. [Ji-min] I picked out a history book because Seo-yeong likes that kind of stuff.
그리고 서영이는And Seo-yeong picked out the Ragdoll Murder,
제가 평소에 읽고 싶어 하던And Seo-yeong picked out the Ragdoll Murder,
'봉제인형 살인사건' 책을 골라줬습니다 [웃음]which I've been wanting to read.
지민이랑 '서로 주고받자'라고 말을 해서Ji-min and I promised to write a postcard for each other.
뭐, 예상하고 있었긴 하지만 그래도 기분 좋았습니다I mean, I saw it coming, but it still felt good.
- [세연] 너 정했어? - [정윤] 아니?-[Se-yeon] Have you picked yet? -[Jung-yun] No.
근데 책 누구한테 주지?-[sighs] Who should I give the book to? -Give it to her.
[세연] 제일 끌리는 사람한테 줘-[sighs] Who should I give the book to? -Give it to her. The one you like the most.
[상원] 아니면 이렇게 생각해The one you like the most. Or think about giving it to someone who's hard to get close to.
뭔가 제일 친해지기 어려울 것 같은 사람한테 줘Or think about giving it to someone who's hard to get close to. Then that can be what triggers it. That could work.
그게 계기가 되는 거니까 그것도 되지Then that can be what triggers it. That could work.
[세연] 여러 이유가 되지Then that can be what triggers it. That could work. There'll be a lot of reasons.
[작게] 아, 누구한테 줘야 되나Who should I give it to?
- 음 - 음Hm.
정윤이는 아직은 좀 고민하고 있는 것 같아요I think that Jung-yun is still a bit conflicted.
누굴 줘야 될지 누구에게 호감인지 이것도 잘 모르는 것 같아요I don't think he knows who to give it to, or who he likes.
근데 정윤이가 워낙 경험이 없으니까 소극적이라서…Jung-yun doesn't have a lot of experience, so he's a bit timid.
[지은] 맞아요Jung-yun doesn't have a lot of experience, so he's a bit timid. That's right.
언젠가 한번That's right. But if there's a girl who might be interested in Jung-yun later,
정윤이한테 관심을 좀 보이는 친구가 나타나면 바로But if there's a girl who might be interested in Jung-yun later,
- '폴 인 러브' 할 것 같아요 - 확 할 것 같아요-I have a feeling he'll fall in love. -Yeah.
아, 먼저 자기한테 관심을 보이는 사람한테-If somebody shows an interest-- -[Ji-eun] He's still uncertain.
- [지은] 지금은 약간 긴가민가… - 너무 조심스러워, 음-If somebody shows an interest-- -[Ji-eun] He's still uncertain. He's being too careful. Yeah.
- [활기찬 음악] - [수업 종소리][PA chiming]
[희지] 자, 여기 문을 열어드릴게요All right, sir. Let me get the door for you.
아, 뭐 할까, 우리?What do you think we're going to do?
- [지민] 궁금하다 - [희지] 아, 너무 궁금해What do you think we're going to do? Ugh, I'm so curious.
[모두] 안녕하세요!Ugh, I'm so curious. -[teacher] Hello. -[all] Hello! PE MR. KANG DO-HYUN
[도현] 네, 오늘 무슨 수업이죠?PE MR. KANG DO-HYUN -[Do-hyun] All right. What class is this? -[all] PE!
[모두] 체육 수업이요!-[Do-hyun] All right. What class is this? -[all] PE!
저는 오늘 여러분들의 체육 선생님인 강도현이라고 하고요My name is Kang Do-hyun. And I'll be your PE teacher today.
[도현] 아, 이번 체육 수업은요Uh… During our class today,
짝을 지어서 체육 대회를 진행해 볼 텐데we'll split into pairs, and hold an athletic competition.
여학생들에게 조끼를 2장씩 드릴 거예요we'll split into pairs, and hold an athletic competition. I'll give two vests to each of the girls.
그래서 코끼리 코 10바퀴를 돈 후에Then you'll do ten elephant spins. Wow.
본인이 짝꿍 하고 싶은 남학생에게 달려가서[Do-hyun] Run to the guy who you wanna partner up with
그 조끼를 입혀주시면 되겠습니다and put the vest on him.
- [모두의 탄성] - 아시겠죠?You got it?
선착순이니까First come, first served.
먼저 조끼를 전달을 받으면 짝꿍이 정해지는 거예요First come, first served. So if somebody gets a vest, they're in a pair.
누구에게 갈지 잘 생각해 주시길 바라겠고요Make sure to think carefully about, uh, who you wanna go to.
이젠 좀 확실히 표현할 것 같아요 짝꿍 하고 싶은…They'll be more obvious about their feelings by picking partners.
- 야, 이거 쉽지, 쉽지 않을 텐데 - [수현의 웃음]Wow, this won't be easy.
기대되는데I'm excited for this.
나는 왜 긴장돼… 어, 떨려I'm so tense right now. I'm nervous.
[설레는 음악]I'm so tense right now. I'm nervous.
야, 이거 왜 긴장되냐? [웃음]Why am I nervous right now?
[깊은 한숨][Do-hyun] All right. Put on your vests.
[도현] 준비!Ready?
[호루라기 소리][blows whistle]
- [흥미진진한 음악] - [모두] 하나, 둘, 셋, 넷…[blows whistle] [girls laughing] One, two, three, four, five, six, seven…
[희지] 다섯, 여섯, 일곱![girls laughing] One, two, three, four, five, six, seven…
와, 진짜 잘 돈다!Wow. They're so good at spinning.
