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  알고있지만 1

Nevertheless 1


♪ A snow field that nobody stepped on ♪ ♪ A dream that you Don't wanna wake up from ♪
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬[calm music]
‪(나비) 눈앞의 현실이‬ ‪비현실적으로 느껴질 때가 있다‬[Na-bi] Sometimes, the reality you're faced with seems unrealistic.
‪예고 없이 내린 눈으로‬ ‪순식간에 하얗게 변한 거리를 걷는‬Like, for instance, right now, as I blissfully walk along this street all covered in white,
‪바로 지금처럼‬as it snows.
‪(나비) 사랑을 할 때도 그렇다‬[Na-bi] I guess it's similar to when you're in love.
‪"사랑해! 언제나"‬♪ I don't know ♪
‪세상에서‬ ‪가장 특별한 존재가 된 것 같은‬[Na-bi] That sensation of being the most special person in the world.
‪비현실적인 느낌‬It kinda feels unrealistic.
‪(나비) 마음이 들뜬다‬[Na-bi] Your heart… it flutters.
‪[잔잔한 음악이 흘러나온다]‬ ‪(관람객1) 야, 근데 진짜 야하다‬[man 1] Looks pretty erotic, huh?
‪(관람객2) 그러니까‬[man 2] I know, right?
‪(관람객2) 근데 왜 제목이 '나비'지?‬[man 1] So why is it called "Nabi", then?
‪(관람객1) 그러네?‬[man 2] No idea.
‪(관람객2) 가자‬Let's go.
‪(관람객1) 우리 이제 뭐 보러 가?‬[man 1] What do we look at next? Let's go check this one.
‪(관람객2) 이거 보러 가자‬[man 1] What do we look at next? Let's go check this one. [man 2] This one?
‪(현우) 나비야‬[Hyeon-u] Na-bi.
‪- (관람객2) 나비?‬ ‪- (관람객3) 저 여자가 나비인가 봐‬[man 2] Wait, did he say "Nabi"?
‪(관람객2) 이름이 똑같은데?‬ ‪[사람들이 웅성거린다]‬[indistinct chattering]
‪(관람객3) 너무 야하잖아‬ ‪[관람객4의 웃음]‬
‪[사람들이 웅성거린다]‬[indistinct chattering continues]
‪(관람객5) 설마 애인으로 작업한 거야?‬[indistinct chattering continues]
‪[사람들이 연신 웅성거린다]‬
‪(현우) 예쁘지?‬[Hyeon-u] Pretty, right?
‪[사람들의 웃음]‬[indistinct chattering continues] -[people chuckling] -[indistinct chattering]
‪[쓸쓸한 음악]‬["Heavy Heart" by RIO playing]
‪나비야, 유나비!‬[Hyeon-u] Na-bi. -Yu Na-bi! -[receding footsteps]
‪[뛰어가는 발걸음]‬-Yu Na-bi! -[receding footsteps] [Na-bi] What is love, anyway?
‪(나비) 사랑은 뭘까?‬[Na-bi] What is love, anyway?
‪"사랑"‬["Heavy Heart" by RIO continues playing]
‪(나비) 그는 진지한 사람이었다‬[Na-bi] He was a very serious person.
‪(현우) 사랑이란 뭘까?‬[Hyeon-u] You wanna know what love is?
‪난해하고 낯선 무언가에‬It's something that constantly gives meaning…
‪끊임없이 의미를 부여하는 것‬to something so abstract and unfamiliar.
‪그게 진정한 사랑 아닐까?‬That's what I think true love is.
‪[달그락 소리가 난다]‬[cutlery clattering]
‪(나비) 어…‬Oh.
‪- (현우) 역시‬ ‪- (나비) 응?‬-[Hyeon-u] I knew it. -[Na-bi] Hm?
‪(현우) 사실 오늘 피자를 먹자고 한 건‬[Hyeon-u] The reason I asked if we could have pizza today
‪음식을 나눠 먹는 모습을 통해‬was so I could take a glimpse into your feelings
‪단적으로 드러나는‬ ‪네 마음을 엿보고 싶어서야‬by reading into your actions, like how you share your food.
‪- 내 마음?‬ ‪- (현우) 응‬-My feelings? -[Hyeon-u] Mm-hm.
‪(현우) 나에 대한 네 마음 말이야‬Especially your sincerity.
‪(현우) 오늘 밤 이 한 겹이‬ ‪씌워지느냐, 아니냐로‬Tonight, the sincerity of our relationship depends
‪우리 관계의 진정성이 확인될 거야‬on whether this final layer will come between us.
‪(나비) 거의 항상‬[Na-bi] Almost always…
‪아니, 그냥‬No, actually…
‪그는 항상‬He was always…
‪나비야, 솔직히 이건 아니잖아‬Ridiculous! Are you being serious right now?
‪뭐가?‬What do you mean?
‪(현우) 지나치게 독단적인 결정은‬ ‪자제해 줬으면 좋겠다‬I just wish you wouldn't make such erratic decisions out of nowhere.
‪어, 이거 손톱 바꾼 거 이상해?‬Oh, do my nails really look that weird?
‪(나비) 다들 예쁘다 그랬는데‬Everyone said they were pretty.
‪(현우) '다들'?‬"Everyone"? You should've asked for my opinion first
‪나라면 '다들'이 아니라‬ ‪애인을 제일 먼저 고려했을 거야‬"Everyone"? You should've asked for my opinion first before assuming it was fine with me.
‪너한테 나라는 존재는‬ ‪그저 또 다른 타인에 불과하구나?‬But I guess I'm just nothing to you. Practically a stranger to small-talk with.
‪지금 나 혼자 진지한 거니?‬Am I the only one serious here? [Na-bi] He's obsessed with putting meaning into everything,
‪(나비) 그 집착적인 의미 부여와‬ ‪끝도 없는 비유들‬[Na-bi] He's obsessed with putting meaning into everything, an endless metaphor addict.
‪[힘겨운 숨소리]‬[sobs]
‪내 작품이 부끄럽니?‬Was my work that embarrassing to you?
‪(현우) 그래서 울어?‬[Hyeon-u] Is that why you're crying?
‪나비야, 겉만 보지 말고‬ ‪그 안에 깃든 의미를 봐야지‬Na-bi. You can't just look at the exterior of things. You have to look at the meaning hidden inside of it.
‪[나비가 훌쩍인다]‬You have to look at the meaning hidden inside of it. [sniffles] You could've at least asked me about it first
‪(나비) 그래도 나한테 한 번만‬ ‪먼저 말해 줬으면 좋았잖아‬You could've at least asked me about it first before assuming it was fine with me.
‪[흐느낀다]‬before assuming it was fine with me. [cries]
‪(현우) 아이씨!‬ ‪야, 오빠 진짜 속상하다, 어?‬-[Hyeon-u] Come on! -[whimpers] [Hyeon-u] You're making me really upset, you know that?
‪날 가장 이해해 줄 거라고 믿은‬ ‪네가 이러면…‬And here I thought you'd be the one who'd understand me the most.
‪[현우의 답답한 신음]‬[sobbing]
‪(나비) 그게 특별한 거라고‬ ‪믿었던 때도 있었다‬[Na-bi] At one point, I used to believe it was all so special.
‪(친구1) 어유, 솔직히 난 잘 모르겠다‬[woman 1] Ew! I'm not sure if I like that. It's a little weird for me.
‪좀 특이한 거 같은데?‬It's a little weird for me.
‪(친구2) 널 너무 사랑해서‬ ‪그런 거라 했다며‬[woman 2] But he said he made it because he loves you, right?
‪예술가는 아무나 모델로 삼지 않잖아?‬These artists don't just use any random model they see.
‪그렇다면‬You know what I think?
‪[테이블을 톡톡 치며] 내 생각엔‬ ‪널 많이 아끼는 것 같아‬I think deep down, he really cares about you.
‪뮤즈, 뭐, 그런 거?‬You're like his artistic muse.
‪(친구1과 나비)‬ ‪- 뭐래? 야, 이거 진짜 아닌 것 같아‬ ‪- 뮤즈…‬-[woman 1] No. -Muse? [woman 1] He's definitely a weirdo for sure.
‪(친구2와 친구1)‬ ‪- 아니야, 이건 아트지, 괜찮은데?‬ ‪- 너 이게 아트로 보이냐?‬[woman 1] He's definitely a weirdo for sure. -[woman 2] It's art, you wouldn't get it. -[woman 1] You call that thing art?
‪(친구2) 괜찮은데?‬-[woman 2] It's art, you wouldn't get it. -[woman 1] You call that thing art?
‪(나비) 혼란스러웠다‬[Na-bi] It had perplexed me.
‪도대체 어디까지가…‬The boundaries of art.
‪[똑똑 소리가 들린다]‬ ‪(세영) 저기, 언니‬-[knocks on door] -[woman] Excuse me, hello?
‪언니 남자 친구 이름 유현우 맞죠?‬I really hope you don't mind me asking, but… Yu Hyeon-U is your boyfriend, right?
‪응, 맞는데, 왜?‬Mm. Yeah, he is. Why?
‪(세영) 이런 말‬ ‪해도 되는지 모르겠는데…‬[woman] I'm sorry, I'm not sure if I should tell you this, but…
‪제 친구가 그 학원에 다니거든요‬A friend of mine actually attends that academy.
‪(세영) 좀 됐다더라고요‬[woman] It's been going on for a while.
‪(나비) 현실을 깨닫게 되는 건‬[Na-bi] Suddenly, I realized the truth…
‪뜻밖에 한순간이었다‬at such an unexpected moment.
‪그리고 사실은‬ ‪이미 알고 있었던 것 같은 느낌‬But to be honest, it kinda felt like I already knew it.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬[calm music]
‪(나비) 하지만‬[Na-bi] However…
‪(현우) 나비야‬[Hyeon-u] Hey, Na-bi.
‪아휴, 학원에 전시 준비까지‬ ‪아주 죽겠다‬[Hyeon-U sighs] I've been swamped at the academy, plus the exhibition. Imagine it becomes successful, maybe I'll quit being a teacher
‪이번 전시 잘되면 강사 때려치우고‬Imagine it becomes successful, maybe I'll quit being a teacher and just focus on my art career.
‪작품 활동에 올인하려고‬and just focus on my art career.
‪아, 근데 작품 콘셉트가 좀 걸리네‬Although, I'm not so sure what theme to focus on.
‪백 작가님은 20대를 키치하고‬ ‪자유분방한 이미지로 잡으실 모양인데‬Mr. Baek wants to express the liveliness and vigor of people in their 20s… [Na-bi] This jerk doesn't know how to shut up.
‪[현우가 주절거린다]‬ ‪(나비) 자책만 하기에‬ ‪그 새끼는 너무 많이 떠들었다‬[Na-bi] This jerk doesn't know how to shut up. I can't believe I almost blamed myself.
‪(현우) 나비야‬Na-bi.
‪자세가 왜 이렇게 삐딱해‬ ‪오빠 지금 진지한 얘기 하는데‬What are you daydreaming for? I'm talking about something serious here. Pay attention.
‪개새끼‬God, you're an asshole.
‪[코웃음]‬[scoffs] [Hyeon-u] What?
‪(현우) 뭐?‬[Hyeon-u] What?
‪(나비) 사랑‬[Na-bi] Love.
‪사람들의 발에 밟히고‬Something that gets trampled on
‪허무하게 녹아 사라져 버리는‬while helplessly melting away.
‪아무것도 아닌 것‬As if it were nothing.
‪[경쾌한 음악]‬As if it were nothing.
‪나의 연애도 그렇게 끝이 났다‬Exactly how my relationship ended.
‪(여학생1) 나비, 어디 가?‬-[student 1] Na-bi, where are you off to? -I'm going to the studio.
‪작업실‬-[student 1] Na-bi, where are you off to? -I'm going to the studio.
‪- (여학생1) 이따 봐‬ ‪- (나비) 이따 봐‬ ‪[남학생1이 인사한다]‬-[student 1] See you around. -[Na-bi] See you later.
‪- (나비) 뭐 하냐?‬ ‪- (남학생2) 그냥 쉬고 있어‬What are you up to? -[student 2] Nothing, just chilling. -See you in there.
‪(나비) 빨리 와‬-[student 2] Nothing, just chilling. -See you in there.
‪[사람들의 웃음]‬ ‪(나비) 작업실 안 가냐?‬You guys heading to the studio?
‪- (여학생2) 먼저 가 있어‬ ‪- (여학생3) 어, 먼저 가 있어‬You go on ahead.
‪- (여학생4) 안녕‬ ‪- (나비) 왔어?‬-What's up? -Hey.
‪- (남학생3) 안녕‬ ‪- (나비) 안녕‬-[student 3] Heya. -Heya.
‪(남학생4) 나비, 안녕‬-[student 4] Hey, Na-bi. -Hi.
‪(나비) 하이‬-[student 4] Hey, Na-bi. -Hi.
‪[작업실이 소란스럽다]‬ ‪- (규현) 유나비, 으디 갔다 오냐?‬ ‪- (나비) 나 밖에‬[classmate 1] Hey, Na-bi, where you been? Just outside.
‪(세훈) 야, 유나비, 나 좀 도와줘‬[classmate 2] Na-bi, how about a little help here?
‪(나비) 너 혼자 좀 해‬[classmate 2] Na-bi, how about a little help here? You can handle it, relax.
‪(남학생5) 나비야, 진득하니 좀 하자‬[classmate 3] Na-bi, saw your sculpture trying to build itself.
‪(나비) 아이씨‬ ‪[남학생5의 아파하는 신음]‬[classmate 3] Na-bi, saw your sculpture trying to build itself. -[classmate 2] It's drying up. -[classmate 4] Hey, I need that yellow.
‪[나비의 한숨]‬[classmate 5] Coming through, guys. -[classmate 6] Yo! Help me with this. -[classmate 7] Good morning!
‪(빛나) 아, 이런 거지 같은 놈을 봤나‬[Bit-na] Amazing, looks like I won the jackass lottery.
‪(솔) 또 왜?‬[Sol] What is it?
‪(빛나) 아이, 자기…‬This prick!
‪자기가 먼저 모텔 싫다고‬ ‪호텔 가자 해 놓고선‬He's the one who suggested a hotel instead of a motel.
‪이제 와서 돈을 보내라네? 아…‬And now he wants me to chip in.
‪(지완) 누가? 어제 그 앱으로 만난 애?‬Who is it? That guy from the app yesterday?
‪(빛나) 어! 아이, 잘하기라도 했으면‬ ‪억울하지도 않지‬Yeah! I mean, I wouldn't be this upset if he actually had any game,
‪숙박은커녕 대실도 과분한 새끼였다고!‬Yeah! I mean, I wouldn't be this upset if he actually had any game, but it wasn't even worth spending the night with him!
‪(솔) 그런 애랑 왜 잤는데?‬So why'd you sleep with him, then?
‪보나 마나 잘생겼겠지, 뭐‬ ‪얘 얼빠잖아‬ ‪[빛나의 한숨]‬Guess he must've had a hell of a face, she can't resist handsome guys.
‪(빛나) 개빡친다‬[Bit-na] Great, I'm annoyed now.
‪야, 한 대 피우러 가자‬Smoke break, guys?
‪(지완) 으음, 나 잠깐 끊었어‬Hm, can't, I'm quitting for a while.
‪[애교스럽게] 3일 뒤까지 금연이에요‬ ‪금연이에요‬[in cutesy voice] Ji-wan won't be smoking for three days. -Wow, three days! -Hey, psycho, what's in three days?
‪그건 또 뭐야, 뭐, 3일 뒤 뭔데?‬-Wow, three days! -Hey, psycho, what's in three days?
