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  소년 심판 1

Juvenile Justice 1


"새해 복 많이 받으세요"‬
‪"행복한 성탄절 되세요"‬
‪"넷플릭스 시리즈"‬
‪[발소리가 울린다]‬[heavy footsteps]
‪- (성우) 저기요, 저…‬ ‪- (여자1) 아, 깜짝이야‬-[Seong-u] Excuse me. -[woman] Holy shit.
‪(성우) 저, 죄송한데 저 핸드폰 좀‬ ‪빌려주실 수 있으세요?‬[Seong-u] I'm really sorry, but could I maybe borrow your phone?
‪(여자1) 아, 죄송합니다‬[woman] Uh, I'm so sorry.
‪(성우) 저기, 저…‬[Seong-u] Excuse me. Um, can I borrow your phone?
‪제가 핸드폰을‬ ‪잃어버려서 그러는데…‬[Seong-u] Excuse me. Um, can I borrow your phone? -I've just lost mine-- -I'm sorry, my battery is dead.
‪(남자1) 아, 아니요‬ ‪지, 지금 배터리가…‬-I've just lost mine-- -I'm sorry, my battery is dead.
‪금방 가, 어‬ ‪[멀리서 사이렌이 울린다]‬On my way. Yeah.
‪야, 잠깐 끊어 봐‬I gotta go now.
‪(강식) 학생‬[Ko] Hey, kid.
‪저, 학생, 잠깐만‬ ‪[긴장되는 음악]‬Hold up one sec. -[tense music] -[gasps]
‪[성우의 거친 숨이 울린다]‬-[tense music] -[gasps]
‪(강식) 이게 뭐야‬[Ko] What's all this?
‪오, 씨, 피야?‬Is it blood?
‪아니요, 아니에요‬Uh, no, it isn't.
‪(강식) 야, 아닌 게 아닌데‬Yeah, it… it looks like it is.
‪너 이름 뭐야? 학교 어디야?‬Can you tell me your name, kid?
‪일단 서로 들어가자‬ ‪들어가서 얘기해‬ ‪[성우의 당황한 신음]‬Let's go inside here. We, we can talk.
‪[성우의 거친 숨소리]‬
‪야, 아니다, 너 지금 병원부터‬ ‪가야겠다, 그렇지?‬No, I should take you to the hospital.
‪야, 정신 차리고‬ ‪뭐라도 얘길 해야‬Hey, get it together and talk to me
‪- (강식) 내가 널 도울 거 아니야‬ ‪- 아니요, 그…‬Hey, get it together and talk to me -or I can't help you. -No, no.
‪아니, 그게 아니라‬No, it's just that…
‪[무전기 작동음]‬ ‪(경찰1) 찾았다!‬-[radio beeps] -[police 1] Here, top of Building 101!
‪찾았다, 101동! 101동, 응답!‬-[radio beeps] -[police 1] Here, top of Building 101! Call the parents and don't let anyone near.
‪과학 수사대 올려 보내‬Call for backup now!
‪(경찰2) 지금 올라가고 있습니다‬[police 2] Copy. We're on our way!
‪[바람이 휭휭 분다]‬[clangs and squeaks]
‪[경찰2의 거친 숨소리]‬[panting]
‪(성우) 제가…‬[Seong-u] I just…
‪사람을 죽였거든요‬I killed someone.
‪[거친 숨소리]‬[heavy breathing]
‪이걸로‬I used this.
‪[긴장되는 효과음]‬[eerie music]
‪(앵커) 만 8세 초등생을 살해한 뒤‬The person responsible for the recent murder
‪시신을 훼손해 유기한 범인이‬The person responsible for the recent murder of an eight-year-old child and the subsequent mutilation of the boy's body
‪사건 발생 8시간 만에 자수해‬and the subsequent mutilation of the boy's body has turned himself in after an eight-hour search.
‪큰 충격을 주고 있습니다‬ ‪[사람들이 소리친다]‬has turned himself in after an eight-hour search.
‪[카메라 셔터음이 연신 터진다]‬has turned himself in after an eight-hour search. [reporter] The perpetrator, whose surname is Baek, is a 13-year-old boy
‪용의자는 피해자와‬ ‪같은 아파트 단지에 사는‬[reporter] The perpetrator, whose surname is Baek, is a 13-year-old boy who lives in the same apartment complex as the murder victim.
‪만 13세 백 모 군으로‬ ‪밝혀졌습니다‬who lives in the same apartment complex as the murder victim.
‪백 모 군은 현재 경찰 조사를‬ ‪모두 마친 상황인데요‬Baek has already undergone investigation by the police and has been found responsible.
‪다만 범죄를 저질러도‬ ‪처벌받지 않는‬However, Baek's age designates him a young offender, and he cannot be held accountable for his crimes.
‪만 14세 미만 촉법소년에 해당돼‬and he cannot be held accountable for his crimes. In the wake of this grizzly murder,
‪논란이 커질 것으로 보입니다‬we're expecting controversy over the law to grow.
‪[가쁜 숨소리가 들린다]‬[heavy breathing]
‪[가쁜 숨소리]‬
‪(은석) 대한민국 판사 정원‬ ‪3,300여 명 중‬[Eun-seok] There are about 3,300 judges in South Korea.
‪전국 소년부 판사의 숫자는‬ ‪약 20여 명‬But only 20 of those judges work in the juvenile courts.
‪이 20여 명의 판사들은‬And those 20 judges adjudicate on the cases
‪매년 3만 명 이상의‬ ‪소년범들을 만납니다‬And those 20 judges adjudicate on the cases of 30,000 young offenders per year.
‪(은석) 소년 보호 재판엔‬ ‪보조인은 출석해도‬[Eun-seok] In the juvenile court system, a legal assistant may be present,
‪검사는 출석하지 않고‬but there are no prosecutors in the court room.
‪소년부 판사가 직접‬ ‪아이들을 심문하면서‬The judge directly questions the young offenders and then decides
‪보호 처분을 결정합니다‬whether to grant them probation.
‪그리고 그제야‬ ‪소년부 판사의 업무는 시작이죠‬And if probation is granted, the judge's real work begins.
‪처분된 환경 속에서‬ ‪소년범이 적응은 잘하는지‬Since they need to monitor the young offender and see that they're adjusting well.
‪도망치거나‬To ensure that…
‪이후 또 다른 범죄를‬ ‪저지르진 않는지‬the young offender doesn't run away or re-offend.
‪담당 판사의 꾸준한‬ ‪관리, 감독이 이뤄지기 때문이죠‬The judge overseeing the case assumes a continuous supervisor role.
‪(기자) 그 점은 특이하네요‬The judge overseeing the case assumes a continuous supervisor role. [interviewer] That seems strange, though.
‪아니, 재판도 끝났는데‬ ‪왜 굳이 판사가…‬[interviewer] That seems strange, though. Why is the judge involved even after the trial is over?
‪(은석) 애초 소년법의 목적이‬I believe the purpose of Juvenile Law is to provide a structure
‪반사회성 소년의 환경 조정과‬ ‪품행 교정‬I believe the purpose of Juvenile Law is to provide a structure where troubled kids can reform themselves and mature into better citizens.
‪건전한 성장이거든요‬where troubled kids can reform themselves and mature into better citizens.
‪그러니‬So really, it's the judge's responsibility to direct and to supervise them.
‪꾸준한 관리, 감독 역시‬So really, it's the judge's responsibility to direct and to supervise them.
‪판사의 몫이죠‬So really, it's the judge's responsibility to direct and to supervise them.
‪(기자) 결국 소년 법정의 목적은‬So the goal of the juvenile court system… isn't punishment?
‪처벌이 아니다?‬So the goal of the juvenile court system… isn't punishment?
‪그럼 마지막으로 답변 하나만 듣고‬ ‪마무리하도록 하겠습니다‬[interviewer] Okay, then. We'll wrap up the interview after one last question, ma'am.
‪왜 소년부 판사를 택하셨습니까?‬What made you decide to be a juvenile court judge?
‪이유는 딱 하나입니다‬There's really only one reason.
‪(기자) 예?‬[interviewer] What?
‪저는‬I have…
‪소년범을‬nothing but hatred…
‪혐오합니다‬for young offenders.
‪[강조되는 효과음]‬
‪[직원들이 분주하다]‬[worker 1] I'm not gonna even be at home.
‪그, 소년 분류 심사원이‬Well, just because he's at the juvenile center
‪빨간 줄 긋는 곳이 아니고요‬doesn't mean he'll have a record. The center's not a prison, ma'am.
‪교도소가 아니에요, 어머님‬The center's not a prison, ma'am.
‪(범) 그러니까 이제‬[Beom] People think it's some kind of punitive detention center,
‪예, 보통 구치소로‬ ‪생각을 하시는데‬[Beom] People think it's some kind of punitive detention center,
‪학교 출석도 인정되고‬but kids can get school credit there,
‪여기가 이제 뭐, 사건 관련 조사랑‬ ‪심리 상담 하는 곳…‬while we follow up on their cases and bring them here for therapy.
‪(영실) 예, 소년형사합의부입니다‬ ‪[범이 계속 통화한다]‬-Juvenile Criminal Collegiate Division. -[Beom] Yes. No, no, no.
‪예, 경찰 어디요?‬-Well, uh… No, I wasn't signing. -Which police station?
‪아, 아, 예, 안녕하세요‬Uh, uh, it's the order handed down by the court.
‪어쩐 일이세요, 아침부터‬Uh, uh, it's the order handed down by the court.
‪뭐라고요?‬I'm sorry, what?
‪[카드 인식음]‬[door lock beeps]
‪(수미) 저, 심은석 판사님?‬Uh, Judge Sim Eun-seok, right?
‪안녕하세요‬I'm Woo Su-mi. I manage the Juvenile Criminal Collegiate Division.
‪저 소년형사합의부 주임‬ ‪우수미입니다‬I'm Woo Su-mi. I manage the Juvenile Criminal Collegiate Division.
‪생각보다 일찍 오셨네요‬You got here earlier than we'd expected.
‪이쪽 방입니다‬[Su-mi] Follow me, ma'am.
‪[문이 철컥 열린다]‬[door opens]
‪(수미) 예‬Here.
‪얘긴 들으셨죠? 좌배석 판사님하고‬ ‪방 함께 쓰시는 거‬You were already told that you'll be sharing the office with another judge, right?
‪차태주 판사님이시고요‬ ‪남자 판사님이세요‬He's a male judge. His name is Cha Tae-ju.
‪밤새 판결문 쓰셨거든요‬He was here all night writing up a sentencing.
‪지금 씻으러 잠깐 관사에 가셨어요‬[Su-mi] He just stepped out to go freshen up.
‪[가방을 툭 내려놓는다]‬
‪부장님은요?‬Mr. Kang here?
