사랑의 불시착 15
KOR-ENG Dual sub
(승준) 으아! | Damn it! |
[승준의 거친 숨소리] | |
구승준 | Gu Seung-jun. |
아! 결국 여기까지 왔네 | So this is where you end up. |
근데 왜 여기서 | But why am I |
그 여자가 생각이 나냐 | thinking about that woman right now? |
[문이 덜컥 열린다] | |
[총을 철컥 장전한다] | |
(수하) 총정치국장 쪽 대응이 생각보다 유연함 | Director Ri is handling this more smoothly than expected. |
사진까지 제시했지만 [의미심장한 음악] | We provided photos, |
윤세리 포섭을 위한 특수 작전이라는 핑계를 대고 있음 | but he made an excuse that it was an operation to bring Yoon Se-ri over. |
총정치국장은 리정혁이 며칠 안에 돌아올 것이라고 장담했으니 | Director Ri guaranteed that Ri Jeong Hyeok will return in a matter of few days. |
그곳에서 리정혁을 처단해 주길 바람 | Get rid of Ri Jeong Hyeok down there. |
리정혁을 없애지 못할 시엔 | If you fail to remove Ri Jeong Hyeok, there's no point for you to return as well. |
동무 역시 조국에 돌아올 의미가 없음 | there's no point for you to return as well. |
[노트북을 탁 덮는다] | |
[힘겨운 숨소리] | |
[긴장감이 고조되는 음악] | |
(김 과장) 무기를 내려라! | Put down your weapons! |
무기 내리고 순순히 따라오면 정상 참작 가능하다 | If you leave your weapons and follow us, your sentencing can be mitigated. |
다시 한번 말한다, 무기를 내려라! | Let me repeat. Put down your weapons! |
[헛웃음] | |
(철강) 태어날 때는 니 편이던 하늘이 이제는 내 편인 것 같다 | The universe was on your side when you were born, but it looks like it's on my side now. |
그만 총 내리라 | Put down your gun now. |
너 같은 종족은 날 못 쏴 | Someone like you can never shoot me. |
[비웃음] (김 과장) 다시 말한다 | Let me repeat. Put down your weapons! |
무기를 내려라 | Let me repeat. Put down your weapons! |
발포하면 저격하겠다! | If you shoot, we'll fire. |
(철강) 와, 갈등되네? | What is it? Can't make up your mind? |
날 쏘믄 너도 죽을 테니까 | If you shoot me, you'll be dead, too. |
기래, 고귀하신 리정혁이가 이런 데서 개죽음당할 수는 없갔지 | That's right. A man of noble birth such as you can't be killed in a dump like this. |
[총성이 연신 울린다] | |
[힘겨운 신음] | |
[가쁜 숨소리] | |
(철강) [힘겨운 목소리로] 너 이제 못 가 | You can't go back now. |
내가 다 보냈거든 [어두운 음악] | I sent them everything. |
너랑 그년이 | The evidence |
여기 함께 있었던 모든 증거들 | that proves how you were with that bitch here. |
니가 돌아가믄 니 부모는 처형되갔지 | If you go back, your parents will be executed. |
니 아버지가 니 형이 죽었을 때 | Why do you think your father chose |
와 끝까지 파헤치지 않았을까? | not to get to the bottom of your brother's murder? |
끝까지 파고들믄 | It's because he knew |
거기에 니 아바지가 있을 거니까 | he would find himself once he found out what caused his son's death. |
그래서 덮은 거야 | That's why he buried it. |
마찬가지 이유로 | With that said, |
니 아바지는 니가 여기서 죽길 바라갔지 | I bet your father wants you to die here. |
[철강의 웃음] | |
넌 나랑 같아 | You and I are in the same boat. |
더는 갈 데가 없어 | You have no place to return to. |
위로 가도 | Even if you go back to the North |
여기서 체포돼도 | or get arrested here, |
너 때문에 니 부모는 죽는다 | your parents will end up facing death either way. |
[신음] | |
기러니까... | So... |
같이 가자, 동무 | let us leave together. |
[잔잔한 음악] | |
당장 총 버려! | Toss it now! |
총 버려! | Put the gun down! |
[총이 툭 떨어진다] | |
[천둥이 우르릉 울린다] | |
(광범) 무슨 생각을 기케 합니까? | EPISODE 15 You look deep in thought. |
(만복) 어, 기냥 | I was just wondering |
우리 마을에도 비가 올까 하고 | if it was raining in our village, too. |
가족 생각나서 그러시는구나 | You must be thinking about your family. |
[한숨] | It's pouring even more. |
(세리) 비가 점점 더 오네? | It's pouring even more. |
근데 리정혁 씨는 어디를 가서 아직 안 오죠? | Where did Jeong Hyeok go? Why hasn't he come back? |
[통화 연결음] | |
[안내 음성] 전원이 꺼져 있어 음성 사서함으로... | The phone has been turned off. |
[통화 종료음] 전화도 꺼졌고 | The phone has been turned off. His phone is off, too. |
[천둥이 콰르릉 친다] | |
[익살스러운 음악] | |
[한숨 쉬며] 밀라 | Shave it. |
진짜 빡빡이가 되시갔습네까? | -Do you really want to be bald? -Yes. |
(월숙) 응 | -Do you really want to be bald? -Yes. |
아니, 빡빡이가 되든 뭐가 되든 동무네 집에 가서 할 일이지 | I don't care if you shave your head or not. Do it at your house. Why are you doing this at my house at this hour? |
왜 오밤중에 남의 집에 와서 이래, 쯧 | Why are you doing this at my house at this hour? |
참사가 일어났던 바로 그 현장에서 | I would like to do the deed |
더더욱 반성하는 의미를 새기기 위해서 기럽니다 | where the disaster took place so we can reflect on it. -Unbelievable. -Okay. |
아이고, 참 | -Unbelievable. -Okay. |
(옥금) 기럼 밀갔시오 | -Unbelievable. -Okay. I'll do it now. |
[힘주는 탄성] [전기바리캉 작동음] | |
(남식) 오마니! 일 났습니다! 나와 보시라요! | Mother! We have a problem. Please come out! |
[남자1의 힘주는 신음] | Let me ask my friend to look after my son and I'll go. |
(명순) 우리 아들은 제 동무 집에 맡기고 가갔습니다 | Let me ask my friend to look after my son and I'll go. |
저만 데리고 가시라요 우리 아들만... | You can just take me. Please let my son stay. |
(남자2) 거, 안 된다고 하지 않아! | I said no to that. Get in the car. Now. |
- (남자2) 빨리 타라 - (남자1) 타라 | I said no to that. Get in the car. Now. |
[우필의 힘주는 신음] | My mother and I will not go with you! |
(우필) 오마니랑 나는 따라가지 않갔습니다! | My mother and I will not go with you! -You little brat! -Stop! |
(남자1) 아나, 요 간나 새끼가, 그냥! | -You little brat! -Stop! |
(영애) 잠깐! | -You little brat! -Stop! |
[긴장되는 음악] | |
그 손 좀 내려줘야갔어 [월숙이 호응한다] | I need you to put your hand down. |
[명순의 놀란 숨소리] | |
뭐요? | What's that? |
아... | |
(영애) 빨래를 하다가 와서... | I was doing my laundry. |
나는 민경대대 대대장 아내 되는 사람이오만 | I'm the wife of the Senior Colonel in the Civilian Police Battalion. |
(월숙) 어! 나는 나물을 캐다 와서 | Well, I was digging up plants. |
나는 이 동네 인민반장 나월숙이야요 | My name is Na Wol Suk, the chief of the people's unit here. |
낯선 방문자가 인민반장에게 신고도 하지 않고 | I couldn't just look away when outside visitors didn't report to me first and are trying to take our neighbors |
우리 동네 사람을 강제로 데려가는 것을 | and are trying to take our neighbors against their will. Isn't that right? |
좌시할 수만은 없어서 말이디! | against their will. Isn't that right? |
- (월숙) 어? - (옥금) 기, 기렇지요! | against their will. Isn't that right? That's right. |
[겁주는 숨소리] | |
(남자2) 나는 사단 보위부에서 온 류정민이오 | My name is Ryu Jeong Min. I'm from the State Security Department. |
(옥금) 보, 보위부? | The State Security Department? |
보위, 보위부? | The State Security Department? |
[영애의 어색한 웃음] | Is that so? |
(영애) 아, 기, 기래요? | Is that so? |
기러믄 그... | In that case, |
사단 보위부장 마영섭 동지에게 안부 좀 전하라요 | send my regards to Ma Yeong Seop, the director of the State Security Department. |
우리 가족끼리 아주 친하거든 | We are very close. |
[남자2의 헛기침] | Sure. I will do so. |
그러지요, 안부 전하갔습니다 | Sure. I will do so. |
(남자1) [헛기침하며] 자, 빨리 타라 | All right. Let's go. |
(영애) 기런데 마영섭이는 내 동생 이름인데 | All right. Let's go. By the way, Ma Yeong Seop is my brother. |
사단 보위부장 이름이 아니고 | He isn't the director. |
(월숙) [놀라며] 후라이 깐 거네? | Did they just lie to us? -Who are you? -Darn you. |
- (옥금) 뭐이네! - (월숙) 이런! | -Who are you? -Darn you. Can someone work |
(영애) 즈이 보위부장 이름 모르는 보위부원도 있나? | Can someone work at the State Security Department without knowing his boss's name? -You're right. -No way. |
[흥미진진한 음악] - (월숙) 기러게 말입니다! - (옥금) 기러게 말입니다! | -You're right. -No way. |
명순 동무, 거기서 뭐 하고 있어 우필이 데리고 빨리 이리 오라! | Myeong Sun, why are you just standing there? Come here with U Pil. -Come here. -Come. |
(월숙) 이리 오라, 비키라 | -Come here. -Come. -Move. -Come here. |
기회 줄 때 꺼지라 | Get lost while you have the chance. |
(영애) 안 기러믄 대대장 동지를 직접 불러와서 | If you don't, I'll bring the Senior Colonel myself |
보위부원 사칭한 죄로 쓴맛 제대로 보게 해 주갔어 | and make you pay for impersonating agents from the State Security Department. |
꺼, 꺼지라우! | Get lost! |
(영애) 꺼지라우 | Get out of here. |
(월숙) 정체가 뭐이네! | Who the heck are you? |
[명순의 힘없는 숨소리] [자동차 시동음] | |
[여자1의 힘주는 신음] (여자2) 꺼지라우! | -Those bastards. -Well done. |
[여자들이 저마다 말한다] | |
[옥금과 영애의 거친 숨소리] | |
(월숙) 아니, 이게 무슨 일이가, 갑자기 | What just happened? No idea. |
기러게 말입니다 | No idea. |
(옥금) 평양 갔다던 우필이 아버지는 소식도 없고 | You haven't heard from your husband from Pyongyang. Who are those men? |
저자들은 대체 누구란 말입네까? | Who are those men? |
(영애) 우필이랑 명순 동무는 당분간 우리 집에 와 있으라 | Myeong Sun, you and your son should stay with us for the time being. There's no safer place than my house in this village. Got it? |
이 동네서 우리 집만큼 안전한 데는 없으니까, 알갔지? | There's no safer place than my house in this village. Got it? |
[떨리는 목소리로] 고맙습니다 | Thank you. |
(영애) 가자우, 가서 밥부터 먹자 | Let's go. Let me fix you a meal first. |
- (월숙) 가자우, 일어나라우 - (옥금) 자, 일어나라 | Let's go. Get up. Stand up. |
- (옥금) 일어나라, 우필아, 아이고 - (월숙) 울지 말라, 울지 말라 | Get up. Stand up. U Pil, don't cry. -Goodness. -Don't cry. I can't believe what just happened. Let's go inside. |
(옥금) 이게 무슨 일이네, 들어가자 | I can't believe what just happened. Let's go inside. |
자, 자, 빨리 와 | Let's go. Let's go back in. Hurry. |
[문이 탁 열린다] | |
여기서 뭐 해? 한참 찾았잖아 [문이 탁 닫힌다] | What are you doing here? I looked everywhere for you. |
다 끝났어, 너 때문에 | It's all over now because of you. |
안 끝났어, 카드는 남았다고 | It's not over yet. We still have a card left to play. |
