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  일타 스캔들 13

Crash Course in Romance 13




웬일이에요 시간에?

Why are you here at this hour?

아니지나가는 길에 ‪줄이 엄청 길길래 맛집인가 해서

I saw this long line outside a donut shop and got curious.

‪- [행선의 놀란 소리] ‪- 간식으로  드시라고

I saw this long line outside a donut shop and got curious. Here's a snack for you.

‪-  그래도  땡겼는데 ‪- [치열진짜?

-I was actually craving something sweet. -Really?

‪[놀라며우아엄청 맛있겠다

Wow, they look delicious!

‪- 맛있겠죠? ‪- [행선

-Don't they? -Yes.

냄새 너무 좋아요

They smell so good.

‪[희재 사람을 죽인 사람은

Someone else killed him.

따로 있어요

Someone else killed him.


I'm a witness.

‪[판사사건을 목격했다는 건가요?

Do you mean you witnessed the murder?

‪- [마이크 조작음] ‪- 재판장님잠깐 휴정을

Your Honor, let's briefly adjourn--



‪- 제가 쫓아갔어요 ‪- [어두운 음악]

I followed him.

‪[고양이 울음]

‪[희재제가 먹이를 주는 ‪길고양이들이 있었는데

I used to feed some stray cats.

언제부턴가 걔들이

But all of a sudden,

죽거나 다치기 시작했어요

they started to get killed or injured…

‪[잘그랑거리는 소리]

누군가가  쇠구슬에 맞아서

by metal balls shot by someone.

‪[의미심장한 효과음]

 범인을 잡으려고 ‪주변을 계속 왔다 갔다 했었는데

So I was patrolling the area to catch the culprit.

‪[고양이 울음]

‪[긴장되는 음악]

‪[이상의 다급한 숨소리]

‪[이상의 힘겨운 신음]

‪[ 닫히는 소리]

‪[긴박한 음악]

‪[이상나한테  이러는 거야

Why are you doing this to me?

‪- 오지 ! ‪- [쨍그랑 깨지는 소리]

Don't come near me! Don't come near me!

오지 오지 

Don't come near me!

하지 하지 !

Please don't do this.

‪[이상의 거친 숨소리]

‪[ 소리]

‪- [희재의 가쁜 숨소리] ‪- [긴장되는 효과음]

‪[음산한 음악]

‪[희재의 거친 숨소리]

‪[무거운 효과음]

‪[판사그래서 ‪범인의 얼굴을 봤나요?

So? Did you see the culprit's face?

얼굴은  봤어요 ‪모자를 눌러쓰고 있어서

No. His cap was pulled over his face.

‪- [희재근데 ‪- [어두운 음악]


 목을 잡은 

the hands that were choking me

하얗고  손이었고

were long and white.

검지 부분에

And his index finger

굳은살그런  느껴졌어요

was calloused.

‪- 굳은살이요? ‪- [희재

-"Calloused"? -Yes.

‪[희재아주아주 딱딱하고 거친 ‪굳은살이었어요

It was extremely hard and rough. Can you look at question number four?

‪[동희선생님이거 ‪4 문제  번만  주세요

Can you look at question number four?

‪- 이거 여기 -2 아니라 ‪- [치열

I think this should be two,

‪[동희이거 ‪그냥 2 가야 되지 않아요?

not negative two.

‪- [음산한 효과음] ‪- [치열그래그럼 2 

‪[판사피의자 진술이 ‪꽤나 구체적인데

The suspect's account is pretty detailed.

수사가   부분입니까?

Wasn't this investigated beforehand?

‪[검사사전엔… [헛기침]

He hasn't…

이런 진술은 없었습니다

talked about this before.


Your Honor.

‪[서진경찰은 명백한 증거도 없이 ‪초기 수사 단계부터

From early on, the police suspected my client

피의자를 용의자로 특정하고

without any solid evidence.

편견에 입각하여 ‪꿰어 맞추기식 수사를 하였으며

And they remained prejudiced throughout the investigation.

정신적으로 불안한 ‪피의자를 압박하여

They also pressured my mentally unstable client

진실을 말할  없는 ‪분위기를 조성하였습니다

into remaining silent about the truth.

범죄 혐의의 증명이 없으므로

As my client has not been proven guilty,

구속 영장 기각 결정을 ‪요청하는 바입니다

I ask you to dismiss the arrest warrant request.

‪- [학교 종소리] ‪- 다들  내리고

All right. Pens down, everyone.

‪[종렬답안지만 앞으로 넘긴다

Pass your answer sheets forward.

‪[학생남해이 ?

READING SECTION Hae-e, what are you doing?

‪[해이의 한숨]

‪[종렬중간고사 보느라 ‪고생들 했고

All right. Great job, everyone.

시험 끝났다고 ‪너무 돌아다니지들 말고

I know midterms are over, but don't stay out too late.

오늘 종례 없다이상

That's all from me. Dismissed.

‪[학생들의 박수와 환호성]

‪[학생들의 떠드는 소리]

‪[단지해방이다놀자꾸나 ‪얼씨구나

We're free! Let's party! -I aced it. -I'm so happy.

‪[해이선재야나랑 얘기  

Sun-jae. We need to talk. Hae-e, a word?

‪[수아남해이 ‪나랑 얘기  

Hae-e, a word?

‪- [한숨] ‪- [해이선재

-Sun-jae-- -Come. We need to talk.

‪[수아어디 ? ‪얘기  하자는데

-Sun-jae-- -Come. We need to talk.

무슨 얘기?

About what?

어제 수학 시험

How come you're the only one who got a perfect score in math?

어떻게 너만  맞아전교에서?

How come you're the only one who got a perfect score in math?

‪[수아주관식 2, 2 박선주 ‪4 홍정아도 틀렸다는데

The second short answer question even threw off Seon-ju and Jeong-a.

어떻게 너만 맞냐고

So how did you get it right?

학원 모고에도  나온 문제를

It wasn't even on the academy's practice exam.

풀어서 맞지 어떻게 맞아이거 

What do you think? I solved it. Let go of me.

‪[해이의 한숨]

Choi Chi-yeol and our homeroom teacher have been friends since college.

최치열이랑 담임이랑 ‪대학교  친구였다며?

Choi Chi-yeol and our homeroom teacher have been friends since college.

구린  오고   아니야?

Choi Chi-yeol and our homeroom teacher have been friends since college. Did they strike a deal?


How can you…

‪[한숨 쉬며시험 때문에 ‪스트레스받은  같은데

You must be stressed out by the exams.

가서 잠이나 

Just go home and sleep.

‪[수아… ‪니가 뭔데 잠이나 자래

Who are you to tell me what to do?

‪- 니가 뭔데? ‪- [해이의 비명]

Who are you to tell me what to do?

‪- [단지뭐야? ‪- [수아니가 뭔데 잠이나 자래!

-Who do you think you are? -Hey!

‪[단지 이래 이래 ‪ 이래 이래 이래

-Who do you think you are? -Hey! -What's going on? -Su-a! -What's wrong? -Let her go!

‪[건후 이래

-What's wrong? -Let her go!


-Are you okay, Hae-e? -What's with you?

‪- [건후 그래? ‪- [단지

-Are you okay, Hae-e? -What's with you? Hey!

‪- [건후괜찮아? ‪- [단지해이야

-Are you okay? -Hae-e!

‪- [해이진짜… ‪- [단지


‪- [가쁜 숨소리] ‪- [차분한 음악]

‪[통화 연결음]

‪[옅은 탄성]

‪[영주행선의 탄성]


-It's so sweet. -Right?


-It's so sweet. -Right?

‪[행선의 웃음]

‪[영주아주  본인 마음 같은  ‪ 오셨네?

Is he the sweetest man in the world or what?

이런   먹어도

But he didn't have to.

아침부터 아주 그냥 ‪둘이 보기만 해도

Just seeing him this morning seemed to give you a sugar rush.

당수치가  오르더만?

Just seeing him this morning seemed to give you a sugar rush.


You saw that?

‪[영주그럼  유리가 ‪특수 유리도 아니고

We have windows, you fool.

훤히 보이는 데서 ‪아주 꽁냥꽁냥 염장을 그냥

You two seemed so lovey-dovey that I got jealous.

근데 도너츠맛있네

You two seemed so lovey-dovey that I got jealous. Anyway, this donut is really good.

‪- 그렇지? ‪- [영주

I know.

‪[행선의 놀란 소리]


Thank you.

‪[발랄한 음악]


It's hot.

‪[행선그러게 조심  하지 ‪아무튼급하긴

You should've been careful. Slow down.


I'm fine.


Hold on.

뭐지 분위기?

What's going on here?

남재우 영주한테 ‪ 잘못한  있어?

Do you owe her something, Jae-woo?



아닌  아닌데

I think you do.



  약점 잡고 ‪협박한  아니야?

Do you have something on him?

‪- 아니? ‪- [재우아니야그런  아니야

-No. -It's not like that!

영주 누나한테 그러지  ‪남행선 누나!

Leave Yeong-ju alone, Haeng-seon!


What did I do?


-You… -Right.

‪[재우밖에 주차 금지 ‪세우는  깜빡했다

-You… -Right. I forgot to put up the no parking sign.

‪- [출입문 종소리] ‪- [행선 새끼저거  

What's with that brat?

‪[영주 저래?

No idea.

아유 시려

No idea. Gosh, it's cold.

‪[출입문 종소리]



  자꾸  눈치 보냐?

Why are you walking on eggshells around me?

‪[재우아닌데 눈치  보는데

No, I'm not.

‪[영주보잖아 자식아!

No, I'm not. You are, you little brat.

남행선  둔텡이도 ‪눈치를 채는데

Even that dull Haeng-seon caught on.

 설마 어제  때문에 그래?

Is this about yesterday?



어제는 내가  실수한  같아

I think I made a mistake yesterday.

징그럽다고 얘기한 거는 ‪그런 뜻이 아니고

What I meant by "gross" was…


Come on.

아니 술김에 찔러본  갖고 ‪신경을 쓰냐

It was the alcohol talking. Don't dwell on it.

누나 몰라?

Don't you know how I am?

생각 없고 즉흥적이고

I'm careless and whimsical.

남자면 에브리바디 오케이!

And I like all men.

그건 아는데

I know that, but…


You take everything too seriously.

매사에 아무튼 ‪시리어스해 가지고

You take everything too seriously.

어쩌면 좋니너를?

What should I do with you?

그러지 하던 대로 해라

Stop it. Just go back to normal.


Hey, Jae-woo.


This is a warning.