‪안에 계시죠?‬Is he in there?
‪[서로 인사를 나눈다]‬-[host] Yes, thank you. -[staff] Good job. -Good job, guys. -Great work.
‪(원중) 야, 다음 녹화는‬ ‪다다음 주로 미루는 거 맞지?‬-I'm heading out now. -Great work, everyone. So next week's shoot's been postponed, is that right?
‪(PD) 아, 그럼요‬ ‪오늘 찍은 분량으로‬That's right, sir. Today's footage should be enough for two weeks, sir.
‪다다음 주까지 충분합니다‬That's right, sir. Today's footage should be enough for two weeks, sir.
‪어, 아, 우배석 하나가‬ ‪갑자기 관두는 바람에‬Oh, one of our associate judges up and left.
‪사건은 밀리지‬ ‪뭐, 인원은 모자라지‬Oh, one of our associate judges up and left. We have cases coming in, we're way understaffed.
‪- 죽겠다, 아주‬ ‪- (PD) 그래도‬-It's stressing me out. -[PD] I can imagine.
‪(PD) 방송에, 재판에‬Broadcasting, trials, and even volunteering.
‪봉사 활동까지‬Broadcasting, trials, and even volunteering.
‪존경합니다, 판사님‬All my respect, Judge Kang.
‪(원중) 아이! 사람이 참‬ ‪[PD를 툭 친다]‬Wow, what a guy, huh?
‪- (조연출) 판사님‬ ‪- (원중) 어?‬-[director] Excuse me, sir! -Huh?
‪(조연출) 지금 법원에서‬ ‪연락 왔는데요‬That was the courthouse on the phone. They need you there right away.
‪지금 빨리 오셔야 할 거 같다고…‬That was the courthouse on the phone. They need you there right away.
‪(남자2) 소년법을 폐지하라!‬ ‪[카메라 셔터음이 연신 울린다]‬Time to revoke the Juvenile Law!
‪(시위대) 폐지하라! 폐지하라!‬[all in unison] Revoke! Revoke!
‪(남자2) 소년법을 개정하라!‬[protester] Time to revoke the Juvenile Law!
‪(시위대) 개정하라! 개정하라!‬[all in unison] Revoke! Revoke!
‪(남자2) 미성년 강력 범죄 처벌을‬ ‪강화하라!‬[protester] Do not tolerate punishment for young offenders -right now! -[all in unison] Zero tolerance now!
‪(시위대) 강화하라!‬-right now! -[all in unison] Zero tolerance now!
‪(태주) 예, 센터장님‬[Tae-ju] Yes, understood.
‪아, 얼마나 다쳤는데요?‬Well, how bad is the injury, though?
‪예, 예, 무슨 말씀인지 알겠고요‬Yeah, yeah, I understand what you mean.
‪어, 그…‬Uh, yeah.
‪일단은 치료가 우선이니까‬He should get the treatment first.
‪끝나면 연락을 다시 주시죠‬ ‪센터장님‬Let me know when that's taken care of. Thanks. Talk to you soon. Yeah.
‪예‬Let me know when that's taken care of. Thanks. Talk to you soon. Yeah.
‪누구시죠?‬[Tae-ju] May I help you, ma'am?
‪[멋쩍게 웃으며] 아…‬Uh, well, the thing is you can't really just wander around in here.
‪여기가 그…‬Uh, well, the thing is you can't really just wander around in here.
‪일반인이 막‬ ‪드나드는 곳이 아니어서‬Uh, well, the thing is you can't really just wander around in here.
‪어, 누구 만나러 오셨나요?‬Uh, well, the thing is you can't really just wander around in here. Uh, so are you here to meet someone?
‪- 오늘 온다는 우배석이에요‬ ‪- (태주) 아, 그…‬The new associate judge who's starting today.
‪시, 심은석 판사님?‬Oh, Judge Si… Sim Eun-seok? That's his name?
‪만나셨어요?‬Have you met him yet?
‪가만있어 봐, 갑작스러운 발령이라‬ ‪오늘은 좀‬I heard he'll be a little late today because the… the whole transfer was out of the blue.
‪(태주) 늦으신다고 들었는데‬because the… the whole transfer was out of the blue.
‪약속은 하신 걸까요?‬Did you have an appointment with him, though?
‪약속 안 해도 됩니다, 저는‬I don't need a damn appointment.
‪내가 그‬Because I'm…
‪심은석이거든‬Sim Eun-seok, young man.
‪[놀란 숨소리]‬[gasps]
‪내가 우배석이니까‬I might come off a little harsh, but I am your senior.
‪말 놔도 되지?‬I might come off a little harsh, but I am your senior.
‪- (원중) 야!‬ ‪- (영실) [놀라며] 아, 깜짝이야‬-[Won-jung] Hey! -Oh, my goodness.
‪(원중) 너 뭐 하는 놈이야‬What the hell's wrong with you? I said not to call the broadcast station!
‪내가 방송국에‬ ‪전화하지 말라 그랬지?‬What the hell's wrong with you? I said not to call the broadcast station!
‪법원에서 자꾸 전화질하면‬I told you that when you interrupt me there,
‪될 일도 안 된다고‬ ‪했어, 안 했어? 어?‬I told you that when you interrupt me there, everything always falls to shit, huh?
‪가뜩이나 중간에서‬ ‪얼마나 눈치가 보이는데‬I'm walking on eggshells all the time over there as it is.
‪인마‬-[rack rattles] -So it'll be on you if I get fired.
‪나 잘리면 네가 책임질 거야?‬-[rack rattles] -So it'll be on you if I get fired.
‪(영실) 저, 부장님‬ ‪제가 시켰습니다‬Um, Mr. Kang. I told him to call you.
‪긴급 사건이 넘어와서요‬We had an urgent case come through.
‪뭔데?‬What is it?
‪연화 초등생 살인 사건‬ ‪저희 부로 넘어왔습니다‬The Yeonhwa Child Murder Case has been sent to us, sir.
‪(영실) 새로 발령받은 우배석 판사‬ ‪차태주 판사‬ ‪[어두운 음악]‬[Yeong-sil] I'll go tell the new associate judge and also Judge Tae-ju to go and meet you in your office, sir.
‪지금 바로 부장님 방으로‬ ‪들어오라고 할게요‬and also Judge Tae-ju to go and meet you in your office, sir.
‪[노크 소리가 들린다]‬[knocks on door]
‪부장님‬Hi, sir.
‪회의 끝나고 언론 중재 위원회‬ ‪일정 맞추셔야 되는데‬You have a meeting with the Press Arbitration Committee after this.
‪식사 어떻게 할까요?‬What do you want for dinner?
‪(원중) 연화 초등생 사건‬Everybody's already heard about the Yeonhwa Case, right?
‪모르는 사람 없지?‬Everybody's already heard about the Yeonhwa Case, right?
‪(지후 모) [울부짖으며] 지후야!‬YEONHWA DISTRICT COURT JUVENILE PROTECTION CASE [Ji-hu's mom] Ji-hu!
‪지후야!‬[crying] Ji-hu!
‪[사이렌이 울린다]‬[whimpers]
‪(아이) 지후가‬ ‪엄마한테 전화해야 된다고‬ ‪[형사가 호응한다]‬Ji-hu went to borrow a phone from some older kid. -[police 1] Mm-hmm. And? -Because he didn't have one,
‪어떤 형한테 핸드폰을‬ ‪빌려 달라고 했거든요?‬-[police 1] Mm-hmm. And? -Because he didn't have one, and he needed to call his mom.
‪근데 그 형도 충전해야 된다고‬and he needed to call his mom. [kid] But the kid told him he needed to go inside to charge his phone,
‪그 형 집에 가서 빌려준다고‬[kid] But the kid told him he needed to go inside to charge his phone,
‪그래서 지후만 그 형 집에 갔어요‬[kid] But the kid told him he needed to go inside to charge his phone, so Ji-hu followed him back to his house.
‪[사이렌이 울린다]‬ ‪[사람들이 웅성거린다]‬so Ji-hu followed him back to his house. [police 2] Please back up. Step back, sir.
‪[카메라 셔터음]‬[camera shutters clicking]
‪(원중) 범인은‬[Won-jung] The culprit is a 13-year-old young offender
‪피해자와 같은 단지에 사는‬[Won-jung] The culprit is a 13-year-old young offender
‪만 13세의 미성년자‬who lives in the same complex as the victim.
‪[어두운 효과음]‬ ‪키 160도 안 되는 작은 체구나‬He's small, only around 5 feet 3.
‪만 8세 피해자를‬ ‪목 졸라 살해한 후‬And he apparently strangled the eight-year-old boy to death,
‪등산용 도끼로 사체를 훼손‬ ‪유기했어‬cut him up with a hatchet, and then disposed of the body.
‪(원중) 장기와 사체의 일부는‬He dumped the internal organs and the rest of the body in a compost bin,
‪음식물 쓰레기통에 버리는 바람에‬He dumped the internal organs and the rest of the body in a compost bin,
‪장례도 다 찾지 못한 채‬ ‪치러야 했고‬so the family was unable to recover the body for the funeral.
‪원한도, 일면식도 없던 관계‬The two boys don't seem to have known each other.
‪그것도 백주 대낮‬He did it in broad daylight at an apartment complex
‪파출소와 초등학교가 지천인‬ ‪아파트 단지에서‬He did it in broad daylight at an apartment complex beside a police station and an elementary school.
‪이게‬This is… just the grim new reality of juvenile crimes.
‪오늘날 소년 범죄의 현실이다‬This is… just the grim new reality of juvenile crimes.
‪유괴, 살인‬Kidnapping, murder, body mutilation, and disposal.
‪사체 훼손, 사체 유기‬Kidnapping, murder, body mutilation, and disposal.
‪[병을 잘그락거리며] 그러나‬ ‪범인은 촉법소년‬But the kid is still a young offender.
‪소년법 최대 형량인‬ ‪20년을 선고해도 욕먹을 판에‬[inhales] The maximum sentence according to the law is only 20 years which would cause an uproar.
‪소년원 2년이 최대 처분이야‬Though, in his case, he can only get two years in youth detention…
‪만 14세 미만이라는 이유로‬because he's under 14 years of age.
‪이건 뭐, 욕받이 하라는 거지‬[Won-jung] Basically, the press will eat us alive.
‪[원중이 뚜껑을 잘그락 연다]‬[Won-jung sighs]
‪[원중의 시원한 숨소리]‬[exhales]
‪연수원 때부터 그렇게 대단했다며‬I heard you did well at the training institute.
‪(원중) 난다 긴다 하는‬ ‪남자 동기들 다 제치고‬And that you surpassed all your male classmates
‪제일 먼저 중앙 지법에 입성‬and went on to the Central District Court.