무슨 카드? | What card? |
윤세리가 깜찍한 짓을 했더라고 | It turns out your sister is pretty bold. |
(상아) 북한에서 같이 지냈던 사람들을 여기까지 끌어들였어 | She brought people she stayed with in North Korea all the way here. |
[의미심장한 음악] 뭐? | What? Those guys who were with her bodyguard. |
그 보디가드랑 같이 있던 애들 | Those guys who were with her bodyguard. |
좀 전에 조철강이랑 통화했어 | I just talked to Cho Cheol Gang on the phone. |
[한숨] | |
이거는 뭡니까? | What's this? |
(주먹) 어, 이거는 음료 판매기인데 | It's a beverage vending machine. If you want a drink, I'll get you a drink. |
은동이 너도 하나 먹어 보갔으믄 내 뽑아 주고 | If you want a drink, I'll get you a drink. |
(은동) 오... | If you want a drink, I'll get you a drink. |
[익살스러운 음악] 오! | Does it mean warm milk will come out of this thing? |
이 안에서 따뜻한 우유도 나온다 이 말입니까? | Does it mean warm milk will come out of this thing? |
[주먹이 대답한다] 와, 이 안에 무슨 주전자 끓이는 데가 있는 겁니까? | Is there a place for a kettle to boil milk inside? |
[풋 웃는다] | Is there a place for a kettle to boil milk inside? Do you seriously think there's a kettle inside this machine? |
야, 이 안에서 주전자가 끓는 거이 말이나 되네? | Do you seriously think there's a kettle inside this machine? |
기러믄... | Then... |
(치수) 요, 동전을 넣고 | When you insert a coin and place your order, |
요, 주문을 누르믄 | When you insert a coin and place your order, |
이 안에 있는 사람이 그때그때 끓여서 내주는 거지 | a person inside this machine will heat the drink and serve it. |
진짜입니까? | Seriously? |
진짜다 | That's true. |
(치수) 이러니 자본주의가 얼마나 무서운 거냔 말이야 | Now do you finally see how scary capitalism can be? |
이 좁은 데서 밤낮없이 음료를 데워서 내주는... | You have to stay in that small space day and night and serve drinks to people. |
얼마나 힘이 들갔어 | That must be so exhausting. |
이야, 이거는... | Gosh, this isn't... |
(주먹) 어케 그, 따뜻한 우유 먹갔니? | So tell me. Do you want warm milk? |
아닙니다, 저는 마시지 않갔습니다 | No. I won't drink it. |
이 안에 있는 동무가 기렇지 않아도 힘들 텐데 | It must be hard working in that small space, to begin with. |
저까지 일을 보태고 싶진 않습니다 | I don't want to pile onto that. |
수고하시라요 | Have a good day. |
[은동이 중얼거린다] [긴장되는 음악] | |
(치수) 야, 야, 야, 튀라우! | Hey, run! Run! |
- (은동) 오, 씨... - (치수) 튀어! | Hey, run! Run! |
[은동의 다급한 신음] | |
(주먹) 왜 뛰고 그러시나 | Why are you running? |
누구세요? | Who are you? |
윤세리 씨, 괜찮으십니까? | Ms. Yoon, are you well? |
무슨 일이시죠? | What is this about? |
[세리의 놀란 숨소리] | |
잠깐만요, 제가 설명할게요 | Hold on. I can explain. We must question them first. Let's go. |
일단은 조사를 받아야 합니다 | We must question them first. Let's go. |
가자 | We must question them first. Let's go. |
[세리의 놀란 숨소리] | |
우, 우린 일없습니다 일단 거기 가만 계시라요 | We'll be fine. You just stay here. Don't come for us. |
따라오지 마시라요 | Don't come for us. |
[아파하는 신음] | |
[거친 숨소리] | |
[문을 탁 닫는다] | |
[주먹의 긴장한 숨소리] | |
(주먹) 금방 찾을 거 같은데... | They'll find us any minute. |
어캅니까? | What should we do? |
남조선 보위부에 대해서 다들 들어 봤갔지만 | I'm sure you've heard about the South's State Security Department. |
(치수) 거긴 한번 들어가면 살아서 나올 수 없는 곳이다 | Once you go in there, you cannot come out alive. I heard about the place when I was up North. |
(은동) [울먹이며] 저도 위에 있을 때 소문 다 들었습니다 | I heard about the place when I was up North. |
들어가믄 손톱부터 뽑고 시작한다더만요 | From what I heard, they pull our nails before they begin. |
쌀 한 톨, 물 한 모금도 안 준다던데 | And they don't give you a grain of rice nor a drop of water. |
야 | Hey. |
난 뭐, 부모님 다 돌아가셔서 지금 죽어도 일없디만 | I'll be fine if I die here since my parents passed away. |
(치수) 너희는 기렇지가 않잖아 [어두운 음악] | But it's not the same for you. |
기관차 대가리 금은동이 | Geum Eun Dong, the breadwinner. |
오마니랑 동생들 만나 봐야 하지 않간? | Shouldn't you go back and see your mother and siblings? |
김주먹이 | Kim Ju Meok. Your father sent us |
너희 아버지는 너 잘 봐 달라고 우리 부대에 | Kim Ju Meok. Your father sent us a lot of potatoes and corn so that we'd take good care of you. |
감자며 강냉이며 얼마나 많이 갖다 나르셨니 | a lot of potatoes and corn so that we'd take good care of you. Shouldn't you be a good son and help him later? |
제대하고 아버지한테 효도해야지 안 기래? | Shouldn't you be a good son and help him later? |
기렇지만... | But... |
내가 나가서 저들을 따돌릴 테니까네 | I'll go out and lure them somewhere else. |
(치수) 그 틈에 너희는 도망가라우 | -You need to run away then. -I can't do that. |
어케 그럽니까? | -You need to run away then. -I can't do that. -Master Sergeant Pyo. -I won't hear of it. |
- 사관장 동지 - (치수) 잔말 말라우! | -Master Sergeant Pyo. -I won't hear of it. |
몸조심들 하고 | Stay safe. |
(주먹) 사관장 동지! 사관장 동지... [긴장되는 음악] | Master Sergeant Pyo! |
[문을 탁 닫는다] | |
[치수의 놀란 숨소리] | |
[치수의 거친 숨소리] | |
(치수) 와 보라! | Come on! |
저쪽 막히지 않았습니까? | -Isn't that a dead end? -Yes. |
(요원1) 어 | -Isn't that a dead end? -Yes. |
넌 그냥 여기 서 있다가 쟤 돌아오면 잡아 | You just stand here. When he comes back, get him. |
자, 나머지는 나 따라서 들어간다 [요원2의 한숨] | The rest of you are with me. Let's go in. |
[문이 탁 열린다] [세리의 거친 숨소리] | |
- 잠깐만요 - (치수) 저 에미나이가 미쳤나 | Wait! Have you gone mad? You're not well enough to be out here! |
(치수) 저 몸으로 어디를 뛰쳐나오고 있어 | Have you gone mad? You're not well enough to be out here! |
[잔잔한 음악] (주먹) 아직 기케 막 움직이면 안 됩니다 | It's too soon for you to move around. What if it worsens your condition? |
또 아프믄 어칼라고 그럽니까? | What if it worsens your condition? |
(세리) 저, 저, 저도 데리고 가세요 제가 다 설명할게요 | Take me with you. I can explain everything. |
이, 이게 다 저 때문이거든요 | This all happened because of me. |
저부터 조사하세요 | You can question me first. |
예, 윤세리 씨 조사 일정은 따로 잡힐 겁니다 | We will. We will schedule a meeting with you, too. |
아직은 퇴원할 수 없다는 주치의 소견이 있어서 | Your doctor said you couldn't be discharged yet. No, I'm all right. |
아니요, 나 지금 괜찮아요 나도 같이 갈게요 | No, I'm all right. I'll go with them. Hey! Your doctor said no! |
(치수) 야! | Hey! Your doctor said no! |
주치의 소견이라잖아! | Hey! Your doctor said no! Who are you to go against your doctor? |
니가 뭔데 의사 말을 안 들어! | Who are you to go against your doctor? |
[치수의 신음] (세리) 아, 잠깐만요! | Who are you to go against your doctor? -Wait! -Go back there and stay in bed. |
(치수) 빨리 들어가서 침상에 딱 누워 있으라우 | -Wait! -Go back there and stay in bed. |
약 잘 챙겨 먹고! | -Make sure to take your medication! -Wait. |
(세리) [흐느끼며] 잠깐만요 | -Make sure to take your medication! -Wait. |
(정연) 진정해, 진정해 | Calm down. |
(세리) 저 사람들은 아무 잘못이 없단 말이에요 | They didn't do anything wrong. |
나 때문인데... | It's all because of me. |
(정연) 아니야 | No. It's not because of you. |
너 때문 아니야 | No. It's not because of you. |
괜찮아 | It's all right. |
어떡하지? | -What am I going to do? -You'll be okay. |
(정연) 괜찮아질 거야 | -What am I going to do? -You'll be okay. |
어떡해요 | What should I do? |
[심전도계 작동음] [세리의 힘겨운 숨소리] | |
[차 문이 탁 열린다] | |
[차 문이 탁 닫힌다] | |
주시라요 | Give it to me. |
[긴장되는 음악] | |
뭘 | Give you what? |
이럴 때를 대비해서 입에 넣으믄 한 방에 갈 수 있는 | To prepare for a situation like this, they must've given you some kind of poison |
독약이라든가 | that will kill me instantly |
(치수) 뭐라도 줬을 거 아닙니까 | once I pop it in my mouth. |
독약은 무슨, 총도 안 줬는데 | As if. They didn't even give us guns. |
이케 대책이 없단 말입니까? | So you don't have a plan? |
(주먹) 지난번에 만난 그 11과 짜장면 동지가 기리지 않았습니까 | Do you remember what that guy from Division 11 told us? |
여기도 다 사람 사는 데다 | This place is habitable as well. |
(류환) 너무 두려워 말라 | So don't be afraid. |
기러니까 너무 두려워하지 말자요, 어 | So let's not be afraid. Okay? |
(치수) 야, 그 동무 상태 못 봤네? | Hey, don't you remember the condition he was in? |
(식당 주인) 동구야! | Dong-gu. |
[어눌한 말투로] 허, 아, 갔다 왔는데 | They have it. |
(식당 주인) 야! | Hey! |
얼마나 남조선에 당했으면 상태가 기케 됐갔어! | Imagine what he must have been through to turn out like that. |
(치수) 아무래도 무시무시한 전기 고문 같은 거에 | It makes me think he must have been severely tortured |
세게 당한 것이 아닌가... | by something painful like an electric shock. |
난 기케 보는데 | That's my opinion. -What? -What? |
- 예? - (주먹) 예? | -What? -What? |
전기 고문 당한대 | We'll face electric torture. |
[만복이 겁낸다] (주먹) 어캅니까, 전... | -Oh, no. What will I do? -Electric... |
[문이 탁 닫힌다] | |
(요원2) 자, 여기서는 | Starting now, |
여기 있는 신발로 모두 갈아 신으시길 바랍니다 | you will put on the shoes provided by our organization. |
그리고 각자 앞에 있는 상자 하나씩을 드시고 | You will each take a box placed in front of you and follow me. |
저를 쫓아오시기 바랍니다 | and follow me. |
[의미심장한 음악] | |
[카메라 셔터음] | |
[카메라 셔터음] | |
[카메라 셔터음] | |
[간호사1이 치수의 팔을 탁탁 때린다] | |
(간호사2) 키 180, 체중 64 | Height, 180. Weight, 64. |
(치수) 자, 잠깐, 잠깐, 잠깐, 잠깐, 잠깐! | Wait, wait, wait! |
[치수의 신음] | Wait, wait, wait! |
(의사1) 자, 다음 분 오세요 | Next. |
[만복의 떨리는 숨소리] | |
[치수의 떨리는 숨소리] | |
내 이럴 줄 알았디 | I knew this would come. Do whatever you have to do. |
무슨 짓이든 다 해 보라우 | I knew this would come. Do whatever you have to do. |
이 표치수가 입술이나 까딱 움직이나 | I, Pyo Chi Su, will not breathe a word. |
자, 표치수 씨 | Okay, Mr. Pyo Chi Su. |
