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  수리남 1

Narco-Saints 1


‪(인구) 수리남이라는‬ ‪나라를 아는가?‬Do you know of a country called Suriname?
‪아마 생소할 것이다‬You probably don't.
‪남아메리카 대륙‬A small South American country, just north Brazil,
‪브라질 위에 위치한‬ ‪인구 50만의 조그만 나라‬A small South American country, just north Brazil, with a population of about 500,000 people.
‪국토의 절반이 밀림이고‬It's a multiracial, multilingual country where half of its land is a jungle
‪전 국민의 절반 이상이‬ ‪마약 산업에 관련되어 있는‬It's a multiracial, multilingual country where half of its land is a jungle and more than half of its population is involved in the drug trade.
‪다인종, 다언어 국가‬and more than half of its population is involved in the drug trade.
‪그런 곳에‬ ‪왜 조선 놈이 가 있냐고?‬What's a Korean guy doing in a place like that?
‪지금부터 내가 들려줄 이야기가‬ ‪바로 그 이야기다‬The story I'm about to tell is a story about just that.
‪믿기 힘들겠지만‬It may be hard to believe, but everything I'm about to share with you
‪이 이야기는 전부 다‬ ‪내가 직접 경험한 일들이다‬It may be hard to believe, but everything I'm about to share with you is what I experienced firsthand.
‪물론 듣고 나서 이게 진짜냐고‬ ‪물어볼 사람도 있을 것이다‬Some of you will have a lot to say about the authenticity of my claims.
‪직접 듣고 판단하길 바란다‬Hear me out before coming to your own conclusions.
‪“넷플릭스 시리즈”‬
‪[음악 소리가 서서히 줄어든다]‬
‪(인구) 내가 태어난 1968년‬In 1968, the year I was born,
‪아버지는 베트남전에 자원했다‬ ‪[조용한 음악]‬my father volunteered to fight in the Vietnam War.
‪밀림에서 치열하게 싸우길 5년‬He fought for five long years in the jungle
‪마침내 미군이 철수하고‬ ‪전쟁이 끝났다‬until the Americans finally pulled out and the war was over.
‪그리고 아버지도 발을 절룩대며‬ ‪집으로 돌아왔다‬He came back from the war with a limp.
‪아버지는 집으로 돌아온‬ ‪다음 날부터‬The day after he returned home, he headed out to start working.
‪일을 하러 나가셨다‬The day after he returned home, he headed out to start working.
‪얼굴이 또렷이 보이는‬ ‪유일한 사진 속에서‬In the only picture where I could clearly see his face,
‪아버지는 큰 총을 들고 있었는데‬he was holding a huge gun.
‪그 먼 나라에서 무얼 했고‬I wondered what he had been up to in that far-off country
‪총은 왜 들고 있었는지‬ ‪궁금했지만‬I wondered what he had been up to in that far-off country and what he needed that big gun for,
‪웬일인지 겁이 나 묻질 못했다‬but for some reason, I was too scared to ask him.
‪그 이유를 온전히 이해하는 덴‬ ‪30년이 걸렸다‬It took me 30 years before I could figure them out.
‪[학생들 기합 소리]‬
‪중학교를 입학하고‬ ‪선생님의 권유로 유도를 시작했다‬In middle school, I started judo after a teacher suggested I try.
‪유도를 하면 학비와 먹을 것이‬ ‪공짜였기 때문이다‬This was because I could go to school and eat for free.
‪- (학생 1) 파이팅!‬ ‪- (선생) 똑바로 잡아‬Hold onto him properly.
‪[학생들이 응원한다]‬Hold onto him properly.
‪(선생) 하체만 생각해, 하체‬Just focus on the legs!
‪그렇지!‬There you go!
‪(인구) 유도를 막 배우기 시작한‬ ‪14살 때…‬I was 14 when I started my judo training.
‪강인구!‬Kang Ingu!
‪어머니가 돌아가셨다‬That's when my mother passed away.
‪(행인) 정신 좀 차려 봐요‬YOGURT
‪(인구) 겨울날 새벽‬In the middle of a winter night, she collapsed during her yogurt delivery.
‪야쿠르트를 배달하다‬ ‪쓰러지셨는데‬In the middle of a winter night, she collapsed during her yogurt delivery.
‪3시간이 지나서야 발견됐다‬It took more than three hours for anyone to find her.
‪[사람들이 운다]‬
‪(인구) 나와 동생들은‬ ‪하염없이 울었지만‬My younger siblings and I cried for what seemed like forever,
‪아버지는 눈물 한 방울‬ ‪흘리지 않으셨고‬but my father never shed a single tear.
‪그저 아무 말 없이‬He just kept pouring soju down his throat with a side of fermented skate
‪홍어를 안주로‬ ‪소주잔만 기울이셨다‬He just kept pouring soju down his throat with a side of fermented skate and never said a word.
‪그랬다‬Yes, my father loved eating his fermented skate more than anything.
‪아버진 홍어를‬ ‪그 무엇보다 좋아하셨다‬Yes, my father loved eating his fermented skate more than anything.
‪아버지는 레미콘을 몰면서‬ ‪우리 3남매를 키우셨다‬He raised the three of us by making cement deliveries.
‪6년 동안 하루 20시간의 운전‬He drove 20 hours a day for six long years.
‪아버지는 더는 버티지 못하셨다‬But that was as long as my father could endure.
‪[급박한 경적 소리]‬ ‪[바퀴 급회전하는 소리]‬
‪[차량 충돌음]‬
‪[마주 오는 차량 굉음]‬
‪(인구) 그제서야‬ ‪어머니 장례식장에서‬That's when I understood why he could never cry at Mother's funeral.
‪왜 아버지가 울지 못했는지‬ ‪알게 됐다‬That's when I understood why he could never cry at Mother's funeral.
‪남겨진 빚과 삶의 무게가‬The burden of debt and the reality of life
‪당장의 슬픔을 짓눌렀기 때문이다‬crushed whatever sadness felt at the moment.
‪어떻게든 먹고살아야 했기에‬I had to make a living somehow,
‪낮에는 소요산 정상에서‬ ‪막걸리를 팔았고…‬so I sold makgeolli to the hikers at the top of Mount Soyo during the day.
‪어서 와, 그래그래‬Hey, there you are.
‪[‘아파트’ 반주]‬
‪밤에는 단란주점에서 일을 했다‬And at night, I worked at a karaoke bar.
‪[손님들 환호성]‬
‪(주점 직원) 즐거운 시간 되십시오‬Have a great night, sir.
‪- (손님 1) 왜 이렇게 못 먹어?‬ ‪- (손님 2) 형님, 한잔하슈‬ ‪[여자가 흥을 돋운다]‬-Is that all you can drink? -Hey, have a drink!
‪(인구) 그 덕분에 일찌감치‬ ‪학교에서 못 배운 것도 많이 배웠다‬That's how I learned a lot of the stuff they don't teach you at school.
‪감사합니다‬Thank you, sir.
‪좋은 밤 되시고‬ ‪만수무강하십시오‬I hope you enjoy the rest of your night, sir.
‪집을 비울 때가 많으니‬Because I was hardly at home, my place was always a mess.
‪집 안 꼴이 난장판이었다‬Because I was hardly at home, my place was always a mess.
‪집 좀 치워라, 이 새끼야‬ ‪아이씨, 진짜, 씨‬Clean up the house, you punk. Damn it.
‪더 이상 혼자선 안 되겠다 싶어‬I figured I couldn't do it on my own any longer,
‪날 좋아한다는 여자들에게‬ ‪연락을 돌렸다‬so I made some calls to the girls who said they liked me.
‪어, 나 인구인데 잘 지내지?‬Hey, this is Ingu. How have you been?
‪어‬Yeah, I just wanted to call and ask…
‪아니, 뭐 다름이 아니고 좀…‬Yeah, I just wanted to call and ask… Well…
‪나랑 결혼해 줄 수 있어?‬Will you marry me?
‪장난치는 거 아니고‬No, I'm not joking!
‪나 진짜 고민 많이 하고‬ ‪너한테 얘기한 거야‬I thought about it a lot before making this call.
‪아니, 돈이야 모으면 되지‬I mean, we can start saving it now.
‪[숨을 들이켠다]‬ ‪어른들이 그러잖아‬ ‪결혼하면 돈이 모인다고‬I mean, we can start saving it now. You know what the adults always say. Money comes around once you get married.
‪‘집’?‬A house?
‪이 사람아‬Come on, woman.
‪돈을 모아서 목돈을 마련한 다음에‬Once we save up some money, then we can buy a house.
‪집을 사면 되는 거 아니야‬ ‪뭐가 그렇게 궁금해?‬Once we save up some money, then we can buy a house. What's with all these questions?
‪‘아파트’?‬A condo?
‪야, 아파트는‬ ‪너무 좀 과한 거 아니냐?‬Hey, isn't that a little too much?
‪넌 안 되겠다‬ ‪그냥 못 들은 걸로 해, 응‬You're not going to cut it. Just forget what I said.
‪[힘주는 신음]‬ ‪결혼을 하자고 했더니‬ ‪다들 깜짝 놀랐다‬They all seemed surprised when I proposed to them.
‪그런데 한 여자가 그러자며‬ ‪짐을 싸 들고 왔다‬But then, one said we should go for it and moved in with all her stuff.
‪(인구) 어…‬
‪이번엔 내가 깜짝 놀랐다‬This time, I was surprised.
‪[옅은 헛기침]‬
‪아내와 함께하니‬ ‪생활이 안정돼 갔고‬JAEIL CHURCH My wife made my life stable.
‪동생들이 고등학교를 졸업하자‬ ‪숨통이 트였다‬Once my siblings graduated high school, life eased up a bit.
‪[그릇 달그락거리는 소리]‬
‪그리고 그사이‬ ‪내 새끼들도 태어났다‬And in the midst of all that, my own babies were born.
‪하지만 입 두 개가 늘어나니‬But with two more mouths to feed, getting by wasn't going to be enough.
‪살 만한 정도로 될 일이 아니었다‬But with two more mouths to feed, getting by wasn't going to be enough.
‪틈틈이 정비 기술을 익혀‬I learned how to repair cars
‪동두천 미군 부대 앞에‬ ‪카센터를 열었고…‬and ended up opening a garage in front of the Dongducheon US Army Base.
‪(인구) 같이 유도를 하던‬ ‪선배의 도움으로‬Thanks to one of the guys I did judo with,
‪미군 부대에‬ ‪식자재 납품하는 일도 했다‬I was able to deliver food supplies to the US base as well.
‪그러면서 살기 위해‬ ‪영어를 익혔다‬And to survive, I had to learn English.
