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  미스터 션샤인 6

59s(함안댁보소 여 나와 보셔야 되겠는데예Excuse me. I think you have to see this.
2:02(애신무슨 짓인가!What do you think you're doing?
2:12그저...I'm not...
2:15있습니다애기씨doing anything, my lady.
2:30제가 조선에 왜 돌아왔는지 아십니까?Do you know why I came back to Joseon?
2:32(어린 동매왜 저를...Why help me?
2:36사람 목숨은 다 귀하다 했다I was told every man's life is precious.
2:44겨우 한 번That one time.
2:53그 한순간 때문에After that moment...
2:55(어린 동매호강에 겨운 양반 계집You're just a noble fool who lives in luxury.
3:01백번을 돌아서도 이 길 하나뿐입니다애기씨No matter how hard I thought, this was the
only way that could lead to you, my lady.
4:43(동매까먹었다네가 심부름시킨 거I forgot about the errand you asked me to run.
4:59돌대가리라고?An idiot, you say?
5:01아니거든Well, you're wrong.
5:10(동매아파That hurts.
5:35(남자네가Are you...
5:47이게 얼마 만이냐?It's been so long.
5:51어쩜 이리 잘 커서 어찌 이런 곳에...You've grown up so well and made a life for
5:54그래서 반가워?So are you glad to see me?
5:58본론만 해Cut to the chase.
6:01(유진어디야?Tell me where.
6:04내 부모를 버린 곳Where did you dump my parents' bodies?
6:06[떨리는 목소리로네가 원망하는 것도 알겠다
I understand your resentment,
6:09그때는 세상이 다 그래서...but that was how it was--
6:11본론만 하라고Cut to the chase.
6:18강화도 어디 뒷산에 버렸는데They're somewhere up on a hill on Ganghwa
6:22오래돼 놔서 정확히는...I can't remember exactly--
6:24정확히 기억해 내야 할 거야You'd better remember
6:26살고 싶으면if you wish to live.
6:33(함안댁아이고와요날 추운데Goodness, it's cold outside.
6:36버리게Throw it away.

6:38버리라꼬예?You want me to throw this away?
6:40(함안댁세상 귀한 거를와요?Why throw away such an expensive dress?
6:55(희성) [작은 목소리로!Young master!
7:10(희성내 아무래도 너무 많이 사 온 듯싶네I think I bought way too much.
7:13아버님께서 아시면If my father finds out,
7:15사치하였다 또 역정을 내실 터이니he'll get mad at me for splurging,
7:19이건 자네가 쓰게 - (집사?-so I'm giving them to you. -What?
7:23(희성선물이네It's a gift.
7:30아버님어머님One from my father and one from my mother.
7:33(집사아이도련님Young master.
7:40(희성아버지어머니!Father! Mother!
7:44희성입니다!It's me, Hui-seong.
7:47저 왔습니다!I'm home!
7:48[희성의 웃음] (안평아니아니네가 왜 여기
Why? What are you doing here?
7:51네가 왜어떻게 여기 있어?Why the hell are you here?
7:53네 어미가 전보를 쳤다 했는데!Your mother said she sent you a telegram.
7:56(호선분명히 따끔하게 내 그 있던 데 쭉 있으
라 했지 않느냐
I sternly told you to stay put
8:00이름도 작게 말하라 일렀거늘!and to state your name quietly!
8:02근데 제가 전보보다 좀 더 일찍 왔습니다 (
두 분 절받으셔야지요
I left before the telegram reached me.
Anyway, receive my bow.
8:05절 같은 소리 하고 있네 이 불효막심한 놈 같으
This isn't the time for that, you imbecile!
8:09너 일로 와일로 와너 일로 와! [희성의 난감
한 신음
-Get over here. -But... -Get over here! -My
8:11(하인1) 대감마님!-Get over here! -My lord!
8:13대감마님분부하신 대로 30년 전 일하던
비복을 찾아서
My lord! Just like you ordered, I found the
servant from 30 years ago
8:17미국 공사관에다... - (호선... - (안평!
and sent him to the American--
8:20(희성아니이거 왜들 그러십니까?What's the matter?
8:23[호선과 안평의 난감한 숨소리무슨 일 있어
Is something going on?
8:27아이고희성아이게 얼마 만이냐My son, it has been so long!
8:30(안평이게 얼마 만이냐Too long, if you ask me.
8:32아비가 우리 희성이 좀 안아 보자Come here. Let me hug you.
8:35(호선부자지간에 이리 정이 고우니 [안평의
어색한 웃음
Look at how close these two are.
8:38귀한 본이 아닐 수 없습니다 [희성의 웃음]We are a role model for every family.
8:50(호선) [작은 목소리로이놈의 새끼가이놈의You brat...

8:52(희성너무너무 보고 싶었어요Mother, I missed you.
8:54아버님제가 죄송합니다 너무 늦게 왔어요 [
평과 호선의 웃음
Father, I apologize for taking too long.
9:48혹시 남는 술 있으면 한두 잔 나눌 수 있겠습니
Could you spare me some if you have any
9:51경황없이 오다 보니 빈손입니다I wasn't able to bring any with me.
9:56술값은 조선 주재 미국 공사관으로 오시면... 
-You can charge the American legation-- -It's
for free.
10:02(승구일곱 살 계집아이요She was a seven-year-old girl.
10:05술맛을 모를 듯하여남았소She wouldn't enjoy alcohol anyway, so I saved
10:17고맙습니다Thank you.
10:39(남자이 근처 어디였는데It was around here somewhere.
10:45저쪽은 확실히 아닌데I'm sure it wasn't over there.
10:48아니하도 세월이 오래돼 놔서It was... It was such a long time ago.
10:53이 골짜기이긴 한데 정확히는...All I remember is that it was somewhere up
10:5730년 세월이니 [유진의 어이없는 신음]After all, it's been 30 years.
11:0230년을So for 30 years,
11:08한 번을 안 와 봤단 소리네you never came back up here.
11:15기억했어야지!You should've remembered them!
11:18그렇게 때려죽였으면!You brutally beat them to death!
11:24[흐느끼며제대로 묻어 줬어야지Then you should've at least buried them
11:26(남자) [흐느끼며미안하다I'm sorry.
11:30내가내가 이렇게 빌게I truly am. I beg for your forgiveness.
11:35상전들 눈치에 어떻게 와 보겠냐How would I have been able to come up here
while working as a slave under my master?
11:38법으로야 없앴다지만 천것들은 천것이여The hierarchical society is no more, but we
can't change our roots.
11:43종놈으로 난 놈은 여직 종놈이다Once you're born a slave, you will always be
11:48제발 [남자가 훌쩍인다]Please.
11:51제발 한 번만 용서해 줘유진아Yu-jin, please show me mercy.
11:54내가 이렇게 빌게Please, I beg of you.
12:46(유진마음에 들지 모르겠소I don't know if she'd like this,
12:50어릴 적에 내 어머니가 좋아하시던 꽃인데but these are the flowers my mother used to
12:56(승구좋아하실 거요I'm sure she'll love them.
13:07(유진가족분이신가 봅니다It must be a family member.
13:09(승구아버지요It's my father.
13:15신미년 전쟁 때 이리되셨소He passed away during the Battle of

