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  힙하게 8

Behind Your Touch 8


 [승길시아 목소리로여기

-The person -The person

-who killed me… -who killed me…

죽인 사람이

-who killed me… -who killed me…


-is here. -is here.

[사람들의 놀란 소리]

[고조되는 음악]

[웅성거리는 소리]

[의미심장한 효과음]

[날카로운 효과음]

[힘겨운 신음]

- [사람들의 놀란 소리] - [무거운 음악]

-Oh, no! -Mr. Park!

- [선우아저씨아저씨 - [종묵 형사

-Oh, no! -Mr. Park! -Mr. Park. -Detective Bae,

빨리 응급차 불러응급차 - [덕희

-call an ambulance. -Yes, sir.

[선우제가 업는  낫겠어요

-I'll carry him. -Okay.

[종묵이 힘주며그려일단 업어

-I'll carry him. -Okay. Get him on his back.

읏차아이고 - [미란조심하세요

-Be careful. -There you go.


-Be careful. -There you go.

어여어여 어여 

Let's go.

- [종묵의 신음] - [미란반장님괜찮으세요?

Are you okay? I twisted my ankle.

[종묵이거 갑자기 접질려

I twisted my ankle.

어여 어여 아휴아이

Hurry up and go! Jong-muk, are you okay?

- [광식형님괜찮아유? - [종묵아니여괜찮애괜찮애

Jong-muk, are you okay? I'm fine.

- [광식아유… - [미란이쪽여기여기

-Let me see. -What just happened?

[종묵갑자기 접질린 

I just twisted it.

- [광식괜찮아유? - [종묵아이괜찮은데이거

-Are you okay? -I'm fine.

[웅성거리는 소리]

Be careful. Why did this… For goodness' sake.

[사람들의 말소리가 웅웅 울린다]

[밤새 울음]

- [문소리] - [마담어서 오세요


- [사람들의 호응] - [구성진 음악이 흐른다]

-Hi. -Hi.

[옥희 여기 시원한     

Give us something cold to drink.

[마담얘들아 여기 시원한 아이스커피

Girls, bring out some iced coffee.

- [주민1] 아이고 - [옥희 아이고아이고!

[마담무슨 일인데 다들 열이 나셨대?

Why are you all so worked up?

오늘 마을굿한다 하지 않았나?

Wasn't the village rite today?

[옥희 말도 말어굿판?

Don't get me started. The rite was over the minute it started.

벌이자마자 그냥  하고 그냥  났어

The rite was over the minute it started.



[주민2] 무당  양반한티

The soul of a dead person went into the shaman's body.

죽은 사람 혼백이  들어와 가지고

The soul of a dead person went into the shaman's body.

눈을 요래 요래 뜨고

His eyes were fluttering like this,

'여기  죽인 사람 있어요하는디

and he was saying things like, "The person who killed me is here."

진짜 쩌기 했잖여

It was totally, you know…


How scary.

- [전화벨 소리] - 깜짝이야 [놀란 숨소리]

Oh, my goodness! Pick up the phone!

 빨리 전화  받니?

Pick up the phone!

- [마담의 한숨] - [옥희 부의 웃음]

[다방 직원1] 무진다방입니다

Mujin Coffee Shop.

무진부동산 커피  잔이요 - [상구근디

-Two cups of coffee to Mujin Realtors? -I was thinking. Okay.

무당 말을 워떻게  믿는디야?

How can we believe everything that shaman says?

[주민1] 그래도 나는 아까

But when it was all happening,

소름이  돋더라니께 - [옥희 부의 헛웃음]

I actually got goosebumps all over my body.

아무래도 진짜 같어

It seemed real.

[옥희 에이그에라라라라

Come now.


So what if it's real?

진짜 우리들 중에 살인범이 있다  말이여?

Are you saying that there really is a killer among us?

[다방 직원2] 맛있게 드세요


- [옥희 땡큐 [웃음] - [사람들의 웃음]

Thank you.

근디 - [주민1 한숨]

In any case, I think I'll be too scared to go around the neighborhood now.

이거 앞으로 무서워 가지고

I think I'll be too scared to go around the neighborhood now.

동네 나댕길 수나 있겄어?

I think I'll be too scared to go around the neighborhood now. But we can't just lock ourselves up at home.

[주민1] 그렇다고 집에만 박혀 있을 수도 없고

But we can't just lock ourselves up at home.

큰일 났네

This is bad.

동네 아사리  되는  아니유?

This might completely ruin our village.

[주민들의 한숨]

[ 지저귀는 소리]


[종묵  나온   있어?

Have you found anything yet?

아직 없습니다

Not yet.

[덕희이야어쩜 이렇게 흔적이 하나도 없죠?

How can this be? There's absolutely no trace left behind.

[미란무당 말대로 정말 동네 사람이 범인 아닐까요?

Maybe the shaman is right and the killer is a resident here.

그게 아니고서야 이렇게 CCTV 싹싹 피해  리가 있어요?

Otherwise, how could the killer know how to avoid all the CCTVs?

[덕희저희 아버지 얘기로는  무당 아저씨 예전엔

According to my father, that shaman has occasionally been right about things in the past.

가끔 이것저것 맞히기도 하셨다고 그러던데

that shaman has occasionally been right about things in the past.

아이그럼 진짜 무당한테라도  가지고

Then should we seriously consider asking the shaman who the killer is?

범인이 누군지 물어봐야 되남? - [미란의 한숨]

Then should we seriously consider asking the shaman who the killer is? I told you countless times that the killer is from around here

저도 수십  얘기했어요

I told you countless times that the killer is from around here

동네 사람이 범인이라고

I told you countless times that the killer is from around here

[장열무당이 얘기하기 전에

even before the shaman said it.

과학 수사 하는 형사들이 그딴 미신을 믿습니까?

Detectives should rely on scientific methods, not superstitions.

[종묵인마  없응께 지금 ?

Listen. We're grasping at straws here because there's nothing else to go on.

지푸라기라도 잡는 심정으로다가 이러는  아니여?

Listen. We're grasping at straws here because there's nothing else to go on.

 그딴 지푸라기  잡습니다 범인 잡지

I'm not going to grasp at straws. I'm going to grasp the killer.

아이고저건 아주 그냥

Jeez, you really have a knack for making things awkward as hell.

[종묵분위기 서먹하게 만드는 재주가 용한 놈이여

Jeez, you really have a knack for making things awkward as hell.

 출동 나갑니다

I'm heading out to investigate.

[종묵니가 거서 그렇게 마무리해 버리면 내가 뭐가 되냐?

You can't just leave like this. What does that make me?

 - [미란아휴

제가 무당한테 가서 물어볼까요?

Shall I go ask the shaman?

그려 김에  남편 바람피우는지  피우는지

Sure. And while you're there, ask him whether your husband is cheating again, why don't you?

그런 것도  물어보면 좋겄네그지?

ask him whether your husband is cheating again, why don't you?

[힘겨운 숨소리]

[선우아저씨정신  드세요?

Mr. Park, are you okay?

제가제가  여기 있어요?

Why am I here?


You fainted during the rite.

굿하다가 쓰러지셨어요

You fainted during the rite. You were running a fever all night.

밤새 열도  있으셨고요

You were running a fever all night.

[종배의 옅은 신음]

[종배의 힘주는 소리]


I fainted?

기억  나세요?

Do you not remember?

굿하던 거까진 기억하는데

I remember performing the rite,

 뒤로는 하나도  나요

but I don't remember a single thing after that.

구경  사람들 중에 범인이 있다고 하셨는데

You said that the killer was among the people who came to watch.

그것도 기억  나세요?

You don't remember that either?

하나도  나요

No. I don't remember a thing.

  갔다 올게요쉬고 계세요

I'll come back after work. Get some rest.

[종배의 힘겨운 숨소리]


- [기합 소리 효과음] - [남자의 힘주는 소리]

[강조되는 효과음]

- [의미심장한 음악] - [반짝이는 효과음]

[고조되는 음악]


Are you okay,



[감미로운 음악]

어머미쳤나 ! - [다은 오빠의 놀란 소리]

What the hell am I doing?

[신비로운 효과음]

[다은 오빠의 헛기침]

여기다 놓으면 되죠?

Is here okay?


근데 아침부터 어쩐 일이에요?

But what are you doing here this early?

출근 중인데

I was on my way to work, but it was a little hot today, so…

날이  덥네요

but it was a little hot today, so…

- [벌컥거리는 효과음] - [의미심장한 음악]

[부드러운 효과음]

- [새소리 효과음] - [종이 뎅뎅 울리는 효과음]

[옥희, 3 원입니

That'll be 3,000 won.

[꿀렁하는 효과음]

- [꿀렁거리는 효과음] - 왜요?

What's wrong?


No, it's just…

[반짝이는 효과음]

[익살스러운 효과음]



[옥희예분아예분아예분아큰일 났어

Ye-bun! -There's a problem! -What happened?

[예분 일인데?

-There's a problem! -What happened?

[옥희 아픈  같아

I think I'm sick. What do you mean?

[예분어디가 아픈데?

What do you mean?

 폭죽도 펑펑 터지고 종소리도 들리고

Fireworks are going off like crazy, and I hear bells ringing.


What are you talking about?

 사람만 빼고  오징어로 보여

Everyone looks like a squid except for one guy.

누구 형사님?

Who? Detective Moon?



 사람이 아니니까 아프다는 거지

That's why I think I'm sick!

제일 오징어 같은 사람이 오징어로  보인다고!

The person who looks most like a squid doesn't look like one!

 누구 좋아하네

So you have another crush.

[예분그거 자연스러운 거야

This is natural. When you like someone, everyone else looks like a squid to you.

원래 누가 좋으면  사람 말고는  오징어로 보인다잖아

When you like someone, everyone else looks like a squid to you.

종소리 들리는 사람도 있고 폭죽 터지는 사람도 있대

Some hear bells ringing, and others see fireworks. Come with me.

