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  라이프 16

Life 16


(승효) 죽고 싶으면 딴 차에 뛰어들어!If you want to die, jump in front of someone else's car!
(진우) 누구와 싸울 겁니까?With whom will you fight?
뭐 하자는 거야, 지금What are you trying to do?
방법을 알고 있죠?You know a way, don't you?
[자동차 경적]
(남자) 아, 뭐야, 뭐 하는 거야, 지금! 차 빼, 빨리!What are you doing? Move your car!
[남자가 구시렁거린다] [경적이 요란하다]That jerk.
차 뺍시다!Move it!
[경적이 요란하다]
[자동차 경적]
싸우겠다면서요You said you'd fight as well.
누굴 상대로 싸울 겁니까?Against whom will you fight?
별 말 같지도 않은 소리를, 진짜What bullshit are you talking about?
우리?Is it going to be us?
아니면 조남형 회장?Or Chairman Cho Nam-hyeong?
눈이 어떻게 됐나?Are you blind?
내가 누군지도 까먹었어?Did you forget who I was?
방법은 무슨 방법!"A way"? For what?
그리고 내가 그딴 걸 알면 어쩌고 모르면 어쩔 건데?And why do I have to be answering your question?
사람으로서 말해 보라는 겁니다I'm asking you to be human for once.
인간 구승효로서I want to know how you think of all this
직장인 구승효가 아니라as an ordinary person, not as a businessman.
(진우) 정말로 지금 저 안에서 벌어지는 일이 아무렇지도 않은지!Do you really not care about what's happening in there?
거리낄 게 하나도 없는지Do you feel no compunction at all?
저 안이 뭐?About what?
돈 좋아하잖아, 의사들All you doctors love money.
자기들은 개업하자마자 바득바득 돈 벌려고 난리면서Once you open your own practice, you do whatever it takes to make more money, so why not here?
왜 여기는 안 되는데?you do whatever it takes to make more money, so why not here?
(승효) 규모가 커서?Because it's too big?
너희들이 지금 반대하는 건 성가셔서야You punks are opposing because it's bothersome to you.
변하는 게 귀찮아서!Because you find change bothersome!
(진우) 그렇게 모든 걸 돈으로만 보니까All you care about is money.
지금 조 회장이 하려는 게 얼마나 무서운 건지 안 보이는 겁니다That's why you can't see what result Chairman Cho's decision will bring us.
뭐가 무서운데?What result will it bring?
외국 놀이공원 가 본 적 있습니까?Have you ever been to amusement parks abroad?
하, 진짜 지긋지긋하다I'm getting sick of this.
(진우) VIP 티켓이라는 게 있답니다 외국 놀이공원엔Apparently, they sell VIP tickets.
그것만 쥐고 있으면 줄이 아무리 길어도If you have that, it doesn't matter how long the line is.
한 시간이고 두 시간이고Even if others have to wait in line for hours,
딴 사람들은 아무리 오래 기다려도as long as you have the VIP tickets
웃돈 주고 산 VIP 티켓만 있으면!that you paid some extra money for,
단숨에 맨 앞에 가서 가장 먼저 탈 수 있답니다you can skip the line and get on the ride first.
학교, 병원, 길거리!Schools, hospitals, and streets…
최소한 이런 건 같이 써야 돼요Everyone should be allowed access to those.
사람이 아무리 제각각 태어났어도Even if people are born with different backgrounds,
같이 부대끼고 섞일 곳은 있어야 합니다there must be places where they can mingle.
그래야 같이 삽니다!That's how you coexist!
병원은 몇억짜리 스포츠카도 아니고Hospitals aren't the equivalent of expensive sports cars.
보통 사람은 꿈도 못 꿀 궁전도 아닙니다They aren't palaces regular people can't dream of entering.
조 회장은 지금 이 병원의 이 입구를!Chairman Cho is saying that he'll open the doors of this hospital
VIP 티켓을 가진 사람한테만 열어 주겠다는 겁니다only to people holding VIP tickets.
정말로 그런 세상이 되길 원하세요?Is that the world you truly want to live in?
[무거운 음악] [진우의 한숨]
(진우) 이다음에Is that…
사장님 아이가 살아갈 세상이the kind of world you want your future child
정말 그렇게 됐으면 좋겠습니까?to live in?
딴 데서Tell them
같이 살라고 해to coexist elsewhere.
제 동생보다도 자유가 없는 분이셨네요, 구 사장님You have less freedom than my brother, Mr. Gu.
사장님 영혼은 누구 겁니까?To whom does your soul belong?
그것마저 재벌 회장이 쥐고 있습니까?Does it belong to the chairman as well?
[차 문이 탁 여닫힌다]
[자동차 엔진음]
(남형) 그렇게 걱정돼?Are you that worried?
병원이 걱정돼서가 아니라 그룹을 위해서It's not the hospital I'm worried about. I'm saying this
회장님을 위해서 드리는 말씀입니다for the company and for you, sir.
(승효) 부대사업 철수는 연막이고People are saying we retracted the business plan
핵심은 돈벌이라는 말이 벌써 돌고 있습니다People are saying we retracted the business plan only to divert public attention from our profit motive.
무리하게 의료법에 손댔다간 저희만 철퇴를 맞을 거고요If we make a rash move to amend the medical law, we could face negative consequences.
의료법 손대기가 무리면 병원 등급을 낮춰야겠네If it's too difficult to amend the law, we should make the hospital lose its status.
(남형) 요즘 맨날 뉴스 나오는 거 보니까I constantly see hospitals getting stripped of their status on the news.
병원이 지위를 박탈당하기도 하던데I constantly see hospitals getting stripped of their status on the news.
저, 그건 그 병원이 너무 큰 의료 사고를 내서That's because those hospitals committed serious medical errors
최종 3차에서 탈락한 거고요and failed to pass the evaluation.
아...and failed to pass the evaluation.
의료 사고?"Medical errors"? That's it.
(남형) 그거네"Medical errors"? That's it.
상국대도 그걸로 떨어트리면 되겠네That's how we can bring Sangkook down.
종합 병원급 아래로만 떨어지면 법인 바꾸는 건 내 마음대로잖아If it loses its designation as a general hospital, I can freely change its entity type.
저, 회장님Mr. Cho.
(승효) 어...
저희는 그렇게까지 떨어질 수 없습니다We can't lose the designation that easily.
그건 가능하지가 않습니다That isn't possible.
- 구 사장 - 예, 회장님-Mr. Gu. -Yes, sir.
네가 계속 말하는Who is this "we"
'저희'가 누구야?you keep mentioning?
너랑 나야, 너랑 상국대야?You and I? Or you and Sangkook?
- 당연히... - (남형) 변했어, 너-Of course-- -You've changed.
아닙니다-That's not true. -You're telling me indirectly
'나한테 손 떼라'-That's not true. -You're telling me indirectly
지금 이 말 돌려 까는 거잖아that I should keep my hands off the matter.
걱정해 주는 척하면서You're only pretending to worry about me.
회장님께서 굳이 총알받이가 되실 이유가 없다고I'm simply saying there's no need for you to be the scapegoat.
드리는 말씀입니다I'm simply saying there's no need for you to be the scapegoat.
병원 가진 기업들은 이제All the corporations that own hospitals
회장님 핑계 대면서 전부 다 따라 할 텐데요will try to use the same strategy as us, using you as an excuse.
누구 좋으라고요?Don't let them do that.
지금 네가 내 핑계 대고 있는 것처럼?Just like you're using me as an excuse right now
내 뜻 꺾으려고?in order to defy me, right?
[남형의 한숨]
(남형) 됐어Forget it.
내가 결정할 테니까I'll make the decision.
기다려Wait for my orders.
[문이 달칵 여닫힌다] [도어 록 작동음]
[마우스 클릭음]
[도어 록 작동음]
[도어 록 작동음]
(승효) 어디 가요, 아침부터?Where are you off to so early?
병원 전체 공지로 올리세요Post it on the hospital intranet.
(경아) 사장님Mr. Gu.
[승효의 옅은 한숨]
사장님한테 발표시키고I think it was decided ever since
회장님이 수습하는 걸로 할 때부터the chairman decided you'd make the announcement
정해져 있었나 봐요and he'd fix it.
[도어 록 작동음]
[문이 달칵 닫힌다] [도어 록 작동음]
(직원1) 사장이 잘렸어요?The president was fired?
(직원2) 응, 그렇게 남들 못 잘라서 안달이더니He has been eager to lay people off. Serves him right.
(직원1) 참 나You're right.
[놀란 숨을 내뱉는다]
(동수) 사람 맴이라는 것이 참, 응?People say the heart is a fickle thing.
내가 사장입네 천지 사방 쑤셔댈 때는When he was attacking us left and right using his authority,
웬수도 그런 웬수가 없더니만I hated him so much, but…
섭섭하세요?Are you sad that he's leaving?
(동수) 아, 사장 모가지가 닭 모가지니께 하는 소리지I'm just saying that because even the president is dispensable.
아이고, 위에다 뭘 밉보였을까나?What did he do to piss off the higher-ups?
(승효) 너희들이 지금 반대하는 건 성가셔서야You punks are opposing because it's bothersome to you.
변하는 게 귀찮아서!Because you find change bothersome!
아닌데Something doesn't feel right.
[노크 소리가 들린다] [한숨]Deputy Director, are you in?
(승효) 부원장 있습니까?Deputy Director, are you in?
- (경문) 아, 네 - (승효) 원장실로 오세요-Yes. -Come to the director's office.
[노크 소리가 들린다]
(승효) 그 의료 사고Regarding medical errors…
전수 검사 들어갑시다Let's perform an inspection.
이 사람들이 말이야 처음에만 좀 빤짝이지They stayed on their toes only in the beginning.
투약 사고가 슬슬 늘고 있어요The number of medication errors is increasing.
처방이랑 조제도 다 대상이니까Prescription and preparation errors should be prevented too,
책임자 실명 까이고 감봉 징계 되기 전에Prescription and preparation errors should be prevented too, so you two should oversee the process
원장, 부원장이 마킹을 하든before we impose disciplinary actions on them.
철저하게 관리하고 직접 단속하세요Monitor and manage them closely.
알겠어요, 알겠는데Okay. I got that, but…
공지 봤어요I saw the announcement.
그렇게 됐습니다It just happened that way.
이유도 없이요?Without a reason? In privately owned corporations, the chairman owns
개인 기업은In privately owned corporations, the chairman owns
회사 내의 공기 방울까지 주인 겁니다 주인이 그러겠다는데In privately owned corporations, the chairman owns even the air that you breathe in the office. It's what the owner wants.
