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Kill Boksoon


[남자가 일본어로] 춥군‬[man thinking] It's cold.
‪내가 호텔 창문을 열어두었던가?‬Did I leave the hotel window open?
‪[강렬한 효과음]‬
‪[한국어] 아이, 씨‬[groans quietly]
‪[요란한 열차 운행음]‬[train approaching]
‪[여자가 일본어로] 손님‬ ‪정신이 좀 드세요?‬Hello, Sir, Are you awake now?
‪[남자가 한국어로] 아이, 씨‬
‪[어이없는 한숨]‬[sighs]
‪[일본어] 어이‬Hey!
‪내가 누군지 알고 이러는 건가?‬Do you have any idea who you’re dealing with right now?
‪[여자] 재일 교포 2세‬ ‪오다 신이치로‬Oda Shinichiro, a second-generation zainichi.
‪한국 이름 김광일‬Oda Shinichiro, a second-generation zainichi. Your Korean name is Kim Gwang-il.
‪3일 전에 관광차 들어오셨죠?‬You got here three days ago for some sightseeing.
‪[오다] 나고야에서 보냈나?‬You got here three days ago for some sightseeing. [Gwang-il] Did someone from Nagoya send you then?
‪도쿄의 사카구치?‬Or was it Sakaguchi from Tokyo?
‪아니면 부산의 최 사장인가?‬Or maybe Mr. Choi from Busan?
‪[한국어] 찾는 사람 많네‬I see that you're wanted.
‪[일본어] 그러게‬Gwang-il,
‪편하게 자연사하시려면‬ ‪착하게 사셨어야죠, 손님‬you should've lived a better life if you wanted to a die natural death, with all due respect.
‪[오다의 어이없는 웃음]‬with all due respect. [laughs]
‪[깨닫는 신음]‬
‪들어본 적이 있어‬I've heard of you, all right.
‪반도에 솜씨 좋은 여자 암살자‬A ruthless, female assassin from the Korean peninsula.
‪소문이 사실이었구나‬The rumors must be true if they sent you to deal with me alone,
‪이 관서의 호랑이‬ ‪오다 신이치로에게‬The rumors must be true if they sent you to deal with me alone, Oda Shinichiro, the infamous Kansai tiger.
‪혼자 보낼 정도라면‬Oda Shinichiro, the infamous Kansai tiger.
‪[한국어] 아무튼‬ ‪야쿠자 애들 허세는‬Pretentious, like all the yakuza.
‪[일본어] 허세가 아니다‬ ‪사무라이의 자부심이다‬Hey, this is just the pride of a samurai.
‪[한국어] 어머!‬Of course.
‪한국말 알아들으시는구나?‬The pride of a samurai.
‪[깊은 한숨]‬[sighs]
‪[일본어] 그런데 왜지?‬I still don't get it. That is
‪어째서 이 오다 신이치로가‬ ‪깨어날 때까지 기다린 거지?‬why did you wait for me to wake up?
‪[한국어] 처음에는‬ ‪그냥 죽일까 했는데‬I was going to kill you earlier,
‪심경에 좀 변화가 와서요‬but I changed my mind, sir.
‪[일본어] 긴 얘기가 아니라면‬ ‪듣고 싶은데…‬I would like to hear the story, if it isn't too long.
‪[한국어] 그래, 뭐 [헛기침]‬Well, all right. [clears throat]
‪그러면 말 편하게 할게‬I'll just tell it like it is.
‪나한테 딸이 하나 있어‬I have a daughter.
‪[산뜻한 음악]‬
‪[여자] 날 닮아서 참 이쁜 친구야‬She takes after me, so she's a really pretty girl.
‪- 뭐?‬ ‪- [음악이 뚝 멈춘다]‬What?
‪[TV 뉴스 소리]‬[woman] That aside, she can be pretty rude sometimes.
‪[여자] 애가 좀‬ ‪싸가지 없기는 하지만‬[woman] That aside, she can be pretty rude sometimes.
‪아무튼‬Anyway, we were watching the news one weekend.
‪주말에 걔랑 뉴스를 보고 있었어‬Anyway, we were watching the news one weekend. [female reporter] Senator Oh Jeong-sik, the new candidate for prime minister,
‪[TV 속 앵커] 이번‬ ‪새 국무총리 후보자로 지명된‬[female reporter] Senator Oh Jeong-sik, the new candidate for prime minister,
‪오정식 의원의 아들 오모 군의‬is currently refuting all claims that his son was fraudulently admitted
‪- 음대 부정 입학 의혹과 관련하여‬ ‪- [TV 속 기자들의 질문 세례]‬is currently refuting all claims that his son was fraudulently admitted into a college of music.
‪오정식 의원은‬ ‪혐의를 부인하고 있는 가운데‬into a college of music. Meanwhile, the prosecution has just recently summoned the senator's son
‪검찰은 아들 오모 군을 소환하여‬ ‪조사를 시작했습니다‬Meanwhile, the prosecution has just recently summoned the senator's son so that they may begin the investigation.
‪[여자] 에이, 사람들 정말‬so that they may begin the investigation. These people, honestly.
‪- [TV 속 앵커] 시민 단체들이…‬ ‪- [여자의 한숨]‬These people, honestly. Hmm.
‪아니, 자기 새끼 좋은 대학‬ ‪보내고 싶은 건 당연한 거지‬Hmm. If it got their kid into a good school, they'd do that.
‪자기들은 안 그럴 거 같아?‬If it got their kid into a good school, they'd do that.
‪- 정말‬ ‪- [딸의 한숨]‬-Come on. -[girl sighs]
‪[TV 속 앵커] 검찰은 23일 어제‬ ‪이번 부정 입학…‬
‪[여자] 아니‬Listen.
‪저게 잘했다는 게 아니라‬You know I'm not saying what he did was right.
‪부모 마음으로‬ ‪그럴 수 있다는 거지‬I'm just saying as a parent, I understand why he did it.
‪[딸] 공정하지가 못하잖아‬I don't think that's fair.
‪[여자] 아유‬[scoffs]
‪원래 사람이 하는 일은‬ ‪공정하기 힘들어‬Nothing people do is.
‪[딸] 누군가 저런 식으로‬ ‪대학에 붙으면‬If that kid is the one that got admitted, then another didn't.
‪또 누군가는 떨어질 거 아니야‬If that kid is the one that got admitted, then another didn't.
‪그게 내가 되면?‬What if I was that kid? Would you be saying the same thing then?
‪엄마는 지금이랑‬ ‪똑같이 얘기할 거야?‬What if I was that kid? Would you be saying the same thing then?
‪[TV 속 앵커] 사전 협의하에‬
‪오모 씨에게‬ ‪만점을 준 의혹에 대하여‬
‪- 사실 조사를…‬ ‪- [딸의 한숨]‬
‪내가 엄마면‬ ‪세상이 불공정하다고 하기보다는‬If I was a mom, I'd teach my kid to have fair competitions,
‪정당하게 경쟁하는 법을‬ ‪가르칠 거야‬I'd teach my kid to have fair competitions, instead of going on about how unfair the world is.
‪[멀어지는 발소리]‬instead of going on about how unfair the world is.
‪[오다가 일본어로] 훌륭한 딸이군‬[Gwang-il] She sounds exceptional.
‪[여자가 한국어로] 그렇지?‬You know,
‪가끔 애들한테도‬ ‪배울 게 있다니까‬we can really learn things from our kids.
‪[오다가 일본어로] 그러네‬we can really learn things from our kids. Yes, we can.
‪[여자가 한국어로] 그래서 오늘은‬ ‪공정한 경쟁을 해보려고‬[woman] So that's why I'm competing fairly today.
‪[덜컹 소리]‬
‪[오다가 일본어로] 괜찮겠나?‬ ‪후회할 텐데‬Are you sure? I think you'll regret it.
‪좋아‬I see!
‪그대도 사무라이로구나‬I'm not the only samurai here, huh?
‪내게 의복을 다오‬ ‪그대에게 예를 갖추고 싶다‬How about some clothes so I can fight with decency?
‪[여자가 한국어로] 됐고‬Cut it out.
‪추우면 춥다고 얘기를 해‬If you're cold, just say so.
‪네 칼 너무 낡았던데‬ ‪뭐, 새거 줄까?‬Your sword looks old. You want something new instead?
‪[일본어] 하기는‬Well,
‪- [예스러운 음악]‬ ‪- 여인들은 검을 잘 모르지‬a lady wouldn't know much about swords, now would she?
‪[코를 훌쩍인다]‬
‪이 와키자시는 400년 전‬Four hundred years ago, this was forged by
‪에도 막부의 최고의 도공‬the greatest swordsmith of the Edo shogunate. This is
‪아키히로 작품이다‬an Akihiro katana.
‪사무라이에게는‬Samurais consider,
‪성배와 같은 예술품이지‬this to be like the Holy Grail.
‪- [쓱 소리]‬ ‪- 어때?‬What do you say?
‪대단하지 않나?‬Impressive, is it not?
‪[한국어] 이마트에서‬ ‪3만 원 주고 샀어‬I bought this thing online today.
‪[긴박감 넘치는 음악]‬[action music plays]
‪[분에 찬 소리]‬[hisses]
‪- [힘주는 소리]‬ ‪- [오다의 탄성]‬-[grunts] -Ooh, ho!
‪[하 내뱉는 소리]‬-[pants] -Ooh-hoo! [chuckles]
‪[오다의 빈정거리는 탄성]‬-[pants] -Ooh-hoo! [chuckles]
‪[오다의 비아냥대는 웃음]‬
‪[오다가 일본어로] 자‬Let's see.
‪시작해 볼까?‬How about we begin, huh?
‪[오다의 빈정거리는 탄성]‬Oh, ooh!
‪- [긴박감 고조되는 음악]‬ ‪- [오다의 기합]‬[Gwang-il grunting]
‪[여자의 신음]‬[woman grunts]
‪- [뒷걸음질]‬ ‪- [음악이 멈춘다]‬
‪[여자의 거친 한숨]‬
‪[날카로운 칼날 효과음]‬
‪[긴박감 넘치는 음악]‬
‪[오다, 여자의 기합]‬[grunting]
‪[오다의 거친 기합]‬
‪[오다] 대단하구나‬You're good.
‪[여자가 한국어로] 응, 나도 알아‬Hmm, I know.
‪[빵 울리는 열차 경적]‬[train horn blares]
‪[긴박감 고조되는 음악]‬
‪[요란한 열차 운행음]‬[grunting]
‪[여자, 오다의 기합]‬[grunting]
‪[오다의 기합]‬
‪[오다의 악쓰는 기합]‬
‪[여자의 힘주는 소리]‬
‪[여자의 기합]‬
‪- [오다의 기합]‬ ‪- [챙 부딪는 소리]‬
‪[오다의 악쓰는 기합]‬[yells]
‪[오다, 여자의 기합]‬
‪[오다의 거친 기합]‬
‪- [여자의 힘겨운 신음]‬ ‪- [쿵]‬[woman grunts]
‪[털썩 소리]‬[woman grunts]
‪[여자가 피식 웃는다]‬
‪[여자의 거친 숨소리]‬[sighs]
‪[일본어] 자랑스러워해도 좋다‬[sighs] Be proud of your work today.
‪전 열도를 뒤져봐도‬There are only three people
‪이 오다 신이치로와‬ ‪이 정도 합을 겨룰 자는‬who can last this long against Oda Shinichiro
‪세 손가락 안에 꼽힐 테니‬out of all the fighters in Japan.
‪[하 내뱉는 소리]‬[sighs]
‪[의미심장한 효과음]‬[distorted wind blows]
‪[땡 울리는 효과음]‬[bell rings]
‪[스산한 효과음]‬[distorted notes play]
‪[바람 소리 효과음]‬
‪[삭 베는 소리]‬
‪- [피 뿜는 소리]‬ ‪- [흥미로운 전자 음악]‬
‪- [놀란 탄성]‬ ‪- [음악이 멈춘다]‬Hoo.
‪[오다] 계속 안 할 건가?‬-[Gwang-il] Are you giving up? -One sec, huh?
‪[한국어] 잠깐 [거친 숨소리]‬-[Gwang-il] Are you giving up? -One sec, huh?
‪나 장비 좀 바꾸자‬-Let me switch this. -Not a problem.
‪[일본어] 얼마든지‬-Let me switch this. -Not a problem.
‪[거친 숨소리]‬[sighs]
‪[예스러운 음악]‬
‪승부에 절대 우연이란 없다‬There's no coincidences in winning.
‪천 일의 연습을 '단'‬A thousand days to forge a spirit…
‪만 일의 연습을 '련'이라 한다‬…and 10,000 days to remind yourself!
‪[거친 기합]‬…and 10,000 days to remind yourself! Ah!
‪이 '단련'이 있고서야‬And only after this rigorous conditioning--
‪[총성]‬And only after this rigorous conditioning--
‪[외마디 신음]‬[gags]
‪[다가오는 발소리]‬
‪[한국어] 씨부럴 년‬Oh, you bitch.
‪- [총성]‬ ‪- [털썩 소리]‬Sorry. The supermarket's about to close.
‪마트 문 닫을 시간이라‬The supermarket's about to close.
‪- [요란한 열차 운행음]‬ ‪- [부드러운 재즈 음악]‬The supermarket's about to close.
‪[달달달 카트 바퀴 소리]‬[jazz music plays]
‪[사각거리는 효과음]‬KILL BOKSOON
‪[피 튀기는 효과음]‬KILL BOKSOON
‪[여자의 지친 한숨]‬
‪어머‬Oh no.
‪너 언제 이렇게 시들었니?‬When did you get this wilted?
‪아니, 엄마한테 얘기를 해야 알지‬You should've told Mommy sooner.
‪[툭 데구루루 소리]‬
‪[경건한 음악]‬[somber organ music plays]
‪[복순 부] 제 딸 복순이가‬[man] My daughter, Boksoon, has been smoking.
‪담배에 손을 댔습니다‬[man] My daughter, Boksoon, has been smoking.
‪아직 어린아이가‬It was a misdeed committed by a curious young child.
‪멋도 모르고‬ ‪호기심에 저지른 짓입니다‬It was a misdeed committed by a curious young child.
‪제가 딸아이의 죄를‬ ‪사하여 준 것 같이‬Forgive me my sins, oh Lord,
‪주님께서도 저의 죄를‬ ‪사하여 주시옵소서‬just as I have forgiven the sins of my daughter.
‪받아‬Take this.
‪[음악이 뚝 멈춘다]‬
‪먹어‬Eat it.
‪[경건한 음악]‬[somber organ music continues]
‪삼켜야지‬[man] Swallow it.
‪- [도어록 작동음]‬ ‪- [문 여닫히는 소리]‬[door opens]
‪[다가오는 발소리]‬
‪[복순] 늦었네‬You're home late.
‪언제부터 피웠어?‬I found your cigarettes.
‪술은 몰라도‬ ‪담배는 몸에 좋을 거 하나도 없어‬Nothing good comes from smoking. Why not just drink?
‪피우지 마‬Don't smoke.
‪무단 횡단 하면서‬ ‪교통질서 잘 지키라고 하면‬That's like telling me to watch the lights when you're jaywalking.
‪그게 설득력도 있겠다, 그렇지?‬Great argument, though. Seriously.
‪[쾅 문 닫히는 소리]‬[door slams]
‪[삭 베는 효과음]‬[door slams]
‪[바람 소리 효과음]‬
‪[강렬한 효과음]‬
‪언제부터 피웠어?‬I found your cigarettes.
‪엄마랑 한 대 피울래?‬Wanna have a smoke?
‪[코웃음 치며] 쿨한 척 좀 하지 마‬You're not that cool, Mom.
‪- [쾅 문 닫히는 소리]‬ ‪- [삭 베는 효과음]‬[door slams]
‪[숨 들이켜는 소리]‬
‪[후 내쉬는 소리]‬[exhales deeply]
‪저거 죽여버릴까 보다, 이, 씨‬That's it. I'm gonna kill her.
‪길재영‬Gil Jae-young!
‪[재영] 문 세게 닫은 거 미안‬I'm sorry for slamming a door.
‪그리고 안 피울게, 이제‬I won't smoke again.
‪[길게 내쉬는 숨소리]‬[exhales deeply]
‪[휴대폰 조작음]‬
‪왜?‬What is it?