일단 나와  - [예분?

Come with me.


[옥희저기  남자야

It's that guy over there.

[부드러운 음악]

[놀란 숨소리]




 아파그것도 아주 많이 아파

You are sick. You're really sick. Come here.


Come here.

[체온계 작동음]

[예분] 37.1인데?

It's 37.1 degrees Celsius.

이건 열이 있는 것도 아니고 없는 것도 아니고

It's hard to tell whether you're running a fever.

 아픈  맞는  같아

I'm definitely sick.

오늘 일찍 들어가 쉬어야겠다

I should head home and rest.


What about the store?

[옥희 동네에 사람도 없는데이씨

There's no one around anyway.

무당 아저씨 그러고 나서

The streets have been empty since what happened to Mr. Park.

동네에 사람 구경하기  힘들어졌어

The streets have been empty since what happened to Mr. Park.

무당 아저씨 완전 돌팔이인데  말을 믿나?

That shaman is a fraud. Do people really believe him?

한때는 용했단다

He apparently used to get things right.

[옥희 들었으면 모를까 들은 이상 찝찝은 하지

And what he said isn't something you can easily brush off.

하긴범인도 뭔가 궁금할 테니까

I guess the killer could've been curious and come to see the rite.

 자리에 나왔을 수도 있겠다

I guess the killer could've been curious and come to see the rite.

그치경찰이 자기 어떻게 찾는지 궁금하겠지?

Right? He must be curious about the investigation too.

그럼  궁금하지

There's no doubt about it.

범인은 사건 현장에 반드시 나타난다는 말도 있잖아

They say that criminals always return to the scene of the crime.

[예분아마 숨어서

They say that criminals always return to the scene of the crime. He's probably hiding and watching what the police are doing.

경찰이 어떻게 수사하고 다니는지  보고 있을 거야

He's probably hiding and watching what the police are doing.


Then he's probably seen you and Detective Moon looking for evidence.

너랑  형사랑  증거 찾으러 다니는   봤겠네

Then he's probably seen you and Detective Moon looking for evidence.


Of course.

 번째 시신 발견한  누구야나잖아?

Who found the first body? It was me, right?

[예분 번째 피해자 죽었을 때도

And I was there when the second victim died.

내가 옆에 있었고

And I was there when the second victim died. Unless he's stupid,

바보가 아닌 이상

Unless he's stupid,

내가 자기를 쫓고 있다는 거는 당근 알고 있지

he must know that I'm trying to find him.

그럼 연쇄 살인범 눈엔 니가 눈엣가시겠다

Then you must be such a nuisance to that serial killer.

그럼아마 제일 없애고 싶은 사람이 나일걸?

Of course. I bet he can't wait to get rid of me.

[익살스러운 효과음]

[웅장한 음악]

[예분옥희야 어떡해?

Ok-hui, what do I do?

아이씨 그것도 모르고  까불고 다녔네

I shouldn't have been poking around like that.


I must have been out of my mind. What do I do?

이게  또라이  자식 때문이야

This is all because of that nutjob.

- [분한 숨소리] - [휴대전화 진동음]

양반은  되는 또라이

Speak of the devil.


Hello? Let's finish what we started.

[장열하던  마저 해야지

Let's finish what we started.

하루에  명씩잊었어? - [익살스러운 음악]

A thousand people a day, remember?

미안하지만 자고 일어났더니 능력이 감쪽같이 없어졌어요

Sorry, but my power was gone when I woke up this morning.

[예분그래서 앞으로는 영영 도와드리지 못할  같네요

So I don't think I can help you again.

혹시라도 제가 능력이 다시 생기면 그때 전화드릴게요

I'll call you if my power ever comes back.

갑자기  소리야?

What are you talking about?

[예분핸드폰이 변기에 꼬로로로록

What are you talking about? I dropped my phone in the toilet!

- [통화 종료음] - [장열

What? Hey!


Whatever. This is better than getting murdered.

죽는 거보다 이게 낫지

This is better than getting murdered.

[어이없는 웃음]

이것 봐라?

What the…


What do I do now?

[휴대전화 진동음]


I'm in front of the hospital. I'm going in.

옥희야 무조건  봤다 그래 알았지?

Tell him you didn't see me, okay?

- [흥미로운 음악] - 어디

Where are you…

[예분의 힘주는 소리]

[예분의 놀란 소리]

범죄자들은  한결같아

All criminals are the same.

패턴이 변하지들을 않아

Their patterns never change.


[장열지금까지 잘하다가 갑자기  이러는데?

You've been doing so well until now. What's gotten into you?


You've been doing so well until now. What's gotten into you?

연쇄 살인범의 다음 타깃이 내가  수도 있다고요

The serial killer's next target could be me.



[예분생각해 봐요

Think about it.

연쇄 살인범은 경찰이 자길 쫓고 있는  알아

The serial killer knows that the police are after him.

그래서 멀리서 우릴 지켜보고 있어

So he's watching from afar.

- [긴장되는 음악] - 근데 경찰도 아닌데

But then he sees this cute girl who's not even a police officer

어떤 귀여운  하나가 사건 현장을 계속 왔다 갔다 

But then he sees this cute girl who's not even a police officer visiting the crime scenes.

그럼 연쇄 살인범은 '쓰읍쟤는 뭔데 저러고 다니지?'

So the serial killer will wonder, "Who's that girl?"

궁금증이 생기겠지?

He'll get curious.

그때부터  일거수일투족을 감시하는 거야

That's when he starts watching my every move.

그러다가 내가 사람들 엉덩이 만지고 다니는  보겠지?

And he'll eventually see me touching people's butts and think,

그럼 '쟤는 변태처럼 생기지도 않았는데'

"She doesn't look like a pervert, so why is she touching people's butts?"

' 엉덩이를 만질까?'

"She doesn't look like a pervert, so why is she touching people's butts?" With that question in his head, he'll end up finding out

그런 의문이  거야

With that question in his head, he'll end up finding out

그러다 마침내 - [ 박수 소리]

With that question in his head, he'll end up finding out

내가 엉덩이 만지는 이유를 알게 되는 거지

the real reason I touch butts.

- '쟤는 초능력이 있구나' - [흥미로운 음악]

"So she's psychic."

'그럼 언젠가 내가 범인인 것도 밝혀내겠네?'

"Then she'll eventually find out that I'm the killer

'쟤는 능력도 있는 데다가 총명하기까지 하니까'

because she is not only psychic but also smart."

총명… [헛웃음] - [예분그러면

-Smart? -That's when he thinks,

'쟤는 정말 아까운 사람이긴 한데'

"It's such a shame to kill someone as good as her,

'죽여야겠다내가 살아야 되니까'

but I have no choice since I have to live."

그러면서 판초 우의를 입기 시작해

Then he'll put on that rain poncho,

장미 칼을 들고 전화를 거는 거지

pick up the rose knife, and make a call.

'거기  병원이죠?'

"Hello, is this Bong's Animal Hospital?"

'여기 지금 아픈 강아지  마리가 있는데'

"I have a sick puppy here. Could you come take a look?"

'왕진   주시면  돼요?'

"I have a sick puppy here. Could you come take a look?"

그럼   개가  불쌍해서 거절을  하겠지?

Then I'll feel too bad to say no.

그래서 왕진을 나갔는데 뭔가 이상해

So I decide to go, but something doesn't feel right.

주변을 봤는데 CCTV 없고 지나다니는 사람도 없어

There are no CCTVs or people around.

사람 죽이기  좋은 장소야 - [음산한 음악]

A perfect place to kill a person. Just then--

그때! - [장열언제까지  건데?

A perfect place to kill a person. Just then-- -Are you done yet? -Hold on. I'm about to die.

[예분잠깐만 있어 봐요 금방 죽어요

-Are you done yet? -Hold on. I'm about to die.

그때! - [스산한 효과음]

Just then! That bastard comes charging at me

 나쁜 놈이 갑자기 뛰어들면서 저를  죽이러

That bastard comes charging at me and attacks…

[익살스러운 효과음]

and attacks…

[장열너는 말이 많아서 죽을  같다

I think your mouth will get you killed.


그쪽은 걱정  되겠죠?

Of course, you don't have to worry.

싸움도 잘하고 총도 있고 근데  뭐예요?

You have a gun and you can fight. But what about me?

무기도 없고 맨몸이잖아요!

I have no weapon on me. I'm helpless.

니가  무기가 없어?

What do you mean, you have no weapon?

내가  무기잖아

I'm your weapon.

- [부드러운 음악] - 내가  죽게 가만 놔두겠냐

Do you think I'm going to let anyone kill you?

[ 지저귀는 소리]

[발랄한 음악]

 이렇게까지 해야 그냥

Is this really necessary? Why don't you just…


Keep your distance.

범인이 눈치라도 채면 어쩌려고 그래요

What if the killer figures things out?


알았어알았어 [한숨]


[주만체인지 무진 관광의 도시 무진

A better Mujin. Mujin, the center of tourism. I'll make our beautiful Mujin a city bustling with tourists.

아름다운 무진을 관광특구로 만들 사람

I'll make our beautiful Mujin a city bustling with tourists.

 잘하는 1 후보차주만입니다

I'm your number one, Cha Ju-man!

제가 무진을 개발하겠다고 하면 관광특구로 만들겠다고 하면

When I say that I will develop Mujin and turn it into a tourist spot… Father.

- [흥겨운 음악이 흐른다] - [경택장인어른


여기서  하고 계세요?

-What are you doing here? -"Tourism destroys the environment."


No way.

차주만이랑 같이 일하시는 거예요?

You're not working with Cha Ju-man, are you?

[주만지금 시대가 어떤 시대입니까?

Times have changed.

지역을 개발하는 방법!

-There are many ways… -Come with me.


-There are many ways… -Come with me. to develop the city and turn it into a tourist spot.

[주만관광특구로 만드는 방법 얼마든지 있습니다

to develop the city and turn it into a tourist spot.


