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  미스터 션샤인 21

52s[무거운 음악] (애신본국으로 간다 들었소I heard you're returning home.
57s(유진작별 인사 하러 온 거요?Did you come to say goodbye?
58s함께 가겠소I'll come with you.
1:01(애신데려가시오나를Take me along with you.
1:04미국으로To America.
1:10내가 거절하면 어쩌려고What if I say no?
1:12거절할 이에게 오지 않았소I know you won't.
1:15한 남자를 이용하겠다는 여인이You intend to use me,
1:19최소한의 노력도 않네화나게yet you're not even making the slightest
amount of effort.
1:23이건 부탁이 아니라 고백을 해야 하는 거요Instead of making a request, you should
profess your love.
1:29사랑한다고You should say that you love me,
1:32(유진사랑하고 있다고that you're in love with me,
1:34그러니 함께 가자고and that you want to be with me.
1:38그럼 난 또 그 거짓말에 눈멀어Then I'll become blinded by the sweet lie
1:41내 전부를 거는 거고and end up risking my all.
1:48최종 목적지가 어디요?What's your final destination?
1:51날 이용해서 어디까지 가는 거냐고Where are you trying to go by using me?
1:59참 밉네이 여자I resent you so much.
2:12(히나무척 아쉽습니다It's a shame you must leave.
2:14다시 입경하시면 주차군 사령부로 들어가신다
I heard you will be joining the garrison army
when you come back.
2:17아쉽다라A shame?
2:18보통은 사령관 진급을 축하하던데Most people congratulated me for the
2:21저야 장사꾼인지라Well, I'm a businesswoman.
2:22(히나모쪼록 제 호텔에서 즐거우셨기를 바랍
I hope you enjoyed your stay at my hotel.
2:27(직원근데요아씨My lady.
2:28방금 대좌님 룸에 짐 들러 갔다가 보았는데요I saw something while I was in the colonel's
2:31[긴장되는 음악] 2층 노대 쪽으로 검은 게 휙Something black passed by the balcony.
2:33들고양이 뭐 그런 건 확실히 아니고...I'm sure it wasn't a cat or anything.
2:36대좌님 짐부터Carry the colonel's luggage first.
2:38We don't want him to miss his train.

(히나기차를 놓치시게 할 셈은 아니지?
2:41검은 게 휙확실해?Something black? Are you sure?
2:43(직원확실치는 않은데 혹 또 도둑이 든 것
은 아닌가 해서
I'm not sure, but I thought it could be a thief.
2:46(타카시나도 확실치는 않아도 어떻게 생겼는
지 보면 알 거야
I'm not sure either, but seeing it again might
jog your memory.
2:50그래야 하고And you better hope it does.
2:52[일본어밖에 있는 병력 다 데리고 들어와 (
1) 지금 가셔야 기차를...
-Bring back all of our men. -But your train--
2:55닥쳐!Shut it!
2:56지금부터 이 호텔을 샅샅이 수색해 불령선인을
Search every corner of this hotel and arrest
the Joseon rebel.
3:00(일본군들!-Yes, sir! -Yes, sir!
3:03(타카시넌 이 새끼 옆에 꼭 붙어서 [출입문 종
이 딸랑거린다
You stay next to this guy
3:04내려오는 놈들 다 살펴and check everyone who passes by.
3:06(일본군2) !Yes, sir!
3:07(타카시너희들은 따라와!Rest of you, follow me.
3:11(직원) [한국어아씨My lady.
3:13날 보면 어떡해 잘 봐놓치지 말고Don't look at me. Keep your eyes open and
don't miss anything.
3:28(유진빈관 사장이 위험을 알려 주는 거요Hina is informing us of danger.
3:30타카시라는 일본군 대좌일 확률이 크고It's probably the Japanese colonel, Takashi
3:32뒤를 봐주시오Watch my back.
3:38늘 그렇듯 내 걱정은 말고As always, don't worry about me.
4:07지나가던 길이오들르라 해서I thought I might drop by. Since you told me
4:13(희성저 문으로I thought
4:16들어올 줄 알았는데you'd come through the door.
4:18(애신저 문은 안 여는 게 좋겠소That door should stay shut.
4:20일군들에게 쫓기고 있소Japanese soldiers are after me.
4:26와서 숨었구려So you're here to hide.
4:42(타카시문을 너무 늦게 여네이 소란에You took your time to open the door. Aren't
you curious about the ruckus?
4:46뭐 하나라도 반가워야지I'm not curious about anything.
4:47너도이 소란도Neither you nor the ruckus.
5:00무슨 일인데?What's going on?
5:04그저 작별 인사I'm just here to say goodbye.
5:07얼굴이라도 보고 가려니 품이 꽤 많이 드네Bidding farewell in person is more difficult
than I thought.
5:12(타카시나 오늘 귀국하거든I'm going back to Japan today.

5:15내가 돌아오면 넌 없을 것 같아서I thought you might not be here by the time
I'm back.
5:17(유진들었어귀국했다가 사령관으로 다시 입
So I heard. You'll be returning from Japan as a
commanding officer.
5:22(타카시그럼 너와 나의 격차는 더 커지는 건
Does that mean there will be a bigger gap
between us?
5:27저기는 안 뒤져 봐도 돼뒤져 봐Shouldn't you check there too? Take a look.
5:34(타카시이런 타이밍에 본국 복귀라니You're lucky to be going back home at a
timing like this.
5:38미국이 널 살리네America saved you.
5:40그러니 미국인으로 살아유진So live as an American, Eugene.
5:42쭉 미국인으로Stay as one.
5:44주는 밥 먹으면서 주는 옷 입고As a loyal soldier for America.
5:47(유진내가 어떻게 살지는 내가 정할 테니까I will decide my own path,
5:49넌 더 뒤질지 말지나 정해so you decide whether you'll keep searching
or not.
5:52(타카시이 상자는 뭘까I wonder what this box is.
5:55궁금하긴 한데It makes me curious.
6:17[일본어무슨 일이오?What's the matter?
6:18(일본군1) 불령선인이 난입해 객실마다 수색
A Joseon rebel broke into the hotel, so we're
searching all the rooms.
6:29지금 뭘 보는 거요남의 여인을 왜What are you doing? Are you eyeing my
6:34(희성귀관 이름이 뭔가?What's your name, soldier?
6:36소속이 어디야!What division are you in?
6:37본 게 아니라... 실례했습니다That wasn't what I was... Pardon the intrusion,
6:41(희성!Leave. Leave!
7:00[한국어갈아입으시오Get changed.
7:01(희성임기응변이 가능할지 모르겠으나I don't know if this will work,
7:04내 응원을 이 옷에 다 담았소but I've been waiting for a day this might come
in useful.
7:19고맙소Thank you.
7:22(타카시참 이상하지?Strange, isn't it?
7:24(타카시조선 여인의 집에선 미국 물건이An American object was found in the room of
a Joseon woman
7:28미국인의 방에선 조선 국기라while the national flag of Joseon was found in
an American's room.
7:32일본군 대좌 방에 조선 이름들도 있는데?Don't forget the list of Korean names in a
Japanese colonel's room.
7:35[일본어이 새끼가!You bastard!
7:38(타카시) [한국어역시 너지?It was you, wasn't it?
7:40나면 어떻게 할 건데What if it was?
7:43(유진일본인이You're Japanese

