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  미스터 션샤인 2

1:03(애신어제는 멀고 오늘은 낯설며Yesterday seemed like a distant past, today
felt unfamiliar,
1:06내일은 두려운 격변의 시간이었다and tomorrow was terrifying. It was a time of
1:11우리 모두는 그렇게 각자의 방법으로All of us, each in our own way,
1:15격변하는 조선을 지나는 중이었다were living through the rapidly changing
1:25(애순이년은 대문이 닳도록 아파가 드나드는
The peddler comes through our doors so
1:29어찌 그 흔한 반지 쪼가리 하나가 없어How does she not even have a small ring?
1:35얻다 숨겼니애신아Where did you hide them, Ae-sin?
1:38언니가 좀 급해서 그래I urgently need one.
1:55어쭈요년 봐라?Look at what this little wench has.
2:00할아버님! [즐거운 웃음]Grandfather!
2:03애신이는!Where's Ae-sin?
2:05(함안댁아파가 와 가지고 정자에
The peddler is here, so she is at the gazebo
2:19(함안댁애기씨 시방저기대감마님께
My lady, your grandfather...
2:33설마 아니지예기별지는 아니지예?Do not tell me. Is it the newspaper?
2:37딱 걸렸지?Did I get caught?
2:40(함안댁아이고참 나우짭니까!I can not believe you!
2:42아이고잠은 또 다 잤네So much for getting a good night's sleep
2:45아이고내가 저기 넣지 말자고 했더니그냥I told you it was a bad idea.
2:47아이고몬 산다정말Gosh, what should we do now?
2:53(사홍네가 기어이How dare you!
2:55보름에 한 번 아파가 드나드는 이유가 이것이
Is this why the peddler is here every two
2:59내 세상사에 눈 돌리지 말라 그렇게 일렀거늘!I told you many times to distance yourself
from worldly affairs.
3:05반가의 아녀자가 벼슬을 할 것도 아니고It is not a lady's job to serve in the
3:08어찌 기별지를 가까이하는지so I do not know why
3:11전 알다가도 모르겠습니다할아버님she takes interest in the newspaper.
3:17(조씨제가 잘 타이르겠습니다아버님Father, I will talk some sense into her.
3:19뭘 하고 있어?Do not just sit there.
3:21얼른 할아버님께 잘못했다고 말씀드리지 않고Apologize to your grandfather.
3:25잘못했습니다I am sorry.

3:27안 믿는다I do not believe you.
3:31- (애신진심입니다 - (사홍거짓이다-I mean it. -No, you're lying.
3:35(사홍금일부터 넌 바깥출입을 금한다Starting today, you will be confined to this
3:37바깥 인사들 출입도 일절 금한다You will not be allowed any visitors.
3:40금일부터 문안 인사도 필요 없다Skip morning greetings as well.
3:42밤낮으로 '논어'를 읽고 필사하여 마음에 새기
You will read and transcribe the Analects of
Confucius day and night. Engrave the words
in your heart.
3:48읽기만 하고 새기지 아니하면If you only read the words,
3:50그 배움은 의미가 없다you will learn nothing from them.
4:38공자께선 무슨 말씀을 이리도 많이 하셔 가지
Why did Confucius have to say so many
4:43맹자 때는 좀 참아지더만Mencius' words I could take,
4:46공자는 자꾸 졸리네요but Confucius' words keep putting me to
4:48(애신편히 누우라니까I told you to just go to sleep.
4:50아니애기씨가 누워야지 내가 눕든지 하지요How can I go to sleep when you are still up,
my lady?
4:54(함안댁그거를 그냥 잘 좀 이렇게 숨기시지,
You should have hidden the newspapers
4:57이래 쌓다가 내가 이진짜로 이게 팔이 부러지
My arm will fall off at this rate.
4:59맹자 때도 안 부러지고 잘만 썼어We survived Mencius' words just fine.
5:03맹자공자이거 먹만 갈다가 이년 팔이 똑 부
이 말입니다
The words of both philosophers will eventually
take one of my arms.
5:08[애신이 지친 숨을 내뱉는다와요?What is it?
5:10가세할아버님께 아침 문안 드리러Let's go and wish my grandfather a good
5:20어떻게 한 번을 안 져한 번을?Why do you always have to win?
5:26민 황후께서 일찍 돌아가신 연유가 무엇인지
Do you know why Queen Min died at such a
young age?
5:31나라에 힘이 없어서가 아닐는지요Was it because our country is too weak?
5:33틀렸다No, you're wrong.
5:35(사홍양이를 가까이하시더니She socialized with Western barbarians
5:37국사를 간섭하시고 임금의 일에 나선 까닭이다and interfered with governmental affairs as
well as the King's duties.
5:41조선은 변하고 있습니다Joseon is changing.
5:43틀렸다Again, you are wrong.
5:45(사홍조선은 변하고 있는 것이 아니라 망하고
있는 것이다
Joseon is not changing. It is falling apart.
5:50I will only read the newspapers once a month.

달에 한 번 기별지만 읽겠습니다
5:53(애신천민도 신학문을 배워 벼슬을 하는 세상
Even lowborn people can study and obtain
posts in the government nowadays.
5:56계집이라 하여 어찌 쓰일 곳이 없겠습니까I am sure that a woman could be of use too.
5:59쓰이지 마라Do not be of use!
6:01(사홍아무 곳에도 쓰이지 말라 이러는 것이다Do not be of any use.
6:06계집의 학문이 그만하면 되었다You are already considered highly educated
for a girl.
6:09기별지는 허락 못 한다Hence, I will not allow those newspapers.
6:18청이고 법국이고 덕국이고 앞다투어 조선으로
Qing, Germany, and France are all flooding
into Joseon.
6:23(애신왜인들은 쌀까지 퍼 갑니다The Japanese even steal rice from us.
6:25조선의 운명이 이럴진데...That is how Joseon is--
6:26(사홍이러니 금하는 것이다이러니!That is precisely why I am forbidding you.
6:30[무거운 음악이 나라에는 왕이 없다더냐?Does our country not have a king?
6:33조정 대신들이 없어?Are there no ministers in the court?
6:35아니설사 다 없어도Even if they were all absent,
6:38넌 안 된다it cannot be you.
6:43이 집안에서 조선의 운명 걱정은Our family has worried enough about the well
being of this kingdom.
6:47네 아비네 큰아비로 되었단 말이다has worried enough about the well-being of
this kingdom. Your father and uncle are more
than enough.
6:55단정히 있다가 혼인하여Be elegant and proper. Find a good husband
6:57지아비 그늘에서 꽃처럼 살란 말이다Be elegant and proper. Find a good husband
and live as a flower under his care.
7:01나비나 수놓으며 살아Fill your time with embroidering butterflies.
7:03화초나 수놓으며 살아Live your life embroidering beautiful plants.
7:06그게 그리도 어렵단 말이냐?Is that really too much to ask?
7:11그럼 차라리 죽겠습니다Then I would rather die.
7:25(함안댁) [울먹이며아이고우리 애기씨 큰일
If something happens to Lady Ae-sin,
7:27아이고나도 따라 콱 죽을란다I'm going to follow her and die too.
7:32아이고내가 죽을란다 아이고애기씨요!I will take my life as well. My lady!
7:36아이고애기씨요My lady!
7:38아이고칠첩반상 하면 뭐 하노먹지도 않는데I made lots of dishes for her
7:42아이고맛있는 반찬 많이 했구로but she is refusing to eat.
7:44[통곡하며아이고애기씨요아이고Lady Ae-sin!

