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  미스터 션샤인 15

57s(유진외진 곳A remote location
58s여자 혼자 살고where a woman lives alone. EPISODE 15
1:01외부인이 드나들어도 눈에 띄지 않는 곳A place where out-of-towners can visit without
being seen.
1:03아편쟁이 몸에서 아편 냄새가 안 날 정도로 향
이 배는 곳
A place that can make an opium addict reek
of incense.
1:07무당집A shaman's house.
1:09박수가 맞소?He must be a shaman, then.
1:11김용주의 은신처가 무당집인 것 같소The shaman's house must be Kim Yong-ju's
1:15찾는 데 시일이 꽤 걸리겠구려Then it'll take you time to locate him.
1:17한성에 무당집이 대략 마흔세 곳이 있소There are about 43 active shaman houses in
1:20점방 터를 알아보던 중에 가쾌에게 들은 정보
니 꽤 믿을 만할 거요
I heard it myself from a realtor, so it's valid
1:23동트기 전에 찾을 자들이 있소I know who can find him before dawn.
1:27방금 만났잖소You met them just now.
1:28한성 지리에 밝고 앞뒤 없이 뒤질 자들They know Hanseong well and will search
every nook and cranny.
1:32(유죠) [일본어빠짐없이 뒤져!Search everywhere!
1:33(무당1) [한국어에구머니나!-My gosh! -Let's go.
1:34[일본어] - (낭인1) 가자! - (낭인2) !Yes, sir!
1:41[한국어꺼져안 그럼 이년은 죽어Move back, or I'll kill her.
2:02(은산가마터 입구 다리를 건너는 자가 누구든Regardless of whom you see on that bridge
by the entrance,
2:05(은산애기씨의 노꾼을 했던 자이든 아니든whether he was your wherryman or not,
2:11죽이십시오you must kill him.
2:17이 일에Why must it
2:20어째서 나인가?be me?
2:23스승님도 계시는데My master could do it.
2:24승구 그놈 아는 늘상 사감이 앞서는지라Seung-gu always lets his emotions get in the
2:28총구가 냉정하지 않습니다He's not a cold-hearted shooter.
2:31오차 없이 저격할 수 있는 실력이 있는 자It needs to be done by a skilled gunner who
won't allow any room for mistakes.
2:35혹여 그자를 살려 내보낼 경우In case he walks out of here alive,
2:38(은산미국인이 의병장의 거점에it needs to be someone who is aware of the
classified information
2:41that an armed American was here at the

총을 들고 왔었다는 사실을 알아도 무방한 자Righteous Army commander's base.
2:46그 두 조건에 맞는 자가The only one that fits the bill
2:49애기씨였습니다is you.
2:57그가 여기로 오고 있다면If he is on his way here,
3:00그건 도공 황은산을 해치러 오는 것이 아니라it is to provide you with protection,
3:03지키러 오는 것임을 나는 믿네not to hurt you. I believe so.
3:07(애신내가 아는 한As far as I know,
3:08그의 걸음은 늘 선의였고his path has always been righteous
3:11또한 옳았거든and correct.
3:16그게 내가 지금 이 자리를 지키는That is the reason why
3:20이유야I will stand my ground.
3:29(홍파안 가 보셔도 되겠어요?Shouldn't you be there?
3:32애기씨는 애기씨의 일을 하실 것이고Lady Ae-sin will do what she must do,
3:36그자는 그자의 일을 하겠지and he will do what he should too.
3:41그저 둘을 믿는 수밖에All I can do is believing in them both.
3:43(홍파그러다 잘못되기라도 하면 어쩌시려고
But what if things go south?
3:46그리될 일이면If that were to happen,
3:49더 늦기 전에 그리돼야 할 일이고it should happen before it's too late.
4:53너를 찾아간 이는?Where's the man who came for you?
4:55그자의 안부만 궁금하셨습니까?Is his well-being your only concern?
4:58죽였느냐자신을 공격하는 자를 어찌했을 것
-Did you kill him? -What would you do to a
man sent for you?
5:01하면 이해하겠구나이 상황을Then you'll understand this situation too.
5:04(은산조선은 공격받고 있고Joseon is under attack.
5:06미국은 공명정대한 척하나 일본을 부추기고 있
America acts all fair and square, but they've
been egging Japan on.
5:12내 손에는 총이 없으나I may not be armed right now,
5:15널 겨누고 있는 총구가 있다but a gun is currently aimed at you.
5:23선택할 기회를 주마I'll give you a choice.
5:25여기서 죽거나Either die here
5:28조선을 떠나 살거나or leave Joseon and live.
5:31조선인도 변절하는 마당에 미국인을 어찌 믿겠
Even the people of Joseon are deserting their
own country. How can I trust an American?
5:36(유진난 조선의 주권이 어디에 있든 관심 없
I don't care who rules over Joseon.
5:40난 그런 대의에 관심이 없다고I do not care for a greater cause.
5:44그저 내가 바라는 건 단 두 가지였소All I wanted were two things.
5:49어르신이 오래 사는 것That you live a long life.
5:54고애신이 죽지 않는 것And for Ae-sin to not die.

6:19(은산김용주가 아니냐?Isn't that Kim Yong-ju?
6:21이자가 잡았고 이리 넘겨주어 끌고 왔습니
Yes, this man caught the guy and brought him
to us.
6:26(은산저자를 왜 넘겨주는 것인가?Why are you handing him over?
6:28당신들끼리 알아서 하라고 조선인들끼리You can deal with him yourself since you're all
6:33미국은 날 조선인이라 하고 조선은 날 미국인
이라 하니
Americans call me a Korean and Koreans call
me an American.
6:40앞으로 내가 어느 쪽으로 걸을지는 나도 모르
I don't know which path I'll choose from now
6:43그러니so this is
6:46기회는 지금뿐이오your one and only chance.
6:54다시 또 조선을 달려 도망치지는 않을 겁니다I will not be running away from this country
6:59그러니 쏘십시오So shoot me.
7:01(유진크게 갚지 못한 은혜 이렇게 갚겠습니다I was never able to repay you, so this is what
I'll do.
7:05날 겨누는 총이There are three guns
7:08적어도 세 자루니pointed at me anyway.
7:22(승재이리 보내시면 안 됩니다You shouldn't let him go.
7:28우린 이미 뼈아픔을 경험했소We already lost too much.
7:31두 번은 없어야 하오용서하시오We can't tolerate another loss. Please forgive
7:49가거라Just go.
7:54오래 사십시오I wish you a long life.
7:58다시는 못 볼 듯하니I don't suppose we'll ever meet again.
8:54(은산소인의 청은 끝이 났습니다만What I asked of you is now over.
8:57(애신그 두 사람을 어디서 봤나 곰곰이 생각
해 봤네
I thought long and hard as to where I saw
those two.
9:19가마터에까지 끌고 온 걸 보면Judging by how he carried the man here,
9:22묵은 연이 있는 듯하고I'm guessing they were deeply acquainted.
9:25Did the man
9:28붙잡혀 온 자가 선교사를 죽인 자인가who was brought here killed the missionary?
9:32Did the man
9:34붙잡혀 온 그자가who was brought here
9:39내 부모님을 죽인 자인가killed my parents?
9:42(은산승구가 제대로 안 가르쳤나 봅니다I see that Seung-gu was not a very good
9:46아무것도 물어서는 안 된다고 안 배우셨습니Didn't he teach you not to ask any questions?

9:49(애신) '아무것도 묻지 마라'"Don't ask any questions.
9:53'실패한 거사는 돌아보지 마라'Don't look back on failed missions.
9:57'불명예도 각오하는 일이다' [무거운 음악]You must accept disgrace.
10:00'들키면 튄다잡히면 죽는다 죽으면 묻는다'!Run if you're caught. Get caught and you die.
Die and you'll be forgotten."
10:04해서 나는Is that why
10:08내 아버지 어머니의 죽음을I'm still not allowed to know
10:13지금도 물을 수 없는 것인가how my parents died?
10:24(은산알면요?What if you knew?
10:28그다음은요그다음은 그다음에...-What will you do then? -I'll think about that
when I--
10:30그자가 맞습니다Yes, it's him.
10:33(은산그자가 애기씨 부모님 목숨을 앗은 자입
He's the man who took both of your parents'
10:40이제 아셨으니 그자를 내어 드릴까요?Now that you know, should I let you deal with
10:44내어 드리면 애기씨 손으로 직접 죽이시겠습니
If I do, will you kill him with your own hands?
10:52그래도 되는 거였으면If that was a viable option,
10:57미리 고했어야지you should've told me sooner.
11:03그자의 손에An American
11:06한 미국인이 목숨을 잃었고died at his hands,
11:10또 다른 이는 목숨을 걸었고and another has put his life on the line.
11:14부모를 잃은 한 아이는A girl who lost her parents
11:18원수를 지척에 두고도must step back in agony
11:21죽을힘을 다해 물러나니even though her mortal enemy is only a few
feet away.
11:23부디I hope
11:27이 분노보다the decision you make
11:30나은 선택을 하길 바라네brings better result than my fury.
12:35(정문그 미국인이 김용주를 우리 측에 넘겨
The American handed Kim Yong-ju over to
12:40진정 그리했단 말인가?Did he really do that?
12:42(은산Yes, sir.
12:44하니 이번 일로 비롯된 모든 오명을 김용주에
게 씌우시고
So, please blame everything that happened
on Kim Yong-ju.
12:50선교사가 뒤집어쓴 오명을 벗겨Please vindicate the missionary's honor
12:53명예를 회복시켜 주셨으면 합니다and restore his reputation.
12:58(정문이미 결론 난 사건이고The case is already closed,
13:00진범은 우리 선에서 처리하면 그만so we can deal with the real culprit quietly.