(요원1) 편안하게 그냥 묻는 말에 대답하시면 되는데요 | Please relax and answer the questions. |
먼저 좀 테스트를... | First, we will test... I will not say a single word. |
(치수) 난 절대 어떤 말도 하지 않을 것이야! | I will not say a single word. |
너희들 전기값만 아깝게 헛수고하는 줄이나 알라우! | You will be only wasting electricity. |
[삐 소리가 울린다] | If you are going to kill me, just kill me now. |
죽일 거면 빨리 죽여다오 | If you are going to kill me, just kill me now. |
난 목숨을 구걸하고 싶진 않아! | I don't want to beg for my life. Mr. Pyo, you seem very nervous now. |
표치수 씨 많이 긴장하고 계신 거 같은데 | Mr. Pyo, you seem very nervous now. |
긴, 긴장? | "Nervous"? |
하하! [삐 소리가 연신 울린다] | This lame torture does not scare me at all! |
(치수) 나 표치수는 이따위 고문에 겁먹지 않아! | This lame torture does not scare me at all! |
어림없는 소리 | No way! |
자, 자, 자, 자... | Wait, wait. |
[삐 소리가 울린다] | |
지금 거짓말하고 계신 거 같은데 | I think you're lying now. |
(요원1) 이거 지금 거짓말 가려내는 기계거든요 | This machine detects lies. |
네? | What? |
- 기, 기런 기계가 다 있... 나? - (요원1) 아유 | There's a machine that does that? |
(요원1) 소리 너무 지르셔 가지고 배고프지 않으세요? | You have been yelling so much. Aren't you hungry? |
뭐라도 드시고 우리 긴장 풀리면 다시 할까요? | How about we let you eat something and start over when you feel less tense? |
일없습니다 | I'm fine. |
배고프지 않습니다 | I'm not hungry. |
[삐 소리가 울린다] | |
[치수의 한숨] | |
[한숨] | |
(은동) 사관장 동지! [수저를 탁 내려놓는다] | Master Sergeant Pyo. |
[은동의 웃음] (치수) 너... | Hey. Are you okay? |
일없는 거가? 어? | Hey. Are you okay? Yes. They said we can bring more food if we want. |
예 | Yes. They said we can bring more food if we want. |
이거 다 먹고 또 갖다 먹어도 된답니다 | Yes. They said we can bring more food if we want. |
너 여기 먹으러 왔네? | Are you here for food or what? |
아, 미안합니다 | I'm sorry. |
쌀독에서 인심 난다고 | They say the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. They think we will tell them secrets when we are well-fed. |
이런 거 배부르게 멕여 놓으믄 비밀을 술술 불 거라고 생각하는 기야 | They think we will tell them secrets when we are well-fed. They already know about everything. |
이미 다 알고 있던데요, 뭘 | They already know about everything. |
뭐, 뭐를? | About what? |
아까 보니까는 내 고향 마을까지 훤히 꿰고 있더구먼요 | They even knew about my hometown. |
[잔잔한 음악] (요원2) 여기가 금은동 씨 고향 마을 맞죠? | This is your hometown, right? |
(은동) 맞습니다! | It is! It's my hometown! |
우리 마을입니다, 오... | It is! It's my hometown! |
오! 저기가 내가 다녔던 학교입니다 | That's the school I went to. Next to that is Azalea Hill. |
그 옆이 진달래 고개라고 | Next to that is Azalea Hill. In spring, the hill gets covered with azaleas. |
봄이 되면 진달래가 쫙 엄청 많이 핍니다 | In spring, the hill gets covered with azaleas. |
그 바로 옆이 우리 집인데 | And I live right next to it. |
- (요원2) 여기 - (은동) 예! | -This? -Yes! This is my house. |
여, 여기입니다 | -This? -Yes! This is my house. |
우리 오, 오마니는 안 보입니까? | Can I see my mother too? |
우리 오마니도 좀 봤으면 좋갔는데 우리 오마니는 | I want to see my mother too. |
어케 우리 집을 찾은 건지 | I wonder how they found my place. They're really good. |
아, 진짜 용합니다 | I wonder how they found my place. They're really good. |
[은동이 수저를 달그락거린다] | Why did they show you your hometown? |
그자들이 니 고향 집을 왜 보여 준 거가? | Why did they show you your hometown? |
씁, 잘 모르갔는데 | I'm not sure, but there was no electrical torture whatsoever. |
전기 고문 같은 건 하지 않았습니다 | but there was no electrical torture whatsoever. They were kind. |
친절하던데 말입니다 | They were kind. |
다 심리전이다 | They are playing a mind game. |
맘 단단히 먹으라우 | Stay strong. |
(은동) 긴데 우리 중대장 동지도 여기 계실까요? | By the way, do you think Captain Ri is here too? |
[요원1의 한숨] | |
지금은 아무 말도 할 것 같지가 않습니다 | I don't think he will say anything now. |
(김 과장) 뭐 아무것도 안 먹었다 그랬지? | You said he had not eaten anything. |
일단 좀 재워 | Let him get some sleep for now. |
근데 저 사람 정말 | By the way, |
(요원1) 총정치국장 아들이라는 첩보가 사실일까요? | do you think it's true that he is the son of the Director of the GPB? |
진짜면 이거 대박 아닙니까? | If it is, this is a really big deal. |
북측에서도 이거 알면 발칵 뒤집어질 텐데 | If North Korea finds this out, it will create quite a stir there. We will need to do some investigations. |
(김 과장) 조사를 해 봐야지 | We will need to do some investigations. |
근데 과장님 | By the way, sir. Doesn't he look too calm? |
(요원1) 저 사람 너무 차분하지 않나요? | By the way, sir. Doesn't he look too calm? |
딴생각하는 거 아니겠죠? | -Could he be up to something? -Up to what? |
딴생각 뭐? | -Could he be up to something? -Up to what? |
그런 거 있잖아요 | You know, something like that. For the sake of his parents in the North |
북에 있는 자기 부모를 위해서 | You know, something like that. For the sake of his parents in the North and to avoid anything that might work against Se-ri and those who helped him, |
그리고 자기 도와준 뭐 | and to avoid anything that might work against Se-ri and those who helped him, |
윤세리나 그런 사람들한테 피해 가지 않기 위해서 | and to avoid anything that might work against Se-ri and those who helped him, |
(요원1) 다 자기가 책임지고 가겠다 | he seems to want to take all the responsibility. |
딱 그런 눈빛 같은데 | I can see that from his eyes. |
너 뭐, 독심술 있냐? | -Are you a psychic or something? -Let's say I'm experienced. |
제 짬밥이라고 해 두죠 | -Are you a psychic or something? -Let's say I'm experienced. |
짬밥은 무슨 | Experienced, my foot. |
[의미심장한 음악] | |
국정원에? 전부 다? | The NIS? All of them? We are yet to grasp the whole situation, |
아직 정확한 상황까진 파악되지 않았습네다만 | We are yet to grasp the whole situation, |
리정혁 동무가 체포된 것은 확실합네다 | but Captain Ri was certainly arrested. |
(참모) 이제 저희가 막을 수 있는 단계는 지난 것 같습네다 | I think we have reached the point where we can't stop it. |
정혁이... | Jeong Hyeok... |
무사하긴 한 거가? | Is he safe at least? |
예 | Yes, sir. Cho Cheol Gang was found dead at the scene, |
현장에서 조철강이는 죽은 채로 발견됐지만 | Yes, sir. Cho Cheol Gang was found dead at the scene, |
정혁 동무는 무사하다고 들었습니다 | but Captain Ri is safe. |
기래 | I see. I will try to get more information |
(참모) 남측 비선 라인 연계해서 소식 더 알아보갔습니다 | I will try to get more information through the secret channel in the South. |
기렇지만 만에 하나 경우를 고려하여 | But just in case, |
마음 단단히 먹으십시오, 국장 동지 | I want you to be prepared, sir. |
[한숨] | |
이야, 많이도 왔네 | There are so many of you. How did you know I was a good fighter? |
나 싸움 잘하는 건 어떻게 알아 가지고, 어? | There are so many of you. How did you know I was a good fighter? |
어이, 천 사장 | Mr. Cheon. I know we have been apart for some time, |
우리 잠시 떨어져 있었다고 그새 정떨어진 거야, 나한테? | Mr. Cheon. I know we have been apart for some time, -but how could forget our friendship? -Will you be quiet? |
시끄럽소 | -but how could forget our friendship? -Will you be quiet? Do you know how worried I was |
난 당신 보위부 끌려갔을 때 얼마나 걱정을 했는데 | Do you know how worried I was when the State Security Department took you? How much did you get paid for this? How much am I? |
얼마 받고 이러는 거야, 나 나 얼마인데, 어? [천 사장이 테이프를 착 뜯는다] | How much did you get paid for this? How much am I? Tell me how much I am. |
내가 얼마인데! | Tell me how much I am. |
[승준이 웅얼거린다] | Tell me how much I am. |
[승준이 계속 웅얼거린다] | |
닥쳐라 | Shut up. |
[어두운 음악] | |
(천 사장) 그, 어차피 중국 국경까지 가려면 며칠을 더 가야 하는데 | We need to travel for a few more days to get to the Chinese border. |
밤도 늦었고 하니 여기 장마당 근처에서 자고 갑시다 | It's late now, so let's stay near the market tonight. |
(남자3) 그럽시다 | Let's do that. |
- 짠 - 짠 | -Cheers. -Cheers. |
다 왔어, 여보, 다 왔어 | We are almost there, honey. We are almost there. I know. |
그렇지? | I know. |
세형이 그 새끼가 회장 되고 | When Se-hyeong, that punk, became president, |
그때 내가 와인을 한 세 병 깠나? | I opened three bottles of wine, right? Three bottles of wine and two bottles of whiskey. |
와인 세 병에 양주 두 병 | Three bottles of wine and two bottles of whiskey. |
(혜지) 우리 그때 섞어 마셔 가지고 숙취 완전 쩔었잖아 | We mixed them and we had a horrible hangover. Right. We should never mix different liquors. |
(세준) 맞아, 술은 진짜 섞어 마시면 안 돼 | Right. We should never mix different liquors. It feels like that was yesterday. |
(혜지) 그게 엊그제 같은데 | It feels like that was yesterday. I had no idea Se-ri would come back to life |
윤세리가 부활해서 윤세형을 한 방에 끝내줄 줄이야 | I had no idea Se-ri would come back to life and remove Se-hyeong just like that. Tell me about it. Cheers. |
그러니까 | Tell me about it. Cheers. |
(혜지) 짠 | Cheers. |
[익살스러운 음악] 왜? | What is it? |
근데 나 왜 자꾸 찜찜하지? | But why do I feel weird? |
(세준) 이게 끝날 때까지 끝난 게 아닌 것 같은 | I have the feeling |
이 느낌적인 느낌 | -that it isn't over yet. -You're right. |
(혜지) 하긴 | -that it isn't over yet. -You're right. |
지금쯤이면 아버님이 막 불러내서 | Your father should be calling you out and saying, |
'장남아, 역시 너밖에 없다' | "Se-jun, you are the best. |
너에게로 또다시 | Why was it so hard |
♪ 돌아가기가 왜 이리 힘들었을까 ♪ | Why was it so hard To get back to you?" "Now I realize... |
이제 나는 알았어, 그러니까 | "Now I realize... I can't leave you |
♪ 내가 죽는 날까지 ♪ | I can't leave you |
