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  청춘기록 16

Record of Youth 16


(진우)‬ ‪답은 정해져 있는데‬The answer is clear,
‪어떻게 해야 될지를 모르겠어‬but I still don't know what to do.
‪답이 뭔데?‬What's your answer?
‪[웃으며]‬ ‪나도 너처럼 되는 거지, 뭐겠냐?‬To be like you, of course.
‪(해효)‬ ‪너희들 뭐 하냐?‬What's up, guys?
‪(진우)‬ ‪네가 쟤 불렀냐?‬-Did you invite him here? -Yes.
‪어‬-Did you invite him here? -Yes.
‪(해효)‬ ‪나 불러서 유감이냐?‬Didn't you want me here?
‪(진우)‬ ‪[작은 목소리로]‬ ‪자리 바꿔‬-Switch places. -Why?
‪(혜준)‬ ‪왜?‬-Switch places. -Why? Just get up already!
‪(진우)‬ ‪아, 빨리빨리, 일어나, 일어나, 일어나‬Just get up already!
‪(해효)‬ ‪아, 정말, 기분 나쁘게‬Now I'm the one who's pissed off.
‪가만있는 나한테 왜 그래?‬What do you have against me?
‪너희 어머니 진짜 무섭더라‬Your mom's really scary.
‪(진우)‬ ‪너 보니까 너희 어머니 생각난다‬You remind me of her.
‪내가 그날 생각하지?‬ ‪아주, 아직도 지린다‬Thinking about that day still makes me shudder.
‪너 아주 내 동생, 엄마…‬First my sister and now my mom? You prick--
‪(해효)‬ ‪이 새끼가 진짜‬First my sister and now my mom? You prick--
‪(혜준)‬ ‪아이, 그렇다고 뭘‬ ‪애를 치기까지 하냐?‬There's no need to get worked up over it.
‪(진우)‬ ‪내가 해나한테 얼마나 맞았는지 아냐?‬Hae-na punched me more than enough.
‪제 오빠 닮아 갖고 아주, 씨‬-Like a brother, like a sister-- -She's nothing like me.
‪걔가 왜 날 닮아?‬-Like a brother, like a sister-- -She's nothing like me.
‪(진우)‬ ‪아이! 진짜, 이씨, 미치겠다, 씨‬Damn it. Screw this.
‪나 집에 갈래‬I'm going home.
‪(해효)‬ ‪야‬But I just got here.
‪나 오자마자 가면 뭐가 돼?‬But I just got here.
‪너 뭐 되라고 가는 거야‬That's exactly why I'm going.
‪쟤 우리 엄마한테 엄청 당했나 보다‬He must have gotten an earful from my mom.
‪(해효)‬ ‪저래 갖고 해나랑‬ ‪계속 만날 수 있겠냐?‬How does he expect to date my sister like this?
‪살도 빠진 거 같아‬He seems to have lost some weight.
‪엄청 힘든가 봐‬I doubt it's easy for him.
‪(해효)‬ ‪넌 안 힘들어?‬What about you?
‪진짜 정하랑 헤어질 수 있어?‬Can you really let Jeong-ha go?
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪아직 현실감이 안 느껴져‬I still can't believe it.
‪(혜준)‬ ‪자주 만나지 못했잖아‬We haven't been in contact much.
‪지금도 여느 때랑 똑같이‬ ‪언제든 연락하면 만날 수 있을 거 같아‬I still feel like I can meet her if I just call her.
‪그러다 마지막 정하 얼굴 생각하면‬But when I'm reminded of her last expression
‪[한숨 쉬며]‬ ‪힘들어져‬it feels harder.
‪너무 미안해‬The guilt is too much.
‪정하‬I'm sure that Jeong-ha broke up with you for your sake.
‪널 위해 헤어지겠다고 한 걸 거야‬I'm sure that Jeong-ha broke up with you for your sake.
‪그런 걸까?‬Do you think so?
‪(해효)‬ ‪지금 정하 선택하면‬ ‪네가 감당해야 될 것들이 너무 많잖아‬Do you think so? Because you would have to sacrifice a lot if you chose her over your career.
‪잃을 수도 있고‬You have a lot to lose.
‪(혜준)‬ ‪[한숨 쉬며]‬ ‪근데 계속 그런 생각이 들어‬But I can't stop thinking about
‪사랑하는 사람 하나 못 지키면서‬how I can be of any comfort
‪내가 누구를 위로하며‬ ‪누군가에게 의미가 되겠다는 건가‬or be significant to anyone when I can't even protect someone I love.
‪날 사랑하고 날 지지해 주는 사람들도‬Those who love and support me must believe
‪내가 정하를 지켰듯이‬that I'll protect them
‪자신들도 지켜 주리라 믿지 않을까?‬like I protected Jeong-ha.
‪진심은 통하는 거니까‬Truth prevails, right?
‪(정하)‬ ‪우리는 아무 말도 하지 않았다‬Neither of us said anything.
‪말은 하지 않았지만‬Words weren't exchanged,
‪그날의 작은 움직임도‬ ‪다 기억하고 있다‬but we remember everything down to all the small movements.
‪잘 지냈어?‬Have you been well?
‪잘 지내려고 하고 있어‬I've been trying to.
‪(정하)‬ ‪축하해, 이번 작품 잘된 거‬Congrats on the success of your recent show.
‪중간에 시끄러운 일 많아서‬I was worried a little
‪시청률 떨어져서 마음 졸였는데‬because the scandals dropped the ratings.
‪역시 사혜준은 될놈될이야‬But I guess you were meant to find success.
‪[옅은 웃음]‬But I guess you were meant to find success.
‪이제 비 그쳤나 봐‬It's not raining anymore.
‪여기 도착했을 때 그쳐 있었어‬It's not raining anymore. It stopped around the time we got here.
‪답답하다‬I need some air.
‪[정하가 안전벨트를 딸깍 푼다]‬
‪[차 문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪[안전벨트를 딸깍 푼다]‬
‪[차 문이 탁 닫힌다]‬FINALE
‪[혜준의 한숨]‬
‪(혜준)‬ ‪드라마나 영화에서도‬In movies and dramas, there's always foreshadowing before something important happens.
‪중요한 사건이 일어나기 전에는‬ ‪미리 복선 깔거든?‬there's always foreshadowing before something important happens.
‪넌 그런 것도 없이‬ ‪바로 헤어지자 그러냐?‬But you skipped all that and ended our relationship.
‪내가 뭘 잘못했는지 알려 줘야‬ ‪고칠 거 아니야‬At least tell me what I did wrong so that I can change.
‪잘못한 거 없어‬You did nothing wrong.
‪근데 왜 갑자기 해고해?‬Then why did you dump me all of a sudden?
‪- 억울해?‬ ‪- (혜준) 억울해‬-Are you upset? -Yes.
‪누군가를 보호하고 책임지고 싶은 건‬ ‪전근대적 사고 아니야‬Wanting to protect someone isn't an old-fashioned notion.
‪인간이 사랑하면 갖게 되는‬ ‪보편적 감정이야‬It's a general emotion that we feel toward a loved one.
‪보호하고 책임지고 싶어 하는 마음‬I was grateful for how you wanted to
‪너무 고마웠어‬care for and protect me.
‪[옅은 한숨]‬
‪전근대적 사고라고 폄하한 건‬I only called it old-fashioned
‪내가 너한테 기대고 싶어져서 그랬어‬because it made me want to lean on you.
‪기대면 되잖아‬Then you can.
‪(정하)‬ ‪기대는 삶에 대해서 엄청 부정적이야‬I'm against being dependent on others.
‪엄마가 떠오르거든‬It reminds me of my mom.
‪좀 더 시간이 필요해‬I need a little more time.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪예측 불가능한 사람 싫어하는데‬I hate unpredictable people,
‪내가 예측 불가능한 사람이‬ ‪될 수도 있다는 거 알았어‬and I've learned that this could make me become one too.
‪불안하게 하는 사람 싫어하는데‬I don't like those who generate anxiety,
‪내가 불안하게 할 수도 있다는 거‬ ‪알게 됐어‬but now I learned that I could be that way too.
‪약속 지키는 거 좋아하는데‬I love keeping promises,
‪약속 지킬 수 없는 사람이‬ ‪될 수도 있다는 거‬but I learned how I could become a person
‪알게 됐어‬who sometimes can't.
‪안정 좋아하는데‬I used to love stability, but now I'm fond of instability too.
‪불안정한 것도 좋아졌어‬I used to love stability, but now I'm fond of instability too.
‪널 사랑하면서‬ ‪난 계속 변하고 복잡해졌어‬Being in love with you changed me to be more complicated.
‪그리고 이런 내가 좋아‬And I actually like it.
‪나도 너 만나면서‬ ‪많은 것들이 성장했고 변했어‬Being with you helped me grow as a person too.
‪넌 네 꿈을 이뤘지만‬You were able to fulfill your dream,
‪난 지금 시작이잖아‬but I'm just getting started.
‪(정하)‬ ‪우리는 타이밍이 안 맞아‬Our timing is just off.
‪어긋난 타이밍을‬ ‪서로 맞추려고 노력하다가‬Forcing it to be synchronized
‪결국 멀어질 거야‬will drive us apart.
‪노력할게‬I'll try harder.
‪내가 이래서 널 지켜 주고 싶은 거야‬This is exactly why I wanted to protect you.
‪사랑해‬I love you.
‪알아‬I know.
‪이제 우리한테는‬All that's left
‪(정하)‬ ‪잘 헤어지는 일이 남아 있어‬is for us to respectfully part ways.
‪내 꿈을 이룰 때‬ ‪넌 나와 함께해 줬는데‬You were with me when my dreams came true,
‪난 왜 못 하게 해?‬so why can't I do the same?
‪사랑해서 얻은 수많은 감정과‬The emotions I learned from being in love,
‪인생에 대한 성찰‬and my outlook on life.
‪그거 네가 나한테 준 거야‬ ‪난 그거면 돼‬That's your gift to me, and that's more than enough.
‪(정하)‬ ‪너한테 아름답게 기억되고 싶어‬I want to be remembered as a beautiful memory.
‪기억해 줘‬Promise me that you'll remember
‪우리가 함께한 모든 시간‬the time we spent together.
‪[밝은 음악이 흘러나온다]‬ ‪[카메라 셔터음]‬
‪(무진)‬ ‪오케이‬
‪[카메라 셔터음이 연신 울린다]‬ ‪오케이‬Okay.
‪오케이, 좋아요‬Good.
‪아, 이번에는‬ ‪역동적으로 좀 움직여 보죠‬Good. Could you move more dynamically this time?
‪오케이‬All right.
‪[웃음]‬All right.
‪아, 그건 자연스럽지가 않은데‬That doesn't seem natural at all.
‪[웃으며]‬ ‪모니터할게요‬Let's check the photos.
‪(민기)‬ ‪야, 내려놔‬Hey. You should put those down.
‪- (민기) 힘들 텐데, 응‬ ‪- 네‬Hey. You should put those down. -Aren't they heavy? -Yes.
‪[힘주는 신음]‬-Aren't they heavy? -Yes.
‪(영남)‬ ‪작가님‬Sir, he looks good head-on, but he looks better from the side.
‪이, 정면도 좋은데 측면이 더 멋있어요‬Sir, he looks good head-on, but he looks better from the side.
‪알아요‬I know.
‪(무진)‬ ‪제가 알아서 할게요‬Just leave it to me, okay?
‪매니저세요?‬Are you his manager?
‪예‬Are you his manager? -Yes. -You must be very fond of your model.
‪[웃으며]‬ ‪애정이 넘치시나 봐요, 어‬-Yes. -You must be very fond of your model.
‪(무진)‬ ‪이건 됐고 다른 옷 입어 보세요‬We're good here, so change into the next outfit.
‪- (영남) 물 줄까?‬ ‪- (민기) 아니야, 괜찮아‬-Want some water? -No, I'm good.
‪[진우의 피곤한 신음]‬
‪(영남)‬ ‪너 왜 기운이 없어 보이냐?‬You look down today.
‪어디 아파?‬Are you sick?
‪(진우)‬ ‪[웃으며]‬ ‪아니에요‬Are you sick? No, I'm good.
‪(무진)‬ ‪다 아시는 분들이야?‬Are you acquaintances?
‪[진우의 옅은 웃음]‬
‪혜준이 아버님이세요, 할아버님이시고‬He's Hye-jun's father and that's his grandfather.
‪(무진)‬ ‪혜준이 아버…‬Hye-jun's father…
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬
‪사혜준?‬Sa Hye-jun?
‪- 아이…‬ ‪- (무진) 네‬Yes, hello.
‪(무진)‬ ‪어, 내가 얘한테도 말했는데‬Jin-u already knows, but I'm good at headshots and--
‪제가 인물 사진도 참 잘 찍고…‬Jin-u already knows, but I'm good at headshots and--
‪(진우)‬ ‪아이, 뭐, 돈 되는 건 그냥‬ ‪뭐, 다 찍어요‬If the job brings in cash, he's your man.
‪[작은 목소리로]‬ ‪혜준이 찍고 싶대요‬If the job brings in cash, he's your man. -He wants to work with Hye-jun. -I see.
‪[어색한 웃음]‬-He wants to work with Hye-jun. -I see.
‪그만둔다고 빠져 갖고‬ ‪왜 말을 가로채?‬Are you cutting me off because you're quitting soon?
‪너 그만둬?‬Are you cutting me off because you're quitting soon? -Are you quitting? -I want to pave my own way.
‪저도 제 일 하려고요‬-Are you quitting? -I want to pave my own way.
‪[웃으며]‬ ‪언제까지 남의 밑에서 일하겠어요?‬I can't work for others forever.
‪(무진)‬ ‪남? 남이래‬Others? Is that what you think of me?
‪[무진의 웃음]‬Others? Is that what you think of me?
‪얘가 혜준이, 해효 믿고 이러는 거예요‬He's only quitting because he's friends with Hye-jun and Hae-hyo.
‪친구라 자기한테 올 줄 알고‬He thinks they'll work with him.
‪씁, 저, 아버님‬But Mr. Sa, the photos I took of your father
‪어, 할아버님 찍은 거 보시면‬But Mr. Sa, the photos I took of your father
‪제 실력을 알게 되실 겁니다‬will prove how talented I am.
‪[무진이 머뭇거린다]‬
‪그래서 말인데 혜준 씨‬That being said, could you perhaps put in a good word for me
‪우리 스튜디오랑 한번 일해 볼 수 있게‬That being said, could you perhaps put in a good word for me
‪다리 좀 놔 주시면 안 될까요?‬with Hye-jun?
‪제가 다리가 짧아서‬ ‪웬만한 건 다 안 닿아요‬I'm afraid I'm not that good with words.
‪저도 짧아서 알거든요‬I understand what you mean,
‪(무진)‬ ‪짧아도 닿긴 다 닿는 거, 이렇게‬I understand what you mean, but I can still find the right words when needed.
‪[무진의 웃음]‬but I can still find the right words when needed.
