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  라이프 13

Life 13


(기자) 번복한 지 하루가 지났음에도Although a day has passed since they changed their position,
병원 측은 여전히 부검 결과를 공개하지 않고 있습니다Although a day has passed since they changed their position, the hospital has not disclosed the autopsy result.
[작은 목소리로] 이렇게 하면 되죠?Is that good?
(관계자) 조금만 천천히 톤을 약간만 좀 높입시다Speak a little slower and raise your tone just a bit.
[기자가 입을 푼다]
[노크 소리가 들린다]
[문이 달칵 열린다]
원장님 오늘 휴가 신청하셔서요 회의 못 오십니다The director took the day off and won't be at the meeting.
[문이 달칵 닫힌다]We're busy as it is. Couldn't she have told us sooner?
(상엽) 진작 말할 것이지, 바빠 죽겠는데, 쯧We're busy as it is. Couldn't she have told us sooner?
(민기) 잘 생각하셨네, 나라도 안 오지Good thinking. I wouldn't come either. I know. The reporters must be hounding her.
그러게요 기자들한테 오죽 시달리겠어요?I know. The reporters must be hounding her.
[태상이 파일을 탁 내려놓는다]
[태상의 힘주는 신음]
(태상) 아, 뭣들 해?What are you doing?
[문을 달칵 닫는다]
(태상) 응, 복지부에서 공문이 왔어The Ministry of Health and Welfare sent a notice.
자살 방지 전담 카운슬러를 키워야 되겠다고The Ministry of Health and Welfare sent a notice. Counseling services regarding suicide prevention are needed.
우리 병원에서도 교육을 받아야 되는데People from our hospital will need to undergo training.
[태상이 종이를 삭 넘긴다]People from our hospital will need to undergo training.
담당 부서가...The department in charge is…
(정 위원) 왜 그러세요? 뭐 좋은 일 있어요?What's up? Did something good happen?
(고 위원) 오, 한턱 쏴, 올해의 성취상 직원님I think this year's achievement award recipient should buy us drinks.
(선우) 네?Pardon?
(정 위원) 아, 그거 또 예 위원이 받아요?Is Mr. Ye receiving it again?
(고 위원) 인사과에서도 이견 없이 한 방에 올렸대Is Mr. Ye receiving it again? Apparently, HR unanimously approved it.
와, 자기 인기 좋다You're so popular.
기준이 뭔데요?What's the standard?
기준?Standard? I don't know.
글쎄, 성취상이 무슨 점수 매겨서 주는 것도 아니고, 왜?Standard? I don't know. It's not like achievement is graded. Why? You worked hard. Especially how you handled the Sangkook case.
열심히 했잖아요 이번에 상국대 나간 것도 그렇고You worked hard. Especially how you handled the Sangkook case.
현장 나간 걸로 치면 두 분The two of you went on-site
저보다 더 많이 하셨는데요more than I did.
(고 위원) 뭘 따져, 주면 받으면 되지Don't overthink it. If they give it to you, just take it.
제가 한 거라곤 아침에All I did was
남들하고 똑같이 일어나서 밥 먹고 출근한 거뿐인데wake up, eat, and go to work like everyone else.
그게 그렇게 대단한 성취인가 해서요I don't know what makes that such a great achievement.
그게 뭐, 어떻다는 건 아니고 자기가...It's not that it's anything special, just that you--
(정 위원) 아, 그, 상국대병원 대리 수술 나온 건Is the report on Sangkook having an unlicensed person operate
아직 정리 안 됐어요?not ready yet?
(고 위원) 아 참, 그거 왜 안 올려? 보고서 끝냈잖아not ready yet? That's right. Why aren't you submitting it? You finished it.
곧 하겠습니다I will soon.
(고 위원) 하긴They're in the news so much already that the medical malpractice issue
요즘 거기가 대리 수술 정도는 유도 아니게 시끄럽긴 하지They're in the news so much already that the medical malpractice issue is not the center of attention.
(정 위원) 진짜True.
집의 형님 힘들어하시죠?Your brother must be stressed.
막 병원 난리도 아니지 않나?Your brother must be stressed. Isn't the hospital a mess right now?
저희 형이야 뭐 난리 날 직급도 아니고My brother isn't high-up enough to be stressed out.
그것보단 책임자가...-Rather, the person in charge… -Who's in charge?
무슨 책임자?-Rather, the person in charge… -Who's in charge?
아니에요Never mind.
그래서 안 받는다고 해? 성취상?So, do I tell them you refuse the achievement award?
제가 말할게요, 신경 쓰지 마세요I'll tell them. Don't concern yourself.
[카드 인식음]
(직원1) 구 사장이야?Isn't that Mr. Gu?
(직원2) 어, 맞네Isn't that Mr. Gu? You're right.
(직원1) 근데 왜 저러고 섰대?Why is he standing there?
[긴장되는 음악]
[안도의 숨을 내뱉는다]
QL 날아갔어It's over with QL.
파트너십 없던 걸로 한대He says to forget about the partnership.
죄송합니다, 회장님I'm sorry, sir.
내가 왜 유족을 구슬리지 않았을까?Why do you think I didn't cut a deal with the family?
몇 푼이면 끝났을 걸It wouldn't have cost much.
관련 기사 내리게 하고, 시체 빼돌리고I could've had them take down all the articles about it and moved the body.
그랬으면 편했을걸That would've been easier.
내가 왜 안 그랬을까?You know why I didn't do all of that?
구 사장 네가 자신해서Because you were confident.
죄송합니다, 회장님, 제가 다시...I'm sorry, sir. I can--
(남형) 됐어Forget it.
다시 아니야, 우리가 해Don't do anything. We'll do it.
[어두운 음악]
[엘리베이터 도착음]
병원 오래 비워도 되나?Don't you need to go back to the hospital?
(기사) 어?What?
벌써...So soon?
사장님Mr. Gu. I'm sorry, but I was told the lobby was filled with reporters.
(기사) 죄송하지만 로비에 기자들이 많답니다Mr. Gu. I'm sorry, but I was told the lobby was filled with reporters.
지하로 가도 되겠습니까?May we go through the basement garage?
(남형) 우리가 해We'll do it.
[노트북을 탁 집어 든다]
"암 센터 의료진"
"조정, 의학 박사"
(새글 21 기자) 맨땅에 헤딩하라는 것도 아니고I'm not asking for something impossible.
친한 의사 있으니 좀 알아보라는데 웬 쇠심줄이야?I'm not asking for something impossible. You're close to a doctor there, so ask him. Why are you being difficult?
상국대 의사면 뭐든 알 거 아니야If he's a doctor at Sangkook, he must know something.
왜 뒤집었는지 그러고선 왜 벙어리 행세인지Why she changed her position, and why they're staying silent.
자기들끼리 하는 얘기가 있을 거 아니야Why she changed her position, and why they're staying silent. There must be something circulating among themselves.
그렇게 친한 사람 아니에요We're not that close.
(새글 21 기자) 친한 사람 아니면 안 되니?So? Is that a problem?
여태 다 친분 있는 사람하고만 기사 썼어?Did you work only with people you were close to?
권 기자는 지금 당장 자기가 풀려나는 줄 알고 있다고Hui-sang thinks he'll be released soon.
그리고 이건 우리 존폐가 달린 문제야And most importantly, we're all on the line because of this.
아니야?Am I wrong?
[한숨 쉬며] 얘, 아는 사람이 없어도 상국대 아무나 붙잡고 물어볼 판에We should be desperately grabbing hold of anyone at Sangkook for an interview right now.
