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  이상한 변호사 우영우 1

Extraordinary Attorney Woo 1


‪(영우) 모든 부모에게는 한 번쯤‬[Young-woo] There comes a day for every parent when they ask themselves, "Could it be that my kid is special?"
‪'내 아이가 특별한 거 아닐까?'‬when they ask themselves, "Could it be that my kid is special?"
‪싶은 날이 찾아온다고 합니다‬when they ask themselves, "Could it be that my kid is special?"
‪나의 아버지에게는‬For my father, that day was November 17th, 2000.
‪2000년 11월 17일이‬ ‪바로 그런 날이었어요‬For my father, that day was November 17th, 2000.
‪(광호) 영우야‬[Gwang-ho] Young-woo.
‪아빠 봐야지, 어?‬Hey, look at me.
‪[모빌이 딸랑거린다]‬[clinking]
‪우영우, 아빠 봐 봐‬Woo Young-woo, look at me.
‪(의사1) 영우가 지금 다섯 살인데‬You said Young-woo can't talk even though she's already five?
‪아직 말을 못 한다고 하셨죠?‬You said Young-woo can't talk even though she's already five?
‪아, 예‬Uh, yes.
‪(의사1) '엄마', '아빠'‬ ‪이런 간단한 단어도요?‬Not "Mom," or "Dad," or other simple words?
‪(광호) 네, 전혀 못 합니다‬[Gwang-ho] No, not yet.
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪(의사1) 조금 더‬ ‪자세히 봐야겠지만‬We're gonna have to look further into it, however,
‪영우는‬We're gonna have to look further into it, however,
‪자폐성 장애인 거 같습니다‬I believe Young-woo has autism.
‪자폐요?‬That can't be true.
‪(광호) 영우, 맛있어?‬[Gwang-ho] Is that good, Young-woo?
‪[광호의 한숨]‬
‪(규식) 야, 야!‬Hey! Hey!
‪너 거, 거기 서 있어, 어?‬You stay right there, got it?
‪어?‬[Gwang-ho] What?
‪이 새끼 이거 홀아비 새끼라‬ ‪내가 불쌍해서‬ ‪[개들이 왈왈 짖는다]‬You bastard. I took pity on your ass for being a widower,
‪내가 월세 한 번 안 올리고‬ ‪살게 해 줬더니‬and I let you live here without raising the rent even once.
‪이게 내 마누라를 넘봐?‬And you tried to put moves on my wife?
‪당장 방 빼, 이 새끼야! 어?‬Move out right now, you jackass! Putting moves on your wife? How?
‪아니, 마누라를 넘봐요?‬ ‪[규식의 힘겨운 신음]‬Putting moves on your wife? How?
‪제가요?‬Putting moves on your wife? How?
‪너 나만 없으면‬ ‪뻔질나게 우리 집에 왔지?‬You know, always stopping by whenever I'm not around.
‪(규식) 뭐 했어? 어?‬[Gyu-sik] What do you two do, huh? What were you doing with her, you… you bastard, huh?
‪우리 마누라하고‬ ‪무슨 짓을 했냐고, 이놈아!‬What were you doing with her, you… you bastard, huh? You tell me! Huh? You tell me!
‪어? 어?‬You tell me! Huh? You tell me!
‪(광호) 아, 사모님이‬ ‪영우 몇 번 봐 주신 거예요!‬-I'll tell you what is! -Look, your wife was just babysitting Young-woo when I had to work.
‪저 일 나가야 해서요‬babysitting Young-woo when I had to work.
‪(규식) 야, 애 맡긴다는 핑계로‬Wow. You use your child as an excuse to drop by whenever you want?
‪남자 없는 집에 기어들어 와?‬Wow. You use your child as an excuse to drop by whenever you want? When I'm not even home?
‪에라, 이 육시랄‬ ‪지랄 염병을 떨다가‬When I'm not even home? [Gyu-sik] You bastard!
‪이 뒈져 버릴‬ ‪재수 없는 호로 새끼야!‬[Gyu-sik] You bastard! You're gonna die after all that bullshit you tried!
‪아, 애 앞에서‬ ‪무슨 욕을 그렇게 하십니까?‬Hey, my daughter's right here. Don't speak like that. -[Gyu-sik] What? -I don't care if you're our landlord.
‪- (규식) 뭐?‬ ‪- 집주인이면 답니까?‬-[Gyu-sik] What? -I don't care if you're our landlord.
‪뭐야, 이 씨부럴 놈아!‬What did you say to me, you son of a bitch?
‪[규식이 소리친다]‬ ‪(광호) 아, 아, 왜 이러세요?‬ ‪이거 놓으세요‬-What did you say? -What are you doing? Let go! -Hey! What's wrong with you? -Don't you ever talk to me like that!
‪아, 왜 이러세요!‬-[Gwang-ho] Come on! -[Gyu-sik] You hear me? You bastard!
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪- (규식) 이딴 새끼가, 네가!‬ ‪- (광호) 아, 왜 이러세요!‬-[Gwang-ho] Come on! -[Gyu-sik] You hear me? You bastard! -Move out! Move out now! -Hey! What are you doing?
‪(광호) 이거 놓고 말하세요!‬Stop! Hey!
‪[광호와 규식이 실랑이한다]‬-[Gyu-sik] Move out, you hear me? -[Gwang-ho] What are you doing?
‪아유, 참, 이거 왜 이러세요!‬-Hey! No, stop! Come on! -You get the hell out of here!
‪아, 놓으세요!‬-No! I want you out of here! -Come on. Listen!
‪아이고, 진짜 왜 이러시는지…‬-No! I want you out of here! -Come on. Listen!
‪아유!‬ ‪[와장창 깨지는 소리]‬-[Gwang-ho] Wait. -[Gyu-sik] You're gone! You understand me?
‪[영란의 놀란 숨소리]‬ ‪진짜 아저씨 왜 이러세요!‬-[Gwang-ho] Wait. -[Gyu-sik] You're gone! You understand me? Listen up! You listen to me.
‪[어린 영우의 겁먹은 숨소리]‬-Shut up! Why don't you just shut up? -[Gwang-ho] I'm not listening to you!
‪(규식) 야, 이 새끼야! 어?‬ ‪[광호의 힘겨운 신음]‬[overlapping shouting]
‪[규식이 소리친다]‬ ‪(광호) 아저씨‬ ‪왜 그러세요, 진짜!‬[overlapping shouting]
‪아, 진짜 왜 이러세요!‬[overlapping shouting]
‪[사람들이 소란스럽다]‬[overlapping shouting] "Bodily injury!"
‪'상해죄'!‬"Bodily injury!"
‪(어린 영우) '사람의 신체를‬ ‪상해한 자는'‬"A person who inflicts bodily injury upon another
‪'7년 이하의 징역'‬"A person who inflicts bodily injury upon another shall be punished by up to seven years imprisonment,
‪'10년 이하의 자격 정지'‬shall be punished by up to seven years imprisonment, up to ten years probation, or a fine up to ten million won!"
‪'또는 1천만 원 이하의‬ ‪벌금에 처한다'!‬up to ten years probation, or a fine up to ten million won!"
‪[규식의 못마땅한 숨소리]‬[Gyu-sik sighs]
‪(광호) 영우야‬Young-woo.
‪너 방금 말한 거야?‬Did you speak just now?
‪[벅찬 숨소리]‬[chuckles]
‪들으셨죠?‬Did you hear?
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬ ‪영우 말하는 거 들으셨죠?‬Did you hear Young-woo talk?
‪[영란의 놀란 숨소리]‬ ‪영우가 말을 해요!‬Young-woo talks!
‪들으셨죠?‬You heard, right? [laughs]
‪[광호의 웃음]‬You heard, right? [laughs]
‪영우가 말해요!‬Young-woo can talk!
‪영우가 말한다‬Young-woo can talk!
‪[광호의 다급한 숨소리]‬
‪(광호) 영우야, 영우야‬Young-woo. Young-woo.
‪영우야, 영우야, 영우야‬Young-woo? Young-woo!
‪너 아까 그런 말은‬ ‪어디서 배운 거야?‬Where… where did you learn all that?
‪상해죄 말이야‬The law about bodily injury.
‪어디서 본 거야? 어?‬Did you see it somewhere, huh?
‪(어린 영우) 형법‬Criminal law.
‪너‬You read…
‪이걸 본 거야, 형법을?‬this criminal law book?
‪(어린 영우) '제311조 모욕'‬"Article 311, Defamation."
‪'공연히 사람을 모욕한 자는'‬"Article 311, Defamation." "A person who publicly insults another shall be punished
‪'1년 이하의 징역이나 금고'‬"A person who publicly insults another shall be punished with up to one-year imprisonment
‪'또는 2백만 원 이하의‬ ‪벌금에 처한다'‬with up to one-year imprisonment or imprisonment without prison labor, or by a fine up to two million won."
‪'수사의 방향과 구성 요건'‬or imprisonment without prison labor, or by a fine up to two million won." "Direction of investigation and corpus to lift tie."
‪'1, 공연성'‬"Direction of investigation and corpus to lift tie."
‪'1, 앞 제307조‬ ‪명예 훼손에서 참조'‬"Direction of investigation and corpus to lift tie." "One, publicity." "One, refer to Article 307, Slander."
‪'2, 사실을 적시하지 아니하고'‬"One, refer to Article 307, Slander." "Two, it holds the characteristics of not stating facts
‪'타인의 명예와 감정을‬ ‪해하는 점에서 특징이 있다'‬"Two, it holds the characteristics of not stating facts and hurting one's honor and feelings."
‪'2, 행위, 사람을 모욕'‬and hurting one's honor and feelings." -"Two, action, insulting a person." -[Yeong-ran] Gwang-ho.
‪'1, 모욕이란'‬ ‪[노크 소리]‬-"Two, action, insulting a person." -[Yeong-ran] Gwang-ho.
‪(영란) 영우 아빠‬-"Two, action, insulting a person." -[Yeong-ran] Gwang-ho. [Young-woo] "One, insult is not the statement of a specific fact,
‪(어린 영우) '구체적 사실을‬ ‪적시하는 것이 아니고'‬[Young-woo] "One, insult is not the statement of a specific fact,
‪'경멸하는 태도로‬ ‪사람의 명예와 감정을'…‬[Young-woo] "One, insult is not the statement of a specific fact, -but harming a person's honor… -Uh, hi.
‪(광호) 아, 예‬ ‪[어린 영우가 계속 외운다]‬-but harming a person's honor… -Uh, hi. …and feelings in a contemptuous manner."
‪[겸연쩍은 숨소리]‬…and feelings in a contemptuous manner." I'm so sorry about my husband.
‪저, 미안해요‬I'm so sorry about my husband.
‪(영란) 우리 남편이‬ ‪정말 말도 안 되는 행패를 부렸지‬He behaved so ridiculously back there.
‪[울컥하는 숨소리]‬[Yeong-ran chuckles awkwardly]
‪저, 약 좀 발라요‬Here, some ointment for your wound.
‪(광호) 어휴, 고맙습니다‬Oh. Thank you.
‪영우 아빠, 울어요?‬Gwang-ho, are you crying?
‪[울먹이며] 우리 영우가요‬My Young-woo…
‪형법을 외워요‬she's memorizing the law.
‪(광호) 이 두꺼운 걸 다 외워요‬[Gwang-ho] This thick book, she memorized it.
‪어머, 그래요?‬Oh, my God, really?
‪천재네‬She's a genius!
‪(영란) 영우가 천재라서‬ ‪다른 애들이랑 좀 달랐나 보네‬[Yeong-ran] She must've been different from all the other kids because she's a genius.
‪[놀라며] 어머, 세상에‬Oh, wow.
‪우리 영우 나중에 커서‬ ‪변호사 하면 되겠네, 어?‬Young-woo, you're gonna grow up to be an attorney someday. [laughs]
‪(광호) 고맙습니다, 고맙습니다‬Thank you, really. Thank you.
‪[밝은 음악]‬Thank you. [soft music]
‪(영우) 모든 부모에게는 한 번쯤‬[soft music] [Young-woo] There comes a day for every parent
‪'내 아이가 특별한 거 아닐까?'‬when they ask themselves, "Could it be that my kid is special?"
‪싶은 날이 찾아온다고 합니다‬when they ask themselves, "Could it be that my kid is special?"
‪나의 아버지에게는‬when they ask themselves, "Could it be that my kid is special?" For my father, that day was November 17th, 2000.
‪2000년 11월 17일이‬ ‪바로 그런 날이었어요‬For my father, that day was November 17th, 2000. The day he found out that his daughter was an autistic genius.
‪딸인 내가‬The day he found out that his daughter was an autistic genius.
‪자폐를 가진 천재라는 걸‬ ‪깨달은 날‬The day he found out that his daughter was an autistic genius.
‪[똑딱거리는 효과음]‬
‪[시계 알람음]‬[alarm beeping]
‪[새가 지저귄다]‬[whale sings] [alarm beeping]
‪[알람이 멈춘다]‬[whale sings]
‪[발랄한 음악]‬[light music]
‪(영우) 내 이름은 우영우‬[Young-woo] My name is Woo Young-woo.
‪똑바로 읽어도‬ ‪거꾸로 읽어도 우영우‬Whether it's read straight or flipped, it's still Woo Young-woo.
‪기러기, 토마토‬ ‪스위스, 인도인, 별똥별‬Kayak, deed, rotator, noon, racecar.
‪우영우‬Woo Young-woo.
‪[바스락거리는 소리]‬
‪(광호) 영우야, 이거 아빠 선물‬[Gwang-ho] Young-woo, I got you this gift. I took off all traces of the label.
‪라벨은 실밥까지 다 떼어 놨다‬[Gwang-ho] Young-woo, I got you this gift. I took off all traces of the label.
‪(영우) 우영우 김밥 하나 주세요‬One Woo Young-woo gimbap, please.
‪(광호) 이야, 우리 딸 멋있다‬Wow, my daughter looks great!
‪우영우 김밥 하나요!‬One Woo Young-woo gimbap!
‪자, 여기 있습니다‬[Gwang-ho] Here you go.
‪(영우) 아침에는 항상‬ ‪우영우 김밥을 먹습니다‬[Young-woo] I always have the Woo Young-woo gimbap for breakfast.
‪김밥은 믿음직스러워요‬Gimbap is reliable.
‪재료를 한눈에 볼 수 있어‬I can see all the ingredients at once
‪예상 밖의 식감이나 맛에‬ ‪놀랄 일이 없습니다‬so I will not be alarmed by unexpected texture or flavor.
‪(광호) 회사까지 가는 길 말해 봐‬Talk me to the route to your office.
‪(영우) 합정역까지 걸어가‬ ‪2호선 지하철을 타고‬I walk to Hapjeong Station, take the subway on line two,
‪역삼역에서 내립니다‬I walk to Hapjeong Station, take the subway on line two, get off at Yeoksam Station,
‪4번 출구로 나와‬ ‪312m 직진하면 회사입니다‬get off at Yeoksam Station, take exit four and the office is 312 meters straight ahead.
‪총소요 시간 38분‬A total of 38 minutes.
‪(광호) 그래‬[Gwang-ho] Okay.
‪남의 말 따라 하지 말고‬Don't repeat other people's words, don't say anything odd.
‪엉뚱한 소리 하지 말고‬Don't repeat other people's words, don't say anything odd.
‪너무 솔직하게 말하지 말고‬And don't be too blunt, you understand?
‪반향어 자제‬Refrain from echolalia.
‪엉뚱한 소리 및 솔직함 금지‬Saying odd things and honesty are prohibited.
‪특히 고래 얘기 하지 마‬And also, no talking about whales.
‪[끼익 멈추는 효과음]‬[whale shrieks]
‪(영우) 음…‬Hmm…
‪고래 얘기가‬ ‪꼭 필요한 상황이라면?‬What if the situation absolutely requires whale talk?
‪수족관에서 일하냐?‬Are you working at an aquarium?
‪고래 얘기가‬ ‪꼭 필요한 상황이 어디 있어?‬What kind of situation would require a whale talk?
‪그럼에도 불구하고‬Yes, but despite all of that,
‪만약에 그런 상황이‬ ‪발생하면 어떡합니까?‬Yes, but despite all of that, what if that kind of situation really does arise?
‪그럼 해야지‬Then it's all right.
‪[밝은 음악]‬[playful music]
‪(광호) 아‬Ah.
‪[탁 집는 소리]‬
‪그럼 다녀오겠습니다‬-See you later, goodbye. -[Gwang-ho] See you.
‪(광호) 응, 그래‬-See you later, goodbye. -[Gwang-ho] See you.
‪[열차가 덜컹거린다]‬
‪[열차 소리가 크게 맴돈다]‬
‪[주변 소리가 고요해진다]‬[noise fading]
‪[울렁이는 소리가 흘러나온다]‬[water sloshing]
‪[고래 울음이 흘러나온다]‬[water sloshing] [whale singing]
‪[경쾌한 음악]‬[whale singing]
‪[고래 울음]‬
‪[익살스러운 효과음]‬ ‪(영우) 역삼역‬[Young-woo] Yeoksam Station.
