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  셀러브리티 3

Celebrity 3


♪ Come, watch me ♪‬♪ Come watch me ♪
‪♪ Come, watch me ♪‬
‪[SNS 알림음이 연신 난다]‬-[whirring] -[chiming]
‪[SNS 알림음]‬[chimes]
‪♪ Come, watch me ♪‬♪ Come watch me ♪
‪[경찰서가 분주하다]‬
‪그러니까‬Okay, now…
‪죽은 사람이 돌아와서 뭐, 라방?‬A dead person is doing a livestream?
‪아무튼 뭔가 말을 하고 있다‬ ‪그거죠?‬And all they're doing is talking? Nothing else, though?
‪죽은 사람이‬And all they're doing is talking? Nothing else, though? The dead guy, you mean?
‪예, 알겠습니다, 네!‬Yup, I understand that. Well, thank you for your report, sir.
‪- 네, 신고 감사합니다‬ ‪- [탁 던지는 소리]‬Yup, I understand that. Well, thank you for your report, sir.
‪[전화기를 탁 내려놓는 소리]‬[man sighs]
‪[한숨] 아니, 뭐, 예수냐?‬[sighs] Three days?
‪죽은 지 사흘 만에 부활하시게?‬[sighs] Three days? What is she, then? Rising like Jesus?
‪[형사1] 왜, 또 뭔데?‬[man] What's wrong now?
‪아, 정신 나간 신고 전화요‬Another crazy call from some weirdo.
‪아이, 죽은 사람이 살아왔다고‬ ‪횡설수설하는데, 무슨 라방?‬I mean, they were rambling about some dead chick resurrecting. They said they're live now? That was our fourth one today.
‪이런 게 벌써 네 통째예요‬They said they're live now? That was our fourth one today.
‪[형사1] 야, 좋겠다, 환생도 하고‬[man] Imagine coming back from the dead.
‪[키보드 조작음]‬[man] Imagine coming back from the dead.
‪- 누가 살아났다는데?‬ ‪- 몰라요‬-Who's the lucky corpse? -I don't know.
‪무슨 셀럽이라나, 서아리?‬Some big e-celeb. Seo A-ri.
‪- 뭐?‬ ‪- [형사2] SNS 안 하세요?‬What? Haven't you been online?
‪그런 데서‬ ‪유명한 사람을 셀럽이라고…‬That's what they call people who are famous on social media.
‪- 그게 아니라‬ ‪- [의미심장한 음악]‬That's what they call people who are famous on social media. Not that.
‪방금 서아리라고 했어?‬Did you say Seo A-ri?
‪예, 뭐, 대충‬ ‪그런 이름이었던 거 같은데?‬Yeah, I believe that's the name they gave me.
‪서아리가 지금 라이브 방송을‬ ‪하고 있다고?‬Seo A-ri's livestreaming right now?
‪서아리가 맞아?‬You sure it's her?
‪[형사] 서아리 씨 맞으시죠?‬[man] So are you Ms. Seo A-ri?
‪[아리] 근데 지금 이게‬ ‪어떻게 된 거죠?‬Why did you ask me to come down here?
‪[형사] 그걸 왜‬ ‪여기다 물어요, 예?‬Why would you ask us that? Huh?
‪사적인 일에 공권력 이용하는‬ ‪당사자들끼리 아셔야지‬You two are the ones wasting our time on what sounds like a private matter.
‪[멀리서 사이렌 소리가 난다]‬
‪[준경] 대한민국 경찰이‬ ‪일을 안 하는 건 아니었네요‬It seems that the police weren't the ones not doing their job.
‪아, 그쪽이 신고를 했는데도‬ ‪소환이 안 되는 건 줄 알았거든요‬Ah, I thought they had chosen not to call me despite your report,
‪근데 알고 보니 안 했더라고요?‬but turns out you never filed one.
‪시민 의식 투철해 보였는데‬ ‪왜 그랬어요?‬You seem like an upstanding citizen. So what happened?
‪그새 철칙이 바뀌었나?‬Could your integrity have shifted?
‪저기요, 지금 뭐 하는‬ ‪이게 무슨 상황…‬Hold on. What are… What is happening right now?
‪[멀리서 무전기 조작음이 난다]‬
‪[준경] 신고 의식이‬ ‪부족한 건가요?‬[Jun-kyoung] 010-0040-0291.
‪[오묘한 음악]‬[Jun-kyoung] 010-0040-0291.
‪왜 연락이 없죠?‬"The police. Are they ignoring me?"
‪그러니까 내 입장에선‬So from my perspective, not only did she not call me,
‪내 번호를 받은 사람이‬So from my perspective, not only did she not call me, that same person with my number ignored my DMs.
‪전화도 없고‬ ‪DM이란 것도 씹어버리면‬that same person with my number ignored my DMs.
‪굉장히 신기하단 말이죠‬Quite intriguing if you ask me. Makes me wonder what's going on.
‪이게 무슨 일일까 하고‬Quite intriguing if you ask me. Makes me wonder what's going on.
‪[달칵 내려놓는 소리]‬
‪그래서 자수했어요‬That's why I turned myself in.
‪피의자, 피해자‬Suspect and victim.
‪얼굴이나 한번 보려고‬Thought I might as well see you.
‪[형사의 한숨]‬[man sighs]
‪피의자, 피해자로‬ ‪얼굴이나 보려고 자수했다?‬So you turned yourself in so the suspect could confront the victim?
‪난 초면에 추행범 되고‬ ‪번호까지 줬는데‬You treated me like I was some kind of molester when we first met.
‪그쪽 신상을 알 길이 없잖아요?‬You treated me like I was some kind of molester when we first met. I just had no idea how to reach you. So I sought some government intervention.
‪[준경] 그래서 국가 시스템의‬ ‪도움을 좀 받았죠‬I just had no idea how to reach you. So I sought some government intervention.
‪역시 한국 경찰이‬ ‪서비스 마인드가 투철하네요‬Korean cops certainly are deeply dedicated to their service.
‪[만족한 숨소리]‬
‪뭐 하는 사람이에요?‬Who are you exactly?
‪- [익살스러운 음악]‬ ‪- 성추행범은 확실히 아니죠‬Well, I can tell you I'm not a molester.
‪그날 일이‬ ‪많이 불쾌하셨나 보네요?‬Seems like our encounter really struck a nerve.
‪아니, 그렇진 않았어요‬That's not quite so. Hmm.
‪음, 잘 알던 옷이라‬ ‪사람을 착각한 건데‬That's not quite so. Hmm. That dress you wore made me think you were someone else.
‪그쪽 반응이…‬That dress you wore made me think you were someone else. -But seeing your response-- -So what do you want from this?
‪그래서 원하는 게 뭘까요?‬-But seeing your response-- -So what do you want from this?
‪[아리] 납작 엎드리는 사과?‬You want me to get down and beg?
‪뒤로 경찰들 열 맞춰 세운 건‬ ‪협박용이고?‬Are you trying to use the cops to intimidate me?
‪협박?‬What's that?
‪[아리] 아니면 들러리는‬ ‪왜 세우죠?‬Why else would you bring along this entourage? Are they just for decor?
‪병풍은 왜 쳐요?‬Why else would you bring along this entourage? Are they just for decor?
‪와, 이 정도 힘까지 쓸 수 있다니‬Wow, your influence runs really deep. I don't know how rich your daddy is,
‪어느 댁 잘난 분인지 몰라도‬Wow, your influence runs really deep. I don't know how rich your daddy is,
‪저 같은 게 깝쳐서‬ ‪빡이 많이 치셨나 봐요?‬but I guess it pissed you off to get chewed out by a commoner.
‪이 정도 과시는 해야 할 만큼!‬Is that why you put on this show?
‪난 아무 의도도 없었는데‬ ‪이걸 과시라고 느낀다?‬That was not my intention whatsoever, but you think I was showing off?
‪뭐지?‬Oh wow.
‪피해 의식 있는 스타일인가 봐요?‬Really leaning into that part of the victim, huh?
‪[아리] 좋아요‬ ‪그래, 난 피해 의식이라 치고‬Okay, then. Let's say I am the victim here.
‪지금 그쪽이 하는 짓은 뭐죠?‬So what do we call what you're doing right now?
‪이런 요란한 허세가‬ ‪과시가 아니면 뭐냐고!‬So what do we call what you're doing right now? What do we call this whole charade if it's not showing off to you?
‪자수했다고요?‬You've turned yourself in, right? You picked the wrong girl to mess with.
‪당신 사람 잘못 골랐어, 왜냐면‬You've turned yourself in, right? You picked the wrong girl to mess with.
‪나는 피해 의식 있는 정도가‬ ‪아니라‬Not only am I the real victim here, I'm a crazy bitch, whose life revolves around playing the victim!
‪피해 의식 개 쩌는 미친년이라‬ ‪성격대로 할 거거든!‬I'm a crazy bitch, whose life revolves around playing the victim!
‪저기요‬Excuse me, sir.
‪[깊은 한숨] 저 신고할 테니까‬ ‪조사 좀 해주세요‬[sighs] I'd like to report this pervert. He's sexually harassing me.
‪이 사람 성추행범이고‬[sighs] I'd like to report this pervert. He's sexually harassing me.
‪제가 피해자로‬ ‪정식 고발 할 테니까!‬As his victim, I'd like to file an official complaint.
‪- [비밀스러운 음악]‬ ‪- [분한 숨소리]‬As his victim, I'd like to file an official complaint. [A-ri breathes deeply] [A-ri] You want to know how I felt that night?
‪그날 기분이 어땠냐고?‬[A-ri] You want to know how I felt that night?
‪[사이렌 소리가 난다]‬[sirens wailing]
‪말해 뭐 해? 총체적으로 엿같았지‬Huh. What's the point of telling you? I always felt pretty shitty.
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬[phone buzzing]
‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬
‪정선아, 나 지금은‬ ‪전화받기가 좀 곤란…‬Jeong-sun, right now really isn't a great time for me to talk.
‪근데 웃긴 건 뭔지 알아?‬[A-ri] But you know what's funny?
‪왜? 무슨 일인데?‬What? What's going on?
‪끊어 봐, 확인해 볼게‬Let me hang up, and I'll take a look.
‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬
‪바로 그날‬[A-ri] That's the day I learned the third cheat code for this world.
‪내가 이 세계의‬ ‪세 번째 치트 키를 알게 됐단 거야‬[A-ri] That's the day I learned the third cheat code for this world.
‪[음악이 고조된다]‬[dramatic music playing]
‪있잖아, 왜‬You know what word I'm talking about.
‪사람을 흥분시키는 말‬It's a word that excites people.
‪때론 사람을 홀려버리는 그 말‬And has the power to bewitch them.
‪자신을 세상의 중심으로‬ ‪만들어 줄 것 같은‬At times, it may even make them feel like they're at the center of the world.
‪하지만 사실은‬But the reality is
‪모든 인간을 완벽한 착각 속에‬ ‪빠지게 만드는‬the only power that word has is to make everyone totally delusional.
‪그 말‬You know that word.
‪[정선] 와, 진짜 대박이다‬ ‪그니까 한마디로 주문 폭주‬[Jeong-sun] Holy shit, this is totally insane. We're being flooded by orders by the minute.
‪장난 아니래, 지금‬Sales are off the hook right now!
‪[아리] 민혜 라방에‬ ‪한 번 노출된 걸로?‬And it's all because of Min-hye's livestream?
‪[정선] 아, 말했잖아, 내가‬Oh my God, I told you already. That's the power of an e-celeb for you.
‪셀럽의 파워란 게 이런 거라니까?‬Oh my God, I told you already. That's the power of an e-celeb for you.
‪[아리] 그래서 지금 주문량이‬ ‪얼마나 되는데?‬[sighs] So how many orders have we gotten since then?