‪아유, 아버님‬Honestly, sir. That rejection was like a stab to the chest.
‪그런 식으로 거절하시면‬ ‪마음이 상합니다‬Honestly, sir. That rejection was like a stab to the chest.
‪(영남)‬ ‪작가님, 혜준이 말고‬Rather than Hye-jun,
‪제가 강력하게 밀고 있는 모델입니다‬let me introduce you to the model I have high hopes for.
‪5년 봅니다, 확 뜨는 데‬-In five years, he'll make it big. -Mr. Sa, that's ridiculous.
‪(진우)‬ ‪아, 말도 안 돼요, 아저씨‬-In five years, he'll make it big. -Mr. Sa, that's ridiculous.
‪전 3년 봅니다‬It'll only take three.
‪(민기)‬ ‪진우야, 너 스튜디오 차리면은‬Jin-u, once you open your studio,
‪할아버지 무조건 거기로 갈 거야‬I'll only do shoots there.
‪[진우의 웃음]‬ ‪(무진)‬ ‪아이, 그러시면 안 되죠, 어르신!‬But that's unfair. Shouldn't you--
‪아, 공평하게…‬But that's unfair. Shouldn't you--
‪(영남)‬ ‪인맥으로 가야죠‬He's just using his connections.
‪진우야‬Jin-u, I'll put in a good word for you with Hye-jun.
‪아저씨가 혜준이 팍팍 밀어줄게‬Jin-u, I'll put in a good word for you with Hye-jun.
‪[유쾌한 음악]‬ ‪(진우)‬ ‪감사합니다‬Jin-u, I'll put in a good word for you with Hye-jun. -Thank you. -But how is that fair?
‪인맥이 무슨 공평한 거예요?‬-Thank you. -But how is that fair?
‪(영남)‬ ‪작가님‬Mr. Yang, I've known Jin-u for nearly 30 years.
‪제가 얘랑 알고 지낸 지‬ ‪거의 30년이에요‬Mr. Yang, I've known Jin-u for nearly 30 years.
‪30년 서로 감정, 시간, 돈 들였는데‬We shared time, emotions, and even money over those 30 years.
‪세 시간도 안 본 사람이랑‬ ‪똑같이 대하면 안 되죠‬He shouldn't be on the same level as someone I met three hours ago.
‪작가님도 좋은 인맥 쌓으세요‬You work on your own connections.
‪다 끼리끼리 만나는 거예요‬It's all we have in the end, right?
‪(무진)‬ ‪예, 그럼 저도 이제‬Then let me join you.
‪그 인맥에 끼워 주세요‬Then let me join you.
‪(진우)‬ ‪아저씨, 혜준이 오늘 뭐 해요?‬-What's Hye-jun up to today? -Hey, go back to work.
‪(무진)‬ ‪야, 야, 너 가서 일해, 응‬-What's Hye-jun up to today? -Hey, go back to work.
‪[웃으며]‬ ‪자, 어르신, 중앙에 서 주세요‬Mr. Sa, could you stand in the center?
‪[노크 소리가 들린다]‬
‪(경준)‬ ‪네‬Come in.
‪- (민재) 안녕하세요‬ ‪- (경준) 네, 오셨어요?‬ ‪[민재의 옅은 웃음]‬-Hello. -Yes, hello.
‪(경준)‬ ‪아이, 전화로 말씀하시면 되지‬ ‪뭘 오신다고 하세요?‬We could have just talked over the phone.
‪(민재)‬ ‪에이, 그래도 고소라는 큰 사건인데‬A lawsuit is a pretty big deal.
‪[웃으며]‬ ‪얼굴 보고 결과 보고해야죠‬A lawsuit is a pretty big deal. I should deliver the news in person.
‪이거 당 당길 때 드세요‬This is for when you need a sugar rush.
‪(경준)‬ ‪저, 아유, 감사합니다‬ ‪[민재의 웃음]‬This is for when you need a sugar rush. Right, thanks.
‪혜준이하고 재계약 때문에‬ ‪저한테 잘 보이려 그러는 거죠?‬This is so that Hye-jun will renew his contract with you.
‪아니거든요?‬Not at all.
‪씁, 짬뽕은‬ ‪그, 이름 좀 바꾸면 안 돼요?‬Not at all. Can't you change the name of your agency?
‪안 돼요!‬No! Why must you…
‪아, 정말 형님은…‬No! Why must you…
‪[민재의 멋쩍은 웃음]‬
‪아니‬I mean,
‪[헛기침하며]‬ ‪경준 씨‬I mean, Gyeong-jun, the complainant has dropped the charges.
‪(민재)‬ ‪고소인 측에서 고소 취하서 제출했고요‬Gyeong-jun, the complainant has dropped the charges.
‪[웃으며]‬ ‪곧 사건 종결될 거예요‬The case will be closed soon.
‪쯧, 씁, 사람들은 왜‬ ‪팩트 폭행을 당하면 성질을 낼까요?‬Why do people get upset when they get called out?
‪내가 살았다면 좀 살았는데‬I've met a fair share of people in the generous years I've lived,
‪(민재)‬ ‪경준 씨도 참 특이한 성격이에요‬and you definitely have somewhat of an odd personality.
‪[발랄한 음악]‬ ‪칭찬이죠?‬Is that a compliment?
‪칭찬이에요‬It is.
‪씁, 언표일치‬Let me tell you something.
‪(경준)‬ ‪그, 말과 표정 좀 일치해 주세요‬Try to keep a straight face if you're going to lie.
‪[어색한 웃음]‬
‪네‬"It is." Is this good enough?
‪됐어요?‬"It is." Is this good enough?
‪'됐어요?' 빼면 됐어요‬Yes, I guess that will do. Anyway, do you want to have lunch?
‪점심 드셨어요? 같이 드실래요?‬Yes, I guess that will do. Anyway, do you want to have lunch?
‪[작은 목소리로]‬ ‪하, 병 주고 밥 주시네‬Why is he being nice? Fine, let's go.
‪[헛기침하며]‬ ‪가요‬Why is he being nice? Fine, let's go.
‪(경준)‬ ‪백화점에서 사신 건가?‬It's from a department store.
‪(민재)‬ ‪비싼 거예요‬It was pricey.
‪(경준)‬ ‪[웃으며]‬ ‪어, 초콜릿 처음 받아 보는데‬I've never received chocolates before.
‪[어색한 웃음]‬
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪[한숨]‬ ‪[신발을 툭 내려놓는다]‬
‪(민재)‬ ‪센 척하고 있지만 떨려‬I may seem nonchalant, but I'm not.
‪네가 떠난다고 해도 널 잡을 거야‬If you say you'll leave, I'll beg you not to.
‪[노크 소리가 들린다]‬ ‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬If you say you'll leave, I'll beg you not to.
‪(애숙)‬ ‪혜준아‬Hye-jun.
‪너 좋아하는 김밥 쌌어‬I made gimbap, your favorite.
‪(혜준)‬ ‪김밥은 언제나 옳지‬I made gimbap, your favorite. You can never go wrong with gimbap.
‪(애숙)‬ ‪뭐 보고 있었어?‬You can never go wrong with gimbap. What were you reading?
‪(혜준)‬ ‪계약서‬-My contract. -I see.
‪아…‬-My contract. -I see.
‪저, 정하 바쁜 거 끝났으면‬If Jeong-ha's less busy now,
‪(애숙)‬ ‪날짜 다시 잡을까?‬ ‪[혜준이 젓가락을 달그락거린다]‬let's reschedule.
‪왜, 싸웠어?‬What's wrong? Did you two argue?
‪내가 싸우고 싶어도 걔가 안 싸워‬Even if I want to, she won't engage in an argument.
‪헤어졌어?‬Did you two break up?
‪(태수)‬ ‪사혜준 이렇게 또 살아나네?‬THE FIRST HUMAN ENDS WITH 21.5 PERCENT IN RATINGS And Sa Hye-jun lives to tell the tale.
‪아, 얘를 어떻게 데려오지?‬How do I get him to sign with me?
‪(도하)‬ ‪형‬Tae-su.
‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬
‪하, 큰일 났어‬I'm in trouble.
‪(태수)‬ ‪저 모지리, 나의 모지리‬ ‪[한숨]‬You moron. You're such a pain in my ass.
‪무슨 큰일?‬-In what way? -Remember Min-jeong?
‪민정이 있잖아‬-In what way? -Remember Min-jeong?
‪걔가 협박을 하네‬She's blackmailing me.
‪민, 민정이가 누구야?‬She's blackmailing me. Who's Min-jeong?
‪[문소리가 쿵쿵 난다]‬Who's Min-jeong?
‪(도하)‬ ‪왔나 보다‬ ‪내가 여기로 오라 그랬거든?‬That must be her. I told her to come here.
‪들어와‬ ‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬Come in.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬
‪(여자)‬ ‪안녕하세요, 오빠들‬Hello, sweeties.
‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬ ‪(도하)‬ ‪너희가 누구 덕에 밥 먹냐?‬I basically feed you girls.
‪(민정)‬ ‪흠, 우리 누구 덕에 밥 먹어?‬-Wait, is someone going to give us a meal? -We can pay money for a meal ourselves.
‪(여자)‬ ‪밥은 돈 주고 사 먹으면 되는데?‬-Wait, is someone going to give us a meal? -We can pay money for a meal ourselves.
‪덕 안 보는데?‬I don't mooch off anyone.
‪[도하의 헛웃음]‬I don't mooch off anyone.
‪(도하)‬ ‪무식해!‬ ‪[울리는 효과음]‬You're so dense.
‪(태수)‬ ‪너희들이 여기를 왜 오냐?‬What are you doing here?
‪(민정)‬ ‪오빠가‬Do-ha said we should talk to you instead.
‪오빠하고 얘기하라는데?‬Do-ha said we should talk to you instead.
‪하, 무슨 얘기?‬Talk about what?
‪(민정)‬ ‪내가 아무리 술집에 나가지만‬I may work at a hostess bar, but that doesn't mean you can insult me.
‪인간적으로 모욕하는 건‬ ‪좀 너무하잖아‬I may work at a hostess bar, but that doesn't mean you can insult me.
‪내가 무슨 모욕을 했다고?‬When did I insult you?
‪무식하다고 했어, 안 했어?‬You said I was dense, did you not?
‪아, 무식하잖아!‬But you are.
‪(도하)‬ ‪팩트를 말해도 모욕이냐?‬Facts aren't insults.
‪나만 무식해? 오빠도 무식하잖아!‬I'm not the only one. You're just as dense as I am.
‪(태수)‬ ‪너‬Do-ha.
‪잠깐 보자‬We should talk.
‪(도하)‬ ‪위자료로 5억 달래‬She wants 500 million won to settle.
‪[헛웃음]‬She wants 500 million won to settle.
‪형이 처리해 줘‬-Take care of it. -What did you do with her?
‪대체 쟤랑 뭐 했냐?‬-Take care of it. -What did you do with her?
‪(도하)‬ ‪다 형 때문이야!‬This is all your fault. You said it was a safe place.
‪놀기에 제일 안전한 곳이라며?‬This is all your fault. You said it was a safe place.
‪네가 이렇게 중독식으로‬ ‪많이 드나들 줄 알았냐?‬Little did I know that you'd become a regular there.
‪(도하)‬ ‪내가 원래 뭐든 하면 열심히 하거든‬I never do anything halfheartedly.
‪데려간 형이 잘못이지 내 잘못이야?‬Technically, it's your fault for taking me there.
‪지금까지 쟤랑 했던‬ ‪통화, 문자 다 보여 줘‬Show me all the texts and calls you exchanged with her.
‪[도하의 한숨]‬
‪녹음기 어디 있어? 휴대폰이야?‬Where's your recording device? Is it your phone?
‪녹취하고 있잖아‬I know you're recording this.
‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬
‪(태수)‬ ‪이거 누구랑 해?‬Who put you up to this?
‪너 혼자 해?‬Was this your idea?
‪(민정)‬ ‪[웃으며]‬ ‪혼자 할 리 있겠어?‬As if.
‪그동안 도하 오빠랑 나랑 함께한‬ ‪행동, 메시지 다 공유하고 있지‬I've shared all the communication that Do-ha engaged in with me.
‪(태수)‬ ‪경찰에 신고할 수도 있어‬I could report you to the cops.
‪(민정)‬ ‪오빠‬Sweetie, have you learned nothing from celebrities
‪이런 스캔들 터져서 날아간‬ ‪남자 배우들 보면서 배운 게 없어?‬Sweetie, have you learned nothing from celebrities who went downhill after a scandal like this?
‪이런 건 무조건 막는 거야‬who went downhill after a scandal like this? This is something you need to silence.
‪아니면 신고해‬If not, then call the cops.
‪난 잃을 거 없어‬-I have nothing to lose. -As if.
‪잃을 게 왜 없어? 너 감방 가야 되는데‬-I have nothing to lose. -As if. You'll have to spend time in prison. You…
‪(태수)‬ ‪[웃으며]‬ ‪너‬You'll have to spend time in prison. You…
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬
‪지금 다 녹음되고 있어‬You're being recorded.
‪심심하지는 않겠다‬ ‪친구들하고 같이 가니까‬It won't be boring since your friends will be joining you though.
‪너희 주고받은 문자, 사진 다 봤거든?‬I checked the texts and photos that you two exchanged.
‪그래‬You're right. It would hurt Do-ha's career.
‪타격 있겠더라, 근데‬You're right. It would hurt Do-ha's career. But
‪얘가 유부남도 아니고‬ ‪지금 사귀는 여친도 없는데‬he's not married and he doesn't have a girlfriend,
‪뭐가 문제냐?‬so what's the issue?
‪야‬so what's the issue? Tell me.
‪술집 여자 사랑한 게 죄냐?‬Is it a crime to fall in love with a girl who works at a bar?
‪[기가 찬 신음]‬
‪[펜을 탁 내려놓는다]‬
‪[입 모양으로]‬ ‪야, 꺼져‬Get lost.
‪[분한 숨소리]‬
‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬
‪[녹음기 조작음]‬
‪[문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪(애숙)‬ ‪어? 어디 가?‬Where are you off to?
‪(혜준)‬ ‪오랜만에 도서관 가려고‬Where are you off to? I'm going to the library.
‪(애숙)‬ ‪저녁 먹기 전에 들어와‬Be back before dinner then.
‪내일은 아침 일찍‬ ‪해효네 집에 가야 돼서‬I'm going to Hae-hyo's early tomorrow,
‪[그릇을 달그락거리며]‬ ‪못 볼지도 몰라‬so I might miss you.
‪[식탁을 쓱쓱 닦는다]‬
‪(혜준)‬ ‪난 이제 엄마가‬I want you to stop working at Hae-hyo's.
‪해효네 집 일 그만뒀으면 좋겠어‬I want you to stop working at Hae-hyo's.
‪왜?‬-Why? -Your son is rich now.
‪엄마 아들 부자야‬-Why? -Your son is rich now.