‪해외 법관 연수까지, 어?‬And you even trained overseas, right? [chuckles]
‪[원중의 웃음]‬And you even trained overseas, right? [chuckles]
‪엘리트 코스는 다 밟았던데‬You're destined to be one of the elites.
‪이번 사건도‬ ‪어디 한번 잘해 보라고‬Anyway, I wish you the best of luck on this case here…
‪심판 앞으로 배정 났으니까‬since you've been selected as judge.
‪결과는 이미 정해져 있어도‬The outcome may have been determined already.
‪모든 스포트라이트가‬ ‪우리 재판부를 주시할 거야‬But the department's handling of this is gonna have the whole country's attention.
‪신중해야 돼‬So be careful, huh?
‪(태주) 그, 아시다시피‬[Tae-ju] Maybe you already know,
‪판사님이 계셨던‬ ‪지방 법원의 소년부하고‬[Tae-ju] Maybe you already know, but the way we go about our business around here is really quite a bit different from the way things are
‪여기 소년형사합의부는‬ ‪결이 좀 다릅니다‬is really quite a bit different from the way things are at the Juvenile District Court you're at.
‪소년부에서는‬ ‪소년 보호 사건만 맡으셨죠?‬You only handled juvenile protection cases, is that right?
‪여기 소년형사합의부에서는‬At the Juvenile Criminal Collegiate Division,
‪소년 보호 사건하고‬ ‪소년 형사 사건도‬we actually do juvenile protection cases in addition to juvenile criminal cases.
‪함께 맡게 되거든요‬we actually do juvenile protection cases in addition to juvenile criminal cases.
‪일주일간 배석 판사가 읽어야 할‬ ‪사건 기록은 약 80건‬ ‪[마우스 클릭음]‬So that means the associate judge has to read about 80 cases every week.
‪한 달이면‬So that comes out to 300 cases a month, you know.
‪300건 전후가 되고요‬So that comes out to 300 cases a month, you know.
‪이 소년 형사 사건은‬So these juvenile criminal cases go through collegiate court
‪합의부로 진행해서‬ ‪부장님께 판결문까지 납품하고‬So these juvenile criminal cases go through collegiate court and the sentences are reported to Mr. Kang. Although protection cases are done separately and on specific days.
‪보호 사건은 요일에 맞춰‬ ‪단독으로 진행합니다‬Although protection cases are done separately and on specific days.
‪(은석) 미제가 생각보다 많네?‬There are quite a few open cases here.
‪[태주가 살짝 웃는다]‬[chuckles awkwardly] And that data you wanted, right here.
‪(태주) 그리고 아까‬ ‪여기 저, 자료…‬And that data you wanted, right here.
‪그리고 저, 아까는‬ ‪초면에 죄송했습니다‬[Tae-ju] Ma'am, I apologize for the misunderstanding earlier.
‪성함 매치가 잘 안돼서‬It's just when I first heard your name,
‪남자 판사님이‬ ‪오시는 줄 알았습니다‬I mistakenly assumed you'd be a man.
‪남자 판사가 아니라‬ ‪실망한 건 아니고?‬And you're sure you're not somewhat disappointed about that?
‪아, 예‬[chuckles] -What? -[page rustles]
‪예? 아유…‬-What? -[page rustles] Oh, of course not.
‪아닙니다‬Oh, of course not.
‪[노크 소리가 들린다]‬-[knocks on door] -Yes?
‪(태주) 예‬ ‪[문이 철컥 열린다]‬-[knocks on door] -Yes? [door opens]
‪(영실) 저, 처음 뵙겠습니다‬It's nice to meet you, ma'am. My name is Joo Yeong-sil, I'm a parliamentary counselor.
‪소년형사합의부 참여관‬ ‪주영실입니다‬My name is Joo Yeong-sil, I'm a parliamentary counselor.
‪(범) 어, 저는 실무관 서범입니다‬I'm Prosecutor Seo Beom, ma'am.
‪전부 다 연화 초등생 살인 사건?‬This whole stack's for the Yeonhwa Child Murder case?
‪(범) 네, 이게 양이 좀 많습니다‬Yes. Yes, it's quite a bit, ma'am. The perpetrator's name is Baek Seong-u, right?
‪- (은석) 소년 이름이 백성우였죠?‬ ‪- (영실) 예‬The perpetrator's name is Baek Seong-u, right? [Yeong-sil] Yes.
‪최대한 서둘러서‬ ‪첫 기일부터 잡읍시다‬Let's arrange a date for the trial as early as possible.
‪(은석) 사건이 사건인 만큼‬Since it's an atypical case, go ahead and contact the victim's family.
‪피해자 가족들 연락해 보시고‬Since it's an atypical case, go ahead and contact the victim's family. [Beom] I'll get on it, ma'am.
‪(범) 네, 알겠습니다‬[Beom] I'll get on it, ma'am.
‪(수미) 판밥 시간 다 됐는데요‬[Su-mi] Hey, it's almost MJ time, everyone.
‪아, 부장님은 참석 못 하세요‬ ‪선약 있으셔서‬Oh, Mr. Kang won't be joining us today. He's made other plans.
‪[영실의 난감한 신음]‬Um… [Yeong-sil clicks tongue]
‪(영실) 아, 그…‬It's a… a little tradition we have here.
‪우리 법원 전통입니다‬It's a… a little tradition we have here.
‪'판사님하고 밥 먹기' 줄임말인데‬MJ is just short for "meal with judge."
‪어, 시설 처분이 끝난 아이들하고‬ ‪담당 판사님‬The kids who have just been released meet with the judge and staff.
‪어, 재판부 직원들이‬ ‪다 함께 점심을 먹습니다‬We go out and have a meal together and chat a little.
‪(범) 밥 먹으면서‬ ‪아이들 고민도 들어 주고 하는데‬[Beom] We all go to a restaurant somewhere just to catch up with them.
‪이게 의외로 반응이 좋습니다‬We think it really helps them out.
‪네, 다녀들 오세요‬Fine. You go right ahead.
‪(영실) 저, 판사님도‬ ‪같이 가셔야 됩니다‬You should really come along with us today. If the associate judge doesn't come when Mr. Kang can't,
‪오늘 부장님도 그렇고‬ ‪배석까지 빠지면‬If the associate judge doesn't come when Mr. Kang can't,
‪이 자리가 의미가 없습니다‬If the associate judge doesn't come when Mr. Kang can't, the gathering doesn't mean anything.
‪어차피 제가 재판한‬ ‪아이들도 아니고‬Not like I sentenced any of these delinquents.
‪소년들 사후 감독도‬Following up the kids after their release
‪소년부 판사‬ ‪주요 업무 중 하나입니다‬is one of the responsibilities of a Juvenile Court judge.
‪아직 뭐, 재판을 안 하셨어도‬ ‪판사님 아이들이니까요‬You may not have overseen their cases, but they're your responsibility, you know.
‪아이들 기다릴 겁니다‬They expect to meet you, ma'am.
‪[펜을 탁 내려놓는다]‬ ‪[한숨]‬[sighs]
‪꼭 가야 합니까?‬Do I have to go?
‪도석이는 태권도‬ ‪아예 마음 접은 거야?‬So you're not gonna do taekwondo anymore, Do-seok, huh?
‪네‬Mm, yeah.
‪그래도 전공 살려서‬ ‪경호 쪽으로 한번 가 보려고요‬Yeah, but I'm still looking into becoming a security guard. I already got a license and I passed my final exams at the detention center.
‪(도석) 시설에서 자격증이랑‬ ‪검정고시도 땄고요‬I already got a license and I passed my final exams at the detention center.
‪[도석의 어깨를 토닥이며]‬ ‪장하다, 응?‬I already got a license and I passed my final exams at the detention center. -Proud of you. -Thank you.
‪감사합니다‬ ‪[태주의 웃음]‬-Proud of you. -Thank you.
‪아, 유리는?‬ ‪할머니 건강은 좀 어떠시니?‬Hey, Yu-ri. Uh, how's your grandma been doing lately?
‪아, 많이 괜찮아지셨어요‬Ah! Well, she's been doing a lot better, sir.
‪(유리) 아, 그때 그, 판사님이‬[Yu-ri] Oh, I'm getting my paycheck soon, and I'll be able to pay you back
‪약값 빌려주신 거‬[Yu-ri] Oh, I'm getting my paycheck soon, and I'll be able to pay you back
‪저 이번에 월급 받거든요?‬for those meds that you bought for my grandma.
‪꼭 갚을게요‬That was really nice.
‪얘기 들었어, 실습하기로 했다고‬Right. I heard you're gonna start training soon.
‪(태주) 갚는 거는 됐고‬[Tae-jun] No need to pay me back.
‪판사님 머리 커트‬ ‪언제 한번 해 줘 봐 봐‬Just give me a haircut someday and we're even.
‪- 제가요?‬ ‪- (태주) BTS 스타일로‬A haircut? -BTS style, though. You can do that, huh? -[all laughing]
‪[함께 웃는다]‬ ‪(태주) 되겠지?‬-BTS style, though. You can do that, huh? -[all laughing]
‪아니, 실력을 한번 봐야지‬ ‪그렇지?‬I wanna know just how good you are.
‪설아는 시설 원장님이‬ ‪칭찬을 엄청 하시더라‬[Tae-ju] Hey, you know, the director of the detention center was complimenting you.
‪완전 마음 잡았다고‬the director of the detention center was complimenting you. He says you've changed a lot.
‪[설아의 웃음]‬ ‪설아 퇴소 기념으로‬[giggles] How about we give a toast to Seol-ah
‪그래도 다 같이 건배라도‬ ‪한번 할까?‬How about we give a toast to Seol-ah -for getting released from the center? -Okay.
‪- (태주와 유리) 축하해‬ ‪- (설아) 감사합니다‬-[Tae-ju] Congrats. -Congrats. -Thank you so much, sir. -[Do-seok] Congrats.
‪- (설아) 저 잠깐 화장실 좀…‬ ‪- (태주) 응‬-Excuse me, I'm going to the bathroom. -[Tae-ju] Mm.
‪애들 참 이뻐하시죠?‬He really loves these kids, huh?
‪근데 애들도 그 마음 아는지‬ ‪판사님 무척 따릅니다‬And I think the kids can really tell. They get along with him as well.
‪- (아이들) 잘 먹었습니다‬ ‪- (태주) 어, 그래‬-[Yu-ri] Thank you for the food. -Thank you so much. Thanks.
‪- (도석과 수미) 잘 먹었습니다‬ ‪- 너 잠깐 일로 와 봐‬-[Yu-ri] Thank you for the food. -Thank you so much. Thanks. -[Beom] Thank you for the food. -You're coming with me.
‪(직원) 저, 손님‬ ‪잠시만 기다려 주시겠습니까?‬Excuse me. Could you hold on a second, please?