[희지] 여덟, 아홉, 열!…eight, nine, ten.
으아! 으아![grunting]
- [수현] 희지, 역시! - [세운] 아, 역시 희지구나-Hee-ji! I knew it. -Of course it's Hee-ji. Of course it's Hee-ji.
- 아, 세연이겠네 - [수현] 이제 달렸다Of course it's Hee-ji. -Then it'll be Se-yeon. -Yeah, I think so.
- 세연인 것 같아 - [규현] 세연이다-Then it'll be Se-yeon. -Yeah, I think so.
으아! 으아![grunting] [giggling]
[희지의 웃음]
제가 입혀드릴게요I'll put it on for you, sir.
[지은, 수현] 어?[both gasp]
- [수현] 잠깐만 - [지은] 지민이?[both gasp] -Hold on. -Ji-min?
- 지, 지, 지민이? - [규현] 어?-Hold on. -Ji-min?
[의아한 숨소리]
- [희지의 가쁜 숨소리] - 감사합니다Thank you.
[희지] 지민이가 운동을 잘하기도 하고I chose Ji-min because he's good at sports
그다음에 반장이랑 합을 맞춰보고 싶기도 해서I chose Ji-min because he's good at sports and because I wanted to work together with the class president.
지민이를 선택한 것 같아요and because I wanted to work together with the class president.
- [수현] 그냥 이겨보고 싶었구나 - [규현] 반장, 부반장이죠-She just wanted to win. -Class president and vice-president.
- [수현] 아, 그냥 승부욕 - [세운] 게임은 이겨야 돼She's just competitive. Play to win.
그렇지, 그럴 수 있지 스포츠인들은I get it. Athletes can be like that.
[힘겹게] 하나, 둘, 셋, 넷, 다섯One, two, three, four, five… [falters]
[예린의 힘겨운 탄성]three, four, five… [falters]
아홉, 열…nine, ten.
잠깐만One second.
[예린 숨 가쁜 탄성]One second. YE-RIN CHOSE SE-YEON
꽃처럼 너에게…"I'll go to you like a flower."
- [규현] 잘됐다 - 가겠다"I'll go to you like a flower." Oh, that's good.
[서영] 여덟, 아홉, 열!…eight, nine, ten!
아, 어지러워 아, 어지러워, 잠시만Oh, I'm so dizzy. Oh, I'm dizzy, one second.
[흥미로운 음악]
[예린의 탄성][in Korean] No!
[예린의 탄성]No!
[서영의 숨 고르는 소리]-[chuckles] -[panting] Hello. SEO-YEONG CHOSE JUNG-YUN
어, 어떡해, 어떡해[in English] Oh, no, no.
갔는데 이미 주고 있어서…-He was already getting another vest. -That's such an awkward situation.
어, 되게 민망한 상황이다-He was already getting another vest. -That's such an awkward situation.
[수현] 어떡해, 어떡해-He was already getting another vest. -That's such an awkward situation. [Su-hyun] Oh, no, no.
할 수 있지, 운동?You can play sports, right?
- [지민의 웃음] - [희지] 가는 거야, 반장You can play sports, right? [Hee-ji] Let's do this, Class President.
[지민] 무조건 1등 해서 치킨 먹는다I know what the prize is, but we're gonna be winners with chicken dinners.
상품이 뭔진 모르겠지만 [웃음]but we're gonna be winners with chicken dinners.
[서현] 열…ten.
- [웃음 섞인 숨소리] - [익살스러운 음악][laughs]
야, 잠깐만… 어, 잠깐만!Hey, wait. [exclaims] Wait, wait, wait.
잠깐만Wait, wait, wait.
[서현의 당황한 소리][yelps]
[웃음][all laughing]
[서현] 누구… 어딨어? 상원이Where's Sang-won?
[웃으며] 미안 너무, 너무, 너무 늦게 와서Sorry, I… -[Sang-won] Good job. -I'm so late.
- [설레는 음악] - 미안Hey, hold on. Sorry.
- [서현] 미안해, 너무 늦게 왔지 - 아니야SEO-HYEON CHOSE SANG-WON -I'm way too late. -It's fine.
[서현] 아우, 너무 어지러워!I'm so dizzy.
괜찮아? 계속 뒤로 가던데 너 계속 뒤로 가던데I'm so dizzy. Are you okay? You kept walking backwards. Just kept going backwards.
서현이가 딱 왔을 때 기분은 좀 오묘했던 것 같아요When Seo-hyeon came, I was having mixed feelings.
왜냐면 어쨌든 제가 원하는 친구랑 짝이 되긴 했는데I ended up becoming partners with the girl I wanted.
이제 서현이가 꼭 저랑 짝이 되고 싶었던 건지도 모르고But I don't know if she wanted to be partners with me.
좋으면서도 조금은 좀 찝찝한 그런 기분이었던 것 같아요So I was happy, but also a bit unsure.
저는 원래 상원이한테 주고 싶었어서I wanted to give it to Sang-won the whole time.
'다행이다'So I was thinking, "Thank God I got Sang-won."
'내가 상원이를 차지했다' 약간 이 생각을 했어요So I was thinking, "Thank God I got Sang-won."
[모두의 탄성]-Oh, wow. -[Kyuhyun] Whoa!
