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  나는 신이다: 신이 배신한 사람들 4

In the Name of God: A Holy Betrayal 4

‪[천둥이 우르릉거린다]‬[thunder crashing]
‪(앵커) 우리는 무척 어수선한‬ ‪여름을 보냈습니다‬[man 1 speaking Korean] [interpreter] Everybody has had a very chaotic summer.
‪그런데 8월을 마무리 짓는‬ ‪이 마지막 주말에‬[interpreter] Everybody has had a very chaotic summer. However, on this last weekend of August,
‪엄청난 비극이 우리를‬ ‪또 경악시키고 있습니다‬an unspeakably horrible tragedy shocked us all.
‪[비장한 음악]‬
‪(기자)‬[man 2] They noticed that the ceiling had been ripped off at the factory's cafeteria.
‪(기자)‬at the factory's cafeteria. When they went up to check what had happened, they found 32 bodies hanging from the rafters,
‪(기자)‬they found 32 bodies hanging from the rafters, and they were all tangled up with one another.
‪(남자1) 빨리빨리 끝냅시다‬ ‪우리가 일을 못 해, 우리가, 예?‬[man 3] Can we get this over with?
‪[연신 시끌시끌하다]‬[man 3] Can we get this over with? Let's get out of here fast, okay?
‪(남자2)‬-[man 4] Did they hang themselves? -[man 5] Yeah.
‪(남자3)‬-[man 4] Did they hang themselves? -[man 5] Yeah.
‪(남자4)‬[man 6] Where is it?
‪(남자1)‬[man 3] This is a mess. There's no way they're gonna air it.
‪(남자1)‬[man 3] This is a mess. There's no way they're gonna air it.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪(현) 32명이 같은 장소에서‬[man 7] Thirty-two people died at the same place.
‪우리로서는 전혀 이해가 안 가죠‬It was impossible to understand.
‪사실 아직도 미스터리가 많죠‬There's much that remains a mystery.
‪[강조하는 효과음]‬FOUR MEN
‪(앵커) 교주 박순자 여인을 따라‬ ‪죽음의 의식을 치르고‬A TOTAL OF 32 PEOPLE COMMITS MASS SUICIDE [man 8] There is speculation that these people committed suicide
‪최후를 맞았을 것이라는‬ ‪주장이 나왔습니다‬after performing a ritual with their leader, Park Soon-ja.
‪[강조하는 효과음]‬
‪(동섭) 구원을 받으면은‬ ‪'아, 나는 언제 죽어도 천국 간다'‬STRANGLED AFTER BEING DRUGGED [man 9] They believed they would certainly go to heaven. CEO PARK SOON-JA
‪그 사람들은‬ ‪못 할 짓이 없는 거예요‬Nothing was off-limits for them.
‪(현) 아니, 절대 아니에요‬ ‪그런 건‬MASS SUICIDE? That's not true at all.
‪집단 자살이 아니라 집단 타살이다‬That's not true at all. It was a mass homicide, not suicide.
‪(앵커) 진상을 알고 있는 사람이‬ ‪모두 숨졌으며‬[man 10] The investigation faces some difficulties,
‪주요 증거물들이‬ ‪없어졌거나 변형돼‬[man 10] The investigation faces some difficulties, as all who knew the truth have died, and the key evidence was damaged.
‪수사에 한계가 있었다고‬ ‪밝혔습니다‬as all who knew the truth have died, and the key evidence was damaged.
‪'제3의 다른 침입자가 있구나'‬Someone else was involved.
‪[아이의 목소리가 울린다]‬ ‪(아이) ♪ 이곳은 축복받은 땅 ♪‬[child, in Korean] ♪ This is a blessed land ♪
‪♪ 젖과 꿀이 흐르는 ♪‬[child, in Korean] ♪ This is a blessed land ♪ ♪ Where milk and honey flow ♪
‪♪ 이곳은 평화 깃든 땅‬ ‪바로 오대양 ♪‬♪ This is Five Oceans, the land of peace ♪ FIVE OCEANS, GOD AND 32 DEAD BODIES
‪[연신 강조하는 효과음]‬
‪[강조하는 효과음]‬AUGUST 29, 1987 32 DEAD BODIES ON THE CEILING
‪(삼재) 1960년도에‬ ‪내가 경찰에 들어가서‬I became a policeman in 1960 I started working in forensics in 1964.
‪64년부터 현장 감식을 맡게 됐어요‬I became a policeman in 1960 I started working in forensics in 1964. LEE SAM-JAE, FORMER SENIOR SUPERINTENDENT SCENES-OF-CRIME OFFICER IN THE FIVE OCEANS CASE
‪경찰 생활을 꽤 오래 했는데‬I served in the police force a long time,
‪이렇게 엄청난 사건은‬ ‪나도 처음이야‬but I never saw another case like that one.
‪그래서 그날 8월 29일‬On August 29th,
‪오후에 비가 억수같이 쏟아집니다‬it rained during the whole afternoon.
‪[천둥이 우르릉거린다]‬[thunder crashing]
‪[전화벨 소리]‬[telephone ringing]
‪[전화벨이 연신 울린다]‬AUGUST 29, 1987, 17:00
‪(삼재) 당시에‬ ‪전화가 따르릉 오더니‬The phone rang, and they told me there was a case in Yongin.
‪'용인에서 이런 사건이 터졌다'‬The phone rang, and they told me there was a case in Yongin.
‪정확한 얘기는 못 듣고‬ ‪'많이 죽었다'‬They didn't give me details, but they said,
‪'그리고 이게 천장이다'‬"There's a bunch of dead people in a ceiling."
‪이런 소리를 들었죠‬"There's a bunch of dead people in a ceiling."
‪[경찰차 사이렌]‬AUGUST 29, 1987, 20:00 ARRIVAL AT THE SCENE
‪[어두운 음악]‬AUGUST 29, 1987, 20:00 ARRIVAL AT THE SCENE
‪[영상 속 차 문이 달칵 열린다]‬ ‪(삼재) 비 맞으면서‬AUGUST 29, 1987, 20:00 ARRIVAL AT THE SCENE So I went there in the pouring rain.
‪그 현장을 간 거죠‬So I went there in the pouring rain.
‪(삼재) 이미 가니까‬
‪뭐, 이 천장이 조금 뻐끔‬ ‪구멍 뚫어 놓고 있는데‬When I arrived, they had already finished opening the ceiling so they could work.
‪여기라 그러는데‬When I arrived, they had already finished opening the ceiling so they could work. They told me…
‪깜깜해서 플래시를 달래 가지고‬ ‪플래시를 가지고 쳐다보니까‬this was the place where everything had happened.
‪시체가 보이는 겁니다‬It was too dark.
‪깜짝 놀란 거죠‬I took a flashlight, and I saw the bodies.
‪이쪽에 한 무더기‬I took a flashlight, and I saw the bodies. ACTUAL FOOTAGE FROM THE SCENE
‪이쪽에 한 그룹‬There were so many.
‪또 한 사람이 목매달아 있고‬And there was one hanging from the ceiling.
‪[오싹한 효과음]‬
‪또 이게 기묘한데‬The weird thing was their wrists and ankles were tied up.
‪(삼재) 손 묶이고 발 묶이고‬The weird thing was their wrists and ankles were tied up.
‪입도 틀어막고, 코도 틀어막았어요‬Their nostrils and mouths were stuffed.
‪[오싹한 효과음]‬
‪그건 왜 그랬을까, 응?‬Why?
‪(삼재) 그리고 이 사람은‬ ‪지금 무릎을 꿇고 있어요‬One of them was in a kneeling position.
‪이상하지‬So bizarre.
‪그건 왜 그랬을까?‬Why?
‪그럼 죽은 이유가 뭐냐?‬What was the cause of death?
‪자살이냐, 타살이냐, 응?‬Had someone else killed them?
‪이게 A 그룹입니다‬ ‪[불안한 음악]‬This is group A.
‪A 그룹에 시체가 19명이‬ ‪이렇게 겹겹이 쌓여 있죠?‬You see how 19 were stacked on top of each other?
‪이게 박순자가 있는‬ ‪B 그룹의 모습입니다‬This is group B, Park Soon-ja's group.
‪여기 12명이 있습니다‬There are 12 bodies.
‪박순자 여기 있어요‬That's Soon-ja.
‪박순자라는 사람이 교주다‬Soon-ja was actually the cult leader.
‪이제 이 박순자도 문제야‬PARK SOON-JA, 48 YEARS OLD We faced a conundrum with her.
‪여기 이게 표피 박탈이‬ ‪있잖아요, 이렇게‬See all those lacerations?
‪반항흔‬She fought.
‪이게 손톱자국 같은 거거든?‬These are scratches.
‪여기 있는 사람들이, 이 32명이‬Excluding the man in the kneeling possition, there were 31 people.
‪목매달아 죽은 놈 한 놈 빼고는‬Excluding the man in the kneeling possition, there were 31 people.
‪31명인데 31명이‬Excluding the man in the kneeling possition, there were 31 people. All 31 of them didn't do anything while the person next to them was dying.
‪옆의 사람이 죽어나는데도‬ ‪꼼짝 안 하고‬All 31 of them didn't do anything while the person next to them was dying.
‪내가 죽는데도 발버둥 치지 않고‬ ‪움직이지도 않고‬All 31 of them didn't do anything while the person next to them was dying. They didn't move or put up resistance.
‪이러면 이게 이상한 거 아니냐?‬They simply didn't fight back.
‪이 입을 갖다 탈지면으로‬ ‪솜으로 틀어막는 건‬Each one of them had cotton stuffed in their moutj and nose.
‪에, 왜 틀어막냐?‬Each one of them had cotton stuffed in their moutj and nose. Why did they do that?
‪그 솜 같은 거‬ ‪백몇 쪼가리 주워 가지고‬They collected more than a hundred pieces of cotton, and we suspected they were soaked with chemicals.
‪'그 위에 약물이‬ ‪묻은 게 아니겠느냐'‬and we suspected they were soaked with chemicals.
‪그러기 때문에 '야, 이게‬ ‪독극물이 아니겠느냐' 해 가지고‬I mean, there had to be toxic chemicals on the swabs.
‪이걸 수거를 해 가지고‬ ‪과학수사연구소에‬I mean, there had to be toxic chemicals on the swabs. So we collecte and had them analyzed at the lab.
‪감정 의뢰를 했습니다‬So we collecte and had them analyzed at the lab.
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪(재관) 1987년 8월 30일입니다‬[man] I remember it was August 30th, 1987.
‪[영상 속 딸깍거리는 소리]‬ ‪새벽 3시쯤‬I received a call from the National Forensic Service at three in the morning.
‪[영상 속 직 긋는 소리]‬ ‪어, 국과수 당직실에서‬I received a call from the National Forensic Service at three in the morning.
‪전화가 왔습니다‬I received a call from the National Forensic Service at three in the morning. SEO JAE-KWAN, M.D. CORONER IN THE FIVE OCEANS CASE
‪'용인경찰서에서‬ ‪변사 사건이 있는데'‬SEO JAE-KWAN, M.D. CORONER IN THE FIVE OCEANS CASE CHIEF OF FORENSIC MEDICINE They said "The police have a case of unnatural deaths."
‪'여러 사람이 죽었는데'‬They said "The police have a case of unnatural deaths."
‪[영상 속 경찰차 사이렌]‬ ‪'강력 사건이 일어났는데'‬"A lot of people died."
‪'얼른 빨리 들어오시랍니다'‬"You need to come quickly."
‪[번잡한 현장 소음]‬
‪(재관) 들어가니까 벌써‬When I arrived, the bodies were already lined up on the ground.
‪많은 시체가 쭉 이렇게 열 지어서‬ ‪이렇게 누워 있더라고요‬When I arrived, the bodies were already lined up on the ground.
‪딱 들어간 순간‬So I thought, "All right, it's all over."
‪'아이고, 이거 다 끝났구나'‬So I thought, "All right, it's all over."
‪'우린 사인만 그거 하면 된다'‬"The only thing that remains is to determine the cause of death."
‪다른 거 건질 거 없죠‬"The only thing that remains is to determine the cause of death."
‪장소를 이동해 버렸는데‬ ‪뭘 보겠어, 뭘 보겠습니까?‬As the bodies had already been moved.
‪(재관) 처음에 경부를‬ ‪집중적으로 봤었는데‬First, we looked at their spines. CERVICAL SPINE: REFERS TO THE NECK
‪경부에 가서 끈에 의해서‬CERVICAL SPINE: REFERS TO THE NECK Then their necks, where we found signs of ligature strangulation.
‪목이 졸린 흔적이 나왔고‬Then their necks, where we found signs of ligature strangulation.
‪대부분이 다 교살체입니다‬Most of them died by strangulation.
‪일반적으로 교사라 하는 것은‬Usually, when people die like this… STRANGULATION: CHOKED TO DEATH BY ANOTHER PERSON WITH A ROPE
‪자기가 목매달아 죽기보다는‬STRANGULATION: CHOKED TO DEATH BY ANOTHER PERSON WITH A ROPE …there is somebody else choking them.
‪다른 사람이‬ ‪목을 졸라서 하는 게 교사죠‬…there is somebody else choking them. Furthermore, they do not hang themselves.
‪그리고 한 명이 뭐‬ ‪공장장인가 그래 가지고‬One of them was identified as the factory manager,
‪남자 한 분은 목 부위에‬One of them was identified as the factory manager, and that man did show signs of suicide around his neck.
‪그, 의사로써 나타나는‬ ‪흔적들이 보였고‬and that man did show signs of suicide around his neck.
‪자기가 죽으려고 목을 맨다‬ ‪그럼 의사죠‬EUISA: HANGING ONESELF TO DEATH He hanged himself out of his own will.
‪여자가 죽었다 그러면‬When a woman dies, the first thing we do is a vaginal examination.
‪우선 제일 먼저 조사하는 게‬When a woman dies, the first thing we do is a vaginal examination. KIM HYEON, SPECIAL INVESTIGATOR FOR THE FIVE OCEANS INCIDENT
‪정액 검출 됐어요‬And we found traces of semen.
‪정액 반응 경우에도‬We looked for semen traces.
‪(재관) 혹시 모르니까 했던 건데‬That's the protocol.
‪12명 질액, 질액에서 다‬ ‪남성 정액이 검출됐습니다‬And we did find it in 12 of the examinations.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬SPERM
‪정액 반응이 확실하게‬ ‪양성이 나오기 위해서는‬Finding semen inside of them suggests they had intercourse
‪적어도 3일 이내에‬Finding semen inside of them suggests they had intercourse
‪3일 이내에 성교한 걸로‬ ‪우리가 추정을 하기 때문에‬within a window of two or perhaps three days.
‪거기 올라간 지가‬ ‪4일이 됐다 그러면은‬If those women were there for four days,
‪거기 올라가서 누구에 의해서‬ ‪성교했다고 봐야 되는 거죠‬they may have been forced to have sex while they were there.
‪몸에 정자가 나온다는 건‬ ‪얼마나 중요한 문제냐 하면‬Finding sperm in the bodies was very disturbing,
‪그 무리에 아들 둘, 딸 하나가‬ ‪있었단 말이에요, 거기에‬because there were two sons and a daughter among the bodies.
‪근데 거기에서, 그 관계에서‬ ‪아들딸 있는 데서‬SECOND SON LEE JAE * (AGE 22) FIRST DAUGHTER LEE GYEONG * (AGE 19) That means her sons and daughter were present during the intercourse.
‪성관계를 한다는 얘기예요?‬That means her sons and daughter were present during the intercourse.
‪그건 있을 수 없는 얘기예요‬That means her sons and daughter were present during the intercourse. That's unthinkable.
‪남자가 다 합해 봐야‬ ‪3명, 4명인가 그러는데‬There were only a few men there, maybe three or four.
‪그 사람들이 이 많은 여자를‬ ‪다 이게…‬if they did that to all those women,
‪일종의 강간이죠‬that would constitute the crime of mass rape.
‪'강간을 했단 얘기냐'‬ ‪이렇게 생각할 때‬that would constitute the crime of mass rape.
‪그건 말이 안 되고‬But on second thought, honestly,
‪'그렇다면'‬But on second thought, honestly,
‪'어떤 제3의 세력이‬ ‪있지 않겠느냐'‬could four men really rape them all?
‪그런 생각까지도 해 봤습니다‬It doesn't make sense to me.