‪똑바로 읽어도 거꾸로 읽어도‬Not Samyeok. Yeoksam.
‪[웅장한 음악]‬[suspenseful music]
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬[playful music]
‪[영우의 놀란 숨소리]‬[grunts]
‪[영우의 당황한 숨소리]‬
‪[자동차 경적이 요란하다]‬[car honking in distance]
‪[탁 잡는 소리]‬ ‪(준호) 저, 지금 들어 오세요‬[Jun-ho] Oh, you can step in now.
‪지금‬-This way. -[mumbles]
‪(영우) 아…‬-This way. -[mumbles]
‪[영우의 긴장한 숨소리]‬[Jun-ho] Ah. Almost there.
‪(준호) 지금 나가세요‬ ‪[영우의 다급한 숨소리]‬Now, you can step out.
‪아, 문이 너무 힘들게 돼 있죠?‬I mean, the door is so confusing, huh?
‪(영우) 아, 감사합니다‬Thank you very much!
‪[밝은 효과음]‬Where are you headed?
‪어디로 가세요?‬Where are you headed?
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬[playful music]
‪아…‬Uh… Um, Attorney Jung Myeong-seok's office.
‪정명석 변호사님 사무실이요‬Um, Attorney Jung Myeong-seok's office.
‪어? 저도 그쪽 가는데‬Oh. I'm headed that way too. Let's go together.
‪같이 가요, 우리‬Oh. I'm headed that way too. Let's go together.
‪[엘리베이터 도착음]‬
‪[전화벨이 요란하다]‬This way.
‪(준호) 이쪽‬This way.
‪(직원1과 준호)‬ ‪- 어, 준호 씨, 안녕하세요‬ ‪- 아, 반가워요, 네‬-Hey, Jun-ho. How are you? -Hi. Nice to see you.
‪- (직원2) 왔어?‬ ‪- (준호) 왔어?‬-[Jun-ho] What's up? -Hey, man.
‪좋은 아침이에요‬Hi, good morning.
‪(준호) 좋은 아침이에요‬-[Jun-ho] Good morning. -[woman 1] Hey.
‪[직원들이 저마다 인사한다]‬ ‪네, 안녕하세요‬-[Jun-ho] Good morning. -[woman 1] Hey. -[Jun-ho] Hello. -[woman 2] Morning.
‪(직원3) 준호 씨‬ ‪장 변호사님 그 서류 어디 갔지?‬Jun-ho, have you seen the paperwork for Jang?
‪(준호) 그거‬ ‪제 자리 한번 가 보세요, 저쪽에‬It should be over there on my desk.
‪- (직원3) 오케이, 오케이‬ ‪- (준호) 네‬-Okay. -Yep.
‪(준호) [손뼉을 짝 치며] 굿 모닝‬Hey, bro.
‪저기…‬Excuse me?
‪저, 이쪽이에요‬Hey, um, it's this way.
‪여기예요‬Right here.
‪여기가 정명석 변호사님‬ ‪사무실이에요‬This is Attorney Jung Myeong-seok's office.
‪노크해 드릴까요?‬-Want me to knock for you? -Uh, no.
‪아니요, 제가 하겠습니다‬-Want me to knock for you? -Uh, no. I will do it.
‪네, 그럼 저 가 볼게요‬Great. I better get going.
‪(명석) 예, 들어오세요‬[Atty. Jung] Yes, come in.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬[solemn music]
‪[땡 울리는 효과음]‬
‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬[door closes]
‪예, 누, 누구세요?‬Yes, who are you?
‪법무 법인 한바다에서‬ ‪신입 변호사로 일하게 된‬My name is Woo Young-woo, the new attorney who will be working here at Hanbada Law Firm.
‪우영우라고 합니다‬the new attorney who will be working here at Hanbada Law Firm.
‪아, 그, 그 신입 오기로 한 게‬ ‪오늘이었나?‬Uh, were we expecting the new attorney?
‪(민우) 아, 저…‬Uh…
‪(명석) 잠깐만‬ ‪이력서 받아 둔 게 있는…‬Hold on, the resume's somewhere.
‪(영우) 음…‬Hmm…
‪제 이력서는 두 장인데요‬My resume is two pages. Do you not have the second page?
‪뒷장은 없습니까?‬My resume is two pages. Do you not have the second page?
‪예, 뒷장 내용이 뭔데요?‬No, what does the second page say?
‪'특이 사항, 자폐 스펙트럼 장애'‬Special note, autism spectrum disorder.
‪(명석) 아…‬Ah.
‪아…‬ ‪[당황한 숨소리]‬Uh…
‪예, 그, 뭐, 더 할 말은 없고?‬Yes, well, uh, do you have anything else for us?
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬[playful music]
‪제 이름은 똑바로 읽어도‬ ‪거꾸로 읽어도 우영우입니다‬My name is Woo Young-woo, whether it is read straight or flipped. Kayak, deed, rotator, noon, racecar, Woo Young-woo.
‪기러기, 토마토, 스위스‬ ‪인도인, 별똥별, 우영우‬Kayak, deed, rotator, noon, racecar, Woo Young-woo.
‪[풋 웃는다]‬[snorts]
‪되게 재밌어요, 응‬That's amusing. Mm.
‪[살짝 웃는다]‬Mm.
‪(명석) 어, 저기, 어, 난…‬-[Min-woo clears throat] -Ah, so, uh…
‪나 좀 나갔다 올 테니까‬I'm gonna, uh, get going. So get yourselves acquainted. Mm?
‪인사는 알아서들 해요‬I'm gonna, uh, get going. So get yourselves acquainted. Mm?
‪- (민우) 네‬ ‪- (명석) 응‬I'm gonna, uh, get going. So get yourselves acquainted. Mm? Will do.
‪(명석) 예, 반가워요, 반가웠어요‬Oh, pleasure. Very nice to meet you.
‪[문이 달칵 여닫힌다]‬ ‪(수연) 너 회사에서는‬ ‪그런 얘기 하면 안 돼‬You can't be saying that kind of stuff at work.
‪'기러기, 토마토'가 뭐야?‬Rotator? Racecar?
‪'회사에서는‬ ‪그런 얘기 하면 안 돼'‬"You can't be saying that stuff at work." Rotator, racecar, forbidden.
‪(영우) 기러기, 토마토 금지‬"You can't be saying that stuff at work." Rotator, racecar, forbidden.
‪안 하기가 쉽지 않아‬it's hard to not do it.
‪둘이‬You two,
‪아는 사이예요?‬you know each other?
‪로스쿨 동기예요‬We went to law school together.
‪(민우) 혹시 대표님은‬ ‪어떻게 알아요?‬So how do you know our CEO?
‪아까 보니까‬ ‪잘 부탁한다고 쪽지 있던데‬There was a note that said to take care of you.
‪(수연) [헛웃음 치며] 와‬ ‪이젠 대표님 필체도 외우세요?‬Wow. You memorized the CEO's handwriting?
‪(민우) 아니‬No.
‪'From 한'이라잖아요‬It says "from Han" here.
‪한바다에서 본인을 가리켜‬ ‪'한'이라고 할 수 있는 사람이‬Someone named Hana Hanbada, I mean, who else could it be?
‪대표님 말고 더 있어요?‬Nobody but the CEO.
‪[부스럭거리는 소리]‬
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬[playful music]
‪[노크 소리]‬[knocking on door]
‪(선영) 네‬Come in.
‪(명석) 대표님께서 보내신‬ ‪신입 변호사가 왔습니다‬The new attorney that you hired just came to my office.
‪그래요?‬She did?
‪[종이를 쓱 받으며] 혹시‬ ‪이력서 뒷장도 보셨습니까?‬Did you get a chance to see the second page of her resume?
‪'자폐'라고 적혀 있다던데요‬On that page, it says she's autistic.
‪봤어요, 뒷장‬That's right. I saw what it says.
‪아, 보셨는데도‬ ‪이런 친구를 받으신 겁니까?‬So you saw that and you still accepted her anyway?
‪변호사님이야말로‬Were you too fixated on the second page to review the first one?
‪뒷장에만 꽂혀서‬ ‪앞 장 안 본 거 아니에요?‬Were you too fixated on the second page to review the first one?
‪(선영) 서울대 로스쿨 수석 졸업에‬Graduated sum cum laude from SNU law school,
‪변호사 시험 성적 천오백 점 이상‬scored 1,500 on the bar. [sharp inhale]
‪이런 인재를 한바다가 안 데려오면‬ ‪누가 데려옵니까?‬If Hanbada doesn't give this genius a job, then who will, huh?
‪암기력만 뛰어나도‬ ‪성적은 나옵니다‬You can score well just by having a great memory. What we need an is someone who can communicate with clients and plead a case.
‪저는 의뢰인 만날 수 있고‬What we need an is someone who can communicate with clients and plead a case.
‪재판 나갈 수 있는‬ ‪변호사가 필요한데…‬What we need an is someone who can communicate with clients and plead a case.
‪[답답한 숨소리]‬What we need an is someone who can communicate with clients and plead a case. Someone with social skills who can speak eloquently.
‪사회성도 좋아야 하고‬ ‪언변도 필요한데‬Someone with social skills who can speak eloquently.
‪자기소개 하나‬ ‪제대로 못 하는 사람을‬How do I train someone who can't even introduce themself… properly?
‪어떻게 가르칩니까?‬How do I train someone who can't even introduce themself… properly?
‪변호사님 첫 출근 날‬ ‪자기소개 잘했어요?‬Oh. Did you introduce yourself well on your first day here?
‪잘하지 않았습니까?‬Yeah, I did, right?
‪예, 그러니까 제 말씀은‬Uh, what I'm saying is,
‪저랑은 다르지 않습니까‬she's different from me.
‪[서류를 탁 덮으며] 뭐가 다르지?‬Yeah, in what way?
‪예, 정, 정 그러시면‬Okay, well, if I must, I'll assign an incoming case to the rookie.
‪신입한테‬ ‪사건 하나 맡겨 보겠습니다‬Okay, well, if I must, I'll assign an incoming case to the rookie.
‪(명석) 자격 미달인지‬I'll test her to find out if she really is under qualified,
‪아니면 장애인에 대한 제 편견인지‬ ‪시험해 보겠습니다‬I'll test her to find out if she really is under qualified, or if it's my prejudice against people with disabilities.
‪만약 우영우 변호사가‬ ‪의뢰인 만날 수 있고‬or if it's my prejudice against people with disabilities. If Attorney Woo Young-woo is determined to not be up to standard
‪재판 나갈 수 있는 수준이‬ ‪아니라고 판단되면‬If Attorney Woo Young-woo is determined to not be up to standard to meet with clients and go to trial,
‪그땐 내보내도 되겠습니까?‬can we then agree to dismiss her?
‪그러세요, 그럼‬Give her a case, then.
‪[문이 달칵 여닫힌다]‬[door opens, closes]
‪(명석) 자, 공익 사건이에요‬ ‪자료 꺼내 보세요‬Here, it's a public interest case. Take out the materials.
‪'자료 꺼내 보세요'‬"Take out the materials."
‪자, 피고인…‬So, the defendant…
‪(명석) 됐죠?‬All settled?
‪자, 피고인은 70대 할머니‬So, the defendant is an old lady in her seventies. Her husband had mild dementia so the defendant takes care of him,
‪남편이 경증 치매라‬ ‪피고인이 간호를 하는데‬Her husband had mild dementia so the defendant takes care of him,
‪사건 당일 싸움이 난 거야‬Her husband had mild dementia so the defendant takes care of him, but they fought on the day of the incident.
‪남편이 막말을 하니까‬but they fought on the day of the incident. The husband mouth off, and the defendant got mad
‪피고인이 화가 나서‬ ‪남편의 이마를 때렸어요‬The husband mouth off, and the defendant got mad and struck him on the forehead with the…
‪그, 어, 눈앞에 있던 다리미로‬and struck him on the forehead with the… an iron that was in front of her.
‪'눈앞에 있던 다리미로'…‬"With an iron that was in front of her."
‪이 다리미는 꼭‬This iron looks like…
‪[경쾌한 음악]‬ ‪향고래를 닮았습니다‬like a cachalot whale.
‪향고래?‬"Cachalot whale"?
‪향고래는 향유고래라고도 하는데‬The cachalot whale is also called the sperm whale because of its big, square-shaped head, with a spermaceti organ inside.
‪크고 네모난 머릿속에‬because of its big, square-shaped head, with a spermaceti organ inside.
‪경랍 기관이 있어서‬ ‪붙은 이름입니다‬because of its big, square-shaped head, with a spermaceti organ inside.
‪경랍 기관 안에는‬Inside the spermaceti organ contains a wax-like liquid,
‪향고래가 소리를 내는 데 활용하는‬Inside the spermaceti organ contains a wax-like liquid,
‪밀랍 같은 액체가 들어 있습니다‬used by the cachalot whale to make sounds.
‪예, 알겠어요, 아무튼…‬Yes, got it. Let's move on.
‪(영우) 허먼 멜빌의 소설‬ ‪'모비 딕' 읽어 보셨습니까?‬Have you read Herman Melville's novel, Moby-Dick?
‪그 소설에 나오는 고래가‬ ‪바로 향고래입니다‬The whale in that novel is the white sperm whale!
‪소설에서 향고래는‬ ‪백경으로 묘사되지만‬In the novel, the giant sperm whale is described to be white,
‪실제 향고래의 몸은‬In the novel, the giant sperm whale is described to be white, but actually, the body of the cachalot whale
‪어두운 회색이나‬ ‪보랏빛을 띤 갈색으로…‬but actually, the body of the cachalot whale is dark gray or brown.
‪지금 무슨 소리를 하는 겁니까?‬[sighs] What are you talking about?
‪향고래에 관한 소리를…‬Talking about the cachalot whale.
‪사건 집중 안 해요?‬-Are you not going to focus on the case? -Oh.
‪아‬-Are you not going to focus on the case? -Oh.
‪죄송합니다‬Yes, I'm sorry.
‪고래 얘기 금지‬Refrain from the whale talk.
‪[답답한 한숨]‬[sighs]
‪[익살스러운 효과음]‬
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬
‪(규식) 아이고, 머리야‬[groans] My head.
‪아유, 아유, 깨질 거 같아‬[sighs] It feels like it's splitting open.
‪[규식의 힘겨운 신음]‬ ‪(영란) 많이 아파?‬It hurts that bad? Do you want some painkillers?
‪진통제 줄까요?‬It hurts that bad? Do you want some painkillers?
‪밥 줘, 밥 줘, 밥! 쯧‬ ‪[영란의 헛웃음]‬Yeah, I want to eat. Give me some food!
‪아까 밥 드셨잖아‬You ate food earlier. Don't you remember, huh?
‪아유, 기억 안 나? 어?‬You ate food earlier. Don't you remember, huh?
‪아유, 머리야‬ ‪[초인종이 울린다]‬Oh, my head.
‪(영란) 하, 참‬-[doorbell chimes] -[groans]
‪(배달원) 택배요‬-[man] Delivery. -I'll go get it.
‪(영란) 아, 뭐야, 어?‬-[man] Delivery. -I'll go get it. [grunts] It must be the dried persimmon.
‪아, 곶, 곶감인가 보다‬[grunts] It must be the dried persimmon.
‪[웃으며] 어‬[Yeong-ran sighs]
‪- (영란) 아이고‬ ‪- (배달원) 안녕하셨어요?‬-Hello. -Hi, how have you been?
‪[배달원의 웃음]‬ ‪(영란) 어, 접때 그 총각이네?‬Oh, I remember you from last time.
‪아유, 왜 이렇게 빨리 왔어?‬That was so quick. It's lightning-fast delivery, huh?
‪어, 진짜 번개 택배다, 번개, 어?‬That was so quick. It's lightning-fast delivery, huh?
‪- (배달원) 열심히 살아야죠‬ ‪- (영란) 그렇지‬-Yeah, I have to work hard. -I bet you do.
‪(영란) 부지런하고‬ ‪얼굴도 잘생기고, 어?‬ ‪[배달원의 웃음]‬-Hard-working and handsome as well. -[man chuckles]
‪1등 신랑감‬Great husband material. Do you have a girlfriend?
‪여자 친구 있어요?‬Great husband material. Do you have a girlfriend?
‪(배달원) 아, 없어요‬No, I don't.
‪(영란) 아이고, 나도 아쉽네, 어?‬No, I don't. Aw, well, that's too bad. -That son of a bitch. -If I had a granddaughter,
‪[못마땅한 숨소리]‬ ‪손녀가 있으면‬ ‪내 손녀사위로 딱인데‬-That son of a bitch. -If I had a granddaughter, -you'd be a perfect grandson-in-law. -[man] Oh, yeah, that's too bad.
