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  쓸쓸하고 찬란하神 – 도깨비 8

Guardian: The Lonely and Great God 8


왜요, 아파요?What is it? Are you hurt?
[김신의 힘겨운 숨소리] 혹시 검 때문에 그래요?Is it the sword?
[신비로운 효과음]
[김신의 힘겨운 숨소리] [은탁의 떨리는 숨소리]
[무거운 효과음]
[김신의 힘겨운 숨소리] [은탁의 떨리는 숨소리]
[긴장되는 효과음]
[무거운 효과음]
[힘겨운 숨소리]
검이 잡혀요I can grab the sword.
[놀라는 숨소리]
(은탁) 잠깐만요Hold on.
[거친 숨소리]
잠깐만 기다려요, 내가 빼 줄게요Hold on. I'll pull it out for you.
[신비로운 효과음]
[고통스러운 신음]
아, 움직여요It's moving.
[신비로운 효과음]
[무거운 음악]
[전광판이 지직거린다]
[타이어 마찰음]
(김신) 신탁이 맞았구나The oracle was real.
내가 본 미래가 맞았구나The future I foresaw was correct.
이 아이로 인해 이제 난With this girl's help,
이 불멸의 저주를 끝내고I'll be able to end this curse of eternity
무로 돌아갈 수 있겠구나and cease to exist.
인간의 수명 고작 백 년A mortal soul can only live up to 100 years.
돌아서 한 번 더 보려는 것이Am I turning back to look upon
불멸의 나의 삶인가my life as an immortal soul
너의 얼굴인가or to look at you?
너의 얼굴인 것 같다I think it is to look at you.
[은탁의 떨리는 숨소리]
[은탁의 떨리는 숨소리]
[놀란 숨소리]
어? 아저씨, 괜찮아요?Are you all right?
질문이 바뀐 것 같은데I should be the one asking that.
[살짝 웃는다]
그런가?Is that so?
아이고, 죽겠다I ache all over.
미안해, 많이 놀랐지?I'm sorry. You must've been frightened.
[부인하는 신음]
아저씨도 몰랐던 거잖아요 이렇게 아플지You didn't know it would hurt this much.
(은탁) 지금까지 누가 잡아 본 적이 없으니까Nobody ever grabbed it before.
근데By the way,
아저씨 진짜 날 수 있네요?you can really fly.
이렇게 보여 달라고 한 건 아니었는데I didn't want you to show it to me like this.
이런 건 껌이지It's... a piece of cake.
우리 마음 단단히 먹어요We have to toughen up.
이게 보니까 녹록지가 않네요This isn't a simple task.
(은탁) 근데 사실 저는Actually, I was more surprised that I could move the sword.
검이 움직이는 거에 더 놀라서Actually, I was more surprised that I could move the sword.
[살짝 웃는다]
정말 다행이잖아요Aren't you really glad?
이로써 나 진짜 신부인 거 증명된 거죠?It's now proven that I am really the Goblin's bride.
[잔잔한 음악]
잘됐다I'm glad.
잘 안됐어요?Aren't you... glad?
잘됐어I'm glad.
봐요See? I'm really the bride.
나 진짜 신부 맞다니까See? I'm really the bride.
이럴 운명이었던 거예요This was my destiny.
멋지다It's cool.
(덕화) 아, 이 삼촌은 왜 안 와?Why isn't he coming home?
이거 심부름 완료해야 용돈 받는데I'm getting paid only if I complete the job.
오늘 투데이에는 또 뭔 난리가...Let's see what surprising event... CARS MYSTERIOUSLY EXPLODE IN A PARKING LOT!
[문이 달칵 열린다]
[문이 달칵 닫힌다] 났네?...happened today.
삼촌, 2층에 있었어? 아, 계속 기다렸잖아Were you upstairs the whole time?
삼촌, 빨리 일단 이것 좀 봐 봐Hurry up and look at this.
이거 혹시 삼촌이야?Is this you, by any chance?
근데 이러고 있으면 어떡해? 해결해Is this you, by any chance? Why aren't you doing anything? Go deal with it.
진짜 삼촌이야?Why aren't you doing anything? Go deal with it. Is it really you?
(김신) 설명할 기운 없어, 묻지 마Is it really you? I don't have the energy to explain. Don't ask.
시간 없으니까 서두르고I don't have the energy to explain. Don't ask. We don't have time. Hurry.
아, 대체 뭔 짓을 한 거야?What on earth did you do?
할아버지, 지금부터 제가 하는 얘기 잘 들으세요Grandpa, listen carefully.
글쎄, 삼촌이요 아니, 나 말고 삼촌이요Uncle... No, not me. It's Uncle.
김 비서님, 지금부터 제가 하는 얘기 잘 들으세요Mr. Kim, listen carefully.
현 시간부로 천우그룹 비서실 및 전산실을 총동원하여...Use the entire computer room of Cheonwoo Group--
아니, 나 말고요No, not me.
아, 저 아니라니까요!It's not about me.
끝 방 삼촌, 저랑 어디 좀 갑시다We have to go somewhere.
[졸린 목소리로] 어디?Where?
(덕화) 저희 삼촌이 사회성이 부족해서 사회를 다 부숴 놨네요My uncle lacks social skills, so he obliterated society.
[흥미진진한 음악]
(김 비서) 지금부터 해당 영상이 업로드된Starting now, go to all social media sites that
포털, 링크 공유 가능한 각종 SNS에Starting now, go to all social media sites that have uploaded this video and has the ability to share it
영상들 싹 다 내려 달라고 요청합니다and ask them to delete the video.
더 이슈가 되기 전에 막습니다 신속, 정확하게You have to stop it from spreading and becoming a bigger issue.
빅 데이터를 활용해도 좋고 담당자와 콘택트 시You have to stop it from spreading and becoming a bigger issue. You may use big data, and when you contact them,
'천우그룹 지주사 및 계열사 광고를 다 뺀다'로 시작하면You may use big data, and when you contact them, the work will be easier if you say you'll pull all ads of
일이 쉽고 빠를 겁니다Cheonwoo Group and its subsidiaries.
All right.
시작하세요Let's begin.
(함께) 예-Yes, sir. -Yes, sir.
[키보드 두드리는 소리가 요란하다]-Yes, sir. -Yes, sir.
[사람들이 저마다 통화한다]
(덕화) 자, 여러분All right, everybody.
[힘주는 신음]
(덕화) 자, 자, 일단First, if your property or car was destroyed, please stand here.
재산 및 차량이 다 부서지신 차주분들은 이쪽에First, if your property or car was destroyed, please stand here.
어마무시한 걸 목격하여 멘탈이 다 부서지신 분들은If you saw something incredible and your mental health has been destroyed,
저쪽으로 서 주세요please line up over there.
[흥미진진한 음악] [한숨]
찌그러진 차는 때아닌 돌풍에 의한 파손, 그뿐The car was damaged by unexpectedly strong wind.
(저승사자) 돈은 하늘에서 뚝 떨어진 횡재, 그뿐The money fell from the sky. That's it.
그대는 오늘 나 또한 보지 못하였다 [신비로운 효과음]You did not see me today.
자, 다음You did not see me today. Next.
(남자1) 저요It's me. By the way, isn't it too dark here?
근데 여기 너무 어둡지 않아요?It's me. By the way, isn't it too dark here?
기분이 안 좋아서I feel quite annoyed.
잠깐 제 눈을 좀 봐 주시겠어요?Would you please look into my eyes?
[신비로운 효과음] (저승사자) 찌그러진 차는The car was damaged by unexpectedly strong wind.
때아닌 돌풍에 의한 파손, 그뿐The car was damaged by unexpectedly strong wind.
돈은 하늘에서 뚝 떨어진 횡재, 그뿐The car was damaged by unexpectedly strong wind. The money fell from the sky. That's it.
그대는 오늘 나 또한 보지 못하였다You did not see me today.
자, 다음, 다음, 다음Next.
예, 예, 그, 빨리 예, 이쪽으로 오세요, 예, 예Come on. Hurry up.
가까이 오시면 돼요Come on. Hurry up.
눈 보세요, 눈, 예, 보세요Look into my eyes. Look.
(덕화) 네, 다음 차주분Next in line, please.
차종이 어떻게 되시죠?What's the model of your car?
여기 파일만 삭제하면 끝입니다We'll be done once we delete these files.
[저승사자의 한숨] [흥미진진한 음악]
(저승사자) 잠깐 제 눈을 좀 보시겠어요?Will you look into my eyes for a second?
[신비로운 효과음]
(덕화) 아니, 무슨 부부 싸움을 어떻게 했길래 차를 30대나 때려 부숴?How badly does a couple have to fight to break 30 cars?
나랑 끝 방 삼촌이 얼마나 개고생했는 줄 알아?Do you know how much trouble we went through?
고생했어, 고맙다Good job. -Thank you. -Don't thank us.
고마워하지 마-Thank you. -Don't thank us.
싸울 기운이 없을 뿐이야I just don't have the energy to fight.
[김신의 한숨]
(저승사자) 이 싸움은 미뤄 두자 안 그래도 뒤숭숭한데Let's delay the fight. I feel depressed enough.
네가 뒤숭숭해 봤자지, 난 더해You can't be any more depressed than I am. It's way worse.
네가 뭘 알아? 더한지 덜한지How do you know that you are more depressed than me?
