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  미스터 션샤인 22

1:01(유죠) [일본어어디 가시게요?Where are you going, sir?
1:04[한국어일본To Japan.
1:07(유죠) [일본어대장!Boss.
1:10[한국어내가 달이 지나도 안 돌아오거든If I'm not back within a month,
1:15다들 떠나all of you must leave.
1:17(동매각자 챙길 거 챙겨 가고Take what you need and leave.
1:19(유죠지금 그깟 계집 하나 때문에Are you abandoning us
1:22우릴 다 버리겠단 말씀입니까for some woman?
1:25너는 알 거 아니야?You ought to know.
1:29그 여인이 나한테Is she really
1:32그깟 계집이더냐just some woman to me?
1:37(유죠정 가시겠다면 같이 가겠습니다If this is your choice, I'll go with you.
1:40오야붕 지금 본국에 가시면If you head back to Japan now,
1:45죽습니다you'll die.
1:48그래서 내가 너희들 버렸잖아방금!That's why I just abandoned you all!
1:54(동매난 이미 세상 모두가 적이야I already made the whole world my enemy.
1:59백 번을 돌아서도 이 길 하나고I can try a hundred times, but all paths lead to
this one.
2:02그러니 가야겠다That's why I must go.
2:05일본To Japan.
3:36(낭인1) [일본어그만 멈춰!Stop!
3:40이만 물러난다We must retreat.
5:49(애신) [한국어원망해도 되는데It's okay to resent me.
5:52다 나 때문이오This is all my fault.
5:56미안하오I'm sorry.
5:59(유진이미 일어난 일은 일어나게 둡시다Let's leave what already happened in the
6:03지금은 누굴 원망할 때가 아니라Now's not the time to resent anyone.
6:07눈을 좀 붙일 때요We should get some sleep.
6:09내일 어떤 일이 일어날지 모르니Who knows what'll happen tomorrow?
6:14늘 어찌 이렇게 침착할 수가 있소?How can you always be so calm?
6:17속은 거요I'm not.
6:20가슴이 엄청 뛰는데지금My heart is racing right now.
6:24(유진이리 바짝 붙어 앉을 줄 몰라서I didn't know you'd sit this close to me.
6:33귀하는 나를 만나Because you met me,

6:38너무 많은 길을 돌아가는 것 같소you're making such a long detour.
6:41그걸 알면서도 잡지도 않으면서You know that, yet you didn't even ask me to
6:49기대시오Lean on me.
6:52도움이 될 거요It'll help.
7:05아침까지 함께 있어 주시오Stay with me until morning.
7:10그림같이 있겠소I won't move an inch.
8:07(상목네놈이 여긴 어떻게... 네놈을 그때 죽였
어야 했는데
How are you here? I should've killed you back
8:10몰라서 안 왔겠습니까 살라고 안 왔지Do you think I didn't know where you were? I
only stayed away so I could live.
8:14(동매시간이 없습니다나리We don't have much time, sir.
8:16해서 묵은 얘기를 할 테니 잘 들으셔야 합니다So listen carefully while I reminisce.
8:19제가 일전에 나리를 살리면서When I spared your life earlier,
8:20제물포에서 나리 말고 여럿 봤다고 했었습니다I said that I saw many others at Jemulpo.
8:24제가 또 누굴 봤을까요?Who else do you think I saw?
8:32(동매애기씨입니다Lady Ae-sin.
8:34(상목무슨 꿍꿍이야?What are you up to?
8:36제가 나리를 살렸듯Like how I saved you once,
8:39이번엔 애기씨를 살리려 합니다I'll save Lady Ae-sin this time.
8:41일본인의 도움 없이는 어려운 거사지요But it'll be difficult without the help of a
8:45애기씨Lady Ae-sin.
8:48지금 동경 어디에 계십니까?Where exactly in Tokyo is she?
8:55(낭인1) [일본어그년이 그쪽으로 도망칠 줄은
예상 못 했습니다
We didn't think that woman would seek
protection there.
8:58조력자가 한 놈 있었는데 미 공사관을 향해 총
을 쏘았습니다
She had a man helping her. He opened fire at
the American legation.
9:04더는 손대지 못해서 돌아왔습니다We had to retreat because it was a dead end.
9:08독 안에 든 쥐다They're rats in a trap.
9:10(무신회 수장미국이 조선인 연놈을 보호할 리
가 있나
Americans won't protect Joseon people.
9:13공사관 앞을 잘 지켜라!Stand guard near the legation.
9:16(낭인들!-Yes, sir! -Yes, sir!
9:34(애신) [한국어내가 제정신이 아니오I must be out of my mind.
9:37[한숨 쉬며이런 상황에 너무 잘 잤소How could I sleep so soundly in a moment like
9:41(유진잘 잤다니 다행이오I'm glad to hear you had a good sleep.
9:44지금부터 내 말 잘 들으시오Listen to me carefully.
9:48내가 여기서 무사히 나가게 해 주겠소I'll get you out of here safely.
9:51나 혼자 말이오?By myself?

9:56본국으로 가야 하니까must return to my homeland.
10:03우리에게 시간이 얼마 남지 않은 것 같으니We don't seem to have much time left,
10:08여기서 인사합시다so we'll say goodbye here.
10:10(유진이번에는This time,
10:13내가 하는 작별이오I'll bid you farewell.
10:41(애신해가 지고 우린 헤어지오The sun went down, and we parted ways.
11:18(애신) '굿바이말고Let's not say "Goodbye."
11:22'시 유'라고 합시다"See you" would be better.
11:50내가 먼저 나가게 될 거요I'll probably get to leave first.
11:53걱정은 말고But don't worry.
11:55(유진늘 그랬듯 내가 뒤를 봐주는 거니까As always, I'll watch your back.
11:59그다음은Can I trust you
12:01혼자서도 잘할 거라 믿어도 되겠소?to be okay on your own after that?
12:56(마부) [일본어Yes, sir.
13:03(낭인1) 저 마차 쫓아!Follow that carriage.
13:04[낭인1의 힘주는 신음] (낭인들!-Yes, sir. -Yes, sir.
13:08(낭인1) 그 마차 세워잡아!Stop that carriage! Get him!
13:24[일본어관을 열어 확인해야겠다We're going to look inside the coffin.
13:27분명 그 계집일 테니열어!I know the bitch is inside. Open it.
13:30(낭인들!-Yes, sir. -Yes, sir.
14:48(애신) [한국어고 (무사해서 다행입니다-Ko? -I'm glad you're all right.
14:50어떤 수염 이런 미국인이An American with a beard told me
14:53'여기서 기다려했어to wait here.
14:55자네도 무사해서 다행이야I'm glad you're okay as well.
14:57나도 그이의 도움을 받았네He helped me too.
14:59(그런데 어떡해애기씨What now though?
15:00지금 항구에 낭인들 무시무시합니다Right now, the harbor is crawling with
Japanese swordsmen.
15:04조선 못 가You can't go back to Joseon.
15:06일단 숨으십시오 큰일 나애기씨Stay hidden for now or you'll be in trouble.
15:09해서 부탁인데I have a favor to ask.
15:11자네가 조선에 전보를 좀 쳐 줬으면 하는데Could you send a telegram to Joseon?
15:16[일본어이토 특사께서 조선의 백자를 좋아하
Special Emissary Ito... MINISTER HAYASHI
...likes Joseon's white celadon.
15:20뭘 좀 손에 들고 가야 문전박대는 면할 텐데I can't go empty-handed if I wish to be
15:25조선에서 내로라하는 백자들은 다 제 처조부께
서 가지고 계셨습니다
White celadon of decent quality mostly
belonged to my wife's grandfather.
15:29(덕문리노이에 씨가 제 처가를 박살 내면서
다 들고 나왔고요
Mr. Rinoie took them after destroying his

