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  오징어 게임 6

Squid Game 6


뭘 봐?‬What are you looking at?
‪[버튼 조작음]‬
‪(관리자1) 게임은 어떻게 할까요?‬What should we do about the game?
‪(대장) 진행시켜‬Proceed.
‪[기훈의 힘주는 숨소리]‬
‪[기훈의 힘주는 숨소리]‬
‪고맙네‬Thank you.
‪잘 어울리시네‬Looks good on you.
‪[우아한 음악이 흘러나온다]‬
‪[안내 음성] 잠시 후‬ ‪네 번째 게임이 시작됩니다‬The fourth game will begin momentarily.
‪참가자들은 진행 요원의 안내에 따라‬ ‪이동해 주시기 바랍니다‬All players, follow staff's instructions and proceed to the game hall.
‪다시 한번 안내 말씀 드립니다‬Let me repeat.
‪네 번째 게임이 시작됩니다‬The fourth game will begin.
‪참가자들은 진행 요원의 안내에 따라‬ ‪이동해 주시기 바랍니다‬All players, follow instructions from staff and proceed to the game hall.
‪[긴장한 숨소리]‬
‪[놀란 숨소리]‬
‪(관리자2) 지금‬ ‪여러분께서 보시는 것은‬You are witnessing the fates
‪자신들의 이익을 위해‬ ‪이 세계의 규칙을 어기고‬You are witnessing the fates of those who broke the rules of this world for their own benefit
‪나아가 이 세계의 순수한 이념을‬ ‪더럽힌 자들의 최후입니다‬of those who broke the rules of this world for their own benefit
‪이 세계에서‬ ‪여러분 모두는 평등한 존재이며‬and furthermore tainted the pure ideology of this world.
‪어떠한 차별도 없이‬ ‪동등한 기회를 부여받아야 합니다‬Here you are all equal, with equal opportunity and no discrimination.
‪저희는 이런 불행한 사태가‬ ‪다시 없을 것을 약속드리며‬We promise to prevent such misfortunes from happening again. We truly apologize for this tragedy.
‪이번 사태에 대해 참가자 여러분께‬ ‪진심으로 사과드립니다‬We truly apologize for this tragedy.
‪[당황한 숨소리]‬
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪"6라운드 우승자 명단"‬LIST OF WINNERS
‪[카메라 셔터음]‬LIST OF WINNERS
‪[카메라 셔터음]‬
‪[전화벨 소리가 들린다]‬
‪[전화벨이 울린다]‬
‪[긴장한 숨소리]‬
‪[엘리베이터 도착음]‬
‪[전화벨이 연신 울린다]‬
‪(대장) [영어] 프론트맨입니다‬
‪네, 작은 문제가 있습니다만‬
‪지금 처리하고 있습니다‬
‪염려 마십시오‬
‪VIP들께서 오시기 전까지‬
‪아무런 차질 없이 정리될 겁니다‬
‪네, 게임은 예정대로‬ ‪정시에 시작될 겁니다‬
‪[대장의 한숨]‬
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪[우아한 음악이 흘러나온다]‬
‪[덕수의 한숨]‬
‪(미녀) [한국어] 얼굴이 썩었네‬Your face looks awful.
‪왜?‬Why? Is your connection gone?
‪끈 떨어졌냐?‬Why? Is your connection gone?
‪저게 진짜, 이씨‬That fucking…
‪[안내 음성] 네 번째 게임에 오신‬ ‪참가자 여러분을 환영합니다‬Welcome to your fourth game.
‪이번 게임은 2인 1조로 진행됩니다‬This game will be played in teams of two.
‪자신과 함께‬ ‪게임을 하기를 원하는 사람을 찾아‬Find someone you wish to play the game with.
‪두 사람의 동의하에‬ ‪서로 악수를 하면 짝이 됩니다‬With mutual consent, shake hands and you will become partners.
‪다시 한번 안내 말씀 드립니다‬Let me repeat.
‪이번 게임은 2인 1조로 진행됩니다‬This game will be played in teams of two.
‪자신과 함께‬ ‪게임을 하기를 원하는 사람을 찾아‬Find someone you wish to play the game with.
‪두 사람의 동의하에‬ ‪서로 악수를 하면 짝이 됩니다‬With mutual consent, shake hands and you will become partners.
‪지금부터 10분 안에‬Please form teams of two within ten minutes.
‪두 명씩 조를 짜 주시기 바랍니다‬Please form teams of two within ten minutes.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪[통화 대기음]‬
‪[긴장한 숨소리]‬
‪[수화기 조작음]‬
‪[통화 대기음]‬
‪(미녀) 오빠, 오빠, 오빠‬Hey, babe.
‪나랑 같이 하자, 응?‬Team up with me.
‪나 생각보다 잘해‬I'm better than you'd expect.
‪웬만한 놈들보다 힘도 세고‬And I'm stronger than most men.
‪그리고 내가 사기 전과만 5범이야‬I even have five fraud convictions under my belt.
‪공부를 안 해서 그렇지‬ ‪머리는 장난 아니라니까, 응?‬I never bothered to study, but I'm insanely savvy.
‪나랑 같이 해 주면‬If you play with me,
‪내가 오빠가 시키는 건 뭐든지 다 할게‬I'll do anything you tell me.
‪내가 뭘 해 줄 수 있는지 알면‬ ‪깜짝 놀랄걸?‬You'll be shocked to find out what I can do for you.
‪어? 응?‬Please?
‪[상우의 한숨]‬Please?
‪지금 다들 나랑 같이 하고 싶은데‬ ‪눈치 보는 거지?‬I know you all want to team up with me. You're just hesitating.
‪왜, 고민돼?‬Why? Can't decide?
‪그럼 내가 정해 줄까? 어?‬Should I decide for you all?
‪(새벽) 주접 그만 떨어‬Stop embarrassing yourself.
‪그런다고 아줌마랑 해 주겠어?‬That won't get anyone to play with you.
‪[미녀의 한숨]‬
‪그냥 솔직히 말해‬Just be honest.
‪여자랑 노인이랑은 편먹기 싫은 거잖아‬You don't want to team up with a woman or an old man.
‪(남자1) 목숨이 달렸는데‬ ‪당연한 거 아니야?‬Of course not. Our lives are at stake.
‪줄다리기 때 우리 다 죽을 뻔했어‬We almost died playing Tug-of-War.
‪맞습니다‬You're right.
‪하나님께서 아담의 갈비뼈로‬ ‪하와를 만드신 뜻이 있어요‬There's a reason why God created Eve from Adam's rib.
‪하나님께서 주신 역할과 쓰임이‬God has given men and women…
‪남자와 여자는 다른 겁니다‬different roles and uses.
‪(지영) 병신들‬You idiots.
‪여기가 무슨 에덴동산이야?‬This isn't the Garden of Eden.
‪야, 어디 가?‬Hey, where are you going?
‪왜?‬Why? You want to team up with me?
‪나랑 같이 하게?‬Why? You want to team up with me?
‪(미녀) 병신 새끼들‬Dumbasses.
‪너희들‬You're making a big mistake letting me go.
‪나 안 잡은 거 큰 실수 하는 거야‬You're making a big mistake letting me go.
‪상우야, 나랑…‬-Sang-woo, play with-- -Ali, play with me.
‪(상우) 알리, 나랑 같이 하자‬-Sang-woo, play with-- -Ali, play with me.
‪여기서 하는 게임들‬The games here either require strength or brains.
‪결국 힘쓰는 거 아니면 머리 쓰는 거야‬The games here either require strength or brains.
‪너랑 나랑 둘이 같이 하면‬If we team up,
‪웬만한 상대는 다 이길 수 있어‬we can win against most teams.
‪[어색한 웃음]‬No, don't mind me.
‪아, 아니야, 아니야, 아니야, 아니야‬No, don't mind me.
‪(기훈) 아, 괜찮아, 괜찮아, 괜찮아‬It's okay. Really. It's okay.
‪야, 너희 둘이 진짜 잘 맞겠다‬You two will make a great team.
‪난 또 다른 사람이랑 하면 되지‬I'll find someone else.