(세준) ♪ 세준이 널 떠날 수 없다는 걸 ♪ | Until the day I die, Se-jun" He should be saying that by now. |
이래야 되는데 | He should be saying that by now. |
왜 이렇게 조용하지? | Why is he so quiet? Maybe your phone is on airplane mode. Check it. |
비행기 모드로 해 놓은 거 아니야? 봐 봐 | Maybe your phone is on airplane mode. Check it. |
아니잖아, 깜짝이야 | No, it's not. You scared me. |
[한숨] | |
(세형) 아버지 | Father. |
이제껏 재벌가에 사건 사고 나 봐야 | Until now, the kind of scandals rich families had |
뭐, 뇌물, 횡령, 폭행, 도박, 마약 이런 거였어요 | were bribery, embezzlement, assault, gambling, and drugs. |
근데 세리 얘는 국가 보안법이에요 | But Se-ri's case is about the National Security Law. This is a whole different issue. |
이거는 차원이 다른 문제라니까요? | This is a whole different issue. |
곧 구승준이도 올 건데 그럼 만천하에 다 드러날... | Gu Seung-jun is coming soon, and when he comes-- |
(증평) 미안하지만 말이다 | I'm sorry, |
난 내 가족의 일을 가족이 아닌 사람들하고 | but I don't want to discuss family issues with someone who isn't my family. |
얘기하고 싶진 않구나 | but I don't want to discuss family issues with someone who isn't my family. |
[긴장되는 음악] 당장 내 집에서 나가 | Get out of my house now. |
윤세리랑 스캔들 났던 그 경호원이 간첩이었다니까요? | The bodyguard that was involved in the scandal with Se-ri was a spy. |
(세형) 와, 이 정신 나간 계집애, 진짜, 씨 | -That crazy wench. -We don't know the whole story yet. |
(증평) 아직 결론 난 거 아니야! | -That crazy wench. -We don't know the whole story yet. We know you are very upset at us now. |
(상아) 지금 저희한테 많이 화나신 거 알아요, 아버님 | We know you are very upset at us now. |
변명할 생각 없습니다 | And we don't want to defend ourselves. However, you should be dispassionate about this matter. |
그렇지만 이번 사안은 냉철하게 보셔야 돼요 | However, you should be dispassionate about this matter. |
(세형) 세리 안고 가려다가 우리 다 자빠집니다 | If we try to save Se-ri, we will all fall. |
늘그막에 말이다 | I'm in my old age, |
(증평) 널 보면서 내가 헛살았다는 걸 깨닫는구나 | and seeing you makes me realize that I have wasted my life. |
너희들 앞날이나 걱정해 | You guys worry about your own future. |
(세형) 아버지 | Father. |
됐어 | Don't. |
[문이 달칵 여닫힌다] | |
구승준 올 거야 | Gu Seung-jun will come. |
(상아) 오면 엮을 거 많아 | Once he's here, we will have a lot of stories to tell. |
[혜지의 헛웃음] | |
(혜지) 간첩이라니, 아니, 간첩이라니! | A spy? Seriously? Are they trying to kill us or something? |
아니, 누굴 골로 보내려고? | Are they trying to kill us or something? |
(세리) 언니, 조용히 좀 | Hye-ji, could you please be quiet? My head hurts. |
머리 아파요 | Hye-ji, could you please be quiet? My head hurts. |
어, 미안해 | I'm sorry. |
아니, 자기들이 한 짓이 만천하에 드러나는 순간 | I mean, the second the world finds out about what they did, they will have to hang their heads in shame. |
나 같으면 부끄러워 가지고 얼굴도 못 들고 다닐 거 같은데 | they will have to hang their heads in shame. Do they take pills or something? They are not ordinary. |
(세준) 뭔 약 먹나? 얘네 완전 강적이야 | Do they take pills or something? They are not ordinary. They're trying to show that they didn't instigate murder or abduction, |
자기들은 살인이나 납치를 교사한 게 아니고 | They're trying to show that they didn't instigate murder or abduction, |
(혜지) 간첩을 물리치려고 했던 애국자다 | but that they are only patriots who tried to attack a spy. |
지금 이렇게 시나리오를 딱 짠 거지 | That's the scenario they have written. And they said they would bring Gu Seung-jun. |
아, 그리고 구승준을 잡아 온다잖아 | And they said they would bring Gu Seung-jun. |
아, 근데 | By the way, |
구승준이 진짜로 도망가서 북한에 숨어 있었어? | did he really escape to North Korea and hide there? |
(혜지) 아, 근데 어떻게 거기서 딱 만나요? | How did you meet him there? |
둘이 운명인가? | Is it destiny? |
운명 아니고 우연히요 | It's not destiny. It's a coincidence. |
(세리) 근데 구승준을 잡아 온다 그랬다고? | Did you say they would bring Gu Seung-jun? |
구승준이 잡혔대? | Was he caught? |
[코 고는 소리가 들린다] | |
[긴장되는 음악] | |
아이... | |
[작은 목소리로] 진짜 그래도 돼? | Can I really do that? |
[장마당 안이 시끌벅적하다] | |
(승준) 저, 이... | Excuse me. Where can I take a cab? |
발바리차 탈라믄 어디로 가야 합니까? | Where can I take a cab? |
아, 여기 발바리차가 어디 있갔소 | There are no cabs here. You have to go to the train station. |
(남자4) 그, 기차역에나 가야 있디 | There are no cabs here. You have to go to the train station. |
(승준) 아... | |
아, 여긴 콜택시도 없을 텐데 | I probably can't call taxis here. Dang it. |
아, 미치겠네 | I probably can't call taxis here. Dang it. |
[긴장되는 음악] | |
(승준) 쉿 | |
쉿 | I don't have parents |
(꽃제비들) ♪ 나는 부모도 없고 ♪ | I don't have parents |
♪ 형제도 없는 ♪ | I don't have siblings either I'm a poor orphan |
♪ 불쌍한 고아랍니다 ♪ | I'm a poor orphan |
♪ 내 죽어 산천에 간대도 ♪ | When I die and go back to nature Who will bury me? |
♪ 그 누가 나를 묻어 주리오 ♪ | Who will bury me? Who will tuck me in? |
♪ 덮어 주리오 ♪ | Who will tuck me in? |
♪ 술 석 잔 부어 주리오 ♪ | Who will pour three cups of liquor on me? |
[잔잔한 음악] ♪ 나는 부모도 없고 ♪ | I don't have parents |
♪ 형제도 없는 ♪ | I don't have siblings either I'm a poor orphan |
♪ 불쌍한 고아랍니다 ♪ | I'm a poor orphan |
♪ 내 죽어 산천에 간대도 ♪ | When I die and go back to nature Who will bury me? |
♪ 그 누가 나를 묻어 주리오 ♪ | Who will bury me? Who will tuck me in? |
♪ 덮어 주리오 ♪ | Who will tuck me in? Who will pour three cups of liquor on me? |
♪ 술 석 잔 부어 주리오 ♪ | Who will pour three cups of liquor on me? |
갔습니다 | They're gone. |
[승준의 힘주는 숨소리] | |
너 인마 | You... |
나랑 처지가 비슷하구나 | You're like me. |
예? | Pardon? |
나도 없거든 | I also don't have parents and siblings. |
부모도 형제도 | I also don't have parents and siblings. |
내가 죽었다고 슬퍼해 줄 사람도 | I don't have anyone who will mourn my death. |
[승준의 힘주는 숨소리] | |
(승준) 뺏기지 말고 | Don't let others take it |
잃어버리지도 말고 | and don't lose it. |
잘 쓸 수 있겠어? | Do you think you can do it? |
나 살려 준 값이야 | That's for saving my life. |
가서 동생이랑 밥 먹어 | Get some food for you and your sibling. |
(승준) 나처럼 의리 있고 괜찮은 사람이 준 프러포즈 반지는? | A nice and loyal guy like me gave you a ring. Where's the engagement ring? |
설마 팔아먹었니? | Did you sell it? |
아니, 그건 아니고 | No, I didn't sell it. |
맡겼어, 잠시, 어디 | I left it somewhere temporarily. |
- 어디? - (세리) 장마당 전당포 | -Where? -A pawn shop in the marketplace. |
[당황한 숨소리] | |
[통화 연결음] | The phone is either turned off or out of the service area and cannot be reached. |
[안내 음성] 이 전화는 전원이 꺼져 있거나 봉사 구역 밖에 있으므로 연결이... | The phone is either turned off or out of the service area and cannot be reached. |
[당황한 신음] | |
(요원3) 리정혁의 휴대 전화 GPS 분석을 통해서 동선을 파악했고요 | We analyzed Ri Jeong Hyeok's GPS record in his phone and figured out where he went. RI JEONG HYEOK'S GPS ANALYSIS |
동선에 걸린 CCTV 자료들 중 유의미한 파일들을 추렸습니다 | In the CCTV footage, we have sorted out useful files. |
(김 과장) 뭐 하는 거야? 문지기야? | What is he doing? Is he a doorkeeper or what? This video clip created some buzz recently. |
이 영상이 얼마 전 소소하게 화제가 됐던 건데 | This video clip created some buzz recently. It's titled, "A Gorgeous Man's Manner at a Department Store in Gangnam." |
(요원3) '강남백화점 얼굴 천재의 저세상 매너'라고 | It's titled, "A Gorgeous Man's Manner at a Department Store in Gangnam." It's been viewed 35,020 times and got 3,200 comments-- |
조회 수 35,020회에 댓글 3,200... | It's been viewed 35,020 times and got 3,200 comments-- This isn't what I meant. |
이런 거 말고 | This isn't what I meant. |
아... | |
[요원들의 당황한 탄성] | |
[요원들의 안도의 한숨] [익살스러운 음악] | |
순발력이 보통이 아니더라고요 | He seems very nimble. |
(김 과장) 특수 부대 장교야 | He's the Captain of the Special Forces. We should not underestimate him. |
만만하게 보면 안 된다니까 | He's the Captain of the Special Forces. We should not underestimate him. |
쟤가 저 순발력을 저기 써서 망정이지 딴 데 썼어 봐라 | Imagine he used his nimble body for other purposes. |
- 다른 건 없어? - (요원3) 예 | -Do you have anything else? -Yes, sir. |
뭐 하는 거야? | What is he doing? |
누구랑 뭐, 접선 장소 같은 거 주고받는 건가? | Is he exchanging secret messages? |
(김 과장) 저 풍선 안에 뭐가 있나? | Is there something inside? |
삐라인가? | Is it a leaflet? |
야 | Hey, show me something else. |
딴거 | Hey, show me something else. |
(김 과장) 우리가 지금 무슨 선행상 후보 뽑니? | Are we deciding the candidates for the Good Deed Award? |
모범 시민 뽑아? | Are we deciding the candidates for the Good Deed Award? Why did you only choose footage like that? |
뭐 죄다 이런 것만 갖고 와! | Why did you only choose footage like that? |
이런 것만 있어서... | That is all we've got. |
(김 과장) 이제부턴 솔직하게 말씀을 해 주셔야 합니다, 리정혁 씨 | From now on, you must be honest with us, Mr. Ri Jeong Hyeok. |
대한민국에 불법으로 침입한 이유가 뭡니까? | Why did you illegally trespass into the Republic of Korea? |
(정혁) 윤세리를 포섭해서 | In order to persuade Yoon Se-ri |
내 조국으로 데리고 가기 위해서입니다 | and take her back to my country. |
이유는요? | Why? |
사고로 조선에 떨어진 윤세리가 | I was aware of the fact that the woman |
남조선의 재벌이라는 사실을 파악하고 있었고 | who fell in our land was from a rich family here. |
그녀를 그곳에 남기기 위해서 회유하려고 했지만 | I tried to convince her to stay in our country, |
실패했기 때문입니다 | but I failed. That's why. |
(김 과장) 그럼 당신 부하들은요? | What about your men? |
