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  솔로지옥 S2.2

Single's Inferno S2.2


‪(한해) 과연‬Let's see.
‪(진경) 몇 개, 몇 개야?‬-How many are there? -Wow. I knew it.
‪(패널들) 와‬-How many are there? -Wow. I knew it.
‪- (규현) 역시‬ ‪- (한해) 세 개죠, 세 개‬-How many are there? -Wow. I knew it. There are three, right?
‪[규현의 탄성]‬
‪(규현) 일단 두 개 확실하고‬ ‪어, 두 개인가요?‬-There are at least two. -Are there two?
‪어?‬-What? -Are there two?
‪- (다희) 두 개예요?‬ ‪- 두 개야?‬-What? -Are there two? There are two?
‪- (규현) 두 개예요?‬ ‪- (다희) 둘둘씩?‬-So, two of them? -Two?
‪[감미로운 음악]‬
‪[엽서가 바스락거린다]‬
‪(규현) '가시 빼 줘서', 와‬-"Thanks for taking out my splinter." -That's very obvious.
‪- (다희) 이거는, 네‬ ‪- (규현) 티 냈네요‬-"Thanks for taking out my splinter." -That's very obvious.
‪- (한해) 세정 씨가‬ ‪- (다희) 네‬-That's from Se-jeong. -Yes.
‪(한빈) 어때요? 설레지 않아요?‬How do you feel? Are you excited?
‪(융재) 재밌네요‬This is interesting.
‪[한빈의 밝은 웃음]‬
‪[깊은 한숨]‬
‪- (다희) 우와‬ ‪- (한해) 오, 동우 씨 두 표‬-Wow. -Dong-woo got two postcards.
‪[설레는 음악]‬-Wow. -Dong-woo got two postcards.
‪(규현) 어? 저런 말투 했던‬ ‪사람 있었는데‬LET'S GO GET WATER TOGETHER TOMORROW -Someone said that earlier. -"Let's go get water"?
‪- (진경) '물 뜨러 가쟈요'‬ ‪- (다희) '물 뜨러 가자'‬-Someone said that earlier. -"Let's go get water"?
‪(한해) 보라색?‬Purple?
‪(한빈) 오셨습니까‬You're back.
‪어떠셨어요?‬How was it?
‪[지퍼를 직 닫는다]‬ ‪뭐, 혼란스럽네요‬Well, I'm a little confused.
‪다른 의미로‬ ‪혼란스러울 수도 있고‬We could be confused about different things
‪(한빈) 같은 의미로‬ ‪혼란스러울 수도 있죠‬or confused about the same thing.
‪(한빈) 제가 호감도 선택한 분은‬I gave my postcard to Seo-eun.
‪최서은 씨입니다‬I gave my postcard to Seo-eun. KIM HAN-BIN
‪식사도 하면서‬ ‪되게 엄청 열심히 하셨고‬She worked really hard when we were preparing dinner.
‪(한빈) 대화를 좀 나눠 보고‬ ‪해 봤는데‬We talked while we were cooking,
‪웃음이 많으시고 해서‬and she laughed quite a lot.
‪그래서 선택했습니다‬So I chose her.
‪제가 호감도 투표를 한 분은‬ ‪최종우 님입니다‬I gave my postcard to Jong-woo. CHOI SEO-EUN
‪식사할 때는 생각보다 조금‬ ‪아직은 어색해 가지고‬When we were eating, I still felt kind of awkward,
‪얘기를 많이 못 나눴는데‬so we didn't get to talk much.
‪(서은) 앞에 계시니까‬ ‪좀 이렇게 많이 웃으시는 모습‬But while he sat in front of me, I saw him smile a lot.
‪많이 본 거 같아요‬But while he sat in front of me, I saw him smile a lot.
‪(종우) 어, 저는‬ ‪신슬기 님을 뽑았습니다‬I chose Seul-ki. CHOI JONG-WOO
‪이유는 제 이상형에‬ ‪가까우신 거 같고‬I think it's because she's rather close to my ideal type
‪궁금증을 약간 유발하시는‬ ‪그런 매력이 또 있으신 거 같아서‬and has a kind of charm that makes me want to get to know her better.
‪슬기 씨를 뽑은 거 같아요‬So that's why I chose Seul-ki.
‪저 동우 씨한테‬ ‪호감도 선택했습니다‬I gave my postcard to Dong-woo. SHIN SEUL-KI
‪(슬기) 어제 같이 물 뜨러 갔는데‬We went to get water together yesterday, and he seemed very calm.
‪되게 차분하신 거 같더라고요‬We went to get water together yesterday, and he seemed very calm.
‪그러면서도‬ ‪티키타카가 잘되는 거 같아서‬And it felt like we had good chemistry.
‪좀 친해진 거 같았어요‬ ‪그때‬So I think we became a bit close.
‪(슬기) 안 돼‬No, please.
‪저는 제가 투표한 동우 씨가‬ ‪저를 썼을 거 같아요‬I think Dong-woo would have written me a postcard as well.
‪(슬기) 계속 저한테‬ ‪말을 걸어 주시고‬He kept talking to me
‪계속 저를 쳐다보는 느낌?‬and I felt like he kept staring at me.
‪제 예상은 동우 씨가 저를‬ ‪투표했을 거 같아요‬I think Dong-woo would have given me a postcard.
‪지옥도 처음 와서 호감도 선택은‬I gave my first postcard in Inferno to Nadine.
‪나딘 씨로 했습니다‬I gave my first postcard in Inferno to Nadine. SHIN DONG-WOO
‪(동우) 되게 처음에 어색하고‬ ‪좀 어리바리한 모습이‬The way she was so awkward at first and seemed a bit clumsy
‪좀 지켜 주고 싶고‬ ‪그런 감정을 불러일으키더라고요‬brought out my protective side.
‪그리고‬And the person I would like to get to know better
‪좀 더 알아보고 싶은 사람은‬And the person I would like to get to know better
‪신슬기 씨입니다‬is Seul-ki.
‪(동우) 슬기 씨한테 좀 맑고‬ ‪순수한 매력이 있는 거 같아서‬ ‪[경쾌한 음악]‬Seul-ki seems to have a pure and innocent charm,
‪좀 더 알아가 보고 싶습니다‬so I want to get to know her better.
‪동우 씨한테 쪽지를 보냈습니다‬I sent a postcard to Dong-woo. LEE NADINE
‪딱 처음에 같이 섬을 걸어갔을 때‬ ‪그게 좀 기억이 남아서‬In the beginning, when we walked along the island, that memory stayed with me.
‪(나딘) 절 많이‬ ‪챙겨 주셨던 거 같아요‬I think he took care of me a lot. And he asked me a lot of questions.
‪질문도 많이 물어보고‬And he asked me a lot of questions.
‪그런 것들이 좀 좋았던 거 같아요‬I think that's what I liked about him.
‪어제 호감도 선택할 때는‬For my postcard to… PARK SE-JEONG
‪융재 씨를 뽑았어요‬…Yoong-jae yesterday.
‪처음에 같이 섬 투어 할 때도‬When we were touring the island together,
‪(세정) 되게 다정하게‬ ‪말도 많이 걸어 주시고‬he was really friendly and started lots of conversations.
‪어색한 것도 많이‬ ‪풀어 주시려고 하는 모습이…‬He also tried hard to lessen the awkwardness.
‪(세정) 가시 박힌 거 같은데‬I think I have a splinter.
‪(융재) 괜찮으시면‬ ‪제가 해 드릴까요?‬If it's all right with you, can I try?
‪(세정) 네‬Yes.
‪되게 호감이 가서‬ ‪융재 씨를 뽑았어요‬He was charming, so I chose Yoong-jae.
‪융재 씨도 나를 투표했나?‬I'm guessing that maybe
‪추측하고 있긴 해요‬Yoong-jae also gave me his postcard.
‪제가 첫 호감 선택한 사람은‬My first postcard… JO YOONG-JAE …went to Se-jeong.
‪박세정 씨고요‬…went to Se-jeong.
‪(융재) 외적으로 호감이 있어서‬ ‪뽑았습니다‬I chose her because I was attracted to her looks.
‪같이 섬 투어를 하면서‬ ‪먼저 잘 얘기도 걸어 주셔 가지고‬I also liked how she started conversations when we were touring the island together.
‪즐겁게 얘기해서 호감이 갔습니다‬So we had a good time talking.
‪아, 저는 융재 님을‬Well… LEE SO-E …I gave my postcard to Yoong-jae.
‪투표했어요‬…I gave my postcard to Yoong-jae.
‪제가 원래‬ ‪낯을 많이 가리는 성격이어서‬I'm a very shy person, so I can't easily start conversations.
‪(소이) 쉽게 말을 못 거는데‬I'm a very shy person, so I can't easily start conversations.
‪그나마 어제 편하게‬ ‪융재 님이랑 말을 나눠 봐서‬But I felt comfortable when I talked to Yoong-jae yesterday,
‪또 어른스러운 느낌이‬ ‪많이 났던 거 같아요‬and he seemed very mature.
‪그래서 얘기를‬ ‪더 나눠 봤으면 좋겠다‬So I just thought that I would like to talk to him more.
‪이런 생각이 들었어요‬So I just thought that I would like to talk to him more.
‪(규현) 근데 지금 이게‬ ‪한빈 씨는 서은 씨‬So Han-bin chose Seo-eun, but Seo-eun chose Jong-woo.
‪서은 씨는 종우 씨‬
‪종우 씨는 슬기 씨‬ ‪슬기 씨는 동우 씨‬Jong-woo chose Seul-ki, but Seul-ki chose Dong-woo, and Dong-woo chose Nadine.
‪(규현) 동우 씨는 나딘 씨‬ ‪지금 계속 이게…‬but Seul-ki chose Dong-woo, and Dong-woo chose Nadine.
‪(다희) 엇갈리죠‬Nobody matched.
‪그냥 작대기가 이렇게, 이렇게‬ ‪이렇게 가 있어요, 지금‬The lines are all crisscrossed.
‪(진경) 일단 사랑의 작대기가‬ ‪정확하게 맞은 분들이‬So far, the people whose choices match
‪- 신동우 씨랑 이나딘 씨‬ ‪- (규현) 네‬are Dong-woo and Nadine. Yes.
‪(진경) 그리고‬ ‪조융재 씨랑 박세정 씨‬ ‪[규현이 호응한다]‬Yes. And Yoong-jae and Se-jeong. Two couples.
‪그 두 커플이 완전‬ ‪정확하게 이어졌어요, 그렇죠?‬Two couples. Only those two couples matched.
‪(규현) 그리고 한 표도 받지 못한‬ ‪아쉬운 두 분은‬And unfortunately, Han-bin and So-e didn't get any postcards.
‪김한빈 씨, 이소이 씨‬didn't get any postcards.
‪그렇게 한 분씩이 나왔네요‬So there's one person from each side.
‪(진경) 근데 이게 어떻게‬ ‪또 바뀔지 모르는 거기 때문에‬So there's one person from each side. But, as you know, we don't know how this will change.
‪- (규현) 그럼요‬ ‪- (다희) 그렇죠‬But, as you know, we don't know how this will change. That's the beauty of Single's Inferno.
‪(진경) 그게 또 '솔로지옥'의‬ ‪묘미입니다‬That's the beauty of Single's Inferno.
‪(다희) 게다가 동우 씨가‬ ‪표는 나딘 씨에게 줬지만‬And even though Dong-woo gave his postcard to Nadine,
‪알아가고 싶은 사람은‬ ‪슬기 씨라고 얘기를 했어요‬he wanted to get to know Seul-ki better.
‪- (한해) 맞아요‬ ‪- 그래서 이 투표는‬So this is just their first impression
‪첫 마음, 첫인상‬ ‪그거일 뿐인 거지‬So this is just their first impression from when they met in the beginning.
‪이 '솔로지옥' 안에서는‬ ‪바뀌니까요, 마음이‬In Single's Inferno, people's feelings change.
‪(한해) 또 다른 라인으로‬ ‪우리 융재 씨를 사이에 두고‬In Single's Inferno, people's feelings change. Another love triangle has Yoong-jae in the middle.
‪소이 씨하고 세정 씨가‬ ‪융재 씨를 선택했지만‬So-e and Se-jeong both chose Yoong-jae.
‪이제 융재 씨가‬ ‪세정 씨를 선택하면서‬So-e and Se-jeong both chose Yoong-jae. But since Yoong-jae chose Se-jeong,
‪소이 씨가 0표가 됐는데, 하…‬So-e got zero postcards.
‪(규현) 근데 소이 씨가 뭔가‬Something tells me that So-e will be expressing herself a lot more now.
‪되게 표현을‬ ‪많이 할 거 같아요, 앞으로‬Something tells me that So-e will be expressing herself a lot more now.
‪[진경의 호응하는 음성]‬ ‪(규현) 왠지 첫날 0표를 받고서‬-Right. -I think her attitude would change a bit.
‪약간 마음가짐이‬ ‪달라졌을 거 같아요‬-After getting zero postcards. -Right.
‪- (진경) 그렇죠‬ ‪- (규현) 네‬-After getting zero postcards. -Right.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬
‪"둘째 날"‬
‪[파도가 철썩인다]‬
‪[신비로운 음악]‬
‪[파일이 털썩 떨어진다]‬
‪(소이) 뭐 보세요?‬What are you reading?
‪저 리포트요‬I'm reading a report.
‪(소이) 무슨 리포트요?‬What kind of report?
‪(융재) 어…‬Well…
‪대체 식품이요‬-It's about alternative foods. -Pardon?
‪(소이) 응?‬ ‪[융재가 피식 웃는다]‬-It's about alternative foods. -Pardon?
‪(융재) 대체 식품이라고…‬Alternative foods.
‪원래 보려고 했던 건데‬ ‪그냥 이런 거 보고 있어요‬It's something I've been meaning to read about.
‪- (소이) 낯서네‬ ‪- (융재) 관심 없으시죠?‬-It's new to me. -It's boring, right?
‪[소이의 부정하는 음성]‬-It's new to me. -It's boring, right? -No. -It's not?
‪- (융재) 있어요?‬ ‪- 아이고, 아이고‬-No. -It's not? God, no.
‪책 읽으려고 하다가‬I was going to read a book.
‪- 책은 좀 너무 헤비한 거 같고‬ ‪- (소이) 응‬But I thought a book might be too much.
‪만드시려고 이렇게 리포트를…‬Are you reading this report for research?
‪- (융재) 아니요, 아니요, 그냥‬ ‪- (소이) 아니고?‬-No, it's just a personal… -No?
‪(융재) 개인적인…‬-No, it's just a personal… -No?
‪- (소이) 관심?‬ ‪- (융재) 네‬Interest?
‪뭔가 이렇게 있으면‬ ‪파야 돼 가지고‬Yes. If I'm interested in something, I have to look into it further.
‪신기하다‬Yes. If I'm interested in something, I have to look into it further. That's amazing.
‪(소이) 저는 일기 쓰고 있었어요‬-I was writing in my journal. -Your journal?
‪(융재) 일기요?‬ ‪아, 어땠어요, 어제?‬-I was writing in my journal. -Your journal? So how was it yesterday?
‪약간 제가‬ ‪낯을 너무 많이 가려 가지고‬I was way too shy.
‪[융재가 호응한다]‬ ‪뚝딱거리기도 하고‬I was way too shy. And awkward.
‪(소이) 제 모습과‬ ‪제 모습이 아닌 모습이 막‬So I think I was a mixture of my real self
‪섞여져서 나온 거 같아요‬and other parts of myself that I didn't recognize.
‪- (융재) 긴장되고 하니까‬ ‪- (소이) 긴장되고…‬-Because you were nervous. -Yes.
‪저도 마찬가지인 거 같아요‬It was like that for me too.
‪그래도 융재 님이랑‬ ‪어제 말 제일 많이 했어요‬Still, you're the one I talked to the most yesterday.
‪(융재) 맞아요, 맞아요‬Right.
‪뭔가 얘기를 더 하면‬ ‪재밌을 거 같아요‬I think it'll be fun once we talk more.
‪친해져요‬Let's get to know each other.
‪(소이) 운명? 인연이잖아요‬ ‪[웃음]‬It's like destiny.
‪그렇죠, 그렇죠, 그렇죠‬Right.
‪[규현의 놀라는 음성]‬ ‪[한해의 웃음]‬
‪- (규현) 엄청 적극적이네요‬ ‪- (다희) 네‬-She's being very straightforward. -Yes.
‪(융재) 키 몇이세요?‬-How tall are you? -Guess.
‪(소이) 맞혀 보세요‬ ‪[웃음]‬-How tall are you? -Guess.
‪(융재) 58?‬-Maybe 158 cm? -Yes.
‪- (소이) 58‬ ‪- (융재) 58?‬-Maybe 158 cm? -Yes. -Is it 158 cm? -I'm so short, right? It's so sad.
