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  종이의 집: 공동경제구역 1

Money Heist (Korea) Joint Economic Area 1


‪(홍단) 케이팝 그룹 BTS의 팬들은‬ ‪'아미'라고 불린다‬[woman] Fans of K-pop group BTS are called ARMY.
‪[테이프 되감는 효과음]‬[record scratches] [exhales]
‪그들은 전 세계 어디에나 존재한다‬They have members all over the world.
‪물론‬Of course,
‪북조선에도 아미가 있다‬there are ARMYs in North Korea too.
‪어려서부터 몰래‬It was second nature for me.
‪한류 드라마와‬ ‪케이팝을 접해온 내게‬Since I was a kid, I've secretly watched K-dramas,
‪그건 너무나 자연스러운 일이었다‬and I've always listened to K-pop.
‪[달칵]‬[knob clunks]
‪[노래가 뚝 꺼진다]‬[music stops abruptly]
‪[문이 탁 닫힌다]‬ ‪다른 아미들과‬ ‪나의 차이점이 있다면…‬But there'll always be one thing that sets me apart from the other ARMYs.
‪[심벌즈 효과음]‬But there'll always be one thing that sets me apart from the other ARMYs.
‪진짜 군대에‬ ‪들어가야만 했다는 거다‬ ‪[총소리가 요란하다]‬-I had to join the real army. -[indistinct shouting] [gun firing]
‪[북한 군가가 흘러나온다]‬[distant triumphant music plays]
‪(홍단) 남북미 정상이 판문점에서‬ ‪회담을 한 지가 몇 년‬It's been years since the leaders of the North, South, and the US met at the Joint Security Area.
‪시간이 흐르면서 통일에 대한‬ ‪기대도 점차 사그라질 즈음…‬As time went by, hopes of unification continued to die down.
‪변화는 뜻밖에 도둑처럼 찾아왔다‬ ‪[TV 속 뉴스가 흘러나온다]‬That is, until something came like a thief in the night.
‪(여자1) 이것 좀 보라‬[woman 1] You need to see this.
‪(TV 속 앵커1) 남조선 정부와‬ ‪더불어 종전을 선언…‬ ‪[여자2가 묻는다]‬[woman 1] You need to see this. -[woman 2] What is it? -[woman 1] The war's over?
‪- (여자1) '종전'?‬ ‪- (여자2) 저거이 믿어도 되갔어?‬-[woman 2] What is it? -[woman 1] The war's over? -[woman 2] Do you think this is real? -[woman 1] I said things were dying down.
‪(여자1) 내래 전부터‬ ‪심상치 않다고 했잖니‬-[woman 2] Do you think this is real? -[woman 1] I said things were dying down.
‪경제협력을 해 나가기로‬ ‪합의하였다‬[reporter] …comprehensive economic development.
‪(TV 속 앵커1) 이를 위해 양국은‬ ‪경제 공동체를 건설할 것이며‬Both countries will soon establish an economic union. The development of a common currency…
‪공동으로 화폐를 만들어‬ ‪서로 사용하도록…‬The development of a common currency… What does she mean by common currency?
‪(여자1) 공동 화폐를 쓴다고?‬What does she mean by common currency? Does that mean we can buy stuff from South Korea?
‪아, 기카믄 이제부터‬ ‪남한 물건도 살 수 있는 거가?‬Does that mean we can buy stuff from South Korea? -Permits will be issued by the government. -What?
‪(여자2) 아이, 기게 대수니?‬-Permits will be issued by the government. -What? I mean, does that even matter?
‪출입증만 받으면은‬ ‪자유롭게 왕래가 가능하다던데‬What really matters is that we can cross the border as long as we have a permit now!
‪(홍단) 고민할 필요도 없었다‬[woman] As soon as I was discharged,
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬ ‪나는 제대하자마자‬ ‪평양을 떠나 서울로 향했다‬I left Pyongyang and headed to Seoul. I didn't even give it a second thought.
‪코리안드림을 꿈꾸며‬To live the Korean dream. [train horn blowing]
‪[기차 경적]‬[train horn blowing]
‪(남자1) 저기 보라!‬[man] Look over there!
‪[사람들의 탄성]‬[passengers exclaim and chatter]
‪(남자2) 진짜 이렇게 보니‬ ‪통일도 시간문제갔어‬[passengers exclaim and chatter] [conductor] This train is now passing through the JEA, or Joint Economic Area.
‪(안내 방송 속 여자) 지금 기차가‬ ‪JEA 공동경제구역을‬[conductor] This train is now passing through the JEA, or Joint Economic Area.
‪지나고 있습니다‬[conductor] This train is now passing through the JEA, or Joint Economic Area.
‪아시다시피 이곳은 과거‬As you're aware, this was once the Joint Security Area, a symbol of division.
‪분단의 상징과도 같았던‬ ‪공동경비구역이었으나‬this was once the Joint Security Area, a symbol of division.
‪현재는 평화통일로 나아가기 위한‬ ‪경제협력의 시험대로‬NORTH KOREANS SPECIAL SALE Now the area is used as a testing ground for economic cooperation,
‪북남 인민 모두의 자유로운 왕래와‬ ‪경제활동이 보장되고 있습니다‬ensuring free travel and work for every Korean. This area is already home to numerous organizations and companies
‪또한‬This area is already home to numerous organizations and companies
‪이곳에는 이미 북남의 수많은‬ ‪기관과 기업이 진출해 있으며‬This area is already home to numerous organizations and companies from the North and South.
‪향후 한반도 통일조폐국과‬Unified Korea Mint and the Preparatory Committee for Unification
‪통일준비위원회가‬ ‪들어설 예정입니다‬and the Preparatory Committee for Unification will be based here in the near future.
‪[기차 경적이 울린다]‬will be based here in the near future. [tranquil acoustic guitar music plays]
‪(남자3) 이야, 우리 북조선도‬ ‪뭐, 조만간에 이렇게 되지 않갔어?‬[tranquil acoustic guitar music plays] This is how North Korea's gonna look like soon, you know?
‪(남자4) 내래 얼른 돈 벌어서‬I'm gonna make so much money and I'll buy a house in a tower like that one back home.
‪고향에다 저런 고층 살림집‬ ‪하나 사야갔구나‬and I'll buy a house in a tower like that one back home.
‪(남자3) 저쪽이 원래‬ ‪금단선 있던 자리 아니네?‬[passengers chat excitedly] -[man] I wonder what it's like. -[indistinct chatter]
‪(여자3) 공동경제구역이라‬-[man] I wonder what it's like. -[indistinct chatter]
‪아예 도시 하나를‬ ‪만들고 있구먼기래‬-[man] I wonder what it's like. -[indistinct chatter]
‪(홍단) 기차 안에 탄 모두가‬[woman] It was obvious that everyone on the train smelled the same thing.
‪같은 냄새를 맡고 있는 게‬ ‪분명했다‬[woman] It was obvious that everyone on the train smelled the same thing.
‪그건 희망의 냄새였다‬It was the smell of hope.
‪(홍단) 얼마 지나지 않아‬ ‪남한의 재벌 기업은‬And soon after, a huge South Korean corporation
‪북한에 대대적인 투자를 약속했고‬promised to make large-scale investments in the North.
‪남에도 북에도‬ ‪이 변화의 바람을 타고‬Those who claimed to have made a fortune riding the wave
‪떼돈을 벌었단 작자들이‬ ‪속속 등장했다‬Those who claimed to have made a fortune riding the wave started showing up in both Koreas.
‪[불길한 음악]‬ ‪[거친 숨소리]‬[breathes heavily]
‪이주 브로커가 내게 약속한‬ ‪집과 직장은 가짜였다‬…the house and job that my migration broker had promised me was all a lie.
‪[울분에 찬 탄성]‬[screams]
‪[분노에 찬 숨소리]‬[sighs]
‪웰컴 투 자본주의‬Welcome to capitalism.
‪[쓸쓸한 음악]‬[sighs]
‪[시끌벅적하다]‬[bustling chatter]
‪(동료) 야‬[waitress] Hey.
‪너도 먹을래?‬You want a bite?
‪(동료) 싫으면 마라‬Whatever.
‪(홍단) 그런데 망할‬[woman] If it's so great,
‪저 남한 계집애는 왜 쓰레기를‬ ‪주워 먹고 있는 거지?‬why is that bitch eating garbage?
‪(TV 속 앵커2) 1, 2차 경협 이후‬[reporter] After the second economic cooperation,
‪북한 이주 노동자들이‬ ‪대거 유입되면서‬[reporter] After the second economic cooperation, an influx of North Korean migrant workers have settled in South Korea.
‪이들에 대한‬an influx of North Korean migrant workers have settled in South Korea.
‪사회적 반감을 드러내는‬ ‪움직임 또한 커지고 있는데요‬ ‪[시위대 소리가 흘러나온다]‬an influx of North Korean migrant workers have settled in South Korea. This has led to growing social animosity towards North Koreans.
‪한편 한 달 후로 예정된‬ ‪BTS의 평양 콘서트가‬This has led to growing social animosity towards North Koreans. Meanwhile, a BTS concert being held in Pyongyang next month
‪전석 매진되는 등‬has already sold out, suggesting that the cultural exchange between the neighboring countries
‪문화계에서 남북 교류는‬suggesting that the cultural exchange between the neighboring countries
‪상상 이상으로‬ ‪빠르게 이루어지고 있습니다‬suggesting that the cultural exchange between the neighboring countries is happening much quicker than expected.
‪(홍단) 세상이 어떻게‬ ‪돌아가고 있는 거야?‬[somber acoustic music plays] [woman] What is happening to the world?
‪[신나는 반주가 흘러나온다]‬ ‪[시끌벅적하다]‬CLUB MORANBONG NORTH KOREAN ESCORTS 24/7
‪(홍단) ♪ 멀리 ♪‬[sings in Korean]
‪♪ 기적이 우네 ♪‬
‪♪ 나를 두고 ♪‬
‪♪ 멀리 간다네 ♪‬ ‪[마이크 삐 소리가 울린다]‬
‪[어두운 음악]‬[music fades]
‪(홍단) 알 수가 없었다‬I just don't get it.
‪도대체 왜 이렇게 된 걸까?‬How did things get this way?
‪(사채업자) 5만 원‬[man] Fifty-thousand won.
‪구권은 환전 수수료‬ ‪20% 받는 거 알지?‬[man] Fifty-thousand won. You know we charge a 20% exchange fee for the old notes, right?
‪(홍단) 저것들은 다 뭐예요?‬-[woman] What's all that stuff? -[man] What do you think?
‪(사채업자) 뭐겠냐?‬ ‪돈 대신 받은 거지‬-[woman] What's all that stuff? -[man] What do you think? [man] Things I got instead of money. You got anything valuable?
‪너도 맡길 거 있으면 내놔 봐‬ ‪잘 쳐줄게, 어?‬[man] Things I got instead of money. You got anything valuable? I'll pay you good money. What do you say? [chuckles]
‪(사채업자) 그래, 알지, 알아‬Look, I understand.
‪요즘 많이 힘들지?‬Hard times, right?
‪윗동네에서 '얼음'이라고‬ ‪하는 건데 알지?‬They call this "Ice" up North. Ever heard of it?
‪그동안 고생한 거 아니까‬ ‪주는 거야‬I know you been through it, so take it as a gift.
‪(홍단) 일없어요‬No thanks.
‪(사채업자) 야‬[grunts] Yeah?
‪기분 좋게 일하면 좋잖아‬It's better to work in a good mood. You can always go all the way, you know, with the clients.
‪손님하고 2차도 나가고‬You can always go all the way, you know, with the clients.
‪(사채업자) 어?‬Huh? When are you gonna pay off your loan at this rate?
‪이렇게 해서 원금 언제 갚을래?‬Huh? When are you gonna pay off your loan at this rate?
‪야, 여기에서 돈을 벌려면‬Fine. If you wanna make money, you need to keep an open mind.
‪뇌가 유연해야 돼‬If you wanna make money, you need to keep an open mind. [sighs]
‪해 봐‬Try it.
‪(사채업자) 어?‬Come on!
‪[거칠게 문이 열린다]‬[rattling]
‪[동료의 겁먹은 신음]‬[woman 2 whimpers, yelps]
‪[부하1의 성난 신음]‬ ‪[동료의 비명]‬[woman 2 whimpers, yelps]
‪아, 분위기 좋았는데 뭐야?‬-Hey, what the fuck is going on? -[woman 2 panting]
‪(부하2) 아, 이 쌍년이 돈 떼먹고‬ ‪튀는 거 잡아 왔지 말입니다‬Hey, boss, we caught this bitch running away without paying us.
‪신장이라도 하나 뗄까요?‬Wanna take one of her kidneys?
‪(사채업자) 약에 쩔어 가지고‬ ‪어디 뭐, 쓸 데나 있겠냐?‬[loan shark] Her junkie kidney isn't worth much.
‪[부하2가 낄낄댄다]‬ ‪[콜록거린다]‬-[man chuckles] -[woman 2 coughs]
‪너도 먹을래?‬You want a bite?
‪다 너 같은 놈들 때문이었어‬All this is thanks to bastards like you.
‪이 도적 떼 같은 새끼들‬You're all just bunch of greedy fucks.
‪[성난 숨소리]‬ ‪[홍단의 비명]‬-[loan shark grunts] -[grunts]
‪[홍단의 거친 숨소리]‬ ‪[이명이 울린다]‬[breathes heavily, groans]
‪[거친 숨소리]‬
‪[이명이 멈춘다]‬ ‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬[exhales, gasps]
‪[홍단의 힘주는 신음]‬ ‪[긴박한 음악]‬[loan shark grunts]
‪[사채업자의 아파하는 신음]‬[grunts]
‪[코웃음]‬[scoffs] Did you release the safety?
‪안전장치는 풀었어?‬[scoffs] Did you release the safety?
‪떼떼는 그런 거 없어‬TT pistols don't have safeties.
‪미안해, 알았어‬Hey. I'm sorry, okay?
‪우리 말로 하자, 말로, 응?‬Come on, let's talk, all right? Hmm?
‪[사채업자의 힘주는 신음]‬[grunts]
‪[홍단의 힘겨운 숨소리]‬ ‪[사채업자의 힘주는 신음]‬-[woman grunts] -[glass shatters] [grunting]
‪[홍단의 힘주는 신음]‬[grunting angrily]
‪[철컥]‬ ‪[당황한 숨소리]‬[grunting angrily]
‪[총성]‬-[gun fires] -[man whimpers]
‪[놀란 숨소리]‬-[gun fires] -[man whimpers]
‪[동료의 겁먹은 신음]‬[woman] Thieves were making money in this new world.
‪(홍단) 어차피‬ ‪도둑놈들이 돈 버는 세상‬[woman] Thieves were making money in this new world.
‪나라고 도둑이‬ ‪되지 말라는 법은 없었다‬And there's nothing stopping me from becoming a thief.
‪[동료의 비명]‬[woman 2 yelps]
‪[겁먹은 숨소리]‬
‪[부하2의 겁먹은 숨소리]‬-[whimpering] -[urinating]
‪[홍단의 거친 숨소리]‬
‪야, 뭐 해?‬What are you doing?
‪(홍단) 얼른 저것들 챙겨서 나가자‬Grab everything and let's go.
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬[breathing heavily]
‪[주제곡]‬[theme song playing]
‪[다가오는 오토바이 엔진음]‬[rain pattering]
‪(TV 속 앵커3) 용의자들은‬ ‪지난해부터‬[reporter] Suspects wanted by police
‪불법 사채업자들을 상대로‬ ‪[긴장되는 음악]‬[reporter] Suspects wanted by police have committed a series of robberies in the last year,
‪연쇄 강도 행각을 벌여‬ ‪현재 수배 중인 상태였습니다‬have committed a series of robberies in the last year, specifically targeting loan sharks.