‪[기훈의 어색한 웃음]‬
‪(남자2) 잘해 봅시다‬Let's make this work.
‪아, 죄송한데‬I'm sorry, but…
‪이 옷 입고 가‬You need to put this on.
‪윗옷이 없으면은‬People will look down on you
‪사람들이 자네를 우습게 볼 거야‬if you aren't wearing your jacket.
‪잘해 보자‬Let's do this.
‪잘 부탁드립니다, 형님‬At your service, boss.
‪[함께 웃는다]‬
‪[사람들이 저마다 대화한다]‬
‪(지영) 야‬Hey.
‪나랑 하자‬Team up with me.
‪내가 왜?‬Why should I?
‪그럼 저런 꼰대들한테나 매달릴 거야?‬You'd rather hang onto those boomers over there?
‪으음, 쪽팔리게?‬How embarrassing.
‪쪽팔린 게 문제야?‬I don't care if it's embarrassing. I have to win no matter what.
‪난 무조건 이겨야 돼‬I don't care if it's embarrassing. I have to win no matter what. Then team up with me.
‪(지영) 그럼 나랑 해‬Then team up with me.
‪내가 무조건 이기게 해 줄 테니까‬I'll make sure you win.
‪무슨 수로?‬How will you do that?
‪무슨 수를 써서든‬Whatever it takes.
‪넌 왜 나랑 하고 싶은데?‬Why do you want to team up with me?
‪너는 왜 나한테 하자고 했는데?‬Why did you ask me to join you?
‪너밖에 없었어‬You were the only one I thought would come along.
‪같이 해 줄 거 같은 사람이‬You were the only one I thought would come along.
‪나도 지금 그래‬I feel the same way now.
‪[손을 쓱 내민다]‬
‪(남자3) 아, 지금 남은 놈 중에‬ ‪나 이상 없어요‬There's no one left better than me. I was a math teacher outside.
‪나 밖에서 수학 선생 했고‬I was a math teacher outside.
‪조기 축구 해서 체력도 좋아요‬And I was in the local soccer team so I'm fit.
‪아유, 나도 하자는 사람 많은데‬ ‪다 제끼고 아저씨랑 하는 거야‬I turned down a bunch of offers to do it with you.
‪그쪽이랑 합이 잘 맞을 거 같아서‬I feel like we'll make a great team.
‪[어색한 웃음]‬
‪아이, 그런데‬The thing is…
‪무, 무슨 게임을 할지 몰라서‬we don't know what we're going to play.
‪(남자3) 아유, 재지 말고‬ ‪그냥 나랑 합시다‬Stop shopping around and just team up with me.
‪씁, 이러다가‬At this rate, you'll fail to team up with anyone and get left behind.
‪이놈 저놈 다 놓치고‬ ‪낙동강 오리알 돼요‬At this rate, you'll fail to team up with anyone and get left behind.
‪알죠?‬You know,
‪아까 그 반칙한 놈 처형당해서‬ ‪여기 서른아홉 명 남은 거‬the cheater was executed, so there are only 39 left.
‪두 명씩 짝짓고 나면은‬Once everyone teams up in pairs, one will be left behind.
‪한 명이 남아‬Once everyone teams up in pairs, one will be left behind.
‪[당황한 신음]‬Then what will happen?
‪아이, 그러면 어떻게 되는 거죠?‬Then what will happen?
‪뭘 어떻게 돼?‬What do you think?
‪남으면 자동으로 탈락이겠지‬They'll be eliminated, obviously.
‪저기 저 노인네가 남겠네‬I'm guessing it'll be that old man.
‪(남자3) 시간 그만 끌고‬Stop stalling.
‪합시다, 나랑‬Join me.
‪(기훈) 영감님‬Sir.
‪저랑 하실래요?‬Will you team up with me?
‪[안내 음성] 팀원 선정 시간이‬ ‪종료되었습니다‬ ‪[타이머 종료음]‬Time for team selection is over.
‪(미녀) 너희들 지금 실수하는 거야‬ ‪[안내 음성이 흘러나온다]‬-All players, proceed to the game hall. -You're all making a big mistake.
‪너희들 정말‬ ‪나 없이 이길 수 있을 거 같아?‬You think you can win without me?
‪나 한미녀야!‬I'm Han Mi-nyeo!
‪동두천에서 강남까지‬ ‪내가 싹 다 씹어 먹었어!‬I totally owned everyone from Dongducheon to Gangnam!
‪[미녀의 다급한 숨소리]‬Damn it.
‪공기놀이나 고무줄‬ ‪이런 거 나오면 어쩔 거야?‬What if you have to play Gonggi or Elastics? I'm an expert in those.
‪나 그거 선수야‬I'm an expert in those. So, babe, please play with me. Boys aren't very good at those.
‪그러니까 오빠, 나랑 같이 하자‬So, babe, please play with me. Boys aren't very good at those.
‪오빠들은 잘 못하잖아, 그런 거‬So, babe, please play with me. Boys aren't very good at those.
‪[남자4의 못마땅한 신음]‬ ‪오빠!‬So, babe, please play with me. Boys aren't very good at those. Babe!
‪[미녀의 다급한 숨소리]‬Babe!
‪아, 언니, 나랑 하자‬ ‪[여자의 당황한 신음]‬Hey, you can be my partner.
‪씨발, 좆 달린 새끼들은‬ ‪다 꺼지라고 하고!‬ ‪[여자의 힘겨운 신음]‬Tell everyone with a dick to fuck off.
‪(남자5와 미녀)‬ ‪- 왜 이래요?‬ ‪- 우리 여자들끼리 뭉쳐서 한번 해보자‬Tell everyone with a dick to fuck off. -What's wrong with you? -We girls should stick together! -My gosh! -I'm good with women too!
‪[여자의 힘주는 신음]‬ ‪(미녀) 언니, 나 여자랑도 잘해‬-My gosh! -I'm good with women too! I'll be really good!
‪언니, 내가 정말 잘할게, 언니!‬I'll be really good!
‪(남자5) 왜 이래요!‬ ‪[미녀의 다급한 숨소리]‬Stop it!
‪(미녀) 야‬-Hey, don't trust this asshole. -Okay, sure.
‪- (미녀) 너 이 새끼 믿지 마‬ ‪- 어, 그래그래‬-Hey, don't trust this asshole. -Okay, sure. He's a scumbag. He'll abandon you in no time.
‪(미녀) 이 새끼 개쓰레기야‬He's a scumbag. He'll abandon you in no time.
‪이 새끼 너 금세 버릴 거야‬He's a scumbag. He'll abandon you in no time.
‪이 새끼‬ ‪저 밖에 죽은 의사랑 한패였어!‬He was in league with that dead doctor out there.
‪(남자6) 그래, 그…‬-All right. -Did you know that?
‪(미녀) 너 몰랐지?‬-All right. -Did you know that?
‪이 새끼가 자기만 살려고‬ ‪너희들한테 다 숨긴 거야‬He hid it from all of you to save his own ass.
‪내 말이 맞잖아, 이 개새끼야‬Tell me if I'm wrong, you son of a bitch!
‪이 새끼도 한패야!‬Tell me if I'm wrong, you son of a bitch! He was in it with them!
‪- (남자6) 야, 야, 야‬ ‪- (미녀) 이 새끼도 죽어야 돼!‬He was in it with them! -Hey. -He deserves to die too!
‪- (미녀) 이 새끼도…‬ ‪- (남자6) 야, 이 씨발!‬Get the fuck off!
‪[남자6이 혀를 쯧 찬다]‬
‪[문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪[미녀의 떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪다, 다, 다 어디 갔어요?‬Where is everyone?
‪(미녀) 어, 왜 아무도 없지?‬Why is everyone gone?
‪나 아직 짝이 없는데‬I don't have a partner yet.
‪내 짝 어디 갔어요, 어?‬Where's my partner?
‪누가 빼돌렸지?‬Who took my partner away?
‪내 짝 어디 있냐고, 이 개새끼들아!‬Where's my partner, you jerks?
‪내 짝 어디 있냐고!‬Where's my partner?
