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  쓸쓸하고 찬란하神 – 도깨비 6

Guardian: The Lonely and Great God 6


와, 나 이 집 두 번째야This is my second visit.
이러다 단골집 되겠다At this rate, I'll become a regular here.
(은탁) 우리 그때 저기 앉았는데That's where we sat last time.
[의미심장한 음악]
[발소리가 울린다]
[영어] 퀘벡에 오신 걸 환영합니다 자리에 앉으세요
[발소리가 울린다]
(은탁) [한국어] 그러니까요, 뭐, 외국엘 와 봤어야죠I know. It's not like I've been abroad before.
(써니) 그러니까 하필 아홉수에 뭔 해외야Why would you go there now when you're just about to turn 30?
나 스물아홉 때는 집 앞 슈퍼도 안 나갔어When I was 29, I barely went to the supermarket.
- (은탁) 진짜요? - (써니) 어, 약속이 없어서-Are you serious? -Yes, I didn't have any appointments.
(은탁) 저 그래도 외국 처음 온 사람 안 같게 엄청 잘 다녀요I've been traveling around just fine for someone who's never been abroad before.
조금 헤매고 밥도 안 굶고 소도 한 덩이 크게 먹을게요I rarely get lost and I never miss a meal. Now, I'm going to have a big chunk of steak.
저 어떤 남자랑 멋진 레스토랑에 왔거든요I'm at a nice restaurant with a guy.
(써니) 레스토랑이 멋지면 어떡해 남자가 멋져야지I'm at a nice restaurant with a guy. It's the guy that should be nice, not the restaurant.
졸려, 끊어It's the guy that should be nice, not the restaurant. I have to go. I'm sleepy.
네, 주무세요Okay. Have a good night.
[반가운 숨소리]
대표님, 여기요Sir, over here.
[의미심장한 효과음]
[무거운 음악]
(김신) 스물아홉의 너는At the age of 29,
계속 환하구나you're still shining.
하지만 네 옆에But I'm not...
나는 없구나by your side.
나의 생은 결국My life of eternity...
불멸을 끝냈구나has finally come to an end.
내 죽음 뒤에After my death,
그 시간의 뒤에 앉아 있는 너는you are still sitting here.
내가 사라진 너의 생은You've forgotten me...
나를 잊고 완벽히 완성되었구나and your life is perfectly complete with me gone.
나는 사라져야겠다I have to disappear.
[반짝이는 효과음]
예쁘게 웃는 너를 위해For you, who is smiling so brightly.
내가 해야 하는 선택It's the decision I have to make.
이 생을 끝내는 것I have to end my life.
[감성적인 음악]
결국 난I guess in the end,
그 선택을 했구나that's the decision I made.
[새가 지저귄다]
(저승사자) 인간처럼 보여야 하니 걸어가자I must seem human, so I'll walk.
[자동차 리모컨 작동음]I must seem human, so I'll walk.
(덕화) 타시죠Get in.
인간이면 인천까지 걸어서 못 가요No human can walk all the way to Incheon.
(저승사자) 아
[덕화의 한숨]
(써니 친구) 근데 나 같이 나와도 되는 거야?Are you sure I'm allowed to join you?
그쪽보고도 친구랑 나오랬어I told him to bring a friend too.
남자는 원래 친구랑 있을 때 모습을 봐야 돼You need to see a guy when he's with a friend.
서로 말 못 맞추고 실수하거든You need to see a guy when he's with a friend. Their stories don't match and they tend to slip.
그 실수가 바로 그 남자의 본모습이지Those mistakes are the man's true colors.
[차 문이 탁 열린다] 실수를 해도Those mistakes are the man's true colors. I'd like to meet men like them even if they make mistakes.
(써니 친구) 저런 남자들 만나 봤으면 좋겠다I'd like to meet men like them even if they make mistakes.
씁, 저런 남자들 어떤 여자 만날까?I'd like to meet men like them even if they make mistakes. What kind of women do you think they date?
차에 옷에 시계에 아, 얼굴까지What kind of women do you think they date? Look at the car, clothes, watches, and looks.
아유, 어떤 년은 좋겠다Some girl got lucky.
어, 좋아Yes, she did.
[노크 소리가 난다]
[노크 소리가 난다]
[멀어지는 발걸음]
[문이 달칵 열린다]
검 좀 뽑아 줘, 지금Pull out the sword. Right now.
[애잔한 음악]
갑자기 나와서 무슨...Why do you want me to do that now?
좀 전에 노크했는데 답도 안 해 놓고You didn't answer when I just knocked.
답하러 나왔잖아I'm here now.
이제 그만하고 싶어I want to stop.
뭘요?Stop what?
선택할 수 있다고 생각했던 생각I want to stop thinking that I had a choice.
아까 결국 했다는 선택, 그거요?Are you referring to the choice you said you'd made?
그게 뭔데요?What is it?
정확히 어떤 선택을Exactly what choice...
하셨다는 건데요?did you make?
대답만, 질문 말고Just answer. Don't ask questions.
죄송한데요I'm sorry...
그러기에는 제 조사가 아직 안 끝나서요but I haven't done enough research to do what you asked.
무슨 조사?What research?
아저씨 이름 찾아봤어요, 인터넷으로I looked your name up on the internet.
(은탁) 생애, 업적 뭐, 그런 거 아무것도 없던데I couldn't find any noticeable accomplishments.
애초에 누가 다 지워 버린 것처럼It was as if someone had erased them.
아저씨가 전에 나한테 그랬잖아요You told me before
네가 나에게서 무언가를 발견한다면that if I found something on you,
넌 나를 아주 많이 원망하게 될 거라고I'd end up hating you a lot.
무언가는 검이었고 저는 그걸 발견했고That thing was a sword and I found it.
아저씨 원망 안 하는데 원망할 거라고 한 거 보면I don't hate you, but if I think about what you said to me,
그건 뭔가 더 남아 있다는 거고 그래서요it means that there's more to the story. That's why.
그 검That sword...
절대 안 그럴 거라고 믿었던 사람이 그랬다 그랬죠?You said you were stabbed by someone you least expected, right?
아저씨, 혹시Did you do something so bad
나쁜 일 해서 역사 속에서 기록이 삭제된 거예요?Did you do something so bad that all records of you have been erased from history?
나쁜 일 해서 벌 받는 거면If you're being punished for something,
검 뽑아 주기 좀 그렇잖아요it'd be wrong to take the sword out for you.
아저씨, 혹시 뭐, 역모...By any chance, did you commit an act of treason...
그런 거 했어요?or something like that?
[옅은 한숨]
[잔잔한 음악]
[적군이 털썩 쓰러진다]
[군사가 칼로 쓱 벤다]
맞아, 네 말이You're right.
살아남기 바쁜 생이었다I was busy trying to stay alive.
역사에 기록되지 않은 시간들이었다My life was not recorded in history.
안간힘을 썼으나I tried with all my might...
죽음조차 명예롭지 못했다but even my death was not honorable.
[긴장되는 효과음]
(김신) 왕을 향해 나아간다고 해서Nothing could have become
나아질 건 아무것도 없었다when I took my step toward the King.
[화살이 휙 날아온다]when I took my step toward the King.
하지만 난 나아갔고But I kept approaching him,
내 한 걸음 한 걸음에and with every step I took,
[화살이 휙 날아온다]innocent people lost their lives.
죄 없는 목숨들이 생을 잃었다innocent people lost their lives.
[군사들이 칼로 쓱 벤다]innocent people lost their lives.
[발소리가 울린다]
내 죄는 용서받지 못했고My sin was not forgiven...
지금 나는 벌을 받고 있는 중이다and I am now being punished for it.
이 검이This sword...
그 벌이다is the punishment.
(김신) 근데However,
그게 벌이라도even if it's a punishment,
900년 받았으면 많이 받은 거 아닐까?hasn't 900 years been enough?
벌일 리 없어요It can't be a punishment.
(은탁) 신이 벌로 그런 능력을 줬을 리가 없어요The Almighty wouldn't have given you those abilities as a punishment.
아저씨가 진짜 나쁜 사람이었다면If you were truly a bad person...
아저씨가 진짜 나쁜 사람이었다면If you were truly a bad person,
도깨비만 존재하게 했을 거예요he would've created only the Goblin.
도깨비 신부 만나게 해서He wouldn't have had you meet...
그 검을 뽑게 했을 리가 없어요the Goblin's bride to remove the sword.
어떤 존재였는지는 모르겠지만I don't know what kind of person you were,
아저씨는 사랑받고 있어요, 진짜로but you are truly loved.
제가 말한 나쁜 일은What I meant about doing something bad...
왕의 여자를 사랑해서was something like loving the King's wife
막 '하옥하라' 뭐, 그런 버전이었어요and being imprisoned for it or something.
역모 얘기는 죄송해요I'm sorry about calling you a traitor.
그럼 이제Then...
나 예뻐지게 해 주면 안 될까?can you make me prettier now?
- (은탁) 그건 안 되겠어요 - 그래, 잘 생각...-I've made up my mind not to. -Thank you for...
어?-What? -How terrible.
(은탁) 아유, 나쁘다-What? -How terrible.
아저씨, 900년을 매일 그런 생각을 하면서 살았어요?Did you live 900 years thinking that every day?
그럼 900년을 매일 절실했겠네요?Then you must've been desperate for those 900 years.
[흐느끼며] 아저씨, 너무 불쌍하다I feel so sorry for you.
아니... [은탁이 훌쩍인다]Wait.
[코를 훌쩍이며] 언행일치를 좀 해 주면 안 될까?Can you be consistent with your words and actions?
슬퍼서 일단 울기는 하는데요I'm crying for now because I'm sad,
자꾸 맨입으로 그러시면 어떡해요?but how could you ask for that for free?
(은탁) 아저씨 예뻐지시기에는You're not trying hard enough
너무 노력을 안 하시는 것 같다는 생각 안 드세요?to become prettier.
- 뭐라고? - 들었잖아요-What? -You heard me.