‪(삼재) 어럽쇼‬ ‪이튿날 연락이 왔는데‬The next day, I got another call.
‪하나도 없다는 거예요‬The next day, I got another call.
‪[차분한 음악]‬ ‪독극물 반응 하나도 없대‬They didn't find anything.
‪'이거 큰일 났다, 이거'‬Nothing at all.
‪그럼 죽은 이유가 뭐냐?‬How did all those people die?
‪(앵커) 이번 사건이 과연 자살인가‬MYSTERIOUS MASS DEATH OF THE FANATICAL CULT Did they truly kill themselves?
‪그리고 자살했다면‬And if they did, why did they choose to die along with Ms. Park?
‪왜 박 여인을 따라서‬ ‪함께 숨졌는가‬And if they did, why did they choose to die along with Ms. Park? FIVE OCEANS, SUICIDE OR HOMICIDE?
‪좀처럼 시원하게‬ ‪풀리지 않고 있습니다‬The disturbing mystery of the Five Oceans incident remains unsolved.
‪[경찰차 사이렌]‬ ‪[불안한 음악]‬[sirens blaring]
‪(정재) 저는 87년 당시‬ ‪대전일보 사회부 기자로‬In 1987, I was in the social affairs department at Daejeon Ilbo
‪주로 강력 사건에 대한 취재를‬ ‪전담하고 있었습니다‬In 1987, I was in the social affairs department at Daejeon Ilbo and I reported on criminal cases. LIM JEONG-JAE, REPORTER FIRST TO COVER FIVE OCEANS
‪새벽에 마지막 간 곳이‬ ‪대전서부경찰서 보호실이었는데요‬The last place I went to that morning, as far as I remember,
‪거기 들어가 보니‬ ‪한 5, 6명 정도의 청년들이‬was the infamous detention room
‪앉아서 조사를 받고 있었습니다‬that is located at the Police Station.
‪청년들의 생김새는‬ ‪너무 멀쩡했어요‬As I went in there, I noticed… five or six men.
‪그런데 눈이 이상했습니다‬As I went in there, I noticed… five or six men.
‪전혀 자기 의지가 없는 눈이었어요‬In general, they looked perfectly normal.
‪경찰서에 왔으면‬ ‪뭔가를 변명해야 되고‬But something in their eyes looked kind of soulless.
‪나는 죄를 짓지 않았다고‬ ‪주장을 하든가‬But something in their eyes looked kind of soulless. They were at a police station, they should have been making excuses.
‪아니면 죄를 지었다고‬ ‪반성을 해야 되는데‬They were at a police station, they should have been making excuses. But they showed no signs of doing that.
‪전혀 그런 거에 대한‬ ‪기미가 전혀 없었어요‬But they showed no signs of doing that.
‪그 조사가 끝나고서‬After the interrogation, I asked the detective,
‪그 형사분에게 '저분들‬ ‪왜 왔느냐' 하고 물어보니까‬After the interrogation, I asked the detective, "What were those men doing there?"
‪대전 서구 가수원동에 있는‬ ‪오대양이라고 하는 회사가 있는데‬He told me that there was a company called Five Oceans in Gasuwon-dong. FIVE OCEANS CO., LTD.
‪채권자들을 집단 폭행했다는‬ ‪내용이었죠‬And those men had assaulted some creditors.
‪충남 부여군 양화면‬ ‪그, 입포리에 사는‬The incident started with Lee Sang-bae… YOO DU-HYEON INVESTIGATIONS CHIEF OF GYEONGGI-DO POLICE …who reportedly owns a gas station.
‪어, 주유소를 경영하는 이상배 씨‬…who reportedly owns a gas station. And it is known that he lives in Ippo-ri.
‪이상배 씨의 딸들이‬PROFESSOR TAK JI-IL NEW RELIGION RESEARCHER Lee Sang-bae's daughters got involved with Five Oceans.
‪오대양에 관련되어지게 되고‬Lee Sang-bae's daughters got involved with Five Oceans. DEPARTMENT OF THEOLOGY BUSAN PRESBYTERIAN UNIVERSITY
‪아버지로부터‬ ‪약 5억 원의 돈을 가져다가‬They got over 500 million won from their father. They gave the money to Five Oceans.
‪오대양에 바치게 됩니다‬They gave the money to Five Oceans.
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪우리 7남매는‬Me and my six siblings started working,
‪(상배 딸) 모두 부모 몰래‬ ‪오대양에 입사해‬Me and my six siblings started working, eating, and sleeping at Five Oceans without our parents knowing.
‪먹고 자고 하게 되었습니다‬eating, and sleeping at Five Oceans without our parents knowing. FIVE OCEANS TRADING CO., LTD.
‪이런 핑계 저런 핑계를 대어‬Me and my siblings collected 500 million won
‪우리 남매들이 집으로부터‬ ‪끌어들인 돈이‬Me and my siblings collected 500 million won from my parents' money.
‪무려 5억 원에 달했습니다‬We made all sorts of excuses.
‪그러자 이 아버지 이상배 씨는‬This man, Mr. Lee Sang-bae,
‪(지일) 그 돈을 돌려받기 위해서‬ ‪박순자 씨를 찾아갔고‬This man, Mr. Lee Sang-bae, went to find Park Soon-ja to get his money back.
‪그 돈을 돌려줄 것을 요구하다가‬He requested the restitution of these funds, but instead, he ended up signing a bond waiver,
‪결국은 채권 포기 각서를‬ ‪썼을 뿐만 아니라‬but instead, he ended up signing a bond waiver,
‪또 집단 폭행을 당하게 되죠‬ ‪[영상 속 상배의 신음]‬and he was beaten by several people. [groaning]
‪[상배의 아파하는 신음]‬[groaning]
‪(지일) 그래서 그 사건 이후에‬ ‪이상배 씨가‬After that happened, Lee Sang-bae reported them to the police.
‪경찰에 고소를 하게 되면서‬After that happened, Lee Sang-bae reported them to the police. And that's how the Five Oceans incident started to be investigated.
‪이 오대양 사건이‬ ‪촉발되어지게 됩니다‬And that's how the Five Oceans incident started to be investigated.
‪(정재) 이 회사의 대표를 좀‬ ‪만나야 되겠다는 생각을 했습니다‬[Jeong-jae] I wanted to meet with the CEO of the company.
‪궁극적인 열쇠는 박순자 씨가‬ ‪쥐고 있다고 전 봤으니깐요‬I thought that Park Soon-ja would have the answers.
‪[어두운 음악]‬ ‪지하에 형사실이 있었는데요‬The detective's office was underground,
‪어, 들어가 보니까‬The detective's office was underground, and as I went in,
‪웬 그, 깡마른 여인이‬ ‪앉아 있었습니다‬and as I went in, I saw a very skinny woman sitting in there.
‪바로 박순자 씨였습니다‬That was Park Soon-ja.
‪[영상 속 왁자지껄한 말소리]‬ ‪경찰이 묻는 말에‬ ‪거의 대답을 안 했습니다‬She didn't respond to most of the questions.
‪날카로운 눈빛이었어요‬Piercing eyes.
‪가만히 듣고 있었는데‬She was listening to them when people from a TV station came in.
‪갑자기 방송사 카메라가‬ ‪들이닥쳤습니다‬She was listening to them when people from a TV station came in.
‪다짜고짜 '박순자가 누구냐'‬They asked who Park Soon-ja was.
‪형사가 눈짓을 하니까‬ ‪카메라 플래시를 들이댔습니다‬They asked who Park Soon-ja was. The detective glanced at her, they pointed the camera to her,
‪그 순간에 박순자 씨가‬ ‪졸도를 했어요‬The detective glanced at her, they pointed the camera to her, and in that moment, she fainted.
‪거기에 젊은 청년이‬ ‪한 명 앉아 있었습니다‬There was a young man sitting next to her.
‪박순자 씨의 장남이었습니다‬Turned out that man was Soon-ja's first son.
‪다급하니까 어머니를‬ ‪등에 들쳐 업고‬It was an urgent situation, so he ran somewhere with his mother on his back.
‪어디론가 부리나케 나갔습니다‬so he ran somewhere with his mother on his back.
‪그것이 박순자 씨의‬ ‪마지막 모습입니다‬That was the last time we saw Soon-ja.
‪[사이렌 소리]‬[siren wailing]
‪(정재) 가까운 곳에 저기‬ ‪종합병원에 응급실이 있으니까‬[siren wailing] There was an emergency room nearby in a hospital,
‪아마 그리로 갔던 거 같습니다‬and I think they went there.
‪거기서 박순자 씨가 신도들과‬ ‪함께 사라진 겁니다‬That's where Park Soon-ja disappeared, along with her followers.
‪(앵커) 지난 24일‬ ‪경찰 조사 도중에 졸도해서‬STILL NO ANSWERS IN FIVE OCEANS CASE [man] Park Soon-ja, the leader and CEO of Five Oceans,
‪병원으로 옮겨 치료를 받던‬ ‪대표 박순자 여인과‬[man] Park Soon-ja, the leader and CEO of Five Oceans, …was taken to the emergency room after fainting during an interrogation.
‪아들인 전무이사 이영호 씨‬ ‪직원, 육아원생 등‬…was taken to the emergency room after fainting during an interrogation. She then disappeared with her son and director Lee Yeong-ho,
‪150여 명이 행방을 감추고‬along with several employees and orphans.
‪채권자들이 속출하면서‬ ‪더욱 확대됐습니다‬along with several employees and orphans. Meanwhile, more creditors are making themselves known.
‪[비밀스러운 음악]‬
‪[방송 기계 조작음]‬SEO YEONG-SUK
‪(영석) 오대양 공장을‬ ‪취재하러 갔을 때‬When we reported on Five Oceans, they were set up as a craft company.
‪공예품을 제작하는 업체였어요‬When we reported on Five Oceans, they were set up as a craft company. MANUFACTURER OF CRAFTWORK
‪전국 공예품 대회 경진 대회에서‬ ‪대통령상을 받았거든요‬They received the presidential award at a national competition.
‪지역 내에서 모범 업체로 뽑혀서‬As far as I know, they were considered an exemplary company in their area,
‪새마을 우수 중소기업 업체로‬As far as I know, they were considered an exemplary company in their area, and called an excellent medium-sized company.
‪지정이 된 것으로‬ ‪기억을 하고 있습니다‬and called an excellent medium-sized company.
‪박순자 씨가 대전시 내에서‬Park Soon-ja was a successful female entrepreneur in Daejeon.
‪상당히 잘나가는‬ ‪여성 사업가였어요‬Park Soon-ja was a successful female entrepreneur in Daejeon.
‪또 불우한 이웃도 많이 돕는‬She did a lot of charity work.
‪그러한, 그…‬ ‪자선 사업가이기도 하다‬She was known for helping the poor and disadvantaged.
‪(영상 속 순자)‬I've never been interested in money or investing in stocks.
‪(영상 속 순자)‬or investing in stocks. I may be a woman, but I don't care about fashion or collecting jewelry.
‪(영석) 그리고 한편으로는‬ ‪이 회사는‬So, the company said they were giving benefits to their employees.
‪어, 직원들을 위한‬ ‪복리 증진을 한다‬So, the company said they were giving benefits to their employees.
‪특히 가족 공동체 같은‬ ‪생활을 한다 해서 실제‬So, the company said they were giving benefits to their employees. They said they lived as if they were a family.
‪어린아이들도‬ ‪그 공동체 생활 하는 것을‬We reported on and interviewed the children who lived there.
‪취재했고 인터뷰도 했습니다‬We reported on and interviewed the children who lived there.
‪[왁자지껄한 아이들 말소리]‬
‪[아이들이 시끌시끌하다]‬
‪(수안) 거기서 이제‬ ‪많이 이제 촬영도 하고요‬[man] We actually filmed them frequently,
‪학생들도 인터뷰도‬ ‪좀 한 거 같은데‬[man] We actually filmed them frequently, and interviewed the students pretty often.
‪의식주가 굉장히‬ ‪고급스러운 거예요‬and interviewed the students pretty often. They were living very luxurious lives. KIM SU-AN FORMER PRODUCER AT DAEJEON MBC
‪그리고 애들을 이렇게‬ ‪인터뷰하니까 상당히 밝고‬KIM SU-AN FORMER PRODUCER AT DAEJEON MBC The children seemed very lively.
‪박순자 여사랄까?‬The children seemed very lively. You could tell they felt very grateful toward Park Soon-ja.
‪거기에 대해서‬ ‪고마움을 느끼고 있는 거 같고‬You could tell they felt very grateful toward Park Soon-ja.
‪(기자) 박 사장님에 대한 생각?‬[man] What do you think of Ms. Park?
‪- (학생) 우리 사장님이요?‬ ‪- (기자) 예‬-[woman] Our CEO? -[man] Yes.
‪(학생) 이 세상에 찾아볼 수 없을…‬[woman] Uh… There's nobody else like her in this whole wide world.
‪없으신 분이에요‬[woman] Uh… There's nobody else like her in this whole wide world.
‪(기자) 어떠한 의미에서?‬[man] What do you mean?
‪(학생) 그냥 모든 사람이 그분을‬ ‪어떻게 생각하실지 모르지만요‬[woman] Uh, I don't really know what… other people might think of her,
‪저는 아니, 감히 누구도‬ ‪비교할 수가 없어요, 그냥‬but… I can't even dare to compare her to anybody.
‪(아이) ♪ 이곳은 축복받은 땅 ♪‬♪ This is a blessed land Where milk and honey flow ♪
‪♪ 젖과 꿀이 흐르는 ♪‬♪ This is a blessed land Where milk and honey flow ♪ CHILD IN THE FIVE OCEANS SCHOOL DORMITORY
‪♪ 이곳은 평화 깃든 땅 ♪‬♪ This is Five Oceans, the land of peace ♪
‪♪ 바로 오대양 ♪‬♪ This is Five Oceans, the land of peace ♪
‪(기자) 이 노래가‬ ‪무슨 내용인지 알아요?‬Do you know what that song is about?
‪[불안한 음악]‬
‪오대양 박순자 대표의 남편은‬Park Soon-ja's husband was Lee Gi-jeong
‪당시 충청남도‬ ‪건설 국장을 맡고 있던‬Park Soon-ja's husband was Lee Gi-jeong who was the director of the construction bureau in Chungcheongnam-do.
‪이기정 씨였습니다‬who was the director of the construction bureau in Chungcheongnam-do.
‪그 당시에 건설 국장이면요‬Being the director of construction gives you power.
‪끗발 있는 자리예요‬Being the director of construction gives you power.
‪(영석) 그 지역사회에서는‬LEE GI-JEONG, HUSBAND PARK SOON-JA, CEO OF FIVE OCEANS [Yeong-suk] Within the community,
‪지도층 인사 계급에‬ ‪속했다고 봐야 되겠죠?‬[Yeong-suk] Within the community, Lee Gi-jeong held an important leadership position.
‪때문에 사람들이 많이 믿는‬That's why a lot of people really trusted them.
‪그러한 분위기였죠‬That's why a lot of people really trusted them.
‪박순자 씨가 처음에‬ ‪사채를 모을 때에는‬When Park Soon-ja first started getting private loans,
‪지금으로선 상상할 수 없었던‬the rate of interest she paid was so high
‪높은 이자를 대가로‬the rate of interest she paid was so high that today… it'd be unpayable.
‪사채를 빌렸습니다‬that today… it'd be unpayable.
‪[불안한 음악]‬ ‪4부야, 4부‬Forty percent.
‪그러니까 그러면‬ ‪100만 원 빌려주면‬If she borrowed a million won,
‪40만 원이 나오는 거야‬she payed 40 percent interest.
‪사우디 가서 돈을 좀 벌어서‬I gave her the money that I had made in Saudi Arabia.
‪이제 그 돈을 그리 준 거여‬I gave her the money that I had made in Saudi Arabia.
‪이제 잘살아 본다고‬I… wanted to live a better life.
‪정말 그렇게 높은 자리에 있는‬ ‪부인이 사기를 치겠냐‬We thought that the wife of an officer would never try to trick us or steal our money from us.
‪쉽게 이야기해서‬ ‪돈을 떼먹겠냐, 뭐, 이런…‬would never try to trick us or steal our money from us.
