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  미스터 션샤인 5

57s[무거운 음악] (행랑아범희성 도련님 아니신
Young Master Hui-seong, is that you?
59s(희성오랜만일세-Long time no see. -Young master, you're
1:00(행랑아범아이고도련님 돌아오셨구머니라,
드디어 오셨소
-Long time no see. -Young master, you're
back! Finally!
1:03들어오셔라언능 들어오셔라Come inside. Come on in, young master.
1:13(행랑아범아이여기 이분이 애신 애기씨여라This is Lady Ae-sin.
1:17도련님 정혼자이신 애기씨요She is your fiancée.
1:21그런 거 같아 내 막급 후회 중이었네I thought so, that's why I was regretting
1:27내 진작 올걸not coming sooner.
1:40내 부모의 시신은Did you at least
1:43수습은 했나?retrieve my parents' bodies?
1:50묻어 주기는 했어?Did you at least bury them?
1:52버렸지아랫것들 시신을We discarded them, of course. They were
1:55그땐 다 그렇게 했어 그땐 다 그렇게 했어도 묻
어 줬어야지
-That's how it was done back then-- -Even so,
you should have buried them.
2:00적어도 사람이면Any decent human being
2:02그랬어야지would have done so.
2:03그놈이 너한테나 부모지 우리한테는 종놈인데They may have been your parents, but they
were mere slaves to us.
2:08다시 말해 봐Say that again.
2:10[떨리는 목소리로미치셨소?Have you gone mad?
2:11이 총이 안 보이오이게?A gun is pointed at you!
2:13게 아무도 없느냐!Is anybody out there?
2:14(호선아까부터 없소아까부터There isn't anyone here!
2:19어디다 버렸냐 묻잖소He's asking where the bodies are.
2:21(안평어디다 버리긴 어디다 버려Where else would they be?
2:22뒈진 종놈들 내다 버리는 곳에다...We always dump the bodies at...
2:28아랫것들이 유명을 달리하면 매번 거시기 하는
When those who used to serve us die, we
would take them to...
2:33(안평말하자면...In other words...
2:35[작은 목소리로Together...
2:37합장이지합장They were all buried together.
3:06반갑소It's nice to meet you.
3:08그대의 정혼자I am your fiancé,

3:11(희성김희성이오Kim Hui-seong.
3:20꽃이Do you not like
3:22마음에 안 드시오?the flowers?
3:29꽃이 아니면 그렇다면 내 쪽이구려If it's not the flowers, then it must be me.
3:34내가 마음에 안 드시오?Am I not to your liking?
3:38[무거운 음악] (유진) '부모의 죄가 곧 자식의 죄
"The child must bear its parents' sin too."
3:44기억나?Remember that?
3:49수습한 장소를 반드시 찾아야 할 거야You'd better find where the bodies are.
3:53그렇지 않으면If you don't,
3:56내가 할 수 있는 모든 것을 다 해서I will do everything in my power
3:58이 집안을 박살 내 버릴 테니까to destroy your family.
4:02당신 아비가 그랬던 것처럼Just like your father did.
4:07그런 시대야That's how it is now.
4:08잡히면 잡히는 대로 다 꼬투리가 되는 시대Anything you say or do can be used against
4:13(안평알아보겠네I will look into it.
4:15내 약속함세I promise.
4:16(유진반드시 찾아서 미국 공사관으로 기별해Find them and notify the American legation.
4:22미국 공사관?The American legation?
4:24거긴 왜?Why there?
4:30난 미 해병대 대위I'm a Captain of the US Marine Corps,
4:33유진 초이다Eugene Choi.
4:56(안평네 이놈네 이놈들!Why you imbeciles!
4:58어디 있다 이제야 기어 나와 이놈들!Where were you all this time? You fools!
5:01(하인1) 나리나리Sir, sir!
5:05(희성미안하오내 걸음이 많이 늦었소I apologize for coming so late.
5:09(애신) 10년이오Ten years.
5:1210년 늦은 걸음을 이리 법도도 없이 한 것이
You turned up unannounced after being ten
years late.
5:16(애신할아버님 문중 묘제로 출타 중이시니My grandfather is out visiting our ancestral
5:19날을 잡아 다시 오시오so come back another time.
5:20날을 잡아 다시 오면When I do,
5:22(희성그땐 화가 좀 풀리겠소?would you be less angry at me then?
5:26화가 난 게 아니라 놀라는 중이오I am not angry. I'm just surprised
5:31생각했던 그대로의 사내라because you are exactly how I imagined.
5:35어떤...How did you imagine me?
5:39희고 말랑한 약골의 사내A fair-skinned and fragile weakling.
5:47희고 말랑한 약골의 사내"A fair-skinned and fragile weakling"?

6:00그대는 내가 생각했던 그대로가 아니오You are not exactly as how I imagined.
6:06그대는You are...
6:14꽃 같소like a flower.
6:41(돌쇠대감마님과 애기씨 신변에You wanted to know anything that happened
6:45일이 생기면 고하라고 하셔서to Lady Ae-sin or her grandfather.
6:48하면 값을 쳐주시겠다고 크든 작든 들고 오라
I heard you'd pay for the information
regardless of its importance.
6:54대감마님인가애기씨인가?So is this about Ae-sin or her grandfather?
6:57(돌쇠애기씨입니다요Lady Ae-sin, sir.
6:59큰일은 아닌 듯한데...It's not anything important--
7:01큰지 작은지는 내가 판단해That's for me to decide.
7:03(돌쇠Of course.
7:07일본에서 애기씨 정혼자가 찾아오셨는데the lady's fiancé came back from Japan.
7:11이것도 돈이 됩니까?Is this a worthy information?
7:16안 됩니까요?Is it not?
7:22이십 환요?Twenty hwans?
7:25이거면 돼지가 네 마리인데I could buy four pigs with this much.
7:27이거 정말 저저 주시는 겁니까요?Is this really for me, sir?
7:31또 오라고 여비 넉넉히 얹었어I'm paying you generously because I want to
see you again.
7:33(돌쇠그러면입죠또 오고말고요Of course, sir. You can count on it.
7:39[울먹이며감사합니다정말 감사합니다요Thank you. Thank you so much, sir.
8:14(동매) [일본어조선에는 언제 오셨나?When did you arrive in Joseon?
8:20(상인1) 뭐야그건 왜 물어네가 무슨 상
Who are you to ask me that? Why do you
care when I--
8:25이런 미친 새끼...You bastard!
8:32[한국어이 새끼고 저 새끼고 일본에 자빠져 있
Why are all these scumbags coming to
8:34왜 기어들어 와 가지고 난리야!They should just fucking stay in Japan!
8:41(낭인1) [일본어저희가 처리하겠습니다Let us take care of him, sir.
8:46(동매) [한국어얘 때문에 화가 난 거야얘 때
This piece of shit got on my nerves. It was this
8:50진짜야I'm not lying.
8:57[일본어일본 영사관이 문을 열자마자Do you know the second rule
9:00거류민에게 내린 지시 제2호가 뭔지 아나?that the Japanese legation issued upon its
foundation in Joseon?
9:05'벌거벗고 돌아다녀서 제국 신민의 체면을 훼
손하지 말 것
"Do not humiliate the empire by running
around naked."
9:11(상인1) 잘못했습니다살려만 주세요제발Forgive me. Please spare my life!
9:14이 거리에서 장사해 처먹고 싶으면 옷 입어If you want to do business here, put on some