13:18도망갑시다도망갑시다 [승구 부의 비장한 신
Let's run away! Let's go.
13:29그럼 여기 이 무덤들이 그때 다...Then these graves are all from--
13:31그때부터 지금까지지From then and until now.
13:34(승구이쪽은 신미년에 양놈들이Victims killed by Americans are on this side
13:38저쪽은 을해년에 왜놈들이while those killed by the Japanese are on the
13:42을해년에는 부녀자 겁탈에 약탈에 방화에Years later, women were raped, houses
robbed and set on fire.
13:47마을 하나가 쑥대밭이 됐소A whole village was completely ruined.
13:52그쪽은 누굴 찾아온 거요?So who are you here to see?
13:55저쪽 골짜기는...That hill over there is for...
14:03노비였던 내 어머니 아버지요My parents were slaves.
14:09왜 그리 보시오?What's with that look?
14:11노비의 자식이 꽤 번듯합니까?Do I seem too decent for a slave's offspring?
14:14(승구그래서 술값을 받으러 가 볼까I was wondering if I should charge you
14:18생각 중이오for the drink.
14:19오시오You should.
14:41(히나) [열쇠를 잘그락 집으며어디 험한 곳에
다녀오시나 봅니다
It seems as though you had a rough day.
14:43부모님을 뵈러I went to see my parents.
14:45(히나호텔에 서신이 왔습니다A letter came for you.
15:34(히나) [한국어좋은 소식인가 봅니다It must be good news.
15:38(유진기다리던 소식이오It was one I've been waiting for.
15:40기다리던 소식에는 웃기도 하시는군요I see news like that can make you smile.
15:44도통 웃지를 않으셔서It's just that you rarely do.
16:12전할 내용이 더 있소?Do you have more news for me?
16:13(히나그건 아닌데Not exactly,
16:15글로리에 오시는 힘 좀 있다는 사내들은but all powerful people who come here
16:17모두 당신을 궁금해한답니다have shown interest in you.
16:20검은 머리의 미국인 그것도 군인이시니After all, you are an Asian-American who's in
the US Marine Corps.
16:27힘 좀 있다는 사내들이 궁금해하는 정보를 물
어다 주는 것도
Is it also your job to deliver information
16:32주인의 일이오? (히나내가 무언가를 묻는다
면 그건
-to the said powerful people? -When I ask you
16:35전부 여자로서 묻는 겁니다I ask as a woman and nothing more.
16:39용건 끝났으면 올라가 봐도 되겠소?If you're done, could I now go upstairs?
16:42손님으로서 묻는 거요I'm asking as a guest here.

16:46계속 편하십니까제 호텔에서주인으로 묻는
How has your stay been so far? I'm asking as
the hotel owner.
16:50불만 없소I have no complaints.
16:52(히나방이 뒤져졌다던데I heard your room had been searched.
16:56잃은 것이 없소Nothing's missing.
16:59개중 다행입니다만I'm glad to hear that,
17:01(히나보통 잃은 게 없으면 들킨 거라도 있기
but usually when nothing gets lost, it means
something got discovered.
17:42(남자법으로야 없앴다지만 천것들은 천것이
The hierarchical society is no more, but we
can't change our roots.
17:46[흐느끼며종놈으로 난 놈은 여직 종놈이다Once you're born a slave, you will always be
17:50(애신조선에선 그 어떤 사내도In this country, no man would ever dare to
keep me
17:52감히 나를 노상에 이리 세워 놓을 순 없거든In this country, no man would ever dare to
keep me standing outside like this.
18:05... 내 자네뿐일세You know, you're all I have.
18:11곡해 없었으면 하네I hope you know that.
18:13자다가 봉창은That was out of the blue.
18:16신소리 말고 닭이나 들어요Stop talking nonsense and eat your chicken.
18:18애기씨가 다 듣고 계시는구먼Lady Ae-sin can hear us, you know.
18:20(홍파시도 때도 없이 다정해아주 아유This isn't the time nor place for it.
18:35-My gosh. -So,
18:36(승구그래서 움막에는 미군이 왔다 갔고-My gosh. -So, an American soldier came to
the hut
18:40너에겐 정혼자가 왔다고?and your fiancé came to you?
18:44하니 당분간 움막에는 안 가시는 게 좋을 듯합
You should stay away from the hut for now.
18:48나야 당분간이지만It's just a while for me,
18:50혼인을 하면 너는 영 오기 힘들 것인데but it will be hard for you to come here if you
get married.
18:54싫습니다저는 그리는 못 삽니다No. I can't live like that.
18:57(승구못 살면가문과 가문의 약속인데What if you can't? It's a promise between
19:01도망갈 겁니다I'm going to run away.
19:03영길리든 법국이든 덕국이든To England, France, or Germany.
19:06조선 밖에서도 조선을 위하는 길이 있을 겁니
There must be a way to help Joseon from
outside of Joseon.
19:09네 뜻은 알겠으니 일단 가까운 데부터 다녀오
I understand your willingness. Go somewhere
close first.
19:16미 공사관The American legation.

19:21훔친 총이다돌려줘야지It's the gun we stole. We must return it.
19:24우리는 도적이 아니다We're not thieves.
19:29우리라니요스승님?"We"? What do you mean, Master?
19:31훔친 건 스승님인데 왜 반납은 제가 합니까?Why must I return what you stole?
19:35(승구넌 늘 내 편이라며?You said you're on my side.
20:23(함안댁) [한국어저 공사관 그치 아인가?Isn't that him from the legation?
22:39(세훈) [한국어폐하신 이세훈 아뢰옵기 황공
Your Majesty, I, Lee Se-hun, regretfully report
22:43근자에 근거 없는 풍문이 저자에 돌아 소신이
두루 확인해 본바
groundless rumors have been circulating and I
checked the--
22:47짐이Do you mean
22:49(고종러청은행에 비자금을 예치했다는 그 소
문 말인가
the rumor that I deposited a slush fund in a
Russia-China bank?
22:55그러하옵니다Yes, Your Majesty.
22:57백성들 입에 오르내리는 사사로운 풍문이라고
는 하나
It's just a rumor that the commoners gossip
23:00(세훈만약 이 소문이 일본 공사 귀에 들어간
but if the rumor were to reach the Japanese
23:03조선으로서는 퍽 난감한 일이...that would be a problem for our--
23:05저자에 이미 파다하다는 소문을Would the Japanese not know of a rumor
23:08일본인들 모를 리 있겠는가that already circulates the marketplace?
23:13(세훈그렇긴 하오나...But Your Majesty--
23:14하나 하나 반가운 것은The one piece of good news is that
23:17일본 측에서도 아직 증좌를 못 찾았음이야the Japanese have not yet found proof.
23:22그대가 지금 나를 떠보고 있지 않는가Evidently, you are trying to ascertain the truth
with me.
23:26폐하그것이 무슨 말씀이시온지Your Majesty, what are you insinuating?
23:30소신은 그저... (정문폐하-I only-- -Your Majesty.
23:32지금 밖에 이가 완익이 들었사옵니다Lee Wan-ik is waiting outside.
23:36(고종들라 하라Let him in.
23:39경은 그만 나가 보라You are excused.
24:07(완익폐하Your Majesty.
24:08주일 한국 공사 임무를 마치고 돌아온 완익입
I, Lee Wan-ik, am back from working in our
legation in Japan.
24:12절받으십시오Please accept my bow.
24:34폐하강녕하셨습니까?Your Majesty. Have you been well?
24:38(고종경이 와 주었으니 그리되어야겠지Now that you're back, I hope to be.
24:48명심하갔습니다폐하I will serve you, Your Majesty.
24:50(고종그대가 일본에서 가져온 이야기들은 차
차 듣겠다
I will hear your stories of Japan in due time.