7:47우리 애기씨 큰일 나면 내도 콱 죽을 거다아이
I'm going to take my own life if anything
happens to her! My gosh...
7:51벌써 나흘째 곡기를 끊으시고 물 한 모금 안 갖
다 대십니다
She has not eaten anything for four days. She
is even refusing to drink water.
7:55(행랑아범애기씨가 저러시니 함안댁도 덩달
Her servant is utterly distraught as well.
7:57이러다 참말로 줄초상 치르는 거 아닌가 싶구
I am worried that we might end up burying two
bodies, my lord.
8:04대감마님Yes, my lord.
8:06멧 고기가 먹고 싶으니 장 포수를 들라 이르게I wish to eat wild boar, so have the gunner,
Jang, come and see me.
8:10이 와중에 시방뭔 고기를...How could you wish to eat meat when--
8:16자신다 하시니 싸게 댕겨오겠구머니라Since you'd like to eat it, I will fetch him right
away, my lord.
8:44(사홍나라는 신문물이 흘러들어 경박해지고The new culture has made this country
shallow and crude.
8:50위정자들은 매국노와 다름이 없으며The politicians are nothing but traitors,
8:53젊은 선비들은 목적을 잃고 사방으로 흩어지니and young scholars have scattered across the
country after losing purpose.
8:58이 늙은이는 작금의 조선이 몹시 언짢네This old man is greatly displeased with today's
9:03송구합니다대감마님I am sorry to hear that, my lord.
9:05(사홍조선은 날로 위태로워지는데Joseon is becoming more and more
9:08그 아이는And she seems to want
9:10자기 아비처럼 몸을 숨긴 투사로to become a hidden fighter
9:14그 모든 시간을 지나갈 모양일세throughout that time just like her father.
9:19정말 자기 아비를 따라갈까 봐 그토록 막아섰
I have been doing everything I could to stop
her from following her father's footsteps.
9:24기어코 간다면However, if that is her wish,
9:27더는 막을 수가 없다면and if I cannot stop her any longer,
9:30살길을 가르쳐 줘야 하는 거 아니겠는가I should teach her the means of survival.
9:35난 이미 자식 둘을 잃었네I have already lost two children,
9:38손녀마저 잃을 수는 없네so I absolutely cannot lose my granddaughter
9:43지켜 달라고는 안 하겠네I will not ask you to protect her.
9:46자기 몸 하나 지킬 수만 있게 해 주게Just teach her what she must know to protect
9:52그리하겠습니다대감마님I will, my lord.
10:49할아버님께서 날 죽이라시던가?Did my grandfather order you to kill me?
10:54아니면 다행이네내게는 죽으라셨네I am glad if he did not because he told me to
11:00개울이 멉니다아껴 드세요Winter is long, my lady. Be sparing.

11:08그럼 날 대체 왜 자넬 따라 보내신 건가?Why did he tell me to follow you?
11:12(승구애기씨지금 이 시간부터My lady, from this moment on,
11:15소인이 애기씨의 스승입니다I am your mentor.
11:18스승?My mentor?
11:22(애신자네가 내게 대체 뭘...What will you teach me?
11:24총포술입니다Gunnery, my lady.
11:27총포술내게 말인가?Gunnery? -Me? -It was your grandfather's
11:30어르신 명이 그러합니다-Me? -It was your grandfather's order.
11:33(승구하니 하대는 곤란하겠지스승에게That being said, the one speaking formally
should be you.
11:37대체 할아버님과는 어찌 아는 자인데...How do you know my grandfather?
11:42어찌 아는 자이시온데?I mean, how do you know him, sir?
11:45옷부터 갈아입고 갈아입을 옷은 안에 있다Get changed first. You will find your clothes
11:57(애신옷 갈아입고 총부터 쏘는 겐가?Will I shoot guns after I get changed?
12:02혼잣말이었습니다I was talking to myself.
12:05질문 같았는데It sounded like a question.
13:30저 언제까지 산만 탑니까?Have I not climbed enough?
13:34총을 쏘는 순간 본인의 위치가 들킨다The moment you fire a gun, your location will
be revealed.
13:37그럼 어찌해야 할까?What should your next move be?
13:40- (애신한 발 더 쏩니까? - (승구빠르게 튀어
-Do I shoot again? -No, you run.
13:43(승구방금 그 훈련이 끝났다 이제 이 훈련이
The climbing part is over. Now, it is time for
14:50반응이 늦다돌자마자 쐈어야지You are too slow. You should have shot as
you turned.
14:56숨은 이가 동지일 수도...But it could be an ally.
15:04멧돼지가 어찌나 크던지 맥도 못 추고 들이받
혔지 뭐냐
That was one huge wild boar. It ran straight at
15:09발목이 삐어 오셨을 때 이미 써먹으셨습니다You already used that excuse when you
sprained your ankle.
15:12(애신) [한숨 쉬며얼굴이 찢어져 오셨을 때The lovers' quarrel
15:14치정 싸움이라 하셨던 게 차라리 낫습니다that resulted in a torn face was more
15:18걱정 마십시오Do not worry.
15:20스승님이 무얼 하시든 안 물을 것입니다I will not ask what you were doing.
15:24멧돼지랑 치정 싸움을 하셨대도 그런가 보다
할 것입니다
I will believe you even if you say that you
fought with a boar over a woman.
15:29죽지나 마십시오Just do not die.
15:34그러다 어느 날엔가One day though,
15:37'너도 하겠느냐?'if you ask me

15:40하시면to join you,
15:42'하겠습니다'I will say yes
15:47할 것입니다without a doubt.
15:52그래서 연습도 열심히 합니다That is why I have been training hard.
15:55사발 다섯 개 중 두세 개는 명중입니다I hit at least two or three each time.
15:58(승구다른 방법도 있다There is always another way.
16:01신문에 글을 써 알리든지You can write for a newspaper
16:04야학으로 가르침을 준다든지or teach at a night school.
16:05한 나라의 황후가 시해당했습니다The Empress of this kingdom was murdered.
16:09나라님은 남의 나라 공사관으로 도망을 쳐The King fled to another country's legation
16:12이 나라 저 나라 황제에게 글로 손을 벌립니다and has been asking other countries for help
in the form of letters.
16:18그 덕에 서양 대국들이 줄지어 조선에 간섭합
Thanks to that, foreign nations have been
intruding our land.
16:25힘이 없습니다have no power.
16:29저는 총포로 할 것입니다I will fight with a gun.
16:33연습을 더 하거라Then train more.
16:35다섯 개 중You must be able to nail
16:37다섯 개가 다 명중이어야 한다all five out of five.
16:44Yes, Master.
16:53(소년호외요호외요!A special edition! A special edition!
16:57호외요호외호외요!Get your special edition!
17:00(일식뭐여또 격변이여?What's going on? Another change?
17:12(춘식미리견하고 서반아하고 전쟁이 날 건갑
It sounds like the Americans and the Spanish
are close to war.
17:16- (일식미리견? - (춘식-"The Americans"? -Yes.
17:18그 견은 뭔 견이여투견이여?What is that? A tin can?
17:21그라믄 서반아는예?What do you think Spain is, then?
17:24아는 아여?Is it someone you know?
22:43스페인에서 살아 돌아오다니I think I have used up all of my wishes
22:46(타카시내 올해 치 소원은 다 썼군for this year to survive the battle in Spain.
22:52[일본어난 누구처럼 미국인이 아니라서Unlike you, I'm not American.
22:56다시 발령 났다며조선으로I heard you're being transferred again. This
time, to Joseon.
23:01여기 뉴욕도 조선인 유학생들이 꽤 느네There are more Joseon students in New York
than ever before.
23:04조선이 먹고살 만해진 건가?Life in Joseon must have improved.
23:06고립되기 싫은 걸지도Maybe they don't want to be isolated.
23:08(유진너도 곧 귀국 아니야?I thought you were going to return to your
country soon as well.