9:20내가 고민이 많아I have a lot of worries these days.
9:23(동매너같이 빈손으로 기어들어 와서Because of dishonorable rats like you
9:25덕의는 없이 기리만 노리는 놈들 때문에who come to Joseon looking for easy profit,
9:29상권 확장이 안 되거든our district hasn't been able to expand.
9:33그게 다 돈인데?We're losing money because of you. Don't you
9:39- (낭인1) 데려와 - (낭인2) !-Take him. -Yes, sir!
9:44(상인1) 잘못했습니다!Sir, I'm sorry.
9:46용서해 주세요용서해 주세요!Please! Please forgive me!
9:58[한국어조심조심 내 오매불망 이것만 기다
Please be gentle. I've been waiting for this
day and night.
10:02이리 주게어서Bring it forward.
10:05청화화훼문병입니다It is a bottle vase with flower design.
10:09내가 또 꽃 좋아하지I do like flowers.
10:13(세훈시문 된 문양하며 유약의 맵시가 과히
I must say, the drawing on the vase and its
shape are quite resplendent.
10:19(은산뭐 [은산의 헛기침]Many offered me their gold and jade
10:20금을 보내네 옥을 보내네 이 온갖 데서 다 줄을
대고 하였사온데
Many offered me their gold and jade in return
for the vase,
10:25소인 대감마님께 제일 먼저 달려왔사옵니다but I came straight over to you, my lord.
10:31암 그래야지그렇고말고Of course. That you should.
10:35천한 역관 놈도I hear that even a lowly interpreter
10:37(세훈백자 하나로 일본을 등에 업었다는데 난
들 못 하겠나
could gain the favor of Japan with a single
white porcelain. So why can't I?
10:49내 자네 손에서 나온 물건이면 그게 뭐든As long as it's made by you, whatever it may
10:53천금도 아깝지가 않으이I wouldn't mind spending a fortune.
10:55또 들러 주게So come back again.
10:58알아봐 주시니Thank you.
11:00정말 소인 감사할 따름입니다 대감마님I am grateful for your recognition, my lord.
11:11(은산그만 좀 덜덜거려라이놈아Stop trembling, you fool.
11:13아이사내놈 간이 그리 작아서 얻다 쓰겄냐?A man should be bold and daring.
11:16(전 그냥 스승님 한 거 흉내 낸 것뿐인데But I was just imitating your work.
11:19그거를 파시면 어떡합니까?How could you sell something like that?
11:21(은산누가 만든 게 뭣이 중허냐?It doesn't matter who made it.
11:23누가 봐도 아름다운 게 중허지이런The fact that the buyer finds it beautiful is all
that matters.
11:28거봐라내 네놈은 재능이 있다 하지 않았느냐?See? I told you that you had the talent.
11:32앞으로도 너만 조용히 하면 이렇게 금을 얻는
If we keep this up and you keep your mouth
shut, we'll get our hands on plenty of gold.
11:36-But Master! -Stop it already.

[은산의 웃음] (스승님 상...
11:38(은산이놈아백숙이나 먹으러 가자-But Master! -Stop it already. Let's go eat
some baeksuk.
11:57(유진애기씨 노꾼이오I'm Lady Ae-sin's wherryman.
12:11[한국어하도 물으셔서 어쩔 수 없이...He kept asking, so I had to tell him.
12:49[한국어나리 스케줄을 물은 이가 한 명 더
There was one other person who asked about
your whereabouts.
12:56안녕하셨습니까나리?Have you been well, sir?
12:59그래 보여?Do I look well?
13:01(도미너 여기서 계속 얼쩡거렸잖아-Sorry? -You've been hanging around here,
13:04오가는 거 봤을 거 아니야?so you must've seen me.
13:06안녕해 보이냐고Do I look well to you?
13:08그게... 왜 자꾸 얼쩡거려?-Well... -Why are you wandering around here?
13:12나리께 꼭 은혜를 갚고 싶습니다I wish to repay you for your kindness.
13:15[애잔한 음악] (도미뭐든 시켜만 주십시오I'll do anything you ask of me, sir.
13:17시키시는 건 뭐든 하겠습니다I will do whatever you ask.
13:19이놈아내 코가 석 자야Hey, boy. My hands are already full.
13:22(도미코가 석 자라 하지 않으셨습니까?You said you had enough of your own
13:25뭐든 시켜만 주시면 은혜를 꼭 갚겠습니다Just let me serve you and I'll do anything you
13:32그때 이런 마음이셨겠구나So this is how he must've felt.
13:38귀찮으셨겠어It must've been troublesome
13:40마음 어지럽고and uneasy.
13:47다신 얼쩡거리지도 말고And don't ever come back.
14:03(활터지기관중이오!Bull's eye!
14:07부인은 참 실력이 줄지를 않습니다Your archery skills are always top-notch.
14:10과찬이십니다바람이 없어 그렇지요You're too kind. I owe it to the lack of wind.
14:12(임씨우리 동서야 맵시솜씨 뭐 하나 나무랄
게 없지요
My sister-in-law sure is beautiful and talented.
14:17아들만 낳아 대를 이었으면 더할 나위 없었을
If only she gave birth to a son to carry on the
family line, I couldn't ask for more.
14:23언짢은가?What's wrong? Did I hit a soft spot?
14:30오늘 형님의 과녁은 저인가 봅니다It seems like I am your target today.
14:33매년 묘제 때마다 종친들이 의가 상하니 하는
I'm just saying because it creates conflict at
the annual family gatherings.
14:38상완 서방님 그리되신 지 벌써 몇 해째인가It's been years since Sang-wan passed away.
14:41(임씨참척의 슬픔이야 비통한 일이나 그만 인
정을 하고
Losing a child is always sad, but you should
move on

14:45양손을 받아들여 후일을 도모하는 것이and carry on the family line even if you must
adopt a son.
14:48자식 된 도리라는 것을 어찌 몰라Why can't you see that's the right thing to do?
14:51그 큰 재산을 자넨 사위들 손에 홀랑 털어 줄 참
At this rate, your sons-in-law will end up with
all of the family's assets.
14:59아버님 뜻이 그러하시면 그리해야죠If that is what Father wants, then that is what I
will do.
15:02이보게!-Look here. -Father is still very healthy,
15:03아버님 아직 강녕하시고 애신이 아직 혼인 전
-Look here. -Father is still very healthy, and
Ae-sin could marry a man who could come
live with us.
15:06데릴사위를 들일 수도 있고and Ae-sin could marry a man who could
come live with us.
15:08(조씨설령 상완 서방님 제사를 지내게 된다
Even if I were to hold a memorial service for
15:11형님께서 무에 상관이십니까?it would still be none of your business.
15:13아버님 양손이면 제 자식인데Father's adoptive grandson is my son as well
15:16형님 댁에서 양자 들일 생각이 추호도 없습니
and I do not intend to adopt one from your
15:19자네 정말... (중년 부인1) 또 관중이오-Why you... -Another bull's eye!
15:21이보시오! [조씨가 활을 탕 쏜다]Look here!
15:24(중년 부인1) 그나저나 윤씨 부인은 어찌 오늘
I wonder why Lady Yun is absent today.
15:27모임에 빠지신 적이 없는데She never misses an outing.
15:29(중년 부인2) 우리 집 아랫것들 말로는My servants tell me
15:31글쎄윤씨 부인께서 자리보전하고 누우셨답니
that she has become bedridden.
15:34어째서고뿔이라도 드신 겐가?Why? Does she have a cold?
15:37새삼 양심에 걸리시는 게지요It is probably because she feels guilty.
15:39희성이가 10년째 귀국을 안 하니 절 볼 낯이 여
직 남아 있겠습니까
How could she show herself in front of me
when Hui-seong has not returned home for
ten years?
15:49말세다말세What has the world come to?
15:51(안평개화다 뭐다 종놈이고 천출이고This is all because the new era has let
15:53출세의 길이 열리니 이런 사달이 나는 게야This is all because the new era has let even
lowlifes rise in status.
15:55어디 종놈이 양반 머리에 총을How dare a slave point a gun at me.
15:58오호통재라오호애재라!Goodness gracious, how disastrous.
16:00(호선아니어제 좀 그렇게 큰소리 좀 치지 그
어제 좀!
Why couldn't you say that in front of him
16:06하나 마나 한 소리 그만하시고Stop it with the nonsense
16:08얼른 그전에 있던 종놈들이나 수소문해 보세
and try getting in touch with our old servants.
16:14그놈 하는 꼴을 보니 뭔 사달을 내도 낼 놈입니By the looks of it, he'll do anything to get what
he wants.