난 이게 이렇게 이만큼 이렇게...This thing is stuck this deep...
하, 됐다Never mind.
[무릎을 탁 치며] 관두자Forget it.
(저승사자) 뭐, 죽다 살아나기라도 했나 봐?Did you almost die or what?
[저승사자의 못마땅한 숨소리]
[문이 달칵 열린다]
하, 또 왜들 그래요, 진짜? [문이 달칵 닫힌다]What's wrong with you two?
[약을 달그락 꺼낸다]
[덕화의 한숨]
[부드러운 음악]
[신비로운 효과음]
[전광판이 지직거린다]
메밀 군, 우리 이제 안 나가도 된다Mr. Buckwheat. We don't have to leave anymore.
나 진짜 신부 확정이야I'm definitely the Goblin's bride.
[은탁의 아파하는 신음]
(은탁) 아, 삭신이야Gosh, my body aches.
[은탁의 힘겨운 신음]
[와장창 깨지는 소리가 난다]
아, 아저씨 왜 이래요?What's wrong with him?
설마 죽은 건 아니죠?Is he... Is he dead?
약 기운 때문에 그래, 자게 둬It's the medication. Let him sleep.
(은탁) 저렇게 자면 담 걸릴 텐데It'll hurt when he wakes up if he sleeps on the floor.
이렇게 안아서 방에...You should carry him to the room--
(저승사자) 그래, 그러면 돼Yes, do that.
할 수 있으면 잘해 봐If you can, that is.
(은탁) 왜 그래요?What's wrong?
약 왜 먹었는데요Why did you take the pills?
아직도 아파요?Are you still in pain?
[감성적인 음악]
(저승사자) 대체 누구신데Who on earth are you?
이렇게 사무칩니까?Why does my heart ache?
[써니가 숨을 카 내뱉는다]
[숨을 들이켠다]
우리 집 무 맛있는데Our pickled radishes taste good.
[아그작 씹는다]
오십 명만 지나가면 집에 가자I will go home once fifty people pass by.
[성냥이 칙 켜진다]
봐줬다I'll be nice.
열은 없는데He doesn't have a fever.
[잔잔한 음악]
[은탁의 한숨]
다 큰 어른이You're an adult.
아무 데나 막 쓰러져 자고You shouldn't fall asleep in random places.
아파서I'm sick, that's why.
깼어요?Are you awake?
파스 냄새I can smell your pain relief patch.
[살짝 웃는다]
여기저기 막 쑤셔서My body aches all over.
(은탁) 아저씨도 많이 아파요?Are you feeling sick too?
아까는 괜찮다 그러더니You said you were okay before.
거짓말이었어I lied.
맨날 거짓말이네You always lie.
(은탁) 얼른 나아요Get well soon.
어디가 아픈 줄 알고You don't know where it hurts.
어디가 아픈데요?Where does it hurt?
첫사랑 엄청 아프네My first love hurt me badly.
뭐, 되게 이뻤나 봐요?She must've been really pretty.
(은탁) 뭐, 막 아주 베껴 쓴 것도 있더구먼You even wrote something about her.
아주 많이Very much so.
매일매일Every day.
예뻐She's pretty.
많이 아프시다You are very sick.
위독하시네, 지금You must be in a critical condition.
푹 자요, 빨리 입 돌아가게Sleep well, so your body will ache even more.
[은탁의 못마땅한 숨소리]
[은탁의 한숨]
가지 마Don't go.
(은탁) 내가 왜요?Why not? I don't like someone who isn't over his first love.
첫사랑이나 생각하는 사람 뭐가 이쁘다고Why not? I don't like someone who isn't over his first love. What a thing to say to your bride.
그게 신부한테 할 소리야?What a thing to say to your bride.
잘 보면 있어, 이쁜 구석She's pretty if you look hard enough.
그러니까 가지 마So stay here.
내가 치읓 자 들어가는 거 하지 말라고 했냐고 안 했냐고I told you not to say the word "first."
치, 치사해You're so mean.
아, 나Stop it.
[옅은 숨소리]
야채 다 넣어 주시고요 빵은 데워 주세요I want all the vegetables, and please toast the bread.
(점원) 네I want all the vegetables, and please toast the bread. Okay.
(은탁) 주문하신 뇌물 나왔습니다Here's the bribe you ordered.
음, 좋아Okay.
물건은?Where's the item?
(은탁) 정말로 해석이 가능해요?Can you really translate this?
재벌 3세란 응당 3세 때부터 천자문을 떼 줘야...Any rich heir should memorize a thousand Chinese characters at the age of three.
근데 이게 뭔데?What's this?
오빠네 삼촌 뒷조사요 특히 첫사랑 관련해서What's this? Something about your uncle and his first love.
우리끼리의 비밀Something about your uncle and his first love. It's our secret.
이 소녀야 나 이런 뒷조사 엄청 선호해Listen, little girl. I love doing background checks.
(덕화) 보자Let me see.
(은탁) 이 글자는 '들을 청'이에요This character means "to hear," just in case you didn't know.
혹시 모르실까 봐This character means "to hear," just in case you didn't know.
[의미심장한 음악]
샌드위치까지 드시고 모르면 안 돼요, 싫어요Don't say you can't read it after you ate that sandwich. -I won't accept that. -It's a love letter.
연서네-I won't accept that. -It's a love letter.
- 연서요? - (덕화) 어-A love letter? -Yes.
슬픈 사랑 고백이네It's a sad confession of love.
'그렇게 백 년을 살아 어느 날'"After 100 years of living,
(덕화) '날이 적당한 어느 날'and on a good-enough day..."
[은탁이 씩씩댄다]
(은탁) 혹시나 했는데 역시나네My worst fears came true.
됐어요, 누군지 알아요That'll do. I know who it's about.
[은탁이 노트를 탁 덮는다]
누군데?-Who? -I heard all about her.
얘기 다 들었어요-Who? -I heard all about her.
[은탁이 가방을 직 연다]
[가방을 직 닫는다]
[은탁의 성난 숨소리]It's totally understandable. In his 900-year life,
뭐, 그럴 수 있죠It's totally understandable. In his 900-year life,
구백 평생 못 잊는 여자 한 명쯤 있을 수 있죠It's totally understandable. In his 900-year life, he could have met someone unforgettable.
- 한 명이래? - 아니에요?-Just one? -Is it not?
- 나야 모르지 - 아, 놀라라-I don't know. -You scared me.
뭐, 암튼 김신 씨 말이에요Anyway, about Mr. Kim Shin.
김신 씨가 누구야?Who's that?
오빠네 삼촌요Your uncle.
우리 삼촌이 김신이야? 우리 삼촌 유신재야Your uncle. Is he Kim Shin? He's Yoo Shin-jae.
예, 뭐, 설명하자면 긴데Well... It's a long story.
암튼요, 그 삼촌분 가슴에 검 꽂혀 있는 거 말이에요Anyway, about the sword that's stuck in his chest--
우리 삼촌 가슴에 검이 꽂혀 있어?There's a sword in his chest?
아, 아는 게 뭐예요?-Do you know anything? -What sword is it?
아, 검 뭔데?-Do you know anything? -What sword is it?
(덕화) 너 이렇게 검성검성 얘기하면 나 검플렉스 생기거든?If you don't tell me everything, I'll end up having a complex.
너 계속 이런 식이면If you keep this up, I won't let you in on my little secret.
나도 나만 알고 있는 거 안 가르쳐 준다If you keep this up, I won't let you in on my little secret.
[반가운 숨소리]
오빠만 알고 있는 거 뭔데요?What is your little secret?
[김신의 의아한 숨소리]
(김신) 이 그림을 보고 울었다고? 그자가?He saw her portrait and cried? -The Grim Reaper? -Yes, he totally sobbed.
어, 엄청 펑펑-The Grim Reaper? -Yes, he totally sobbed.
(덕화) 나는 안 된다고, 안 된다고 하는데I tried to talk him out of it, but he insisted we take a look.
끝 방 삼촌이 보자고, 보자고I tried to talk him out of it, but he insisted we take a look.
진짜 울었어? 왜?I tried to talk him out of it, but he insisted we take a look. Did he really cry? -Why? -I don't know.
나야 모르지, 가서 막 따져, 삼촌-Why? -I don't know. Let's go get angry at him and ask why.
(덕화) 화내자, 막, 빨리Let's go get angry at him and ask why.
어? 어? 어?
너 내 그림 왜 봤냐? 얘는 말렸다는데Why did you look at my painting? He said he tried to stop you.
울었다며? 네가 왜 우냐 나도 안 우는데I heard you cried. Why? Even I don't cry.
(저승사자) 나도 당황스러워서 여러 방면으로 많이 생각을 해 봤는데I was confused, so I thought about it long and hard. I think it was something like Stendhal syndrome.
스탕달 신드롬, 그런 거 아닐까 싶다I think it was something like Stendhal syndrome.
엄청 감동적이고 가슴이 벅차고 그랬어I think it was something like Stendhal syndrome. I felt so moved and felt a rush in my heart.
(저승사자) 근데 누구야?Who is the woman in the painting by the way?
[긴장되는 음악] 이 그림 속 여인Who is the woman in the painting by the way?
네가 알아서 뭐 하게?-Why do you care? -I think...
(저승사자) 그냥 어디선가 본 것 같아서-Why do you care? -I think... she looks familiar.