와, 근데 진짜 멋지다-Oh, wow. -[Kyuhyun] Whoa! Wow, she's so cool, though. Usually people might not think that way if there's only one person left.
보통 한 명만 딱 남아 있으면 그렇게 생각 안 할 수도 있는데Usually people might not think that way if there's only one person left.
'내가 차지했다'라고 한다는 게…Usually people might not think that way if there's only one person left. But she said, "I got him."
- 그니까요, 그냥 꼴등인데 말이죠 - 네Right. I mean, she was just in last place.
- [수현 웃으며] 아, 맞네! - [지은] 멋있다!Right. I mean, she was just in last place. [Ji-eun] That's so cool. Oh, you're right.
첫 번째 체육 대회 게임은요[Do-hyun] For the first game of our athletic competition,
아, 우리 짝꿍과[Do-hyun] For the first game of our athletic competition, uh, you'll be doing a three-legged race with your partner.
이인삼각 경기가 되겠습니다uh, you'll be doing a three-legged race with your partner.
- 이인삼각 - 쌉가능-Three-legged race. -We got this.
한 번도 안 해봤어[Do-hyun] You've all done a three-legged race when you were younger?
한 번도 안 해봤어?[Do-hyun] You've all done a three-legged race when you were younger?
천천히 해[Do-hyun] You've all done a three-legged race when you were younger? Tie your legs.
[도현] 저기에는 이제 반환점이 놓여질 겁니다The turning points are over there. The team that goes around the turning point
그래서 그 반환점을 돌고The team that goes around the turning point
먼저 깃발을 뽑은 팀이 승리하게 되겠습니다and picks up the flag first, will be the winner.
[지민] 넵!and picks up the flag first, will be the winner. Okay?
[세연] 내가 널 어떻게 하고 있어야 되지? 그…What should I be doing with you? Should I just--
[예린] 너가 잡아봐What should I be doing with you? Should I just-- You can hold on to me.
[세연] 내가 너를 잡으면 안 되지I shouldn't be holding on to you. You should be holding on to me, like this.
니가 나를 잡고서 지탱을 해야지, 이렇게I shouldn't be holding on to you. You should be holding on to me, like this.
[예린] 이렇게?I shouldn't be holding on to you. You should be holding on to me, like this. Like this?
- [세연] 어, 그냥 그렇게 해 - 와아!Like this? Yeah, sure, you can do that.
[세연] 잡고 둘까지 가봐Hold on to me, and go until two.
[예린] 하나, 둘, 셋…One, two, three.
- 아, 잠깐만 - [웃음]One, two, three. Hey, wait! Wait, wait!
- 잠깐, '하나, 둘, 셋, 하나'다? - [세연의 당황한 소리]Hey, wait! Wait, wait! It's one, two, three, go! -Wait, wait, wait. -Should we go?
- [예린] 오케이? 하나, 둘, 셋 - [세연] 응, 하나…-Wait, wait, wait. -Should we go? -Yeah. -One, two, three.
- 이렇게 가면 된다고, 오케이? - 어!We can do it like that.
오케이, 오케이-Okay? -Yeah.
- [상원] 해봐? - [서현] 어깨, 어깨 잡아Wanna try? -Hold my shoulder. -Let's go.
[상원] 자, 간다?-Hold my shoulder. -Let's go.
- 그러니까… 응 - [서현] 잠깐-All right. -So…
- [상원] 안 넘어질 수 있지? - [서현] 어? 쟤네 뭐야!-Uh, you can do it, right? -What the heck?
- [지민] 하나 둘, 하나 둘 - [서현] 어? 쟤네 뭐야!-One-two, one-two, one-- -What the heck?
[지민] 멈춰, 돌아[Ji-min] Stop and turn.
- [지은] 되게 잘한다 - [수현] 저게 뭐야, 방금?-They're so fast! -The class president.
- 반장, 부반장 뭐야? - [수현의 웃음]What just happened? -What's up with those two? -They're basically pro athletes.
저기는 선수야, 선수!-What's up with those two? -They're basically pro athletes.
[함께] 하나 둘 하나 둘, 하나 둘, 하나 둘[both chanting] One-two, one-two, one-two…
아, 어이가… 야![both chanting] One-two, one-two, one-two… We can do it. Let's go.
- [상원] 시작! - [서현] 가자We can do it. Let's go.
- [상원] 하나 둘, 하나 둘 - [서현] 보폭 크게!We can do it. Let's go. -One-two, one-two, one-two… -Bigger strides.
[서현] 보폭 크게!-One-two, one-two, one-two… -Bigger strides.
- [상원] 아, 보폭 크게 하라고? - [서현] 어, 어!-One-two, one-two, one-two… -Bigger strides. -Bigger strides? -Yeah.
- 아, 힘들어! - [상원] 맞춰 볼게Okay. I'll try to adjust.
- [서현] 아, 힘들어! - [상원] 어, 야, 야Okay. I'll try to adjust. This is hard.
[서현, 상원 함께] 하나, 둘![both faltering] One, two…
하나 둘, 하나 둘 핫 둘, 핫 둘, 핫 둘, 핫 둘[both faltering] One, two… [both chanting] One-two, one-two, one-two… [both panting]
- [서현] 야, 힘들어! - 체력만 있으면 될 거 같은데[both chanting] One-two, one-two, one-two… [both panting] -[Seo-hyeon] This is tough. -We just need better stamina.
[서현의 거친 숨소리]-[Seo-hyeon] This is tough. -We just need better stamina.