23:11(타카시Yes, soon.
23:14유진일본이랑 조선은 무척 가까워Eugene, Japan and Joseon are very close.
23:17나 귀국하면 놀러 와동경에When I go back home, you should visit me in
23:19일본에는 조선에 없는 것들이 아주 많다고In Japan, there are many things that you can't
find in Joseon.
23:22그럼 그거 들고 네가 한성으로 와 술 살게You can bring those things to Hanseong. I'll
buy you drinks.
23:27(타카시내가 한성으로 가면If I go to Hanseong,
23:31안 반가울 텐데I won't be welcomed.
23:37그래도 술 사야 한다약속 지켜You'll still have to buy me drinks. You'd better
keep your word.
24:39(상인) [한국어아이고애기씨안녕하십니까-Hello, my lady. -Hello.
24:43- (행인1) 안녕하십니까요애기씨 - (행인2) 
-Hello, my lady. -Hello, my lady.
24:47(남종애기씨!Lady Ae-sin!
24:49애기씨저 기억 못 하셔요?My lady, do you not remember me?
24:52저 애기씨 옷감 들고 몇 번 댁에도 갔었습니다I visited your residence a few times with some
24:55(함안댁아이고아이고아이고기네Oh! That's right. I remember you.
24:59애기씨포목점 윤가 딸내미 남종이 아닙니
My lady, she's Nam-jong. Her father is the
draper, Yun.
25:03(애신!Oh, right.
25:05못 본 새 훌쩍 커 못 알아보았다You have grown so much that I did not
recognize you.
25:07그래올해 몇이나 되었지?Tell me. How old are you this year?
25:10제가 애기씨보다 두 살 많습니다I am two years older than you, my lady.
25:13(애신...I see.
25:15(함안댁근데 니는 우찌 양이랑 같이 있노?By the way, what are you doing with a
25:19니 혹시 신식 학당에 대니나?Do you go to the new school?
25:21(남종거기서 잉글리시를 배웁니다 아
분이 선생님이세요
Yes. I learn English there. She's my teacher.
25:39(남종) [한국어반가우시답니다She's pleased to meet you, my lady.
25:41나도 알아들었다I understood that much.
25:44(애신양이들 말을 제법 하는구나You speak their language pretty well.
25:47그래그 잉글...So, that language...
25:54그건 배워 어디에 쓰오벼슬을 하오?What is the use of that thing you teach? Is it
for a title?
26:01[한국어그리 어려운 말은 아직 못 배워 통변이
I haven't learned such difficult words yet, so I
cannot interpret your question.
26:05근데 저는 잉글리시를 배워 벼슬 말고But as for me, I am not learning English to
gain a title.

26:11러브를 할 겁니다I am doing it for love.
26:14저는 벼슬보다I do not care much for a title,
26:17러브가 더 좋습니다but I do want love.
26:27[한국어하면 살펴 가셔요애기씨Goodbye, my lady.
26:42(애신벼슬 말고 하겠다는 거 보면If she wants that more than a title,
26:45벼슬보다 좋은 것임이 분명한데it must definitely be something better.
26:47좋은 거카마 싹 다 해도 학당 소리는 그 입에 담
지도 마이소
You can do all the good things, but do not
even think about mentioning the new school.
26:54(애신대관절 그게 무엇이길래What could it be?
27:19(로건) [일본어무사히 정비를 마치고The preparations went without a hitch.
27:21드디어 내일 다시 종로에 가로등이 점등됩니다The preparations went without a hitch.
Tomorrow, all the streetlights in Jongno will
finally be lit.
27:25[잔잔한 음악이 흘러나온다] (로건미국의 기
술력이 오늘날 조선을 밝히니
America's technology is bringing light to
27:31조선은 미국에게 감사해야 하오Joseon should be grateful to America.
27:35여부가 있겠습니까?Yes, definitely.
27:36제가 내일 조선을 대표해 술 한잔 올리지요I will buy you a drink tomorrow to thank you
on behalf of Joseon.
27:43화월루 어떠십니까?How about at Hwawollu?
27:46(로건) [감탄하며거기 일본 기생들이 훌륭하
I heard the geisha there are outstanding.
27:51(세훈백문이 불여일견이지요As they say, seeing is believing.
27:59- (세훈건배 - (로건-Cheers. -Cheers.
28:19들리시오발전기 돌아가는 소리Do you hear that? That's the sound of the
generator running.
28:23(로건저게 다 자애로운 미국이...It's all thanks to the wisdom of the
28:27연기 때문인가 봅니다It must be the smoke.
28:29문을 좀 열겠습니다I will crack the door open.
28:32괜찮으십니까?Are you all right?
28:44(로건근대 국가로 거듭나기 시작한Here is to the uncivilized Joseon
28:47우리 미개한 조선을 위하여!that is just beginning to develop.
28:52- (로건건배! - (세훈건배!-Cheers. -Cheers.
30:49(애신) [한국어표적은 하나One target.
30:52(유진저격수는 둘Two snipers.
30:55(애신동지인가?A comrade?
31:23(남자1) 방금 이상한 소리 못 들었어총소Did you hear that strange thud just now? It

리 같은 거sounded like a gunshot.
31:27- (남자2) 총소리? - (남자1) A gunshot? Yes.
31:29(남자2) 에이발전기 소리 아니고?No way. Wasn't it the generator?
31:33- (남자1) 아니... - (남자2) 아유춥다No? It's so cold.
31:36아닌가?I guess I was wrong.
31:38(남자1) 아유그나저나 대체 불은 언제 들어오
는 거여
By the way, when will the lights come on?
31:41춥다이건 뭐기다리다 동사하겄네It's so cold. We'll freeze while we wait.
31:44- (남자2) 갈까? - (남자1) 참아-Shall we just take off? -Wait.
31:46(남자2) 아이그랴All right.
32:06(애신화약 냄새다The smell of gunpowder.
32:09(유진방금Just now.
32:10(애신저 사내That man.
32:12(유진저 여인That woman.
32:14여인?Wait, a woman?
34:22(유진나를 찾는 거면 이쪽이오If you're looking for me, I'm over here.
34:36귀하를 찾은 적 없소I was not looking for you.
34:38찾던데?You were.
34:40오해요No, you are wrong.
34:43어느 쪽으로 가시오?Which way are you going?
34:45그건 왜 묻소?Why do you ask?
34:46그쪽으로 걸을까 하여I am thinking I should go the same way.
34:49(유진사방에는 낭인이고There are stragglers everywhere,
34:51우린 서로 뭔가 들킨 듯하니and it looks like we know something about
each other.
35:05(애신사람을 잘못 본 모양이오I think you mistook me for someone else.
35:08하나 이방인이니 목숨은 구할 거요However, your life will be spared since you
are a foreigner.
35:12왜 내가 이방인이라 단정하는 거요?Why do you assume that I am a foreigner?
35:15희귀한 의복Your strange attire,
35:17(애신존대이나 불손한 말투the way you talk, which is formal yet insolent,
35:20무엇보다and most importantly,
35:22살피나 여전히 알아보지 못하는 눈빛the way you observe but fail to recognize.
35:28귀하는 내가 누군지 모르지 않소You do not know who I am.
35:32조선에선In this country,
35:34그 어떤 사내도 감히 나를no man would ever dare to keep me
35:38노상에 이리 세워 놓을 순 없거든standing outside like this.
35:43(행인3) 아이고애기씨애기씨 아니신게라?Lady Ae-sin. Is that really you?
35:46(행인4) 어머애기씨여기 계셨어요?My gosh! What are you doing here, my lady?
35:48(행인5) 편안하셨습니까애기씨?How have you been, my lady?