16:19(안평더 누워 있지왜 일어나시오?You should stay in bed. Why are you getting
16:21(호선전보 치러 갑니다To send a telegram.
16:23(안평뭔 전보를 또?Another telegram? To whom?
16:28당분간 조선에 얼씬도 하지 말라고 해야지요I should tell him to stay away from Joseon for
the time being.
16:31혹여라도 들어왔다가 그 봉변을 그 치부를What if he stays in Joseon and sees us get
humiliated by that man like we did yesterday?
16:34애가 다 봐야 직성이 풀리시겠습니까?and sees us get humiliated by that man like
we did yesterday?
16:37아니요다녀오시오Of course not. You should go.
16:40(안평내 이놈의 새끼 들어오기만 해 봐라
주 그냥
That punk, I'll teach him a lesson when he
comes back home.
16:43[안평의 흐느끼는 숨소리들어오면 안
I just told you that he should not.
16:49[일본어누가 내 욕을 하고 있나Is someone talking smack about me?
16:54(희성부모님이신가 정혼자이신가It's either my parents or my fiancée.
17:00누가 됐든 욕먹어도 싸긴 합니다Either way, I deserve it.
17:03(계향정혼자라... 죽어요A fiancée? I fold.
17:05(귀부인1) 정혼자라... 죽습니다A fiancée? I fold too.
17:09[한국어갑자기 왜들 왜놈들 말은Why are you speaking Japanese all of a
17:15(애순전 다 걸어요Anyway, I'm all-in.
17:17어서들 읊으시오Hurry and show your hands.
17:19한데 왜 오늘은 다들 양장을 하셨소?By the way, why are you all wearing Western
17:25(귀부인2) 어머언제 우리가 양장 안 한 것처럼You make it sound like we never wear them.
17:29(계향그러게나 말입니다I'll say.
17:30부인께서는 그리 개화가 늦으시니 퍽 걱정입니
Seeing how slow you are at accepting the
Western culture, it worries me dearly.
17:35[귀부인들의 웃음] (애순난 네년이 그 옷을 빌
려 입고 온 게
Seeing how a commoner like you had to
borrow that dress,
17:38퍽 걱정이다it worries me more.
17:39품이나 맞는 걸 입고 오든가At least choose one that fits.
17:41(계향투전판에 반상의 구별이 있을 것도 아니
Who is higher in status doesn't matter at a
gambling table,
17:44어찌하여 꼬박꼬박 이년저년이신지 모르겠네so why do you keep addressing me like I'm
beneath you?
17:50(애순닥치거라이년첩년이 어디Shut your mouth, you lowly bitch. How dare
17:53반상의 구별이 있는지 없는지 빈관 밖에서 제
대로 한번 구별해 주랴
If you want, I can show you the difference
between a noble and a commoner outside the

18:00그대는 어쩌시렵니까?Anyway, what's your move?
18:04쫄리시면 죽으시든가If you're scared, you should fold.
18:17(희성저는I will...
18:25- (희성콜입니다 - (애순어머나어머나-call. -My goodness.
18:27(애순어머내 이를 어째Oh, dear me.
18:30제게는 오늘 요 귀여운 사슴이 막I'm afraid this adorable deer happened to be
in my hands.
18:35[흥얼거리며장땡입니다In a pair, that is
18:39(희성) [일본어잠시만요Not so fast.
18:41[한국어이런Dear me.
18:43이런Oh, dear.
18:46제가 부인께도I'm afraid
18:50욕을 먹게 생겼습니다I'll get an earful from you too.
19:04삼팔광땡입니다It is I who have the best hand.
19:07(희성Now please...
19:10좋은 데 쓰겠습니다Thank you very much.
19:12- (희성얼마 잃으셨죠? - (계향많이 잃었어요-How much did you lose? -A lot.
19:14- (희성아유그랬군요 - (애순내 돈I see. -My money... -Here you go.
19:15(희성아이고얼마 잃으셨습니까? [동전이 잘
-My money... -Here you go. How much did you
lose? Here you go.
19:17자 [귀부인들의 즐거운 신음]How much did you lose? Here you go. All
19:20부인 [애순의 애타는 숨소리]This is for you.
19:32아이고정신 사납구로Goodness, you're making me dizzy.
19:34(애신지금 내 정신만 할까Then how do you think I'm feeling?
19:37아이그렇게 혼인이 싫습니까?Why are you so against marriage?
19:41(애신그렇게 혼인이 좋으면 함안댁은 왜 여태
재가 안 했는데
If marriage is so great, why didn't you get
married again?
19:45아이고내사 마 사내 인물 본다 아입니까?I have standards, you know.
19:47조선 바닥에는 데리고 살 만한 인물이 없어가
안 했지요
There isn't a man who is handsome enough in
Joseon for me.
19:52근데 본께네 희성 도련님은 그인물도 훤하고From what I saw though, Young Master Hui
seong is very handsome.
19:56정혼자 보러 온다꼬 이래 꽃도 사 오고He even brought flowers for his fiancée.
19:58(함안댁뭐가 문제입니까?What's the problem?
20:04그게 문제야The flowers are the problem.
20:06사내 손에 든 게 고작 꽃이라What good of a man is he when flowers are all
he has in his hands?
20:10(함안댁그럼 뭐정혼자 보러 오는데 총이
라도 들고 와요
He's coming to see his fiancée. Did you
expect a gun?
20:13칼이라도 이래 빼 들고 올까요?Should he have wielded his sword?

20:16언제 봤다고 이리 편을 드는지 모르겠네Why are you taking a stranger's side?
20:18편을 들어야 자주 볼 것 같아 그랍니다I feel like I should take his side for him to stick
20:39(희성그대는 내가 생각했던 그대로가 아니오You are not exactly as how I imagined.
20:42그대는You are...
20:50꽃 같소like a flower.
20:55그게That's why
20:57이 청혼을 깨려는 이유요I want the engagement annulled.
22:59다음에 태어나면 저리 살련다In my next life, I wish to be one of those.
23:04나는?And me?
23:10이런 집에 살아라live in a house like this.
23:13엄마가 거기 마당에 필게I will bloom in the garden.
23:58(돌쇠일본에서 애기씨 정혼자가 찾아오셨는
The lady's fiancé came back from Japan.
24:10(동매) [일본어다음Next.
24:20(낭인1) 이러다 몸 상하십니다 애들도 다치고
You could hurt yourself, sir. And the boys too.
24:32오늘은 이만하자That's it for today.
24:34(낭인1) Yes, sir.
24:38(낭인들!-Yes, sir. -Yes, sir.
24:46(상인2) [한국어신 좀 보고 가세요Straw shoes for sale.
24:47(희성날이 참 좋소-What lovely weather. -Yes, sir.
24:49[상인2가 인사한다많이 파시오 (상인3) 아유,
-I wish you a good day. -Thank you.
24:53- (상인4) 맛있는 옥수수 사세요 - (희성
에 참 좋소
-Hello. -Straw shoes for sale. Come take a
look. It's good for you. Buy a lot.
24:56많이 사시오It's good for you. Buy a lot.
25:00(희성그대들 거 아니오?Isn't it yours?
25:04아름다움을 흘리셨소You're oozing beauty.
25:17(희성아유저분은 참 곱게 늙...You aged so beautifully...
25:22왜 나를 저리 노려...Why are you glaring at me?
25:27상당히 낯이...You look very familiar.
25:30(호선썩을 놈의 새끼가 이게!You scumbag of a fool.
25:31- (희성어머니! - (호선!-Mother. -You.
25:32(호선! [희성의 아파하는 신음오랄 땐You never came home when I told you to.