‪[ 차는 소리]

‪[출입문 종소리]

‪[ 닫히는 소리]

‪[옅은 한숨]

 진작   했어?

Why didn't you tell me sooner?

법정에서  입장이 뭐가 되니?

You made a fool of me in court.

묻지도 않았잖아

You never asked.

‪- ? ‪- [희재처음부터 의심했잖아

-What? -You suspected me from the beginning.


Like those cops.

‪[무거운 음악]

‪[서진어디  저쪽에 있어

Where are you going? The car's that way.


‪[휴대전화 진동음]


Hi, Sun-jae.

‪- [문소리] ‪- [도어  작동음]

대체  어떻게  거예요엄마!

What on earth did you do, Mom?

‪[서진목소리 낮춰

Lower your voice.

 주변에 광고할  있니?

-You want everyone to find out? -Mom.


-You want everyone to find out? -Mom.

‪[서진그래서 답안지는 ‪ 체크해서  거야?

Did you double-check your answer sheets?

설마 실수 같은    아니지?

I hope you didn't make any mistakes.

‪[선재의 한숨]

‪[선재지금 그게 중요해요?

That's not the point.

 엄마가 풀어 보라고  ‪ 기출문제랑 시험 문제랑

The exam questions were exactly the same as the ones you had given me!

어떻게 그렇게 똑같을  있냐고요 ‪1번부터  번까지!

The exam questions were exactly the same as the ones you had given me! Down to a T!

‪[서진그래 짐작이 맞아

It's what you think it is.

그래서 제대로 공부하라고

Even after I told you to study hard

 이번에 국어 1등급 놓치면 ‪절대로  된다고

and get Level 1 in Language Arts at all costs,

그렇게 얘길 했는데

and get Level 1 in Language Arts at all costs,

‪[선재의 한숨]

you couldn't focus.

니가 집중을  해서

you couldn't focus.

‪[선재의 탄식]

‪[선재그렇다고 엄마 ‪어떻게

Still, how could you…

아니이건 아니잖아요이건 ‪이건 반칙이잖아요엄마!

This isn't right. This is cheating, Mom!

그럼 반칙을 하게 하질 말든지!

This is cheating, Mom! You gave me no choice!

 상태가  모양인데

You had your head in the clouds.

나더러  어쩌라고

So what else could I do?

 이번에 수시정시 ‪  놓치면  되는  몰라?

You must nail both early and regular admissions.

‪- 몰라서 그래? ‪- [차분한 음악]

Don't you know?


그래도 엄마

But still, this isn't right, Mom.

이건 아니잖아요엄마

this isn't right, Mom.

‪[선재 싫어요진짜

I hate this. Can't we just tell the school?

그냥 학교에 말하면  돼요 ‪엄마?

I hate this. Can't we just tell the school? Please.

 진짜 싫다고요이거!

This is driving me crazy!

‪- [선재의 떨리는 숨소리] ‪- 마음대로 

Suit yourself.

엄마 죽는   보고 싶으면

If you want your mom in the hospital again.

아니엄마 ‪ 말이 아니잖아요엄마

No, that's not what I mean.


Mom, please don't do this!

‪[선재아니그게… ‪진짜엄마!

Mom, please don't do this!

‪[선재의 힘겨운 숨소리]

‪- [선재의 탄식] ‪- [ 여닫히는 소리]

‪[휴대전화 진동음]

‪[통화 연결음]

‪[안내 음성연결이 되지 않아 ‪음성 사서함

Your call cannot be completed…


‪- 해이야 ‪- [해이의 헛기침]



What happened?

시험 끝나고 ‪진탕 놀다   알았는데

I thought you'd be celebrating after your exams. Back so soon?

 이렇게 빨리 ?

I thought you'd be celebrating after your exams. Back so soon?

Well, I'm a little tired.

‪-  피곤해서 ‪- [행선

Well, I'm a little tired. I see.

‪-  들어가 쉴게 ‪- [행선그래그래

-I'll go upstairs and rest. -Okay.

‪- [문소리] ‪- 뭐야 시험을   봤나

Did she not do well on her exam?

 이렇게  기분이 ‪땅굴 파고 들어가

Why is she feeling so down?



시험이 뭔지대학이 뭔지

Damn exams. Damn college admissions.


To hell with them.

수학 캠프요?

A math camp?

이름하여 최치열강의 ‪매쓰 캠프와우

It's called Choi Chi-yeol's Math Camp. Wow.

그러니까 기존 설명회를 ‪아주 살짝 스페셜하게 가자는 거지

Think of it as an upgrade of the existing info sessions.

‪[준상 반나절 잡고

It will be a half-day

맛보기 강의도 하고 ‪수학 퀴즈 쇼도 하고

It will be a half-day full of sample lectures and math quiz shows.


Isn't it a great idea?

글쎄요 그런 이벤트보다는

I'm not sure. I'd rather focus my efforts on teaching

수업 퀄에만  신경 쓰고 싶은데

than host an event like that.

‪[동희왜요복귀 신호탄도 되고 ‪좋을  같은데

Why? This event could mark your official comeback.

하게 되면 규모는 어느 정도로

If we decide to do it, how big will it be?

‪[준상 2  정도는 ‪해야 되지 않나?

I think we should have at least 2,000 participants.

그만해도 경쟁률 어마무시할걸?

Still, there will be even more applicants.

 정도 인원 수용하려면

With that many people,

‪[동희야외 행사장이나

the event will have to be held outdoors or in a gymnasium.

대형 체육관 정도는 ‪섭외해야겠네요

the event will have to be held outdoors or in a gymnasium.

‪[준상척하면  나오네 ‪우리  실장은?

You read my mind, Mr. Ji.

장소는 벌써 알아보고 있어 ‪ 실장이

Ms. Jung is already looking for a venue.

‪[고민하는 소리]

하자 선생?

Let's do it, Mr. Choi.

다른 강사도 아니고 ‪우리 최치열강 복귀인데

This is the least I can do when our star teacher's making a comeback.

  정도는 하고 싶다진짜

This is the least I can do when our star teacher's making a comeback.

 PPT 내가 ‪이렇게 공들여 가지고 만들었는데

Can't you see I put my heart and soul into these slides?

 실장 생각은 어때?

Can't you see I put my heart and soul into these slides? What do you say, Mr. Ji?

프로그램 내용상 홍보보다는

This isn't a publicity stunt. The aim is to refresh the kids.

아이들 리프레시하는  ‪의미가 있기도 하고

This isn't a publicity stunt. The aim is to refresh the kids.

괜찮을  같아요선생님

This isn't a publicity stunt. The aim is to refresh the kids. I'm all for it, Mr. Choi.

제가 꼼꼼하게  준비해 볼게요

I'm all for it, Mr. Choi. I'll prepare thoroughly.

 실장 생각이 그러면

If that's what you think,


I'll give it a try.

하죠수학 캠프

Let's do it.

‪- [] ‪- 오케이좋아 [웃음]

Okay, great!

‪[준상우리 삐까번쩍하게 ‪한번  보자고

Let's have a blast!


‪[ 손가락 튀기는 소리]

‪[자동차 경적]

‪[쿵쿵 두드리는 소리]

Open the door, Su-a.

‪[수희수아야  열어 

Open the door, Su-a.





중간고사가 끝이 아니잖아

Midterms aren't everything.

 정신 바짝 차리고 ‪기말 대비를 해야지!

Pull yourself together and start preparing for the finals.

‪- [무거운 음악] ‪-  이렇게 무너지면 어떡하니?

Pull yourself together and start preparing for the finals. You can't give up like this.

‪[쿵쿵 두드리는 소리]

Open the door, come on.


Open the door, come on.

 이러면 진짜 엄마 속상해

If you keep this up, I'll be really upset.

‪- [쿵쿵 두드리는 소리] ‪-  열어수아야

Open the door, Su-a.

‪- [음산한 음악] ‪- 수아야 열어!

Open the door, Su-a!

‪[쿵쿵 두드리는 소리]

‪- 방수아 열어 ‪- [떨리는 숨소리]

Open the door, Bang Su-a.


‪[거친 숨소리]


‪[동희 실장님 전화 오셨는데

Ms. Jung just called and said

혜성대 체육관 쪽이 스케줄도 되고 ‪조건도 제일 좋은  같다고 해서

Hyeseong University's gymnasium is available and has the best offer.

내일 오전에 답사 가기로 했어요 ‪같이 가실 거죠?

I'm checking the place out tomorrow morning. You're coming along, right?

‪[치열하기로 했으면 그래야지

You're coming along, right? I should since I said yes.

혜성대면 강북 쪽인가?

Is Hyeseong University in Gangbuk?

차로 40 거리예요

Yes, it's a 40-minute drive.

아침에 제가 모시러 갈게요

I'll pick you up in the morning.

그리고 답사 끝나고 와서 ‪바로 인강 촬영하셔야 되는데

Once you get back, you have online classes to record--

‪- [휴대전화  소리] ‪- [치열잠깐만

Once you get back, you have online classes to record-- Hold on.




누나 맞잖아요

What? Is that too informal of a way to greet someone older than me?

아이누나를 ‪누나라고도  부르나?

What? Is that too informal of a way to greet someone older than me?

아니요퇴근 중이요

No, I just got off work.

개강 준비 때문에 정신이 없네요

I'm tied up with course preparations. We're doing a math camp instead of an info session,

설명회 대신 ‪수학 캠프 하기로 했는데

We're doing a math camp instead of an info session,

준비할  많아요

and there's a lot to prepare.

내일은  인강 촬영도 해야 되고

I'm recording online classes tomorrow too.



쉬다가 일하려니까 죽을 맛이야

It feels like torture getting back to work after a break.

쉼표도 아무나 찍는  ‪아닌가 봐요

Guess I'm not capable of taking one.

내가 잠깐 들를까요?

Shall I stop by?

아니피곤은 한데 그래도 

Yes, I am tired, but I could…


What is this?

 생각해 주는  맞아? ‪ 귀찮아하는  같지?

Are you worried about me or trying to get rid of me?

‪- [치열의 웃음] ‪- [의미심장한 음악]

알았어요오늘은 들어가 쉴게요

Okay, then I'll go home and rest.

해이 시험  봤대요?

By the way, how did Hae-e's exam go?

어제 수학은    같던데

It seemed she did well in math yesterday.

아이고많이 망쳤대요?

Oh, no. How badly did she flunk it?


How bad?

‪[도어  작동음]

‪[도어  작동음]

‪[센서 작동음]



누구랑 있을 때랑 ‪ 이렇게 공기가 다르냐

Man. The place feels completely different now that I'm alone.