24:55조선으로 돌아오는 길이 멀었을 터Your trip must have been a long one.
25:00그대는 넉넉히 휴식하며Take the time you need to rest
25:03몸과 마음을 정돈하라and gather your thoughts.
25:09성은이 망극하옵니다폐하I thank you, Your Majesty.
25:24이런 건방진 놈을 보았나What an arrogant fool you are.
25:27(세훈역관 놈이 출세해 봐야 그저 역관 놈인
An interpreter who got promoted is still a mere
25:31아무리 세상이 변했다 한들 천한 신분이 어디
가겠느냔 말이다
Even if times have changed, your low birth
doesn't go anywhere.
25:39어허입이 붙었느냐?Have you lost your ability to speak?
25:42엄연히 법도가 있고 위아래가 있거늘We have rules and manners.
25:44어찌 먼저 인사부터 올리지 않고 멀뚱히 섰느
냔 말이다
Why do you just stand there and not greet
25:49그래도 이놈이...How dare you?
25:51네놈이 이러니This is why
25:53폐하께서도 관직을 안 내리시고 네놈을 집구석
에 처박는 것이다
our Majesty won't bestow you a title and just
sent you home.
25:57내 네놈의 그 모가지를 작신 분질러 버르장...I should just break your neck to...
26:04나의 인사요잘 지냈소?That is my greeting. How have you been?
26:08(세훈이런...Why you...
26:11덕담은 새겨듣겠소I will heed your advice.
26:22(완익 집사가자Let's go.
26:58(수미) [한국어울지 마아가울지 마Don't cry, baby. Don't cry.
27:03아이가 열이 있어서The child has a fever.
27:47(완익) [한국어저 아새끼래 무시기라니?What's with that man?
27:50어째 조선인이 미군 군복을 입고 서 있는가 말
Why is a Joseon man in an American
27:56저 아새끼래 미국 분이신데That man is an American,
27:58조선말이 유창합니다나리but he speaks fluent Korean.
28:23[한국어진짜 열불 터지네You're infuriating.
28:26[한국어그냥 조선말 해Just speak in Korean.
28:28당신 잉글리시 개똥이야Your English is crap.
28:30(완익이 간나새끼 무시기라니?What... What did that bitch just say?
28:37[한국어미친 에미나이You crazy bitch.
28:39돈 받고 싶거들랑 아가리 닥치라!Shut your mouth if you want to get paid!
28:41빨리 사인해!Just sign it already.
28:42(미망인영감탱이 사람 귀찮게 하네진짜This old geezer is so annoying.
28:48(완익) [어이없이 웃으며이 에미나이 죽고 싶
어 환장을 했지
You have a death wish, don't you?
28:53그렇지 않아도 내 할라 그랬다I was going to sign anyway.

29:14[한국어머니빨리빨리오케이?Money, quickly, okay?
29:16그 아가리!That mouth...
29:30(유진찾고 있다던 건 찾았소?Did you find what you were looking for?
29:34(동매집이 이리 크니 같이 찾으시겠습니까,
The house is very big. Do you care to look
with me?
29:37여기에 있소?Is it here?
29:41없지 싶긴 한데 혼자 찾겠다더니-It might not be. -You wanted to look alone.
29:46하나보단 둘이 낫지 않겠나 싶어서Two would be better than one.
29:49나중에 다시 하나가 되더라도 말입니다Even if only one is left later on.
29:51그럴 걸 뭐 하러Then why bother?
29:54(유진무엇보다 난 그게 뭐든 찾을 생각이 없
I don't want to find it, whatever it is.
29:57애쓰지 마시고 적당히 둘러보다 가십시오Don't try too hard. Just take a brief look before
you leave.
30:01이 잡듯 뒤졌는데 이 집에는 없습니다나리I searched from top to bottom and it's not
30:08[일본어김희성이라는 자가 지금 글로리에 묵
고 있답니다
A man called Kim Hui-seong is staying at
Glory Hotel.
30:13[한국어선약이 있는 걸 잊었습니다 하면 몸조
I forgot I have an appointment. I wish you
well, sir.
30:16매번 그리 내 몸 걱정을 해 주시고You always worry about me.
30:26미워야 하는데 마음에 들어 큰일이네I should hate you. It's a pity that I like you.
30:39(동매애쓰지 말랬는데I told you not to try too hard.
30:42꽤 오래 둘러보다 오신 모양입니다It seems you looked very thoroughly.
30:44선약이 혹시 나였소?Was I your appointment?
30:49오늘이오?Is it today?
30:50(유진내 방오늘 뒤지시는가 해서My room. Will you search it today?
30:53그럼 비켜 드릴 테니 편히 하라고I'll stay out of the way if--
30:54(동매배려는 감사하지만 오늘도 아닙니다
Thank you for your consideration, but it's not
today either, sir.
31:01304호 아니시오?You're the man next door.
31:05(희성오늘은 동무분이랑 같이 계시는구려You're with a friend today.
31:08반갑소김희성이오 304호 옆방에 묵소Hello, I'm Kim Hui-seong. I stay next door to
Room 304.
31:15일본 분이신가?Is he Japanese?
31:18(히나조선말을 할 줄 아는 자입니다He speaks Korean.
31:20인사해 애신 애기씨의 정혼자 나리셔Say hello. He's Lady Ae-sin's fiancé.
31:22[긴장되는 음악] (희성조선에선 이렇게 소개
하는 게 편하더이다
It's easier to introduce myself this way here.
31:25그나저나 일전에 보니 내 정혼자를 공사관에
오라 가라 하던데
I noticed last time that you asked my fiancée
to the legation often.
31:29대체 무슨 일이오?What's it about?

