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  사이코지만 괜찮아 3

It's Okay to Not Be Okay 3


‪(문영) ‪안데르센 동화 중에 ‪'빨간 구두'라고 알지?

Do you know The Red Shoes written by Hans Christian Andersen? OK PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITAL

‪[천둥이 콰르릉 친다] ‪[형광등이 지지직거린다]

‪(행자) ‪ 오면 가끔 이래

This happens sometimes when it rains.

공동묘지에 병원 짓는  아니라고 ‪다들 뜯어말렸다던데 ‪[형광등이 지지직거린다]

I heard everyone was against this hospital being built where a cemetery used to be.

여기 지박령들이 한이 많아 그런가

Maybe it's because earthbound spirits here are all very resentful.

야간 라운딩  조심해

Be careful when you do your rounds at night.

일단 시설과에 연락해 두겠습니다

I'll let the maintenance team know.

 겁이 없네

He's fearless.

‪[행자가 휘파람을 분다]

병실 쪽은 괜찮고요

Yes, the ones in the rooms are fine.

로비랑 스테이션  전등요

But the lights in the lobby and the reception area are out.

‪[다가오는 발걸음]


Yes, okay.

‪(문영) ‪ 구두를 신으면

Once you wear those shoes,

 발이 저절로 춤을 추게 되고

your feet start dancing on their own.

영원히 춤을 멈출 수도

And you can never stop dancing

구두를 다시 벗을 수도 없게  ‪[천둥이 콰르릉 친다]

or take off those shoes.

억지로 갈라놔도 ‪절대 떨어질  없는  있어

Some things can't be torn apart no matter how hard you try to do so.

‪[시계 종이 뎅뎅 울린다] ‪[흥미진진한 음악]

‪[천둥이 콰르릉 친다]

‪(문영) ‪

I have

이제야  빨간 구두를 찾았어

finally found my red shoes.

‪[천둥이 콰르릉 친다]



여길 ...

are you here?


Why do you think?

보고 싶어서 왔지

I came because I missed you.

‪[천둥이 콰르릉 친다]

‪[질질 끄는 소리가 들린다]

‪(강태) ‪그때 분명

I clearly said I didn't want to cross paths with you ever again.

다신 보지 말자고 했을 텐데

I clearly said I didn't want to cross paths with you ever again.

그쪽 혼자  다짐이었지 ‪ 아닌데?

You did say that, but I never agreed to it.

‪(강태) ‪ 이래?

What are you doing?

‪(문영) ‪신기해서

I'm just fascinated.


You grew up to be a great guy.

 정도면 성장이 아니라 ‪진화라고 봐야지

I'd say you didn't just grow, you went through an evolution.


Do you know me?

차차  알아  볼까 

I want to get to know you better.

‪(문영) ‪언제 끝나?

When do you get off work?

아침부터 아무것도  먹고 달려왔더니 ‪배고파 뒈지겠는데

I rushed here on an empty stomach. I'm freaking starving right now.

이런 촌구석에도 맛집은 있지?

I'm freaking starving right now. Is there a good restaurant in this tiny town?

원하는  뭐야?

What do you want from me?

‪(강태) ‪그거 얻기 전엔 물러날 생각 없잖아

I know you won't back off until you get it,

그러니까 목적만 말해뭐야?

so tell me what you want. What do you want?

얼른 먹고 떨어져라?

"Just take it and leave"?

그래 준다면야

Yes, if you don't mind.


‪(문영) ‪먹고 떨어질게

I'll take it and leave.

문강태  줘라

Moon Gang-tae, what I want is you.

 하필 나야?

-Why me? -Because I can't stop wanting you.

자꾸 탐이 

-Why me? -Because I can't stop wanting you.

그러니까 ?

-But why? -Because you're so pretty.


-But why? -Because you're so pretty.

‪[신비로운 음악] ‪(문영) ‪그렇잖아

Well, you know. Like shoes, clothes, and cars.


Well, you know. Like shoes, clothes, and cars.

‪(문영) ‪ 눈에 예쁘면 탐이 나는 거고

When I see something pretty, I want it.

탐나면 가져야지

And I need to have what I want.

 주고 사든 몰래 쌔비든 ‪억지로 빼앗든

Whether I have to pay for it, steal it, or just take it by force.

가지면 그만 아니야?

What matters is that I make it mine.

욕망에  무슨 ‪거창한 이유가 있어야 ?

You don't need some grand reason to desire something, right?

‪(행자) ‪고문영 ?

Ms. Ko Mun-yeong.

원장님이 ‪보호자 면담을  했으면 하시는데

The director would like to speak with the patient's guardian.

‪[문영의 한숨]



‪(지왕) ‪회복세를 봐야 알겠지만

We'll have to see how he recovers,

원체 인지 기능이 떨어져 있던 상태라

but his cognitive functions were impaired to begin with,

당장은 따님을  알아볼 수도 있어요

so he may not recognize you now even though you're his daughter.

‪[신비로운 효과음]

so he may not recognize you now even though you're his daughter.

‪[행자의 헛기침]

‪(행자) ‪이쪽으로 앉으시죠

You can have a seat here.


No, thanks.

 아버님처럼 뇌종양에 수반된 ‪정신 장애는 완치가 힘들어요

Mental disorders accompanied by brain tumors like your father's case are difficult to treat.

완화시킬 수는 있죠

But we can help reduce the symptoms.


Are you kidding me?

화타를 여기 갖다  되나 ‪절대  

Even if the legendary doctor, Hua Tuo, is resurrected, it wouldn't be possible.

‪[흥미진진한 음악]

‪(지왕) ‪이게

His memory is all messed up,

기억의 오작동이나 ‪환시환청도 심하고

His memory is all messed up, he keeps hearing and seeing things,

이유 없이  무서워한다거나

and he gets scared for no reason.

괜히 뭐라 뭐라 헛소리도 하고

Also, he keeps saying things that make no sense.

증상이  여러모로 ‪고약하거든이게

Also, he keeps saying things that make no sense. His symptoms are really awful, I must say.

‪(문영) ‪귀신  사람들이랑 비슷하네

Those symptoms remind me of people who are possessed.

굿이라도 한판 해야 되나?

Should I hire an exorcist and hold a ritual?

굿이나 부적보다 훨씬 효과 좋은

I'll write him a prescription which will be much more effective

처방전을 내가    드릴까 하는데

than an exorcism or a talisman.


He looks nothing like her, right?

‪(필옹) ‪ 교수 딸은 엄청 미인이더구먼

Professor Ko's daughter is very pretty.

죽은 자기 엄마 닮았나  ‪[달려가는 발걸음]

I guess she got her looks from her late mother. His daughter is here?

‪(정태) ‪딸이 왔어이뻐?

His daughter is here? Is she pretty? Which celebrity does she look like?

연예인 누구 닮았는데?

Is she pretty? Which celebrity does she look like?

‪(필옹) ‪   처먹었냐?

Did you drink again?

그러다 평생 여기서 살래진짜?

If you keep that up, you'll be stuck here forever.

‪(정태) ‪  마셨어

No, I didn't drink.

진짜야 마셨어

I'm serious. I didn't drink at all.

‪(행자) ‪여기요


‪[싹둑 자르는 효과음]

이게 뭐죠?

What is this?

말씀드린 처방전

It's the prescription I just mentioned.

저희 병원에서 실시하는 ‪집단 치료 프로그램입니다

It's our hospital's group therapy program.

‪(지왕) ‪거기  보면

Have a look.


From cooking, art, and music to meditation and gardening,

환자 치료에 필요한 ‪요법 클래스가 골고루  있는데

the program offers all kinds of classes designed to help treat patients,

우리가 마침 ‪문예 쪽이 빈단 말이지

except for a class on literature.

 정신 의학에서는

In psychiatry, balance is very important.

밸런스가  중요한데 말이야

In psychiatry, balance is very important.


So what?

 시간씩 일주일에  타임

Can you help us out for an hour, twice a week?

‪(지왕) ‪글쓰기든  읽기든

It can be about reading or writing.

뭐든 간에

It doesn't matter. Just think of it as using your skill sets to do a good deed.

재능 기부다 생각하고

It doesn't matter. Just think of it as using your skill sets to do a good deed.

 클래스 맡아 주시죠작가 선생님

Please teach a class, Ms. Ko.

‪(행자) ‪저기요원장님

Well, sir.


‪(지왕) ‪제일 중요한 채용 조건

The most important part, the terms and conditions of employment.

수업 오실 때마다

Every time you come here to teach,

‪30분씩 아버지 산책시키기

you can take your father out for a 30-minute walk.

조건은  쪽에서 ‪먼저 걸어야 되는  아닌가?

Shouldn't I be suggesting the terms that I want?

이게  환자와 보호자한테 제시하는 ‪ 처방전입니다

This is what I prescribe to the patient and you, his guardian.

‪[익살스러운 음악]

‪[문영이 종이를 쫙쫙 찢는다]

‪(지왕) ‪성격  와일드하구먼

I must say, she's got quite a temper.

설마  거라고 기대하신  아니죠?

You didn't actually think she'd agree to it, did you?

요새 뉴스  보세요? ‪아주 난리도 아닌데

Do you not watch the news? She's been all over the news.

 난리 통에 여기로 달려올 정성이면

But she came all the way here despite what's going on,

‪[무령이 딸랑딸랑 울린다] ‪노리는 뭔가가 ‪여기 분명히 있다는 건데

which tells me that she's after someone or something that's here.


‪[문이  닫힌다] ‪(강태) ‪왔어?

Hey, you're here.


Did you see her? I heard Ko Mun-yeong came by.

‪(차용) ‪고문영 우리 병원에 떴다면서요?

Did you see her? I heard Ko Mun-yeong came by.

이야실물 완전 개쩐다던데

Gosh, I heard she's drop-dead gorgeous in person.

에이조금만 일찍 올걸

I should've come earlier.

벌써 갔나?

-Do you think she left already? -Who cares? It's none of your business.

‪(강태) ‪쓸데없는  관심 끄고

-Do you think she left already? -Who cares? It's none of your business.

이거 어떡할 거야?

What will you do about this?

그게 왜요? ‪[차용이 가방을  내려놓는다]

What about it?

‪(강태) ‪  꼴로 만들어 놨던데?

You botched it all up like this.

미리 잘라 놓으라면서요 ‪환자들 목매고  죽을 수도 있다고

You told me to cut it up because the patients could hang themselves with it.

듬성듬성 가위질만  놓으랬지 ‪누가 이렇게 난도질을 하래?