35:50이 밤에 우짠 일이십니까함안댁도 대동 안 하
Why are you out at night without company?
35:53그이들은 심부름 중이야 약방으로 오기로 했네My servants are running my errands now. I will
meet them at the apothecary.
35:56(행인4) I see.
35:58저기 옵니다성님여기요!There she is. We're over here!
36:03(행랑아범왜들 이러고 섰어여기도 무슨 일
Why are you all here? Did something
36:06시방 진고개는 난리가 났어Something crazy happened over the hill.
36:08(함안댁아이고진고개 그거 왜 왜각시 술집
안 있습니까
You know, the bar on the outskirts.
36:12거기서 그양이가 죽어 갖고Apparently, a Westerner died in one of the
rooms there.
36:14저쪽에는 지금 마불 구경은 구경 축에도 못 낀
다 아입니까
Watching a raging fire is nothing compared to
what is going on over there.
36:17이런Oh, dear.
36:19(애신날도 궂고 가두도 어수선하니 서둘러야
The weather is terrible, and it sounds like
things will get rowdy. We should hurry home.
36:24길을 잃었다 하니 살펴 주고This man is lost. Show him the way.
36:27- (행인5) 예 - (애신가세-Of course, my lady. -Let's go.
36:30(함안댁Yes, my lady.
36:43- (행랑아범가자 - (함안댁가소Watch her dress.
36:48(행인5) 살펴 가세요애기씨Goodbye, my lady.
36:55어딜 찾으십니까나리?Where are you going, sir?
37:16(행인5) [한국어이래서 애기씨가 저리 급히...That's why Lady Ae-sin was in such a hurry.
37:20(행인3) 애기씨 그렇게 안 봤는데 영 못 쓰시겄
-Gosh. -She told us to help him. You're
37:22성님같이 가요성님!Hey, wait up. Hey!
37:39(애신동지였으면 서둘러 비켰어야 하고Had he been a comrade, he would have
escaped fast.
37:45적이었으면 더 서둘러 비켰어야 할 터인데Had he been a foe, he should have escaped
even faster.
37:49(유진그쪽으로 걸을까 하여I am thinking I should go the same way.
37:52(애신같은 쪽으로 걷겠다라He would go the same way as me?
37:55(유진사방에는 낭인이고There are stragglers everywhere,
37:57우린 서로 뭔가 들킨 듯하니and it looks like we know something about
each other.
38:01(애신대담한 자인가대책이 없는 자인가Is he gutsy or careless?
40:00(관수뉘십니까?Who are you?
40:09본국에서 온 영사 대리요I'm the acting consul from the States.
40:11[의아한 숨을 들이켜며본국이면"The States"?
40:14미국 분이시란 말씀이시오?Are you saying you are American?
40:18From your face to the way you talk,

(관수어허얼굴이며 말이며
40:22영락없이 조선 사람인데you look like one of us.
40:27(유진유진 초이요I'm Eugene Choi.
40:46아이고나리!Oh, my goodness.
40:48(관수아이고나리송구합니다My apologies, sir.
40:49안 그래도 본국에서 영사 대리께서 오신다 하
여 기다리고 있었습니다
We heard the acting consul would be arriving.
We were waiting for you, sir.
40:52공사관에 근무하는 역관 관수입니다 성은 임가
I'm Gwan-su. I work at the legation as an
interpreter. My surname is Im.
40:56근데 이리 조선 분이 오실 줄은 생각도 못
I had no idea it'd be someone who is originally
from Joseon.
40:59미국인이오I am American.
41:03(관수그게그러니까... 공사님을 뵀으면
-Oh, what I meant was-- -I'd like to meet the
41:06공사님께서는 지금 장례식장에 가셨습니다He is attending a funeral at the moment.
41:10엊저녁에 진고개에서 미국인이 죽어서Last night, an American died near the hill.
41:14어디요?Where is it?
41:16어디가요?Pardon me?
41:18그 장례식장Where is the funeral taking place?
41:34(관수) [한국어맨 왼쪽 기모노가 일본 공사 하
The one in kimono is the Japanese minister,
41:36키 큰 이가 아라사 공사 파블로프 그 옆이 영길
리 공사 조던
The tall one is the Russian minister, Pavlov.
Next to him is the British minister, Jordan.
41:40갓 쓴 양반들은 조선 조정의 외부대신 이세훈
The ones with those hats are Foreign Affairs
Minister Lee Se-hun
41:43궁내부 대신 이정문 대감이시고and Vice-Chamberlain Lee Jeong-mun.
41:44미망인인 로건 부인 옆에 계신 분이 우리 공사
관의 호러스 알렌이십니다
The man standing next to Ms. Taylor is our
minister, Mr. Horace Allen.
41:50(유진현재 한성에 거주하는 외국인 수가 어찌
How many foreigners reside in Hanseong at
the moment?
41:53청과 일본을 제외하고Except for those who are from Qing and
41:55(관수그게Well, that's...
41:58덕국 아홉법국 스물여덟 아라사 오십칠I think there are 9 from Germany, and 28 from
France. There are also 57 from Russia and 37
from England.
42:02영길리 삼십칠 그리고 미국이 구십...There are also 57 from Russia and 37 from
England. As for Americans, 95...
42:05[멋쩍게 웃으며한 분 더 오셔서 구십육I mean, 96, including you, sir.
42:07합쳐서 총 227명입니다In total, there are 227 foreigners living here.
42:10한 명 줄어 226We've lost one of them, so it's down to 226

