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  나의 해방일지 16

My Liberation Notes 16


(창희) 머리 갖고‬ ‪지랄 좀 그만해라‬Stop messing around with your hair.
‪태훈이 형이 먼저 머리 밀고‬ ‪절로 들어가기 전에‬Before Tae-hun shaves his head and goes to live in a temple.
‪나 같아도, 씨‬If I had a crazy sister,
‪지랄맞은 누이에‬a daughter who doesn't listen to him, and a hysterical girlfriend…
‪말 안 듣는 딸에‬a daughter who doesn't listen to him, and a hysterical girlfriend…
‪진상 여친에‬a daughter who doesn't listen to him, and a hysterical girlfriend…
‪(기정) 내가‬ ‪내 맘대로 할 수 있는 게‬Is there anything I can do as I please apart from my hair?
‪머리카락밖에 더 있냐?‬Is there anything I can do as I please apart from my hair?
‪(창희) 아휴‬
‪(소영) 은근 강심장이시네요?‬You are quite bold. Cutting your own hair at home.
‪집에서 셀프로 머리도 잘라 불고‬Cutting your own hair at home.
‪(기정) 아, 미용실 가서 다듬었지‬I did go to a salon to fix it a little.
‪(소영) 아, 그래도‬ ‪아예 망쳐 불면 어쩌려고‬Still, what if you'd ruined it? You said you cut it with kitchen scissors.
‪부엌 가위로 잘랐다며요‬Still, what if you'd ruined it? You said you cut it with kitchen scissors.
‪그냥, 쯧‬ ‪내 손으로 잘라 보고 싶었어‬I just wanted to try cutting it with my own hands.
‪시원해?‬Are you feeling better?
‪[차분한 음악]‬
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬
‪(태훈) 아버님 생신 선물로‬ ‪이거 보내 드릴까 하는데요‬I'm thinking of getting this for your father's birthday present.
‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬
‪(기정) 노, 노, 노, 노, 노‬ ‪안 해도 돼요, 정말‬You already gave him gifts on Chuseok and New Year's.
‪(기정)‬You don't need to get something for his birthday, too…
‪(기정)‬You don't need to get something for his birthday, too… Just skip my dad's birthday. Please.
‪(기정) 제발, 플리즈‬Just skip my dad's birthday. Please.
‪(태훈) 알았어요‬All right.
‪(기정)‬Thank you.
‪(태훈) 집에 잘 다녀오시고요‬Have a safe trip home.
‪맛점 하시고요‬And enjoy your lunch.
‪(기정)‬You, too. Enjoy your lunch.
‪[다가오는 발걸음]‬I'll have kimchi stew.
‪(기정) 나는 김치찌개‬I'll have kimchi stew.
‪(김 이사) 어‬All right.
‪[의자가 드르륵 끌린다]‬Me? I'll have kimchi deopbap.
‪(소영) 어? 저도요‬Me? I'll have kimchi deopbap. Me too.
‪(기정) 뭐야? 하, 참‬ ‪[소영의 웃음]‬What's this?
‪머리가 짧아지니까‬ ‪옷이 안 어울려요‬I don't look good in anything since my hair's shorter.
‪(김 이사) 그렇다니까‬I don't look good in anything since my hair's shorter. I know, right?
‪[기정이 중얼거린다]‬
‪어머, 안녕하세요‬Oh, hello.
‪(태훈) 아, 예‬Hi.
‪(기정) 어? 태훈 씨‬What? Tae-hun?
‪- (직원1) 아, 안녕하세요‬ ‪- (직원2) 안녕하세요‬-Hello. -Hello.
‪안녕하세요, 예‬Hello.
‪머리…‬Your hair…
‪잘랐어요‬I cut it.
‪아…‬I see.
‪오늘은 같은 데서 맛점이네요‬I guess we're enjoying lunch at the same place today.
‪[기정의 어색한 웃음]‬
‪아, 얼른 드세요, 식어요‬Please, it's getting cold.
‪(태훈) 예, 맛있게 드세요‬All right, enjoy your meal.
‪(직원1) 스타일이 확 바뀌셨네요?‬She's changed her style a lot, suddenly.
‪(태훈) 어‬Yes.
‪머리 자른 거 얘기 안 했어?‬Did you not tell him you cut your hair?
‪(직원3) 강남 지나갈 때마다‬ ‪전쟁이에요‬It's like a war whenever I go through Gangnam.
‪위로 올라가는 데는 그런 데 없죠?‬It's not like that when you go north, right?
‪(미정) 오늘은 저도 강남 가요‬I'm going to Gangnam, too, today.
‪전의 회사 사람들하고 약속 있어서‬I have plans with my former colleagues.
‪(직원3) 사이 좋았나 보네요‬You must have gotten along with them at your previous workplace.
‪전에 다니던 회사 사람들도 만나고‬You must have gotten along with them at your previous workplace.
‪[발걸음이 울린다]‬ ‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪[함께 웃는다]‬
‪(상민) 아유‬
‪- (향기) 어?‬ ‪- (상민) 응?‬
‪(향기) 미정 씨‬Mi-jeong…
‪[향기의 웃음]‬ ‪안녕하세요‬Hello.
‪(향기) 오랜만이에요‬It's been a while.
‪(상민) 오랜만이야‬It's been ages.
‪둘은 계속 보고 지내지?‬Not for you two though, right?
‪염미정 씨 언니랑은 여전히?‬Are you still dating Mi-jeong's sister?
‪예, 그럼요‬Yes, of course.
‪염미정 씨는 갈수록 이…‬Mi-jeong, you just keep getting--
‪이런 얘기를 하면‬ ‪안 된다 그랬는데‬I forgot we shouldn't talk about stuff like this. I forgot.
‪아, 이거 또 이게…‬I forgot. You should still finish what you were saying.
‪아, 그래도 맺음말은 해야죠‬You should still finish what you were saying.
‪'갈수록'?‬"Getting" what?
‪(상민) 새해 복 많이 받으세요‬Happy New Year.
‪[사람들의 웃음]‬Happy New Year.
‪- (태훈) 들어가시죠‬ ‪- (상민) 어‬-Let's go inside. -Yes.
‪(상민) 자‬-Let's go. -Let's go in.
‪[편안한 음악이 흘러나온다]‬A while ago, I told my publisher friend
‪(상민) 얼마 전에 동창회 나갔다가‬A while ago, I told my publisher friend about the Liberation Club at my school reunion.
‪출판사 하는 친구한테‬ ‪해방클럽 얘기를 했거든?‬about the Liberation Club at my school reunion.
‪한번 보여 달라는 거야‬And he asked me if he could see
‪쓴 거‬what we wrote.
‪해방일지‬The liberation notes of all four of us.
‪우리 네 명 거 다‬The liberation notes of all four of us.
‪출판하고 싶다고‬He wants to publish them.
‪[당황한 웃음]‬
‪출판이요?‬Publish them?
‪결성 과정부터‬ ‪뭐, 스토리가 있다나?‬He said how we came together would make a great story.
‪(상민) 뭔가 된다는 거야‬He said it's going to be something.
‪뭐가 된다는 건진 모르겠는데‬I have no idea what that something is,
‪이 친구가 초롱초롱해서 말하는데‬but he was talking to me with his eyes all sparkling.
‪괜히 나까지 설레더라고‬It made me excited.
‪이게 일반 직장인들의‬ ‪살아 있는 이야기가 될 거 같다나?‬He says it could be a slice-of-life story about ordinary office workers.
‪화두를 잘 잡았다는 거야‬Apparently, it's a great subject.
‪뭐, 한 명이 퇴사하면서‬ ‪이제 안 한다고 했더니‬I told him we didn't do it anymore,
‪상관없다고 자꾸 보여 달라는데‬but he keeps asking me to show him.
‪이게 나 혼자 좋다, 싫다‬ ‪결정할 문제도 아니고‬But it's not my decision to make on my own.
‪일단 만나서 물어보겠다고 했지‬So, I told him I would ask you all in person.
‪오늘도 자꾸 쫓아 나오겠다는 거‬Even today, he wanted to come here with me so I had to stop him.
‪아, 오버라고 말렸어‬Even today, he wanted to come here with me so I had to stop him.
‪[함께 웃는다]‬Are we going to be authors, then?
‪(향기) 와, 그럼‬ ‪우리 작가 되는 거예요?‬Are we going to be authors, then?
‪아유, 저는 좀 힘들 거 같은데요‬I don't think I can do that.
‪(상민) 왜, 부담스러운가?‬Why? Is it too much?
‪쓰다 말아서 몇 장 되지도 않고‬I haven't even written that much,
‪또‬and it's too personal…
‪너무 개인적인 얘기라‬and it's too personal…
‪[상민의 고민하는 숨소리]‬
‪(상민) 가명으로 하면 되지 않나?‬What if we use fake names? Like pseudonyms.
‪필명‬What if we use fake names? Like pseudonyms.
‪[상민이 테이블을 탁 친다]‬
‪우리 이번 기회에‬ ‪필명 하나씩 짓자고‬Let's make pseudonyms.
‪[사람들의 웃음]‬Let's make pseudonyms.
‪아이, 나도‬ ‪한 반 정도 쓰다 말았어‬I've also stopped halfway.
‪그래도 우리 넷 거 합치면‬ ‪좀 되지 않을까?‬Wouldn't it still be quite a lot if we gathered all of ours?
‪아, 전 두 권 썼어요‬I've filled about two notebooks.
‪해방클럽 폐지되고 나서도‬ ‪계속 썼거든요‬I kept writing even after we stopped the club.
‪(태훈) 오, 역시‬ ‪[상민의 탄성]‬That's impressive.
‪[향기의 웃음]‬What about you, Mi-jeong? Do you still write?
‪(상민) 염미정 씨는 어때?‬What about you, Mi-jeong? Do you still write?
‪계속 쓰나?‬What about you, Mi-jeong? Do you still write?
‪아니요, 한 권에서 끝냈어요‬No, I was done after I had finished one notebook.
‪오, 끝냈다는 말이 꼭‬It sounds like you've accomplished something.
‪달성했다는 말같이 들리네‬It sounds like you've accomplished something.
‪[웃으며] 아, 그런 건 아니고‬It sounds like you've accomplished something. It's not that.
‪어, 근데 책으로 낼 정도의‬ ‪얘기인진 잘…‬But I'm not sure if it's good enough to be published as a book--
‪무조건 된대‬He says it is! Just the story from the four of us is…
‪우리 넷 얘기만 들어도…‬He says it is! Just the story from the four of us is…
‪(상민) 아유, 쯧, 미안‬I'm sorry.