(은탁) 저도 불쌍해 봐서 아는데요I know because I've been pitiful,
자고로 불쌍할 때는 동정보다는and when you are pitiful, you need to offer something substantive than demand pity.
뭔가 확실한 게 더 좋거든요you need to offer something substantive than demand pity.
[시계가 댕댕 울린다]you need to offer something substantive than demand pity.
[코를 훌쩍인다]-I need to get to work. -Hey.
저 알바 가야 될 시간이네요-I need to get to work. -Hey.
-I need to get to work. -Hey.
저 알바 다녀올 동안 잘 생각해 보세요Think about it until I come back.
제가 뭘 원할지Think about what I'd want.
(은탁) 나보다 더 불쌍해You're more pitiful than I am.
[흐느끼며] 내가 다 혼내 줄 거야I'm going to punish them all.
아, 아니, 네가 원, 원하는 게 뭔데?Wait. So what is it that you want?
그, 돈, 집, 보석, 뭐, 그런 거?Wait. So what is it that you want? Money, house, jewels? Something like that?
과연 그걸까요?Do you think that's it?
그럼 혹시Then is it...
그, 네가 필요하면 내가 그거까지 해 준다고 했던 그거?that thing I said I'd do for you if you needed me to?
뭐, 사랑요?What? Love?
(은탁) 보석 가득한 집을 돈으로 사서Why can't you consider buying a house and fill it up with jewels
사랑을 담아 주실 생각은 못 하시는 거예요?and lots of love?
[익살스러운 음악] 너 가, 빨리 가, 알바 가!Just go. Go to work.
(은탁) 난 벌써 말했었는데I told you already. Maybe it's because you were a warrior, but your memory seems to stink.
전직 무신이시라 그런지 암기 쪽은 별로신가 보다Maybe it's because you were a warrior, but your memory seems to stink.
(김신) 야, 직업에 귀천이 어디 있어?All occupations should be treated equally.
너 그거 직업 비하야Don't think low of my occupation!
[문이 달칵 열린다]Don't think low of my occupation!
위로도 해 주고 따라 울어도 주는데 검은 안 뽑아 준다?She comforts me and cries with me, but she will not remove the sword.
어찌 그 슬픈 와중에 그런 결론까지 갔을까How did she reach that conclusion in the midst of that sadness?
[반가운 숨소리]
대표님, 여기요Sir, over here.
[살짝 웃는다]
그 와중에 대표님을 만났군She meets a man in the meantime.
죽는 건 죽는 거고And I will die anyway.
(김신) 대표님? [김신의 기가 찬 숨소리]A man?
(은탁) 여기요-Over here. -"Over here"?
'여기요'? [기가 찬 숨소리]-Over here. -"Over here"?
[밝은 음악이 흘러나온다] (써니) 이쪽은 메이크업 아티스트예요She's a makeup artist.
저는 자영업I run my own business.
같이 오신 친구분은 실례지만 직업이 어떻게 되시죠?May I ask what your friend does for a living?
(덕화) 친구 아니고 한참 동생이고 직업은 재벌 3세입니다I'm not a friend. I'm much younger, and my job is being a corporate heir.
그래서 벌 받나 봐요I must be being punished.
당신이라는 벌You must be my punishment.
유덕화입니다I'm Yoo Deok-hwa.
(써니 친구) 아, 네I see.
(써니) 그쪽은요?What about you?
그쪽은 무슨 일 하세요?What do you do?
[흥미진진한 음악]
[난감한 숨소리]
직업이 없어요?Do you not have a job?
일종의 서비스직It's sort of in the service industry.
(저승사자) 자세한 건 업무 특성상...I can't go into details given the nature of the business.
이해해 주시길 바랍니다Please understand.
아, 그럼 오늘은 이름 있어요?By the way, do you have a name today?
[저승사자의 반가운 숨소리]
[헛기침하며] 김우빈Kim Woo-bin.
(써니 친구) 서비스직이라더니 웨이터인가 봐He said he's in the service industry. He must be a waiter at a club.
다 들려, 계집애야He can hear you.
[써니의 헛기침]
(써니) 명함 있어요? 주세요, 놀러 갈게요Do you have a card? Give me one. I'll check out the place.
아, 며, 명함A business card?
매번 뭐가 있어야 하는군요I need to have something for you every time.
(저승사자) 미리 말씀해 주시면If you'd tell me in advance, I'll prepare next time and...
- 제가 다음에는 준비를... - (써니 친구) 어?If you'd tell me in advance, I'll prepare next time and...
- (써니) 왜? - (써니 친구) 봐 봐What?
(써니) [놀라며] 어?
진짜 재벌이었어요?You're really a corporate heir?
[덕화의 웃음]
(덕화) 네, 태어나 보니 그렇더군요 [써니 친구의 탄성]Yes, I was born that way.
후계자 수업 받는 모습인가 봐This must be him getting successorship training.
(써니 친구) 아유, 설렁탕 드셔 입맛 소탈하신 것 봐He's having seollongtang. He has such a modest taste.
(써니) 제가 몰라뵀네요I mistook you.
돈 많은데 키 크고 어리고 잘생긴 건 판타지에서나 봐서I've seen rich, tall, young, and handsome men only in my fantasies.
전 써니라고 해요I'm Sunny.
이름 너무 멋져요Your name is super cool. Yoo Deok-hwa.
유덕화Your name is super cool. Yoo Deok-hwa.
[써니의 감탄하는 숨소리]
써니 씨도요, 멋져요, 이름Yours too, Sunny. It's cool.
(써니) 우아, 센스 있으셔라 [써니 친구의 웃음]You're so witty. You catch on right away.
한 번에 딱딱 알아들으시네요You're so witty. You catch on right away.
[긴장되는 음악] (써니 친구) 근데But didn't it suddenly get darker in here?
여기 왠지 좀 어두워지지 않았어요?But didn't it suddenly get darker in here?
먼저 갈게I'll go now.
- 그러세요 - 라고 해-Go ahead. -You say it.
[신비로운 효과음]
먼저 갈게요I'll go now.
그쪽 분도You too.
[신비로운 효과음]You too.
먼저 갈게I'll go now.
(저승사자) 방금 제가 한 건 다 잊으시고Forget what I just did.
[신비로운 효과음]
[써니의 의아한 신음]
(써니) 응? 다들 어디 갔어요?Where did they go?
바쁜 일 있어서 먼저들 가신다고They said they were busy.
(써니) 뭘 어쨌길래 둘 다 갔어?Both of them?
얘 원래 그런 애 아닌데She isn't usually like that.
저는 전혀, 아이고, 참And I'm not...
(저승사자) 이거 드릴게요Let me give this to you.
괜찮아요It's okay.
먼저 집으셨잖아요You grabbed it first.
돈은 우빈 씨가 냈잖아요But you paid for it, Woo-bin.
더 잘 어울리시니까It looks better on you.
알았어요, 받아 둘게요Okay. I'll take it then.
(써니) 반지 받았으니까 번호 알려 주실래요?Since I took the ring, will you give me a phone number? My number? It's the number I called from yesterday--
(저승사자) 제 번호 어제 전화드린 그 번호...My number? It's the number I called from yesterday--
(써니) 우빈 씨 말고 재벌 3세분Not yours. The corporate heir.
친구가 명함을 가져가 버려서 연락처를 모르겠는데My friend took his business card, so I don't know how to reach him.
걔한테 묻기는 좀 그렇고I can't really ask her.
그분이 진짜 천우그룹 유덕화면If he really is Yoo Deok-hwa of Cheonwoo Group,
제 주님이시거든요he is my lord.
주님요?Your lord?
건물주님My landlord.
(써니) 그러니까 번호 좀요So give me his number.
제가 할 말이 좀 많아서요I have a lot to say to him.
잠시만요Hold on.
(써니) 줘 보세요, 제가 하는 게 빠를...Let me. I'll do it...
[익살스러운 음악]
지금 던지신 거예요? 도와주겠다는 사람한테?Did you just throw that? I was offering to help.
아, 전 그냥 당황해서, 고맙습니다I was just flustered. Thank you.
고맙습니다Thank you.
[써니의 어이없는 숨소리]
패턴 뭐예요? 아니면 비번?What's your pattern? Or is it a pin number?
그런 거 없는데I don't have one.
(써니) 매번 뭐가 참 많이 없으시네요You seem to not have a lot of things every time.
도깨비 내외랑 아는 사이신가 봐요?You must know a couple who named their business after Goblin.
아, 뭐, 본의 아니게Well, you can say that.
이 도깨비는 업종이 뭐예요? 요식업?Which business are they in? A restaurant business?
내가 아는 도깨비는 떡집인데The Goblin I know is a rice cake shop.
아, 제가 아는 도깨비는 그냥 업이 많습니다Well, the Goblin I know just has a lot of bad karma.
[써니의 웃음]Well, the Goblin I know just has a lot of bad karma.
진짜 이상한 사람이야You really are a strange one.
[써니가 살짝 웃는다]
[써니의 웃음]
[문이 달칵 여닫힌다]
[숨을 카 내뱉는다]
인간의 약이 듣긴 듣는 거야?Does human medicine even work on you?
술과 약 중에 선택해 봤어I chose between alcohol and medicine.
넌 잘 만나고 왔어?Did it go well with her?
술 마시잖아Can't you see that I'm drinking?
(저승사자) 이상한 사람이래She says I'm a strange man. I guess I lack a lot of things.
뭐가 많이 없잖아, 내가She says I'm a strange man. I guess I lack a lot of things.
특히 명함Especially a business card.
잘 속였네, 사람 아닌데You fooled her well though. She thinks you're human.
조증이야, 울증이야?Are you bipolar or depressed?
통증이야I'm just sick.
(김신) 넌 그저 원칙을 어기고You're just the side effect
[웅장한 음악] 인간의 생사에 관여해서 생긴 부작용 같은 거니까of breaching rules and meddling with human lives.
(김신) 그냥 원래 명대로 죽는 방법도 있어You can just die like you were supposed to.