42:15그렇죠Oh, yes. You're right, sir.
42:59(수미뉘십니까?Can I help you, sir?
43:06같이 왔어안에 있는 사내들이랑 [긴장되는 음
I came with the guys that are inside now.
43:10내가 대장이거든 그래서 난 안 들어가고 노는
I am their boss. That is why I'm hanging out
43:16(동매넌 이 집에서 일해?Do you work for this family?
43:19(수미Yes, sir.
43:22네가 보기엔 잘하고 있디?Do you think they are doing a good job?
43:26(수미?Pardon me?
43:28안에 있는 사내들이 잘 뒤지고 있더냐고Are my guys searching thoroughly?
43:31한 군데도 빠짐없이 확실히 뒤져야 하거든They must go through every nook and cranny.
43:34여기저기 엉망진창으로I told them to turn the house upside down.
43:39세간이랑 귀한 그릇들이랑 다 깨져 가지고...The furniture pieces and expensive
dinnerware are all broken.
43:44네 거 아니잖아Who cares? They are not yours.
43:54(낭인3) [일본어집에는 없는 듯합니다It doesn't look like it's here, Boss.
43:57(동매진짜 없는 걸까?Are you sure about that?
43:58너희들이 일을 못하는 건 아닐까?Or do you guys just suck at your job?
44:01확실히 뒤졌습니다We searched thoroughly, Boss.
44:03확실히 뒤졌는데도 없다는 건Then you guys couldn't find it
44:05그 문서에 발이 달리지 않고서야either because the document disappeared
into thin air
44:09발 달린 누군가가or because someone
44:11(동매어디 다른 곳에 잘 숨겨 뒀단 얘기일까?has already hidden it somewhere safe.
44:14(낭인3) 애들 몇을 장례식장에 보내 놨습니다I sent a few guys to the funeral.
44:16합류해서 미망인 뒤를 밟아 보겠습니다We will join them there and tail Ms. Taylor.
44:19따라와-Let's go. -Yes, sir!
44:31[한국어슬퍼너희 나리 죽어서Are you sad that your master is dead now?
44:37얘 봐라 뭘 알아듣고 우는 것 같네Look at that. It's as if that baby understood
what I just said.
44:41무서워서 우는 듯한데She must be crying because she is scared.
44:44갈 거야나도I'm going to take off too.
44:48근데 왜 무서울까?Why is she scared though?
44:51난 돈 안 되는 사람은 안 죽이는데I never kill people when I can't make money
off them.
45:14에헤망측하게Goodness, how indecent.
45:17슬슬 움직이시죠나리Let's get going, sir.
45:19공사께서 영사 대리 오시면 사건 수사부터 진
행하라고 하셨습니다
The minister said we should start investigating
right away when you arrive.
45:23보시다시피 공사님은 공사가 다망하셔서As you can see, he has a lot on his plate.

45:26(관수조선 경무청의 협조를 받긴 하되 지휘권
은 저희 공사관에 있다 하셨고요
He said we will get help from the Police
Bureau, but we will be in command.
46:03(역관) [한국어] '도처에 폭도가 끓고'He said that there are mobs everywhere,
46:05'외국인을 대상으로 흉악한 테러가 빈번하니'and the frequent heinous terrorist attacks
targeting foreigners make him
46:09'자국민의 안전이 심히 걱정되는바'deeply concerned for the safety of his fellow
46:12'부디 미군 주둔을 윤허하시어'He asked for an authorization for US troops to
be stationed in Joseon
46:14'혼란한 조선의 치안을 바로잡으소서폐하'to restore public order in the country, Your
46:18(세훈조선에도 군경이 있사온데We have our own troops. We have no reasons
46:20조선의 치안을 어찌 미국의 군대에게 맡기겠나
to let American troops straighten out our
public order.
46:23어불성설이옵니다It makes no sense, Your Majesty.
46:25만약 손이 필요하면 늘 그렇듯 일본이 도울 것
If we need help, the Japanese will jump in and
help us as they have always done.
46:29(정문일본은 누굴 도울 입장이 아니옵니다Japan is in no position to help anyone at the
46:32일군들이 치는 사고가 더 빈번하옵니다In fact, Japanese soldiers have been causing
many problems as of late.
46:36굳이 도움을 청해야 한다면If we must seek help,
46:39미군도 일군도 아닌we should turn neither to the Americans nor
the Japanese.
46:43아라사로 사료되옵니다I think it'd be best to ask Russia for help.
46:53(고종) [한국어세훈과 정문은 답하라Se-hun and Jeong-mun.
46:58- (정문폐하 - (세훈폐하-Yes, Your Majesty. -Yes, Your Majesty.
47:01(고종조선인이 그랬다는 증좌가 있는가?Is there any evidence that shows it was a
local's doing?
47:09없사옵니다 없사옵니다-No, Your Majesty. -No, Your Majesty.
47:11한데 그대들은 조선 백성들 모두를 폭도로 모
는 처사에는
Then why isn't any of you enraged by the fact
that he is talking as if
47:17어찌 침묵하는가?the people of Joseon are all mobs?
47:24- (고종안연 공사 - (알렌폐하Minister Allen. Yes, Your Majesty.
47:28그대 국민의 죽음은 매우 유감이오I am truly sorry for the loss of your fellow
47:33장례식이 있었다 들었소I heard that his funeral was held earlier today.
47:40[한국어한데 그대는But why is it...
47:43안색이 밝소that you seem so chipper?
47:49[한국어나가들 보라곤하다You may all leave now. I am quite tired.
47:52(고종지밀로 가배와 여송연을 들이라Bring some coffee and cigars to my
47:59(관수두 해 전 봄에 처음 가로등이 켜진 이래It must've been the biggest spectacle since
the night
48:01어제가 최고로 큰 구경거리였습니다when the first streetlamp went on two springs

48:05(유진특별한 연유가 있소?Is there a specific reason?
48:07(관수처음에 딸랑 2개가 켜졌던 등이 어제 드
600개가 켜졌으니
We only had two streetlamps, and we finally
got 600 more last night.
48:10불 구경이 났지요It sure was a spectacle.
48:12불 구경하러 식솔들까지 죄 기차까지 태워 온
이도 많았다 하고요
I heard many people took the train here with
their families to see it.
48:21다수의 목격자가 있다는 얘기겠군That means there must be a number of
48:23조선인은 구경거리만 있으면 그날이 공일
Yes, sir. It's like a holiday here whenever there
is such an event.
48:28경무청에 요청해서Get in touch with the Police Bureau and tell
them to gather everyone
48:29사건 현장을 본 자들 들은 자들말로 옮긴 자들Get in touch with the Police Bureau and tell
them to gather everyone who witnessed the
scene, heard anything, or have talked about it.
48:32모두 공사관으로 모아 놓으라 이르시오who witnessed the scene, heard anything, or
have talked about it.
48:34[살짝 웃으며걱정 마십시오잘들 모일 겝니다Please don't worry. That won't be a problem.
48:36공사관은 그 또한 구경거리니까요Even that will be an event worth watching.
48:38그럼 부탁합시다I'll leave it to you, then.
48:40어디 가십니까?Where are you going, sir?
48:41(유진퇴근 시간이라 [유진의 힘주는 기합]I'm calling it a day.
48:44(관수그럼 저는요나리?What about me, sir?
48:50[작은 소리로저도 퇴근합니다I'll call it a day too, then.
49:55홍파 있는가?Hong-pa, are you inside?
49:57[지친 신음을 내뱉으며나 왔네I'm here.
50:00(홍파뭔 호랑이 잡는 포수가 맨날 꿩이랑 토
When will you catch a tiger? All you catch is
pheasants and rabbits.
50:03성격 참 아기자기하기는You are such a coward.
50:05들어요식으면 맛없어Have some. It won't be good when it's cold.
50:08산군님이 어디 나 같은 놈한테 잡히신다던가,
No tiger would get caught by a mere gunner
like me.
50:14- (승구아이고 - (홍파알고 지내던 닭이오?Oh, boy. Did you know that chicken or what?
50:19아까부터 촉촉이 보고만 있길래You've been staring at it with such sad eyes,
50:22(홍파생전에 생이별을 하였는가 싶어서so I was wondering if it was your long lost
50:26처음 먹어 보는 거라I've never had this before.
50:28백숙도 못 사 먹을 입성은 아닌데But you look like you can easily afford a bowl
of baeksuk.
50:31탁주 한 사발 해야겠죠?You want rice wine, right?
50:33- (승구좋지 - (홍파기다려요-That'd be great. -Just a moment.