‪내가 입 털었다‬I shouldn't have told him without asking you guys first.
‪흥분해서 허락도 안 받고‬I shouldn't have told him without asking you guys first.
‪나이 먹고 이러면 안 되는데‬I shouldn't act like this at my age.
‪내가 셋 얘기 다 했거든‬I told him about all of you,
‪각자 뭐에서 해방되고 싶어 했는지‬and about the things you wanted to be liberated from.
‪좋대‬He liked it. He said it has weight.
‪건더기가 있다고‬He liked it. He said it has weight.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪(상민) 헤어질 땐‬When we were saying goodbye,
‪각자 혼자서 끝까지 가 보자고‬When we were saying goodbye, we were determined to see it through to the end wherever we are.
‪비장하게 결의하고 헤어졌지만‬we were determined to see it through to the end wherever we are.
‪뭐, 그때 감정인 거고‬I guess I was just caught up in the moment.
‪노트가 어디 있는지도 몰라‬I don't even know where my notebook is now.
‪해방이라는 말에 뭉클하고‬I was moved by the word "liberation,"
‪아버지 필체라는 말에‬ ‪또 한번 뭉클하고‬and I was moved again when you mentioned your father's handwriting.
‪그렇게 순간순간 뭉클하다가‬I was moved by all those moments,
‪쯧‬then I went back to living the way I used to.
‪언제 그랬냐는 듯이 멀멀하게 살고‬then I went back to living the way I used to.
‪그래도 처음엔‬But at the beginning, I thought,
‪'독립운동하는 기분이‬ ‪이런 기분이었을까?'‬"This must have been what it's like to fight for Korea's liberation."
‪가슴에 뭔가 하나 품고 사는 기분‬The feeling of holding something in your heart.
‪'나의 해방'‬My liberation.
‪출발은 했는데‬even though we did make a start,
‪뭐가 없지 않아요?‬we didn't accomplish anything, did we?
‪[상민의 한숨]‬
‪(향기) 근데‬But…
‪아예 없다고는‬ ‪또 못 하지 않아요?‬we can't exactly say we accomplished nothing, don't you think?
‪좀 되셨어요?‬Do you feel a little liberated?
‪해방‬Do you feel a little liberated?
‪(향기) 뭐‬ ‪어느 날은 좀 된 것 같고‬Well, some days, I feel like I am.
‪어느 날은 도로 아미타불이지만‬And some days, I feel like I'm back to square one. But I still feel I've been liberated even just a little.
‪그래도 아예 없다고는 못 하는데‬But I still feel I've been liberated even just a little.
‪조 과장님은 전혀 없으세요?‬Do you not feel like that at all, Mr. Cho?
‪(태훈) 어…‬
‪나의 힘겨움의 원인을‬I found out why I was suffering,
‪짚었다는 거 외엔…‬but other than that…
‪(미정) 그게‬I think that's what this is all about.
‪전부인 거 같아요‬I think that's what this is all about.
‪내 문제점을 짚었다는 거‬Finding out what my issue is.
‪현 사장은 그만 정리하지‬Let's end it with Hyeon.
‪그동안 해 먹은 돈도‬ ‪만만찮을 텐데‬I'm sure he's pocketed a lot of money all this time.
‪(신 회장) 매출 떨어져서‬ ‪업장 정리하는 걸로 하고‬Make it look like we're closing the place because business isn't good
‪딴 데로 옮겨 앉자고‬and move the shop somewhere else.
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪[차 문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪[문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪[현진의 웃음]‬
‪(도박꾼) 뭐가 있는데?‬I have a good feeling.
‪거봐, 플러시다‬See? It's a flush.
‪[도박꾼의 웃음]‬ ‪[박수 소리]‬
‪이야, 플러시, 그럴 줄 알았어‬A flush? I knew it.
‪[도박꾼들이 대화한다]‬A flush? I knew it.
‪[현진의 다급한 숨소리]‬
‪(구 씨) 시골에서‬ ‪한가하게 잘 살고 있는 새끼‬You kept telling me to come back when I was living quietly in the countryside.
‪올라와야 된다, 올라와야 된다‬ ‪펌프질한 게‬when I was living quietly in the countryside. It was because you needed money to gamble.
‪도박 밑천 필요해서였지?‬It was because you needed money to gamble.
‪[당황한 숨소리]‬
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪그만 안 되냐?‬Can't you stop?
‪어?‬Can't you?
‪그만 안 되냐고!‬-Can't you just stop? -You're one to talk!
‪(현진) 아, 너는, 새끼야!‬-Can't you just stop? -You're one to talk! Can you stop?
‪넌 그만이 되냐?‬Can you stop?
‪아침부터 술에 절어 사는 새끼가‬You drink from sunrise to sunset.
‪자기 핸드폰 번호도‬ ‪까먹는 새끼가 누구한테, 씨‬You can't even remember your own number. Who are you to tell me that?
‪네 대갈통이나 신경 쓰세요‬Mind your own business!
‪[문을 덜컹거린다]‬
‪[현진의 한숨]‬
‪(구 씨) 내일부터 일 매출‬If the daily revenue goes below 80 million even once starting tomorrow, you're out.
‪하루라도 8천 밑으로‬ ‪떨어지는 날엔 내려가는 거다‬If the daily revenue goes below 80 million even once starting tomorrow, you're out.
‪[현진의 겁먹은 숨소리]‬
‪하루라도 떨어지는 날에는‬ ‪바로 내려가는 거야‬You're out if it drops below that even once.
‪내 번호는 내가 몰라도 되지 않냐?‬And why do I have to remember my number?
‪[휴대전화 벨 소리]‬
‪[구 씨의 한숨]‬
‪핸드폰 안 받냐?‬Aren't you going to answer?
‪벨 소리 울리잖아‬Your phone's ringing.
‪이거 네 벨 소리 아니야?‬Isn't this your phone?
‪무슨 소리요?‬What ringing, sir?
‪[따르릉 소리가 맴돈다]‬ ‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪[입소리를 쯧 낸다]‬
‪(향기) 먼저 갈게요‬We'll be off.
‪(미정) 들어가세요‬Good night.
‪[차 문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪(상민) 그럼 나는 버스 타고‬Well, I'm taking the bus.
‪예‬I see.
‪그러면 새해 복 많이…‬-All right, then. Happy New… -Yes. Happy New Year, sir.
‪(태훈) 예, 부장님도‬ ‪새해 복 많이 받으십시오‬-All right, then. Happy New… -Yes. Happy New Year, sir.
‪조심히 들어가세요‬Get home safe.
‪[쓸쓸한 음악]‬
‪(향기) 난 미정 씨‬ ‪그 말이 안 잊혀지더라‬I could never forget what you said that day, Mi-jeong.
‪옛날에 그런 말 한 적 있어‬You once said to me
‪해방되기로 결심하고 나서‬that when you decided to be liberated,
‪그동안 느껴 보지 못한‬ ‪감정을 느낀다고‬you started feeling emotions that you'd never felt before.
‪[향기가 피식 웃는다]‬
‪갑자기 자기가 너무 사랑스럽다고‬You said you suddenly felt so lovable.
‪자기가 사랑스럽다는 건‬I wonder what it's like
‪어떤 걸까?‬to feel lovable.
‪또 봐요‬See you again.
‪조심해서 들어가세요‬Take care.
‪(구 씨) 워!‬ ‪[미정의 놀란 숨소리]‬
‪(미정) 아, 깜짝이야‬My gosh.
‪장난도 다 치네?‬So you can joke around, too.
‪[구 씨의 한숨]‬
‪[구 씨의 한숨]‬
‪[구 씨의 헛기침]‬
‪[구 씨의 한숨]‬
‪(구 씨) 손 떠는 게‬ ‪먼저일 줄 알았는데‬I thought my hands would get shaky first,
‪귀가 먼저 맛이 간다‬but I'm hearing things instead.
‪뇌가 망가지는 거지, 뭐‬Well, my brain must be breaking down.
‪눈뜨자마자 들이붓는데‬ ‪망가질 만도 하지‬I deserve it. Since I drink as soon as I open my eyes in the morning.
‪아침부터 마시는 사람 드문데‬Not a lot of people start drinking in the morning.
‪술꾼도 아침엔‬ ‪때려죽여도 못 마신다던데?‬They say even heavy drinkers can't drink in the morning.
‪[구 씨가 피식 웃는다]‬They say even heavy drinkers can't drink in the morning.
‪맨정신으로 있는 거보단 덜 힘들어‬But it's easier than being sober.
‪맨정신이 왜 힘든데?‬Why is it hard to stay sober?
‪(구 씨) 음…‬
‪정신이 맑으면‬When I'm sober,
‪지나온 사람들이 우르르 몰려와‬all the people from my past come to me.
‪전부 다‬All of them.
‪죽은 사람도‬Even the dead.
‪[피식 웃는다]‬
‪[차분한 음악]‬
‪아침에 일어나면‬When I wake up in the morning,
‪잠자던 그 인간들도‬the ones who were resting…
‪하나둘 일어나서‬get up one by one
‪와‬and come to me.
‪한 놈, 한 놈‬One by one.
‪끝도 없이‬Endlessly…
‪찾아온 인간들‬The ones who come for me…
‪머릿속으로 다 작살내‬I destroy them all inside my head.
‪쌍욕을 퍼붓고‬And curse at them.
‪그렇게 한 시간을‬After I sit there
‪앉아 있으면‬for an hour doing that,
‪지쳐‬I get exhausted.
‪몸에‬It feels like…
‪썩은 물이 도는 거 같아‬there's sewage waste flowing inside my body.
‪'일어나자'‬I say, "Let's get up."
‪'마시자'‬"Let's drink."
‪'마시면 이 인간들 다 사라진다'‬"They'll all go away if I drink."
‪그래서‬That's why
‪맨정신일 때의 나보다‬I'm more generous drunk
‪취해 있을 때의 내가‬ ‪인정이 많은 거야‬than I am when sober.
‪몰려오는 사람 중에‬Among those people who came for you,
‪(미정) 나도 있었나?‬was I one of them?
‪[피식 웃는다]‬
‪[미정의 힘주는 숨소리]‬
‪어떡하지?‬What's wrong with me?
‪난 알콜릭도 아닌데‬I'm not even an alcoholic, but I understand you perfectly.
‪왜 당신 말이 너무 이해되지?‬I'm not even an alcoholic, but I understand you perfectly.