[화살이 휙 날아온다]
(김신) 네가 본 이 여인은 누군데?Who do you think she is?
내가 아는 이 여인은 내 누이야This woman is my sister.
[긴장되는 효과음]
(덕화) 삼촌, 누나가 있었어?You have a big sister?
진짜 내 여동생 본 적 있어?Have you ever seen my little sister?
(김신) 잘 생각해 봐, 어디서 봤는지Think about it. Where was it?
아, 여동생Oh, a little sister...
[의미심장한 음악]
내 망자 중 한 명인가 싶은데 이 또한 정확하지는 않아I think she may be one of my deceased souls, but I'm not positive.
이 아이가 환생했었어? 언제?She was reincarnated? When?
정확지 않다니까I said I wasn't sure.
내가 기백 년간 데려간 망자가 몇인데 얼굴을 다 기억해?I guided souls for centuries, I can't remember all of them.
어디선가 본 듯해서 그렇게 짐작해 보는 거야She seemed familiar, so I'm guessing.
기억은 없고 감정만 있으니까There's no memory of her. Just an emotion.
[저승사자의 한숨]
그냥 엄청 슬펐어I was just extremely sad.
가슴이 너무 아팠어My heart felt like it was breaking.
(덕화) 삼촌들Uncles, I know.
나 알아Uncles, I know.
알 것 같아I think I know.
끝 방 삼촌이 삼촌 여동생의 환생 아니야?Maybe the Grim Reaper is your sister's reincarnation.
'오라버니' 한번 해 봐요, 끝 방 삼촌Try calling him your brother.
(함께) 죽는다!Try calling him your brother. -Do you want to die? -Do you want to die?
[저승사자의 한숨]
[깊은 한숨]
[목을 가다듬으며] 오...Brother...
[사자1이 숨을 카 내뱉는다]
(사자1) 선배님, 그 얘기 들으셨습니까?Sir, have you heard the news?
장항동 김 차사 얘기?About Messenger Kim from Janghang-dong.
장항동 김 차사가 왜?What about him?
(사자1) 망자를 데리러 갔는데, 글쎄He went to pick up a soul,
그 망자가 전생에 자기 와이프였답니다and it was his wife from a previous life.
그래서 그 망자 기타 누락자 처리 하고 둘이 도망갔답니다So he put her name on the missing souls' list and ran off with her.
그래서?-And? -That is all.
거기까지입니다-And? -That is all.
그 뒤는 모릅니다I don't know the rest.
아마 잡히지 않았을까요?I'm sure they were caught.
전생이 어떻게 기억났대?How did he remember his past life?
모르죠Who knows?
그래서 다들 불안해합니다That's why everyone's nervous. I've been drinking every day too.
(사자1) 저도 요새 맨날 술만 마십니다 괜히 생각만 많아지고That's why everyone's nervous. I've been drinking every day too. I can't stop thinking about it.
전생에 큰 죄를 지으면 저승사자가 된다는데They say you become a Grim Reaper if you commit a great sin.
대체 무슨 죄를 얼마나 크게 지은 걸까요?I wonder how bad a sin it was.
괴롭지 말라고 아예 없애 준 걸까요?Maybe they erased our memory so we wouldn't be tormented by it.
이런 일 하면서 속죄하라고?So that we can repent while doing this work.
신의 배려겠죠?It must be the Almighty being generous.
기억이 나면 나는 대로If you remember, you do. If you don't remember, you don't.
안 나면 안 나는 대로 다 신의 뜻이겠지If you remember, you do. If you don't remember, you don't. It is all the Almighty's will.
다만 잃은 기억을 다시 돌려준However, I wonder what their intent is
신의 뜻이 무엇일지 궁금할 뿐for returning those types of memories.
여러모로I wonder.
[아이들이 재잘거린다]
(여자1) 진영아Jin-yeong!
빨리 가자Let's go.
[여자1의 웃음]Let's go.
- 재미있었어? - (아이1) 응-Did you have fun? -Yes.
뭐 먹을까?What should we eat?
[여자1의 웃음]
난 이만I need to go.
[무거운 음악]
(저승사자) 술 작작 마시고Don't drink too much.
(사자1) 수고하십시오Have a nice day.
엄마, 여기 어디야?Mom, where are we?
찻집인 거 같은데?I think it's a tea shop.
(아이1) 아, 우리 뭐 마실 거야?What are we drinking? What are you going to order?
엄마, 뭐 주문할 건데?What are we drinking? What are you going to order?
엄마는I ordered paradise
천국을 주문했어I ordered paradise
(여자1) 우리 진영이 주려고to give it to you.
주문하신 천국 나왔습니다Here is the paradise that you ordered.
감사합니다Thank you.
엄마, 왜 울어?Mom, why are you crying?
[여자1이 흐느낀다]Mom, why are you crying?
[여자1이 흐느낀다]
[살짝 웃는다]
[새가 지저귄다]
(은탁) 뭐 하세요?-What are you doing? -Oh my gosh.
아이, 깜짝이야-What are you doing? -Oh my gosh.
너 지금 여기서 뭐 해?What are you doing there?
(은탁) 도서관 가는 길이었어요 [김신의 한숨]I was going to the library.
아저씨는요? 아는 집이에요?What about you? Do you know them?
당신 뭐야?Who are you?
잠깐 비켜Step aside.
[의미심장한 음악]
(김신) 창문을 열고 환기를 시키고 단추를 잠가Open the window, clear the air, and button up.
필요할 거야You'll need this.
가자Let's go.
(아이2) 아빠Daddy.
[밝은 음악]
[남자2의 당황하는 숨소리]
너 어떻게 왔어?Hi. How did you get here?
택시 타고 주소 보여 줬어I got in a taxi and showed her the address.
5천2백 원 나왔어It was 5,200 won.
(아이2) 여기 갈 거예요-I'm going here. -I know where that is.
(삼신) 어딘지 알아-I'm going here. -I know where that is.
안전벨트 매Buckle up.
아빠, 나 배고파Daddy, I'm hungry.
(남자2) 어, 여기Okay. Here.
(아이2) 아빠, 보고 싶었어Daddy, I've missed you.
[살짝 웃는다]
아빠도Me too.
[남자2가 흐느낀다]
[새가 지저귄다]
(은탁) 오늘도 좀 멋지네요You were pretty cool again today.
때로는 부모가, 자식이, 형제가At times, a parent, a child, or a sibling
서로서로에게 수호신이 되어 주기도 한다become each other's guardian spirit.
난 그저 샌드위치를 건넬 뿐I merely gave him a sandwich.
저자를 구하는 건 내가 아니라 저자의 딸이다I did not save that man. His daughter did.
아, 그것도 멋지다That's cool too.
샌드위치값이 만만치가 않아The sandwiches cost a lot.
유 회장이 잘 버니 망정이지It's a good thing President Yoo makes a lot of money.
[은탁의 웃음]It's a good thing President Yoo makes a lot of money.
근데요But you know, about the sword...
검 말이에요But you know, about the sword...
갑자기 왜 움직인 걸까요?Why do you think it suddenly moved?
잡히지도 않더니, 그렇죠?I couldn't even grab it before, right?
(저승사자) 저주보다 강력한 게 있어야 하는 거 아닐까?Maybe you need something more powerful than a curse.
예를 들면Something like true love, for example.
진정한 사랑 같은 거?Something like true love, for example.
[익살스러운 음악]
너 뭐 나한테 할 얘기 없어?Don't you have something to say to me?
- 없는데요 - 있을 텐데-No, I don't. -I'm sure you do.
(은탁) 아, 그거? 하나 있기는 한데요Oh, that? -There is one thing. -See? You do.
(김신) 거봐, 너 있어-There is one thing. -See? You do.
참지 말고 얘기해, 너 다 티 나 해, 괜찮아Don't hold it in. I can read your face. Tell me. It's okay.
네가 뭐라든 난 편견 없이 받아들일 사람인 거 알면서Whatever you say, you know I'll accept it without judging you.
(은탁) 돈 많으신 건 알겠는데요I know you have a lot of money,
집에만 계시는 거 괜찮아요?but is it okay to just stay home?
할 얘기가 그거야?Is that what you wanted to tell me?
고려 시대 때 나랏일 한 게 다잖아요 그렇죠?All you did was work for the country during the Goryeo Era.
야, 너 말 다 했어? 나도 직업 있었거든?Hey. Stop being rude. I had a career too.
[흥미진진한 음악] 불멸까지는 아니더라도It won't make you immortal, but you won't get drunk for a while.
되게 오래 안 취할 수 있다네It won't make you immortal, but you won't get drunk for a while.
[숨을 카 내뱉는다]
[숨을 들이켠다]
불멸까지는 아니더라도 되게 오래 향기로울 수 있다네It won't make you immortal, but you'll smell nice for a while.
[만족스러운 신음]
불멸까지는 아니더라도 되게 오래 단란할 수 있다네It won't make you immortal, but you'll be happy for a while.
(여자2) 근데 왜 반말이세요?Why are you talking down to me?
(김 비서) 죄송합니다, 고객님I'm sorry, ma'am.
유재신 씨-Mr. Yoo. -My apologies.
- 미안하네 - (김 비서) 에헤-Mr. Yoo. -My apologies.
그것도 미안하네My apologies for that, as well.
(은탁) 그래서 집에만 계셨구나, 남지 않아서That's why you just stay home. -Because you lack. -What do you mean? Lack what?