‪(지완) 소개팅‬ ‪날짜 잡힌 김에 한번 끊어 보고‬A blind date. So I'm quitting until then. And if I don't start shaking, I might keep it up.
‪할 만하다 싶으면 좀 더 참아 보려고‬And if I don't start shaking, I might keep it up.
‪- 소개팅을 또 해?‬ ‪- (빛나) 와, 너도 참 대단하다‬-Another blind date? -[Bit-na] Girl, you're unbelievable.
‪남자가 그렇게 좋니?‬Are you that addicted to men?
‪네가 할 소리는 아니거든요?‬Look who's talking, Miss Fell-for-the-Hotel.
‪(빛나) 그렇긴 해‬Look who's talking, Miss Fell-for-the-Hotel. Point taken.
‪(솔) 아, 시끄러워‬So loud in here.
‪- (솔) 작업할 거지?‬ ‪- (지완) 응!‬-Going to work? -Mm.
‪[지완이 살짝 웃는다]‬Hm.
‪- (빛나) 진짜 안 가?‬ ‪- (나비) 가‬-[Na-bi] Bye! -Are you serious?
‪(지완) 안 가‬[Ji-wan] See ya!
‪와, 그럼 난 누구랑 담배 피우러 가냐‬Whoa! Who am I supposed to smoke with now?
‪혼자 담배 피우러 갔다가‬ ‪납치라도 당해 봐‬What if I get kidnapped while smoking by myself?
‪(빛나) 집에 계신 어머니‬ ‪절 위해 울어 주실 건가요‬ ‪[연필을 탁 내려놓는다]‬What if I get kidnapped while smoking by myself? And when my mother gets -a phone call from them. -Okay, I'll go with you.
‪같이 가, 같이 가‬-a phone call from them. -Okay, I'll go with you.
‪[웃으며] 너뿐이야‬[giggles] You're the best.
‪- (빛나) 컴 온, 걸‬ ‪- 방금 들어왔는데‬-[Bit-na] Come on, girl. -And just when I got here.
‪[흥겨운 음악이 들려온다]‬ ‪[빛나의 웃음]‬[Bit-na laughing]
‪(나비) 아, 갈게, 갈게‬ ‪갈게, 갈게, 갈게‬I'm going. -You don't have to drag me along. -Just a little bit more.
‪(빛나) 조금 남았다‬-You don't have to drag me along. -Just a little bit more.
‪(나비) 넌 어떻게 담배 피울 때마다‬ ‪여길 올라가냐?‬[Na-bi] Don't tell me you climb up all these stairs
‪- (빛나) 담배 피울 때마다 가야지‬ ‪- (나비) 아, 진짜‬-every time you smoke. -I really don't mind if it's for a drag.
‪[새가 지저귄다]‬ ‪(빛나) 여기에서 괜찮으면 오른쪽‬ ‪별로면 왼쪽으로 넘겨‬[Bit-na] If he's okay, you swipe right. If it's a no, then you swipe left.
‪그러다가 둘 다 오른쪽으로 넘겨지면‬ ‪딱 매치가 되는 거지‬[Bit-na] If he's okay, you swipe right. If it's a no, then you swipe left. And if you both end up swiping right for each other, you got yourself a match.
‪(나비) 매치가 되면?‬And then after that?
‪(빛나) 뭐, 이걸로‬ ‪메시지 좀 주고받다가‬You two send each other messages
‪괜찮으면 톡으로 넘어가고‬back and forth from the app and if it's going well,
‪그러다 마음에 들면 만나기도 하고‬ ‪[나비의 호응하는 신음]‬then maybe you'll decide to meet up and stuff.
‪근데 오늘은 영…‬Guess today's not my day. But nobody actually uses their real names here, right?
‪(나비) 야, 근데 여기서는 다‬ ‪본명 안 쓰지?‬But nobody actually uses their real names here, right?
‪(빛나) 응‬ ‪난 내 프사도 내 뒷모습이야‬Mm, I don't show my face, either.
‪근데 케바케긴 해, 뭐, 얼굴이랑 신상‬ ‪다 까는 사람도 있고‬But some people go ahead and just reveal their names and faces for everyone. Oh, I hate it when they have tattoos like this.
‪아! 이런 문신 완전 극혐‬Oh, I hate it when they have tattoos like this.
‪(나비) 문신?‬ ‪[빛나의 한숨]‬Oh, I hate it when they have tattoos like this. -[Na-bi] Tattoos? -[Bit-na sighs]
‪(빛나) 어제 그 새끼 몸에도‬ ‪몸에 대문짝만한 문신이 있었는데‬[Bit-na] Yep, in fact, the guy I met yesterday had a huge tattoo on him as well.
‪뭐라 쓰여 있는 줄 아니?‬You wanna know what it said?
‪'I will never die', 'die'…‬"I will never die." "Die." How? False advertising.
‪아니, 아니, 뻑하면 죽으면서‬ ‪'never die'가 뭐야?‬"Die." How? False advertising. That thing of his just kept dying and dying--
‪- (빛나) 'never die'가…‬ ‪- (나비) 야, 좀 조용히 좀 해‬That thing of his just kept dying and dying-- -Keep it down, you're crazy. -It was so ridiculous.
‪[나비의 웃음]‬ ‪(빛나) 겁나 어이없어‬-Keep it down, you're crazy. -It was so ridiculous.
‪근데 문신도 잘하면 예쁘던데?‬Some tattoos kinda look pretty, though.
‪(빛나) 누구?‬Like whose?
‪(나비) 응?‬Hm?
‪너 남자 생겼냐?‬Are you seeing someone?
‪(나비) 아, 뭐래‬Uh… Not what I said.
‪무슨 남자야, 무슨‬Like, as if I would.
‪[나비의 헛기침]‬ ‪[빛나가 혀를 쯧 찬다]‬[clears throat]
‪[빛나의 힘주는 신음]‬[grunts] You wanna join us for drinks later? It'll be fun.
‪(빛나) 나 오늘 애들이랑‬ ‪술 먹으러 갈 건데, 같이 갈래?‬You wanna join us for drinks later? It'll be fun.
‪아니, 난 됐다, 나 오늘 야작 하려고‬No, I think I'm fine. Besides, I'm going to work late.
‪[나비의 힘주는 신음]‬ ‪또?‬Again? Wow!
‪와, 너는 진짜 무슨 재미로 사냐?‬Again? Wow! -Your life must be incredibly mundane. -Whatever.
‪뭐‬-Your life must be incredibly mundane. -Whatever.
‪(빛나) 쟤, 우리 과 후배인데‬ ‪너랑 술 마셔 보고 싶대‬Look. It's one of our juniors. Said he wants to buy you a drink.
‪[남학생들이 두런거린다]‬ ‪- (남학생6) 오늘도 밤새워야지‬ ‪- (남학생7) 어제도 밤새웠는데…‬[student 1] I'm stuck. -[student 2] I haven't slept. -[student 3] Sucks, dude.
‪나 남자 친구랑 헤어진 지‬ ‪얼마 되지도 않았는데, 무슨‬ ‪[빛나를 툭 친다]‬Unless you have amnesia, I just got out of a relationship.
‪아, 야, 아, 누가 뭐래?‬Hey, that's not what I meant.
‪(빛나) 그냥 다 같이 아는데‬ ‪너희 둘은 모르니까‬We all know each other except for you,
‪그냥 서로 안면 좀 트자‬ ‪이런 거지, 그냥‬so I just thought I'd introduce you to each other.
‪아, 아, 아무튼‬Um… just not right now.
‪[한숨 쉬며] 재미없어‬God, you are so boring.
‪[놀라며] 어, 방금‬[gasps] Oh, my god!
‪방금 실수로‬ ‪겁나 잘생긴 사람 넘겨 버렸어‬I accidentally swiped left on a total hottie!
‪(나비) 어디, 어디?‬ ‪어디, 어디, 어디, 어디…‬I accidentally swiped left on a total hottie! -What the hell did I-- -Show me, show me, show me. -Let me see. -Oh! I'll never be able to see him again.
‪(빛나) [한숨 쉬며] 이제 다시는 못 봐‬-Let me see. -Oh! I'll never be able to see him again.
‪[나비의 한숨]‬ ‪근데 유나비 너 오늘 좀 낯설다?‬You know, you're acting a little unlike yourself today.
‪왜 또, 뭐? 뭐가, 왜?‬Well, what do I do? How should I act?
‪하긴 똥차 보냈으니까‬ ‪이제 새 차 타야지, 응?‬Let's see. Out with the old jerk and in with the new one. Hmm?
‪[피식 웃으며] 뭐…‬[snorts]
‪- 근데 너는 이거 안 돼‬ ‪- (나비) 왜?‬-But this app isn't for you. -Why not?
‪이쁘게 생겨 가지고‬ ‪남자 보는 눈이 없으니까‬You're pretty, I'll give you that, but you have absolutely no taste.
‪괜히 파리들만 꼬인다고‬-You'll only attract the losers. -Hey!
‪- 야‬ ‪- (빛나) 응?‬-You'll only attract the losers. -Hey! Hmm?
‪뭐, 쯧‬Well… [clicks tongue]
‪그럴 수도‬I don't know yet.
‪(빛나) 진짜 안 가?‬-Final answer? -Mm.
‪(나비) 응, 재밌게 놀아‬-Final answer? -Mm. You girls have fun.
‪재미없어‬[inhales] God, you're so boring.
‪- (나비) 이따 연락해‬ ‪- (빛나) 어‬-Call me later, okay? -[Bit-na] Uh-huh.
‪[나비의 한숨]‬-Call me later, okay? -[Bit-na] Uh-huh.
‪[문이 달칵 여닫힌다]‬[door closes]
‪[따뜻한 음악]‬[door closes]
‪[편안한 숨소리]‬[sighs]
‪[가게가 소란스럽다]‬
‪[머들러를 달그락 놓는다]‬[clanks]
‪[차분한 음악이 흘러나온다]‬
‪[사람들이 두런거린다]‬[indistinct chatter]
‪(손님1) 저 남자 봐 봐‬
‪(손님2) 오, 잘생겼다‬
‪(손님3) 너무 잘생겼다, 진짜‬
‪[여자들이 웅성거린다]‬
‪(재언) 와 있었네요?‬[man] You got here first.
‪[차분한 음악]‬[calm music]
‪누구세요?‬Sorry, who are you?
‪소리 씨 아니에요?‬You're So-ri, aren't you?
‪아니요, 전 유나비라고 하는…‬Uh, no, my name is Yu Na-bi, actually.
‪(나비) 데요‬[Na-bi] Na-bi.
‪(재언) 나비?‬[man] Na-bi?
‪[차분한 음악]‬
‪아…‬Oh. [chuckles]
‪[살짝 웃는다]‬Oh. [chuckles]
‪제가 사람을 착각했나 보네요‬I guess I mistook you for someone else, then.
‪죄송합니다‬Terribly sorry.
‪괜찮아요‬No, it's fine.
‪(나비) 우습게도‬ ‪그와 눈이 마주친 순간‬[Na-bi] It's silly, but right at the moment our eyes met…
‪[따뜻한 음악]‬[soft romantic music]
‪불과 1분 전까지만 해도‬[Na-bi] Suddenly, the pain of the breakup
‪날 무겁게 짓누르던 실연의 아픔이‬that had been weighing down on me just a minute ago…
‪[다가오는 발걸음]‬
‪앉아도 돼요?‬You mind if I sit here?
‪이미 앉았잖아요‬You're already sitting there, though.
‪일행 있어요?‬Are you here with someone?
‪아니요, 없어요‬I'm not with anyone.
‪(나비) 눈 녹듯 사라졌다‬[Na-bi] …melted away like snow.
‪근데 누구랑 약속 있는 거 아니었어요?‬But then, what about… You sure? Aren't you here to meet with someone?
‪좀 전에 저랑 누구랑 착각했다면서요‬What about whoever it was you said that you mistook me for?
‪취소했어요‬I canceled on her.
‪(재언) 그냥‬[man] Because… [soft romantic music continues]
‪만날 필요 없을 것 같아서‬I felt like I didn't need to meet her tonight.
‪[잔잔한 음악이 흘러나온다]‬ ‪[나비의 놀란 숨소리]‬-[gasps] -[machine chimes]
‪[다트 머신 효과음이 흘러나온다]‬-[gasps] -[machine chimes] [man] Loser grants the winner a wish, right?
‪(재언) 이긴 사람 소원 들어주기‬ ‪안 잊었죠?‬[man] Loser grants the winner a wish, right? A deal's a deal.
‪(나비) 완전 사기당했어‬[Na-bi] That's not fair, you conned me into it.
‪- 아…‬ ‪- (재언) 하던 얘기 마저 해 봐요‬-Aw. -[man] All right. Where was it we left off?
‪오늘 헤어졌다고?‬So you broke up today?
‪완전 찼어요, 제가‬I flat-out dumped the guy.
‪나쁜 사람이었나 보네‬Guess he wasn't exactly a stud.
‪(나비) 그냥 뭐‬[Na-bi] Actually…
‪웃긴 놈이었어요‬ ‪[다트 머신 효과음이 흘러나온다]‬he was a complete joke.
‪만난 내가 등신이지‬I was an idiot for going out with him.
‪아, 차라리 잘됐어요‬ ‪이제 마음 편히 한국 떠야지‬[sighs] To hell with him. Nothing's holding me back from going abroad now.
‪- 여행?‬ ‪- (나비) 교환 학생‬-Sightseeing? -As an exchange student.
‪파리로 가는 게 제 목표예요‬I've always had this dream of going to Paris.
‪멋지다‬Pretty cool.
‪(나비) 아직 멀었어요, 여행 좋아해요?‬Not anytime soon, though. Do you like traveling?
‪제대로 가 본 적이 없어서‬ ‪연말에 가려고요‬I've never traveled properly before. -At the end of the year, maybe. -Who with?
‪누구랑?‬-At the end of the year, maybe. -Who with?
‪혼자?‬With anyone?
‪(나비) 뭐, 친구? 아니면…‬Or alone? With a friend? Or…
‪애인?‬A girlfriend?
‪글쎄‬Not sure yet.
‪뭐든‬With anyone.
‪[다트 핀이 탁 꽂힌다]‬ ‪[다트 머신 효과음이 흘러나온다]‬[thuds] [machine chimes]
‪(재언) 여기‬[man] Here you go.
‪(나비) 이제 제 차례죠?‬So it's my turn now, right?
‪[재언이 피식 웃는다]‬[dart clattering]
‪[나비의 멋쩍은 웃음]‬[Na-bi sighing]
‪왜 이렇게 안 되지‬When I do it, why is it so hard?
‪(재언) 많이 안 해 봤으니까‬You haven't had enough practice.
‪계속하다 보면‬ ‪나한테 맞는 방법을 찾게 돼요‬You keep doing it often enough, you'll get the hang of it, just like with everything else.
‪어디 꽂혀도 상관없으니까‬Don't think about the exact spot you need to hit.
‪저기, 불 근처에만‬ ‪닿으면 된다는 생각으로‬As long as you try and get it anywhere near that red dot.
‪가볍게‬It's simple enough.
‪[강조되는 효과음]‬
‪[다트 머신 효과음이 흘러나온다]‬ ‪[나비의 놀란 탄성]‬[gasps] Oh!
‪[나비의 신난 신음]‬[laughing]
‪[나비의 웃음]‬[giggling]
‪의외네?‬Well, that's different.
‪(나비) 뭐가요?‬What do you mean?
‪(재언) 웃으니까 좀 달라서‬You look a bit different when you're smiling.
‪[살짝 웃으며] 뭐라는 거야‬I have no idea what you're saying.
‪비켜 봐요‬Move your butt over.