‪잘 자고 일어나서‬ ‪아침에 이 닦는데‬When I'm brushing my teeth in the morning after a good sleep,
‪벌써 머릿속엔‬ ‪최 팀장 개자식이 들어와 있고‬Choi Jun-ho, that asshole, is waiting for me in my head.
‪한수진 미친년도 들어와 있고‬Han Su-jin, that bitch, is there too.
‪정찬혁 개새끼도 들어와 있어‬And that bastard, Jung Chan-hyeok, too.
‪그냥 자고 일어났어‬All I did was sleep and wake up.
‪근데 이를 닦는데‬But I get angry while brushing my teeth.
‪화가 나 있어‬But I get angry while brushing my teeth.
‪[입소리를 쩝 낸다]‬
‪그 새끼 전화번호 뭐야?‬What's that bastard's phone number?
‪[미정이 피식 웃는다]‬Just give me the number. I'll take care of it.
‪전화번호만 줘, 금방 해결해‬Just give me the number. I'll take care of it.
‪그 새끼는‬That bastard…
‪나한테 돈을 다 갚으면 안 돼‬shouldn't pay me back.
‪(미정) 그 새끼가‬ ‪얼마나 형편없는 놈인지‬Because I want to prove what a terrible person he is
‪오래오래 증명해 보일 거니까‬for as long as possible.
‪세상에 증명해 보이고 싶어‬I want to prove to the world
‪내가 별 볼 일 없는 인간이라서‬ ‪그놈이 간 게 아니고‬that he didn't leave me because I was small and insignificant, but because he was a terrible person.
‪그놈이 형편없는 놈이라서‬but because he was a terrible person.
‪그따위로 하고 간 거라고‬That's why he left me like that.
‪결혼식장에 가서도‬I wanted to make him think
‪'넌 형편없는 놈이야'라고‬ ‪느끼게 하고 싶고‬that he was a terrible person during his wedding.
‪그놈이 애를 낳는다면‬ ‪돌잔치에 가서도‬And if he ever has a child, I want to go to their birthday party
‪'넌 형편없는 놈이야'‬and remind him again that he's a terrible person.
‪라고 느끼게 하고 싶어‬and remind him again that he's a terrible person.
‪그래서‬That's why
‪내가 힘이 없는 거야‬I'm always exhausted.
‪누군가의 형편없음을‬ ‪증명하기 위한 존재로‬Since I decided to be someone who exists only to prove…
‪나를 세워 놨으니까‬how terrible someone is.
‪(구 씨) 형편없는 놈이라고‬ ‪증명해 보이고 싶었던 인간들 중에‬Among those people you wanted to prove were terrible…
‪나도 있었냐?‬was I one of them?
‪당신은‬You're like…
‪내 머릿속의 성역이야‬a sanctuary that I keep within my head.
‪(미정) 결심했으니까‬Because I decided to keep you away from my hate.
‪당신은 건들지 않기로‬ ‪[잔잔한 음악]‬Because I decided to keep you away from my hate.
‪당신이 떠나고‬After you left,
‪엄마 죽고‬my mom passed away,
‪아빠 재혼하고‬and my dad remarried…
‪뭔가‬I felt like
‪계속 버려지는 기분이었어‬I was constantly being abandoned.
‪어떤 관계에서도 난‬ ‪한 번도 먼저 떠난 적이 없어‬In every kind of relationship I've had, I've never walked away first. The other person always left me.
‪늘 상대가 먼저 떠났지‬The other person always left me.
‪'나한테 무슨 문제가 있는 걸까?'‬So I thought maybe something was wrong with me.
‪나한테 문제를 찾는 게‬ ‪너무 괴로우니까‬And since it was so painful to find a problem with myself,
‪다 개새끼로 만들었던 거야‬I made myself believe everyone else was the asshole.
‪근데 당신은‬But I was
‪처음부터 결심하고 만난 거니까‬determined from the moment I met you.
‪'더 이상 개새끼 수집 작업은‬ ‪하지 않겠다'‬that I wouldn't make any more assholes in my life.
‪잘돼서 날아갈 것 같으면‬ ‪기쁘게 날려 보내 줄 거고‬That I'd gladly let you fly away if you become a better person.
‪바닥을 긴다고 해도‬ ‪쪽팔려 하지 않을 거고‬That I wouldn't be embarrassed even if you hit rock bottom.
‪인간 대 인간으로‬ ‪응원만 할 거라고‬That I'd only cheer you on from one person to another.
‪당신이 미워질 것 같으면‬ ‪얼른 속으로 빌었어‬When I felt like I would hate you, I begged in my head,
‪감기 한번 걸리지 않기를‬"Please, don't even let him catch a cold."
‪숙취로 고생하는 날이‬"Please don't let him suffer from a hangover."
‪하루도 없기를‬"Please don't let him suffer from a hangover."
‪근데 난 불행하니까‬But since I was unhappy all the time,
‪욱해서 당신을 욕하고 싶으면 얼른‬when I wanted to blame you out of anger,
‪'정찬혁 개새끼'‬I would say, "Jung Chan-hyeok, you bastard."
‪[미정이 피식 웃는다]‬
‪되는 건 하나도 없고‬Whenever nothing was going my way
‪어디다 화풀이를 해야 될지‬ ‪모르겠을 때마다‬and I didn't know where to vent my anger,
‪'정찬혁 개새끼'‬I said, "Jung Chan-hyeok, you bastard."
‪[미정이 피식 웃는다]‬
‪그러다가도 문득‬Then it occurred to me,
‪'그놈이 돈을 다 갚으면'‬"What if he pays it all back?"
‪'난 누굴 물어뜯지?'‬"Who would I curse, then?"
‪[미정의 헛웃음]‬
‪돈을 다 갚을까 봐 걱정해‬I'm worried he might pay me back.
‪[미정이 피식 웃는다]‬
‪[피식 웃는다]‬
‪생각해 보니까‬Come to think of it…
‪나 감기는 한 번도 안 걸렸다‬I've never caught a cold.
‪[구 씨와 미정이 피식 웃는다]‬
‪[새가 지저귄다]‬
‪[감성적인 음악]‬
‪(두환) 다 같이 뒤로 뛰며!‬Everyone, run backwards and wave your arms and say, "Welcome!"
‪두 팔 흔들며 '환영합니다'!‬Everyone, run backwards and wave your arms and say, "Welcome!"
‪(학생들) 환영합니다!‬-Welcome! -Welcome!
‪다시 앞으로!‬Face front again!
‪이따 봐!‬See you later!
‪(창희) 빨리하고 와!‬Hurry it up, okay?
‪대망살에 꼬들살에‬ ‪오늘 돼지고기 오마카세다!‬We've got all kinds of pork. It's an all-you-can-eat pork buffet!
‪(여자) 음, 다르네, 응‬It sure is different.
‪미정이가 아침 일찍 가서‬ ‪뜨거운 거 사 온 거예요‬Mi-jeong went to the store early in the morning to get freshly made ones.
‪(기정) 금방 나온 거‬Mi-jeong went to the store early in the morning to get freshly made ones.
‪다르다‬Yes, you can tell.
‪어때요, 아버지랑 커플 룩?‬Do you like the matching shirts?
‪[여자와 기정의 웃음]‬
‪(여자) 아유‬
‪아유, 그 김치 별로야‬ ‪그거 먹지 마‬That kimchi isn't good. Don't eat it.
‪끝내주는 김치가 있습니다‬There's amazing kimchi in the fridge.
‪[기정과 여자의 웃음]‬
‪(제호) 한겨울에‬Why did you get your hair cut
‪머리는 왜 잘랐어?‬in the middle of winter?
‪아, 감기 귀찮아서 잘랐어요‬I had it cut since it was too hard to wash it.
‪짧으니까 너무 가뿐해‬It feels so light now that it's short.
‪[기정의 힘주는 신음]‬Goodness me.
‪이거는 아빠 무릎 연골 약‬This is medication for your knee, Dad.
‪아침에 두 알 드시면 돼요‬Take two tablets in the morning.
‪(여자) 애썼다‬You've done well.
‪그걸 다 어떻게 갚았대?‬How did you pay back all of it?
‪대단하다‬You're amazing. It's nothing.
‪(창희) 아유, 뭘요‬It's nothing.
‪[쓱 집는 소리]‬It's nothing.
‪[서랍이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪(창희) 내가 이제‬I can treat you all to beef sashimi and everything, now.
‪너희들 육사시미도 사 주고‬ ‪다 사 준다‬I can treat you all to beef sashimi and everything, now.
‪이제 280 벌면‬ ‪280이 온전히 다 내 거야‬If I make 2.8 million won now, it's all mine.
‪씀씀이를 한번 확 줄이고 나니까‬I reduced the amount of money I spend, so I don't really spend much.
‪써도 써도 줄질 않아‬so I don't really spend much.
‪뭣도 먹고 뭣도 먹고 뭣도 먹고‬I can eat whatever I want
‪그래도 돈이 남아‬and still have some money left.
‪280이 이렇게 큰돈이었다니‬I never realized 2.8 million won was so much.
‪다이어트 한번 빡세게 하고‬Just like eating an almond
‪요 아몬드 한 알 먹을 때‬after being on a strict diet
‪(두환) '오, 야, 아몬드가‬ ‪이렇게 고소할 수가 있다니'‬and thinking, "Wow, an almond could taste this good?"
‪뭐, 이런 기분이랑 같은 거냐?‬Is it something like that?
‪[두환의 웃음]‬Seriously, I was worried she might divorce my dad.
‪내가 진짜‬ ‪울 아버지 이혼당할까 봐‬Seriously, I was worried she might divorce my dad.
‪어금니 꽉 깨물고 악착같이 갚았다‬So, I just sucked it up and paid it all back.
‪결혼하자마자 남편 자식들이‬What would would have my stepmother thought
‪돈으로 치대기 시작하는 거 보면‬What would would have my stepmother thought if she saw that his children had trouble with money?
‪얼마나 생각이 많으실 거야‬if she saw that his children had trouble with money?
‪(창희) '잘못 들어왔나'‬She might regret marrying him.
‪아무리 그린벨트라도‬She probably felt very secure that my dad owned some land.
‪그래도 땅 가진 남자라고‬ ‪든든하셨을 텐데‬She probably felt very secure that my dad owned some land.
‪울 아버지 이혼당하면 딴 수 없어‬If my dad gets divorced, I'll have to bring him to live with us.