‪(미녀) 내 짝 내놔, 이 씨발 놈들아!‬Bring my partner here! You fuckers!
‪[미녀의 비명]‬
‪(덕수) 으, 지긋지긋한 년‬What a dreadful bitch.
‪[헛웃음 치며] 이제야 저년‬ ‪상판 좀 안 보고 살겠네‬I won't have to see her worthless face anymore.
‪(남자6) 근데‬By the way,
‪아까 저년이 한 말은 뭐예요?‬what was she saying earlier?
‪형님이랑 그 의사랑…‬About you with that doctor…
‪(덕수) 신경 꺼‬Forget about it.
‪그 미친년이 급하니까‬ ‪나오는 대로 지껄인 거야‬That bitch was desperate and said whatever came to mind.
‪[안내 음성] 참가자들은‬ ‪진행 요원의 안내에 따라‬All players, follow the instructions from staff and go to your positions.
‪각자의 위치로 이동해 주시기 바랍니다‬All players, follow the instructions from staff and go to your positions.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪(상우) 알리‬Ali, don't be nervous.
‪긴장하지 마‬Ali, don't be nervous.
‪우리 둘 조합이면 무조건 이겨‬The two of us together will win for sure.
‪(알리) 나도 형이랑 하니까‬Now that I'm with you, I think we can win.
‪이길 것 같습니다‬Now that I'm with you, I think we can win.
‪(상우) 그래, 이겨서 같이 나가자‬Yes, let's win and get out of here.
‪돈 가지고 가족한테 돌아가는 거야‬We'll take the money and go back to our families.
‪(알리) 네, 형‬Okay, Sang-woo.
‪(일남) 내가 옛날에‬I used to live…
‪이런 동네에서 살았어‬in a neighborhood just like this one.
‪(기훈) [웃으며] 저도요‬Me too.
‪어릴 때 이런 비슷한 골목에서‬ ‪살았었습니다‬I lived in an alley just like this as a kid.
‪[기훈의 웃음]‬I lived in an alley just like this as a kid.
‪[안내 음성] 이제 주머니를‬ ‪하나씩 받아 주시기 바랍니다‬Please take one pouch each.
‪각자의 주머니에‬ ‪열 개의 구슬이 들어 있습니다‬There are ten marbles in each pouch.
‪개수를 확인해 주세요‬Please check how many there are.
‪영감님, 이번엔 구슬치기인가 봐요‬Sir, I think we're playing Marbles.
‪구슬치기해 보셨죠?‬You've played this before, right?
‪아, 그럼‬Of course, I have.
‪동네에서 어릴 때‬ ‪하, 구슬치기 많이 했지‬I used to play Marbles very often when I was little.
‪내가 선수였어‬I was pretty good.
‪[기훈의 웃음]‬
‪저도 좀 합니다‬I'm not so bad myself.
‪[일남이 호응한다]‬ ‪아, 다행이네요‬What a relief.
‪또 힘쓰는 거 시키면 어쩌나 했는데‬-I was worried it might require strength. -Good.
‪그러면은 우리‬In that case, we need to make a pact.
‪깐부부터 맺어야지‬And become gganbu.
‪아니, 구슬치기 좀 한다면서‬ ‪깐부도 몰라?‬You said you played Marbles a lot. How could you not know about gganbu?
‪(일남) 동네에서‬The neighborhood friend you share marbles, ddakji, and everything with.
‪구슬이랑 딱지랑‬ ‪같이 쓰는 친구 말이야‬The neighborhood friend you share marbles, ddakji, and everything with. Mine, yours, doesn't matter.
‪[호응한다]‬ ‪네 거, 내 거 없이‬Mine, yours, doesn't matter.
‪아, 깐부, 아, 기억나네요‬ ‪[일남이 호응한다]‬Yes, that gganbu. I remember now.
‪저도 동네에 한 놈 있었어요‬ ‪저랑 제일 친했던 놈‬I had one in my town too. -He was my best friend. -Yes, that gganbu.
‪어, 그래‬-He was my best friend. -Yes, that gganbu.
‪그 깐부‬-He was my best friend. -Yes, that gganbu.
‪[생각하는 숨소리]‬
‪(일남) 이렇게 해서 맺던가?‬Was this how you make a pact?
‪[함께 웃는다]‬
‪(기훈) 예, 맞아요, 이렇게‬You're right. This is it.
‪[함께 웃는다]‬You're right. This is it.
‪영감님, 아니, 깐부님‬ ‪[일남이 호응한다]‬-Sir. No, my gganbu. -Yes?
‪우리가 이 동네 구슬‬ ‪싹 다 쓸어 버립시다‬Let's sweep all the marbles in this neighborhood.
‪[함께 웃는다]‬
‪[안도하는 숨소리]‬
‪[안내 음성] 이번 게임은‬ ‪각자 자신의 구슬을 가지고‬In this game, use your ten marbles to compete with the partner next to you.
‪지금 여러분의 옆에 있는‬ ‪짝과 시합을 벌여‬In this game, use your ten marbles to compete with the partner next to you. The player who takes all ten marbles from their partner wins.
‪상대의 구슬 열 개를‬ ‪모두 따내는 사람이 승리합니다‬The player who takes all ten marbles from their partner wins.
‪[어두운 음악]‬The player who takes all ten marbles from their partner wins. Let me repeat.
‪다시 한번 말씀드립니다‬Let me repeat.
‪[일남의 생각하는 숨소리]‬Let me repeat.
‪각자 자신의 구슬을 가지고‬Use your ten marbles to compete with the partner next to you.
‪옆에 있는 짝과 시합을 벌여‬Use your ten marbles to compete with the partner next to you.
‪상대의 구슬 열 개를‬ ‪모두 따내는 사람이 승리합니다‬The player who takes all ten marbles from their partner wins.
‪씨발‬Damn it.
‪[새벽의 한숨]‬
‪이뻐‬How pretty.
‪(기훈) 영감님‬Sir.
‪[안내 음성] 제한 시간은 30분입니다‬You have 30 minutes.
‪시작합니다‬Let the games begin.
‪[기훈의 떨리는 숨소리]‬Sir.
‪하자‬Let's do this.
‪그럼 형이랑 나랑 한 명 죽어요‬That means one of us will die.
‪그럼 이렇게 넋 놓고 있다가‬ ‪둘이 같이 죽을까?‬Then you want to just stand around and die together?
‪(상우) 아니면 네가‬ ‪나 대신 죽어 주기라도 할 거야?‬Or you'll die on my behalf?
‪[구슬을 달그락 꺼낸다]‬
‪알리 너 이런 거 안 해 봤지?‬You've never played this, right?
‪[지영의 한숨]‬
‪6.25 이후에 최대의 비극이다‬This is the biggest tragedy since the Korean War.
‪무슨 게임으로 할까?‬What should we play?
‪냉정하네‬You're so cold.
‪(지영) 완전 얼음이야‬As cold as ice.
‪너‬Are you really a spy from the North?
‪진짜 북에서 내려온 간첩이냐?‬Are you really a spy from the North?
‪쓸데없는 소리 그만하고‬Cut the crap.
‪무슨 게임 할지나 말해‬Tell me what game to play.
‪나도 잘 몰라‬I have no idea either.
‪(지영) 이거 어릴 때‬ ‪꼰대들이 하던 게임이라‬This is what those boomers used to play as kids.
‪게임 방법은‬ ‪우리 마음대로 정해도 된다며‬They said we're free to create our own rules.
‪생각 좀 해 볼게‬I'll give it some thought.
‪(일남) 분명히‬It was definitely somewhere around here.
‪여기 같은데, 응?‬It was definitely somewhere around here.
‪(기훈) 영감님, 저희가 지금‬Sir, we have to play this game right now.
‪게임을 해야 돼요‬Sir, we have to play this game right now. This is weird.
‪(일남) 이상하네‬This is weird.
‪이 골목이‬It's definitely this alley.
‪[기훈의 난감한 숨소리]‬ ‪맞는데‬It's definitely this alley.
‪이, 우리 집이 어디 갔지?‬Where did my house go?
‪(기훈) 아, 영감님‬Sir.