‪- [영어] 잘 지냈어?‬ ‪- (미군) [영어] 오, 내 친구 인구‬
‪[영어] 얼굴이 잘생겨졌는데?‬ ‪혈색도 좋아지고‬
‪내가 공급한 마늘이‬ ‪네 혈관을 깨끗하게 만든 거야‬
‪[영어] 무슨 헛소리야‬
‪그래도 가격 대비‬ ‪품질이 좋은 건 인정해‬
‪[영어] 그럼 양파도 사 가‬
‪매우 매우 저렴하게 줄 테니‬
‪노래 부르면서 얘기하자, 어때?‬
‪(인구) 주점에선 내 구좌를 가진‬ ‪실장도 달게 되었고‬At the bar, I even made it to manager getting commissions for the clients.
‪결국 그 가게를 인수하게 됐다‬I ended up buying the place out.
‪[아이들의 탄성]‬-Wow! -Whoa!
‪(인구) 대출이 반이고‬ ‪전세긴 하지만 내 집도 생겼고‬And I also leased a house, although I had to take out a huge loan.
‪첫째가 나를 닮아 머리가 좋았다‬My first child was smart, just like me.
‪- 일할 맛이 났다‬ ‪- (민서) 아빠!‬It made all the hard work worthwhile. -Dad! -Hey.
‪(인구) 응‬-Dad! -Hey.
‪내일 아빠 노래방 가면 안 돼?‬Can I go to your karaoke bar tomorrow?
‪아빠 노래방은 미군 전용이라서‬Daddy's karaoke bar is for US soldiers only.
‪미국 시민권이 있어야 돼‬So you have to be a US citizen to get in.
‪(인구) 이제 내 삶에‬ ‪문제는 없다고 생각했다‬I thought that I was set for the rest of my life.
‪하지만 언제까지‬ ‪이렇게 살 수 있을지‬But I wasn't sure how much longer I could keep up at the pace I was going.
‪자신이 없었다‬But I wasn't sure how much longer I could keep up at the pace I was going.
‪[숨을 휴 내쉰다]‬ ‪[힘겨운 신음]‬
‪[서글픈 음악]‬
‪(인구) 삶은 여전히 무거웠다‬Life continued to weigh heavily on me.
‪- 어디서 이쪽으로 데려와?‬ ‪- 하지 마세요!‬
‪야, ‘그러지 말걸’?‬ ‪네가 사장이야?‬Hey, is this your place?
‪그따위로 할 거면‬ ‪하질 말란 말이야!‬Quit your job if you don't want to work! -Call the guys! -I'll show you!
‪- 애들 불러, 애들!‬ ‪- 이것들이 그냥!‬-Call the guys! -I'll show you!
‪(인구) 아버지와 어머니도‬ ‪이렇게 살았었다‬My mother and father lived like this too.
‪자식들이랑 외식 한 번 못 하고‬They never took us out for a nice meal.
‪어떻게든 잘살아 보겠다고‬ ‪바둥거리다가‬All they did was struggle to make ends meet
‪결국 그렇게 돌아가셨다‬until they finally passed away.
‪[숨을 내쉬며] 으음…‬
‪살아가기 위해 사는 게‬ ‪무슨 의미가 있을까?‬What's the point of just living for the sake of living?
‪내 아이들은‬I knew that I shouldn't let my kids live the way I did.
‪나처럼 살아서는‬ ‪안 된다고 생각했다‬I knew that I shouldn't let my kids live the way I did.
‪변화가 필요했다‬Something had to change.
‪어디 보자‬Let's see.
‪(인구) 어이구‬My, my.
‪마, 행님 월드 투어 다녀오셨는데‬ ‪인사 똑바로 안 하나?‬I'm back from a trip around the world, and I can't get a proper hello?
‪이 새끼 봐라, 이거?‬Look at this asshole.
‪생선 비즈니스 한다더니만‬ ‪대가리에 된장을 바르고 왔네, 어?‬I thought you were selling fish, not slapping soybean paste on your hair.
‪너 한국 들어올 때 안 잡혔어?‬How did you not get arrested?
‪아이고‬Jeez, what the hell would you know? You're trapped on this tiny peninsula.
‪좆만 한 한반도에 갇혀 사는‬ ‪네가 뭘 알겠노?‬Jeez, what the hell would you know? You're trapped on this tiny peninsula.
‪이게 인마 신주쿠에서‬ ‪최신 유행하는 머리다‬This right here is the latest trend over in Shinjuku, man.
‪[혀를 쯧 친다]‬This right here is the latest trend over in Shinjuku, man.
‪요거 제수씨하고 애들 갖다 줘‬Hey, this is for your wife and kids.
‪이야, 이거‬Wow, I bet I could make some wash rags out of this stuff.
‪우리 집 걸레로 써야겠다‬Wow, I bet I could make some wash rags out of this stuff.
‪(인구) 꽃무늬 걸레라‬Flower-printed rags, huh?
‪- (인구) 어?‬ ‪- 눈까리 수준하고는, 인마‬You have no taste, man.
‪그 제수씨 갖다 주바라‬Just take it home to your wife. She'll go crazy over it.
‪‘여보, 이게 뭐야?’ 환장한다‬Just take it home to your wife. She'll go crazy over it.
‪니 어깨나 좀 주물러 봐라‬ ‪죽겠다‬Come and massage my shoulders. The pain is killing me.
‪- 할머니 한 분이 앉아 계시네‬ ‪- 뭐?‬-Who's this grandma? -What?
‪아, 아야, 살살, 살살!‬Hey, softly!
‪- 우리 응수 몸에서 나가 주세요!‬ ‪- 야, 이씨!‬-Ma'am, please leave Eungsoo's body. -Hey! Shit!
‪(인구) 나가 주세요!‬ ‪[응수 웃음]‬Please leave his body!
‪(인구) 이 새끼야, 시원하냐?‬Please leave his body! Do you like that, asshole?
‪- 삼합 나왔습니다, 맛있게 드세요‬ ‪- 네, 감사합니다‬-Here's your samhap. Enjoy. -Thank you.
‪- 국 좀 데워드릴까?‬ ‪- 아, 진짜 맛있어요‬-Do you want the soup heated up? -It's delicious.
‪(응수) 내 중3 때 아버지 돌아가시고‬ ‪집안이 힘들어져 가지고‬In ninth grade, my dad passed away, and things got hard for us,
‪돈 번다고‬ ‪고등학교도 안 갔다 아이가‬so I didn't go to high school, you know?
‪[쩝쩝거리며]‬ ‪못 갔잖아‬You couldn't go because you had the lowest grades.
‪전교 꼴등 한 놈이‬ ‪말은 똑바로 해야지‬You couldn't go because you had the lowest grades. Tell it right, boy.
‪아무튼 고등학교도 때려치우고‬ ‪선박 기술 배워가‬Anyway, I skipped high school and started to learn all about shipping. After 20 years of working my butt off on those boats,
‪20년 동안 쎄빠지게 배 탔는데도‬After 20 years of working my butt off on those boats,
‪아 하나 키우기 힘들다‬I can still barely afford to raise my kid. The same goes for you, right?
‪니도 매한가지 아이가‬I can still barely afford to raise my kid. The same goes for you, right?
‪니나 내나 돈 벌라고‬ ‪나쁜 짓 얼마나 많이 했노?‬You and I both did all kinds of rotten stuff just to make a buck.
‪[우적우적 씹는 소리]‬ ‪세상 사는 게 다 똑같지, 뭐‬That's life for everyone, man. Nothing special about mine.
‪뭘 새삼스럽게‬ ‪[후룩 마시는 소리]‬That's life for everyone, man. Nothing special about mine.
‪니 그 유도 때려치울 때‬ ‪내한테 뭐라 했노?‬Do you remember what you told me when you quit judo?
‪뭐라도 해야 될 거 같다고‬You felt like you had to do something, or else your life would go to shit, right?
‪안 그러면 인생 좆될 거 같다고‬ ‪응?‬You felt like you had to do something, or else your life would go to shit, right?
‪근데 이래 쎄빠지게 살았는데‬ ‪지금 니 인생 남은 게 뭐 있노?‬But after working your butt off, what have you got to show for it?
‪아파트 전세 있잖아‬ ‪병신 새끼야‬At least I got a lease on a condo, dumbass.
‪아이고, 이 빙구야‬ ‪그게 니 거가, 은행 거지‬Idiot, that place isn't yours. It belongs to the bank.
‪(응수) 대출금 똑바로‬ ‪갚도 몬하는 게‬You can barely pay off your debts.
‪야, 우리 이래 살다가‬ ‪진짜 좆된다니까?‬Hey, if we keep living like this, we're really going to get messed up.
‪좆빠지게 살다 그냥 뒤진다고‬Working our asses off until we keel over, dead.
‪이 새끼가 오늘‬ ‪이상하게 밑밥 까네‬You're talking gibberish in a weird way.
‪너 하고 싶은 얘기가 뭐야, 오늘?‬What are you trying to talk to me about?
‪[목청을 다듬는다]‬
‪니 주둥이로 들어가는 이 홍어‬This skate that you're shoving down your throat,
‪이거 99%가‬ ‪다 칠레산인 거 알제, 응?‬did you know that 99% of it comes from Chile?
‪그거도 국내산이라‬ ‪다 속여 팔아먹고‬They label it as "domestic" before selling it.
‪이 가격은 좀 비싸나?‬And this stuff ain't cheap, man.
‪요새는 이 칠레산도‬ ‪구하기 힘들다더라‬I heard even Chilean imports are too expensive to buy these days.
‪금값이라가지고‬I heard even Chilean imports are too expensive to buy these days.
‪갑자기 웬 홍어? 요점 정리해 봐‬What's with the fish talk? What's your point?
‪[입을 딱 뗀다]‬
‪그러니까‬What I'm saying is,
‪이 홍어를 외국에서‬ ‪공짜로 가와가 한국에 팔면‬if you bring in these skates for free and sell them here in Korea,
‪우째 되겠냐, 이거지‬what's going to happen?
‪야, 그렇게 쉬운 거면‬ ‪남들이 벌써 했겠지‬Hey, if it were that easy, someone else would be doing it by now.
‪말 그대로 노다지인데‬It's like printing your own money.
‪누가 홍어를 공짜로 줘?‬ ‪병신, 이거, 오늘 진짜‬But who would give you free skates? You must be crazy.
‪홍어를 안 먹고‬ ‪싹 다 버리는 나라가 있다니까?‬There's a country where nobody eats skate, and they all get tossed out!
‪그거를 내만 알고‬And I'm the only one that knows about it.
‪[신비스러운 음악]‬
‪니 수리남이라고 들어봤나?‬Have you ever heard of "Suriname"?
‪‘수리남’? 그게 뭐, 나라야?‬Suriname? What is that, a country?
