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  너를 닮은 사람 3

Reflection Of You 3


‪(희주) 모든 이야기에는‬ ‪시작이 있다‬Every story has a beginning.
‪내 이야기의 시작은‬My story begins…
‪[발걸음이 또각또각 울린다]‬
‪[우재가 그림을 쓱쓱 그린다]‬
‪(희주) 아니야‬No.
‪[분위기가 고조되는 음악]‬
‪(해원) 목적이라니요?‬What do you mean?
‪왜 그렇게 생각하세요, 언니?‬What makes you think that?
‪(희주) 내 이야기의 시작은‬My story begins
‪역시 너다‬with you.
‪[희주의 짜증 섞인 신음]‬
‪(강사1) [독일어]‬ ‪어디에서 오셨어요?‬Where are you from?
‪(수강생들) '어디에서 오셨어요?'‬Where are you from?
‪(강사1) 저는 한국에서 왔어요‬I'm from Korea.
‪(수강생들) '저는‬ ‪한국에서 왔어요'‬I'm from Korea.
‪(강사1) 어디에서 오셨어요?‬Where are you from?
‪저는 한국에서 왔습니다‬I'm from Korea.
‪(강사1) 좋아요‬Good. Now, find a partner
‪이제 파트너를 찾아서‬ ‪같이 연습해 봅시다‬Good. Now, find a partner and practice together.
‪[저마다 독일어로 중얼거린다]‬"…is too big."
‪[한국어] 전 이 클래스만‬ ‪세 번째예요‬This is my third time taking this class.
‪아…‬I see.
‪(해원) 독일어가 낯설어서 그래요‬You're just not used to German. It just takes time to get used to it.
‪익숙해지려면 시간이 좀 걸려요‬You're just not used to German. It just takes time to get used to it.
‪(희주) [웃으며] 네‬ ‪[해원의 웃음]‬Right.
‪독어는 왜 배우세요?‬Why are you learning German?
‪시댁 식구들이‬ ‪독어는 못 할 거 같아서…‬Because I don't think my in-laws can speak German.
‪[호응한다]‬I see.
‪그럼 뭐 해‬But what's the point? I can't understand a word of German either.
‪저도 이렇게‬ ‪아무것도 못 알아듣는데‬But what's the point? I can't understand a word of German either.
‪쪽팔려‬This is embarrassing.
‪쪽팔려야 늘어요‬That's how you learn.
‪자기가 다 안다고 생각하는 사람은‬ ‪못 배워요‬If you think you know everything, you'll never learn.
‪[함께 웃는다]‬
‪(영선) 내 거야, 내 거잖아‬It's mine. Isn't it?
‪근데 뭐가 그렇게 복잡해‬Why is it so complicated?
‪(형기) 대표 직함이‬ ‪아직 아버님이라‬Because Father is still the president.
‪실질적 소유자가 어머님이셔도‬So even if you own it, you must still provide your management history.
‪경영 이력을 증명하셔야 합니다‬So even if you own it, you must still provide your management history.
‪물려받을 경우엔‬Whoever inherits it
‪10년간 태림의 경영에‬ ‪문제가 없다는 걸‬must be able to manage Taerim for a decade and get the board's approval--
‪이사회가 인정한 후에…‬must be able to manage Taerim for a decade and get the board's approval--
‪(민서) 이사회야‬ ‪아빠 뜻에 따르겠죠‬I'm sure the board will just side with Dad.
‪경영만 하는 병원장보단‬ ‪의사 출신인 병원장이‬The hospital director should be a doctor, not someone who just manages--
‪(영선) 반송장인 네 아빠 의견이‬ ‪언제까지 통한대?‬How much longer do you think your dying father will have a say in it?
‪학교 법인을 따로 만드는 게‬ ‪최선이에요‬We should set up a school foundation.
‪네 생각이야?‬Is that your idea?
‪마땅한 덴 있고?‬Is there a school for that?
‪병원 근처 경선학원이라고…‬There's Gyeongseon Academy near the hospital--
‪(영선) 네가 대답해‬I want you to answer.
‪(현성) 설립자가 3대째인데‬ ‪학교 운영에 뜻이 없대요‬It's family run, but the founder's grandson doesn't want to run it anymore.
‪재정적 기여를 하면‬It's family run, but the founder's grandson doesn't want to run it anymore. They'll give us the chairman position if we make a financial contribution.
‪이사장 자리를‬ ‪보장해 주겠다고 하네요‬They'll give us the chairman position if we make a financial contribution.
‪그럼‬Then will our foundation be taking it over?
‪우리 재단에서 인수하는 게 되나?‬Then will our foundation be taking it over?
‪의료 재단 산하로는 불가하고‬Not our medical foundation.
‪(형기) 계열사 개념으로‬ ‪보시면 될 거 같습니다‬But we can turn it into a subsidiary
‪경선학원 법인명을‬ ‪태림으로 통일하시면…‬if we change the corporate name of the school to Taerim.
‪(영선) 학생은?‬What about the students?
‪(현성) 지난해 학교 인근에‬ ‪2천 세대 이상 대단지가 들어서서‬Last year, a 2,000-unit apartment complex was built around the school.
‪뭐, 학급 수는‬ ‪꾸준히 유지될 것 같고요‬So the number of students will be maintained.
‪학교 인수하는 게‬ ‪무슨 소꿉놀이도 아니고‬Buying a school isn't some children's game.
‪병원 지분을 학원 재단에‬ ‪기부하는 형식으로‬I'm planning to donate 12 billion won's worth of our hospital shares to the school.
‪120억 정도 예상하는데‬12 billion won's worth of our hospital shares to the school.
‪절세를 생각하면‬ ‪그 방법이 최선이 아닌가…‬To reduce taxes, I think this is the best--
‪절세?‬Reduce taxes?
‪순 도둑놈의 새끼들이‬Those thieves.
‪(영선) 이 나라가 날 도와준 게‬ ‪뭐가 있는데?‬What has this country done for me?
‪열심히 산 건 난데‬ ‪왜 가져가, 내 돈을‬I worked my butt off. Why are they taking my money?
‪이렇게 싹 뺏어 가면‬ ‪다 죽으란 얘기지, 뭐야!‬How do they expect me to live after taking everything?
‪[영선의 한숨]‬Gosh.
‪내가 정말 억울하고 분해서‬This is so infuriating.
‪이모님은 어디 있어요?‬Where's the housekeeper?
‪내보냈다‬-I let her go. -Why?
‪또 왜요?‬-I let her go. -Why?
‪이제 리사도 없겠다‬Li-sa isn't in Korea anymore. Why hire a housekeeper when we have a loafer?
‪노는 애 두고‬ ‪뭐 한다고 사람 쓰니?‬Li-sa isn't in Korea anymore. Why hire a housekeeper when we have a loafer?
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪[키보드 조작음]‬ ‪(아이 리사) 하이, 맘!‬
‪- (희주) 하이, 리사, 우리 딸‬ ‪- (아이 리사) 응‬-Hi, Li-sa. My princess. -Hi. So what time is it there?
‪- 어, 거기 몇 시야?‬ ‪- (아이) [영어] 1, 2, 3‬So what time is it there?
‪(아이 리사) 6시‬
‪(희주) [한국어] 리사, 밥 먹었어?‬ ‪[아이들이 영어로 대화한다]‬Did you eat, Li-sa?
‪[영어] 아니, 엄마‬
‪(희주) [한국어] 그래?‬Okay.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬ ‪- (아이) [영어] 빨리 와‬ ‪- (아이 리사) 알겠어, 내 차례야‬
‪[아이들이 영어로 게임한다]‬
‪[한국어] 리사야‬Li-sa.
‪리사야‬ ‪[훌쩍인다]‬
‪(아이 리사) [영어] 엄마, 안녕‬
‪(희주) [한국어] 어, 리사야‬Okay, Li-sa. Make sure to eat well.
‪밥 잘 먹고‬ ‪내일은 엄마가 조금 늦게…‬ ‪[통화 종료음]‬Okay, Li-sa. Make sure to eat well. I'll call you a bit later tomorrow…
‪(해원) 세인트 크리스티나? 영국?‬St. Christina's? England?
‪와, 딸이 거길 다녀요?‬Gosh. So your daughter goes there?
‪네‬Yes. Do you know the school?
‪- 알아요?‬ ‪- (해원) 아니요‬Yes. Do you know the school? No.
‪근데 이름만 들어도 엄청 비싸고‬ ‪좋은 학교 같아요, 맞죠?‬No. But I can tell by the name that it must be expensive and good. Right?