‪아, 네가 부자인 거랑‬ ‪엄마가 일하는 거랑 상관없는 거야‬You being rich has nothing to do with me having a job.
‪(혜준)‬ ‪상관있어‬It does.
‪내가 돈 벌고 싶은 이유 중에‬One of the reasons I wanted to earn money was to provide an easy life for you.
‪엄마 편안하게 살게‬ ‪해 주고 싶은 것도 있었어‬One of the reasons I wanted to earn money was to provide an easy life for you.
‪너한테 신세 지기 싫어‬-I don't want to be indebted to you. -What if your health worsens?
‪(혜준)‬ ‪그러다 건강 나빠지면?‬-I don't want to be indebted to you. -What if your health worsens?
‪지금도 허리 아프고‬ ‪무릎 아프다고 하잖아‬You complain about your bad knees and back.
‪(애숙)‬ ‪나 그런 말 한 적 없어‬I never did such a thing.
‪(혜준)‬ ‪일어날 때‬You groan when getting up from a chair
‪'아이고, 고'‬You groan when getting up from a chair
‪허리 두드리는 거 많이 봤어‬and massage your back often.
‪엄마가 날 사랑한다면‬if you love me,
‪이번만은 내가 하자는 대로 해 줘‬please do what I want this time.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬
‪(정하)‬ ‪그동안‬I want to thank everyone for subscribing to my channel.
‪안정하 채널을 사랑해 주신‬ ‪여러분께 감사드립니다‬I want to thank everyone for subscribing to my channel.
‪지금 올리는 이 영상이‬ ‪마지막 영상입니다‬This will be the last video I upload.
‪영상도 많이 못 올리고‬I haven't been invested in the channel much,
‪무엇보다 제 가치관이 변했어요‬I haven't been invested in the channel much, but most of all, my view on life has changed.
‪안정을 추구하는 삶에서‬Instead of wanting a stable life,
‪불안정한 삶을 즐기기로 했답니다‬I've decided to enjoy the current instability.
‪(영상 속 정하)‬ ‪절 성장하게 해 주신 모든 분들께‬I thank everyone who has helped me grow as a person.
‪진심으로 감사드립니다‬I thank everyone who has helped me grow as a person.
‪[문이 달칵 여닫힌다]‬
‪[정하가 피식 웃는다]‬
‪(정하)‬ ‪네가 이 쿠폰의 주인공일지 몰랐어‬I had no idea you had won this coupon.
‪오늘 스케줄 뭐야?‬I had no idea you had won this coupon. What are you filming today?
‪스케줄 없어‬Nothing.
‪근데 이걸 왜 했어?‬Then why use the coupon?
‪(해효)‬ ‪음…‬
‪핑계?‬As an excuse.
‪네가 나 만나기 불편해할까 봐‬You probably find me uncomfortable now.
‪불편하긴 해‬I do.
‪[옅은 웃음]‬I do. But I still need to work, so I won't reject clients.
‪그래도 먹고살아야지‬ ‪일을 마다하지는 않을 거야‬But I still need to work, so I won't reject clients.
‪(해효)‬ ‪역시 안정하다‬That's the An Jeong-ha I know.
‪(정하)‬ ‪오늘 쿠폰 나중에 써‬Use the coupon another day.
‪다음 작품 정해졌어?‬Do you have any upcoming projects?
‪아니, 군대 가려고‬No. I'm enlisting instead.
‪[멋쩍게 웃으며]‬ ‪군대‬The military?
‪가긴 가야지‬I guess you have to.
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬I guess you have to.
‪[휴대전화를 탁 펼친다]‬
‪(혜준)‬I have the day off, so let's shoot some hoops tonight.
‪[밝은 음악]‬ ‪(진우)‬Basketball only gets better after dark.
‪(혜준)‬You work till late, so tell us when to meet.
‪[피식 웃는다]‬
‪[친구들이 대화한다]‬
‪[진우의 힘주는 숨소리]‬ ‪[혜준이 말한다]‬
‪[진우의 힘주는 신음]‬ ‪[해효의 다급한 신음]‬
‪(진우)‬ ‪혜준아, 저기‬
‪[친구들의 탄성]‬
‪(혜준)‬ ‪해효 잘하네‬
‪[진우와 해효의 탄성]‬
‪[진우의 힘주는 신음]‬
‪[해효의 당황한 신음]‬
‪[해효와 혜준의 웃음]‬
‪[혜준의 힘주는 숨소리]‬
‪[해효의 아쉬운 신음]‬
‪[진우의 신난 탄성]‬
‪[진우가 말한다]‬
‪[진우가 숨을 카 내뱉는다]‬
‪너희들 안 바쁘냐?‬Aren't you guys busy?
‪(진우)‬ ‪계속 밤에 호출이다?‬You keep calling me.
‪(혜준)‬ ‪호출할 때마다 나오는 너는 뭐냐?‬And you come out whenever we call you.
‪너희들은 스타잖아, 나랑 같냐?‬You guys are famous. I'm not like you.
‪내가 무슨 스타냐? 스타는 혜준이지‬I'm not famous. Hye-jun is famous.
‪저, 가만있는 거 봐, 저거‬He didn't deny it.
‪(진우)‬ ‪[웃으며]‬ ‪자기도 자기가 스타인 줄 아는 거야‬He knows he's famous, too.
‪다음에는 뭐 하냐?‬What's next for you?
‪글쎄‬-I'm not sure. -That's not a workaholic's answer.
‪워커홀릭이 웬 '글쎄'야?‬-I'm not sure. -That's not a workaholic's answer.
‪군대 갈까 봐‬I might enlist now.
‪(진우)‬ ‪미친놈‬I might enlist now. -Are you crazy? Don't be ridiculous. -Why is that ridiculous?
‪말이 되는 소리를 해라‬-Are you crazy? Don't be ridiculous. -Why is that ridiculous?
‪(혜준)‬ ‪왜 말이 안 돼?‬-Are you crazy? Don't be ridiculous. -Why is that ridiculous?
‪(진우)‬ ‪그렇게 전에 가라 그럴 때는 안 가더니‬You didn't go when people pushed you. If you go now, you have a lot to lose. Why would you?
‪지금 가면 돈 손해가 얼마인데‬ ‪왜 가, 갑자기?‬If you go now, you have a lot to lose. Why would you?
‪(혜준)‬ ‪계속 생각하고 있지, 군대는‬If you go now, you have a lot to lose. Why would you? I've always thought about it. It's not a sudden decision.
‪갑자기겠냐?‬I've always thought about it. It's not a sudden decision.
‪나도 그래, 그건‬Same here.
‪아, 너야 지금 가도 되지만‬ ‪혜준이는 다르잖아‬You can afford to take a break now, but not Hye-jun.
‪(진우)‬ ‪미룰 수 있을 때까지 미뤄야 된다고‬I told you to postpone it as much as you can.
‪전에도 내가 말했잖아‬I told you to postpone it as much as you can.
‪(해효)‬ ‪돈도 돈이지만‬ ‪군대 갔다 오면 서른이잖아‬Money is one thing, but you'll be 30 when you're done.
‪그럼 더 이상‬ ‪청춘 역할은 못 하지 않겠냐?‬You won't be able to play a young character.
‪(진우)‬ ‪야, 나 진짜 궁금해서 그러는데‬Hey, I'm asking because I'm really curious.
‪혜준이 정도 톱스타면‬ ‪1년에 얼마 벌어?‬How much does a top star like Hye-jun make a year?
‪난 모르지, 톱스타가 아니니까‬-I wouldn't know. I'm not a top star. -I don't want to discuss it.
‪난 말하고 싶지 않아‬-I wouldn't know. I'm not a top star. -I don't want to discuss it.
‪돈 빌려 달라고 안 할게, 말해 봐‬I won't ask you for money. Come on, tell me.
‪(혜준)‬ ‪아, 집에 가야겠다‬Gosh, I should go home.
‪내일 홍보 대사 위촉식 가야 돼서‬ ‪아침 일찍 일어나야 돼‬I have an early morning for an honorary ambassador gig.
‪먼저 가‬Go ahead. I'm going to talk to him.
‪(해효)‬ ‪얘랑 얘기 좀 하다 갈게‬Go ahead. I'm going to talk to him.
‪나 왜, 뭐?‬What is it?
‪따라와‬ ‪[잔잔한 음악]‬Come with me.
‪[멀리서 개가 왈왈 짖는다]‬
‪(혜준)‬ ‪꿈을 이뤘고‬I fulfilled my dream,
‪숙제 하나는 남았다‬but I still have one homework left.
‪(혜준)‬ ‪숙제는 빨리할수록 마음이 편해진다‬The faster you finish your homework, the more relieved you become.
‪(애숙)‬ ‪혜준이가 일 관두라고 하는데‬ ‪어떡하지?‬Hye-jun told me to quit my job. What should I do?
‪(영남)‬ ‪뭘 어떡해?‬Must you think about it?
‪관둬야지‬Just quit.
‪(애숙)‬ ‪뭐?‬Just quit. What?
‪(영남)‬ ‪걔가 우리 빚도 갚아 주고‬He paid back our debt.
‪집 사 줘서 월세도 안 내게 해 줬는데‬He paid back our debt. And he bought the house, so we don't pay rent.
‪말 들어야지‬We should listen to him.
‪참 현실적이야, 당신은‬You are very realistic.
‪(애숙)‬ ‪옛날에 혜준이한테 그런 거 민망해서‬ ‪인정하기 힘들 텐데‬It must be embarrassing to accept his help given how you treated him back then.
‪인정할 건 인정해야지‬I should admit it when I'm wrong.
‪[노크 소리가 들린다]‬
‪(애숙)‬ ‪어‬Come in.
‪어, 너 언제 들어왔어?‬When did you come home?
‪지금‬Just now.
‪우리 가족회의 좀 해요‬Let's have a family meeting.
‪날짜 잡아서 알려 주세요‬Set a date and tell me.
‪가족회의 할 일 있어?‬Do we need a family meeting?
‪(영남)‬ ‪뭔데?‬Do we need a family meeting? -What is it about? -I'll tell you then.
‪그때 말씀드릴게요‬-What is it about? -I'll tell you then.
‪[문이 탁 닫힌다]‬ ‪(애숙)‬ ‪무슨 일이지?‬What is this about?
‪[영남의 의아한 신음]‬I don't know.
‪[경쾌한 음악이 흘러나온다]‬ ‪[손님들이 저마다 대화한다]‬
‪[술 취한 말투로]‬ ‪우리 엄마가 너한테 심하게 했어도‬Even if my mom was horrible to you,
‪미워하지 마‬don't hate her.
‪안 미워해‬I don't hate her. She's Hae-na's mother.
‪해나 어머니시잖아‬I don't hate her. She's Hae-na's mother.
‪야‬Hey, do you put Hae-na before me?
‪넌 나보다 해나가 먼저야?‬Hey, do you put Hae-na before me?
‪먼저지, 그럼, 뭐‬Yes, I do. Do you think I'd put you first?
‪네가 먼저냐? 씨‬Yes, I do. Do you think I'd put you first?
‪[진우가 숨을 카 내뱉는다]‬
‪(해효)‬ ‪난 네가 어떤 선택을 하더라도‬ ‪널 지지할 거야‬I'll support you regardless of the decision you make.
‪당연한 걸 갖고‬ ‪겁나 폼 재고 말하고 있어‬Of course, you should. Don't brag about it. You sound like you're going away or something.
‪뭐, 어디 가는 놈처럼‬You sound like you're going away or something.
‪여기까지‬This was my way of trying to be civil about my feelings.
‪최대한 내 마음을 정제해서‬ ‪품위 있게 말한 거고‬This was my way of trying to be civil about my feelings.
‪너 아까 좀 재수 없었거든?‬-But you were annoying earlier. -How so?
‪뭐가?‬-But you were annoying earlier. -How so?
‪혜준이는 군대 나중에 가도‬ ‪난 지금 가도 된다고?‬You said I can enlist now when Hye-jun shouldn't.
‪(해효)‬ ‪하, 뭐‬Are you saying that because my career didn't take off?
‪난 못 떠서 지금 가도 된다는 거야?‬Are you saying that because my career didn't take off?
‪(진우)‬ ‪아유, 이래야 원해효지‬Yes, this is more like you.
‪어이구, 우리 해효!‬Oh, no. Hae-hyo, did I hurt your feelings?
‪마음 상했어요?‬Oh, no. Hae-hyo, did I hurt your feelings?
‪형아가 잘못했어요, 술 한잔하세요‬I'm sorry. Have a shot.
‪[진우가 술을 조르르 따른다]‬ ‪그따위로 또 말해라‬Don't talk like that again.
‪(진우)‬ ‪[웃으며]‬ ‪그따위로 또 말할게요‬Sure. I'll talk like that again.
‪나도 한잔 줘‬Sure. I'll talk like that again. Pour me a shot, too.
‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬
‪[다가오는 발걸음]‬
‪[냉장고 문이 달칵 열린다]‬
‪[해효가 달그락거린다]‬ ‪- 너 술 마셨어?‬ ‪- (해효) 마셨어‬-Did you drink? -Yes.
‪[냉장고 문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪(이영)‬ ‪누구 만났어?‬Who were you with?
‪(해효)‬ ‪애들 만났어, 혜준이랑 진우‬With the guys. Hye-jun and Jin-u.
‪[해효가 뚜껑을 탁 내려놓는다]‬ ‪네 친구들?‬Your friends?
‪[해효가 물을 조르르 따른다]‬ ‪허, 참‬Goodness. I can't believe you.
‪(이영)‬ ‪너 대단하다, 엄마는 이해가 안 돼‬Goodness. I can't believe you. I just don't get you.
‪혜준이 보면 속 안 뒤집혀?‬Aren't you upset when you see Hye-jun?
‪[숨을 하 내뱉는다]‬
‪뒤집혀, 화도 나‬Yes, I get upset. I even get angry.
‪(해효)‬ ‪'열심히, 정말 열심히 했는데‬ ‪왜 난 이 정도밖에 안 되나?'‬I think, "I tried my best, but why didn't my career take off?
‪'내가 쟤보다 부족한 게 뭔가?'‬What does he have that I don't have?"
‪아무리 봐도 없어‬I come up with nothing.
‪전에 혜준이랑 나랑 어디를 가잖아?‬When Hye-jun and I were out together,
‪그럼 나한테 관심이 집중됐었어‬I used to be the center of attention.
‪근데 지금은 아니야‬I used to be the center of attention. But not anymore.
‪기분 어떨 거 같아?‬How do you think I feel?
‪근데 엄마‬But Mom,
‪난 내가 좋아‬I like myself.
‪내가 후진 인간은 아니더라고‬I'm not a loser, at least.
‪[차분한 음악]‬
‪혜준이 잘되기를 바랐고‬I wished the best for Hye-jun,
‪잘돼서 진심으로 기뻐해 줬어‬and I was truly happy for him when things worked out.
‪혜준이랑 연결해서 열등감 안 가졌고‬I didn't let his success make me feel inferior.