7:45미국인을and I'm American.
7:49어떻게 할 거냐고What can you do to me?
8:00(타카시내가 다시 돌아오면 뭐부터 할지 알
Can you guess what the first thing I will do is
when I'm back?
8:03그 귀족 여인부터 찾을 거야I'll track down that noble woman.
8:10그렇게 할 거야?you will?
8:12그런 눈으로 보지 마유진Don't look at me like that, Eugene.
8:15너도 제국주의자잖아You believe in imperialism too.
8:17(타카시넌 스페인과 전쟁을 했고 미국은 필리
핀을 가졌지
You went to war with Spain and America
gained control over the Philippines.
8:22일본도 일로 전쟁을 승리하고Japan simply wants to win against Russia
8:24조선을 가지려는 것뿐이야and take Joseon as its prize.
8:27필연적으로 우등한 국가는Inevitably, the superior country
8:29[무거운 음악열등한 국가를 실망시켜will end up disappointing the inferior one.
8:32미국은 필리핀을영국은 인도를America will disappoint the Philippines,
England will disappoint India,
8:36일본은 조선을 실망시키지and Japan will disappoint Joseon.
8:40열등한 국가의 국민은The people of the inferior nation,
8:43특히 귀족이었던 젊은 여인은 더 다치겠지especially the young woman who was once a
noble will get hurt again.
8:49몸도 마음도 필연적으로Both her body and soul, inevitably.
8:58(일본군2) [일본어잘 봐Look closely.
8:59있어없어?Is he here or not?
9:09[한국어양복점에서 배달이 왔었습니다This was delivered for you from the tailor
9:11고맙소I see. Thank you.
9:15(히나혹시 저런 옷 아니었어?Isn't that the outfit you saw?
9:17(직원저분은 희성 도련님이신데요?But that's Young Master Hui-seong.
9:20(일본군2) [일본어저자야네가 본 게?Is that the man you saw?
9:22[한국어사람 겉만 봐서는 모르는 거란다You can't judge someone by his appearance.
9:25(희성아니대체 이게 다 무슨 소란이오?What's all the fuss about?
9:27(직원) [멋쩍게 웃으며그게 그제가 뭘
봐 가지고
It's just that I saw something.
9:30이렇게 해 보십시오 (희성이렇게 휙-Can you go like this, sir? -Like this?
9:33(직원제가 본 방향이 이쪽이었으니 아
That man was going in this direction. It was to
the left.
9:36왼쪽이오이렇게 휙The left, like this?
9:38[직원의 의아한 숨소리] (희성그대가 본 이가
? (일본군2) [일본어지금 뭐 하는 거야?
-Am I the one you saw? -What are you doing?

9:41네가 본 게 이 새끼야?Is this the bastard you saw?
9:45(희성이보시오 아무리 소개가 늦었기로 새끼
Look here. I may not have introduced myself,
but wasn't that a bit rude?
9:54김희성이오I'm Kim Hui-seong.
9:57수고하십니다Keep up the good work.
9:58(일본군2) 거기 문 앞의 당신! [출입문 종이 딸
You at the door!
10:00(타카시) [한국어쏘고 싶으면 지금 쏴Now is the chance if you want to shoot me.
10:02지금이 마지막 기회일지도 모르잖아This might be your last chance.
10:05마지막 기회인지는 몰라도I'm not sure if it'll be the last chance,
10:07지금이 기회인 건 맞아but it sure is an opportunity.
10:14(일본군2) [일본어비켜!Move!
10:30뭐야이 새끼가!What the hell are you doing?
10:34(일본군2) 대좌님괜찮으십니까?Colonel, are you all right?
10:36(타카시다 여기로 올라오면 어떡해!What are you all doing up here?
10:38(일본군2) 총소리가 나서...But the gunshot...
10:39아무래도 그 새끼가 잘못 본 모양입니다The bell boy must've seen wrong.
10:41아래층에는 없습니다There's no one downstairs.
10:42(타카시잘못 본 게 아니라 잘 안 본 거잖아!He didn't see wrong. You weren't looking hard
10:45튀라고 쏜 총소리고The gunshot was a distraction.
10:47대꾸하지 말고 다 꺼져Stop talking and get lost!
10:49짐 옮겨 놓겠습니다Let us carry your luggage.
10:54[한국어이러니 내가 안 궁금해?See? You keep making me curious.
10:56(타카시우리가 다음에 볼 땐I'm very curious to see
10:58네가 조선 놈으로 올지 미국 놈으로 올지 궁금
whether you'll be an American or a Joseon
man the next time we meet.
11:05한번 맞혀 봐Take a guess.
11:07난 이미 정했어I've already made up my mind.
12:04나리궁에서 높은 분이 오셨습니다Sir, a high official from the palace is here to
see you.
12:16내 정보를 함부로 흘리셨던데You've been telling others about me.
12:18난 꼭 필요한 자에게 전달한 줄 알았더니I thought I was relaying the message to
someone who needed to know.
12:22(승구기다린다고 제빵소에다 얘기했다 하길
I heard you said to the baker that you'd be
waiting for her.
12:26그럴 줄 알았어I knew it.
12:28다 한통속일 줄You were all in it together.
12:31언제 떠나는 거요?When are you leaving?
12:38내 마음이오등 떠밀지 마시오When I want to. Stop forcing me.
12:40애기씨와는 함께 가기로 한 거요?Will Lady Ae-sin be joining you as well?

12:44그 여인이 나와 함께 가려는 곳이I already know
12:46미국이 아니라 일본까지만이라는 거 다 아는
that her destination is Japan, not America.
12:50(승구안 속을 줄 알았소 속이려고는 했네-I knew you couldn't be fooled. -But you tried
12:55달리 방법이 많지 않으니 이해해 주시오We don't have any other options. Please be
13:00타카시는 조선인의 손에 죽으면 안 된다고 했
던 말 기억하시오
I said that Takashi Mori must not be killed by a
Joseon man. Do you remember that?
13:04미국인인 내 손에 맡기셨소 고사홍 어르신이Lord Go asked me, an American, to do it.
13:08(유진마지막 유언이셨고Those were his last words.
13:10그 잔인한 어르신의 유언을I think it's about time
13:14지킬 때가 된 것 같소I keep my promise to that cruel old man.
13:17해서 결국So in the end,
13:20그 여인과 나는 이별하게 될 거요that woman and I will part ways.
13:24내 계획이 실패해 죽어 이별하거나It's either my plan fails and death do us part
13:28각자의 나라로 갈라져야 해서 이별하게 되거나or we end up parting ways because we must
return to our countries.
13:34그래서 잠깐 두려웠소That thought scared me for a bit.
13:36내가 다른 선택을 하게 될까 봐I was scared I might change my mind.
13:44너무 염치가 없소is in great debt to you.
13:55(춘식) [놀라며오셨어예You're here.
13:57오늘 날이 참 좋지예It's nice and sunny, isn't it?
13:59(희성날이 흐린데 뭘 그리 다급히 숨기시오?It's rather cloudy. What's that thing you're
trying to hide?
14:02어데예제가 뭘뭘 숨긴다꼬What do you mean? I'm not hiding anything.
14:05아무것도 아닌데예It's nothing.
14:10- (희성손님 - (춘식어서 오이소-You have a customer. -Come on in.
14:15그래가 숨긴 긴데I thought you wouldn't want to know.
14:18(춘식아니어데 쓰려는 건지 이기 꼭 필요하
다 해가
I don't know what it's for, but she said she
really needed it.
14:38(춘식근데 이게 다 위조라예But the whole document has been forged.
14:39싹 거짓말입니다거짓말It's all fake, you know.
14:42거짓이어도Even if it is fake,
14:45이리 연을 맺는구려they found each other again.
15:11(은산이정문 대감이 낭인들에게 납치되었다Lord Lee Jeong-mun has been taken by
Japanese swordsmen.
15:16네 짓임을 안다We know you're behind it.
15:19일본 어디에 있는지만 알면As long as you tell me where in Japan he is,
15:22이 여인은 무사할 것이다this woman won't be hurt.
15:30(낭인1) [일본어수장님께서는 만주를 거쳐He'll pass through Manchuria