그 알짜배기를 놔두고 너...But you have an inside source. What are you waiting for?
여기서 뭐 하니?But you have an inside source. What are you waiting for?
너 기자 아니야?Aren't you a reporter?
[무거운 음악]
기자 맞습니다I am a reporter.
[휴대전화 조작음]
[휴대전화 조작음] [통화 연결음]
(진우) 기억 안 나는구나?You don't remember.
난 또...Oh, well.
아니요, 그냥 여기 다시 생겼다고요No. I'm just saying it's back.
맞아요That's right. It turned into some drugstore, but it's back now.
없어지고 무슨 약 파는 데로 바뀌었었는데That's right. It turned into some drugstore, but it's back now. You do remember.
기억하네요?You do remember.
지금요?Right now?
예, 오세요Sure. Come.
[휴대전화 조작음]
(진우) 케이크 저거랑요, 커피도 하나 주세요I'll take that cake and coffee.
[휴대전화 진동음]
[휴대전화 조작음] [통화 연결음]
이정선 씨 아버님?Is this Lee Jeong-seon's father?
예, 저 예진우입니다Yes, this is Ye Jin-woo.
무슨 일 있으세요?Is something wrong?
(승효) 지금 오 원장 오라고 하세요Tell Director Oh to come here.
(경아) 네Tell Director Oh to come here. Yes, sir.
[도어 록 작동음]
[전화기 조작음] [통화 연결음]
(경아) 원장님 진료실 계세요? 지금 사장실로...Is the director seeing patients? Can you tell her to come--
[경아가 수화기를 달그락 내려놓는다]
오세화 원장 오늘 휴가라는데요Director Oh is taking the day off today.
[통화 연결음]
[연결 불가 신호음]
[휴대전화 조작음] [긴장되는 음악]
집 전화번호 갖고 있죠?Do you have her home number?
지금 해 보겠습니다I'll try calling it now.
[경아가 수화기를 달그락 집어 든다]
[전화기 조작음]
[통화 연결음]
(경아) 여기 오 원장 남편 번호도 있는데 해 볼까요?Her husband's number is listed here too. Should I try calling him?
[전화기 조작음]
[연결 불가 신호음]
꺼져 있다는데요It's off.
[경아가 수화기를 달그락 내려놓는다]
'우리가 해'?"We'll do it."
구조 실장?Mr. Lee from Restructure Team.
구조 실장은?-What about Mr. Lee? -He's working at the head office today.
구조 실장 오늘 본사로 출근한다고 해서-What about Mr. Lee? -He's working at the head office today.
병원 소속이면 여기가 본사죠He works for the hospital now. This is his head office.
지금 당장 오라 그래요-Tell him to come right now. -Yes, sir.
-Tell him to come right now. -Yes, sir.
(정선 부) 그때 부검에 들어왔던 사진사한테서 연락이 왔어요The autopsy photographer called.
자기가 준 칩 꼭 돌려받고 싶다고He said he wants his memory card back.
그리고 절대 자기 얘기 말라고요And to make sure we don't mention him.
저도 절대 말 안 한다고 걱정 마시라 했는데I promised I wouldn't, and told him not to worry,
그분이 너무 불안해해서...but he seemed so nervous.
아직 안 가셨어요?You're still here?
이것들이 왜 기어 나와서...What are you two doing here?
곱창만 채우고 들어가요We'll go right back in after filling our bellies.
(소정) 혼자 뭐 하세요, 근데?What are you doing here alone?
(재혁) 어? 안 드시네?Are you not eating that?
아, 저희는 그만 처먹으러 가겠습니다We'll go stuff our faces now. What?
(재혁) 에?What?
누굴까?Who could it be?
누구요?What do you mean?
여자 사람이겠지?It must be a woman.
아, 그냥 가Just go.
아, 봐야죠We have to see.
(소정) 아이씨...
가자 [재혁의 당황한 신음]
(재혁) 아, 저거 봐야...But…
(진우) 이런 게 필요해 보이시네요?You look like you need this.
왜 안 드시고Why didn't you eat it?
혹시 그동안 새로 밝혀진 거나 내부에서 하는 말들...Has there been anything new, or any word going around internally?
어? 옷이 어제랑 같네요?That's what you wore yesterday.
죄송합니다I'm sorry.
그게 아니라 몇 시간째 깨어 있는 거예요?That's not what I mean. How long have you been up?
괜찮아요, 익숙해요It's okay. I'm used to it.
[걱정스러운 숨을 내뱉는다]
왜 그런 게 익숙해선...Why must you be used to that?
아, 근데 무슨 말 하려고 하셨어요?What were you about to say? Is it about Lee Jeong-seon?
이정선 씨 얘기요?What were you about to say? Is it about Lee Jeong-seon?
(서현) 집에 가요, 데려다줄게Let's go. I'll drive you home.
네? 괜찮은데Sorry? I'm fine.
(서현) 안 괜찮거든요?No, you're not. You look like a total zombie.
지금 완전 좀비예요No, you're not. You look like a total zombie. You look like you'll pass out once you start driving.
핸들 잡자마자 꿈나라 가게 생겼어You look like you'll pass out once you start driving.
아, 좀비...A zombie…
괜찮은데I'm really okay, though.
(서현) 아!
[서현의 만족스러운 신음] [부드러운 음악]
(진우) 아, 천천히, 천천히!Slow down!
운전하니까 완전 딴사람이야You're a completely different person behind the wheel. I was fooled.
속았어, 속았어You're a completely different person behind the wheel. I was fooled.
이러면서 피는 어떻게 본대?How do you handle blood when you're this scared?
피 안 보자는 거잖아요, 지금I'm trying to avoid seeing blood right now.
(진우) 방금 퇴근한 사람 누워서 출근시키려고I just got out, and you're here trying to send me back to the hospital.
집까지 고이 모셔다드린다니까?I said I'll bring you home safely.
나 못 믿어요?Don't you trust me?
(서현) 익숙하다면서 그래도 다시 출근하긴 싫은가 보네You said you're used to it, but I guess you don't want to go back to work.
하긴, 집에서 뒹굴뒹굴이 최고죠Nothing beats bumming around at home.
(진우) 집...
[진우의 한숨]
누구랑 살아요? 부모님?Whom do you live with? Your parents?
동생요, 남동생 하나My brother. Younger brother.
남자 둘이면 서로 터치 안 하고 편하겠다, 그렇죠?Since you're brothers, you guys don't really nag each other. Right?
잘생겼어요?Is he cute?
에이...No way.
[진우가 지퍼를 직 연다]
[서현의 놀란 신음]
(서현) 우아, 인기 많겠다, 여자 친구 있죠?He must be popular. He has a girlfriend, right?
쩝, 글쎄요I don't know.
나는 어떠십니까? 소개시켜 주지?What about me? Introduce me.
뭐를요? 누구를?What? Who? You to him?
서현 씨를 얘한테요?What? Who? You to him?
(서현) 응Yes.
[지퍼를 직 닫는다] [진우의 헛기침]
웃지 마요Don't laugh.
왜요?Why not?
웃는 것도 내 마음대로 안 되나?Can't I even laugh as I please?
안 됩니다Can't I even laugh as I please? You may not.
웃을 건데요? [휴대전화 진동음]I'm going to laugh.
아, 진짜 너무하네You're so mean.
아, 좀 자면서 가요 [휴대전화 진동음이 연신 울린다]You should take a nap. How can I sleep? You drive aggressively.
어떻게 자요? 불안해서How can I sleep? You drive aggressively.