‪(배달원) 아유, 안타깝다‬ ‪[영란의 웃음]‬-you'd be a perfect grandson-in-law. -[man] Oh, yeah, that's too bad.
‪(규식) 몇 신데!‬ ‪[영란이 당황한다]‬What's going on?
‪[영란이 서둘러 인사한다]‬ ‪[규식이 구시렁거린다]‬-Oh, great. Go. I'll go. -You son of a bitch! Damn it!
‪- (배달원) 아, 들어가세요‬ ‪- (규식) 에이!‬-Oh, great. Go. I'll go. -You son of a bitch! Damn it! [man] Thank you, goodbye. -Hey! -[Yeong-ran] Thanks.
‪(규식) 지랄‬ ‪[영란이 피식 웃는다]‬Shit.
‪뭐가 그리 신났어?‬What's got you all excited, huh?
‪어? 벌건 대낮부터‬ ‪외간 남자하고 시시덕거리고‬ ‪[영란이 부스럭거린다]‬What's got you all excited, huh? Being all chatty and giggling with another man in broad daylight.
‪이 양반이 또 시작이네‬-Here we go again. -[plastic rustles]
‪아, 외간 남자는 무슨!‬What do you mean another man? He's young enough to be your grandson.
‪(영란) 손자뻘 총각한테‬What do you mean another man? He's young enough to be your grandson.
‪집 안에 남편이 버젓이 있는데도‬While your husband is right here inside the house with you,
‪어? 남자한테 꼬리 쳐‬flirting with the delivery guy. You'd probably get him into our bedroom if I weren't here.
‪나 없으면‬ ‪아주 안방에다 들이겠네!‬You'd probably get him into our bedroom if I weren't here.
‪(영란) 아이고, 그만해요, 그만해‬Oh, just stop. Please stop already.
‪자, 이거나 좀 드셔 봐‬Oh, just stop. Please stop already. -Always with this kind… -Enough!
‪- (규식) 에이!‬ ‪- 아…‬-Always with this kind… -Enough! -Goddamn it. -[frustrated sigh]
‪[규식의 못마땅한 숨소리]‬-Goddamn it. -[frustrated sigh]
‪(규식) 남자만 보면은‬ ‪그냥 쌜쭉쌜쭉‬You're always grinning ear to ear every time you see a man.
‪뭐, 사람이 술집 나가야만‬ ‪술집 여자야?‬Bullshit! I can't believe I've married a common bar girl!
‪(영란) [바닥을 탁 치며] 그게‬ ‪지금 마누라한테 할 소리요?‬Bullshit! I can't believe I've married a common bar girl! Should you be saying that to your wife? I told you, if you started this nonsense again,
‪다시 한번 그딴 소리 했다간‬I told you, if you started this nonsense again,
‪다 같이 죽는다 했어?‬ ‪안 했어? 어?‬ ‪[규식의 못마땅한 소리]‬I told you, if you started this nonsense again, then the both of us might as well be dead!
‪왜 남자한테 꼬리 쳐? 어?‬Why are you always such a flirt? Huh? Like you're a goddamn prostitute or something! Why?
‪왜 그, 몸 파는 년처럼, 왜!‬Like you're a goddamn prostitute or something! Why?
‪뭐? 몸 파는 년?‬What? A prostitute?
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬ ‪[어두운 음악]‬[gasps] A prostitute?
‪[버럭 하며] 몸 파는 년?‬A prostitute? [heavy breathing]
‪(규식) 어? 이게 미쳤나?‬ ‪[영란의 거친 숨소리]‬[heavy breathing] Are you out of your mind?
‪지금! 이거 왜 이래!‬Are you out of your mind? Hey, stop!
‪[영란의 힘주는 신음]‬ ‪[규식의 비명]‬[breathes heavily, grunts]
‪(영란) 오늘 그냥 죽자‬Let's just die today. You die, then I die.
‪너 죽고 나 죽고‬You die, then I die.
‪다 그냥 끝내자!‬Let's just end this.
‪[영란의 힘주는 신음]‬[Yeong-ran grunts] You die, I die, we'll finally end this!
‪[흐느끼며] 너 죽고‬ ‪나 죽고 다 끝내자!‬You die, I die, we'll finally end this! You old man.
‪이 영감탱이야!‬You old man. In the last 50 years, not once did…
‪50년 동안 단 한 번도…‬In the last 50 years, not once did…
‪여보, 여보!‬Honey! Honey!
‪왜 그래? 여보!‬What's wrong, honey?
‪[당황한다]‬Honey. Oh.
‪여보, 여보!‬Honey. Oh. Honey!
‪[다급한 숨소리]‬
‪[영란이 흐느낀다]‬ ‪[통화 연결음]‬-[sobbing] -[line ringing]
‪여, 여보세요‬-[sobbing] -[line ringing] Hello? Yes.
‪네, 저기, 우리 남편이 기절했어요‬Yes, yes. My husband, he fainted. Yes, please hurry. Please.
‪얼른 와 주세요, 네!‬Yes, please hurry. Please. [Yeong-ran] Yes, 314 Yeonhui-dong, Seodaemun-gu. Yeongran Villa.
‪예, 예, 서대문구‬ ‪연희동 314 영란빌라‬[Yeong-ran] Yes, 314 Yeonhui-dong, Seodaemun-gu. Yeongran Villa.
‪(명석) 결국 남편은‬ ‪뇌출혈로 전치 12주‬Her husband suffered a brain hemorrhage, requiring 12 weeks to heal.
‪피고인은 살인 미수 혐의로 기소‬The defendant was charged with attempted murder.
‪'피고인은 살인 미수 혐의로 기소'‬"The defendant was charged with attempted murder."
‪아, 뭐야?‬What is that?
‪아, 왜 자꾸 아까부터‬ ‪말을 따라 해요?‬Why do you keep repeating everything I say?
‪아, 죄송합니다‬Uh, I'm sorry. -Echolalia prohibited. -Echolalia? What's that?
‪반향어 금지‬-Echolalia prohibited. -Echolalia? What's that?
‪반향어 그건 뭐야?‬-Echolalia prohibited. -Echolalia? What's that?
‪남의 말을 따라 하는 것으로‬The act of repeating after others. It's a common symptom of autism.
‪자폐의 흔한 증상 중 하나입니다‬The act of repeating after others. It's a common symptom of autism.
‪어, 하지 마, 반향어‬Just stop with the echolalia.
‪(영우) '어, 하지 마, 반향어'‬[Young-woo] "Yeah, stop with the echolalia."
‪(영우) 응‬ ‪[살짝 웃는다]‬Mm.
‪(명석) 아무튼‬ ‪어, 이 할머니 사정이 딱해‬Anyway, uh, this old woman is in an awful situation.
‪본인도 70 노인이라‬ ‪여기저기 아플 텐데‬She must be in lots of pain since she's in her seventies. And has to care of her 80-year-old husband with dementia.
‪80 먹은 치매 남편‬ ‪병 수발까지 들고, 쯧‬And has to care of her 80-year-old husband with dementia. But the good news is that the prosecution seems to think so too.
‪그래도 다행인 건‬ ‪검찰도 그렇게 생각하는 거 같아‬But the good news is that the prosecution seems to think so too.
‪구속 영장 신청을 안 했어‬They haven't applied for an arrest warrant.
‪살인 미수 혐의인데도요?‬Even with suspicion of attempted murder?
‪잘됐지‬That's good.
‪불구속 상태로‬ ‪재판받는 피고인한테‬Because the defendant probably won't have to go to jail
‪실형이 선고될 확률은 낮으니까‬and she's standing trial undetained.
‪자, 그럼 우영우 변호사가‬So what is it that Attorney Woo Young-woo should do for the defendant?
‪피고인을 위해서 할 일은 뭐겠어?‬So what is it that Attorney Woo Young-woo should do for the defendant?
‪뭐겠냐고‬Was that clear?
‪집행 유예 받으세요‬Just get her probation.
‪(명석) 아무리 죄명이‬ ‪살인 미수라도‬Even if the charge is attempted murder, getting her probation may possibly be enough in this case.
‪이 경우라면 충분히 가능해‬getting her probation may possibly be enough in this case.
‪예, 알겠습니다‬Yes, all right.
‪피고인 만날 준비 하자‬ ‪회의실로 오실 거야‬Let's get ready. The defendant's coming to the conference room.
‪[노크 소리]‬[knocking on door]
‪(영란) 아유‬ ‪변호사 선생님, 안녕하세요‬[gasps] Hello, how are you, Attorney Jung?
‪(명석) 예, 안녕하세요‬Yes, hello.
‪어, 전 오늘 소개만 시켜 드…‬Um, I'm just here to make, uh, introductions.
‪드리러 왔고요‬Um, I'm just here to make, uh, introductions.
‪어, 앞으로 선생님 변호는‬ ‪이 친구가 맡아서 할 겁니다‬Um, she will be in charge of your defense from now on.
‪(영우) 안녕하십니까‬ ‪우영우입니다‬Nice to meet you. I am Woo Young-woo, and I will try my best.
‪최선을 다하겠습니다‬Nice to meet you. I am Woo Young-woo, and I will try my best.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬[quirky music]
‪이 아가씨가 변호사예요?‬Uh, this young woman is an attorney?
‪(영란) 선생님은‬ ‪제 사건 안 봐 주시고요?‬You mean, you won't be taking my case on?
‪아, 저도 같이 합니다‬Uh, well, I'll be looking at it as well. Though, Attorney Woo is in charge.
‪담당은 우영우 변호사지만요‬Uh, well, I'll be looking at it as well. Though, Attorney Woo is in charge.
‪이 친구 서울대 나왔습니다‬She's an SNU alumna.
‪아, 그래요?‬-Ah, is that so? -With top honors.
‪예, 수석 졸업‬-Ah, is that so? -With top honors.
‪(명석) 예‬ ‪그럼 얘기 잘 나누시고요‬All right. Have a nice conversation.
‪저는 먼저 나가 보겠습니다‬I'm going to be excusing myself.
‪주소를 보고 놀랐습니다‬I was surprised when I saw the address. You still live in that house.
‪아직도 그 집에 살고 계셔서요‬I was surprised when I saw the address. You still live in that house.
‪예?‬-Sorry? -My father and I lived there 22 years ago.
‪22년 전에 저와 아버지도‬ ‪거기에 살았거든요‬-Sorry? -My father and I lived there 22 years ago. House 201 at Yeongran Villa.
‪영란빌라 201호‬House 201 at Yeongran Villa.
‪22년 전에 201호면은…‬Oh. You were in house 201, 22 years ago…
‪아, 영우 아빠‬[gasps] Gwang-ho, you mean?
‪그, 저, 서울대 법대 나온‬A Seoul National University law school graduate?
‪너 영, 영우니?‬[gasps] Are you little Young-woo?
‪(영란) 어머나, 어머나‬ ‪아이고, 영우구나‬This is incredible. Wow, you're Young-woo.
‪어머, 세상에‬Wow! Yes, yes, yes! I mean, it's unbelievable, right?
‪아니, 이게 무슨 일이야?‬I mean, it's unbelievable, right?
‪그 꼬맹이가 진짜 변호사가 됐네‬The child grew up and became an attorney. This is crazy.
‪아이고, 세상에‬This is crazy. Wow. They said you're a genius, and you actually became an attorney.
‪아이고, 천재라더니‬ ‪진짜 변호사가 됐어‬Wow. They said you're a genius, and you actually became an attorney.
‪아이고, 어디 보자‬How great. Let me look at you.
‪[웃으며] 잘 컸네‬How great. Let me look at you. You grew up quite well.
‪아이고, 이쁘게 잘 컸네‬And my, you've gotten so pretty. Wow. How's your father? Is he well?
‪저, 아버지 잘 계셔? 어?‬And my, you've gotten so pretty. Wow. How's your father? Is he well?
‪[영란의 웃음]‬Oh. [Yeong-ran chuckles]
‪남편분은‬ ‪언제 치매 진단을 받으셨습니까?‬Oh. [Yeong-ran chuckles] When was your… When was your husband diagnosed with dementia?
‪(영란) 아‬Ah. Uh…
‪어, 한, 한 5년 됐나?‬Oh, it's been about five years or so.
‪남편이 구청 일 관두고 나서도‬Even after he quit working over at the district office,
‪계속 이것저것 일을 했거든‬he kept working, doing this and that.
‪가만히는 못 사는 성격이라‬He isn't the type to sit around doing nothing.
‪그러다가 치매 진단 받고서‬ ‪다 관뒀지‬Then he was diagnosed with dementia, he quit everything.
‪그게 5년 전쯤이야‬That was about five years back.
‪남편분이 구청 공무원이셨나요?‬Your husband was a government employee at the district office?
‪어, 계장까지 하고 정년퇴직했어‬Oh. Yes, he was section chief before. He retired with full benefits.
‪그럼 지금 두 분의 수입원은?‬Then what is your source of income right now?
‪남편 연금 받는 거랑‬Right now, it's just my husband's pension and… and the rent we collect every month.
‪또 빌라, 저, 월세 받는 거‬ ‪그거 두 개로 살아‬Right now, it's just my husband's pension and… and the rent we collect every month. We live off those two.
‪빌라는 누구 명의로‬ ‪되어 있습니까?‬Whose name is on the multifamily residence?
‪남편이지‬My husband, of course.
‪건물 이름만, 어?‬ ‪내 이름 따서 영란빌라고‬The building is owned by him. It's named after me, though.
‪[영란의 웃음]‬The building is owned by him. It's named after me, though. [Yeong-ran chuckles]
‪그런 게 무슨 문제가 되나?‬Will this, um… Will this be a problem for us, huh?
‪(영란) 어?‬Will this, um… Will this be a problem for us, huh?
‪[똑똑 똑]‬[knocking on door]
‪예, 우영우 변호사, 들어와요‬Yes, Attorney Woo, please come in.
‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬ ‪[한숨]‬[door closes]
‪(영우) 변호인 의견서를‬ ‪작성했습니다‬I composed an Attorney's Statement of Opinion.
‪(명석) 이게 뭡니까?‬What is this?
‪변호인 의견서입니다‬An Attorney's Statement of Opinion.
‪어, 아는데‬I got that, but…
‪(명석) 무죄라니?‬[Atty. Jung] What do you mean by "not guilty"?
‪피고인의 살인 미수 혐의에 대해‬I plan on pleading not guilty for the defendant's attempted murder charge.
‪무죄를 주장하려고 합니다‬for the defendant's attempted murder charge.
‪씁, 우영우 변호사‬Attorney Woo Young-woo…
‪이거 딱 보면 모르겠어요?‬Can you not state the obvious here?
‪(명석) 이 사건 처음부터 검찰에서‬This is a case where the prosecution has decided
‪피고인한테 집행 유예 주려고‬This is a case where the prosecution has decided to give the defendant probation right from the start.
‪마음먹고 있는 사건이에요‬to give the defendant probation right from the start.
‪그, 피고인이‬ ‪반성하고 있는 거 보여 주고‬Showing them that the defendant is remorseful,
‪피해자가 피고인 처벌‬ ‪원치 않는 거 보여 주면 충분해요‬and that the victim doesn't want the defendant to be punished are enough.
‪그러니까 변호사가‬This is a case where all the lawyers required to do
‪피고인 옆에‬ ‪가만히 앉아 있기만 해도‬This is a case where all the lawyers required to do is just sit next to the defendant, and they will sentence probation.
‪집행 유예가 나오는 사건이라고‬is just sit next to the defendant, and they will sentence probation.
‪유무죄를 다퉈야 될 사건이면‬If this case was an argument over guilt or innocence,
‪내가 이걸 우 변한테 맡겼을까?‬If this case was an argument over guilt or innocence, would I have brought it to you?
‪오늘 첫 출근 하는 신입한테?‬To a rookie on her first day?
‪제 생각에 이 사건은‬I think that this case
‪유무죄를 다퉈야 하는 사건입니다‬is a case where the argument is over guilt or innocence.
‪왜요, 왜 그렇게 생각하는데?‬Why? Why exactly do you think that?
‪[피식 웃으며] 이 사건은‬ ‪재미있습니다‬This case is very compelling. It's just like the whale quiz I enjoy.
‪제가 좋아하는 고래 퀴즈 같아요‬ ‪[고래 울음 효과음]‬It's just like the whale quiz I enjoy. If a female humpback whale that weighs 22 tons
‪몸무게가 22톤인 암컷 향고래가‬ ‪[발랄한 음악]‬If a female humpback whale that weighs 22 tons
‪500kg에 달하는 대왕오징어를 먹고‬If a female humpback whale that weighs 22 tons ate a giant squid that weighs 500 kilos,
‪6시간 뒤 1.3톤짜리 알을 낳았다면‬ate a giant squid that weighs 500 kilos, then laid an egg weighing 1.3 tons 6 hours later,
‪이 암컷 향고래의 몸무게는‬how much must the humpback whale weigh?