I'm so hungry.

아이고기절했다 깨어났는데

I just regained consciousness, and I have no one to cook for me.

 차려  사람도 없고

I just regained consciousness, and I have no one to cook for me.

기러기 아빠 서글프네아이고

I guess this is my life without my family here.

[ 놓는 소리]


Go on.

슬쩍 얘기혀 

You can tell me.

범인이 누구여?

Who's the killer?


Excuse me?

[익살스러운 음악]

[종배들어갈  없었는데 언제들 이렇게 모이셨대?

Since when were you all here? I didn't see you when I went in.

[주민1] 이짝이짝이짝이짝



Have a seat.


Here, eat.

어찌케몸은  괜찮여?

Are you feeling any better?

- [종배의 호응] - 

[주민3] 그거 진짜여?

Was it all true?


Was what true? You know.

[주민3] 아이

You know. You said so during the rite,

굿판에서 그짝이 그랬잖여

You said so during the rite, "The person who killed me is here."

 안에  죽인 범인이 있다고 - [주민들의 호응]

"The person who killed me is here."

진짜 기여?

Was it true?

[쓰읍 들이켜는 소리]


The thing is…

[옥희 쓰읍!

The thing is…

아유그런  물어보면  디야

You can't ask him about those things. If he divulges such heavenly secrets,

천기누설이라 함부로 얘기하면은

If he divulges such heavenly secrets,

무당 선생이 살을 맞어그지? - [주민들의 놀란 소리]

he'll be struck with misfortune. Isn't that right?

- [종배 - [주민들의 호응]

-Yes. -Right.

만식이 맞지?

It's Man-sik, isn't it?

[상구기면 기다아니면 아니다

Nod if it's a yes, and shake your head if it's a no.

이렇게 고개만 요렇게 흔들어 

Nod if it's a yes, and shake your head if it's a no. It's not Man-sik.

[주민4] 만식이는 아니지

It's not Man-sik.

애가  험해도 심성은 착혀

He may be a little rough around the edges, but he's actually nice.


It's Dong-sik, right? Watch what you say.

[주민2] 에헤이

Watch what you say.

동식이는 지난번에 우리  뒷간 고쳐 줬잖여

Dong-sik fixed my bathroom the other day.

갸는 아니여

It's not him.

[상구그럼 누구여?

Then who is it?

[상구의 놀란 소리]

Then is it Sang-min?

그럼 상민이여?

Then is it Sang-min?

[주민들의 궁금해하는 소리]

[옥희 상민이는 옥희 동창이잖여아니여

Sang-min was Ok-hui's classmate. It can't be him.

[주민1] 아니동창 빼고 친척 빼고옆집 빼고?

-I guess not. -It's not him. If we exclude former classmates, relatives, neighbors,

뒷간 고쳐 줬다고 빼고

and anyone who fixed our bathrooms,

그럼 누가 범인이 있슈?

who are we left with?

옥희 엄니

Hey, don't we come from the same family clan?

우리 같은 종씨 아니유?

Hey, don't we come from the same family clan?

밀양 박씨

The Miryang Park clan.

맞네저이도 아니여

That's right. Then it's not her either.

[주민1]  아니여아니여

It's not me.

- [주민2] 그럼 누구유? - [주민들의 한숨]

Then who could it be? Just wait.

[옥희  있어 

Just wait. Our shaman here must have it all figured out.

우리 무당 선생님도  생각이 있겄지그지?

Our shaman here must have it all figured out. Isn't that right?

 그렇다고   있죠

I guess you can say that. Yes, you're right.

[옥희 그럼 무당 선상

Then tell us.

그럼 앞으로 어떻게 되는 ?

What happens now?

우리 무당 선상님은  보이지?

You can see everything, right?

[비밀스러운 음악]

[쓰읍 들이켜는 소리]

실은 그게… - [주민들의 호응]

The truth is… -Yes? -He's a shaman for a reason.

[주민4] 괜히 용하겄슈?

-Yes? -He's a shaman for a reason.


He's seen everything.


Haven't you?

[종배의 들이켜는 숨소리]

The thing is,


The thing is,

조만간 사건이  하나 터질  같기도 하고

I think there's going to be another big incident soon.

- [주민들의 놀란 소리] - [흥미로운 음악]

Oh, my. -My goodness. -What do we do?

- [옥희 아휴이게 웬일이야 - [주민들이 웅성거린다]

-My goodness. -What do we do? This is bad.


What are we supposed to do?

사위는 백년손님이라는데 물이라도 한잔

We were once family, so how about a glass of--

[의환자네가 무진에  나타나!

Why on earth are you back in Mujin?

무슨 낯짝으로 현옥이를 보려고?

Aren't you ashamed to see Hyeon-ok?



사람은 누구나 실수하지 않습니까?

Everyone makes mistakes.

[경택예전엔 제가 실수로   짓도 많이 했지만

I made a lot of mistakes in the past, but I'm here to start over with Hyeon-ok.

이번엔  진짜 현옥이랑 다시 잘해 보려고 여기  겁니다

but I'm here to start over with Hyeon-ok.

사람 본성  변하네

People don't change.

[경택 변하긴요변할  있죠

What do you mean? People can change.

장인어른도 변하셨잖아요

You changed too.

어떻게 차주만이 선거 운동을 하고 계세요?

How can you be supporting Cha Ju-man's election campaign?

차주만이하고는 원수지간 아니었어요?

Weren't you basically enemies with him?

아유 차주만이만 보면 이가 갈리는데

I still can't stand the sight of him.

아버님은  그러세요?

I guess you've changed.

혹시 치매 같은  오신  아니죠?

You don't have dementia or something, do you?


-I'm home. -You…

[경택의 헛기침]

뭐야당신이 여기  나타나?

What are you doing here?

아버지 사람  들여보냈어요?

Father, why did you let him in?

여러  하지 말고 가게

Don't say another word and leave.

[의환다시는 무진에 얼씬도 하지 말고

Don't ever set foot in Mujin again.


Have you lost your mind?


Have you lost your mind? Get out.

- [경택아이… - [현옥나와!

Get out!

- [현옥진짜 미쳤어! - [경택

-You must be out of your mind. -Let go.

[현옥의 한숨]

Back then, I was drinking because my business wasn't doing well, and…

그땐 내가 사업도  안되고 그래서  먹고

Back then, I was drinking because my business wasn't doing well, and…

내가 그땐 진짜 쓰레기였어 근데

I was a jerk back then. But I've quit drinking. I won't make the same mistake again.

 이젠 진짜  끊었다 다신 그런 실수  

But I've quit drinking. I won't make the same mistake again.

그니까 나한테  번만?

So please just give me one more chance.

  번만 기회를  줘라 현옥아?

Just give me one more chance, please.

- [현옥의 성난 소리] - [경택의 신음]

그때 이미 수없이 많은 기회를 줬고

I've already given you countless chances.

이제 그딴 얘기 듣고 싶지도 않아

I don't want to hear your excuses anymore.

[잔잔한 음악]

I like someone else now.

 좋아하는 사람 있어그니까

I like someone else now. So don't ever show up in front of me.

다신  앞에 나타나지  훼방 놓지도 말고

So don't ever show up in front of me. And don't get in my way.

[경택의 헛웃음]

당신 만나기 전부터 좋아했던 사람이고평생

I liked that person before I even met you. It's someone

평생 놓치고 싶지 않은 사람이야

I never ever want to lose.

 놓칠 거야이제

I'm not letting him go again.

[지직거리는 소리]

- [옥희뭐야? - [스산한 음악]

What's going on?

[달그락 놓는 소리]

A power outage?


A power outage?

[손전등 조작음]

[의미심장한 효과음]

- [긴장되는 효과음] - [옥희엄마!

Oh, my gosh!

[옥희 아이아빠여

It's your dad.

깜짝 놀랐잖아진짜

You scared the heck out of me!

[옥희 아이근데  불은 끄고 있디야?

Why do you have the lights off?

[옥희내가   아니야 전기 나간 거야

They went out on their own.

그랴아이고며칠 전부터 깜빡깜빡거리더니

They did? They were flickering for days.

갈아야 쓰겄구먼

I guess it's time to replace them.

[옥희 아참옥희야

Right, Ok-hui.

 당분간 어디 함부로 나댕기지 말어

You should stay put at home for the time being.



무당 선상님이 그러는디

The shaman said

[옥희 앞으로 사건이  하나  일어난디야

there's going to be another incident.

[옥희 부의 헛기침]

[어두운 음악]

[고조되는 음악]

[강조되는 효과음]

[오토바이 엔진음]

[다방 직원의 비명]

애란이  기지배 아직  들어왔지?

Is that brat Ae-ran not back yet?


이거  도망간  아니야?

Did she run away again?

  아는  있어?

Do you know anything?



[통화 연결음]

Kim, it looks like Ae-ran has run off.

[마담 군아애란이 이년 아무래도 도망간  같으니까

Kim, it looks like Ae-ran has run off.

부둣가나 터미널 근처에 사람  세워  봐라

Have some men on the lookout at the terminal and by the docks.

- [통화 종료음] - 진짜

That brat.



[휴대전화 진동음]


I'm here, but I'm not going in.



[다방 직원저기요

Excuse me.


하실 얘기 있으시면 편하게 말씀하세요

You can tell me what's going on.


The thing is…

[발랄한 음악]

[장열의 한숨]

[장열괜찮아요 머리가 조금 이상한

It's okay. She's got a few screws loose.

동네마다  명씩 있잖아요

You know, there's someone like her in every neighborhood.

신경 쓰지 말고 말씀하세요

So you don't need to mind her.

어젯밤에 애란이가 나가서  들어왔어요

Ae-ran went out last night and hasn't come back.

- [의미심장한 음악] - 애란이요?


저랑 같이 무진다방에서 일하는 애예요

She works with me at Mujin Coffee Shop.

[다방 직원연락도 없고

I can't reach her.