‪(소이) 작죠? 속상해요‬-Is it 158 cm? -I'm so short, right? It's so sad.
‪- 2cm만 더…‬ ‪- 근데 전혀 작은지 모르겠어요‬-I wish I were 160 cm. -You're not short at all.
‪- 진짜로‬ ‪- (소이) 진짜요?‬-I wish I were 160 cm. -You're not short at all. -Honestly. -Really?
‪제가 키 맞혀 볼게요‬I'll guess your height.
‪한번 서 주세요‬ ‪[융재가 피식 웃는다]‬Stand up for a second.
‪(소이) 이 정도면‬This would be…
‪이 정도면…‬This would be…
‪백, 잠시만요‬Maybe 100… Wait.
‪백…‬A hundred…
‪- 85‬ ‪- (융재) 85‬-Maybe 185 cm? -Really?
‪(융재) 네, 그 정도 돼요‬ ‪85, 86?‬You're right. I'm around 185 and 186.
‪87? 막 이래‬Maybe even 187 cm.
‪(소이) 우와, 진짜 크다‬Wow, you're really tall.
‪저 5cm만 떼어 주세요‬Can you give me 5 cm?
‪(융재) 가는 중입니다‬It's on its way.
‪[둘의 웃음]‬
‪가는 중이래‬He said, "It's on its way."
‪- 아, 이 커플 찬성일세‬ ‪- (한해) [웃으며] 가는 중이래‬-I support this couple. -"It's on its way."
‪- 되게 응원하게 된다, 저 두 분‬ ‪- (다희) 그렇죠? 저도요‬-I find myself rooting for those two. -Right? Me, too.
‪- 순정만화 같아‬ ‪- (다희) 너무 응원해요‬-It's like a romance comic. -I like them.
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬ ‪(한빈) 아, 배고파‬-It's like a romance comic. -I like them. I'm hungry.
‪(한빈) 아, 배고파‬-I'm so hungry. -Let's see if breakfast will be cereal.
‪(융재) 과연 시리얼일까‬-I'm so hungry. -Let's see if breakfast will be cereal.
‪(한빈) 시리얼, 빵, 우유, 주스다‬It's cereal, bread, milk, and juice.
‪(융재) 오‬It's cereal, bread, milk, and juice.
‪(동우) 잠깐만‬ ‪주스부터 먹어야 될 거 같아‬Wait, I think I need juice first.
‪(한빈) 주스, 주스부터 때리세요‬Drink some juice first, then.
‪(종우) 전 우유‬Milk for me.
‪(종우) 안녕하세요‬Hello.
‪[남자들이 인사한다]‬Thanks for dinner last night.
‪- 안녕하세요‬ ‪- (동우) 같이 짠 하실래요?‬-Wanna join in for a toast? -Sure.
‪(나딘) [웃으며] 네‬-Wanna join in for a toast? -Sure. There's orange juice and milk.
‪(동우) 오렌지주스랑 우유 있는데‬ ‪뭐 드릴까요?‬There's orange juice and milk. -Which would you like? -I'm here.
‪(나딘) 저 먼저 왔어요‬-Which would you like? -I'm here.
‪(동우) 오렌지주스랑 우유‬-Which would you like? -I'm here. -Orange juice or milk? -Orange juice, please.
‪- (나딘) 네, 오렌지주스‬ ‪- (종우) 오렌지주스‬-Orange juice or milk? -Orange juice, please. Okay. Here you go.
‪- (융재) 첫 아침이네‬ ‪- (동우) '굿 모닝'‬-It's our first morning. -Good morning.
‪- (한빈) '굿 모닝'!‬ ‪- (나딘) '굿 모닝'‬-It's our first morning. -Good morning.
‪(동우) 좋은 아침‬Good morning.
‪(규현) 무슨 프로틴 먹는‬ ‪사람들처럼‬They're drinking it like it's a protein shake.
‪[웃으며] 먹네‬They're drinking it like it's a protein shake.
‪(서은) 안녕하세요‬-Hello. -Hello.
‪- (한빈) 안녕하세요‬ ‪- (종우) 안녕하세요‬-Hello. -Hello.
‪- (한빈) 잘 주무셨어요?‬ ‪- (나딘) 안녕하세요‬Did you sleep well? -Sometimes I wonder… -Hello.
‪오, 과일 있다, 대박‬ ‪[놀라는 음성]‬There's fruit. This is great.
‪(서은) 과일 같이 깎을게요‬-Let me help you. -Sounds good.
‪(한빈) 어? 좋아요‬-Let me help you. -Sounds good.
‪(서은) 제가 또‬ ‪과일 깎는 건 조금…‬-Let me help you. -Sounds good. I'm pretty good at cutting up fruit.
‪- (한빈) 오케이‬ ‪- (서은) 오케이‬
‪(서은) 돕겠습니다‬Let me help.
‪(슬기) [감탄하며] 맛있겠다‬ ‪저 여기 앉아도 돼요?‬This looks good. Can I sit here?
‪- (종우) 네, 앉으셔도 돼요‬ ‪- 그래요?‬-Yes, of course. -Thanks.
‪[슬기의 놀라는 음성]‬
‪(동우) 뭐 하셨어요, 아침에?‬What did you do in the morning?
‪(슬기) 아침에 화장하고, 네‬ ‪[여자들이 호응한다]‬-We put makeup on. -Yes.
‪(동우) 제일 일찍‬ ‪기상하신 거 같은데?‬Well, you were the first one up, so you're the most productive.
‪- 제일 부지런한 거 같은데?‬ ‪- (슬기) 아니에요‬Well, you were the first one up, so you're the most productive. No, I woke up late.
‪저 늦게 일어났고‬ ‪소이 씨가 일찍 일어났어요‬No, I woke up late. -Actually, So-e woke up early. -Really?
‪(동우) 아, 그래요?‬-Actually, So-e woke up early. -Really?
‪화장실 가다가 이렇게…‬On my way to the restroom, I…
‪- (슬기) 어? 아까 네이비 후드가‬ ‪- (동우) 네‬Wait. Were you wearing a navy blue hoodie?
‪- (동우) 여기, 네이비 후드‬ ‪- (슬기) 아닌가?‬Wait. Were you wearing a navy blue hoodie? -He's the one in the navy blue hoodie. -It was me. Why?
‪- (종우) 저요, 왜요?‬ ‪- (슬기) 아‬-He's the one in the navy blue hoodie. -It was me. Why?
‪아까 봤던 거 같아요‬I think I saw you earlier.
‪튀었어요, 색깔이 약간?‬I think I saw you earlier. -Did the color stand out? -Yes, it kind of stood out.
‪(슬기) 약간, 네, 튀었어요‬-Did the color stand out? -Yes, it kind of stood out.
‪아, 그, 아침에 살짝 인사했는데‬ ‪그냥 바로 후다닥 가시더라고요‬I said hi this morning, but you just went scurrying by.
‪(슬기) [웃으며] 아‬I said hi this morning, but you just went scurrying by. -Did I? -Were you wearing makeup?
‪- (세정) 생얼이라?‬ ‪- (슬기) 아, 네, 완전 숨기느라‬-Did I? -Were you wearing makeup? No. That's why I was hiding my face.
‪(동우) 별로 차이 있는 스타일은‬ ‪아니실 거 같은데‬I don't think you'd look different without makeup.
‪(슬기) 아, 그래요?‬ ‪근데 알아보시네요, 그때‬Really? I'm surprised you recognized me.
‪알아보죠‬Of course I recognized you. There aren't many people here.
‪사람 여기 몇 명이나 있다고‬Of course I recognized you. There aren't many people here.
‪다행이다‬That's good.
‪(규현) 이야‬Wow.
‪씁, 분위기가 심상치 않네‬I can tell something is going on.
‪[한해의 탄식]‬I can tell something is going on.
‪- (서은) 반 나눠 가지고‬ ‪- (한빈) 응‬-Split this in half. -Okay.
‪- (한빈) 손 조심해요‬ ‪- (서은) 네‬ ‪[부드러운 음악]‬-Watch your hands. -Okay.
‪(한빈) 잘 때 배고프지 않았어요?‬Weren't you hungry before bed?
‪(서은) 어제 계속‬ ‪저희끼리 배고프다고‬Weren't you hungry before bed? -We kept talking about how hungry we were. -Right.
‪(한빈) [호응하며]‬ ‪무가 소화가 빨라 가지고‬-We kept talking about how hungry we were. -Right. -Because we digest radish quickly. -Right? I said that, too.
‪(서은) 그렇죠?‬ ‪저도 그 얘기 했어요‬-Because we digest radish quickly. -Right? I said that, too.
‪(한빈) 엄청‬Really quickly.
‪무 소화 빠르니까‬I agree. Radish is very digestible.
‪[사과를 탁 자른다]‬
‪[칼을 덜그럭 놓는다]‬
‪(종우) 얼른 식사하세요‬Come eat.
‪(융재) 서 계시니까‬ ‪마음이 불편하네‬-We feel bad seeing you standing. -It's okay.
‪(한빈) 드세요, 드세요‬ ‪이거 다 썰었어요‬-We feel bad seeing you standing. -It's okay. These are cut up.
‪- (서은) 여기‬ ‪- (소이) 감사해요‬-Here. -Thank you.
‪- (서은) 네, 네, 네‬ ‪- (융재) 감사합니다‬No worries. -Thank you. -Thank you.
‪- (한빈) 슬기는 왼손잡이예요?‬ ‪- (슬기) 어? 어떻게 아셨어요?‬-Seul-ki, are you left-handed? -How'd you know?
‪(한빈) 왼손으로 먹길래요‬-You're eating with your left hand. -Right.
‪- (슬기) 아, 맞아요‬ ‪- (한빈) 혼자만 왼손이어서‬-You're eating with your left hand. -Right. -You're the only lefty. -Am I the only one?
‪- 저만 왼손잡이인가요?‬ ‪- (종우) 저 왼손잡이예요‬-You're the only lefty. -Am I the only one? -I'm a lefty. -Me, too.
‪- (융재) 저도요‬ ‪- 진짜요?‬-I'm a lefty. -Me, too. -Really? -Seriously?
‪[동우가 놀란다]‬ ‪- (슬기) 와, 왼손잡이 진짜…‬ ‪- (종우) 왼손, 왼발‬-Really? -Seriously? -Wow. -Left hand, left foot.
‪- (종우) 발은 어디 발 쓰세요?‬ ‪- (슬기) 저도 왼발‬-Which foot do you use? -My left foot too.
‪(종우) 신기하다‬That's amazing.
‪약간 예술가 스타일 아니에요?‬ ‪왼손잡이들이?‬Aren't lefties more artistic?
‪- (슬기) 맞아요‬ ‪- (동우) 맞아요?‬-They are. -Right? They have good artistic sense. Yes, they do.
‪(종우) 감각이 있어요‬ ‪[흥미로운 음악]‬They have good artistic sense. Yes, they do.
‪네, 감각 있어요‬They have good artistic sense. Yes, they do.
‪그렇죠?‬-Right? -That's cool.
‪(소이) 우와, 신기해요‬-Right? -That's cool.
‪뭐 필요해? 물?‬What do you need? Water?
‪- (나딘) 사과, 사과 먹고 싶어서‬ ‪- (동우) 아, 사과‬-Apples. -Okay, apples. I want some.
‪[나딘의 웃음]‬ ‪[동우가 호응한다]‬
‪(세정) 음‬
‪- (세정) 날씨 굿‬ ‪- (슬기) 응‬The weather's nice.
‪(융재) 여기 뷰가 되게 좋은데‬ ‪안 보이셔 가지고…‬The view is really nice here, but you can't see it.
‪- (세정) 아, 진짜요?‬ ‪- (융재) 네, 엄청 좋아요‬-Really? -Yes, it's really nice.
‪(종우) 내일 아침은‬ ‪이쪽에 앉으시면 될 거 같아요‬-You can sit on this side tomorrow. -Right.
‪(세정) 제 뷰도 좋죠?‬I'm a nice view too, right?
‪(융재) [웃으며] 더 좋네요‬I'm a nice view too, right? It's even better.
‪[사람들의 웃음과 박수 소리]‬It's even better.
‪왜 이렇게 안 드세요‬Why aren't you eating?
‪[소이와 융재의 옅은 웃음]‬
‪(융재) 너무 안 드신다‬You're barely eating.
‪진짜 맛있는 거 먹고 싶다‬ ‪천국도 가서‬I want to go to Paradise and eat really good food.
‪(세정) 다 똑같은 마음이겠지?‬-We all feel the same way, right? -I want meat.
‪(슬기) 그러니까, 고기‬-We all feel the same way, right? -I want meat.
‪뭐야, 쳐다보면서 얘기한 거 맞지?‬She was looking at him when she said that.
‪(다희) 쳐다보면서 이렇게요‬She was looking at him when she said that. Yes. She was like, "I want to go."
‪[규현이 놀란다]‬ ‪'가고 싶다' 이렇게‬Yes. She was like, "I want to go."
‪(규현) 세정 씨가‬ ‪근데 특히나 좀 약간 표현을‬I think Se-jeong expresses herself very clearly.
‪딱 확실하게 하는 거 같아‬I think Se-jeong expresses herself very clearly. "I want to go to Paradise," and she looks straight at him.
‪'아, 천국도 가고 싶다' 하면서‬ ‪딱 보잖아요‬"I want to go to Paradise," and she looks straight at him.
‪'천국도 가고 싶다'‬"I want to go to Paradise."
‪진짜 맛있는 거 먹고 싶다‬ ‪천국도 가서‬I want to go to Paradise and eat really good food.
‪(세정) 다 똑같은 마음이겠지?‬-We all feel the same way, right? -I want meat.
‪(슬기) 그러니까, 고기‬-We all feel the same way, right? -I want meat.
‪(한빈) 여성분들은‬ ‪서로 말 언제 놓기로 했어요?‬When did you all decide to speak casually to one another?
‪사실 우리 오늘 아침 딱 되면‬ ‪놓기로 했는데‬Actually, we decided to start this morning.
‪- (한빈) 아무도 못 놔‬ ‪- (동우) 놓을까요?‬-But nobody's able to. -Should we?
‪- (한빈) 다 같이, 다 같이‬ ‪- (세정) 그래‬-All together. -Okay.
‪- (한빈) 그래, 안녕!‬ ‪- (세정) 그래‬-Okay. Hi! -Okay.
‪(종우) 이름 부르는 걸로, 그러면?‬-We're calling each other by name, then? -Sure.
‪(서은) 그래‬-We're calling each other by name, then? -Sure.
‪(융재) 잘 먹고 있어, 종우야?‬How's the food, Jong-woo?
‪[사람들의 웃음]‬
‪(종우) 심쿵했어요‬My heart just skipped a beat.
‪[서은의 폭소]‬
‪(세정) 걷고 싶은데‬I want to take a walk.
‪(한빈) 걸어 볼까요, 다 같이?‬-Shall we all go together? -Yes.
‪- (세정) 응‬ ‪- (한빈) 오케이‬-Shall we all go together? -Yes.
‪- (한빈) 먹고 산책?‬ ‪- (슬기) 응‬-Eat, then go for a walk? -Yes
‪- (서은) 반으로 나눠요?‬ ‪- (융재) 랜덤으로 하시죠‬Shall we split into groups? -Let's go randomly. -Okay.
‪- (한빈) 오케이‬ ‪- (융재) 이따가 봐‬-Let's go randomly. -Okay. -See you in a bit. -See you.
‪- (세정) 이따 봐요‬ ‪- (서은) 네‬-See you in a bit. -See you.
‪[신나는 음악]‬
‪(종우) 와, 여기까지 처음 나와 봐‬I've never come out this far.
‪(나딘) 그러니까‬Same.
‪와, 진짜 큰 조개도 있는데?‬Hey, there's a really big clam.
‪(종우) 내가 조개 날리는 거‬ ‪보여 줄까?‬Wanna see how I toss clams?
‪(나딘) 날릴 수 있어?‬-Can you throw them high? -Yes, like a boomerang.
‪(종우) 어, 부메랑처럼‬ ‪날릴 수 있거든‬-Can you throw them high? -Yes, like a boomerang.
‪(한빈) 와, 진짜로?‬Really?
‪- (나딘) 보자‬ ‪- (종우) 보여 줄게‬-I want to see. -I'll show you.
‪(나딘과 소이) 우와‬-Wow. -Hey, that's amazing.
‪- (한빈) 우와, 신기해‬ ‪- (소이) 우와, 우와, 우와‬-Wow. -Hey, that's amazing.
‪- (나딘) 근데 왜 안 돌아와?‬ ‪- (종우) 어? 돌아오는 거는…‬-But why isn't it coming back? -What? Well, that's--
‪- (한빈) 부메랑처럼 날린다며‬ ‪- (나딘) 그러니까‬You said you could throw it like a boomerang.
