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  좋아하면 울리는 S2.6

Love Alarm S2.6

[KOR-ENG Dual sub]

(학생1)‬ ‪야, 저거 봐, 야, 야, 저거!‬-Look at that. Over there. -What's that?
‪- (학생1) 야‬ ‪- (학생2) 야, 저거 봐‬-Look at that. Over there. -What's that? Look at that.
‪[학생들이 소란스럽다]‬-What's that? -Isn't that Love Alarm?
‪[카메라 셔터음]‬
‪(혜영)‬ ‪어? 뭐야, 저게‬What's that?
‪[학생들이 신기해한다]‬
‪[카메라 셔터음이 연신 울린다]‬Hey, I bet it can be seen most clearly from our school.
‪(조조)‬Are you the founding developer of Love Alarm?
‪(조조)‬Is this Chon Duk-gu?
‪(조조)‬Duk-gu, it's Jojo.
‪(조조)‬ ‪나 너한테 하고 싶은 말이 있어‬I want to talk to you about something.
‪(덕구)‬ ‪좋아하는데‬Why is it so hard
‪좋아한다고 말하는 건‬to tell someone you like them
‪왜 이렇게 힘든 걸까?‬when you like them?
‪뭘 보는데 사람이 온 줄도 몰라?‬What are you so engrossed in?
‪(민재)‬ ‪어, 왔냐?‬Hey, you're here. It's nothing.
‪아, 그냥‬Hey, you're here. It's nothing. It's famous these days, so I wondered what it was.
‪요새 유명하길래 뭔가 하고‬It's famous these days, so I wondered what it was.
‪오디션은? 잘했어?‬How was the audition? Did you do well?
‪야, 네가 가만있으면 미치겠다고‬ ‪뭐라도 잡으래서 그냥 잡아 본 거야‬You said you were going crazy doing nothing, and asked for anything. That's why I signed you up.
‪[민재의 한숨]‬
‪[민재의 한숨]‬
‪내일 한 번 더 보재‬He wants me to come back tomorrow.
‪- 테스트 촬영 해 보자고‬ ‪- (민재) 진짜?‬To do a screen test. For real?
‪(민재)‬ ‪야, 야, 그럼 숍에 예약 넣는다?‬ ‪[자동차 시동음]‬My gosh. I'll make a reservation at the salon then.
‪오, 황선오!‬Nice, Hwang Sun-oh.
‪[복사기 작동음]‬
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪[복사기 작동음이 뚝 멈춘다]‬
‪"좋알람 C&C"‬
‪(조조)‬ ‪혜영아!‬Hye-yeong!
‪오지 말고 거기 서 있어‬Don't come. Stay right there.
‪[좋알람이 울린다]‬
‪(경찰1)‬ ‪실례합니다, 경찰입니다‬Excuse me, this is the police.
‪압수 수색 나왔습니다‬We have a warrant for search and seizure.
‪금방 끝나니까‬ ‪조금만 협조해 주시면 감사하겠습니다‬This won't take long, so if everyone could wait to the side, please.
‪[소란스럽다]‬Step out of the way, please.
‪(경찰2)‬ ‪죄송합니다‬Step out of the way, please. Excuse us.
‪(경찰1)‬ ‪여기 있는 것들 싹 다 담아‬Take everything here.
‪- (직원1) 장 대리가 왜, 휴가 갔잖아‬ ‪- (경찰1) 서류 빠뜨리지 말고‬In-su? What about him? Isn't he on vacation? -Grab the documents. -He must have done something.
‪(직원2)‬ ‪무슨 일 저지른 거 아니에요?‬-Grab the documents. -He must have done something.
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪(장고)‬ ‪친구? 야, 그 친구 사이를‬ ‪다 깨 놓은 게 너잖아‬Friend? Hey, you're the one who ruined our friendship.
‪야, 친구라면서‬ ‪그딴 거짓말을 왜 하냐?‬You said we're friends. Why did you have to lie?
‪그럼 네 잘못이지‬ ‪누구 잘못이야?‬Whose fault is it, then? It's all your fault.
‪(굴미)‬ ‪다 네 잘못이야‬It's all your fault. You installed it as you pleased, and hid as you pleased.
‪(선오)‬ ‪네 멋대로 방패 깔고‬ ‪네 멋대로 숨어 버리고‬You installed it as you pleased, and hid as you pleased.
‪나한텐 준비할 시간도 안 줬어‬You didn't even give me time to prepare.
‪난 다 기다릴 수 있었어‬I was willing to wait
‪네 옆에서 네 얘기 들어 주면서‬while listening to you by your side.
‪(혜영)‬ ‪천천히 쌓아 가는 거, 난‬Building it up slowly was…
‪그걸 하고 싶었어‬what I wanted to do.
‪(인수)‬ ‪왜 이러고 있어요?‬What are you doing here?
‪당신 힘들어 보여서‬ ‪그림대로 해 줬잖아‬I did as you drew because you seemed to be having a hard time.
‪근데 왜 달라진 게 없어?‬So why hasn't anything changed?
‪너도 아무도 없잖아‬You don't have anyone either.
‪혼자잖아‬You're alone too.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪그래서 올리는 거잖아‬That's why you post them.
‪'울리는 세계'‬The Ringing World.
‪(조조)‬ ‪아니야‬That's not true.
‪그런 게 아니야‬That's not it.
‪(인수)‬ ‪역시‬I knew it.
‪역시 안 되는 거였어‬I knew it wouldn't work.
‪(인수)‬ ‪나한테 얘기해요‬ ‪내가 도와줄 수 있…‬Tell me. I can help--
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪[놀란 숨소리]‬I can help--
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪(형사1)‬ ‪야, 장인수!‬Hey, Jang In-su!
‪[거친 숨소리]‬
‪(형사1)‬ ‪야, 거기 서!‬ ‪[타이어 마찰음]‬Hey, Jang In-su!
‪야, 잡아!‬Stop!
‪[인수의 다급한 숨소리]‬ ‪[형사들이 소리를 지른다]‬Run! Get him!
‪[거친 숨소리]‬-Stop! -You bastard, stop!
‪- (형사1) 장인수!‬ ‪- (형사2) 거기 서, 이 새끼야!‬-Stop! -You bastard, stop!