‪나도 될 거라는 희망 아직도 갖고 있어‬And I still believe that I can make it.
‪엄마 아들 잘 키웠어‬You raised a good son.
‪엄마 실패하지 않았어‬You didn't fail.
‪(태경)‬ ‪아까는 흐림이었는데‬You were gloomy earlier.
‪지금은 맑음 같은데?‬You were gloomy earlier. But you seem happy now.
‪(이영)‬ ‪내가 자식을 아주 잘 키웠어‬It turns out I raised a great son.
‪해효는 성품이 아주 훌륭해‬Hae-hyo is very good-natured.
‪잘 안되니까 합리화시키는 거야?‬Are you rationalizing your failure?
‪[생각하는 숨소리]‬ ‪[밝은 음악]‬Are you rationalizing your failure?
‪해효 매니지먼트 회사 계약 끝나면‬Once his contract matures with his agency,
‪내가 전면으로 나서야 되겠어‬I should step in and take the reigns.
‪공부나 더 하라 그래‬Tell him to go back to studying.
‪석사 학위라도 있어야‬ ‪학교에 자리를 주잖아‬He needs at least a master's degree to get a position at our school.
‪[고민하는 숨소리]‬He needs at least a master's degree to get a position at our school.
‪영원해 엔터테인먼트‬Yeong-Won-Hae Entertainment.
‪어때?‬Yeong-Won-Hae Entertainment. What do you think? It's named after our names.
‪(이영)‬ ‪내 이름이랑 애들 이름이랑‬ ‪한 자씩 합친 거야‬What do you think? It's named after our names.
‪[웃으며]‬ ‪해나는 회사 고문 변호사‬Hae-na can be the legal advisor for our agency.
‪(태경)‬ ‪암튼‬Whatever.
‪포기를 몰라, 어유‬You never give up. Goodness.
‪자식을 어떻게 포기해?‬How can I give up on my children?
‪[TV에서 음성이 흘러나온다]‬
‪(해효)‬ ‪너 남의 방에서 뭐 하냐?‬Why are you in my room?
‪(해나)‬ ‪내 방에는 텔레비전이 없고‬I don't have a TV in my room,
‪아래층에는 내려가기 싫고‬but I don't want to go downstairs.
‪진우랑 지금 헤어졌어‬I was with Jin-u.
‪[TV 전원 종료음]‬ ‪[해나가 리모컨을 탁 내려놓는다]‬
‪오빠는 중립이야‬I'm neutral.
‪중립이라는 건 엄마 편이라는 거야‬That means you're on Mom's side.
‪(해나)‬ ‪오빠가 엄마 영향 엄청 받고‬I know that Mom has sway over you and you fall under her influence.
‪그 영향 아래에 있는 거 알아‬I know that Mom has sway over you and you fall under her influence.
‪- 넌 아니야?‬ ‪- (해나) 아니야!‬-Are you any different? -No!
‪더 심해‬I'm even worse.
‪[한숨]‬I'm even worse.
‪(해나)‬ ‪엄마랑 백화점 가고 싶어‬I want to go shopping with Mom.
‪내 일상을 되찾고 싶어‬I want my life back.
‪네가 어떤 선택을 해도‬ ‪오빠는 지지해 줄게‬I'll support you regardless of the decision you make.
‪(해나)‬ ‪그 소리‬ ‪진우 오빠한테도 한 거 아니야?‬I bet that's what you said to Jin-u, too.
‪(해효)‬ ‪맞아‬I bet that's what you said to Jin-u, too. Right.
‪선택은 너희들 몫이고‬It's up to you to choose,
‪응원하는 건 내 몫이야‬and I'll support you for it.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬ ‪[한숨]‬
‪[새가 지저귄다]‬
‪[차 문이 달칵 열린다]‬
‪왔어?‬-Hi. -Put on your seatbelt.
‪- 안전벨트 매‬ ‪- (해나) 아, 맞는다‬-Hi. -Put on your seatbelt. Okay.
‪(해나)‬ ‪오빠 스튜디오 차리는 데‬ ‪내가 도와줄 건 없어?‬Is there anything I can do to help with your studio?
‪공부 열심히 해서 너 변호사 돼‬Study hard and become a lawyer.
‪그게 어떻게 오빠를 도와주는 거야?‬How is that helping you?
‪그럼 서로 바쁘니까‬That way, we'll both be busy,
‪못 만나도 덜 힘들잖아‬so it will be easier even if we can't meet.
‪우리 왜 못 만나?‬Why can't we meet?
‪이제 네 일상으로 돌아가‬Go back to your life now.
‪(진우)‬ ‪우리 서로 사랑했잖아‬We loved each other.
‪그거면 된 거야‬That's all I need.
‪우리가 지금‬Right now,
‪부모님이나 주변 환경을 무시하면서‬ ‪서로를 선택할 만큼‬we aren't strong enough to go against our parents and our environments
‪강하지 못하잖아‬to protect our relationship.
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪울지 말고‬Don't cry.
‪[해나가 훌쩍인다]‬
‪안 울어‬I'm not crying.
‪[밝은 음악]‬
‪[팬들의 환호성]‬ ‪[카메라 셔터음이 연신 울린다]‬
‪[기자들이 저마다 말한다]‬
‪(팬1)‬ ‪봐 주세요!‬
‪(팬2)‬ ‪오빠!‬
‪[팬들이 저마다 외친다]‬
‪(민재)‬ ‪수여식 끝나고‬ ‪OVN '프로연예' 인터뷰 있어‬You have an interview after the ceremony.
‪(사회자)‬ ‪네, 이제 곧‬ ‪수여식이 진행될 예정이오니‬The ceremony is about to begin.
‪내빈 여러분들께서는‬ ‪자리에 착석해 주시기 바랍니다‬ ‪[카메라 셔터음이 연신 울린다]‬Please take your seats.
‪(리포터)‬ ‪출연하는 드라마마다‬ ‪대박 행진 중이십니다‬Every drama you were in has become a hit so far.
‪특별한 비결이 있을까요?‬Is there a secret behind it?
‪무엇보다 시청자분들께서‬ ‪사랑해 주셔서 가능한 일이었어요‬More than anything, it was possible thanks to the viewers' support.
‪(혜준)‬ ‪또 함께 일한 제작진분들과‬ ‪배우분들 모두가 잘해서‬More than anything, it was possible thanks to the viewers' support. And all the staff and the cast members did a great job, so I think that's why it was possible.
‪사랑받을 수 있었다고 생각합니다‬so I think that's why it was possible.
‪(리포터)‬ ‪네, 마지막으로 우리 팬분들에게‬I see. Lastly, can you tell your fans about the plans you have for the future?
‪앞으로의 활동 계획‬ ‪한 말씀 부탁드립니다‬I see. Lastly, can you tell your fans about the plans you have for the future?
‪아직 정해진 건 없습니다‬Nothing has been decided yet.
‪현재를 즐겁게 지내려고 하고 있습니다‬Nothing has been decided yet. I'm just doing my best to enjoy the present moment.
‪(경미)‬ ‪어, 언니!‬-Ae-suk. -Hey.
‪(애숙)‬ ‪어‬-Ae-suk. -Hey. You're delivering the side dishes today.
‪[경미의 가쁜 숨소리]‬ ‪오늘 반찬 해 오는 날이구나?‬You're delivering the side dishes today.
‪(경미)‬ ‪어, 갈치찜 해 달라 그래서‬ ‪양념 해 왔거든‬You're delivering the side dishes today. She asked me to cook braised hairtail, so I brought the sauce
‪[달그락거리며]‬ ‪다슬기국거리하고‬and marsh snails for soup.
‪(애숙)‬ ‪어, 해, 여기서‬and marsh snails for soup. Okay. You can cook here.
‪해효 엄마 어디 있어?‬Where is she?
‪오늘까지만 하고 관두려고‬Today is my last day. I'm quitting.
‪왜, 싫증 났어?‬Why? Are you sick of it?
‪(경미)‬ ‪아니‬No. Jin-u won't let me work for her. He keeps complaining.
‪진우가 못 하게 해, 계속 징징대서‬No. Jin-u won't let me work for her. He keeps complaining.
‪심심풀이로 시작한 건데‬I started working as a hobby,
‪애 빈정 상하면서까지 해야 되나 싶어‬so I don't want it to upset him.
‪아휴, 혜준이만 그러는 거 아니구나‬I guess Hye-jun wasn't the only one.
‪[노크 소리가 들린다]‬ ‪(이영)‬ ‪네‬Come in.
‪어, 오셨어요?‬You're here.
‪(경미)‬ ‪갈치찜 지금 올려놨어요, 다슬기국도‬I made braised hairtail and marsh snail soup.
‪(이영)‬ ‪음, 좀 있다 해야‬ ‪저녁에 먹기 딱 좋은데‬I made braised hairtail and marsh snail soup. You should have cooked it later, so it's good for dinner.
‪(경미)‬ ‪그만두기로 한 거 잘했어‬I'm so glad I decided to quit.
‪다른 사람 구해 보셔야 될 거 같아요‬I think you need to find another cook.
‪전 이제 못 하게 됐어요‬I can't work for you anymore.
‪(이영)‬ ‪진우 얘기 들었나 보다‬Jin-u must have talked to her.
‪[달그락거리며]‬ ‪알았어요, 그동안 애쓰셨습니다‬Okay. Thank you for everything.
‪(경미)‬ ‪잡지도 않네?‬She won't even stop me.
‪(경미)‬ ‪네, 안녕히 계세요‬Okay. Goodbye.
‪(이영)‬ ‪너무 섭섭해하지 마세요‬Please don't be offended by it.
‪진우 어머니도 저 같은 입장이면‬ ‪똑같이 하셨을 거예요‬I'm sure you would have done the same thing if you were in my shoes.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬
‪무슨 말씀이신지 잘 모르겠네요‬I don't think I'm following you.
‪(경미)‬ ‪'섭섭'은 뭐고 '똑같이'는 뭐예요?‬Why would I be offended? And what would I do the same?
‪진우한테 얘기 들으신 거 아니세요?‬I thought Jin-u talked to you.
‪(경미)‬ ‪진우가 그만두라고 해서‬ ‪자존심 상했구나?‬Her ego must have been hurt because Jin-u asked me to quit.
‪근데 말을 이상하게 하네?‬Her ego must have been hurt because Jin-u asked me to quit. But she's twisting her words.
‪(경미)‬ ‪얘기 들었어요‬He did talk to me.
‪(이영)‬ ‪아무렇지도 않네? 뭐지?‬She doesn't seem angry at all. What is this?
‪저야말로 해효 어머니께‬ ‪드리고 싶은 말이에요‬Actually, that's what I wanted to tell you.
‪너무 섭섭하게 생각하지 마세요‬Please don't be offended by this.
‪(경미)‬ ‪우리 진우가 내가 힘들까 봐‬My son told me to quit because this job might be taxing on me and he's worried about my health.
‪제 건강 생각해서‬ ‪그만두라고 한 거니까‬because this job might be taxing on me and he's worried about my health.
‪[웃으며]‬ ‪자존심 상한 건 알겠는데‬because this job might be taxing on me and he's worried about my health. I get that your pride is hurt, but let's get this straight. Okay?
‪말은 우리 똑바로 해요‬ ‪[경미의 웃음]‬I get that your pride is hurt, but let's get this straight. Okay?
‪그럼 안녕히 계세요‬Then, goodbye.
‪[피곤한 신음을 내뱉으며]‬ ‪아유, 참‬
‪허, 참‬ ‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬Goodness. What was that?
‪뭐야?‬Goodness. What was that?
‪[인덕션 조작음]‬
‪[다가오는 발걸음]‬
‪[태블릿 PC 조작음]‬
‪(애숙)‬ ‪저, 갈치찜 다 돼서 제가 껐어요‬The braised hairtail is done, so I turned it off.
‪(이영)‬ ‪고마워‬The braised hairtail is done, so I turned it off. Thank you. I was waiting for her to leave.
‪진우 엄마 갈 때까지 기다렸다 나왔어‬Thank you. I was waiting for her to leave.
‪왜?‬What is it?
‪아니에요, 나중에 말할게요‬It's nothing. It can wait.
‪해‬Go ahead. If you don't tell me after that, I'll be more curious.
‪그렇게 말하고 안 하면 더 궁금하잖아‬Go ahead. If you don't tell me after that, I'll be more curious.
‪저‬I think I need to quit.
‪아무래도 일 그만 다녀야 될 거 같아요‬I think I need to quit.
‪[태블릿 PC를 툭 내려놓으며]‬ ‪하, 아, 왜 그래, 나한테?‬Why are you doing this to me?
‪시간 드릴게요, 사람 구해 보세요‬I'll give you some time. Try to find someone else.
‪(이영)‬ ‪진우 엄마랑 나 골탕 먹이려고 짰어?‬Did you plan it with Gyeong-mi, so you can make things hard for me?
‪진우 엄마 관두는 건‬ ‪아쉽지만 참을 수 있는데‬It's sad that she quit, but I can handle it.
‪혜준 엄마 관두는 건 못 참아‬But I can't lose you.
‪(애숙)‬ ‪그래서 저도 웬만하면 다니려고 했는데‬That's why I wanted to keep working here, but it's because of Hye-jun…
‪혜준이가…‬That's why I wanted to keep working here, but it's because of Hye-jun…
‪[한숨]‬ ‪(이영)‬ ‪혜준이 나오면 질 수밖에 없다‬I have nothing to say to that.
‪관두라고 해요, 고생한다고‬He wants me to quit because it's too much work for me.
‪(이영)‬ ‪자기가 돈이 없는 것도 아니고‬I know that you have money,
‪돈 많이 준다고 해도‬ ‪안 먹히는 거 알아, 근데‬and I know it won't work even if I offer you more money.
‪혜준이만 중요하고‬ ‪난 자기한테 아무것도 아니야?‬Is he the only one that matters? Do I not mean anything to you?
‪(애숙)‬ ‪뭐래? 누가 보면 사귀는 줄 알겠네‬What's she saying? It's not like we're dating each other.
‪저 오늘 빨리 일 끝내고 갈게요‬I'll finish my work quickly and go home.
‪(이영)‬ ‪마음대로 해‬Do whatever you want.
‪관두는 것만 하지 마‬But just don't quit.
‪[한숨]‬ ‪[밝은 음악]‬
‪(장만)‬ ‪아니, 이게 누구야?‬My gosh. Who is this guy?
‪이제 일 끝났냐?‬Did you just finish?
‪(장만)‬ ‪아, 형은 신수 좋네‬You're doing great, Yeong-nam. You look dashing.
‪훤해, 내 말 듣기를 잘했지?‬You're doing great, Yeong-nam. You look dashing. Aren't you glad you listened to me?
‪(영남)‬ ‪아, 반백수야‬Aren't you glad you listened to me? This is only part-time. My father doesn't have a lot of work yet.
‪아직 일 많지 않아, 아버지‬This is only part-time. My father doesn't have a lot of work yet.
