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  미스터 션샤인 16

55s(애신미안하오I'm sorry.
57s부디 나보다 더 좋은 여인을 만나시오I hope you meet a lady who is better than me
in every aspect.
1:01파혼은 여인에게나 흉이지 사내에게는 흉이 아
A broken engagement is only frowned upon
for women. It's not a flaw for men.
1:04(희성이런 때 이런 곳에서 이런 말이 어찌 들
릴지 모르겠으나
I am not sure how this remark will be
perceived in this situation,
1:07이미 여인은 원 없이 만났소but I have been with more than enough
1:10난 더한 말도 했는데I made a meaner remark.
1:17(희성그대가 다른 이를 마음에 들인 건 내 진
즉 알고 있었소
I figured out a long ago that there is another
man in your heart.
1:21진즉 알았어도Even though I knew about it,
1:25무용했소there was nothing I could do.
1:36우리가 혼인한다는 납채서요This is my father's formal letter about our
1:40그리고 방금 난And just now,
1:44아주 나쁜 마음을 먹었소I made up my mind to do something very bad.
1:49(조씨그 댁 집사 편에 납채서가 온다 했는데
집사는 안 오고
I heard the butler was bringing over the letter,
but Hui-seong came instead,
1:54희성이가 와서 같이 꿇어앉아 있습니다and he's kneeling in the yard with Ae-sin.
1:57혼인도 차일피일 미루더니 종국에는 이 사달입
They kept postponing the wedding, and now
this has happened.
2:00일본에서 보낸 세월이 있으니He spent quite some time in Japan,
2:02개화니 신문물이니 집안끼리의 약조가 우습겠
so the old ways and family arrangements now
probably mean nothing to him.
2:06애신이야 옳다구나 했을 테고요I'm sure Ae-sin didn't object.
2:10(희성말씀 올리기 송구하오나 전 그 여인이
마음에 안 듭니다
Forgive me for saying this, but she is not to
my liking.
2:14(애신마음에 품은 다른 이가 있습니다There is another man in my heart.
2:17(조씨내다보시지도 마세요아버님Don't even bother to look outside.
2:19저것들이 어디 감히 어른들이 약조한 정혼을
자기들 마음대로
How dare they try to break off an arranged
2:22이참에 단단히 혼을 내셔야 합니다You should give them an earful instead.
2:27(애신그 나쁜 마음이란 게 무엇이오?What do you mean by something bad?
2:29나를 믿지 그랬소Why couldn't you trust me?
2:32나를 믿지 못하겠거든You could have at least
2:33우리가 유예하자 했던 그 약조라도 믿었어야지believed in the arrangement we came up with.
2:36납채서는 오고 있고The letter was on its way.

2:39어떻게든 막아야 했소I had to stop it at any cause.
2:42이리 무모하게By being reckless?
2:44(희성이건 집안과 집안의 약조요 시간을 들여
This was arranged by our families. We
needed to take our time
2:50깨야 하는 문제요in order to break it.
2:54그 나쁜 마음이So what you meant by something bad
2:58혼인이 아니라는 얘기요?wasn't about getting married?
3:05꽃을 보는 방법은 두 가지요There are two ways to see flowers.
3:08(희성꺾어서 화병에 꽂거나You either put some in a vase,
3:10꽃을 만나러or set out
3:13길을 나서거나to meet them along a path.
3:15나는I choose
3:20그 길을 나서 보려 하오to do the latter.
3:23이건 나에게 아주 나쁜 마음이오That will be unpleasant on my end
3:26내가 나선 길에for there won't be
3:29꽃은 피어 있지 않을 테니any flowers along the path I choose.
3:38파혼해 주겠소I will break off the engagement.
3:41늦게 걸음 한 벌을 이리 받나 보오I guess I'm being punished for making you
wait too long.
3:47미안하오 (희성그대 걱정만 하시오-I'm sorry. -Just worry about yourself.
3:49파혼을 하면 그대에게 흠이 될 거요Once it's broken off, you will be frowned upon.
3:53난 그걸 원하오That is what I want.
4:01나에게 시간을 좀 주겠소?Would you be able to give me more time?
4:03준비하는 일이 있어서 그것만 정리되면I've been working on something, so when that
is done,
4:08당신이 원하는as you wish,
4:12흠 있는 여인으로 만들어 줄 테니I will make you a flawed woman.
4:17나를 믿어 주겠소?Do I have your trust?
4:25그대의 첫 긍정을So this is how I get
4:28이런 식으로 받는구려my first approval from you.
4:32(집사아이도련님!Young master!
4:35아이도련님 돌아오지 않으셔서 와 봤더니I got worried when you didn't return.
4:39이게 무슨What is going on
4:40이 좋은 날 대체 여기서 어찌 이러고 계십니까What is going on when it's supposed to be a
joyous day?
4:43(희성상황은 내 추후에 직접 말씀드릴 테니I will inform my parents later myself,
4:46어른들께 가 보니 내가 빈관으로 돌아갔다 전
해 주게
so please tell them that I have returned to the
4:51지금 것은 비밀에 부쳐 주고 알아들었는가?What you saw stays between us. Do you
4:55말씀은 알아들었는데... - (희성그럼 가게I hear you, but-- Then go.

5:02(집사도련님Yes, young master.
5:05(애신함께 가는 게 좋겠소You should go with him.
5:07어른들 걱정하실 걸 생각 못 했소I forgot that your parents will be worried.
5:10그럼If I do,
5:12그대 벌이 안 끝나니까your punishment won't end.
5:15(희성일단 그대 벌부터 끝냅시다Let's end yours first.
5:17식솔들도 구해 내고Same goes for Ms. Haman and Mr.
5:20어른들은 늘 핑계가 필요하시니Elders always like a good excuse.
5:30내가 쓰러지면 크게 고하여 주겠느냐?Once I pass out, please let them know in a
loud voice.
5:38그대는 나를 좀 받치시오Could you catch me?
5:45(종섬마님안방마님!My lady! Lady Cho!
5:47도련님이 쓰러지셨습니다! [문이 벌컥 열린다]Young Master Hui-seong has collapsed!
5:51말씀하시던 중에 갑자기 휙 넘어가셨습니다He was fine one minute, but then he suddenly
passed out.
5:55이를 어째Oh, dear.
5:57몸이 저리 약해서야A man shouldn't be that feeble.
6:00(조씨돌쇠는 가서 광문 열어 주거라Dol-soe, open the door to the shed.
6:02함안댁은 약방에 좀 다녀오라 하고Tell Ms. Haman to head to the pharmacy.
6:04아범은...Tell Mr. Haengrang...
6:08업고 가라 일러라Tell him to carry the young master.
6:18고맙소Thank you.
6:25내가 다리 저린 건 참겠는데 허기는 도저히 못
I can endure the numbness in my legs, but not
my hunger.
6:36자네들도 고생 많았네드시게You both did well. Dig in.
6:40(행랑아범참말로 의원에 안 가 보셔도 되시겄
Are you sure about not seeing a doctor?
6:43괜찮다니까I said I'm fine.
6:45어르신께는Tell Lord Go
6:47약은 지어 줬다 하고 빈관까지 업어다 준 걸로that I had medicine prescribed and that you
carried me to the hotel.
6:52말 맞추세Let's agree on that story.
6:54안방마님께서 믿으시겄습니까But Lady Cho will never buy that.
6:56제가 뭔 힘이 있다고 빈관까정I'm not strong enough to carry you to the
6:59함안댁이 업어다 준 걸로 하시지요You should say that it was Ms. Haman.
7:01[희성의 웃음] (행랑아범그러면 싹 설득력이
생겨 붕께
She'll find that more plausible.
7:03(함안댁아이고저기 참으로 업어다 드리
I'll actually give you a piggy-back ride to the
7:08아이고내가 백번이라도 업어다 드려야지요I most certainly should.

7:13내 그리 안돼 보이는가Do you take that much pity on me?
7:15아이고어데예It's not like that.
7:20누구 하나 잘된 사람이 없어 보여 갖고I just feel like you've all been drawing short
7:25(함안댁애기씨도도련님도Lady Ae-sin, you,
7:28그 공사관 나리도and even that acting consul...
7:30제 눈에는 쓸쓸해 보여예You all look lonely in my eyes.
7:46[여학생들이 재잘거린다] (여학생1) 엄청 하얘,
우리랑 다르게 생겼어
Gosh, look at those hats.
7:49(여학생2) 진짜 하얘Here they come.
8:09"봄을 맞아 새로이 학생을 모집하오"IT'S SPRING AND WE'RE LOOKING FOR
9:03(희성) [한국어약방에서 마주칠 뻔했구려We almost crossed paths at the pharmacy.
9:06나도 약방에 갈 뻔했는데I could've ended up there myself.
9:08(유진어디가 안 좋은 모양이오 온통 다 안 좋
-Are you unwell? -I'm aching everywhere,
9:11방금 더 안 좋아졌고and it got worse just now.
9:13(희성내게 나쁜 소식이Since what I consider as bad news
9:15304호에겐 좋은 소식일 수 있겠다 싶어서Since what I consider as bad news might
actually be good news for you.
9:22첫 번째는First,
9:24나도 이제 304호만큼 알게 됐다는 거요I now know as much as you do.
9:26우리 집안의 잘못과I know what my family did
9:30304호의 비극에 대해and the tragedy that happened to yours.
9:34사과는 하지 않을 거요아직은I won't apologize. Not yet anyway.
9:38기대하지 않았소I wasn't expecting it.
9:40(희성Why not?
9:42피는 못 속이니까?Because it's in my blood?
9:44굳이 지금이 아니어도 언젠가 할 사람이니까No, because you will someday even if it's not
9:48(유진첫 번째가 있으면 두 번째도 있소?You said "first," so there must be a second.
9:54두 번째는Secondly,
9:57그 여인에 대한 소식을 나는 항상 그대들보다
늦게 알았는데
I always seemed to be one step behind to find
out news about that lady,
10:01이번만은 내가 제일 빨랐다는 거요but I beat you two this time.
10:03하나 말해 주지 않을 거요But I won't tell you what it's about
10:06이 소식만큼은because I wish
10:10304호가 가장 늦길 바라서that you'll be the last one to find out about this
10:35(히나약은 달여 드리겠습니다Let me brew your medicine.
10:38뜨거운 물에 우려 발을 담그는 거요 수미에게
전해 주시오
It's for a foot bath. Please give it to Su-mi.