‪내가 데리고 사는 수밖에‬If my dad gets divorced, I'll have to bring him to live with us.
‪내가‬You know,
‪엄마 돌아가시고‬when my mom passed away
‪아버지랑 마주 앉아서‬ ‪삼시 세끼 먹으면서‬and I was having all three meals with just my dad,
‪까딱 잘못하다간‬I kept worrying that we might grow old together like this
‪우리 둘이 이렇게 늙겠구나‬ ‪싶은 게‬I kept worrying that we might grow old together like this if I don't do anything.
‪암담하더라‬It was depressing.
‪'정신 똑바로 차리고'‬So I thought, "I need to get it together and help my dad remarry."
‪'아버지 새장가 보내야 된다'‬So I thought, "I need to get it together and help my dad remarry."
‪선 자리 들어오자마자‬ ‪아버지 모시고 피부과 가서‬As soon as someone set him up with a woman,
‪얼굴 한번 싹 긁어 드리고‬I got him an exfoliation treatment
‪리프팅 한번 해 주고‬and a facelift.
‪(정훈) 난 아저씨가 피부과를‬ ‪쫓아가신 게 용하시더라, 응‬I just can't believe Mr. Yeom even went to the dermatology clinic with you. Right.
‪나랑 안 살려면 별수 있냐?‬He had to if he didn't want to live with me forever.
‪그렇게 힘들게 새장가 보내 놨는데‬And why would I ruin his marriage that we put so much effort into?
‪내가 그걸 깨겠냐?‬And why would I ruin his marriage that we put so much effort into?
‪진짜 끽소리 안 하고‬ ‪눈물 나게 갚았다‬So, I just had to suck it up and put my all into paying it back.
‪[정훈이 코를 훌쩍인다]‬
‪(창희) 모으는 건 어려워도‬ ‪날리는 건 쉽더라‬Saving money may be hard, but spending it was so easy.
‪10년 모은 걸 몇 달 만에‬The money I saved over ten years…
‪그러니까 모으질 말아야 돼‬That's why you don't save any. Just spend it all.
‪(두환) 다 쓰고 살아야 돼‬That's why you don't save any. Just spend it all.
‪[창희가 입소리를 쩝 낸다]‬That's why you don't save any. Just spend it all.
‪진짜 대박 치나 했는데‬I really thought I hit the jackpot.
‪전국 2천 개 편의점에‬ ‪군고구마 기계 깔기로 하고‬I was going to sell sweet potato ovens to over 2,000 convenience stores.
‪창고에 가득 찬 기계 보면서 내가‬And looking at the warehouse full of ovens,
‪(창희) '이야!'‬I thought I had finally made a breakthrough in life.
‪'염창희 인생 이렇게 풀리는구나'‬I thought I had finally made a breakthrough in life.
‪했는데‬I thought I had finally made a breakthrough in life.
‪그걸 포기한 나란 놈은 참‬But to have given all of that up…
‪멋져‬I'm amazing.
‪편의점 까는 거 포기하고‬I gave up selling them to stores and only sold 300 of them that winter.
‪그해 겨울에 3백 개 팔았다‬and only sold 300 of them that winter.
‪나머지 천7백 갠 고대로 창고에‬The other 1700 are still sitting in the warehouse.
‪(정훈) 말할 때마다 바뀐다?‬The story keeps changing.
‪저번에는 뭐‬ ‪기계 테스트에 못 가서 탈락됐다며‬You said you failed since you couldn't go to the machine testing.
‪갈 수 있었는데 안 갔어‬I could but I didn't.
‪(창희) 차에 다 실려 있었어‬ ‪테스트할 기계‬They were all loaded in a truck.
‪테스트도 다 형식적인 거였고‬And the test was just a formality. They were the number one bid.
‪어차피 낙찰 예정 1순위라‬And the test was just a formality. They were the number one bid.
‪근데 왜 안 갔냐고‬Then why didn't you go? It was all yours for the taking.
‪어? 대박을 눈앞에 두고‬Then why didn't you go? It was all yours for the taking.
‪[창희의 머뭇거리는 숨소리]‬ ‪뭐?‬What?
‪(정훈) 어?‬What?
‪이 새끼 안 하던 짓 하네, 어?‬This is so unlike you. Are you teasing me? Why aren't you saying anything?
‪간 보냐?‬Are you teasing me? Why aren't you saying anything?
‪왜 말을 아껴?‬Are you teasing me? Why aren't you saying anything?
‪[창희의 한숨]‬
‪(창희) 쯧‬
‪내가‬You know
‪뭐든 다 입으로 털잖냐‬how I always vent by talking?
‪근데 이건 안 털고 싶다‬But I don't want to this time.
‪나란 인간의 묵직함‬This silence of mine. The stoic and cool me that only I remember.
‪나만이 기억하는 나만의 멋짐‬The stoic and cool me that only I remember.
‪[정훈의 어이없는 숨소리]‬Jeez…
‪(정훈) 어이구, 어이구‬Jeez…
‪(창희) 말하면‬ ‪이 묵직함이 흩어질 거 같아서‬I won't do it because if I do, the weight of my silence will be lightened.
‪말하고 싶지가 않다‬the weight of my silence will be lightened.
‪영원히 나만의 비밀‬It'll be my own secret, forever. You little…
‪(정훈) 이 새…‬You little…
‪걱정 마, 응‬Don't worry, alright?
‪얘 1분 내로 말해, 응‬He'll tell us in a minute.
‪[창희의 옅은 웃음]‬
‪[창희가 쓴 숨을 내뱉는다]‬
‪[창희의 헛기침]‬
‪웬일이냐?‬What's with you? The minute's almost up.
‪1분 넘기려나 보다?‬What's with you? The minute's almost up.
‪[피식 웃는다]‬
‪[손을 탁탁 턴다]‬ ‪[헛기침]‬
‪(두환) 이렇게 또, 응?‬You know what?
‪[힘주며] 긁어 주면‬ ‪[창희의 웃음]‬-He'll tell us if we tickle him. -That's right.
‪- (정훈) 그래, 말해, 말해‬ ‪- (두환) 술술 불어‬-He'll tell us if we tickle him. -That's right.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬ ‪- (정훈) 야, 말해, 어‬ ‪- (두환) 술술 불어, 또‬-He'll tell us if we tickle him. -That's right. -Tell us. -He'll tell us.
‪[창희가 가쁜 숨을 고른다]‬
‪이 말들이‬The words sit on the tip of your tongue, wanting to come out.
‪막 쏟아지고 싶어서‬ ‪혀끝까지 밀려왔는데‬The words sit on the tip of your tongue, wanting to come out.
‪꾹 다시 밀어 넣게 되는 그 순간‬But when you swallow them back down,
‪그 순간부터 어른이 되는 거다‬that's when you know you're an adult.
‪'내가 이걸 삼키다니'‬You fall in love with yourself thinking, "I can't believe I held back."
‪자기한테 반하면서‬You fall in love with yourself thinking, "I can't believe I held back."
‪나 또 반한다‬I'm falling in love with myself again.
‪(정훈) 이 새끼, 이거‬This bastard…
‪왜 이렇게 재수가 없어졌지?‬Why did he get so annoying?
‪[헛기침]‬ ‪어?‬Why did he get so annoying?
‪(창희) 아, 죽인다‬It's amazing.
‪(구 씨) 오늘 1초도‬ ‪설레는 일이 없었는데‬I didn't feel good for even a second today.
‪막판에 설레는구나‬But right at the end, I do.
‪걸어가련다‬I'm going to walk.
‪(삼식) 타세요‬ ‪그러다 감기 걸리십니다‬Please get in, sir. You'll catch a cold.
‪안 걸려, 인마‬I won't.
‪[피식 웃는다]‬
‪아빠랑‬When I sit here
‪여기 이렇게 앉아서‬ ‪눈 내리는 거 보고 있으면‬with your father and watch the snow,
‪'이런 날도 오는구나'‬I think, "I never thought this kind of day would come."
‪(경선) 염기정은‬ ‪이제 아예 안 오기로 했나 보지?‬Has Yeom Gi-jeong decided not to come anymore?
‪가게도 요즘 도통 안 오고‬She doesn't come to the bar anymore, either. Did you break up?
‪헤어졌냐?‬Did you break up?
‪산포 갔어, 아버지 생신이라고‬She's in Sanpo. It's her father's birthday.
‪다음 주엔 또‬ ‪무슨 핑계를 대시려나?‬I wonder what kind of excuse she'll have next week.
‪[기어 조작음]‬I wonder what kind of excuse she'll have next week.
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬
‪(유림) 여보세요‬Hello?
‪여차하면‬If I have to,
‪내가 쟤 데리고‬ ‪사라질 테니까 걱정 마‬I'll take her and disappear, so don't worry.
‪계란빵 있는데‬There's egg bread!
‪(경선) 안 사?‬-Are we not buying any? -He said Gi-jeong's not here!
‪기정이 없다잖아!‬-Are we not buying any? -He said Gi-jeong's not here!
‪(여자) 많이 먹어‬Help yourself.
‪(미정) 네‬Okay.
‪죽기 전에 미정이 수다 떠는 거‬ ‪한번 볼 수 있으려나 몰라‬I wonder if I'll ever see Mi-jeong gossiping before I die.
‪저 말 많아요‬I talk a lot.
‪(여자) [피식 웃으며] 누구랑?‬With whom?
‪[살짝 웃는다]‬
‪아유, 동치미, 동치미, 아유‬No. I forgot the dongchimi.
‪(기정) 아, 됐어요‬ ‪여기 먹을 거 많은데‬It's okay. There's a lot to eat here.
‪(여자) 아, 동치미도 끝내줍니다‬We've got amazing dongchimi.
‪[여자의 웃음]‬Take some with you. I'll pack them for you.
‪이따 가져가, 싸 줄게‬Take some with you. I'll pack them for you.
‪네‬All right.
‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬
‪[문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪혼자 살아도 된다 싶으면‬If you think you would be fine living on your own,
‪혼자 살아‬just do that.
‪너희들은 그래도 돼‬It's okay for you to do that.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪두 번 하신 분이‬ ‪하실 말씀은 아닌 거 같은데…‬I don't think someone who's gotten married twice can say that.
‪두 번 했으니까‬ ‪할 수 있는 말이야‬I can because I've done it twice.
‪아빤‬Your dad
‪힘이 없어‬isn't strong.
‪너희들은‬You guys
‪아빠보다 나아‬are better than me.