‪잠깐만‬Let me check.
‪- [다가오는 발걸음]‬ ‪- [한숨]‬-[footsteps approaching] -[A-ri exhales]
‪[사장] 이게 웬 로또야‬ ‪아리 씨? 응?‬We hit the jackpot, girls. Hmm?
‪아이, 그렇게 유명한 친구가‬ ‪있었는데 왜 말을 안 했어?‬How come you've never mentioned your famous friend before now?
‪[아리의 당황한 숨소리]‬ ‪친한 친구는 아니에요‬How come you've never mentioned your famous friend before now? -We weren't really close. -[phone ringing]
‪- [휴대전화 벨 소리]‬ ‪- [웃으며] 어, 또 전화 온다‬-We weren't really close. -[phone ringing] Oh, and another call. [chuckles] Good work.
‪수고해‬Oh, and another call. [chuckles] Good work.
‪[사장] 네, 여보세요‬-Hi, how can I help you? -[alert chimes]
‪[휴대전화 알림음]‬-Hi, how can I help you? -[alert chimes]
‪[정선의 탄성] 아리야!‬ ‪'좋아요' 또 떴어, 대박이다‬[gasps] A-ri, you got another like! That's awesome!
‪[정선의 기쁜 숨소리]‬[gasps] A-ri, you got another like! That's awesome!
‪내 핸드폰을 왜 니가 갖고 있어?‬What're you doing? Why do you have my phone?
‪[정선] 와, 장난 없다, 지금‬Wow, things are really kicking off here.
‪야, 니 사진도 '좋아요'가‬ ‪80개나 달렸어‬Wow, things are really kicking off here. Look, you got 80 likes on your photo.
‪사진? 난 사진이 없는데?‬Look, you got 80 likes on your photo. Photo? What? I haven't posted any photos.
‪언니가 몇 개 업뎃해 줬지‬ ‪고급진 걸로만 엄선해서‬Your best friend uploaded some for you. I only picked the classiest ones.
‪[밝은 음악]‬[whooshes]
‪좀 잘 나온 거로 고르다 보니까‬And in my long quest to find your best pics,
‪니가 쪼끔 작게 나왔어, 괜찮지?‬you needed a smidge of spice, if that's fine.
‪[정선] 푸껫 5성급‬ ‪초럭셔리 리조트‬[Jeong-sun] A super luxurious five-star resort in Phuket.
‪언제 와도 편안한 신라 호텔 로비‬At Hotel Shilla, which always guarantees a comfy stay.
‪푸껫은 단체 패키지로 간 거지‬We just went on a group tour to Phuket.
‪우리가 언제 여기서 잠을 잤어?‬ ‪밥만 먹었지‬We just went on a group tour to Phuket. All we did was eat there. We didn't even stay overnight.
‪그리고 신라 호텔이 뭐?‬And what's this about Hotel Shilla?
‪[정선] 아, 원래 SNS는‬ ‪다 이렇게 하는 거야‬And what's this about Hotel Shilla? Ugh, this is exactly what everyone else does online.
‪[아리] 쪽팔리게, 씨‬ ‪너 다시는 이런 짓 하지 마‬That's enough. Don't post anything on my phone ever again.
‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬
‪[아리의 한숨]‬[A-ri exhales]
‪[휴대전화 알림음]‬[alert chimes]
‪[휴대전화 알림음이 연신 난다]‬[chiming continues]
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬[chiming continues]
‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬[whoosh]
‪[여자] 안녕하세요‬[woman] Hello there!
‪신상품 체험단을 모집하고 있어서‬ ‪연락드립니다‬We're in the process of recruiting testers for our latest product.
‪[아리] '유기농 샴푸 협찬'‬We're in the process of recruiting testers for our latest product. "Organic shampoo sponsor."
‪'카페 시식권 제공'?‬"Café orders are comped"?
‪[남자] 온라인 광고 회사‬ ‪서정미디어입니다‬[man] We're Seojeong Media, an internet advertising firm.
‪기획 상품 공구 제안드려요‬We'd like to collab with you on a mass purchase event.
‪[아리] '공구'?‬With me?
‪나한테 공동 구매라고?‬A mass purchase collab with me?
‪[남자] 조건 검토 후‬ ‪DM 부탁드립니다‬[man] Kindly read the terms, and DM us with your response.
‪[숨을 후 내뱉는다]‬[exhales deeply]
‪[시현] 참여율이 떨어졌네요?‬It seems participation's low this year
‪기업도 그렇고‬in both the corporate and private circles.
‪개인 기부자들도‬in both the corporate and private circles.
‪[비서] 올해는 경기 탓이‬ ‪좀 있는 거 같아요‬Hmm. It must be due to the economic decline.
‪[시현] 이대로면 지원을 못 받는‬ ‪단체들이 좀 있을 텐데‬As it stands, we can't support all of our organizations this year.
‪[비서] 작년 대비 15% 정도는‬Compared to last year, we estimate 15% will be unable to meet their needs.
‪지원에서 탈락하게 될 것 같습니다‬Compared to last year, we estimate 15% will be unable to meet their needs.
‪음, 곤란한데‬Hmm, that won't do.
‪나, 오후 미팅 좀 홀드해 줘요‬Please hold all my afternoon meetings.
‪나가서 돈 좀 모아볼게‬I'm going to find some funds.
‪[비서] 이사장님이 직접 가시게요?‬ ‪저희가 다시 접촉하겠습니다‬Are you planning on going there in person? We'll reach out to them.
‪이 세계 정말 있는 사람들은‬In this world, the truly wealthy seem to appreciate it far over money.
‪돈보다 그걸 더 중요하게 보더라고‬In this world, the truly wealthy seem to appreciate it far over money.
‪돈은 차고 넘치게 많아서 그런가?‬Maybe it's 'cause they've more money than they can spend.
‪갔다 올게‬Be back soon.
‪- [새가 지저귄다]‬ ‪- [골프공 때리는 소리]‬
‪[물 흐르는 소리]‬
‪[사모1] 너희 재단에서 하는‬ ‪그 바자회?‬[woman] For the charity's bazaar your foundation's hosting?
‪벌써 그땐가?‬That time of year already?
‪[시현] 네, 올해 참여율이‬ ‪좀 저조해서‬Yes, but this year's participation is rather low, so I was hoping you could help.
‪부탁 좀 드리려고요‬so I was hoping you could help.
‪그래서 니가 직접 영업을 뛰니?‬Are you meeting with everyone like this?
‪[웃으며] 도와주실 거죠? 저 봐서?‬[chuckles] You'll help, won't you? Just for me?
‪[옅은 웃음]‬[chuckle] This is just who she is.
‪얘가 이런다니까?‬[chuckle] This is just who she is.
‪[사모1] 비서한테‬ ‪전화 한 통이면 될 걸‬One phone call from her secretary would've been enough,
‪굳이 바쁜 얼굴까지 비치고‬One phone call from her secretary would've been enough, but she came all the way here.
‪이러니 내가 얘를 어떻게‬ ‪안 예뻐해?‬I mean, how could I not adore her?
‪[사모2] 지 여사‬I mean, how could I not adore her? It seems Mrs. Ji still hasn't gotten over you yet.
‪아직도 너한테‬ ‪미련이 많은가 보다?‬It seems Mrs. Ji still hasn't gotten over you yet.
‪준경이 짝으로‬ ‪시현이만 한 애가 없었지‬Si-hyeon would've been the perfect partner for my son Jun-kyoung.
‪[준경 모] 근데 그럼 뭐 해?‬But what's that worth now?
‪둘은 곧 죽어도 친구라는데‬They insisted they were just friends.
‪태강에 시현이 뺏긴 거‬ ‪아직도 약 올라‬I'm still upset with Taegang for snatching you up.
‪재미없는 늙은이들 공 치러 왔는데‬Si-hyeon visited us just to grace a bunch of boring old farts.
‪시현이가 직접 왔어‬ ‪어떻게들 할 거야?‬Si-hyeon visited us just to grace a bunch of boring old farts. What do we say to that?
‪우리야 지 여사 뜻 따라가야지, 뭐‬Mrs. Ji, what choice do we have but to give her what she wants?
‪[사모2] 시현아, 후원 준비시킬게‬Si-hyeon, we'll get you those funds, yeah?
‪[옅은 웃음]‬[chuckles]
‪감사합니다‬ ‪꼭 좋은 데다가 쓸게요‬[chuckles] Thank you, ma'am. I promise it'll go to good use.
‪아, 시현아‬Ah, Si-hyeon.
‪준경이 회사도 연결시켜 줄까?‬Want Jun-kyoung's company as well? The more sponsors, the better, right?
‪후원은 많을수록 좋잖아‬Want Jun-kyoung's company as well? The more sponsors, the better, right?
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪[당황한 웃음]‬[Si-hyeon exhales]
‪[아리] 그게 전부 다‬ ‪쓰레기라고요?‬[A-ri] You're saying all of these proposals are trash?
‪체험단 리뷰 같은 건‬ ‪건당 2, 30만 원‬Reviews should receive two to three hundred thousand won per gig.
‪뭐, 공구는 마진율 10%도‬ ‪안 나오는 푼돈‬Mass purchases aren't worth it if you get less than ten percent.
‪[사무실이 분주하다]‬Mass purchases aren't worth it if you get less than ten percent.
‪[승혁이 코웃음 치며]‬ ‪이 서정미디어는, 얘네는‬As for Seojeong Media, these guys are a third-rate agency that only flirt with small influencers.
‪팔로워 K 아래만 찝쩍대는‬ ‪삼류 기획사고요‬these guys are a third-rate agency that only flirt with small influencers.
‪[숨을 들이켜며]‬ ‪하여튼 뭐, 그래도‬[chuckles] Anyway, that said…
‪DM은 꽤 받았네요?‬you received quite a few.
‪- 뭐, 혹시‬ ‪- [휴대전화 조작음]‬Maybe… someone was getting a bit excited?
‪설렜어요, 그 정도에?‬Maybe… someone was getting a bit excited?
‪[휴대전화 화면 전원음]‬[screen locks]
‪- 네‬ ‪- [툭 내려놓는 소리]‬Yep. Two to three hundred thousand isn't exactly nothing.
‪2, 30만 원이‬ ‪적은 돈은 아니니까‬Yep. Two to three hundred thousand isn't exactly nothing.
‪그쵸, 네‬Sure, yeah.
‪[웃으며] 근데 왜 날 찾아왔어요?‬ ‪알아서 답하면 될 텐데‬So why'd you come to me, then? Why didn't you respond yourself?
‪[아리] 민혜를 키운 게‬ ‪그쪽이라고 하셨죠?‬You mentioned that you were the reason for Min-hye's success.
‪그래서 이게 푼돈이라면‬So if these aren't worth anything….
‪여기선 제가 얼마까지 벌 수 있죠?‬how much money can I make as an influencer?
‪[씁 숨을 들이켜며] 질문이‬You're thinking… too small.
‪너무 소박하네요‬You're thinking… too small.
‪[승혁] 아, 뭐‬ ‪겨우 돈만 벌라 그러나?‬Are you just in it to make money?
‪세상엔 돈이 다가 아닌데?‬'Cause there's a lot more out there than that.
‪어떤가?‬So, how's this…
‪지금 시간 있죠?‬You free right now?
‪[아리] 네?‬[A-ri] What?
‪나갑시다‬Come with me.
‪[승혁] 질문이 바뀌게 될 테니까‬I'm gonna expand your mind.
‪[아리] 저기요‬ ‪저는 회사로 들어가…‬[A-ri] I'm sorry, but I have to get back to…
‪- [문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬ ‪- [흥미진진한 음악]‬
‪[달그락거리는 소리]‬
‪[부스럭거리는 소리]‬
‪[직원] 어서 오세요‬[woman] Welcome back, sir.