‪봐라, 모른다 아이가, 야‬See? No one knows about it. Hey.
‪내가 배를 20년 동안 탔는데‬ ‪올 초에 처음 가봤다니까‬I've lived on boats for 20 years, and I went there for the first time earlier this year.
‪(응수) 이거 보래이‬Check this out.
‪브라질 위에 붙은‬ ‪쪼매난 나라인데‬It's this tiny country north of Brazil.
‪인구도 꼴랑 50만뿐이 안 되고‬The entire population is only 500,000.
‪근데 요 앞바다에서 홍어가‬ ‪천지삐까리로 올라오는 거라‬And its coastline is packed to the brim with skates.
‪근데 요 사람들이 이 홍어가‬But it turns out these people think
‪생긴 것도 드럽고‬ ‪냄새도 지랄 같고 하니까‬that skates look weird and smell like shit,
‪싹 다 갖다 버린다고‬that skates look weird and smell like shit, so they just toss them out.
‪요 어촌계장 이빨 빠진‬ ‪할배한테 물어봤다니까‬I asked the head fisherman, this old toothless grandpa right here.
‪헐값에 가지가라는 거야‬He told me he'd sell them for pennies!
‪그러니까‬ ‪이 홍어를 갖고 와 가지고‬So, if you could bring in these skates and sell them here in Korea,
‪한국에 팔면 우째 되겠냐 이거지‬So, if you could bring in these skates and sell them here in Korea, what do you think would happen?
‪[동영상 속의 불명확한 대화 소리]‬
‪너 이거 진짜야?‬Is this for real?
‪똥인지 된장인지‬ ‪찍어 먹어 봐야 아나?‬Do you have to taste the thing to tell if it's poop or chocolate?
‪수리남 같이 한번 가보든가‬You can come with me to Suriname, then.
‪안 돼, 생각하고 자시고‬ ‪할 것도 없어‬No, there's no point in thinking about it.
‪미국도 아니고, 뭐? 수리남?‬And you're not even talking about America. Suriname, really?
‪그런 나라가 있는지도 몰랐다‬I didn't even know such a country existed.
‪그게 키포인트야, 어?‬That's the point though.
‪남미하고 아시아하고‬ ‪지구 정반대잖아‬Since Asia and South America are so far away,
‪바로 그 사이에서‬ ‪정보 불균형이 생겨 가지고‬such information is not easy to get, hence this business opportunity.
‪이런 사업 기회를‬ ‪우리가 가진 거야, 어?‬such information is not easy to get, hence this business opportunity.
‪(인구) 이거 봐 봐‬Check this out.
‪[한숨] 응수 씨‬ ‪사람 좋은 건 아는데‬I know Eungsoo is a good man.
‪안목이 이런데 어떻게 믿어?‬But look at his gift. I can't trust him.
‪나도 얘 안목은 안 믿어‬ ‪근데 성실하잖아‬I don't trust his taste in anything, but he's diligent.
‪내가 그래서 속는 셈 치고‬ ‪한번 알아봤거든?‬I went along with it and did some of my own research.
‪근데 이게 진짜네, 어?‬And it turns out he's telling the truth.
‪수리남에서는‬ ‪홍어를 입에도 안 댄대‬In Suriname, no one eats skate.
‪이거 오늘 수산시장에서‬ ‪용택이한테 받은 거거든? 봐봐‬I got this from Yongtaek at the fish market today. Look.
‪앉아 봐, 빨리‬Take a seat. Come on.
‪칠레산 냉동 홍어가‬ ‪도매로 마리당 3만 원이야‬Frozen Chilean skate at wholesale prices go for 30,000 won each.
‪근데 이게 요즘‬ ‪물량이 딸려가지고‬But since there's been a lack of supply, the prices are only going up.
‪가격이 계속 오르는 추세래‬But since there's been a lack of supply, the prices are only going up.
‪그럼 이 판국에‬Imagine what's going to happen
‪우리가 수리남 홍어를 공짜로‬ ‪여기다 풀면 어떻게 되겠어?‬if we get Suriname skate for free and sell them in this market?
‪장난 아닌 거야, 이거‬This is some seriously lucrative stuff!
‪그렇다고‬But still,
‪지금 하는 가게 다 접고‬ ‪그 먼 나라를 가?‬you can't shut down all your shops and leave to a faraway country.
‪여보, 가족이 왜 가족이야?‬Honey, what makes a family?
‪같이 밥 먹고 붙어 살아야‬ ‪가족이지‬A family is supposed to eat together and stay together.
‪애먼 생각 말고‬ ‪하나님께 감사드리며 살자‬Don't get any wild thoughts. Let's thank the Lord for what we have.
‪당연히 감사하지‬Of course I'm thankful,
‪근데 난 더 크게 감사드리려고‬ ‪그러는 거 아니야‬Of course I'm thankful, but I'm doing this so I can be even more thankful.
‪[숨을 들이켠다]‬but I'm doing this so I can be even more thankful.
‪이거, 시작만 하면‬ ‪10억 우습게 번다, 진짜‬If we just get this thing off the ground, making a billion is going to be a joke.
‪수백억을 벌어도 안 돼‬I don't care if you make tens of billions!
‪애들 아빠 없이 크는 거보다‬ ‪가난하게 크는 게 낫다‬The kids are better off living poor than growing up without a father.
‪이거 언제까지‬ ‪이렇게 살 거야, 그럼?‬How much longer do we have to live like this?
‪이렇게 사는 게 뭔데?‬What's wrong with living like this?
‪[인구의 답답한 한숨]‬Jeez.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬
‪받으시고, 받으시고‬One for you, you, you, and you.
‪레이즈, 20 받고‬Raise. I'll see your 200,000 and raise you 500,000.
‪50 더‬Raise. I'll see your 200,000 and raise you 500,000.
‪[사람들 탄성]‬
‪이야, 윤 사장‬ ‪판 키우는 거 봐라, 응?‬Wow. Yun's trying to make it a big pot.
‪무슨 돈독이 올랐나 봐‬You're so greedy.
‪아주 그냥 여기서‬ ‪가게 매출을 올리려 그러네‬Are you trying to earn your sales revenue here?
‪자, 물가도 올랐으니까‬ ‪판돈도 올려야죠‬The cost of living is going up, so we're going to up the ante too.
‪(인구) 세금 떼겠습니다‬I'll take this as tax.
‪아니, 재주는 곰이 부리고‬ ‪돈은 애먼 놈이 다 챙겨가니까‬How come we do all the work, and you take all the rewards?
‪이거, 뭐 하우스 피에 딜러 비에‬With the house rake and the dealer fees, you are the only one making money!
‪여기서 돈 따가는 놈은‬ ‪강 사장 말곤 없는 거 같아‬With the house rake and the dealer fees, you are the only one making money!
‪아니, 월세에 인건비 이거 빠지면‬Hey, with the rent and payroll, I'm left with nothing but gas money.
‪교통비 정도 남아요‬ ‪왜 이러실까, 오늘‬Hey, with the rent and payroll, I'm left with nothing but gas money. What's with you today?
‪오늘은 작정하고‬ ‪뜯어 가려는 거 같아서 그러지, 내가‬It feels like you're really trying to make us broke today, that's all.
‪원래 잔돈 모여서‬ ‪큰돈 되는 거니까, 그렇잖아‬We all know small change can add up to a fortune.
‪아휴, 오늘 사장님 예민하시다‬Jeez, you're awfully sensitive today.
‪[사장 1이 숨을 휴 내쉰다]‬Jeez, you're awfully sensitive today.
‪에이씨‬Darn it.
‪50 콜‬Call.
‪(사장 2) 에이, 다이‬Dang, I fold.
‪내가 윤 사장 가게 매출 올려준다‬I'll raise your bottom line today, Yun.
‪윤 사장 까 봐‬ ‪아투지, 뭐, 아투야?‬I'll raise your bottom line today, Yun. What do you have? A pair of aces?
‪아투로 이렇게‬ ‪씩씩할 수 있습니까?‬You think I'd be this confident with a pair of aces?
‪자, 베리베리 스트레이트한‬Get ready. I have a very, very straight hand. Mountain straight!
‪마운틴 스트레이트‬I have a very, very straight hand. Mountain straight!
‪[사람들 탄성]‬Wow, you made it to the top of the mountain.
‪산에 올라타셨네‬Wow, you made it to the top of the mountain.
‪(인구) 씩씩하게 잘 나왔습니다‬-No wonder you were so confident. -Jeez.
‪아이고, 나한테 이런 날이 다 오네‬-No wonder you were so confident. -Jeez. I never thought I'd see the day.
‪(인구) 어?‬I never thought I'd see the day.
‪[사장 1 웃음]‬ ‪뭐야?‬What is that?
‪오늘 가게 손님도 없었다는데‬ ‪미안해서 어떡하나‬I heard you had no customers today. Sorry about this.
‪[못마땅한 신음]‬ ‪(인구) 야...‬I heard you had no customers today. Sorry about this. Wow, you got lucky in the end.
‪역시 사장님은‬ ‪미리 세금을 잘 내시니까‬Wow, you got lucky in the end. And this is because you're always on time with your taxes, okay?
‪이렇게 막판에‬ ‪쫙 붙는 거예요, 예?‬And this is because you're always on time with your taxes, okay?
‪모범 납세자는 항상 승리한다‬The tax-paying citizen always wins!
‪막판에 강 사장 기운 좀 받았어‬ ‪자, 담뱃값 해‬I got some good energy from you, Kang. Buy yourself some cigarettes.
‪좋은 데 쓰겠습니다‬ ‪감사합니다‬I will use it wisely. Thank you, sir.
‪- (사장 3) 나도 좀 줘‬ ‪- 이 형은 맨날 달래‬-Give me one too. -You always say that! Boss, we have a DEFCON 3 situation.
‪사장님, 데프콘 쓰리 상황입니다‬Boss, we have a DEFCON 3 situation.
‪[홀에서 노랫소리가 들린다]‬Boss, we have a DEFCON 3 situation.
‪[못마땅한 신음]‬
‪패 돌리고 계세요‬ ‪잠시 다녀오겠습니다‬Go ahead and deal. I'll be right back.
‪(인구) 아이씨‬Dammit.
‪아이고‬ ‪[여자들 비명]‬Jeez.
‪[깨진 병 밟는 소리]‬
‪[조용히] 나가 있어‬Wait outside.
‪야, 이 씨발, 어딜 가?‬Where the fuck do you think you're going?
‪- 야, 쟤네 저거 잡아‬ ‪- (손님 1) 응‬Hey, go grab her.
‪야, 이리 와‬-Hey, come here. Come here! -Hey, now!