‪[인수의 당황한 신음]‬
‪[인수의 힘주는 신음]‬
‪[인수의 힘주는 신음]‬ ‪[형사들이 당황한다]‬
‪- (형사1) 야, 이 새끼 잡아, 잡아‬ ‪- (형사2) 가만있어, 새끼야‬ ‪[인수의 거친 숨소리]‬Grab him! Stay still, you punk.
‪(형사1)‬ ‪장인수! 당신을 살인죄로 체포합니다‬ ‪[사람들이 술렁인다]‬Jang In-su! You are under arrest for murder.
‪- (인수) 놔!‬ ‪- (형사1) 묵비권 행사할 수 있고‬-Let go! -You have the right to remain silent.
‪(형사1)‬ ‪변호사 선임할 수 있어요‬You have the right to an attorney. Got it?
‪(형사2)‬ ‪가만있어!‬You have the right to an attorney. Got it?
‪[거친 숨소리]‬
‪[인수의 웃음]‬
‪말, 말해 봐‬Tell me.
‪너도 혼자잖아‬You're alone too.
‪(인수)‬ ‪아무도 없잖아!‬You don't have anyone!
‪[거친 숨소리]‬ ‪[차분한 음악]‬
‪그림대로 다 해 줬는데‬I did everything you drew.
‪왜 바뀌는 게 없어!‬Why hasn't anything changed?
‪(인수)‬ ‪놔!‬Let go!
‪[어린 조조의 울음]‬
‪(인수)‬ ‪그때‬You should have…
‪그때 죽었어야 됐어‬You should have died back then.
‪(어린 조조)‬ ‪엄마‬Mommy.
‪(인수)‬ ‪그때 죽었어야 됐어‬You should have died back then.
‪그런 게 아니야‬That's not what it was.
‪(인수)‬ ‪놔!‬Let go!
‪(전광판 속 앵커1)‬ ‪좋알람 살인 사건의 용의자가‬ ‪검거됐습니다‬The suspect of the Love Alarm murders has been arrested. According to police, witnesses who saw…
‪경찰은 사건 직전 피해자의 좋알람이‬ ‪울렸다는 목격자의 진술에 따라‬According to police, witnesses who saw…
‪(전광판 속 앵커2)‬ ‪경찰은 사건 직전 피해자의‬ ‪좋알람이 울렸다는 목격자 진술에 따라‬Based on witness statements, the victim's Love Alarm rang just before the incident
‪좋알람 로그를 입수해‬ ‪용의자 신원을 특정하고‬and the police were able to locate the suspect after obtaining logs.
‪행방을 추적해 왔습니다‬and the police were able to locate the suspect after obtaining logs. The police had been following the artist of The Ringing World
‪(영상 속 앵커3)‬ ‪경찰은 '울리는 세계'‬ ‪작가 주변을 잠복한 끝에‬The police had been following the artist of The Ringing World and were able to apprehend the suspect.
‪용의자 검거에 성공했습니다‬and were able to apprehend the suspect.
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬
‪[옅은 신음]‬ ‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬
‪[힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪[조조의 힘겨운 신음]‬
‪[차분한 음악]‬
‪[조조가 끙끙 앓는다]‬
‪(굴미)‬ ‪아니, 김조조가 죽였어요?‬Did Jojo kill her?
‪예, 아니잖아‬No, right? So why do you keep calling and telling her to explain?
‪근데 뭔 애한테 해명을 자꾸 하라고‬ ‪전화를 해요‬No, right? So why do you keep calling and telling her to explain?
‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬No, right? So why do you keep calling and telling her to explain?
‪아, 그러니까 알겠는데‬Look, I get it. I know you need a witness statement,
‪참고인 조사건 뭐건‬ ‪그건 아저씨 사정이고‬I know you need a witness statement,
‪아니, 지금 애가‬ ‪열이 펄펄 끓어 가지고‬but she's burning up and knocked out from the meds.
‪약 먹고 정신도 못 차린다니까‬ ‪거기까지 가긴 어떻게 가‬but she's burning up and knocked out from the meds. She can't go all the way there!
‪아, 나 진짜 미치겠네‬This is so frustrating.
‪[굴미의 한숨]‬
‪지금 갈게요‬I'll head there now.
‪(비서)‬ ‪좋알람에서 '울리는 세계'로‬ ‪관심이 넘어간 것 같습니다‬The attention shifted from Love Alarm to The Ringing World.
‪(브라이언)‬ ‪천덕구는요?‬What about Duk-gu?
‪(비서)‬ ‪특별한 움직임은‬ ‪포착되고 있지 않습니다‬Nothing out of the ordinary has been detected.
‪좋알람 서버의 비정상적인 접근도‬There hasn't been any unusual access to the server either--
‪더 이상 발견되지 않고 있…‬ ‪[알림음이 흘러나온다]‬There hasn't been any unusual access to the server either--
‪방금 검찰 쪽에서 로그 관련해서‬The police just called saying they want to summon you about the logs.
‪대표님을 소환 조사 하겠다는‬ ‪연락이 왔습니다‬saying they want to summon you about the logs.
‪'울리는 세계'는‬The Ringing World
‪(조조)‬ ‪어떤 지시나 예언 같은 게 아니에요‬is not an instruction or a prophecy.
‪'울리는 세계'는‬The Ringing World…
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬DETECTIVE TEAM 2
‪(경찰3)‬ ‪수고 많으셨습니다‬Thank you.
‪근데 혼자 가실 수 있겠어요?‬Will you be able to go home alone?
‪(조조)‬ ‪네‬Yes.
‪(경찰3)‬ ‪예, 그럼 조심히 들어가세요‬Okay, then. Get home safely.
‪[밖에서 사이렌이 울린다]‬
‪[조조의 한숨]‬
‪[힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪(직원3)‬ ‪장 대리가 하던 업무‬ ‪지금 어디까지 됐어?‬How far along are we with In-su's projects?
‪(직원4)‬ ‪휴가 전에 분장해 놓은 대로‬ ‪최대한 빨리 진행 중입니다‬We're working on them as quickly as we can from where he left off. What about the funding report?
‪(직원3)‬ ‪자금 일보 작성은?‬What about the funding report?
‪(직원5)‬ ‪이혜영 씨‬Hye-yeong.
‪아, 부가세 매출 계산서 작성 중입니다‬I'm putting together a report for the VAT.
‪(직원4)‬ ‪아, 그럼 이혜영 씨‬Hye-yeong. Call Finance and ask them to revise this.