‪뭐 할 말 있어?‬Something else?
‪아니, 내일 엄마들 교육 모임‬Uh, no. I just wanted your opinion,
‪그거 옷 좀 같이 고르자고‬you know, for what I should wear tomorrow.
‪그 교육 모임…‬The educational meeting.
‪그런데 그거‬Isn't that just
‪극성스러운 사립 학교 엄마들‬a lunch with all those private-school moms who discuss their kids and assets?
‪돈 자랑, 자식 자랑‬ ‪하는 자리 아니야?‬a lunch with all those private-school moms who discuss their kids and assets?
‪[고상한 음악이 흘러나온다]‬[instrumental music plays]
‪[여자1] 어쩔 수 없이‬[woman] That's what I've been saying.
‪미국 본토로 가는 데는‬ ‪다 이유가 있는 거지‬[woman] That's what I've been saying. There's a reason that everyone goes to the U.S. mainland.
‪작년에 우리도 하와이로 가봤는데‬We went to Hawaii last year.
‪거기 음식도 입맛에 맞고‬ ‪놀기는 좋은데‬There were decent enough meals and lots to see.
‪이제 그냥 한국 애들 판이야‬There are just so many tourists now.
‪- [여자2의 호응]‬ ‪- 영어가 안 늘어‬There are just so many tourists now. -The kids can't work on their Korean. -Mmm.
‪[여자3] 그래서 요즘에‬ ‪싱가포르 캠프로 많이들 가던데‬That's why people send their kids to camps in Singapore these days.
‪[여자4] 아유, 못 써‬That's why people send their kids to camps in Singapore these days. Oh no, don't.
‪그거야 그냥 학교 애들 얘기고‬Oh no, don't. That's where average kids go. [chuckles]
‪[여자4의 옅은 웃음]‬[chuckles]
‪거기는 액티비티가 별로야‬[chuckles] Classes are poor there.
‪[여자들의 깨닫는 소리]‬Classes are poor there. [women] Oh.
‪[복순] 그러면‬ ‪요즘은 어디가 괜찮아요?‬So then, where should we send our kids to?
‪[여자1] 어, 맞다‬Oh, that's right, because this summer you and Jae-young
‪재영이네는‬ ‪이번 여름에는 왜 안 갔지?‬Oh, that's right, because this summer you and Jae-young didn't end up going away.
‪[복순] 이번 여름이요?‬This summer, you mean?
‪[여자1] 응‬Mm-hmm.
‪[생각하는 소리] 아‬Ah, that's right.
‪그때 제가 출장이 좀 있었어요‬Ah, that's right. I had to travel for business.
‪- [고풍스러운 음악]‬ ‪- [남자의 고통스러운 신음]‬[traditional Middle Eastern music plays]
‪[살짝 웃는다]‬[chuckles]
‪[여자1] 재영 엄마는‬ ‪혼자라서 더 힘들겠다‬[woman] I'm sure it's harder for you since you're on your own.
‪[여자2의 안쓰러운 소리]‬Hmm.
‪그래서 이번에는 꼭 보내려고요‬This year I plan on letting her travel.
‪[소라 모] 안 그래도 우리 소라가‬Actually, So-ra has said I should look out for Jae-young.
‪자꾸 재영이 좀‬ ‪신경 쓰라고 하더라‬Actually, So-ra has said I should look out for Jae-young.
‪- [옅은 웃음]‬ ‪- [여자2의 호응]‬[chuckles] Mmm.
‪그런데‬But remind me. What do you do again?
‪재영 엄마, 무슨 일 한다고 했지?‬But remind me. What do you do again?
‪어… 그냥 이벤트 회사 다녀요‬Mmm, just event planning, actually.
‪[소라 모] 이, 이벤트?‬[woman] Uh, event planning?
‪무슨?‬What kind?
‪- [긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪- [TV 속 앵커] 오늘 새벽 서울‬[male reporter] Earlier this morning in Seoul, a man in his 40s
‪공사 중이던 동호대교 한복판에서‬[male reporter] Earlier this morning in Seoul, a man in his 40s was found dead from a gunshot wound, lying in the middle of the road.
‪총상을 입은 40대 남성이‬ ‪숨진 채 발견됐습니다‬was found dead from a gunshot wound, lying in the middle of the road.
‪신원 파악 결과‬He was identified as the Japanese-born Korean Kim Gwang-il
‪3일 전 한국에 들어온‬ ‪재일 교포 김광일 씨‬He was identified as the Japanese-born Korean Kim Gwang-il who arrived to Korea three days ago.
‪일본 고베를 본거지로 한‬ ‪야쿠자 조직 신이치로파의 두목‬who arrived to Korea three days ago. [muffled speech]
‪오다 신이치로…‬[muffled speech]
‪[여자] 것 봐‬[woman] See? She didn't stick to the script again.
‪이번에도 시나리오대로 안 했네‬[woman] See? She didn't stick to the script again.
‪[TV 속 앵커] 국내 범죄 조직과도…‬Using a gun in a domestic show?
‪[여자] 국내 작품에서 총을 쏘면‬ ‪우리 뒤처리는 어떡하니?‬Using a gun in a domestic show? How do we clean that up, hmm?
‪[TV 속 앵커] 이번 암살과 관련해‬ ‪일본 정부 측은 아직까지…‬How do we clean that up, hmm? [male reporter] The Japanese government has yet to make an official…
‪[남자] 나는‬ ‪나쁘지 않은 선택 같은데‬[male reporter] The Japanese government has yet to make an official… Well I'm not convinced she shouldn't have.
‪[여자] 왜?‬Why?
‪[TV 속 남자] 아시다시피 한국에‬[man on TV] As you all know, gun-related crimes are uncommon in Korea.
‪총기 사용 사건은‬ ‪드물지 않습니까?‬[man on TV] As you all know, gun-related crimes are uncommon in Korea. Considering that fact, this was likely the result
‪그런 거로 봐서‬Considering that fact, this was likely the result
‪일본 야쿠자 세력 다툼일‬ ‪가능성이 높고요‬Considering that fact, this was likely the result of the Japanese yakuza power struggle going on.
‪한국 조폭들이 개입되었는지는…‬And if Korean gangs were involved in this…
‪누가 바람난 야쿠자 남편한테 화난‬ ‪와이프를 의심하겠어?‬Who'd suspect the wife of the cheating yakuza when they have all this?
‪[TV 속 만식] 현재까지의‬ ‪수사 진행을…‬when they have all this?
‪[여자] 에이그‬Please.
‪오빠는 참 길복순한테 관대해‬You're always so weak when you deal with her.
‪- [TV 속 만식] 어, 재일 교포 2세‬ ‪- [의미심장한 음악]‬You're always so weak when you deal with her. [man on TV] The victim was a second-generation Japanese-born Korean.
‪- 일본 이름은 오다 신이치로‬ ‪- [남자의 웃음]‬[man on TV] The victim was a second-generation Japanese-born Korean. Oda Shinichiro, also known in Korea as Kim Gwang-il…
‪한국 이름은 김광일‬Oda Shinichiro, also known in Korea as Kim Gwang-il…
‪[날카로운 칼날 효과음]‬[mysterious music plays]
‪[남자1의 기합]‬[yells]
‪[남자1의 거친 기합]‬[yelling]
‪- [후루룩 국수 소리]‬ ‪- [계속되는 기합]‬
‪[계속되는 기합]‬
‪[남자1의 기합]‬
‪[남자2] 왔어요?‬Hey.
‪[주인] 어서 와‬[grunts, laughs] [owner] Grab a seat.
‪[남자1] 와!‬ ‪이거 진짜 잘 썰리겠다‬[sighs] This… This could cut through rock like butter.
‪[탁 넣는 소리]‬This… This could cut through rock like butter.
‪선배님! 존경합니다‬Boksoon, you have all of my respect.
‪- [복순] 재미있게 놀았어?‬ ‪- [남자1] 예‬Boksoon, you have all of my respect. You have fun with it? -[man] Yes! -[laughing]
‪[복순, 남자1의 웃음]‬-[man] Yes! -[laughing]
‪저, 선배님‬Um, Boksoon,
‪- 저도 이번 생에 선배님처럼‬ ‪- [후루룩 국수 소리]‬do you think that one day
‪9시 뉴스 나오는 작품 어떻게‬I could pull off a show like yours that ends up on the news?
‪[웃으며] 한 번 해볼 수 있을까요?‬that ends up on the news?
‪[복순] 너는 아직 어리잖니‬You're still too young.
‪[남자3] 그래, 윤석아, 힘내자‬You're still too young. Right. Keep you head up, Yun-seok. Our generation will get its chance.
‪우리 세대도 기회가 오겠지‬Right. Keep you head up, Yun-seok. Our generation will get its chance.
‪[픽 웃으며] 23세기쯤에?‬[scoffs] Maybe in the 23rd century.
‪오늘 민석 씨가 안 보이네?‬Is Min-seok coming?
‪[주인] 어‬Oh, he died.
‪죽었어‬Oh, he died.
‪지지난 주에 중국 출장 갔다가‬Business trip in China.
‪[안타까운 탄식]‬Ah. I promised I'd buy his dinner.
‪- 내가 밥 한번 사기로 했는데‬ ‪- [달그락 소리]‬Ah. I promised I'd buy his dinner. Enough about the dead. Bring us up to speed on the show.
‪[남자2] 그, 간 사람은 됐고‬Enough about the dead. Bring us up to speed on the show.
‪이번 작품 얘기 좀 더 해봐요‬Enough about the dead. Bring us up to speed on the show.
‪그 야쿠자가‬ ‪소문대로 그렇게 대단해요?‬Tell us. Was that yakuza all he was hyped up to be?
‪세요?‬Tell us. Was that yakuza all he was hyped up to be? Was he a good fighter?
‪어땠어요?‬How was he?
‪[복순] 음…‬Mmm…
‪엄청 셌어요‬Mmm… He was good.
‪제대로 붙었으면‬ ‪내가 졌을지도 몰라‬-I might have lost in a fair fight. -Hey…
‪- [남자4] 에이‬ ‪- [복순의 탄식]‬-I might have lost in a fair fight. -Hey… Ah. I'm old, aren't I?
‪나 한물갔나 봐‬Ah. I'm old, aren't I?
‪- [동료들] 에이‬ ‪- [윤석] 에이, 선배님!‬-No way. Stop it, Boksoon. -Hey!
‪[남자4가 웃으며] 에이‬-No way. Stop it, Boksoon. -Hey! Still, what does it matter if they can fight?
‪[복순] 아이, 그런데 우리가‬ ‪시합 나가는 사람들도 아니고‬Still, what does it matter if they can fight?
‪약하고 센 게 뭐가 중요해?‬Still, what does it matter if they can fight? It's not like it's a competition.
‪약점을 찾는 게 중요해‬Find their weakness, you win.
‪안 보이면 만들어서라도‬Or you make one so you don't lose.
‪[남자4] 길복순 가라사대‬As Kill Boksoon once said,
‪'약점부터 발견하라'‬"Find the person's weakness."
‪- '없으면 발명하라'‬ ‪- [복순의 웃음]‬"And if there is none, make one, then." -[laughing] -Yeah.
‪- [남자2] 예!‬ ‪- [윤석] 저 형 또 왜 저래요?‬-[laughing] -Yeah. [Yun-seok] What's with this guy? Every time…
‪- [윤석] 어우‬ ‪- [복순의 멋쩍은 탄성]‬[Yun-seok] What's with this guy? Every time… -[Boksoon sighs] -I learn from you once again, Boksoon.
‪[남자4] 또 배웁니다, 선배님‬-[Boksoon sighs] -I learn from you once again, Boksoon.
‪[복순] 오구오구, 그래쪄?‬-[Boksoon sighs] -I learn from you once again, Boksoon. Aw, my little Gwang-man, really?
‪- 우리 광만이‬ ‪- [남자2의 웃음]‬Aw, my little Gwang-man, really? -[Yun-seok] That's so gross. -What an idiot.
‪- [윤석] 어우, 징그러워, 어우‬ ‪- 븅신‬-[Yun-seok] That's so gross. -What an idiot. Hey, with a show this big, what are you expecting to get paid?
‪[주인이 웃으며] 아, 그런데‬Hey, with a show this big, what are you expecting to get paid?
‪이 정도 거물급이면‬ ‪페이는 얼마나 하는 겨?‬Hey, with a show this big, what are you expecting to get paid?
‪[복순] 뭐, 오늘‬ ‪술값 쏠 정도는 돼요‬Enough to cover everyone's drinks tonight.
‪아, 우리끼리인데 뭐 워땨, 응?‬Oh, it'll stay between us. Huh?
‪- 그 정 말하기 뭐하면‬ ‪- [복순의 옅은 한숨]‬If you'd rather not say it,
‪여기 앞자리만, 응?‬then just write the first digit.
‪[복순] 아휴‬[sighs] Uh…
‪[남자2, 남자4의 놀란 탄성]‬[laughing]
‪[남자2가 웃으며] 아휴, 내가‬ ‪여기서 일곱 작품 하는 거보다‬You make more with your company off one show than I do at mine with seven.
‪복순 씨 한 작품이 더 많아‬You make more with your company off one show than I do at mine with seven.
‪[윤석] 형네 회사랑 엠케이랑‬ ‪뭐, 같아요?‬That's 'cause MK is a global conglomerate, and yours is not.
‪엠케이는 글로벌 기업인데, 에?‬That's 'cause MK is a global conglomerate, and yours is not.
‪[주인] 너는 그래도, 인마‬ ‪일할 때가 좋은 줄 알아‬Still, you're working. Consider yourself lucky.
‪[텅 식기 놓는 소리]‬
‪나는 회사도 없어서‬ ‪일도 못 하잖여‬I have no company, so now I can't.
‪[남자3] 뭐, 그게 다 [한숨]‬Yeah, well,
‪엠케이가 7년 전에 만든‬ ‪규칙 때문이죠, 아마?‬that's because of those strict rules MK made.
‪[날카로운 효과음]‬[microphone screeches]
‪안 그래요?‬Isn't it?
‪- [남자1] 옛말에‬ ‪- [흥미로운 음악]‬[man] There's an old saying.
‪이런 말이 있죠?‬[man] There's an old saying.
‪'살인 한 번이면'‬"Killing a man will save you from having to have patience and tolerance."
‪'참을 인 세 번을 면한다'‬"Killing a man will save you from having to have patience and tolerance."
‪[폭소와 휘파람]‬"Killing a man will save you from having to have patience and tolerance." [laughter and applause]
‪[박수 소리]‬[laughter and applause] Those of us gathered here this evening are the professionals who put those words
‪오늘 여기 모인 우리들은‬ ‪그 말을 대신 실천해 주는‬Those of us gathered here this evening are the professionals who put those words
‪프로들입니다‬into action.
‪우리는 아무나 받아주는‬ ‪동네 흥신소 해결사나‬We do not answer to the local detective agency.
‪가다마이 차려입고‬ ‪형님 동생 놀이나 하는‬Nor are we those old-fashioned mobsters in tacky suits playing games of rank.
‪- 깡패 새끼들이 아닙니다‬ ‪- [박수 소리]‬Nor are we those old-fashioned mobsters in tacky suits playing games of rank.
‪[환호가 터진다]‬[cheering]
‪우리는 자부심이 있었습니다‬There is pride in our work.
‪이제 글로벌 사업이 되었고‬ ‪우리는 정당한 대우를 받았죠‬is now a global business, and we've earned respect,
‪회사도 없는 무직자나‬ ‪아마추어들이‬until those unemployed amateurs
‪단돈 몇백에‬ruined our reputation.
‪어린아이까지 죽여가면서‬ ‪우리의 값어치를 낮추기 전까지는‬They went as far as killing children for a couple million.
‪[격하게 호응하는 소리]‬They went as far as killing children for a couple million. [overlapping chatter]
‪[남자2] 왜 이렇게 됐어?‬[man 3] How did they fall so low?
‪[남자1] 이런‬ ‪안타까운 상황이 온 건‬[man] The reason we're in such an unfortunate situation
‪이 바닥에는 룰이라는 게‬ ‪없기 때문입니다‬is because we don't regulate our business.