13:03수사 결과를 번복하면 대한 제국의 위신이 떨
어질 뿐
If we take back our word, it'll only tarnish our
nation's dignity.
13:07얻을 게 무엇인가Nothing will come out of it.
13:11그자가 그리 요구하던가?Is that what the American demanded?
13:15제가 대감께 그리 요구하는 것입니다No, it's what I'm asking of you.
13:19(은산그 미국인에게 중한 것은What's important to him
13:21선교사의 선의와 명예를 온전히 하는 일뿐입니
is the missionary's goodwill and honor being
13:25그자의 호의를 우리도 한 번쯤은 호의로 돌려
줘야 하지 않겠습니까
He has shown us kindness, so we should
return the favor at least once.
13:30(정문혹 그리하여 그자를 얻어 볼 요량인가?Is that your plan to win him over?
13:34그리하면 얻어질 자가 확실한가?Are you sure you can win him over by doing
13:40(은산이미 얻었던 걸 몰라I already had, but I didn't realize it.
13:42지금은 잃었습니다And now, I've lost him.
13:52지금 그걸 보고라고 하는 거요?Is this a joke?
13:54(덕문김용주가 잡혀 왔는데Kim Yong-ju has been taken.
13:56경무사라는 작자가 여기 와 이러고 있으면 어
쩌자는 거요
You're the Chief of Police. Aren't you
supposed to do something?
14:02(정 경무사이정문 대감이 직접 신문을 하고
Lord Lee Jeong-mun is leading the
questioning himself.
14:04[완익의 힘겨운 숨소리경위원 총순들이 보초
를 서고 있어 저도 접근이 어렵습니다
The royal guards are on guard, so it's hard for
me to get to him.
14:08이정문이 뭐 보약 먹니힘도 좋다Lee Jeong-mun is feisty for his age, isn't he? -
I admire his vigor. -What if Yong-ju gives your
name, sir?
14:12혹여 그놈이 대감 이름이라도 불면 어쩝니까?-I admire his vigor. -What if Yong-ju gives your
name, sir?
14:15저까지 불안해 죽겠습니다The anxiety is killing me.
14:16불안해서 아이 죽는다No one has ever died of anxiety.
14:18(완익이래 총을 맞고도 산 거 아이 보이니?Can't you see that I even survived a gunshot?
14:21김용주는 쓸 만큼 써먹었다We've made good use of Kim Yong-ju.
14:24그 악지에서 내 이름 나올 턱이 없으니 곧 뒤질
I doubt that drug addict will name me. He'll die
soon anyway.
14:29그리 치워지게 두라Let that be the end of him.
14:32긴데 그 간나새끼는 누가 잡았는가?Hold on. Who actually caught the prick?
14:35그게 좀 이상합니다That's where it gets odd.
14:37낭인들이 잡아다가 미군에 넘겨줬답니다Japanese swordsmen got him and handed
him over to the US army.
14:44(완익내래 돈을 수백 환을 써도?Even with all the money I spend,
14:46똑바른 거 하나를 못 얻는데 [정 경무사의 멋쩍
은 신음
I can barely hire good people.

14:49그 미군 아새끼는 무스기로 그리 사람을 잘 얻
는 거이니
I wonder what that American's trick is for
always getting the help he needs.
15:04네 뒤에 있는 자가 이완익이 맞느냐?Is Lee Wan-ik the one pulling the strings?
15:08그만 묻고 그냥...Stop asking me questions
15:12죽이라니까and just kill me.
15:14(용주어차피 사형일 텐데I'll be executed anyway.
15:16(정문배후를 불면 목숨을 구할 수도 있다If you talk, we might spare your life.
15:20네 뒤에 있는 자가 이완익이 맞느냐?Is Lee Wan-ik the one pulling the strings?
15:25이완익이 누구요?Who is this Lee Wan-ik?
15:29(정문너 같은 놈에게도 식솔이 있는 모양이구
I see that even someone like you has mouths
to feed.
15:33하면If that's the case,
15:35원대로 해 주마you'll get your wish.
15:40조선 조정은 죄인 김용주에게You, Kim Yong-ju, forged the emperor's royal
15:44황제의 옥새를 위조한 죄 무고한 미국인을 죽
인 죄를 물어
and murdered an innocent American. The
Joseon Court hereby sentences you
15:50최고형인 사형에 처하는 바이다to the maximum sentence which is execution.
15:54하나 네놈은However, before that,
15:57그 전에 시체로 발견될 것이다you'll be found as a corpse.
16:18(용주결국So it's you.
16:20자네가 왔군날 죽이러So it's you. You're here to kill me.
16:23입 닥쳐Shut your mouth.
16:25이게 끝이 아니니This isn't over for you.
16:26저승에서는 상완이 널 기다릴 것이다Sang-wan will be waiting for you on the other
16:39(정문근래에 발생한 [무거운 음악미국인 선
교사 사망 건에 대해
This is the revised statement of the Joseon
16:43조정의 입장을 새로이 밝힌다regarding the deceased American missionary.
16:45(남자1) 황제 폐하의 옥새를 위조한 게The one who forged the emperor's royal seal
16:48미국인이 아니라 부왜인으로 밝혀져서wasn't the American, but a pro-Japanese.
16:51잡아다가 확 사형에 처해 버렸다는데?He was caught and then executed.
16:54(남자2) 그럼 그 죽은 미국인 선교사는 어떻
게 되는 겨
What about the dead American missionary?
16:57(남자1) 어떻게 되긴 뭐 어떻게 돼...Isn't it obvious?
16:59(정문억울한 누명을 쓴 미국인 선교사는 오명
을 벗기고
The American missionary who was wrongly
accused will be vindicated.
17:03가난한 조선인들을 도운 뜻을 기려 외국인 묘
지에 안장한다
To honor and thank him for helping the people
of Joseon, he'll be rested at the cemetery for
17:19(유진바로 한성을 떠도 모자랄 판에You should've left Hanseong right away,
17:22고사홍 어르신 댁은 왜 기웃거린 거야?so why were you lurking around Lord Go's

17:24발각될 위험을 감수하면서까지You could've easily been found.
17:26진실을I wanted to
17:28알리려고speak the truth.
17:30무슨 진실?About what?
17:31난 상완을 죽이지 않았다고I didn't kill Sang-wan.
17:33(용주내 일은 동지들을 밀고하는 것까지였다
All I did was rat on my comrades.
17:37상완이와 그의 처를 죽인 자는The one who killed Sang-wan and his wife
17:40이완익이라고was Lee Wan-ik.
17:43동지들을 죽이지 않겠다기에 한 밀고였어I only ratted on my comrades because he said
he wouldn't harm my comrades,
17:48그 말을 믿다니and I believed him.
17:50어리고 어리석었지I was such a fool.
17:54밀고하지 않았다면If I hadn't done what I did,
17:58이완익의 총을 맞은 건 내 처와 자식들이었을
Lee Wan-ik would've killed my wife and
children instead.
18:03나도 어쩔 수 없었어I didn't have a choice.
18:05아니틀렸어You're wrong.
18:07네가 죽인 거야You're the one who killed them.
18:09[무거운 음악] (유진넌 선택할 수 있었어You did have a choice.
18:11그들에게도 처와 자식들이 있었지만Your comrades also had wives and children,
18:13너처럼 그런 선택을 하진 않았거든and yet, they didn't make the decision you
18:17네놈은 그동안 밀고로 또 누군가의 부모를 죽
였을 거야
Until now, your inside information has been
resulting in the deaths of others' parents.
18:22어쩔 수 없다면서But you'd say you had no choice.
18:25그렇게 내 아버지도 죽였고Like that, you even killed my father.
18:33내겐 아버지였어He was like a father to me.
18:41(인력거꾼지나가요Coming through!
18:43나오소!Make way!
18:45지나갑니다Coming through.
18:48나오소!Please make way.
18:54(고종현 농상공부 대신 이가 완익을Lee Wan-ik, Minister of Farming and Trade,
18:57외부대신에 임명한다is hereby announced as Minister of Foreign
19:06(완익이가 완익 황명을 받잡습네다I, Lee Wan-ik, will accept your royal
19:12성은이 망극하옵네다It is my great pleasure, Your Majesty.