‪- 아이고, 잡아서 뭐 해?‬ ‪- (손님 1) 이리 와, 어?‬-Hey, come here. Come here! -Hey, now! What do you want with her anyway? Wait outside.
‪나가 있어‬What do you want with her anyway? Wait outside.
‪형님, 자꾸 보면 화만 나지‬Sir. You'll only get mad with them around. Sit down.
‪- 앉으세요, 예?‬ ‪- 에이‬You'll only get mad with them around. Sit down.
‪이야, 우리 형님들이‬ ‪이거 터프가이시네‬Gosh, you gentlemen are some real tough guys.
‪우리 집 아가씨들이 후회하고‬ ‪반성문 쓰러 갔으니까‬Our girls couldn't be more sorry. They went to write down what they did wrong,
‪기분 푸십시오, 예?‬so please lighten up.
‪비싼 돈 내고‬ ‪여기까지 와 가지고 화내시면‬If you spend all this money and get mad, it's not good for your health.
‪건강에 해로워요, 설사합니다‬If you spend all this money and get mad, it's not good for your health. You'll have diarrhea.
‪자, 오늘 이 양주는‬ ‪제가 서비스로 모시겠습니다‬I'd like to offer this bottle of liquor on the house. And since my girls failed to show you gentlemen a good time,
‪그리고 우리 아가씨들이‬ ‪사장님 잘못 모신 죄가 있으니까‬And since my girls failed to show you gentlemen a good time,
‪봉사료는 딱 절반만 받겠습니다‬ ‪[술 따르는 소리]‬I'll only be charging you for half of their time.
‪그 죗값까지 해서‬With everything all put together,
‪120만 주십시오‬I only ask for 1.2 million won.
‪장난허냐?‬Is this some kind of joke?
‪오늘부로 여기‬ ‪셔터 내리게 해줄까?‬You want me to shut this place down for good?
‪돈은 인마, 네가 아니고‬ ‪내가 받아야지!‬I'm not paying, you jerk. You should be paying me!
‪내 좆같은 기분은‬ ‪어떻게 보상할 건데?‬What are you going to do about fucking up my evening?
‪[한숨] 사장님, 회장님‬Sir… Chairman?
‪지금 이 시간에 숙직하던 경찰들‬ ‪전화해서 깨워야겠어요, 예?‬Do we really have to wake up our hardworking policemen at this time of night?
‪아니, 얼마들 있으신데?‬I mean, how much do you guys have right now?
‪그냥 있는 거 주고‬ ‪빨리 집에 가세요‬Just give me that and call it a night. Your wives are waiting for you.
‪사모님 기다리신다‬Just give me that and call it a night. Your wives are waiting for you.
‪[상을 쿵 내려친다]‬
‪아, 아이고, 씨‬ ‪[혀를 쯧 차는 소리]‬Ah shit.
‪돈이…‬My money?
‪여기 있다‬It's right here.
‪여기 유흥업소 신고는 돼 있지?‬Do you have a license for this joint?
‪아가씨들 중에 미성년자는 없고?‬You sure there aren't any minors among those girls?
‪형은 씨... 사람이 착해서 문제야‬Your problem is that you're too nice to people.
‪이 새끼가 이게 좋게 좋게‬ ‪넘어가 주려고 했더니, 씨‬And here we were, trying to let you off nicely.
‪너는 내가 시청에서 근무하는 동안‬As long as I work at the city hall,
‪장사는 다했다고 생각하면 된다?‬consider yourself closed for business.
‪[비열한 웃음]‬
‪형님들, 죄송합니다‬I am so sorry, sir.
‪노여움 푸시고요‬Please forgive me and…
‪아니, 이거‬Please forgive me and…
‪이거 얼마 안 되지만‬ ‪택시비 하십시오‬This isn't much, but it's for your cab ride.
‪죄송합니다‬I'm really sorry.
‪(인구) 아휴, 시팔‬ ‪[손님 1 껄껄 웃음]‬Fucking hell.
‪야, 이 새끼야!‬Hey, you fucker!
‪- 이 새끼가 이게…‬ ‪- (인구) 왜, 진짜 왜?‬-You fucker. -What? What do you want? Hey, asshole. You want to have a go at me, huh?
‪이 새끼, 야 너 지금‬ ‪나랑 해보겠다는 거야, 어?‬Hey, asshole. You want to have a go at me, huh?
‪야, 내가 지금‬ ‪돈 때문에 이래, 어?‬Hey, you think this is about the money?
‪[못마땅한 소리]‬
‪이런, 서비스업 한다는 새끼가‬ ‪이게…‬Is this how you treat your customers?
‪(손님 1) 어? 뭐야?‬ ‪[손님 2 신음]‬Huh? What's going on?
‪(손님 1) 형, 괜찮아?‬Hey, are you okay?
‪(손님 1) 야, 인마, 너 이리 와 봐‬ ‪형, 괜찮아?‬Hey! You bastard, get over here! Hey, are you okay?
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬Hey, are you okay?
‪(손님 1) 아이씨‬What the hell?
‪(응수) [네덜란드어]‬ ‪수리남에 온 걸 환영해‬WELCOME INGU
‪[갈매기가 끼룩거린다]‬
‪(응수) 여기가 네덜란드에서‬ ‪독립한 지 30년밖에 안 됐고‬It's only been 30 years since they gained independence from the Netherlands.
‪인구가 별로 없어‬There aren't a lot of people here, so they always lack the manpower.
‪일손이 항시 부족한 거라‬There aren't a lot of people here, so they always lack the manpower. That's why there are so many immigrants.
‪이민자들 이빠이 받아놨고‬That's why there are so many immigrants.
‪네덜란드어가 공용어긴 한데‬ ‪웬만하면 영어는 다 통한다‬Dutch is their national language, but everyone speaks a bit of English.
‪그리고 중국어, 스페인어‬ ‪막 섞였고, 뭔지 알제?‬Some speak Chinese, Spanish, and others. You know what I mean?
‪잘 외웠네, 며칠 걸렸어?‬Nice speech. How long did it take to memorize that?
‪한 보름 걸렸나?‬ ‪[응수 비웃음]‬-Let me guess. Two weeks? -Whatever.
‪마, 여기서는 내가‬ ‪니보다 지식이 풍부하다‬Hey, I know a lot more than you do out here.
‪(응수) 깝치지 마라‬-So don't mess with me. -Hey.
‪야‬-So don't mess with me. -Hey.
‪너 수리남이 6ㆍ25 때‬ ‪연합군으로 참전한 거 알아?‬Did you know that Suriname joined the Allied Forces during the Korean War?
‪6ㆍ25에 수리남이 왜?‬Suriname fought in the Korean War? Why?
‪응수야, 너 여기서‬ ‪여행 가이드할 거야, 어?‬Eungsoo, are you trying to be a travel guide out here?
‪그런 쓸데없는 거 외우지 말고‬Stop wasting time on useless trivia,
‪난 제발 네가 홍어에‬ ‪좀 집중했으면 좋겠어‬and please just focus your energy on the skates.
‪동네 어촌계장하고‬ ‪얘기 다 됐으니까‬I already discussed it with the local head fisherman,
‪니는 쓸데없는 걱정 좀 하지 마라‬so you don't need to worry about it.
‪가게 처분한 내 전 재산을‬After liquidating my businesses, I entrusted every single penny
‪전교 꼴등 한 사람한테‬ ‪내가 몰빵을 쳤는데‬After liquidating my businesses, I entrusted every single penny to a guy who flunked out of school. Of course I'm worried.
‪걱정을 안 하게 생겼니?‬to a guy who flunked out of school. Of course I'm worried.
‪너 덧셈, 뺄셈은 할 줄 알아?‬Do you know how to add and subtract?
‪마, 장난치나?‬ ‪내가 언제 전교 꼴찌 했는데?‬Who are you kidding? I never flunked school.
‪내가 딴 건 몰라도‬ ‪수학 하난 니보다 잘했다‬I don't know about anything else, but I beat you at math.
‪너 술 취했냐?‬ ‪무슨 수학을 나보다 잘해?‬ ‪[응수 헛웃음]‬Have you been drinking? You never beat me at math.
‪그리고 너 전교 꼴등을‬ ‪몇 번 한 걸 봤는데‬And you finished last a few times. I saw it with my own eyes.
‪7, 8‬Seven, eight.
‪7 곱하기 8 구구단이야‬ ‪7, 8‬Seven times eight. We're doing the times table now.
‪강인구 이 새끼, 장난하나‬Ingu, you bastard. You must be kidding me right now.
‪응수야, 이 구구단은 바로‬ ‪나와야 되는 거야, 7, 8‬This has to be programmed into you. Seven times eight.
‪운전하고 있다 아이가‬ ‪좀 가만있어 봐라‬Hey, I'm driving, man! Just give me a second.
‪야, 이건 운전하면서도‬You should be able to answer it even when you're driving.
‪바로바로 나올 수 있어야‬ ‪되는 거야, 구구단은‬You should be able to answer it even when you're driving. Seven times eight.
‪7, 8‬Seven times eight.
‪야, 운전하면 내가‬ ‪딴 거 집중을 못해서 그렇지‬I'm not good at multitasking, that's all. I'll answer it later.
‪내가 좀 있다 대답할게‬I'm not good at multitasking, that's all. I'll answer it later.
‪앞에 봐라 사고 난다‬Look at the road. You're gonna get us killed!
‪[신기하다는 듯 웃으며] 나 진짜…‬ ‪너 진짜 모르는구나?‬Oh wow! You really don't know the answer, do you?
‪[문이 끼익하고 열린다]‬
‪야, kg당 1달러에 1톤 확보‬Hey, I bought a whole ton at a dollar per kilo.
‪봤나, 이 자슥아, 이게 비즈니스다‬You see that? That's how business is done!
‪이야, 박응수 씨 예상 밖이세요‬ ‪상당히 잘하셨습니다‬Mr. Park, I didn't expect this. You did a good job.
‪이야, 이게 다 얼마냐?‬Man, how much is all of this?
‪거 뭐 한다고 열어 보노?‬Why do you have to open it?
‪[인구 탄성]‬ ‪그게 냉동시켜 놔도‬ ‪생선 냄새 장난 아니네‬Wow, they still stink like crazy, even when they're frozen.
‪야, 이게 생선 냄새냐? 돈 냄새지‬Does that smell like fish to you? Smells like money to me.
‪[인구 숨을 흠 내쉰다]‬
‪[빠른 민속 음악]‬
‪(혜진) 거기 안전한 거 맞지?‬It's safe over there, right?
‪음식은 잘 맞아? 교회는?‬How is the food? What about church?
‪여기 완전 안전하지‬It's super safe here.
‪여기 세계 각국의 레스토랑이‬ ‪쫙 깔려 있는 게‬There are restaurants from all over the world,
‪무슨 백화점 푸드 코트 같아‬just like a department store.