51:05표적은 하나저격수가 둘이었습니다Two snipers and one target.
51:08[총을 철컥 장전하며저를 믿지 못하여 다른 쪽
에서도 움직인 듯싶습니다
I think others made a move because they
couldn't trust me.
51:11- (승구다른 쪽? - (애신활빈당?-"Others"? -The Righteous Bandit, perhaps?
51:14혹은 스승님의 의병 중의 누군가?Or one of your militiamen?
51:17(애신그도 아니면 강원도 목단설이나 지리산
추설 쪽이 아닐는지요
If not those two, he could've been a bandit
from Gangwon Province or Mount Jiri.
51:23대책 없는 자이긴 하나He seemed pretty clueless,
51:25동지가 있다는 걸 확인했으니 전 괜찮습니다but I'm fine because I now know that I have a
51:30(승구표적이 같다 하여 동지인 것은 아니다Having the same target doesn't make him
your comrade.
51:34설사 오늘 동지라 하여 내일도 동지란 법이 없
As they say, allies today may not be allies
51:39그러니 아무도 믿지 마라Hence, do not trust anybody,
51:41나 또한 포함이다including me.
51:45안 믿은 지 꽤 됐습니다I stopped trusting you a while ago.
51:50집도 절도 없는 사람 뭘 보고 믿습니까?You are practically homeless. How am I
supposed to trust you?
51:57가거라그만Get going now.
52:01아유갑자기 피곤해지네Oh, boy. I'm suddenly so tired.
52:03(승구사발도 몇 개 없어 그만 때려 부수고 가I don't have that many bowls left. Stop
shooting and leave.
52:06스승님 하면 이만 하산하겠습니다Okay, Master. I'll get going, then.
52:34(행인5) 수상한 자요못 봤어라A suspicious-looking person? No, I didn't see
52:37수상한 놈이 어디 수상한 티를 낸답니까?Those who are up to something wouldn't
make it obvious.
52:39(행인5) 못 봤어라I didn't see anyone.
52:40근디 저번...But that man...
52:44아니진짜 못 봤어라Well, I really didn't see anyone suspicious.
52:48(남자2) 건달불이 어떻게나 밝은지Those lamps were incredibly bright.
52:52그거 구경하느라 뭐딴거 볼 겨를이 있어야지
I was so mesmerized by them that I didn't pay
attention to anything else.
52:57(소아) [일본어제 곁에서 로건 나리가 쓰러지
시는 바람에
Mr. Taylor, who was right by my side,
53:01총소리가 나고 나서는After hearing the gunshot,
53:03눈 감고 귀 막고 그저 숨어 있었습니다I just closed my eyes, covered my ears, and
53:08[한국어저기나리제가 잉글리시에만 정진한
터라 일본 말은
Sir, I've been focusing on mastering English,
so Japanese isn't--
53:11[일본어그럼 뭔가를 본 사람은 없다는 얘기군
So basically, no one saw anything.

53:19(행인4) [한국어전 양이가 죽었대서After I heard that a Westerner died,
53:21구경이나 할까 하고 나가는 길에 애기씨랑 마
주쳤지 뭡니까
I stepped out to see what was going on, and I
ran into Lady Ae-sin on the way there.
53:26애기씨도 어제 거기 계셨어요?She was there too?
53:27그래식겁했어Yes, I was so surprised to see her.
53:30(행인4) 주문하신 탕약 찾으러 오신댔는데She had told me she'd be picking up her
herbal decoction.
53:32아유아유정신없는 년Gosh, I'm so forgetful.
53:34딱히 목격한 바가 없다고들 하니...Since everyone is saying they didn't see
53:37저 양반도 계셨는데He was there too.
53:42(관수나리도 계셨습니까?You were there too, sir?
53:43그럼 나리도 애기씨를 보셨겠네요?Oh, then you must have seen Lady Ae-sin as
53:47내가 말이오?-Me? -So what?
53:48(행인4) 뭐 보셨으면 어째 계셨으면 어
-Me? -So what? Who cares?
53:51애기씨가 뭐어디 이런 데불려 다니실 분
It's not like they can summon her.
53:54(관수그렇긴 한데Well, that is true,
53:55그래도 뫼셔 와야겠지요나리?still... Sir, we should summon her, right?
54:00(남자1) 이놈아네가 쪼매 높은 자리 있다
고 그러는 거 아니여
You jerk. I get that you have a lofty position,
but you can't do that.
54:03애기씨가 어떤 애기씨인데 어딜 오라 가라여?How dare you talk about summoning Lady Ae
54:06[한숨 쉬며그렇긴 하죠Well, you're right.
54:08그렇다고 공정한 수사에 목격자를 가려서야 쓰
But we ought to question every witness fairly
54:11(관수법이 지엄한데요according to the law.
54:12[비장한 음악애기씨는 사리가 분명하셔서 이
해해 주실 겁니다
She will understand as she is thoughtful and
54:16염려 마십시오나리 제가 책임지고 뫼셔 오겠
Please don't worry, sir. I will be sure to bring
54:24뭣이 어째애기씨를 뭐 어쩌고 어째?What did you just say? You need to take Lady
Ae-sin to where?
54:27(행랑아범이 댁이 어느 댁인지 몰라시방?Don't you know who her grandfather is?
54:30[한숨 쉬며미국인이 죽어서 조선의 입장이 난
Our government is in a bit of a bind as an
American died on our land.
54:34정말 송구하지만 애기씨를 본 이들도 있고 해
I am really sorry, but some people saw her at
the scene, so we'll have to--
54:38- (관수애기씨도 오셔야... - (행랑아범어떤
but some people saw her at the scene, so
we'll have to-- Who the hell said that? Who
said they saw Lady Ae-sin there?
54:40(행랑아범어느 눈깔이 애기씨를 뵌 거여?Who the hell said that? Who said they saw
Lady Ae-sin there?

54:42눈깔을 확 뽑아 먹물을 쭉 빨아 허연 세상만 보
게 만들어 줘
Shall I pull their eyes out and suck out all the
fluid so that they can't see a thing?
54:46(애신목소리 낮추게Lower your voice.
54:49(행랑아범애기씨 언제부터 거기 계셨...Oh, my lady. How long have you been
standing there?
54:52그러니까 눈깔은 저...Please forget what I said--
54:53하얀 세상만 들었네I only heard the last few words.
55:01금일명일은 어렵고 모레는 어떤가?Both today and tomorrow won't work. How
about the day after tomorrow?
55:06[살짝 웃으며그리 전하겠습니다애기씨I'll let them know, my lady.
55:09(관수이리 찾아뵙게 되어 송구합니다I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience.
55:13이해하네I understand.
55:16할아버님께는 여쭙지 말고Do not tell my grandfather though.
55:32나를 보았다고 고할 자라... [긴장되는 음악]Who could have said they saw me there?
55:35(유진어느 쪽으로 가시오?Which way are you going?
55:38(애신그건 왜 묻소?Why do you ask?
55:39그쪽으로 걸을까 하여I thought I should go that way...
55:42(유진사방에는 낭인이고 우린 서로 뭔가 들킨
There are stragglers everywhere, and it looks
like we know something about each other.
55:46이자가...It must have been that man.
55:55(남자4) 어유뭐야이거?Gosh, what is this?
55:57맛이 왜 이래사약이야뭐야?It tastes awful. Is this poison or what?
55:59거 목소리 낮추게Keep your voice down.
56:01폐하께서도 즐겨 드신다는 가배라는 탕일세It's called coffee. The King drinks it often as
56:05곧 이완익 대감도 귀국한다는데I heard Lord Lee Wan-ik will return soon.
56:07(남자3) 가배 정도는 미리 배워 놔야 자리를 만
들어도 만들 게 아닌가
You should familiarize yourself with coffee to
get a meeting with him.
56:10(남자4) 내가 개화가 좀 늦었기로 사람 괄시하
지 말게
I know that I got on the bandwagon a little
late, but don't be all condescending like that.
56:15내 가배 맛은 몰라도I have never had coffee before,
56:16이 친일하고자 하는 마음은 둘째가라면 서러운
but I can confidently say that no one is more
pro-Japanese than I am.
56:19(남자3) [어이없는 숨을 내뱉으며이 친구...
남자4) 잠깐
-Jeez, you're such a talker. -Hold on.
56:22보자 네년은 하룻밤 해웃값이 얼마냐?Hey, show me your face. How much does it
cost to spend a night with you?
56:25(귀단이거 놓으십시오나리Please let go of me, sir.
56:27저는 창기가 아니라 여급입니다I am a server here, not a whore.
56:29- (남자4) 예끼그게 그거지 - (남자3) 어허
거 진짜!
-It's the same thing. -Hey, what the hell are
you doing?
56:31(히나그 손목 놓으시지요Let go of her, sir.

