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  킹더랜드  8

King The Land 8



- [밝은 음악] - [주례기러기는

Wild geese live for over 100 years

 년을 넘게 살면서

Wild geese live for over 100 years

한번 결혼한 짝을 절대 바꾸지 않습니다

Wild geese live for over 100 years and
never abandon their partner once they are

영원한 사랑의 약속을 지키는 상징이지요

They are a symbol of eternal love.

[옅은 웃음]

어때너무 멋있지?

What do you think? Don't I look great?


Sure, you do.

물론 주인공보다는 못하지만

But less than the man of the hour.

어느 옷이… - [흥미로운 음악]

Let's see.

여기 있다

There it is.


Looks great.

  옷으로 할게요 - [직원 옷이요?

Looks great. -I'll take this. -This?

[ 옷이요

Yes, this one.

- [흥미로운 음악] -  봐도 초라해 보이는 

That obviously looks very humble. It suits
you perfectly.

 너랑 어울린다

It suits you perfectly.


 모르는 소리

You have no idea.

[우리나라는 예전부터 백의민족이라고 

The Korean people were known as the
white-clad folks.

그래서 가장  잔칫날에는

So for our biggest celebrations,

제일 중요한 사람이 이렇게 새하얀 옷을 입고

the most honored person would put on a
white garment

- [익살스러운 효과음] - 제일 중요한 일을 

and carry out the most important job.

오늘은 물론 내가  거고

Of course, that'll be me today.

[사미르여기서 제일 높고 귀한 사람은 나야

I'm the most noble and honored man here!

[알아그러니까 너는   입고  

Yes, I know that. So put that on and do your

   입고     테니까

I'll put this on and do my thing.



Give me those clothes.

너한테 이런 중요한 일을 맡길  없지

I can't put you up for something as important
as this.

너한텐 무리야

You can't handle it.

 옷도  거고  일도 내가  거야!

The clothes are mine, and that job is mine

[사미르 내놔명령이야!

Hand it to me. That's an order!

[원의 웃음]

[사미르제일 높고 귀한 사람은 나야!

I'm the most noble and honored.



- [주례] '행합근례' - [민속적인 음악이 흐른

합환주를 마시는 합근례가 있겠습니다

The bride and groom will share their
wedding drinks.


신랑과 신부는 술잔에 읍을 하고 술을 드시오

Bride and groom, hold up your cups
respectfully and have your drinks.

[쓱쓱 빗자루 쓰는 소리]

- [사미르? - [절망적인 음악]




- [왔어? - [웃음]

You're here.

- [사미르  거기 있어? - [너가 바꾸

Why are you there? You wanted to switch.
You gave the order.


You wanted to switch. You gave the order.

[사미르제일 중요한 일이라더니 감히  

You said this was important! How dare you
deceive me?

[아니 이렇게 중요한 잔칫날에

There's nothing more important than
sweeping the yards to make the place clean

손님들을 위해서 앞마당뒷마당 깨끗하게 

than sweeping the yards to make the place
clean for our guests on this special day.

중요한 일이 어디 있어?

for our guests on this special day.

- [사미르! - [!

-You! -What?

 이리 ! - [너가 이리 

-You, come here! -No, you come.

- [흥미로운 음악] - 간다!

I'm coming!

 - [사미르어디 !

-Okay. -Hey! Get back here. Stop!

스톱! - [어떻게  건데?

Get back here. Stop! What are you going to

니가 어떻게  건데?

What are you going to do?

- [반짝이는 효과음] - 사랑아름답다

Sa-rang, you're beautiful.

 - [원의 힘주는 소리]

-You. -Hey.

 [  쓸다가 나중에 와라

-Get back here. -You can come back later.

[사미르인마감히  속여?

How dare you deceive me?





[하기 싫은   한다고 했어?

Why did you agree to something you didn't
want to do?

호텔 대표로  건데

I'm here on behalf of the hotel.

 개인적인 입장 때문에

I couldn't allow any damage to it because of
my personal wants.

호텔에 막대한 피해를   없잖아요

I couldn't allow any damage to it because of
my personal wants.

[사랑진짜 어렵게 따낸 계약인데

It wasn't easy to get this contract.

[그래도 싫어

I still didn't like it.

- [사랑뭐가요? - 그놈이랑 그러고 있는 

-What do you mean? -You and him doing

보기 싫다고

I didn't want to see it.

[흥미로운 음악]

지금 질투하시는 거예요? - [원의 헛웃음]

Wait, are you jealous?

내가 ?

Why would I be?

[그런  자신감 없는 쪼잔한 사람들이나
하는 거야

Only losers with zero confidence get

- [사랑의 호응] - 그러니까

Which means

나랑은 상당히 거리가  멀지

that's far from something I would do.

[사랑그럼 뭔데요?

-Then why? -Just because.


-Then why? -Just because.

다른 남자랑 그러고 있는  보기 싫어

I didn't like seeing you with another man.


[헛기침그게 질투인데

That's called jealousy.

질투 아니라니까

It wasn't.

[그놈이 어떤 놈인  알아?

Do you know what he's like?

지금까지 만난 여자만  100명이 넘을걸?

He's probably dated well over 100 women.

- [놀란 소리] - 결혼도 했을걸?

He's probably dated well over 100 women. -
He's probably married too. -Wow.

- [사랑의 놀란 소리] -     

-He's probably married too. -Wow. Two,
three… no, four times.


Wow, really?

[다른 놈들도 절대  되지만

You can't be with other guys,

그놈은 특히 절대  

but especially not him. Never. Not at all.

아예  !

Never. Not at all.

[사랑의 호응]


Okay. Then let's say it wasn't jealousy.

질투는 아니고 질투 비슷한 걸로  둘게요

Then let's say it wasn't jealousy. But
something like jealousy.

아니래도 - [사랑의 웃음]

It wasn't.

[질투 같은  아니래도

I wasn't jealous. Yes, that's what I said.

[사랑알았어요 아니라니까요

Yes, that's what I said.

[사랑의 웃음]

아무튼 오늘 진짜 슬기롭게 잘하셨어요

Anyway, you acted very wisely today. I was
worried everything was going to fall through.

아깐 진짜 조마조마했는데

I was worried everything was going to fall


호텔 대표로  자리잖아

I'm here on behalf of the hotel.

[아무리 제멋대로인 망나니여도

I may be a jerk who only does as I please,

공과 사는 구분해야지

but work is still work.

쓰읍언제부터 그러셨다고?

Since when?

이제부터 그래 보려고

From now on.



지키고 싶은  생겼거든

I want to protect something.

[무슨 일이 있어도  지켜  거야

I'll protect it at all costs.

그러기 위해서라도

And to do that,

힘을 기를 거고

I'll build up my power.

[부드러운 음악]


Are you going to work out?


No, I already look great.

[아니이렇게  이미 훌륭한데

No, I already look great.

어머! - [굳이?

-Oh my. -Why should I?

아니그런 자신감은 어디서 나오는 거예요?

Where do you find such confidence?


I was

사실을 말했을 뿐이야

only sharing facts.


몰라뵈어서 송구하옵니다

I truly apologize for not realizing that.



 [사랑 그렇게 뚫어지게 쳐다봐요?

Why are you staring at me like that?


Because I love it.





아니그냥  좋다고

I'm saying I love everything.

날씨도 좋고

Well, the weather

[바람도 좋고

and the wind.


The weather.

[사랑날씨 오늘 진짜 좋은  같아요

Yes, the weather is wonderful today.

날씨 좋다

What great weather.

[사랑의 웃음]

- [다가오는 발소리] - [웃음]



[이국적인 음악]


[사미르감히  신성한 결혼식을 망치다니

How dare you ruin my sacred wedding?

 순정을 가지고 놀아?

You made a fool out of my love!

[순정순정 좋아하시네

Love? Love, my foot.

 지금까지 만난 여자만  명이 넘는다고
하지 않았나?

You said you've dated over 100 women until

결혼도 했지  했나  했나?

And you were married twice. Or was it

인기 많은  죄는 아니잖아

It's not a crime to be popular.

[사미르물론 너같이 인기 없는 애는

Though someone as unpopular as you

죽었다 깨도 모르겠지만

would never know.

[하하 인기 많아

I'm popular enough.

- [사미르 - [내가  만나  것뿐

I just chose not to date people.

너같이 여자 뒤만 졸졸 따라다니는 놈은

A woman-chaser like you can't even
comprehend how popular I am.

상상도   정도로 많아

A woman-chaser like you can't even
comprehend how popular I am.

[사미르돈도 쥐뿔도 없는 가난뱅이 주제

A woman-chaser like you can't even
comprehend how popular I am. You're quite
proud for a penniless pauper.

자존심만 세서

You're quite proud for a penniless pauper.

- [동전 떨어지는 효과음] - 얼마나 있어!

-How much do you have? -A whole lot.

진짜 많아 - [사랑저기요

-How much do you have? -A whole lot.
Excuse me.

  계속 싸우실 거면  먼저 퇴근합니다

If you two are going to fight, I'm going home.

 [익살스러운 효과음]

[사미르우리 싸우는  아니야 사랑

We aren't fighting, Sa-rang.

[우리 싸우는  아니야 그냥 경고하는 

We aren't. We're just warning each other.


[내가 경고하는데

I'm warning you.

우리 천사랑 직원

You're banned from being within a 100 m
radius of Ms. Cheon.

반경 100m 이내로 접근 금지야알았어?

You're banned from being within a 100 m
radius of Ms. Cheon. Got it? Go.

Got it? Go.

계약 잊었어명령은 내가 

Did you forget about the contract? I'm the
one who gives orders.

[사미르가 아랍어로]

Get rid of him!

[흥미로운 음악]

[한국어로? '치워'?

What? Get rid of me?

- [사미르그래그래 치워 - [니가  

-Yes, you. -You think that's possible? You…

 이렇게 치워?

You… Oh. -Get rid of me? -Yes.

[사미르집으로 빨리 

-Get rid of me? -Yes. Go quickly.

[ 치울  있을  같아!