(서현) 저 운전 진짜 잘해요How can I sleep? You drive aggressively. -I'm a really good driver. Want to see? -What--
- (진우) 아, 알죠 - (서현) 보여 줄까요?-I'm a really good driver. Want to see? -What-- Watch where you're going. Focus.
(진우) 아, 저, 저기 앞에, 집중, 집중Watch where you're going. Focus.
(서현) 아, 참...Watch where you're going. Focus.
[통화 연결음]
[경문이 숨을 깊게 내뱉는다]
[연결 불가 신호음]DOCTOR YE JIN-WOO
[연결 불가 신호음]
[노크 소리가 들린다]
세팅 끝났습니다We're ready for you.
어, 알았어Okay.
그, '영리 의료법을 허용할 경우에'Say that Sangkook's official position is,
'저소득층의 의료 접근성을 따로 보장해야 한다'if laws on for-profit hospitals pass, the accessibility of medical services
이게 상국대병원의 공식 입장이라고 하세요for low-income patients must be guaranteed as well.
(승효) '우리도 공공 의료가 취약하다는 걸 모르는 게 아니다'It's not like we don't know that public health is vulnerable. That's our premise.
일단 이걸 깔고 들어갈 거니까That's our premise.
Yes, sir.
(경아) 진흥원에서 하는 외국인 환자 유치 설명회는Yes, sir. The Institute said they'd give the presentation
저희 요구대로 상국대 분원에서 하기로 했습니다on attracting foreign patients in our annex building, as per our request.
(승효) 예Okay.
[숨을 깊게 내뱉는다]Okay.
그리고 오세화 원장, 주경문 교수Also, Director Oh Se-hwa, Dr. Joo Kyung-moon,
이노을 선생, 예진우 선생Dr. Lee No-eul, and Dr. Ye Jin-woo.
[어두운 음악] [승효가 사인을 쓱쓱 한다]
면직 처리 하세요Dismiss them all.
(승효) 인수인계 기간 없습니다Effective immediately.
(경아) 네Yes, sir.
(구조 실장) 원장에 교수까지 한꺼번에 해고시키느니Rather than dismissing the director and chief all at once, why don't you just…
차라리...why don't you just…
알겠습니다Very well, sir.
공지 띄우겠습니다I'll post the notice.
[펜을 탁 내려놓는다]
(동수) 아니, 뭔 국회 의원실에서도 전화질이라면서요?I hear even people from the National Assembly are calling
오 원장 바꿔 달라고, 응?to speak to Director Oh.
나 같아도I mean, who wouldn't
피하겄다avoid calls in her situation?
바로 당일에 전화해서 안 나온 적avoid calls in her situation? Has Director Oh ever called to say
한 번이라도 있었어요, 오 원장이?Has Director Oh ever called to say she can't come to work that very day?
아, 본인이 직접 휴가 쓴다고 했다면서요?I thought she said herself that she was taking a vacation day.
좋은 데 가서 전화기 꺼 놨나 보지, 뭐I thought she said herself that she was taking a vacation day. Maybe she went somewhere nice.
[정희의 한숨]
또 다른 세상을 만날 땐 잠시 꺼 두셔도 좋습니다"You may turn it off when you're in a whole new world."
(동수) 그, 언제 적 건데 그걸 멘트라고 쳐? 아유Are you really quoting something that old?
(지용) 그 언제 적 멘트를 이 교수는 또 왜 알아듣고 그러신대?Are you really quoting something that old? It's not my problem that you've heard of it before.
바이오 시뮬레이터The biosimulator comes in today.
오늘 그거 들어오는 날이에요The biosimulator comes in today.
오 원장이 이날을 놓칠 리가 없는데There's no way Director Oh would miss that.
[코를 훌쩍인다] [휴대전화 진동음]
(동수) 응Hey. No. I'm done eating.
아니야, 다 먹었어Hey. No. I'm done eating.
왜, 환자 때문에?Is it regarding a patient?
가, 가, 응, 응?Okay. What?
그렇다고 설마 오 원장한테 무슨 일이 있는 건 아니겠죠?You don't think something bad could've happened to her, do you?
[식판이 와장창 떨어진다]
아니, 저 양반은 또 왜 저런대?What is up with him?
[거친 숨소리]
(노을) 2주 후로 예약 잡아 드릴게요-Come see me two weeks from now. -Okay.
- (보호자) 네 - 혜서 또 보자-Come see me two weeks from now. -Okay. -See you again. -Bye.
- (보호자) 네 - 네-See you again. -Bye.
(보호자) 자, 가자Let's go.
(노을) 안내해 주세요Let's go. Please see them out.
(간호사) 이원석 님 들어오세요Mr. Lee Won-seok, please come in.
(영재) 실례합니다, 죄송합니다Excuse me. Pardon me.
(노을) 과장님Chief.
[영재의 한숨]
너 무슨 짓 했어?-What did you do? -Sorry?
- 네? - (영재) 아, 너 뭔 짓 했냐고!-What did you do? -Sorry? What trouble did you get yourself into?
뭔 짓을 했길래 해고를 시키겠대?What is it that you did that he wants to fire you?
[어두운 음악]
(영재) 오 원장, 주 교수, 예진우Director Oh, Chief Joo, Ye Jin-woo.
내가 이 셋까지는 이해를 하겠는데Those three, I can understand.
아, 넌 뭐야?But why you?
(영재) 너도 명단에 포함됐어You're on the list too. The president says he's firing you.
사장실에서 너 자른대The president says he's firing you.
아, 이게 무슨...What the hell is going on?
도대체 뭐로 찍혔니?What did you do that ticked him off?
왜 불똥이 우리한테까지 튀어!Why is he directing his rage at us?
(노을) 이정선 씨는요?What about Lee Jeong-seon's death?
(승효) 성과급제 하지 말자는 얘기겠죠, 뭐You don't want me to implement the pay-for-performance program.
아시는 분이 간호사들 초봉을 후려쳤네요And yet, you slashed the nurses' starting salaries.
(승효) 결과는 어차피 한 가지인데요The result is the same regardless.
[통화 연결음]
빌어먹을 놈That moron.
(동수) 또 어디 가서 처자빠진 거야, 또YE JIN-WOO Where the hell is he now?
[통화 연결음]
[동수의 한숨]
(동수) 아...
아이고, 예 선생 어머님 아니세요?My goodness. Aren't you Dr. Ye's mother?
어쩐 일로시다가?What brings you here?
안녕하셨어요?What brings you here? How have you been?
진우가 안 보이네요?Is Jin-woo not around?
(동수) 아...
얘 어젯밤 꼴딱 새워서 그런가He worked all night.
집에 가서 기냥 곯아떨어졌남 영 안 받네요He must be zonked out at home. He won't pick up.
[동수가 살짝 웃는다] (진우 모) 어머, 걔가 왜Oh, my. Why is he not answering his chief's calls?
과장님 전화를 안 받을까요?Oh, my. Why is he not answering his chief's calls?
아, 그럴 애가 아닌데That's not like him.
아, 죄송합니다I'm sorry.
아이고, 아이고, 아이고 아니에요, 아니에요No, no. Not at all. That wasn't what I meant.
그런 게 아니고요, 예No, no. Not at all. That wasn't what I meant.
아유, 별일도 아니어요, 예It's nothing.
아, 저 그럼 바쁘실 텐데 이만Okay, then. You must be busy. Good day.
(동수) 아, 예, 예, 그만 들어가세요, 예Okay. Get home safely.
아휴, 나, 씨...Dang it.
