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  알고있지만 3

Nevertheless 3


♪ A snow field that nobody stepped on ♪ ♪ A dream that you Don't wanna wake up from ♪
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬["Whisper" by Park Ji Woo playing]
‪(나비) 담배 냄새‬You taste like cigarettes.
‪양치하고 다시 할까?‬Should I go brush my teeth first?
‪(나비) 뭐래, 애들 기다리겠다‬ ‪얼른 들어가자‬What? I… The others must be waiting. Let's go back.
‪(나비) 저질러 버렸다‬[Na-bi] I can't believe I did that.
‪[차분한 음악]‬[pensive music]
‪(나비) 도대체 이 감정은 뭐지?‬[Na-bi] What is this I'm feeling right now?
‪(나비) 차라리 사랑이었으면 좋겠다‬Could I actually be in love with him?
‪(나비) 치졸한 질투 따위가 아니라‬Or did I do that 'cause I was jealous?
‪[부스럭 소리가 들린다]‬
‪(지완) 나비‬[Ji-wan] I'm telling you,
‪[잔잔한 음악이 흘러나온다]‬ ‪요즘 박재언이랑 뭐 있는 거 같지?‬there's something going on with Na-bi and Jae-eon.
‪왜?‬You think?
‪(지완) 어제 막판에‬ ‪둘이 잠깐 없어졌었거든?‬Last night, they took off, just the two of them, alone.
‪근데 둘이 분위기가 좀 이상했어‬And something must have happened in the time they were gone.
‪특히 나비 표정이‬She had this look on her face.
‪아, 새벽에도‬ ‪현관에서 막 속닥거리고 있는 거야‬Then early this morning, I saw them by the door, whispering to each other.
‪아, 뭐라고 하는지는 못 들었는데‬ ‪[솔이 컵을 탁 내려놓는다]‬I couldn't really make out what they were saying.
‪그거 너만 봤어?‬[exhales] And no one else saw?
‪(지완) 응, 빛나한테는 말 안 했어‬ ‪잘했지?‬Mm, and I didn't tell Bit-na. I mean, duh!
‪[함께 웃는다]‬ ‪잘했어‬[chuckles] Good thinking.
‪아, 배고파‬Where is the food?
‪(지완) 국수가… 나왔네?‬ ‪[솔의 웃음]‬I'm starving. -[Ji-wan] Yay, noodles. -[Sol chuckles]
‪[감탄하며] 와, 맛있겠다‬[Ji-wan gasps] It looks so good!
‪- 맛있게 드세요‬ ‪- (솔) 감사합니다‬-There you go. Enjoy. -[Sol] You bet. Thanks.
‪(솔) 나비한테도 괜히 말하지 마‬Hey, don't say anything to Na-bi.
‪(지완) 걱정 마셔‬[Ji-wan] Of course not. Duh!
‪이것도 내가 먹는다‬I really love this. I'm gonna take one.
‪[지완의 놀라는 탄성]‬[Ji-wan] Mm! [chuckles] Mm.
‪[후루룩거리는 소리가 난다]‬[slurping]
‪근데 괜찮을까?‬[Ji-wan] You think it's okay, though?
‪뭐가? 네 뱃살이?‬What is? Your waistline?
‪아니!‬Shut up! Na-bi, I mean.
‪나비 말이야‬Shut up! Na-bi, I mean.
‪(지완) 안 그래도 남친이랑 헤어지고‬ ‪멘탈 별로인데‬You know I get it. She must be having a really tough time getting over her ex.
‪아, 괜히 엮여 가지고‬ ‪안 좋은 소문 나고 그럼 어떡해‬But if she keeps hanging out with that guy, people are gonna start talking.
‪아, 박재언? 걔는 좀 아닌 거 같은데‬[sighs] Park Jae-eon. She should just stay away from him.
‪난 차라리 전 남친보다는‬ ‪박재언이 나은 것 같은데‬I mean, at least compared to her ex, he's actually an improvement.
‪에? 진짜? 왜?‬What? You think so? But why?
‪[솔의 생각하는 신음]‬[Sol inhales deeply] Hmm.
‪(솔) 글쎄? 그냥‬I don't know. Just a feeling.
‪[피식 웃으며] 잘 어울리잖아, 둘이‬[chuckles] They'd make a cute couple.
‪[새가 지저귄다]‬
‪술김에 키스‬Got too drunk and kissed…
‪'시옷', '피읖'?‬"SP"?
‪'시옷', '피읖'‬"SP"? What is that?
‪'섹파'‬"SP"? What is that?
‪[다가오는 발걸음]‬ ‪섹파?‬"Sex partners"?
‪(솔) 유나비‬ ‪[나비의 놀라는 신음]‬-[Sol] Na-bi. -[gasps]
‪[한숨 쉬며] 깜짝이야‬[sighs] You startled me.
‪(솔) 뭘 그렇게 열심히 봐?‬What were you just looking at?
‪자료 검색, 레퍼런스 찾느라고‬ ‪[직 뜯는 소리가 난다]‬Just some references. You know, for class and stuff.
‪[나비의 헛기침]‬[Na-bi clears throat]
‪(나비) 야, 솔아‬[Na-bi] Hey, Sol.
‪어떤 사람이랑‬ ‪그, 키스를 하고 싶다는 거는‬If you were into someone, and let's say that you wanted to kiss them,
‪그 사람이랑 자고 싶기도 하단 뜻인가?‬does that also mean that you're actually wanna sleep with that person?
‪내가 그러냐고?‬Hang on. Is this about me?
‪[피식 웃는다]‬[chuckles] Or about you?
‪- 아니면 네가?‬ ‪- (나비) 어?‬[chuckles] Or about you? Huh? What?
‪나?‬Huh? What?
‪(나비) 아니, 아니‬ ‪나 말고 그냥 그, 저…‬No, not me. Definitely not about me. Nope.
‪보통, 보통 다들 어떤가 해서‬Just everyone. People in general, you know. I'm just curious.
‪그, 과제 콘셉트 잡느라고‬'Cause it might be a concept I could use.
‪(솔) 글쎄, 뭐…‬[Sol] Hard to say. I guess it depends who you're kissing.
‪상대에 따라 다르겠지?‬I guess it depends who you're kissing.
‪상대…‬[whispers] Interesting.
‪[부드러운 음악]‬[mellow music]
‪[재언이 계속 그림을 쓱쓱 그린다]‬
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬[phone vibrates]
‪[연필을 탁 놓는다]‬-[phone chimes] -[pencil clatters]
‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬
‪(설아)‬[Seol-a] I just got on the plane!
‪[살짝 웃는다]‬[chuckles]
‪[중얼거리며] 원나잇‬[whispering] One night…
‪(솔) 글쎄‬[Sol] Hard to say.
‪상대에 따라 다르겠지?‬It depends who you're kissing.
‪상대에 따라?‬Why does that matter?
‪누구랑은 키스도 섹스도‬ ‪하고 싶을 수도 있고‬Well, sometimes, you may want to kiss someone and have sex with them too.
‪(솔) 또 누구랑은 키스까진 했는데‬ ‪그 이상은 싫을 수도 있고‬And there are other times, there are people you kiss who don't mean anything to you.
‪결국 상대가 누구냐의 문제 아니겠어?‬So there, it really depends who you're kissing.
‪(나비) 그렇다면 나는‬[Na-bi] So the question is…
‪어떤 상대인 걸까?‬what do I really mean to him?
‪[연필을 툭 놓는다]‬[pencil clatters]
‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬
‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬[keypad clacking]
‪(나비) 너무 안달 나 보이려나?‬[Na-bi] Am I gonna sound too clingy?
‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬ ‪[한숨]‬
‪(빛나) 요, 요!‬[Bit-na] Hey, guys.
‪[학생들이 인사한다]‬ ‪어, 와츠, 와츠, 와츠 업‬-[student 1] Hey. -[student 2] What's up, guys? [Bit-na] Hey, what's up, Na-bi?
‪요, 요, 요, 요, 요‬ ‪유 노 왓 아임 세잉‬[Bit-na] Hey, what's up, Na-bi? -[Gyu-hyun] Just sit already. -[Bit-na] Oh.
‪(나비) 어‬-[Gyu-hyun] Just sit already. -[Bit-na] Oh.
‪(빛나) 아, 배터리가 또 나갔네‬ ‪핸드폰을 바꿔야 되나?‬Ugh! My phone's dead again. I should just get a new one.
‪[헛기침하며] 그, 지완이는?‬-[Na-bi clears throat] -[phone clanks] Where's Ji-wan?
‪(규현) 지완이 약속 있다는디‬ ‪아, 뭐 해?‬She's out with someone. -What are you doing? -[Bit-na] Charger, please.
‪(빛나) 배터리‬-What are you doing? -[Bit-na] Charger, please.
‪서지완 소개팅남이랑‬ ‪영화 보러 간다는데‬She's at the movies with some guy, a blind date.
‪서지완 은근 취미로 학교 다녀‬She doesn't really care about school.
‪[한숨 쉬며] 들어가자‬[clicks tongue, sighs] All right. Let's see…
‪(나비) 물어보고 싶다‬ ‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬[Na-bi] I really wanna know.
‪뭐라고 보내야 자연스럽게‬ ‪박재언의 진심을 끌어낼 수 있을지‬But what I should say? How can I get Jae-eon to tell me how he really feels about me? You really like that guy you swept right on?
‪- 니 진짜로 이 사람 좋냐?‬ ‪- (빛나) 응‬You really like that guy you swept right on?
‪지금 니 표정은 영 아니구먼‬-Hmm. -You don't seem too excited right now.
‪(빛나) 그럼 넌 SNS '좋아요' 누를 때‬ ‪좋다고 막 깨춤 추면서 누르니?‬Do you do a happy little dance whenever you're liking a post of a girl you're interested in?
‪(규현) 아, 그게 요것하고 같냐?‬Of course not, but that's totally different.
‪[규현의 헛기침]‬[Gyu-hyun clears throat]
‪근디 니는 사귀지도 않는 사이인디‬I mean, come on, why would you even sleep with someone
‪[발랄한 음악]‬ ‪그, 둘이‬if you're not… going out with them?
‪겹쳐 불었어‬if you're not… going out with them?
‪아, 고게 의미가 있냐?‬Don't you find it all meaningless?
‪(빛나) 아, 진짜!‬Oh, give me a break!
‪넌 왜 맨날 섹스랑 연애를 연관 지어?‬ ‪너 그렇게까지 선비야?‬You know women can choose to have sex just 'cause they want to. Lighten up, grandpa.
‪- 입 닫아, 입, 입 닫아!‬ ‪- (규현) 그런 말은 좀 작게 말해야‬-Hey, would you watch your mouth. -Take it easy. Keep your voice down. Someone might hear you so cut it out.
‪(규현) 워메, 누가 들을까 봐 겁나네‬Someone might hear you so cut it out.
‪(빛나) 아니, 못 할 말도 아니고‬ ‪난 더 크게 말할 수도 있어!‬Well, I'm not saying anything wrong. In fact, I can say it even louder!
‪더 해 줘? 해 봐? 이 자식…‬[Bit-na] Well, should I? [Gyeong-jun] Class starts now.
‪(경준) 자, 수업 시작합시다‬[Gyeong-jun] Class starts now.
‪(이 교수) 자, 수업 시작합시다‬Okay, settle down, everyone.
‪[학생들이 분주하다]‬ ‪- (나비) 안녕하십니까‬ ‪- (빛나) 가, 빨리, 새끼야‬-[student 3] Hey, Professor. -[indistinct chatter]
‪(남학생1) 교수님, 안녕하세요‬-[student 3] Hey, Professor. -[indistinct chatter]
‪[학생들이 저마다 인사한다]‬ ‪(빛나) 안녕하세요‬-[student 3] Hey, Professor. -[indistinct chatter] -[Bit-na] Hi, Professor. -Hello.
‪[달그락 소리가 난다]‬
‪(종업원) 이거 좀 더 먹어 봐‬ ‪[종업원의 웃음]‬[server] You've gotta try this.
‪맨날 같이 오던‬ ‪귀여운 친구는 안 보이네?‬You're not with that girl you're usually with today.
‪네, 걔 놀러 갔어요‬Yeah. She had other plans.
‪(종업원) [웃으며] 좋겠네‬ ‪금방 해다 줄게‬To be young and free. I'll be back with your food.
‪(솔) 네, 감사합니다, 이모‬ ‪많이 주세요‬Okay, great. Thank you. Make ours large.
‪(종업원) 응‬[server] Mm-hm.
‪(주혁) 여기 단골이신가 봐요?‬You must be a regular here.
‪네‬Yeah. My friend loves this place.
‪친구가 여길 너무 좋아해서‬Yeah. My friend loves this place.
‪(솔) 아, 그래도 나름 이 주변에서‬ ‪유명한 맛집이에요‬And actually, it's a popular spot in this neighborhood.
‪제가 학교 다닐 땐‬ ‪단풍골이 제일 인기 많았는데‬When I was in school, the hottest spot was Danpunggol.
‪어? 여기 나오셨어요?‬-Oh. So you went to school here? -[Ju-hyeok] Yeah.
‪(주혁) 네, 경제학과‬-Oh. So you went to school here? -[Ju-hyeok] Yeah. Economics major.
‪- 재작년에 졸업했어요‬ ‪- (솔) 아…‬-Graduated two years ago. -Oh.
‪(솔) 그, 저번 일은 정말 죄송합니다‬Well, sorry again for what happened last time.
‪금액은 어림잡아 넣었는데‬I estimated how much it would cost.
‪혹시 부족하시면 말씀해 주세요‬So, just let me know if it's not enough.
‪(주혁) 아니에요, 괜찮습니다‬Just forget it. It's fine.
‪[솔의 한숨]‬ ‪[살짝 웃으며] 진짜 괜찮아요‬ ‪넣어 두세요‬[sighs] [chuckles] I mean it. It's okay. Keep it.
‪[한숨 쉬며] 이러려고‬ ‪솔이 씨한테 보자고 한 거 아닌데‬[sighs] This really isn't why I asked you to meet me.
‪네? 그러면 왜…‬What? So why did you then?
‪- (종업원) 음식 나왔어‬ ‪- (솔) 아…‬[server] Okay. Here you go.
‪(종업원) 응, 뜨거워, 뜨거워, 조심‬ ‪많이 먹어‬Careful now, it's hot. Enjoy, guys.
‪(솔) 감사합니다‬[Sol] Great. Thank you.
‪[주혁이 피식 웃는다]‬[chuckles] -What? Something wrong? -You're a lot stronger than you look.
‪- 왜 그러세요?‬ ‪- (주혁) 솔이 씨 힘 엄청 세네요?‬-What? Something wrong? -You're a lot stronger than you look.
‪(주혁) 운동 뭐 하세요?‬You work out or something?
‪아…‬[chuckles] Well, I'm a sculpture major.
‪(솔) 아, 제가 조소과라서‬[chuckles] Well, I'm a sculpture major. So, I'm always working with my hands, molding clay. That's probably why.
‪맨날 흙이랑 점토‬ ‪주무르고 하다 보니까 힘이 세졌어요‬So, I'm always working with my hands, molding clay. That's probably why.