15:32리노이에는 죽었고 그럼 그 백자들의 행방은?Rinoie is dead, so where are the celadon
15:37이젠 다They're now...
15:40제 집에 있지요at my residence.
15:45모리 타카시가 안 보이는 걸 보니Seeing that Takashi isn't with us,
15:47모리 집안에 초상이 났다는 게 사실인가 보군I guess it's true his family's having a funeral.
15:52(하야시먼 길 고생 많으셨습니다각하!Thank you for making the trip, Your
15:59(히로부미조선이 꽤 나라다워졌군Look at how decent Joseon has become.
16:03조선의 임금은 대일본 제국에 감사해야 할 것
The king of Joseon should be grateful to the
Great Empire of Japan.
16:07반드시 그리 만들겠습니다각하!I'll make sure of it, Your Excellency!
16:16(히로부미대관정에 주차군 사령부가 설치되
Thanks to the Garrison Army Headquarters at
the government office,
16:21일본이 대한 제국과 서양 강대국 사이의the Great Empire of Japan is now able to be
the bridge between Korea
16:26다리 역할을 할 수 있게 되었습니다is now able to be the bridge between Korea
and powerful countries in the West.
16:31폐하의 현명한 판단에 깊은 존경을 표합니다I would like to pay my utmost respect to your
wise decision, Your Majesty.
16:38(역관) [한국어] '대관정에 주차군 사령부가 설
Thanks to the Garrison Army Headquarters at
the government office,
16:40'일본이 대한 제국과 서양 강대국 사이의'the Great Empire of Japan is now able to be
the bridge
16:43'다리 역할을 할 수 있게 되었습니다'between Korea and powerful countries in the
16:46'폐하의 판단에 깊은 존경을 표합니다'His utmost respect to your wise decision, Your
16:50궁내부 특진관은Special Counselor Lee,
16:53(고종특사를 잘 보좌하라be of good assistance to Special Emissary Ito.
16:59분부 받잡겠나이다폐하As you command, Your Majesty. SPECIAL
17:09내게 일본에서 전보가 와?A telegram to me from Japan?
17:10(직원도련님Yes, young master.
17:13여기 있습니다Here you go.
17:24"그날 그때 거기서 보길 희망하오"I WISH TO SEE YOU THERE ON THAT DAY
17:33내 이런 사내를 알고 지낸 적이 없는데But I don't know any man by this name.
17:43(희성당구에 관심이 생겼소?Are you interested in pool now?
17:46통 치는 걸 못 봤는데I don't think I've seen you play.
17:48(히나내기에는 관심이 없습니다I'm not one to care for bets.
17:51지면 잠을 못 자서I can't sleep if I lose.
17:54하면 이 방엔 대체 왜?Then why are you in this room?
17:59'8번 공 뒤에 내 공이 숨어 있다'가 무슨 뜻일까"My ball is hidden behind the eight-ball." What

?does that mean?
18:07'위험하다'라는 뜻이오It means one's in danger.
18:13(희성혹시 일본에서 전보를 받았소?Did you happen to receive a telegram from
18:16요시노 고라는 자에게by a man named Ko Yoshino?
18:28전보가 바뀐 모양입니다The telegram must have been switched.
18:31(히나한데 내용은 같네요구조 요청However, the message is the same. It's a call
for rescue.
18:34(히나고가 애신이 일본에 발이 묶인 듯하옵니
Lady Go Ae-sin is currently grounded in
Japan, Your Majesty.
18:43(고종이등박문의 입국에 대한 답례로I wish to send an official delegation
18:45일본에 보빙사를 파견하려 한다to show my gratitude for Special Emissary
Ito's arrival.
18:48경은 사절단을 꾸리고 일본에 그 사실을 전하
Put together a team and inform Japan of it.
18:51백번 옳으신 처사이옵니다폐하That is a wise decision, Your Majesty.
18:54(지용특사께서도 매우 기뻐하실 것이옵니다Special Emissary Ito will be delighted.
18:57신이 잘 전달하겠나이다I will be sure to deliver the message.
19:12(고종다 들었느냐?Did you get all that?
19:14구해 데려올 방법이다This is our rescue plan.
19:16그대는 고가 애신에게 기별할 방도를 찾아라Think of a way to let Go Ae-sin know.
19:20반드시 살려 데려와야 한다You must bring her back in one piece.
19:23폐하Yes, Your Majesty.
19:25마침 일본으로 떠난 사내가 있습니다There is a man already in Japan.
19:28그 사내와 닿을 자를 물색할 사내도 있고요I also have someone who knows a guy who
can reach him.
19:51(희성 애인) [일본어어라 진짜 한눈에 알아볼
멋진 사내시네
It must be you. You really are very handsome.
19:56저와 바닷가 구경 어떠셔요?Would you like to go to the beach with me?
19:59바빠다른 놈 찾아I'm busy. Find yourself another man.
20:02(희성 애인희성 씨가 특별히 부탁하셨는데Hui-seong asked me to do this.
20:09정말 다른 사내를 찾을까요?Shall I really look for another man?
20:12(희성 애인당신 조국은 당신한테 몹쓸 짓 너
무 한다
Your country is putting you through so many
21:06(낭인1) 저년이야잡아!That's her. Get her!
22:27() [한국어여기가 어디입니까?What is this place?
22:29(동매한성에 있는 어떤 도련님의 동경 집입니
There's some nobleman in Hanseong. This is
his residence in Tokyo.
22:34여긴 안전할 겁니다It'll be safe here.
22:35(애기씨진짜 다행입니다Lady Ae-sin, this is great.
22:38한시름 덜었습니다I'm so relieved now.
22:41우리 이제 살 길이 생겼네We're safe now.