‪내 손안에 있는 구슬의 숫자가‬You just have to guess if the number of marbles in my fist is odd or even.
‪홀수냐, 짝수냐‬You just have to guess if the number of marbles in my fist is odd or even.
‪이것만 맞히면 돼‬You just have to guess if the number of marbles in my fist is odd or even.
‪홀수, 짝수?‬Odd or even?
‪뭔데요?‬What's that?
‪홀수는 1, 3, 5‬Odd numbers like one, three, and five.
‪짝수는 2, 4, 6‬Even numbers are two, four, and six.
‪알아들어?‬Do you get it?
‪잘 생각해서‬Give it some thought and bet your marbles on either one.
‪둘 중 하나에 네 구슬을 걸어‬Give it some thought and bet your marbles on either one.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬
‪(남자6) 홀‬Odd.
‪[덕수의 한숨]‬
‪[남자6의 신난 탄성]‬
‪[남자6의 웃음]‬How many did you bet?
‪몇 개 깠어?‬How many did you bet?
‪(남자6) 아이씨‬Damn it.
‪하나 더 깔 걸 그랬나?‬I should've bet one more.
‪[웃음]‬I should've bet one more.
‪[남자6이 구슬을 탈탈 흔든다]‬
‪웃지 마, 이 새끼야‬Stop giggling, asshole.
‪에이, 씨발, 그 왜 욕을 하고 그래?‬Damn it, why are you swearing at me?
‪(남자6) '형님, 형님' 해 주니까‬ ‪내가 진짜로 네 부하로 보이냐?‬You really thought I was your lackey because I called you boss?
‪개새끼가 죽고 싶나, 이씨‬You want me to kill you, son of a bitch?
‪(남자6) 허, 죽여?‬Kill me? And how are you going to do that?
‪어이구, 어떻게 죽일 건데?‬Kill me? And how are you going to do that?
‪폭력은 못 쓴다잖아, 이 병신 새끼야‬You can't resort to violence, you fucking dumbass.
‪[한숨]‬You can't resort to violence, you fucking dumbass.
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪[남자6의 웃음]‬
‪(기훈) 에이, 영감님‬Sir, we really have to play now.
‪이제 해야 돼요‬Sir, we really have to play now.
‪(일남) 뭘?‬What?
‪(기훈) 아이, 아, 구슬치기요‬Marbles!
‪(기훈) 아이, 아, 봐요‬ ‪지금 다들 하고 있잖아요‬See? Everyone else is doing it.
‪우리도 해야 돼요‬We have to do this too.
‪내가 뭐, 애들인 줄 알아?‬I'm not some child!
‪[일남의 못마땅한 신음]‬Wait. Sir!
‪아, 영감님‬Wait. Sir!
‪딱 한 판으로 끝내자‬end the game with a single round.
‪다 걸고‬Let's bet everything and just play one round.
‪딱 한 판만‬Let's bet everything and just play one round.
‪넌 남은 시간 동안‬ ‪나랑 저러고 있고 싶냐?‬Is that what you want to be doing until the clock runs out?
‪[남자1의 탄성]‬Yes! Nice.
‪- (남자1) 아싸‬ ‪- (남자2) 에이씨‬Yes! Nice. Damn it.
‪(남자1) 하나, 둘, 셋, 넷‬Damn it. Two, three, four. My turn.
‪(남자2) 나와‬My turn.
‪좋아‬Fine. What are we playing?
‪뭘 할 건데?‬Fine. What are we playing?
‪뭘 그렇게 서둘러?‬Why are you in such a hurry?
‪넌 날 그렇게 죽이고 싶냐?‬Are you dying to kill me?
‪딱 한 판만 할 거잖아‬We're playing just one round.
‪시간 꽤 남았어‬We have some time left.
‪마지막에 하자‬Let's do it last minute.
‪그럼 그때까진 뭐 하게?‬Then what are we going to do until then?
‪얘기‬Let's talk.
‪무슨 얘기?‬Talk about what?
‪다른 사람들한테 못 해 본 얘기‬Things we couldn't tell other people.
‪어차피 우리 중의 하나는 여기서 죽어‬One of us is going to die here anyway.
‪서로 무슨 얘길 하든‬No matter what we tell each other,
‪다시 얼굴 보고 민망할 일은 없잖아‬there's no chance of an awkward encounter.
‪안 그래?‬Don't you think?
‪(알리) 짝이요‬Even.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬
‪몇 개 걸었어?‬How many did you bet?
‪(알리) 두 개요‬Two.
‪[상우의 한숨]‬
‪네가 접어‬Your turn.
‪저 형이랑 하기 싫어요‬I don't want to do this with you.
‪(알리) 선생님‬Sir.
‪저 다른 사람이랑 하고 싶어요‬I want to play with someone else. Stop talking nonsense and take the marbles.
‪쓸데없는 소리 하지 말고 빨리 접어‬Stop talking nonsense and take the marbles.
‪저, 이 노인네 치매예요‬That old man has dementia.
‪제정신이 아닙니다‬He's not in his right mind.
‪이렇게 되면 저 노인네‬ ‪그냥 기권한 거 아닙니까?‬Isn't he basically withdrawing from the match? He can't play the game. No?
‪게임을 할 수가 없잖아요, 예?‬He can't play the game. No?
‪(기훈) 아이씨‬Damn it.
‪[다급한 숨소리]‬
‪저…‬ ‪[기훈의 웃음]‬
‪딱 한 번만 해 봐요, 이거 정말…‬Let's just play once. This is really…
‪이거 정말 재밌어요‬It's a lot of fun.
‪(일남) 나 집에 가고 싶어‬I want to go home.
‪우리 집이 분명히 이 골목에 있는데‬I know my house is somewhere in this alley.
‪(기훈) 어유, 씨발, 진짜‬Damn it! Will you please pull yourself together?
‪제발 정신 좀 차리라고요‬ ‪[일남의 당황한 신음]‬Will you please pull yourself together?
‪이렇게 있으면 우리 둘 다 죽어요‬If we stay like this, we'll both die!
‪당신은 여기 혹이 있어서‬You might not care since you have that tumor in your head,
‪어차피 죽을 거라‬ ‪상관없을지 모르겠지만‬You might not care since you have that tumor in your head,
‪난 꼭 여기서 살아서 나가야 돼‬but I have to make it out alive!
‪난 살아서 나가야 된다고, 이씨‬I have to survive and leave this damn place!
‪[일남의 힘겨운 신음]‬I have to survive and leave this damn place!
‪[기훈의 거친 숨소리]‬ ‪소리 지르지 마‬Stop yelling at me.
‪놀아 주면 될 거 아니야‬I'll play with you.
‪[기훈의 난감한 숨소리]‬
‪(남자6) 열둘, 열셋, 열넷, 열다섯‬And 12, 13, 14, 15. All right!
‪씨발, 오케이‬And 12, 13, 14, 15. All right!
‪[남자6이 구슬을 달그락거린다]‬Shit, change the game.
‪(덕수) 씨발, 게임 바꿔‬Shit, change the game.
‪(남자6) 내가 왜? 잘되는구먼‬Why should I? I'm on a roll.
‪(덕수) 여태까지‬ ‪네가 하자는 걸로 했으니까‬We played it your way until now,
‪이제 내가 정한 걸로 하자고‬so now we're playing what I want.
‪싫은데?‬I don't want to.
‪(덕수) 게임 바꾸게 해 줘‬ ‪그래야 공평하잖아‬Let us change the game. That's only fair. You people said everyone is equal here, didn't you?
‪너희들이 여긴 평등한 곳이라며, 어?‬You people said everyone is equal here, didn't you?
‪(병정) 인정합니다‬Request accepted.
‪뭔데? 하고 싶은 게‬What do you want to play?
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪뭐 해? 손 펴‬What are you doing? Open your hand.
‪이 새끼, 너‬You bastard.
‪너 속임수 쓰지?‬You're cheating, aren't you?
‪형‬Sang-woo, what are you talking about?
‪왜, 왜, 왜 그래요?‬Sang-woo, what are you talking about?