‪아…‬So, I'm always working with my hands, molding clay. That's probably why. [chuckles]
‪[살짝 웃는다]‬[chuckles]
‪저 오늘 밥 사 주세요‬ ‪그거면 충분해요‬You can just pay for lunch. Then, we'll call it even.
‪아, 그건 좀…‬[sighs] No, please. Look.
‪그, 제 마음이 불편한데요‬-I would still feel bad. It's not enough. -Hmm. How about…
‪음, 그럼‬-I would still feel bad. It's not enough. -Hmm. How about…
‪- 커피까지 사 주세요‬ ‪- (솔) 디저트까지 살게요‬-you buy me coffee, too? -And maybe something for dessert?
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬-You're on. -Mm.
‪좋아요‬-You're on. -Mm.
‪- (빛나) 이, 이런 느낌… 네, 네‬ ‪- (이 교수) 응, 응, 응, 응‬-Like this, Professor? -Mm-hm. Mm-hm. -Is this right? -Yeah. Keep it up. Good.
‪- (이 교수) 이렇게 해 가지고…‬ ‪- (빛나) 감사합니다‬-Is this right? -Yeah. Keep it up. Good. -Thanks, Professor. -Okay.
‪[이 교수가 손을 탁탁 턴다]‬[professor clapping]
‪[이 교수가 말한다]‬[light music]
‪[이 교수가 펜으로 쓱쓱 쓴다]‬
‪[이 교수가 펜을 툭 내려놓는다]‬That's all for today, everyone!
‪(이 교수) 수업은 여기까지 하고‬That's all for today, everyone!
‪- (여학생1) 고생하셨습니다!‬ ‪- (남학생2) 수고하셨습니다!‬ ‪[학생들이 인사한다]‬That's all for today, everyone! [students] Thank you, ma'am. Guys! Look at that. It's so nice out today.
‪(이 교수) 야‬ ‪오늘 날씨 진짜 너무 좋다‬Guys! Look at that. It's so nice out today.
‪- (이 교수) 다들 데이트 가야지‬ ‪- (여학생2) 네‬[professor] Perfect weather for a date. [Gyeong-jun] Can't argue with that. Right?
‪(경준) 데이트 가야지, 어?‬ ‪[사람들의 웃음]‬[Gyeong-jun] Can't argue with that. Right? -[students laugh] -[professor] Listen. I'm serious, okay?
‪(이 교수) 얘들아, 왜 대답을 못 해?‬-[students laugh] -[professor] Listen. I'm serious, okay?
‪너희 애인 없어, 애인?‬Don't tell me you guys are all single.
‪얘들아, 너희 나이 때‬Come on, guys. At your age,
‪한 번쯤은 제대로 된 연애‬ ‪이거 해 봐야 된다, 어?‬Come on, guys. At your age, all of you should have had at least one serious relationship by now. Hmm?
‪예술이 고독에서 나온다, 어쩐다‬ ‪이거 다 개소리야‬Don't buy all that nonsense you've been told about great art being born out of loneliness.
‪연애야말로 예술적 영감의 노다지라고‬If you want real inspiration, you'll only get it once you know what it's like to be in love.
‪아, 영감님 또 시작이시네‬[sighs] I'm sick of hearing all this crap.
‪아, 끝낸다더니 왜 끝을 안 내?‬I thought she said class was over?
‪(이 교수) 꺼칠꺼칠했던 인간도‬[professor] Love is the only thing in the world
‪해수욕장의 모래알처럼‬ ‪부들부들하게 만드는 게‬that can take even the roughest person alive and transform them,
‪이게, 이게 바로 사랑이야‬make them finer than the smallest grain of sand.
‪[이 교수의 한숨]‬[professor sighs] I can't believe you guys, huh.
‪큰일 났다, 어?‬I can't believe you guys, huh.
‪예술 한다는 사람들이 이게, 이게‬You guys are art majors. Be inspired.
‪(경준) 영감이 없어, 영감이‬That's the key to true art.
‪(이 교수) 야, 얼마 전에 한 학생이‬ ‪나한테 그러더라, 어?‬Hey, let me tell you something one student told me. Hmm? He said that he doesn't do relationships.
‪자기는 연애가 부담스럽대‬He said that he doesn't do relationships.
‪그냥 썸만 타고 싶다는 거야‬Sure, he'll flirt and even date,
‪한마디로 '놀고는 싶은데 책임은 싫다'‬ ‪이거 아니야? 어?‬but basically, he just wants to have fun, no commitment, no promises, nothing. Hmm?
‪그럼 차라리 원나잇을 하지, 어?‬Then, he should just have one-night stands. Right?
‪세상 참 슬픈 일이야‬Don't you guys think that's sad?
‪아휴‬ ‪[멀어지는 발걸음]‬Tragic.
‪영감 찾아, 영감, 영감, 어?‬So be inspired. Keep looking for inspiration, okay?
‪[학생들이 대답한다]‬ ‪예술 하라고!‬-That's what art's about. -[students] Yes, ma'am.
‪(학생들) 네!‬-That's what art's about. -[students] Yes, ma'am. -[student 1] Yes, ma'am. -[student 2] Yes, ma'am.
‪- (남학생3) 수고하셨습니다‬ ‪- (남학생4) 들어가십시오!‬-[student 1] Yes, ma'am. -[student 2] Yes, ma'am. -[Gyeong-jun] Bye, everyone. -[student 3] Thank you for today, ma'am.
‪[학생들이 저마다 인사한다]‬ ‪(경준) 영감, 영…‬-[Gyeong-jun] Bye, everyone. -[student 3] Thank you for today, ma'am.
‪[안내 방송이 흘러나온다]‬[light music continues]
‪[드르륵 소리가 난다]‬
‪(설아) 재언아‬ ‪[부드러운 음악]‬Hi, Jae-eon.
‪(재언) 어서 와‬Welcome back.
‪더 잘생겨졌네‬You look hotter than I remember.
‪[지완이 살짝 웃는다]‬[Ji-wan chuckles softly]
‪(남자) 지완 씨 표정 좋아 보이네요‬So I guess you liked it then. Yeah, I did. It was so much fun. Better than I expected.
‪(지완) 공연 진짜 재밌었어요‬ ‪완전 기대 이상‬Yeah, I did. It was so much fun. Better than I expected.
‪친구랑 또 보러 가려고요‬-I wanna watch it again with my friend. -With your friend?
‪(남자) 친구랑요?‬-I wanna watch it again with my friend. -With your friend? [sucks teeth]
‪씁, 남자는 아니죠?‬[sucks teeth] -It's not a guy, right? -No. It's a girl, of course.
‪(지완) 당연히 여자죠‬-It's not a guy, right? -No. It's a girl, of course.
‪솔이라고 중학교 때부터 제 절친인데‬Her name's Sol. We've been BFFs since middle school.
‪걔도 이 공연 보면‬ ‪진짜 좋아할 것 같아요‬I think she'll like it, too, so I want her to see.
‪[남자가 호응한다]‬ ‪같이 보려고요‬-[man] Hmm. -I'll watch it with her.
‪[지완이 살짝 웃는다]‬[Ji-wan chuckles]
‪(남자) 저, 지완 씨, 그럼‬Ji-wan, I have an idea.
‪친구분이랑 보고 저랑 또 봐 줘요‬If it's all right with you, we could watch it again.
‪(지완) 네, 좋아요‬Yeah. Sure, why not. But you didn't seem to have enjoyed it as much as I did.
‪근데 저만큼‬ ‪재밌게 보신 것 같지는 않던데?‬But you didn't seem to have enjoyed it as much as I did. That's not true. I enjoyed it too.
‪(남자) 아니에요, 저도 재밌었어요‬That's not true. I enjoyed it too.
‪근데 조금 의외이긴 했어요‬-I guess, it just wasn't what I expected. -What do you mean?
‪(지완) 뭐가요?‬-I guess, it just wasn't what I expected. -What do you mean?
‪진한 멜로일 줄 알았는데‬ ‪친구들 간의 우정 이야기라‬Well, I thought it could be about romance, but it was more about friendship.
‪(지완) 아… 우정이요?‬Oh. You think so?
‪저는 완전 사랑 이야기라고 느꼈는데‬I thought it was pretty clear about love, you know. At least for me.
‪뭐, 그렇게 보였을 수도 있겠네요‬I thought it was pretty clear about love, you know. At least for me. But I get it how you might think otherwise.
‪(남자) 그래도 재밌었어요‬ ‪[지완의 어색한 웃음]‬-Still, I thought it was good. -Mm.
‪혹시 배고프시면‬ ‪지완 씨, 식사하러 가실래요?‬So anyway, you hungry? We could grab a bite. Oh, that sounds good. I could eat a horse.
‪좋아요, 아, 진짜 배고팠어요‬Oh, that sounds good. I could eat a horse.
‪[솔의 난처한 숨소리]‬[Sol sighs] I said I was buying lunch. Why'd you pay for it?
‪(솔) 제가 사기로 했는데‬ ‪계산하시면 어떡해요‬I said I was buying lunch. Why'd you pay for it?
‪(주혁) 생각해 보니까‬I gave it some more thought, and it's not enough to call things even.
‪이걸로 퉁치긴 좀 아깝더라고요‬I gave it some more thought, and it's not enough to call things even.
‪그러실 줄 알았어요‬[sighs] I figured you'd say that.
‪(주혁) 다음에 사 주실래요?‬Buy me lunch next time?
‪괜찮으시면 또 보고 싶은데‬I'd really love to see you again.
‪(솔) 왜…‬Why?
‪아, 솔이 씨가 해 주는 작업 이야기들‬ ‪너무 재밌더라고요‬I like listening to you talk about your arts, so I wanna hear more.
‪[주혁이 말한다]‬ ‪- (지완) 제가 좀 많이 먹어요‬ ‪- (남자) 음, 아…‬-[man] You ate a lot. Hmm. Oh. -[Ji-wan] I always do.
‪(지완) 어? 솔이다‬Oh! That's Sol.
‪방금 말한 제 절친이 쟤예요‬She's the friend that I was telling you about.
‪(솔) 이상하네요‬[Sol] That's funny.
‪제가 얘기를 그렇게‬ ‪재밌게 하는 편은 아닌데‬I've always thought that I pretty much suck at small talk.
‪(주혁) 아닌데, 엄청 재밌는데‬Well, you're wrong. You held my interest.
‪[솔의 멋쩍은 숨소리]‬[Sol sighs]
‪(지완) 옆에 누구지?‬I wonder who that is.
‪(주혁) 이제 어디로 가세요?‬[Ju-hyeok] Where are you headed now? [Sol] Oh, just here. I'm gonna catch the bus.
‪(솔) 아, 저는‬ ‪여기서 버스 타고 가려고요‬[Sol] Oh, just here. I'm gonna catch the bus.
‪(주혁) 같이 가요‬-I'll wait with you. -No, I'm good. You really don't have to.
‪(솔) 어, 아니요‬ ‪저 혼자 갈 수 있어요‬-I'll wait with you. -No, I'm good. You really don't have to.
‪(남자) 친구분한테 연락 한번 해 봐요‬[man] Wanna go over there and say hi?
‪(지완) [어색하게 웃으며] 괜찮아요‬Uh, no, it's okay.
‪(남자) 진짜 친한 친구인가 보네요‬[man] You two must be really close.
‪(지완) [한숨 쉬며] 네‬[exhales] Yeah.
‪가요‬Let's go.
‪[나비가 그림을 쓱쓱 그린다]‬
‪[노트를 탁 덮는다]‬[paper rustles]
‪[힘겨운 신음]‬[sighs]
‪배고파‬I'm starving.
‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬[Na-bi] Big surprise. Still no word from Jae-eon.
‪(나비) 아직도 박재언은 연락이 없다‬[Na-bi] Big surprise. Still no word from Jae-eon.
‪[휴대전화를 툭 내려놓는다]‬[phone thuds]
‪내가 안중에도 없는 건지‬ ‪놀리는 건지 모르겠지만‬I wish I knew if he was toying with me or just doesn't care.
‪어느 쪽이든 간에‬Doesn't matter either way.
‪구리다‬This sucks.
‪[지직거리는 소리가 난다]‬
‪[탁탁 소리가 난다]‬[metal clanking]
‪[차분한 음악]‬["Heavy Heart" by Rio playing]
‪(나비) 분하게도‬[Na-bi] Fine, I'll admit it.
‪저 자식은 한번 시야에 들어와 버리면‬I can't take my eyes off him whenever he's around.
‪눈을 뗄 수가 없다‬I can't help myself.
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬-[phone buzzing] -[welding machine crackling]
‪[재언이 보호구를 툭 내려놓는다]‬["Heavy Heart" by Rio continues]
‪어, 설아야‬What's up, Seol-a?
‪(재언) 너인 줄 알았지‬I had a feeling it was you.
‪기다려, 금방 갈게‬Wait for me. I'll be right over.
‪(나비) 설아가 누군데?‬[Na-bi] Who the hell is Seol-a?
‪(재언) 설아야‬[Jae-eon] Seol-a.
‪많이 기다렸어?‬Sorry, I took so long.
‪(설아) 아니야, 괜찮아‬[Seol-a] It's cool. No biggie.
‪(나비) 누구길래…‬[Na-bi] Who is she?
‪- (설아) 뭐 좀 마실까?‬ ‪- (재언) 그래‬Wanna get a drink? -[Jae-eon] Okay. -[Na-bi] And why does she make you smile
‪(나비) 박재언이‬ ‪저런 표정을 짓는 거지?‬ ‪[설아가 말한다]‬-[Jae-eon] Okay. -[Na-bi] And why does she make you smile -like that? -[Seol-a] Let's go.
‪꼴사납다, 유나비‬[Na-bi] You're so pathetic, Na-bi.
‪스토커처럼 이게 뭐 하는 짓이야‬You're starting to sound like a stalker.
‪(나비) 바로 알아볼 수 있었다‬I could just tell right away.
‪그 사람인 거다‬She's the one. The girl Jae-eon's in love with.
‪박재언 마음의 주인은‬She's the one. The girl Jae-eon's in love with.
‪(은한) 어서 오세요‬[cashier] Good evening, ma'am.
‪어? 나비 누나‬Oh. Hey, Na-bi.
‪에? 저 어제 옆자리였는데‬Uh, I sat next to you last night.
‪누나가 제 물 마셨잖아요‬You took my water, remember?
‪(은한) 어? 그거 제 물인데…‬Oh, that's my water.
‪(나비) 아, 그…‬ ‪아! 그, 그, 1학년 강은한‬Oh, right. Yeah, you're a freshman. It's Kang Eun-han, right?
‪김은한이요, 김은한‬Close enough. Kim Eun-han.
‪(은한) 누나 사람 기억 잘 못하시죠?‬You're not too good with names, are you?
‪미안, 어제 애들이 많았어서‬Sorry. Last night's kind of a blur.
‪(나비) 여기서 알바하는 거야?‬So you work here, huh?
‪(은한) 네, 야간에만, 얼마 안 됐어요‬Yeah. Just part-time. I'm still kinda new.
‪[호응하는 신음]‬-Hmm. -Did you have fun last night?
‪어제 2차 재밌었어요?‬-Hmm. -Did you have fun last night?
‪하, 진짜 저도 가고 싶었는데‬I wanted to stay and hang out, but I had to come here.
‪이 알바 때문에‬I wanted to stay and hang out, but I had to come here.