Go quickly. You can't get rid of me! Let go!
Wait, you're really doing this.

이게 되네?

Let go! Wait, you're really doing this.

이야공중에 떠다닌다 [웃음]

Man, I'm walking on air.

[사미르드디어 우리 둘만 남았군

Finally. It's the two of us.


잠시 걸을까사랑?

Let's take a walk, Sa-rang.

All right.

- [시끌시끌하다] - [카메라 셔터음]

[사미르손님들 시중들면서 사는  힘들지

Isn't it tough to wait on guests for a living?


당연히 힘들죠

Of course it's tough.

항상 웃는 얼굴로 사람들 대하는 

It's not always easy to serve every guest
with a smile.

쉬운 일은 아니니까요

It's not always easy to serve every guest
with a smile.

내가 호텔 하나 줄게

I'll give you a hotel. Pardon?

? - [사미르가 웃으며 호텔 많아

Pardon? I have lots.

아무거나 마음에 드는  하나 골라

You can choose whichever one you like.

그럼 이렇게 힘들게  살아도 되잖아

Then you won't have to live such a tough

[사랑이 웃으며아니에요 괜찮아요

It's all right, really.

힘은 들어도  제가 하는 일이 좋아요

It may be tough, but I still love my job.

[사미르호텔 하나 있으면  좋잖아

It'll be even better if you own a hotel.

[사랑제가 하고 싶은 일은

What I want to do isn't business

경영이 아니라 - [잔잔한 음악]

What I want to do isn't business

호텔에 오시는 모든 손님들에게 행복한 하루
 선물하는 거예요

I want to provide a happy day for every
guest we have.

누군가에게 행복을 선물한다는  특별한 

It's a special thing to present happiness to

아무나   있는 것도 아니고

And it's not something just anyone can do.

 정말 멋진 여자야

You're such a wonderful woman.

? - [사미르역시

I knew it.

나는 보는  있어

I knew it. I have a good eye for people.

파티를 열어야겠어!

I must have a party!

파티 타임! - [이국적인 음악]

Party time!

- [어색한 웃음] - [사미르의 웃음과 박수]


[원의 한숨얼른 들어가

Go inside.

[사미르오늘 덕분에 아주 '원더풀 데이보냈

Go inside. I had a wonderful day thanks to


Sa-rang, see you tomorrow.

Yes, Your Highness.

[문이 달칵 여닫힌다]

너무 환하게 웃어 주는  아니야?

Don't you think that smile was too big?

[원의 한숨드디어 끝났네

It's finally over.

[사랑본부장님도 고생 많으셨어요

Great work today, Mr. Gu. Great work.


Great work.

[사랑의 피곤한 숨소리]

- [부드러운 음악] - [사랑의 의아한 소리]

[이거라도 신어

Put these on.


I'm all right.

하루 종일 쉬지 않고 밖에서 끌고 다녔잖아

You dragged those around all day without a

[발한테 미안하지도 않아?

Don't you feel bad for your feet?

양심 있으면  쉬게  

Show some kindness and let them rest.

[아이 죄라도 지었어?

You're acting like you did something wrong.

[사랑누가 보기라도 하면

What if someone sees me?

[그럴  없으니까 안심해

What if someone sees me? No one will, so
calm down.

[카드  인식음]


What are you doing?

[오늘은 여기서 

You can sleep here tonight.

[사랑여기서 혼자?

Sleep here?


[커피 머신 작동음]

[호텔 직원 대표해서 초과 근무까지 하면

Great work escorting that headache

골치 아픈 녀석 모시느라 고생했어

and working overtime on behalf of our hotel.

그놈이 VIP 고객이면 천사랑 씨는 VVIP 직원

He may be our VIP guest, but you're our
VVIP employee.

오늘 여기 묵을 자격 충분해

You deserve to stay here tonight.


Don't turn it down.


I won't. Thank you.

[아니배고플 텐데 룸서비스 시켜 먹어

You must be hungry. Order some room

먹고 싶은   먹고

Eat whatever you want


and rest up.

직원 복지야

This is an employee benefit.



Good night.

- [ 내려놓는 소리] - [부드러운 음악]


Mr. Gu.

[밝은 음악]



룸서비스 시켜 먹으랬더니

I told you to order room service,

[겨우 라면이야?

but you choose instant noodles?

[사랑야식은 역시 라면이죠

The best late-night snack is instant noodles.

  모르죠? - [사람을 뭐로 

You don't know, do you? What do you take
me for?

당연히 알지

Of course I do.

- [사랑진짜요? - [진짜요

-Really? -Yes, really.

[사랑의 호응]


In that case,


I choose this.

[어휴한강까지 와서 굳이 생라면을 먹다

To think we came all the way to the Han
River for raw instant noodles.


To think we came all the way to the Han
River for raw instant noodles.

정말  모르는군

You really don't know a thing.

한강은 역시 얼큰면이지

If you're at the Han River, you've got to have
this one.

이것 컵라면 원조

Read this. "The original cup noodles."


[ 웃는다]

[흥미로운 음악]

- [감탄한다] - [사랑의 웃음]

그렇게 맛있어요?

Is it that good?

[나는 진짜로

I think I simply must

 기계를  방에 놔야겠어

get that machine in my room. Come on.

[사랑어유 그럼  맛이  나죠

Come on. Then it wouldn't taste like this.

이거는  살랑살랑 부는 강바람이랑

It only tastes this good when you throw in
this soft river breeze

 반짝반짝한 예쁜 야경이 - [후루룩거리는

and that dazzling night view.

들어가야지  맛이 나오는 거예요

and that dazzling night view. That's key.

가끔  끝나고 여기 와서 라면에 맥주 하나

At times, I come here for instant noodles
and beer after work.

진짜 꿀맛이에요

It tastes like heaven.



[ 좋은  여태까지 혼자만 알고 있었다

You kept this awesome attraction all to
yourself? You're more selfish than I thought.

굉장히 생각보다 이기적이네?

You're more selfish than I thought.


Do you have to criticize me that much over
some instant noodles?

겨우  라면 하나에 제가 그렇게까지 비난받

Do you have to criticize me that much over
some instant noodles?


"Some instant noodles"?

지금껏 먹어  라면 중에 지금 이게 최고야

These are the best instant noodles I've ever


너무 맛있어

They're so good.


I'm glad.


In that case…

이거 아무나  알려 주는 건데

I rarely share this secret with others.


The time is now.

만두 하나요 - [밝은 음악]

One dumpling.

[익살스러운 탄성]

[사랑의 감탄]

- [얹어서 - [사랑

-On top. -Yes.

[익살스러운 탄성]

- [감탄한다] - [사랑맛있죠

Isn't it good?

  만두 잘하네

This place makes great dumplings.

[ 진짜

I never got to enjoy such treats in life.

지금까지 이런 맛도 모르고

I never got to enjoy such treats in life.


I lived in vain.



이거 맥주 마시는 타이밍도 따로 있나?

Is there a good timing for beer too?

당연히 있죠

-Of course there is. -When is it?


-Of course there is. -When is it?

지금지금지금지금! - [지금지금?

-Now! -Now?

지금지금? - [사랑지금지금!

-Now! -Now? -Now? -Now! Hurry.


-Now? -Now! Hurry.

[사랑원의 시원한 탄성]

[사랑지금 맞았죠?

-Now. -I was right, wasn't I?

[] '나이스 타이밍'

Nice timing.

[문이 달칵 닫힌다]

-You're home. -Dad!

- [충재왔어? - [초롱아빠다!

-You're home. -Dad!

웬일이야나랑 놀려고 일찍 왔어?

What's going on? -Did you come early to
play with me? -I'm…

아빠 - [휴대전화 게임 조작음]

-Did you come early to play with me? -I'm…

피곤해서  놀아

too tired to play.

- [충재엄마랑 놀아 - [초롱그렇지

-Go play with Mom. -I knew it.

아빠가 놀아  리가 없지 - [다을초롱!

You would never play with me. Cho-rong,
why don't you show him the new dance you
learned today?

오늘 율동 배운  아빠한테 보여 줄까?

Cho-rong, why don't you show him the new
dance you learned today?

[초롱내가 우리 반에서 제일 잘한다

I'm the best dancer in my class.

나중에아빠 피곤해

Later. I'm tired.


Where's dinner? I'm hungry.

우리 오랜만에 셋이 외식이나 할까?

Should the three of us eat out?

[다을아니면  시켜 먹을까?

Or should we order something?

[초롱나는 갈비 아니면 치킨!

I want short ribs or fried chicken.


-Should we? -I'm sick of eating out.

[충재밖의 음식 질려

-Should we? -I'm sick of eating out.

그냥 대충 먹자

Let's just eat whatever we have.

[게임 조작음]

[흥미로운 음악]


[TV 소리가 흐른다]

자기야쓰레기  버려 !

Honey, can you take out the trash?



[강조되는 효과음]

- [흥미로운 음악] - [충재의  고는 소리]

[어이없는 숨소리]

- [다을의 한숨] - [물이  흐른다]

[달그락거리는 소리]

[탁탁 두드리는 소리]

- [충재의  고는 소리] - [다을의 깊은 한숨]

- [문이 달칵 열린다] - [도어  작동음]

[문이 달칵 닫힌다]

[TV 소리가 흐른다]


[ 울리는 효과음]

아빠 - [충재?

-Dad. -Yes?

[초롱사람이 염치가 있어야지

Where's your shame?

엄마가 맛있는  차려 주면 쓰레기 정도는

If Mom cooked for you, shouldn't you at
least take the trash out?

아빠가 버려야 되는  아니야?

shouldn't you at least take the trash out?

맛있게 먹어 주는  최고지 그게 얼마나
힘든 건데

But I ate her food enthusiastically. Do you
know how hard that is?

 힘든  하시네요

It must be one tough job.

[초롱나는 커서 절대 아빠 같은 베짱이랑 

When I grow up, I'll never marry a lazy bum
like you.

  세상에서 아빠가 제일 멋있다며

What? You used to say I was the coolest.