‪이거 재무 팀에 연결해서 다시 받아 와‬Call Finance and ask them to revise this.
‪(TV 속 진행자)‬ ‪경찰 조사에서 자신은‬According to the police,
‪'울리는 세계'의 예언을 실행했다는‬ ‪말을 했다고 하는데요‬he said he acted out The Ringing World's predictions.
‪'울리는 세계'가 문제가 된 게‬ ‪이번이 처음이 아니라고요?‬This isn't the first time The Ringing World has been an issue. Correct. After the 23-person mass suicide, people spoke about it being a prophecy.
‪(TV 속 패널)‬ ‪네, 23명 집단 자살 사건 때도‬Correct. After the 23-person mass suicide, people spoke about it being a prophecy.
‪예언이니 뭐니 말이 많았는데요‬Correct. After the 23-person mass suicide, people spoke about it being a prophecy.
‪아무 해명 없이 계속해서‬ ‪의미심장한 그림을 올려 대더니‬She kept posting meaningful illustrations without any explanations. That is why this copycat crime happened.
‪결국 모방 범죄까지‬ ‪터지게 된 거라고 볼 수 있죠‬That is why this copycat crime happened.
‪아, 책임이 없다고 하기에는‬ ‪사람이 죽었…‬We can't say she isn't responsible. A person died, after all.
‪[TV 전원음]‬We can't say she isn't responsible. A person died, after all.
‪[조조가 훌쩍인다]‬
‪(조조)‬ ‪다 제 잘못이에요, 다‬It's all my fault. All of it.
‪[조조가 흐느낀다]‬
‪어디서부터 잘못된 건지 모르겠어‬I don't know where it all went wrong.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪혼자 살아 나왔을 때부터인지‬Was it when I survived alone?
‪가만있으면 안 되는데‬I shouldn't just do nothing.
‪또 잘못되면 어떡해‬What if something bad happens again?
‪[조조의 울음]‬
‪(혜영)‬ ‪난 다 기다릴 수 있었어‬I was willing to wait
‪네 옆에서 네 얘기 들어 주면서‬while listening to you by your side.
‪천천히 쌓아 가는 거‬Building it up slowly
‪난 그걸 하고 싶었어‬was what I wanted to do.
‪그게 너의 진심이기만 하면 나는‬As long as you were being sincere, I…
‪(조조)‬ ‪안녕하세요‬Hello.
‪저는 '울리는 세계' 작가 김조조입니다‬I'm Kim Jojo, the artist of The Ringing World.
‪[키보드를 탁탁 두드린다]‬
‪(민재)‬ ‪야, 내가 저번에 보던 거‬ ‪'울리는 세계'‬Hey. You know the thing I was looking at the other day?
‪그거 작가가 김조조였대‬Turns out Kim Jojo is the artist.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪(조조)‬It's grown unbearably large.
‪(조조)‬A child which no one can see who has no mouth
‪(조조)‬If no one comes within the line that I drew, I won't hurt anyone or be hurt anymore.
‪(조조)‬I won't hurt anyone or be hurt anymore. Like that, I will continue to live alone.
‪(조조)‬Like that, I will continue to live alone.
‪(선오)‬ ‪그래서 만나지 말자고?‬So you're breaking up with me?
‪지쳤어‬I'm exhausted.
‪(조조)‬ ‪지치니까 마음도 식고‬And that has changed my feelings for you.
‪우리 이제 그만하자‬Let's end things here.
‪(조조)‬ ‪그동안 저로 인해‬I write this today
‪제 그림으로 인해 생긴‬ ‪많은 오해와 상처들을‬to alleviate the pain and the misunderstandings
‪이제라도 바로잡고자‬ ‪이 글을 씁니다‬caused by my illustrations.
‪'울리는 세계'는‬The Ringing World
‪어떠한 예언이나 지시가 아닌‬is not an instruction or a prophecy.
‪제 이야기입니다‬It's about me.
‪저는‬I was
‪제주도 일가족 사망 사건의‬the sole survivor
‪유일한 생존자였습니다‬of a family mass suicide in Jeju.
‪[어린 조조가 콜록거린다]‬of a family mass suicide in Jeju.
‪(어린 조조)‬ ‪엄마‬Mom!
‪(조조)‬ ‪죽은 부모 옆에서‬I survived alone
‪[어린 조조의 울음]‬ ‪혼자 살아남은‬-Mommy. -next to my dead parents.
‪(어린 조조)‬ ‪엄마‬Mommy.
‪(조조)‬ ‪부모님은 왜 그런 선택을 하게 됐을까?‬Why did my parents do that?
‪내가 무슨 잘못을 했던 걸까?‬ ‪[어린 조조가 콜록거린다]‬What did I do wrong?
‪혹시 내가 싫었던 걸까?‬ ‪[어린 조조의 울음]‬Did they hate me?
‪이렇게 혼자 살아남아‬I wasn't sure
‪아무렇지 않은 척 웃어도 되는 건지‬if it was okay for me to survive alone and go on living like everything was fine.
‪평범한 사람인 척‬I wasn't sure if it was okay for me to pretend to be an ordinary person.
‪살아도 되는 건지‬I wasn't sure if it was okay for me to pretend to be an ordinary person. JEJU SAEOREUM MARATHON
‪[휴대전화 알림음]‬
‪(조조)‬ ‪선오야, 나 조조야‬Sun-oh, it's Jojo.
‪너한테 꼭 해야 할 말이 있어‬I need to tell you something.
‪(조조)‬ ‪두려웠습니다‬I was afraid
‪제가 겪은 일을 알고 나면‬that everyone would leave me
‪모두 떠나가 버릴까 봐‬if they found out what I've been through.
‪[종이를 탁탁 정리한다]‬ ‪[당황한 숨소리]‬
‪[종이를 탁 내려놓는다]‬ ‪[한숨]‬
‪[휴대전화 알림음]‬
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪(조조)‬ ‪기다려 줘서 고마워‬Thanks for waiting.
‪(선오)‬ ‪미안해‬Sorry
‪원망만 해서‬for only resenting you.
‪(조조)‬ ‪네가 왜‬Why are you sorry?
‪내가 미안하지‬I'm the one who's sorry
‪솔직히 말 못 한 거‬for not being honest with you.
‪(선오)‬ ‪넌 내 좋알람도 못 울리면서‬You can't even ring my Love Alarm.