22:46(우리 아니야Not "we."
22:48애기씨나 일본인Lady Ae-sin, I'm Japanese.
22:51나 일본에 있어야 합니다I must stay in Japan.
22:54애기씨미안해 엄마가 나 기다려I'm sorry, my lady. My mom is waiting for me.
23:00내 그 생각을 못 하고I should've thought about that.
23:03(내 가족 지금 고향에 가 있습니다My family is in my hometown at the moment.
23:07애기씨Lady Ae-sin,
23:10건강하십시오please stay healthy.
23:12지금 가려고?Are you leaving now?
23:15(가야 합니다I have to.
23:16스승님 상께 저 잘 있어 하고Please let my master know that I'm doing well
23:23[울먹이며전해 주십시오Please make sure you tell him.
23:26(애신꼭 전하겠네I promise you that I will.
23:29너무Thank you...
23:31너무 고마웠네so much for everything.
23:33정말 고마웠어I truly appreciate it.
23:35[일본어괜찮아요괜찮아요My pleasure. It was no problem at all.
23:40(대장애기씨 잘 지켜 주십시오Boss, keep Lady Ae-sin safe.
23:44[한국어알았냐?You got that?
23:55(동매말을 막 놓네초면에He's talking like we're friends when we've
never met before.
24:02고향이 어디인지 물었어야 하나Should I have asked him where his hometown
24:15한성에서 애기씨를 도우려는 사람들이 많습니
Many people in Hanseong are trying to help
24:19빈관 사장이 판을 짰고The owner of the hotel planned everything,
24:21김희성 나리가 집을 내주었고and Young Master Hui-seong let us use his
residence here.
24:23황제께서는 보빙사를 보내셨습니다His Majesty has sent an official delegation.
24:26조만간 황제의 명을 받은 이가 애기씨를 모시
러 올 겁니다
Soon, someone with the emperor's order will
come and get you.
24:31그이를 따라가 보빙사에 합류하셔서Follow that person and join the delegation the
emperor sent.
24:33조선으로 돌아가시면 됩니다Then you'll be able to return to Joseon.
24:36자네도 함께 가는 건가?Will you come with us too?
24:38궁녀로 말씀이십니까?As a court lady?
24:46제 걱정은 마십시오Please don't worry about me.
24:49(동매조선보다 일본에서 산 세월이 더 많습니
I've lived longer in Japan than I have in
24:53바닥에서 살았고요I lived at the bottom of the barrel.
24:56제 몸 하나 건사는 합니다I can take care of myself.

25:01(애신자네도Even you...
25:04자네도 나를 구하러 와 줬다고Even you came all the way here to my rescue.
25:08고맙게도Thank you.
25:36잠시만 있게Just a moment.
25:38(동매됐습니다It's okay.
25:40(애신있으라니까Just wait here.
26:21(애신석 달 뒤에 돈을 갚으러 갈 것이니I will come find you in three months to pay you
26:28자네도 직접 받게I want you to get it from me in person.
26:35이리 매번 저를 살리시니You save me like this every time.
26:45쉬십시오Please get some rest now.
27:45(애신) '부용꽃 스물일곱 송이 붉게 떨어지니'Twenty seven red hibiscus flowers fall off
27:50'달빛 서리 위에서 차갑기만 하여라'and land on cold moon-lit frost.
27:59그대 말이 맞았소You were right.
28:02글도 힘이 있구려Even words have power.
28:22혹시...Are you...
28:26황제 폐하께서 보내셨습니다Yes, my lady. His Majesty sent me.
28:36(지용잠깐 멈춰라!Stop for a moment!
29:08(재판장귀관은 본인의 행동이 옳았다고 생각
31:19[일본어이시다 쇼Sho Ishida.
31:24(무신회 수장내 아들이My son,
31:26자기 자신보다 아끼는 것이 생겼구나I see that you now have something that you
treasure more than yourself
31:30자기 생을 가져 본 적도 없는 놈이when you never even got to live your own life.
31:34건방지게...How dare you.
33:00(히나) [한국어희성 상에게 선물이 온 듯합니
It looks like you got a gift.
33:03일본에서 말이죠From Japan.
33:15모리 타카시가I heard that Takashi Mori was assassinated in
33:17일본에서 신원 미상의 사내에게 피습을 당했답
I heard that Takashi Mori was assassinated in
Japan by an unidentified man.
33:22검은 머리 미국인 사내도I suppose that American man that looks like
33:25일본에 머물렀던 모양이네요was also staying in Japan.
33:28그의 총구는 늘His muzzle is always...
33:31옳은 방향으로 겨누어지는구려pointed in the right direction.
33:36그의 생은 퍽 애달파졌겠고요And he must have fallen in sorrow.
33:42(희성그 애달파지는 와중에He must have rooted for me