10:41제 거는요?What about me?
10:46반씩 쓰시오You can take half of it.
10:49지난번 일은 죄송했습니다I'm sorry about last time.
10:55(히나눈감아 주셔서 고마웠고요I appreciate you letting it pass.
10:57이정문 대감에게 무슨 약점이라도 잡힌 거요?Does Lord Lee Jeong-mun hold something
over you?
11:00(유진매번 그의 일을 돕는 듯한데You always seem to be helping him.
11:02약점이라면 약점이고I guess you can say that,
11:05공생이라면 공생인데but it could also be a symbiotic relationship.
11:07[긴장되는 음악] (애신내게 맡기시오내가 빠
를 거요
Let me handle it. It'll be faster.
11:11(히나무슨 일...What's the matter?
11:12친우분이 또 방문해 주셨네요I see that your friend is here again.
11:16(히나지난번 방문하셨던 친우분과는 공생입
Same goes for me and your friend from last
11:19서로 쥐고 있는 것이 확실해서 궁금하실 것 같
I thought you'd be curious of our
11:23궁금했소I was.
11:24(유진서로 놀라지 않으니 내가 놀랐소I was startled by how neither of you flinched.
11:27그 친우분이 곧 혼인을 하실 모양입니다That friend of yours is getting married soon.
11:31그게 무슨... (히나좀 전에 희성 상 손에 들린
-What do you mean-- -The letter in Hui
seong's hand
11:34혼인할 때 신랑 댁에서 보내는 납채서입니다is the one sent by a groom's family to the
11:42내 친우에게 정혼자가 있다는 사실을 자주 잊
I frequently forget that my friend is engaged.
11:46고맙소Thank you.
12:04(애신일전에 귀하가 내게 물었었소You asked me once
12:08혼인을 하는 거냐고about my engagement.
12:11막연히 짐작만 해 오던 일을I never found it to be quite real,
12:15그때부터 생각을 해 보았소but your inquiry had me thinking.
12:19혼인을 깬다면 어찌 될까What will happen if I break off the
12:25쫓겨날지도 모르겠다I might be disavowed.
12:28그러면 나는 상해로 가야지Then I'll head to Shanghai.
12:31(애신그곳에서도 조선을 지키는 길이 있겠지Even there, there must be something I can do
to protect Joseon.
12:36아버님의 동지들을 만날 수도 있겠지Maybe I could meet some of my father's
12:41?What about me?
12:42귀하는 미국으로 돌아가지 않았겠소You probably would've returned to America
12:46그때쯤이면by then.

12:51상상할 때는 귀하가 내 곁에 없었는데You were never part of my "what if' scenario,
12:55오늘은 있소but you are today.
12:59그거면 됐소That is more than enough.
13:07(유진통성명악수포옹Exchange of names, handshake, hug.
13:12그다음은What comes next
13:15그리움인 모양이오must be longing.
13:46들어오시오Come on in.
14:03(유진살아 있나 확인하러 온 거요?Are you here to see if I'm alive?
14:05심부름도 있고I'm also here on an errand.
14:08여기 안 어울리는 게 붙어 있소You have something there that doesn't quite
suit you.
14:15빈손으로 오기 뭐해서 가지시오I couldn't come empty handed, could I?
14:21은산 아재가 주라던데Eun-san told me to give you this.
14:25서운하게 뭘 이렇게까지 선을 그으시나It's upsetting to know where he draws the line.
14:32(승구황은산이정문Hwang Eun-san and Lee Jeong-mun.
14:34둘 다 아주 냉정하기로는 조선에서 1, 2등이오Hwang Eun-san and Lee Jeong-mun. No one
in Joseon is as cold-hearted as them.
14:37근데 왜 심부름을 해 주는 거요?Then why be his errand boy?
14:39난 마음이 약하니까Because I'm a gentle soul.
14:41(승구그 움막에 미군이 또 왔다 갔다던데I heard the American soldier came by the hut
14:46못 보던 총도 있고-He even left a gun I'm not familiar with. -It
was my gift to Lady Ae-sin.
14:47내가 애기씨한테 선물한 거요 가르치기도 했고-He even left a gun I'm not familiar with. -It
was my gift to Lady Ae-sin. I taught her how to
use it.
14:51(승구가르칠 것이 없을 것이오I'm sure there was nothing to teach
14:55스승이 워낙 훌륭해서since she had one heck of a mentor.
14:58기본기가 탄탄하실 테니까Her basic skills are flawless.
15:00(유진작전을 바꾸셨소?Is this a new tactic of yours?
15:04약 올려 죽이기로?Teasing me to death?
15:05애기씨께 총포술을 십 년쯤 가르쳤소I've been teaching her how to shoot for 10
years now.
15:10(승구그 세월 동안 총 하나 배운다고Just for the sake of learning gunnery,
15:13댁에서 움막까지 그 먼 거리를she made the long trip from her house
15:17사람들 눈을 피하느라 돌아 돌아to the hut to not get caught.
15:21돌부리에 걸려 깨지고 나뭇가지에 긁혀 피가
She'd trip on rocks and scratch herself on
15:27힘든 내색 한 번 안 내비치면서but she never once complained.
15:32그쪽에게 가는 길 또한 그러실 거요Her road to you will also be that rough.
15:37바다보다 먼 길이 그쪽이랍디다She says you're further away than the sea.

15:43그 멀고 먼 길을 가시겠답니다she insists on making her way to you.
15:50그 길이 얼마나 험할지 내 알아서I know how tough the journey will be,
15:53막아서 보기도 하고 혼도 내 보는데so I have tried to stop her and have scolded
15:58결국 갈 길이면If she must go though,
16:01애기씨 가시는 길이 어디든 꼭 거기 서 계시오wherever that may be, I hope you'll be there
for her.
16:08전엔 안 된다더니Weren't you against us before?
16:10나 아니어도 안 된다 할 사람 천지일 테니Even if I am not, many will disapprove of your
16:13난 좋은 사람인 척하려고so I'd rather be the good guy.
16:17(승구둘이Also, I feel bad
16:19퍽 불쌍하기도 하고for the both of you.
16:39() [어눌한 말투로스승님 상Master, this is the last bottle.
16:40이거 이제 마지막 병입니다없어Master, this is the last bottle. There's no more.
16:49이제야 이 밍밍한 게But I just got to enjoy
16:53뭔 맛인지 알겠는데the bland taste of this.
16:55형님이 올 때 또 가져온다 했습니다He said he'd bring more when he comes back.
17:03안 가져오지 싶다I doubt he will.
17:05(?Why not?
17:06이거 맥주 많이 비쌉니까?Is the beer expensive?
17:10그랬나 보다I guess so.
17:12이런 밍밍한 거 챙겨 들고 온 그 진심은It must've been sincerity that made him bring
these to me.
17:18값이 얼마나 하려나I wonder if I can put a price on that.
17:32말해 보게Tell me.
17:34애신이는 제게 다른 정인이 있다고 하던데Ae-sin said that her heart belongs to another.
17:40사실인가?Is that true?
17:41대감마님My lord,
17:45(사홍그렇지!I knew it!
17:47(사홍자네들이 모를 리 없지!I knew you were in this together!
17:48일이 이 지경이 될 때까지 자네들은 대체 뭘 한
How could you two let it get this far?
17:54지켜만 본 겐가?Did you stand by and do nothing?
17:56아니면 도왔어?Did you aid her?
17:58저이들은 죄가 없습니다They are not to blame.
18:01그저 제가 시키는 대로만 했습니다All they did was follow my orders.
18:03너는 입이 백 개라도 할 말이 없고!You are in no position to speak!
18:07(사홍내게는 알렸어야지 내게는 고했어야지!You should've told me. You should've at least
informed me.

18:11장 포수에게 보낸 것도 나였고I let you train with Gunner Jang,
18:13네가 학당에 다니는 것도 내 눈감아 주었다and I looked the other way when you went to
18:16하면 너 또한 한 번쯤은 물러나야지It's only fair that you also make sacrifices too
18:21져 줘야지and follow others' wishes.
18:22혼인을 해서 지아비를 방패 삼아Take a husband and let him shield you from
the world
18:27네 살길을 도모하란 말이다as you find your way to live.
18:30싫습니다I don't want to.
18:33(애신정녕 싫습니다I loathe the idea.
18:36제가 살 길은 제 의지대로 결정하고 싶습니다I wish to decide how I get to live on my terms.
18:43이런 벽창우를 보았나Why must you be so stubborn?
18:47(사홍네가 혼인을 안 하겠다 할 줄은 알았다
I knew you'd be against the wedding,
18:50이리 나를 돌파하겠다 나올 줄은 몰랐다but I didn't think you'd try to go through me.
18:54다른 사내가 있다 하였느냐?You said there was another man.
18:57나는 믿을 수 없다I don't believe you,
18:59하니 그자를 내 눈앞에 데려다 놔라so have him stand here before me.
19:03그자도 네 생각과 같은지 너처럼 이리 무모한
Are his thoughts the same as yours and is he
just as reckless?
19:07내 눈으로 직접 봐야겠다I must check myself.
19:10그와는 상관없습니다This has nothing to do with him.
19:13제가 그리 결심한 것입니다This is a decision I made on my own.
19:20방패가 없어도 될 만큼 저를 단련했습니다I have trained to the point where I don't need
a shield.
19:25그 사람 역시도 제 방패로 삼지 않을 겁니다I don't intend to use him as one in any way.
19:31그저 사는 동안For as long as I live,
19:34제 마음에만 담고I just wish to give him my heart.
19:37네가 정녕 미친 것이 아니냐!Have you gone completely insane?
19:42(사홍더는 듣기도 싫다!I will not have any of this!
19:45그자를 내 앞에 데려다 놓기 전에는Before you bring him to me,
19:48넌 오늘부터 단 한 발짝도you will be confined to this residence.
19:52학당은 물론이거니와 장 포수에게도 일절 못
I forbid you to take classes at the school or
train with Gunner Jang.
19:56알아들었느냐!Do you understand?
20:15(함안댁아이고내 몬 산다 아이고내가 뭐라
Gosh, this is crazy. What did I say?
20:18욕도 밥 묵어 가면서 묵어야 한다 했어예안 했
I told you that you must eat well even just to
put up with the scolding.
20:21아이고참 밥숟갈은 들지도 않고 참말로My gosh, you haven't been eating at all.
20:24뭐 잘한 게 있다고I do not deserve to eat.