‪뭐가 그렇게 애틋해?‬So why do you look so loving?
‪남들이 보면 나 좋아한다고 오해하겠다‬ ‪[신호등 알림음]‬People might think you like me.
‪(조조)‬ ‪나는 너 생각하면‬Whenever I think about you,
‪[좋알람이 울린다]‬ ‪애틋하고 그래‬I get emotional.
‪(선오)‬ ‪방패 깔고‬Did you ever regret
‪후회한 적은 없어?‬installing the shield?
‪(조조)‬ ‪매 순간 후회했어‬I regretted it every second.
‪그래도 나‬But still,
‪다시 방패를 깔 것 같아‬I think I'd install it again.
‪그 선택으로 많은 걸 알았거든‬I learned a lot through that choice.
‪그러니까 그때로 돌아가도‬So even if I were to go back in time,
‪똑같이 방패를 깔고‬I'd install the shield again, regret it again,
‪똑같이 후회하고‬I'd install the shield again, regret it again,
‪똑같이 아파하고 그럴 거야‬and be hurt again.
‪(선오)‬ ‪울지 마, 나도 안 울 거야‬Don't cry. I won't cry either.
‪미안해‬I'm sorry.
‪미안해하지도 마‬Don't be sorry.
‪누군가를 좋아하는 게‬Liking someone…
‪미안한 일은 아니잖아‬isn't something to be sorry for.
‪[조조의 웃음소리가 들린다]‬
‪(조조)‬ ‪야, 너무 질척거리는 거 매력 없는데‬ ‪[잔잔한 음악]‬Hey, don't be so clingy. It's a turnoff.
‪(선오)‬ ‪에이, 야, 조조야, 나 황선오야‬ ‪[조조의 웃음]‬Hey, don't be so clingy. It's a turnoff. Come on, Jojo. Have you forgotten that you're dating Hwang Sun-oh?
‪[함께 웃는다]‬
‪(스태프)‬ ‪테스트 촬영 시작하겠습니다‬We'll start the screen test.
‪(관계자)‬ ‪황선오 씨‬ ‪여기까지 와 주셔서 고맙고요‬Thank you for coming today, Sun-oh.
‪(덕구)‬ ‪창과 방패를 사용한 건‬It was Jojo's will to use the shield and the spear.
‪조조의 의지였어‬It was Jojo's will to use the shield and the spear.
‪조조가 방패를 깔지 않았다면‬ ‪널 만날 일은 없었을 거야‬If she hadn't installed the shield, she never would have gone out with you.
‪조조가 방패를 깔고 선오와 헤어져서‬It was because she installed the shield and broke up with Sun-oh
‪그래서 조조의 '좋아할 사람' 목록에‬ ‪네가 뜰 수 있었던 거야‬that you were able to show up on the list of people she would like.
‪그게 무슨…‬What do you…
‪방패라는 변수의 등장으로‬ ‪조조의 의지가 개입되면서‬With the shield as a variable, Jojo's volition intervened,
‪네가 '좋아할 사람'이‬ ‪될 수 있었던 거지‬and you became someone she would like.
‪조조는 창을 써서라도 이혜영 널‬ ‪울려 주고 싶었던 거 같은데‬I think she wanted to ring your Love Alarm even if it meant she had to use the spear.
‪(덕구)‬ ‪그렇게까지 하면서‬She was willing to go that far to express how she felt toward you.
‪자기 마음을 표현하고 싶었던‬ ‪그 마음이‬She was willing to go that far to express how she felt toward you. If that isn't sincere,
‪진심이 아니면 뭘까?‬If that isn't sincere, what is?
‪(조조)‬ ‪혜영아‬Hye-yeong.
‪네 앞에서 솔직하기 위해선‬I realize that there's something I must do
‪먼저 해야 할 일이 있다는 걸 알았어‬in order to be honest with you.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪(조조)‬ ‪내가 돌아오면 그땐‬When I come back,
‪내 얘기를 들어 줄래?‬will you listen to what I have to say?
‪(조조)‬ ‪힘들 때마다‬I ran every time things got too hard.
‪저는 달렸습니다‬I ran every time things got too hard.
‪[총성]‬ ‪[사람들의 환호]‬
‪심장이 뛰는 소리가 듣고 싶어서‬I wanted to hear the sound of my heart beating.
‪심장이 뛸 때마다‬Every time my heart beat,
‪어떻게 제가 살아남았는지를‬ ‪생각했습니다‬I thought about how I had survived.
‪제가 울기를 바라는‬ ‪이 '울리는 세계'에서‬This is how badly I wanted to survive in this ringing world
‪이렇게라도 살아남고 싶었습니다‬ ‪[사람들의 환호]‬that wanted me to ring.
‪[거친 숨소리]‬
‪[거친 숨소리]‬
‪[어린 조조의 울음]‬
‪[거친 숨소리]‬
‪(조조)‬ ‪싫어서가 아니야‬It wasn't because I hated you.
‪그냥‬You were
‪무거워서‬just too heavy.
‪무거워서 그랬던 거야‬It was because you were too heavy.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬ ‪[울먹인다]‬
‪[거친 숨소리]‬
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪[밝은 음악]‬
‪(조조)‬ ‪싫어서가 아니었어‬It wasn't because I hated you.
‪무거워서‬You were just too heavy.
‪무거워서 그랬던 거야‬It was because you were too heavy.
‪네 잘못이 아니야‬It wasn't your fault.
‪누구의 잘못도 아니었어‬It wasn't anyone's fault.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪[거친 숨소리]‬
‪[사람들의 환호가 들려온다]‬
‪[사람들의 환호]‬
‪[분위기가 고조되는 음악]‬
‪(조조)‬ ‪상처를 없앨 순 없어‬Scars cannot be erased.
‪넌 그걸 아무렇지 않게 만들어 주는‬you make them insignificant.
‪나무 같은 사람이야‬You are like a tree.
‪[부드러운 음악]‬
‪보건실에서 너를 처음 봤을 때‬When I first saw you in the nurse's office,
‪뭔가 두려운 마음에‬ ‪반대편으로 도망쳤었어‬I fled in the opposite direction because I was scared.
‪어쩌면 난‬But you know,
‪섬을 돌고 있었던 건지도 몰라‬I may have been running around an island.