‪그러다 보니까‬ ‪이자 한 푼 안 받고 계속 거기에‬Because of that, we kept investing all of our money,
‪재투자, 재투자가‬ ‪이렇게 이루어졌던 거죠‬even though we never got any interest back.
‪[불길한 음악]‬
‪경찰은 오늘 박 여인이 빌린‬The police received a warrant
‪사채 80억 원에 대한 행방을‬ ‪찾기 위해서‬The police received a warrant for the search and seizure of eight financial institutions,
‪금융 기관 8곳에 대한‬ ‪압수 수색 영장을 발부받아서‬for the search and seizure of eight financial institutions, in order to locate Park Soon-ja and investigate private loans of eight billion won.
‪본격적인 수사에 나섰습니다‬and investigate private loans of eight billion won.
‪(앵커) 박 여인은‬ ‪오대양 직원들에게‬[man] The CEO, Ms. Park, told her employees
‪성령의 뜻을 따르는 길은‬ ‪돈을 많이 빌려오는 것이라며‬[man] The CEO, Ms. Park, told her employees that borrowing money was the only way to obey the Holy Spirit.
‪철저한 세뇌 교육을 시켰습니다‬that borrowing money was the only way to obey the Holy Spirit.
‪이렇게 세뇌된 직원들은‬ ‪수단과 방법을 가리지 않고‬But she was ripping them off and brainwashing them,
‪가족들이나 주위 사람들로부터‬ ‪돈을 빌려다‬since her actions have made it clear that she didn't really care about them.
‪박 여인에게 바쳤습니다‬since her actions have made it clear that she didn't really care about them.
‪(기자) 어떻게 해서‬ ‪돈을 꿔 주시게 됐어요?‬[man] Why did you lend her your money?
‪(피해자1) 어, 오대양에 있는‬ ‪저기, 상장 같은 거요‬I lent her money because I felt safe
‪그런 거하고 회사의 시설 같은 거‬ ‪해 놓은 거‬after someone showed me all Five Oceans' certificates and their facilities.
‪그런 거 보고 꿔 주게 됐어요‬after someone showed me all Five Oceans' certificates and their facilities.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪(피해자2) 이자를 준단 얘기를‬ ‪하지 않고요‬She never said she'd pay us interest.
‪'없는 사람을 나는 돕는다'‬She said she was gonna help the poor and the needy.
‪'나는 아주머니를‬ ‪이자라고 생각 안 하고'‬She said she was gonna help the poor and the needy. People like me. I was not perceived as a creditor.
‪'아주머니를 도와주겠다'‬People like me. I was not perceived as a creditor.
‪'그러니까 안심하고 돈을 넣어라'‬So I trusted her with my money.
‪(기자) 혹시 주위에 이렇게‬ ‪피해받은 사람이 좀 많이 있어요?‬[man] Do you know a lot of people who were defrauded by her?
‪지금 알기로는‬As far as I know…
‪(피해자3) 어제‬ ‪뭐, 채권단에 가 보니까‬RECEPTION FOR NEW CREDITORS …when I saw the creditors list,
‪피해자가 약 한 220명 정도‬ ‪되는 거로 알고 있습니다‬…when I saw the creditors list, I saw there were about 200 victims, maybe more.
‪그 당시에 채권 채무 관계를‬ ‪추산해 보니까‬FIND THE HIDDEN MONEY When I estimated the total amount of debt at the time, it was over ten billion won.
‪대충 100억이 넘었거든요?‬When I estimated the total amount of debt at the time, it was over ten billion won.
‪지금으로 따지면‬Today, that would be hundreds of billions of won.
‪몇천 억 정도의 규모라고‬ ‪볼 수 있죠‬Today, that would be hundreds of billions of won.
‪상당한 돈이에요‬It was a lot.
‪그리고 그 당시는요‬And at the time,
‪보통 사채들이 2부, 3부인데‬most private loans had an interest rate of 20 percent.
‪거기는 선이자를 주는 것 때문에‬ ‪그렇게 성황을 했어요, 선이자‬most private loans had an interest rate of 20 percent. They succeeded because the interest was paid in advance.
‪(현) 이자 미리 떼어주고‬PROMISSORY NOTE So they paid the interest up front, and sent the money to the bank account.
‪날짜 되면 정확하게‬ ‪그냥 통장으로 돈이 들어가고‬So they paid the interest up front, and sent the money to the bank account.
‪(앵커) 경찰은 채권자가 늘어나자‬ ‪이 사건의 수사 방향을‬[man] As the number of creditors increased, the police investigation changed course,
‪단순 폭행 사건에서‬ ‪거액 사기 사건으로 보고‬the police investigation changed course, from assault to large-scale fraud.
‪달아난 회사대표 박 여인 등의‬ ‪소재 파악 수사를 펴 왔습니다‬from assault to large-scale fraud. They are trying to locate the CEO, who has fled. EVERY SINGLE EMPLOYEE MOBILIZED TO USE HIGH INTEREST RATES AS BAIT
‪(정재) 빚을 얻어서‬[Jeong-jae] She couldn't handle constantly borrowing money to pay back interest.
‪이자를 갚는 행태가‬ ‪계속되다 보니까‬[Jeong-jae] She couldn't handle constantly borrowing money to pay back interest.
‪감당할 수 없었겠죠‬It was difficult.
‪가장 먼저 이걸 견디다 못하니까‬I think she ran away because in the end, she couldn't handle the situation.
‪이분이 아마‬ ‪도망을 갔던 거 같아요‬I think she ran away because in the end, she couldn't handle the situation.
‪공장에 출발할 때 내가 봤어‬I saw they were leaving the factory. YANG HAN-SEONG FORMER EMPLOYEE OF FIVE OCEANS
‪[어두운 음악]‬ ‪(한성) '갑자기 왜 갈까?'‬I wondered why they were leaving.
‪'뭐 일이 있는데?'‬I wondered why they were leaving. 25 AUGUST 1987 FACTORY IN DAEJEON THE DAY THEY DISAPPEARED
‪엄청 서두르더라고, 그날‬25 AUGUST 1987 FACTORY IN DAEJEON THE DAY THEY DISAPPEARED And if something bad had happened.
‪밝았어, 엄청 밝았어‬It was strange. They were in a hurry, and yet they all looked so cheerful and happy.
‪찬양?‬They were in a hurry, and yet they all looked so cheerful and happy.
‪막 무슨 '할렐루야, 할렐루야'‬ ‪막 이러고‬They were in a hurry, and yet they all looked so cheerful and happy.
‪자기들끼리 엄청 좋아하더라고‬I think they even felt blessed.
‪박순자 씨 일행이 어디로 갔을까?‬We didn't know where she and her followers had gone.
‪여기저기 뒤졌죠‬They were all having such a great time.
‪근데 전혀 행방을‬ ‪알 수가 없었어요‬They were all having such a great time.
‪[어두운 음악]‬ ‪[번잡한 도로 소음]‬
‪(청자) 우체국에‬ ‪근무했었어요, 그 당시에‬JO CHEONG-JA CREDITOR OF FIVE OCEANS I remember back then, I had a job at the post office.
‪근데 우체국에‬ ‪같이 근무한 여직원이‬I remember back then, I had a job at the post office. It was a pretty decent job.
‪친구가 거기 있다고‬It was a pretty decent job. A female friend of mine who worked at the post office too
‪그리고 오대양의 뭐, 얘기를 해서‬A female friend of mine who worked at the post office too
‪어려운 아기들을‬ ‪다 주워다가 이제 길러 주고‬A female friend of mine who worked at the post office too told me that she had another very good friend at Five Oceans.
‪이렇게 훌륭한 일을 한다‬told me that she had another very good friend at Five Oceans. She told me about them.
‪그래 가지고 이제‬ ‪한번 구경 가 보자‬She said they did admirable work.
‪이렇게 해 가지고 갔었죠‬So we went there.
‪'돈을 빌려주면'‬
‪'언니가 우리를‬ ‪도와주는 거나 마찬가지다'‬I remember they said, "If you lend us money, you'll be helping our cause."
‪'오대양 박순자 사장님을'‬"With your money, you'd be helping Ms. Park do great things."
‪'이제 좋은 일 하는 데‬ ‪도와주는 거고'‬"With your money, you'd be helping Ms. Park do great things."
‪'뭐, 이자는‬ ‪하루도 안 틀리게 준다'‬"She always pays interest on time."
‪뭐, 이런 말을 해서‬"She always pays interest on time." That being said,
‪돈을 갖다가 준 거 같아요‬I gave them my money.
‪이자는 뭐, 정말‬ ‪또박또박 들어왔어요‬I asked about the interest rate,
‪이자도 뭐, 2부인가?‬ ‪그때 당시 2부면 큰 거였거든요‬I asked about the interest rate, and they said it was always deposited on time.
‪그러니까 이제‬ ‪돈을 또 어디, 여기 꿔 주고‬Back then, the interest rate was 20 percent, which was quite a lot.
‪저기 꿔 갖고 갖다 내고 그랬죠‬Back then, the interest rate was 20 percent, which was quite a lot.
‪저는 8,500만 원 정도‬ ‪그때 넣었는가 그랬는데‬TEN MILLION WON So I started borrowing money myself to give them. FIVE MILLION WON
‪거기 또 친정아버지까지‬ ‪넣어 가지고‬I invested around 85 million won, and so did my father.
‪친정아버지가‬ ‪9,000만 원인가 그렇게‬My father gave them more than 90 million won.
‪하나도 못 받은 거죠‬He lost it all.
‪사실은 아기 아빠가 그때‬ ‪[숨을 씁 들이켠다]‬Back then, my husband decided to take a break from work.
‪좀 쉬고 있었어요‬ ‪어디 직장 다니다‬Back then, my husband decided to take a break from work.
‪박순자 씨가 막, 응?‬Park Soon-ja said that a man should take care of his family,
‪'남자가 그래, 가정을 꾸려야지'‬ ‪뭐, 어쩌고저쩌고하면서‬Park Soon-ja said that a man should take care of his family, and she offered him a job.
‪'취직을 시켜 주겠다'‬and she offered him a job.
‪그때 소개받아 가지고‬ ‪박순자 씨를 만나서‬YANG HAN-SEONG FORMER FIVE OCEANS EMPLOYEE HUSBAND OF CREDITOR JO CHEONG-JA I met Park Soon-ja. Then I began… working at Five Oceans.
‪어, 거기 취직하게 됐습니다‬I met Park Soon-ja. Then I began… working at Five Oceans.
‪참 좋은 사람이라고 생각을 했어요‬I thought she was a good person.
‪보기 드문 사람이라고 생각했죠‬I thought she was special.
‪(한성) 뭐, 내가 가서‬ ‪구경할 때는 밝았는데‬The place was lively when I first visited but that changed once I started working there.
‪이제 내가 취직하고는 좀 틀렸지‬but that changed once I started working there.
‪안의 내막은 그렇지 않더라고‬In fact, it changed a lot.
‪[불안한 음악]‬
‪[하늘이 우르릉거린다]‬[thunder rumbling]
‪이상하게 가라앉아 있는 분위기‬Part of the mystery was that everyone was strangely subdued.
‪그리고 공장 내부에서도‬Part of the mystery was that everyone was strangely subdued. There weren't a lot of people working inside the factory.
‪(영석) 일하는 사람이‬ ‪몇 명 되지 않았어요‬There weren't a lot of people working inside the factory.
‪또 완성된 공예품 작품도‬ ‪많지 않았어요‬There weren't a lot of people working inside the factory. On top of that, there weren't many finished products.
‪(동섭) 오대양이라는‬ ‪어떤 사업체가 있어서‬Five Oceans wasn't a company that produced and sold products.
‪뭐를 생산하고 팔고‬ ‪그런 게 아니고‬Five Oceans wasn't a company that produced and sold products. They bought finished products,
‪이미 완제품을 사다가‬ ‪이렇게 비치해 놓고서‬They bought finished products, placed them around, and made it look like they had made them.
‪그거를 자기들이‬ ‪생산하는 것처럼 속인 거지‬placed them around, and made it look like they had made them. She was lying about that, too.
‪[아이들이 떠들썩하다]‬THE MOTHER OF ORPHANS?
‪(동섭) 그것도 위장한 거죠‬Also, they weren't orphans.
‪고아가 아니에요‬Also, they weren't orphans.
‪그, 저기, 채권자‬Also, they weren't orphans. They were the children of the people who gave her their money.
‪돈 거기다가 바친 사람들 있지?‬They were the children of the people who gave her their money.
‪그 사람들의 자녀야‬They were the creditors' kids.
‪'아유, 뭐, 언니‬ ‪직장 생활 하고 이러는데'‬They said, "It must be so hard raising kids and working." SENT TWO OF HER CHILDREN TO FIVE OCEANS NURSERY SCHOOL
‪(청자) 자기들이 여기서‬ ‪이렇게 나만 또 해 주는데‬And they offered to take care of them for me.
‪그래요, '언니 아기 데리고 오면‬ ‪잘 길러 준다'‬They said, "If you bring your kids here, we'll take good care of them."
‪뭐, 이런 식으로 하여튼…‬They said, "If you bring your kids here, we'll take good care of them."
‪이제 그 어린이집을 운영을 하면서‬In their operation, they ran a daycare center and raised creditor's kids there.
‪그 안에서 거기다가 키우고‬In their operation, they ran a daycare center and raised creditor's kids there. ROH YI-HO FAMILY MEMBER OF A FIVE OCEANS EMPLOYEE
‪아버지, 아빠보고도‬ ‪아빠라고 하지 못하게 하고‬They woud never let my kids call their father "Dad."
‪노 과장이라고 그렇게 부르라고‬ ‪시키고 그랬대요‬They had to call him "Big Chief" instead.
‪(이호) 자식 간에도‬ ‪자식, 부모 자식이 아니게‬They wouldn't let parents treat their kids like their own.
‪그렇게 생활하고 살았어요‬ ‪거기 가서‬They wouldn't let parents treat their kids like their own. That's the way we lived in there.
‪텔레비전에 이렇게 나온 걸‬ ‪한번 봤더니 무슨 저…‬One day, I saw something very disturbing on television.
‪[영상 속 아이들이 떠들썩하다]‬ ‪(한성) 한복 입히고‬One day, I saw something very disturbing on television. She was dressing the kids in hanbok and saekdongot.
‪색동저고리 입히고, 쭉 이렇게…‬She was dressing the kids in hanbok and saekdongot.
‪[어이없이 웃으며] 나갈 때는‬ ‪부모 없는 아이로 나갔죠, 다‬They were supposed to be orphans for the television.
‪황당했으니까 자꾸 이제‬ ‪계산을 하기 시작한 거죠, 제가‬I started noticing everything, because it was so ridiculous.
‪'아, 이게 아니다' 하는 거를‬I realized something was off.
‪(이호) 밥이니 뭐, 숙소니‬ ‪다 거기서 다 제공해 주고‬FIVE OCEANS TRADING CO., LTD. [I-ho] Of course they provided food and shelter, they all lived in there.
‪그 안에서 전부 생활을 한 거예요‬[I-ho] Of course they provided food and shelter, they all lived in there. But they weren't allowed to talk.
‪말 한마디 잘 하지도 못하게 하고‬But they weren't allowed to talk. Even if an entire family was living in there,
‪가족들이 다 들어가 살아도‬ ‪만나도 못 한대요‬Even if an entire family was living in there, they couldn't talk to each other.
‪부부끼리 부부생활도‬ ‪안 하고 따로 산대요‬I heard married couples couldn't live together.
‪따로따로 생활한대요‬I heard married couples couldn't live together. They made them live separately.
‪비밀이 거기는 그렇게 많대요‬They kept so many secrets there.
‪(한성) 개인적으로 나갈 때는‬ ‪허락을 받고 나가요‬[Han-seong] We needed permission to leave the premises.
‪뭐 때문에 나가는지도 묻고‬We were questioned about our motivations.
‪관리를 하는 거예요‬ ‪어디 저, 바깥에 못 나가게‬We were questioned about our motivations. For some reason, they didn't want us to leave that place.
‪회개하는 시간이‬ ‪있는가 봐요, 걔들끼리‬They also set aside some time to "repent."
‪그러면 뭐, 이렇게‬ ‪자기들끼리 모여 가지고‬They also set aside some time to "repent." They gathered people.
‪[남자의 신음]‬[grunting]
‪[남자의 아파하는 신음]‬
‪(한성) 패는 거야‬They beat people,
‪'회개하라'‬They beat people,
‪반성하라고 막 그냥‬saying, "You need to repent."