‪얼마일까요?‬Do you know the answer?
‪모르겠어요‬No, I don't know.
‪정답은‬The answer is, "Whales cannot lay eggs." Whales are mammals!
‪'고래는 알을 낳을 수 없다'입니다‬The answer is, "Whales cannot lay eggs." Whales are mammals! Therefore, humpback whales give birth instead of laying eggs.
‪고래는 포유류라‬ ‪알이 아닌 새끼를 낳으니까요‬ ‪[발랄한 음악]‬Therefore, humpback whales give birth instead of laying eggs. If you focus on the weight alone, you won't solve the problem.
‪무게에만 초점을 맞추면‬ ‪문제를 풀 수 없습니다‬If you focus on the weight alone, you won't solve the problem.
‪핵심을 봐야 돼요‬You have to look at the main issue.
‪예, 그래서요?‬Yeah, so what?
‪(영우) 이 사건은 형사 사건이니까‬Yeah, so what? This case is a criminal case,
‪사람들은 보통 형법에만‬ ‪초점을 맞출 겁니다‬so people will usually focus only on criminal law.
‪하지만 그러면 답이 안 보여요‬But if you do that, you can't see the answer.
‪핵심은 민법에 있습니다‬But if you do that, you can't see the answer. The key is civil law.
‪- 민법?‬ ‪- (영우) 민법 1004조‬-Civil law? -"Civil Law. Article 1004."
‪'고의로 직계 존속, 피상속인'‬"A person who intentionally kills or attempts to kill a lineal ascendant,
‪'그 배우자 또는'‬"A person who intentionally kills or attempts to kill a lineal ascendant,
‪'상속의 선순위나‬ ‪동순위에 있는 자를'‬"A person who intentionally kills or attempts to kill a lineal ascendant, the inheritor, his or her spouse, or any person who has priority on the same order of inheritance
‪'살해하거나 살해하려는 자는'‬or any person who has priority on the same order of inheritance
‪'상속을 받을 수 없다'‬or any person who has priority on the same order of inheritance cannot become the inheritor." In other words,
‪다시 말해‬cannot become the inheritor." In other words,
‪(영우) 자기가 죽이거나‬ ‪죽이려고 한 사람한테서는‬they cannot inherit from a person they have murdered or a person they have tried to murder.
‪상속을 받을 수 없다는 뜻입니다‬or a person they have tried to murder. The defendant lives on the pension of her husband,
‪피고인은 퇴직 공무원인‬ ‪남편의 연금으로 생활합니다‬The defendant lives on the pension of her husband, a retired government employee.
‪임대료를 받는 다세대 주택도‬ ‪남편 명의입니다‬The residence from which they collect rent is in her husband's name.
‪만약 살인 미수죄가 인정된다면‬Therefore, if the attempted murder is recognized,
‪피고인은 남편이 죽고 난 뒤‬the defendant will be in a huge financial crisis
‪엄청난 경제적 위기에‬ ‪처하게 됩니다‬the defendant will be in a huge financial crisis after her husband passes.
‪남편의 연금도 받을 수 없고‬She won't be able to receive her husband's pension,
‪집도 상속받을 수 없게 됩니다‬She won't be able to receive her husband's pension, or be able to inherit the house.
‪피고인이 남편을‬ ‪다치게 한 것은 사실이니까‬It is true that the defendant did hurt her husband,
‪모든 혐의에 대해서‬ ‪무죄를 받을 순 없습니다‬so she won't be found not guilty of all charges. And therefore, I'll try to get her probation
‪그렇다면 살인 미수죄가 아닌‬And therefore, I'll try to get her probation
‪상해죄로‬ ‪집행 유예를 받아 보겠습니다‬for inflicting bodily injury and not for attempted murder.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬[somber music]
‪어, 잘했네‬[sighs] Nice work, huh.
‪[명석의 헛기침]‬
‪잘했어요‬That's good.
‪숨겨진 쟁점을 잘 찾았어‬You figured out the hidden issue.
‪이런 건 내가 먼저 봤어야 되는데‬I should've started by looking into that.
‪응, 내 생각이 짧았네‬I thought too little about it.
‪이제라도 아셨으니 됐습니다‬It's okay since you realized your mistake.
‪[푸 뿜는다]‬[chokes, coughs]
‪[콜록거린다]‬[chokes, coughs]
‪[명석이 코를 훌쩍인다]‬[Atty. Jung sniffles]
‪(명석) 아, 저기‬ ‪그, 병원 가야 되지?‬Moving on. You have to visit the hospital, right?
‪직원 붙여 줄 테니까 같이 갔다 와‬I'll send an employee with you.
‪외부에서 피고인 피해자‬ ‪만나는 거 어려워‬Meeting with defendants and victims outside the office is hard.
‪그냥 보통 변호사들한테도‬ ‪어려운 일이야‬Meeting with defendants and victims outside the office is hard. Even for normal, ordinary attorneys.
‪(영우) 네, 알겠습니다‬Yes, thank you.
‪하, 미안해요‬I apologize.
‪(영우) 네?‬-Sorry? -It was rude of me to say normal,
‪'그냥 보통 변호사'라는 말은‬ ‪좀 실례인 거 같다‬-Sorry? -It was rude of me to say normal, ordinary attorneys.
‪아, 괜찮습니다‬Ah, I understand. Because I am not a normal, ordinary attorney.
‪저는 그냥 보통 변호사가‬ ‪아니니까요‬Because I am not a normal, ordinary attorney.
‪[멀어지는 발걸음]‬
‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬[door opens]
‪"법무 법인 한바다"‬EMPLOYEE LEE JUN-HO
‪[직원1이 살짝 웃는다]‬[woman] This is around the time you usually feel sleepy.
‪(직원1) 준호 씨 지금‬ ‪딱 졸릴 시간이잖아요‬[woman] This is around the time you usually feel sleepy.
‪초코 먹고 힘내요‬The chocolate will give you energy.
‪[준호의 웃음]‬The chocolate will give you energy. Oh. Thank you.
‪(준호) 고마워요‬Oh. Thank you.
‪(직원1) 그, 다크한 거‬ ‪좋아하는 거 같아 가지고‬I noticed you seem to like it dark.
‪다크하게 준비했어요‬I noticed you seem to like it dark. So I got you the dark kind. Eighty-two percent cacao.
‪82%‬So I got you the dark kind. Eighty-two percent cacao.
‪- 음, 오, 82%‬ ‪- (직원1) 네‬Mm, wow, 82 percent. Thank you, I appreciate it.
‪고마워요, 잘 먹을게요‬Mm, wow, 82 percent. Thank you, I appreciate it.
‪(직원3) 준호 씨, 지금 바빠?‬Jun-ho, got a second?
‪야, 그게 지금 다 받은 거야?‬[man] Whoa, is that everything you've received?
‪아, 완전 부럽다‬ ‪[서랍이 탁 닫힌다]‬-Wow, I'm jealous. -[drawer thuds]
‪나한텐 껌 하나를‬ ‪나눠 씹자는 사람이 없는데‬I don't even have anyone who offers to share gum with me.
‪저 안 바쁜데, 왜요?‬[chuckles] I'm not busy. What is it?
‪아, 외근 좀 다녀와, 병원에‬Oh. I need you to visit the hospital for work. Apparently, the attorney you'll be working with is a rookie.
‪그, 동행하는 변호사가 신입이라네‬Apparently, the attorney you'll be working with is a rookie.
‪아, 그래요?‬Is that so?
‪근데 손이 많이 갈 거라네‬Careful. They say she's a handful.
‪(준호) 회전문 잡아 드릴까요?‬Do you want me to get the door for you?
‪(영우) 아, 아직 안 나가요‬ ‪기다리는 사람이 있어요‬Mm-mm. I'm not leaving yet. I'm waiting for someone.
‪아, 네‬Ah, okay.
‪저도 기다리는 사람이 있어요‬Oh, I'm also waiting for someone, so…
‪(영우) 회전문의 장점은‬An advantage of revolving doors
‪외부와 내부의 공기 흐름을‬ ‪완전히 격리한 상태에서‬An advantage of revolving doors is that it allows people access to the building even as it totally restricts airflow between inside and out.
‪통행자의 출입을‬ ‪가능케 한다는 점이에요‬even as it totally restricts airflow between inside and out.
‪냉방과 보온에 유리하죠‬Helps in cooling and insulation.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪아…‬Uh…
‪하지만 일반적인 문보다‬ ‪통행량 처리 속도가 느리고‬But it's much slower in handling traffic than the average door,
‪(영우) 어린이나 노약자가‬ ‪문에 끼일 수 있으며‬and children and the elderly might get caught,
‪휠체어 사용자가‬ ‪이용하기 어려워요‬and it's difficult to use for wheelchair users.
‪장점은 하나인데 단점은 세 개죠‬That's one benefit and three detriments and all.
‪건물주를 설득하면‬ ‪회전문을 없앨 수 있지 않을까요?‬Maybe we can get rid of the revolving door if we can persuade the landlord.
‪[피식 웃는다]‬[chuckles]
‪(준호) 음‬Mm…
‪[숨을 씁 들이켠다]‬[smacks lips]
‪왈츠를 춘다고 생각하시면 어때요?‬What if you think of it as dancing the waltz?
‪네?‬-What? -Walking through a revolving door.
‪회전문 통과할 때요‬ ‪리듬을 타면 쉽거든요‬-What? -Walking through a revolving door. There's a rhythm to it, just like a dance.
‪(준호) 쿵 짝짝‬One, two, three.
‪쿵 짝짝‬One, two, three.
‪쿵 짝짝‬One, two, three.
‪- (준호) 쿵 짝짝‬ ‪- 쿵 짝짝‬One, two, three.
‪쿵 짝짝‬One, two, three.
‪- (준호) 쿵 짝짝‬ ‪- 쿵 짝짝‬-One, two, three. -One, two, three.
‪(함께) 쿵 짝짝, 쿵 짝짝‬-One, two, three. -One, two, three. -One, two, three. -One, two, three.
‪쿵 짝짝, 쿵 짝짝‬-One, two, three. -One, two, three. -One, two, three. -One, two, three.
‪- (준호) [웃으며] 쿵 짝짝‬ ‪- 쿵 짝짝, 쿵…‬-One, two, three. -One, two, three. -One, two… -Yeah, like that.
‪(준호) 네, 그렇게요‬-One, two… -Yeah, like that.
‪맞아요, 맞아요‬-…three. -That's it. That's it. -One… -When we head out, we can do it together.
‪이따 나갈 때 같이 해 봐요‬-One… -When we head out, we can do it together.
‪잠시만요, 전화 좀 할게요‬Excuse me, I have to make a call.
‪[통화 연결음]‬ ‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬[phone buzzes]
‪(준호) 여보세요?‬Yes, hello?
‪아, 변호사님이세요?‬Oh, you're the attorney?
‪안녕하세요‬ ‪저 송무 팀 이준호입니다‬Hi, I'm Lee Jun-ho from the litigation team.
‪이번에 변호사님 모시고‬ ‪병원 가기로 한 거 저예요‬Hi, I'm Lee Jun-ho from the litigation team. I'm the one who'll be accompanying you to the hospital.
‪아, 네‬Ah, yes.
‪우영우입니다‬I am Woo Young-woo.
‪[영우의 옅은 웃음]‬[Young-woo grunts]
‪(준호) 음, 씁‬Mm.
‪우영우 변호사님?‬Attorney Woo Young-woo.
‪음, 우영우 변호사님?‬Attorney Woo Young-woo. Attorney Woo, huh?
‪이름이 참 재밌네요‬Your name is quite peculiar. It's still Woo Young-woo backward.
‪거꾸로 해도 우영우잖아요‬It's still Woo Young-woo backward.
‪회사에서는‬ ‪그런 얘기 하면 안 돼요‬You're not supposed to talk about these things at work.
‪아, 아, 그래요?‬Oh, is that so?
‪그럼 회사 밖에서 할까요?‬Well, shall we take it outside?
‪(준호) 쿵 짝짝‬One, two, three.
‪(영우와 준호) 쿵 짝짝, 쿵 짝짝‬-One, two, three. -One, two, three. -One, two, three. -One, two, three. -One, two, three. -One, two, three.
‪[부드러운 음악]‬ ‪쿵 짝짝, 쿵 짝짝‬-One, two, three. -One, two, three. -One, two, three. -One, two, three.
‪쿵 짝짝‬-One, two, three. -One, two, three. One, two… You ready to go?
‪(준호) 쿵 짝짝, 준비됐죠?‬One, two… You ready to go?
‪(준호와 영우) 쿵 짝짝, 쿵 짝짝‬-One, two, three. -One, two, three. -One, two, three. -One, two, three.
‪- 쿵 짝, 지금이에요‬ ‪- (영우) 쿵 짝짝‬One, two… Go now!
‪(준호) 쿵 짝…‬ ‪[밝은 효과음]‬-One, two. -One, two. [light waltz music]
‪[영우의 놀란 숨소리]‬[gasps]
‪[준호의 웃음]‬ ‪쿵 짝짝‬-Yeah. -One, two…
‪(준호) 네, 잘했어요‬[Jun-ho] You did well.
‪쿵 짝짝, 쿵…‬One, two, three. One.
‪(의사2) 여기 여기‬ ‪이렇게 하얗게 보이는 게 피예요‬[doctor] This… this white thing right here is blood.
‪뇌의 경막 아래에‬ ‪하얗게 피가 고인 거 보이시죠?‬You see how blood in white is pooled under the dura mater of the brain?
‪예, 그래서 얘 이름이‬ ‪경막하 출혈이에요‬Yes, so this is called a subdural hematoma.
‪경막하 출혈은‬ ‪주로 외상에서 발생하는데‬A subdural hematoma is usually caused by external injuries. It's the most severe of all of our traumatic brain inflictions.
‪외상성 뇌 질환 중엔‬ ‪가장 심각한 질환이죠‬It's the most severe of all of our traumatic brain inflictions.
‪사망률도 60%가 넘고‬The mortality rate is 60 percent, and even if it's treated,
‪치료를 한다고 해도‬ ‪후유 장애가 많이 남는 편이에요‬The mortality rate is 60 percent, and even if it's treated, there's usually some permanent damage.
‪(준호) 그런데 골절이 없네요?‬But there's no fracture here.
‪머리뼈가 튼튼하신가?‬Perhaps he has a strong skull.
‪종종 있어요, 이런 케이스가‬We see cases like this now and then.
‪(영우) 폭행으로 인한 출혈이‬ ‪아닐 가능성은 없나요?‬Is there a chance that the hemorrhage isn't a result of the blow?
‪에이, 그렇게 보긴 어렵죠‬No, that's not probable.
‪다리미 그 쇳덩이로‬ ‪머리를 맞았다는데‬He was hit on the head with an iron. A piece of metal.
‪(의사2) 씁, 그리고‬ ‪평소에 환자한테‬[doctor] And the patient didn't have high blood pressure or anything.
‪고혈압이 있었던 것도 아니고, 응‬[doctor] And the patient didn't have high blood pressure or anything.
‪(준호) [작은 소리로]‬ ‪저기 계시네요‬There they are.
‪[영란이 블라인드를 쓱 친다]‬
‪(영우) 최영란 선생님‬Well, hello, Yeong-ran. Mm.
‪[영우의 헛기침]‬ ‪(준호) 안녕하세요‬Well, hello, Yeong-ran. Mm. -[Jun-ho] Hello. -Oh, hello. You're here.
‪(영란) 아이고, 왔어? 왔어요?‬-[Jun-ho] Hello. -Oh, hello. You're here.
‪저기, 영감 자니까‬ ‪우리 나가서 얘기해‬My husband's asleep. Let's talk outside. Yeah.
‪(규식) 뭐야?‬What?
‪- (규식) 누구야!‬ ‪- (영란) 아유, 아유, 깼네‬-Who's here? -Oh. He's awake.
‪(영란) 이리 와 봐, 이리 와 봐‬-Who's here? -Oh. He's awake. Come here. Come here.
‪저기, 영감‬ ‪이, 이 아가씨 기억나요?‬Honey, do you recognize this young lady?
‪[거친 숨을 쉬며] 누구야?‬Who is it?
‪(영란) 에이, 왜, 옛날에‬ ‪우리 201호‬Who is it? You know, the little kid. Don't you remember little Young-woo from House 201? Long ago.
‪아, 그 꼬맹이 영우‬Don't you remember little Young-woo from House 201? Long ago.
‪아유, 예뻤잖아‬Don't you remember little Young-woo from House 201? Long ago. [Yeong-ran] Gosh, she was cute.
‪저기, 얘 아빠가‬[Yeong-ran] Gosh, she was cute. Her dad graduated from Seoul National University law.
‪서울대 법대 나오고‬ ‪아주 똑똑했는데…‬Her dad graduated from Seoul National University law. -He was really intelligent. -Oh.