‪- [원장] 주 대표, 오랜만‬ ‪- [승혁] 아유, 오랜만‬-Ah, it's been too long. -[Seung-hyeok] Yeah, far too long.
‪[승혁] 오늘 강마리 2시라며?‬Kang Ma-ri's scheduled for two, right?
‪[원장] 진즉 와서‬ ‪까탈 중이야 [웃음]‬-Came early and already making it hard. -[Seung-hyeok chuckles]
‪누구?‬-Came early and already making it hard. -[Seung-hyeok chuckles] [man] Who's she?
‪[승혁] 셀럽!‬[Seung-hyeok] An e-celeb.
‪오늘 헤어랑 메이크업 좀‬ ‪제대로 부탁해‬Please take care of her hair and makeup for me.
‪[원장] 안녕하세요‬ ‪너무 미인이시네요‬Hello, ma'am. You're so stunning.
‪이쪽으로 안내해 드릴게요‬Please take a seat here.
‪잠시만 계세요‬I'll be right back.
‪[승혁] 이 사진 괜찮다‬ ‪이거 올리면 돼‬[Seung-hyeok] Let's do this one. Upload this photo, okay?
‪어?‬[Seung-hyeok] Let's do this one. Upload this photo, okay?
‪오늘 헤메도 잘됐으니까‬ ‪스케줄 잘하고‬Your hair and makeup turned out perfect. You'll kill it today.
‪[웃으며] 기분 좋게, 어?‬Cheer up first. Huh?
‪- 수고해‬ ‪- [의자를 툭 치는 소리]‬Be happy.
‪강마리‬Kang Ma-ri.
‪10K대 인플루언서 중 하나예요‬One of our influencers at 10K.
‪그렇게 일단 K만 달면‬Once you hit a K…
‪이 정도는 당연히 프리 패스고‬you can get all of this done for free.
‪여기서 하는 게‬ ‪다 공짜란 말인가요?‬You're telling me everything I get done here is free?
‪[승혁] 더 좋은 말로 하죠‬[Seung-hyeok] A better word for it is…
‪[밝은 음악]‬[upbeat music playing]
‪[카메라 셔터음]‬[camera shutter clicking]
‪헤어 샵, 음식점, 화장품‬ ‪피부과 시술, 기타 등등에‬[Seung-hyeok] Hair salons, restaurants, makeup, skincare, etcetera, etcetera.
‪- 아이가 있다면 육아용품까지‬ ‪- [여자의 탄성]‬And not to mention childcare products, if you ever need it.
‪이 세계에선 그 전부를‬ ‪다 협찬받을 수 있어요‬In this world, the K's can get you a sponsorship for all of that.
‪[기계 조작음]‬[machine beeps]
‪K들이 샵, 해시태그‬ ‪하나만 달아주면‬In exchange for a simple hashtag they can attach.
‪[아리] 10K, 그러니까‬ ‪만 명의 팔로워만 있으면‬[A-ri] Ten K? Ten thousand followers makes all of this possible? Then you can have all of these sponsorships?
‪그게 다 된다고요? 협찬으로?‬Then you can have all of these sponsorships?
‪[승혁] 제발 써달라고 간청을 하죠‬ ‪이제 알겠어요?‬They practically beg you to use their products. Do you get it now?
‪왜 SNS에서 그렇게들 K를 달려고‬ ‪몸부림치는지?‬Why influencers are so desperate to get a K on their follower count?
‪[직원] 준비해 놨습니다‬I pulled everything you asked for.
‪[승혁의 콧노래]‬[Seung-hyeok] Hmm.
‪[경쾌한 음악]‬
‪[승혁] 입어 봐요‬-Try them on. All of them. -[upbeat music playing]
‪전부‬-Try them on. All of them. -[upbeat music playing]
‪10K가 그 정도라면‬-[Seung-hyeok] If 10K gets you this much… -♪ Hey! ♪
‪그 이상은 어떨 거 같아요?‬…what do you think you'd get with more followers?
‪단가 만 원도 안 되는 요가복을‬ ‪15만 원에 5천 장‬Selling 5,000 units of yoga clothes that cost nothing to produce for 150,000 won each
‪30분 만에 완판하는 건‬for 150,000 won each and selling it off in 30 minutes is a breeze.
‪일도 아니죠‬and selling it off in 30 minutes is a breeze.
‪한가한 일상 사진에 슬쩍 걸친‬People will flood her feed with questions regarding the electric fireplace she uses.
‪이 불멍 난로엔‬People will flood her feed with questions regarding the electric fireplace she uses.
‪이게 뭐냐는‬ ‪사람들의 문의가 폭주할 거고‬Which she causally slid into a daily pic. So then, she'll open up a mass purchase for the product,
‪그럼 여러분을 위해‬ ‪한정 수량만 겨우 구했다면서‬So then, she'll open up a mass purchase for the product, saying she got a limited number specifically for her fans.
‪제품을 오픈할 겁니다‬saying she got a limited number specifically for her fans.
‪여기서 그들은 돈을 이렇게 벌어요‬This is how they make their money.
‪물론 그건 100K를 달지 못해도‬ ‪가능은 한데‬Of course, this is still possible without a hundred thousand followers.
‪"루나시크"‬♪ Sh-- Sh-- Sh-- Shake ♪ Look at Luna Chic, the brand Oh Min-hye just launched.
‪바로 루나시크라는‬ ‪자기 브랜드를 런칭해서‬Look at Luna Chic, the brand Oh Min-hye just launched.
‪- 연 매출 50억을 찍고 있는‬ ‪- [카메라 셔터음]‬With the right kind of backing,
‪오민혜 같은‬ ‪뒷배경이 있다면 말이죠‬you could also be making five billion won annually.
‪민혜가 매출 50억이라고요?‬Min-hye's making that much money a year?
‪[승혁] 그럼 프린세스채‬[Seung-hyeok] Then there's princesschae.
‪태생부터 귀족인 320K‬How much do you think Jin Chae-hee, someone who reigns from nobility, would receive from her 320,000 followers?
‪진채희는 어떨까?‬would receive from her 320,000 followers?
‪[직원] 너무 우아하세요‬ ‪잘 부탁드려요, 채희 씨‬[whirring]
‪[승혁] 웬만한 연예인보다‬ ‪대우가 낫죠‬They get treated better than your average celebrity.
‪그게 바로 셀러브리티고‬And that's what it means to be an e-celeb.
‪[다가오는 발걸음]‬
‪[승혁이 숨을 들이켜며] 좋네요‬[inhales] Looks good.
‪[직원] 이렇게도‬ ‪믹스 매치가 되네요‬It's incredible how you can mix and match.
‪센스가 대단하세요‬It's incredible how you can mix and match. You have quite the taste for fashion.
‪[카메라 셔터음]‬[camera shutter clicks]
‪- 뭐 하는 거예요?‬ ‪- [카메라 셔터음]‬-What are you doing? -You know this brand, don't you?
‪- 이 브랜드 몰라요?‬ ‪- [의미심장한 음악]‬-What are you doing? -You know this brand, don't you?
‪[코웃음] 아, 돌려줘야죠‬You have to return it.
‪서아리 씨 수준에는 이 옷은‬ ‪아직 프리 패스가 아니니까‬At your current level, you don't get the clothes for free just yet.
‪[승혁] 이렇게, 사진이라도‬At least you can have a photo to remember it by.
‪간직하라고‬At least you can have a photo to remember it by.
‪[숨을 들이켜며] 자‬[Seung-hyeok breathes deeply]
‪그럼 이제‬So now…
‪질문을 바꿔볼까요?‬let me ask a new question.
‪돈은 너무 당연한 거고‬It's clear that there's money in this.
‪거기까지 올라간다면‬But how do you think the world will treat you
‪세상이 당신을‬ ‪어떻게 대할 것 같아요?‬when you finally make it all the way to the top,
‪서아리 씨?‬Seo A-ri?
‪- [신나는 음악이 흘러나온다]‬ ‪- [클럽이 시끄럽다]‬[party music playing] [all cheering]
‪- [무전기 조작음]‬ ‪- [사장] 야, 2번, 11번 테이블‬Hey, table 2 and table 11 will find themselves in trouble.
‪오늘 사고 치겠다‬Hey, table 2 and table 11 will find themselves in trouble.
‪거, 술 주지 말고 적당히 보내‬Hey, table 2 and table 11 will find themselves in trouble. Don't give them any more alcohol. Don't worry about it. I'll take care of our VIP guests.
‪그리고 오늘 VIP 룸 접객‬ ‪내가 하니까‬Don't worry about it. I'll take care of our VIP guests.
‪애들 물리고‬Don't worry about it. I'll take care of our VIP guests. Just get our boys out.
‪- [무전기 조작음]‬ ‪- [명호] 예, 행님! 저 왔습니다!‬Hey, bro! I'm here, sir!
‪- [사장] 어, 왔냐?‬ ‪- [명호의 웃음]‬-Oh, it's you. -[Myeong-ho chuckles]
‪야, 너 얼굴 좋아졌다‬ ‪사업 잘되고?‬Looking good. Heard your business is doing well.
‪아이, 형님이 또 워낙에 호구들을‬ ‪또 잘 물어다 주시는 덕분에‬Well, all thanks to you. You're the one who led these morons our way, bro. [chuckles]
‪조만간 또‬ ‪형님 몫 챙겨서 보낼게요‬I promise I'll make sure you get your cut soon.
‪[사장] 천천히 해, 천천히‬No worries. Take your time.
‪[명호] 어디에 계세요? 저 VIP 룸?‬So where are they? The VIP room?
‪- [태전] 경찰서?‬ ‪- [병뚜껑 따는 소리]‬Police station?
‪아니, 성추행으로‬ ‪고소를 당했다고? 니가?‬Someone's suing you for sexual harassment by you?
‪작은 오해가 있었는데‬ ‪일이 재미있게 흘러가네?‬It's started as a misunderstanding. Now it's gotten very interesting.
‪- 재미?‬ ‪- [병을 툭 놓는 소리]‬It's started as a misunderstanding. Now it's gotten very interesting. It's what?
‪야, 너 서에, 어?‬Don't you know better?
‪사회부 기자들 상주하는 거 몰라?‬The police station's always crawling with reporters.
‪[태전] 아, 기사라도 터지면‬ ‪어쩌려고?‬What'll you do if it gets out?
‪- [잔을 탁 드는 소리]‬ ‪- 별거 아니야‬It's really nothing.
‪근데 내가‬ ‪별일로 만드는 중인 거고‬It's rather I'm turning it into something.
‪[태전] 야, 인마, 그러니까 왜?‬Hey, but, like, why would you…
‪혹시 모르니까‬In any case,
‪내가 청장님한테‬ ‪전화 한 통 넣어줄게‬I'll call the commissioner general for you.
‪- [휴대전화 조작음]‬ ‪- [문소리]‬I'll call the commissioner general for you.
‪[명호] 아유‬ ‪진 변호사님, 한 대표님‬Oh hey, Mr. Jin and Mr. Han!
‪또 이런 데서 이렇게 뵈니까 또‬Oh hey, Mr. Jin and Mr. Han! Isn't it so funny that I'd run into you like this?
‪[웃으며] 이렇게 새롭네요‬ ‪그죠? 아유‬Isn't it so funny that I'd run into you like this? [laughs] Hi.
‪뭐야?‬What's this?
‪아, 근처라길래‬ ‪내가 같이 한잔하자고 그랬어‬I heard they were close, so I asked him to come here.
‪[사장] 불편하신 점은 없으시고요?‬Can I take it everything's to your liking?
‪[명호] 아, 행님‬Come on, bro. It's obvious they're far from enjoying their stay.