15:32조선을 지나 다시 본국으로 돌아가시는 길이다and Joseon to return to Japan.
15:36[한국어유카타 입었다고 다 내 짓은 아닙니다Just because we're dressed alike, it doesn't
mean I'm behind it.
15:45무신회가 직접 움직였다는 건가?Are you saying the Musin Society was directly
involved in this?
15:53(은산그 말을 믿을 재간이 없는데We have no reason to trust you.
15:55오야붕 눈 밖에 난 지 꽤 될 겁니다It's been a while since I lost my boss' favor.
15:58일전에 내 나와바리에서 누가 날 쐈는데You see, I got shot by someone in my own turf
one time.
16:01(동매그게 누구인 줄 알면서도And despite knowing who did it,
16:03안 쫓은 걸 아시는 건지I didn't track the shooter down. He must've
found out.
16:16(은산하면 우리를 좀 도우면 어떤가?Then... how about you help us out a little?
16:20사양하겠습니다I'm afraid I must say no.
16:22뒷골목에도 질서라는 게 있습니다나리Even where I come from, there are moral
codes to follow.
16:28우리 묵은 얘기는 나중에 합시다We'll catch up later.
16:34볼일 다 끝나셨으면If you don't have anything more to say,
16:36제 볼일도 보겠습니다I have something to say of my own.
16:44돈을 더 내셔야겠습니다I'm afraid you still owe me.
16:47(동매보름이 여러 번 지났는데It's been several months
16:50직접 오시지를 않아서 말입니다without your visits.
17:02(사탕 장수여기서 좀 기다리시오Wait here for a bit.
17:05곧 통금이니It's curfew hours soon.
17:48늦어서 미안하오I'm sorry I'm late.
17:51통금을 기다리느라I was waiting for the curfew.
17:55짐작했소I assumed you were.
17:56내 부탁에 답을 하겠다 기별하였던데I was told you have an answer for my request.
18:28(유진이게 내 답이오This is my answer.
18:35(유진합시다러브Let's do it.
18:39(유진나랑With me.
18:43나랑 같이Let's do it together.
18:45(유진같이 갑시다일본으로Let's go together. To Japan.
18:50내가 데려다주겠소I'll take you there.
18:53일본은 지금 전쟁 중이고Japan is at war right now.
18:55조선인의 입국이 쉽지는 않을 거요Entering Japan with your current nationality
won't be easy.
19:20(애신) '애신 초이'"Ae-sin Choi."
19:23초이?-"Choi"? -It's the safest way
19:24(유진안전하게 입국할 최선의 방법이오-"Choi"? -It's the safest way of entering Japan.
19:29미국에선In America,

19:31아내가 남편의 성을 따르오the wife takes her husband's surname.
19:35일본 입국 시 귀하의 이름은When you set foot on Japanese soil, your
name will be...
19:39애신 초이요Ae-sin Choi.
19:57(유진이 반지의 의미는The meaning of this ring is...
20:00이 여인은It means...
20:02사랑하는 나의 아내라는 표식이오you are my wife that I love.
20:09서양에서는In the West,
20:11보통 남자가 한쪽 무릎을 꿇고 반지를 내밀며the man would usually go down on one knee,
show the woman the ring,
20:17정중히 청혼을 하오and ask the woman in a gentle manner...
20:21나와 결혼해 달라고to marry him.
20:26당신이 나를 꺾고If you were to go against my will
20:28나를 건너and leave my side
20:31제 나라 조선을 구하려 한다면to save your homeland, Joseon,
20:34난 천 번이고 만 번이고 당신 손에 꺾이겠구나I knew that... I wouldn't be able to change
your mind.
20:39알 수 있었다고I wouldn't be able to change your mind.
20:43이리 독한 여인일 줄From the moment I saw you,
20:47처음 본 순간부터 알았고I knew that you were a cruel woman.
20:51알면서도 좋았다고Still, I grew fond of you.
20:58무릎은 꿇은 걸로 합시다We can pretend I went down on my knee.
21:03미안해하진 말고But don't be sorry.
21:05이건 내 선택이니This is the choice I made.
21:10이틀 후에 출발이오We leave in two days.
21:13역에서 봅시다I'll meet you at the train station.
21:29(애신러브가 쉬운 줄 알았는데I thought love was easy.
21:33꽤 어렵구려But it's quite hard.
21:35(애신여러모로For everything...
21:38미안했소I apologize.
21:39힘들면 그만해도 되는데We can stop if it's too much.
21:43그만하는 건 언제든 할 수 있으니We can stop at any time.
21:48오늘은 하지 맙시다So let's not stop today.
22:11(조교어깨총Ready to fire.
22:20우향우앞으로 가!Right face. Forward march.
22:27앞에총!Ready to fire.

22:36(유진내가 첫날 다루는 법만 익히면 나머지는
아주 쉬울 거라고 했다
On our first day, I told you the rest will come
naturally once you get familiar with the rifle.
22:41어떻게?Let's hear it.
22:43(학도들목표물을 정확히 본다숨을 멈춘다-Aim precisely. -Aim precisely. -Hold your
breath. -Hold your breath.
22:45방아쇠를 당긴다!-Pull the trigger. Bang. -Pull the trigger. Bang.
22:48아주 훌륭하다Excellent.
22:50(유진다루는 법도 익혔고 실력도 늘었다You've all become good shooters.
22:53해서 오늘이Which is why
22:56내 마지막 수업이다today will be our last drill.
23:02그게 무슨 말씀이십니까?What does that mean, sir?
23:04(유진아랍 속담에An Arabic proverb says
23:05'사자 한 마리가 이끄는 양 떼가'that an army of sheep led by a lion
23:08'양 한 마리가 이끄는 사자 떼를 이긴다'는 말이
would defeat an army of lions led by a sheep.
23:12[의미심장한 음악조선은 날로 위태로워져 가
고 있고
Joseon is becoming more vulnerable each
23:15한 나라가 흔들릴 때And when a nation falters,
23:18제일 먼저 타격을 입는 것은the first to become the target
23:21바로 군이다is its army.
23:24일본은 조만간 원수부를 장악하고Japan will soon take control over the Board of
23:27십중팔구 무관 학교부터 폐지하려 들 것이다and close down the Royal Military Academy
23:31저들은 학도들을 양 떼라 깔보겠지만They won't think much of you, thinking that
you are a herd of sheep,
23:35학도들은 이미 훌륭한 지휘관들이다but you are already excellent soldiers.
23:39그러니 사자가 되어라So become a lion.
23:43용기가 역사를 이끈다Courage makes history.
23:45용감하게 나아가고 현명하게 후퇴해라March forward with courage and retreat when
23:49그것이That is
23:51학도들의 역사가 될 것이다how you will be remembered.
23:56그동안 고생 많았다Good work.
23:58내 수업은 여기까지다That'll be the end of our drills.
24:14(준영좌향좌Left face.
24:19교관님께 대하여 경례Salute to the drill instructor.
25:00(유진울지 말고Don't cry.
25:02꼭 다시 만날 수 있을 거야We'll be able to meet again.
25:05진짜야I mean it.