I told you to just make a few cuts, not to cut it into pieces.

‪[짜증 섞인 신음]

I told you to just make a few cuts, not to cut it into pieces.

‪(차용) ‪알겠어요 푼이나 한다고

Okay, I heard you. This doesn't even cost much.

내가  박스 ‪사다 놓으면   아니야

I'll just buy a box of it.

개짜증  ‪[캐비닛 문이  닫힌다]

You're pissing me off.

어디 ?

Where are you going?


The bathroom.

‪[문이  닫힌다] ‪[한숨]

‪[강태의 한숨]

‪[문이  열린다] ‪[강태의 한숨]

수간호사님한테 욕먹을까  겁나면 ‪그냥  ‪[문이  닫힌다]

Just leave it if you're scared of getting an earful from Ms. Park.

‪(강태) ‪내가 나중에 반납할 테니까

I'll return it later.

‪(문영) ‪욕은 나중에 먹고 밥부터 먹자

Yes, save that for later. Let's go eat something first.

‪(강태) ‪뭐야

What are you doing here?

‪[흥미진진한 음악]

‪(문영) ‪...

You can't come in here. Get out.

여기 외부인 출입 금지야나가

You can't come in here. Get out.

방금 나간 애가 ‪ 여기 있다고 문까지 열어 주던데?

The guy who just left said I'd find you here and let me in.


‪- (강태나가빨리 ‪- ?

-Get out. -Why?

‪- (강태나가라고얼른 ‪- (문영...

-Just get out. -Gosh.

‪(문영) ‪?

‪[문영의 탄성]

‪[강태의 힘주는 숨소리] ‪(문영) ‪...


Let go of me.

‪[강태의 당황한 숨소리]


‪[흥미진진한 음악] ‪[어색한 웃음]

‪(문영) ‪서로 쌩까자고?

What? You think we should pretend not to know each other?

표정 보니  그렇네

That's what your face is telling me.

‪(주리) ‪그래 주면 고맙고

I'd appreciate that.

그게  어려운 일이라고

Sure, it's nothing difficult.

강태 씨랑은 어떻게 아는 사이야?

How do you and Gang-tae know each other?

‪[라이터를  닫는다]


그건 모른 척이  되니?

Why do you ask? That you can't ignore?

 그게  그렇더라

That's something I never understood.

사람과 사람 사이를

How can you define a relationship in just one word?

어떻게  떨어지는 한마디로 ‪정의할  있지?

How can you define a relationship in just one word?

‪[몽환적인 음악]

How can you define a relationship in just one word?

‪(문영) ‪만날 때마다 생과 사를 오갈 만큼 ‪극적이었고

Every encounter we've had was awfully dramatic, being an inch away from death.

 순간마다 서로가 서로한테 ‪ 반전이었어

And every moment we crossed paths, we surprised each other.

그런 우연이 쌓이고 쌓여서

If such coincidences, one after another,

어쩌다 여기까지 흘러왔다면

somehow led us here,

그걸 무슨 사이라고 해야 ?

how would you define our relationship?

운명 따위로 퉁치는   진부하잖아 ‪그렇지?

It'd be such a cliché to say that we're destined for each other. Right?



‪[타이어 마찰음]

‪(문영) ‪

Get in.

‪[흥미진진한 음악]

타라고 ‪[통화 연결음]

I said, get in.

‪[자동차 경적]

‪(강태) ‪지금 어디예요? ‪[자동차 경적]

Where are you?

‪[자동차 경적이 계속 울린다]

나중에 다시 걸게요

I'll call you again later.

기운 빼지 말고 

Don't waste your energy. Just get in.

고기 먹자 배고파

Let's go eat some meat. I'm hungry.

 혼자 먹어 ‪ 같이 먹을 사람 있으니까

Go by yourself. I have plans for dinner.

우리 상태 오빠?

Oh, with Sang-tae?

‪(문영) ‪잘됐네

That works out perfectly. We can have the meet-and-greet today. Where do you live?

저번에    미팅 오늘 하지 ‪집이 어디야?

We can have the meet-and-greet today. Where do you live?

이렇게 막무가내로 덤비면 ‪다들  먹혀 줬나 본데

I guess bulldozing your way through like this usually works,

나한텐 절대  통해

but it'll never work with me.


청산리 벽계수였어?

You're going to play hard to get?

‪(문영) ‪재밌겠다

This will be fun.

 보자먹히나  먹히나

Let's find out whether you'll give in or not.

‪[문영의 웃음]


Okay, fine.

눈으로 씹어 먹겠네아주

Look at those glaring eyes of yours.

오늘은 그냥 갈게

I'll leave you alone today.

‪['사이코'라고 말하는 효과음]

대신 다음에  튕기면 ‪그땐 납치할 거야!

But I'll kidnap you if you play hard to get next time I see you!

‪[자동차 시동음]


‪[긴장되는 음악]

‪[밤새 울음]

‪[긴장되는 효과음]

‪[긴장되는 효과음] ‪[문영의 비명]

‪[타이어 마찰음]

‪[문영의 거친 숨소리]

‪[떨리는 숨소리]

‪[흥미진진한 음악] ‪[고라니의 울음]

‪[거친 숨을 내뱉는다]

아이씨발존나 깜짝 놀랐네

Fuck, that scared the crap out of me.

‪[고라니의 울음] ‪(문영) ‪닥쳐 고라니 새끼야!

Shut up, you stupid deer!


You won't shut up?



‪[고라니의 울음] ‪으악!

‪(문영) ‪아악!

‪[고라니의 울음] ‪[자동차 경적]

‪[익살스러운 효과음]


‪[바코드 인식음]

‪- 좋은 하루 되세요 ‪- (주리감사합니다

-Have a great day. -Thank you.

‪(강태) ‪?

‪[옅은 웃음]

‪(주리) ‪같이 저녁 먹고 오는  아니었어요? ‪[멀리서 개가 왈왈 짖는다]

I thought you were having dinner with her.

‪(강태) ‪그럴 사이 아니에요

No, we're not close.

집에서 고작   먹는데 ‪저녁은 형이랑 먹어야죠

And dinner is the only meal I can have at home, so I should eat with my brother.

‪(주리) ‪그렇죠 ‪[휴대전화 진동음]


‪(강태) ‪재수야

Hey, Jae-su.


I'm in front of the house. There's Coke in the fridge.

콜라는 냉장고에 있고

I'm in front of the house. There's Coke in the fridge.




‪[신비로운 음악]

‪[밤새 울음]

‪[까마귀 울음]

‪[분위기가 고조되는 음악]

‪(상인) ‪ 되는데


여기는 진짜  되는데

Gosh, she really shouldn't go to this place.

‪(승재) ‪거기가 어디인데요? ‪[상인의 한숨]

What place?


The cursed castle.

‪[신비로운 음악] ‪[밤새 울음]

‪[딸랑거리는 소리가 난다]

‪(상인) ‪문영이 태어난 기념으로

It's a mansion Mun-yeong's father built

걔네 아빠가 직접 지은 저택이야

to celebrate her birth.

부인이  쓰는  집중할  있게

He built it in the middle of a remote forest

엄청 깊은 숲속에다 지었어

so that his wife could focus on her writing.

‪[문이 덜컹 열린다]

‪[긴장되는 효과음]

한때 건축 대상을 받을 정도로 ‪으리으리했는데

It used to be a fancy mansion, and it even won a grand award for its architecture.

지금은 완전히 폐허지

But it's turned into ruins.


It's like a haunted house.

‪(승재) ‪팔면 되지 여태 그냥 뒀대요?

But she can sell it. Why hasn't she sold it all this time?

‪(상인) ‪

Hey, how can she sell it when it's not sellable?

팔려야 팔리지

Hey, how can she sell it when it's not sellable?

거기서 걔네 엄마 그렇게 되고

Her mother ended up like that in that house,

걔네 아빠아유저렇게 되고

and her father... Even he ended up like this.

 재수  붙은  누가 사려고 들어?

Who'd want to buy a house where so many bad things happened?

그렇게 저렇게...

"Like that" and "like this"?

뭐가 어떻게 됐는데요?

What exactly happened to them?

알려고 하지 뒈져

Don't pry, or you'll get in trouble.

‪(승재) ‪ ‪[상인의 한숨]


작가님은 갑자기 ‪거길  내려가셨대요?

By the way, why did Ms. Ko go there out of the blue?




I wonder why.

왜긴 왜야!

What do you think?

어떤 무개념이!

It's because some idiot did a background check on someone

누구 뒷조사해서!

It's because some idiot did a background check on someone

‪(상인) ‪ 몰래 갖다 바쳤기 때문이겠지!

and showed her that without even telling me!

뒷조사를 갖다 바치는  낫지

I did it because I figured it'd be better

 목숨을 바칠  없잖아요

than losing my life for not doing the job.


What did you say?

‪(상인) ‪아이고이거를 그냥 아주그냥

Gosh, you little...


Jeez, seriously. Unbelievable!


‪[문이 달칵 열린다]

‪[신비로운 음악]

‪[문이  열린다]

‪[문이 삐거덕거린다]

‪[문이 철컹거린다]

‪[풀벌레 울음] ‪[한숨]

‪[물건이  떨어진다]

‪[힘주는 신음]

‪[신비로운 효과음]

‪(지왕) ‪괜히 뭐라 뭐라 헛소리도 하고

Also, he keeps saying things that make no sense.

증상이  여러모로 고약하거든이게

His symptoms are really awful, I must say.

‪[몽환적인 음악]

‪[힘겨운 신음]



I'm hungry.

‪[지글지글 소리가 들린다]

‪[재수가 흥얼거린다]

‪(재수) ‪[흥얼거리며] ‪삼겹살

Grilled pork belly. It looks delicious!


Grilled pork belly. It looks delicious!

‪[재수의 다급한 숨소리]

‪[날카로운 효과음]

‪(재수) ‪자기야

Hey, sweetie. Open wide.

‪(순덕) ‪아이고다리야

-Oh, my legs. -My gosh!

‪[순덕의 힘겨운 신음] ‪(재수) ‪아이고아이고

-Oh, my legs. -My gosh! -Take this. -Here, I got it.

‪- (순덕이것  받아  ‪- (재수아이고예예

-Take this. -Here, I got it.

‪- (재수뜨거워뜨거워 ‪- (순덕뜨거워뜨거워

-Gosh, it's hot! -It's hot. Be careful.