마담 언니는 도망간 거라고 하는데

Our boss said she must have run off, but I don't think that's it.

 아무래도 아닌  같거든요

but I don't think that's it.

[장열단순 가출이 아니란 말씀이시죠?

You're saying she didn't just run away?

분명히 무슨 사고가  거예요

Something definitely happened to her.

[다방 직원의 한숨요즘 동네도 흉흉하던데

Things have been so unsettling these days.

혹시 나쁜 놈한테 이상한 짓이라도 당한 거면

What if someone did something terrible to her?

우리 애란이  찾아 주세요

Please find Ae-ran.

 진짜 불쌍한 애예요

The poor girl's had such a hard life.

- [잔잔한 음악] - [ 너머 풀벌레 소리]

[다방 직원뭐야 보육원에 돈을 보내?

What's this? Why are you sending money to children's homes?

 동생이 있을 수도 있으니까

Because my little brother could be there.

있는 것도 아니고

"Could be there?"

'있을 수도 있다' 뭐야?

So you don't even know for sure?


When I was young,

 때문에 동생을 잃어버렸어

I lost my baby brother.

[애란친구랑 둘이서만 놀고 싶은데

I wanted to play with my friend alone

[피식하며동생이 자꾸 따라온다는 거야

and he kept following me.

그래서 학교 간다고 뻥쳤어

So I lied and said I was going to school.

근데 실컷 놀고  보니까

By the time I got back home,

집에 동생이 없더라

he wasn't there.

[애란의 떨리는 숨소리]

내가 학교   알고

He must have gone to school to find me.

혼자  찾으러 학교에 갔나 

He must have gone to school to find me.




we never found him again.


It must've been so hard for you.

[애란의 한숨]

My parents passed away after spending years trying to find him.

그날 이후로 우리 부모님 평생 동생만 찾다 가셨어

My parents passed away after spending years trying to find him.


All because of me.


She would send all the money she could to any children's home she could find

[다방 직원혹시 동생이 있을지도 모른다고

She would send all the money she could to any children's home she could find

보낼  있는 보육원에는  돈을 보내더라고요

She would send all the money she could to any children's home she could find on the off chance her brother was there.

하루 벌어 하루 살면서

Even though she lived hand to mouth.

[옅은 웃음걔가 그런 애예요

That's who she is.



우리 애란이 아무래도 무슨  당한 거예요

Something must've happened to her. I just know it.

우리 애란이  찾아 주세요

Please find her.

살려 주세요

Please save her.

저희가 도와줄게요 - [잔잔한 음악]

We'll help you. We promise we'll find your friend.

친구분  찾아 줄게요

We promise we'll find your friend.


We promise we'll find your friend.

Yes, we will.


[웅성거리는 소리]




- [주민1] 나왔네! - [사람들의 다급한 소리]

He's here! There he is.

- [기묘한 음악] - [옥희 아이고!

My goodness, you really are incredible.

우리 무당 선생님  용하다용햐

My goodness, you really are incredible.


-I'm sorry? -Another incident happened,

[주민2] 그짝 말대로 사건이  일어났어

-I'm sorry? -Another incident happened, just like you predicted.

- [흥미로운 음악] - 무진다방 애란이가 없어졌디야!

Ae-ran from Mujin Coffee Shop has disappeared! Listen.

[주민3] 저기저기 말이여잉

Listen. My eldest is applying for college soon. Will my kid get into college?

우리 첫째가  대입 시험인디

My eldest is applying for college soon. Will my kid get into college?

어찌케붙을  같여? - [종배?

My eldest is applying for college soon. Will my kid get into college? Sorry?

[주민1] 우리  양반이 아무래도 바람을 피우는  같은디

My husband seems to be cheating on me. Can you see who that other woman is?

어떤 년이랑 피우는지도 보이는 ?

My husband seems to be cheating on me. Can you see who that other woman is?

[상구 자꾸 꿈속에 할아버지가 나오는디

My grandfather keeps appearing in my dreams.

 일이 생긴 건지     ?

Can you read my fortune and find out what's going on?

- [주민3] 그려… - [주민1] 얘기   

That's right, tell me!

내가 제일 급한 건데이거!

I have the most urgent problem here!

[주민4] 내가 제일 먼저 왔잖어!

I got here first!


Get out of the way!

- [흥미진진한 음악] - [딸랑거리는 무령 소리]

What brings you here today?

[종배뭐가 궁금해서 왔어?

What brings you here today?

[여자모든 사업이  망하는 거예요

All of my businesses fail.


All of my businesses fail.

자시에 태어나셨다고?

You were born around midnight?

- [딸랑 울리는 소리] - [종배뭐가 보여요?

You were born around midnight? Now, what do you see? Let's see.

Now, what do you see? Let's see.


상륙해 보자

Let's proceed to land.


Oh, my.

그럼 제가 부적을 하나 적어 드릴게요

Then I'll give you a talisman.


식사  하세요?

Aren't you going to eat?

[옅은 웃음]

  먹어도 배부르네요

I don't feel hungry.

오늘  많이 버셨네요

You've made a lot of money today.

[울먹이며선생님 제가 신기가 돌아왔나 봐요

Mr. Kim, I think I got my powers back.

[종배의 웃음]

Mr. Kim, I think I got my powers back.


That's great.

[종배어디 가세요?

Are you going somewhere?


Wait a second.

[종배의 들이켜는 숨소리]

♪ 어어오늘은 편의점 말고 ♪

You're not going to the convenience store

다른  가시는 거죠?

but somewhere else today, aren't you?

맞아요오늘은 다른    데가 있어서요

Yes, that's right. I'm going somewhere else today.


[ 여닫히는 소리]


Oh, yeah. Did you hear the news?

- [남자2] 그거 들었어? - [남자1] ?

Oh, yeah. Did you hear the news? What news?

[남자2] 무진다방 애란이가 사라졌디야

What news? Ae-ran from Mujin Coffee Shop has disappeared.

[남자1] 혹시 무당이 말한 나쁜 놈한테 당한  아니여?

Could it be the killer that the shaman talked about?


[미란의 한숨]

[미란애란  말이에요

About Ae-ran… Don't you think people are blowing it up when she just ran away?

단순 가출 같은데 일이 점점 커지는  아니에요?

Don't you think people are blowing it up when she just ran away?


That's what I'm saying.

그짝서 일하는 사람들은 없어졌다 그래도

People in her line of work tend to disappear and come back

며칠 있다  보면  있고 그러더라고

People in her line of work tend to disappear and come back -from time to time. -Right.


-from time to time. -Right.

단순 가출이 아닐 수도 있어요

It might not be that simple.

[장열카드 사용 내역이든 휴대폰 사용 기록

She hasn't been using her credit card, phone,

하다못해 버스 카드 이용 기록 같은

or even her public transportation card.

살아 있는 사람이라면 나와야 하는 생활 반응이 하나도 없잖아요

There are no signs that she's still alive.

[종묵 소리 하고 싶은 ?

What are you trying to say?

다른 때도 아니고 지금은 단순 가출보단

Given the situation right now, we shouldn't investigate this as a simple runaway case

연쇄 살인에 초점을 맞추고 수사하는  맞다는 겁니다

we shouldn't investigate this as a simple runaway case but as the work of a serial killer.

그래야 실수를  해요

That way, we won't make any mistakes.

[미란이  웃는다]

- [미란의 기침] - [종묵아이고드럽게진짜

You're so gross.


I'm sorry.

[웃으며아니우리 남편도

I mean… My husband spends days out without any signs of being alive

  며칠 나가 가지고 생활 반응 하나도 없다가

My husband spends days out without any signs of being alive only to come back home just fine.

집에 잘만 기어들어 와요

only to come back home just fine.

[종묵아이그짝은 생활 반응 대신

He leaves signs of cheating though.

바람 반응이 있는 것이고

He leaves signs of cheating though.

이짝은 아주 이틀 입은 빤쓰 같은 놈이여

And this guy here is like dirty underwear.


Excuse me?


"You iffy bastard."


That's what he means.

- [미란이  웃는다] - [덕희의 놀란 소리]

I'm sorry. What's wrong with me?

[미란죄송합니다   이러냐

I'm sorry. What's wrong with me?

[종묵의 헛기침]


[종묵이 코를 훌쩍인다]


[미란그래도 연쇄 살인까진 아닐  같은데

But this doesn't seem like the serial killer's work.

[종묵 형사

Detective Na,

너는 범죄 드라마도  봤냐?

have you not watched any crime TV shows?

연쇄 살인 아니다 아니다  놓고

It always turns out to be a serial murder when you least expect it.

나중에 밝혀지면은  연쇄 살인인 ?

It always turns out to be a serial murder when you least expect it.

[장열일단 사고   수도 있으니까

She could have gotten into an accident,

무진시 근처 병원까지   조사해 보고

so let's check all the hospitals around Mujin.

조애란 씨가 타고  오토바이도 얼른 수배해 보죠

We should also search for the bike that Ms. Cho Ae-ran was riding.

[종묵그려 형사는 병원    뒤져 보고

Sure. Detective Na, you check all the hospitals.

 형사  따라와

And Detective Bae, you come with me.



[종묵쓰읍 너는 범죄 영화도  봤냐?

Haven't you seen any crime movies?

 이런  하다 보면 반장이 먼저 죽는 

It's always the captains that die first

같이 가면 되는데  혼자  가지고

because they insist on acting alone.

에이말도  됩니다

That's ridiculous.

너도 조심햐

You be careful too.

말도  된다는 놈이 제일 먼저 죽는 

Those who say that tend to die first.

[종묵 막내랑 반장이 제일 위험햐

The captain and the youngest one are in the most danger. Let's go.

[종묵어디 ?

Hey! Where are you going?

 따로  알아보겠습니다

I'm going to investigate on my own.

병원 앞으로  테니까 나와 있어

I'm heading to the hospital. Meet me outside.