‪(조조)‬ ‪나 아까 완전 별로였지?‬ ‪울기나 하고‬I looked horrible earlier, didn't I? Crying and stuff.
‪[혜영이 살짝 웃는다]‬
‪(조조)‬ ‪혜영아‬Hye-yeong. I have a lot to say.
‪나 할 얘기가 많아‬Hye-yeong. I have a lot to say.
‪(혜영)‬ ‪응, 다 들을게‬Okay. I'll listen to it all.
‪(기자1)‬ ‪나온다!‬ ‪[기자들이 소란스럽다]‬-He's here. -He's here. -He's here. -He's here.
‪[기자들이 질문을 퍼붓는다]‬ ‪[어두운 음악]‬-He's here. -He's here. A word please. Please give us a statement.
‪(영상 속 기자2)‬ ‪좋알람 C&C 대표 브라이언 천이‬ ‪밤샘 조사를 마치고‬Love Alarm's CTO, Brian Chon, went home an hour ago
‪한 시간 전 귀가했습니다‬after being questioned all night.
‪이후 검찰은‬ ‪좋알람 로그 관련자 등을 상대로‬The police are questioning people associated with the Love Alarm logs,
‪참고인 조사를 진행하는 등‬ ‪대대적인 소환 조사를…‬The police are questioning people associated with the Love Alarm logs, and are summoning witnesses…
‪(영상 속 기자3)‬ ‪좋알람 살인 사건 용의자가 검거된 뒤‬After the Love Alarm murder suspect was arrested,
‪통신 비밀 보호법에 대한‬ ‪관심이 높아지고 있는 가운데‬After the Love Alarm murder suspect was arrested, there has been heightened interest in the Communications Privacy Act.
‪통신 비밀 보호법을 개정하라는‬ ‪촉구가 이어지고 있습니다‬there has been heightened interest in the Communications Privacy Act. Many are demanding changes to the Communications Privacy Act.
‪(덕구)‬ ‪수고 많았어, 형‬Thank you.
‪"브라이언 천"‬C.T.O BRIAN. C
‪뭘 원해?‬What do you want?
‪좋알람 2.0 포기‬Give up on Love Alarm 2.0.
‪그래서‬Is that why? Is that why you did this to your big brother?
‪그래서 이렇게까지 한 거야?‬Is that why? Is that why you did this to your big brother?
‪(덕구)‬ ‪형이 내 유언을 무시했잖아‬You ignored my wishes.
‪5년 전 2.0은 안 된다고‬ ‪분명히 말했는데‬I told you five years ago that we shouldn't release 2.0.
‪네가 만든 그 좋알람이‬You don't realize that the Love Alarm you created makes people lonelier.
‪사람들을 더 외롭게 만든 건‬ ‪생각 못 하지?‬that the Love Alarm you created makes people lonelier.
‪(브라이언)‬ ‪2.0은 그 외로운 사람들을 위해서‬ ‪만들어진 거야‬Version 2.0 was created for those lonely people.
‪자기를 좋아할 사람이‬ ‪이렇게 많다는 걸 알려 줬다면‬If they knew that there were many people who will like them,
‪23명이 집단 자살 할 일도 없었겠지‬23 people would not have committed mass suicide.
‪진짜 그렇게 생각해?‬Is that what you really think?
‪(덕구)‬ ‪이제 사람들은 추천받은‬ ‪사람들하고만 사귀게 될 거야‬Now, people will date only those who are recommended by the app.
‪우리가 포털에 올라오는‬ ‪기사만 읽는 것처럼‬Just as we only read the articles that appear on our search portal.
‪알고리즘이 추천해 주는‬ ‪영화만 보게 되는 것처럼‬Just as we only watch the movies that the algorithms recommend.
‪(브라이언)‬ ‪그게 뭐가 문젠데?‬Why is that a problem?
‪그건 수많은 가능성을 차단하는 거야‬That eliminates countless possibilities.
‪(덕구)‬ ‪심지어 추천에 오차까지 있다면‬If there's an error in the suggestions,
‪2.0은 이루어질 수 있는 사랑까지‬ ‪막아 버릴 거라고‬version 2.0 will prevent love that could have been.
‪(브라이언)‬ ‪오차? 그걸 어떻게 증명할 건데?‬An error? How will you prove that?
‪김조조‬Kim Jojo.
‪(덕구)‬ ‪조조가 방패를 깔면서‬ ‪좋아할 사람이 바뀌었어‬When she installed the shield, the person she would like changed.
‪- 그깟 버그‬ ‪- (덕구) 버그가 아니야‬That's just a bug. It wasn't a bug.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬ ‪그건 조조의 의지야‬It was Jojo's own volition.
‪타이밍과 의지의 개입‬With the introduction of timing and volition,
‪(덕구)‬ ‪이 작은 오차가‬ ‪사람의 인생을 바꿀 수도 있어‬With the introduction of timing and volition, this small error changed a person's life.
‪이제 좀 이해가 가?‬Do you get it now?
‪(덕구)‬ ‪이제 좀 이해가 가?‬Do you get it now?
‪봐도 모를 텐데‬You won't know even if you look.
‪[덕구가 키보드를 탁탁 두드린다]‬
‪[브라이언의 한숨]‬
‪(덕구)‬ ‪2.0 포기해‬Give up on 2.0.
‪그리고 형은‬And remain
‪영원히 개발자로만 남아‬the developer forever.
‪[사람들이 시끌벅적하다]‬ONE MONTH LATER
‪(여자1)‬ ‪아이고, 아이고, 왔네, 왔어‬-Welcome. -Welcome.
‪[사람들이 현숙을 반긴다]‬-Welcome. -Welcome. Hello.
‪(현숙)‬ ‪안녕하세요, 예, 예‬Hello. Hi there.
‪- (여자2) 아유, 옷 이쁘다‬ ‪- (현숙) 나 이거 딸내미가 사 줬어‬That's so pretty. My daughter bought it for me.
‪- (여자2) 어머‬ ‪- (여자3) 아유, 곱네‬ ‪[현숙의 웃음]‬My daughter bought it for me. -Really? How nice. -You're so lucky.
‪[리드미컬한 음악이 흘러나온다]‬
‪(굴미)‬ ‪와…‬
‪들어가시죠‬This way.
‪[굴미의 감탄하는 숨소리]‬
‪[숨을 후 내뱉는다]‬
‪[좋알람이 울린다]‬
‪[긴장한 숨소리]‬
‪뭐야, 저거‬What the heck?