25:07[울먹이며아닙니다No, you're wrong.
25:09못 만납니다We won't be able to meet.
25:11(도미미국은 아주 멀고 미국은 부자고America is a faraway country. America is very
rich too.
25:16나리들은 미국 사람이니까You're American,
25:19이제 다시는 못 만납니다so we won't ever be able to meet again.
25:23(관수나라의 운명이 이러니Because of the situation Joseon is in,
25:26나리가 공사관에 계신 것만으로도the fact that you were at the legation
25:29저나 저 아이나 든든했었나 봅니다must've made us feel safe in itself.
25:32제가 생각을 해 봤는데요나리I did some thinking, sir.
25:35만약 일본이 이 일아 전쟁에서 이기기라도 하
If Japan wins this war,
25:38조선은 일본 앞에 차려진 한 끼 밥상입니다Joseon will be like a meal on Japan's table.
25:41임오년에 미국은 조선과 조약을 맺지 않았습니
As you know, America signed a treaty with
Joseon in 1882.
25:45조선이 다른 나라의 침략을 받으면 미국이 돕
They promised that they'd help in case other
countries invade Joseon.
25:49한데 미국은 왜 대한의 편을 들어 주지 않는 겁
But why isn't America siding with Joseon?
25:53미국과 영국이 일본에 제공한America and Britain lent Japan
25:564억 천만 달러의 차관 중 40%가 일본의 전비로
충당되고 있소
a total of 410 million dollars, and 40 percent of
the money is being spent on the war.
26:01(유진일본을 전쟁으로 내몬 것이 미국과 영국
The two countries basically forced Japan into
the war.
26:07절대 조선을 돕지 않소America will never help Joseon.
26:09러일 전쟁은 미국에게The Russo-Japanese War will result in a great
deal of profit for America.
26:12아주 큰 이문이 남는 장사요will result in a great deal of profit for America.
26:16어떻게든 공사관에 머무시오Make sure you stay at the legation no matter
26:19시국이 이러니 그게 가장 안전할 거요Considering the current situation, the legation
will be the safest.
26:23도미도 절대 내보내지 말고And Do-mi should stay here too.
26:44날아오르지 마시라 했는데I told you not to get involved,
26:46(동매기어이 이런 모습으로 오십니까and yet you had to appear like this.
26:50(애신내 눈에 한 번만 더 띄면 죽이겠다 했는
I said I'd kill you if I ever catch a glimpse of
you again,
26:54기어이 나를 불러 세우는가and yet, here we are again.
26:58죽일 놈에게 돈은 왜 주고 가셨습니까Why did you give me money if you're going to
kill me anyway?
27:04(동매주고 가신 돈은 석 달 치가 남았습니다The money is enough to cover for the next
three months.

27:08석 달 뒤에 직접 오십시오After the three months, come and pay in
27:12봐야겠습니다애기씨를I must see you
27:15살아 계시는지to make sure you're still alive.
27:44좋은 인연도 아닌 분이 이런 으슥한 곳에서 보
자시면 씁니까
We're not exactly on good terms. Why
suggest meeting at such a remote spot like
27:50술 취해 추락사하면 딱 좋은 데네This would be the perfect spot to get drunk
and fall to death.
27:54할 거면 얼른 하든가If you wish to kill me, go ahead.
27:57기회는 오늘밖에 없을 듯한데You may never get another chance after
28:02본국으로 돌아가게 됐소내일I'm going back to America. I leave tomorrow.
28:09듣던 중 반가운 소리입니다That is such great news.
28:14(유진방금 꽤 섭섭했는데You sounded pretty sad just now.
28:16자꾸 그러시면 밀어 드리는 수가 있습니다If you keep up with that attitude, I might
actually push you.
28:20(동매마침What a coincidence.
28:22자기네 나라로 돌아간 일본 군인이 하나 있던
A Japanese soldier just returned to his
motherland as well.
28:26그래서 가는 길에 약조를 지켜 볼까 하고 있소Hence, I'm thinking I should keep my promise
on my way back to America.
28:35(유진내가 질까 봐?What? Do you think I'll lose?
28:39둘 중 누가 죽어도 손해는 안 볼 텐데Whether I die or he dies, it won't be a loss to
28:47(동매곧 동경에서 마쓰리가 열립니다Soon, a festival will be held in Tokyo.
28:51축제 내내 불꽃놀이를 하지요There will be fireworks throughout the festival.
28:53폭죽 터지는 소리가 대단합니다The sound of firecrackers at the festival is
28:59총성도 묻힐 만큼It's loud enough to muffle a gunshot.
29:02[잔잔한 음악지금 날 응원하는 거요?Are you cheering me on now?
29:06그런 지 좀 됐습니다I have been cheering for you.
29:14(유진우체사에 왔을 때부터네 (동매아닙니
-Since the day at the post office? -No.
29:18(유진그럼 더 전부터란 말이오?Are you saying it started before that?
29:22(동매밀어서 입을 막아야 하나 [유진의 웃음]Shall I push you off to silence you?
29:27(유진그런 건 추락사요객사요?What will it be, then? Death from fall?
29:29어느 쪽이 더 가깝소?Or just an unfortunate death?
29:32(동매글쎄요I'm not sure.
29:47여러 가지로 고마웠소Thank you for everything.
29:49이제 호텔이 좀 덜 털리려나요?Will there be less theft at the hotel now?
29:53많이 그리울 거요I'll miss it here.
29:56빈관 사장의 농담도Your jokes

29:59(유진여기 가배도and the coffee here too.
30:01유난히 달콤했소I had a sweet stay.
30:04또 오십시오Come back anytime.
30:07살다가 문득 그리운 날에Whenever you suddenly miss this place,
30:09(히나뛰어오십시오달려오십시오just run back here.
30:13조선도글로리도 언제든 여기 있을 테니Both Joseon and Glory Hotel will always be
30:20그러겠소I will.
30:47이상하오?Do I look strange?
30:49어쩌자는 건지What am I supposed to do?
30:52난 다시 조선을 달려 나가는 중이고I'm leaving Joseon again,
30:56지금 이 순간이 내가 기억하는 마지막 조선이
and this moment will be my last memory of
this country.
31:02내 마지막 조선이 이리 아름다우면If the last memory is this beautiful,
31:06잊을 방도가 없는데I won't be able to forget Joseon.
31:25(애신이 지환이I wondered
31:28어떻게 어떤 이의 아내라는 표식이 되는 걸까how this ring could show that I'm married to
31:32생각해 보았소I kept thinking
31:36남편 되는 이도and realized that my husband
31:38똑같은 반지를 끼고 있겠구나must be wearing the same ring.
32:33사랑하오I love you.
32:37사랑하고 있었소I've always been in love with you.
33:13망가지던 모든 순간이Every single moment that wrecked me
33:17온통 붉었네was filled with redness.
33:27(안평이완익 그 작자가 그리 허무하게 죽을
줄 알았으면
Had I known Lee Wan-ik would die like that,
33:30그 귀한 굴비는 내가 먹는 것인데I would've kept the dried corvina for myself.
33:34제가 굴비 자주 사 드리겠습니다아버님I'll buy you dried corvina often, Father.
33:40자기 인연도 못 엮는 놈이 그 귀한 굴비를 입에
You couldn't even marry your fiancée. Don't
even talk about dried corvina.
33:44넌 입이 열 개라도 그저 국으로 있다가 혼인하
라 할 때
Just keep your mouth shut until you say yes at
your wedding ceremony, okay?
33:47''만 하면 돼, ''until you say yes at your wedding ceremony,
33:51(안평네 어미가 동분서주 혼처 알아보고 있으
Your mother is doing her best to find a nice
lady for you,
33:54''만 해, '알았어?so all you have to do is say yes. -You got
that? -No.
33:59괜한 수고 마십시오Don't waste your time.
34:01저 혼인 안 합니다아버님I won't get married.
34:02(안평이 호랑이가 물어 갈 놈의 새끼를 그냥!You spoiled brat!