33:46내 생을 응원했나 보오in the midst of falling in sorrow.
34:06(동매내가 달이 지나도 안 돌아오거든If I don't come back within a month,
34:09다들 떠나all of you must leave.
34:12[일본어대장께서 늦으실 모양이다It looks like our boss is taking longer than he
initially expected.
34:15지금부터 우리는 후일을 도모한다We must plan for the future now.
34:17지금부터 신속히 한성을 뜬다We will leave Hanseong immediately.
34:20(낭인들!-Yes, sir! -Yes, sir!
34:26(고종) [한국어고생이 많았다It must've been a tough journey.
34:28무엇보다 이리 무사히 돌아와 주어 고맙다But I'm truly thankful that you made your way
back safe and sound.
34:34많은 이들의 도움을 받았습니다I was able to return thanks to many people's
34:37(애신심려를 끼쳐 송구하옵니다폐하I apologize for causing you concern, Your
34:40(고종상해의 송영에게서도 탈 없이 도착했다
기별이 왔다
I also heard from Song Yeong that he arrived
in Shanghai safe and sound.
34:45해서 그 공을 치하하려 한다Hence, I'd like to thank you for your great
34:49총관에게 물으니 이런 걸 주라 하던데I asked Officer Jang, and he suggested I give
you something like this.
34:53(윤 상궁일본에서 엄비 마마께 보낸 선사품입
Japan sent these gifts for Her Highness.
35:13(고종아끼는 총포라 들었다I heard that you like this rifle.
35:15선사품이 마음에 드는가?Do you like the gift?
35:20더할 나위 없사옵니다폐하I am truly obliged, Your Majesty.
35:27(고종오직 살아남는 것에 힘쓰라Solely focus on your survival.
35:31상명지통고분지통 망국지통을 모두 겪은As a king who is wrenched with sorrow from
losing his son, his wife, and even his country,
35:36비운의 군주의 애끓는 당부다I implore you with all my heart.
35:42폐하Yes, Your Majesty.
35:47그날 그때 거기에서We were here that day, that time.
35:51(히나이리 다시 만나네요And we meet again like this.
35:54설마 했는데 이번엔 황제 폐하를 통하였더구려I was wondering, but you helped me through
His Majesty this time.
35:59무엄하게도 말이지요?How audacious of me, right?
36:01(애신덕분에Thanks to you, I could return safe and sound.
36:03이리 무사하오고맙소Thanks to you, I could return safe and sound.
Thank you.
36:06303호 묵는 도련님에게도 고맙다고 전해 주시
[히나의 옅은 한숨]
Please also let the man in Room 303 know
that I'm grateful for his help.
36:12제 도움은 고마워하지 않으셔도 됩니다You do not need to thank me.
36:16저는 부를 잃었지만I lost my father,
36:19애기씨는 부와 모를 잃었으니but you lost both of your parents.

36:22이리 갚는 걸로 하겠습니다Now, let's call it even.
36:26그게 무슨 소리요?What do you mean?
36:30이완익 대감이 죽은 거 알고 계시지요?You know of Lee Wan-ik's death, right?
36:35알고 있소그 부왜인Yes, I heard about what happened to that pro
Japanese man.
36:39그건 왜 묻는 거요?But why do you ask?
36:43그 부왜인이 제게는 부모 중That pro-Japanese man is
36:48부였습니다my father.
36:50(애신미안하오I'm sorry.
36:51(히나사과 마셔요Don't apologize.
36:53아비 손에 팔려 간 혼인이었습니다My father married me off for money.
36:56그 집엔 왜 간 거요?Why were you there?
36:57(히나같은 이유죠저 하나 지키려고요For the same reason. To protect myself.
37:01(히나모르셨나 봅니다I guess you didn't know.
37:06이 묵은 사연도 모르시겠군요you probably don't know this story either.
37:14애기씨의 부모를 죽인 이가My father was the one...
37:19제 부였습니다who killed your parents.
37:28조선 땅이 이리 좁습니다Small world, isn't it?
37:34귀하와 나는So, you and I...
37:39처음부터 편이 될 수 없는 사이였구려couldn't be allies ever from the start.
37:50외국인 묘지로 가십시오 기다리는 이가 있을
Go to the foreigners' cemetery. Someone will
be waiting for you there.
37:55제가 갚는 빚은After this,
37:58여기까지입니다I'm no longer indebted to you.
38:15(애신함안댁아범?Ms. Haman. Mr. Haengrang?
38:18(함안댁아이고애기씨요!Gosh, my lady!
38:23아이고애기씨요 [애신의 반가운 숨소리]My lady...
38:33자네들이 어찌 여기 있어?What are you two doing here?
38:36(애신큰어머니는언니는?Where's Aunt? What about Ae-sun?
38:39(행랑아범마님하고 아씨는We made sure
38:41만주까정 잘 뫼셔다드렸지라they arrived in Manchuria safe and sound.
38:44거기가 정리가 돼서 저희는 애기씨 계신 데로
They're okay there now, so we came back for
38:49(함안댁아이고이래 봐라Gosh, let me see your face.
38:50아이고내가 없으니까네Without me taking care of you,
38:52애기씨가 빼짝 곯아가 아이고보도 못하겄
you've lost so much weight. Seeing you like
this breaks my heart.
38:56어데 그림 같은 거 말고는 할 줄 아는 게 있어야
I was worried because there's nothing you can
do on your own except for painting.

39:00(애신) [살짝 웃으며그러니 말일세I know, right?
39:17그건 퍽 곤란하네 우리 희성이가 삼대독자라We can't do that. Hui-seong is our family's
only son.
39:20(매파아니면 의정부 참판 댁 장녀는 어떠신지
Then how about the eldest daughter of the
deputy minister of the State Council?
39:24용모는 좀 박색이라 하는데She is not exactly pretty,
39:27그래도 이 댁이 대대로 내려오는 정승 집안입
but the family has worked for State Council for
39:31(부인1) 애신이가 좀 고왔어야지We all know how beautiful Ae-sin is.
39:33희성이 눈에 찰까 모르겠네I doubt the lady is up to Hui-seong's
39:38(부인2) 일찍 끝났구먼수고했네-You finished quickly. Thank you. -You're
39:40(연주열흘 후에 다시 들르겠습니다-You finished quickly. Thank you. -You're
welcome. I will be back in ten days, ma'am.
39:49(부인1) 누구예요?Who is she?
39:50(부인2) 우리 큰며느리가 아들 쌍둥이를 낳
았지 않는가
My elder son now has boy twins, you know.
39:55(부인2) 배냇저고리며 샛깆이며 뭐든 배가 드
-Right. -From swaddling clothes to diapers, we
need two of everything, so I hired another
39:59침모 하나를 더 불렀네we need two of everything, so I hired another
40:00근데 불렀더니 멸문한 양반가 여식이지 뭔가But I found out she's from a family that used
to belong to nobility.
40:04(부인1) 아유저런쯧쯧쯧Oh, poor thing.
40:06(부인2) 밑으로 동생 둘을She's supporting two younger siblings
40:08저리 삯바느질로 건사하면서 산다는구먼by eking out a living as a seamstress.
40:11(부인1) 한 치 앞도 모르는 것이 인생입니다Life is truly unpredictable.
40:13(부인2) 그렇지It is.
40:15(춘식뭣을 도와드릴까예?How can we help you?
40:16(연주여긴 뭐든 다 해 준다고 들었어요I heard that you do anything people need
40:18(일식잘 오셨네That's right.
40:19내 혼인을 좀 하고 싶어 왔는데I want to get married.
40:22(일식그란 것은긍게 뭐여 매파를 통해야 될
For things like that, you should hire a
40:26매파는 비싸서 신랑감은 이미 찾아 왔고They charge hefty fees. I already know whom
I want to marry.
40:32저 사내면 좋겠어요I'd like to marry that man.
40:35괜찮소 내 원체 이런 일에 익숙해서It's okay. This happens to me quite a lot.
40:38(희성이런 용모를 가진 자의 숙명이랄까I suppose it's something that all handsome
men like me must put up with.
40:41처자의 뜻은 알겠으나 나는 혼인에 뜻이 없소I understand where she's coming from, but I
do not wish to get married.