‪(한빈) 그 대사 있잖아‬You know that quote? -"Love comes back"? -"Love comes back in the end."
‪- (종우) '사랑은 돌아오는 거야'?‬ ‪- (한빈) '사랑은 돌아오는 거야'‬-"Love comes back"? -"Love comes back in the end."
‪(나딘) 완전 기대했는데‬ ‪돌아올 줄 알고‬I was really looking forward to seeing it come back.
‪(종우) 저건 내 게 아닌 거야‬It just wasn't meant to be. If it was, it would've come back.
‪내 거인 건 돌아와‬It just wasn't meant to be. If it was, it would've come back.
‪(종우) 와, 자연이다‬Look at that view. Nature is amazing.
‪자연의 그림‬Look at that view. Nature is amazing.
‪(종우) 소이야, 뭐 해?‬Hey. What are you doing?
‪신발이랑 싸워?‬-Are you fighting with your shoe? -Yes.
‪(소이) 모래 안 묻게‬-I'm trying not to get sand in it. -Here.
‪(종우) 자, 자, 자‬-I'm trying not to get sand in it. -Here.
‪(종우) 해 봐, 해 봐, 그렇지‬ ‪[부드러운 음악]‬Right, just like that.
‪(종우) 껴, 껴, 껴‬Put it in.
‪- (소이) 고마워‬ ‪- (종우) 오케이, 가자, 가자‬-Thanks. -Okay, let's go.
‪(나딘) 다른 그룹은 뭐 하고 있지?‬I wonder what the other group is doing?
‪(동우) 얼음물 있는 데까지‬ ‪쭉 한번 가 볼까?‬-Shall we go up to where the water is? -Let's do that.
‪(세정) 그럽시다‬-Shall we go up to where the water is? -Let's do that.
‪덥다‬It's hot.
‪(융재) 어? 햇빛 가리실래요?‬Do you want to block the sun with this?
‪(서은) 그건 뭐예요, 근데?‬-What is that, though? -I brought it to read.
‪(융재) 저 그냥‬ ‪읽으려고 가져왔는데‬-What is that, though? -I brought it to read. -What is it? -It's not a book.
‪- (세정) 뭐예요? 책도 아니고‬ ‪- (서은) 아니‬-What is it? -It's not a book.
‪- (서은) 이거 뭐…‬ ‪- (융재) 그냥 보고서인데‬-Is this some-- -It's just a report.
‪(세정) [웃으며]‬ ‪보고서를 읽는다고?‬You're reading a report?
‪대체 식품이죠‬ ‪[패널들의 웃음]‬It's about alternative foods.
‪- (융재) 이거 쓰시면 돼요‬ ‪- (서은) 아, 예, 괜찮아요?‬-You can use this. -Are you sure?
‪- (융재) 가리시면 될 거 같아요‬ ‪- (서은) 어, 네‬-You can block the sunlight. -Okay.
‪- (융재) 저는 괜찮아요‬ ‪- (세정) 근데 은근 효과 있다‬-I'm fine. -This is pretty effective.
‪(서은) 모자 쓴 효과를‬It's like having a hat on.
‪(세정) 아, 시원해‬It's so cool here.
‪(동우) 근데 여기는 진짜‬This place is just so…
‪이런 여행이 없잖아‬ ‪아무도 없고‬-It's hard to find such a remote area. -Right, an island.
‪(세정) 맞아, 섬‬-It's hard to find such a remote area. -Right, an island.
‪다들 어디가 인생 여행지였어?‬Where was your most memorable travel destination?
‪(세정) 나는 필리핀이랑‬ ‪일본은 여러 번 갔는데‬I've been to the Philippines and Japan a number of times.
‪(서은) 아, 일본‬Wow, Japan.
‪(세정) 유후인이라고 온천 있거든‬There's a hot spring called Yufuin.
‪온천이 너무 좋았어‬It was really nice.
‪(융재) 아, 구마모토성 있는 데?‬That's where Kumamoto Castle is?
‪- (서은) 어, 되게 잘 안다‬ ‪- (세정) 잘 아네?‬-So you know it well. -He does.
‪(융재) 나 수학여행 갔었거든‬-I went there on a school trip. -I see.
‪(세정과 서은) 아‬-I went there on a school trip. -I see.
‪- 수학여행을 해외로 갔어?‬ ‪- (서은) 우와‬-You went on a school trip overseas? -I went to China for my school trip.
‪(동우) 우리도, 나도‬ ‪중국으로 갔거든, 수학여행‬ ‪[여자들이 호응한다]‬-You went on a school trip overseas? -I went to China for my school trip. -Wow. -Really?
‪중국 베이징‬ ‪우리는 만리장성 갔어‬We went to Beijing to see the Great Wall of China.
‪[여자들의 탄성]‬We went to Beijing to see the Great Wall of China.
‪(동우) 근데 온천‬ ‪일본에서 가 보고 싶긴 해‬But I do want to visit a hot spring in Japan. It's really good.
‪(세정) 진짜 좋아‬It's really good.
‪거기서 맥주 이렇게‬ ‪둥둥 떠다니면서 마실 수 있거든‬You can drink beer there while it floats around in the water.
‪- (슬기) 진짜 좋겠다‬ ‪- (동우) 너무 좋을 것 같다‬-That sounds great. -That's amazing. It'd be great to go as a couple.
‪- 커플로 가면 너무 좋을 거 같아‬ ‪- (세정) 아, 맞아‬It'd be great to go as a couple. -Right. -I've never done it before.
‪(동우) 한 번도 못 해 봤는데‬-Right. -I've never done it before.
‪(세정) 나도 커플로는 안 가 봤어‬Me neither. Never as a couple.
‪(동우) 가 보셨어요?‬-Have you been? -Where? No.
‪- (슬기) 어디요? 아니요‬ ‪- (동우) 일본‬-Have you been? -Where? No.
‪아니 [멋쩍은 웃음]‬No, never.
‪[융재의 웃음]‬
‪- (융재) 인생 여행지가?‬ ‪- (서은) 인생 여행‬-How about you? -My most memorable trip?
‪- 뉴욕 좋은 거 같아요‬ ‪- (융재) 오‬-I think New York was nice. -Right. I want to go to the US.
‪(세정) 어, 맞아, 미국 가고 싶어‬-I think New York was nice. -Right. I want to go to the US.
‪(동우) 뉴욕에 맨해튼?‬ ‪이런 분위기?‬-Like Manhattan? -I mean--
‪(동우) 브루클린 이런 분위기?‬Or Brooklyn? Brooklyn feels less like a city.
‪(서은) 브루클린 쪽이‬ ‪덜 도시 같으면서도‬Brooklyn feels less like a city.
‪- (동우) 약간 힙한…‬ ‪- 힙한 느낌이 있어‬ ‪[슬기가 호응한다]‬-It's kind of trendy. -Right. I've never been there. I really want to go.
‪미국 한 번도 안 가 봤어‬ ‪너무 가고 싶어‬I've never been there. I really want to go. -Me too. -So you haven't been to the US?
‪(세정) 나도‬ ‪오히려 미국을 안 가 봤구나‬-Me too. -So you haven't been to the US?
‪(융재) 어, 오히려 안 가 봤어‬ ‪[여자들이 호응한다]‬-Me too. -So you haven't been to the US? No, I haven't.
‪뭔가 갈 기회가‬ ‪많을 거 같아서‬I thought I'd get many opportunities to go,
‪일부러 개인적으로 안 갔는데‬ ‪[서은이 호응한다]‬so I intentionally put off going.
‪- (서은) 생각보다?‬ ‪- (세정) 아직까지?‬-But not yet? -Still?
‪- (융재) 아, 안 걸리더라고‬ ‪- (세정) 이제 가게 될 거야‬I still haven't yet. You'll be going soon.
‪- (융재) 이제?‬ ‪- (세정) 어‬You'll be going soon. -Soon? -Yes.
‪(서은) [웃으며] 오, 거의‬-Soon? -Yes. It feels like some kind of prophecy.
‪뭔가 예언 같은 느낌인데?‬It feels like some kind of prophecy.
‪언제 가, 나?‬ ‪나 언제 갈 수 있어?‬When do I go? -When can I go? -Let me see.
‪- 가만있어 봐‬ ‪- (융재) 알려 줘‬-When can I go? -Let me see. Tell me.
‪(세정) 음…‬Tell me. -Let's see… -Is she a fortune teller?
‪- (세정) 내년‬ ‪- (서은) 지금 여기 돗자리‬-Let's see… -Is she a fortune teller? -Maybe. -She is.
‪내년 2월‬Next February.
‪- (융재) 내년 2월?‬ ‪- (세정) 내년 2월‬-Next February? -Yes.
‪오케이, 오케이‬-Okay. -Okay, you're going next February.
‪(서은) 오케이‬ ‪내년 2월에 미국 가는…‬-Okay. -Okay, you're going next February. If I really do go, I'll call you.
‪가면 진짜 연락할게‬If I really do go, I'll call you.
‪(동우) 같이 갈 수도 있잖아‬-You could be going together. -Right.
‪(서은) 오, 그럼, 그럼‬ ‪같이 2월에 갈 수도…‬-You could be going together. -Right. That's possible.
‪그 뜻으로 2월 말한…‬Is that what you meant by February?
‪(서은) 2월에 갈 생각 있는 거야?‬Are you hoping to go in February?
‪아, 그렇게 되는 거야?‬Is that what it is?
‪[새침한 목소리로]‬ ‪한번 생각해 볼게‬-I'll think about it. -Okay.
‪(동우) 어, 약간 방영 끝나면‬ ‪바로 그냥…‬So you'll be going once we're done here?
‪[규현의 한숨]‬It's all happening so fast.
‪빠르다, 되게‬It's all happening so fast.
‪세정 씨가 해외여행 얘기한 거‬ ‪정말 좋았던 거 같아요‬I think it was good Se-jeong brought up overseas traveling.
‪[진경이 호응한다]‬ ‪해외여행 얘기하는 거 자체가‬Talking about overseas traveling itself
‪이미 설레는 마음이 좀 있거든요‬already gets you excited.
‪그리고 막 상상하게 되니까‬And since he was picturing it,
‪융재 씨도 막 몰입해 가지고‬Yoong-jae got into it and had so much fun.
‪그게 너무 재밌고 막‬Yoong-jae got into it and had so much fun.
‪그런 분위기가 만들어진 거 같아요‬I think it was that kind of vibe.
‪근데 세정 씨‬ ‪티를 진짜 많이 내시네‬-Se-jeong is being really obvious. -She's bold.
‪적극적이야‬-Se-jeong is being really obvious. -She's bold.
‪[안내 방송 알림음]‬
‪(마스터) 세상에서 가장 핫한 지옥‬ ‪'솔로지옥'‬The hottest inferno in the world, Single's Inferno.
‪오늘은 천국도로 나가게 될‬Today, we're going to match the couples who'll go on their first date in Paradise.
‪첫 번째 커플 매칭이 있습니다‬ ‪[서은과 세정이 놀란다]‬Today, we're going to match the couples who'll go on their first date in Paradise. It's today.
‪오늘 나가는구나‬It's today.
‪(마스터) 그에 앞서서‬Before that, you'll play a game to win a chance to have a special meal.
‪특식 데이트권이 걸린‬ ‪게임이 있습니다‬Before that, you'll play a game to win a chance to have a special meal.
‪지금 모두‬ ‪해변으로 모여 주시길 바랍니다‬Participants, please come to the beach.
‪[나딘의 한숨]‬Wow, a game?
‪(나딘) 어떡하지, 게임?‬Wow, a game?
‪(나딘) 무슨 게임일지‬-I wonder what kind of game it is. -I know, I'm kind of nervous.
‪(서은) 그러니까, 뭔가 긴장돼‬-I wonder what kind of game it is. -I know, I'm kind of nervous.
‪(소이) 오신다‬They're coming.
‪- (나딘) 오, 깜짝이야‬ ‪- (서은) 오우, 야‬-I did not expect that. -Wow.
‪- (세정) 와‬ ‪- (슬기) 와우‬
‪(나딘) 와우‬
‪[강렬한 음악]‬
‪- (규현) 오‬ ‪- (한해) 오케이‬Okay!
‪(진경) 오‬Okay!
‪(한해) 다들 탄탄하다‬They're all very fit.
‪- (나딘) '핫 보이스'‬ ‪- (세정) '핫 보이 앤드 핫 걸'‬
‪(마스터) 오늘은‬Today…
‪(마스터) 여자 게임을 하겠습니다‬the women will play the game.
‪[남자들의 탄성]‬
‪(마스터) 게임에 승리한 여자는‬ ‪두 명의 남자를 선택해서‬The winner will get a chance to choose two men
‪특식 데이트를 하게 됩니다‬to have a special meal with.
‪와우‬Today's special meal is
‪(마스터) 오늘의 특식은‬Today's special meal is
‪프렌치토스트와‬ ‪아이스 아메리카노입니다‬French toast and iced Americanos.
‪[사람들의 환호]‬French toast and iced Americanos. I want to drink an iced Americano.
‪(동우) 아이스아메리카노‬ ‪마시고 싶다‬I want to drink an iced Americano.
‪와, 마시고 싶다‬-I want it. -Me, too.
‪아메리카노‬I really want it.
‪- (종우) 진짜 먹고 싶다‬ ‪- (동우) 너무 당기는데‬-I'm dying to have it. -Me, too. Today's game will be a chicken fight.
‪(마스터) 오늘의 게임은‬ ‪닭싸움입니다‬Today's game will be a chicken fight.
‪(마스터) 닭싸움입니다‬Chicken fight.
‪[나딘의 놀라는 음성]‬ ‪(융재) 닭싸움?‬A chicken fight?
‪- (서은) 와‬ ‪- (세정) 여기서?‬ ‪[빠른 음악]‬Here?
‪(마스터) 신호음이 울리면‬ ‪한쪽 발을 앞으로 잡은 상태로‬Once you hear the whistle, grab and hold one foot in front of you… WHILE HOLDING ONE FOOT FORWARD AND START ATTACKING AT THE SAME TIME
‪동시에 공격을 시작합니다‬WHILE HOLDING ONE FOOT FORWARD AND START ATTACKING AT THE SAME TIME …and start attacking at the same time.
‪게임 도중에‬ ‪잡고 있는 다리가 풀리거나‬If you lose your grip or if both feet touch the ground…
‪양발이 땅에 모두 닿는 즉시‬ ‪탈락입니다‬ELIMINATED IF GRIP IS LOST ON FOOT OR IF BOTH FEET TOUCH THE GROUND …during the game, you will be eliminated immediately.
‪이건 밸런스 게임이야‬ ‪밸런스 게임‬It's a balancing game.
‪(마스터) 최후에 살아남는 한 명이‬ ‪오늘의 최종 승자가 됩니다‬THE PERSON WHO SURVIVES UNTIL THE END WINS A SPECIAL MEAL DATE The person who survives until the end will be the winner.
‪와, 닭싸움이라니‬A chicken fight.
‪와, 재밌겠다‬It sounds fun.
‪(서은) 뭔가 긴장돼‬I'm kind of nervous.
‪(슬기) 떨린다‬This is nerve-wracking.
‪[박진감 넘치는 음악]‬
‪긴장했어, 다들‬They're all nervous.
‪- (한빈) 긴장 풀고 파이팅!‬ ‪- (융재) 파이팅!‬-Don't be nervous! -You got this!
‪파이팅, 할 수 있다!‬-You can do it! -Yes!
‪근데 진짜 누가 이길지 몰라‬You never know who'll win.
‪진짜 재밌겠다‬This is going to be so much fun.
‪파이팅‬You got this.
‪(마스터) 준비‬Ready.
‪(종우) 궁금하다‬I'm curious to see who'll win.
‪누가 이길지‬I'm curious to see who'll win.
‪[호루라기가 삑 울린다]‬
‪[한빈의 환호성]‬ ‪(종우) 오, 나딘‬Look at Nadine.
‪[호루라기가 삑 울린다]‬
‪[한빈의 환호성]‬ ‪(종우) 오, 나딘‬Look at Nadine.
‪- (한해) 오‬ ‪- (다희) 바로 저렇게?‬-Just like that? -Nadine? I knew it.
‪- (규현) 나딘 씨 역시‬ ‪- (다희) 와‬-Just like that? -Nadine? I knew it.
‪[사람들의 환호성]‬ ‪[나딘의 힘든 숨소리]‬
‪(종우) 오, 나딘‬ ‪오, 나딘‬Go, Nadine. Nadine!
‪(나딘) 어, 어려워‬This is so hard!
‪[호루라기가 삑 울린다]‬This is so hard!
‪[호루라기가 삑 울린다]‬
‪(마스터) 신슬기 씨 탈락‬Seul-ki is eliminated.
‪- (동우) 아이고‬ ‪- (한빈) 오, 뭐야, 뭐야‬-What? -Man!