‪그래서 저는‬And that
‪여러분한테 간단한 규칙을‬ ‪제안하고자 합니다‬is why there is a set of rules we should have in place.
‪[남자3] 질문 있습니다‬[man 4] I have a question.
‪규칙 같은 거 따지면서‬ ‪사람 가려 죽이면‬If we agree to all these rules and pick and choose who to kill,
‪우리 일자리만‬ ‪없어지는 거 아닙니까?‬If we agree to all these rules and pick and choose who to kill, won't we be the ones losing work?
‪그러면 무직자 애들만 신날 테고‬That would only benefit the unemployed.
‪[남자1] 얼마 전에‬ ‪회사 만든 분이시죠?‬I assume you're the one who recently affiliated.
‪[남자3의 긴장한 숨소리]‬[sniffs]
‪[남자3의 옅은 헛기침]‬ ‪그냥 구멍가게입니다‬[clears throat] For now, it's just us.
‪신 상사라고 합니다‬I'm Sergeant Shin, sir.
‪좋은 지적이십니다‬You raise a good point.
‪그래서‬For that,
‪무직자들은 절대 지킬 수 없는‬the rules we create need to be
‪그런 규칙이어야겠죠‬difficult to adhere to
‪그래야 우리가‬for the others,
‪그들을 청소할 명분이 생기니까‬allowing us to remove the unaffiliated.
‪자, 딱 세 가지입니다‬Now, we'll have three in place.
‪[분위기가 고조되는 음악]‬Now, we'll have three in place.
‪[남자1]‬Second, you will only take on shows sanctioned by your company.
‪[남자1]‬you will only take on shows sanctioned by your company.
‪[남자1]‬Third, you must attempt shows sanctioned by you company.
‪이 세 가지 규칙에‬ ‪동의해 주신다면‬If you agree to these three rules,
‪다시는‬those others,
‪무직자나 아마추어들이‬these amateur killers
‪이 바닥에서 일하는 일은 절대‬will be exiled just like that.
‪없을 겁니다‬And it'll be us.
‪동의합니다‬You can count me in!
‪저는 완전 동의합니다‬That's it! Friend, count me in!
‪[박수와 환호가 터진다]‬[cheering and applause]
‪[주인] 그때는 몰랐지‬[owner] I didn't know back then that I'd lose this hand
‪이 팔 잘리고 회사도 잘릴 줄은‬[owner] I didn't know back then that I'd lose this hand and my company too.
‪우리 회사는‬ ‪이, 규칙인지 지키다가 망해서‬We went under just trying to stick to those rules.
‪이, 퇴직금도 안 나온다니까‬And there was no severance. Damn it.
‪씨부랄‬And there was no severance. Damn it.
‪자, 질문‬All right, here's a thought.
‪왜 세상 규칙이라는 거는‬ ‪힘 있는 사람들이 만들까요?‬Why is it that all the rules are made by those in power?
‪- [탁]‬ ‪- 삐, 정답‬Beep. Time's up. The right answer is because rules
‪힘 있는 사람들을‬ ‪더 힘 있게 만들어 주니까‬Beep. Time's up. The right answer is because rules make those in power even more powerful.
‪- [달그락 소리]‬ ‪- 그 규칙이라는 거‬make those in power even more powerful. Those rules were just a way for MK to monopolize the industry. Were they not?
‪[탁 놓는 소리]‬Those rules were just a way for MK to monopolize the industry. Were they not?
‪엠케이 독과점을 위한‬ ‪수단 아닙니까‬Those rules were just a way for MK to monopolize the industry. Were they not?
‪봐봐, 지금‬ ‪신 상사네 애들 빼고는‬Think about it. Other than Sergeant Shin's crew,
‪싹 다 엠케이 눈치 보느라고‬ ‪그, 구멍가게 됐잖아‬all the other companies became hole in the walls. They're walking on eggshells.
‪너도 엠케이야‬You're with MK.
‪내 회사니까 내가 까는 거예요‬That's why. That's how I know.
‪회사 멋대로‬ ‪A, B, C, D 나눠 가지고‬They rank us how they want. ♪ A, B, C, D ♪ They choose our order so only the rich become richer,
‪돈 버는 사람은 벌고‬They choose our order so only the rich become richer,
‪누구는 일 같지도 않은 일 하면서‬while the rest of us are forced to be grateful for the meager crumbs they leave us.
‪밥 벌어먹는 데 감사해야 되고‬for the meager crumbs they leave us.
‪[웃으며] 아니‬Okay. [laughs]
‪아, 실력 따라 대우 다른 건‬ ‪사회생활 기본이야‬Your skill level is what determines how you're paid.
‪[보글보글 끓는 소리]‬
‪[남자] 와‬Wow.
‪지금 내가 실력이 부족하다는‬ ‪얘기로 들린다‬That sounded like you're implying I'm not good enough.
‪나 이제 선배님 따라다니던‬ ‪꼬꼬마 아닌데?‬I'm not still some kid that follows you around.
‪[보글보글 끓는 소리]‬I'm not still some kid that follows you around.
‪그러면 나한테 피 묻은 칼이라도‬ ‪한번 보내보든가‬Well, why don't you send me a bloody knife then
‪얼마나 달라졌는지 보게‬so I can see your progress?
‪- [계속되는 끓는 소리]‬ ‪- [압력 높아지는 소리]‬[kettle whistles]
‪- [달칵]‬ ‪- [압력음이 탁 멈춘다]‬
‪아이, 살벌하게 무슨‬ ‪피 묻은 칼까지 나오고 그래요‬Hey, stop talking about bloody knives. You're scaring us.
‪그런데 뭐, 솔직히‬But still, it's true.
‪엠케이 같은 회사 때문에‬MK has made it hard
‪우리 같은 사람들‬ ‪힘들어진 거는 맞죠‬for those like us to work.
‪[수긍하는 신음]‬Hmm.
‪- 그건 그렇지‬ ‪- [탁 잔 놓는 소리]‬Yeah.
‪[복순] 분위기 보니까‬ ‪내가 나쁜 년이네‬So I'm the bitch here? Is that it?
‪그러면 현철 씨는?‬If they recruited you, would you turn down MK?
‪엠케이에서 부르면 안 올 거야?‬If they recruited you, would you turn down MK?
‪뒤에서 남 탓하면서‬ ‪자기 연민에 빠지는 거‬Blaming others as you wallow in your self-pity
‪그거 능력 없는 사람들‬ ‪특권인 거죠?‬is what incompetent people choose to do.
‪미안해요, 다들‬I'm sorry, everyone. I guess I'm just a little too competent.
‪내가 능력이 좀 많네‬I'm sorry, everyone. I guess I'm just a little too competent.
‪- [탁 잔 놓는 소리]‬ ‪- [부스럭 소리]‬
‪- [어두운 음악]‬ ‪- [윤석] 그런데‬[Yun-seok] Hey, by the way, what does it mean to send someone a bloody knife?
‪피 묻은 칼을 보낸다는 게‬ ‪무슨 소리예요?‬[Yun-seok] Hey, by the way, what does it mean to send someone a bloody knife?
‪[주인] 옛날 방식 메시지여‬[owner] It's a time-honored message. Something that existed before the talk of any rules.
‪규칙이 생기기 전부터 있었던‬Something that existed before the talk of any rules.
‪만약에 네가 얘한테‬For example, let's say you send him a knife with blood smeared on it.
‪칼에 피를 묻혀서 보낸다‬ ‪그러면은‬let's say you send him a knife with blood smeared on it. That means that you've asked
‪얘랑 너랑 일대일로‬ ‪시간, 장소 정해서‬That means that you've asked that he set a time and location to fight to the death.
‪하나 뒈질 때까지 붙자는 거지‬that he set a time and location to fight to the death.
‪[현철] 요새는 그런 낭만이 없어요‬Those romantic notions are a thing of the past.
‪그 낭만 시대 때가‬Those romantic notions are a thing of the past. Those were the days when Boksoon was in her prime.
‪복순 씨 전성기였을 거예요, 아마‬Those were the days when Boksoon was in her prime. And I mean,
‪카, 그때 복순 씨‬ ‪진짜 살 떨리게 무서웠는데‬And I mean, she was crazy scary back then. -[sighs] -[man] This car isn't fully loaded.
‪[남자1] 뭐야, 씨발‬ ‪풀 옵션도 아니네, 이거‬-[sighs] -[man] This car isn't fully loaded.
‪- [자동차 리모컨 작동음]‬ ‪- [남자2] 아이, 씨‬[car beeps]
‪- [남자3] 뭐야?‬ ‪- [다가오는 발소리]‬[Boksoon] Move.
‪[복순이 차갑게] 비켜요‬[Boksoon] Move.
‪[남자2의 빈정대는 탄성]‬-[man] Ooh. -[man 2 laughs]
‪[남자1이 비웃으며] 에헤이‬ ‪그거, 씨발년, 싸가지 존나게 없네‬-[man] Ooh. -[man 2 laughs] Hey, hey, look at this prissy ass bitch here.
‪[남자들의 비웃음]‬[men laugh]
‪[삭 베는 효과음]‬[men laugh]
‪너희 다섯 마리!‬Hey, you pigs.
‪[남자1] 뭐?‬What?
‪너 씨발, 뭐라 그랬냐?‬What the fuck did you way? -You fucking bitch. -Chill. Don't be like that. Don't.
‪- 놔봐, 씨발‬ ‪- [남자2] 아이, 참아, 참아, 참아‬-You fucking bitch. -Chill. Don't be like that. Don't.
‪- [남자1의 어이없는 웃음]‬ ‪- [남자3] 아이, 아줌마‬-You fucking bitch. -Chill. Don't be like that. Don't. -[laughs] -Come on. That's a rude name to be calling people.
‪아, 사람한테 '마리'가 뭡니까?‬That's a rude name to be calling people.
‪한 마리, 두 마리, 세 마리‬ ‪네 마리, 다섯 마리‬One pig, two pig, three pig, four pig, five pigs.
‪- 왜?‬ ‪- [남자1] 이런 쥐 좆만 한 년이‬-Well? -You bitch, you just--
‪- [비명]‬ ‪- [흥미로운 음악]‬-Well? -You bitch, you just-- Ah!
‪[남자들의 당황한 소리]‬Ah! [Yun-seok] But in all honesty, don't you think someone like Hee-sung
‪[윤석] 그런데‬ ‪솔직히 희성이 형 정도면‬[Yun-seok] But in all honesty, don't you think someone like Hee-sung
‪엠케이에서도 충분히‬ ‪A급 해야 되는 거 아니에요?‬[Yun-seok] But in all honesty, don't you think someone like Hee-sung should be ranked in A, even at MK?
‪뭐, 이름값 빼고 붙으면‬I mean, the weight of his name aside, I think he could compete with Boksoon.
‪복순 선배님이랑도‬ ‪해볼 만할 것 같은데?‬I mean, the weight of his name aside, I think he could compete with Boksoon. [owner] His skills are clearly good enough.
‪[주인] 실력이야 당연히 그렇지‬[owner] His skills are clearly good enough.
‪한때는 엠케이에서 밀던‬ ‪유망주였는데‬He was once considered a rising star at MK.
‪무슨 이유인지‬But for whatever reason, he got on Chairman Cha Min-kyu's bad side.
‪- 차민규 대표한테 찍힌 것 같아‬ ‪- [남자들의 아파하는 신음]‬But for whatever reason, he got on Chairman Cha Min-kyu's bad side.
‪- [남자3의 신음]‬ ‪- [남자들의 앓는 신음]‬[grunts]
‪[남자들의 분한 소리]‬
‪[남자4] 아이, 씨‬
‪[남자들의 앓는 신음]‬
‪[웃으며] 피는 안 묻혔어요‬There's no blood on it.
‪[픽 웃는다]‬[chuckles]
‪- [몽환적인 음악]‬ ‪- [둘의 가쁜 숨소리]‬[moaning]
‪- [여자의 옅은 탄성]‬ ‪- [남자의 거친 신음]‬
‪아, 선배, 나 못 참겠어‬Oh, wait, I'm getting so close.
‪어? 자세 좀…‬Can we change positions?
‪조금만 참아, 나 지금 너무 좋아‬No, wait a minute. I'm enjoying this.
‪[버티는 숨소리]‬
‪[거친 숨소리]‬
‪[흡족한 숨소리]‬[exhales]
‪- [재영의 웃음]‬ ‪- [소라] 진짜 끊게?‬[girl] Are you really going to quit?
‪고달픈 십 대 인생에서‬ ‪담배는 필수야‬Smoking is a requirement for our miserable teenage years.
‪[후 내쉬는 소리]‬[Jae-young] What's got you so miserable?
‪[재영] 너 뭐가 그렇게 고달픈데?‬[Jae-young] What's got you so miserable?
‪[소라] 너 빼고 다‬[girl] Everything besides you.
‪빡센 학교생활‬Intense school life.
‪멍청한 남친‬My stupid boyfriend.
‪특히 우리 엄마‬And really my mom.
‪내가 너랑 이러는 거 알면‬ ‪나 목매달걸?‬She'd kill me if she knew about us doing this.
‪개꼰대‬It's stifling.
‪[재영] 우리 엄마는 핸드폰에‬ ‪날 뭐라고 저장했는 줄 알아?‬Do you know what my mom put my name as in her phone?
‪- [소라] 설마?‬ ‪- [재영] '공주님'‬Do you know what my mom put my name as in her phone? -Don't tell me. -"Pwincess."
‪- [웃음]‬ ‪- [소라가 웃으며] 헐‬[girl laughs] No way.
‪엄마들은 똑같아‬Moms are all the same.
‪우리를 사랑하는 척해도‬They act like they love us,
‪진짜 모습을 알게 되면 극혐할걸?‬But they'd freak out if they knew this about us.
‪[재영] 그러든지 말든지‬Yeah, it's whatever.
‪나도 엄마를 잘 모르겠어‬I don't really know my mom either.
‪나한테 숨기는 것도 많고‬She hides a lot from me.
‪아니야‬It's nothing.
‪뭔데?‬What is it?
‪너 나한테 숨기는 거 있…‬Are you hiding something from…
‪[쪽]‬Are you hiding something from…
‪[함께 웃는다]‬[chuckles]
‪[남학생1] 어이, 거기 학생들!‬[boy] Hey, kids!
‪학원 제끼고 여기서 담배 피우시고‬ ‪그러면 안 돼요‬Don't you know you shouldn't skip class to smoke?
‪[소라] 안녕‬[girl] Hi.
‪[남학생1] 아, 역시‬ ‪삼각 함수 끝나고 한 대 빠는 게‬A smoke after trig. Man, it's everything.
‪- 진짜 개꿀맛이다‬ ‪- [남학생2의 혀 차는 소리]‬A smoke after trig. Man, it's everything. [laughs]
‪[남학생2의 웃음]‬[laughs]
‪[남학생3] 우리 코노 갈 건데‬We're going to karaoke.
‪여기 맥주도 있어‬-We got beer and everything. -[girl] Awesome.
‪[소라가 놀라 웃으며] 대박‬-We got beer and everything. -[girl] Awesome.
‪너는?‬What about you?
‪재미있게 놀아‬You guys go ahead.
‪- [탁 잡는 소리]‬ ‪- 야‬Hey.
‪아, 오늘은 좀 같이 가자‬You should join us, huh?
‪[삭 베는 효과음]‬
‪죽는다‬I'll kill you.
‪내일 봐‬See you tomorrow.
‪[남학생2의 비웃음]‬[boys laugh]
‪[남학생2] 이야, 우리 철우‬[boy] Wow, poor Cheol-woo.
‪아니, 길재영한테 또 까였네?‬ ‪[웃음]‬Ah, she rejected you again, huh? Hey, wasn't Gil Jae-young freaking scary just now?
‪[남학생3] 야, 야, 야‬ ‪방금 길재 존나 무섭지 않았냐?‬Hey, wasn't Gil Jae-young freaking scary just now?
‪[남학생2] 그러니까‬I know, right?
‪- [남학생3] 어? 이 새끼 쫄았네‬ ‪- [남학생2] 아유, 씨‬Oh! He's scared. What a freaking pussy. [laughs]
‪- [남학생3] 좆밥 새끼‬ ‪- [남학생들의 비웃음]‬Oh! He's scared. What a freaking pussy. [laughs]
‪[철우] 아, 씨발‬ ‪너 지금 나한테 뭐라 그랬냐?‬-Hey, shitbag, what did you say? -Hey, come on. Hey!
