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  나쁜엄마 1

The Good Bad Mother 1


 [여자머리부터 발끝까지

There are two animals

 하나도 버릴  없는 동물이 있어

that are useful from their head to toe.

[잔잔한 음악]

that are useful from their head to toe. Do you know what they are?

그게 뭔지 알아?

Do you know what they are?



그리고 돼지

and pigs.

돼지 하면

Everyone thinks pigs are dirty and smelly,

모두가 더럽고 냄새나는 동물이라고 생각하지만

Everyone thinks pigs are dirty and smelly,

사실 그렇지가 않아

but that's not the case.

돼지는 똥오줌도 한자리에서만 누고

They not only do their business in one place, but they also only sleep where it's clean.

잠도 깨끗한 데서만 

but they also only sleep where it's clean. They bathe often in mud to cool themselves

체온을 낮추고 벌레를  내려고

They bathe often in mud to cool themselves

진흙 목욕도 자주 하고 말이야

and get rid of bugs.

그런데 사람들이 그런 돼지를

But humans started to lock them up in tiny pigsties.

좁은 우리에 억지로 가둬 놓은 거지

But humans started to lock them up in tiny pigsties.

결국 진흙으로 목욕을   없게  돼지는

The pigs couldn't bathe in mud anymore,

자신의 똥과 오줌에 몸을 비비게 됐고

so they began to rub their bodies on their own excrement.

그렇게 점점  더러워지고 난폭하게 변해  거야

That's how they grew dirtier and more aggressive.

 가엾지 않니?

Isn't that so sad?

그런데 진짜 가여운  말이야

However, what's really sad is this.

돼지는 고개를  수가 없어서

Pigs are unable to lift their heads, so they live their entire life staring at the ground.

평생 땅만 보고 살아야 한다는 거야

so they live their entire life staring at the ground.

- [꿀꿀대는 소리] - 오직

There is only one way for a pig to look up at the sky.

돼지가 하늘을   있는 유일한 방법은 하나

There is only one way for a pig to look up at the sky.

[꿀꿀대는 소리]

그건 바로


넘어지는 거지

to fall down.


That's right.

넘어져 봐야

Falling down

이제까지   없었던  다른 세상을   있는 거야

is a way for you to see another world, a world you have never seen before,

돼지도 그리고 사람도

both for pigs and people.


I got you!


I got you!

이야! [웃음] - [경쾌한 음악]

- [경쾌한 음악이 흘러나온다] - [영순] ♪ 나는 행복합니다 ♪

I am happy

♪ 나는 행복합니다 ♪

I am happy

♪ 나는 행복합니다 ♪

I am happy

♪ 정말 정말 행복합니다 ♪

I am very very happy



식사 시키신 !

Food delivery!

[멍멍 짖는 소리]

다들 여기 모여 계셨네요

You were all gathered here.

- [남자1] 아이고 - [영순안녕하세요

-Goodness! -Hello!

[남자1]  혼자 이런다

You're at it by yourself again.

[남자1, 영순의 웃음]

- [영순감사합니다 [웃음] - [남자1] 

-Thank you. -Sure.

[남자1 만류하는 소리]

여자가  힘이 있다고

It's too heavy for a woman.

아이아이사장님 - [남자1 힘주는 소리]

Goodness, sir.

[영순의 놀란 탄성]

- [남자1] 아이고 - [ 짖는 소리]


- [영순의 웃음] - [남자1 힘겨운 신음]



Goodness. You're right.

여자가  힘이 있다고

It's too heavy for a woman.

[남자1 힘겨운 신음]

It's too heavy for a woman. Hey!


[밝은 음악]

- [ 울음소리] - [영순의 힘주는 소리]



Hi. Young-soon!

[남자2] 영순 


[남자2 힘주는 소리]

영순 이거 가져가 잡숴 봐요

Young-soon, take these with you.

[ 울음소리]


[남자3, 영순의 옅은 웃음]

[살짝 웃으며모자란  다음 달에 줄게

I'll give you the rest next month.

[소들의 울음소리]

[힘주는 소리]

[남자4] 아이고


영순 고생했어 - [영순

-Thank you, Young-soon. -Sure.

[남자4] 이거 이거 금방  거라 맛있을 거야

Here. These are fresh so it'll be delicious.

[영순의 힘주는 소리]

- [영순감사합니다 - [여자쭉쭉

-Thank you. -Drink up.

[영순의 시원한 소리]

[여자이거 사장님 갖다드려

-Gosh, that's refreshing. -Give this to your boss.

이거 오디네요?


남자한테 그렇게 좋대

They're great for men.

사장님 [웃음] - [여자의 웃음]

They're great for men. -Gosh, ma'am! -Gosh.

[염소들의 울음소리]

[자동차 시동음]


[오토바이 경적]

[사장이 구시렁댄다]

This is nuts.

[사장이건  뭐야?

What's this?

[영순그거 시골서 직접 농사지은 고춧가루래요

That's red chili powder made with farm-grown peppers.


Screw that.

시골에서 직접 농사  지은 고춧가루도 있디야?

Of course all red chili powders are from farms.

그럼 이건  구로 공단서 조립해  거여?

Then what about these? Were they assembled in a factory?

[영순이 살짝 웃는다]

아이고쓰잘데기없이 이런   갖다주지 말고 

Tell them to stop giving us these useless things

외상값들이나  갚으라 그래

and pay us what they owe.


I forgot.

[영순조수석에 오디도 있는데

There are mulberries in the car.

아니그게 남자 몸에 그렇게 좋다고

It's apparently great for men,

염소 농장 은주 아줌마가 사장님  갖다드리래요

and Ms. Eun-ju from the goat farm told me to make sure you receive it.

은주 ?

Ms. Eun-ju?

아니은주 씨가 어찌 남자한테 좋은 것을

Why did she give me something…

[흥미로운 음악]

Why did she give me something…

나한테 줬을까?

that's good for men?

[사장의 생각하는 숨소리]

♪ 오디가 어데로 갔나 어데로 갔나오디가 ♪

Mulberry, where are you? Where are you? Where?



They're both so obvious.

[영순 [살짝 웃는다]


[딸랑거리는 소리]

어서 오세요


[밝은 음악]

[드르륵 서랍 여는 소리]

[문이 드르륵 닫힌다]

[출입문 종소리]

[긴장한 숨소리]

- [서랍을  닫는다] - [해식저기바쁘시죠?

Well, you must be busy.

[돼지 울음소리]

Well, you must be busy.



[영순상갓집 가세요?

Are you going to a funeral?




Well, Young-soon.

[해식엄청 예쁘죠?

She's pretty, isn't she?

아침에 밥도

She ate well this morning and…




저랑 결혼해 주십시오

Will you marry me?

[차분한 음악]

- [작게잘해야  - [꿀꿀대는 소리]

Do a good job. Go.

[해식이 중얼거린다]

Go to her.

- [꿀꿀대는 소리] - [어색한 웃음]



Come here.

오디가 다네오디가 달아

These mulberries are sweet.

[해식어디 ?

-Where are you going? -No!

- [영순의 다급한 소리] - 인마거기 !

-No! -Hey, wait!

- [사장뭐야방금? - [영순어디 ?

-No! -Hey!

- [유쾌한 음악] - [해식 일로  !

-Get back here! -Goodness. -Catch it! -Hey, piggy!

- [영순잡아어떡해! - [해식이리 !

-Catch it! -Hey, piggy!

- [영순저기요! - [남자1]  돼지여?

-Catch it! -What's that? -What's that? -Goodness.

- [웅성거리는 소리] - [해식인마

-It's running away! -Stop right there!


-Hey! -The pig!


-Hey! -The pig!

돼지돼지  잡아 주세요!

Please catch the pig!


The pig!

[사람들의 놀란 소리]

The pig!

- [해식잡아잡아잡아 - [영순돼지야돼지야

-Hey, catch it. -Hey! -Catch it! -Hey!

- [웅성거리는 소리] - [해식 어디 가냐?

-Catch it! -Hey! Hey, where are you going?

일로 갔어일로 - [사람들의 다급한 소리]

-Come here. -Catch it.

잡아 - [남자2] 뭐야?

Catch it!

[해식저거  재산이여 저거 잡아저거 잡아

You have to catch it! Go that way. Where did it go?

어디 있냐?

Go that way. Where did it go? -Where did it go? -Where did it go?

- [영순어디 갔지? - [뻥튀기 장수뻥이요!

-Where did it go? -Where did it go? Rice pop!

- [] - [사람들의 놀란 소리]

-That scared me! -Are you okay?

[해식괜찮아요많이 파세요

-That scared me! -Are you okay? Have a good one.

잠깐여기 있다여기 있었잖아

-There. -That scared me! -It was here. -A pig.

[영순어디 있어요돼지?

-Where? -It's a pig!

[해식저기야저기 있어 돼지아유사장님

Over there! -Hey, come here! -Over here.

어디 ! - [영순의 다급한 소리]

-Where are you going? -No!

저거 잡아 주세요!

-Oh, no! -Can you catch that pig?

- [해식여기  닫아! - [영순어떡해

-Goodness. -Where?

[꿀꿀대는 소리]

One more pork belly, please.

[손님여기 삼겹살 하나 추가요

One more pork belly, please.



[꿀꿀대는 소리]

What's that noise? -Look. -What?

[웅성거리는 소리]

-Look. -What? -What's that? -Oh, my!

[사람들의 놀란 소리]

-What's that? -Oh, my!

- [영순 잠깐만 - [해식  

-Goodness! -Wait. -What's that? -Where are you?


-What's that? -Where are you? I got it!

[사람들의 의아한 소리]


- [영순잡았다 - [해식아유


[영순해식의 웃음]

Goodness. This little…


I don't want it.

삼겹살 먹네나갑시다

They're having pork belly. Let's leave.

맛있게 드세요

Enjoy. Let's go.

[사람들의 의아한 소리]

-What? -Go ahead and eat.

- [사장잡았네잡았어잡았어 - [남자1] 잡았어잡았어?

-They caught it. -They did? -They did! -We did.

진짜 잡았네? - [해식잡았어요

-They did! -We did. -Good job! -Hey.

- [남자1 웃음] - [웅성거리는 소리]

-Good job! -Hey.

[해식저기영순  잠시잠깐만요잠시만요

Young-soon, one second.

제가 지금 이렇게 됐지만

It didn't go as planned,

다음번에는 제가 진짜 확실하게 교육을 시켜 가지고서

but next time, I promise I'll train the pig better

 번에 요렇게    있도록

so that it can go directly to you next time.

제가 다음번엔 잘할  있도록 하겠습니다

so that it can go directly to you next time.

[영순다음번에  결혼하시게요?

You're going to get married again?

다음 결혼  합니다

No, I'm not.

무슨 말을 하시는 겁니까?

What are you talking about? I…


What are you talking about? I… What?

[잔잔한 음악]

That means you'll…

[해식그러면 이걸

That means you'll…

[해식이 울먹인다]


Thank you!


Thank you! Thank you!

- [남자2 탄성] - [사람들의 박수]

[사장저거  것도 없으면서

No wonder you always came to our shop when you had nothing to buy.

그냥 뻔질나게 드나들 때부터 알아봤어내가 그냥

No wonder you always came to our shop when you had nothing to buy.

[사람들의 웃음]

No wonder you always came to our shop when you had nothing to buy.


Hey, wait!

그럼 우리 미스  가게 그만두는 거여?

Does this mean you're going to quit?



나는  결혼 반대여?

I don't approve of this marriage!

 결혼 무효여무효! - [해식 반대여

-What do you mean? -It's off! -It can't happen! -Move it.

[남자3] 비켜 비켜  

-It can't happen! -Move it. I'll take a picture for you. Look over here.

내가 사진 하나 찍어  테니까 여기 한번  

I'll take a picture for you. Look over here.


Goodness, you two are cute.

하나돼지 - [해식이야

One, two, say piggy!

[카메라 셔터음]

One, two, say piggy!

[남자1] 누전이나 합선된 데도 없고

The circuits look fine. Your electrical system looks good.

전기 시설은 이상 없네요

The circuits look fine. Your electrical system looks good. -Really? -Sparks are quite dangerous,


-Really? -Sparks are quite dangerous,

[남자1] 스파크 튀는  제일 위험하니까

-Really? -Sparks are quite dangerous, so make sure you dust often.

먼지만 자주자주 제거해 주세요

so make sure you dust often.

 뿌리실  특히 조심하시고요

Be careful when you spray water.


All right. Thank you.

[남자1] 고맙긴요  일인데요

No need to thank me. It's my job.

요즘 돈사 화재 출동이 잦아서 서에서도 아주 비상이에요

We're busy at the fire station -with frequent piggery fires. -I see.

 그럼 다음에 순찰    들를게요

I'll stop by next time I'm on patrol.


Hold on.

이거이거 받아라

Take this.

아니얼마 전에 돌이었다면서애기

I heard your baby just turned one!

아버지한테 얘기 들었어

I heard your baby just turned one! Your father told me.