20:29(고종보았느냐Did you see?
20:32짐의 궁에 이등박문이 들었다Ito Hirobumi was in my court.
20:38짐의 궁에 총칼로 무장한 일군이 들었다Japanese soldiers with guns and swords were
in my court.
20:45그대는 보지 못하였느냐!Did you not see them?
20:50나를 잠 못 들게 하려는 것이다They are trying to keep me up at night.
20:53(고종꿈까지 쫓아와 기어이 흉몽이 되려는 것
They'll appear in my dreams and create
21:00어쩌면 좋을꼬What must I do?
21:01어디에 기대야 한단 말이냐Who can I rely on now?
21:04아라사를 등질 일이 아니었음이야I shouldn't have turned against Russia.
21:07미국의 황제는 정녕 측은지심조차 없단 말인
Does America's ruler have no sense of pity at
21:25(귀단이거 놔놓으라고!Let go of me this instant!
21:31(남자3) 역전을 한 이틀 지켜 섰더니 걸려들었
We watched the station for two days and
found her.
21:35왜 이러는 거요!Why are you doing this?
21:37내 발로 내가 가겠다는데!I just want to leave!
21:39한성을 떠나려고?You'll leave Hanseong?
21:43어디로?To go where and why?
21:44(히나아픈 어미는 어쩌고 짐이 한가득이네You packed a lot to leave your sick mother.
21:47대답해야 하나요?Must I answer?
21:49(귀단전 이제 아씨네 빈관 여급도 아닌데I no longer work at your hotel.
21:51(히나대답하라고 물은 건 아니란다 내가 그게
뭐 궁금하겠니
I didn't expect you to answer. Why would I
care about that?
21:56그저I just wanted to see if I should show mercy
21:58네 인생을 망가뜨리기에 앞서 선처의 기미가
없는지 살펴본 거야
I just wanted to see if I should show mercy
before I ruin your life for good.
22:01한데 방금 네년을 물기로 마음을 먹었단다But just now, I decided to dig my claws into
22:07인생을What do you mean
22:09망가뜨리다니요?you'll ruin my life?
22:20멍청한 계집이 착하지도 않으면 이리 탈이 나
는 거란다
This is what happens when a stupid girl has
gone bad.
22:26잊지 말라고 새겨 주는 것이니 명심하고 살아That's a mark for you to remember. Bear it in
your mind.
22:33제가 왜 이런 꼴을 당해야 합니까!What did I do to deserve this?
22:36(귀단구동매는 조선인 모두가 싫어하는 자였
Everyone in Joseon hated Gu Dong-mae!
22:43난 안 싫어해I don't.
23:03덕분에 무사히 나갑니다나리I go free, thanks to you.
23:05다음번에는 제가Next time,

23:08술 한잔 사겠습니다I'll buy you a drink.
23:09여럿이 도왔소Many people helped.
23:11내 상사도심부름꾼 소년도My superior, the errand boy,
23:14빈관 주인도당신네 사내들도the hotel owner, your men.
23:17(유진어떤 도련님도A young master
23:20어떤 애기씨도and a young lady.
23:27갚을 날 있겠지요I'll repay them one day.
23:30(동매하면 전 중한 볼일이 있어서I have important business to deal with.
23:54[일본어잘 태워 줘Burn them with honor.
23:58여비 넉넉히 넣어서With enough money for the afterlife.
24:01(유죠대장Yes, boss.
24:11(낭인들오셨습니까대장-Welcome, boss. -Welcome, boss.
24:22환영 끝났으면 돈들 벌어야지If you're done welcoming, it's time to earn
24:25해산해You're dismissed.
24:27(기생들!-Yes, sir. -Yes, sir.
24:33운이 좋았네?You were lucky.
24:35(스즈키이리 살아서 나오고You got out alive.
24:37조선 경무청에 처박혀 있던 네 칼이다Here's your sword that was left in a corner of
the Police Bureau.
24:42하야시 공사님께서 친히 네놈에게 전해 주라고Minister Hayashi himself ordered it be
returned to you.
24:45배려하신 거니That's an honor.
24:48엎드려 받아Take it with a bow.
24:53안 그래도 방금 하야시 공사를 뵙고 오는 길인
I just met Minister Hayashi myself.
24:58(동매선물을 보낸다더니He said he'd send a gift.
25:01벌써 와 있었네?It's here already.
25:02선물네까짓 거한테?A gift? To someone like you?
25:05(동매내가 말했잖아I told you
25:07나오면 너부터 죽인다고that I'd kill you first once I got out.
25:09그 선물이 너야You are that gift.
26:19(히나) [한국어가쾌에게 들으니I heard
26:21사무실은 아직 못 구하셨다고요you still haven't found an office.
26:23내 마음에 드는 자리가 하나 있긴 한데I did find a place I liked,
26:26이미 주인이 있어서but it's already taken.
26:35말하고 보니 꼭 내 사연 같구려That sounds a lot like the situation I'm in.
26:38근래 수척해 보이신다 했더니 나쁜 마음을 못You seem to have lost some weight. Is it
because you haven't decided to have ill

먹어 그러신가 봅니다intentions?
26:44내 집이니 떠나라 하십시오Tell the person to leave.
26:46(히나오래 비웠으나 내가 주인이라고 오는 중
That you were away for long, but it's your
room. That you were coming back for it.
26:52그럼 좋았는데That would've been nice,
26:54오려 하지 않았었소but I never meant to return.
26:56솔직도 하셔라How honest of you.
26:57(히나하면 룸이라도 바꿔 드릴까요?Shall I give you a new room?
27:00유난히 3층 객실에 소란이 끊이질 않습니다The third floor has been very noisy.
27:04전망이 제일 좋은 층 아니오It has the best view.
27:06그 정도는 감수해야지It's worth the hassle.
27:10그 방 테라스가 달이 제일 잘 보여서That room's terrace has the best view of the
27:29오늘 그 선교사의 장례식이 있습니다The missionary's funeral is today.
27:34슬픈 곡을 연주해야겠구려I should play something sad.
28:06(유진고귀하고 위대한 자여Dear great and noble one.
28:12나의 집My home.
28:16나의 영웅My hero.
29:09(유진부디 잘 가시오I bid thee farewell.
30:39이것이 무엇입니까애기씨?What is this, my lady?
30:42어떤 미국인의 이름일세The name of some American.
30:46내 이이를 위해 초를 밝혀 드리고 싶은데I would like to light a candle for him.
30:56장례일이 오늘이야He'll be buried today.
30:58(보살I see.
31:00그리하겠습니다I'll do that, my lady.
31:04이이는 하나님을 믿는 분이긴 한데this man believes in God.
31:10저기 계신 분들이야The deities we serve
31:12서로 잘 알고 지내시겠지요must know each other well.
31:16(보살부처님께서 하나님 품으로 잘 인도해 주
실 겁니다
I'm sure that Buddha will show him the way to
31:23하면 부탁하네Then light the candle for me.
31:27애기씨Yes, my lady.
31:52(분이네애기씨My lady.
31:53금방 나가겠네I'll be right out.
32:01(유진무슨 소식을 기다리는 거요?What news are you waiting for?
32:13날 쏘려던 여인이니You tried to shoot me.
32:16고약한 소식을 기다렸을 것도 같고Perhaps you were waiting for bad news.

32:22얼마나 밉던지I hated you so much.
32:29괜찮은 거요?Are you okay?
32:31지금 내 걱정을 하는 거요?Are you worried about me?
32:35난 익숙해서Well, I'm used to it.
32:37(유진조선에서도미국에서도 늘 그랬소In Joseon and America as well, it was always
like this.
32:43당신들은 날People always said
32:47어느 쪽도 아니라고 하니까that I don't belong to any of them.
32:52이쪽이오You're with me.
32:58내 쪽으로 걸으시오Walk towards me.
33:05날 쏘려던 여인의 손을 잡으란 말이오?Should I take the hand that tried to shoot me?
33:20그걸 알면서도I'm taking the hand...
33:24내 총구 속으로 들어온 사내의 손을of the man who knew that...
33:30내가 잡는 거요and still stepped into the cross-hairs.
35:19손수건은 내가 받았는데I was the one who received the handkerchief,
35:23이 밤에 누가 이리 우시나so who's crying tonight?
35:39(덕문구동매가 스즈키를 그리 잔인하게 죽여
버릴 줄은
I didn't know Gu Dong-mae would just kill
Suzuki like that.
35:42암만 그래도 하야시 공사 심복인데 말입니다I mean, he's Minister Hayashi's trusted man.
35:44하야시가 보낸 선물 아이겠니He must be the gift from Hayashi.
35:46(완익하야시가 구동매랑 쿵짝이 맞은 모양인
It looks like Hayashi sided with Gu Dong-mae.
35:50하면 이제 어쩝니까?Then what now?
35:52(덕문눈에 뵈는 게 없을 것인데요Nothing will be able to stop him.
36:01인간 만사 새옹지마라지There are always ups and downs in life.
36:05믿을 구석이 있을 것도 같고I might have someone to turn to.
36:17(완익내 집이 요새 문전성시로구나I'm getting a lot of visitors recently.
36:22나가서 기다리라Wait outside.
36:23(덕문그래도 제가 있는 게...I should stay and--
36:25(완익네가 있는 게 무스기 도움 되갔니? (
? [완익이 혀를 쯧쯧 찬다]
-What good would that be? -Pardon?
36:29Yes, sir.
36:44간만에 뵙습니다It's been a while, sir.
36:47하마터면 영영 못 뵐 뻔했지 뭡니까I almost never got to see you again.
36:50사설은 접고Cut to the chase.
36:52따질 거 있으면 날래 따지고 가라If you have something to say, say it and leave.
36:54다 지난 일It's all in the past.
36:56(동매칼 쓰는 놈이 칼로 따져야지 주둥이로는A swordsman speaks with his blade, not with