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪- (다희) 가만히 있어, 소이 씨‬ ‪- (규현) 전략적이에요‬-So-e is just standing still. -She's strategic.
‪[세정의 멋쩍은 웃음]‬
‪[여자들의 옅은 비명]‬-What's going on? -What is this?
‪[여자들의 옅은 비명]‬-What's going on? -What is this?
‪기다려야겠다‬We should wait.
‪- 우리 기다리자 그러면‬ ‪- (소이) 조금만 기다려‬-Let's wait. -Just for a bit.
‪(나딘) [웃으며] 안 돼, 안 돼‬
‪(나딘) [웃으며] 안 돼, 안 돼‬No!
‪(나딘) 안 돼, 안 돼, 안 돼‬No!
‪[서은의 기합]‬
‪[서은의 기합]‬
‪[서은의 기합]‬ ‪[나딘의 비명]‬
‪[나딘의 비명]‬
‪[나딘의 비명]‬
‪- (한빈) 지금 붙었어, 불붙었어‬ ‪- (종우) 뭐야!‬-There they go! -What's going on?
‪[긴박한 음악]‬
‪[나딘의 비명]‬
‪(한해) 아, 무너졌어‬They fell.
‪(진경) 아이고야, 둘 다‬They both fell.
‪[호루라기가 삑 울린다]‬ ‪[나딘의 웃음]‬
‪(마스터) 이나딘, 최서은 씨 탈락‬Nadine and Seo-eun are eliminated.
‪[나딘의 비명]‬ ‪[남자들이 탄식한다]‬
‪뭐야, 저기 뭐 해?‬Hey, what are they doing?
‪- (한빈) 뭐야, 저기 뭐 해?‬ ‪- (세정) 둘이…‬Hey, what are they doing? -Now what? -It's just us two now.
‪- (소이) 어떡하지?‬ ‪- (세정) 우리 둘이다‬-Now what? -It's just us two now.
‪(소이) 뭐야, 이거‬What's happening?
‪근데 두 분 또 라이벌 아닌가요?‬But aren't these two rivals?
‪하필 또 두 명이네‬Of all people, it's down to these two.
‪(규현) 여기서 이기는 분이‬ ‪융재 씨를 데려갑니다‬The person who wins will choose Yoong-jae.
‪와, 이거 너무 체급 차이가 큰데?‬There's such a difference in size.
‪(세정) 오‬-My God… -What?
‪[세정의 웃음]‬
‪- (한해) 아이고, 아이고‬ ‪- (규현) 아이고, 소이 씨‬-Dear… -Look at So-e.
‪(다희) 어떡해‬God…
‪들어, 어!‬
‪[소이의 비명]‬
‪[소이의 비명]‬
‪오, 버텼어‬Hey, you didn't fall.
‪아, 너무 힘들어‬This is so hard.
‪(한빈) 세정 씨‬ ‪가만히 있어도 이길 거 같은데‬-Se-jeong can win by standing still. -You see that?
‪[남자들의 놀란 비명]‬-Se-jeong can win by standing still. -You see that? -You see that? -What happened?
‪오, 뭐야‬-You see that? -What happened?
‪- 왜?‬ ‪- (한해) 뭐야, 뭐야?‬-What is it? -What happened?
‪- (진경) 왜, 왜, 왜, 왜?‬ ‪- (다희) 어?‬-What is it? -What happened?
‪(소이) 아, 너무 힘들어‬This is so hard.
‪[소이의 기합]‬
‪[세정의 비명]‬
‪[소이의 기합]‬ ‪[세정의 비명]‬
‪[호루라기가 삑 울린다]‬What just happened?
‪(서은과 슬기) 와!‬
‪(마스터) 박세정 씨 탈락‬Se-jeong is eliminated.
‪[패널들의 놀란 음성]‬
‪- 뭐야‬ ‪- (진경) 어머머머‬-What just happened? -My God!
‪- (다희) 소름 돋았어‬ ‪- (규현) 와…‬I got goosebumps.
‪- 이게 뭐라고 흥미진진하냐‬ ‪- (다희) 그러니까‬-Why is this so fascinating? -I know.
‪소이 씨가 왜냐하면‬ ‪표를 어제 못 받으셨잖아‬ ‪[손뼉을 짝 친다]‬-So-e got zero postcards yesterday. -Right, so I rooted for her.
‪(다희) 맞아요, 그래서 응원했는데‬-So-e got zero postcards yesterday. -Right, so I rooted for her.
‪대박이다‬This is amazing.
‪- (융재) 와, 이거 뭐야‬ ‪- (마스터) 여자 닭싸움‬The final winner of the women's chicken fight is So-e.
‪- (마스터) 최종 승자는‬ ‪- (종우) 대반전‬The final winner of the women's chicken fight is So-e.
‪(마스터) 이소이 씨입니다‬ ‪축하드립니다‬The final winner of the women's chicken fight is So-e. Congratulations.
‪- (융재) 와!‬ ‪- (종우) 와, 이거 대반전‬ ‪[남자들의 환호성과 박수]‬Congratulations. That was so unexpected!
‪와, 이거는, 이거 진짜 반전이다‬I really didn't expect this result.
‪와, 진짜 반전이다‬ ‪[경쾌한 음악]‬-That was so unexpected. -It really was.
‪(마스터) 이소이 씨는‬ ‪호감 가는 두 명의 남자와 함께‬So-e can have a meal
‪식사를 하실 수 있습니다‬with the two men she is interested in.
‪특식 데이트를 즐기고 싶은‬ ‪두 명의 남자를‬Please choose the two men you would like to enjoy the special meal with.
‪뽑아 주시기 바랍니다‬you would like to enjoy the special meal with.
‪저는‬ ‪[긴장되는 음악]‬I choose…
‪떨리네‬I'm nervous.
‪융재 님이랑 종우 님이요‬Yoong-jae and Jong-woo.
‪- (종우) 오‬ ‪- (마스터) 조융재 씨와‬Yoong-jae
‪최종우 씨는 이소이 씨와 함께‬and Jong-woo can enjoy a special meal with So-e.
‪특식 데이트를 즐기시길 바랍니다‬and Jong-woo can enjoy a special meal with So-e.
‪모두 수고하셨습니다‬Great job, everyone.
‪(한빈) 수영할까요?‬Shall we go swimming?
‪- (세정) 우리 이제 물놀이다‬ ‪- (서은) 물놀이 가자!‬-We get to play in the water now. -Let's go!
‪(한빈과 동우) 야!‬
‪(세정) 와!‬
‪[활기찬 음악]‬
‪(융재) 아, 시원해‬The water is so cool!
‪(슬기) 뭐 해?‬-What are you doing? -Hey, Seul-ki.
‪(동우) 슬기야‬-What are you doing? -Hey, Seul-ki.
‪- (동우) 수영해?‬ ‪- (슬기) 어, 나 수영 좋아해‬-Do you swim? -Yes, I like swimming.
‪(슬기) 나 물에서 하는 거‬ ‪다 좋아하고‬I like any kind of water activities.
‪나는 해양 레저 하는 게 너무 좋아‬-I like water sports. -You do?
‪(슬기) 아, 해양 레저?‬-I like water sports. -You do?
‪그냥 뭐‬ ‪제트스키 같은 거 타는 거나‬ ‪[부드러운 음악]‬You know, like jet skiing.
‪나는 수상스키 타는 거 좋아해‬I like waterskiing.
‪(슬기) 배고프다‬-I'm hungry. -I'm sorry. It's too bad you didn't win.
‪(동우) 그러니까‬ ‪못 이겨서 어떡해‬-I'm hungry. -I'm sorry. It's too bad you didn't win.
‪딱 고래 싸움에‬ ‪새우 등 터진 경우 아니야?‬You were like a shrimp caught in a whale fight.
‪(동우) 고래 두 마리 사이에‬ ‪새우 한 마리‬-You know what I mean? -I was literally about to say that.
‪(슬기) 나 진짜‬ ‪그 얘기 하려고 그랬어‬-You know what I mean? -I was literally about to say that.
‪(동우) 약간 이런 색깔 입었으면‬ ‪완전 새우였을 텐데‬You would've looked more like a shrimp in this red dress.
‪(동우) 아무튼‬Anyway, it's just a figure of speech.
‪비유니까‬Anyway, it's just a figure of speech.
‪날아가더라고‬You just went flying.
‪- (동우) 그래도 뭐, 이제‬ ‪- (슬기) 아이고야‬But, well,
‪(동우) 아쉽게 진 거 아니니까‬it's not like you lost without trying.
‪[웃으며] 아, 너무하시네‬-How mean. -You put up a good fight.
‪- (동우) 그렇게 아쉽진 않잖아‬ ‪- 저 갈래요‬-How mean. -You put up a good fight. I'm going to go.
‪(슬기) 새우 갈게‬The shrimp is leaving.
‪(슬기) 아이고‬My…
‪[경쾌한 음악]‬
‪(종우) 더운데 오래 기다렸겠다‬-She must be hot, waiting in this heat. -Yes, probably.
‪(융재) 어‬-She must be hot, waiting in this heat. -Yes, probably.
‪- (소이) 안녕‬ ‪- (종우) 안녕‬Hi.
‪(융재) 안 더웠어?‬It's hot, right?
‪(소이) 둘이 잘 어울리는데?‬-You look good together. -We ended up wearing matching outfits.
‪(종우) 우리 둘이 커플 룩이야‬ ‪어떻게 된 게‬-You look good together. -We ended up wearing matching outfits.
‪(소이) [웃으며]‬ ‪둘이 잘 어울리는데?‬But you look good together.
‪[융재의 놀라는 음성]‬
‪- (융재) 우와, 맛있겟다‬ ‪- (종우) 우와, 뭐야? 특식인데?‬-This looks good. -It's amazing.
‪(종우) 와‬-It's an iced Americano. -A meal with the winner.
‪- 1등과의 식사다‬ ‪- (종우) 아이스아메리카노‬-It's an iced Americano. -A meal with the winner.
‪(소이) 나 이길 줄 몰랐어‬I didn't think I would win.
‪- (종우) 진짜 반전이었어‬ ‪- (융재) 진짜로‬-It was such a plot twist. -Right.
‪(종우) 나는 제일 먼저‬ ‪떨어질 줄 알았거든?‬-It was such a plot twist. -Right. I thought you would be eliminated first.
‪(종우) [웃으며]‬ ‪근데 진짜 이겨 가지고‬But you won, and everyone was shocked.
‪- 다 놀랐잖아‬ ‪- (소이) 가만히 있는 게 약간‬But you won, and everyone was shocked. Staying still was my winning strategy.
‪승리 전략이었어‬Staying still was my winning strategy.
‪(종우) 아니야‬ ‪근데 공격 한 방을…‬-No, but you held out an attack. -Right.
‪- (융재) 그러니까‬ ‪- (종우) 버텼잖아‬-No, but you held out an attack. -Right.
‪- (종우) 하체를 유심히 봤는데‬ ‪- (융재) 그 강자의…‬I was looking at your legs closely, and you held your ground.
‪- (종우) 잘 버티더라고‬ ‪- 응, 버티고 싶었어‬I was looking at your legs closely, and you held your ground. I really wanted to hold out.
‪[규현의 놀라는 음성]‬ ‪[한해의 탄성]‬-Did you see her eyes? -I did.
‪- (다희) 눈빛 봤어요, 지금?‬ ‪- (규현) 봤어요‬-Did you see her eyes? -I did. -She said that while staring at Yoong-jae. -"I really wanted to hold out."
‪(다희) 융재 씨 보면서‬ ‪버티고 싶었다고‬-She said that while staring at Yoong-jae. -"I really wanted to hold out."
‪'버티고 싶었어'‬-She said that while staring at Yoong-jae. -"I really wanted to hold out."
‪- 버티고 싶었어‬ ‪- (융재) 덕분에 이렇게 먹고‬-I really wanted to hold out. -We get to eat, thanks to you.
‪(종우) 감사해‬Thank you.
‪한번 먹어 볼까?‬ ‪아이스아메리카노‬Shall we eat? Have the iced Americano.
‪(소이) 짠‬Cheers.
‪- (종우) 감사합니다‬ ‪- (융재) 감사합니다‬-Thank you. -Thank you.
‪(종우) 설렌다‬This is exciting.
‪(종우) 음‬
‪(종우) 여기 계속 있고 싶다‬ ‪[웃음]‬I want to stay here.
‪(종우) 해 질 때까지‬Until the sun goes down. This is so nice.
‪(융재) 너무 좋다‬This is so nice.
‪원샷 할 거 같아 가지고‬I might finish this in one gulp. I should slow down.
‪- 천천히 먹어야겠다‬ ‪- (소이) [웃으며] 참아, 참아‬I might finish this in one gulp. I should slow down. Let's slow down.
‪(융재) 너무 맛있을 거 같다‬-This looks so delicious. -What should I eat first?
‪- (종우) 뭐부터 먹지?‬ ‪- (융재) 아보카도에 슈림프에‬-This looks so delicious. -What should I eat first? There's avocado and shrimp…
‪지금 뭔가‬ ‪귀걸이 되게 잘 어울린다‬Those earrings look really nice on you.
‪- (융재) 이렇게 해 가지고‬ ‪- 아, 진짜?‬Those earrings look really nice on you. -Like this. -Really? -They look great on you. -Thanks.
‪- (융재) 엄청 잘 어울려‬ ‪- 고마워‬-They look great on you. -Thanks.
‪- 한번 바꿔 봤어 [웃음]‬ ‪- (융재) 아, 진짜로?‬-I wanted to try them out. -Really?
‪(융재) 바꿨는데‬ ‪알고 있었나 보다‬I guess I noticed that you switched your earrings.
‪- 잘 어울려, 엄청‬ ‪- (소이) 고마워‬-They look good, really. -Thank you.
‪(종우) 원래는 어떤 거였어?‬What were the ones before like?
‪원래는 뭔가 기억이 안 나는데‬ ‪지금 착장이랑 되게 잘 어울려‬I don't really remember, but these go well with her outfit.
‪(종우) 되게 섬세하네, 융재‬You're really observant.
‪응, 최고인데?‬Yes, he's the best.
‪[융재가 피식 웃는다]‬
‪저런 디테일한 칭찬‬ ‪되게 좋지 않아요?‬Aren't detailed compliments nice?
‪- (규현) 그러게요‬ ‪- (다희) 맞아요‬Aren't detailed compliments nice? -They are. -It's about the little things.
‪별거 아닌 거 이렇게‬-They are. -It's about the little things.
‪- (세정) 어? 고구마?‬ ‪- (동우) 고구마네‬-Hey, sweet potatoes! -We have sweet potatoes.
‪- (한빈) 아, 고구마네‬ ‪- (슬기) 고구마‬-Hey, sweet potatoes! -We have sweet potatoes.
‪(한빈) 오, 닭가슴살인가?‬Wait. Is that chicken breast?
‪- (나딘) 한 개 내려가요?‬ ‪- (동우) 가운데 갈래?‬-You want to sit here? -Yes, I'll sit in the middle.
‪(나딘) 네, 가운데 갈게요‬-You want to sit here? -Yes, I'll sit in the middle.
‪- (나딘) 이거 제 물이라서‬ ‪- (동우) 물 되게 잘 챙기네‬-This is my water. -You never forget your water.
‪(슬기와 동우) 잘 먹겠습니다‬ ‪[짝짝 박수 친다]‬-This is my water. -You never forget your water. -Thank you for the food. -Thank you.
‪(나딘) 잘 먹겠습니다‬-Thank you for the food. -Thank you.
‪(서은) 음‬-This is delicious. -Is it?
‪- (세정) 맛있다‬ ‪- (한빈) 맛있어?‬-This is delicious. -Is it?
‪- (세정) 그냥 먹어도 맛있어‬ ‪- (한빈) 맛있어?‬-It's good on its own. -Really?
‪(서은) 그냥 맛있어요‬It's just good.
‪(슬기) 음!‬For now, let's use this.
‪근데 껍질도 먹어, 슬기는?‬You eat the skin, too, Seul-ki?
‪(슬기) 응‬Yes.
‪- (슬기) 껍질째‬ ‪- (서은) 맛있어‬-Really? -I eat it with the skin.
‪(슬기) 껍질째 먹어야지‬ ‪진짜 맛있는데‬-It's really good with the skin on. -I agree.
‪(서은) 맞아‬-It's really good with the skin on. -I agree.
‪(동우) 나는 무조건 까먹는데‬I peel the skin off, no matter what.
‪(나딘) 저도 까먹어요‬-Me too. -Shouldn't you peel it?
‪- 까먹어야 되는 거 아니야?‬ ‪- (나딘) 맞아요‬-Me too. -Shouldn't you peel it? You should eat it with the skin.
‪(서은) 아니요, 껍질이랑 먹으면‬You should eat it with the skin. There have been times when I only ate the skin.
‪(슬기) 나는 껍질만‬ ‪먹은 적도 있어‬There have been times when I only ate the skin.