‪- (순덕조심해조심해 ‪- (재수찌개찌개

-Gosh, it's hot! -It's hot. Be careful. Nice, look at this stew.

‪(재수) ‪[흥얼거리며] ‪된장찌개

This soybean paste stew looks so good!

‪- (순덕 ‪- (재수맛있겠다

This soybean paste stew looks so good!

‪[재수의 헛기침]

‪(순덕) ‪ 팔자가 환갑 넘어서부터 펴진다더니 ‪ 말이  맞네

I was told I'd live a comfortable life starting at the age of 60. It was totally right.

 절간 같은 집에 껑충한 사내가 ‪셋씩이나 굴러 들어오고

Three young men moved into this house in the middle of nowhere,

따박따박 월세까지 받아먹고

and I can even collect rent every month now.

아주 인복에 쇳복까지 ‪말년 복이 제대로 터지네

I live with good people who bring me money. I got so lucky in my twilight years.

‪[순덕의 웃음]

솔직히 저는

I'm renting a semi-basement room that doesn't get much natural light.

일조량이 상당히 없는 반지하방인데

I'm renting a semi-basement room that doesn't get much natural light.

‪(재수) ‪여기 옥탑이랑 월세가 똑같은  ‪ 그렇지 않나...

It's not fair that I'm paying as much as they're paying for their rooftop room.

넓기는  방이 제일 넓어

You're renting the biggest room in this house.

‪[순덕의 웃음]

You're renting the biggest room in this house.

‪(순덕) ‪거기 밥그릇   

Hey, pass me your bowl.


‪[순덕의 힘주는 신음]

All right.

‪(순덕) ‪이거이거  먹어 ‪[강태의 당황한 신음]

-Here, have some more. -My gosh.

‪(강태) ‪너무 많은데...

That's too much.

나는 약을  주먹씩 먹어야 돼서 ‪   남겨 놔야 

I have to take a fistful of pills, so I need to save some room.

‪[순덕의 웃음]

so I need to save some room.

‪(순덕) ‪팍팍   먹어

Eat up.

먹는  시원찮으니까 ‪그렇게 말랐지

You eat like a bird. That's why you're so skinny.

‪(주리) ‪ 자꾸 억지로 먹이려 그래체하게

Don't force him to eat more. He won't be able to digest the food.

‪(순덕) ‪아이고?


다이어트한다는 년이 잘한다

Look at you. Didn't you say you were on a diet?

‪[따뜻한 음악]

‪(재수) ‪[작은 소리로] ‪형님


강태 찍혔다찍혔어

Gang-tae has been picked.

어디 찍혔어찍혔어? ‪찍히면 아파

Gang-tae has been picked. What? Someone pinched you? That must've hurt.

‪- 어디? ‪- (재수아니아니

-Where? Your foot? -No.

사윗감으로 찍혔다고

I'm saying she wants him to be her son-in-law.


She's got her eyes on him.

 엄청 매워 ‪ 엄청 매워매워엄청

What? The eyes? That's very dangerous.

‪- (재수먹어먹어먹어 ‪- (상태먹어엄청 배고파

Hey, eat up. -Eat. Eat up. -Eat up.

‪(순덕) ‪

-Eat. Eat up. -Eat up.

‪[즐겁게 대화를 나눈다]

-Hey, don't. -Don't do that!

‪(재수) ‪조심해벌레벌레!

-Hey, don't. -Don't do that! No! A bug!


No! A bug! There's a bug!

‪[함께 웃는다]

There's a bug!

‪[긴장되는 음악]

‪[떨리는 숨소리]


It's cold.

‪[음산한 효과음]


‪[신비로운 음악] ‪[뽀드득거리는 효과음]

‪(여자) ‪옛날 옛날 깊은 숲속 어느 성에

Once upon a time in a castle in the middle of a deep forest

오랜 잠에 빠진 공주가 있었대

lived a princess who had been asleep for many years.

‪[의미심장한 음악]

‪[질퍽거리는 소리가 난다]

‪[신비로운 음악]

"A needle on a spinning wheel will kill her."

‪(여자) ‪' 아이는 물레 바늘에 찔려 ‪죽게  것이다'

"A needle on a spinning wheel will kill her."

공주가 태어난 

That was the curse

사악한 마녀가 나타나 ‪저주를 걸었기 때문이었지

the evil witch put on the princess the day she was born.

겁이  왕은 ‪나라의 모든 물레를 불태워서

Frightened, the King burned every spinning wheel in his kingdom

 저주를 피하려 했지만

to avoid the curse,

결국 공주는 변장한 마녀가 건넨 ‪장미 가시에 찔려

but the princess ended up getting pricked by a thorn on the rose given to her by the witch in disguise and fell asleep.

깊은 잠에 빠지고 말았어

given to her by the witch in disguise and fell asleep.

‪[놀란 숨소리]

‪[떨리는 숨소리]

‪[의미심장한 효과음]

‪[어두운 음악] ‪(여자) ‪ 동화의 교훈은

This fairy tale tells you that

정해진 운명은 ‪절대 거스를  없다는 거야

you can never escape your destiny.



왕자의 키스

The prince's kiss.

‪[음산한 효과음]

The prince's kiss.

그가 공주의 저주를 풀어   있겠지

I suppose he could break the curse.

그렇지만 너무 기대하진 

But don't get your hopes up too high.



내가  왕자를 죽일 거니까

I will kill that prince.

‪[문영의 떨리는 숨소리]

‪[분위기가 고조되는 음악]

‪[여자의 웃음]

‪[출렁거리는 소리가 난다]

‪(여자) ‪살려 

Save me!

‪[긴장되는 음악] ‪[여자의 신음]

Save me!



‪[흐느끼며] ‪살려 

Save me.




Save me.

살려 ! ‪[문영의 놀란 숨소리]

Save me!

‪[거친 숨소리]

‪(강태) ‪스스로 통제가   

When you can't control yourself,

‪[잔잔한 음악] ‪이렇게 양팔을 엑스 자로 교차해서

cross your arms like this

양쪽 어깨를 번갈아서 토닥여 

and take turns tapping on each shoulder like this.

‪[떨리는 숨소리]


Don't cry.



‪(행자) ‪저기 온다

Oh, he's here.

‪[흥미진진한 음악]

높은 분이에요?

Is he someone high up?

 지역 국회 의원 아들요

His father is an assemblyman from this district.

‪(기도) ‪민석이 

Hey, Min-seok.

‪- 누나! ‪- (행자진짜

-Haeng-ja! -My gosh.

‪(행자) ‪ 멀리서 보는데

From afar, I thought you were Chow Yun Fat.

주윤발이 오나 했네?

From afar, I thought you were Chow Yun Fat.


-How have you been? -Well, you know. So-so.

‪(기도) ‪아이그럭저럭요

-How have you been? -Well, you know. So-so.

병원에 문제없죠?

Everything's been good at the hospital, right?


Of course, thanks to you.

그럼 가시죠

-All right, let's go. -Wait, hang on.


-All right, let's go. -Wait, hang on. Well, I'm here.

‪(기도) ‪아이근데 내가내가 왔는데 ‪어떻게 저기원장 샘이  보여요?

Well, I'm here. How come the director is nowhere to be seen?

이게이게 깜깜해서 그런 건가?

Oh, is it because of my sunglasses?



Oh, he's in the bathroom?

‪(지왕) ‪용아

Yong! Where are you?

어디 있니처용아

Yong! Where are you? Cheo-yong!



‪[지왕의 힘주는 신음]

‪[당황한 신음]

낮잠 자려면 ‪그게 있어야 가위에  눌리는데

I need it to take a nap. Without it, I'll have sleep paralysis.

‪[신비로운 효과음]

‪(문영) ‪[졸린 목소리로] ‪수습   사고가 어디 있어?

All problems can be sorted out.

‪(상인) ‪있어

No, not this.

이번  사이즈가 달라

This one is huge.

목격자가 한둘이 아닌 데다가

There are many witnesses,

소문이 소문을 더해 가지고 ‪얼마나 빠르게 확산되고 있는데

and the rumors are spreading so quickly.


Damn it! Why does this country have to be an IT powerhouse?

‪(상인) ‪ 염병할 IT 강국진짜

Damn it! Why does this country have to be an IT powerhouse?

징징대지  울려

Stop whining. You're making my head pound.

‪(상인) ‪

Hey, I bet you don't want to cry as much as I do.

 나만큼 울고 싶니?

Hey, I bet you don't want to cry as much as I do. They're even saying you should be disqualified as a candidate for the award.

 지금 안데르센상 후보 자격도 ‪박탈시킨다고 난리야

They're even saying you should be disqualified as a candidate for the award.

거기다가  이번 신간도 ‪판매 금지 가처분 신청...

And there's an injunction request against your new book...

‪[상인의 한숨]

‪(상인) ‪됐고

Forget it.



우리 그냥 기자들 모아 놓고 ‪시원하게 한번 울자

Let's just gather some reporters and cry our eyes out.

 메소드 연기 잘하잖아

I mean, you're a great actress.

 대사까지   놨어

I've even written your lines.

창작의 고통차기작에 대한 부담

"The stress from the creative process, the new book,

‪(상인) ‪불면증이런저런 스트레스로

my insomnia, and so on

감정 컨트롤이  돼서 ‪돌이킬  없는 실수를...

my insomnia, and so on led me to lose grip over my emotions and make such a mistake--"

고대환 팔아

Use Ko Dae-hwan as an excuse.

‪(상인) ‪누구? ‪[흥미진진한 음악]

Who? You mean, your father?

‪- (상인너희 아버지? ‪- (문영받아 적어

Who? You mean, your father? Write this down.

‪(문영) ‪고문영 잠적

"Ko Mun-yeong disappears.

‪(문영) ‪알고 보니 치매 걸린 아버지 간병 

But turns out, she's been looking after her father with dementia.

이대로 은퇴 선언?

Will she retire from her career?"

뒤에 물음표로 여지만 남겨

End it with a question so that it sounds like a possibility.



마녀사냥이 한창인데 ‪갑자기  마녀가 사라진다

The witch disappears in the middle of a witch hunt.

‪[손가락을  튕긴다] ‪(상인) ‪그렇지

That's it!

다시 애타게 찾는  대중이지

The public will want you back.


Mun-yeong, great minds think alike!

 어쩜 그렇게 ‪나랑 생각이 똑같냐?

Mun-yeong, great minds think alike!

우리가 아주 그냥 ‪환상의 파트너다그렇지?

We're such a great team, don't you think?

‪[통화 종료음] ‪여보세요?