40:44(연주그 댁 어머님께선 혼처를 알아보고 계시
But your mother is trying to find someone for
40:47내 의사와는 무관하오I never asked her to.
40:49혼인해 주세요Please marry me.
40:51(연주내 아우가 무관 학교 학도인데My brother is attending the Royal Military
40:54보증을 해 준 이가 떠나 없어 쫓겨날 위기입니
but he's about to be expelled because his
guarantor left the country.
40:57하여 내 이 혼인이 꼭 필요합니다Hence, I desperately need to marry you.
41:02[혀를 끌끌 차며이런 변이 있나I can't believe this.
41:05지금 나와 혼인하겠다는 이유가 내게 반해서가
아니란 말이오
The reason you want to marry me isn't that
you're smitten by me?
41:09(일식보증이라 하믄...The guarantor left?
41:12혹 그 보증 서 준 이가 미국 공사관 영사 대리
Was he the acting consul at the American
legation by any chance?
41:15(춘식옴마야준영 도련님 누님 되시는갑네My gosh, you must be Jun-yeong's sister.
41:18맞아요 [춘식의 놀란 숨소리] (희성아는 여인
-Yes, I am. -Do you know that young lady?
41:21(일식저짝에 쪼께 앉아 계쇼금방 되니께Have a seat over there for a minute. We'll be
41:24(희성무엇이 금방 된단 말이오?What are you guys talking about?
41:25보증인 서류예The guarantor agreement.
41:26(희성내 한다 안 한다 입도 뻥긋 안 했는데I never said I'll do it.
41:28(춘식어데예도련님 서명 제가 완벽하게 할
줄 안다 아입니까
Come on. I can forge your signature perfectly.
41:32걱정 마이소 (희성내가 지금 그 걱정을 하는
게 아니
-Don't you worry. -That's not what I'm worried
41:47(희성지금 수를 놓는 게요?You're working on your embroidery...
41:49이 와중에이리 침착하게?in this situation? How could you be so calm
41:51문 앞에 있는 간판 꽃이 다 시들었던데요?The sign by the door. The flower is all wilted.
41:57그게 간판인 건 어찌 안 거요?How did you know that it's a sign?
42:12나 주는 게요?Are you giving it to me?
42:16시들지 않을 겁니다This flower will never wilt.
42:41(진국무신회 낭인들이 진고개를 떠났습니다The swordsmen of Musin Society have left
42:46(히나) [울먹이며왜 꼭 죽을 것처럼 얘기해?Why are you talking as if you're going to die or
42:49난 착한 사내가 아니고 나쁜 사내니까Because I'm not a good man. I'm a bad guy.
42:54(동매나쁜 놈은 원래 빨리 죽어 [히나가 훌쩍
Bad guys tend to die first.
42:57그래야 착한 사람들이 오래 살거든That way, the good can live longer.
43:35(일본군 대좌) [일본어쿠도 히나 씨Ms. Hina Kudo.

43:36대일본 제국 헌병의 거처를 이곳에 마련하려
The army of the Greater Japanese Empire
would like to stay at your hotel,
43:392층 객실을 전부 비우시오so empty every room on your second floor.
43:42나머지 객실로 영업은 계속해도 좋소You may accept guests for other rooms during
our stay.
43:45대일본 제국 신민으로서 애국의 기회를 주는
We are giving you an honorable opportunity to
prove your patriotism as a Japanese citizen,
43:50기꺼이 바치시오so please cooperate.
44:26[한국어이렇게까지 빼앗으면 물어야 하나Even this got taken away from me. Now, must
I bite?
44:35조선의 독립에 발 한번 담가 봐?Shall I take part in winning Joseon's
45:36(소년호외요!Special edition!
45:38호외요!Special edition!
45:41호외요!Special edition!
46:15(완용폐하Your Majesty.
46:17을사년 조약을 늑약이라 떠드는데People say that we were forced to sign the
Japan–Korea Treaty of 1905.
46:21[소란스럽다독립이라는 칭호가 바뀌지 않았
However, we are still an independent nation
46:24제국이라는 명칭도 그대로이며called the Great Korean Empire.
46:28종사는 안전하고 황실은 존엄한데The country is safe, and your dignity and
authority remain intact.
46:32(완용다만 외교에 관하여 한 가지 문제만We are simply letting our neighboring country
46:36잠시 이웃 나라에 맡긴 것이옵니다take care of a diplomatic matter for the time
46:51한데 헤이그에 밀사를 파견하시다니요But how could you dispatch confidential
emissaries to the Hague?
46:55이 사안으로 이토 통감이 격분하고 있습니다Because of that, Resident General Ito is
outraged at the moment.
47:00(병준대한 황실에 지극한 배려를 베풀었음에
How could we betray them like that after
everything Japan has done for us?
47:04이리 배신을 하시니after everything Japan has done for us?
47:07일본 정부 또한 가만있지 않을 겝니다The Japanese government will not let it slide.
47:11폐하께서 사직의 안위를 염려하신다면Your Majesty, if you are concerned for the
safety of this country,
47:14차제에!you should...
47:16자결함으로써take your own life
47:18사직의 위기를 구할 수밖에 다른 도리가 없습
to save your people from this crisis. There is
no other way.
47:31경들도 그리 생각하는가?Ministers, do you all think so?
47:34짐이Do you think
47:37자결해야 마땅하다 보는가!that I must take my own life?
47:40(병무군사적으로도 월등히 우위에 있는 일본Japan's army is far more powerful than ours,