‪먹어 볼까, 한번?‬Should I try it, then?
‪오, 약간‬ ‪이렇게 잘라 먹으니까‬Seeing you eat like that
‪옛날 만화에 나오는‬ ‪'검정 고무신'에서 먹는 거 같아‬ ‪[발랄한 음악]‬reminds me of the old cartoon, Black Rubber Shoes.
‪[웃으며] '검정 고무신'‬Black Rubber Shoes.
‪재밌지, 재밌지‬ ‪'검정 고무신'‬That's funny.
‪(슬기) 응‬
‪(세정) 다들 밤고구마 파예요?‬ ‪호박고구마 파예요?‬What kind of sweet potato does everyone like?
‪- (한빈) 이건 뭐예요?‬ ‪- (세정) 이거는 꿀고구마‬
‪(한빈) 놀리는 거 맞아요‬Please don't tease me.
‪되게 까 주고 싶게 까네‬You're making me want to peel it for you.
‪[슬기의 웃음]‬ ‪(나딘) 어떻게 까요?‬How should I peel it?
‪- (동우) 응? 그냥 확‬ ‪- (나딘) 확?‬How should I peel it? -Just all at once. -All at once?
‪(동우) 그리고 약간‬ ‪끝에는 그냥 쓱 누르면‬And then you just squeeze the end.
‪- (나딘) 이렇게요?‬ ‪- (동우) 알이 이렇게 나오니까‬And then you just squeeze the end. -Like this? -Then it comes out.
‪(세정) 아직까지는 까 줘야…‬You still have to peel some more…
‪(규현) 지금 동우 씨가‬ ‪두 명 사이에서 계속 뭔가‬I think Dong-woo is very conflicted between the two.
‪- 고민이 많은 거 같아‬ ‪- (다희) 보고 있는 거 같아요?‬I think Dong-woo is very conflicted between the two. You're right.
‪(한해) 슬기 씨는 동우 씨의‬ ‪동태를 계속 파악하고‬And Seul-ki is keeping track of what Dong-woo is doing.
‪(다희) 네, 보고 있고‬And Seul-ki is keeping track of what Dong-woo is doing.
‪나딘 씨는 되게 신경 쓰이게‬ ‪잘하는 거 같아요‬Nadine seems to be good at unknowingly drawing attention to herself.
‪[다희의 웃음]‬ ‪그렇지 않아요?‬Nadine seems to be good at unknowingly drawing attention to herself. Don't you think so?
‪고구마도 막 난장판으로 까고‬ ‪[패널들의 웃음]‬Peeling the sweet potato and making a mess.
‪(융재) 뭔가 조용한데‬ ‪파도 소리 들리니까 너무 좋다‬It's really nice to hear the sound of the waves when it's quiet.
‪- (종우) ASMR‬ ‪- 그 생각 했어‬-I was just thinking that. -I love listening to it.
‪(융재) 어, 너무 듣고 싶어‬-I was just thinking that. -I love listening to it.
‪너무 좋다‬It's so nice.
‪(종우) 여기 계속 있고 싶다‬-I want to stay here. -Same.
‪(융재와 소이) 응‬-I want to stay here. -Same.
‪(종우) 아까 제일‬ ‪어려 보이는 사람 얘기했는데‬We were talking about who looks the youngest.
‪소이가 뽑은 제일 어려 보이는…‬-And you're the one So-e chose. -Me?
‪- (융재) 내가?‬ ‪- 응‬-And you're the one So-e chose. -Me?
‪(소이) 나 아니었어‬It wasn't me.
‪꽤 나이가 있을 거라고 생각했었어‬I thought you might be older than expected.
‪- (종우) 아, 그래?‬ ‪- 응‬I thought you might be older than expected.
‪- (소이) 말하는 거 보면‬ ‪- 말하는 거 보면?‬-From the way you talk. -The way I talk?
‪(종우) 아, 나딘 씨가 그랬나?‬ ‪나딘 씨가‬-From the way you talk. -The way I talk?
‪(소이) 네가 제일 어릴 거 같아‬ ‪[종우의 웃음]‬I think you're the youngest.
‪- (종우) 아, 그래?‬ ‪- (소이) [웃으며] 모르겠어‬I think you're the youngest. -Really? -I can see it.
‪- 풍겨지는 그런 분위기가‬ ‪- (종우) 아, 분위기가?‬-You have this vibe. -Is that so?
‪사람한테 분위기가 있잖아‬ ‪[부드러운 음악]‬People give off certain vibes.
‪연애할 때 어떤 스타일이야?‬What are you like when you date?
‪- (소이) 나?‬ ‪- (융재) 응‬-Me? -Yes.
‪난 좋아하는 사람 있으면‬ ‪헷갈리게 하지 않는 거 같아‬If I like someone, I'm pretty clear about it.
‪(융재) 오‬-I see. -You make it clear.
‪(종우) 확실하게‬-I see. -You make it clear.
‪(소이) 내가 그러고 싶어서‬ ‪그러는 게 아니라‬It's not like I intentionally do it,
‪티를 안 내는 게 잘 안돼‬but it's hard for me to hide my feelings.
‪(융재) 그럼 여러 명이‬ ‪소이를 좋아해‬If a few people like you, then how do you think
‪그러면 그중에서도 뭔가 이렇게‬If a few people like you, then how do you think
‪- (소이) 응‬ ‪- (융재) 어떻게 할 거 같아?‬you'll handle that situation? If I have feelings for one of them,
‪(소이) 마음에 드는 사람이 있으면‬If I have feelings for one of them,
‪나머지 분들한테‬ ‪조금 미안하더라도‬then even if I feel bad for the others,
‪내가 마음을 정확히 표현하는 게‬I think it's right that I express my feelings exactly as they are.
‪- 그게 맞는 거 같아‬ ‪- (융재) 오‬I think it's right that I express my feelings exactly as they are.
‪(소이) 그게 덜 미안한‬ ‪방법인 거 같아, 최대한‬I think that's the best way to not feel bad about it.
‪[융재의 호응하는 음성]‬I think that's the best way to not feel bad about it.
‪나 같은 경우에는‬For me,
‪뭔가 그런 경우에는 좀 미안해서‬ ‪끌게 되는 경우가 있더라고‬I notice that I tend to drag things along because I feel bad, so…
‪- (종우) 아‬ ‪- (융재) 그래서…‬I notice that I tend to drag things along because I feel bad, so…
‪나도 미안해서‬ ‪끌어 본 적이 있기는 한데‬I've dragged things along because I felt bad too.
‪(소이) 그게 더 미안한 짓이더라고‬-But I learned that's actually worse. -Right.
‪응응, 그러니까‬-But I learned that's actually worse. -Right.
‪- (소이) 희망 고문인 거잖아‬ ‪- 맞아, 맞아‬-You're giving them false hope. -Exactly.
‪(소이) 그래서 그냥‬ ‪난 내 감을 믿거든‬-You're giving them false hope. -Exactly. So I just trust my instincts.
‪- (종우) 감대로 가는구나?‬ ‪- (소이) 응‬-You just go with your gut? -Yes.
‪[소이의 웃음]‬
‪대체로 맞는 편입니까?‬Is it mostly right?
‪(소이) 네‬Yes.
‪(융재) 나도 뭔가‬ ‪원래 기준이 있는데‬-I typically do have a standard. -You do?
‪(소이) 응, 원래 기준이 뭔데?‬-I typically do have a standard. -You do? What's your standard?
‪(융재) 원래 기준?‬My typical standard is someone who's easy to talk to.
‪뭔가 대화 코드가 맞고‬My typical standard is someone who's easy to talk to.
‪뭔가 이런 걸‬ ‪되게 중요시하게 생각하는데‬That's the most important thing, I think.
‪(소이) 응‬That's the most important thing, I think.
‪그렇게 확인할 시간이‬ ‪되게 없는 거 같아, 여기에서‬ ‪[종우의 호응하는 음성]‬But here, I don't think we have time to check all that.
‪(융재) [웃으며]‬ ‪그래서 감을 믿어 보려고‬So I think I'm just going to go with my instincts like you.
‪마찬가지로, 같은 맥락으로‬So I think I'm just going to go with my instincts like you.
‪- 시간이 너무 부족하니까‬ ‪- (융재) 응‬-There's so little time. -Exactly.
‪나는 감보다는‬For me, I don't go by instinct.
‪단둘이 있을 때 대화를 해 보면‬I came here thinking that
‪나와 맞는 사람이 나타나지 않을까‬I will find the right person for me
‪(종우) 약간 그런 생각을 하고‬through having one-on-one conversations and getting to know them.
‪여기 온 것도 있어‬through having one-on-one conversations and getting to know them.
‪얘기를 소이랑 제일 많이 했어‬I talked to you the most, So-e. We talked a lot here, too.
‪여기 와서 되게 많이 했고‬ ‪[소이가 호응한다]‬I talked to you the most, So-e. We talked a lot here, too.
‪개인 생활 많이 지냈고‬And I spent a lot of personal time.
‪[소이의 웃음]‬
‪(소이) 종우 님은 조금 더‬ ‪또래랑 얘기하는 기분이었고‬With Jong-woo, it felt like I was talking to someone my age. LEE SO-E
‪융재 님은 어른스러운 느낌이‬ ‪많이 났던 거 같아요‬And with Yoong-jae, he seemed a lot more mature.
‪평소 제 이상형으로 봤을 때는‬I usually go for people
‪저는 어른스러운 사람‬ ‪좋아하니까, 씁‬who are mature.
‪(한해) 저는 융재 씨가‬ ‪'굿 리스너' 같아요‬I think Yoong-jae is a good listener.
‪너무 잘 들어 주는 사람‬A very good listener.
‪누구에게나‬ ‪약간 매너가 좋은 거 같아‬He has good manners with everyone.
‪(진경) 누구에게나 저렇게 좀‬ ‪집중해서 들어 주고‬Regardless of who it is, he listens intently and asks questions.
‪질문도 해 주고‬ ‪약간 그런 스타일인 거 같긴 해‬Regardless of who it is, he listens intently and asks questions. He seems like that type.
‪- 맞아, 맞아‬ ‪- (진경) 그러니까 이 화면에서는‬So we now know for sure how So-e feels.
‪우리가 소이 씨의 마음을‬ ‪확실히 알았고‬ ‪[규현이 호응한다]‬So we now know for sure how So-e feels. -Right. -But I wonder how Yoong-jae feels.
‪융재 씨의 마음은 도대체 뭘까?‬-Right. -But I wonder how Yoong-jae feels.
‪- 궁금하다‬ ‪- (진경) 네, 궁금해지네요‬-I'm curious. -Yes, I'm curious.
‪(슬기) 오, 내려오신다‬-Here they come. -Come on.
‪- (세정) '컴 온'‬ ‪- (종우) 안녕하세요‬-Here they come. -Come on. Hello.
‪(슬기) 맛있게 드셨어요?‬-Did you enjoy the meal? -Yes, it was good.
‪- (융재) 네, 잘 먹었어요‬ ‪- (슬기) 아, 진짜요?‬-Did you enjoy the meal? -Yes, it was good. Really?
‪(융재) 닭가슴살 드셨어요?‬-You had chicken breast? -Yes, sweet potatoes and chicken breast.
‪(슬기) 네, 고구마랑‬ ‪닭가슴살 먹었어요‬-You had chicken breast? -Yes, sweet potatoes and chicken breast.
‪고구마 좋아하는데‬ ‪고구마 먹었네요‬-You got sweet potatoes? -Yes.
‪- (슬기) 어, 맛있었어요‬ ‪- 소원 이루었네‬-You got sweet potatoes? -Yes. Your wish came true.
‪(슬기) 맞아, 고구마‬-Yes. -Her wish came true?
‪- (융재) 소원 이루었대‬ ‪- (슬기) 소원까지는 아니었어요‬-Yes. -Her wish came true? It wasn't a wish.
‪고구마 완전 좋아한다‬ ‪해 가지고, 그때‬You said you really like sweet potatoes.
‪(슬기) 맞아‬You said you really like sweet potatoes.
‪(서은) [웃으며]‬ ‪근데 두 분 컬러가 진짜 너무‬-The color of your shirts is so-- -We're like a couple.
‪- 두 분이…‬ ‪- (소이) 아이돌이다, 아이돌‬-The color of your shirts is so-- -We're like a couple. -You're-- -They're like a boy band.
‪- 서은 씨랑 비슷한데‬ ‪- (서은) 뭔가 다르게…‬-They're different. -But similar.
‪- (서은) 어?‬ ‪- (융재) 어?‬-What? -We match.
‪(서은) 매치, 매치‬-What? -We match. -Hey, we do. -Right.
‪- (서은) 오, 진짜‬ ‪- (슬기) 오, 진짜‬-Hey, we do. -Right.
‪(슬기) 심지어 색깔이 똑같아‬-It's the same color. -It's such a bright blue.
‪(서은) 그러니까‬ ‪엄청 쨍한 파란색이야‬-It's the same color. -It's such a bright blue. Were you wearing this earlier? Wait, it wasn't this one.
‪(서은) 아까 이 옷 입고…‬Were you wearing this earlier? Wait, it wasn't this one.
‪아, 아까는 다른 옷이구나‬Were you wearing this earlier? Wait, it wasn't this one.
‪- (종우) 어‬ ‪- (융재) 오‬-You should include me too. -You're right.
‪(융재) 색 너무 예쁜데, 다들?‬-The colors are so pretty. -We're all matching.
‪(세정) 그러니까‬-The colors are so pretty. -We're all matching.
‪- (서은) 오늘 되게 쨍하게 다 잘‬ ‪- (융재) 네‬-Everyone dressed in bright colors today. -We did.
‪(나딘) 우와, 진짜‬ ‪이거 파란색 어떡해‬-Everyone dressed in bright colors today. -We did. -You're right. Look at you guys. -Right?
‪(서은) 그렇죠?‬-You're right. Look at you guys. -Right?
‪(서은) 예쁘네요‬It's so pretty.
‪이 파란색 되게 좋아하거든요‬-I like this shade of blue. -Se-jeong looks great in that color.
‪- (융재) 아, 진짜요?‬ ‪- (서은) 응‬-I like this shade of blue. -Se-jeong looks great in that color.
‪- (슬기) 세정 씨 치마도 파랑파랑‬ ‪- (서은) 파란색 좋아해서‬-I like this shade of blue. -Se-jeong looks great in that color. I like blue.
‪(서은) 커피 마시고 싶다, 근데‬ ‪진짜‬I really want to drink coffee.
‪(소이) 그렇죠?‬I really want to drink coffee. Right?
‪(서은) 여기서는‬ ‪못 마시겠죠, 이제? 기회가…‬We can't here, right?
‪(소이) 천국도‬You can in Paradise.
‪(서은) [한숨 쉬며] 천국도‬Paradise.
‪(융재) 맛있긴 했어요‬It was good.
‪(서은) 베이컨도 맛있겠다‬-Bacon sounds good. -Crispy.
‪- (서은) 얇게 해 가지고‬ ‪- (나딘) 맞아‬-And thinly sliced. -Totally.
‪- (나딘) 얇게 하고 기름기 많고‬ ‪- (소이) 옷 안 더워요?‬-Thin and greasy. -Isn't it too hot?
‪- (융재) 응?‬ ‪- (소이) 안 더워?‬-Thin and greasy. -Isn't it too hot?
‪(융재) 아, 괜찮아요, 괜찮아‬I'm okay.
‪[규현의 놀라는 음성]‬
‪- 지금 터치한 거 봤어요?‬ ‪- (다희) 응‬-Did you see how she touched him? -Yes.
‪터치했는데 융재 씨 이러고 있었어‬-She touched him, and he was like this. -Maybe he didn't feel it?
‪(규현) 어, 못 느꼈나?‬-She touched him, and he was like this. -Maybe he didn't feel it?
‪(슬기) 근데 나 그거 궁금하다‬I'm curious, though.
‪약간 이성 볼 때‬ ‪좀 중요하게 생각하는 거 있어요?‬What do you consider important when it comes to guys?
‪좀 사람이 포근한 느낌이‬ ‪있었으면 좋겠어요‬-I want the person to be warm. -Right.
‪(세정) 맞아‬ ‪좀 편안한 사람이 있어‬-I want the person to be warm. -Right. There are guys who feel comfortable.
‪(서은) 같이 있을 때‬ ‪뭔가 사람을 편안하게 해 주고‬They make you feel comfortable when you're with them. -Friendly, gentle, and polite? -Right.
‪- 다정하게 젠틀하게 매너 좋은 거‬ ‪- (세정) 맞아‬ ‪[슬기가 호응한다]‬-Friendly, gentle, and polite? -Right.
‪얘기 안 해도 딱 옆에서 보면서‬ ‪딱 쓱 챙겨 준다든가‬Even if I don't say anything, they just watch and take care of me.