그리고 전수 검사는 내 발령이랑 무관한 거니까Anyway, the inspection is unrelated to my termination,
준비시키세요so get it ready.
포커페이스인지 [어두운 음악]If that wasn't a poker face,
조 회장이랑 무슨 꿍짝이 돼 있는 건지he's got to have a deal in place with Chairman Cho.
다음은I guess…
우리 차례겠죠?we're next.
병원 전체가 다음이겠죠The entire hospital will be the next target.
[엘리베이터 도착음]
(기사) 예, 팀장님Yes, Ms. Kang.
무슨 일...What is it?
어젯밤에 혹시 무슨 일 있었어요?Did something happen last night? Why?
사장님 직위 해제되셨어요Mr. Gu was removed from office.
아, 이번에는 어디로 가세요?Where is he going this time?
해고라고요, 이임 아니고He was fired, not transferred.
아, 왜요?Why?
일단 그냥 모른 척하시고요Act like you don't know for now.
사장님 어제 그냥 퇴근하셨어요?Did he go straight home last night?
아, 저기, 실은...Actually, he went to the headquarters on his way home.
그, 댁으로 가신다고 했다가 본사에 가셨는데...Actually, he went to the headquarters on his way home.
그 밤에?That late at night? Did the chairman call for him?
회장님 호출?That late at night? Did the chairman call for him?
아니요, 호출은 아닌 거 같았고No. It didn't seem like it.
(기사) 그, 본사에서도 얘기가 잘 안된 것 같더라고요, 사장님이It looked like the talks didn't go well with the chairman.
왜?-Why do you say that? -He came out pretty much right away.
되게 금방 나오셨거든요-Why do you say that? -He came out pretty much right away.
계속 구 사장님 모셨으면 좋겠는데요I'd like to continue working for Mr. Gu.
아, 사장님도 여기가 좋으실 텐데He must like it here too.
사장님이야 뭐...I'm sure he doesn't care much about where he works at, but…
어디시든, 쯧I'm sure he doesn't care much about where he works at, but…
그래도 여기서 처음으로 사장님이Still, this is where he met someone he was interested in for the first time.
마음 쓰이는 여선생님도 생겼고Still, this is where he met someone he was interested in for the first time.
사장님이요?He did?
혹시 그...Are you talking about the pretty pediatrician with the round face and eyes?
땡글땡글하고 이쁘장한 소아과?Are you talking about the pretty pediatrician with the round face and eyes?
아, 사장님이 직접 말씀하신 건 아니고요He didn't say anything himself. Of course, he didn't.
아, 당연히 그 입으로는 안 했겠지Of course, he didn't.
[기사를 툭툭 치며] 근데 왜? 왜 그렇게 생각했는데요?Of course, he didn't. But why? Why did you think that?
그, 왜, 한창 시끄러웠을 때요Remember when things got messy?
그, 부검이 막 어떻고 그럴 때Remember when things got messy? After the whole autopsy thing. Yes.
어, 어, 어Yes.
그 선생님 무슨 일 없게 하라고 하셔서He said to make sure nothing happened to her,
제가 퇴근길을 따라...-so I followed her after work-- -Hold on.
(경아) 아, 잠깐, 잠깐-so I followed her after work-- -Hold on.
사장님이 시켰다고요?Mr. Gu told you to do that?
이노을 선생 보호해 주라고?To protect Dr. Lee No-eul?
예, 맞아요, 그 이름이에요Yes, that was her name.
[괴로워하는 탄성]
[기사를 탁 치며] 아, 어떡해Oh, gosh.
[도어 록 작동음]
[도어 록 작동음]
(경아) 아무도 없는데 왜 들어와 있으세요?Why are you in someone else's empty office?
그러니까 왜 비웁니까?Well, why weren't you at your desk?
실장님도 자기 자리 비우고 여기 와 있네요?You're not at your desk either.
나야...Well, I…
[문이 달칵 열린다] [도어 록 작동음]
[도어 록 작동음]
(구조 실장) 회장님께서 몇 가지 지시 사항을 내리셨습니다The chairman has sent several instructions for me to relay.
먼저He says you should take the blame for the announcement and step down.
이번 발표에 책임을 지고 물러나는 그림으로 가자십니다He says you should take the blame for the announcement and step down.
더 이상 구 사장님께 사업체를 믿고 맡기기 어려우시다고요He says he can't entrust a business to you anymore.
개인 인터뷰, 퇴임사 모두 거부하시고 정리는 빠를수록 좋다 하셨습니다He says to refuse to give interviews and an exit speech and to leave as soon as possible.
(구조 실장) 언제 될까요?When can you leave?
[긴장되는 음악]
[휴대전화 진동음]
그럼 회장님 지시에 따르시는 걸로 말씀 올리겠습니다I'll let him know that you will follow his instructions.
[문이 달칵 여닫힌다] [도어 록 작동음]
(경아) 실장님!Mr. Lee!
사장님 해임 통보 발신지가 왜 구조실이에요?Why did Restructure team issue the president's dismissal notice?
내가 썼겠어요?I didn't write it. I did what the HR department told me to do.
본사 인사 팀에서 하라니 한 거지I did what the HR department told me to do.
그리고 강 팀장Hey, Ms. Kang. "Hey, Ms. Kang"?
강 팀장?"Hey, Ms. Kang"?
난 강 팀장이 참 아깝네I'm sad to see you go.
이런 직원 찾기도 힘든데It's hard to find an employee like you.
나 같은 직원을 댁이 왜 찾는데요?Why would you need an employee like me?
사람 일 모르잖아요You never know what will happen.
어머, 무슨, 지금...What nonsense--
(승효) 강경아 팀장Ms. Kang.
[승효의 한숨]
[문이 달칵 여닫힌다] [도어 록 작동음]
이현균 구조 실장님Director Lee Hyeon-gyun of Restructure Team.
Yes? You started out as an assistant, worked your way up
비서실에서 일반 사업 팀 다시 구조 조정실You started out as an assistant, worked your way up to Business Team, and ended up in Restructure Team.
우리 실장이 입사 후에Your career history within the company is identical to mine.
거쳐 온 코스가 나랑 똑같아요Your career history within the company is identical to mine.
뭐, 향후도 똑같을지는 본인 능력에 달려 있지만Whether the future will be the same depends on your abilities,
근데 이 실장but here's the thing.
아직 잡히지도 않은 걸 이 손에 쥔 듯이 굴면If you act like you're holding something you don't even have yet, your arrogance…
잡을 것도 놓치는 법이야will cost you opportunities that are in front of you.
[차분한 음악]
[문이 탁 닫힌다]
(창) 에이, 여기 담배 안 된다니까, 쯧I told you, this is a no smoking zone.
돼, 내가 바꿨어Says who? I changed the rule.
몸이나 잘 챙기셔Take care of your health.
그딴 거 피우다가 여기 실려 오면 의사들이 얼마나 앞다투겠어If you end up here from smoking that, the doctors will fight over
(창) 서로 이 배 이번엔 자기들이 깐다고 할걸?who gets to cut you open.
(창) [한숨 쉬며] 언제까지야?When are you leaving?
(승효) 정리되는 대로Once I finish some stuff.
정리할 게 많은 얼굴이네Looks like you have a lot to take care of.
여기는 어떻게 될까, 형 가고 나면What do you think it'll be like after you're gone?
아픈 사람들 오고Patients will come and go,
치료하고get their treatment,
다는 못 살리고 그러겠지but not all will be saved. The usual, I guess.
구승효 사장 전으로는 못 돌아갈 거야Things could change for the better or worse. But it'll never be like what it used to be before you took over.
좋은 쪽이든 나쁜 쪽이든But it'll never be like what it used to be before you took over.
(상엽) 뭐, 이 상황에서 사장이 나가는 게It's hard to know how Mr. Gu's leaving will affect us later on.
우리한테 어떻게 작용할지 모르겠어It's hard to know how Mr. Gu's leaving will affect us later on.
(지용) 난 여기서 더 무슨 꼴을 보게 될까도 모르겠어요I don't know what more we'll be made to face during our time here.
(경문) 조 회장이 본격적으로 병원에 손대기 시작하면If Chairman Cho starts to interfere with the hospital,
큰일인 건 알겠는데I know that will mean trouble, but…
막을 방법이 없을까요?Is there any way to stop him?
(민기) 이게 중국하고 홍콩처럼 1국 2체제 그러듯이I wish we had "One Country, Two Systems" agreement in place like China and Hong Kong do. With that in place, Sangkook will remain a part of Hwajeong Group,
화정그룹에 상국대가 속해는 있되With that in place, Sangkook will remain a part of Hwajeong Group,
병원만의 독립성을 보장한다but its independence will be guaranteed.
이런 게 있어야 되는데We need something like that. There's no way they'd guarantee that.
그럴 리가 없잖아요 보장을 해 줄 리가There's no way they'd guarantee that.
(정희) 민영화시키겠다는 게 제일 큰 문제인데The biggest problem is that they want to privatize the hospital.
이걸 어떻게 해야 되나?What should we do?
우리가 하지 말란다고 먹힐 리도 없고It's not like they'll listen to us.
차라리 구 사장을 이용할까요?Should we just use Mr. Gu?
[상엽의 의아한 신음]
(지용) 구 사장 딴 데 좋은 데 가는 거 아니라며요It's not like he's going somewhere better.
해임 반대해 줍시다, 예?Let's oppose his dismissal.
아, 본인도 억울할 거 아니야He must be pissed off too.
솔직히 일 열심히 한 거 우리도 다 아는데We all know he worked hard.
조 회장이 TV 나와서"Chairman apologizing on TV was all an act."
'미안하다, 사과한다' 한 거 그거 다 쇼다"Chairman apologizing on TV was all an act."
구 사장이 자기 입으로 뒤집어 주면 효과 직방이지 않겠어요?If Mr. Gu says that himself, it'll be super effective.
사장 해임안 올린 게 우리인디 꼴이 웃기지, 그게We voted for his dismissal. It would make us look stupid.
웃기고 말고We voted for his dismissal. It would make us look stupid. Be that as it may,
절대 안 해요, 구 사장there's no way he'll do such a thing.
사람을 너무 모르시네Don't you know him?
(정희) 모르죠, 우리가 어떻게 알아요 그 사람을How could we know what he's like?
맨날 싸우고 눈 흘기고 그러기만 한걸All we did was fight and glare at each other the whole time.
하, 참Seriously…
진짜 그러다만 가네?That's literally all we did.
단체로 기자 회견이라도 할까요?Should we hold a press conference?
(지용) 아, 여론이야 우리한테 동조하겠죠The public will feel for us, right?
뭐, 시민 단체 정도나At least some NGO will.