‪[한숨]‬[exasperated sigh]
‪아니에요, 아니라고‬ ‪몇 번을 말해요, 나 아니라고!‬ ‪[어두운 음악]‬I didn't steal from you! How many times do I have to tell you, huh?
‪(여자2) 아까 화장실에서‬ ‪부딪쳤잖아‬[woman] You bumped into me leaving the bathroom,
‪그때 내 지갑 훔쳐갔잖아!‬[woman] You bumped into me leaving the bathroom, and that must have been when you stole it.
‪부딪친 건 맞는데 안 훔쳤어요‬I did bump into you, but I didn't steal.
‪진짜예요!‬I swear to you!
‪- 죄송합니다‬ ‪- (여자2) 괜찮아요‬I'm sorry, ma'am. It's all right.
‪(여자2) 잘못했다 반성하면‬ ‪봐주려 했는데‬[woman] I was willing to drop this whole thing if you apologized.
‪너 안 되겠다‬But this is absurd.
‪(여자3) 아까 듣자 하니까, 너희들‬I heard what you were saying about being criminals.
‪전과도 있다며?‬I heard what you were saying about being criminals.
‪경찰 불러요, 당장‬-[woman 2] Call the police right now! -[Beom] Ma'am, ma'am, please, please.
‪(범) 아유, 아유‬ ‪어, 어머님, 어머님, 진정하시고요‬ ‪[영실이 말한다]‬-[woman 2] Call the police right now! -[Beom] Ma'am, ma'am, please, please. -Please, let's just relax. -But you didn't actually see her
‪예, 그, 경찰은…‬-Please, let's just relax. -But you didn't actually see her -take your wallet. -[woman 1] That's right.
‪(여자2) 그렇지?‬ ‪전과 있는 애들 맞지?‬-take your wallet. -[woman 1] That's right. -These kids are all criminals. -Okay, I'm asking you to relax.
‪아, 씨발‬-These kids are all criminals. -Okay, I'm asking you to relax. -Fucking bullshit! -[woman] What's that?
‪(여자2) 씨발?‬-Fucking bullshit! -[woman] What's that? Seol-ah.
‪판사님, 저 진짜 아니에요‬I swear it wasn't me.
‪저 죽어도 아니라고요!‬I didn't take anything, all right?
‪저 진짜 한 번만‬ ‪한 번만 믿어 주세요‬But, listen. Trust me. I didn't do it. I swear to God I didn't steal from her.
‪저 진짜 아니에요‬I didn't do it. I swear to God I didn't steal from her.
‪경찰 부르죠, 시간 낭비 같은데‬Let's call the police now. This is all a waste of time.
‪판사님‬Hey, Ms. Sim, she just got released from the detention center, you know.
‪시설에서 나온 지‬ ‪몇 시간 안 된 아이예요‬Hey, Ms. Sim, she just got released from the detention center, you know.
‪몇 시간밖에 안 됐는데‬She's only been out for a few hours.
‪감히‬How dare she.
‪나 경찰서 못 가‬ ‪[범의 당황한 신음]‬-I'm not gonna go back! -Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
‪(설아) 나 아니라고요!‬-I'm not gonna go back! -Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! It wasn't me, though!
‪- (설아) 나 아니야!‬ ‪- (태주) 설아야‬-It wasn't me, though! -Hey, Seol-ah. Seol-ah.
‪- (태주) 설아야‬ ‪- (설아) 나 아니에요‬[Beom and Yeong-sil] It's okay. It's not me. I swear. I swear I didn't do it!
‪- 저 진짜 아니라고요!‬ ‪- (태주) 설아야, 잠깐만‬It's not me. I swear. I swear I didn't do it!
‪나 두 번 말 안 해‬ ‪[소란스럽다]‬-I won't repeat myself. -[Beom] Try, try to calm down.
‪- 당장 경찰서 보내‬ ‪- (설아) 나 아니라고!‬-Send her to the station now. -[loud crying]
‪[설아가 흐느낀다]‬
‪[어이없는 한숨]‬
‪(태주) 판사님‬Ms. Sim.
‪판사님!‬Hey, Ms. Sim!
‪무죄 추정의 원칙 모르세요?‬They're innocent until proven guilty, you know.
‪판사님 지금 행동은‬But you basically just denied her the right to defend herself in court.
‪최소한의 자기 방어권마저‬ ‪묵살하시는 거라고요‬But you basically just denied her the right to defend herself in court.
‪얘기는 들어 볼 수 있잖아요‬You could've at least heard her out.
‪지금 저 아이 심정이 어떨지‬ ‪생각은 안 하십니까?‬Come on, how can you not empathize with this poor girl?
‪그걸 왜 내가 해야 하지?‬And why should I do that?
‪저 아이 혼자‬How could she prove she's actually innocent
‪서에 가서 무슨 수로‬ ‪본인 누명을 증명합니까‬How could she prove she's actually innocent without anyone advocating for her?
‪처분 기록 때문에‬ ‪유죄로 추정할 텐데‬She'll be presumed guilty just because of her record.
‪(은석) 과연‬[Eun-seok] Is she…
‪누명일까?‬really innocent?
‪판사님!‬Ms. Sim, come on!
‪(범) 지갑 찾았답니다‬They just found the wallet under a nearby table.
‪발에 차였는지‬ ‪옆 테이블 구석에 있었대요‬They just found the wallet under a nearby table. That woman must have just dropped it.
‪[태주의 한숨]‬[sighs]
‪(태주) 가시죠‬ ‪일단 가서 확인부터 하시죠‬Let's go. And you can see for yourself.
‪(수미) 속상했지?‬ ‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬[Su-mi] You must have been upset.
‪[훌쩍인다]‬[sobs and sniffles]
‪(태주) 설아, 괜찮아?‬[Tae-ju] Seol-ah, are you all right?
‪(점장) 정말 죄송합니다, 고객님‬I'm so sorry for our mistake.
‪저희 직원들이‬We really should've looked for the woman's wallet more thoroughly.
‪진작 제대로 살폈어야 되는데‬We really should've looked for the woman's wallet more thoroughly.
‪정말 죄송합니다‬-We apologize. -[both servers in unison] We apologize.
‪(직원들) 죄송합니다‬-We apologize. -[both servers in unison] We apologize.
‪아니라고 했잖아요‬I told you it wasn't me.
‪(설아) 죽어도 아니라고 했잖아요‬I swore I didn't do anything.
‪사과해요‬Say you're sorry.
‪나 의심한 거‬[Seol-ah] Apologize for accusing me.
‪사과하라고요!‬Apologize to me now!
‪안 되겠는데, 그건‬I'm not gonna do that, kiddo.
‪그러기엔‬Because, in fact,…
‪이미 내가 다 봤거든‬…I saw everything you did.
‪왼쪽 주머니‬In her left pocket.
‪아니지?‬You didn't steal, hmm?
‪(태주) 응? 설아야, 괜찮아‬ ‪아니라고 얘기해, 아니면‬You didn't steal, hmm? Everything's okay. Just tell them that. Tell them you're innocent.
‪아니에요‬I didn't.
‪- 참여관님‬ ‪- (영실) 설아야‬-Talk to Ms. Joo. -Seol-ah, hey.
‪- (영실) 주머니 한 번만 보자‬ ‪- (설아) 아니라고‬Let me look in your pocket. -I didn't do that! -I know.
‪(영실) 그래, 알았다‬-I didn't do that! -I know. -I didn't do that! -Seol-ah.
‪- 아니라고요!‬ ‪- (영실) 알았다, 한 번만 보자‬-I didn't do that! -Seol-ah. -I know, just let me look. -It wasn't me!
‪아니라고!‬-I know, just let me look. -It wasn't me!
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪그게…‬[nervous breathing] That's just…
‪이래서 내가‬This is the reason I so despise you all.
‪너희들을 혐오하는 거야‬This is the reason I so despise you all.
‪갱생이‬Kids like you… never change.
‪안 돼서‬Kids like you… never change.
‪제발 경찰에 넘기고‬Well, go on. Take her to the station.
‪법원에서 봅시다‬And I'll see you in court.
‪[설아가 울먹인다]‬[Seol-ah sobs]
‪(범) 아, 아, 아니, 아까‬ ‪그, 우배석 판사님 표정 보셨어요?‬Uh, did you see the look on Ms. Sim's face?
‪(영실) 응‬Uh, did you see the look on Ms. Sim's face? -Mm-hmm. -[exhales deeply]
‪(범) 와, 직원 대 판사로 만나서‬ ‪다행이지‬-Mm-hmm. -[exhales deeply] Thank God I only know her as a coworker.
‪소년 대 판사로 만났으면‬If I were one of those kids and I met her, I think I'd piss myself.
‪저는 울었습니다, 완전‬If I were one of those kids and I met her, I think I'd piss myself.
‪(영실) 그러니까 별명이‬ ‪괜히 십은석이겠나‬I can understand why they call her "Judge Max."
‪(범) 예? 시, 십이요?‬Huh? "Judge Max"?
‪(영실) 어, 십은석‬Yeah, "Judge Max."
‪야, 소년부 단독일 때‬Yeah. When she was in charge of the juvenile division,
‪최고 처분인 10호 처분을‬ ‪주로 때렸다 해 가지고‬Yeah. When she was in charge of the juvenile division, she would always give young defenders the maximum sentence.
‪별명이 십은석‬she would always give young defenders the maximum sentence. That's where it's from.
‪야, 오죽하면 애들 사이에서도‬Kids always say, "No matter what happens, just don't end up in Judge Max's court."
‪모로 가도 십은석만 피하면 된단‬ ‪말까지 돌았다니까‬Kids always say, "No matter what happens, just don't end up in Judge Max's court."
‪야, 들리는 소문으로는‬ ‪툭하면 야근에‬According to the rumors, she always works overtime and on the weekends.
‪주말 반납은 기본에‬According to the rumors, she always works overtime and on the weekends.
‪법원 노조에서까지‬ ‪주시하는 판사란다‬According to the rumors, she always works overtime and on the weekends. Even the court union has their eyes on her.
‪그러니까‬ ‪우리가 좆 됐다 이 말이다‬In other words, we're pretty screwed.
‪[영실의 한숨]‬God.
‪- (영실) 일해라, 빨리‬ ‪- 예‬Let's get to work. Yeah.
‪[문이 철컥 열린다]‬[door clacks open]
‪[문이 철컥 닫힌다]‬[door closes]
‪(태주) 저 경찰서‬ ‪다녀오는 길입니다‬[Tae-ju] I just got back from the police station.
‪(은석) 애들 말 너무 믿지 마‬[Tae-ju] I just got back from the police station. You can't trust these kids too much. All they ever do is lie.
‪반은 거짓말이야‬You can't trust these kids too much. All they ever do is lie.