‪아, 지금 딱 봐도‬ ‪많이 불편하신 거 안 보이십니까?‬Come on, bro. It's obvious they're far from enjoying their stay.
‪이게 없잖아요, 이게 [웃음]‬-It's missing a little this! -[man chuckles] [laughs]
‪- 아, 그건 한 대표님께서…‬ ‪- [명호] 아이, 걱정하지 마세요‬Uh, right, about that, Mr. Han-- Hey, don't worry. Check this.
‪제가 아는 동생들로만‬ ‪추려서 불렀으니까‬Hey, don't worry. Check this. I've handpicked some girls I personally know.
‪그 수질이 아주 해양 심층수예요‬I'm telling you, these girls are grade-A prime meat.
‪지금 잠수함 타고 오고 있습니다‬I'm telling you, these girls are grade-A prime meat. -Brought straight from farm to table. -[both laugh]
‪[명호, 사장의 웃음]‬-Brought straight from farm to table. -[both laugh]
‪먼저 갈게, 연락해, 형‬Go on, enjoy. We'll talk soon.
‪아이, 가게? 술도 한잔 안 먹고?‬You're going? You haven't finished your drink, though.
‪[명호] 아이, 벌써 가시게요?‬You're going? You haven't finished your drink, though. Come on, you're taking off already? Friday night is just about to begin now.
‪지금 프라데이 나잇‬ ‪이제 스타트인데?‬Come on, you're taking off already? Friday night is just about to begin now.
‪[웃으며] 그 불금, 불금!‬Come on, you're taking off already? Friday night is just about to begin now. You know, TGIF.
‪불편한 자리 안 좋아합니다‬I don't like being uncomfortable.
‪안 좋아하는 건‬ ‪잘 참는 편도 아니고‬I won't stay if I'm not enjoying it.
‪- [멀어지는 발걸음]‬ ‪- [명호의 어색한 웃음]‬[Myeong-ho laughs]
‪[명호] 아, 그래서 금방‬ ‪편하게 해드린다니까, 왜 그…‬That's why I told him I'd spice things up. So why did he… I mean, uh…
‪- 아유‬ ‪- [툭 치는 소리]‬That's why I told him I'd spice things up. So why did he… I mean, uh…
‪[사장] 한 대표님께선‬ ‪깔끔한 스타일이신 거 같습니다‬I suppose Mr. Han just isn't into those kinds of things, you know?
‪[잔을 탁 놓는 소리]‬
‪[태전] 아, 그렇겠어?‬ ‪지도 남자인데, 응?‬Think a guy like that wouldn't be interested?
‪아, 모르지‬Well, who knows what he's really up to behind the scenes, huh? [chuckles]
‪뒤에선 뭔 짓을 하고‬ ‪다녔을지, 어? [코웃음]‬Well, who knows what he's really up to behind the scenes, huh? [chuckles]
‪자, 앉아요‬Well, who knows what he's really up to behind the scenes, huh? [chuckles] Sit down.
‪[매혹적인 음악]‬[dramatic music playing]
‪[여자들이 술렁인다]‬[indistinct chatter]
‪[차 문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪[카드 인식음]‬[dramatic music continues]
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬[pensive music playing]
‪[채희] 이건 정말 나만 입고‬ ‪싶어서 안 가르쳐 주고 싶었는데‬[Chae-hee] I wasn't gonna share this 'cause I wanted it all to myself.
‪국내 딱 세 점‬ ‪우리 서로 마주치지 말기‬Only three left in Korea. Let's not wear it all at once.
‪[승혁] 돈은 너무 당연한 거고‬[Seung-hyeok] It's clear that there's money in this.
‪거기까지 올라간다면‬But how do you think the world will treat you
‪세상이 당신을‬ ‪어떻게 대할 것 같아요?‬when you finally make it all the way to the top?
‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬[keypad clicking]
‪[아리]‬[A-ri] I'll accept your offer. What should I do now?
‪[고조되는 음악]‬[pensive music continues]
‪[편안한 음악이 흘러나온다]‬
‪[손님들이 두런거린다]‬
‪웬일이야, 주 대표? 뭐…‬I'm here! What's so important that--
‪[승혁] 왔어, 민혜 씨?‬[Seung-hyeok] Min-hye, you made it.
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪[민혜] 니가 왜 여기 있어?‬What are you doing here?
‪설마 얘였어? 주 대표 용건이?‬Is this why you called? You wanted me to meet--
‪[승혁] 일단 앉아‬ ‪우리 얘기부터 하자‬Sit down. Why don't we have a conversation?
‪아이, 민혜 씨!‬Come on, Min-hye.
‪[멀어지는 발걸음]‬Come on, Min-hye.
‪[승혁의 한숨]‬[Seung-hyeok exhales]
‪[멀어지는 발걸음]‬
‪- 민혜 씨!‬ ‪- [달그락 잔 소리]‬Min-hye!
‪[민혜] 미쳤어?‬[Min-hye] Are you insane? If I had known it was A-ri, I wouldn't have come.
‪서아리였으면 나오지도 않았어‬If I had known it was A-ri, I wouldn't have come.
‪무슨 일을 이렇게 해?‬[scoffs] This is how you do your job?
‪비니맘 때문에‬ ‪내 이미지에 타격 간 거 몰라?‬Hasn't Biniimom done enough to my public image?
‪그거 해결해 달랬더니 서아리?‬I asked you to fix this for me, but Seo A-ri?
‪[승혁] 그러니까, 응?‬I can fix this, hmm?
‪베프 컨셉 하나 만들어서‬ ‪분위기 바꿔보자는 거잖아‬I'm suggesting we clean up your image with someone to be your new bestie.
‪베프? 내가 저딴 년이랑 왜?‬Besties? Why would I with that bitch?
‪[한숨]‬Why would I with that bitch? [Seung-hyeok sighs]
‪오민혜 이미지가 뭐야?‬Oh Min-hye's known for what?
‪여자들 환장하는 의리 있는 여자야‬Women go absolutely crazy for her since she's the loyal gal pal.
‪[승혁] 언니, 동생 챙기고‬ ‪친구 끔찍하게 여기고‬Women go absolutely crazy for her since she's the loyal gal pal. She's willing to do anything for her sisters.
‪그럼 비니맘 이렇게 된 마당에‬After the incident with Biniimom,
‪누군가는 그 자리를‬ ‪채워 넣어야 될 거 아니야‬After the incident with Biniimom, we need to find a new bestie to replace her.
‪생각해 봐‬Think about it.
‪이럴 때 나타난 옛 절친‬Your high school best friend shows up at the perfect time.
‪지금은 이게 베스트라고‬Deep down, you know this will work.
‪[한숨] 그래도 싫어‬[sighs] I still don't like it. The two of us aren't on the same level.
‪[민혜가 숨을 들이켜며]‬ ‪나는 쟤랑 급이 달라‬[sighs] I still don't like it. The two of us aren't on the same level.
‪[승혁의 한숨]‬[Seung-hyeok sighs]
‪[승혁] 서아리 피드야‬This is Seo A-ri's feed.
‪알겠지만‬I know you know.
‪민혜 씨 계정에 노출된 걸로‬ ‪팔로워가 이렇게 늘진 않아‬Being discovered on your Insta doesn't account for her follower gain.
‪서아리가 경쟁력이 있단 뜻이라고‬Seo A-ri's feed is clear proof that she has potential.
‪팝업 스토어가 당장 내일인데‬ ‪SNS 까계정에서는‬Tomorrow is the launch of your pop-up shop, -[gasps] -…but your followers can't focus with all these hate accounts freaking out about you abandoning Biniimom.
‪오민혜가 비니맘 버렸다고‬ ‪난리, 난리 [한숨]‬with all these hate accounts freaking out about you abandoning Biniimom.
‪- [의미심장한 음악]‬ ‪- 아니, 그럼 도대체‬with all these hate accounts freaking out about you abandoning Biniimom. I mean, how do you plan… to distract them from this mess?
‪이 소란을 뭘로 덮을 건데?‬I mean, how do you plan… to distract them from this mess?
‪[옅은 한숨]‬[Min-hye gasps] [A-ri] I'm not psyched about this either,
‪[아리] 너하고 베프 컨셉‬[A-ri] I'm not psyched about this either,
‪나도 썩 내키는 거 아니야‬especially since it's you.
‪근데…‬But I thought…
‪둘 다 이득이 있다면?‬if we may both gain something,
‪마다할 이유가 없겠더라고‬-I figure we should give it a try. -[Min-hye sighs]
‪[어이없는 숨소리]‬-I figure we should give it a try. -[Min-hye sighs]
‪서로 사과는 생략해도 되겠지?‬I think we can skip the apologies.
‪비즈니스잖아?‬It's just business, yeah?
‪[발랄한 음악]‬[upbeat music playing]
‪"루나시크"‬-[upbeat music continues] -♪ Everybody says "Who that girl?" ♪
‪[함께 옅은 웃음]‬♪ Drank too much, I need to sit ♪
‪[카메라 셔터음]‬-♪ Ooh! -♪ Back off, step out ♪ ♪ Broke boys better keep your head down… ♪
‪[카메라 셔터음]‬♪ Broke boys better keep your head down… ♪
‪[놀라며] 어머, 감사해요‬ ‪[옅은 웃음]‬Oh, how sweet of you! [Min-hye laughs]
‪[여자] 감사합니다‬[Min-hye laughs]
‪- [정선] 어머니‬ ‪- 응?‬-[Jeong-sun] Oh! -[Mrs. A-ri] Hmm?
‪[정선] 이거 대놓고 카피라‬ ‪좀 그런가?‬-[Jeong-sun] Oh! -[Mrs. A-ri] Hmm? How's this? Can you even tell it's not real? Huh?
‪[아리 모가 기겁하며] 아후, 야!‬ ‪완전 티 나, 아후!‬Oh! Yeah, it's so obvious. Ugh!
‪아, 그 정도인가?‬Mmm, is it that bad?
‪- [직하는 지퍼 소리]‬ ‪- [정선의 생각하는 숨소리]‬[gasps] Oh, this one!
‪[정선] 어, 이거!‬[gasps] Oh, this one!
‪이건 특S 급이라 짭인 줄‬ ‪아무도 몰라요‬This one's top of the line. No one will know it's a knock-off.
‪내가 보면 알아, 줘 봐‬Oh, let me see. Give it to me.
‪나 간다‬I'm heading off.
‪[정선의 놀란 숨소리] 야!‬ ‪너 그러고 가게?‬[Jeong-sun gasps] You're going there like that?
‪안 돼! 이거라도 메고 가‬[Jeong-sun gasps] You're going there like that? -Out of the question, bring this! -[Mrs. A-ri chuckles]
‪[아리 모가 웃으며] 아리야‬-Out of the question, bring this! -[Mrs. A-ri chuckles] A-ri, no one will know at all. So take it, okay?
‪티 하나도 안 나, 갖고 가‬A-ri, no one will know at all. So take it, okay?
‪- 응?‬ ‪- [의아한 소리]‬Mmm. [grunts]
‪어, 왜? [당황한 소리]‬Mmm. [grunts] -What? -[A-ri grunting]
‪어머, 이거, 왜?‬Oh, wait, hold on. Why not?
‪이거 들어! [힘주는 소리]‬Just wear it, okay? Honey, why are you-- Stop that! Come on!
‪아니, 그거…‬Just wear it, okay? Honey, why are you-- Stop that! Come on!
‪- [아리] 에이!‬ ‪- [아리 모] 아후! 아니‬Just wear it, okay? Honey, why are you-- Stop that! Come on! Dear God.
‪- [기막힌 숨소리]‬ ‪- [아리] 난 진짜만 메거든?‬-Ugh! -Sorry, but I don't do knock-offs.