‪(슬기) 맞아요‬Even if I don't say anything, they just watch and take care of me.
‪(서은) 근데 또‬ ‪너무 가벼워도 안 되고‬And they have to be somewhat serious.
‪딱 적당하게‬ ‪부담스럽지 않게 하고‬There needs to be a right balance without overdoing it.
‪근데 다 비슷할 거 같지 않아요?‬We all have similar tastes in this sense.
‪남자 한 분이‬ ‪투표 다 받았나, 어제?‬Did one guy get all the postcards yesterday?
‪- (세정) 누구?‬ ‪- 설마‬-Who? -No way.
‪(나딘) 그랬을 거 같은데요‬ ‪다 들어 보니까 비슷한데‬It's possible. It sounds like you're talking about one guy.
‪[서은의 놀라는 신음]‬It's possible. It sounds like you're talking about one guy.
‪(종우) 우리 융재 씨가‬ ‪누구 선택할지 모르겠는데‬I don't know who Yoong-jae will pick.
‪(동우) 사실 천국도를 안 가면‬To be honest, unless you go to Paradise, what you can talk about is limited here.
‪대화의 주제가‬ ‪너무 한정돼 있으니까‬To be honest, unless you go to Paradise, what you can talk about is limited here.
‪너무 한정돼‬-Seriously. -Right.
‪(한빈) 아까 슬기 씨랑‬ ‪대화를 해 봤잖아‬-You talked to Seul-ki earlier. -Yes.
‪- (동우) 어‬ ‪- (한빈) 대화해 봤을 때 어땠어?‬-You talked to Seul-ki earlier. -Yes. How was it when you talked?
‪(한빈) 어색했어?‬Was it awkward?
‪(동우) 그냥 좀 귀여우신 거 같아‬-I think she's just cute. -I see.
‪[융재의 호응하는 음성]‬ ‪(동우) 순수하고‬-I think she's just cute. -I see.
‪(한빈) 그럼 고민이‬ ‪두 분이 된 거야?‬Are you conflicted between the person you had in mind in the beginning and her?
‪처음에 생각했던 분이랑…‬Are you conflicted between the person you had in mind in the beginning and her?
‪처음에 생각한 분인진 모르겠는데‬I'm not sure if it's the person I had in mind at first. But I'm confused.
‪- (한빈) 응응‬ ‪- 헷갈려 가지고‬I'm not sure if it's the person I had in mind at first. But I'm confused.
‪(동우) 좀 이야기를 하고 싶어‬-So I want to talk more. -I understand.
‪(한빈) 응, 맞아‬-So I want to talk more. -I understand.
‪두루두루 얘기를‬ ‪한 번씩 해 보려고 이렇게‬I want to talk to everyone.
‪(동우) 이게 되게 시간이 촉박해‬-But there's so little time. -I know.
‪(종우) 나도 그래‬ ‪(동우) 모자란 거 같거든‬-But there's so little time. -I know.
‪- (종우) 너무 없어‬ ‪- 이렇게 갑자기 이렇게 딱‬-But there's so little time. -I know. The way we have to choose so suddenly like this--
‪정하고 이렇게 해야 되는 게‬The way we have to choose so suddenly like this--
‪- (종우) 어, 맞아‬ ‪- (한빈) 어렵지‬The way we have to choose so suddenly like this-- -Right, it's hard. -Too hard.
‪(종우) 너무 어려워‬-Right, it's hard. -Too hard.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪저는 남자분들을 되게 놀리거든요‬ ‪처음 만나면‬When I first meet guys, I usually tease them a lot.
‪그런 스타일이에요‬I'm kind of like that.
‪- 장난기 많을 거 같아‬ ‪- (나딘) 네‬-You seem like you're playful. -Yes.
‪- (나딘) 근데 그게 나오려면…‬ ‪- (서은) 시간이?‬-But for that to show-- -It takes time?
‪- (나딘) 시간이 필요해요‬ ‪- (슬기) 맞아‬-I need time. -Right.
‪(나딘) 그래서 너무 어색…‬ ‪지금은 어색할 수밖에 없어요‬So right now, I can't help but feel awkward. I just sit there and say, "Yes."
‪그냥 앉아 있고 '네'‬ ‪[서은의 웃음]‬I just sit there and say, "Yes." Look up and say, "Yes."
‪(나딘) '네'‬Look up and say, "Yes."
‪근데 진짜 대답만 하던데‬-You really did respond like that. -You're right.
‪(나딘) 네, 맞아요‬ ‪아, 그러면 안 되는데‬-You really did respond like that. -You're right. -I know I shouldn't. -No, it's fine.
‪(슬기) 아니에요, 아니에요‬ ‪그게 성격이니까‬-I know I shouldn't. -No, it's fine. -That's just your personality. -It'll get better as time goes by.
‪(서은) 그래‬ ‪이제 조금씩 나아질 거야‬-That's just your personality. -It'll get better as time goes by.
‪- 아직 이틀째고…‬ ‪- (슬기) 이제 친해지면‬-That's just your personality. -It'll get better as time goes by.
‪아직 너무 어색해서‬It's still so awkward.
‪지금 가서 해 봐요‬Go try right now.
‪(서은) 시간이 짧으니까‬ ‪조금 더 적극적으로‬It's such a short period of time, so I think we should take chances
‪얘기를 해 봐야겠다는‬ ‪생각도 좀 들고‬It's such a short period of time, so I think we should take chances and talk some more.
‪[나딘의 호응하는 음성]‬ ‪(소이) 맞아‬You're right.
‪(나딘) 안녕하세요‬Hello.
‪물 마시러 갈래요?‬-Do you want to go get water? -Yes, sure.
‪- (동우) 아, 네, 물, 가시죠‬ ‪- (나딘) 목말라요?‬-Do you want to go get water? -Yes, sure. -Are you thirsty? -Yes, I am.
‪(동우) 목말라요, 딱‬ ‪[나딘의 웃음]‬-Are you thirsty? -Yes, I am. You came to me right when I started feeling thirsty.
‪(동우) 딱 목마를 때‬ ‪말씀해 주셨네요‬ ‪[나딘의 웃음]‬You came to me right when I started feeling thirsty.
‪(동우) 아, 근데 멀리서 봤는데‬I saw you from afar and-- -Yes? -Well…
‪- (나딘) 네‬ ‪- (동우) 그…‬-Yes? -Well…
‪- (동우) 예뻐서‬ ‪- (나딘) 아‬-You looked pretty. -I see.
‪(동우) '저분 누구지?'‬ ‪이러고 있었어요‬So I thought, "Who is that?"
‪- (나딘) 아, 진짜요?‬ ‪- (동우) 네‬-Really? -Yes.
‪나딘 씨였네요‬It turned out to be you, Nadine.
‪[찰랑 물소리가 들린다]‬
‪- (동우) 먼저 드세요‬ ‪- (나딘) 네, 감사합니다‬-Go ahead. -Thank you.
‪(동우) 이렇게‬ ‪커피도 아니고 물로‬Talking over water and not coffee…
‪- (나딘) 물로 [웃음]‬ ‪- (동우) 마시면서 대화하는 게…‬Talking over water and not coffee… -You're right. -It's a new experience.
‪- (나딘) 맞아요‬ ‪- (동우) 참 새롭네‬-You're right. -It's a new experience.
‪(나딘) 네‬-You're right. -It's a new experience.
‪(나딘) [웃으며] 근데 제가‬ ‪얘기하고 싶은 이유는‬The reason I wanted to talk to you
‪너무 첫날에 질문들‬ ‪많이 해 주셔서 고마웠는데‬is I appreciated how you asked me a lot of questions on the first day.
‪[웃으며] 제가 너무 차갑게‬ ‪답을 한 거 같아서‬But I think I acted too cold towards you.
‪(동우) 오시는 길은 괜찮으셨어요?‬Was your trip over here okay?
‪(나딘) 아, 네‬ ‪[웃음]‬Yes.
‪(동우) 운동 좋아하세요?‬Do you like sports?
‪(나딘) 네‬Yes.
‪(동우) 걷는 거 좋아하세요?‬-Do you like to walk? -Yes.
‪(나딘) 네‬-Do you like to walk? -Yes.
‪[여자들의 웃음]‬
‪- (동우) 저도 좋아합니다‬ ‪- (나딘) 어색해서, 죄송해요‬-You have to ask in English. -I like it too. -I'm sorry. -Do you like walking?
‪(동우) [영어]‬ ‪걷는 거 좋아하세요?‬-I'm sorry. -Do you like walking?
‪(나딘) [영어] 걷는 거 좋아해요‬
‪(나딘) [한국어]‬ ‪되게 잘하시는데요, 영어?‬-Your English is good. -Right. But your response is still the same even if I ask in English.
‪(동우) [한국어] 근데 영어로 해도‬ ‪답은 비슷하시네‬But your response is still the same even if I ask in English.
‪[나딘의 웃음]‬But your response is still the same even if I ask in English.
‪- 그렇긴 했네요‬ ‪- (진경) 진짜 단답형이었네‬-She gave short answers. -She did.
‪- 좀 미안했구나‬ ‪- (규현) 어‬-That's why she felt bad. -Yes.
‪(진경) 어‬-That's why she felt bad. -Yes.
‪아, 동우 씨가 되게 잘했다‬-Dong-woo really did put in effort. -He did.
‪(다희) 네‬-Dong-woo really did put in effort. -He did.
‪(규현) 재미있다, 동우 씨‬ ‪매력 있다‬Dong-woo's fun. He's charming.
‪[동우의 호응하는 음성]‬I see. But I understand because you don't feel comfortable.
‪(동우) 아, 근데 그럴 수 있지‬ ‪왜냐하면 편하지가 않으니까‬I see. But I understand because you don't feel comfortable.
‪(나딘) 네, 그거 때문에 제가 좀…‬Yes. That's why…
‪[영어]‬"Maybe he took it the wrong way." This is what I thought.
‪[동우가 호응한다]‬"Maybe he took it the wrong way." This is what I thought. I mean, I understand.
‪아니, 근데 그럴 수 있지‬I mean, I understand. I felt like I wanted to take care of you
‪그리고 나는 낯설어하고‬I felt like I wanted to take care of you
‪좀 그런 모습이 좀‬I felt like I wanted to take care of you
‪신경 써 주고 싶고‬ ‪그러고 싶다는 생각이 들더라고‬ ‪[나딘의 호응하는 음성]‬after seeing you feel uncomfortable with things.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪[영어] 고마워‬I think that's how I felt.
‪(동우) [한국어]‬ ‪어, 그랬던 거 같아‬I think that's how I felt.
‪생활이 어때?‬How are you doing here?
‪(나딘) 난 지옥도가 재미있어‬-Inferno's fun for me. -It shouldn't be fun for you.
‪(동우) 지옥도 재미있으면‬ ‪안 되는데‬-Inferno's fun for me. -It shouldn't be fun for you. -But it is. -You have to go to Paradise.
‪- (나딘) 재밌는데‬ ‪- (동우) 천국도를 가야지‬-But it is. -You have to go to Paradise.
‪진짜 재밌어 [웃음]‬It's really fun.
‪이런 경험을 언제 해‬When can I experience staying on a deserted island like this?
‪이런 무인도에서‬When can I experience staying on a deserted island like this?
‪[한국어] 그래도 천국도 가서‬ ‪좀 맛있는 것도 먹고‬But you should go to Paradise and eat good food,
‪좋은 분위기에서 좀…‬and also enjoy good vibes there.
‪나는 오히려 '천국도 가고 싶다'‬ ‪이런 생각보다는‬For me, I'm not just focused on going to Paradise.
‪[영어]‬Instead of thinking about a nice bed or nice bathroom,
‪진짜 알고 싶은 사람이랑‬ ‪가고 싶다, 이런 생각‬I want to go with someone I really want to get to know.
‪그냥 진짜 관심 있는‬ ‪호감 있는 사람이랑 가고 싶다‬Just someone I'm really interested in and someone I like.
‪(동우) 그렇지, 거기서는 이제 다‬Right, what's important there is that you can talk.
‪서로 대화를 다 할 수 있는 게‬Right, what's important there is that you can talk.
‪중요한 거지‬-Talk about everything. -Right.
‪(나딘) 응‬-Talk about everything. -Right.
‪(동우) 너는 그런 생각은 없어?‬ ‪이렇게‬Do you ever feel this way?
‪좀 궁금한 사람이‬ ‪여러 명일 수도 있잖아‬You could have multiple people you're curious about.
‪오히려‬Actually, I want to get to know one person one at a time.
‪[영어]‬Actually, I want to get to know one person one at a time.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬ ‪[영어]‬Actually, I want to get to know one person one at a time.
‪(나딘) [한국어]‬ ‪이렇게 누구 호감이 있으면‬If I'm interested in someone,
‪'어텐션'이 다른 데로‬ ‪안 가는 거 같아‬I only focus on that one person.
‪그냥 여러 명 이렇게 계속‬ ‪왔다 갔다 하면서 얘기하는 거보다‬So rather than meeting multiple people and talking to them,
‪나는 그냥‬I just…
‪(동우) [한국어] 그냥 약간‬Do you believe in love at first sight?
‪[영어]‬Do you believe in love at first sight?
‪[한국어] 아니, 그건 아니야‬-No, not that. -Not that?
‪- (동우) 그건 아니야?‬ ‪- 그건 아니야‬-No, not that. -Not that? Not that.
‪[웃으며] 절대 아니야‬Not that. Never.
‪그냥‬I just…
‪[한국어] 근데 궁금하다, 이게‬I'm curious, though. I want to have more serious conversations.
‪나중에 더 진지하게‬ ‪얘기를 하고 싶은데, 어…‬I'm curious, though. I want to have more serious conversations.
‪(나딘) 질문 물어보고 싶은데‬ ‪못 물어봐‬I'm curious, though. I want to have more serious conversations. I want to ask questions, but I can't.
‪천국도 가면‬ ‪얘기를 더 할 수 있겠지?‬We'll be able to talk more in Paradise, right?
‪(나딘) 물 다 마셨어요?‬Did you finish your water?
‪(동우) 아껴 먹고 있어‬ ‪[나딘의 웃음]‬I'm saving it.
‪(동우) 물이 귀해서‬ ‪[안내 방송 알림음]‬Water is rare.
‪(마스터) 솔로 여러분‬Singles. Please get ready to go to Paradise.
‪이제 천국도로 갈 준비를‬ ‪시작해 주시기 바랍니다‬Singles. Please get ready to go to Paradise.
‪[동우의 한숨]‬ ‪(나딘) 가자‬Singles. Please get ready to go to Paradise. -Let's go. -It's time to choose.
‪(동우) 선택의 시간이 왔네‬ ‪[안내 방송 종료음]‬-Let's go. -It's time to choose.
‪(나딘) 레츠 고‬
‪(동우) 가자‬Let's finish it now.
‪(동우) 근데 오늘 옷 색깔‬ ‪진짜 너무 예쁜 거 같아‬The color of your outfit is really pretty today.
‪(나딘) 아, 고마워‬Thanks.
‪(동우) 근데 옷 색깔이‬ ‪하와이다, 진짜‬-Your outfit reminds me of Hawaii. -Right.
‪(나딘) 응 [웃음]‬-Your outfit reminds me of Hawaii. -Right.
‪고마워, 고마워‬Thank you.
‪(한해) 의미 있는 대화였다‬-That was meaningful. -I have a good feeling about them.
‪(규현) 아, 이 커플‬ ‪느낌 많이 오는데?‬-That was meaningful. -I have a good feeling about them.
‪동우 씨가 둘이 얘기할 때‬ ‪매력적이네요‬Dong-woo is charming when it's one-on-one.
‪(진경) 약간 동우 씨의 매력을‬ ‪좀 봤어요‬-I think I saw some of his charms. -Right.
‪- (규현) 그러니까요‬ ‪- 되게 진중하다, 사람이‬-I think I saw some of his charms. -Right. He's very sincere.
‪(규현) 왜 두 표를 받았는지‬ ‪이제 알겠어, 확실하게‬Now I definitely get why he got two postcards.
‪그리고 나딘 씨도‬-And Nadine is very charming… -Exactly.
‪- 너무 매력적이게 보여‬ ‪- (진경) 응‬-And Nadine is very charming… -Exactly.
‪얘기하는 걸 들으면서 보니까‬…after seeing her talk.
‪[파도가 철썩인다]‬
‪[미스터리한 음악]‬
‪(융재) 제가…‬Actually,
‪얘기를 지금 더 해 보고 싶은 분이‬ ‪두 분이 있는데‬there are two people I'd like to talk to more. JO YOONG-JAE
‪오늘 천국도에 같이 가고 싶은…‬But I'm not quite sure who I want…
‪분은‬to go to Paradise with.
‪잘 모르겠어요, 아직‬I'm not sure yet.
‪근데 심경이 복잡해 보여요‬ ‪융재 씨가‬-Yoong-jae looks conflicted. -Right?