[종묵쓰읍 저거 먼저 죽겄네?

I guess he'll be the first one to die. People who go off alone like that always die first.

저렇게 단독 노선 타는 놈이 제일 먼저 죽던디

People who go off alone like that always die first.



편의점 가시나 봐요

Are you going to work?

아니요오늘은 다른  가요

No, I'm going somewhere else today.

어디 좋은  가시나 보다

I guess you're going someplace nice.

어디 가는데요?

Where are you going?

그냥 어디

Just somewhere.

'그냥 어디'

Just somewhere?


Where exactly?

제가 작업실을 하나 얻었거든요

I got myself a workshop.


A workshop? It's for something I've been doing as a hobby.

[선우그냥 예전부터 취미로 하던  있어서요

It's for something I've been doing as a hobby.

아직 준비하는 중이에요

I'm still setting it up though.


That's so cool. So what's your hobby?

근데 무슨 취미예요?

So what's your hobby?

얘기하기  부끄러워서

It's kind of embarrassing to talk about.

그럼  볼게요

I'll get going then.

[ 걸리는 소리]

[설레는 음악]


Why, that little…

아이병원 앞에서 기다리라니까 어딜 이씨

I told her to wait outside the hospital. Where is she going?

[계속되는 설레는 음악]

[예분여기가 작업실이구나

So this is your workshop.

[선우싸게 빌린 거라 허름해요

It's just a cheap, shabby place.

[스위치 조작음]

 취미가 목공이거든요

My hobby is woodworking.

앞으로 조금씩 만들어 볼까 해서요

I want to start making things.


I see.


[예분이것도 직접 만드신 거예요?

Did you make this yourself too?


진짜 손재주 좋으시다 [웃음]

You're really good with your hands.

[휴대전화 진동음]

저기 잠깐 나가서 통화  하고 올게요

I'm sorry, but I need to take this.



[장열   나와병원 앞에서 기다린다더니

Why aren't you coming out? I told you to meet me outside.


I just…

 빨리 씻고 나가려고요

I wanted to wash up before heading out.

[ 바람 소리]

[장열이게 무슨 소리야바람 소리 같은데?

What was that sound? Sounded like the wind.

드라이 소리예요

It's my hairdryer. Let me dry my hair real quick.

 머리 빨리 말리고 나가려고요

Let me dry my hair real quick.


Is that right?

근데  신발  풀렸다

Your shoelace is untied by the way.

[ 울리는 효과음]

[익살스러운 음악]

여기가 집이냐?

So this is your house?

Let's go.


What? Let me just say bye to Seon-woo.

 그럼 선우 씨한테 잠깐 얘기 

Let me just say bye to Seon-woo.

[장열그럴 시간 없어

No, there's no time for that.

- [예분금방… - [장열에헤이

-It won't take long. -Come on.


Forget it.

- [현옥이거 놓으라고! - [경택아이씨

I said, let go!

조용한  가서 얘기  하자고!

Let's go somewhere quiet to talk! Stop making me the bad guy.

 자꾸  나쁜 사람 만들어 타라

Let's go somewhere quiet to talk! Stop making me the bad guy. -I don't want anything to do with you! -Just get in.

[현옥아휴정말 엮이고 싶지 않아진짜

-I don't want anything to do with you! -Just get in.


What are you so afraid of?

[  여닫히는 소리]

[자동차 시동음]

[잔잔한 음악]

[안전띠 푸는 소리]


What are you doing?

[경택의 당황한 소리]

 새끼  하는

Hey. What the hell are you…

- [종묵아휴 - [경택의 신음]



[고조되는 음악]

[현옥의 웃음]

[현옥오빠병원엔 ?

Why are we at the hospital? Excuse me, Doctor.

[종묵선상님  하나 여쭤볼게유

Excuse me, Doctor. Can I ask you a question?

제가요간만에 뛰댕겼더니요

I ran for the first time in a while, and I think my knees are swollen now.

무릎에 물이    같은디 어떻게 해야 돼요?

and I think my knees are swollen now. What should I do?

- [애잔한 음악] - [의사제가 이쪽 과가 아니라

What should I do? Sorry, I'm not that kind of doctor.

[종묵의 가쁜 숨소리]

[어색한 웃음]

-It's okay. -Okay.

- [종묵괜찮아 - [현옥

-It's okay. -Okay.

[장열 걔가 그렇게 좋냐?

Do you like that guy that much?

[예분굳이 아니라고 말하고 싶진 않네요

I won't deny that I like him.

[장열어떤 사람인  알고?

Do you even know him?

좋은 사람이죠

He's a good guy.

얼마나 봤다고?

You only just met him.

[예분그렇게 생긴 사람 중에 나쁜 사람 없거든요?

People who look like him can't be bad.

원래 그렇게 생긴 놈들 중에

People who look like him usually turn out to be psychopaths.

사이코패스들이 많아요

People who look like him usually turn out to be psychopaths.

우리 선우  욕하지 마요

Don't you talk smack about my Seon-woo.


"My Seon-woo"?

[헛웃음 치며] '우리'…

"My Seon-woo"?

돼지우리 같은 소리 하고 있네

More like "Guy I'd like to soon woo."


What, are you trying to be funny?

[예분유치해소름 돋아

So corny. You're making me cringe.

 장담하는데 걔한테 마음 주잖아?

Mark my words. You'll get hurt if you like him.


You'll get hurt if you like him.


[마담소문이 어떻게 났는지 모르겠는데

I don't know how that rumor started,

 고향  거예요

but Ae-ran just went back to her hometown. Ji-suk didn't know the full story when she made the report.

우리 애가  모르고 신고를 했다더라고요

Ji-suk didn't know the full story when she made the report.


Didn't you?

[장열고향이 가깝나 봐요?

Her hometown must be close

오토바이 타고  정도면

if she went there by motorcycle.


[마담아무튼     했으니까

Anyway, I have nothing else to tell you.

그만들  주세요

So please leave. Get ready to make deliveries, Ji-suk.

너도 배달 준비해

Get ready to make deliveries, Ji-suk. Yes, ma'am.

[다방 직원

Yes, ma'am.

[장열기회가 되면 만져

Touch her when you can.

[신비로운 효과음]

- [의미심장한 음악] - [마담꼴이 그게 뭐니?

Look at you. You can't serve customers looking like that.

그러고 손님 상대할래?

You can't serve customers looking like that.

내가 옷이랑 화장품 일단   테니까 그거 입고 

I'll buy you some clothes and makeup for now.

 그렇게 옷이랑 화장품이랑  니가  거잖아

What's with your look? That's how much I spent on your clothes and makeup.


Twenty million won?

[마담그래 열심히 해서 얼른 갚아야지

Yes, so you should work hard to pay me back.

- [흥미진진한 음악] - [장열의 놀란 소리]

- [ 울리는 효과음] - [당황한 숨소리]

[장열의  내뱉는 소리]

[장열 죽을래?

I'm going to kill you.


You told me to touch her.

상황을  가면서 만져야지 그렇게 대놓고

When the timing's right! You can't just…

 일부러 그랬지?

You did it on purpose, didn't you?

[예분에이목숨 걸고 협조하는 사람한테

Come on, I'm risking my life to help you.

그게  소리예요?

Come on, I'm risking my life to help you.

[장열의 분한 숨소리]

그래서  봤어?

Whatever. Did you see anything?

마담 거짓말하는 거예요

She's lying.

[예분애란 씨가 고향 간다는 장면은 없었어요

I didn't see Ae-ran saying she was going to her hometown.



[다방 직원저기

You know,

마담 언니  믿지 마세요

you shouldn't believe what my boss says.

경찰 끼면 피곤해진다고  크게 만들지

She didn't want the police getting involved, so she--



 출발한다 그래 놓고  늑장 부려?

Why are you still here?

빨리   챙겨 오고

Go. And make sure to bring back the cups.

[다방 직원언니

Yes, ma'am.

- [예분  … - [의미심장한 음악]

That keychain…

[다방 직원왜요?

Sorry? What about it?

[예분그거 사신 거예요?

Did you buy that somewhere?

[다방 직원아니요 애란이가 만들어 줬어요

No. Ae-ran made it for me.

똑같은    만들어서 오토바이   하자고

She made two of these for our motorcycle keys

하나씩 나눠 가졌어요

and gave one to me.

… - [오토바이 시동음]

  걸리는  있어?

What is it? Is something bothering you?


What? No.

솔직하게 얘기해라

You better be honest with me.

  어디서   같아서

I just think I've seen that keychain somewhere.

[장열이 힘주며만져 !

Go touch him.


I don't want to.

어디서 그냥 똑같은  샀나 보죠

He must've bought it somewhere.

[장열저거 애란 씨가 만든 거라잖아

She said Ae-ran made it!

가서 만져 보라고! - [예분!

So go touch him!


I said no!

[장열  엉덩이 만지고 싶어 했잖아

You wanted to touch his butt before.

아이이건 그때랑 상황이 다르잖아요

But this is different!

저렇게 생긴 사람은 좋은 사람이라며?

What's wrong? People who look like him are always good.

좋은 사람 맞거든요?

And he is good. So I don't need to touch him.

그러니까  만져도 된다고요

And he is good. So I don't need to touch him.

 그러다가 만약에 진짜 쟤가 연쇄 살인범이면 어떡할 거야?

What are you going to do if he turns out to be the serial killer?

빨리 잡아야지 늦게 잡을수록 너만 위험해져

We need to catch him quick or else you'll be in more danger.


[예분의 못마땅한 숨소리]

[흥미로운 음악]



[예분여기 엉덩이에 껌이 붙어 있네요

You have gum on your butt.



제가 떼어 드릴게요

I'll get it off of you.

[익살스러운 효과음]

[신비로운 효과음]

[부드러운 음악]

[흥미로운 음악]

[고양이 울음]

[주만 잘하는 1 후보 차주만입니다

I'm your number one, Cha Ju-man!