그건 내가 어려서   모를  얘기고

I didn't know any better because I was too



[초롱아휴 언제  얘기를 하는 거야

That was ages ago.


You're all grown up. All grown.

- [문이 달칵 열린다] - [도어  작동음]

- [문이 달칵 닫힌다] - [도어  작동음]

[익살스러운 음악]

[엘리베이터 도착음]

[엘리베이터 문이 드르륵 열린다]

[안내 음성] 1내려갑니다

First floor. Going down.

문이 닫힙니다

Doors closing.

[초인종 소리]


[힘주는 소리]

- [원의 헛기침] - [사랑


Did you sleep well?


Yes, thanks to you.

[아침 어떻게 하는지 궁금해서

How do you want your breakfast?

- [사랑지금  시예요? - [

What time is it?


Eight o'clock.

 오늘   출근인데 조금만  자도

My shift begins at 3:00 p.m. today, so may I
sleep a little more?

미안 오늘 일찍 출근하는  알았어

I'm sorry. I thought your shift began earlier.


All right. Go to sleep.

- [코를 훌쩍이며 - [

Okay. Thank you.

감사합니다 [웃음]

Okay. Thank you.


- [시원한 탄성] - [초인종 소리]


[짜증 섞인 한숨]


체크아웃  시로 미뤄 놨어

I pushed your checkout time to 3 p.m.

감사합니다 - [알았어이따 

-Thank you. -Okay. See you later.

 자고 - [사랑

-Sleep tight. -Okay.

[다가오는 발소리]

- [놀란 소리] - [흥미로운 음악]

[익살스러운 효과음]

[ 하는

What are you doing?

 하는 거야?

What are you doing?


[강조되는 효과음]

[초인종 소리]

[사랑의 당황한 소리]

Oh no.


What do we do?


-Hide. -What?

- [놀란 소리] - [원이 작게숨어!

-Hide. -What? Hide.

[한숨 쉬며무슨 일이죠?

What do you want?

어제 투숙하셨다는 말씀 듣고

I heard you checked in yesterday,

불편한 점은 없으셨는지 뵈러 왔습니다

so I came by to see if you found anything

이렇게 불쑥 찾아오는  불편합니다

This unannounced visit is uncomfortable.

[수미죄송합니다특별히  신경  드리고

I'm sorry. I wanted to take extra good care of

[  체크아웃이고

My checkout's at 3 p.m. I asked to make
sure I'm undisturbed because I wanted to
get a good rest.

그때까지  쉬고 싶으니까 아무도 방해하지
말라고 했는데

I asked to make sure I'm undisturbed
because I wanted to get a good rest.

- [흥미로운 음악] -  들었어요?

Did you miss the memo?


I'm sorry.

그래도 혹시 중간에라도 필요하신 거나 불편

But if you need anything or find anything

필요한  없습니다수고하십시오

I don't need anything. Goodbye.



He's so cool.

역시 쌀쌀맞은  매력이라니까 - [휴대전화

That curt manner is his charm.

지배인 김수미입니다

Hello, you've reached Manager Kim Su-mi.

왕자님이  찾으신다고?

His Highness is looking for me?

알았어어머어머 이게 웬일이야?

Yes, okay. Oh my! What's happening?

[숨을  내쉰다]

어디 있어?

Where are you?

[이제 나와도 

You can come out now.

[익살스러운 효과음]


Is she gone?

[원의 어이없는 웃음]

[아니 죄라도 지었어?

It's not like you did anything wrong.

[사랑아니괜한 오해받기 싫으니까

I didn't want to give the wrong idea.

[아니이러는 행동이

Your behavior right now will give people the
wrong idea.

 오해받을 행동이라는  모르나?

Your behavior right now will give people the
wrong idea.

직원 복지 차원이라니까 괜히 나까지 지금 

I said this was your employee benefit. You
just made me look odd too.

잠이 홀딱 깼어요지금

I'm completely awake now. -I must go. -You
don't have to.

그만  봐야겠어요 - [ 가도 

-I must go. -You don't have to.

아무도 방해하지 말라고 얘기해 뒀어

I told them not to disturb me.

아니에요정말 괜찮아요

No, I'm fine, really.

 본부장님 덕분에 정말  쉬었습니다

I had a good rest thanks to your kindness.

감사합니다 - [

-Thank you. -Sure.

내가 깜빡했네

I forgot.

고분고분  들을 사람이 아닌데

You're not the type that just listens.

- [부드러운 음악] - [사랑의 놀란 소리]

[사랑의 놀란 소리]

[익살스러운 효과음]

[아무도   거니까 신경 쓰지 말고 

Nobody will come, so don't mind them and
sleep some more.



[놀란 숨소리]


[옅은 웃음]

[깊은 한숨]



- [사랑안녕하세요 - [수미안녕  하다,

-Good afternoon. -Not for me.


한두 번도 아니고 진짜 누구  올리니?

This isn't even the first time. Are you teasing

 전생에 나랑 원수졌어?

Were you my mortal enemy in a previous

[수미의 한숨]

내가  이런 심부름까지 해야 되는데

Why do I have to run such petty errands?

이게 뭔데요? - [수미공주님

What's this? Your Highness, this is a dress
that meets the dress code for tonight's party.

오늘 파티 드레스 코드랍니다

Your Highness, this is a dress that meets the
dress code for tonight's party.

 입고 참석하시래요

Make sure you attend the party in this. Says

누가요? - [수미왕자왕자!

Says who? The prince!

니네 왕자님!

Your prince!

[멀어지는 발소리]

- [문이 달칵 여닫힌다] - [한숨]

[흥미로운 음악]

왕자님께서 보내셨습니다

This is from His Highness.

[상식오늘 파티 드레스 코드라고  입고 

It's the outfit for tonight's party. You must
wear it.


가지가지 한다진짜

He can be annoying in so many ways.

[상식그래도 친구라고 이렇게 선물도 보내

But he sent you a present as a friend.


You must be happy.

쓰읍친구 아니라니까!

He's not a friend.

[상식됐어요 괜히 좋으면서 그래

Stop it. I know you're glad.

그럼 제가 개봉하겠습니다

Then allow me to open it.

- [익살스러운 효과음] - 

See that?

Good grief.


He didn't have to…

[분한 소리]

That little…

- '  '! - [새소리 효과음]

[문이 달칵 열린다]

[밝은 음악]



[사미르역시  보는  있어

I knew I had a good eye.

 어울릴  알았어

I knew it'd look good on you.

[웃으며어색하네요 이런 옷은 처음이라서

It's awkward to be in something like this.

[사미르보여 주고 싶었어

I wanted you to see

너라는 여자한테 가장 어울리는 옷이 뭔지

the kind of outfit that suits you best.

역시 너는 이런 기품 있는 옷이 어울려

I knew you'd look great in an elegant
garment like this.


I see.


Thank you.

[사미르파티를 시작할까?

Let us begin the party.

[사랑의 웃음]


[흥미진진한 음악]

- [탁탁] - [강조되는 효과음]

[사랑아니 하시는 거예요?

What are you doing?

옷은  뭐고?

And your outfit?

봉사 중이야

I'm volunteering.

원래 우리 집사들은  저렇게 입어

All my butlers are dressed like that.

편하게 앉아사랑

Relax and sit, Sa-rang.

아니 [어색한 웃음]


[사랑편하지 않은데 어떻게 편하게 있어요

how can I relax and sit when I feel

[괜찮습니다 편하게 앉으시죠

how can I relax and sit when I feel
uncomfortable? It's all right, ma'am. Please
relax and take a seat.

[강조되는 효과음]

와인 서빙하겠습니다

Allow me to serve the wine.

[ 빠지는 소리]

[심란한 숨소리]

[숨을  내쉰다]

[사미르와인 설명   ?

Shouldn't you tell us about it?

[날카로운 효과음]

[왕자님 품격에 어울리도록

I prepared this extremely overpriced wine

터무니없이 비싸기만  와인을 준비했습니

befitting of your position, Your Highness.

- [흥미로운 음악] - 많이 드시고

befitting of your position, Your Highness.
Drink up

매출이나 팍팍 올려 주십시오

and help boost our sales numbers.

 호텔은 그런 표정으로 서빙하나?

Does this hotel serve wine with that face?


[삐걱대는 효과음]

[옅은 웃음]


뭐야먹고 죽으라는 거야?

What? Are you telling me to drink this and

알아서 생각하십시오

Take it however you like.

[먹고 죽으시든지 죽고 먹으시든지

You can either drink it and die, or die and
drink it.

음식 준비하겠습니다

Let me prepare your food.

[사랑의 헛기침]

어떻게  거예요 본부장님이 서빙을 

What's going on? Why is he serving us?

내가 시켰어우리를 위해

I put him up to it. For us.


But why?

사랑은 최고의 서비스를 받아야  여자야

You deserve only the best service.

[사미르호텔 본부장 정도 돼야 서빙할 자격

Someone like the hotel's head manager
seemed to qualify, so I got him.

특별히 준비했어

so I got him.

[어색한 웃음

감사하지만 아무리 그래도 저는 여기 직원이

Thank you very much, but I'm still a staff
member of this hotel.

지금 너를 

Look at yourself right now.

너한테 어울리는  - [이국적인 음악]

Look at yourself right now. What suits you

[사미르유니폼이 아니라 드레스야

isn't a uniform, but a dress.

호텔이 아니라 우리 왕실이고

Not a hotel, but my royal family.

나랑 결혼하자

Marry me.

[강조되는 효과음]



정식적으로 프러포즈하는 거야 나랑 결혼해

This is an official proposal. Will you marry


Wait, what are you…

- [반짝이는 효과음] - [사미르사랑


- [놀란 소리] - 나의 사랑

my love.

[익살스러운 효과음]

[놀란 숨소리]

[날카로운 효과음]

 [ !


절대   - [사미르뭐야?

-Never. -What are you doing?

- [흥미진진한 음악] - 무조건    

Flat out no. I object to this proposal.


I object to this proposal.

니가 뭔데 반대를 ?

Who do you think you are?

[이런   자격 있는 사람

Me? I have the right to say this.