그리 안 오더니 이놈의 새끼가...
25:42내 안 그래도 네놈한테 지금 전보 치고 오는 길
I was just returning from sending you a
25:47[울먹이며이 불효막심한 놈 같으니...You worthless excuse of a son. You punk.
25:51(희성어머니저도 너무 보고 싶었습니다Mother. I missed you so much as well.
25:54아니이리 정정하시니 제가 너무 기쁩니다I'm so pleased to see you're so well.
25:57(호선눈에 띌 요량이면 전보 치러 가는 길에
띌 것이지
If you were going to show up, why not before I
sent the telegram?
26:00호랑이 물어 갈 놈 같으니 [희성의 웃음]You're terrible.
26:23[찻잔을 탁 내려놓으며드세요어머니 (희성)
이게 가배라는 서양 탕이온데...
Try it, Mother. It's a foreign brew called coffee-
26:26(호선나도 알아I know that.
26:30돈지랄을 아주 한성엔 대체 언제 온 게야?What a waste of money. When did you return
to Hanseong?
26:35왜 대답을 안 해꿀 먹었어?Why won't you answer? Have you become
26:39얼마 안 됐습니다Not long ago.
26:40근데 집에 안 들어오고 여기 묵고 있어?And you're staying here instead of coming
26:43안 그래도 오늘 딱 들어갈 참이었습니다I was going to come home today.
26:46참 희한하게 동경에 있을 때부터 자꾸 아버
지가 꿈에 보이셔서
For some reason, Father kept appearing in
my dreams since I was in Tokyo.
26:50(희성온 마음을 다해 '오너라오너라'He told me to come with all his heart--
26:53(호선) [테이블을 탁 치며어딜 와어디를...Don't you dare.
26:57들어올 생각 말고 여기 그냥 있어?Don't think of coming home. Stay here.
27:00너 집 근처에는 얼씬도 하지 마Don't show yourself anywhere near us.
27:04집에 무슨 일 있습니까?Is something the matter?
27:06알 거 없고 그냥 꼼짝 말고 이 안에만 있어
You don't need to know. Just stay here and
keep quiet.
27:10(호선아니아니 다시 너 아예 일본으로 돌
아가라 그게 좋겠다
No, just go back to Tokyo. That would be best.
27:14(희성전 안 좋습니다 저 이제 어디 안 갑니다Not for me. I'm not going anywhere.
27:17정혼자를 두고 제가 어딜 갑니까? [호선의
Where should I go, away from my fiancée?
27:20얼른 혼인하여 양가 어른들 마음을 편하게 해
I should get married and put both sets of
parents at ease.
27:23참 내가 효자를 낳았다효자를 낳았어I can't believe I gave birth to such a filial son.
27:28저 돌아온 거 아버님께는 비밀로 해 주실 거죠?Will you not tell Father that I'm back?
27:33네가 돌아온 거는 조선 팔도에 비밀이다The fact that you're back should be kept from
the whole country.
27:39(호선당분간 싸돌아다니지 말고Don't be seen in public
27:41네 이름 석 자 절대 밝히지 말고and don't tell anyone your name.
27:43아명으로 살아아명으로Use your childhood name.

27:46(여자들) [일본어희성 씨!-Hui-seong. -Hui-seong.
27:48(희성안녕하세요Good morning.
27:52[한국어이놈의 새끼가!You stupid fool.
27:55(희성제 방 구경 가시겠어요?Would you like to see my room?
27:57(귀단가배값은 방으로 달아 놓을까요 도련
Shall I put the bill on your room, sir?
27:59- (희성그리하거라, 3층입니다 - (호선거기
이놈의 새끼
-You do that. Third floor, Mother. -Stop there.
28:01(귀단말씀하신 가마와 서신은 어찌할까요?What about the letter and carriage?
28:03(희성지금 보내거라Send it now.
28:04어머니계단 조심Mother, watch the stairs.
28:07- (희성어머니... - (호선아유아유얘 [
성의 웃음
Follow me. Hui-seong.
28:24(하인2) 애기씨My lady.
28:27무슨 일인가?What is it?
28:28(하인2) 좀 나와 보셔야 할 것 같습니다I think you should come outside.
28:47(귀단안녕하셔요애기씨Hello, my lady.
28:49저는 글로리 빈관에서 일하는 여급 귀단입니다I'm Gui-dan and I work at Glory Hotel.
28:53저희 빈관에 묵으시는 303호 손님께서Our guest who's staying at Room 303 sent
28:56애기씨께 보내신 가마와 서신이옵니다this carriage and this letter.
29:13(희성날이 더없이 화사하오The weather is so very bright.
29:15꽃 같은 오늘 꽃 같은 그대It is like a flower, and so are you.
29:19(함안댁와예?What's wrong?
29:21(희성꽃가마 타고 내게 와 주시오Take the flower carriage and come to me.
29:36(애신꽃이 없으면 작문을 못 하시오?Can you not write without using the word
29:43내 원체 아름답고 무용한 것들을 좋아하오I'm a man who loves beautiful, yet useless
29:46와 주어서 무척 기쁘오I'm pleased you came.
29:49어찌 이런 곳에서 만나자 하는 거요?Why did you ask to meet at a place like this?
29:51- (희성동경의 남녀들은 다 이런... - (애신
긴 동경이 아니라
People in Tokyo-- This is not Tokyo.
29:54한성이오This is Hanseong.
29:57내가 또 잘못한 모양이오 아니면 내가 별별 이
유로 다 싫은 거거나
I must've made another mistake or you must
dislike me for all reasons.
30:01싫고 좋고를 분간하기에는 두 번밖에 안 봐서I'm not sure if I like you or not for we have
only met twice.
30:04여러 번 보면 분간이 좀 되시겠소?Will you be sure if we meet many times?
30:06안 볼 수는 없겠소? - (희성다른 방법은 없겠
-Can we not meet? -Is there another way?
30:08혼인을 물릴 방도만 궁리 중이라All I want is to annul the marriage.

30:10(희성찾지 마시오 그러기에는 나는 그대가 마
음에 들어서
Don't. I like you too much for that.
30:17이제 와서Now?
30:22처음에는At first,
30:24기다렸소I waited.
30:28(애신다섯 해가 지나니 하루가 멀다 하고 추
문이 담을 넘었소
After five years passed, I started hearing
disgraceful rumors.
30:33[희성의 한숨할아버님은 걱정하시고My grandfather was concerned.
30:36큰어머님은 욕을 하셨소My aunt cursed you.
30:39그대는 무얼 했소?What about you?
30:42실망했소I was disappointed.
30:45(애신서로 얼굴 한 번 본 적 없다 하나It may have been true that we had never met,
30:47집안끼리의 약조도 나와의 약조인데but a promise between families was a promise
with me.
30:51여인과의 약조 하나 못 지키는 사내가 뭔들 지
켜 낼까
If a man cannot keep a promise with a
woman, what can he keep?
30:58그래서 잊었소So I forgot about you.
31:01내가 저를 잊고 살 듯 저도 나를 잊고 사는 게지
Just like I forgot about you I thought you'd
forgotten about me.
31:06내 생각을That means
31:09하긴 했다는 얘기구려you did think about me.
31:11지금이라도 그리 살자는 얘기요I'm saying we should forget about each other.
31:13그에 대해서는 이미 대답을 한 것 같은데I believe I gave you my answer to that.
31:16싫다고I don't want to.
31:17(애신한 입으로 두말했다는 건 내가 비밀을
보장해 주겠소
I will keep it a secret that you broke a
31:29이건 어떻소?How about this?
31:37유예합시다postpone the marriage.
31:38(희성어차피 나야 뭐나쁜 놈이니까 내가 당
신의 방패가 되어 드리리다
People already think I'm a scumbag so I'll
become your shield.
31:45진심이오?Do you mean that?
31:48진심이오I do.
31:57대신 나와 동무가 되는 건 어떻소?In return, how about we become friends?
32:05(귀단오셨어요나리쇳대를 내어 드릴까요?Welcome, sir. Do you want your key?
32:16(애신이만 가 봐야겠소 미 공사관에서 나를
찾는다 하여
I must leave. The American legation asked for
32:19미 공사관에서 그대를 왜?Why would they ask for you?
32:21(애신가배 잘 드시오Enjoy your coffee.
32:30공사관에서 또 나를 찾는다 들었소I heard you asked to see me again.
32:35내 갈 터이니 앞장서시오I shall come. Lead the way.

32:55굉장히 어색했는데That was all very awkward.
32:59둘 다Both of them.
33:25(유진얼마나 더 앞장서야 하는 거요?How much further must we go?
33:30(애신왼쪽으로To the left.
33:37(유진한성 바닥에서 귀하를 세워 둘 수 있는
사내는 없다더니
You said no man in Hanseong wouldn't be
able to keep you for long,
33:42마주 앉아 가배도 할 정도면but you even had coffee with him.
33:45뜻이 같은가 보오?You must be close.
33:51동지요?Are you comrades?
33:58사내와 동무도 하오?You befriend men?
34:00(애신해 볼까 하오I'm considering it.
34:02그 사내와는With that man,
34:04동무가 최선일 거요friends is the closest I'll be.
34:13그 글자 아오I know that letter.
34:16내 학당에 다니오I go to school, you see.
34:18(유진안 물었소I never asked.
34:22(애신) 'E'"E."
34:24그리고...And then...
34:34꽤나 뒤에 있는 알파벳으로 된 이름이었구려Your name uses letters from the back end of
the alphabet.
34:37내 아직 에프까지밖에 못 배웠소I only got as far as F.
34:42내 확실히 구사할 줄 아는 잉글리시가 없는 건
Still, there are some things I can say in
34:46상급반 잉글리시를 귀동냥한 것이긴 하나I overheard what the advanced class was
34:49어쨌든 꽤 기니 잘 들으시오It's quite long, so listen carefully.
35:06[한국어대체 다들 그거는 왜 이렇게 궁금해하
는 건지
Why does everyone want to know that?
35:16나 다 이용했으면 그만 가 봐도 되겠소?If you're done using me, may I go?
35:20미안하오I apologize.
35:24그렇게 제대로 사과하면If you apologize so sincerely,
35:27진짜 딱 이용인데it sounds like you did use me.
35:36내 지난번 나룻배 태워 준 거 이리 갚았다...Let's say you repaid me for -the boat ride. -
Says who?
35:40누구 마음대로?-the boat ride. -Says who?
35:42아직 갚을 마음 없소I don't want to pay you back yet.
35:45오늘은 당신이 내게 신세 진 거요Today, you owe me.
36:38(하야시) [일본어서류는?Where are the papers?
36:42찾으라고 하셔서 물심양면 찾고는 있는데Since you asked, I'm doing my best to look for