34:04뭘 안 해그게 삼대독자 입에서 나올 말이냐,
What did you just say? How dare you say that
as the only son in the family?
34:09대를 이어야 할 거 아니야 김씨 가문의 대를!We need an heir. Our family needs an heir!
34:13(희성외람된 말씀이오나With all due respect,
34:14삼대독자는 제 잘못이 아니라 아버님 잘못입니
I'd like to point out that it's your fault, not mine.
34:21아버님이 부실한 거면서 왜 저한테...You couldn't have more than one child. Why
blame me?
34:30(안평부실?What did you say?
34:32여기서 화내시면 진정 그러신 겁니다You'll be admitting it's your fault if you get mad
34:36(안평그래All right, fine.
34:37대가 이번 대에 끊기나 다음에 끊기나One generation doesn't even make much
34:40너 오늘 명 끊자 너 일로 와일로 와I'm going to kill you today. Come here, you
34:43거기 서너 일로 와 이놈의 새끼야너 일로 와-Goodness. -How dare you. Come here.
34:45- (안평어쭈어쭈 - (희성아니아버님 [안평
의 못마땅한 신음
] (희성아니...
-Gosh, Father. -You little... Look at that.
34:48(안평하나둘 [안평의 기합]Hey, one, two...
34:50[희성의 웃음요놈아일로 와 요놈의 새끼
You nimble brat! Come here. I must teach you
a lesson. Gosh.
34:55(일식어째 한성이 텅 빈 것 같네I must say, Hanseong feels so empty
34:58미국 양반도 가 불고 [춘식의 한숨]with that American man gone.
35:01(춘식잘 갔는가 모르겠네예I wonder if he arrived safely.
35:03인자 우리 생전에는 못 보겠지예We'll probably never see him again.
35:05(일식조선 꼴도 흉흉하고 잘 갔지!Good for him. Joseon is a mess now anyway.
35:09(춘식헹님이거는 인자 버리면 안 됩니까?Hey, can't we throw these out now?
35:12(일식버리지 말아No, don't.
35:13퍽 귀한 건가 보오They must be valuable.
35:15(일식을미년 봉기 때 의병에 가담했다 도망치
These are from people who participated in the
Righteous Army in 1895.
35:18애 신까정 맡겨 돈 보탠다 했던 것 같은디They even sold their kid's shoes to get money
to flee.
35:22결국 못 돌아온 모양이오I suppose they couldn't return.
35:26누군가 맡긴 물건이Things that someone left with you
35:28유품이 되기도 하겠구려can become their keepsakes.
35:31그리 남의 사연에 씁쓸할 때가 아닐 긴데I don't think you have time to get all sappy like
35:34(춘식월세 오늘도 못 내면 저 책상 빼야 됩니
We'll remove your desk if you don't pay your
rent by the end of today.
35:38(희성내 오늘은 기필코 내겠다는 의지로 돈을
얻으러 본가에 갔었으나
I wanted to pay you today, -so I visited my
parents-- -But you came empty-handed.

35:41- (일식빈손이네 - (희성해서 이거라도 맡길
까 하는데
-so I visited my parents-- -But you came
empty-handed. I'd like to leave this with you.
35:44이 대화 끝에 이래 주면 나는 와 이 양반도 죽을
것 같지
I feel like he, too, might die because of the
conversation we just had.
35:48- (일식에헤! - (희성그럼 다음에-Good grief! -Then next time...
35:50(일식그렇게 진심 어린 걱정은 아닐 거인디I don't think he's actually concerned about
36:01(항구 직원1) [일본어다음Next.
36:03[여권을 탁 펼치며통과You may go.
36:05다음All right, next.
36:09통과다음You may go. Next.
36:18다음통과다음Next. You may go. Next.
36:23통과You're good to go.
36:33통과다음You may go. Next.
36:46진짜 미국인인가Are you really American?
36:53(항구 직원1) [일본어영어를 하네You speak English.
36:58딱 봐도 조선 연놈들인데At a glance, I can tell that you two are from
37:01어떻게 미국 여권을 가지고 있는 거야?How do you even have an American
37:17(항구 직원2) 계집이 노리개나 차고 있지 조선
계집이 여긴 왜 온 거야
Just go dress yourself up with that ornament.
Why did you even come all the way here?
37:27(유진나는 미 해병대 대위 유진 초이다I am Eugene Choi, a Captain of the US
Marine Corps.
37:31일본을 거쳐 본국으로 가는 길이다We're simply passing through Japan on our
way back to America.
37:35무슨 문제가 있거든 주일 미 공사관으로 기별
If there is any problem, you can contact the
American legation here in Japan.
37:41그리고 내 아내에게 친절히 대해And you'd better be nice to my wife
37:47손목을 부러뜨리기 전에unless you want to end up with broken wrists.
37:51(항구 직원1) 죄송합니다I sincerely apologize, sir.
37:53확인 끝났습니다You're good to go.
38:01(항구 직원1) [일본어다음Next.
38:12[한국어여기서 헤어집시다Let's part ways here.
38:18(애신여기까지Thank you so much
38:22정말 고마웠소for getting me here.
38:29난 이쪽인 듯하오I should probably go this way.
38:32그럼 그만 가 보겠소I'll be off, then.
38:41정말 나랑 같이Do you really...

38:44미국에 갈 생각이 없는 거요?not want to go to America with me?
38:47그렇게 나만Do you really...
38:50나 혼자서만 살아남았으면 좋겠소?want me to survive all by myself and not care
about others at all?
38:55난 그랬으면 좋겠소Yes, I'd like you to.
38:58다른 사람들이 다 무슨 상관이오Why care about other people?
39:01(유진어차피 조선은 일본을 이길 수가 없소Joseon can't win against Japan anyway.
39:04대체 왜 질 싸움에 목숨을 걸어Don't risk your life for a fight you'll lose.
39:06갑시다나랑 같이 미국으로Let's go. Come with me to America.
39:10나 진짜 이렇게 못 보내겠는데I really cannot let you go like this.
39:14여기서는 방법이 많을 거요Here, I'm certain that we have many options.
39:16내가내가 꼭 찾겠소I'll be sure to find a way.
39:18(애신그 생각을 내가 안 해 봤을 것 같소?Do you think I've never thought about it?
39:22가 보지도 못한 미국의 거리를Even though I've never been to America, I
walked the streets there
39:26매일 걸었소every day in my head
39:27귀하와 함께 나란히side by side with you.
39:33그곳에서 공부도 했고I studied there,
39:36얼룩말도 봤소and I even saw a zebra.
39:39[울먹이며귀하와 함께 잠들었고Every night, we fell asleep together.
39:43자주 웃었소And we laughed a lot too.
39:47(애신그렇게 백 번도 더 떠나 봤는데In my head, I left Joseon more than a hundred
39:51그 백 번을but every single time,
39:55난 다 다시 돌아왔소I came back.
40:02우리 인연은We must...
40:07여기까지요end it here.
40:10나는 떠나는 중이지만I've left my motherland,
40:14귀하는 돌아가는 중이니까but you are returning
40:18조국 미국으로to your country, America.
40:27잘 가시오have a safe journey.
41:58(일본인1) [일본어어이Hey, that bag looks quite heavy.
41:59가방이 꽤 무거워 보이네 들어 줄까?Hey, that bag looks quite heavy. Do you need
a hand?
42:03(일본인2) 뭐 좋은 게 많이 들었나 봐 좀 나눠
She must have many valuable things inside
that bag. Let's share them.
42:10[한국어죽고 싶지 않으면 비켜서라If you want to live, you'd better step aside.
42:12(일본인1) [일본어오호조선 년이야?Oh, this bitch must be from Joseon.
42:14(일본인2) 조선 년이 겁도 없이 일본에 혼자 오
A Joseon bitch visiting Japan alone?