Thank you.

기호 1 차주만입니다

I'm candidate number one, Cha Ju-man.

[ 내리는 빗소리]

[타이어 마찰음]

[선우혹시 당근이세요?

Are you the seller?


Yes, where's the money?


Here. And the laptop?

상태 좋은데요네고   될까요?

It looks good. Can I get a discount?

네고  된다고 거기 썼는데

I wrote, "No discounts" on my post.

[학생잘생긴 오빠이거 USB인데 네고 대신오케이?

Mr. Handsome. Here's a flash drive. Just take this instead, okay?

[선우그래요 근데   링은요?

Sure. What about the keychain?

[학생그건 서비스

That one's a freebie.


만져 봤어?

-Did you touch him? -Goodness.


-Did you touch him? -Goodness. Look here.

남을 그렇게  의심하고 그러는  아니에요

You shouldn't suspect people for no reason.

우리 선우 씨가 그럴 리가 있어?

My Seon-woo would never do such a thing.

[장열상황 파악은 됐고 그럼  링은 어떻게  거야?

You saw what happened? What's up with the keychain?

선우 씨가 중고 거래로 노트북 하나 샀는데요

He bought a secondhand laptop,

 거래하던 애가 덤으로    거예요

and the seller threw it in for free.

중고 거래?


 링은 있는데 오토바이는 없어?

So you saw the keychain but not the motorcycle?

고딩처럼 보이는 애들이  오토바이 타고 있더라고요

Kids who looked like high schoolers were riding the motorcycle.


High schoolers?

[의미심장한 효과음]



그냥   감고 계시면 돼요

Just keep your eyes closed.

언니 말이라면 그게 뭐든 따라야죠

I'll do anything you say, sis.

[다은 오빠의 당황한 소리]

[신비로운 효과음]

- [리드미컬한 음악] - [학생들안녕하세요

Good morning, sir. Hello, sir.

[다은 오빠도현우

Do Hyeon-u!

 넥타이 똑바로  ?

Put on your tie properly!


I found him! Do Hyeon-u.


Do Hyeon-u?

[장열도현우 학생 아시죠지금 어디 있습니까?

You know him, right? Where is he right now?


Why do you ask?

 학생이 사건과 관련된 오토바이를 훔쳤는데

He stole a motorcycle that's related to a case.

[장열 오토바이가 아주 중요한 증거품이라서요

And that motorcycle is a key piece of evidence.

[다은 오빠


쓰읍죄송합니다만 형사님

I'm sorry, Detective. But can you leave it to me to find that motorcycle?

오토바이 찾는  저한테 맡겨 주시면  되겠습니까?

But can you leave it to me to find that motorcycle?

[잔잔한 음악]

[흥미로운 음악]

[옥희 나이에 오토바이 타는  보면

If he's riding a motorcycle at his age, he must be a delinquent.

날라리 같은데

If he's riding a motorcycle at his age, he must be a delinquent. Kids these days are nothing to mess with.

요즘 애들 대단해요

Kids these days are nothing to mess with.


Aren't you scared?

선생이 학생 무서워하면 그거 세상 끝나는 겁니다

We're all doomed when teachers start fearing their students.

[오토바이 가속음]

[다은 오빠도현우!

Do Hyeon-u!

[흥미진진한 음악]



[거친 오토바이 엔진음]

[타이어 마찰음]

[타이어 마찰음]

How dare that bastard hit the gas in front of me?

[옥희 새끼가 배옥희 앞에서 액셀을 밟아?

How dare that bastard hit the gas in front of me?


Hold on tight.

[요란한 오토바이 엔진음]

[경쾌한 음악]

[타이어 마찰음]

[시동이 멈춘다]

도현우니가 이거 오토바이 훔친  맞아?

Hyeon-u, did you steal this motorcycle?

훔친  아니라 주운 거예요

I didn't steal it. I found it.

주웠는데 주인  갖다주면 그게 훔친 거야인마!

Finding something and not returning it to the owner is called stealing.

[다은 오빠의 한숨]

You know what to do when you've done something wrong, right?

 잘못했을  어떻게 해야 되는지 알지?

You know what to do when you've done something wrong, right?

[부드러운 음악]

- [ 치는 소리] - [현우의 옅은 신음]

[ 치는 소리]


It hurts, right?

[다은 오빠나도 아파

It hurts for me too.

근데 학생 잘못은

But when a student does something wrong,

무조건 선생님 책임이야

the teacher needs to take responsibility.

[다은 오빠의 한숨]

- [ 치는 소리] - [현우의 신음]

[다은 오빠형사님

Hello, Detective Moon.

오토바이 발견했던 장소 문자로 찍었습니다

I texted you the address where the motorcycle was found.

다시 한번 죄송합니다

Yes, and I apologize again. I'll make sure this never repeats in the future.

앞으로는 이런  없도록 하겠습니다

I'll make sure this never repeats in the future.


Okay, sir.


I'm jealous.


Of what?

저한테도 용명  같은 선생님이 있었으면은

I don't think I would've ended up like this if I had a teacher like you.

이렇게는  됐을  같아서요

if I had a teacher like you.

언니잠깐 실례해도 되겠습니까?

Excuse me for a second, sis.

지금도 충분히 빛나고 있어요

You're already dazzling enough.

- [옥희미쳤어요? - 어어죄송합니다언니

-What the hell are you doing? -I'm sorry, sis.

가요! - [용명언니아유

-Let's go. -Okay, sis.

걸어가요 - [용명언니

-Walk back on your own. -Yes, sis.

[ 흐르는 소리]

[장열이쪽에 오토바이가 있었다는 거지?

-This is where the motorcycle was, right? -Yes.

[긴장되는 효과음]

- [예분어머 - [어두운 음악]

Oh, my gosh. Isn't this blood?

이거 핏자국 아니에요?

Oh, my gosh. Isn't this blood?

[놀란 숨소리]

이거  봐요

Look at this.


Based on the bloodstains,

 무차별적으로 찌른 느낌이에요

it seems that the victim was stabbed at random.

BJ 승길 씨처럼요

Just like the streamer and Seung-gil.

 자국은 정신을 잃은 피해자를

And these bloodstains are evidence that the victim was dragged while they were unconscious.

질질 끌고  증거예요

are evidence that the victim was dragged while they were unconscious.


The victim is likely to be dead.

사망했을 가능성이 높아요

The victim is likely to be dead.

[예분의 놀란 소리]


Detective! Over here!

[예분의 놀란 숨소리]

 번째 피해자맞죠?

This is our third victim, isn't it?

어디 가요?

Where are you going?

[CCTV 작동음]



아이근데 진짜 애란이까지

But was Ae-ran really killed by the rain poncho guy as well?

판초 우의 그놈이 죽인 거여?

But was Ae-ran really killed by the rain poncho guy as well?

[미란의 가쁜 숨소리반장님


감식 결과 나왔습니다

The DNA results came back.


What does it say?

[미란흉기에서 나온 혈흔하고

The DNA found on the knife matches the DNA pulled from Ae-ran's toothbrush.

조애란 칫솔에서 나온 DNA 일치한답니다

The DNA found on the knife matches the DNA pulled from Ae-ran's toothbrush.

[종묵아이도대체 어떤 놈이 우리 무진에서 이렇게

Who the hell is committing such terrible crimes in Mujin?

숭악한 짓을 벌이고 다니는 ?

Who the hell is committing such terrible crimes in Mujin?

 딱한 것을  죽였을까?

And why would he kill a poor girl like her?

아직 살아 있을 가능성도 없진 않아요

There's still a possibility that she's alive.

아이 소리여?

What are you going on about now?

[장열아직 시신이 나온 것도 아닌데

We haven't found her body.

벌써부터 살해당했다고 단정 짓기엔 아직 이릅니다

It's too early to assume that she was murdered.



그럴  있어

You could be right.

제가   아니에요

Not the way I see it.

지금까지 그놈 패턴으로 봐선 피해자 분명히 죽었어요

The victim is definitely dead based on the killer's pattern.

아이  소리 하는 !

What are you talking about?

[종묵경찰은 시신이 나오기 전까지는

The police must always assume the victim is alive until a body is found.

'피해자가 살아 있다'라는 가정하에 수사를 해야 되는 

The police must always assume the victim is alive until a body is found.

그래야  간절히 찾지 않겄어?

That'd make us more desperate.

 형사는 어디  ?

But where's Detective Bae?

CCTV 따러 보냈습니다

I sent him to get the security footage. Come on, we're dealing with a pretty thorough bastard.

[종묵아이고 아주 그냥 무진 시내를

Come on, we're dealing with a pretty thorough bastard.

구석구석 알고 돌아다니는 철두철미한 놈을 갖다가

Come on, we're dealing with a pretty thorough bastard. He seems to know the ins and outs of Mujin.

이번이라고 CCTV 찍혔을까

I doubt he was caught on any CCTV.

찍혔을 거예요이번엔

I'm sure that he was caught this time.

CCTV 놈이 찍혔습니다

The killer was caught on the security camera!

[종묵찍혔어 찍혔디야?

Really? But why?

[의미심장한 음악]

[종묵아이그렇게  철두철미한 놈은 아닌게 

I guess they're not as thorough as I thought.

[덕희 뒤로부터는 사각지대라 끊겼습니다

After this, they went into a blind spot.

[미란어쨌든 연쇄 살인은 맞네요

I guess this proves that this is the serial killer's work. Right.


Right. Okay, we'll start investigating this as the work of a serial killer.

일단 수사 방향은 연쇄 살인으로 돌리고

Okay, we'll start investigating this as the work of a serial killer.

피해자 마지막 행선지가 어디라 그랬지?

Where was the victim's last known destination again?

거긴 제가 다녀오겠습니다

I'll go there and check.

[차분한 음악]


[사장그날  애란이가 커피 배달 왔었쥬

Ae-ran came here to deliver coffee that day.

배달만 하고 바로 갔나요?