‪몰라요, 저도‬I'm not sure. My mother-in-law chose that school.
‪시어머니가 고르셔서‬I'm not sure. My mother-in-law chose that school.
‪이뻐요‬You are beautiful.
‪치열하게 애쓰는 모습, 부러워요‬You're giving it your all. I envy you for it.
‪아유, 치열한 게 뭐가 부러워요‬Gosh. Why would you envy me for it? Everything is more fun when it's a hobby.
‪뭐든 취미로 배우는 게‬ ‪제일 재밌지‬Gosh. Why would you envy me for it? Everything is more fun when it's a hobby.
‪[차분한 음악]‬
‪미대생 맞죠?‬You're an art major, right?
‪네, 여기 남산 밑에 있는 학교요‬Yes. My college is near Mt. Namsan.
‪아, 멋있다, 미대생‬I see. That's so cool.
‪나도 어렸을 때 그림 그리는 거‬ ‪참 좋아했는데‬I also liked drawing when I was a little kid.
‪밤에 플래시 켜 놓고‬ ‪그림일기도 그리고‬I used to draw in my journal at night with a flashlight on.
‪언니, 딸 사진 있어요?‬Do you have a photo of your daughter?
‪[그림을 쓱쓱 그린다]‬
‪(해원) 그리는 거 좋아하면‬ ‪아무 때라도 그리면 돼요‬If you like drawing, just draw whenever you want.
‪[해원이 연필을 달그락거린다]‬
‪[해원이 가방을 정리한다]‬
‪잘 먹을게요, 언니‬ ‪[희주의 웃음]‬-Thanks for the drink. -Sure.
‪[문이 쓱 열린다]‬
‪[편안한 음악이 흘러나온다]‬ ‪(희주) 어머님 식사는 어쩌고?‬What about Mother's dinner?
‪(현성) 자‬Here.
‪아니, 다른 건 그렇게‬ ‪다 잘 챙기면서‬You remember all the other occasions, but never our wedding anniversary.
‪어떻게 결혼기념일은‬ ‪매번 잊어버려?‬You remember all the other occasions, but never our wedding anniversary.
‪아, 미안‬Right. I'm sorry.
‪[상자를 툭 닫는다]‬
‪마음에 안 들어?‬ ‪아니면 다른 필요한 걸로…‬Do you not like it? Should I get something else you need?
‪그냥‬I don't think mere words would be enough to thank you.
‪고맙다는 말로는 부족한 거 같아서‬I don't think mere words would be enough to thank you.
‪- 왜 그래?‬ ‪- (희주) 어머, 나 미쳤나 봐‬-What's wrong? -I must be losing it.
‪아, 진짜 너무 좋아, 진짜야‬I really like it. I mean it.
‪지금 좋은데‬I'm so happy right now.
‪당신은 앞으로‬ ‪계속 더 바빠질 거고‬But you'll get busier and busier,
‪리사도 없으니까‬and since Li-sa is at boarding school,
‪나만 쓸모없어지는 거 같아서‬I just feel useless.
‪쓸데없는 소리‬Don't be silly.
‪응‬Right. I guess I have too much time on my hands.
‪시간이 남아서 그러나 봐‬Right. I guess I have too much time on my hands.
‪(현성) 그럼 생각해 봐‬-Then you should think about that. -What?
‪(희주) 응?‬-Then you should think about that. -What?
‪남는 시간에 당신 하고 싶은 거‬About what you want to do in your spare time.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪(희주) 어‬Hey.
‪(해원) 콩테나 목탄을‬ ‪많이 쓰긴 하는데‬People do use contés and charcoals a lot.
‪입문엔 역시 연필이 좋아요‬But pencils are the best for beginners.
‪여기요, 4B‬ ‪[희주가 호응한다]‬Here. 4B pencils.
‪많이 보셨죠? 미술 시간에 쓰는 거‬-You've seen them in art classes, right? -Yes.
‪데생이나 정밀 묘사‬ ‪강약 조절에 좋긴 한데‬They are good for drawing, adding details, and adjusting accents,
‪밑그림으로 그리면 잘 묻어나서‬ ‪조심해야 돼요‬but not so good when sketching because they smudge easily.
‪그럴 땐 2B‬So for sketching, 2B pencils are better.
‪- (희주) 아…‬ ‪- 이게 조금 더 딴딴하니까‬These are harder, so they are better when drawing thick lines.
‪굵은 선 그을 때 좋거든요‬ ‪[희주가 호응한다]‬These are harder, so they are better when drawing thick lines.
‪여기 6B는 웬만한 내공 아니면‬ ‪다루기 힘들고‬unless you're very experienced, drawing with 6B pencils will be tough.
‪[함께 웃는다]‬
‪연필에도 색깔이 있다고‬ ‪생각하면 돼요‬Just remember pencils also have their own colors.
‪(희주) 아…‬Just remember pencils also have their own colors.
‪이 나이에 그림 배운다고‬ ‪해도 되나 고민했는데‬I was hesitant to learn how to draw because of my age.
‪하길 잘한 거 같아요‬But I'm glad I decided to.
‪늦게 시작한 대신 오래 하면 되죠‬Even if you started late, you can do it for a long time.
‪빨리 시작해도 중간에 그만두면‬ ‪다 소용없어요‬There's no point starting early if you end up quitting.
‪할게요‬I'll do it then.
‪[함께 웃는다]‬I'll do it then.
‪(해원) 우아, 완전 좋아요‬-Gosh. This is so nice. -Right?
‪[함께 웃는다]‬-Gosh. This is so nice. -Right?
‪(해원) 말 놓으세요, 언니‬Don't be so formal with me.
‪(희주) 응, 천천히‬In due time.
‪(해원) 저 오늘 학원 그만뒀어요‬I quit my job at the academy today.
‪정말 고마워요, 언니‬Thank you so much.
‪입시 수업은 진짜 힘들거든요‬Preparing students for the exam is so hard.
‪죽어라 그리는 기술만 가르치니까‬I have to only focus on the technical aspects.
‪기술?‬Technical aspects?
‪성적 때문에 오고‬ ‪할 게 없어서 오고‬Some choose art because of their grades, and some lack direction.
‪그런 애들도 몇 년 훈련시키면‬ ‪어떻게든 그리거든요‬But if we train them for a few years, they can draw pretty well.
‪(해원) 개중에 잘 그리게 되는‬ ‪애들도 있긴 한데‬And some of them get quite good. Then I feel really bad for them.
‪그럴 땐 진짜 미안해요‬And some of them get quite good. Then I feel really bad for them.
‪왜? 잘 그리게 된 거면‬ ‪잘 가르쳤단 거 아닌가?‬Why? If they improve, doesn't it mean you've done your job?
‪(해원) 몇 년을 했고‬ ‪게다가 잘 그려‬Let's say they drew for years and got pretty good.
‪결국 포기하지 못하고‬ ‪계속하게 될 텐데‬Then they'd have no choice but to continue drawing.
‪결국엔 재능 있는‬ ‪친구들한테 밀려서 시간 낭비‬But in the end, it's a waste of time because they can't beat talent.
‪음, 재능 있는 사람만 할 수 있는‬ ‪여유 있는 충고네‬I see. You can only say that because you are the talented one.
‪(해원) 저야 뭐‬Well, I'm different. My grandpa worked all his life to support me,
‪우리 할아버지가 제 물감 대느라‬ ‪손톱이 다 빠졌는데‬Well, I'm different. My grandpa worked all his life to support me, so I could pursue my dream.
‪못할 거면 시작도 안 했죠‬Failing was never an option for me.
‪보기 좋아요, 그 자신감‬I love your confidence.
‪많이 힘들 텐데‬I know it's tough.
‪힘든 거보단 재밌어요‬I don't really feel that way. This is fun for me.
‪제가 단순해서‬ ‪좋아하면 앞뒤 없이 그냥 빠져요‬I'm simple. When I like something, I get lost in it.
‪[함께 웃는다]‬
‪[새가 지저귄다]‬
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬HANNAH
‪응‬-Hey. -I'm sorry, Hui-ju.
‪(해원) 갑자기 죄송해요, 언니‬-Hey. -I'm sorry, Hui-ju.
‪왜? 무슨 일 있어?‬What's wrong? Did something happen?
‪(해원) 할아버지가 다치셨대요‬My grandfather is hurt. About today's lesson--
‪오늘 수업은…‬My grandfather is hurt. About today's lesson--
‪아, 수업이야‬ ‪나중에 하면 되는 거고‬We can reschedule our lesson.
‪어디, 많이 다치셨어?‬Is he hurt badly?