‪[다트 머신 효과음이 흘러나온다]‬ ‪[나비의 헛웃음]‬-[dart clatters] -[both chuckle softly]
‪(재언) 내가 이겼네‬[man] Looks like I won.
‪(나비) [웃으며] 당연하죠‬[laughing] Of course you did.
‪졌는데 되게 좋아하네?‬You seem pretty happy for a loser.
‪뭐, 재밌었으니까?‬Well… maybe it was more fun than I thought.
‪그러네‬It sure is.
‪나비 씨랑 있으니까 재밌네‬Anyway, it's just fun being with you in general.
‪(나비) 이 인간‬[Na-bi] This guy…
‪[어색한 웃음]‬[nervous laugh]
‪심장에 좀 해롭다‬…is seriously bad for my heart.
‪[나비의 어색한 웃음]‬…is seriously bad for my heart. Right. [nervous chuckle]
‪[나비의 헛기침]‬[clears throat]
‪- 가볍게‬ ‪- (나비) 가볍게‬-Simple enough. -Simple enough.
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬[phone vibrating]
‪(나비) 어, 엄마‬[Na-bi] Hi, Mom.
‪(정란) 딸, 이모가‬ ‪너 좋아하는 장조림 새로 했다는데‬[Jeong-ran] Honey, your aunt made soy-braised beef. Want me to send some over? It's your favorite.
‪보내라 할까?‬Want me to send some over? It's your favorite. No need.
‪(나비) 아니, 저번에 준 것도‬ ‪아직 한참 남았어‬No need. I still have a lot left over from last time.
‪(정란) 남은 건 그냥 버리고‬[Jeong-ran] Throw away the leftovers, then.
‪내일 보내 줄 테니까 그거 먹어‬Then eat the new one she'll be sending in.
‪아, 뭐, 툭하면 버리래, 엄마는, 끊어‬You're always telling me to throw away stuff. Bye. [Jeong-ran] Why is my baby in such a grouchy mood?
‪(정란) 뭐 때문에 또 배배 꼬이셨어?‬[Jeong-ran] Why is my baby in such a grouchy mood?
‪귀한 딸내미 헌거 말고‬ ‪새거 먹으라는 건데?‬I just want my daughter to always have the freshest stuff.
‪아무튼 됐어‬I'm fine, Mom.
‪(정란) 너 집에는 언제 오게?‬[Jeong-ran] When are you planning on coming home, then?
‪지하철로 한 시간이면 오면서‬It's only an hour away by subway, but for some reason, you never come home.
‪어떻게 한 번을 안 오니?‬It's only an hour away by subway, but for some reason, you never come home.
‪아, 그야 가면 아저씨 있으니…‬Because I don't wanna be there while he's…
‪아, 요즘 과제가 좀 많아, 내가‬It's just that the workload at school is a bit too much.
‪(나비) 똘이 잘 있어?‬[Na-bi] How's Ttoli doing?
‪(정란) 똘이는 맨날 언니 보고 싶다고‬ ‪낑낑거리지‬[Jeong-ran] The usual. Ttoli is always whimpering and whining because she misses you.
‪남친 데리고 와‬ ‪엄마가 맛있는 거 사 줄게‬Bring your boyfriend over. I'll buy you some delicious food. There is no boyfriend. [sighs]
‪남친은 무슨‬There is no boyfriend. [sighs]
‪(정란) 뭐야, 헤어졌어?‬[Jeong-ran] What? Did you break up?
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬[tense music]
‪엄마, 잠깐만, 나 끊어 봐‬Mom, I need to hang up for now, okay?
‪[통화 종료음]‬[tense music]
‪[아련한 음악]‬[soft piano music]
‪(재언) 넌 왜 이름이 나비야?‬[man] Why were you named after a butterfly?
‪[쓱쓱 그림을 그린다]‬
‪평생 꿀만 빨고 살라고‬So that my life would be as sweet as sugar.
‪(나비) 우리 이모랑 엄마랑 합작‬It was my mom and aunt's idea.
‪[나비의 웃음]‬-[both laughing] -I'm just kidding.
‪뻥이고‬-[both laughing] -I'm just kidding.
‪너 너새니얼 호손이라고 알아?‬Have you ever heard of Nathaniel Hawthorne?
‪우리 이모가 제일 좋아하는 작가인데‬Well, he's basically my aunt's favorite author.
‪그 사람이 이런 말을 했대‬He said something that goes like…
‪아, 이거 좀 오글거리는데‬Wait, I'm just a little nervous. Wait. [chuckling]
‪'행복은 나비와 같다'‬It's cringey, but what he said was,
‪'잡으려 하면 항상 달아나지만'‬"Happiness is a butterfly, which when pursued,
‪'조용히 앉아 있으면‬ ‪스스로 너의 어깨에 내려와 앉는다'‬is always beyond our grasp, but sit quietly, it may alight upon you."
‪그래서 내가 나비야‬And that's it, my name's back story.
‪별거 없지?‬It's nothing special.
‪아니‬You're wrong.
‪너무 좋은데?‬Because I loved it.
‪[재언이 입바람을 후 분다]‬
‪[입바람을 후 분다]‬
‪(나비) 너는 그거 목에‬[Na-bi] That tattoo on the back of your neck.
‪나비인가?‬Is it a butterfly?
‪(재언) 응‬Mm-hm.
‪나비를‬I like butterflies.
‪좋아해‬A lot.
‪[피식 웃는다]‬[laughs]
‪다 됐다‬We're all done.
‪[재언이 펜을 툭 내려놓는다]‬
‪(나비) [웃으며] 귀엽다‬[laughing] It looks cute.
‪근데 이거 진짜 소원 맞아?‬You sure this is how you want to use your wish?
‪소원치고는 너무 소박한데?‬Seems like a simple thing to spend it on.
‪그럼‬Should I…
‪다른 거?‬ask for another one?
‪[부드러운 음악]‬[soft music]
‪[재언이 피식 웃는다]‬[chuckles]
‪[나비가 살짝 웃는다]‬[Na-bi chuckles]
‪(나비) [피식 웃으며] 어이없어‬[giggles] This is stupid.
‪뭐가?‬What do you mean?
‪[재언이 라이터를 딸각 연다]‬ ‪[재언이 라이터를 탁 켠다]‬[lighter clicks]
‪[재언이 라이터를 탁 닫는다]‬
‪(나비) 오늘 달 예쁘다‬[Na-bi] The moon looks so pretty today.
‪[웃음]‬[laughs softly]
‪(재언) 피울래?‬Want one?
‪하나 남은 거 주는 거야‬Take it, it's my lucky stick.
‪(나비) 어…‬Uh… Actually, I don't really smoke.
‪나는 담배 안 피우는데…‬Uh… Actually, I don't really smoke.
‪(취객) [술 취한 말투로] 저기요‬ ‪혹시 담배 하나만 빌…‬[woman] Excuse me. Would you happen to have a cigar--
‪[웃으며] 아휴, 아, 술이 확 깨네‬Oh. [chuckles] [woman laughing] Whoa! Suddenly, I'm all sober now.
‪저기요, 저 담배 하나만 빌려줘 봐요‬How's it going? Haven't seen you around here. Can I borrow a ciggy?
‪내가 나중에 우연히 만나면‬ ‪꼭 갚을게, 네?‬I'll return the favor the next time we bump into each other. You can call me if you need it back, yeah?
‪(재언) 있긴 한데‬[man] Yeah, there's one left…
‪(취객) 씨, 뭐야, 씨‬[woman] Shit, what the hell, dude? Sheesh.
‪[재언이 라이터를 딸각 연다]‬[lighter clicks]
‪[감성적인 음악]‬
‪왜 웃는데?‬What are you smiling for?
‪[재언이 라이터를 탁 켠다]‬["Sweetbitter" by RIO continues playing]
‪[재언이 라이터를 탁 닫는다]‬
‪[나비가 콜록거린다]‬[Na-bi coughing]
‪(재언) 괜찮아?‬ ‪[콜록거린다]‬[man] You all right?
‪(나비) 어‬Yeah, I'm fine now.
‪괜찮아‬Yeah, I'm fine now.
‪나비 보러 갈래?‬Do you want to go see butterflies?
‪나비가 어디 있는데?‬See butterflies? What do you mean? Where?
‪우리 집‬At my place.
‪나 잠깐 화장실 좀‬Hold on a minute. I need to go to the bathroom.
‪[밝은 음악이 흘러나온다]‬
‪(재언) 뭐 해?‬[man] What's up?
‪나도 보고 싶지‬Yeah, I miss you too.
‪지금 잘 거야?‬Are you going to sleep now?
‪[재언이 피식 웃는다]‬
‪응‬[man] Mmm.
‪(경준) 뭐야, 그래서 그냥 나왔다고?‬[Gyeong-jun] What? So after that, you just left?
‪(경준) 그 뒤로 연락은?‬ ‪[발랄한 음악]‬Did you call him after?
‪(나비) 연락은 무슨‬Of course I didn't.
‪저 걔 이름도 몰라요‬ ‪난 내 이름 어원까지 밝혔는데‬I didn't even get his name after telling him where my name came from.
‪(민영) 답지 않게 큰 용기 냈는데‬ ‪안됐네‬Just when you finally mustered up enough courage.
‪[나비의 한숨]‬[Na-bi sighs]
‪그건 또 뭔데?‬What's that on your arm?
‪(나비) 아, 이거? 이거…‬[Na-bi] Oh, this? It's nothing.
‪이거 아무것도 아니에요‬Just a little doodle.
‪(경준) [손가락을 딱 튀기며] 사랑이네‬[snaps fingers] That's a sign of love.
‪아, 진짜, 그런 거 아니라고요‬Ah, no. It's nothing like that. Shut up!
‪- 그럼 뭔데?‬ ‪- (민영) 욕정?‬-So what is it then? -It's lust?
‪아, 몰라요, 그냥‬I don't know. It's just…
‪재밌었어요‬-It was really fun. -That's wonderful.
‪(경준) 뭐든 간에‬-It was really fun. -That's wonderful. It's hard to find someone that you feel an instant connection with.
‪단번에 그렇게 끌리는 사람 만나는 게‬ ‪이게 쉬운 게 아니거든‬It's hard to find someone that you feel an instant connection with. [Gyeong-jun] You ought to consider yourself lucky.
‪(민영) 아, 됐어‬ ‪여친 있는 거 같다며?‬[Gyeong-jun] You ought to consider yourself lucky. Doesn't matter. You said he already has a girlfriend.
‪아무튼 바람피우는 놈들은‬ ‪상종을 말아야 돼‬Cheaters are bad news. You should never hang out with them.
‪아참, 과사 알바 공고 올려야 되는데‬Oh, that's right. I need to post that part-time job ad.
‪아니면 애들 좀 추려서 물어볼까?‬Or maybe I should ask some of the kids instead.
‪(경준) 그러자‬ ‪[민영의 헛기침]‬Go ahead. -[clears throat] -How about Jae-eon then?
‪재언이 어때?‬-[clears throat] -How about Jae-eon then?
‪(민영) 글쎄, 걔가 한다고 하겠어?‬I'm not sure. Would he actually even do it?
‪내가 한번 꼬셔 볼게‬Just leave it to me. I'll try to convince him.
‪[경준이 살짝 웃는다]‬-[Gyeoing-jun chuckles] -[knocks on door]
‪[노크 소리가 들린다]‬-[Gyeoing-jun chuckles] -[knocks on door]
‪(솔) 안녕하십니까‬-Hello, everyone. -[Gyeong-jun] Oh.
‪(경준) 어, 도레미파솔, 솔이 왔네‬-Hello, everyone. -[Gyeong-jun] Oh. [in singsong] ♪ Do, re, mi, fa, sol, Sol is here ♪
‪[경준이 살짝 웃는다]‬ ‪[솔의 어색한 웃음]‬[in singsong] ♪ Do, re, mi, fa, sol, Sol is here ♪
‪(솔) 저 오늘 교수님이랑 상담하러…‬Can you check? -I have a meeting with the professor. -Right. Yeah. Go together with Na-bi.
‪(민영) 아, 어, 둘이 같이 들어가‬-I have a meeting with the professor. -Right. Yeah. Go together with Na-bi.
‪- (나비) 어… 둘이 같이?‬ ‪- (솔) 두, 둘이?‬-To… Together? -Together? Both of us?
‪(나비) 아니, 아니요‬ ‪그, 솔이 먼저 해도 상관없는데, 네‬[Na-bi] It's okay with me. -Sol can go have her meeting first. -Uh-huh. [Min-yeong] Trust me, it'll be a waste of time.
‪(민영) 뭐 하러 그래, 시간 아깝게‬[Min-yeong] Trust me, it'll be a waste of time.
‪둘 다 오늘 교환 학생 얘기잖아‬It's about the exchange student program, right?
‪이 교수님 잔소리‬ ‪일대일이면 더 길어지는 거 알지?‬If you both get on one-on-one, the prof's nagging will just get longer.
‪(솔) 네‬Right.
‪(나비) 네‬Right.
‪- (나비) 안녕히 계세요‬ ‪- (솔) 안녕히 계십시오‬-I'll be going, then. -Thank you, bye.
‪[문이 달칵 여닫힌다]‬ ‪(경준) [웃으며] 하여간에 눈치가 없어‬[chuckling] That was funny. -You're really clueless, aren't you? -What? How so?
‪왜? 뭐가?‬-You're really clueless, aren't you? -What? How so?
‪(경준) 아, 나비‬You see Na-bi? She started feeling uncomfortable
‪솔이랑 비교될까 봐‬ ‪같이 들어가기 불편해하는 거잖아‬You see Na-bi? She started feeling uncomfortable because she didn't want to be compared to Sol in there.
‪아, 그런 거였어?‬because she didn't want to be compared to Sol in there. Oh, I didn't notice that.
‪(이 교수) 다 센 곳들만 뽑아 왔네?‬You only picked the hard places to get in.
‪나비 너 당장은 여기 다 안 돼‬Na-bi, it's hard to get accepted to any of these.
‪간당간당하다고, 너도 알지?‬[Professor] These schools are very strict. You know that, correct?
‪(이 교수) 못한다는 거 아니야‬ ‪잘하고 있는데‬I'm not saying you're bad. In fact, you're doing just fine.
‪아, 티오가 워낙 적으니까‬But there are only a limited number of spots.
‪[잔을 탁 놓으며] 당장‬ ‪이번 학기 성적부터 올려야 돼‬But there are only a limited number of spots. You'll have to raise your GPA to stand a chance.
‪더 열심히, 오케이?‬[Professor] Work harder, okay?
‪네‬Yes, ma'am.
‪(이 교수) [안경을 달그락 벗으며]‬ ‪그리고‬Remember, going abroad isn't always the best course of action.
‪무조건 외국 나가는 게 답은 아니다‬Remember, going abroad isn't always the best course of action.
‪국내에 남는 게‬ ‪오히려 현명한 방법일 수도 있어‬Staying in Korea might be the better option in the long run.
‪뭐, 여기 대학원도 괜찮아‬Our local graduate schools are good.
‪사실 한국 사람한테‬ ‪한국만큼 편한 곳이 어디 있겠어‬Besides, you know what they say. There's no place like Korea for Koreans.
‪안 그래?‬[Professor] Yeah?
‪그, 그렇죠, 네, 그렇죠‬Yeah, I agree. Yeah, that's right.
‪(이 교수) 다음에‬ ‪다시 더 얘기해 보는 걸로 하고, 어?‬That's good. We'll talk about this next time, okay?
‪솔이 넌 어쩔 생각이야?‬And you, Sol? What happened to your list?
‪아직 조교한테 리스트 안 넘겼다며?‬I've been waiting but you haven't submitted it yet.