나는 그러니까나는

Because I'm…

여기 있는 천사랑 씨는  직원이고

Ms. Cheon is one of my employees,

나는  직원을 보호해야  의무가 있는 

and I'm her employer who has a
responsibility to protect her.

그리고  바람둥이고!

Not only that, you're a player,

 이거   있고!

and I can buy this too!

아무튼 절대  

and I can buy this too! Anyway, no.

  장난  이상 받아 주지 않을 거야

I won't play along with this joke anymore. I'm


I won't play along with this joke anymore. I'm
off. Let's go.

[사랑반지 주세요

Give me the ring.

아니설마 허락하려는  아니지?

What? You're accepting this?

 선물이잖아요 주세요

It's a present for me. Give it to me.

[차분한 음악]

[원의 한숨]

[사랑의 감탄]

[사랑이렇게 예쁜 반지는 처음 봐요

I've never seen such a pretty ring before.


저를 좋게 생각해 주셔서 정말 감사합니다

Thank you for regarding me favorably.

오래오래 마음속에  담아 둘게요

I'll keep your kindness in my heart and
cherish it for a long time.

[사미르설마 거절하는 건가?

Wait, are you turning me down?

마음만 감사히 받겠습니다

I'll just accept the thought.

[사랑왕자님처럼 신사적인 분을 손님으로
모시게 되어서

It was a huge honor to serve a gentleman
like you, Your Highness.

정말 영광이었어요

It was a huge honor to serve a gentleman
like you, Your Highness.

앞으로도 오랫동안 가장 멋진 손님으로 기억

I'll remember you for a very long time as the
most fabulous guest I've ever met.

킹호텔 최고의 손님으로  찾아 주세요

Please visit us again as our best guest in


언제나 기쁜 마음으로 정성껏 모시겠습니다

We'll always serve you joyfully and

[흥미로운 음악]

거절당했는데 상처받지 않은  처음이야

This was the first time I wasn't hurt after a

[사미르내가 잘못 생각했어

I was wrong.

 내가 생각하는 것보다

You're unlike what I thought.

훨씬 특별하고 훌륭한 사람이야

You're much more special and fabulous.

왕자님이야말로 특별하고 멋진 분이시죠

Your Highness, you're the one who's special
and fabulous. Okay.

[사미르좋아 이번에는 여기까지만 할게

Okay. I'll back off this time.

다음에  때는 이것보다

Next time, I'll come back with a ring that's
much prettier and more expensive.

훨씬 비싸고 예쁜 반지 가지고 올게

Next time, I'll come back with a ring that's
much prettier and more expensive.

그때는 거절하지 

Don't turn me down then.

[사랑사미르의 웃음]

[사랑배고픈데 식사해도 될까요?

May we eat? I'm hungry.

본부장님도 같이

With Mr. Gu, of course.

 얘는 서빙해야 

No, he's here as a server.

[나도 쟤랑 먹을 생각 없어

I don't want to dine with him.

마지막 날이잖아요 그냥  같이 즐겁게 먹어

But it's your last day. Let's all enjoy supper.

그래사랑이 원한다면

Well, if that's what you want.


-Take a seat. -Forget it. I don't want to eat.

[됐어 먹어

-Take a seat. -Forget it. I don't want to eat.

[사랑이 작게본부장님

Mr. Gu.


Mr. Gu.

헤르메스 - [반짝이는 효과음]


[그렇게 원한다면

If you want it that badly,

- [반짝이는 효과음] - 허락하지

then I'll join.

[사랑의 웃음]



Sit down.

- [사미르서빙하고 앉아 - [원의 한숨]

Serve before you sit.


- [밝은 음악] - [사랑감사합니다

Thank you.

나도    - [ 없냐?

-Do it for me too. -You've got hands.

- [사미르사랑의 웃음] - [진짜 짜증 난다

You're really annoying.

여자 친구 되게 많아

He has many girlfriends.

[사랑이건 제가 준비한 선물이에요

This is a present from me.

이왕이면 둘이 찍은 거로  주지

Why isn't it just us two?

[사미르금방  올게

I'll be back soon.

 사이에 절대 다른 남자 만나면  사랑

Don't start dating someone else before I
return, Sa-rang.

[사랑언제든지  오세요

You're always welcome here.



[쓰읍얼른 늦었어

Hey, you should go. You're running late.

[사미르덕분에 즐거웠어

I had fun thanks to you.

이건  - [돈통 열리는 효과음]

This is your tip.

[왕자가 쪼잔하게

You're pretty stingy for a prince.

이게 뭐냐팁이 백지 수표 정도는 줘야지

What is this? Give me a blank check.

[사미르니가  거에 비하면 이것도 아까워

This is generous considering your

다음에는 가이드 확실히 잘해

Be prepared as a guide next time.

- [강조되는 효과음] - [어유

Good grief.

절대 다시 오지  호텔 사업 접을 거야

Don't ever return. I'm shutting the hotel

[사미르 전에 올게 보고 싶어도 참아

I'll return before then. Don't miss me too


See you again, my friend.

[아이 이래 아이정말

What are you doing? Come on. I don't need

 진짜 친구 같은  필요 없어

Come on. I don't need friends.

[사미르나도 마찬가지야

Me neither.

그래서 너랑 나랑 똑같아

That makes you and I the same. I'll be back.

 올게, '마이 브라더원이

I'll be back. My brother, Won.

- [ 문이 달칵 열린다] - [오지 

Don't come back.

[익살스러운 효과음]

[강조되는 효과음]

[원의 웃음]

[사랑친구 맞는  같은데요마지막까지
즐거운  보니까

You two really are friends, having fun until
the last moment.

친구는 무슨 친구   같은   질색이야

Friends? Hardly. I hate guys like him.


 하나 물어봐도 돼요?

May I ask you something?


Why did you do that?

[사랑본부장님 성격에 서빙 같은   하실

You would never accept an order to serve

집사 복장까지 입으시고

And you dressed like a butler too.



Because I promised to show

[호텔 대표로서 끝까지

a great performance as a representative of
this hotel until the very last moment.

잘하는 모습 보이기로

as a representative of this hotel until the
very last moment.



So? Did I do okay?

열심히 가르친 보람이 있어야  텐데

I hope I was worth training.



아주 멋지게 잘해 내셨어요

You did a splendid job.

- [함께 웃는다] - [밝은 음악]




Why did you take a while

대답 망설인 거야?

to answer him yesterday?

진심을 담아서 고백하는데

He proposed with sincerity,

쉽게 거절하는  예의가 아니잖아요

so it wasn't good manners to turn him down


so it wasn't good manners to turn him down

아니저런 녀석한테는 여지를 주면  

You shouldn't allow such punks leeway.

[ 굳이 예의 차릴 필요도 없고

There's no need to show him manners



쓰읍아주 조금이라도

Did you consider

받아  마음이 있었던  그런  아니지?

accepting his proposal even for a moment?

- [사랑 - [?

비밀이에요! - [아이

It's a secret.

비밀이 어디 있어우리 사이에

There are no secrets between us.

[사랑우리 사이니까 비밀이 있죠당연

Of course there are secrets between us.

[진짜 서운하려고 하네

You're about to make me really sad.

정말 이럴 거야?

Will you be like this?

진짜 얘기    거야?

You really won't tell me?


It's a secret.

- [아이 - [사랑비밀이에요

I mean… It's a secret.

그럼  먼저  볼게요

It's a secret. Please excuse me.

아이어디  아직 얘기  끝났는데

Where are you going? I'm not done.

이제  피크 타임이라서 빨리  봐야 돼요

It's the busiest time of the day, so I should

[사랑 먼저 갑니다

Please excuse me.

비밀이에요 - [

-It's a secret. -What?

[남자여기 그랜드볼룸이 어디죠?

Where's the Grand Ballroom?

[사랑이쪽으로 오시면 됩니다

Where's the Grand Ballroom? Please come
this way.



A secret?

[못마땅한 소리]

[로운 착륙이에요 위험한데 제가 마무리

We're landing soon. It's dangerous, so I'll
wrap up.

[평화괜찮아내가 할게 너는 착륙 준비해

No, I got it. You can get ready for landing.

[드르륵 커튼 여는 소리]

[부드러운 음악]

[평화가 작게여기 있습니다

Here you go.


Thank you.

[안내 음성손님 여러분 저희 비행기는

Dear passengers, we are now arriving at
Incheon International Airport.

인천 국제공항에  도착할 예정입니다

we are now arriving at Incheon International

- [덜컹거리는 소리] - 비행기가 멈춘 

Please remain seated

좌석 벨트 표시가 꺼질 때까지 자리에서 기다

until the aircraft makes a full stop and the
seatbelt sign turns off.

오늘도 저희 킹에어를 이용해 주셔서 감사합

Thank you for flying with King Air.

[평화의 놀란 소리]

Thank you for flying with King Air. Our flight

저희 승무원들은 - [평화의 아픈 신음]

Our flight crew

앞으로도 안전하고 편안하게 승객 여러분들

will always serve you in safety and comfort.



My gosh!

어머평화야무슨 일이야 그래?

Pyeong-hwa, what's going on?

 [로운초면에 죄송하지만 잠시 들어가겠

I know we've never met, but may I come in?


Sure, come on in.

[평화의 아파하는 소리]

[평화의 한숨]

One second.

[평화의 괴로운 신음]

What happened?

[사랑무슨 일이야?

What happened?

다름이 아니라 선배가 허리를 삐끗하신  

I think she sprained her back.

찜질  부탁드려도 되겠습니까?

Could you put ice on her?

[로운냉찜질 15 정도  주신 다음에

After about 15 minutes,

파스 붙여 주시면   같습니다

you can put a pain relief patch on her.

- [리드미컬한 음악] - [사랑


걱정 마세요제가 잘해 볼게요

Don't worry. I'll take care of her.


Yes, thank you.

그럼 제가 인사는 다음에 정식으로 드리겠습

I'll introduce myself properly next time.


내일 제가 올게요

I'll come by tomorrow.