(윤모) 그게 현실적으로 힘이 될까요?Would that really help us though?
맨날 병원 적자라고 우는소리 했잖아요 대외적으로다가We have been whining about how we always operate in the red.
우는소리가 아니라 사실은 사실이죠You can't call it "whining." We were stating the truth.
(윤모) 그러니까요Exactly. If Hwajeong says they'll get a foreign investment worth billions of won
화정에서 적자투성이인 병원에다가 해외 투자 대거 받겠다고 하면Exactly. If Hwajeong says they'll get a foreign investment worth billions of won for a hospital that's always in the red,
대기업이 외자 유치 성공한 걸로 포장될 테고they'll make it look like they're bringing in foreign capital.
외국 돈 계속 끌어오면 영리 기관으로 바뀌는 거야If they keep bringing in foreign funds, the government will eventually approve
정책위에서 심의해 주면 끝인데요If they keep bringing in foreign funds, the government will eventually approve privatization of the hospital.
경제특구로 바꾸는 것도It's not like we can prevent them from designating
우리가 막을 수 있는 게 아니지 않나?the area as a special economic zone, can we?
(상엽) 음, 지경부에 의료 신사업 계획서 넣고 송탄 지역 뭐, 재평가 들어가면the area as a special economic zone, can we? Once they submit a new medical business plan to MOTIE and reappraise the Songtan region…
아이, 그렇게 간단해요? 지방 자치 단체 같은 데는?What? Is it that simple in local governments?
어떤 자치 단체가 반대를 하겠어?What local government would say no to such an opportunity?
자기네 특별나게 만들어 준다는데What local government would say no to such an opportunity?
밑져야 본전인데 구 사장한테 말이라도 넣죠?We have nothing to lose. Why don't we at least ask Mr. Gu?
[민기의 한숨]
(민기) 우리 회의가Since when have we
언제부터 이런 얘기만 나오게 됐나discussed something like this during our meetings?
환자 건강 얘기는 1초도 안 하네We haven't talked about patients' health even for a second.
우리 과장님도 아직 안 나왔어요Our chief is still in the meeting, too.
맨날 그놈의 회의Those damned meetings.
무슨 뾰족한 수라도 나오면 말을 안 해요I wouldn't complain if those meetings have ever been productive.
(노을) 어?
(창) 왜요?What?
김 쌤!Ms. Kim.
(노을) 같이 가요Wait for us.
(창) 은하 씨, 차 가지고 오셨어요?Eun-ha, did you drive?
(은하) 아니요No.
(창) 태워 드릴까요?Do you want a ride?
아직도 저러고 있네, 진짜They're still there.
[은하가 화난 숨을 내뱉는다]
(은하) 사장이라고 저 난리를 쳐 놓고 자기만 쏙 빠지고I can't believe the president is just leaving after making all the mess.
차라리 처음부터 오지를 말지He never should've come here in the first place.
그러게요I know, right?
처음부터 오질 말지He never should've come here.
소원대로 가 주잖아요, 그래서He's leaving, as you wish.
먼저 갈게요I'll see you tomorrow.
(노을) 강 팀장님!Ms. Kang!
[다가오는 발걸음]
(창) 내일 봬요See you tomorrow.
(노을) 괜찮으세요?Are you okay?
안색이 좀...You don't look…
저야 뭐...I'm fine.
강 팀장님은 저희랑 계속 계실 거죠?You'll stay on with us, right?
글쎄요I don't know.
강 팀장님도 확실치 않으시면If you're not sure either,
진짜 바뀌나 보네요I guess he's really leaving.
이 쌤한텐Do you really think it'd have been better if Mr. Gu had never come here
저희 사장님이 처음부터 안 온 게 진짜 훨씬 나아요?Do you really think it'd have been better if Mr. Gu had never come here to begin with?
저보다는 그분한테 좋은 게 하나도 없었잖아요It's not about me. He got nothing good out of it.
사장님한텐 저희가 악몽이었을 거예요I'm sure his time here has been a nightmare for him.
근데요But you know…
갈게요I should go.
[자동차 리모컨 조작음]
[자동차 시동음]
(창) 왜요?What is it?
내가 묻고 싶은 말인데요That's what I want to ask you. What's wrong with you?
왜 그래요?That's what I want to ask you. What's wrong with you? What do you mean?
뭐가요?What do you mean? The two of you on the roof that day…
그때 옥상에서 두 사람The two of you on the roof that day…
우연이었죠? 선우 쌤하고 구 사장, 그렇죠?You and Mr. Gu just ran into each other, right?
그때가 언제인지 모르겠네요I don't even recall that. You don't know him, right?
(은하) 모르는 사이죠?You don't know him, right?
선우 쌤이 구 사장을 알 리가 없잖아요, 그렇죠?You couldn't possibly know Mr. Gu, right?
내가 왜 꼭 몰라야 되는데요?Why must I not know him?
그쪽이 사장이라서?Because he's the president?
선우 쌤Mr. Sunwoo…
[차 문을 달칵거린다]
예, 압니다, 구 사장 잘 알아요I do know him. In fact, I know Mr. Gu very well.
둘 다 화정그룹 장학금 덕분에 졸업장 땄습니다We both got college degrees thanks to Hwajeong's scholarships.
뭐 잘못됐어요?Is that a problem?
설마Don't tell me…
우리 얘기Did you tell him
병원 얘기 구 사장한테 하고 그랬어요?about us and about the hospital?
무슨 얘기요?Like what?
의사들은 하나같이 재수 없고 비린내 나고That all the doctors are douchebags,
간호사들은 서로 갈구고 태우고and that the nurses are constantly berating each other?
(창) 그 얘기요?and that the nurses are constantly berating each other?
내가 얘기 안 해도 속속들이 잘 알던데He knew without my telling him.
왜 이래요, 정말?What's wrong with you?
그게 우리 탓이기만 해요?Are we the only ones at fault?
본인이 갈구고 본인 탓이 아니면 누구 탓인데요?It's not like anyone forced you to berate one another, is it?
(은하) 힘들어서 그러잖아요, 너무 힘들어서That's because we're all burned out.
간호사 한 명당 딸린 환자는 수십인데Each nurse is responsible for dozens of patients.
충원은 안 되고 교대는 계속 돌아오고They won't hire more nurses, and our shifts keep coming.
이게 곪아 터진 거지That's the root cause of all the problems here.
일 편하고 널널해 봐요 누가 괴롭혀요, 왜If work wasn't so hectic, why would we be at each other's throats? Let's get one thing straight.
말 똑바로 합시다Let's get one thing straight.
군대는 밖이 빡셀수록 안이 편해요In the army, the tougher the training,
전방 부대일수록In the army, the tougher the training, the stronger the camaraderie.
너나 나나 다 뭣 같은 처지라는 걸 서로 제일 잘 아니까They know well enough how much shit everyone's going through, which is why
더 안 건드린다고they don't get on each other's nerves.
(은하) 그래서 우리가 싫어서 구 사장한테 붙었어요?they don't get on each other's nerves. So? Did you latch onto Mr. Gu because you hated us?
(창) 아니요No. Because my life sucked.
나 사는 게 거지 같아서요No. Because my life sucked.
개판이라서요Because it was crap.
쳐다보기도 싫은 데로 매일매일 출근하고 퇴근하는 게Having to come in every single day to a place I detested…
끔찍해서 그랬어요made me sick to my stomach.
[무거운 음악]
[떨리는 숨소리]
(기사) 그래도 여기서 처음으로 사장님이Still, this is where he met someone he was interested in for the first time.
마음 쓰이는 여선생님도 생겼고Still, this is where he met someone he was interested in for the first time.
(노을) 사장님한텐 저희가 악몽이었을 거예요I'm sure his time here has been a nightmare for him.
(기사) 그 선생님 무슨 일 없게 하라고 하셔서He said to make sure nothing happened to her…
(노을) 처음부터 오질 말지He never should've come here.
(구조 실장) 더 이상 구 사장님께 사업체를 믿고 맡기기 어려우시다고요He says he can't entrust a business to you anymore. He says to refuse to give interviews and an exit speech.
개인 기자 회견, 퇴임사, 인터뷰 모두 거부하시라고요He says to refuse to give interviews and an exit speech.
[경아의 옅은 한숨]
(세화) 네
(노을) 기록이나 자료는 없어요There are no records or documents.
우리한테 안 주는 게 아니라 본사에서 처리한 거라It's not that she won't give it to us. The headquarters handled it,
강 팀장님도 물적으로는 안 갖고 있대요so Ms. Kang doesn't have anything either.
그렇지만 화정제철 환경 부담금 때문에But she said it was true that Songtan was chosen
송탄으로 결정된 건 사실이라고 했어요because of the environmental fine imposed on Hwajeong Steel.
정황만으로 화정에 타격을 주려면 어떡해야 하나How can we get back at Hwajeong with just circumstantial evidence?
(승효) 아니, 지금까지 어떤 일이 우리나라 기업 회장한테What has ever caused damage to a chairman of a corporation?
대미지를 입혔습니까?What has ever caused damage to a chairman of a corporation?
그런 거 없습니다There's no such thing.
대미지 안 입어요Nothing can damage them.
(세화) 이런 건 한 방에 날려야 되는데We need to crush them with one swift blow.
조 회장을 누를 수 있는 사람한테 가져가죠 [긴장되는 음악]Why don't we bring it to someone who can overpower Chairman Cho?
누가 조 회장을 누를 수 있는데?Who would be capable of that?
오셨습니까?-Hello, sir. -Call the director
원장 불러, 부원장 새끼도-Hello, sir. -Call the director and the asshole deputy director.
[차 문이 탁 닫힌다]and the asshole deputy director.
(승효) 무슨 일이십니까, 회장님What is it, sir?
(남형) 죽여 버릴 거야I'll kill them.
(구조 실장) 죄송하지만 둘 다 부재중이라는데요Neither of them is in the hospital. They're out…
지금 외부에...Neither of them is in the hospital. They're out…
[엘리베이터 도착음] 부르겠습니다I'll go find them, sir.
[엘리베이터 문이 쓱 열린다]
[도어 록 작동음]
[남형의 성난 숨소리]
[문이 달칵 닫힌다] [남형이 성난 숨을 내쉰다]
[도어 록 작동음]
너야? 네가 했어?Was it you? Did you do it?
아, 아닙니다No, sir.
뭔 줄 알고?Do you know what I'm talking about?
알아들었다는 건 알고 있었다는 거네?Does this mean you knew?
(승효) 무엇을 말씀하시는지는 모르겠습니다만I don't know what you are referring to,
전 회장님께 누가 될 일 하지 않았습니다but I didn't do anything that could harm you.