‪네, 아직 좀…‬Yeah, I haven't yet. You could be starting as soon as next semester. What are you waiting for?
‪(이 교수) 아니, 당장 다음 학기에도‬ ‪갈 수 있는데 뭘 망설여?‬You could be starting as soon as next semester. What are you waiting for?
‪뭐, 말 못 할 사정이라도 있는 거야?‬Something going on that's holding you back in any way?
‪아니요, 그냥…‬There isn't, it's just…
‪곧 결정해서 말씀드릴게요, 교수님‬Don't worry, I'll be making my decision soon, ma'am.
‪그래‬All right. Though I would honestly prefer you make it sooner.
‪이왕이면 난 서둘렀으면 한다‬All right. Though I would honestly prefer you make it sooner.
‪(이 교수) 시간 아깝잖아‬[professor] It's such a waste of time.
‪떠나기 전에야‬ ‪여기랑 뭐가 다를까 싶지만‬You might be thinking it's not gonna be different from studying here.
‪확실히 더 넓은 세상에서‬ ‪배울 수 있는 건 따로 있어, 응?‬But there are a lot of things you can learn out there, hmm?
‪정리를 참 잘해 왔어‬This is a great list right here.
‪너 이거 가져가서 좀 보고‬ ‪빠른 시일 내로 마음 정해 봐‬So why don't you take a look at this and make your decision in the near future.
‪(솔) 네‬Okay.
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪[이 교수의 못마땅한 신음]‬[Professor sighs]
‪너희 둘 다 낯빛이 왜 이렇게 어둡니?‬What is this gloom and doom from the both of you?
‪한창 빛나야 할 청춘들이, 어?‬You two ought to be shining at this age, right?
‪(이 교수) 너무 작업실에만‬ ‪처박혀 있지 마‬You can't stay holed up in a studio all day.
‪삶에 다양한 이벤트를‬ ‪많이많이 만들어야‬You should be active in creating eventful life experiences
‪이게, 이게, 영감이 이게‬ ‪팍팍 살아나지 않겠어? 어?‬You should be active in creating eventful life experiences because that is the well of inspiration you must draw from.
‪(솔) 네‬Yeah.
‪[솔의 한숨]‬
‪[문이 탁 닫힌다]‬ ‪(솔) 아, 오늘도 영감 소리만‬ ‪한 백 번 하신 것 같다‬[Sol groaning] [Sol] She must've said the word "inspiration" over a 100 times.
‪[솔의 한숨]‬[sighing] Keep it, you can have it.
‪(나비) 아이, 너 봐 봐, 한번‬[sighing] Keep it, you can have it.
‪어차피 너 필요하다 그러면‬ ‪파일 주려고 했었어‬I was gonna give you this file if you needed it anyway.
‪(솔) 고마워, 잘 볼게‬Thanks. It'll be helpful.
‪(나비) 아, 근데 너무 부끄럽다‬[groans] It was so embarrassing back there.
‪(솔) 뭐가?‬What was?
‪(나비) 아, 그냥 주제도 모르고‬ ‪높은 대학만 잔뜩 써 온 거‬I listed up all the great universities without even thinking about my grades.
‪부럽다, 윤솔, 갈 수 있는 데 많아서‬I'm jealous of you, Sol. You can pretty much go anywhere.
‪[솔이 피식 웃는다]‬ ‪[솔이 입소리를 쩝 낸다]‬[Sol chuckles]
‪(솔) 근데 꼭 나가는 게 답일까?‬I don't think going abroad is the best idea.
‪솔직히 그냥 도망치는 거 아닌가‬ ‪싶기도 하고‬Honestly, it kind of feels like I'm just trying to run away.
‪- (나비) 너도 그런 생각…‬ ‪- (지완) 윤솔!‬-I was kind of feeling the same-- -Yun Sol!
‪[지완의 웃음]‬[Ji-wan laughing]
‪(지완) 어? 나비랑 같이 있었네?‬Oh, so you were hanging out with Na-bi. What did the professor say? Did you two get in trouble or something?
‪영감님이 뭐래?‬ ‪왜 너희들만 따로 부른 거야?‬What did the professor say? Did you two get in trouble or something?
‪(나비) 아, 우리 그, 교환…‬-Oh, it was about the exchange-- -Oh.
‪(솔) 아, 과제 아이디어 때문에‬-Oh, it was about the exchange-- -Oh. -Assignment ideas for us. -Assignment ideas?
‪- (지완) 과제 아이디어?‬ ‪- (솔) 응‬-Assignment ideas for us. -Assignment ideas? That's not fair, why'd she leave me out?
‪(지완) 아, 왜 나는 안 불러 주시고?‬ ‪이거 완전 차별 대우지, 어?‬That's not fair, why'd she leave me out? That's some A-grade favoritism right there. Why?
‪(솔) 아, 그냥 간단히 조언‬[Sol chuckles] It was only a bit of advice.
‪우리 먼저 갈게‬Guess we'll be going now.
‪(나비) 어, 어, 어, 가, 가‬Oh, okay. Go, go. [Ji-wan] Later, Na-bi.
‪(지완) 나비, 안녕‬[Ji-wan] Later, Na-bi.
‪내가 진짜 그래도‬ ‪아이디어도 없는데…‬I'm the one who needs advice right now. I'm literally all out of ideas.
‪[발랄한 음악]‬ ‪[지완의 웃음]‬[Ji-wan] Oh. [both chuckle]
‪(솔) 오늘 왜 이렇게 이쁘게 입었어?‬You dressed up all nice for a reason? I look nice? Really? That's a relief.
‪(지완) 진짜? 예뻐? 다행이다‬I look nice? Really? That's a relief.
‪(솔) 오늘 애들 만난다고‬ ‪신경 좀 썼어?‬Is it because we're going to a gathering today?
‪(지완) 아니, 그게‬Actually, the truth is, that blind date was supposed to be tomorrow, right?
‪나 원래 내일 하기로 했던‬ ‪소개팅 있잖아‬that blind date was supposed to be tomorrow, right?
‪아니, 그 사람이 갑자기‬ ‪자기 내일 급한 일이 생겼다고‬Turns out it can't be tomorrow. He said something urgent came up
‪혹시 오늘 볼 수 없냐는 거야‬and asked if we could meet later today.
‪아니면 한참 뒤에나‬ ‪볼 수 있을 것 같다고‬Or else next time won't be for a while. And you know blind dates,
‪근데 알지?‬ ‪원래 소개팅은 질질 끌면 안 되는 거‬And you know blind dates, you shouldn't put 'em off for too long or it's goodbye.
‪그래서 그냥 알겠다고‬ ‪오늘 보자고 했어‬you shouldn't put 'em off for too long or it's goodbye. So I just agreed to meet him later today instead.
‪(솔) 뭐?‬What? Then what's gonna happen to our gathering today?
‪그럼 오늘 애들이랑 약속은 어쩌고?‬What? Then what's gonna happen to our gathering today?
‪네가 애들한테 잘 좀 말해 줘라‬You're gonna tell the others for me--
‪야, 나 원래 가기 싫었는데‬ ‪네가 보자고 난리 쳐서…‬Hey, you're the one who made a thing about all this. I didn't even wanna go.
‪아, 알지, 알지‬ ‪아, 진짜 미안해, 솔아‬I know. I'm really sorry. I didn't mean for this.
‪(지완) 아, 근데‬ ‪너까지 안 간다 그러면‬But if you don't show up either, everyone's gonna curse me to death.
‪나 애들한테‬ ‪두 배로 욕먹는단 말이야, 응, 응?‬But if you don't show up either, everyone's gonna curse me to death. Sol, please do this for me? Hm? Hm?
‪- (지완) 응? 아, 솔아, 제발‬ ‪- (솔) 하, 진짜…‬Come on, Sol. I'll owe you one.
‪- 진짜, 알겠어, 이거 놔‬ ‪- (지완) [웃으며] 사랑해‬-All right, I'll do it already. -I love you!
‪(지완) 내가 이 소개팅남이랑 잘되면‬ ‪너도 완전 좋은 사람 소개시켜 줄게‬Hey, if things go well with my date, maybe I could set you up with someone too, okay?
‪필요 없거든?‬Yeah, there's no need.
‪(지완) 아, 왜!‬[Ji-wan] Oh, come on.
‪[감성적인 음악이 들려온다]‬ ‪[기계음이 요란하다]‬[machinery buzzing]
‪[탁탁 소리가 들린다]‬[machinery buzzing]
‪[감성적인 음악이 흘러나온다]‬ ‪[기계음이 요란하다]‬-[pop music playing] -[machinery buzzing loudly]
‪[탁탁 소리가 들린다]‬-[pop music playing] -[machinery buzzing loudly]
‪(남학생8과 여학생5)‬ ‪- 어? 선배님, 어쩐 일이세요‬ ‪- 선배님, 안녕하세요‬[student 1] Oh, hi. Anything we can help you with? Hello!
‪[후배들이 인사한다]‬-How are you guys? -[student 2] How you doing? [student 3] Hello.
‪하던 거 마저 해‬-Just carry on, everyone. -[student 4] Okay.
‪(후배들) 네‬-Just carry on, everyone. -[student 4] Okay.
‪[사람들이 두런거린다]‬-[machine whirring] -[students chattering]
‪[작업실이 분주하다]‬[students chattering indistinctly]
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬[dreamy music]
‪(이 교수) 당장‬ ‪이번 학기 성적부터 올려야 돼‬[Professor] You'll have to raise your GPA to stand a chance.
‪[다가오는 발걸음]‬
‪[빛나의 한숨]‬[sighs]
‪(빛나) 그래서? 진짜 야작 하게?‬[Bit-na] Really? You're just gonna stay here working?
‪이러다 마감 못 할 것 같아서‬If I don't, I won't finish on time.
‪[그림을 쓱쓱 그리며] 진도가‬ ‪영 안 나가‬My progress is slow enough.
‪(빛나) 작업 안 풀릴 땐 술인데‬That's what alcohol is best for, when you're stuck.
‪나 애들이랑 술 마시러 갈 건데‬I'm gonna end up drinking with a bunch of kids.
‪너 후배들 하나도 모르잖아‬[Bit-na] You don't know any of our juniors, by the way.
‪갤러리전 어시스트는 어떡하려고?‬Don't you need any assistance for the exhibit?
‪너 그러다가‬You know, at this rate, you'll set the record
‪조소과 설립 이래에‬ ‪최초로 작업 혼자 하는 수가 있다?‬You know, at this rate, you'll set the record for the first one in our department to slog through everything alone.
‪아, 됐다, 됐어‬Gosh. Never mind, forget it.
‪그러면서 새 차는 무슨‬You can forget about meeting a new man.
‪간다‬See ya.
‪맘 바뀌면 연락해‬Please call if you change your mind, okay?
‪(나비) 어‬[Na-bi] Okay.
‪[빛나가 뚜껑을 툭 덮는다]‬
‪재밌게 놀아‬-Have fun over there. -Damn right I will!
‪(빛나) 누구보다!‬-Have fun over there. -Damn right I will!
‪[멀어지는 발걸음]‬
‪[문이 탁 열린다]‬ ‪[펜대가 툭 떨어진다]‬
‪[문이 탁 닫힌다]‬[door closes]
‪[짜증 섞인 신음]‬
‪(나비) 하이‬
‪[감성적인 음악]‬["Love Me Like That" by Sam Kim playing]
‪[바코드 인식음]‬[beeps] -[cashier] That will be 14,000 won. -Here.
‪(점원) 만 4천 원입니다‬-[cashier] That will be 14,000 won. -Here.
‪(나비) 여기요‬-[cashier] That will be 14,000 won. -Here. ♪ Down to the ground Oh, can I ask of you ♪
‪[카드 단말기 작동음]‬♪ To treat me soft and tender ♪
‪(나비) 그 남자다‬[Na-bi] It's him again.
‪(나비) 잠시만요‬[Na-bi] Hang on a sec.
‪[가쁜 숨소리]‬♪ So high ♪
‪(나비) 도서관에 이어 계속‬[Na-bi] First the library, and now this.
‪이 정도면 중증이다‬I must be really losing my mind.
‪[휴대전화 메시지 알림음]‬[phone dings and buzzes]
‪(빛나)‬[Bit-na] So you're really not coming?
‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬ ‪[통화 연결음]‬[line ringing]
‪어, 빛나야, 어디로 가면 돼?‬Bit-na, what's the place called again?
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬[calm music]
‪또 보네?‬We meet again.
‪너 왜 여기…‬Why are you also here?
‪[문이 드르륵 열린다]‬Why are you also here?
‪- (빛나) 왔어?‬ ‪- (재언) 응‬You're here. Mm-hm. I'm gonna head inside now.
‪- 나 먼저 들어간다‬ ‪- (빛나) 응‬Mm-hm. I'm gonna head inside now. [Bit-na] Okay.
‪(빛나) 쟤가 걔야‬[Bit-na] That's the junior.
‪너랑 술 먹어 보고 싶다 했던 후배‬He was asking for a drink with you like I said.
‪(나비) 아…‬Oh.
‪[사람들이 시끌시끌하다]‬[Se-yeong] Look, look, look! You're so screwed now, I'll tell you that.
‪[차분한 음악이 흘러나온다]‬[laughing and chattering]
‪(재언) 야, 여기도 고인 물 다 됐다‬Damn, this place is flooded with too many seniors.
‪- (세영) 어유‬ ‪- (진수) 고인 물‬ ‪[세훈의 한숨]‬-[Se-yeong groans] -[man 1] What? -You got a problem with that? -[Bit-na] Already sick of your seniors?
‪[문이 드르륵 열린다]‬ ‪(빛나) 선배들이 지겹냐?‬ ‪선배들이 지겨워?‬-You got a problem with that? -[Bit-na] Already sick of your seniors? Can't stand to look at us?
‪(세영) 아닙니다!‬[Se-yeong] No one's sick of anything!
‪[저마다 말한다]‬[Se-yeong] No one's sick of anything! -[man 2] Well, well, well. -[man 3] Calm down.
‪[빛나의 힘주는 신음]‬-Don't embarrass yourself. -Everyone, there's a newbie among us.
‪(빛나) 그래도 오늘은 유입 있잖아‬-Don't embarrass yourself. -Everyone, there's a newbie among us.
‪그, 비싼 걸음 하셨으니까 잘들 모셔라‬This is a rare appearance from her, -so you better be nice to her. -[group whooping]
‪[사람들의 박수와 환호]‬-so you better be nice to her. -[group whooping] [cheering]
‪얘는 유나비, 얘는 박재언‬This is Yu Na-bi. And this is Park Jae-eon.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬ ‪(나비) 박재언‬[Na-bi] Park Jae-eon…
‪아…‬Oh. [Na-bi] That was his name, Park Jae-eon. Finally.
‪(나비) 그의 이름은 박재언이었다‬ ‪[나비가 대답한다]‬[Na-bi] That was his name, Park Jae-eon. Finally.
‪[어색한 웃음]‬[laughs awkwardly] [Bit-na] Yo, what's with the face?
‪(빛나) 뭐야, 표정이 왜 그래?‬[Bit-na] Yo, what's with the face?
‪둘이 아는 사이야?‬Do you know each other?
‪(나비) 아니, 오늘 처음 봤는데?‬We don't. [Na-bi] It's our first time seeing each other.
‪(세훈) 응? 오늘 처음 본다고?‬[Na-bi] It's our first time seeing each other. It's your first time meeting?
‪(빛나) 얘네 크로스로 휴학해서 그래‬They each took turns taking a leave.
‪그리고 유나비가 학교 행사를‬ ‪너무 안 나오기도 했고‬They each took turns taking a leave. Plus, Na-bi barely attends any of the school events. She's pretty much a hermit.