‪[정선] 야, 너 무시당한다니까?‬People are gonna make fun of you. Hey!
‪- [아리 모] 어후, 됐어‬ ‪- [신발 신는 소리]‬People are gonna make fun of you. Hey! Ugh! Just go away!
‪- 지 혼자 잘난 년‬ ‪- [도어록 작동음]‬-Ms. Snobby's on her own. -[lock chimes]
‪- 아휴, 쟤가 누구 말을 들어?‬ ‪- [문소리]‬That girl never listens to anyone.
‪- [밝은 음악이 흘러나온다]‬ ‪- [힘겨운 소리]‬[grunts]
‪[유랑] 아, 진짜, 씨‬[indistinct chatter]
‪저 왔어요! [힘겨운 숨소리]‬I'm here now!
‪유랑, 뭐 하러 여기까지 왔어?‬ ‪[옅은 웃음]‬Ah! Yu-rang, you didn't have to come all this way.
‪- [민혜] 고마워‬ ‪- [유랑의 옅은 웃음]‬-Thank you. -[Yu-rang chuckles]
‪이제 오면 어떡해?‬ ‪바쁜 거 안 보여?‬-Thank you. -[Yu-rang chuckles] Don't you see the crowd? What took you so long?
‪아이, 미안해‬ ‪아침부터 애가 보채가지고‬Ugh, I'm sorry. -My kid wouldn't stop crying. -[Min-hye scoffs]
‪- [다가오는 발걸음]‬ ‪- [여자1] 민혜 씨‬-My kid wouldn't stop crying. -[Min-hye scoffs] Min-hye, could I get a photo with you?
‪사진 한번 찍어주세요‬Min-hye, could I get a photo with you?
‪[민혜] 아이, 그럴까요?‬Yeah, I insist.
‪어, 우리 유랑이에요, 아시죠?‬Yeah, I insist. Oh, this is Yu-rang. You know her, don't you?
‪- [여자1] 안녕하세요‬ ‪- [유랑] 안녕하세요‬Oh, this is Yu-rang. You know her, don't you? Oh yeah. Nice to meet you.
‪- [민혜] 같이 찍을까요?‬ ‪- [여자1] 네‬-[Min-hye] The three of us, then? -Please.
‪[함께 옅은 웃음]‬-[Min-hye] The three of us, then? -Please. [Min-hye] Stand over here.
‪- [여자1] 하나, 둘, 셋‬ ‪- [카메라 셔터음]‬[Min-hye] Stand over here. -Three, two, one. -[camera shutter clicks]
‪[차분한 음악이 흘러나온다]‬[pop music playing faintly]
‪- [직원] 이건 어떠세요?‬ ‪- [여자2] 예쁜데요, 괜찮아요‬-How about this one? -Mmm, yeah, it's great.
‪[여자3] 아, 괜찮다‬[Min-hye chuckles] Thank you for coming!
‪[민혜] 재미있게 놀다 가세요‬ ‪[옅은 웃음]‬[Min-hye chuckles] Thank you for coming!
‪어, 아리야! 왔어? 여기야, 여기‬[gasps] Oh, A-ri, you're here! Come over here!
‪[웃으며] 야, 너도 사진 찍자‬[chuckles] Hey, let's take a photo.
‪자, 이거 들고‬Here, hold this up.
‪내 브랜드거든? 찍어주세요‬This is my brand. We're ready.
‪- [지나] 서아리?‬ ‪- [카메라 셔터음]‬-[Angela] Seo A-ri? -[camera shutter clicks]
‪[안젤라] 쟤 또 왔네? [코웃음]‬-[scoffs] She came back? -[Chae-hee scoffs]
‪- [민혜의 옅은 웃음]‬ ‪- [카메라 셔터음]‬-[Min-hye chuckles] Mmm! -[camera shutter clicking]
‪- [민혜] 우…‬ ‪- [카메라 셔터음]‬-[Min-hye chuckles] Mmm! -[camera shutter clicking]
‪[지나의 코웃음] 설마 오민혜‬[Min-hye giggles] [Ji-na] Do you think maybe…
‪쟤도 우리 가빈회에‬ ‪넣을 건 아니겠지?‬Min-hye wants her for our Gabin Society?
‪[채희의 콧방귀] 누구 마음대로?‬-[Angela scoffs] -Over my dead body.
‪- [민혜의 웃음]‬ ‪- [카메라 셔터음]‬[Min-hye giggles] -[camera shutter clicking] -[Min-hye] Mmm!
‪- [카메라 셔터음]‬ ‪- [민혜] 나왔죠? 어‬-[camera shutter clicks] -Did you get it? Good.
‪- [툭 주는 소리]‬ ‪- [바스락거리는 종이 소리]‬
‪가자 [옅은 웃음]‬Let's go. [chuckles]
‪[멀어지는 발걸음]‬
‪우리 아리가 나 팝업 한다고‬ ‪또 이렇게 와줬네?‬Can you believe it? A-ri came all this way just to support my pop-up shop.
‪- [민혜의 웃음]‬ ‪- [아리] 또 뵙네요?‬[chuckles] Nice to see you again.
‪잘 지내셨죠?‬Nice to see you again. How has everyone been?
‪[함께 비웃음]‬[both chuckle]
‪[채희의 한숨]‬[Ji-na scoffs]
‪[변기 물이 솨 내려간다]‬[toilet flushes]
‪- [문이 탁 열린다]‬ ‪- [민혜의 콧노래 소리]‬
‪[문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪오늘 팝업 완전 터졌지?‬The pop-up shop totally blew up.
‪아, 역시‬I mean…
‪오민혜 인기 무시 못 하지‬of course it did. It's mine.
‪[어색한 웃음]‬[chuckles]
‪[부스럭거리는 소리]‬Uh, Min-hye, why did you invite A-ri to come today?
‪근데 언니‬ ‪그, 아리 씨는 왜 또 불렀어?‬Uh, Min-hye, why did you invite A-ri to come today?
‪왜긴? 베프니까‬Why do you care? 'Cause we're besties.
‪- [톡톡 치는 소리]‬ ‪- 아… [어색한 웃음]‬Ah. [chuckles awkwardly]
‪아이, 그럼 미리 말을 좀 하지‬ ‪나는 그런 줄도 모르고‬Ah. [chuckles awkwardly] I wish you would've told me beforehand. I wasn't expecting her.
‪[옅은 웃음] 야! 내가 너한테‬ ‪그런 걸 다 말해야 되니?‬[scoffs] So was I supposed to run the invite list by you?
‪어?‬[exhales] Huh?
‪[편안한 음악이 흘러나온다]‬[upbeat music playing faintly]
‪[시현] 화해했군요, 두 사람?‬[Si-hyeon] It seems you two made up.
‪다행이에요‬ ‪그날 일이 계속 마음 쓰였는데‬That's a relief. I couldn't stop thinking about what happened that day.
‪아, 내가 제대로 사과도 못 했네요‬Ah, I didn't get to properly apologize.
‪미안했어요‬I'm really sorry.
‪시현 씨가 왜…‬Why would you need to?
‪이유가 어찌 됐든‬ ‪남의 이야기를 들은 거니까요‬Regardless of my reasoning, I was still eavesdropping on you.
‪아니요, 그러실 일 아니에요‬Uh, don't worry. There's nothing to apologize for.
‪[아리] 저도 고맙다는 인사가‬ ‪늦었네요‬And really, I should've thanked you much sooner.
‪[웃으며] 가방이요‬About my bag. [chuckles]
‪챙겨주셔서 감사했습니다‬About my bag. [chuckles] Thank you for returning it to me.
‪[시현] 저는 아리 씨 다시 만나서‬ ‪많이 반가워요‬I'm really glad that I got the chance to see you again, A-ri.
‪자주 봐요, 우리?‬Let's do it again, shall we?
‪- [다가오는 발걸음]‬ ‪- [여자1] 이사장님, 전화 왔어요‬[woman] Excuse me, Ms. Yoon. There's a call for you.
‪[시현] 아…‬[Si-hyeon] Oh.
‪네, 전무님‬Yes, how are you?
‪[옅은 웃음] 이렇게‬ ‪전화까지 주시고‬[chuckles] Thank you for giving me a call.
‪[여자2가 헐떡이며]‬ ‪서아리 님이죠?‬[girl 1 panting] You're Seo A-ri, right?
‪- 네?‬ ‪- 저 민혜 님 라방에서 봤어요‬-Yeah. -I saw you on Min-hye's livestream.
‪저 팔로워도 신청했어요‬I started following you after that.
‪- [차분한 음악]‬ ‪- [아리] 아, 감사합니다‬Oh, thanks so much. -She's Min-hye's friend? -Yeah!
‪[여자3] 민혜 님 친구? 아, 어쩐지‬-She's Min-hye's friend? -Yeah! Oh my God, that makes so much sense. Your sense of style is amazing.
‪나 아까부터 계속 봤잖아‬ ‪스타일 너무 좋아서‬Oh my God, that makes so much sense. Your sense of style is amazing.
‪이거 브랜드 어디 거예요?‬[girl 1] So what brand do you have on now?
‪명품 아니고 보세예요‬ ‪동대문 재평상가에서 샀어요‬It's just some cheap nameless brand. I got it at the Jepyung Shopping Center.
‪[여자2, 3의 감탄하는 탄성]‬-[girl 1] Oh! -[girl 2] Wow!
‪- [여자2] 역시 패완얼 진리네‬ ‪- [지나] 진짜‬They do say one's appearance makes the look.
‪[여자2] 저 완전 명품인 줄‬ ‪알았어요‬I thought they were designer clothes.
‪[여자3] 어, 나도‬ ‪거기 재평은 어디예요?‬I thought they were designer clothes. Yeah, me too. Where is Jepyung located?
‪[여자2] 이왕이면‬ ‪싸게 하는 게 좋잖아요‬[girl 1] I mean, cheap is still cool. Please tell me where too.
‪저도 알려주세요‬[girl 1] I mean, cheap is still cool. Please tell me where too.
‪딱! 이렇게 맞춰 입게‬This is how I want to dress.
‪[여자2의 탄성]‬So cute. Love it!
‪[민혜의 옅은 웃음]‬[Min-hye chuckles]
‪- [멀어지는 발걸음]‬ ‪- [여자2, 3이 감탄한다]‬[Min-hye chuckles] -Can you believe it? I really love this! -[girl 2 chuckles]
‪[민혜] 우리 아리‬ ‪너무 스타일리시하죠?‬My A-ri is so stylish, isn't she?
‪나보다 이쁜 애랑 다니면 손해지만‬It's so hard hanging out with someone so much prettier than me,
‪[웃으며] 그래도 어떡해!‬ ‪친구라서 너무 좋은데‬but I just can't resist. [chuckles] She's my friend, and I love her!
‪[여자2] 와!‬-[girl 1] Oh! -[girl 2] Wow.
‪민혜 님 진짜 의리녀‬Min-hye, you're really loyal.
‪- 누가 다 그래요? 질투나 하지‬ ‪- [민혜의 웃음]‬-I mean, most people would get so jealous. -[chuckles]
‪- 저기, 사진 찍을까요?‬ ‪- [민혜] 그럴까요?‬-[girl 1] Can we take a photo? -[Min-hye] Of course.
‪[여자3] 감사합니다 [웃음]‬-[girl 1] Thank you. -[girl 2] Thank you so much.