‪'내가 패는 게 아니라‬ ‪하나님이 패는 거다'‬They told them to reflect on their sins.
‪(피디) 박순자가 신이었나요?‬-[producer] Was Soon-ja God? -She was.
‪신이었었어요‬-[producer] Was Soon-ja God? -She was. -[producer] Soon-ja was God. -Yes.
‪- (피디) 거기에서 신이었어요?‬ ‪- 그래요‬-[producer] Soon-ja was God. -Yes.
‪뭐, '나 안 따르면은‬ ‪너희들 다 죽는다'‬She said, "You'll die if you don't obey me."
‪그거지, 뭐‬I'm quoting her.
‪어, 오대양 사건의‬ ‪생존자들의 증언에 따르면‬According to some of the survivors' testimony of Five Oceans,
‪박순자는 본인이‬Soon-ja always emphasized that she was somebody
‪[엄숙한 음악]‬ ‪(정재) '신의 어떤 계시를‬ ‪받은 존재다'라고‬Soon-ja always emphasized that she was somebody who had received some sort of revelation from God.
‪이렇게 많이 강조를 했다고 합니다‬who had received some sort of revelation from God.
‪본인이 신의 계시를 받았고‬ ‪조만간 말세가 온다는‬She claimed she had received God's warning, and basically, the world was to end very soon.
‪그런 주장을 폈다고 합니다‬and basically, the world was to end very soon.
‪[천둥이 우르릉 쾅쾅 울린다]‬[thunder crashing]
‪[천둥이 연신 우르릉거린다]‬
‪[박진감 있는 음악]‬ ‪(앵커) 경찰은‬[siren blaring]
‪[경찰차 사이렌]‬ ‪박 여인과 직원들을 찾기 위해‬[siren blaring] [man] The police dispatched detectives to locate Ms. Park and her employees,
‪백방으로 형사들을 보냈으나‬[man] The police dispatched detectives to locate Ms. Park and her employees,
‪이들의 자취는 오리무중이었습니다‬but they were nowhere to be found.
‪그런데 어제 오후‬but they were nowhere to be found. However, 49 children from the nursery school were found
‪보육원 어린이들 49명을‬However, 49 children from the nursery school were found in Yongin, Gyeonggi-do yesterday afternoon.
‪경기도 용인에서 발견했습니다‬in Yongin, Gyeonggi-do yesterday afternoon.
‪(기자) 경찰은‬ ‪경기도 용인군 남사면‬[man] The police found 49 children
‪삼인동 농장에 숨어 있던‬ ‪49명을 데려와‬[man] The police found 49 children hiding in a farm in Sangin-dong, Gyeonggi-do.
‪귀가 조치 시키거나 수용 시설에‬ ‪보호하면서 수사를 펴 왔으나‬hiding in a farm in Sangin-dong, Gyeonggi-do. They were sent back to their homes pending investigation,
‪모두가 입을 열지 않아‬ ‪애를 태웠습니다‬They were sent back to their homes pending investigation, but nobody told us anything.
‪[전화벨 소리]‬[ringing]
‪(정재) 익명의 전화가 왔습니다‬
‪'박순자 일행이'‬ ‪[박진감 있는 음악]‬[Jeong-jae] We got an anonymous call saying Soon-ja's followers
‪'경기도 용인의‬ ‪삼인동 농장이라는 곳으로'‬were hiding in a farm in Samin-dong, Yongin, Gyeonggi-do.
‪'도망갔다'‬were hiding in a farm in Samin-dong, Yongin, Gyeonggi-do. SAMIN-DONG, YONGIN, GYEONGGI-DO
‪보니까‬The investigation
‪산 아래에 계단식으로 된‬ ‪공장이 있었습니다‬revealed there was a factory at the base of the mountains.
‪[강조하는 효과음]‬
‪[강조하는 효과음]‬
‪[불길한 음악]‬
‪(정재) 공장이 쥐 죽은 듯이‬ ‪고요했었습니다‬The factory was dead silent.
‪아무도 없었고요‬No one was there.
‪[강조하는 효과음]‬[ominous music]
‪[강조하는 효과음]‬
‪[강조하는 효과음]‬
‪(정재) 그래서‬We decided to search the place,
‪맨 위까지 가서 보니까‬ ‪웬 봉고차 하나가 서 있었어요‬We decided to search the place, and that's when we found a van.
‪봉고차에도 역시 아무도 없었고‬The vehicle was totally empty and the doors were closed,
‪문이 닫혀 있었는데‬The vehicle was totally empty and the doors were closed,
‪운전석 쪽을 보니까‬ ‪조그마한 그, 통행권이 있더라고요‬except for a small ticket I found when I looked at the driver's side.
‪'대전, 용인'이라고‬ ‪쓰여 있더라고요‬It read "Daejeon, Yongin."
‪아, 그래서‬ ‪'이게 대전서 온 차량이구나'‬It read "Daejeon, Yongin." So I realized it was theirs. DAEJEON TO YONGIN
‪'오대양 차구나' 안 거죠‬DAEJEON TO YONGIN The van belonged to Five Oceans.
‪일단 들어갔죠‬I went in.
‪너무 적막했어요‬Deathly silence.
‪32명은‬There were people… hiding in the ceiling.
‪천장에 숨어 있었습니다‬There were people… hiding in the ceiling.
‪[강조하는 효과음]‬
‪(정재) 저는 그 밑에까지‬ ‪갔다가, 아…‬While we were searching the place,
‪[숨을 씁 들이켜며]‬ ‪인기척이 있는 걸 알았지만‬While we were searching the place, I took a look up, and I noticed that somebody was there.
‪아, 설마 그 천장 위에 사람들이‬I took a look up, and I noticed that somebody was there.
‪32명이나 되는 분들이‬But I didn't think that 32 people would be hiding up there.
‪거기에 숨어 있을 거라곤‬ ‪상상을 못 했죠‬But I didn't think that 32 people would be hiding up there.
‪근데 갑자기 그다음 날‬Then surprisingly, the next day, they found the bodies.
‪이제 사체로 발견된 것이죠‬Then surprisingly, the next day, they found the bodies.
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪유아원과 공예품 제조 공장을‬ ‪경영하면서‬AUGUST 29, 1987 THE DAY OF THE INCIDENT A woman in her 40s who incurred a lot of debt
‪거액의 빚을 진 40대 여인이‬A woman in her 40s who incurred a lot of debt while running a nursery and craftwork factory
‪31명을 살해하고 자신도 자살한‬while running a nursery and craftwork factory has killed 31 people as well as herself.
‪사건이 발생을 했습니다‬has killed 31 people as well as herself.
‪(기자)‬[man] The police concluded that Park Soon-ja and her blind followers
‪(기자)‬[man] The police concluded that Park Soon-ja and her blind followers had committed mass suicide, allegedly driven by religious fanaticism.
‪여기가 뭐, 지상 천국이래요‬She called the place Heaven on Earth.
‪[기자가 말한다]‬She called the place Heaven on Earth.
‪예, 그러면 살아서 하늘나라로‬ ‪올라간다고 막 그래요, 예‬And she said we'd be revived and go to Heaven. Yes.
‪[유가족들이 오열한다]‬-[camera shutters whirring] -[screaming and sobbing]
‪(남자1) 조금만 더!‬ ‪힘냅시다, 바짝 붙여요‬-[camera shutters whirring] -[screaming and sobbing]
‪바짝 드세요, 바짝, 그렇게‬
‪(남자2) 더 드세요, 바짝‬
‪[유가족들이 연신 운다]‬
‪(유가족) 울지 마‬Don't cry.
‪(남자3) 차를 이렇게 빼고‬ ‪어떻게 들어가?‬Be careful with that.
‪그런 사람들이 죽은 거는‬ ‪꿈에도 생각을 못 했어요‬I never thought they'd die like that.
‪설마 박순자도 내가‬ ‪죽었다고 생각을 안 했어요‬I certainly never thought Park Soon-ja would die, either.
‪당혹스러웠죠‬It was baffling.
‪[비통한 음악]‬ ‪아무리 많은 죄를‬ ‪저질렀다 하더라도‬No matter how much you've sinned, death is still the ultimate punishment.
‪죽음보다 더한 고통이‬ ‪어디 있겠습니까?‬No matter how much you've sinned, death is still the ultimate punishment.
‪[애잔한 음악]‬ ‪[요란한 빗소리]‬[rainfall]
‪사고가 난 공장에서‬ ‪주방 일을 맡아 왔던‬This is Kim Yeong-hui who worked in the factory's kitchen, where the incident took place.
‪김영희 씨를 직접 만나 봤습니다‬who worked in the factory's kitchen, where the incident took place.
‪(기자) 박 여인이 봉고차로‬KIM YEONG-HUI
‪대전에서 사람들을 싣고 왔다는데‬We were told Ms. Park brought the people here from Daejeon in a van.
‪그 이후의 행동을‬ ‪쭉 설명을 해 주시죠‬We were told Ms. Park brought the people here from Daejeon in a van. What happened after that?
‪봉고차로 왔을 때요‬After the van arrived, everyone spent a day sleeping.
‪이건 내가, 에…‬I found they climbed through here, so we were looking for fingerprints.
‪이리 올라가고 했다니까‬I found they climbed through here, so we were looking for fingerprints.
‪지문 채취 분말이 있습니다‬I found they climbed through here, so we were looking for fingerprints.
‪분말로 갖다가‬ ‪여기를 다 칠해 봤어요‬We searched all over the walls.
‪(삼재) 분말을 다 칠해 보니까‬And while we were on it, we found fingerprints,
‪지문, 손바닥 무늬 장문‬And while we were on it, we found fingerprints, footprints, handprints, palm lines…
‪발바닥 무늬 족문‬footprints, handprints, palm lines…
‪여기 다 묻었는데 그거입니다‬ ‪손바닥, 발바닥 다‬hands and feet of all sizes. That's how they got there.
‪이리 올라가고‬ ‪내려가고 했습니다‬They climbed up and down the walls. [soft slapping sounds]
‪[손을 탁 짚는 소리가 울린다]‬[soft slapping sounds]
‪[손을 탁 짚는 소리가 울린다]‬
‪[발소리가 울린다]‬
‪(기자) 그 식사는 어떤 식으로‬ ‪제공을 해 줬습니까?‬[man] How did you supply them with food?
‪식사는 주먹밥을 해 가지고요‬I made rice balls and sent them up in plastic bags.
‪비닐에 올려서 줬어요‬I made rice balls and sent them up in plastic bags.
‪(영희) 밥을 넣어서‬ ‪하루에 한 번씩‬Once a day, I put them in bags
‪주먹밥을 해서 비닐에 담아서‬ ‪올려 보냈었어요‬and handed them up into the ceiling.
‪(기자) 아, 몇 시쯤에‬ ‪그 식사를 공급했습니까?‬-[man] What time did you give them food? -[Yeong-hui] At eight a.m.
‪(영희) 아침 8시에요‬-[man] What time did you give them food? -[Yeong-hui] At eight a.m. SHE GAVE THEM RICE BALLS ONCE A DAY AT EIGHT A.M.
‪(기자) 매일 8시에 한 번씩‬ ‪공급했다 이거죠, 매일?‬SHE GAVE THEM RICE BALLS ONCE A DAY AT EIGHT A.M. [man] So they ate those rice balls only once a day?
‪(영희) 예‬[Yeong-hui] Yes.
‪(기자) 주먹밥의 분량이‬ ‪아주 적었을 텐데‬[man] Surely the rice balls were not sufficient.
‪그, 제대로‬ ‪먹지 못했겠네요, 그럼?‬Was that all they were eating?
‪하루에 한 끼 줬는데‬ ‪그것도 먹지 못하고‬They got one meal a day, but they didn't even eat that.
‪뭐, 열몇 개인가‬ ‪썩어서 있어요, 위에‬They got one meal a day, but they didn't even eat that. Ten rice balls were rotting up there.
‪(삼재) 그건 먹은 것도‬ ‪없어요, 응?‬Ten rice balls were rotting up there. They barely ate anything,
‪그러니 그 4박 5일 동안‬ ‪그 더운 데서‬although they spent five days up there in the heat.
‪아휴, 누구든지, 어?‬ ‪기진맥진한 상태지‬I mean, anyone would have been exhausted.
‪(기자) 그 사람들 주로‬ ‪낮에는 뭐 하고 지냈어요?‬[man] What did they do during the day?
‪가만히 있었죠‬Nothing at all.
‪- (기자) 아무 소리 안 하고?‬ ‪- 예‬-[man] They didn't make noise? -No.
‪- (기자) 천장에서요?‬ ‪- (영희) 예‬ESTIMATED TEMPERATURE 40 DEGREES CELSIUS -[man] Up there? -[Yeong-hui] Yes.
‪(기자) 천장에만 그냥‬ ‪계속 있었던 거예요?‬-[man] Up there? -[Yeong-hui] Yes. -[man] They stayed in the ceiling? -[Yeong-hui] Yes.
‪(영희) 예‬-[man] They stayed in the ceiling? -[Yeong-hui] Yes.
‪(기자) 그 안에서의 행동은‬ ‪어떤 행동을 했나요, 그 사람들이?‬THEY STAYED FOR THREE NIGHTS AND FOUR DAYS [man] You can't tell us what they did there?
‪(영희) 전혀 몰라요‬ ‪그 안에서 어떤 걸 하는지‬[Yeong-hui] No, I don't know what they did there.
‪볼 수도 없고‬ ‪올라갈 수도 없었어요‬[Yeong-hui] No, I don't know what they did there. I couldn't see them from here.
‪[매미 소리]‬ ‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪주식회사 오대양 대표인‬ ‪박순자가‬The leader and CEO of Five Oceans, Park Soon-ja… PARK YEONG-SU, CHIEF PROSECUTOR AT THE TIME OF THE FIVE OCEANS CASE
‪어려운 상태에 봉착하여‬ ‪죽음을 결의하게 되자‬because she had a lot of debts. As for he rest of the people found,
‪동료를‬it was known
‪정신적 지주로 신봉하는‬ ‪이 사건 변사자들이‬they depended on her spiritually. Therefore, they decided
‪[어두운 음악]‬ ‪(영수) 동료를 따라‬to all die, together with her.
‪죽을 것을 결의하고 죽음을 자초한‬to all die, together with her. We have determined
‪유사 종교적‬ ‪광신 상태에서 이루어진‬that this incident is a very tragic mass suicide,
‪집단 자살 사건으로 추정됩니다‬and most likely the result of religious fanaticism.
‪사망 원인은 이경수는 의사‬The cause of death for Lee Gyeong-su was suicide.
‪박순자 등 31명은‬The cause of death for Lee Gyeong-su was suicide. The others, including Park Soon-ja,
‪교사로 판명이 되었습니다‬The others, including Park Soon-ja, they died of strangulation.
‪(두현) 그다음에‬ ‪사망 경위에 대해서는‬The events were as follows.
‪박순자가‬ ‪남자 사원에게 지시를 해서‬The events were as follows. Park Soon-ja ordered Lee Gyeong-su, her male employee,
‪이경수가‬ ‪[영상 속 신음]‬Park Soon-ja ordered Lee Gyeong-su, her male employee, to end everyone's life.
‪다른 그, 변사자들을 살해한 후에‬to end everyone's life. He murdered them one by one.
‪최종 이경수 자신도‬He murdered them one by one. After that, Lee Gyeong-su was to end his own life as well, so he hanged himself.
‪목매어 자살한 것으로‬ ‪추정이 되고 있습니다‬After that, Lee Gyeong-su was to end his own life as well, so he hanged himself.
‪[밧줄이 빠드득 죄인다]‬[rope creaking]
‪그중에 박순자는 최초로‬Now, according to the investigation,
‪[애잔한 음악]‬ ‪(두현) 사망한 것으로 보입니다‬Park Soon-ja was the first to die.
‪(피디) 검찰 수사 결과에‬ ‪동의하세요?‬[producer] Do you agree with the prosecutor?
‪동의하지 않습니다‬No, I do not.
‪'여기에는 조금 무리한 점이‬ ‪있었구나' 하는 생각이 듭니다‬I feel like some of it was quite a stretch.
‪거기에 추가로 더…‬I think they should have…
‪수사를 했어야 된다고 생각됩니다‬made additional investigations.