‪- (진수) 맞아요, 누나 맨날 안 나오고‬ ‪- (여학생6) 진짜‬ ‪[저마다 호응한다]‬She's pretty much a hermit. [Se-hun] That's right. She never shows up. [man 4] Oh, really?
‪(재언) 안녕‬ ‪[사람들이 두런거린다]‬-You should come often too. -Hello. -[man 5] Order another set of garlic. -[woman] Order new drinks first.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬-[man 5] Order another set of garlic. -[woman] Order new drinks first. -[man 6] Yeah, I can have some. -[utensils clatter]
‪[어색하게 웃으며] 어, 안녕‬Oh, uh… hello.
‪(세영) 으아, 나 설렜어, 아, 나 설레‬ ‪아, 설렜어‬[Se-yeong] I got butterflies in my stomach, that was so cute! -Did you guys hear that? -[Se-hun] "Oh. Hello."
‪- (진수) '어, 안녕', '안녕', '안녕'‬ ‪- (성윤) '안녕'‬ ‪[세영의 웃음]‬-Did you guys hear that? -[Se-hun] "Oh. Hello." -[Bit-na] Seriously! -I'm Park Jae-eon.
‪(재언) 박재언이야‬ ‪후배지만 말 놓을게‬-[Bit-na] Seriously! -I'm Park Jae-eon. I'll talk casually, if you don't mind.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬ ‪(빛나) 얘 우리랑 동갑이야‬[Bit-na] He's the same age as us.
‪(세영) 원래 K대 경영이었는데‬He used to be a business major at K University,
‪[술을 조르르 따르며] 조소과 오려고‬ ‪수능 다시 쳤대요‬but he took the exam again to major in sculpture.
‪아, 그렇구나‬but he took the exam again to major in sculpture. Oh, is that so?
‪(재언) 나는 너 본 적 있는데‬I think I've already seen you before, though.
‪그, 어, 어디, 어디서?‬What… You… Where have you seen me before?
‪학교에서‬Around school.
‪[나비와 재언의 웃음]‬-Ah… -[chuckles]
‪- 내가 같이 술 마시고 싶다고 했잖아‬ ‪- (빛나) 그랬지‬I said I wanted to have a drink with her right away. He did.
‪(빛나) 드디어 둘이 안면을 트네‬[Bit-na] And now you finally met each other.
‪(재언) 반가워‬Nice to meet you.
‪[컵을 탁 내려놓는다]‬
‪(나비) 어, 어, 반가워‬It's nice to meet you, too.
‪(나비) 운명이니 사랑이니‬[Na-bi] I'd already stopped believing…
‪이제 그따위 것 다 안 믿지만‬ ‪[함께 건배한다]‬-in old tropes like fate or love. -[all] Cheers!
‪그래도 솔직히 이 상황은 너무‬[Na-bi] And when you analyze moments like this one…
‪비현실적이잖아‬…it's unrealistic.
‪[친구3의 웃음]‬ ‪(친구4) 아니, 그 교수님‬ ‪과제를 너무 많이 내 줘‬[friend 1] That professor's always giving us assignments, it's endless torture!
‪[밝은 음악이 흘러나온다]‬ ‪나 너무 힘들어‬[friend 1] That professor's always giving us assignments, it's endless torture!
‪(친구5) 수강 신청 폭망‬[friend 1] That professor's always giving us assignments, it's endless torture! [friend 2] You took that class, why didn't you warn me?
‪[친구들의 웃음]‬ ‪(친구4) 저번 학기 너 들었잖아‬ ‪왜 얘기를 안 해 줬어?‬[friend 2] You took that class, why didn't you warn me? -[friend 3] Your fault for choosing… -[friend 1] Ji-wan's still not answering?
‪(친구3) 지완이 아직도 답 없어?‬-[friend 3] Your fault for choosing… -[friend 1] Ji-wan's still not answering?
‪(솔) 어‬No.
‪톡을 안 읽네, 아직 같이 있나 봐‬She hasn't read my messages, guess she's still with him.
‪[친구들의 탄성]‬-Ooh. -Oh. She said she'd make it quick,
‪(친구5) 빨리 밥만 먹고 온다더니‬ ‪분위기 좋은가 보네?‬-Ooh. -Oh. She said she'd make it quick, but it looks like things are going really well, then.
‪(친구4) 야, 분위기야 맨날 좋지‬but it looks like things are going really well, then. [friend 2] Well, as if we couldn't have guessed that this would happen.
‪남자애들 웬만하면‬ ‪다 지완이 좋아하잖아‬Ji-wan's always been popular with the guys even way back then.
‪(친구5) 아씨, 부러운 년‬Ji-wan's always been popular with the guys even way back then. [friend 3 sighs] I'm so jealous. You know, there was a hoard of guys asking for her number
‪아, 고딩 때도 축제 때 남자들이‬ ‪서지완 번호만 따 갔었잖아‬You know, there was a hoard of guys asking for her number -at our high school festival. -But it seems like this time,
‪(친구3) 그래도 이 정도면‬ ‪완이도 남자 괜찮은가 본데?‬-at our high school festival. -But it seems like this time, there's a chance Ji-wan likes this guy as well.
‪[친구들의 웃음]‬ ‪(친구5) 괜찮으면 뭐 하냐?‬there's a chance Ji-wan likes this guy as well. There's no point for the poor dude.
‪- 한 달이면 또 지겹다고 난리 칠걸?‬ ‪- (친구4) 아, 맞아‬Give her a month and I bet she'll get sick of him. [friend 2] I feel bad already.
‪[친구5의 웃음]‬ ‪(친구4) 오죽하면‬[friend 2] I feel bad already. It's her biggest wish to go on a couple's trip for a one-year anniversary
‪남자 친구랑 1주년 여행 가는 게‬ ‪소원인 애야, 걔가‬It's her biggest wish to go on a couple's trip for a one-year anniversary for the first time ever.
‪[친구들의 웃음]‬ ‪(친구3) 진짜?‬for the first time ever. -[friend 1] That's so cute. -[friend 3] How cute.
‪- (친구4) 귀여워‬ ‪- (친구5) 귀여워‬ ‪[진동 벨이 울린다]‬-[friend 1] That's so cute. -[friend 3] How cute. [buzzing]
‪(솔) 아, 내가 가져올게‬I'll get our order.
‪(친구3) 같이 가, 많아서 혼자 힘들어‬It'll be hard to carry it all by yourself.
‪아니야, 그, 돼‬It'll be hard to carry it all by yourself. It's fine, keep talking. -Don't mind me, just carry on. -[buzzing]
‪너희들 얘기하고 있어‬-Don't mind me, just carry on. -[buzzing]
‪[친구들이 두런거린다]‬-Right, so what happened? -You were saying?
‪[솔과 주혁의 놀란 신음]‬-[Sol] Oh! -[man] Oh!
‪[솔의 아파하는 신음]‬[Sol groaning] [Sol groans]
‪[놀란 신음]‬[sighs] Oh, I'm so sorry.
‪어, 어떡해‬[sighs] Oh, I'm so sorry.
‪(솔) 아휴‬-Oh! -[gadget buzzing]
‪아휴, 죄송해요‬[groans] Are you okay?
‪괜찮습니다, 안 다치셨어요?‬No, it's okay. -What about you, you okay? -I'm fine.
‪아, 네‬-What about you, you okay? -I'm fine.
‪아, 핸드폰 보느라…‬[groans] I was staring at my phone.
‪(주혁) 괜찮습니다‬ ‪[한숨]‬-[man] Nah, it's all good. -[sighs]
‪(함께) ♪ 신난다, 재미난다 ♪‬ ‪[잔잔한 음악]‬[all] ♪ Shake your hands And take your shots ♪
‪♪ 더 게임 오브 데스 ♪‬♪ The Game of Death chose you! ♪
‪(세영) 3, 1!‬Three! One!
‪- (진수) 2‬ ‪- (세영) 2, 3!‬-Two! -Wrong. Three!
‪[진수의 비명]‬ ‪[세영의 환호]‬[all laughing]
‪[사람들의 웃음과 박수]‬[all laughing] Hat comes off now, buddy.
‪(재언) 모자 벗자, 진수야‬ ‪[진수의 속상한 신음]‬Hat comes off now, buddy.
‪(빛나와 세훈)‬ ‪- 야, 자, 자, 자, 머리 끈 있습니다‬ ‪- 야, 벗겨, 벗겨‬-Hey, here. He gets the hair tie. -[Se-hun] Take it off, it's the rules.
‪(빛나) 야자수로 올려 주세요‬-Hey, here. He gets the hair tie. -[Se-hun] Take it off, it's the rules. [Bit-na] Let's make a palm tree out of you.
‪(진수) [애교스럽게] 아, 형‬ ‪아, 아, 아, 형, 살살, 응? 살살‬ ‪[소란스럽다]‬[Bit-na] Let's make a palm tree out of you. [Jin-su] Go easy on me, please. I used conditioner today.
‪(나비) 박재언은 재밌다‬[Jin-su] Go easy on me, please. I used conditioner today. [Na-bi] Seeing Jae-eon now, he seems fun.
‪(빛나) [웃으며] 야, 야, 너 곱다‬[Bit-na] You look so pretty!
‪- (진수) 형‬ ‪- (재언) 미안해‬ ‪[진수의 속상한 신음]‬-[all laughing] -I'm sorry, man. [all laughing]
‪[함께 웃는다]‬ ‪- (세영) 와!‬ ‪- (재언) 갔다 오자‬[all laughing] -Off you go. -[Bit-na] That look really suits you.
‪(빛나) 너무 잘 어울린다‬-Off you go. -[Bit-na] That look really suits you.
‪(세훈) 쉿, 쉿…‬ ‪[빛나의 놀란 신음]‬-Off you go. -[Bit-na] That look really suits you. [Jae-eon] Come on.
‪[세훈의 헛기침]‬ ‪[빛나의 웃음]‬
‪[진수의 난처한 신음]‬[girls giggling]
‪(진수) 저, 지, 진짜 죄송한데‬Sorry, I don't mean to bother you, but…
‪(손님4) 아, 술 한잔 달라고요?‬Oh, you wanna have a drink with us?
‪(진수) 아니요‬No, no, but…
‪저, 괜찮으시면‬If it's okay with you…
‪씨…‬[Jin-su] Shit.
‪제 춤 한 번만 봐 주실 수 있을까요?‬ ‪[사람들의 웃음]‬This won't take long, but could you please watch me dance for you?
‪아, 얼굴 가리지 말라고!‬Don't cover your face, it's all good!
‪(빛나) 자, 파이브, 식스‬ ‪세븐, 에이트!‬-[Bit-na] Go, five, six, seven, eight! -[Na-bi] Jae-eon has a way
‪(나비) 짓궂은 장난도‬ ‪박재언이 하면 유쾌하다‬ ‪[사람들의 환호와 박수]‬-[Bit-na] Go, five, six, seven, eight! -[Na-bi] Jae-eon has a way of making even nasty pranks seem fun for everyone.
‪[사람들의 환호]‬of making even nasty pranks seem fun for everyone. [all cheering and laughing]
‪(세영) 돌려라, 돌려!‬-[woman] Twist your body! Twist it! -What is that?
‪(빛나) 저게 뭐야‬-[woman] Twist your body! Twist it! -What is that?
‪[빛나의 웃음]‬-[woman] Twist your body! Twist it! -What is that? [all laughing]
‪[소란스럽다]‬[all laughing]
‪[사람들의 환호]‬[all cheering, whooping]
‪[진수의 민망한 신음]‬[all cheering, whooping] [Jae-eon] Good one!
‪[빛나의 웃음]‬ ‪(진수) 이씨, 짜증 나‬[man 1] Yeah! -[Jin-su] This is dumb. -[Se-yeong] Aw, did that upset you?
‪(세영) 어, 삐졌어?‬ ‪[사람들의 웃음]‬-[Jin-su] This is dumb. -[Se-yeong] Aw, did that upset you?
‪- 원래 잘 웃는구나‬ ‪- (진수) 게임 한 번 더 해요‬It's nice that he smiles a lot. -[Jin-su] Let's play another game. -Say what?
‪- 뭐가?‬ ‪- (나비) 어? 아, 아니야‬ ‪[사람들이 저마다 말한다]‬-[Jin-su] Let's play another game. -Say what? -[Se-hun] Let's just drink up. Come on. -Oh! Nothing. [Se-hun] Cheers! Cheers! Cheers!
‪(세훈) 짠, 짠, 짠, 짠‬[Se-hun] Cheers! Cheers! Cheers!
‪[세훈의 탄성]‬ ‪(빛나) 메롱‬Too late.
‪(세훈) 자, 짠, 짠, 짠, 짠, 짠‬ ‪짠, 짠, 짠, 짠, 짠‬-Oh. -[man 3] Come on. Shots, shots, shots!
‪(함께) 짠!‬-Shots! Nice! -Hey, Jin-su.
‪(재언) [작은 소리로] 진수야, 저거‬-Shots! Nice! -Hey, Jin-su.
‪- (진수) 어?‬ ‪- (재언) 저것 좀…‬-Huh? -Can you pass me that?
‪[사람들이 두런거린다]‬
‪고마워‬Thanks, dude.
‪[세훈이 시원한 숨을 내뱉는다]‬[Se-hun sighs] Hey, guys.
‪(세훈) [작은 목소리로] 야, 야‬ ‪모여 봐, 모여 봐‬[Se-hun sighs] Hey, guys. Listen up. Listen up.
‪- (세훈) 모여 봐, 빨리‬ ‪- (세영) 왜요?‬-I wanna ask you all. -[Se-yeong] What is it? [Se-hun] Who did the nasty in the student council room last sem?
‪(세훈) 저번 학기에 학생회실에서‬ ‪그 짓 했다는 새끼들‬[Se-hun] Who did the nasty in the student council room last sem?
‪(진수) 그럼 그, 쓰레기통에서‬ ‪콘돔 나왔다는 거 진짜예요?‬Whoa, so it's true that someone found a condom in the trash can?
‪- (세영) 아, 더러워!‬ ‪- (세훈) 쉿‬[Se-yeong] Ugh, that's disgusting!
‪- (성윤) 그럼 그, 소, 소파에서…‬ ‪- (세훈) 쉿!‬-So… so you mean the one on the sofa? -[shushes]
‪[저마다 말한다]‬ ‪(성윤) 그, 그런 거야?‬-[Se-hun] Keep it down. All right. -[Jin-su] Seriously? You sure?
‪(세훈) 솔직하게 불어라‬-[Se-hun] Keep it down. All right. -[Jin-su] Seriously? You sure? [Se-hun] All right.
‪혹시…‬Better confess.
‪(빛나) 궁예 그만해라, 여기엔 없다‬Quit playing detective. You're barking up the wrong tree.
‪(세훈) 없다고?‬What was that? You sound like you know who it is.
‪그건 누군지 안다는 소리인데?‬What was that? You sound like you know who it is.
‪야, 누군데, 누군데?‬ ‪[규현이 짜증 낸다]‬-So you really know? Who is it? -Get the hell off me.
‪- (진수) 누군데요, 선배?‬ ‪- (세영) 누구예요, 언니?‬-Please, just tell me. -We won't tell anyone.
‪(빛나) 아, 진짜‬ ‪[빛나가 젓가락을 탁 놓는다]‬-Please, just tell me. -We won't tell anyone. -Oh, jeez. -[slams table]
‪너희 아직도 모르겠어?‬Really? So none of you know?
‪- 최민우잖아‬ ‪- (세영) 헐!‬It was Choi Min-u. -No way! -His girlfriend right now is Jeong-a.
‪(진수) 여친 정아 선배잖아요‬-No way! -His girlfriend right now is Jeong-a.