‪야, 야, 그만해‬-Hey, shitbag, what did you say? -Hey, come on. Hey!
‪[웃으며] 좆밥은‬ ‪철우 발작 버튼이잖아‬You know he throws a fit when you call him pussy.
‪[철우의 헛웃음]‬[chuckles]
‪[복순의 옅은 숨소리]‬
‪[희성] 이게 뭐예요?‬[Hee-sung] What is this?
‪- [복순] 너희 아빠 수술비‬ ‪- [희성의 탄식]‬-It's for your dad's surgery. -Ah…
‪하기 전에 주지, 느낌 이상하게‬It feels weird getting money now.
‪마음만 받을게‬I appreciate it, but I can't.
‪대신 나랑 조금만 더‬ ‪있다 가면 안 돼? 응?‬Instead, can you stay a little longer? Huh?
‪그냥 주는 거 아니야, 나중에 갚아‬I'm not giving it to you. You'll pay me back.
‪됐네요, 이미 다 해결했네요‬Don't need it. I've already taken care of it.
‪어떻게?‬You what?
‪어, 나 걱정하는구나?‬You're concerned, huh?
‪- 어떻게, 얘기를 좀 해드릴까?‬ ‪- [복순] 아니‬-So you wanna to know how I did it? -[Boksoon] No.
‪[힘주는 소리]‬-So you wanna to know how I did it? -[Boksoon] No. [grunts] If I'll have to fix it, I don't wanna hear it.
‪내가 신경 써야 되는 얘기면‬ ‪안 들을래‬[grunts] If I'll have to fix it, I don't wanna hear it.
‪- [희성] 선배! 선배!‬ ‪- [도시 소음]‬[Hee-sung] Boksoon! Boksoon!
‪길복순!‬Gil Boksoon!
‪걱정되면은 걱정된다고 말을 하셔‬Just admit it. Just say that you worry about me.
‪진짜 걱정되면은‬If you're really worried about me,
‪회사 차려 가지고‬ ‪나 데리고 나가면 되잖아‬you can set up a company and take me with you.
‪계약도 곧 끝난다며‬you can set up a company and take me with you. Your contract's ending soon, right?
‪- 응?‬ ‪- [복순] 겁 없는 거 매력 아니다‬Your contract's ending soon, right? Recklessness isn't attractive.
‪선배가 만들면‬ ‪그 회사 대박 날걸요?‬If you started your own company, it would take off.
‪나 우리 대표님 좋아해‬I like Chairman Cha, all right?
‪지금 내가 아는 모든 걸‬ ‪가르쳐 준 사람이고‬That man taught me everything that I know,
‪내가 가진 모든 걸 준 사람이야‬and he gave me everything I have.
‪모든 걸 뺏어 갈 수 있는‬ ‪사람이기도 하죠?‬And he's the one who could take everything away from you.
‪선배는‬Will you kill me if Chairman Cha orders you to?
‪대표가 나 죽이라면 죽일 거예요?‬Will you kill me if Chairman Cha orders you to?
‪[어이없는 웃음]‬[scoffs]
‪말해 뭐 하냐?‬Why'd I even ask?
‪나 이번 계약 끝나면‬ ‪일 그만둘지도 몰라‬I might quit once my contract ends.
‪갑자기? 왜요?‬What for? Why?
‪[휴대폰 조작음]‬[phone keyboard clicking]
‪- [계속되는 휴대폰 조작음]‬ ‪- [달그락 식기 소리]‬
‪[아작 씹는 소리]‬
‪- 우리 딸 남친 생겼나?‬ ‪- [달그락 식기 소리]‬Did you get a boyfriend?
‪[재영] 그럴 일 없어‬[Jae-young] Yeah right.
‪[복순] 우리 딸 쪼끔만 상냥하면‬ ‪남자애들이 줄을 설 텐데‬[Boksoon] If you were nicer, I'm sure a lot of boys would want to date you.
‪오늘 역사 토론 수업 있지?‬Don't you have a debate for class? I heard it counts toward your grade.
‪그거 성적에 반영된다며?‬Don't you have a debate for class? I heard it counts toward your grade. It's childish to make kids fight against each other for a grade.
‪[재영] 유치해, 점수 걸어놓고‬ ‪애들 말싸움시키는 거‬It's childish to make kids fight against each other for a grade.
‪[복순] 응, 맞아, 그것도 싸움이야‬Hmm. Debate is fighting.
‪너 토론하다가 상대방이 움찔하지?‬If your opponent flinches when it's their turn,
‪그러면 거기가 약점이다?‬If your opponent flinches when it's their turn, that's their weakness.
‪살려달라는 소리 나올 때까지‬ ‪물어뜯어야 돼‬Then you destroy them with everything that you've got.
‪방금은 나보고 상냥하라며‬I thought you just said to be nicer.
‪[복순의 옅은 한숨]‬[sighs]
‪그래서 토론 주제는 뭐야?‬So what's the debate about?
‪- [조르륵 소리]‬ ‪- '10만 원권 지폐가 생기면'‬It's about who should be on the 100,000-won bill, if we had it.
‪'어떤 인물이 들어가야 하나?'‬It's about who should be on the 100,000-won bill, if we had it.
‪응, 재미있네‬Mmm. That sounds great.
‪너 누구 할 거야?‬Who did you choose?
‪후보가 많았어‬There were a lot of candidates.
‪광개토대왕, 을지문덕‬ ‪김구, 안중근‬Gwanggaeto the Great, Eulji Mundeok, Kim Gu, An Jung-guen…
‪그런데 고르다 보니까‬ ‪다 공통점이 있더라?‬I noticed something with all of them.
‪다 남자네‬-They're all men, right? -No, besides that.
‪그거 말고‬-They're all men, right? -No, besides that.
‪다들 사람을 죽였어‬They've killed someone, you know?
‪나는 논개로 골랐어‬So I chose Nongae the Courtesan.
‪여자가 하기 힘든 일이잖아‬Women aren't really known for killing, so I liked her.
‪그게 마음에 들어‬Women aren't really known for killing, so I liked her.
‪[복순의 수긍하는 신음]‬Hmm.
‪그러게‬You're right.
‪[달그락 식기 소리]‬
‪되게 재미있는 관점이네‬It’s an interesting perspective to have.
‪[경쾌한 음악]‬[funky music plays]
‪[가까워지는 타이어 마찰음]‬[tires squeal]
‪[자동차 경적]‬
‪[분위기가 고조되는 음악]‬
‪[타이어 마찰음]‬
‪- [사이드 브레이크 조작음]‬ ‪- [달칵 안전띠 소리]‬
‪[다가오는 발소리]‬
‪[카드 인식기 작동음]‬[beeps]
‪[승강기 작동음]‬[beeps]
‪[승강기 도착음]‬[elevator dings]
‪어머나?‬Oh my God. Gil Boksoon!
‪[높은 톤으로] 길복순이다!‬Oh my God. Gil Boksoon!
‪아유‬Hey. Take it easy.
‪얘 왜 이래?‬Hey. Take it easy.
‪언니가 여기까지 어쩐 일이야?‬Unni, what are you doing here?
‪대표님이 불러서 왔습니다‬The chairman called me.
‪잘됐다, 언니‬It's great you're here.
‪이왕 온 김에 나 면 좀 세워줘라‬Come help me out with this class, Unni.
‪[복순] 아이, 됐어, 민망해‬No, forget it. It's embarrassing.
‪[여자] 아, 언니, 한 번만‬Oh. Come on, Unni. Just this once.
‪- [복순] 아우, 됐어, 안 해‬ ‪- [여자] 아, 한 번…‬-Uh, no, I'm not doing it. -[woman] Come on.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬[mysterious music plays]
‪- [긴장감 넘치는 음악]‬ ‪- [여자의 힘주는 소리]‬[action music plays] [grunts]
‪[남자의 힘주는 소리]‬
‪[외마디 신음]‬Ah!
‪[여자의 기합]‬[grunts]
‪[여자의 힘주는 소리]‬
‪[남자의 외마디 신음]‬Ah!
‪[여자] 아, 씨‬
‪[칼 소리]‬
‪[아파하는 신음]‬Ah!
‪[거친 숨소리]‬[pants]
‪[힘주는 소리]‬[grunts]
‪[힘주는 소리]‬[grunts]
‪[박진감 넘치는 음악]‬[rock music plays] [both grunting]
‪[둘의 힘주는 소리]‬[both grunting]
‪[남자의 비명]‬
‪[여자의 기합]‬
‪- [여자의 기합]‬ ‪- [남자의 신음]‬
‪[환호성이 터진다]‬[cheering]
‪[안쓰러운 소리]‬Ay.
‪[여자] 아, 이사님‬
‪[큰 목소리로]‬ ‪안녕하십니까, 이사님!‬
‪[함께 큰 목소리로]‬ ‪안녕하십니까, 이사님!‬[students] Good morning, Director Cha.
‪[놀란 환호성과 박수 세례]‬[students cheering]
‪[다가오는 발소리]‬
‪대박‬No way.
‪[복순의 웃음]‬No way.
‪안녕하세요 [웃음]‬Hello!
‪오늘 여러분‬ ‪월말 평가 있다 그래서‬I was told you were having your evaluations, so I wanted to cheer you all on.
‪응원차 잠깐 들렀어요‬so I wanted to cheer you all on. -[boy] Gil Boksoon, you're so cool! -[chuckles]
‪[훈련생] 선배님, 멋있어요!‬-[boy] Gil Boksoon, you're so cool! -[chuckles]
‪- [웃음]‬ ‪- [훈련생들의 환호와 박수]‬-[boy] Gil Boksoon, you're so cool! -[chuckles]
‪[복순] 여기 좀 낯이 익다?‬This looks familiar, yeah?
‪[차 이사] 응‬Hmm. They're recreating your show from five years ago.
‪- 5년 전 언니 작품 커버하는 거야‬ ‪- [복순의 깨닫는 신음]‬Hmm. They're recreating your show from five years ago. -Ah. -The one in the Yeosu urinal.
‪여수 로터리 화장실 사건‬-Ah. -The one in the Yeosu urinal.
‪- [복순] 여자 친구?‬ ‪- [차 이사] 응‬-A girl? -Mm-hmm.
‪[복순의 옅은 탄성]‬Hmm. Girls are really excelling these days.
‪요새 여자애도 많이 올라왔네?‬Hmm. Girls are really excelling these days.
‪[차 이사] 쟤가 이번 기수 에이스‬Hmm. Girls are really excelling these days. [Director Cha] She's the top of this group. She'll debut soon.
‪- [떨리는 숨소리]‬ ‪- 곧 데뷔시키려고‬[Director Cha] She's the top of this group. She'll debut soon.
‪[복순] 아, 진짜?‬[Boksoon] Ah, is that so?
‪[영지] 안녕하십니까!‬ ‪김영지라고 합니다‬Hello, I'm Kim Young-ji, miss.
‪그런데 왜 이렇게 얼어있어요?‬How come you're so nervous?
‪[차 이사] 언니가 우상이래‬She says you're her hero.
‪내가 제2의 길복순을‬ ‪한번 만들어보려고‬And I'll turn her into the next Gil Boksoon.
‪[복순] 응‬And I'll turn her into the next Gil Boksoon. Hmm. I bet.
‪해봐‬Hmm. I bet.
‪[차 이사] 보여줄까?‬Watch, huh?
‪누구 김영지랑‬ ‪또 한 번 맞춰볼 사람?‬So who wants to spar with Kim Young-ji?
‪[웅성거리는 소리]‬[indistinct chatter]
‪없어?‬-[man] If you do, you might really die. -No takers?
‪[복순의 탄성]‬Wow.
‪[복순] 진짜 잘하나 보다‬You must be really good.
‪다음에 볼게‬Next time I'll see.
‪수고들 해요‬Good luck!
‪- [훈련생들의 아쉬운 탄성]‬ ‪- 못 보여줘서 아쉽다‬Good luck! Too bad you can't stay.
‪저 나이 때 언니보다는 나을 텐데‬She's probably better than you were at that age.
‪[복순의 못마땅한 숨소리]‬
‪영지 양?‬Young-ji?
‪[영지의 긴장한 숨소리]‬
‪- 내가 잠깐 잡아줘도 될까?‬ ‪- [영지의 떨리는 숨소리]‬Do you have a second to spar?
‪[훈련생들의 환호성과 박수]‬[cheering and applause]
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪진짜 장비 안 쓰십니까?‬You're not using a weapon?
‪영지 양도 진검 아닌데, 뭘‬You're not using real knives, are you?
‪나는 이거‬This is good.
‪요이 땅!‬Okay… start!
‪- [정열적인 음악]‬ ‪- [영지의 힘주는 소리]‬[pasodoble music plays]
‪[영지의 아파하는 신음]‬[Young-ji grunts]
‪[영지의 거친 숨소리]‬[Young-ji grunts]
‪[영지의 힘주는 소리]‬[grunts]
‪[영지의 기합]‬[grunts]
‪[영지의 아파하는 신음]‬
‪[영지의 거친 기합]‬[grunting]
‪[영지의 외마디 신음]‬-Ah! -[students] Ooh!
‪[훈련생들의 놀란 탄성]‬-Ah! -[students] Ooh!
‪[분한 숨소리]‬
‪양손 쓰는 건 좋은데‬ ‪액션에 토를 너무 많이 달았네‬Two hands are good, but your moves are too obvious.
‪[빈정거리는 탄성]‬Huh.
‪나 어렸을 때는‬ ‪안 그랬던 거 같은데‬I never fought like that at her age, did I?
‪그렇지?‬I never fought like that at her age, did I?
‪[못마땅한 숨소리]‬
‪[씩씩대는 숨소리]‬[sighs]
‪[덜그럭 소리]‬
‪'굿 초이스'‬Good choice.
‪[거친 숨소리]‬[sighs]
‪- [정열적인 음악]‬ ‪- [영지의 힘주는 소리]‬-[pasodoble music plays] -[Young-ji grunting]
‪[영지의 아파하는 신음]‬
‪[훈련생들의 놀란 탄성]‬[students] Whoa!
‪- [박수 소리]‬ ‪- [후 내뱉는 소리]‬-Hoo. -[applause]
‪[계속되는 탄성과 박수]‬-Hoo. -[applause]
‪[힘겨운 신음]‬
‪[거친 숨소리]‬
‪[영지의 떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪[영지의 거친 숨소리]‬
‪[복순의 가소로운 웃음]‬Uh-huh.
‪[강렬한 효과음]‬
‪[음악이 뚝 멈춘다]‬[Young-ji grunts]
‪[영지의 기합]‬[Young-ji grunts]
‪[복순의 한숨]‬[sighs]
‪[당황한 거친 숨소리]‬
‪[영지] 진검이었으면‬ ‪옆구리 베이신 겁니다‬If this was a real blade, you'd be cut.
‪- [훈련생들의 탄성]‬ ‪- [차 이사의 흡족한 웃음]‬[students] Oh!
‪이제 좀‬ ‪언니 옛날 보는 기분 들지 않아?‬She remind you of young Boksoon a little?
‪내가 더 이뻤지‬I was prettier.
‪[정열적인 음악]‬[pasodoble music plays]
‪[영지의 힘주는 소리]‬[pasodoble music plays]
‪[영지의 외마디 신음]‬Ah!
‪[당황한 숨소리]‬
‪- [복순] 너 방금 죽었어‬ ‪- [음악이 멈춘다]‬You were just murdered
‪비명도 못 지르고‬before you could make a sound.
‪[훈련생들의 열렬한 환호]‬before you could make a sound. [cheering]
‪[놀란 숨소리]‬
‪[계속되는 환호]‬
‪[멋쩍은 소리]‬Oh.
‪[옅은 웃음]‬[chuckles]
‪[민규] 골라봐‬[Chairman Cha] Take your pick. Both shows are urgent requests,
‪둘 다 급하게 들어온 작품이라‬[Chairman Cha] Take your pick. Both shows are urgent requests,
‪빨리 결정해 줘야 돼‬so things need to be decided quickly.
‪[복순의 질색하는 소리]‬Hmm.
‪[복순] 달다‬Sugar?