‪제대로 안 한 거예요‬ ‪초동 수사에서‬They didn't conduct the investigation properly.
‪[영상 속 사람들이 소란스럽다]‬ ‪(현) 그 당시 정부에서는‬Back then, the government
‪빨리빨리 모든 걸 끝나길 바랐지‬ ‪[영상 속 카메라 셔터음]‬just wanted to get it over with quickly.
‪이렇게 복잡하게 막 오대양 사건이‬ ‪살인 사건이다 뭐다‬They didn't want to complicate things by saying it was a murder.
‪증명되고 하는 거‬ ‪하나도 안 했었어요‬They didn't want to complicate things by saying it was a murder. They didn't provide any proof whatsoever.
‪국회 5공 비리 조사 특위의‬ ‪김현 위원장은‬Special Committee to Investigate Corruption Chariman, Kim Hyeon
‪(앵커) 오대양 사건이‬recently claimed the Five Oceans incident was most likely a mass murder.
‪집단 살인 사건일 가능성이‬ ‪높다고 주장하면서‬recently claimed the Five Oceans incident was most likely a mass murder.
‪이에 대한 진상 조사를 위해‬ ‪보고를 듣기로 했다고 밝혔습니다‬recently claimed the Five Oceans incident was most likely a mass murder. He announced he will do everything in his power to find the truth.
‪대전, 충남 도경으로‬ ‪신고를 하겠다고…‬
‪[영상 속 현이 계속 말한다]‬ ‪(현) 제가 대전 출신‬ ‪국회의원으로서‬I reported it to the police in Daejeon.
‪항상 오대양 사건에 대한 얘기를‬ ‪들어 왔었고‬I reported it to the police in Daejeon. I represented Daejeon at the National Assembly..
‪사건에 의혹은 참 많았었는데‬I represented Daejeon at the National Assembly.. There were so many questions about the case,
‪해결된 건 없이 전부 다‬ ‪'자살이다'라고 종결됐기 때문에‬There were so many questions about the case, but they just concluded as a suicide, even though nothing was resolved.
‪다시 국회 차원에서라도‬ ‪재조사를 해야 되지 않는가‬And I believe that the National Assembly should re-open the case.
‪(영상 속 앵커) 모종의‬ ‪배후 세력에 의한‬[man] He claimed it was a mass homicide committed by a third party.
‪집단 타살극이라고 주장했습니다‬[man] He claimed it was a mass homicide committed by a third party. KIM HYEON, CHAIRMAN OF THE SPECIAL INVESTIGATION COMMITTEE
‪(현) 타살이죠‬[Hyeon] It's a murder.
‪자살을 위장한 타살‬[Hyeon] It's a murder. A homicide disguised as suicide.
‪'이경수가 죽이고'‬Basically, they said Lee Gyeong-su killed them and eventually hanged himself.
‪'자기가 마지막 거기에‬ ‪목매달아서 자살했다'‬Basically, they said Lee Gyeong-su killed them and eventually hanged himself.
‪이렇게 발표를 했어요‬Basically, they said Lee Gyeong-su killed them and eventually hanged himself.
‪법의학적으로나‬From a forensic
‪의학상으로나 이걸로‬ ‪전연 맞지 않는 얘기예요‬and medical perspective, that makes no sense at all.
‪[소란스럽다]‬[man 1 exhales] My goodness.
‪[남자의 한숨 소리]‬ ‪(남자1)‬[man 1 exhales] My goodness.
‪(남자2)‬-[man 2] Did they hang themselves? -[man 1] Yeah.
‪(남자3)‬-[man 2] Did they hang themselves? -[man 1] Yeah.
‪(남자4)‬[man 3] This is a mess.
‪(남자5)‬[man 3] This is a mess. Where did he hang himself from?
‪(현) 이경수는 용인 남사면‬[Hyeon] Lee Gyeong-su was the manager of the factory
‪이 사람 집단 타살당한 장소의‬ ‪공장장이에요‬[Hyeon] Lee Gyeong-su was the manager of the factory in Yongin, Namsa-myeon, where the mass murder occurred.
‪이거, 이거는 살아 있을 적에‬ ‪혈이 눌려서 더 이상…‬Here we can see this put pressure on his blood vessels while he was still alive.
‪핏자국이에요, 쉽게 얘기하면‬This bloodstain is a ligature mark caused by the rope.
‪삭흔이라 그러는 거예요‬ ‪묶인 자국‬This bloodstain is a ligature mark caused by the rope.
‪전경부를 일주를 해 버렸잖아요‬It circles his neck from the front
‪뒤까지 다 묶였단 말이에요‬and goes all the way around.
‪뒤까지 쭉 다 연결돼 있잖아요‬The mark continues to the back of his neck.
‪완전히 후경부까지 일주했죠?‬That's the way the rope ran around his neck.
‪법의학 책을 보면‬Now, any forensic textbook says
‪전경부에서부터‬ ‪후경부에 일주한 것은‬Now, any forensic textbook says that a mark circling the entire neck to the back means that the victim was strangled.
‪무조건 교사예요‬means that the victim was strangled.
‪[강조하는 효과음]‬
‪(현) 얘가 매달려 있는‬ ‪상태를 봐서도‬And then, if we examine the position of the body,
‪전면 첫 번 사진을 보면‬you can see how the back of the rope is not touching his neck at all.
‪뒤가 완전히 떠 있는 게‬ ‪보일 거예요‬you can see how the back of the rope is not touching his neck at all.
‪물리 원칙에 의해서‬ ‪사람 시체 무게만큼‬The noose elevates because it's carrying the weight of the corpse.
‪뒤는 떠야 돼요‬The noose elevates because it's carrying the weight of the corpse.
‪[음산한 음악]‬
‪지금 거기 여자들 죽인 거‬ ‪매달아 죽인 사람 하나도 없어요‬None of the women there were hanged to death,
‪뒤에서 홀치기 해서 죽였지‬None of the women there were hanged to death, they were all strangled from the back.
‪(현) 홀치기라는 건 뭐냐 하면‬What I'm trying to say
‪이 끈을 넣어서 이렇게 딱 묶어서‬is that the marks suggest somebody placed the rope around the neck
‪홀쳐 들어가는 거예요‬is that the marks suggest somebody placed the rope around the neck and tied it to make it tighten in the back.
‪뒤까지 완전히 쪼이는데‬ ‪그걸로 죽였기 때문에‬and tied it to make it tighten in the back. That's how they were killed.
‪다 타살당한 거예요‬Ergo, they were all murdered.
‪이게 이 끈을 아주 상당히‬ ‪옭매듭, 상당히…‬Here we can see the rope was tied very tightly around the neck.
‪욱조인 거야, 아주 욱조인 거야‬Very tight. Extremely tight.
‪(삼재) 그러나 이 목은‬But when a 140-pound male is hanging on the rope by his neck,
‪끈으로 묶어서 이 체중이‬ ‪60킬로가 매달리려면‬But when a 140-pound male is hanging on the rope by his neck,
‪이게 눌려 가지고‬ ‪이게 물렁물렁하니까‬this part of the neck will get squeezed because it's soft.
‪눌려 가지고‬ ‪쑥 들어갈 거 아니에요‬this part of the neck will get squeezed because it's soft.
‪그러니까 그만큼 쑥 들어가니까‬If the rope goes in like that, leaving a gap, right in the back.
‪[음산한 음악]‬ ‪약간의 여기 공간이 있는 겁니다‬If the rope goes in like that, leaving a gap, right in the back. WHY A CIRCULAR MARK WAS FOUND ON LEE, WHO SUPPOSEDLY COMMITTED SUICIDE
‪[강조하는 효과음]‬SUICIDE?
‪이경수 혼자 31명을 죽이려면요‬It would have taken Lee Gyeong-su at least two months
‪한 두어 달 이상 죽여도 못 죽여요‬It would have taken Lee Gyeong-su at least two months to kill all 30 people by himself.
‪절대 혼자는 안 되는 거고‬to kill all 30 people by himself. There's no way he did it alone.
‪(현) 특히 이경수 혼자‬ ‪31명을 죽이려면‬There's no way he did it alone. On top of that, if he actually killed 31 people,
‪손바닥에 피하출혈이라는 게‬ ‪일어나야 되는데‬On top of that, if he actually killed 31 people, there should have been signs of friction on his hands.
‪전연 그런 자국이 없어요‬there should have been signs of friction on his hands. But they didn't find anything like that.
‪[어두운 음악]‬But they didn't find anything like that.
‪[밧줄이 빠드득 당겨진다]‬
‪[음산한 효과음]‬
‪(재관) 그러면 안 되지마는‬
‪이 수사가 100% 맞았다고‬ ‪볼 수도 없으니까‬This shouldn't be the case. We can't say that the investigation was completely accurate.
‪이경수가‬We can't say that the investigation was completely accurate. Lee Gyeong-su couldn't possibly
‪다 죽였다고‬ ‪처음부터 끝까지 한다는 것은‬Lee Gyeong-su couldn't possibly have killed every single person there by himself.
‪그건 절대 그건 난‬ ‪불가능하다고 생각합니다‬have killed every single person there by himself. It's not viable.
‪이 사람들끼리‬ ‪죽이고 죽고 했다고 해결하려면‬It's also difficult to conclude that they simply killed each other.
‪복잡한 문제가 생기지만‬It's also difficult to conclude that they simply killed each other.
‪다른 제삼자가 몇 명 들어오면‬It's more logical to consider that someone else executed them.
‪죽여 버리고 한다면 쉬운 일이죠‬It's more logical to consider that someone else executed them.
‪[영상 속 현장이 소란스럽다]‬ ‪(현) 결과적으로 그렇게 따지고‬[Hyeon] If we assume Lee Gyeong-su was murdered with everybody else,
‪본인도 타살당한 거면‬[Hyeon] If we assume Lee Gyeong-su was murdered with everybody else,
‪전반적으로 다 살인, 타살당했고‬my professional opinion would be that, given the number of victims in this case,
‪최소한 본인이 생각하기에는‬my professional opinion would be that, given the number of victims in this case, it would take more than six people, and I dare to calculate at least ten hours,
‪그 당시 이것을‬ ‪저지를 수 있는 거는‬it would take more than six people, and I dare to calculate at least ten hours,
‪6명 이상이‬to accomplish something like this.
‪최소한 8시간‬ ‪10시간 이상을 해도‬And I might be underestimating the time. It'd be a very time-consuming task.
‪시간적으로 부족하다‬It'd be a very time-consuming task.
‪[비밀스러운 음악]‬
‪(재관) 예, 박순자 씨는‬
‪처음에 경부를‬ ‪집중적으로 봤었는데‬First, we focused on examining Park Soon-ja's neck.
‪경부에 가서 끈에 의해서‬First, we focused on examining Park Soon-ja's neck. We found significant signs of ligature strangulation.
‪목이 졸린 흔적이 나왔고‬We found significant signs of ligature strangulation.
‪그것이 그 흔적의‬ ‪양상으로 봐서는, 그…‬We found significant signs of ligature strangulation. We thought the marks came from being strangled to death.
‪교사로 봤습니다‬We thought the marks came from being strangled to death.
‪끈을 맨 부위에는‬ ‪표피 박탈이 많이 있었는데‬Where the rope had been tied around her neck,
‪이거는 본인이‬ ‪누가 잡아당긴다고 했을 때‬Where the rope had been tied around her neck, we found lacerations all over her skin.
‪저항하기 위해서 이렇게 끈을‬ ‪이렇게 하려고 하는 작용으로‬There were lots of marks. This indicates that when the killer was pulling on the rope, she was resisting.
‪저항흔이 꽤 많이 나왔습니다‬This indicates that when the killer was pulling on the rope, she was resisting.
‪어, 다 부검한 다음에‬ ‪머리 부위를 부검했더니‬We also performed an autopsy of her head.
‪두피 쪽에 두피하출혈이‬ ‪광범위하게 있어서‬We found a hemorrhage under her scalp.
‪두피하출혈이 있고 한 것은 아마‬The hemorrhage probably means
‪어, 본격적으로 죽음을…‬she was attacked and assaulted violently before her aggressor took her life.
‪죽이기 위해서 하기 전에‬she was attacked and assaulted violently before her aggressor took her life.
‪다른 폭행 행위가 먼저 있었겠죠‬she was attacked and assaulted violently before her aggressor took her life.
‪일반적으로 웬만히‬ ‪두부에 가격하지 않으면‬SCALP Normally, there should be no such bleeding under the scalp, unless someone hits you.
‪이런 두피하출혈‬ ‪두피하출혈이라 그러는데‬Normally, there should be no such bleeding under the scalp, unless someone hits you.
‪나오지 않는데‬Normally, there should be no such bleeding under the scalp, unless someone hits you.
‪꽤 넓은데‬Here, it's quite large.
‪망치에 맞았다거나‬ ‪막대기에 맞았다거나‬These hemorrhages only appear if you get hit by a hammer or club,
‪아니면 확 벽에다 찧었다거나‬ ‪이럴 때 발생하는 건데‬These hemorrhages only appear if you get hit by a hammer or club, or if you get slammed into a wall.
‪박순자가 교주인데 어떻게‬Park Soon-ja was the leader, and her children were there.
‪자식들이 다 있는 데서‬Park Soon-ja was the leader, and her children were there.
‪(현) 뒤에서 홀치기를 해 갖고‬ ‪죽이면서 저항흔‬Park Soon-ja was the leader, and her children were there. If someone was choking her and she was resisting,
‪그걸 빼려고 몸부림치게 만들어요?‬shouldn't they have helped her?
‪전연 안 맞는 얘기란 얘기예요‬It doesn't make any sense.
‪(피디) 박순자는 죽을 의도가‬ ‪있었을까요, 없었을까요?‬[man] Do you think Soon-ja wanted to die or not?
‪(현) 없었다니까요‬ ‪없으니까 저항흔이 있죠‬[man] Do you think Soon-ja wanted to die or not? [Hyeon] She didn't! She fought for her life.
‪박순자가 죽은 시간이‬They concluded that Park Soon-ja died a bit earlier
‪딴 사람 죽은 시간보다 좀‬ ‪빠른 걸로 나와 있을 거예요, 아마‬They concluded that Park Soon-ja died a bit earlier than the other members of the community.
‪교주 먼저 죽었다는 건‬ ‪이해가 안 가는 거예요‬It doesn't make sense that the leader died first.
‪사망 추정 시간은‬We are estimating
‪32명의 변사자가‬that the deaths of the 32 people
‪약 10시간에 걸쳐서‬happened in a time frame of more than ten hours.
‪사망한 것으로 판단되는데‬The investigation shows that the leader and CEO, Park Soon-ja,
‪(영수) 그중 박순자가‬The investigation shows that the leader and CEO, Park Soon-ja,
‪최초로 사망한 것으로 추정되고‬died before any of the followers that were there with her.
‪이경수가 최후로 목을 매어‬ ‪자살한 것으로 보입니다‬And Lee Gyeong-su died last by hanging himself.
‪여러 유사한 종교 단체들의‬ ‪사례들을 보게 되면은‬If you look at other cases that occurred in similar cults,
‪특별히 사고로 교주가‬ ‪먼저 사망하지 않는 한‬If you look at other cases that occurred in similar cults, the leader usually doesn't die before his or her followers,
‪대부분의 자살 과정이나‬ ‪죽음 과정을‬the leader usually doesn't die before his or her followers, unless they die an accidental death.
‪교주가 보고 스스로‬ ‪목숨을 거두는 경우가 있는데‬unless they die an accidental death. The leader usually committs suicide after confirming everyone else has died.
‪[어두운 음악]‬ ‪(지일) 32명‬But here, the 32 people died
‪그 속에서의 박순자는‬But here, the 32 people died
‪다른 31명보다도‬after Park Soon-ja was killed.
‪훨씬 먼저 죽음을 맞이했고‬When you consider that Five Oceans
‪오대양이 단순한‬ ‪사업 단체가 아니라‬wasn't just a business, but a religious group,
‪종교를 기반으로 한‬ ‪단체라는 점을 고려했을 때‬it seems very unlikely, at least in my opinion, that she was physically assaulted and killed
‪박순자가 저항하다가‬ ‪그렇게 물리적인 폭력을 당하고‬that she was physically assaulted and killed while she was resisting.