집이 쓸데없이 

It's unnecessarily spacious.

‪[치열크니까 괜히 춥기만 하고

It only makes me cold.


Gosh, it's cold.



점검받으라는  ‪이거였나

Is this why they told me to have it checked?

‪- [통화 연결음] ‪- 고장 났나 보네

It must be broken.

동희야보일러 고장 났다

Dong-hui, my thermostat is broken. What's the superintendent's…

관리실 전화번호

What's the superintendent's…


Never mind.


Everything's okay now.

내가 전화할게

I'll give them a call. Bye.




What do I do?

‪- [초인종 소리] ‪- [발랄한 음악]

‪- [도어  작동음] ‪- [재우치열이 매형



Hi, Jae-woo.


It's so nice and toasty here.

‪- [도어  작동음] ‪- [행선뭐예요 시간에?

It's so nice and toasty here. Why are you here this late?

‪[치열아유난방이 잘되네 ‪ 집이그렇지?

You do have excellent heating here, don't you?

‪[재우아닌데 ‪난방  켰는데

You do have excellent heating here, don't you? No, the heater's off.

남행선 누나는 ‪실내 온도 20 내려가기 전까지

Haeng-seon won't turn it on unless it's under 20 degrees Celsius.

절대 보일러를  틀어요

Haeng-seon won't turn it on unless it's under 20 degrees Celsius.

단열단열이 좋네 ‪ 집이

Then the house must have great insulation.

딴소리 그만하시고 설명  하죠? ‪뭐가 어떻게  건지

Stop beating around the bush and explain what's happening.

별일은 아니고

Stop beating around the bush and explain what's happening. It's really nothing serious.

제가  추위를 많이 타거든요

I happen to be sensitive to cold,

요새 일교차가 심해졌잖아요

and it gets chilly at night these days.

‪[치열아까 통화 끝나고 ‪집에 들어갔는데

I went home after talking to you on the phone,

몸이  으슬으슬 추운  ‪몸살이 오겠더라고요

I went home after talking to you on the phone, and I felt like I was coming down with a cold.

그래서 얼른 보일러를 켰죠

But the thermostat wouldn't turn on.

근데 불이  들어와?

But the thermostat wouldn't turn on. Why?

고장이  거죠

It's broken.

, AS 빨라야 ‪내일이나 되면  테고

It won't be fixed until tomorrow,

근데 몸은 ‪계속 으슬으슬 춥고 

It won't be fixed until tomorrow, but I kept shivering.

도저히  되겠다 싶은 거죠

So I had to do something.

 제가 몸이 재산인 사람이라

I can't afford to fall ill.

그래서 뽀인트는

Your point is,

보일러가 고장 나서 ‪우리 집으로 오셨다?

Your point is, you came over because your thermostat is broken?

맞아요바로 그거예요

you came over because your thermostat is broken? That's exactly right.

‪[행선이건 뭐예요?

And what's this?

‪[치열별건 아니고 ‪편하게 입을 옷이랑

I brought a change of clothes, underwear,

갈아입을 속옷이랑 칫솔면도기 ‪비타민한약

I brought a change of clothes, underwear, a toothbrush, a razor, supplements, and medicine.

 야무지게 챙겨 오셨다 ‪그렇지재우야?

One would think he's moving in. Right, Jae-woo?

‪[재우치열이 매형


그럼 오늘  방에서 ‪같이 자는 거예요남자끼리?

Does this mean we'll sleep together in my room tonight?


Yes. That would best fit

남자끼리 방을 쓰는  아무래도 ‪한국 사회의

Yes. That would best fit the norm of Korean society.

‪[치열사회 통념이지

the norm of Korean society.

전통적인 유교적 가치관에 ‪부합한다고 할까?

It's also in line with traditional Confucian values.


이불 하나만  있으면 되죠?

I'll get you a blanket.


Mr. Choi.


Hi, Hae-e.


You're still up.

‪[재우여기가  방이에요

My room's this way.

‪[치열의 옅은 웃음]

‪[왈왈  짖는 소리]

‪- [소란스럽다] ‪- [달그락 두드리는 소리]

‪[행선잠깐잠깐잠깐 ‪잠깐잠깐잠깐

Give me just a second.

‪[재우치열의 방해하는 소리]

‪- 예스! ‪- [재우의 탄식]


‪-  ‪- [행선뭐예요!

Come on! Play fair, you bunch of cheaters.

페어플레이를 해야지 ‪얍삽하게들

Come on! Play fair, you bunch of cheaters.

아니승부에 얍삽이 어디 있나? ‪이기면 그만이지

You should do whatever it takes to win.


-Right, Hae-e? -Sorry?

‪-  ‪- [행선해이야 

-Right, Hae-e? -Sorry? -Hae-e, look. -What?

‪-  차례 ‪- [해이

-Hae-e, look. -What? -It's your turn. -Right.

‪[행선요거요거요거, 2

Try this one. Number two.

‪- [해이 ‪- 조심해조심

Be careful.

‪- [치열재우의 탄성] ‪- [행선!

-Yes! -Oh, my!


What was that?

‪[행선의 탄성]

저기머리가  아파 가지고 ‪들어가서  쉴게요

I have a little headache. Can I go to my room?

‪[행선 많이 아파? ‪ 편두통이지?

Is it bad? Are you having a migraine again?

‪-  갖다줄까? ‪- [해이아아괜찮아

-Want some medicine? -No, that's fine.

재밌게 노세요 들어가서 쉴게 ‪들어갈게요

-Want some medicine? -No, that's fine. Have fun. I'm turning in. -Good night, Mr. Choi. -Good night.


-Good night, Mr. Choi. -Good night.

‪- 많이 아픈가? ‪- [문소리]

Is she okay?


Is it my turn?

어디 보자

-Let's see here. -It's not going to be easy.

‪[행선쉽지 않아쉽지 않아

-Let's see here. -It's not going to be easy.

‪- [치열 ‪- [행선진짜 아슬아슬하다

-Let's see here. -It's not going to be easy. It's too risky.

‪[치열아유쉽지 않은데?

This won't be easy.

‪[웃으며 하면 되겠네

I could try this one.



‪- [행선어디? ‪- [치열

Okay. -Where? Which one? -This one.

‪[행선의 놀란 숨소리]

‪[행선의  부는 소리]


Gosh, you scared me.

‪- [행선의 웃음] ‪- [재우의 안타까운 숨소리]

Gosh, you scared me.


Why would you blow in my ear?

 귓바람을 불고 그래요?

Why would you blow in my ear?


What about playing fair?

‪[행선아유페어플레이는 낸장 ‪이기는  장땡이지 [웃음]

What about playing fair? Cripes, who cares? I'll do whatever it takes to win.

‪[치열진짜국가 대표가 ‪플레이 더티하시네

Have some pride as a former national athlete.


Have some pride as a former national athlete. Jae-woo, help me stack these again.

‪[행선재우야 ‪이것  다시 쌓아 

Jae-woo, help me stack these again.

‪[재우남행선 누나나빠! ‪못생겼어

You're mean, Haeng-seon! You're ugly!

‪[치열못생긴  아니지재우야

-She's not ugly, Jae-woo. -What?

‪- [통화 연결음] ‪- [재우의 말소리]

‪[휴대전화 진동음]



‪[거친 숨소리]

‪[애잔한 음악]

‪- [괴로운 숨소리] ‪- []



‪- [ 열리는 소리] ‪- []




What do I do?

‪[울먹이며 어떡해

What should I do?

‪[선재가 흐느낀다]

‪[재우의 새근거리는 소리]

‪[날카로운 효과음]

‪- [재우치열이 매형 ‪- [치열이 호응한다]

-Brother-in-Law. -Yes?

‪[치열 잤구나

-Brother-in-Law. -Yes? You're awake.

‪[재우제가 누군가한테 ‪잘못을  했는데요

I think I hurt someone.


You hurt someone?

‪[재우그래서 ‪ 사람한테 사과를 했는데

Yes, so I apologized to them,

괜찮다 했거든요?

and they said it was fine.

근데 그게 진짜 괜찮은 건지

But I can't tell

 괜찮은데 ‪그냥 괜찮다고  건지

whether they meant it or not.


whether they meant it or not.

그래서 엄청엄청 신경 쓰여요

And it is bothering me a lot.

‪[피식 웃는다]


So it's a woman.

남자는 아니에요

Well, it's not a man.

그럼  여자한테 ‪마음이 있나 본데?

If it's bothering you, you must have feelings for her.

신경 쓰이는  보면

If it's bothering you, you must have feelings for her.

신경 쓰이면 마음이 있는 거예요?

If it bothers me, does that mean I like her?



나도 누나가 그랬거든

Your sister was like that to me.

신경 쓰이고 화도 나고 ‪괜찮나 걱정되고

I was bothered, upset, and worried by her.

‪- … ‪- [치열알겠지?

Do you get it now?

알았으면 얼른 자자 ‪신경 쓰지 말고

Then stop thinking about it and sleep.

일찍 자야 ‪내일 장사도 하고 그러지?

You should go to sleep early. You have work tomorrow.

‪- [재우… ‪- 아니야아니야

No, it's okay. Everything's okay.


No, it's okay. Everything's okay.

‪[발랄한 음악]


-But-- -It's fine, Jae-woo. Go to sleep.


-But-- -It's fine, Jae-woo. Go to sleep.

괜찮아너무 신경 써서 그래

-But-- -It's fine, Jae-woo. Go to sleep. You're thinking too much.


It's okay. Let's sleep.

‪- [재우근데… ‪- 재우야재우야

-But-- -Jae-woo.

‪[치열이럴 때일수록 ‪ 버릇해야 재우야

You need to sleep now more than ever.


Let's sleep. It's okay.

‪[치열의 편안한 숨소리]

‪[재우 자요

-I'm not asleep. -You're very sensitive.

‪[치열예민하구나 ‪아이고예민해

-I'm not asleep. -You're very sensitive.

‪[재우생각이 많아서 ‪잠이  와요

I have too much on my mind and can't sleep.

‪[치열괜찮아그럴  있어?

It's okay. That happens.


But you can still sleep. You should sleep. It's okay.

   있어자야  ‪괜찮아괜찮아

You should sleep. It's okay. Stop thinking.

신경 쓰지 

Stop thinking.

예민해서 그래

You're too sensitive.

  있다아휴너무 좋다

You can sleep. You're tired.

‪[재우의 새근거리는 소리]

‪- [노크 소리] ‪- [행선의 놀란 숨소리]

‪[행선의 놀란 소리]


‪[행선이 작게애들 알면 ‪어떡하려 그래요?