옷이라도     - [남자1] 아유아니에요형님

-Buy your kid some clothes. -Goodness, it's okay.

 형님 결혼식도   뵀는데

I couldn't even go to your wedding.

- [해식별소리를   - [남자1 난감한 소리]

Don't say that.

어머니 병원 때문에

I know you spend all your weekends with your mother at the hospital.

주말마다 거기서 사는  누가 모르냐?

I know you spend all your weekends with your mother at the hospital.

쓰읍 마음에 걸리면은

If it bothers you that much,

나중에 우리 애기   와서 축하나   

you can come to my kid's first birthday.


What? That means…

 아빠 된다!

I'm going to be a dad!

[남자1 환호]

I'm going to be a dad!

- [밝은 음악] - [함께 웃는다]

[남자1] 축하드려요!

-Congratulations! -My heart is racing!


-Congratulations! -My heart is racing!

아유내가 이야이거 얼마나 좋냐

My gosh. Isn't this great?

예정일이 언제예요?

When is the baby due?

[해식내년 9용띠야용띠

Next September, the Year of the Dragon.

이게 300년마다   돌아온다는 쌍팔년 쌍용띠야

It's the Year of the Double Dragon in the year '88 that only comes around once every 300 years. Look at this.

이거이거  이제 작명 공부 한다

Look at this. I want to give my kid the best name,

우리 새끼 최고 좋은 이름 지어  거라고

I want to give my kid the best name, so I've been studying this.

 이거 공부하는데  들어  

so I've been studying this.


Kang-cheol. Kang-su. Kang-jun.

우리가 이번에   돌림이거든?

Kang is the generational syllable.


Kang-hun. Kang-sik. -Kang-min. -What if the baby's a girl?

[남자1] 딸이면 어쩌려고요?

-Kang-min. -What if the baby's a girl? Kang-hui. Kang-sun.


Kang-hui. Kang-sun. Kang-ja.

강미 [웃음]


나도  준비하고 있다고?

Hey, I'm prepared for everything.


And look at this too.


이제 딸인지 아들인지 몰라 갖고   준비했다

I don't know if it'll be a boy or a girl, so I got both.

[함께 웃는다]


내년 9월이면 이제  생긴 건데 벌써 이름까지

The baby's not due for a while, and you're studying names already.

진짜 엄청 좋으신가 보다

You must be very excited.

엄청 좋지

Of course I am!

근데 사람은   달이나 걸리냐?

Anyway, why does it take ten months for humans?

돼지들처럼    만에

Why can't humans give birth in four months like pigs?

순풍순풍 낳으면  되는 거야? - [남자1 웃음]

Why can't humans give birth in four months like pigs? Right?

[남자1] 그러게요


그럼 저도

I'll also think of a good name

''으로 시작되는 좋은 이름 있나 생각해 볼게요

I'll also think of a good name -that begins with Kang. -No, don't.

아니아니야그러지  생각하지 

-that begins with Kang. -No, don't. You don't need to. I'm going to do it.

내가 지을 거야  절대 생각하지 알았지?

I'm going to do it. Don't you dare name my kid, okay?



Thanks, Sang-cheol. Bye.


Bye now.

[ 열리는 소리]


All right.

[드르륵 서랍 닫는 소리]

All right.


Yong-yong, my Double Dragon. Daddy made this.

으아많이 모았어요

YONG-YONG This is all for you.

[흐뭇한 소리]


[남자2] 형님!


- [ 열리는 소리] - [남자2 가쁜 숨소리]

형님 - [해식

-Hae-sik. -Yes?

모돈사에   보세요 - [해식?

-I need you at the breeding house. -Why?


She's doing it again.

? - [남자2] 

-Again? -Yes.

- [드르륵 서랍 여닫는 소리] - 알았어가자

Okay. Let's go.

[해식인마 아프지도 않냐?

Hey, piggy. Doesn't it hurt?

뭐가 그렇게 괴로워서 머리를 박아 ?

What makes you so miserable that you bang your head?

 속의 애기들도 생각을 해야지

Think of the babies in your womb.

에미가 돼서 그러면 쓰냐?

You shouldn't do that as a mother.

[영순여기 계셨네요

-Here you are. -Hey, you're here.


-Here you are. -Hey, you're here.

  이렇게 했어

She did it again.

- [돼지 울음소리] - [안쓰러운 소리]

[TV  아나운서내무부가 선진국 도약을 위한

The Ministry of Home Affairs began environmental improvement projects

환경 정비 사업에 착수했습니다

The Ministry of Home Affairs began environmental improvement projects to take a leap into developed nations.

지방 도로 포장 사업을 - [해식영순의 말소리]

More resources have been allocated to paving local roads

서울 올림픽 이전에 완공하기 위해

More resources have been allocated to paving local roads

인력과 장비를 확충하는  - [해식의 음미하는 소리]

to complete the project before the Seoul Olympics,

공사에 박차를 가하고 있습니다 - [해식너무 맛있어

to complete the project before the Seoul Olympics, -hastening the process. -It's so good.

- [TV 소리] - 우리 애기는

Our baby is probably only tiny,

이제 겨우 요만할 텐데도

Our baby is probably only tiny,

벌써부터 이렇게 속도  좋고 힘든데

Our baby is probably only tiny, but I'm already feeling morning sickness.

어미 돼지는  속에 새끼를  마리나 넣고

But that mother pig carries ten piglets.

얼마나 힘들겠어요

But that mother pig carries ten piglets. It must be so tough.

그건 그런데

That's true.

다른 어미들까지  스트레스받을까 

But I'm worried she'll stress out

[해식그게 걱정이지

the other mother pigs.

예민한 시기에 유산이라도 하면 큰일 나니까

It's a sensitive time, and they need to stay healthy.

그럼 따로 분리를  놓는  어때요?

Why don't you separate them?

[영순집의 창고 비었잖아요

Our storage is empty.


Should I do that?

내가 우리도 만들어 주고

I'll make a pigsty,

아침저녁으로 사료 주면서 돌볼게요

feed it every day, and look after it.


Nonsense! You're in early pregnancy.

당신 임신 초기야 지금 제일 조심해야  때야?

Nonsense! You're in early pregnancy. You need to be the most careful right now.

무리하면 이런 것도 들면  ?

Don't strain yourself. Don't even do this. I'll do everything.

[해식이거 내가  할게?

I'll do everything.

- [웃으며 괜찮아 - [해식절대

-I'm fine. -No. It's for our Yong-yong.

우리 용용이가  괜찮아

It's for our Yong-yong.

용용이  하는지 내가 한번

Let's see what our baby is up to.

… - [해식가만있어  [웃음]

-My gosh. -One second.



[영순의 웃음]

오늘 아빠랑 얘기하는 날이야

You and I are going to have a chat today.

- [영순이 살짝 웃는다] - 

You and I are going to have a chat today. Here.


Yong-yong, respond, over.

- [밝은 음악] - '아빠 

Can you say, "Daddy"?


Say, "Daddy."

- [살짝 웃는다] - [해식

I just heard our baby say it. I mean it.

[영순의 웃음]

I just heard our baby say it. I mean it.

했다했다니까진짜로 했다니까

I just heard our baby say it. I mean it.

가만가만있어  - [영순이 웃으며에이진짜

-One second. -I can't believe you.



[해식그거를 지금

I see. I have to do that now?

엄마하고 뽀뽀를 진하게 … - [영순의 웃음]

I have to give Mommy a big kiss?


I have to give Mommy a big kiss? Thank you.

[영순의 웃음]

[함께 웃는다]

[ 열리는 소리]


Oh, my.

여기는 애가 나오기도 전에 하나  들어서겄네

You might have another child before that one's born.

- [해식아이고반장님 - [영순의 멋쩍은 웃음]


- [반장의 웃음] - 문의 딸랑이가 고장 났나

Is our doorbell broken?

이거  드셔요

-Have some of this. -Hello.


-Have some of this. -Hello. -Have a mung bean pancake. -Goodness.


-Have a mung bean pancake. -Goodness.

역시 이거 마누라가 있으니까

I can get a treat like this now that you have a wife.

이런 것도 챙겨 주고? - [해식의 멋쩍은 소리]

I can get a treat like this now that you have a wife.

[해식이 코를 훌쩍댄다]

진짜 맛있네?

This is really good.


Right? Isn't it great?

[해식영순의 웃음]

Right? Isn't it great?

근데 반장님 어쩐 일로 오셨어요?

Anyway, what brings you here, Chief?

[반장자네랑 긴히 상의할 일이 있어서

I have something to discuss with you.


I have something to discuss with you. -I see. -You know

[반장  올림픽 성화 봉송 알지?

-I see. -You know about the Olympics torch relay, right?

횃불 들고  이렇게 뛰는 

about the Olympics torch relay, right?

그럼 알죠

Yes, I know.

이번 서울 올림픽 성화가 봉우로로 해서

For the Seoul Olympics, the relay will go through Bongu-ro and right out front.

[반장 바로 앞길로 지나간다네

the relay will go through Bongu-ro and right out front.

- [해식 앞으로? - [영순정말요?

-Right here? -Really?


What an honor.

그럼 우리 성화 봉송은

Does this mean we get to see the torch relay live?

직접 우리 눈으로   있는 거예요?

Does this mean we get to see the torch relay live?

그래서 말인데

That's why I thought of gathering the villagers

우리도 마을 사람들  동원해서

That's why I thought of gathering the villagers

태극기랑 플래카드 이런    흔들어 줄까 하는데

to cheer the runners with Korean flags and banners.


That sounds great.

[영순정말 좋은 생각이에요

That's a wonderful idea.

그럼 태극기랑 플래카드 제가 만들어도 돼요?

Then may I make the flags and banners?

 그림  그려요

I'm a good artist.

여보여보 무리하면무리하면  돼요

Honey, you shouldn't strain yourself.


Strain myself? This is all for our country.

이게  나라를 위한 일인데

Strain myself? This is all for our country.

제가 해도 되죠?

May I do that?


Of course!

제수씨가  주시면 감사하죠

-I'd be grateful! -No, you can't.

  되지 - [영순의 웃음]

-I'd be grateful! -No, you can't.

아이괜찮아 - [해식에이

Come on.

[해식영순의 웃음]

[흥얼거리는 소리]


♪ 사랑하니까 ♪

Love forever

[해식그래서 이게 뭡니까?

So what is this?

성화 봉송 때문에

You're going to demolish my farm

우리 농장을 철거한다고요?

because of the torch relay?

- [남자1] 성화 봉송도 봉송이지만 - [무거운 음악]

That's just one of the reasons.

이쪽으로 마라톤 코스가 생긴다잖아요

The marathon will also be held down this road.

생각   보시오

Think about it.

 세계로다가 방송이 나갈 텐데

The whole world will watch it on TV.

화면에 이렇게 더럽고 냄새나는 돼지 농장이 잡히면

The whole world will watch it on TV. If the TV captures this dirty, smelly pigsty,

외국 사람들이 우리나라를 얼마나 후지게 보겠냐고

foreigners are going to think Korea is a backwater country.

 그래요? - [해식이보시오

-Don't you think so? -Hey.

[남자1] 그러니까

We're all doing this out of patriotism.

  애국하는 마음으로다가 그러는 거니까

We're all doing this out of patriotism. -Honey. -Honey.

- [영순여보 - [해식여보

-Honey. -Honey.

- [영순이거  - [해식 만들었네

-Look. -That's a good one.


Who are they?

아니들어가들어가 있어

Nobody. Go back inside.

저희 일해야 되니까 바쁘니까 들어가세요?

We have to get to work. We're busy, so please leave.

[남자1]  밀치시네?

-Don't push me. -No, please go.

[해식아니가시라고 가세요가세요빨리

-Don't push me. -No, please go. Please leave now.

[남자2] 얻다 손을 ?

How dare you lay a hand on me?

- [영순의 놀란 소리] - [해식뭐야

-What are you doing? Let go! -No!


-Let go, you bastards! -What are you people doing?

[영순당신들  하는 거야지금

-Let go, you bastards! -What are you people doing?


-Let go, you bastards! -What are you people doing? Go back inside.

[남자3 옅은 기침]

 새끼들아 ? - [남자3] 조용조용조용!

-Who do you think you are? -Let go! Quiet down!



이거 조용조용 공손하게 설명해 드리라 캤더마는

I told you to explain it to him quietly and with respect.

  하는 자식이니?

What are you doing right now?

[남자2 신음]

 하는 기가자식이

What are you doing, you punk?


Darn it.

[거친 숨소리]

- [ 내려놓는 소리] - 아이고죄송합니대이

Goodness, I'm sorry.

평생을 무식하게 주먹질이나 했지

All he's ever done is fight.

배운  없어 놔서

He's not educated.


He's not educated. Well…

[남자3 가쁜 숨소리]

[옅게 웃으며아이고 여기 있습니다

Take this.

[ 내뱉는 숨소리]


So… Have you heard of Major League Baseball in the US?

메이저 리그라고 아시죠?