부하들은 이 일과 상관없습니다 | My men have nothing to do with this matter. |
[잔잔한 음악] (정혁) 세계 군인 대회에 | They came to participate in the Military World Games, |
참가하기 위해 온 자들인데 | They came to participate in the Military World Games, and I involved them in this so they can't go back. |
내가 끌어들여서 돌아가지 못하도록 막았습니다 | and I involved them in this so they can't go back. |
(김 과장) 그 이유는? | And why is that? |
윤세리를 회유하려고 했지만 | Because it was hard to convince Yoon Se-ri by myself. |
혼자서는 여의치 않았기 때문입니다 | Because it was hard to convince Yoon Se-ri by myself. |
(김 과장) 부하들을 이용해서 강제로라도 북으로 데려가려고 했다? | You meant to bring her back to North Korea with the help of your subordinates? |
그렇습니다 | That is correct. |
기렇지만 이 모든 건 내 의지였지 부하들은 죄가 없습니다 | But the whole thing was my idea. My subordinates are innocent. |
(김 과장) 리정혁 씨 지금 술술 얘기해 주는 거는 좋은데요 | Mr. Ri Jeong Hyeok. It's nice of you to tell me everything, but do you know what punishment you'll get when this turns out to be true? |
이거 다 인정되면 어떤 처벌 받을지 알고나 그러는 거예요? | but do you know what punishment you'll get when this turns out to be true? |
[한숨] | You told me to tell you the truth. |
사실대로 말하라지 않았습니까? | You told me to tell you the truth. |
지금 그러고 있는 겁니다 | That's what I'm doing now. |
[김 과장의 한숨] | |
[답답한 숨소리] | |
그게 무슨... | That's... |
(세리) 말도 안 돼요 | That's not true. |
그 사람 지금 거짓말하고 있어요 | He's lying. |
왜 그렇게 생각하십니까? | Why do you think so? |
남으라고 회유한 적 없으니까요 | Because he has never convinced me to stay there. |
[잔잔한 음악] | |
(세리) 처음부터 끝까지 | The whole time, |
나 보내 주려고 최선을 다했으니까 | he did his best to send me back home. I'm going to make you a member of the national team that participates |
국제 육상 대회에 참석하는 국가 대표 선수단에 | I'm going to make you a member of the national team that participates in an international track competition. |
당신을 포함시키려 하오 | in an international track competition. |
뭐라고요? | What did you say? |
그럼 항공편으로 유럽에 갈 수 있소 | Then you can go to Europe by airplane. |
여길 떠나는 순간 | The moment you leave here, |
여기도 잊고, 나도 잊고, 다 잊고 | I hope you'll forget everything about this place and about me, |
(정혁) 원래 당신의 세상에서 건강하게 잘 살길 바라오 | and go back to the life you've been living and stay healthy there. |
잠깐 나쁜 꿈 꿨다 생각하고 | Just pretend that you had a nightmare. |
[총성이 연신 울린다] | |
(세리) 그럴 필요도 의무도 없는데 [총성] | He didn't need to, nor was obligated to, |
목숨 걸고 나 지켰어요 | but he risked his life to protect me. |
잘 들으시오 | Listen to me carefully. |
내일 당신은 집으로 돌아갈 거요 | Tomorrow, you will go back home. |
포섭하려고 한 적도 이용하려고 한 적도 없고요 | He has never tried to persuade me or to take advantage of me. |
(세리) 말씀드렸다시피 | As I said, |
조철강이 나 죽이겠다고 북한에서 내려왔고 | Cho Cheol Gang came from North Korea to kill me, |
리정혁 씨는 | and Ri Jeong Hyeok |
범죄를 저지르고 내려온 조철강을 잡으러 여기 온 거예요 | came here to catch Cho Cheol Gang, the man who committed crime and escaped. |
그 사람 자발적으로 숨긴 건 나고 | And I'm the one who hid him. |
[힘겨운 숨소리] | |
세리야 | Se-ri. |
나도 그 사람 | I have to |
무사히 보내 줘야 돼요 | send him back home safely too. |
(세리) 나머지 문제는 여기서... | As for the rest of the matter... |
내가 해결을 하든 처벌을 받든 할게요 | I will deal with it myself here, even if it means I have to be punished. |
이렇게 두 사람 말이 전혀 달라서요 | The two are saying completely different things. |
상황상으로 윤세리 말이 더 일리 있잖아 | Given the situation, what Yoon Se-ri said seems more likely. |
무슨 인질이 총을 대신 맞아 | No hostage would get shot for their kidnapper. |
아무래도 본인 때문에 윤세리 쪽이 타격을 입을 거 같아 | He might have deliberately lied so as to not cause any trouble to Yoon Se-ri. |
일부러 그러는 것 같기도 합니다 | to Yoon Se-ri. |
그 나머지 다섯 명은 뭐래? | What do the five guys say? |
리정혁 중대장 동지가 뭐라고 얘기를 했을 거 아닙네까? | Captain Ri must have said something. |
그 대답이 나의 대답입네다 | His answer is my answer. |
[흥미로운 음악] | How many did you interview before me? |
내가 몇 번째입니까? | How many did you interview before me? |
앞에서 대답을 못 들었으니 나한테 또 물어보는 거 아닙니까? | You're asking me this because you didn't hear the answer from others, right? |
나도 말 못 합니다 | I can't say it either. |
아휴... | |
[노크 소리가 들린다] | |
저기요, 박광범 씨 | Excuse me, Mr. Park? |
우리 중대장 동지도 여기 와 있습니까? | Is our Captain Ri here too? |
어디 다친 데는 없습니까? | Is he all right? |
아, 저기요, 김주먹 씨 질문은 그, 내가 했는데 | Excuse me, Mr. Kim. I'm the one who asked a question. |
내 궁금해서 그럽니다, 예? | I'm just really curious, okay? |
(주먹) 그, 살아는 있는 거지요? | He's alive, right? |
아니, 남조선 드라마 보면 꼭 이럴 때 주인공이 다치고 죽고 그래서 | In South Korean dramas, this is the moment where the main character gets hurt or dies. |
내 불안해서 그럽니다 | So I'm worried. |
그, 누차 말하지만 헛수고입니다 | As I keep saying, you're wasting your time. |
내래 몸무게의 9할 이상이 입의 무게디 | More than 90% of my body weight is the weight of my mouth. |
입이 엄청 무겁다 이 말입니다 | I'm saying my heavy mouth never opens to tell secrets. |
증언을 거부하고 있습니다 | They refuse to testify. |
그럼 상반된 증언을 하고 있는 리정혁과 윤세리를 | As Ri Jeong Hyeok and Yoon Se-ri's testimonies are conflicting, |
대면 조사 하는 것밖엔 방법이 없지 않나? | a face-to-face interview will be the only way. |
대면 조사는 하지 않갔다고 얘기했습니다만 | I told you I don't want a face-to-face interview. |
당신 얘기랑 내 얘기가 너무 다른데 | Your story and my story are different. |
(세리) 어떻게 조사를 안 해 | Of course they need to investigate. This was going to happen anyway. |
어차피 한 번은 해야 되는 거예요 | This was going to happen anyway. |
저희끼리만 있어도 될까요? | Is it okay if it's just the two of us? We both know what the question is. |
질문은 저희 둘 다 알고 있으니까요 | We both know what the question is. |
그렇게 하시죠 | Sure. You will be recorded, by the way. |
(김 과장) 녹화는 되니까 알고 계시고요 | You will be recorded, by the way. |
계속 서 있을 거예요? | Will you keep standing? |
(세리) 앉아요, 나 힘들어 | Have a seat. I'm tired. |
리정혁 씨 | Jeong Hyeok. |
[한숨] | |
나 봐 봐 | Look at me. |
나 좀 봐요, 제발 | Please look at me. |
지금 당신이 왜 이러는지 알아요 | I know why you are being like this now. |
나 때문에 그러잖아 | It's because of me. |
그동안 일 밝혀지면 나 곤란해질까 봐 | Because once things get revealed, it might put me in trouble. |
사람들한테 알려지면 나 힘들어질까 봐 | Because once people learn about this, it might make things hard for me. |
당신이 다 뒤집어쓰려는 거잖아 | So you're trying to take the fall. That's not it. |
그런 거 아니오 | That's not it. |
아니면? | Then what is it? |
[한숨] | |
잘 들으시오 | Listen. |
(정혁) 당신도 이미 알갔지만 | As you probably already know, |
내 아바지는 조선 인민군 총정치국장이오 | my father is the Director of the GPB of the DPRK. |
난 그곳에서 아무나가 아니오 | I'm not just anyone in there. |
그런 내가 정말 | Do you think someone like that |
사사로운 인정 때문에 당신을 돕고 숨겼다고 생각하시오? | would really help you and hide you for personal reasons? |
참 순진한 생각이오 | How naive you are. |
처음에 당신이 내게 | I wouldn't have done it if you had not told me about your background. |
당신의 신분을 밝히지만 않았어도 그러지 않았을 거요 | if you had not told me about your background. |
당신의 신분이 대단했기 때문에 내겐 이유가 생겼소 | You had quite an impressive background, which gave me a reason. |
[잔잔한 음악] | |
당신을 이용할 이유 | A reason to use you. |
할 줄도 모르는 거짓말 그만해요 | You aren't a good liar. So stop lying. |
물론 | Well, |
함께한 시간이 있었으니 | we did spend some time together after all. |
나 역시 모든 게 진심이 아니었다고 말할 순 없소 | So I wouldn't say I was untruthful the whole time. |
정도 들었소 | I did get attached to you too. |
(정혁) 그래서 지금 이런 얘길 하고 있는 거요 | That's why we are having this conversation now. |
우리가 함께한 시간에 대한 마지막 예의로 | This is the least I can do to respect the time we have spent together. |
리정혁 씨 | Jeong Hyeok. |
난 사고로 조선에 떨어진 당신을 이용하려고 여기 왔고 | I came here to use you, a woman who accidentally fell into the DPRK. I got something on you and I held you hostage-- |
(정혁) 당신의 약점을 붙잡고 인질로 삼아서 | I got something on you and I held you hostage-- Because you hid me there, |
당신이 거기서 나 숨겨 줘서 나도 여기서 당신 숨긴 거잖아 | Because you hid me there, I hid you here too. I did it because I wanted to do it. I wasn't a hostage. |
내가 원해서 그런 거야 내가 무슨 인질이 돼 | I did it because I wanted to do it. I wasn't a hostage. |
(세리) 당신이 날 무슨... | You didn't... |
이용을 하냐고 | use me. |
이용하는 사람이 | A person who tried to use me |
나 때문에 총 맞아 죽을 뻔하고 | wouldn't get a gunshot for me |
목숨 걸고 나 지키겠다고 여기까지 와? | or come all the way down here to protect me at the risk of his life. Don't get it wrong. |
착각하지 마시오! | Don't get it wrong. I never came here to protect you. |
당신 지키갔다고 여기 온 적 없으니 | I never came here to protect you. |
조철강은 내 형의 원수였고 | Cho Cheol Gang killed my brother, |
[세리의 한숨] (정혁) 난 그 원수를 갚기 위해 온 거요 | and I came to take revenge on him. |
기카니까 우스운 오해는 그만해 주면 좋갔소 | So... I want you to stop kidding yourself. |
리정혁 씨 | Jeong Hyeok. |
당신 인생 날려 버릴 거예요? | Are you giving up your own life? |
다 깨 버릴 거야? 집에 안 갈 거야? | Are you going to give up everything? Don't you want to go home? |
(세리) 자꾸 이런 식으로 당신이 다 뒤집어쓰려고 하면 | If you keep trying to take all the blame, |