그게 필요하면 그거까지 하고I will if you need me to.
사랑해I love you.
내 입이 뱉은 말들이 다 다시 나한테 돌아와The words I've said have all come back to me.
인간의 생사에 관여한 부작용이 너무 크다The price is too high for meddling with a human's life and death.
(김신) 큰사람으로서 못나기가 이를 데가 없다As a great god, I lack wisdom.
(저승사자) 그냥 키만 컸지, 뭐All you've done is grow taller.
이쯤 살았으면I have lived for so long.
주워 담지 못할 말들은 안 뱉고 살 만도 한데I should know better what to say and what not to.
죽어도 싼가Maybe I deserve to die.
죽어도 싼 죽음은 없어There's no life that deserves to die.
(저승사자) 늘 예외가 있다는 게 문제지만But the problem is there are always exceptions to everything.
[저승사자의 한숨]
네가 웃을 줄 알았지I thought you'd laugh.
[저승사자의 한숨]
약은 왜 먹었는데? 기타 누락자랑 무슨 일 있었어?Why did you take the medicine? Did something happen with her?
아니, 그냥 이 말 저 말 하다가 울더라We were just talking, and she suddenly felt bad for me and started crying.
나 불쌍하다고We were just talking, and she suddenly felt bad for me and started crying. So I got excited.
그래서 내가 기대했잖아So I got excited. She cried because she was sad, but she wouldn't pull out the sword.
(김신) 뭐, 일단 슬퍼서 울긴 했는데She cried because she was sad, but she wouldn't pull out the sword.
검은 안 빼 주겠대 아, 뭐, 자기만 울었어? [저승사자의 한숨]She cried because she was sad, but she wouldn't pull out the sword. It's not like she cried alone.
너 울었어? 기타 누락자 앞에서?Did you cry? In front of her?
(김신) 살짝 옆이었어, 비스듬했어 [저승사자의 한숨]I was slightly next to her. Not exactly in front of her.
한심하다You are pathetic. You're totally done for.
(저승사자) 넌 이제 끝났어You are pathetic. You're totally done for.
여자는 틱틱대고 눈 안 마주치고 무관심한 그런 남자 좋아해Girls like men who are blunt, ignorant, and indifferent.
어디서 눈물이야, 아휴How could you weep in front of her?
(김신) 그래서 넌 처음 보자마자 울었어?Is that why you cried in front of that woman when you first met?
[저승사자의 한숨]Is that why you cried in front of that woman when you first met?
마셔, 술Drink up.
넌 빨리 한쪽으로 결정을 해You should hurry up and decide whether to make her like you or hate you.
밉보일지 잘 보일지whether to make her like you or hate you.
네가 무슨 햄릿도 아니고You're not Hamlet.
셰익스피어 그 친구, 참Shakespeare, that guy...
(김신) 죽느냐 사느냐만 얘기했더니 그런 걸작을 써내더라All I said was, "To be or not to be," and he wrote a masterpiece.
[저승사자가 콜록거린다]
어디가 많이 안 좋아? 병원 갈래?Are you feeling ill? Do you want to go see a doctor?
고칠 수 있을까?-Can it be treated? -Don't you know the placebo effect?
(저승사자) 플라세보 효과 몰라? 상담이라도 받으면...-Can it be treated? -Don't you know the placebo effect? -If you consult a doctor-- -I'm feeling pain from the sword.
검이 아프기 시작했는데-If you consult a doctor-- -I'm feeling pain from the sword.
(김신) 신이 정말If the Almighty only hands you hardships that you can handle,
견딜 수 있는 만큼의 시련만 주는 거라면If the Almighty only hands you hardships that you can handle,
(김신) 날 너무 과대평가한 건 아닐까 싶다I think he thought too highly of me.
급한 대로 안겨 볼래?If there's no other way, what about a hug?
[신비로운 효과음]
뭐, 그렇게까지 싫으면야No need to get so aggressive.
[날카로운 효과음]
(저승사자) 아이고, 정신 사납다, 그만해라Gosh, you're distracting me. Stop.
[날카로운 효과음]
[저승사자의 한숨]
(써니) 흠, 역시 예뻐It's beautiful. It's mine for certain.
내 게 맞아It's beautiful. It's mine for certain.
반지 사셨어요?Did you buy a ring?
아니, 남자가 줬어No, a man gave it to me.
그 남자That man.
(은탁) 헐, 육교 그 남자? 만났어요?No way. The man from the pedestrian overpass? Did you meet him? When? How is he?
언제요? 어때요?Did you meet him? When? How is he?
여전히 잘생겼고 여전히 이상하지He's still handsome and still strange. I know he's strange, but when I see his face, I keep forgetting.
이상하다 싶으면서도 얼굴 보면 자꾸 까먹어I know he's strange, but when I see his face, I keep forgetting.
[호응하는 신음]
(은탁) 근데 이거 되게 오래된 반지 같아요By the way, that looks like a very old ring.
[흥미진진한 음악]
[신비로운 효과음]
(귀신1) 한때는 나도 받았었지, 반지I once received a ring too.
그 새끼에게 복수를I'm going to get my revenge on that jerk.
피의 복수를An act of revenge with blood.
[신비로운 효과음] 아이, 귀신에도 위아래 있다 아이가An act of revenge with blood. There's order even in the afterlife.
(귀신2) 내 좀 먼저 좀 하자, 좀Let me go first.
아이고, 내 새끼 불쌍해서 우얄꼬 [신비로운 효과음]Goodness, what shall I do with my poor baby?
[귀신2가 서럽게 운다]Goodness, what shall I do with my poor baby? For my poor child,
그래서 말인데For my poor child,
도깨비한테 로또 번호 좀 알아봐 도, 어?please ask the Goblin for the lottery winning numbers.
니 고시원 가 부탁 들어줬다며?I heard you helped that girl last time.
[긴장되는 효과음]It will be really nice if you find out the winning numbers.
이참에 로또 번호 알아내 갖고It will be really nice if you find out the winning numbers.
내 알려 주고 니 한 장 사고 하면 참 좋을 긴데You can tell me the numbers and buy one for yourself as well.
[문이 달칵 열린다]
(은탁) 다녀왔습니다I'm home.
[은탁의 가쁜 숨소리]
아저씨, 그거 알아요?You know what?
아저씨는 그 자체만으로도 귀감이 된다는 걸You are an example to others just the way you are.
[헛웃음]You are an example to others just the way you are.
항상 책을 가까이하시는 모습 너무 멋있어요It's amazing that you always keep books close to you.
(은탁) 나도 본받아야지I should learn from you.
우아, 아저씨는 어쩜 시계 하나에도 우주를 담아요?Wow. How can you contain the whole universe in your watch?
예술이 아저씨 손목에 앉았네요There is a masterpiece on your wrist.
그래서 드리는 말씀인데So I was thinking... Do you know this week's lottery winning numbers?
이번 주 로또 당첨 번호 혹시 아세요?Do you know this week's lottery winning numbers?
네가 로또 번호가 왜 필요해?Why do you need that?
이번 주 로또 당첨 번호를 알면 검 뺄 시간이 날 것 같아서If I know the winning numbers, I may have time to draw the sword.
(김신) 4, 10, 14, 15, 18, 22It's 40-14-15-18-22.
[익살스러운 음악]
고맙데이Thank you.
[신비로운 효과음]
[코를 훌쩍인다]
(은탁) 아, 깜짝이야Goodness.
저 미행하신 거예요?-Did you stalk me? -I was tracing you.
추적이야-Did you stalk me? -I was tracing you.
너 이거 천기누설이야-You revealed a profound secret. -That old lady is fine.
(은탁) 저 할머니는 괜찮아요-You revealed a profound secret. -That old lady is fine.
엄청 착하게 살았어서 이 정도 복은 받아도 돼요She used to be such a nice person, so she deserves this much fortune. Why would a ghost need the lottery winning numbers?
귀신이 로또 번호 알아서 뭐 한다고Why would a ghost need the lottery winning numbers?
자식들 꿈에 나타나서 알려 준대요She will appear in her children's dreams and let them know.
(은탁) 그럼 전 이만 도서관I will go to the library now. My exams are coming up soon.
수능이 얼마 남지 않아서I will go to the library now. My exams are coming up soon.
열 장요I'll take ten tickets.
미성년자는 로또 못 사는데A minor can't buy lottery tickets.
아, 그런 법이 어디 있어요?That's nonsense.
그런 법이 분명히 있어요, 학생That's nonsense. There's definitely a law about this, miss.
- 열 장요 - 신분증요-I'll take ten tickets. -Do you have an ID?
[익살스러운 음악] 아, 나...-I'll take ten tickets. -Do you have an ID?
[종이를 쓱 집는다]
[의미심장한 효과음]
(은탁) 아저씨Please. I'll let you in on a big secret.
[은탁의 가쁜 숨소리]Please. I'll let you in on a big secret.
이거, 이거 진짜 비밀인데요Please. I'll let you in on a big secret.
지금 이게 너무 큰 건이니까 제가 말씀드리는 거예요I'm telling you this because this is a big matter.
세상에는 수호신이라는 게 있어요There are guardians in this world.
지금 이게 아저씨 인생에 수호신이 머무는 순간이라니까요There are guardians in this world. This is the moment where you have met your guardian.
믿으셔야 돼요You have to trust me.
[은탁의 거친 숨소리]Please, sir.
아저씨Please, sir.
그러니까 이게, 응? 오늘 로또 1등 당첨 번호인데요These are today's winning numbers.
제가 돈 낼 테니까 아저씨가 딱 사셔서I'll pay, so you can buy it for me, and we can split the winnings.
딱 반띵, 예?I'll pay, so you can buy it for me, and we can split the winnings.
-Deal? -Get out!
(점원) 나가!-Deal? -Get out!
[은탁의 힘겨운 숨소리]
[은탁의 거친 숨소리]
아, 아, 진짜예요, 아, 진짜인데Sir, I'm serious. Come on!
아, 시간 없는데-I don't have time. -Is this the library?