Hello? Hey, hello?


Hello? Hey, hello?

어유 독한 ?

Goodness, that heartless woman.

  없어서 너희 아버지를 파냐?

You want to use your father as an excuse?


무서운 이거

She scares me.



‪[별이 키보드를 탁탁 두드린다]


‪[휘파람 소리가 들린다]

‪[흥미진진한 음악]

이제  시작한다

The show begins now.

‪[힘주는 신음]




‪[기도의 기분 좋은 신음]


‪[힘주는 탄성]



‪[기도의 기분 좋은 탄성]

‪(강태) ‪여기 CCTV 있어요

There's a camera in this room.

‪(기도) ‪알고 있어요

I know.

나는 누가  이렇게 ‪ 집중해서 쳐다보고 그러면

I know. The thought of someone looking at me intently gets me so excited.

 그렇게 좋더라고그게 ‪, ' '

The thought of someone looking at me intently gets me so excited.

‪[기도의 기분 좋은 신음]

‪(강태) ‪소지품 여기 넣으시고

You can put your stuff here.

‪[강태가 신발을  내려놓는다] ‪일단 옷부터 갈아입을까요?

Why don't you get changed first?

지금 되게 추워 보이는데

You look very cold now.

‪(기도) ‪아닌데 지금 되게  추운데

No, I'm not cold at all. You're totally mistaken.

잘못 보고 있는  같은데

No, I'm not cold at all. You're totally mistaken.

‪[기도의 거친 숨소리]


What? Manic syndrome?

‪() ‪급성 조증으로 ‪봄마다 오는 재환 환자니까

He comes here every spring due to his acute manic episodes,

이스케이프 조심해야 돼요

so make sure he doesn't escape.

비만 오면     ‪산을 하도 타고 다녀서

Whenever it rains, he sneaks out and wanders in the mountains.

날다람쥐라 잡지도 못해

He's fast, so he's hard to catch.


Gosh, an assemblyman's son suffers from manic episodes?

국회 의원 아들이 조증?

Gosh, an assemblyman's son suffers from manic episodes?

대통령은 감기  걸리니?

Does the President never catch a cold?

‪(행자) ‪아픈데 누구 아들이 무슨 상관이고

Why does his dad's vocation matter? It's not like his condition is something he has to hide.

조증이 감춰야  성병이라도 ?

It's not like his condition is something he has to hide.

환자를 그딴 선입견으로...

You should not deal with patients with such biased--


Okay, I heard you. I will remember that, ma'am.


What? Ma'am?

‪(행자) ‪ 아직   끝났어 ‪오차용일로  

Hey, I'm not done. Get back here.


Hey, that brat... My gosh, look at him.

어머  ?

Hey, that brat... My gosh, look at him.




Hey, that punk... He must have lost his mind, right?

 지금 미친 거지그렇지?

Hey, that punk... He must have lost his mind, right?

적대적 반항 장애가 ‪살짝 의심되긴 해요

I'm thinking he might have oppositional defiant disorder.

‪(행자) ‪그래



Well, you're right.

아픈 사람한테 화내는  아니야

He needs help. I shouldn't be mad at him.

화내지 말자행자야

Don't get mad at him, Haeng-ja.


Hey, Cha-yong!

혹시 ...

Have you heard of the place called Morning Sun?

모닝썬이라고 아나?

Have you heard of the place called Morning Sun?

아침   때까지 놀아 젖히는 ‪클럽이라고 해서 모닝썬인데

It's a club where you can party until the sun comes up. Hence the name. You know, I heard it's the hottest club at the moment,

아니요새 거기가 ‪그렇게 핫하다고 하길래 내가

You know, I heard it's the hottest club at the moment, so I went there.

거기를  떴거든?

so I went there.

‪[신나는 음악이 흘러나온다] ‪[소란스럽다]

‪[반가운 탄성]

 좋고음악 좋고

The pretty girls and the good music totally lifted my spirits, so I did something nice.

기분도  이렇게 올라오니까 ‪내가 좋은   했지

totally lifted my spirits, so I did something nice.

‪(기도) ‪!

All right!

내가 오늘 여기   쏜다마셔!

Everything's on me, all night! -Drink all you want! -Nice!

‪[함께 환호한다]

-Drink all you want! -Nice!

 남들한테    ‪그렇게 기분이 좋더라?

I love spending money on others.

나중에   없으면 자선 사업가 ‪이런 거나  할까 

I should become a philanthropist if I have nothing else to do later on.

암튼 그날 술값이  ‪ 2 가까이 나왔나근데

Anyway, I think the bill came to about 20 million won that night. But...

분실 카드라는데요?

This credit card has been reported missing.


‪[긴장되는 음악]

우리 아빠가  뒤통수를 쳤네

My dad totally blindsided me.

‪(기도) ‪그래서 어떡해일단

I had no choice

존나 튀었지!

but to run like fuck.

‪[사람들의 비명]

‪[자동차 경적] ‪[기도의 놀란 탄성]

‪[타이어 마찰음]

‪[기도의 놀란 탄성] ‪[타이어 마찰음]

‪[기도의 놀란 탄성]

‪[놀란 탄성]

아이급하니까 ‪그냥 도로로 뛰어들었고

I just ran into the road because I had to lose them.

뛰다 보니까 

Then I got freaking hot because I had been running for a while.

아유 존나 더웠고

Then I got freaking hot because I had been running for a while.

더우니까 그냥   벗어젖혔고

And that's why I took off all my clothes!

‪[거친 신음]

And that's why I took off all my clothes!

‪"FBI 경고"

‪[타이어 마찰음]

‪[와장창 부딪치는 소리가 난다]

‪[타이어 마찰음]

‪[ 하는 소리가 들린다]

‪[편안한 음악]

‪[입소리를  낸다]


‪[경쾌한 음악]

‪[놀란 탄성]

‪[숨을 깊게 내뱉는다]

그러다 보니까   여기  있네

And I ended up here again.

‪100m  나와요?

How fast can you run 100m?


Me? I'm so freaking fast.

봤지이런 식이면  , 7 나오지 ‪형은?

See that? About seven seconds, I think. What about you?


Me? Six seconds.

네발로 뛰어? ‪뭐야치타야뭐야?

What? Do you have four legs? Are you a cheetah or something?

체육 시간에 붙어 보든지

We can have a race if you'd like.

‪(기도) ‪ 완전히  스타일이다

I like you.

‪[옅은 웃음]


Shall we go to the counseling room?


Let's go.

‪(기도) ‪  뒤에서 보니까 아유

My gosh. From the back, I can tell that you work out.

운동하나 , 3  쳐요?

My gosh. From the back, I can tell that you work out. What do you do? I can tell you're ripped.

운동한 몸인데아주

What do you do? I can tell you're ripped.

‪- (기도민석이 ! ‪- (민석어서 와요

-Min-seok! -Welcome. Gosh, Min-seok.

‪(기도) ‪진짜

Gosh, Min-seok.

‪(강태) ‪3시까지 병원 와야 되는  알지?

You know you have to be here by 3 p.m.

도착하면 전화하고

Call me when you get here.

지금은  하고 있어? ‪ 책에 그림 그려?

What are you up to now? Are you doodling on your book again?

밀가루 반죽에

No, on the dough.

‪(상태) ‪재수   엄청 많아 ‪의외의외로의외로

Jae-su is actually very rich. Who knew?



‪(재수) ‪안녕하세요어서 오세요

-Hello. -Come on in.


Hey, customers. We have customers.

‪[작은 소리로] ‪누구야강태끊어

Is it Gang-tae? Hang up.


Is it Gang-tae? Hang up.

방금 무슨 소리야?

What was that sound just now?


Hang up. Just hang up!

‪- 지금 어디야? ‪- (상태끊으래

-Hey, where are you? -He wants me to hang up.

‪[통화 종료음]

‪[휴대전화 조작음]

‪[통화 연결음]

‪(차용) ‪선배!


요법실로 환자들 이동한대요

We have to move the patients to the therapy room.

All right.

‪(남자1) ‪근데 밖에 써진  진짜예요?

By the way, is that really true?

피자   먹으면 ‪공짜로 캐리커처 그려 준다는

We saw on the sign that a free caricature comes with a full-size pizza.

‪(재수) ‪아유그럼요

Of course.

오픈 기념행사로 ‪  달만 하는 건데

Just for a month, to celebrate our grand opening.

저기 피카소 선생님이 ‪10 만에 후딱 그려 드립니다

Mr. Picasso over there will draw you one in just ten minutes.

‪[재수의 웃음]

‪- (재수잠시만요 ‪- (상태 

Just a moment, please.


What do I do?

‪- (상태어떡해 ‪- 그린대그린대그린대

What do I do? -Sang-tae, they want one. -Gosh.

강태가 알면 우리 ‪쫓겨나는데

If Gang-tae finds out, we'll get kicked out.

직업 학교도  가고 거짓말하고

I didn't even go to school and lied to him.

쫓겨날 수밖에 없지 ‪쫓겨날 수밖에

Gosh, he'll kick me out. No doubt!

‪(재수) ‪형님쌍방 간에 합의  끝났잖아

Gosh, he'll kick me out. No doubt! Hey, we've already agreed to this.

내가 장당  원씩 쳐준다니까? ‪형이  필요하다며

I'll pay you 10,000 won per caricature. -You said you needed money. -Yes, I do need money.

‪[흥미진진한 음악] ‪  필요해요

-You said you needed money. -Yes, I do need money.

‪(재수) ‪그래형님은 재능 살려  벌어 좋고

Yes, you can use your skills and earn money.

나는 손님 끌어 좋고 ‪손님은 공짜 그림 받아 좋고

The free caricatures will attract customers.

‪'에브리바디  해피', 뭐가 문제야?

What's the problem?

형님이거 착한 일이야

Sang-tae, we're doing a good deed. Consider it a donation.


Sang-tae, we're doing a good deed. Consider it a donation.

재능 기부

You're donating your skills.

재능 기부는 좋은 

That is a good deed.

‪(상태) ‪안녕하세요


‪[흥미진진한 음악]

오늘부터 문예 수업을 맡게  ‪고문영입니다

I'm Ko Mun-yeong. I'll be teaching this literature class from now on.

‪[환자들의 환호]

She's beautiful.

‪(환자1) ‪예쁘다

She's beautiful.

‪[탁탁 글씨 쓰는 소리가 들린다]

‪[분필을  내려놓는다]

‪(문영) ‪동화란 무엇일까요?

What is a fairy tale?