안 따지지요his tongue.
37:01하나 걱정인 건My only concern is that
37:02대감께서 그리 원하시는 고사홍 나리를 끝내
못 엮어 드려서
you wanted to ruin Lord Go Sa-hong, but I
failed to incriminate him.
37:06[완익의 코웃음대감 눈 밖에 났으려나 애가 타
지 뭡니까
I'm so worried that you hate me for that.
37:09돈 주면 다 하는 잡놈 아새끼가You're a lowlife who will do anything for
37:11(완익어디서 개수작이니?What are you trying to pull?
37:15지금 나를 겁박하는 거이니겁은 나십니까?-Are you trying to scare me? -Do you feel
37:19이놈 출소하는 길에 하야시 공사께 솔깃한 얘
기를 하나 해 드렸지요
As I left the bureau, I told Minister Hayashi an
interesting story.
37:23(동매내 진즉에 황제의 내탕금 증서를 찾아다That I found and gave Lee Wan-ik the deposit
37:25이완익 대감께 넘겼는데for the king's secret account,
37:27글쎄이세훈이랑 작당해서 꿀꺽하려다 일이
but he and Lee Se-hun tried to profit from it,
messed things up,
37:31이세훈이한테 죄다 뒤집어씌우더라고and put all the blame on Lee Se-hun.
37:39그 증거도 없는 개소리를 하야시가 믿을 것 같
Do you think he'll believe nonsense that you
can't even prove?
37:44(완익돌다리도 구멍 뚫릴 때까지 두들겨 가면
서 건너는 게 그 아새끼야
He's so timid that he looks far ahead before
he leaps.
37:49(동매저야 그저 상상력이 풍부한 자에게 의심
을 심었지요
I just sowed a seed of doubt in a very
imaginative mind.
37:53그랬더니 하야시가 대감께 전하랍니다Minister Hayashi told me to relay you this
38:01(하야시) [일본어조선 놈도 일본 놈도 아닌 놈
Fools who are neither Japanese nor Joseon...
38:03(동매) [한국어조선 놈도 일본 놈도 아닌 놈들
"Fools who are neither Japanese nor Joseon
38:06결국 일본의 약점이 된다고will in the end become Japan's weakness."
38:13외부대신에 오르신 거 감축드립니다나리Congratulations on becoming Minister of
Foreign Affairs.
38:17하니 부디So I hope
38:21몸조심하십시오that you take care of yourself.
38:36[한국어뭐라고 씨불이는 거여?What are you saying?
38:38나가 쪼까...I'd like to...
38:40나가 쪼까 드가고드가고 싶은디I'd like to... I'd like to go inside.
38:47이렇게 쉽게?Just like that?
38:54(일식옷가지 뭐 그란 건 빼고I left the clothes
38:56글자 박힌 거 위주로 들고 왔응게 살펴보시오and brought things with writing on them, so
have a look.
39:21[한국어웃는 거 본께 되었구먼I'm glad to see you smile.

39:27(유진고맙소Thank you.
39:28뭐를... - (유진고생했소-It's nothing. -Well done.
39:45(유진부탁이 있소Do me a favor.
39:46내게 전보 친 내용이 물건들What you said in the telegram, the things you
brought me,
39:50함경도에서 보고 들은 그 어떤 것도 다and everything you saw and heard in
Hamgyong Province.
39:54비밀로 해 주시오Keep them a secret.
39:55그것은 어렵지가 않은디That's not difficult,
39:57늘 비밀에는 비용이 엄청 등께but keeping a secret incurs a hefty expense.
40:07(승재자네의 수사가 진실에 가까워질수록The closer your investigation got to the truth,
40:10우리 조직에게 위협이 됐거든the more threatened our organization
40:12난 그들의 이름도 모두 숨겼어I hid their names and everything.
40:15이완익에게 거짓으로 알려 줬다고I lied to Lee Wan-ik.
40:18그러니 그 사진은 없애 줘So destroy that photo.
40:21(용주마지막 부탁이야That's my final request.
40:30(승재방금 나열한 이름들을You weren't supposed
40:33자넨 끝끝내 몰랐어야 했고to know any of the names you just listed.
40:38(유진) '오얏꽃 피던 날에'When the plum trees bloomed. Song Yeong,
Go Sang-wan,
40:39'송영고상완 김용주전승재 함께하다'When the plum trees bloomed. Song Yeong,
Go Sang-wan, Kim Yong-ju, Jeon Seung-jae,
40:48'1874년 봄동경'Spring of 1874, Tokyo.
41:19(일식춘식아헹님 왔다Chun-sik, I'm back.
41:21(춘식아이고헹님아이고헹님 아이고
헹님헹님 아이고헹님
Il-sik, you're back at last.
41:25인자 우리 헹님 왔습니다 헹님하고 얘기하이소He's here. Talk to him.
41:28(일식오자마자 뭔 일이여?What's going on?
41:30(춘식아니여기를 뭐반을 딱 잘라가 뭔 세를
내 달라 해 가지고
He wants to take half our space and pay rent
41:33뭘 쓴다 카고예so that he can write about things.
41:36반이 아니라 저기 한 평만 책상 하나 둘 자리면
Not half. I just need a bit of space. I just need
room for a desk.
41:41여기가 배산임수좌청룡 우백호I heard this spot has the best feng shui
41:43(희성지세산세수세가 완벽히 어우러지는
명당이라 들어서
based on the location of the land and water.
41:46내가 달에 한 번 값을 치를 것이오I'll pay for the space once a month.
41:49(춘식그라면 쫍아가 손님한테 걸거치고
불편하다 아입니까
You'll take up space which will make our
customers feel uncomfortable.
41:52그렇지 않을 것이오I won't.
41:53이 얼굴에 불편할 자가 조선 천지에 어디 있겠Who'd feel uncomfortable when faced with my

41:58여 둘이나 있는디지금There are two right here already.
41:59두 분이 부재중일 때 손님도 내가 받겠소I'll take your customers when you're both out.
42:01점원도 부리고 달세도 받고You get rent and an extra worker.
42:03어떻소손해 볼 것이 전혀 없소What do you say? You have nothing to lose.
42:08(기생들도련님!-Young master. -Young master.
42:13갑자기 눈이 엄청 부신디What a dazzling sight.
42:15(기생어머도련님 사무실을 벌써 차리신 겁
Young master, you have an office already?
42:19초대도 안 해 주시고 서운합니다I'm upset that you didn't even invite us.
42:21(희성아직이오 내 아직 이분들을 설득 중인데Not yet. I'm still trying to persuade these men.
42:25안 될 수도 있고But it might not work out.
42:29춘식아계약서 갖고 와라언능Chun-sik, bring the contract.
42:31(춘식헹님정신 좀 차리소Il-sik, get a grip.
42:33산 중에 정신이 제일 똑발라지금!I've never been this serious in my life!
42:42내 원체 뭘 하고자 할 의지가 없어I never wanted to do anything,
42:44의학부 1법학부 1년 문학부도 1년 다니다
so I studied medicine, law, and literature a
year each,
42:47종국엔 다 안 다녔소then quit studying altogether.
42:48한데 이런 내가 뭘 잘할 수 있을까 생각해 보았
So what on earth am I good at? I thought
carefully about it.
42:53그러다 알게 되었소Then I realized
42:55내가 모든 일에 호기심이 많고that I'm curious about everything
42:58남들 얘기를 잘 들어 준다는 거and I'm a very good listener.
43:00[희성의 웃음] (유진지금 혼자 떠들고 있소
녁 내내
You've been doing all the talking all evening.
43:04일본 유학을 제가 갔다 온 줄 알았습니다I thought I was the one who studied abroad in
43:06(희성내 이리 말재주도 좋소I'm such a good speaker too.
43:08[희성의 웃음] (유진그래서 뭘 하겠다는 거요?So what will you do?
43:10그 얘기만 빼놓고 하고 있소 저녁 내내You talked all evening about everything but
43:14내가 그 말을 안 했구려 신문사를 차릴까 하오I forgot to tell you. I'm going to print a
43:21부고란이 꼭 있었으면 좋겠는데I really hope you print obituaries.
43:23(유진망하겠네 이리 헤드라인을 못 뽑아서야You'll go bankrupt. You write terrible
43:29못 뽑으시네That's true.
43:31헤드라인만 과하기보단Rather than flashy headlines,
43:33진실과 사실을 기록하는 것에 더욱더 중점을
둬야 하지 않겠소
shouldn't the focus be on printing the truth and
43:38보통은 국한문 혼용인데Most mediums use Korean and Chinese,