56:41(남자4) 어허이 손목 놓으면 네년 손목을 잡힐
If I let go of her hand, will you let me hold
56:45낫기는 네년이 더 낫구나?Hey, you are actually prettier.
56:48안목이 출중하십니다I must say, you have a good eye, sir.
56:50하나 그 어느 쪽도 잡지 못하실 겁니다But you won't be able to hold either of our
56:53(남자4) 어째서?Why is that?
56:59(남자4) 이년이 미치지 않고서야! (남자3) 제발
그 입 좀
-You bitch! Are you out of your mind? -Shut
57:03이 이는 이 빈관의 주인인 쿠도 히나 양일세She is Ms. Hina Kudo, the owner of this hotel.
57:05이렇게 벗을 함부로 사귀시니 참으로 실망입니
정 사마
You should choose your friends more
selectively. I am utterly disappointed, Mr.
57:09(남자4) 아니주인이 계집년이 이 큰 빈관
의 주인이라고
The owner? This wench owns this huge hotel?
57:13(남자3) 이자가 진짜! [남자4의 신음]Shut your mouth, will you?
57:15미안하게 됐네마음 푸시게히나 양 데리고 나
I apologize on his behalf. Please forgive us,
Ms. Hina. I'll get him out of here.
57:19친일이든 친미든 하고 싶거들랑 당장 나오게,
You must leave this instant if you want to call
yourself pro-Japanese!
57:28(귀단) [울먹이며어째요?I am so sorry.
57:30저 때문에 이 귀한 걸 죄송합니다아씨You broke that expensive thing for me. I am
truly sorry, my lady.
57:35(히나그깟 잔이야 다시 사면 그만It's just a saucer. We can buy another one.
57:38나는 네가 더 귀하단다You are more important to me.
57:42그러니 앞으로 어느 누구든 너를 해하려 하면If anyone tries to harm or take advantage of
57:45울기보단 물기를 택하렴bite that person instead of breaking into tears.
57:51아씨Yes, my lady.
57:56[일본어소란을 일으켜 죄송합니다I am sorry about the commotion. I sincerely
58:13(히나) [한국어소란스러우셨죠송구합니다It got a little rowdy, didn't it? I apologize.
58:17(유진소란스러웠지만 재미있었소Yes, it did, but it was fun.
58:21못 뵙던 분이네요몇 호에 묵으시죠?I don't think we've met. Which room are you
staying in?
58:23304호에 묵소Room 304.
58:25304호면 그곳에는 미국인이 묵는다고 들었는
Room 304? I heard an American is staying in
that room.
58:30나도 이 호텔 주인이 일본인이라 들었는데I thought that this hotel was Japanese-owned.
58:37오늘 여러모로 실례가 많았으니 룸에 프리 드
링크 달아 놓을게요
I'll send a complimentary drink to your room to
apologize for all the trouble.
58:40제 성의니까 받아 주세요Please kindly accept it.
58:43여기 글로리의 주인I'm the owner of Glory Hotel,

58:46쿠도 히나입니다Hina Kudo.
58:48유진 초이요-I'm Eugene Choi. -Two foreigners met in
58:49(히나조선에서 만난 이국인들끼리 악수라도
-I'm Eugene Choi. -Two foreigners met in
Joseon. Shall we shake hands?
58:56치료부터피 많이 나는데Dress your wound first. You're bleeding a lot.
59:04악수도 내 룸에 같이 달아 두시오You can send the handshake up to my room
along with the drink.
59:06[열쇠가 짤랑거린다] (유진키는 맡아 주고I'll leave the key with you.
59:18(히나무슨 일 있어?What's the matter?
59:21(동매못 보던 자라I've never seen that man before.
59:24다쳤어?Did you hurt your hand?
59:26방으로 가자Let's go to the room.
59:38(동매다친 거야해친 거야?Did you get hurt or hurt someone?
59:42어쩌다?What happened?
59:43(히나) [물을 찰랑거리며계집아이 하나 돕느
I was trying to help one of the girls.
59:49그럼 이 계집아이는 내가 도와야겠네Then I should help this girl here.
59:55(히나찾고 있는 문건은 찾았어?Did you find the document you were looking
59:58(동매) [피식하며역시 모르는 게 없네You sure know everything.
1:00:00뭐 더 아는 건 없어?Do you know anything else?
1:00:03시체도 뒤졌고 집도 뒤졌는데We went through the dead body as well as his
1:00:07별게 없어서but found nothing.
1:00:08(히나알면 내가 찾았지If I knew anything, I'd find it myself.
1:00:12(동매그럼 혹시 여기 뒷문으로 드나드는 부인
들 중에
Is Ms. Taylor one of the women who visit this
1:00:16로건의 미망인도 있어?through the back door?
1:00:18미망인이 누구 만나는 이가 있으면 그쪽으로
파 볼까 하고
If she is seeing someone, -I should look into it.
-Don't you know that I never give out
1:00:21호텔 손님들 정보는 함구하는 게 원칙인 거 몰
-I should look into it. -Don't you know that I
never give out any information about my hotel
1:00:26아양 떤 보람이 없네I was all nice to you for nothing.
1:00:32간다I'm off.
1:00:34(동매약 잘 챙겨 발라Don't forget to put on ointment.
1:00:36그 손에 흉터는 안 어울려A scar does not suit that hand.
1:00:56혹시 이 잔이 유행이오?Is this style of teacup in fashion now?
1:00:59- (관수? - (유진아니오-Pardon? -Nothing.
1:01:09제가 말씀드리지 않았습니까저만 믿으시라
I told you that you can count on me, sir.
1:01:35(행랑아범대국의 공사관이라 그런가 규모가Look at this humongous place. It sure is the