What if the kids see you?


Shush. It's okay.


Is Jae-woo asleep?

자요아주  자요 ‪걱정하지 마요

He's fast asleep, so don't worry. -This is still not okay. -It's fine.

‪- [행선 돼요그래도 ‪- 아니괜찮아요

-This is still not okay. -It's fine. No, it's not.

‪[행선 돼요진짜 

No, it's not.

‪- 아휴진짜 ‪- [치열괜찮아

-Seriously, what's with you? -It's okay.


Let's sleep. It's okay.

‪[행선진짜  된다니까요

-No, it's not. -Don't worry.

‪- [치열아니괜찮다니까요 ‪- [부드러운 음악]

-No, it's not. -Don't worry. -It's okay. -What are you talking about?

‪[행선이 웃으며뭐가 괜찮아

-It's okay. -What are you talking about?

‪- [치열 ‪- 

-It's okay. -What are you talking about? -Wait. -It's really fine.

‪[치열진짜 괜찮아요

-Wait. -It's really fine.

‪- [치열의 힘주는 소리] ‪- [행선의 웃음]

Take this. Let's sleep.

Let's sleep.

Let's sleep.


My goodness. You're crazy.


You're crazy.

진짜 잠깐만이에요 5분만

You're out of here in five minutes.


Just five minutes.

‪[행선진짜 더는  

-No more. -No more.


-No more. -No more.

‪- [새들이 지저귀는 소리] ‪- [왈왈  짖는 소리]


‪[행선이 놀라며

Mr. Choi!

‪[치열의 힘겨운 신음]

Mr. Choi.

‪[치열이 코를 훌쩍이며오케이

-Okay. -Wait.


-Okay. -Wait.

‪- [문소리] ‪- [행선의 놀란 숨소리]

‪- [흥미로운 음악] ‪- [행선해이야


  벌써 일어났어?

You're up early.

그냥 깼어

My eyes just opened.

 내가 주스 갈게

-Go back to sleep. I'll make juice. -No.

아니아니아니야 ‪내가내가  줄게내가

-Go back to sleep. I'll make juice. -No. -I'll do it. -It's okay. I'll do it.

내가 할게그냥

-I'll do it. -It's okay. I'll do it.

멍때리기 싫어서 그래

I have nothing better to do.


Okay then.


‪- [해이얼른 들어가  ‪- 아이그럼

-Go back to sleep. -I will.

‪- [안도하는 숨소리] ‪- [경쾌한 효과음]

Brother-in-Law, where--

‪- [재우치열이 매형… ‪- [치열의 다급한 숨소리]

Brother-in-Law, where--

지금부터 내가 하는 얘기  들어

Listen to me carefully.

 밤새 여기 있었던 거야 ‪재우 처남이랑

I was with you in this room all night.

‪- 아닌데 ‪- [치열

But you weren't.

‪[재우새벽 4시에 ‪화장실  때도 없었고지금도

You weren't here when I went to the bathroom at 4 a.m., -or when I woke up-- -Brother-in-Law.

재우 처남

-or when I woke up-- -Brother-in-Law.

가끔 남자끼리는 말이야


‪[치열서로 지켜 줘야  ‪비밀 같은 것들이 있다

there are secrets that must stay between two men.

‪- [비장한 음악] ‪- 남자 

A promise between one man and another.

남자의 약속

A promise between one man and another.

 말인지 알지?

Do you understand?

‪[강조되는 효과음]

남자  남자

"One man and another."

‪[심장 박동 효과음]

‪[재우의 탄성]

‪- [문소리] ‪- [도어  작동음]




‪- 학교 ? ‪- [해이

-Off to school? -Yes.

엄마한테 들었어

I heard from your mom.

어떻게 맨날  ?

You can't ace every test.

‪[치열이미  시험에 ‪끌려다니지 말고

Don't let the past exam mess with you.

어깨 펴고?

Shoulders back.


Mr. Choi.


혹시 오늘 저녁에 시간 되세요?

Do you have time this evening?

오늘 스케줄 풀이긴 한데

My schedule is pretty full today.


What is it? Do you have something to tell me?


Never mind. Some other time then.

‪[의미심장한 음악]

‪[휴대전화 진동음]



-Hi, Mr. Choi. I'm already-- -Sorry, Dong-hui.


-Hi, Mr. Choi. I'm already-- -Sorry, Dong-hui.

일어나자마자 전화한다는  ‪깜빡했다

I should've called you sooner.

 지금 행선  집이거든?

I should've called you sooner. I'm at Haeng-seon's right now.

‪[치열내가 여기서 바로 갈게 ‪아직 출발  했지?

I'll drive myself. You're still home, right?

그럼 저도 장소로 바로 갈게요

Yes. Then I'll meet you at the venue.

오케이그리고 우리

Okay. You know those pictures and videos we took in Incheon?

폰으로 찍은  있잖아 ‪인천에서

You know those pictures and videos we took in Incheon?

‪[치열그것  바로 보내 

Can you send them over?

제가 깜빡했네요

It slipped my mind.

‪- 바로 보내 드릴게요 ‪- [치열

I'll send them now. -Thanks. -Bye.

-Thanks. -Bye.

‪[무거운 효과음]


‪- [행선의 한숨] ‪- 재우 처남은요?

Where's Jae-woo?


Where's Jae-woo? He's out on a walk.

걔는 칼같이  시간에 나가요 ‪루틴이 정해져 있는 애라

Same time every day. He takes his routine seriously.

‪[치열이야칸트 같네

He's just like Kant.

칸트도 매일 정해진 시간에 ‪산책을 해서

He's just like Kant. Kant took his walks at the same time every day.

쾨니히스베르크 사람들이 ‪칸트가 산책하는  보고

That's how the people in Königsberg set their clocks.

시계를 맞췄다고 하잖아요

That's how the people in Königsberg set their clocks.


-Kant… -Yes.

‪- [치열 ‪- [휴대전화 진동음]

-Kant… -Yes.

‪[행선 실장님은요?

Did you call Mr. Ji?

바로 가라고 했어요 ‪내가 알아서 간다고

Yes, I told him I'd drive myself.

‪- [행선… ‪- [치열의 탄성]

Yes, I told him I'd drive myself.

‪- 왔다 ‪- [행선?

-Here they are. -What is it?

‪[치열우리 요트에서 찍은 ‪사진이랑 영상

The pictures and videos from the yacht. Look at the camera.

‪[영상  동희선생님 ‪뒤에 한번 보세요

Look at the camera.

‪[행선의 탄성]

‪- [영상  동희의 말소리] ‪- [치열어유 나왔네

We look great.

‪[행선치열의 탄성]

It's actually a video.

‪[행선색감 미쳤다 [감탄]

The colors look insane.

‪[치열워낙 피사체가 좋으니까

The models did a great job too.

‪[행선맞아그리고 ‪그날 날씨가 워낙 좋았었

Plus, the weather was wonderful…

‪- [의미심장한 음악] ‪-  가지

that day.

‪[동희정말 죄송합니다

I'm truly sorry.

제가   주의해서 ‪운전했어야 되는데

I should've been more careful,

갑자기 파도가  몰아치는 바람에

but the waves suddenly hit. This is great!

‪[영상  행선너무 좋아요!

This is great!

‪[치열진짜  나왔다 [웃음]

It looks amazing. No, I'll take it for you.

‪[영상  동희아니에요 ‪제가 찍어 드릴게요

No, I'll take it for you.

‪[학생들의 떠드는 소리]

‪[ 열리는 소리]

‪[ 열리는 소리]

‪[종렬결석 없지?

Okay. Is everyone here?

다른 특별한 공지 사항은 없고

I have no special announcements to make,

중간고사 ‪가채점 결과를 봤는데

but your midterms have been unofficially graded.

우리 반에서  ‪전교 1등이 나올  같다

I think one of our classmates will be in first place again.

‪[학생들의 탄성]


Lee Sun-jae.

이번에 진짜 열심히 했나 

You must've worked really hard.

취약하던 국어 과목까지 ‪아주 선전을 했어

You did well in Reading, your weakness.

‪[학생들의 탄성과 박수]

‪[선재의 한숨]

아직 기말도 있으니까 ‪다들 포기하지 말고

You should all study hard until the finals.

수업 시간에 졸지 말고

And pay attention in class today.

그리고 해이

By the way, Hae-e,

잠깐 교무실로  오고

come to the teachers' office.



‪- [무거운 음악] ‪- [ 여닫히는 소리]

‪[학생들의 떠드는 소리]

‪[ 여닫히는 소리]

‪[종렬어떻게  거야?

What happened?

이번 독서 시험 난이도가 ‪ 높다고는 해도

Sure, the Reading section was difficult,

해이 니가 잘하는 과목인데

but it's been your forte. You get nearly all questions right in mock exams too.

모의고사에서도 ‪  이상 틀린 적이 없고

You get nearly all questions right in mock exams too.

혹시 시험   ‪몸이   좋았어?

Were you feeling unwell?


-Or-- -I miscalculated…


-Or-- -I miscalculated…

시간을 잘못 계산했어요

I miscalculated the time.

마킹할 시간을 ‪따로 빼놨어야 했는데그걸

I should've set aside time to mark my answers,

잘못 계산해서

but I failed to.

‪[당황한 웃음]

아니너답지 않게 ‪ 그런 실수를

It's not like you to make such a mistake.


I'm sorry.

‪[학생들의 대화 소리]

‪[차분한 음악]

‪[어두운 음악]

‪[씩씩거리는 소리]

‪[수아의 힘주는 소리]

‪- [수아의 놀란 소리] ‪- [털썩]

‪[당황한 숨소리]



‪[놀란 숨소리]

나한테    있어?

Do you have something to say to me?

‪[안내 음성연결이 되지 않아

Your call cannot…

‪[수희단지 엄마 얘는 ‪ 이렇게 전화를  받아진짜

Your call cannot… Why won't Mi-ok pick up?

선재  얘기 업뎃해 줘야 되는데

I have news on Sun-jae's brother.

‪[통화 연결음]

‪[흥미로운 음악]

‪[휴대전화  소리]


‪[미옥아유 ‪ 자꾸 전화질이야귀찮게

SU-A'S MOM Why does she keep calling me? So annoying.

수아 엄마수아 엄마

It's Su-a's mom.

‪[학부모들의 한숨]

아니그냥 시도 때도 없이 ‪전화해 가지고

She calls me all the time, asks me what I'm doing, and tells me to come and go.

어디냐 하냐일로 와라가라

asks me what I'm doing, and tells me to come and go.