‪(장만)‬ ‪잘될 거야, 앞으로‬I'm sure he'll do well.
‪혜준이한테처럼 초 치지 말아‬Don't discourage him like you did to Hye-jun.
‪(영남)‬ ‪아, 안 그래‬Don't discourage him like you did to Hye-jun. I won't do that.
‪[장만의 웃음]‬I won't do that.
‪(장만)‬ ‪뭔데?‬What's this?
‪(영남)‬ ‪아버지 광고한 건강 음료인데 주더라고‬My father did an ad for a health drink. I got a box.
‪너 주려고 챙겨 놨지‬-I put it aside for you. -Thanks.
‪잘 먹을게‬-I put it aside for you. -Thanks.
‪우리 집 가서‬ ‪같이 밥 먹자고 하려고 해도‬I would invite you to my home and have dinner,
‪오늘 가족회의 있어서‬but we have a family meeting.
‪(경준)‬ ‪아빠‬Dad.
‪(영남)‬ ‪어어‬Hey.
‪(경준)‬ ‪아, 안녕하세요‬Hello.
‪(장만)‬ ‪경준이 장가 안 가냐?‬Gyeong-jun, when are you getting married?
‪(경준)‬ ‪요즘 미혼들한테‬ ‪그런 거 물어보면 벌금 물어요‬If you ask such questions to singles, you get a fine nowadays.
‪만 원부터 시작이에요‬It starts at 10,000 won.
‪(장만)‬ ‪[놀라며]‬ ‪안 물을게‬I won't ask.
‪- (경준) 물으셨잖아요, 주세요‬ ‪- (장만) 엄마야‬-You did. Pay up. -Gosh.
‪(장만)‬ ‪형, 나 간다‬Bye, Yeong-nam.
‪[함께 웃는다]‬Bye, Yeong-nam. -Bye. -Bye.
‪- (장만) 잘 가‬ ‪- (경준) 네, 들어가세요‬-Bye. -Bye.
‪- (장만) 들어가‬ ‪- (영남) 어‬-Bye. -Thanks, Yeong-nam!
‪- (장만) 고마워, 형‬ ‪- (영남) 어, 가, 가‬-Bye. -Thanks, Yeong-nam! Sure. Bye.
‪(경준)‬ ‪아빠 멋있다‬
‪(영남)‬ ‪그래? 원래 멋있었어, 아빠‬
‪[문이 덜컥 닫힌다]‬ ‪[스위치를 딸깍 끈다]‬
‪- (경준) 어, 씻었냐?‬ ‪- (혜준) 응‬-Did you take a shower? -Yes.
‪[경준의 헛기침]‬
‪(경준)‬ ‪너 오늘 왜 가족회의 하자고 했어?‬Why are we having a family meeting today? Tell me first.
‪나한테만 먼저 말해 봐‬Why are we having a family meeting today? Tell me first.
‪(혜준)‬ ‪왜?‬Why?
‪(경준)‬ ‪아니…‬Why? Well, you know… Is this about buying a car for Grandpa?
‪혹시 너 할아버지 차 사 주려 그러냐?‬Well, you know… Is this about buying a car for Grandpa?
‪(혜준)‬ ‪할아버지 차 사 달래?‬Does he want a car?
‪(경준)‬ ‪아니, 난 그냥‬No. I just thought
‪네가 아버지 지금 차 바꿔 주려고‬ ‪가족회의 소집한 줄 알았지‬you called for a meeting to upgrade the car Dad has.
‪(혜준)‬ ‪그건 그냥 바꿔 주면 되지‬ ‪왜 회의까지 소집해?‬I can just do it. We don't need a family meeting for that.
‪(경준)‬ ‪아, 그래?‬I can just do it. We don't need a family meeting for that.
‪[경준의 헛기침]‬
‪(혜준)‬ ‪형이 갖고 싶은 거 아니야?‬Do you want a car?
‪(경준)‬ ‪하, 새끼‬Gosh. Why would I want a car? I'm a mere employee.
‪[웃으며]‬ ‪야, 내가 무슨 차야, 월급쟁이가‬Gosh. Why would I want a car? I'm a mere employee.
‪난 SUV 좋더라‬I like SUVs.
‪(혜준)‬ ‪돈 벌어 타‬Buy it yourself.
‪- 돈 언제 벌어?‬ ‪- (혜준) 벌고 있잖아‬-How will I do that? -You're working, aren't you?
‪혜준아‬Hye-jun, you definitely need a financial advisor.
‪너한테는 금융 컨설턴트가 꼭 필요해‬Hye-jun, you definitely need a financial advisor.
‪(경준)‬ ‪돈은 굴리는 걸 잘해야 돼‬Hye-jun, you definitely need a financial advisor. You have to make investments.
‪너 이 집 산 거?‬ ‪그거 좋은 투자 아니다‬This house wasn't a good investment.
‪해효네 집 쪽 샀어야지‬ ‪언제 재건축될 줄 알고?‬You should've bought one on the other side. Redevelopment takes forever.
‪해효네 쪽 집 사려면 대출받아야 됐어‬Then, I would have taken out a loan.
‪원래 대출받아 사는 거야, 집은‬You're supposed to buy a house with a mortgage loan.
‪[못마땅한 숨소리]‬You're supposed to buy a house with a mortgage loan.
‪(혜준)‬ ‪빚지는 거 싫어‬You're supposed to buy a house with a mortgage loan. I don't like loans. Remember what Dad said?
‪아빠가 그러잖아‬I don't like loans. Remember what Dad said?
‪가만있어도‬ ‪하루 지나면 이자는 움직인다고‬There's always interest to pay even if you don't work.
‪나 공부하면 안 돼?‬Can't I go back to school?
‪공부해, 그걸 왜 나한테 허락 맡아?‬Go ahead. Why are you asking me? It's your life.
‪형이 알아서 해야지‬Go ahead. Why are you asking me? It's your life.
‪아, 나 회사 다니기 싫어‬I don't want to work.
‪대체 하고 싶은 말이 뭐야?‬What do you want to tell me?
‪네 자식으로 입양되고 싶어‬-I want to be adopted as your son. -Gosh.
‪[웃으며]‬ ‪어유‬-I want to be adopted as your son. -Gosh.
‪(경준)‬ ‪[한숨 쉬며]‬ ‪부러워서 그래, 올라가서 밥 먹자‬I'm just jealous. Let's go upstairs and eat.
‪[경준의 한숨]‬
‪[호로록 소리가 난다]‬
‪(민기)‬ ‪오랜만에 식구들끼리‬ ‪다 모여서 밥 먹고, 어?‬It's been a while since we all had a meal together.
‪이, 가족회의 자주 하면 좋겠다‬ ‪[혜준의 옅은 웃음]‬It's been a while since we all had a meal together. I hope we can have family meetings often.
‪무슨 일이야?‬What is it about?
‪(애숙)‬ ‪그래, 궁금하다‬Yes, I'm curious, too. What is this about?
‪뭐야, 갑자기?‬Yes, I'm curious, too. What is this about?
‪군대 가려고‬I'm going to enlist.
‪(민기)‬ ‪영장 나왔어?‬Did you get drafted?
‪(혜준)‬ ‪아니‬Did you get drafted? -No. -Hey.
‪(경준)‬ ‪야, 그, 미룰 수 있을 때까지 미뤄‬-No. -Hey. Postpone it until you can. Why would you go now?
‪왜 지금 가려고 해?‬Postpone it until you can. Why would you go now?
‪(혜준)‬ ‪어차피 가야 되잖아‬I have to go anyway.
‪아, 얘 가라 그럴 때 안 가고‬ ‪이제 안 가야 될 때 간다 그러네?‬He didn't go when we pushed him, but he wants to go now.
‪(애숙)‬ ‪결과적으로‬ ‪가라 그럴 때 안 가서 잘됐잖아‬But things worked out because he didn't go when we pushed him to.
‪[경준의 다급한 신음]‬But things worked out because he didn't go when we pushed him to.
‪(경준)‬ ‪야, 물 들어올 때 노 젓는다고‬ ‪지금 노 저을 때야‬You have to work while you can. You should be working now.
‪군대 갔다 오면 너 흐름 끊겨‬You should be working now. You'll lose the momentum if you go.
‪무슨 흐름?‬You'll lose the momentum if you go. What momentum?
‪(경준)‬ ‪응?‬What momentum? What? I mean…
‪아이, 그래, 짜장면 먹다가‬What? I mean… Fine. Let's say you took a break from eating jjajangmyeon.
‪누가 와서 나갔다 들어와‬Fine. Let's say you took a break from eating jjajangmyeon.
‪그 짜장면 다시 먹고 싶어?‬ ‪안 먹고 싶어?‬Do you want to continue eating it?
‪불어 터져 안 먹고 싶지‬No, it'd be soggy.
‪(혜준)‬ ‪아, 예를 들어도 어디서…‬Why would you use that example? Am I a jjajangmyeon?
‪내가 짜장면이야?‬Why would you use that example? Am I a jjajangmyeon?
‪(경준)‬ ‪너 단기간 확 뜬 데다‬You became famous overnight,
‪팬덤도 아직 강력하지 않잖아‬and you don't have a strong fan base now.
‪갔다 오면 너 훅 가서‬and you don't have a strong fan base now. When you come back, you'll get old and might have to start from the bottom.
‪그, 맨땅에 헤딩부터‬ ‪다시 시작해야 될지도 몰라‬When you come back, you'll get old and might have to start from the bottom.
‪(애숙)‬ ‪아, 저, 그런 거보다‬When you come back, you'll get old and might have to start from the bottom. It's not just about that.
‪네가 이렇게 이루기까지‬ ‪많이 힘들었잖아‬It's not just about that. You worked so hard to achieve what you have now. People finally recognize your talent and are supporting you.
‪이제야 인정받아서 사람들한테‬ ‪사랑도 많이 받고 즐거웠잖아‬People finally recognize your talent and are supporting you. This is fun for you.
‪즐길 수 있을 때까지 즐기다‬ ‪군대 갔으면 좋겠어‬This is fun for you. I want you to join the military after enjoying it as much as you can.
‪(영남)‬ ‪군대 갔다 오면‬Once you come back from the military, you won't be young anymore.
‪이제 청춘이라고 할 수는 없다‬Once you come back from the military, you won't be young anymore.
‪청춘이 꼭 20대만은 아니잖아‬You don't have to be in your 20s to be young.
‪(민기)‬ ‪그건 맞아‬You don't have to be in your 20s to be young. He has a point.
‪할아버지 70대인데 청춘이다‬I'm in my 70s, -but I still feel young. -Grandpa.
‪- 아, 할아버지‬ ‪- (영남) 아버지‬-but I still feel young. -Grandpa. Father.
‪[민기의 웃음]‬Father.
‪근데 너‬-If we're against it, will you not go? -No.
‪(경준)‬ ‪우리가 반대하면 안 갈 거야?‬-If we're against it, will you not go? -No.
‪아니‬-If we're against it, will you not go? -No.
‪(경준)‬ ‪야, 네 마음대로 할 거면서‬ ‪왜 우리한테 물어?‬Why are you asking us then?
‪(혜준)‬ ‪내가 언제 물었어? 간다고 했지‬I didn't ask. I just announced that I was going to.
‪(애숙)‬ ‪너 은근히 독재 스타일이야‬ ‪[경준의 한숨]‬I didn't ask. I just announced that I was going to. You can be so stubborn at times.
‪당신 닮았어‬You can be so stubborn at times. -He takes after you. -What have I done?
‪아, 왜 가만히 있는 나한테 그래?‬-He takes after you. -What have I done?
‪쟤 봐 봐‬-He takes after you. -What have I done? Look at him. He always tells us after he decides.
‪(애숙)‬ ‪맨날 통보하잖아‬Look at him. He always tells us after he decides.
‪자기가 결정 다 해 놓고‬He makes all the decisions.
‪(민기)‬ ‪그, 경준이 나 닮고‬So Gyeong-jun takes after me.
‪이, 혜준이는 영남이 닮은 거냐?‬And Hye-jun takes after Yeong-nam?
‪- 아니야!‬ ‪- (영남) 아니야‬-No. -No.
‪아빠는 왜 아니야, 내가 닮은 게 싫어?‬Don't you want me to resemble you?
‪너는 왜 아니야, 나 닮은 게 싫어?‬And you? Don't you want to resemble me?
‪내가 볼 때는 아빠가 오버야‬You're overreacting, Dad.
‪(경준)‬ ‪혜준이가 아빠 닮았다 그러면, 어?‬You should have happily accepted it.
‪얼씨구나 해야지‬ ‪얘가 우리 집 권력 1순위인데‬You should have happily accepted it. He has the most power here.
‪형, 너는 어디서…‬Why would you…
‪(혜준)‬ ‪내가 왜 권력 1순위야?‬Why would you… I don't have the most power. Grandpa is right here.
‪할아버지 계시는데‬I don't have the most power. Grandpa is right here.
‪(경준)‬ ‪야, 모든 권력은 돈에서 나오는 거야‬Hey, all power derives from money.
‪[헛기침]‬Hey, all power derives from money.
‪[영남의 힘주는 숨소리]‬ ‪어디 가?‬Where are you going?
‪(영남)‬ ‪다 끝났잖아‬Where are you going? -It's over. -Dad.
‪아빠‬-It's over. -Dad.
‪아빠는 내가‬ ‪아빠 닮았다 그러면 좋았겠지?‬You'd want me to resemble you, right?
‪날 닮아 뭐 하냐?‬What good will come from that?
‪엄마 닮아야 좋지‬You should take after your mother.
‪[아련한 음악]‬
‪[애숙이 컵을 탁 내려놓는다]‬
‪[문이 스르륵 열린다]‬
‪아니…‬ ‪[문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪(애숙)‬ ‪당신 때문에 분위기 엉망 됐잖아‬You completely spoiled the mood.
‪진심도 아니면서 말은 좋다‬I know you didn't mean it, but it's nice. They should take after me?
‪날 닮으라고?‬I know you didn't mean it, but it's nice. They should take after me?
‪진짜야‬I meant it.
‪혜준이가 날 닮았냐?‬Hye-jun doesn't take after me.
‪아버지하고 자기 닮았지‬He takes after you and Father.
‪당신 닮은 데 많아‬He resembles you a lot in many ways.
‪됐어‬Stop it.
‪쟤는‬Things worked out for him because he doesn't take after me.
‪날 닮지 않아서 잘된 거야‬Things worked out for him because he doesn't take after me.
‪(영남)‬ ‪앞으로도 아버지처럼‬ ‪해맑게 사는 게 좋아‬I want him to continue living a happy life just like Father.
‪[혜준이 그릇을 달그락거린다]‬
‪[쟁반을 탁 내려놓는다]‬
‪너 아빠 미워하는 거 아니지?‬You don't hate Dad, right?
‪내가 왜 아빠를 미워해?‬Why would I hate him?
‪아빠는 아빠 나름대로‬ ‪최선을 다해 우리한테 했어‬Dad did everything he could to raise us.