47:44전쟁을 할 것도 아니고so it's not like we can go into war with them.
47:47뒷구멍으로 음흉히 밀사를 보내You stabbed them in the back by sending
confidential emissaries, which utterly enraged
47:51이리 일본의 미움을 사시니by sending confidential emissaries, which
utterly enraged them.
47:53조정의 안위를 위험케 하는 것은 폐하가 아니
Your Majesty, don't you think that you are the
one putting our country in jeopardy?
48:00(병준만일 자결하지 못한다면...If you cannot take your own life...
48:04(희성) '폐하께서 동경으로 직접 행차하여'"His Majesty must visit Tokyo in person
48:08'천황 폐하 앞에서 사죄하거나'and apologize to the Emperor of Japan.
48:11'그도 아니면 기어이 일본과 일전하여 항복하
If not that, we should surrender to Japan
48:17'하세가와 대장에게 비는 것만이'... 이런 미친
and His Majesty must beg Major Hasegawa
on his knees..." This crazy son of a bitch.
48:25[가쁜 숨을 내뱉으며사장님 지금 경운궁
앞을 일진회 회원들이 둘러싸 막고 있습니다
Sir, members of Iljinhoe are surrounding
Gyeongwun Palace at the moment,
48:30대신들은 전부 궁으로 들었고요and all the ministers are at the palace.
48:33기어이 황제를 폐위시키려는 모양이구나They're trying to dethrone His Majesty.
48:41(완용이 사안은 전적으로 폐하께서 책임을 지
Your Majesty, you must take full responsibility
for this.
48:46이참에 황위를 황태자 전하께 양위하시고You should pass the throne to the crown
48:52일선에서 물러나세요We urge you to step down.
48:55[무거운 음악네 이놈!How dare you!
48:59(고종네놈들이 감히 짐을 욕보이고Must you humiliate me like this?
49:02일국의 왕을 섬기겠다는 것이냐Are you saying you will serve the emperor of
Japan now?
49:05(완용지금이 어떤 세상인지Times have changed.
49:13폐하는 모르시오?Don't you know?
49:19(승구폐하!Your Majesty.
49:21제게 죽이라 명하십시오Please order me to kill him.
49:24그럼 죽이겠습니다Then I will do so.
49:51총칼을 거두라All of you, drop your weapons.
49:53폐하!Your Majesty!
50:06선위하겠다I will step down from the throne.
50:13(병무) [일본어이자를 포박하라!Tie him up!
50:15(고종) [한국어총관의 옷깃 하나도 건들지 말
Don't you dare lay a finger on him!
50:22왕위는 내어 주었으나I gave you the throne,
50:25그는 내어 주지 않을 것이다!but I will not let you have him.
51:23Dear Lord, Father of Joseph.

(유진) [한국어내 아버지 요셉의 아버지이신
51:31기도하지 않는 자의 기도도 들으십니까?Do you hear the prayer of those who do not
52:29(유진제 모든 걸음에Were you there
52:32함께 계셨습니까?for each and every step I took?
52:39(유진제 온 생을 이렇게 흔드시는 이유가The reason you cause such tumult in my life...
52:45진정 있으신 겁니까?Is there a reason?
53:07[한국어조선인이시오?Are you from Joseon?
53:11조선인이십니까?Are you from Joseon?
53:13(청년타국에서 이렇게 동포를 뵈니까 참으로
It's so good to see a fellow countryman away
from home.
53:17따라오시오그저 걷던 중이라Follow me. I was heading in that direction.
53:22감사합니다Thank you.
53:25(청년뉴욕에 오신 지는 얼마나 되셨습니까?How long have you been in New York?
53:28(유진다시 온 건 3년 정도I returned about three years ago.
53:29조선의 소식들을 알려 줄 수 있겠소?Can you tell me about Joseon?
53:32그동안 소식들은 몰라서I haven't heard anything since.
53:34러일 전쟁은 어찌 됐소?How did the Russo-Japanese War go?
53:37(청년) 3년이면 잘 모르시겠네요You wouldn't know if it's been three years.
53:41러일 전쟁은 일본의 승리로 끝났습니다Japan won the war.
53:44그로 인해 을사년에 대한은 일본과 늑약을 맺
In 1905, we were forced to sign the Japan
Korea Treaty.
53:48사실상 주권을 강제로 뺏겼고요We basically lost sovereignty.
53:53통감부가 설치되고 대한 제국의 통치는The Residency General was set up and
Joseon is now...
53:57일본의 명령과 허락 아래 이루어지고 있습니다under the control of Japan.
54:02근데 미국이 가장 먼저 대한과 손을 잡아 놓고America was the first to join forces with
54:06그 손을 가장 먼저 놓고but they were the first to leave as well.
54:09대한에서 공사관을 철수시켰고요They even shut down the American legation
54:14(청년대한의 이런 상황을 알리기 위해서 많은
동포들이 애쓰고 있습니다
Many countrymen are trying hard to spread
word of this situation.
54:21(유진다 왔소저쪽으로 쭉 가면 되오We're almost there. Go straight that way.
54:25(청년감사합니다...Oh. Thank you. Well...
54:30실례가 안 된다면 이렇게 뵌 것도 인연인데If you don't mind, I think it means something
that we met.
54:33함자를 좀 여쭤봐도 되겠습니까?May I have your name?
54:36(유진최유진이오I'm Choi Yu-jin.
54:41안가 창호입니다I'm Ahn Chang-ho.

54:44[의미심장한 음악조선은 쉽게 굴복하지 않을
Joseon won't give in easily.
54:47(유진조선을 지키는 자들이 있소There are those who fight.
54:50의병들이The Righteous Army.
54:52저도 그들 중의 하나입니다I'm one of them.
55:10(유진내 아버지 요셉의 아버지이신 하나님Dear Lord, Father of Joseph.
55:16내 남은 생을 다 쓰겠습니다I'll devote the rest of my life to this cause.
55:21그 모든 걸음을For each and every step I took...
55:23오직 헛된 희망에 의지하였으니I clung to a vain hope.
55:29살아만 있게 하십시오Just keep me alive.
55:33그 이유 하나면 전As long as I'm alive,
55:38나는 듯이 가겠습니다I will go like the wind.
55:52(일진회 회원의병이다!It's the Righteous Army!
56:02(정 경무사순찰을 어디를 돈 거야씨 얼른 쫓
Where were you patrolling? Go after them!
56:09(정 경무사뭐야어디야어디야?What was that? Where's the shooter?
56:16(정 경무사또 어디가 작살난 거야!Where did that sound come from?
56:20이완용 대감 댁이 폭발했습니다!Lord Lee Wan-yong's house exploded!
56:22(정 경무사누구이 뭣들 하고...Whose? What are you doing?
56:25아니다이완용 대감은 내가 구해야겠다No. I will save Lord Lee.
56:29너희들 저쪽으로 가뭐 해인마!You go that way! Go!
56:53김희성 씨Mr. Kim.
56:54오라버니라 하라니까I told you to address me like an older brother.
56:58(연주김희성 씨가 왜 제 오라버니입니까?Why would you be my older brother?
57:01저는 아래로 아우만 둘입니다I already have two younger siblings.
57:07이 여인이지요?Is this the woman?
57:08여기 여인이 어디 있느냐There's no woman here.
57:11다 의인이다They are just righteous people.
57:17(연주여기 여인 있네There's a woman in here.
57:21김희성 씨 마음에In your heart, Mr. Kim.
57:26(희성그대가 다른 이를 마음에 들인 건 내 진
즉 알고 있었소
I figured out a long ago that there is another
man in your heart.
57:30진즉 알았어도Even though I knew about it,
57:34무용했소there was nothing I could do.
57:41이런 마음이셨겠구나So this is how she must have felt.
57:45이리 안쓰러웠겠어She must've felt pity.
58:04(준영누이형님Sister. Hui-seong.
58:07(연주무슨 일 있는 것이냐?Is something wrong?
58:09체통도 없이 왜 이리 뛰어?Why are you all running?