‪[학부모1] 그래 ‪ 일방적이기는 

I know. She can be a bit pushy.

‪[학부모2] 남의 얘기도 ‪너무  하고

I know. She can be a bit pushy. She gossips too much too.


She makes me uncomfortable.

그렇죠? ‪그러니까 심보가 아주 고약해

Right? She's such a mean person.

그런   ‪본인한테 돌아오는 건데

She's such a mean person. She doesn't understand that what goes around comes around.

그걸 모른다니까

She doesn't understand that what goes around comes around.


Who doesn't?

‪[미옥의 놀란 소리]


Su-hui! You scared the life out of me!

‪- [발랄한 음악] ‪- [웃음]

‪[수희누구 얘기를 ‪이렇게 재밌게 ?

Who were you talking about so enthusiastically?

사람 오는지도 모르고

-You didn't even notice me? -Su-hui.


-You didn't even notice me? -Su-hui.

자기 이렇게 전화를 씹어?

Why weren't you picking up?


What? -You called me? -Yes.

‪- [수희 ‪- [미옥의 웃음]

-You called me? -Yes.

‪[미옥아니이거 ‪무음을   가지고

My phone was on silent.

‪- 그래 놓고 깜빡했네 ‪- [수희

My phone was on silent. I totally forgot. I see.

‪[미옥아니아니 ‪우리 오다오다가 여기

We ran into each other just outside and decided to grab a coffee.

여기 앞에서 잠깐 만나 가지고 ‪커피 한잔

We ran into each other just outside and decided to grab a coffee.

‪[학부모1] 내가 갑자기 ‪커피가  땡겨 가지고

I needed a little caffeine.

‪[학부모2]  커피 좋아해 ‪가만 보면

You love coffee, don't you?

‪- [학부모1] 그러니까 ‪- [수희나도 부르지

You love coffee, don't you? Why didn't you invite me? I love coffee too.

나도 커피 좋아하는데

Why didn't you invite me? I love coffee too.

‪- [학부모들의 웃음] ‪- [미옥그러니까

Why didn't you invite me? I love coffee too. Right.

‪- [잔잔한 음악이 흐른다] ‪- [수희

I heard they let him go home.

지금 집에 오긴 했다는데 ‪그것도 모르지

I heard they let him go home. But who knows if he really is innocent or if his mom pulled some strings.

죄가 없어서 왔는지 ‪자기 엄마 빽으로 왔는지

But who knows if he really is innocent or if his mom pulled some strings.

아무리 그래도 ‪죄가 있으면  나왔겠지

If he'd been guilty, he wouldn't have walked free.

‪- [미옥아휴 ‪- [휴대전화 알림음]

Oh, boy.


Oh, boy.


My goodness.

‪- [학부모들이 궁금해한다] ‪- [미옥의 놀란 소리]

-What is it? -What happened?

아니우리 단지한테 지금 ‪문자가 왔는데

Dan-ji just texted me saying…

이번 중간고사 1등이 선재래

Sun-jae got first place in the midterms.

‪[학부모1] 어머


선재 5 안에는 매번 들었어도 ‪1등은 이번이 처음 아니야?

Sun-jae's always been in the top five, but he's never gotten first place.

‪- [의미심장한 음악] ‪- [학부모2] 세상에

Sun-jae's always been in the top five, but he's never gotten first place. When his family is going through a rough patch at that.

  분위기 어수선할 텐데

When his family is going through a rough patch at that.

걔도 멘털 보통은 아니다진짜

He's one strong-willed boy.

걔도  엄마 닮아서 ‪독한가 보네

He must take after his mom to be so unsympathetic.

‪[수희근데 자기는 문자

By the way, didn't you say your phone was on silent?

무음이라 그러지 않았어핸드폰

By the way, didn't you say your phone was on silent?

아휴언니 ‪지금 그게 중요한  아니잖아

By the way, didn't you say your phone was on silent? That's not the point.


Hold on a second.

선재가 분명히 ‪국어 쪽으로 약한 걸로 아는데

I thought Sun-jae always struggled with Reading.

‪[학부모2 호응한다]

어디 과외라도 받았나?

Has he been getting tutored?

바로 전화해서 물어봐야겠다

I'll call his mom and ask right away.

‪[휴대전화 진동음]

‪[서진안녕하세요단지 엄마

Hello, Ms. Lee.

어쩐 일이세요?

What's going on?

우리 선재가요?

He did?


Not yet.

‪[살짝 웃는다]


A secret method?

워낙에 약한 과목이다 보니까 ‪집중해서 하는  같긴 하던데

He did seem to spend more time studying that subject.

아니요과외 따로  했어요 ‪ 시간도 없고

No, he hasn't been tutored. He doesn't have time.

제가 요새  바빠서요

I've been busy lately too.

그래요나중에 커피 한잔해요

Okay. Let's meet for coffee soon.

‪[무거운 음악]

‪[서진쓸데없는 생각 말고 ‪결과만 

Snap out of it and look at the results.

과정도 결과가 좋아야 ‪의미 있는 거야

All's well that ends well.

‪[안내 음성문이 열립니다

The door is opening.


That's right.

 친구가 본인 사비로

He's been paying for the treatment and surgery costs for the injured cats

다친 고양이들 치료랑 ‪수술비까지  댔어요

He's been paying for the treatment and surgery costs for the injured cats out of his own pocket.

최근에는 죽은 고양이 ‪장례까지 치른다고  많이 썼는데

Recently, he even went so far as to arrange a funeral for a dead cat.

아휴근데  친구는 왜요?

But why do you ask?

‪[ 형사아니… ‪그냥  확인할  있어서요

There were a few things we needed to check.

‪[휴대전화 진동음]

There were a few things we needed to check. Thank you, ma'am.

‪- [이태 ‪- [수의사의 옅은 웃음]

Thank you, ma'am.

‪[ 형사그래?

What is it? Really?

알았어바로 들어갈게

Okay, we'll be right there.

‪[ 형사일타강사들

I did hear about star teachers manipulating public opinion online,

댓글 조작한다는 얘기는 ‪들었었는데

I did hear about star teachers manipulating public opinion online,

진이상 활동 규모가 ‪어마어마한데요?

but Jin I-sang went above and beyond.

스카이맘점넷열공닷컴에서 ‪'최치열라짱나아이디로

He logged into and as Chiyeolsucks

지난 4년간  2,100회를 로그인

no less than 2,100 times over the past 4 years.

‪138회의 악의적인 글을 ‪올렸다가 삭제

He wrote and deleted 138 malicious posts.

상위권 대학생들한테

He sent 372 messages

악플 알바 제안 쪽지 횟수 ‪ 372

to top university students offering money to leave hate comments.


It seems like he spent all his time trying to bring Choi Chi-yeol down.

강의보다 최치열 끌어내리는 일을 ‪ 열심히 했는데요?

It seems like he spent all his time trying to bring Choi Chi-yeol down.


How could he do this for four years without getting caught?

 짓을 4년을 했는데 ‪ 걸린 거냐?

How could he do this for four years without getting caught?

‪[ 형사프록시나 ‪VPN 계속 이용했더라고요

He always used proxies and VPNs

‪IP 주소를 ‪해외로 변경시키는 장치요

to change his IP address to another country.

‪[의미심장한 음악]

to change his IP address to another country.

‪[도겸하여튼 그런 쪽으로는 ‪기가 막히게 돌아가머리들이

Those crooks and their clever tricks.

‪[ 형사일단 제가 진이상이랑 ‪마지막으로 통화한 친구부터

I'll meet with the last person Jin I-sang talked to on the phone.

다시 만나고 올게요

I'll meet with the last person Jin I-sang talked to on the phone.

‪- [툭툭 치는 소리] ‪- 아니이렇게 증거가 있는데

This is some solid evidence. It's basically undeniable.

 이상 오리발  내밀죠

This is some solid evidence. It's basically undeniable.

‪[이태가 호응한다]


‪[전화기 조작음]

‪[통화 연결음]


Hi, it's me.

시스템에서 ‪이력 조회   부탁하자

I need you to do a background check on someone.

이름이 정성현이고

The name's Jeong Seong-hyeon.

‪- 주민 번호가… ‪- [드르륵 서랍 여는 소리]

The ID number is…


That's right.

예전에 중학생 친모 살해 사건 ‪ 아이

It's the boy from the murder case of a middle schooler's mom.

‪[출입문 종소리]



‪[영주아주 돈도 벌고 님도 보고 ‪여러 가지 해요

Making money while seeing your boyfriend. What a multitasker.

교회 먼저 배달하고 들러

Deliver to the church first.

마음 앞서 가지고 그냥 ‪치열 쌤네부터 가지 말고

Don't get overexcited and go straight to Mr. Choi.


Of course not.

 여기 사장이거든요? ‪직원 아니고요?

I don't just work here. I own this place.

‪[영주우리 사장님이 ‪목하 열애 중이라!

I don't just work here. I own this place. Fine, but you're in love, boss!

요새 정신이     있어서요

You seem a little distracted these days.

‪[행선죙일 인강 찍는다잖아

He's recording classes all day.

하는 김에 ‪   만들었다

I just made a bit extra while I was at it.

‪[영주어련하시겠냐고요 ‪운전이나 조심하셔요

I get it. Whatever you say. Ride safe anyway.


Got it.

‪[영주사랑 싣고 출발!

Off you go with love!

‪- [영주의 웃음] ‪- [오토바이 시동음]

Off you go with love!

‪[치열왼쪽에 있는 식은

The expression on the left

원점에서 A 사이의 기울기일 거고

indicates the slope between the origin and a,

오른쪽에 있는 식은

indicates the slope between the origin and a, and the expression on the right

원점에서 B 사이의 기울기니까

is the slope between the origin and b.

오른쪽에 나와 있는 식이 ‪왼쪽보다 작다

So the value on the right is less than the value on the left.

그래서 '' 맞겠지

Therefore, the first option is true.

‪- , '한번 볼게 ‪- [휴대전화 진동음]

Let's move on to the second option.


-Mr. Ji. -Hi. What brings you here?

‪- 어쩐 일이세요사장님? ‪- [행선의 웃음]

-Mr. Ji. -Hi. What brings you here? I was on a delivery nearby.

‪[행선근처에 배달 왔다가요

I was on a delivery nearby.

이거 출출할 텐데

Eat this with your team when you're hungry.

스태프분들하고 ‪간식으로  드시라고

Eat this with your team when you're hungry.

‪[동희아휴이런  ‪좋아들 하겠네요

You didn't have to. They'll love it.