- 여기가 도서관이야? - (은탁) 진짜인데...-I don't have time. -Is this the library?
[은탁의 놀라는 숨소리]
여기가 도서관 가는 길의 마지막 슈퍼라서This is the last store on the way to the library. I came to buy milk.
우유라도 사 먹으려고 들른 건데요This is the last store on the way to the library. I came to buy milk.
우유 안 사 먹고 로또 사던데?This is the last store on the way to the library. I came to buy milk. You were buying lottery tickets, not milk.
뭘 맨날 다 알지, 이 양반은?How do you know everything all the time?
(은탁) 그래요Fine. I tried so hard, but I still couldn't get them. Happy?
그 애를 썼는데도 못 샀어요, 됐어요?Fine. I tried so hard, but I still couldn't get them. Happy?
[한숨 쉬며] 할머니 아들은 샀는가 모르겠네I wonder if the lady's son bought it.
못 샀어He didn't.
잠잘 시간도 없이 일하느라 꿈을 못 꿨지He works all night, so he didn't have time to sleep.
아, 그럼 어떡해요, 잠을 재웠어야죠What do we do now? You should've made him sleep.
(은탁) 올해 농사가 잘 안됐단 말이에요It was a bad year for his crops.
서울에만 비가 와서, 서울에만!It only rained in Seoul.
(김신) 모든 비를 내가 내리는 건 아니야I'm not responsible for all the rain.
절대적인 힘에는 예의가 필요한 거고I'm not responsible for all the rain. And you need to respect the absolute power.
아, 뭔 소리신데요And you need to respect the absolute power. What do you mean?
이번 주에 1등이 안 나와서 다음 주로 금액이 이월된다는 얘기야There will be no winner this week, so the money will be carried over.
그러니까 그게 뭔 소리시냐고요So what does that mean?
정직하고 선한 부부였다They were honest and kind farmers.
아주 이상한 꿈을 꾸겠지They will have a strange dream. The guardian will treat them.
수호신이 한턱 쏩니다They will have a strange dream. The guardian will treat them.
다음 주에는 맞게 해 줄 거예요?will you make them win next week?
오, 좀 멋진데?You're awesome.
어차피 넌 다음 주에도 못 사는데 왜 좋아해?You can't buy a ticket next week anyway. Why are you happy?
뭐, 영원히 못 사나요?You can't buy a ticket next week anyway. Why are you happy? It's not like I can't buy it forever. I turn 20 in 2 months.
[밝은 음악] (은탁) 두 달 뒤면 스무 살 되고It's not like I can't buy it forever. I turn 20 in 2 months.
토요일은 매주 오고 토요일 밤이 좋고It's not like I can't buy it forever. I turn 20 in 2 months. Saturday comes every week, and I love Saturday nights.
로깨비, 또깨비, 빵!Saturday comes every week, and I love Saturday nights. Goblin, Goblin. Bang!
(김신) 야, 아는 척하지 마, 아유Don't talk to me.
(은탁) 어? 어!
헐, 진짜 다 맞았어Goodness. They really were the winning numbers.
다 맞았어요You got everything right.
[점원이 털썩 쓰러진다]
어? 아저씨, 괜찮아요?Mister. Are you okay?
(귀신2) 아, 진짜가? 아유, 우짤꼬Is that right? Goodness.
고맙데이, 참말로 고맙데이Thank you. Thank you so much.
[은탁이 살짝 웃는다]
아저씨한테 전해 드릴게요I will thank him for you.
[잔잔한 음악] 근데 요새 고시원 걔는 왜 안 보여요?By the way, why can't I see that girl from the hostel?
(귀신2) 가, 가는 니 덕에 저리 갔다 아이가By the way, why can't I see that girl from the hostel? Thanks to you, she went up there.
[반짝이는 효과음] 지 한 싹 다 풀고Thanks to you, she went up there. She resolved all her deep sorrows.
그럼 할머니도...Then will you...
[귀신2가 살짝 웃는다]Goodness.
(귀신2) 야야, 니도Darling, you should live happily
도깨비하고 알콩달콩 행복해야 된데이, 응?Darling, you should live happily with the Goblin from now on too. Okay?
[살짝 웃는다]
[귀신2가 살짝 웃는다]
[숨을 카 내뱉는다]
[문이 달칵 여닫힌다]
[살짝 웃는다]
[저승사자가 음료를 쪽 빤다]
(은탁) 아저씨Mister.
죽으면 신 만날 수 있어요?Can I meet the Almighty if I die?
[음료를 쪽 빨며] 왜?Can I meet the Almighty if I die? Why do you ask?
좀 따지려고요I want to go have a talk.
(은탁) 도깨비 씨 너무 쓸쓸한 수호신인 것 같아서The Goblin... seems like such a lonely guardian.
사람들은 모를 텐데People have no idea.
세상에서 멀어지고 있을 때When we're about to turn our backs on this world,
누군가 세상 쪽으로 등을 떠밀어 준다는 거there's someone who pushes our backs.
근데 나는 아니까But I know what that's like.
그래서 도깨비 씨 검 빼 주려고요That's why I plan on pulling out his sword.
[잔잔한 음악]I plan on pulling out his sword.
뭐?-What? -He'll get pretty when I do.
검 빼고 예뻐져서 더 찬란한 수호신 되라고-What? -He'll get pretty when I do. He'll become a guardian that shines even more.
야, 은탁아, 아니, 기타 누락자Eun-tak. No, Missing Soul.
(저승사자) 네가 지금 남 걱정할 처지가 아닐 텐데You're in no position to worry about someone else.
너 효용 가치인가 뭔가 없어지면 내쫓길 수도 있어Once you lose your value, you might get kicked out.
괜찮아?Are you okay with that?
이게 뭐, 제 건가요?It's not like I deserve any of this.
(은탁) 인생이란 게Life is...
원래 잠깐 빌리고 잠깐 머물다 가는 거죠a momentary thing. You come and you go.
지옥이란 게You could live in nightmares...
지옥에만 있는 게 아니거든요even when you're not dreaming.
(은탁 이모) 네 엄마 보험금 어디 있냐고!Where is your mom's insurance money?
[비가 쏴 내린다]
잔말 말고 갖고 와, 얻어터지기 싫으면Just bring it, unless you want a beating.
(은탁 이모) 네가 키워 준 은혜를 이따위로 갚아?Is this how you repay my kindness? Is it? Is this how?
이따위로, 이따위로, 이따위로! [은탁의 힘겨운 신음]Is this how you repay my kindness? Is it? Is this how?
근데 이 집에 와서는 맨날 행복했어요I've been so happy ever since moving here.
천국을 훔쳐본 느낌이랄까?It's as if I'm getting a peek at paradise.
그래서요, 보답하려고요That's why I want to pay it back.
(은탁) 예뻐진다는 게 정확히 뭔지는 모르겠지만I don't exactly know what he means by saying he'd get pretty.
저승 아저씨가 저 검 뽑는 거 응원하는 거 보면However, you're always cheering me on to pull out the sword.
아저씨한테 좋은 일인 건 확실하고That must mean it's something good for the Goblin.
[살짝 웃는다]
[난감한 숨소리]
[무거운 음악] [보행자 신호음]
[보행자 신호음]
[의미심장한 효과음]
[보행자 신호음]
어? 할머니Grandma.
(아이1) 안녕하세요Hello.
(삼신) 쉿
[살짝 웃는다]
[심전도계 비프음] [아이2의 가쁜 숨소리]
[가쁜 숨소리]
이제 그만 아파야지?Don't suffer anymore.
(삼신) 많이 아팠어You've suffered enough.
[신비로운 효과음]You've suffered enough.
엄마 걱정하신다Your mom is worried about you.
[살짝 웃는다]
(삼신) 착해라Good boy.
[풍경이 울린다]
(여자) 전 다시 태어나면In my next life,
김태희로...I want to be born as Kim Tae-hee.
[살짝 웃는다]
(남자1) 야, 미쳤냐, 내가?Are you crazy? Why would I want to marry you again?
다시 태어나서 널 다시 만나게?Are you crazy? Why would I want to marry you again?
솔직히 너 너무 질려 [남자1의 놀라는 신음]I'm sick of you.
나쁜 새끼, 씨Jerk.
전 이제 어디로 가나요?Where do I go now?
들어왔던 문으로 나가시면 됩니다You can go through the door you walked in through.
저승은 유턴이거든요The afterlife is on the other side.
[남자2가 지팡이를 달그락 집는다]
[남자2가 지팡이를 탁탁 짚는다]
[개가 멍멍 짖는다]
[잔잔한 음악]
(남자2) 해피?Happy?
[개가 멍멍 짖는다]
해피니?Is that you, Happy?
먼저 간 게 마음 쓰였는지 아까부터 기다리고 있었습니다He felt bad for leaving you behind. He's been waiting there for a while.
길은 해피가 잘 알 겁니다Happy knows the path well.
[지팡이를 탁탁 짚는다]
[문이 탁 닫힌다]
[저승사자의 한숨]
김미영 씨는Kim Mi-yeong...
팀장이구나is a team leader.
[저승사자의 한숨]
[다가오는 발걸음]
이 발소리Those footsteps...
[놀라는 숨소리]
[발소리가 울린다]
(저승사자) 어, 어, 어, 안 돼What do I do?
[긴장되는 음악]What do I do?
아, 어떡해, 어떡해What do I do? Kim Mi-yeong--
어, 김미영, 어, 아이...What do I do? Kim Mi-yeong--
(저승사자) 아이씨 [신비로운 효과음]
[써니의 짜증 섞인 숨소리]
(써니) 아, 이 인간은 대체 왜 전화를 안 받는 거야?Why won't he pick up his phone?
만날 수가 있나 전화가 되기를 하나There's no way to see him nor talk to him on the phone.
뭐 하는 인간이야, 대체?What on earth is he?
(저승사자) 저는 저승사자입니다 [써니의 한숨]I am a Grim Reaper.
저승사자는 명령으로 움직입니다Grim Reapers can only move on orders.