43:40난 국문으로만 된 신문을 발행할 거요but mine will be... in Korean only.
43:47요즘엔 찾는 사내가 없소?Are you not hunting for anyone?
43:49왜 없겠습니까? (동매내 요즘 기침하는 사내
를 찾
Of course I am. I'm looking for one who
43:56고뿔이 걸려서 이만I caught a cold.
44:02그거 아시오?Guess what?
44:05그쪽이 술값 낸 적이 한 번도 없소You never paid for drinks once.
44:13(희성아오I know that.
44:14뭐 이리 당당해?You're not ashamed?
44:16인사를 빼먹었구려잘 먹었소I forgot to thank you. Thanks for the drinks.
44:28(유진잘 먹었소Thanks for the drinks.
44:33(동매내 중한 볼일이 있어서I have important business to deal with.
44:46[종이 뎅 울린다] (희성오늘은 달이 참 밝소The moon is bright tonight.
44:50같이 걷는 거 아니오오해 마시오I'm not walking with you. Don't think I am.
44:53(동매여기 같이 걷는 놈 없습니다No one here is walking with anyone.
44:56인생 다 각자 걷는 거지요We go about our lives alone.
45:04봄이 왔나 보오Spring is here.
45:07오늘은 내가 좋아하는 것들이 여기 다 있구려Everything I like is right here.
45:10(동매저는 빼 주십시오Leave me out of it.
45:12(희성난 이리 무용한 것들을 좋아하오I love such useless things.
45:14Spring, flowers, and the moon.
45:17혹 꽃잎을 정확히 반으로 가를 수 있소?Can you slice a flower petal exactly in half?
45:19(동매나리를 반으로 가를 순 있겠지요I could cut you in half.
45:22가로로 할까요세로로 할까요?Horizontally or vertically?
45:24(희성어찌 그리 잔인한Why are you so cruel?
45:25혹 꽃잎을 정확히 명중시킬 수 있소?Can you shoot a falling flower petal?
45:28(유진구동매가 반으로 가르기 전이오후요?Before or after Gu Dong-mae slices it in half?
45:31(희성참으로 멋진 은유요What a beautiful metaphor.
45:32일본인과 미국인 사이에서Between an American and a Japanese,
45:35난 날마다 죽소I die every day.
45:38오늘의 나의 사인은My cause of death today
45:40화사요is beauty.
46:18(남종봄을 맞아 새로이 학생을 모집하오"It's spring and we're looking for new students.
46:24본 학당은This school has two foreign teachers,
46:25서국 교사가 2인에 부교사가 3인에This school has two foreign teachers, three
Joseon teachers
46:30한문 교사가 2인이라and two who teach Chinese characters.
46:34영문과 외타 제종 학문을 가르칠 것이니We teach English and other various subjects.
46:38다들 와서 배우시오Everyone can come and learn."

46:41다 되었다It's done.
46:44필체가 한석봉 저리 가라입니다 애기씨You write just as well as Han Seok-bong.
46:48과찬이다That's flattery.
46:49사내 같다는 뜻이었습니다I mean your writing is like a man's.
46:54가까이 오너라Come closer.
46:55하면 전 광고 붙이러 가 보겠습니다I'll go and put this up.
46:58(남종살펴 가셔요애기씨Goodbye.
47:08(남종사내 같다는 뜻이었습니다I mean your writing is like a man's.
47:33(애신봄을 핑계 삼아 안부를 묻소I use spring as an excuse to ask how you're
47:36나는 잘 있소귀하는 잘 있소?I'm well. Are you?
47:40(유진궁금한 것이 있소I want to ask you something.
47:43오얏꽃이란 꽃은 어떤 꽃이오?What does a plum tree flower look like?
47:47오얏꽃을 핑계로 보고 싶다 조르는 거요I'm using a flower as an excuse to beg you to
meet me.
47:51하필 받침이 이리 많은 꽃을Why this flower of all of them?
47:55(애신오얏꽃은 대한 제국 황실의 문장이오The plum flower is the crest of the royal family
of Joseon.
48:00옛 문헌으로부터 유구하게 등장한 유서 깊은
It has a long history and appears in many
historical documents.
48:06한데 오얏꽃은 왜 갑자기 궁금해진 거요?Why do you suddenly want to know about this
48:21귀하의 아버지와I wanted to know
48:23동지들이 무엇을 기념했나 궁금해서what your father and his comrades
48:26(유진귀하에게 보여 줬던 부친과 친우들의 사
진 뒤에
The photo I showed you of your father and his
48:30글귀가 적혀 있었소had a sentence on the back.
48:34'오얏꽃이 피던 날에 누구누구와 함께하다'"When the plum trees bloomed. Together with
48:45미안하지만 사진은 태웠소I'm sorry, but I burned the photo.
48:49밝혀지면 안 되는 얼굴과 이름들인 것 같아서I thought the faces and names shouldn't
become public.
48:52마음에 담았으니 괜찮소They're in my heart, so it's okay.
48:58고맙소Thank you.
49:04(애신꽃구경은 했고 이제 무엇을 하면 되오?We saw the flower. What do we do now?
49:09악수허그그리움꽃구경A handshake, a hug, longing, flower-gazing.
49:17그다음 말이오What's next?
49:22(애신어유생각지도 못했소I wasn't expecting that.
49:24(유진생각나는 대로 말해 본 거요I just said what first came to mind.
49:27(애신낚시 잘하시오?Are you good at fishing?
49:31I'm Eugene Choi, Captain of the US Marine

미 해병대 대위 유진 초이요Corps.
49:35배와 여러모로 밀접하고I spent many days on a ship.
49:37그럼 누가 더 많이 잡는지 내기하겠소?Shall we bet on who catches more fish?
49:40낚시 다음은 내기인 거요?Betting comes after fishing?
49:42생선구이일지도Grilled fish could be next.
50:07(애신입질이 왔소당기시오!It's nibbling. Pull up.
50:13(애신) [한국어에헤Come on.
50:14(유진너무 일렀소It was too soon.
50:15(애신낚아챘어야 했소You should've snapped it up.
50:20(유진내 손은 계속 잡고 있을 거요?Will you keep on holding my hand?
50:24(애신) [멋쩍게 웃으며쓰시오It's all yours.
50:33이러려고 낚시 잘하냐고 물은 거요?Is that why you asked if I can fish?
50:39무슨 그런...You're funny.
50:44My gosh.
50:45그럼 곤란한데Too bad then.
50:48(유진난 이러려고 한 거라Because it was the reason for me.
51:14(애신) '가을날 깨끗한 긴 호수는 푸른 옥이 흐
르는 듯 흘러
The clear, long lake on an autumn day flows
like a shard of green jade.
51:21'연꽃 수북한 곳에 작은 배를 매어 두었지요'Where lotus flowers bloom, we docked our
small boat.
51:29'그대 만나려고'To see you,
51:32'물 너머로 연밥을 던졌다가'I tossed a bait over the wall.
51:36'멀리서 남에게 들켜 반나절이 부끄러웠답니다'Someone saw me from far away and I was
embarrassed for half a day.
51:57(안평예끼호랑이가 물어갈 놈 같으니라고Don't be silly.
52:08(집사아니어찌 그러십니까대감... (안평)
-What's the matter, my lord? -Hush, be quiet.
52:16(안평부인난리 났소! [문이 달칵 열린다]My dear, this is a disaster!
52:19난리 났소어디 계시오아유빨리 나와 보시
[문이 달칵 닫힌다]
Where are you? Come over here!
52:21(호선왜 그러십니까?What is the matter?
52:24[안평의 떨리는 숨소리무슨 일인데 얼굴이 그
렇게 누렇게 떠서는
What's wrong? Why is your face so pale?
52:29설마 이완익 대감이 취업을 안 시켜 준답니까?Will Lee Wan-ik not give you a job?
52:32지금 취업이 문제가 아니오My job is the least of our problems.
52:35희성이가 묵는 그 빈관에 그놈도 같이 묵더이
At the hotel where Hui-seong's staying, he's
staying too.
52:40그놈이라니요?Who is?
52:41(안평그놈 말이오그놈!You know, him.