20:28미안하네자네들까지I am sorry I ended up putting the two of you
through that.
20:33(애신혹여 할아버님께서 따로 물으시거든...If Grandfather asks you privately--
20:36(함안댁우리가 뭐바보 천치입니까We're not fools.
20:38대감마님께는 일절 암말 안 하죠우덜이We obviously won't say anything to Lord Go.
20:42고맙네Thank you.
20:49대감마님께는 일절 암말 안 하죠우덜이We certainly won't say anything to Lord Go,
20:52우리가 뭐바보 천치입니까We are not fools.
21:00무슨 일이오두 분이 여기까지 오실 일이...What's going on? What brings the two of you
21:03(행랑아범일이 있지큰일이 있지Something is going on. We have a big
21:06우리 대감마님께서 아주 날벼락을 맞았지Lord Go has been hit with unexpected,
distressing news.
21:08애기씨께서 본인 맴에 다른 정인이 있다Lady Ae-sin said that she has another man
other than her fiancé in her heart
21:12해서 나는 혼인 못 한다 선언하시는 바람에...and that she cannot get married. -She
announced that-- -It was a thoughtless
21:14(함안댁망언이라예-She announced that-- -It was a thoughtless
21:17망언하시는 바람에 집안 꼴이 개차반이여
Because of that thoughtless remark, everyone
in the family is utterly distressed.
21:21(희성그 여인에 대한 소식을 나는 항상 그대
들보다 늦게 알았는데
I always seemed to be one step behind to find
out news about that lady,
21:25이번만은 내가 제일 빨랐다는 거요but I beat you two this time.
21:27하나 말해 주지 않을 거요But I won't tell you what it's about
21:29이 소식만큼은 304호가 가장 늦길 바라서because I wish that you'll be the last one to
find out about this one.
21:35대감마님은 그놈 데려와라 성화시고Lord Go keeps hounding Lady Ae-sin to bring
that man,
21:38(함안댁애기씨는 한 보도 물러날 맴이 없으시
but she is certainly unwilling to give in.
21:41이러다가 사람 잡아예One of them might fall ill at this rate.
21:44같이 가입시다Please come with us.
21:46잠시 지나는 바람이었다고 그러니 걱정하지 마
Say that you're just like a wind that's passing
through and that he has nothing to worry
21:50곧 떠날 기라고Tell him that you'll leave soon.
21:53대감마님한테 한마디만 해 주이소Please just say that to Lord Go.
21:56이래 부탁합니다I beg you.
22:02(행랑아범대감마님My lord.
22:09(사홍미군이 내 집에 또 무슨 일인가What brings an American soldier to my house
22:18절 찾으신다 하여 왔습니다I heard you asked for me, sir.

22:20(사홍내가 무슨 연유로 미군을...Why would I ask for an American soldier...
22:27아범은 주위를 물리고 함안댁은 애신이를 데려
Mr. Haengrang, tell everyone to give us some
privacy. Ms. Haman, you go and bring Ae-sin.
22:41자네였나?So, was it you?
22:43애신이가 말한 그자가 자네란 말인가Are you that man Ae-sin told me about?
22:49Yes, sir.
22:51접니다I am that man.
23:02(사홍지금부터 내 물음에 사과도 변명도 말고I am going to ask you a question. I do not
wish to hear an apology or an excuse.
23:08즉답만 하게Simply answer my question.
23:09애신이가 자네를 마음에 뒀다는데Ae-sin told me that she has let you into her
23:13사실인가?Is it true?
23:16사실입니다Yes, it is true.
23:17또한 같은 마음인가?Then do you feel the same way about her?
23:20같은 마음입니다Yes, I do.
23:25(사홍나는 도저히 이해할 수가 없다I cannot understand for the life of me.
23:28이자는 대체 무엇인가?Who is this man?
23:30피를 갈아 새 피를 넣은 것도 아니고It's not like the blood he was born with was
completely removed.
23:33조선인이 어찌 양인이 된다는 말이냐How could a Joseon man become American?
23:36나라를 판 겐가?Did you betray Joseon?
23:37살기 위해 조선을 떠났고I left Joseon in order to survive.
23:39(유진미국인이 되기 위해 미군이 되었습니다Then I joined the US Army in order to become
23:44살아남아야 했고I had to survive,
23:46살아남아and I did survive.
23:48조선 발령을 명받아 조선에 왔습니다I was deployed to Joseon, and that's why I
23:51(사홍미군은 조선의 침략군이다The American army invaded our land in the
23:55어떻게 네가 내 앞에 이런 자를 데려다 놓을 수
있단 말이냐
How dare you bring a man like this to me?
24:00미국을 조국이라 하는 자를He calls America his homeland.
24:02조선의 이권을 앗아 가는 침략군의 앞에 선 이
He stands at the forefront of the invaders who
are on our soil to steal from us.
24:07넌 대체 이런 자와 뭘 하겠다는 것이냐What on earth do you wish to do with a man
like this?
24:10같이 죽자는 게냐?Do you wish to die with him?
24:11(애신같이I want
24:14살자는 것입니다both of us to live.
24:16살려는 것입니다I'm trying to live.
24:20어불성설이다How preposterous.

24:22(유진미군은 침략군이 맞습니다America did invade Joseon.
24:25하나 저는 조선이 안전하길 바랍니다However, I want Joseon to be safe.
24:29진심일 리 없다He must not mean it.
24:31(사홍미국 군복을 입은 자가 어찌 조선을 걱
정한단 말인가
How could a man in an American soldier
uniform be concerned with the safety of
24:37아주 오래전에I think
24:40어르신을 뵌 적이 있는 듯합니다I actually met you a long time ago, sir.
24:42(사홍땅을 보고 살거라하늘은 멀다Your eyes should be glued to the ground. The
sky is too high for you.
24:45(사홍종놈 눈길이 멀면 '종놈 눈길이 멀면'-If slaves look or aim high, -"If slaves look or
aim high...
24:49(사홍명이 짧은 법이다they tend to die young.
24:50'명이 짧은 법이다'...they tend to die young."
24:53(유진제가 조선을 떠나기 전 한 어르신께서
해 주신 말씀입니다
It's an advice a nobleman gave me before I
left Joseon.
24:57이리 다시 뵙습니다We meet again like this, sir.
25:00(어린 유진소인도 압니다I know that, sir.
25:11너는 알고 있었느냐?Were you aware
25:13이자의 출신을?of his origin?
25:15그걸 알고도... - (애신그의 출신은-If you knew, how could you-- -That is
25:18그의 잘못은 아닙니다not his fault.
25:21(애신저에게 오는 한 걸음 한 걸음이 멀었을
Every step toward me must have been
extremely difficult to take.
25:25저 역시 그에게 달려가 보며 알았습니다I learned how far it must have felt only when I
decided to run to him.
26:08네가 어찌How could you
26:11내게 이런 모욕을 주느냐humiliate me like this?
26:14(사홍반가의 여식이A noble lady
26:16마음에 사내를 품은 것도 기함할 노릇인데falling for a man other than her fiancé is
outrageous enough,
26:19어찌 저런 자를but why him of all men?
26:22내 손녀 입에서 이런 말이 나올 줄 알았다면Had I known I would ever hear such a thing
from my own granddaughter,
26:25칼을 물고 엎어졌을 것을I would have taken my life a long ago.
26:30넌 정혼을 깨더라도 저자에게는 못 간다Even if you break off your engagement, you
cannot be with him.
26:35내 눈에 흙이 들어가도 넌 저자에게 못 간다!I will not allow you to be with him until the day

I die.
26:39이 할아비에게 그 꼴까지 보여서는 안 된다!You must not put me through that disaster.
26:44평생 홀로 늙거라Don't get married and grow old all alone.
26:46앞으로 네 생은 절간 같을 것이다You will be excruciatingly lonely for the rest of
your life.
26:50그것이 네 선택의 결과다!That is the outcome of your choice.
26:56그리하겠습니다Okay, I will do as you say.
28:02아까는 가라더니You told me to leave.
28:04[가쁜 숨을 몰아쉬며이리...I...
28:08이리 빨리 갔을 줄은 몰라서didn't think you'd be this fast.
28:13그래야 되는 줄 알고I thought I had to be.
28:16잘 가라는 인사를 못 해서I didn't even say goodbye to you.
28:23그것 때문에 이리 뛰어온 거요담을 넘어서Is that why you ran here and even jumped
over the wall?
28:27언제 또 볼지 몰라서I didn't know when I could see you again.
29:20(애신할아버님을Please try to understand
29:24이해해 주시오my grandfather.
29:27외려 감사하오I'm actually grateful.
29:30이렇게라도 볼 수 있게 해 주셔서Thanks to him, I got to see you.
29:34(유진닮았던데You take after him.
29:36귀하가 누굴 닮아 이리 멋진가 했더니I always wondered who taught you to be such
a wonderful person.
29:45들어가시오You should get back.
29:50또 봅시다I'll see you again soon.
29:58[울먹이며조심히 가시오Get back safely.
31:08(애신이런 순간도 상상해 보았소 (유진바닷
가에 오는 거 말이오
-I've imagined a moment like this too. -Coming
to a beach together?
31:13(애신아니이리 귀하와 나란히 걷는 거 말이
No. Walking with you like this.
31:23어느 날은 매일 걷던 익숙한 거리를 걸어가다And one day, we can be walking on a street
we're familiar with
31:28귀하가 떠나왔던 뉴욕의 거리까지 가 보는 거
and go all the way to New York, where you
used to live.
31:53(애신그곳에선 남녀가 나란히 걸어도Can a man and a woman walk together side
by side there?
31:57아무도 쳐다보지 않소?Nobody would stare at them?
32:01(유진모두가 쳐다볼 거요Everyone would stare at us
32:04그대와 내가 퍽 잘 어울려서because we look quite lovely together.
32:48(애신나는 그곳에서 공부도 하오I can study there.
32:51(유진뭘 배우고 있소?What would you study?
32:53(애신세계가 얼마나 큰지 지구는 정말 둥근지How vast the world is, if the earth is truly