근데 방금 시작해서 ‪쌤은  보실  같은데

Mr. Choi just started recording. Too bad you missed him.


Mr. Choi just started recording. Too bad you missed him. No problem.

왔다고도 얘기하지 마세요쌤한텐

No problem. -Don't tell him that I was here. -Okay.

‪- [행선 보겠습니다 ‪- 감사합니다

-Bye. -Thank you.

‪[안내 음성문이 열립니다

문이 닫힙니다


The wet wipes!


‪[엘리베이터 알림음]

‪[행선 하는 거예요지금?

What are you doing?


I've had my doubts, but…

실장님 원래 이런 분이세요?

Is this your true nature?

아니면 저한테만 그러시는 거예요?

Or are you only doing this to me?



그날도 일부러 그런 거예요?

Was it intentional that day too?

동영상 보니까 파도라곤 없던데

I didn't see any waves in the video.

맞아요그날 ‪날씨  좋았어요그렇죠?

The weather was indeed lovely that day, wasn't it?

그래서 하고 싶은 말씀이 뭐죠?

What are you trying to say?

‪[무거운 음악]



제가 고의적으로 사장님을 ‪위험에 빠트리려고 했다

are you accusing me of putting you in danger on purpose?


are you accusing me of putting you in danger on purpose? Yes, I saw it.


Yes, I saw it.

실장님 일부러  돌리는 

You turned the yacht on purpose.


‪[행선] '잘못  거다' ‪'내가 과민한 거다'

I told myself that I must have been mistaken and was being sensitive,

그렇게 생각하려고 애썼는데

I told myself that I must have been mistaken and was being sensitive,

근데 지금 알았어요

but I just realized.

잘못   아니라는 

I wasn't mistaken.

고의가 분명하다는 !

I wasn't mistaken. It was completely intentional.

‪[치열무슨 소리예요?

What did you say?

‪[긴장되는 음악]

‪[치열오해가 있을 거예요 ‪걔가

There must've been a misunderstanding.

그렇게까지 그럴 이유가

There's no reason why he'd do such…


I know.

믿기지 않겠죠

You can't believe it. I know you don't want to.

믿고 싶지 않겠죠쌤은

I know you don't want to.


But Mr. Choi.

제가 시력이 1.2, 1.5예요

My vision is better than average.

노안도 아직  왔고요

My eyes haven't started aging yet.

요트에서는 오해일  있겠죠

Fine, I may be mistaken about the yacht.

근데 오늘은 아니잖아요 ‪너무 빼박이잖아요

But not about today. I caught him red-handed.


I won't ask you to side with me.

‪[행선편들어 달라고  해요

I won't ask you to side with me.

 실장님쌤한테 ‪중요한 사람인  아니까

I know Mr. Ji means a lot to you. However,




I am confused.

생각   봐야겠어요

I need some time to think.


Okay. I'll call you after work.

끝나고 연락할게요

Okay. I'll call you after work.



제가 연락할게요정리  되면

I'll call you when my mind becomes clear.

‪[오토바이 시동음]


‪- [엘리베이터 알림음] ‪- [안내 음성문이 열립니다

‪[동희말도  돼요선생님 ‪제가 어떻게 고의로

It's absurd, Mr. Choi. Why would I intentionally…

크게 다칠 수도 있고

She could've gotten badly hurt. Her life could've been in danger.

최악의 경우 ‪진짜 위험해질  있는데

She could've gotten badly hurt. Her life could've been in danger.

이거 아니에요이거 모함이에요

She could've gotten badly hurt. Her life could've been in danger. I didn't do it. She's framing me.

물론 오늘 일은

I didn't do it. She's framing me. About today…

제가 옹졸했어요

Fine, I was being petty.

이미 식사를  하기도 했고

We had already eaten,

솔직히 인강 찍는  ‪저희  예민하잖아요

and we're all on edge when we're recording.

선의가 과하면 폐가 되는 건데

She meant well, but she was being a nuisance.

근데 연락도 없이 찾아와서 ‪샌드위치 먹여라마라

Who is she to show up unannounced and drop those sandwiches on us?

오버하는  너무 짜증 나서

It was too much, and I was annoyed.


I apologize.

근데 요트는 진짜 아니에요

But the yacht thing isn't true.




I get it, but you…

일단 인강부터 마무리하자

Let's finish recording first.

‪- [버튼 조작음] ‪- [ 열리는 소리]

‪- [어두운 음악] ‪- [ 닫히는 소리]


‪[해이놀이터에서 만나 ‪나올 때까지 기다릴게

Meet me at the playground. I'm not leaving until you come.


‪[차분한 음악]

‪[통화 연결음]

‪[휴대전화 진동음]


-Sun-jae. -Don't come over.

‪[선재오지   나갈 거야

-Sun-jae. -Don't come over. I'm not coming.

선재야우리 만나서 얘기해야 

Sun-jae, we need to talk in person.

‪[해이피한다고   아니야

You can't avoid this forever.

처음부터 끝까지 ‪토씨 하나  틀리고 똑같았어

The exam was exactly the same as the material you gave me.

너가 빌려준 프린트랑이건

The exam was exactly the same as the material you gave me. -It's-- -So what?

그래서 ?

-It's-- -So what?

우리 엄마 원래 족보  구해

My mom has a knack for acquiring past exams.

그냥 우연일 수도 있잖아

It could be a coincidence.

 정말 그렇게 생각해?

Do you really think so?


I know you don't.

‪[선재니가 하고 싶은 얘기가 ‪뭔데대체?

What are you trying to say?

신고라도 할까우리 엄마?

Should I report my mom?

니가 원하는  그거야?

Is that what you want?




‪- [괴로운 숨소리] ‪- [무거운 음악]

‪[짜증 섞인 숨소리]


Don't tell me you…

내가  혼자 보라 그랬지?

I told you it was just for you.

절대 아무한테도 보여 주지 말라고 ‪그렇게 신신당부를 했는데!

I told you numerous times not to show it to anyone else!



‪- [선재지금  상황이 ‪- [답답한 한숨]

Are you saying

이게   탓이라고요?

this is all my fault?

‪[울먹이며나가요나가라고요! ‪나가요제발!

Get out. Get out right now!

‪[서진선재야진정하고 ‪엄마 얘기  들어 

Sun-jae, hear me out.

‪[서진의 한숨]

‪[거친 숨소리]

‪[통화 연결음]


Hello, is this Hae-e?

 선재 엄마인데

It's Sun-jae's mom.

‪[학생들의 대화 소리]


‪[안전띠 푸는 소리]

‪[서진의 한숨]

‪[서진의 한숨]

‪[서진그래서 어쩔 생각인데?

So what's your plan?

선재 만나서  하려고?

Why did you want to see Sun-jae?

니가 계속 ‪만나자 그러는  같던데

It seemed like you were asking him to meet up.

말씀드리자고 하려고 했어요 ‪담임 쌤한테

I was going to persuade him to tell our homeroom teacher.



너도 징계를 피할  없을 텐데

Then you'll face discipline too. You'll get a zero, and your grades will take a nosedive.

‪0 처리 되고 ‪내신 회복 불능 되고

You'll get a zero, and your grades will take a nosedive.

 이미 백지로 냈어요답안지

I already submitted my exam blank.

‪[서진의 한숨]

‪[해이아줌마이건 ‪아닌  같아요

This isn't right, Ms. Jang.

지금이라도 빨리 되돌릴 

-It's not too late to make it right-- -No.

‪[서진아니야 ‪그럴 거면 시작도  했어

-It's not too late to make it right-- -No. Then I wouldn't have even started.

‪[서진의 한숨]

‪[서진의 헛웃음]

이미 물은 엎질러졌어

It is what it is.

니가 진짜 선재 친구라면 ‪선재 앞날을 생각한다면

If you truly are Sun-jae's friend and care about his future,

그냥 모른 척해 

please look the other way.

어떻게 모른 척해요? ‪이미  알아 버렸는데

How could I do that when I've found out everything?

선재가 저렇게 괴로워하는데

Sun-jae is torn apart--

 아들은 괜찮아

My son's fine.

너만 가만있으면 아무 문제 없다고

Everything will be okay as long as you keep quiet.

‪[서진 하나 때문에 ‪잘못하면 여러 사람 인생 망가져

Many people's lives could be ruined because of you.

 무게 ‪그거 감당할  있겠니?

Will you be able to handle that?

나도  커리어 ‪ 인생  거라고선재를 위해서

I risked my career and life for Sun-jae.

선재를 위해서가 아니라

It wasn't for him.

아줌마를 위해서겠죠

It was for yourself.

‪[차분한 음악]

Sun-jae isn't fine.

선재 지금  괜찮아요

Sun-jae isn't fine.

  소신대로  거예요

And I'll do what I think is right.

‪[ 잡는 소리]

기어이 그래야겠니?

Do you really have to?


I'm sorry.


‪[성난 숨소리]

‪[자동차 시동음]

‪[의미심장한 음악]

‪[씩씩거리는 소리]

‪[타이어 마찰음]

‪[거친 숨소리]

‪[잔잔한 음악]



제가 연락할게요정리  되면

I'll call you when my mind becomes clear.






So many customers asked for braised pollock today.

 이렇게 손님들이 ‪코다리찜을 찾는지

So many customers asked for braised pollock today. When we have pollock, they want anglerfish.

코다리 하면 아구 찾고? ‪아구 하면 코다리 찾고

When we have pollock, they want anglerfish. And vice versa.


It's odd, isn't it, boss?

 그러냐 사장

It's odd, isn't it, boss?


I guess.

그래도 매상은 ‪완전히 회복이 됐어그렇지?

Anyway, our sales have fully recovered.





우리 국가대표 ‪사장님 이하 임직원들

Nation's Best Banchan hasn't had a get-together in a while.

단합을 다진 지도    같은데 ‪간만에?

Nation's Best Banchan hasn't had a get-together in a while. Should we all go…

‪[혀를 똑딱 튕기며어때?

What do you say?


How does that sound, Jae-woo?

‪[재우아니나는 술은 싫은데

I don't want to drink.

‪[영주그러니까 ‪너는 그냥 안줏발이나 세우시고요

Then you can just eat food.

‪[행선아유됐어 ‪내일 새벽에 장도 봐야 

Then you can just eat food. Forget it. I have to go to the market early in the morning.

 들어가나머지 내가 정리할게

Forget it. I have to go to the market early in the morning. Go home. I'll finish up.

아유같이 그럼 ‪ 먼저 들어가

I can stay and help.