58:10궁으로 가는 길입니다We're headed to the palace.
58:13황제 폐하께서 퇴위되셨답니다The king has been dethroned.
58:32(여자1) 폐하Your Majesty.
58:34- (남자1) 망극하옵니다폐하 - (남자2) 폐하-No. -No, Your Majesty.
58:37(남자3) 폐하Your Majesty.
58:42(남자3) 이럴 수는 없사옵니다폐하Your Majesty. This cannot be happening. Your
58:53(가쾌조선이 온통 상갓집입니다The whole country's mourning.
58:55(남자3) 폐하Your Majesty.
58:56한 나라의 임금을 그리 끌어내리다니How could they dethrone a king like that?
58:59이 망할 놈들이씨Those bastards.
59:09(가쾌) 3년째 쭉 비어 있습니다It's been vacant for three years now.
59:14오야붕의 집이니 누구 하나 쉬이 어쩌지 못
했던 모양입니다
No one dared to lay their hands on it since it
was owned by Gu Dong-mae.
59:28내가 살게요I'll buy this place.
59:29(가쾌Pardon? Okay then. As soon as everything's
59:31그럼 준비되는 대로 빈관으로 찾아뵙겠습
Pardon? Okay then. As soon as everything's
ready, I'll come to the hotel.
59:34더 둘러보고 나오십시오You can take your time to look around.
1:00:00[파도가 철썩인다] (히나나보다 먼저 죽지 마Don't die before I do.
1:00:04[울먹이며내가 너보다 더 나쁠게I'll be even badder than you.
1:00:08(히나나보다 먼저 죽지 마너는Don't you die before I do.
1:02:01들어와일단 맥주부터 아니다포옹부터AMERICAN LEGATION IN JAPAN
1:04:51(히로부미) [일본어집과 재산이 모두 불타I heard your house and entire property burned
1:04:56(히로부미조상의 신주까지 잃었다지and even the ancestral tablets got destroyed.
1:05:00그 마음이 오죽할까You must feel terrible.
1:05:03[한국어집과 재산이 모두 불타 조상의 신주까
지 잃었다고
Your house burned down and even the
ancestral tablets got destroyed.
1:05:06(형기그 마음을 걱정하십니다He is very concerned.
1:05:08(히로부미) [일본어그렇듯 조선인은 대체로
Joseon people are generally ignorant.
1:05:13걸핏하면 들고일어나기 일쑤이니They tend to get riled up and retaliate.
1:05:16그 싹을 아예 도려냄이 옳다It's best to nip them all in the bud.
1:05:20(형기) [한국어그렇듯 조선인은 미개하여Joseon people are ignorant
1:05:23걸핏하면 들고일어나기 일쑤이니and are always protesting.
1:05:25그 싹을 아예 도려냄이 옳다고...So they must be nipped in the bud.
1:05:30[일본어새로운 황제에게 군대 해산 조칙을 발
표하게 하라
Have the new emperor announce that he will
disband the military.
1:05:39[한국어새 황제 폐하께He wants the new king

1:05:41군대 해산 조칙을 발표하게 하라 하십니다to announce the military's disbandment.
1:05:46(완용) [일본어!Yes, sir!
1:05:50(완용) [한국어군대를 해산할 때When the military's disbanded,
1:05:53황명을 위반하고 폭동하는 자가 있다면if anyone disobeys the royal command and
starts a riot,
1:05:56일본이 즉각 진압해 줄 것을 의뢰하는Japan will take charge and quell them as per
the emperor's request.
1:06:00대한 제국 황제 폐하의 칙지를 삼가 받은 바 있
We have an official imperial order from His
Majesty himself.
1:06:03이와 같이 이토 각하에게 조회하는 바이오니He requests that Resident General Ito carry
this out.
1:06:07받아들이시기를 바라나이다We plead you... DONGDAEMUN TRAINING
CAMP accept.
1:06:25황명을 받잡아 통감부는 8월 1일부로As per the royal command, as of August 1,
the Residency General will disband Korea's
1:06:29대한 제국 군대 해산식을 거행한다the Residency General will disband Korea's
1:06:32(병무오늘부로 여러분은 군인이 아니다As of today, you are no longer soldiers.
1:06:40그건 은사금이니 넣어 두고That's a monetary gift from the emperor.
1:06:47[일본어거역하는 자는 죽여도 좋다You may kill anyone who disobeys.
1:06:51(일본군1) 조준!Take aim!
1:07:04(참모) [한국어대대장님 소집에 불응하면 즉
각 사살하라는 황명입니다
Sir, the emperor has given orders to shoot
anyone who disobeys.
1:07:08이미 무기를 반납 중입니다 지금이라도 나가셔
야 합니다
They've already taken our arms. You must go
before it's too late.
1:07:11군인으로 나라를 지키지 못하고If I fail to protect my country as a soldier,
1:07:17신하로서 충성을 다하지 못한다면and I fail to be loyal to my king as a subject,
1:07:20만 번을 죽어도then 10,000 deaths
1:07:22아까울 것이 없다wouldn't be enough to atone for my sins.
1:07:45(참모박승환 참령께서 자결하셨다!Commander Park Seung-hwan shot himself!
1:07:47(유진일본은 조만간 원수부를 장악하고 무관
학교부터 폐지하려 들 것이다
Japan will soon take control over the Board of
Marshals and close down the Royal Military
Academy first.
1:07:53(준영무기 반납을 멈춰!Don't return your firearms!
1:07:55우리에게서 무기를 빼앗고 군을 해산시키려는
They're going to take our weapons and
disband the military.
1:08:05개새끼들Sons of bitches.
1:08:07전부 다 죽여 버릴 거야I'll kill you all.
1:08:11(일본군2) [일본어저들은 명령에 불복종했으
They disobeyed a direct order.
1:08:14전원All of them
1:08:17사살하라!should be executed!