[밖에서 아이들이 노는 소리가 들린다]
[휴대전화 진동음]
[달그락거리는 소리가 들린다]
[옅은 신음]
[힘겨운 신음]
야, 벌써...Hey, are you--
[달그락거리는 소리가 들린다]
(진우 모) 다 잤어?Are you up?
잘 일어났다It's good that you're up.
밥 먹고 도로 자Eat, and go back to sleep.
(진우) 아, 언제 왔어요, 왔으면 깨우지When did you come? You should've woken me.
방금Just now.
(진우) 아, 이것들 다 쓰는 것도 아닌데We don't even use all of these.
다 했어I'm done.
(진우 모) 너희 병원은 괜찮니?Is your hospital okay?
요새 TV고 신문이고 틀면 나와, 병원이It's all over the news on TV and in the papers.
(진우) 밖에서나 그러지That's the outside world.
안에서는 일하느라 잘 몰라요We're too busy to notice what's going on.
선우랑은 별일 없지?Is everything okay between you and Seon-woo?
별일 있을 게 뭐 있어, 우리가Of course, we're okay.
선우가 혼자 살고 싶대He says he wants to live on his own.
너한테는 얘기 없었어?Did he say anything to you?
그거 때문에 놀라서 오셨어요?Is that why you're here?
그럴 수도 있지, 뭘It's understandable.
(진우 모) 메일을 보냈어, 선우가Seon-woo sent an email.
(진우) 엄마한테?To you?
그 자식은 간지러운 짓을 잘해, 가끔He's so sappy at times.
뭐라고 썼는데요?What did he say?
사고가He said…
그렇게 된 게 자기 탓이래it was his fault that the accident happened.
[잔잔한 음악] 아빠 죽은 게 저 때문이라고He says your dad died because of him.
[진우 모의 떨리는 숨소리]
(진우 모) 내 잘못이지It's my fault
애 위한답시고 모른 척 지나간 게for ignoring it, claiming it was for his sake.
여태껏 그 긴 세월을For all these years…
그게 애 가슴을 누르고 있는지를 몰랐으니I didn't know it was burdening him so much.
[진우 모의 한숨]
그렇다고 이제 와서But if I come out now and say that I knew,
'나도 네 형도'But if I come out now and say that I knew,
'우리 다 알고 있었다' 해 버리면and so did you,
그 심성에 또he'll worry
우리가 그동안 절 원망하진 않았을까he'll worry that you and I resented him
걱정할 거 같고all this time.
[진우 모의 한숨]
내가 슬쩍 얘기할게요I'll chat with him,
엉뚱한 생각 안 하게so he doesn't think that.
선우가 나와 살겠다길래When Seon-woo said he wanted to move out,
혹시 얘가 자기 형이 짝을 찾아서 이러나I thought maybe it was because you found someone.
내가 어디서 누구를 만나? 그 시간에 잠을 자지maybe it was because you found someone. Whom would I find and where? I'd rather sleep in my spare time.
그럼 혹시 병원 사람 중에는?What about someone at the hospital?
아, 병원에 누가 있어요? 노을이 같은 애밖에 없지There's no one at the hospital. There are only people like No-eul.
아, 엄마Mom.
형제끼리 상도가 있지I would never do such a thing to Seon-woo.
내가 걔를 만날까 봐?I wouldn't date her.
[진우의 헛웃음]
아, 그건 둘째치고Besides,
지금 당장 노을이랑 나랑 무인도에 갖다 놔도Besides, even if you drop No-eul and me on a deserted island,
서로 수렵 채취하느라 바빠we'd both be busy hunting.
서로 더 먹겠다고 싸워we'd both be busy hunting. We'd fight over food.
아휴, 가 봐야겠다I should go.
(진우) 아이...But…
뭐, 일만 하다 간대All you did was work. Seon-woo will be back soon.
선우 금방 와요All you did was work. Seon-woo will be back soon.
(진우 모) 아, 아니야It's okay.
일찍 가 봐야 돼, 오늘은I need to go home early.
원래 여기를 오려고 했던 게 아니라서I wasn't planning to come here.
(진우) 모셔다드릴게요, 그럼I'll drive you back.
(진우 모) 차 갖고 왔어I drove. Will you walk me to the parking lot?
주차장까지만I drove. Will you walk me to the parking lot?
우리 아들My son.
(진우) 아이참...My son. Goodness.
(진우) 엄마Mom.
(진우 모) 어Okay.
얘, 감기 들어You'll catch a cold. Put something on.
어? 뭐 좀 걸치고 나와You'll catch a cold. Put something on.
(진우) [웃으며] 엄마, 쪄 죽어You'll catch a cold. Put something on. I'll die of heat exhaustion.
(진우 모) 아직 그래도 뭐 좀 걸쳐야 되는데? [진우의 웃음]Still. You should put something on.
[도어 록 작동음]
[도어 록 작동음]
[어두운 음악]
[키보드를 탁탁 치는 소리가 들린다]
(선우) 대체 그 심정이 어떠셨을지I can't imagine how you must have felt,
얼마나 무섭고 깜깜했을지how frightened and lost you must have been.
생각해 보면Now that I think about it,
아버지 돌아가셨을 때 엄마는when Dad passed away,
지금 제 나이셨어요you were my age now.
(선우) 더 빨리 지금처럼 사셨어야 했는데You shouldn't have suffered at such a young age.
엄마를 보내드렸어야 했는데We should've let you go then.
(진우) 집에 가서 또 저녁 해야 되는 거야?Do you have to cook when you get home?
(진우 모) 아니No.
노인네 둘이라 뭐 안 해 먹어We don't cook much, since it's just two old fogies.
엄마가 무슨 노인네야Someone who's much older than you would be offended if they heard you.
진짜 노인네가 들으면 화내요Someone who's much older than you would be offended if they heard you.
그렇지?You think so?
(선우) 혼자 되신 엄마가I realized much later,
실은 한창 고운 때였다는 걸that you were in your prime
다 지나고 나서야 알았습니다when you became a single mom.
(선우) 다 커 버린 저를My mother,
무거운 저를who pushed and pulled me,
밀고 끌고 의대 건물 언덕을 수없이 오르시던a grown man, to the med school on top of the hill…
나의 어머니countless times.
(선우) 차가운 학교 복도에서You always waited for me in the cold school hallway.
늘 절 기다리시던 어머니in the cold school hallway.
그게 왜 괜찮을 거라고 쉽게 넘겼을까요?Why did I accept it so easily, thinking you were okay?
지금 생각하면When I think about it now…
어쩜 그리도 미련맞고 [진우 계부의 옅은 신음]it frustrates me that
철없는 자식새끼였을까요I was such a stupid and immature brat.
(선우) 절 버리고 갔다 생각하지 마세요Don't think you abandoned me.
제발 미안해하지 마세요Please don't feel bad.
(선우) 저만 아픈 줄 아는 못난 아들이었습니다I was a spoiled brat who thought only I was hurting.
밖에서는 아무 말 못 하면서I couldn't say anything outside, but I screamed and was angry
집에서만 화내고 소리 질렀습니다I couldn't say anything outside, but I screamed and was angry only at home.
어머니께서는 모든 날을You devoted every day of your life,
모든 젊음을 저에게 쏟아 주셨습니다and your entire youth to me.
(선우) 세상 누가 나에게Who in this world
어머니처럼 다시 없을 사랑을 품어 줄까요?would love me the way you loved me?
(보훈) 아이고, 아이고, 저...Oh, my.
- (보훈) 아유, 진우 어머니 - (진우 모) 아유, 안녕하세요?Ma'am. Hello.