52:43그 최가 노비 아들놈The slave Choi's son.
52:48(호선유진유진이 말씀이십니까?What? You mean, Yu-jin?
52:51(호선그놈이 거기 묵어요우리 희성이
He's staying there? With Hui-seong?
52:58(도미오셨어요나리Hello, sir.
53:01손님이 아까부터 기다리고 계십니다A guest has been waiting for you.
53:18이건This was...
53:21잠깐 내 것이었고mine for a short while,
53:24오랫동안 네 것이었다but it has always belonged to you.
53:27(호선이건 네 어미의 유품이나 진배없다It is like a keepsake your mother left for you.
53:33돌려주러 왔다I came to return it to you.
53:38용서해 달라는 말은 아니다I am not asking you to forgive us.
53:42그저I just...
53:46우리 희성이만큼은would like Hui-seong
53:50그 일을 모르게 해 달라는 얘기야to never find out what happened that day.
53:53용서해 달라는 말과 크게 다르지 않은데You are basically asking for forgiveness.
53:56그 짐은That is a burden...
53:58우리 대감과 내가 질 짐이야 우리 희성이는 아
무 죄가 없어
which my husband and I must bear. Hui
seong didn't do anything wrong.
54:04우리 희성이는 복중이었다He was inside my womb back then.
54:07그냥All he did was...
54:10그냥 이런 집에 태어났을 뿐이잖니As you know, all he did was be born into our
54:13난 무슨 죄가 있었소?Then what did I do wrong?
54:18그 집에서 태어나긴 나도 매한가지였는데I was also born under the same roof.
54:25노비의 아들로As a son of a slave, that is.
54:28왜 난 지옥을 살게 하고After making my life hell,
54:31당신 아들은how could you hope
54:34꽃길이길 바라는 거요?that your son never suffers?
54:38내가I will...
54:40내가 그 죗값 다 받으마I will pay for my sins.
54:42(호선나한테 해 죽을 때까지 그 죗값 다 치르
You can make me suffer until the day I die to
pay for everything that was done to you.
54:48그래도 모자라면 죽어서도If that is not enough, you can make me suffer
even after I die.
54:51[울먹이며내 무덤이라도 파내도 좋아You can dig up my grave if you'd like.
54:54그러니 제발 우리 희성이만큼은So, please allow my son, Hui-seong,
54:57아무것도 모르고 살게 해 줘to live his life without finding out what
happened that day.

55:00내 무릎이라도 꿇으라면 꿇을 테니I will beg you on my knees if you tell me to.
55:03그깟 무릎With those knees?
55:06필요 없소That won't be necessary.
55:16내 부모님께 말고는I have never knelt down before anyone
55:19내 일평생 처음이나other than my parents.
55:22이깟 무릎But I can do this for you.
55:58(호선그러니 제발So, please
56:00우리 희성이는 그냥 둬 줘leave Hui-seong alone.
56:04부탁이다유진아I beg you, Yu-jin.
56:43(희성일전에 보니 솜씨가 퍽 좋아서I noticed that you were quite good at caring
for wounds.
56:50부탁 좀 합시다Help me out with this.
56:55글로리에서 가장 다사다난한 304호에The most eventful room in Glory Hotel, Room
56:59드디어 들어와 보는구려I finally got to enter it.
57:03들어오라고 안 했는데I never said you could come in.
57:08상처 입은 이를 이리 박대하면Don't be so mean to a man with a wound.
57:19(희성어머니이거 흘리셨습니다Mother. You dropped this.
57:35(희성이 노리개가 왜 304호에 있소?Why is this ornament in your room?
57:41이건 내 어머니의 것인데This is my mother's.
57:45당신 어머니 것이었지It was your mother's.
57:52태어난 날이 언제요?When is your birthday?
57:58그건 왜 묻소?Why do you ask?
57:59내 부모가 죽던 날이 언제인지 궁금해서I want to know what day my parents died.
58:05(유진당신 조부가 보낸 추노꾼을 피해 도망치
I forgot the date as I got no sleep for days
while running away
58:08날을 새우다가 잊어버렸소from the slave hunters your grandfather sent.
58:22언제요생일?When is your birthday?
58:28신미년 사월 열이레요I was born on April 17, 1871.
58:35(희성더 궁금한 건 없소?Anything else you'd like to know?
58:43지금은 내가 더 많이 아는 것 같은데I think I know more than you do now.
59:11참으로 오랜만일세It's been such a long time.
59:16(희성날 알아보겠는가?Do you recognize me?
59:18(남자4) 그럼요도련님Of course, young master.
59:20도련님 일곱 살 되던 해까지 제가 그 집에서 일
I worked for your family until the year you
turned seven.
59:25이리 장성하셨어도You're all grown up now,
59:27어릴 때 모습이 그대로 있으십니다but you still have the face you had when you
were a kid.
59:30-Please accept my bow. -It's okay.

절받으십시오 (희성괜찮네
59:59(남자4) 어찌 이러십니까요?Why are you doing this to me?
1:00:05살려 주십시오Please spare my life.
1:00:07뭘 했다고 벌써 살려 달래민망하게I didn't even do anything. Why beg me
already? How embarrassing.
1:00:12(동매뭐 하나만 물읍시다Let me ask you something.
1:00:14아까 그 도련님과 무슨 얘기를 그리 정답게 나
눴나 궁금해서
I'm curious what your conversation with the
young gentleman was about.
1:00:19얼핏 들으니I overheard you two
1:00:22노비 어쩌고 하던데talking about a slave.
1:00:28(희성대충 짐작이 가는 걸 묻는 걸세I'm asking you about what I have been
1:00:32자네가 조금만 보태 주었으면 해서I'd like you to help me fill in the blanks.
1:00:40실은 미뤄 두었던It is actually a question...
1:00:45오래된 질문이기도 하고I have been putting off asking for a long time.
1:00:50이 질문은 내게 8번 공 같은 걸세To me, this question is like the eight-ball.
1:00:54결과가 어떻든 감당해야 하는I must accept the consequences no matter
what they are.
1:00:59내가 이기려나Will I win
1:01:04지려나or lose?
1:01:18부탁함세Help me out here.
1:01:24(남자4) 그 아이는He is...
1:01:26도련님 조부님 살아 계실 때the son of a slave couple who used to work
1:01:29그 집에서 일하던 노비 부부의 아들입니다for your family when your grandfather was
1:01:34도련님의 조부이신 대감마님께서Your grandfather, Lord Kim...
1:01:36(김 판서뭣들 하느냐저놈을 멍석에 말아라What are you waiting for? Roll him up.
1:01:39(남자4) 그 아이의 어미를 팔아넘기려고...wanted to sell his mother.
1:01:41(유진 모잘못했습니다대감마님My lord, we are sorry.
1:01:44(남자4) 그 아이의 아비를 때려죽이고Lord Kim had the servants beat the father to
1:01:48(남자4) 아이도 매질을 당하니까Even the boy got beaten up.
1:01:50(유진 모유진아!Yu-jin!
1:01:55(남자4) 그 어미가So his mother...
1:01:58태중의 도련님과held your mother...
1:01:59(유진 모다음엔 여기입니다!I will stab the baby next.
1:02:02(남자4) 만삭이셨던 아씨 마님을 인질로 잡고...who was pregnant with you hostage.
1:02:05(유진 모) [울먹이며멀리아주 멀리 가유진
Now, go. Go as far away as you can.
1:02:14(남자4) 아이는 도망가게 하고After making sure her son got away,

1:02:24(남자4) 우물에...jumped into the well.
1:02:31(유진누구나 제 손톱 밑의 가시가 제일 아플
수 있어
One may think that his own problem is bigger
than anyone else's.
1:02:34근데 심장이 뜯겨 나가 본 사람 앞에서But when there's a man in front of you whose
heart has been torn out,
1:02:39아프다는 소린 말아야지you shouldn't say you're hurt.
1:02:43그건 부끄러움의 문제거든That would be a shameful thing to do.
1:02:47(남자4) 애가 그 꼴을 다 봤고The boy saw all of that.
1:02:52그 길로 도망쳤고He ran away
1:02:54그리 대국 사람이 되어 왔습니다and came back as a man of such a powerful
1:03:09고맙네Thank you.
1:03:21그자가 노비라He was born a slave?
1:03:26두 나리께서 그런 비극적인 사연이 있으실 줄
은 몰랐네
I had no idea that the two of them shared
such a tragic story.
1:03:31(남자4) 제가 아는 얘기는 다 했습니다I told you everything that I know.
1:03:34하면 말씀하셨던 돈...Then... as you promised, you should pay me...
1:03:39(동매줘야지Yes, I should.
1:03:41뜻밖의 사연이니 많이 쳐줘야지I should pay you a lot since you told me such
a surprising story.
1:03:55(정문익문사 요원들이 그 선교사를 지키지 못
Our covert officers could not protect the
1:04:00선교사의 동선이 새어 나간 건 물론Not only was his route leaked in advance,
1:04:03밀지의 존재도 미리 알고 있었던 듯하다but it also seems that they knew about the
secret letter all along.
1:04:07익문사 내부에 밀정이 있군요That means there must be an internal spy.
1:04:11네가 해 줄 일이 있다there is something I need you to do.
1:04:14(정문그날 거사에 투입된 요원은 셋이었다That day, three officers were sent for the
1:04:18하나는 선교사와 함께 죽어 돌아왔고One came back dead with the missionary,
1:04:22둘은 내사 중이다and we are investigating the other two at the
1:04:24내사 중인 자 둘 중 하나가One of the two officers that are being
1:04:27네 빈관에 자주 드나든다frequents your hotel.
1:04:30누구입니까?Who is it?
1:04:32(정문그 선교사가We could not rule out the possibility
1:04:34혹여라도 중간에 잘못될 가능성을 배제할 수
We could not rule out the possibility that
something could happen to the missionary on
his way,
1:04:38한성 기차역에서부터 제물포항까지 붙여 놓은so we had the officer follow him from