‪현장에서 확인된 바에 따르면‬According to what's been confirmed by the authorities,
‪용의자 중 한 명은‬ ‪현장에서 사망했으며‬According to what's been confirmed by the authorities, one of the suspects died at the scene, The police are currently after another suspect,
‪경찰은 불법 이주민으로 추정되는‬The police are currently after another suspect,
‪다른 한 명을 추격 중에 있습니다‬The police are currently after another suspect, who is assumed to be an illegal immigrant.
‪이들은 북한을 통해 들여온‬[panting]
‪사제 총기를 소지하고‬ ‪있었던 것으로 밝혀졌으며…‬[panting]
‪[천둥이 콰르릉 친다]‬-thunder rumbling] -[man 1 over radio] Come in, 1506.
‪(무전 속 경찰1) 응답하라, '1506'‬-thunder rumbling] -[man 1 over radio] Come in, 1506.
‪(무전 속 경찰2) '1506'‬ ‪용의자 안 보입니다‬[man 2] Copy. We've lost the suspect. She moved towards the second avenue.
‪(무전 속 경찰1)‬ ‪2가 쪽으로 간 것 같다‬[man 2] Copy. We've lost the suspect. She moved towards the second avenue.
‪(무전 속 경찰3) '18'‬ ‪경 넷과 함께 그쪽으로 가겠습니다‬[man 1] Copy. Moving in that direction now with four officers, over.
‪[자동차 경적]‬[car horn blaring]
‪(TV 속 앵커3)‬ ‪최근 불법 이주민 관련‬ ‪범죄가 급증하는 추세인데요‬
‪전문가들은 남북 경제 협력이‬ ‪급속도로 진행되면서‬
‪저임금 노동자가 대거 유입되고‬
‪계층 간 빈부 격차가 심화되면서‬ ‪벌어지는 현상으로 진단하며‬
‪이에 대해 조속한 대책이…‬
‪[홍단의 당황한 숨소리]‬ ‪[열차 소리가 요란하다]‬[breathes shakily] [train rattles]
‪(홍단) 더 이상 갈 곳도‬ ‪가고 싶은 곳도 없었다‬ ‪[홍단이 흐느낀다]‬[woman] I didn't have anywhere else to go.
‪[홍단이 훌쩍인다]‬[whimpers]
‪[홍단의 떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪[천둥이 콰르릉 친다]‬[thunder rumbling]
‪[홍단의 떨리는 숨소리]‬[breathes shakily]
‪[철컥]‬[soothing choral music plays]
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬[soothing choral music plays]
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬ ‪[천천히 다가오는 발소리]‬[breathing heavily] [footsteps approaching]
‪[하늘이 우르릉거린다]‬[thunder rumbling]
‪괜찮아요?‬[man] Are you okay? You look like you're badly hurt.
‪(남자5) 많이 다친 거 같은데‬[man] Are you okay? You look like you're badly hurt.
‪(홍단) 처음 그 남자를 보곤‬[woman] When I first saw him,
‪저승사자가‬ ‪마중이라도 온 줄 알았다‬I thought the Grim Reaper had finally come for me.
‪[열차 소리가 요란하다]‬[train rattles]
‪저, 근데 맞죠?‬It's you, right?
‪(남자5) 이주민들 등쳐 먹는‬The little Miss Robin Hood who's been stealing from people
‪나쁜 놈들만 털고 다닌다는‬ ‪그 강도‬The little Miss Robin Hood who's been stealing from people who take advantage of immigrants?
‪괴물인 줄 알았는데‬I thought you would be a monster. Turns out you're just human.
‪그냥 사람이네?‬I thought you would be a monster. Turns out you're just human.
‪뭐야, 너?‬Leave.
‪(남자5) 어때?‬How was it?
‪그런 놈들 몇 조진다고‬ ‪뭐가 달라지던가?‬Did you feel good after you killed petty criminals?
‪뭐냐고, 너?‬Who are you?
‪(남자5) 나한테 계획이 있어‬I have a plan, an elaborate one too,
‪아주 큰 건인데‬ ‪당신이 꼭 해줬으면 좋겠어‬I have a plan, an elaborate one too, and I really want you to join me.
‪[어이없는 듯 웃는다]‬[scoffs]
‪지금 나한테 강도 짓을 하자고?‬You're really asking me to join your little heist?
‪[총을 철컥거린다]‬You're really asking me to join your little heist?
‪내 꼴을 보고도 그런 말이 나와?‬After I was just about to blow my brains out?
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪푼돈을 훔친 강도는‬The thief who steals petty cash
‪(남자5) 쫓기다 죽거나‬ ‪감옥살이를 하게 되지만‬either gets killed by a cop or serves prison time,
‪엄청나게 큰돈을 훔친 강도는‬but a thief who steals at a massive scale…
‪세상을 바꾸고‬can change the world,
‪영웅이 되기도 하거든‬and can even become a hero.
‪얼마를 훔쳐야 세상이 바뀌는데?‬How much money do you have to steal to change the world?
‪4조‬-Four trillion. -[thunder rumbles]
‪[하늘이 우르릉거린다]‬ ‪[놀란 숨소리]‬-Four trillion. -[thunder rumbles]
‪어차피 버릴 목숨이라면‬If you were gonna take your own life anyway,
‪나한테 한번 맡겨보는 게 어때?‬how about you give me and my plan a shot?
‪(홍단) 그는 자신을‬ ‪교수라고 소개했다‬[woman] He introduced himself as the Professor.
‪'누굴 가르치시길래?'‬Who do you teach?
‪그렇게 묻자 교수는‬ ‪자신의 학생들을 인사시켜 주었다‬When I asked him that question, he introduced me to his students.
‪[서로 웃으며 떠든다]‬
‪(교수) 자, 본격적인 수업을‬ ‪시작하기에 앞서‬[Professor] Before we start, I wanna make this clear.
‪우리 이제부터‬From now on,
‪나이 불문, 출신 불문‬regardless of age or where you're from, we'll all speak informally.
‪반말로 소통할 거야‬regardless of age or where you're from, we'll all speak informally.
‪(교수) 호칭은 이름 대신‬ ‪별명을 정하도록 할게‬We'll use code names to call each other instead of using real names.
‪아니, 이름은 그렇다 치고‬We'll use code names to call each other instead of using real names. I can do code names, but what about respect?
‪반말?‬I can do code names, but what about respect?
‪아니, 와 굳이?‬I can do code names, but what about respect? -What's the reason for that? -It's safer that no one knows.
‪만일의 경우를 대비해서‬-What's the reason for that? -It's safer that no one knows.
‪서로의 신원을 모르는 게‬ ‪안전할 테니까‬It's out of serious precaution for each other's identity.
‪(교수) 자, 그럼‬ ‪도시 이름은 어떨까?‬How about we use city names? It can be a city you wanna live in once the job's over
‪각자 큰돈 벌면‬ ‪살고 싶은 곳이어도 좋고‬It can be a city you wanna live in once the job's over
‪발음이 마음에 드는 곳이어도‬ ‪좋으니까‬or a name that you like the sound of.
‪내키는 대로 하나씩 골라봐‬It's up to you, so pick one.
‪[경쾌한 음악]‬[jazzy drumbeat plays]
‪이야, 대박!‬All right! I've been dreaming of going to Rio for Carnival my entire life!
‪아니, 안 그래도 내가‬ ‪카니발에 꼭 가보고 싶었거든‬All right! I've been dreaming of going to Rio for Carnival my entire life!
‪카니발의 꽃은‬ ‪뭐니 뭐니 해도 삼바!‬and the highlight of every Carnival is samba! [chuckles]
‪(홍단) 저 아이돌처럼 생긴 녀석은‬ ‪리우‬That guy who looks like your typical K-pop star is Rio.
‪춤은 더럽게 못 추지만‬ ‪해킹 실력은 끝내준단다‬He's a horrible dancer, but apparently he's an amazing hacker.
‪로키산맥 근처니까 내 여로 할게‬I'mma go with that one since it's near the Rocky Mountains.
‪'록키' 있다 아이가, 록키!‬You guys know Rocky. It's, uh… It's my favorite movie of all time.
‪내가 제일 좋아하는 영화거든‬It's, uh… It's my favorite movie of all time.
‪(덴버) 빰, 바바밤, 빰! 빰!‬Pow! Pow-pow! Pow! Pow!
‪참고로 그 영화 배경은‬ ‪필라델피아야‬Just so you know, that movie is set in Philadelphia.
‪아, 맞나?‬Oh, really?
‪(덴버) 좀 긴데?‬ ‪덴버가 더 안 세 보이나?‬That's a bit long. Denver sounds a lot stronger, right?
‪(홍단) 단순해 보이는 저 녀석은‬ ‪덴버‬[woman] That himbo over there is Denver.
‪길거리 싸움꾼 출신이다‬-He used to be a street fighter. -[bell dings]
‪[공 울리는 효과음]‬-He used to be a street fighter. -[bell dings] He fought at every illegal fight club and never lost.
‪[환호성 효과음]‬ ‪불법 격투장에서 죄다 패버리다‬He fought at every illegal fight club and never lost.
‪돈 대주는 도박꾼들까지 패고‬ ‪뛰쳐나왔다고 한다‬He eventually beat up the gamblers who'd bet on him and lived.
‪돌아가신 우리 어무이 평생소원이‬My mother, God rest her soul, used to wish that she'd…
‪여, 여, 거, 부산에서 기차 타고‬ ‪[기차 경적 효과음]‬Here, here, here… get on a train from Busan and pass through Pyongyang,
‪평양 지나 요래, 요래‬and pass through Pyongyang, and all the way to Moscow,
‪이 모스크바까지 가보는 거였는데‬and all the way to Moscow, here in Russia's capital.
‪[모스크바의 착잡한 숨소리]‬Oh, Mother.
‪(모스크바) 아이고, 어무이‬Oh, Mother.
‪(홍단) 저 아저씨는 모스크바‬[woman] That man is Moscow.
‪덴버와 부자지간이다‬He is Denver's father.
‪광부 출신으로 뭐든‬ ‪파고 뚫는 게 장기다 보니‬He used to work in the mines, so naturally he's a digging expert.
‪여기까지 오게 되었단다‬That's why he's here.
‪여기가 어디?‬And where is here? The dead-end that is his life.
‪인생 막장‬And where is here? The dead-end that is his life.
‪[작은 목소리로] 나이로비…‬Nairobi…
‪(나이로비) 예스‬Yes.
‪[헛기침]‬[clears throat]
‪혹시 여기서 아프리카 가본 사람?‬Has anyone here ever been to Africa before?
‪그 대자연의 위대함…‬The cradle of civilization.
‪느껴보지 않으면 몰라‬Words can only try to describe.
‪거기 다이아가 유명한 거 알지?‬Words can only try to describe. Did you know the area's famous for diamonds?
‪(홍단) 나이로비‬ ‪입만 열면 구라다‬Did you know the area's famous for diamonds? [woman] Nairobi. She's a pathological liar.
‪각종 위조의 전문가로‬She's a forgery master.
‪굵직한 건수마다‬ ‪안 낀 데가 없다는데‬She claims to have been part of every major crime,
‪내가 볼 땐 그냥 사기꾼 같다‬but I think she's nothing more than a con artist.
‪니 뭐 하니?‬Are you serious?
‪이딴 것도 못 찾아버리니?‬-You can't even use a map? -Don't push me, you son of a bitch!
‪네가 지금 날 치면‬ ‪어찌하자는 거니?‬-You can't even use a map? -Don't push me, you son of a bitch!
‪- (헬싱키) 한번 해보자는 거니?‬ ‪- (오슬로) 그만하라‬[men grunt]
‪[오슬로의 성난 신음]‬[sighs]
‪(홍단) 저 단짝 커플은‬ ‪헬싱키와 오슬로‬[woman] That jolly pair is Helsinki and Oslo.
‪연변 출신 해결사들이다‬They're fixers from Yanbian.
‪몸담았던 조직을 단둘이서‬ ‪궤멸시켜 버리고 나왔다고 한다‬Word has it that they wiped out their entire gang and left.
‪(홍단) 베를린‬Berlin.
‪어쩐지 사람을 긴장시키는‬ ‪재주가 있는 놈이다‬He has this gift for making people nervous.
‪죽어서야 나올 수 있다는‬ ‪북한 개천 수용소 출신‬He's from the Kaechon camp in the North, where only the dead are free.
‪그런데 어떻게 여기 있냐고?‬You're probably wondering, "How'd he get here?"
‪그게 녀석이 북한 역사상‬Well, I guess that's why he's the most wanted man
‪최악의 수배범이 된 이유겠지‬ ‪[총성 효과음]‬Well, I guess that's why he's the most wanted man in the history of North Korea.
‪아, 딴 데도 아이고‬ ‪와 하필 도쿄인데?‬Out of all the places, why pick Tokyo?
‪그야…‬Because we'll be doing bad things. [chuckles]
‪나쁜 짓을 할 거잖아‬Because we'll be doing bad things. [chuckles]
‪[오슬로의 웃음]‬ ‪(덴버) 이야, 니 머리 좋네?‬-[Moscow chuckles] -[Denver] Yo, that's really smart. [Oslo chuckles]
‪[저마다 웃는다]‬ ‪그래, 맞아‬She's right.
‪우린 나쁜 짓을 할 거야‬ ‪[긴장되는 음악]‬We will be doing bad things. [suspenseful music plays]
‪단일 강도 사건 역사상‬ ‪최고액을 털 거니까‬We are going to pull off the single largest heist in history.
‪(교수) 북한이 개방되면‬The North opened up its economy,
‪남북민 모두가‬ ‪단단히 한몫 잡을 줄 알았지만‬The North opened up its economy, and every Korean was promised that they'd benefit from this,
‪현실은 어때?‬ ‪가진 자들만 더 부자가 됐어‬and every Korean was promised that they'd benefit from this, but in reality, only the rich got richer.
‪가진 게 없는 우리들은‬ ‪이제 스스로 제 몫을 찾아야겠지‬It's time for us, the ones left with nothing, to claim what's ours.
‪그게 우리가‬ ‪연합팀을 꾸린 이유야‬That is why we've formed this team.
‪게다가‬I'm going to make this clear.
‪단 한 명도 죽거나 다치지 않고‬I'm going to make this clear. Not a single person will get hurt.
‪4조라는 거액을 빼내선‬ ‪바람처럼 사라질 거야‬Our goal is to steal four trillion won and then we'll all disappear.
‪그리고 대중들은‬We're giving the public the best show they've ever seen,
‪이 지상 최대의 쇼를‬ ‪라이브로 보면서‬We're giving the public the best show they've ever seen, live and in their faces.
‪우리한테‬And they'll have no choice but to root for us all.
‪열렬한 환호를 보내겠지‬And they'll have no choice but to root for us all.
‪에이, 어떻게 그런 일이 가능해?‬There's no way that's possible. [Nairobi] Okay, let's say that it is possible.
‪(나이로비) 잠깐만, 가능하다 치고‬[Nairobi] Okay, let's say that it is possible.
‪그만한 돈이 어디 있는 건데?‬Where are we gonna find that much money?
‪우리가 털 곳은‬The target for our heist…
‪바로…‬is gonna be…
‪여기야‬the Mint.
‪[평화로운 음악]‬[body scanner whining]
‪(직원1) 네, 들어가세요‬
‪손 올려 주세요‬ ‪[금속 탐지기 작동음]‬Please put your arms up.
‪- (직원2) 몇 호 가시나요?‬ ‪- (직원1) 감사합니다‬
‪[영민의 반기는 신음]‬
‪- (직원3) 아, 안녕하십니까‬ ‪- (직원4) 안녕하세요‬-Hello. -Oh, hello, sir. Hello. [chuckles]
‪(영민) 그래‬ ‪[영민의 웃음]‬Hello. [chuckles]
‪(영민) 어이구, 우리 부국장님‬Hello there, Mr. Vice Director.
‪오늘 뭐, 딱히 특이 사항 없지?‬Anything in particular happening?
‪(현호) 오전에 학생들‬ ‪견학 일정이 잡혀 있습니다‬Students are coming here for a field trip in the morning.
‪(영민) 뭐? 그거 오늘이었어?‬Students are coming here for a field trip in the morning. What? That's today?