‪[미정과 기정이 훌쩍인다]‬
‪[미정의 헛기침]‬
‪[새가 지저귄다]‬
‪(창희) '리턴 투 파라다이스'란‬ ‪영화가 있어‬There's a film called Return To Paradise.
‪고등학교 때인가 봤는데‬I saw it when I was in high school.
‪배낭여행하던 남자 셋 얘기인데‬It's a story about three men backpacking.
‪같이 어울려 놀다가‬ ‪며칠 뒤에 헤어져‬They hang out for a few days together and then part ways.
‪두 놈은 자기 나라로‬ ‪돌아가기로 하고‬Two of them decide to go back to their country,
‪한 명은 거기 남기로 했는데‬and one of them decides to stay.
‪근데 몇 년 뒤에 어떤 변호사가‬ ‪그 두 놈을 찾아와‬But after a few years, some lawyer comes to talk to them.
‪그때 거기서‬ ‪셋이 마리화나를 했었는데‬The three of them smoked marijuana when they were together,
‪거기 남아 있던 한 명이‬ ‪그걸 갖고 있다 경찰에 잡혔다고‬but the one who stayed got caught for possession.
‪근데 갖고 있던 그 마리화나 양이‬But the marijuana he had was enough for him to receive the death penalty.
‪사형에 해당하는 양이래‬But the marijuana he had was enough for him to receive the death penalty.
‪그래서 너희들이 가서‬ ‪같이 했다고 증언해 주면‬The lawyer tells the two of them that if they testify they were in it together,
‪각자 3분의 1씩 나눠 갖게 돼서‬ ‪사형은 면할 수 있다고‬he could avoid the death penalty since the punishment will be reduced by one-third.
‪대신 셋이 똑같이‬But… all three of them would have to be in prison for three years.
‪3년을 그 나라 감방에서‬ ‪살아야 한다고‬all three of them would have to be in prison for three years.
‪(두환) 난 안 가‬I wouldn't go.
‪그래도 사형은‬ ‪면하게 해야 되지 않겠냐고‬The one who was pretending to be conscientious
‪되게 양심적인 척했던 놈은‬The one who was pretending to be conscientious and said they should help him avoid the death penalty
‪교도소 환경 보고 놀라서 도망가‬runs away after seeing how bad the prison is in that country.
‪안 가겠다고 했던 놈은‬the one who said he didn't want to go,
‪그 실상을 보고‬he begins to change his mind after seeing what it's like there.
‪흔들려‬he begins to change his mind after seeing what it's like there.
‪있어 줘야 되지 않나‬He thinks, "Shouldn't we stay with him?"
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬In the end, the one who pretended to be conscientious runs away,
‪(창희) 결국‬ ‪양심적인 척했던 놈은 도망가고‬In the end, the one who pretended to be conscientious runs away,
‪원래 교도소에 있던 놈은‬ ‪사형을 면치 못하게 되고‬and the man who was arrested is sentenced to death.
‪안 가겠다고 했던 놈만‬ ‪괜히 같이 했다고 증언해서‬And the one who changed his mind testifies on his friend's behalf and becomes imprisoned.
‪감옥에 갇히게 돼‬and becomes imprisoned.
‪이게 뭔가 싶잖아‬It's ridiculous, right?
‪사형 집행되는 날‬on the day of the execution,
‪교도소 광장 사형대에서‬ ‪걔가 달달달 떨고 있는데‬when the man who was sentenced to death is trembling on the scaffold,
‪괜히 증언해서 갇힌 놈이‬the one who testified for him shouts from inside his cell,
‪그 좁은 창살 사이로‬ ‪내다보면서 그래‬the one who testified for him shouts from inside his cell,
‪'나 여기 있어!'‬"I'm here!"
‪'내 눈 봐'‬"Look into my eyes."
‪'나 여기 있어!'‬"I'm right here!"
‪'나 여기 있어!'‬"I'm right here!"
‪[울컥하는 숨소리]‬
‪그 10분‬For those ten minutes…
‪짧으면 5분‬Or maybe it was five.
‪나 같아도 그 5분을 위해서‬I felt I could be in that prison for three years
‪교도소에서 3년 썩는다 싶더라‬just to be able to experience those five minutes.
‪친구도 아니었고‬ ‪아무 사이도 아니었는데‬Though they weren't even close friends.
‪(두환) 이 새끼, 이거‬You bastard.
‪청소년 관람 불가 영화를‬ ‪씨, 고등학교 때…‬You watched an R-rated movie when you were in high school…
‪(창희) 지금 가‬I'm on my way.
‪[통화 종료음]‬
‪빨리 오래, 집에 간다고‬They told me to hurry so we can go home.
‪(두환) 언제 또 오냐?‬When are you coming again?
‪(창희) 어‬Yes…
‪(민규) 오늘 테스트‬ ‪우리 매장인 거 알지?‬You know the test is at our store, right?
‪알아, 지금 출발한다‬I know. I'm leaving now.
‪뭐 이렇게 일찍 출발해? 11시인데‬Why are you leaving so early? It's only 11.
‪(창희) 미리 가서‬ ‪세팅해 놓고 기다려야지‬I need to go set things up in advance. I also need to stop by somewhere.
‪들를 데도 있고‬I need to go set things up in advance. I also need to stop by somewhere.
‪이따 봐‬I'll see you there.
‪[의료 기기 작동음]‬
‪[의료 기기 경고음]‬
‪(창희) 형‬Hyeok-su.
‪[이불을 스륵 들춘다]‬
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪[통화 연결음]‬Sir. Can you hear me?
‪(간호사1) 권혁수 환자분‬ ‪제 목소리 들리세요?‬Sir. Can you hear me?
‪[간호사들이 분주하다]‬Sir. Can you hear me? His vitals are dropping…
‪(창희) 혁수 형 몇 시간 안 남았어‬Hyeok-su doesn't have much time left. Hurry here, quickly.
‪빨리 와, 빨리‬Hyeok-su doesn't have much time left. Hurry here, quickly.
‪(간호사2) 보호자분도‬ ‪연락이 안 돼요‬We can't reach his guardian. At this rate, it's a matter of hours.
‪이러면 한두 시간 내인데‬We can't reach his guardian. At this rate, it's a matter of hours.
‪어머니 말고 딴 번호는 없어요?‬Do you have any other numbers?
‪(간호사2) 하, 없어요‬We don't.
‪그럼 어머니 번호 좀…‬Give me his mother's number. I'll try calling her.
‪저도 해 볼게요‬Give me his mother's number. I'll try calling her.
‪[통화 연결음]‬
‪[창희의 초조한 숨소리]‬
‪(창희) 하, 씨‬ ‪[통화 종료음]‬
‪왜 안 와? 아까 출발했다며‬Why aren't you here yet? The people from HQ are here.
‪본사에서 벌써 와 있어‬Why aren't you here yet? The people from HQ are here.
‪일단 끊어 봐‬I need to hang up for now.
‪알았어, 일단 끊어 봐‬I got it. I'll call you back.
‪[통화 종료음]‬
‪[통화 연결음]‬JI HYEON-A
‪[혁수의 힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪(창희) 형‬Hyeok-su.
‪미안해‬I'm sorry
‪괜히 불안하게 해서‬for making you feel anxious.
‪형‬ ‪[컥컥거린다]‬Hyeok-su.
‪나랑 둘이 있자‬It will be just the two of us.
‪내가 있어 줄게‬I'll be here for you.
‪나 이거‬I think…
‪팔자 같다‬I was destined for things like this.
‪우리 할아버지, 할머니, 엄마‬I was also there when my grandpa, grandma, and my mother
‪다 내가 보내 드렸잖아‬passed away.
‪희한하지?‬Isn't it weird?
‪내 나이에 임종 한 번도‬ ‪못 본 애들도 많은데‬Most people my age haven't even witnessed one death.
‪난 내가 나은 거 같아‬I think it's better that it's me.
‪보내 드릴 때마다‬Whenever I send them away,
‪여기 내가 있어서‬ ‪다행이다 싶었거든‬I was relieved that I was there.
‪귀신같이 또 발길이 이리 왔네‬My legs led me here again, like a psychic.
‪내가 세 명 보내 봐서 아는데‬I know since I've sent three people away.
‪갈 때‬When you go…
‪엄청 편해진다‬you'll feel better.
‪얼굴들이 그래‬Their faces told me.
‪그러니까 형‬So Hyeok-su,
‪겁먹지 말고‬don't be afraid…
‪편하게 가‬and leave peacefully.
‪나 여기 있어‬I'm right here.
‪[의료 기기가 삐 울린다]‬
‪[안내 음성이 흘러나온다]‬The person you have called is not available at the moment…
‪[차 문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪(창희) 뭐래?‬What did they say?
‪(현아) 내일부터 출근하래‬They said to come starting tomorrow.
‪(창희) 잠원동 거기도 괜찮다며‬Didn't you say the one in Jamwon-dong pays well too?
‪시급도 세고‬Didn't you say the one in Jamwon-dong pays well too?
‪(현아) 거긴 계속 다니고‬ ‪여긴 주말만‬I'll keep working there, and this is just for the weekend.
‪나도 강북에 있어 볼까 하고‬I thought it'd be nice to work in Gangbuk.
‪(창희) 쉬엄쉬엄해라‬ ‪누가 쫓아오냐?‬Take it easy, no one's after you.
‪(현아) 배터리가 0이 될 때까지‬ ‪날 소진시켜야‬I only feel alive when I exhaust myself completely.
‪제대로 산 거 같아‬I only feel alive when I exhaust myself completely.
‪조금이라도 에너지가 남아 있으면‬If I have any energy left, I feel heavy.
‪무거워‬If I have any energy left, I feel heavy.
‪'되는 일은 없고‬ ‪이룬 것도 없지만'‬"Nothing has gone my way, and I haven't achieved anything,
‪'어쨌든 죽을힘은 다했다'‬but I've done my best at least."
‪(창희) 설사하고 나서‬ ‪기운 빠지는 거랑 비슷한 거냐?‬Is it like the way you feel spent after having diarrhea?
‪간만에 설사하고 싶다‬I wish I had diarrhea.
‪(현아) 아이스라테 마셔‬Drink an iced latte.
‪사 줄까?‬Shall I buy you one?
‪(창희) 집에 가서 마셔야지‬I need to drink it at home, not outside.
‪돌아다닐 땐 안 돼‬I need to drink it at home, not outside.
‪(현아) 생각보다 얼굴 좋네‬You look better than I expected.
‪(창희) 나쁠 일이 뭐 있다고‬Why wouldn't I?