42:17무서운 걸 모르는구나How brave.
42:19[일본인2의 웃음] (일본인1) 이봐이리 줘Hey, hand that over.
42:50[한국어도움은 고마우나 비키시오Thank you for helping me, but get out of my
42:55이리 컸구나You're all grown up now.
42:57반갑다애신아It's nice to meet you, Ae-sin.
43:03뉘신데...Who are you?
43:05네 아비의 친우이며 네 어미의 사촌 오라비다I am your father's friend and your mother's
43:10송영이라 한다My name is Song Yeong.
43:14(애기씨Lady Ae-sin.
43:16(어서 오십시오Welcome.
43:18애기씨고생 많았습니다You must be exhausted from your journey
43:20애기씨 물건 2층 다락방에 있어I put your thing in the attic upstairs.
43:23있는 동안 그 방 쓰면 됩니다You can stay in that room.
43:27고맙네Thank you.
43:29밥 금방 주겠습니다기다려I'll make you some food quickly. Give me a
43:37(애신폐하께서 주신 겁니다This is from His Majesty.
43:48걱정했는데 무사히 와서 다행이다I was worried about you. I'm glad you made it
here safe and sound.
43:52저격은 뭘로...What will you shoot with?
43:53러시아제 볼트 액션입니다A Russian bolt-action rifle.
43:56다락방에 있다는 물건이 그겁니다It's in the attic now.
43:58귀한 총을 가졌구나That's a rare model.
44:02다른 동지들도 다 그리 무장을 하면 좋을 텐데I wish all of our comrades could be armed
with it.
44:07(송영이 예치 증서가 그 희망이다This deposit certificate is our hope.
44:11네 솜씨는 황 도공에게 익히 들었다Eun-san told me how accurate your shooting
44:15무신회의 내부 진입은 다른 동지가 할 것이니I'll get someone else to infiltrate the Musin
44:18넌 뒤를 봐주면 된다You just have to stand guard.
44:20-Okay. -A Shanghai-bound ship
44:21(송영모레 밤 상해로 가는 배가 있다-Okay. -A Shanghai-bound ship will leave in
two nights.
44:24이정문 대감과 우리는 그 배를 타야 한다We must get on that ship with Lord Lee
44:30자세한 계획은 내일 얘기하자We can discuss the details tomorrow.
44:32고단했을 텐데 쉬어라You must be exhausted. Get some rest now.
45:14(카일) [영어도미가 많이 울었구나AMERICAN LEGATION IN JAPAN

46:07(무신회 수장) [일본어일한의정서는 수월하게
As for the Japan-Korea Treaty, we managed
to get it signed without much difficulty
46:13당신이 이렇게 잡혀 와 자리를 비운 덕에thanks to your absence in Joseon.
46:17당신은 그것 하나만으로도 이미 역적에 매국노
That, in and of itself, makes you a traitor who
betrayed Joseon.
46:22조선에 돌아간들 반길 리 없다Even if you decide to return, no one will
welcome you.
46:30이왕 이리된 거 그냥 변절하는 게 어떤가?Since this already happened, how about you
simply give up your loyalty?
46:35일본의 편에 서는 것만이 당신이 살 길이다You must join hands with Japan if you want
your life spared.
46:38계집벼슬Money, women, title.
46:43무엇을 원하는가?What do you want?
46:46원하는 게 무엇이든Whatever it is,
46:50그 이상의 것을 줄 것이다we will give you more than what you ask for.
46:53[한국어내 네놈의 말을 알아듣지 못하니Since I do not understand your language,
46:57내 귀를 더럽히지 않을 것이고you cannot defile my ears.
47:01내 네놈과 말을 섞지 않아I refuse to converse with you
47:04내 입을 더럽히지 않을 것이다for I do not wish to disgrace my mouth.
47:10[일본어] - (무신회 수장말려! - (낭인2) 말려!Stop him!
47:16(무신회 수장지독한 조선 놈That stubborn Joseon idiot.
47:40(히나) [한국어엄마를 찾으러 왔어요I'm looking for my mother.
47:45이양화입니다Lee Yang-hwa.
47:48드디어 오셨군요You finally came.
47:57(수녀돌아가신 지 몇 년이 지난 후에야 한 나
리께서 찾아오셨습니다
A nobleman came looking for her a few years
after she passed away.
48:03이후로는 그 나리께서 매년 기도를 드리고 가
He has been visiting every year since then to
pray for her.
48:58요새는 내 뒤도 밟아?Do you even tail me these days?
49:02지금 막 앞지르려던 참이었어I was just about to get ahead of you.
49:05(동매뒤에 있는 게 싫으면 내가 앞서가?If this makes you uncomfortable, I can walk in
front of you.
49:23업어 줄까이양화?Do you want a piggyback, Lee Yang-hwa?
49:42(히나) [울먹이며나 이제I'm...
49:44고아야an orphan now.
50:07난 옛날부터 고아야I became an orphan years ago.