‪'우리'?‬Dad did everything he could to raise us. "Us"?
‪아니, 나‬No.
‪(경준)‬ ‪야, 나도 편애받는 거 부담스러웠어‬I didn't always enjoy being his favorite.
‪어떨 때는 네가 부럽더라‬I didn't always enjoy being his favorite. At times, I was jealous of you
‪자유로웠잖아‬because you had freedom.
‪[경준이 입소리를 쩝 낸다]‬
‪(혜준)‬ ‪결과적으로 보면 그랬을 수도 있겠다‬I guess you're right in a way.
‪근데 아빠랑 거리감 있는 건 있어‬But I do feel distant from Dad.
‪친밀감이라는 게 쌓이는 거잖아‬You're supposed to build intimacy.
‪하루아침에 친하자 해서‬ ‪생기는 거 아니잖아‬You can't be close overnight because you want to.
‪[혜준이 부스럭거린다]‬
‪[혜준과 경준이 그릇을 달그락거린다]‬
‪(영상 속 배우)‬ ‪그래, 바람이라 치자‬
‪어차피 어머니가 정해 준 여자랑…‬
‪[영상 속 배우가 말한다]‬ ‪[한숨]‬
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬
‪(혜준)‬Let's discuss the contract next Friday.
‪[태블릿 PC 조작음]‬
‪[문이 탁 닫힌다]‬ ‪어유, 깜짝아‬You startled me.
‪(민재)‬ ‪어유, 어유, 야‬My gosh.
‪너, 너, 너 왜, 왜 이 시간에 왔어?‬Why are you here at this hour?
‪(치영)‬ ‪놓고 간 거 있어서‬I forgot something.
‪아, 내일 올 때 들고 들어가면 되지‬You could have picked it up tomorrow.
‪상한단 말이에요‬It will go bad.
‪(민재)‬ ‪너‬Do you really not want to be an actor again?
‪다시 배우 할 생각 진짜 없어?‬Do you really not want to be an actor again?
‪먹는 거 포기하는 것도 싫고‬I don't want to give up on food,
‪대사 외우기도 싫어‬and I hate memorizing lines.
‪내일 혜준이네 집 일찍 가‬-Pick up Hye-jun tomorrow. -He told me not to come.
‪형이 오지 말래‬-Pick up Hye-jun tomorrow. -He told me not to come.
‪(치영)‬ ‪자기 차 타고 온대요‬He's driving here.
‪형 아직 재계약 안 했죠?‬He didn't renew it yet, right?
‪형이 자기 혼자 움직일 때 많아요‬He goes to places alone a lot.
‪대표님, 긴장하세요‬Ms. Lee, stay on your toes.
‪- (치영) 갈게요‬ ‪- 어‬-Bye. -Bye.
‪뭐, 이 없으면 잇몸으로 살면 되지, 뭐‬I can still make a living with what I've got.
‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬ ‪[도어 록 작동음]‬I can still make a living with what I've got.
‪[멋쩍은 숨소리]‬
‪[잠금장치를 철커덕 연다]‬
‪[정하가 열쇠를 잘그락 넣는다]‬
‪(진아)‬ ‪저…‬Sorry, am I too early?
‪제가 너무 일찍 왔나요?‬Sorry, am I too early?
‪아, 진서우 씨 소개로 예약한‬ ‪이진아예요‬I'm Lee Jin-a. Jin Seo-u recommended you to me.
‪아, 아니에요‬ ‪제가 더 일찍 나왔어야 했어요‬I'm Lee Jin-a. Jin Seo-u recommended you to me. Oh, it's fine. I should have come earlier.
‪진서우 씨면…‬Oh, it's fine. I should have come earlier. Jin Seo-u is…
‪그, '최초의 인간'에 출연했었잖아요‬She was in The First Human.
‪아, 네‬Right. Come on in.
‪들어가시죠‬Right. Come on in.
‪(진아)‬ ‪네‬Thank you.
‪(정하)‬ ‪마음에 드세요?‬-Do you like it? -Yes.
‪(진아)‬ ‪[웃으며]‬ ‪네‬-Do you like it? -Yes.
‪(정하)‬ ‪어…‬
‪근데‬By the way, why did Jin Seo-u recommend me?
‪진서우 씨가 절 어떻게 알고‬ ‪추천해 주셨대요?‬By the way, why did Jin Seo-u recommend me?
‪아, 사혜준 씨가 부탁했다고 하던데요?‬I heard Sa Hye-jun asked her to do it.
‪(진아)‬ ‪안정하 씨랑 사귄 거 아니에요?‬Didn't you date him?
‪여자 친구라 그랬던 거 같은데?‬I think he called you his girlfriend.
‪[웃으며]‬ ‪아니에요‬No, we didn't date.
‪네가 계약 안 한다고 해도‬ ‪너에 대한 응원은 계속할 거야‬I'll keep rooting for you even if you don't want to renew the contract.
‪군대 갈래‬-I want to enlist. -What?
‪[의아한 신음]‬-I want to enlist. -What?
‪더 미룰 수도 있어‬We can postpone it again. You can enlist next year.
‪내년에 가도 돼‬We can postpone it again. You can enlist next year.
‪(민재)‬ ‪너 광고 재계약 앞둔 것만 일곱 개야‬You're about to renew seven ad contracts.
‪마크 제임스 감독‬ ‪시나리오 보내 준다고 했어‬Director Mark James said he'll send you a script.
‪내년에 할리우드 진출할 수도 있어‬You might debut in Hollywood next year.
‪정리해 줘‬Let's wrap things up.
‪내가 널 어떻게 말리겠니?‬I can't stop you, of course.
‪아, 근데 왜 지금이야?‬But why now?
‪지금이 가장 빠른 때니까‬Because it's the soonest.
‪사혜준이라는 이름 얻었어‬I've put my name on the map.
‪2년 공백‬A two-year hiatus
‪두렵지 않아‬doesn't scare me.
‪군대 다녀와서 다시 얘기하자‬We'll talk again when you're discharged.
‪(혜준)‬ ‪누나‬Min-jae.
‪생각해 봤는데‬I've thought about it. Jjamppong is better than jjajangmyeon.
‪짜장보다는 짬뽕이야‬I've thought about it. Jjamppong is better than jjajangmyeon.
‪[밝은 음악]‬What?
‪계약 기간은 군대 포함해서 3년‬We'll renew it for three years including my time in service.
‪어때?‬We'll renew it for three years including my time in service.
‪[옅은 웃음]‬
‪4년, 3 대 7‬No, 4 years. And a 30 to 70 split.
‪- 비용 회사 부담‬ ‪- (민재) 콜‬-You take care of all expenses. -Deal.
‪(장 매니저)‬ ‪이사님, 왜 전화 안 받으세요?‬Sir, why didn't you answer my calls?
‪엘리베이터 안이라서‬ ‪안 터졌나 봐, 왜?‬I must've been in the elevator. What's up?
‪김수만 기자한테 연락 왔는데‬Reporter Kim Su-man called.
‪아, 뭐라는데?‬What's she saying now?
‪도하 아버님 빚투 확인한다면서‬ ‪[긴장되는 음악]‬She wanted to ask about the debt scandal surrounding Do-ha's dad.
‪(장 매니저)‬ ‪제보가 많대요‬She received many tips.
‪잠깐 기다리라고, 기사 쓰지 말라고 해‬Tell her to hold off on it and not to write an article yet.
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬ ‪예, 알겠습니다‬Yes, sir.
‪어, 도하야‬Hi, Do-ha.
‪형 대체 뭐 하는 사람이야!‬What is it that you even do?
‪기사 봤어?‬Did you see the article?
‪벌써 기사 났어?‬The article is already out?
‪김수만 얘 진짜, 이씨‬Kim Su-man, that woman…
‪(태수)‬ ‪자신이 쓴 기사가‬ ‪엄청 마음에 드시나 봐요?‬You must be very satisfied with the article you wrote.
‪오랜만이에요, 이사님‬It's been a while.
‪(태수)‬ ‪김 기자님 소식은 항상 기사로 봐서‬I always read about what you're up to,
‪맨날 보는 사람 같아요‬so I feel as though I see you every day.
‪(수만)‬ ‪제 기사가 사람들 주목을 끌긴 끌죠‬so I feel as though I see you every day. My articles grab people's attention, don't they?
‪도하‬You see, Do-ha…
‪나랑 상관없어요‬I don't really care about him.
‪(태수)‬ ‪나는 도하 망하면‬ ‪다른 연예인으로 갈아타면 되는데‬If he falls hard, I can find another celebrity to manage.
‪근데 타깃을 잘못 정했어요‬But you picked the wrong target.
‪박도하한테 피해 주고 싶지는 않아요‬I don't want Do-ha to suffer any damage.
‪(수만)‬ ‪이사님은 남한테 피해 주는 거‬ ‪마음 안 아파하잖아요‬You don't feel guilty about letting others suffer.
‪(태수)‬ ‪김 기자님은‬ ‪나 같은 사람이 아니잖아요‬But you're not like me.
‪나 같은 사람 되고 싶어?‬Do you want to turn out like me?
‪(해효)‬ ‪할 말 있어, 별마당으로 와‬We need to talk. Come to the library.
‪책 보고 있을게‬I'll read while I wait.
‪[슬픈 음악]‬
‪우리 나가자‬-Let's get out of here. -I want to read more.
‪책 좀 더 보고‬-Let's get out of here. -I want to read more.
‪미안, 나 먼저 갈게‬Sorry, I'll get going then.
‪(해효)‬ ‪무슨 일 있어?‬Did something happen?
‪(정하)‬ ‪아니‬No.
‪(해효)‬ ‪근데 왜 갑자기 집에 가겠대?‬Then why are you going home suddenly?
‪(정하)‬ ‪미안해‬I'm sorry.
‪근데 할 말 있다 그러지 않았어? 뭔데?‬You said you had something to tell me. What is it?
‪(해효)‬ ‪별거 아니야‬-Nothing important. -What is it about?
‪(정하)‬ ‪뭔데?‬-Nothing important. -What is it about?
‪군대 간다고‬I'm enlisting.
‪전에 말했잖아‬You already told me.
‪(해효)‬ ‪내일 가‬I'm leaving tomorrow.
‪아, 말했지, 전에?‬Right, I did.
‪(정하)‬ ‪[웃으며]‬ ‪하, 참‬Jeez.
‪버스 왔다, 미안‬The bus is here. Sorry.
‪[버스가 끼익 멈춘다]‬
‪[버스 문이 스르륵 닫힌다]‬
‪[캔을 쉭 딴다]‬
‪[정하가 캔을 탁 내려놓는다]‬
‪[TV 전원음]‬
‪(TV 속 혜준)‬ ‪무엇보다 시청자분들께서‬ ‪사랑해 주셔서 가능한 일이었어요‬More than anything, it was possible thanks to the viewers' support.
‪또 함께 일한 제작진분들과‬ ‪배우분들 모두가 잘해서‬And all the staff and cast members did a great job, so I think that's why it was possible.
‪사랑받을 수 있었다고 생각합니다‬did a great job, so I think that's why it was possible.
‪(TV 속 리포터)‬ ‪네, 마지막으로 우리 팬분들에게‬I see. Lastly, can you tell your fans about the plans you have for the future?
‪앞으로의 활동 계획‬ ‪한 말씀 부탁드립니다‬I see. Lastly, can you tell your fans about the plans you have for the future?
‪아직 정해진 건 없습니다‬Nothing has been decided yet.
‪현재를 즐겁게 지내려고 하고 있습니다‬Nothing has been decided yet. I'm just doing my best to enjoy the present moment.
‪(TV 속 리포터)‬ ‪지금까지 사혜준 씨와 함께했던‬ ‪'프로연예'였습니다‬Thank you for watching our interview with Sa Hye-jun.
‪[TV 전원 종료음]‬
‪(정하)‬ ‪오, 편하다‬They're comfy.
‪[해효가 물건을 탁 내려놓는다]‬
‪[TV에서 음성이 흘러나온다]‬
‪(이영)‬ ‪무슨 촬영인데 포항까지 내려가?‬You have to go to Pohang for a shoot?
‪내일 올라와서 말해 줄게‬-I'll tell you about it tomorrow. -Okay.
‪알았어‬-I'll tell you about it tomorrow. -Okay.
‪엄마‬-Mom. -Yes?
‪어?‬-Mom. -Yes?
‪[TV 전원 종료음]‬
‪[이영의 웃음]‬ ‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪알았어‬All right.
‪엄마, 네 좋은 성품에‬ ‪가치를 두기로 했어‬All right. I've decided to focus on the fact that you're a wonderful person.
‪사랑해‬I love you.
‪[피식 웃으며]‬ ‪나도‬I love you. I love you too.
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬
‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬
‪(해효)‬ ‪나 해병대 간다‬I'm joining the Marine Corps.
‪훈련소 앞 이발소 왔어‬I'm at the barbershop now.
‪(진우)‬This early?
‪(해효)‬I'm beating you to it.
‪(진우)‬ ‪너 진짜야?‬Are you serious? Why the heck are you doing this?
‪(진우)‬Are you serious? Why the heck are you doing this? Do your parents know?
‪[안내 음성]‬ ‪연결이 되지 않아 음성 사서함으로…‬Your call will be directed to voicemail…
‪얘는 왜 전화를 안 받아?‬Why isn't he picking up? Is he at the shoot?
‪촬영 중인가?‬Why isn't he picking up? Is he at the shoot?
‪[의아해하는 숨소리]‬
‪(이영)‬ ‪아, 암튼 깔끔해‬He's so neat. He organized his room before he went out.
‪정리하고 나갔네?‬He's so neat. He organized his room before he went out.
‪(이영)‬ ‪'투 엄마'?‬"To Mom"?
‪[탁 집는다]‬
‪나한테 쓴 거네?‬It's for me.
‪[아련한 음악]‬ ‪(해효)‬ ‪엄마‬Mom.
‪내 힘으로 성공할 수 있다는‬ ‪오만을 깨 주신 엄마‬You helped me realize I was arrogant to think I could succeed on my own.
‪이제는 부모님의 배경도‬I've now accepted that my background
‪내가 가진 힘이라는 걸 인정합니다‬is also one of my strengths.
‪[버스 문이 스르륵 닫힌다]‬is also one of my strengths.
‪군대 가는 건 저 혼자만의 결정입니다‬Enlisting was my own decision.
‪해병대 지원했어요‬I'm joining the Marine Corps.
‪잘 다녀오겠습니다‬Take care.
‪(해효)‬From your son, Hae-hyo.
‪[편지를 만지작거린다]‬ ‪[당황한 숨소리]‬
‪[이영의 떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪(진우)‬ ‪하이‬-Hi. -Hi.
‪(혜준)‬ ‪하이‬-Hi. -Hi.
‪(진우)‬ ‪뭐 하냐?‬What are you doing?
‪(혜준)‬ ‪나 군대 가기 전에‬ ‪너 옷 줄 거 정리하고 있었어‬Getting together some stuff to give you before I enlist.