‪- [여자2] 하나, 둘, 셋‬ ‪- [카메라 셔터음]‬-Cheese! -[camera shutter clicks]
‪- 네, 한 번 더‬ ‪- [카메라 셔터음]‬-Cheese! -[camera shutter clicks] -Yeah, another one. And another. -[camera shutter clicking]
‪- 한 번만 더‬ ‪- [민혜, 여자 2, 3의 웃음]‬-Yeah, another one. And another. -[camera shutter clicking]
‪- [사진작가] 하나, 둘‬ ‪- [카메라 셔터음]‬-[man] In three, two, one. -[Min-hye chuckles]
‪- 하나, 둘‬ ‪- [카메라 셔터음이 연신 난다]‬-Three, two, one. -[camera shutter clicking]
‪[민혜의 웃음]‬-Three, two, one. -[camera shutter clicking]
‪마지막, 하나, 둘‬One more. -Three, two… -[chuckles]
‪[웃음]‬-Three, two… -[chuckles]
‪- 네, 됐습니다‬ ‪- [저마다 한숨]‬-[man] All right, that's it. -[Min-hye sighs]
‪[채희] 나 먼저 갈게‬ ‪다음 일정 있어‬I'm gonna go ahead. I have another appointment.
‪[지나] 나도‬[Ji-na] Yeah, me too.
‪[시현] 이번 주말에‬ ‪자선 바자회가 있어요‬[Si-hyeon] Before everyone goes, there's a charity bazaar this weekend.
‪다들 알고 계시죠?‬I'm sure you remember?
‪당연하죠, 시현 씨 재단 행사인데‬Of course we do. It's you hosting.
‪저는 거기 내놓을 거만‬ ‪3박 4일 동안 골랐잖아요‬I spent four days trying to pick out some of the best items for you.
‪[민혜가 숨을 들이켜며]‬ ‪오늘 시간 내줘서‬I spent four days trying to pick out some of the best items for you. I'm so honored that you gave us some time today.
‪너무 영광이에요‬I'm so honored that you gave us some time today.
‪[시현] 아니에요‬It's no problem.
‪[안젤라] 가자‬Let's go.
‪[민혜] 가세요‬Let's go. -See you! Bye! -[Chae-hee] We're off.
‪- [채희] 갈게‬ ‪- [민혜] 어‬-See you! Bye! -[Chae-hee] We're off.
‪- [유랑] 언니, 가 있을게‬ ‪- [민혜] 어, 가 있어‬[Yu-rang] I'll go on ahead. -[Min-hye] Okay, thanks. -[Yu-rang] All right.
‪[민혜의 한숨]‬[Min-hye] You see this? [sighs]
‪[민혜] 거기 말고 안쪽부터 정리해‬[Min-hye scoffs] Not there. Start from the inside.
‪[민혜의 한숨]‬[Min-hye scoffs]
‪[아리] 오늘 고생 많았…‬You did a great job today.
‪누가 보면‬ ‪니가 주인공인 줄 알겠더라?‬One might've mistaken today was all about you.
‪[민혜] 뭐니? 제일 늦게 오고?‬What's the deal? You were the last to arrive.
‪주차장으로 가서‬ ‪내 물건 정리하는 거나 좀 도와줘‬Go down to the parking garage. You can help them sort out my inventory.
‪- 어?‬ ‪- [민혜] 얘!‬-What? -[Min-hye] Hey!
‪그렇게 들면 다 망가지잖아‬Don't hold it like that, or you'll break it.
‪뭐 해? 주차장으로 가보라니까?‬What? Go to the parking garage.
‪- 아니, 그렇게 말고‬ ‪- [멀어지는 발걸음]‬No, don't do it like that.
‪[짐을 탁 내려놓는 소리]‬[boxes thudding] [Yu-rang sighs] Be careful with that, please.
‪[유랑] 살살 해요, 좀‬[Yu-rang sighs] Be careful with that, please.
‪[연신 짐 정리 소리가 난다]‬[Yu-rang sighs] Be careful with that, please.
‪이게 다 뭐예요?‬-[Yu-rang exhales] -So what's all this?
‪민혜 언니가 받은 선물이요‬They're presents for Min-hye.
‪인친들이 가져온 거‬From her followers.
‪[아리] 물건을 사면서‬ ‪선물까지 들고 와요?‬They bring her gifts while they're here to buy her products?
‪민혜 언니 실물 영접인데 당연하죠‬Of course, if it means they can see Min-hye in the flesh.
‪[유랑] 거기다 오늘은‬ ‪가빈회도 다 오고‬And I mean, the whole Gabin Society was here today.
‪다들 완전 영광이지‬It's an honor to be invited.
‪영광이요?‬An honor? Really?
‪멀뚱히 서 있지 말고 좀 거들어요‬ ‪힘들어 죽겠는데‬Don't just stand there and watch. Please help. This is exhausting as hell.
‪[멀리서 타이어 마찰음이 난다]‬
‪[유랑이 짜증 내며] 어후!‬[Yu-rang] Ugh!
‪[민혜] 사랑하는 내 베프‬[Min-hye] My beautiful best friend, childhood friends are your true friends!
‪어릴 때 친구가 진짜 친구‬[Min-hye] My beautiful best friend, childhood friends are your true friends!
‪주차장으로 가서‬ ‪내 물건 정리하는 거나 좀 도와줘‬Go down to the parking garage. You can help them sort out my inventory.
‪[숨을 들이켠다]‬
‪[놀란 탄성]‬Huh?
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬SEO A-RI POSTS 13, FOLLOWERS 3022
‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬[whooshes] CONGRATS, I'M PROUD OF YOU, MY FRIEND
‪[아리]‬[A-ri] It's from Jepyung at block 102 and 304 in Dongdaemun. The eco bag's from a secondhand shop in Hongdae.
‪악세사리는 창전동‬ ‪래피샵에 유니크한 아이템 많아요‬For accessories, you can find some unique ones at Rappishop in Changjeon-dong. I'll tag it for you.
‪태그해 드릴게요‬at Rappishop in Changjeon-dong. I'll tag it for you.
‪[휴대전화 알림음]‬[chimes]
‪[휴대전화 알림음이 연신 난다]‬[phone chiming]
‪[휴대전화 알림음이 연신 난다]‬[phone chiming]
‪[함께 힘주는 소리]‬[both grunt] -Oh, this is crazy! -Oh God!
‪- [정선이 힘겹게] 미쳤어, 와‬ ‪- [아리] 으쌰‬-Oh, this is crazy! -Oh God! [both grunt, exhale]
‪[아리의 탄성]‬[both grunt, exhale]
‪[아리의 힘겨워하는 탄성]‬[both grunt, exhale]
‪[정선] 잠깐만‬
‪[함께 힘주며] 하나, 둘, 셋‬-One, two, three! -One, two, three!
‪[함께 힘겨운 탄성과 한숨]‬[both grunt] [both breathing heavily]
‪[드르륵 바퀴 끄는 소리]‬[both breathing heavily]
‪[정선이 웃으며] 그 바자회가‬ ‪어떤 건지 알지?‬You know what this charity bazaar is, right?
‪재벌가 사모, 연예인, 셀럽까지‬ ‪소장품을 무더기로 내놔‬Lots of rich people, influencers, celebrities all selling their things.
‪명품도 진짜 개 많고 진짜 개 싸고‬Lots of rich people, influencers, celebrities all selling their things. A crap ton of luxury items, everything's dirt cheap,
‪초대장 없이는‬ ‪들어갈 수도 없다니까‬A crap ton of luxury items, everything's dirt cheap, and you can't get in without an invite.
‪[아리] 그러니까‬ ‪세상엔 별게 다 있더라‬You're right. Who would've thought something like this was real?
‪[정선] 아, 니가 거기 낀다고‬ ‪생각하니까 내가 다 떨려‬Just thinking about you there has me all excited.
‪얼마나 있어 보이겠어!‬You're gonna be a real somebody!
‪근데 내 물건들이 거기서 팔릴까?‬Do you really think my stuff is gonna sell there?
‪바자회잖아‬It's a bazaar. They're bound to have all sorts of stuff.
‪이것저것 다 파니까‬ ‪너도 오라고 그런 거겠지‬It's a bazaar. They're bound to have all sorts of stuff. That's why you're invited.
‪짐 때문에 버스는 안 되겠다‬We have too much stuff for the bus. Let's get a cab.
‪- 택시 타자‬ ‪- 응‬We have too much stuff for the bus. Let's get a cab. -Yeah, sure. -[A-ri grunting]
‪[함께 힘주는 소리]‬-Yeah, sure. -[A-ri grunting]
‪"자선 바자회‬ ‪해움재단"‬
‪- [다가오는 발걸음]‬ ‪- [편안한 음악이 흘러나온다]‬
‪- [시현] 오셨어요?‬ ‪- [준경 모] 응‬-I'm glad you came. -[Mrs. Ji] Mm-hmm.
‪[준경 모] 우린 시늉 좀 하다 가면‬ ‪되는 거지?‬Is it fine if we pretend to join then go?
‪[시현] 그럼요, 바쁘신데‬Of course, I know you're busy.
‪[준경 모] 준경이 회사는?‬And Jun-kyoung?
‪[시현] 홍보팀에서‬ ‪후원을 크게 해줬어요‬Their PR team contributed quite a large sum.
‪[준경 모] 이왕이면 얼굴도 비치지‬ ‪이런 게 다 기업 홍보인데‬Well, he should've showed up as well. After all, it's good publicity.
‪[시현] 일도 바쁜데요‬ ‪이 정도면 충분하죠‬I'm sure he's busy. He did more than enough.
‪이것도 일이야‬But this is also work.
‪[통화 연결음]‬-[phone chimes] -[line ringing]
‪어, 나다, 어디니?‬Hello, it's me. Where are you now?
‪회사야?‬Are you at work?
‪네, 안 돼요‬Yeah, I'm not.
‪지금은 그래서 곤란하다니까요‬That's why I can't go there right now.
‪- [멀리서 나는 무전기 소리]‬ ‪- 집에서 봬요‬That's why I can't go there right now. See you at home.
‪[통화 종료음]‬
‪[준경] 음, 제 어머니인데‬Hmm. That was my mother.
‪제가 경찰서라고 했더니‬ ‪헛소리하지 말라시네요‬She didn't believe me when I said I was with the police.
‪진술 어디까지 했죠?‬Okay, then. Where'd we leave off?
‪[한숨 쉬며] 아, 예‬Uh, yeah. [inhales]
‪저, 근데 왜 직접 오셨어요?‬Excuse me, why did you come here in person?
‪[형사] 아니, 대표님 같은 분들은‬ ‪뭐, 법무팀에 변호사도 있고‬I mean, I'm sure you have, well, plenty of lawyers at your disposal.
‪그 여자 때문에요‬It's because of that woman. Ms. Seo A-ri.
‪고소인 서아리 씨‬It's because of that woman. Ms. Seo A-ri.
‪[준경] 오늘 대질심문도 하죠?‬The cross-examination's today, right? So that's why I'm here. For my accuser.
‪그래서 온 건데요, 고소인 보려고‬The cross-examination's today, right? So that's why I'm here. For my accuser.
‪[형사] 어휴, 이거 어떡하죠?‬Oh, that's too bad.
‪그런 거면 헛걸음하신 거 같은데‬I'm afraid you've come all this way for nothing.
‪- 이거 성추행 건이잖아요‬ ‪- [익살스러운 음악]‬This case is for sexual harassment.
‪이런 경우는 피해자가 원치 않으면‬ ‪대질심문 자체를 안 합니다‬For such incidents, we forgo them if the victim doesn't want one.
‪예, 그리고 서아리 씨는‬ ‪진술서로 대체했어요‬For such incidents, we forgo them if the victim doesn't want one. And Ms. Seo decided to submit a statement instead.
‪안 온다고요?‬So she's not coming?