남지 않다니, 무슨 말이야?-Because you lack. -What do you mean? Lack what?
남지 않다는 게 뭐겠어요?What do you think? You're lacking brain cells.
모자란 거지What do you think? You're lacking brain cells.
[웃으며] 아, 나...Seriously, I've never heard that before.
(김신) 진짜 그런 소리 처음 들어Seriously, I've never heard that before.
진짜 처음이야, 진짜Seriously, I've never heard that before. Ever. Seriously. Never.
응, 첫사랑분이 이런 지적 안 해 주셨구나Ever. Seriously. Never. I guess your first love never pointed that out, did she?
처음 들으신 거 보니까I guess your first love never pointed that out, did she?
너 지금 질투하는 거야?Are you jealous?
[당황하는 숨소리]What? Why would I be jealous?
(은탁) [웃으며] 아니, 뭐What? Why would I be jealous?
아, 제가 무슨 질투를 해요?What? Why would I be jealous?
고려인지 조선인지 언제 적 사람인지도 모르는데I don't even know which age she lived in.
뭐, 언제 만났는데요? 고려? 조선? 조선 중기? 후기?When did you meet? Goryeo? Joseon? Mid Joseon? Late Joseon?
뭐, 단아하니 곱긴 했겠네요I'm sure she must have been pretty.
근데요, 첫사랑이란 원래 안 이루어지는 법이거든요But you know, first loves never work out.
들어가세요, 기다리지 마시고요Go home. Don't stay up for me.
늦을 거니까I'll be late.
[잔잔한 음악]
누가 그래, 안 이루어진다고Who says first love doesn't work out?
싫은데I don't like that.
- 야 - (정현) 호-Hey. -Ho.
(은탁) 뭐?What?
[은탁의 짜증 섞인 신음]
[동전을 잘그랑 넣는다]
'야호'가 뭐냐?What's "Hey-ho"?
[자판기 작동음]
안 재미있어?Isn't it funny? Everyone else back then thought it was funny.
(정현) 우리 때는 다 재미있어했는데Isn't it funny? Everyone else back then thought it was funny.
구려It's lame.
[은탁이 투입구를 딸깍 연다]
(정현) 너 근데 이 점 많이 흐려졌다?You know, your birthmark faded a lot.
[투입구가 탁 닫힌다]
(은탁) 그래? 나이 먹어서 그런가?Really? Maybe it's because I'm getting older.
[은탁이 동전을 잘그랑 넣는다]
[자판기 작동음]
(정현) 넌 근데 왜 나 이거 마시지도 못하는데Why do you always waste money on this when I can't drink it?
꼬박꼬박 돈을 쓰냐? 아깝게Why do you always waste money on this when I can't drink it? It's such a waste.
나 아니면 누가 너 커피 챙겨 준다고Who else would get you coffee besides me?
[의미심장한 음악] [정현이 피식한다]Who else would get you coffee besides me?
수능은 잘 봤어?How did the exams go?
그럼, 잘 봤지Good, of course.
[정현의 탄성]
(은탁) 그러니까 너도 더 늦기 전에 말해That's why you should tell me your story before it's too late.
[의미심장한 효과음]
[발소리가 울린다]
(은탁) 딴 귀신들은Other ghosts are busy
자기 사연 들어 달라 한 풀어 달라 난리인데telling me their stories and begging me to help them.
넌 왜 아무 소리도 안 하냐?Why haven't you said anything to me?
나 대학 가면 여기 자주 못 온단 말이야Once I go to college, I won't be able to come here often.
(정현) 그러면 나 보러 한번 와 줄래?Then will you come visit me?
예쁜 꽃 사서?I'd love some nice flowers.
나 파주에 있는데I'm in Paju.
응, 갈게Okay. I'll go.
[잔잔한 음악]
(은탁) 근데By the way,
넌 어떻게 죽은 거야?how did you die?
졸업식 하다가It was on my graduation day.
교통사고There was a car accident.
그러면 나 기다린다I'll be waiting, then.
[살짝 웃는다]
[의미심장한 효과음]
아휴, 대체 무슨 사연인 거야?I wonder what her story is.
[문이 달칵 열린다]
- (은탁) 어서 오세요 - (저승사자) 실례합...-Welcome. -Hello.
[은탁의 한숨]
(은탁) 나 있는 데는 자꾸 어떻게 아는 거예요?How do you keep figuring out where I am?
[문이 달칵 닫힌다]
(저승사자) 내가 더 놀랐다I'm even more surprised. Why here, of all places?
왜 하필 여기야?I'm even more surprised. Why here, of all places?
전 세계에 있는 맥켄 버거 매장 숫자보다There are more chicken restaurants in Korea
우리나라에 있는 닭집 숫자가 더 많다던데There are more chicken restaurants in Korea than the total number of McDonald's in the world.
왜 하필 이 집이냐고than the total number of McDonald's in the world. Why did it have to be this one?
도깨비 씨가 붙여 준 닭집이니까요Because this is the one the Goblin put me in.
(저승사자) 하여간 인생에 도움이 안 되는 자 같으니He's seriously no help.
오늘은 또 뭔데요?He's seriously no help. What is it today?
(은탁) 진짜 사람 간 떨어지게 이렇게 불쑥불쑥 찾아오실 거예요?Are you going to keep showing up like this and scare me?
닭집에 왜 왔겠어? 닭 사러 왔지, 닭 줘Why do you think I'm here? I'm here to get chicken. Give me one.
웃기지 마시고요I'm here to get chicken. Give me one. Don't lie.
아저씨 채식주의자인 거 내가 다 아는데?I know you're a vegetarian.
다 알아도 닭 줘Even if you know, give me one.
(저승사자) 저거, 무 많이I want that one with extra radishes.
[놀라는 숨소리]
(저승사자) 오호, 씁 미리 약속이 돼 있었던 만남인 건가?Were you supposed to meet him?
[은탁의 당황하는 숨소리] 그 약속의 현장을 내가 덮친 건가?Were you supposed to meet him? Did I just walk in at the scene by coincidence?
우연히Did I just walk in at the scene by coincidence?
[은탁의 다급한 숨소리] [흥미진진한 음악]
[신비로운 효과음]
(저승사자) 아, 너 뭐 하는 거야?What are you doing? You can't touch that.
이거 이렇게 막 함부로 만지면 안 돼!What are you doing? You can't touch that.
아저씨도 사람들 눈에 막 띄고 그러면 안 되는 거거든요?What are you doing? You can't touch that. You're not supposed to be seen by humans, either.
(은탁) 저기 구석에 조용히 계세요You're not supposed to be seen by humans, either. Just go sit in the corner.
그럼 다리라도 하나 더 챙겨 드리려니까Just go sit in the corner. If you stay quiet, I'll give you an extra drumstick.
[은탁의 다급한 숨소리]
(은탁) 오빠, 어서 오세요Welcome.
잘 지내셨어요?Have you been well?
편한 데 앉으세요Please have a seat.
앉으세요, 뭐, 뭐 드실래요?Sit down. What would you like?
(저승사자) 내가 생각을 해 봤는데I thought about it, and what do you think about
오늘 저녁 닭 어때?I thought about it, and what do you think about chicken for dinner?
[탄성]chicken for dinner?
[웅장한 음악]
왠지 오늘 저녁은Don't you want some
닭 먹고 싶지 않아?chicken for dinner?
별수 없군I guess we have no choice.
오늘 저녁은 닭으로 해야겠어Tonight's dinner will have to be chicken.
이기적이어서 미안한데I'm sorry for being selfish,
오늘 저녁은 닭...but tonight's dinner is--
닥쳐but tonight's dinner is-- Shut it.
저승 아저씨, 잠깐 저 좀 보시죠Grim Reaper, I need to talk to you.
먼저 먹고 있어 튀김옷이 식기 전에 돌아오지You can start without me. I'll be back before it's cold.
(김신) 아유, 야, 나 그냥 무로 돌아갈...You can start without me. I'll be back before it's cold. I'd rather just die...
(은탁) 아저씨, 왜 자꾸 우리 가게에 와요?Why do you keep coming to our store?
난 아닐 거고It can't be because of me.
설마 우리 사장님이 목적이에요?It can't be because of me. Are you after Ms. Sunny?
그런 거 아니야, 단지 보러 가는 거야It's not like that. I only go there to see her.
(저승사자) 내가 누군지 너만 말 안 하면 우리 모두 평화로울 것 같은데As long as you keep quiet, everything will be peaceful.
아저씨나 얘기하지 마요It's you who should keep quiet.
태희 오빠가 나 알바하는 가게 놀러 온 거Don't talk about Tae-hee visiting me
나 보고 막 환하게 웃은 거and him smiling ear to ear at me.
갈 때 두 마리 더 포장해 간 거Or that he bought more chicken on his way out.
우리끼리의 비밀이니까Or that he bought more chicken on his way out. It's our secret.
(김신) 비밀?A secret?
(김신) 알바하는 데 놀러를 왔어? 와서 환하게 웃었어?He came to visit you at work? He smiled at you?
(저승사자) 아니, 근데 환하게 웃은 건 비밀이라 쳐Sure, you might want to keep his smile a secret,
포장해 간 건 왜 비밀이야?but why the extra chicken?
너 솔직히 말해 너 걔 쿠폰 몇 개 줬어?but why the extra chicken? Tell me the truth. How many coupons did you give him?