‪야‬Hey. What are you doing here?
‪너 왜 여기 있어?‬Hey. What are you doing here?
‪네가 왜 지금 배지 클럽에 있냐고‬Why are you in the Badge Club?
‪(덕구)‬ ‪CDG‬CDG.
‪이게 어디서 장난질…‬Don't play games.
‪내가 초기 개발자야‬I'm the founding developer.
‪(굴미)‬ ‪잠깐만, 쟤가 초기 개발자면‬Hold on. If he's the founding developer…
‪그러면…‬That means…
‪깨어나 보니까 병원이었어‬When I woke up, I was in the hospital.
‪세상은 변해 있고 나는 그대로인데‬The world had changed, but I was still the same.
‪사람들이 나보고 스물세 살이래‬People say I'm 23,
‪(덕구)‬ ‪난 아직도 열여덟 같은데‬but I still feel like I'm 18.
‪미안‬I'm sorry
‪아직도 내가 네 좋알람 울려서‬that I still ring your Love Alarm.
‪(굴미)‬ ‪그럼 쟤가 나 때문에‬ ‪좋알람 만든 거였어?‬Then did he create Love Alarm because of me?
‪하, 그럼 그렇지‬That's more like it.
‪역시 내가 진짜 좋알람 뮤즈였다니‬I really was the muse for Love Alarm.
‪아직도 내가 그렇게 싫어?‬Do you still hate me that much?
‪나도 너‬I didn't
‪아주 싫지만은 않았어‬hate you completely.
‪[휴대전화 경고음]‬hate you completely.
‪(굴미)‬ ‪뭐야‬What was that?
‪미쳤어‬What the heck?
‪내가 지금 네 거 울린 거야?‬Did I just ring your Love Alarm?
‪아직 출시는 안 됐지만‬It hasn't been launched yet, but it's what I wanted to make once I came to.
‪의식을 찾고‬ ‪가장 먼저 만들고 싶었던 거야‬but it's what I wanted to make once I came to.
‪"거짓말"‬Because it's too hard for me
‪(덕구)‬ ‪사람들의 마음을 알아보는 건‬Because it's too hard for me
‪내게 너무 어려우니까‬to figure out how people feel.
‪네가 이 앱의‬ ‪베타테스터가 될 줄은 몰랐는데‬I didn't expect you to be the beta tester.
‪(굴미)‬ ‪그러면‬Then…
‪너 나 테스트한 거야?‬were you testing me?
‪네가 뭔데 사람 마음을‬ ‪자꾸 판단하려고 해‬Who are you to judge people's feelings?
‪응? 왜 그러는 거야?‬Tell me. Why?
‪왜 네 멋대로‬ ‪사람 갖고 장난치냐고, 도대체‬Why do you mess with people as you please?
‪너 내가 이거 하트 알람 수 딴다고‬ ‪얼마나 생고생했는지 알아?‬Do you know what I went through to collect these hearts? I had never worked this hard for anything my entire life.
‪나 태어나서 이렇게까지‬ ‪열심히 살아 본 적 처음이야‬I had never worked this hard for anything my entire life.
‪근데 네가 뭔데‬ ‪네가 뭐가 그렇게 잘났는데!‬Who do you think you are? What makes you so great?
‪너 그렇게 살면 재밌어?‬Is it fun to live like that?
‪됐고, 야‬Whatever. Here.
‪너 네가 한 말이나 지켜‬Just keep your word.
‪안 지키기만 해 봐, 진짜‬You'd better, or else…
‪[마우스 클릭음]‬
‪아씨‬Damn it.
‪좋알람 핫 피플발도 다 떨어졌나‬Did the Love Alarm Hot People effect wear off already?
‪초기 개발자라고 했는데‬ ‪조금만 더 참을걸‬I should've held my temper. He's the founding developer after all.
‪(시청자1)‬-She was Love Alarm's muse? -That's her claim.
‪(시청자2)‬-She was Love Alarm's muse? -That's her claim.
‪(시청자3)‬-She was Love Alarm's muse? -That's her claim. She must really believe that she was the muse.
‪(시청자4)‬Teach me how to get hearts.
‪(시청자5)‬Teach me how to get hearts. Give us advice.
‪(시청자6)‬Give us advice. You're on the Hot People's list. You're a celeb.
‪하트 얻고 싶어요?‬Do you want to get hearts?
‪(시청자5)‬Do you want to get hearts? Yes. How did you get them?
‪(시청자4)‬Yes. How did you get them? What's your secret?
‪(시청자6)‬What's your secret?
‪딱히 크게 비결이랄 것까지는 없고‬There's no real secret.
‪거짓말은 하지 마요‬Don't lie.
‪들키면 쪽팔리니까‬It's humiliating if you get caught.
‪(시청자1)‬-Does she think she's a saint? -Drop the bull and tell us.
‪(시청자6)‬-Does she think she's a saint? -Drop the bull and tell us.
‪(시청자2)‬-Does she think she's a saint? -Drop the bull and tell us. I'm the idiot for expecting anything.
‪(시청자3)‬It's so cliche, that it actually sounded fresh.
‪[시청자들이 저마다 말한다]‬-It's true. What the… -Is the article true? -You must be really desperate. -Guys.
‪아, 진짜!‬-I don't think she was lying. -I knew it. She's amazing. Seriously!
‪나도 알겠다고, 나도 알겠어‬Seriously! I know, okay? I do! So please, enough already!
‪알겠으니까 그만 좀 해요, 제발 좀!‬I know, okay? I do! So please, enough already!
‪[시청자들이 저마다 말한다]‬I know, okay? I do! So please, enough already! -She really was Love Alarm's muse? -I thought she was a fraud.
‪뭐야, 이거‬What's this?
‪[마우스 클릭음]‬
‪[부드러운 음악]‬
‪(굴미)‬ ‪뭐야, 이게?‬What is this?
‪이게 보상인 건가?‬Is this the reward?
‪그래도 약속은 지켰네‬At least he kept his promise.
‪아이…‬My gosh. I have better photos than this.
‪뭐야, 이 사진 말고‬ ‪더 예쁜 사진들도 많은데‬I have better photos than this.
‪제가 좋알람 초기 개발자랑‬Aren't you dying to know how I first met Love Alarm's founding developer?