김석현이가 숨넘어가게 나한테 전화를 했어Kim Seok-hyeon called me, all worked up,
너희 병원에서 사람이 왔다고saying someone from the hospital came to see him. They said they'd go public about how we purchased the land from him
(남형) 환경 부담금 대신 땅값 얹어 준 거 터트리겠다고 찾아왔대They said they'd go public about how we purchased the land from him at a higher price.
구체적인 액수, 방법, 날짜 전부 꿰고서They had the exact figures, methods, dates, and everything.
저희 원장, 부원장이The hospital director and deputy director
환경부 장관을 직접 찾아갔다고요?went to see the Minister of Environment?
나한테 오든가 차라리 밖에다 떠벌리든가If they had come to me or blabbed it to the media, I would have taken care of it quietly.
그럼 벌써 정리 끝났어I would have taken care of it quietly.
(남형) 근데 장관이라는 게But that stupid Minister is freaking out
자기 어떻게 될까 봐 지금 눈이 완전히 돌아갔다고!But that stupid Minister is freaking out in case something happens to him!
차, 찾아온 목적이 뭐랍니까?in case something happens to him! Why did they go to him?
폭로가 목적이면 장관한테 갈 필요가 없으니They wouldn't have gone to him if what they wanted was to expose it.
원장 쪽에서 내건 조건이 있을 텐데요They wouldn't have gone to him if what they wanted was to expose it. The director must have demanded something.
날 병원 행정에서 손 떼게 해 달라고?They want me to take my hands off the hospital management.
불가능한 걸 걸었네요They asked for the impossible.
할 말이 겨우 그거야?Is that all you have to say?
(남형) 누가 흘렸을까?Who could've leaked it?
저것들이 어떻게 알았을까?How did they find out?
너 아니면 액수까지 아는 사람이...Who else knows the exact amount other than you…
저, 장관이 어떻게 나올까요?How do you think the Minister will respond
회장님이 부탁을 안 들어주시면if you don't grant their request?
몰라서 물어?You call that a question? Obviously, he'll bring up the fine again.
과징금 다시 들먹이겠지You call that a question? Obviously, he'll bring up the fine again.
장장 1,600억이야!You call that a question? Obviously, he'll bring up the fine again. Mind you, it's 160 billion won!
회장님께선 어떻게 하실 겁니까?What is your plan, sir?
(남형) 아이씨...Shit.
우리가 뇌물 줬다는 걸 먼저 밝힐 수도 없고It's not like I can rat him out by saying I bribed him.
병원 쪽 요구You should give the hospital
들어주시죠, 회장님what they want, sir.
(승효) 병원 주인한테 병원에서 손 떼라는 건 불가능한 요구입니다It's impossible to make the owner stay out of the management duties.
일단은 들어주겠다 하셔도You can agree to do as they wish,
회장님 위상에는 변할 게 전혀 없습니다but nothing will change for you.
나 아직 여기 진짜 주인 아니야I'm not the real owner here yet.
의사 놈들도 내가 소유만 했지 지배하지 못한다는 걸 아니까Those doctor punks are challenging me because they know that even though I'm the owner, I can't control them.
감히 덤비는 거야because they know that even though I'm the owner, I can't control them.
(남형) 관련된 놈들 전부 끌고 와, 당장Bring me everyone involved. Now. Mr. Cho.
회장님Mr. Cho.
환경부하고 병원 일은 제가 정리하게 해 주십시오Please let me resolve the matter between the hospital and the Ministry.
마지막으로 제 일로 남겨 주십시오Let me do that as my last item of business. Please, sir.
부탁드립니다Let me do that as my last item of business. Please, sir.
마지막으로 나 실망시키게?So that you can disappoint me one last time?
여태까지로 모자라서?What you did so far wasn't enough?
(승효) 화정그룹이 국유지에서 쫓겨난 사람들에게You can announce that Hwajeong Group provided a place to live
삶의 터전을 마련해 줬다고 발표하시면 됩니다for people who got kicked out of state-owned land.
토지 계약 문제가 터지더라도 스캔들이 아니라Even if the land deal becomes a problem,
기업체의 인도적 사회 공헌으로 충분히 바꾸실 수 있습니다you can make it look like we're exercising corporate social responsibility.
이걸로는 안 돼This isn't enough.
땅 문제는 막아도 장관은 못 막아It can stop the land scandal, but not the Minister.
(남형) 송탄 문제 그거 새 나온 거만으로도 눈이 지금 뻘건데He's already pissed off that the Songtan matter got out.
어떻게든 우리를 쥐고 흔들려고 들 거야He'll try to control us.
(승효) 환경부 장관The Minister doesn't want people to find out why his parents
자기 부모가 왜 국유지에 살게 됐는지 밝혀지는 걸The Minister doesn't want people to find out why his parents ended up living in the state-owned land more than anything.
죽기보다 싫어합니다ended up living in the state-owned land more than anything.
회장님께서 이걸 쥐고 계시면As long as you have this,
장관도 절대 경거망동하지 못합니다he won't be able to act rashly.
네 조건은 뭔데?What do you want for it?
원장 조건은 날 손 떼라는 거고The director wants me out of her hair.
이거 대신 넌What do you want in exchange for this?
회장님Mr. Cho.
병원을 조각내진 말아 주십시오Please don't tear the hospital apart.
찢는 것만은 말아 주십시오, 회장님Please… don't make it fall apart, sir.
[어두운 음악] 이런다고 뭐가 달라질까?Do you think that would change anything?
난 돈을 본 사람이 물러서는 걸 본 적이 없어I've never seen anyone give up on an opportunity for more money.
그 길로 안 가는 걸 단 한 번도 본 적 없어I've never once seen them overcome their greed for money.
(남형) 어차피 미래엔 둘 중의 하나야All hospitals will end up becoming one of the two.
헬스 케어에 돈을 물 쓰듯 쓰는 사람들을 위한 곳A place for people who have money to burn on health care
그 시스템에 낄 수 없는 사람들이 가는 곳and a place where people who can't afford to do the same go.
상국대병원?Wait for just ten, no, five years
10년, 아니?Wait for just ten, no, five years to see what Sangkook University Hospital will be like.
5년만 두고 봐to see what Sangkook University Hospital will be like.
어느 쪽으로 변해 있을지See which it turns into.
[문이 달칵 여닫힌다] [도어 록 작동음]
[세화의 옅은 한숨]
조 회장 왔었다는 얘기 들었어요I heard Chairman Cho was here.
(세화) 저희가 환경부 가는 걸We thought you shouldn't know
사장님이 먼저 아셔서는 안 된다고 판단했어요that we were going to the Ministry of Environment.
그래도 미리 말씀은 드리고 싶었는데We did want to tell you in advance regardless,
이제 와서 이런 얘기 소용없겠죠but that's all meaningless now, isn't it?
효과 있었습니다It worked.
조 회장이 법인 바꾸는 거 관둔대요?Did Chairman Cho agree to give up on privatizing the hospital?
장관이라는 인간 우리 앞에선 딱 잡아떼더니That Minister denied it to our faces,
조 회장이랑 장관이랑 둘이 짠 게 맞네요, 그럼but he was in collusion with Chairman Cho.
(세화) 애초부터 환경 부담금 대신 땅값 얹어 주기로 한 거He overpaid for the land to avoid the environmental fine, didn't he?
그게 맞는 거죠?He overpaid for the land to avoid the environmental fine, didn't he?
(승효) 오세화 원장님Director Oh.
상국대하고 화정은The hospital and Hwajeong
지금 서로의 뇌관을 쥐고 있는 겁니다are holding each other's detonator.
상국대가 쥔 뇌관은The one Sangkook is holding
장관이 현직일 때까지만 유효합니다is only effective while the Minister is in office.
물러나고 나면 전직 정치인이 화정에 할 수 있는 일Once he steps down, there isn't much a former politician can do
많지 않아요to Hwajeong.
신중하게 움직이세요You have to act cautiously.
(세화) 왜 남한테 당부하듯이 말해요?That sounded like a request.
이제 사장님 일 아니에요?Does this not concern you anymore?
진짜 관둬요?Are you really leaving? You have your duties as a director,
원장은 원장 할 일이 있는 거고You have your duties as a director,
저는 제 일이 있으니까요and I have mine.
설마Don't tell me
다 뒤집어쓰기로 한 거예요? 사장님 혼자?you agreed to take the fall for it all.
내가 왜요?Why would I?
[승효의 힘주는 숨소리]
(승효) 송탄 캠퍼스에 관리인 숙소라고 했던 거 있죠?Remember the custodians' housing on the Songtan campus?
서산 마을 협동조합에 주기로 한 거요?The one you're giving to Seosan Village Cooperative?
오늘 오 원장님이 만나고 온 사람It'll be where the parents of the man you met today
부모님이 사실 곳입니다will be living in. The Minister of Environment?
환경부 장관요?The Minister of Environment?
아니, 그 사람 부모가 왜 우리 병원 건물에요?Why would his parents live in our hospital's building?
강 팀장이 영구 임대 계약서 카피본 드릴 거예요Ms. Kang will give you a copy of the lease.
이유는 거기서 보시고You can read the details there.
(승효) 부모님 외 마을 사람들도 같이 오실 거니까The townspeople as well as his parents will be moving in.
원장님이 신경 좀 써 주세요Please make sure it goes as planned.
평생을 몸 써서 일해 온 분들 무료하지 않게They did hard labor all their lives. You can give them
관리 일을 맡기시든가easy custodial duties.
그래서 관리인 숙소라고 하신 거예요?That's why you called it custodians' housing.
진짜 관리 일을 하시라고?To have them really do custodial work?
그분들이 원하시면If that's what they want.
네, 그러죠Sure. I'll do that.
다른 건요?What else?
다른 당부할 건?Is there anything else I should do?
[차분한 음악]
[심란한 신음]
왜 이러니, 쓸데없이, 하...What's wrong with me?
[깊은 한숨]
[민기의 한숨]
뭐야?What is this?
사직서입니다It's my resignation letter.
누가 몰라?I know that.
휴가 써, 쉬고 와Use your vacation days. Take some time off.
감사했습니다Thank you for everything.
[거친 숨소리]
심장...I think…
심장 마비인가 봐요I think I'm having a heart attack.
(환자1) 가슴이 답답하고 숨이 안 쉬어져I think I'm having a heart attack. My chest feels tight, and I can't breathe.
지금 숨은 어떻게 쉬고 계세요?How are you breathing now?
[거친 숨을 몰아쉬며] 여기, 여기, 이 입...Here. Through my mouth. When did the symptom start?
언제부터 이러셨어요?When did the symptom start?