‪죽었으리라고 하는 가정은‬ ‪성립되기가 어렵다는 거죠‬I think that in this case, it was a tragic, accidental death.
‪(현) 그리고 거기 자꾸‬ ‪'교주', '교주' 하는데‬They all keep calling her "the cult leader",
‪그것을 사회에서 빨리 덮기 위해서‬They all keep calling her "the cult leader", and back then they called her "the leader of the Five Oceans Church,"
‪그냥 오대양교 교주‬ ‪박순자 만들어서 덮은 거지‬and back then they called her "the leader of the Five Oceans Church," to get it done with as soon as possible.
‪사실은 '오대양교'라는‬ ‪자체가 없어요‬to get it done with as soon as possible. But Five Oceans Church never even existed.
‪그러니까 이제‬ ‪그 사체가 발견된 장소가‬Was the location where the bodies were found
‪과연 32명이‬ ‪집단으로 자살할 수 있는‬Was the location where the bodies were found suitable for 32 people to commit suicide?
‪어떤 환경이었느냐‬suitable for 32 people to commit suicide? It's possible.
‪그것이 가장 큰 의문이죠, 어‬That's the biggest question, really.
‪그래서 아마 외부의 조력‬That's the biggest question, really. That's why people started theorizing that someone from outside was involved.
‪심지어 '외부에서 살해한 다음에'‬That's why people started theorizing that someone from outside was involved. Some think that they had been killed outside and moved into the ceiling.
‪'옮긴 것이 아니냐'라는‬ ‪설까지 있었죠‬Some think that they had been killed outside and moved into the ceiling.
‪[매미 소리]‬
‪(남자) 밀어 봐, 안쪽으로‬[man] Push it in.
‪[연신 시끌시끌하다]‬
‪(현) 그러니까 경찰 수사는‬
‪[피식 웃으며] 거기서 차곡차곡‬ ‪죽였다는 건데‬The police thought that they had been killed up there, one by one.
‪내 주장은 그 위에서는‬ ‪절대 죽일 수가 없어요‬The police thought that they had been killed up there, one by one. Well, I think there's no way they were killed up there.
‪거기다 그냥 한번 밟으면‬ ‪떨어지니까‬They put plywood there because they would have fallen if they hadn't.
‪거기다 합판을 깔았어요‬They put plywood there because they would have fallen if they hadn't.
‪그 두꺼운 합판을‬ ‪깔아 놓은 상태에다‬That's why they stacked all the bodies on top of that thick plywood.
‪시체를 늘어놓은 거예요‬That's why they stacked all the bodies on top of that thick plywood.
‪합판을 넘어가서 서면‬ ‪무조건 밑으로 떨어져요‬If they stepped beyond that, they would have fallen through the ceiling.
‪13구, 뭐, 10구 이렇게‬ ‪시체가 쌓여 있는 상태에서‬LOCATIONS WHERE THE KILLINGS WOULD HAVE BEEN POSSIBLE Did somebody actually kill those people while there were ten or 13 bodies piled up right next to them?
‪그 옆에서 그걸 놓고 죽인다?‬ ‪안 맞아요‬while there were ten or 13 bodies piled up right next to them? Unlikely.
‪쌓아 놨으니까 있을 수 있지‬They fit up there because they were in a pile.
‪앉아 있기도 좁은 장소인데‬They fit up there because they were in a pile. How could somebody have killed 14 people in there?
‪거기서 14명을 순서대로 죽인다?‬How could somebody have killed 14 people in there? And one by one?
‪절대 불가능해‬That's impossible.
‪더더욱이 이런 조사 과정에서‬According to the testimonies obtained by the detectives for the investigation,
‪만났던 사람들의‬ ‪증언을 들어 보면은‬According to the testimonies obtained by the detectives for the investigation,
‪사건 당일 날‬According to the testimonies obtained by the detectives for the investigation, on the day of the incident,
‪(지일) 사망자들의‬ ‪사망 추정 시간으로‬on the day of the incident, during the period of time in which all these victims are assumed to have died,
‪예측되어지는 그런 시간대에‬during the period of time in which all these victims are assumed to have died,
‪당시 용인 공장으로‬the van entered and left the factory two different times.
‪봉고 차량이 두 차례 정도‬the van entered and left the factory two different times.
‪공장으로 들어왔다 나가고‬ ‪공장으로 들어왔다 나가고 했던‬Considering those testimonies, it's possible that somebody murdered those people elsewhere,
‪그런 증언을 미루어 볼 때‬that somebody murdered those people elsewhere,
‪혹여‬then moved the bodies to the factory.
‪외부에서 살해한 뒤에‬then moved the bodies to the factory.
‪공장으로 옮겼을 가능성은 없는가?‬I think that's most likely what happened.
‪[카메라 셔터음]‬
‪(삼재) 위에 그 현장을 살펴보면은‬If you look at the scene of the incident
‪누가 와서 죽이고 내빼는‬ ‪그런 현장이 아니에요‬and think someone killed them and then ran away?
‪어, 그렇게 못 봐요‬You cant see it like that.
‪네, 이게 소변 통입니다‬This is a urine container.
‪여기 담요도 있고요‬This is a urine container. Here's a blanket.
‪물통도 있고요‬ ‪물 떠먹을 컵도 있습니다‬Here's a blanket. A water container and some cups for the water.
‪(피디) 소변이‬ ‪많이 들어 있었어요?‬[producer] Was there a lot of urine?
‪소변 반 이상 들어 있었어요‬It was over half full.
‪8월 25일서부터 29일까지니까‬They were there from August 25th to 29th, four days in total.
‪3박 4일 동안‬ ‪여기서 지냈던 겁니다‬They were there from August 25th to 29th, four days in total. During those four days,
‪그 3박 4일 동안에는‬they must have had to eat, and defecate,
‪네, 먹어야 되고‬ ‪네, 배설을 해야 될 것입니다‬they must have had to eat, and defecate, which are the basic needs.
‪먹다 남은 밀가루떡, 안경‬That is half-eaten food. See the glasses?
‪이 '가락티나'도 먹던 이거를…‬ ‪이유식인데‬But if you pay attention, they didn't even get to eat a lot of it.
‪몇 개 먹지도 못했어요‬But if you pay attention, they didn't even get to eat a lot of it.
‪라면 박스 3개가 있어요‬Those are boxes of ramen.
‪이거 뜯지도 않았어요‬They're closed.
‪라면 박스 이쪽 양쪽에‬ ‪5개 준비해 놨습니다‬They had five more boxes of ramen in stock.
‪그러면 '오랫동안 먹고‬ ‪거기서 살 수 있을까'‬They were rationing the food because they thought they might be staying there for a long period of time.
‪이러고 올라간 건데‬because they thought they might be staying there for a long period of time.
‪아, 가서 빚쟁이처럼‬ ‪하룻밤 있어 보니까‬They must have gotten exhausted after a day, and couldn't eat.
‪기진맥진 상태고 안 먹히고‬They must have gotten exhausted after a day, and couldn't eat.
‪내빼자니 내뺄 수 없고, 어?‬But why didn't they leave? Huh?
‪지금 위에 있는 시체를‬ ‪하나하나 밑으로 내립니다‬Here, they're bringing the bodies down one by one.
‪근데 밑에서 지금‬ ‪세 사람, 네 사람이 받죠?‬Here, they're bringing the bodies down one by one. Three or four people are receiving the body,
‪위에서 두세 사람이 받습니다‬and three more people are in the ceiling.
‪그런데도 불구하고‬Despite that, it wasn't easy to take down the bodies.
‪이 시체를 밑으로 내리니까‬ ‪이게 쉽지가 않아요‬Despite that, it wasn't easy to take down the bodies.
‪올렸다면 이렇게 못 올리지‬No one could have put the bodies there. If they had, it would have required a lot of effort and several people.
‪살았을 때 올렸는데 죽어도…‬If they had, it would have required a lot of effort and several people.
‪죽었을 때 올렸더라 하더라도‬If they had, it would have required a lot of effort and several people.
‪이렇게 올려야 할 텐데‬What about their clothes?
‪에? 그럼 옷이고 뭐고‬ ‪엉망 됐을 텐데‬What about their clothes? They would have been torn apart by the manipulation.
‪찢어지거나 할 텐데‬They would have been torn apart by the manipulation.
‪옷매무새가 아주 철저해요‬But their clothes looked tidy.
‪손발이 묶여 있는 게‬ ‪꽉꽉 묶여 있는 게 아니고‬Their wrists and ankles weren't tied up tightly.
‪(현) 거기 이부자리 찢은 거 갖고‬ ‪대충대충 묶은 거거든요?‬They were tied up very sloppily, using blankets.
‪들어 올릴 때 묶은 거 같아요‬They were lifted up together.
‪그냥 축축 늘어지니까‬ ‪들어 올릴 때 묶은 걸로 봐야죠‬They bound them while lifting, because the limbs were hanging.
‪절대 죽이기 위해서‬ ‪뭐, 우리가 지금 영화에서 보듯이‬But they didn't tie them up in order to kill them
‪묶어 죽이고 이런 거 아니에요‬like you see in the movies.
‪[현이 숨을 들이켠다]‬ ‪들어다 쌓는 거는 별거 아닌데‬Lifting people up and putting them in a pile is easy,
‪죽이는 건 엄청 힘든 겁니다‬Lifting people up and putting them in a pile is easy, but killing them is very difficult.
‪그거는 현장을‬ ‪보지도 못한 사람들이‬The people who say that never saw the scene.
‪에, 상상으로 얘기를 한 거죠‬The people who say that never saw the scene. They are using their imagination.
‪절대 이 시체를‬ ‪밑에서 올려 가지고‬You can't lift up a dead body so easily.
‪살아 있는 사람도 올리지 못해‬You can't lift up anyone like that.
‪더군다나 시체를‬ ‪밑에서 올려서 그것을‬And they think someone lifted up the bodies? All 32 of them?
‪32개나 갖다 올려놓는다고?‬And they think someone lifted up the bodies? All 32 of them? No way.
‪천만의 말씀‬No way.
‪그건 전연 현장을‬ ‪보지 못한 사람의 얘기야‬That's coming from somebody who didn't see the scene.
‪그건 아예 믿지도 마세요‬That's coming from somebody who didn't see the scene. Don't listen to them.
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪(삼재) 내가 이제 현장에 올라가서‬ ‪가만히 보니까‬When I went into the ceiling,
‪이 엄지손가락 반 마디씩‬ ‪찢은 종이가‬I found small pieces of torn-up paper here and there with something written on them.
‪여기서 몇 개, 여기서 몇 개‬here and there with something written on them.
‪글씨가 쓰여 있는 거야‬here and there with something written on them. ENDURE
‪내 직감에‬ ‪'아, 이거다, 이거 이상한 거다'‬My gut told me there was something fishy. I thought that-- I decided to pick them up.
‪난 그런 거 찾으니까‬ ‪기어 다녔어요‬I thought that-- I decided to pick them up.
‪여기저기서 찾으니까‬They were everywhere
‪A4 용지 반 장짜리예요‬They formed half a sheet of paper.
‪다 주워 가지고‬ ‪사무실로 갖고 왔지‬I took the pieces carefully to my office.
‪갖고 와서 사무실에 가져와서‬I took the pieces carefully to my office. After I brought them in,
‪우리 여직원들이‬my female colleagues put them together in less than two hours.
‪2시간도 안 걸려 가지고‬ ‪딱 붙여 가지고 가져온 거야‬my female colleagues put them together in less than two hours.
‪아, 신기하데, 예?‬It was interesting.
‪그러니까 앞뒤로‬ ‪글씨 써 놓은 거야, 앞뒤로‬Something was written front and back.
‪아, 이제 이게 중요한 거예요‬Here's the important part of it.
‪(삼재)‬"Keep your mouth shut." "She's already unconscious."
‪(삼재)‬"She's already unconscious." "Five people have died in only four hours."
‪(삼재)‬"Just stay quiet." "I planned this out."
‪(삼재)‬"Endure it with his guidance."
‪(삼재)‬"I think everybody will die today."
‪아마 죽이는 과정이 아니겠느냐‬ ‪이렇게 생각하는 거예요‬I think they were in the process of murdering people.
‪[어두운 음악]‬[dramatic music]
‪(목격자) 그 전에 거기서 이제‬
‪계속 구타하는 소리가 들렸거든요‬I kept hearing noises of somebody being beaten. WITNESS AT THE SCENE
‪이런 걸 이렇게‬ ‪치는 소리가 들렸어요‬I heard sounds of something being hit, like this.
‪꽤 울고 그럴 때는‬When I heard them crying,
‪뭐, '서로 반성하나 보다'‬ ‪그렇게 생각을 했죠‬I just assumed that they were all repenting.
‪[무거운 음악]‬[intense music]
‪그 당시 32명이 죽었죠‬The 30-plus innocent people that died there
‪그분들은‬ ‪자기 자신의 재산뿐만 아니라‬The 30-plus innocent people that died there were all very important members of Five Oceans.
‪친척이나 지인들로부터‬were all very important members of Five Oceans. They collected a lot of money from their relatives and acquaintances.
‪(정재) 돈을 많이 끌어들인‬ ‪핵심 멤버였다고 하는‬They collected a lot of money from their relatives and acquaintances. LIST OF AGENTS That's what made them very important members of their community.
‪그런 공통점이 있었죠‬That's what made them very important members of their community.
‪거의 돈 모으는 수금자들이에요‬ ‪심부름하는‬FIVE OCEANS' TOTAL DEBT (ESTIMATED): 11 BILLION WON [Hyeon] All those people collected money for her, ran her errands.
‪오대양 박순자 여인의‬ ‪전체 채무액이‬Five Oceans' Park Soon-ja's total debt amounts to 11 billion won.
‪110억 원으로 집계됐고‬Five Oceans' Park Soon-ja's total debt amounts to 11 billion won.
‪(기자) 오대양에 모여 있는‬ ‪300여 명의 채권단은‬[man] 300 creditors gathered at Five Oceans.
‪오늘 오후 경찰이‬ ‪박 여인의 배후와 은닉 재산을‬[man] 300 creditors gathered at Five Oceans. During the meeting, they demanded that the police reveal
‪보다 정확하게 밝혀 줄 것을‬ ‪요구하며 농성을 벌였습니다‬the whereabouts of Park Soon-ja's hidden money. FIND THE HIDDEN MONEY
‪(지일) 이 사건의‬ ‪가장 중요한 본질은‬[Ji-il] One of the most important aspects of this case
‪누군가는 돈을 벌었고‬was that somebody had earned money
‪누군가는 돈을 빼앗겼는데‬while somebody else lost their money.
‪그 돈의 행방을‬ ‪알 수 없다는 거거든요‬But nobody knew where that money had gone.
‪[의문스러운 음악]‬ ‪자금을 동원해서 관리하는‬The police and the public were interested in investigating
‪인물에 대한‬The police and the public were interested in investigating
‪세간의 관심, 경찰의 조사가‬ ‪가장 중심적이었죠‬the person who was behind the mobilization of the Five Oceans' funds.
‪(앵커) 오대양 공장‬ ‪집단 변사 사건을‬[man] The detectives investigating the deaths at the Five Oceans factory
‪수사하고 있는 경찰은 오늘‬[man] The detectives investigating the deaths at the Five Oceans factory
‪박순자 씨의 남편 이기정 씨가‬[man] The detectives investigating the deaths at the Five Oceans factory confirmed that Park Soon-ja's husband, Lee Gi-jeong,
‪사건이 일어났던 지난 8월 29일‬confirmed that Park Soon-ja's husband, Lee Gi-jeong, was at the scene of the incident on August 29th from one to eight a.m.
‪새벽 1시부터 아침 8시까지‬was at the scene of the incident on August 29th from one to eight a.m.
‪사건 현장에 있었다는‬ ‪새로운 사실을 확인하고‬was at the scene of the incident on August 29th from one to eight a.m. They are now investigating whether or not Lee Gi-jeong
‪이 씨의 사건 관련 여부를‬ ‪집중 수사하고 있습니다‬was involved in the terrible deaths of 32 people.
‪충청남도 건설 국장이었었어요‬He was the director of the construction bureau in Chungcheongnam-do.
‪[시끌시끌하다]‬Excluding him, his entire family had died in Namsa-myeon.
‪(현) 아, 자신을 제외한‬ ‪모든 가족이‬Excluding him, his entire family had died in Namsa-myeon.