[써니의 한숨] 때로 내가 선희라 믿는 사람이Even when the person I believe is Seon-hui...
누군가에겐 써니라 해도is Sunny to other people.
이 새끼 진짜 죽여 버릴까?Should I just kill that jerk?
(써니) 아, 열나, 아, 자존심 상해I'm so upset. He hurts my pride.
이런 식으로 사람을 집착하게 해?Is this his way of making me obsess over him?
아주 사람을 병들게 하는 남자야I'm going to get sick from being so angry.
아이씨, 진짜 잡히기만 해 봐 [휴대전화 조작음]I'm going to get sick from being so angry. Just wait until I find you.
[의미심장한 효과음]
[써니의 짜증 섞인 숨소리]
[휴대전화 벨 소리]
[놀라는 숨소리]
[저승사자의 다급한 신음]
[휴대전화 조작음]
[써니의 의아한 숨소리]
(써니) 뭐야, 무섭게! 쯧What was that? That's scary.
[거친 숨소리]
[긴장되는 음악] [써니의 비명]
[신비로운 효과음]
[써니의 의아한 숨소리]
[놀라는 숨소리]
[써니의 놀라는 신음]
[써니의 겁먹은 숨소리]
[써니의 비명]What is this?
(은탁) 치킨 나왔습니다, 맛있게 드세요Here is your chicken. Enjoy.
(손님들) 감사합니다-Thank you. -Thank you.
[문이 달칵 열린다]
[써니의 가쁜 숨소리]
[써니의 가쁜 숨소리]
(은탁) 사장님, 무슨 일 있으세요?Did something happen?
[써니의 거친 숨소리]
너 혹시 귀신 뭐, 그런 거 믿니?do you believe in ghosts?
(은탁) 예?Pardon?
[신비로운 효과음]Pardon?
아니요, 아, 뭐, 사장님도, 참No. What are you talking about?
세상에 귀신이 어디 있어요?There is no such thing as ghosts.
(써니) 그렇지? 귀신 같은 거 없겠지?Right? There aren't ghosts, right?
그럼요Of course not.
(은탁) 귀신 봤다고 하는 사람들 그거 다 지어낸 얘기예요When people say they saw ghosts, it's all made up.
근데 왜 그러시는데요?Why do you ask?
아니야, 뭐 좀 이상한 일을 겪어서It's nothing. I just experienced something strange.
[써니의 가쁜 숨소리]
(써니) 아, 그건 그렇고 알바생, 너 당분간 나오지 마Anyway, I don't want you to come to work for a while.
왜요?-Why not? -I saw the news.
뉴스 봤어, 곧 수능이라며-Why not? -I saw the news. You'll be taking your college entrance exam soon. Study and score 100 points.
거기에만 집중해, 백 점 받아 와You'll be taking your college entrance exam soon. Study and score 100 points.
백 점 받으면 대학 못 가요, 사장님I can't go to college with that score.
그럼 조금만 틀려 제일 어려운 거 한 몇 개만Then get a few wrong. Just the really hard questions.
[살짝 웃는다]
(은탁) 저 알바 다녀올 동안 잘 생각해 보세요Think about it until I come back.
제가 뭘 원할지Think about what I'd want.
제가 이 집에 사는 동안은 부디 행복해 주세요Please stay happy as long as I live in this house.
무엇보다 원하는 게 그거라면 퍽 난감하군If that's what you want the most, I'm stuck in a pickle.
[무거운 음악]
(김신) 생이 나에게로 걸어온다Life... is walking up to me.
죽음이 나에게로 걸어온다Death... is walking up to me.
생으로 사로, 너는From life to death. You...
지치지도 않고 걸어온다come to me without hesitation.
그러면 나는Then I say...
이렇게 말하고야 마는 것이다something like this.
서럽지 않다"I'm not in sorrow.
이만하면 되었다This is good enough.
된 것이다 하고It has to be."
(은탁) 여기서 뭐 하세요?What are you doing here?
저 안 보이세요?Can't you see me?
봤지I was watching.
뭘요?-Watching what? -I was watching you walk towards me.
너 오는 거-Watching what? -I was watching you walk towards me.
오, 이렇게 길게? 오, 좀 감동인데For that long? I'm touched.
(은탁) 근데 그렇게 길게 보면 뭐 좀 다르나?Does it make any difference if you keep your eyes on me for that long?
아니면 그래도 여전히 그래요?Do you still see me the same way?
뭐가?-Like how? -You said so before.
(은탁) 전에 그랬잖아요, 난 안 보인다고-Like how? -You said so before. That you can't see it.
나의 스무 살, 서른 살My future when I'm 20 or 30...
아직도 그래요, 나?Can you still not see?
(김신) 응No.
너한테서는 안 보여I still can't see yours.
보통은 길흉화복 정도는 보이거든Usually, I can tell if a person's future is good or bad.
그렇구나I see.
전 기타 누락자라서 그런가 봐요It must be because I'm a missing soul.
(은탁) 존재가 참 시시했는데 특별해졌네요I guess that makes me someone special now.
내가 만드는 대로 그게 내 미래일 거니까The decisions I make will form my future.
걱정 마세요, 난 뭐, 맨날 아프나Don't worry. I won't be miserable all the time.
저는 지금 겸허히 운명을 받아들이고I've humbly accepted my fate
씩씩하게 사는 당찬 도깨비 신부라고요and I'm living a brave life as the Goblin's bride.
근데 참 궁금하긴 하다It does make me curious, though.
뭐가?-What does? -The future when I'm 20...
나의 스무 살, 나의 서른 살-What does? -The future when I'm 20... and 30...
이렇게 클 거야, 계속You'll be just like how you are now.
(김신) 이렇게 계속 예쁘게You'll continue to be pretty.
어떻게 알아요? 하루 이틀은 미울 수도 있지You don't know that. I might be ugly for a day or two.
한두 달일 수도 있지It could be a month or two.
(은탁) 근데요By the way, when you decide to be someone's guardian,
아저씨, 수호신 그거 할 때요 기준이 있어요?By the way, when you decide to be someone's guardian, are there certain criterias?
그냥 그날그날 내 마음?It depends on my mood on that day.
어른과 아이 중에 주로 아이를 돕지If I had to choose, I'd help a child instead of an adult.
[무거운 음악]
(김신) 세상에서 멀어질 뻔한 내게 처음 내밀어 준 손이The first hand that offered help to me when the world was slipping through my fingers
어린아이의 손이었거든was that of a child's.
(아이3) [흐느끼며] 할아버지Grandpa...
절 받으십시오Please let me bow to you.
이제부터 제가 모시겠습니다I shall serve you from this moment forth.
(은탁) 음
그럼 그때 우리 엄마는 왜 도와준 거예요?Why did you help my mom back then?
어른인데?She was an adult.
그때는 내가 술에 취해서 마음이 약했고I was feeling generous because I was drunk,
너희 엄마가 구해 달라고 한 건 자기가 아니었거든and it wasn't her life... that she was asking for.
(은탁) 구해 달라는 말에 답해 준 게 아저씨인 거The fact that you were the one who answered to her call for help...
그게 새삼 너무 기적 같고It feels like such a miracle
[잔잔한 음악]
좋아서and makes me happy.
[살짝 웃는다]
(은탁) 근데요By the way,
머리를 그렇게 꾹꾹 누르는 게 아니라you're not supposed to press down on my head that hard.
이렇게 쓰담쓰담하는 거거든요You're supposed to brush it gently like this.
[살짝 웃는다]
(김신) 오늘인가 보다Today must be the day
하루 이틀 미운 날you do not seem pretty to me.
아이, 나...Gosh.
[코를 훌쩍인다]
거기 서 보시죠, 예?Why don't you stop right there?
(은탁) 아, 사람이 뭘 가르쳐 주면...I was teaching you something.
[문이 달칵 닫힌다]
[은탁의 놀라는 숨소리]
(은탁) 우아, 이게 뭐예요?What is this?
(김신) 트리A tree.
그걸 물은 게 아니잖아요That's not what I meant.
아저씨가 한 거예요?Did you do this?
가지치기할 겸 뭐라도 잘라 내 볼 겸I felt like pruning and chopping off something.
그 고사리 같은 손으로 직접 다 하신 거예요?Did you do everything by yourself with those dainty little fingers?
(김신) 어Yes.
이 두 손은 쉬어야 해서, 그럼 난 이만My fingers need some rest. I'm off.
(은탁) 아저씨Mister.
그동안 제가 제 생각만 해서 죄송하네요I'm sorry I've been too self-centered all this time.
진짜 쫓겨날까 봐 걱정도 됐었고요I was really worried that you might kick me out.
아저씨가 안 빼 준다고 애걸복걸하니까 재미도 있었고요It was fun to see you begging me to pull that sword out.
아저씨가 예뻐져서Also, I worried that you'd find someone else after you got pretty.
딴 여자 만나면 어떡하나 싶기도 했고요Also, I worried that you'd find someone else after you got pretty.
'아니야' 안 해요?Aren't you going to tell me I'm wrong?
해야 돼?Should I?
에이, 치사해Should I? You're mean.
뭐, 기대도 안 했어요I wasn't expecting anything anyway.
어차피 전 결론을 내렸고요I've made my decision anyway.
이쁘게 해 줄게요I'll make you pretty.
(은탁) 아저씨처럼 좋은 사람의 부탁이 나쁜 결과를 낳을 리 없으니까A request from a good person like you will most definitely have a good result.
어디서 예뻐지실래요? 이쁜 트리 앞에서?Where do you want to get pretty? In front of this pretty tree?
지, 지금?-Now? -Yes. Why?
네, 왜요?-Now? -Yes. Why?
오늘 당장?-Today? Right now? -Yes.
(은탁) 네, 쇠뿔도 단김에-Today? Right now? -Yes. Better early than late, right?
(김신) 전, 전화 왔다, 전화 왔다I'm getting a call. Hello?
여보세요? 아, 아유, 지금, 지금 가, 어I'm getting a call. Hello? I'm on my way.