36:47진짜 있긴 한 겁니까?but do they really exist?
36:49(동매애초에 없는 걸 찾으라는 거면 소인도
방도가 없지요
I can't help you if they never existed.
36:53[이발사가 수염을 싹둑 자른다] (하야시로건
이 돈을 더 부른 거 보면
Judging by the fact that Logan demanded
more money,
36:57분명 있어it definitely exists.
36:59돈에는 항상 진심인 인간이었으니까He never lies when it comes to money.
37:05죽은 자는 말이 없고 미망인은 별 행보가 없으
Dead men tell no tales and the widow makes
no movement.
37:09지금으로선 찾을 게 아니라 나타나길 기다리는
게 최선인 듯합니다
For now, waiting for it to appear might be our
best bet.
37:14(동매그리 돈이 되는 거면If it's that valuable,
37:17누구 손에 있건 돈 줄 놈을 찾기 마련 아니겠습
the person who has it will look for a buyer.
37:21- (하야시애가 타니 그렇지 - (이발사죄송합
-Watch my throat. -Sorry, sir.
37:24(하야시리노이에가 내일 조선에 입국한다Rinoie is coming to Joseon tomorrow.
37:29서류에 대해서는 함구해Don't tell him anything.
37:33같은 조선인이라고 작당 말고Don't collude with him because you're both
from Joseon.
37:36말 참 서운하게 하십니다I'm disappointed to hear you say that.
37:39(동매소인 한동안Even though it was just for a while,
37:42일본인이었는데I was once Japanese.
37:51(남자1) [한국어오셨습니까대감Welcome, sir.
37:52[긴장되는 음악] (남자2) 고생이 많으셨소How was your trip?
37:53조선이 이제야 제대로 돌아갈 모양입니다Joseon will finally get back on track.
37:59왔니?You're here.
38:06(완익하야시는 어째 아이 보이니?Why isn't Hayashi here?
38:08(동매공일이라 쉬십니다He rests on Sundays.
38:10(완익조정에서도 코빼기도 아이 보이고The government didn't send anyone either.
38:12(동매공일이라 쉬겠지요I take it they rest on Sundays.
38:20이리 중한 행차에 불러 주시니 소인 놈 영광입
I'm honored that you allowed me to come
greet you, my lord.
38:28(완익하야시가 찾고 있는 게 뭐이니?What is Hayashi looking for?
38:32(동매뱃멀미도 안 하신 모양입니다 숨 좀 돌
Did you not get seasick? You should take a
38:36(완익폐하께서 러청은행에 몰래 예치하신 비
자금 예치 증서라는 게 사실이니
Is it true that it's a certificate proving the king
deposited a slush fund in a bank in China?
38:42(동매찾으면 기별을 드릴까요나리?Shall I tell you if I find it?
38:48소인 요새 향수병이 생겨I've been feeling homesick.
38:51소인 오늘부터 조선인입니다나리I'm back to being a Korean, my lord.
38:57You seem to know how to use that brain of

칼 재주 비상하다는 거이 다 헛소리구나yours more than a sword.
39:02대가리가 더 비상하지 않니I guess it's a lie that you are an amazing
39:04칼 쓰는 놈은 칼로만 쓰시는 겁니다나리A swordsman is only good for his sword, sir.
39:09기차역은 이쪽입니다The train station's that way.
39:12그새 기차가 완공됐니?There's a railroad already?
39:53(동매오전 7오후 1시 하루 두 번 다닙니다There are 2 trains a day. The first one at 7
a.m. and the next one at 1 p.m.
40:00(완익돈이 좋긴 좋다Money really is good.
40:03비루한 조선 땅에 문명이 달리고 있지 않니?Civilization entered the barren Joseon soil.
40:10한성에도 호텔이 하나 생겼다던데I heard there's a hotel in Hanseong too.
40:13신식으로 좋게 잘 지어서 연일 성업 중입니다It's a Western-style building so the business is
going well.
40:17(동매거기 묵으시렵니까?Will you stay there?
40:20며칠 묵겠다고 물어보갔니?Why would I ask if I want to stay there?
40:24좋은 건 가져야지비If it's good, I'll take control of it.
40:35(프랑스인) [불어준비En garde.
41:00이젠 못 이기겠다 왜 이렇게 열심이야?I won't be able to beat you anymore. What's
gotten into you today?
41:05노리는 적이 많아서수고했어So many people are after me. Thanks.
41:18[한국어드릴 말씀이 있습니다아씨I have something to tell you, ma'am.
41:21[히나가 숨을 카 내뱉는다] (귀단제가 며칠을
고민해 보았는데요
I thought about it for a few days and--
41:25(히나며칠을 고민한 걸 꼭 지금이어야 할까?Do you have to tell me now what you thought
about for so long?
41:28좀 씻고Let me wash up first.
41:30[불어수고했어Well done.
41:32[한국어, 304호 방 때문에 씻으시고 나
Okay. It's because of Room 304. I'll tell you
after you're--
41:36(히나지금 듣자무슨 일이야?Tell me now. What is it?
41:44그게The thing is,
41:45일전에 304호 나리께서 방을 치워 달라고 하셔
the guest in Room 304 asked us to clean the
41:49제가 마침 그 방을 치웠는데요and I happened to take care of the job,
41:52아무리 봐도 어질러진 모양새가 이상해서요but I keep thinking that the way things were
cluttered seemed odd.
41:55이상하다니?"Odd"? How so?
41:56(귀단마구잡이로 어질러져 있는데Things were all over the place,
41:59싸움이 난 것 같지는 않았고but it did not seem like there was a fight.

42:01꼭 뭘 찾느라 뒤진 듯한 모양새였달까요?Shall I say it looked like someone had
searched the room to find something?
42:06304호 손님은 별다른 말 없으셨고?And the guest in Room 304 didn't say
anything else about it?
42:09네 - (히나다른 방들은?-No. -What about other rooms?
42:11그 방만요It's just that room.
42:13(귀단그러니 나중에라도 분실물이 생기면So if the guest claims later on that something
went missing,
42:16가장 먼저 의심받는 게 저일 듯싶어서he will probably suspect me first.
42:19아씨께서는 알고 계셔야 할 것 같아서I thought you should know--
42:21침대그대기대에 이젠 암투까지Bed, men, love, and now a veiled enmity.
42:25없는 게 없는 내 호텔에 없어도 될 일까지 있을
My hotel has everything, and I suppose there
will be some unnecessary things too.
42:30(귀단?Pardon me?
42:32비밀을 잘 지키란 소리란다I'm just saying you must keep your lips
42:34소문이 새어 나가면 글로리의 위신이 상하고If word gets out, our hotel's reputation will be
42:37(히나손님들은 불안해하실 테니and it'll make our guests anxious.
42:39알겠니?Do you understand?
42:41아씨Yes, ma'am.
42:49구동매는 아직 아닌 듯한데It couldn't have been Dong-mae.
42:53이방인의 방을 뒤질 사람이라Who would rummage through a foreigner's
42:57누구지?Who could it be?
43:10(소아저격 사건을 의병 잔당의 소행으로 결론
을 낸 자가
The man who concluded that the
assassination was carried out by the
Righteous Army
43:14미 공사관의 영사 대리인 자이온데is the acting consul of the American legation.
43:16(소아현재 글로리 빈관 304호에 묵고 있습니
He's currently staying in Room 304 at Glory
43:19무슨 연유인지는 모르나 무신회도 주시하고 있
I'm not sure why, but Musin Society is keeping
an eye on him as well.
43:24여러모로 그자가 그 서류를 갖고 있을 가능성
이 크겠구나
Considering everything, it seems highly likely
that he has the document.
43:29일단 그 방부터 살필 것이니We'll have to search his room first.
43:33(은산방이 비는 시간들을 파악하거라Find out when his room is usually empty.
43:35(소아Yes, sir.
43:37한데 그자의 외양이 좀 묘합니다But his appearance is -a bit peculiar. -
43:41묘해?-a bit peculiar. -"Peculiar"?
43:42(소아미국에서 온 자이고 신분 또한 미국인이
He's from America, and he's officially