50:21(동매그래All right.
50:24그렇게 실컷 울고Cry all you want today
50:27내일부터는 다른 꿈을 꿔so you can start afresh with a new dream
50:30이양화로도 쿠도 히나로도 살지 말고Forget your life as Lee Yang-hwa, and stop
living as Hina Kudo.
50:35가방에는 총 대신 분을 넣고Carry makeup in your purse instead of a gun.
50:39방에는 펜싱 칼 대신 화사한 그림을 걸고In your room, hang a beautiful painting
instead of your fencing sword.
50:44착한 사내를 만나Meet a good man
50:47때마다 그대 닮은 예쁜 옷이나 지어 입으면서
[히나가 계속 흐느낀다]
and just buy yourself dresses that are as
beautiful as you.
50:52울지도 말고 물지도 말고Don't cry and don't bite.
50:56그렇게 평범하게 사는 꿈을 꿔Just dream of living such a normal life.
51:06[울먹이며근데 너But why are you...
51:09왜 꼭 죽을 것처럼 얘기해?talking as if you're going to die or something?
51:17난 착한 사내가 아니고 나쁜 사내니까Because I'm not a good man. I'm a bad guy.
51:23(동매나쁜 놈은 원래 빨리 죽어Bad guys tend to die first.
51:27그래야 착한 사람들이 오래 살거든That way, the good can live longer.
51:58(히나나보다 먼저 죽지 마Don't die before I do.
52:02내가 너보다 더 나쁠게I'll be even badder than you.
52:07나보다 먼저 죽지 마너는Don't you die before I do.
53:30(낭인3) [일본어건배!Cheers.
53:55(타카시 아들아빠사령관은 아주 높은 거예
Dad, is a commanding officer very high up?
53:58(타카시 처그럼아버지께서 영광스럽게도Of course. Your father will do the honor
54:01이토 각하를 모시고 조선에 가시게 되셨단다Of course. Your father will do the honor of
escorting Lord Ito to Joseon.
54:05아버지께서 조선에 가시면In Joseon,
54:06아버지는 이제 조선의 왕이 되시는 거란다your father will be the king of Joseon.
54:09그럼 이토 각하는요?Then what about Lord Ito?
54:11이토 각하께서는 신이 되시는 거지Lord Ito will become a god.
54:17(타카시내 아들 지켜목숨 걸고 지켜Protect my son with your life.
54:21걸어빨리 걸어!Walk. Hurry up and walk.
54:23(타카시 처여보!Honey.
54:25(타카시) 1시 방향 지붕 위의 총 든 놈 잡아
To your one o'clock, on the roof, there's a man
with a gun. -Get him! -Yes, sir.
54:29(일본군들!-Get him! -Yes, sir.
54:41(낭인3) 이 바보 같은 놈!You fool.
54:45[낭인6의 웃음] (낭인5) 바보 같은 놈What a fool.
54:47세상에짓궂으셔라You're all too mean.

54:52(소아이 조선 나리께서는 이런 데가 낯서신가
This Joseon gentleman must not be used to a
place like this.
54:57(무신회 수장그래네년이구나That's it.
54:58오늘 그놈을 눕히면 내 네년에게 금덩이를 주
If you can bed him tonight, I'll give you a
chunk of gold.
55:05맡겨만 주시면 셋에 꿇리겠습니다If you'll let me have a go, I'll take him down on
55:09(낭인5) 좋아해 봐라!Do it!
55:11[낭인5의 웃음] (낭인3) 좋은 구경 하겠어 (낭인
6) 해 봐해 봐!
-This should be fun. -Do it!
55:20(낭인4) 이년 보게Look at you.
55:41이를 어쩌나Oh, dear.
55:43(소아제 살결이 비단인데 만져 볼 손이 없으
My skin is like silk, but there's no hand to
touch it.
55:48이 손은 그리 쓰여야겠구나You found a use for his hand then.
55:53(낭인5) 훌륭해!Nice.
55:56[한국어셋에 상을 엎으십시오Flip the table on three.
56:00(소아) [일본어하나One, two, three.
56:05(낭인3) 뭐야!What's going on?
57:07(낭인9) 건너편 지붕이다쫓아!The opposite roof! Get him!
57:09[일본군들이 소란스럽다] (일본군3) 비켜!-Shit. -Move.
57:13비켜! [타카시 처의 겁먹은 신음]Go!
57:15- (일본군3) 빨리! - (일본군4) 어디 있는 거야!Step aside! -Out of my way! -Where is he?
57:17(일본군4) 어디야!-Out of my way! -Where is he?
57:18- (일본군3) 피하지 마! - (일본군4) 물러서지
57:25(일본군4) 괜찮으십니까?Are you all right?
57:28(타카시 처!Let go of me.
57:38(타카시나머지는 다 어디 갔어? (일본군4) 
간에 대좌님을 놓친 것 같습
-Where are the others? -I think they lost you
on the way...
57:48젠장!Damn you!
58:11(타카시이 새끼 [긴장되는 음악]You scumbag.
58:13역시 너였어I knew it was you.
58:16[한국어진즉에 죽였어야 했는데I should've killed you when I had the chance.
58:20(유진내가 말했잖아I told you
58:22마음먹었다고that I made up my mind.
58:28결국 넌 조선인으로 돌아온...In the end, you've become a Joseon...
58:43[일본어] - (일본군5) 대좌님! - (일본군6) 저쪽
-Colonel! -It's that way!
59:29(동매) [한국어그딴 건 걸어 두지도 말라니까I told you not to even hang it on a wall
59:32그걸 손에 들고 휘두르고 있으면 어떡해and you're out here flinging it around?

59:35[가쁜 숨을 내뱉으며어디서 오는 길이야
건 왜
-Where were you? -Why ask?
59:38집에서 오는 길인가 해서In case you were at home.
59:40그대의 그 조용한 계집은 잘 있어?How is your quiet lady friend?
59:46(동매오늘은 안 묻던 걸 자꾸 묻네You're asking things you never used to.
59:49참고로 그 조용한 아이의 이름은 호타루야For your information, her name is Hotaru.
59:53그 계집이랑은 어떻게 같이 살게 됐어?How did you end up living together?
59:57이건 어디 파는 정보인가?Who is that information for?
59:59글쎄I wonder.
1:00:01그대가 사려나?Will you buy it?
1:00:04(동매후쿠오카였나Was it in Fukuoka?
1:00:07조선에 오기 전에Before I came to Joseon,
1:00:09밑에 있던 놈이 배신을 해서 쫓기고 있었어one of my men betrayed me and I was on the
1:00:14인적 드문 무당집으로 숨어들었는데I hid in a shaman's house away from people's
1:00:19(동매거기 계집아이 하나가 잡혀 있더라고A girl was being kept there.
1:00:22보자마자 알았어 짐승만도 못하게 살고 있구나I knew right away that she was living a life full
of agony.
1:00:26(주인) [일본어] 3엔만 주시오Three yen will do.
1:00:28횡재했소You got lucky.
1:00:31이년 처녀요She's a virgin.
1:00:43그럼 푹 주무시오Then have a nice night.
1:01:15(동매걱정 마Don't worry.
1:01:18난 내일 떠나I leave tomorrow.
1:01:20떠나기 전에Before I do,
1:01:22선물 하나 주고 갈게I'll give you a present.
1:01:26네가 해 준 밥 맛있었거든The food you made was quite good.
1:01:31밥값이라 생각해Consider it my payment.
1:01:50Are you...
1:01:52말 못 해?mute?
1:02:02죽여 줘?Shall I kill him for you?
1:02:21(주인어젯밤은 편안히 묵으셨습니까?Did you have a pleasant night?
1:02:24저년은 입도 벙긋 못 하니...I was worried since she can't--
1:02:25보지 마Don't look.
1:02:50(동매) [한국어이제 나한테 제대로 팔아 봐Now, sell me the information.
1:02:54갑자기 호타루는 왜 물어?Why did you ask about her?
1:02:56뭔데?What is it?
1:02:57그 계집이 구동매를 위해 어디까지 할 수 있을I wonder how far she would go for you.