‪(진우)‬ ‪오, 이건 명품이네?‬Nice, this is from a designer brand.
‪(혜준)‬ ‪너 스튜디오 오픈하는 날 입으라고‬Wear it on your grand opening day.
‪(진우)‬ ‪고맙다, 친구야‬Thanks, friend.
‪이것만 있는 줄 아냐?‬That's not everything.
‪왜? 뭐가 또 있어?‬What? There's more?
‪(혜준)‬ ‪스튜디오에 필요한 거 사‬Buy equipment for your studio.
‪(진우)‬ ‪아, 혜준아!‬Hye-jun!
‪[웃으며]‬ ‪역시 네가 센스가 있어‬You're so thoughtful.
‪아이, 선물은 현금이 최고지‬You're so thoughtful. Cash is the best kind of gift.
‪아줌마, 아저씨 오셨냐?‬Are your parents here yet?
‪(진우)‬ ‪군대를 그렇게 안 가고‬I wish he had already done it.
‪[사람들이 저마다 말한다]‬I wish he had already done it.
‪(경준)‬ ‪그래, 너처럼 군대 빨리 갔다 왔으면‬ ‪얼마나 좋아?‬He should've just gotten it over with.
‪(진우)‬ ‪그렇지, 뭐‬He should've just gotten it over with. He didn't listen when I suggested it.
‪쟤는 진짜 가라 할 때는‬ ‪그렇게 안 가고‬ ‪[진리의 웃음]‬He didn't listen when I suggested it.
‪이제 와서 간다는 건 무슨…‬-Why enlist now? -Well, he'll be fine.
‪[경준이 말한다]‬-Why enlist now? -Well, he'll be fine.
‪(경준)‬ ‪아, 스물하나, 딱 들어가야 하는데…‬I think 21 is the perfect age.
‪(진리)‬ ‪아, 오빠‬ ‪[물을 조르르 따른다]‬I think 21 is the perfect age. Hye-jun, you look radiant. You're brightening up the whole room.
‪빛이 나, 주위가 다‬Hye-jun, you look radiant. You're brightening up the whole room.
‪[진리의 탄성]‬ ‪[피식 웃는다]‬
‪우리 엄마가 왔어야 했는데‬I wish my mom was here.
‪(장만)‬ ‪너희 엄마 왔으면‬ ‪이 정도에서 안 끝나지‬If she was here, she'd be all over him,
‪사진 찍자고 난리 났다‬pestering him to take pictures with her.
‪[장만과 진리의 웃음]‬pestering him to take pictures with her.
‪아버지, 한 말씀 하시죠‬Father, say a few words.
‪한 말씀 할 게 뭐가 있어?‬What's there to say?
‪나야 이렇게 다 모이면 좋지‬What's there to say? I'm just happy that everyone's here.
‪(경준)‬ ‪할아버지의 위상이‬ ‪1년 사이에 많이 올라가셨네요‬Your stature has improved significantly.
‪넌 그런 말을 지금 꼭 하고 싶니?‬Did you have to say that right at this moment?
‪(민기)‬ ‪괜찮아‬It's okay. It's true.
‪아, 맞는 말인데, 뭐‬It's okay. It's true.
‪(진우)‬ ‪아, 아저씨‬It's okay. It's true. Oh, Mr. Sa. How's your shoulder?
‪어깨는 괜찮으세요?‬Oh, Mr. Sa. How's your shoulder?
‪내 어깨?‬My shoulder?
‪[물을 조르르 따른다]‬
‪(영남)‬ ‪내 어깨야, 뭐‬My shoulders are totally fine.
‪항상 튼튼하지, 응‬My shoulders are totally fine.
‪[영남의 아파하는 숨소리]‬ ‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪(애숙)‬ ‪튼튼하지 않은 거 다 알아‬I know that is not the case
‪재수술 전까지 간 것도 알아‬and that you almost needed another surgery.
‪나도 알아‬-I know too. -Me too.
‪나도 알아‬-I know too. -Me too.
‪(진리)‬ ‪아저씨, 우리 다 알아요‬Mr. Sa, we all know about it.
‪(영남)‬ ‪야, 너는 말하지 말라니까‬Hey, I told you not to tell anyone.
‪(경준)‬ ‪왜 나만 모르는 거야?‬ ‪온 동네 다 아는데‬Why didn't I know when everyone else knew?
‪[애숙이 피식 웃는다]‬ ‪(민기)‬ ‪자, 이제 먹자‬All right, let's eat.
‪[진리의 신난 탄성]‬ ‪[민기의 헛기침]‬All right, let's eat.
‪(진리)‬ ‪아, 오빠, 한마디 해‬Oh, Hye-jun. You should say a few words.
‪오빠 군대 가면 이렇게 모이는 것도‬ ‪몇 년 있어야 되잖아‬Oh, Hye-jun. You should say a few words. Once you enlist, we won't be able to get together for a few years.
‪(진우)‬ ‪야, 휴가 있어‬Once you enlist, we won't be able to get together for a few years. Hey, he can go on leave.
‪넌 오빠 군대 보내 봤으면서‬ ‪왜 모르는 척해?‬Don't you know? I already served in the army.
‪(진리)‬ ‪혜준 오빠 목소리 들으려 그랬지‬Don't you know? I already served in the army. I wanted to hear his voice.
‪(경준)‬ ‪요즘 군대는 휴대폰도 할 수 있어‬I wanted to hear his voice. These days, you can even use your cell phone.
‪나 때 비하면 천국이야‬-It's paradise compared to the old days. -Totally.
‪(진우)‬ ‪아이, 천국이죠‬-It's paradise compared to the old days. -Totally.
‪우리는 외부랑 아주 단절된‬ ‪군 복무를 했잖아‬-It's paradise compared to the old days. -Totally. -We were cut off from the outside world. -That's right.
‪(경준)‬ ‪그렇지‬-We were cut off from the outside world. -That's right.
‪야, 군대 얘기 하면‬ ‪우리도 빠질 수 없다‬Hey. We also have lots to say about this topic.
‪맞아, 형‬That's right! We had to serve for 30 months,
‪(장만)‬ ‪우리 때는 30개월이었어‬ ‪너희들은 18개월이잖아‬That's right! We had to serve for 30 months, but it's only 18 months now.
‪(진우)‬ ‪아빠, 아빠, 난 21개월이었어‬Dad, I had to serve for 21 months.
‪[사람들의 웃음]‬Dad, I had to serve for 21 months.
‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬
‪[휴대전화 알림음]‬
‪(도하)‬ ‪나도 군대 갈까 봐‬I should just enlist too.
‪[한숨 쉬며]‬ ‪아니면‬Or maybe I should stop working with you.
‪형하고 헤어질까 봐‬Or maybe I should stop working with you.
‪김수만 기자 형하고 친했잖아‬You and Reporter Kim Su-man used to be close.
‪근데 형을 공격하잖아‬But she's attacking you now.
‪너를 공격하는 거야, 내가 아니라‬She's attacking you, not me.
‪너를 질투하고 시기해서‬She's attacking you, not me. Because she's jealous of you. Why is a reporter jealous of me?
‪기자가 날 왜 질투해?‬Why is a reporter jealous of me?
‪부러우니까‬Because you're successful.
‪사람들이 인정을 안 해‬People refuse to give me credit for my hard work.
‪(도하)‬ ‪난 꽁으로 된 줄 알아‬They think I made no effort.
‪아버지 때문에 얼마나 개고생했는데‬My dad put me through hell.
‪생물학적 부모라는 걸로 엮어서‬ ‪날 보내 버리잖아‬My dad put me through hell. Now, people are trying to take me down using my dad.
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬ ‪다 네가 잘생겨서 그래‬It's all because you're too handsome.
‪(태수)‬ ‪노력해서 얻은 것만이‬ ‪가치가 있다고 생각하거든‬People only give value to things that were gained through effort.
‪얼굴은 노력으로 잘생겨진 게 아니잖아‬You didn't have to work for your good looks.
‪암만 노력해 봐‬You didn't have to work for your good looks. Some things can't be obtained no matter how hard you work.
‪얻을 수 없는 건 얻을 수 없어‬Some things can't be obtained no matter how hard you work.
‪그건…‬Well, that is true.
‪맞아‬Well, that is true.
‪성형해도 나 같은 외모는 나올 수 없어‬Even plastic surgery won't give you this face.
‪그럼 군대는‬ ‪미룰 수 있을 때까지 미루는 거야‬We'll postpone your enlistment for as long as we can.
‪(태수)‬ ‪혜준이 군대 가면 네 세상이야‬The world will be your oyster once Hye-jun joins the army.
‪혜준이 군대 갔다 오잖아?‬And when he comes back,
‪풋풋한 느낌 다 사라져‬his young, fresh charm will be gone.
‪너는 어차피 풋풋한 느낌 다 사라질 때‬ ‪군대 갈 거니까 괜찮아‬You'll enlist when you're about to lose such charm, so you'll be fine.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪(청소부)‬ ‪미안한데‬I'm sorry.
‪사인해 줄 수 있어요?‬Can I get your autograph?
‪(혜준)‬ ‪아…‬
‪[멋쩍게 웃으며]‬ ‪뭐가 미안하세요?‬Why are you sorry?
‪(청소부)‬ ‪혼자 있는 시간‬ ‪방해하고 싶지는 않은데‬Why are you sorry? I don't want to interrupt your alone time,
‪우리 손주가 엄청 좋아해요‬but my grandkid is a huge fan of yours.
‪그 녀석 기쁘게 해 주고 싶어서‬I want to make him happy.
‪미안해요‬I'm sorry.
‪(혜준)‬ ‪손자분 이름이 뭐예요?‬What's your grandson's name?
‪(청소부)‬ ‪김힘찬요‬What's your grandson's name? Kim Him-chan.
‪[청소부의 웃음]‬
‪고맙습니다‬Thank you.
‪안녕하세요, 사혜준입니다‬Hello. It's me, Sa Hye-jun.
‪(혜준)‬ ‪여긴 제 방이에요‬This is my room.
‪어릴 때 갖고 싶은 1순위가‬ ‪제 방이었어요‬Growing up, what I wanted the most was my own room.
‪[차분한 음악]‬
‪그 꿈을 얼마 전에 이뤘습니다‬And that wish finally came true a little while ago.
‪[옅은 웃음]‬
‪방이 생기니까‬Now that I have my own room,
‪자신과 대화할 수 있는 시간이‬ ‪많아지더라고요‬I have more time to have a conversation with myself.
‪지금까지 나에게 있어‬ ‪가장 감사한 사람들이 누구인가‬I thought about who I'm most grateful to.
‪[옅은 웃음]‬
‪여러분입니다‬It's you guys.
‪저를 사랑해 주시고‬ ‪응원해 주시는 여러분들 덕분에‬Thanks to your love and support,
‪사회가 인간에게 줄 수 있는 순기능에‬ ‪감사하게 됐습니다‬I've come to appreciate what society can do for us humans.
‪육군에 입대해서‬I am joining the army to complete my military service.
‪국가에 대한 의무를‬I am joining the army to complete my military service.
‪몸 건강히, 또 묵묵히‬ ‪잘 수행하고 돌아오겠습니다‬I promise you I'll come back in good health.
‪[옅은 웃음]‬
‪[밝은 음악]‬2 YEARS LATER
‪고객님 명단 다시 정리 좀 해 놔‬Can you organize the client list again?
‪어, 지금 방송국 들어갔다가‬ ‪5시까지 숍으로 갈게‬I'm on my way to the broadcasting station. I'll be back by five.
‪오늘 촬영한 건 언제 방송해?‬When's the show supposed to air?
‪(정하)‬ ‪2주 후에‬In two weeks.
‪(정하)‬ ‪수빈아, 지금 PD님 전화 들어온다‬Su-bin, the director is calling.
‪[터치 패드 조작음]‬
‪네, 안정하입니다‬Hello, An Jeong-ha speaking.
‪야외 촬영요?‬An outdoor shoot?
‪가능하죠‬Sure, no problem.
‪(민재)‬ ‪야, 우리가 먼저 가 있어야 돼‬-We have to get there before they do. -Don't worry. We're 30 minutes early.
‪(혜준)‬ ‪걱정 마, 30분 일찍 왔어‬-We have to get there before they do. -Don't worry. We're 30 minutes early.
‪[민재의 안도하는 숨소리]‬-We have to get there before they do. -Don't worry. We're 30 minutes early.
‪그렇게 좋아?‬-Are you that excited? -Yes, I'm thrilled!
‪(민재)‬ ‪어! 너무 신나‬-Are you that excited? -Yes, I'm thrilled! I've always wanted to work with the writer of I'm Sorry, I Love You.
‪'미안해 사랑해' 작가님 작품을‬ ‪얼마나 하고 싶었는데‬I've always wanted to work with the writer of I'm Sorry, I Love You.
‪이제야 하게 된다‬I've always wanted to work with the writer of I'm Sorry, I Love You. It's finally happening.
‪(혜준)‬ ‪수다 너무 떨지 마‬Don't be too chatty. I have to attend Grandpa's award ceremony.
‪할아버지 시상식 가야 돼‬Don't be too chatty. I have to attend Grandpa's award ceremony.
‪미리 말씀드려 놨어‬ ‪한 시간 뒤에 일어나야 된다고‬I've already told them that we have to leave in an hour.
‪일 잘하네?‬You're very good at your job. I approve.
‪(혜준)‬ ‪마음에 들어‬You're very good at your job. I approve.
‪하, 자, 들어가시죠‬All right, let's go in.
‪[긴장한 숨소리]‬
‪(강사)‬ ‪유구한 전통과 역사를 자랑하는‬ ‪[카메라 셔터음이 연신 울린다]‬THE 15TH RESTART ACADEMY AWARDS The Restart Academy Award Ceremony has a long history.
‪리스타트 아카데미 시상식‬The Restart Academy Award Ceremony has a long history.
‪다음은 공로상 시상이 있겠습니다‬We will now present the Achievement Award.
‪(경준)‬ ‪할아버지, 떨려요?‬ ‪[강사가 진행한다]‬We will now present the Achievement Award. -Are you nervous? -He worked tirelessly
‪괜찮아‬-I'm fine. -across many different fields.
‪(애숙)‬ ‪물 드릴까요?‬Do you want some water?
‪(민기)‬ ‪아니야, 화장실 가면 안 돼‬Do you want some water? -No, I can't go to the washroom. -I am honored to have worked with him
‪(혜준)‬ ‪저 왔어요‬-No, I can't go to the washroom. -I am honored to have worked with him -I'm here. -over all those years.
‪(강사)‬ ‪특히 이, 광고주분들의‬ ‪사랑을 듬뿍 받아‬We chose him as the winner of this award
‪오늘 공로상의 주인공이 되셨습니다‬especially because the advertisers love him very much.
‪오늘의 주인공은‬The winner is Mr. Sa Min-gi.
‪사민기 선생님!‬The winner is Mr. Sa Min-gi.