43:45외양은 딱 조선인입니다However, he looks just like one of us.
44:10(의병찾으셨습니까?Did you find it, sir?
44:12(은산아닐세No, I didn't.
44:14아무래도 여긴 없는 것 같네 [의병의 한숨]I don't think it's here.
44:16뒤질 만큼 뒤졌으니까 누가 오기 전에 빠져나
We've looked through everywhere, so let's
leave before anyone shows up.
44:28(어린 유진훔친 거 아닙니다 어무이 목숨값입
It wasn't stolen. It's worth my mother's life.
44:31자기 성질껏 살았나 보오 (유진많이 안 늙으
You must have gotten your way with
everything. You haven't aged much.
44:35날 아세요?Do I know you, sir?
44:41넌 지랄 말고 살아서 미국인가 뭔가에 도착이
나 해
Stop babbling nonsense and survive and get
to America.
45:08(은산이런 놈을 봤나That audacious young man.
45:10그놈이 그놈이었구나He must be that boy.
45:13그놈이 그놈이었어Yes, he is that boy.
45:16살아서 기어이 미국까지 갔구나!He survived and made it to America.
45:32(걱정 마십시오Don't worry, Master.
45:34저기 강 건너에서 일본군들 훈련하는 소리입니
That sound is coming from Japanese soldiers'
shooting drill across the river.
45:54일본군이 훈련을 하는데 네가 왜 눈치를 보냐,
Why are you standing there looking all guilty
when Japanese soldiers are training?
46:01쌀이나 안쳐라 국은 내가 끓일 테니?Get ready to cook some rice. I'll make soup.
46:07스승님Yes, Master!
46:12(일본군) [일본어조준!Aim!
46:13[일본군들이 총을 철컥 장전한다발사!Fire!
46:17왼쪽 보고 가!Turn left. Advance!
46:27생각났어I just remembered something.
46:31우리 공격했던 그 조선 놈The Joseon bastard who attacked us.
46:33(츠다조선 놈이 아니었어 조선 놈이 아니라
He's actually not from Joseon. He's an
American soldier, not a Joseon man.
46:38(야마다뭔 소리야조선말 하는 거 들었는데What are you talking about? I heard him
talking in the Joseon language.
46:42(츠다아니야어디서 본 것 같다 했더니 기억
No, I remembered where I had seen him
46:45조선에 들어오던 날 기차역 [총성이 요란하다]At the train station on the day we arrived here.
46:47그때 그 새끼 거기에 있었어 미군 군복을 입고That bastard was there that day, clad in the
American military uniform.
46:51미군이야그 새끼 죽여 버릴 거야He's an American soldier. I'm going to kill that
46:55어이다들 그대로 무기 챙겨서 따라온다-Hey! Pick up your weapons and follow me! -
What the hell?
46:57미쳤어윗선에 보고도 없이 어떡하려고 그래?Are you crazy? You haven't even told the

47:01(츠다뭐 해상사 말이 들리지 않나!What are you waiting for? Don't you hear me?
47:10너 미쳤어?Have you really lost your mind? Hey!
48:22(도미) [한국어나리!Sir!
48:30지금 공사관 밖에 왜놈들이The Japanese are surrounding the legation at
the moment.
48:33저 때문에 나리가I got you in this trouble.
48:35정말 죄송합니다나리I'm truly sorry, sir.
48:38다 제 탓입니다It is all my fault.
48:40제가 약해서 나리가 도와주신 건데You only helped me because I'm too weak.
48:43그건 네가 약해서가 아니라 조선이 약해서야It's not because you're too weak. It's because
Joseon is.
48:48(도미?Pardon me?
48:49미국은 강대국이야일본에 지지 않아America is a powerful nation. It'll never lose to
48:53네 조국은 널 지키지 않지만 내 조국은 날 지킬
Your country won't protect you, but my country
will keep me safe.
48:58그게 무슨 말입니까?What do you mean by that, sir?
49:03어렵게 들리겠지만 너 울지 말란 얘기였어It must've sounded complicated, but I was
telling you not to cry.
49:05[흐느끼며저도 안 울려고 하는데I am trying not to cry,
49:08밖에 왜놈들이 엄청 많이 왔습니다but there are so many Japanese soldiers
outside now.
49:11괜찮다니까?I told you that it's fine.
49:13(도미그렇지만 나리가 질 것 같습니다But I think you'll lose this time, sir.
49:19그래서 운 거야?Is that why you're crying?
49:20저 때문에 나리가 죄를 받으면 어쩝니까?What if you get punished because of me?
49:26넌 이미 내가 졌는데?You're already convinced that I'll lose.
49:29너 근데 은근슬쩍 여기 들어와 있다?By the way, how did you sneak in here?
49:32(도미뒷담 넘으면 금방입니다I just had to jump over the back wall. It's a
piece of cake.
49:35뒷담 어디?The back wall? Where?
50:05[일본어진짜 미군이었군 어떻게 할 거야
So he really is an American soldier. What
50:09그건 저 새끼들에게 물어야지We should ask them first.
50:16[일본어그만 떠들어Shut up.
50:25전달해Interpret what I say.
50:27미군이 우리 대일본 제국의 황군에게 상해를
An American soldier has inflicted an injury on
a Japanese soldier.

50:31이는 일본에 대한 도발이므로We consider this a provocation against
50:33가해자를 잡아 죄를 물을 것이다the Empire of Japan, so we must investigate
and punish the assailant.
50:39[한국어미군이 일본군에게 상해를 입혔으니
그 죄를 묻겠다 하십니다
They want to punish the American soldier who
inflicted an injury on a Japanese soldier.
50:58[일본어저 새끼 뭐라는 거야?What is that bastard saying?
51:00(역관) [한국어저들이 뭐라는 거요?What are they saying?
51:03(관수일단은 그상해를 입은 것에 대
Well, first off... As for the injury,
51:09[살짝 웃으며마음이 다치도록 유감을 표하셨
he said his heart aches and he's sorry to hear
about it.
51:13(역관) [일본어유감이랍니다He is sorry to hear about the injury.
51:15(츠다유감?What? He's sorry?
51:18다 필요 없고 가운데 저 새끼 당장 잡아가서 족
칠 거니까
Forget it. We're going to take that guy in the
middle and teach him
51:22잔말 말고 따라오라고 해a lesson, so tell him to shut up and follow us.
51:26[한국어지금 그냥 당장 같이 가서They'd like to
51:28(역관조사에 임하시는 건 어떻게 생각하냡니
take him with them now for their investigation.
51:44[일본어저 새끼 왜 웃는 거야당장 통역해!Why is that guy smirking at me like that?
Interpret what he said!
51:48[한국어아이저 저자 저거 왜 웃는 것이오
Goodness. Why is that man smirking like that?
51:52딱 보면 모르겠소? '데려가 볼 테면 데려가 봐
Isn't it obvious? "Take him if you can."
51:54(관수그런 뜻깊은 비웃음 아니오?He was sneering at him to ridicule him.
51:58이자가 미쳤나진짜 그걸 내가 어떻게 통변햐?Are you out of your mind? I can't tell him that.
52:01(관수그거는 각자 알아서 해야지 자기 사
정을 왜 내게 성화요
That's none of my business. Why are you
taking it out on me?
52:04이자가 진짜What is your problem?
52:06(역관뭐여지금 나랑 뭐 한번 해 보자 이거
What do you want from me? Are you trying to
pick a fight?
52:09근데 이자가 왜 반말이야너 몇 살이야인마Look at this rude man. How old are you,
52:12(역관먹을 만큼 먹었다뭐 어쩔래!I'm old enough. What are you going to do
about it?
52:14- (관수너 나 쳤냐? - (역관쳤다!-Did you just hit me? -Yes!
52:16(관수그래좋다Fine, we're standing right in front of the
American legation.
52:17여기 미국 공사관 앞이다 쳐 봐더 쳐 봐Fine, we're standing right in front of the
American legation. Go ahead. Hit me again.
Come on!
52:20[일본어이 자식이You bastard.
52:21(역관) [한국어내가 뭐못 칠 줄 알아?Do you think I won't be able to?