‪에이, 성가시게‬Well, that's annoying.
‪(현호) 기리고 통일부에서‬Also the Ministry of Unification
‪곧 있을 남북 고위급 경제회담‬ ‪기념주화 제작에 대한 세부 지침‬Also the Ministry of Unification has requested to finalize the details of the commemorative coins for the upcoming Inter-Korean Summit.
‪기거 빨리 검토해 달랍니다‬for the upcoming Inter-Korean Summit.
‪어, 할게, 해야지‬for the upcoming Inter-Korean Summit. Yeah, okay, sure, I'll do it.
‪(현호) 오늘 3시까지는‬ ‪결재해 주셔야 합니다‬We need your approval by three o'clock today.
‪(영민) 알았어‬All right then.
‪저…‬ ‪[문이 쿵 닫힌다]‬-Sir? -[door closes]
‪(영민) 하여튼‬Those guys from the North are so uptight.
‪윗동네 애들은 일하기가 빡빡해‬Those guys from the North are so uptight. It's hard to work with them.
‪[한숨]‬ ‪[서랍을 드르륵 닫는다]‬[sighs]
‪[남녀의 신음 소리가 흘러나온다]‬[woman moaning over speakers] [chuckles softly]
‪[노크 소리]‬[knocking on door]
‪[당황한 숨소리]‬-[objects clatter] -[woman gasps]
‪(영민) 내가 사준 목걸이 했네?‬ ‪진짜 잘 어울린다‬Oh, you're wearing the necklace I got you. It looks so good on you.
‪[영민의 흥분한 신음]‬ ‪[미선의 불편한 신음]‬Oh, you're wearing the necklace I got you. It looks so good on you.
‪(미선) 대낮부터‬ ‪남부끄럽게 왜 이래요‬What are you doing? Can't you see it's broad daylight?
‪주말 내내 자기 생각하느라고‬ ‪미치는 줄 알았어‬I was going crazy over the weekend. All I could do was think about you.
‪(미선) 잠깐, 할 얘기가 있어요‬I was going crazy over the weekend. All I could do was think about you. Wait, I have something to tell you.
‪(영민) 어?‬Huh?
‪어, 해, 해, 해‬ ‪[미선의 놀란 숨소리]‬[frantically] Uh-huh, uh-huh.
‪(미선) 우리 더 이상‬ ‪이러면 안 될 거 같아요‬[frantically] Uh-huh, uh-huh. I think we should stop doing this.
‪[차가운 목소리로] 왜?‬Why?
‪설마 임신이라도 한 거야?‬What, are you pregnant or something?
‪(교사) 자, 여기가 바로‬[woman] This here is the JEA, the mint that produces the common currency for both Koreas.
‪남북통일 화폐를 생산하는‬ ‪조폐국이야‬the mint that produces the common currency for both Koreas.
‪JEA가 조성되면서‬ ‪[카메라 셔터음]‬The creation of the JEA has served as a symbolic structure
‪남북이 공동으로 설립한‬The creation of the JEA has served as a symbolic structure as this is the first public entity cofounded by the North and South.
‪첫 공공기관이라는‬ ‪상징적 의미가 있지‬ ‪[카메라 셔터음]‬as this is the first public entity cofounded by the North and South.
‪- (학생1) 야, 같이 찍자‬ ‪- (학생2) 같이 찍어‬[girl] Hey, wait up! [chuckles] -Me too! -[boy] Oh!
‪[교사가 계속 설명한다]‬-Me too! -[boy] Oh!
‪(학생2) 하나, 둘, 셋‬One, two, three.
‪[찰칵]‬ ‪(학생1) 오, 잘 나왔다, 가자‬-[camera shutter clicks] -This looks good. -[chuckles] -Let's go.
‪(반장) 저, 사진 나한테 보내주라‬Um, later can you send me the photos?
‪너 인스타 하지?‬-You have Insta, right? -I don't.
‪(앤) 아니‬-You have Insta, right? -I don't.
‪(교사) 자, 사진은‬ ‪이따 찍을 거니까 줄부터 서고‬
‪[분한 숨소리]‬[sighs]
‪(교사) 통제에 잘 따라야 한다‬ ‪가자‬Let's go!
‪[새가 지저귄다]‬
‪[무전기 조작음]‬ ‪뽀시래기 입장‬Pixie's inside. [sighs]
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬Pixie's inside. [sighs]
‪(도쿄) '뽀시래기'?‬Pixie?
‪[나이로비의 웃음]‬Pixie? He's a man. He'll understand what I meant.
‪(나이로비) 뭐든 뜻만 통하면‬ ‪되는 거 아니겠어?‬He's a man. He'll understand what I meant.
‪응, 알갔어‬ ‪몸풀이라도 좀 하고 있으라우‬Copy that. Do a little warm-up while you wait.
‪[긴장감 도는 음악]‬
‪(리우) 아, 경치 좋네‬Whoa, look at that view. Wow.
‪전방 500m, 어, 대기들 타시고‬Target is 500 yards away. Get ready to go.
‪[긴장감 고조되는 음악]‬
‪- (보안1) 아이…‬ ‪- (보안2) 뭐야, 이거?‬-What? -What the hell is that?
‪(보안1) 뭐야, 저거?‬What, seriously?
‪[무전기 작동음]‬Hold on for a second, there's a barricade on the road. We're gonna go check it out.
‪잠시 정차‬ ‪도로상에 미확인 장애물‬Hold on for a second, there's a barricade on the road. We're gonna go check it out.
‪확인해 보겠습니다‬Hold on for a second, there's a barricade on the road. We're gonna go check it out.
‪공사 일정 없었는데 무슨 일이야?‬ ‪[보안3의 한숨]‬There's no report of construction. That's weird.
‪[인이어가 지직댄다]‬-[machine bleeps] -[high-pitched whine] Ugh! [whining fades]
‪(보안2) 뭐야, 저거?‬What is that?
‪야, 저 버스는 또 뭐야?‬What is that bus doing there?
‪(보안1) 아이, 씨, 진짜…‬Oh, shit.
‪뭐야, 저 새끼?‬What the…
‪뭐야, 총이야?‬Is that a gun?
‪[총성이 요란하다]‬-[gasps] -[gun firing]
‪[긴장한 숨소리]‬[both breathe heavily]
‪(헬싱키) 내리라!‬[Helsinki] Get out!
‪[겁먹은 숨소리]‬-[breathing heavily] -[Denver] Get out of the damn car!
‪(오슬로) 빨리빨리 내리라!‬-[breathing heavily] -[Denver] Get out of the damn car!
‪(헬싱키) 엎드려!‬[Helsinki] On the ground!
‪(덴버) 엎드려!‬[Denver] Get down, now!
‪(베를린) 내리라!‬Fucking move! [tense electronic music plays]
‪(베를린) 자, 인제부터‬ ‪너희들은 내 지시에 따른다‬[Berlin] All right, then, listen up. From now on, you'll follow my orders.
‪한 놈이라도 줄타기하믄‬ ‪우린 고작 감옥 가갔디만‬If one of you decides to be a hero, the worst case for us is going to jail,
‪너희는 다 죽는다, 알간?‬but we'll kill you all before that happens. Got it?
‪(리우) 빨리빨리 갈아입고 앉아‬[Rio] Get dressed and sit down! Where the fuck d'you think you're looking? You want me to blow your head off?
‪어딜 쳐다봐, 씨!‬ ‪대가리에 빵꾸 나고 싶어?‬Where the fuck d'you think you're looking? You want me to blow your head off?
‪[휘파람을 분다]‬[whistles descending tone]
‪- (큐레이터) 출입증 다 받으셨죠?‬ ‪- (학생들) 네‬[woman] Does everyone have their passes? [student] Yes.
‪(큐레이터) 줄 맞춰서‬ ‪이동하실게요‬[woman] Please stay in line as you follow me. We are now in the monetary exhibition hall.
‪이곳은 화폐 전시관입니다‬We are now in the monetary exhibition hall. In here, you can see the history of both South and North Korea's currencies
‪남북한 화폐 역사부터‬In here, you can see the history of both South and North Korea's currencies
‪지금 우리가 쓰는 화폐죠?‬In here, you can see the history of both South and North Korea's currencies as well as the process to develop the first ever common currency
‪남북 최초의 통일화폐가 만들어진‬ ‪과정을 살펴볼 수 있습니다‬as well as the process to develop the first ever common currency that we use today.
‪이쪽을 보시면‬ ‪고려 시대 화폐 건원중보부터‬Over here, we have currency starting from Geonwon Jungbo from the Goryeo Dynasty,
‪조선 시대 조선통보, 십전통보‬Joseon Tongbo and Sipjeon Tongbo from the Joseon Dynasty,
‪또 대한제국 시대 화폐와‬Joseon Tongbo and Sipjeon Tongbo from the Joseon Dynasty, followed by currencies used by the Korean Empire and the colonial rule
‪일제강점기‬ ‪광복 이후의 화폐를 거쳐서‬followed by currencies used by the Korean Empire and the colonial rule after the independence,
‪경제 통일 이전의 남북 화폐까지‬ ‪볼 수 있습니다‬after the independence, and North and South Korean currencies before the unification.
‪자, 그러면 다음으로 갈까요?‬and North and South Korean currencies before the unification. Now if you can all come along this way.
‪[학생들이 떠든다]‬[kids chatter]
‪[카메라 셔터음]‬[camera shutter clicks] I said there were no photos allowed on the tour.
‪(교사) 보안 스티커 떼면‬ ‪안 된다고 했지?‬I said there were no photos allowed on the tour.
‪인증샷은 이따‬ ‪기념 촬영 때까지 참아‬You can take as many pictures as you want once we're done.
‪[시끌벅적하다]‬[kids chatter]
‪[불길한 음악]‬
‪[철컥 장전한다]‬[gun clicks]
‪- (보안1) 수고하십니다‬ ‪- (보안4) 아, 수고하십니다‬-Hello, sir. -[security officer] Hey. How's it going?
‪못 보던 얼굴인데?‬I haven't seen you before.
‪한 씨는 관뒀어요?‬Did Han quit or something?
‪[보안1의 어색한 신음]‬Did Han quit or something?
‪계약직들 신세가 다 그렇디요, 뭐‬Well, you know how it is for contract workers.
‪신분증 좀 보겠습니다‬I'm gonna need to see your ID card.
‪(베를린) 음, 아, 예‬Mmm. Oh, sure.
‪- 빨리 좀 해봐라!‬ ‪- (리우) 집중‬-Come on, what's taking so long? -Shut up.
‪(미선) 이야기하다 말고‬ ‪어디 가요?‬[woman] Where are you going? We're not done.
‪야, 용지 입고 봐야 되니까‬ ‪나중에 얘기해‬[woman] Where are you going? We're not done. Let's talk about this later, okay?
‪(미선) 기뻐할 거라곤‬ ‪기대도 안 했지만‬[woman] I didn't expect you to be happy,
‪적어도 진지하게‬ ‪생각해 줄 줄 알았어요‬but I thought you'd at least be a man of your word.
‪- (영민) 뭘?‬ ‪- (미선) 나한테 한 약속들이요‬but I thought you'd at least be a man of your word. -What? -All those promises you made me?
‪하루라도 빨리‬ ‪이혼하고 싶다면서요‬You said you wanted to get divorced soon.
‪나랑 결혼해서‬ ‪북에 있는 가족들까지‬You promised you'd marry me and made me believe you'd help get my family out of the North.
‪다 이쪽에 이주하게‬ ‪해주고 싶다고 했잖아요‬and made me believe you'd help get my family out of the North.
‪야, 내가 묶은 지가 10년이 넘었어‬Yeah? Well, I had a vasectomy ten years ago.
‪(영민) 어? 어서 딴 놈이랑 뒹굴고‬ ‪나한테 꽃뱀 짓이야‬You're just sleeping around and acting like a gold digger.
‪'꽃뱀'?‬Gold digger?
‪이래서 자본주의가 무섭다니까?‬This is why capitalism scares me.
‪진짜 살벌하네, 쯧!‬-It's absolutely petrifying. -Uh.
‪씁…‬[inhales deeply]
‪하, 이게…‬[inhales deeply] Ah, where is…
‪어, 오케이, 됐어‬Yeah, okay, it's done.
‪아, 이게, 이게‬ ‪여기 있었구먼기래, 자‬Oh, that's where it was. Here you go, sir.
‪(보안4) 수고하십시오‬Thank you very much.
‪자, 오라이!‬-[engine starts] -Okay, go ahead!
‪[차 시동음]‬-[engine starts] -Okay, go ahead!
‪아, 이 정도 쪼는 맛은 있어야지‬A little bit of thrill makes it fun.
‪헛소리하디 말고‬ ‪경보기나 끊으라우‬Stop fucking around and turn off all the alarms.
‪[삐삑 경보음이 울린다]‬-[sighs] -[scanner beeps]
‪(앤) [영어] 난 여기 싫어‬[girl] I hate it here.
‪학교는 왜 다니나 몰라‬ ‪우리 아빠 정말 짜증 나‬I don't know why I have to go to school here. My dad is such an asshole.
‪[차 후진 경고음]‬[indicator beeping]
‪(보안5) [한국어] 자, 조금만 더‬
‪[후진 경고음이 계속 울린다]‬
‪더, 더, 더‬
‪더 오세요, 더‬
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪(앤) [영어]‬ ‪아무것도 못 하게 한다니까‬I'm not allowed to do anything.
‪[한숨]‬ ‪이 교복 구린 것 좀 봐‬Ugh. Look at this tacky uniform.
‪[앤 남자 친구의 웃음]‬[boy chuckles] I think it looks sexy on you.
‪(앤 남자 친구) 섹시한데 뭘 그래‬[boy chuckles] I think it looks sexy on you.
‪닥쳐‬Shut up.
‪[금속 감지음]‬[wand crackles and whines]
‪[금속 감지음]‬
‪[가방을 쿵 내려놓는다]‬
‪[금속 감지음이 연신 삐삑 울린다]‬[beeping] [whines, beeps]
‪[한국어] 뭐, 재미는 나만 봤니?‬Am I the only one who had a good time?
‪어? 거짓말은 나만…‬ ‪[요란한 기기 버튼음]‬Am I the only one who had a good time? -Am I the only one who… -[thuds]
‪[작은 목소리로] 했냐고?‬…who lied? Huh?
‪(보안5) 더, 더, 더, 더‬[security man] Keep it coming!
‪재킷 좀 벗어주시겠습니까?‬Ma'am, can you please take off your jacket?
‪맞아요‬You're right.
‪나도 거짓말이었어, 임신했다는 말‬I was lying to you about being pregnant.
‪[한숨]‬I was lying to you about being pregnant.
‪(미선) 피차 거짓말한 거로 퉁치고‬-That makes us even. -[sighs] Now let's end whatever this was, okay?
‪이제 끝내죠, 우리‬Now let's end whatever this was, okay?
‪미선아‬Misun, hey.
‪(영민과 미선)‬ ‪- 윤 대리, 내가 그게 아니라…‬ ‪- 이거 놔요‬[Misun sobs] You know you don't mean that.
‪[금속 감지음이 연신 삐삑 울린다]‬[beeping]
‪[철컥 장전한다]‬
‪(보안6) 잠시만요!‬ ‪거기 들어가시면 안 됩니다‬Stop right there! You're not allowed to enter.
‪[보안6의 고통스러운 신음]‬-[Tokyo grunts] -[guard yelps]
‪[긴박한 음악]‬-[Tokyo grunts] -[guard yelps] [action music playing]
‪[무거운 효과음]‬
‪어? 뭐야, 저거? 씨!‬ ‪[사람들이 술렁인다]‬Oh, oh, oh, shit!
‪[사람들의 비명]‬-[guns firing] -[all screaming]
‪[소란스럽다]‬ ‪(영민) 어? 뭐야?‬-[gasps] -What?
‪[총소리가 요란하다]‬ ‪[사람들의 비명]‬[woman shrieking]
‪- (덴버) 야, 꼼짝 마!‬ ‪- (헬싱키) 꿇어!‬[Helsinki] Freeze! Get on your knees!