‪네가 어떻게 계속 이길 수가 있어?‬How come you keep winning?
‪이 게임 확률이 반반인데‬You only have a 50-50 chance of winning.
‪(상우) 야, 이 새끼야‬ ‪말이 안 되잖아, 지금 이 상황이!‬This doesn't make any fucking sense!
‪아니에요, 제가 아무것도 안 했어요‬This doesn't make any fucking sense! No, I didn't do anything.
‪[알리의 당황한 신음]‬You jerk. You played innocent all this time, tricking me!
‪이 새끼, 너 아무것도‬ ‪모르는 척하면서 나 속인 거지?‬You jerk. You played innocent all this time, tricking me!
‪너 이런 거 해 본 적 없다며!‬You said you've never done this before!
‪어떻게 속였어?‬What did you do? Tell me!
‪말해! 씨‬ ‪[총이 달칵 장전된다]‬What did you do? Tell me!
‪[상우의 떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪(지영) 북에서는 왜 내려온 거야?‬Why did you come here from the North?
‪여기가 나은 줄 알고‬I thought it'd be better here.
‪여기가 나아?‬Is it better?
‪가족은?‬What about your family? Did they come with you?
‪같이 내려온 거야?‬What about your family? Did they come with you?
‪동생만‬Just my younger brother.
‪부모님은?‬What about your parents?
‪아버지는 강을 건너다‬ ‪총에 맞아 강물에 떠내려갔고‬My dad was shot while crossing the river. He drifted away. My mom…
‪어머니는‬My mom…
‪중국에서 공안들한테 잡혀서‬ ‪다시 북으로 끌려갔고‬was caught by the public security officers in China, then sent back.
‪동생은 어디 있는데?‬Where's your brother?
‪보육원에‬At a children's home.
‪(일남) 짝‬Even.
‪[기훈의 한숨]‬
‪[기훈의 한숨]‬
‪(일남) 홀짝‬Odd. Even. Odd. Even.
‪홀짝‬Odd. Even. Odd. Even.
‪[일남의 웃음]‬Odd. Even. Odd. Even.
‪이긴 건가?‬Did I win?
‪몇 개 거셨어요?‬How many did you bet?
‪[의미심장한 효과음]‬
‪(기훈) 하, 씨‬Damn.
‪[구슬을 달그락거린다]‬
‪(덕수) 한 명이 넣을 때까지 번갈아서‬We take turns throwing a marble until one lands in that hole.
‪저 구멍으로‬ ‪각자 하나씩 구슬을 던지는 거야‬We take turns throwing a marble until one lands in that hole.
‪한 명이 넣으면?‬If I make it?
‪넣은 사람이 그때까지 바닥에 깔린‬ ‪구슬들을 다 가져가는 거지‬Then you get to take all the marbles on the ground.
‪(남자6) 아…‬
‪일발 역전을 노리시겠다?‬So you're going for a hail Mary pass.
‪왜?‬What's wrong? Are you scared?
‪쫄리냐?‬What's wrong? Are you scared?
‪아, 씨발, 쫄리긴‬Shit. I'm not scared.
‪구멍에 넣는 건 나도 좀 하는데, 어?‬I'm not so bad when it comes to putting things into holes.
‪(남자6) 괜찮겠냐? 어?‬Are you okay with that?
‪[남자6의 웃음]‬
‪넌 여기서 돈 벌어서 나가면‬If you leave here with that money, what will you do with it?
‪그걸로 뭐 할 거야?‬If you leave here with that money, what will you do with it?
‪동생이랑 같이 지낼 집 하나 구하고‬I'll get a house for me and my brother, and bring my mom from the North.
‪북에 있는 엄마 데리고 와야지‬I'll get a house for me and my brother, and bring my mom from the North.
‪[헛웃음]‬Hey, you can do that and much more with 40 billion won.
‪야‬Hey, you can do that and much more with 40 billion won.
‪400억이면 그런 거 하고도 남아‬Hey, you can do that and much more with 40 billion won.
‪그런 거 말고 뭐 없어?‬Anything else?
‪뭐, 어디 가고 싶은 데라든지‬Is there anywhere you want to go?
‪제주도‬Jeju Island.
‪제주도?‬Jeju Island?
‪(새벽) TV에서 봤는데‬I saw it on TV.
‪조선 땅 안 같고 꼭 외국 같더라‬It looked exotic and nothing like Korea.
‪[피식 웃는다]‬Hey, you should dream bigger than that.
‪야‬Hey, you should dream bigger than that.
‪스케일이 제주도가 뭐냐?‬Hey, you should dream bigger than that.
‪뭐, 하와이, 아니‬You should go to Hawaii, no, the Maldives at least.
‪몰디브 정도는 가 줘야지‬You should go to Hawaii, no, the Maldives at least. And have a mojito too.
‪(지영) 모히토도 한잔하고‬And have a mojito too.
‪영화 안 봤냐?‬Haven't you seen that movie?
‪이병헌 나오는 거‬The one with Lee Byung-hun.
‪'모히토 가서 몰디브 한잔'‬"Go to mojito and have a glass of Maldives."
‪[웃으며] 몰라?‬Don't you know?
‪어, 야, 너 진짜 안 되겠다‬Man, you're worse than I thought.
‪여기서 나가면‬Once we get out of here,
‪나한테 남조선에서‬ ‪폼 나게 돈 쓰는 법 좀 배워야겠다‬I need to teach you how people splurge in the South.
‪[웃음]‬I need to teach you how people splurge in the South.
‪둘 다는 못 나가는구나‬Right. We can't both leave.
‪[멋쩍은 웃음]‬
‪[상우의 한숨]‬
‪내가 잘못했어, 알리‬I'm sorry, Ali.
‪내가 너 오해했어‬I mistook you.
‪(상우) 근데 나 이렇게 죽을 수 없어‬But I can't die like this.
‪[훌쩍인다]‬If I die here…
‪내가 여기서 죽으면‬If I die here…
‪우리 식구 다 죽어‬my entire family will die too.
‪[상우가 흐느낀다]‬ ‪미안해요‬I'm sorry, Sang-woo.
‪형‬I'm sorry, Sang-woo.
‪(알리) [울먹이며] 미안합니다‬I'm so sorry,
‪나도 가족 있습니다‬but I have a family too.
‪(상우) 야, 알리야, 야‬Hey, Ali.
‪야, 너만 나 도와주면‬If you help me, there's a way both of us can make it out alive.
‪우리 둘 다 살 수 있는 방법 있어‬If you help me, there's a way both of us can make it out alive.
‪너도 내 덕분에 여기까지 왔잖아‬You got this far all thanks to me.
‪내가 너한테 차비도 줬고‬I gave you the bus fare,
‪줄다리기도 내 작전 때문에 산 거고‬my strategy helped you survive Tug-of-War,
‪밤새 같이 불침번도 서고‬we kept watch at night together,
‪우리 조금 전까지만 해도‬and just before the game, we promised to leave here together, didn't we?
‪같이 여기서 나가기로‬ ‪약속했잖아, 아니야?‬and just before the game, we promised to leave here together, didn't we?
‪야, 그러니까 제발‬So, please.
‪제발 내 말 한 번만 믿고 도와줘‬Please trust me this once and help me.
‪어떻게 할 건데요?‬What's your plan?
‪(일남) 이게 홀인가?‬Could it be odd?
‪짝인 거 같기도 하고?‬It might be even.
‪짝 맞구나?‬-It must be even. -Hurry up and say it.
‪아, 빨리 좀 하세요!‬-It must be even. -Hurry up and say it.
‪[일남의 웃음]‬
‪내가 또 이겼네‬I won again.
‪하, 몇 개 걸었어요?‬How many did you bet?
‪[의미심장한 효과음]‬
‪[놀란 숨소리]‬
‪아, 씨‬Damn it.
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬
‪[겁먹은 신음]‬
‪하, 하나 남았어요‬I have one left.
‪아직 하나 남았어요‬I still have one left.