‪- (규현) 그렇죠‬ ‪- 고민하고 있는 거 같아요‬-Yoong-jae looks conflicted. -Right? I think he's thinking.
‪(규현) 지금 세정 씨랑 소이 씨가‬I think he's thinking. Se-jeong and So-e gave him signs.
‪- (한해) 응‬ ‪- 시그널을 줬어요‬Se-jeong and So-e gave him signs.
‪(융재) 결정했어요?‬-Have you decided yet? -It's harder than I thought.
‪(서은) 어렵네요, 생각보다‬-Have you decided yet? -It's harder than I thought.
‪[융재의 깊은 한숨]‬ ‪[서은이 피식한다]‬
‪- (융재) 생각 많아요?‬ ‪- (서은) 생각이요?‬-Do you have a lot on your mind? -Me?
‪(서은) 생각은 많았는데‬ ‪그래도 지금쯤이면 좀 결정을…‬I did, but I should make a decision right about now.
‪(융재) 선택 기준이 뭐예요?‬-What's your standard when choosing? -My standard?
‪- 호감?‬ ‪- (서은) 선택 기준이요?‬-What's your standard when choosing? -My standard?
‪그래도 뭔가 '더 궁금하다'?‬Maybe someone I'm still curious about?
‪궁금한 사람 뽑을 거예요?‬You'll choose someone you're curious about?
‪궁금한 사람이 따로 있고‬Do you have two separate people? Someone you're curious about and someone you like?
‪호감 가는 사람이‬ ‪따로 있어요, 그러면?‬Someone you're curious about and someone you like?
‪진짜로 궁금해서‬ ‪선택을 하고 싶은데‬Someone you're curious about and someone you like? I want to choose her because I'm really curious,
‪상대가 날 궁금해하지 않을까 봐?‬but I'm worried she's not curious about me.
‪[호응하는 음성]‬
‪(융재) 걱정 안 돼요, 그런 거?‬You're not worried about that?
‪씁, 근데 그걸 걱정한다고 해서‬ ‪바꿀 수 있는 건 아니니까‬But it's not like I can change how he feels by worrying about that.
‪- 그 사람 마음을, 지금 당장‬ ‪- (융재) 오‬But it's not like I can change how he feels by worrying about that.
‪내가 마음 가는 대로 하는 게‬ ‪중요하지 않을까요?‬I think it's important to follow my heart.
‪- (융재) 오‬ ‪- (서은) 응‬-I see. -Yes.
‪(융재) 되게 현명하시네‬You're very wise.
‪(서은) 음, 쩝‬
‪아니에요, 걱정도 많긴 한데‬I mean, I worry a lot, too. But this feels like the time
‪지금은 좀 더 오히려‬But this feels like the time
‪자기 마음에‬ ‪솔직해야 될 거 같아 가지고‬to be honest about how I feel.
‪(융재) 음‬to be honest about how I feel.
‪(서은) 응‬
‪[부드러운 음악]‬
‪어떻게 저의 조언이‬ ‪좀 도움이 되셨나요?‬So did my advice help at all?
‪말을 되게 잘하시네‬You're really good at talking.
‪[융재의 호응하는 음성]‬
‪[서은의 멋쩍은 웃음]‬ ‪그래요?‬-Really? -Yes.
‪- (융재) 네‬ ‪- (서은) 막 이렇게…‬-Really? -Yes. -I didn't know that. -You have a nice tone of voice, it's like…
‪(융재) 뭔가 톤도 되게 좋고‬-I didn't know that. -You have a nice tone of voice, it's like…
‪좀…‬-I didn't know that. -You have a nice tone of voice, it's like…
‪직업이 막, 아, 이런 얘기…‬ ‪[서은의 웃음]‬Your job and… Wait, we can't talk about it.
‪어? 직업 궁금해요? [웃음]‬You're curious about my job?
‪당연하죠‬Of course.
‪- (서은) 궁금해요?‬ ‪- (융재) 네‬-You're curious? -Yes.
‪[서은이 입소리를 쩝 낸다]‬ ‪(융재) 궁금해요?‬What about me?
‪- 궁금해요‬ ‪- (융재) 아, 궁금해요?‬-I'm curious. -You are?
‪궁금하죠‬Of course, I'm curious.
‪(융재) 굉장히 재밌네요‬This is fun.
‪(서은) 재미있어요, 뭔가‬ ‪오늘부터 되게 본격적으로…‬I agree. It's like we're just getting started today.
‪(융재) 이런 얘기 하는 것도‬ ‪재미있고‬-It's fun talking about this. -Right?
‪- (서은) 그렇죠?‬ ‪- (융재) 네‬-It's fun talking about this. -Right?
‪(서은) 재미있어요‬It's fun.
‪기분 탓인지 모르겠지만‬It might just be me,
‪융재 씨에게 1 대 1 대화가‬ ‪많이 생기는 거 같아요‬but Yoong-jae seems to get more one-on-one conversations.
‪최서은 씨랑 얘기할 때‬ ‪융재 씨 표정이‬Yoong-jae looked like he was just asking questions
‪그냥 진짜 궁금한 걸‬ ‪물어보는 표정이야‬when he was talking to Seo-eun.
‪- 아, 아닌데?‬ ‪- (진경) 그렇죠?‬-Really? But for Seo-eun-- -Right?
‪(다희) 맞아‬-Really? But for Seo-eun-- -Right?
‪진짜 궁금해서 궁금한 것들‬ ‪물어보는 느낌 아니에요?‬His questions came from pure curiosity, don't you think?
‪(다희) 맞아요‬His questions came from pure curiosity, don't you think? -I agree. -I think Seo-eun likes Yoong-jae.
‪근데 저는 서은 씨가 완전‬ ‪융재 씨한테 마음 있는 거 같은데?‬-I agree. -I think Seo-eun likes Yoong-jae.
‪[규현의 놀란 음성]‬ ‪(진경과 다희) 그래요?‬Really? If she does have feelings, isn't she approaching him a bit too late?
‪(진경) 마음 있는 거치고는‬ ‪너무 늦게 다가온 거 아니에요?‬If she does have feelings, isn't she approaching him a bit too late?
‪(한해) 아니, 딱, 씁…‬If she does have feelings, isn't she approaching him a bit too late? I mean, it seems like she's interested.
‪관심 있어 보여요‬I mean, it seems like she's interested.
‪- 그래?‬ ‪- (한해) 어‬-It does? -Yes.
‪(진경) 아, 그래?‬Really?
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬INFERNO 05:00 PM
‪[안내 방송 알림음]‬
‪(마스터) 지금부터 첫 번째 천국도‬ ‪커플 매칭을 시작하겠습니다‬Now, we're going to match the couples who'll go on their first date in Paradise.
‪(종우) 아, 심장 아파‬My heart is pounding.
‪갑자기 긴장되네‬I'm nervous all of a sudden.
‪(종우) 와, 겹치면 재밌어지겠네‬What if our choices overlap?
‪(동우) 아휴‬God.
‪(종우) 진짜 모르겠다‬Please…
‪(마스터) 남자들은 이미‬The male participants have already chosen the female participants they like.
‪천국도에 함께 가고 싶은 여자를‬ ‪선택했습니다‬The male participants have already chosen the female participants they like.
‪[놀라는 음성]‬The male participants have already chosen the female participants they like.
‪(나딘) 어떡해요?‬Really?
‪(종우) 와, 티켓‬30 MINUTES EARLIER Hey, here's the ticket.
‪(한빈) 와, 대박‬We're supposed to take this with us.
‪- (동우) 이거 들고 가는 거구나‬ ‪- (융재) 너무 고민되는데?‬We're supposed to take this with us. I'm so conflicted.
‪"지옥도발 천국도행"‬I'm so conflicted.
‪(마스터) 지금부터 여자들은‬Now, female participants,
‪한 명씩 지옥 불 앞으로 나와서‬please come out to the campfire one by one
‪천국도에서‬ ‪함께 데이트를 하고 싶은‬and say the name of the male participant you'd like to go to Paradise with.
‪남자의 이름을 말하면 됩니다‬and say the name of the male participant you'd like to go to Paradise with.
‪[놀라며] 그럼 우리가 나가서‬ ‪이름을…‬So, we will be the ones to go out and call their names?
‪- 외치는 거 아니에요?‬ ‪- (세정) 맞아요‬So, we will be the ones to go out and call their names? I think so.
‪[놀라는 음성]‬
‪(마스터) 본인이 호명한 남자가‬ ‪본인을 선택했을 경우‬If the male participant you call out has chosen you, you can escape to Paradise together and enjoy your date.
‪[동우의 깊은 한숨]‬ ‪천국도로 함께 탈출해‬ ‪최고의 데이트를 즐기게 됩니다‬you can escape to Paradise together and enjoy your date.
‪(동우) 잘한 선택인 거 같아?‬-Do you think you made the right choice? -Yes.
‪응‬-Do you think you made the right choice? -Yes.
‪아, 오늘 진짜 궁금하다‬ ‪누군가 가긴 가나?‬I wanna see what happens. Will anyone actually go?
‪- 천국도 가나?‬ ‪- (융재) 그러니까, 그러니까‬I wanna see what happens. Will anyone actually go? -To Paradise? -I'm curious too.
‪(다희) 드디어 천국도행‬ ‪첫 번째 매칭이 시작됐는데요‬The first couple match to go on a date in Paradise has finally begun.
‪근데 이 방법이‬ ‪예전하고 동일한 건가요?‬-Is this method the same as before? -Yes, it is.
‪(규현) 네, 그렇습니다‬-Is this method the same as before? -Yes, it is. The men have already chosen the women they want to go to Paradise with.
‪남자들은 천국도에 함께 가고 싶은‬ ‪여자를 이미 선택을 했고요‬The men have already chosen the women they want to go to Paradise with.
‪- (다희) 네‬ ‪- (규현) 이제 여자들이 한 명씩‬The men have already chosen the women they want to go to Paradise with. And one by one, the women will come out to the campfire
‪지옥 불 앞에 나와서‬And one by one, the women will come out to the campfire
‪천국도에 함께 가고 싶은 남자를‬ ‪호명을 하면 됩니다‬and say the name of the guy they'd like to go to Paradise with.
‪단, 남자가 선택한 여자와‬However, both the man and the woman
‪(규현) 여자가 호명한 남자가‬ ‪서로 일치를 해야만‬must choose each other
‪천국도로 갈 수 있습니다‬in order to go to Paradise.
‪선택이 엇갈리면‬ ‪아무리 무슨 몰표를 받아도‬If they don't match, they stay in Inferno, no matter how many postcards they get.
‪- 지옥도에 남게 되는 거죠‬ ‪- (다희) 여기에서는 서로 이제‬If they don't match, they stay in Inferno, no matter how many postcards they get. So over here, it's important to feel the same way about each other.
‪같이 의견이 맞아야 되는 게‬ ‪중요한 거네요‬So over here, it's important to feel the same way about each other.
‪서로 골랐다는 게‬ ‪많이 받는 건 의미 없고‬ ‪[규현이 호응한다]‬-Right. -Getting many postcards is meaningless.
‪(진경) 일단 관건은‬ ‪세정 씨와 융재 씨가 가느냐‬So the question is, will it be Se-jeong and Yoong-jae?
‪- 소이 씨와 융재 씨가 가느냐‬ ‪- (다희) 저도 그거 궁금해요‬-Or So-e and Yoong-jae? -I'm also curious.
‪약간 이거 궁금해하실 만한 분들이‬ ‪또 많으실 거 같고요‬I think many people will be curious about this.
‪(다희) 게다가 이제 거기에‬ ‪아까 서은 씨가 융재 씨한테 와서‬And on top of that, Seo-eun approached Yoong-jae earlier
‪살짝 그런 것들을 좀‬ ‪얘기를 하면서‬And on top of that, Seo-eun approached Yoong-jae earlier and perhaps expressed herself by saying all those things.
‪어필을 한 건지 뭔지는‬ ‪모르겠는데‬and perhaps expressed herself by saying all those things.
‪근데 이게 서은 씨와‬ ‪융재 씨의 대화를…‬But the conversation between Seo-eun and Yoong-jae was…
‪(다희) 영양가 없는 느낌‬ ‪아니었어요?‬There wasn't much substance, right? -What? I disagree. -Did it have meaning?
‪- (한해) 어? 전혀, 전혀, 저는‬ ‪- (다희) 있었어요?‬-What? I disagree. -Did it have meaning?
‪완전 서은 씨는‬ ‪서은 씨 스타일대로‬I thought Seo-eun expressed her feelings to Yoong-jae in her own way.
‪융재 씨한테‬ ‪완전 마음 표현했다고…‬I thought Seo-eun expressed her feelings to Yoong-jae in her own way.
‪- 표현을 한 거 같아요‬ ‪- (진경) 오‬-I think she expressed herself. -Yes, but--
‪(다희) 근데 이게…‬-I think she expressed herself. -Yes, but-- So Seo-eun is not the type to show her charming side in an obvious way
‪(한해) 서은 씨는 그러니까‬ ‪애교를 막 부린다거나‬So Seo-eun is not the type to show her charming side in an obvious way
‪막 티를 낸다거나 끼를 부린다거나‬ ‪이런 스타일이 아니에요‬or be flirtatious.
‪- (규현) 아니에요‬ ‪- (한해) 어, 그래서 자기 딴에는‬-No, she's not. -Right. So to her,
‪'너한테 마음이 가고 있어'라는 걸‬ ‪되게 에둘러서‬she was being indirect and cool
‪좀 쿨하게 얘기를 한 거고‬she was being indirect and cool about how she's developing feelings for Yoong-jae.
‪융재 씨도 전‬ ‪그걸 느꼈다고 생각해요‬-I think Yoong-jae got that. -Really?
‪(진경) 한번 맞혀 보자‬Let's guess.
‪- 저는 소이 씨 골랐으면 좋겠는데‬ ‪- (진경) 네‬-I want him to choose So-e. -Okay. -But I think he chose Se-jeong. -Me too.
‪세정 씨를 골랐을 거 같아요‬-But I think he chose Se-jeong. -Me too.
‪(다희) 저도 융재 씨는‬ ‪이번에 세정 씨를 선택할 거 같고‬-But I think he chose Se-jeong. -Me too. I think Yoong-jae will choose Se-jeong this time.
‪(진경) 네‬I think Yoong-jae will choose Se-jeong this time.
‪(다희) 동우 씨는‬ ‪슬기 씨를 선택할 거 같고‬And Dong-woo will choose Seul-ki.
‪(규현) 어?‬What?
‪- (진경) 나딘 씨 아니야?‬ ‪- 나딘 씨 아니에요?‬-Not Nadine? -Not Nadine? No, but I'm stuck on how he said
‪(다희) 아니, 근데 슬기 씨하고‬ ‪뭔가 사이에서 알아보고 싶다고‬No, but I'm stuck on how he said he wants to get to know Seul-ki.
‪했던 얘기가 조금 걸리기도 해요‬he wants to get to know Seul-ki.
‪그래서 그 둘 사이에서‬ ‪고르지 않을까 싶기도 하거든요‬So I think it'll be between those two.
‪저는 동우 씨는‬ ‪나딘 씨 같아요, 무조건‬Dong-woo will definitely choose Nadine.
‪- (다희) 이번에는 나딘 씨?‬ ‪- 네, 나딘 씨 갈 거 같아요‬Dong-woo will definitely choose Nadine. -Nadine, this time? -Yes.
‪(진경) 빨리 보자‬-Let's hurry up and watch. -Yes, I'm curious too.
‪(다희) 네, 빨리 봐, 궁금하다‬-Let's hurry up and watch. -Yes, I'm curious too.
‪[강렬한 음악]‬-The first Paradise couple match. -Yes.
‪- (규현) 첫 번째 천국도행‬ ‪- (다희) 네‬-The first Paradise couple match. -Yes.
‪(마스터) 이나딘 씨 먼저‬ ‪선택하겠습니다‬Nadine will choose first.
‪- (서은) 행복해‬ ‪- (소이) 다녀오세요‬-Let's all be happy. -See you.
‪- (나딘) 다녀오겠습니다‬ ‪- 조심히 가요‬-See you. -Bye.
‪(세정) 갔다 와요‬-See you. -Bye.
‪(세정) 인형도 가지고 가시게요?‬ ‪[나딘의 놀라는 음성]‬-You're taking your plushie with you? -No, I'm not.
‪(나딘) 인형은 아니에요‬ ‪[여자들의 웃음]‬-You're taking your plushie with you? -No, I'm not.
‪[소이의 웃음]‬
‪[밝은 음악]‬
‪제가 함께‬ ‪천국도에 가고 싶은 사람은‬The person I want to go to Paradise with…
‪(종우) 이게 이렇게‬ ‪긴장이 된다고?‬-Why am I so nervous about this? -I know.
‪(한빈) 그러니까‬-Why am I so nervous about this? -I know.