‪[영민과 미선의 비명]‬-[both gasp] -[Berlin] Hello there.
‪(베를린) 안녕?‬ ‪내래 사랑싸움에 끼어든 건가?‬I'm sorry. Did I interrupt a lovers' quarrel?
‪[사람들의 겁먹은 숨소리]‬[all screaming in terror]
‪[보안6의 다급한 신음]‬
‪오빠, 쓸데없는 짓 하다가‬ ‪대가리 빵꾸 나‬Baby, move any fucking closer and I'll put a bullet in your brain.
‪[겁먹은 숨소리]‬Baby, move any fucking closer and I'll put a bullet in your brain.
‪[사람들의 놀란 비명]‬[employees screaming]
‪(헬싱키) 빨리빨리 나오라!‬
‪(모스크바) 다들 조용히 해라‬ ‪고개 숙이고‬ ‪[총소리가 요란하다]‬-[Moscow] Everyone, shut up! -[gun firing]
‪[놀란 숨소리]‬[shrieks] [Moscow] Get your head down! Freeze!
‪(모스크바) 고개 숙이라고!‬ ‪알갔음매?‬[Moscow] Get your head down! Freeze!
‪애들 좀 조용히 좀 시키라‬ ‪이러다 애들 다 잡는다!‬Berlin, get these kids to shut up, or we're gonna have a problem!
‪[학생들의 비명이 계속된다]‬[kids screaming and shrieking]
‪(헬싱키) 야, 동작 그만!‬[Helsinki] Hey!
‪[사람들의 겁에 질린 비명]‬-[Berlin] Move it! -[screaming in terror]
‪[영민의 겁먹은 신음]‬-[breathes shakily] -[Helsinki] Get inside!
‪[학생들의 겁먹은 비명]‬[kids scream]
‪(나이로비) 일어나!‬[all screaming]
‪- (학생3) 일어나, 빨리!‬ ‪- 돌아가!‬Go around!
‪(나이로비) 야! 움직여‬Hey! Get moving.
‪(리우) 아, 어서들 움직이셔야지‬[Rio] Oh, come on, you all need to go.
‪[저마다 놀란다]‬[elevator clunking]
‪(스피커 속 리우) 아, 아, 아‬ ‪바쁘신데 죄송하지만‬[Rio] Check, check, one, two. I'm so sorry to disturb the three of you at such a busy time,
‪총들 그대로‬ ‪바닥에 내려놓습니다‬I'm so sorry to disturb the three of you at such a busy time, but drop your guns or I drop you.
‪- (보안7) 뭔 소리야, 저게?‬ ‪- 저기까지 올라갔나, 벌써?‬but drop your guns or I drop you.
‪[리우의 낄낄대는 웃음]‬[chuckles]
‪[엘리베이터가 쿵 멈춘다]‬ ‪[저마다 놀란다]‬-[elevator clunks] -Oh!
‪[리우의 신난 웃음]‬[cackles]
‪[보안 요원들의 겁먹은 숨소리]‬[guard breathes heavily]
‪(덴버) 나온나, 나온나, 나온나!‬-[bell dings] -[Denver] Come out! Hands on your head.
‪[사람들의 겁먹은 비명]‬[shrieking]
‪[사람들의 겁에 질린 신음]‬[Rio] Hey! Move it!
‪(모스크바) 나와, 나와, 나와!‬ ‪[학생들의 겁에 질린 비명]‬-[kids screaming in terror] -[Moscow] This way! -This way! -[kids scream]
‪[학생들의 놀란 비명]‬-This way! -[kids scream]
‪[울먹이는 숨소리]‬[whimpering] Mom, please!
‪[영어] 제발‬[whimpering] Mom, please!
‪제발 받아!‬Please pick up!
‪[헬싱키가 윽박지른다]‬ ‪[학생들의 비명]‬[kids clamoring]
‪[한국어] 여자애가 안 보여‬I don't see the girl.
‪[문이 굉음을 내며 닫힌다]‬[door whirring]
‪[앤이 흐느낀다]‬ ‪(앤) [영어] 제발‬[girl] Pick up, please!
‪[다급한 숨소리]‬[whimpering]
‪[문이 굉음을 내며 닫힌다]‬[door whirring]
‪[문이 쿵 닫힌다]‬[door closes]
‪[앤의 겁먹은 숨소리]‬[hostages gasp]
‪[사람들의 겁에 질린 신음]‬[hostages gasp]
‪[겁먹은 숨소리]‬[gasps, whimpers]
‪[앤의 신음]‬
‪[교수의 긴장한 숨소리]‬
‪(베를린) [한국어] 반갑다‬ ‪난 여기 책임자다‬[Berlin] Hello, everyone. I'm the one in charge here.
‪미안하지만 지금부터 동무들은‬I apologize for the inconvenience, but you are our hostages.
‪우리 인질이다‬I apologize for the inconvenience, but you are our hostages.
‪[인질들이 겁에 질려 울먹인다]‬[hostages whimper softly]
‪(베를린) 살다 보믄 말이야‬[Berlin] We each go through all sorts of moments in life, both good and bad.
‪이 별의별 일들을‬ ‪다 겪게 되디 않아?‬[Berlin] We each go through all sorts of moments in life, both good and bad.
‪그때는 하늘이‬ ‪무너질 것 같았는데 말이디‬During the bad moments, it feels like the sky is falling down,
‪[불안한 음악]‬ ‪돌이켜 보면 별거 아닌‬ ‪그런 일들 말이야‬During the bad moments, it feels like the sky is falling down, but after some time, you'll realize it was nothing.
‪동무들이 순순히 우리 지시대로‬ ‪움직이기만 해준다믄‬This will all be just that. Each of you will have that experience,
‪지금 상황도 기렇게 될 기야‬as long as you all follow our orders.
‪몇십 년 후에 손자, 손녀‬Many years from now, this will be an exciting adventure story
‪(베를린) 아새끼들 보면서‬ ‪얘기해 주는 모험담 정도는 되갔디‬Many years from now, this will be an exciting adventure story that you can wow your grandchildren with.
‪근데 만에 하나‬But in case any of you are thinking of causing trouble,
‪문제를 일으키는 놈이 있다믄‬ ‪내 하나만 알려주갔어‬But in case any of you are thinking of causing trouble, let me tell you just one thing.
‪난 기런 놈을 무지하게 좋아해‬I truly love when that happens.
‪[인질들이 울먹인다]‬
‪(모스크바) 다들 핸드폰 꺼내!‬Empty your pockets!
‪[인질들의 겁먹은 숨소리]‬ ‪[인질들이 웅성거린다]‬[woman breathing heavily]
‪(나이로비) 자, 목에 있는‬ ‪출입증 다 풀어‬[woman breathing heavily] [Nairobi] Give me your access cards.
‪(리우) 핸드폰이랑 전자기기‬ ‪다 압수‬[Nairobi] Give me your access cards. [Rio] Hand in your cell phones and other electronic devices.
‪[전화벨이 울린다]‬[phone rings]
‪(베를린) 뭐이가?‬What is it?
‪[영민의 떨리는 숨소리]‬[trembling] That could be from headquarters.
‪보, 본사인 거 같은데‬ ‪아, 안 받으면‬[trembling] That could be from headquarters. [phone continues ringing] If we don't pick up, th-th-they'll know something's going on.
‪무, 무슨 문제가‬ ‪생긴 줄 알 겁니다‬If we don't pick up, th-th-they'll know something's going on.
‪[영민의 떨리는 숨소리]‬[phone continues ringing]
‪그 인상 마음에 드네, 어?‬ ‪좋아하게 될 거 같은데?‬You know, I like your face. I feel like I'll grow to like you.
‪받아보라우‬Answer the phone.
‪[미선의 놀라는 숨소리]‬-[Misun gasps] -[phone continues ringing]
‪[미선의 겁에 질린 숨소리]‬[Misun whimpers]
‪[무거운 음악]‬[yelps] [panting]
‪[미선의 거친 숨소리]‬[panting]
‪(베를린) 긴장할 거 없어‬ ‪[가쁜 숨소리]‬[Berlin] No need to be so nervous.
‪심호흡하고‬Now breathe in, okay? [Misun breathes deeply]
‪[미선이 심호흡한다]‬[Misun breathes deeply]
‪[미선의 긴장한 숨소리]‬
‪[미선의 겁에 질린 숨소리]‬[breathes shakily]
‪[침착하게] 네, 조폐국입니다‬[calmly] This… This is the Minting Bureau.
‪(미선) 네, 그게‬ ‪전산망 오류 때문에…‬We're experiencing network difficulties.
‪내가 전문가도 아니고‬It's not like I'm an expert! Isn't it your job to find out what the problem is?
‪원인 파악은 그쪽이‬ ‪해야 되는 거 아니에요?‬It's not like I'm an expert! Isn't it your job to find out what the problem is?
‪[수화기를 쾅 던진다]‬ ‪[미선의 거친 숨소리]‬[phone clatters] [Misun breathing heavily]
‪[미선의 떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪기래, 무슨 전화였어?‬So, was it important?
‪그냥 벼, 별거 아닙니다‬It's, um… It was nothing.
‪[웃으며] 기래‬Hmm. Okay.
‪(베를린) 자‬Okay.
‪이, 별거 아니라는데?‬It wasn't important.
‪[영민의 긴장한 숨소리]‬[breathes shakily]
‪자, 이제 문제없는 거디?‬We won't have any more problems now, will we?
‪음, 기래‬-[Misun] Mmm. Mm-hmm. -Mmm, good.
‪[영민의 겁먹은 숨소리]‬Ahh! Oh! Oh.
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬
‪아, 나 이거, 아직 멀었나?‬Hey, uh, what's taking so long?
‪(덴버) 아빠, 아빠!‬Dad! Dad!
‪아, 도대체‬ ‪돈 구경은 언제 하는데? 응?‬How long until I can get a peek at all the cash?
‪(리우) 야, 야‬Hey, shut up. You think it's easy to break into a digital security safe
‪3중 잠금에 전자 보안까지‬ ‪연동된 물건을‬Hey, shut up. You think it's easy to break into a digital security safe
‪뚫는 게 쉬운 줄 아냐?‬with a triple-lock system in place?
‪(덴버) 어? 뭐라는 겨, 씨‬with a triple-lock system in place? Huh? What are you talkin' about?
‪- 어!‬ ‪- (리우) 우와‬-Oh! -Whoa-oh-oh!
‪(덴버) 어? 이거 된 거가?‬Is it done? Huh?
‪어? 이거 된 거가, 이거?‬ ‪[리우의 웃음]‬Is it done? Huh? -Is it really done? -[laughs]
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬Hah.
‪[모스크바의 힘주는 숨소리]‬Ah-ha.
‪자…‬[Moscow sighs] Yeah…
‪(모스크바) 조심, 조심, 조심‬ ‪그렇지, 그렇지‬-[clicking] -Moscow grunting]
‪[집중하는 숨소리]‬Ahh-ha.
‪[톱니가 끼익 맞물린다]‬[clunking, whirring]
‪[리우의 옅은 탄성]‬[Moscow sighs]
‪[모스크바의 들뜬 숨소리]‬ ‪[리우의 웃음]‬
‪[모스크바의 긴장한 숨소리]‬
‪[모스크바의 힘주는 숨소리]‬[grunts]
‪[삐삑]‬[beeps, clunks]
‪[핸들이 묵직하게 돌아간다]‬[whirring]
‪[모스크바가 껄껄 웃는다]‬[Moscow laughs]
‪[다 같이 신나서 웃는다]‬[laughs] [all laugh]
‪[웃음이 계속된다]‬[Moscow] Ah-ha-ha! Yes!
‪(덴버) 아빠!‬ ‪[덴버의 웃음]‬[all laugh]
‪(모스크바) 자…‬[all laugh]
‪[모스크바의 감격하는 숨소리]‬
‪[다 같이 함성을 지른다]‬ ‪(모스크바) 돈이다!‬-[Moscow] It's all there! -[Denver guffaws] [all laugh maniacally]
‪(덴버) 아빠!‬ ‪[다 같이 웃는다]‬Yeah! Ahh-ha-ha!
‪봤나, 이 자슥아? 우리 아빠다!‬Did you see that? My dad did that!
‪[다 같이 신나서 웃는다]‬[all laughing]
‪이야!‬[yells excitedly, laughs]
‪[덴버의 웃음]‬[yells excitedly, laughs]
‪아빠, 아빠!‬Hey, Dad, I'm gonna go ahead and take a quick nap right here.
‪내 돈더미 위에서 자보는 게‬ ‪소원이었는데‬Hey, Dad, I'm gonna go ahead and take a quick nap right here.
‪내 쪼매만 자고 갈게‬I've always wanted to sleep with money.
‪[신난 탄성]‬ ‪(모스크바) 아이고야‬[Moscow] Look at my idiot son.
‪저, 우리 집 똥강아지는‬ ‪언제 철드나 모르겠다‬He's always had the heart of a child. I wonder if he's ever gonna grow up.
‪- [웃으며] 돈벼락이다!‬ ‪- (모스크바) 어어?‬We hit the jackpot!
‪[덴버의 아파하는 신음]‬Yah-ha!
‪(모스크바) 또 저래가‬ ‪쌍으로 지랄병이 났다‬ ‪[덴버와 리우의 신난 탄성]‬One of you morons is gonna get hurt by doing that. There's money all over the place! You're making a mess.
‪야, 돈 다 무너졌다, 이 자슥들아!‬There's money all over the place! You're making a mess.
‪[덴버와 리우의 환호성]‬[both laugh and whoop]
‪[인질들이 겁에 질려 웅성거린다]‬[music ends]
‪(베를린) 교수, 이제 우리 나간다‬Professor, we're going out now.
‪[키보드를 탁 친다]‬[key clicks]
‪[작은 목소리로] 괜찮아‬ ‪이제 나가려나 보다‬It's okay. I think they'll leave us alone soon.
‪조금만 참아‬ ‪[계단 내려오는 발소리]‬It's okay. I think they'll leave us alone soon. Hang in there.
‪[경보음이 울린다]‬-[alarm blares] -[buzzing]
‪[문이 굉음을 내며 열린다]‬
‪[경보음이 계속된다]‬
‪저게 지금 뭐 하는 거지?‬What the hell are they doing now?
‪[영민의 놀란 숨소리]‬[gasps]
‪[모스크바의 긴장한 웃음]‬[exhales]
‪[겁먹은 신음]‬ ‪전 아무것도 못 봤어요!‬Ah! I didn't see anything.
‪괜찮아, 응? 보라우, 응?‬-I swear. -You can look. -It's okay, mm? -[whimpers]
‪봐도 된다니까니‬-I said open your eyes. -[whimpers]
‪자, 우리가 뭐 하는디 알고 싶니?‬Do you wanna know what we're up to? Is that it, huh?
‪[울먹이며] 아니요, 전혀!‬[whines] No! I swear!
‪전 아무것도 모르고‬I know absolutely nothing, and I don't wanna know anything--
‪(영민) 아무것도‬ ‪알고 싶지 않습니다!‬I know absolutely nothing, and I don't wanna know anything--
‪(베를린) 아니야, 아니야‬[Berlin] No. I like you, my friend,
‪내래 동무가 마음에 드니까‬ ‪내 알려주갔어‬so let me tell you exactly what we're doing right now.
‪우린 말이야‬ ‪[영민의 겁먹은 숨소리]‬We're going to have a gunfight with the police,
‪경찰이랑 총격전을 벌일 거야‬We're going to have a gunfight with the police, and people are gonna die, like in the movies. Bang!
‪[인질들이 웅성댄다]‬ ‪영화에서처럼, 빵!‬and people are gonna die, like in the movies. Bang!