31:33(히나허리에 찬 것들 꺼내실 요량이면If you're going to take out what's on your
31:37나가서 해 주시겠어요?can you do that outside?
31:41둘 사이가 좀 그런 거요?Is your friendship suffering?
31:43(희성그렇다고 동무들끼리 다투는 일에 무기
를 들어서야 되겠소
Even so, friends shouldn't fight with weapons.
31:47그러지 말고 이리 만난 것도 인연이니 셋이서
술이나 한잔
Don't be like that. It means something that we
met like this. -We should have drinks-- -I don't
like to drink.
31:50(유진술 싫어하오-We should have drinks-- -I don't like to drink.
31:53(희성마음도 좀 푸시고And try to relax.
31:56(동매내가 오늘 술을 마시면 누구 하나 죽일
것 같아서
If I drink tonight, I might end up killing a man.
32:01둘인가?Or is it two?
32:14(희성둘이 감정의 골이 아주 깊은가 보오There seems to be a deep rift.
32:17그러게나 말입니다I guess so.
32:19누군가는 애달파질 듯한데 우리 둘은 아니길
빌어 보죠
Someone's about to feel some sorrow. I hope
it's neither of us.
32:25한데 그대는 어디 끼는 거요?Whose side are you on?
32:27글쎄요We'll see.
32:35(히나인사해 애신 애기씨의 정혼자 나리셔Say hello. He's Lady Ae-sin's fiancé.
32:40(유진동지요?Are you comrades?
32:51편찮으시다 하여 왔습니다I came to visit upon hearing that you are
32:53아유괜한 심려를 끼쳤나 봅니다I caused you concern over nothing.
32:56다 나았습니다I have fully recovered.
32:59나으셨다니 다행입니다I'm pleased to hear that.
33:01(조씨묵은 말을 좀 꺼내야 해서 마음이 쓰였
I must say, I did feel uncomfortable having to
bring up the past.
33:06희성이가 들어왔다면서요I heard Hui-seong is back.
33:09희성이가요?Hui-seong is?
33:14[말을 더듬으며희성이가 안 들어왔는데요?He hasn't returned.
33:18벌건 대낮에 '내가 정혼자요하고 다녀간 그놈
the man who came over today saying, "I'm her
33:21귀신이랍니까?Was he a ghost?
33:25아니그놈이Are you saying
33:28법도도 없이 그게 벌건 대낮에 거기를 다녀he showed up without notice like that? He

갔습니까?should've known better.
33:31안 들어왔다면서요?You said he's not back.
33:37그게 그러니까 그놈이Okay, so... That brat...
33:40조선에는 왔는데I meant to say that
33:43집에는 아직 안 왔다는 그 얘기를 한다는 것이
he's back in Joseon, but he hasn't come
33:53제가 아직 몸이 다 낫지를 않아I am not very well yet.
33:57혼몽합니다부인My mind is not very clear.
34:00얼굴도 못 본 정혼자니 궁금했겠지요He's never met his fiancée, so he must've
been curious.
34:04이해 못 할 바도 아닙니다I understand.
34:06(조씨혼인 전에 정혼자의 집에 다녀갔네 마네And it's behind the times to find fault with the
fact that
34:08그런 걸 흠잡는 것도 시대에 어긋나는 일인 듯
he visited his fiancée's house before
34:12넘어갈까 하고요I'll let that slide.
34:14하니 사주단자는 서둘러 주시지요So send us the time and date of his birth.
34:21아니어차피 늦은 걸 뭘 그리...Why rush something that's already been
34:24(조씨늦었으니 서둘러야지요Even more reason to rush it.
34:26사주단자를 보내 주셔야 혼인을 하지 않겠습니
We can only proceed with their marriage when
you send us Hui-seong's birth date and time.
34:31급할수록 돌아가란 말도 있고...It's best to take your time during urgent--
34:34얼마나 더 돌아가시렵니까?How much more time do you want?
34:36한 10년 더 기다리면 되겠습니까?Must we wait for ten more years?
34:39[멋쩍게 웃으며그런 뜻이 아니라...That's not what I mean.
34:41우리 애신이 꽃다운 나이 다 시들어 과년한데
Ae-sin has already passed marriageable age
and is wilting.
34:44아유시들다니요!She is not wilting at all.
34:46(호선애신이 고운 거야 두말하면 입 아프고It's a waste of breath to mention how beautiful
she is
34:49현숙하게 잘 컸다는 소문이 자자한데요and everyone speaks of what a good young
lady she is.
34:55우리 애신이야 조신하기가 어디 하나 나무랄
데가 없지요
No one can disagree with how elegant and
ladylike she is.
35:07(애신정면 돌파는 노출 위험이 크다I could get exposed if I go head-on.
35:09후문엔 미군들 숙소가 인접해 있어 역시 위험
부담이 크다
The back door is also risky because the
soldiers' camp is nearby.
35:13그럼 저기다It must be that way.
35:47미안하오너무 세게 쳤소Sorry. I hit you too hard.
36:10(도미) [한국어저도 저렇게요Yes. That's how I do it as well.
36:14여기로 넘어왔다 넘어갑니다I jump over this wall to get in and out.

36:19근데 이분은 누구시지?But who is that?
36:20축하해 너 방금 공사관에 취직됐어Congratulations. You just got hired by our
36:24(유진공일은 쉬고 모레부터 출근해Take tomorrow off and start the next day.
36:26정말입니까?Can I really?
36:28정말이고 말 좀 작게 하고Really. And speak quietly.
36:31지금 본 이 장면은 비밀로 하고What you just saw is a secret.
36:34[작은 목소리로나리전 아무것도 못 봤습
Yes, sir. I didn't see anything.
36:37(도미하면 모레 뵙겠습니다나리Then I'll see you the day after tomorrow.
37:06[애신의 놀란 숨소리] (애신이게 무슨... (유진)
작은 목소리로!
What are you--
37:08[다가오는 발걸음가까이 오는 걸음 소리요The footsteps are coming closer.
37:10걸읍시다자연스럽게Let's walk naturally.
37:17(유진그래정혼자가 돌아왔다고?I heard your fiancé is back.
37:19내 그저 동무인 줄 알았지뭔가I thought you were friends.
37:22아주 미인이던데He's very handsome.
37:24그럼 혼인을 하는 겐가?Then... are you getting married?
37:27내 그것이 궁금하였네I was curious about that.
37:37멀어졌소 진심이오-We drifted apart. -I mean it.
37:41무엇이 말이오?Mean what?
37:43진짜 궁금해서 물은 거란 뜻이오I asked because I was curious.
37:49대답이 없네You're not answering.
37:53(애신일행이 기다리고 있어 가야 하오I must join my company.
37:56늦어서 걱정하고 있을 거요They'll be worried I'm late.
37:57공사관 담을 넘다 걸린 현행범이You were caught jumping over the American
legation's wall.
38:00뻔뻔하기까지You're shameless too.
38:04(애신Once again.
38:07신세 졌소I owe you.
38:18바래다주겠소I'll walk you.
38:20혼자 걸으면 위험할 거요It'll be dangerous on your own.
38:24함께 걸으면 눈에 뜨일 거요We'll be noticed if we walk together.
38:25그러니까That's exactly why.
38:28(유진조선에서 제일 안전한 곳은 내 옆이오The safest place in Joseon is next to me
38:32눈에 띄는 건 나일 테니since I'll be the one to get noticed.
38:43(유진) [영어요셉 어르신께Thank you for your letter.
38:48함경도는 벌써 겨울이겠습니다It must be winter in Hamgyong Province
38:52추위를 많이 타시니 걱정입니다I'm worried because you get cold easily.