[로운그러니까 오늘은 아무것도 하지 말고
무조건 자요

Don't do anything today and go right to bed,


and go right to bed, okay?


and go right to bed, okay? Okay. Thank you.


Good night.


[평화 !


[사랑조심히 가세요

Take care.

- [문이 드르륵 닫힌다] - [평화의 한숨]

[강조되는 효과음]


He's so attractive!

- [사랑누구야누구야? - [평화의 아픈

He's so attractive! -Who's that? The guy
from that time? -My back!

그때  남자 맞지? - [평화허리허리!

-Who's that? The guy from that time? -My


My back.

낮은 목소리로파스 붙여 드릴게요

I'll put a pain relief patch on you.

 [흥미로운 음악]


어휴미련 곰탱이

Goodness, you're such a fool.

크게 다쳤으면 어쩔 뻔했어

It could've been much worse.

승진이 뭐라고 이렇게 목을 ?

A promotion isn't worth getting hurt over.

승진하고 싶은 욕망이 아니라

It's not that I'm dying to get promoted.

살아남기 위한 처절한 몸부림이란다

It's my desperate struggle to survive. If you
struggle a few more times, you'll go broke
buying these patches.

[사랑몸부림    했다가는 월급보다 
스값이  나오겠다

If you struggle a few more times, you'll go
broke buying these patches.

사무장이 그렇게 하고 싶어?

Do you want to be a purser that badly?

[평화하고 싶어서가 아니라

It's not that I want to.

이젠 진짜 해야 

I really have to be one now.

근데 이번 생엔 그른  같아

But I don't think it'll happen in this life.

[사랑이번 생이 끝이면 어쩌려고   포기

What if this is your last life? Don't just give

허리까지 바쳐 가면서 이렇게 열심히 하는데

You even hurt your back working hard, so
keep it up until the end.

끝까지  봐야지

You even hurt your back working hard, so
keep it up until the end.

내가 아무리 발버둥  봤자

No matter how hard I try,

다른 사람들 발끝도  따라가더라고

I can't even do half as much as others.

[사랑다른 사람은  어떻게 하는데?

What do the others do?

너처럼 열심히 하는 사람이 어디 있다고

Nobody works as hard as you.

- [한숨] - [잔잔한 음악]


[평화의 힘겨운 소리]


[사무장] L1 자리 앉고 싶다더니

I thought you wanted to become L1.

그다지 간절하지 않나 ?

I guess you aren't desperate.

[옅은 웃음]

 열심히  볼게

I'll work harder.

[사무장너는 그게 문제야

That's your problem.

누군 열심히  하니?

Everyone works hard.

매번 그렇게 정석대로만 하려니까  되지

It's because you only take standard

다른 팀들 보니까 책자 들고 다니면서

Other teams carry the duty-free books

직접 판매하고 배달까지 한다더라

carry the duty-free books around, selling
and even delivering the items themselves.

그러다 걸리면 어떻게 책임지려고

They'll get in trouble if they're caught.

[평화회사가 알면 큰일  텐데

The company will go berserk.

회사가 그걸 모를  같아?

Do you really think they don't know?

[사무장평화야 세상에 공짜가 어디 있니?

Pyeong-hwa. There's no free lunch in this

그렇게 위험을 감수하면서까지 열정적이니

Only those who are passionate enough to
put up with such danger

그러니까 승진하는 거지

get promoted.

쫄지  예를 들어 얘기한 것뿐이야

Don't be scared. I'm just sharing an

 치열한 싸움에서 이기려면

To triumph in this fierce competition,

최소한 남들이 하는 만큼 열정은 보여야 된단

you need to show enough passion to match
what the others are doing.

[평화가 아파하며사랑아




 혹시 내일 저녁에 시간 ?

Are you free tomorrow evening?


- [흥미로운 음악] - [ 울음 효과음]

[여자들의 대화 소리]

[강조되는 효과음]

They're never in the sun.

[강조되는 효과음]

They'd need to see the sun.

[목을 가다듬는다]

It's a shame we get freckles on our face.

[사랑이 어색한 말투로어머여행을 가지 

Oh my. You can get duty-free items

집에서 면세품을 받을  있다고요?

without going on a trip?

[평화의 웃음 고르시기만 하면

Yes, I'll personally deliver items of your

제가 직접 가져다드려요

Yes, I'll personally deliver items of your
choosing. Try a little harder.


Try a little harder.

[여자들이 연신 대화한다]

[사랑찾아가는 서비스라니 정말 훌륭하

Oh my, a door-to-door service? That is quite

[다을의 웃음]

That is quite amazing!

[다을어머이거 혹시

Oh my. Is this that miraculous cream that
flattens out

바르는 순간 얼굴에 주름이란 주름은  

Is this that miraculous cream that flattens
out every single wrinkle on you?

 기적의 크림 맞아요?

every single wrinkle on you?

 [손뼉 치며맞아요 발라 보셔도 돼요

You're right. You can give it a try.


Let's see.

- [강조되는 효과음] - [놀란 소리]

My gosh.

어머어머이거 눈가의 주름 쫙쫙 펴지는 

My gosh. My eye wrinkles are disappearing.

[놀라며갑자기  10년은 젊어진  같네

My eye wrinkles are disappearing. I feel ten
years younger already.

- [흥미로운 음악] - [사랑의 감탄]

I feel ten years younger already.

[사랑정말  깜짝할 사이에

Yes, your wrinkles really disappeared in an

주름이 사라졌네 - [반짝이는 효과음]

Yes, your wrinkles really disappeared in an

이거 정말 59,900 맞아요너무   아니

Yes, your wrinkles really disappeared in an
instant. Is this really only 59,900 won? Is
this not too cheap?

[평화의 웃음]

Is this not too cheap?

뭔데나도  발라  

What's that? Let me test it too.

- [여자1] 나도  - [여자2] 나도 한번  봐요

Me too. Let me give it a try. -Me first. -Okay.

[웃으며잠시만요 제가 발라 드릴게요

-Me first. -Okay. One second. Let me put it
on you.

- [여자3] 내가 먼저내가 먼저 - [평화의 

One second. Let me put it on you. I was
here first.

[평화이게 기내 면세점 한정판인데

This is a limited edition for in-flight duty-free

이번 달부터 특별 프로모션을 시작했거든요

and a special promotion began just this

[다을사실 내가 이거 백화점에서   봤는

and a special promotion began just this
month. I saw this a few times at department

용량도 적고 가격도 비싸 가지고  사고 

but it was too tiny and expensive for me to
buy it.

[손뼉 치며지금이 기회네

This is my chance.

이거  개까지   있어요내가  살게

How many can I get? I'll take them all.

[여자3] 어유혼자   가는  어디 있어?

You can't take everything.

젊은 사람이 그러면  되지

Don't be like that, young lady.

[여자1] 제가   정도  

I can buy two of them.

[여자3] 어유됐어내가  살게

I can buy two of them. No, I'll take them all.

얼마나 되는데 50 ?

How much can I get? Like 50?

[사랑이 박수 치며정말 좋은 선택인 

You have made a very wonderful decision.

- [다을어머너무 젊어지셨다 - [여자3] 

-You look so much younger. -Really?

[사랑진짜 주름이 없어지네요!

Yes, your wrinkles are gone.

벌써벌써? [웃음] - [여자들의 환호]

-Already? -Yes!

[강조되는 효과음]

[상식본부장님 혹시 인사  갔다 오셨

Mr. Gu, did you visit HR?



[상식아니옛날 직원 기록을 찾았는데 없었

You couldn't find an old personnel record,

 뒤로 서류가 누락인지 아닌지

He matched up every single file with the
hard copies since your visit

전산이랑 서류랑  맞춰 봤는데도

He matched up every single file with the
hard copies since your visit

없다고 우는 얼굴로  찾아왔어요

but found nothing and came to me crying.

제발 이름이라도 알려 달라는데요?

He's begging you for the name.

- [됐어 - [상식누구죠?

Never mind. Who is it? Who are you looking

누구 찾으시는 거죠? - [됐다니까

Who is it? Who are you looking for? It's fine.

[상식이 손가락을  튀기며 서버에 검색
하면 나오지 않나?

It's fine. Isn't it in our online database? It
was all digitized.

전산화  됐다고 하던데

It was all digitized. It wasn't on the server.
That's why I went for a hard copy.

[없어서버에 없어서 서류 찾아본 거야

It wasn't on the server. That's why I went for
a hard copy.

[상식그럼 회사에서 별로 중요하지 않았
 사람인가 보네요

It wasn't on the server. That's why I went for
a hard copy. Then the person probably
wasn't important here.

- [차분한 음악] - ?


[상식아니근무한 적은 있는데 서버에도 
 서류에도 없으면

If an employee's records weren't kept in the
files or the server,

그건 별로 중요하지 않았던 사람이죠

it means they weren't important.

한마디로 아무것도 아닌 사람?

In a word, a nobody.

무슨 소리야?

What do you mean?

[상식쓰읍보통 힘이 있거나 중요한 사람들

Those who are powerful or important end up
getting recorded.

기록에 남잖아요

or important end up getting recorded.

심지어 역사에도 남는데

I mean, some go down in history.

나머지야 세상에서 사라져도  상관없으

But for the rest of us, it doesn't matter if we
disappear without a trace,


so their records get deleted.

[화란 위해 하는 소리야 니네 엄마처럼 

I'm telling you for your sake. Don't end up
like your mom.

 아무도 기억  하잖아

See? Nobody remembers her.

나도 그렇고너도 그렇고

Both you and me.

그게 패배자야

That's life for a loser.


세상에 중요하지 않은 사람은 없어

No one in this world is a nobody.

[일훈 [웃음]

그래어서 와라

Come on in.

쓰읍왕자라고 까탈스러울  알았더니

I expected the prince to be fussy,

'아버님아버님하면서 아주 성격 좋더라,

but he was rather friendly and polite.

앞으로 왕자  사람들은 모두

He also promised me he'd have all of his
guests stay here from now on.

우리 호텔에 머물겠다고 하고

He also promised me he'd have all of his
guests stay here from now on.