‪[베를린의 웃음]‬-[hostages clamor] -[Berlin chuckles] -[director yelps, whimpers] -[hostages clamoring]
‪[영민의 겁먹은 탄성]‬-[director yelps, whimpers] -[hostages clamoring]
‪[시스템 작동음]‬[digital trilling]
‪[경보음이 계속된다]‬ ‪[리우의 긴장한 숨소리]‬[alarm blares]
‪- (리우) 아, 씨‬ ‪- (덴버) 병신아, 쫄지 마라‬[groans] Don't start freakin' out, dumbass.
‪원래 니는 노리고 쏴도‬ ‪1도 안 맞잖아‬You wouldn't be able to hit anyone even if you tried. Am I right?
‪(덴버) 맞다 아이가?‬ ‪[덴버의 너털웃음]‬You wouldn't be able to hit anyone even if you tried. Am I right? -[laughs] -[scoffs]
‪[웃음]‬-[laughs] -[scoffs]
‪[도교의 한숨]‬
‪(도쿄) 교수는 처음부터 강조했다‬[Tokyo] The Professor emphasized from the beginning
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬ ‪절대 아무도 죽거나‬ ‪다쳐서는 안 된다고‬[Tokyo] The Professor emphasized from the beginning that it was important no one gets hurt or dies.
‪(교수) 자, 경찰이 도착하면‬that it was important no one gets hurt or dies. When the police arrive,
‪때마침 도망치다 걸린 것처럼‬ ‪총질을 하는 거야‬act as if you've been caught while trying to flee, and shoot at them,
‪그리고 다시 안으로‬ ‪숨어 들어가는 거지‬and retreat back into the building to hide,
‪마치 독 안에 든 쥐처럼‬like a rat caught in a trap.
‪(덴버) 아, 근데‬ ‪그거 와 허공에다 쏘라는 건데?‬But why exactly do you want us to fire into the air?
‪말했잖아, 우리 계획은‬ ‪아무도 죽거나 다치지 않는다고‬I told you. Our plan is to not kill or hurt anyone.
‪(나이로비) 근데‬ ‪누가 계획해서 죽나?‬But it's not like anyone plans to die.
‪(리우) 그래, 이게 어떤 일이‬ ‪생길 줄도 모르는데‬She's right. Who knows what's gonna happen?
‪그냥 여차하면 뭐, 한둘쯤은‬ ‪죽일 수도 있는 거 아니야?‬Couldn't we just kill a few if the situation calls for it?
‪절대로 안 돼‬Absolutely not.
‪(교수) 그래야 우리 계획이‬ ‪성공할 수 있어‬-This is crucial for our plan to work. -[laughs]
‪계획?‬Our plan? Sounds like your morals are getting in the way.
‪고작 네 신념이 그런 거 아니고?‬Our plan? Sounds like your morals are getting in the way.
‪뭔 말들이 많아‬What's with all the comments?
‪(도쿄) 계획을 세운 건 교수고‬ ‪우린 실행하면 돼‬Our job here is to execute the Professor's plan.
‪못 하겠으면 빠져‬If you can't, then leave.
‪[사이렌이 들려온다]‬[distant sirens wail]
‪(무전 속 경찰4) 조폐국 정문‬ ‪경보 신호, 경보 신호 발생‬[man over radio] The security alarm at the Mint's main gate went off.
‪인근 순찰차‬ ‪현 위치 보고 확인 바람‬Nearby patrol cars, report your current locations. This is patrol car two. We're almost there.
‪2호 차, 곧 도착합니다‬This is patrol car two. We're almost there.
‪(도쿄) 이유가 무엇이건‬ ‪상관없었다‬[Tokyo] It didn't matter whatever the reason. When the Professor told us to jump, we asked how high.
‪교수가 그렇다고 하면 그런 거니까‬When the Professor told us to jump, we asked how high.
‪저 새끼들 뭐야?‬Who the hell are they?
‪[차 문이 달칵 열린다]‬
‪무장 강도입니다!‬ ‪상황 발생, 상황 발생!‬We have a situation! Armed robbery in progress!
‪지원 요청하고 일단 내려!‬Request for backup and get out!
‪(경찰5) 네, 지원 요청 바람!‬ ‪지원 요청 바람!‬Yes, sir. Requesting backup! Requesting backup!
‪[총소리가 요란하다]‬ ‪[미선과 영민의 겁먹은 신음]‬-[guns firing] -[hostages gasp and scream]
‪- (도쿄) 숨어!‬ ‪- (덴버) 아이, 씨, 뭐야, 이거?‬-[Tokyo] Take cover! -[Denver] What the fuck?
‪(덴버) 아이, 씨, 뭐야?‬What the fuck is going on?
‪- (도쿄) 다들 숨어, 피해!‬ ‪- (덴버) 씨, 와 쏘는데, 이거?‬-[Tokyo] Guys, take cover! Watch out! -[Denver] Why are they shooting at us?
‪[덴버의 거친 숨소리]‬[gunfire continues]
‪[리우의 불안한 숨소리]‬ ‪[긴장이 고조되는 음악]‬
‪(도쿄) 리우! 리우, 뭐 해!‬[Tokyo] Rio, what are you doing?
‪[리우의 비명]‬[Rio groaning]
‪(도쿄) 리우!‬[Tokyo] Rio!
‪[리우의 괴로운 신음]‬-[groans] -[gunfire continues]
‪(덴버) 이 새끼들‬ ‪다 뒈지고 싶어서 환장했나!‬-[groans] -[gunfire continues] [Denver] I'm gonna kill every last one of these… motherfuckers!
‪야, 이 개새끼들아!‬[Denver] I'm gonna kill every last one of these… motherfuckers!
‪(도쿄) 이만하면 됐어, 빼야 돼!‬[Tokyo] That's enough! We have to pull back!
‪(나이로비) 이 씨발, 개새끼들아!‬ ‪죽어!‬[Tokyo] That's enough! We have to pull back! [Nairobi] Hey, fuck you, pigs! Die!
‪[총소리가 요란하다]‬-[tire bursts] -[guns firing]
‪- (도쿄) 쏘지 마!‬ ‪- (덴버) 야, 이 씨발‬[Tokyo] Stop shooting!
‪(도쿄) 쏘지 말라고!‬I said stop shooting!
‪(나이로비) 그럼 어쩌라고!‬ ‪이러다 우리가 뒈지게 생겼는데!‬[Nairobi] Then what do you want us to do? We're all gonna die here!
‪[나이로비의 다급한 탄성]‬[Nairobi] Then what do you want us to do? We're all gonna die here! [guns firing]
‪[도쿄의 한숨]‬
‪(도쿄) 정말 그랬다‬[Tokyo] She was right.
‪우린 놈들을 맞힐 생각이 없는데‬We don't actually want to shoot them,
‪놈들은 있으니까‬but that doesn't mean they won't shoot us.
‪[총성이 요란하다]‬[gun firing]
‪아이, 씨, 존나게 안 맞네, 씨‬Why is this thing so fuckin' off?
‪[도쿄가 긴 숨을 내쉰다]‬ ‪[잔잔한 음악]‬[sighs]
‪(도쿄) 숨을 참아‬Hold your breath.
‪손가락은‬Now I want you to relax your fingers.
‪부드럽게‬Now I want you to relax your fingers.
‪[총성]‬[gun fires]
‪[리우의 멋쩍은 숨소리]‬
‪야, 너 교수 좋아하냐?‬Do you like the Professor or what?
‪그, 교수 말이라면‬I mean, if he told you to, you'd jump into hell without giving it a second thought.
‪뭐, 불구덩이에라도‬ ‪뛰어들 것처럼 구니까‬you'd jump into hell without giving it a second thought.
‪(도쿄) 넌 우리가 하는 일이‬ ‪애들 장난 같아?‬Do you think what we're doing here is just for fun?
‪혼자 재미 보고 싶으면‬ ‪가서 딸이나 쳐‬If you wanna have a good time, go to your room and jerk off.
‪(리우) 아니, 야, 교수가, 어‬ ‪도대체 뭐라고 꼬신 건데?‬I mean, what on earth did the Professor say to lure you in?
‪너 같은 피라미들은‬ ‪죽었다 깨어나도 이해 못 해‬You wouldn't understand even if the answer smacked you right in the face.
‪(도쿄) 하지만 교수의 계획이‬ ‪이대로 망가지게 둘 수는 없었다‬ ‪[긴장되는 음악]‬But I couldn't let the Professor's plan fail. [guns firing]
‪(나이로비) 도쿄‬ ‪어떻게 좀 해봐, 어? 도쿄!‬[guns firing] [Nairobi] What do we do? [screams, pants]
‪[나이로비의 놀란 탄성]‬[Nairobi] What do we do? [screams, pants]
‪(도쿄) 물러나, 전부!‬[Tokyo] Denver, fall back!
‪[총격이 이어진다]‬[Tokyo] Denver, fall back! [guns firing]
‪[연막탄 구르는 소리]‬[Nairobi grunts]
‪(경찰6) 연막탄이다!‬ ‪[경찰들이 다급히 외친다]‬
‪(도쿄) 들어가자, 빨리!‬-[screams] -[Tokyo] Let's go inside. Hurry!
‪(덴버) 개새끼들‬ ‪존나 쏘네, 진짜!‬[Denver] Those motherfuckers won't stop firing! Hey, Rio!
‪야, 리우, 인마! 야, 당겨, 당겨!‬Hey, Rio! Hey. Help me pull him inside! Hurry!
‪- (덴버) 야, 빨리!‬ ‪- (나이로비) 리우!‬Hey. Help me pull him inside! Hurry! Let's go!
‪[덴버의 힘주는 신음]‬ ‪(나이로비) 정신 차려!‬
‪[경찰7의 신음]‬
‪[덴버의 힘겨운 신음]‬
‪[나이로비의 힘겨운 비명]‬
‪- (도쿄) 리우!‬ ‪- (나이로비) 씨발, 진짜!‬[Tokyo panting] Rio!
‪(도쿄) 리우, 괜찮아?‬ ‪[덴버의 놀란 탄성]‬-Rio, are you okay? -Is he dead?
‪[리우가 숨을 내뱉는다]‬ ‪[저마다 안도한다]‬-[coughs] -Oh, fuck! You scared the shit outta me. Fuck!
‪[나이로비의 탄성]‬ ‪(덴버) 아, 놀라라, 씨‬You scared the shit outta me. Fuck!
‪[리우의 거친 숨소리]‬[coughs] Hey. [panting]
‪야, 너, 나 걱정해 준 거냐?‬Hey. [panting] You were worried about me, weren't you?
‪너 때문에 계획을‬ ‪다 망칠 뻔했으니까‬Only because your dumbass almost ruined the entire plan.
‪[저마다 거칠게 숨을 내쉰다]‬[Tokyo breathes heavily] [panting]
‪[안도하며] 아, 씨…‬Shit!
‪[거친 숨소리]‬-[panting] -[Helsinki] Wouldn't you be…
‪[힘겹게 숨을 내쉰다]‬-[panting] -[Helsinki] Wouldn't you be… [panting] [groans]
‪(도쿄) 조폐국이 강도들에게‬ ‪점령당했다는 소식이 전해지자‬[Tokyo] Once news about an armed robbery over at the Mint spread,
‪즉각 사태 해결을 위해‬South Korean officials immediately reached out to the North
‪남한 정부는 북측과‬ ‪대응책을 논의하기 시작했다‬South Korean officials immediately reached out to the North to discuss the best way to resolve the situation.
‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬
‪양국은 관할지인 JEA의‬ ‪경찰서장을 지휘관으로 세우고‬The two countries agreed to place the Chief of JEA Police as the head of a Joint Task Force,
‪남한과 북한의 경찰 병력을‬ ‪균등하게 배치해‬which would be comprised of officers from both North and South Korea.
‪대응팀을 꾸리기로 합의했다‬which would be comprised of officers from both North and South Korea.
‪[파일을 탁 닫는다]‬
‪이 일로 경협에 흠집 나면‬If this impedes inter-Korean cooperation,
‪국제적인 망신이 될 겁니다‬we'll be the laughingstock of the whole world.
‪(도쿄) 통일을 목전에 둔‬[Tokyo] The Korean Peninsula, the only divided country on earth,
‪지구상의‬ ‪유일한 분단국가인 한반도‬[Tokyo] The Korean Peninsula, the only divided country on earth, was soon to be unified after all.
‪그것도 JEA라는‬ ‪특수한 공간에서 벌어진‬was soon to be unified after all. An unprecedented situation was unfolding inside a unique zone called the JEA.
‪전대미문의 사건에‬An unprecedented situation was unfolding inside a unique zone called the JEA.
‪주변 강국들뿐 아니라‬An unprecedented situation was unfolding inside a unique zone called the JEA. Korea's neighbors weren't the only ones paying attention.
‪전 세계의 이목이 집중되고 있었다‬Korea's neighbors weren't the only ones paying attention. The entire world was watching.
‪(민아) 도둑이야!‬Oh no, we're being robbed! We're being robbed!
‪도둑이야!‬Oh no, we're being robbed! We're being robbed!
‪(민아) 아, 진짜‬Seriously? [sighs]
‪방 꼴이 이게 뭐야?‬Look at your room.
‪누가 보면‬ ‪진짜 도둑이라도 든 줄 알겠다‬It looks like someone actually broke in here. [woman groans] Today's my day off.
‪[우진의 한숨]‬[woman groans] Today's my day off.
‪(우진) 엄마 모처럼 쉬는 날인데‬ ‪아침부터 이럴 거야?‬Do you have to do this so early?
‪점심이거든요?‬It's actually lunchtime now.
‪[우진의 잠에 취한 신음]‬[exhales] [groans]
‪너 학교는?‬-And school? -I got back already.
‪벌써 갔다 왔지, 시험 기간이잖아‬ ‪[우진의 수긍하는 신음]‬-And school? -I got back already. We're in the middle of exams.
‪(민아) 굳이 얘기해 주자면‬ ‪잘 봤어‬We're in the middle of exams. If you must know, I did well on all my tests.
‪설마‬Please don't tell me you wear this whenever you go on a date.
‪이런 거 입고‬ ‪썸남 만나는 건 아니지?‬Please don't tell me you wear this whenever you go on a date.
‪(우진) 야, 빨리 와‬ ‪이리, 이리 와!‬Hey, give that back now.
‪쪼그만 게, 야!‬ ‪[민아의 웃음]‬You little… Hey! [chuckles]
‪[지글지글 요리하는 소리]‬ ‪우리 딸 시험도 잘 봤는데‬You little… Hey! [chuckles] Since you did well on your exams,
‪저녁은 다 같이 외식할까?‬how 'bout we go out to eat tonight?
‪그래!‬Yeah! Okay.
‪(우진) 응?‬
‪엄마 뭐 먹고 싶은 거 없어?‬Mom, is there anything you'd like for dinner?
‪(필순) 글쎄다‬Oh, I don't know.
‪나야 뭐, 남이 해준 밥‬ ‪먹으면 좋지만‬I'm happy as long as someone else does the cooking for me.
‪(필순) 근데‬ ‪김 서방이 시간을 낸대?‬But does your husband have time to join us tonight?
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬[phone vibrates]
‪[우진의 한숨]‬
‪저 오늘 비번인데요‬I'm off duty today.
‪조폐국에요?‬What happened at the Mint?
‪(베를린) 자, 우리 인질 동무들‬ ‪모두 안대를 벗는다‬[Berlin] My dear hostages, please take off your blindfolds.
‪(덴버) 자, 자, 뭐 하노?‬ ‪퍼뜩 안 벗나?‬Come on, everyone. You can take 'em off.
‪(베를린) 괜찮아, 벗으라우‬[Berlin] It's okay. Please take them off.
‪[불길한 음악]‬[chuckles]
‪(베를린) 야, 이렇게 얼굴 보믄서‬ ‪얘기하게 되니까 참 좋구먼기래‬It's so good to finally speak with you all face-to-face.
‪기렇게 겁먹을 거 없어‬There's no need to be afraid.
‪(베를린) 우리 이렇게‬ ‪다 한 건물 안에 갇힌 상황 아니네‬We are all trapped inside the same building together,
‪같이 헤쳐 나가야디, 응?‬which means we have to work together, hmm?