들어가 ‪가게 자꾸 비워서 미안해서 그래

Just go home. I feel bad that I've been away a lot lately.

‪[영주그래그럼  ‪사장님이 들어가라시니

If you say so, boss.


Jae-woo, you can go upstairs too. I'll finish up.

너도 올라가내가 마저 할게

Jae-woo, you can go upstairs too. I'll finish up.

‪[재우아니야 이거  닦고 ‪누나랑 같이 갈래

No, I want to go home with you after cleaning this.


Let's go. -Why? -Let's just go.

‪[영주내일  ‪ 사장굿 

See you tomorrow. Good night, boss.

‪- [행선애들 썼어 ‪- [재우

-Good work today. -Why?

‪[출입문 종소리]

‪[ 닫히는 소리]

‪- [ 터지는 소리] ‪- [행선!

‪[짜증 섞인 한숨]

가뜩이나 심란해 죽겠는데 ‪진짜

This just gets better and better.

This just gets better and better. Hae…


‪[통화 연결음]

‪[지친 한숨]


-Hi, Mom. -Are you home, Hae-e?

해이야 집이니?

-Hi, Mom. -Are you home, Hae-e?

‪[해이아니 밖인데

No, I'm out.

단지  만나고 가고 있어집에

I was with Dan-ji, and I'm heading home now.

‪[행선 시간에알았고

At this hour? Anyway, can you get a large trash bag on the way?

 집에 들어오는 길에 ‪쓰레기봉투   대용량으로

Anyway, can you get a large trash bag on the way?


Anyway, can you get a large trash bag on the way? A trash bag?

지금 터져 갖고 난리야

Yes, one just burst. It's a mess.

빨리  갖고  돈은 있지?

Hurry up. You have money, right?

‪[해이알았어 ‪제일    가면 되지?

Got it. The largest one, right?


-Yes. Hurry up. -Okay.


-Yes. Hurry up. -Okay.

‪[어두운 음악]

‪[달그락거리는 소리]



‪[멀리서  짖는 소리]

‪[행선의 한숨]


Why isn't she…

‪[통화 연결음]

‪[안내 음성연결이 되지 않아 ‪음성 사서함으로 연결되며

Your call cannot be completed. You will be redirected

어떻게  거야얘는

-What happened? -to voicemail after the beep…

전화를  받아진짜

Why won't she pick up?

앓느니 죽지내가 사다 쓴다

I can't wait forever. I'll go get one myself.

내가 학원 앞에서 ‪얼마나 기다렸는데

I waited outside the academy for hours.

‪[수희안에는 없다지 ‪ 전화는  받지

They said you'd left, but you wouldn't pick up.

엄마 진짜 경찰에다 신고할 뻔했어

I almost filed a police report.

땀은  이렇게 흘렸어?

Why are you soaked in sweat?

 대체  하다  건데?

What did you do? Did you walk home from the academy?

 학원에서 집까지 걸어온 거니?

What did you do? Did you walk home from the academy?


Why would you do that?

지금 1 1초가 아까운 판에

There's no time to lose! You have an online chemistry class too!

 오늘 화학 인강도 ‪들어야 되잖아

There's no time to lose! You have an online chemistry class too! What should I do with you? Have you gone crazy?

어유 진짜세상에 ‪어떡해 미쳤나 정말!

What should I do with you? Have you gone crazy?


Yes. I must've gone crazy.



‪[무거운 음악]

I'm out of my mind. Or maybe…


I'm out of my mind. Or maybe…

괴물이  가는 건가?

I'm turning into a monster.

‪[당황한 숨소리]

그게 무슨 소리야?

What are you talking about?


 괴물이  무슨 괴물?

You're turning into a monster? What monster?

‪- [흐느낀다] ‪- [수희   울어?

What's with you? Why are you crying? What is it?

 우는데? ‪말을 엄마한테 말을 해야 알지

Why are you crying? What is it? Tell me so I can understand.

‪[수희의 답답한 숨소리]

방수아정신 차려 ‪엄마한테 말해  우는데?

Get it together, Su-a. Tell me why you're crying.

울지 말고

Stop crying. Get it together.

정신 차려정신 차려! ‪ 울어!

Stop crying. Get it together. Why are you crying? What's with you?

어유  ?

Why are you crying? What's with you?

‪[ 여닫히는 소리]


‪- [재우  ‪- [행선에이

Oh, no.

‪- [계속되는 TV 소리] ‪- [재우누나


‪[행선의 아파하는 신음]


‪[행선근데  이걸 보겠다 그래

It's not that scary.

‪[재우잠시만잠시만 ‪잠시만

Hold on. Hold on a minute.

‪[헛웃음 치며진짜

Good grief.

아니근데 얘는 ‪지금 시간이  시인데

Why isn't she home yet?


‪[안내 음성전원이 꺼져 있어 ‪음성 사서함으로 연결되며

Your call cannot be completed. You will be redirected to voicemail…

밧데리가 나갔나?

Your call cannot be completed. You will be redirected to voicemail… Did her phone die?

‪[통화 연결음]


Hi, Dan-ji.

미안해 해이 엄마인데

I'm sorry to call so late. It's Hae-e's mom.

혹시 우리 해이 다시 만났니?

Did Hae-e go back to you?

‪[단지 ‪해이 학교에서 보고  봤는데요

Sorry? I haven't seen her since we were at school.

‪[의미심장한 음악]

You didn't see her earlier this evening?

아까 우리 해이  만났어?

You didn't see her earlier this evening?

‪10  넘어서  만나고 ‪들어오는 길이라 그랬는데

She called me around 10 p.m. saying she'd met with you.

‪[단지아니요 만났어요

No, I didn't. She's not home yet?

근데 해이가  왔어요아직?

She's not home yet?

어떻게  거지?

No. I wonder what happened.

‪[단지제가 선재한테 ‪전화   볼게요

Let me try calling Sun-jae. I'll call you back.

잠깐만 끊어 보세요아줌마

Let me try calling Sun-jae. I'll call you back.


Okay. Thanks.

단지  만났대

Hae-e didn't meet Dan-ji.

‪[행선 지금 어디 있니 ‪재우야?

Where could she be, Jae-woo?




아니 만났는데?

No, I didn't meet her. Why?

‪[단지아니해이네 어머니한테 ‪전화 왔는데

Hae-e told her mom she'd been with me, but she hasn't come home yet.

 만나고 오는 길이라 그러고 ‪아직  들어왔대

Hae-e told her mom she'd been with me, but she hasn't come home yet.

너도  만났다 이거지? ‪통화도  했고?

So you didn't see her or talk to her on the phone? No.

‪- [선재 ‪- [단지의 한숨]


‪[단지알았어일단 끊어

Okay, I'll call you back.

혹시 해이하고 통화되면 ‪전화해

Call me if you hear from her. Call her mom first

나한테 말고 해이 어머니한테 먼저

Call her mom first

그리고 나한테도   주고 ‪알았지?

and then call me, okay?




‪[안내 음성전원이 꺼져 있어 ‪음성 사서함으로 연결되며

Your call cannot be completed. You will be redirected to voicemail after the beep…

 소리  통화료가

You will be redirected to voicemail after the beep…


‪[무거운 음악]



‪[안내 음성전원이 꺼져 있어 ‪음성 사서함으로

Your call cannot be completed…

‪[영주피시방에 없어 ‪노래방은?

No luck at the internet cafe. What about the karaoke rooms?


No luck at the internet cafe. What about the karaoke rooms? She wasn't there.

‪[영주아니이게 ‪도대체 무슨 일이야?

She wasn't there. What on earth is going on?

  학교에서 ‪무슨  있었던  아니야?

Maybe something happened at school.


I don't know.

미안해자는데 나오게 해서

I don't know. I'm sorry I woke you up.

지금 잠이 문제냐

That's not the issue here.

‪[영주아휴 ‪도대체 어디  거야얘는

Where in the world did she go?

‪[안내 음성전원이 꺼져 있어

Where in the world did she go? It's way past midnight.

‪[영주] 12시도 한참 넘었는데

It's way past midnight.

재우한테는 해이 오면 ‪바로 연락하라고 했지?

Jae-woo will call you if Hae-e comes home, right?

‪[걱정스러운 숨소리]




-Have you found Hae-e? -Not yet.


-Have you found Hae-e? -Not yet.

내가 연락드렸어 ‪우리끼리 찾는 거보다는

I called him. We need all the help we can get.


Are you okay?

걱정 마요찾으면 ?

Don't worry. We can find her. Let's report to the precinct first.

일단 파출소부터 갑시다

Let's report to the precinct first.

미성년자라 ‪바로 신고 가능할 거예요

We can report her missing since she's a minor.

휴대폰 추적부터 ‪한번  봐요?

Let's track her phone.

‪- 가요 ‪- [행선

-Let's go. -Okay.

‪[경찰애타시는 마음은 ‪알겠는데

I understand your concern,

휴대폰 추적도 이게 ‪공문에 뭐에 절차가 있어서

but there are procedures to follow to track a phone.

최대한 빨리해 보겠습니다

We'll try to hurry.

단순 가출 ‪가능성도 있으니까요

It's possible that she just ran away.

‪[영주아니 ‪단순 가출이면 좋지우리도

It'd be a relief if she simply ran away,

근데 아닐 수도 있으니까

It'd be a relief if she simply ran away, but we don't know that.



공문이니 절차니 ‪급할 때는  무시하면  ?

Can't they skip the formalities during an emergency?

이러다  사달이라도 나면

What if something bad happens? No.


What if something bad happens? No.

사달이  리는 없지만혹시라도

That's unlikely, but you never know.

‪[행선이 훌쩍이며일단 집에 가서 ‪기다리라고 하니까

They told us to wait at home.

영주  먼저 들어가엄마 걱정해

So go home. Your mom must be worried.

됐어 ‪엄마한테는 전화하면 되지

Don't worry. I can call her.

‪[치열내가 같이 있을게요 ‪들어가요

I'll stay. You can go home.

해이 오면 연락할 테니까

I'll call when we find Hae-e.

‪[치열너무 걱정하지 마요

Don't worry too much.

입시생들 ‪ 번씩 이럴 경우 많아요

This often happens to students getting ready for college.

아무리 해이라도 ‪입시 스트레스는 있을  있으니까

Even Hae-e could be stressed out about college admissions.

조금이라도  붙여요 ‪연락 오면 내가 바로 깨울 테니까

Get some sleep. I'll wake you up if someone calls.

쌤이야말로   붙여요 ‪이따 일도 해야  텐데

You should sleep too. You have work later.

아유 괜찮아요

I'm fine. I'm used to staying up all night.