‪근데 여태 저녁 안 드신 거예요?‬ ‪[바코드 인식음]‬-It's kinda late for dinner, isn't it? -[scanner beeps]
‪어, 야작 하다가 배고파서 나왔어‬I know, but I got caught up in my assignment.
‪(은한) 씁, 그렇다면‬ ‪이건 진짜 제가 아끼는 건데‬Well, in that case, I was saving this for later,
‪서비스로 하나 드릴게요‬but I think you should have it.
‪어, 아니야, 아니야, 괜찮아‬ ‪이거 네 거 아니야?‬Oh. No, I couldn't. You should hang on to it.
‪괜찮아요‬No, it's yours.
‪제 마음이에요, 사양 마세요‬Go on. Please, take it. I want you to have it.
‪[살짝 웃으며] 고마워‬[chuckles softly] Thank you.
‪(나비) 그래, 잘 먹을게‬ ‪알바 열심히 하고‬[Na-bi] Thanks again for this. Well, have a good shift.
‪(은한) 누나‬[Eun-han] Na-bi.
‪저 잠깐 핸드폰 좀…‬Uh, could I borrow your phone?
‪- 내 핸드폰?‬ ‪- (은한) 네‬-Borrow my phone? -Yeah.
‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬[keypad clacking]
‪(설아) 아는 사람이야?‬[Seol-a] Do you know them?
‪계속 쳐다보길래‬You've been staring at them.
‪(재언) 우리 과 신입생‬ ‪저기서 알바하나 보네‬I know he's a freshman. I guess he works there.
‪말고‬What about her?
‪저 여자도 신입생?‬Is she a freshman, too? Like he is?
‪(은한) 이거 제 번호요‬ ‪[나비가 살짝 웃는다]‬-[Eun-han] That's my number. -[Na-bi chuckles]
‪[차분한 음악]‬ ‪- (은한) 연락드릴게요‬ ‪- 어‬-[Eun-han] Talk to you later. -Okay.
‪아니‬She's not. She's a senior.
‪(재언) 선배‬She's not. She's a senior.
‪친구인가?‬We're friends. Sort of.
‪- (나비) 고생해‬ ‪- (은한) 네, 조심히 들어가세요‬-[Na-bi] Well, bye. -[Eun-han] Mm. Take care.
‪- (나비) 먼저 갈게‬ ‪- (은한) 들어가세요‬-[Na-bi] See you around. -[Eun-han] Good night. See ya.
‪[재언이 라이터를 딸각거린다]‬[lighter clicks] [lighter clinks]
‪(설아) 이거 아직도 쓰네?‬You still have that, huh?
‪- 너는?‬ ‪- (설아) 나?‬-Where is yours? -Mine?
‪나는 예전에 잃어버렸지‬I lost it. Can't even remember when.
‪(재언) [담뱃갑을 툭 놓으며] 와‬ ‪서운한데?‬-[lighter clicks] -Oh. That's disappointing.
‪나비는 잘 키우고 있어?‬Your butterflies, they still doing good?
‪(재언) 응‬Mm-hm.
‪[라이터를 딸각 연다]‬[lighter clinks]
‪근데 조만간 풀어 주려고‬-But I'm gonna set them free soon. -[lighter clanks]
‪[재언이 라이터를 탁 닫는다]‬ ‪(설아) 왜?‬-But I'm gonna set them free soon. -[lighter clanks] Why?
‪나비들한테 못 할 짓 하는 것 같아서‬I feel guilty keeping them cooped up.
‪(재언) 자유로워야 될 애들인데‬I mean, they're supposed to be free, and they're not…
‪가둔 거잖아, 나 때문에‬I mean, they're supposed to be free, and they're not… 'cause of me.
‪[재언이 라이터를 연신 딸각거린다]‬ ‪철들었네‬[inhales deeply] You've really grown up.
‪방금 쟤‬That girl just now…
‪이름이 나비다?‬-Her name's Na-bi. -[lighter clinks]
‪철든 게 아니라 다른 나비를 찾은 거네‬So you haven't grown up. You just found a new butterfly.
‪아니야, 그냥 친구라니까‬-[lighter clinks] -It's not like that. -[lighter clinks] -She's a friend. That's all.
‪(설아) 치, 아니긴‬[scoffs] You're a bad liar.
‪이름도 나비라니‬Even her name means butterfly.
‪운명인가?‬Is she your destiny?
‪[피식 웃으며] 무슨‬[chuckles] Of course not.
‪내 운명은 너지‬I only have one. You, silly.
‪[감성적인 음악]‬ ‪[설아가 살짝 웃는다]‬[chuckles] ["Love Me Like That" by Sam Kim playing]
‪[나비의 웃음]‬[chuckles] ♪ My own worst critic Behind a closing door ♪
‪(은한) 누나, 안녕하세요‬[Eun-han] What's up, Na-bi?
‪저 조금 전에 만났던 김은한이요‬ ‪[피식 웃는다]‬It's me Eun-han from just a while ago.
‪진짜 바로 연락하네‬I can't believe he texted right away.
‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬[Na-bi] Right. What's up?
‪(나비)‬[Na-bi] Right. What's up?
‪(은한)‬[Na-bi] Right. What's up? [Eun-han] Are you gonna come to the flea market? I'll be helping out at our booth. So maybe I'll just see you there or at the after-party.
‪(은한) 꼭 오셨으면 좋겠어요‬I really hope you can make it.
‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬ ‪(나비) 그럴까?‬[Na-bi] Yeah, sure.
‪(은한)‬[Eun-han] Really? Great. I'll see you there! ♪ Treat me soft and tender ♪
‪[옅은 웃음]‬
‪(나비) 뭐, 솔직히 기분 나쁘진 않아‬[Na-bi] I gotta admit, this feels kinda nice.
‪(은한)‬[Eun-han] Oh, by the way, what days don't you have class?
‪(은한)‬Oh. Jeez, that was totally nosy.
‪(은한)‬Sorry about that. Well, good night then. I'll see you soon.
‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬[Na-bi] I have class every day, sadly.
‪(나비) 슬프게도 주 5야‬[Na-bi] I have class every day, sadly.
‪[한숨]‬Okay. Good night.
‪너도 잘 자‬Okay. Good night.
‪[휴대전화를 툭 놓는다]‬
‪[새가 지저귄다]‬
‪[소란스러운 소리가 들린다]‬[background chatter]
‪[탁탁 소리가 들린다]‬ ‪[기계음이 들린다]‬[machine whirring]
‪[분주하다]‬[whirring continues]
‪(세영) 재언 오빠‬[Se-yeong] Hey, Jae-eon!
‪[세영의 놀라는 신음]‬
‪헐, 오빠 유리도 다룰 줄 알아?‬[gasps] You can make glass art, too?
‪[놀라며] 이거 뭐 만드는 거야?‬What are you working on?
‪(재언) 응?‬Hmm? -Oh, I'm making a suncatcher. -Hmm.
‪아, 선캐처 만들어 보게‬ ‪[세영의 탄성]‬-Oh, I'm making a suncatcher. -Hmm.
‪(여학생3) 와, 이쁘다, 또 나비네?‬[Jeong-yeon] Wow, it's really pretty. Another butterfly.
‪하여튼 나비 진짜 좋아해‬You've got a thing for butterflies, huh? [machine whirs]
‪(빛나) 뭐야, 감기?‬[Bit-na] Hey, are you sick?
‪가까이 오지 마라‬Stay away from me.
‪아, 모르겠어, 머리도 아프고‬Oh, I don't really know. I don't feel too good.
‪[빛나가 피식 웃는다]‬[chuckles]
‪너 박재언 끊어서 병 걸린 거 아니야?‬Maybe it's 'cause you haven't gotten your fix of Jae-eon.
‪(빛나) 금단 현상‬You're in withdrawal.
‪(나비) [한숨 쉬며] 뭔 소리야, 또‬What are you talking about? I know that you two have stopped hanging out.
‪(빛나) 아, 요즘‬ ‪박재언이랑 안 다니잖아‬I know that you two have stopped hanging out.
‪이대로 그냥 끝?‬So there's nothing? Zip?
‪아, 그냥 나랑 좀 안 맞는 것 같아‬I just don't think that we'd click. That's all.
‪[한숨 쉬며] 아, 유나비 실망이네‬[sighs] Well, that totally bums me out.
‪(빛나) 원래 얌전한 애들이‬ ‪사고를 크게 치는 법인데‬It's always the quiet ones you really have to watch out for.
‪(나비) 그게 실망스러울 일이냐?‬Why the heck are you bummed out?
‪(빛나) 당연하지! 완전 기대했는데‬'Cause obviously I wanted some drama. It's such a drag here.
‪완전 재미없잖아‬'Cause obviously I wanted some drama. It's such a drag here.
‪너는 네 재미 때문에 나를‬ ‪악의 구렁텅이에 몰아넣는 거 같다?‬So you actually wanna watch me go through hell just for your entertainment, don't you?
‪(빛나) 아이‬ ‪뭐 또 그런 섭섭한 말씀을‬[chuckling] Hey, chill out. It's not that serious.
‪아, 우리 집 놀러 갔을 때도 그래‬And that night we were all at my place,
‪네가 괜히 무슨 테스트니 뭐니‬ ‪하자고 해 가지고‬why'd you make us play that stupid game and egged him on?
‪해 가지고?‬Egged him on?
‪(빛나) 왜?‬ ‪그날 박재언이랑 무슨 일 있었어?‬Wait. Did something happen between you guys that night?
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬[romantic music]
‪너무 아무 일이 없으니까‬ ‪허무하다 이거지‬Nothing happened but that's not really the point. The point is it's useless.
‪너도 봤잖아‬You saw what happened.
‪(빛나) 나비야‬Na-bi, do you wanna know what it actually takes for you to catch a big fish?
‪월척을 낚으려면‬ ‪첫 번째로 뭐가 필요한 줄 아니?‬Na-bi, do you wanna know what it actually takes for you to catch a big fish?
‪너 또 인내심 얘기하려 그러지?‬ ‪[빛나가 혀를 똑 튕긴다]‬-Don't tell me it's patience, right? -Hmm.
‪(빛나) [테이블을 탁 치며] 흠‬-Don't tell me it's patience, right? -Hmm.
‪그리고 걔가 무슨 월척이야‬And he's not even a great catch.
‪[피식 웃으며] 그러면 아니야?‬[chuckles] You mean that?
‪생각하기 나름이긴 한데‬Well, I don't know. I mean, it depends, I guess.
‪근데 걔 진짜 연애 안 하는 거 맞아?‬You said he doesn't date. You sure about that?
‪(빛나) 응, 안 한다니까‬Hmm. As far as I know.
‪왜? 너보고 연애하재?‬Why? Did he ask you out?
‪아니, 뭐‬ ‪누구 있는 것 같던데, 아닌가?‬Well, no. It just seems like he's seeing someone. I could be wrong.
‪(은한) 나비 누나! 안녕하세요‬[Eun-han] Hi, Na-bi! How's it going?
‪(후배) 선배님, 안녕하십니까‬ ‪[후배들이 인사한다]‬-[man 1] Hey there, girl. -[man 2] Hello.
‪[부드러운 음악]‬ ‪(나비) 은한이, 안녕‬Good. Hi, Eun-han. Are you going for lunch?
‪밥 먹으러 가?‬Good. Hi, Eun-han. Are you going for lunch?
‪(은한) 네‬Yeah.
‪(나비) [살짝 웃으며] 맛있게 먹어‬All right then, enjoy!
‪- (은한) 맛있게 드세요, 누나도‬ ‪- (나비) 응‬Enjoy your lunch too! Mm.
‪[나비의 옅은 웃음]‬ ‪[멀어지는 발걸음]‬Mm.
‪(빛나) 방금 김은한과의 그 인사‬ ‪뭐지?‬Hang on. Am I missing something here?
‪요즘 좀 친해졌어‬-Spill it. -We've just been talking. That's all.
‪[옅은 탄성]‬ ‪음‬[gasps] Hmm.
‪왜, 김은한도 뭐 있어?‬Why? Is there something wrong with him?
‪아니, 내가 아는 한 전혀‬Oh, no. Well, at least as far as I know.
‪(빛나) 아, 역시 유나비‬See that, I was right, Na-bi. You put yourself out there, and now they're lining up.
‪세상 밖으로 나오니까‬ ‪바로바로 반응이 온다‬You put yourself out there, and now they're lining up. [Bit-na exhales]
‪아, 그래도‬ ‪김은한 쟤는 좀 재미없는데‬[Bit-na exhales] Though I do think you could do better than him.
‪아휴, 나 이제 제발‬ ‪네 재미에서 좀 빼 줘라‬[groans] If you wanna play matchmaker, leave me out of it.
‪[나비가 컵을 탁 놓는다]‬
‪너 쟤랑 잘해 볼 생각이 있구나?‬So, you mean, you seriously wanna go out with him?
‪아, 그 정도 아니야‬Oh, I didn't say that.
‪아쉬운데‬Man, what a bummer.
‪[나비의 기침]‬[Na-bi coughing]
‪[나비의 헛기침]‬[Na-bi groans]
‪(은한) 까꿍‬[Eun-han] Surprise!
‪비타민 보충하시라고‬Vitamins. You could use them.
‪[나비의 탄성]‬Oh… [chuckles]
‪(나비) 고마워‬Thanks.
‪구상 잘돼 가요?‬How is that coming along?
‪아니, 이번 학기는 망했다‬It sucks. I think I can kiss the school goodbye.
‪네? 에이, 누나 잘하잖아요‬No way. [chuckles] You're way too good.
‪뭐래, 네가 몰라서 그래‬Oh, please. You don't know that.
‪(은한) 아니요, 저 잘 알아요‬I do. I do know that.
‪사실은 작년에 입시 왔다가‬ ‪누나 거 봤거든요‬I know because I saw your piece when I was here last year for the entrance exam.
‪작년?‬Wait. Last year?
‪작년이면…‬Then, that would have been…
‪[부드러운 음악]‬[calm music]
‪(은한) '사랑'?‬[Eun-han] "Love"?
‪'유나비'‬"Yu Na-bi."
‪- (나비) 주제 사랑이었던 거?‬ ‪- (은한) 네‬-[Na-bi] The one that was about love? -[Eun-han] Yeah.
‪그, 맨날 똑같은 거 한다고‬ ‪교수님한테 혼났던 건데‬That didn't go over well. They said my work was repetitive. Well, I loved it. I even took a picture.
‪저는 완전 좋아서 사진도 찍었잖아요‬Well, I loved it. I even took a picture.
‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬ ‪(나비) 봐 봐‬[chuckles] Let see it.
‪(은한) 사랑을 있는 그대로‬ ‪표현하는 작품들은 별로 없잖아요‬Not many pieces show love as it really is. Warts and all.
‪다들 막‬ ‪있어 보여야 된다고 생각하니까‬ ‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬Most people present that idealized version.
‪음… 왜 없지?‬Now, where is it?
‪아, 맞는다, 나 폰 바꿨지‬Right. It's on my old phone.
‪누나, 그거 다시 볼 수 있을까요?‬But hey, you could show it to me again.
‪제가 이번엔 백업 꼭 해 둘게요‬I'll back up my photos this time.
‪그게‬Well, I…
‪폐기했어‬I already threw it out.