당신 진짜 범죄자 돼요 | you will actually become a criminal. |
그게 어떤 의미인지 알아? | Do you know what that means? |
(정혁) 윤세리 | Se-ri. |
내 인생을 통째로 날려 버리는 것보다 | Rather than giving up my whole life, |
지금 당신 보는 게 더 괴롭소 | seeing you now bothers me more. |
그러니 그만 가 주시오, 제발 | So leave now. Please. |
[한숨] | |
[힘겨운 숨소리] | |
[애잔한 음악] | |
리정혁 씨 | Jeong Hyeok. |
힘들겠다 | This must be tough for you. |
나도 너무 힘드네 | This is very tough for me. |
[힘겨운 숨소리] | |
[놀라며] 어? 세리야! | Se-ri! |
(정연) 여기요! | Is anybody here? Se-ri! |
세리야! 세리야, 천천히... | Is anybody here? Se-ri! Se-ri! Please help. |
여기 좀 도와주세요 | Se-ri! Please help. -Se-ri, wake up. -Let me carry her. |
- (정연) 세리야, 정신, 아... - (요원4) 업히시죠 | -Se-ri, wake up. -Let me carry her. -Wake up, Se-ri. -Be careful. |
(정연) 정신 차려, 어? 세리야 | -Wake up, Se-ri. -Be careful. |
세리야, 세리야, 세리야! | Se-ri! |
[다가오는 발걸음] | |
[김 과장의 한숨] | |
(김 과장) 뭘 그렇게 심한 말까지 하시고 | Why did you have to be so harsh to her? That ill person forced herself to come here. |
아픈데도 그냥 꾸역꾸역 온 사람한테 | That ill person forced herself to come here. |
쓰러져서 업혀 갔잖아요 | She passed out and was carried out on someone's back. |
아, 그래서 아직 조사받을 컨디션이 아니라고 | This is why I said she was not healthy enough yet for an interview. |
내가 그렇게 얘길 했건만 [잔잔한 음악] | This is why I said she was not healthy enough yet for an interview. |
괜찮다고... | She kept saying she was fine. Mr. Ri, where are you going? |
리정혁 씨, 어디 가요! | Mr. Ri, where are you going? |
[거친 숨소리] | |
[심전도계 작동음] [잔잔한 음악] | |
패혈증입니다 | It's blood poisoning. |
(의사2) 총상 때문에 면역력이 떨어져 있던 상태에서 | Because of the gunshot wound, her immunity level was low. And the severe stress seems to have caused |
급격한 스트레스를 받아서 피에 염증이 생긴 것 같습니다 | And the severe stress seems to have caused the blood infection. Her body temperature went over 39°C, which led to loss of consciousness. |
39도 이상의 이상열 증상이 와서 의식 장애가 온 거고요 | Her body temperature went over 39°C, which led to loss of consciousness. |
염증이 더 번지지 않게 일단 강력한 항생제 치료부터 시작했습니다 | To stop the infection from spreading, we gave her strong antibiotics. Will she be okay when she gets the treatment? |
치료하면 괜찮은 거죠? | Will she be okay when she gets the treatment? |
글쎄요 | I'm not sure. |
이 패혈증은 치사율이 40%까지 될 정도로 무서운 거라서 | Blood poisoning has a mortality rate of over 40%. |
(의사2) 초기 집중 치료가 중요하니까요 | Early intensive treatment is crucial. |
일단 오늘 밤은 지나 봐야 알 것 같습니다 | We will have to wait and see until tomorrow. |
네 | I see. |
[한숨] | |
우필이 아버지한테는 아직 소식은 없지? | Did you hear anything from your husband yet? |
예, 아직... | No, not yet. |
(영애) [한숨 쉬며] 아이고 | |
아니, 왜 자꾸 이런 일이 일어나는 거가 | Why do things like this keep happening? It's upsetting. |
속상해 죽갔다, 야 | It's upsetting. |
생각해 보믄 그때 그 집이 용키는 했어, 어? | Now I think of it, that fortune teller was good indeed. |
그 남조선 신령님 모시는 집 | -The one who serves a South Korean spirit. -You're right. |
옳습니다 | -The one who serves a South Korean spirit. -You're right. |
기르믄 다시 한번 가 보는 게 어떻갔습니까? | How about we go and see her again? That place was shut down. |
그 집은 문 닫았습니다 | That place was shut down. -What? -What? |
[흥미로운 음악] (여자들) 에? | -What? -What? |
지난주에 단속반한테 걸려서 잡혀갔습니다 | Last week, she got caught and arrested by the control officers. |
- (옥금) 어머 - (영애) 아니, 어쩌다가? | -Oh, my. -How? |
보위부원 마누라가 점을 보러 왔는데 | The wife of a State Security Department officer went to see her, |
하필 그 집 세대주 바람난 걸 쪽집게처럼 맞혀 버렸다지 뭡니까 | and the fortune teller happened to reveal the husband's affair. |
이런 간나 새끼 | That asshole. Goodness. She's good. |
아이고, 용하구나 | Goodness. She's good. Why would she tell that? |
(옥금) 아니, 그걸 왜 맞혔답니까? | Why would she tell that? After getting nagged by his wife, |
마누라한테 아작이 난 보위부원이 피의 복수를 한 거갔지, 뭐 | After getting nagged by his wife, the officer seems to have taken bloody revenge. |
아무리 용해도 자기 앞날 못 보는 건 어쩔 수가 없나 봅니다 | She's really good, but I guess she can't see her own future. I guess you're right. |
그렇지 | I guess you're right. |
그때 말한 그 피바람은 끝난 거갔디요? | The bloodbath she mentioned earlier must be over now, right? |
(월숙) 기렇갔지, 뭐, 뭐가 더 있갔어 | It must be. What else can happen now? |
(아이들) 오마니! | -Mother! -I'm hungry. |
- (남식) 배고픕니다 - (영애) 어, 어 | -Mother! -I'm hungry. -Hey. -Come outside. |
(남식) 나오시라요! | -Hey. -Come outside. |
(월숙) 다 왔어? 가갔습니다, 가자우 | -Hey. -I'm home. |
[저마다 대화한다] | Hey, guys. |
(월숙) 어유, 이게 누굽네까? | Look who's here. |
구라파 조카 동무 아닙니까? | It's Comrade Nephew from Europe. |
예... | Yes. |
(영애) 아니, 어케... | How did you... |
아, 이 앞을 딱 지나가는데 | I was just passing by and the children looked hungry. |
이 아이들이 배가 고픈 것 같기도 하고 | and the children looked hungry. |
(승준) 굴뚝에 연기도 나고 | I saw the smoke coming out of the chimney and smelled rice too. |
밥 냄새도 구수하게... | I saw the smoke coming out of the chimney and smelled rice too. |
[흥미진진한 음악] | |
아... | |
역시 밥을 하고 계셨군요 | I was right. You were cooking rice. |
아, 저는 밥을 얻어먹겠단 건 아니고 | I'm not saying I want rice. Can I charge my phone? |
손 전화 충전만 좀 어떻게, 예 | Can I charge my phone? |
아이고, 아, 들어오라요 | Oh, my. Come on in. Let's have dinner together. |
같이 저녁도 먹고 | Let's have dinner together. |
그래도 될까요? 감사합니다 | Can I? Thank you. |
[승준의 탄성] | |
(명순) 아유, 저, 물이라도 좀... | Have some water. |
감사합니다 | Thank you. |
(영애) 밥 더 먹갔습니까? | Would you like to have more rice? |
그래도 될까요? | -Is that okay with you? -Of course. |
(영애) 아, 아, 기럼 | -Is that okay with you? -Of course. It's nothing compared to the big favor you've done for us. |
내가 입은 은혜가 얼마인데 이깟 밥 | It's nothing compared to the big favor you've done for us. |
자 | Here. |
감사합니다 | Thank you. |
[승준의 탄성] | |
(옥금) 기런데 구라파에선 조선 사람들도 | By the way, do North Koreans speak with a South Korean dialect in Europe like you? |
이렇게 남조선 말을 씁네까? | in Europe like you? |
예? | What? |
(승준) 아... | |
대체로 그렇지요 [월숙이 호응한다] | Right. Most of them do. |
신분을 위장해야 될 때도 있고 | Because we sometimes have to keep our identities secret. |
[여자들의 탄성] (명순) 아, 기렇구나 | I see. |
아, 이 김치가 아주 맛있습니다, 어 | This kimchi is really tasty. |
(옥금) 기렇지요? 아주 쩡하고 맛있디요? 예, 예 | It tastes refreshing, right? Yes. |
네 [옥금의 웃음] | Yes. |
(옥금) 자, 자, 많이 드시라요 | Here. Eat up. Thank you. |
아, 감사합니다 | Thank you. |
(월숙) 천천히 먹으라요 누가 쫓아오는 것도 아닌데 | Slow down. It's not like someone is coming after you. |
예, 천천히, 어 | Right. Slowly. |
아니지? | They're not, are they? |
예? 뭐가... | Excuse me? Is someone after you? |
쫓아오는 거 | Is someone after you? |
아유, 그럼요, 무슨 말씀을 | Of course not. |
[승준의 웃음] | |
[여자들의 어색한 웃음] | |
- (영애) 그래그래, 자, 먹자 - (옥금) 예 | All right. Let's eat. Okay. Eat up. |
(옥금) 드, 드시라요, 네 | Okay. Eat up. |
[휴대전화 진동음] | |
(승준) [작은 목소리로] 여보세요? | Hello? |
아니, 뭐 하느라 하루 종일 손 전화가 꺼져 있단 말입니까? | Why was your phone off the whole day? |
(승준) 배터리가 없었어요 | I ran out of battery. And why is the house so messy? |
집은 왜 이 모양이고요? | And why is the house so messy? What happened... |
무슨 일... | What happened... |
아니, 지금 어디입니까? | Where are you now? |
어디? | Where? |
[단의 놀란 신음] | |
(단) 뭐, 뭐 합니까? 여기서 | What are you doing here? |
불도 안 켜고 | With all the lights off? |
그, 불 켜면 들킬까 봐서 | If I turn the lights on, I might get caught. |
숨을 데가 여기밖에 없었어요 | This is the only place I found to hide. |
초라도 찾아볼 것이지 | You could have looked for a candle. |
[승준이 창문을 드르륵 닫는다] | |
(단) 약혼했던 남자의 집을 이케 와 보는군요 | I'm in the house of the man I was engaged to. |
그러게 | Right. |
주인도 없는 집에 이러고 있네 | And the owner is not even here. |
근데 리정혁 씨도 이해할 거야 | I'm sure Jeong Hyeok will understand. |
(승준) 내가 그 친구한테 해 준 게 얼마인데 | I have done so much for him. |
브로커에 한국 휴대폰에 | I got him a broker and a South Korean phone. |
그러고 보면 | If you think about it, I'm being chased now |
내가 이렇게 쫓기는 것도 다 그 친구 도와준 거 때문에 그렇다고 | If you think about it, I'm being chased now because I helped him. |
누굽니까? | Who are the people |
(단) 쫓아다닌다는 사람들이 | that are after you? |
윤세리네 오빠 쪽에서 보낸 사람들이에요 | They are the people Se-ri's brother sent. |
중국 쪽 건달들 | Chinese gangsters. |
[헛웃음] | |
여기가 어디라고 | I can't believe |
기딴 놈들이 설치고 다닌단 말입니까? | those punks are doing that here. |
일단은 나랑 같이 평양으로... | -Come to Pyongyang with me and-- -I don't want to trouble you. |
더는 폐 끼치고 싶지 않아요 | -Come to Pyongyang with me and-- -I don't want to trouble you. |
(승준) 내 살길 마련해 놨으니까 걱정 말고 | I have my plans, so don't worry. |
(명석) 이거는 또 무슨 날벼락 같은 소리야? | What nonsense are you talking about? |
정혁이한테 딴 여자가 있었다고? | Jeong Hyeok had another woman? |
[성난 숨소리] | |
리정혁이 내가 가만두지 않갔어 | I will make him pay for this. He will never be able to live in Pyongyang. |
아주 평양 바닥에서 발붙이고 못 살게 해 줘야지 | He will never be able to live in Pyongyang. |
하, 감히 내 딸을 두고 바람을 피워? | How dare he cheat on my daughter. |