Did she leave right away?

늦게 가면은 마담한테 혼난다고 금방 갔슈

Yes, she said she'd get in trouble with her boss if she were late.

  기억나는  없으시고요?

Is there anything else that you remember?

쓰읍글쎄요 [멋쩍은 웃음]

I'm not sure.

[사장내가 그날 낮술을 한잔혀 갖고

I had a drink that afternoon, so my memory is kind of fuzzy.

기억이 가물가물하네

I had a drink that afternoon, so my memory is kind of fuzzy.

기억이   나시는구나

You don't remember well?

[가쁜 숨소리]

[톡톡 두드리는 소리]


Sir, you have a sticky note stuck on you.

여기에 포스트잇 붙었네요 - [장열의 헛기침]

Sir, you have a sticky note stuck on you.

[작게저기 붙으셨네저기저기

It's stuck to him over there.


Sir, there's a sticky note stuck on your butt.

[예분여기에 포스트잇 붙었네요

Sir, there's a sticky note stuck on your butt.

- [사장? - [예분제가  드릴게요

-What? -I'll get it off for you.


Thank you.

[신비로운 효과음]

- [무거운 음악] - [사장아이쫌만  있다 

Stay a little longer.

마담 언니한테 혼나요

I'll get in trouble with my boss.

[장열일찍  다니지?

You should have been here on time.

[예분내가 지금 뽀삐 애기를  마리를 받고 왔거든요?

I just came from delivering Ppoppi's four puppies.

사람 생명도 중요하지만 저한테는 동물 생명도 중요해요

Animals' lives matter to me just as much as people's lives.


Tell me what you saw.

[예분배달 끝나고

After she made the delivery,

이쪽으로 갔어요

she went that way.


That way?

다방은 반대쪽이잖아

The coffee shop is the other way though.

근데 부동산  때마다 항상 이쪽으로 가던데?

But she always went this way when she came here.

이쪽으로 가도 다방을  수가 있나?

Can you get to the coffee shop this way?


I don't think so.

사건 현장이랑도 방향이 달라

It's not in the direction of the crime scene either.

그럼 여기  때마다 항상 다른 곳에 들렀단 얘기인데

Which means that she went somewhere else every time she came here.

요구르트 배달 갔나?

-Was she delivering the yogurt drinks? -What?

- [의미심장한 음악] - ?

-Was she delivering the yogurt drinks? -What?

 커피 보자기 안에

There were two unopened bottles of yogurt inside the bundle.

 먹은 요구르트   있더라고요

There were two unopened bottles of yogurt inside the bundle.


Yes, Captain.

조애란 마지막 행선지가

Cho Ae-ran's final destination seems to have been someplace else.

부동산 말고  있었던  같습니다

Cho Ae-ran's final destination seems to have been someplace else.

알겠습니다 - [통화 종료음]


일단 피해자가 갔던 방향대로 따라가 보자

Let's go in the direction where the victim went.

[장열여긴 어디 배달  만한 데가 없는데?

There's nowhere to make a delivery here.

이쪽으로 가면 거기 나오는데

I know where this path leads.


Where does it lead?

[ 울음]


Hi, Gwang-sik.




아이 원장님이  시간엔 어쩐 일이세유?

What brings you here, Dr. Bong?

아이형사님도 같이 오셨네유

Detective Moon, you're here too.

Yes, hello.


He wanted some freshly squeezed milk delivered to his home,

[예분 직접  우유요

He wanted some freshly squeezed milk delivered to his home,

집에서도 배달시켜 드시고 싶다 그래서

He wanted some freshly squeezed milk delivered to his home,

모시고 왔어요

so I brought him here.

아유지한테 말만 하믄

If you had just told me,

[광식동네 배달하는 길에 갖다드리는 건디

I would've brought some to you when I was in town. There's no reason for you to go through all this trouble.

 여기까지 오셨대유

There's no reason for you to go through all this trouble.

 그래도 요즘 수사하시느라 바쁘시잖아유

You must be very busy with your investigation.

아이 하는 일인데요

Well, it's my job.


Detective Moon.


I heard about what happened to Ae-ran.

결국 그렇게 됐다면서유?

I heard about what happened to Ae-ran.


That poor girl.

조애란 씨를  아세요?

Did you know her well?

아이무진 사람치고 거기 다방    사람 있남유

I doubt there's anyone in Mujin who hasn't been to her coffee shop.

그럼 여기로 배달도 시키고 그러셨겠네요?

Then she must have made deliveries here too.


Not really.

[광식그런 적은 없고유

That never happened.

거기 가서     다예유

I just saw her a few times at the coffee shop.

 알진 못해유 [웃음]

I didn't know her well.

[의미심장한 음악]

[애란오빠 배고파

Gwang-sik! I'm hungry.

나랑 놀자이거 하지 

Play with me. Stop working.

오빠 오빠가 진짜 좋아 어떡해?

I adore you. What do I do?


Detective Moon,

운동 많이 하시나 봐유

you must work out a lot.

[광식허벅지가 [탄성]

Your thighs…

[광식의 웃음]


are like the thighs of a horse!


They're not that…

형사님한번   번만  봐유 [웃음]

Flex your muscles for me, Detective.

- [장열아이… - [예분에이!

What? I mean…


Oh, they're all fat.

아이 봐도  태어난 송아지 다리 같구먼

Don't you see he has the legs of a newborn calf?

 바쁘니까 빨리 가요 아저씨안녕히 계세요

-I'm busy, let's go. -What… -Bye, Gwang-sik. -Wait.

- [장열잠깐만아이 - [예분빨리 와요

-Bye, Gwang-sik. -Wait. -Hurry up. -Hey.

 원장님조심히 가셔유

Bye, Dr. Bong. Get home safely.

- [예분빨리 봐요! - [장열?

-What did you say? -Come on, quickly!

 태어난 송아지가 다리가  어쩌고 어째?

The legs of a newborn calf?

만져 다시 만져 빨리!

Touch them again!

[예분지금 그럴 때가 아니라고요

That's not what's important right now!

광식 아저씨 거짓말했어요

Gwang-sik lied.

무슨 거짓말?

What do you mean?

제가 지난번 엉덩이 만졌을  봤거든요?

I saw his memories the other day,

[예분근데 조애란  여기 농장도 자주 찾아오고

and Ae-ran liked him and used to visit him a lot.

광식 아저씨 좋아했어요

and Ae-ran liked him and used to visit him a lot.



[예분방금 형사님 다리 만지려고 했죠?

He tried to touch your legs just now, didn't he?

- [의미심장한 음악] - [장열?

Yes, what about it?

사실은 광식 아저씨도 초능력 있어요

Gwang-sik's actually psychic too.



[장열그러니까 너는 엉덩이

So you can see memories by touching butts

전광식은 다리를 만지면 사이코메트리가 된다는 거야?

while Gwang-sik can see them by touching legs?

-Yes. -And he tried to touch my legs.

[장열근데  다리를 만지려고 했다?

-Yes. -And he tried to touch my legs.

[흥미로운 음악]

What do you think he wanted to find out from you?

[예분형사님한테  알아내려고 했을까요?

What do you think he wanted to find out from you?

수사가 어떻게 진행되는지 궁금해서 그런  아닐까요?

Do you think he was curious about how the investigation was going?



전광식은 이번 사건과 분명히 관련돼 있으니까

After all, he's definitely related to this case.

[예분근데 이번 사건의 범인이 광식 아저씨라면

But if he is the culprit in this case, that means he's the serial killer.

연쇄 살인범이라는 거잖아요

that means he's the serial killer.

근데 제가  영상에는

But among his memories, I didn't…

BJ 승길이 죽이는 장면은 없었을 거야

You didn't see him killing the streamer or Seung-gil.

[예분어떻게 알았어요?

How did you know?


Let's follow him.


What? Why?

지금 놓치면 오늘 이후로 전광식도 조애란도    있어

If we lose him now, we may never see Cho Ae-ran or Jeon Gwang-sik again.

[흥미진진한 음악]

[긴장되는 음악]


What happened? Where did he go?

[장열뭐야어디 갔어?

What happened? Where did he go?


Let's split up. I'll go this way, you go that way.

 이쪽으로  테니까  이쪽으로 

Let's split up. I'll go this way, you go that way.

찾으면 전화하고 - [예분

-Call me if you find him. -Okay.

[긴박한 음악]



안녕하세요  트럭  쫓아가 주세요

Hello. Please follow that truck for me.

[가쁜 숨을 몰아쉬며 감사합니다

Thank you.

[긴장되는 음악]

[예분기사님  트럭 놓치면  되니까

Sir, I can't lose that truck. Could you drive a bit faster?

쫌만 빨리  주세요

Sir, I can't lose that truck. Could you drive a bit faster? -Okay. -Thank you.

- [택시 기사알겠습니다 - 

-Okay. -Thank you.


혹시 이거 충전기  써도 될까요?

Could I please use this charger?

요거 쓰세요 - [예분감사합니다

-Go ahead. -Thank you.


Detective! I found Gwang-sik, and I'm following him right now.

 광식 아저씨 찾아서 쫓아가고 있어요

Detective! I found Gwang-sik, and I'm following him right now.

택시 타고 가고 있어요

I'm in a cab.


Where are you?

[의미심장한 음악]

[예분무진공업소 쪽으로 가는  같아요

I think he's headed to Mujin Industrial Plant. Yes.


근데 여기 길이 조금 무서워요 - [어두운 음악]

But the road here is a little scary.

[예분의 놀란 숨소리]

저기 여기 세워 주세요 

Sir, please stop the car here. -Here is fine. -Okay.

[택시 기사

-Here is fine. -Okay.


Thank you.

지금 무슨 창고 같은 데로 왔어요

I'm at some kind of warehouse right now. Yes.


[긴장되는 음악]

[딸랑거리는 무령 소리]

- [의미심장한 효과음] - [기묘한 음악]


Oh, my.