동화란 제가 아이유와 결혼하는 겁니다

The story of me marrying IU.

‪[환자들의 웃음] ‪(선해) ‪    그만 마셔

Stop drinking, will you?

‪- (환자1) 아이  드셨네 ‪- (아름알코올 의존증이에요

-He's drunk again. -He's alcohol-dependent, Ms. Ko.

‪- (환자1) 아이말도   ‪- 아이주정태  주정하고 있네

-He's drunk again. -He's alcohol-dependent, Ms. Ko. Jeong-tae, you and your drunk talk.

주정 아니야

-I'm not drunk. -I call that bullshit.


-I'm not drunk. -I call that bullshit.

‪(문영) ‪ 들어요

Attention, everyone.

동화란 현실 세계의 잔혹성과 폭력성을 ‪역설적으로 그린

A fairy tale is a cruel fantasy that illustrates the brutality and violence of this world in a paradoxical manner.

잔인한 판타지예요

the brutality and violence of this world in a paradoxical manner.

‪(환자2) ‪?


‪[환자들이 웅성거린다] ‪- (환자1) 잔인한 판타지? ‪- (환자2)  소리야?

-A fantasy? -What did she say?

예를 들어 볼까요?

Shall I give you an example?

‪'흥부전' 교훈뭐죠?

What does Heungbu and Nolbu teach us?

‪(옥란) ‪착하게 살면 로또 대박을 맞는다

If you're a good person, you'll win the lottery.

‪[환자들의 웃음]

‪- (환자1) 웃기는 소리 하고 있네 ‪- 아니

-True that. -Wrong.

흥부는 장남이 아니라서 가난했다

Heungbu was poor because he wasn't the eldest son.

장남한테 몰빵한 ‪유산 상속의 문제를 다루고 있죠

It criticizes the primogeniture customs that allowed the eldest sons to inherit everything.

‪[환자들이 웅성거린다] ‪[어이없는 한숨]

-Is that so? -Gosh.

‪'미운 오리 새끼'?

What about The Ugly Duckling?

못생겼어도 차별하지 말자

Don't discriminate against ugly kids.


Wrong. The lesson is, "Raising someone else's child is unrewarding,

남의 새끼 키워 봐야 헛수고니 ‪ 새끼 간수나 잘해라

Wrong. The lesson is, "Raising someone else's child is unrewarding, so just look after your own."

‪[환자들이 호응한다] ‪() ‪저기선생님?

-Oh, right. -Excuse me, Ms. Ko?

‪'인어 공주' 교훈은?

What about The Little Mermaid?

‪(아름) ‪저요

I know. When you're in love, you must love that person faithfully

물거품으로 사라지더라도

I know. When you're in love, you must love that person faithfully

 사람을 지고지순하게 사랑해야 한다

even if that means you'll dissolve into sea foam.

‪[환자들의 탄성]

-My gosh! -Oh, my!

‪(선해) ‪그렇게 지고지순하게 사랑해 가지고

-My gosh! -Oh, my! -My goodness. -She loved her husband so faithfully

얘가 자기 남편한테 ‪물거품이 되도록 처맞았어

that she let him beat her up to a pulp.

‪[환자들의 웃음]

that she let him beat her up to a pulp.

‪- 유선해  ‪- (선해

-Ms. Yoo. -Yes?

‪- (환자3) 아유진짜 ‪- (환자1) 이건 몰랐네?

That I didn't know.

그이가 아니라...

It wasn't his fault. Alcohol is to blame.

술이 때린 거예요술이

It wasn't his fault. Alcohol is to blame.

‪[환자들이 웅성거린다] ‪[흐느낀다]

‪(환자1) ‪아이고술이 문제야

Alcohol is always the problem.

 거면 나가요

Get out if you want to cry.

‪[흥미진진한 음악]

‪(문영) ‪, '인어 공주' 교훈

All right. The lesson we can take from The Little Mermaid

약혼자 있는 남자를 넘보면 ‪천벌을 받는다

is that karma will bite you hard if you covet an engaged man.

‪(정태) ‪그럼 '임금님 귀는 당나귀 '는요?

Then what about King Donkey Ears?

속병이  나려면 뒷담화를 까라

Talk behind people's backs to relieve your stress.

... ‪[환자들의 웃음]

-I see. -Maybe I should do that.

‪(환자1) ‪하긴뒷담화는 까야 

-I see. -Maybe I should do that.

‪[환자들이 호응한다]

I guess it kind of makes sense.

‪[갈매기 울음]

I guess it kind of makes sense.

‪(문영) ‪

So let me sum up today's class for you.

오늘 수업의 결론

So let me sum up today's class for you.

동화는 꿈을 심어 주는 ‪환각제가 아니라

A fairy tale isn't a hallucinogen that gives us hopes and dreams.

현실을 일깨워 주는 각성제다

It's a stimulant that makes us face reality.

그러니까 여러분도 동화 많이 읽고

So I hope you all read a lot of fairy tales

제발  깨세요

and wake up from your dreams.

고문영 선생님

Ms. Ko.

‪(문영) ‪밤하늘의 별을 보지 말고

Don't look up at the stars in the beautiful night sky.

시궁창에 처박혀 있는 발을 봐야지

Don't look up at the stars in the beautiful night sky. Look down at your feet that are stuck in a filthy sewer.

그게  현실이고 ‪ 현실을 받아들이는 순간

The moment you realize that and accept your reality...

‪'에브리바디  해피'


‪[환자들의 웃음]

‪(환자4) ‪' 해피'

‪[흥미진진한 음악] ‪(환자들) ‪'해피해피'


Let's be happy.

‪- (환자5) 해피하자 ‪- (환자1) 해피해피하게 삽시다

Let's all live happy lives.

‪[냉장고 문을  닫는다]

누가 와요?

Who's here?

 쌤은 주간 회의  없어서 ‪몰랐구나?

I guess you didn't know because you weren't at the weekly meeting.

원장님이  작가한테 ‪문예 수업을 부탁했어

The director asked Ms. Ko to teach literature to our patients in return for letting her dad go for a walk every time she visits.

 때마다 아버지 산책시키는 조건으로

in return for letting her dad go for a walk every time she visits.


What? "A walk"?

하여간  너구리  용해

I have to say, the director really is something.

 작가가 노리는 뭔가가 ‪여기에 있을 거라더니

He said Ms. Ko must have something here that she wants.


I guess he was right.

‪(문영) ‪  수업 어땠어?

How was my first class?


How was it?

진짜 그렇게 생각해?

Do you really believe that?



인정하면  괜찮아진다고?

That we'll be fine once we accept reality.

‪(문영) ‪


 이대로 괜찮고 너대로 괜찮다

"This is who I am, and you are who you are."

서로 인정하면 그만이지

We just need to accept that.

자기들끼리만 괜찮으면  ?

So what if we're okay with it

‪(강태) ‪남들이세상이 그렇지가 않은데

when the entire world doesn't think that way?

다들 거부하고 밀어내는...

They all refuse to accept...

‪[문영이 하품한다]

They all refuse to accept...


Sorry. It was so boring that I almost fell asleep.

지루해서 깜빡  뻔했네

Sorry. It was so boring that I almost fell asleep.

나와 끄게

Get out so I can turn off the lights.

‪[강태가 문고리를 덜컹 흔든다]

‪(문영) ‪그냥 너도 인정해

-Just accept it. -Accept what?

‪- (강태? ‪-  욕구 불만인 

-Just accept it. -Accept what? That you're not satisfied.

‪[강태의 한숨]


See? I can see your eyes burning with desire.

눈에 욕망이 다글다글  

See? I can see your eyes burning with desire.

그래서 좋아도도한데 천박해서

That's why I like you. You're arrogant but shallow.

‪(강태) ‪...

‪(문영) ‪아까 보니까 환자들한텐  웃더라?

I noticed you're always smiling to the patients.

근데 나한텐  쌀쌀맞아? ‪밤엔 그렇게 뜨거워 놓고

But why are you so cold to me? You were really passionate that night.

무슨 소리야?

What are you talking about?

며칠 전에 꿈에 네가 나왔거든

I dreamt of you a few days ago.

‪[부드러운 음악]

 침대에 앉혀 놓고

You sat me down on my bed and did this to me.

네가  이렇게

You sat me down on my bed and did this to me.

‪[익살스러운 음악]


‪['사이코'라고 말하는 효과음]

‪(문영) ‪...

... ‪['사이코'라고 말하는 효과음]

 확실히 욕구 불만 맞아인정

Yes, I'm horny. I admit that.

조용히  ?

Lower your voice.

‪[지퍼를  채우는 효과음]

‪(문영) ‪[ 소리로] ‪나랑 한번 잘래?

Do you want to sleep with me?

‪[익살스러운 음악]



‪[문이  열린다]


‪(환자6) ‪언니파이팅! ‪[문이  닫힌다]

She's amazing.

‪[필옹의 놀란 신음]

‪() ‪대박


‪[문영의 아파하는 신음]

적당히 하랬지?

I told you to stop.

수작도 정도껏 부려

I'm sick of your jokes.

  장단 맞춰서 춤춰  여유 ‪전혀 없거든?

I have no time to play with you.

‪(문영) ‪여유가 없단 거지 ‪춤출 마음이 없단  아니네?

That means if you had the time, you'd play along.

멋대로 해석하지 

Don't jump to conclusions.

 그렇게 재미없게 살아?

Why live a boring life?

그렇게 참고 누르다 병나

You'll get sick if you suppress yourself like that.

놀고 싶으면 놀아야지

If you want to have fun, then have fun. I know you want some fun.

 놀고 싶잖아

If you want to have fun, then have fun. I know you want some fun.

네가 나에 대해  알아?

What do you know about me?

 아는  자꾸 함부로 까불어?

Who are you to act up like this?



‪[의미심장한 음악]

‪[문영의 웃음]


Why are you so startled?

살인자라고  것도 아닌데

It's not like I called you a murderer.


표정이  그래?

What's that look on your face?

‪(문영) ‪누가 보면 진짜인  알겠네

Someone might think it's true.

다들 그렇잖아

People are all hypocrites. We all live with a lot of hatred,

속으론 사람 여럿 죽이면서 ‪ 그런  위선 떨며 사는 거지

People are all hypocrites. We all live with a lot of hatred, but we act like that's not the case.

완전무결한 인간이 어디 있다고

After all, who isn't flawless?



‪() ‪아름 환자님한테 ‪말씀  예쁘게  주세요

Can you be nicer to A-reum?