Have you heard of Major League Baseball in the US? DIRECTOR SONG WOO-BYEOK


DIRECTOR SONG WOO-BYEOK The best pitcher on the Boston Red Sox,

보스턴 레드삭스 최고의 투수 로저 클레멘스

The best pitcher on the Boston Red Sox, Roger Clemens smokes these.

글마가 피우는 깁니다 이기

Roger Clemens smokes these.

[우벽이 웃으며패트리어트 미사일은 가져와도

We may be able to import Patriot missiles, but these are really tough to bring into the country.

이거는 진짜 빡세 갖고  가져오는 깁니다

but these are really tough to bring into the country.

- [무거운 음악] - [살짝 웃으며이거   풋고

Please have a smoke

마음  푸시지예

and forgive us.

이런 양담배

You smoke foreign cigarettes

태우면서 애국이요?

and talk about patriotism?

[해식성화 봉송이든 마라톤이든

I don't care if it's the torch relay or the marathon.

아무리 천천히 걸어도 우리 농장 30초도  나와요

Even at a snail's pace, our farm will be on TV for less than 30 seconds.


And the smell?

외국 테레비에서는 냄새도 나온답니까?

Do TVs abroad broadcast smells?

여기 우리 할아버지의 할아버지 때부터

We've run this farm for generations,

대대로 이어  집안 가보 같은 농장입니다

since the days of my grandfather's grandfather.

 아들한테도 물려줄 거고

I'm going to leave it to my son,

 손자의 손자한테도 물려줄 겁니다

and to his grandson and his grandson too!

해서  여기는 절대로 도장  찍어 주니까

So I'll never sign this form!

다시는 찾아오지 마쇼?

Don't ever come back here. Understand?


You must be shocked. Let's go inside.



[문이  닫힌다]

많이 먹고 기운 차리자

Eat up and get well soon

그래야 새끼들도 건강하게 낳지

so that you'll have a healthy delivery.

[달그락대는 소리]



[영순창고로 옮겨 놓길 잘했어요

I'm glad we put her in the storage.


I'm glad we put her in the storage. -Right. -She's much calmer now.

[영순얼마나 얌전해졌는지 몰라

-Right. -She's much calmer now.

맞습니다그러니까 반장님

You're right. So Chief, no matter how important the Olympics is,

아무리 올림픽이 중요해도

So Chief, no matter how important the Olympics is,

법적으로 엄연히 개인 재산인데

these are lawfully our personal assets.

그걸 지들이  어쩌겠습니까?

What can they do about it? We have to hold out no matter what.

[해식그러니까 무조건 버텨야 돼요

What can they do about it? We have to hold out no matter what.

반장님 중심으로 철거 반대 투쟁위도 만들어 가지고

We should put together an anti-demolition committee

끝까지 싸워야 돼요아시겠죠?

and fight until the end, okay?

 이거 그냥  넘어갑니다

I won't condone this.

 당장 변호사 만나고 오겠습니다

I'll meet with an attorney right away.

알겠습니다 연락드리겠습니다

Yes, I'll call you later. Bye.


벌써 시간이 이렇게 애들  줘야 되는데

Goodness, look at the time. -I have to feed the pigs. -Hey.


-I have to feed the pigs. -Hey.



돼지  내가 줬어요

I already fed the pigs.

여보가? - [영순

-You did? -Yes.


Why did you do that? It's tough on you.

당신이  힘들잖아

Things are tougher for you.




Don't worry about it.

 알지 절대 포기  

You know me, right? I'll never give up.


I won't lose.

왜인  알아?

Do you know why?

 여기 우리 여보  있지

Look, I got you right here,

그리고 우리 용용이도 여기  있지

and I got Yong-yong here too!

내가 누구한테 

How can I lose to anybody?

 잘될 겁니다

Everything will be fine.

[어두운 음악]

- [ 짖는 소리] - [주르륵 쏟는 소리]

[달그락거리는 소리]

[긴장되는 음악]

[딸깍 닫는 소리]



-Fire! -Fire!


-Fire! -Fire! -Fire! -There's a fire!


-Fire! -There's a fire!


-Fire! -There's a fire! -Fire! -Fire!

- [영순의 의아한 소리] - [밖이 소란스럽다]

-Fire! -Fire!


-Fire! -Fire! -Fire! -Fire!

- [사람들의 다급한 소리] - [바람이  분다]

-Fire! -Fire! -Fire! -Over there!



- [해식? - [영순여보!

What is it? Honey!

- [해식여보? - [영순여보

What? What's going on?

[영순의 놀란 소리]

What? What's going on? Where's the fire?

[무거운 음악]

[남자아유이거 어떡하냐?

Oh, no! Call the firehouse!

소방차소방차   오냐고!

Oh, no! Call the firehouse! Where's the firetruck?


-No! -No!

[사람들의 만류하는 소리]

-You can't go in! -No!

[해식빨리  빼내야 돼요

-I have to go in! -Don't go!

 ! - [영순여보여보 !

-Let go! -No, you can't! -Goodness, no! -Goodness!

  ! - [해식!

-No! -Let go!

쟤네들이 죽어 가고 있잖아 이러면  되잖아?

-No! -Let go! My pigs are dying in there! This isn't right!

아무리   하는 짐승이어도

Even pigs don't deserve to die like this!

이렇게 죽으면  되잖아!

Even pigs don't deserve to die like this!

[영순이 흐느끼며  여보미안해

No! Honey, I'm sorry.

근데 나도  돼요 나도  돼요 

But you can't go in there. I can't let you go in there.

[영순이 흐느낀다]

I can't let you go in there.

[해식이 흐느낀다]


Why? Why?!

[해식의 절망하는 탄성]

[사이렌 소리]

[남자내가   눈으로 똑똑히 봤어

I saw it with my own two eyes.

- [차분한 음악] - 새벽에 오줌 누러 나갔다가

I came out to take a leak earlier,

 짖는 소리가 하도 요란해서 보니깐

and I heard the dogs barking

 시커먼 놈들이  앞을 기웃거리고 있더라고

and saw some dark figures lurking around.

저게 누군가 하고 가만히 보니까

I kept watching to see who they were,

 며칠 동네 돌아댕기던  용라건설 놈들이잖아

and they were those punks from Yongra Construction.

저놈들이  새벽에  일인가 하는데

I wondered why they were here in the middle of the night,

갑자기 시뻘건 불길이  치솟는 거라

then I suddenly saw these flames. See?

[반장 내가 그놈들 짓일 거라고 했지?

See? -I told you it would be them. -Are you sure?

[해식확실해요확실히   맞아요?

-I told you it would be them. -Are you sure? -Are you sure it was them? -Yes!


-Are you sure it was them? -Yes!



- [해식여보 - [영순이거이거

-Honey. -Look at this.

그때  사람이 피우던 미국 담배 맞죠?

It's the American brand that man was smoking, right?

[생각하는 숨소리]

[목을 가다듬으며 맞습니다

You're right.

[우벽제가 피우는 담배랑 같은 깁니다

That's the same brand as the ones I smoke.

근데 그게  문제 있습니까?

Is that a problem?

[검사 담배는 미국 내수용 담배로

These cigarettes are only sold in the US,

국내에 정식 수입  적이 없습니다

and they've never been imported here.

일반인들은 구하기조차 힘든  담배가

Which means it's not easy for ordinary people to buy these. However, this cigarette butt was found near the victim's farm,

최근 피고인과 철거 문제로 갈등을 빚었던

However, this cigarette butt was found near the victim's farm,

피해자의 화재 농장 근처에서 발견됐다는 

who recently had a dispute with the defendant over the demolition.

피고인 본인의 담배일 가능성이 매우 높다는 것입니다

It means there is a high possibility this cigarette belongs to the defendant.

대일부동산   아이씨

Well, Mr. Kim of Daeil Real Estate.

- [ ? - [우벽처음 인사드리러  

Me? When I first went to see you, I gave you a cigarette, didn't I?

제가 담배   드렸다 아입니까?

When I first went to see you, I gave you a cigarette, didn't I?

[ 아니   피웠는데?

I didn't smoke it.

[우벽전파사 사장님   드맀고

I also gave one to the radio shop owner.

그라고 반장님 반장님도 드렸지예?

And the village chief too. Chief, you got one too.

 그날 받자마자 피웠어  사람아!

I smoked it that day!

[판사조용히 하세요

-Silence. -Who knows?

[우벽그거야 모를 일이죠

-Silence. -Who knows?



그럼 내가 방화범이란 말이야?

Are you saying I started the fire?

- [판사조용히 하시라고요 - [무거운 음악]

I said, silence!

글쎄그러니까 뭔가를  거는 맞는데

Well, yes, I did see something.

가만히 생각해 보니깐 그게 사람이었는지 멧돼지였는지

But come to think of it, I'm not sure if it was a man or a boar.

[남자 들개 같아 보이기도 했고

Right, maybe a wild dog.


Yes, you're right.

지붕에다가 새로 페인트칠을 해야 됐었는데

We had to repaint the roof,

계속 비가 오다 보니까 페인트랑 신나 통이랑

but recently it kept raining, so we kept the buckets of paint and thinner inside the farm.

 농장 안에다가 보관하고 있었어요

so we kept the buckets of paint and thinner inside the farm.

저희가 갖고 있던   통뿐이었어요

We only had two buckets!

[해식근데 현장에서 발견된  다섯 통이 넘습니다

But more than five buckets were at the scene!

이건 분명히 방화입니다!

This was clearly arson!

- [판사조용히 하세요! - 


방화보다는 전기 합선일 가능성이 높습니다

There's a better chance that the cause was a short circuit than arson.

[상철사실 평소

Actually, there were a lot of problems with the electrical system at the farm.

농장 전기 시설에 문제가  많았거든요

there were a lot of problems with the electrical system at the farm.

 번이나 시정 권고를 했는데

I urged him to get it fixed, but he never took adequate measures.

제대로  조치가 이루어지지 않았습니다

I urged him to get it fixed, but he never took adequate measures.

[해식상철아   그래인마!

Hey, Sang-cheol! What's with you?

[판사조용히 하시라고요!




[판사담배꽁초를 검사  추측만으로는

It is difficult to acknowledge the cigarette butt as evidence

증거물로 납득하기 어려운 

purely on the presumption of the prosecution.

피고인이 직접 방화하였다고 인정할 만한

Also, no witnesses or tools of arson were found to support the claim

목격자나 범행 도구가

Also, no witnesses or tools of arson were found to support the claim that the defendant started the fire.

발견되지 않은  등에 비추어  

that the defendant started the fire. For such reasons,

신빙성이 없다고 판단되는바

the indictment is ruled as not credible.

무죄를 선고한다

The defendant is innocent.


That's right!

- [땅땅땅] - [우벽의 웃음]

[검사의 한숨]


Hey, Sang-cheol.



내가 너한테  얘기가  있어

I have something to say.

[상철가까이가까이 오지 마요

-Stay away from me. -Sang-cheol.

[해식상철아 그런  아니고인마

-Stay away from me. -Sang-cheol. -It's not that. -Don't come near me!

- [상철가까이 오지 마요! - [해식상철아!

-It's not that. -Don't come near me! Sang-cheol!


Sang-cheol! Sang-cheol!

[해식의  내뱉는 숨소리]

[녹음  상철 어머니 수술비가 필요했어요

I needed money for my mother's surgery.

아무리 버팅기고 지랄해 봤자

They said no matter how much you hold out and resist,

나라에서 강제로 수용해 버리면 끝이라는 말에

it'll be over once the state decides to bulldoze the pig farm.


I'm sorry. Hae-sik.

[녹음  남자미안하네

Hae-sik. I'm sorry.

딸년이 어느 동네 살고 어느 직장에 다니는지

They knew my daughter's home address

그놈들이 주소를 줄줄이 읊어 대는데

and where she works.

자네 같으면 어떡했겠나

What would you have done?

[검사정말 고생하셨습니다

That must've been tough.

 정도면 충분히 항소 가능합니다

This is enough evidence to file an appeal.

I see.


Prosecutor Oh, I'm meeting TV reporters

[해식방송국하고 외신 기자들 만나기로 했습니다

and international reporters tomorrow.

기자들이요? - [해식

-Reporters? -Yes.

제가  나름대로 이거 여기저기 알아보니까는요

I asked around,

  이사인가 하는  사람이

and that Director Song

차기 용라건설 물려받을 실세라고 하더라고요

is apparently the heir to Yongra Construction.

근데 이상한 점이 한두 개가 아닙니다

And I found many suspicious incidents.

 이사가 개입한 철거 현장에서는

There were many incidents of fire on demolition sites

유난히 화재 사건이 많았답니다

where Director Song was in charge.

물론 전기 합선으로 결론은 났지마는

Although most incidents were concluded as short-circuit fires,

석연찮은 부분이 많았대요

Although most incidents were concluded as short-circuit fires, many details were unclear.

어쩐 영문인지

Strangely enough,

증인부터 화재 조사관까지 죄다 말을 바꾸고

witnesses and investigators all changed their testimonies.

이거 저희하고 비슷하죠?

Doesn't it sound similar to our case?




Prosecutor Oh.