‪(태주) 그렇게 일방적으로 사람들‬ ‪다 있는 데서 몰아붙이신 거‬You really overstepped when you backed her into a corner
‪그건 과한 처사입니다‬while everyone was watching her.
‪아이들도 인격이 있고‬ ‪인권이 있어요‬These kids have feelings and personal rights, you know.
‪인권은, 지랄‬Yeah, my ass, they do.
‪본인이 좋은 어른 같지?‬You consider yourself a good adult.
‪애들도 잘 따르고‬The kids warm up to you, and… and they feel like opening up to you.
‪뭐, 나름 대화도 잘 통하니까‬The kids warm up to you, and… and they feel like opening up to you.
‪근데‬But do they…
‪그 애들도 그렇게 생각할까?‬Do they really think you're a good adult?
‪나도 궁금하네‬I'd like to know that.
‪[문이 쓱 닫힌다]‬-[door slides closed] -[receding footsteps]
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪(태주) 먼저 가 보겠습니다‬[Tae-ju] I'm gonna call it a night, ma'am.
‪(은석) 응‬Mm.
‪난 좀 더 보다가‬I'm still finishing this up.
‪들어가‬Go ahead.
‪판사님 말씀‬ ‪틀린 말씀 아니신 거 압니다‬Hey, I know that what you said isn't wrong, ma'am.
‪하지만 저는‬But I still don't think…
‪제 생각도 틀리지 않다고‬ ‪생각합니다‬that I'm in the wrong about them either.
‪내일 뵙겠습니다‬Well, see you tomorrow.
‪[문이 철컥 열린다]‬[door opens]
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪[맥주를 꿀꺽 마신다]‬[gulps]
‪[문이 철컥 열린다]‬[door opens]
‪[문이 철컥 닫힌다]‬ ‪[도어 록 작동음]‬[door closes]
‪[문이 탁 열린다]‬ ‪[은석이 서류를 연신 넘긴다]‬[door opens] [footsteps]
‪[문이 탁 닫힌다]‬[door closes]
‪이름하고 생년월일‬Your name and your date of birth?
‪백성우‬Baek Seong-u. I was born on November 30, 2008.
‪2008년 11월 30일이요‬Baek Seong-u. I was born on November 30, 2008.
‪소년 보호자는요?‬Where is your legal guardian?
‪출석 안 했습니까?‬Are they in the courtroom?
‪전화했다는데요‬She said she called you.
‪(범) 아…‬[Beom] Uh, I got a call. She said, uh…
‪아, 연락이 오셨는데‬ ‪늦게 오신다고 하셨습니다‬[Beom] Uh, I got a call. She said, uh… She said that, that she's gonna be late, ma'am.
‪일단‬Well, then…
‪말해 봐, 어디‬why don't you tell me…
‪사건 당일 있었던 일‬everything you remember from that day?
‪전부 다‬everything you remember from that day?
‪구라 하나 안 까고‬To tell you the truth,
‪'누구 하나만 걸려 봐라'‬that day, I was actually…
‪딱 그런 날이었어요‬really not doing too good.
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪(성우) 약을 먹었는데도‬ ‪환청이 심했거든요‬[Seong-u] The voices were really loud even with the meds.
‪(지후) 저, 형‬ ‪[목소리가 울린다]‬[Ji-hu] Hello?
‪저 핸드폰 좀‬ ‪잠깐만 빌려주면 안 돼요?‬Hey, can I borrow your phone for just a second?
‪엄마한테 전화하게요‬I gotta call my mom.
‪지금 배터리 없는데‬But my phone's almost dead.
‪진짜 잠깐이면 되는데‬Can I just borrow it for like a minute?
‪[도어 록 조작음]‬Can I just borrow it for like a minute? [door lock beeps]
‪[도어 록 작동음]‬[door lock beeps]
‪[지후의 신난 탄성]‬-[door closes] -Whoa! Ooh! Ooh!
‪(성우) 전화 핑계로 데리고 왔는데‬[Seong-u] I used the phone to get him inside my house.
‪막상 집에 오니까‬ ‪환청도 다시 안 들리고‬ ‪[긴장되는 음악]‬[Seong-u] I used the phone to get him inside my house. But buy the time we got there, the voices were gone.
‪걔도 불쌍해서‬ ‪다시 돌려보내려고 했어요‬And I was gonna send the kid home because I felt bad for him.
‪근데‬And then…
‪[한숨]‬ ‪(지후) 형!‬[Ji-hu] Hey!
‪이거 새로 나온 거죠?‬This is a new one, right?
‪저 이거 시켜 주면 안 돼요?‬Can I play it for a little bit?
‪(지후) 와, 저 이거‬ ‪VR 시켜 주면 안 돼요?‬Wow, can I try out this VR game? [echoes]
‪[지후의 신난 탄성]‬ ‪[지후의 목소리가 울린다]‬Wow, can I try out this VR game? [echoes] Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! It's goal!
‪(성우) 집에 가라니까 가지도 않고‬ ‪쫑알쫑알, 쫑알쫑알‬[Seong-u] I told him to go home, but he kept talking and talking and talking.
‪환청은 다시 들리고‬ ‪머리는 깨질 거 같고‬And the voices in my head were getting louder and louder.
‪(지후) 저 이거 쏴 봐도 돼요?‬And the voices in my head were getting louder and louder. [Ji-hu] …this thing? Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!
‪빵! 빵! 빵! 빵!‬[Ji-hu] …this thing? Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!
‪지금부터 술래잡기할 거야‬We're gonna play hide-and-seek now.
‪걸릴 때까지 나오면 안 돼‬You stay in here until I find you, okay?
‪나오면‬If you move, I swear I'm gonna kill you.
‪내가 진짜 죽여 버린다‬If you move, I swear I'm gonna kill you.
‪집에는?‬And there was…
‪아무도 없었고?‬no one at home?
‪원래 거의 혼자 지내는데‬I'm usually alone all day.
‪(성우) 엄마 학원 일 하느라‬ ‪바빠요‬[Seong-u] Mom's busy teaching at the school.
‪[성우가 피식 웃는다]‬[sighs] [laughs]
‪제가 웃긴 거 하나 알려 드릴까요?‬Do you wanna hear something funny?
‪[성우의 웃음]‬[muffled giggling]
‪[어두운 음악]‬[Seong-u breathes deeply]
‪(성우) 아, 그때‬Do you know where the kid was hiding out?
‪그때 걔 어디 숨어 있었게요?‬Do you know where the kid was hiding out?
‪(성우) 지후야‬[Seong-u] Ji-hu.
‪지후야‬ ‪[지후의 놀란 숨소리]‬Ji-hu. [gasps]
‪지후야‬[sing-song] Ji-hu.
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬[uneasy music]
‪[놀란 숨소리]‬[uneasy music]
‪찾았다‬I found you.
‪[지후의 비명]‬ ‪[성우의 웃음]‬-[Ji-hu screams] -[Seong-u laughs]
‪진짜 그 표정을 봤어야 됐는데‬You should have seen the look on his face.
‪[성우의 웃음]‬[Seong-u laughs maniacally]
‪저 개새끼가…‬That fucking monster.
‪[코를 훌쩍인다]‬
‪아…‬[breathes deeply]
‪[심호흡]‬[breathes deeply]
‪그‬I heard… that kids under the age of 14
‪만으로 14살 안 되면‬I heard… that kids under the age of 14
‪사람 죽여도 감옥 안 간다던데‬don't go to prison even for something like murder.
‪그거 진짜예요?‬Is that true?
‪[성우의 웃음]‬ ‪[어이없는 숨소리]‬-[thrumming music] -[Seong-u laughs] Great. [Seong-u inhales]
‪신난다‬Great. [Seong-u inhales] [laughs]
‪[가쁜 숨소리]‬[panting]
‪(성우 모) 어디, 어디…‬[nervous breathing]
‪(중한) 폐정했습니다‬-[Jung-han] Court is dismissed. Uh, ma'am. -Your… Your Honor. Excuse me.
‪- (성우 모) 저, 어, 판사님‬ ‪- (중한) 아, 어머님‬-[Jung-han] Court is dismissed. Uh, ma'am. -Your… Your Honor. Excuse me.
‪(성우 모) 우리 성우‬ ‪어떻게 됐나요?‬What happened to Seong-u? Where is he now?
‪우리 애 지금 어디 있나요? 예?‬[Seong-u's mom] Where did you take him? He here?
‪(태주) 아, 저‬ ‪성우 어머님 되세요?‬Excuse me, ma'am, are you Seong-u's mother?
‪(성우 모) 네‬Excuse me, ma'am, are you Seong-u's mother? I am.
‪좀 늦으셨네요‬You're a little late, ma'am.
‪네, 일 때문에‬Yeah, I had to work.
‪[은석의 헛웃음]‬[scoffs]
‪(은석) 일 때문에…‬You had to work?
‪(성우 모) 뉴스에서도‬ ‪실형은 안 산다고 하던데‬[Seong-u's mom] I heard on the news that he won't go to prison.
‪우리 성우‬So for how long is he gonna stay at the Juvenile Intake Center?
‪언제까지 소년 분류 심사원에‬ ‪있어야 하나요?‬So for how long is he gonna stay at the Juvenile Intake Center?
‪피해자 가족과는 만나 보셨습니까?‬Have you spoken with the victim's family, ma'am?
‪아, 아니요‬N… no.
‪사과부터 하세요‬You should apologize.
‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬[door closes]
‪(태주) 참 어렵네요‬I found the kid's mother a little strange as well.
‪아이도 그렇고 부모도‬I found the kid's mother a little strange as well.
‪(은석) 궁지에 몰리면‬ ‪그 본성이 나오는 법이지‬When someone's cornered, their true nature always comes out.
‪그래서 인간이 악랄한 거고‬That's how we know how vicious humans can be.
‪(수미) 판사님‬Ms. Sim, Ji-hu's mom is here to see you.
‪지후 어머님 오셨어요‬Ms. Sim, Ji-hu's mom is here to see you.
‪촉법소년이라고 들었어요‬I heard that the boy's a young offender.
‪(지후 모) 정말 걔…‬[Ji-hu's mom] Is it true that…
‪감옥에 안 가나요?‬he won't even go to prison?
‪어떻게 그렇게 어린애가‬How is someone so young…
‪애를 죽여요?‬capable of murder?
‪사람이 어떻게…‬How can a young child…
‪사람 사지를 자를 수가 있어요?‬cut off another child's arms and legs?
‪근데 어떻게‬And how is it that…
‪감옥엘 안 가나요?‬he won't go to prison at all?
‪[한숨]‬[sighs deeply]
‪- 어머님‬ ‪- (지후 모) 지후가‬Sorry, ma'am. [Ji-hu's mom] Ji-hu keeps showing up in my dreams.