‪- [아리의 웃음]‬ ‪- [정선의 신난 탄성]‬[A-ri and Jeong-sun chuckling]
‪[아리] 감사합니다‬[A-ri and Jeong-sun chuckling] [A-ri] Thank you. [chuckles]
‪- [정선] 오!‬ ‪- [카메라 셔터음]‬[A-ri] Thank you. [chuckles] -Oh! -[camera shutter clicks]
‪[정선의 감탄하는 소리]‬-Oh! -[camera shutter clicks] [Jeong-sun] Oh, hey, look here. [chuckles]
‪여기요 [웃음]‬[Jeong-sun] Oh, hey, look here. [chuckles]
‪아리 출세했어요‬-A-ri's made it, girls! -[camera shutter clicks]
‪- [아리, 정선의 웃음]‬ ‪- [카메라 셔터음]‬-A-ri's made it, girls! -[camera shutter clicks]
‪- [아리가 웃으며] 빨리 가자‬ ‪- [정선의 웃음]‬Come on, let's go. [both chuckling]
‪[드르륵 바퀴 끄는 소리]‬[both chuckling]
‪[정선] 와, 완전 럭셔리하다‬ ‪미쳤다‬Wow, this is so luxurious. It's crazy.
‪- [편안한 음악이 흘러나온다]‬ ‪- 야, 복도도 완전 길어‬Wow, this is so luxurious. It's crazy. This hallway is super long too.
‪[복도가 시끌시끌하다]‬
‪뭐야? 벌써 시작했나?‬What's up? Did it already start?
‪이거 시간 5시라며?‬You said it was at five.
‪[아리] 민혜가 분명‬ ‪그때까지 오라고…‬Min-hye told me to get here by five.
‪빨리 가보자 [힘겨운 소리]‬We should hurry up.
‪- [시현] 감사합니다‬ ‪- [사모1] 수고‬It was my pleasure. Good luck.
‪[시현] 아리 씨?‬A-ri, hi.
‪안녕하세요‬[gasps] Good to see you.
‪[아리] 바자회요‬ ‪5시 시작 아니었나요?‬Did I get the time wrong? Isn't it supposed to start at five?
‪[난감한 소리]‬-Uh… -[A-ir] That's what Min-hye told me.
‪[아리] 민혜한테‬ ‪그렇게 들었거든요‬-Uh… -[A-ir] That's what Min-hye told me. I need to get my stuff and be here by five to set up.
‪그때까지 준비해서 오면 된다고‬I need to get my stuff and be here by five to set up.
‪[시현] 아, 그래서 지금‬I need to get my stuff and be here by five to set up. Is that why you also decided to bring all of your things with?
‪아리 씨 물건도 챙겨온 거예요?‬Is that why you also decided to bring all of your things with?
‪[아리] 이미 늦은 거예요?‬Did we get here too late?
‪못 들어가요?‬-Is it okay if we go in? -Hey!
‪야! 안 돼!‬-Is it okay if we go in? -Hey!
‪[정선이 징징거리며]‬ ‪이걸 어떻게 끌고 왔는데‬It was so hard to drag this all the way! Ugh!
‪[애교 섞인 콧소리]‬Huh?
‪[옅은 웃음] 들어오세요‬[exhales] Come on in.
‪[시현] 아리 씨 소장품 놓을 자리‬ ‪있을 거예요‬I'm sure there's enough room for your things.
‪[아리, 정선] 감사합니다‬-[A-ri and Jeong-sun] Thank you, ma'am! -[both laugh]
‪[함께 기뻐하는 탄성]‬-[A-ri and Jeong-sun] Thank you, ma'am! -[both laugh]
‪[아리의 힘겨운 소리]‬
‪[정선이 감탄하며] 대박!‬-[gasps] Awesome! This is insane! -[A-ri gasps]
‪야, 미쳤어, 진짜, 와, 진짜 쩔어‬-[gasps] Awesome! This is insane! -[A-ri gasps] Oh my God, that's sick.
‪- [정선이 연신 감탄한다]‬ ‪- [몽환적인 음악]‬Whoa! [exhales]
‪어, 야, 이거 진짜 장난 아니다‬ ‪미쳤어, 미쳤어 [탄성]‬This is crazy. I'm losing my mind. It's so cool! [gasps]
‪[정선이 연신 감탄한다]‬[Jeong-sun exhales] [gasps] Whoa!
‪[바자회장이 시끌시끌하다]‬[gasps] Whoa!
‪야, 완전, 와, 진짜 쩐다, 와!‬God, this is so cool. [gasps] Whoa!
‪야, 명품 파티야, 완전‬It's a total designer fest in here. Seriously!
‪- [사모2] 또 봐요‬ ‪- [시현] 찬찬히 보고 가세요‬It's a total designer fest in here. Seriously! -[Si-hyeon] Please take your time. -[woman] Thanks for having me. Thank you.
‪[정선] 와! 야, 없는 명품이 없어!‬[Jeong-sun] Whoa, there must be practically every brand here.
‪우아! [탄성]‬[Jeong-sun gasps]
‪와, 진짜!‬Unbelievable.
‪[시현] 아, 저기, 비서님‬ ‪우리 여기 자리 좀 만들게요‬Uh, hold on Ms. Lee. I'm gonna make some room for her here. [Ms. Lee] Of course, ma'am.
‪[비서] 네, 이사장님‬[Ms. Lee] Of course, ma'am.
‪- [시현] 여기 쓰시면 돼요‬ ‪- [정선] 네‬-You can set up right here. -[Jeong-sun] Thank you.
‪[탁 놓는 소리]‬[items clattering]
‪- [정선의 힘겨운 소리]‬ ‪- 정선아, 잠깐만‬[items clattering] Jeong-sun, hey, just hold on.
‪[아리] 시현 씨‬Si-hyeon,
‪저는 아무래도 그냥 가봐야…‬I think that maybe we should just go.
‪아니에요, 정말 괜찮아요‬Oh no. Really, it's all right, A-ri.
‪[민혜] 서아리‬[Min-hye] Seo A-ri?
‪- [차가운 음악]‬ ‪- [민혜의 어이없는 소리]‬[scoffs] What are you doing?
‪너 여기서 뭐 해?‬[scoffs] What are you doing?
‪[민혜의 옅은 웃음]‬[scoffs]
‪설마‬Ugh, did you really think I was asking you to take part
‪내가 5시까지 오란 게‬ ‪너도 끼란 뜻인 줄 알았니?‬Ugh, did you really think I was asking you to take part when I said be here by five?
‪야! 그건 뒷정리하게‬ ‪시간 맞춰 오란 거지‬Hey, I was telling you what time you had to be here for cleanup.
‪여기 니 자리가 어딨어? [헛웃음]‬You really don't belong here.
‪[지나] 이게 그 보세니?‬Those her cheap off-brands?
‪[안젤라] 신선하긴 하다‬I mean, it sure is different.
‪이런 건 얼마씩 해요?‬-How much do these cost? -[Min-hye chuckles]
‪[유랑] 아리 씨, 여기는‬ ‪명품밖에 없어요‬[Yu-rang] A-ri, look. There's only designer brands sold here. Your stuff will be out of place.
‪누가 이런 걸 가져와요?‬There's only designer brands sold here. Your stuff will be out of place.
‪[시현] 아니요‬ ‪어떤 소장품도 괜찮아요‬That's wrong. Any personal items are allowed here.
‪- 그게 우리 행사 취지고‬ ‪- [채희] 언니‬-That's the point of our event. -[Chae-hee] Si-hyeon!
‪급은 아니래도 수준은 맞춰야지‬ ‪사람들 보기 창피하게‬Ignoring her level, sure, but can't we keep things classy? This is just embarrassing.
‪이럼 우리까지 뭐가 돼?‬How would this make us look?
‪채희야, 그만해‬Chae-hee, that's enough.
‪[정선] 아, 저, 저기요‬Chae-hee, that's enough. Whoa, aren't you… aren't you all taking this a bit too far right now?
‪말들이 좀 심한 거 아니에요?‬Whoa, aren't you… aren't you all taking this a bit too far right now?
‪여기 보세만 있는 거 아니에요‬There's more than just cheap off-brands here.
‪- 아리 잘나갈 때 들던 가방도 있…‬ ‪- 하지 마, 윤정선‬There's more than just cheap off-brands here. -There's also the bag A-ri used to wear-- -Stop it.
‪[물건을 툭툭 담는 소리]‬
‪그만해, 가자‬Stop it. Let's go.
‪- 왜? 아직 구경도 다 못…‬ ‪- [아리] 안 들리니!‬-Why? We haven't even looked-- -Didn't you hear me?
‪[떨리는 목소리로] 가자니까‬I said, "Let's go."
‪[무거운 음악]‬[indistinct chatter]
‪[울먹이며] 죄송합니다‬ ‪저 때문에 번거롭게 해서‬I'm sorry that I caused you so much trouble.
‪[정선] 어, 아리야, 어디 가?‬Oh, A-ri, where are you going? [panting]
‪[정선의 당황한 소리]‬Oh, A-ri, where are you going? [panting]
‪[속상한 소리]‬[A-ri breathing heavily]
‪[아리의 힘주는 소리]‬
‪[아리의 비명]‬-[A-ri screams] -[all gasp]
‪[사람들의 놀란 탄성]‬-[A-ri screams] -[all gasp]
‪[정선의 놀란 신음] 아리야!‬[Jeong-sun gasps] A-ri!
‪[사람들이 술렁인다]‬
‪[유랑] 어, 어, 어떡해, 언니‬-[Min-hye exhales] -Oh, oh, what do we do?
‪[민혜가 작게] 아이 씨, 아, 쟤 왜‬ ‪여기까지 와 가지고 창피해 죽겠어‬[Min-hye] Oh my God. What did she think was going to happen? This is so embarrassing.
‪[한숨]‬What did she think was going to happen? This is so embarrassing. [A-ri breathing heavily]
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬[tender music playing]
‪[준경] 날 쌩까고‬ ‪어딜 갔나 했더니‬Been wondering where you were after you ignored me.
‪겨우 여기서 이러고 있어요?‬Been wondering where you were after you ignored me. You chose to do this instead?
‪[다가오는 발걸음]‬
‪[채희] 시현 언니‬ ‪준경 오빠 아니야? 맞지?‬Si-hyeon, that's Jun-kyoung, isn't it?
‪[놀란 탄성]‬[gasps]
‪[준경] 도움이 필요할 거 같은데‬Looks like you're in need of some help.
‪아닌가요?‬Or are you good?
‪[민혜] 한준경?‬Han Jun-kyoung?
‪그, 유강 3세‬ ‪더 휴 코스메틱 대표?‬Han Jun-kyoung? The Yugang heir and Hue Cosmetics CEO?
‪[지나] 그렇다니까!‬Yeah, I'm pretty sure.
‪[유랑] 아니, 그런 사람이‬ ‪아리 씨를 어떻게 알아?‬But how does someone like that know her?
‪[안젤라] 말도 안 돼‬ ‪나도 한준경은 처음 봤는데?‬There's no way. Even I've never met him before.
‪[민혜의 한숨]‬Ugh!
‪[정선] 아니, 대박!‬ ‪초, 초, 초, 초대박‬That was incredible! So unbelievably freaking incredible!
‪- 너 한준경 언제부터 알았어, 어?‬ ‪- [드르륵 바퀴 소리]‬That was incredible! So unbelievably freaking incredible! Since when do you know Han Jun-kyoung? Huh?
‪아, 얘기 좀 해봐, 답답해‬Come on, say something. You are absolutely killing me.
‪[정선] 아이‬ ‪얘기도 안 해주고, 너는…‬Holy shit, why didn't you tell…
‪[차 문이 달칵 열린다]‬
‪[내리는 발소리]‬[sniffles]
‪[차 문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪[김 비서] 대표님께서‬ ‪댁까지 모시라고 했는데‬Mr. Han asked me to give you a ride home.
‪어디로 가면 될까요?‬-So where can I take you? -[inhales] Oh God.