‪축제 분위기야‬It's like a party.
‪왜 교회 대답만 빼먹어?‬ ‪지난 주일에 안 갔어?‬What about church? Did you not go last Sunday?
‪몇 번이나 가려고 했는데‬ ‪홍수가 나서 길이 끊겼어‬I tried to make it a few times, but the roads were blocked by the floods.
‪여기 완전 밀림이어 가지고‬ ‪복구가 좀 오래 걸리네‬It's all jungle out here, so it takes time for them to fix it.
‪교회 꼭 간다는 조건으로‬ ‪수리남 보내준 거잖아‬I let you go only because you promised to go to church.
‪내가 근처 한인 교회 찾아놨으니까‬I found a local Korean church for you,
‪이번 주일에 꼭 가서‬ ‪인증 사진 남겨, 알았지?‬so you should go this Sunday and send me some pictures, okay?
‪예, 알겠어요, 여기까지 합시다‬Yes, ma'am. You can stop now.
‪충분히 알아들었어요, 응‬I hear you loud and clear. All right.
‪여기 전화비 비싸니까‬ ‪제가 나중에 다시 전화할게요‬Phone calls cost a lot out here, so I'll call you back later.
‪네‬All right.
‪와, 제수씨가 뭐라 하드나?‬Why? What did she say? Why do you look so down?
‪와 죽상을 하고 오노?‬Why? What did she say? Why do you look so down?
‪교회 가서 인증 사진 남기래‬She wants me to take pics at the church.
‪아 맞다, 니‬Oh yeah!
‪제수씨가 교회 다니는 조건으로‬ ‪결혼해 줬지?‬Going to church was a condition of your marriage, right?
‪기도 열심히 드리고 있고?‬Have you been saying your prayers?
‪아, 이거 갈수록‬ ‪믿음이 깊어져서 큰일이다‬ ‪[응수 웃음]‬Jeez, I'm worried that my faith is growing every day.
‪[네덜란드어] 얼음 더 부어, 얼음!‬More ice. More!
‪[철문 열리는 소리]‬
‪[영어] 네가 여기 공장 소유자야?‬
‪[영어] 안녕하십니까‬
‪제가 사장입니다, 반갑습니다‬
‪[영어] 여기서 사업을 하고 싶어?‬
‪그러면 내 도움이 필요할 텐데‬
‪여긴 도둑이랑 강도가 많아‬
‪[한국어] 이 양반이 지금‬ ‪뭐라 하는데?‬What's this guy saying?
‪[영어] 저희를 도와주신다고요?‬ ‪좋아요‬
‪[한국어] 야, 이 새끼들‬ ‪우리 삥 뜯으러 왔어‬These assholes are here to rip us off.
‪[살짝 웃는다]‬
‪[담배 연기를 후 뿜는다]‬
‪[영어] 지금 막 사업을 시작해서‬ ‪돈이 없어요‬
‪[영어] 대신 홍어가‬ ‪한국에 수출되면 돈이 들어올 건데‬
‪그때 줄게요‬
‪어때요? 간단하죠? ‬
‪[영어] 그럼 한 달에 2,000달러를‬ ‪내는 거다, 알겠나?‬
‪[영어] 그건 좀 아닌 거 같고요‬
‪[영어] 장사가 잘되는 달에‬ ‪한국 수출 물량이 많으면‬
‪2,500달러를 줄게요‬
‪[살짝 웃는다]‬
‪[영어] 대신 운이 나빠‬ ‪수출이 적으면‬
‪1,000달러를 드릴게요‬
‪[영어] 잘되고 안 되고의 기준은‬ ‪다시 정하고요‬
‪[영어] 어떻게 생각해요?‬
‪[영어] 이 커피 맛이 정말 좋네‬
‪[영어] 상당히 새로운 풍미인데?‬
‪[영어] 콜롬비아 건가?‬
‪[영어] 아뇨, 일종의 한국 전통 커피죠‬
‪[영어] 그래?‬
‪[영어] 쓰기도 하고 달기도 하고‬
‪[영어] 여자처럼요?‬
‪[재미있다는 듯한 웃음]‬
‪[영어] 우린 말이 잘 통할 거 같군‬
‪(응수) ‘레프트, 레프트’‬
‪쪼매만‬Just a little bit.
‪오케이, 오케이, 됐어요‬Okay. That's it. Right there. Okay.
‪됐어, 오케이, 오케이‬Okay. That's it. Right there. Okay.
‪[영어] 한국의 전통 커피예요‬ ‪선물입니다‬
‪[영어] 앞으로 아무도 못 괴롭힐 거야‬ ‪내가 약속하지‬
‪- [영어] 감사합니다!‬ ‪- [영어] 그래‬
‪[바스락 소리가 난다]‬
‪[영어] 우린 달러로 통하잖아요‬
‪[영어] 앞으로 넌‬ ‪나의 가장 친한 친구야‬
‪[영어] 감사합니다‬
‪[만족스러운 웃음]‬
‪[차 시동음]‬
‪가자‬Jeez, let's go.
‪(응수) 오 삥구, 이야‬Look at you. Having some experience doing business really shows, man.
‪비즈니스 해본 놈이‬ ‪확실히 다르긴 다르다잉‬ ‪[응수 웃음]‬Look at you. Having some experience doing business really shows, man.
‪야, 어쨌든 우리가 수리남 정부를‬ ‪등에 업은 거 아이가?‬Hey, so now we have the government watching our back, right?
‪인자 마, 일이 술술 풀리겠다‬ ‪[응수 웃음]‬It's going to be smooth sailing from now on.
‪야, 새끼야‬ ‪너는 생각이 너무 짧은 거 같아‬Hey, you really have a problem with thinking things through.
‪봐봐, 세상에서 가장 믿을 수 없는‬ ‪사람이 바로 공무원들이야‬The last people you should ever trust in this world are government workers.
‪‘무사안일, 복지부동’, 어?‬They lounge around all day and take no responsibility.
‪아이고 예, 경찰 두드려 패가‬ ‪콩밥 자실 뻔한 분 말씀인데‬These wise words coming from the guy who almost went to jail for beating a cop.
‪잘 새겨듣겠습니다‬I promise I'll take it to heart.
‪[휴대폰 진동음]‬
‪예, 신 사장님, 굿모닝입니다‬ ‪홍어 잘 받으셨죠?‬Good morning, Mr. Shin. Did you receive the skates?
‪[당황하는 신음]‬Yes.
‪네? 500kg을 다음 주까지요?‬Sorry? You want 500 kilos by next week?
‪저희가 요새 주문이 워낙 많아 가지고‬ ‪물량이 좀 달려요‬We've got so many orders backed up. It's hard to keep up with the demand.
‪아이고‬Oh no.
‪아이고 아이고‬Oh, dear.
‪아이고‬ ‪그러면 맞춰드려야 되겠네요‬I guess I'll have to do my best to make it work.
‪그럼 23일까지‬ ‪물량 보내드리면 되는 거죠?‬So do you want the shipment by the 23rd?
‪예, 알겠습니다, 들어가세요, 예‬Okay, sir. Have a great day, sir.
‪아, 안 된다니…‬We can't…
‪그렇게 물량을 막 받으면 우짜노?‬You can't just take deals like that. I only get four hours of sleep as it is!
‪지금 4시간 자고 일한다!‬You can't just take deals like that. I only get four hours of sleep as it is!
‪아니 신 사장이‬ ‪23일까지 물량 맞춰주면‬Mr. Shin said that he will pay us 8,000 won more for each kilo
‪kg당 8,000원 더 준단다‬ ‪이 개새끼야‬ ‪[웃음]‬if we ship to him by the 23rd, you son of a bitch!
‪그럼 밤을 새워서 하면 되겠네‬ ‪이 새끼야‬ ‪[인구와 응수가 같이 웃는다]‬We'll just have to work all night, you asshole!
‪(응수) 이, 일해라, 빨리빨리!‬
‪- 빨리빨리!‬ ‪- 빨리빨리!‬-Hurry! -Hurry!
‪저 논다 지금‬You're not working.
‪(응수) [네덜란드어] 빨리빨리‬ ‪일 안 하면 돈도 없어!‬Get to work! No work, no money!
‪[음악과 사람들로 시끌벅적하다]‬
‪새로 옮긴 학원은 어때?‬How's the new cram school?
‪(형주) 다른 애들이 벌써‬ ‪진도 많이 나가서‬The other kids have already gotten so much further ahead,
‪약간 어려워요‬so it's kind of hard.
‪오히려 그게 더 좋은 거야‬ ‪아빠가 늘 얘기했잖아, 어?‬That's better for you. What did I always tell you? An easy road leads to a predictable life. A hard road leads you to…
‪쉬운 길 끝엔 뻔한 인생‬ ‪어려운 길 끝에는?‬An easy road leads to a predictable life. A hard road leads you to…
‪- (형주) 행복한 인생‬ ‪- (인구) 그렇지‬-A happy life. -There you go.
‪학원이 어렵다는 건‬ ‪형주한테 이제 곧‬-A happy life. -There you go. If you find your academy classes hard, it means that the happy life is not far.
‪행복의 시대가 열린다는 거지‬ ‪얼마나 좋아?‬If you find your academy classes hard, it means that the happy life is not far. How nice is that?
‪[사람들 신나는 탄성]‬
‪[둔탁한 소리]‬
‪[사람들 비명]‬ ‪[웅성거린다]‬
‪형주야, 아빠가 좀 있다 전화할게‬Hyungju, I'll call you back. Have Mom check your homework.
‪학원 숙제 엄마한테 컨펌받고‬Hyungju, I'll call you back. Have Mom check your homework.
‪[클럽 음악이 멈춘다]‬
‪- (주변인 1)[네덜란드어] 왜 저래?‬ ‪- (주변인 2) [네덜란드어] 방금 맞은 거야?‬-What's up? -Did someone punch him?
‪(인구) [한국어] 야, 너 왜 그래?‬Hey, what's wrong?
‪- (응수) 저…‬ ‪- 뭐야?‬-Oh, those guys… -What the…
‪[사람들 웅성거린다]‬
‪[불길한 음악]‬
‪[인구의 의아한 신음]‬ ‪(인구) 일어나‬What the hell? Get up.
‪(응수) 이런, 씨…‬What in the…
‪[영어] 네가 수리남 생선을‬ ‪다 가져간다며?‬
‪그럼 사용료를 내야지?‬
‪[영어] 뭐? 넌 도대체 누구야?‬
‪난 이미 군인들 허가도‬ ‪다 받았는데?‬
‪[영어] 난 사업가고‬ ‪수리남 앞바다는 내 사업 구역이야‬
‪그러니 홍어 값으로‬ ‪매달 5,000달러를 가져와‬
‪[한국어] 이 사람들 뭔데?‬What are these guys saying?