[상원 웃으며] 괜찮아? 괜찮아?You okay? You okay?
[상원] 옆에 애들 빨리 하는 거 신경 쓰지 말고 우리 템포로 가자Don't worry. Let's just go at our own pace.
야, 2등? 아니, 1등!-Second place? No. First place. -[Sang-won] First place.
- [상원] 1등, 1등! - [서현] 무조건 1등!-Second place? No. First place. -[Sang-won] First place. [Seo-hyeon] We're getting first.
[서현] 쟤네를 좀 경계해야 되는데We need to watch out for them. -Over there? -Yeah, the green team.
어, 초록색-Over there? -Yeah, the green team.
저긴 견제가 아닐 것 같은데-They should watch out. -They're getting ready.
저긴 우사인 볼트 같은데?-They should watch out. -They're getting ready. They look like Usain Bolt.
[도현] 준비![Do-hyun] Ready?
[호루라기 소리][blows whistle]
- [도현] 출발! - [모두] 하나 둘, 하나 둘[blows whistle] [all chanting] One-two, one-two, one-two…
하나 둘, 하나 둘 하나 둘, 하나 둘
하나 둘, 하나 둘 하나 둘, 하나 둘, 하나 둘
[상원, 서현] 깽깽깽
[지민] 하나… 하나, 둘[Ji-min] Okay, let's hop.
- 하나, 둘, 둘! - [희지] 어![both chanting] One-two… HEE-JI & JI-MIN TANGLED UP
[지민, 희지] 하나 둘 하나 둘, 하나…HEE-JI & JI-MIN TANGLED UP [both stumbling]
[모두] 하나 둘, 하나 둘 하나 둘, 하나 둘[all chanting] One-two, one-two, one-two…
하나 둘, 하나 둘
[서현 웃으며] 하나 둘, 하나 둘!One-two, one-two, one-two, one-two…
[모두] 하나 둘, 하나 둘 하나 둘, 하나 둘One-two, one-two, one-two, one-two…
[서현] 하나 둘, 하나 둘 하나 둘, 하나 둘!One-two, one-two, one-two, one-two… [Ji-min] Oh, not again. [Hee-ji chanting] One-two, one-two, one-two…
[서현의 환호][Hee-ji chanting] One-two, one-two, one-two…
[서현의 환호][Hee-ji squealing]
[지민] 됐어, 가자, 그냥 가!It's fine. Let's go. Let's go.
[서영] 야, 우리 꼴찌야HEE-JI & JI-MIN SECOND PLACE [Seo-yeong] Hey, we're last place.
- [도현] 깃발 뽑아야 돼, 깃발 - [정윤] 야, 야! 저거!-You need to get the flag. -Hey! Hold on.
- [세연] 깃발 뽑아야 돼요? - [희지] 깃발![Se-yeon] We need to take the flag?
[세연의 웅얼거림][Do-hyun] You need to take the flag!
[예린의 웃음 섞인 숨소리] 빨리 뽑아![Do-hyun] You need to take the flag! Get the flag!
[도현] 자, 이렇게 해서 1등 팀은 축하합니다, 빨강 팀![Do-hyun] All right. Red Team came in first place. Congratulations!
[서현] 나이스![Do-hyun] All right. Red Team came in first place. Congratulations!
- [상원] 굿! - 완벽해!-Now in second place… -Perfect.
'깽깽이'라는 작전을 세웠거든요We planned something with the one-legged hop.
[서현] 코너를 돌 때 깽깽이를 같이 하는 거였는데We planned to hop together while turning the corner.
그것도 되게 잘 맞았고That worked really well.
네, 상원이랑 같이 1등 해서 좋았어요I was happy about getting first place with Sang-won.
- 뽑았잖아 - 응[Do-hyun] Good job, everyone. But it's not over yet.
[도현] 아직 끝난 게 아닙니다[Do-hyun] Good job, everyone. But it's not over yet.
두 번째 경기 남아 있겠죠 두 번째 경기는We still have the second game. For the second game, we'll be playing partner dodgeball.
짝 피구가 되겠습니다For the second game, we'll be playing partner dodgeball.
- [도현] 뭐라고요? - [활기찬 음악]What did I say?
- [모두] 짝 피구요! - [도현] 짝 피구예요[all] Partner dodgeball! [Do-hyun] Partner dodgeball!
보디가드 피구라고 들어봤죠? 네[Do-hyun] Partner dodgeball! You've heard of bodyguard dodgeball?
1위 팀과 4위 팀이 한 팀이 되겠고요First place and fourth place teams are together.
그리고 2위 팀과 3위 팀이 한 팀이 되겠습니다First place and fourth place teams are together. And the second and third place teams are the other team.
자, 이렇게 해서 진행이 될 텐데That's how we're going to play.
말씀드릴게요 라인은 빨간색 줄이에요Boundaries are the red lines. You cannot step over the lines.
라인 나가면 안 됩니다Boundaries are the red lines. You cannot step over the lines.
앞사람과 뒷사람이 있어요Boundaries are the red lines. You cannot step over the lines. So one person in front and the other in the back.
공격권은 앞사람에게만 주어집니다Only the person in the front can attack.
그리고 중요한 건 탈락은 어떻게 되냐How do you get eliminated? You can't take out the person in the front even if you hit them.
앞사람을 맞혀도 탈락이 안 돼요You can't take out the person in the front even if you hit them.