38:55잘 지내십니까?Is everything well with you?
38:58전 조선에서의 모든 날들이 평안합니다Every day here in Joseon has been peaceful
for me.
39:04궁금한 게 있소I want to ask you something.
39:08러브 말이오About "love"...
39:11(유진평안하지 않습니다Actually, I should take it back.
39:14아직 생각 중인 거요?Have you not made up your mind yet?
39:18(유진어쩌자고 전 답을 하고 싶어지는 걸까
Why do I want to give her my answer?
39:27(애신보시오 본인도 답이 없으면서See? Even you don't answer my questions.
39:31고맙소Thank you.
39:33나란히 걷는다는 것이 참 좋소It is very nice to walk side by side with you.
39:38나에겐 다시없을 순간이라지금이I won't be able to experience another moment
like this.
39:45여기서부터는 따로 갑시다Let's part ways here.
39:48(유진하마터면 잡을 뻔했습니다I almost stopped her
39:50가지 말라고더 걷자고and told her not to leave so that we can walk
together for a bit longer.
39:54저기 멀리까지만 나란히Just until we get over there, side by side...
40:16조선에서 전 저기가 어디인지도 모르면서I don't even know my way around Joseon,
40:23(유진저기로and yet I'm walking
40:25저기 어디 멀리로toward somewhere far away.
40:29자꾸만 가고 있습니다I keep on walking.
40:33한성에는 언제 오십니까?When are you coming to Hanseong?
40:38보고 싶습니다I miss you.
40:41쓰고 보니 이 편지는I'm realizing now
40:43마치 고해 성사 같아서that this letter is more like a confession.
40:47부치지는 못할 것 같습니다Hence, I don't think I can actually send this to
41:30(카일) [어눌한 말투로물렀거라내 급히 갈 데
가 있다
"Make way. I'm in a rush to get somewhere."
41:36(관수소인이 집대성한 '간단 조선 회화서책
It's a book I wrote on basic Korean
41:39카일 나리께서도 그렇게 저만 믿으십니다Even Major Moore completely relies on me.
41:55(카일) [한국어참으로 곱구나"You're very beautiful.
41:57그래네년 이름이 무엇이냐?Tell me, young lady. What is your name?
42:00오늘 밤 수청을...Shall we spend the night--"
42:04[한국어저기 '칭찬하기 조선어 실용 편'
Oh, he's learning practical phrases for giving
42:11며칠 전에 나리를 찾아왔던 자 아니옵니까?Sir, isn't he the man who came to see you a
few days ago?

42:19(남자너 만나고 왔다고 했더니 마누라가I told my wife about meeting you, and she told
42:27이걸 갖다주라고to give you this.
42:35[무거운 음악네 부모 수습할 적에She's been holding on to it
42:37마누라가 챙겨 뒀었다고since the day we retrieved the bodies.
43:20(남자내 이제 와서 이런 말이 다 뭔 소용인가
It may be pointless to say this to you after all
these years,
43:24이리된 이상 나도 다 털어 버리고 싶다but I want to tell you everything now.
43:29네 엄니 아부지 그리 만든 놈은 따로 있어Your parents ended up like that because of
someone else.
43:33무슨 소리야?What do you mean?
43:34(남자그 작자가 김 판서 대감이랑 작당해서
네 부모가 그리된 거야
That man conspired with Lord Kim. That's why
your parents died.
43:39넌 어려서 몰랐겠지만You were too young to know these things,
43:42그 작자가 네 어미를 엄청 탐냈어but that man lusted after your mother.
43:47그저그저 살려고 그랬다You see, It was just something I had to do to
43:50우리 것들이야 주인이 시키는 대로 한 죄밖에
더 있냐
We, lowly servants, must obey our masters,
you know.
43:54내 죄를 물을 거면 그놈 죄도 물어If you must hold me responsible, you ought to
punish him too.
43:59그자는 떵떵거리며 아직까지 잘 사니까He's still living a comfortable life, showing off
his wealth.
44:03그 작자가 바로That man is
44:05외부대신 이세훈이야the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Lee Se-hun.
44:11(계향불란서 양장 그깟 거 얼마나 한다고French dresses aren't even that expensive.
44:14사람을 이리 진 빠지게 하시오?Must you make me keep pestering you like
44:16아니명색이 외부대신의 소실이You see, I'm the mistress of the Minister of
Foreign Affairs.
44:19개화가 늦다 무시나 당하면 좋겠습니까?Do you wish to see me being ridiculed for
accepting Western culture late?
44:22그걸 입고 어딜 싸돌아다니려고?Where will you go wearing those clothes?
44:24(세훈노름판 들락거리려니 양장이 필요하더
Do you need Western clothes to go to the
gambling den?
44:28학당에 가려 그럽니다학당No, I want to go to the new school.
44:31(계향나 좋으라고 다니오It's not like I'm doing this for myself.
44:34(세훈핑계가 좋구나What a good excuse.
44:37네년은 가만히 있는 게 나를 돕는 것이다Don't do anything if you wish to help me.
44:39저깟 화병에는 금덩이도 안 아까워하시면서You spent gold to get your hands on that
stupid vase.
44:41닥치거라!Shut your mouth!
44:43(세훈저것이 보통 화병인 줄 아느냐?That is not just any vase.
44:45저 화병에 내 입신양명이 달렸음이야My success depends on that vase.

44:49그리 저 화병이 좋으면If you like that vase that much,
44:51오늘부터 저 화병이나 끌어안고 주무시구려!you can sleep with it in your arms from now
44:54저 주둥아리That boorish mouth of hers.
44:56(세훈다 늙은 년을 데리고 살아 주는 것도 감
She should thank me for living with her when
she's not even young anymore.
45:03이 더러운 손으로 어딜 만진 것이냐지금!What did you just touch with this filthy hand?
45:05이 때가 안 보이느냐?Don't you see this filth?
45:07(하인2) 죄송합니다대감마님I apologize, my lord.
45:09제가 분명 손을 씻었사온데 풀물이 들어...I made sure to wash my hands, but my nails
got stained--
45:11시끄럽다이년!Shut it, you wench!
45:14안 그래도 요새 되는 일이 없는데 등청 길에 재
수 없게
Nothing has been going my way. Must you
ruin my morning like this?
45:18새 관복을 내오너라!Bring a new robe!
45:20(하인3) 대감마님Yes. Right away, my lord.
45:21(호위병1) 쉬 물렀거라외부대신 행차시다!Make way! Make way for Minister Lee.
45:26물렀거라외부대신 행차시다!Make way! This is the Minister of Foreign
45:40(호위병1) 웬 놈이냐?Identify yourself.
45:46대한 제국 외부대신 이세훈 대감이시다This is Lord Lee Se-hun, the Minister of
Foreign Affairs.
45:49당장 물러서지 못하겠느냐!Make way this instant!
45:57(세훈저런 미친놈이...Is he out of his mind?
46:04말은 후진을 못 해서Horses cannot walk backwards.
46:35(호위병2) 대감마님My lord.
46:37저 미친놈이 누군지 알아 오너라Find out who that crazy bastard is.
46:39내 저놈을 찢어 죽일 것이다!I will rip him to pieces!
47:13(동매) [한국어술 안 좋아하신다면서요나리?Sir, you said you don't like to drink.
47:15당신을 안 좋아하지만Shall I say it's like answering you
47:17말시키면 대꾸하는 것과 마찬가지랄까 [동매가
when you strike up a conversation even
though I dislike you?
47:21안 좋아하는 사람이 많으신가 봅니다나리It sounds like you dislike many people, sir.
47:24(동매오늘 저자에서 외부대신을 욕보이셨다
I heard you humiliated the Minister of Foreign
Affairs on the streets.
47:29말이 말을 안 들었을 뿐이오My horse acted up, that's all.
47:44304호와 그의 동무 아니시오?Room 304 and his friend.
47:48(희성치사하시오 날 빼놓고 두 분이서 이러기
This hurts my feelings. How could you leave
me out?
47:51(유진따로 왔소We came separately.
47:53(희성그럼 따로 온 사람끼리Since we all came separately,
47:55한잔할까요?we should drink together.