‪(해원) 하, 그게…‬Is he hurt badly? Well, I'm not sure.
‪모르겠어요‬ ‪저도 가 봐야 알 거 같아요‬Well, I'm not sure. I'll know once I get there.
‪지금 어딘데?‬Where are you? Let me--
‪- 내가 데려다…‬ ‪- (해원) 아니요, 언니‬Where are you? Let me-- No, Hui-ju. A close friend of mine from school will fill in for me today.
‪(해원) 저 대신 친한 선배가‬ ‪수업하러 갈 거예요‬No, Hui-ju. A close friend of mine from school will fill in for me today.
‪(희주) 어?‬What?
‪(해원) 오늘 수업이요‬ ‪선배한테 받으시면 돼요‬My friend will teach you instead.
‪아니, 그건‬ ‪수업이야 나중에 하면 되는 거고‬No. We can just reschedule it…
‪[초인종이 울린다]‬No. We can just reschedule it…
‪(해원) 선배 왔어요?‬That must be my friend.
‪언니, 며칠만요‬ ‪제가 다시 연락드릴게요‬Hui-ju, I just need a few days. I'll call you again.
‪[초인종이 울린다]‬ ‪[통화 종료음]‬Hui-ju, I just need a few days. I'll call you again.
‪[휴대전화를 탁 내려놓는다]‬
‪[비밀스러운 음악]‬
‪(희주) 그러니까‬ ‪이 모든 이야기의 시작은‬So you're the one who brought all this
‪네가 자초한 거다‬upon yourself.
‪목적 같은 거 없어요, 언니‬I don't want anything from you, Hui-ju.
‪(희주) 네 말을‬How can I believe you?
‪어떻게 믿을까?‬How can I believe you?
‪정교사 자리까지 포기하고‬You gave up a full-time position, came to the school where my husband works,
‪굳이 내 남편이 있는 학교로 와서‬You gave up a full-time position, came to the school where my husband works,
‪하필이면 내 딸을 건드린 너를‬You gave up a full-time position, came to the school where my husband works, and assaulted my daughter.
‪(해원) 몰랐어요‬I didn't know. I'm telling the truth.
‪정말이에요‬I didn't know. I'm telling the truth.
‪알고 나선‬ ‪사과해야겠다는 생각밖에‬After I found out, I wanted to apologize.
‪(희주) 그 사과라는 게 불편하다고‬After I found out, I wanted to apologize. Your apology makes me uncomfortable.
‪불쑥 찾아와서 네 말만 해 대는 게‬ ‪나한텐 변명처럼밖에 안 들려‬You barge in here as you please just to give me your sorry excuses.
‪그렇게 느끼셨다면‬I'm sorry if I made you feel that way.
‪- 죄송해요‬ ‪- (희주) 죄송하다는 말…‬I'm sorry if I made you feel that way. Hearing that you're sorry…
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪(희주) 네가 진짜‬ ‪사과해야 될 사람은‬The person you should apologize to is Li-sa, not me.
‪내가 아니라 리사야‬The person you should apologize to is Li-sa, not me.
‪그때도 말했지만‬ ‪리사는 아직 널 볼 준비가 안 됐고‬As I told you the other day, she's not ready to see you.
‪그러니까 지금 네 행동‬ ‪우리한텐 폭력이야‬So what you're doing to my family is abuse.
‪태림여고가‬ ‪예고로 전환된다는 소문이‬I heard last year that Taerim High School would turn into a high school of arts.
‪작년부터 돌았어요‬I heard last year that Taerim High School would turn into a high school of arts.
‪(해원) 태림여중 경력을‬ ‪인정받으면‬I heard working at Taerim would increase my chance
‪예고 교사 임용에 도움이 된다고‬I heard working at Taerim would increase my chance at getting a job at an arts high school.
‪그래서 정교사 포기하고‬ ‪태림으로 온 거예요‬So I gave up on the full-time position and came to Taerim.
‪다른 의도는 없었어요‬I had no ulterior motive.
‪믿어라?‬you want me to believe you?
‪언닐 믿게 하려면‬What should I do to make you believe me? Should I lie?
‪제가 거짓말이라도 해야 될까요?‬ ‪[다가오는 자동차 엔진음]‬What should I do to make you believe me? Should I lie?
‪(선생님) 어머니‬Ma'am.
‪- 안녕하세요‬ ‪- (호수) 안녕하세요!‬ ‪[희주가 인사한다]‬-Hello. -Hello.
‪- (희주) 감사합니다, 네‬ ‪- (선생님) 들어가세요, 네‬-Thank you. Bye. -Bye.
‪(호수) 칭찬받았어요‬My teacher said I did well!
‪(희주) 차에 타‬Get in the car.
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪[차 문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪(희주) 네가 아무리 아니래도‬You can keep denying all you want,
‪난 네가 일부러 내 가족 주변을‬ ‪맴도는 것만 같아‬but I think you're deliberately hanging around my family.
‪이게 다 기우이길 바랄게‬I hope I'm worried for nothing.
‪[자동차 시동음]‬
‪(희주) 호수야‬Ho-su.
‪호수야, 엄마가 모르는 사람이랑‬ ‪알은척하지 말랬지?‬Ho-su, I told you not to be friendly with strangers.
‪모르는 사람 아니야‬She's not a stranger.
‪그게 무슨 소리야?‬What do you mean?
‪(가정부) 호수야, 간식 먹자‬Ho-su, it's time for your snack.
‪(희주) 호수야‬Ho-su.
‪있었어?‬Were you home?
‪언제 왔어?‬When did you come home?
‪(리사) 아까, 피곤해서‬A while ago. I was tired.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪(희주) 그 남자하고 연락해 봤어?‬Did you talk to your ex? What did he say?
‪뭐래?‬Did you talk to your ex? What did he say?
‪[캐비닛이 철컹 닫힌다]‬
‪무슨 일입니까?‬May I help you?
‪(해원) 두고 간 게 있어서요‬I'm here to pick up my stuff.
‪학생들 없을 때 오려다‬ ‪좀 늦었습니다‬I had to wait until the students left.
‪애들이 다투면 말리셔야죠‬Teachers mediate when kids fight.
‪- 네?‬ ‪- (현성) 주영이 학생한테‬-Pardon? -You told Ju-yeong
‪리사를 참지 말라고 하셨다면서요?‬not to put up with Li-sa.
‪아…‬Oh, that?
‪그렇긴 한데‬I did.
‪제 앞에서 싸울 만큼‬ ‪어리석은 학생들은 아니라서‬Since they weren't foolish enough to fight in front of me,
‪말릴 기회가 없었습니다‬I never got the chance to stop them.
‪그럼 싸운 걸 보지도 않았으면서‬So you didn't even see them fight,
‪한쪽 말만 듣고 판단을 한 겁니까?‬but you made that decision after talking to Ju-yeong?
‪보이는 게 다가 아니거든요‬What you see isn't everything.
‪(해원) 이사님도 속지 마세요‬Don't be fooled, Mr. An.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪애들이라고 얕보다가‬If you underestimate kids,
‪상상도 못 한 일이‬ ‪일어날 수도 있으니까‬you might find yourself in trouble beyond your imagination.
‪(현성) 리사가 나쁜 짓이라도‬ ‪한 것처럼 말씀을 하시네요‬You make it sound like Li-sa did something wrong.
‪구 선생님, 알고 있는 게 뭡니까?‬What is it that you know?
‪리사나 주영이 모두‬ ‪별말 없었습니다‬Li-sa and Ju-yeong didn't tell me anything alarming.
‪(해원) 당연하죠‬Of course not.
‪그 나이 때 애들‬Girls at that age don't trust their dads.
‪아빠는 잘 안 믿어요‬Girls at that age don't trust their dads.
‪아, 맞다‬Right.
‪주영이가 그러던데요?‬Ju-yeong told me
‪이사장님 참 좋은 사람 같다고‬that you seemed like a great guy.
‪근데 전‬But I don't trust people who give off
‪'사람 참 좋아 보이는데'‬But I don't trust people who give off
‪그런 말 안 믿어요‬such an impression.
‪그 말 뒤에 붙는 설명이‬Because people like that usually
‪대부분 더럽더라고요‬come with disgusting caveats.
‪[해원이 가방을 툭 내려놓는다]‬
‪아직 결정된 게 아닌데‬It hasn't been finalized yet. How did you get this?
‪구 선생님이 이걸 어떻게…‬It hasn't been finalized yet. How did you get this?
‪(해원) 그러게요‬ ‪이런 불상사가 생길 수도 있다고‬Right? Someone who was worried about the school
‪학교 운영에 걱정이 많으신 분이‬ ‪미리 알려 주셨습니다‬gave me a heads-up about the possible mishap.