‪동네 거지들 같아, 그냥 가자‬Some local hobos, I guess. Let's just leave.
‪[응수의 당황한 신음]‬Some local hobos, I guess. Let's just leave.
‪[영어] 이 새끼가 어디 가는 거야?‬
‪보스가 말하는 중인데‬
‪[힘주는 신음]‬
‪[사람들 놀란 탄성]‬
‪[인구 힘주는 신음]‬ ‪[총 방아쇠 소리]‬
‪[영어] 알았어, 알았어‬
‪원하는 게 뭐야?‬
‪[영어] 말했잖아‬
‪돈 내놓으라고!‬
‪[공격하는 신음]‬ ‪[인구 아파하는 신음]‬
‪[힘겨운 신음]‬
‪(중국갱) [중국어] 밟아, 죽어!‬
‪(중국갱) [중국어] 더 밟아!‬
‪[아파하는 신음]‬
‪(중국갱) [중국어] 가만히 있어!‬
‪[고통스러운 신음]‬
‪[힘겨운 신음]‬
‪[고통스러운 신음]‬
‪[인구의 힘겨운 신음]‬
‪[영어] 5,000달러 가져와‬
‪돈 안 주면‬
‪[영어] 잠깐, 잠깐‬
‪사업가라고 했지? 나도 그래‬
‪협상을 해보면 어떨까, 어?‬
‪[영어] 너한테 5,000달러 주잖아?‬
‪우린 거지가 돼서‬
‪너한테 돈을 더 못 줘‬
‪그러면 둘 다 손해잖아‬
‪[소심하게 손뼉을 친다]‬
‪[영어] 그러니까‬
‪돈을 좀 깎아줘‬
‪서로 상생할 수 있는 방법을‬ ‪찾아보자‬
‪[아파하는 신음]‬
‪[영어] 할인 없어‬
‪돈 아니면 죽는 거야‬
‪[겁먹은 신음]‬
‪[아파하는 신음]‬
‪(응수) [한국어] 괘안나?‬ ‪[인구 한숨]‬Are you okay?
‪아 씨발, 니 협상도 안 통하고‬ ‪우찌해야 되노?‬Fuck, if your deal doesn't work, what are we supposed to do?
‪야, 네가 협상의 원칙을‬ ‪모르는구나?‬Hey, you don't know the first thing about dealmaking, do you?
‪[응수의 아파하는 신음]‬Hey, you don't know the first thing about dealmaking, do you?
‪될 때까지 하는 게 협상이야‬You don't stop until you make it work.
‪[숨을 들이켰다 내쉰다]‬
‪[한숨]‬ ‪[휴대폰 알림 소리]‬
‪[응수 아파하는 신음]‬
‪(응수) 아이고, 씨‬Ah shit.
‪♪ 피난처 있으니 ♪‬There is a refuge here
‪♪ 환난을 당한 자 ♪‬So all those who are in need
‪♪ 이리 오라 ♪‬Are welcome to come
‪♪ 땅들이 변하고 ♪‬The land may change
‪♪ 물결이 일어나 ♪‬And the waters may rise
‪♪ 산 위에 넘치되 ♪‬To top even the highest mountains
‪♪ 두렵잖네 ♪‬But I am not afraid
‪♪ 이방이 떠들고 ♪‬May it ring out from this room
‪♪ 나라들 모여서… ♪‬Across the nations…
‪참, 야, 상처 보이지?‬Oh, wait. -Can you see my bruises? -Yeah.
‪응‬-Can you see my bruises? -Yeah.
‪야, 와이프 괜히 걱정하겠다‬ ‪그냥 기도하는 콘셉트로 하자‬I don't want her to get worried. Just take a shot of me praying.
‪[찰칵하는 소리]‬ ‪(응수) 됐어‬There you go.
‪좀 사람들 보이게 넓게 찍어‬Try and get all the people in the frame.
‪- 사람들 보이게 넓게‬ ‪- ‘넓게’‬-A wide shot. -Oh, wide. Here, I'm praying.
‪(인구) 자, 기도‬Here, I'm praying.
‪[찰칵하는 소리]‬
‪사람들 다 보이는데‬You can see all the people.
‪어, 됐다‬Okay, that's it.
‪[신비로운 음악]‬
‪[놀라며 숨을 들이켰다 내쉰다]‬
‪디모데전서에서 이르길‬As it was written in the book of Timothy,
‪우리 인간은 이 세상에‬ ‪아무것도 가지고 온 것이 없으니‬"for we brought nothing into the world,
‪죽을 때도 아무것도 못 가져간다‬we take nothing when we depart it."
‪[영어로 통역한다]‬
‪그러니 지금 우리에게 먹을 것이 있고‬ ‪입을 것이 있으면‬"But if we have food and clothing,
‪그걸로 족하다고 하셨습니다‬we will be content with that."
‪- 아멘‬ ‪- 아멘‬Amen.
‪(요환) 주께선‬"The Lord has said that money is the root of all evil
‪돈을 사랑함은‬ ‪모든 죄악의 뿌리이니‬"The Lord has said that money is the root of all evil
‪이것을 탐내는 자들은‬ ‪결국 스스로의 근심에 찔려‬and that those who covet it will have pierced themselves with many sorrows."
‪지옥을 맛본다고‬ ‪말씀 주셨습니다‬"They will have a glimpse of hell."
‪- 아멘‬ ‪- 아멘‬Amen.
‪이런 주님의 말씀을 좇아‬ ‪이곳까지 오신 형제님들이‬Some brothers have come all the way here to follow the words of Jesus.
‪저기 계십니다‬ ‪[놀라는 소리]‬Right over there.
‪[통역사가 영어로 통역한다]‬
‪하나님의 사랑과 온유를‬ ‪따르고자 오신 분들을 위해‬As you long to pursue God's meekness and love,
‪우리, 박수로 맞이하겠습니다‬let's give them a round of applause.
‪[통역사가 영어로 통역한다]‬
‪어... 저는 동두천에서‬ ‪수산물 가공 사업하러 온‬I'm Kang Ingu from Dongducheon, here for a seafood processing business.
‪강인구라고 합니다‬I'm Kang Ingu from Dongducheon, here for a seafood processing business.
‪잘 부탁드리겠습니다‬Nice to meet you.
‪예, 저희는 홍어를 취급하는데‬Yes, we actually work with skates,
‪이게 고단백에 체내 노폐물 제거에‬ ‪참 좋거든요‬Yes, we actually work with skates, and they are high in protein and great at removing toxins in your body.
‪요 교민들한테‬ ‪원가에 제공해 드릴 테니까‬and they are high in protein and great at removing toxins in your body. We'd be more than happy to provide you with skates at our cost.
‪편하게 연락 주시면‬ ‪감사하겠습니다, 예!‬Feel free to reach out to us at any time!
‪네, 참으로 고마운‬ ‪고단백 말씀이시죠?‬What thoughtful words, full of nutrition.
‪[살짝 웃는 소리]‬
‪자, 우리는 할렐루야로 응답합시다‬ ‪할렐루야!‬Let's greet them with a warm hallelujah. Hallelujah!
‪- 할렐루야!‬ ‪- 할렐루야!‬Hallelujah!
‪[노크 소리]‬
‪(요환) 네‬Come in.
‪[잔에 얼음이 부딪치는 소리]‬
‪수리남에서 홍어를 가져다가‬ ‪한국에 납품을 한다‬Taking skates from Suriname and selling them in Korea.
‪참으로 근사한 아이디어입니다‬That's a neat idea.
‪[요환 살짝 웃는다]‬ ‪신성한 교회에서 사업 얘기하니‬ ‪좀 부끄럽습니다‬I'm a bit embarrassed to be talking about business in such a holy place.
‪[부정하는 신음]‬No. It's not like that at all.
‪아니요, 아니요, 아닙니다‬ ‪그렇지 않아요‬No. It's not like that at all.
‪하나님께서는 잠언을 통해‬The Lord said in his Book of Proverbs
‪‘자기 사업에 근실한 자는’‬that those who are sincere in their work will serve before kings.
‪‘왕 앞에 서게 될 것이다’‬ ‪라고 하셨습니다‬that those who are sincere in their work will serve before kings.
‪근실하게 하시면‬As long as you are sincere in your work, you will be blessed by god.
‪하나님의 은총을 받으실 거예요‬As long as you are sincere in your work, you will be blessed by god.
‪좋은 말씀 감사합니다‬Thank you for your kind words.
‪[요환 살짝 웃는다]‬Thank you for your kind words.
‪[숨을 쓰읍 들이켠다]‬
‪아, 아까부터‬ ‪마음이 쓰여서 그러는데‬I just have something that's been bothering me.
‪[망설이는 소리]‬
‪혹시 사업에‬ ‪역경이 크신 상황이십니까?‬Have you been facing a lot of difficulties running your business recently?
‪얼굴들이…‬Your faces…
‪아, 이거요?‬This?
‪이게 일종의 나라 간의‬ ‪무역 갈등 같은 건데요‬It's sort of a trade conflict between countries.
‪제가 곧 해결할 겁니다‬I'll be sorting it out soon.
‪(요환) 아… 예‬I'll be sorting it out soon.
‪[숨을 쓰읍 들이켠다]‬
‪실례가 안 된다면‬If it's not too much trouble,
‪어떤 사연인지‬ ‪들어볼 수 있겠습니까?‬may I ask you what kind of situation you got involved in?
‪[난감한 신음]‬
‪말씀 한번 드려보자‬Let's just tell him.
‪뭘 이런 거까지 말씀드려?‬I don't think that's necessary.
‪아... 저희가 홍어를‬ ‪받아오는 데가 있는데‬We secured a supplier for our skates,
‪갑자기 중국 놈들이‬but some Chinese guys asked for money, saying that the ocean was theirs.
‪바다는 즈그가 관리한다고‬ ‪돈을 내라 하더라고요‬but some Chinese guys asked for money, saying that the ocean was theirs.
‪저희가 따로‬ ‪보호비를 바치고 있는 군인들은‬We've been paying some soldiers for protection,
‪또 즈그는‬ ‪육지만 관리한다 그러니까‬but they say that they only deal with issues on land.
‪아, 여간 골치 아픈 게 아닙니다‬So it's causing us quite a lot of trouble.
‪그, 괜한 말씀 드려 죄송합니다‬ ‪가자‬Sorry for bothering you with our issue. Let's go.
‪(요환) 혹시 그 중국 사람‬Did one of the Chinese men
‪머리가 길고‬happen to have long hair, and did he…
‪그냥 지독한 냄새가 날 것처럼‬ ‪생기지 않았습니까?‬happen to have long hair, and did he… Did he look like he'd smell really bad?