52:23여가 뭐네 나와바리라 이거여?Are you trying to say this is your turf or what?
52:25[츠다가 총으로 바닥을 쿵 친다] [일본어너희
53:02[일본어츠다 하사Sergeant Tsuda.
53:04야마다 하사Sergeant Yamada.
53:08우리 이름을 어떻게 알아?How do you know our names?
53:10미 공사관에는 없는 정보가 별로 없네The American legation has information on
everything and everyone.
53:15그러니 지금부터 내 얘기 잘 듣게So you'd better pay attention to what I'm about
to say.
53:25아는지 모르겠지만I'm not sure if you're aware of it,
53:27귀관들은 방금 미국에 선전 포고를 했다but you just declared war against America.
53:36그렇지?Am I right?
53:41조준 사격도 필요 없이We don't even need an aimed shot.
53:43허공에 딱 한 발Just one bullet fired into the air
53:47전쟁의 시작일 거야will start the war.
53:51먼저 쏠 건가?Will you shoot first?
53:53아니면 내가 먼저 쏠까?Or should I?
54:02(야마다총 치워이 자식들아!Disarm! Disarm, you idiots!
54:07츠다정신 차려 일 더 커지기 전에 돌아가야 해Tsuda, come to your senses. We must go
back before this gets out of hand.
54:12지금 즉시 전원 공사관으로 복귀한다!All of you, back to our legation now!
54:15(일본군들!-Yes, sir! -Yes, sir!
55:03[한국어? '각자 알아서 해야지 자기 사정을
왜 내게 성화야
What? "That's none of my business. Why are
you taking it out on me?"
55:06그러는 네놈은?Look who's talking.
55:08'이자가', '저자가하다 하다 멱살을 잡아?You called me a bastard and grabbed me by
the collar.
55:12[역관이 그릇을 탁 내려놓는다] (역관몰입했
I was too into it.
55:14꼭 진짜 같고 서운해서 그래서운해서It sounded like you really meant it, so my
feelings were hurt.
55:17아이고서운할 거 없어?Goodness, don't take it to heart.
55:19우리 덕분에 총질 안 했으면 됐지 짜장면도 내
가 살 거고
Thanks to us, they didn't end up shooting at
each other. And I'm paying for this
55:24(역관그리고 나 서운한 게 또 있는디There's something else I'm upset about.
55:26만두 먹어도 돼요?Can I order dumplings too?
55:31(관수만두 때문에 또 서운해지겠구먼 안 돼!I guess this will hurt your feelings again. No!
55:34(역관포수 명단 필요 없나 벼?I suppose you don't need the list of gunners
55:36필요하다면서요 어나 오늘 갖고 왔는디?You said you needed it. I brought it with me.

55:38[탁자를 탁 치며주인장여기 만두 한 접시 주
시오 곱빼기로
Excuse me, we'd like a plate of dumplings. A
double portion, please.
55:50장 포수가 안부 전하라 하셨네Gunner Jang asked me to say hello to you for
55:52(애신무탈하시고 여전하시다고Everything is well with him. He is still the
55:55자네가 장 포수의 벗이라 이 정도로 하는 줄 알
He at least asked me to say hello to you
because he considers you a friend.
56:05제가 생각을 좀 해 봤는데요나리Sir, I've been thinking...
56:07또 무슨?What now?
56:10없어진 총기 말입니다About the gun that went missing...
56:12그걸 어찌 쓰든I figured those who have the knowledge
56:14쓸 줄 아는 자들이 행방도 알지 않겠습니까?of how to use guns would know its
whereabouts regardless of who took it.
56:17해서 총과 가장 가까운 인물of how to use guns would know its
whereabouts regardless of who took it.
Hence, I obtained a list of people who handle
guns most often.
56:19즉 포수들 명단을 뽑아 보았습니다Hence, I obtained a list of people who handle
guns most often. Namely, gunners.
56:23어찌 일을 그렇게 열심히...I'm impressed by how hard you work.
56:27(관수아닙니다 좋아서 하는 일입니다I'm flattered. I only work hard because I enjoy
my job.
56:31보고는 어느 선까지 올릴까요나리?Who can be in the know of this, sir?
56:35(유진나 죽여 버릴까아유Gosh, should I just kill him?
56:38누굴요?Pardon me? Kill whom?
56:41(유진저 명단에 그장 포수란 이도 있소?Is a man called Gunner Jang on that list by
any chance?
56:48어찌 아셨습니까?How did you know?
56:50나리께서도 그쪽으로 생각을 하신 겁니까?Oh, were you suspecting him too?
56:54(대장장이오셨소?You're here.
56:57(승구아이고All right.
56:59낫인가?Is that a sickle?
57:00(대장장이호미요낫은 팔리지도 않소No, this is a hoe. Sickles don't even sell.
57:03호미는?Then what about hoes?
57:05칡뿌리라도 캐야 연명을 하는 모양이오I guess people need to dig up kudzu roots to
57:09어쩐 일이시오?What brings you here?
57:11(승구한때 번사창 호랑이 훈도의 귀한 손이
I need the skillful hands of the former trainer
at the weapon foundry.
57:27못 보던 총포요I haven't seen that rifle before.
57:29(승구물 건너온 것이네미국 총일세It's from overseas. It's an American rifle.
57:33(대장장이이 귀한 걸 어떻게...How did you get your hands on something so

57:36- (승구훔쳤네 - (대장장이?-I stole it. -What?
57:38(승구궁금해서 참을 수가 있어야지I couldn't help it as I was so curious.
57:40명중률이 그리 좋다 하니I heard American guns are very accurate.
57:44내가 이걸 한번 뜯어 봤으면 하는데I want to dismantle it so that I can study it.
57:46물론 나중에 조립도 부탁함세 되돌려 놔야 하
You'll obviously have to assemble it afterward.
I have to return it.
57:51- (승구가능하겠나? - (대장장이?-Will you be able to do it? -Yes. What?
57:57[계곡물이 졸졸 흐른다미국 군인이 조선인 부
녀자를 도와
An American soldier helped a Joseon girl?
58:00(함안댁맨손으로요Yes, with his bare hands. Like this.
58:02이래 팍팍팍왜놈들을 싹 마반 쥑이 삤다 카
Yes, with his bare hands. Like this. I heard he
nearly killed the Japanese scoundrels.
58:06아이그 와공사관에 있는 그이래 조선
사람같이 생긴 그치 말입니다
It's that American man at the legation who
looks like one of us.
58:11아이고그래 가지고That's why everyone at the market
58:12저잣거리에 그냥 미국이 좋은 나라라고 난리가
났다 아입니까
That's why everyone at the market is praising
America and saying that it's a great country.
58:17미군이 들어와서 조선을 이래 도울 모양이라고
People think that American soldiers are here
to help us.
58:19그 어떤 대국도 조선을 돕지 않아There is no country with power that will help
58:24미군은 조선을 도우러 온 게 아니야American soldiers are not here to help us.
58:27Oh, I see.
58:29그렇겠지예Right, I guess not.
58:31(함안댁그럼 그치는 왜 그랬을까예?Then why do you think he helped her?
58:36할 수 있으니까Because he was capable of doing so.
58:54반갑지 않은 얼굴이오You don't seem happy to see me.
58:57귀하가 여기엔 무슨 일로?What brings you here?
59:00총이 사라졌으니 총과 관련된 자들부터 탐문
I'm trying to investigate those who use guns
since one of ours went missing.
59:03포수들이야 1순위고Gunners are the first ones on the list.
59:05(유진내가 여기 있는 것보다But anyone would question
59:07대가 댁 영애가 이 산중에 와 있는 것이what a daughter of a noble family is doing
here in the mountains
59:10누가 봐도 더 이상한데more than what brought me here.
59:13이상할 것 없소There is nothing to question.
59:15할아버님께서 멧 고기가 드시고 싶다 하여My grandfather is craving wild boar meat.
59:17직접 잡으시는 모양이오?So you're going to hunt one yourself?
59:21혹시 아오?Who knows?
59:23I may begin my hunting now.