자였다Hanseong Station to Jemulpo Harbor.
1:04:43[의미심장한 음악] (히나강씨 부인 말씀이십
Is it Ms. Kang by any chance?
1:04:48(정문강씨에게 뭐 하나라도 특이점이 보이거
든 기별하거라
If you see her doing anything out of the
ordinary, let me know.
1:04:53그리고 하나 더And one more thing.
1:04:55그 미국인 사내를 내 앞에 데려다 앉히거라Bring the American man to me.
1:04:59그건 직접 하명하셔도 될 것을요You can summon him yourself, sir.
1:05:03나를 보려 하지 않을 것이다He won't want to see me.
1:05:07그새 빈정을 사셨습니까?Did you already get on the wrong side of him?
1:05:09하면 전 뭘 얻습니까?Then what will I gain from it?
1:05:12네 어미의The information
1:05:15거처다on your mother's whereabouts.
1:05:17제가 방금 잘못 들은 듯싶은데 (정문바로 들
-I must have misheard what you just said. -No,
you heard me correctly.
1:05:21못 찾고 계시지 않습니까제 어미But you have not found my mother.
1:05:23(정문찾았다I have.
1:05:27Did you...
1:05:29이미 찾아 놓으셨던 겁니까?find her a long ago but never told me?
1:05:51(히나눈감아 주시지요Please forgive me.
1:05:53저 또한 소문 하나 뒷말 하나에도 기대는 중이
I have no choice but to rely on whatever I
hear, including rumors and gossip.
1:06:04조선을 안 떠나기로 했다고I heard you decided not to leave Joseon.
1:06:06떠날 이유가 없어서I have no reason to leave.
1:06:09출근하는 길입니다짧게 하시지요I was on my way to work, so please keep it
1:06:12무관 학교 교관 자리를 자네가 맡아 줘야겠네I need you to take the role of a drill instructor
at the Royal Military Academy.
1:06:16그 자리는 이미 거절한 자리입니다I already rejected that offer.
1:06:18(정문그리 들었으나Yes, I heard.
1:06:20그 자리에 맞는 자가 자네뿐이라But you are the only viable candidate for the
1:06:24(유진뻔뻔하기도 하시지How shameless.
1:06:27(정문이완익이 제 원하는 자리에 앉았으니Now that Lee Wan-ik has gotten the position
that he wanted the most,
1:06:30원수부부터 장악하려 들 게야he'll try to gain control over the Board of
Marshals first.
1:06:33난 이완익이 건들지 못할 자가 필요하네I need someone whom he cannot mess with.
1:06:36일 원 반 푼어치라도 조선의 편을 들어 줄 미국
인 말일세
An American who can at least pretend that he
is on Joseon's side.
1:06:42미국인이라 죽이겠다더니 이젠 미국인이라 필
요하다는 거요
You wanted me dead because I'm American.
What now? You suddenly need me because
I'm American?

1:06:48이완익이 뭘 하든 내가 무슨 상관이라고Why should I care whatever Lee Wan-ik is
1:06:50(정문그들을 더 오래 살게 할 수 있지Because you can help them live longer.
1:06:54자네가 그간 파악한 도공 황은산과 그들 말일
I'm talking about the potter, Hwang Eun-san,
and his people.
1:07:01설령 그게 반 푼어치 더 사는 것이어도It matters even if you help them live just a day
1:07:10(유진내가 하겠다 한들 좋은 마음으로 할 리
가 없을 텐데
Even if I decided to do it, I wouldn't be glad to
do the job.
1:07:13좋은 마음까지는 바라지도 않네I do not even expect you to be so.
1:07:17나쁜 마음 안 먹는 것만으로도 감지덕지지I'd be grateful if you could come with no bad
1:07:22(정문원하는 게 있으면 말하게 뭐든 들어주겠
Tell me if there is anything you'd like.
Whatever it is, I'll grant it to you.
1:07:26벼슬이든 전답이든Whether it's a title or a piece of land, just tell
1:07:32그럼 산을 주시오Then I'd like a mountain.
1:07:35?A mountain?
1:07:36(유진강화도에 작은 골짜기가 하나 있소There's a small valley in Ganghwa Island.
1:07:39그 산을 주시오I'd like that mountain.
1:07:43(유진 모다음에 태어나면 저리 살련다In my next life, I wish to be one of those.
1:07:48나는?And me?
1:07:53이런 집에 살아라live in a house like this.
1:07:55(유진 모엄마가 거기 마당에 필게I will bloom in the garden.
1:08:00(유진여기 이리 피어 계시니You bloomed like this here.
1:08:04여기에 집을 지어야 할까요Shall I build a house here?
1:08:22(조씨아버님접니다Father, it's me.
1:08:34아버님께서 잠도 통 못 주무시고I heard that you have been barely getting any
1:08:37진지도 거반 남기신다고 행랑아범이 귀띔을 해
and haven't been eating much at all. Mr.
Haengrang told me.
1:08:44드십시오Please drink this.
1:08:45식솔들 아니면 늘상 불효입니다아버님I'm sorry I'm such a bad daughter-in-law.
1:08:49걱정 말아라Don't worry.
1:08:52단 하루도 불효한 적 없다You've never been a bad daughter-in-law to
1:09:07(사홍혹여 김 판서 댁에서 소식이 온 것이 없
Have we heard anything from Lord Kim's
1:09:12소식이라 하시면...About what, Father?
1:09:14(사홍이제 그만 애신이 혼인을 시켰으면 하는
I'd like to marry Ae-sin off now.
1:09:20지금도 많이 늦었다It should have happened a long ago.

1:09:23송구합니다아버님I'm sorry, Father.
1:09:25빠른 시일 내 안사돈을 만나 보겠습니다I will meet with Lord Kim's wife as soon as
1:09:28[긴장되는 음악] (안평효현손 김가 안평은I, Kim An-pyeong,
1:09:30삼가 묘위에 고하나이다would like to let all of my ancestors know.
1:09:34안평의 아들 26대손 삼대독자 희성이My son, Hui-seong, the third-generation only
son of the family,
1:09:39(안평장흥 고가 영애 애신과 혼약을 맺고자would like to marry the granddaughter of the
Go family, Ae-sin.
1:09:43오늘 납채를 하게 됨에I will send a formal letter to her family today,
1:09:45경건한 마음으로 삼가 아뢰오니 I came to inform you with my deepest
1:09:50납채서라니요?A letter about my wedding?
1:09:54큰어머니...Auntie, I'm...
1:09:57전 아직...I'm not ready yet.
1:10:00싫습니다I don't want to get married.
1:10:03- (애신안 됩니다 - (조씨나도 더는 안 되겠다-I can't. -I also can't... -let things go on like
this. -Auntie.
1:10:05큰어머니!-let things go on like this. -Auntie.
1:10:06(조씨나는 옛날 사람이다I'm old-fashioned.
1:10:08해서 너를 이해해 보려고 노력했어I tried to understand you.
1:10:11네가 장 포수에게 가는 연유가I already know that wild boar meat
1:10:13멧 고기 심부름이 아니라는 건 내 익히 알고 있
is not the true reason you visit Gunner Jang.
1:10:17계집애 몸에 출처 모를 멍이며 흉터가 생기는
것도 그냥 넘겼고
I've also seen mysterious scars and bruises
on your body, but I turned a blind eye to them.
1:10:22하나 더는 안 봐줄 것이야However, I won't go easy on you anymore.
1:10:24네가 무엇을 하려는 것인지 내 정확히는 모르
I do not know exactly what you're up to,
1:10:28난 안주인으로서 이 집안을 지킬 의무가 있다but I ought to protect all of us as the lady of
this family.
1:10:32납채서가 오면 혼인을 서두를 것이니 그리 알
When we receive the letter, we will rush the
wedding, so consider yourself informed.
1:10:39(집사도련님!Young master!
1:10:43댁으로 가시는 길이십니까?Are you on your way home?
1:10:44(희성그렇네만 자네는 어딜 그리 급히 가는
Yes, I am. Where are you going? You seem to
be in a hurry.
1:10:49다 도련님 좋으시라고 제가 이리 급히 가지요I'm rushing like this to make you happy.
1:10:53(집사) [납채서를 툭툭 치며이게 애신 애기씨
댁으로 가는 도련님 납채서입니다요
I'm delivering this wedding letter to Lady Ae
sin's family.
1:10:57[웃으며아유어여 가십시오Oh, you should hurry home.
1:10:59안 그래도 대감마님이 그냥 눈이 빠져라 기다
리고 계십니다요
Your father has been waiting for you, sir.