뒷사람을 맞혀야 탈락이 되겠습니다You can't take out the person in the front even if you hit them. You need to hit the person in the back to eliminate them.
- [상원] 반갑습니다 - [예린] 응, 고추장, 안녕?Nice to meet you. Let's win. Hey, Team Gochujang!
- [상원] 야구부는 좀 무서운데 - [서현] 나도, 나도, 나도!Hey, Team Gochujang! -I'm scared of the baseball player. -Yeah. Me too.
- [세연] 직구 130km 던진대 - [예린] 저긴 너무 무서워I heard he throws 130 km fastball.
이글 아이랑 야구부 있잖아They've got eagle eye and the baseball player.
- [서현] 으아, 무서워! - [희지의 웃음]-[Seo-hyeon] Oh, I'm scared! -Oh, it's scary.
- 미안해 - [상원] 아니!None of you are going to get hit,
우리 팀은 맞을 일 없는데? 내가 맞을 거라서None of you are going to get hit, because I'll get hit for you.
- [서현의 탄성] - [잔잔한 음악]because I'll get hit for you. [Seo-hyeon] Ooh!
나, 난 많이 맞아도 돼 [웃음]I can take a lot of hits. I can take all the hits.
[서현] 오케이, 오케이, 오케이!I can take a lot of hits. I can take all the hits.
- 아, 피구 진짜 오랜만이다 - [세연] 그러게-I haven't played dodgeball in forever. -[Se-yeon] Me neither.
웬만한 건 내가 이렇게 다 막을게I'll try to block all the balls like this.
[예린] 응Okay.
그럼 내가 이렇게…
- 발만 조심해라, 발만 - 오케이, 오케이-Just watch your feet. -Okay, okay.
- 좀 되게 설렐 것 같아요 - 재밌을 것 같아요-That's pretty romantic. -It looks fun.
- '누군가 지켜준다'라는 게 - [세운] 맞아요You're being protected. -That's romantic. -Yes.
- [지은] 설레지 - [수현] 그치, 그치-That's romantic. -Yes. Right, right.
[도현] 자, 준비[Do-hyun] All right, get ready.
[호루라기 소리][blows whistle]
- [모두의 탄성] - [서현의 겁먹은 탄성][all exclaim]
[서현] 야, 나 갑자기 무서워졌어[Seo-hyeon] Hey, I'm scared, all of a sudden.
- [활기찬 음악] - [상원] 뒤에 라인만 조심해Watch out for the line.
[상원] 야…[Do-hyun] But you didn't catch the ball.
[서현의 비명]You need to attack the person in the back. You need to attack the person in the back.
야…You need to attack the person in the back. You need to attack the person in the back.
[서현의 비명]You need to attack the person in the back. You need to attack the person in the back.
[상원이 중얼거리며] 노력…You need to attack the person in the back. You need to attack the person in the back. I'm trying.
[모두의 탄성][all exclaiming]
- 잘, 잘 지켜볼게 - 오케이!I'll be watching.
[서현] 에이, 야, 저거는 너무…Hey, that's too--
야![in Korean] Hey!
- [상원] 야, 무섭다! - [호루라기 소리]-[Sang-won, in English] This is scary! -[blows whistle]
- [상원] 네? - [도현] 라인 아웃-[Sang-won, in English] This is scary! -[blows whistle] -What? -Line out.
- [서현] 왜! - [도현] 라인을 밟았습니다, 네-What? -Line out. [Sang-won] Why? You just stepped on the line.
- [호루라기 소리] - 라인 아웃You just stepped on the line. Line out.
- [상원의 웃음] - [서현] 앗, 한 번만!-No, no, no! -One more chance!
- [도현] 안 돼요, 안 돼 - [상원] 우리 바보인가?-No, no, no! -One more chance! [Sang-won] Are we stupid?
[환호] '굿 샷'-Good shot! -Good shot!
[서영] '굿 샷'-Good shot! -Good shot!
- [상원] 라인 아웃, 까비 - [서현] 헐, 미안해!-[Do-hyun] Line out! -[Seo-hyeon] Sorry!
- 아이, 괜찮아 - [예린] 괜찮아요!-[Do-hyun] Line out! -[Seo-hyeon] Sorry! -[Sang-won] It's okay. -[Ye-rin] It's all right!
- [예린] 아, 무서워요 - [도현] 자, 준비!-Aw, I'm scared. -Ready.
[호루라기 소리][whistle blows]
[서현] 우와
- 어유, 미안해, 미안해! - [지민] 나이스!I'm sorry! Sorry, sorry, sorry.
[밝은 음악]Sorry, sorry.
- [세연] 미안, 미안 - 빨강!Sorry, sorry. Hurry!
[여럿의 탄성][Se-yeon exclaims]
[예린의 비명]
[여럿의 탄성]
[세연] 잡아, 잡아Hold on, hold on to me.
[탄성과 비명][all exclaiming]
- [희지] 여기! - [상원] 와, 나이스!Wow, nice!
[희지] 여기!Wow, nice!
[거친 숨소리] 아, 아! 미안, 미안!Wow. Sorry, sorry.
- 멋있다, 근데 진짜 - [세운] 와, 막았어, 막았어Wow, That's really cool, though.
- 바로 그냥… - [지은] 보호하는 거 봤죠Wow, wow, wow, he just…
- '이리 와!' - 온몸으로 막는다, 진짜"Hide behind me!" He's protecting her with his whole body.
[여럿의 탄성][grunts] You okay?