워낙   자고 버티는 거에 ‪도가 터서

I'm fine. I'm used to staying up all night.

‪[휴대전화  소리]



‪[경찰어머니 ‪여기 파출소인데요

Hello, ma'am. I'm calling from the precinct.



‪[경찰따님 휴대폰이 ‪꺼진 상태라

Okay. Your daughter's phone is off, so it can't be tracked.

위치 추적은  되고요

Your daughter's phone is off, so it can't be tracked.

마지막으로 신호 끊긴 데가 ‪ 근처라서

Since the phone was last used near your house,

일단은  주변 중심으로 ‪수색을  거고요

we'll start by searching the neighborhood.

그리고 어머니 통화 전에 ‪마지막 통화를  번호가

Also, she talked to another person before she talked to you.


Also, she talked to another person before she talked to you. Okay.

‪[경찰] 010-0869-5999거든요

The number is 010-0869-5999.

혹시 아는 번호세요?

Do you know this number?


Was that 0869-5999?


One second, please.

‪[휴대전화 조작음]

‪[무거운 음악]


‪- [노크 소리] ‪- [한숨]

‪[서진 학교  ?

What are you doing? You'll be late for school.

학교 앞에 내려 줄게얼른 나와

I'll give you a ride. Come out.

‪[ 닫히는 소리]

‪[휴대전화 진동음]

해이 엄마

Hello, Ms. Nam.

‪[행선선재 엄마 ‪아침 일찍 죄송한데

Hello, Ms. Nam. Hi, I'm sorry to call you so early.

혹시 어젯밤에 ‪우리 해이랑 통화하셨나요?

By any chance, did you talk to Hae-e on the phone last night?

‪- ? ‪- [행선

-What? -Sun-jae didn't tell you?

선재한테 얘기  들으셨구나

-What? -Sun-jae didn't tell you?

아니어젯밤에서부터 ‪우리 해이가 집에  들어와서요

Hae-e didn't come home last night.

파출소에서 ‪통화 기록을 조회했더니

The police checked her call history,

해이가 마지막으로 통화한 사람이 ‪선재 엄마라고 그래

and you were the last person she talked to on the phone.


Yes, I talked to her last night.

선재 폰이 꺼져 있어서

I was wondering if Sun-jae was with her, but he wasn't.

해이랑 있나  봤는데 ‪같이 없더라고요

I was wondering if Sun-jae was with her, but he wasn't.

선재는 바로 학원에서 왔고요

He came straight home from the academy.

어떡해요 ‪걱정되시겠어요해이 엄마

I'm sorry. You must be so worried.


I see.

‪- 알겠습니다 ‪- [서진

All right. Okay.

 들어오겠죠 ‪너무 걱정하지 마세요

I'm sure she'll come home soon. Don't worry too much. Okay.

Okay. Bye.



어제 해이랑 통화했어요?

You talked to Hae-e last night?



해이랑 무슨 얘기 했는데요?

What did you two talk about?

‪[서진  없어

None of your business.

해이가 없어졌다고요! ‪연락이  돼요연락이

She's missing. I can't reach her!



엄마  거짓말했는데요?

Why did you lie to her mom?

대체 해이랑 무슨 통화를 했길래

What did you say to Hae-e?

‪[서진의 한숨]

혹시 어제 해이랑

Did you…


meet her last night?

어제 늦게 들어오셨잖아요

You came home late last night.



어디 갔다 오신 건데요?

Where were you?

‪[서진의 한숨]



 해이 만났어

I met her.

조용히  다물고 있으라 그랬더니 ‪그렇게  하겠다고 하더라

I told her to keep quiet, but she refused.



그래서 어떻게 했는데요?

And what did you do?

 어떻게 내가?

What do you think I did?

 진짜 나를

What do you take me for?

‪[어이없는 숨소리]


I'm late for work.

학교에 가든지 말든지 ‪그냥  마음대로 

Go to school or whatever.

‪[ 여닫히는 소리]

‪- [문소리] ‪- [도어  작동음]

‪[안내 음성전원이 꺼져 있어 ‪음성 사서함으로 연결되며

Your call cannot be completed. You will be redirected to voicemail…



This is driving me nuts.

도대체 어디  거야남해이

Where in the world did she go?

서건후 무서워 죽겠어

I'm freaking out, Geon-hu.

‪[단지아까 엄마랑 통화했는데

I just talked to my mom,

경찰에서도 아예 ‪실종으로 보고 수색 중이래

and the police began a search assuming she went missing.

엄마가 직접 통화했대

My mom checked with them.



What about Sun-jae?

선재한테도 전화 없었대?

She hasn't called him either?


No, she hasn't.

무슨 실종이냐고 ‪남해이진짜

I can't believe Nam Hae-e is missing.

해이 괜찮겠지?

Hey, she'll be fine, right?

‪- 해이 아무 일도 없겠지그렇지? ‪- [어두운 음악]

Nothing bad will happen, right?

‪[건후아무 일도 없어야지

Let's hope so.

‪[떨리는 숨소리]

‪[단지의 한숨]


‪[의미심장한 효과음]

‪[긴장되는 효과음]




No. No!

‪[경찰이건 ‪의례히 드리는 질문이긴 한데요

These are just some questions we're required to ask.

혹시 아이가 집을 나가기 전에 ‪특별한  없었습니까?

Did anything unusual happen before she left the house?

예를 들어 식구들하고 싸웠다든가

-Did she fight with her family? -Not at all.


-Did she fight with her family? -Not at all.


-Did she fight with her family? -Not at all. Was she bullied at school?

학교에서 친구들한테 ‪왕따를 당했다거나 그런 문제는

Was she bullied at school?


No, none of that happened.

‪[행선절대 그런  아니에요

No, none of that happened.


Hey, Jong-ryeol.

‪[종렬 있었구나

You're here.

‪[행선선생님 오셨어요

Hello, Mr. Jeon.

우리  담임 선생님이세요

This is my kid's homeroom teacher.



‪[종렬전화로 이야기할까 하다가

I was going to call and tell you,

해이 어머님이랑도 ‪ 아시는  좋을  같아서

but I thought Hae-e's mother should know.


The thing is,

실은 해이가

The thing is,

이번 중간고사 국어 과목 답안지를 ‪백지로 냈습니다

Hae-e submitted a blank Reading midterm.



‪- [차분한 음악] ‪- [종렬의 한숨]

‪[종렬본인 말로는 ‪시간이 부족해서 그랬다는데

She told me she had run out of time,

그런 실수를  애가 아니라서 ‪이상하다고 생각했었거든요

but I thought it was odd for her to make such a mistake.

근데 이런 일이 생겨서

Then this happened.

‪- 말씀드려야   같아서요 ‪- [행선

-I thought you should know. -I see.

‪[종렬의 한숨]

 답안지를 ‪백지로 냈는데해이가?

Why? Why did she submit her exam blank?

이유를 모르겠어

I don't know.

‪[안내 음성전원이 꺼져 있어

Your call cannot… She had studied so hard to maintain good grades.

‪[행선지난번 성적 유지한다고 ‪얼마나 공부를 열심히 했는데

She had studied so hard to maintain good grades.

그리고 국어는

Plus, Reading…

해이가 제일 ‪자신 있어 하는 과목인데대체 

has been her strongest subject. So why?

진짜 그것 때문일까요? ‪해이가 없어진 

Could that be related to her going missing?

‪[영주지금으로선 ‪그게 제일 유력하네?

-It seems most likely for now. -Your call cannot be completed…

백지 내고 ‪지도 너무 괴로우니까?

She must've been tormented for failing her exam.

‪- [안내 음성전원이 꺼져 있어… ‪- 아니

-Your call cannot be completed… -No.

그런  아닌  같아나는

I don't think that's it.

백지를 냈든 시험을  봤든 ‪그런 걸로 가출할 애가 아니야

She wouldn't run away from home because she messed up an exam.

‪- [통화 연결음] ‪- 그럴 애가 아니야절대해이는

It's not like her at all.

누나해이 신호 

Hae-e's phone is ringing.


Give it to me.

‪[무거운 음악]

Your call cannot be completed…

‪[안내 음성연결이 되지 않아 ‪음성

Your call cannot be completed…

전원이 꺼져 있어

Your call cannot… Oh, no. It got cut off again.

아유 끊겼어

Oh, no. It got cut off again.

‪[영주방금 켜졌었다며?

But the phone had just turned on.

다시  빨리

Try calling again.

‪- [치열아니내가  볼게요 ‪- [행선의 한숨]

Try calling again. Let me try.

‪[안내 음성전원이 꺼져 있어 ‪음성 사서함으로 연결되며

Your call cannot be completed. You will be redirected to voicemail…

꺼져 있네

Your call cannot be completed. You will be redirected to voicemail… It's off again.

어디 있는 걸까요우리 해이

Where could Hae-e be?

‪[긴장되는 음악]

‪[달려오는 발소리]

‪[다급한 숨소리]

‪[가쁜 숨소리]

‪- [해이의 비명] ‪- [타이어 마찰음]

‪[  열리는 소리]

‪- [사람들의 놀란 소리] ‪- [남자1] 119

-Oh, no! -Call an ambulance.

‪119 누가 신고  해요 ‪빨리요빨리!

Someone call an ambulance! -My gosh. -Hurry up!

‪- [사람들이 웅성거린다] ‪- [남자2] 치인  아니야어떡해

-Is she dead? -She got run over? What do we do?

‪[음산한 음악]

What do we do?

‪[강조되는 효과음]

‪[감성적인 음악]

‪[카메라 셔터음 효과음]


‪[치열정신 똑바로 차리자

Let's stay strong.

누나랑 해이 지켜 줘야지우리가

We need to protect Haeng-seon and Hae-e.

‪[행선 보기보다 성질 더러워서 ‪가만히  누워 있어

She's too impatient to be lying down for too long.

깨어날 거야

She's too impatient to be lying down for too long. She'll wake up soon.

우리 거의  왔어

We're almost there.

‪[서진반년만  있으면 ‪원하는 대학에   있어

In six months, you can get into your dream university.

‪[행선극단적 선택 ‪아닌  같아요우리 해이

I really don't think she attempted suicide.

‪[치열지금  하시는 겁니까? ‪ 의심받는 겁니까?

What are you doing? Are you suspecting me?

‪[동희내가 당신 때문에 ‪무슨 짓까지 했는데!

After what I've done for you!

‪[치열이젠 나도 모르겠어요

But I don't know anymore…

동희가 어떤 놈인지

about what kind of person he is

  옆에 있는지

or why he's by my side.


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