‪(현성) 누가…‬Who?
‪(해원) 그것보다‬That's not the point. Don't you think this is a cowardly move?
‪이건 좀 비겁하지 않나요?‬That's not the point. Don't you think this is a cowardly move?
‪구 선생님, 말씀 가려 하시죠‬Ms. Gu. Watch your tongue.
‪(해원) 리사에게 한‬ ‪제 행동에 대해선‬I will face the punishment for what I did to Li-sa.
‪처벌받겠습니다만‬I will face the punishment for what I did to Li-sa.
‪제 수업권을 침해하고‬But I will not let you violate
‪제 강의를 폄하하는 건‬ ‪참지 않겠습니다‬my rights as a teacher and diminish the quality of my class.
‪참지 않으면요?‬And what if you won't?
‪왈!‬ ‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪개 피해 보셨어요?‬Have you ever tried avoiding a dog?
‪도망치면 더 쫓아가요‬If you run, it chases after you even more.
‪(해원) 이사님의 현명한 판단‬ ‪기다리겠습니다‬I hope you will make a wise decision.
‪[문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪(현성) 아내라는 사람이‬ ‪몇 년 만에 나타나서 데려갔다?‬His wife showed up after several years and took him?
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪구해원 선생 출입국 기록은?‬And Ms. Gu's immigration records?
‪(최 변호사) 그 시기엔 쭉‬ ‪한국이었습니다‬She was in Korea when his wife showed up.
‪그럼 이 허술한 종이 한 장으로‬So this piece of paper was all it took?
‪(현성) 병원에선 제대로‬ ‪확인도 안 했단 말입니까?‬The hospital didn't even check up on it?
‪[서류를 탁 내려놓는다]‬
‪찾아야죠, 그럼‬We must find him then.
‪네‬Yes, sir.
‪구해원‬Look everywhere we can around Gu Hae-won first.
‪그 사람 주변부터 샅샅이‬Look everywhere we can around Gu Hae-won first.
‪찾아야죠‬Find him.
‪[멀리서 개가 왈왈 짖는다]‬
‪[비밀스러운 음악]‬
‪[힘주는 신음]‬
‪[통화 연결음]‬
‪(해원) 늦은 시간에 죄송합니다‬I'm sorry to call you this late.
‪두고 가신 그림이 있어서요‬But you left behind a painting.
‪[바람이 솨 부는 효과음]‬
‪[감성적인 기타 연주]‬ ‪[남자가 감성적인 노래를 부른다]‬
‪[매미 울음]‬ ‪[카메라 조작음]‬
‪[카메라 셔터음]‬
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪꿈같아요‬I feel like I'm dreaming.
‪(희주) 꿈이야‬You are.
‪꿈이어도 상관없어‬I don't care if it's just a dream.
‪깨지 않았으면 좋겠어요‬I just don't want to wake up from it.
‪(희주) 악몽은‬A nightmare is over
‪깨면 그만이다‬once I wake up.
‪[옅은 신음]‬
‪(희주) 리사야‬Li-sa.
‪(리사) 나 레슨 가‬I'm off to my lesson.
‪벌써?‬Already? Do you think you'll be okay?
‪괜찮겠어?‬Already? Do you think you'll be okay?
‪콩쿠르까지 얼마 안 남았어‬The competition is around the corner.
‪지금까지 시간 버린 것도 아까워‬I already wasted enough time.
‪어제 뭐?‬What about yesterday?
‪[문이 철컥 열린다]‬ ‪[도어 록 작동음]‬
‪[새가 지저귄다]‬
‪[탁탁 칼질하는 소리가 들린다]‬
‪신새벽에 연락도 없이‬ ‪내려와 놓고선‬Who comes unannounced that early? You should've called.
‪더 자‬Sleep some more.
‪할아버지가 걱정한다니까 내려왔지‬I came because I heard you were worried about me.
‪아, 그럼‬If that was the case, you could have just called me.
‪전화나 한 통 하면 될 걸‬If that was the case, you could have just called me.
‪이왕 왔으니 밥이나 먹고 가‬Since you're here, have some food before you go.
‪이 추울 땐‬When the weather is cold, radishes are good for your health.
‪무가 보약이야‬When the weather is cold, radishes are good for your health.
‪멸치 넣어서 푹 조려서‬I'll braise them with anchovies.
‪계속 썰어 줘‬Keep chopping them.
‪(광모) 응?‬What?
‪[차분한 음악]‬
‪난 할아버지가 무 써는 소리가‬ ‪그렇게 좋더라?‬I like listening to the sound of you chopping radishes.
‪원, 별게 다 좋다‬What a silly thing to like.
‪좋아‬I like it. It makes me feel safe.
‪안심되고‬I like it. It makes me feel safe.
‪좋아‬I like it.
‪힘들면‬Come visit me whenever things get tough.
‪아무 때나 내려와‬Come visit me whenever things get tough.
‪아, 무야 천 번, 만 번 못 썰까‬I can chop up all the radishes in the world for you.
‪[광모의 헛기침]‬
‪(영선) 우리 병원이‬Since when did my hospital have a partner in Ireland?
‪언제부터 아일랜드에‬ ‪협력 센터를 뒀어?‬Since when did my hospital have a partner in Ireland?
‪아일랜드가 어디 있는 나라니?‬Where's Ireland, by the way?
‪네가 승인했고?‬Did you approve this?
‪(영선) 이게 몇 년째야?‬How many years has it been?
‪태림학원으로 들어갈 돈이‬ ‪왜 여기로 새?‬Why invest in this, instead of the school?
‪새는 거 아니에요‬It won't be a waste.
‪기부금 명목으로 들어온 돈은‬ ‪학교 운영비로 다 쓰고 남아도‬Even if the school has leftover endowments after the expenditure,
‪(현성) 다른 곳에 재투자할 수‬ ‪없다는 거 잘 아시잖아요‬you know that we can't use that money to reinvest.
‪다른 학원들처럼‬ ‪땅장사 하고 싶진 않아서요‬And I don't want to buy land like the other schools.
‪(영선) 그래서?‬And?
‪(현성) 이번에 세종시에 생기는‬ ‪종합 병원이‬The general hospital coming into Sejong
‪아일랜드 트리니티 대학하고‬ ‪공동 교육 과정을 갖는대요‬will start a joint curriculum with Trinity University in Ireland.
‪우리나라 제약사들도‬ ‪이미 아일랜드에서‬And Korean pharmaceuticals started to manufacture their products in Ireland.
‪위탁 생산을 시작했고‬And Korean pharmaceuticals started to manufacture their products in Ireland.
‪아직은 해외에 협력 센터가 없는‬ ‪저희 태림이‬Taerim doesn't have a partner abroad yet,
‪선점하기 좋은 조건이라고‬ ‪생각했어요‬so I thought this would be favorable for us.
‪(영선) 얘 말이 맞아?‬Is he telling the truth?
‪영어권 국가 중에선‬Among English-speaking countries,
‪(형기) 국내 종합 병원의‬ ‪협력 센터가 없는 유일한 곳입니다‬it's the only hospital without a partner in Korea.
‪(영선) 잘하고 있는 걸‬ ‪왜 미리 말 안 했어?‬Why didn't you tell me if this was a good deal?
‪[서류를 달그락거리며]‬ ‪수익이 나면‬I was going to tell you
‪말씀드리려고 했어요‬once we started making profit.
‪넌 언제 이런 걸 알고‬ ‪준비한 거야?‬How and when did you set this up?
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪좀 됐어요‬It's been a while.
‪회의 미루고 왔어요‬I postponed a meeting for you.
‪먼저 가 볼게요‬I'll get going now.
‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬
‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬ ‪자기 혼자서 일 벌일 애 아니야‬I doubt that he came up with this alone.
‪희주 고게 뭔 작당을 했겠지‬I bet Hui-ju had something to do with it.
‪하나도 빠짐없이 다 체크해‬Check everything from A to Z.
‪(윤정) 임 작가님 추천 글이‬ ‪여기 올라갈 거고‬A recommendation from another artist will go here.
‪이쪽에 전시 이력을 넣고‬We'll list your past exhibitions here.
‪작품 설명은‬ ‪작가님이 직접 하시거나‬You can write the explanations for your pieces yourself,
‪아니면 저희 쪽에서‬ ‪비평가분 모셔서‬You can write the explanations for your pieces yourself, or we can invite a critic to write something for your pieces.
‪진행할 수 있을 거 같아요‬or we can invite a critic to write something for your pieces.