[다급한 탄성]
- [여럿의 탄성] - [도현] 좋았어요!-[all exclaiming] -[Do-hyun] Out!
- [호루라기 소리] - [도현] 좋았어요![all exclaiming] [Do-hyun blows whistle] Out! That was a hit. Out.
[도현] 맞았어요, 아웃! 아…[Do-hyun blows whistle] Out! That was a hit. Out.
- [서영] 미안해 - [도현] 지금 1 대 1입니다Sorry. [Do-hyun] Score's currently 1-1, 1-1.
아직 몰라, 끝난 게 아닙니다[Do-hyun] Score's currently 1-1, 1-1. It's not over yet.
자, 이제 여기서, 여기서 아웃시키면 승리하는 거고요Now, If you eliminate somebody right now, you'll win.
[호루라기 소리][whistle blows]
- [여럿의 탄성] - [흥미진진한 음악]Whoa!
- [정윤] 오, 날래네, 날래 - [상원] 오케이, 천천히, 천천히Whoa! He's fast. Se-yeon, Se-yeon!
- [예린] 야, 서현아! - [서현] 어, 미안!-Se-yeon! Se-yeon! Se-yeon! -Sorry!
- [지민의 당황한 숨소리] - [상원] 아, 나 바본가?-Se-yeon! Se-yeon! Se-yeon! -Sorry! That was dumb.
- [지민의 기합] - [여럿의 탄성]-[grunts] -Whoa!
[예린] 살려주세요[panting] Save me.
[탄성과 비명]
오, 나이스!Nice!
[지민] 나이스! [기합][all exclaiming]
[가쁜 숨소리와 비명]Yes! Nice!
[호루라기 소리]Yes! Nice!
[힘찬 기합과 탄성][all clamoring]
[호루라기 소리][whistle blows]
- [도현] 이거지! - [상원] 까비, 까비, 까비[whistle blows] That was close. Good game.
- [모두의 탄성] - [세운] 맞았어?That was close. Good game. Wow. Did she get hit? Oh, no.
- 아이고! - 잘 버텼다, 그래도Wow. Did she get hit? Oh, no. Wow. They lasted a long time.
최선을 다했어요They tried their best.
[서현] 우리 완전 잘했어 완전 잘했어, 잘했어, 잘했어[Ye-rin] Hey, we did a good job. -[Hee-ji] You okay? -[Sang-won] You okay?
- [지민] 괜찮아? - [서현] 완벽해, 우리-[Hee-ji] You okay? -[Sang-won] You okay? -We were perfect. -Where'd you get hit?
- [세연] 어디 맞았어? - [예린] 배, 아랫배-We were perfect. -Where'd you get hit? -Ugh, my stomach. -You okay?
- 괜찮아? - [예린] 어-Ugh, my stomach. -You okay? -You okay? -Yeah.
아! 잡았어야 하는데!-I should have caught it! -[Ye-rin] Good job. Good job.
[잔잔한 음악]
[세연이 한숨쉬며] 최선을 다했지만[Se-yeon] I tried my best,
예린이가 어쨌든 한 번 맞았기 때문에but Ye-rin got hit in the end.
잘 지켜주지 못한 것 같고So I feel like I didn't protect her well.
[한숨] 맞아서 아팠을 수도 있는데 조금 미안했던 것 같아요And it probably hurt when she got hit. I felt kind of bad.
그냥 감아Just wrap it around.
[세연] 머… 머리가 이게 맞아?Just wrap it around. Should I fix your hair?
잠깐 와 봐-Where? -Look at me.
[예린] 제가 잔머리가 내려왔었나 봐요, 그거를I think some of my stray hair was sticking out
그걸 이렇게 넘겨주더라고요 그때…I think some of my stray hair was sticking out and he brush them back like this.
'어? 세연이 좀…'I was like, "Oh, Se-yeon!" [giggles]
'너가? 나를? 좀 설레게 했어?'I was like, "Oh, Se-yeon!" [giggles] He made my heart flutter a bit.
그 감정을 한 번 더 느껴보고 싶어서I want to get a bit closer to Se-yeon!
세연이랑 조금 더 가까워지고 싶어요Because I wanna feel that way one more time.
- [상원] 수고했다, 수고했다 - [서현] 진짜로!This is yours. Good job! -Really? -Great job.
너무, 너무 수고했어-Really? -Great job. You did a really, really good job.
상원이가 되게 키가 커가지고Sang-won is really tall.
이렇게 딱 잡는데I held him like this,
그런 키를 가진 남사친이 처음이기도 하고 되게and it was my first time having a guy friend who's that tall and also my first time feeling protected.
보호받는 기분은 처음이었어서and also my first time feeling protected.
되게 약간 공주님이 된 기분이… [웃음][sighs] It kind of made me feel like a princess.
수고했으-Wow! -Good work.
[희지] 저희 둘 다 이제[Hee-ji] The two of us
운동을 좋아하는 사람이다 보니까both like to play sports,
승부욕도 둘 다 만만치 않게 많아서both like to play sports, so we're both really competitive.
너무 재밌었어요It was a lot of fun.
어, 수업 중에 떨렸던 건 없던 것 같아요Uh, I don't remember feeling nervous during the class.
오로지 머릿속엔 1등밖에 없었습니다I was just thinking about getting first place.
설레거나 이런 이성적인 마음보다는 '어!'I didn't feel my heart flutter or anything romantic.
희지에게 감탄하게 됐어요Uh, I was just impressed by Hee-ji.