‪예, 맞아요‬ ‪아십니까, 목사님?‬Yes. Do you know him, sir?
‪[요환의 탄식]‬
‪첸진이라는 중국 갱인데‬He's a Chinese gangster named Chen Zhen.
‪돈만 된다면‬He's the type of guy who kills if the price is right.
‪사람 목숨까지 우습게 아는‬ ‪사탄 같은 놈입니다‬He's the type of guy who kills if the price is right. Satan is what he is.
‪[숨을 길게 내쉰다]‬
‪이 또한 주님의 계획이십니까?‬is this all part of your great plan?
‪저희 교회에‬ ‪한국분들이 찾아오신 것부터‬Seeing as how he sent two Koreans here to our church
‪또, 이런 이야기를‬ ‪듣게 만드신 것까지‬and how he let me learn about your recent story,
‪하나님께서 저에게‬I believe that God is ordering me to step in.
‪나서라는 명령을 내리시나 봅니다‬I believe that God is ordering me to step in.
‪흠, 쉽지는 않겠지만‬ ‪방법을 찾아보겠습니다‬It won't be easy, but I shall find a way.
‪방법만 찾아주시면‬If you can figure something out for us, I promise to make a sizable donation.
‪묵직하게 헌금하겠습니다‬ ‪목사님‬If you can figure something out for us, I promise to make a sizable donation.
‪형제님‬Brother, money truly does not mean anything to me.
‪돈이라는 거‬ ‪진짜 아무것도 아니에요‬Brother, money truly does not mean anything to me.
‪저는 그저 하나님의 명령을‬ ‪따르는 것입니다‬All I'm doing is following what God has ordered me to do.
‪[요환의 깊은 한숨]‬
‪네, 전도사님‬Yes, Preacher Byun?
‪차이나타운에‬ ‪구역 예배 좀 가야겠습니다‬I'll have to hold a service in Chinatown.
‪[한숨을 쉬며 전화를 끊는다]‬
‪[여러 자동차가 경적을 울린다]‬
‪[사람들이 중국어로 말한다]‬
‪[중국어] 어서 오세요‬Welcome.
‪[음악이 멈춘다]‬
‪[숨을 내쉬며] 흠…‬
‪[문이 닫힌다]‬
‪[못마땅한 신음]‬ ‪[혀를 찬다]‬
‪이런 게 다 우상 숭배인데, 참‬All of this right here is what we call idolatry…
‪[숨을 들이켜며] 전도사님‬Mr. Byun.
‪우리 주문부터 할까요?‬Shall we place our orders first?
‪예, 알았습니다‬Yes, sir.
‪[중국어] 여기 테이블 각각에‬ ‪훠궈랑 빽주 깔아줘‬Lay out some hot pots and baijiu on the tables. Yes, sir.
‪[중국어] 알겠습니다‬Yes, sir.
‪(요환) 강인구 형제님‬Brother Kang.
‪예‬-Yes, sir. -Brother Park.
‪- (요환) 박응수 형제님‬ ‪- (응수) 예‬-Yes, sir. -Brother Park. Yes.
‪[요환의 나지막한 웃음]‬
‪(남자) [중국어]‬ ‪왜 남의 구역에서 시끄러워?‬Who's making all this noise in my territory?
‪[긴장감이 도는 음악]‬
‪[영어] 빌어먹을 생선 새끼‬
‪[중국어] 이 새끼가‬This asshole.
‪[영어] 목사를 끌어들여?‬
‪[영어] 이봐, 목사‬
‪내 식당엔 왜 온 거야? ‬
‪[한국어] 전도사님‬Mr. Byun.
‪[입을 짝 뗀다]‬
‪우상 숭배하는 이교도랑은‬ ‪말 섞기가 싫네요‬I don't like to mix with any heretics who indulge in idol worship.
‪말씀만 하쇼‬ ‪즉각 전달하겠습니다‬Just say what you need, sir. I'll let him know.
‪수리남의 홍어는‬ ‪하나님의 것이다‬All of the skates in Suriname belong to God.
‪(기태) [중국어] '수리남의 홍어는‬ ‪하나님의 것이다’‬All of the skates in Suriname belong to God.
‪[한국어] 여기 강인구 형제는‬Brother Kang, over here,
‪이 땅의 홍어를 잡으라는‬ ‪하나님의 명령을 받은 자이니‬was sent by God to come to this land and catch his skates.
‪(기태) [중국어] ‘여기 강인구 형제는‬ ‪명령을 받은 자이니’‬Brother Kang is here on God's orders.
‪[한국어] 이를 거스르고 핍박한다면‬If you interfere and persecute him,
‪주께서 아말렉 백성을‬ ‪칼로 찔러 무찌르신 것처럼‬If you interfere and persecute him, you will be judged by God just as the Amalekites were judged,
‪너 또한 심판받을 것이다‬with the wrath of many swords and spears.
‪(기태) [중국어]‬ ‪‘홍어를 안 넘기면’‬If you don't let him have the skates,
‪‘칼로 도륙 내버리겠다’‬I'll cut you into tiny pieces.
‪[중국어] 변기태, 말 전해‬Byun Kitae. You tell him.
‪각자 구역을 정했으면 지켜야지‬We should all stick to the territories we agreed to stick to.
‪이렇게 막무가내로 쳐들어와서‬ ‪하나님 어쩌고저쩌고하면…‬If you bust in here with your Jesus talk and try to do as you please…
‪[코로 숨을 들이켠다]‬
‪[한국어] 하나님의 뜻이라고‬ ‪이 개새끼야‬This is what God commands, you son of a bitch.
‪첸진‬Chen Zhen?
‪(기태) [중국어] ‘첸진’‬Chen Zhen.
‪[한국어] 오늘은 하나님도‬ ‪푹 쉬시는 안식일이야‬Today is the day when even God is supposed to rest.
‪(기태) [중국어] ‘오늘은 안식일이다’‬Today is the Sabbath…
‪[한국어] 그러니까‬So, let's solve things peacefully and get some rest for ourselves too.
‪평화롭게 해결하고‬So, let's solve things peacefully and get some rest for ourselves too.
‪(기태) [중국어] ‘평화롭게 해결하고’‬So, let's solve things peacefully and get some rest for ourselves too.
‪[한국어] 우리도 좀 쉬자‬So, let's solve things peacefully and get some rest for ourselves too.
‪[중국어] ‘우리도 쉬자’‬Let's get some rest.
‪(기태) [중국어] ‘어때?’‬How about that?
‪[중국어] 겨우 생선 때문에‬ ‪하나님이 계속 등장하시고‬So your god has to get involved over a little dispute about fish,
‪안식일에 쉬지도 못하셔?‬and he can't even get a break on his day of rest?
‪씨발 것‬What a piece of shit!
‪이번엔 내가‬ ‪목사 체면 한번 살려줄게‬I'm going to let you save face today.
‪홍어가 그렇게 갖고 싶으면‬If you want the skates that bad,
‪가져가‬then you can have them.
‪[의자를 쿵 하고 친다]‬
‪[한국어] 목사 체면 살려주겠다고‬ ‪홍어 가져가라고 합니다‬He says he wants to let you save face and take the skates.
‪어찌 됐건 잘됐네요‬I guess things turned out well.
‪[살짝 웃으며] 네‬
‪[중국어] 내 구역에 왔으니‬Since you came all the way into my territory,
‪이건 대접한다‬this one's on me.
‪[탁하고 식탁에 올린다]‬this one's on me.
‪[중국어] 잘 마시고 가‬Have a drink before you go.
‪[중국어] 훠궈 올려‬Get the hot pots out.
‪[숨을 쓰읍 들이켜고 내쉰다]‬
‪(응수) 야, 목사님 장난 아니란다‬Apparently, that pastor is no joke.
‪작년 크리스마스에‬Last Christmas, he built tons of farms and factories and donated them.
‪농장이랑 공장을 기부로‬ ‪억수로 지어줬다 하더라고‬Last Christmas, he built tons of farms and factories and donated them.
‪요런 정치인들, 대통령이랑도‬ ‪존나 친하고‬He's close with all the politicians and the president and all that.
‪아무튼 수리남에서‬ ‪영향력이 어마무시해 가지고‬Anyway, he has so much influence in Suriname. People call him the governor of Suriname.
‪수리남 사또라 한다드라‬People call him the governor of Suriname.
‪그라고 요 한인들 말로는‬Some Koreans here are saying that he might even run for president.
‪다음 대통령 선거에도‬ ‪나올 수 있다드라‬Some Koreans here are saying that he might even run for president.
‪야, 이게 말이 되냐?‬-Do you believe that? -Why not?
‪- (응수) 왜?‬ ‪- 대통령이 뭐 장난이야?‬-Do you believe that? -Why not? You think being the president is a joke?
‪야, 너 같으면 우리나라 대통령에‬Would you vote for a Chinese or a Mexican in our presidential elections?
‪중국 사람, 멕시코 사람‬ ‪막 뽑아줘, 어?‬Would you vote for a Chinese or a Mexican in our presidential elections?
‪요 다 섞여 사는 거 못 봤나?‬All sorts of people live together here.
‪몇 년 전에는‬ ‪중국인 총리도 있었다더라니까‬I heard there was a Chinese prime minister a few years ago.
‪- 중국 사람이?‬ ‪- 응‬-A Chinese guy? -Yeah.
‪확실히 알아본 거 맞아?‬Are you sure of that?
‪내가 비싼 회 처먹고‬ ‪니한테 뭐 한다고 헛소리하노?‬Come on. Why would I bullshit you while I'm enjoying this expensive fish?
‪한인타운 싹 털어가‬ ‪알아냈다니까‬Come on. Why would I bullshit you while I'm enjoying this expensive fish? I asked all around the Korean district.
‪그럼 이번엔‬ ‪우리 수리남 사또한테‬Then let's go visit the governor of Suriname
‪조공을 좀 바쳐보자‬and pay him tribute.
‪(인구) 지난번에 들어온‬ ‪홍어 있잖아‬You know the last shipment of skates that came in?
‪제일 싱싱한 놈 골라서‬ ‪목사님 갖다 드리고‬Let's pick the freshest-looking one and give it to the pastor.
‪지난주에 제수씨한테‬ ‪인삼주 온 거 있지?‬Remember that ginseng liquor your wife sent last week?
‪그것도 같이 보내드리자‬Let's send him a bottle of that too.
‪야, 그거는‬ ‪와이프가 한국 들어오믄‬Hey, my wife sent me that, so whenever I get back home,
‪둘째 낳자고 보내준 건데‬we have a go at our second child.