[환자1의 거친 숨소리]
- (소정) 심전도 검사 - (재혁) 네Let's run an EKG. Okay.
[환자1이 연신 거친 숨을 내쉰다]
비염 있으세요?Do you have rhinitis?
이 약 드시고 코에 스프레이 뿌리셨죠?You took this and used a nasal spray, didn't you?
[동수의 탄성]
(동수) 방 샘, 됐어Mr. Bang. Put it back.
(진우) 이 완화제 드시고 코에 스프레이 뿌리면 코 막혀요If you use a nasal spray with this, it'll stuff up your nose.
비염 약 다른 거 처방해 드려-Prescribe him something else. -Okay.
(소정) 네-Prescribe him something else. -Okay.
괜잖아요, 입으로 숨 쉬어도It's okay to breathe through your mouth.
조갈이 좀 나서 그렇지You get thirsty, that's all.
(동수) 숨 쉬어 보실게, 입으로Try breathing through your mouth.
[동수가 깊게 숨을 들이쉰다] [환자1의 힘겨운 숨소리]
숨 쉬어지죠?-You can breathe, right? -Chief.
(안 선생) 과장님-You can breathe, right? -Chief.
지금 전체 회의실로 오시라는데요?They said to gather in the conference room.
아이씨, 재미 들렸나 뻑하면 불러 쌓아Is she enjoying this or what? She keeps calling meetings.
(세화) 평가 인증식 기념사진 찍을 사람 각 과마다 보내시고요Please send at least one person from each department for the photoshoot at the certification ceremony.
(지용) 아, 이런 거 웬만하면 공지로 돌리시죠?Couldn't you have just e-mailed these to us?
지금 한창 몰리는 시간인데This is a busy time of the day.
(경문) 구 사장님!Mr. Gu!
토요일 진료 시간 변경하는 거The new consultation hours on Saturdays…
(승효) 아니, 무슨 말을 하겠다고...What do you need to talk…
[잔잔한 음악]
(세화) 오늘이 마지막 날이시라면서요We heard today was your last day.
아무리 눈 흘기고 서로 싸우는 사이였어도Sir, I understand that we haven't been on the best of terms,
마지막 인사는 하고 갈 생각이셨죠, 사장님?but you weren't going to leave us without saying goodbye, were you?
안녕히들 계십시오Take care of yourselves.
(승효) 이런 데서들 하셨구나?So, this is where you have meetings.
[마이크 소리가 울린다]
근래에 들은 말로Instead of saying goodbye,
마지막 인사 대신하겠습니다I'll share with you something I heard recently.
(승효) 최근에 이런 얘기를 들었는데요Someone told me to look at Sangkook five years from now, no need to wait for ten years.
상국의 5년 후를 보라 10년도 필요 없다to look at Sangkook five years from now, no need to wait for ten years.
미래의 의료 기관은 병을 치료하는 곳이 아닌I was told that future medical institutions won't be where illnesses are treated,
가진 자들의 건강을 유지시켜 주는 곳이 될 거라고but where the health of the wealthy will be maintained.
뭐, 솔직히 말씀드리면 저도 그 말이 과히 틀렸다고 생각하진 않습니다To be honest, I don't think that's completely incorrect.
얼마나 버틸 것인가How long can you resist the change?
기본이 변질되는 걸Until when can you prevent the core values
얼마나 저지시킬 수 있을 것인가of medicine from being compromised?
여러분들 손에 달린 거겠죠, 이제It's up to all of you now.
무너질 사람Some will give in,
[차분한 음악]some will persevere,
버텨낼 사람some will persevere,
거슬러and some…
오를 사람will go against the flow.
완벽하지도 않고Some of you may be imperfect,
예상외로 우월하지도 않으며not particularly superior to others,
심지어 우왕좌왕하는 듯 보여도and even appear to be lost and confused,
끝내는 실천에 이를 사람이but will achieve your goals
여기에도 있겠죠in the end.
저는 제가 잠시나마 몸담았던 상국대학병원I'll keep a close eye on Sangkook University Hospital,
지켜볼 겁니다which I was a part of, albeit briefly.
여러분들의 10년, 20년 후를I look forward to seeing how you will turn out to be
예, 지켜보겠습니다in the next ten to twenty years.
건승하십시오I wish you all good luck.
회의 끝났습니다Meeting adjourned.
미안하다, 동생Sorry, my little brother.
[마이크 소리가 울린다]
이게 언제 켜져 있었지?How long has this been on?
강 팀장이 말해 줬죠? 오늘 나 마지막인 거You told them it was my last day, didn't you?
네? 제가요?Pardon? Me?
사장님하고 오늘 이렇게 여기도 마지막이네요I guess this will be my last time to walk across this hospital lobby with you.
고생 많았어요Thank you for everything.
나 이제 화정 직원 아니니까 회사 차는 됐습니다I don't work for Hwajeong anymore, so I don't need the company car.
고생 많았어요, 그동안에Thank you for everything.
[차 문을 탁 닫는다]
오늘까지는 모시게 해 주십시오Please let me drive you up to today.
늘 두시는 데죠?Your car is in the usual spot
사장님 차, 지하 1층요Your car is in the usual spot in the parking lot, right?
(기사) 바로 오겠습니다I'll be right out.
[차 문이 탁 열린다]
[멀어지는 발걸음]
[노을의 거친 숨소리]
왜 절 자르려고 하셨는지Why did you try to fire me?
이제 와서 그거 때문에...You wanted to ask that now…
묻고 싶었어요I wanted to ask
나한테 왜 그랬는지why you did that to me.
근데 못 물었어요But I couldn't.
왜요?Why not?
(노을) 저도 내가 왜 그 말이 안 나오는지 몰랐어요I didn't know why I couldn't ask either.
이젠 알아요But I know now.
'싫어서'라고 할까 봐I was afraid you'd say that you hated me.
'내가 자꾸 보이는 게 귀찮아서'라고 할까 봐That you'd say it was annoying to have me around.
사장님한테서 그 말을 들을까 봐요I was afraid that's what you'd say to me.
[부드러운 음악]
잘 있어요, 이노을 선생Take care, Dr. Lee No-eul.
[차 문이 탁 열린다]
[잔잔한 음악]
[진우의 헛기침]
[중얼거리며] 너무 차려입었나?Is this too much?
[옅은 숨을 내뱉는다]
아, 너무 커
하, 씨...
[자동차 리모컨 조작음]
너무 사람 많고 복잡하면 좀 그런데What if it's crowded and rowdy? That would be a bit…
(진우) 글쎄Well, I didn't make the reservation, so I don't know what it'll be like.
나도 내가 예약한 게 아니라서 어떨지 잘 모르겠네Well, I didn't make the reservation, so I don't know what it'll be like.
[긴장되는 한숨]
멋있어You look great.
알아I know.
가자Let's go.
[편안한 음악이 흘러나온다]
진우 씨Jin-woo.
[밝은 음악이 흘러나온다]
(선우) 딱 한 번 봤는데 자세히 기억하시네요, 노을 누나를?You saw No-eul once, but you remember her well.
(서현) 이쁘고She's pretty,
둘이 엄청 친해 보이더라고요and they looked really close.
(진우) 아니, 그게... [진우의 헛기침]That's…
둘이 얼마나 싸우는데요They fight all the time.
형이 생긴 건 이래도 되게 욱하거든요He may look like this, but he has a temper.
(진우) 야, 내가 생긴 게 뭐?What about my looks?
물어보자Let's ask.
어때요, 우리 형 생긴 거?How does my brother look?
(서현) 음...
별로네, 까였어There's your answer. You've been rejected. I'm so sorry for you.
어떡하냐There's your answer. You've been rejected. I'm so sorry for you.
괜찮아, 서현 씨 눈 낮아It's okay. She has low standards.
(진우) 너한테 꽃미남이라고 했으니 말 다 했지, 뭐She said you were cute. That says it all. It's over.
다 끝났어She said you were cute. That says it all. It's over.
(진우) 아, 이 자식 뭐, 진짜로 부끄러워해Look at this punk. Don't get all shy.
오버야, 너, 어?Stop overreacting.
(서현) 진짠데?I meant it. And you two look alike.
그리고 두 분 닮았어요I meant it. And you two look alike. -What? -What?
- (진우) 에? - 네?-What? -What?
(서현) 닮았는데You do.
자꾸 보니까 느낌이 비슷해요The more I look at you, the more alike you two look.
영광인 줄 알아라You should be honored.
[진우의 한숨]I'm insulted.
모욕이다I'm insulted.
잠깐 화장실 좀I need to use the restroom.
(진우) 아, 그, 내 얘기 하지 마요Please don't talk about me.
진우 씨 얘기를 안 하면 무슨 얘기를 해요?What else would we talk about?
(진우) 날씨 얘기, 날씨 얘기Talk about the weather.
[무거운 음악]
다행이지?Isn't it great?
서로 마음에 드나 봐They seem to like each other.
나는?What about me?
나는 지겨워?Are you sick of me now?
고마워I'm thankful to you.
그럼 계속 고마워해Then keep being thankful to me. Problem solved.
그러면 되잖아Then keep being thankful to me. Problem solved.
고마워Thank you.
덕분에 견뎠어I held on thanks to you.
많이 의지했어I relied on you a lot.
내가 말하지 않아도 넌 내 말을 들어줬고You listened to me even if I didn't say anything,
대신 울어 줬어and you cried for me.
(선우) 25년For 25 years.
(진우) 25년을 늘 내 곁에서You were by my side for 25 years.
(선우) 그런데?What are you trying to say?
나도 형 동생이야I'm your brother too, you know.
나도 선우야, 형 동생I'm also Seon-woo, your brother.
(진우) 아니야, 넌 선우가 아니야No, you're not Seon-woo.
넌 나야You're me.
내가 널 만들었어I created you.
아빠는 죽고I hated the fact
선우가 불구가 된 게 싫어서that Dad died and Seon-woo became paralyzed.
죽은 아빠는 못 살리고I couldn't bring Dad back to life,
널 살렸어but I saved you…
내 머릿속에서in my mind…
내 마음속에서and in my heart.
(진우) 근데However,
난 이제 선우가 못 걷는 게I no longer hate the fact
하나도 싫지 않아that Seon-woo can't walk.
내가 평생 업고 다녀도 돼I can carry him on my back for the rest of my life.
그래도 되니까I don't mind that.
내 동생이I wish…
오래 살았으면 좋겠어my little brother would live a long life.
나보다 너무 빨리I wish he wouldn't leave…
가지 않았으면 좋겠어much sooner than I do.
(진우) 다행이지?Isn't it great?
서로 마음에 드나 봐They seem to like each other.
진우 씨가 정말요?He did? Really?
(진우) 내가 또 뭐요?What did I do now?