생각보다 움직임이 더 빠르고 잘해가지고, 네, 감탄했습니다Uh, I was just impressed by Hee-ji. She was a lot faster than I thought. I was impressed.
아뇨, 없었… 없었는데…Q. ANY HEART FLUTTERING MOMENT? Uh, no, not really. Forever alone.
[정윤] 친구들이랑 더 말 많이 해보고I think I should try harder to talk with my classmates
좀 더 친해지려고 노력해야 할 것 같아요I think I should try harder to talk with my classmates and become closer with them.
- [정윤] 수고했다 - [서영] 수고했다-Good job. -Good job.
- [지은이 웃으며] 정윤이가… - 아직 없을 수 있지!-Jung-yun! -It's okay to not have one yet.
이 낯선 환경에 적응하기 바쁜 것 같아요I think he's busy adjusting to a new environment, a co-ed school.
남녀공학이라는 새로운 환경이잖아요I think he's busy adjusting to a new environment, a co-ed school. -A new environment for him. -Yeah.
[헛웃음] 아니, 근데-A new environment for him. -Yeah. I mean, I feel like a co-ed school isn't that hard to adjust to.
남녀공학이 그렇게 적응하기 힘들고 그런 느낌은 아닌데I mean, I feel like a co-ed school isn't that hard to adjust to.
근데 진짜 열아홉, 스물 이때는Yeah, but when you're 19 or 20 years old,
감정이 막 갑자기 몇 시간 안에도 변하고…your emotions can totally change in a few hours.
- [수현] 맞아, 맞아요! - [지은] 별거 아닌 거에 설레고your emotions can totally change in a few hours. If you like somebody, that can change quickly.
이거 하나로 또 바뀔 수도 있어Their emotions could change 'cause of this.
언제 그 감정이 바뀔지 모르는 거라서We don't know when their feelings could change or how.
맞아, 바뀔지 모르는거야 그게 좀 재밌는 거지We don't know when their feelings could change or how. I think that's what makes it fun.
[포근한 음악]I think that's what makes it fun.
"12월 26일"-[Ji-eun] It's the day after. -[Su-hyun] It's the 26th.
- [지은] 다음날이 되었어 - [수현] 26일이네-[Ji-eun] It's the day after. -[Su-hyun] It's the 26th.
[저마다 이야기한다]
- [상원] 정윤, 어제 잘 쉬었어? - [정윤] 아니Get some rest, Jung-yun? -No. -Why?
- [상원] 왜? - [정윤] 어제 잘 못 쉬었는데-No. -Why? I didn't get a lot of rest yesterday.
- [상원 웃으며] 왜, 왜? - [정윤] 불편하게 쉬었어I didn't get a lot of rest yesterday. -Why? -I tried, but I couldn't.
[상원] 왜? 어제도 헬스 했어?-Why? -I tried, but I couldn't. Did you work out yesterday too?
- [정윤] 했지 - [상원] 아Did you work out yesterday too? I guess you can't even miss it for a single day.
참지 못하네, 헬스는I guess you can't even miss it for a single day.
나도 오늘부터 다시…I need to start training today.
- [상원] 헬스 시작? - 아니, 훈련-You're going to work out? -No, I'll train.
- [상원] 훈련 시작이야? - 어-You're going to work out? -No, I'll train. Training? After school?
- [정윤] 끝나고? - 끝나고Training? After school? Yeah, after school. I need to do at least a little bit.
[상원의 탄성]Yeah, after school. I need to do at least a little bit.
- 조금씩은 해야지 - [상원] 너무 대단해Yeah, after school. I need to do at least a little bit. That's impressive.
[예린] 그래서 저번에 책 주고 싶다고 했던 애가 누구지?Okay, so who's the guy you wanted to give the book to?
- 주고 싶다고 했던 애 있었잖아 - 응You said you wanted to give it to somebody.
내가 너한테 말 안 했나?Did I not tell you?
어, 나한테 말 안 했어No, you never told me.
[작게] 말해도 되나?Is it okay for me to tell you?
- 있어? - [서현] 나는…You have somebody?
상원이한테 줬… 어I gave mine to Sang-won.
상원이? 오…Sang-won? Ah, so we chose the same person. I gave mine to Sang-won, too.
너랑 나랑 이게 겹치는구나 나도 상원이한테 줬거든?Ah, so we chose the same person. I gave mine to Sang-won, too.
[예린] 근데 이성적인 마음은 아니였어But there was nothing romantic about it.
[놀리는 투로] 걱정 마 이 기지배야!Don't worry about it, girl!
[서현] 왜? 너 왜? 너 뭐…So why?
마음 가는 애가 있어?Is there a guy you like?
근데 어떻게 될지 모르겠어 내가 약간…I don't know what's going to happen. I just…
- [한숨] 이게 약간 헷갈리는 거야 - 감정이…[sighs] -I feel like I'm swaying a little. -Your emotions?
- [예린] 어, 감정이… - 감정이 앞서는?-I feel like I'm swaying a little. -Your emotions? -Emotions first. -Yeah.
나는 남자 '친구'지 그냥 남자애들은 친구야For me, they're guy friends. Guys are just friends.
[예린] 남사친들이 아무리 잘해줘도 안 설레는 거야No matter how nice my guy friends are, they can't make my heart flutter.
내가 근데 어제 도서관에서 설렜어But yesterday? I felt my heart flutter in the library.