‪[밝은 음악이 흘러나온다]‬
‪[강사의 옅은 웃음]‬
‪(강사)‬ ‪저희 리스타트 아카데미의‬ ‪최고령 스타이십니다‬He's our oldest model.
‪여러분, 다시 한번‬ ‪큰 박수 부탁드리겠습니다‬Please give him another big round of applause.
‪감사합니다‬Thank you.
‪(민기)‬ ‪저는 인생을‬I wasted
‪허투루 살았습니다‬a big portion of my life.
‪근데 운이 좋아서‬But I was lucky enough to have my son.
‪우리 아들을 낳았습니다‬But I was lucky enough to have my son.
‪저 때문에 제 아들이‬ ‪엄청 고생했습니다‬My son had to put up with a lot because of me.
‪영남아‬Yeong-nam, if I ever won the lottery,
‪아빠가‬Yeong-nam, if I ever won the lottery,
‪그, 복권 당첨되면 주려고 했는데‬I was going to give you all the money,
‪당첨이 안 된다‬but it hasn't happened yet.
‪[사람들의 웃음]‬but it hasn't happened yet.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪[민기의 웃음]‬
‪(민기)‬ ‪이제는‬I now know that I shouldn't waste my life away.
‪허투루 살면 안 된다는 걸 압니다‬I now know that I shouldn't waste my life away.
‪하루하루‬I plan to live each day to the fullest so that I can repay my son
‪누구보다 내 아들 영남이에게‬I plan to live each day to the fullest so that I can repay my son
‪살아온 만큼 저도 갚으려고 합니다‬for all the trouble I put him through.
‪죽을 때까지‬ ‪갚을 수 있을지는 모르겠지만‬I'm not sure if I can fully repay him before I die,
‪최선을 다해서 갚겠습니다‬but I'll do my very best.
‪이 상을‬ACHIEVEMENT AWARD I dedicate this award
‪내 아들 영남이에게‬to my son,
‪[영남이 흐느낀다]‬
‪(애숙)‬ ‪그만 울어‬Stop crying.
‪뭐 얼마나 울었다고‬I didn't even cry that much.
‪시상식장에서부터 계속 이러잖아‬You've been crying since the award ceremony.
‪엄청 불효자 같잖아‬You've been crying since the award ceremony. It makes you look like a terrible son.
‪[어깨에 손을 탁 올리며]‬ ‪요즘 당신 아버님한테 잘하잖아‬You've been very good to Father lately.
‪혜준이는 뭐 해?‬What's Hye-jun doing?
‪혜준이는 왜 찾아?‬Hye-jun? Why?
‪[노크 소리가 들린다]‬
‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬
‪(영남)‬ ‪할 얘기 있어‬I have something to say.
‪뭔데?‬What is it?
‪미안해‬I'm sorry.
‪너무 후회돼‬I regret it very much.
‪너 힘들 때‬I wasn't there for you when you were going through
‪아빠가 힘이 돼 주고‬ ‪응원해 주지 못해서‬I wasn't there for you when you were going through a rough patch.
‪[영남의 한숨]‬
‪다 지난 일이야‬It's all in the past now.
‪아빠가‬It was
‪[한숨 쉬며]‬ ‪열등감이 있어서 그랬어‬because of my insecurities.
‪(영남)‬ ‪제일 후회되는 건‬What I regret the most
‪너한테 손댄 거야‬is hitting you.
‪네가 미워서 그런 거 아니야‬It wasn't because I hated you.
‪뒷받침해 주고 싶은데‬I wanted to support you
‪해 줄 능력이 안 되니까‬but didn't have the means to.
‪나한테 화가 나서‬I was so angry at myself
‪견딜 수가 없었어‬that I couldn't take it.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪네가‬Because you are
‪내가 감당하기에는‬so perfect and competent, I felt that there was nothing
‪너무 잘났고‬so perfect and competent, I felt that there was nothing
‪대단하니까‬I could do for you.
‪지레 겁먹었어‬I was scared.
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪나도 미안해‬I'm sorry too.
‪네가 나한테 뭐가 미안해?‬Why are you sorry?
‪(영남)‬ ‪잘한 거밖에 없어, 넌‬You never did anything wrong.
‪고등학교 졸업 이후 네 용돈‬Since graduating from high school, you've been financially independent.
‪네가 벌어 썼잖아‬you've been financially independent.
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪아빠 미워한 적 많아‬I resented you a lot.
‪괜찮아‬That's okay. You can resent me.
‪아빠 미워해도 돼‬That's okay. You can resent me.
‪(영남)‬ ‪아빠가 잘못했는데, 뭐‬It's my own fault. Don't be sorry.
‪미안해하지 마‬It's my own fault. Don't be sorry.
‪[울먹이며]‬ ‪아빠가‬I know
‪날 위해 그랬다는 거 알아‬that you did it for my own sake.
‪그거 알면 됐어‬Then it's all good.
‪(영남)‬ ‪아빠 그건 진짜야‬I really care about you a lot.
‪말이 서툴러서 그렇지‬I'm just not good with words.
‪[코를 훌쩍인다]‬
‪[코를 훌쩍인다]‬
‪이렇게 말해 주니까 다 풀려‬All the resentment is gone now.
‪(혜준)‬ ‪이제라도 아빠가 인정해 주니까‬ ‪마음이 편해져‬I'm at peace now that I know you approve of me.
‪나 아빠한테 인정받고 싶었어‬I always wanted your approval.
‪[코를 훌쩍인다]‬
‪[숨을 씁 들이켠다]‬
‪이럴 때는 한번 안아야 되나?‬Shall I give you a hug?
‪- (혜준) 안는 건 아닌 거 같아‬ ‪- (영남) 그래, 그건 아니다‬-No, thanks. -Right, not a good idea.
‪[코를 훌쩍인다]‬
‪[울음 섞인 웃음]‬
‪[코를 훌쩍인다]‬ ‪(혜준)‬ ‪20대에는‬In your 20s,
‪부모의 영향에서 벗어나는‬ ‪과도기적인 시기다‬you learn to detach yourself from your parents' influence.
‪(이영)‬ ‪어디 가?‬Are you going out?
‪(해효)‬ ‪애들하고 잠깐 보기로 했어‬I'm seeing my friends.
‪하, 너희들은 참 여전하다‬You guys haven't changed at all.
‪[함께 웃는다]‬Jealous?
‪(이영)‬ ‪가‬-Get going. -Bye.
‪갈게‬-Get going. -Bye.
‪(혜준)‬ ‪이제 30대의 시작이다‬Now, we're entering our 30s.
‪누구의 탓도 할 수 없는‬ ‪나이가 찾아왔다‬The age at which you can no longer blame others.
‪다소곳하게 앉아 있다?‬Look at you sitting so quietly.
‪[피식 웃는다]‬ ‪(혜준)‬ ‪거기 너 지정석이냐?‬Look at you sitting so quietly. Is that your seat?
‪(진우)‬ ‪아닙니다, 앉으시죠‬No, sir. You can sit.
‪왜 그래?‬-What's with you? -I'm just being nice.
‪그냥 잘해 주는 거야‬-What's with you? -I'm just being nice.
‪(혜준)‬ ‪그냥 왜 잘해 주는데?‬-What's with you? -I'm just being nice. Why are you being nice?
‪(진우)‬ ‪너‬Can I
‪우리 스튜디오에서‬ ‪개인 촬영 하면 안 돼?‬do a photo shoot with you at my studio?
‪돼‬-You can. -Seriously?
‪[밝은 음악]‬ ‪- 진짜?‬ ‪- (혜준) 응‬-You can. -Seriously? -Yes. -I didn't think it'd be this easy.
‪뭐가 이렇게 쉬워?‬-Yes. -I didn't think it'd be this easy.
‪사진 촬영 하는 게 뭐가 어렵다고‬It's just a photo shoot.
‪(해효)‬ ‪그러게, 뭐가 어려워서 말을 못 하냐?‬Right? Why was it so hard for you to bring it up?
‪나도 해 줄게‬Right? Why was it so hard for you to bring it up? I'll do it too.
‪(진우)‬ ‪아니, 미친놈들아‬What? You guys are nuts.
‪야, 너희 몸값이 얼마인데‬ ‪뭐, 다 해 준다 그래?‬Are you sure? You're both very expensive.
‪- (해효) 얘 어떻게 된 거 아니냐?‬ ‪- (혜준) 그러게‬-Is he losing his mind? -Maybe.
‪우리가 너한테 내야 돼‬We should be paying you.
‪아, 그렇구나‬Oh, you're right.
‪(해효)‬ ‪넌 머리 많이 자랐다?‬Your hair has grown a lot.
‪(혜준)‬ ‪야, 넌 나랑 제대한 지‬ ‪얼마나 차이 난다고‬Hey, I was discharged shortly after you were.
‪자기가 꼭 위라는 거‬ ‪확인하고 싶어 한다니까?‬He always wants to emphasize he went first.
‪확인하고 싶어‬Yes, I do.
‪(해효)‬ ‪너희들 내 몸 보여 줄까?‬Do you want to see my abs?
‪- (진우) 아, 싫어, 싫어, 싫어‬ ‪- (혜준) 아, 진짜‬-No! -No, what are you doing?
‪(진우)‬ ‪뭐 하는 거야?‬-No! -No, what are you doing? The training's got me ripped.
‪(해효)‬ ‪아, 나 요즘 액션스쿨 다니면서‬ ‪엄청 좋아졌단 말이야, 보여 줄게‬The training's got me ripped. -Go away! -I'll show you.
‪(진우)‬ ‪아, 저리 가, 저리 가, 저리 가‬-Go away! -I'll show you. -Are you crazy? -Don't.
‪- (진우) 뭐 하는 거야?‬ ‪- (혜준) 아이, 나도 봤어‬-Are you crazy? -Don't. You should train with me.
‪(해효)‬ ‪야, 너도 같이하자‬You should train with me. I can't. I'm shooting a romance drama.
‪(혜준)‬ ‪난 멜로 찍어서‬ ‪근육 너무 많으면 안 돼‬I can't. I'm shooting a romance drama.
‪- (해효) 야, 멜로는 몸이야‬ ‪- (혜준) 멜로는 눈빛이야‬-So you need a hot body. -I have my eyes.
‪- (해효) 무슨, 야, 보여 줄게‬ ‪- (해효) 뭘 보여 줘?‬-What the… -I'll show you. -Show me what? -Look!
‪(해효)‬ ‪하나!‬-Show me what? -Look!
‪(진우)‬ ‪아이, 좋다‬-Show me what? -Look! -Goodness. -One!
‪- (해효) 둘!‬ ‪- (진우) 둘!‬-Two! -Two!
‪- (진우) 이게 다 한 거야?‬ ‪- (혜준) 끝이야? 다 한 거야?‬-That's it? -You're done? -Is that it? -Just two a day.
‪- (해효) 402개인데‬ ‪- (혜준) 보여 준다며‬-Is that it? -Just two a day. You were bluffing.
‪- (진우) 어, 400을 거기에 왜 더해?‬ ‪- (혜준) 뭐냐?‬You were bluffing. -That's more than enough. -Hey, Jin-u.
‪[밝은 음악]‬ ‪[촬영장이 분주하다]‬
‪[스태프가 헤어스프레이를 칙 뿌린다]‬
‪[차 문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪[차 문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪(수빈)‬ ‪우리 말고 딴 촬영도 있나 봐‬Looks like there's another shoot.
‪(정하)‬ ‪이 PD님 오시기 전에‬ ‪먼저 가서 좀 둘러보자‬Looks like there's another shoot. Let's have a look before the director gets here.
‪(수빈)‬ ‪어‬Let's have a look before the director gets here. Sure.
‪[함께 피식 웃는다]‬
‪(수빈)‬ ‪어, 안녕하세요‬Hello.
‪오랜만이다‬It's been a long time.
‪[새가 지저귄다]‬
‪(혜준)‬ ‪응?‬
‪너 이 신발‬Those shoes.
‪(정하)‬ ‪[웃으며]‬ ‪아, 이 신발 너무 편해‬They're so comfortable.
‪너 촌스럽게‬Are you going to tell me not to wear them because we broke up?
‪헤어졌다고 선물받은 신발‬ ‪신지 말라는 건 아니지?‬Are you going to tell me not to wear them because we broke up?
‪아니지‬I won't, of course.
‪(정하)‬ ‪내가 미련 있다고 생각하는 건 아니지?‬I hope you don't think I'm still not over you.
‪혹은 내가 못 잊어서 이 신발을‬ ‪신고 있다고 생각하는 건 아니지?‬I hope you don't think I'm still not over you. Do you think I'm wearing these shoes because I'm still hung up on you?
‪(혜준)‬ ‪너 짧은 시간에 생각도 많이 하고‬ ‪말도 많이 한다‬You think and talk a lot in such a short amount of time.
‪그래서 싫어?‬You don't like it?
‪싫지는 않아‬I don't dislike it.
‪[피식 웃는다]‬
‪(정하)‬ ‪군대 갔다 언제 온 거야?‬When were you discharged?
‪(혜준)‬ ‪넌 나 제대한 줄도 몰랐냐?‬Didn't you know I was back?
‪방송에 엄청 나왔을 텐데‬I'm sure it was all over the media.
‪(정하)‬ ‪요즘 내가 연예 프로를 못 보거든‬My work keeps me very busy, so I don't have time to watch TV.
‪먹고사는 게 바빠서‬My work keeps me very busy, so I don't have time to watch TV.
‪- (혜준) 말은 잘한다‬ ‪- 말도 잘하지‬My work keeps me very busy, so I don't have time to watch TV. -You always know what to say. -I sure do.
‪[혜준의 웃음]‬ ‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬-You always know what to say. -I sure do.
‪(혜준)‬ ‪넌 아직도 한 마디를 안 진다‬You still have to win all the time.
‪(정하)‬ ‪한 마디를 지면 열 마디를 져서‬ ‪한 마디를 안 져‬You still have to win all the time. I'll keep losing if I lose once, so I'd rather win.
‪(혜준)‬ ‪[웃으며]‬ ‪지금도 지고 살지는 않겠구나?‬I'll keep losing if I lose once, so I'd rather win. You obviously win all the time.
‪(정하)‬ ‪맨날 지고 살아‬No, I lose all the time.
‪(혜준)‬ ‪아, 진짜 오랜만이다‬It's been so long. How have you been?
‪잘 지냈냐?‬It's been so long. How have you been?
‪(정하)‬ ‪똑같지, 뭐‬The same, you know.
‪(혜준)‬ ‪숍은 어때?‬How's your studio doing?
‪(정하)‬ ‪꽤, 나름대로 열심히 살고 있어‬How's your studio doing? It's doing pretty well.
‪[혜준이 말한다]‬It's doing pretty well. -Do you have many celebrity clients? -Do you want to come?
‪올래?‬ ‪[정하의 웃음]‬-Do you have many celebrity clients? -Do you want to come?
‪(혜준)‬ ‪거절한다‬I'm going to say no.

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