야, 너 좀 가만있어 봐 그 자식 몇 번 왔어?Be quiet. How many times did he visit you?
걔가 다섯 번을 왔다 쳐Be quiet. How many times did he visit you? Let's say he came five times. How many coupons should he have?
그러면 쿠폰이 몇 장이어야 돼?Let's say he came five times. How many coupons should he have?
(김신) 너 좀 가만있으라고!Just be quiet!
야, 너 걔가 누구 덕에 그 잘난 야구...Hey. Do you know who allowed him to play baseball?
내가 옛날에 걔 수호신이라서 다 내가 걔 야구, 어?I used to be his guardian, so I taught him everything. You're clueless.
진짜 아무것도 모르면서, 뭐?so I taught him everything. You're clueless.
뭐, 그렇다 쳐도 그게 뭐, 순 아저씨 덕일까요?Let's say what you claim is true. However, it can't be all you.
(은탁) 다 내 첫사랑 태희 오빠의 의지지My first love's strong will played a big part.
인간의 의지 몰라요?You know how strong a human's will can be?
나 봐 아저씨 검 딱 잡아 내잖아, 결국You know how strong a human's will can be? Take me for example. I ended up grabbing your sword.
예뻐지게 해 주나 봐라Your fate is up to me.
(김신) 아, 야, 야Your fate is up to me. Hey, wait.
와, 와!
[김신의 기가 찬 숨소리]
야, 그, 비명횡사 시스템이 어떻게 돼?What is the process for an unnatural death?
기본 원리만 알려 주면 내가 어떻게 해 볼게Tell me the basics, and I'll try to do it myself.
그리고 내가 치킨 쿠폰 그거 해결해 줄게Tell me the basics, and I'll try to do it myself. I'll also help you with the chicken coupons.
더 빠른 길을 아는데 내가 왜 너한테?I know a faster way. Why should I ask you for help?
- (저승사자) 은탁아? - (김신) 야Eun-tak.
(저승사자) 지은탁-Hey. -Ji Eun-tak.
[김신의 어이없는 웃음]-Hey. -Ji Eun-tak.
(김신) 으아, 이것들이 진짜! [천둥이 콰르릉 친다]
[거친 숨소리]
(태희 모) 아니It somehow reappeared out of nowhere.
누가 쥐도 새도 모르게 다시 갖다 놨다니까? [흥미진진한 음악]It somehow reappeared out of nowhere.
아니, 이 큰 걸 들여놓는데 어떻게 동네 사람 한 명이 못 봐?Not a single soul saw it when this huge thing was put back.
귀신이 곡할 노릇이야, 곡할 노릇It's unfathomable, isn't it?
(윤아) 야, 지은탁Eun-tak.
잠깐 괜찮지? 궁금한 게 있어서Do you have a minute? I have to ask you something.
너 수능 잘 봤어?Did your exams go well?
그런 편인데, 왜?You could say that. Why?
진짜 잘 봤나 보네You must have done really well.
재수 없다, 야You're so annoying.
너도 잘 봤을 거 아니야 너 공부 잘하잖아You're so annoying. I bet you did well, too. You're really smart.
근데 넌 학원도 안 다니잖아You're really smart. But you don't get any tutoring.
멋있다, 너That's pretty amazing.
- 야유야? - 진심인데?-Are you being sarcastic? -No, I mean it.
(윤아) 너 수시 어디 어디 넣었어?Which schools did you apply for?
나랑 겹칠까 봐-Just in case they overlap with me. -Even if we applied to the same schools,
대학은 비슷해도 너랑 안 겹칠 거야-Just in case they overlap with me. -Even if we applied to the same schools, I won't take your place.
난 사회 배려자 전형이라서I'm considered as an underprivileged student.
(윤아) 아...
그래서 넌 붙는대?So... Are you getting accepted?
그게 무슨 소리야?What are you talking about?
너 귀신 본다며I heard you see ghosts.
(윤아) 귀신들이 그런 거 안 알려 줘?Don't they tell you things like that?
나, 나 붙나 안 붙나도 궁금한데I'm curious if I'll get accepted or not.
진짜 궁금한 건 그거였구나?That's what you wanted to know, isn't it?
(은탁) 그래도 넌 건강해서 좋다 뒤에서 안 수군거리고At least you're being honest. You're not talking behind my back.
나 원래 궁금한 건 못 참아I can't stand being curious about something.
그래서 공부를 잘하나 보다I can't stand being curious about something. That must be why you're so good at studying.
그냥 보이는 거지 뭘 알려 주지는 않아I can see them, but they don't tell me anything.
갈게I have to go.
우리 3년 내내 같은 반이었는데We were in the same class for three years,
(윤아) 3년 치 대화 오늘 다 하네but we talked the most today.
너 내일 서운대 면접이지?You have an interview tomorrow at Seoun University, right?
면접 잘 봐Good luck.
너, 너도You too.
[살짝 웃는다]
[새가 지저귄다]
[부드러운 음악]
치, 가든 말든 신경도 안 쓰더니 왜 나왔대?You didn't care earlier whether I left or not. Why are you here?
- 뭐 놓고 간 거 없어? - 뭐요?-Didn't you forget something? -What?
[놀라며] 아, 목도리My scarf!
(은탁) 아저씨가 자꾸 인사도 안 받아 주고 신경 쓰이게 해서...It's because you ignored me and made me irritated.
쫄지 말고Don't lose confidence
떨지 말고and don't get nervous.
같이 가 줄까?Do you want me to come with you?
내가 뭐, 애인가?I'm not a kid.
버스는 왜 안 와?Why isn't the bus coming?
아직 삐친 거야?Why isn't the bus coming? -Are you still mad at me? -I was planning to,
그러려 그랬는데-Are you still mad at me? -I was planning to,
목도리 때문에 망했어요but I failed because of the scarf.
질투하는 거 맞네-I was right. You're jealous. -So what?
맞으면 뭐요? 내가 질투해서 좋아요?-I was right. You're jealous. -So what? -Are you happy I'm jealous? -Yes. I was happy the whole day.
어, 좋더라, 하루 종일-Are you happy I'm jealous? -Yes. I was happy the whole day.
(은탁) 들어가세요You should go home.
면접 잘 볼게요I'll do well on my interview.
목도리 감사합니다Thank you for the scarf.
어, 뒤에, 사람 조심Watch out behind you.
(은탁) 죄송합니다I'm sorry.
피하려고 했어요I was going to dodge her.
아저씨 눈 엄청 크고 맑아서 다 비쳐요, 진짜Your eyes are so huge and clear they reflect everything you see.
어, 알았으니까 차 타All right. Just get on the bus.
[우당탕거린다] [여자3의 비명]Thief! It's a pickpocket!
(여자3) 도둑이야! 소매치기야!Thief! It's a pickpocket!
[긴장되는 효과음]
[긴장되는 음악]
[의미심장한 효과음]
[의미심장한 효과음]
[자동차 경적]
[타이어 마찰음]
[타이어 마찰음]
[자동차 경적이 저마다 울린다]
[버스 경적]
[타이어 마찰음]
[긴장되는 음악]
[트럭 경적]
[트럭이 쾅 부딪친다]
[애잔한 음악]
[아기 울음]
[힘겨운 신음]
[여자4의 힘겨운 숨소리]
[시계가 째깍거린다]
[의미심장한 효과음]
[의미심장한 음악]
[시계가 째깍거린다]
잘 가요Bye.
네가 왜?But why?
[버스 문이 칙 닫힌다]
그 장면에 너는 없는데You're not in the scene.
뭐라고요?What's that?
(남자3) 아이, 이번에도 면접 망치면 엄마한테 죽을 텐데My mom will kill me if I fail another interview.
그냥 가다 사고나 났으면 좋겠다I wish I got into a car accident.
(남자4) 야, 하지 마Don't say that.
말이 씨가 된다잖아You should be careful what you wish for.
아, 엄마 손에 죽으나 사고로 죽으나Whether it's by my mom or a traffic accident...
사람은 어차피 다 죽어Everyone dies at some point.
(남자4) 참Gosh.
(사자2) 아유, 아유, 아침부터 피곤하다I'm so tired.
(사자1) 커피라도 좀 드시지 말입니다Have some coffee, sir.
- (저승사자) 어 - (사자2) 아유Have some coffee, sir.
(사자2) 야, 너 피곤하다고 내가 말했는데 왜 얘만 주냐?I was the one who said I was tired. Why don't you have one for me?
네 거는 뽑아 오지 말랬어, 내가I told him not to bring you one.
(사자2) 너 아직도 삐쳤냐?-Are you still mad about last time? -Who says I'm mad?
누가 그래? 나 삐쳤다고-Are you still mad about last time? -Who says I'm mad?
음, 다 그래, 너 아직도 삐쳤다고-Are you still mad about last time? -Who says I'm mad? Everyone says that.
알면 됐어I'm glad you know.
못 보던 애들도 있다?Who are the new faces?
한남동 애들도 지원 나왔지 말입니다They came to back us up from Hannam-dong.
(사자1) 진짜 큰 사고이긴 한가 봅니다It must be a serious accident.
(사자2) 그, 지원 팀도 일괄 다섯 장씩 받았다던데I heard everyone from the support team got five each.
넌 좀 많다?You have way more than that.