‪- 그 서울 법대, 201호?‬ ‪- (영란) 어‬-He was really intelligent. -Oh. The Seoul National University law school tenant? That bastard, huh?
‪(규식) 그 개새끼, 어?‬ ‪[흥미로운 음악]‬The Seoul National University law school tenant? That bastard, huh?
‪- (영란) 무슨 소릴 하고 있어?‬ ‪- (규식) 애 맡긴다는 핑계로, 어?‬-Stop it. -With that stupid babysitting excuse, huh?
‪(규식) 나만 없으면‬ ‪우리 집에 기어들어 와서, 어?‬Sneaking into our house because I'm not around! Where is he?
‪보소, 나만 없으면은‬Sneaking into our house because I'm not around! Where is he? That bastard keeps sneaking in when I'm away.
‪그 새끼가 기어들어‬ ‪우리 집에 기어들어 와, 어?‬That bastard keeps sneaking in when I'm away. Sneaking into our house, huh?
‪(영란) 아, 이 양반이‬ ‪무슨 헛소리를 하고 있어!‬[Yeong-ran] What kind of nonsense are you saying, -old man? -[Gyu-sik] You think I don't know?
‪(규식) 그 새끼 딸이 여기 왜 와?‬-old man? -[Gyu-sik] You think I don't know? What is that bastard daughter doing here? Are you trying to kill me?
‪나 열받아 죽는 꼴‬ ‪그렇게도 보고 싶나! 어?‬ ‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬What is that bastard daughter doing here? Are you trying to kill me? You wanted me to die, huh? Hey!
‪(준호) 저, 아버님‬ ‪고정하세요, 네?‬-Sir, sir, calm down! -You!
‪(규식) 어? 내 눈앞에‬ ‪다시 띄기만 해, 어?‬-Sir, sir, calm down! -You! [Gyu-sik] You better not show your face here again!
‪에라, 이 육시랄‬ ‪지랄 염병을 떨다가‬You bastard! You're gonna die after all that bullshit you tried!
‪이 뒈져 버릴‬ ‪재수 없는 호로 새끼야! 어?‬You're gonna die after all that bullshit you tried! You hear me? You got that, bastard? You hear?
‪아씨, 사람, 아픈 사람을‬ ‪놔두고 말이야!‬ ‪[영란이 말린다]‬Son of a bitch! I'm in the hospital -and he shows up with his daughter. -Don't do that. Wait outside for a moment.
‪(영란) 나가, 나가‬ ‪잠깐만 나가 있어, 나가 있어‬-and he shows up with his daughter. -Don't do that. Wait outside for a moment. -Yeah. -Go on. Outside.
‪[영란이 말린다]‬ ‪(준호) 변호사님‬ ‪일단 나, 나갈까요? 예?‬-What the heck is wrong with you? -Attorney Woo, let's go.
‪[영우의 겁먹은 숨소리]‬-[Gyu-sik] You hear me? -[Yeong-ran] Enough!
‪[안내 방송이 흘러나온다]‬I'm so sorry.
‪(영란) 미안해‬I'm so sorry.
‪영감이 의심병이 있어‬My husband's suspicious of everything.
‪내내 괜찮다가‬ ‪한 번씩 돌면은 저래‬He's usually all right, but once in a while, he goes off like that.
‪아이고, 참, 부끄럽네‬I can't anymore. It's so embarrassing.
‪(영우) 네‬Yes.
‪아까 얘기하던 거 말인데요‬So, about what we were discussing earlier.
‪경찰 조사 때‬Your statement to the police.
‪남편을 죽이고 싶은 마음이‬ ‪들었다고 하신 진술이요‬Where you said that you wanted to kill your husband.
‪어, 그때 확‬ ‪죽여 버렸어야 되는 건데, 어?‬Uh-huh. I should have killed him when I had the chance, right?
‪(영란) 그럼 내가‬ ‪저런 꼴 안 보고 살지‬Then I wouldn't have had to live with this chaos.
‪음, 그럼 그 진술이 진심이십니까?‬[sighs] You meant what you said in your statement, then?
‪지금 마음은 딱 그러네‬Well, I admit that's how I feel right this second.
‪지금 마음 말고‬ ‪사건 당시 마음이 중요합니다‬Doesn't matter how you feel now. What's important is how you felt when it happened.
‪아유, 모르겠어‬I don't know. I don't…
‪(영란) 내가 뭐‬ ‪뭔 마음을 가졌는지가 뭐 중요해?‬Ugh, why does it matter what I was thinking about when it all happened?
‪죽일 마음이었다면 살인 미수죄‬If you wanted to kill him, it's attempted murder.
‪(영우) 다치게 할 마음이었다면‬ ‪상해죄‬If you merely intended to rough him up, that's assault and battery.
‪좀 때려 줄 마음이었다면‬ ‪폭행 치상죄‬If you merely intended to rough him up, that's assault and battery. The injuries were unintentional.
‪그냥 실수였다면‬ ‪과실 치상죄입니다‬If it was a mistake, it's bodily injury by negligence.
‪법은 마음을 중요하게 생각합니다‬The law takes your intention very seriously.
‪마음에 따라 죄명이 바뀝니다‬How you felt determines the charges.
‪영감 저러는 꼴을 보면은‬When I see my husband act up like that,
‪그냥 확 죽이고 싶었던 거‬ ‪같기도 해, 사실은‬I think I might've wanted to kill him, to be honest.
‪지금 마음이 많이 힘드셔서‬ ‪그러실 거예요‬It's probably because you're having a hard time right now.
‪사람의 마음은 정말 어렵습니다‬It's hard to fathom how someone feels.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬ ‪(영우) 저라면‬But I don't think I'd close the curtains,
‪죽이고 싶은 사람이 잘 때‬But I don't think I'd close the curtains,
‪그 사람 눈이 부실까 봐‬so the light doesn't disturb their sleep if I wanted to kill that person.
‪커튼을 쳐 주지는‬ ‪않을 것 같습니다‬so the light doesn't disturb their sleep if I wanted to kill that person.
‪그 소리에 깰까 봐 조심하면서요‬Being careful, so they don't wake up from the sound.
‪그런 건‬Isn't that…
‪죽이고 싶은 사람이 아니라‬something you would do for a person that you love,
‪사랑하는 사람한테 하는 행동‬something you would do for a person that you love, not one you mean to kill?
‪아닙니까?‬not one you mean to kill?
‪(명석) 어, 우리가‬ ‪재판 진행 방향을…‬Uh, the direction of the trial…
‪[똑똑 똑]‬Uh, the direction of the trial… [knocking on door]
‪예, 들어와요‬Yes, come in.
‪여기 들어와서 앉아요‬[Atty. Jung] Come in and sit down.
‪아, 준호 씨가‬ ‪병원 같이 가 줬구나?‬Ah, I see Jun-ho went with you to the hospital.
‪피해자 상태는 어때?‬How's the victim doing? Not good. I'm going to have to get the letter of non-punishment next time
‪(영우) 좋지 않습니다‬Not good. I'm going to have to get the letter of non-punishment next time
‪처벌 불원서는‬ ‪다음에 받아야 할 것 같습니다‬Not good. I'm going to have to get the letter of non-punishment next time
‪오늘은 난동을 부려서요‬since he caused a scene today.
‪(준호) 아유, 그분 성질이‬ ‪장난 아니시던데요?‬Yeah, that man's temper is out of control. He cursed the moment he spotted Attorney Woo.
‪변호사님 보자마자 욕을 하시는데‬He cursed the moment he spotted Attorney Woo.
‪하, '오죽하면 때렸을까' 하고‬He cursed the moment he spotted Attorney Woo. I could relate to the old woman. No wonder she hit him.
‪할머니 심정이‬ ‪다 이해 가더라니까요‬I could relate to the old woman. No wonder she hit him.
‪욕을 해? 왜?‬Cursed? Why?
‪저희 아버지가 피고인과‬ ‪바람을 피웠다고 생각하시거든요‬He thinks my father and the defendant were having an affair.
‪우 변 아버지랑 피고인이랑?‬Your father and the defendant?
‪뭐라고 욕하시는데?‬How did he curse at you?
‪'이 육시랄‬ ‪지랄 염병을 떨다 뒈져 버릴'‬Uh, "You bastard! You're going to bite the dust after all your goddamn bullshit left and right!"
‪'재수 없는 호로 새끼야'‬You're going to bite the dust after all your goddamn bullshit left and right!"
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬[playful music]
‪응, 생각, 음…‬Mm. I've been think… Mm. [smacks lips]
‪자, 생각해 봤는데‬Well, I've been thinking…
‪하, 내가‬ ‪무슨 얘기 하려 그랬더라?‬Well, I've been thinking… What was I gonna say?
‪아, 자, 이 사건‬ ‪국민 참여 재판으로 가자‬Oh, yeah, right. Let's see if we can request a jury trial.
‪(명석) 증거만 놓고 보면‬ ‪누가 봐도 살인 미수거든?‬If you only look at the evidence, it's clearly attempted murder.
‪다리미로 노인네 이마를 때려 놓고‬She didn't want to kill her husband
‪죽일 마음은 없었다는 게‬ ‪이게 말이 안 돼‬after beating him on the forehead with an iron.
‪증거 싸움으로 가면 져‬We'll lose in a battle of evidence.
‪할머니 사정이 딱하다는 걸‬ ‪보여 줘야 돼‬We have to show that she's in a pitiful situation.
‪그럴 때는 국민 참여 재판이 좋지‬We have to show that she's in a pitiful situation. Which is when a jury trial is good. Since we can appeal to the jury's hearts.
‪배심원들 마음에‬ ‪호소할 수 있으니까‬Since we can appeal to the jury's hearts.
‪(민우) 그럼 제가‬ ‪우영우 변호사를 도와서‬Then how about if I help Attorney Woo with the trial?
‪재판 진행을 하면 어떻겠습니까?‬Then how about if I help Attorney Woo with the trial? [Min-woo] Knowing how to talk is crucial in winning over the jury.
‪배심원들 마음을 얻으려면‬ ‪말솜씨가 중요합니다‬[Min-woo] Knowing how to talk is crucial in winning over the jury.
‪그리고 저 아나운서 시험도‬ ‪합격했었습니다‬And I've passed the news anchor qualification exam in the past.
‪(수연) 저‬And I've passed the news anchor qualification exam in the past. If I may, I was first place in the speech competition
‪신입 변호사 대상‬ ‪스피치 대회에서 1등 했습니다‬If I may, I was first place in the speech competition of rookie attorneys.
‪아나운서식 유창한 말하기는‬of rookie attorneys. Speaking formally like a news anchor could actually have an adverse effect.
‪오히려 거부감을 줄 수 있습니다‬Speaking formally like a news anchor could actually have an adverse effect. We need persuasive speaking to approach the jury in a soft manner.
‪배심원들에게 부드럽게 다가가는‬We need persuasive speaking to approach the jury in a soft manner.
‪설득의 말하기가 필요합니다‬We need persuasive speaking to approach the jury in a soft manner.
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬[quirky music]
‪(명석) 씁, 우영우 변호사는‬ ‪어떻게 생각해?‬What do you think, Attorney Woo? If you're not confident in your speaking,
‪언변에 자신 없으면 도움받아야지‬If you're not confident in your speaking, you'll require assistance.
‪(영우) 음…‬Hmm…
‪피고인의 사정이 딱하다는 것을‬Isn't showing the defendant's pitiful situation the key point here?
‪보여 주는 것이 핵심 아닌가요?‬Isn't showing the defendant's pitiful situation the key point here?
‪사정이 딱해 보이기로는‬ ‪장애만 한 것이 없습니다‬Isn't showing the defendant's pitiful situation the key point here? There isn't anything more pitiful than a disability. And I live with autism spectrum disorder.
‪그리고 저는‬ ‪자폐 스펙트럼 장애를 갖고 있고요‬And I live with autism spectrum disorder.
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬[quirky music]
‪(명석) 씁‬ ‪끝까지 혼자 해 봐요, 그럼‬Then handle it without anybody's help.
‪어쨌든 한바다 이름 걸고‬ ‪법정 서는 거니까‬You're going to court as a Hanbada attorney. Practice your speaking so you're not humiliated.
‪망신당하지 않게‬ ‪스피치 연습 많이 하고‬Practice your speaking so you're not humiliated.
‪예, 알겠습니다‬Yes, all right.
‪자, 그러면 우리…‬Okay. So, now we… [quirky music]
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬[quirky music]
‪(민우) 우영우 정체가 뭡니까?‬So, what is Woo Young-woo supposed to be? Is she even a real disabled person?
‪진짜 장애 있는 거 맞아요?‬So, what is Woo Young-woo supposed to be? Is she even a real disabled person?
‪아니, 뭐, 바보인 척하면서‬ ‪지금 우리 놀리고 있는 거 아니야?‬What if she's just pranking us by acting stupid?
‪쟤 로스쿨 때 별명이‬ ‪뭐였는지 아세요?‬Hey. Do you know what her nickname was in law school?
‪기러기, 토마토‬Kayak? Racecar?
‪어일우였어요‬We called her FPA Woo.
‪'어차피 1등은 우영우'‬For "First place again Woo Young-woo."
‪(수연) 하, 난 걔 보면 괴로워요‬It hurts whenever I look at her.
‪어설픈 모습이 안쓰러워서‬ ‪도와주다 보면‬I would help her out because I felt bad seeing how clumsy she was.
‪정작 걔는 1등 하고 나는 뒤처지고‬So I'd fall behind everyone. And she would come in first.
‪하, 학교 때나 여기서나 똑같네요‬[sighs] So, here at work's just like in school.
‪아, 그러니까 도와주지 마요‬So stop helping. Why would you help someone who's stronger than you are?
‪나보다 강한 사람을 왜 도와줘?‬So stop helping. Why would you help someone who's stronger than you are?
‪(영우) 쿵 짝짝, 쿵 짝짝‬One, two, three. One, two, three.
‪짝짝, 쿵…‬[Young-woo] One, two, three.
‪[답답한 한숨]‬Ugh!
‪저러고 있는데‬ ‪어떻게 안 도와줘요?‬Well, how can I not help her when she's doing that?
‪(민우) 그럼 도와주시든가요‬ ‪[출입기 작동음]‬So, go help her, then.
‪(영우) 쿵 짝짝‬One, two, three.
‪[수연의 한숨]‬[Su-yeon sighs]
‪[한숨]‬[heavy sigh]
‪[다가오는 발걸음]‬
‪[탁 잡는 소리]‬
‪(영우) 어?‬Oh.
‪나와‬Come out.
‪[안도하는 숨소리]‬[chuckles]
‪회전문이 어려우면‬ ‪다른 문으로 나오면 되잖아‬If the revolving door is too much for you, just use the other one.
‪아, 아, 그게…‬-Oh, I, uh… One-- -Are you stupid?
‪(수연) 너 바보야?‬-Oh, I, uh… One-- -Are you stupid?
‪바보냐고!‬Are you an idiot?
‪[못마땅한 숨소리]‬[scoffs]
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬[somber music] [Young-woo] My name is Flower-like-young, and Luck-woo.
‪(영우) 내 이름은‬ ‪'꽃부리 영'에 '복 우'‬[Young-woo] My name is Flower-like-young, and Luck-woo.
‪꽃처럼 예쁜 복덩이란 뜻입니다‬It means a lucky charm as pretty as flowers.
‪하지만 '영리할 영'에‬ ‪'어리석을 우'가‬But perhaps Clever-young and Foolish-woo
‪더 어울리지 않았을까요?‬would've been a better fit.
‪태어나서 지금까지 본 책을‬ ‪전부 기억하지만‬Woo Young-woo, who remembers every single book she's read since birth, but can't even go through a revolving door.
‪회전문도 못 지나가는 우영우‬but can't even go through a revolving door.
‪영리하고 어리석은 우영우‬Clever and foolish Woo Young-woo.
‪(그라미) ♪ Hundred‬ ‪Hundred dollar bills ♪‬[Geu-ra-mi singing] ♪ Hundred-dollar bill ♪
‪♪ Hundred dollar bills ♪‬♪ Hundred-dollar bill Hundred, hundred-dollar bill! ♪
‪♪ Hundred‬ ‪Hundred dollar bills ♪‬♪ Hundred-dollar bill Hundred, hundred-dollar bill! ♪
‪♪ Hundred dollar bills ♪‬♪ Hundred-dollar bill Hundred, hundred-dollar bill! ♪
‪♪ Hundred‬ ‪Hundred dollar bills ♪‬♪ Hundred-dollar bill Hundred, hundred-dollar bill! ♪
‪♪ Hundred dollar… ♪‬♪ Hundred… ♪
‪♪ Hundred dollar bills ♪‬♪ Hundred-dollar bill ♪
‪♪ Hundred‬ ‪Hundred dollar bills ♪‬♪ Hundred, hundred-dollar bill! ♪
‪♪ Hundred dollar bills‬ ‪Hundred… ♪‬♪ Hundred-dollar bill ♪ ♪ Hundred… ♪
‪[그라미의 힘겨운 신음]‬♪ Hundred… ♪ [groans, panting]
‪[가쁜 숨소리]‬[groans, panting]
‪♪ 십만 원 주세요 ♪‬ ‪[익살스러운 음악]‬♪ Give me 100,000 won, boss, 100,000 won ♪
‪♪ 사장님, 십만 원 주세요 ♪‬ ‪[탄식]‬♪ Give me 100,000 won, boss, 100,000 won ♪ ♪ 100,000 won, boss, 100,000 won ♪
‪♪ 십만 원 주세요‬ ‪사장님, 십만 원 주세요 ♪‬♪ 100,000 won, boss, 100,000 won ♪ -♪ Give me 100,000 won, boss ♪ -I don't have it.