‪(나비) 전 남친 새끼 때문에‬ ‪만든 거거든‬ ‪[은한이 아쉬워한다]‬[Na-bi] Because it was inspired by my ex.
‪(은한) 진짜 없나?‬ ‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬[Eun-han] Really?
‪[살짝 웃는다]‬[Eun-han sighs]
‪[연필을 탁 놓으며] 고맙다‬Thanks anyway.
‪뭐가요?‬[stutters] For what?
‪(나비) 사실은‬To be honest, I'd given up on the piece I was working on,
‪원래 하려던 작품 중간에 포기해서‬ ‪뭘 해야 될지 멘붕이었거든‬To be honest, I'd given up on the piece I was working on, I thought I knew where it was going but I didn't.
‪덕분에 힘이 좀 나네‬But you helped cheer me up.
‪[함께 웃는다]‬ ‪(나비) 볼수록 좀‬ ‪귀여운 것 같기도 하고‬[Na-bi] Fine, I'll admit it. He is kinda cute.
‪(나비) 야, 근데 네가 너무‬ ‪존댓말 깍듯하게 하니까 민망하다‬But do me a favor and relax when you're around me, okay?
‪그냥 말 놓으면 안 돼?‬You're always so stiff.
‪저, 저 원래 형, 누나들한테‬ ‪말 잘 못 놔요‬Well, it's not just you. I'm like this with anyone older than I am.
‪아, 그래?‬Oh, really?
‪(나비) 그래, 그럼 뭐‬ ‪편하게 해, 편하게‬Well, okay then. -Then I guess, it's no big deal. -No. I can loosen up more.
‪아니요, 지금부터 놓을게요‬-Then I guess, it's no big deal. -No. I can loosen up more.
‪아니, 놓을게‬Promise. Starting now.
‪어‬ ‪[웃음]‬-Okay. -[Eun-han] Okay.
‪(은한) 누나, 그‬-Okay. -[Eun-han] Okay. So, everyone's saying this movie is great. Have you seen it yet?
‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬ ‪이거 다들 재밌다고 하던데‬ ‪혹시 이 영화 보셨어?‬So, everyone's saying this movie is great. Have you seen it yet?
‪[웃으며] 아니‬[chuckles] I haven't.
‪아직 안 봤어‬ ‪영화관 안 간 지 오래됐거든‬Actually, it's been a while since I've gone to the movies.
‪그럼 저랑 같이 보러 갈래요?‬You wanna go see this movie with me then?
‪- (나비) 멜로야?‬ ‪- (은한) 네‬-[Na-bi] A rom-com? -[Eun-han] Yeah.
‪[다가오는 발걸음]‬[approaching footsteps]
‪안녕‬What's up?
‪안녕하세요‬Hey, good to see you.
‪어, 안녕‬Oh. Hi, Jae-eon.
‪무슨 얘기 해?‬What are you talking about?
‪(은한) 같이 영화 보려고요‬Just this movie we're gonna see.
‪누나, 그럼 우리 이거 말고‬ ‪다른 거 볼까?‬Unless maybe you wanna watch something else?
‪- 어…‬ ‪- (재언) 아‬-Oh… -[Jae-eon] Dude.
‪나비한테는 말 놨네?‬Don't you think you're being fresh?
‪(재언) 둘이 원래 친했던가?‬You barely know each other, right?
‪(나비) 어, 친해, 적어도 너랑 나보단‬No. Not true. He knows me better than you do.
‪은한아, 이거 보자‬ ‪나도 달달한 거 좋아해‬This one sounds great. I really like rom-coms. Yeah. I mean, great.
‪네‬Yeah. I mean, great.
‪아니, 응‬Yeah. I mean, great.
‪(재언) 야‬[Jae-eon] Hey.
‪이건 달달한 게 아니라‬ ‪야한 거 아니야?‬There's a lot of sex in this movie, right?
‪그래, 그럼 더 잘됐네‬Well, that's even better then.
‪(나비) 이거 보자‬ ‪[살짝 웃는다]‬[Na-bi] Let's watch it. Right. Maybe you can pick up some pointers.
‪(재언) 그래, 보고 잘 참고하면 되겠네‬Right. Maybe you can pick up some pointers.
‪뭐를요?‬Pointers from who?
‪남주‬The lead actor.
‪키스 장인이잖아‬I hear he's a good kisser.
‪나비가 키스에 까다롭거든‬Na-bi's very particular, you see.
‪(재언) 마음에 안 들면 밀치니까‬ ‪주의하고‬If you don't kiss her exactly the right way, she'll dump you.
‪너 나와‬Outside. Now.
‪(나비) 너 뭐 하는 거야?‬-What the hell was that? -What was what?
‪뭐가?‬-What the hell was that? -What was what?
‪거기서 갑자기‬ ‪키스 얘기가 왜 나와, 야‬All the talk about kissing. What is it with you, huh?
‪너 나 그만 갖고 놀아‬I don't wanna play your games.
‪갖고 놀다니‬Oh, I'm playing games. You're the one who pushed my hand away.
‪먼저 내 손 뿌리친 건 너잖아‬Oh, I'm playing games. You're the one who pushed my hand away.
‪그러니까 누가 남의 어깨에 손 올리래?‬I didn't like you putting your hand on my shoulder.
‪너랑 내가 도대체 뭐라고 이래?‬Stop acting like we're a thing, okay?
‪- 왜 이렇게 화를 내?‬ ‪- (나비) 화를 내는 게 아니라!‬-Why are you so upset? -I'm not upset! I'm calm!
‪[한숨]‬[sighs deeply]
‪(나비) 화를 내는 게 아니라‬[Na-bi] I'm not upset at all.
‪너 그날 이후로‬ ‪나한테 연락 한번 없었어, 알아?‬You do realize I haven't heard from you since that night. Right? I haven't heard from you since that night either.
‪그건 너도 마찬가지였지‬I haven't heard from you since that night either.
‪(재언) 그리고 그게 왜?‬So, what? No big deal.
‪[입소리를 쩝 낸다]‬[smack lips] I'm sorry, but I'm just not that kind of girl.
‪재언아, 미안한데 나 그런 사람 아니야‬I'm sorry, but I'm just not that kind of girl.
‪[재언의 헛웃음]‬[scoffs]
‪그런 사람이 뭔데?‬What's that supposed to mean?
‪난 너도 좋은 줄 알았지‬I thought you like having fun.
‪(재언) 걱정 마‬[Jae-eon] Well, don't worry.
‪어떻게 안 할 테니까‬I'll back off from now on.
‪김은한이랑 잘해 봐‬Good luck with Eun-han.
‪(은한) 저, 그게, 폰을 두고 가서…‬You… you left your phone. I thought you might need it.
‪(나비) 어, 고마워‬Oh. Thank you.
‪(은한) 누나‬[Eun-han] Na-bi.
‪지금 영화 보러 갈래요?‬Still wanna watch that movie with me?
‪[멀어지는 발걸음]‬
‪[재언의 한숨]‬
‪[부드러운 음악이 흘러나온다]‬[slow music playing]
‪(은한) [달그락거리며] 누나‬[slow music playing] [Eun-han] Na-bi.
‪저는 잠자리보다 나비가 훨씬 좋아요‬You know, I really like your name. I've always loved butterflies.
‪밥 안 드셨죠?‬You're hungry, right?
‪이 소갈비찜이 진짜 맛있거든요‬ ‪드셔 보세요‬The food's amazing here. I know you'll love it. So dig in.
‪누나, 그리고‬ ‪기분이 안 좋아 보이시는데‬And honestly, I can tell you're in a bad mood.
‪밥을 많이 드세요‬Eat. You'll feel better. -Believe me, this will cheer you up. -[Na-bi laughs]
‪한국인이 밥심이거든요‬ ‪[나비와 은한의 웃음]‬-Believe me, this will cheer you up. -[Na-bi laughs]
‪(나비) [웃으며] 너는 뭐 먹게‬Okay, that's enough already.
‪[힘주는 신음]‬
‪누나, 물 드세요‬-Have some water. -Thank you.
‪생큐‬-Have some water. -Thank you. Hey, wait. That's my water.
‪(은한) 누나, 그거 제 물이에요‬Hey, wait. That's my water.
‪너 진짜 자꾸 장난칠래?‬ ‪[은한의 웃음]‬-Hey, would you cut that out? -[both laugh]
‪- 아, 누나 물 좋아하시는 거 같길래‬ ‪- (나비) 어?‬-I almost had you there for a second. -Stop. [Na-bi] This is nice. A nice normal date.
‪(나비) 이거다‬[Na-bi] This is nice. A nice normal date.
‪대낮의 데이트‬ ‪[나비와 은한이 두런거린다]‬[Na-bi] This is nice. A nice normal date.
‪풋풋한 호감‬No complications.
‪[감성적인 음악]‬["So Tender" by Say Sue Me playing]
‪[은한이 중얼거린다]‬["So Tender" by Say Sue Me playing]
‪(은한) [놀라며] 아, 누나‬ ‪건들지 마세요‬ ‪[나비의 비명]‬[both scream] [Eun-han] Look at me! Hang on!
‪[툭 소리가 난다]‬ ‪아, 뭐야‬[Eun-han] Look at me! Hang on!
‪어떡해‬Be careful.
‪[나비가 중얼거린다]‬Hey, what's that?
‪(나비) '미라클'?‬-[Na-bi] "Miracle"? -[Eun-han] "Past"?
‪(은한) '지난'?‬-[Na-bi] "Miracle"? -[Eun-han] "Past"?
‪[은한이 감탄한다]‬ ‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬[Eun-han] Wow! You got it! Whoa!
‪- (은한) 열렸다‬ ‪- 오, 열렸다! 열렸다‬-It's open. -Oh! It's open!
‪[은한과 나비의 탄성]‬-[Eun-han] Right. -[Na-bi] We can go. Oh, yeah!
‪[나비와 은한의 탄성]‬ ‪[나비의 박수]‬-[Eun-han] Right. -[Na-bi] We can go. Oh, yeah!
‪(나비) 사장님‬ ‪저희 사진 한 번만 찍어 주세요‬Could you take our picture, please?
‪(은한) 감사합니다‬ ‪[나비의 웃음]‬Thanks a lot, sir. [man] All right, ready? One, two…
‪(사장) 자, 하나, 둘‬[man] All right, ready? One, two…
‪[카메라 셔터 효과음]‬[camera shutter clicking]
‪저, 콤보 하나 주세요‬Yeah. Make it a combo meal. [female staff] Which flavor would you like, sir?
‪(직원) 팝콘은 무슨 맛으로 드릴까요?‬[female staff] Which flavor would you like, sir?
‪[은한의 고민하는 신음]‬Oh.
‪(은한) 어…‬Um…
‪(나비) 평범하게 같이 밥도 먹고‬ ‪영화도 보는‬[Na-bi] Eating out and watching a movie together. Nice and normal.
‪나에게 딱 어울리는 자리‬The kind of date I've always wanted.
‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪(나비) 한 번, 한 번만‬Come on, just one.
‪[현우가 피식 웃는다]‬Come on, just one. -One, two, three. -[clears throat]
‪하나, 둘, 셋‬ ‪[현우의 헛기침]‬-One, two, three. -[clears throat]
‪[카메라 셔터음]‬-[shutter clicks] -[giggles]
‪[웃으며] 됐다‬-[shutter clicks] -[giggles]
‪어, 잘 나왔어‬It's a great photo. I'll take one of you by yourself.
‪오빠도 한 장만 찍어 줄게요‬It's a great photo. I'll take one of you by yourself.
‪(나비) 하나, 둘, 셋‬[Na-bi] One, two, three.
‪[카메라 셔터음]‬[shutter clicks]
‪[휴대전화를 툭 놓으며] 먹자, 먹자‬-Let's eat. Okay. -[phone thuds]
‪[달그락 소리가 난다]‬ ‪[살짝 웃는다]‬[cutlery clinks]
‪[칼질을 쓱쓱 하며] 잘 먹겠습니다‬I hope you like the food here.
‪음, 맛있어‬Mm. It's so good.
‪- (현우) 맛있어? 많이 먹어‬ ‪- 응‬-[Hyeon-u] Oh, yeah? -Mm-hm. [Na-bi] What gives?
‪(나비) 그런데‬[Na-bi] What gives?
‪(나비) 여태 이런 것 하나‬ ‪못 지우고 있다니‬Why do I still have this on my phone?
‪[다가오는 발걸음]‬
‪(은한) 누나‬[Eun-han] Na-bi.
‪누나가 뭐 좋아하는지 몰라서‬ ‪제가 다 사 왔습니다‬I wasn't sure what kind of snacks you wanted, so I got them all.
‪(나비) 어… 어‬Oh. Great. [chuckles]
‪[나비의 웃음]‬ ‪부족하면 더 사 올까요?‬-Unless you want something else? -No, it's fine. That's good. Thank you.
‪(나비) 아니, 아니야, 고마워, 어‬-Unless you want something else? -No, it's fine. That's good. Thank you.
‪(은한) 근데 이거 진짜 맛있어요‬[Eun-han] This one's my favorite.
‪(나비) 계속 이렇게‬ ‪대책 없이 쌓여만 가는 걸까?‬[Na-bi] I wonder if he'll always keep treating me this way.
‪[잔잔한 음악이 흘러나온다]‬ ‪(스크린 속 배우1) 맨날‬ ‪도망만 다니는 이 찌질한 놈이‬[actor in Korean] I was a loser who was always running away.
‪[스크린 속 배우1의 한숨]‬
‪너한테서만큼은 도망칠 수가 없으니까‬-But I can't run away from you. -[actress sniffles]
‪[은한이 훌쩍인다]‬-But I can't run away from you. -[actress sniffles]
‪네 모든 게 좋고‬[actor] I like everything about you,
‪네 모든 게 생각나‬and I can't stop thinking about you.
‪나, 나는‬I…
‪[스크린 속 배우2가 울먹인다]‬
‪나는 널 사랑해‬I love you. [actress crying]
‪[스크린 속 배우2가 흐느낀다]‬[actress crying]
‪(은한) 누나, 무슨 생각 해요?‬Na-bi, is something bothering you?
‪(나비) 나 아무 생각 안 하는데‬No, nothing. I'm perfectly fine. Why?
‪왜?‬No, nothing. I'm perfectly fine. Why?
‪(은한) 그냥 아까 영화관에서부터‬ ‪기분 안 좋아 보이길래‬Well, you've been acting kind of weird since we were at the movies.
‪영화가 재미없었나 싶었죠‬-So I thought maybe you didn't like it. -Oh.
‪(나비) 아…‬-So I thought maybe you didn't like it. -Oh.
‪[코를 훌쩍이며]‬ ‪몸이 안 좋아서 그런가?‬[sniffles] I just don't feel too good.
‪근데 영화가 좀‬ ‪오글거리긴 했어, 그렇지?‬And come on, it was kind of cheesy, right?
‪(은한) 진짜요?‬You think so?
‪어? 저는 되게 좋았는데‬Well, I thought it was pretty good.
‪뭔가‬ ‪'나도 그런 사랑을 해 보고 싶다'?‬I mean, it made me wish I could fall in love like that.
‪막 그런 기분이 지금 빡 들었는데‬It really gave me a different kind of rush!
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬[melancholy music]
‪저 사실 아까‬ ‪누나랑 형 얘기하는 거 다 들었어요‬Fine, I'll be honest. I overheard you talking to Jae-eon.