47:58(유진내 옷My coat...
48:03(동매따로 하시지Let's drink separately.
48:05같이 마시면 내가 취할지도 모르겠는데I may get drunk if we drink together.
48:19(희성아니어쩜 이렇게 말없이 술만 마시지?How can the two of you just drink without
saying a word?
48:25[동매가 술을 조르르 따른다동무끼리You two are friends.
48:29화해 안 하셨소?Haven't you made up yet?
48:30동무 아니오We are not friends.
48:32(희성미안하오동매랬지Sorry, you said your name was Dong-mae.
48:35나 김희성이오I'm Kim Hui-seong.
48:37근데 술잔을 같이 비웠으면 그게 바로 동무요But you see, those who drink together can call
themselves friends.
48:46한데 둘은 그왜 싸운 거요?By the way, why did the two of you fight?
48:49(유진안 싸웠소We didn't fight.
48:51아직은Not yet.
48:52그럼 만약에Then...
48:55둘이 싸우면if the two of you fight,
48:58누가 이기오? [동매가 피식한다]who do you think will win?
49:01진짜 궁금해서I'm really curious.
49:04누가 이기든 당신은 결과를 모를 거요You'll never find out who wins
49:07그 전에 누가 죽이든 당신을 죽일 것 같소because one of us will probably kill you first.
49:18(희성농담도That was funny.
49:21근데 물은 김에 하나 더Then let me ask you something else.
49:23둘은 왜 항상 화가 나 있는 거요?Why do both of you always seem angry?
49:33왜들 그리 보시오?Why are you guys looking at me like that?
49:37내 질문이I guess
49:40재미가 있구려you're enjoying my questions.
49:41그럼 미국인과 조선인이 물에 빠졌소 누구 구
할 거요
Let's say an American and a Joseon man fell
into the river. Which one will you save?
49:45아마 내가 죽일 것 같소I'll probably kill this guy.
49:46(희성그럼 조선인과 일본인이 물에 빠졌소 누
구 구할 거요
A Joseon man and a Japanese man fell into
the river. Which one will you save?
49:51(동매제가 죽이나 봅니다나리I think I'll end up killing him, sir.
49:55(희성그럼 이렇게 물에 빠지면?Then what if the two of us fall into the river?
49:59물이 깊어야 할 텐데I hope the river is deep.
50:01(희성그럼 이렇게 둘이 물에 빠지면?What if the two of us fall into the river?
50:04왜 자꾸 당신은 물에 빠지는 거요?Why do you keep talking about falling into the
50:10나는 죽었소I'm dead.
50:16익사했소I drowned.
50:17Because no one came to my rescue!

아무도 날 구하지 않아!
50:25(유진내 신발...My shoes...
50:40그래전직 물장수라고?So, I heard you used to sell water.
50:42물지게를 지고 하루 열 번도 넘게 물을 길었
Yes, sir. I went to the well over ten times a day
with my A-frame carrier.
50:48얘가 누굴 아주 물로 보고Gosh, does this kid actually think I'll buy that?
50:51영사 대리 나리가 뒷배다 이거야?Do you think the acting consul got your back?
50:53?Pardon me?
50:56(관수) [헛기침하며봐라 사대문 밖 우물이
못 잡아도 오 리야
Look, the wells outside the four gates are at
least 2km away from here.
51:00그 오 리를 네가 물지게를 지고 네가You said you traveled that distance wearing
an A-frame carrier with water over 10 times a
51:04열 번도 넘게라 했으니 열한 번이라 치자?Let's say you did it 11 times a day.
51:07그럼 아무리 빨라야 왕복 반 시진인데Each trip must've taken at least an hour even
if you walked fast.
51:10그럼 얼추 하루에 다섯 시진 반을 물지게를 졌
다는 소리인데
That means you used to do that roughly 11
hours a day.
51:15인시부터 유시까지 졌습니다I used to work from about 4 a.m. to 6 p.m.
51:18알아!I know that.
51:21[익살스러운 음악그랬구나-I see. -Yes, sir.
51:23(도미제가 저희 집 장손이라...-I see. -Yes, sir. I'm the eldest son in my
51:26웃지는 말고?Don't smile like that.
51:28(관수네가 절대 착각하면 안 되는 게I want to make one thing clear.
51:29내가 되게 슬픈 사연이 있으니까Don't ever assume that adults will be nice to
51:31어른들이 나한테 막 잘해 주겠...because of your sad story...
51:38다시 말하지만 난 너 절대...I'll say this again. I'll never help you...
51:48일해Get back to work.
51:51일해Do your work.
52:00오셨습니까나리Hello, sir.
52:01나 다 봤다네가 저 나리 울리는 거I saw everything. You made him cry.
52:23(애순겨울 채비들 하는 게야?Are you getting ready for the winter?
52:25(함안댁문간채까지 할라믄 벌시로
Yes, my lady. We must hurry to prepare the
other room in time as well.
52:30아이고바빠 죽겠다Oh, boy. I have too much to do.
52:33(애신점심은요?Have you eaten yet?
52:34전이시면 상 차릴까요?Shall I get them to fix you lunch?
52:36쌀 아깝게 무슨 점심이야?Don't worry about it. Let's not waste rice.
52:39(애순그 쌀 딴 데나 좀 보태Let's use the rice for something else.
52:41행랑아범 시켜서 쌀 몇 가마니만 좀 팔아 와Have Mr. Haengrang sell a few bags of rice.