또 무슨 방언 터졌냐?What did you tell her?
형 가출했을 때About how you ran away from home.
하, 씨...
권 기자는 풀려났는데Reporter Kwon was released,
이제 화정 기사는 아예 쓰지 말래요but we can no longer write anything about Hwajeong.
(진우) 역시 오가는 게 있었네요As expected, there was a deal made.
(서현) 나 방송국 재도전하려고요I'm going to try to become a TV reporter again.
(진우) 새글 그만두고 방송국 다시 들어가려고요?You'll quit Saegeul21 and return to TV?
넵, 재입사Yes. I'll give it another try.
필승!Good luck.
(서현) 어? 선우 씨는...Where's Seon-woo?
[잔잔한 음악]
(선우) 밖에 이런 데가 있었구나I never knew there was a place like this.
여기 꼭 어디 놀러 온 거 같다It feels like we're at some place out of town.
[서현의 힘주는 신음]
(서현) 진짜 나도 올여름엔 바다 한 번을 못 갔네I didn't make it to the beach once this summer.
하도 뭐가 빵빵 터져서Things had been too hectic.
두 분은 휴가 안 가요?Aren't you two going on vacation?
제가 가면 민폐라...If I go, I'd only be a nuisance.
나도 콜라병인데 나도 민폐네That applies to me as well since all eyes will be on me.
가면 안 되겠다I guess I shouldn't go either.
가세요, 왜 못 가요You should. That's not a reason for you not to go.
진짜요?You think so? Then I guess none of us would be a nuisance to anyone.
그럼 민폐 아니네You think so? Then I guess none of us would be a nuisance to anyone.
가고 싶으면 가는 거죠, 그렇죠?What matters is what we want, right?
You're right.
[진우의 힘주는 신음]
(선우) 이 시간에 밖에도 괜찮구나It's nice being out at this hour.
[마우스 클릭음]
니 휴가 냈더라?I see you requested time off.
그럴라고 낸 거여?Is it to spend time with her?
뭘 그러려고요?What do you mean?
맨날 아니라고 딱 잡아떼더니You always denied it,
이제 한 사람 아예 관뒀으니께 옳다구나 커밍아웃?but now that she's quitting, I guess you've decided to make it public.
누가 뭘 관둬요?Who's quitting?
너 그, 소아과 그, 그Didn't you request time off so you can spend time with the pediatrician?
쬐깐한 쌤이랑 딱 붙어 갈라고 휴가 냈지?Didn't you request time off so you can spend time with the pediatrician?
아, 제가 왜 걔랑 휴...Why would I go away with…
이노을 사표 냈어요?No-eul resigned?
(노을) 뭐야? 병원에서 뛰는 거 아니에요 예진우 어린이You shouldn't run in the hospital, little boy.
(진우) 너 뭐야?What's going on?
나가랄 땐 기를 쓰더니 왜 관둬?You fought hard to stay here when they fired you.
내 발로 나가려고 버텼지I wanted to leave on my own accord.
뭐, 꼭 서울만 장땡인가?Seoul isn't the best.
지방엘 가게?You're going to a rural area?
야, 너 갑자기 이게 무슨 바람이야?What's gotten into you?
나 오래 고민했어I've been thinking about it for a while.
근데도 아직 좀 헷갈려I'm still confused though.
그러니까 넌 나 흔들지 마So, don't try to convince me not to go.
(노을) 밥 먹자Let's go eat.
(노을) 누나 없어도 울지 마Don't cry because you miss me.
(세화) 이노을 선생Dr. Lee No-eul.
왜 오래? 불편하게, 단체로 앉아서Why do they want me there? It'll be so awkward to eat with them.
(노을) 야!Hey. You're coming with me.
같이 가 줘Hey. You're coming with me.
(경문) 속이 불편하세요?Are you not feeling well?
(지용) 앓던 이 구 사장도 빠졌는데 왜 그러세요?Mr. Gu is finally gone. What's wrong?
밥맛이 늘어야 정상이지You should have a better appetite.
그, 화정 회장한테 막냇동생 있는 거 알죠?You know the chairman of Hwajeong has a younger brother, right?
[젓가락을 잘그락 내려놓는다]
조남정이라고His name is Cho Nam-chung.
(세화) 아, 조 회장 동생...Chairman Cho's younger brother…
가만Hold on.
근데 걔도 의사 아니에요?Isn't he a doctor too?
아, 미국에서 췌장암 권위자예요 나이는 어린데He's young, but he's one of the best pancreatic cancer doctors in the US. So, they have someone specializing in cancer in their family.
(경문) 아, 그 집안에 캔서 쪽이 있었구나So, they have someone specializing in cancer in their family.
(상엽) 뭐, 처음에야 CEO를 보냈지만They sent a CEO at first,
어차피 족벌 체제니까but given how clannish they are,
조 회장이 자기 동생 사장으로 보내지 않을까요, 이번엔?he'll probably send his brother here this time.
암 전공이 오면 이 교수님 나쁠 거 없잖아요Having a cancer specialist as the president would benefit you in a way.
암 센터 많이 키워 주겠네The Cancer Center will have his support.
자기가 행정도 하고 진료도 하겠다고 하면?What if he says he'll run it and see patients himself?
(상엽) 한창나이에 틀어박힐 생각 없다고 그러면서What if he doesn't want an office job at his age
조남정이가 사장실, 센터and wants to be both the president and the chief? What happens to me then?
둘 다 뛰겠다고 하면 난?and wants to be both the president and the chief? What happens to me then?
낙동강 오리알...You're screwed…
(지용) 도 알이지만It won't be that bad, but…
회장 동생?The chairman's brother, you said?
(세화) 어, 여기 앉아Have a seat.
(지용) 아, 조 회장 동생이 사장으로 온다?Chairman Cho's brother will be the new president?
하, 이거 구관이 명관 되는 거 아니야?What if he's worse than Mr. Gu?
(경문) 근데 미국에 있다면서요I thought he was in the US.
있었는데He was,
며칠 전에 보니까 병원 홈페이지에서 프로필이 사라졌어요but his name was removed from the hospital website a few days ago.
타이밍이 왜 그래?What timing.
진짜 여기 오려고 관뒀나?Did he really quit to come here?
[경문의 한숨]
지방 병원 간다며?I hear you're going to a rural hospital.
(세화) 생각은 가상하지만 뜯어 먹힐 건 각오해It's a grand gesture, but be prepared to be eaten alive.
가면 소아과 너 하나뿐일 거고You'll probably be the only pediatrician there,
별의별 것 다 시킬 텐데so they'll make you do all sorts of things.
워낙 서울서 오는 사람들이 쉽게 관두니까They tend to distance themselves from outsiders
현지에서도 정을 안 줘서 그렇지, 뭐since most of them don't stay for long.
우리 이 선생 진심이야 금방 알아주지 않겠어요?But they'll come to realize that you are good-hearted.
그러니까 더 억울하죠That's why it's more unfair. She'll work her fingers to the bone,
고생은 고생대로 할 거고 돈 보고 왔냐는 소리나 들을 거고That's why it's more unfair. She'll work her fingers to the bone, but they'll claim she's there for the money.
예 [지용이 쿡 웃는다]I see.
맨날 혼나, 우리We always get scolded.
누가 혼냈다 그래요, 지금Who scolded you?
조 회장 동생이 사장으로 온대요?Will Chairman's Cho's brother be the new president?
(상엽) 글쎄...Who knows? It's his own hospital anyway.
뭐, 자기 병원에 자기가 오는 거니까Who knows? It's his own hospital anyway.
좋겠다, 자기 병원It must be nice to have his own hospital.
우리도 만들면 되죠, 자기 병원We can have our own hospital, too.
조 회장한테서 벗어날 길을 생각해 봤는데요I thought about how we could free ourselves from Chairman Cho,
독립 재단 말고는 길이 없어요and I realized that we need an independent foundation.
(상엽) 독립 재단 말이 쉽지That may sound easy,
우리가 병원만도 아니라 대학도 있는데but they own not only the hospital but the university.
일단 재단을 사들여야 독립될 거 아니야We need to buy the foundation to become independent.
몇천억이야, 그게It'll cost hundreds of billions of won.
화정이 팔지도 않아요, 근본적으로Hwajeong won't sell it, either.
그 과정이 중요한 거 아닐까요?Isn't the process what matters?
(진우) 펀딩을 하면서 동문들한테 일일이 호소해서라도We can ask our alumni for donations, one by one if necessary,
우리가 왜 그러는지 끊임없이 알리면 되죠and let them know why we're doing it.
돈 모으는 데 수십 년이 걸린다면If it takes decades to gather the funds, that means we will fight for our cause for decades.
그 수십 년만큼의 저항이 되는 거니까that means we will fight for our cause for decades.
(지용) 그렇게 되면 우리 문제점을 우리가 스스로 광고하는 건데?Then we'd be advertising our problems ourselves.
화정 치부 들추려다가 우리 병원 입지는?We'd damage our own reputation while trying to expose Hwajeong's corruption.
같이 꼬꾸라지라고?We'd damage our own reputation while trying to expose Hwajeong's corruption.
(민기) 실력 좋아도 문제겠네It will be hard to attract talent.
의대가 텅텅 비진 않겠지만The medical school won't empty out,
경쟁력 있는 애들은 안 오지but we won't get the competent ones.
'야, 상국대병원 문제 있다고 거기 의사들이 먼저 그러더라?'"The doctors at Sangkook are saying themselves that they're having problems."
그럴 거 아니야That's what they'll say, and convince them not to come here.
그런 데 가지 말라고That's what they'll say, and convince them not to come here.
학교 골라서 가는 애들은 다 뺏겨We'll lose every one of the talented candidates.
저지시키고 버틸 수 있는 힘이 어디서 나오나요, 그럼Then where can we get the power to resist and stop them?
[어두운 음악]
독립 재단An independent foundation…
(선우) 어떻게 그런 생각을 했어?How did you come up with that idea?
재단을 통째로 살 생각을 다 하고Buying the entire foundation…
통 완전 크다You're so bold.
그럼 뭐 해What's the point?
교수들이 영...The chiefs were…
교수들은 언젠가 바뀌어There will be new chiefs eventually.
다음 사람들이 하면 돼The next ones can do it.
(노을) 다음 사람?The next ones?
너희That would be you.
이제 나는 없고Since I'll be gone.
[진우의 한숨]
근데 진우야But Jin-woo,
넌 교수까지만 해라stop at chief.
[헛웃음 치며] 야, 교수는 누가 시켜 주냐?Like anyone would make me one.
씁, 왜 난 더 올라가면 안 돼?Why can't I aim higher?