32:58별은 어디로 떠서 어떻게 지는지and how the stars rise and set.
33:03공부가 끝나면 나는 [사람들이 경쾌한 곡을 연
그대가 있는 곳을 향해 걷소
After class, I'd walk toward where you are.
33:08(유진난 무엇을 하고 있소?What would I be doing?
33:10(애신나를 보고 있지You'd be looking at me.
33:13(유진분수대에 앉아서Sitting by the fountains.
33:17(애신웃으며 내게 손을 흔들고 있소You're waving your hand with a big smile on
your face.
33:21나는 잠깐 수줍고I blush for a moment,
33:26오랫동안 행복하오but the happy feeling lasts a long time.
33:32어느 날에는One day...
33:38(애신함께 뮤직 박스 가게에도 갔었소We even visited a shop that sells music
33:46우리가 좋아하는 음이 울려 퍼지고The melody that we like echoed in the street,
33:51우리는 한참을 그 앞에 서 있소and we stood there for quite a while.
33:58(유진그리고 또 무엇을 하오?What else did we do?
34:02(애신해가 지고The sun went down,
34:05우린 헤어지오and we parted ways.
34:17(애신서양의 연인들은I heard that this is
34:19헤어질 때 이리 인사를 한다던데what lovers here do when they part ways.
34:52'굿바이말고Let's not say that.
34:57'시 유'라고 합시다"See you" would be better.
35:43또 봅시다I'll see you again soon.
36:11(히나못 찾고 계시지 않습니까제 어미But you have not found my mother.
36:15혹 이미 찾아 놓으셨던 겁니까?Did you find her a long ago but never told me?
36:20개자식That son of a bitch.
36:34아씨밑에서 인력거가 기다리고 있습니다Madam. A rickshaw is waiting for you outside.
36:44(히나봄꽃이 한창이니Flowers are in full bloom now.
36:46나들이도 하실 듯하여 준비해 보았습니다I figured you could use it for your spring
36:48(엄비곱구나It is beautiful.
36:51마음에 든다I like it very much.
36:56궁에는 오랜만에 들었지?This must be your first visit at the palace in a
long time.
36:58지난가을 접견례 때 뵙고 금년엔 처음입니다I had an audience with you last autumn. It is
my first visit this year.
37:02서양 술의 음용법을 익혔던 게 기억이 난다I remember you taught me how to enjoy
Western liquors.
37:06(엄비내 금일 너를 부른 것은I summoned you because you are
37:09궁 밖 사정에 훤하고 가감 없이 전해 줄 이가 너
the only person who is knowledgeable about
what is going on outside the palace and can
be candid with me.

37:14하문하시지요마마Ask away, Your Highness.
37:16대관절 제일 은행권이 무엇이관데What are the notes issued by Dai-Ichi Bank?
37:20일본은 발행해서 쓰기를 고집하고Why does Japan demand that we use them?
37:23왜 폐하께선 재차 물리시는 게냐And why does His Majesty keep refusing their
37:25(엄비폐하께서 나날이 근심을 더하시니His Majesty is growing more concerned each
37:28내 근심 또한 이루 말할 수가 없구나I am very concerned for him.
37:31아주 쉽게 말씀드리겠습니다I will put it in simple terms for you.
37:34(히나일본이 발행하는 제일 은행권은 조선에
서만 쓰이는 화폐로
The notes issued by Dai-Ichi Bank is used as
a currency only in Joseon.
37:38그 은행권이 조선 밖을 나가면 밑을 닦기에도
They are worth nothing outside the borders of
Joseon. They are too rough to even wipe your
bottom with.
37:43조선에서만 가치 있는 일본 종이나 진배없습니
They are pieces of Japanese paper that are
only valuable in Joseon.
37:47앞으로 제일 은행권이 지속적으로 통용이 된다
If the notes continue to be circulated
throughout the country,
37:51머지않아 일본은 조선의 화폐와 물자를 끌어모
을 것이고
Japan will soon gather a large sum of
Joseon's money and goods,
37:55조선의 재정은 바닥이 날 것이니and Joseon's coffers will be drained.
37:57종국엔 일본 제일 은행이In other words, Dai-Ichi Bank of Japan
38:00대한 제국의 중앙은행 기능을 수행할 것입니다will eventually become the central bank of the
Korean Empire.
38:04기어이 대한의 경제를 집어삼키려 드는구나So, they want complete control over our
38:08내 학당을 만들고자 하는 이유도 이래서다This is precisely why I wish to build a school.
38:11어찌 사내들만 나라 걱정을 하겠느냐Men can't be the only ones worrying about the
future of our country.
38:15(엄비이가 완익이 외부대신에 오른 것은 알고
You must be aware that Lee Wan-ik is now the
Minister of Foreign Affairs.
38:21마마Yes, Your Highness.
38:22그자는 독사의 혀를 가진 자다That man has a tongue of a venomous snake.
38:25(엄비금일도 정전에서는 은행권에 관한 논의
가 있는 모양이던데
Even today, I think there is a discussion going
on at the main palace about the bank bills.
38:30내 걱정이 크구나I am very concerned.
38:32[긴장되는 음악] (대신폐하 한반도에 전운이
감돌고 있사옵니다
Your Majesty, war clouds are hanging over our
38:37군대를 철수하겠다던 아라사가 남하를 계속한
If Russia, who promised to withdraw its army,
continues to move southward,
38:41일본 측도 발끈할 텐데it will enrage Japan.
38:43이깟 화폐로!It is merely a currency.
38:45그들의 화를 보탤 필요가 없사옵니다There is no need to further enrage the

38:49정부의 입장은 누차 같사옵니다The government's stance on the issue
remains the same.
38:52(정문제일 은행은 일본 정부의 승인만 얻어Dai-Ichi Bank issued the bank notes
38:54통보도 없이 은행권을 발행했습니다without notifying us or even seeking our
38:58이것은 엄연한 화폐 주권 침탈이옵니다This is clearly considered infringement upon
our sovereignty.
39:01(완익말끝마다 주권주권 하는데You keep talking about our sovereignty,
39:04그건 죽자죽자 하는 소리나 진배없습네다but it's no different from saying that all of us
should just die together.
39:08백성들 생각도 하셔야디요We should think about the people of this
39:12제일 은행권 해금을 위해 군함도 정박하는 일
The Japanese even brought their warship
over to make us release the bank notes.
39:17이 핑계로 이참에 군함은 왔겠다Their warship is already here.
39:20군대까지 밀고 들어오면 답이 없습네다폐하We'll be doomed if they decide to bring an
army next, Your Majesty.
39:24(정문아니 되옵니다폐하We cannot allow it, Your Majesty.
39:26통촉하여 주시옵소서I beg you to reconsider.
39:28(완익전쟁이라도 나면What if a war breaks out?
39:30애꿎은 백성들만 또 다 뒈져 나가지 않갔습네
Countless innocent people will lose their lives.
39:34통촉하여 주시디요폐하I beg you to allow it, Your Majesty.
39:37(고종경의 말은 옳다What you said is right.
39:39옳으나 공허하다However, it is hollow.
39:44경의 말은 선명하다What you said is very clear.
39:47선명하니 사납다And for that reason, it is ferocious.
39:51제일 은행권 발행과 준비금 상황 등을 매년 조
사하는 조건 아래
On the condition that we inspect the funds
and the issuance of Dai-Ichi Bank's notes
39:57제일 은행권 통용 금지령을 해제하라we will lift the ban on Dai-Ichi Bank's notes.
40:03(정문폐하!Your Majesty.
40:05(완익성은이 망극하옵네다폐하Thank you for your grace, Your Majesty.
40:13(정 경무사이거 보시오 나 느늙은 노모가
나 지금
Gosh, look. Let go of me first. What did I...
40:24(동매오랜만에 뵙습니다나리It's been a while, sir.
40:27제가 궁금한 게 좀 있어서 이렇게 모셔 봤는데There's something I'd like to know. That's why
I told them to bring you.
40:32무슨 일 때문에 이러시오?What... What is it about?
40:37뭐가 궁금해서What do you want to know?
40:38그때 나리께서 저한테That day,
40:40고사홍 어르신 함자를 불라고 하신 거 말입니
You told me that I must say Lord Go Sa-hong
put me up to it.
40:43기억나십니까?Do you remember?