‪죄송합니다, 다시 타오겠습니다‬-I'm sorry, miss. I'll get you a new one. -Ah, no.
‪아니, 아니에요‬-I'm sorry, miss. I'll get you a new one. -Ah, no.
‪안 마시고 말지, 뭐‬I'm not really in the mood.
‪[달그락 잔 놓는 소리]‬
‪[민규] 나가봐요‬That'll be all.
‪[CCTV 작동음]‬[camera whirs]
‪왜 시비야?‬What's this about? Tired?
‪일하기 싫어?‬What's this about? Tired?
‪- 작품 끝난 지도 얼마 안 됐고‬ ‪- [문 닫히는 소리]‬-I just finished a show, as you know. -[door closes]
‪이제 후배들한테 기회도 좀 줘야죠‬And I should give others a chance too.
‪한희성?‬Like Hee-sung. He's been training. He can take this one.
‪걔 시키면 어때? 잘하던데‬Like Hee-sung. He's been training. He can take this one.
‪여기 'A'라는 글자 안 보여?‬These are A assignments.
‪[복순] A급 맡을 수준 된다니까요‬[Boksoon] He's good enough to be ranked A.
‪그건 내가 정하는 거야‬ ‪네가 아니고‬That's my decision, not yours.
‪[힘주는 소리]‬Hmm.
‪나는 이거‬Then I choose…
‪[민규가 웃으며] 또 국내 작품이네‬ ‪읽어보지도 않고‬Another domestic one. You didn't read it.
‪[복순] 나이가 드니까‬ ‪애국심이 생기네‬I'm feeling more patriotic these days.
‪[민규의 웃음]‬[chuckles]
‪[민규] 그래, 내가 네 덕분에‬Right. [clears throat] Then it looks like I'll be visiting Russia, thanks to you.
‪러시아 구경 가게 생겼다‬Then it looks like I'll be visiting Russia, thanks to you.
‪- [달그락 소리]‬ ‪- [복순] 우아‬[Boksoon] Wow, it must be some show if you're taking it on yourself.
‪얼마나 대작이길래‬ ‪선배가 직접 뛰어요?‬[Boksoon] Wow, it must be some show if you're taking it on yourself.
‪[민규] 마피아 애들 거야‬A mafia case.
‪독고 할배는 은퇴했고‬Since Dokgo retired and Mantis is on vacation…
‪사마귀는 휴가 갔고‬Since Dokgo retired and Mantis is on vacation…
‪[옅은 한숨]‬Hmm.
‪네가 안 하면‬…well, that just leaves you or me.
‪내가 해야 되지 않겠니?‬…well, that just leaves you or me.
‪- [달그락 소리]‬ ‪- [민규의 쩝 소리]‬
‪재계약 조건은 생각 좀 해봤어?‬Have you thought about contract renewal?
‪애가 열다섯 살 됐지?‬Your kid is fifteen now, isn't she?
‪너 15년 전에‬Don't forget
‪나랑 분명히 약속했어‬what you promised me back then.
‪[복순] 애 때문은 아니라니까요?‬And I'm telling you that isn't it.
‪[민규의 쩝 소리]‬
‪[민규] 밥 먹자‬Let's go eat.
‪간만에 면담도 하고‬Gives us some time to catch up.
‪나 아침 먹고 왔는데?‬I had breakfast already.
‪[민규] 떡볶이‬-[Chairman Cha] Let's get tteokbokki. -Really?
‪- 거기?‬ ‪- [민규] 응‬-[Chairman Cha] Let's get tteokbokki. -Really? [Chairman Cha] Mmm.
‪거절할 수 없는 제안이네‬Only for tteokbokki.
‪[차 이사의 흥얼거리는 소리]‬[Director Cha humming]
‪[노크 소리]‬[knocking on door]
‪[문 여닫히는 소리]‬-[door closes] -Director Cha.
‪[남자] 이사님‬-[door closes] -Director Cha.
‪여기 요청하신 자료들‬I have the documents you requested.
‪거기 두세요, 강 형사님‬You can just leave them over there for me.
‪뭘 보시고 계신 거예요?‬What are you looking at down there?
‪[옅은 웃음]‬
‪못 볼 꼴‬Something awful.
‪[요란한 열차 운행음]‬Something awful.
‪[복순] 집에 오면‬ ‪졸졸 따라다니면서‬[Boksoon] She used to follow me around when I came home,
‪학교에서 있었던 일부터‬ ‪급식 메뉴까지 쫑알대던 애가‬and she'd tell me about school, even what they had for lunch that day.
‪이제 방문 닫고 들어가서‬ ‪코빼기도 안 비쳐‬Now she's always in her room with the door closed.
‪뭔 비밀이 그렇게 많은지‬ ‪핸드폰 비번도 걸어 놓고‬She has all these secrets. Her phone is password-protected.
‪비밀이 생기는 건‬Keeping secrets, it…
‪슬슬 벽이 생기는 건데‬It means she's creating a wall.
‪맞아‬About that.
‪벽‬A wall?
‪일 처음 배울 때 선배가‬ ‪나한테 가르쳐 준 거 있잖아요‬Everything that you taught me when I started training,
‪상대의 수를 읽고 예측해서‬ ‪약점을 찾고‬find your opponent's weakness, their next move,
‪또 다음 수를 내서 허를 찌르고‬find your opponent's weakness, their next move, and catch them off guard,
‪그런데 그게‬ ‪애한테는 전혀 안 먹혀‬none of that works on her.
‪[살짝 웃으며] 아이고‬[chuckles] No?
‪강적이다‬She's tough.
‪사람 죽이는 거는 심플해‬Killing other people is easier than raising a kid.
‪애 키우는 거에 비하면‬Killing other people is easier than raising a kid.
‪[민규] 그래‬[Chairman Cha] You're right.
‪[탁 컵 놓는 소리]‬[Chairman Cha] You're right.
‪게다가 돈도 잘 벌고‬And you can earn good money too.
‪그런데 왜…‬So why, then?
‪재계약 조건을‬The contract renewal…
‪말 안 해줄까?‬What do you need?
‪[달그락 식기 소리]‬
‪떡볶이 참 맛나다‬The tteokbokki's really nice.
‪[민규] 애 때문이 아니면‬If it's not because of your kid, then what's behind it?
‪이유가 뭘까?‬If it's not because of your kid, then what's behind it?
‪왜? 천벌이라도 받을까 봐?‬What? You worried God'll smite us?
‪선배나 나나‬You and I,
‪어차피 죽으면‬ ‪지옥 갈 사람들이에요‬we're already going to hell without a doubt.
‪그래서 우리가 기도를 안 하잖아?‬That's why we don't talk to God.
‪- [달그락 놓는 소리]‬ ‪- [부스럭 종이 소리]‬
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪애네?‬-It's a kid. -[Chairman Cha] He's not a minor.
‪[민규] 미성년자 아니야‬-It's a kid. -[Chairman Cha] He's not a minor.
‪[복순] 그런데 왜 얘가 A급이야?‬[Boksoon] But why is it an A-level show?
‪[민규] 세간의 주목 좀‬ ‪받을 일이야‬It's gonna be the talk of the town.
‪자살로 깔끔하게 처리해야 돼‬It has to look like it was suicide.
‪[삭 넣는 소리]‬
‪선배 처음 만난 날 생각난다‬Like when we met, isn't it?
‪기억도 안 난다‬ ‪너무 먼지 쌓인 일이라‬I don't recall. That memory's been gathering dust.
‪[휴대폰 진동음]‬[phone buzzing]
‪[휴대폰 조작음]‬
‪[복순] 아, 선생님, 안녕하세요?‬Ah. Hello, sir. How are you?
‪재영이는 괜찮아요?‬Is Jae-young okay?
‪[지나가는 열차 소리]‬
‪네‬Yes, uh, I'll be there in a minute.
‪지금 바로 가겠습니다‬Yes, uh, I'll be there in a minute.
‪무슨 일이야?‬What's going on?
‪- [복순] 아…‬ ‪- [부스럭 종이 소리]‬What's going on? [Boksoon] Uh…
‪재영이가 친구를‬ ‪가위로 찔렀다는데?‬Jae-young stabbed a classmate with a pair of scissors.
‪[웃으며] 엄마 닮아서‬ ‪소질 있나 보네‬That means she takes after you, apparently.
‪[삭 베는 효과음]‬
‪[웃으며] 아하, 농담‬[chuckles] It's just a joke.
‪그딴 건 농담이 아니지‬Don't joke about that.
‪한 번만 더 그따위 걸‬ ‪농담이라고 했다가는‬You even think about joking like that again,
‪세상에서 제일 무딘 칼이‬ ‪선배 입에 꽂혀있을 거야, 씨‬you'll find the world's dullest knife stuck down your throat.
‪[민규의 한숨]‬[Chairman Cha sighs]
‪[남자] 재영이가 쉬는 시간에‬ ‪철우랑 얘기를 하다가‬[man] We've been told that Jae-young was talking to Cheol-woo during the break
‪가위로 찔렀다는데‬[man] We've been told that Jae-young was talking to Cheol-woo during the break when she stabbed him,
‪문제는 찔린 사람도 찌른 사람도‬but the issue is neither he nor your daughter will tell us the exact reason this happened.
‪이유를 얘기를 안 한다는 거예요‬will tell us the exact reason this happened.
‪[철우 모의 기막힌 숨소리]‬will tell us the exact reason this happened. [woman scoffs] I mean, does the victim need a reason?
‪[철우 모] 아니‬[woman scoffs] I mean, does the victim need a reason?
‪피해자도 이유가 필요해요?‬[woman scoffs] I mean, does the victim need a reason?
‪철우는 피해자예요!‬My Cheol-woo is the victim here!
‪[복순] 철우 어머니‬I know. I'm sorry.
‪너무 죄송해요‬And I'll cover everything.
‪제가 병원비랑은…‬His hospital bills…
‪아유, 됐어요, 누구는 돈이 없나‬Forget it. You think I don't have the money?
‪그냥 경찰 불러주세요‬Just get the police in here.
‪애들 싸움에‬ ‪무슨 경찰까지 부를 필요 있나?‬Our kids were fighting and you want police for that?
‪여기를 찔렸어요, 여기‬She stuck scissors right into his neck!
‪- 거기는 상처가 조금만 깊었으면‬ ‪- [철우의 앓는 신음]‬If the wound was any deeper, it would have been fatal,
‪치명상이었대!‬If the wound was any deeper, it would have been fatal,
‪[분한 숨소리]‬
‪이건‬'cause she… 'cause she had clearly planned on killing my son today.
‪애초에 사람을 죽이려고‬ ‪아주 작정을 한 거야‬'cause she… 'cause she had clearly planned on killing my son today.
‪[기가 찬 웃음]‬'cause she… 'cause she had clearly planned on killing my son today. [scoffs]
‪애가 집에서‬ ‪도대체 뭘 보고 배운 거야?‬I can't even imagine what she's learning at home.
‪[소라 모] 철우 엄마‬ ‪말이 좀 심했다?‬I can't even imagine what she's learning at home. That's enough. That's uncalled for.
‪[철우 모] 아니‬Is it?
‪소라가 재영이랑 가깝다고‬ ‪이렇게 편드시면 안 되죠!‬You shouldn't be taking sides just because your daughters are friends!
‪[소라 모] 내가 지금‬ ‪재영이 편드는 게 아니잖아‬You shouldn't be taking sides just because your daughters are friends! I'm not taking Jae-young's side here.
‪나는 학부모 위원으로서‬ ‪중재를 하는 거지‬Listen, I'm just here today as a committee parent.
‪아, 소라 어머니까지 부른 이유는‬Uh, we called you here today as So-ra was the only witness.
‪소라가 유일한 목격자인데‬Uh, we called you here today as So-ra was the only witness.
‪아, 역시 입을 다물고 있어요‬Uh, we called you here today as So-ra was the only witness. She won't say anything, though.
‪[소라 모] 아니, 그러면‬She won't say anything, though. Wait. So-ra was involved in this horrible incident?
‪소라가 이 사건에‬ ‪관련이 있다는 거예요?‬Wait. So-ra was involved in this horrible incident?
‪꼭 그런 뜻이 아니라‬ ‪[씁 들이켜는 소리]‬No, I didn't say that.
‪일단 재영 어머니‬Anyway, Miss Gil, it's one week
‪'저스트 원 위크'‬ ‪재영이는 1주간 정학입니다‬Anyway, Miss Gil, it's one week until Jae-young can return to class.
‪[철우 모] 애가 지금‬ ‪흉기에 찔렸는데‬She attacked Cheol-woo. She should be kicked out!
‪- 일주일은 무슨 일주일이에요!‬ ‪- [노순] 그리고 일주일 뒤에‬She attacked Cheol-woo. She should be kicked out! After the week, we will hold a school discipline committee,
‪징계 심의회를 열 겁니다‬After the week, we will hold a school discipline committee,
‪그때까지도 이유를 밝히지 않으면‬and if the reason for it is still unclear,
‪규정상‬well then, according to the rules here, Gil Jae-young is expelled.
‪길재영 학생은 더 이상‬ ‪이 학교를 다닐 수 없습니다‬well then, according to the rules here, Gil Jae-young is expelled.
‪퇴학이요?‬You can't!
‪[복순] 이유 얘기 안 하면‬ ‪너 퇴학이래‬They're kicking you out unless you talk.
‪너 이 학교 한 번 나가면‬No amount of money could get you back in after that.
‪돈으로 처발라도 다시 못 들어와‬No amount of money could get you back in after that.
‪네가 이런 학교 다니다‬ ‪공립 학교 다닐 수 있을 거 같아?‬You think you can handle public school after going here?
‪[재영] 아, 그만해!‬Just cut it out. You sound like a philistine.
‪속물 같아‬You sound like a philistine.
‪- 속물?‬ ‪- [달칵 안전띠 소리]‬A philistine?!
‪그러면 가위로 사람 찌르는 건‬ ‪엄청 교양 있고 우아한 일이니?‬A philistine?! So what? You were right, then? Stabbing people is cultured?
‪너 잘못하면 걔 죽을 수도 있었어!‬That boy could've died, Jae-young!
‪네가 찌른 데가‬ ‪얼마나 위험한 데인 줄 알아?‬Do you know how dangerous what you did is?
‪당연히 알지‬Yeah, exactly.
‪[탁 잡는 소리]‬
‪너 뭐라 그랬어?‬What was that?
‪죽이려고 거기 찔렀으니까‬I wanted Cheol-woo to die.
‪[탁 뿌리치는 소리]‬
‪[무거운 음악]‬[mysterious music plays]
‪[복순] 내가 처음 살인을 한 게‬ ‪열일곱이었어‬[Boksoon] The first time I killed someone, I was 17.
‪- 그때 대표님을 처음 만났는데‬ ‪- [덜그럭거리는 소리]‬That was when I first met Chairman Cha.
‪나한테 타고났다고 하더라‬He said I was a natural.
‪그럴 만하지‬ ‪나는 폭력이랑 같이 자랐으니까‬It made sense since I grew up with so much violence.
‪[계속되는 덜그럭 소리]‬It made sense since I grew up with so much violence.
‪그래서 하나부터 열까지‬ ‪나랑은 반대로 키우고 싶었어‬That's why I wanted to raise her in a way that was opposite to that.
‪그런데 걔를 보면‬But sometimes when I look at her,
‪가끔 어린 시절 내가 생각나‬ ‪그게 섬뜩해‬she reminds me of my younger self, and that's what scares me.
‪[희성] 너무 크게 생각하신다‬ ‪[거친 숨소리]‬[Hee-sung] Ah, you're reading too much into it.
‪애가 사춘기 반항심에‬Ah, she's going through puberty.
‪[힘겨운 숨을 내쉬며] 말이‬ ‪툭 나올 수도 있는 거잖아‬She could've just said that to be rebellious.
‪[거친 숨을 내쉬며]‬ ‪그럴 나이 아닌가?‬[sighs] Isn't she at that age?
‪자, 이렇게 합시다‬Look, how about
‪차라리 이참에‬ ‪회사에 솔직히 얘기를 해요‬you tell the chairman the truth about the renewal?
‪애 때문이라고 하면은‬ ‪대표님도 놔주겠지‬The chairman will let you go if it's for your kid.
‪[웃으며] 아니면 뭐, 죽이든가‬Or he'll have you killed.