‪어떻게 만나게 됐는지‬ ‪너무 궁금하시죠?‬Aren't you dying to know how I first met Love Alarm's founding developer?
‪아, 나 이 얘기 하면‬ ‪또 고등학교 때까지 얘기해야 되는데‬I'll have to go all the way back to high school then.
‪(굴미)‬ ‪어, 제가 고등학교 때‬ ‪인기가 진짜 많았거든요?‬I was insanely popular when I was in high school.
‪[약통을 탁 내려놓는다]‬
‪[약이 달그락 떨어진다]‬
‪스케줄 가니?‬Do you have a shoot?
‪(미미)‬ ‪점심은?‬What about lunch?
‪(선오)‬ ‪생각 없어‬I'm not hungry.
‪아빠는?‬Where's Dad?
‪또 공천받을 곳 알아보고 있겠지‬Probably trying to get a nomination again.
‪[약을 탁 집는다]‬
‪(선오)‬ ‪이렇게 해야 오래간대‬They say this makes them live longer.
‪[부드러운 음악]‬
‪(혜영)‬ ‪바쁘지?‬You must be busy.
‪(선오)‬ ‪응‬Yes.
‪앞으로 보기 더 힘들어지겠네‬I guess it'll be even harder to see you.
‪아직도 내가 걱정돼?‬Are you still worried about me?
‪안 그래도 돼‬There's no need.
‪너도 이제‬You've gained
‪많은 게 생겼잖아‬a lot as well now.
‪(선오)‬ ‪난 내가 알아서 해 볼게‬I'll take care of myself somehow.
‪해 보다 힘들면…‬And if it gets too hard…
‪(혜영)‬ ‪여기서 보자‬Let's meet here.
‪그러면 되지‬We'll just do that.
‪[혜영의 한숨]‬
‪[옅은 웃음]‬
‪[도어 록 작동음]‬
‪[도어 록 작동음]‬
‪[인터폰 안내 음성]‬ ‪28개의 녹화된 영상이 있습니다‬You have 28 recorded videos.
‪[인터폰 작동음]‬ ‪[초인종 소리가 흘러나온다]‬
‪(영상 속 택배 기사)‬ ‪택배 왔습니다‬You have a delivery.
‪[인터폰 작동음]‬ ‪[초인종 소리가 흘러나온다]‬
‪(영상 속 방문 기사)‬ ‪가스 점검 왔습니다‬I'm here to check the gas meter.
‪[인터폰 작동음]‬ ‪[초인종 소리가 흘러나온다]‬
‪[인터폰 작동음]‬ ‪[초인종 소리가 흘러나온다]‬
‪[인터폰 작동음]‬ ‪[초인종 소리가 흘러나온다]‬
‪[인터폰 작동음]‬ ‪[초인종 소리가 흘러나온다]‬
‪[놀란 숨소리]‬
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬2023, APRIL 22, SATURDAY, 2:30 P.M.
‪[초인종이 울린다]‬2023, MAY 2, TUESDAY, 2:30 P.M.
‪(선오)‬ ‪한 달…‬It's been…
‪이제 지났는데‬over a month already.
‪[인터폰 안내 음성]‬ ‪더 이상 녹화된 영상이 없습니다‬There are no more videos.
‪[인터폰 작동음]‬
‪[초인종이 울린다]‬
‪[선오의 한숨]‬2023, MAY 28, SATURDAY, 2:30 P.M.
‪[다급한 숨소리]‬
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪[다가오는 발걸음]‬
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪[놀란 숨소리]‬
‪[좋알람이 울린다]‬
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪나 아직도 너 못 울려‬I still can't ring yours.
‪그래도 또 올게‬But I'll come back.
‪(선오)‬ ‪모레도‬and the day after that.
‪이렇게 계속하다 보면‬If I keep doing that,
‪언젠간 정말‬maybe one day,
‪울리게 될지도 모르잖아‬I'll be able to ring it.
‪[밝은 음악]‬
‪(조조)‬ ‪우리 리스트 만들어 볼까?‬Should we make a list?
‪많이 썼어?‬Did you write a lot?
‪(조조)‬ ‪좋아하는 거 얘기할 때‬ ‪지루해도 재밌게 들어 주기‬Pay attention when the other person talks about something they like even if it's boring.
‪한 명만 좋아하는 음식‬Sit with the other person when they are eating what they like even if you're not eating.
‪같이 안 먹어도 먹는 거 지켜봐 주기‬when they are eating what they like even if you're not eating.
‪아프거나 외로울 때‬ ‪필요 없다고 해도 곁에 있어 주기‬when they are eating what they like even if you're not eating. If the other person is sick or lonely, stay with that person even if he or she says it's fine.
‪뭐 더 없을까?‬Is there anything else?
‪제일 중요한 게 빠졌네‬You forgot the most important thing.
‪뭔데?‬What's that?
‪사랑해‬"I love you.
‪[부드러운 음악]‬
‪라고 말하기‬Tell each other that."
‪직접 말하니까 더 좋다‬It's nicer saying it myself.
‪나도 사랑해‬I love you too.
‪(덕구)‬ ‪조조야, 나야, 천덕구‬Hi Jojo, it's me, Chon Duk-gu.
‪(조조)‬ ‪근데 왜 이런 데서 보자고 한 거야?‬Why did you want to meet in a place like this?
‪(덕구)‬ ‪영화 보면‬ ‪은밀한 만남은 이런 데서 하길래‬They always have secret meetings in places like this in the movies.
‪(조조)‬ ‪[웃으며]‬ ‪그게 뭐야‬You're so silly.
‪(덕구)‬ ‪여기서 나도 새로 시작하려고‬I plan to start over here.
‪(조조)‬ ‪좋알람 만든 거 후회하는 거야?‬Do you regret creating Love Alarm?
‪(덕구)‬ ‪후회는 안 해‬I don't regret it
‪내가 안 만들었어도‬ ‪누군가는 만들었을 테니까‬since someone else would have even if I didn't.
‪10대들을 봐‬Look at the teenagers.
‪이성에 눈뜨기 전부터‬ ‪이미 세상에는 좋알람이 있었고‬Love Alarm existed before they started becoming interested in the opposite sex.
‪좋알람을 울리며‬ ‪첫 연애를 시작한 세대야‬Their first relationships started by ringing Love Alarms.