40:44그것이 내내 뜻이 아니라...Well, that was... That wasn't coming from me.
40:49(동매압니다이완익 대감이 시킨 거I know. Lord Lee Wan-ik must've ordered you
to do that.
40:55한데 이완익 대감은 왜 하필 고사홍 대감을 노
But why was he after Lord Go of all people?
41:00소인 그게 궁금해서That's what I'd like to know.
41:04그러게 말이오You're right.
41:06왜 그랬을까요...I wonder why. Oh, gosh.
41:08(동매그것도 모르시고 제게 그리 용감하게 구
신 거면
How gutsy. You tortured me like that without
even knowing the reason?
41:11저 깜짝 놀랍니다I'm impressed.
41:14그것이Well, that's...
41:16(정 경무사나도 시켜서 한 일이라 자세히는
I only did what I was told to do. I don't know
41:18(동매시키니까 하는 일치고는 내가 너무 아프
게 맞았는데
For someone who was simply ordered, you
beat me up too brutally.
41:26[말을 더듬거리며잠깐만잠깐만Wait, hold on.
41:29내가 우체사 총판에게서 들은 이야기가 있소I heard something from the director of the
postal service office.
41:32(정 경무사고사홍 대감이 각지에 서신을 보내
려 했다고
Apparently, Lord Go wanted to send letters to
a bunch of people.
41:35그것 때문일 거요확실해That must've been the reason. I'm sure of it.
41:49(윤 총판아이...My gosh! Goodness.
41:53[떨리는 목소리로아니이게 무슨 짓인가Well, what on earth is this about?
41:57제가 여기 있고I'm here, and I'm sure you can see what
happened to his face.
41:58(동매이 나리 얼굴이 이렇게 됐으면 뻔한 거
I'm here, and I'm sure you can see what
happened to his face. Isn't it obvious?
42:04그럼 이제 두 나리 말씀을 합쳐 볼까요?All right, then. Now, let's put together your
42:09'고사홍 대감께서'"Lord Go Sa-hong tried to send letters to a
bunch of people."
42:10'각지에 서신을 보내려 했다'까지 이쪽에서 말
"Lord Go Sa-hong tried to send letters to a
bunch of people." That's what he just told me.
42:19(정 경무사어서 설명해 주게어서Go on. Tell him. Hurry up.
42:25(윤 총판그것이...Well, what happened was...
42:29고사홍 대감 댁 행랑아범이 와서Mr. Haengrang who works for Lord Go's family
came by
42:31전국 각지의 선비들에게 보낼 서신을 맡겼소and dropped off letters for scholars all over
the country.
42:34나는 그걸 이완익 대감께 보고를 했고I reported it to Lord Lee Wan-ik,
42:36이완익 대감이 그 서신들을 몽땅 불태우라고
하셔서 다 태웠소
and he told me to burn all the letters, so I did.

42:41진짜요That's really what happened.
42:46해서 진짜 다 태웠다?So... you actually burned all the letters?
42:50(윤 총판다는 아닌...Oh, no. Not all of them.
42:53나도 살 궁리를 해야 하니 혹시 몰라 하나 남겨
I didn't want to end up in danger, so I kept one
of them just in case.
43:02그 혹시 모를 때가 지금일 것 같지요나리Don't you think it could be useful at this very
moment, sir?
43:18(동매그때 보니까 이렇게들 하시던데I've seen you guys do this.
43:21내가 두 분 나리 팔목을 잘라서 수결을 할까요Shall I cut off your arms and sign on behalf of
43:25아니면 직접 하시겠습니까?Or would you like to do it yourself?
43:27알아서 하겠네알아서We'll figure it out. Let us do it.
43:31(정 경무사거기 붓 좀 주시게Please pass me the brush over there.
43:34어서Come on.
43:48(동매여기 어떤 내용이 적힐지는 소인도 모릅
Even I do not know what will be written on
these pieces of paper.
43:52하니 입을 다무셔야겠지요Hence, you'd better keep your lips sealed.
44:12"고사홍 송부"FROM GO SA-HONG
44:14이 댁 피는 원래 이런가Does it run in that family's blood or what?
44:16(사탕 장수아니조선 땅에서 조선 돈으로 받
I'm asking for Joseon money because this is
44:19뭐가 문제야?What is your problem?
44:20그 돈 들고 은행 가 봐 돈은 안 바꿔 주고Try going to the bank with that bill. They won't
give you cash for it.
44:23[일본어잠시만요잠시만요 [한국어이러는데
"Just a moment, please." They'll just tell you to
44:26(일본인) [일본어뭐라는 거야일본어로 말해!What the hell are you saying? Talk in
44:28너 지금 대일본 제국을 모욕한 거야?Did you just mock the Empire of Greater
Japan? -Boss! -Hey!
44:34(사탕 장수어서 오십시오오야붕Welcome, boss.
44:36나 그쪽으로 안 갔는데?I'm not going into your shop.
44:37(사탕 장수에이이 앞으로 지나가시면 오신
거나 진배없으시지요
Come on. You were walking by anyway. You
should just come in.
44:41이 앞으로 지나가면 오신 거나 진배없어도I get that you want me to come in because I
was passing by,
44:45왜 말 걸어?but why are you talking to me?
44:47[일본어죄송합니다죄송합니다I'm sorry. Forgive me!
44:50죄송합니다I'm really sorry!
44:54[한국어아유정말 감사합니다오야붕My gosh, thank you so much.
44:56(사탕 장수요즘에 저 제일 은행권 때문에 아
주 죽겠습니다요
Those Dai-Ichi Bank notes are giving me such
a headache these days.
45:01한데 방금은 진짜 같으셨습니다But I must say, what you did just now looked

45:04[사탕 장수의 웃음진짜였어-I really mean it. -You really--
45:05(사탕 장수진짜진짜진짜!Oh, my goodness!
45:08농담에도 이리 나자빠지는데 나는 매번 칼을
왜 뽑는 거야
A joke is enough to scare people like this.
Why do I even bother unsheathing my sword
every time?
45:19[일본어가자Let's go.
45:24(일식꼭 훌륭한 사람 되십시오도련님You must grow into a wonderful man, young
45:27(춘식우짠 일이십니까?Oh, what brings you here?
45:29(유진오늘 월급날이라 전에 함경도 건 그 비
싼 비용을 가져왔소
I got paid today. Remember the job in
Hamgyong Province? I'm here to pay your
hefty pay for the job.
45:36(일식마침 잘 오셨구먼 돈은 됐고 서명 하나
만 합시다
You came at the perfect time. We won't
charge you for that, but sign something for us.
Then we'll call it even.
45:39나가 그걸로 퉁쳐 줄라니까but sign something for us. Then we'll call it
45:41비싼 비용에 퉁칠 서명이면 위험해 보이는데?You'll forgo that expensive fee for my
signature? It sounds pretty risky.
45:45함경도 산길이 어찌나 위험한지Those mountain trails were so dangerous.
45:48(일식집채만 한 호랑이가 '어흥잡아먹겄다'A huge tiger was like, "I'm going to eat you up
45:50호랑이가 말을 했소?A tiger talked?
45:53(춘식내 뭐라 캤어예 안 먹힐 거라고 했지예I knew it wouldn't work. I told you we should
just threaten him using those bullets we sold
last time.
45:55그냥 총알 사 간 거로 조숴 불자 했지예I told you we should just threaten him using
those bullets we sold last time.
45:57(일식그것은 우리끼리우리 둘만의너랑 나
That was just between you and me! He wasn't
supposed to know.
46:01무슨 서명을 하라는 거요?What do you need me to sign?
46:03사연은 알고 합시다At least tell me what it's for.
46:05(일식이런 분이여사연에 움직이는 분!See? He'll gladly do it if he deems it
46:08좀 전에 나간 그 도련님이 말이오 원래는 양반
집 도련님이셨는디
The young lad who just left was born into a
noble family.
46:126년 전인가 7년 전인가Was it five or six years ago?
46:15의로운 양반 다섯이 이완익이를 처단하려던 일
이 있었소
Five righteous noblemen tried to get rid of Lee
46:19그때 주동자로 몰려 갖고 도련님 부모님도
싹 다 돌아가시고
Both of his parents died that year because
they were framed as instigators.
46:23삼 남매가 힘겹게 한성살이 한다는디 어찌나
[춘식의 한숨]
Now, he and his siblings are struggling to
make ends meet. That poor thing.
46:28근디 또 그 도련님이 나라 지키겄다고 무관 학
교에 입학하시려는 거 아니겄어
But he'd like to join the military academy to
protect our country.
46:32을매나 장허요!Isn't he so impressive?

46:33(춘식참말로 잘 컸어예I'm incredibly proud of him.
46:34(유진그 짠한 사연에 내 서명이 왜 필요한 거
That is a sad story. But why do you need my
46:39(춘식그라면 그런 일을 겪었는데 나라 지
키겠다 하면
He wants to protect our country even after
what he's been through.
46:41'오야잘 지키라하겠어예?Are you just going to tell him, "Okay, do a
good job"?
46:44- (일식응 - (춘식고향도 바꾸고-Exactly. -He must change it all.
46:45(춘식오데 지방 산골 양반의 손자 정도로A grandson of a nobleman in a country town
would do.
46:48신분을 싹 빨아 삐야지예 - (일식그렇지-He needs a new identity. -That's right.
46:50(춘식근데 그 무관 학교라는 데가 양반들만
가는 학교라예
The thing is, only those from noble families
can join the academy.
46:54그래가 보증인이 필요해예And that's why he needs a guarantor.
47:00위조 서류에 서명을 해라?are you asking me to sign a forged
47:02[춘식의 긍정하는 숨소리] (일식서류가 감쪽
It looks real though.
47:07들킬 것 같은데I think we'll get caught.
47:09들킬 일이 일절 없지No, we won't.
47:10(일식우덜 중에는 무관 학교 관련된 사람
이 일절 없응께
None of us even wants to join the military
47:13겁은 많아 갖고참말로You're such a chicken.
47:15'들킬 것 같은데', 안 들키는디"I think we'll get caught." No, we won't get
47:21(학도1) 한데 말일세총을 꼭 무관 학교에서만
구해야 하는 겐가
By the way, is the military academy the only
place where we can get guns from?
47:25포수랑 거래를 하는 건 어떤가?How about we do a deal with a gunner?
47:27(학도2) 어허포수라니!Nonsense! A gunner?
47:30짐승을 살생하는 자들과 상종을 하잔 말인
Are you suggesting we deal with people who
kill animals?
47:33난 그자들과 거래를 하느니 떳떳한 도적이 될
I would much rather be an honorable thief.
47:36(학도3) 자네는 그 따뜻한 인정으로 이 거사를
감당할 순 있겠는가
You are too tenderhearted. Can you really
fight for the great cause?
47:40(학도2) 염려 말게내 원수 앞에서는 피도 눈물
도 없는 사내일세
Do not worry. I can be ruthless toward our
47:44총 구하기에 무관 학교만 한 데가 없네The military academy is the best place to get
47:47거기 총은 나라의 것이고 우린 이 나라의 백성
The guns there are owned by the government,
and we are people of this country,
47:51잠시 가져다 쓴들 무엇이 문제겠는가so we should be able to use them for a short
47:53That is true,