‪(선해) ‪내가 ?

What did I do?

‪() ‪아니 그래도

Her depression has gotten worse these days.

아름 환자님 요즘 우울증 증세가 ‪ 심해져 가지고

Her depression has gotten worse these days.

‪[어두운 음악] ‪[선해와 별이 계속 대화한다]

Then give her drugs. There's nothing I can do.

‪(대환) ‪잠깐이면 잠깐이면 문영아 ‪[어린 문영의 신음]

It'll just be a moment. It'll end even before you know it.

‪[힘겨운 신음]

‪[대환의 힘겨운 신음]

‪[힘겨운 탄성]

‪() ‪고대환 !

Mr. Ko!

고대환  그러세요?

Mr. Ko, what's wrong?

‪[문이  열린다] ‪[힘겨운 신음]


Ms. Ko?

‪(남자2) ‪!

Hey! Let me go!


I'm totally fine! I'm not crazy!

‪[남자2 계속 소리 지른다]

I'm totally fine! I'm not crazy!

‪(주리) ‪오빠


상태 오빠


‪(상태) ‪강태강태강태 ‪강태 전화  받아강태 전화  받아

Gang-tae. Gang-tae won't answer his phone. I... I pressed number three for emergency. Number three.

긴급 전화 3 눌러, 3, 3

I... I pressed number three for emergency. Number three.

‪3 남주리

I... I pressed number three for emergency. Number three. Number three. Nam Ju-ri.

‪(주리) ‪잘했어요여기서 조금만 기다릴까요? ‪[상태가 대답한다]

-You did great. Wait here for a moment. -Okay.

‪(상태) ‪

‪(주리) ‪주정태 환자 ‪검사 리스트 확인해 주세요

Can you check Mr. Joo Jeong-tae's test results?

‪(간호사) ‪알겠습니다

Can you check Mr. Joo Jeong-tae's test results? Okay.

‪(주리) ‪오빠


상태 오빠


‪(상태) ‪?

‪[흥미진진한 음악] ‪?

‪[상태의 다급한 신음]

‪(상태) ‪?

고문영 작가님?

It's Ms. Ko Mun-yeong.

고문영 작가님 어디 갔지?

Where did she go?

고문영 작가님 봤어요?

Did you see Ms. Ko Mun-yeong?


‪[상태의 다급한 신음]


고문영 작가님

‪- (강태 ‪- (상태고문영 작가님

-Sang-tae. -Ms. Ko Mun-yeong.

여기 있으면 어떡해 ‪지금 주리 씨도 찾고 있어

What are you doing here? Ju-ri is looking for you.

고문영 작가님 여기 있었어 ‪고문영고문영 작가님 여기 있었어

Ms. Ko Mun-yeong was here. I saw Ms. Ko Mun-yeong.

‪(상태) ‪여기에어디 갔지?

Ms. Ko Mun-yeong was here. I saw Ms. Ko Mun-yeong. Where did she go? Did you see her?

봤어? 30 고문영 작가님?

Where did she go? Did you see her?

잘못 봤겠지 여자가 여길 

I bet you were mistaken. Why would that woman be here?

 여자 아니고 고문영 작가님

Not "that woman." Writer Ko Mun-yeong.

그래 작가님이 여길  ? ‪형이 잘못  거야

Yes, why would Ms. Ko be here? I'm sure you were mistaken.

‪- (강태가자형이 잘못  거야 ‪- (상태

-Let's go. You were mistaken. -Okay.

‪- (강태늦었어 ‪- (상태늦었어늦었어

-You're late. -I'm sure I saw her here.

‪(상태) ‪고문영 작가님 있었어여기에

-You're late. -I'm sure I saw her here.

‪(강태) ‪가서

Sang-tae, once we get there,

‪- 원장님한테 인사 잘해야  ‪- (상태

-be polite to the director. -Okay.

‪() ‪작가님

Ms. Ko.


Ms. Ko.

그냥 가시면 어떡해요

You can't leave already. You need to take your father out for a walk.

아버님 산책시키셔야죠

You need to take your father out for a walk.

내가 왜요?

-Why would I do that? -What?


-Why would I do that? -What?

아니 조건으로 채용되셨다고...

I heard that's why you decided to teach here.

원장님이랑 약속하셨다면서요

The director told me you made a promise.


That's not true. I don't make promises.

 원래 약속 같은   해요

That's not true. I don't make promises.

 저런... ‪[ 문이  닫힌다]

What the...

‪[자동차 시동음]

‪[타이어 마찰음]

‪[어이없는 숨소리]

‪[흥미진진한 음악]




‪[공룡 울음 효과음]

덩치는 산만 한데 ‪대가리 속에  뇌는 쥐똥만 해서

It has a huge body, but it has a tiny brain.

공룡 중에 제일 무식한 

It's the dumbest dinosaur among all dinosaurs.

‪[흥미진진한 음악] ‪(지왕) ‪근데 알고 보면  엄청 순진해요

But it's also very innocent.

 아이 이름이 뭐예요?

What's that guy's name?

고길동 ‪ 이름은 고길동입니다고길동

Ko Gil-dong. His name is Ko Gil-dong.

‪(지왕) ‪ 보호사!

Mr. Moon.

‪(상태) ‪이거 내가 내가내가 좋아하는 

This is... This is my favorite book. This one is my favorite, too.

이거 내가 좋아하는  ‪이것도 내가 좋아하는 

This is... This is my favorite book. This one is my favorite, too.

이거 엄청 좋아하는 젤리

This is my favorite jelly. The green ones taste like apple. I love them.

이거 초록색 애플  엄청 좋아

This is my favorite jelly. The green ones taste like apple. I love them.

이거 모자모자 ‪그림 그릴  쓰는 모자

My hat. I wear it when I draw.

화가는 아니지만 ‪그림 그릴  쓰는 모자

I'm not an artist, but I wear that when I draw.

‪(지왕) ‪이거  선물받았어

He gave this to me as a gift. He seems to like me.


He gave this to me as a gift. He seems to like me.

‪[지왕의 웃음]

이야 형님 그림 실력이 ‪ 대단하네?

Your brother is really good at drawing.

취미로 두기엔 너무 아까운 재능이야

He's too talented to just keep it as a hobby.

‪(상태) ‪원장님 얼굴도 그릴  있어요

I can even draw your face. It's 10,000 won per drawing. You don't need to order pizza.

 장에   ‪피자는  먹어도 돼요

It's 10,000 won per drawing. You don't need to order pizza.

혹시 형이 나비 얘기도 했나요?

By any chance, did he mention anything about butterflies?





‪(지왕) ‪첫날인데 차차 하겠지

Today's his first day. I'm sure he'll tell me one day.

‪[지왕이 커튼을  열어 젖힌다]

‪[흥미진진한 음악] ‪- (지왕상태  ‪- (상태

-Sang-tae. -Yes?

저기 밖의 풍경이  예술이야

Isn't the outside view beautiful?

저게 우리 병원의 자부심이거든

It's the best thing about our hospital.

‪(지왕) ‪ 그림 같은 풍경을

But you see, I'd like to move that view to somewhere else.

어디 다른 데다 ‪옮기고 싶은데 말이야

But you see, I'd like to move that view to somewhere else.

상태 씨가 도와줄  있겠어?

-Will you help me do that, Sang-tae? -Yes.

‪(상태) ‪예예예

-Will you help me do that, Sang-tae? -Yes.

어디로 옮기시게요?

Move it to where?

‪(지왕) ‪여기다 옮기려고

I want to move it here.

 상태 씨가


아까  그림 같은 풍경을

I bet you're talented enough to draw

똑같이 그려   있는 ‪실력자라고 믿는데

the exact picturesque view from my office window.


Can you do it?

‪[흥미로운 음악] ‪원장님

But sir--

이게 상태 씨한테 내리는  처방인데

This is my prescription for him.


How much


are you going to pay?

얼마얼마얼마  겁니까?

How much... How much money will you pay?

얼마  겁니까얼마?

-How much will I get paid? -What?

‪- (지왕? ‪- (강태

-How much will I get paid? -What? -Sang-tae-- -I'll do it if you pay me a lot.

‪(상태) ‪ 많이 주면 할게요 많이 주면

-Sang-tae-- -I'll do it if you pay me a lot.

얼마얼마  겁니까?

How much are you going to pay me?

‪[상태의 옅은 탄성]

그리는  봐서

That depends on your drawing.

‪[놀란 신음]

‪[상태의 신난 신음] ‪(강태) ‪


‪(상태) ‪얼마  겁니까?

How much will I get paid?

‪[뒤적이는 소리가 들린다]

‪[들뜬 탄성]


엄청 좋아

Let's see.

‪(강태) ‪이야...

우리  부자네?

Sang-tae, you're rich.

어디  얼마나 모은 거야?

Let me see. How much did you save up?

‪(상태) ‪    

No, no. I won't... I won't show this to anyone

이거이거 ‪목표 금액 채우기 전까지는

No, no. I won't... I won't show this to anyone

남한테  보여  거야

until I reach my goal.

‪[당황한 웃음]

내가 남이야?

But I'm your brother.

자폐인에게 가족이란

To an autistic person, family members are like close strangers.

가장가장가장 가까운 ‪타인과도 같다

To an autistic person, family members are like close strangers.

‪(상태) ‪가장 가까운 타인

A close stranger.

그래서 목표 금액이 얼만데?

So how much do you plan to save up?

‪3,289 , 3,289 

I need 32,890,000 won.

 돈으로  하게?

-What are you going to buy with that? -I will buy a car.


-What are you going to buy with that? -I will buy a car.

‪- ? ‪- (상태

-A car? -A car.

갑자기 차는 ?

Why all of a sudden?

A car.

그것도 비밀이야?

-Is that also a secret? -A car.

-Is that also a secret? -A car.

알았어 물을게

Okay, I won't ask.

‪(상태) ‪우리우리 가족에게 ‪추억과 낭만을 선물하세요선물?

"It will give you good memories and a romantic lifestyle. Wherever you go, it will always feel comfortable like home.

언제 어디서나   같은 편안함

Wherever you go, it will always feel comfortable like home.

워크스루벤 캠핑카 3,289 

Wherever you go, it will always feel comfortable like home. It costs 32,890,000 won. We're having a huge sale." A... A huge sale.

파격 세일가로 모십니다 ‪파격파격 세일가

It costs 32,890,000 won. We're having a huge sale." A... A huge sale.

엄청 싸지

It's really cheap.

이걸 ...

Why do you want this?