아니 [문이 달칵 닫힌다]But...
핸드폰 거꾸로 드셨거든요?you're holding the phone upside-down.
[풍경이 울린다]
[신비로운 효과음]
(저승사자) 뭐야, 죽었어?What's going on? Are you dead?
(김신) 예행연습이야, 술 있냐?I'm doing a rehearsal. Do you have any alcohol?
무슨 일인데?What is it?
검을 빼 주겠대She says she'll pull out the sword.
[옅은 한숨]
걔는 정확히 모르는 거지? 그게 어떤 의미인지She doesn't know the details, does she? The meaning of it.
말 못 했어I couldn't tell her.
걔 나 많이 좋아하는 것 같은데 걱정이다She seems to be really into me. I'm worried about her.
웃자고, 싸우자고?Are you trying to make me angry or laugh?
(김신) 야, 네가 몰라서 그러는데 걔 나 엄청 좋아해Are you trying to make me angry or laugh? You don't know half the story. She's crazy about me.
나 보자마자 '사랑해요', '시집올게요'She said she loved me and wanted to be my bride as soon as we met.
내가 얼마나 곤란했는 줄 알아? 아무것도 모르면서Do you know how troubled I was? You don't know anything.
[저승사자의 코웃음]Do you know how troubled I was? You don't know anything.
걔가 날 안 좋아할 이유가 없잖아There's no reason for her not to like me.
(저승사자) 왜 없어? 나이 차가 몇인데?Of course there is. What about your age?
걔 대학만 가 봐 잘생기고 어린 애들 차고 넘쳐When she goes to college, young and handsome men will line up for her.
900년 그까짓 거, 뭐?-So what if I'm 900 years old? -Why do you keep reducing your age?
너 왜 자꾸 나이 줄이냐? 939년이면서-So what if I'm 900 years old? -Why do you keep reducing your age? You're 939 years old.
야, 사실 내가 빠른 연생이라 원래는 한 살 적어I'm actually a year younger than that.
[함께 웃는다]
아, 웃으면 안 되는데I know I shouldn't be laughing.
[김신의 한숨]I know I shouldn't be laughing.
술보다 낫네This is better than drinking.
[저승사자의 한숨]
다시 멀리해 볼까?Should I start avoiding her again?
[한숨 쉬며] 그 아이만이 날 죽게 할 수 있는데She's the only one who can end my life.
그 아이가 자꾸 날 살게 해But she keeps making me want to live.
웃기지?It's funny, isn't it?
착각하지 마Don't kid yourself.
걔 없을 때도 너 잘 살았어You were living just fine even when she wasn't around.
그랬나?Did I?
근데 왜 자꾸 그때 생각이 안 날까?Then why can't I remember any of those days?
[잔잔한 음악]
(은탁) 아저씨 도깨비예요?Are you the Goblin?
아저씨 진짜 수호신 맞아요?Are you sure you're a guardian?
아저씨 귀신이잖아요You're a ghost, aren't you?
아저씨 만난 것도 좋고I'm pleased to have met you.
그럼 아저씨 이제 안 떠나는 거예요?You're not leaving anymore?
저 시집갈게요, 아저씨한테I'll get married to you.
(은탁) 이제 비 올 때마다Whenever it rains,
아저씨가 우울한가 보다 싶을 거니까요I'll think you're feeling down from now on.
대체 뭔데 내가 가치 있고 없고를 아저씨가 판단하는데요?Who are you to judge whether I'm valuable or not?
나도 아저씨 필요 없거든요I don't need you either.
(은탁) 레드 카펫 대박, 아저씨가 한 거죠?That was an awesome red carpet. Was that you?
완전 신기해It was amazing.
(김신) 그만 불러Stop calling me.
나 좀 그만 불러, 지은탁Stop calling me, Eun-tak.
나 좀 가자Let me go.
[노크 소리가 난다]
(은탁) 아저씨Mister.
어디 아픈가?Is he sick?
[자동차 경적]
[반가운 웃음]
[차 문이 탁 열린다]
(사채업자1) 학생이 집을 나오면 어떡하나? [차 문이 탁 닫힌다]A high school student shouldn't run away from home.
위험하게A high school student shouldn't run away from home. It's dangerous. Your aunt's worried about you.
이모가 걱정하잖아, 빨리 타It's dangerous. Your aunt's worried about you. -Get in the car. -You better not mess with us.
(사채업자2) 아저씨들 거칠다, 얼른 타-Get in the car. -You better not mess with us. -Get in. -Stop.
(사채업자1) 스톱-Get in. -Stop.
[신비로운 음악]
뭐예요, 또?What is it this time?
아, 이게 형님한테I'm older than you, remember?
(사채업자1) 너 지금 내 그림자 밟았냐?Did you just step on my shadow?
왜요, 아프시오?Why? Did it hurt?
(사채업자2) 아주 한 대 치겄소?Do you want to hit me?
말을 해요Say something.
이참에 나도 계급장 떼고 한판 확 붙어 보려니까Say something. Let's put our ranks aside and settle this now.
(사채업자1) 아이고, 이게 진짜 [사채업자2의 의아한 신음]Let's put our ranks aside and settle this now. I should just...
야, 그래, 고소, 고발해서 어디, 응? 재판 판결까지 가 보자Why don't we sue each other and fight it out in court?
아유, 이걸 그냥, 야-You little punk. -You know nothing about the law.
(사채업자2) 법도 모르는 게, 뭐? 법?-You little punk. -You know nothing about the law.
- (김 비서) 아는 사채업자입니까? - 아, 깜짝이야-You little punk. -You know nothing about the law. -Do you know those loan sharks? -You startled me.
[사채업자들이 서로 다툰다]-Do you know those loan sharks? -You startled me.
아, 그, 누구나 아는 사채업자 하나쯤은...Doesn't everyone know a loan shark or two...
[사채업자들이 계속 다툰다]
(은탁) 뭐라냐What am I saying?
[사채업자2의 비명]What am I saying?
[살짝 웃으며] 신기해서요It's just strange.
저 누군지 아세요?-Do you know me? -No, but I saw you.
안다기보다는 뵀어요 덕화 오빠 미행하는 거-Do you know me? -No, but I saw you. You were the one who followed Deok-hwa.
(김 비서) 아
근데 저 사람들이 사채업자인 건 어떻게 아세요?How did you know they were loan sharks?
저도 한때 사채업자였거든요I used to be one too.
(은탁) 예?-Pardon? -Deok-hwa's running late.
(김 비서) 덕화 군이 늦네요-Pardon? -Deok-hwa's running late.
제 차로 가시죠Let me drive you.
무슨 다 큰 사채업자들이 여고 앞에서 싸워They're too old to be fighting outside a high school.
(김 비서) 수고하십니다Hello, I'm outside Jungang Girls' High School.
여기 중앙여고 앞인데요Hello, I'm outside Jungang Girls' High School.
더 신기하신 분이구나He's quite interesting as well.
(사채업자1) 뭐 이런 게 다 있냐?-What's wrong with you? -What!
- (사채업자2) 뭐, 뭐, 뭐! 씨 - (사채업자1) 아유...-What's wrong with you? -What! -You little-- -That's enough!
(경찰) 그만, 그만, 그만!-You little-- -That's enough!
여기가 어디라고 이 사람들이, 쯧Don't you know where you are? Sit facing me.
똑바로 앉아요Don't you know where you are? Sit facing me.
그러니까 그냥 둘이 싸웠다?So you two fought each other?
하필 여고 앞에서 이상한 의도 없이Outside the high school for no reason?
예, 이 자식이 운전만 하면요 자꾸 거기를 가잖아요Yes. We always end up there whenever he takes the wheel.
다 너 때문이야, 인마It's all your fault.
그럼 가기 전에 말렸어야지 왜 이제 와서 지랄이야? 씨You should've stopped me before we ended up there in the first place!
(사채업자1) 지랄...You should've stopped me before we ended up there in the first place!
이거 보세요, 사람 열받게 한다니까요See? This is how infuriating he is.
나도 열받으려고 하니까 대답해라, 응?You're both infuriating me, so tell me the truth.
왜 싸웠냐고, 애초에?Why did you fight?
너희들 같은 편 아니야?Aren't you on the same side?
(사채업자1) 예-We are. -We are.
근데 요즘 이상하게 우리끼리 그렇게 싸워요But strangely, we end up fighting each other all the time.
접때도 한번 싸워서 병원에 2주 동안 누워 있었거든요?We got into a bad fight a while ago and were hospitalized for two weeks.
근데 다 낫자마자 또 싸웠어요And as soon as we got better, we fought again.
(사채업자2) 어디 폐는 안 끼쳐요, 우리끼리 싸워서We don't upset anyone else. We just fight with each other.
이 새끼들이 장난하나, 진짜 이게Are you two kidding me?
그러니까요, 장난 아니게 싸워요No, but our fights are no joke.
[신비로운 음악]No, but our fights are no joke.
(저승사자) 둘이 싸운 거다The two of you fought.
둘은 평생 화해는 못 할 거야, 참고로You will never make up for the rest of your lives.
얘네 뭐지?What's wrong with you?
(사채업자2) 장난 아닌데We're really not joking.
(은탁) 덕화 오빠 되게 좋아요Deok-hwa's really nice.
친절하고 다정하고He's kind and sweet...
약속도 잘 지키고and he keeps his promises.
계산도 정확하고He's very accurate when it comes to calculations.
재벌 3세답지 않게 참 소박하고 수더분하고He's humble and simple, quite unlike a corporate heir.
(김 비서) 네I see.
(은탁) 네Right.
평소에 힘이 되는 좋은 말도 되게 많이 해 주고He often says many nice things to cheer me up too.
예를 들면요?For example?
죄송합니다-Sorry. -I see.
(김 비서) 네-Sorry. -I see.
다녀왔습니다I'm home.
[은탁이 계단을 탁탁 올라간다]
[은탁의 속상한 숨소리]
저거 내가 가르쳐 준 거야 [김신이 접시를 달그락 내려놓는다]I taught him that. How to handle eye contact around a woman.