‪재영이 낳겠다고 결심했을 때‬ ‪대표님이랑 약속을 하나 했어‬I made him a promise when I decided to have Jae-young,
‪일에는 절대 지장을 주지 않기로‬that I wouldn't let it affect the work.
‪[저벅저벅 타일 밟는 소리]‬that I wouldn't let it affect the work.
‪그런데 그게 힘들어‬ ‪몸보다 마음이‬It's more emotionally challenging than I thought it'd be.
‪일하다 보면‬Look, I mean…
‪죽어가는 사람 눈동자에‬ ‪내 얼굴이 비칠 때가 있거든?‬whenever I see myself in a victim's eyes as they die…
‪[한숨 쉬며] 그런 날은 집에 가서‬ ‪애랑 눈 마주치기도 겁이 나‬I'm afraid to come home and then have her look at me.
‪[희성] 나도 이러고 있는 거‬ ‪우리 아빠가 안다고 생각하면은‬Yeah, if I think about my dad finding out what I'm doing right now,
‪소름 돋아 [한숨]‬it makes my skin crawl.
‪[복순] 그런데 나도 이기적인 게‬I'm selfish, 'cause I won't quit.
‪애 때문에 일을 포기하기는‬ ‪싫은 거야‬I don't want to give this up for her.
‪내가 엄마로서 자격이 없나?‬Am I unqualified to be a mother?
‪[희성] 돈 잘 버는 게‬ ‪최고 자격이에요‬Making good money is a great qualification.
‪[숨 들이켜는 소리]‬[groans] I mean, look,
‪나도 우리 아빠 때문에‬I mean, look, I also don't want to… [grunts]
‪[힘겨운 숨소리]‬ ‪내 일을 포기하기 싫어‬I also don't want to… [grunts] …give this up for my dad,
‪[웃으며] 지금은 비록‬even though my work
‪이렇게 몇 푼 안 되는 일을‬ ‪하고 있지만‬even though my work is menial right now at best.
‪- [희성의 힘든 숨소리]‬ ‪- [복순의 한숨]‬
‪[복순] 참 모순이야‬ ‪이런 일 하면서 엄마라는 게‬It's really ironic to be a mother and a killer.
‪[희성의 힘에 부친 소리]‬
‪- [달그락 구두 소리]‬ ‪- [복순의 한숨 섞인 웃음]‬[sighs]
‪교육상 좋은 살인은 없나?‬Aren't there lessons in killing?
‪[희성] 원래 세상이 모순투성이야‬The world is full of irony.
‪평화를 위해 전쟁을 하고‬We start wars for peace.
‪진실보다 거짓을 믿고 싶어 하지‬We want truth. We believe lies.
‪살인자끼리 모여 가지고‬And killers gather
‪규칙이나 만들고‬and they make the rules.
‪[복순] 야‬Hey.
‪너 요새 무슨 책 쓰냐?‬You're writing a novel now?
‪[희성] 아, 왜?‬Wanna publish it? Huh?
‪[콧소리로] 어? 책 내주시게요?‬Wanna publish it? Huh? I'll let you.
‪[복순의 옅은 웃음]‬[chuckles]
‪[희성의 깊은 한숨]‬[sighs]
‪'모순 뒤의 진실을 봐라'‬Truth in Contradictions.
‪- 이게 책 제목이야‬ ‪- [의미심장한 음악]‬That's the title.
‪그 진실은‬And…
‪선배 정도면‬ ‪충분히 좋은 엄마라는 거‬the truth is you're definitely a good mom.
‪응? 봐봐‬See? Even now
‪지금도 어떻게 죽일지보다‬you're here thinking about her
‪어떻게 키울지를 고민하시잖아‬instead of how to kill.
‪그런데 빈손으로 오셨어?‬By the way, didn't you bring anything?
‪- [복순의 머쓱한 웃음]‬ ‪- 아니, 후배 현장에 오는데‬I mean, what kind of person visits their junior on the set
‪[웃으며] 어떤 선배가‬ ‪빈손으로 와?‬I mean, what kind of person visits their junior on the set and comes empty-handed?
‪- [남자1의 탄성]‬ ‪- [흥미로운 음악]‬[man] Wow. It passed from the main artery to the lumbar.
‪[남자1] 대동맥 관통해서‬ ‪요추까지 갔네?‬[man] Wow. It passed from the main artery to the lumbar. Would you look at that?
‪[남자2] 이야‬ ‪이거 디테일이 살아있네‬Ah. Look at the detail.
‪[차 이사] 이게 다 경찰 쪽에서‬ ‪빼온 미제 사건들이에요‬[Director Cha] These are all unsolved murder cases from the police.
‪꽤 많죠?‬Quite a lot, aren't there?
‪우발적 살인으로‬ ‪위장하기는 했는데‬All were disguised as involuntary manslaughter.
‪보세요‬Look closer.
‪이건 확실히 프로 솜씨예요‬This is definitely the work of a professional.
‪[신 상사] 그러니까‬ ‪차 이사님 말씀은‬This is definitely the work of a professional. So they're unsanctioned shows, huh?
‪이게 다 무허가 작품이다?‬-Is that what you're implying? -[Director Cha] Precisely.
‪[차 이사] 네‬-Is that what you're implying? -[Director Cha] Precisely.
‪대표님들께서‬ ‪미리 다 확인해 주셨는데‬All other chairmen have come forward to say
‪회사 작품은 아니에요‬these aren't their companies' either.
‪[대표1] 다시 무직자 애들이‬ ‪설친다는 건가?‬So you're saying that this is the work of the unemployed?
‪[대표2] 그런 거치고는‬ ‪솜씨가 너무 까리한데요?‬This work is too good to be theirs.
‪[신 상사의 한숨]‬[sighs]
‪[신 상사] 그러면 은퇴했거나‬ ‪해고당한 애들이겠네‬Then it's the work of someone who got fired.
‪아니면 현역 직원일 수도 있죠?‬Or an employee and we didn't know.
‪[대표3] 그럴 리가요‬Ah, no.
‪[대표1] 그럴 리가 없지‬There's no way.
‪[대표2] 그럴 리가 없죠‬It couldn't be though.
‪[대표4] 그럴 일 없습니다‬It can't be that.
‪[민규] 그럴 수도 있죠‬Actually, it can.
‪[대표4] 그럴 수도 있다고 봅니다‬Yeah, it could be.
‪[대표1] 그럴 수도 있겠군‬A good chance.
‪[차 이사] 경찰 쪽에서‬ ‪성심껏 털어본다고 하니까‬The police said that they're looking into it all,
‪조만간 윤곽 나올 거예요‬The police said that they're looking into it all, so we'll have an answer.
‪[민규] 만에 하나‬so we'll have an answer. On the off chance
‪- [긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪- 그 윤곽이‬that it's one of our employees who is behind it,
‪여기 모인 우리들‬ ‪직원 중에 하나로 나온다‬that it's one of our employees who is behind it,
‪그러면‬I would like
‪그 직원에 대한 처분을‬for those of us at MK
‪우리 엠케이에서‬ ‪맡아드릴까 합니다‬to handle their punishment.
‪[신 상사] 아니‬ ‪내 새끼가 잘못했으면‬If my kid steps out of line,
‪굴려도 내가 굴려야지‬If my kid steps out of line, then, yeah, I should handle it.
‪그거, 남의 아비한테 맞으면‬ ‪기분 진짜 더럽습니다‬It feels awful when they're punished by somebody else.
‪규칙 위반하는 자기 식구‬ ‪암암리에 눈감아 주는 거‬Companies ignore disobedient employees, though.
‪여기 모르는 사람 없어요‬This whole room knows about that.
‪이번 건을 본보기로 삼아서‬ ‪좀 바꿔보려고 하는 겁니다‬We've been given an opportunity here to write some wrongs in the process.
‪[빈정대며] 와, 무섭다‬What do you mean?
‪무서워‬I'm scared.
‪아, 요즘같이 힘든 시기에‬How will we ever make it?
‪직원들한테 그렇게 힘준 똥꼬마냥‬ ‪뻑뻑하게 굴면‬How will we survive pushing our employees like that load you're pushing from your anus?
‪회사 운영이 되나?‬pushing our employees like that load you're pushing from your anus?
‪신 상사님‬Sergeant Shin,
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪운영할 능력이 없으시면‬ ‪다시 입대를 하시죠?‬you should reenlist if your company is too much for you,
‪무능력한 소리‬ ‪씩씩하게 하지 마시고‬instead of airing your incompetence to the room.
‪[민규의 웃음]‬[Chairman Cha chuckles]
‪아직 누가 벌인 일인지‬ ‪아무도 모릅니다‬There's no evidence of who the culprit is.
‪그래서 '만에 하나'라고‬ ‪말씀드린 거고요‬That's why I said it could be an employee.
‪그러면 만에 하나‬Then, what if…
‪엠케이 직원이면요?‬the culprit is your employee?
‪[민규가 웃으며] 아이고‬Well then,
‪그러면 제가 책임져야죠‬I would pay for it.
‪제 목이라도 드릴까요?‬You want me to die for it?
‪[연신 웃으며] 아이고, 대표님‬Hey, cool off.
‪뭐, 그렇게까지? 참, 내‬Hey, cool off. I was joking. Don't take it seriously.
‪[차 이사] 신 상사 그 군바리 새끼‬ ‪너무 풀어주지 마‬[Director Cha] Oppa, don't go too easy on that military nut job,
‪그 새끼는‬ ‪아주 선천적으로 개새끼라‬'cause if you don't reign that bastard in,
‪목줄 세게 안 쥐면‬ ‪오빠가 물릴 수도 있어‬well, he could come back to bite you in the end.
‪[민규] 복순이‬Boksoon
‪재계약 안 할 수도 있을 거 같다‬is considering not renewing.
‪여자들이야 애 낳고 나면‬ ‪다들 관두는데‬Women always stop working once they have a kid.
‪언니 정도면 오래 버텼지‬She's been patient with us.
‪그런데 애 아빠가 누구였댔지?‬Hey, by the way, who's the dad?
‪평범한 사람‬a simple guy.
‪[차 이사가 웃으며] 아‬[Director Cha chuckles]
‪우리랑 다른?‬Someone unlike us, then.
‪아무튼 걱정 마‬Anyway, don't worry,
‪사마귀도 곧 돌아오고‬ ‪훈련생들 잘 키워서‬'cause Mantis will return soon, and we're training our newest generation.
‪우리도 세대교체 해야지‬'cause Mantis will return soon, and we're training our newest generation.
‪- 솔직히 언제 적 길복순이니?‬ ‪- [민규의 한숨]‬Gil Boksoon is due to retire.
‪아무리 잘 드는 칼도 나이 들면‬ ‪날도 죽고 무뎌지는 거야‬Even the best knife will grow dull over time.
‪내가 아까‬Earlier today,
‪복순이한테 말실수를 했어‬I offended Boksoon at lunch.
‪그랬더니‬And she…
‪세상에서 제일 무딘 칼로‬she said she'd stab me for saying it,
‪날 꽂아버린다더라‬using the dullest knife.
‪왜 하필 무딘 칼이래?‬Why the dullest knife?
‪[민규] 그게…‬Because
‪더 아프니까‬it would hurt more.
‪[보글보글 끓는 소리]‬
‪[복순] 진짜‬ ‪죽이려고 한 거 아니지?‬You weren't really trying to kill that kid.
‪[옅은 한숨]‬
‪죽이려고 한 거 아니야‬You weren't trying to kill him. I know who you are.
‪내가 너를 몰라?‬You weren't trying to kill him. I know who you are.
‪- [쓱쓱 써는 소리]‬ ‪- [계속 끓는 소리]‬You weren't trying to kill him. I know who you are.
‪[의아한 소리]‬[grunts]
‪그런데 왜 그랬을까?‬But then why did you do it? You're not that kind of kid.
‪너는 그런 애가 아닌데?‬But then why did you do it? You're not that kind of kid.
‪그런 애가 어떤 애인데?‬And what kind of kid is that?
‪나는 엄마가 키우는 화초 아니야‬ ‪그냥 놔둬‬I'm not one of your houseplants. Leave me alone.
‪너… 너 쟤들이‬ ‪그냥 자라는 거 같니?‬Do you… You think they just grow on their own?
‪물 주고 분갈이하고 가지 치고‬I trim their branches, and I pull out all their weeds!
‪잡초도 뽑아줘야 돼‬I trim their branches, and I pull out all their weeds!
‪그게 내가 하는 일이야‬I trim their branches, and I pull out all their weeds! I do all that, okay?
‪- 너 어디 가?‬ ‪- [멀어지는 발소리]‬Where are you going? [Jae-young] To photosynthesize.
‪[재영] 광합성 하러‬[Jae-young] To photosynthesize.
‪- [문 여닫히는 소리]‬ ‪- [답답한 한숨]‬-[door opens, closes] -[sighs]
‪- [탁]‬ ‪- [놀란 숨소리]‬
‪- [드르륵 큐브 맞추는 소리]‬ ‪- [아이 웃음소리]‬[toddler giggles]
‪- [의미심장한 음악]‬ ‪- [드르륵 큐브 맞추는 소리]‬[Rubik's cube clicking]
‪[드르륵 드르륵 큐브 맞추는 소리]‬
‪[공항 안내 방송]‬[woman over loudspeaker] This is the final boarding call for flight 237
‪[민규] 어제‬ ‪학교 간 일은 어떻게 됐어?‬[Chairman Cha] How did things go at the school yesterday?
‪[복순의 한숨]‬[groans]
‪[복순] 몰라요‬[Boksoon] Don't even ask.
‪누가 내 머리에 총이라도 한 방‬ ‪갈겨줬으면 좋겠어요‬I wish someone would just shoot me in the head.
‪[민규의 한숨]‬[Chairman Cha sighs] And your daughter?
‪[민규] 애는? 얘기는 좀 해봤고?‬[Chairman Cha sighs] And your daughter? Have you spoken to her?
‪[복순] 혼자 벽 보고 떠들어댔네요‬[Boksoon] It's like I'm talking to a wall.
‪나한테 문을 안 열어줘‬She won't open up to me.
‪[복순의 깊은 한숨]‬[sighs] I'm exhausted.
‪지쳐요‬I'm exhausted.
‪엄마도 계약 기간이‬ ‪있었으면 좋겠는데‬I'm exhausted. I wish being a mom had a set contract period too.
‪[민규] 사람이 벽을 쌓는 데는‬[Chairman Cha] There's always a reason as to why someone puts up a wall.
‪다 이유가 있더라‬[Chairman Cha] There's always a reason as to why someone puts up a wall.
‪모르는 척‬Wait it out,
‪기다려주는 것도 방법이야‬and she'll come around when she's ready.
‪스스로 문 열어줄 때까지‬It's up to her to start it.
‪[복순의 옅은 숨소리]‬It's up to her to start it. [Boksoon sighs]
‪엄마들은… [한숨]‬For mothers,
‪그게 생물학적으로 불가능해요‬that defies our very nature.
‪[민규] 그러면 애한테‬Then I suppose you could give her a dad.
‪아빠를 한번 만들어줘 보든가‬Then I suppose you could give her a dad.
‪[복순의 헛웃음]‬[sighs]
‪[공항 안내 방송]‬
‪맞다, 스케줄 나왔는데‬ ‪리허설 해봐야 돼?‬Oh, right, uh, your work schedule is ready. Do you need to rehearse?
‪[복순] 아니요, 바로 슛 들어가요‬No, let's get the cameras rolling.
‪[리드미컬한 음악]‬[Chairman Cha] I'll send you the equipment as well as an intern.
‪[민규] 장비 챙겨서‬ ‪애 하나 보낼 거야‬[Chairman Cha] I'll send you the equipment as well as an intern.
‪인턴십 기간이니까‬It's their training process, so give them some real-life experience.
‪현장 실습 좀 시켜줘‬It's their training process, so give them some real-life experience.
‪[복순의 귀찮은 소리]‬[Boksoon sighs]
‪[복순] 애 키우는 건‬ ‪하나면 충분한데?‬One teenager is enough for me to manage.
‪[민규] 너도 마음에 들 거야‬[Chairman Cha] You'll like them.
‪[승강기 도착음]‬[mysterious note plays]
‪[영지] 안녕하십니까?‬Good evening, miss.