제가 애기 낳으면

I've been saving up some money

새로  지을 거라고 모아 놓은 돈입니다

to build a new house when our baby is born.

농장 옆에서 살면은

I don't want my child to be ridiculed

냄새나서 놀림받을까 

for living in a smelly house next to a pig farm.

[무거운 음악]

[해식하지만 검사님

But Prosecutor Oh,

 돼지  냄새보다

I would feel more shame

 더러운 놈들한테 힘없이 당하는 애비의 모습이

to live as a helpless father who let those jerks have their way

 부끄러운  아닌가 싶었습니다

than to stink like a pigsty.

돈이 얼마가 들어도 상관없습니다

It doesn't matter how much it costs.


Prosecutor Oh.

진실을 밝혀 주십시오

Please reveal the truth.

근데  돈은

But the money--


Prosecutor Oh, I…

[검사일단 알겠습니다

I understand for now.

[해식감사합니다 [훌쩍인다]

Thank you.

감사합니다 부탁드리겠습니다

I'm counting on you, sir.





[문이  닫힌다]

[통화 연결음]


This is Oh Tae-soo.

일이  골치 아프게 됐는데요

Things have become troublesome.

- [경쾌한 음악 소리] - [해식] ♪ 행복합니다 ♪

I am happy I am happy

♪ 나는 행복합니다 ♪

I am happy

♪ 나는 행복합니다 ♪

I am happy

[흥얼거리는 소리]

I am very very happy

고장 났나?

Car trouble?

[해식의 힘주는 소리]


[해식저기여기 여기 지나가야  갖고요

Excuse me, could you move?

[무거운 음악]

- [우벽한잔 드시고 - [풀벌레 울음]

Have a drink.


One for me.

[조르르 따르는 소리]

One for me.

[우벽의 힘주는 소리]

[우벽의 옅은 헛기침]

[달그락 닫는 소리]

[옅은 헛기침]

어제 야구를 보는데

I was watching baseball yesterday,

아유어찌나 어기가 차는지

and the game was completely ridiculous.

아니야수한테 공을 잡혔으면은

I mean, if the fielders got hold of the ball,

, 2루든 3루든 멈췄어야 되는데

if the fielders got hold of the ball, the runner should've stopped at second or third base.

 빙신이 욕심을  갖고 홈까지  뿠어?

This idiot got greedy and tried to make it to home plate.

에라이뒤지 뿠다 아입니까?

And he was tagged out.

아이고빙신 새끼아유

Gosh, that idiot.

- [조르르 따르는 소리] - [한숨]

[어두운 음악]

- [힘주는 소리] - []

[시원한 숨소리]



 보면  인생이거든

is exactly like life.

사람은 달리는 것보다 멈추는  잘해야 되는 깁니다

What's important isn't running, but knowing when to stop.

지가 어디서 멈춰야 되는지도?

And you also need to know where to stop.

어쨌든 간에 우야든동

Anyway. Everything

 지난  아닙니까

is in the past.

 사장님도  한잔  드시고

Mr. Choi, have a drink

인제  잊어뿌이소

and forget all about it.


All right then.

[힘주는 소리]

Here. You can eat this on your way.

이거는 가실  드시고

Here. You can eat this on your way.

이게 밟아서 올라갔다 하면은

If he stepped on the chair to get up…


Good, right?

[우벽의 힘주는 소리]

아이다여기  엎어 이기 자연스럽지?

No, it should be knocked over. That looks more natural, right?


That looks more natural, right? All done. Let's go.


All done. Let's go.

출동빨리 가자

Boys, move. Let's hurry.

 술잔 챙기라 - [남자

-Grab the glass. -Yes.


-Grab the glass. -Yes. All right.


[전화벨 소리]



[무거운 음악]

여보 이래?

Honey, what happened?

 이러고 있어요?

Why are you here?


Let's go.

집에 가자?

Let's go home.


농장이고 뭐고 그냥   버리고

Let's just give them the farm. Let's let them have it all.

그냥 집에 가자여보

-Let's just go home, honey. -Ma'am.

집에 가자

-Let's go! -Please calm down.


-Let's go! -Please calm down.

[영순이 울먹인다]

I'll give you everything.

[영순 줄게요

I'll give you everything.

 줄게요 줄게요 줄게요

I'll give you everything!

제발 우리 남편  살려 주세요

Please save my husband!





[영순이 흐느낀다]


우리 남편  살려 주세요

Please save my husband!

 줄게요 줄게요 줄게요

You can have everything!

[자동차 시동이 꺼진다]

- [  닫히는 소리] - [남자오태수 검사님

Prosecutor Oh Tae-soo?



[남자수리 맡기신  가져왔습니다

I brought the car you sent for repair.

트렁크 세차까지 마쳤으니 확인해 보시죠

The trunk is fully cleaned out too. Please check.


Excuse me. Hey!

[무거운 음악]


[영순오태수 검사님 맞으시죠?

Are you Prosecutor Oh Tae-soo?

[태수가 웃으며

Yes, hello.

[영순중요한 증거를 찾았다고 했어요

He said he found important evidence,

기자들을 만날 거라고

and he was going to meet with reporters.

근데 자살이라니요말도  돼요

So why would he kill himself?

그리고 이것  보세요

And look at this.

이상하지 않아요?

Isn't this weird?

목이 너무 깨끗하잖아요

The scar on his neck is too smooth.

사람이 아무리 죽으려고 마음을 먹었어도

Even if he was determined to die,

괴로우면 몸부림친 흔적이라도  있어야 되는  아니에요?

there should be some trace of struggling due to pain, right?

[달칵 여닫는 소리]

지금 사모님의 말씀을 들으니 자살이 맞다는 확신이 드네요

After hearing what you just said, I'm convinced that he killed himself.

[무거운 음악]

If he found important evidence,

[태수중요한 증거를 찾았다고 했다고요?

If he found important evidence,

그런데  저한테는 아무것도 가져오지 않았을까요?

why didn't he bring it to me?

오히려 그날 술에 취해 찾아와 죽고 싶다고

Instead, he stopped by, drunk, and said he wanted to kill himself

혹시라도 자기가 잘못되면  통장을

and that if anything happened to him,

아내분에게 전달해 달라고 하더군요

I should give this bankbook to you.

술김에 어찌나 고집을 부리던지

He was quite drunk and persistent.

일단은 받아 두고

So I took it


간신히 달래서 보냈는데

and told him to go home.


이렇게  줄은

I didn't know he'd end up like this.

[심란한 숨소리]



- [차분한 음악] - [영순 그랬을까?

Why did he do that? BANKBOOK

[울먹이며얼마나 억울하고 막막했으면 그랬을까

How frustrated and lost must he have been to do something like that?

내가 어떻게든

I should've done…

옆에서 지켰어야 했는데

everything I could to keep him safe.

어떻게든 힘이  주고

I should have supported him

도왔어야 했는데

and helped him better.

 아는 것도 가진 것도 없어

But I don't know anything, and I don't have anything.


But I don't know anything, and I don't have anything.

 하나 가진  있다면

One thing I do have is…



I won't…

절대로 우리처럼 살게 하지 않을 거야

let this child live like us.



I'll live.

살아 보자

Let's live.

 새끼도  새끼도

Both my baby and your babies

엄마 살리려고 왔나 

must have come to save their mothers.







not give up

살아 보자

and live.

[사장내가 거래하던 농장인데

I used to sell feed to this farm,

 2 전에 문을 닫았어

but it closed two years ago.

우리 영순 씨니까 내가 특별히 소개하는 거지

I'm only letting you know because it's you, Young-soon.

 돈으로 그런 농장 구하기 힘들어

It's tough to find a farm and a home within your budget.

[밝은 음악]


[경운기 엔진음]

[  닫히는 소리]

[영순의 한숨]

[경쾌한 음악이 흘러나온다]

[수의사다들 건강하네유

They all look healthy.

아홉 마리아홉 마리나아이고

They all look healthy. All nine of them. Goodness.

[영순] '불을 지른 목적물이'

"If the building set on fire

'현재 사람의 주거에 사용되거나'

is used as a residence at the time of the fire,

'또는 사람이 들어 있는 건조'…

or if people are in…"

[풀벌레 울음]

[흐뭇한 숨소리]


[돼지 울음소리]


Are those pigs?

아니공기 청정 우리 마을에  돼지여?

Pigs in our pristine village?

이렇게 코스모스가 흩날리는디

Our village is clean and unspoiled!

아이고돼지가 왔어

Goodness, we have pigs here!


Why pigs?

[ 가만있어 힘들어 가만있어

Stay still. Calm down.

[ 짖는 소리]

아니 돼지여? - [ 뭐여?

-Why are those pigs here? -What?

[이장 돼지라니께

Pigs are here!

[ 아이고 돼지가 여기 있냐고!

-Yes, but why are they here? -Why…


-Yes, but why are they here? -Why…


Look, honey.

 혼자서도 잘했죠?

Didn't I do a good job by myself?

[돼지 울음소리]

Didn't I do a good job by myself?

[영순의 웃음]


I'm sorry.

자기가 있는데  혼자냐고

Our child kicked me to remind me that I'm not alone.

 발길질을 하네요

to remind me that I'm not alone.

우리만 두고  당신 미워서라도

I'll raise our child well

보란 듯이  키울 거예요

to get our revenge on you for leaving us.

그러니까 당신

So honey, keep an eye on us from above.

꼼짝 말고 거기서 지켜보세요

So honey, keep an eye on us from above.

아니지켜 주세요

I mean. Watch over us.

[비장한 음악]

[이장의 거친 숨소리]

[  2  쉬고 살겠다 혔더니

The air was so fresh for the last two years,

 지랄이여 지랄

but we have to put up with this nonsense again.

[ 이거이거 말로 해선  돼유

but we have to put up with this nonsense again. We can't just talk this out.

이참에 그냥 농장 자리까지  밀어 버려유

We should just wipe out the entire farm.

[할머니아유 오메오메

-Goodness, hey… Oh, my. -Oh, my.

- [사람들의 놀란 소리] - [  남편아이고엄니

-Goodness, hey… Oh, my. -Oh, my. -Goodness, ma'am. -Mother. -Are you all right? -I'm fine.

[청년회장 괜찮으세유?

-Are you all right? -I'm fine.


-Are you all right? -I'm fine.


Ma'am, you, the kid, and the ladies should

애들하고 여자들은 빠져요

Ma'am, you, the kid, and the ladies should all stay out of this.

여차하면은 우덜 남자들이   해결할 테니께

The men will take care of everything.

- [ 내뱉는 숨소리] - [ 꼴에 남자였슈?

So you were a man?


[ 아니 청년회장이라는 사람이

What have you done up to now

마을이  지경이  때까지 그동안  하고 있었다요?

as the President of the Young Adult Association?


Goodness gracious.

아니그러면 잘나신 우리 부녀회장님은

Then what have you done as the President of the Women's Association?


Then what have you done as the President of the Women's Association? -Tell me. -Hey!


-Tell me. -Hey!

 하는 거여?

What are you doing?

시방 우덜끼리 싸울 때여?

-We can't fight among ourselves. -He's right.


-We can't fight among ourselves. -He's right.

작년에  마을에서도 마을 사람들끼리 싸워서

Last year, people in the next village got into a fight,

우물에 농약 풀고   뒈졌잖아요

then someone put pesticide in the well and everyone died.

[익살스러운 음악]

 그런 끔찍한 소리를 하고 지랄이여?

Why the heck are you saying something so horrendous?

[주민아니그냥 그랬다고요

I'm just saying. Don't mind me.

신경 쓰지 마세요

I'm just saying. Don't mind me.

[청년회장저기 사람 있네요!

Someone's there!


-What? -Hey!

- [이장이봐이봐! - [청년회장이런

Hey! You!


What the heck is this?

- [사람들의 놀란 소리] - [ 쓰러지는 소리]

What the heck is this? Can you not hear me?

[청년회장 말이  들리는 ?

Can you not hear me?


Can you not hear me? -Hey! -Don't mess with my temper…

[청년회장 성질을 건드리고

-Hey! -Don't mess with my temper…


What? A woman?

[청년회장아유  임산부네유?

Her stomach… She's pregnant too.

[이장이건 쏠라고 갖고  ?

Did you bring this to shoot her?

[청년회장아니아니에유 아니에유

Did you bring this to shoot her? No, I didn't.

- [ 염병 - [달그락 내려놓는 소리]

-Darn you. -Goodness. Hey, I'm pregnant too!

누구는 임산부 아니여?

Hey, I'm pregnant too!

- [ 나도 엊그제 몸풀었거든 - [흥미로운 음악]

I just gave birth to my kid too!


That's wonderful news!

[영순그럼 우리 애들이  동갑이네요

Then our children will be the same age.

한동네에서 같이 놀고 학교도 같이 다니고 하면

It'll be wonderful to see them grow, play, and go to school together.

너무 좋겠다그렇죠?

It'll be wonderful to see them grow, play, and go to school together.


Hey, you're right.


[ 진주네 출산일이 이번  언제지?