‪(희주) 저쪽엔 대표님께서‬ ‪신경 많이 쓰시네요‬That exhibition seems to have the director's attention.
‪(윤정) 네‬ ‪[정은이 지시한다]‬Right. Our slots were already filled for the year.
‪갤러리는 1년 전시가‬ ‪이미 다 잡혀 있는데‬Our slots were already filled for the year.
‪갑자기 게릴라전으로 초빙하신다고‬But she invited the artist for a pop-up exhibition.
‪대표님 뜻이라 저희야 뭐‬We just do what she tells us to do.
‪작품 금액 범위는‬-As for the price range… -Yes.
‪호당 이 정도로‬ ‪진행하려고 하거든요?‬This is the number we have in mind per piece.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪[다가오는 발걸음]‬
‪(정은) 닮았어요‬She looks like you.
‪(희주) [웃으며] 아, 대표님‬Hello.
‪(정은) 이렇게 보니까‬It really does give off the impression of you.
‪분위기가 묘하게‬ ‪작가님이랑 닮았어‬It really does give off the impression of you.
‪고민이에요‬I'm still torn.
‪이번 전시 성향하고 맞지도 않고‬This piece doesn't suit the overall theme
‪작가 화풍도 아닌데 이상하게 끌려‬or show the artist's style, but I'm drawn to it.
‪인물화는 이게 유일하거든요‬Of all the works, this is the only portrait.
‪(희주) 좋아했나 봐요‬It must be someone they liked.
‪구도가 훔쳐보는 느낌이라 그런지‬Maybe it's the angle, but it's like the artist is secretly peeking at her.
‪그린 사람 감정이 그래 보여요‬I can feel the love from the artist.
‪작가가 누구예요?‬Who's the artist? I heard that you handpicked them.
‪대표님께서 직접 초이스하셨다던데‬Who's the artist? I heard that you handpicked them.
‪[비밀스러운 음악]‬ ‪(정은) 누구라고 말한다고‬You wouldn't know even if I told you. At least not yet.
‪알 만한 작가가 아니에요, 아직은‬You wouldn't know even if I told you. At least not yet.
‪아, 작가님도 오세요‬Right. Why don't you come?
‪오프닝 리셉션 때 소개할게요‬I'll introduce you during the reception.
‪(희주) [웃으며] 아, 네‬ ‪감사합니다‬Sure. Thank you.
‪(해원) 고마워요, 언니‬Thank you, Hui-ju.
‪차가 없어서 우체국까지‬ ‪리어카라도 빌릴 판이었어요‬Without a car, I even thought about borrowing a cart to the post office.
‪(희주) 근데 여태‬ ‪이런 데서 작업한 거야?‬You've been drawing here the whole time?
‪작업이 돼?‬Can you even focus here?
‪(해원) 선배 작업실인데‬It's my friend's studio.
‪여긴 학교 작업실에 비하면‬ ‪진짜 좋은 거예요‬This place is really good compared to the one at school.
‪거긴 땀내에 먼지에‬The school studio stinks and is dusty.
‪새벽에 화장실 가기 귀찮다고‬ ‪오줌 싸는 놈들도 있어요‬Some even pee there because walking to the toilet is a hassle.
‪[질색하는 신음]‬
‪[함께 웃는다]‬
‪(희주) 어‬
‪(해원) 괜찮아요‬ ‪제 거니까 제가 할게요‬I got it. It's mine, so I should do it.
‪[해원이 테이프를 직 뜯는다]‬
‪(희주) 너무 쓸쓸하다‬They look so lonely.
‪네?‬-Pardon? -I mean, why didn't you draw faces?
‪아니, 얼굴이라도 좀 그려 넣지‬-Pardon? -I mean, why didn't you draw faces?
‪아, 그건 선배 작품‬Oh, those? Those are my friend's works.
‪선배는 사람 얼굴 안 그려요‬He doesn't draw faces.
‪(희주) 오, 왜?‬Why not?
‪진짜라고 생각하는 것만 그리는데‬He only draws what he considers real,
‪사람한텐 안 생긴대요, 그 마음이‬but he doesn't feel that way towards people.
‪(희주) 그래?‬Really?
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪[그림을 쓱쓱 그린다]‬
‪[연필을 탁 내려놓는다]‬
‪(우재) 지우지 말고‬ ‪여기서 다시 시작해요‬Don't erase it. Start from here again.
‪그래야 이상해도 자기 게 나와요‬It'll be yours even if it's bad.
‪(희주) 근데 이거‬But how much longer do I have to draw the same thing?
‪언제까지 그려요?‬ ‪똑같은 것만 계속‬But how much longer do I have to draw the same thing?
‪똑같은 걸 다르게 그릴 때까지‬Until you can draw the same object differently.
‪[지우개를 탁 내려놓는다]‬
‪제가 입시생도 아니고‬I'm not doing this to pass some exam. I've been doing the same thing for days.
‪(희주) 데생만 며칠째…‬ ‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬I'm not doing this to pass some exam. I've been doing the same thing for days.
‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬
‪[연필을 달그락거린다]‬
‪오늘은 여기까지만 하는 게…‬Can't we wrap up here today?
‪[문이 철컥 열린다]‬
‪[문이 철컥 닫힌다]‬
‪[차분한 음악]‬
‪[희주가 그림을 쓱쓱 그린다]‬
‪[엘리베이터 도착음]‬
‪(희주) 어‬ ‪지난 시간에 두고 갔어요‬You left this behind last time.
‪(우재) 아…‬Okay. You can start now.
‪시작하세요‬Okay. You can start now.
‪[쓱쓱 그리는 소리가 들린다]‬ ‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪[쓱쓱 그리는 소리가 울린다]‬
‪[연필을 탁 내려놓는다]‬
‪[희주의 놀란 신음]‬Goodness.
‪(희주) 저, 목이 말라서…‬I was thirsty, so…
‪왼쪽이 더 아름다워요‬Your left side is prettier.
‪얼굴이요‬I mean, your face.
‪이마에서 광대‬And the curve from your forehead, cheekbone, and chin.
‪턱까지 내려오는 윤곽선이‬And the curve from your forehead, cheekbone, and chin.
‪그런 말을 뭐 그렇게‬ ‪아무렇지도 않게…‬You say that as if it was nothing.
‪아닌데‬That's not true. I had to muster up the courage to say it.
‪되게 용기 내서 한 말인데‬That's not true. I had to muster up the courage to say it.
‪[뚜껑을 달그락 닫는다]‬
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪[장작이 타닥거린다]‬
‪[코를 훌쩍인다]‬
‪[문이 탁 여닫힌다]‬
‪[바람 소리가 휭 들린다]‬
‪[문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬
‪[문이 탁 닫힌다]‬ ‪[한숨]‬
‪(해원) 또 보네요?‬We meet again.
‪고해 성사는 아까 끝났어요‬The confessional is closed for the day.
‪오늘은 한번 해 보려고 했는데‬I thought about giving it a try today.
‪아, 뭐 잘못했어요?‬Did you do something wrong?
‪궁금해서요‬I was just curious
‪앞으로 해 버릴 잘못도‬if God would forgive me for the sins I would commit in the future.
‪미리 용서해 주나 싶어서‬if God would forgive me for the sins I would commit in the future.
‪[해원의 한숨]‬
‪(해원) 아무래도‬ ‪거기까진 안 되겠죠?‬That won't be possible, will it?
‪[선우가 피식 웃는다]‬Then you can just not do it.
‪아, 그럼 안 하면 되잖아요‬Then you can just not do it.
‪뭘 하려고 그러는데요?‬What are you planning to do?
‪[피식 웃는다]‬
‪비밀이에요‬That's a secret.
‪[키보드를 탁탁 두드린다]‬ ‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪(해원) 선생님은 이 시간에‬ ‪여기서 뭐 하세요?‬What are you doing here at this hour?
‪기도 그런 거?‬Are you here to pray?
‪(선우) 기다렸어요‬I was waiting for you.
‪혹시 있을까 싶어서‬In case you showed up.
‪제 조카예요‬She's my niece.
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪아…‬I see.
‪(선우) 물어볼 게 있어요‬I have a question.
‪제가 본 선생님은‬From what I've seen,
‪아무 이유 없이 감정적으로‬ ‪학생을 때릴 거 같진 않아서요‬you're not the type to get emotional and hit a student for no reason.
‪[해원의 한숨]‬
‪아니라고 하면‬ ‪리사가 이상한 친구가 될 테고‬If I say you're right, it'll only paint Li-sa in a bad light.