(보훈) 아이고, 예, 안녕하셨어요?Hello. Yes, hello.
잘, 잘 지내셨죠?How have you been?
- 예, 덕분에, 잘 지내시죠? - (보훈) 예I've been doing well, thank you. And you?
(보훈) 아, 그럼요I've been doing well, thank you. And you? Yes, I'm doing well.
아, 애, 애들 때문에 오셨구나You must be here for your boys.
(진우 모) 예, 반찬 좀...You must be here for your boys. I brought some food.
(보훈) 아, 그러셨어요?I see.
아, 주시죠, 제가 들어... [진우 모와 보훈의 당황한 신음]-Please, let me. -That's okay.
(선우) 꼭 드려야 될 말씀이 있어요There's something I need to tell you.
보훈 아저씨가 저 대신 얘기해 주셨길 바란 적도 있었지만There were times I had wished Uncle Bo-hun would've told you for me.
상담 중에 들은 말을 절대 흘리실 분이 아니니까But he'd never share anything he heard during a consultation, so…
이젠 아저씨도And now…
영원한 곳으로 떠나셨으니까Now that he is no longer by our side,
제가 해야 되는 거죠?I should be the one to tell you, right?
[새가 지저귄다]
(선우) 처음에 말을 안 하니까 그다음에는I didn't tell you right away, and afterward,
도저히 입을 뗄 수가 없었어요I just couldn't get myself to bring it up.
형도 몰라요Jin-woo doesn't know. ACCEPTANCE LETTER
(진우 모) 여보ACCEPTANCE LETTER Honey. I sent our son to med school.
나 우리 아들 의대 보냈어Honey. I sent our son to med school.
잘했지?I did well, right?
당신 나 엄청 자랑스럽지?You're super proud of me, right?
(선우) 아버지를 그렇게 만든 건I'm the one who did that
저예요 [진우 모가 흐느낀다]to Dad.
사고...The accident…
저 때문이에요was my fault.
[캐리어를 끄는 소리가 들린다]
(선우) 아빠가 하지 말랬는데Dad told me to stop.
차 안에서 안 된다고He said not to play in the car.
그런데 제가... [자동차 엔진음]But… I…
(선우) 저는It was me.
어머니한테서 남편을I took him away from your lives.
형한테서 아버지를 지워 버린 놈입니다He, who was a husband to you and a father to Jin-woo.
제발 저에게 미안해하지 마세요Please don't feel sorry for me.
제 다리는 벌받은 거예요Being paralyzed is the punishment I deserve.
[키보드를 탁탁 두드린다]is the punishment I deserve.
(진우 모) 혼자 살고 싶대He says he wants to live on his own.
(노을) 둘이 만나는 거 봤어, 선우도 같이I saw you two together. Seon-woo was with me too.
[TV 소리가 흘러나온다]
- (진우) 뭐 해? - (선우) 안 잤어?-What are you doing? -Weren't you sleeping?
(진우) 새집으로 가고 싶어서?Do you want to move?
(선우) 아니, 그냥 구경No, I'm just looking.
들어가 자Sleep in your room.
내일 나이트 근무야 잠은 낮에도 실컷 자I have the night shift tomorrow. I can sleep during the day.
(선우) 응Okay.
(진우) 그래서...So that's why…
[휴대전화 조작음]
[통화 연결음]
(진우) 예, 과장님...Hi, Chief--
(동수) 너 이 새끼 뭐 하다 인제사...Why are you just calling?
너 내가 엔간히 허라고 혔어, 안 혔어?Why are you just calling? I told you to keep it to a minimum.
- (진우) 네? - (동수) 잔소리할 얼굴-What? -You must be excited that
(동수) 안 볼 생각 하니께 아주 속 시원하지, 아주? 잉?-What? -You must be excited that you don't have to see my nagging face again.
그러게 왜 혼자 나서 가지고 이 사달을 내냐는 말이여Why did you have to get involved and get into this mess, you moron?
이 염병할 놈의 새끼야 [사이렌이 울린다]Why did you have to get involved and get into this mess, you moron?
너 어떡할 거야, 이제What will you do now?
(진우) 무슨 소리세요? 얼굴을 안 보다니What do you mean, I won't see you?
(동수) 아, 나도 몰러! 씨, 너 생긴 대로 혀Whatever! Do whatever you want.
[휴대전화 조작음]
[통화 종료음]
(진우) 아니...Why is…
- (노을) 먼저 들어가 보겠습니다 - (영재) 응I'll go home now.
(영재) 이 선생Dr. Lee.
술 한잔할까?Want to grab a drink?
(노을) 아...
가 봐야 돼서요I need to go.
(영재) 아휴...
웬만해야 술이 먹히지Well, how could she want a drink?
[자동차 리모컨 조작음]
[자동차 리모컨 조작음]
(경아) 지금 가세요?Are you leaving now?
(노을) 아, 네Yes.
(노을) 저, 팀장님Ms. Kang.
(경아) 네? 저요?Yes? Me?
저랑 술 하실래요?Do you want to grab a drink with me?
갑시다!Let's go.
[자동차 리모컨 조작음]
[감성적인 음악이 흘러나온다] (경아) 짠Cheers.
[쓴 숨을 내뱉는다]
요 맛이지This is it.
끝나고 요 맛인데This is how you end a day.
평소에는 술 안 하세요?Do you not drink often?
(경아) 내가 누구랑 부어라 마셔라를 하겠어요?With whom would I drink? Mr. Gu?
사장님이랑? 아유Mr. Gu?
아, 명색이 팀장인데 회식할 팀원 하나가 없어I'm the "team manager", but I have no one to go to team dinners with.
아, 뭐, 우리 사장님이 원래는 좋은 분인데...Well… Mr. Gu is usually a good person, but…
두 분은 언제부터 같이 일하신 거예요?How long have you worked with him?
(경아) 음...How long have you worked with him?
한 5, 6년 됐나?It's been about five, six years.
사장님이 나 일하던 부서로 왔고He joined the department where I was working,
나중에 로지스로 발령 나시면서 절 거기로 데려가셨어요and when he was transferred to Logis, he took me with him.
스카우트되신 거네요, 그럼, 팀장님So, you were scouted.
그 양반이That man…
(경아) 사람 보는 눈은 또 귀신이에요has a great eye for people.
[쓴 숨을 내뱉는다]
(경아) 원래 미운 정이 제일 독한 거라고Love-hate relationships are the strongest.
처음에는 좀 그랬는데Love-hate relationships are the strongest. At first, he was a bit… You know.
사람이 쓸데없는 소리 안 하고But he doesn't say useless things,
지분대지도 않고But he doesn't say useless things, or pester me.
남자로서도 우리 사장님Even as a man, Mr. Gu is--
정말 지분대는 거 없이 사람 단칼에 날리시더라고요Even as a man, Mr. Gu is-- He doesn't pester people. But he sure fires them without hesitation.
보복성 인사 조치...Terminating people in retaliation…
원래 많이 하시는 분이세요 구 사장님?Does Mr. Gu do that often?
- 이 선생님 - 그래요?-Dr. Lee. -Does he?
[경아가 술을 졸졸 따른다]
얼마나 싫었을까, 내가 계속 말 시켜서He must've hated having me constantly talk to him.
자르려고 벼르고 있는 줄도 모르고I didn't even know he was dying to fire me.
[노을이 술을 졸졸 따른다]
[노을의 한숨]
(경아) [한숨 쉬며] 진짜...
[쓴 숨을 내뱉는다]
여기 소주 한 병 더 주세요!Another bottle of soju, please.