(선우) 안 되는 게 아니라 안 했으면 좋겠나 보지It's not that you can't. She's just hoping you wouldn't.
형이 원장님처럼 될까 봐In case you end up like Director Lee.
그렇게 되는 게 뭔데?What do you mean by that? That would be you…
형 혼자That would be you…
구 사장한테 병원 혼자 지켜내는 사람처럼trying to protect the hospital against someone like Mr. Gu.
(선우) 혼자 애쓰는 거All on your own.
내가 뭘 지켜Protect it, my foot.
(진우) 야, 그럼 그 인간 밑에서 매년 사람들이 죽어 나갔다는데A lot of people suffered because of him. Of course, I had to do something.
그걸 가만있냐?A lot of people suffered because of him. Of course, I had to do something. Don't you think that's how Director Lee felt too?
원장님도 그런 마음 아니셨을까?Don't you think that's how Director Lee felt too?
그렇게 혼자 애쓰다...He fought the battle alone, only to…
(노을) 사람들을 미리 잘라서 막았다고 했어I heard he fired them in advance to stop more disasters from happening.
자살하고He laid his employees off
사고 나는 데까지 안 가게 모아서 잘랐다고to prevent them from committing suicide or getting into an accident.
최소한 자기 직원들이 죽지는 않게So that at least, his employees wouldn't die.
구 사장이 그랬다는 거야?That's what Mr. Gu did?
자기 입으로 그래?Did he say that himself?
남의 입Someone told me.
[스위치를 탁 누른다]
원장님이 아무리 좋은 분이셨어도No matter how nice Director Lee was,
우리 아빠는 아니야he wasn't our dad.
[차분한 음악]
너 취했냐?Are you drunk? And Mr. Gu isn't a big, bad man.
구 사장도 시커먼 아저씨가 아니고And Mr. Gu isn't a big, bad man.
주사도 있네, 이게He's drunk.
(선우) 우리 어렸을 때 항상 그 걱정 했잖아That was always our fear when we were little.
아빠 대신 우리 집을 시커먼 아저씨가 차지할까 봐That a big, bad man would take over our family and replace Dad.
아침에 눈뜨면 엄마까지 없어졌을까 봐That when we'd wake up in the morning, Mom would be gone too.
나 다 기억나I remember everything.
엄마 지키겠다고 나 지켜주겠다고You said you'd protect Mom and me.
형한텐 10대 시절이라는 게 없었어You didn't get to enjoy your teens.
더 커서는When you got older,
돈 버느라 공부하느라you were busy making money and studying.
예진우 참 열심히 살았어Ye Jin-woo worked so hard all his life.
이제 좀 편해져You should give yourself a break.
이름 막 부르지?You punk.
[코를 훌쩍인다]
[떨리는 숨소리]
[문이 드르륵 열린다]
(노을) 비켜Move over.
(선우) 네Yes, ma'am.
[노을의 힘주는 신음]
[숨을 하 내뱉는다]
우리 이런 날도 얼마 안 남았네We don't have that many days left to hang out like this.
(진우) 우냐?Are you crying?
에이씨Why you…
[진우의 아파하는 신음]Why you…
아, 이 자식이 진짜...You punk. Hey. That's dusty.
(노을) 야, 먼지 나게 이걸로 그래Hey. That's dusty.
멀쩡한 주먹 놔두고Just throw punches.
[진우의 힘주는 탄성] [노을의 신음]
(선우) 뭐 하는 거야Stop that.
(진우) 와...
(선우) 그거 같다It looks like that.
예수님 얼굴 찍혔단 거The thing with the face of Jesus.
야, 명화다, 명화This is a masterpiece.
(진우) 심상치 않아It's not half bad.
(노을) 음...
(진우) 그렇지? 네가 봐도 좀 그렇지 않냐?Right? Don't you agree?
[노을이 숨을 들이켠다] (선우) 은혜롭다-I feel blessed. -Right?
(진우) 진짜 [노을의 힘주는 탄성]-I feel blessed. -Right?
(노을) 철 좀 들어라, 철 좀! 철 좀!Grow up, will you? Grow up. You brats.
어유, 진짜, 쯧 [진우의 아파하는 신음]You brats.
[풀벌레 울음]
[초코바를 부스럭 집어 든다]
아, 어떻게 하고 싶은 게 하나도 없냐How is it that there's nothing I want to do?
- (남형) 미팅 전까지 와 - (비서) 네-Come before the meeting. -Yes, sir.
뭐야?What is it?
(비서) 구승효 사장이 방금 전 보낸 메일입니다Mr. Gu Seung-hyo's e-mail just came in.
책상 위에 올려 둘까요?Should I leave it on your desk?
구승효?Gu Seung-hyo?
[무거운 음악]
어패럴 진 사장Tell the president of Apparel to call me.
나한테 전화하라고 해Tell the president of Apparel to call me.
Yes, sir.
(진 사장) 구 사장이 저희 어패럴에서 만드는 신발, 속옷 안에Mr. Gu asked us to put biomedical chips in all of our shoes
전부 바이오칩을 넣자고 했습니다and clothing.
그 칩으로 심장 박동이나 맥박 땀 성분을 분석해서Those chips would analyze the wearers' pulse and the components of their sweat,
상국대병원으로 전송하는 앱도 개발 중이었습니다Those chips would analyze the wearers' pulse and the components of their sweat, and send the data to Sangkook Hospital via an app he was developing.
핸드폰이랑 연계하는 것보다He said we must dominate the market
훨씬 정교한 웨어러블 디바이스로 승부해야 된다고요with wearable devices more sophisticated than those linked to phones.
(남형) 알았어요Okay.
[휴대전화 조작음]
회의가 어디서라고?Where's the meeting being held?
(구조 실장) 응Okay.
(오디오 속 경문) 어, 안식년 신청이 너무 몰려서There are too many sabbatical leave requests,
어, 순차적으로 진행을 해야 될 것 같습니다so we'll have to process them in the order received.
담당자들은 다시 한번 더 점검을 해서Please review them again,
다시 한번 신청을 해 주시기... [헤드폰 연결음]and resubmit your requests…
[긴장되는 음악]and resubmit your requests…
(소정) 진짜 있네?He really is here.
[소정의 헛웃음]
(구조 실장) 저 해고 못 시킵니다You can't fire me.
해도 회장님께서 다시 발령 내세요The chairman will just assign me here again.
그러시든가Let him.
내가 또 잘라 드릴게I'll just fire you again.
[긴장되는 음악]
(경문) 어이Hey, you.
[구조 실장의 못마땅한 한숨]
'어이'?"Hey, you"?
IDYour ID.
[문이 달칵 여닫힌다]
(동수) 암만 생각해도 내가 돌아가신 원장님이랑That's the only bank account that I would've shared
얽힐 통장은 그거밖에 없는 거라, 응?That's the only bank account that I would've shared with the late director.
20년도 훨씬 전에 산악회에서 돌려가며 쓰던 건디The hiking club members took turns using it 20 years ago.
그때는 우리가 막내 축이었응께We were the youngest members then,
처음에 총무가 원장님이었을 거여so I think Director Lee was the first secretary of the club.
(동수) 에이, 저, 씨...That shithead.
그때 거기서 경조사비도 쓰고 할라고 회비 받는 통장을The director opened that bank account for the membership dues
원장님이 자기 이름으로 만들었지?to pay for expenses. It was in his own name, I believe.
[동수가 똑똑 노크를 한다]
그다음에 총무는 바꿔도Even though the secretary changed,
통장은 그걸 계속 썼던 거 같아요we kept using the same bank account.
(경문) 총무가 받아서 통장 관리를 했겠네요?The secretary probably received the dues and managed the account.
김태상 교수도 총무를 했고?Did Dr. Kim serve as the secretary too?
(동수) 아, 혔죠That's right. Right after Director Lee, I believe.
원장님 다음인가?That's right. Right after Director Lee, I believe.
씁, 근데 그 산악회가 금방 쫑 났는데?But that hiking club was dissolved soon after.
말이어요You know…
(동수) 그 케케묵은 통장으로 김 교수가 농간을 부렸어도Even if Dr. Kim messed with that account,
진짜 원장님이 그렇게까지 될 줄은 모르지 않았을까?he wouldn't have known the director would end up like that, don't you think?
아니면 너무 독하잖아That would be too inhumane.
뭐, 그건 몰랐을지 몰라도He may not have known that,
발각돼도 처벌 안 된다는 건 알았겠죠but he must have known he wouldn't be punished even if he were caught.
- (동수) 안 된대요? - (경문) 예Really? No. It isn't a crime.
현실적으로 범죄가 아니랍니다No. It isn't a crime.
뭐, 돈을 떼먹은 것도 아니고He didn't embezzle the money.
그 통장으로 돈을 받은 게 김태상이라고 해도Even if Dr. Kim received the money through that account,
증명할 방법도 없고there's no way to prove it.
그럼 원장님은요?What about the director, then?
이게 그분 끝이에요?Is this how it ends for him? We haven't uncovered the truth.
아무것도 못 밝히고?We haven't uncovered the truth.
(동수) 아휴, 고약시럽게 됐네How terrible.
[동수의 한숨] [전화벨이 울린다]
(경문) 아, 잠시만요Excuse me.
아, 예Yes.
[어두운 음악]
(보훈) 그 통장 네가 마지막으로 가졌어You were the last person who managed that bank account. You're the only one
너밖에 없어You're the only one
내 이름으로 그 통장으로 돈 받을 사람who could've received money in my name using the account.
어디서 개수작이야 누구 인생 망치려고!What bullshit are you trying to pull? Are you trying to ruin my life?
(보훈) 너...Why are you trying to frame me?
나 모함해서 뭐 하려고 그러냐?Why are you trying to frame me?
원장 하려고?To become the director?
뒤집어씌우기만 해 봐 내가 너 가만 안 둬!Don't you dare blame it on me. I'll get you for this!
[문이 탁 닫힌다]
(경문) 예Yes.
예, 원장님은요?What about the director?
곧장 내려가신대요?She'll be there soon?
예, 지금 내려갑니다I'll head down right now.
[수화기를 달칵 내려놓는다] [한숨]
아휴, 진짜 오네He's really coming.
새 사장요? 지금 온대요?The new president is here now? -Yes. Would you-- -I should get going.
- 예, 같이... - (동수) 아이고, 바빠라, 아휴-Yes. Would you-- -I should get going.
(동수) 씁, 아휴... [문이 달칵 열린다]
[동수의 한숨]
원장님도 '그만하면 됐다' 그러실 거여I'm sure the director will say we did enough.
니 할 만큼 혔어You did all you could.
답이 필요했어요I needed an answer.