까 하고
1:03:03일본에 전보를 보냈더라고 너의 오야붕 앞으로A telegram was sent to Japan. To your boss.
1:03:08그 조용한 계집이From your quiet lady friend.
1:03:24(애신또 뵐 수 있겠지요?We'll meet again, right?
1:03:29다음을 기약해 보자꾸나Let's hope so.
1:03:32이 외숙부가 꼭 가마I promise I'll visit you.
1:03:41훌륭히 자라 주어 고맙다Thanks for growing up so well.
1:03:44(송영네 어미에게 진 빚도 조금은 덜어 낸 것
I feel like I made it up to your mother
1:03:49(애신늦은 인사지만It's very late,
1:03:53저를 지켜 주셔서but thank you
1:03:56정말 감사드립니다for protecting me.
1:04:02네 부모는Your parents...
1:04:04[잔잔한 음악] (송영상완이와 희진이는Sang-wan and Hui-jin
1:04:07다시 태어나도 서로를 알아볼 것이다will recognize each other even in the next life.
1:04:10둘은 또 그리 사랑에 빠질 것이고They will fall in love again,
1:04:13먼 후일 부강해진 조선에서and many years later, in a better Joseon,
1:04:17이번에 다하지 못한 생을 여한 없이 함께 살아
갈 것이다
they'll live the life they failed to in this one.
1:04:25Of course.
1:04:28부디I hope
1:04:31무사히 도착하시길 빕니다you have a safe trip.
1:04:35너도You too.
1:04:38네 부모가 살린 목숨이다Your parents gave you that life.
1:04:40우리는Let's not...
1:04:43쉬이 죽지 말자die too easily.
1:04:49Of course.
1:05:27"동경 촬영국"TOKYO PHOTO STUDIO
1:05:45어떻게 여기... (유진우연에 기대어 보다가-How are you here? -I was hoping I would run
1:05:49당시의 사진관은 여기 하나라This is the only photo studio in the city.
1:05:58(애신너무 놀라서I was just so surprised.
1:06:01떠난 줄 알았어서I thought you had left.
1:06:03두 시간 후에 떠나는 배요I leave in two hours.
1:06:06(유진하마터면 못 볼 뻔했소I almost missed it.
1:06:10꼭 뭐 나쁜 짓 하다 들킨 것 같은 이 얼굴 말이
This face you make as if you were caught
doing something bad.
1:06:29어디에 둬야 할지 모르겠어서I just didn't know where else to put it.
1:06:35거기 두라고 준 거요That's where it should be.

1:06:39들어가 보겠소?Shall we go inside?
1:06:47(사진사) [일본어사진기 말고 더 주문할 게 있
Do you have something to order other than a
1:06:50기다리시던 분이 오셨군요You met the person you were waiting for.
1:06:55사진을 찍고 싶은데 가능합니까?Can you take our photo?
1:06:57(사진사그럼요 한데 두 분은 어떤 사이이십니
Of course, may I know the relationship
between you and the lady?
1:07:04부부요We're married.
1:07:05(사진사이쪽으로 오십시오This way, please.
1:07:07[한국어앉으시오Take a seat.
1:07:15(애신갑자기 사진은 왜...Why are we suddenly taking a photo?
1:07:27나보고 말고 앞에 보고Not at me. Look at the front.
1:07:34(사진사) [일본어찍겠습니다Okay, here it goes.
1:07:40하나!One, two, three!
1:07:52"당신을 살리려고 그랬어"SHE MUST DIE IN JAPAN
1:07:54"그년은 일본에서 죽어야 해 그래야 당신이 살
1:08:08"더는 그년 때문에 수장님의 눈 밖에 나면 안
1:08:10"그년이 살아 돌아오면 내가 죽일 거야"IF SHE COMES BACK, I'LL KILL HER
1:08:33"내 손으로 그년 죽이고 나 당신 손에 죽을 거
1:08:57[한국어이제 떠나야겠다너는It's time for you to leave.
1:09:03(동매더는 너 못 거두겠어I can't keep you any longer.
1:09:09나 돌아오기 전에 얘 내보내Have her gone before I'm back.
1:09:12진심이야I mean it.
1:09:28(유죠) [일본어어디 가시게요?Where are you going, sir?
1:09:32[한국어일본To Japan.
1:09:35(유죠) [일본어대장!Boss.
1:09:42(항구 직원3) 뉴욕행 배 마지막 승선 안내입니
Last notice for the ferry bound for New York!
1:09:45승선하실 승객분들은 표를 준비하십시오!Please have your tickets ready for boarding!
1:09:51뉴욕행 배 마지막 승선 안내입니다!Last notice for the ferry bound for New York!
1:09:59안내입니다!Last notice!
1:10:03[한국어저 배가 뉴욕으로 가는 배요That's the ship to New York.
1:10:06(유진못 본 척하기에는 눈치 없이 참 크지 않
Isn't it too big to pretend it's not there?

1:10:23두 뼘 반의 먼 거리지만We'll be two and a half handspans apart,
1:10:29한 번쯤 와 보지 않겠소?but could you come to me at least once?
1:10:34수평선 너머로 이어진 바다를 건너서Across the sea you see on the horizon?
1:10:40날 보러To see me?
1:10:49조선이 평온해지는 날The day Joseon regains peace,
1:10:58꼭 가겠소I promise to go.
1:11:05내가 먼저 가는 게 낫겠소I think I should leave first.
1:11:12(애신안녕히 가시오Goodbye.
1:12:08(낭인10) [일본어저 계집이다잡아!That's her. Grab her!
1:12:11- (낭인11) 비켜! - (낭인12) 비켜비켜!-Get out of the way! -Move! Move!
1:12:15- (낭인13) 저쪽이다 - (낭인14) 비켜!-She's over there! -Move!
1:12:18(낭인15) 비켜!Move!
1:12:22(낭인16) 비켜!Move!
1:12:29(낭인17) 비켜!Get her.
1:13:04(애신) [한국어왜 아직 여기 있는 거요배는?Why are you still here? What about the ship?
1:13:07(유진떠났소It left.
1:13:08배를 안 탔다는 거요?You didn't get on it?
1:13:09낭인들을 봤고I saw the swordsmen.
1:13:11정신을 차렸을 땐 이미 뛰고 있었소By the time I came to myself again, I was
already running.
1:13:16불꽃 속으로Into the flame.
1:13:20덕분에 불꽃놀이를 봤지Thanks to you, I saw fireworks.
1:13:23이리 무모한 자를 봤나You're such a reckless man.
1:13:26틀린 말은 아니오I'm afraid I can't deny that.
1:13:28(유진실탄이 한 발 남았소There's one bullet left.
1:13:30(애신지금이라도 가시오Leave before it's too late.
1:13:32내 일이니 내가 해결하겠소This is my problem, so I'll deal with it.
1:13:34[긴장되는 음악같이 합시다Let's do it together.
1:13:36한 발을 잘 쓰면 되오 자갑시다We'll use the last bullet wisely. Let's go.
1:15:10(애신) [한국어원망해도 되는데It's okay to resent me.
1:15:13귀하는 나를 만나 너무 많은 길을 돌아가는 것
Because you met me, you're making such a
long detour.
1:15:17(동매제가 나리를 살렸듯 이번엔 애기씨를 살
리려 합니다
Like how I saved you once, I'll save Lady Ae
sin this time.
1:15:21[쓱 베는 소리가 난다] (희성그의 총구는 늘 옳
은 방향으로 겨누어지는구려
His muzzle is always pointed in the right
1:15:26(병준대한 황실에 지극한 배려를 베풀었음에
How could we betray them like that
1:15:30이리 배신을 하시니after everything Japan has done for us?
1:15:32일본 정부 또한 가만있지 않을 겝니다The Japanese government will retaliate.

1:15:35(승구신 장승구 역적이 되겠습니다 [총성이
I, Jang Seung-gu, will become a traitor.
1:15:38(히나조선의 독립에 발 한번 담가 봐? [총성이
탕 울린다
Shall I take part in winning Joseon's
1:15:43(유진나 다시 소풍을 가려고 해조선으로 [
신의 거친 숨소리
I'm going on another picnic to Joseon.
1:15:46진짜 이방인이 되려고I'll be a real outlander..

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