‪대박‬-So where can I take you? -[inhales] Oh God.
‪[정선의 옅은 탄성]‬[Jeong-sun exhales]
‪[채희] 말해 봐, 어디서 만났어?‬So tell me. Where did you meet her?
‪[분위기 있는 음악이 흘러나온다]‬So tell me. Where did you meet her?
‪아, 대체 오빠가 서아리 같은 애를‬ ‪어떻게 아냐고!‬Come on. Like, how exactly does Seo A-ri meet someone like you?
‪- 와인 더 할래?‬ ‪- [잔을 툭 놓는 소리]‬Wine, maybe?
‪[채희의 한숨] 딴소리하지 말고‬[Chae-hee scoffs] Don't change the subject.
‪아, 빨리 말해 보라니까!‬Come on, start talking!
‪언제부터 알았냐니까!‬How long have you known her?
‪- [잔을 툭 놓는 소리]‬ ‪- 어, 시현아, 여기‬Oh, Si-hyeon. Come join.
‪오랜만이네‬It's been a while.
‪[준경] 그러게‬[Jun-kyoung] It has.
‪넌 더 이뻐졌다?‬You've gotten prettier.
‪[채희] 언니, 언니도 알고 있었어?‬Si-hyeon, did you know about this?
‪준경 오빠가 서아리랑‬ ‪아는 사이인 거?‬That Jun-kyung and A-ri somehow know each other?
‪이 오빠 오늘 걔 만나러‬ ‪여기 온 거래‬He's here because he thought he was gonna get to see her.
‪[비밀스러운 음악]‬[pensive music playing]
‪[잔을 툭 내려놓는 소리]‬
‪[아리] 여긴 어떻게 알고?‬How did… you find me here?
‪[준경] 인스타 계정‬Your Instagram.
‪서아리 씨한테 DM 보내려고‬ ‪나도 만들었거든요‬To send you that DM, I had to make an account for myself.
‪그쪽 피드 보니‬Through your feed,
‪어디 있는지 알겠던데요?‬I could tell where you were going.
‪[아리] 더 휴 코스메틱 대표?‬[A-ri] CEO of The Hue Cosmetics.
‪그런 사람이 대체 왜?‬What would someone like that want from…
‪[숨을 하 내뱉는다]‬[breathes deeply]
‪[차분한 음악]‬[whoosh]
‪[사람들 비명 소리가 울린다]‬-[A-ri shrieks] -[crowd gasps]
‪[놀란 숨소리]‬[A-ri gasps]
‪[채희] 급은 아니래도‬ ‪수준은 맞춰야지‬[Chae-hee] Ignoring her level, sure, but can't we keep things classy?
‪사람들 보기 창피하게‬This is just embarrassing.
‪뭐니? 짭 아이비‬[Angela] Look at Ms. Fake Ivy selling shit door-to-door.
‪- 쟤도 팔이였어?‬ ‪- [안젤라가 웃으며] 짭 아이비‬[Angela] Look at Ms. Fake Ivy selling shit door-to-door.
‪[유랑] 민혜 언니 실물 영접인데‬ ‪당연하죠‬[Yu-rang] Of course, if it means they can see Min-hye.
‪거기다 오늘은 가빈회도 다 오고‬And I mean, the whole Gabin Society was here today.
‪다들 완전 영광이지‬And I mean, the whole Gabin Society was here today. It's an honor to be invited.
‪[민혜] 서아리가 뭔데!‬ ‪지깟 걸 키워준 게 누군데!‬[Min-hye] Who does Seo A-ri think she is? Who does she think made her?
‪[격한 숨소리] 근데 뭐?‬Ugh! So what?
‪지가 우리 세계를 폭로해?‬So she's gonna reveal all our secrets?
‪[유랑] 서아리 라방 접속자‬ ‪계속 늘고 있어‬So she's gonna reveal all our secrets? Seo A-ri's viewer count keeps going up. People are blowing up my DMs asking if it's true.
‪나한테도 사실이냐고‬ ‪DM이 쏟아져, 언니‬People are blowing up my DMs asking if it's true.
‪[민혜] 아이 씨, 미친년‬Fuck that crazy bitch.
‪[버럭 하며] 살아서도 피 말리더니‬ ‪죽어서까지 지랄이야‬Bleeding me dry isn't enough. She's fucking me from the grave.
‪- 언니, 근데 정말 죽은 거 맞아?‬ ‪- [분한 숨소리]‬Min-hye, are you sure she's really dead?
‪아리 씨 살아있는 거 아니야?‬Maybe A-ri's still alive.
‪아, 씨, 말이 돼?‬You hear what you just said?
‪아, 그렇잖아, 지금 이 라방은‬You hear what you just said? -Then how do you explain this? -[footsteps approaching]
‪- [뛰어오는 발걸음]‬ ‪- [직원] 대표님‬-Then how do you explain this? -[footsteps approaching] -[woman] Excuse me, ma'am! -[Min-hye sighs]
‪[천천히 다가오는 발걸음]‬-[woman] Excuse me, ma'am! -[Min-hye sighs]
‪[형사] 오민혜 씨?‬-[man] Ms. Oh Min-hye? -[exhales]
‪동부 서 장현수 경위입니다‬I'm Inspector Jang from Dongbu.
‪[비밀스러운 음악]‬[pensive music playing]
‪- [채희] 언니, 언니!‬ ‪- [달려오는 발걸음]‬Si-hyeon! Si-hyeon! [panting]
‪신고를 한다니, 언니 미쳤어?‬Si-hyeon! Si-hyeon! [panting] You're going to the police? Are you insane?
‪아리 씨가 돌아왔어‬A-ri has somehow returned. We need to at least know what's going on.
‪어떻게 된 건지는 알아야 되잖아‬A-ri has somehow returned. We need to at least know what's going on.
‪아, 아니야!‬ ‪그년은 죽었어! 죽었다고!‬Ah, no! That bitch is dead. She has to be!
‪[지나] 시현 씨‬ ‪이거 다 가짜일 거예요‬That bitch is dead. She has to be! No way. This has to be staged.
‪맞아요, 시현 씨도 알잖아요‬She's right. You of all people know how good she is at making things up.
‪서아리가‬ ‪얼마나 조작질을 잘하는지‬You of all people know how good she is at making things up.
‪[채희] 잊었어, 언니?‬You of all people know how good she is at making things up. Or did you forget?
‪그때 우리만 당했어? 아니잖아‬We weren't the only ones she fucked. I know we weren't.
‪그년 싸고돌다가‬ ‪언니도 당했잖아, 결국‬Even though you had her back, she still screwed you too.
‪[현수] 서아리 씨라고 아시죠?‬[Jang] You know Seo A-ri, don't you?
‪생전에‬At some point?
‪아니, 뭐, 지금은‬ ‪생사가 명확하지 않은 상태지만‬I mean, it's not clear whether she's alive or not, but…
‪꽤 친하셨던 걸로 알고 있는데‬I understand you were close.
‪[유랑의 당황한 숨소리] 언니‬[exhales shakily] Min-hye…
‪[현수] 뭐, 아무거나 괜찮습니다‬So if you have any information… If you know anything about her or what's--
‪서아리 씨에 대해서‬ ‪아는 게 있으시면…‬So if you have any information… If you know anything about her or what's--
‪서아리요?‬Seo A-ri?
‪내가 친했다고요?‬You think she and I were close?
‪[민혜의 어이없는 숨소리]‬ ‪좋아요, 다 물어보세요‬[chuckles] Fine, ask me whatever you want. I have nothing to hide.
‪- 난 못 할 말 없으니까‬ ‪- [차가운 음악]‬[chuckles] Fine, ask me whatever you want. I have nothing to hide.
‪서아리?‬Seo A-ri?
‪네, 아주 잘 알죠‬Yeah, I knew her very well.
‪걔는요, 쓰레기였어요‬She was an absolute bitch.
‪허영심에 질투로 똘똘 뭉쳐서‬ ‪못 할 짓이 없는‬She was vain, seething with jealousy, and willing to do anything.
‪[유랑] 어, 언니, 그만해‬ ‪왜 이래?‬Min-hye, what's gotten into you? That's enough. Stop!
‪[민혜] 놔! 내 말 틀렸어?‬Let go! You know I'm right!
‪서아리 때문에‬ ‪피눈물 안 흘린 사람 있냐고!‬She made everyone around her miserable!
‪죽은 서아리가‬ ‪어떻게 라방을 하냐고요?‬How is Seo A-ri streaming if she's dead?
‪나도 몰라요!‬I have no idea!
‪내가 아는 건‬All I know is everything out of her mouth is a lie and manipulation.
‪걔가 하는 짓거리는‬ ‪전부 거짓말이란 거뿐이에요‬All I know is everything out of her mouth is a lie and manipulation.
‪그딴 식으로 모든 사람을 짓밟고‬She was as asshole who stepped on anyone who got in her way, no matter the cost!
‪그 자리까지 간 쓰레기라는 거!‬She was as asshole who stepped on anyone who got in her way, no matter the cost!
‪[분한 숨소리]‬Ugh!
‪[아리] 맞아‬You're right.
‪어쩌면 내가 그랬을지도‬Maybe I did that. But you're one to talk.
‪- [어두운 음악]‬ ‪- 왜, 그런 일도 있었잖아‬I mean, there was that one instance. The infamous flame wars.
‪그 유명한 서아리 저격 사건‬I mean, there was that one instance. The infamous flame wars. Instigated by Seo A-ri.
‪SNS를 흔들었던‬The post I put up at that night… You know the one.
‪그날 밤 내가 올린 피드 말이야‬The post I put up at that night… You know the one. …rocked social media to its core.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬[keypad clicking]
‪이게 뭐야?‬-What's this? -What?
‪- [명호] 왜?‬ ‪- 아이, 전화!‬-What's this? -What? My phone! Where's my goddamn phone?!
‪아, 내 폰 어디 있어?‬ ‪[분한 숨소리]‬My phone! Where's my goddamn phone?! [breathing shakily]
‪[명호의 당황한 소리]‬[breathing shakily]
‪서아리 씨발년‬ ‪지금 뭐 하자는 건데?‬Seo A-ri, this fucking bitch. What's she trying to pull here?
‪[아리] 저는 '좋아요'가‬ ‪싫어요, 여러분‬[A-ri] Everyone listen. -I hate getting likes. -[keypad clicking]
‪'언니 예뻐요, 롤 모델이에요‬ ‪공주님 같아요'‬"You're so pretty. You're my role model. You're like a princess."
‪그런 말들 저한텐 하지 마세요‬Stop that. I don't need you…
‪- 여러분들이 아는 누구들처럼‬ ‪- [민혜의 한숨]‬to say those things to me.
‪한마디로 전‬Unlike another group,
‪'시녀 군단'‬you all know I don't need an army to protect me.
‪따위는 필요치 않단 뜻이에요‬you all know I don't need an army to protect me.
‪도리어 전 여러분들한테‬ ‪묻고 싶네요‬Now, I'd like to ask you all a question.
‪왜 누군가의 시녀를 자처하죠?‬Why do you volunteer to be someone's lackey?
‪저나 그들이 뭐라고요?‬Just what makes us so special?
‪당신들은 뭐가 부족해서?‬What is it we have that you don't?
‪[휴대전화 조작음이 연신 난다]‬[keypad clicking]
‪미안하지만 전 사양할게요‬I'm sorry, but I'm not interested.
‪그건 그걸 간절히 원하는‬So, please, save it for the princesses who are desperate for your attention.
‪다른 공주님들의 피드에서‬ ‪해줄래요?‬So, please, save it for the princesses who are desperate for your attention.
‪[SNS 알림음]‬[beeping, whooshes] [phone chimes]
‪[고조되는 음악]‬[dramatic music playing]

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