 니가 해낼  알았어

I knew you'd make this happen.

감사합니다 - [일훈의 웃음]

Thank you.

[일훈우리 100주년 기념행사 파티에도 말이

Invite Prince Samir to our 100th anniversary.

 사미르 왕자 초청해 - [화란아버지

Invite Prince Samir to our 100th anniversary.
Yes, Father.

100주년 행사 제가 맡겠습니다

I'd like to take charge of the 100th
anniversary event.


What? Do you know how important this is?

그게 얼마나  행사인  몰라?

Do you know how important this is?

[화란] VIP 중에도 최고 VIP들만 뽑아서 초청
하는 행사야

We only invite the very elite among our VIP

너한테 아직 무리야

You can't handle that yet.

 알고 얘기해

Know your stuff before you speak.

[킹호텔 제일  행사인데

Know your stuff before you speak. It's King
Hotel's biggest event,

당연히 킹더랜드에서 해야지

so it must be held at King the Land.

지금까지 누나 혼자  하느라 고생했을 텐데

You must've had a tough time managing
everything alone.

이제 나한테 맡겨

You can leave it to me now.

[의미심장한 음악]

[일훈의 웃음]

그래드디어 정신 차렸구나

Yes, you finally came to your senses.

- [일훈그래니가 한번   - [화란아버지

Okay, you can take charge. Father.

아직 원이한텐 무리예요

Won can't handle this yet.

[일훈이번에 말이야 왕자  처리하는

Seeing how well he handled Prince Samir, I
think we can rely on him.

믿고 맡겨도 되겠어

Seeing how well he handled Prince Samir, I
think we can rely on him.

화란이 너도 원이 믿고 한번 맡겨 ?

Hwa-ran, have faith in him and let him try


You can do it, right?

 - [일훈그래 [웃음]

-Yes. -Great.

- [드시죠 - [일훈그래

-Let's eat. -Okay.


Let's eat.

[긴장되는 음악]

[화란진짜 나랑 해보겠다는 거야?

Are you really starting something with me?

[여기 있으면 평생 싸워야 한다면서

You said I'd have to fight you for life here.

피할  없으니  싸워 보려고

It's inevitable, so I'll try my best.

겨우  따위가  상대할  있을  같아?

Do you think someone like you has a
chance against me?

[내가 말했지

I told you before

누나 같은 사람은 절대 오너가 되면  된다

that someone like you shouldn't own the

언제부터 니가 회사 생각했니?

Since when did you care so much about the

그러게 적당히 했어야지

Since when did you care so much about the
company? It's because you went too far.

[그깟  구한답시고 위험한 곳에 사람을

If you placed an employee in danger over
some ginseng,

최소한 구해는 주든가

you should've at least sent help.

아니면 매출 올리겠다고 다들 기를 쓰는데

Or you could give the staff the incentives
they deserve

노력한 만큼 인센티브를 주든가

Or you could give the staff the incentives
they deserve for bringing up sales.

이게 지금  하자는 심보인데?

What are you trying to do?


The employees are supposed to earn their

월급 받는 만큼 성과 내는  당연한 거야

The employees are supposed to earn their

[화란걔들이 당연한 일을 하는데

Why should we give them incentives

회사가  인센티브를 줘야 ?

simply for doing their job?

누나답다 - [화란빈정거리지 

-That sounds like you. -Don't be snarky.

  싸움에  걸었는데?

What are you betting in this fight?


I've put in everything.

모든   걸고

I'm putting up my fight

싸우는 중이야

with everything on the line.


[ 싸우고 싶지 않았어

I didn't want to fight.

근데 누나가 자꾸 싸우게 만드네?

But you keep getting me involved.

직원들 억울하게 당하는 모습 계속 보이는데

I keep seeing employees suffering from
unfair treatment.

가만있으면 나도 공범이잖아

I'm complicit if I stay put.

누나가 아무것도 아니라고 생각하는 사람들

I'm going to try and protect the people


that you deem

한번 지켜 보려고

as nobodies.

- [긴장감이 고조되는 음악] - [ 웃는다]


니가 그럴 주제나 된다고 생각해?

Who do you even think you are?

최소한  양심은 있으니까

At the very least, I have a conscience.

누나보다는 낫겠지

So I'm better than you.

[앞으로 잘해 보자

Let's have a good fight.

그거 알아?

You know what?

[화란남을 위해 싸우는 사람은

Those who fight for others…

나를 위해 싸우는 사람

stand no chance against someone

절대  이겨

who fights for themselves.

[토닥이며앞으로 잘해 

Good luck.

[문이 달칵 여닫힌다]

[옅은 웃음]


[문이 달칵 열린다]

[부드러운 음악]

[강조되는 효과음]

- [차분한 음악] - [이게

What's this?

[사미르사랑의 웃음]

What's this?

니가  거기 있어?

Why are you there?

[이거 놓으라니까!

Let go of me. Let go.


Cheon Sa-rang.


No. Let go of him.

이거 !

Let me go!

[ !


[거친 숨소리]

[원의 놀란 숨소리]



Hello, sir.

[사랑그게 바로 민폐예요

That's what you call being a nuisance.

퇴근 무렵에 아주 높으신 분의 특별 주문이라

It was a special request from the head

본부장님한텐 부탁이겠지만

It may seem like a simple favor to you,

우리 입장에서는 절대 거부할  없는 명령이

but for us, it's an order that must be obeyed.

[잔잔한 음악]

[죄송합니다  때문에 퇴근도  하셨

I'm sorry. Did I keep you here late?

[직원아닙니다  본부장님이 아니라

No, sir. Even if it hadn't been you,

어떤 손님이 계시더라도 정성껏 모시는  

it's only natural for us to serve every single
guest with utmost care.

언제든 부담 없이 오세요

Please come by whenever you like.

다음부터 시간 맞춰 가겠습니다

I'll leave on time in the future.



[통화 연결음]

- [저마다의 말소리] - [휴대전화 진동음]

Tap on it and let it seep in.



잠깐 얼굴  볼까?

May I see you?


Right now?

제가 지금  바쁜데

I'm busy right now.

- [사랑다음에 봬요 내가 그리로 갈게

-I'll see you next time. -I'll go to you.

여기로 오신다고요? - [

-You're going to come here? -Yes.

 말도  있고

I have something to say too.

중요한 얘기예요? - [

-Is this important? -Yes.

여기가 지금 그런 얘기  분위기가 아닌

This isn't a place to say something

그냥 다음에 봬요

I'll see you next time.

  지금  봐야겠어

No, I have to see you now.


Where are you?

 [밝은 음악]

[원의 한숨]

[원의 헛기침]


You found me all right.

 - [사랑찜질복까지 차려입으시고

-Hey. -And you're in sauna attire too.

[아니근데  다들 이러고 있어?

Why is everyone lounging around?


It's a sauna.

쓰읍아이 주세요

-Show me your arm. -I know that.

[아니그건 아는데

-Show me your arm. -I know that. So why is
everyone lying here instead of at their

 다들 이러고 누워 있어멀쩡한  놔두고

So why is everyone lying here instead of at
their homes?

[웃음원래 여기선 이러고 있어요

That's what people do here.

[사랑이거는 여기 이렇게 차고 있어야지 

You have to wear it like this not to lose it.

근데 하실 말씀이 뭐예요?

What did you have to say?

여기서 얘기해야 되나?

Do I have to say it here?

[사랑제가 말했잖아요 그래서 다른  보자

I told you. That's why I wanted to see you

일단 나가지 - [사랑 돼요!

-Let's go outside. -No.

친구들이 있어서

My friends are here.

친구? - [다을어머 과장님!

-Your friends? -Oh my, Mr. No!

? - [평화어머웬일이에요?

-What brings you here? -Hey.

- [흥미로운 음악] - 

-What brings you here? -Hey.

[작게얼른 가세요빨리

You should go.

애들한테 잡히면 골치 아파요 빨리빨리

It'll be a pain if you stay. Hurry and go.

[평화어유바람  잡으랬더니 연기가 그게

I wanted you as my wingman, but you were
an awful actor.

[사랑 잘하고 있잖아 아까 완판시킨  

but you were an awful actor. I'm doing so
well. Everything is sold out thanks to me.

[다을완판은 내가 시켰거든?

Hey, I'm the one who did everything.

니가 자연스럽게 해야 손님이 몰린다니까?

Hey, I'm the one who did everything. You
need to act naturally to draw a crowd.

 과장님하나 드세요

Mr. No, try one.

어유 괜찮습니다

I'm fine.

[익살스러운 효과음]

 [ 먹겠습니다

Thank you.

[흥미로운 음악]

[사랑근데  아까  연기 잘하지 않았어?

Anyway, wasn't I a good actor?

[평화 완전 별로였어 국어책 읽는 

You were totally awful. So rigid.

[다을바람을  잡아야 손님이 몰린다니까,

You need to do better to draw people. Try to
be more natural.


Try to be more natural.

[평화그러니까  역할이 중요하다고 했잖

Exactly. I said your role is important.

[사랑이런 식으로 하면   도와준다?

I won't help if you give me a hard time.


Let's go.

[ 울음 효과음]

[평화저녁  먹었어요?

Did you skip dinner?

[ 울음 효과음]

Is it your first time trying these?

[다을그거 처음 먹어 봐요?

Is it your first time trying these?

- [ 울음 효과음] - [다을의 한숨]

어떻게 살았길래 이런  한번  먹어 보고,

I can't believe you've never had these

이거 먹어요

Try this too. Here.


Thank you.

[시원한 탄성]

아이근데 이거

By the way, what's with these?

뭐예요이거 일반 계란은 아닌  같은데

By the way, what's with these? They don't
seem like regular eggs.


They don't seem like regular eggs. -Let's go.
-Aren't they good?

맛있죠이거 맥반석에 구운 거예요

-Let's go. -Aren't they good? They were
roasted on a stone plate.

[다을 드세요 이거  드셔도 돼요

They were roasted on a stone plate. Go on.
You can have these.


Goodness, thank you.