‪♪ 십만 원 주세요 ♪‬-♪ Give me 100,000 won, boss ♪ -I don't have it.
‪[그라미가 계속 노래한다]‬ ‪없어‬-♪ Give me 100,000 won, boss ♪ -I don't have it. ♪ 100,000 won ♪
‪♪ 십만 원 주세요‬ ‪사장님, 십만 원 주세요 ♪‬♪ Give me 100,000 won, boss, 100,000 won ♪
‪(민식) 오지 말라고 했다‬ ‪[그라미가 계속 노래한다]‬-I told you not to come back here. -♪ Give me 100,000 won, boss ♪
‪십만 원 없다고 했다‬-I said I don't have 100,000 won. -♪ Yeah, yeah… ♪
‪오지 마, 하지 마‬Go away already. Stop.
‪하지 말…‬I said stop…
‪[민식의 한숨]‬[sighs]
‪(그라미) ♪ 십만 원 주세요 ♪‬-♪ Give me 100,000 won ♪ -Oh, stop that.
‪- (민식) 하지 말라…‬ ‪- 악!‬ ‪[민식의 웃음]‬-♪ Give me 100,000 won ♪ -Oh, stop that. [laughs]
‪- 청소하지 말라고, 이거 놔!‬ ‪- (그라미) 아, 아, 아, 아, 싫어!‬-Hey, stop cleaning! Let it go! -[screaming] -Ow! I don't want to! -Why are you…
‪[실랑이한다]‬-Ow! I don't want to! -Why are you… -Don't! You can't make me! -We have to, anyway.
‪[출입문 종소리]‬-It's okay. Just stop it. -Stop it! Let it go! Come on! Let go, would you?
‪[어색한 웃음]‬[smacks lips]
‪♪ 우 투 더 영 투 더 우 ♪‬♪ Woo to the Young to the Woo ♪
‪♪ 동 투 더 그 투 더 라미 ♪‬♪ Dong to the Geu to the Ra-mi ♪
‪(함께) 하!‬[both exclaim]
‪[기가 찬 숨소리]‬[sighs]
‪[민식의 한숨]‬[Geu-ra-mi sighs]
‪(민식) 저녁 안 먹었죠?‬Woo Young-woo, seaweed-sushi as usual, right?
‪오늘도 우영우 김초밥?‬Woo Young-woo, seaweed-sushi as usual, right?
‪(영우) 네, 오늘도 우영우 김초밥‬"Woo Young-woo, seaweed-sushi as usual."
‪(그라미) 야, 어땠냐, 첫 출근?‬Hey, how was your first day at work?
‪(그라미) 야, 드디어 우리 영우가‬Wow, our Young-woo is finally getting a taste of adult life.
‪사회의 참맛을 알아 가는구나‬Wow, our Young-woo is finally getting a taste of adult life.
‪아유, 기특해‬I'm so proud of you.
‪국민 참여 재판 알아?‬You've heard of trial by jury?
‪(그라미) 알지, 재판이잖아‬[Geu-ra-mi] Sure. It's a trial that public participates in. Something like that, right?
‪국민들이 참여하는 뭐, 그런 느낌?‬It's a trial that public participates in. Something like that, right?
‪판사랑 배심원 앞에서‬ ‪변론해야 하는데‬I have to present my case before the judge and jury. -[Geu-ra-mi] Mm. -But since I'm not good at speaking,
‪나는 말을 잘 못 하니까‬ ‪연습하는 거 도와줄 수 있어?‬-[Geu-ra-mi] Mm. -But since I'm not good at speaking, uh, I could practice with your assistance.
‪당연하지‬Oh, sure. What? Do I start right now? How should I help?
‪뭐? 지금 뭐…‬Oh, sure. What? Do I start right now? How should I help?
‪말해? 지금 뭐, 어떡해?‬Oh, sure. What? Do I start right now? How should I help?
‪자, 시작, 레디, 액션‬Oh, sure. What? Do I start right now? How should I help? Okay, ready, action!
‪(영우) 응?‬-Hmm? -Are you sure
‪(민식) 아이고‬ ‪진짜 손님은 이 친구가‬-Hmm? -Are you sure that this one here will be of actual help to you for this?
‪뭐, 도움이 될 거라고‬ ‪생각을 하시는 거예요? 예?‬that this one here will be of actual help to you for this? She's probably never been to court in her life.
‪얘 재판에 가 본 적도 없을 건데?‬She's probably never been to court in her life.
‪[그라미의 헛웃음]‬She's probably never been to court in her life. [Geu-ra-mi] What are you talking about?
‪[쟁반을 탁 놓는다]‬ ‪(그라미) 뭐래?‬[Geu-ra-mi] What are you talking about?
‪요새 누가 재판을 직접 가요?‬ ‪영화에 다 나오는데‬Who goes to court in person these days? It's all in the movies. Hey, have you seen Innocent Witness?
‪야, 너 '증인' 봤어?‬Hey, have you seen Innocent Witness?
‪[비장한 음악]‬
‪'변호사도 사람입니다!'‬"Attorneys are people too!"
‪'증인'? 안 봤어‬-I haven't seen that. -How about The Attorney?
‪오케이, 그럼 '변호인'‬-I haven't seen that. -How about The Attorney?
‪'국가'‬ ‪[비장한 음악]‬"Nation? What is this nation you speak of? Self-harm? Self-harm?"
‪'증인이 말하는 국가란‬ ‪대체 뭡니까?'‬"Nation? What is this nation you speak of? Self-harm? Self-harm?"
‪(그라미) '자해, 자해라꼬?'‬"Nation? What is this nation you speak of? Self-harm? Self-harm?"
‪'변호인'도 안 봤어‬-I haven't seen that either. -"You think you're a patriot?"
‪'니는 니가 애국자 같나?'‬-I haven't seen that either. -"You think you're a patriot?"
‪(그라미) '천만에'‬-I haven't seen that either. -"You think you're a patriot?" "No, you're just a subordinate of the state."
‪'니는 국가 정권의‬ ‪하수인일 뿐이야'‬"No, you're just a subordinate of the state." "Speak the truth. That is the only real patriotism!"
‪'진실을 얘기해라'‬"Speak the truth. That is the only real patriotism!"
‪'그게 진짜 애국이야!'‬"Speak the truth. That is the only real patriotism!"
‪'입 닥쳐, 이 빨갱이 새끼야!'‬"Shut up, you commie shithead!"
‪[그라미의 거친 숨소리]‬[panting]
‪(영우) 와‬Wow.
‪아, 죄송해요, 사장님‬ ‪너무 몰입했다‬Oh, sorry, I went overboard there.
‪야, 재판 그거 별거 아니야‬Hey, these trials are no big deal.
‪너도 할 수 있어‬You got this.
‪(그라미) 야, 변호사는‬ ‪그것만 잘하면 돼‬Hey, an attorney only has to be good at this.
‪따라 해 봐‬Repeat after me.
‪[테이블을 탁 치며]‬ ‪'이의 있습니다'!‬Objection!
‪[테이블을 탁 친다]‬
‪'이의 있습니다'‬Objection.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬ ‪(그라미) 아니야‬No, put your heart and soul into it. Again.
‪진심을 좀 더 담아서 해야 돼‬No, put your heart and soul into it. Again.
‪다시‬No, put your heart and soul into it. Again.
‪[테이블을 탁 치며]‬ ‪'이의 있습니다'!‬Objection!
‪[영우가 테이블을 탁 친다]‬Objection!
‪(영우) '이의 있습니다'‬Objection!
‪- 그새 느네, 잘한다‬ ‪- (영우) 응?‬That was better. Good.
‪(그라미) 아, 근데 기본 발성을‬ ‪다시 잡아야 될 거 같아‬But you should definitely work on your basic vocalization.
‪나 따라 해 봐, '아'‬Repeat after me. A.
‪'아'‬-A. -E.
‪- (그라미) '에'‬ ‪- '에'‬-A. -E. -E. I. -I. O.
‪- '이', '오'‬ ‪- (영우) '이', '오'‬-E. I. -I. O. -O. -U.
‪- (그라미) '우'!‬ ‪- '우', 영우‬-O. -U. Woo Young-woo.
‪(그라미) 집중해, 집중하라고‬[Geu-ra-mi] Focus. Focus.
‪- '아'‬ ‪- (영우) '아'‬-A. E. -A.
‪- (그라미) '에'‬ ‪- '에'‬-A. E. -A. -E. -Squeeze your butt. Are you squeezing?
‪똥꼬에 힘줘, 힘줬어?‬-E. -Squeeze your butt. Are you squeezing?
‪- (그라미) 자, 자, '이'‬ ‪- '이'‬All right now. E. -E. -O.
‪- '오', '우'!‬ ‪- (영우) '오', '우'!‬-E. -O. -U. -U.
‪- '이의 있습니다'!‬ ‪- (영우) '이의 있습니다'!‬Objection! -Objection! -Objection!
‪- (그라미) '이의 있습니다'!‬ ‪- '이의 있습니다'!‬-Objection! -Objection! -Objection! -Objection!
‪(그라미) '이의 있습니다'!‬-Objection! -Objection!
‪(영우) '이의 있습니다'!‬Objection!
‪(그라미) 잘한다, 참 잘해‬-That's it. -Yeah. Great.
‪(경위) 모두 일어나 주십시오‬[lieutenant] All rise.
‪착석해 주십시오‬Please be seated.
‪(재판장) 최현욱 검사님‬ ‪출석했습니까?‬[judge] Is Prosecutor Choi Hyeon-uk present?
‪(재판장) 정명석 변호사님‬ ‪출석했습니까?‬Is Attorney Jung Myeong-seok present?
‪[버튼 조작음]‬ ‪(명석) 예‬Yes.
‪(재판장) 우영우 변호사님‬ ‪출석했습니까?‬Mm. Is Attorney Woo Young-woo present?
‪[긴장한 숨소리]‬[sighs]
‪어, 우영우 변호사님‬ ‪출석했습니까?‬Is Attorney Woo Young-woo present?
‪(명석) 우영우 변호사, 해야죠‬Attorney Woo, answer.
‪[사람들이 웅성거린다]‬JURY [indistinct chatter]
‪우영우 변호사?‬Is she present?
‪(명석) [얇은 소리로] 예‬[imitating Young-woo's voice] Yes.
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬[quirky music]
‪[헛기침하며] 예‬[clears throat] [in normal voice] Yes. Apologies. Yes. Attorney Woo is present, Your Honor.
‪예, 죄, 죄송합니다‬Apologies. Yes. Attorney Woo is present, Your Honor.
‪우영우 변호사 출석했습니다‬Apologies. Yes. Attorney Woo is present, Your Honor.
‪예, 알겠습니다‬Yes, all right.
‪(재판장) 예, 그럼 지금부터‬[judge] Okay, now, we will begin the trial of defendant Choi Yeong-ran,
‪사건 번호 2022 고합 1017‬[judge] Okay, now, we will begin the trial of defendant Choi Yeong-ran,
‪살인 미수로 기소된‬who is charged with attempted murder.
‪피고인 최영란에 대한‬ ‪공판을 시작하겠습니다‬who is charged with attempted murder. Case number 2022, trial 1017.
‪검사님, 모두 진술 해 주세요‬Case number 2022, trial 1017. Prosecution, you may give your opening statement.
‪(검사) 이에 피고인을‬ ‪형법 제250조 제1항‬Therefore, based on Article 250 Paragraph 1,
‪제254조에 의거하여‬and Article 254 of the Criminal Act, we hereby charge the defendant with attempted murder.
‪살인 미수죄로 기소하는 바입니다‬we hereby charge the defendant with attempted murder.
‪[문이 덜컥 닫힌다]‬
‪(재판장) 변호인‬[judge] Defense.
‪모두 진술 하세요‬You may give your opening statement.
‪[긴장한 숨소리]‬[heavy breathing]
‪[어두운 음악]‬[heavy breathing] [suspenseful music]
‪변호인, 뭐 합니까?‬Defense, your statement? You do have one, right?
‪진술 안 하실 거예요?‬Defense, your statement? You do have one, right?
‪(명석) 아…‬Uh…
‪하, 아니, 이게 무, 무슨 일이야?‬Attorney Woo, is something wrong? What's happening?
‪(그라미) [작은 소리로] 뭐 해?‬[whispering] What are you doing? Get going.
‪일어나‬[whispering] What are you doing? Get going.
‪[긴장한 숨소리]‬[suspenseful music continues]
‪(영우) 모두 진술에 앞서‬Before my opening statement,
‪양해 말씀 드립니다‬I ask for your understanding.
‪저는‬I am… I…
‪자폐 스펙트럼 장애를 가진…‬I have autism spectrum disorder.
‪가지고 있어‬I have autism spectrum disorder.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬ ‪여, 여러분이 보시기에‬So for you, my…
‪어, 말이 어눌하고‬ ‪행동이 어색할 수 있습니다‬speech might seem inarticulate and my actions awkward.
‪하지만 법을 사랑하고‬But I'm someone who loves the law,
‪피고인을 존중하는 마음만은‬and my respect toward the defendant
‪여느 변호사와 다르지 않습니다‬is no different from any other attorney.
‪변호인으로서‬As an attorney,
‪피고인을 도와‬I'll do my very best…
‪음…‬[shaky breathing]
‪사건의 진실을 밝힐 수 있도록‬ ‪최선을 다하겠습니다‬…to help the defendant shed light on the truth of this incident.
‪[그라미의 환호]‬Whoo!
‪[그라미의 박수]‬ ‪[사람들의 웃음]‬[applauding]
‪[그라미의 들뜬 숨소리]‬
‪(경위) 정숙하세요‬[lieutenant] Order.
‪(재판장) 어‬ ‪법을 사랑하기까지 해요?‬Uh, you love the law, is that right?
‪쩝, 뭐, 바람직하네‬Well, I think that's nice.
‪[긴장한 숨을 내뱉는다]‬[sighs]
‪[헛기침]‬[clears throat]
‪(검사) '남편이 하도‬ ‪의심을 하고 막말을 하니'‬"My husband kept being suspicious and spoke so rudely to me
‪'죽이고 싶은 마음이 들었다'‬"My husband kept being suspicious and spoke so rudely to me that I wanted to kill him."
‪사건 직후 경찰 조사에서‬ ‪피고인이 했던 진술입니다‬This was the official statement you gave right after the incident.
‪기억하십니까?‬Do you recall?
‪그, 그건…‬-That was… -Answer "yes" or "no," please.
‪'예', '아니요'로만 대답하세요‬-That was… -Answer "yes" or "no," please.
‪(검사) 그런데 지금은‬ ‪왜 말을 바꿉니까?‬So, are you saying something else now?
‪(영란) [떨리는 목소리로]‬ ‪그땐 경찰이 앞에 있으니까‬[Yeong-ran] When it happened, the police were right in front of me.
‪긴장이 돼서 말이 그렇게 나왔고‬[sobs] I was nervous at that time, so I said all that.
‪절대로 죽일 마음은 없었습니다‬But I never intended to kill my husband.
‪죽일 마음은 없었다?‬Didn't intend to kill him, you say? Shall we take a look at the case records?
‪(검사) 사건 기록을 볼까요?‬Didn't intend to kill him, you say? Shall we take a look at the case records?
‪'한 번만 더 그런 소리 하면‬ ‪다 같이 죽는다'‬"If you started this nonsense again, then the both of us might as well be dead."
‪'오늘 다 죽자'‬then the both of us might as well be dead." "You die, I die, we'll finally end this today."
‪'너 죽고 나 죽자'‬"You die, I die, we'll finally end this today."
‪사건 당시 피고인이‬ ‪피해자에게 했던 말들입니다‬These are the words you spoke to the victim at the time of the incident. Do you recall?
‪기억하십니까?‬Do you recall?
‪예‬-Yes. -For someone who's not intending to kill,
‪죽일 마음이 없었다는 사람치곤‬-Yes. -For someone who's not intending to kill,
‪(검사) 죽인다는 말을‬ ‪너무 많이 한 거 아닙니까?‬don't you think you used the word "die" a bit too much?