‪우린 동무들은 해치려고‬ ‪여기 들어온 게 아니다‬We have no intention of hurting any of you, trust me.
‪(베를린) 협조만 잘해준다믄‬ ‪털끝만큼도 다치디 않고‬Each and every one of you will return home without a single scratch,
‪모두 집으로 안전하게‬ ‪돌아갈 수 있을 거이야‬as long as you fully cooperate with us.
‪(베를린) 내래 약속하디‬I give you my word.
‪잘 지내보자우‬Let's just have some fun.
‪[키보드 조작음]‬[computer keys clack]
‪[키보드를 분주하게 두드린다]‬
‪(베를린) 기래, 통신 장비는?‬-[Berlin] How's the communication setup? -[Rio] Oslo's getting the cable.
‪(리우) 오슬로가 선 따고 있어‬-[Berlin] How's the communication setup? -[Rio] Oslo's getting the cable.
‪[흡족한 숨소리]‬[exhales]
‪[라이터를 탁 닫고 내려놓는다]‬
‪[변기 물이 꿀렁거린다]‬[Oslo grunts]
‪[오슬로의 거친 숨소리]‬
‪[오슬로의 거친 숨소리]‬[breathes heavily]
‪[시스템 조작음]‬ ‪(리우) 오케이‬-[beeps] -[Rio] Okay.
‪[전화벨이 울린다]‬[phone rings]
‪(베를린) 어때? 교수, 들리나?‬[Berlin on phone] Professor, can you hear me? Are you all okay?
‪다들 무사해?‬Are you all okay?
‪다친 데는? 다친 데 없어?‬Anyone hurt? Are there any injuries?
‪자, 그럼 이제부터 할 일은‬ ‪다들 잘 알고 있겠지?‬Then you know what the next step is. Remember, no casualties.
‪[긴 숨을 뱉는다]‬
‪(DMB 속 앵커4)‬ ‪JEA에서 사상 초유의‬ ‪집단 인질 강도극이 벌어진 만큼‬[newsreader] As an unprecedented heist is currently taking place at the JEA,
‪남북 당국에서는 고심 끝에‬[newsreader] As an unprecedented heist is currently taking place at the JEA, it has been reported that the North and South
‪각각 경기 경찰청과‬ ‪인민보안성 직속 부대를‬have dispatched the Gyeonggi Police Agency and a military unit under the North's Ministry of State Security.
‪파견한 것으로‬ ‪알려지고 있습니다‬and a military unit under the North's Ministry of State Security.
‪합동 대응본부 의장은‬ ‪양국의 합의하에‬The two countries have come to an agreement and appointed Yun Changsu, the Chief of the JEA Police,
‪윤창수 JEA 경찰서장이‬ ‪임명됐으며‬and appointed Yun Changsu, the Chief of the JEA Police, as head of Joint Task Force.
‪남측 협상 담당자로는‬as head of Joint Task Force. South Korean Inspector Seon Woojin of the Gyeonggi Police Agency
‪경기 경찰청 선우진 경감이‬ ‪발탁됐습니다‬South Korean Inspector Seon Woojin of the Gyeonggi Police Agency will take charge of negotiations.
‪(남한 기자) 남북 경찰들이‬ ‪합동 작전을 펼치는 건 처음인데‬ ‪[카메라 셔터음]‬[reporter 1] This is the first time that the North and South police have conducted a joint operation. Any concerns?
‪우려되는 점은 없습니까?‬have conducted a joint operation. Any concerns?
‪(북한 기자) 북남 고위급 경제협력‬ ‪회담 개최가 임박한 상황인데‬[reporter 2] Given the imminent summit, how do you think this situation will shape discussions between the countries?
‪이번 사태가 미칠 영향은‬ ‪어떻게 보십니까?‬how do you think this situation will shape discussions between the countries?
‪저는 JEA의 치안을‬ ‪책임지는 입장으로서‬As the individual in charge of public safety within the JEA,
‪(서장) 양국 정부의 의견을‬ ‪잘 수렴해서‬As the individual in charge of public safety within the JEA, I can say that we are doing our best to resolve this
‪안전하고 평화롭게‬ ‪[우진의 한숨]‬I can say that we are doing our best to resolve this as safely and peacefully as possible
‪사태 해결을 하기 위해서‬ ‪최선을 다하고 있습니다‬ ‪[다가오는 발소리]‬as safely and peacefully as possible with the feedback from the two governments in mind.
‪- (기자1) 온다!‬ ‪- (기자2) 질문 있습니다!‬Oh. -[reporter 3] Here she is! -[reporters clamoring]
‪[기자들이 저마다 질문한다]‬ ‪[카메라 셔터음]‬-[reporter 3] Here she is! -[reporters clamoring] [reporter 4] Do you have a comment? Any idea how many hostages…
‪(서장) 선 경감 온다고 그래서‬ ‪내가 한시름 놨다‬I'm so relieved to have you working on this with me.
‪- 대충 얘기 들었지?‬ ‪- (우진) 네‬-You had your overview, right? -Yes. How did the suspects enter?
‪진입은 어떻게 했대요?‬-You had your overview, right? -Yes. How did the suspects enter?
‪(서장) 조폐 용지 트럭을 타고‬ ‪들어간 것 같아‬We think they were onboard the currency truck.
‪이동 경로를 따라서‬ ‪감시 카메라가 가봤는데‬We tracked them down using surveillance cameras, and we found a section without a working camera feed.
‪중간에 먹통 된 구간이 있어‬ ‪거기서 털렸지 싶어‬and we found a section without a working camera feed. We figure that's where they got in.
‪금고를 땄는데‬ ‪왜 자동경보기가 안 울렸을까요?‬Why didn't the automated alarm go off when the suspects opened the vault?
‪(서장) 모르겠어‬ ‪수동으로는 울렸는데‬Why didn't the automated alarm go off when the suspects opened the vault? No clue. The manual alarm went off though.
‪아마 직원이 눌렀지 싶어‬No clue. The manual alarm went off though. I think an employee set it off.
‪(우진) 인질은 몇 명인데요?‬[Woojin] How many hostages are inside?
‪파악 중이야‬ ‪보안 요원 포함해서 35명인데‬We're not sure, but the total number of employees is 35.
‪(서장) 박물관 개장 중이라‬ ‪안에 인원이 더 있을 거래‬But the museum was open for visitors, so there's probably more.
‪들어가면서 얘기하지‬ ‪[우진이 한숨을 터뜨린다]‬-Let's go inside. -[sighs exasperatedly]
‪- (팀원1) 통신 장치는 다 맞나?‬ ‪- (팀원2) 어‬HOUR 3 INTO THE HEIST -[agent 1] Good to go? -[agent 2] I'll report.
‪중간 설명 드리겠습니다‬-[agent 1] Good to go? -[agent 2] I'll report. -[agent 3] Please confirm. -[agent 4] I did confirm both earlier.
‪(팀원3) 이쪽에다요‬ ‪둘 다 아까 확인했습니다‬-[agent 3] Please confirm. -[agent 4] I did confirm both earlier.
‪(서장) 탄피를 보니까‬ ‪북에서 반입되는 카피품이야‬Based on empty shells, they used a replica from the North.
‪아무래도‬ ‪그쪽 출신 애들 같은데‬I have a hunch that the robbers are from there.
‪아, 그리고 저 이쪽은…‬Oh, and, uh, let me formally introduce you two.
‪(무혁) 조선 민주주의 인민공화국‬I'm Captain Cha Moohyuk,
‪인민보안성 차무혁 대위입니다‬from North Korea's Ministry of State Security.
‪(우진) 대한민국 경기청 소속‬ ‪위기 협상팀장 선우진입니다‬Seon Woojin, head of crisis negotiation at Gyeonggi, in South Korea.
‪(무혁) 오시느라고‬ ‪수고하셨습니다만‬in South Korea. Thank you for coming all this way, but this case won't need negotiations.
‪이번 일에 협상은‬ ‪필요 없을 겁니다‬Thank you for coming all this way, but this case won't need negotiations.
‪(우진) 총기로 무장한‬ ‪강도단 인원도‬From what I've just heard, we have no idea
‪아직 파악 안 된 거로 아는데요‬From what I've just heard, we have no idea how many suspects are armed yet.
‪[가방을 탁 내려놓는다]‬how many suspects are armed yet.
‪(무혁) 고저 몇 놈이든‬The number doesn't matter. It'll all be over in five minutes
‪우리 특작 부대 투입하믄‬ ‪5분 내로 상황 종료됩니다‬The number doesn't matter. It'll all be over in five minutes once our special forces go in.
‪북에서도‬once our special forces go in. We've selected some of our best agents, and each one has plenty of combat--
‪교전 경험이 풍부한 요원들 위주로‬ ‪선별했기 때문에…‬We've selected some of our best agents, and each one has plenty of combat--
‪인질을 구해본 경험은요?‬Any experience rescuing hostages?
‪(우진) 어림잡아도 50명이‬ ‪지금 저 안에 잡혀 있다고요‬There are at least 50 civilians being held in that building.
‪교전 발생하면 5분 안에‬If we engage, how many casualties do you think we'll have in those five minutes?
‪몇 명이 죽거나 다치게 될까요?‬how many casualties do you think we'll have in those five minutes?
‪[숨을 후 뱉는다]‬
‪[무혁의 한숨]‬[Moohyuk sighs]
‪저자들은 격발기를‬ ‪당길 틈도 없을 기요‬The culprits won't even have time to pull the trigger.
‪(무혁) 얼마 전까지만 해도‬ ‪우리 애들‬Even until just a while ago, our top agents were training
‪청와대 침투해서리‬Even until just a while ago, our top agents were training to infiltrate the Blue House and slit your president's throat.
‪대통령 목 따는 훈련하던 놈들이요‬to infiltrate the Blue House and slit your president's throat.
‪[서장의 한숨]‬to infiltrate the Blue House and slit your president's throat.
‪러시아 베슬란 학교 사건‬I'm sure you're familiar with the… Beslan massacre?
‪모르진 않겠죠?‬I'm sure you're familiar with the… Beslan massacre?
‪JEA에서 벌어진‬ ‪국가 위기 상황이오‬We're dealing with a national crisis inside the JEA.
‪기런 새가슴으로 이 상황을‬ ‪어케 통제하겠다는 거이요?‬How are you going to control the situation when you're so cowardly-- That is why we have this thing called negotiating.
‪그러라고‬That is why we have this thing called negotiating.
‪협상이라는 게 있는 거겠죠‬That is why we have this thing called negotiating.
‪이제부터라도 보고 배우시죠‬So why don't you watch and learn?
‪(우진) 인권을 최우선으로 여기는‬ ‪정상 국가에서‬I'll show you how a normal country that upholds human rights handles
‪이런 사건을 어떻게 다루는지‬a situation as precarious as this.
‪뭐이요?‬ ‪[서장의 난감한 숨소리]‬Excuse me?
‪(서장) 아, 지금 뭐 하는 거야?‬Uh, what do you think you're doing right now?
‪서장님 말씀대로‬I'm trying my hardest
‪안전하고 평화로운‬ ‪사태 해결을 위해 노력 중입니다만‬to "resolve the situation peacefully," as you've requested, Chief.
‪[작은 목소리로] 사건 발생‬ ‪첫날부터 총격전 벌어지고‬Imagine what would happen when news spread that we used force
‪인질 사망 뉴스라도 떠봐요‬on the first day and a hostage died.
‪[한숨 쉬며]‬ ‪여기서 조용히 임기 마치고‬Your efforts to end your term here without a problem
‪본청 올라가시겠다는 서장님 꿈은‬Your efforts to end your term here without a problem and move on to Seoul Headquarters…
‪아마 물거품이 될걸요?‬[tuts] …will probably not work out for you.
‪[서장의 헛기침]‬[sighs, clears throat]
‪그래, 그게 절차는 절차니까‬ ‪[우진의 호응하는 신음]‬You're right. We stick to protocol and follow the steps.
‪일단 협상부터 해봅시다‬-[Woojin] Hmm. -Let's go with the negotiations first.
‪(우진) 우선 비대면 협상으로‬ ‪시작할 거니까‬We'll start with negotiations via telecom.
‪준비들 해요‬-Get ready. -[agents] Yes, ma'am.
‪(팀원들) 예‬-Get ready. -[agents] Yes, ma'am.
‪- (팀원4) 연결 준비하라우‬ ‪- (팀원5) 네, 알갔습니다‬-[agent 1] Let's get started. -[agent 2] Already on it.
‪[팀원들이 분주하다]‬-[agent 1] Let's get started. -[agent 2] Already on it.
‪거, 별명이 '해님'이시라니‬I heard your nickname is "Sun," so I will observe how peacefully you handle the situation.
‪얼마나 평화적으로‬ ‪해결하는지 지켜보갔소‬so I will observe how peacefully you handle the situation.
‪저에 대해 잘 아시나 봐요?‬So you know a lot about me?
‪남한 유력 정치가의‬ ‪전처라는 것도 알고 있소‬I know your ex-husband is a powerful politician in the South.
‪그럼 그 백으로 팀장 자리‬ ‪꿰찼다는 소문도 들으셨겠네?‬That means you also heard the rumor about how I got to be team leader because of him?
‪[무혁이 숨을 후 뱉는다]‬
‪인정하는 겁니까?‬Are you admitting that's true?
‪[우진의 헛웃음]‬Are you admitting that's true? [scoffs]
‪정보력이 영 꽝이시네‬You need to get better intel.
‪그 새끼랑은 양육권 문제로‬ ‪소송 중이거든요‬I'm in a custody battle against that bastard and I'm winning.
‪그리고 내 별명‬Let me tell you who I am.
‪살살 웃으면서 말려 죽인다고‬ ‪'해님'이라고들 하는 거예요‬They call me "Sun" because my enemies shrivel before me while I smile over their corpses.
‪실력은 안 되면서‬ ‪남편 백이네, 독한 년이네‬They're incompetent losers who gossip behind my back and imply
‪뒷말이나 하는 찌질한 놈들이‬my husband has anything to do with my success.
‪(동철) 전화 연결 준비됐습니다‬[agent] Phone lines are ready, ma'am.
‪[깊은 한숨]‬
‪[전화벨이 울린다]‬[phone rings]
‪[긴장감 도는 음악]‬[phone continues ringing] [suspenseful music playing]
‪[전화벨이 계속 울린다]‬[suspenseful music playing]
‪[전화벨이 울린다]‬[phone rings]
‪[통화 연결음이 울린다]‬[line ringing]
‪[수화기를 달칵 드는 소리]‬[click]
‪안녕하세요‬Hello there.
‪경기 경찰청 위기 협상팀장‬ ‪선우진 경감입니다‬I'm an inspector with the Gyeonggi Police Agency. I'm Seon Woojin. How are you?
‪(교수) [변조된 목소리로]‬ ‪그렇게 안녕하진 못하지‬ ‪피차 알다시피 일이 커졌잖아‬I'm Seon Woojin. How are you? [distorted voice] Can't say I'm fine. You know how everything got out of hand.
‪변조된 음성입니다‬Voice is distorted.
‪(우진) 목소리가‬ ‪좀 이상하게 들리는데‬Your voice sounds a little strange. Can I hear your real voice?
‪제대로 들을 수 있어요?‬Your voice sounds a little strange. Can I hear your real voice?
‪잘되나? 핸드폰 앱인데‬So it's working! I downloaded an app.
‪헬기 타고 도망을 쳐도‬ ‪신상 털리면‬it wouldn't even matter if I fled on a helicopter
‪(교수) [변조된 목소리로]‬ ‪아무 소용 없잖아‬if my identity is revealed.
‪그전에 우리가 협상을 하려면‬Before we start the negotiations, don't you think
‪최소한 통성명 정도는‬ ‪해야 하지 않을까요?‬Before we start the negotiations, don't you think we should get to know each other first? What's your name?
‪교수라고 불러‬Call me Professor.
‪(우진) '교수'?‬[Woojin] Professor?
‪좋아요, 그럼‬All right, then.
‪교수 씨‬Mr. Professor,
‪헬기를 원하는 거예요? 몇 인승?‬do you want a helicopter? For how many?