아니 [옅은 웃음] - [흥미로운 음악]

Hey, wait.

계란을 드시러 오신 거예요  보러 오신 

Are you here to eat eggs or to see me?


How could I leave before finishing these
when she kindly gave them to me?

이거 주신 성의가 있는데  먹고 가야지

How could I leave before finishing these
when she kindly gave them to me?

[강조되는 효과음]

이게  맛있네요

This is quite delicious.


[강조되는 효과음]

[원의 감탄]



[다을사랑이 대신  과장님 어때?

How about Mr. No instead of Sa-rang?



어쨌든  명이라도  있는  낫겠지!

The more the merrier, right? -I say yes. -
Why won't you ask me?

아니  의사는  물어보십니까?

-I say yes. -Why won't you ask me? Come
on, we're all family. Give her a hand.

[다을어유한식구끼리  도와줘요

Come on, we're all family. Give her a hand.
Just be a wingman.

옆에서 바람만  잡으면 돼요

Just be a wingman.

바람은 무슨 바람이요?

A wingman? For what?

[당황하며그런   못하셔

He's not good at it.

별거 없어요 그냥 대사  개만 외우면 돼요

It's not a big deal. All you have to do is
memorize a few lines.


All you have to do is memorize a few lines.


[어색한 웃음]

- [웃음] - [흥미진진한 음악]

- [TV 소리가 흐른다] - [익살스러운 효과음]

[반짝이는 효과음]

[아니해외여행을  가도

Wait, you can get duty-free items at home
without traveling abroad?

면세품을 집에서 받을 수가 있다고요?

Wait, you can get duty-free items at home
without traveling abroad?

[다을면세가보다 10%  할인해 드리

Yes, and you get an extra 10% off too.

[아니 면세가에서 10%  할인을

Wait, an extra 10% off of the duty-free


Yes. On top of that, just for today,

[평화오늘만 특별히 홍삼 엑기스 하나 사시

On top of that, just for today, if you purchase
red ginseng extract, you get one for free.

하나를  드려요

if you purchase red ginseng extract, you get
one for free.

[ 그러면 홍삼 엑기스 4개랑

Then I'll take four ginseng extract sets

종합 비타민 3 주세요

and three multivitamins.

그리고 자기 바를 아이 크림도 하나 사야

And one eye cream for you, babe.

[다을세일할  많이 쟁여 두세요

Get your stuff while they're on sale.

이런 기회  없습니다

You won't find another chance like this.

[여자1] 아니홍삼이 반값이라고?

Wait, red ginseng is half off? Which brand?

무슨 홍삼인데나도 한번  

Wait, red ginseng is half off? Which brand?
Let me see it too.

[평화 제품인데

It's this one.

지금  플러스  행사 하고 있거든요

It's this one. Right now, it's buy one, get one

[여자2] 면세품이네

I see. Duty-free items.

  할인하는  없어?

Is anything else on sale?

[다을 있죠


화장품주류액세서리 건강식품까지  

Cosmetics, liquor, accessories, health
supplements, everything.

천천히 보시고 필요한  있으면  말씀하세

Take your time and let me know whatever
you need.

[여자3] 이게 진짜 면세가보다 ?

-This one's good. -It's cheaper than duty


Of course.

저도 저번에 이분한테 이거 샀는데

I bought this from her last time, and it was
half the price you see at department stores.

백화점가의 거의 반값이에요

and it was half the price you see at
department stores.

매번 해외여행  수도 없고 정말 좋은 기회

You can't travel abroad every single day, so
I think this is a great chance.

[여자2] 너무 좋다진짜 웬일이야

This is wonderful. -My gosh. -You want
three? You won't even finish it.

[여자1] 언니는  먹지도 않으면서 3팩이

-My gosh. -You want three? You won't even
finish it.

- 2팩만  - [여자2] 완전 반값이야정말

-Just get two. -These are half off.

[여자1] 그럼 2, 2, 2, 6

-Two, two, two, so six packs. -So cheap.

[여자3] 싸다그렇지?

-Two, two, two, so six packs. -So cheap. -
Right? -This is great!

- [여자2] 너무 좋아! - [여자들의 웃음]

-Right? -This is great!

[사랑하나씩  구매하시면 좋을  같아요

You should probably get one each.

[여자1] 근데 이게 제일 싸다 그랬어

This is the cheapest one.

[여자2] 이거 그때 자기가 찾던 거잖아

You wanted to get this.

- [여자3] 그래그래이거야 - [여자1] 진짜?

-Yes, this is it. -Really?

[아기 웃음 효과음]

-Yes, this is it. -Really?

- [다을 - [평화!

-Cheers! -Cheers!

[다을평화의 시원한 탄성]

[다을이렇게  번만  돌면 1등은 문제없

You'll be able to reach the top after a few
more rounds.


You'll be able to reach the top after a few
more rounds. Thank you.

 은혜는 절대 잊지 않을게

I'll never forget your help.

 과장님도 감사합니다

Thank you, Mr. No.

[저야 워낙   하는  없으니까

Well, I'm good at everything. You were really

[다을진짜 너무 잘하셨어요

You were really good.

어디 가서 무슨  하시든 먹고사시겠네

You'll make a living no matter where you go.

[아이근데  이렇게까지 해야 돼요?

Anyway, do you have to go this far?

이거 불법이잖아요

This is illegal.

[사랑우리 불법 아니에요

It's not illegal.

그렇지불법 아니지?

It's not, right?

[흥미로운 음악]

[어색한 웃음우리 불법 아니잖아

It's not illegal, right?

[다을이 작게불법 맞아

It is.

진짜 불법이야?

It is?

나만 몰랐던 거야?

Only I didn't know?

[평화미안 너도 아는  알았어

I'm sorry. I thought you knew.

[사랑아무리 그래도 이건 아니지  그렇게
까지 ?

This is really wrong. Why are you taking it
so far?

[다을평화 너무 뭐라 하지  오죽 압박이
심하면 그랬겠어?

Don't be so harsh on her. She must've been
pressured into doing it.

할인   주는 것도 사실 평화가  돈으로
메꾸는 거야

She must've been pressured into doing it.
And she's paying for that extra discount too.

손해까지 보면서  이러는데그러다 걸리

Why would you even spend your own
money? What if you get caught?

이렇게라도 해야 되니까

Because I have to.

이제라도 그만하자

Let's stop now.

[사랑나쁜 짓도 아무나  

Wrongdoing isn't for everyone. People like
us can't sleep in peace after we do
something wrong.

우리 같은 사람들은

People like us can't sleep in peace after we
do something wrong.

죄짓고 마음 편히  뻗고 자지도 못한다고

People like us can't sleep in peace after we
do something wrong.

 [다을아휴 빌어먹을 양심

This darned conscience.

누가 알아주지도 않는데  이렇게 정직한 

Why do we stay honest when nobody gives
us the credit?

[사랑누가  알아주면 어때우리끼리 
아주면 되지

Who cares if no one does? We can give it to
each other.

- [밝은 음악] - 우린  알잖아

We all know that Pyeong-hwa is a great

평화가 얼마나 열심히 잘하는지

We all know that Pyeong-hwa is a great

[다을그럼 우리 곰탱이가 최고지

Yes, our little bear is the best.


Stop it.

니네들만 알면  

Who cares if it's just you two?

[저도 알아드릴게요

I'll give you the credit too.

[다을 과장님이 알아주는  무슨 소용 

What good is that, Mr. No?

[에이그래도 알아드릴게요

But still, I'll give it to you.

특히 이렇게까지 하게 만든  회사 잘못이라

I'll remember that the company made you
take things this far.

 알고 있을게요

I won't forget it.

[평화말이라도 고마워요

Thank you for saying that.

사실  과장님이 아니라  윗분들이 아셔야

The ones who should know that are those
up high and not you, Mr. No.

[원의 헛기침]

좋은   겁니다반드시

You'll see a better day. I know it.

그날을 위해  할까요?

Let's make a toast for that day.


Sounds great. Cheers!


-Cheers! -Cheers!

그래도 오늘 제일 열심히 노력하는 모습 멋있

It was wonderful to see you try so hard

오늘의 일등 공신이야 - [ 부딪는 소리]

You were the best one.

[사랑의 웃음]

[강조되는 효과음]

[다을의 헛기침]

[다을 과장님

Mr. No?

한판 하실래요?

Do you want to play?

- [게임기 소리] - [버튼 두드리는 소리]

[강조되는 효과음]

[평화 과장님

Mr. No. You like Sa-rang, right?

사랑이 좋아하죠?

You like Sa-rang, right?

[다을 당연한 얘길 물어봐  보면 

Do you even need to ask? It's so obvious.




What? Really?

쓰읍그럼 우리  과장님 제끼고

Then we'll lose you and go with the Arab

아랍 왕자로 밀어붙입니다? - [흥미로운 

Then we'll lose you and go with the Arab

[아니여기서  그놈 얘기가 나와요?

Why are you bringing him up right now?

그놈 완전 바람둥이에다가

He's a total player with the worst personality.

성격도 완전 별로입니다

He's a total player with the worst personality.

[평화어젯밤에 사랑이한테 전화 왔거든요

He called Sa-rang last night.

여름에 전세기 보낼 테니까  같이 두바이로
놀러 오라고

He offered to fly us out to Dubai on a private
jet this summer.

[다을역시왕자는 스케일이 달라

That prince's generosity is out of this world.
We're in for a treat thanks to Sa-rang.

우리도 사랑이 덕에 호강하게 생겼네!

We're in for a treat thanks to Sa-rang.


He called?



저번에 분명히 저보고 사랑  남자 친구로

I clearly remember you two saying I pass as
Sa-rang's boyfriend.

     하기로 하지 않으셨어요?

You both said you'd take my side. Me?

- [다을제가요? - [

Me? Yes.

정확히는 평화 씨까지    그러셨죠

To be exact, it was both of you, including


Me too?

Yes, I clearly remember your approval.

분명히 찬성한다고 하셨어요

Yes, I clearly remember your approval.

[이야이건  배신이 특기도 아니고

My gosh. Is betrayal your specialty?