- 하, 참 - (명석) 긴데 | Didn't you say this the other day? |
저번에 누나 기러지 않았어? | Didn't you say this the other day? Hey, it's not like Dan was married to Ri Jeong Hyeok. |
(명은) 야, 우리 단이가 무슨 리정혁이하고 혼인을 했니, 뭐를 했니 | Hey, it's not like Dan was married to Ri Jeong Hyeok. Affair, my foot. |
바람은 무슨 | Affair, my foot. You said they are not married yet, |
(명석) 아직 혼인 안 했으믄 바람 아니고 정분이라며 | You said they are not married yet, so it's not an affair, but just love. |
[흥미진진한 음악] 야, 너는 다 나쁜데 | Hey. You have a lot of bad traits, |
(명은) 쓸데없는 걸 오래 기억하는 그 부분이 | but the worst is that you remember useless things for so long. |
[명석의 신음] 가장 나빠 | Do you know that? |
알간? 쯧 | Do you know that? |
[명석을 탁 치며] 기리고 정혁이 그 여자는 | And that woman |
남쪽에서 온 거야 | came from South Korea. -This isn't just a small deal. -Myeong Eun, |
이게 보통 일이가? | -This isn't just a small deal. -Myeong Eun, |
누나, 따지고 보믄, 응? | -This isn't just a small deal. -Myeong Eun, if you think about it, Comrade Al also came from South Korea. |
알 동무 역시 남쪽에서 온 거고 | Comrade Al also came from South Korea. |
떳떳지 못한 부분은 마찬가지인데 | We are not completely innocent either. Don't you think that's a double standard? |
너무 이중 잣대 아니가? | We are not completely innocent either. Don't you think that's a double standard? |
(명석) 이야, 10년의 기다림이 | I had no idea |
이케 맞바람으로 파투가 날 줄이야 | the ten years of waiting would end up in a double affair. |
긴데 어카네? | And now, the Comrade Al seems to be leaving soon as well. |
그 맞바람 피운 알 동무 역시 곧 떠나려고 하던데 | the Comrade Al seems to be leaving soon as well. |
- 떠나? - (명석) 어 | -He's leaving? -Yes. |
뒤를 캐다 보니까 | I have done some research, and I found out that he bought a flight ticket to Europe. |
비행기 표 끊어 놨더라고 유럽 가는 거 | and I found out that he bought a flight ticket to Europe. |
[명석의 한숨] | |
기냥 가게 두는 게 낫지 않갔어? | It's probably for the best that we let him go. |
간단... 말입니까? | You're leaving? |
한 10년은 숨어 살다가 가려고 들어왔는데 | My original plan was to keep a low profile here for at least ten years. |
뭐, 다 들켰고 | But now I'm busted |
여기저기 쫓기고 있고 | and being chased. |
어차피 오래 있을 순 없었어요 | I can't stay here for long anyway. |
(승준) 다행히도 보위부 감시망이 조금 느슨해진 거 같더라고요 | Luckily, the State Security Department's surveillance is loose now, and I managed to buy a ticket. |
그래서 티켓도 구했고 | and I managed to buy a ticket. |
이참에 가야죠 | This is a good chance to leave. |
언제? | When? |
내일요 | Tomorrow. |
(승준) 아, 출국 직전에 그 패거리들한테 잡혀서 | I'm just about to leave the country, and I got caught by those punks. I could've been in serious trouble. |
진짜 큰일 날 뻔했어, 나 | I could've been in serious trouble. |
쫓기더라도 내 구역 가서 쫓겨야지 | If I have to be chased, I want to be chased in my area. |
아, 여긴 아닌 거 같아 | I can't do that here. |
아, 기렇구먼요 | I see. |
저, 미안하지만 | I'm sorry to ask you this, but can you send me off to the airport? |
나 공항까지 데려다줄 수 있어요? | I'm sorry to ask you this, but can you send me off to the airport? |
뭐... | Well, I guess I can do that. |
그 정도는 해 줄 수 있갔지 | Well, I guess I can do that. |
고마워요, 그리고... | Thank you. And... |
고마웠어요, 서단 씨 | thank you for everything, Dan. |
일없습니다 | That's okay. |
역시 쿨해 | You're so cool, as always. |
농담으로라도 가지 말라고 안 하네 | You could have stopped me as a joke. |
기런 농담을 왜 합니까 | Why would I say such a joke? |
실없이 | That's meaningless. |
그러게 | You're right. |
근데 난 왜 농담으로라도 듣고 싶지? | But somehow, I would like to hear that joke. |
그런 실없는 말이 | Those meaningless words. |
[잔잔한 음악] | |
(단) 뭡니까? | What is it? |
내 나름대론 | I have been trying my best |
열심히 산다고 살았는데 | to live a good life. |
(승준) 어디로 가는지도 모르고 | Without knowing where I was headed, |
숨이 턱에 차도록 뛰어왔는데 | I have been running out of breath. |
결국 난... | But in the end, |
바닥이에요 | I'm at the bottom. |
나 같은 놈이 | I know a man like me |
서단 씨 같은 여자한테 | should not do this |
이런 짓 하면 안 되는 거 잘 알지만 | to a woman like you, Dan. |
그래도 주고 싶어서 | Still, I wanted to give it to you. |
미안해요 | I am sorry. |
그거 맞아, 윤세리 줬던 반지 | This is the ring I gave Yoon Se-ri. |
서단 씨가 예쁘다고 골라 줬던 거 | You picked it and said that it's pretty. |
그거 | This is the ring. |
지금은 이게 최선이라 | It was the best I could do for now. |
나중에 | Later on, |
내가... | if I visit you |
좀 멀쩡한 모습으로 서단 씨 찾아오면 | when I am doing better... |
근데 그때도 | and if |
만약에 서단 씨가 혼자면 | you are still single... |
나한테 한 번만 | then please give me |
기회 줘요 | a chance. |
개나발 불지 말라 | Stop talking nonsense. |
(승준) 나 서단 씨 좋아요 | I like you, Dan. |
좋으니까 이제 | Because I like you, |
어디로 가는지 알고 갈 거야 | I will keep in mind where I am going. |
[단이 흐느낀다] | |
그렇게 살 거야 | I will live that way. |
나 이제 그럴 거야 | I will do that from now on. |
(김 과장) 그래 보여도 걔네들이 최전방의 특수 부대 최정예 요원들이야 | They are still the best soldiers from Special Forces at the front line. |
와서 어떤 활동을 했는지 철저하게 알고 있어야 된다고 | We need thorough information on what they did here. |
[USB 인식음] | All of them were using Yoon Se-ri's credit card. |
(요원1) 그들 모두 윤세리의 신용 카드를 사용하고 있었습니다 | All of them were using Yoon Se-ri's credit card. |
갈취인지 윤세리 쪽에서 은닉 자금을 제공한 건지 | Was it extorted from or given by Yoon Se-ri for concealment? |
그것도 파악을 해야겠군 | We need to figure that out. |
(김 과장) 주요 내역이... 보자 | Let's look at the details. Nine dollars at an internet cafe. |
'PC방 9천 원' | Nine dollars at an internet cafe. |
정보 탐색을 위한 주요 은신처가 아니었을까 | I believe it was their major hideout for gathering information. |
그렇게 생각하고 있습니다 | I believe it was their major hideout for gathering information. That's good. The details of their visit? |
좋아, 접속 내역은? | That's good. The details of their visit? They are below. |
그 밑에 | They are below. |
(김 과장) '유럽클럽최강전 골드 패키지 4,900원' | European Champion Clubs' Cup Gold Package, 4,900 won. |
'유럽클럽최강전 다이아 패키지 3,600원' | European Champion Clubs' Cup Diamond Package, 3,600 won. |
이게 뭐야? | What are these? |
게임 아이템입니다 | Game items. |
(은동) [키보드를 탁탁 두드리며] 오라, 오라! | Come on! Come on! |
[흥미진진한 음악] [웃음] | |
[은동이 입소리를 슝슝 낸다] | |
제가 확인을 해 본 결과 | After checking, |
(요원1) 골드 패키지보다 다이아 패키지가 저렴했던 이유가 | I found out that the Diamond Package is cheaper since they received a 20% discount for purchasing the Gold Package. |
골드를 구매하면서 중복 결제 한 이후에 | since they received a 20% discount for purchasing the Gold Package. |
- 20% 할인 혜택을 받은 걸로... - (김 과장) 됐고 | since they received a 20% discount for purchasing the Gold Package. Save it. |
'다달 900원 35회', 이건 뭐야? | Dada, 900 won. 35 times. What's this? -It's the cost of downloading videos. -What kind of videos? |
영상 다운로드 비용입니다 | -It's the cost of downloading videos. -What kind of videos? |
그러니까 어떤 영상이냐고 | -It's the cost of downloading videos. -What kind of videos? |
'겨울연가' | Winter Sonata, Mr. Duke, |
'신귀공자', '두번째 스무살' '수상한 가정부' | Winter Sonata, Mr. Duke, Second 20s, The Suspicious Housekeeper... |
(요원1) 죄다 배우 최지우 씨가 주인공인 드라마인 걸로 봐서 | Second 20s, The Suspicious Housekeeper... Seeing as how Choi Ji-woo is the lead in all of those dramas... |
최지우 씨 팬인 거 같습니다 | He is a fan of Choi Ji-woo. |
더 파 볼까요? | Should I keep looking? |
됐어 | Forget it. |
네 | Okay. |
그밖에도 코노 2천 원 | -They also spent 2,000 won at a C.K. -What's C.K.? |
코노가 뭔데? | -They also spent 2,000 won at a C.K. -What's C.K.? |
코인 노래방... | Coin karaoke. |
(요원1) 편의점이 3,520원이고 | They spent 3,520 won at a convenience store. They bought a hot bar and ramyeon, |
세부 내역은 핫바랑 라면을 먹은 걸로 알고 있고요 | They bought a hot bar and ramyeon, and 5,800 won at Shark Tteokbokki. |
그, 상어떡볶이가 5,800원이고요 | and 5,800 won at Shark Tteokbokki. Listen, are any transactions over 10,000 won? |
저기 | Listen, are any transactions over 10,000 won? |
만 원 넘는 건 없는 거야? | Listen, are any transactions over 10,000 won? Just in case, |
안 그래도 제가 혹시 몰라 가지고 | Just in case, I am looking for the connections between the stores. |
결제 점포들 간의 그 상호 연관성을 지금 파악하는... | I am looking for the connections between the stores. Don't. Don't look for connections. Why would you do that? |
하지 마, 파악하지 마 뭘 파악을 해 | Don't. Don't look for connections. Why would you do that? |
- 네 - (김 과장) 그냥 핫바 먹고 | After having a hot bar and ramyeon, they ate tteokbokki since they were still hungry. |
라면 먹고 부족해서 떡볶이도 먹은 거잖아 | they ate tteokbokki since they were still hungry. Right. |
그렇죠 | Right. |
[김 과장의 한숨] | |
얘네 진짜 뭐지? | What is up with them? |
왜 이렇게... | Why... |
[책상을 탁 친다] | are their purchases so trivial? |
씀씀이도 하찮지? | are their purchases so trivial? |
[노크 소리가 들린다] | are their purchases so trivial? |
들어와 [문이 달칵 열린다] | Enter. |
- (요원1) 다 된 거야? - 다 됐습니다 | Is it done? It's done. |
과장님, 복구됐습니다 | Sir, the data has been restored. |
[마우스 클릭음] | |
그거 한번 보세요 | Take a look. |