‪[덕수의 못마땅한 숨소리]‬
‪[덕수의 짜증 섞인 숨소리]‬
‪[남자6이 입바람을 후후 분다]‬
‪[남자6의 한숨]‬
‪[덕수가 입바람을 후후 분다]‬ ‪[남자6의 한숨]‬
‪[신난 탄성]‬ ‪[남자6의 못마땅한 숨소리]‬
‪[덕수의 웃음]‬
‪(남자6) 아이씨‬Fuck.
‪내가 생각하기에‬My guess is that
‪이 안에서 결국 몇 팀은‬ ‪끝까지 승부가 안 나게 될 거야‬some of the teams won't be able to decide the winner in time.
‪왜요?‬Why not?
‪이 게임 룰이 뭐였어?‬Do you remember the rule?
‪30분 안에 한 명이‬ ‪다른 사람 구슬을 모두 따면 통과‬The person who takes their partner's marbles in 30 minutes wins.
‪(상우) 근데 생각해 봐‬But think about it.
‪30분 안에 한쪽이 꼭‬ ‪구슬을 다 따라는 법은 없잖아‬Neither player might win all the marbles in 30 minutes.
‪이기고 지고 왔다 갔다 하다 보면‬They win, lose, go back and forth. I'm sure there will be teams without any winners.
‪시간 내에 승부가 안 나는 팀이‬ ‪분명 생길 거야‬I'm sure there will be teams without any winners. What will they do then? Eliminate all those people?
‪그럼 어떻게 할 거야?‬ ‪그 사람들 다 탈락시켜?‬What will they do then? Eliminate all those people?
‪말이 안 되잖아‬ ‪승부가 안 났는데, 그렇지?‬That makes no sense. They must decide the winner. Right?
‪그럼 그때는‬Then, I'm sure they'll make us compete in teams.
‪팀 대결로 가게 될 거야‬Then, I'm sure they'll make us compete in teams.
‪한 팀이 서로 구슬을 합쳐서‬Each team will add up their marbles,
‪다른 팀이랑 스무 개를 걸고‬ ‪승부하는 거지‬and play against another team with 20 marbles.
‪[상우가 알리를 탁 잡는다]‬We'll get to play as a team
‪(상우) 원래 우리 계획대로‬We'll get to play as a team
‪다시 너랑 나랑‬ ‪한 팀으로 승부할 수 있어‬as we'd originally planned.
‪우리 둘 다 같이 나갈 수 있어‬We can leave this place together.
‪[총성]‬ ‪[함께 놀란다]‬
‪[총성]‬ ‪[남자7의 비명]‬
‪[안내 음성] 414번 탈락‬Player 414, eliminated.
‪야, 네 손으로‬Do you want…
‪나 저렇게 만들고 싶어?‬to do that to me?
‪[총성]‬ ‪[남자8의 비명]‬
‪[안내 음성] 2번 탈락‬Player 2, eliminated. Had you ever seen a dead body before coming here?
‪넌 여기 오기 전에‬ ‪죽은 사람 본 적 있어?‬Had you ever seen a dead body before coming here?
‪어릴 때 우리 마을에 전염병이 돌았어‬A plague broke out in my town when I was a kid.
‪그때 마을 사람들이‬ ‪매일 죽어 나갔는데‬People died day after day.
‪군인들이 시체들을‬ ‪한군데 모아서 태웠어‬Soldiers piled up the bodies and burned them.
‪(새벽) 그때 우리‬ ‪할아버지, 할머니, 오빠까지‬That's when my grandma, grandpa, and older brother
‪다 불에 탔어‬all burned up.
‪넌 지나치게 딥한 사연이 많아‬I got to say, your stories are way too dark.
‪[피식 웃는다]‬
‪본 적 있어?‬What about you?
‪[안내 음성] 130번 탈락‬Player 130, eliminated.
‪처음 본 건‬The first one I saw
‪우리 엄마였어‬was my mom.
‪(지영) 학교 갔다 집에 돌아오니까‬One day I came home after school,
‪엄마가 방바닥에 누워서 죽어 있었어‬and found her dead on the floor.
‪그 옆엔‬Next to her
‪아버지라는 인간이‬ ‪칼을 들고 서 있었고‬was my so-called dad with a knife in his hand.
‪그다음으로 본 건‬The next person I saw dead…
‪우리 아버지 시체‬was my dad.
‪그 옆에 칼을 들고 서 있던 건‬And the one standing next to him with a knife was me.
‪나였고‬And the one standing next to him with a knife was me.
‪[어두운 음악]‬He was a pastor.
‪그 인간 직업이 목사였어‬He was a pastor.
‪엄마를 때리고‬Whenever he beat my mom
‪나한테 그 짓을 하고 나면‬ ‪항상 기도를 했어‬and did the unthinkable to me, he always prayed…
‪우리 죄를 사하여 달라고‬for our sins to be forgiven.
‪근데 엄마를 죽인 날은‬ ‪기도를 안 하더라?‬But he didn't pray the day he killed my mom.
‪죄를 용서받지 못할 걸 알았나?‬Maybe he knew he couldn't be forgiven.
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬ ‪[다가오는 발걸음]‬
‪[총성]‬ ‪[놀란 숨소리]‬Player 40, eliminated.
‪[안내 음성] 40번 탈락‬Player 40, eliminated.
‪[긴장한 숨소리]‬
‪(기훈) 아니, 아니, 아이‬No, wait.
‪아이, 잠깐만요‬One second.
‪잠깐만요, 저‬Wait, hold on.
‪[의미심장한 효과음]‬
‪[일남의 생각하는 숨소리]‬
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪(일남) 뭐라고 했지?‬What did you just say?
‪뭐라고 했냐고‬did you just say?
‪짝이요‬I said even.
‪그럼‬That means
‪내가 졌네?‬I lost.
‪(일남) 어?‬
‪(알리) 정말‬ ‪우리 같이 이길 수 있어요?‬Are you sure we can both win?
‪(상우) 응‬
‪정말요?‬Really? Hear me out first and turn me down if you don't like the plan.
‪(상우) 내 계획을 들어 보고‬Hear me out first and turn me down if you don't like the plan.
‪아니다 싶으면 거절해도 돼‬Hear me out first and turn me down if you don't like the plan.
‪그럼 내가 그때는‬If you do that,
‪남은 구슬 한 개를 너한테 그냥 줄게‬I'll just give you my last marble.
‪네가 나 죽였다는 죄책감 안 들게‬So you won't feel guilty about killing me.
‪뭔데요?‬ ‪[총성]‬your plan?
‪[구슬을 쓱 넣는다]‬ ‪[안내 음성] 68번 탈락‬Player 68, eliminated.
‪그건 게임 상대가 누구냐에 따라 달라‬It depends on who we'll be up against.
‪일단 어떤 팀이 남게 될지‬ ‪그것부터 알아야 돼‬We have to find out which teams will remain.
‪지금 시간 없으니까 빨리 흩어져서‬We don't have much time, so let's split up and see how other teams are doing.
‪다른 팀들 상황을 좀 살펴보자‬We don't have much time, so let's split up and see how other teams are doing.
‪아직 승부가 안 난 팀들 중에서‬From teams that are still playing, find ones that are very young and very old.
‪나이가 어린 팀이랑‬ ‪나이가 많은 팀들 찾아봐‬From teams that are still playing, find ones that are very young and very old.
‪나이요?‬Their age?
‪(상우) 어‬Their age? Yes, that's what's important.
‪그게 중요해‬Yes, that's what's important.
‪너처럼 젊은 사람들인지‬Find out if they're young like you or if they're over 50.
‪아니면 50살 이상 된 사람들인지‬Find out if they're young like you or if they're over 50.
‪[알리를 툭툭 치며] 넌‬ ‪건너편 골목으로 가 봐‬You take the alley across the street. I'll go the other way.
‪난 반대편 팀들 살펴볼게‬You take the alley across the street. I'll go the other way.
‪네, 형‬Okay, Sang-woo.
‪(상우) 알리야‬Ali.
‪(알리) 응?‬
‪(상우) 그 주머니‬Your pouch.
‪그렇게 들고 다니면 위험해‬It's dangerous carrying it like that.
‪다들 막판에 미친놈들처럼 변할 텐데‬ ‪무슨 일이 벌어질지 몰라‬Everyone will go crazy at the last minute. Who knows what'll happen?