‪아, 그랬구나‬Ah. You heard that, huh.
‪근데 걔는 사실…‬-Well, look, things between us-- -I know. It's all over now, right?
‪(은한) 알아요, 이젠 다 정리한 거죠?‬-Well, look, things between us-- -I know. It's all over now, right?
‪정리?‬"It's all over"?
‪(은한) 알잖아요‬ ‪형은 상처 주는 사람인 거‬You should know all he does is hurt people.
‪누나한테 진지하지도‬And you should never let anyone take you for granted or hurt you
‪진심도 아니었던 사람 때문에‬ ‪상처받지 마세요, 그거‬And you should never let anyone take you for granted or hurt you because you don't deserve that.
‪진짜 제가 잘 아는데요‬ ‪다 부질없어요‬I know. I've been there before. No one deserves that. And most of all, he's just not good enough for you.
‪무엇보다‬ ‪아, 누나랑 형은 너무 안 어울려요‬And most of all, he's just not good enough for you.
‪그래‬All right.
‪[작은 목소리로] 그래‬Okay.
‪[나비의 웃음]‬[muffled laugh]
‪(나비) 어, 은한아, 미안‬ ‪[웃음]‬Sorry about that. [chuckles]
‪[웃으며] 아니, 나, 그…‬It's just I…
‪재채기 나오려고 해 가지고‬I felt a sneeze coming. Forget it.
‪됐어요‬Forget it.
‪아, 진짜야, 은한아!‬I swear I did! Eun-han!
‪[피곤한 신음]‬
‪[헤어 에센스를 탁탁 누른다]‬
‪[헤어 에센스를 탁 놓는다]‬ ‪[손을 쓱쓱 비빈다]‬
‪[새어 나오는 웃음]‬[giggling]
‪귀엽긴 한데‬I guess he's cute.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪일행 있어요?‬Are you here with someone?
‪귀여워서‬You. You're cute.
‪(나비) 느낌이 없어, 박재언에 비하면‬[Na-bi] But I don't feel the same spark that I do with Jae-eon.
‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬
‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬
‪[차분한 음악]‬DELETE CONTACT? [melancholic music]
‪[나비의 기침]‬[coughing]
‪[약상자를 툭 놓는다]‬[clatters]
‪[새가 지저귄다]‬
‪(민영) 그게 무슨 말씀이세요?‬[Min-yeong] Wait. What do you mean?
‪(중개인) 다 알아들었잖아, 응?‬[realtor] You heard what I said, hmm.
‪집주인이 이제 102호랑‬ ‪계약 연장 없다고 했다니까‬Cough up the money. The landlord says he's not gonna give you an extension.
‪아니, 그러니까 갑자기 왜요‬Why are you springing this on me now?
‪연장 안 할 거면 한 달이 아니라‬You know, you really should've given me a heads up about this
‪적어도 세 달 전에는‬ ‪말씀해 주셨어야죠‬You know, you really should've given me a heads up about this -at least three months ago. -[realtor sighs]
‪(중개인) [한숨 쉬며] 몰라, 몰라‬ ‪난 분명히 말했어‬-at least three months ago. -[realtor sighs] Yeah, whatever. Well, now you know, okay? -Wait a sec-- -[line beeps]
‪아줌마‬ ‪[통화 종료음]‬-Wait a sec-- -[line beeps]
‪아, 뭐야?‬ ‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬[gasps] She did not!
‪(민영) 아이씨, 진짜, 씨‬[Min-yeong groans] That little…
‪아, 깜짝이야!‬What the hell?
‪[나비가 콜록거린다]‬[coughs]
‪- (나비) 추운데…‬ ‪- (지완) 어, 나비야!‬-[Ji-wan] Hey, Na-bi! -[Bit-na] Come, milady.
‪(빛나) 이리 오너라!‬-[Ji-wan] Hey, Na-bi! -[Bit-na] Come, milady.
‪(나비) [웃으며] 어‬ ‪뭐야? 왜 이렇게 잘 어울리냐‬Oh. Oh, wow, that's a great costume.
‪(빛나) 감사하옵니다‬Thank you, fair maiden.
‪아니 놀러 오시나요, 소녀?‬You'll swing by the booth, right? -[Bit-na] You better. -[all chuckle]
‪[나비의 웃음]‬-[Bit-na] You better. -[all chuckle]
‪(나비) 난 됐어, 준비 잘돼 가?‬No, thanks, I'm good. Are you guys all set?
‪(지완) 잘되겠지, 박재언이 있잖아‬Yeah, probably. Jae-eon's been helping out.
‪아, 친구들 놀러 오기로 했는데‬ ‪자리 없으면 어떡하지?‬Yeah, probably. Jae-eon's been helping out. But my friends said they're coming, so we might not have enough seats.
‪(빛나) [웃으며] 너 친구들 있어?‬But my friends said they're coming, so we might not have enough seats. -[Bit-na] You? You have friends? -[Ji-wan] Of course, I do!
‪(지완) 그래, 있다!‬ ‪[옅은 웃음]‬-[Bit-na] You? You have friends? -[Ji-wan] Of course, I do!
‪[민영의 한숨]‬ ‪(경준) 그럼 너 이제 어떡하게?‬-[Min-yeong sighs] -What are you gonna do? Can you find a house in a month?
‪한 달 안에 집 구할 수 있어?‬Can you find a house in a month?
‪(민영) 당장 못 구하면‬ ‪고시원 같은 데라도 들어가야지‬If I can't find a house, I'll rent a small apartment or something.
‪셰어 하우스나‬Or crash with friend.
‪(경준) 아, 10년 치 짐은 다 어쩌고?‬Now what are you gonna do with all your stuff?
‪(민영) 아, 뭐‬ ‪잠깐 컨테이너 같은 데라도 맡기든가‬I don't know. I guess I'll just have to rent a storage space.
‪악!‬[screams] How am I gonna do this?
‪아, 나 진짜 멘붕이다!‬[screams] How am I gonna do this?
‪아, 이 주변 다 이제 너무 올라서‬ ‪이렇게 월세 싼 집 절대 못 구할 텐데‬Rent is so expensive around here now. There's no way I'll find a cheap place in time.
‪[경준의 한숨]‬ ‪아, 망했어!‬[gasps] Oh, I'm so screwed!
‪[민영의 괴로운 신음]‬[groans]
‪(경준) 아이, 그, 워, 워, 워, 워‬Calm down. Whoa, whoa. -Hang on. How much did she say you owe? -[knocks on door]
‪그, 월, 월세가 얼마였는데, 어?‬ ‪[노크 소리가 들린다]‬-Hang on. How much did she say you owe? -[knocks on door]
‪[민영의 한숨]‬ ‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬[door opens]
‪- (빛나) 안녕하세요!‬ ‪- (지완) 안녕하세요!‬-Hi, you two. -Hello, hello!
‪- (나비) 안녕하십니까‬ ‪- (빛나) 저희 부탄가스 좀 더 주세요‬-[Min-yeong] Hey. -Good morning, guys. We need more butane and folding chairs too.
‪(빛나) 그리고 대체‬ ‪접이식 의자 여분은 어디 있는 거예요?‬We need more butane and folding chairs too. -Do you know where we can get some? -[Gyeong-jun] Just check the club room.
‪(경준) 의자는 과방에 있을 거야‬-Do you know where we can get some? -[Gyeong-jun] Just check the club room.
‪[경준의 웃음]‬ ‪(빛나) 과방‬-Oh. -Oh, right.
‪(민영) 아, 솔이보고‬ ‪부스 오지 말라 해‬[Min-yeong] Oh! Tell Sol not to come tonight.
‪이 교수님 마주쳤다간 또 들들 볶인다‬Professor Lee is gonna be there. She'll nag her again.
‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬ ‪(지완) 응? 영감님이 솔이를 왜요?‬Huh? What would she nag her about?
‪(민영) 왜긴 왜야‬[Min-yeong] So you don't know?
‪교환 학생 때문에 그렇지‬The exchange student program.
‪나도 요즘 그거 때문에 피곤해 죽겠다‬To be honest, I'm tired of dealing with that too.
‪(빛나) 아, 걔는 가면 무조건‬ ‪올 지원해 주는데 뭘 망설인대?‬ ‪[잔잔한 음악]‬They are offering her a full scholarship, and she's not gonna take it?
‪누군 가고 싶어도 못 가는데‬ ‪[달그락 소리가 난다]‬Doesn't she know people would kill to be in her shoes?
‪(경준) 쉽게 결정할 건 아니지, 그래도‬[Gyeong-jun] It's not an easy decision to make. Here.
‪[웃으며] 자‬ ‪[지완의 당황한 신음]‬[Gyeong-jun] It's not an easy decision to make. Here. -Exchange student what? -What? You didn't know?
‪교환 학생이요?‬-Exchange student what? -What? You didn't know?
‪(빛나) 뭐야, 너 몰랐냐?‬-Exchange student what? -What? You didn't know? -No. -But why not?
‪(지완) 어‬-No. -But why not?
‪(빛나) 뭔 일이래?‬-No. -But why not? [Gyeong-jun] All the professors are gonna be there.
‪(경준) 지금 교수님들 다 가셨단다‬[Gyeong-jun] All the professors are gonna be there.
‪(경준과 빛나)‬ ‪- 같이 들고 가자, 어? 어, 가자‬ ‪- [애교스럽게] 네‬-Let's take these. -[Bit-na] Okay.
‪(빛나) 안녕히 계세요‬ ‪[경준이 중얼거린다]‬-See you later! -[Gyeong-jun] Let's go.
‪(경준) 갑시다‬ ‪[빛나의 놀라는 숨소리]‬-See you later! -[Gyeong-jun] Let's go.
‪[나비의 어색한 웃음]‬ ‪(빛나) 아니, 이거 뭐야?‬ ‪없는 게 없어, 여기 다 있네‬[Bit-na] What's going on? We've got everything we need. [groans] Let's go.
‪[빛나가 중얼거린다]‬[groans] Let's go.
‪(나비) [애교스럽게] 여기서 뭐 해‬What are you doing here?
‪(지완) 그냥‬Nothing.
‪플리 마켓 안 가?‬-So are you going tonight? -[chuckles]
‪[피식 웃는다]‬-So are you going tonight? -[chuckles] You going to see Eun-han?
‪- 김은한 보러 가게?‬ ‪- (나비) 어?‬You going to see Eun-han? -Huh? -[soft chuckle]
‪[지완이 살짝 웃는다]‬-Huh? -[soft chuckle] You see, words been getting around about the two of you.
‪너 요즘 은한이라는 애랑 뭐 있다면서‬ ‪다 들었어‬You see, words been getting around about the two of you. -I know it all. -Bit-na told you.
‪오빛나지?‬ ‪[지완의 웃음]‬-I know it all. -Bit-na told you. [chuckles] I'm happy for you.
‪(지완) 잘했어‬[chuckles] I'm happy for you.
‪잘 알진 못하지만‬ ‪박재언보단 걔가 훨씬 낫겠다‬I mean, I don't know him that well, but I'm sure he's way better for you than Jae-eon.
‪[살짝 웃는다]‬[soft chuckle]
‪그때 교수님이 너랑 솔 불렀던 게‬Listen, when the professor asked to see you and Sol last time,
‪교환 학생 때문이었던 거지?‬that was because of the exchange program, right?
‪(나비) 음…‬Mm…
‪맞아‬It was.
‪그렇구나‬I figured as much.
‪(나비) 근데 빛나도‬ ‪솔이한테 들은 건 아니야‬But Bit-na didn't hear about it from Sol, either.
‪솔이도 너한테‬ ‪제일 먼저 말하려고 했을 거고‬I'm sure that Sol wanted to tell you before anyone else.
‪뭐, 나야 같이 갔다가 들은 거고‬And me, I only knew 'cause I was there too.
‪글쎄‬I don't know.
‪걔 나 쭈그리 될까 봐 말 못 한 걸걸‬I bet she kept it from me because she knew I would be upset.
‪(지완) 내가 말한 적 있나?‬Did I ever tell you? The only reason I got into art was her.
‪나 미술 솔이 때문에 시작한 거다?‬The only reason I got into art was her.
‪아, 진짜?‬For real?
‪(나비) 난 몰랐지‬I never knew that.
‪솔이는 중학생 때부터‬ ‪미대 갈 거라 그랬었어‬She's always wanted to be an art major since we were in middle school.
‪(지완) 나도 죽어라 해서 따라왔지‬[Ji-wan] And I worked so hard to get in with her.
‪계속하면 얼추 솔이 흉내는‬ ‪낼 수 있을 줄 알았거든?‬I guess I thought if I did my best, I could at least keep up with her.
‪근데 안 되는 건 안 되는 건가 봐‬But I guess there are things you're not cut out for.
‪난 과제도 겨우 하는데‬I'm barely even passing my classes.
‪졸업이나 할 수 있을지 모르겠다‬And now I'm not even sure if I'll graduate.
‪윤솔 너무 부러워‬I'm so jealous of her.
‪타고난 거잖아, 그런 존재감은‬That kind of talent? It's really rare.
‪(나비) 그렇지‬I know.
‪그런 사람이 있지‬Some people are just gifted.
‪(지완) 플리 마켓 가자‬Let's go to the flea market.
‪- 그래, 가자‬ ‪- (지완) 가자‬ ‪[함께 웃는다]‬-Okay. Let's go. -[chuckles] Come on.
‪[사람들이 소란스럽다]‬ ‪[부드러운 음악]‬[background chatter]
‪(은한) 형, 안 힘드세요?‬[Eun-han] Everything okay?
‪(후배) 어서 오세요‬ ‪형님 두 분, 들어가세요‬-[student 1] Yeah. All right. -[student 2] Okay, next two, go in.
‪(선배) 내가 마, 마른 애들‬ ‪별로 안 좋아하니까‬-[student 1] Yeah. All right. -[student 2] Okay, next two, go in. I'm not into girls who are too skinny. She's not my type.
‪그런 애들 안 만나는 거야‬I'm not into girls who are too skinny. She's not my type.
‪(진수) 저 화석 여기 왜 온 거야?‬[student 3] He's not even paying.
‪(세영) 아, 그러니까‬ ‪바빠 죽겠는데 도와주는 것도 아니고‬[student 4 sighs] Ugh! Yeah. I know, right? It's not like he came over here to help out. -Yeah. And he's not even paying. -You said it.
‪- (성윤) 아이, 돈을 내는 것도 아니고‬ ‪- (세영) 얼쑤‬-Yeah. And he's not even paying. -You said it.
‪(여학생3) 그냥 감시하러 온 거지, 뭐‬He just came here to watch us. That looks good.
‪- (친구1) 야, 맛있겠다, 이거‬ ‪- (선배) 아니‬That looks good.
‪(재언) 맛있게 드세요‬-Here you go. Enjoy. -[woman 1] Sit beside me.
‪(여학생4) 저, 오빠, 번호 좀…‬-Here you go. Enjoy. -[woman 1] Sit beside me. -[woman 2] I've been great. Thanks. -[man 1] Okay. Let's go.
‪(재언) 죄송합니다‬Sorry. No.
‪(빛나) [웃으며] 뭐야?‬ ‪'나마스테'야, 이거?‬What was that? Namaste?
‪(규현) 나도 써먹어야 겄는디야?‬-I should start using that, too. -What would you ever use it for?