‪날이 푹하다‬The weather's nice. Spring must be on its way.
‪봄이 오나 봐‬The weather's nice. Spring must be on its way.
‪(현아) 오겠지‬It must be.
‪봄도 오고 여름도 오고‬Spring will come, then summer,
‪겨울도 오고‬and then winter.
‪(창희) 가‬Bye, then.
‪(현아) 가‬Bye.
‪주말에 일 끝나고 편의점으로 갈게‬I'll come to the convenience store after work on the weekend.
‪[신호등 알림음]‬
‪[안내 음성] 녹색 불이 켜졌습니다‬
‪건너가도 좋습니다‬
‪[차분한 음악이 흘러나온다]‬
‪(태훈) 후회했어요‬I regretted it.
‪해방클럽에서‬That I said
‪약한 남자라는 느낌에서‬ ‪벗어나고 싶다고 말했던 거‬I wanted to escape from feeling weak at the Liberation Club.
‪나도 모른 척하고 살아야 되는‬I feel like I meddled with something unacceptable
‪역린 같은 걸 건드린 거 같아서‬that I was supposed to pretend not to know about.
‪그리고 기정 씬‬And because you, Gi-jeong,
‪그때 그 말 듣고‬ ‪불쌍해서 나한테 끌렸으니‬were drawn to me after hearing those words and felt sorry for me,
‪어떤 상황에서도‬ ‪날 못 떠나겠구나…‬I realized you wouldn't be able to leave me even if you wanted to.
‪(기정) 네, 못 떠나요‬You're right, I can't leave you. No, I won't leave you.
‪아, 안 떠나요‬You're right, I can't leave you. No, I won't leave you.
‪불쌍해서 끌리면 안 돼요?‬What's wrong with being drawn to someone out of pity?
‪사람 감정이, 뭐‬With human emotions, you can't always distinguish between pity, respect, and love clearly.
‪이건 연민, 이건 존경, 이건 사랑‬you can't always distinguish between pity, respect, and love clearly.
‪뭐, 이렇게 딱딱 끊어져요?‬you can't always distinguish between pity, respect, and love clearly.
‪난 안 그렇던데?‬I can't. I've got them all balled up in a lump.
‪막 다 덩어리로 있던데?‬I can't. I've got them all balled up in a lump.
‪나 태훈 씨 존경해요‬I respect you, Tae-hun.
‪연민도 하고 사랑도 해요‬And I pity you and I love you. I feel all of it.
‪다 해요‬And I pity you and I love you. I feel all of it.
‪근데‬By the way,
‪머리는 왜 잘랐어요?‬why did you cut your hair?
‪난 뭐, 머리도 자르면 안 돼요?‬Can't I cut my hair? Aren't I allowed?
‪머리도 못 잘라요?‬Aren't I allowed?
‪[기정의 거친 숨소리]‬
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪(기정) 어쩌다‬ ‪이렇게 된 건지 모르겠어요‬I don't know how it got like this.
‪태훈 씨한테‬ ‪힘이 돼 주고 싶었는데‬I wanted to be one to cheer you on.
‪그런 존재가 되고 싶었는데‬That's what I wanted,
‪태훈 씨를 힘들게 하는 여자만‬ ‪하나 더 늘어나게 한 거 아닌가…‬but it feels like I'm just another woman who's making your life harder.
‪아니, 솔직히‬ ‪뭐가 문제인지 모르겠어요‬I mean, to be honest, I don't know what the problem is.
‪'태훈 씨가 뭘 그렇게 잘못했지?'‬"What did Tae-hun do that was so wrong?" "And why do I feel so wronged?"
‪'난 또 뭐가 이렇게 억울한 거지?'‬"And why do I feel so wronged?"
‪아니, 따져 보면‬I mean, there's nothing particular I can pick out as an example, it's just…
‪마땅한 말이 없는데 그냥‬I mean, there's nothing particular I can pick out as an example, it's just…
‪그냥 총체적인 느낌이‬ ‪뭔가 지는 기분이에요‬It's just this general feeling that I'm losing at something.
‪내가 꼬맹이 눈빛 하나에‬ ‪이렇게 무너지는‬I'm ashamed to be a woman with so little self-esteem
‪자존감 낮은 여자였나 쪽팔리고‬I'm ashamed to be a woman with so little self-esteem who breaks down at the glare of a kid.
‪조경선 막말하는 거‬ ‪하루 이틀도 아니고‬I was used to how Gyeong-seon treats people. She's always been that way, ever since high school.
‪고등학교 때부터 쭉 일관성 있게‬ ‪막말하면서 살아오던 앤데‬She's always been that way, ever since high school.
‪'왜 난 새삼 상처를 받을까?'‬"But why are her words hurting me again?"
‪'태훈 씨를 사랑해서?'‬"Because I love Tae-hun?"
‪'그게 왜 내가 작아지는‬ ‪이유여야 되는데?'‬"But why does that have to be a reason for me to feel small?"
‪'아니, 사랑은‬ ‪힘이 나는 일이어야 되는데, 왜?'‬"Love is supposed to give you strength,
‪'헤어지면'‬but will I be happy if we broke up?"
‪'난 행복할까?'‬but will I be happy if we broke up?"
‪근데 헤어지는 생각을 하면요‬But if I imagine breaking up,
‪[울먹이며] 막 팔이 저려요‬my arm feels numb.
‪아, 겨드랑이에 막 전기가 와요‬I get a kind of shock under my arm.
‪아니, 못 헤어지는 건 분명한데‬So, it's clear I can't break up with you, which means I have to go further.
‪그럼 더 가야 되는데‬So, it's clear I can't break up with you, which means I have to go further.
‪어떻게 가야 되는 건지 모르겠어요‬But I don't know how to do that.
‪(태훈) 변명 같아서 말 안 했는데‬I didn't say this because it felt like an excuse,
‪그래도 말할게요‬but I'll say it anyway.
‪전 이상하게‬For some reason,
‪아장아장 걷는 애들 뒷모습을 보면‬when I see a kid toddling along from behind,
‪마음이 안 좋아요‬I feel bad.
‪'30년 후에'‬"In thirty years,
‪'쟨 어떤 짐을 지고 살아갈까?'‬what kind of burdens will they be carrying around?"
‪'어떤 모욕을 견디며 살아갈까?'‬"What kind of humiliation will they have endured?"
‪'나니까 견뎠지'‬"I was able to because it was me."
‪'저 애는'‬"But that kid…"
‪'그 어떤 애도 그런 일은‬ ‪견디지 않았으면 좋겠는데'‬I wish that no child would ever have to endure those kinds of things.
‪물론 유림이가 있어서 좋았고‬And of course, I'm glad I have Yu-rim.
‪내 인생에 유림이가 없다는 건‬ ‪상상도 못 하지만‬I can't even imagine my life without Yu-rim.
‪'난 태어나서 좋았나?'‬"Was I happy to be born?"
‪냉정히 생각해 보면‬If I think about it seriously…
‪아니요‬the answer is no.
‪그래서 기정 씨가‬ ‪임신 아니라고 했을 때‬I think that's why when you said you weren't pregnant,
‪불쑥‬I let out
‪다행이란 말이 튀어나온 거 같아요‬a sigh of relief involuntarily.
‪이상‬That was it
‪조태훈의 변명이었습니다‬for Cho Tae-hun's excuse.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬for Cho Tae-hun's excuse.
‪(기정) 그럼‬But…
‪태어났으니까 살아야 되는 건데요‬if we have to live because we were born,
‪우린 어떻게 살아야 되는 건데요?‬how are we supposed to live?
‪[고민하는 숨소리]‬
‪나 남자 할게요‬I'll be a man.
‪여자 넷 힘들잖아요‬Four women are too much for you, right?
‪오늘부터 나 남자‬From today, I'm a man.
‪[훌쩍이며] 나 남자‬I'm a man.
‪[피식 웃는다]‬I'm a man. That's why I cut my hair.
‪머리도 그래서 자른 거예요‬That's why I cut my hair.
‪[기정이 피식 웃는다]‬
‪[새가 지저귄다]‬
‪(미정) 먼저 가세요‬Go on ahead. I'll stop by the bank.
‪저 잠깐 돈 좀 찾고 갈게요‬Go on ahead. I'll stop by the bank.
‪- (직원3) 네‬ ‪- (미정) 네‬-Sure. -Yes.
‪[인출기 작동음]‬
‪[문이 덜컹 닫힌다]‬ ‪(남자) 응, 부장님은?‬Yes, what about the chief?
‪[어두운 음악]‬Isn't he there?
‪안 계셔?‬Isn't he there?
‪씁, 아, 이거 말씀드려야 되는데‬I really need to discuss this with him.
‪어, 잠깐만‬One moment.
‪아, 예, 부장님‬ ‪[강조되는 효과음]‬Yes, sir.
‪아, 예, 제가‬ ‪이 대리랑 통화를 해 봤는데‬Yes, I just got off the phone with Mr. Lee.
‪인수인계가 안 됐다고…‬Yes, he said the handover wasn't complete.
‪아, 예‬Oh, I see.
‪[강조되는 효과음]‬
‪아, 네‬Yes.
‪예, 알겠습니다‬Yes, I understand.
‪아니에요‬He didn't. It was his bag.
‪(미정) 가방이 건드린 거예요‬He didn't. It was his bag.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪[문이 덜컹 여닫힌다]‬
‪(남자) 여기‬Do you
‪어디 다니나 봐?‬work around here?
‪응, H카드‬Yes, at H Card.
‪선배도 여기 어디 다니나 봐?‬It seems you work around here, too.
‪저기 엠씨몰‬There, at MC Mall.
‪(찬혁) 내일 백만 원 송금할 거야‬I'll send you a million won tomorrow.
‪나머진 좀 더 기다려 줘‬Give me some more time for the rest.
‪미안하다, 계속 질질 끌어서‬I'm sorry for dragging it out so long.
‪아니야‬It's fine.
‪갈게, 점심시간이라‬I'll be off. It's my lunch break.
‪어, 그래, 가라‬Right. Sure, bye.
‪[감성적인 음악]‬
‪(구 씨) 염미정‬Yeom Mi-jeong.
‪염미정!‬Yeom Mi-jeong!
‪어디로 가냐?‬-Where are you headed? -To buy alcohol.
‪술 사 가려고‬-Where are you headed? -To buy alcohol.
‪[구 씨가 피식 웃는다]‬
‪(구 씨) 이쪽에도 있어, 편의점‬There's a convenience store this way too.