‪우리 이거 잃어버리면 끝이야‬We're doomed if you lose this. You know that, right?
‪알지?‬We're doomed if you lose this. You know that, right?
‪내가 가지고 다니기 안전하게 해 줄게‬I'll make it safe for you to carry.
‪넌 여기서 돈 가지고 나가면‬ ‪뭐 할 건데?‬What will you do if you leave here with the money?
‪생각해 본 적 없어‬I haven't thought about it.
‪출소하는 날‬Someone was waiting for me
‪교도소 앞에 누가 기다리고 있더라고‬when I was released from prison.
‪(지영) 그 인간이 남긴 빚 때문에 온‬ ‪빚쟁이인 줄 알았는데‬I thought he was a creditor who came to collect my dad's debt.
‪명함을 주는 거야‬But he gave me a business card.
‪그 이상한 명함‬That weird card.
‪그냥‬I just came because I had nowhere else to go.
‪갈 데가 없어서 온 거라‬I just came because I had nowhere else to go.
‪여기서 나가면 뭘 할지‬So I haven't thought about what I'd do if I get out.
‪생각을 못 해 봤네?‬So I haven't thought about what I'd do if I get out.
‪같이 제주도나 갈래?‬Should we go to Jeju together?
‪또 실수‬ ‪[총성]‬My mistake, again.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪[안내 음성] 229번 탈락‬Player 229, eliminated.
‪(덕수) 아이씨‬Damn it.
‪[남자6의 못마땅한 숨소리]‬
‪[남자6의 한숨]‬
‪[입바람을 후후 분다]‬
‪[덕수의 긴장한 숨소리]‬
‪[남자6의 안도하는 숨소리]‬
‪(남자6) 들어간 줄 알았네, 이 씨발‬I thought it'd go in. Damn it.
‪[남자6의 한숨]‬
‪다 던졌냐?‬You have nothing left now?
‪[남자6의 긴장한 숨소리]‬You have nothing left now?
‪난 아직‬I still have…
‪하나 남았는데‬one left.
‪[남자6의 웃음]‬
‪[긴장한 숨소리]‬
‪그동안 즐거웠다‬It was fun while it lasted.
‪[의미심장한 효과음]‬
‪[덕수의 환호성]‬
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪(덕수) 들어갔어, 내 거‬It went in. That's mine! My blue marble!
‪내 파란 구슬!‬It went in. That's mine! My blue marble!
‪[웃으며] 하, 씨‬It was fun while it lasted, asshole.
‪그동안 즐거웠다, 이 개새끼야!‬It was fun while it lasted, asshole.
‪[덕수의 웃음]‬ ‪[남자6의 당황한 신음]‬
‪[남자6의 다급한 숨소리]‬
‪[긴박한 음악]‬
‪(남자6) 아, 씨발‬Shit!
‪[남자6의 다급한 신음]‬
‪[남자6의 거친 숨소리]‬You bastards!
‪이 개새끼들아!‬You bastards!
‪[안내 음성] 278번 탈락‬Player 278, eliminated.
‪(상우) 자‬Here.
‪어때, 이러니까 훨씬 더 안전하겠지?‬What do you think? Doesn't it seem much safer?
‪[잘그랑거리는 소리가 난다]‬
‪그럼 타이머가 3분 남았을 때‬ ‪다시 여기서 만나자‬Then we'll meet here again when the timer hits three minutes.
‪그때 작전 알려 줄게‬I'll tell you my plan then.
‪(일남) 홀‬Odd.
‪하나, 둘, 셋‬One, two, three.
‪하나, 둘, 셋‬One, two, three.
‪둘 다 세 개네?‬We both have three marbles.
‪근데 방금‬Yes, but what did you just say?
‪뭐라고 하셨죠?‬Yes, but what did you just say?
‪내가‬What did I say?
‪뭐라고 했더라?‬What did I say?
‪짝이라고 하셨잖아요‬You said it's even.
‪내가‬Did I…
‪그랬어?‬say that?
‪[당황한 숨소리]‬
‪그렇네‬That means…
‪내가 또 졌네?‬I lost again.
‪[총성]‬Player 43, eliminated.
‪[안내 음성] 43번 탈락‬Player 43, eliminated.
‪[사람들이 저마다 말한다]‬Player 43, eliminated.
‪(알리) [우르두어] 나이가 많은 팀‬A team of older people.
‪[남자9의 겁먹은 신음]‬ ‪[총성]‬Player 85, eliminated.
‪[안내 음성] [한국어] 85번 탈락‬ ‪[알리의 놀란 신음]‬Player 85, eliminated. Just throw it already.
‪(남자10) 야, 빨리해, 빨리‬Just throw it already.
‪(알리) [우르두어] 어린애들 세 명‬Three youngsters.
‪- (남자11) [한국어] 아, 이게 안 되네‬ ‪- (남자12) 비켜‬I can't believe I missed it!
‪(알리) [우르두어] 노인 두 명‬Two old people.
‪[잘그랑거리는 소리가 난다]‬
‪[총성]‬Player 276, eliminated.
‪[안내 음성] [한국어] 276번 탈락‬Player 276, eliminated.
‪[일남의 힘주는 숨소리]‬
‪[일남의 한숨]‬
‪접으실 차례예요‬It's your turn.
‪(일남) 응?‬What?
‪어, 응‬Right.
‪(일남) 어‬
‪오늘이 며칠이지?‬What's the date today?
‪이달 24일이‬The 24th of this month is my son's birthday.
‪우리 아들 생일이거든‬The 24th of this month is my son's birthday.
‪로봇 장난감을‬ ‪선물로 사 주기로 했는데‬I was supposed to buy him a toy robot for his birthday.
‪작년 생일 때 내가 깜빡하고‬ ‪아무것도 못 해 줬어‬But I completely forgot and didn't get him anything last year.
‪이번에는 꼭 해 줘야 하는데‬I have to get him something this time.
‪[일남의 생각하는 숨소리]‬
‪음, 뭐, 뭐, 뭐라고 했지?‬What did you say?
‪(일남) 어‬
‪(상우) 구슬 스무 개야‬I have 20 marbles.
‪당신들이 말한 규칙은‬The rule is that, no matter what the game is,
‪어떤 게임을 하든 폭력을 쓰지 않고‬The rule is that, no matter what the game is, I have to obtain all my partner's marbles without using any violence.
‪상대방의 구슬을‬ ‪모두 따면 되는 거였어‬I have to obtain all my partner's marbles without using any violence.
‪난 아무런 폭력도 쓴 적이 없어‬I didn't use any form of violence.
‪[사람들이 저마다 말한다]‬How many? Two left?
‪[안내 음성] 게임 종료까지 3분‬You have three minutes until the game is over. You have three minutes.
‪3분 남았습니다‬You have three minutes until the game is over. You have three minutes.
‪[새벽의 한숨]‬
‪[안내 음성] 158번 탈락‬Player 158, eliminated.
‪이제 하자‬Let's do it.
‪여기서 구슬을 던져서‬Whoever throws a marble closest to that wall wins.
‪저 벽에 가깝게 멈추는 쪽이‬ ‪이기는 거야‬Whoever throws a marble closest to that wall wins.
‪어때?‬What do you think?
‪새벽이야‬It's Sae-byeok.
‪뭐가?‬What is?
‪내 이름‬My name.
‪강새벽‬Kang Sae-byeok.
‪좋다‬Nice name.
‪너는?‬What about you?
‪(새벽) 성은?‬Family name?
‪없어, 그런 거‬I don't have one.
‪(새벽) 누가 먼저 할까?‬Who should go first?
‪네가 먼저 해‬You can go first.
‪번호도 네가 빠르잖아‬Your number is before mine too.
‪(일남) 구슬이 다 없어졌네?‬All of my marbles are gone.
‪[일남의 난감한 숨소리]‬
‪어떡하지?‬What should I do?
‪더 놀고 싶은데‬I'd love to play more.
‪나 구슬 하나만 빌려주면은 안 될까?‬Can you lend me just one marble?