‪맞다고 하면‬ ‪내가 너무 형편없는 인간인데‬And if I say you're wrong, it will make me look really awful.
‪형편없었던 게 맞아요‬But I was awful.
‪(해원) 어떤 이유건‬Whatever the reason was,
‪리사한테 했던 행동엔‬ ‪내 감정이 들어갔으니까‬I did get emotional when I hit Li-sa.
‪그래서 사과하는 중이고‬So I'm in the process of apologizing.
‪계속하려고요‬And I will keep trying.
‪용서받을 수 있을진 모르겠지만‬I'm not sure if she'll forgive me though.
‪하세요‬You should.
‪할 수 있을 때 꼭 사과해 주세요‬Apologize to her when you have the chance.
‪용서받지 못하는 것보다‬Not being able to apologize
‪미안하다고 말할 수도 없는 게‬ ‪더 힘들거든요‬is harder than not being forgiven.
‪그거 아까부터 떨렸어요‬It's been shaking the whole time.
‪(선우) 긴장성 근육 수축 같은데‬I think it's a muscle spasm due to anxiety. Come in for treatment.
‪치료받으러 오세요‬I think it's a muscle spasm due to anxiety. Come in for treatment.
‪[문이 달칵 여닫힌다]‬
‪오늘 무슨 날인지 알지?‬You know what today is, right?
‪- 네‬ ‪- (옥수) 가자‬-Yes. -Let's go.
‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪(옥수) 과일 좀 주세요, 얼마예요?‬I'd like those pears. How much is it?
‪(사장) 만 원이요‬I'd like those pears. How much is it? It's 10,000 won.
‪정섭이 몫까지‬You have to live
‪(옥수) 선우 네가 정말‬ ‪반듯하게 잘 살아야 해‬a good life for Jeong-seop's sake.
‪장롱 정리하다 보니까‬While I was going through the closet,
‪정섭이 일어나면 입히려고‬ ‪사 뒀던 남방이 있더라?‬I found a shirt I bought for him to wear when he woke up.
‪네가 대신 입어‬I want you to wear it instead.
‪너희 서로‬ ‪옷도 돌려 입고 그랬잖아‬You guys used to share clothes. Your size hasn't changed, right?
‪사이즈 그대로지?‬You guys used to share clothes. Your size hasn't changed, right?
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪감사합니다‬Thank you.
‪(옥수) 밥 더 먹어‬Have some more rice.
‪(형기) 아, 그렇죠‬Right.
‪리사 엄마 마음이야 제가 압니다‬I know how Hui-ju feels.
‪리사 생각하면‬ ‪쉽게 넘길 수 있는 문제가 아니죠‬She can't gloss over it after what happened to Li-sa.
‪일단 오늘 중으로‬The disciplinary committee will make a decision
‪교내 징계 위원회 결정이 나니까‬by the end of today.
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪[통화 종료음]‬
‪시끄러웠어요?‬Was I too loud?
‪아니‬No. It's just that I have a lot to go over today.
‪오늘 봐야 될 게 많아서‬No. It's just that I have a lot to go over today.
‪[형기가 살짝 웃는다]‬
‪그렇게 앉아 있지만 말고‬Don't just sit at the desk all day. Get some exercise.
‪당신도 운동 좀 해요‬Don't just sit at the desk all day. Get some exercise.
‪(형기) 운동‬Exercise.
‪그리고‬And I told you multiple times we should use honorifics with each other.
‪내가 몇 번이나 부탁했잖아요‬ ‪서로 존댓말 쓰자고‬And I told you multiple times we should use honorifics with each other.
‪징그러워‬That's cringey. It's not like we have a big age gap.
‪우리가 나이 차 나는‬ ‪부부도 아니고‬That's cringey. It's not like we have a big age gap.
‪부탁합니다‬I insist.
‪말이 쉬워지면‬If we're loose with our words,
‪행동도 무례해지는 거 알죠?‬our actions will soon follow.
‪[편안한 음악이 흘러나온다]‬ ‪(강사2) 올라오고 가슴 펼치고, 후‬Open up your chest.
‪그렇죠‬That's it.
‪(강사2) 그렇죠‬Okay. Keep looking forward.
‪시선 정면 바라보고‬Okay. Keep looking forward.
‪어쩜 저보다 근력이 더 좋으세요?‬ ‪유연하시고‬You have more muscles than me. You're flexible too.
‪하기 싫은데 악착같이 하는 거예요‬I don't want to do it, but I'm forcing myself.
‪(강사2) 내려가시면서, 자‬You can lower it. Slowly.
‪[희주의 웃음]‬Slowly.
‪일어나실게요‬You can get up now.
‪(희주) 아니‬I mean, I'm exercising to survive. That's all.
‪살려고 한다고, 살고 싶어서‬I mean, I'm exercising to survive. That's all.
‪그림 그리는 게 결과는 아름다운데‬The final products of art are beautiful.
‪과정은 정말 막노동이거든‬But the process of getting there is like doing manual labor.
‪(강사2) 몸 만드는 거랑‬ ‪비슷하네요‬Sounds similar to exercising.
‪잠깐만 쉬었다 가실게요‬-Let's take a break. -Okay.
‪넵‬-Let's take a break. -Okay.
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬MOTHER
‪(민서) 쟨 이런 옷‬ ‪잘 입지도 않는데 왜 불러‬Why did you invite her? She rarely wears these kind of clothes.
‪그럼 네가 살을 빼든가‬Then you should lose weight.
‪(영선) 데리고 다니기엔‬ ‪저 껍데기가 그래도 폼은 나잖아‬She's a nice trophy to drag around when we go shopping.
‪옷은 잘 만드는데‬She makes good clothes, but she gossips too much.
‪말도 잘 만들어‬She makes good clothes, but she gossips too much.
‪- (디자이너) 되셨어요‬ ‪- 네, 감사합니다, 감사합니다‬-We're done. -Thank you.
‪(디자이너) 오시죠‬This way, please.
‪타이트하게 재요‬Keep the measurements tight.
‪(영선) 저 정도로‬ ‪망가지진 않았었는데‬She didn't use to be such a wreck. She's been gaining weight lately.
‪요새 계속 쪄‬She didn't use to be such a wreck. She's been gaining weight lately.
‪내가 보낸 거 봤니?‬Did you check what I sent you? The school looks good, right?
‪학교 좋지?‬Did you check what I sent you? The school looks good, right?
‪좋긴 좋은데‬Yes, it does. But Ho-su is still very young.
‪호수가 아직 너무 어려서‬Yes, it does. But Ho-su is still very young.
‪(희주) 그게 얼마나 좋은지‬ ‪잘 모를 거예요‬So he won't know what a privilege that is.
‪다른 애들처럼‬ ‪초등학교는 평범하게…‬He should to go a normal school just like--
‪(영선) 뭐래, 얘가‬What are you saying?
‪야‬Hey, how could you be so naive in this day and age?
‪지금이 어느 시대인데‬ ‪이렇게 감 떨어지는 얘길 해?‬Hey, how could you be so naive in this day and age?
‪평범은 무슨‬A normal school? Do you think everyone is equal?
‪넌 사람이라고 다 같은 줄 아니?‬A normal school? Do you think everyone is equal?
‪처음부터 다르게 태어난 걸‬ ‪왜 하향 평준화 시켜?‬He was born into a different class. Why throw that away?
‪호수가 가겠다고 하면‬ ‪그때 생각할게요‬If he wants to go there, I'll think about it.
‪(민서) 정환인‬ ‪자기가 먼저 가겠다 그랬어‬Jeong-hwan said he wanted to go abroad first.
‪(영선) 어릴 때부터 좋은 걸 봐야‬ ‪가치 판단이 되지‬He must be educated properly to be able to recognize good values.
‪뭘 보고 자라냐에 따라‬ ‪애들 그릇 크기가 달라져‬The quality of their lives will depend on their upbringings.
‪리사도 봐라‬Look at Li-sa.
‪영국에 계속 뒀으면 될 걸‬ ‪그예 데려와서‬She could've stayed in England. But you brought her back--
‪리사 전공 또 바꿨다며?‬I heard Li-sa changed her major again.
‪넌 왜 내 말을 끊니?‬How dare you cut me off.
‪애 하나 때문에 예고로 바꾼다‬ ‪유난이니까 그러지‬Turning the school into a school of arts just for Li-sa is too much.
‪그건 리사가 한국 들어오기 전부터‬ ‪결정된 사항이었어요‬It was already decided before Li-sa came back to Korea.
‪아시잖아요‬You know that.
‪그래‬Right. I know that you have Hyeon-seong wrapped around your finger.