다음 피해자가  나오겠네

Looks like the next victim will appear soon. -What? -What does that mean?

[주민1] 이게 무슨 말이여이게?

-What? -What does that mean?

- ♪ 이히이… ♪ - [주민들의 웅성거리는 소리]

[종배] ♪  ♪

 부적만 사면 - [주민들이 조용해진다]

If you buy this talisman,

어떤 액운도  막을  있어요

you'll be able to avoid any misfortune.

- [주민2] 얼만디? - [저마다 말한다]

How much is it?

[주민1] 정말이여?

[주민들이 시끌시끌하다]

- [밤새 울음] - [긴장되는 음악]

[예분의 가쁜 숨소리]

 따라왔는데 지금  보여요

I've been following him, but I don't see him anymore.

[긴장되는 효과음]


I found him.


I'll keep following him.

[휴대전화 종료음]



- [비명] - [ 떨구는 소리]

- [예분의 거친 숨소리] - [스산한 음악]


Dr. Bong.

[거친 숨소리]


시방  따라온 거예유?

Did you follow me here?



[예분 거짓말하셨어요?

why did you lie?


About what?

애란 씨요

About Ae-ran.

[예분농장에도 자주 찾아갔었고

She used to visit you on the farm a lot.

아저씨도 좋아했었잖아요

And she liked you.

근데   모르는 사람처럼 얘기했어요?

So why did you pretend you didn't know her well?

원장님동네 분위기  봐유

Dr. Bong, don't you know the situation this neighborhood is in?

[광식 그래도  사람  사람  의심하는데

Everyone is suspicious of one another.

지가 사실대로 얘기하면

If I had told the truth,

원장님처럼  나를 의심할  아니에유?

everyone would have suspected me, just as you did.


All right.

아저씨 엉덩이 제가  번만 만져 볼게요

Then let me touch your butt just once. Once it's clear that you're not the killer,

[예분만져서 보고아니면

Once it's clear that you're not the killer,

제가 무슨 수를 써서라도

I'll do everything in my power

아저씨 결백하다고 변호해 줄게요

to prove your innocence.


[비밀스러운 음악]


What's wrong?

만지면  되는 이유라도 있어요?

Is there a reason I can't touch you? Dr. Bong,


Dr. Bong,

어디까지 알고 오신 거예유?

exactly how much do you know?

[긴장되는 음악]

[긴박한 음악]

[예분의 놀란 소리]

[광식의 힘주는 소리]

[예분의 다급한 소리]

[둘의 힘주는 소리]

[예분의 겁먹은 소리]

[반가운 숨소리]

그만 나오죠

Come out already.


Ms. Cho Ae-ran. I already know everything, so come out.

 알고 왔으니까 그만 나오라고요

I already know everything, so come out.

- [둘의 힘주는 소리] - [흥미로운 음악]

You'll never touch my legs.

[예분절대  다리  만질걸요?

You'll never touch my legs.

 그렇게 생각한대유?

And why is that?

한번 만져 봐요

Then give it a shot.

- [날렵한 효과음] - [예분의 힘주는 소리]

- [둘의 다급한 소리] - [유쾌한 음악]

- [예분! - [익살스러운 효과음]


Dr. Bong, then you try to touch me.

[광식그러면 원장님도 한번 만져 봐유

then you try to touch me.

[앙증맞은 효과음]

- [둘의 애쓰는 소리] - [발랄한 효과음]

[신비로운 효과음]

- [무거운 음악] - [놀란 숨소리]

[훌쩍이는 소리]

- [드르렁  고는 소리] - [광식형사님

Detective Moon.

어찌케 아신 거예유?

How did you know?

CCTV에도 보란 듯이 찍히고

You were captured on the CCTV intentionally,


and the weapon was just lying there like it was meant to be found.

누가 발견해 줬으면 하는 것처럼 놓여 있더라고요

and the weapon was just lying there like it was meant to be found.

- [차분한 음악] - [광식애란의 떨리는 숨소리]

혈흔도 이상했고요

The bloodstains were strange too.

사람을 찌를  튀는 피를 비산혈이라고 하는데

When you stab someone, it leaves a spray of blood.

찌르는 높이에 따라 바닥에 튀는 모양이  달라요

And blood splatters differently at different heights.

연쇄 살인범은 마구잡이로 찔렀는데

Our current serial killer stabs at random,

전광식 씨가 연출한 피는 패턴이 일정하더라고요

but the blood splatter was uniform at the scene you staged.

그리고 결정적으로

And most importantly, the amount of blood found was too little to say that someone had been killed.

누군가 사망했다고 보기엔

the amount of blood found was too little to say that someone had been killed.

혈액의 양이 너무나 적었고요

the amount of blood found was too little to say that someone had been killed. You were probably only able to slash her hand to stage the scene.

그거 연출하자고 손바닥 정도 그었겠죠

You were probably only able to slash her hand to stage the scene.

이렇게까지 하신 이유가 뭡니까?

What's the reason you did all of this?

[울먹이며우리 애란이한테


빚이 있슈

has debts.

[광식지가  빚을 갚아 준다고 그랬는디

I offered to pay them back,

마담이 그걸 받지를 않는 거예유

but her boss wouldn't accept it.

  도망가게 하려고 억지로 만든 빚이에요

Those debts are just an excuse to stop me from running away.

[애란의 울음]

The only way for her to live…

우리 애란이가 사는 방법은유

The only way for her to live…

죽는 방법밖에 없었슈

was to die.

조애란 씨를 생각하는 마음은 알겠는데

I understand that you care about Ms. Cho.

옳은 방법은 아니에요

But this is still wrong.

[광식이 훌쩍인다]


I'm sorry.


Then what happens to Ae-ran now?

우리 애란이는 이제 앞으로 어찌케 되는 거래유?

Then what happens to Ae-ran now?

글쎄요이게 가볍지만은 않은 사건이라

I'm not sure. This is a pretty serious case.


For now, the two of you would have to follow me to the station.

서로 같이  주셔야   같습니다

For now, the two of you would have to follow me to the station.



[애란이 울먹인다]

[광식의 한숨]




어쩌다 보니

I ended up telling Detective Moon


I ended up telling Detective Moon that you're psychic too.

아저씨도 초능력 있다고 얘기했어요

that you're psychic too.

[광식괜찮아유 좋으신  같은디

That's okay. He seems like a good man.

[옅은 웃음]


And seeing how you two are an item,

그렇고 그런 사이인  보믄 믿을 만한 거쥬

And seeing how you two are an item, I'm sure he's trustworthy.


What? I saw it when I touched your leg earlier.

[광식아니아까 원장님 다리 만져 보니께유

I saw it when I touched your leg earlier.

서로 이렇게 죽도  맞고

You two seem to get along very well. You're devoted to each other, and--

서로 헌신적으로다가

You're devoted to each other, and--


What are you talking about? I'm just helping him with his investigation.

[예분그냥 수사 도와주는 거예요

I'm just helping him with his investigation.

연쇄 살인범 잡으려고요

To catch the serial killer.

[옅은 웃음]


Right, Dr. Bong.

그날유성우 맞던 날이유

The night we were hit by the meteor shower.

그날 우리 말고

Did you know there was another person who was there with us?

 명이  있었던  알고 있었슈?

Did you know there was another person who was there with us?

- [차분하고 의미심장한 음악] -  명이 더요?

Another person?

분명해유 몰랐는데유

Yes, I'm sure of it. I didn't know before,

[광식원장님 다리 만져 보니께유

but I saw it when I touched your leg.


but I saw it when I touched your leg.

- [광식그건  이름이유 - [ 울음]

No, that's my name. She's Geumsil.

 이름은 금실이유

She's Geumsil.

[강조되는 효과음]

분명히 있었슈

There was definitely someone else.

그러면 우리 말고

So there's someone else

능력자가    있다는 거예요?

who is psychic like us?

[의미심장한 효과음]

- [현옥수고하세요 - [옥희 부의 웃음]

Bye. Have a good night.

[날카로운 효과음]

[주만버리라고 지금 거기에 집중할 시간이 없어요

Just toss it. We don't have time for that.

알겠어? - [보좌관

-Do you understand? -Yes, sir.

[무거운 효과음]

[강조되는 효과음]

[긴장되는 효과음]

[고조되는 음악]

있어요초능력자우리 말고도

There's someone else who's also psychic.



[예분광식 아저씨가  다리 만지다가  사람 봤대요

Gwang-sik saw that person when he touched my leg.

[놀란 숨소리아니  초능력자가

So that other psychic person

연쇄 살인범이라고유? - [장열

-is the serial killer? -Yes.

무진 사람들 중에

All you need to do is find out which Mujin resident is psychic.

초능력자가 어떤 놈인지 찾아 주시면 돼요

All you need to do is find out which Mujin resident is psychic.

 범인일 가능성이 있으니까

They're all potentially the killer.

[선우저도 믿지 말라고요

Don't trust me either.

[주만어제  살인 사건이 발생했다고 들었습니다

I heard another murder took place yesterday.

[덕희 번째 피해자네요

This is the third victim.

[미란살해 흉기도 확실하고 빼박이지

The murder weapon is indisputable. There's no doubt about it. What is the killer most afraid of?

범인이 가장 두려워하는  뭘까?

What is the killer most afraid of?

[장열바로 너야 아마  읽었을 거야

It's you. He probably saw your memories.

- [주만예분아 - [종배 원장님

-Ye-bun. -Dr. Bong. Dr. Bong, you were fooled.

[광식원장님이 속은 기유

Dr. Bong, you were fooled.

[예분내가 믿을 사람 형사님밖에 없다고요

Detective Moon, you're the only person I can trust.

- [예분의 다급한 소리] - [장열판초 우의 나타났어요

-The rain poncho killer has been spotted. -What? The rain poncho killer?

[종묵판초 우의?

-The rain poncho killer has been spotted. -What? The rain poncho killer?

[예분  도와주세요

Please, help me.


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