- [서현 작게] 누구한테? - [설레는 음악]But yesterday? I felt my heart flutter in the library. 'Cause of who? -Se-yeon? -Well, yeah.
- 세연이? - [예린] 응-Se-yeon? -Well, yeah.
[서현] 어쩌다가…How?
그래서 내가So, after school that day,
그날 학교가 끝나고 집에서 자기 전에So, after school that day, when I was about to go to bed,
나는 원래 아무 생각 안 하면서 잠들어야 되거든?I usually don't think about anything when I fall asleep,
근데 세연이 생각이 나는 거야I usually don't think about anything when I fall asleep, but I kept thinking about Se-yeon.
세연이랑 도서관에 있었던 장면이 계속 생각이 나는 거야but I kept thinking about Se-yeon. I kept thinking about that moment we had in the library.
[작게] 뭐 했는데?What did you do?
내가 책 받았었거든, 도서관에서So I got the book at the library.
세연이한테?From Se-yeon?
[예린] 세연이가 응, 줬어From Se-yeon? Yeah. Se-yeon gave it to me.
아니, 너 가져[in Korean] No, you can take it.
[예린] 드라마에서 나올 법하게 나는 책을 받았어[Ye-rin, in English] When I got that book, it felt like a scene from a TV show.
- [예린] 나 주는 거야? - 어, 너 읽어, 괜찮은 것 같아You're giving it to me? Yeah, you can read it. I think it's a good book.
- [예린] 진짜? - [세연] 어Yeah, you can read it. I think it's a good book. -Really? -Yeah.
가, 갈까?Do do you wanna go?
- [세연] 아니 - 더?[in Korean] No, you can take it. -You wanna stay? -A bit longer.
- [세연] 조금만 더 있자 - 그래-You wanna stay? -A bit longer. Okay.
내가 가자고 했는데 조금만 더 있다 가재I said we could leave, but he wanted to stay a bit longer.
근데 그게 자꾸 생각이 나는 거야I said we could leave, but he wanted to stay a bit longer. And I couldn't stop thinking about that.
- [예린] 내가 원래 이렇게 - 왜, 왜And I couldn't stop thinking about that. Have I always been such a romantic?
[예린] 설레는 사람이었나?Have I always been such a romantic?
왜 더 있다 가재?Why did he want to stay?
몰라, 나도!I don't know!
- [귀여운 음악] - [서현] 야, 잠깐만[both laughing] [Seo-hyeon] Hey, hold on.
[예린의 어쩔 줄 모르는 숨소리][Seo-hyeon] Hey, hold on.
[웃음 섞인 숨소리][both giggling]
[예린] 아…[sighs]
사람을 들었다 놔 안 들었다 놔? 이거 세연…He's making my heart bounce up and down.
- 이거… - 유죄네! 아!-I think Se-yeon-- -He totally went for it.
이거 무기징역이야, 세연이!-I think Se-yeon-- -He totally went for it. He totally did! Yes!
[서현의 웃음 참는 숨소리][Seo-hyeon giggles]
- [수현] 어머머머, 설쳤어? - [규현] 진짜?-Oh, man! -She didn't get any sleep?
뭐야, 설레본 적 없다더니Wow. I thought she never felt her heart flutter.
오자마자 설레네But she's feeling her heart flutter now.
- [정윤] 다 왔나? - [상원] 어, 다 온 거 같은데-[Jung-yun] Are we all here? -[Sang-won] Yeah, I think we're all here.
- [노크 소리] - [정윤] 어?-[Jung-yun] Are we all here? -[Sang-won] Yeah, I think we're all here.
[모두] 안녕하세요![all] Hello!
[유정] 오, 화기애애한 분위기[You-jung] Wow. Looks like you're all having fun!
그래All right. Uh, how are you liking the school?
어, 이제 학교생활 좀 어때요?All right. Uh, how are you liking the school?
- [유정] 재밌어요? - [모두] 네!-Are you having fun? -[all] Yes!
오늘 새로[You-jung] Well… We're getting a new transfer student today.
전학생이 옵니다We're getting a new transfer student today.
- 전학생이 옵니다 - [모두의 탄성]We're getting a new transfer student today. A new transfer student today.
[놀란 숨소리][all gasping]
[규현, 수현의 탄성][all gasp]
정말 상상…[all gasp] Wow, I didn't--
- [수현의 탄성] - [지은] 못 했어Wow, I did not see that coming.
- [규현] 너무 기대될 거예요 - [수현] 어머머머머-I think they'll be so excited. -[Su-hyun] My God!
씁, 여자일까, 남자일까 여자일까, 남자일까A girl or a boy? Girl or boy?
- 좋은데? 나 설레는데? - 나도!-I like this. I'm excited. -Me too.
- [수현] 한 명씩이다, 한 명씩! - [지은] 두 명이다!There's two of them! -One by one! -Wow.
와, 판이 이제 바뀌겠다Wow, this is a game changer.
[놀란 숨소리][gasps]
[정윤] 설레는걸?-I'm excited. -[Ji-min] Right?
[유정] 네, 들어오세요All right, come in!
- [저마다의 탄성] - [서현] 벌써?All right, come in! -Wow, just like that? -Wow, already?
- 바로? - [세연] 바로 온다고?Oh, right now? -They're coming now? -Right now?
[신비로운 음악]-They're coming now? -Right now?
[모두의 탄성][all exclaiming]
- 안녕! - 와우![all exclaiming] Whoa!

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