(학도1) 그렇긴 하네만
47:56걷기도 이리 힘든데 훈련이라니but even just walking is tiring. I can't
participate in drills.
47:58우리가 뭐뜀박질을 한 적이 있나 짐을 들어 본
적이 있나
We've never run or lifted anything heavy all
our lives.
48:01우리가 해낼 수 있을는지 그게 좀 걱정이네I'm not sure if we'd be able to pull it off. I'm a
little concerned.
48:08나약한 소리 말게Don't be so weak.
48:11해내야지We ought to pull it off.
48:13해내고야 말아야지We must do it no matter what.
48:14해내는 것도 무관 학교에 입학을 해야 가능한
But we can't even try unless we manage to
get into the academy.
48:18걱정 말게Don't worry.
48:19내 서류를 아주 기막히게 위조해 주는 곳을 알
아 뒀네
I found people who are extremely skilled in
forging documents.
48:23오늘은 명륜동까지 세 바퀴만 돌고 들어가세Let's walk to Myeongryun-dong and back just
three times today.
48:26(학도1) ...What?
48:27체력을 길러야 하니We must become stronger.
48:29- (학도2) 그러세 - (학도3) 그러세-Okay. -Let's do it.
48:30(학도1) 그러세Let's go.
48:36(정문역관들부터 시작해서I am currently working on
48:39궁 안의 이완익의 인사들을 물갈이하는 중이네getting rid of Lee Wan-ik's people inside the
palace starting with interpreters.
48:44(은산바쁘시겠습니다That must be keeping you busy.
48:46궁 안의 일에 저는 왜 찾으신 겁니까?But if it is regarding the palace, why did you
want to see me, sir?
48:50경위원 총관 자리도 새로 앉히려 하는데We are also looking to replace the head of
Palace Security.
48:53(정문총포 실력이야 말할 것도 없고Gunnery skills are a given.
48:56거느린 식솔이 없는 자It has to be someone who has no family
48:59돈에 현혹되지 않을 자and who won't be tempted by money. In other
49:01하여 어떠한 연유로도 이완익에게 매수당하지
않을 자로
and who won't be tempted by money. In other
words, someone who won't be bribed by Lee
Wan-ik in any circumstances.
49:06난 장 포수만 한 이가 없다고 보네I believe that Gunner Jang is the best person
for the job.
49:12그놈 아는 안 할 겁니다He won't do it.
49:14하게 해야지You must make him do it.
49:16(정문난 자네의 청에 호의를 보였는데 그 대
답이 사감이면 안 되지
I responded positively to your request. You
mustn't reject my request because of your
personal feelings.
49:21저자에 데려다 앉혀만 놓게Just bring him.
49:23나머지는 내 알아서 할 터이니I will take care of the rest.

49:27역적이 되려고요To become a rebel.
49:29나라가 남아 있어야 내 손으로 부술 거 아니오I need there to be a country to turn against.
49:37좋아할 성도 싶고He may actually welcome the idea.
49:39잘됐네하면 기별하게Then that's great. Let me know what he says.
49:42(은산그 아이는 어찌 됐습니까?By the way, what is going on with that lad?
49:45그 미국인 말인가?That American man?
49:50작금의 조선에 필요한 수를 두었네I made a move that will benefit Joseon the
49:54자네들을 팔아 무관 학교 교관으로 앉혔네만I used you guys to persuade him to accept the
role at the Royal Military Academy.
50:00참으로 뻔뻔도 하십니다You are one shameless man.
50:03그 얘기도 이미 들었고I've already heard that.
50:06기별드리겠습니다I will be in touch, sir.
50:40(행랑아범대감마님!My lord.
50:46이놈이 여기가 어디라고 게 아무도 없어?How... How dare you set foot here. Is anybody
else around?
50:50돌쇠야삼식아돌쇠야!Dol-soe. Sam-sik! Dol-soe!
50:58(함안댁아이고이 밤에 뭔 소란이고?My gosh, what is going on at this late hour?
51:17(행랑아범일본 앞잽이로 입에 풀칠하는 아주
숭악한 놈입니다
He makes a living from being a stooge for the
Japanese. He's a ruthless scoundrel.
51:21(사홍그런 자가Why did such a man
51:23내 집 담은 왜 넘었느냐?jump over the wall and sneak into my house?
51:25(동매제가 누군지는 중요치 않습니다 아실 필
요도 없고요
Who I am is not important, sir. You do not
even need to know.
51:30그저 전할 것이 있어 왔습니다I simply came to deliver something to you.
51:44(행랑아범대감마님My lord.
51:52(사홍이것이 어찌 네 손에 있느냐?Why do you have this?
51:55(동매보내신 서신들이 안 간 모양입니다It seems like the letters you sent were never
51:57나머지는 태워졌고 하나 남은 걸 제가 얻었습
They were burned. I got my hands on the one
letter that wasn't burned.
52:02누군가 이 댁을 노리고 있단 뜻일 겁니다It must mean that someone is after your
52:07제가 말씀드릴 수 있는 건 여기까지입니다That's all I can tell you.
52:10왜놈 의복을 입고 담을 넘은 자의 말을Do you expect me to believe a man in
Japanese clothing
52:15나더러 믿으란 말이냐?who scaled a wall to get in?
52:23(동매제가 받은 돈이 있어서 당분간 조선인입
I'm on someone's payroll, you see. I'm a
Joseon man for now, sir.
52:42(행랑아범무슨 조홧속인지 모르겠습니다요
I don't know what's going on, my lord.
52:45소인은 분명 우체사에 서신을 부쳤는디I definitely posted the letters at the post office.
52:48그것이 어찌하여 그 숭악한 놈 손에 들어간 것How did this end up in that evil man's hands?

52:51양인의 옷을 입은 자와A man dressed as a Westerner
52:55왜인의 옷을 입은 자가and a man dressed as a Japanese both came
to me
52:57각각 나를 찾아와 위험을 알렸다and a man dressed as a Japanese both came
to me to alert me of danger.
53:03대관절 나는Who on earth
53:05조선 땅에서on Joseon soil
53:09누구로부터 위협을 받는 것인가am I being attacked by?
53:12대감마님암만 생각해도My lord, no matter how hard I think about it
53:16이번 일은 너무 위험한 듯싶습니다this is just too dangerous.
53:18그놈 말을 다 믿을 건 아니라 해도 조심해서 나
쁠 건 없응게요
Even if you don't trust him completely, there's
no harm in being careful.
53:23나의 수는 이미 읽혔다They have seen through my plans.
53:28행하지 않아도 난 이미 위험하다Even if I take no action, I'm already in danger.
53:33(사홍그자가 서신을 갖다주지 않았다면If he hadn't brought me this letter,
53:36나는 선비들이 화답하지 않은 것에I'd have fallen into despair at the lack of
53:41절망했을 것이다from the scholars.
53:44하나 서신이 아직 닿지 않았으니But this means my letters simply have not
reached them.
53:50희망이 있지 않은가There's still hope.
53:55아범Mr. Haengrang.
53:57은밀히Tell Gunner Jang
53:59장 포수를 들라 해라to visit me in secret.
54:04대감마님Yes, my lord.
54:07(함안댁그놈 아가 왜 이 댁 담을 넘었을꼬Why do you think he jumped the wall?
54:10뭘 훔쳐 가도 갈 놈이 뭘 들고 온 것부터가You'd think he'd come here to steal, but rather,
he brought something.
54:15[놀라며옴마야!My gosh.
54:18애기씨가 그 얼라 대신에You're paying him
54:19그놈 아한테 그다달이 돈 갚아 주는 거를every month instead of that girl, Su-mi.
54:22한목에 받을 양으로Do you think he came
54:24소상히 적어 갖고 대감마님한테 그고한 거 아
to get your grandfather to pay an even bigger
54:28놀라라You startled me.
54:30(애신그런 거였으면 걱정도 안 하지That wouldn't worry me at all.
54:32(함안댁아닌가Wouldn't it?
54:34내일 날이 밝는 대로 아파를 불러 주게As soon as day breaks, call the peddler.
54:37[애신이 서랍장 문을 달칵 연다이 상황에
무신 아파를예
In these circumstances?
54:42(히나한성에서 빚졌다 하면 열에 아홉은 구동Nine out of ten people in debt owe Gu Dong

매 아니겠습니까?mae money.
54:46그래서 구동매인가?Is that where he got his name?
54:49내 떠오르는 사람이 그이뿐이라That's the only person I can think of.
54:53아니이 순간에 왜 아파가 떠오르지?Why would you think of the peddler at a time
like this?
55:08(애신간밤에 구동매가 내 집 담을 넘어 내 조
부께 서신을 전하고 갔소
Gu Dong-mae jumped the wall last night and
passed a letter to my grandfather.
55:13나는 조부님이 걱정되고I'm concerned for my grandfather
55:15그대는 구동매와 연이 있는 듯하여 도움을 구
and you seem to have ties with Gu Dong
mae, so I ask for your help.
55:19무슨 연유인지 알아봐 주시오Please look into what it was about.
55:21편은 아니어도 부탁하오We may not be on the same side, but do me a
55:24나한테 맡겨 놓은 대답이라도 있으신가Does she expect me to know everything?
55:29(동매나 들어가I'm coming in.
55:33바빠?Are you busy?
55:36(히나들어와Come in.
55:42(동매나가자그대 닮은 봄옷이나 한 벌 해 줄
까 하고
Let's go outside. I'll buy an outfit that suits
55:45호타루 돌봐 준 답례야Thanks for looking after Hotaru.
55:48(스즈키) [일본어호타루 그년 빼돌리느라 이
리 소란인가
Are you causing all this ruckus just to hide
that witch, Hotaru?
55:54(히나) [한국어그런 이유면 고마울 이는 나뿐
은 아닌데
If it's about that, I'm not the only one you
should thank.
55:57옷 말고 다른 거 줘너무 많아Buy me something else. I have lots of clothes.
56:00나한테 여인이 좋아할 만한 게 없는데I don't have anything a lady would like.
56:02고사홍 어르신 댁 담은 왜 넘었어?Why did you scale Lord Go's wall?
56:06모르는 게 없네You know everything.
56:07서신을 전했다던데 뭐야그거?You passed him a letter. What was it?
56:09어디다 파는 정보인데고애신-Who's the information for? -Go Ae-sin.
56:14걱정되겠지 조부가 구동매를 맞닥뜨렸으니She'd be worried. Her grandfather spoke with
Gu Dong-mae.
56:18(히나어디까지 얘기해 줄 수 있어?How much can you tell me?
56:20직접 오라 그래Tell her to come to me.
56:22그럼 얘기해 준다고Then I'll tell her.
56:24그 꼴은 보기가 싫네I can't stand that.
56:26나한테 얘기해 전할지 말지는 내가 정할 테니
Tell me. I'll decide whether or not to tell her.
56:30혼인은 정말 깨진 건가?Is the engagement over?
56:31그러길 바라?Do you wish it were?
56:36더 멀리 가 버리는 것 같아서Then she'll be even further away.