‪걔들한텐 좋알람이 있는 세계가‬ ‪공기처럼 너무나 당연한걸?‬To them, Love Alarm is as natural as breathing the air.
‪이 건물도 처음 지어질 땐‬When this building was first built,
‪제일 최첨단의 시설이었겠지?‬it was probably built with the latest technology.
‪낯설고 새롭게 느껴지는 건‬ ‪아주 찰나야‬Things feel strange and new only for a moment.
‪원래 있었던 것처럼 금세 익숙해지고‬You get used to it right away, like it was always there,
‪금세 또 낡은 게 되겠지‬and it becomes old just as quickly.
‪기술은 그런 거야‬That's how technology is.
‪나올 때가 되었기 때문에 나온 거야‬It was released because it was time.
‪누가 봐도 넌‬ ‪이혜영을 좋아하고 있었어‬It was obvious that you liked Hye-yeong.
‪그런데 왜 그렇게‬ ‪자신이 없었는지 알아?‬Do you know why you were so unsure?
‪그건 내가…‬Because I--
‪한 번도 이혜영의 좋알람이‬ ‪울리는 걸 본 적이 없어서야‬Because you never saw his Love Alarm ring, that's why.
‪(덕구)‬ ‪안 울리는 이유가‬ ‪방패 때문이라는 걸 알면서도‬Although you knew it was because of the shield,
‪좋알람을 울린 적이 없었기 때문에‬you kept doubting your feelings because you never rang his Love Alarm.
‪계속 네 마음을 의심했던 거야‬you kept doubting your feelings because you never rang his Love Alarm.
‪그래서 나는 신기능을 막고 싶었어‬That's why I wanted to stop the new function.
‪이만큼이나‬ ‪기계를 믿는 세상이 되었기 때문에‬Because people had too much faith in machines.
‪그래도 네 마음 알려고 했으면‬ ‪알 수 있었을걸?‬Still, I'm sure you could have known if you wanted to.
‪(덕구)‬ ‪네가 혜영이를 좋아하는 순간‬The moment you liked him,
‪혜영이의 '당신을 좋아할 사람'‬ ‪목록의 네 이름이 사라졌을 테니까‬your name would have disappeared from the list of people who will like him.
‪[부드러운 음악]‬
‪(덕구)‬ ‪이게 너한테 도움이 될지 모르겠지만‬I don't know if this will help you,
‪지금 내가 해 줄 수 있는 게‬ ‪이거밖에 없어서‬but this is all I can do for you.
‪(혜영)‬ ‪왔어?‬Come in.
‪[문이 철컥 닫힌다]‬
‪우리 이거 보자‬Let's look at this.
‪(조조)‬ ‪내 로그야‬It's my log.
‪그동안 내가 좋알람을 울린 기록‬It has all the times I rang someone's Love Alarm.
‪창과 방패에 가려졌던‬My feelings that were hidden by the spear
‪내 마음‬and the shield.
‪스페스 없어서 안 될지도 몰라‬It may not work because I'm missing a part.
‪그래도 해 보자‬ ‪작동될지도 모르잖아‬Still, let's try. Who knows? It may work.
‪덕구는 왜 하필‬ ‪로그를 여기에 저장했을까?‬Why do you think Duk-gu saved the log on this?
‪'40년 전 지구를 떠난 보이저호도'‬The Voyager, which left Earth 40 years ago,
‪'8트랙 카세트테이프를‬ ‪저장 장치로 사용하고 있는데'‬uses an eight-track cassette deck to save its data.
‪'아직도 보이저호는 날아가고 있어'‬And the Voyager is still flying up there.
‪라고 덕구가 말했어‬That's what Duk-gu said.
‪[함께 웃는다]‬
‪그만큼 튼튼하고‬ ‪고장도 안 난다는 뜻인가?‬Does it mean that it's tough and durable?
‪아, 나 좀 떨려‬Gosh, I'm a little nervous.
‪나도‬Me too.
‪그럼 보지 말까?‬Should we not look then?
‪(혜영)‬ ‪네가 나 좋아하는 거 나 잘 알아‬I know that you like me.
‪그래도 보는 게 나을 거 같아‬Still, I think we should check.
‪[긴장한 숨소리]‬
‪[달칵 소리가 난다]‬
‪(조조)‬ ‪응?‬
‪[피식한다]‬What the…
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬ ‪뭐야, 고장 안 나고 튼튼하다며‬What the… I thought it was supposed to be durable.
‪[함께 웃는다]‬I thought it was supposed to be durable.
‪아, 역시 안 되나 보다‬Well, I guess it doesn't work after all.
‪[함께 한숨을 내쉰다]‬
‪(조조)‬ ‪그럼‬Then…
‪우리 밥이나 먹을까?‬should we go eat?
‪사실 나 배고파‬I'm hungry, actually.
‪[혜영이 살짝 웃는다]‬
‪(혜영)‬ ‪그래‬Sure.
‪(조조)‬ ‪그러자‬Let's go.
‪[문이 철컥 열린다]‬
‪[문이 철컥 닫힌다]‬
‪- 뭐 먹고 싶어?‬ ‪- (조조) 글쎄‬What do you want to eat? I don't know. Anything you want to eat.
‪(조조)‬ ‪너 먹고 싶은 거 아무거나?‬I don't know. Anything you want to eat.
‪(혜영)‬ ‪저거 다 갖다 버리자‬Let's throw all of that away.
‪(조조)‬ ‪[웃으며]‬ ‪그럴까?‬Should we?
‪[함께 웃는다]‬Should we?
‪[카세트 작동음]‬
‪[좋알람이 울린다]‬
‪[좋알람이 울린다]‬
‪[좋알람이 울린다]‬2023, APRIL 13, THURSDAY, 6:37 P.M.
‪[좋알람이 울린다]‬
‪(조조)‬ ‪궁금해졌다‬I wonder.
‪잘 자‬Good night.
‪[멀어지는 발걸음]‬
‪(조조)‬ ‪나한테 만약 방패가 없다면‬If I didn't have the shield,
‪지금 나는‬ ‪혜영이의 좋알람을 울렸을까?‬would I have rung Hye-yeong's Love Alarm just now?
‪[심장 박동 효과음]‬ ‪[한숨]‬
‪[좋알람이 울린다]‬
‪[감성적인 음악]‬2023, APRIL 7, FRIDAY, 11:47 P.M.

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