[다을아이배신이 아니라 실속 챙기는 

This isn't betrayal. We're just being smart.

[버튼을 두드리며두바이가 우릴 부르는데!

Dubai is calling us!

[다을평화의 환호]

[다을평화의 웃음]

[원의 한숨]

[한식구끼리 이러는  아니죠

Hey, we're all one big family. Let's not do

근데  사랑이  좋아하신다면서요

But you said you didn't like her.

[다을그럼   얘기 없는  같은데?

So I think we're done here.

- [잠시만요 - [익살스러운 효과음]


- [흥미로운 음악] - 우리

Let us


Let us

얘기   하시죠

chat some more

- [잘그락거리는 소리] -     때까지

until we use up all these coins.

 - [다을평화의 헛기침]

Please sit.

[잘그랑 동전 넣는 소리]

[기계 음성] '라운드 '!


고백하세요 - [달그락 두드리는 소리]

Tell her. Tell her what?

뭘요? - [평화마음을요

Tell her what? How you feel.

[다을] '좋아한다사귀자',  한마디가 
그렇게 어렵다고

"I like you. Go out with me." How is that so

아이근데 그걸  말로 해야 하나요?

Do I have to say it in words?

마음이 중요한 거지

It's the heart that counts.

  하면 몰라요

She won't know if you don't say it.

괜히  들이다가 사랑이 놓치지 말고

If you keep beating around the bush, you'll
end up losing her.


Just ask her out.

[게임기 소리]

[다을의 버튼 두드리는 소리]

[부드러운 음악]

[다을이 힘주며아이씨


[사랑의 아파하는 소리]



[박수 소리]

[기계 음성] '케이오퍼펙트'

[사랑뜨끈하게 지지다가

Isn't a cold treat nice

시원한  먹으니까 완전 꿀맛이죠?

after sitting in the hot sauna? Yes.

[ 다들 여기 오는지 알겠어

Yes. I get why people come here.

[사랑오늘 고마웠어요

Thank you for today.

아이한식구끼리 돕고 사는 거지

We're all one big family, so we should help
each other out.

쓰읍 많이 변했어요

You've changed a lot.

뾰족뾰족했는데 제법 넉살도  늘고

You used to be so scathing, but you even
make jokes now.


다음  주말에 시간 ?

Are you free next weekend?

시간은 왜요?

Why do you ask?

우리 얘기 하고 싶어서

I want to talk about us.

[사랑우리 얘기요?

About us?


Yes, about us.

우리  얘기 하자

Let's talk about us.

- [부드러운 음악] - 





[사랑의 웃음]

어서 오십시오


[사랑이게  뭐예요?

What's all this?

[천사랑 고객님 맞으십니까?

Are you Ms. Cheon Sa-rang?

- [사랑 - [옷부터 받아 드리겠습니다

-Yes. -May I take your coat?


Thank you.

[부드러운 음악]

[이쪽으로 앉으시죠

This way, please.


Thank you.

우리 레스토랑은 셰프 마음대로 메뉴가 제공
되고 있는데

Our restaurant only serves the chef's


Our restaurant only serves the chef's
special. Is that all right?

알아서 맛있는 거로 준비해 주세요

Yes, please serve me your best.


So who's the chef?

셰프님이 누구시죠?

So who's the chef?

오늘의 셰프구원입니다

I'm today's chef, Gu Won.

[사랑요리도   아세요?

Gu Won. I see. Do you also cook?

못하는  뭐냐고 묻는   빠를 듯합니

It'd be faster if you asked for the things I
couldn't do.

[생각하는 숨소리]

It'd be faster if you asked for the things I
couldn't do. I remember that you couldn't
even peel an onion.

아마 양파 하나도  깠던 걸로 기억을 하는

I remember that you couldn't even peel an

[옛날 옛적 일은 잊으십시오

I remember that you couldn't even peel an
onion. Please forget that ancient history.

오늘을 위해서 최고의 셰프로부터 특훈을 

I received special training from the best

안심하셔도 좋습니다 - [호응]

so please be rest assured. You're quite

열정적이시네요 안심해 보겠습니다

You're quite passionate. I will let go of my

오늘은 요리부터 서빙까지 제가 홀로 담당하

I'm solely in charge of cooking and serving

[요리가 지연되더라도

So I ask

너그러운 마음으로 이해해 주시길 부탁드리

for your generous understanding even if you
face a bit of delay.

괜찮습니다 천천히 맛있게 준비해 주세요

Sure, I'm okay with that. Please take your
time and bring me delicious dishes.

오늘 같은 날은 술이 빠질  없죠

We must have a drink on a night like this.

[제가 직접 만든 상그리아입니다

I made this sangria myself.

[사랑이 놀라며이걸 직접 만드셨다고요?

You made this yourself?


제가 마셔 볼게요

Let me try it.

[놀란 소리]

너무 맛있는데요?

This is really good.

- [웃음] - [사랑우와!

This is really good.


[식전 에피타이저입니다

The appetizer.

[사랑이 놀라며어머이렇게 귀여운  어떻

How could I eat something this cute?

[아이그럼  보기만 하세요

Then you can just stare at it.

그래도 맛은 봐야죠

No, I must try it.

[사랑 먹겠습니다

Thank you.

[ 부는 소리]

[놀라며너무 맛있어요

-This is so good. -Of course.

[손가락을  튀기며당연한 소리를

-This is so good. -Of course.

정말 요리를 하시긴 하시네요

So you really can cook.

[어유나야  못하는  없어서 문제지

The problem is that I'm good at everything.

다음 메뉴도 기대하십시오

Look forward to the next dish.


[잔잔한 음악]


[탁탁 칼질하는 소리]


[놀란 소리]


[탁탁 가스레인지 켜는 소리]

- [지글거리는 소리] - [사랑



제가 한번 먹어 보겠습니다

Let me try this.


우와이거 진짜 맛있어요!

This is really good.

본부장님도 한번 드셔 보세요

You should try it too.



-Pretty good. -It's not just good.

[사랑괜찮은 정도가 아니라 이거 진짜 맛있

-Pretty good. -It's not just good. It's really

- [달그락 내려놓는 소리] - 셰프님

Chef Gu.

훌륭합니다 [웃음]

This is excellent.

[어유알아봐 주셔서 감사합니다

Thank you for noticing.

열심히 만든 보람이 있네요

You made it all worthwhile.

근데 오늘 무슨 날이에요?

Anyway, what's the occasion?


Anyway, what's the occasion?

아주 중요한 날이지

It's a very important day.

[달그락 내려놓는 소리]

무슨 날인데요?

What is it?

VIP 천사랑  모시는 

A day to treat my VIP, Ms. Cheon.

- [ 웃는다] - [사미르 왔을  알았어

It finally hit me when Samir was here.

별별 꼴값님들 비위 맞추면서 모시는 기분이

I found out what it felt like to humor and
serve all kinds of jerks.

친절 사원 되기까지 얼마나 힘들었을까 생각

Then I realized you must've made a lot of
effort to be the best talent,

정성껏 대접해 주고 싶었어

so I wanted to treat you with my best.


I knew it.

여기 들어오는 순간부터

I felt like I was warmly welcomed as soon as
I entered.

[사랑따뜻하게 맞이해 주는 느낌이 들더라

I felt like I was warmly welcomed as soon as
I entered.

[그렇게 느꼈다니 다행이네

I felt like I was warmly welcomed as soon as
I entered. I'm glad you felt that way.

역시 진심은 통하나 

So sincerity always works.


Thank you.

이렇게 훌륭한 음식을 먹을  있어서 영광이

It's an honor to enjoy such wonderful dishes.



진지하게  말도 있고

I'd like to have a serious conversation with

- [부드러운 음악] - 무슨 말요?

What's it about?

그건 식사  마친 후에

That's to come after dinner.

- [따로 말씀해 드리죠 - [한숨]

I'll tell you then.

아직 하이라이트가 남았으니 잠시만 기다려

The best part is yet to come, so give me a


What is it?

- [궁금해? - [사랑의 웃음]

Do you want to know?

[달그락거리는 소리]

[사랑 이거    마셔도 돼요?

-May I have another glass? -One second.

[잠시만 기다려  이것만 하고 가져다줄

-May I have another glass? -One second. -
I'll bring it over after this. -I can get it.

[사랑아니에요 제가 직접 마실게요

-I'll bring it over after this. -I can get it.

[지글거리는 소리]

[사랑의 환호]

오늘  멋있으시네요

You're kind of cool today.

나야  멋있지

I'm always cool.

이게 오늘의 하이라이트야

Now. This is the highlight of the meal.

[사랑의 비명]

[잔잔한 음악]

괜찮아 다쳤어?

Are you all right? Are you hurt?


[웃으며근데 이거  어떡해요?

What will you do with all these?

 다쳤으면 됐어

As long as you aren't hurt,


it's all right.

 [물소리가 점점 사라진다]

[정적이 흐른다]

[부드러운 음악]


Do I have…


[밝은 음악]


- [사랑삐졌어요? - [삐지긴

-Are you upset? -As if.

- [사랑아이삐지지 마요 - [?

Don't be upset.

아니… - [사랑됐어요

-That's not-- -Forget it.

[사랑 조모우리 사랑이 좋아하지?

You have feelings for Sa-rang, don't you?

- [놀란 소리] - [!

[사랑 조모사랑이 짝으로는 땡이다

You don't pass as Sa-rang's partner.


Be careful!

[사랑 조모의 놀란 소리]

Be careful!

- [평화사랑아! - [사랑의 놀란 소리]


[원의 아파하는 소리]


Mr. Gu!

상무님한테 드디어 전쟁 선포 하셨다면서요

I heard you finally declared war against Ms.

[제가 호텔 전체를 맡아서  볼게요

I heard you finally declared war against Ms.
Gu. I will take charge of the hotel.


Are you okay?



[조금만  있다 갈게 보고 싶어서 그래

I'll leave in a bit. It's because I want to see


I'll leave in a bit. It's because I want to see
you. Mr. Gu!


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