Gum-ja, when are you due this month? -Less than half a month. -What?

보름도  남았제 - [청년회장?

-Less than half a month. -What?


Goodness, really?

이번에는  아들이어야  텐데 말이어유

I hope it's a son this time.

- [할머니아들이랴 - [ 씨의 웃음]

She's having a son!


-What? -What?

[할머니내가 말이여 용한 데서 점을 봤는디

I went to this famous fortune teller,

요번에는 아들이랴

and this time, she's having a son.

- [이장그려? - [ 웬일이야

and this time, she's having a son. -Really? -My goodness!

[이장셋째는 아들이랴?

She's really having a son?

- [사람들이 기뻐한다] - 아이고삼시세판이라더니

-My goodness, this is wonderful! -She is!


This is great news!



우리 돼지  마리 잡아야겠어요

I should butcher a pig.

- [이장그럼그럼 - [ 씨의 호응]

-Sounds great! -Yes, pork is a must for feasts!

잔치 하면은  돼지지그럼

-Sounds great! -Yes, pork is a must for feasts! -Yes. -Goodness.

[청년회장갑자기 수육 먹고 싶다

-Yes. -Goodness. -I want some boiled pork. -Wait!

[ 잠깐만!

-I want some boiled pork. -Wait!

그짝 애랑 우리 애랑 같이 핵교를 당길랑가는 모르제

We don't know if your kid and my kid will go to school together.

 마을서 돼지 농장은 절대  허니께

Because you can't run a pig farm in this village.


-Why not? -Why do you think?

[ 왜긴?

-Why not? -Why do you think?

우리가  하게 계속 민원 넣을 거니께

We'll keep filing civil complaints to stop you.

[청년회장돼지 새끼 전염병이라도 걸려 봐요

And what if the pig catches some contagious disease?

마을 전체가 그냥 발이 묶이고?

The entire village will get quarantined.

사람이 불편해 가지고 그냥  수가 없어

We can't live with this inconvenience!




I'm the village head.

돼지 농장 같은  혐오 시설의 경우는

I'm the village head. An unpleasant facility such as a pig farm

마을 사람들의 양해와 동의를 구하는 것이

requires the understanding and agreement of the villagers.


requires the understanding and agreement of the villagers. That's common sense and it's the right thing to do.

도리인 것입니다

That's common sense and it's the right thing to do. Yes.

[이장의 웃음]


[흥미진진한 음악]

그럼 저도 넣어도 돼요민원?

In that case, may I file a civil complaint too?



[영순  개들 시도 때도 없이 짖어 대는 통에

Your dogs bark all day long, and it's so loud.

시끄러워서  수가 없어요

I can't stand it.

그리고 그쪽은 국유지 무단 점거 하셨죠?

And you've occupied state-owned land without permission, right?


State-owned land?

[영순도로에 고추 말렸잖아요

You dry pepper on the road! It's very inconvenient, trying to avoid stepping on it.

오다가다 밟을까  얼마나 불편한지 아세요?

It's very inconvenient, trying to avoid stepping on it.

그리고 이장님은 선거  무슨  누구 뽑으라고

And you, the village head. You instigated the villagers

마을 사람들 선동하시데요? - [이장아이

to vote for a certain candidate.

[영순그거 엄연한 불법 선거 운동이에요

-That's illegal campaigning. -Well…

민주 국가에서 자기가 찍고 싶은 사람 찍는 

They can vote for anyone in this democratic country.

상식이고 도리인 겁니다

That's common sense and it's the right thing to do.

임야의 비닐하우스 그거 당연히 철거 대상이고요

The plastic greenhouse in the forest should be pulled down!

그것 때문에 가려 가지고 앞산  보이는 

It blocks my view of the mountains,

 너무너무 불편해요 - [청년회장

-and it's very inconvenient! -Goodness.

그리고 아저씨는 무슨 농약을 그렇게 많이 뿌리세요?

And you, why do you use so much pesticide?

  망가지면 아저씨가  책임지실 거예요?

What if you damage the land?

[  남편  내가 망가뜨리는데  책임져요?

Why do you care if I damage the land I own?

거기 사는 개구리랑 미꾸라지까지 아저씨  아니죠

You don't own the frogs and loaches that live there!

[ 이년아

You bitch.

- [영순! - [이장 이랴 이랴?

What are you doing?

[ 어서 굴러와서

-Let her go! -Stop that!

넘의 서방한테 지랄이여지랄이!

That's my husband you're talking to! -That's enough! -You people started this!

니가 먼저 지랄했잖아!

-That's enough! -You people started this!

[ 이거  ?

-Let go! -Goodness! -Let go! -No, you let go!

- [영순너부터 ! - [ !

-Let go! -No, you let go! -Let go! -Stop this!

- [ 씨의 힘주는 소리] - [영순의 비명]

-Let go! -Stop this!

- [영순의 아파하는 소리] - [할머니 그려 이려?

What's wrong? -What's wrong with her? -What…


-What's wrong with her? -What… Goodness.

[  남편아이 괜찮아유?

Goodness. Are you all right?

- [영순의 아파하는 탄성] - [  남편의 비명]


-Let go of him! -Let go!

- [저마다의 당황한 탄성] - [영순의 비명]

-What are you doing? -Let go! Gum-ja!

[  남편 머리털  빠지게

-You're making my husband bald! -Let go!

 잡아 뜯고 지랄이여? - [이장이거 이거이거

-Stop pulling his hair! -Let go of her!

[영순의 아파하는 소리]

Let go!

[할머니가만가만 애가 나올라나 보다

One second. -I think she's about to give birth. -Goodness.

[사람들의 놀란 소리]

-Goodness. -Oh, no. Goodness, what do we do?

[ 어떡해어떡해

Goodness, what do we do?


-What's that? -Goodness.

[ 양수가 터졌나 본디?

-Her water broke. -Goodness.

- [사람들이 당황한다] - [할머니터졌어터졌어

-Her water broke. -Goodness. -We have to hurry. -Wait.

이거 삼식이 엄마 - [ 

-We have to hurry. -Wait. -Yes? -Sung-ae, go boil some water.

얼른 가서   올리고 - [ 미역

-Yes? -Sung-ae, go boil some water. -Okay. -Gum-ja, go to her room

[할머니에미야너는 얼른 방에 가서 이불  

-Okay. -Gum-ja, go to her room and lay out the bedding.

[주민그럼 연장은 제가 챙길게요

and lay out the bedding. I'll grab the tools.


I'll grab the tools. -Tools? -Scissors!

- [주민가위요 - [사람들가위

-Tools? -Scissors! -Scissors, yes. -Yes.

- [영순의 아파하는 탄성] - [이장비켜!



Hey, hop on!

- [통화 불가음] - [지직대는 소리]

[이장아니전화한 지가 언제인디

I called you ages ago! Why the heck aren't you here yet?

 여적지  오고 지랄이여?

I called you ages ago! Why the heck aren't you here yet?


No, it's Jou-ri!

조용필이  나와이런니미럴

What do you mean, Cho Yong-pil? Darn it.

제발 - [이장여보세요

What do you mean, Cho Yong-pil? Darn it. Hello?

[청년회장우리 조우리에 새로운 생명이   있도록

Hello? -Please look after Jou-ri -Hey!

- [이장이놈의 새끼들 - [청년회장이 기도한다]

-Please look after Jou-ri -Hey! -and the unborn child… -You jerks!

니들 이러다가  잘못되면 니들이 책임질 ?

Will you take responsibility if something goes wrong?

[ 내뱉는 숨소리]

[ 내뱉는 숨소리]


Yes, you're doing well.

   들어 봐요 - [아파하는 소리]

Yes, listen to me.

 힘을 말이여  배에다 주면  돼야

You can't clench your stomach.

절대로  돼요? - [영순?

-Don't do that. -Right.

[할머니가 힘주며] '  싼다생각하고

Think of this as taking a dump

 엉뎅이에다 힘을 줘야  - [영순

-and flex your buttocks. -Okay.

- [할머니알았쥬? - [영순

-Do you understand? -Yes.

[할머니뭐여가위 여태 멀었어?

So? Are the scissors ready?


I'm coming!

[밝은 음악]

빠짝 갈아 왔어요

It's nice and sharp.

이거면 경찰청 철창살도 잘라요

This is sharp enough to cut down the wood a woodchuck would chuck.

[ 오메


오메 그거  안되는디

I can never say that right.

'경찰청 철찰상'

Wood a woodchunk would chunk.

[주민아니, '경찰청 철창살'

No, wood a woodchuck would chuck.

- [ ] '경찰청 철찰상' - [ ] '결찰청…'

-Woond… -A woodchunk could chunk. -Would chunk. -Can you do it?


-Would chunk. -Can you do it?

'경찰청 청살창살'

A wood a woodchunk would…

- [통화 불가음] - [지직대는 소리]

- '경찰청 철창살'! - [ 오메

Wood a woodchuck… -Goodness. -would chuck!


That's right!

- '경찰청 철창살' - [영순의 아파하는 탄성]

Wood a woodchuck would chuck. You're good!

잘하시네요 [웃음]

Wood a woodchuck would chuck. You're good! Goodness, quiet down.

[할머니아유아유 아이고시끄러워시끄러워

Goodness, quiet down. Quiet down.

어여들   붙들어  - [ 오메오메

All of you, hold her hands. -Hands. -Right here.

- [가쁜 숨소리] - [ 여기요여기여기

-Hands. -Right here.


Here we go.


One, two, three.

- [사람들 ! - [영순의 힘주는 소리]

-Push! -Push!


[이장 !


- [힘겨운 소리] - [ 아이고엄니

-Okay, good. -Goodness.

요러고 힘을  버리면 어떡햐

You can't relax like this again.

[할머니 속의 애가 힘들어서  돼야

You're giving the child a tough time in here.

 속의 애기 생각해서 마지막이다 생각하고

Think of your child and think of this as the last time.

있는  다해서     보는디

Let's try this one more time with all your energy.

- [밝은 음악] - 하나

One, two, three.

- [사람들 ! - [영순의 힘주는 소리]

-Push! -Push!

나온다 - [  조금만 !

-It's coming! -I see the baby!

- [할머니나온다나온다 - [ 하나!

-I see the baby! -More!

아직도  찾았냐?

You still haven't found us?

[이장감나무  밑이라고 감나무

It's right under the persimmon tree!

구자영   옆에

It's next to Gu Ja-yeong's place!

아니너는이놈의 새끼야 구자영 씨도 모르냐?

Hey, you punk. Don't you know who Gu Ja-yeong is?

할아버지가 우리 중학교  교장 선생님하고

You know, his grandpa was our middle school principal…

[아기 울음]

[기뻐하는 숨소리]

- [함께 환호한다] - [잔잔한 음악]


-Is the baby here? -Yes!

낳았어끊어 씨부랄 놈아

The baby's born! I'm hanging up, you stinking punk!


-The baby is here! -The baby's here?

- [이장낳았어? - [청년회장낳았어!

-The baby is here! -The baby's here? -The baby is here! -The baby is here!

[저마다 기뻐하는 소리]

-The baby is here! -The baby is here! -It's here! -It's here!

엄마다 [웃음]

Your mommy is here.

[할머니아이고 아이고아이고



- [ 아이고아이고 - [영순의 웃음]

My gosh.



[영순] '최강호'?

"Choi Kang-ho"?


Yes, Kang-ho.

아주 실력 있고  있고 강한 사람

A really competent and strong person.

[해식그런 사람 되라고  '자가 이거야

I wanted him to be like that, so that's what the name means.

[영순이 살짝 웃는다]


-I love it. Kang-ho. -Isn't it nice?


-I love it. Kang-ho. -Isn't it nice?

그리고 우리 아들 강호는 그냥 강호가 아니야

And Kang-ho isn't just any strong person.


He's the strongest one.

최강호 [웃음] - [해식최강호 [웃음]

-Choi Kang-ho. -Choi Kang-ho.




Kang-ho, it's me, your father. Choi Kang-ho.

앞으로 진짜  있고 강한 사람이 돼야 

You have to grow up as a powerful and strong person.





[영순해식의 웃음]

He just said yes.

[해식] '했다 [웃음]

He just said yes.

[영순여보우리 강호야

Honey. He's our Kang-ho.

내가  키울게

I'll raise him well.

최고 강한 사람으로

I'll raise him

내가  키울게

to be the strongest man.

[ 강호래강호

His name is Kang-ho.

[아기가 옹알거린다]

His name is Kang-ho.


[  남편뭐여요?



So? Which is it?

[ 순산했어요

The delivery was successful.

- [이장이 안도한다] - [청년회장순산

Which is it?

[  남편뭔디뭔디?

Which is it?


A boy.

- [  남편고추 - [청년회장고추고추아이고

-A boy! -A boy! -Goodness. -A boy.

[  남편의 울음]

-Goodness. -A boy.

- [이장건강햐? - [ 말해  

-Is he healthy? -Of course!

[사람들의 웃음]

-Is he healthy? -Of course!

- [ 어머 - [ 당신 울어유?

-Why are you crying? -Why are you crying? -What? -Why are you crying?