‪남사면에서 다 죽었어요‬Excluding him, his entire family had died in Namsa-myeon.
‪부인, 아들 둘, 딸 하나‬ ‪갑자기 온 가족이 다 없어지죠‬His wife, two sons, and one daughter, all his family was gone.
‪(기자) 맨 처음 사건 현장을‬ ‪발견하셨는데‬[man] You were the first to discover the scene. LEE GI-JEONG LOST ALL HIS FAMILY
‪그 경위를 좀 설명해 주십시오‬LEE GI-JEONG LOST ALL HIS FAMILY Can you tell us what happened?
‪(기정) [한숨 쉬며] 아이고‬[sighs] I don't know what to tell you.
‪뭐라고 말씀드릴 수가 없어요‬[sighs] I don't know what to tell you.
‪뭐, 자식들을 다 죽이고, 어?‬What can any man say…
‪안식구 죽인 사람이‬ ‪뭐, 무슨 얘기를 하겠습니까?‬when he has lost his entire family?
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪(정재) 이기정 씨에 대해서는‬ ‪사실 아직도 미스터리가 많죠‬[Jeong-jae] A lot of things about Gi-jeong are still a mystery.
‪'자기는 이 사건과 무관하다'‬"I wasn't involved at all."
‪그리고 뭐, 어…‬ ‪'자식을 잃은 피해자다'‬Then he said, "I'm also a victim who lost his children."
‪뭐, 이런 정도의 진술을‬ ‪했던 걸로 알고 있습니다‬"I'm also a victim who lost his children." That was his testimony.
‪(기자) 부인께서 그, 저‬ ‪사업을 하시는 거를 알고 계셨죠?‬[man] Did you know that your wife was running a business?
‪(기정) 아, 잘 몰랐어요‬[Gi-jeong] Not really.
‪(기자) 예, 부인께서…‬[man] So your wife…
‪(현) 몰랐다는 건 말이 안 돼요‬ ‪이기정이 몰랐다는 건‬[Hyeon] There's no way Gi-jeong didn't know about it.
‪근데 그 많은 돈을 받아들이고‬ ‪이자 내고 하려면‬It must have been a complicated process to receive all that money and pay the interest.
‪엄청 복잡했을 텐데‬to receive all that money and pay the interest.
‪뿐만 아니라 자식들이‬ ‪3명이 다 거기에서‬On top of that, all three of his children were involved.
‪어? 차장이니 뭐니 해 가며‬ ‪직책 받아 가며‬They had all these titles like "vice-chief."
‪근데 아버지가 모른다는 게‬ ‪말이 됩니까?‬It makes no sense that their father didn't know about it.
‪말이 안 되는 얘기지‬It makes no sense that their father didn't know about it.
‪(한성) 이기정이 그 양반은 아마‬ ‪주기적으로 온 것 같기도 해요‬LEE GI-JEONG, HUSBAND PARK SOON-JA, CEO OF FIVE OCEANS [Han-seong] Lee Gi-jeong visited the factory to get the products.
‪뭐, 상품 가지러‬I don't know where he took them,
‪뭐, 어디다가 가져가는가는 몰라도‬but I saw him leave with them a couple of times.
‪싣고 나가는 거 몇 번 봤고‬but I saw him leave with them a couple of times.
‪많은 사채를 끌어들인 건‬ ‪알았을 겁니다‬He probably knew they had borrowed a lot of money.
‪왜냐하면은‬He probably knew they had borrowed a lot of money.
‪(정재) 어…‬That's because, as far as I know,
‪사채 중의 일부가‬That's because, as far as I know, a part of those private loans had something to do
‪충청남도 도청‬ ‪공무원 부인 모임과‬a part of those private loans had something to do with the society of wives of Chungcheongnam-do's public officials.
‪관련 있는 걸로 전 알고 있습니다‬with the society of wives of Chungcheongnam-do's public officials.
‪[비밀스러운 음악]‬ ‪과연 남편이 몰랐을까?‬How could he not know?
‪(앵커) 경찰은 또 이번 사건‬ ‪해결의 실마리를 갖고 있는‬CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION DIVISION DETECTIVES [man] In order to arrest the 31-year-old Five Oceans manager Roh Sun-ho,
‪오대양 총무 33살‬ ‪노순호 씨를 검거하기 위해서‬[man] In order to arrest the 31-year-old Five Oceans manager Roh Sun-ho, who has crucial information to solve this case,
‪오늘 노 씨의 연고지인‬ ‪전라북도 임실로‬the police sent investigators to his hometown, Imsil-gun in Jeollanam-do.
‪수사대를 급파했습니다‬the police sent investigators to his hometown, Imsil-gun in Jeollanam-do.
‪[어두운 음악]‬the police sent investigators to his hometown, Imsil-gun in Jeollanam-do.
‪(현) 그러니까 돈 얻어 오고‬ ‪빌려 오고‬[Hyeon] Roh Sun-ho was responsible for writing a ledger
‪어디로 보내고 하는 걸 노순호가‬[Hyeon] Roh Sun-ho was responsible for writing a ledger
‪전부 다 책임을 지고‬ ‪그걸 장부를 정리를 했어요‬to keep track of the borrowed money and where it was going.
‪저뿐만 아니라 많은 사람들이‬ ‪이 사건의 키는‬It wasn't just me, other people also thought
‪노순호 총무과장이 일부‬ ‪쥐고 있지 않는가 생각을 했어요‬that Roh Sun-ho probably held the key to solving this case.
‪[개가 짖는 소리]‬[dog barking]
‪왔다고 인자 그르믄 아들도 읎고‬[man] What do you think? ROH SUN-HO'S MOTHER
‪그믄 인자 아주 기가 맥혀서, 내가‬ROH SUN-HO'S MOTHER This is unbelievable.
‪(남자) 어머니는 내가 갑자기‬ ‪그 양반한테…‬My son is gone. He's not here.
‪행방불명 시간이‬ ‪길어지면 길어질수록‬The longer Roh Sun-ho remained missing,
‪'노순호 씨가‬ ‪살아 있을 수 있는 가능성이'‬the chances of finding him alive and well were becoming increasingly slim.
‪'희박하다'라고 하는 생각을 했죠‬the chances of finding him alive and well were becoming increasingly slim.
‪(현) 갑자기 자수를 했어요, 6명이‬SIX KEY FIGURES IN THE FIVE OCEANS CASE TURN THEMSELVES IN [Hyeon] Six people turned themselves in.
‪살인을 한 거를 1년 반 뒤에‬Out of nowhere, they said that they had buried Roh Sun-ho.
‪'아, 우리가 살인했습니다' 하고‬ ‪나오는 일이라는 게 그게‬Out of nowhere, they said that they had buried Roh Sun-ho. It's very unusual for murderers to turn themselves in a year and a half later.
‪보통 일은 아니에요‬It's very unusual for murderers to turn themselves in a year and a half later.
‪[경찰차 사이렌]‬[siren blaring]
‪(앵커) 행방불명된 것으로‬ ‪알려졌던‬[man] Five Oceans' general manager, 32-year-old Roh Sun-ho
‪[영상 속 시끌시끌한 말소리]‬ ‪주식회사 오대양의 총무과장‬[man] Five Oceans' general manager, 32-year-old Roh Sun-ho
‪당시 32살 노순호 씨 등 3명은‬[man] Five Oceans' general manager, 32-year-old Roh Sun-ho who was missing, as well as two other accomplices,
‪사건이 나기 직전에‬who was missing, as well as two other accomplices, had been beaten and murdered by Five Oceans employees and followers
‪직원과 모 종파 신도들에게‬ ‪폭행당해서 숨진 뒤에‬had been beaten and murdered by Five Oceans employees and followers the day before the incident,
‪암매장됐던 것으로 밝혀졌습니다‬ ‪[영상 속 사람들의 탄식]‬the day before the incident, and got buried afterwards.
‪(현) 오대양의‬ ‪박순자의 직원이에요‬[Hyeon] They were Five Oceans', or Park Soon-ja's employees.
‪피해를 입은 가족들은‬ ‪정말 진심으로 죄송합니다‬LEE SE-YUN PERPETRATOR I'd like to apologize to the victims' families.
‪뭐, 저도 또한 피해자입니다마는‬ ‪어쨌든 간에‬I'd like to apologize to the victims' families. Even though I'm a victim as well.
‪죽은 그 사람들에 대해서‬In any case, I'd like to apologize to the victims' families.
‪가족들한테 정말로‬ ‪죄송하게 생각합니다‬In any case, I'd like to apologize to the victims' families.
‪[시끌시끌하다]‬[reporters clamoring]
‪[남자가 말한다]‬[wailing]
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪[울음을 삼킨다]‬ ‪[훌쩍인다]‬
‪[울먹이며] 세상 생때같은 놈‬He was so healthy and young. He didn't get the chance to live his life.
‪젊은 청춘에‬ ‪피어 보도 못하고 그렇게…‬He didn't get the chance to live his life.
‪[흐느낀다]‬ ‪[애잔한 음악]‬He didn't get the chance to live his life. God.
‪[연신 흐느낀다]‬
‪세상에, 마대 포대에다‬ ‪넣어서 또 묻었더라고‬They buried him in a filthy sack.
‪마대 포대에다가, 꺼낸 거 본 게로‬They buried him in a filthy sack. They didn't even take him out.
‪그렇게 해서‬ ‪오그려 잡아매서 묻었어, 이?‬They tied that sack and buried him.
‪그런 개죽음이 어디가 있어요?‬I can't believe he died like that.
‪얘가 배신하고 나오면‬ ‪아무리 입을 막는다고 해도‬If he had left, no matter how much they tried to silence him,
‪저기, 탄로가 나게 돼 있잖아요‬If he had left, no matter how much they tried to silence him, he would have exposed them, and that's why they killed him, so he couldn't do that.
‪[어두운 음악]‬ ‪그러니까 못 나가게‬ ‪아예 죽여 버린 거지‬and that's why they killed him, so he couldn't do that.
‪(기자) 검찰은 오대양 설립 이후‬[man] Authorities revealed that Five Oceans accumulated debt
‪끌어모은 부채가‬ ‪108억 원에 달하자‬[man] Authorities revealed that Five Oceans accumulated debt of 10.8 billion won.
‪위기의식을 느낀‬ ‪총무과장 노순호가‬of 10.8 billion won. Roh Sun-ho planned to leave the company
‪이탈 움직임을 보이자 집단 폭행해‬Roh Sun-ho planned to leave the company after anticipating an impending crisis.
‪암매장하는 사태에까지‬ ‪이르렀다고 밝혔습니다‬after anticipating an impending crisis. But he ended up killed and buried.
‪그 자수한 사람들은‬ ‪[숨을 씁 들이켠다]‬Why did those people turn themselves in?
‪왜 자수했을까?‬Why did those people turn themselves in?
‪1년 이상 조직적이고 치밀한‬They planned to turn themselves in for over a year
‪자수 연습을 해 온 사실이‬ ‪드러났습니다‬They planned to turn themselves in for over a year in a meticulous fashion.
‪그, 경찰을 데려다가‬Some police officers coached them on how to turn themselves in.
‪자수 훈련을 시켰다고 그래요‬Some police officers coached them on how to turn themselves in.
‪'아무 관계가 없다고 시인을 해라'‬"Say that you aren't connected to Five Oceans, but the Salvation Sect."
‪고백을 하라고 훈련을 시켰대‬"Say that you aren't connected to Five Oceans, but the Salvation Sect." That's what they told them to say. A police officer trained them.
‪경찰관을 통해서‬That's what they told them to say. A police officer trained them.
‪(앵커) 자수 모임에서 모든 것은‬ ‪오대양 박순자 씨가 시켰고‬[man] It was revealed that the group was forced to confess that Park Soon-ja had made them do everything…
‪구원파와 오대양 사건과는‬that Park Soon-ja had made them do everything… NO RELATION TO THE MASS DEATHS
‪관계없다고 진술할 것을‬ ‪강요한 것으로 밝혀졌습니다‬NO RELATION TO THE MASS DEATHS …and that the Five Oceans incident had nothing to do with the Salvation Sect.
‪(현) 그 6명이 나와서 '죽였다'‬[Hyeon] The six of them said they were followers of the Salvation Sect.
‪근데 걔들은‬ ‪구원파란 얘기예요, 왜?‬[Hyeon] The six of them said they were followers of the Salvation Sect.
‪그놈들이 오대양에 와서‬ ‪왜 괜히 살인을 하겠어?‬Why would they kill people from Five Oceans?
‪구원파 측은 그 6명의 자수자들이‬The Salvation Sect said that the six men who confessed
‪구원파 신도가 아니라‬The Salvation Sect said that the six men who confessed were not actual followers,
‪이미 구원파에서 이탈한‬ ‪전 신도라고 주장을 했습니다‬were not actual followers, but previous members who had already left the Sect.
‪그 당시에 현장에서‬ ‪찍어 온 영상 중에‬In the videos filmed at the scene,
‪(영석) '삼우도 지금‬ ‪고통받고 있답니다'라는 메모지는‬there was a note that said "Samwoo is suffering too."
‪검찰 수사팀에게도‬ ‪참고 자료로 제출이 돼서‬That note was submitted as reference material. It was used as evidence.
‪어, 증거 자료로 채택된 것으로‬The investigators took care of it.
‪그때 나왔던 그…‬One of the clues that they found back then was Samwoo's business
‪단서 중의 하나가‬ ‪바로 삼우트레이딩입니다‬One of the clues that they found back then was Samwoo's business
‪(정재) 가수원 공장에‬ ‪들어가서 보니까‬When I went into the Five Oceans factory in Gasuwon…
‪온통 삼우트레이딩이었어요‬FIVE OCEANS TRADING CO., LTD. …everything was Samwoo Trading Company.
‪(피디) 삼우트레이딩은‬ ‪누구의 회사였죠?‬Who owned Samwoo Trading Company?
‪유병언이 창업한 회사죠‬Yoo Byeong-un, the CEO of Semo.
‪세모의 유병언 사장이‬We thought he might be the de facto leader of the Salvation Sect.
‪실질적인 기독교 구원파의‬ ‪교주가 아니었느냐‬We thought he might be the de facto leader of the Salvation Sect. That was our best guess.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬ ‪[시끌시끌하다]‬[shouting]
‪[요란한 카메라 셔터음]‬[shouting] [camera shutters clicking]
‪(영상 속 동섭) 교인들은 유 씨를‬ ‪사장님이라고 부르지마는‬[man] Although church followers refer to Mr. Yoo as "president",
‪일부 추종 신도들은‬[man] Although church followers refer to Mr. Yoo as "president",
‪유병언 씨를‬ ‪'살아 있는 예수', '메시아'‬most of them call him "the living Jesus," "Messiah,"
‪또는 '살아 있는 성령'으로‬ ‪추앙하고 있습니다‬or even "the Holy Spirit."
‪이끄는 지도자 입장에서‬
‪구심점이 필요하다고 해서‬ ‪시작한 것이 사업이에요‬Because he was a leader, he needed a solid foundation,
‪돈이 필요하잖아요‬so he started a business.
‪(동섭) 돈을 갖다가‬He needed money. But making money by receiving offerings from time to time could only go so far.
‪헌금으로다가 하는 거는‬ ‪한계가 있는 거야‬But making money by receiving offerings from time to time could only go so far.
‪그러니까 이제 어떻게 됐느냐면은‬But making money by receiving offerings from time to time could only go so far.
‪부도 직전에 있는 삼우트레이딩‬So, what happened was, he took over Samwoo Trading Company
‪그 회사를 인수해 가지고‬So, what happened was, he took over Samwoo Trading Company which was on the verge of bankrupcy,
‪광주, 대구, 부산, 대전‬which was on the verge of bankrupcy, then he appointed some followers
‪이런 주요 도시에‬ ‪목돈을 모금을 해 가지고‬then he appointed some followers to collect and gather money for him
‪유병언한테 갖다 바치는‬in major cities like Gwangju,
‪직분자를‬ ‪임명을 하는 거예요, 이렇게‬Daegu, Busan, and Daejeon.
‪박순자는 이제‬ ‪대전 지역을 담당했던‬Park Soon-ja was in charge of collecting private loans in the Daejeon area.
‪어, 사채 모금 책임자였는데‬Park Soon-ja was in charge of collecting private loans in the Daejeon area.