‪(지후 모) 자꾸 꿈에 나와요‬[Ji-hu's mom] Ji-hu keeps showing up in my dreams.
‪그리고 계속 울어요‬ ‪[슬픈 음악]‬He just stands there and cries.
‪아무 말도 안 하고‬He doesn't say anything to me.
‪그냥 울기만 해요, 판사님‬He just stands there crying, Your Honor.
‪우리 지후 돌 때‬During Ji-hu's first birthday party, he held on to a lucky string.
‪실 잡았어요‬During Ji-hu's first birthday party, he held on to a lucky string.
‪근데 그 실이‬But we used the same one…
‪첫째 돌 때 썼던 거라‬at our first-born's first birthday.
‪좀 삭았더라고요‬So the lucky string was all worn out.
‪[지후 모가 흐느낀다]‬[cries] Is that why this happened to him?
‪[흐느끼며] 그거 때문일까요?‬Is that why this happened to him?
‪그것 때문에 우리 지후가…‬Is it because of that string that my baby…
‪다 제 탓입니다‬All of this is my fault.
‪다 제 탓입니다‬[sobs] This whole thing is all my fault.
‪[지후 모가 훌쩍인다]‬[sniffles]
‪지후가 좋아하는 반찬이에요‬This is an assortment of Ji-hu's favorite side dishes.
‪다른 건 못 받으신다 그래서‬I heard you can't accept anything else, so…
‪[지후 모가 흐느낀다]‬[sobbing]
‪[한숨]‬[heavy sigh]
‪(김 기자) 인터뷰는‬ ‪이 정도면 충분할 거 같습니다‬[reporter Kim] I think that's enough for the interview, sir.
‪(원중) 야, 뭐‬ ‪이런 것까지 해? 어?‬[reporter Kim] I think that's enough for the interview, sir. Wow, this is much too much, huh?
‪나 부담스러워, 김 기자‬I'm feeling pressured, Reporter Kim.
‪(김 기자) 아유‬ ‪[웃음]‬-[reporter Kim] Really? -[laughs]
‪방송이다, 재판이다‬ ‪늘 바쁘실 텐데‬You made time for us despite all the broadcast and trials.
‪당연히 저희가‬ ‪좋은 곳으로 모셔야죠‬We figured we ought to treat you to something nice.
‪(원중) [웃으며] 고마워‬We figured we ought to treat you to something nice. -Thanks. -I imagine you'll be hearing
‪곧 좋은 소식도 있으실 분인데‬-Thanks. -I imagine you'll be hearing the good news soon.
‪좋은 소식?‬Hearing good news?
‪[김 기자가 살짝 웃는다]‬[Reporter Kim laughs]
‪(김 기자) 아, 이거 어떡하지?‬ ‪[어두운 음악]‬I shouldn't have said that.
‪이거 알려 드려야 하나?‬I guess I should I tell you.
‪[김 기자의 헛기침]‬[clears throat]
‪제가 정치부 친구한테‬ ‪들은 얘기인데요‬I heard this from a colleague in the politics bureau.
‪자유당에서‬The Liberty Party is looking for a new candidate for the upcoming election,
‪다음 재보궐‬ ‪새 인물을 찾고 있는데‬The Liberty Party is looking for a new candidate for the upcoming election,
‪부장 판사님을‬ ‪주시하나 보더라고요‬and they apparently have you in mind.
‪(김 기자) 방송으로‬ ‪인지도 높으시겠다‬[reporter Kim] You're pretty well-known because of the TV show,
‪타이밍 좋게‬ ‪큰 사건까지 맡으셨겠다‬[reporter Kim] You're pretty well-known because of the TV show, plus, you're overseeing a very high profile case.
‪이번 사건만 잘 마무리하십시오‬plus, you're overseeing a very high profile case. Just make sure you wrap up the case well.
‪제가 자리 한번 마련하겠습니다‬and I could set up a meeting with the party.
‪[자동차 가속음]‬[engine roars]
‪[피곤한 숨소리]‬[groans]
‪(지후 모) 지후가 좋아하는‬ ‪반찬이에요‬[Ji-hu's mom] This is an assortment of Ji-hu's favorite dishes.
‪다른 건 못 받으신다 그래서‬I heard you can't accept anything else, so…
‪[뚜껑을 탁 닫는다]‬[box clacks]
‪[멀어지는 발걸음]‬
‪[차분한 음악]‬[soft melancholy music]
‪(남자2) 미성년 강력 범죄 처벌을‬ ‪강화하라!‬Do not tolerate punishment for young offenders right now!
‪(시위대) 강화하라! 강화하라!‬[all in unison] Zero tolerance! Zero tolerance!
‪(남자2) 소년법을 폐지하라!‬Time to revoke the Juvenile Law!
‪(수미) 네, 소년형사합의부입니다‬[Su-mi] Yes, Juvenile Criminal Collegiate Division.
‪아, 파일 보내셨어요?‬You sent over the file?
‪네, 알겠습니다‬ ‪심 판사님한테 바로 전해 드릴게요‬Yes, okay. I'll get it over to Ms. Sim right away.
‪(태주) 씁, 백성우 2차 심리…‬-[phone clanks] -[sharp exhale] Baek Seong-u is here already. He's in the therapy session.
‪이미 시작했을 텐데요‬Baek Seong-u is here already. He's in the therapy session.
‪(수미) 아, 심 판사님이‬ ‪지금 파일 하나 받아 달라셔서요‬ ‪[마우스 클릭음]‬Ms. Sim wanted me to find her this one file.
‪그 연화 초등생 살인 사건‬ ‪관련 자료 같은데요?‬ ‪[프린터 작동음]‬It looks like more intel on the Yeonhwa Child Murder case.
‪(은석) 그러니까‬So you claim that you're still suffering from schizophrenia?
‪조현병은 여전히 심각하다‬ ‪이 얘기지?‬So you claim that you're still suffering from schizophrenia? Is that right?
‪너 여기서 거짓말하면‬You know that lying to me will simply make things worse for you.
‪사태 더 심각해져‬You know that lying to me will simply make things worse for you.
‪알아요‬Yeah, I know.
‪그래서 범행 동기는‬So the motive for your crime was schizophrenia?
‪조현병이다?‬So the motive for your crime was schizophrenia?
‪[한숨]‬ ‪네‬[sighs] Yeah.
‪(은석) 아이를 집으로‬ ‪유인해 살해한‬You've already admitted you lured the boy into your house
‪계획 살인에 사체 훼손 및 유기‬You've already admitted you lured the boy into your house and proceeded to murder him, and then mutilate the boy's body, no?
‪범행 사실 모두 인정하고?‬and proceeded to murder him, and then mutilate the boy's body, no?
‪자수는?‬How come?
‪어차피 촉법소년이니까?‬You knew you'd be tried as a young offender?
‪아씨, 진짜‬[exhales] Damn it.
‪[종이를 부스럭 집어 든다]‬ ‪이거요‬[paper rustles] Here you go.
‪아니구나?‬ ‪[어두운 음악]‬This isn't you.
‪(은석) 조현병의 증상은 다양하지‬[Eun-seok] Schizophrenia manifests in many different ways.
‪누군가가 자신을‬ ‪해한다고 믿는 망상부터‬Some patients believe that someone's trying to hurt them. Others hear things, see things, smell things, and feel things.
‪환청, 환시, 환취, 환촉‬Others hear things, see things, smell things, and feel things.
‪문제는 조현병의 증상이‬ ‪사람마다 다 다르다는 거야‬Unfortunately, the illness can have different symptoms for everyone.
‪근데 몇 가지 공통적인 거는‬But one thing we know for certain
‪조현병엔‬is that, for now, we don't have a viable cure for schizophrenia.
‪완치라는 개념은 없다는 것‬is that, for now, we don't have a viable cure for schizophrenia.
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬ ‪무언가에‬[shaky breathing] Patients have difficulty concentrating for an extended time.
‪오랫동안 집중이 힘들다는 것‬ ‪[엘리베이터 도착음]‬Patients have difficulty concentrating for an extended time.
‪(은석) 그런데‬[Eun-seok] But what if…
‪[엘리베이터 문이 탁 닫힌다]‬[elevator door closed]
‪살인을 한다면‬…they commit a murder?
‪(은석) 조현병 환자들은‬Schizophrenics tend to be easily apprehended
‪주로 현장 정리도 못 한 채‬ ‪그 자리에서 검거돼‬Schizophrenics tend to be easily apprehended as they're unable to dispose of evidence.
‪현장 정리엔‬Cleaning a crime scene requires a high level of concentration
‪고도의 집중이 필요해서‬Cleaning a crime scene requires a high level of concentration
‪엄청난 스트레스를 받거든‬and causes them a great amount of stress.
‪근데 넌‬But not only did you clean the crime scene,
‪현장 정리도 모자라‬But not only did you clean the crime scene,
‪아이를 유인해 살해한‬ ‪계획 살인에 사체 훼손, 사체 유기‬you lured the kid, plotted the murder, mutilated, and disposed of his corpse!
‪그래 놓고‬ ‪범행 동기는 조현병이다?‬Are you really going to blame this on schizophrenia?
‪상태는 나아졌을까?‬Are you really cured now?
‪[불안한 숨소리]‬[anxious breathing]
‪(은석) 보통 범인이 범행 동기를‬ ‪숨기는 이유는 딱 두 가지야‬There are two main reasons why criminals usually hide their underlying intent.
‪하나는 자신에게‬ ‪굉장히 불리한 경우‬One reason is that it's unfavorable to the criminal,
‪다른 하나는‬and then the other is oftentimes because there's…
‪그 사건에 숨겨진‬and then the other is oftentimes because there's…
‪제3의 인물이 있는 경우‬another person involved.
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬[anxious breathing]
‪근데 넌 소년법을 이용할 정도니‬But you know all about Juvenile Law.
‪불리한 점은커녕 유리한 점뿐이고‬So circumstances are already favorable to you.
‪그렇다면 나머지 하나‬So I'd say it's the second reason.
‪[씩씩거린다]‬[murmurs] Oh, shit.
‪이 사건에 숨겨진‬I believe there's another person…
‪제3의 인물‬ ‪[분위기가 고조되는 음악]‬…involved in the murder.
‪(지후) 핸드폰 좀‬ ‪잠깐만 빌려주면 안 돼요?‬Can I borrow your phone for just a second? I gotta call my mom.
‪엄마한테 전화하게요‬Can I borrow your phone for just a second? I gotta call my mom.
‪[책상을 쾅 치며] 아니야!‬Fuck you!
‪걘 아니야!‬It's not her!
‪(성우) 걘 아무 상관도 없어!‬[Seong-u] She doesn't have anything to do with this.
‪내가 지금 분명히 말한다‬Seriously, I swear to you that.