여자 앞에서 시선 처리I taught him that. How to handle eye contact around a woman.
(은탁) 도깨비 씨, 요새 무슨 일 있죠?Is the Goblin going through a tough time?
(저승사자) 몰라I don't know. He says he can't remember his past.
그냥 옛날 생각이 하나도 안 난대I don't know. He says he can't remember his past.
(은탁) 어떤 옛날 생각요?What kind of past?
너 나한테 생각 맡겨 놨어?Am I in charge of memories? How would I know what he's thinking?
내가 그자의 생각을 어떻게 알아?Am I in charge of memories? How would I know what he's thinking?
아는 것 같은데It looks like you do know.
몰라, 마늘이나 까I don't. Now peel the garlic.
이름 세 번 부르기 전에Before I say your name three times.
[긴장되는 효과음]
(저승사자) 100년 전만 해도 이름 세 번 다 불렀는데Just 100 years ago, I had to say the name 3 times, but it's simple now.
요새는 간편해졌어Just 100 years ago, I had to say the name 3 times, but it's simple now.
한 번만 불러도 망자가 들으니The dead hear me after just one call.
그 일도 참 힘드시겠어요Your work must be tough.
(저승사자) 내가 누구 때문에 더 힘들 것 같아?Do you know who's making it harder,
기타 누락자Missing Soul?
마늘 제가 다 깔까요?Shall I do the rest?
[은탁의 멋쩍은 웃음] [은탁이 물을 찰랑거린다]
[마늘을 탁 자른다]
도깨비 그자The Goblin
사실 빠른 연생이라 본래 나이보다 한 살 적대is actually a year younger than he is known to be.
(은탁) 네?-What? -That's all I can tell you.
내가 해 줄 수 있는 말은 이게 전부야-What? -That's all I can tell you.
잘해 봐Good luck.
[은탁의 웃음]
(은탁) 근데요By the way,
아저씨랑 저 처음 만났을 때 저 아홉 살이었잖아요I was nine when you and I first met.
그리고 다시 만났을 때는 열아홉 살이잖아요I was 19 when we met again.
아홉 살 때는 우리 엄마 때문에 얻어걸렸다 쳐Let's say we met when I was nine due to my mom.
열아홉 살 때는 어떻게 알고 찾아온 거예요?How did you know where to find me when I was 19?
아홉, 열아홉, 스물아홉Nine. Nineteen. Twenty-nine.
(저승사자) 완전하기 바로 전이 가장 위태로운 법이지You're the most vulnerable before you become perfect.
그게 무슨 말이에요?What does that mean?
[한숨] [칼을 탁 내려놓는다]
내가 비밀 하나 알려 줄까?-Shall I tell you a secret? -Yes.
-Shall I tell you a secret? -Yes.
(저승사자) 넌 스물아홉 살에도 [신비로운 음악]You will meet a Grim Reaper when you are 29.
저승사자와 만나질 거야You will meet a Grim Reaper when you are 29.
내가 아니더라도Even if it's not me.
그게 기타 누락자의 운명이야That's the fate of a missing soul.
이승에는 질서가 필요하고This world requires order,
아홉은 신의 수이자 완전 수인and nine is the closest imperfect number to ten,
열에 가장 가까운 미완의 숫자니까a perfect number that is divine.
이 또한 잘해 봐I wish you luck then as well.
왜 그렇게 보세요? 비밀 뭐요?Why are you giving me that look? What's the secret?
내가 꿈을 잘 꿨어, 그날I had a good dream the night before. I could have gotten promoted.
아이, 특진할 수 있었는데I had a good dream the night before. I could have gotten promoted.
(은탁) 아, 뭐야That's not funny.
빨래The laundry.
이건 아저씨가 마저 하세요You can finish peeling the garlic.
[문이 달칵 열린다]
(은탁) 아저씨Mister.
대체 누가 급한 건지 모르겠네, 진짜I can't tell who's the one in a hurry anymore.
저 보이세요, 이제?Do you see me now?
혹시 저한테 뭐 화났어요?Are you mad at me for something?
내가 왜?-Why would I be? -Then why are you getting angry?
(은탁) 화 안 났는데 왜 화내요?-Why would I be? -Then why are you getting angry?
대체 언제 적 거부터 화내시는 건데요?What are you getting angry for this time?
나 왜 누적 마일리지 다 받는 느낌이지?It feels like you're getting back at me for everything I did.
(김신) 내가 언제?I did not.
지금도 봐요, 내고 있잖아요See? You're getting angry.
네가 뭔데?Who do you think you are?
대체 너 뭔데 왜 자꾸 불러, 시끄럽게Who are you to keep calling me? You're so noisy.
왜 자꾸 당황스럽게 해?Why do you keep surprising me?
(김신) 왜 자꾸 헷갈리게 해, 네가 뭔데?Why do you keep confusing me? Who do you think you are?
검 뽑아 달랄 때 뽑아 줬으면 좋았잖아 그게 네 가치니까You should've removed the sword when I asked you to. That is what you are here for.
[잔잔한 음악] 아니, 저는...I was just...
그래서That's why...
제가 검 뽑아 드린다니까요?I said I'd remove the sword.
말도 안 걸고 대답도 안 한 건 아저씨고요You're the one who wouldn't talk to me or respond.
전 혹시 첫눈 기다리나 했죠I thought you were waiting for the first snow
그게 애초의 약속이었으니까since that was the promise.
(은탁) 됐고요Forget it.
아저씨는 영원히 사니까 시간이 남아도는지 모르겠지만You may have time to kill since you live forever,
저는 평범한 인간이라 시간이 금이고 돈이거든요but I'm an average human being so time is gold and money.
대체 언제까지 대기해요?How long must I be on standby?
저도 학업이다 알바다 해서 바쁜데I'm busy with school and my part-time job.
- 내일 - (은탁) 오늘은 왜요?-Tomorrow. -Why not today?
저 오늘 시간 괜찮아요I'm free today.
(김신) 오늘 싫어, 내일Not today. Tomorrow.
오늘은 날이 너무 좋잖아It's too nice out today.
산책할 거야, 너랑I want to take a walk with you.
[하늘이 콰르릉거린다] (김신) 내일Tomorrow.
(은탁) 아, 또 왜요?Again? Why?
등교하러 가기 전에 그냥 확!Let me do it before I go to school.
(김신) 오늘 날이 너무 안 좋잖아The weather stinks today.
이따 너 데리러 가야지I'll need to pick you up later.
(김신) 내일Tomorrow.
하루만 더One more day.
아, 오늘은 또 왜요?Why not today?
그냥 하루만 더Just one more day.
내가 맨입으로 해 줄 줄 알고? 치Did you think I'd do it for free?
[무거운 음악]
용서하십시오Please forgive me.
[김신의 한숨] [부하의 떨리는 신음]
곧 따라가 뵙겠습니다I will follow you soon.
[부하의 힘주는 신음] [부하가 칼로 푹 찌른다]
[김신의 힘겨운 신음]
[부하가 흐느낀다]
[군사의 기합]
[화살이 휙 날아온다]
[김선이 털썩 쓰러진다]
[의미심장한 효과음]
(김신) 내가 빚진 자들을 못 찾고 가는 게I have not found the people to whom I owe a debt.
한이라면 한이랄까I guess you can call that my deepest regret.
이 그림은Please...
자네가 태워 주게burn that painting for me.
(김신) 내 어린 신부는Make sure my young bride
내가 없더라도 꼭lives her life happily,
잘 먹고 잘 배우고eats well and is educated well
잘 지낼 수 있게even if I am not here.
그게That is
자네의 마지막 임무일세your final duty.
말씀 잘 받잡겠사옵니다, 나리I shall do as you order, sir.
[흐느끼며] 나리Sir...
(유 회장) 나리Sir...
아, 카드My credit card.
[덕화의 감격하는 신음]
(덕화) 이, 이거 진짜 나 주는 거예요, 삼촌?Are you really giving this to me?
(김신) 더는 카드 한도에 국한되지 않고Do not be confined by your credit limit anymore
자유롭게 살아라, 덕화야and live freely, Deok-hwa.
내가 주는 상이다That is your reward.
상?A reward?
나 상 왜 받아?Why am I getting a reward?
나 상 받을 짓 한 거 없는데I didn't do anything to deserve one.
잘 크느라 고생했다You worked hard growing up.
사랑해요I love you.
이 자식이You punk.
[무거운 음악]
집문서 네 방에 뒀어I left the house deed in your room.
이제 진짜 네 집이야This is really your house now.
부디 오래오래 잘 살아Have a long and happy life.
그리고 부탁이 있어And I have a favor to ask.
내가 사라지면 그 아이 낙인도 사라질 거야Once I disappear, so will the mark one her neck.
그럼 그때When that happens,
그 아이 기억을 지워 줘erase her memory,
자신을 원망하지 않도록so she doesn't blame herself.
(저승사자) 뭐라고?What?
크게 말해 봐Speak up.
시끄러워서 못 들었어!It's too loud. I can't hear you.
이어폰을 껴!Put on the earphones!
(저승사자) 어, 귀에서는 멀리 뗐어Yes. I'm holding it far away from my ear!
얼굴은 보여I see your face.
하, 야...Goodness...
끊자, 널 위해 끊는 거야Let's hang up. I'm hanging up for you.
신에게 전할 말 있으면 미리 문자 하고Text me if you have something to say to the Almighty.
[통화 종료음]
얼굴이, 얼굴이 안 보여I can't see your face.
(저승사자) 너 귀에 댔어? 여보세요?Did you put it to your ear? Hello?
[부드러운 음악]
(김신) 너랑 산책하니 좋다It's nice taking a walk with you.
너 데리러 오니 좋다It's nice picking you up.
(은탁) 어?
언제 왔어요?When did you come?
너 보고 있으니 좋다It's nice looking at you.
요새 나한테 왜 이렇게 잘해 줘요?Why are you so nice to me lately?