그거그거 사면 우리 ‪1년마다 이사  가도 

If we buy that, we won't have to move every year.

‪[차분한 음악] ‪(상태) ‪나비가 쫓아와도 금방 도망갈  있지

If we buy that, we won't have to move every year. We can run away even if the butterfly chases us.

그리고 이삿짐  싸도 되고 ‪  필요가 없지

We can run away even if the butterfly chases us. We don't need to pack up and move somewhere else.

 동생 동생이 집주인한테 ‪  먹어도 되고  먹어도 되고

Then... Then the landlord won't get angry at my brother.

어디든   있어어디든

We can go anywhere.



‪(상태) ‪이거이거이거 아직 ‪3,227  아직 남았어이거 아직

I still need 32,270,000 won more.

‪(강태) ‪[울먹이며] ‪


 집도차도돈도  필요 없어

I don't need a house, car, or money.

 형만 있으면 

All I need is you.




I mean it.

형이  전부야

You're my everything.

 벌기가 이렇게 힘들다니까? ‪ 벌기가?

It's really hard to make money, you know.

‪[상태가 돈통을 달그락거린다]


I need 32,890,000 won.

‪(TV   의원) ‪주민들의 안전을 위협하는

I will get rid of OK Psychiatric Hospital

‪[TV   의원이 계속 유세한다] ‪(행자) ‪선거 때마다 우리 병원  없애서

-and the juvenile hall that has been -All the politicians -making our residents feel unsafe. -try so hard to get rid of our hospital

아주 그냥 안달복달이 나셨지

-making our residents feel unsafe. -try so hard to get rid of our hospital every time they get ready for an election.

아무리 그래도?

But still, his own son gets treated here.

자기 아들이 입원해 있는 병원인데 ‪친아빠 맞아요?

But still, his own son gets treated here. How could he do that as his dad?

아들보다 배지가  중요하겠죠

He cares more about his job than his own son.

‪[별의 한숨]


‪[놀란 숨소리] ‪[흥미진진한 음악]

‪[버튼을  누른다]

갈매기 777, 갈매기 777

Seagull 777. -I repeat. Seagull 777. -Stop!


-I repeat. Seagull 777. -Stop! Get away from me!

‪(기도) ‪가까이 오지  ‪[보호사들의 당황한 탄성]

-Back off! Go away! -No, stop!

‪[기도의 다급한 신음]


Sorry! Just a moment! -Mr. Kwon, stop! -Oh, gosh!

‪[환자7 겁먹은 탄성]

-Mr. Kwon, stop! -Oh, gosh!

‪[보호사1 힘주는 신음]

‪[기도의 겁주는 신음] ‪[보호사1 당황한 신음]

‪[보호사2 신음]

‪[보호사들의 신음]

‪() ‪깜짝이야

Oh, my goodness.

‪[익살스러운 음악] ‪[기도의 헛웃음]

I can hear your heart beating.

너무 들린다 심장 소리

I can hear your heart beating.

‪[기도의 힘주는 숨소리]

간다 ‪[보호사3 힘주는 신음]

See you.

‪[흥미진진한 음악] ‪[기도의 웃음]

‪[기도의 탄성]

Mr. Kwon.

‪[기도의 웃음]

‪[보호사들의 거친 숨소리]


‪(행자) ‪!


‪[행자의 한숨]

병원에서 뛰는  아니라니까

I told them they're not allowed to run inside the hospital.

캠핑 가려고요?

Are you planning to go camping?


No, I'm just looking.

아는 선배가 카라반 대여 사업 하는데

One of my friends rents out camping cars for a living.

  빌려서 ‪ 같이 놀러 가도 재밌겠다

We should rent one and go on a trip together.

오프  맞을   같이 한번 가요

Let's go when we get the same off day.

그럼 다음  듀티 ‪확인해 보고 한번... ‪[휴대전화 진동음]

Then I'll check next month's schedule and...

‪(강태) ‪



What? He escaped?



‪(행자) ‪다음 ‪[마우스 클릭음]


‪(차용) ‪아니면담 중에 갑자기 ‪프리 보이딩을 하길래

He started free voiding and wet himself during consultation. So I went to get a new gown and...

환자복 챙기러  사이에...

So I went to get a new gown and...

그래서 동선이 어딘데?

-Where did he go? -Well...

‪(차용) ‪그게...

-Where did he go? -Well...

‪(행자) ‪어어잠깐만잠깐만

Hey, wait.

이거 고문영 작가  아니야?

Isn't that Ms. Ko Mun-yeong's car?

‪- (맞는  같은데요? ‪- (민석이거 맞는  같아요

-Yes, I think so. -I think you're right.

‪[타이어 마찰음]

‪[자동차 시동이  꺼진다]

‪[기도의 옅은 탄성]


‪[코끼리 울음 효과음] ‪[기도의 웃음]

‪[옅은 웃음]

이래서 아담아담 하는 거였어?

Is this what people would call a "teeny-weeny weenie"?


Is this what people would call a "teeny-weeny weenie"?


Because it's tiny?

‪[익살스러운 효과음]

‪[익살스러운 음악] ‪[기도의 헛웃음]


It's... It's cold. That's why it's...

‪[코끼리 울음 효과음] ‪(기도) ‪일시적으로 그게...

It's... It's cold. That's why it's...

‪[문영의 코웃음]

출근 중이겠네

He must be on his way to work.

타이밍 좋다

Great timing. Get in.


What? -Get in. -Okay.

‪- (문영 ‪- (기도

-Get in. -Okay.

‪[자동차 시동음]

‪(기도) ‪누나 쫄려서 그런  아닌데 ‪잠깐 빤쓰  잠깐 입을게요

I'm not intimidated or anything, but let me wear my underwear.

‪[타이어 마찰음] ‪(문영) ‪그걸 챙겨서 다녀?

You carry around your underwear?

‪(기도) ‪아아이건 빤쓰가 아니고

No, don't think of this as my underwear.

내가 유일하게 붙잡고 있는 ‪마지막 정신 

It's the only thing that prevents me from losing my mind.

‪[기도의 옅은 웃음]

It's the only thing that prevents me from losing my mind.

‪(차용) ‪고문영  여자가 환자를 납치했어요 ‪[흥미진진한 음악]

Ko Mun-yeong kidnapped him.

‪[기도의 환호]

‪[기도의 신난 탄성]

누나밟아밟아 !

Drive faster! Go!

‪(주리) ‪?

‪[기도의 탄성]

주리  세워요

Ju-ri, stop the car.


Ko Mun-yeong!

‪-  세워! ‪- (주리강태 비켜요위험해!

-Stop the car! -Gang-tae, move! It's dangerous!


‪- 역시 있네 ‪- (기도?

There he is.

‪(기도) ‪저기 잘생긴 !

It's that handsome guy!

 잡으러  거야진짜

Is he here for me? My gosh!

‪- (주리강태  ‪- (강태오지 !

-Gang-tae! -Don't come!

거기 그대로 있어요

-Stay right there. -Hey, wait...

‪(기도) ‪누나저기

-Stay right there. -Hey, wait...

저기 사람사람 있는데?

There's... There's someone there.

‪[기도의 웃음]

‪(기도) ‪누나이제이제 스톱

Hey, stop.


‪[자동차 가속음]

‪[겁먹은 신음] ‪(기도) ‪스톱스톱잠깐만




‪[기도의 겁먹은 비명]

‪[타이어 마찰음]

‪[자동차 시동이  꺼진다]

‪[몽환적인 음악]

‪(어린 문영) ‪이래도 내가 좋아?

Do you still like me?


-Coward. -"Hope I never see you again."

‪(강태) ‪다신 보지 말자

-Coward. -"Hope I never see you again."

제발 보지 말자

Please. Let's not meet again.

‪(강태) ‪당신 같은 부류는 환자랑  다르지

You're different from patients.

그냥 피하는  상책이지

It's just best to avoid people like you.

‪[거친 숨소리]

‪[거친 숨소리]

‪(기도) ‪이게 프리 보이딩이라고 ‪ 같은 조증 환자한텐 굉장히 흔한...

It's a urinating disorder. It's common among people who suffer from manic--

‪(문영) ‪ 닫아

Shut your mouth.

‪(주리) ‪아유


That crazy bitch.


Get out of the car.

이젠  도망가네?

You're not running away.

피하지도 않고멋지다

You're not avoiding me either. I'm impressed.


-Get out of the car. -He wants you out of the car.


-Get out of the car. -He wants you out of the car.

싫어  ‪ 가서 가서  거야

No! I don't want to go! I want to go and have fun!

‪(문영) ‪그냥 네가 같이 놀자

Just get in the car. Let's go have fun together.


Get out of the car right now!

  맨날 나한테만 신경질이야?

Why are you always so angry at me?



쓰게 만들잖아네가

you make me get angry.


Why not just ignore me?

근데 그거 알아?

But you know what?

무심보다  무서운 

You should always be careful


not to be off guard.

‪[자동차 시동음] ‪[흥미진진한 음악]

‪[자동차 가속음]

‪(강태) ‪  빌릴게요!

Let me borrow your car!

‪[ 문이  닫힌다] ‪[자동차 시동음]

‪[타이어 마찰음]

‪(주리) ‪조심해요!

Be careful!

‪[기도의 웃음]

‪[기도의 탄성]

‪[기도의 탄성]

‪(기도) ‪아니계속 따라와!

He keeps following us!

‪(기도) ‪!


Drive faster! He's getting near us!

‪[기도의 웃음]

‪[자동차 경적] ‪!

Hey! Hey, dude!

‪(강태) ‪갓길로  세워!

Pull over!


Pull over right now!

‪(문영) ‪싫은데?

I don't want to.

‪[기도의 신난 탄성]

‪[기도의 환호]

‪(선거원들) ‪기호 1 권만수입니다!

-Vote for number one, Kwon Man-su! -Vote for number one, Kwon Man-su!

기호 1 권만수입니다!

-Vote for Kwon Man-su! -Vote for Kwon Man-su!

‪(선거원1) ‪안녕하세요


‪(선거원들) ‪기호 1 권만수입니다!

-Vote for Kwon Man-su! -Vote for Kwon Man-su!

‪(기도) ‪성진시 여러분!

Listen up, residents of Seongjin City!

기호 1 권만수 의원 ‪절대 찍지 마세요!

Don't vote for candidate number one, Kwon Man-su!

겉과 속이 다른 이중인격에 완전 ‪완전 차별주의자입니다

He's a complete hypocrite, and he discriminates people!