52:43어머니께는 함구하고Don't tell Mother about it.
52:46언니!-Ae-sun. -What?
52:46(애순언니아씨라고 불러이년아Address me formally, will you?
52:50너랑 나랑은 하늘과 땅 차이라고 몇 번을 말해?I'm way above you in the family hierarchy.
How many times must I tell you?
52:53너희 부모가 어른들 앞에서 정식 혼인을 했
Look, your parents never even had a wedding
52:57사주단자 하나가 오가길 했니?They didn't even follow the wedding customs.
53:00근본도 없는 년이 아가서 쌀이나 팔아 오래도!You don't belong here. Just go sell some rice,
you wench.
53:03하늘 같은 언니도 못 하시는 걸 제가 무슨 수로
Even you, Lady High and Mighty, cannot do it.
I obviously won't be able to.
53:07(애순뭐야?-What? -I know what you have been doing
53:08언니가 빈관에서 무엇을 하는지 내 다 압니다-What? -I know what you have been doing at
the hotel.
53:12노름침대기대군대Liquors, gambling, bed, love, and soldiers.
53:17(애순너 뭐뭐라는 거야뭔 군대?What are you talking about? What soldiers?
53:20한 번만 더If you
53:22내 부모님 얘기 그리하시면speak about my parents in that manner once
53:25내 할아버님께 다 고해바칠 겁니다I will tell Grandfather everything.
53:29너 진짜How dare you...
53:32(애순아유너 정말아유그래간다가 가면
될 거 아니야
My goodness. Fine, I'm off. I will leave you
53:38(함안댁아유아이고저 성질머리 하고는 참
Gosh. Good grief, that temper.
53:41아이고내가 진짜 몬 산다Dear me, story of my life.
53:54아이고그기 그래도 희성 도련님 마음일 건데Young Master Hui-seong must've wanted to
express his sincerity through it,
53:58(함안댁버릴 수도 없고 해가so I could not throw it out.
54:04(희성반갑소그대의 정혼자It's nice to meet you. I am your fiancé,
54:09김희성이오Kim Hui-seong.
54:11(유진그래정혼자가 돌아왔다고?I heard your fiancé is back.
54:13내 그저 동무인 줄 알았지뭔가I thought you were friends.
54:17어찌 이 꽃은Why is this flower
54:20(애신준 사람도making me think of the person
54:22안 준 사람도 다 생각나게 하는지who gave it to me as well as someone else?
54:26(함안댁?Pardon me?
55:47(유진단순 가출인가 야반도주인가?Are you just running away or doing a
moonlight flit?
55:52마님께서 이건 더럽다고Ms. Taylor said this is filthy.
55:55아기를 새 비단 강보에 싸서 떠나셔서She wrapped her baby in a new silk quilt and

55:58고맙습니다Thank you, sir.
55:59따뜻할 때 마셔Drink it before it gets cold.
56:01(수미Yes, sir.
56:03(유진도미 보러 온 거야?Are you here to see Do-mi?
56:05도미 아까 해 지기 전에 갔을 텐데I think he left for the day before sundown.
56:18바깥 나리께서 아이랑 놀아 주시고 나면The quilt got ruined after Mr. Taylor
56:21꼭 강보가 망가져 있곤 했거든요played with the baby.
56:24그래서 처음에는 강보나 새로 박음질해 주려
했던 건데
At first, I was just trying to sew over the
56:31마님은 모르셨어요Ms. Taylor didn't know about it.
56:33나리께서 중한 것들을 어디에 숨기시는지She had no idea where Mr. Taylor kept
important things.
56:38저는 그래서 알게 됐고요Anyway, that's how I found out.
57:22(수미중한 겁니까?Is it an important letter, sir?
57:25돈이 됩니까?Is it something valuable?
57:32아주 많이Yes, it's very valuable.
57:33(수미그럼 나리 가지셔요Then I'll give it to you, sir.
57:36저랑 도미 구해 주신 답례입니다I'd like to thank you for helping me and Do-mi
that day.
57:39이거 가지고 있으면 죽을지도 모르는데But I might die if I keep this.
57:44그게 무엇인데요?What exactly is it?
57:48조선의 운명The fate of Joseon.
57:55(고종조선과 뜻을 같이하던 러시아는 힘을 잃
Our ally, Russia, has lost its power,
57:59영일 동맹은 더욱 견고하며whereas the British-Japanese alliance has
58:03미국은 그저 관망할 뿐 곁을 주지 않는데US is observing the situation without taking
58:07예치 증서마저 여직 행방이 불명하다and we still do not know where the deposit
certificate is.
58:11혹여 비명에 간 황후께서Is the Queen, who died such a brutal death,
58:14나를 벌하시는 겐가?trying to punish me?
58:16(정문폐하어찌 그런...Your Majesty, that is not true.
58:19(고종그 증서가 완익의 손에 없는 것은 확실
Are we certain that Lee Wan-ik does not have
that certificate?
58:25완익은 영리한 자다He is a clever man.
58:28일본에서도 조선에서도He must already be aware
58:30아무 곳에서도 쓰이지 말라 불러들였음을 이미
알 것이다
that I made him return so that he cannot do
anything here and in Japan.

58:35(정문제국익문사를 붙여 살피게 하였사온데I had a covert officer to tail him,
58:39별다른 행보는 없사옵니다but he has not done anything out of the
58:41(고종지켜보고 있음도 알 것이다He must also be aware that we are watching
58:44지켜보고 있음을 알고도 어딘가로 움직인다면If he makes a move fully knowing that we are
watching him,
58:48바로 그 행보가his very actions
58:51(정문완익의 조국이 어디인지 알려 주지 않겠
will show where his true homeland is.
58:57그럼 그때When that happens,
58:59늦지 않게 조치하겠사옵니다I will take the necessary measures without
59:04그리하라Do so.
59:12(동매누구 손에 있든 갖고 있는 자는Whoever has it
59:15반드시 죽을 겁니다나리will definitely die, sir.
59:23(히나커피가 다 식었네요 다시 올리라 이르겠
Your coffee got cold. I will tell them to bring
another one.
59:27그보다Rather than that,
59:29(유진전에 내게 구동매란 자에 대해 듣겠냐
you asked me before if I would like to know
about Gu Dong-mae.
59:33(히나조식에 곁들이기에 맛난 이야기는 아닌
데 들으시겠어요
I'm afraid it's not a story that goes well with
breakfast. Would you still like to hear?
59:39너무 사연이 많은 사내라He's had such a difficult life, you see.
59:42'태어나 보니 백정의 아들이었다'부터 시작해야
He was born a butcher's son. Should I begin
from there?
59:49'무신회였다'부터 합시다Let's start from Musin Society.
59:50(희성같이 들읍시다Let me join you.
59:53아이고머리야Gosh, my head.
59:56술병이 나서 하루 종일 잤지뭐요I was in bed all day from drinking too much
last night.
1:00:00304호는 괜찮소?How are you feeling, Room 304?
1:00:04기억이 안 나나 본데 혼자만 많이 드셨소You must have forgotten. You're the only one
who drank too much.
1:00:08(히나자꾸 물에 빠졌으니 구해 달라셔서 아주
혼이 났습니다
You begged to save you from drowning and it
was such a hassle.
1:00:12아침부터 어딜 가시나 봅니다-I did? -You must be going somewhere this
1:00:14(희성내 잠은 바깥에서 자도 명색이 양반인데Although I don't sleep at home, I'm still a
1:00:17부모님께 아침 문안 여쭙는 게 도리라...It's only right to bid my parents good
1:00:20[헛기침하며나서는 길인데I'm headed there.
1:00:22Before that, I need my morning coffee to start