원장님 혼자만 알고 계셨던 게That what only the director knew,
저더러 어떻게 알았냐고 했던 게what he asked how I knew,
돈 얘기가 아니라 오해였다고was not about the money, but a misunderstanding.
제가 원장님을 오해한 죽일 놈이어도 되니까I was fine being a bastard for doubting Director Lee, so I wanted…
잘못 안 거라고to know that I was wrong.
어떻게 알았냐고 하셨어?He asked how you knew?
[동수가 숨을 들이켠다]
왜 그랬을까?Why did he say that?
씁, 그때면 구 사장이Was it around the time when Mr. Gu was trying to get us and OB-GYN
우리랑 저기 산부인과랑 다 싸서 보낼라고 모냥 떨던 때인가?Was it around the time when Mr. Gu was trying to get us and OB-GYN transferred elsewhere?
그 말씀이셨나?Could that have been what he meant?
원장님 성격에 일단 혼자 해결할라고 했겄지He probably tried to take care of it on his own and fight against Mr. Gu.
구 사장이랑 맞짱을 뜨든That's how he was.
[동수가 숨을 들이켠다]
(동수) 야, 나라도 저, 뭐냐, 응?Even for me, if I were trying my best to resolve things myself
니들 식겁헐까 봐 일단 혼자 어떻게든 해 볼라는디Even for me, if I were trying my best to resolve things myself without getting you guys all worked up,
니나 이소정이가 자꾸 와 쌓아서but you or So-jeong happened to come yelling at me,
'왜 혼자만 숨겼냐' 짹짹대고 따져 쌓으면asking why I kept it from you and things like that,
당황시럽겄지I would be flustered too.
이래서 죽은 사람만 억울한 거여A dead man can't defend himself.
똥칠을 하고라도 살아야 돼, 어떻게든It's why you need to stay alive, no matter what.
어떻게든 살려야 되겠네요We'll have to save lives, no matter what.
(동수) 그렇지, 위에서 암만 지랄을 떨어 쌓아도That's right. Even if the higher-ups give us crap,
뭐니 뭐니 우리는 사람만 살리면 되는 거지all we have to do is save people's lives.
가벼운 마음으로 쉬다 와Let it all go, and get some rest.
안고 가지 말고Don't carry it with you.
갔다 와서 또 살리면 되지You can save lives when you return.
[엘리베이터 도착음]
[버튼 조작음]
(진우) 다녀오겠습니다, 원장님I'll be back, Director.
다녀와서 또 살릴게요I'll save more lives when I get back.
[긴장되는 음악]
(은하) 예 선생님!Dr. Ye.
이제 가세요?Are you leaving now?
다음 주에 봬요See you next week.
다녀와서 봬요-See you when I get back. -Okay.
(은하) 네-See you when I get back. -Okay.
또 봅시다See you again.
[밝은 음악]
(진우) 아, 햇빛The sun is so nice.
쨍하네It's so sunny.
-Jin-woo. -Yes?
(진우) 응?-Jin-woo. -Yes?
[선우의 탄성]
[마우스 클릭음]
여기 관절이라는 건 그냥 놔둬도 나아지기도 하거든요?You know, joints could be healed on their own.
(환자2) 아휴, 아파서 앉지도 못하는데요I can't even sit because it hurts so much.
[무거운 음악]
그럼 수술해야죠, 아프시다는데You should get surgery since you're in so much pain.
[환자2의 한숨]You should get surgery since you're in so much pain.
월요일 9시 반에 오십시오, 아침에Come at 9:30 a.m. on Monday.
(환자2) 고맙습니다Thank you.
[문이 쓱 열린다]
(태상) 아, 그거 쉽지 않은데This won't be easy.
[보훈의 아파하는 신음] 아이고, 왜 그래요?This won't be easy. -What's wrong? -My back.
(보훈) 아, 갑자기 허리가...-What's wrong? -My back.
[보훈의 아파하는 신음] (태상) 아, 잠깐, 잠깐Hold on. Does it hurt here?
여기 아파요? [보훈의 아파하는 신음]Hold on. Does it hurt here? Gosh.
어휴, 나 수술할까?Should I get surgery?
에이, 무슨 소리예요, 다 아는 사람이You know surgery is not the only option.
- (태상) 여기는? - 아, 아, 거기도, 거기도, 어, 거기-What about here? -Right there. There.
(태상) 씁, 언제부터 이랬어요?-What about here? -Right there. There. How long was it like this?
아, 갑자기Just all of a sudden.
사진 좀 찍어 봐야 되겠는데?You should get it imaged.
(보훈) 나까지 이 손 빌려 쓰면 안 되지You have more important operations to perform with these.
정말 좋은 손이야These are such valuable hands.
아이, 나 참, 별걸...My gosh. Seriously…
이 좋은 손 아껴 써, 김태상 교수Use these great hands sparingly, Dr. Kim.
우리 오래 가야지So we can be work partners for a long time.
그래요, 오래 가요Sure, let's do that.
(보훈) 갑시다Let's go.
(간호사) 안준기 님 들어가세요You may go in now.
[문이 쓱 열린다] (환자3) 네Okay.
[문이 쓱 닫힌다]
(TV 속 기자) 지난해 부진한 실적을 보였던 화정생명보험에For Hwajeong Life Insurance, whose profits plunged last year, Kim Ki-beom, the former undersecretary of MOTIE,
산업 통상부 출신의 김기범 전 차관을 영입했습니다the former undersecretary of MOTIE, has become the president.
이어 상국대학병원 총괄 사장에는Sangkook University Hospital's new president
보스턴 대학 MD 조남정을 임명했고is Cho Nam-chung, MD, an alumnus of Boston University. Global Plant Engineering's new president
해외 플랜트 엔지니어링 사장에는Global Plant Engineering's new president
구승효 전 상국대학병원 총괄 사장을is Gu Seung-hyo, Sangkook University Hospital's former president. Hwajeong Chemical's new vice president
화정생활화학 부사장에는 박종상...Hwajeong Chemical's new vice president -is Park Jong-sang. -Global Plant Engineering?
[TV 뉴스가 흘러나온다] 해외 플랜트?-is Park Jong-sang. -Global Plant Engineering? Hwajeong has announced
[휴대전화 진동음]a total of four executive personnel changes.
(TV 속 기자) 하반기 주요 계열사 사장단 교체를 단행한 화정그룹은After undergoing executive personnel changes for its major affiliates,
안정 속 혁신이라는 화정그룹만의...After undergoing executive personnel changes for its major affiliates, Hwajeong will balance innovation and stability…
선우야! 예진우!Seon-woo! Jin-woo!
(노을) 엄마가 지난주에 반찬을 산더미로 갖고 와서My mom brought over tons of food last week,
냉장고가 터져, 지금so my fridge is about to explode.
(선우) 어머님 화 다 풀리셨나 보네?It seems she's not angry with you anymore.
여기 혼자 온 거 이제 이해해 주신대?Is she okay with you being here on your own now? "Being angry with you is one thing and bringing you food is another.
'딸, 화는 화고 반찬은 반찬이야'"Being angry with you is one thing and bringing you food is another.
'나 아직 서운해' 그러시던데?I'm still hurt." That's what she said.
누나 어머님은 참 누나랑 달라Your mom is so different from you.
아직 소녀 같으셔She's still like a girl.
나랑 다른데 소녀 같으면, 나는?If she's different from me and she's like a girl, what am I then?
(노을) [탁자를 탁 치며] 어휴
(노을) 편의점 터는 줄 알았네Did you empty out the store? What took you so long?
뭐 이렇게 오래 걸렸어?Did you empty out the store? What took you so long?
(진우) 아, 여기 좀 보느라고I was looking around. It's nice here.
좋다, 여기I was looking around. It's nice here.
'일은 안 힘드냐' 그건 안 물어보냐?Aren't you supposed to ask me how I'm doing?
(진우) 얘가 안 물어봤어?Didn't he ask you that?
(노을) 예 선생님, 참 오래 사시겠어요Dr. Ye. You're going to live a very long life. How are you so consistent through and through?
어쩜 그렇게 사람이 앞뒤가 똑같냐?How are you so consistent through and through?
수다 다 떨었냐?Are you done yapping?
우리 배 시간 예약해 뒀는데We have a boat to catch.
(노을) 갈 때 또 와-I'll see you guys on your way back. -Okay.
-I'll see you guys on your way back. -Okay.
(진우) 살 좀 쪄라, 그러다 없어지겠다Put on some more weight. You look like a toothpick.
좀만 놀고 금방 올게We'll come back soon.
많이 놀아, 신나게 놀아Go and have fun to your heart's content.
[잔잔한 음악]
(진우) 등 펴고, 오케이All done.
(선우) 오케이Okay.
(진우) 목 보자The neck.
오리발 줘?Want flippers?
왜 이래, 아마추어같이Stop being such an amateur.
(진우) 자Here.
- (진우) 잘했어 - (선우) 됐어-Done. -Okay?
- (진우) 오케이? - 오케이-Done. -Okay? Okay.
(진우) 가 보자Let's go.
천천히, 천천히Slowly.
(강사) 오케이 [선우의 놀란 탄성]Okay.
- (강사) 괜찮죠? - (선우) 네-Are you okay? -Yes.
(강사) 부이 잡으세요Hold the buoy.
(진우) 앞에 잡아Hold that.
[선우의 신음]
시원해?-How's the water? -It's cool.
(선우) 어-How's the water? -It's cool.
[선우의 놀란 탄성]
- (강사) 조금 나갈게요 - (선우) 네-We'll go a little farther. -Okay.
(강사) 준비되시면 입수하시면 돼요You can jump in when you're ready.
(선우) 나 들어간다?We'll go in first.
선생님, 네Sir, here… All right.
[차분한 음악]
[잔잔한 음악]
[진우와 선우의 거친 신음]
(진우) 죽이지? [선우가 숨을 후 내뱉는다]Wasn't that awesome?
(선우) 죽인다! [진우의 웃음]It really was!
[선우의 기침]
- (진우) 물 먹었어? - 어-Did you drink seawater? -Yes.
(선우) 오, 너무 짜It's so salty.
(강사) 사진 한 장, 예I'll take a picture for you.
어, 어, 마스크 벗고Take off your snorkel masks. Good.
오케이Take off your snorkel masks. Good.
[카메라 셔터음]
(승효) 이노을 씨No-eul.
[잔잔한 음악]
잘 있었어요?How have you been?
아직 안 가셨네요?I see that you haven't left yet.
어디를요?For where?
(노을) 나 궁금한 게 있는데요I have a question.
(승효) 아니, 어떻게 사람을 보자마자...You know that I just got here, right?
뭔데요?What is it?

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