제가제가 막내아들이라 ‪보증합니다여러분!

I know him best because I'm his youngest son!

‪[사이렌이 울린다]

찍지 마세요! ‪찍지 마세요권만수 찍지 ! ‪[흥미진진한 음악]

Don't vote for him! Don't vote for him! Don't vote for Kwon Man-su!

‪(경찰) ‪7040, 7040,  세우세요

Number 7040. 7040. Stop the car.

‪7040,  세우세요

Number 7040. Pull over.

‪[기도의 웃음]

‪[기도의 신난 웃음]

‪(경찰) ‪7040 ‪[타이어 마찰음]

Stop the car right now! Number 7040!

‪(경찰) ‪ 세우세요!

Stop the car!

‪[기도의 웃음]

‪(경찰) ‪7040,  세우세요!

Number 7040. Pull over.

‪[기도의 거친 숨소리]

‪[타이어 마찰음]

‪[자동차 경적]

Get out of the way! Move!

‪(기도) ‪나와나와!

Get out of the way! Move!

‪[기도의 신난 신음]

‪[타이어 마찰음]

‪[타이어 마찰음]

‪(기도) ‪비켜!

Oh my gosh!

‪[자동차 경적] ‪[상인1 비명]

‪[기도의 놀란 탄성] ‪[문영의 탄성]

‪(문영) ‪고추가 풍년이네

That's a lot of chili peppers.

‪[기도의 신난 탄성]

‪[기도의 웃음] ‪[타이어 마찰음]

‪[자동차 경적] ‪[상인2 놀란 탄성]

‪[기도의 놀란 탄성]

Oh, my goodness!

‪[상인2 당황한 신음]

Oh, my goodness!

‪[타이어 마찰음]

‪[기도의 웃음]

‪[기도의 신난 탄성]

‪[기도의 신난 탄성]

‪- 뻥이오! ‪- (상인3) 뻥이오! ‪[ 터진다]

-Watch out for the bang! -Watch out for the bang!

‪[아름다운 음악]

‪[신나는 음악이 흘러나온다] ‪[사람들이 대화한다]

KWON MAN-SU'S ELECTION CAMPAIGN My goodness, thank you.

‪( 의원) ‪다들 잘되시죠장사는?

-Is everyone doing well? -Yes, it's all thanks to you.

‪- (상인4) 덕분에요 ‪- ( 의원아이고그래요

-Is everyone doing well? -Yes, it's all thanks to you. My goodness.

‪(기도 ) ‪이이가 빈대떡을 제일 좋아해요

My goodness. His favorite food is mung-bean pancakes.

‪- (상인4) 그러시구나 ‪- ( 의원

His favorite food is mung-bean pancakes. Here.

‪[함께 웃는다] ‪(상인5) ‪이것도 하나 드셔 보세요

Here. My goodness, you're so kind.

아이고보기 좋네요

‪[타이어 마찰음]

‪[기도의 거친 숨소리]

‪[기어를 달그락거린다] ‪[자동차 시동이  꺼진다]

‪(문영) ‪아담

Hey, Teeny-weeny.

우리 여기서 놀자

Let's have fun here.

‪[거친 숨소리]

‪- ( 의원권만수입니다 ‪- (할아버지1) 아유감사합니다

-I'm Kwon Man-su. -Thank you.

‪- ( 의원어르신도 ‪- (할아버지2) 감사합니다

-Here. -Thank you.

‪- ( 의원맛있게 드시고 ‪- (할아버지2) 

-Enjoy. -Thanks.

‪( 의원) ‪기호 1

-Please vote for number one. -Of course.

‪(할아버지1) ‪, 1 갑시다, 1

-Please vote for number one. -Of course.

‪[저마다 인사한다]

-Thank you. -Thank you. -Thank you in advance. -Thank you.

‪- (할아버지1) 축하드립니다 ‪- ( 의원감사합니다

-Thank you in advance. -Thank you. -No problem. -Thank you. -Enjoy. -Goodbye.

‪(할아버지1) ‪ ‪[기도의 거친 숨소리]

-Enjoy. -Goodbye.

안녕하십니까여러분! ‪[마이크가  울린다]

Hello, everyone!

기호 1 권만수 1 막내아들 ‪권기도입니다!

I'm Kwon Man-su's youngest son! My name is Kwon Gi-do!

 새끼  저기 있어? ‪[차분한 음악]

What... What the hell is he doing there?

보시다시피 저는 정신병자입니다!

As you can see, I'm mentally ill!

 새끼가  저기 있어...

What is that punk doing there?

맞아요잘난 집구석마다 ‪ 하나씩 있다는 돌연변이

Yes, that's right. I'm the ugly duckling of the family.

‪[ 의원의 신음] ‪[선거원들의 당황한 탄성]

‪(선거원2) ‪괜찮으세요의원님

-Sir. -My goodness.

집안의 망신살이자 망나니입니다!

-My goodness. -I'm the embarrassment of our family!

‪[ 의원의 힘겨운 신음] ‪[기도의 신난 탄성]

‪[웃음] ‪(선거원3) ‪여보세요


예예여기저기 ‪성진시 공원 유세장인데요

I'm calling from the park in Seongjin City.

‪[타이어 마찰음]

‪(기도) ‪우리 집이 

You see, everyone in my family

엄마아빠 누나

including my parents, siblings, and my cousins

사촌에 오촌까지 그냥

including my parents, siblings, and my cousins went to Seoul National University School of Law.

그냥   서울 법대 나온 ‪먹물들인데요!

went to Seoul National University School of Law.

아니나만 어려서부터 ‪똥멍청이였거든요

I was the only stupid one in my family.

‪[기도의 떨리는 숨소리]

근데 그게  잘못은 아닌데

But that's not my fault.


I was...

그냥  모자라게 태어난 건데

I was just born a little dumb.

공부 못한다고 때리고

But he hit me because I didn't get good grades.

이해  한다고 무시하고

He looked down on me because I couldn't understand properly.

말썽 피운다고 가두고

He locked me up for causing trouble.

‪[잔잔한 음악]

‪[기도의 한숨]

나도 같은 자식인데

I mean, I'm also his child.

하도 투명 인간 취급 하길래 그냥...

But he treated me like I was invisible. I just...

그냥     달라고

I just wanted his attention, you see.

‪[울먹이며] ‪제발 나도   달라고

I just wanted him to look at me.

미쳐 날뛰다가요

So I did tons of crazy stuff to get his attention.

그러다가 진짜로 ‪미쳐 버렸습니다여러분!

I just ended up going crazy!

‪(기도) ‪♪   보소  보소 ♪

Look at me, look at me

‪♪   보소 ♪

Look at me

‪♪ 기호 1 권만수의 아들 ♪

Take a look at number one Kwon Man-su's son

‪♪ 권기도를 보소 ♪

Kwon Gi-do


He's having so much fun.

‪(문영) ‪그렇지?

Don't you agree?


Should I just

너랑 놀까?

have fun with you?

‪[잔잔한 음악]


Should I do that?

‪(기도) ‪♪   보소  보소 ♪

Look at me

‪♪   보소 ♪

Look at me

‪♪ 기호 1 권만수의 아들 ♪

Take a look at number one Kwon Man-su's son

‪(기도) ‪혹시 ...

Have you heard of the place called Morning Sun?

모닝썬이라고 아나?

Have you heard of the place called Morning Sun?

아침   때까지 놀아 젖히는 ‪클럽이라고 해서 모닝썬인데아니...

It's a club where you can party until the sun comes up. Hence the name. You know, I heard it's the hottest club at the moment,

요새 거기가 겁나 핫하다고 하길래 ‪내가 거기를  떴거든

You know, I heard it's the hottest club at the moment, so I went there.

‪[신비로운 음악]


‪[기도의 탄성]

‪(기도) ‪ 좋고음악 좋고

The pretty girls and the good music

기분 기분  올라오니까

totally lifted my spirits,

내가 어떻게사람들 좋은   ‪해야   아니에요!

so I thought I should do something nice.

오늘 내가 이거이거  쏜다

Everything's on me, all night!

먹어마셔마셔! ‪[환자들의 환호]

Everything's on me, all night! -Eat up! Drink all you want! -Nice!

‪[함께 환호한다]

You're the best!

 남들한테    ‪기분  그렇게 좋더라고

I love spending money on others.

암튼 그날 술값이  ‪ 2 넘게 나왔나?

Anyway, I think the bill came to about 20 million won that night.

‪[낮은 목소리로] ‪분실 카드라는데요?

This credit card has been reported missing.



우리 아빠가  뒤통수를 쳤네

My dad totally blindsided me.


I had no choice but to run like fuck.

일단 존나 튀었지

I had no choice but to run like fuck.

‪[기도의 다급한 신음]

‪(지왕) ‪애쓴다

You're too kind.

‪[지왕의 웃음]

‪[문이  닫힌다] ‪ 모셔요

Don't take your eyes off him.

‪[문이  열린다] ‪(기도) ‪급하니까 그냥

I just ran into the road because I had to lose them.

보이는 도로로 뛰어들었고

I just ran into the road because I had to lose them.

뛰다 보니까 

I just ran into the road because I had to lose them. Then I got freaking hot because I had been running for a while.

 존나 더웠고더우니까 그냥

Then I got freaking hot because I had been running for a while. And that's why I took off all my clothes!


And that's why I took off all my clothes!

‪[기도의 거친 숨소리]

And that's why I took off all my clothes!

‪[기도의 한숨]

그러다 보니까

And I ended up


  여기  있네

here again.

‪[잔잔한 음악]

‪(강태) ‪자식이 부모한테

Does a child

 무슨 쓸모가 있어야 되는 건가?

-need to be of any use to a parent? -Why did you do that?

‪- (강태   그랬어? ‪- ( 의원 새끼가!

-need to be of any use to a parent? -Why did you do that? -You little... -Why did you do that?

‪(강태 ) ‪  그랬어!

-You little... -Why did you do that?

‪(문영) ‪예쁨받고 싶어 하는 

I can see that


you want to be loved.

‪(상태) ‪웃기면 인기 많아요 ‪어떡해고문영 작가님

Girls like funny guys.

‪(강태) ‪형은 건들지 말라고 했을 텐데

I warned you to stay away from my brother.

‪- (문영아직도 화났어? ‪- (강태착각하지 

Are you still mad at me? Don't be delusional.

 죽을 때까지

Until the day you die...

‪(문영) ‪너도 죽을 때까지

Until the day you die...

나를 몰라

You won't understand me.


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