이제부터 잡을지
59:28내 스승의 뒤를 캐는 거요?Are you after my master?
59:30아니면 내 뒤를 캐는 건가그랬다면 혼자 오진
않았을 거요
-Or are you after me? -If I were, I wouldn't
have come alone.
59:35알다시피 내 명령에 움직일 총 든 사내들이As you're well aware, many armed men who
have to obey my orders
59:39조선 땅에 많이들 와 있어서are already on Joseon's soil.
59:42하면 왜 온 것이오?Then why are you here?
59:44처음에는 호기심이었고 그 후에는 방관이었고At first, it started as curiosity. But then, I
neglected the problem.
59:51지금은 수습이오Now, I'm here to sort it all out.
59:54무슨 말이오정확히 설명하시오What do you mean by that? Be more specific.
59:57정확히라You want me to be specific?
1:00:03조선으로 오면서 생각했소On my way to Joseon, I thought to myself
1:00:06조선에서 아무것도 하지 말자고that I shouldn't do anything when I'm here.
1:00:09(유진내가 뭔가를 하게 되면 그건Because if I were to do anything,
1:00:12조선을 망하게 하는 쪽으로 걸을 테니까it will be for the doom of Joseon.
1:00:14(로건) [일본어건배-Cheers. -Cheers.
1:00:17(함안댁) [한국어어마야아이고어무이Oh, my goodness.
1:00:23[한국어이미 그리하였소 고작 그리한 거요-But you already did it. -That was the least I
could do.
1:00:31귀하의 말대로라면If what you are telling me is true,
1:00:33난 그때 잡혀갔어야 맞소I should have been arrested that day.
1:00:35(유진그래서 온 거요That's why I came here.
1:00:37그랬어야 했는데I should've done that,
1:00:40호기심이 생겼소but I became curious.
1:00:42조선이 변한 것인지I wanted to find out if Joseon had changed
1:00:45내가 본 저 여인이 이상한 것인지or if the woman I saw was an unusual one.
1:00:49잡아넣지 않는 걸로 방관했고I neglected the problem by not arresting you,
1:00:52총을 찾지 않는 것으로 편들었소and I took your side by not looking for the gun.
1:00:56지금 그걸 수습 중이고Now, I'm trying to sort out the mess.
1:01:01당분간은 애기씨로만 지내시오 여기 출입도 삼
Just live as a noble lady for a while. Refrain
from coming here.
1:01:06오늘은 나 혼자 왔지만 다음에는 미군들이 들
이닥칠 거요
I came alone today, but my soldiers will raid
this place next time.
1:01:11답이 됐소?Was it a good enough answer?
1:01:21그럼 그건 왜 그런 거요?Then what about that incident?
1:01:25조선 여인을 도와준 거Why did you help a Joseon girl?
1:01:28일본 군인들과 싸웠다던데I heard you fought with Japanese soldiers.
1:01:30이길 수 있어서Because I'd win.
1:01:31아까 총 들이댔을 때 움찔하는 거 내 다 보았소I saw you flinching when I aimed at you

1:01:34그땐 질 것 같아서I felt like I'd lose.
1:01:44그럼 - (애신어느 쪽으로 가시오?-Well, then. -Where are you headed?
1:01:48그쪽으로 걸을까 하여I am thinking I should go the same way.
1:02:00(함안댁보소Hey, look. Make sure you have something
1:02:02뭐라도 손에 잡히는 거 딱 들고 있으이소Hey, look. Make sure you have something you
can use as a weapon.
1:02:06여차하면 확 죽여야 되니께We might end up having to kill him.
1:02:07(행랑아범걱정 말어Don't you worry.
1:02:10내 이런 날이 올 줄 알았당께I knew a day like this would come.
1:02:33그건 왜 하는 거요?Why are you doing this?
1:02:36무엇을 말이오?What do you mean?
1:02:38(유진조선을 구하는 거Saving Joseon.
1:02:48꼴은 이래도Despite the current situation,
1:02:50오백 년을 이어져 온 나라요this country has a history of 500 years.
1:02:53그 오백 년 동안 호란왜란 많이도 겪었소Throughout that time, it has been through
several invasions from China and Japan.
1:03:00(애신그럴 때마다 누군가는Each time,
1:03:02목숨을 걸고 지켜 내지 않았겠소some of us risked our lives to protect it.
1:03:08그런 조선이But now,
1:03:11평화롭게 찢어발겨지고 있소Joseon is being quietly torn apart.
1:03:14처음엔 청이 다음엔 아라사가 지금은 일본이At first, it was China, then Russia, and now,
it's Japan.
1:03:21이제 미국 군대까지 들어왔소Even American soldiers joined in.
1:03:24(애신나라 꼴이 이런데Given the state the nation is in,
1:03:26누군가는 싸워야 되지 않겠소?someone has to fight, don't you think?
1:03:33(유진그게 왜 당신인지 묻는 거요 왜 나면 안
되는 거요
-Why does that have to be you? -Why can't it
be me?
1:03:41혹시 나를 걱정하는 거면... 내 걱정을 하는 거
-If you are worried about me-- -I'm worried
about myself.
1:03:57내일은 비가 올 모양이오It looks like it'll rain tomorrow.
1:04:05(애신새들이 낮게 나는 걸 보니 말이오You can tell by the birds flying low.
1:05:02(호선너 집 근처에는 얼씬도 하지 마Don't show yourself anywhere near us.
1:05:50Right, of course.
1:05:54잠시만 기다려 주십시오 금방 찾아다 드리겠습
Please wait here, sir. I'll bring them out in a
1:07:01비켜 드릴까요애기씨?Should I step aside, my lady?
1:07:05(애신그럴 필요 없네자네가 선객 아닌가There's no need. You came here first.
1:07:22(지물포 주인오셨습니까애기씨Welcome, my lady.
1:07:24필요한 걸 적어 왔네I wrote down what I need.
1:07:26Yes, my lady.

1:07:27그럼 먼저 오신 손님이 계셔서 잠시 실례하겠
Pardon me, my lady. There is a customer
1:07:47(함안댁아이고아이고세상에 아갑자기 뭔
비가 이렇게
Goodness, look at it rain.
1:08:03아이고...My goodness.
1:08:05이게 갑자기 왜 이렇게 넘어지노?Why did this fall over on its own?
1:08:08아이고다 베렸네베렸어아휴They are all ruined.
1:08:11여긴 내가 수습할 테니 주인을 불러오게I'll take care of it. You should call the
1:08:14(애신셈을 치러 줘야 할 듯싶어I think I should pay for this.
1:08:18아이고죄송합니더Yes, my lady. My apologies.
1:08:22(함안댁보소 여 나와 보셔야 되겠는데예?Excuse me. I think you have to see this.
1:09:48무슨 짓인가!What do you think you're doing?
1:10:08그저...I'm not...
1:10:11있습니다애기씨doing anything, my lady.
1:12:07(남자3) 이게 얼마 만이냐그래서 반가워?-It's been so long. -So are you glad to see
1:12:10본론만 해Cut to the chase.
1:12:11(유진당신 아버지 함자가 김안평이오?Is your father's name Kim An-pyeong?
1:12:14(희성누구요내 조부요내 아버지요?Who was it? Was it my father or my
1:12:18(완익) [따귀를 찰싹 때리며나의 인사요잘 지
That is my greeting. How have you been?
1:12:20(승구혼인을 하면 너는 영 오기 힘들 것인데It will be hard for you to come here if you get
1:12:23도망갈 겁니다I'm going to run away.
1:12:24(애신조선 밖에서도 조선을 위하는 길이 있을
There must be a way to help Joseon from
outside of Joseon.
1:12:27(남자3) 네 엄니아부지 그리 만든 놈은 따로
Your parents ended up like that because of
someone else.
1:12:30(호위 무사대한 제국 외부대신 이세훈 대감이
[세훈의 비명]
This is Lord Lee Se-hun, the Minister of
Foreign Affairs.
1:12:33(히나보통 잃은 게 없으면 들킨 거라도 있기
Usually when nothing gets lost, it means
something got discovered.
1:12:37(남자3) [흐느끼며종놈으로 난 놈은 여직 종놈
Once you're born a slave, you will always be

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