‪야, 둘째 만들면?‬If you actually do have another kid,
‪분윳값부터 대학 등록금까지‬ ‪너 어떡할 거야, 어?‬how will you pay for everything from baby formula to college costs?
‪이번 기회에 제대로 인사드려야지‬ ‪인삼주가 아까워?‬It's our chance for a proper introduction. Are you going to skimp on some liquor?
‪야, 이 새끼…‬Wow, look at you, man.
‪[못마땅한 숨소리]‬ ‪이 새끼 또 머뭇거리네, 아...‬This punk's hesitating again… Hey, no need to get upset.
‪삐끼지 말고, 좀‬Hey, no need to get upset.
‪실망이야, 이 새끼야‬I'm disappointed, you prick.
‪아주 인삼주 다 처먹고‬ ‪둘째든 셋째든 다 처 낳아라‬I hope you enjoy that bottle of ginseng and pop out two or three more babies.
‪너는 비즈니스 감각이 없어‬You are not business-savvy.
‪아따 말 매 하네‬ ‪뭐, 누가 아깝댔나?‬Those are some harsh words. I'm not skimping on anything!
‪그, 목사는 술 먹으면 안 되는‬ ‪그런 룰 때문에 그라지‬I was just worried about that rule about pastors not drinking.
‪야, 지난번에‬ ‪배갈 마시는 거 못 봤어?‬You saw him drinking the other day.
‪원래 목사는 되고‬ ‪스님이 안 되는 거지‬Monks aren't allowed to drink. Pastors are good to go.
‪좀 제대로 알고 얘기 좀 해‬Do your research, man.
‪아, 왜 대답 안 해?‬ ‪갖다 드리라고‬Why aren't you saying anything? Go give him the stuff already!
‪야, 인삼주는‬ ‪한민족 소울푸드기 때문에‬Listen, ginseng liquor is like soul food to us Koreans.
‪무조건 호의적인 반응이 와‬ ‪갖다 드려‬He will like it, no matter what. Just give it to him.
‪예, 사장님, 그랍시다‬Yes, sir. Mr. Boss, sir.
‪7, 8‬-Seven times eight. -Fifty-six.
‪56‬-Seven times eight. -Fifty-six.
‪[살짝 웃으며]‬ ‪이 새끼 공부 좀 했네, 어? 잡았어‬You've been studying, haven't you? You got it right.
‪원래 알고 있었다‬I knew the answer all along.
‪[노래하듯] 8, 7에?‬-Eight times seven makes… -Sixty-four.
‪[노래하듯] 64‬-Eight times seven makes… -Sixty-four. You're crazy, man!
‪미친 새끼야‬You're crazy, man!
‪[갈매기가 끼룩거린다]‬
‪[전화가 울린다]‬
‪[전화가 연신 울린다]‬
‪[힘주는 신음]‬ ‪[피곤한 신음]‬
‪[숨을 하 내쉰다]‬
‪'헬로'‬Hello? Is this Mr. Kang?
‪(선장) [한국어] 여보세요‬ ‪강 사장인교?‬Hello? Is this Mr. Kang?
‪내 돌핀호 김 선장이라!‬This is Captain Kim from the Dolphin!
‪예, 선장님‬ ‪벌써 한국 도착하셨어요?‬Yes, Captain. Did you already make it back to Korea?
‪(선장) 한국은 뭔 한국이래요!‬Korea, my ass! I had to swing by Aruba to pick up another container
‪내 다른 컨테이너 실으라꼬‬ ‪아루바에 들어갔다가 고마‬I had to swing by Aruba to pick up another container
‪화물 검사를 당했는데‬and got hit with an inspection!
‪강 사장 홍어에서‬ ‪코카인이 나와부렀어!‬They found cocaine in your skates!
‪(인구) ‘코카인’이요? 홍어에서?‬Cocaine? Inside the skates?
‪(선장) 닷새 내도록 조사받다가‬ ‪이제 풀려났구마‬They just let me out after five days of interrogation. Have you been loading drugs onto my ship?
‪내 배로 마약 실어 나르는교?‬Have you been loading drugs onto my ship?
‪(인구) 아니, 절대 아니죠‬ ‪무슨 말씀이세요‬ ‪[불길한 음악]‬No, not at all, sir. I would never do anything like that.
‪선장님, 지금 정확히 좀‬ ‪말씀해 주세요‬Sir, can you tell me again clearly?
‪홍어에서 코카인이 나왔다고요?‬They found cocaine inside our skates?
‪(인구) 구체적으로‬ ‪다시 한 번 말씀해 주시면…‬If you could tell me exactly--
‪(선장) 아따 마 짜드리 됐고‬Hey, I don't need any of that.
‪내 아루바에다가‬ ‪강 사장 물건 내려놨으니‬I left all of your stuff in Aruba. Figure it out on your own!
‪고마 알아서 하소!‬ ‪[전화가 딱 끊긴다]‬I left all of your stuff in Aruba. Figure it out on your own!
‪(인구) 여보세요? 선장님‬Hello? Sir?
‪뭔 소리고?‬ ‪코카인이 나왔다고, 홍어에서?‬What's he talking about? Cocaine in our skates?
‪[전화기를 내려놓는다]‬ ‪[옅은 한숨]‬
‪어, 아루바에서‬Yeah, in Aruba.
‪‘아루바’면‬ ‪그 네덜란드 섬 아이가?‬Aruba. That's a Dutch island, right?
‪(응수) 근데 왜 우리 화물에서‬ ‪코카인이 나오는데?‬But why would they find cocaine in any of our cargo?
‪(응수) 우짜는데?‬What are you doing?
‪응수야, 너 지금‬ ‪우리 관할하는 관리소 가서‬Eungsoo, I need you to go to our local management office and find out what happened.
‪무슨 일인지 좀 알아 와 봐‬and find out what happened.
‪지금?‬-Right now? -It's half past ten. They must be awake.
‪지금 10시 반이니까‬ ‪애들 깨어 있을 거야, 빨리 지금‬ ‪[응수 다급한 소리]‬-Right now? -It's half past ten. They must be awake. -Hurry. -Okay.
‪니는 안 갈기가?‬-What about you? You're not coming? -I'm going to call Pastor Jeon.
‪난 전 목사님한테‬ ‪연락 한번 해 보려고‬-What about you? You're not coming? -I'm going to call Pastor Jeon.
‪대통령이랑 친하니까‬ ‪뭐 도움이 되지 않을까?‬He's close with the president, so he might help us.
‪어, 그래그래‬Yeah, right.
‪그리고 너‬ ‪홍어랑 인삼주 보내드렸어?‬Hey, did you send him the skates and the ginseng liquor?
‪어, 홍어는 보냈는데‬I sent him the skates, but the ginseng liquor hadn't aged as much, so I was waiting…
‪인삼주 숙성이 덜 돼가‬ ‪내 나중에 보내려고…‬but the ginseng liquor hadn't aged as much, so I was waiting…
‪미친 새끼야, 인삼주 간다고‬ ‪내가 문자 드렸는데‬Are you fucking crazy? I texted him we'd be sending him a bottle. All right, I got it. I'll send it.
‪알았다, 빨리 보낼게‬All right, I got it. I'll send it.
‪일단 관리소 가가지고 확인하고‬ ‪내 연락할 테니까 소통하자‬I'm going to check in at the office, and I'll call you right after. -Keep me updated, okay? -Yeah.
‪- 어?‬ ‪- (인구) 알았어‬-Keep me updated, okay? -Yeah.
‪[문이 급하게 여닫힌다]‬
‪[휴대폰 조작음]‬
‪[통화 연결음]‬
‪(요환) 안녕하십니까, 형제님‬Hello, brother.
‪네, 안녕하세요, 목사님‬ ‪밤늦게 죄송합니다‬Hello, brother. Hello. I'm sorry for calling you at this hour.
‪(요환) 예, 아닙니다‬ ‪근데 어쩐 일이십니까?‬Oh, not at all. What seems to be the problem?
‪[난감한 신음] 정말 죄송한데요‬ ‪제가 난처한 일을 당해가지고요‬I'm so sorry, but I've been put into a really tight spot.
‪이렇게 염치 불고하고‬ ‪전화드렸습니다‬I'm so sorry, but I've been put into a really tight spot. I had no other choice but to make this call.
‪[음악이 멈춘다]‬
‪(요환) 주여, 어찌 이런 일이‬Lord, how could something like this happen?
‪[한숨] [입을 쯥 뗀다]‬
‪당황하지 마시고‬ ‪차분히 기다리세요‬Don't panic. Wait patiently.
‪제가 한번 알아보겠습니다‬I'll try and figure something out.
‪네, 감사합니다 목사님‬ ‪꼭 좀 부탁드리겠습니다‬Thank you so much, Pastor. Please help us.
‪그리고 인삼주는 곧 도착할 겁니다‬The ginseng liquor should be with you shortly.
‪(인구) 예, 예‬Yes.
‪[전화가 끊긴다]‬
‪[전화기를 내려놓는다]‬ ‪[한숨]‬
‪[통화 연결음]‬
‪[통화 연결음]‬
‪(음성 안내) [네덜란드어]‬ ‪사용자가 서비스 이탈 상태입니다‬The person you are trying to reach is outside of the service area.
‪음성 메시지를 남겨 주세요‬The person you are trying to reach is outside of the service area. Please leave a voice message.
‪[음성 녹음 신호음]‬
‪야, 박응수 너 어디야, 지금?‬Hey, Eungsoo, where the hell are you?
‪확인했으면 바로 전화해야지‬You were supposed to call me right away!
‪[휴대폰 종료음]‬
‪[사이렌 소리가 들린다]‬
‪[차가 급정거하는 소리]‬
‪[불길한 음악]‬
‪[차 문이 여닫힌다]‬
‪[철문을 거칠게 두드린다]‬
‪[철문을 연신 두드린다]‬
‪[영어] 무슨 일입니까?‬
‪[영어] 한국에서 온‬ ‪강인구 씨 되십니까?‬
‪[영문] 아뇨, 저는 중국 사람이고‬ ‪강인구 씨는 시내에 갔습니다‬
‪[쿵 소리가 난다]‬
‪[영문] 모자 벗어봐‬
‪(경찰) [네덜란드어] 빨리 잡아!‬Get him!
‪(경찰) [영어] 멈춰!‬
‪(경찰) [네덜란드어] 거기 서!‬Freeze!
‪(경찰) [영어] 멈추라고!‬
‪[아파하는 신음]‬
‪[공격하는 신음]‬ ‪[당황한 탄성]‬
‪[네덜란드어] 멈춰, 거기 서!‬Freeze!
‪(경찰) [영어] 꼼짝 마!‬
‪(경찰) [영어] 멈춰‬ ‪[네덜란드어] 손 들어!‬Hands up!

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