아니, 두 병 주세요, 두 병Another bottle of soju, please. Make it two, please.
[휴대전화 진동음]
[차 문이 탁 닫힌다]
[차 문이 탁 닫힌다]
예, 강 팀장님Yes, Ms. Kang.
(경아) [술 취한 목소리로] 아, 사장님Mr. Gu. I'm nearby.
저 여기 근처인데 나 좀 데리러 와 주지Mr. Gu. I'm nearby. Come pick me up.
뭐라고요?What was that?
(경아) 아! 무슨...What was that?
맨날 나만 사장님 데리러 가고, 씨I always pick you up.
이씨, 그거 뭐, 좀 한 번 못 해 주나? 어?Can't you do that for me just once?
매일 사장님 내가 해 달라는 건Can't you do that for me just once? You never do anything I ask for.
[딸꾹질하며] 하나도 안 해 주고, 이씨You never do anything I ask for.
강 팀장Ms. Kang.
미쳤어요?Have you gone insane?
(기사) 강 팀장님이 없는데요, 사장님?Ms. Kang isn't there, sir.
[차 문을 탁 닫는다]
기다려요Wait here.
(기사) 예Yes, sir.
[노을의 술 취한 신음]
[노을의 한숨]
(노을) [술 취한 목소리로] 팀장님, 어디예요, 빨리 와요Ms. Kang. Where are you? Hurry back.
[승효의 한숨]
(승효) 저기요Excuse me.
혹시 화장실에 엎어져 자고 있는 분 계신지Could you check to see if someone has passed out in the restroom?
확인 좀 부탁드릴게요Could you check to see if someone has passed out in the restroom?
갑시다Let's go.
(승효) 갑시다Let's go.
여기서 살 거예요?Are you going to stay here all night?
(주인) 저기요Excuse me.
화장실에 아무도 없는데요?There's no one in the restroom.
(주인) 아까 그 여자분이 계산하셨는데요The other lady already paid.
몇 병이나 마신 거예요?How much did they drink? Six bottles of soju.
소주 여섯 병요Six bottles of soju.
[한숨 쉬며] 둘이...Just the two of them?
(기사) 실례합니다Ma'am, I'll take you home.
모셔다드리겠습니다Ma'am, I'll take you home.
누구세요?Who are you?
대리 부르셨죠?You called for a designated driver.
제가요?I did?
(기사) 어디로 모실까요?Where should I take you?
[기사의 당황한 신음]
(기사) 예Okay.
하, 저걸 저렇게...She's so…
[노을의 힘주는 신음]
(기사) 저, 안으로 들어가 주셔야 되는데...You need to slide in--
[차 문이 탁 열린다]
아니, 이걸 이렇게 막 타면 어떡합니까?How could you just get in?
(승효) 누구 차인 줄 알고 타요 이 시커먼 밤중에?Do you even know whose car you just got in?
아니, 요즘 세상이 어떤 세상인데 아무나 믿고 따라가요?Don't you know how dangerous it is to just follow a stranger like that?
(노을) 그러게요Right?
내가 왜 아무나 따라갔을까요?Why did I follow just anyone?
어떤 사람인지 다 들었으면서Even after hearing what kind of a man he was…
[무거운 음악] 왜 믿었을까요?Why did I trust him?
저, 사장님?Mr. Gu.
서초동 왔는데 어떡하죠?We're in Seocho-dong. What should we do?
민증에 주소는 있을 텐데Her ID must have her address.
[휴대전화 진동음]
[휴대전화 조작음]
예선우 선생?Dr. Ye Seon-woo?
(선우) 누구시죠?Who's this?
나 상국대병원의 구승효입니다Who's this? This is Gu Seung-hyo from Sangkook.
저, 혹시 이노을 선생 집 주소 알아요?Do you happen to know Dr. Lee's home address?
(선우) 구 사장님요?Mr. Gu?
사장님이 왜요?Why are you…
얼마나 취했는데요?How drunk is she?
제가 갈게요, 어디세요?I'll go. Where are you?
누나 집 여기서 차로 5분이면 됩니다Her place is five minutes from here by car.
내가 가요, 어디냐니까요?Her place is five minutes from here by car. I'll go. Where are you?
아니, 어디가 아니라 지금 차 안이라고요No, we're not anywhere. We're in a car.
집 주소 몰라요?Do you know her address?
힐빌리지 301동요 [어두운 음악]Hill Village, Building 301.
[휴대전화 조작음]
[기계음이 삑삑 울린다]
[탁 부딪친다]
(선우) 택시, 택시!Taxi!
(기사) 도착했습니다We're here.
이노을 선생Dr. Lee.
이 선생Dr. Lee.
(노을) 감사합니다Thank you.
[뛰어가는 발걸음]
[노을의 다급한 숨소리]
[인터폰 조작음]
되게도 싫은가 보네She must really hate me.
[거친 숨소리]
방금 들어갔어요She went in.
(승효) 아니, 차로 5분 거리를...You said five minutes by car…
아, 택시!Taxi!
(승효) 저거 타고 가요Take that.
아이씨, 저거 몇 번이야, 저거Shit. What's his license number?
놔두세요Forget it.
(승효) 갑시다Let's go.
가세요Good night.
(승효) 이노을 선생 좋아해요?Do you like Dr. Lee?
[차분한 음악]
좋아하면...If I do,
좋아하는 사람이 술 때문에 힘들어하면I should be able to run right over to the person I like
당장 달려와야죠when she's drunk.
나는 그러질 못했으니까Since I couldn't do that,
좋아하는 게 아니겠죠I suppose I don't like her.
왔잖아요But you came for her.
오지 않은 거랑 뭐가 다르죠?How is this any different from not coming?
[심전도계 비프음]
[긴장되는 음악]
(은하) 안 쌤, 랩-Take this to the lab. -Okay. I'll run this to the lab.
(안 선생) 랩 나갈게요-Take this to the lab. -Okay. I'll run this to the lab.
(동수) 콜 내려온대?-Is the on-call doctor coming? -Yes.
- 예 - 혈압 60까지 떨어졌습니다-Is the on-call doctor coming? -Yes. His BP dropped to 60.
- (동수) 세일라인 푸시 - (은하) 네-Administer saline. -Okay.
응급 수혈하고 인투베이션 준비Prepare for transfusion and intubation.
(방 선생) 네Yes, sir.
(동수) 24cm 고정Position at 24cm.
(은하) 고정할게요, 24cmPosition at 24cm. Positioning it at 24cm.
- 심초음파 - 심초음파요Positioning it at 24cm. -Get the echo ready. -Yes, sir.
(소정) 혈압 50, 계속 떨어집니다-Get the echo ready. -Yes, sir. BP is 50 and still dropping.
폴 다운이고요He fell
(소정) 아파트 11층에서 떨어졌는데 나무에 걸려서 직접 충격은 피했답니다He fell from his 11th-floor apartment. He hit a tree and avoided direct impact. Fractures are suspected in his arms and legs.
팔다리 골절 의심되고 혈압이 계속 떨어지고 있어서Fractures are suspected in his arms and legs. Internal bleeding is suspected due to a constant drop in BP.
내부 출혈 의심되는 상황입니다Internal bleeding is suspected due to a constant drop in BP.
탬폰 아닐까요?Internal bleeding is suspected due to a constant drop in BP. Maybe it's cardiac tamponade.
카디액 탬폰, 심낭 천자 갑니다Cardiac tamponade. We'll perform pericardiocentesis.
(소정) 네Yes, sir.