1:08:19[한국어] - (학도1) 개새끼들아! - (학도2) 가자!-You bastards! -Let's fight!
1:08:40(준영무기 반납을 멈춰이 개새끼들아!Don't return your weapons! You sons of
1:09:01(승구폐하!Your Majesty!
1:09:14(승구신 장승구 폐하께 하직 인사 올립니다I, Jang Seung-gu, am here to bid you farewell.
1:09:20신은 이제 태황제 폐하 곁을 떠납니다I must leave you now, Your Majesty.
1:09:25[무거운 음악신 나가서 싸워야겠습니다I must go out and fight.
1:09:28허할 수 없다!I cannot permit that!
1:09:36(고종허할 수 없다I cannot permit that.
1:09:39경의 마음은 백번 이해하나I understand how you feel,
1:09:43가지 마라but do not go.
1:09:46그대라도 살아라Do not die like others.
1:09:49폐하Your Majesty.
1:09:51이놈 꿈이 역적입니다!My dream was to become a rebel.
1:09:54아재요나는Mister, I...
1:09:58역적이 되렵니다I'm going to become a rebel.
1:10:01신 비로소 역적이 되겠습니다I can finally become one now.
1:10:31(준영괜찮나?Are you all right?
1:10:34조금만 참게Hang in there.
1:10:57(준영총관님Officer Jang.
1:11:00시간이 없다We have no time.
1:11:02왜놈들이 이쪽으로 병력을 더 붙일 것이다They will send more men soon.
1:11:04(승구무기도 차이가 크고 탄환도 얼마 없으니We're short on ammunition and they are
1:11:06이대로 버텨 봤자 다 죽는다We'll only get killed after holding out like this.
1:11:10길을 터 줄 테니 명례방 초입까지 뒤도 돌아보
지 말고 뛰어라
I'll clear a path for you, so don't look back and
1:11:15총관님은 같이 안 가십니까?Aren't you going to come with us?
1:11:17(승구 부이놈아우리가 도망가면 여긴 누가
You fool! Who will guard this place if we run
1:11:21(승구내가 가면 여긴 누가 지키냐이놈아!Who will guard this place if I run away?
1:11:25난 몇 사람 더 살리려고 왔다I only came to save a few more people.
1:11:29이제 총관도 아니고 서둘러 가거라And I'm not an officer anymore. Hurry up and
1:11:32한때 총관이었던 자의 마지막 명령이다This is the last order from a man who was
once an officer.
1:11:46제가 인솔하겠습니다I will lead the group.
1:11:50내가 후방에 서겠다!I will watch the rear.
1:11:52(준영부상병들 부축해서 신속히 이동하도록Help the injured and move quickly.
1:11:56(승구살아남아야 한다You must survive.
1:11:59그게 이기는 거다That will be a win for us.

1:13:06(수군1) 불 줘! [수군2의 기합]Fire!
1:13:08정신 차려새끼야빨리 불!Get a grip and move!
1:13:09(승구 부!Fire!
1:13:47총관님!Officer Jang!
1:13:50돌아보지 말고 달려Don't look back and run.
1:13:54(일본군3) [일본어쫓아!Go after them!
1:14:33[한국어이 개새끼들아!You bastards!
1:15:00(애신이보게들아니...What happened to you?
1:15:03- (무걸아유 - (은산아니무슨 일인가What's going on?
1:15:05(은산시위대 복색인데누구한테 당한 건
They're wearing officer uniforms. Who
attacked you?
1:15:08(행랑아범부상이 심하네 움막 안으로 눕혀,
He's badly injured. -Take him to the hut. -
1:15:11(함안댁저기물 좀 끓이소 뜨신 물 많이 필요
할 깁니더
Start boiling some water. You'll need a lot of it.
1:15:15- (함안댁니는 초오산 달여가 오고 - (분이네)
-Go make an anesthetic. -I will.
1:15:18(사탕 장수일본이 대한 제국 군대를 강제 해
산 했습니다
Japan forcefully disbanded the Korean army.
1:15:22밤중에 결정하여 아침에 칙령을 발표했고요The imperial order was sent down by His
Majesty himself.
1:15:25우리 군은 당연히 받아들일 수 없다 하여Naturally, our soldiers could not comply
1:15:27순식간에 교전이 붙었습니다and a skirmish broke out.
1:15:31이리 교전할지 알았는지As if they knew it'd turn out like this, they had
a machine gun prepared.
1:15:32일본은 기관포까지 준비해서 쏴 대느라고As if they knew it'd turn out like this, they had
a machine gun prepared. They shot down our
soldiers effortlessly.
1:15:35속수무책으로 당했습니다They shot down our soldiers effortlessly.
1:15:38그 바람에 장 포수가...As a result, Gunner Jang...
1:15:43돌아가셨습니다passed away.
1:15:56(여자2) [흐느끼며일어나...No, get up...
1:16:45[사람들이 계속 서럽게 운다] (여자4) 일어나,
일어나 봐...
Get up. No. get up...
1:17:03(일본군8) 대일본 제국의 승리를 축하하며 건
For the victorious Empire of Japan!
1:17:07(일본군들건배!-Cheers! -Cheers!
1:17:19[한국어테이블마다 술 꽉 채워 줘 새벽까지 마
실 수 있게
Don't let any table be short on alcohol. Make
sure they can drink all night.
1:17:23음식도 신경 쓰고Pay extra care to the food too.
1:17:25(직원아씨Yes, my lady.
1:17:30(사탕 장수일군들은 죄다 빈관에 모여 축하연
을 벌이고 있답니다
Japanese soldiers are gathered at the hotel,
throwing a party to celebrate their victory.

1:18:15어디 멀리 다녀온 모양이오You must be returning from somewhere far
1:18:19어디 멀리서 돌아오신 모양입니다You too must be returning from somewhere
far away.
1:18:25이쪽에는 없었소She wasn't with me.
1:18:31이쪽도 없습니다Same here.
1:18:42(일본군9) [일본어너 이년어디 가 지금 이 총
성은 뭐야
Where do you think you're going? What was
that gunshot just now?
1:18:50(애신) [한국어심지에 불은 붙였소서두르시
I lit the fuse. We must hurry.

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