‪(세훈) 야, 그럼 정아랑 최민우가…‬Then it was her and Min-u that--
‪정아랑 그랬겠니?‬ ‪당연히 다른 애랑 잤지‬Of course it wasn't. He was sleeping with someone else back then.
‪[사람들의 당황한 신음]‬-[Se-yeong sighs] -[Se-hun scoffs] [Se-hun] So then he was actually cheating on her? That freaking asshole!
‪(세훈) 심지어 바람이라고?‬ ‪최민우 이 미친 새…‬[Se-hun] So then he was actually cheating on her? That freaking asshole!
‪아니, 정아같이 예쁜 애 두고 왜?‬-How could he even do that to her? -[Se-yeong] I feel sorry for her.
‪(세영) 정아 언니 불쌍해‬-How could he even do that to her? -[Se-yeong] I feel sorry for her. [Bit-na] There are quite a number of pretty girls
‪(빛나) 원래 예쁜 애들 중에‬ ‪실속이 떨어지는 경우가 좀 있거든‬[Bit-na] There are quite a number of pretty girls who balance it out by having poor judgment.
‪변별력이 떨어지거든‬You'll be surprised.
‪(진수) [박수 치며] 역시 빛나 패치‬ ‪빛나 패치, 패치, 패치‬[Se-hun] No wonder you're called Bit-na News. Bit-na Live! Breaking news!
‪- (빛나) 오버하지 마‬ ‪- (세훈) 야, 야, 야‬[Se-hun] No wonder you're called Bit-na News. Bit-na Live! Breaking news! -[Se-hun] Let me pour you a shot. -[Bit-na] Stop overreacting.
‪(세훈) 야, 내가 술 한잔 따라 줄게‬ ‪[빛나가 호응한다]‬-[Se-hun] Let me pour you a shot. -[Bit-na] Stop overreacting. [Se-hun] Tune in for the scoop now!
‪[작은 목소리로] 재미없지?‬-[Bit-na] Oh, thank you very much. -[whispering] This is boring. -[Gyu-hyun] Is your source even reliable? -Let's go.
‪- (규현) 믿을 만한 거 맞냐?‬ ‪- 나갈까?‬-[Gyu-hyun] Is your source even reliable? -Let's go.
‪- (나비) [작은 목소리로] 뭐래‬ ‪- (세훈) 아이씨, 야, 빠져! 진짜‬-[whispering] No way. -[Se-hun] Nah, don't doubt her. -[Jin-su] More drinks over here, please! -[Se-hun] Whose glass is empty?
‪[사람들이 소란스럽다]‬-[Jin-su] More drinks over here, please! -[Se-hun] Whose glass is empty? -[Se-yeong] Mine's empty! Mine's empty! -[Se-hun] You should take a break.
‪(세훈) 아, 빠져, 진짜‬-[Se-yeong] Mine's empty! Mine's empty! -[Se-hun] You should take a break.
‪- (세훈) 됐어요, 됐어요, 예‬ ‪- (빛나) 감사합니다‬ ‪[종업원이 말한다]‬-[Se-yeong] Mine's empty! Mine's empty! -[Se-hun] You should take a break. -But pass them anyway! -[Bit-na] Thank you, my dear.
‪- (세영) 최고, 최고‬ ‪- (진수) 누나, 어떻게 알았어요?‬-But pass them anyway! -[Bit-na] Thank you, my dear. [Se-yeong] You're the best! -[Se-hun] So how did you find out? -[Bit-na] Find out what?
‪- (재언) 저기요‬ ‪- (종업원) 네?‬-Excuse me. -Yes?
‪이거 떨어뜨렸어요‬-I think you dropped this. -[server] Oh!
‪(종업원) 아, 감사합니다‬-I think you dropped this. -[server] Oh! Thank you very much.
‪[살짝 웃는다]‬[laughs]
‪(빛나) 쟤 좀 봐라?‬ ‪[무거운 음악]‬[Bit-na] Look at this guy.
‪[강조되는 효과음]‬[pensive music]
‪(재언) 웃으니까 좀 달라서‬You look a bit different when you're smiling.
‪나 잠깐 화장실 좀 갔다 올게‬I'm just going to the bathroom for a bit, okay?
‪(빛나) 응‬Mm.
‪[문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪왜 이렇게 기분이 더럽지?‬[Na-bi] Why do I suddenly feel so annoyed?
‪작업이나 하러 가야겠다‬I should probably get back to work.
‪[다가오는 발걸음]‬I should probably get back to work.
‪(재언) 아이스크림 사러 갈 건데‬ ‪같이 갈래?‬I felt like getting some ice cream. Wanna tag along?
‪[감성적인 음악]‬Wanna tag along?
‪(재언) 뭐 먹을래?‬[Jae-eon] Which one do you want?
‪이거?‬That one? Not that. [chuckles]
‪(나비) 아니‬Not that. [chuckles]
‪씁, 그럼…‬[sucks teeth] Hmm… that one?
‪(재언) 이거?‬[sucks teeth] Hmm… that one?
‪(나비) 아니‬No.
‪이거‬This one.
‪왜 웃어?‬What's so funny?
‪귀여워서‬You. You're cute.
‪뭐래‬Shut up.
‪(재언) 스타일이 바뀌었네?‬You have a different style, don't you?
‪[말소리가 들린다]‬-[student 1] Gimme that. -[student 2] Hey, what are you doing?
‪(고교생1) 내일 야자‬ ‪야자 째고 피방 고?‬ ‪[고교생2가 말한다]‬[student 1] Let's just skip study hall and go play some games. [student 2] Just watch.
‪(고교생1) 죄송합니다‬Oh, sorry!
‪(재언) 왜 나 모른다고 했어?‬How come you said you didn't know me?
‪(나비) 아…‬Uh…
‪그, 당, 당황해서?‬Well, I was kinda caught off guard.
‪사실 너 안다고 하는 것도‬ ‪좀 이상하지 않아?‬Plus, it would've been weird to tell them that I knew you.
‪난 네 이름도 나이도 모르는데‬I didn't even know your name or age and stuff…
‪(재언) 그러게 왜 갑자기 그냥 갔어‬So why'd you just suddenly leave that day?
‪(나비) 취해서, 취해서‬ ‪[재언이 살짝 웃는다]‬I was drunk. Really drunk.
‪아, 아무튼‬ ‪그때 내가 했던 얘기는 그냥 다‬So if you don't mind, all that stuff that I told you that day…
‪잊어버려‬Just forget everything.
‪(재언) 그날 뭐?‬That day?
‪별거 없었잖아‬You didn't really say much.
‪아, 아무튼‬Should be easier for you, then.
‪(재언) 걱정 마, 말 안 해‬[Jae-eon] Don't worry. I won't say anything.
‪어‬ ‪[잔잔한 음악]‬Okay.
‪(재언) 안 지웠네?‬You didn't erase it.
‪아, 이거?‬Oh, this?
‪어, 그러니까‬ ‪[나비의 멋쩍은 웃음]‬Right, I don't know why…
‪(나비) 씻었는데도 안 지워지더라‬[Na-bi] I tried washing it off, but it wouldn't…
‪(재언) 이상하다?‬That's pretty strange.
‪수성 펜이었는데‬It was a water-based marker.
‪(나비) 아, 그래?‬Oh, really?
‪신기하네‬Yeah, that is strange.
‪[재언이 나비를 탁 잡는다]‬
‪나 다시 안 보고 싶었어?‬Didn't you want to see me again after?
‪딱히?‬Not much.
‪(나비) 좀 놀라긴 했지‬[Na-bi] But I guess I had a little regret.
‪다시는 못 볼 줄 알았으니까‬'Cause I thought I'd never actually see you again.
‪난 좋았는데‬I felt so relieved…
‪너 다시 봐서‬I was able to see you again.
‪[붕붕 소리가 들린다]‬[man 1] That's right. To the left, to the right.
‪[사람들의 놀란 신음]‬[man 1] That's right. To the left, to the right.
‪[술병을 후후 분다]‬[huffing]
‪(세훈) [술 취한 말투로] 어?‬ ‪스톱, 스톱, 스톱, 스톱!‬Huh? Stop, stop, stop, stop!
‪[세훈의 의심스러운 신음]‬[Se-hun] Mm-hm?
‪왜 둘이 같이 들어오는 걸까요?‬What's with you coming in together, huh?
‪(재언) 아이스크림 사 왔어‬-We thought we'd get some ice cream. -Wow, ice cream!
‪(세훈과 세영)‬ ‪- 아이스크림? 어, 아이스크림, 오케이‬ ‪- 와, 아이스크림‬-We thought we'd get some ice cream. -Wow, ice cream!
‪- (세훈) 아이스크림 먹어야지‬ ‪- (세영) 아이스크림, 아이스크림‬ ‪[저마다 말한다]‬Just what I wanted. Wanna try this?
‪(세훈) 원래 사랑의 시작은‬ ‪아이스크림부터 시작이지‬[Se-hun] Love always begins with ice cream, you know that?
‪[세훈의 옅은 웃음]‬[Se-hun] Love always begins with ice cream, you know that? [Bit-na] Come here!
‪(빛나) 나와!‬[Bit-na] Come here!
‪야, 한 대 피우러 가자‬-Hey! We're going out for a smoke. -Mm.
‪(재언) 응, 너도 갈래?‬-Hey! We're going out for a smoke. -Mm. -You wanna go with us? -[Bit-na] No, she doesn't smoke.
‪(빛나) 얘는 담배 안 피워‬-You wanna go with us? -[Bit-na] No, she doesn't smoke.
‪그래?‬-[Se-yeong] Careful! Coming through. -Really?
‪[세영이 말한다]‬ ‪[어색한 웃음]‬[Se-yeong] Watch out, we're going out!
‪[문이 드르륵 열린다]‬[Se-yeong chuckles]
‪[문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪[잔잔한 음악이 흘러나온다]‬ ‪하, 진짜‬[sighs] Damn it.
‪[솔이 혀를 쯧 찬다]‬[sighs] Damn it.
‪[솔의 미안한 숨소리]‬
‪(솔) 아, 이거 제 연락처예요‬Here you go. Those are my contact details.
‪여기로 계좌 번호랑 금액 알려 주시면‬ ‪바로 보상하겠습니다‬Just text me your bank account number, and how much it cost you. I'll wire you the money.
‪네, 연락드리겠습니다‬Sure, I'll be keeping in touch.
‪[솔의 미안한 숨소리]‬
‪정말 죄송합니다‬-I'm really sorry about your shirt. -[chuckles]
‪[살짝 웃으며] 괜찮아요‬-I'm really sorry about your shirt. -[chuckles] Forget about it.
‪(주혁) 어, 많이 빨간데, 괜찮으세요?‬Your head's kinda turning red, are you okay?
‪아, 이거 괜찮아요‬ ‪저 머리가 단단해서‬It's okay. My head's pretty tough. Hard as a rock, you know.
‪(솔) 아, 혹시 다치신 곳 없으세요?‬Uh, and you? I ran into you pretty hard. You don't feel dizzy or anything?
‪아까 세게 부딪혀서‬Uh, and you? I ran into you pretty hard. You don't feel dizzy or anything?
‪괜찮습니다, 멀쩡해요‬I'm feeling okay, don't worry about me.
‪[웃으며] 다행이네요‬[sighs] That's a relief.
‪[사람들이 소란스럽다]‬[Jin-su] Let's go. [all laughing]
‪(빛나) [웃으며] 아, 이럴 거면‬[all laughing] It's too early. Why don't we just go for another round somewhere, huh?
‪이럴 거면‬ ‪그냥 2차를 가자니까, 얘들아‬It's too early. Why don't we just go for another round somewhere, huh?
‪- (세훈) [술 취한 말투로] 2차 가자‬ ‪- (빛나) 여보세요, 가고 있어?‬It's too early. Why don't we just go for another round somewhere, huh? [Bit-na] Everyone here? No one left behind? -[Se-yeong] Are you okay? -[man 1] Yeah, yeah.
‪(세훈) 2차, 2차, 2차…‬ ‪[소란스럽다]‬-[Se-yeong] Are you okay? -[man 1] Yeah, yeah. -[Bit-na] Hey, let's go. -[woman] See you tomorrow.
‪(빛나) 야, 그렇게 하자‬ ‪그렇게 하자, 그래, 들어 봐‬-[Bit-na] Hey, let's go. -[woman] See you tomorrow. -[Bit-na] You're going, right? -[woman] Okay, where are we going?
‪(나비) 야, 정신 차려‬-[Bit-na] You're going, right? -[woman] Okay, where are we going? Okay. Stop pushing.
‪[저마다 말한다]‬ ‪- (나비) 갈게‬ ‪- (세영) 가요‬-[Gyu-huyn] Come on, we're leaving. -[Bit-na] Let's go. -[Se-yeong] Bye, guys. -All right. Take care.
‪- (세훈) 야, 가자‬ ‪- (규현) 야, 간다‬ ‪[저마다 인사한다]‬-[Se-yeong] Bye, guys. -All right. Take care. -[Jin-su] All right. Bye. -[overlapping chatter]
‪- (세영) 안녕히 가세요‬ ‪- (나비) 조심해서 가!‬-[Jin-su] All right. Bye. -[overlapping chatter] -Careful on the way back! -[overlapping chatter]
‪[세훈이 중얼거린다]‬-Careful on the way back! -[overlapping chatter]
‪(재언) 많이 마신 것 같은데 괜찮아?‬You were putting away quite a few tonight. Sure you're fine?
‪어, 괜찮아, 뭐, 취하지도 않았고‬ ‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬Yeah, I feel fine. -I'm not even tipsy at all. -[phone buzzes]
‪(나비) 너는?‬-[chuckling] -[Na-bi] What about you?
‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬
‪아…‬Oh, is that your girlfriend?
‪여자 친구?‬Oh, is that your girlfriend?
‪(재언) 응?‬Hm?
‪나 여자 친구 없는데‬No, I don't have a girlfriend.
‪난 여기서 버스, 조심히 가‬[Jae-eon] I'm taking the bus from here. Careful going home.
‪(나비) 어, 잘 가‬Oh, take care.
‪[감성적인 음악]‬["Nevertheless" by Night Off playing]
‪또 보네?‬We meet again.
‪나비를‬I like butterflies.
‪좋아해‬A lot.
‪난 좋았는데?‬I felt so relieved…
‪너 다시 봐서‬I was able to see you again.
‪나 여자 친구 없는데‬No, I don't have a girlfriend.
‪운명인가?‬Don't tell me this is fate.
‪[한숨]‬[groans] Oh, I'm going crazy.
‪[휴대전화 메시지 알림음]‬[phone beeps]
‪(빛나) 야, 술값 2만 원씩 보내라‬[Bit-na] Guys, send me 20,000 won each for the drinks.
‪[재언이 스위치를 탁 누른다]‬
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬
‪(재언) 안 자고 뭐 해?‬[Jae-eon] Why are you still awake?
‪지금?‬Right now?
‪가도 괜찮겠어?‬Sure it's okay to come over?
‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬
‪[재언이 스위치를 탁 누른다]‬
‪자나?‬Are you sleeping?
‪벌써 자나?‬Why would he be asleep already?
‪[한숨]‬[sighs deeply]
‪(나비) 이게 뭐 하는 짓이냐‬What the hell am I doing?
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬[phone buzzes]
‪(현우) 자니?‬[Hyeon-u] Sleeping?
‪너 말고‬Come on, not you.
‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬ ‪[휴대전화를 툭 놓는다]‬
‪[스탠드 조작음]‬
‪[새가 지저귄다]‬
‪(나비) 야, 솔아‬ ‪[기계음이 멈춘다]‬[Na-bi] Hey, Sol.
‪너 담배 피우러 안 가?‬Aren't you going for a smoke?