- (진우) 샘플요 - 네, 랩 나갈게요-Here's a sample. -Okay. I'll run this to the lab.
혈압, 맥박 안정권입니다BP and heart rate are stable.
혈압 다시 떨어지기 전에 수혈하면서 수술장으로 빨리BP and heart rate are stable. Have him transfused and move him to the OR before his BP drops again.
Yes, sir.
[물소리가 들린다]
부처님인지 무서운 사람인지 분간을 못 허겄네I can't tell what's really on his mind.
나 같으면, 씨, 쌍욕을, 욕을 하고 박차고 나갔을 거인디If I were him, I would've cursed my head off and stormed out.
구 사장이 주 교수님도 쳤습니까?Did Mr. Gu fire you as well?
이노을 선생, 오 원장님까지Even Dr. Lee No-eul and Director Oh.
원장님은 연락 두절이야No one's been able to reach Director Oh. Could she have heard from someone? Or who knows if she saw it coming.
(동수) 들은 거여, 애초에 눈치 깐 거여 오 원장은?Could she have heard from someone? Or who knows if she saw it coming.
그 자존심에With that ego of hers…
(소정) 예 선생님, 그냥 당하시면 안 돼요 가만히 계시지 마세요With that ego of hers… Dr. Ye, you can't just let this happen. Don't take it lying down. If I take it lying down,
가만히 있으면 사장님께 대한 예의가 아니지If I take it lying down, that would be rude to Mr. Gu.
[긴장되는 음악]
아, 어떡하려고?What do you plan to do?
해보자는데 해 줘야죠He wants to fight, so I'll fight.
[승효의 피곤한 숨소리]
[개가 낑낑거린다]
[승효의 힘주는 숨소리]
[잔잔한 음악]
(승효) 너밖에 없구나You're all I have.
제가 너무 취해서 정신 줄을...I was too drunk and lost--
(승효) 놨는데You lost your senses,
계산은 멀쩡하게 하고 가셨던데요?but you paid the bill just fine.
카드 긁는 게 주사라서...Paying for things is my drunken habit.
(승효) 사람 오라 하고 튀는 주사Calling someone over and jetting. Leaving a person behind.
애먼 사람 남겨 놓고 튀는 주사도 새로 생긴 거죠?Calling someone over and jetting. Leaving a person behind. Are those your new drunken habits?
아, 원래 그렇게 달리려던 게 아니었는데I didn't mean to drink so much,
너무 슬프니까 불가항력적으로다가I didn't mean to drink so much, but it was so sad. There wasn't much I could do at that moment.
갑자기 이노을 쌤이 막 우니까 저도 어쩔 수 없이...Dr. Lee No-eul started crying out of the blue, so I had no choice…
잘리는 사람마다 붙잡고 술 상대 해 주시게요?Will you drink with everyone who gets fired?
그럼 난 몇 번이나 더 가면 됩니까?Will you drink with everyone who gets fired? Then how many more times must I go?
아, 그게 아니고요That's not it.
예선우 선생요 전에 왔던 심평원 그...Dr. Ye Seon-woo. The person who came from the HIRA before.
많이 아프대요He's very sick.
길어 봐야 10년, 15년이래요He has 10 to 15 years at most.
[무거운 음악]
'길어 봐야'라니요?What do you mean by "at most"?
(경아) 그, 뭐, 다리 때문에Because of his legs.
혈정? 혈창이 생겼다나?I think she said he has some kind of thrombosis.
그... 죽는다고요?He's… dying?
(경아) 노을 쌤이 그러면서As she said that, tears flowed from her big, round eyes.
그 똥그란 눈으로 눈물을 철철철철...As she said that, tears flowed from her big, round eyes.
제 마음은 또 너무 여리고I can get very emotional,
그 젊은 사람이 죽는다니까 또 너무 불쌍하고 그래서so when she told me that, it tore me to think he'd die at such a young age.
그때부터 둘이 when she told me that, it tore me to think he'd die at such a young age. That's when we started…
인공 관절에 유효 기간이 있다고 말씀드렸는데As I said, the artificial joints have expiration dates.
현재로는 10년에서 15년 사이Currently, it's between 10 to 15 years.
입니다That's all.
[전화벨이 울린다]
네, 뭡니까?Yes? What is it?
(구조 실장) 아, 사장님, 지금...Yes? What is it? Mr. Gu. Almost all the chiefs are gathering in the auditorium.
교수진 거의 전원이 강당에 모여들고 있답니다Almost all the chiefs are gathering in the auditorium.
무슨 일로요?Why?
(구조 실장) 아직 거기까진 모르지만Why? I don't know yet,
교수 밑의 고참들도 꽤 참석하나 봅니다but many of the doctors are attending as well.
[수화기를 달그락 내려놓는다]
[휴대전화를 탁 내려놓는다]
[휴대전화를 탁 내려놓는다]
[긴장되는 음악]
[휴대전화 조작음]
(경문) 예 선생Dr. Ye.
오 원장 여전히 꺼 놨어Director Oh's phone is still off. We'll have to do it without her.
우리끼리 해야겠는데Director Oh's phone is still off. We'll have to do it without her.
[리모컨 조작음]
바로 시작하겠습니다I'll begin.
(진우) 최근 저희 병원을 둘러싼 정치적, 의학적 의혹은REGULATIONS REGARDING THE REMOVAL OF THE HEAD OF THE HOSPITAL The current political and medical suspicions toward our hospital fall under regulation one
해지에 관한 조례 1fall under regulation one
총괄 책임자가 직무에 관하여 부정행위를 하였을 시에 해당하며fall under regulation one for removing the head of the hospital for dereliction of duty.
이어 파생된 보복성 인사 조치는The subsequent retaliative termination of doctors
2번, 기관이 지정한 사유에 해당하지 아니하는 의료진을The subsequent retaliative termination of doctors falls under regulation two, which prohibits terminating medical personnel at his discretion and not for a cause determined by the institution.
임의로 파면할 수 없다는 강령의 위반입니다at his discretion and not for a cause determined by the institution.
이에 경영진의 전횡을 더 이상 묵과해서는 안 되는바As we must not tolerate the management's abuse of power,
상국대학병원 총괄 책임 구승효 사장의 파면 해임 발의를I am proposing the dismissal of the president, Gu Seung-hyo, here today.
이 자리에서 촉구합니다the dismissal of the president, Gu Seung-hyo, here today.
[긴장되는 음악]
[의사1의 헛웃음] [의사2의 한숨]
(동수) 저것이 되겄어?Will that work?
여태까지 우리 뜻대로 된 게 하나라도 있남?Did anything go our way even once?
난 회의적일세I'm skeptical.
먼저 어떻게 할지 방법도 얘기 안 해 봤잖아요We haven't even discussed how we'll do it yet.
(동수) 방법은 무신...Right, like there's a way.
아, 재단 상대로 싸우자는 거인디Right, like there's a way. He wants to fight against the foundation. Forget it. It's better to stay quiet and lay low.
아서, 국으로 가만있는 게 나아Forget it. It's better to stay quiet and lay low.
(정희) 이만큼 가만있어 줬으면 됐지 또 가만있어요?Haven't we stayed quiet long enough?
얼마나 우리를 파리 목숨으로 봤으면How little did he think of us,
병원장을 공고문 한 장으로 쳐내?that he fired the director with a single notice?
(동수) 아니, 우리가 무신 수로 화정그룹이랑 싸운디야?How could we fight against Hwajeong Group? Worst-case scenario, we'll lose our jobs and have to go into private practice.