‪[영우의 거친 숨소리]‬ ‪[쾅]‬Objection!
‪(영우) 이의 있습니다!‬Objection!
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬
‪유도 신문입니다‬Your Honor, leading the witness.
‪[버튼 조작음]‬ ‪인정합니다‬Objection sustained.
‪변호인, 착석하세요‬Take a seat, please, Counsel.
‪(검사) 피고인이 피해자를‬ ‪공격할 때 쓴 다리미입니다‬This is the iron the defendant used to attack the victim.
‪피고인, 이 다리미로‬ ‪남편의 어디를 때렸습니까?‬Defendant. What part of your husband's body did you hit with this iron?
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪머리요‬His head.
‪(검사) 머리요?‬[Hyeon-uk] His head?
‪피고인, 정말로 죽일 마음이‬ ‪없었던 거 맞습니까?‬Defendant. Are you sure you did not have the intention to kill him?
‪사실은 남편이 죽기를‬ ‪바랐던 거 아닙니까?‬Didn't you, in fact, intend for him to die?
‪[영란의 당황한 숨소리]‬ ‪(명석) 이의 있습니다‬-No. -Objection.
‪예, 기각해야 될 거 같습니다‬Oh, that's overruled, Counselor.
‪(재판장) 피고인‬ ‪어, 검사 질문에 대답하세요‬[judge] Defendant. Please answer the prosecution's question.
‪[울먹인다]‬[sobs] Oh.
‪잘못했습니다‬I'm so sorry, Your Honor. I'm sorry.
‪판사님, 잘못했습니다‬I'm so sorry, Your Honor. I'm sorry.
‪(영란) 그저‬ ‪남편만 바라보고 사는데‬It's just, I live for my husband, and I felt bitter that he didn't acknowledge that.
‪절 알아주지 않으니까‬ ‪야속해서 그랬습니다‬and I felt bitter that he didn't acknowledge that.
‪잘못했습니다‬[Yeong-ran] I'm sorry.
‪살려, 살려 주세요‬ ‪잘못했습니다‬Please, spare me. I'm sorry.
‪아유, 제발 살려 주세요‬ ‪잘못했습니다‬Please, spare me. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. [sobs]
‪잘못했습니다‬ ‪[영란이 흐느낀다]‬Please, spare me. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. [sobs]
‪(명석) 와, 검사님‬Well, Mr. Choi, I thought you were interrogating a gang member or something.
‪저는 무슨‬ ‪조폭 신문하는 줄 알았습니다‬Well, Mr. Choi, I thought you were interrogating a gang member or something.
‪아, 70대 할머니 상대로‬ ‪너무 몰아치시는 거 아니에요?‬Aren't you a bit too harsh to an elderly woman in her seventies?
‪저도 처음엔 살살 가려고 했죠‬I had planned on being soft.
‪구속 영장 신청도 안 한 거 보면‬ ‪모르시겠어요?‬Can't you tell by how I didn't even apply for an arrest warrant?
‪(검사) 먼저 세게 나온 건‬ ‪그쪽이지‬You guys are the ones who came on strong.
‪[헛웃음 치며] 아니‬ ‪저희가 뭘 또 세게 나갑니까?‬[scoffs] We came on strong? What do you mean?
‪유무죄를 가려 보자 하시니‬ ‪저도 최선을 다해야죠‬I have to go all in since you wanted to determine whether she's guilty or not.
‪기소명도 제대로 못 붙인‬ ‪검사 취급 받을 수 없죠‬I can't be seen as a prosecutor who couldn't make an indictment stick.
‪검사가 아주 작정을 하고 덤비네‬The prosecutor is coming at us very strong. It's…
‪(명석) 큰일이다‬not good.
‪(명석) 박규식 씨를‬ ‪법정으로 부르는 건 어때?‬How about we call in Park Gyu-sik to court? Get him to say he doesn't want the defendant punished at all.
‪처벌을 원치 않는다는 걸‬ ‪직접 말하게 하자고‬Get him to say he doesn't want the defendant punished at all.
‪같은 내용으로 이미‬ ‪처벌 불원서를 제출했는데도요?‬Even when we submitted a letter of non-punishment saying the same thing?
‪그 처벌 불원서‬ ‪박규식 씨가 자필로 쓴 건가?‬Was the letter of non-punishment written in Park Gyu-sik's own hand?
‪아니요, 제가 준비한 양식에‬ ‪박규식 씨는 서명만 했습니다‬No, I simply had him signed the document that I provided for him.
‪아니야‬Then no.
‪할아버지가 말로 간청하는 게‬Him pleading himself is going to be much more effective
‪처벌 불원서 한 장‬ ‪달랑 내는 거보다‬Him pleading himself is going to be much more effective than just a piece of paper would.
‪효과가 있을 거야‬than just a piece of paper would.
‪특히 배심원들한테는‬Especially to the jury.
‪(준호) 근데 그분이‬ ‪증언을 잘하실까요?‬But will he do well on the stand?
‪성질도 보통 아니시고‬He has a bad temper and he seemed trigger by Attorney Woo.
‪우영우 변호사님한테‬ ‪감정도 안 좋은데‬He has a bad temper and he seemed trigger by Attorney Woo.
‪(명석) 박규식 씨는‬ ‪내가 신문해야지, 뭐‬[Atty. Jung] I'll be the one to question Park Gyu-sik, then.
‪아, 우 변이 신문 초안 작성하고‬Woo, write up the draft for the interrogation.
‪네, 알겠습니다‬Okay, I will.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬[playful music]
‪[사람들이 웅성거린다]‬
‪[규식의 긴장한 숨소리]‬ ‪(규식) '서, 선서'‬[Gyu-sik sighs] "On my conscience,
‪'야, 양심에 따라'‬I do solemnly swear… [breathes heavily]
‪'숨김과'‬…I will make…" [clears throat]
‪[헛기침]‬…I will make…" [clears throat]
‪그, '숨, 숨김이 없이'‬"Um, make the statement without concealment.
‪'사실 그대로 말하고'‬Speaking nothing but the truth
‪'만일 거짓이 있으면'‬and that any false statement,
‪'위증의 벌을 받기로 맹세합니다'‬is punishable by law as perjury."
‪우영우 변호사가 나가세요‬Attorney Woo, you have to do it.
‪(영우) 네?‬What? "I could relate to the old woman. No wonder she's hit him."
‪'오죽하면 때렸을까'‬"I could relate to the old woman. No wonder she's hit him."
‪'할머니 심정이‬ ‪이해가 가더라고요'‬"I could relate to the old woman. No wonder she's hit him." This is what Jun-ho said after seeing Mr. Park curse at you.
‪이준호 씨가 했던 말이에요‬This is what Jun-ho said after seeing Mr. Park curse at you.
‪박규식 씨가 욕하는 거 보고‬This is what Jun-ho said after seeing Mr. Park curse at you.
‪(재판장) 변호인‬ ‪증인 신문 하세요‬[judge] Counsel, you may begin questioning the witness.
‪(명석) 우 변이 나가서‬ ‪박규식 씨한테 욕을 끌어내라고‬Woo, now you have to go and get him to start cursing at you.
‪욕을 먹으라고‬[clears throat] Get him to curse you out.
‪(영우) 아…‬Hmm?
‪아, 네‬Okay.
‪(재판장) 변호인, 신문 안 합니까?‬Counsel, are you going to start questioning?
‪(명석) 나갑니다‬We are.
‪(영우) 안녕하세요‬Hello.
‪최영란 씨 변호인 우영우입니다‬I am Choi Yeong-ran's attorney, Woo Young-woo.
‪(규식) 야!‬-Hey! -[gasps]
‪너‬[Gyu-sik] You!
‪내 눈앞에 띄지 말라고‬ ‪했나, 안 했나? 어?‬I said you better stay out of my sight, didn't I, huh?
‪[사람들이 웅성거린다]‬[indistinct chatter]
‪이것들이 다 같이 짜고, 어?‬I see all of you are in cahoots, huh?
‪나 이거 화딱지 나‬ ‪죽는 꼴을 보려고‬Huh? Wanting to see me kill over here, here in this courtroom from anger, huh?
‪환장을 했구나, 어?‬Huh? Wanting to see me kill over here, here in this courtroom from anger, huh?
‪이딴 꼴 보여 주려고‬ ‪사람을 오라 가라‬ ‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬Telling me to come here and you tell me to come and I have to see this?
‪[사람들이 술렁인다]‬ ‪(규식) 똥개 훈련을 시켰나!‬Telling me to come here and you tell me to come and I have to see this? -Get off me! -Someone… -Whoa, whoa, whoa! -What is this bullshit?
‪씨, 씨부럴 놈들아!‬This is all a bunch of bullshit! You bastard!
‪[규식의 성난 숨소리]‬ ‪[마이크가 삐 울린다]‬This is all a bunch of bullshit! You bastard! -[mic feedbacks] -Ah!
‪증인, 지금 뭐 하시는 겁니까?‬Witness, we need you to be seated.
‪에라, 이, 이, 어?‬Yeah, right! You're continuing to fling this bullshit at me from all angles!
‪육시랄 지랄 염병을 떨다‬You're continuing to fling this bullshit at me from all angles!
‪염병을 떨다 뒈, 뒈져 버릴‬ ‪[저마다 놀란다]‬You're gonna goddamn die! You sneaky bastard! Do you hear me? Do you hear?
‪이 재수 없는 호로 새끼야!‬You sneaky bastard! Do you hear me? Do you hear?
‪[규식의 성난 숨소리]‬You bastard! [screams, grunts]
‪[사람들이 술렁인다]‬[screams, grunts]
‪(영란) 야‬ ‪이 망할 놈의 영감탱이야!‬-Someone do something! -Hey! You miserable, crazy old man! -Please! -[Yeong-ran] Just stop it! Right now!
‪- (영란) 이제 그만해!‬ ‪- (규식) 다 한패야, 이거!‬-Please! -[Yeong-ran] Just stop it! Right now! -You're all in cahoots! -We're going to take a ten-minute recess.
‪10분간 휴정하겠습니다‬-You're all in cahoots! -We're going to take a ten-minute recess.
‪(규식) 다 한패, 다 한패야!‬-You're all in cahoots! -We're going to take a ten-minute recess. -[Yeong-ran] Are you even human? -[Gyu-sik] You're all in this together!
‪- (영란) 네가 인간이냐, 어?‬ ‪- (규식) 다 짜고 말이야‬-[Yeong-ran] Are you even human? -[Gyu-sik] You're all in this together!
‪(영란) 인간이야, 이놈아?‬[Yeong-ran] Are you human? You silly jackass!
‪- (규식) 어? 놔 봐, 이거!‬ ‪- (영란) 그만하라고!‬[Yeong-ran] Are you human? You silly jackass! -Stop it! -[Gyu-sik] Let go of me, now!
‪- (영란) 그만하라고!‬ ‪- (규식) 야, 야, 이놈아!‬-Stop it! -[Gyu-sik] Let go of me, now! [overlapping shouting]
‪- (영란) 그만!‬ ‪- (규식) 놔!‬[overlapping shouting]
‪[영우의 긴장한 숨소리]‬
‪(영우) 여러분이 보신 바와 같이‬As you all just witnessed,
‪박규식은 함께 살기‬ ‪편한 남편은 아닙니다‬Park Gyu-sik is not a husband who is easy to live with.
‪[사람들의 웃음]‬[crowd chuckle]
‪아내의 행실을‬ ‪지나치게 의심하기도 하고‬He is overtly suspicious of his wife and frequently uses severely abusive language.
‪심한 욕설을 내뱉기도 합니다‬and frequently uses severely abusive language.
‪그럼에도 피고인 최영란은‬And despite this, the defendant,
‪그런 박규식과 평생 해로하며‬lived with him her whole life and did not object to taking care of him in his dementia.
‪치매 간병도 마다하지 않았습니다‬and did not object to taking care of him in his dementia.
‪피고인은 욱하는 마음에‬The defendant might be a wife
‪충동적으로‬ ‪남편을 때린 아내일 수는 있지만‬who impulsively hit her husband because she lost her temper,
‪남편을 살해하려다‬ ‪실패한 아내일 순 없습니다‬but she cannot be a wife who failed in her attempt to murder her husband.
‪자신의 잘못을‬ ‪깊이 뉘우치는 피고인에게…‬To the defendant who acknowledges her wrong-doings and feels regret…
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬ ‪[준호가 속삭인다]‬[whispering]
‪재판장님‬Your Honor, due to the death of the victim, Park Gyu-sik,
‪피해자 박규식 씨가‬ ‪병원으로 이송 중 사망함에 따라…‬Your Honor, due to the death of the victim, Park Gyu-sik, -while being taken to the hospital… -[Yeong-ran] What?
‪(영란) 뭐라고요?‬-while being taken to the hospital… -[Yeong-ran] What?
‪뭐, 뭐라고…‬[stuttering] What did he say?
‪누가 죽어요?‬What does he mean? Who died?
‪우리, 우리‬ ‪우리 영감이 죽었다고요?‬My… My husband died on the way to the hospital? What?
‪[영란의 힘겨운 숨소리]‬My… My husband died on the way to the hospital? What? [sobs, gasps]
‪(명석) 어? 선생님‬-[Atty. Jung] Defendant. -[Hyeon-uk] We would like to ask the court
‪(검사) 피고인의 혐의를‬-[Atty. Jung] Defendant. -[Hyeon-uk] We would like to ask the court
‪살인 미수죄가 아닌‬ ‪살인죄로 변경하고자 합니다‬to change the charge from attempted murder to murder.
‪공소장 변경을 허락해 주십시오‬-[Atty. Jung] Wait! -Please allow for the change of indictment.
‪[사람들이 웅성거린다]‬-Oh, God. -[jury murmuring]
‪[무거운 음악]‬[gloomy music]
‪(영우) 만약‬[Young-woo] If…
‪내가 신문을 하지 않았다면‬I hadn't questioned him myself,
‪그래서 박규식 씨가‬ ‪그렇게 화를 내지 않았다면‬or if Mr. Park Gyu-sik hadn't gotten so terribly mad…
‪만약 내가‬ ‪이 사건을 맡지 않았다면‬If I hadn't taken on this case at all,
‪박규식 씨는 지금 살아 있을까요?‬would Mr. Park Gyu-sik still be alive right now?
‪[고래 울음이 흘러나온다]‬[whale singing from headphones]
‪(영우) 제가‬My first…
‪제가‬My, uh…
‪사람들 앞에서 처음 한 말은‬first words in front of people
‪'상해죄'였습니다‬were "inflicting bodily injury."
‪제가 변호사가 될 거라고‬ ‪처음 말한 사람은‬And the first person who said I would one day become an attorney,
‪최영란 씨고요‬is you, Yeong-ran.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬ ‪신기했습니다‬I was surprised
‪제가 처음 맡은 사건이‬that my first case ever
‪최영란 씨의 죄명을‬ ‪상해죄로 바꾸는 일이라서요‬was to change your charge to crime of inflicting bodily injury.
‪그게 무슨 소리야?‬What… What do you mean?
‪모든 것이 처음이라서‬Hmm, it was my first time doing everything.
‪잘하고 싶었습니다‬So, I wanted to be good at it.
‪잘하고 싶어서‬Because I wanted to be good.
‪욕심을 부렸어요‬But I was being greedy.
‪박규식 씨를 사망하게 해서‬I'm sorry I caused Gyu-sik to die.
‪미안합니다‬So very sorry.
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬[somber music]
‪그게 왜 네 탓이야?‬What fault of yours is that?
‪(영란) 20년 만에 만난‬ ‪아랫집 꼬맹이 반길 줄도 모르고‬It was my husband's fault for cursing at the little neighbor kid that he saw for the first time
‪대뜸 욕부터 하는‬that he saw for the first time more than 20 years, instead of just saying "hello."
‪우리 영감 성질 탓이고‬more than 20 years, instead of just saying "hello."
‪그런 영감 갈 날‬And my fault for hitting him without knowing his time…
‪얼마 안 남은 줄도 모르고‬And my fault for hitting him without knowing his time…
‪[울먹이며] 다리미 휘둘러 댄‬ ‪내 탓이지‬was almost up. I'm the one who did that.
‪노상 머리 아프다고 찡찡대던‬ ‪영감탱이였는데‬He always complained about his head hurting. [sobbing continues]
‪[영란이 흐느낀다]‬[sobbing continues]
‪아, 내가 너무했지, 내가‬I was too hard on him.
‪내가‬I… [wails]
‪아이고‬I'm sorry.
‪[통곡하며] 아이고, 아이고‬Oh, Gyu-sik… [sobbing]
‪아이고‬Oh, my husband!
‪아이고, 아이고‬[sobbing] Oh, honey. Oh, Gyu-sik, you old man.
‪아이고‬Oh, Gyu-sik, you old man.
‪아유, 영감‬My old man.