‪당신이 '염미정!' 부를 때‬I like it when you shout, "Yeom Mi-jeong!"
‪좋아‬I like it when you shout, "Yeom Mi-jeong!"
‪[구 씨가 콜록거린다]‬ ‪[미정과 구 씨의 웃음]‬
‪(미정) 집에 갔다가‬ ‪어려서 일기장 읽어 봤는데‬When I went home, I read my old diaries, and I was so surprised.
‪깜짝 놀랐잖아‬When I went home, I read my old diaries, and I was so surprised.
‪내가 기억하고 있던‬ ‪어린 시절의 나하고‬Because the childhood that I remember
‪일기장의 기록하고 너무 달라서‬and the one recorded in my diaries were so different.
‪난 주변머리 없고‬ ‪누구와도 뜨거웠던 적이 없었던‬I thought I was a clueless kid who didn't feel anything for anyone and had no sense of presence.
‪있으나 마나 한‬ ‪그런 애라고 생각했었는데‬and had no sense of presence.
‪[웃음]‬and had no sense of presence. But in the diaries, I've got so much love.
‪일기장 보니까 아주 좋아 죽어‬But in the diaries, I've got so much love.
‪얘는 이래서 좋고‬ ‪쟤는 저래서 좋고‬"I like her because of this. I like him because of that."
‪아주 뜨거운 애였던데?‬Turns out I was a really passionate kid.
‪(구 씨) 몰랐냐?‬You didn't know?
‪너 뜨거워‬You're passionate.
‪[구 씨의 웃음]‬
‪아, 아이고‬
‪왜 이렇게 많이 마셨어?‬Why did you drink so much?
‪(구 씨) 아‬
‪좋아서‬Because I felt good.
‪[코를 훌쩍인다]‬
‪아주 가끔‬very occasionally,
‪마시지 않았는데도‬ ‪머릿속이 조용할 때가 있어‬it's quiet inside my head even when I'm sober.
‪뭔가‬As if…
‪다 멈춘 것처럼‬everything's stopped, I guess?
‪그러면 또 확 독주를 들이부어‬Then I pour in the hard liquor again.
‪[구 씨의 웃음]‬
‪편안하고 좋을 때도‬When I feel comfortable and happy
‪그게 싫어서 깨 버리려고 확 마셔‬I drink to break it because I hate feeling that way.
‪살 만하다 싶으면 얼른 확‬When I feel my life is going okay, I drink.
‪미리 매 맞는 거야‬I beat myself up in advance.
‪'난'‬"I'm not happy."
‪'행복하지 않습니다'‬"I'm not happy."
‪'절대 행복하지 않습니다'‬"I'm definitely not happy."
‪'불행했습니다'‬"I've been miserable."
‪'그러니까 벌은 조금만 주세요'‬"So please punish me just a little. Please, only a little."
‪'제발 조금만'‬"So please punish me just a little. Please, only a little."
‪'아침에 일어나서‬ ‪앉는 게 힘듭니다'‬"Waking up and sitting up in the morning is hard."
‪'왔던 길을 다섯 걸음‬ ‪되돌아가는 것도 못 할 거 같아서'‬"I felt like I couldn't even take five steps back,
‪'두고 나온 우산을‬ ‪찾으러 가지도 않고'‬so I didn't go back for my umbrella and walked in the rain."
‪'비를 맞고 갔습니다'‬so I didn't go back for my umbrella and walked in the rain."
‪[웃으며] '그 다섯 걸음이‬ ‪힘들어서'‬"Because those five steps were too difficult,
‪[미정의 웃음]‬ ‪'비를 쫄딱 맞고'‬I got soaked in the rain."
‪'아, 나는 너무 힘들고'‬"My life is too hard, I'm so tired."
‪'너무 지쳤습니다'‬"My life is too hard, I'm so tired."
‪'엄청나게 벌받고 있습니다'‬"I'm already being punished harshly. So please, I'm begging you!"
‪'그러니까 제발, 제발 좀!'‬"I'm already being punished harshly. So please, I'm begging you!"
‪(미정) 아‬
‪당신 왜 이렇게 이쁘냐?‬Why are you so adorable?
‪아침마다 찾아오는 사람한테‬When those people come to you again in the morning,
‪그렇게 웃어‬laugh like you did now.
‪그렇게 환대해‬Welcome them like that.
‪염미정!‬Yeom Mi-jeong!
‪[미정의 웃음]‬
‪[물소리가 솨 난다]‬
‪(태훈) 기정 씨‬Gi-jeong.
‪기정 씨‬Gi-jeong.
‪[태훈의 웃음]‬ ‪[부드러운 음악]‬
‪아, 뭘 또 사 와요, 아직 있는데‬Why did you buy more? I still have some.
‪[술 취한 목소리로] 오다가‬ ‪생각나서‬I just thought of it on my way.
‪근데 이건 뭐예요?‬Wait. What's this?
‪(태훈) 아이‬ ‪맨날 계란빵만 드리기 뭐해서‬I felt a bit bad about always just bringing you egg bread. Well, I'll be off.
‪갈게요‬Well, I'll be off.
‪(기정) 아, 이게 뭐예요?‬Wait. What is it?
‪이게 뭐냐고요‬I asked you what this is!
‪제 마음이에요‬ ‪[웃음]‬It's my heart.
‪(기정) 응?‬What?
‪(기정) 받는 여자 염기정‬Pick-up girl, Yeom Gi-jeong.
‪목이 부러진 장미 송이를 찾아와‬I found the head of a rose that broke off from its stem and placed it in a soy sauce dish filled with water.
‪간장 종지에 물 담아‬ ‪담가 놓았습니다‬and placed it in a soy sauce dish filled with water.
‪꽂아 보려 해도 꽂을 목이 없어‬Even if I tried to make it stand, it doesn't have a stem,
‪간장 종지에 눕혔습니다‬so I laid it in a soy sauce dish.
‪우리 사랑이‬Wouldn't it be wonderful if our love was a long-stemmed rose
‪화병에 우아하게 꽂히는‬Wouldn't it be wonderful if our love was a long-stemmed rose
‪목이 긴 장미였으면‬ ‪얼마나 좋았을까요‬Wouldn't it be wonderful if our love was a long-stemmed rose blooming beautifully in a vase?
‪간장 종지에‬ ‪지쳐 누워 있는 장미 송이가‬This rose lying exhausted in a soy sauce dish reminded me of you
‪당신 같고‬This rose lying exhausted in a soy sauce dish reminded me of you
‪나 같고‬and me.
‪안 쳐다보면 더 빨리 시들까 봐‬ ‪눈을 떼지 못하는‬I'm afraid it would wither faster if I'm not looking so I can't take my eyes off of it.
‪나는 이런 여자입니다‬That's the type of woman I am.
‪계란빵 좋아한다는 말에‬A man who buys me egg bread
‪겨울이면 3일에 한 번씩‬ ‪계란빵을 사 드미는 남자‬once every three days in the winter because I said I liked it.
‪소고기라고 말했으면‬ ‪어쩔 뻔했을까요?‬What if I said I liked beef?
‪계란빵이라고 말한‬ ‪내 입을 칭찬하고‬I compliment myself for saying I liked egg bread,
‪매일 계란빵을 사 드미는 당신을‬and as for you, who always buys me egg bread…
‪(기정) 사랑합니다‬I love you.
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬
‪(기정)‬Tae-hun, the buttons on your coat are done up wrong.
‪[새가 지저귄다]‬ ‪(창희) 갔다 올게, 수고해‬I'll be back later. Take care.
‪[출입문 종소리]‬I'll be back later. Take care.
‪302호‬"Room 302."
‪- (수강생1) 아, 여기인가 본데?‬ ‪- (수강생2) 어, 여기 맞네‬-This must be it. -Yes, it is.
‪(수강생3) 어, 여기 맞네, 여기네‬ ‪[소란스럽다]‬-It's right here. -It's here.
‪[의자가 드르륵거린다]‬LECTURE ROOM 302
‪(강사) 안녕하세요‬Hello, everyone.
‪(수강생들) 안녕하세요‬-Hello. -Hello.
‪(강사) 예, 날씨가 많이 춥죠?‬-The weather's quite cold, isn't it? -It is.
‪(수강생들) 예‬ ‪[강사의 웃음]‬-The weather's quite cold, isn't it? -It is. All right. Let me just take a quick look at you.
‪(강사) 잠깐 구경 좀 할게요, 예‬All right. Let me just take a quick look at you.
‪예‬All right.
‪[옅은 탄성]‬
‪아, 그럼‬So, let's take some time to get to know each other.
‪서로를 잠깐 알아 가는 시간을‬ ‪한번 가져 볼게요‬So, let's take some time to get to know each other. You at the front, when's your birthday?
‪혹시 앞에 계신 분은‬ ‪생일이 어떻게 되세요?‬You at the front, when's your birthday?
‪(수강생4) 5월 9일입니다‬It's May 9th.
‪(강사) 아유‬ ‪좋은 날 태어나셨네요, 예‬ ‪[수강생들의 웃음]‬You were born on a good day. -And what about your birthday? -Mine's September 19th.
‪혹시 옆에 계신 분은‬ ‪생일이 어떻게 되세요?‬-And what about your birthday? -Mine's September 19th.
‪(수강생5) 저는 9월 19일요‬-And what about your birthday? -Mine's September 19th.
‪- (강사) 9월 19일요?‬ ‪- (수강생5) 네‬-September 19th? -Yes.
‪(강사) 어유, 더 굉장히 좋은 날에‬ ‪태어나셨네요, 예‬ ‪[수강생들의 웃음]‬You were born on an even better day.
‪그럼 혹시 죽는 날은 언제세요?‬And may I ask the day you'll die?
‪예, 죽는 날은 아직까지…‬ ‪[수강생들의 웃음]‬Yes, the day you'll die. You don't know yet? May I ask you when you're planning to die?
‪혹시 언제 죽으실 생각이세요?‬May I ask you when you're planning to die?
‪(수강생4) 아직 잘 모르겠어요‬I'm not sure. -You don't really know, right? Me neither. -No.
‪- (강사) 잘 모르겠어요?‬ ‪- (수강생4) 네‬-You don't really know, right? Me neither. -No.
‪(강사) 저도 잘 몰라요‬-You don't really know, right? Me neither. -No.
‪우리 모두 태어난 날은 알아도‬We all know when we were born, but we have no idea when we'll die, right?