갈 땐 가더라도 모닝 가배는 해야 하지 않겠소?the journey.
1:00:27왜 여기 앉으시오?Why are you sitting there?
1:00:29마주 보는 것보다 나란히 앉는 것이 더 좋
Would you like it better if I sat next to you?
1:00:37(희성들을 준비 되었소I'm ready to hear the story.
1:00:39'무신회부터 합시다'까지 하셨소We left off at "Let's start from Musin Society."
1:00:43다음에 들읍시다 (희성에이지금 들읍시다,
-Let's do this later. -Let's do it now. It sounds
1:00:46(집사도련님!Young master.
1:00:48(희성벌써 왔는가 연초 한 대 태우고 있게
금방 나가겠네
You're here already. Go have a smoke. I'll be
out in a minute.
1:00:51도련님Yes, young master.
1:01:09(어린 유진) [울먹이며도련님제발 살려 주십
시오 제발 아비 좀 살려 주십시오
Young master, please help. Please help my
father, young master.
1:01:13(안평나한테 집중되게 하지 마!People are watching. Just go!
1:01:22(유진혹시 신미년생이오?By any chance, were you born in 1871?
1:01:26그걸 어떻게...How did you know that?
1:01:33(유진당신 아버지 함자가 혹시Is your father's name
1:01:37김안평이오?Kim An-pyeong?
1:01:39내 부친을 아시오?Do you know my father?
1:01:53(희성내 그런 눈빛 익숙하오I've seen that look many times.
1:01:55304호에게도 무슨 잘못을 한 모양이구려You must've been wronged too.
1:02:00누구요?Who was it?
1:02:02내 조부요내 아버지요?Was it my father or my grandfather?
1:02:12(안평이리 오너라!Come greet me at once!
1:02:20(안평추노질 작파하고 장사한다는 소리 들었
I heard you quit hunting slaves and opened up
a business.
1:02:25입성도 변변하고 낯짝도 반반하고Your clothes look decent. And so does your
1:02:31입에 풀칠 꽤나 하는 모양이야Your business must be doing well.
1:02:33야 [헛기침]Yes, well...
1:02:36(일식옛날맨치 사흘에 하루꼴로 굶지는 않응
We don't starve every other day like we used
1:02:39(춘식여기 좀 앉으이소 그란데 여기는 우짠
Have a seat here. What brings you here?
1:02:43(안평자네들이 놓친 노비가The slave boy you failed to hunt
1:02:46훌륭히 장성하여 씁내 목을 치러 왔던데grew up to be a great man and came back to
kill me.
1:02:52어찌 책임을 질 것인가How will you take responsibility for it?
1:02:54(일식아니고것이 대체 뭔 말이...What are you talking about?
1:02:58(유진강화도에 살던 양반 김가The Kims, the noble family that lived in
Ganghwa Island.

1:03:00죽여서 찾아 와도 좋고You may bring them dead.
1:03:03기억이 났구먼Looks like you remember now.
1:03:05(안평맞네종놈 최가 아들That's right. The Choi family's slave son.
1:03:08용모파기까지 그렸던 그놈You even drew his face.
1:03:21(춘식이걸 와 우리를 주지?Why is he giving us this?
1:03:25요 노리개랑 거시기 그장성하셔서 돌아오셨
다는 그분이랑
I don't understand how this ornament is
1:03:30뭔 상관인지 당최 이해가 that man you mentioned.
1:03:33(안평기억들 났으면 어찌해야겠나?Now that you remember, what do you think is
1:03:37그 노리개값을 후하게 잘 쳐줘야겠지?We should pay him a generous amount for
that ornament.
1:04:02(유진당신 아버지 함자가 혹시 김안평이오?Is your father's name Kim An-pyeong?
1:04:11속이 답답해서요I'm frustrated.
1:04:14(희성나와 같구나So am I.
1:04:15나리께서도 취직을 하셨습니까?Did you also get a job?
1:04:17(희성나보다 낫구나한데You're better than I. But...
1:04:21어찌 한숨이냐?why are you sighing?
1:04:23누가 텃세라도 부리는 것이냐?Is someone giving you a hard time?
1:04:25형이 혼내 줄까반대입니다-Should I teach them a lesson? -It's the
1:04:28자꾸 은혜만 입어서요I keep owing him.
1:04:31어찌 갚아야 하나 걱정이 태산입니다I'm not sure in which way I can repay him.
1:04:35네가 형을 해야겠구나You're more mature than I am.
1:04:38(희성이 아우는 업보만 태산입니다형님All I have is karma, my older brother.
1:05:40(스승님은 지금 출타 중이십니다Master is away, my lady.
1:05:44알고 왔네I'm aware.
1:05:45늘 주던 것으로 챙겨 주면 되네You can give me the usual.
1:05:47조금 기다려Oh, just a moment.
1:05:59이리 보니 반갑소How nice to see you
1:06:02(애신해 있을 때 보니 말이오while the sun is out.
1:06:04(김 판서부모의 죄가 곧 자식의 죄다The child must bear its parents' sin too.
1:06:06네놈은 똑똑히 지켜보고You sit there and watch.
1:06:07종놈이 법을 어기면 어찌 되는지 뼈에 새기거
Watch and learn what happens to slaves who
disobey the law.
1:06:10(희성내 증조부의 집이 이렇게 호텔이 됐구
My great-grandfather's residence has become
a hotel. I'm Kim Hui-seong.
1:06:13- (유진사내와 동무도 하오? - (애신해 볼까
-You befriend men? -I'm considering it.
1:06:15(히나애신 애기씨의 정혼자 나리셔-He's Lady Ae-sin's fiancé. -I will do
everything in my power
1:06:16(유진내가 할 수 있는 모든 것을 다 해서 이 집-He's Lady Ae-sin's fiancé. -I will do

안을 박살 내 버릴 테니까everything in my power to destroy your family.
1:06:22당신 아비가 그랬던 것처럼Just like your father did.
1:06:28한데 여긴 어쩐 일로?What brings you here?
1:06:31러브가 무엇이오?What is "love"?
1:06:33아직 유효하오?Is your offer still valid?
1:06:37무엇이 말이오?What is?
1:06:38(애신나랑 같이 하지 않겠소?Would you like to do it with me?
1:06:41같이 하자고 했던 거What you asked me to do with you.
1:06:46생각이 끝났소I've made up my mind.
1:06:51합시다러브Let's do it. Love.
1:06:54나랑With me.
1:06:58나랑 같이Let's do it together.
1:07:54(완익듣던 거보다 호텔 규모가 제법이구나This hotel is bigger than I heard.
1:07:57(히나조심하세요 여기 드나들면서 뭘 드시게
될 줄 아시고
Be careful. You never know what you will end
up eating at this place.
1:08:01(완익황제의 비자금이 10만 엔짜리다It's worth 100,000 yen of the emperor's secret
1:08:03조선의 황제를 잠 못 들게 할 수 있다It can make the emperor of Joseon lose his
1:08:08(히나납채서 한 장만 보내시면 애기씨는After a simple wedding custom,
1:08:11그날로 희성 상의 여인입니다Lady Ae-sin will become your woman.
1:08:14그 누구도 갖지 못하는No one else will be able to have her.
1:08:16(애신경고해 주려고 내가 귀하를 죽일지도 몰
I wanted to give you a warning. Since I might
end up killing you.
1:08:24(유진누구 하나를 망하게 하고 싶었는데I wanted to destroy someone.
1:08:27내가 망하는 길이었소But I ended up destroying myself.

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