아주 염병허네legation of a mighty nation.
1:01:41뒷간 찾다가 급한 놈은 지리겄네Some might shit their pants while trying to find
the toilet.
1:01:47(관수아이고오셨습니까애기씨Welcome, Lady Ae-sin.
1:01:50안으로 드시지요Please come inside.
1:01:59저번에 저애기씨한테 길 물었다던 그치 아
Isn’t that the man who asked you for
directions the other day?
1:02:04저자도 여기 불려 온 건가?Was he summoned too?
1:02:06(관수?Pardon me?
1:02:08아닙니다Oh, no. That gentleman wasn’t summoned.
1:02:10저 나리는 불려 온 것이 아니라 원래 여기 계십
Oh, no. That gentleman wasn’t summoned.
He is here all the time.
1:02:17그게 무슨 소리인가원래 여기 있다니What do you mean? He is always here?
1:02:19(관수) [살짝 웃으며이곳에서 근무하십니다He works here.
1:02:21저 나리가 바로 영사 대리십니다That gentleman is the acting consul.
1:02:24이 사건을 탐문 중이시고요He is here to investigate the case.
1:02:26[살짝 웃으며이쪽입니다애기씨This way, my lady.
1:02:31즈그들끼리는 그리 부르나 본데 역관인갑네요I guess that's how they call each other. He
must be an interpreter.
1:02:35(함안댁와 소작농 출신 이완익이도 양
이들 말 배워 가지고
Even that son of a tenant farmer, Lee Wan-ik,
studied the Western language
1:02:38일본에서 공사까지 해 먹는다 안 합니까?and worked his way up to become a minister
in Japan.
1:02:58애기씨이쪽으로Please have a seat, my lady.
1:03:04그 자리는...That is...
1:03:08근데 또 뭔가 그 자리에 앉으시는 게 맞는 것 같
기도 하고
I must say, it kind of makes sense for you sit
1:03:10눈치는 보이고...But this is awkward.
1:03:13왜 보자는 건지 여쭙게 (관수애기씨-Ask him why he wanted to see me. -Yes, my
1:03:18- (관수애기씨께서... - (유진며칠 전 가로
등이 켜지던 밤
-Lady Ae-sin-- -A few nights ago when
streetlamps lit up,
1:03:21(유진종로 거리 일각에서 이상한 것did you see anything or anyone suspicious
1:03:24혹은 이상한 자를 목격한 바가 없나 해서on the streets of Jongno?
1:03:27(행랑아범어제 일도 가물가물한디참말로I don't even remember what happened
1:03:30자네는 뭐 거시기한 거 있는가?What about you? Anything comes to mind?
1:03:32(관수뭐 보신 거 없으세요?Did you see anything?
1:03:34봤다그래I did.
1:03:37장 봤다I saw the things I bought.

1:03:39날 더 추워지기 전에 솜 틀고 면포 끊고?I ginned some cotton and bought fabrics to
prepare for winter. Why do you ask?
1:03:45(유진셋 모두에게 한 질문이오I’m asking all three of you.
1:03:50작금의 조선엔 이상한 것투성이라These days, Joseon is filled with oddities.
1:03:54지금 내 앞에도 서 있고There is one in front of me.
1:03:56(애신구체적으로 어떤 걸 보았어야 하는지I'd like to know more details of what I should
have seen.
1:04:00여쭙게Ask him.
1:04:04- (관수나리애기씨께서... - (함안댁니 입 딱
-Sir, Lady Ae-sin asks-- -Shut your mouth.
1:04:10우리 애기씨는 그런 이상한 거 보고 그러실 분
이 아니라예
My lady would never see anything suspicious.
1:04:13걸으실 때도 이렇게 앞만 탁 보고 걸으시고She only looks straight ahead when she
1:04:17눈도 구슬멘키로 반짝반짝하고and her eyes sparkle like glass marbles.
1:04:19한 올한 올 막 그리라 캐도 이리는 못 그린
다 캅니다
Nobody could paint eyes like hers.
1:04:22그림 같다고예She is like a work of art.
1:04:24우리 애기씨는 아무것도 모르는 애기라예
My lady is an innocent child. She is like a
1:04:30질문과 답이 안 맞는데That didn't answer my question.
1:04:31미안하오아무것도 몰라서I am sorry for knowing nothing.
1:04:49[한국어뭐라는 거여시방?What is he saying?
1:04:51[영어나리 잠시...Yes, sir. Would you please...
1:04:55[한국어두 분께서는 잠시 나가 주셔야 될
것 같습니다
Would the two of you please give them some
1:04:58(함안댁지금 뭐라 카노?What?
1:05:00그럼 우리 애기씨를 여기 혼자 계시게 하고
나가란 말이가
Are you telling us to leave Lady Ae-sin here
all alone?
1:05:03나가 있게걱정들 말고Wait outside. Don’t worry about me.
1:05:06(함안댁걱정이 와 안 됩니까?How could I not worry?
1:05:07애기씨가 무슨 꼬부랑말을 알아요 글을 알아
You can neither speak nor read that language,
my lady.
1:05:10입도 쩍 못 떼고 일자무식이니께 그거...You don't know a single word. You're
practically illiterate...
1:05:15뭐 합니까퍼뜩 안 나가고What are you waiting for? Let's go.
1:05:31(유진무식하게 안 보이니 걱정 마시오You don’t look ignorant, so don’t worry.
1:05:34쭉 그림 같소You look like a work of art.
1:05:38그럼 본론으로 돌아가서Let’s cut to the chase.
1:05:41범행 날엔 전등 점등식이 있었소There was a lamp-lighting ceremony on the
day of the crime.
1:05:44발전기 소리가 커서 총소리가 묻혔고The loud noise from the generator muffled the

sound of gunfire,
1:05:47거사 후에는 인파에 섞여 자취를 감추기도 적
and the big crowd there provided the perfect
hiding place.
1:05:52그래서 일부러 그날로 정한 거요That must have been why you chose that day.
1:05:54맞소?Aren't I right?
1:05:57그걸 왜 나한테 물으시오?Why are you asking me that?
1:05:59그저 도움을 청한 거요I am only asking for help.
1:06:02도울 생각 없소I have no intention of helping.
1:06:06총알이 날아온 방향은 두 방향이었소The bullets came from two directions.
1:06:11정말 어느 한쪽도 보지 못했소?Are you sure you didn't see either of the
1:06:14못 봤소Yes, I did not see anyone.
1:06:50난 본 것도 같은데I think I might have seen one of them.
1:07:11(애신수상한 게 그런 거라면If you call that suspicious,
1:07:15나도 본 것도 같소만I think I may have seen one of them too.
1:08:21(유진정체가 뭐요?Who are you?
1:08:24이방인이 상관할 바 아니오That is none of a foreigner’s concern.
1:08:27(애신그러는 귀하는 정체가 뭐요? [유진의 기
Let me ask you, then. Who are you, really?
1:08:30(관수저 나리가 외양은 저리 뵈어도Unlike what he looks like,
1:08:32영락없는 미국인이시라...he is entirely American.
1:08:34미국인?An American?
1:08:37(동매오늘 내 운세가 어떠냐?What's my fortune for today?
1:08:44(함안댁저놈 그때 그가마 그놈 아닙니까?Isn’t that the guy from the palanquin?
1:08:47애기씨가 살려 주신You saved his life.
1:08:52(애신신문에서 작금을 낭만의 시대라고 하더
I read from the newspaper that we are living in
the Romantic era now.
1:08:56단지 나의 낭만은But my romance
1:08:59독일제 총구 안에 있을 뿐이오lies in the muzzle of a German rifle.
1:09:03(유진주목받지 마시오Do not draw attention.
1:09:05미군의 총은 양반상놈 안 가리니까American guns treat the nobles and slaves
just the same.

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