(김 과장) 조철강 죽던 현장에서 발견된 노트북인데 | This laptop was found at the scene of Cho Cheol Gang's death. |
이메일을 우리가 복구했거든 | We restored his emails. |
암호 푸는 데 애도 먹었지만 결국 풀었고 | It was difficult to get the password, but we did it in the end. |
[긴장되는 음악] | |
그 이메일을 보면 좀 이해가 되지 않습니까? | Doesn't the email make it clear |
조철강이 왜 죽을지 알면서 리정혁 씨에게 총을 쐈는지 | why Cho Cheol Gang shot at you even though he knew he would die? |
그 인간도 갈 데가 없었던 거야, 결국엔 | That man had nowhere to go in the end. |
위로도 못 가고 여기도 못 있고 | He could neither go back nor stay here. |
근데 혼자 가긴 싫고 [김 과장의 헛웃음] | He didn't want to die alone either. |
(철강) [힘겨운 목소리로] 너 이제 못 가 | You can't go back now. |
내가 다 보냈거든 | I sent them everything. |
너랑 그년이 | The evidence |
여기 함께 있었던 모든 증거들 | that proves how you were with that bitch here. |
니가 돌아가믄 니 부모는 처형되갔지 | If you go back, your parents will be executed. |
(김 과장) 리정혁 씨 아버지는 | It seems like your father told everyone that you will return in a few days. |
아들이 며칠 안으로 돌아온다고 큰소리쳐 놓은 거 같던데 | your father told everyone that you will return in a few days. |
[노트북을 탁 덮으며] 이제 아버지 걱정 그만하시고 | Why don't you stop worrying about your father |
좀 솔직해지실까요, 리정혁 씨? | and be more honest, Mr. Ri Jeong Hyeok? |
왜요? | What is it? |
윤세리는... | Yoon Se-ri. |
지금 어떤지... | How is she? |
(김 과장) 집중 치료실에 있대요 | She is in an intensive care unit. |
수술 후유증으로 패혈증이 왔대 | She got sepsis as an after-effect of surgery. |
아니, 이럴 거면서 왜 그렇게 독하게 그랬어요 | Why did you treat her so harshly |
감당도 못 할 거면서 | if you can't stand it yourself? |
[김 과장이 종이를 사락 넘긴다] | |
[트렁크 문이 탁 닫힌다] | |
고마워요 | Thank you. |
갈게요 | I will get going now. |
건강하고 | Stay healthy. |
(승준) 저... | |
아프지 말고 또... | Don't get sick. |
[애잔한 음악] | |
[훌쩍인다] | |
[흐느낀다] | |
[긴장되는 음악] | |
[단이 계속 흐느낀다] | |
[휴대전화 벨 소리] | |
(남자5) 어이, 구승준 동무 | Comrade Gu Seung-jun. |
[긴장되는 음악] 지금 우리한테 안 오믄 | If you don't come to us right now, |
이 여자라도 우리 잡아가갔어 | we will take this woman with us. |
[단의 힘주는 신음] | Let go of me! |
(단) 놓으라요! | Let go of me! |
[단의 비명] | |
야 | You are barking up the wrong tree. |
너희 잘못 짚었어 | You are barking up the wrong tree. |
나 그 여자랑 아무 상관 없거든? | I have nothing to do with that woman. |
데려가든 말든 너희 마음대로 해 | I don't care if you take her or not. |
(남자5) 아, 기래? | Is that so? |
기카면 죽여도 상관없다 이 말이디? | Then you don't care if we kill her or not. |
상관없어 | I don't care. |
(남자5) 그럼 죽여 놓고 우리 얘기는 다시 시작하자우 | Then let's talk again after we kill her. |
잠깐만 | Hold on. |
아무 상관 없는 사람 죽여서 뭐 하게? | Why would you kill an innocent woman? |
그 여자 집안 여기서 대단해 | Her family is powerful. |
그 여자 건드렸다가 너희가 먼저 끝장난다고, 알아? | You will get wiped out if you lay a finger on her. We aren't afraid of such things. |
(남자5) 어, 우린 기딴 거 무서워하는 놈들이 아니야 | We aren't afraid of such things. |
딱 한 시간만 주갔어 | You have an hour. Come to the address in the text. |
통보문 보고 그 장소로 찾아오라우 | Come to the address in the text. Otherwise, this woman dies. |
안 기카면 이 여자 죽어! | Otherwise, this woman dies. |
사람 달고 와도 죽어 | If you bring help, this woman dies. I am sure you know as much. |
뭐, 그 정도는 알갔디? | I am sure you know as much. |
[통화 종료음] | |
여보세요 | Hello? Hello? |
여보세... | Hello? Hello? |
[캐리어를 쾅 친다] | |
[심전도계 경고음] | |
(의사2) 5DW 500 하나 더 달아 주시고요 | Hang up another IV fluid bag and check her vital signs again. |
바이털 사인 다시 체크해 주세요 | and check her vital signs again. |
환자분, 환자분! | Ms. Yoon. Ms. Yoon. |
[잔잔한 음악] | |
(세리) 꿈을 꾸었다 | I had a dream. |
(구매팀장) 대표님, 다음 일정은 익스트림 스포츠웨어 | Chairwoman Yoon, the next item on your schedule is the final test of the extreme sportswear. |
최종 테스트 현장 가시는 건데요 | is the final test of the extreme sportswear. Will you really do it yourself? |
근데 진짜 직접 하실 예정이세요? | Will you really do it yourself? |
패러글라이딩? | I mean paragliding. |
(세리) 꿈속에서 난 | In my dream, |
사고가 나던 그날로 돌아가 있었다 | I went back to the day of the accident. |
[목소리가 아득하게 울리며] 대표님? | Chairwoman Yoon? |
[세리의 비명] | |
[세리의 비명] | |
[신음] | |
[세리의 놀란 신음] | |
[총성] | |
(세리) 그리고 그 꿈속에서 난 | In my dream, |
모든 걸 알고 있었다 | I knew everything. |
내가 그날 거기 가면 어떤 사고가 일어날지 | I knew what kind of an accident I would have |
어디에 불시착하게 될지 | and where I would crash land. |
누굴 만나게 될지 | I knew who I would meet |
어떤 무섭고 험난한 일들을 겪게 될지 | and what scary and difficult experiences I would have. |
그리고 마침내 | I also knew |
오늘이 온다는 사실까지도 | this day would come in the end. |
전부 다 | I knew everything. |
뭐? | What? |
알았어 | Okay. |
[통화 종료음] | |
[한숨] | |
(김 과장) 윤세리 씨가... | Yoon Se-ri |
[목소리가 아득하게 울리며] 심각하다는데요 | is in a critical condition. |
[긴장되는 음악] | |
[정혁의 가쁜 숨소리] | |
[한숨] | |
[떨리는 숨소리] | |
[헛웃음] | |
[떨리는 숨소리] | |
[총성] [단의 놀란 신음] | |
[총성] | |
[총성] | |
[총성] | |
[총성] | |
[놀란 신음] | |
[총성] [긴장되는 음악] | |
[총을 철컥 장전한다] | |
[총성이 연신 울린다] | |
가만있으라, 어? [단의 겁먹은 숨소리] | Stay still. |
[총성] [단의 비명] | |
[총성] [승준의 신음] | |
[총성] | |
[승준의 힘겨운 신음] | Gu Seung-jun! |
구승준! | Gu Seung-jun! |
[승준의 신음] | |
[거친 숨소리] | Seo Dan, don't worry. |
서단 씨, 걱정 마요 | Seo Dan, don't worry. |
나 남한에서 클레이 사격 좀 했어요 | I learned clay target shooting in South Korea. |
[긴장감이 고조되는 음악] [승준의 가쁜 숨소리] | |
[총을 철컥 장전한다] | |
[힘주는 탄성] [총성] | |
[단의 비명] | |
[남자6의 힘주는 신음] | |
[총성] [승준의 신음] | |
[총성이 탕탕 울린다] [남자6의 신음] | |
[승준의 신음] | |
[놀란 숨소리] | |
구승준! | Gu Seung-jun! |
[힘겨운 신음] | |
[잔잔한 음악] | |
(승준) 내가 틀렸네 | I was wrong. |
내가 죽어도 나를 위해 울어 줄 사람이 있었네 | When I die, there is someone who cries for me. |
그게 당신이라니 | The fact you are that person |
슬픈데 좋다 | makes me sad and happy. |
[심전도계 작동음] | |
(세리) 그 길고 긴 꿈속에서 | At the end of that long dream, |
마침내 난 선택을 했다 | I finally made a choice. |
[긴장되는 음악] | |
(창식) 바람이 이게 심상치가 않아서요 | The wind is quite strong, though. We've checked the weather forecast, but will you be all right? |
제가 일기 예보는 체크는 했는데 그래도 괜찮으실지... | We've checked the weather forecast, but will you be all right? Mr. Hong. Why does the wind blow? |
팀장님, 바람이 왜 부는 거 같아요? | Mr. Hong. Why does the wind blow? Well, I'm not sure. |
글쎄요, 그건 잘 모르겠어요 | Well, I'm not sure. |
[한숨] | |
지나가려고 | It's blowing to move on. |
지나가려고 부는 거예요 | It's blowing to move on, |
머물려고 부는 게 아니고 | not to stay. |
저게 저렇게 지나가야 내가 날아갈 수 있는 거고 | The wind needs to keep moving for me to fly. |
(세리) 당신을 만나기 위해 | In order to meet you, |
그 모든 일들을 처음부터 다 | I made a choice to relive all of those moments |
다시 겪는 선택 | from the very start. |
[의사2가 말한다] | -Inject Epinephrine through the IV line. -Yes, Doctor. |
(세리) 시간을 돌려도 | Even if I turn back time |
백 번을 돌려도 | 100 times... |
(정혁) 시간을 돌린다믄 | If I can turn back time... |
돌릴 수만 있다믄 | If only I can do that, |
당신을 만나지 않고 당신이 나를 모르고 | I wouldn't meet you. You wouldn't get to know me. |
그래서 당신이 내내 무사하고 편안하도록 | Then you would be safe and happy. |
그럴 수만 있다믄 | If only I can do that... |
(세리) 당신을 만나고 | I would meet you again. |
당신을 알고 사랑하게 되는 | I would get to know you and fall in love. |
위험하고 슬픈 선택을 할 것을 | I knew that I would make |
난 알고 있었다 | that dangerous and sad choice. |
[사이렌이 울린다] | AMBULANCE |
[흐느낀다] | |
(승준) 만약 우리 둘 중의 하나가 죽고 [무거운 음악] | If one of us must die |
하나가 살았어야 했다면 | while the other lives on... |
그렇게 정해졌던 거라면 | If that's fate, |
죽는 게 내가 되고 살아가는 게 당신인 게 맞지 | it's only right that I die and you live on. |
그게 맞지 | It's only right. |
[심전도계 작동음] | |
(세리) 그 선택을 해서 | I was happy |
난 행복했어, 리정혁 씨 | to make that choice, Ri Jeong Hyeok. |
[심전도계가 삐 울린다] | |
[애틋한 음악] | |
(김 과장) 이게 다야? | Is that all? |
아, CCTV에 포착된 윤세리에 대한 리정혁의 행동 패턴을 | Oh, psychologists analyzed Ri Jeong Hyeok's behavioral patterns towards Yoon Se-ri. |
심리학자에게 분석 의뢰 했습니다 | towards Yoon Se-ri. The results are in. |
(요원3) 그 결과가 나왔는데요 | The results are in. |
어, 그래 | Okay. |
(요원3) 자 | Here. |
(요원3) 보시다시피 리정혁은 윤세리와 있을 때 | As you can see, when Ri Jeong Hyeok is with Yoon Se-ri, the center of his torso |
90% 이상 상체의 중심이 윤세리를 향해 있었고요 | the center of his torso faces Yoon Se-ri 90% of the time. |
상대 행동을 무의식적으로 따라 하는 미러링 현상도 | Ri Jeong Hyeok mirrored her gestures without thinking many times. |
여러 번 발견이 됐고요 | Ri Jeong Hyeok mirrored her gestures without thinking many times. |
낯선 남자가 다가올 땐 | When men came near her, he blocked her attention and movements |
미리 시선과 동선을 차단하는 행동을 반복해서 보였습니다 | he blocked her attention and movements repeatedly. |
심리 전문가 오영심 교수님은 | An expert of psychology, Professor Oh Hyeong-sim, |
이런 일련의 행동들이 전형적으로 | analyzed that these are the common behaviors |
'사랑에 빠진 남성의 행동이다' 이렇게 분석을... | of a man who is in love. These-- You need an analysis to see that? |
(김 과장) 그걸 분석을 해야 아니? | You need an analysis to see that? |
그냥 딱 보면 알지 | It's as clear as day. |
아이고... | For goodness' sake. |
.사랑의 불시착 ↲
.영화 & 드라마 대본 ↲
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