‪네 입김에 현성이 놀아난 거‬ ‪잘 알지‬Right. I know that you have Hyeon-seong wrapped around your finger.
‪그래도 남들한테 말 안 나게‬ ‪공부도 좀 시켜‬Even so, she should still study. People might look down on her.
‪공부야말로 재능인 거 같아요‬I don't think studying is for everyone. Not everyone can get--
‪시킨다고 다 되면‬I don't think studying is for everyone. Not everyone can get--
‪(민서) 공부해서 남 줘?‬She should study for her own good.
‪(영선) 아, 시끄러워‬That's enough.
‪공부만 해서 잘된다는 게‬ ‪언제 적 얘기야‬Getting good grades doesn't guarantee success.
‪의사 아들이 죽어라 공부해 봤자‬ ‪의사밖에 더 돼?‬The best a doctor's son can be is a doctor.
‪내 밑에 의사가 몇인데‬I already have a hospital full of them.
‪얘 봐라‬Look at her. She's a high school graduate.
‪얘 고졸인데‬Look at her. She's a high school graduate.
‪결혼 한 방으로 지금 나한테‬But she can talk back to me because she married my son.
‪따박따박 말대꾸하면서‬ ‪앉아 있잖아‬But she can talk back to me because she married my son.
‪[다가오는 발걸음]‬But she can talk back to me because she married my son.
‪(디자이너) 사모님‬Ma'am.
‪사모님께 제일 먼저 선보이는‬ ‪신상이에요‬You are the first client I'm showing our new line.
‪- (영선) 응‬ ‪- (디자이너) 한번 만져 보세요‬-Good. -Feel the fabric.
‪[디자이너의 웃음]‬
‪[영선이 잔을 잘그락거린다]‬
‪[강렬한 음악이 흘러나온다]‬ ‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬
‪[리사의 거친 숨소리]‬ ‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬
‪(주영) 괜찮아?‬Are you all right?
‪지워‬Delete that.
‪지우라고‬Delete it.
‪[리사의 아파하는 숨소리]‬
‪(희주) 리사야, 괜찮아?‬Are you okay, Li-sa?
‪[엘리베이터 조작음]‬
‪이주영 학생 맞죠?‬You're Ju-yeong, right?
‪어디까지 가요?‬Where do you live?
‪(희주) 다리 많이 불편해?‬ ‪삼촌한테 봐 달라 할까?‬Does your leg hurt a lot? Should I ask your uncle to take a look?
‪괜찮아‬I'm fine.
‪다음 달에 콩쿠르잖아‬The competition is next month.
‪안 되면 딴걸로 바꾸면 돼‬I'll do something else if I can't.
‪(희주) 너 벌써 세 번째야‬You already changed it three times.
‪할 수 있는 데까지는 해 보고‬You already changed it three times. You should try the best you can.
‪(주영) 리사 그림도 잘 그려요‬Li-sa is good at drawing too.
‪주영 학생은‬ ‪감독 되고 싶다고 들었는데‬I heard you were aspiring to be a director.
‪네‬Yes. I'll apply to Taerim High School of Arts too.
‪저도 태림예고 갈 거예요‬ ‪사진영상학과요‬Yes. I'll apply to Taerim High School of Arts too. For photography and video.
‪리사가 실기 준비하는 거 찍어서‬ ‪포트폴리오로 낼 거예요‬I'm filming Li-sa preparing for her performance test for my portfolio.
‪나 찍는다고 점수 더 안 주거든?‬You won't get extra points for filming me.
‪다른 애들은 뻔하잖아‬Other kids' portfolios will be so boring.
‪난 사람들이 보고 싶어 하는 거‬ ‪찍을 거야, 너‬Other kids' portfolios will be so boring. I'll film someone people want to watch. And that's you.
‪(희주) 하고 싶은 걸‬ ‪빨리 정해서 좋겠어요‬You must be happy to have found your passion early on.
‪저도 작년까지는‬ ‪아무 생각 없었어요‬I didn't know what I wanted to do up until last year.
‪근데 미미가 알려 줬어요‬But Mimi helped me.
‪(주영) 저 같은 애는‬ ‪하고 싶은 거 찾는 것보다‬She said people like me should eliminate my options first
‪지우는 게 먼저랬거든요‬before finding my passion.
‪(희주) 지워?‬Eliminate your options?
‪(주영) 네‬Yes.
‪일단 하고 싶지만‬ ‪할 수 없는 걸 지우고‬I eliminated the things I couldn't do even if I wanted to.
‪그다음엔 지금 할 수 있지만‬ ‪하기 싫은 걸 지우고‬And then I eliminated the things I could do but didn't want to.
‪그러다 얘만 남은 거예요‬And I ended up with only this.
‪근데 해 보니까 구 쌤 말대로‬ ‪이게 딱 저한테…‬I tried it but as Ms. Gu said--
‪(리사) 너 미쳤냐? 죽을래?‬Are you nuts? Do you have a death wish?
‪[영어] 당장 내 앞에서 꺼져‬
‪[한국어] 리사야‬Li-sa!
‪[타이어 마찰음]‬
‪[희주의 한숨]‬
‪[자동차 경적]‬
‪[차 문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪[달려오는 발걸음]‬
‪[희주의 놀란 신음]‬
‪휴대폰은 내가 같은 걸로…‬I'll buy you the same phone.
‪이거 단종됐어요‬This model's been discontinued.
‪(주영) 요새 나오는 거면‬ ‪아무거나 괜찮아요‬Any model on the market will do. They're all better than this.
‪다 얘보단 좋은 거라‬Any model on the market will do. They're all better than this.
‪그래요, 불편하지 않게‬ ‪빨리 구해서 연락할게요‬Okay. I'll call you as soon as I find a decent one.
‪감사합니다‬Thank you.
‪(희주) 미안해요, 저기‬ ‪[희주가 살짝 웃는다]‬Thank you. I'm sorry. Wait.
‪리사가 다리를 다쳐서‬ ‪좀 예민해진 거 같아요‬I think Li-sa is being sensitive because she hurt her leg.
‪택시 타고 가요‬Please take a cab.
‪전 괜찮아요‬I'm okay. It's because I brought up Mimi first.
‪제가 먼저‬ ‪미미 얘기 꺼내서 그래요‬I'm okay. It's because I brought up Mimi first.
‪저한텐 엄청 좋은 쌤이거든요‬To me, she was a really good teacher.
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪[문이 철컥 닫힌다]‬
‪[도어 록 작동음]‬ ‪(희주) 레슨 외엔 외출 금지야, 너‬You're grounded unless it's for lessons.
‪[리사의 한숨]‬
‪- (리사) 내가 왜?‬ ‪- 몰라 물어?‬-Why? -Do you have to ask?
‪(리사) 이건 싸운 거 아니거든?‬We didn't fight.
‪걔 어차피 내일이면 나한테 다시‬ ‪거머리처럼 들러붙어‬She'll come crawling back to me tomorrow because she needs me.
‪내가 필요하니까‬She'll come crawling back to me tomorrow because she needs me.
‪그래도 친구한테…‬Even so, she's your friend.
‪(리사) 아, 이주영‬ ‪걔한텐 그래도 괜찮아‬I can be mean to her. It's okay.
‪무슨 말이 그래?‬How can you say that? No one deserves to be treated like that.
‪함부로 대해도 되는 사람이‬ ‪어디 있어?‬No one deserves to be treated like that.
‪돼! 이주영은 엄마 없다고!‬-She does! She doesn't have a mom! -Li-sa!
‪리사!‬-She does! She doesn't have a mom! -Li-sa!
‪[짜증 섞인 숨소리]‬
‪[문이 쾅 여닫힌다]‬
‪(실장) [헛기침하며]‬ ‪사모님의 폭력이 있어서‬Because your wife assaulted the teacher,
‪체벌만으로 구 선생을‬ ‪징계하긴 어려워서요‬we can't suspend her on the grounds of violence.
‪저, 이 건이면 징계 시효가‬ ‪10년까지 유지돼서‬With this cause, the disciplinary action will be in her record for ten years.
‪앞으로 어디건‬ ‪임용되기 힘들 겁니다‬So she won't be able to teach anywhere.
‪뭐, 물론‬Of course, dismissing her would damage her career the most.
‪파면이 타격이 가장 크겠지만‬Of course, dismissing her would damage her career the most.
‪너무 강하게 나가면‬But if we take it that far,
‪구 선생이 소청 심사‬ ‪청구를 할 수도 있고‬Ms. Gu might file an appeal to review the case.