‪(교수) [변조된 목소리로]‬ ‪우선 질질 끌지 않는 사람과‬ ‪협상하고 싶어‬[Professor] I'll only negotiate with a person who won't
‪당신같이 힘 없는 공무원 말고‬drag on, someone who has power, and who can call the shots, not some powerless public servant.
‪[변조된 목소리로] 일일이‬ ‪허락받지 않아도 되는 사람‬and who can call the shots, not some powerless public servant.
‪그게…‬Okay, well…
‪아시겠지만‬ ‪절차상 쉽지가 않아요‬That won't be easy due to protocol.
‪[교수가 입을 쩝 뗀다]‬
‪처음부터 이러기야?‬Let's start over.
‪상상력을 발휘해 봐‬Use your imagination.
‪(교수) 우린 그냥‬ ‪돈 몇 푼 들고 튀려고 했어‬All we wanted to do was get some money and run.
‪[변조된 목소리로] 근데‬ ‪당신들 때문에‬But thanks to you, we're stuck inside this building
‪여기 갇혀 있는 거라고‬But thanks to you, we're stuck inside this building with all of these annoying, irritating hostages.
‪저 걸리적거리고 성가시기만 한‬ ‪인질들을 잔뜩 데리고‬with all of these annoying, irritating hostages. Now, if you were me, wouldn't you be running out of patience too?
‪당신 같으면‬ ‪참을성이 남아 있겠어?‬Now, if you were me, wouldn't you be running out of patience too?
‪(우진) 하지만 그건‬ ‪당신들 잘못이기도 해요‬[Woojin] But that's partially your fault, isn't it?
‪조폐국이‬ ‪남과 북 경계에 있는 곳이라‬Since the Mint is located between the North and South,
‪(우진) 일이 복잡하거든요‬things are complicated. [inhales] Why couldn't you have just robbed a regular bank?
‪차라리 그냥 평범한 은행을‬ ‪털지 그랬어요?‬[inhales] Why couldn't you have just robbed a regular bank?
‪쩝, 그러게‬-[tuts] I know, right? -[Woojin] You can talk to me.
‪(우진) 저랑 얘기하시죠‬-[tuts] I know, right? -[Woojin] You can talk to me.
‪중간에서 복잡한 일은‬ ‪제가 다 처리할게요, 대신‬I'll take care of all the complicated matters in the middle and everything else.
‪인정하긴 쪽팔리지만‬ ‪저 정말 힘 없는 공무원이거든요‬I hate to admit it, but you're right, I am a powerless public servant,
‪그러니까 윗사람 설득하려면‬ ‪당신들이 그만한 걸 줘야 해요‬so you have to give me something I can use, so that I can persuade my supervisors.
‪(교수) [변조된 목소리로] 가령?‬[Professor] Such as?
‪학생들은 풀어주는 게 어때요?‬How about letting the students go?
‪[교수가 피식 웃는다]‬[Professor scoffs]
‪그럼 헬기 보내주는 건가?‬Then, will you send me a helicopter?
‪(우진) 일단‬ ‪설득할 명분은 생기겠죠‬That'll give me some rationale to make a case for it.
‪(교수) [변조된 목소리로] 장난해?‬-[Professor] Are you kidding me? -The hostages.
‪인질들‬-[Professor] Are you kidding me? -The hostages.
‪당신들 인원으로 통제하기에‬ ‪너무 많지 않아요?‬Don't you think there are too many for your group to handle?
‪몇 명 빠진다고 상황이‬ ‪크게 달라지는 것도 아니잖아요‬It's not like the situation changes if you let some of them go.
‪(교수) [변조된 목소리로] 하긴‬[Professor] That's true,
‪우리 넷이서 다루긴 좀…‬since there are only four of us.
‪생각해 보지‬I'll think about it.
‪[통화 종료음]‬
‪[피식 웃는다]‬[chuckles lightly]
‪(우진) 음성 분석 결과는?‬Were you able to analyze his voice?
‪(동철) 변조 툴이 뭔지‬ ‪복원은 자연스럽게 안 되지만‬We couldn't restore the voice fully due to his voice modifier,
‪40대 초중반 남성의 억양이‬ ‪자연스러운 걸 봐서는‬but he is in his early to mid-forties, and based on his natural accent,
‪남한 사람이 확실합니다‬we are certain he's South Korean.
‪(서장) 남북한 강도들‬ ‪넷이 모였다 이거지?‬So, four thieves from the North and South teamed up to rob the Mint?
‪[깊은 한숨]‬ ‪[무전기 작동음]‬
‪뭘 그렇게 고민하세요?‬ ‪[무전 소리가 흘러나온다]‬What's on your mind?
‪(우진) 동철아‬Dongchul, hey.
‪아까 그놈 말이야‬The Professor
‪네 명이라고 말한 거‬said there were four of them.
‪정말 실수였을까?‬Do you think it was by mistake?
‪[우진이 연기를 후 뱉는다]‬
‪[긴장감 고조되는 음악]‬ ‪(우진) 저것들…‬What the hell?
‪뭐야?‬What the hell?
‪(우진) 지금 뭐 하는 거예요?‬What do you think you're doing?
‪(서장) 아까 얘기 들었잖아‬Didn't you hear what he said?
‪고작해야 네 명이 전부야‬ ‪빠르게 가자고‬There's only four of them. Let's get it over with.
‪성급히 처리할 문제가 아닙니다‬This isn't a situation we can rush. He could've let it slip on purpose.
‪놈이 일부러 흘린 걸 수도 있어요‬This isn't a situation we can rush. He could've let it slip on purpose.
‪(무혁) 차라리 부풀렸다면 모를까‬This isn't a situation we can rush. He could've let it slip on purpose. It would be one thing to exaggerate the number,
‪일부러 인원을 적게 얘기한다?‬It would be one thing to exaggerate the number, but why would he try to understate that?
‪만약에 놈이 유도한 거라면요?‬What if this is something he wanted? This could be a setup.
‪(우진) 함정일 수도 있어요!‬What if this is something he wanted? This could be a setup.
‪(서장) 나도 난감해‬ ‪근데 시국이 시국인지라‬This is difficult for me too, but consider the politics around this.
‪양국 정부에선 경협 회담 전에‬ ‪빨리 처리하라고 난리야‬ ‪[우진의 한숨]‬Both countries want this resolved quickly before the upcoming summit takes place.
‪그리고 자넨 이만 복귀해‬And you can go back home now.
‪아니, 그게 무슨…‬What do you mean--
‪(무혁) 협상은 그저‬ ‪명분이었을 뿐이란 얘기요‬He means that negotiation was only for justification,
‪고생하셨습니다‬so thank you for your work.
‪팀장님 가신다니까‬ ‪누가 좀 안내해 드리지‬Can someone please show the… team leader the way out?
‪[기가 찬 숨소리]‬[scoffs]
‪[우진의 한숨]‬ ‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬[phone vibrates]
‪(우진) 지금 막 퇴근 당했어요‬I WAS JUST FORCED TO LEAVE WORK.
‪카페예요?‬THE CAFÉ? [inhales deeply]
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬[phone vibrates]
‪[한숨]‬[exhales, tuts]
‪쩝, 얘기하자면 깁니다‬[exhales, tuts] It's a long story.
‪[입소리를 쯧 낸다]‬[sighs]
‪[차 리모컨 작동음]‬[sighs]
‪[긴장감 흐르는 음악]‬
‪(무혁) 지원 구역을 중심으로‬ ‪유인조가 먼저 진입한다‬
‪침투조는 비상 구역에서‬[Moohyuk] The infiltration team should move together simultaneously.
‪좌우, 동시다발적으로 침투한다‬[Moohyuk] The infiltration team should move together simultaneously.
‪"카페 벨라 차오"‬PREPPING
‪[출입문 종이 딸랑거린다]‬[bell dings]
‪선호 씨?‬Sunho? Hey.
‪(남자5) [힘주며] 아휴…‬[man grunts] Is that you?
‪[그릇을 달그락대며]‬ ‪아주 난리가 났던데 봤어요?‬It's chaos out there. Did you see it? Ugh, I just came from there.
‪거기 있다 온 참이에요‬Ugh, I just came from there.
‪아, 거기 있다 왔어요, 옆집에?‬-Wait a second. Were you next door? -What happened next door?
‪옆집이요?‬-Wait a second. Were you next door? -What happened next door?
‪아, 예, 수도관이 터져 가지고‬ ‪아주 난리도 아니었어요‬Yeah, you should've seen it. They had a pipe burst. It was a total disaster. [chuckles]
‪[교수의 웃음]‬ ‪(우진) 아…‬It was a total disaster. [chuckles]
‪아, 뭐, 또 어디서 난리가 났어요?‬-Oh. -Why? Is there… Did something happen?
‪[웃으며] 아니에요‬Never mind.
‪(교수) 잠깐 있어요‬ ‪저녁 아직이죠?‬Never mind. Wait a second. Have you had dinner?
‪[교수와 우진의 옅은 웃음]‬-[Woojin] Mm-mm. -Hmm.
‪(교수) [그릇을 달그락대며]‬ ‪자, 뭘 해 드려야‬ ‪맛있게 드시려나?‬All right, let's see, what are you in the mood for? -Uh… -Do you want to eat anything specific?
‪[물소리가 쏴 난다]‬-Uh… -Do you want to eat anything specific?
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬ ‪(도쿄) 사실‬ ‪사건의 진짜 주도권을 쥔 건‬[Tokyo] The one with the true upper hand was not the North or the South. It was the Professor.
‪남측도 북측도 아닌 교수였다‬It was the Professor. He developed plans and factored in everything.
‪그는 우리의 작전이 시작될 경우‬ ‪발생할 모든 상황을 예상하고‬The Professor came up with solutions for every possible situation and then a backup plan for each of those possibilities.
‪계획을 세워 두었다‬and then a backup plan for each of those possibilities.
‪물론 그 계획에는‬ ‪그녀 또한 포함되어 있었다‬and then a backup plan for each of those possibilities. As for our negotiator, she was an important part of his plan.
‪(교수) JEA 치안은‬ ‪남측이 주도하고 있지만‬[Professor] The South is in charge of keeping public order in the JEA,
‪조폐국 같은 주요 시설에서‬ ‪인질극이 벌어지면‬but in case of a hostage situation in a facility such as the Mint,
‪남북이 공동 대응팀을‬ ‪꾸릴 거야, 우리처럼‬the two countries will form a joint task force, just like us.
‪그러면 남과 북은 각각‬Then, each country will send its experts onto the field
‪이와 관련된 전문가를 파견하겠지‬Then, each country will send its experts onto the field to try and catch you all in the act.
‪북쪽에선 아마 특작대 애들‬ ‪집어넣으려고 할 테니‬The North will probably bring in men from the Special Operations Unit.
‪기 싸움 좀 하갔구먼기래‬-It'll be quite the power struggle. -Correct.
‪그렇지‬-It'll be quite the power struggle. -Correct.
‪누가 주도권을 쥐는지가‬ ‪중요할 테니까‬It's very important who gets chosen to be in charge of everything.
‪난 그 점을 이용할 생각이야‬And I intend to use that aspect.
‪(모스크바) 아니, 다 좋은데‬I like your plan,
‪이 세상일이라는 게‬ ‪이 계획한 대로 다 되드나?‬but, you see, not everything happens according to plan in this life.
‪봐라‬ ‪우리만 해도 이래 모여가‬For example, look at us. Who would've ever thought we'd all get together
‪강도질을 하게 될 줄‬ ‪누가 알았노, 어이?‬Who would've ever thought we'd all get together and pull off a bank robbery, huh?
‪(덴버) 아, 그라니까‬ ‪베를린 인마 말대로‬[Denver] I agree. Like Berlin said, as soon as the Special Operations Unit barges in,
‪특수부대 투입되믄‬ ‪고마 게임 끝이다!‬Like Berlin said, as soon as the Special Operations Unit barges in, the game is over.
‪타이슨이 그런 말을 했어‬You know, it was Mike Tyson who once said,
‪(리우) '누구나 다 계획이 있다'‬"Everyone has a plan until they get punched right in their fuckin' mouth."
‪'존나게 처맞기 전까지는'‬"Everyone has a plan until they get punched right in their fuckin' mouth."
‪(교수) 그렇지‬Point taken. The first step to winning a battle
‪싸움에서 이기는 첫 번째 전략은‬Point taken. The first step to winning a battle is to wisely choose the opponent you're facing.
‪상대를 잘 고르는 거야‬is to wisely choose the opponent you're facing.
‪협상 상대를 고르겠단 뜻이야?‬You mean you'll be picking the negotiator?
‪(리우) 아니, 근데‬ ‪북쪽은 죄다 기밀이잖아‬[Rio] How? Everything from the North is classified.
‪이게 TF에 누굴 내보낼지를‬ ‪알아낼 수가 있어?‬How do we know who they're gonna send to be on the task force?
‪적어도 남쪽은 확실하지‬We at least know who'll join from the South.
‪(교수) 남측 위기 협상팀장‬Seon Woojin, crisis negotiation team leader from the South.
‪선우진‬Seon Woojin, crisis negotiation team leader from the South.
‪이 여자가 우리 상대야‬She will be our opponent.
‪곱기는 하다, 야‬She's pretty, I'll say that.
‪[다 함께 웃는다]‬[all chuckle]
‪(베를린) 기런데‬ ‪남쪽 경찰 위기 협상 전문가가‬However, how can we guarantee that she'll be our negotiator
‪고작 그 여자 하나는‬ ‪아니지 않갔어?‬when there are plenty of them in South Korea?
‪(교수) 나머지‬ ‪유력한 후보가 있긴 하지만‬Well, there are a few strong contenders they can choose,
‪성 추문, 뇌물‬ ‪문제가 많은 인물들이야‬Well, there are a few strong contenders they can choose, but all they have issues, like sex scandals, bribery cases.
‪그렇지, 리우?‬Right, Rio?
‪아, 뒷조사시킨 게 그래서…‬[gasps] That's why you had me do background checks.
‪(교수) 난 이 여자가‬ ‪우리 작전을 돕게 만들 생각이야‬[Professor] Now, I plan on getting her to assist us with our operation
‪자신도 모르게‬without her knowing.
‪오늘로 딱 두 달 된 거 알아요?‬-It's been exactly two months. -Two months already?
‪(우진) 벌써 그렇게 됐어요?‬-It's been exactly two months. -Two months already?
‪그런데 뭘 그런 걸 세고 있어요?‬ ‪사귀는 사이도 아닌데 쑥스럽게‬Why are you even keeping track? It's not like we're dating. Don't make me blush.
‪난 여기 가게 들어온 거‬ ‪얘기한 건데?‬I meant it's been two months since I opened the café.
‪[우진의 멋쩍은 웃음]‬-[Woojin] Oh! -[both chuckle]
‪[교수의 웃음]‬-[Woojin] Oh! -[both chuckle]
‪저, 근데 우리…‬ ‪사귀는 거 아니었어요?‬But hold on a second. I thought we were dating. Hmm?
‪(교수) 응?‬But hold on a second. I thought we were dating. Hmm?
‪[긴 숨을 내쉰다]‬[inhales deeply, exhales]
‪(도쿄) 별거 아닌‬ ‪그녀의 문자 한 줄로‬[Tokyo] The Professor could guess a number of things
‪교수는 여러 가지를‬ ‪추측할 수 있었다‬ ‪[흥미로운 음악]‬[Tokyo] The Professor could guess a number of things based on only one simple line of text.
‪그녀가 TF에서 이탈했다는 건‬based on only one simple line of text. Her leaving the task force meant one thing.
‪북측이 주도권을 잡았다는 뜻‬Her leaving the task force meant one thing.
‪곧 놈들이 들이닥칠 거야‬They'll be there very soon.
‪(교수) 계획대로 움직여‬Proceed as planned.
‪(도쿄) 그건 곧 무력 진압이‬ ‪임박했음을 의미했다‬A military raid was coming to get us.