56:39깨진 것 같던데I think it's over.
56:41(히나외출하는 희성 상 낯빛이 아주 어두웠거
Hui-seong looked very gloomy when he left.
56:45지금 누구처럼Like yours right now.
57:00(안평이놈의 새끼가You fool.
57:02납채서 가로챈 지가 언제인데 이제 기어 와서You took the document long ago and you
come home now?
57:06이놈이...Why you...
57:11두 분께 드릴 말씀이 있습니다I have something to tell you.
57:13(호선있어야지있고도 남아야지You'd better. You'd better have a lot to say.
57:16너 대체 어쩌자고 중간에 그걸 가로채?What were you thinking when you took it?
57:19납채서 어쨌어그 이야기는 잠시 후에 드리겠
-Where is it? -I'll tell you later.
57:25제가 신문사를 차릴까 합니다I want to start a newspaper company.
57:29뭘 차려신문사?You'll start what? A newspaper company?
57:32(안평네가 돈이 어디 있다고 그런 걸 차려 내
가 주질 않았는데
With what money? I didn't give you any.
57:35할아버님의 치부책에 적힌 이들에게I'm extorting funds from the people
57:38자본금을 뜯어내고 있습니다in Grandfather's old ledger.
57:41- (안평? - ?-What? -What?
57:43이게이게 무슨 소리요부인?What's he saying, my dear?
57:46(안평아버님께서 치부책을 갖고 계셨소?My father had a ledger?
57:50그걸 대감께서 모르시면 난들 압니까?How would I know if you don't?
57:54제 몫으로 주신 것이라 잘 쓰고 있습니다He gave it to me and I'm using it well.
57:59다음은 납채서 문제입니다Now about the document.
58:04저 파혼하겠습니다I wish to break off the engagement.
58:11- (호선? - (안평?-What? -What?
58:13정혼은 사내 집에서 깨야 하니The groom's family must do it,
58:16두 분께서 이 정혼을 깨 주셔야겠습니다so I need you both to annul the engagement.
58:24(호선아유너 미쳤구나You've really lost your mind.
58:28미쳤어You're crazy.
58:30미쳤어이놈이 이게 이게 정녕 미친 겝니다You're crazy. He has lost his mind.
58:35(안평나이 서른에 뭘 어쩌고 어째?You're 30 years old and you want to do what?
58:38대를 이어야지집안 대를!You need to have a son to continue our family
58:41네 조부께서 살아생전에 제일 잘하신 일이 그
The best thing your grandfather did was
arranging this engagement.
58:45그걸 왜 깨!Why would you annul that?

58:47맞습니다You're right.
58:50(희성할아버님께서 제게 주신 것들은 하나같
Everything Grandfather gave me was
58:54남들은 평생 구경도 못 할 만큼 귀하고 좋은 것
so valuable that others would never
experience them in a lifetime.
59:00주신 것들 중 가장 원했던 게 바로 이 정혼이고
Of all he gave me, this marriage was the one
thing I wanted the most.
59:08그래서 이건 제가 누려선 안 되는 것입니다That's why I should not claim it.
59:12파혼하겠습니다I'll break it off.
59:17(호선아니흐름이 이상하질 않으냐You're... You're not making sense.
59:20네가 가장 원한 걸 왜 깨겠다는 거야!Why do you want to give up what you want
the most?
59:32제가 다 알아 버렸습니다Because I know everything now.
59:37(안평뭘 알아?What? What do you know?
59:43그 조선인 외양의 미국인과The story about the American acting consul
59:50우리 집안에 얽힌 이야기들을요and what our family did to him.
59:56전부 다요Everything about it.
1:00:02두 분께서 제게 숨기려 하신 모든 것을요Everything you tried to hide from me.
1:00:14부탁드립니다어머니Please, Mother.
1:00:18한 번만 더save me
1:00:23구해 주십시오once more.
1:00:46(호선) [흐느끼며불쌍한 내 새끼My poor baby...
1:01:33(일식오늘은 손님 안 오나?Any customers today?
1:01:36?-Hey. -What?
1:01:39깨끗해야지Let's clean up.
1:01:53아직 이름을 못 정했으니I haven't decided on a name yet.
1:02:08(귀부인1) 희성 상Hui-seong.
1:02:11이거 너무 오랜만에 나타나신 거 아니에요?Haven't you been away for too long?
1:02:14제가 그간 개업 준비로 좀 바빴습니다I was busy starting a business.
1:02:16개업요? (희성제가 진고개에 신문사를 차렸
-A business? -I opened a newspaper
company in Jingogae.
1:02:19각종 광고도 싣고 제보도 받습니다I'll print advertisements and accept
1:02:22흥미로운 사연억울하고 분통한 사연Interesting stories, stories of those who were
1:02:24진실을 알리고자 하는 모든 사연을 받고 있으
Stories of people who want the truth.
1:02:27많은 애용 바랍니다Tell me what you know.

1:02:29참고로Just in case,
1:02:31제가 직접 들어 드립니다I do the listening in person.
1:02:33- (귀부인1) 직접? - (귀부인2) 어머머 [귀부인
들의 웃음
] (귀부인1) 어머가야지가야지
In person? My goodness. I should come over.
1:02:38(애순난 듣고 싶은 진실이 있소There's a truth I'd like to hear.
1:02:42혼인은 어찌 돼 가고 있소?How's the engagement coming along?
1:02:47이런 말 하긴 좀 그런데 [귀부인1의 한숨]I shouldn't say this,
1:02:49애신이 걔가 허구한 날 사내들 보는 경서나 기
별지나 끼고 살지
but Ae-sin spends all her time reading
philosophy books that men read.
1:02:53수 한 땀을 놓길 하나 난 한 줄을 칠 줄 아나She never embroiders or paints orchids.
1:02:58내 안타까워서It's such a pity.
1:02:59그렇구려Oh, I see.
1:03:01나도 수는 잘 못 놓는데I can't embroider either.
1:03:06공통점이 하나 있었구려We have something in common.
1:03:09(귀부인1) 어머나재미있어He's so funny.
1:03:12(애순그게 아니라 우리 애신이 걔가That's not my point. Ae-sin isn't at all ladylike
when it comes to--
1:03:16조신한 구석이라고는 아무것도...Ae-sin isn't at all ladylike when it comes to--
1:03:18(히나잠시 실례하겠습니다May I interrupt?
1:03:29(애순) [놀라며뭐요?What?
1:03:37(애순내가 이만 가 봐야겠소I really think I should go.
1:03:42뭐랬길래 저리 급히What did you say to her?
1:03:44오늘 고씨 부인의 부군께서 여기 홀에 예약이
Her husband had a reservation here in this
1:03:48돌연 취소가 되어 댁으로 귀가하셨다고but it was canceled and he went home.
1:03:56저런자리가 비었으니 제가 좀 채울까요?Oh dear. You're short of a player. Shall I fill in?
1:04:04(강씨이런Oh dear.
1:04:08(히나죄송합니다부인I'm very sorry, ma'am. What a mess.
1:04:10이를 어쩌나 갈아입으실 옷을 내어 드리겠습니
I'm very sorry, ma'am. What a mess. I'll bring
you a change of clothes.
1:04:14제 룸으로 가시지요Come to my room.
1:04:16(히나익문사 내부에 밀정이 있군요That means there must be an internal spy.
1:04:18(정문내사 중인 자 둘 중 하나가 네 빈관에 자
주 드나든다
One of the two officers that are being
investigated frequents your hotel.
1:04:27결례에 대한 사과이니 마음에 드는 걸로 골라
I wish to apologize, so choose any dress you
1:04:30(히나선물로 드리겠습니다I'll give it to you as a gift.
1:04:32[옷을 탁탁 털며옷이야 내 옷장에도 차고 넘치
I have many dresses myself.
1:04:36(히나그럼 옷이 마를 동안While your dress dries up,