‪그렇게 되면‬ ‪일이 커질 것 같습니다‬If she does, it'll be a huge scandal.
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪(해원) 그것보다‬That's not the point. Don't you think this is a cowardly move?
‪이건 좀 비겁하지 않나요?‬That's not the point. Don't you think this is a cowardly move?
‪이런 불상사가 생길 수도 있다고‬Someone who was worried about the school
‪학교 운영에 걱정이 많으신 분이‬gave me a heads-up about the possible mishap.
‪미리 알려 주셨습니다‬gave me a heads-up about the possible mishap.
‪(현성) 알겠으니까‬I understand. You can all go now.
‪놓고 가세요‬I understand. You can all go now.
‪이런 문제는 바로 처리해야‬We should take care of this right away
‪다음 달에 인가 신청서를 제출하고‬so we can file for approval next month and won't be held responsible.
‪(실장) 지적받지 않을 거 같습니다‬so we can file for approval next month and won't be held responsible.
‪보복성으로 오해받을 수 있는‬ ‪사안이긴 하니까‬Since people might misunderstand it as retaliation,
‪신중해서 나쁠 건 없죠‬it won't hurt to be careful.
‪이사님이 잘 검토하실 겁니다‬I'm sure Mr. An will review it thoroughly.
‪(실장) 자, 가시죠‬Well, all right then.
‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬
‪[다가오는 발걸음]‬
‪(동미) 혼자 오셨어요?‬Did you come here alone?
‪여긴 손맛터라‬ ‪고기 반출은 금지예요‬People come here to fish. So you can't take home what you catch.
‪취사는 저기 매점에서만‬ ‪가능하시고‬And you can only cook food at the snack bar.
‪쓰레기는 여기‬ ‪그냥 두고 가시면 돼요‬Put your trash here. And leave the bag.
‪3만 원 선불이요‬You need to pay 30,000 won upfront. 10,000 won is the deposit.
‪만 원은 이거 보증금‬You need to pay 30,000 won upfront. 10,000 won is the deposit.
‪처음이신가 보네‬First-timer?
‪네‬Yes. I heard fishing is good for clearing your head.
‪아무 생각 않고 있기에‬ ‪좋다 그래서요‬Yes. I heard fishing is good for clearing your head.
‪그래서 낚시는 혼자들 많이 오세요‬That's why a lot of people come here alone.
‪요샌 젊은 분들도 많이 늘었고‬And more young people are starting to fish these days.
‪TV에 많이 나와서 그런가 봐요‬ ‪그렇죠?‬And more young people are starting to fish these days. It must be those TV shows, right?
‪사장님이 친절해서도 더 오겠어요‬It might be you, the kind owner.
‪[어두운 음악]‬First-timers usually don't know that I'm the owner here.
‪처음 오시는 분들은‬ ‪제가 사장인지 잘 모르거든요‬First-timers usually don't know that I'm the owner here.
‪있지도 않은 남편부터 찾지‬They always look for a husband that I don't even have.
‪아…‬I see.
‪[해원의 한숨]‬
‪(해원) 이렇게 넓은데‬This place is huge.
‪혼자라서 관리하기 힘드시겠다‬It must be hard to maintain this place alone.
‪뭐…‬I guess.
‪(동미) 아, 쉬러 오셨는데‬ ‪너무 떠들었네‬I'll let you have your peace and quiet now.
‪필요한 거 있으시면 말씀하시고‬Let me know if you need anything.
‪[해원의 한숨]‬
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬
‪(선생님) 안녕하세요, 어머님‬Hello, Ms. Jeong.
‪좀 전에 할머님이 오셔서‬ ‪호수 하원시켰습니다‬Ho-su's grandmother came and picked him up just now.
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬
‪(해원) 고마워요, 언니‬Thank you, Hui-ju. Thanks to you, the incident at school will be sorted out.
‪덕분에 학교 일은‬ ‪잘 마무리될 거 같아요‬Thank you, Hui-ju. Thanks to you, the incident at school will be sorted out.
‪다시는 같은 실수 반복하지 않도록‬ ‪제가 더 잘할게요‬I'll be more careful, so I don't make the same mistake again.
‪정말 고마워요‬Thank you so much.
‪[내비게이션 작동음]‬
‪[내비게이션 안내 음성]‬ ‪목적지에 도착했습니다‬You've arrived at your destination.
‪[노크 소리가 쿵쿵 들린다]‬
‪[희주의 한숨]‬
‪[해원의 시원한 신음]‬I didn't know you called.
‪(해원) 전화하셨었구나‬I didn't know you called.
‪언니한테 문자 보내고‬ ‪배터리가 똑 떨어진 거 있죠?‬My phone died right after I sent you the text message.
‪강바람을 좀 맞았더니‬ ‪아직도 몸이 으슬거려요‬I was by the river today, so I still feel a little chilly.
‪언니, 정말 안 드실 거예요?‬Are you sure you don't want any? The food here is really good.
‪여기 진짜 맛있는데‬Are you sure you don't want any? The food here is really good.
‪다시 한번 고마워요, 언니‬Thank you again, Hui-ju.
‪언니가 신경 써 주셔서‬-Thanks to you-- -It wasn't me.
‪난 아니야‬-Thanks to you-- -It wasn't me.
‪학교에서 어떤 결정을 내렸건‬ ‪내 의견은 아니라고‬Whatever the school decided, I had nothing to do with it.
‪네가 누군가에게는‬ ‪좋은 선생일 수 있지만‬You might be a good teacher to some students.
‪나와 리사에겐 불편한 사람이야‬But Li-sa and I feel uncomfortable around you.
‪- 저는‬ ‪- (희주) 그러니까‬-I-- -So…
‪나한테 고마워하지 마‬don't thank me.
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪(희주) 이게 마지막일 거 같아서‬This will be the last time we meet. So I wanted to tell you this in person,
‪전화보단‬This will be the last time we meet. So I wanted to tell you this in person,
‪직접 얼굴 보고 말하고 싶었어‬not over the phone.
‪그래야 더는‬ ‪착각하지 않을 거 같아서‬So that you won't get the wrong idea.
‪저도 언니 얼굴 보고 할 말 있는데‬I also had something to tell you in person.
‪[문이 탁 열린다]‬
‪(해원) 우재 선배요‬It's about Woo-jae.
‪선배가‬He sends his regards to you.
‪언니한테 안부 전해 달래요‬He sends his regards to you.
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪(우재) 뭐 하는 거야‬What are you doing?
‪왜 이러는데‬Why are you packing?
‪그만하라고, 좀!‬-That's enough! -Stop it.
‪(희주) 왜 이래!‬-That's enough! -Stop it.
‪(우재) 아, 좀 그만 좀 해!‬-That's enough! -Stop it. Stop it!
‪[짜증 섞인 신음]‬ ‪[아기 울음이 들린다]‬Gosh.
‪[아기 울음]‬
‪(희주) 너 미쳤어? 돌았어?‬Are you out of your mind? Are you nuts?
‪바보 같은 짓 좀 그만해!‬Stop acting like a fool.
‪나만 바보였어?‬Am I the only fool here?
‪(희주) 그러니까 그만하자고‬So let's stop fighting.
‪이리 줘‬Give him to me.
‪가려면 혼자 가‬If you want to leave, leave on your own. You can't take Ho-su.
‪호수는 안 돼‬If you want to leave, leave on your own. You can't take Ho-su.
‪서우재!‬Seo Woo-jae!
‪[쓸쓸한 음악]‬
‪언니를 많이 보고 싶어 해요‬really misses you.
‪[발걸음이 또각또각 울린다]‬
‪(해원) 선배하고‬ ‪좋았던 때를 떠올리면‬Whenever I think of the good times I've had with Woo-jae,
‪늘 언니가 함께더라고요‬you were always there too.
‪조만간 같이 봐요, 언니‬We should get together some time.
‪[수건을 탁 던진다]‬We should get together some time. Bullshit.
‪(현성) 선생님이‬ ‪기혼인지 몰랐습니다‬I didn't know you were married.
‪(해원) 그게 무슨‬ ‪문제라도 되나요?‬Is that a problem?
‪저희 일단 같은 편이잖아요‬We're on the same side after all.
‪- (희주) 어디 있어?‬ ‪- (리사) 뭐가?‬-Where is she? -Who?
‪(희주) 어디 갔냐고!‬Where the hell is she?
‪[날카로운 효과음]‬
‪(해원) 이제 용서하려고요‬I'm going to forgive him.
‪선배가‬Because Woo-jae…
‪돌아왔거든요‬came back.
‪(우재) 내가 너무 늦었지?‬I'm late, aren't I?

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