‪그, 유병언에게 이제 이용당했던‬Park Soon-ja was in charge of collecting private loans in the Daejeon area. So, basically, she was just one of Yoo Byeong-un's minions.
‪하나의 하수인에 불과했다‬So, basically, she was just one of Yoo Byeong-un's minions. He was just using her.
‪(지일) 사건 현장에서 발견된‬[Ji-il] Judging by Yoo Byeong-un's notes,
‪'알파에서 오메가까지'라는‬[Ji-il] Judging by Yoo Byeong-un's notes, or his sermons, From Alpha to Omega, discovered at the scene,
‪유병언의 설교집이나‬ ‪메모들을 봤을 때‬or his sermons, From Alpha to Omega, discovered at the scene, it's safe to assume that Five Oceans was a company
‪'오대양은 종교로 가장해'‬it's safe to assume that Five Oceans was a company
‪'사채를 끌어들이는‬ ‪역할을 했던 회사였다'‬it's safe to assume that Five Oceans was a company pretending to be a religious group, but was actually just collecting private loans for him.
‪이렇게 보는 게 합리적인 시각이죠‬but was actually just collecting private loans for him.
‪(동섭) 이제 이 돈거래를‬ ‪유병언한테‬[Dong-seop] She didn't transfer the money directly to Yoo Byeong-un.
‪직접 이렇게 하는 게 아니고‬[Dong-seop] She didn't transfer the money directly to Yoo Byeong-un.
‪그, 송재화라고 있었어요‬There was another person named Song Jay-hwa.
‪송재화가 이제 비서예요, 비서‬There was another person named Song Jay-hwa. She was his assistant. She was his closest assistant.
‪제일 가까운 자금 비서지‬ ‪말하자면‬She was his assistant. She was his closest assistant.
‪(지일) 송재화라고 하는 인물은‬Song Jae-hwa was the link between Samwoo Trading Company and Five Oceans.
‪오대양과 삼우트레이딩을‬ ‪연결하는 연결 고리로서‬Song Jae-hwa was the link between Samwoo Trading Company and Five Oceans.
‪유병언의 자금 모집책 역할을‬ ‪했던 것으로 보입니다‬She's the one who collected funds for Byeong-un.
‪(재화)‬SONG JAE-HWA YOO BYEONG-UN'S SECRETARY, RECRUITER [Jae-hwa] If we get to know Mr. Yoo, just mentally and intellectually,
‪(재화)‬[Jae-hwa] If we get to know Mr. Yoo, just mentally and intellectually, and realize that he's a wise man, we'll stop opposing God's work
‪(재화)‬and start to blindly follow whatever he does. So I say to all of you,
‪(재화)‬So I say to all of you, we must follow and obey him without hesitation or question.
‪[차분한 음악]‬
‪유병언이가 거기에 대해서‬ ‪책임을 지고‬Of course Yoo Byeong-un didn't take responsibility and go to jail.
‪자기가 감옥에 간다든가‬ ‪그런 일은 없어‬Of course Yoo Byeong-un didn't take responsibility and go to jail.
‪그거를 전부‬Of course Yoo Byeong-un didn't take responsibility and go to jail. He blamed everything on Song Jay-hwa.
‪송재화한테 책임을 떠넘겨 가지고‬He blamed everything on Song Jay-hwa.
‪[카메라 셔터음]‬ ‪(재화) [악쓰며]‬-[Jay-hwa] Stop it! -[man] What are you doing?
‪- (남자1) 왜 이래!‬ ‪- (여자1) 아휴, 진짜‬-[Jay-hwa] Stop it! -[man] What are you doing?
‪(여자2) 아이, 씨!‬ ‪[우당탕거리는 소리]‬
‪(재화) 어휴, 진짜 왜 그래요?‬ ‪[연신 시끌시끌하다]‬[Jae-hwa yelling]
‪(재화) [악쓰며]‬Can you do this later? I have to go!
‪- (여자3) 왜 이래!‬ ‪- (남자2) 하지 말아요‬Can you do this later? I have to go!
‪[남자2의 탄성]‬ ‪(재화)‬I said I'm not going to say anything about it!
‪(앵커) 송 여인은‬ ‪오대양 대표 박순자 씨와‬[man] Ms. Song may be the crucial link that will explain
‪세모 유병언 사장‬[man] Ms. Song may be the crucial link that will explain
‪그리고 구원파의 얽히고설킨‬ ‪상관관계를 풀어 줄‬the complicated relationship between Five Oceans' CEO, Park Soon-ja,
‪결정적인 연결 고리로‬ ‪파악되고 있습니다‬Semo's CEO, Yoo Byeong-un, and the Salvation Sect.
‪(기자) 정말 광주에서‬[reporter] Did you try to collect loans in Gwangju?
‪[요란한 카메라 셔터음]‬ ‪- (기자)‬ ‪- (재화)‬[reporter] Did you try to collect loans in Gwangju? [Jae-hwa] No, I didn't.
‪[남자들이 만류한다]‬ ‪(기자)‬[reporter] You want to say anything?
‪[남자들의 서두르는 말소리]‬
‪박순자가 목돈을 이렇게 내서‬If Park Soon-ja collected a large amount of money,
‪10억, 20억 이렇게 되면은‬If Park Soon-ja collected a large amount of money, one or two billion won, she sent it to Song Jay-hwa.
‪(동섭) 요거를 송재화한테‬ ‪송금을 하는 거지‬one or two billion won, she sent it to Song Jay-hwa. PARK SOON-JA, DAEJEON DEVELOPMENT EXPENSES (PRIVATE LOANS)
‪그러면은 유병언한테‬ ‪보낸 거나 마찬가지지‬After sending the money to Yoo Byeong-un… SONG JAE-HWA GENERAL MANAGER OF FUNDRAISING
‪그럼 유병언이가 그거를‬ ‪회사 운영에 쓰는 거지, 그렇죠?‬SONG JAE-HWA GENERAL MANAGER OF FUNDRAISING …he would use that money to run his company. He called that money "development expenses." [laughs]
‪그래서 그거를 뭐냐면‬He called that money "development expenses." [laughs]
‪개발비 명목으로 항상‬ ‪[웃음]‬He called that money "development expenses." [laughs] He even labeled the church offerings as "development expenses."
‪그러니까 헌금을 하든‬ ‪뭐, 이거를 전부 개발비라고 해서‬He even labeled the church offerings as "development expenses."
‪바치는 거죠‬That's it.
‪'반대다, 완전 도전이다'‬"I disagree." "I completely object."
‪(삼재) 이 위에서 이제 주운‬ ‪메모지 쪼가리입니다‬"I completely object." This is a note that I got from the ceiling.
‪[어두운 음악]‬ ‪(삼재)‬This is a note that I got from the ceiling. NOTE FOUND AT THE SCENE OF THE MASS DEATH CASE "If you pass it on, the development expenses will increase." "Keep quiet."
‪(삼재)‬"Keep quiet." "Keep your mouth shut."
‪(기자)‬[man] They said that you used the money for your own company. That never happened. It never did.
‪(기자) 오대양의 박순자 씨가‬ ‪송재화 여인을 통해‬EXPENSE REPORT FIVE OCEANS CO., LTD. [man] It's been confirmed through check tracking,
‪세모 측에 사채 자금을‬ ‪보낸 사실이‬[man] It's been confirmed through check tracking, Park Soon-ja sent money from her private loans
‪수표 추적으로 확인됐고‬Park Soon-ja sent money from her private loans to Semo via Song Jae-hwa.
‪또 유병언 사장이 사채 모금을‬ ‪직접 주도한 사실이‬to Semo via Song Jae-hwa. It was revealed that Yoo Byeong-un collected the loans. PAYMENT PLAN FOR LEE GI-JEONG
‪(영석) 그 당시 검찰의, 뭐‬ ‪수표 추적, 계좌 추적으로 해서‬[Yeong-suk] The prosecutors tracked down their accounts. FIVE OCEANS CO., LTD. PARK SOON-JA
‪최종적으로 법정에서는‬In the end, the court acknowledged 460 million won
‪4억 6천만 원이‬ ‪건네진 것으로 인정이 됐습니다‬In the end, the court acknowledged 460 million won had been transferred between them.
‪약속 어음에 보면은‬Between both CEOs. With the promissory notes, some were signed by Park Soon-ja,
‪박순자 씨가 이서한 것도 있고‬With the promissory notes, some were signed by Park Soon-ja,
‪유병언 씨가 또, 어…‬With the promissory notes, some were signed by Park Soon-ja,
‪이서한 것도 있습니다‬ ‪남아 있는데‬and some were signed by Yoo Byeong-un.
‪이 '용주'가 박순자 씨 동생인데‬Yong-ju is Park Soon-ja's younger sister.
‪갔다 왔다는 거 아니에요‬ ‪채무 변제 좀 해 달…‬It says that Yong-ju went there to ask for the debt repayment.
‪'시달린다, 우리가'‬It says that Yong-ju went there to ask for the debt repayment.
‪삼우트레이딩 찾아간 게 뭐냐면은‬She went to Samwoo Trading Company and asked for their debt to be repaid.
‪채무 변제 요청을 한 거예요‬She went to Samwoo Trading Company and asked for their debt to be repaid.
‪그러니까 거기에 대한 답변이‬ ‪'야, 우리도 회사 어려워'‬And the response was that the other company was suffering too.
‪그러니까 이제‬ ‪이걸 써서 올린 거예요‬And the response was that the other company was suffering too. So they gave the note to Park Soon-ja in the ceiling.
‪'삼우도 지금 무척‬ ‪고통을 받고 있답니다'‬So they gave the note to Park Soon-ja in the ceiling.
‪위에다가, 천장에다가, 박순자한테‬ ‪[안타까운 음악]‬So they gave the note to Park Soon-ja in the ceiling. "Samwoo is suffering too."
‪(검사장) 마지막으로‬ ‪기대를 걸었던‬THE PROSECUTION'S FINAL ANNOUNCEMENT When Park Soon-ja realized her last hope, Samwoo, wouldn't help her,
‪삼우 측으로부터의‬When Park Soon-ja realized her last hope, Samwoo, wouldn't help her,
‪지원 가능성도 없음이 명백해지자‬When Park Soon-ja realized her last hope, Samwoo, wouldn't help her, Park Soon-ja and her fervent followers decided
‪박순자는 자기를 맹신, 추종하는‬to take their own lives together, in the ceiling of the factory,
‪다른 변사자들의 동의를 얻어‬to take their own lives together, in the ceiling of the factory, because their debts couldn't be repaid, and she was desperate.
‪함께 집단 자살 하기로‬ ‪결정한 다음에…‬because their debts couldn't be repaid, and she was desperate.
‪(동섭) 이제 개발비 명목으로‬ ‪유병언한테 갖다 바쳤는데‬She gave the money to Byeong-un as development expenses.
‪채무자들이‬She gave the money to Byeong-un as development expenses.
‪그, 원금과 이자를 갚으라고 할 때‬But when the creditors asked her to pay them back with interest,
‪그거를 갚지를 못하니까‬she couldn't do it.
‪막 쫓기고‬So… they ran away.
‪어, 그러다가‬They decided to run and hide,
‪숨고 도망 다니고 하다가‬They decided to run and hide, and that's how they ended up getting murdered or committing suicide in Yongin.
‪용인에 오대양으로 도망가 가지고‬and that's how they ended up getting murdered or committing suicide in Yongin.
‪집단 자살, 타살한 것이 아닌가‬and that's how they ended up getting murdered or committing suicide in Yongin. Well, at least, that's how I see things, but again, it's just my opinion.
‪예, 그렇게 저는 보고 있습니다‬Well, at least, that's how I see things, but again, it's just my opinion.
‪(피디)‬[producer] If you look at the notes Park Soon-ja exchanged with the people below the ceiling,
‪(피디) '사장님이 도와주시면‬ ‪일이 해결될 수 있다'‬they say "Once the CEO shows up, things will be solved."
‪(피디)‬Which CEO is that?
‪(영석) 유병언 씨와‬ ‪박순자 씨의 관계‬[Yeong-suk] At the time, the court didn't have any evidence on Yoo Byeong-un
‪또 유병언 씨가‬ ‪집단 자살이냐, 타살이냐‬[Yeong-suk] At the time, the court didn't have any evidence on Yoo Byeong-un and his relationship with Park Soon-ja,
‪여기에 관여를 했는가는‬and his relationship with Park Soon-ja, and didn't know if Yoo Byeong-un
‪뚜렷한 증거는 그때 법정에서‬ ‪밝혀지지 못했어요‬and didn't know if Yoo Byeong-un had played a role in the mass suicide-homicide .
‪박순자 씨가 모금한 돈‬ ‪4억 6천여만 원이‬The fact that Park Soon-ja had collected millions and sent them to Yoo Byeong-un
‪유병언의 회사로 유입된 사실은‬ ‪수사 과정에서 인정됐습니다‬The fact that Park Soon-ja had collected millions and sent them to Yoo Byeong-un was acknowledged during the investigation. But Yoo Byeong-un wasn't punished because Park Soon-ja had died
‪하지만 박순자 씨의 사망으로 인해‬But Yoo Byeong-un wasn't punished because Park Soon-ja had died during the tragedy of the Five Oceans incident, so the link was lost.
‪유병언은 오대양과 관련된‬ ‪처벌은 받지 않았습니다‬during the tragedy of the Five Oceans incident, so the link was lost.
‪다만 송재화 등‬Yoo Byeong-un ended up being charged only for fraud
‪다른 모집책들이‬ ‪거두어들인 돈에 대한‬Yoo Byeong-un ended up being charged only for fraud in relation to the money he received from Song Jae-hwa.
‪(지일) 상습 사기 혐의가 적용돼‬in relation to the money he received from Song Jae-hwa.
‪최종적으론 징역 4년을‬ ‪선고받았습니다‬in relation to the money he received from Song Jae-hwa. He was sentenced to four years in prison.
‪[카메라 셔터음]‬ ‪(기자)‬[reporter] Do you know Park Soon-ja?
‪(남자) 자, 직원들 집행해요‬[reporter] Do you know Park Soon-ja? No more questions, please.
‪[카메라 셔터음]‬
‪[애잔한 음악]‬
‪(현) 무조건 미제죠‬[Hyeon] This is definitely a cold case.
‪왜 그러냐 하면‬ ‪완전히 잘 마무리되려면‬[Hyeon] This is definitely a cold case. In order for this case to be solved,
‪자살을 했다는 동기나 모든 것이‬ ‪정확하게 나와야 되고‬In order for this case to be solved, the reasons for the mass suicide must become clear.
‪(정재) 다만 그 배경이‬ ‪종교이기 때문에‬[Jeong-jae] As this case has a religious background,
‪만약에 자살이라고 한다면‬[Jeong-jae] As this case has a religious background, if they did commit suicide,
‪강요된 자살일 가능성이‬ ‪높다고 난 봐요‬if they did commit suicide, it's likely that they were forced to do it.
‪거기서 내가 죽지 않으면은‬it's likely that they were forced to do it. If they hadn't died there, they would have experienced something much worse.
‪뭔가는 더 큰‬ ‪어떠한 뭔가를 당할 수 있는‬If they hadn't died there, they would have experienced something much worse.
‪(삼재) 아주 억울한 사람들이야‬[Sam-jae] They didn't deserve that.
‪이런 사람들이 이렇게‬ ‪여기에 걸려들어 가지고‬[Sam-jae] They didn't deserve that. Those people got tangled up in all this mess.
‪볼 때마다 불쌍한 거야‬ ‪죽은 사람들‬Those people got tangled up in all this mess. I feel so bad for all of them.
‪(현) 간 영혼들‬ ‪보살피기 위해서라도‬[Hyeon] Somebody has to spill tears of repentance
‪누구든지 참회의 눈물을‬ ‪흘려야 돼요‬[Hyeon] Somebody has to spill tears of repentance in order to soothe their souls.
‪(정재) 기자라는 직업을 떠나서‬ ‪인간적으로는‬[Jeong-jae] Looking back at my work as a journalist and the toll it took on me as a human being,
‪제 어떤 그, 삶의 트라우마로‬ ‪남아 있습니다, 아직도‬and the toll it took on me as a human being, that incident was traumatic for me.
‪(삼재) 저승에 가서는‬ ‪잘들 살아, 아이고‬[Sam-jae] I hope you're all happy in the afterlife.

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