‪(빛나) 네가 얻다 써먹어, 이걸?‬-I should start using that, too. -What would you ever use it for?
‪[사람들이 연신 소란스럽다]‬-I should start using that, too. -What would you ever use it for?
‪- 아, 야, 가자‬ ‪- (친구1) 어?‬Hey, let's bounce.
‪(친구1) 왜? 기다리자며‬[Min-sang's friend] Why? We just got here.
‪(선배) 여기 쓸데없이 시끄럽고‬ ‪복잡하잖아‬I can't stand all this noise, and I hate crowds.
‪- (선배) 이쁜 애들도 없잖아, 가자‬ ‪- (친구1) 많은 거 같은데?‬-There are no cute girls. Let's go. -But there are--
‪(선배) 가자고, 가자고, 가자고!‬Come on. Come on. Let's go. Come on.
‪(세영) [신난 목소리로] 야‬ ‪야, 간다, 간다, 간다, 간다‬Come on. Come on. Let's go. Come on. Hey, look, they're leaving already.
‪- (여학생3) 열라 다행‬ ‪- (진수) 갑자기 왜 간대?‬-Well, thank God. -Why did he go?
‪- (후배) 벌써 가시는 거예요?‬ ‪- (선배) 간다고! 간다고‬ ‪[성윤이 구시렁거린다]‬-Leaving so soon? -[Min-sang] Yeah, we are. Hey, hey, hey. Great, they're gone. Help serve the food.
‪(세훈) 야, 야, 야‬Hey, hey, hey. Great, they're gone. Help serve the food.
‪빨리빨리, 갔어, 빨리빨리 서빙해‬Hey, hey, hey. Great, they're gone. Help serve the food.
‪(빛나) 아, 무슨 축제인데‬ ‪술을 안 팔아요, 교수님?‬Ugh! What kind of festival doesn't serve drinks?
‪이거 진짜 논란거리야‬God, this is so totally lame.
‪[여학생들이 소란스럽다]‬ ‪(규현) 아따, 재언이 겁나게 인기 많네‬-He is one popular guy, isn't he? -[overlapping chatter]
‪- (여학생5) 얼굴 맛집‬ ‪- (재언) 아, 진짜요? 감사합니다‬ ‪[여학생들이 저마다 말한다]‬-You must be so tired. -Thank you. Thanks a lot.
‪- (여학생6) 힘드시죠?‬ ‪- (여학생7) 선배, 번호 한 번만…‬-Can I get your number? -No. Sorry.
‪죄송합니다‬-Can I get your number? -No. Sorry.
‪(빛나) 웃는 것 봐, 사람들‬Look at their stupid smiles.
‪[빛나의 웃음]‬ ‪너희 둘은 CC야?‬Are you two together?
‪(빛나) 네? 아니요!‬What? Of course not.
‪뭐 이렇게 정색을 해?‬It was just a question. Kids like you always date.
‪(이 교수) 그러다 보면 꼭 사귀더라‬It was just a question. Kids like you always date.
‪(빛나) 아, 교수님‬ ‪저희는 그럴 일이 절대 없습니다‬Oh, Professor, that's never gonna happen. Trust me.
‪너 조심해, 그러다 사귀어, 바로‬Don't say that 'cause you can never know for sure.
‪(빛나) 아, 아이…‬ ‪야, 야, 진수야, 일로 와 봐‬ ‪[규현의 헛기침]‬Ugh! No. No way. Hey, Jin-su. Come over here.
‪- (빛나) 와, 교수님, 이거…‬ ‪- (진수) 왜요?‬[Bit-na] Professor, please meet…
‪(이 교수) 야, 근데‬-[Jin-su] What's up? -Wait a sec.
‪저기 저 학생, 박재언 맞지?‬That student over there, that's Park Jae-eon, am I right?
‪- (빛나) 네‬ ‪- (규현) 네, 맞아요‬-[Bit-na] Yeah. -[Gyu-hyun] That's right.
‪실력이 출중한 학생이라‬ ‪내가 확실히 기억하고 있지‬Yeah, that's right. I remember him. He's very good at what he does.
‪[여학생들이 소란스럽다]‬[woman 2] Oh, wow.
‪- (이 교수) 나 일어나 봐야겠다‬ ‪- (빛나) 어?‬-Anyway, I gotta go. -[Bit-na] Oh.
‪- (이 교수) 너희 즐거운 시간 보내고‬ ‪- (빛나) 네‬-You kids have fun, okay? -[Bit-na] Yeah.
‪- (이 교수) 사고 없이 마무리 잘하고‬ ‪- (빛나) 네!‬ ‪[교수들이 웅성거린다]‬Stay out of trouble. -Okay. -Be sure to clean up after.
‪(빛나) 진수가 데려다드릴 거예요‬-Okay. -Be sure to clean up after. Jin-su will walk you out.
‪- (진수) 제가 에스코트해 드릴게요‬ ‪- (이 교수) 그래‬ ‪[진수의 웃음]‬-I'll escort you. -Okay. -[Jin-su chuckles] -I got some work to finish,
‪(이 교수) 저 원고 마감할 게 있어서‬ ‪먼저 일어나려고요‬ ‪[교수들이 호응한다]‬-[Jin-su chuckles] -I got some work to finish, so I'll get going, all right?
‪[교수들이 저마다 인사한다]‬-[man] Sure. Sure, no problem. -[professor] See you later.
‪(빛나) 조심히 들어가세요!‬-[man] Sure. Sure, no problem. -[professor] See you later. -[Bit-na] Have a nice night. -[professor] You too.
‪- (이 교수) 사고 없이‬ ‪- (빛나) 네‬ ‪[규현이 인사한다]‬-[Bit-na] Have a nice night. -[professor] You too. -[Bit-na] Bye. -[Gyu-hyun] Good night. Bye.
‪(남학생5) 안녕히 가세요, 교수님‬-[Bit-na] Bye. -[Gyu-hyun] Good night. Bye.
‪[신나는 음악이 흘러나온다]‬ ‪(빛나) 아, 정신 나가는 줄 알았네‬[groans] I'm so exhausted.
‪한 세 시간 전에는 가실 줄 알았는데‬I thought she'd leave three hours ago.
‪그의 출중한 실력 때문에‬ ‪그를 기억하신다고요, 교수님?‬So she really remembers Jae-eon because he's good at what he does?
‪사실은 그의 수려한 외모 때문에‬ ‪그를 기억하신 건 아니실까요?‬Yeah, whatever. I bet the only reason she remembers him is 'cause of the way he looks.
‪(규현) 요거, 요거, 요거 또‬ ‪어디서 훔쳐 왔냐?‬ ‪[빛나의 다급한 신음]‬-Whoa! Where'd hell did you get this one? -Oh!
‪우리 인자 술 못 판다니까?‬We don't sell alcohol here.
‪편의점에서 내가 직접 사 온 거야‬At the convenience store. On the way over.
‪이것도 안 되니?‬Just give me a break.
‪뒤풀이 가 갖고 또 겁나게 마실 거면서‬ ‪고새를 못 참냐?‬You're gonna be drinking at the after-party, right? Can't you wait till then? You know what, I hate to tell you this, but you nag me more than my mom.
‪나 진짜 진지하게 말하는데‬You know what, I hate to tell you this, but you nag me more than my mom.
‪너 우리 엄마보다 잔소리 심해‬You know what, I hate to tell you this, but you nag me more than my mom.
‪(규현) 오늘 취하기만 해라잉, 어?‬If you get drunk tonight, dude, I'm not gonna drag your ass home.
‪진짜로 길바닥에 버리고 갈라니까‬If you get drunk tonight, dude, I'm not gonna drag your ass home.
‪아휴‬-[groans] -Hmm.
‪[빛나가 숨을 카 내뱉는다]‬Ahh! [background chatter]
‪(지완) 어? 맛있겠다‬Oh, that looks good.
‪- (친구2) 어? 지완이다, 지완아‬ ‪- (지완) 어? 야‬-[friend 1] Ji-wan, over here! -Oh! Hey! Wow, you guys got really good seats.
‪(지완) 야, 좋은 자리 잡았는데? 야‬ ‪[친구들의 웃음]‬Hey! Wow, you guys got really good seats.
‪우리랑 같이 놀자‬ ‪친구들 소개시켜 줄게‬Why don't you sit with us? I'll introduce you to them.
‪아니야, 난 됐어, 재밌게 놀아‬It's okay, I'm good. You guys have fun.
‪그럼 이따 심심하면 꼭 연락해‬Well, if you get bored, give me a call.
‪알았어‬Yeah, for sure.
‪- (나비) 재밌게 노세요‬ ‪- (지완) 잘 가‬ ‪[친구들이 인사한다]‬Have fun tonight. -See you. -[girls] Thank you.
‪[친구들이 반가워한다]‬ ‪(지완) 야, 언제 왔어?‬-See you. -[girls] Thank you. [all squealing]
‪뭐야, 언제 왔어, 언제 왔어? 연락하지‬[Ji-wan] Have you guys been waiting long? You should've called me.
‪[소란스럽다]‬ ‪[잔잔한 음악이 흘러나온다]‬[student 5] This is really good. Hey, you'll really love this, I swear.
‪(은한) 요만큼만 드리거든요‬[Eun-han] Usually, there's this much.
‪근데 많이 드실 거 같아서‬ ‪이만큼 드렸습니다‬But see, I added a bit more 'cause you seem to like it.
‪(나비) 은한아‬[Na-bi] Eun-han.
‪누나, 누나, 왔어요?‬You… you actually came.
‪(나비) 어, 야, 사람 되게 많다‬Yeah. It's a great turnout, huh.
‪우리 과가 사람 제일 많은 거 같은데?‬Yeah. It's a great turnout, huh. -Our department's the most crowded. -Yeah, it's great.
‪(은한) 많죠, 그…‬-Our department's the most crowded. -Yeah, it's great.
‪씁, 혹시요, 일행 있으세요?‬Uh, so, you here with someone?
‪- (나비) 응?‬ ‪- (은한) 사람이 되게 많은데‬-Hmm? -It's just… it's so crowded.
‪(은한) 진짜 이렇게‬ ‪사람이 많이 올 줄 몰랐거든요‬I didn't think it was gonna get packed like this.
‪그, 배고프시면 다른 데서 먹는 게‬ ‪나을 것 같기도 한데요‬You can go somewhere else if you want. I'll catch up with you.
‪(나비) 아니야, 나 과제 하다가‬ ‪잠깐 너 보려고 온 거야‬You can go somewhere else if you want. I'll catch up with you. Oh, no. I just came here to hang out with you for a bit.
‪약속했잖아‬Like I promised.
‪[나비가 살짝 웃는다]‬Okay, sure.
‪그랬죠‬Okay, sure. [woman] Eun-han!
‪(여자) 은한아!‬[woman] Eun-han!
‪[웃으며] 언제 끝나?‬[chuckles] You almost done?
‪다들 술 마시러 가자고 난리야‬We wanna get drinks after this?
‪응?‬ ‪[은한의 당황한 신음]‬Hmm?
‪아, 누구?‬Uh, who's she? Y-Your friend?
‪치, 친구?‬Uh, who's she? Y-Your friend?
‪(은한) [작은 목소리로]‬ ‪우리 과 선배, 친한 누나야‬[Eun-han] Yeah, kind of. She's a senior.
‪(여자) 아, 안녕하세요‬[woman] Oh. Nice to meet you.
‪(나비) [작은 목소리로] 네‬ ‪안녕하세요‬Yeah. Nice to meet you too.
‪(은한) 저, 그, 어, 그‬Yeah. Nice to meet you too. [Eun-han] So, uh, you guys go ahead without me. I'll catch up later.
‪애들이랑 먼저 가 있어‬ ‪나 금방 정리해서 갈게‬[Eun-han] So, uh, you guys go ahead without me. I'll catch up later. [woman] Oh, okay, sure. Call me when you're done, okay?
‪(여자) 알겠어, 끝나면 바로 연락해‬[woman] Oh, okay, sure. Call me when you're done, okay?
‪- (은한) 응‬ ‪- (여자) 응‬-[Eun-han] Hmm. -[woman] Hmm?
‪고생, 고생해‬-[stammers] So see you then. -[Eun-han] Let me explain.
‪(은한) 그게 아니라요‬-[stammers] So see you then. -[Eun-han] Let me explain.
‪진짜 제가 고등학교 때부터‬ ‪좋아했던 누나인데‬The thing is I've been into her since high school
‪얼마 전에 차였거든요, 근데‬but back then, she turned me down.
‪어제 갑자기 연락이 와서…‬Then yesterday, she called me.
‪진짜 죄송해요‬[Eun-han] I'm really sorry.
‪(나비) 그래‬All right.
‪[은한의 한숨]‬
‪[신나는 음악이 흘러나온다]‬ ‪(빛나) 게임을 진행하겠습니다‬ ‪자, 세훈 씨!‬-Let's start the game now. Se-hun? -[Se-hun] Okay.
‪- (세훈) 네, 돌려, 돌려, 돌림판!‬ ‪- (빛나) 돌림판!‬-Let's start the game now. Se-hun? -[Se-hun] Okay. -It's time to spin the wheel! -Spin the wheel!
‪[사람들이 소란스럽다]‬ ‪(친구3) 야, 재밌겠다‬ ‪야, 우리도 이따 하자‬-[Bit-na] Spin the wheel! -[friend 2] Let's try that later.
‪[친구들의 웃음]‬[chuckles] Is it only for couples?
‪(친구2와 친구3)‬ ‪- 야, 저거 커플만 할 수 있는 거야?‬ ‪- 아닐걸?‬[chuckles] Is it only for couples? [friend 3] I don't think so.
‪(친구3) 야, 근데‬ ‪저 남자애가 솔이 좋아하지?‬By the way, that guy's into Sol, right?
‪(빛나) 오, 맞습니다!‬[Bit-na] Oh, let's check. [Se-hun] Is it right or wrong?
‪(세훈) '시시비비', 나이스!‬[Se-hun] Is it right or wrong?
‪[빛나의 환호]‬ ‪[어색하게 웃으며] 내가 어떻게 알아‬[scoffs] How am I supposed to know?
‪(친구3) 확실해‬I swear he is.
‪아까 우리가 윤솔 친구랬더니‬ ‪서비스를 엄청 주더라고‬I just mentioned we were Sol's friends, and then he gave us so much food.
‪[친구3의 웃음]‬[friend 2 chuckles]
‪솔이 쟤랑 별로 안 친해‬He and Sol aren't really that close.
‪(친구2) 하긴‬ ‪너희 둘이 하도 붙어 다니니까‬You know, you guys have always been inseparable.
‪너희는 지겹지도 않냐?‬Ever get sick of each other?
‪(지완) [입소리를 쩝 내며]‬ ‪옛날에나 그랬지‬Well, we don't hang out like we used to. At least not as much as before.
‪지금은 그렇게 별로 안 붙어 다녀‬Well, we don't hang out like we used to. At least not as much as before.
‪(친구4) 그렇지‬ ‪네가 연애를 계속하긴 했으니까‬Right. I get it. You've been dating a lot more. -[Bit-na] Spin the wheel! Spin! -[Se-hun] Let's spin the wheel!