1:11:02그거 이리 주게Give it to me.
1:11:04(집사?Pardon me?
1:11:05(희성원래 신랑이 직접 들고 가기도 하지 않
In some cases, the groom-to-be can deliver
the letter himself.
1:11:07내가 가겠네I'll go.
1:11:09도련님께서 직접요?Would you like to deliver the letter yourself?
1:11:13(애신노여우실 줄은 알지만 더는 미룰 수 없
어 말씀드립니다
I know that this will enrage you, but I must tell
you because I cannot put it off any longer.
1:11:18저는 혼인하지 않겠습니다I will not get married.
1:11:22혼자 살겠습니다I will live alone.
1:11:23듣던 중 해괴한 소리로구나That is the most preposterous thing I have
ever heard.
1:11:26오래 한 생각입니다 네 생각 안 물었다!-I thought about it for a long time. -I never
asked you what you think.
1:11:29저를 장 포수에게 보내셨을 때 각오하셔야 했
You should have prepared yourself for this
when you sent me to Gunner Jang.
1:11:33[사홍의 한숨] (애신수나 놓으며 붓글씨나 쓰
Would you like me to fill my time with
embroidery and calligraphy?
1:11:38그리 살진 못할 것 같습니다I do not think I can live like that.
1:11:41그러기엔 제가 멀리 왔습니다I've come too far for that to happen.
1:11:45돌아갈 수도 없습니다I cannot go back.
1:11:46(사홍조선 천지 어느 반가의 아녀자가No woman of noble birth in this country
1:11:50혼인도 하지 않고 혼자 산다더냐lives alone without getting married.
1:11:53조선에 그런 법도는 없다That is against Joseon's code of conduct.
1:11:56나더러 세상의 손가락질을 감내하라는 말이
Do you expect me to put up with people
speaking ill of you and our family?
1:12:01다 버려야 한다면If I must give up everything,
1:12:04버리겠습니다I will.
1:12:07이방인으로 살겠습니다I will live as an outcast.
1:12:09(사홍그건 죽겠다는 말과 다르지 않다That is no different from telling me that you
will take your own life.
1:12:12그게 할아비 앞에서 할 소리냐?How could you say such a thing to your
1:12:16마음에 품은 다른 이가 있습니다There is another man in my heart.
1:12:21(애신그저 나란히 걸으며I will walk alongside him
1:12:25혼자 살겠습니다and won't marry anyone.
1:12:28다른 이유는 다 대도 그 이유는 대지 말았어야
I would have been okay with everything else,
but not this.
1:12:32(사홍다른 이유 다 갖다 붙여도 그 이유는 입
밖에 내지 말았어야지
You should've given other excuses. You
should have never said what you just told me!
1:12:38네가 바깥출입이 잦더니 천지도 모르고 떠드는
This is all because you have been going out
too often. How dare you run your mouth so

1:12:44이게 다 행랑아범과 함안댁이 널 무르게 다뤘
기 때문이다
Mr. Haengrang and Ms. Haman are to blame.
They have been way too lenient with you.
1:12:50(사홍밖에 누구 없느냐!Is anyone outside?
1:12:51행랑아범과 함안댁을 광에 가두거라!Lock Mr. Haengrang and Ms. Haman up in the
1:12:58아이고쇳대까지 잠갔어예 [문이 철컥 잠긴다]Gosh. They even put a steel padlock on the
1:13:03(행랑아범별수 있겄는가 대감마님께서 노발
What can we do? Lord Go is furious now.
1:13:06(함안댁아이고우짜노정말Gosh, what should we do?
1:13:08아니시집을 가신다 캐도 걱정 시집을 안 가신
다 캐도 걱정
Whether she'd get married or not, I'd be
worried either way.
1:13:13아이고내 이 일을 우짜노이거My goodness, what should we do now?
1:13:15(행랑아범난 자네가 더 걱정이여I'm more concerned about you.
1:13:18발 동동 굴러 쌓는다고 일이 해결되는가Worrying and being all anxious won't solve
1:13:21앉어시방부터 체력을 아껴야 써Aren't I right? We must try to conserve our
energy from now on.
1:13:25아주 진 싸움이 될 것잉게It'll be a long fight.
1:13:36[하인들이 웅성거린다] - (하인1) 아유어떡하
면 좋아 
- (하인2) 말릴 수도 없고
-My gosh. -What should we do? -We can't
even stop her. -What is going on?
1:13:42(하인3) 희성 도련님 아니신 겨?-This is incredibly frustrating. -What is going
1:13:43- (하인4) 도련님 오셨구먼 - (하인5) 왜 온 거
? - (하인6) 웬일이유왜 오셨지? - (하인7)
걱정돼서 오셨나 본디
-Why is Young Master Hui-seong here? -Is he
here to see Lady Ae-sin?
1:13:59(희성무슨 잘못을 했는지 모르지만 그 벌 같
이 받읍시다
I do not know what you did wrong, but let me
be punished with you.
1:14:23그만 가시오You should go now.
1:14:24참을 만하오This is tolerable.
1:14:31이리하시오이리하니 좀 낫소Try it. It helps.
1:14:38안 웃네That didn't make you laugh.
1:14:41(애신가시오Leave, please.
1:14:42나눠 받을 만한 죄가 아니오My sin cannot be shared.
1:14:44무슨 죄를 지었길래What did you do?
1:14:46(애신할아버님께 혼인하지 않겠다고 말씀드
I told my grandfather that I do not wish to get
1:14:50마음에 품은 다른 이가 있다는 것도I also told him that there is another man in my
1:14:57전에 내게 다른 정인이 있냐 물었소Once, you asked me if I have another man.
1:15:03맞소That's right.
1:15:06마음에 품은 다른 이가 있소I've let another man into my heart.
1:15:10그리고 난 그에게 내 모든 걸 다 걸었소And I am risking my everything for him.

1:15:13돌이킬 수 없고There is no going back,
1:15:16후회하지 않소and I have no regrets.
1:15:18미안하오I'm sorry.
1:15:21부디 나보다 더 좋은 여인을 만나시오I hope you meet a lady who is better than me
in every aspect.
1:15:24파혼은 여인에게나 흉이지 사내에게는 흉이 아
A broken engagement is only frowned upon
for women. It's not a flaw for men.
1:15:28(희성이런 때 이런 곳에서 이런 말이 어찌 들
릴지 모르겠으나
I am not sure how this remark will be
perceived in this situation,
1:15:31이미 여인은 원 없이 만났소but I have been with more than enough
1:15:34난 더한 말도 했는데I made a meaner remark.
1:15:41(희성그대가 다른 이를 마음에 들인 건 내 진
즉 알고 있었소
I figured out a long ago that there is another
man in your heart.
1:15:45진즉 알았어도Even though I knew about it,
1:15:49무용했소there was nothing I could do.
1:16:02(희성우리가 혼인한다는 납채서요This is my father's formal letter about our
1:16:07그리고 방금 난And just now,
1:16:12아주 나쁜 마음을 먹었소I made up my mind to do something very bad.
1:17:03(희성당신이 원하는As you wish,
1:17:05[애신이 흐느낀다흠 있는 여인으로 만들어 줄
I will make you a flawed woman.
1:17:08(행랑아범일본 앞잽이로 입에 풀칠하는 아주
숭악한 놈입니다
He makes a living from being a stooge for the
Japanese. He's a ruthless scoundrel.
1:17:12(동매누군가 이 댁을 노리고 있다는 뜻일 겁
It must mean that someone is after your
1:17:16(사홍미군은 조선의 침략군이다The American army invaded our land in the
1:17:18어떻게 네가 내 앞에 이런 자를 데려다 놓을 수
있단 말이냐
How dare you bring a man like this to me?
1:17:24(유진) '종놈 눈길이 멀면 명이 짧은 법이다'"If slaves look or aim high, they tend to die
1:17:27(애신그곳에서도 조선을 지키는 길이 있겠지Even there, there must be something I can do
to protect Joseon.
1:17:36자막최혜란Subtitle translation by Hye-lim Park

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