- [  남편? - [이장 울어?

-What? -Why are you crying? I'm practicing.

아니예행연습하는  - [이장?

I'm practicing. -What? -I'll also have a son very soon.

[  남편나도 조만간 아들  거니께

-What? -I'll also have a son very soon.

- [사람들의 웃음] - [이장사람 싱겁기는

Goodness, this guy.

- [청년회장깜짝 놀랬잖여 - [이장깜짝 놀랐네

-You surprised us. -You startled me.

- [청년회장아이고깜짝이여 - [ 오메

-Gosh. -Goodness.

- [ 오메오메 - [  남편왜요?

-Oh, my. -What?

뭐여뭐여 이려?

What are you doing?

[ 아유지금 그짝도 예행연습하는 ?

Are you practicing too?

[사람들의 웃음]

Are you practicing too?

- [ 아니날짜가 남아서 - [ 하지 

-Stop it. -No, I have a few more days.

그러니까 - [ 오메

-Right? -Yes.

[사람들의 놀란 소리]


- [ 어허 - [ 오메오메

What… -Oh, my. -What?

[ 오메오메 요번엔 진짜인가 

Goodness, it must be for real.

[청년회장엄니나와 봐유!

Mother, you need to come out!

- [이장 이려? - [청년회장이거 어떡해

-What's going on? -What do we do?

- [유쾌한 음악] - [할머니어째 이려?

I can't believe this.


Take this. Hurry.

- [힘겨운 신음] - 아이고

My goodness.


Boil some water.

[  받으랴

Go get water.

- [사람들이 소란스럽다] - [주민지금 가위가

Goodness. -No, stay with me right now. -Hello?


-No, stay with me right now. -Hello?

여기 아까  조용필인디유

It's the same Cho Yong-pil place.


I need your help.

[옹알거리는 소리]

[이장한날한시에 그것도 한집에서?

On the same day, same hour, and under the same roof.

시상에 이런 기막힌 인연이  있소

Goodness. What are the chances?


Tell me about it.

[청년회장그러게 말이어요

Tell me about it.

[숨을 쓰읍 들이켠다]

지금까지 이런 출산은 없었다

There have never been births like this.

이것은 인연인가 운명인가

Is this meant to be or fate?

아따   재미지네?

That's a funny saying.

저기나중에 저기 무슨 저기영화 같은  나오면

It'll be a huge hit if that comes out in a movie.


It'll be a huge hit if that comes out in a movie.



[이장청년회장의 웃음]

근데 진주 아버지는 어디 갔디야?

Anyway, where's your husband?

[ 씨가 흐느낀다]


What's wrong?

[ 집에 갔어요

He went home.

[할머니의 한숨]

쌍놈의 새끼

That son of a gun.

[할머니의 놀란 숨소리]


Mother. -Well, I… -It's fine.


-Well, I… -It's fine.

[할머니저놈 쌍놈의 새끼 맞아

He is a son of a gun.

- [할머니의 웃음] - [ 쌍놈의 새끼 [웃음]

Son of a gun.


Good, smile.


Good, smile.

[할머니 씨의 웃음]

Good, smile. -Goodness. -Goodness.

아이고아이고아이고 - [ 아이고아이고아이고

-There, there. -Goodness.


We say it's meant to be

처음 만난 사람한테 허는 말이고

to someone whom we meet for the first time.

- [밝은 음악] - [할머니운명이라는 거는

But fate is

 마지막까정 있어 주는 이한테 하는 말이랬어

what we say to someone who stays with us until the end.

인연이 될랑가 운명이 될랑가 모를 일이지만

I'm not sure if this is just meant to be or fate,

아무튼 우리 조우리 마을에  아가들

but I hope all these babies who are born in Jou-ri,

우리 삼식이까정 - [ 씨의 웃음]

including Sam-sik,

부디 오래오래 건강하고

stay healthy for a very long time

서로 사이좋게  지내거라

and be good friends for a long time.

[할머니의 웃음]

Sam-sik, they're like your younger siblings.

- [ 삼식아 동생들이여 - [할머니그려

Sam-sik, they're like your younger siblings.

- [사람들의 웃음] - [ 우리 삼식이가

Sam-sik, they're like your younger siblings. -Sam-sik is-- -In that case,

그럼  드러운 돼지 농장은  내쫓는 거예요?

-Sam-sik is-- -In that case, are we not kicking out the dirty pig farm?

[이장의 다급한 숨소리]


[ 아유어떻게

-That little… -Are we kicking her out?

- [주민내쫓을 거예요? - [이장쓰읍 [헛기침]

-That little… -Are we kicking her out?

[  막아 막아

Cover your ears.

[사람들의 웃음]

Cover your ears.

아이고아이고 [웃음]

Goodness, look at them.

이번에도  ?

You can't go this time either?

진짜 너무헌다

I can't believe her.

[미주그깟 공부 하루쯤  하믄 어뗘서?

You can't skip studying for just one day?

내가 너희 엄마한테 말해 볼까?

Should I ask your mom

 소풍  보내 달라고

to let you go to the picnic?

[강호의 신음]

[아이들의 웃음]


I'm sorry.

[아이1] 모르고 그짝에 던졌네

I didn't mean to hit you with it.

돼지  냄새 배게

Now it'll reek of pig poop.


I'm sorry.


[아이1 구역질한다]

Smell this.

맡아 맡아 

Smell this.



[미주삼식이  새끼!

Sam-sik, you jerk!

 자꾸 강호를 괴롭히고 지랄이여?

Why the heck do you keep bullying Kang-ho? Why?

[삼식이 씩씩댄다]

[삼식 저딴 놈이 뭐가 좋냐?

Why do you like him?

 공부밖에 모르는 등신 같은 놈이!

All that idiot does is study.

하긴공부라도 잘해야제

But then, he should study hard. He's a loser who doesn't have a dad!

애비도 없는 재수 없는 새끼니께

He's a loser who doesn't have a dad!

[무거운 음악]

[강호 개새끼야!

You son of a bitch!

[강호가 울먹인다]

"Son of a bitch"?

개새끼누가! - [강호의 아파하는 소리]

"Son of a bitch"? Who taught you to swear at your friend like that?

[영순누가 친구한테 그렇게 욕하라고 했어?

Who taught you to swear at your friend like that?

[탁탁 때리며어디서 그렇게 나쁜 말을 배우라고 했어?

Where did you learn such foul language?

[강호삼식이  개새끼가 먼저 놀렸단 말이에요

That son of a bitch made fun of me first!

아버지 없어서 재수 없대

He said I'm a loser with no dad

돼지  냄새 나니까 꺼지래!

and to get lost because I smell like pig poop!

[강호가 울먹인다]

Did you just say "son of a bitch" again?

 지금  '개새끼'라고 했어?

Did you just say "son of a bitch" again?

[영순억울할  없어

You don't have to feel ashamed.

틀린 말도 아니지

He's not entirely wrong.

 아버지 있어?

You don't have a father

아니면 돼지 멕이는 집에서 소똥 냄새가 날까

and a pig farm does smell like pig poop.

저기   사진 보이지?

See your first birthday picture?

청진기에 돈에 마이크에

I put out a stethoscope, money, a microphone,

 좋아하는 로보트는 없었게?

and even your favorite robot toy.

그래도 단박에 그걸 집어 들더라

But that gavel is what you picked.

듣기 싫어도 들어

Let him say whatever he wants.

욕을 하면 그냥 먹어 두란 말이야

If he insults you, let him.

열심히 공부해서 판검사 되고 나면

Once you study hard and become a prosecutor,

아무도  무시하거나 괴롭힐  없어

no one will be able to look down on you or bully you.

그게 진정한 힘인 거야

That's true power.

무슨 말인지 알아?

Do you understand?

그래서 소풍도  가는 거죠?

Is that why I can't go to the school picnic?


That's right.

하고 싶은   하면서

You can never become successful

 촌구석에선 절대 판검사  

without sacrifice.

[잘그락대는 소리]

적당히 먹었으면 숟가락 내려놔

Stop eating if you're full.

배부르면 잠만 오고 집중  

You'll get sleepy if you're too full.

100 중에 3개나 틀렸어

You got 3 wrong out of 100.

오답 노트 정리하고 130페이지까지 풀어

Correct your mistakes and solve the problems until page 130.

[부스럭 꺼내는 소리]

[딱딱 쓰는 소리]

- [미주학교 다녀왔습니다! - [지글거리는 소리]

I'm home!

[미주의 놀란 소리]

우리 할머니가 좋아하는 육전이네

It's Grandma's favorite, meat pancakes!

제사허기 전에 손대는  아니여

Don't touch it before the memorial service.

[놀란 숨소리]

[미주요건 찢어졌다

This one is torn.

요런  제사상에 올리는  아니랴

You can't serve a piece like this.




What's wrong?

엄니시방 우는 ?

Mom, are you crying?


Crazy brat.


I'm not crying.

[ 씨가 훌쩍이며아유 염병할 놈의 연기

Darn it. The smoke is getting in my eyes.

드럽게도 맵네

Darn it. The smoke is getting in my eyes.





[신나는 음악이 흐른다]

[남자야가  이랴

What's with you?

일로  나와?

-Come on out! -Let go of me!


-Come on out! -Let go of me!

 그럼 대낮에 스탠드바 헌다고 신고할 테니께

Or I'll report this bar for opening during the day.

[미주 아유제니퍼 씨는 날로 춤이 늘어유

Goodness. Jennifer, you're becoming a better dancer each day.

[제니퍼가 웃으며별말씀을요

Jennifer, you're becoming a better dancer each day. You're flattering me.

[미주 앉으셔유

-Please sit. -Thank you.

- [제니퍼땡큐 - [미주 아유

-Please sit. -Thank you.


Have some. My goodness!

너가 여긴 어째?

What are you doing here?


Dad. What?



아유 이거

Good grief.

[미주 아유!

- [흥미로운 음악] - 가시나야이거  

Let go, you brat.

[미주 부의 아파하는 탄성]

[미주 부의 못마땅한 소리]

If you don't want to die on the same day Grandma passed,

할머니랑 같은  제사상 보기 싫음

If you don't want to die on the same day Grandma passed,

따라 나와유

you better come out.

- [제니퍼이거 하나 먹을래? - [미주 

Do you want one?

[심박동 효과음]

[차분한 음악]

[신나는 음악이 흐른다]

[미주 갈까유?

Let's go.


Mi-joo! I'll be home before the sun sets!

아버지  지기 전에 들어갈 ?

I'll be home before the sun sets!


Red fruit on the right, white fruit on the left!

그리고 좌포우혜?

Dried fish on the left, sikhye on the right!

[미주 언니들] ♪ Call me call me call call give a call ♪

Dried fish on the left, sikhye on the right! Call me, call me, call, call, give a call

[진주진짜 예뻐

They're so pretty!

[미주 언니들] ♪ 너에게 줄게 ♪

If you want my heart, I'll give it to you

♪ 지금 이대로 너의 사랑은 나를 위한 거야 ♪

Just like this, your love is All for me

[진주] ♪  줄게 ♪ [웃음]

I'll give you my heart

[미주아버지 춤바람  것도 모자라

Isn't it enough that Dad's out dancing?

니들까지  지랄이여!

Do you have to do this nonsense?

[진주 이래진짜!

What's with you?

- [미주춤추지 말라고! - [진주!

-Stop dancing! -Why should I?

[드르릉  고는 소리]

경을  이거 어디 있어

Where's this darned little brat?


Lee Mi-joo!

이년아  자꾸  지랄을  놓는 !

Hey, you brat! Why do you keep doing this to my hand?

- [미주? - [유쾌한 음악]

[멋쩍은 웃음]

- [ 뭐여? - [만류하는 소리]

What's that?


Is she eating gimbap?

[만류하는 소리]

Oh, my.

[ 오메이년아

Oh, my. You brat! You little…

수학여행   거를 처먹으면 어떡혀!

That was for your school trip!

거기 이년아!

Stop right there, you brat!

- [삼식의 힘주는 소리] - [ 차는 소리]


I missed the damn shot.

- [삼식패스혀패스혀 - [학생들이 응원한다]

Hey! Pass! -Pass! -You're so handsome!


-Pass! -You're so handsome! Pass!

[학생1] 선배님파이팅!

I root for the winning team!

[삼식패스패스패스패스 패스혀패스


- [학생1] 잘한다 - [학생2] 잘생겼다!

You're so good-looking!

[시끌시끌한 소리]

Pass. -Go! -Let's go!

- [미주어머! - [강호의 놀란 소리]

Oh, my!

[미주의 웃음]


I knew you'd be here.

[강호어떻게 여길

How did you know…

아니점심시간 저녁 시간만 되면 없어지길래

You'd always disappear during lunch and dinner,

며칠 미행  혔지

so I tailed you for a few days.

[미주이거 선물

Right. Here, it's your present.

아니소풍이건 수학여행이건  번도   봤응께

I mean, you've never been on a school picnic or trip,

김밥 먹을 일도 없었을  아니여

so you probably never had a chance to eat gimbap.