‪걘 아무 상관도 없어, 아니야!‬She has nothing to do with this at all.
‪처음부터 뭔가 이상하다 했지‬I always felt something wasn't right.
‪아무리 전화가 급하다고 한들‬Why would a kid go into a stranger's house
‪낯선 사람을 따라서 그렇게 쉽게‬ ‪남의 집에 갈 수 있을까?‬even if he had to make an urgent phone call?
‪그리고‬And you're… turning yourself in anyway.
‪어차피 자수할 거면서‬And you're… turning yourself in anyway.
‪굳이 사체 유기는 왜?‬So why dispose of the body?
‪[씩씩거린다]‬So why dispose of the body? -Murder, body mutilation, and disposal! -[Jung-han] Baek Seong-u.
‪(은석과 중한)‬ ‪- 살인, 사체 훼손, 사체 유기!‬ ‪- 백성우!‬-Murder, body mutilation, and disposal! -[Jung-han] Baek Seong-u.
‪전부 네가 아니었던 거지‬You aren't the one who actually murdered him.
‪[문이 탁 열린다]‬[door opens, closes]
‪[문이 탁 닫힌다]‬[door opens, closes]
‪(수미) 이거 판사님께서‬ ‪말씀하신 자료요‬Mr. Cha, here's the paperwork she asked for.
‪[문이 탁 여닫힌다]‬[pages rustling]
‪얘구나?‬It's her, right?
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬[dark music]
‪[긴장되는 효과음]‬
‪[성우의 거친 숨소리]‬[gasps]
‪(은석) 내가 분명히 말했지?‬I already told you.
‪거짓말하는 순간‬If you keep lying to me,
‪일 더 커진다고‬it'll only make it worse.
‪보호자한테 연락하고‬Contact his mother…
‪소년 분류 심사원에 다시 보내세요‬…and send him back to the Juvenile Intake Unit.
‪[당황한 신음]‬[groans]
‪(성우) 아, 씨발!‬No, fuck you!
‪아니야!‬Ah, no!
‪아니야, 걔 아무 상관 없다고‬ ‪아니야!‬[Seong-u] No! She has nothing to do with this! I swear!
‪아, 저 집에 가고 싶어요!‬I want to go home! Take me home!
‪아, 씨발!‬No, fuck you!
‪(원중) 그게 무슨‬ ‪말도 안 되는 소리야!‬[Won-jung] What the hell are you talking about?
‪그런 말 같지 않은 말‬ ‪할 거 같으면 다 때려치워‬If you're going to talk nonsense, you should just quit.
‪재판부가 무슨 수사 기관이야?‬You think we're the police or something? You're overstepping your…
‪왜 이렇게 선을 넘어‬You think we're the police or something? You're overstepping your…
‪모든 아귀는 맞아떨어집니다‬Everything's fitting together, sir.
‪확인해 봐야 됩니다‬I think we ought to check.
‪심판한테 경찰은 뭐, 봉이야?‬ ‪허수아비야?‬You think the police are stupid, don't you?
‪아, 그딴 것들은 수사 안 하고‬ ‪사건 넘겼을까 봐?‬You think they didn't thoroughly investigated already?
‪자수했으니까요‬He turned himself in.
‪(은석) 명백한 증거인 살해 도구와‬ ‪조현병 치료 내역‬They assume it's him because of the weapon and his schizophrenia,
‪백성우 자백을 신뢰했으니까요‬and because he's made the confession.
‪하지만 아닙니다‬But I think they're wrong.
‪반드시 있어요, 공범‬I think he had an accomplice.
‪조현병 있는 백성우 혼자‬Baek Seong-u is far too mentally unstable to have done all of this by himself.
‪절대 모든 일을‬ ‪처리할 순 없습니다‬Baek Seong-u is far too mentally unstable to have done all of this by himself.
‪- (원중) 증거 있어?‬ ‪- 사건 추정 시각 전후로 나눈‬You have proof? Her number's on his phone records before and after the murder.
‪통화와 문자 기록, 사건 당시‬ ‪백성우와 똑같은 교복을 입고‬Her number's on his phone records before and after the murder. And there's footage of her in an elevator with the victim,
‪피해자와 함께 찍힌‬ ‪엘리베이터 CCTV 영상 기록‬And there's footage of her in an elevator with the victim, and she's wearing the same school uniform as Seong-u.
‪백성우 담당의 소견서까지‬and she's wearing the same school uniform as Seong-u. I also have his doctor's statement. You need more proof?
‪더 말씀드릴까요?‬I also have his doctor's statement. You need more proof?
‪[원중의 한숨]‬[breathes deeply]
‪뭐, 그래서‬So you want to send the case back to the police?
‪사건을 다시 경찰로 보내자고?‬So you want to send the case back to the police?
‪온 국민이 주목하는 사건입니다‬This case is attracting a lot of attention.
‪이미 언론에서‬ ‪그렇게 다 떠들어댔는데‬And the police already said the culprit's apprehended.
‪경찰이 순순히 자기들 잘못을‬ ‪인정하겠어요?‬Do you really think they'd ever admit that they were mistaken?
‪제가 직접 잡아 오겠습니다‬So I'll go catch her myself.
‪너 판사야, 인마!‬But you're just a judge!
‪(은석) 적정 절차에 따라‬ ‪사건의 실체 진실을 파악하는 것도‬But you're just a judge! And it's the judge's duty according to proper protocol to get to the bottom of the case.
‪법관의 의무입니다‬to get to the bottom of the case.
‪비록 지금은 소년 보호 사건이지만‬[Eun-seok] As of now, it's just a juvenile protection case.
‪만 14세 이상의‬ ‪제3의 인물이 존재한다면‬But if it turns out there's an accomplice who is over the age of 14,
‪이 사건의 실체는‬ ‪소년 형사 사건입니다‬it then becomes a juvenile criminal case, sir.
‪그런데 관할 구역의‬ ‪유일한 소년 형사 재판부인‬We're the only juvenile criminal justice department,
‪우리 재판부가‬ ‪정작 묵과하겠다고요?‬We're the only juvenile criminal justice department, and you really think we should keep this under wraps?
‪그러다 아니면?‬And if you're wrong?
‪잘 차린 밥상 걷어찼다가‬ ‪만약에 아니면!‬What if your hunch is wrong and you screw this all up?
‪제가 책임집니다‬-Then I'll answer for it. -My ass, god! What the hell!
‪지랄! 확, 뭐 이런…‬-Then I'll answer for it. -My ass, god! What the hell!
‪(원중) 다 필요 없고‬ ‪재판 그대로 진행해‬Just shut up and finish the trial by the rules.
‪원칙대로 진행해‬Just shut up and finish the trial by the rules.
‪- 부장님!‬ ‪- (원중) 이 사건은 일을 키워서도‬-Shut up? -We cannot afford to make a big commotion with this case! Do you understand? Huh?
‪어떤 잡음이 들려서도 안 돼! 어?‬to make a big commotion with this case! Do you understand? Huh?
‪이건 부장으로서 명령이야‬I'm giving you a direct order.
‪나가, 꼴 보기 싫으니까‬Now go. I don't wanna look at you.
‪안 나가?‬Now get out!
‪[거친 숨소리]‬ ‪[문이 탁 열린다]‬-[breathes deeply] -[door opens]
‪아, 뭐 저런…‬ ‪[문이 탁 닫힌다]‬-[door closes] -What the hell.
‪(김 기자) 방송으로‬ ‪인지도 높으시겠다‬[reporter Kim] You're pretty well-known because of the TV show,
‪타이밍 좋게‬ ‪큰 사건까지 맡으셨겠다‬plus, you're overseeing a very high profile case.
‪이번 사건만 잘 마무리하십시오‬Just make sure you wrap up the case well.
‪아휴, 씨…‬-[newspaper thuds] -Damn.
‪[문이 철컥 닫힌다]‬[door closes]
‪저도 부장님과 같은 생각입니다‬I've got to agree with Mr. Kang, ma'am.
‪(태주) 위험 요소가 너무 커요‬This whole thing seems too risky.
‪이게 알려지면‬If any of this gets out, the police and the general public
‪경찰뿐 아니라‬ ‪한예은 신상까지 다 알려질 텐데‬If any of this gets out, the police and the general public will go after Han Ye-eun, and she might be innocent after all.
‪그러다 만약 아니면요‬will go after Han Ye-eun, and she might be innocent after all.
‪그 아이 가정까지‬ ‪법원이 직접 망치는 꼴이 됩니다‬We'd be ruining this girl's reputation and humiliating her family.
‪일단 백성우 재판 진행하시고‬I think we should finish Baek Seong-u's trial.
‪- (태주) 추후 추가 조사를…‬ ‪- 추후 언제?‬-And at a later date-- -When is that?
‪피해자 부모 숨넘어가면‬When the victim's parents are almost dead?
‪그때 할까?‬Is that then?
‪- 판사님‬ ‪- (은석) 제발‬-Ms. Sim. -How about…
‪밥값 좀 하자‬we do our goddamn job?
‪[태주의 한숨]‬ ‪[문이 철컥 열린다]‬-[door opens] -[sighs]
‪[문이 철컥 닫힌다]‬[door closes]
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪[밖에서 사이렌이 울린다]‬[siren wailing in distance]
‪(원중) 그러다 아니면‬And if you're wrong? What if you're hunch is wrong and you screw this all up?
‪잘 차린 밥상 걷어찼다가‬ ‪만약에 아니면!‬And if you're wrong? What if you're hunch is wrong and you screw this all up?
‪그 아이 가정까지‬ ‪법원이 직접 망치는 꼴이 됩니다‬We'd be ruining this girl's reputation and humiliating her family.
‪[한숨]‬[breathes deeply]
‪(태주) 여기 계셨습니까?‬[Tae-ju] What are you doing here, ma'am?
‪한참 찾았는데‬I've been looking for you.
‪[태주의 한숨]‬[exhales heavily]
‪잡으시죠, 그 제3의 인물‬I really wanna catch this girl.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪증거가 있어야 부장님 설득하죠‬But we need proof to convince Mr. Kang.
‪왜 이래, 갑자기‬Why the change of heart?
‪약간의 확신이 생겼거든요‬I'm feeling confident we can pull it off.
‪(태주) 고 형사님‬Detective Ko.
‪- 안녕하세요‬ ‪- (강식) 아, 예‬Hello, sir. Oh, hello, Mr. Cha.
‪안녕하세요, 판사님‬Oh, hello, Mr. Cha.
‪백성우 관련해서‬ ‪좀 여쭤보고 싶은 게 있어서요‬I was hoping to ask you a few questions about Baek Seong-u.
‪(강식) 아, 백성우요?‬[Ko] Oh, Baek Seong-u?