최악의 경우에는 다 가운 반납하고 개업해야 되는디Worst-case scenario, we'll lose our jobs and have to go into private practice.
개업이 최악의 경우인가?Is private practice the worst-case scenario?
(동수) 뭐, 허기사But then again, if he fires all the doctors,
이 많은 사람들 다 족쳐 내면But then again, if he fires all the doctors,
화정그룹이라고 마냥 버팅길 수도 없겠지만서도 말이여even Hwajeong Group couldn't fight back for very long.
뭐, 전이될 거 무섭다고 암세포 놔둘 수는 없잖아요We can't leave a cancer cell because we're afraid it'll spread.
해 봅시다We can't leave a cancer cell because we're afraid it'll spread. Let's give it a try.
어떻게 할 건데?How will you do it?
오세화 원장님의 발의It's either Director Oh's motion, or two-thirds of the chief
혹은 교수협의회 3분의 2의 찬성or two-thirds of the chief
- 따라서... - (태상) 여기 누구-agreeing on-- -Is there anyone here
그, 오 원장하고 연락되는 사람 있어요?who can get in touch with Director Oh?
(태상) 씁...
이 중차대한 국면에The director is not exercising her authority during these important times.
원장이 자기 권한을 행사하지 않는단 말이야her authority during these important times.
어, 그, 해임권 발의로 중론이 모아진 거 같은데It looks like we have a consensus regarding his dismissal,
그럽시다, 발의합시다, 내가 하지so let's vote. I'll make the motion.
자격이 안 되십니다You're not qualified.
무기 정직 처분You are suspended indefinitely.
김태상 부원장께서는 발의하실 수 없습니다You cannot make the motion.
너야말로 무슨 자격으로 지껄이고 있어?And what authority do you have to run your mouth?
여기 지금 나 말고...And what authority do you have to run your mouth? Who here besides me…
현재 상국대학병원 부원장직은Currently, the deputy director position at Sangkook University Hospital
공석입니다is vacant.
(진우) 공석이 된 그 자리에I nominate Dr. Joo Kyung-moon,
흉부외과 주경문 교수님을 추천합니다Chief of Cardiothoracic Surgery, to fill that vacancy.
(태상) 아니, 정직은 안 되고 해고된 사람은 되고?Chief of Cardiothoracic Surgery, to fill that vacancy. Someone who is suspended isn't qualified, but someone who was fired is?
허, 무슨 논리가 이래?What logic is that? Who fired me?
누가 절 해고했습니까?Who fired me?
(경문) 지금 구 사장 단독 처분에 동의하시는 겁니까?Do you consent to Mr. Gu's decision of terminating us?
그런 분께서 어떻게 해임을 발의하죠?If you do, how could you make a motion to remove him?
(진우) 주경문 교수님은Dr. Joo received the second most votes during the election for director.
지난 원장 선거 결선 투표에서 차 득표자이십니다Dr. Joo received the second most votes during the election for director.
그보다 더한 자격이 어디 있습니까?What better qualification is there?
반대하시는 분 계신가요?Does anyone oppose?
이의 있으시면 지금...If you object--
(태상) 이놈이 어떤 놈인 줄 알아?Do you know what this punk did?
이놈이 나를 심평원에 몰래 갖다 찌른 놈이야!He secretly ratted me out to the HIRA!
[긴장되는 음악]
(태상) 심평원 현장 조사The HIRA's on-site investigation. He used a fake name, pretending to be an outsider,
외부인인 척 가짜 이름으로 자기 스승을He used a fake name, pretending to be an outsider, and ratted out somebody who is a chief and 20 years his senior.
20년 선배를, 교수를and ratted out somebody who is a chief and 20 years his senior.
무슨 사고가 난 것도 아니고 성공적으로 끝난 수술에Nothing went wrong with the surgery. It was a success.
나를 고발한 놈 예진우!Nothing went wrong with the surgery. It was a success. But he reported me. Ye Jin-woo!
우리가 그렇게 애를 써서 어떻게든 사람 살려 놓으면We give our all to save a life,
그 진료비 깎자고 달려드는 그 원수 같은 놈들한테but this guy sold me out to none other than the wretched HIRA
나를 팔아먹은 것도 부족해서but this guy sold me out to none other than the wretched HIRA that comes at us to pay as little as possible.
걷지도 못하는 자기 동생 불러다가He then called in his crippled brother
동정표로 나를 까발린 놈이야!to buy pity points, and ratted me out!
[긴장되는 음악]
이동수Lee Dong-su!
너 이런 배신자를 키운 거야You took a traitor under your wing.
(태상) 배신자 놈이 어디서 내 앞에서How dare a traitor talk to me about qualifications?
야, 너Did you know he was like this when you teamed up with him?
이놈 이런 놈인 줄 알고 붙어먹었냐?Did you know he was like this when you teamed up with him?
너희들 언제부터 작당했어?Did you two conspire to do this
시골에서 올라올 때부터?from when you left your hick town?
예진우 선생, 사실인가?Dr. Ye. Is this true?
[긴장되는 음악] 예 선생, 대답해요Answer me.
김태상 교수 고발했어? 평가 위원회에?Did you report Dr. Kim Tae-sang to the HIRA?
네, 제가 했습니다Yes, I did.
너 미쳤어?Are you insane?
[답답한 숨을 내뱉는다]
(지용) 정신 나간 새끼 아니야, 저거?-That lunatic. -I know.
(의사3) 그러게 말이에요-That lunatic. -I know.
(의사4) 찔러 넣을 데가 없어서 어떻게 거기다...How could you report him to them of all people?
야, 장민기Hey, Jang Min-gi. Lee Sang-yeop.
(태상) 이상엽이Hey, Jang Min-gi. Lee Sang-yeop.
김정희, 서지용이Kim Jung-hee. Seo Ji-yong.
이 중에 이보훈이 피 안 빨아먹은 인간 어디 있는데!Can any one of you here say that you didn't suck Lee Bo-hun dry?
(태상) 주경문이Joo Kyung-moon. Do you really not have any ambition to become the director?
네가 정말 자리에 욕심이 없어?Joo Kyung-moon. Do you really not have any ambition to become the director?
교수님 코드도 다 막힌 거죠?Your codes are locked too, right?
외래, 수술 다 날아갔어I cannot see outpatients or perform surgeries.
[컴퓨터 오류음] (경문) 내가 아예 지워졌어I've been deleted.
(노을) 왜 그랬어요?-Why did you do it? -Why must I explain myself?
(승효) 그걸 내가 지금 왜 설명해 줘야 합니까?-Why did you do it? -Why must I explain myself?
(노을) 사장님은 대체 끝이 어디예요?-How low will you go? -If you don't want to see the worst,
바닥 보기 싫으면 관둬요-How low will you go? -If you don't want to see the worst, just leave.
(진우) 이걸 보여 드리려던 사람이 있었죠Someone wanted to show you this.
우리 병원을 보여 드리면 구 사장님도 달라질 거라던 사람이She said that if you saw things yourself, even you would change. You saw this every single day, but you didn't change.
매일매일 이 풍경을 보면서도 달라지지 못했던 거네요You saw this every single day, but you didn't change.
(진우) 그렇게 살면 좋습니까?Do you like living like that? Do you enjoy destroying every place you go?
가는 데마다 망가트리면 좋아요?Do you enjoy destroying every place you go?
여길 왜 온 겁니까?Do you enjoy destroying every place you go? Why did you come here?
(승효) 정말로 망가지고 아프게 되고 싶어?Do you want to know what it truly feels like to be hurt and destroyed?

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