내 관할 구역이라This is my jurisdiction.
(저승사자) 김현정, 34세Kim Hyeon-jeong, age 34.
박수빈, 2세, 사고사Park Su-bin. Age two. Death by accident.
아이와 엄마인가 봅니다It must be a mother and her baby.
또 천국을 준비해야겠군I should prepare another cup of paradise.
(사자1) 예?What?
[명부를 바스락거린다]
[긴장되는 음악]
[신비로운 효과음]
[문이 달칵 닫힌다]
[신비로운 효과음]
(김신) 오늘은 장사 접고 집에 일찍 들어가시죠You should call it a day and head home early.
아니, 장사 시작도 안 했는데 접으라고?I didn't even get started and you want me to call it a day?
아니, 그게 뭔 말이오?What are you talking about?
여기서부터 여기까지 제가 다 산다는 소리입니다It means I'll buy everything you have.
(남자5) 아유, 젊은 양반이 뭘 성격이 그렇게 급해?You seem to be in an awful hurry.
아니, 이게 뭔 줄 알고?-Do you even know what's in there? -Socks.
양말이네요-Do you even know what's in there? -Socks.
(김신) 어떻게 하시겠어요? 그러시겠어요?What do you say? Will you do as I say?
[시계가 째깍거린다]
[남자5가 상자를 부스럭거린다]
[타이어 마찰음]
[남자6의 놀라는 신음]
[남자6의 힘겨운 신음]
[남자6의 아파하는 신음]
(남자6) 미친놈이, 씨!Are you crazy?
[무거운 음악]
[신비로운 효과음]
너 그때 정류장 그 새끼지?You. You're that jerk from the bus stop.
(남자6) 너 뭔데 자꾸 따라다녀?Why do you keep following me?
뭘 것 같아?Make a guess.
[신비로운 효과음]
[긴장감이 고조되는 음악]
[남자6의 놀라는 신음]
[무거운 음악]
(김신) 네가 훔친 현금이라고는The cash you stole was merely 23,000 won, 32,000 won,
달랑 2만 3천 원, 3만 2천 원The cash you stole was merely 23,000 won, 32,000 won,
만 5백 원에 식권 세 장이야10,500 won, and three meal coupons.
이거 때문에 오늘 몇 명이 죽을 뻔했는지 알아?Do you know how many people could've died because of that?
너 뭐야?What are you?
(남자6) 너 경찰이야?-Are you a cop? -The person you stole from
방금 네가 낚아챈 이 지갑의 주인은-Are you a cop? -The person you stole from gets diagnosed with a fracture that takes three weeks to recover from.
골절로 3주 진단을 받을 거고gets diagnosed with a fracture that takes three weeks to recover from.
3주를 쉬면 직장을 잃기 때문에 깁스도 안 하고 일을 하지She'd lose her job if she rests that long so she works without wearing a cast for three weeks because of you.
3주간 너 때문에so she works without wearing a cast for three weeks because of you.
뭔 개소리야?so she works without wearing a cast for three weeks because of you. What are you babbling about?
혹시 이 지갑 네 거야?Is this wallet yours?
(김신) 월급은 다시 치료비로 쓰고Her monthly pay goes into medical expenses,
3주간 방치한 골절은 쇼크로 오지, 너 때문에Her monthly pay goes into medical expenses, and you make her go into shock from the untreated fracture.
죽기 싫으면 닥쳐Shut your mouth or you'll regret it.
너 누구냐고, 새끼야I asked you who you are.
(김신) 너 같은 인간을 살리는 건 마음에 안 들지만It's not to my liking that I have to save someone like you,
인간의 생사에 관여한 부작용일 테니 그냥 살아but it'll have to be a side effect from meddling with human lives.
이걸로 벌이 끝났다고 생각하지 말고But don't think your punishment is over.
넌 죽어서도 다시 이 벌을 받게 될 테니까You will be punished even after your death.
하나 눈에는 눈, 이에는 이However, an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.
이건 내 방식이야This is my way of doing things.
좀 아플 거야, 참든지It'll hurt a little. But no matter to me.
[우두둑 소리가 난다]
[남자6의 비명]
(남자6) 아, 내 손My hand!
[남자6의 신음]My hand!
[의미심장한 효과음]
[남자6의 신음]
[시계가 째깍거린다]
(저승사자) 대기해, 곧 업무 시작이야Get on standby. It's time for work soon.
(사자2) 아, 예, 예Okay.
저기 대상 버스 들어옵니다The bus is approaching.
[버스 문이 칙 열린다]
(은탁) 어? 저승 아저씨다It's Mr. Grim Reaper.
(사자1) 저 여자애 지금 선배님 본 겁니까?Did she just look at you?
쟤 눈에 지금 우리가 보이는 겁니까?Can she see us right now? There are some who become like that before they die.
(사자2) 죽기 전에 더러 저런 애들이 있어, 어There are some who become like that before they die.
아직 어린게 불쌍하네Poor girl. She's still young.
[긴장되는 음악] 쟤가 왜 저기...Why is she...
(저승사자) 누구 지은탁 명부 가진 사람?Who has the name Ji Eun-tak on the list?
(사자1) 누구 말씀하시는 겁니까?Who are you talking about?
(사자2) 어, 그렇네 명단보다 한 명이 더 탔네Wait, you're right. There is an extra person on the bus.
이거 전원 사망 아니었어?I thought everyone would die.
잠깐만, 하나가 남으면 뭐, 뭐가 어떻게 되는 거야?Hold on. What happens when there's an extra?
오늘 사고 안 나겠다There isn't going to be an accident today.
[버스 문이 칙 닫힌다]There isn't going to be an accident today.
허탕이야It's a bust.
(사자1) 예? 왜요?What? Why?
[긴장되는 효과음]
(사자1) 어, 저 버스 그냥 가면 안 되는데That bus can't go like that.
무사히 가면 안 되는데 지금 사고 나야 되는데It's not supposed to. It should get into an accident now.
지금 고지된 사고 시간인데It's not supposed to. It should get into an accident now. Now should be the time.
(사자3) 어떡합니까? 우리가 내야 하는 거 아닙니까, 사고?Now should be the time. What do we do? Shouldn't we go and cause one?
(사자1) 버스가 그냥 갔습니다, 아무도 안 죽고The bus just left. Nobody died.
(사자2) 아니, 저승사자 생활 300여 년 만에 이런 경우는 나도 처음이네The bus just left. Nobody died. This has never happened to me in my 300 years as a Grim Reaper.
이, 이거 진짜 어떡하냐?What do we do?
(사자1) 저 기타 누락자 발생한 거 처음 봅니다This is the first time I witnessed the occurrence of missing souls.
이거 기적 맞지 말입니다This has to be a miracle.
기적이 진짜 일어나긴 일어나는구나So miracles really do happen.
- (사자1) 우아 - (사자2) '우아'
(사자2) [사자1의 무릎을 탁 차며] 아유!
[사자1의 아파하는 신음] 이게 서류 몇 장짜리 기적인 줄 알아?Do you know how much paperwork this miracle is worth?
요 주둥아리 그냥 확Watch your mouth.
죄송합니다, 너무 신기해서I'm sorry. It's just so astonishing.
(사자1) 근데 선배님은 어떻게 아셨습니까?But how did you know?
[사자1의 놀라는 신음]
(사자2) 아, 깜짝이야Oh, gosh.
(사자1) 도, 도깨비 같지 말입니다I think it's a goblin.
왜, 그렇게 안 보여?What? Don't I look like one?
잠깐 나 좀 보자I need to talk to you.
(김신) 왜 얘기 안 했어?Why didn't you tell me?
(저승사자) 너 왜 자꾸 인간의 생사에 관여해?Why do you keep meddling with human lives?
지은탁 오늘 죽을 뻔했어Eun-tak almost died today.
그게 그 아이의 정해진 명이면 할 수 없는 거야If that is her destiny, it can't be avoided.
누구 마음대로?Says who?
내가 할 수 없는 건 내 죽음밖에 없어The only thing I can't grant myself is my own death.
내가 그 아이 때문에Should I meddle with every single human life for her?
이 세상 모든 인간들의 생사에 한번 관여해 볼까?Should I meddle with every single human life for her?
야, 너, 남의 직장 와서...You... That was my workplace.
(김신) 근데But...
오늘 사고 아무리 생각해도 이상해No matter how I look at it, today's accident was strange.
며칠 전에 이미 그 사고 봤었어I foresaw the accident a few days ago,
근데 그 장면에 은탁이는 없었어but Eun-tak wasn't there.
그보다 전에 그 아이의 10년 뒤 모습을 봤고Besides, I saw her future ten years from now.
근데 분명 이건 죽을 사고였단 말이지And this accident would've definitely killed her.
네가 본 사고 장면이 기타 누락자의 운명이 아니어서 그래It's because the accident you foresaw wasn't part of her destiny.
(저승사자) 그 사고 속에 변수가 되어 들어가 버린 것뿐She just became the variable of that accident
네가 구할 거니까because you were going to save her.
[김신의 깨닫는 신음] 남친이 도깨비인 기타 누락자 덕에Thanks to the missing soul with a goblin boyfriend,
[이를 악물며] 죽을 운명들이 다 살았지everyone who was meant to die ended up staying alive.
애먼 저승사자를 야근에 휘말리게 했고You made me work overtime too.
닭 먹을래? 야식으로Do you want some fried chicken?