‪죄송합니다‬I'm sorry.
‪[안내 음성] 70번 탈락‬Player 70, eliminated.
‪(일남) 아‬
‪여기 이게‬Look at this.
‪구슬이 하나 있었네?‬I have one marble left.
‪[웃으며] 하나가‬There was one left.
‪남았어‬There was one left.
‪[일남의 웃음]‬
‪[기훈의 다급한 숨소리]‬
‪(기훈) 둘, 넷, 여섯, 여덟, 열‬Two, four, six, eight,
‪둘, 넷, 여섯, 여덟, 열아홉‬two, four, six, eight. Nineteen.
‪[의미심장한 효과음]‬Nineteen.
‪[당황한 숨소리]‬
‪아이, 영감님, 잠깐만요‬No. Sir, wait.
‪[새벽의 한숨]‬
‪[차분한 음악]‬
‪너 뭐 하는 거야?‬What are you doing?
‪(지영) 내가 졌네?‬I lost.
‪(새벽) 너 뭐 하는 짓이냐고‬What do you think you're doing?
‪(지영) 아, 구슬을 그냥 놓쳤어‬That marble just slipped.
‪(새벽) 이거냐?‬Is that what you meant by you making sure I win?
‪무조건 이기게 해 준다는 게?‬Is that what you meant by you making sure I win?
‪너 이런다고 내가 고마워할 줄 알지?‬You thought I'd be grateful?
‪다시 던져‬Throw it again.
‪나 다시 던져도 너 못 이겨‬Even if I did, I wouldn't be able to win anyway.
‪아, 그냥 좀 멋있게 좀 지게 해 줘라‬Just let me lose in style. Stop acting cool and just throw it again!
‪혼자 개폼 잡지 말고 다시 던지라고!‬Stop acting cool and just throw it again!
‪[새벽의 거친 신음]‬
‪난 없어‬I don't have anything.
‪(새벽) 뭐?‬What?
‪너는 여기서 나갈 이유가 있지만‬You have a reason to leave this place.
‪난 없어‬But I don't.
‪(지영) 여기서 나가면 뭘 할까‬Since you asked me…
‪네가 물어본 다음부터‬ ‪계속 생각을 해 봤거든?‬I've been thinking about what I'd do once I get out.
‪아무리 생각해도‬But no matter how much I think, I can't think of one.
‪생각이 안 나‬But no matter how much I think, I can't think of one.
‪이유가 있는 사람이 나가는 게 맞잖아‬Someone with a good reason should be the one to leave.
‪그게 맞잖아‬That's the right thing.
‪너는‬Make sure you leave this place alive.
‪꼭 살아서 나가‬ ‪[새벽이 훌쩍인다]‬Make sure you leave this place alive.
‪엄마도 만나고‬meet your mom.
‪동생도 찾고‬Get your brother back.
‪[울음 섞인 웃음]‬Get your brother back. And go to Jeju Island too.
‪제주도에도 꼭 가고‬And go to Jeju Island too.
‪(알리) 형‬Sang-woo.
‪형‬Sang-woo, where are you?
‪형, 어디 있어?‬Sang-woo, where are you?
‪형‬Sang-woo. Sang-woo!
‪상우 형!‬Sang-woo. Sang-woo!
‪나 보고 왔어요‬I checked everyone.
‪상우 형!‬Sang-woo!
‪[무거운 효과음]‬
‪[놀란 숨소리]‬
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪[총성]‬Player 199, eliminated.
‪[안내 음성] 199번 탈락‬Player 199, eliminated.
‪(지영) 강새벽!‬Kang Sae-byeok!
‪[새벽의 떨리는 숨소리]‬Kang Sae-byeok!
‪나랑 같이 해 줘서‬for playing with me.
‪[안내 음성] 240번 탈락‬Player 240, eliminated.
‪[기훈의 거친 숨소리]‬
‪(기훈) 영감님‬Sir, let's play just one more time.
‪저, 한 번만 더 해요, 예?‬Sir, let's play just one more time.
‪제발 한 번만요‬Please, one more round.
‪(일남) 아‬
‪[기훈의 다급한 숨소리]‬Damn it.
‪이 집이야‬It's this house.
‪[일남의 탄성]‬
‪내가 옛날에‬I used to live in this house
‪마누라랑 아들이랑‬I used to live in this house
‪이 집에서 살았어‬with my wife and son.
‪저, 마당에‬I had a small pond in the front yard too.
‪작은 연못도 있었는데‬I had a small pond in the front yard too.
‪- (기훈) 영감님‬ ‪- (일남) 아이고‬Sir, you have one marble left.
‪(기훈) 구슬 하나 남았잖아‬Sir, you have one marble left. You have to play that game with me.
‪나랑 그거 해야 된다고‬You have to play that game with me.
‪[기훈의 거친 숨소리]‬You have to play that game with me.
‪(일남) 내가 퇴근하고 집에 오면은‬When I'd come home from work,
‪아들놈이 친구들이랑‬ ‪신나게 놀고 있었어‬my son would be having so much fun with his friends. He didn't even realize I'd come home.
‪아빠가 온 줄도 모르고 말이야‬He didn't even realize I'd come home. Pull yourself together!
‪정신 차리라고요‬Pull yourself together!
‪정신 차리고 내 말 좀 들으라고!‬Pull yourself together and listen to me!
‪그럼 나는 저 전봇대 뒤에 숨어서‬I'd hide behind that telephone pole
‪아들놈이 노는 거를 몰래 훔쳐봤지‬I'd hide behind that telephone pole and take a peek at him playing.
‪[흐느낀다]‬ ‪(일남) 어찌나 재미있게 놀던지‬They were having so much fun.
‪[일남의 웃음]‬ ‪제발‬They were having so much fun. Please.
‪정신 좀 차려요‬Please pull yourself together.
‪아, 내가 이렇게 부탁할게요‬I beg you, please.
‪우리 다 걸고‬Why don't we play one more round betting everything we have?
‪한판 할까?‬Why don't we play one more round betting everything we have?
‪내 거 다 걸 테니까‬I'll bet everything I have.
‪자네 것도 다 걸어‬You bet everything you have too.
‪그게 무슨 말씀이세요?‬What do you mean?
‪자네가 가진 전부랑‬We're going to bet everything you have and everything I have.
‪내가 가진 전부를 걸고 하는 거야‬We're going to bet everything you have and everything I have.
‪그게 공평하잖아‬That's only fair.
‪그 구슬 하나랑 이걸 다 걸라고요?‬Are you telling me to bet everything to get that one marble?
‪아, 그런 억지가 어디 있어요?‬What kind of nonsense is this?
‪말이 안 되는 거잖아!‬That makes no sense!
‪자네가 날 속이고‬does fooling me…
‪내 구슬 가져간 건‬and taking my marbles make sense?
‪말이 되고?‬and taking my marbles make sense?
‪[무거운 효과음]‬
‪[차분한 음악]‬
‪[떨리는 신음]‬
‪[기훈의 떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪(일남) 가져‬Take it.
‪자네 거야‬It's yours.
‪깐부잖아‬gganbu, aren't we?
‪기억 안 나?‬Don't you remember?
‪우리 손가락 걸고 깐부 맺은 거‬We made a pinky promise to be each other's gganbu.
‪깐부끼리는‬With gganbus, mine or yours doesn't matter.
‪네 거, 내 거가 없는 거야‬With gganbus, mine or yours doesn't matter.
‪(일남) 그동안‬Thank you.
‪고마웠네‬For everything.
‪자네 덕분에‬Thanks to you…
‪잘 있다가‬I had a good time.
‪괜찮아‬It's all right.
‪괜찮을 거야‬will be all right.
‪(일남) 응‬
‪[기훈이 연신 흐느낀다]‬
‪[타이머 종료음]‬
‪(일남) 나‬I remember my name now.
‪이름이 생각났어‬I remember my name now.
‪내 이름은‬My name is Il-nam.
‪일남이야‬My name is Il-nam.
‪오일남‬Oh Il-nam.
‪[놀란 신음]‬
‪[안내 음성] 1번 탈락‬Player 1, eliminated.

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