생일 선물로  줄까 고민하다가 생각해  

I wondered what I should get you for your birthday, then thought of this.

[멋쩍은 소리]

[강호생일 선물?

-For my birthday? -Today's your birthday.

오늘  생일이여

-For my birthday? -Today's your birthday.

[미주그리고  생일이고

And my birthday as well.

[살짝 웃는다]

[흥미로운 음악]

[학생들의 시끌시끌한 소리]

[삼식 가라최강호

Goodbye, Choi Kang-ho.

굿 럭이여

Good luck.

[미주아니  당근은 골라내고 그려?

Why are you picking out the carrots?

 당근 싫어해

I don't like carrots. You do?


You do?

강호는 당근을 싫어한다

Kang-ho doesn't like carrots. Noted.

[미주의 멋쩍은 웃음]

얼레뭐여   먹고?

Wait, what? -Why don't you have some more? -I'm done.


-Why don't you have some more? -I'm done.

겨우 5 집어 먹고  소리여?

You only had five pieces. What do you mean?

그러지 말고 좀만  먹어

You only had five pieces. What do you mean? You should have some more.


You should have some more. No, it's okay. I can't be full.


Why not?

배부르면  오고

I get sleepy when I'm full.

 오면 공부  하고

If I'm sleepy, I can't study.

공부  하면 판검사  되니까

If I don't study, I can't become a prosecutor.

아휴말도  돼야무슨 

That's nonsense.

[지퍼 닫는 소리]

쓰읍그렇지말이   되지

Right? It does sound like nonsense.

 이름이나 혈액형처럼

Like our names, zodiac signs, and blood types,

사람은 누구나 태어나는 순간부터

I thought everyone was born under a specific job.

미래의 직업이 정해져 있는  알았어

I thought everyone was born under a specific job.

그래서 학기마다 장래 희망이 바뀌는 애들을 보면

So when I saw kids switching dreams every semester,

말도  된다고 생각했거든?

-I thought they were ridiculous. -Right.


-I thought they were ridiculous. -Right.

근데 진짜 말도  되는  나더라고

But it turns out, I was the ridiculous one.

그게 싫으면은 인자라도  하고 싶은  하면 되잖여

If you don't like that, it's not too late to do what you want.

내가 하고 싶은 ?

What I want?



그게 뭐지?

What is that?


아휴그러고 보니까

Come to think about it, I've never thought about that.

 번도 그런 생각을   적이 없네

Come to think about it, I've never thought about that.

불쌍한 우리 강호

Kang-ho, you poor thing.

[학교 종이 울린다]

[강호 친다야자하러 가자

That's the bell. Let's go for our night study.




[삐걱대는 소리]

- [손잡이 돌리는 소리] - 아니

What do we do?

[미주어떡혀잠겼나  어머

What do we do? I think it's locked.

[삐걱대는 소리]


Hello? -Hello? -Hello?

- [강호여기요! - [미주여기저기

-Hello? -Hello? -Hello? Hey! -Hello? We're in here.

[강호여기요 여기 안에 사람 있어요!

-Hello? Hey! -Hello? We're in here.




Darn it. Hey! We're in here!

- [흥미로운 음악] - 저희 안에 사람 있다니까요

Hey! We're in here! Is anybody out there?

밖에밖에 아무도 없어요?

Is anybody out there?






That's enough.

[까마귀 울음 효과음]


- [지글거리는 소리] - [차분한 음악]

[풀벌레 울음]

[멀리  짖는 소리]

[이장아니  자다 봉창이여?

What on earth is going on?

생전     썩이던 애들이 웬일이랴?

These kids never caused any trouble. What's happening?

요즘 이상한  없었고?

Was he acting differently lately?

[영순아니요그런  없었어요

No, not at all.

[ 맞다

Oh, right.

아침에  김밥을  들고 나가긴 했는디

Mi-joo took gimbap when she left this morning.

- [이장김밥? - [ 

-Gimbap? -Yes.

[이장그럼 애들끼리

Maybe they went to hang out at Bongil Stream.

봉일천 이런  놀러   아니여?

Maybe they went to hang out at Bongil Stream.

[영순내일이 중간고사인데 그럴 리가 없어요

Tomorrow is the midterm. He wouldn't do that.

[ 내일이 중간고사여?

The midterm is tomorrow?

아이고  이놈의 기집애 진짜

Good grief, that little brat.


Good grief, that little brat. This is bad.

고등학생들끼리 애기라도 가지면 큰일인데

It won't be good if high school kids end up having a child.

[이장 염병할 놈의 여편네가 그냥

Hey! Watch what you say!

그냥 말을 하면

Hey! Watch what you say!


She's quite unwell. Please try to understand.

많이 아퍼이해햐

She's quite unwell. Please try to understand.


I'm unwell?

- [ 두드리는 소리] - [영순삼식아



-Sam-sik! -Sam-sik, are you in?

[영순삼식이 안에 있니삼식아!

-Sam-sik! -Sam-sik, are you in? -Sam-sik! -Sam-sik!

- [이장 켜졌어? - [ 씨의 호응]

-The lights turned on. -The lights.

- [ 어머머어머머나온다 - [이장아이고

-Goodness. -My gosh.

- [ 아유 - [이장아이고미안혀

Gosh, I'm sorry.

[ 아니 시간에 다들 웬일이래요?

Why are you here at this ungodly hour? Kang-ho and Mi-joo are missing.

강호가 없어졌디야미주랑

Kang-ho and Mi-joo are missing.

- [영순 - [삼식 강호 없어졌슈?

Kang-ho and Mi-joo are missing. Kang-ho's missing?

- [삼식미주라니요? - [ ?

Mi-joo too?

설마 미주도 거기 있었단 말이어유?

Wait, Mi-joo was in there too?

- [흥미로운 음악] - 거기거기라니거기가 어딘데?

In there? Where?

- [  말이여? - [삼식  

-What do you mean? -Nothing. -Mom, move. -Sam-sik!

어머니나와 봐유

-Mom, move. -Sam-sik!

- [ 삼식아! - [삼식의 다급한 소리]

-Mom, move. -Sam-sik! -Sam-sik! -Hey!

[이장어디 인마 우리 거기서 내려왔는데!

-Sam-sik! -Hey! Where are you going? We came down that way!

[삼식 돼야!


[살짝 웃는다]

[미주가 실실 웃는다]

[미주아휴 밤새 이러고 있어야 ?

Do we have to stay here all night?

그러게 아침마다 핸드폰은  걷는 ?

Why do they make us turn in our cell phones?

지금쯤 다들 난리 났겄네

Everyone must be freaking out now.

배고파 먹을  없나?

I'm hungry. Do we have food?


I found candy.

강호야  잘라 줄게

-Kang-ho, I'll give you half. -It's okay.

됐어 사탕 싫어해

-Kang-ho, I'll give you half. -It's okay. I don't like candy.

싫어하는 것도 많다

You dislike a lot of things.


It's okay.

너는 그냥 나만 좋아하면 ?

I only need you to like me. Okay?


Hey! Think about it.

 아무리 그래도

Hey! Think about it.

[미주 폐쇄된 공간에 여자랑 단둘이 있는디

You're locked up in this place with a girl.

어떻게 그렇게 계속 공부만 허냐?

All you can do is study?

나도  보라고나도?

What about me? Pay some attention to me.

[잔잔한 음악]

사랑도 어쩌면 그와 같은 것인가

"Perhaps love is as such."


Love? "Like a rainshower, it suffocates me…

[강호소나기처럼 숨이 차게

"Like a rainshower, it suffocates me…

정수리부터 목물로 들이붓더니

from the head and covers me."

여기서 '소나기처럼' 직유법

That rainshower is a simile.

내일 시험에 나올 수도 있으니까 알아 

It might be on the exam tomorrow.




Forget it.

나는  빼고 예뻐져 가지고

I'm going to lose weight, become pretty, and marry into a good family.

좋은  시집이나 갈란다

I'm going to lose weight, become pretty, and marry into a good family.

[미주의 힘주는 소리]

I can do it.

[피식 웃는다]

All you do is study.


All you do is study.

공부만  점이면  ?

Who cares if you get all As?

눈치는 그냥 빵점인디

You're an F when it comes to social cues.

[가쁜 숨소리]

[놀란 소리]

[흥미로운 음악]

[미주가 캑캑댄다]

- [가슴을 탁탁 치는 소리] - 뭐야 그래?

Hey, what's wrong?

[강호사탕 걸린 거야?

Are you choking on the candy?

[미주가 발을 탁탁 구른다]

[강호의 당황한 숨소리]

[미주의 답답한 신음]


This isn't good. Come here.

'하나하면 '

Spit it out on three.

- [미주의 호응] - 하나!

One, two, three.


One, two, three.

[미주의 신음]

Again. One, two, three!

다시 하나

Again. One, two, three! Three! Again.

다시 하나!

One, two, three!

[미주의 신음]

[또르르 구르는 소리]

[미주의 거친 숨소리]

[흥미로운 음악]

 새끼야 돼야!

You bastard!

[ 오메메메삼식아아이고

Goodness. Sam-sik.

 애를 그렇게 씨게 밀고 그려!

Why did you push him so hard?


Are you all right?

언제부터 이러고 있었어?

How long have you been here?

보충 수업도   거야?

Did you miss your supplementary class?


[탁탁 챙기는 소리]

밤늦게 놀라셨죠죄송해요

I'm sorry for causing trouble at this hour.



을매나 걱정했는지 알어?

I was worried sick about you.

[이장이 멋쩍게됐어됐어

Goodness, it's all right.

아무  없었으면  거여

It's fine. Nothing bad happened.

[이장  입고 있는  보니까 아무  없었어요

They're both clothed. Nothing happened.

[영순교실 가서 책가방 챙겨

Let's go. Go get your backpack.

[ 집에 가서 얘기해

Let's go. We'll talk at home.

[미주의 난감한 소리]


[ 지독혀

She's so intense.

아니지금  상황서 보충했냐는 소리가 나오네

How could she worry about the supplementary class in this situation?

사람은 좋은디

Goodness, she's a great woman.

 저렇게 아들내미한테만 모질게 구는지 모르겄어

But why is she so harsh to her son?

그래서 강호가 저렇게   거죠

That's why Kang-ho grew up so well.

[삼식 생전 가야   번을 썩이나

He's never caused any trouble, and he's the top student in the country.

 촌구석에 살면서 전국 1등을 놓치기를 하나

and he's the top student in the country.

- [ 닥쳐! - [이장하긴 

Shut up. Well, I guess it'll be great

공부 잘혀서

Well, I guess it'll be great

우리 조우리에 법관 하나 나오면 좋지

Well, I guess it'll be great if he studies hard and goes into law.

[ 좋긴 뭐가 좋아요 [웃음]

if he studies hard and goes into law. What's so good about that?

솔직히 여기는 그냥

To be frank, people here could live an honest life even without the law.

  없이도  사람이거든요

To be frank, people here could live an honest life even without the law. Not everyone.

다는 아니죠

Not everyone.

[이장 저기 삼식이가 있는데

Sam-sik is an exception.

- [이장 처의 걱정스러운 소리] - [삼식 ?

-Gosh. -What?

[차분한 음악]

[ 이런 씨부럴 놈의 여편네가

You cursed woman!

저거 주둥이를  그냥! - [삼식 아니

You cursed woman! -You and your mouth! -Come on.

[이장가자고늦었으니께 얼른 

Let's go. It's late. Come with me.

- [유쾌한 음악] - [삼식 아니말을

Let's go. It's late. Come with me. How could she say that?

- [ 치는 소리] - [ 개놈의 새끼야

How could she say that? You darn punk.

니가새끼야친구를 감금해?

How could you lock up your friends?

 이놈의 새끼야 학교 잘리고 싶어서 환장했냐?

Do you want to get expelled from school?

[삼식학교는 모르겄고

I don't care about school,

일단  손모가지부터  잘라 봐유

but can you cut off my hands?

내가 도대체  짓을  

What have I done?

[ 쌍놈의 새끼야

You darn punk.

니가 지금 에미를 - [삼식의 비명]

You darn punk. Are you trying to disgrace your mother and father?

애비 에미

Are you trying to disgrace your mother and father?

- [삼식의 비명] - 망신을 시켜도 유분수지?

Are you trying to disgrace your mother and father?

[영순내일이 중간고사라 미역국은  끓였어

You have exams tomorrow, so I didn't make seaweed soup.

시험  끝나면 그때 끓여 줄게

I'll make it after the exams.


I had

아까 김밥 먹었어요

gimbap earlier.

[영순그래배부르면 잠만 오지

All right. You'll be sleepy if you're full.

시험공부나 마저 하고 

Finish your studies and go to bed.

- [응원 소리가 요란하다] - [차분한 음악]


[영순긴장할  없어 평소에 하던 대로만 

Don't be nervous. Do as you've always done.

문제 꼼꼼하게  읽고 시간 체크 잘하고

Read your questions thoroughly and manage your time well.

점심 많이 먹지 

Right. Don't eat too much for lunch.