‪- (세훈) 돌려, 돌려, 돌림판!‬ ‪- (빛나) 돌림판!‬ ‪[한숨]‬-[Bit-na] Spin the wheel! Spin! -[Se-hun] Let's spin the wheel!
‪[사람들이 소란스럽다]‬ ‪(친구3) 근데 쟤 좀 불쌍하다‬[friend 2] You know, I feel sorry for that guy.
‪솔이 미국 가면‬ ‪막 제임스랑 앤드루랑 놀 텐데‬When Sol leaves for the US, man, she'll have hot American guys just lining up.
‪[친구3의 웃음]‬ ‪(친구2) 영국 아니었어?‬[friend 1] Don't you mean British?
‪뭔가 유럽 느낌이었는데‬ ‪[친구들의 웃음]‬In England, she'll have a European buffet!
‪(친구4) 아이, 근데 진짜 갈 거래?‬ ‪언제?‬Is she really going, though? Do you know when?
‪아, 너희가 그걸 어떻게 알아?‬Wait. How do you guys know?
‪(친구4) 알긴 뭘 어떻게 알아‬What do you mean "how do we know"?
‪- (친구4) 아, 나 음료수 좀 줘라‬ ‪- (친구3) 아, 그래‬[friend 3] Can I have this one? Thank you.
‪[친구3의 웃음]‬ ‪(친구4) 생큐‬[friend 3] Can I have this one? Thank you.
‪(친구2) 어? 솔이 온다‬Oh, there's Sol now!
‪옆에 누구랑 같이 오는데?‬And she's with someone.
‪- (친구4) 어?‬ ‪- (친구2) 솔아!‬Oh. Hey, Sol!
‪(친구4) 야, 저 남자 그때 우리‬ ‪카페에서 봤던 그 남자 아니야?‬[friend 2] Hey, isn't he the guy from the café the other day?
‪[친구2의 놀라는 신음]‬ ‪(친구3) 어, 어, 어, 맞는 것 같은데?‬[friend 2] Hey, isn't he the guy from the café the other day? -[friend 1] Oh. -[friend 3] Yeah, I think that's him.
‪[친구들의 웃음]‬-[all giggling] -Nice to meet you. I'm Ju-hyeok.
‪(주혁) 안녕하세요‬ ‪정주혁이라고 합니다‬-[all giggling] -Nice to meet you. I'm Ju-hyeok.
‪(친구들) 안녕하세요‬[friends] Hi. Nice to meet you.
‪(친구2) 뭐야, 윤솔, 남자 친구?‬Tell us, Sol. Your boyfriend?
‪(솔) 어, 아니야‬No, he's not.
‪(친구3) 그러면 그때부터 쭉…‬So you have just been going out then.
‪[친구들의 신난 탄성]‬So you have just been going out then. -[friends squealing] -[Ju-hyeok] I had some business nearby,
‪(주혁) 아, 일 때문에 왔다가‬-[friends squealing] -[Ju-hyeok] I had some business nearby,
‪오랜만에‬ ‪학교 구경시켜 달라고 졸랐어요‬and then I asked her to show me around your school.
‪(친구3과 친구2)‬ ‪- 아, 그렇구나‬ ‪- 아, 커플 게임! 커플 게임 하러 가요‬-[friends] Ahh… -[friend 1] Come with us. Couple's game! Let's play couple's game.
‪(친구4와 친구2)‬ ‪- 커플 게임 하러 가, 커플 게임‬ ‪- 커플, 커플, 커플, 커플‬Couple's game! Let's play couple's game. -It's game time, couple. Game time. -[Bit-na] Okay. Time for our next couple.
‪(빛나) 저희가 다시‬ ‪환영을 해 줘야겠죠? 자…‬-It's game time, couple. Game time. -[Bit-na] Okay. Time for our next couple. -So, who wants to play next? -[Se-hun] Sol, Sol.
‪- (세훈) 어? 솔아, 솔아‬ ‪- (빛나) 윤솔!‬-So, who wants to play next? -[Se-hun] Sol, Sol. -Sol! -Hey, Sol. You guys wanna play?
‪(빛나) 네, 어, 너 할래? 커플…‬-Sol! -Hey, Sol. You guys wanna play? [Bit-na] So, uh…
‪아, 두 분 커플?‬Are you two a couple?
‪(친구2와 빛나)‬ ‪- 커플 게임‬ ‪- 아, 커플 게임 하러 오셨군요‬Ah! Well, this game's just perfect for you.
‪(친구3) 야, 짱이지 않냐?‬ ‪[빛나의 웃음]‬Ah! Well, this game's just perfect for you. -They look good together, right? -Scoot over.
‪- (지완) 비켜 봐 봐‬ ‪- (친구3) 어?‬-They look good together, right? -Scoot over.
‪(빛나) 다트를 던져서‬ ‪나오는 게임을 진행하시면 돼요‬[Bit-na] So just throw this dart, and then you have to play the game it lands on.
‪네, 그러시면 되고요‬It's as simple as that, okay?
‪(주혁) 솔이 씨가 하세요‬ ‪[친구2의 놀란 숨소리]‬-You take the shot? -Hmm? -You sure? -Yeah.
‪- (솔) 제가?‬ ‪- (주혁) 네‬-You sure? -Yeah.
‪(빛나) 포기해라‬ ‪딱 봐도 게임이 안 된다‬Game over. -You're no match for that guy. -Hey.
‪네, 그러면 다시 해 볼게요‬ ‪자, 세훈 씨, 활기차게‬ ‪[리드미컬한 음악이 흘러나온다]‬[chuckles] Okay, you guys, it's game time now. So, Se-hun, spin the wheel. [giggles]
‪[빛나의 웃음]‬So, Se-hun, spin the wheel. [giggles]
‪돌, 돌리겠습니다‬It's… it's time to spin the wheel.
‪(빛나) [흥얼거리며] 네‬ ‪돌리고, 돌리고‬And round it goes. Round and round it goes.
‪돌리고, 돌리고, 돌리고‬And round it goes. Round and round it goes.
‪[솔이 다트 핀을 탁 던진다]‬ ‪아! '풍선 터트리기'‬-[loud snap] -Oh, you got the "Pop the Balloon"!
‪제일 재밌는 게 걸렸어요‬-[loud snap] -Oh, you got the "Pop the Balloon"! Great. That's the most exciting game of all!
‪- (빛나) 두 분 가운데로 와 주시고요‬ ‪- (솔) 뭔데?‬-[Sol] What's that? -Step right up, you two.
‪(친구3) 윤솔이 남자랑 있는‬ ‪투 숏을 다 본다, 야‬I can't believe Sol's here with that guy. He's so dreamy.
‪[웃으며] 남자 너무 잘생겼지?‬I can't believe Sol's here with that guy. He's so dreamy.
‪(빛나) 두 분 사이에‬ ‪제가 이 풍선을 놔 드릴 건데‬I'm gonna put this balloon right here
‪(빛나와 솔)‬ ‪- 두 분이 가까이 붙으셔 가지고‬ ‪- 네?‬-in the middle. -[Sol] What? And then you guys squeeze together tight and just pop it with your bodies.
‪(빛나) 몸으로 터트리시는 게임이에요‬And then you guys squeeze together tight and just pop it with your bodies.
‪5초 안에 터트리시면 성공입니다‬If you pop the balloon in five seconds, you win the game.
‪네, 그러면은 시작할게요‬If you pop the balloon in five seconds, you win the game. Okay, now get real close. Ready?
‪자, 시작!‬Okay, now get real close. Ready? And go!
‪5, 4‬ ‪[사람들의 놀라는 신음]‬-[balloon strains, pops] -[Ju-hyeok grunts]
‪성공! 축하드립니다, 축하, 축하‬-[Ju-hyeok] Oh. -Good job! -Congratulations, guys! You did it! -[both chuckle]
‪[웃으며] 상품 받아 가셔야죠‬-Congratulations, guys! You did it! -[both chuckle] [Bit-na] Okay. Take your prize.
‪- (솔) 어, 상품 있어요?‬ ‪- (빛나) 선물을 골라 가시면 됩니다‬-[Sol] There's a prize? -Yeah. You can choose any price you want.
‪(친구3) 솔이가 너한테 별말 없었어?‬Has Sol ever mentioned him to you?
‪(지완) 없었어‬Yeah, sorta. She told me he's just a friend.
‪아이, 그런 사이 아니라잖아‬Yeah, sorta. She told me he's just a friend.
‪(친구3) 치, 아니긴‬Sheesh… I'm not buying it.
‪남자 얼굴에 딱 쓰여 있구먼‬ ‪[사람들의 웃음]‬[friend 2] Come on, just look at the guy's face. He's into her.
‪아니면 여기를 왜 왔겠냐?‬ ‪뭐가 재밌다고‬Why else would he have come? It's so obvious.
‪구경 왔다잖아‬Maybe he just wanted to check things out.
‪[친구3의 부러운 숨소리]‬[sighs] Lucky Sol. Honestly, I'm so happy for her.
‪윤솔 남자복 터졌다‬[sighs] Lucky Sol. Honestly, I'm so happy for her.
‪(친구3) 하긴‬ ‪없을 때는 더럽게 없다가‬[sighs] Lucky Sol. Honestly, I'm so happy for her. I mean, they always say you'll find a good guy
‪꼬일 땐 또 한꺼번에 몰려들잖아‬after you've been single for a long time.
‪그, 동시성의 법칙인가 뭔가 하는 거‬Yeah. It happens all the time. -Honestly, it does. -She told me they're just friends.
‪(지완) 아이, 그런 사이 아니랬잖아‬-Honestly, it does. -She told me they're just friends.
‪[친구3의 웃음]‬[sighs]
‪이걸 왜 날 줘?‬What is this for?
‪(솔) 가져, 너 얘 좋아하잖아‬It's yours. You like that character.
‪(지완) [한숨 쉬며] 됐어‬ ‪이제 안 좋아해‬[sighs] I used to, but not anymore.
‪(솔) 무슨 일 있어?‬What's up with you?
‪친구들이랑 놀기로 한 건데‬ ‪왜 남자를 데리고 와?‬I thought we were gonna hang out. Why'd you bring a guy along? Oh…
‪[당황한 신음]‬Oh…
‪(솔) 아…‬Uh…
‪[솔의 당황한 신음]‬ ‪(친구4) [작은 목소리로] 지완아‬Well…
‪(솔) 미안, 그, 불편해할 줄 몰랐어‬Sorry. Uh, I didn't think you would mind.
‪아이, 그럴 줄 알았으면‬ ‪나도 데리고 왔지‬You could have told me. If I'd known, I would have brought someone too.
‪아, 너만 커플 게임 하니까 기분 좋냐?‬Did you two had fun playing the couple's game?
‪(지완) [한숨 쉬며] 나 담배 좀‬[sighs] I'm gonna smoke.
‪- (친구3) 야, 야, 지완…‬ ‪- (친구2) 아, 왜 그래?‬[friend 3] Hey, Ji-wan.
‪[부드러운 음악]‬ ‪(나비) 라임?‬[Na-bi] Lime?
‪(재언) 네가 좋아할 거 같아서‬[Jae-eon] I just think you're gonna like it.
‪- (나비) 내가?‬ ‪- (재언) 전에 클럽에서 그랬잖아‬-Really? -Because at what you said at the club.
‪[나비가 살짝 웃는다]‬
‪별걸 다 기억하네‬So you remember that?
‪[캔을 툭 내려놓는다]‬[cans clatter]
‪(빛나) 아, 다들 많이 피곤하지?‬ ‪다들 고생했고‬ ‪[사람들의 지친 신음]‬So I know you're all exhausted. Good job, everyone. But right now, it's time for the after-party,
‪하지만 뒤풀이는 이제 시작이니까‬ ‪우리는 이제 다시 시작이야!‬But right now, it's time for the after-party, so let's have lots of fun!
‪[함께 환호한다]‬so let's have lots of fun! [all cheering] [all laughing]
‪야, 오늘 걸어가는 사람 없어‬ ‪다 기어갈 거야!‬ ‪[사람들의 환호]‬[all laughing] You're all getting wasted tonight! You got that?
‪[시끌시끌하다]‬[cheering continues]
‪- (재언) 이거 먹고 해‬ ‪- (은한) 어? 저요, 저요!‬-Here you go, guys. -[Eun-han] That's what I came here for.
‪- (남학생6) 나와, 나와‬ ‪- (은한) 저요…‬ ‪[저마다 은한을 타박한다]‬-[Jae-eon] Oh! -[indistinct chatter]
‪[소란스럽다]‬-[Jae-eon] Oh! -[indistinct chatter] [students laughing]
‪(남학생7) 넘겨, 넘겨, 뒤로 넘겨‬ ‪[소란스럽다]‬[indistinct chatter]
‪아, 머리 아파‬Oh, this is torture.
‪[나비의 아파하는 신음]‬[groans]
‪(나비) 약 사러 가야 되는데…‬I should get some medicine.
‪[스탠드 조작음]‬
‪(은한) 진짜 제가‬ ‪고등학교 때부터 좋아했던 누나인데‬[Eun-han] The thing is, I've been into her since high school,
‪얼마 전에 차였거든요, 근데‬but back then, she turned me down.
‪(은한) 어제 갑자기 연락이 와서‬Then yesterday, she called me.
‪진짜 죄송해요‬I'm really sorry.
‪(나비) 내가 대타였다 이거지?‬ ‪[한숨]‬[Na-bi] So I was just his rebound?
‪뭐, 상관없어‬Whatever. I don't care anymore.
‪그런데‬But then…
‪(은한) 어제 갑자기 연락이 와서‬ ‪진짜 죄송해요‬Then yesterday, she called me. I'm really sorry.
‪[나비의 한숨]‬Oh.
‪(나비) 쪽팔려‬I'm mortified.
‪[나비가 혀를 쯧 찬다]‬[clicks tongue]
‪[나비의 짜증 섞인 신음]‬ ‪[침대를 탁 친다]‬[exclaims]
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬[buzzes]
‪누구지?‬-Who is this? -[buzzing]
‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬
‪여보세요?‬Yeah? Hello? [Jae-eon] You busy?
‪(재언) 뭐 해?‬[Jae-eon] You busy?
‪박재언?‬Park Jae-eon?
‪뭐야‬Hang on.
‪내 번호 지운 거야?‬Did you delete my number?
‪(나비) 어…‬Uh…
‪왜?‬What's up?
‪목소리가 왜 그래?‬You don't sound too good.
‪어디 아파?‬Are you sick?
‪(나비) 아니, 몸이 좀 안 좋아서‬Yeah, I'm not feeling very well.
‪(재언) 나 지금 너희 집 근처야‬[Jae-eon] Okay, well, I'm near your place.
‪근데?‬You are?
‪네가 여길 왜 오는데?‬Why are you in the area?
‪친구네가 이 근처라‬A friend of mine lives nearby.
‪(나비) 그래, 잘 놀아‬[Na-bi] Okay. You guys have fun.
‪유나비‬Wait, Na-bi.
‪(나비) 응‬Hmm.
‪지금 만날래?‬You wanna hang out?
‪지금…‬ ‪[휴대전화 종료음]‬-Right now? -[phone chimes]
‪(나비) 아, 추워, 응?‬So cold.
‪아, 약은 또 왜 없어‬[groans] Why don't they have any medicine here?