1:04:38불란서에서 건너온 술인데 한잔 드릴까요?shall I serve you some liquor from France?
1:04:41술은 입에 안 댑니다I don't drink.
1:04:45(히나그럼 부인께서는 어떤 것에 흥미가
Then what are you interested in?
1:04:50제가 꼭 좀 보답을...I'd like to repay--
1:04:51(강씨펜싱 칼 아니오?Isn't that a fencing blade?
1:04:57(히나부인께서 펜싱을 어떻게 아십니까?How do you know about fencing?
1:05:00혹 펜싱을 할 줄 아는 거요?Do you play the sport?
1:05:03그저 멋으로 몇 번 휘둘러 보긴 했는데I just thrust the blade a few times for show.
1:05:07그렇구려I see.
1:05:10난 원체 서구 문화에 관심이 많아서I'm so interested in Western cultures.
1:05:15정말 매력적인 서구의 검술이오It's such a charming Western sport.
1:05:18급소를 노려 찌르고You can aim directly at a vital point
1:05:20[긴장되는 음악짧고 정확하게 상대를 쓰러뜨
릴 수 있거든
and take someone down swiftly and
1:05:24(히나) [불어내가 펜싱을 왜 좋아하는지 알아?Do you know why I like fencing?
1:05:27급소를 노려 찌르고You can aim directly at a vital point
1:05:28짧고 정확하게 상대를 쓰러뜨릴 수 있어서야and take someone down swiftly and
1:05:33[한국어펜싱이 그런 운동이었군요That's what fencing is like?
1:05:37(히나조선에서 펜싱을 할 줄 아는 이는 제가
알기로는 둘 정도입니다
As far as I know, only two people in Joseon
can fence.
1:05:40하나는 영국 공사의 처남One is the British minister's brother-in-law.
1:05:42다른 하나는 불란서 공사관의 서기관 레오The other is the French minister's secretary.
1:05:53그리 관심이 많으시면 직접 배워 보시겠습니
If you're that interested, would you like to
learn from them?
1:05:57둘 중 누가 좋으실까요?Which of the two would you prefer?
1:06:01둘 다 제가 부탁하면 마다할 사내들이 아니라
Neither of them would refuse my request.
1:06:04저도 몇 번 배웠고요I took a few lessons myself.
1:06:06필요하면 내가 알아서 하지I can sort out my own lessons.
1:06:10몸이 안 좋아 난 이만 가 보겠소I feel unwell and must leave.
1:06:20몸이 아니라 마음이 안 좋은 듯한데It's her mind that's disconcerted, not her
physical state.
1:06:24분명 질투인데It's definitely jealousy.
1:06:33(윤 상궁엄비 마마께서 이 댁 영애를 직접 대
면하고자 하시니
Her Highness would like to meet your
1:06:37명일 궁으로 들 수 있게 채비하십시오Have her come to the palace tomorrow.
1:06:39엄비께서Why would Her Highness
1:06:41무슨 연유로 내 손녀를 찾는 겐가?Why would Her Highness wish to see my

1:06:45신학문과 학당에 대한 조언을 듣고자 하심인
줄 압니다
I believe it's to hear about the new school and
what they teach.
1:06:49엄비 마마께서 추천을 받던 중에Her Highness asked for recommendations
1:06:52빈관의 사장이 이 댁 영애를 추천하였습니다and the hotel owner mentioned your
1:06:55학당에 다니는 걸The whole city
1:06:58한성 바닥 전체가 아는구나knows she goes to that school.
1:07:03청은 감사하나I'm grateful for her interest,
1:07:05내 손녀는 그럴 그릇이 못 된다고 전하게but tell her my granddaughter lacks to be the
rightful candidate.
1:07:10(조씨엄비 마마께서 친히 보내신 이들입니다Her Highness has sent her own people.
1:07:13헛걸음으로 돌려보내시면 도리가 아닌 듯합니
It wouldn't be right to send them away with a
1:07:16어느 댁 영애가 궁의 부름을 받아 궁에 들겠습
How many girls her age would be invited to
the palace?
1:07:20애신이가 혼나는 중이긴 하나Ae-sin might be grounded,
1:07:23부디 기쁘게 허락하시지요아버님but grant your permission this time.
1:07:25(윤 상궁무얼 잘못하였기에 혼을 내십니까?What did she do that you grounded her?
1:07:29수를 엉망으로 놨지 뭡니까She ruined something she was embroidering.
1:07:44(함안댁) [놀라며아이고벌건 대낮에It's still daytime.
1:07:47하늘이 와 이 난리지? [긴장되는 음악]What is wrong with the sky?
1:07:53가입시다Let's go.
1:08:00날이 어찌 이리 스산한가Why is it so eerie?
1:08:02사위가 온통 컴컴해It seems so dark outside.
1:08:05(정문금일 관상소에서 일식이 있다는 예보가
The observatory reported there would be a
solar eclipse today.
1:08:09흉조다It's an evil omen.
1:08:11완익이 궁에 들어 하늘의 징조가 이리 흉한 것
Lee Wan-ik was here and now the heavens
are upset.
1:08:15(정문폐하그저 우주의 한 섭리이옵니다Your Majesty, it's just a natural occurrence.
1:08:19부디 정신을 맑게 하시옵소서Please clear your mind and be strong.
1:08:22(내관폐하미국 공사관 아무개 들었사옵니다Your Majesty, the man from the American
legation is here.
1:08:26육군 무관 학교 교관 내정자가 기다리고 있사
The instructor nominee of the Royal Military
Academy is waiting.
1:08:31그러한가Is he?
1:08:32반가운 소리다들라 하라That's good news. Let him in.
1:08:36대한 제국 황제인 짐은 미 해병대 대위 유진 초
As the emperor of the Korean Empire, I
appoint US Marine Corps Captain Eugene
Choi as the foreign instructor
1:08:41(고종대한 제국 육군 무관 학교 외국인 교관I appoint US Marine Corps Captain Eugene

으로 임명하는 바이다Choi as the foreign instructor of the Royal
Military Academy.
1:08:51(정문황제 폐하께서 교관을 격려코자To show his trust in you,
1:08:54친히 대한 제국의 국기를 하사하시니 교관은
받들도록 하라
His Majesty bestowed you with our national
flag. Accept it with grace.
1:09:10성은이 망극하옵니다"Thank you, Your Majesty."
1:09:14성은이 망극...Thank you, Your...
1:09:18[작은 목소리로망극하옵니다"Your Majesty."
1:09:20망극하옵니다Your Majesty.
1:09:21(고종교관은 대한 제국 무관 양성에 있어Do your best to train the students
1:09:24학도생들을 강병으로 길러 내는 데 힘쓰라of the Royal Military Academy into fine
soldiers and men.
1:09:28이정문 대감께서 제게Lord Lee Jeong-mun told me
1:09:30자리만 지키고 있으라 하여 그러할 생각입니다to just fill in the position. That's what I plan to
1:09:35옳은 처사다That's very good.
1:09:36(고종귀관 같은 이가 자리만 지켜 주어도Having someone like you around
1:09:38이 나라에 큰 위안이 된다would be a great comfort to us.
1:09:42(정문망극하옵니다폐하"Thank you, Your Majesty."
1:09:44망각망극망극하옵니다폐하Thank... Thank you, Your Majesty.
1:09:47(고종이미 거절했던 자리인데 이리 마음을 돌
려주어 짐은 반갑다
You refused the position once. I'm so pleased
you changed your mind.
1:09:52연유가 무엇인가?Why did you?
1:09:53이정문 대감께서Lord Lee Jeong-mun
1:09:55제게 거절하지 못할 제안을 하셨습니다made me an offer I couldn't refuse.
1:09:58그것이 무엇인가?What was it?
1:09:59산을 주셨습니다He gave me a mountain.
1:10:02(고종?A mountain?
1:10:03(정문그들을 더 오래 살게 할 수 있지Because you can help them live longer.
1:10:06도공 황은산과 그들 말일세I'm talking about the potter, Hwang Eun-san,
and his people.
1:10:10(고종정녕 산 때문인가?Was that really the reason?
1:10:12산이면 그대의 마음을 돌릴 수 있었던 것인가?Was a mountain enough to make you change
your mind?
1:10:16꽤 큰 산이었습니다It was a big mountain.
1:10:21(고종그대는 도통 종잡을 수가 없구나I just can't figure you out.
1:10:55(유진난 미 해병대 대위 유진 초이요I am Eugene Choi, a Captain of the US
Marine Corps.
1:11:00황제 폐하의 명으로The emperor appointed me
1:11:01금일부로 대한 제국 무관 학교의 교관을 맡기
로 했소
as an instructor of the Royal Military Academy.
1:11:06(윤 상궁) [살짝 웃으며뉘신가 했더니 그리 중I wondered who you were. I see.

한 일을
1:11:10열심히 가르쳐 보려 하오I plan to work hard.
1:11:13누군가의 동지를 키워 내는 일이 될 수 있어서I could be training someone's comrade.
1:11:16(유진부디I hope
1:11:19내 진심이 가 닿기를 바라오that my sincerity gets through.
1:11:21(윤 상궁인품이 훌륭하십니다How honorable.
1:11:23(유진궁에서 이리 우연히 만나니Fancy running into you here.
1:11:30매우 아름다워You're so beautiful
1:11:34깜짝 놀랐소that it took me by surprise.
1:11:37(윤 상궁어머나My goodness.
1:11:39(유진이건 오얏꽃이구려These are plum flowers.
1:11:41대한 제국 황실의 문장 아니오The crest of the Korean royal family.
1:11:46사계절 내내 볼 수 있으면 참 좋겠다I wish I could see this flower all year round.
1:11:53실없는 생각도 했소What a silly thought.
1:11:55(윤 상궁아쉬워라What a pity.
1:11:57봄철에만 피는 꽃이라It blooms only in the spring.
1:12:02이리 보아It was a pleasure
1:12:05많이 반가웠소to meet you like this.
1:12:07(윤 상궁저도Yes. For me too.
1:13:42(사홍뜻을 보태 주어 고맙네 [비장한 음악]Thank you all for standing alongside me.
1:13:46자네들만 믿겠네I will put my trust in you.
1:13:49(포수저희 놈들 어려울 때 보태 주신 것에 비
하면 아무것도 아닙니다
Compared to the grace you've shown us, this
is nothing difficult.
1:13:53(승구잘 다녀오겠습니다대감마님We'll be back, my lord.
1:15:50(완익인명이 재천인지 어디 한번 보갔어We'll see if life and death really are in the
hands of the deity.
1:15:53(사홍그러니 내가 해야지That is why I must do it.
1:15:55내가 얼마나 더 살겠나How much time do you think I have left?
1:15:57(유진날 죽여 입을 막든가 날 믿어 입을 막든
If you want my silence, you have to either kill
me or trust me.
1:16:00(완익계속 그렇게 깐죽대 보라 [총성이 탕 울
Keep testing my temper.
1:16:02(히나아주 조금 대들어 보는 거란다I intend to rebel just a little bit.
1:16:05(희성부디 잘 버텨 주시오Please stay strong.
1:16:08(애신모든 끝맺음은 나름의 슬픔을 품고 있으
Every conclusion harbors sadness in each of
their own way.
1:16:13[총성이 탕 울린다여직 알지 못하였사옵니다So I have yet to learn.
1:16:16(동매틀리는 날도 있겠지I'm sure it can't always be accurate.
1:16:18자막최혜란Subtitle translation by Hye-lim Park

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