‪아이고, 영감‬My husband. [sobbing continues]
‪[영란이 연신 통곡한다]‬My husband. [sobbing continues]
‪[노크 소리]‬[knocking on door]
‪박규식 씨 부검 감정서‬ ‪가져왔습니다‬I brought you this. Park Gyu-Sik's autopsy.
‪(준호) 사인은 역시 뇌출혈이에요‬Cause of death is brain hemorrhage.
‪수술했던 경막하 출혈이‬ ‪재발한 거죠‬A recurrence of the subdural hematoma also.
‪저 다리미‬Oh, that iron's big.
‪음, 꼭 그거 닮지 않았어요?‬Hmm, doesn't it resemble that, uh…
‪그, 그, '모비 딕'에 나오는…‬-The… In Moby-Dick-- -A sperm whale?
‪향고래요?‬-The… In Moby-Dick-- -A sperm whale?
‪어, 맞아요, 향고래‬Oh, that's the one. A sperm whale.
‪(준호) 아‬ ‪저 무시무시해 보이는 걸로‬Wow, look at how scary that thing is. She really hit someone with that?
‪사람을 때렸다니‬Wow, look at how scary that thing is. She really hit someone with that?
‪즉사하지 않은 게 다행이네 싶고‬I guess he's lucky he didn't die instantly.
‪왜, 왜, 왜 그러세요?‬Wha… What is it?
‪(영우) 회사에서는‬ ‪하면 안 되는 게 많습니다‬There's lots of things that can't be done at work.
‪남의 말 따라 하기, 엉뚱한 소리‬Like repeating after others, saying weird things.
‪기러기, 토마토‬ ‪스위스, 인도인, 별똥별‬Kayak, deed, rotator, noon, racecar. Being too blunt.
‪솔직한 말 같은 거요‬Being too blunt.
‪아, 아, 아, 그래요?‬Uh, ah, is that so? Uh, um, I wasn't aware.
‪아, 아, 몰랐네‬ ‪[멋쩍은 웃음]‬Uh, um, I wasn't aware.
‪고래 얘기는 하면 안 됩니다‬you must never talk about whales. Unless absolutely necessary.
‪꼭 필요한 상황이 아니면요‬Unless absolutely necessary.
‪(준호) 어…‬Oh.
‪씁, 근데‬Although,
‪변호사님이랑 저랑 둘만 있을 때는‬but if it's just you and me here,
‪그냥 해도 되지 않을까요?‬but if it's just you and me here, wouldn't you say it's all right?
‪이준호 씨랑 저랑 둘만 있을 때는‬Uh, if it's just you and me here, the two of us, then we could talk about whales?
‪고래 얘기를 해도 된다고요?‬then we could talk about whales?
‪아, 네, 그럼요‬Uh, yeah, I suppose so.
‪[옅은 탄성]‬Hmm…
‪[피식 웃는다]‬[chuckles]
‪[의미심장한 효과음]‬[whale singing]
‪[바람이 쏴 분다]‬ ‪[신비로운 음악]‬[dreamy music]
‪[고래 울음]‬[humming]
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬[light tense music]
‪박규식 씨 담당 의사 눈에도‬ ‪그렇게 보였을까요?‬Do you think it seemed that way to Gyu-sik's doctor?
‪(영우) 다리미가‬ ‪향고래처럼 강하게만 보여서‬Do you think he might have missed the fact that whales don't lay eggs
‪고래는 알을 낳지 않는다는 사실을‬ ‪놓친 걸까요?‬because the iron looked as strong as a great sperm whale?
‪(준호) 네?‬What?
‪이 사건은 형법만 보면 안 돼요‬It's more than criminal law with this case.
‪민법을 봐야 풀려요‬It's more than criminal law with this case. You have to look at civil law, just like the iron.
‪마찬가지로‬You have to look at civil law, just like the iron.
‪(영우) 다리미만 보면 안 돼요‬We can't just focus only on the iron. PARK GYU-SIK, 81 MILD DEMENTIA PATIENT
‪노상 머리 아프다고 찡찡대던‬ ‪영감탱이였는데‬He always complained about his head hurting.
‪[흐느낀다]‬He always complained about his head hurting.
‪(영우) 음, 경찰 진술‬[grunts] The police statement!
‪24페이지 일곱 번째 줄‬Line seven, page 24.
‪'머리가 깨질 것마냥 아파‬ ‪소파에 누워 있는데'‬"I was lying on the couch because my head felt like it might split
‪'택배가 왔습니다'‬when a package arrived."
‪원래부터 머리가 아팠던 거네요‬He had a pre-existing condition before he was hit with the iron.
‪다리미에 맞기 전부터요‬He had a pre-existing condition before he was hit with the iron.
‪어쩌면‬It could be
‪다리미에 맞아서 생긴 뇌출혈이‬ ‪아닐지도 몰라요‬that the blow with the iron was not the cause of the hemorrhage.
‪(재판장) 변호인‬ ‪증인 신문 하세요‬[judge] Counsel, you may proceed questioning the witness.
‪(영우) 경막하 출혈에는‬With subdural hematomas, there are subdural hemorrhages caused by external injury.
‪외상에 의한 외상성 경막하 출혈과‬there are subdural hemorrhages caused by external injury.
‪질병에 의한‬ ‪자발성 경막하 출혈이 있습니다‬And spontaneous subdural bleeding caused by ailments. -Is this correct? -Yes.
‪맞습니까?‬-Is this correct? -Yes.
‪예‬-Is this correct? -Yes.
‪박규식 씨의 뇌출혈이‬What is the reason you concluded Park Gyu-sik's brain hemorrhage was due to external injury?
‪외상성이라고‬ ‪판단하신 이유는 뭐죠?‬Park Gyu-sik's brain hemorrhage was due to external injury?
‪그야 다리미로 맞았으니까요‬Because he was beaten with an iron.
‪(의사2) 맞아서‬ ‪기절까지 했다고 들었습니다‬[doctor] I was told he lost consciousness after the blow.
‪박규식 씨의 머리뼈에‬ ‪골절이 있었나요?‬Examining Park Gyu-sik, did you find any skull fracture?
‪없었습니다‬No fracture, but…
‪박규식 씨의 머리에‬Was there any bruising or wounds to the head
‪다리미로 인해 찢어진 상처나‬ ‪멍이 있었습니까?‬Was there any bruising or wounds to the head that were caused by the impact of the iron?
‪아니요, 없었어요‬No, there weren't.
‪이렇게 막았다고 하니까요‬He said he blocked it like this.
‪그럼 팔에는 상처가 있었습니까?‬Did you discover any wounds on his arms?
‪뭐, 있긴 했는데‬ ‪심하진 않았습니다‬Well, there were some, but nothing too severe.
‪(영우) 그렇다면 다리미가‬So, then, why did you assume that the iron was that threatening
‪그토록 위협적이라고‬ ‪생각하신 이유가 뭐죠?‬So, then, why did you assume that the iron was that threatening
‪골절을 일으키지도 않았고‬ ‪심한 상처나 멍도 없었는데요‬when it did not cause fractures, severe wounds, or any bruises?
‪아니‬I, um…
‪제가 무슨 탐정입니까?‬I'm not a police detective.
‪(의사2) 환자가 다리미에 맞아서‬ ‪기절까지 했다고 하니까‬[doctor] They said he was hit with an iron and that he fainted because of it,
‪그걸 토대로 진단을 한 거죠‬[doctor] They said he was hit with an iron and that he fainted because of it, so I diagnosed him based on that.
‪진짜 다리미 때문인지 아닌지‬ ‪그런 것까지 제가‬Do I have to investigate precisely which wounds were due to the iron?
‪조사를 해야 돼요?‬Do I have to investigate precisely which wounds were due to the iron?
‪증인의 진단 때문에‬ ‪피고인이 감옥에 간다면‬I think you should if the defendant might wind up in prison due to your diagnosis.
‪그래야 하지 않을까요?‬I think you should if the defendant might wind up in prison due to your diagnosis.
‪(검사) [테이블을 탁 치며]‬ ‪이의 있습니다‬-[table pounds] -Objection!
‪변호인은 증인과‬ ‪논쟁을 하고 있습니다‬Your Honor, that question is argumentative.
‪인정합니다‬Sustain the objection.
‪변호인, 증인에게 질문만 하세요‬Counselor, confine yourself to simple questions.
‪'변호인, 증인에게 질문만 하세요'‬"Confine yourself to simple questions."
‪예, 예?‬Yes. Sorry?
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪[초조한 숨소리]‬[slow tense music]
‪[사람들이 웅성거린다]‬
‪[거친 숨을 고른다]‬[grunts]
‪(영우) 박규식 씨는 81세였습니다‬Park Gyu-sik was 81 years old. Are you aware of this fact, Witness?
‪증인, 알고 있습니까?‬Are you aware of this fact, Witness?
‪[헛웃음 치며] 네‬[scoffs] Yes.
‪박규식 씨는 치매 환자였습니다‬Park Gyu-sik had dementia. Were you also aware of this?
‪알고 있습니까?‬Park Gyu-sik had dementia. Were you also aware of this?
‪(영우) 뇌출혈의‬ ‪대표적인 전조 증상은‬Severe headaches are typical early signs of cerebral hematomas, are you aware?
‪심한 두통입니다‬Severe headaches are typical early signs of cerebral hematomas, are you aware?
‪- (영우) 알고 있습니까?‬ ‪- (의사2) 네‬Severe headaches are typical early signs of cerebral hematomas, are you aware? Yes.
‪박규식 씨는 사건 당일‬ ‪[의미심장한 음악]‬On the day of the incident,
‪[규식이 아파한다]‬ ‪(영우) 다리미에 맞기 전부터‬ ‪심한 두통을 앓았습니다‬the victim suffered from a severe headache before he was hit with the iron.
‪(규식) 아유, 깨질 거 같아‬before he was hit with the iron.
‪[힘겨운 신음]‬ ‪(영우) 알고 있습니까?‬Are you aware of this?
‪(의사2) 예?‬What?
‪(영우) '머리가 깨질 것마냥 아파‬ ‪소파에 누워 있는데'‬"I was laying on the couch because my head felt like it might split
‪'택배가 왔습니다'‬when a package arrived."
‪(영우) 박규식 씨가‬ ‪경찰 조사에서 했던 진술입니다‬[Young-woo] This is the statement Park Gyu-sik gave during the investigation.
‪몰랐습니다‬I wasn't made aware.
‪자발성 경막하 출혈은‬ ‪주로 노년층에서 관찰되며‬A spontaneous subdural hematoma is typically seen in the elderly and is a common occurrence for patients with dementia.
‪치매 환자에게 자주 발생합니다‬and is a common occurrence for patients with dementia.
‪맞습니까?‬and is a common occurrence for patients with dementia. Is this correct?
‪예‬-Yes. -With the patient, age 81,
‪(영우) 81세라는 고령의 나이와‬ ‪치매 병력‬-Yes. -With the patient, age 81, and a medical history of dementia,
‪사건 직전 호소했던‬ ‪심한 두통에도 불구하고‬despite the severe headache he complained about right before the incident,
‪증인은 아직도 박규식 씨가‬are you still certain Park Gyu-sik suffered from a subdural hematoma
‪외상성 경막하 출혈이라‬ ‪확신하십니까?‬Park Gyu-sik suffered from a subdural hematoma caused by a blow to the head?
‪자발성 경막하 출혈이었을‬ ‪가능성은 전혀 없습니까?‬caused by a blow to the head? Is there no chance it might have been a spontaneous subdural hematoma?
‪자발성 경막하 출혈이었을 가능성‬Could it be a spontaneous subdural hematoma?
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬[suspenseful music]
‪있는 거 같습니다‬Yes, it's possible.
‪[사람들이 웅성거린다]‬ ‪[밝은 음악]‬[bright music]
‪(명석) 박규식의 치료 기록과‬ ‪부검 자료를 토대로‬Based on Park Gyu-sik's medical record and autopsy report,
‪박규식의 병명과 사인이‬we submit a diagnosis that states his illness
‪질병에 의한‬ ‪자발성 경막하 출혈이라고 진단한‬we submit a diagnosis that states his illness and cause of death as a spontaneous subdural hematoma,
‪의학 전문가 3인의 진단서를‬ ‪추가 증거로 제출합니다‬written by three medical specialists as further evidence, Your Honor.
‪(영우) 재판장님‬[Young-woo] Your Honor!
‪증인의 말대로‬As the witness testified, Park Gyu-sik's brain hemorrhage
‪박규식 씨의 뇌출혈은‬ ‪피고인에게 맞아서 생긴 게 아니라‬As the witness testified, Park Gyu-sik's brain hemorrhage did not occur from being assaulted by the defendant,
‪원래 가진 질병에 의한 것일‬ ‪가능성이 있습니다‬but it is possible that it was caused by a pre-existing illness.
‪그렇다면‬So, I submit, there is no causal relationship
‪피고인의 상해와‬ ‪피해자의 사망 사이에는‬So, I submit, there is no causal relationship between the defendant's actions and the victim's death.
‪인과 관계가 없습니다‬between the defendant's actions and the victim's death.
‪피고인이 살인죄가 아닌‬ ‪상해죄로 재판받게 해 주십시오‬Please, Your Honor, let the defendant be tried for inflicting bodily injury, not murder.
‪어떻게 생각해요?‬What do you think?
‪공소장 변경 신청 할‬ ‪의향 있으십니까?‬Will the prosecution let for a change of indictment?
‪[노크 소리]‬
‪(준호) 변호사님‬Attorney Woo.
‪[가쁜 숨소리]‬
‪방금 선고 나왔습니다‬The ruling just came out.
‪살인죄는 무죄고요‬Not guilty of murder and probation for inflicting bodily injury. Congrats!
‪상해죄는 집행 유예 받았어요‬Not guilty of murder and probation for inflicting bodily injury. Congrats!
‪축하합니다‬Not guilty of murder and probation for inflicting bodily injury. Congrats!
‪아, 감사합니다‬Ah. Thank you very much.
‪아아, 그, 최영란 선생님이‬And, uh, Ms. Choi Yeong-ran wanted to see you, so I brought her here.
‪변호사님 만나고 싶어 하셔서‬ ‪모시고 왔어요‬And, uh, Ms. Choi Yeong-ran wanted to see you, so I brought her here.
‪잠시만요‬And, uh, Ms. Choi Yeong-ran wanted to see you, so I brought her here. -Wait just a moment. -[door opens]
‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬-Wait just a moment. -[door opens]
‪선생님, 오시죠‬Yes. This way.
‪[영란의 벅찬 숨소리]‬[Yeong-ran sighs]
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬[Yeong-ran sighs]
‪(영란) [울먹이며] 변호사 선생님‬[Yeong-ran] Attorney Woo.
‪감사합니다‬Thank you so much.
‪고맙습니다‬Thank you so much.
‪[영란이 흐느낀다]‬[mellow music]
‪[영란의 벅찬 숨소리]‬[soft chuckle]
‪(광호) 아유, 죄송합니다‬Oh, I'm sorry. We're actually just closed for the night…
‪지금 저희가 영업이 끝났…‬Oh, I'm sorry. We're actually just closed for the night…
‪[감성적인 음악]‬[somber music playing]
‪광호 선배‬Hello, Gwang-ho.
‪오랜만이네‬It's been a while.
‪(비서) 결혼식 때‬ ‪사고가 있었습니다‬ ‪[하객들의 박수]‬[Sec. Park] There was an incident during the wedding.
‪회장님 따님께서‬The chairman's daughter, she was wearing a magnificent strapless wedding dress,
‪어깨랑 소매가 없는‬ ‪웨딩드레스를 입고 계셨는데‬The chairman's daughter, she was wearing a magnificent strapless wedding dress,
‪신랑 신부가 행진할 때‬ ‪[화영의 놀란 숨소리]‬and as her husband let her down the aisle, the dress slipped down.
‪그 드레스가 흘러내렸습니다‬and as her husband let her down the aisle, the dress slipped down.
‪(주명) 저게 뭐꼬?‬[Ju-Myung] What is that?
‪아이고, 주님‬Oh, God.
‪(정구) 아비 망신 주려고‬ ‪작정했냐!‬[Jung-gu] Why do you always humiliate your father?
‪- (영우) 남편을 사랑합니까?‬ ‪- (화영) 네?‬-Do you love your husband? -Huh?
‪(준호) 자기야?‬Sweetie?
‪(준호) 최수연 변호사님은요?‬[Jun-ho] What about Attorney Choi Su-yeon?
‪- (영우) 틀렸어요‬ ‪- (준호) 네?‬-[Young-woo] You're wrong. -Huh?
‪(영우) 이준호 씨는‬ ‪저랑 결혼하셔야 돼요‬[Young-woo] You should be marrying me, Jun-ho.
‪(수미) 우영우?‬[Su-mi] Woo Young-woo?
‪재밌다‬That's funny.

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