‪[긴장된 한숨]‬[sighs]
‪- (분대장1) 유인조 이동 중‬ ‪- (분대장2) 구출조 이동 중‬-[man 1] Distraction team on the move. -[man 2] Rescue team on the move.
‪(무혁) 침투조 보고하라‬-Infiltration team? -[man 3] We're going in.
‪(철우) 진입하겠습니다‬-Infiltration team? -[man 3] We're going in.
‪(교수) 놈들이 얌전히‬ ‪협상에 응해줄 가능성은 거의 없어‬[Professor] There's almost zero possibility that they'll willingly agree to negotiate.
‪강제 진압을 시도할 거야‬ ‪쥐도 새도 모르게 은밀히‬They'll try to suppress us no matter what, and they'll do it in secret.
‪진입로는 총 다섯 군데‬There are a total of five entry points.
‪정문‬The main gate,
‪옥상‬the rooftop,
‪지하 주차장‬the underground garage,
‪측면 비상구‬the emergency exit on the side,
‪그리고 적하장‬and last but not least, the loading dock.
‪들킬 가능성이 큰‬ ‪정문과 옥상을 제외하면‬If you remove the main gate and rooftop where they're likely to be seen,
‪이 세 군데로 들어올 거야‬If you remove the main gate and rooftop where they're likely to be seen, they'll use the other three to enter.
‪(리우) 씹새끼들‬ ‪개떼같이 몰려드네‬Son of a bitch. Those fucking bastards are everywhere.
‪기래, 그 여자 덕분에 놈들이‬ ‪언제 들이칠지 알아낸다 치자‬Okay, so let's say we know when they'll enter, thanks to the information from that woman.
‪사방에서‬ ‪특작대 애들이 몰려드는데‬How do we stop the Special Operations Unit when they have so many points of entry?
‪기걸 어케 막을 생각이네?‬How do we stop the Special Operations Unit when they have so many points of entry?
‪좋은 질문이야‬that's a good question.
‪(모스크바) 자, 자, 자, 가!‬ ‪빨리빨리 뛰라!‬ ‪[인질들의 비명]‬[Moscow] Faster! Move! Hurry up!
‪무브, 무브!‬Move! Move!
‪(도쿄) 빨리 뛰어!‬[Tokyo] Move your asses!
‪- 빨리!‬ ‪- (베를린) 뛰어!‬-Quickly! -[Berlin] Run!
‪[커피 내리는 소리가 졸졸 난다]‬
‪(교수) 무슨 고민 있어요?‬Is something bothering you?
‪아니요, 그냥…‬Oh, no, I… I just…
‪아, 무슨 협상가라면서 그렇게‬ ‪얼굴에 다 드러나도 되는 거예요?‬You said you're a hostage negotiator, but you're an open book.
‪뭐…‬ ‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬Well,
‪속이는 게 아니니까‬negotiating's about being honest.
‪신뢰를 얻기는‬ ‪이쪽이 더 낫지 않겠어요?‬Isn't it better to be honest when trying to gain someone's trust?
‪[살짝 웃는다]‬[inhales, chuckles softly]
‪하긴 그렇네요‬ ‪[웃음]‬That makes sense. [chuckles]
‪(분대장1) 유인조 준비 완료‬[man 1] Distraction team on standby. -[man 2] Rescue team on standby. -[man 3] Infiltration team on standby.
‪- (분대장2) 구출조 준비 완료‬ ‪- (철우) 침투조 준비 완료‬-[man 2] Rescue team on standby. -[man 3] Infiltration team on standby.
‪(무혁) 시작하라‬[Moohyuk] You have the green light.
‪[비장한 숨소리]‬[breathes deeply]
‪(교수) 자, 이 사면초가 상황에서‬ ‪우리가 할 수 있는 최선은 뭘까?‬[Professor] What do you think is the best strategy when we're surrounded by enemies?
‪최선은 무슨…‬Best strategy, huh? [tuts]
‪그냥 좆망인 거지‬-We're so fucked. -Why do you think we can't stop them?
‪왜 못 막을 거라고 생각해?‬-We're so fucked. -Why do you think we can't stop them?
‪다구리 앞엔 장사 없는 거 모르나?‬No one can fight their way out when they're surrounded.
‪(덴버) 쪽수가 안 되잖아, 쪽수가‬No one can fight their way out when they're surrounded. We don't have enough people on our side.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬We don't have enough people on our side.
‪(교수) 머릿수로는 충분해‬[Professor] But we have plenty of people.
‪아니‬In fact, we outnumber them.
‪오히려 더 많지‬In fact, we outnumber them.
‪[철컥 장전한다]‬[gun loading]
‪(철우) 중화기로 무장한 놈들이‬ ‪침투로에 대기 중입니다‬[man 1] Heavily armed suspects are blocking the entry.
‪이것 좀 보시라요!‬Take a look at this!
‪(분대장1) 유인조‬ ‪진입이 불가할 것 같습니다‬[man 2] It'll be impossible for the distraction team to enter.
‪(분대장2) 구출조도‬ ‪같은 상황입니다‬[man 3] Rescue team's entry also blocked.
‪대체 몇 명이라는 기야, 씨‬-How many are even in the building? -[man 1] What should we do, Captain?
‪(철우) 어떡할까요, 대장님?‬-How many are even in the building? -[man 1] What should we do, Captain?
‪(팀원6) 대장 동지‬ ‪확인해야 할 게 있습니다‬-[agent] Captain, you have to see this. -What?
‪(무혁) 또 뭐?‬-[agent] Captain, you have to see this. -What? -A YouTube live stream from the Mint. -[man on video] Please, don't hurt us!
‪(팀원6) 조폐국 내부에서 유튜브로‬ ‪실시간 스트리밍되고 있습니다‬ ‪[영상 속 영민이 말한다]‬-A YouTube live stream from the Mint. -[man on video] Please, don't hurt us!
‪(앤) [영어] 강제로‬ ‪진압하지 말아주세요‬Please do not use force.
‪(영상 속 영민) [한국어]‬ ‪강도와 인질이‬ ‪같은 옷을 입고 있습니다‬[director sobbing] The robbers, we're all dressed the same. [girl] The robbers and the hostages are wearing the same clothes.
‪[영상 속 앤이 영어로 통역한다]‬[girl] The robbers and the hostages are wearing the same clothes.
‪가짜 총까지 쥐여 줘서‬We are forced to hold fake guns so you won't be able to tell us apart from them.
‪서로 분간하기도 어렵습니다‬ ‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬so you won't be able to tell us apart from them.
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬-[phone vibrates] -[girl] They're making us…
‪(서장) 예‬ ‪[영상 속 앤이 영어로 통역한다]‬-[phone vibrates] -[girl] They're making us… -Yes? -[girl] …hold fake guns.
‪(영상 속 영민) 이들은‬ ‪평화적 해결을 원합니다‬ ‪[서장이 놀란다]‬-Yes? -[girl] …hold fake guns. -[director] They wanna be peaceful. -What?
‪[영상 속 앤이 영어로 통역한다]‬ ‪저기 화면에 나오고 있는 애가‬ ‪누구라고요?‬-[director] They wanna be peaceful. -What? Slow down a second. Who did you say that girl's father is? -[director] Please, we ask the police… -The US ambassador?
‪(영상 속 영민) 경찰 측은 제발…‬-[director] Please, we ask the police… -The US ambassador?
‪미 대사 딸?‬-[director] Please, we ask the police… -The US ambassador?
‪(영상 속 영민) 협상에‬ ‪임해 주십시오!‬-[director] Please, we ask the police… -The US ambassador? [director] …to just talk to them. So please continue negotiating.
‪[영상 속 앤이 영어로 통역한다]‬So please continue negotiating.
‪전원 철수하라‬Everyone, retreat.
‪자, 우리 동무들‬Now, my dear comrades,
‪가면을 벗는다‬take off your masks.
‪여러분의 협조 덕분에‬Thanks to your cooperation,
‪경찰의 강제 진압이‬ ‪완전히 무산됐다‬the police completely aborted their mission to raid the building.
‪[강도단의 탄성과 웃음]‬-[Moscow and Denver chuckle] -[Moscow] Yes!
‪(베를린) 남다른 협동심과‬ ‪용기를 보여주신‬[Berlin] I want to applaud you all for being courageous and for your exceptional teamwork.
‪우리 동무들에게‬ ‪진정 어린 박수를 보낸다‬and for your exceptional teamwork. We could not have done this without you.
‪[박수 소리가 울린다]‬[Berlin slow claps]
‪[모스크바의 웃음]‬
‪[박수가 빨라진다]‬
‪[박수 소리가 커진다]‬[applause builds]
‪[껄껄 웃는다]‬
‪[강도단의 환호성]‬[cheering]
‪(교수) 아니‬ ‪현장이 이 근처라면서요?‬[Professor] You said the scene is nearby? Come over whenever you're hungry. Being busy isn't an excuse to not eat.
‪끼니때 들러요‬Come over whenever you're hungry. Being busy isn't an excuse to not eat.
‪아무리 바빠도 그렇지‬ ‪이게 첫 끼라니‬Come over whenever you're hungry. Being busy isn't an excuse to not eat.
‪아까 퇴근 당했다고 말했잖아요‬I already told you I was asked to leave.
‪(우진) 저 필요 없대요‬ ‪[잔을 달칵 내려놓는다]‬They said they don't need me.
‪(교수) 에이…‬[Professor] Come on. [inhales deeply]
‪미련이 남아서 남은 건 아니고요?‬ ‪우리 가게가 가깝기도 하고‬I think you're just waiting for them to call, and my café just happens to be nearby.
‪아니에요!‬Oh, that's not true!
‪어머, 난 선호 씨 보러 온 건데?‬I came to see you, really.
‪(우진) 뭐, 다시 부를 일도 없고요‬Plus, it's not like they need me anymore.
‪아마 우진 씨가‬ ‪다시 필요해질걸요?‬Trust me, they're gonna ask you to come back.
‪[의미심장한 효과음]‬ ‪[우진이 차를 호로록 마신다]‬Trust me, they're gonna ask you to come back. -[Woojin slurping] -[dramatic music plays]
‪내가 아는 최고의 협상가니까‬You're the best negotiator I know.
‪(교수) 응?‬ ‪[우진의 헛웃음]‬[chuckles] I'm the only negotiator you know.
‪아는 협상가라고는‬ ‪저밖에 없죠, 아마? 어휴‬ ‪[교수가 껄껄 웃는다]‬[chuckles] I'm the only negotiator you know. -Come on! -You caught me on that one.
‪아, 뭐, 그렇긴 하죠‬-Come on! -You caught me on that one.
‪[함께 웃는다]‬ ‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬[laughing] [phone vibrates]
‪[우진이 잔을 달그락 내려놓는다]‬[phone vibrates]
‪(우진) 어‬Yes?
‪[출입문 종이 딸랑거린다]‬ ‪뭐?‬What?
‪[출입문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪[허탈한 숨소리]‬[sighs]
‪(도쿄) 들리지 않아도‬ ‪교수는 알 수 있었다‬[Tokyo] The Professor didn't have to listen to the conversation.
‪침투 작전은 실패했고‬He knew the raid had failed,
‪[우진의 한숨]‬ ‪설상가상 인질 중에는‬and, on top of that, the daughter of the US ambassador
‪미 대사의 딸까지 있다‬and, on top of that, the daughter of the US ambassador was one of the hostages.
‪무력 진압은 불가능하니‬ ‪다시 협상에 돌입해야 한다고‬was one of the hostages. So now that using force was off the table, they'd need to go back to negotiating.
‪[출입문 종이 딸랑거린다]‬So now that using force was off the table, they'd need to go back to negotiating.
‪(교수) 가봐야 돼요?‬You have to go?
‪미안해요‬Yeah, sorry. [sighs]
‪선호 씨 말이 맞았네요?‬Sunho, they called me back.
‪거봐요‬See, I told you.
‪이제 밥해 놓고‬ ‪기다리면 되는 거죠?‬I guess I'll be making food for you from now on.
‪[옅은 웃음]‬I guess I'll be making food for you from now on. [both chuckle softly]
‪[교수의 웃음]‬[both chuckle softly]
‪[출입문 종이 딸랑거린다]‬ ‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬
‪(교수) 다들 무사해?‬ ‪다친 데는 없고?‬[Professor] Is everyone okay? Did anyone get hurt?
‪와, 무슨 일 있었네? 응?‬ ‪[베를린의 웃음]‬Why? Did something happen, huh? [chuckles]
‪그 여자는?‬-And the woman? -[Professor] She went back.
‪(교수) 돌아갔어, 우리 계획대로‬-And the woman? -[Professor] She went back. Just as we planned.
‪자, 그럼‬Now then,
‪다음 단계를 시작해 볼까?‬shall we go ahead and begin our next step?
‪(나이로비) 거기에‬ ‪그만한 돈이 있어?‬[Nairobi] Do they have that much in cash?
‪(덴버) 이, 뭐, 저, 조폐국이믄‬If it's the Mint, that could be possible. Where else would they put all that money, right?
‪뭐, 있을 수도 있는 거 아인가?‬Where else would they put all that money, right?
‪(리우) [작은 목소리로]‬ ‪아휴, 씨, 좆을 까세요‬Oh, for fuck's sake.
‪(덴버) 어? 뭘 까라고?‬Huh? What did you say?
‪아니, 암만 그래도‬Come on. You really think they'd be storing four trillion in cash in some building?
‪이, 4조나 되는 현금을‬ ‪쟁여놓고 있다고?‬You really think they'd be storing four trillion in cash in some building?
‪그렇지‬Rio's right.
‪- 그럴 리 없지‬ ‪- (모스크바) 아, 그게 뭔 말이고?‬-They wouldn't. -What are you talking about?
‪아니, 그럼 있지도 않은 돈을‬ ‪어째 훔치노?‬Stealing cash that doesn't even exist? That doesn't make any--
‪(모스크바) 아, 말…‬Stealing cash that doesn't even exist? That doesn't make any--
‪조선말은 끝까지 들어봐야지‬Stop interrupting, and let him finish his sentence.
‪- (모스크바) 응?‬ ‪- (교수) 고마워‬-Huh? -[Professor] Thank you.
‪난 어디에 있는 돈을 훔치거나‬I'm not planning to steal the money from somewhere
‪남의 돈을 뺏으려는 게 아니야‬I'm not planning to steal the money from somewhere or from some specific person.
‪(덴버) 어유, 씨‬So, what's your fucking plan then?
‪아, 그럼 뭐 어쩌자고!‬So, what's your fucking plan then?
‪[놀라며] 아! 아!‬[gasps] [screams excitedly]
‪[나이로비의 탄성]‬ ‪[모스크바의 깨닫는 신음]‬Oh! [laughs]
‪(나이로비) 설마?‬No way!
‪(모스크바) 아, 그럼‬ ‪교수의 말은…‬No way! [Moscow] So what the Professor is saying…
‪(리우) 돈을 터는 게 아니고…‬[Rio] …is we're not stealing the money.
‪찍어 내는 거야‬We'll print the money
‪(교수) 진짜 조폐기로‬using the actual equipment.
‪(베를린) 다른 누구의 돈도 아니고‬-That means it's no one's money. -[Moscow laughs]
‪추적도 안 되는 돈을‬ ‪4조나 찍어 낸다?‬We'll print our own untraceable bills worth four trillion won.
‪[모스크바와 나이로비의 웃음]‬-[all gasp] -[laughs]
‪(교수) 그리고‬ ‪완벽하게 사라지는 거지‬And then we'll magically disappear.
‪[나이로비의 탄성]‬[Nairobi] Oh, ah! Oh!
‪[나이로비의 기분 좋은 웃음]‬[squeals, laughs]
‪[볼 뽀뽀를 한다]‬
‪[나이로비의 신난 탄성]‬[laughing]
‪[나이로비가 깔깔 웃는다]‬
‪[환호성]‬[laughs maniacally]
‪[다 함께 환호한다]‬[all whoop and laugh]
‪이건 범죄 역사에‬This heist is going to change the world.
‪혁명으로 기록될 거야‬

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