‪그, 자수했던 상황 좀‬ ‪자세히 들을 수 있을까요?‬Could you tell me what happened the night he turned himself in?
‪(강식) 제가 백성우를 처음 본 건‬[Ko] The first time I saw him was in front of the police station.
‪경찰서 앞이었습니다‬[Ko] The first time I saw him was in front of the police station.
‪굉장히 불안해 보였고‬He seemed very nervous. Let's go inside here. We… we can talk.
‪일단 서로 들어가‬ ‪들어가서 얘기하자‬Let's go inside here. We… we can talk.
‪[성우의 당황한 신음]‬ ‪(강식) 처음부터 자수할 생각은‬ ‪없어 보였어요‬Let's go inside here. We… we can talk. He didn't seem like he was gonna turn himself in at first.
‪근데 뭐랄까‬But how do I say this…
‪갑자기 사람이‬ ‪변했다고 해야 되나?‬It's like he changed into someone else all of a sudden.
‪제가‬I just…
‪사람을 죽였거든요‬I killed someone.
‪(강식) 한순간‬ ‪표정이 달라지더라고요‬[Ko] His expression changed in the blink of an eye.
‪- (태주) 잠깐만‬ ‪- (강식) 예?‬[Tae-ju] Wait, hang on. -What? -Right there.
‪[강식이 키보드를 탁 두드린다]‬ ‪여기…‬-What? -Right there.
‪(태주) 어? 얘가 지금‬ ‪어딜 보고 있는 거야‬[Tae-ju] What is he looking at?
‪반대편 CCTV도‬ ‪확인해 볼 수 있을까요?‬Is there any footage from the other side?
‪[강식이 키보드를 탁 두드린다]‬[clicks]
‪(태주) 솔직히‬I have to say, I just can't understand why you treat these kids…
‪소년범 대하는 판사님 태도‬I have to say, I just can't understand why you treat these kids…
‪이해 못 합니다, 저는‬the way that you do.
‪그렇지만‬But if we make the decision to…
‪우리 법정에‬But if we make the decision to…
‪공범이 있음에도 불구하고‬only prosecute the boy even though we know he had an accomplice,
‪반쪽짜리 소년만이 선다면‬only prosecute the boy even though we know he had an accomplice,
‪그래서 우리 법정을 모독한다면‬ ‪그건‬it would be an insult to the entire court system.
‪다른 문제거든요‬And I really don't want that.
‪도울게요, 저도‬So I can help you.
‪제가 또‬'Cause I'm your… I'm your subordinate, ma'am.
‪좌배석 아닙니까‬'Cause I'm your… I'm your subordinate, ma'am.
‪[문이 철컥 열린다]‬[door opens]
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬[thrilling music]
‪(태주) 혼자서 감당하기‬ ‪힘드실 거예요‬It won't be easy to pull this off alone.
‪여기 아이들 어디 지역 출신이고‬We don't have much intel about these kids' background
‪아이들끼리 네트워크가 어떤지‬ ‪아직 파악 다 못 하셨잖아요‬We don't have much intel about these kids' background or what kind of larger network they might have formed.
‪한예은은 연주여자고등학교‬ ‪1학년 자퇴했고‬Han Ye-eun dropped out of Yeonju Girls' High School during freshman year.
‪그럼‬So then, do we have anyone else on file who also goes to Yeonju High School?
‪우리 재판부 사건 중에‬ ‪연주여고 아이들은 누가 있을까요?‬So then, do we have anyone else on file who also goes to Yeonju High School?
‪[태주의 난감한 숨소리]‬WOO SEOL-AH ADMITTED: DEC 21, 2021
‪(태주) [살짝 웃으며]‬ ‪사람 일이라는 게 참…‬Yeah, I guess it's hard to predict.
‪그래, 앞을 내다볼 수가 없어‬How… how things are gonna pan out.
‪싫어요‬No, I won't.
‪안 도와줘요‬I'm not gonna help you.
‪도와줘라, 설아야‬Just listen, Seol-ah.
‪판사님이 언제 이렇게‬ ‪부탁한 적 있어?‬Have I ever asked you for any kind of favor?
‪이번 한 번만 부탁할게‬Can you help me just this once?
‪(태주) 주성로 아이센스 PC방이‬ ‪한예은 자주 가는 곳이랍니다‬Han Ye-eun often hangs out at the I Sens Internet Café at Juseong-ro.
‪면허 있으시죠?‬Han Ye-eun often hangs out at the I Sens Internet Café at Juseong-ro. You can drive, right?
‪아, 이게 할부가…‬I'm still paying off my license fee.
‪안 끝났습니다‬So I guess I'll just head over to Han Ye-eun's place.
‪그, 전 한예은 집으로‬ ‪가 보겠습니다‬So I guess I'll just head over to Han Ye-eun's place.
‪분명 메신저로‬ ‪백성우 기다리고 있을 겁니다‬She might be there, chatting with Baek Seong-u online.
‪[자동차 리모컨 조작음]‬[car beeps]
‪[타이어 마찰음]‬ ‪[성우 모의 거친 숨소리]‬[tires screech] [woman panting]
‪미쳤어요?‬What's going on?
‪뭐 하는 짓입니까, 지금!‬Why would you just show up?
‪우리 성우 풀어 주세요, 네?‬Please just let Seong-u go. Oh, god.
‪(성우 모) 제발 풀어 주세요‬[Seong-u's mom] Please, can you let him go?
‪내 속으로 낳은 내 자식‬ ‪내가 제일 잘 알아요‬I'm the one who gave birth to him. I know him better than anyone.
‪여기 오는 부모들‬ ‪전부 다 그렇게 말합니다‬You know, parents come here all the time and say the exact same thing.
‪[은석의 어이없는 숨소리]‬-[sighs] -[honks]
‪[자동차 경적]‬-[sighs] -[honks]
‪풀어 주세요, 우리 성우!‬Please let him go, I beg you! [sobbing]
‪[성우 모가 울먹인다]‬
‪비키세요‬Get out of here.
‪[성우 모가 흐느낀다]‬ ‪저 두 번 말 안 합니다!‬I won't tell you again!
‪살려 주세요‬Please let him go.
‪그러니까 비키시라고, 제발!‬Get off my goddamn car!
‪[안전띠를 달칵 채운다]‬[seat belt clicks]
‪[타이어 마찰음]‬ ‪[겁먹은 신음]‬[tires screech] [engine roars]
‪[성우 모가 흐느낀다]‬[wailing]
‪[게임 소리가 흘러나온다]‬I SENS PC
‪(학생) 아!‬Hey.
‪- 아줌마 뭐예요‬ ‪- (은석) 미안합니다‬-What the hell are you trying to do? -I'm sorry, honey.
‪(사장) 지금 뭐 하시는 거예요?‬What are you doing here, ma'am?
‪찾고 있는 소년범이‬ ‪여기 있단 제보를 받았습니다‬We received a tip that an offender we're looking for is here.
‪협조 부탁드립니다‬-Please be cooperative. -[man] Are you with the police?
‪(사장) 아니, 경찰이에요?‬-Please be cooperative. -[man] Are you with the police?
‪(은석) 원하면‬If you like, you can give them a call.
‪경찰도 부르시고요‬If you like, you can give them a call.
‪10시 넘으면 청소년 보호법‬ ‪위반인 건 알고 계시죠?‬You know that having teens here this late is against the Juvenile Protection Law?
‪2년 이하의 징역‬You could be sent to prison and pay a 20 million won fine.
‪2천만 원 이하의 벌금형인데‬You could be sent to prison and pay a 20 million won fine.
‪어떡할까요?‬[Eun-seok] It's all up to you.
‪애만 잡으시면 되는 거죠?‬You're just having a look around, right?
‪(사장) 요즘 판사는‬ ‪애도 잡고 다니나?‬Do judges go around catching kids these days?
‪[통화 연결음]‬-[phone dials] -[line rings]
‪보호 관찰소에 연락해‬Call the probation office.
‪(태주) 찾았습니까?‬ ‪거기 있어요, 한예은?‬[Tae-jun] Did you find her? Is Han Ye-eun there?
‪주성로 아이센스 PC방, 지금 당장‬She's in the internet café at Juseong-ro.
‪[책상을 똑똑 두드린다]‬[tapping]
‪백성우 알지?‬You're Baek Seong-u's friend?
‪누구세요?‬Who are you?
‪백성우 담당 판사‬I'm the judge overseeing his trial.
‪경찰 불러서‬ ‪일 더 키울 수도 있는데‬I can call the police and make a scene here.
‪이건 내 마지막 배려야‬This is my last courtesy.
‪조용히 가자‬Come quietly.
‪[남자3의 신음]‬ ‪[긴장되는 음악]‬Ah! -[man 1] What the hell? -[man 2] Are you okay?
‪(남자3) 아씨, 저년 뭐야, 이씨‬What?
‪[우당탕 소리가 들린다]‬[metal clangs loudly]
‪(여자3) 어머머, 어떡해‬ ‪어머, 이게 무슨 일이야‬Oh, goddamn it! [woman] What do I do? It's all ruined now!
‪[거친 숨소리]‬[panting]
‪[성난 신음]‬[panting]
‪(예은) 아저씨, 출발이요, 출발‬-Hey, go! Just go! -What the hell?
‪(택시 기사와 예은)‬ ‪- 어, 학생, 예약 있어요‬ ‪- 빨리요, 아, 출발하라니까!‬-Hey, go! Just go! -What the hell? -Go now! -[driver] Get out of here. This taxi has already been reserved!
‪(택시 기사) 예약 있다니까요?‬This taxi has already been reserved!
‪[은석의 신음]‬[groans]
‪[자동차 경적]‬[honks] [brakes squeal]
‪(예은) 비켜!‬Move it! Fuck!
‪[타이어 마찰음]‬-[tires screech] -[boxes clatter]
‪[자동차 경적]‬ ‪[타이어 마찰음]‬[honking]
‪[자동차 경적]‬[van honks]
‪[은석의 신음]‬[thuds]
‪[가쁜 숨소리]‬[panting]
‪[당황한 숨소리]‬[breathes nervously]
‪[예은의 가쁜 숨소리]‬[panting]
‪[가쁜 숨소리]‬[panting]
‪[거친 숨소리]‬[panting continues]
‪[어두운 음악]‬[wind blows] [foreboding music]
‪[전등이 깜박거린다]‬[light buzzes and flickers]
‪[긴장되는 효과음]‬
‪[은석의 신음]‬-[glass shatters] -[Eun-seok groans] Ah!
‪[가쁜 숨소리]‬[panting]
‪[소리를 지른다]‬[screams]
‪[예은의 성난 신음]‬
‪[거친 숨소리]‬[panting]
‪(은석) 저는‬[Eun-seok] I have…
‪소년범을‬nothing but hatred…
‪혐오합니다‬for young offenders.

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