(은탁) 수상하게You sound fishy.
잠깐 손 좀요Give me your hand.
이게 무슨 글자예요?What character is this?
'들을 청'It means to hear.
(은탁) 아, '들을 청'"To hear"?
감사합니다Thank you.
아저씨, 굿 나이트Good night.
[은탁이 슬리퍼를 쓱쓱 신는다]
[문이 달칵 여닫힌다]
[펜을 탁 내려놓으며] 이제 해석만 하면 돼Okay. I just need to understand it now.
[은탁의 짜증 섞인 신음]
아, 왜 해석이 안 되냐고Why can't I understand it?
분명 힌트가 있는 것 같은데I'm sure this means something.
[노크 소리가 난다]
(김신) 잠깐 들어간다I'm coming in.
아, 네Okay.
[문이 달칵 여닫힌다]
이거 다 뭐예요?What is all of this?
[은탁의 탄성]
필요할 것 같아서, 어른 되면I thought you might need it when you get older.
오백은 네가 더 잘 알 거고You must know what the 5,000,000 won is for.
(김신) 이건 스무 살에 대학 들어가면That's for when you get into college when you're 20.
그리고 이건 대학 들어가서 남친 생기면...And that's for when you get a boyfriend in college...
데이트할 때 이쁘게You can wear it on your date and look nice.
이거 왜 줘요, 나 갑자기?Why are you giving these to me all of a sudden?
[은탁이 향수를 칙 뿌린다]
[냄새를 킁킁 맡으며] 아, 향 좋다It smells so good.
[향수를 탁 내려놓는다]
오늘-Today. -What about today?
오늘 뭐요?-Today. -What about today?
지금요? 이 밤에요?Right now? At this hour of the night?
응, 지금Yes. Right now.
그럴게요, 5분만요Okay, I'll do it. Just give me five minutes.
근데요By the way,
이것들 어딘가에 사랑도 있을까요?is there love somewhere among these things?
그냥 한번 물어봤어요 금방 나갈게요I was just curious. I'll be out in a minute.
[살짝 웃는다]
[신비로운 효과음]
[무거운 음악]
(은탁) 우아
[은탁의 즐거운 숨소리]
아저씨 문 뒤에는 항상 멋진 곳이 있네요There's always something amazing behind your doors.
[은탁의 신기한 숨소리]
메밀밭 처음 봐요, 예쁘다I've never been to a buckwheat field. It's so pretty.
(은탁) 혹시 아저씨가 저한테 준 꽃다발도 여기서 뽑은 거예요?Were the flowers you gave me from here?
저 꽃말 아직 기억하는데I still remember what these flowers mean.
[살짝 웃는다]
근데 여기 되게 특별한 데인가 봐요This must be a special spot
(은탁) 검 빼는 게 꼭 여기여야 하는 거 보면?since you have to come here to pull out the sword.
나의 시작과 끝This is my beginning and the end.
그럼 부탁할게Please go ahead.
지, 지금요? 바로요?Right now? Right away?
(은탁) 아, 잠깐만요Hold on.
전 아저씨가 예뻐지는 거는 찬성인데요I'm glad you'll become pretty after this,
'그럼 이뻐지고 난 후에는?'but then again,
'그럼 난 효용 가치가 없는데?' 하는 생각이 들었죠I would become useless to you. It suddenly struck me.
그래서 제가 몇 가지 작성을 좀 해 봤는데요So I wrote down a few things.
(김신) 잘 먹고 하라는 공부는 안 하고 이거 작성한 거야?I gave you those snacks to study, not to write this.
요기 마지막 조항까지 보셔야죠You have to read the last clause too.
[무거운 음악] (은탁) 을은 매년 첫눈 오는 날에On the day of the first snowfall every year,
갑의 소환에 응한다the Goblin agrees to be summoned by me.
갑이 기다릴 것이기 때문이다I will be waiting for you.
(저승사자) 진짜 죽게?Are you really going to die?
(김신) 응Yes.
첫눈이 오기 전에Before the first snowfall.
첫눈이 오면 왜?Why the first snowfall?
그 아이의 첫눈을 망치고 싶지 않아I don't want to ruin her first snowfall.
이러려고 내 이름 물어봤어?Is this why you asked for my name?
그건 진짜 궁금했어요I was sincerely curious.
(은탁) 어울려요, 아저씨랑 이름이랑Your name suits you well.
[은탁이 가방을 뒤적인다]
제 말 무슨 뜻인지 알죠?You know what I mean, right?
[김신이 사인을 쓱쓱 한다]
(김신) 이런 뜻이지This is it, right?
(은탁) 어떻게 알았지?How did you know?
진짜 어려운 뜻인데It was a hard one this time.
[신비로운 효과음]
대박No way.
눈이 와요It's snowing.
첫눈이에요, 아저씨It's the first snowfall.
근데 무슨 첫눈이 벌써 오지?Why is it snowing already?
오, 신기하다That's crazy.
전 예뻐서 좋은데 꽃들은 좀 춥겠다I like it because it's pretty, but the flowers must be cold.
(은탁) 그렇죠?Right?
세상에서 제일 빠른 첫눈을 맞고 있어요, 우리We're the first ones to see the first snow.
[은탁의 웃음]
근데 이거 아저씨죠?This is you, right?
첫눈 오는 날 뽑는다는 거, 그거죠?You wanted me to pull out the sword when it snowed.
이기적이어서 미안하긴 한데I'm sorry for being selfish,
나도 이런 기억 하나쯤은 남기고 싶어서but I wanted to make a memory too.
(은탁) 근데 언제까지 남겨요? 아저씨, 빨리 예뻐져야지How long are you going to enjoy this? You better hurry up and get pretty.
그래, 지금Okay, now.
(은탁) [노트를 부스럭거리며] 자, 그럼 이제 이뻐져 보십시다All right. It's time to make you pretty.
마지막으로 남기실 말은?Any last words?
너와 함께한 시간 모두Every moment I spent with you...
날이 좋아서Because the weather was good,
날이 좋지 않아서because the weather was bad,
날이 적당해서and because the weather was good enough...
모든 날이 좋았다Every day was good.
(김신) 그리고And...
무슨 일이 벌어져도whatever happens,
네 잘못이 아니다it is not your fault.
아저씨, 혹시...Are you...
진짜 빗자루로 변하는 거예요?really going to turn into a broom?
[살짝 웃는다]
그런 일은 없어That won't happen.
다행이다I'm glad.
[코를 훌쩍인다]I'm glad.
자, 그럼 이제 뽑습니다I'm going to take it out now.
[은탁이 코를 훌쩍인다]
[의미심장한 음악]
[신비로운 효과음]
[은탁의 당황하는 신음]
아니, 이게 왜 안 잡히지?Why can't I grab it?
(은탁) 씁, 이거 보이는데도 안 뽑히죠, 왜?I can see it, but I can't pull it out.
그, 너 손에 힘줬어?Did you put enough pressure?
잠깐만요, 다시 한번만 해 볼게요Here, let me try again.
[신비로운 효과음]
(은탁) 아까 분명 '무슨 일이 있더라도 네 잘못은 아니다'라고...You said earlier that it's not my fault no matter what happens,
무르기 없기-so don't take it back. -Hey.
야, 그러니까 그러니까 넌 도깨비 신부가...-so don't take it back. -Hey. -But you are the Goblin's bride... -I said, don't take it back.
아, 그러니까 무르기 없다고요-But you are the Goblin's bride... -I said, don't take it back. Just stand still. I'm more surprised than you.
가만히 좀 있으라고요, 그러니까Just stand still. I'm more surprised than you.
내가 지금 더 당황스럽거든요?Just stand still. I'm more surprised than you. I'm standing still. How can I get more still than this?
(김신) 야, 가만있잖아 지금보다 어떻게 더 가만히 있어?I'm standing still. How can I get more still than this?
야, 너 그 서약서 내놔, 불태워 버리게Give me that agreement. I'm going to burn it.
잠깐만요!Give me that agreement. I'm going to burn it. Wait.
[가방을 탁 친다]
[깨닫는 숨소리]
나 알았어요 이거 그건 거 같아요, 저 알아요I know what it is. This must be it. I get it now.
뭔데?-What is it? -The cursed prince.
그 동화 속의 왕자님 저주 걸린 왕자님, 그거요-What is it? -The cursed prince. You know, the one in fairy tales?
아, 그거 뭐?What about him?
[긴장되는 효과음]
입맞춤요A kiss.
[김신의 놀라는 신음]
[감성적인 음악]
[신비로운 효과음]
(은탁) 암튼 그래서 제가 검을 딱 잡았는데Anyway, then I tried to grab the sword.
근데 이게 보이기만 하지 잡히지는 않는 거예요Even though I could see it, I couldn't touch it.
용케도 살아 돌아왔네He came back alive.
(저승사자) 도깨비 신부도 아닌 것 같으니 내보내야겠다고, 나는!She's not the Goblin's bride, so I'm going to kick her out.
(김신) 으음-Why do you need business cards? -I want them.
- 명함은 왜요? - 갖고 싶어-Why do you need business cards? -I want them.
(써니) 김우빈 씨 핸드폰 아닌가요?Isn't this Kim Woo-bin's number?
아직 명함이 없어서 받을 수가 없어-I don't have a business card yet. -What do you want me to do?
(김신) 어쩌라고?-I don't have a business card yet. -What do you want me to do? -What do you like, Woo-bin? -You, Sunny.
- (써니) 우빈 씨는 뭐 좋아하세요? - (저승사자) 써니 씨요-What do you like, Woo-bin? -You, Sunny.
(은탁) 물론 제 첫 입맞춤이긴 했는데요That was my first kiss, of course.
(김신) 빵That was my first kiss, of course.
[김신의 비명] [사람들의 놀라는 신음]
(태희) 괜찮으세요?Are you all right?
(은탁) 태희 오빠?Tae-hee? Is that you?
(김신) 태희가 누구야? 나와Who here is Tae-hee? Come out.
누구세요?Who are you?

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