‪[덜컹 승강기 문소리]‬
‪[피식 웃는다]‬[scoffs]
‪- [복순] 오픈‬ ‪- [달칵 열리는 소리]‬-[Boksoon] Open it. -[case clicks]
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬-[Boksoon] Open it. -[case clicks]
‪웬 커터칼?‬ ‪피 안 보고 수면제로 하지?‬Why don't we use sleeping pills. What's with the box cutter?
‪이사님이 이번에‬ ‪좀 자극적인 그림이 필요하다고‬Director Cha said we needed something more provocative.
‪[복순] 아…‬Mmm…
‪[부스럭 비닐 소리]‬
‪이건 유서니?‬-The letter? -Yes.
‪네, 타깃 필체 모사해서‬ ‪볼펜으로 직접 쓴 거랍니다‬-The letter? -Yes. They analyzed the target's handwriting and forged it with a ballpoint pen.
‪확인해 보시겠습니까?‬Would you like to check, miss?
‪됐어‬ ‪드라마를 몰라야 일이 편해‬The work is easier the less you know about it.
‪자살 어려울 거 없어‬Suicides are easy.
‪빨리 끝내고 퇴근하자‬Let's finish quickly and go.
‪[탁탁 스위치 소리]‬
‪[탁탁 스위치 소리]‬
‪[쉭쉭 가스 새는 소리]‬[gas hisses]
‪- [환기구 작동음]‬ ‪- [가스 스며드는 소리]‬[gas hisses]
‪[영지]‬[Young-ji] He looks even younger than me. Why do you think he needs to die?
‪[영지]‬[Young-ji] He looks even younger than me. Why do you think he needs to die?
‪[복순]‬[Young-ji] He looks even younger than me. Why do you think he needs to die? [Boksoon] He looks like a classic pervert. The type who spike a girl's drink and then kill her to classical music.
‪[영지]‬[Young-ji] Really?
‪[복순이 한숨 쉬며]‬[Boksoon] No.
‪[복순]‬He has the face of a goddamn angel.
‪[삐삐 울리는 알림음]‬He has the face of a goddamn angel. [beeping]
‪[기기 조작음]‬
‪[영지가 깊은숨을 쉰다]‬[inhales] [exhales]
‪[복순이 숨을 하 내쉰다]‬[Boksoon groans]
‪[윙윙 파리 소리]‬[fly buzzing]
‪얘 왜 이런 걸 먹어? 몸 상하게‬Why would he eat this junk? It's so unhealthy.
‪[윙윙 파리 소리]‬Why would he eat this junk? It's so unhealthy.
‪[드르륵 커터칼 소리]‬
‪왼손잡이야‬He's left-handed.
‪[영지] 네‬Okay.
‪[복순] 잠깐잠깐‬Hang on a sec.
‪한 번에 그으면 안 돼‬You can't cut in one clean motion,
‪자살은‬can you?
‪긋다 멈추기도 하고‬There would be hesitation wounds,
‪다시 긋고 반복하면서‬ ‪주저흔이라는 게 생겨‬'cause he would stop and start while he was cutting.
‪[영지] 네‬Got it.
‪[복순] 줘봐‬Give me it.
‪[영지] 네‬Yes, ma'am.
‪[복순의 피곤한 한숨]‬
‪- [흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪- [복순] 칼끝에‬The tip of your blade needs to carry emotion, like this.
‪감정을 실어야 돼‬The tip of your blade needs to carry emotion, like this.
‪두려움 60‬There's 60 percent fear…
‪[복순이 후 내뱉는 소리]‬[exhales]
‪망설임 40‬…and 40 percent hesitation.
‪[영지] 와, 감정이‬ ‪여기까지 느껴집니다‬I can feel them, your emotions, even from here.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪[TV 속 앵커] 후보자로 지명된‬ ‪오정식 의원의 아들 오모 군의‬[female reporter] Senator Oh Jeong-sik, the new candidate for prime minister,
‪음대 부정 입학 의혹과 관련하여‬[female reporter] Senator Oh Jeong-sik, the new candidate for prime minister, is currently refuting all claims
‪오정식 의원은‬ ‪혐의를 부인하고 있는 가운데‬is currently refuting all claims that his son was fraudulently admitted into a college of music.
‪검찰은 아들 오모 군을 소환하여‬ ‪조사를 시작했습니다‬that his son was fraudulently admitted into a college of music. Meanwhile, the prosecution has just recently summoned the senator's son
‪[윙윙 파리 소리]‬so that they may begin the investigation.
‪[어이없는 숨소리]‬[fly buzzing]
‪[휴대폰 벨 소리]‬[phone ringing]
‪[복순] 현장에서 핸드폰 켜두면‬ ‪되니, 안 되니?‬Shouldn't your phone be on silent?
‪안 됩니다‬It isn't mine.
‪[계속 울리는 휴대폰 벨 소리]‬
‪[휴대폰 조작음]‬
‪[복순] 잠깐 나가 있어‬Wait outside for a moment.
‪[영지] 네?‬-I… -Should I go instead?
‪내가 나가서 받아?‬-I… -Should I go instead?
‪[영지] 아, 아니, 아니요‬Of course not. Right.
‪[영지의 수긍하는 소리]‬Of course not. Right.
‪[멀어지는 발소리]‬
‪[쌀쌀맞은 말투로]‬ ‪엄마 일하는 중이야‬I'm working right now.
‪[재영] 늦어?‬-[Jae-young] Will you be home late? -Why?
‪왜?‬-[Jae-young] Will you be home late? -Why?
‪[재영] 아니, 그냥‬[Jae-young] Just, you know…
‪미안해‬I'm sorry.
‪밥은?‬Have you eaten?
‪[재영] 아직‬[Jae-young] Not yet.
‪얼른 챙겨 먹어‬Don't skip dinner.
‪엄마가 김치찌개 끓여놨어‬I made kimchi stew earlier.
‪- [고풍스러운 음악]‬ ‪- [차 문 닫히는 소리]‬VLADIVOSTOK
‪[매서운 바람 소리]‬
‪[매서운 바람 소리]‬
‪[왁자지껄 대화 소리]‬[indistinct chatter]
‪[잦아드는 대화 소리]‬[indistinct chatter]
‪[남자가 러시아어로 말한다]‬[speaking Russian]
‪[음악 소리가 흘러나온다]‬[music in Russian plays quietly]
‪[탁 라이터 켜는 소리]‬
‪[다시 대화하는 소리]‬
‪[달그락 소리]‬
‪[민규가 러시아어로] 더블‬[Chaiman Cha in Russian] Two shots.
‪[휴대폰 진동음]‬[phone buzzing]
‪[계속 울리는 휴대폰 진동음]‬
‪[복순이 한국어로] 지금 통화돼요?‬[Boksoon] Can you talk?
‪응, 잠깐은‬Hmm, for a minute.
‪일 끝난 거야?‬Is it over?
‪[복순] 실패했어요‬[Boksoon] I failed.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪[복순] 가스가 부족했는지‬ ‪애가 금방 깨서‬[Boksoon] He woke up. Maybe there wasn't enough sleep gas.
‪미리 체크했어야 되는데‬I should've checked beforehand.
‪제 실수예요‬It was my mistake.
‪[민규] 너… 유서 읽어봤구나‬[Chairman Cha] No. You read the suicide note, didn't you?
‪[복순] 알잖아요‬ ‪나 그런 거 안 읽는 거‬You know I don't read those things.
‪[민규] 내가 너를‬ ‪못 믿는 이유 세 가지‬[Chairman Cha] There are three reasons why I can't believe you.
‪길복순은 이 작품을‬ ‪실패할 리가 없는 사람이고‬there is no way that Gil Boksoon could fail this show.
‪이 작품은 길복순이‬ ‪실패할 리가 없는 작품이야‬there is no way that Gil Boksoon would fail this show.
‪그리고 셋째‬there is no way that Gil Boksoon would fail this show. And third,
‪이번 고객이‬the client for this show is a heartless father
‪제 새끼 죽이려는‬ ‪매정한 아버지라는 거‬the client for this show is a heartless father who is trying to kill his own child.
‪[복순의 헛웃음]‬[Boksoon scoffs]
‪[복순의 어이없는 웃음]‬[scoffs]
‪[복순] 내가 그런 이유로‬ ‪일을 안 한다고요?‬Are you saying that I would choose not to?
‪[민규] 네가 잘 알겠지‬[Chairman Cha] You would know better.
‪'회사가 허가한 작품은‬ ‪반드시 트라이할 것'‬"You must always attempt shows sanctioned by your company."
‪만약 진짜 실패가 아니면‬If you didn't actually fail…
‪- [문 열리는 소리]‬ ‪- [시끌벅적한 탄성]‬[door opens] [bar patrons clamoring]
‪[즐거운 탄성과 대화 소리]‬[bar patrons clamoring]
‪너는 지금 규칙을 어기는 거야‬…then you just broke the rules.
‪[복순] 그러면…‬So… are you gonna kill me?
‪나 대표님한테 죽어요?‬So… are you gonna kill me?
‪[긴장감 고조되는 음악]‬[mysterious action music plays]
‪왜 대답이 없어요?‬[Boksoon] Why aren't you answering me?
‪[민규] 기다려‬[Chairman Cha] Hold on.
‪[흘러나오는 총성]‬[gunshots]
‪[복순의 한숨]‬[gunshots]
‪[복순] 슛 들어갔네‬Cameras are rolling.
‪현장에서 핸드폰은 꺼놨어야지, 쯧‬His phone should be off. He's on set.
‪- [박진감 넘치는 음악]‬ ‪- [사람들의 요란한 기합]‬[patrons clamoring]
‪[남자1의 신음]‬[patrons clamoring] [gunshot]
‪[남자2가 러시아어로]‬ ‪저 동양인 새끼 죽여!‬[in Russian] Kill that Asian bastard!
‪[남자3의 기합]‬
‪[삭 베는 소리]‬Ah!
‪[남자4] 물러나지 마!‬[in Russian] Don't back away! You fucking bastard!
‪개새끼야!‬[in Russian] Don't back away! You fucking bastard!
‪[남자4의 기합]‬Ah!
‪[남자5의 외마디 신음]‬
‪[남자6의 외마디 신음]‬
‪[남자7의 비명]‬
‪[칼 소리]‬
‪[남자8의 비명]‬
‪[덜그럭 소리]‬
‪[남자9의 기합]‬
‪[복순이 한국어로] 그냥‬ ‪일하면서 들어주세요‬[Boksoon] Just listen to me while you work.
‪나는 분명히‬ ‪이 작품 실패했다고 했어요‬I've clearly let you know that I failed this show.
‪믿든 안 믿든‬ ‪그건 대표님 선택인데 믿으세요‬Whether you believe me or not, that's up to you. But you better believe me if you need my signature on that contract.
‪계약서에 내 사인 필요하면‬But you better believe me if you need my signature on that contract.
‪[어이없는 숨소리]‬[pants]
‪- [푹 박히는 소리]‬ ‪- [남자10의 비명]‬[grunts]
‪[털썩 소리]‬
‪[민규의 다급한 소리]‬
‪[힘겨운 소리]‬
‪[거친 숨소리]‬
‪[남자11이 러시아어로] 사격 중지!‬[in Russian] Cease-fire!
‪[거친 숨소리]‬[pants]
‪[한국어] 할 말은 다 한 거야?‬Anything else then?
‪[복순] 그리고 하나 더‬[Boksoon] One more thing.
‪내가 실패한 작품‬ ‪아무도 손 못 대요‬No one else can work on my failed show.
‪[거친 숨소리]‬
‪이게…‬If you agree,
‪내 재계약 조건이에요‬then I'll renew it.
‪[힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪[남자1이 러시아어로] 아니잖아‬[man in Russian] It's not him.
‪[긴장감 고조되는 음악]‬
‪[소리치며] 저기! 저기 있다!‬Over there!
‪[소란스럽게 싸우는 소리]‬
‪[철컥 장전 소리]‬[gun cocks]
‪- [총성]‬ ‪- [남자2의 비명]‬
‪[덜그럭 나뒹구는 소리]‬
‪- [거친 숨소리]‬ ‪- [매서운 바람 소리]‬[wind howling]
‪[철그럭 소리]‬[panting]
‪[민규가 지친 목소리로]‬ ‪실습 나간 친구 바꿔줘‬[Chairman Cha] Let me speak with the intern.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪제가 거짓말해야 하는 겁니까?‬Do I have to lie about what happened in there?
‪너는 그냥 사실대로 얘기해‬Just tell the truth, Young-ji.
‪네, 전화 바꿨습니다, 대표님‬Hello, Chairman, uh, can you hear me?
‪[민규] 정말 실패 맞아요?‬[Chairman Cha] Did she really fail?
‪전 그때 현장에 없었습니다‬I'm afraid I wasn't on set.
‪[민규] 다시‬-[Chairman Cha] Try that again. -Uh…
‪[영지] 어?‬-[Chairman Cha] Try that again. -Uh…
‪아, 아, 네‬Uh, yes.
‪실패 맞습니다‬She failed tonight.
‪제가 가스량 조절을‬ ‪잘못한 거 같습니다‬I think I miscalculated the amount of gas we needed.
‪죄송합니다‬Sorry about that.
‪[민규] 나도 조건이 있어‬[Chairman Cha] I also have a condition.
‪계약 기간은 내가 정해‬I decide the duration.
‪그동안 길복순은‬You'll be with MK until the contract ends.
‪계속‬Gil Boksoon will continue to be our knife.
‪엠케이 칼이다‬Gil Boksoon will continue to be our knife.
‪[끼익]‬[door squeaks]
‪[문 닫히는 소리]‬
‪[멀어지는 발소리]‬
‪[휴대폰 조작음]‬
‪[어두운 음악]‬SO-RA
‪[재영이 숨죽여 흐느끼는 소리]‬SO-RA YOU'RE NOT PICKING UP CALL ME
‪[숨죽여 흐느끼는 소리]‬[Jae-young weeping]
‪[차 이사의 자지러지는 웃음소리]‬[Director Cha laughs]
‪[차 이사가 웃으며] 아, 말이 돼?‬How could she? Come on.
‪아무리 애 낳고 물러졌어도‬I mean, even with her having a kid…
‪[잦아드는 웃음소리]‬
‪- [다급히 멀어지는 발소리]‬ ‪- [불안한 음악]‬
‪혹시…‬What if
‪일부러 규칙을 어긴 거면?‬she broke the rules on purpose?
‪[항공기 운행음]‬
‪걔가 뭐 하러?‬And why would she?
‪[깊은 한숨]‬[sighs]
‪알았어요‬Right. So?
‪누구한테 토스할지 리스트업할게‬I'll reassign the show. We'll find somebody else.
‪[민규] 아니‬ ‪그냥 실패한 거로 마무리해‬[Chairman Cha] No. Just close it as a failed case.
‪[민희가 고함치며] 너 미쳤어?‬[Director Cha] Are you out of your mind?
‪A급 미스 나면 우리 회사 평판은?‬It's a level-A case. What about our reputation?
‪이것도 길복순 생각이야?‬Was this all Gil Boksoon's idea?
‪하, 맞네‬That means yeah.
‪실패 아니네‬She didn't want to do it.
‪[민희] 대단들 하다, 진짜‬The two of you are unbelievable.
‪대체 길복순이 뭐길래 이래‬Why would you do this for her? What is it about her?
‪[민규] 비행기 뜬다‬I have to go.
‪계약서 준비해 놔‬Have the contract ready.
‪[기내 영어 안내 방송]‬[woman over intercom] Today we have flight 2P on crew…
‪[남자의 힘겨운 신음]‬[muffled screaming]
‪[남자의 절박한 신음]‬
‪[젊은 민규] 따님이‬[Chairman Cha] Your daughter
‪다행히 엄마를 닮았나 봐요‬fortunately took after her mother.
‪[달그락대는 의자 소리]‬But she looks so depressed.
‪그런데 너무 우울해 보인다‬But she looks so depressed. [muffled yelling]
‪웃으면 더 이쁠 텐데‬[Chairman Cha] She'd be prettier if she smiled.
‪[달그락 액자 놓는 소리]‬[muffled yelling]
‪[복순 부의 힘겨운 신음]‬[muffled yelling]
‪자연사하시려면‬ ‪조금 착하게 사셨어야지요‬you should've lived a better life if you wanted to die a natural death.