‪(종우) 이 정도일 줄은 몰랐다‬I didn't think it would be this bad.
‪제가 함께‬ ‪천국도에 가고 싶은 사람은‬The person I want to go to Paradise with
‪동우 씨입니다‬is Dong-woo.
‪[한숨 쉬며] 동우 씨가…‬Will Dong-woo come out?
‪나올지‬Will Dong-woo come out?
‪- (다희) 네‬ ‪- 난 나올 거 같아‬-Yes. -I think he will,
‪(규현) 나올 거 같아‬ ‪나올 거 같아‬-Yes. -I think he will,
‪왜냐하면 신경 쓰이거든요‬'cause he wants to take care of her.
‪(다희) 그렇죠, 서로 그런‬ ‪시그널을 보냈었으니까, 씁‬'cause he wants to take care of her. Right, they sent signals to each other.
‪[매트를 탁 치며] 동우 너는 좀‬ ‪솔직한 감정 그대로 갔어?‬Dong-woo, did you follow your heart when making your choice?
‪- 응‬ ‪- (종우) 직진으로?‬-Yes. -No hesitation?
‪아, 뭐, 그렇지‬Yes, I suppose.
‪(한빈) 계기가 있어?‬ ‪그분을 선택하게 된?‬Is there a reason you chose that person?
‪(융재) 얘기를 해 본 상대야?‬Is it someone you've talked to?
‪얘기해 봤지‬I did talk to her.
‪(마스터) 신동우 씨는 이나딘 씨를‬Dong-woo did not choose Nadine.
‪선택하지 않았습니다‬did not choose Nadine.
‪(규현) 안 왔어‬ ‪[진경과 한해가 놀란다]‬He didn't come.
‪- (다희) 슬기 씨‬ ‪- 어머나‬-Is it Seul-ki, then? -Wow.
‪소름‬ ‪[어두운 음악]‬-I got chills. -Seriously?
‪(다희) 진짜, 근데‬-I got chills. -Seriously?
‪이럴 거면서 뭘 그렇게 잘해 줬어?‬Why did he treat her so nicely if he was going to do this?
‪너무 좋은 대화가 오갔는데‬They had great talks.
‪- (진경) 어, 너무 의외의 결과다‬ ‪- (한해) 이런 거 아닐까요?‬They had great talks. I didn't expect this. Maybe he wanted to choose someone he likes instead of someone who likes him?
‪'나를 좀 좋아해 주는 사람보다‬ ‪내가 좋아하는 사람을 택하겠다'‬Maybe he wanted to choose someone he likes instead of someone who likes him? But that's Nadine.
‪(규현) 그게 나딘 씨잖아요‬But that's Nadine.
‪(한해) 슬기 씨가 좋았던 거죠‬He must have liked Seul-ki.
‪(규현) 아, 일단, 네, 아‬I see. Okay. -Dear… -This is already not going well.
‪[한숨 쉬며] 어떡해‬-Dear… -This is already not going well.
‪(규현) 이거 너무‬ ‪너무 어긋나는데, 처음부터?‬-Dear… -This is already not going well.
‪(마스터) 이나딘 씨는‬ ‪오늘 천국도로 갈 수 없습니다‬ ‪[쓸쓸한 음악]‬Nadine will not be going to Paradise today.
‪숙소로 돌아가 주시기 바랍니다‬Nadine will not be going to Paradise today. Please return to your quarters.
‪[나딘의 멋쩍은 웃음]‬
‪- 나딘 씨‬ ‪- (서은) 베이비‬Nadine.
‪- (세정) 베이비‬ ‪- '컴 히어'‬
‪(나딘) 어떡해요‬No.
‪(나딘) 음식‬Food.
‪요리를 어떻게 해야 되는지‬I don't know how I'm supposed to cook.
‪뒤에 봐 봐요‬Look behind you.
‪(나딘) 아!‬-We put your baby to sleep. -Nadine.
‪- (소이) 아기 재워 줬어요‬ ‪- (슬기) 우리 나딘 씨‬-We put your baby to sleep. -Nadine.
‪(서은) 나딘 씨 잔다고‬ ‪우리가 조용히 하라 그랬어‬We told him to be quiet because you were going.
‪궁금하다, 누구랑 갈지‬I'm curious to see who he'll be going with.
‪[서은의 놀라는 숨소리]‬
‪너무…‬That's too…
‪잔인한데요?‬-Cruel. -That's cruel.
‪(세정) 잔인해‬-Cruel. -That's cruel.
‪(서은) 잔인해‬That's cruel.
‪생각보다 어렵네요‬It's harder than I thought it would be.
‪(나딘) 제가 동우 씨 같이‬ ‪물 마시자고 얘기하자고 했는데‬I asked Dong-woo to have water with me and talk. LEE NADINE
‪전 진짜‬ ‪인생 처음 해 본 거거든요‬That was the first time in my life I'd ever done something like that.
‪남자분한테 먼저 이렇게‬ ‪'얘기하자'‬Asking a guy to have a talk
‪호감을 표현하는 거잖아요, 그거는‬is like an expression of interest.
‪그래서 받아 주실 것 같다고‬ ‪생각했는데‬is like an expression of interest. So I thought he would accept me.
‪조금 고민이 많이 된 거 같아요‬I had a lot on my mind.
‪안 좋은 거보다 그냥…‬I wouldn't say upset, but…
‪네, 그냥 안 좋았죠‬Yes, I was upset.
‪[미스터리한 음악]‬SHIN SEUL-KI
‪제가 함께‬ ‪천국도에 가고 싶은 사람은‬The person I would like to go to Paradise with
‪신동우 씨입니다‬is Dong-woo.
‪- (규현) 그렇죠‬ ‪- (진경) 오‬I knew it.
‪(한해) 동우 씨‬It's Dong-woo.
‪- 나올 거 같아‬ ‪- (규현) 네‬-I think he'll come out. -Right.
‪- (한해) 나와야 맞는 그림 같은데‬ ‪- (규현) 안 나오면 이상한 거죠‬-I think he'll come out. -Right. If he doesn't, something's wrong.
‪안 나오면‬If he doesn't, he's someone who hates Paradise.
‪- 천국을 싫어하는 사람이야‬ ‪- (다희) 안 가겠다는 거죠‬If he doesn't, he's someone who hates Paradise. Exactly.
‪- (규현) 그렇지‬ ‪- 지옥도가 너무 좋은 거야‬Exactly. He likes Inferno too much.
‪- (규현) 여기가 좋은 사람‬ ‪- (진경) 천국 싫어하는 사람이야‬-He likes it here. -He hates Paradise.
‪- (규현) 어?‬ ‪- (다희) 안 나오나?‬-What? -Is he not coming out?
‪[패널들의 탄성]‬ ‪(다희) 나왔다, 나왔다‬-I knew it. -It was Seul-ki.
‪- (규현) 슬기 씨였구나 [한숨]‬ ‪- 이번엔 슬기 씨였어‬-I knew it. -It was Seul-ki. This time it was Seul-ki.
‪가장 알아가고 싶은 사람을‬ ‪선택한 거죠‬He chose the girl he wants to get to know better.
‪궁금하다고, 네‬He did say he's curious about her.
‪[희망찬 음악]‬
‪[힘주는 숨소리]‬
‪고마워‬ ‪[슬기의 웃음]‬Thanks.
‪(슬기) 고마워‬Thanks.
‪(동우) 갑시다‬Let's go.
‪(동우) 천국도 갈까?‬Shall we go to Paradise?
‪(슬기) 가자‬Let's go.
‪(슬기) 무겁지 않아?‬Isn't it heavy?
‪(동우) 아니야, 가벼워‬ ‪내 거보다 훨씬 가벼운데?‬-No. It's lighter than mine. -Really?
‪- (슬기) 아, 진짜?‬ ‪- (동우) 어‬-No. It's lighter than mine. -Really? -Yes. -I didn't pack a lot.
‪(슬기) 짐이 많이 없기는 해‬-Yes. -I didn't pack a lot.
‪- (동우) 다 잘 챙겼지?‬ ‪- (슬기) 응‬-Do you have everything? -Yes.
‪- (동우) 수영복 챙겼지?‬ ‪- (슬기) 어‬-Did you pack your swimsuit? -I did.
‪(마스터) 다음 박세정 씨‬ ‪선택하겠습니다‬Next, Se-jeong will come out and choose.
‪- (서은) 잘 가‬ ‪- (소이) 다녀오세요‬-Okay. -Bye. -See you. -Bye.
‪(세정) 네‬-See you. -Bye. -Seul-ki left, just like that. -She left?
‪슬기 씨는 그렇게 갔구나‬-Seul-ki left, just like that. -She left?
‪오, 갔어요?‬-Seul-ki left, just like that. -She left? -I know. -She left?
‪- (서은) 그러니까‬ ‪- 간 거네?‬-I know. -She left?
‪(서은) 잘 가요‬-Goodbye. -God…
‪(여자들) 잘 가요‬-Goodbye. -Goodbye.
‪(서은) 멀리 안 나갈게요‬Have fun.
‪(한빈) 누구랑 갔을까?‬I wonder who he left with.
‪(종우) 약간 진짜‬ ‪예측이 갈 거 같으면서도 안 간다‬I think I can guess. But at the same time, I can't.
‪- (한빈) 누구랑 갔을 거 같아?‬ ‪- 나딘‬-Who do you think he left with? -Nadine.
‪그렇죠, 나딘 씨라고 생각을 하죠‬Right, they would guess Nadine.
‪이쪽 모르는구나, 남자 쪽은?‬The guys don't seem to know yet, either.
‪(다희) 종우 씨가 만약에‬ ‪슬기 씨를 선택했다면…‬ ‪[진경의 깊은 한숨]‬If Jong-woo chose Seul-ki…
‪에이, 몰라‬ ‪난 그냥 내 느낌 가는 대로 골랐어‬I don't know. I just chose who I felt like choosing.
‪진짜‬I don't know. I just chose who I felt like choosing.
‪선택 안 당해도 마음은 아프지만‬It'll hurt if I'm not chosen,
‪노력을 해야지‬but I should still try.
‪[설레는 음악]‬PARK SE-JEONG
‪제가 함께‬ ‪천국도에 가고 싶은 사람은‬The person who I want to go to Paradise with is…
‪제가 함께‬ ‪천국도에 가고 싶은 분은‬The person who I want to go to Paradise with
‪융재 님입니다‬is Yoong-jae.
‪융재 씨입니다‬Yoong-jae.
‪[깊은 한숨]‬
‪어?‬Wait, what?
‪- 서은 씨다‬ ‪- (한해) 서은 씨‬-It's Seo-eun. -Seo-eun. -It is. -Really?
‪- 맞네‬ ‪- (규현) 진짜로?‬-It is. -Really?
‪(한해) 서은 씨도‬Seo-eun.
‪제가 함께‬ ‪천국도에 가고 싶은 사람은‬The person I want to go to Paradise with
‪조융재 씨입니다‬is Yoong-jae.
‪[규현과 한해의 탄성]‬
‪(한해) 그래‬-I knew it. -Wait, how many is that, then?
‪(진경) 잠깐만, 몇 명이야, 그러면‬-I knew it. -Wait, how many is that, then? Three.
‪(규현) 세 명‬Three.
‪(다희) 세 명, 세 명의 선택을‬ ‪받은 거예요‬-Three. -He was chosen by three?
‪융재 님입니다‬Yoong-jae.
‪융재 씨입니다‬Yoong-jae.
‪조융재 씨입니다‬Yoong-jae.
‪(서은) 융재 님하고는‬ ‪말수가 적으셔 가지고‬I didn't get a strong impression from Yoong-jae… CHOI SEO-EUN
‪탁 강렬하게 남은‬ ‪인상이 없었는데‬…because we had spoken so little.
‪이번에 같이‬ ‪얼음물을 마시러 갔을 때‬But when we went to go get iced water…
‪(서은) 그거 뭐예요, 근데?‬-What is that, though? -I brought it to read.
‪(융재) 저 그냥 읽으려고‬ ‪가져왔는데‬ ‪[서은의 폭소]‬-What is that, though? -I brought it to read. What is it?
‪- (세정) 뭐예요?‬ ‪- (융재) 그냥 보고서인데‬What is it? -Is this some-- -It's just a report.
‪(서은) 손에 들고 온‬ ‪보고서가 있으시더라고요‬-Is this some-- -It's just a report. He was carrying a report with him.
‪그 모습 자체가 되게 의외이면서‬ ‪반전도 있어서‬That was a very unexpected twist to his character,
‪더 궁금하다, 어떤 분일지 좀‬ ‪알고 싶다는 생각을 하게 됐어요‬so I got curious about him and wanted to get to know him better.
‪융재 님이 가장 다정하게‬ ‪말도 많이 걸어 주시고‬PARK SE-JEONG Yoong-jae was the sweetest and started conversations with me a lot.
‪(융재) 같이 오시는 거죠?‬Yoong-jae was the sweetest and started conversations with me a lot. -You're coming with, right? -Yes.
‪(세정) [웃으며] 아‬ ‪[융재의 웃음]‬-You're coming with, right? -Yes.
‪- (세정) 생각해 볼게요‬ ‪- (융재) 네‬-I have to think about it. -Okay.
‪언제 가, 나?‬ ‪나 언제 갈 수 있어?‬When do I go? When can I go?
‪- 가만있어 봐‬ ‪- (융재) 어, 알려 줘‬Let me see. -Tell me. -Let's see…
‪(세정) 음…‬-Tell me. -Let's see…
‪(세정) 어색한 것도‬ ‪많이 풀어 주시려고 하는 모습이‬And the way he tried so hard to lessen the awkwardness was charming,
‪되게 호감이 가서‬ ‪그런 부분이 더 좋게 느껴졌어요‬And the way he tried so hard to lessen the awkwardness was charming, so I liked those things about him.
‪사실 누구를 선택할지‬ ‪고민이 되진 않아요‬LEE SO-E To be honest, I didn't have any issues in deciding who to choose.
‪그냥 제 이상형은 한결같이‬ ‪좀 어른스러운 사람이었으니까‬To be honest, I didn't have any issues in deciding who to choose. My type has always been someone who is mature.
‪(소이) 융재 님이랑은 얘기했을 때‬ ‪조금 어른스러운 느낌이 들었어요‬When I talked to Yoong-jae, he seemed mature.
‪말투나 행동, 습관 이런 것들이‬The way he spoke and behaved and things like that.
‪뭔가 좀 어른스러운 분위기가‬ ‪흘렀던 거 같아요‬There was a sort of mature vibe to him.
‪[밝은 음악]‬ ‪[융재의 웃음]‬
‪[여자의 웃음이 들린다]‬NEXT EPISODE
‪(서은) 너무 좋아‬It's so nice.
‪(종우) 천국도 진짜 재밌겠지?‬I bet Paradise is really fun.
‪(한빈) 뭐 하고 있으려나?‬ ‪서로를 보겠지?‬-I wonder what they're doing? -They must be having fun.
‪(세정) 힘들다‬This is tough.
‪생각이 많아지네‬ ‪[어두운 음악]‬This is tough. I've got a lot on my mind.
‪(소이) 속상해, 어떡해‬I'm so sad. Don't cry.
‪(종우) 울지 말고‬Don't cry.
‪[쾌활한 웃음]‬
‪(동우) 심장 터져서‬ ‪잠 못 자는 거 아니야?‬-What if I'm too excited to sleep? -That's possible.
‪(슬기) 그럴 수도‬-What if I'm too excited to sleep? -That's possible.
‪(종우) 용기를 한번‬ ‪내 봐야 되겠어‬I should take a chance.
‪더 다가가야 될 거 같아‬I should get closer.
‪(나딘) 호감은 있었는데‬ ‪뭔가 진지하게 좋아하지 않으니까‬I was interested, but it's not like my feelings were serious.
‪(소이) 나 완전 버림받았는데?‬I was literally abandoned.
‪- (나딘) 어?‬ ‪- (융재) 누구 나오나 보다‬-What? -Someone's coming.
‪(나딘) 누구 나와?‬-What? -Someone's coming.
‪- (서은) 와! 잠깐만!‬ ‪- (세정) 누가 오나 봐!‬Someone's coming. -Wait. -They're coming like this?
‪- (한빈) 와, 이렇게 와?‬ ‪- (동우) 이러기 있어?‬-Wait. -They're coming like this?
‪(슬기) 진짜 멋있었어‬He was so cool.
‪(나딘) 새로 오신 분이랑‬ ‪얘기하고 싶은데‬I want to talk to the new guy.
‪(서은) 왠지 모르겠지만 설레는…‬For some reason, I'm excited…
‪(융재) 너무 쿨하게는 못 하겠지‬ ‪기분은 나쁘니까‬What if she's cold with me? It could upset me.
‪(슬기) 솔직히 지금 저 고민돼요‬Honestly, I'm really conflicted.

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