‪(솔) 아, 나 피우고 왔어‬I already did just now.
‪[작은 목소리로] 그래? 응‬Okay. [machine whirring]
‪[기계 작동음]‬[machine whirring]
‪(나비) 야, 야, 너희 옥상 놀러 안 가?‬Hey, guys. Aren't you going out for a smoke?
‪(세훈) 아, 야, 너 빨리 가‬ ‪지금 바빠 죽겠는데‬No, just go. I'm totally busy right now.
‪야, 가, 빨리, 씨‬Don't bother me.
‪(나비) 너는 담배 피우러 안 가?‬What about you, wanna go?
‪(성윤) 아, 안 붙어, 이게 지금‬No, I'm trying to make this damn thing stick.
‪(나비) 너희 진짜 안 가?‬-So none of you wanna go? -[overlapping shouting]
‪- (성윤) 아, 안 붙어!‬ ‪- (세훈) 아, 가라고, 진짜‬-So none of you wanna go? -[overlapping shouting] [Se-hun] Jeez!
‪[부드러운 음악]‬ ‪[기계음이 들려온다]‬[calm music]
‪- (나비) 안녕‬ ‪- (남학생9) 나비, 안녕‬-[Na-bi] Hello. -[student 1] Hey, Na-bi.
‪- (여학생7) 나비, 왔어?‬ ‪- (나비) 어, 어, 안녕?‬-[student 2] What you up to, Na-bi? -Oh, hey, what's up?
‪- (여학생8) 나비, 왜?‬ ‪- (나비) 어?‬ ‪[문이 탁 닫힌다]‬-[student 3] Na-bi, what's up? -What?
‪(나비) 어, 아니야, 아니야, 응‬ ‪[나비의 어색한 웃음]‬Oh, nothing. What's up?
‪[사람들이 두런거린다]‬[student 4] I have to work late, I need an energy drink.
‪- (남학생10) 나비, 어디 가?‬ ‪- (나비) 어‬-[student 5] Na-bi. -[Na-bi] Hey. -[student 6] You looking for someone? -No, I'm not.
‪(나비) 어, 어, 아니‬-[student 6] You looking for someone? -No, I'm not.
‪바람 쐬러‬I'm just getting some fresh air.
‪(세훈) 교수님!‬[Se-hun] Professor!
‪- (빛나) 교수님! 교…‬ ‪- (세훈) 교수님!‬ ‪[소란스럽다]‬-[Seong-yun] Prof! -[Bit-na] Professor! [overlapping chattering]
‪(세훈) [울먹이며] 아, 교수님!‬[overlapping chattering] [Se-hun] Professor! [Bit-na] Professor, can you help me? Just for a second?
‪(빛나) 교수님, 교수님‬[Bit-na] Professor, can you help me? Just for a second?
‪저, 저…‬[Bit-na] Professor, can you help me? Just for a second?
‪아, 선배, 선배‬ ‪제발요, 제발요, 제발요, 제발요‬Gyeong-jun! Please help me out! Over here! Over here! Over here!
‪[빛나의 한숨]‬[sighs] [Bit-na] No matter how many colors I try to mix,
‪이게 아무리 색을 섞어도‬ ‪알맞은 색이 안 나와요‬[Bit-na] No matter how many colors I try to mix, I can't get the right color that I want.
‪(경준) 응, 조교님이라 안 부르면‬ ‪안 봐줄 거야‬ ‪[경준의 웃음]‬Hmm, I'm not helping you unless you call me Mr. An.
‪(빛나) 아, 우리 선배인 것도 맞잖아요‬Oh, you're not our senior, why would I do that? But I would be really grateful if you'd just help me out
‪그래서 이거 한 번만 도와주시면‬ ‪진짜 너무 감사할 것 같은데‬ ‪[경준의 호응하는 신음]‬But I would be really grateful if you'd just help me out -with this one tiny coloration. -[gyn-hyun] Mr. An!
‪- (경준) 싫어‬ ‪- (규현) 조교님!‬-with this one tiny coloration. -[gyn-hyun] Mr. An!
‪(경준) 조교님이라고 하잖아, 그렇지?‬See? He calls me Mr. An.
‪- (빛나) 아, 선, 선배, 조교님‬ ‪- (규현) 좀 도와주세요‬-[Bit-na] Gyeong-jun! No wait, Mr. An! -I need your help.
‪(경준) 뭔데? 응‬-[Bit-na] Gyeong-jun! No wait, Mr. An! -I need your help. [Bit-na] But…
‪[경준과 규현이 대화한다]‬ ‪[짜증 섞인 신음]‬[exasperated sigh]
‪하지 말고 삼벌은 하지 말고‬ ‪재벌만 한 다음에‬[Gyeong-jun] After you get the surface all prepared, just apply the second layer,
‪프라이머로 마지막에 코팅 싹, 오케이?‬and then coat it with primer in the end. Okay?
‪[의아한 숨을 들이켠다]‬
‪단톡방엔 있는데…‬He's in the group chat, though. What's going on?
‪(빛나) 조교님!‬-[Bit-na] Mr. An! -[Professor] What are you doing?
‪(이 교수) 뭐 하세요?‬-[Bit-na] Mr. An! -[Professor] What are you doing?
‪(빛나) 아, 아, 선배, 아, 조…‬-[Bit-na] Gyeong-jun! I mean, Mr. An! -Hello, ma'am.
‪- 교수님‬ ‪- (이 교수) 왜 깜짝 놀라?‬ ‪[빛나가 애원한다]‬-[Bit-na] Gyeong-jun! I mean, Mr. An! -Hello, ma'am. Why were you so startled just now?
‪(이 교수) 야, 난 네 작품에‬ ‪지금 내가 더 깜짝 놀라‬To be honest, I'm more startled at the state of your piece.
‪너 이거 진도 언제 나가?‬To be honest, I'm more startled at the state of your piece. Why is there no progress?
‪[빛나가 계속 부탁한다]‬ ‪(나비) 그, 어…‬Why is there no progress? Well, I… I'm almost… I'm almost finished with it.
‪거의 다 끝났습니다, 그, 이…‬ ‪[경준이 말한다]‬Well, I… I'm almost… I'm almost finished with it. This shouldn't be only "almost finished." Understand? Yes?
‪[빛나의 탄성]‬ ‪(이 교수) 이게 거의 다 되면‬ ‪안 되는 거야, 어?‬This shouldn't be only "almost finished." Understand? Yes?
‪- (이 교수) 아휴‬ ‪- 야작 하겠습니다‬[sighs] I'll work late today.
‪아니, 야작을 해도 이게 지금…‬Working late isn't going to do anything for…
‪- 다음에 좀 보자‬ ‪- (나비) 예‬-You and I will talk later. -Yes, ma'am.
‪- 야, 빛나야‬ ‪- (빛나) 왜?‬-Hey, Bit-na. -[Bit-na] What's up?
‪어제 애들이 돈 다 보냈어?‬Has everyone paid their share?
‪돈? 어, 다 줬지, 왜?‬What? Yeah, everyone chipped in. Why?
‪아, 그냥 그, 궁금해서‬I was just curious, just wondering.
‪(빛나) 다 보냈어‬They all sent it.
‪[호응하는 신음]‬Hmm…
‪박재언은 어제 바로 현금으로 줬거든‬Jae-eon gave it to me in cash right before we left..
‪(빛나) 음…‬ ‪[빛나가 살짝 웃는다]‬Hmm. Mm-hm.
‪(나비) 어, 그, 해, 마저 해, 응‬[chuckles awkwardly] -Okay, carry on. -All good?
‪(빛나) 집중해‬Focus, all right?
‪하고 있어‬I am focused.
‪[나비의 한숨]‬[sighs]
‪[진수의 한숨]‬ ‪(세영) 아, 배불러‬ ‪와, 나 진짜 배 터질 것 같다‬[Se-yeong] I'm so full. My stomach's going to explode.
‪- (진수) 내가 더 터질 것 같다‬ ‪- (세영) 어휴‬[Se-yeong] I'm so full. My stomach's going to explode. -Not if mine does it first. -I can barely breathe anymore.
‪(빛나) 숨도 못 쉬겠어‬ ‪[진수의 웃음]‬-Not if mine does it first. -I can barely breathe anymore.
‪근데 솔직히 지금 디저트는 가능‬But I can totally still have some dessert.
‪케이크? 완전 쌉파서블‬ ‪[나비의 탄성]‬But I can totally still have some dessert. Cake? Now that I can put away easy.
‪(진수) [손가락을 딱 튀기며]‬ ‪솔직히 저도 쌉파서블‬Cake? Now that I can put away easy. [Jin-su] You read my mind. I could do cake.
‪(세영) 나도 커피랑 같이 먹으면‬ ‪쌉파서블‬[Jin-su] You read my mind. I could do cake. I can have a slice and eat it with coffee. That's a perfect idea!
‪[함께 웃는다]‬I can have a slice and eat it with coffee. That's a perfect idea!
‪(진수) 그럼 우리 시간도 남았는데 고?‬Look, we still have some time left. Shall we?
‪(세영) 야, 배운 녀석‬-We shall, my glutton friend. -Guess our lunch will never end!
‪(진수) 누나도 콜이죠?‬-We shall, my glutton friend. -Guess our lunch will never end! -Right on. -Oh, yeah.
‪- (나비) [손가락을 딱 튀기며] 콜‬ ‪- (세영) 오, 예!‬ ‪[진수의 웃음]‬-Right on. -Oh, yeah. Guess you're really trying to build that belly, huh?
‪(규현) 느그들 그러다가‬ ‪진짜로 배 터져야‬Guess you're really trying to build that belly, huh?
‪[세영의 못마땅한 숨소리]‬ ‪(빛나) 아, 어차피‬ ‪자기도 처먹을 거면서‬Why is he always trying to pick a fight?
‪꼭 이렇게 시비를 털어요‬-I keep waiting for him to jibe with us. -Yeah, tell me about it.
‪- (나비) 그러게나 말이야‬ ‪- (진수) 헐‬-I keep waiting for him to jibe with us. -Yeah, tell me about it. Oh, no. Has anyone seen by Bluetooth earphones?
‪(진수) 나 블루투스 이어폰 어디 갔지?‬Oh, no. Has anyone seen by Bluetooth earphones?
‪아, 나 야외 작업실에 두고 왔다‬[groans] I left them at the outdoor studio.
‪(빛나) [피식 웃으며] 야, 어떡하냐‬ ‪백 퍼 누가 가져갔다‬ ‪[진수의 짜증 섞인 신음]‬[groans] I left them at the outdoor studio. You might as well kiss them goodbye. They're gone now.
‪(규현) 요새 사방에 CCTV가 깔렸는데‬ ‪그거 누가 가져가겄냐?‬[Gyu-hyun] There are security cameras everywhere. Nobody's gonna take 'em, they're probably still there.
‪못 가져가제‬Nobody's gonna take 'em, they're probably still there.
‪(진수) 그렇죠? 아이, 가기 귀찮은데‬You sure? [groans] It's too far away.
‪- (진수) 그냥 단톡방에 물어봐야겠다‬ ‪- (나비) 어, 야, 내가 갖다줄게‬-I'll just ask in our group chat. -Hold on, I'll go get them for you.
‪- (진수) 진짜요, 누나?‬ ‪- (나비) 어‬-[Jin-su] All the way back? -Yeah.
‪(진수) 아유, 아니에요‬ ‪뭐 하러 힘들게‬It's fine. You really don't need to.
‪(나비) 아니야, 나 어차피‬ ‪그, 예대 다시 가려고 했었어‬I was about to go back anyway, it's not like it's out of the way.
‪내가 찾아서 네 사물함에 넣어 놓을게‬I'll look for them and then just put them inside your locker.
‪비밀번호 톡으로 알려 줘‬I'll look for them and then just put them inside your locker. -So just message your passcode. -I'm so touched right now.
‪(진수) 헐, 누나 완전 감동, 고마워요‬-So just message your passcode. -I'm so touched right now. -Thank you. -It's nothing.
‪(나비) [웃으며] 뭘‬ ‪[진수의 웃음]‬-Thank you. -It's nothing. [chuckles]
‪(세영) 언니 착해‬-[Se-yeong] She's so kind. -[Bit-na sighs]
‪[진수의 한숨]‬-[Se-yeong] She's so kind. -[Bit-na sighs]
‪(진수) 큰일이네‬[Jin-su] I couldn't decline.
‪아휴, 이놈의 인기는‬[sighs] I'm way too attractive and fine.
‪(빛나) 꿈 깨라‬ ‪나비가 미치지 않고서야‬Keep dreaming. She'd never fall for your goofy ass.
‪(진수) 아휴, 혹시나 한 거거든요?‬Well, I was just trying to rationalize.
‪아, 그럼 자기가 대신 왜 가 주냐고‬Why'd she go off and do that for me anyway?
‪(빛나) 뭘 대신 가 줘‬ ‪원래 예대 가려 했다잖아‬Why'd she go off and do that for me anyway? She was already about to head back, it's a coincidence.
‪- (진수) 치…‬ ‪- (빛나) 아, 됐고!‬-[Jin-su] Shh! -Never mind. Let's go and have some
‪(빛나) 우리는 케이크나 부수러 가자‬-[Jin-su] Shh! -Never mind. Let's go and have some -of that cake we wanted. -Hell yeah, cake!
‪(세영) 아, 좋아요!‬-of that cake we wanted. -Hell yeah, cake!
‪[규현의 한숨]‬[sighs]
‪[뚝딱거리는 소리가 들린다]‬[hammering and banging]
‪[기계 작동음]‬[hammering and banging]
‪(여학생9) 이건 뭐지? 박쥐인가?‬[student 1] What do you think this is? Is it a bat?
‪(윤지) [픽 웃으며] 뭔 박쥐야‬ ‪나비잖아‬[student 2] It's not a bat, it's a butterfly. [student 1] Hmm.
‪[감탄하며] 근데 얘 작품은‬ ‪진짜 느낌부터가 다르다‬[student 1] Hmm. [student 2] This piece sure feels different from all the other ones that I've seen here.
‪(여학생9) 그러니까요‬[student 1] I agree.
‪그 오빠 작업실에 잘 보이지도 않는데‬ ‪언제 이만큼 한 거지?‬I don't even see him that often working at the studio. When did he put this together?
‪(윤지) 천재인가 봐‬[student 2] He's probably a genius.
‪작년에 웬만한 대회들‬ ‪다 박재언이 쓸었잖아‬Jae-eon entered and won almost all the competitions last year.
‪그렇게 생겼는데 완전 반칙 아니냐?‬ ‪[여학생9의 호응하는 신음]‬Plus, he's drop-dead gorgeous. Life's so unfair, isn't it?
‪박재언 거였구나‬So that was Jae-eon's.
‪(여학생9) 근데 재언 오빠는 어디…‬[student 1] But where did Jae-eon find the idea to…
‪어? 나비 언니, 오셨어요?‬Oh, Na-bi, I didn't notice you there.
‪어, 안녕‬Hey, hello.
‪(윤지) 나비, 웬일이야?‬[student 2] What brings you out here?
‪아, 그, 그…‬Uh, Jin-su said he left, like, a pair of Bluetooth earphones behind.
‪진수가 뭘 좀 놓고 갔다 그래 가지고‬Uh, Jin-su said he left, like, a pair of Bluetooth earphones behind.
‪혹시 너희 블루투스 이어폰‬ ‪뭐 본 거 있어?‬Have you seen it? It's probably in a small case.
‪[여학생9와 윤지가 부정한다]‬[both] No.
‪- (윤지) 찾아 봐‬ ‪- (나비) 어, 내가, 내가 찾아 볼게‬[both] No. Oh, okay, I will…
‪(나비) 어‬
‪(여학생9) 어? 어, 재언 오빠‬[student 1] Oh, it's Jae-eon. Hey!