‪[나비의 기침]‬[Na-bi coughs]
‪[사람들이 웅성거린다]‬ ‪[멀리서 개가 왈왈 짖는다]‬
‪[사람들이 연신 웅성거린다]‬ ‪(주민1) 사고 났나 봐‬[people muttering] -[man 1] Officer. -[woman 1] The police are here.
‪(주민2) 크게 다친 거 아니야?‬-[man 1] Officer. -[woman 1] The police are here.
‪- (주민1) 그러니까, 경찰차는 뭐야?‬ ‪- (주민3) 도대체 뭔 일이 난 거야‬-[man 1] Officer. -[woman 1] The police are here. [man 1] Hello? -[man 2] Did someone get hurt? -[man 3] Did a crime happen here?
‪(주민1) 사고 났나?‬-[man 2] Did someone get hurt? -[man 3] Did a crime happen here?
‪(주민3) 아니, 여기 학생 방에…‬-[man 4] Is there an accident? -[woman 2] I know a student--
‪(나비) 저, 잠시만요, 잠시만요‬Excuse me, please. Coming through.
‪(주민1) 3층 학생…‬ ‪[저마다 말한다]‬[neighbors murmuring]
‪(구조대원1) [문을 쿵쿵 두드리며]‬ ‪학생, 학생, 들려요?‬-Hello? -[banging on door] Can you hear me in there?
‪(재언과 경찰)‬ ‪- 무슨 일 있는 것 같아요, 좀 빨리…‬ ‪- 학생, 좀 진정하고‬Please hurry up, I think something happened to her.
‪(경찰) 학생, 진정하고 물러나 있어요‬ ‪[구조대원1이 문을 덜컹거린다]‬-Sir. -[Jae-eon] Hurry. She could be hurt.
‪(구조대원1) 안 되겠다, 그냥 넣어 봐‬ ‪[구조대원2가 대답한다]‬-[cop 1] Yes, sir. -Let them do their job. Come on.
‪(재언과 나비)‬ ‪- 빨리요, 빨리, 빨리 열어 주세요‬ ‪- 어어, 잠시만요!‬-[Jae-eon] Please hurry. -[Na-bi] Wait! -Excuse me. -[Jae-eon] Open it.
‪(나비) 잠시만요, 잠시만요‬ ‪잠시만요, 아저씨, 잠시만요!‬-Excuse me. -[Jae-eon] Open it. [Na-bi] No, wait a minute, sir. Stop!
‪뭐예요?‬What are you doing? Who called you?
‪이거 다 누가 부른 거야‬What are you doing? Who called you?
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪- (나비) 죄송합니다‬ ‪- (재언) 죄송합니다‬-Sorry. -Sorry.
‪(구조대원1) 네, 그럼 갈게요‬It's fine. We'll go now.
‪[자동차 시동음]‬[car engine starts]
‪(나비) 아, 너 진짜‬ ‪119는 오버인 거 알지?‬You know you overreacted, right?
‪아, 걱정돼서 그랬지‬Well, you totally freaked me out.
‪(재언) 아프다더니 연락도 안 되고‬You said on the phone you were sick.
‪혼자 사는 거 다 아는데‬And you live all by yourself.
‪(나비) 알았어‬Oh, okay. Well, as you can see I'm very much alive.
‪나 이제 살아 있는 거‬ ‪확인했으니까 됐지?‬Oh, okay. Well, as you can see I'm very much alive.
‪나 간다‬So good night.
‪너 괜찮은 거야?‬Are you sure you're fine?
‪아, 괜찮아‬Yeah, I'm sure.
‪[나비의 헛기침]‬ ‪(재언) 열 있다, 병원 가자‬-[Na-bi coughs] -You're burning up. Come with me.
‪(나비) 아, 됐어, 뭔 병원이야‬No. I told you, I'm okay.
‪그냥 푹 자면 괜찮아‬Really. I just need to get some sleep.
‪잘 가‬Good night.
‪[빛나의 힘겨운 신음]‬[groaning]
‪[담배꽁초가 툭 떨어진다]‬Hey.
‪(규현) 야, 가게‬Hey. Let's go. Come on.
‪어?‬Let's go. Come on.
‪아, 애들 다 갔다고야‬Everyone's gone already.
‪나 이제 진짜로 간다잉‬I'm gonna leave without you.
‪정신 좀 차려 봐야‬ ‪[빛나의 한숨]‬You need to get a hold of yourself.
‪지금 시간이 몇 시인디 이라고 있어‬Do you know what time it is? We gotta go, man.
‪뭐 하냐?‬What are you doing?
‪- 아, 뭣 혀? 인제 가자니까…‬ ‪- (빛나) 쉿‬-Come on, get up. We gotta go. -Shh.
‪[술 취한 말투로] 좀 닥쳐 봐‬Just stop talking.
‪[빛나가 숨을 들이켠다]‬
‪(빛나) 너 이렇게 보니까‬I never noticed before.
‪잘생겼다‬handsome up close.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬[calm music]
‪(나비) 좀 너무했나?‬[Na-bi] Was I too harsh?
‪아니야‬I wasn't.
‪잘한 거야‬I did the right thing.
‪쯧, 잠이나 자자‬ ‪[힘주는 신음]‬[clicks tongue] I should get some sleep.
‪[초인종이 울린다]‬[doorbell chimes]
‪(나비) 누구세요?‬[Na-bi] Who is it?
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬[gentle music] Can I come in?
‪들어가도 돼?‬Can I come in?
‪(나비) 어? 어‬[Na-bi] Oh, sure.
‪(재언) 근처에 문 연 데가 없어서‬ ‪아쉬운 대로 편의점‬All of the pharmacies were closed. I went to a convenience store.
‪죽 먹고 약 먹어‬There's medicine and food.
‪어, 고마워‬Oh. Thank you.
‪(재언) 푹 자, 갈게‬Get some more rest. Good night.
‪(나비) 진짜 이거 때문에‬ ‪다시 온 거라고?‬[Na-bi] You really came back here just to give me this?
‪(나비) 야, 박재언‬Wait, Jae-eon.
‪나 이거 안 좋아해‬I don't want this.
‪가져가‬Take it back.
‪나 배고파‬I am pretty hungry.
‪여태까지 밥도 안 먹고 뭐 했대‬It's really late. You still haven't eaten yet?
‪(재언) 하루 종일 음식 냄새 맡았더니‬ ‪배가 안 고프더라고‬I wasn't that hungry 'cause I was around food all day.
‪근데 이제 고프네‬But now, I'm starving.
‪[나비가 봉투를 부스럭거린다]‬
‪(나비) 그럼 이거‬ ‪컵라면이라도 먹고 가든지‬Well, if you want to, before you head back home, you can eat here first.
‪(재언) 음, 장조림도 진짜 맛있다‬[Jae-eon] Mm. That was good. It hit the spot.
‪이런 집 반찬 오랜만이야‬I haven't had real food in ages.
‪이거 다 우리 이모가 해 준 거야‬Well, you can thank my aunt for that.
‪유나비 이름 지어 주신 이모?‬Is this the same aunt who named you?
‪(나비) 응‬Mm.
‪- 졸리구나‬ ‪- (나비) 응‬You must be sleepy. Hmm. It must be the medication.
‪(나비) 약 기운 때문인가‬ ‪갑자기 잠이 확 오네‬Hmm. It must be the medication. I can't keep my eyes open.
‪- 가서 누워‬ ‪- (나비) 아니야‬-Go on, lie down. -I'm fine.
‪너 가면 눕지, 뭐‬I'll sleep once you're gone.
‪(재언) 얻어먹었으니까‬Well, since I ate your food,
‪보답해야지‬let me give you a hand.
‪(나비) 왜? 어?‬-[exhales] -What? Hey.
‪아, 뭐 해‬ ‪[따뜻한 음악]‬[Na-bi] What are you doing? Hey, stop! No!
‪[웃으며] 아, 뭐 하냐고‬ ‪[재언의 힘주는 신음]‬[Na-bi] What are you doing? Hey, stop! No!
‪[나비와 재언의 웃음]‬ ‪야, 놔 봐, 잠깐만‬[laughing] Put me down. Come on.
‪잠깐만‬Wait! Careful.
‪[재언이 살짝 웃는다]‬[gentle music continues]
‪[재언의 힘주는 신음]‬Okay.
‪(재언) 응‬[Jae-eon] Mm.
‪'작은 동네 달 가게에는‬ ‪소년이 있었습니다'‬"There was a boy who worked in the small store on the edge of the town.
‪'소년은 매일매일‬ ‪소녀를 기다렸습니다'‬And each day, he would wait, hoping the girl would drop by."
‪(나비) [웃으며] 너 뭐 하냐‬What the heck are you doing?
‪집에 얼른 가‬Just go home.
‪너 잠들면 갈게, 걱정 마‬I'll go once you're asleep. Don't worry.
‪아, 자다 일어났는데 없는 게 더 싫어‬But I don't wanna wake up and not see you here…
‪그럼 가지 말까?‬Want me to stay?
‪그 말이 아니고‬Um, sorry, they just slipped out.
‪(나비) 그래, 솔직히 안 갔으면 좋겠어‬[Na-bi] You're right. I want you to stay here.
‪너 진짜 이상해‬You really confuse me.
‪(나비) 말하는 것도 그렇고‬ ‪하는 짓도 그렇고‬The things you say sometimes, and the things that you do.
‪119에 신고나 하고‬Like calling 119 tonight.
‪(재언) 네 말은‬ ‪나쁜 놈으로만 생각하고 싶은데‬Well, I think you wanna believe that I'm this big jerk,
‪또 그러기엔 괜찮아 보인다는 거지?‬but the truth is, I'm actually a nice guy.
‪재수 없어‬I can't stand you.
‪[피식 웃는다]‬[Jae-eon chuckles softly]
‪솔직히 나‬If I'm being honest,
‪(재언) 네가 김은한이랑 있는 거 보고‬ ‪충격받았어‬seeing you with Eun-han really threw me off.
‪(나비) 왜?‬-Why? -I don't know.
‪(재언) 글쎄‬-Why? -I don't know.
‪[피식 웃는다]‬[chuckles] Jealousy, I guess.
‪질투하나?‬[chuckles] Jealousy, I guess.
‪내 번호는 지웠으면서‬And then, you deleted my number,
‪너무 즐거워 보이니까‬and he seemed to make you happy.
‪그럼 오늘 아주아주 통쾌했겠다‬You must have loved seeing the look on my face
‪시원하게 까이는 거 봤으니까‬when he flat-out humiliated me tonight.
‪내 번호 다시 저장해 줘‬Save my number again, okay?
‪(재언) 솔직히 나‬ ‪그렇게 나쁜 놈은 아니잖아‬Think about it. I'm not such a bad guy, right?
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬[calm music]
‪(나비) 열 때문인지 박재언 때문인지‬[Na-bi] I don't know if it's 'cause of the fever or him,
‪어지러워 죽겠다‬but my head is spinning.
‪너 나한테 왜 이래?‬Why are you doing this to me? Because my name means "butterfly"?
‪내 이름이 나비라서?‬Why are you doing this to me? Because my name means "butterfly"?
‪그냥 끌려, 네가, 처음부터‬'Cause from the moment we met, I was drawn to you.
‪아, 그렇구나‬Oh, I get it now.
‪[재언의 웃음]‬[both laughing]
‪[나비의 웃음]‬ ‪(재언) 아니, 너 진짜 웃긴 거 알지?‬[both laughing] You're funny. Has anyone ever told you that?
‪뭐가 그렇게 웃긴데?‬So I'm just a joke to you then?
‪내 말 하나도 안 믿으면서‬ ‪왜 자꾸 물어봐?‬Why ask me these things if you won't believe me?
‪네가 믿을 만하게 굴어야지 믿지‬I know guys like you. You can't be trusted.
‪그럼 믿을 만하게 굴면‬If I show you that I'm different, will you trust me then?
‪믿어 줄 거야?‬If I show you that I'm different, will you trust me then?
‪[새가 지저귄다]‬
‪(나비) 어쩌면 진짜 나를…‬[Na-bi] Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe he is different.
‪열 내렸네‬Your fever's broken.
‪진심 이런 고전적인 방법을 해 줬다고?‬You nursed me the old-fashioned way. What are you, my mom?
‪클래식이 최고지‬The old ways are still the best.
‪그건 그래‬Yeah. You're right.
‪(재언) 나 학교 갈 준비 한다‬I should get ready for school.
‪[멀어지는 발걸음]‬
‪[재언이 스위치를 탁 누른다]‬
‪[문이 탁 닫힌다]‬[door closes]
‪[새가 지저귄다]‬ ‪[드라이기 작동음]‬[hair dryer whirring]
‪[드라이기가 멈춘다]‬
‪(나비) 앞머리 다 내리면 안 돼?‬How come you never leave your hair down?
‪답답해‬I'm not used to it.
‪그래도‬It's cute.
‪나 보는 용으로 한 번만‬Would you leave it down just for me?
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬[serene music]
‪(재언) 그럼 너도‬Okay, you're on.
‪머리 묶은 거 보여 줘‬But you wear yours up for me.
‪예쁘네‬You look pretty.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬[soft romantic music]
‪[숨소리가 울린다]‬[Na-bi gasps]
‪[감성적인 음악]‬[instrumental music]
‪(나비) 이 손, 이 향기, 벌써 익숙하다‬[Na-bi] That familiar intoxicating scent has come to hunt me once more.
‪(재언) 난 계속 너 만나고 싶은데‬ ‪넌 어때?‬[Jae-eon] I really want to keep seeing you. What about you?
‪(나비) 박재언은 정말 자연스럽다‬[Na-bi] Jae-eon is so smooth with everything. [Gyu-hyun] I want you to be my girlfriend.
‪(규현) 우리 연애하자‬[Gyu-hyun] I want you to be my girlfriend. [Bit-na] You're overreacting.
‪(빛나) 오버 아닐까? 너 나 좋아해?‬[Bit-na] You're overreacting. -Do… do you like me? -[Do-hyeok] Yu Na-bi?
‪[비가 쏴 내린다]‬ ‪(도혁) 유나비?‬-Do… do you like me? -[Do-hyeok] Yu Na-bi?
‪(나비) 국숫집 손자라고 하니까‬ ‪딱 네 생각이 나더라고‬[Na-bi] The channel name really made me think of you because of your grandpa.
‪(도혁) 내 생각을 했었어?‬[Na-bi] The channel name really made me think of you because of your grandpa. [Do-hyeok] Wait, you really thought about me?
‪(재언) 잡았다‬[Jae-eon] I caught you.
‪선물 있어‬I have a gift for you.
‪(나비) 우린 생각보다 잘 맞고‬[Na-bi] We're much more compatible than I thought,
‪함께하는 밤은 제법 즐겁다‬and I enjoy our nights together.
‪(나비) 너 나 말고‬ ‪이렇게 만나는 사람 또 있어?‬Is there another girl you're seeing other than me?
‪(재언) 사귀는 것도 아닌데‬ ‪뭘 이렇게까지‬Aren't you going overboard? We're not even going out.
‪우리 그만하자‬We should end it, Jae-eon.
‪(재언) 놔주기 싫은데, 아직은‬[Jae-eon] I don't want to let go. Not yet.
‪(나비) 난 지금도 박재언에게 끌린다‬[Na-bi] Even at this moment, I'm still attracted to him.
‪미친 듯이‬Like crazy.

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