너 진짜 그냥 무로 돌아가는 거 심사숙고해 볼 생각 없냐?Do you want some fried chicken? Will you please reconsider ceasing to exist?
(저승사자) 농담한 건데 그렇게 정색하면 내가 뭐가 돼?It was a joke. No need to take it so seriously.
무로 돌아간다는 거 대체 뭘까 싶어서What does it actually mean to cease to exist?
(김신) 먼지나 바람이나 비로 흩어지는 걸까?Is it like becoming dust, wind, or rain?
세상 어딘가로And then you get whisked away?
그런 고민을 왜 하는데?Why do you even wonder?
어차피 기타 누락자가 검도 못 잡는데The missing soul can't even touch your sword.
은탁이가 검을 잡았어Eun-tak grabbed the sword.
[잔잔한 음악] (김신) 검이 움직이기까지 했어It even moved, so I...
그래서 내가...It even moved, so I...
그 아이를 죽일 뻔했어I almost killed her.
엄청 아프더라It hurt so much.
[한숨 쉬며] 처음 느껴 보는 고통이었어I had never felt such pain before.
지금이라도 사실대로 얘기해야 하는 거 아닐까?Don't you think you should tell her the truth?
검 뽑으면 어떻게 되는지-About what will happen? -No.
아니-About what will happen? -No.
가능하면 더 숨기려고I want to hide it if possible.
한 80년 정도 더For about 80 more years.
왜?-What? -That's a human's lifespan.
딱 인간의 수명이군-What? -That's a human's lifespan.
현재 19세인 한 소녀가 맥시멈으로 살 수 있는It's the maximum age a 19-year-old girl can live.
그러고 싶은데I want to keep it from her.
그렇게 될까?But can I?
안 될까?No?
[다가오는 자동차 엔진음] [살짝 웃는다]
[타이어 마찰음]
[차 문이 탁 열린다]
[차 문이 탁 닫힌다]
[안전띠를 딸깍 채운다]
저 데리러 오신 거예요?Did you come to pick me up? What a surprise.
치, 놀라게Did you come to pick me up? What a surprise.
점심 먹은 게 소화가 안돼서 나온 거야I had a heavy lunch and came out for some fresh air.
알죠I know. There's no way you'd care about my welfare.
(은탁) 설마 저 편하게 가라고 데리러 오셨겠어요?I know. There's no way you'd care about my welfare.
[비닐을 바스락거리며] 어?
이게 다 뭐예요?What's all this?
웬 양말?Socks?
오늘 내가 지켜 낸 누군가의 스무 살, 서른 살It signifies the next ten, twenty years of someone I saved today.
저의 스무 살, 서른 살 지켜 내려고Did you decide to sell socks
오늘부터 양말 장사 하기로 한 거예요?Did you decide to sell socks to support me for the next ten, twenty years?
내가 왜 노냐고 해서?Because I asked why you don't work?
[웃음]Because I asked why you don't work?
같이 할래?-Do you want to help out? -Sure.
좋아요-Do you want to help out? -Sure.
(은탁) 그리고 이제 저 면접 다 끝나서 시간 좀 나니까My interviews are all over, so I have free time now.
아저씨한테 신경 쓸게요I'll take better care of you from now on.
무슨 신경?I'll take better care of you from now on. What do you mean?
[은탁의 거친 숨소리]
너 뭐 하냐?What are you doing?
팔 힘 기르는 중이에요Strengthening my arm.
이번에는 꼭 한 번에 안 아프게 빼 드리려고Strengthening my arm. To make sure I pull out the sword in one go next time.
(은탁) 지난번에 느낀 건데To make sure I pull out the sword in one go next time. I realized last time that I need strong arms for the job.
팔 힘이 중요하겠더라고요I realized last time that I need strong arms for the job.
(김신) 쉬엄쉬엄해Don't overdo it.
뭐지? 이 힘 빠지는 응원은What is this discouraging energy?
자리 좀 비켜 줄래? 나 잠깐 할 얘기가 있어서Can you excuse me? I need to talk to someone.
(은탁) 누구랑요?-To whom? -It won't be long. Go inside.
잠깐이면 돼, 들어가-To whom? -It won't be long. Go inside.
[아령을 달그락거린다]
이리 와 봐요, 어? 잠깐 내려오라고Come over here. Come down to my level.
[익살스러운 음악] 아, 나 이만큼 벌받았으면 됐잖아Come over here. Come down to my level. Don't you think you've punished me enough?
(김신) 아니, 조금만 상 받겠다는데 그게 그렇게 싫습디까?Did you hate the idea of me enjoying something that much?
미래, 그거 일부러 보여 줬지? 나 아무것도 못 하게 하려고Did you show me that in advance to stop me from doing anything?
그렇다고 내가 그 선택을 할 것 같아?Do you think I'll make that decision?
안 해, 죽어도 안 해, 어?I won't. Never.
아니, 일로 내려와 봐요, 어?Come down here.
내려오라고, 얼굴 보고 얘기하자고 이 양반아!Come down here. Let's talk face-to-face. Why won't you?
(김신) 겁날 것 같아? 내려오라고, 내려...Do you think I'm afraid of you? Come down.
아, 진짜, 이 양반이Seriously...
아직 아픈가?Is he still sick?
안 봤어요I didn't look. I swear.
진짜인데I didn't look. I swear.
정말 마음에 안 든다I really don't like this.
널 좋아하는 나는The fact that I like you...
이렇게 멍청이일 수가 없다I couldn't be more foolish.
(은탁) 지금What...
뭐 하신 거예요, 나한테?did you just say to me?
못 들었으면 말고-It's fine if you missed it. -I heard everything.
다 들었는데-It's fine if you missed it. -I heard everything.
그럼 좋고Then good.
[문이 달칵 여닫힌다]
[부드러운 음악]
아니, 그러니까Does that mean
좀 전에 아저씨가 나한테 뭔 고백을...he actually confessed his love for me?
아, 이 양반이 진짜Seriously, what's wrong with him?
[은탁의 웃음]
[코를 훌쩍인다]
[숨을 카 내뱉는다]
[잔을 탁 내려놓는다]
(써니) 사십팔Forty-eight.
[부드러운 음악]
[써니의 놀라는 숨소리]10 MISSED CALLS KIM WOO-BIN
[당황하는 숨소리]
[다급한 숨소리]
(써니) 하도 전화를 안 하니까 꺼내 보지도 않았잖아요You never call, so I didn't bother to check my phone.
사람 놀라게!You startled me.
[써니의 거친 숨소리]
(써니) 먼저 전화 걸어서 깜짝 놀랐어요I was surprised that you called me first.
그것도 부재중을 열 통이나Ten missed calls?
(저승사자) 야근하다 할 말이 생각나서I was working late and I remembered I had to tell you something.
(써니) 엄청 중요한 말인가 봐요?It must've been really important.
(저승사자) 네It is.
종교, 무교I don't have a religion.
(써니) 뭐 이렇게 말을 잘해?You speak so well. Do you have a religion?
혹시 뭐, 종교 있어요?You speak so well. Do you have a religion?
또 뭐가 있어야 하는군요Do I need to have something else again?
그럼 준비되면 다시 연락을...I'll call you when I have it.
그 말 하려고 열 번이나 전화를 한 거예요?Did you call me ten times just to tell me that?
빨리 알려 드려야 할 것 같아서I thought I should tell you as soon as possible.
하, 귀여워You're cute.
제가Am I...
몰랐나요?cute? Didn't you know?
딴 여자들은 아무도 얘기 안 해 줬나요?Didn't any of the other women tell you so?
[당황하는 숨소리]Didn't any of the other women tell you so?
(저승사자) 딴 여자 없었...I didn't have any other women--
(써니) 그거 좋은 거예요, 그거 딴 여자 없는 거I didn't have any other women-- That's a good thing. Not having other women.
준비하지 마요, 딴 여자That's a good thing. Not having other women. Don't go looking for any.
지금 딱 좋아요, 알았어요?You're perfect as you are, okay?
하, 이 남자 선수 아니야?Are you some sort of playboy?
(써니) 진짜 진짜 솔직하게 하나만 대답해 봐요Tell me this and be very honest.
나도 얘기해 줄게요I will tell you too.
뭘 말입니까?Tell me what?
내 진짜 이름은 외자예요My real first name has only one syllable.
김선Kim Sun.
우리 부모님이My parents were poor,
(써니) 나 잘 살라고 없는 살림에 돈까지 주고 지은 이름이래요but they still paid someone to come up with a good name for me.
점쟁이가 꼭 그 이름이어야 한다고 했다나The fortune-teller said I had to have this name.
근데 난 써니가 훨씬 좋아요But I prefer to be called Sunny.
내가 반짝반짝거리는 것 같고 [의미심장한 음악]I think I shine brighter when I'm Sunny.
난 그 이름이 그렇게 싫던데I really hated that name.
(써니) 뭔가 청승맞고 사연 있는 이름 같잖아요It sounds sad like something happened in the past.
김선Kim Sun.
"김선"Kim Sun. KIM SUN
(유 회장) 나리께서는Our master
매년 이맘때쯤 그곳에 들러visits this place every year, around this time...
등을 올리신다and floats a lantern.
김우빈 씨Woo-bin.
진짜 이름은 뭐예요?What's your real name?
진짜 이름 아닌 거 다 알아요I know your name is fake.