‪- (윤지) 어? 재언아‬ ‪- (재언) 왔어?‬-[student 2] Hey, Jae-eon. -What's up?
‪(여학생9) 재언 오빠, 안녕하세요‬[student 1] Hey, I haven't seen you in a while.
‪(재언) 안녕‬Hey, you.
‪어, 안녕‬Oh, heya.
‪뭐 찾아?‬Looking for something?
‪아, 아니‬No, I'm not.
‪(윤지) 재언아, 이거 나비 맞지?‬Jae-eon, that's a butterfly, right?
‪- (윤지) 얘가 이거 보고 박쥐라고 막‬ ‪- (여학생9) [윤지를 탁 치며] 아이…‬She said it kinda looks like a bat. [chuckles]
‪어? 나비인 거 알았네?‬So you actually recognized it? Everybody thinks it's a bat.
‪다들 박쥐인 줄 아는데‬So you actually recognized it? Everybody thinks it's a bat.
‪(윤지) 너 나비 되게 좋아하나 봐‬[student 2] I'm guessing you really like butterflies, huh?
‪저번 작품도 나비 관련된 거였잖아‬Your last piece was about the same thing.
‪아, 우리 나비 볼래?‬Your last piece was about the same thing. You wanna see my butterflies?
‪- (윤지) 응, 보여 줘‬ ‪- (여학생9) 네, 네‬You wanna see my butterflies? [student 2] Yeah, show it to us.
‪(윤지) 아, 예쁘다‬Wow, they're pretty.
‪(여학생9) 아, 그래서 목에도‬[student 1] Is that why you got that tattoo?
‪반려동물 문신 하는 것처럼?‬Like when people get tattoos of their pets?
‪(윤지) 얘네 이름도 있어?‬Do you have names for each of them?
‪(재언) 아니, 그냥 나비인데‬No, I call them all the same thing.
‪[부드러운 음악]‬
‪예쁘잖아‬I think it's perfect.
‪나비를‬I like butterflies.
‪좋아해‬A lot.
‪(재언) 나비‬[Jae-eon] "Butterfly."
‪예쁘잖아‬I think it's perfect.
‪(나비) 박재언은 자꾸만 날‬[Na-bi] Jae-eon keeps making me overthink
‪전 남친 그 새끼처럼 생각하게 만든다‬about trivial things the same way my annoying ex used to.
‪쓸데없는 거에 의미 부여하는 거‬ ‪진짜 최악인데‬about trivial things the same way my annoying ex used to. God, I hate reading into all of this meaningless stuff.
‪[한숨 쉬며] 유나비, 이 등신‬[sighing] You're such an idiot, Na-bi.
‪(재언) 누가 등신이야?‬[Jae-eon] Who's the idiot?
‪(나비) 보지 마‬ ‪[재언이 숨을 들이켠다]‬Don't look at it.
‪(재언) 이거는 미역 그린 거야?‬So what is it? Is it a bunch of seaweed?
‪(나비) 너는 왜 이렇게‬That was rude of you eavesdropping on my thoughts
‪쓸데없이 나타나 가지고‬ ‪사람 놀래고 그러냐?‬That was rude of you eavesdropping on my thoughts and then suddenly surprising me out of nowhere.
‪네가 둔한 거지‬I thought you were insensitive.
‪말도 없이 갔길래‬You just left without a word.
‪나한테 뭐 할 말 있나 하고‬I was waiting for you to say something.
‪아니, 뭐, 딱히 할 말은…‬No, I wasn't planning on saying anything.
‪(나비) 아, 그‬ ‪친구 물건 찾아 주러 갔던 건데‬I was looking for this thing my friend left behind at the studio.
‪(나비) 넌 네가‬ ‪어디서든 먹히는 거 알고 있지?‬[Na-bi] You know you can get anyone you look at to like you, don't you?
‪그러니까 그런 표정, 그런 말투로‬It's exactly why you make that face and talk like that.
‪(재언) 응?‬Huh?
‪[함께 웃는다]‬ ‪[잔잔한 음악]‬[both chuckling]
‪(나비) 여기 있네, 미역‬There's that seaweed you said earlier.
‪- 일로 와‬ ‪- (나비) 야, 왜 이래‬-Come here. -Sorry.
‪(나비) [웃으며] 아, 미안, 미안, 미안‬ ‪미안, 미안, 알겠어, 알겠어‬[laughing] I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Stop it. -I'm just kidding, I'll wipe it off. -Wipe it off.
‪(재언과 나비)‬ ‪- 빨리 닦아‬ ‪- 닦아 줄게, 닦아 줄게, 닦아 줄게‬-I'm just kidding, I'll wipe it off. -Wipe it off. -[laughs] -[Na-bi] Here, I'll clean it up for you.
‪(나비) 어, 진짜 닦아 줄게‬-[laughs] -[Na-bi] Here, I'll clean it up for you.
‪[함께 웃는다]‬-["We're Already" by KIMMUSEUM playing] -[both laughing]
‪[나비와 재언의 웃음]‬ ‪(나비) 아, 잠깐만‬[Na-bi] I'm sorry, I'll wipe it off!
‪[나비가 사과한다]‬[Na-bi] I'm sorry, I'll wipe it off! [Ji-wan gasping] Hang on. What?
‪[나비와 재언이 화기애애하다]‬ ‪(지완) 잠깐만, 뭐야?‬[Ji-wan gasping] Hang on. What?
‪쟤네 둘이 언제 저렇게 친해졌지?‬When did they get so close? I had no idea.
‪오, 좋아 보이는데? 야, 야…‬When did they get so close? I had no idea. [Ji-wan] Aw, they look pretty good together. Hey!
‪- (지완) 왜?‬ ‪- (솔) [작은 목소리로] 그냥 가자‬-[Sol] Shh! -[Ji-wan] Why? [whispering] Let's just go.
‪- (지완) 왜?‬ ‪- (솔) 아니, 아니야, 그냥 가자‬-[muffled] Why? -Come on. Let's just go.
‪[분무기를 탁 내려놓는다]‬
‪(나비) 왜 이렇게 어깨가 아프지?‬[Na-bi] God, my shoulders are killing me.
‪아무 데나 철봉 좀 놔 줬으면 좋겠다‬[Na-bi] God, my shoulders are killing me. I wish they had a high bar at school so I could stretch.
‪[나비의 찌뿌둥한 신음]‬[Na-bi groaning]
‪(재언) 힘 빼 봐‬[Jae-eon] Loosen up.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬I noticed you're hunching your back whenever you're working.
‪너 작업할 때 보니까 등 엄청 굽었더라‬I noticed you're hunching your back whenever you're working.
‪(나비) 야, 놔 봐, 잠깐만, 야‬[Na-bi] Wait, let go for a second. Hey.
‪잠깐만, 엄마, 엄마‬Wait a minute, hold on, stop. Wait!
‪아, 넘어질 뻔했잖아‬I almost fell over because of you.
‪(재언) 빛나가‬ ‪너 작업실 귀신이라던데?‬[Jae-eon] Bit-na says you practically live in the studio these days.
‪(나비) [피식 웃으며]‬ ‪그 정도는 아니고‬[chuckles] It's not how it sounds, really.
‪밤에 작업하는 걸 좋아해서‬ ‪야작을 자주 해‬I like working at night, so I often stay late. I mean, you know what it's like, don't you?
‪너는?‬I mean, you know what it's like, don't you?
‪이제 좀 해 보게, 너무 재밌더라‬I might try it more often. You did make it feel fun.
‪[차분한 음악]‬ ‪(나비) 이야기를 하면 할수록‬[Na-bi] As our conversation went on,
‪박재언의 다른 면이 보인다‬you could make out the different sides of Jae-eon.
‪[살짝 웃는다]‬Hmm. I'm jealous.
‪부럽다‬Hmm. I'm jealous.
‪(나비) 나도 옛날엔‬ ‪재밌었던 것 같은데‬There was a time when it used to be fun for me, too.
‪(재언) 지금은 재미없어?‬You don't think it's fun anymore?
‪(나비) 그냥 좀‬ ‪생각이 많아졌다고 해야 되나?‬I think the difference is there's a lot more to think about nowadays.
‪뭘 해야 될지도 잘 모르겠고‬And I'm not even sure what I should be doing.
‪교환 학생 가고 싶다며?‬You wanted to be an exchange student, didn't you?
‪(재언) 좋은 목표 같은데?‬Seems like a good goal to have.
‪교환 학생, 뭐‬It's not even that big of a deal.
‪말만 거창하지, 다들 많이들 가니까‬It feels special till you see other students do it too.
‪(나비) 그리고 솔직히‬To be completely honest…
‪멀리 떠나고 싶은 마음이 더 커‬I just wish I could go somewhere far away.
‪그냥 엄마 때문에도 그렇고‬Well, because of my mom and also…
‪아, 이런 얘기 하지 말자‬ ‪재미없다‬[sighing] Let's stop talking about this. You probably think it's…
‪난 재밌는데‬I don't think it's boring at all.
‪진짜 네 얘기잖아‬Especially when you talk about yourself.
‪(나비) 처음 생각했던 이미지와 다른‬[Na-bi] He's so different from that first impression I had.
‪나만 아는 모습이라 믿고 싶어지는‬I wanted to believe I was the only one who knew this side of him.
‪(나비) 어…‬Oh.
‪(재언) 네가 좋아하는 달 떴다‬There's that lovely moon you like so much.
‪예쁘다‬It's pretty, isn't it?
‪(재언) 예쁘다‬Very pretty.
‪번호‬May I have your number?
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪아, 번호‬Oh. My number?
‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬
‪(나비) 뭔가 새롭게 시작되려는 느낌은‬[Na-bi] Suddenly, it feels like a new chapter is about to begin.
‪착각이 아닐 거다‬I'm probably not mistaken.
‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬ ‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬[phone buzzes]
‪(재언) '유나비', 저장했다‬Yu Na-bi. I saved your number.
‪(나비) 넌 내가 나비라는 걸‬ ‪알고 있잖아‬[Na-bi] It doesn't matter what it says there. You know that I'm Na-bi.
‪[함께 웃는다]‬ ‪[재언이 휴대전화를 툭 내려놓는다]‬You know that I'm Na-bi. [both laugh softly]
‪(재언) 너도 피울래?‬Do you want one?
‪아니, 나는 됐어‬No, thanks, I'm good.
‪[재언이 담뱃갑을 툭 내려놓는다]‬
‪커스텀이야?‬Did you get it customized?
‪(재언) 응‬Mm-hm.
‪예쁘지?‬Looks pretty, right?
‪또 나비네‬ ‪[나비가 피식 웃는다]‬Another butterfly.
‪아, 나도 보여 줘‬Oh, show me the other ones too.
‪뭘?‬-The what? -Your pet butterflies.
‪너 나비 키운다며‬-The what? -Your pet butterflies.
‪- 아, 우리 나비?‬ ‪- (나비) 응‬-Oh, my butterflies? -Mm-hm.
‪보러 갈래?‬You wanna go see?
‪[차분한 음악]‬I meant that… the…
‪(나비) 아니, 그, 그…‬I meant that… the… I was talking about that video you showed your friends earlier…
‪친구들한테 보여 줬던 거‬ ‪그 영상 보여 달라고‬I was talking about that video you showed your friends earlier…
‪뭐래‬ ‪[재언이 피식 웃는다]‬-With the… -[Jae-eon laughs]
‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬
‪(나비) 예쁘다‬They're pretty.
‪얘네가 뭐가 그렇게 좋아?‬[Na-bi] What is it that you like so much about them?
‪(재언) 얘네가 이렇게‬ ‪내 얼굴로 기어오를 때가 있는데‬[Jae-eon] Sometimes they approach me, then they crawl up around my face just like this.
‪그게 되게 기분 좋아‬And it would make me feel so good.
‪사랑스러워‬It's lovely.
‪[웃으며] 간지러워‬That tickles.
‪[함께 웃는다]‬[both chuckle]
‪(나비) 아, 나도 담배나 피워야겠다‬On second thought, I wanna have a smoke, too.
‪[재언의 한숨]‬[Jae-eon sighing] I don't feel like going back inside.
‪(재언) 다시 들어가기 싫다‬[Jae-eon sighing] I don't feel like going back inside.
‪[나비의 한숨]‬[Na-bi sighs] Me neither.
‪(나비) 나도‬[Na-bi sighs] Me neither.
‪(재언) 너 안 피우잖아‬Except that you don't smoke.
‪술이나 마실래?‬You wanna have drinks instead?
‪아, 작업 더 하게? 그럼 뭐…‬Oh, if you're gonna work some more, then I'll just--
‪(나비) 아, 아니야, 아니야, 가자‬No, no, I'm not. Let's go.
‪둘이서만?‬Just the two of us?
‪아니, 뭐‬ ‪[어색한 웃음]‬Well, we can… Of course we can call anyone else who wants to go.
‪애들, 애들 불러도 되고‬Of course we can call anyone else who wants to go.
‪[함께 웃는다]‬-[Na-bi] Should I call them? -[both laughing]
‪왜 웃는데?‬-Why are you laughing? -No idea.
‪(재언) 몰라‬-Why are you laughing? -No idea.
‪너만 보면 웃겨‬You just make me laugh somehow.
‪너 나랑 술 마시는 게 그렇게 좋냐?‬So you're happy to have drinks with just the two of us?
‪좋아‬Just us.
‪(나비) 확실해, 우리는 같은 마음인 거‬ ‪[감성적인 음악]‬[Na-bi] I'm pretty sure… We feel the same way about each other.
‪(재언) 소원 쓰려고‬[Jae-eon] I'm using my wish.
‪(나비) 아무한테나 이러겠지‬ ‪난 다 알고 있다고‬[Na-bi] I'm sure he does this to everyone. He's so petty.
‪(빛나) 박재언 걔?‬ ‪연애할 맘 전혀 없어‬[Bit-na] Park Jae-eon? That guy's not the type to date.
‪그러니까 마음 접어‬So just forget about him.
‪[빛나의 놀란 신음]‬ ‪(재언) 안 다쳤어?‬-[Na-bi] I'm falling! I'm falling! -[Jae-eon] Are you hurt?
‪(나비) 박재언은‬ ‪자꾸만 날 들뜨게 한다‬-[Na-bi] I'm falling! I'm falling! -[Jae-eon] Are you hurt? [Na-bi] Park Jae-eon, he really excites me.
‪(재언) 연애를 꼭 해야 되는 거야?‬[Jae-eon] Okay, answer this. Does everyone have to date? Can't just two people have a special kind of closeness?
‪연애 안 할 거면‬ ‪친하게 지내지도 못하나?‬Can't just two people have a special kind of closeness?
‪가까이 서지도 말고‬ ‪뭐가 묻었어도 모르는 척하고?‬Or simply be near each other? Do they have to care if there's something in their hair?
‪(나비) 난 박재언에게 뭘 바라는 걸까?‬[Na-bi] What do I really want from Jae-eon?
‪(재언) 넌 가끔‬ ‪갑자기 나한테 선 긋더라?‬[Jae-eon] I don't get you. You're just cold towards me sometimes.
‪(나비) 빛나랑 나랑 우리 집에서‬ ‪술 한잔하기로 했는데 너도 갈래?‬Bit-na and I are planning that we drink some more at my house.
‪(빛나) 이거 걸린 사람들끼리‬ ‪키스하는 거다!‬Wanna join us? And now, the bottle will decide who will end up kissing.
‪(나비) 그래‬[Na-bi] Right. Maybe I should see it for myself and maybe move on.
‪차라리 확실하게 확인하고 털어 버리자‬

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