듣기 평가   졸리면 큰일 알았지?

You'll get sleepy during the listening test.


- [호루라기 소리] - [저마다 응원한다]

Okay. -Good luck! -You'll do well!


Kang-ho. -Kang-ho. -Good luck!

강호야빨리 - [경찰   주세요

-Kang-ho, over here. -Please move your car.


-All right, I will. -Good luck!

[기어 조작음]

-All right, I will. -Good luck!


-Good luck! -Kang-ho!



[미주의 웃음]

You came? You're already admitted.

[강호여기 웬일이야수시 붙었잖아

You came? You're already admitted.

[미주오늘은  남친 응원해 주러 왔지

I came to show support for my boyfriend.

[놀라며어머 내가 지금 남친이라고 혔니?

Oh, my. Did I just say boyfriend?


How silly of me.

[미주강호의 웃음]

Give me your hand.

[강호의 의아한 소리]


요대로 가만히 있어

Stay still, okay?

내가 오늘의 운세를 봤는디

I read your horoscope today,

우리 용띠들 행운의 색이  노란색이랴

and the lucky color is yellow for the Year of the Dragon.

그래서 요렇게

So here.

[감탄하며아이고예쁘다 아이고

How pretty.

그래서 나도

There. I colored my nails too.

[강호미주의 웃음]

그리고 이거는 포크

And these. This is a fork so you can pick the correct answers.


This is a fork so you can pick the correct answers.

[미주의 웃음]

This is a fork so you can pick the correct answers.

그리고 이거는 휴지 풀어

And a roll of toilet paper. You'll be on a roll.

그리고 이거는 탬버린

And this, a tambourine.


Do well!

- [미주의 신난 소리] - [강호의 만류하는 소리]

Do well! Hey.

그리고 오늘의 하이라이트

And here's the highlight.



시험 끝나고 나와 가지고

After the exam,

오늘은 아주 그냥  터지게 먹는 거여

you're going to eat as much as you want.

그리고   번도   

And you've never been to the movies or to karaoke, so we're doing that too.

노래방도 가고 영화관도 가고 그러자

And you've never been to the movies or to karaoke, so we're doing that too.

솔직히 오늘 하루는 그래도 된다  그려?

You're allowed to do that today, right?

- [강호 - [미주

-Yes. -Good.

[미주가 살짝 웃는다]

내가  시험 끝날 때까지

I'll be praying for you and I'll stick around until the end.

여서   붙여 놓고 기도하고 있을게

I'll be praying for you and I'll stick around until the end.

최강호아자 아자

Kang-ho, go get it!

아자아자 아자 - [미주의 웃음]

Go… -Go get it! -Go get it!

[미주아자 아자이것도

-Go get it! -Go get it! And this one too. Go now.

- [강호 - [미주

And this one too. Go now.

수능 만점 최강호!

Perfect score, Choi Kang-ho!

당신 없인  살아

I can't live without you!

- [오토바이 경적] - 수능 

Perfect score…

[미주의 비명]

[무거운 음악]



- [강호미주야잠시만요 - [달려오는 발걸음]

Mi-joo! Excuse me.

[웅성거리는 소리]

-What happened? -Mi-joo.


-What happened? -Mi-joo.

아휴미주야 괜찮아괜찮아?

Mi-joo, are you okay?

미주야잠깐만미주야 미주야정신 차려 

Mi-joo, wait… Mi-joo. Mi-joo, stay with me.

미주야! - [호루라기 소리]


미주야정신  차려 미주야

Mi-joo, stay with me.

[영순드디어 오늘이에요여보

Finally, today is the day.

우리 강호


그동안 얼마나 힘들게 애썼는지

has studied very hard until this day.

당신이   알잖아

You know it better than I do.

[새가 지저귄다]

부디  시간들 헛되지 않게

Help him do well on the exam

시험    있게

so the time he spent studying won't be in vain.


You have to help him, okay?

[차분한 숨소리]

[미주의 옅은 신음]


Are you okay, Mi-joo?

니가  여기 있는 ?

Why are you here?


-What about the exam? -You can't get up yet.

[강호  아직 일어나면  

-What about the exam? -You can't get up yet.


The exam.




[차분한 음악]

[흐느끼며말도  돼야

I can't believe this.



You're crazy.


-No, Mi-joo. -What about the exam?

[미주 시험은

-No, Mi-joo. -What about the exam?

[강호미주야괜찮아 괜찮아

Mi-joo, it's okay.

[미주가 흐느낀다]

Mi-joo, it's okay. Mi-joo, it's all right.


Mi-joo, it's all right. It's okay.

시험은 내년에 다시 보면 

I can take the exam next year.

[미주가 훌쩍인다]

[울음을 터트린다]


It's okay.


-Get out. -Mom.


-Get out. -Mom.

돼지 똥물  바가지 맞아야 나갈래?

Do I have to pour pig poop on you?

[풀벌레 울음]

거기 너밖에 없었어?

Were you the only one there?

[영순니가  보호자냐고

Are you her guardian?

사고  사람 따로 있는데 니가  오지랖을 부리고 난리야?

You didn't hit her. Why did you have to miss the exam?

오늘이 얼마나 중요한 날인지 몰라?

Do you not realize how important today was?



미주가 다쳤어요

-Mi-joo got hurt. -So what?

그래서 !

-Mi-joo got hurt. -So what?

죽기라도 했어? - [강호엄마!

-Did she die? -Mom!

니가  다른 사람 땜에  인생을 망쳐!

Why should you ruin your life because of her? Why?


My life?

 인생이 어디 있는데요?

Do I have a life?



[강호그거 엄마 인생이잖아요

This is your life.

지겨워진짜 지긋지긋해

I'm sick and tired of this.

 막혀서  수가 없다고요!

You're suffocating me to death!

[강호의 거친 숨소리]

 엄마 마음대로  인생을 정해 놓고

You made a decision over my life and forced it on me.

나를 괴롭혀요?

You made a decision over my life and forced it on me.

아빠가 억울해서 죽은  그게  탓이에요?

Is it my fault that Dad died like that?





그게 누구 탓이냐고

Whose fault is it then?

[영순 아빠가   땜에 억울해서 죽었는지

For what reason did your dad die?

그것  가르쳐 달라고!

I need to know that!



You're sick and tired of this?

도망가고 싶어 미치겠지?

You want to run away?

판검사 그래야  벗어나

Then become a prosecutor. That's your only ticket out

 고약한 돼지  냄새한테도

from this disgusting pigsty smell

 나쁜 엄마한테도

and your bad mother.

[떨리는 숨소리]

[강호의 거친 숨소리]


You're right.

엄마 나쁜 사람이에요

You are a bad person.

[차분한 음악]

Why do I ruin my life because of someone else?

[강호 다른 사람 때문에  인생을 망치냐고요?

Why do I ruin my life because of someone else?

엄마가 그렇게 살라고 하셨잖아요

You taught me to live that way!

 있고 능력 있는 사람 돼서

You told me to become a powerful man

힘없고 어려운 사람들 도와주라고 하셨잖아요

and help those who are weak and in need!

근데 아니었어

But no.

엄마는 그냥

You were just

힘없어서 당한  억울했고

frustrated to live as the weak.

나를 이용해서 보란 듯이  힘을 갖고 싶었던 거라고요

You just wanted to get that power through me.


You just wanted to get that power through me. You…

아빠를 죽게 만든 그놈들과 다를  없는

wanted to raise me into a selfish snob just like those who killed Dad.

그런 속물로 키우고 싶었던 거라고요

wanted to raise me into a selfish snob just like those who killed Dad.


Okay, fine.

그렇게 할게요

I'll do that.

[거친 숨소리]


[돼지들의 울음]

[영순오늘 우리 강호 재판 있는  아시죠?

Kang-ho has a trial today.

이번에도 이길  있게   도와주세요

Please help him win again.


[흥미로운 음악]


[판사검사 구형하시죠

Prosecutor, request the sentencing.

[강호피해자 정민호 군은

Jung Min-ho, the victim, fell and passed away on December 22, 2020

2020 12 22 수아동 우벽스테이 건설 현장에서

Jung Min-ho, the victim, fell and passed away on December 22, 2020 at the construction site of Woobyeok Stay in Sua-dong

외부 비계 난간대 미설치로 인하여 추락사했습니다

due to the lack of scaffolding of the exterior railing.

현장 최고층에서 일했지만

He worked in the uppermost site,

정민호 군을 살릴  있었을 안전대

but there was no safety equipment available,

추락 방지망 등의 안전장치는  어디에도 없었습니다

such as safety belts or nets, which could have saved his life.

하청업체 대표 피고인 박철수는

Defendant Park Cheol-su, the CEO of the subcontractor,

시공사 우벽건설이 안전 관리  추락 방지망 설치를

ignored the constant request of Woobyeok Construction for safety supervision

공사 시작 당시부터 수차례 지시하였음에도 불구하고

and installation of safety nets from the moment the construction began.

이를 묵인하였습니다

and installation of safety nets from the moment the construction began.

존경하는 재판장님

Your Honor.

이제  대학 입학을 앞두고 학비를 벌어 보고자

The victim, Jung Min-ho, sought a construction site

일용직 노동자로 공사 현장을 찾았다가 사망한 피해자

to pay for his college just before his school year began,

꽃다운 청년 정민호 

but he passed at such a young age.

그의 억울함과

Please consider this injustice

무책임한 피고인의 범죄 행위의 중대성을 종합적으로 고려하시어

and the seriousness of the crime which the defendant has committed

징역 3년을 선고하여 주시기 바랍니다

and sentence him to three years in prison.

[아기가 찡얼댄다]

[아기의 울음]

[ 정리하는 소리]

[판사피고인 박철수는

The defendant, Park Cheol-su,

[판사피해자들에게 재산적 피해뿐만 아니라

did not only cause damage to the victim's assets,

근로자의 사망이라는 회복할  없는 손해를 발생시켰다

but also irrevocable damage, that is, the death of a laborer.

- [한숨] - 주문

Formal adjudication.

피고인을 징역 3년에 처한다

The defendant is sentenced to three years in prison.

검사님드릴 말씀이 있어요

The defendant is sentenced to three years in prison. Prosecutor Choi. I have something to say.

[여자남편은 협박을 당했어요

My husband was threatened.

공사 시작부터 하도 공사 일정으로 압박해서

They pressured him with the schedule as soon as they began. That's why the construction was rushed.

그래서 무리한 거라고요

That's why the construction was rushed.

안전망이랑 난간들도  필요하다고

He demanded more safety nets and scaffoldings again and again,

 번이고 요구했지만

He demanded more safety nets and scaffoldings again and again,

우벽건설 쪽에서 공사 대금을 핑계로 묵살했어요

but Woobyeok Construction ignored him, using the cost as an excuse.

그래 놓고 막상 사고가 나니까

And when the accident happened, they pinned the blame on him.

남편한테 모든 책임을 뒤집어쓰라고  거예요

they pinned the blame on him.

전에 남편이 썼던 휴대폰인데

This is my husband's old phone.

우벽건설과 통화한 녹음 내역이 남아 있어요

There's a recording of a call he had with Woobyeok Construction.

[무거운 음악]

Why did you bring this important evidence to me and not to your attorney?

  중요한 증거를

Why did you bring this important evidence to me and not to your attorney?

변호사가 아닌 저한테 가져오신 거죠?

Why did you bring this important evidence to me and not to your attorney?

[여자변호사도 우벽건설과 한패니까요

Because the attorney works for Woobyeok Construction.

검사님이라면 도와주실  있잖아요

But you can help him.



제발 부탁드립니다

Please help him.

[강호의 한숨]

[강호쉽지 않으셨을 텐데 용기  주셔서 감사합니다

Thank you for plucking up the courage to do this.


I'll be in contact.

[여자가 안도하며감사합니다

Thank you.

감사합니다검사님 감사합니다

Thank you, Prosecutor Choi. Thank you.

[강호의 한숨]

[통화 연결음]


This is Choi Kang-ho.

일이  골치 아프게 됐는데요

Things have become troublesome.

[무거운 음악]

[우벽우리  검사님 오셨습니까?

There you are, Prosecutor Choi.



Hello, Chairman Song.

[의미심장한 음악]

[리드미컬한 음악]

[우벽  아들 할래?

Do you want to be my son?

[남자1 흐느끼며니는 애비도 없냐!

Don't you have a father?

[이장우리 검사님은  계시제?

How's our prosecutor doing?

없다고 하세요 - [남자2] 없다고 하라고요?

-Tell her I'm not home. -Tell her you're not home?

사과  하겠다

I won't apologize.

[태수 같은 놈은  같은 사람을

Someone like you can never call me Father.

절대 아버님이라고 부를  없어

Someone like you can never call me Father.

[삼식 저게  팔자 피는 정도가 아니여?

It's more than just that.

신분이 달라지는 거여

Her social status will change.

[우벽의 웃음]

이게 진빼이 홈런이지?

This is a true home run.

[강호어머니가 바라던  이거 아니었어요?

Isn't this what you wanted?


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