‪죽는 날은 아무도 모르잖아요‬We all know when we were born, but we have no idea when we'll die, right?
‪그렇죠?‬We all know when we were born, but we have no idea when we'll die, right? So, whether you're alive or dead,
‪그러니 마지막 여정은‬So, whether you're alive or dead,
‪산 사람이든 죽은 사람이든‬So, whether you're alive or dead, you're never prepared for your last journey.
‪대부분 준비가 잘 안되어 있어요‬you're never prepared for your last journey.
‪겪어 보신 분들은 아시겠지만‬As those who've experienced it know, it's very sad when a precious person in your life passes away.
‪내 옆의 소중한 사람이 죽는다면‬ ‪먹먹하죠‬it's very sad when a precious person in your life passes away.
‪그럴 때 고인이 가장 편안하고‬ ‪아름답게 떠나실 수 있도록‬And the person who stays beside them to help them
‪유족들은 그런 고인을‬ ‪온전히 배웅할 수 있도록‬leave comfortably and beautifully, and to help the rest of their family see them off in peace, is…
‪곁에 함께 있어 주는 사람이 바로‬and to help the rest of their family see them off in peace, is…
‪[강사가 펜을 탁 집는다]‬
‪[쓱쓱 적는 소리]‬
‪앞으로 여러분들이 되실‬ ‪장례 지도사입니다‬A funeral director, which all of you will soon become.
‪다들 책상 속의‬ ‪교재 좀 꺼내 주시고요‬Everyone, please take the textbook out from under your desk.
‪다들 웨딩 플래너라고‬ ‪들어 보셨죠?‬-You've heard of a wedding planner, right? -Yes.
‪(수강생들) 네‬-You've heard of a wedding planner, right? -Yes.
‪(강사) 결혼의 전반적인 과정을‬ ‪관리해 주잖아요‬Their job is to manage the entire wedding.
‪장례도 장례의 모든 절차를‬ ‪관리해 준다고 보시면 됩니다‬You could say that funeral directors do the same for funerals. Like how a wedding is a ceremonial event for a couple embarking on a new beginning,
‪결혼이 두 사람의 새 출발을‬ ‪기념하는 이벤트인 것처럼‬Like how a wedding is a ceremonial event for a couple embarking on a new beginning, a funeral is also a ceremonial event to mark the end of a person's life.
‪장례는 한 사람의‬ ‪마지막 생의 마침표를‬a funeral is also a ceremonial event to mark the end of a person's life.
‪잘 찍게 해 주는‬ ‪이벤트 같은 거란 말이죠‬a funeral is also a ceremonial event to mark the end of a person's life.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬ ‪반갑습니다‬Welcome.
‪장례 지도사의 길로‬ ‪스스로 걸어 들어오신 여러분‬I'm glad to see everyone who's come here to become a funeral director.
‪진심으로 환영합니다‬I'm glad to see everyone who's come here to become a funeral director. My name is Choi Seok-jun.
‪저는 최석준이라고 합니다‬My name is Choi Seok-jun.
‪자, 그럼 장례가 뭐냐?‬All right, then, what is a funeral? Turn to page 48.
‪48페이지‬Turn to page 48.
‪'현대 장례의 절차와 의미'‬ ‪한번 살펴볼게요‬Let's take a look at the process and the meaning of the modern funeral. You can read the opening paragraph at home if you'd like.
‪앞부분은 댁에 가셔서‬ ‪편하게 한 번씩 읽어 보시고요‬You can read the opening paragraph at home if you'd like. In a three-day funeral, there are many tasks that you must do.
‪자, 삼일장을 기준으로‬In a three-day funeral, there are many tasks that you must do.
‪3일 동안 해야 할 일들이‬ ‪상당히 많습니다‬In a three-day funeral, there are many tasks that you must do.
‪임종을 하시면 1일 차에‬ ‪운구와 안치를 하고요‬On the first day, the day the person dies, the body is moved and placed in a coffin. Plans are then made for the funeral and a funeral home is chosen,
‪장례를 상담하고‬Plans are then made for the funeral and a funeral home is chosen,
‪빈소를 정하고‬Plans are then made for the funeral and a funeral home is chosen, and mourners come after the news of the death has been announced.
‪부고를 알린 다음에‬ ‪문상객을 받습니다‬and mourners come after the news of the death has been announced.
‪2일 차에는 염습을 하고요‬On the second day, the corpse is dressed, and…
‪(상민) 우리 다시 합시다‬Let's restart The Liberation Club.
‪해방클럽‬ ‪[밝은 음악]‬Let's restart The Liberation Club.
‪될 때까지‬Until it works.
‪(향기)‬I would love to. I'm in.
‪(태훈)‬I'm in.
‪(미정) 좋아요‬Let's do it.
‪[흥겨운 음악이 흘러나온다]‬ ‪(삼식) ♪ 그대로 그렇게 ♪‬If you leave me just like that
‪♪ 떠나간다면 ♪‬If you leave me just like that
‪♪ 난 정말 어찌하라고 ♪‬What will I do?
‪- 옥자야‬ ‪- (삼식) 예‬-Hey, Ok-ja. -Yes, sir.
‪(구 씨) 몇 살인데‬ ‪이런 노래를 듣니?‬How old are you? This song's old.
‪옥자니까요‬It's because I have an old-fashioned name.
‪[구 씨가 피식 웃는다]‬
‪[흥겨운 음악]‬
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪[조직원1이 중얼거린다]‬
‪누가 내 돈에 손대냐?‬How dare you touch my money?
‪(구 씨) 놔‬Put it down.
‪내려놔‬Go on.
‪아, 여기 사장이‬The manager here owes us 160 million won in gambling debt,
‪그, 1억 6천 도박 빚이 있는데‬The manager here owes us 160 million won in gambling debt,
‪(조직원1) 이게‬ ‪꼴랑 5천밖에 안 되네‬The manager here owes us 160 million won in gambling debt, but this is only 50 million. What shall we do? When will you give me the other 110 million?
‪어떻게, 나머지 1억 천‬ ‪얹어 주실런가?‬What shall we do? When will you give me the other 110 million?
‪(조직원2) 형님, 먼저 나가십시오‬Boss. You can leave first. We'll take care of the rest here.
‪여긴 저희가 정리하겠습니다‬Boss. You can leave first. We'll take care of the rest here.
‪잘하면‬If we're lucky,
‪잔금도‬ ‪받아 갈 수 있을 거 같습니다‬we might be able to get the rest of the money.
‪너희들 그 말투는‬ ‪어디서 단체로 배우니?‬Did you all take classes to learn to talk like that?
‪(구 씨) 어쩜 그렇게‬ ‪하나같이 똑같냐?‬How do you all sound exactly the same?
‪'나 공부 못했고요'‬"I wasn't good in school, I'm a dropout."
‪'가방끈 짧고요'‬"I wasn't good in school, I'm a dropout."
‪우빈아‬Hey, Woo-bin.
‪김우빈?‬Kim Woo-bin.
‪(삼식) 네!‬Yes, sir!
‪문 닫아라‬Close the shop.
‪오늘 영업 못 한다‬We won't be opening today.
‪(삼식) 문 닫아라!‬Close the shop! We're not open today!
‪오늘 영업 못 한다!‬Close the shop! We're not open today!
‪[조직원3이 소리친다]‬Close the shop! We're not open today! You bastard!
‪[무거운 음악]‬ ‪[사람들의 거친 숨소리]‬You bastard!
‪[칼 휘두르는 소리]‬
‪[구 씨의 거친 숨소리]‬
‪[조직원1의 신음]‬
‪[힘주는 신음]‬
‪[거친 숨소리]‬
‪[조직원들의 힘겨운 신음]‬
‪[삼식의 힘겨운 신음]‬
‪[삼식의 비명]‬
‪[구 씨의 거친 숨소리]‬
‪[지퍼를 직 닫는다]‬
‪[삼식의 비명]‬
‪[구 씨의 힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪[구 씨의 힘주는 신음]‬ ‪[조직원4의 비명]‬
‪[구 씨의 거친 숨소리]‬
‪[힘주는 신음]‬
‪[무거운 효과음]‬
‪[현진의 힘주는 신음]‬
‪[현진의 다급한 숨소리]‬
‪[캔이 때구루루 구른다]‬
‪[힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪[어이없는 숨소리]‬
‪춘자야‬Hey, Chun-ja.
‪[힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪(구 씨) 춘자, 야‬Chun-ja. Hey.
‪(삼식) 예, 예, 형님‬Yes… Yes, sir.
‪[힘겨운 신음]‬Yes, sir.
‪[구 씨의 힘주는 숨소리]‬
‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬ ‪[통화 연결음]‬
‪[안내 음성] 고객께서‬ ‪전화를 받을 수 없습니다‬The person you have called is currently unavailable.
‪삐 소리 이후‬ ‪음성 사서함으로 연결됩니다‬You'll be directed to voicemail after the tone.
‪[삐 소리가 흘러나온다]‬
‪(구 씨) 이제 아침에 일어나서‬You're now one of the people
‪맨정신일 때‬ ‪우르르 찾아오는 인간들 중에‬who come to me in the morning when I'm sober.
‪형도 있는데‬who come to me in the morning when I'm sober.
‪아침부터 쌍욕하게 만드는‬ ‪인간들 중에 형도 있는데‬You're one of the people who make me curse from the moment I wake up.
‪환대할게‬I'll welcome you back.
‪환대할 거니까‬I'll welcome you with arms wide open,
‪살아서 보자‬ ‪[잔잔한 음악]‬so I hope to see you again alive.
‪[구 씨의 힘주는 숨소리]‬
‪[구 씨의 한숨]‬
‪(구 씨) 7초‬Seven seconds.
‪[새가 지저귄다]‬
‪(미정) 해방일지에‬ ‪그런 글이 있더라‬There's this part in my liberation note.
‪염미정의 인생은‬Yeom Mi-jeong's life is
‪구 씨를 만나기 전과‬ ‪만난 후로 나뉠 거 같다는‬divided into two parts, before and after she met Mr. Gu.
‪(구 씨) 미 투‬
‪(미정) 나 미쳤나 봐‬I must be crazy.
‪내가‬I feel
‪[웃으며] 너무 사랑스러워‬so lovable.
‪(구 씨) 한 발 한 발‬Trudging on…
‪어렵게 어렵게‬step by step.
‪(미정) 마음에 사랑밖에 없어‬There's nothing but love in my heart.
‪느낄 게 사랑밖에 없어‬I can't feel anything but love.

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