(써니) 되게 촌스러워도 되게 안 어울려도 안 놀릴 테니까Even if it's weird or doesn't suit you, I won't tease you, so can't you tell me?
이제 알려 주면 안 될까요?I won't tease you, so can't you tell me?
[긴장되는 음악] [한숨]
분노와 염려를 담아 검을 내린다I bestow the sword upon you with rage and concern.
될 수 있는 한 멀리 가고Go as far as you can, and if possible,
할 수 있는 한 돌아오지 말라Go as far as you can, and if possible, do not return.
폐하, 그 말씀은Your Majesty, do you mean...
폐하, 어찌 그런...How could you...
폐하의 고려이옵니다Goryeo is your nation.
변방을 수비하라 명하시어 변방을 지켰고You ordered me to guard the border, so I did.
적을 멸하라 명하시어 적을 멸하였고You ordered me to kill the enemy, so I did.
누이가 여기에 있고 백성이 여기에 있는데...My sister is here, and so are the people--
황제의 근심을My sister is here, and so are the people-- You now understand
이젠 그대가 하는구나the concerns of the King.
(어린 왕여) 장렬히 죽었다 기별하라Notify me of your death,
애통하다 기별할 것이니and I shall notify you of my sorrow.
어명이다It is my royal decree.
[의미심장한 효과음]
[저승사자의 아파하는 신음]
[긴장되는 음악] (써니) 왜 그래요? 어디 아파요?Is something wrong?
[저승사자의 힘겨운 신음]Is something wrong?
[고통스러운 신음]
(써니) 가슴? 명치 쪽?Is it your chest? Your stomach? What did you eat for dinner?
저녁 뭐 먹었어요? 손 차요? 손 좀 줘 봐요Is it your chest? Your stomach? What did you eat for dinner? Are your hands cold? Give me your hand.
손을 주무르면 피가 잘 통해서...Are your hands cold? Give me your hand. If you massage your hand, it'll help blood flow and--
[힘겨운 목소리로] 미안한데I'm sorry,
제 눈을 좀 보시겠어요?but please look into my eyes.
[신비로운 효과음]We did not meet today.
오늘 우리는 안 만난 겁니다We did not meet today.
(저승사자) 못 바래다줘서 미안해요I'm sorry I can't take you home.
돌아서 가요, 집으로Turn around and go home.
[저승사자의 고통스러운 신음]
[힘겨운 숨소리]
어디 간 거야?Where did he go?
(유 회장) 앞으로From now on,
네가 나리를 모셔야 하니you'll have to serve the Master,
너도 이날을 잘 기억해 둬야 한다so you must remember this day clearly.
등을 왜 다는데?Why is he floating lanterns?
다 누군데?Who are they?
(유 회장) 오래도록They are people
나리의 마음의 빚이었던 분들이다to whom he owed a debt in his heart for a very long time.
(덕화) 아
근데 할아버지I heard there is a sword stuck in Uncle's chest. Do you know about it?
삼촌 가슴에 검이 꽂혀 있다던데, 알아?I heard there is a sword stuck in Uncle's chest. Do you know about it?
그건 또 어떻게 알아?How did you know that?
(유 회장) 나리 앞에서는You must not let our master know that you know about it.
절대로 그것에 대해서 내색해서는 안 된다You must not let our master know that you know about it.
왜요?Why not?
[의미심장한 효과음]KIM SUN WANG YEO
(유 회장) 그 검은That sword
나리의 상이자 벌이다is his prize and punishment.
나리의 존재의 이유이며It is his reason for existing,
소멸의 실마리이지and the clue to his extinction.
(김신) 나의 생이자You are my life
나의 사인 너를and my death.
내가 좋아한다And I love you.
때문에 비밀을 품고Thus, I keep this secret
하늘에 허락을 구해 본다and for permission from above.
하루라도 더 모르게May you not know for one more day.
그렇게 백 년만 모르게May you not know for 100 years more.
[긴장되는 효과음]
[긴장되는 음악]
[발소리가 들린다]
(삼신) 나 알지?You know me, right?
할 얘기가 좀 있어I need to talk to you.
시간 괜찮지?Do you have time?
용건만 하시겠어요?Will you please get right to it?
제가 지금 신이란 신은 별로 마주치고 싶지가 않아서요I don't feel like speaking with a god right now.
[무거운 음악]I don't feel like speaking with a god right now.
(저승사자) 무언가 잘못되었어Something is wrong.
아마도I think
당신부터인 것 같은데it all starts with you.
어딜 간 거야, 대체?Where did he go?
이럴까 봐This is why
오면 온다 소리는 안 해도 가면 간다 소리는 하라고 한 건데I told him to tell me if he's leaving, even if he never tells me he's coming.
(저승사자) 뭐가 궁금한데?What do you want to know?
(은탁) 아, 네, 그게...Well, so...
(김신) 한 번 말한 것 같은데I told you before.
신부가 나타나면 더 멀리 떠날 준비를 해야 된다고Once my bride appears, I must prepare to go farther away.
뭔가 좀 이상해서요Something seemed strange.
(은탁) 도깨비 씨 가슴의 검 있잖아요You know the sword in the Goblin's chest.
[저승사자의 한숨]
정확히요What happens exactly
검을 뽑으면 어떻게 되는 거예요?What happens exactly if I remove it?
자꾸 어딜 간다고 했었거든요He kept saying he's going somewhere.
(은탁) 그럼 아저씨 이제 안 떠나는 거예요?You're not going to leave then?
(김신) 일단은For now.
더 멀리 떠날 준비를 해야 할지 몰라서I might have to go even farther away.
그게 어디예요?Where is that?
[의미심장한 음악]
빨리 그 검 뽑아Remove that sword immediately.
(삼신) 검 뽑고 무로 돌아가You must remove the sword and cease to exist.
다짜고짜 나타나서 하시는 말씀이 죽으라니Showing up out of nowhere and telling me to die.
이유 정도는 말씀을 하셔야...Shouldn't you at least tell me why--
(삼신) 넌 살 만큼 살았잖아You've lived long enough,
근데 그 아이는 아니거든but not her.
나 그 아이 점지할 때 정말 행복했어I was truly happy when I created her,
그러니까 그냥 지금 결단 내려I was truly happy when I created her, so decide now.
아이러니하네How ironic.
(김신) 무슨 결단을 내리라는 건지도 모르겠고I don't know what decision you want me to make.
내가 처음 김신으로 태어났을 때When I was first born as Kim Shin,
당신이 날 점지했을 텐데you must have created me.
난 당신의 아이가 아닌가?Am I not your child?
그래서 얘기해 주는 거야That's why I'm telling you.
행복하길 바랐던 내 아이 김신을 위해서For my child, Kim Shin, for whom I wished happiness.
네가 가장 원하는 일일 테니까Because it is what you want the most.
내가 뭘 원하죠?-What do I want? -You want her to live.
(삼신) 그 아이가 살기를 원하잖아-What do I want? -You want her to live.
네가 무로 돌아가지 않으면 은탁이가 죽어If you don't cease to exist, Eun-tak will die.
[긴장되는 효과음]
(은탁) 그러니까So...
죽고 싶어서he wanted to die.
나보고 신부가 돼서That's why he wanted me to be his bride...
그 검을 빼 달라는 얘기였다고요?and remove that sword?
[무거운 음악]
[떨리는 숨소리]
그러니까You mean...
제가 그 검을 빼면if I remove that sword,
아저씨가 죽는다고요?he will die?
그 검을 빼면if I remove that sword,
아저씨가 없어진다고요?he will disappear
이 세상에서 아주?from this world for good?
[힘겨운 숨소리]
(삼신) 걔는 네 검을 빼야 하는 운명을 타고났어She was born to pull out your sword. That's her fate.
아니, 네가 그 운명으로 태어나게 했지No, you gave her that fate.
[신비로운 효과음]
도구로서의 역할을 다하지 못하면 존재 가치가 사라져She'll become useless if she doesn't do what she was born to do.
존재의 이유가 없으니까There will be no reason for her existence.
(삼신) 때문에 검을 안 빼면Hence, if she fails to pull out the sword,
그 아이 앞에 자꾸 죽음이 닥쳐올 거야Hence, if she fails to pull out the sword, she'll continue to face death.
이미 여러 번 그랬을걸?I'm sure it happened numerous times already.
[사채업자가 소리친다] [은탁의 비명]-Help! -Do you want to die?
(사채업자) 어? 확 뒈지려고-Help! -Do you want to die?
[의미심장한 효과음]-Help! -Do you want to die?
잘 가요Bye.
[트럭 경적]Bye.
(삼신) 맞아, 그 사고들Yes, that's right.
앞으로는 더할 거야There will be worse accidents.
지금까지 있었던 사고들보다 더 자주, 점점 세게They'll be more frequent and more severe than before.
너조차 한 번 죽일 뻔했었지You almost killed her once
네 손으로 직접with your own hands.
움직여요It's moving.
[신비로운 효과음]It's moving.
[은탁의 힘주는 신음]
[긴장되는 효과음]
[떨리는 숨소리]
(김신) 그렇게 백 년을 살아 어느 날One day after 100 years...
날이 적당한 어느 날When the weather is good enough,
첫사랑이었다I wish I could tell her
고백할 수 있기를that she was my first love.
하늘에 허락을I ask
구해 본다for permission from above.

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