‪이제 의자만 빼면 끝나요‬It'll be over once I move the chair.
‪[복순 부의 절박한 신음]‬[muffled yelling]
‪[복순 부의 악쓰는 신음]‬
‪- [달그락대는 의자 소리]‬ ‪- [문 닫히는 소리]‬
‪- [문 열리는 소리]‬ ‪- [복순 부의 힘겨운 신음]‬[man grunting]
‪[문 닫히는 소리]‬[man grunting]
‪- [다가오는 발소리]‬ ‪- [복순 부의 안도하는 신음]‬
‪[복순 부의 절박한 신음]‬
‪[다가오는 발소리]‬
‪[복순 부의 악쓰는 신음]‬
‪- [복순 부의 안간힘 쓰는 신음]‬ ‪- [감성적인 음악이 흘러나온다]‬["This Guy's in Love with You" plays]
‪[철컥 장전 소리]‬
‪[젊은 민규] 아직‬ ‪학교에 있을 시간일 텐데요‬[Chairman Cha] You're supposed to be in school right now.
‪[복순 부의 악쓰는 신음]‬[muffled screaming]
‪[어린 복순] 아빠‬ ‪죽이러 온 거예요?‬Is my dad going to die?
‪[복순 부의 거친 숨소리]‬Is my dad going to die?
‪[젊은 민규] 아빠는‬ ‪자살을 하는 겁니다‬[Chairman Cha] Your dad is killing himself
‪자기 총으로‬after he killed
‪딸을 쏘고‬his own daughter.
‪- [어린 복순] 아…‬ ‪- [복순 부의 악쓰는 신음]‬Ah.
‪수업 다 끝나고 올 걸 그랬다‬I should've stayed for the last class.
‪[복순 부의 절박한 신음]‬-[muffled yelling] -[Chairman Cha] How chaotic.
‪[젊은 민규] 혼잡하네‬-[muffled yelling] -[Chairman Cha] How chaotic.
‪그런데 이거‬These have rules,
‪규칙대로만 하면 금방 맞추는데‬If you had followed them, you could've been done.
‪[어린 복순의 옅은 한숨]‬
‪[어린 복순] 어차피 흐트러뜨릴 거‬ ‪뭐 하러 빨리 맞춰요?‬There's no point if you're going to mix it up again.
‪[복순 부의 낑낑대는 소리]‬There's no point if you're going to mix it up again.
‪[젊은 민규의 헛웃음]‬ ‪나이가 어떻게 돼요?‬[scoffs] How old are you, huh?
‪[젊은 민규] 애매하네 [한숨]‬-[Chairman Cha] That complicates things. -Why?
‪뭐가요?‬-[Chairman Cha] That complicates things. -Why?
‪어린 동생이 있어서‬I have a younger sister, so I have a rule.
‪애는 안 죽여요‬I have a younger sister, so I have a rule.
‪그게 내 규칙입니다‬Kids are off limits.
‪이 일이 꼭 나쁜 사람이‬ ‪하는 일은 아닌가 봐요?‬So it's not only bad people in this line of work.
‪[계속 흘러나오는 감성적인 음악]‬Are you always this brave then?
‪너 원래 겁이 없니?‬Are you always this brave then?
‪그런데 애라는 거…‬Defining a kid,
‪기준이 진짜 애매하기는 하다‬that can actually be really unclear.
‪규칙은 명확해야죠‬A rule should be definite.
‪미성년자 어때요?‬ ‪나 아직 민증 안 나왔는데‬How about under 18? I don't have a license yet.
‪[젊은 민규] 그래도‬ ‪목격자를 살려두는 건 [한숨]‬[Chairman Cha] But letting a witness live is…
‪[복순 부의 거친 비명]‬[muffled yelling]
‪이제 아저씨가 목격자다‬Now you're the witness here.
‪[바람 소리 효과음]‬♪ Yes, I'm in love ♪
‪[감성적인 음악이 점점 커진다]‬♪ Yes, I'm in love ♪
‪[바람 소리 효과음]‬♪ I can tell we know each other-- ♪
‪[음악이 뚝 멈춘다]‬
‪[만식] 이사님‬Director Cha, has today been a little challenging?
‪오늘 무슨 안 좋은 일 있으세요?‬Director Cha, has today been a little challenging?
‪분위기 봐서 좆같으면‬ ‪안 묻는 게 예의예요‬You know, it's polite not to ask me if it's clear I'm having a shitty day.
‪뭐 좀 나왔어요?‬So did you find anything?
‪아, 예‬Ah, yes.
‪가장 최근‬ ‪대전 연구원 살인 사건이요‬Ah, yes. In the Daejeon research murder case, actually.
‪그 현장에서 사라졌던‬ ‪토요타 트럭을‬That Toyota truck, the one that disappeared.
‪폐차장에서 찾았습니다‬We found it at a junkyard.
‪다행히 뭐, 블랙박스가 살아있어서‬We found it at a junkyard. And the dash cam was still intact.
‪당일 출입자들 죄다 스캔 떴습니다‬We were able to identify everyone there.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬Ah, shit.
‪[민희] 아이, 씨‬Ah, shit.
‪[만식] 아시는 분이세요?‬Ah, shit. Is that someone you know?
‪[민희] 강 형사님?‬Detective Kang, you see these people in the police force?
‪경찰이라는 조직에도‬ ‪그런 사람이 있죠?‬Detective Kang, you see these people in the police force?
‪[철컥 장전 소리]‬
‪[의료 기기 작동음]‬The ones who are talented, but can't seem to make it big.
‪실력은 있는데 못 크는 사람‬The ones who are talented, but can't seem to make it big.
‪이유가 뭘까?‬What could be the reason?
‪[만식] 인성에 문제가 있거나‬[Detective Kang] Maybe they have an attitude problem.
‪윗분들한테 미운털이 박혔거나?‬[Detective Kang] Maybe they have an attitude problem. Or maybe they fell out of favor with their bosses.
‪[민희] 그래, 미운털‬[Director Cha] Exactly. Just left out in the cold.
‪그런데 본인은‬ ‪왜 그런지도 모르는 사람‬And they don't even know why.
‪불쌍하기는‬Poor thing.
‪[인기척]‬[door closes]
‪뭘 그렇게 놀라요?‬Why so surprised?
‪죄지은 사람처럼?‬It's like you're guilty of a crime.
‪[사이렌 소리]‬It's like you're guilty of a crime. [siren blares]
‪[TV 속 정식] 저는‬ ‪결단코 결백합니다‬[man on TV] I am innocent on all accounts!
‪저를 음해하려는 사람들이‬ ‪이제는 저를 넘어‬All of these people who are trying to slander me are now also attacking my son.
‪- 제 아들까지 공격하고 있습니다‬ ‪- [탁 소리]‬are now also attacking my son.
‪이 비열한 공작에 저 오정식은‬I, Oh Jeong-sik, will march forward without hesitation
‪한발 물러섬 없이‬I, Oh Jeong-sik, will march forward without hesitation and will take action against these lowbrow attacks.
‪뚜벅뚜벅 걸어갈 것입니다‬and will take action against these lowbrow attacks.
‪[TV 속 지지자들의 환호]‬[cheering]
‪[TV 속 지지자들] 오정식! 오정식!‬[crowd chanting] Oh Jeong-sik! Oh Jeong-sik!
‪[날카로운 칼날 효과음]‬
‪[재영] 진짜 죽이려고‬ ‪그런 거 아니야‬[Jae-young] I wasn't actually trying to kill him.
‪내가 무슨 사이코패스도 아니고‬I'm not a psychopath, okay?
‪하지 마?‬I'm done.
‪어? 아니아니, 아니야, 해‬[gasps] No. Hey.
‪어‬Here. Go ahead.
‪[재영] 철우 걔가‬ ‪날 계속 귀찮게 했었어‬Cheol-woo wouldn't leave me alone.
‪그런데 찌를 생각은 진짜 없었어‬I wasn't trying to stab him. I… I just wanted to scare--
‪그냥 가위로 겁만 주려고…‬I… I just wanted to scare--
‪[복순] 그래‬That's right.
‪네가 그랬을 거야‬That's right. I knew it.
‪[재영] 유철우‬Yoo Cheol-woo is…
‪걔가 겁이 많거든?‬He just pretends
‪허세는 심한데‬that he's brave.
‪[복순] 걔네 엄마도‬ ‪허세가 장난 아니더라고‬that he's brave. You know, his mother is the exact same way.
‪[재영] 그냥 내가‬ ‪쭉 얘기하면 안 돼?‬Can you not interrupt this time?
‪[복순] 어‬Oh. You go ahead.
‪미안해‬Oh. You go ahead.
‪그런데‬That day…
‪걔가 점심시간에‬ ‪나한테 사진 몇 장을 보냈어‬he sent a bunch of pictures to me at lunch.
‪- [비밀스러운 음악]‬ ‪- [재영의 당황한 숨소리]‬[indistinct chatter]
‪[재영의 떨리는 숨소리]‬[breathing unsteadily]
‪[복순] 진짜 말 끊어서 미안한데‬[Boksoon] I'm really sorry to interrupt.
‪무슨 사진인지 물어봐도 돼?‬What was in these pictures?
‪있어‬They're just
‪나 몰래 찍은 사진‬of me, taken secretly.
‪그래서 내가 철우한테‬ ‪지워달라 그랬어‬So I said they had to be deleted.
‪[철우] 대신 조건이 하나 있어‬Under one condition.
‪[재영] 남의 사진‬ ‪몰래 찍는 거 범죄야‬You can't take my photo without my consent.
‪[소리치며] 빨리 지워!‬-Oh! -Delete them!
‪[철우] 나랑 한 달만 사귀어‬Then date me for a month.
‪[황당한 듯 웃으며] 야‬[laughs]
‪아니, 너 뭐‬ ‪뇌에 무슨 문제 있어?‬Hey, were you dropped on your head or something, huh?
‪- [철우] 딱 한 달‬ ‪- [재영의 실소]‬-One month. -[scoffs]
‪한 달 뒤에는 내가 그냥‬ ‪존나 깔끔하게 끝내줄게‬And after that, I'll go ahead and break your heart,
‪- [계속되는 재영의 웃음]‬ ‪- 당연히 내가 너 까는 거로‬'cause I'll get to end it.
‪[어이없는 숨소리]‬[sighs]
‪그게 대체 무슨 의미가 있는데?‬What's the point in dating then?
‪[철우] 야‬[Cheol-woo scoffs] There is no fucking point.
‪의미가 좆도 뭐가 중요해?‬[Cheol-woo scoffs] There is no fucking point. What matters is how everyone else sees me after.
‪애들한테 어떻게 보이느냐가‬ ‪중요한 거지‬What matters is how everyone else sees me after.
‪[비꼬는 탄성]‬Wow.
‪너 진짜 좆밥이었구나?‬You really are a pussy, then.
‪[다가오는 발소리]‬
‪[철우] 야‬Hey.
‪[소리치며] 씨발, 진짜!‬Shit, for fuck's sake!
‪[철우의 성난 숨소리]‬
‪네가 날 이렇게 만든 거야, 어?‬You made me this way, okay?
‪길재영 네가!‬You got that?
‪[철우의 성난 숨소리]‬
‪[철우의 한숨]‬[scoffs]
‪자, 어떡할래?‬So are you in?
‪내가 여기 있는‬ ‪전송 버튼 한 번만 누르면‬The second I press send on this message,
‪이거 전교생 절반한테 다 퍼진다?‬half our school gets these pictures.
‪[재영] 눌러봐‬[Jae-young] If you do…
‪그러면 너는 죽어‬I'm gonna kill you.
‪[철우의 빈정대는 탄성] 무서워‬[Cheol-woo mockingly] Oh, I'm so scared.
‪진짜 누른다?‬Hurry or I'm gonna press it.
‪[다가오는 발소리]‬Hurry or I'm gonna press it.
‪[소라] 잠깐만!‬Wait!
‪잠깐만 [떨리는 숨소리]‬Wait! Cheol-woo!
‪철우야‬Wait! Cheol-woo!
‪- 이러지 마, 어?‬ ‪- [문 닫히는 소리]‬Please don't. Please? My life will be over.
‪나 진짜 죽어!‬Please? My life will be over.
‪[소라의 절박한 숨소리]‬
‪[철우] 나 말고‬You don't want me to?
‪저기 저 길재영한테 가서 얘기해‬Then go talk to Jae-young.
‪[소라] 개새끼‬Asshole.
‪우리 그냥 철우가‬ ‪하자는 대로 하자, 어?‬let's just do what he says, okay? It wouldn't cost us anything, right?
‪[떨리는 숨소리] 딱히‬ ‪뭐 손해 보는 것도 아니잖아‬let's just do what he says, okay? It wouldn't cost us anything, right?
‪[철우] 그래, 뭐‬ ‪손해 보는 것도 아니잖냐‬let's just do what he says, okay? It wouldn't cost us anything, right? -It's not like you're losing anything. -Jae-young, please.
‪[소라] 내가 이렇게 부탁할게‬-It's not like you're losing anything. -Jae-young, please.
‪[철우] 야, 부탁하는데?‬Look, she's begging you.
‪[소라] 우리 이거 아니잖아‬This wasn't anything.
‪[철우] 아, 그런데‬Hey, also,
‪너희 둘 중에 누가 남자 역할이야?‬who's the man in this relationship here?
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪- [재영] 이, 씨‬ ‪- [철우] 어?‬Jae-young, stop!
‪- [소라] 재영아! 아, 어떡해‬ ‪- [와당탕 소리]‬Jae-young, stop!
‪- [철우의 아파하는 신음]‬ ‪- 철우야, 괜찮아? 어떡해‬Cheol-woo, are you okay?
‪선생님 부르자‬Are you okay? Are you okay?
‪[다가오는 발소리]‬[mysterious music plays]
‪소라하고 나야‬It's So-ra and I.
‪[복순] 어‬I know.
‪나 여자 좋아해, 엄마‬I don't like boys, Mom.
‪[놀란 숨소리]‬
‪[떨리는 목소리로] 왜 그렇게 봐?‬Why do you look like that?
‪뭐?‬Like what?
‪[복순의 당황한 소리]‬[sighs]
‪[부스럭 소리]‬
‪[탁 놓는 소리]‬
‪그런데 재영아‬But, Jae-young,
‪네가 헷갈리는 걸 수도 있잖아‬what if you're confused?
‪아니, 왜 그런 걸‬ ‪엄마한테 얘기를 안 했어?‬You could've told me about this, you know?
‪내가 남자를 좋아했어도‬And if I liked boys instead,
‪'엄마'‬would I have to come tell you that?
‪'나 사실은 남자가 좋아'‬would I have to come tell you that?
‪이렇게 고백해야 돼?‬That I was into guys?
‪[한숨 쉬며] 아니‬[sighs] I just…
‪아, 그런 건 아니지만‬No, you wouldn't, but…
‪[버럭 하며] 아, 그래도‬ ‪내가 너를 이렇게 몰라도 되니?‬But how can you not tell me anything?
‪그러는 엄마는?‬Yeah, how about you?
‪나한테 솔직해?‬Are you ever honest?
‪[딩동딩동 초인종 소리]‬[doorbell rings] [gasps]
‪죽고 싶어?‬Do you want to die?
‪여기가 어디라고 와, 이, 씨‬You're at my house.
‪[떨리는 목소리로] 죽이세요‬Just do it.
‪저 잘렸습니다, 이사님한테‬Director Cha fired me.
‪데뷔 한번 못 해보고‬I didn't even get to make my debut.
‪그럴 만하죠?‬It all makes sense
‪일개 훈련생 하나가‬since a little intern dared
‪감히 길복순 선배님‬ ‪작품을 망친 건데‬since a little intern dared to mess up the great Gil Boksoon's show.
‪[영지의 분한 숨소리]‬to mess up the great Gil Boksoon's show.
‪선배님한테는 제가‬ ‪먼지보다도 못한 존재겠지만‬I might not be worth a speck of dust to you, but…
‪제가 여기까지 얼마나‬ ‪치열하게 올라온 줄 아십니까?‬do you know how much I went through to get where I was?
‪[울먹이는 숨소리]‬do you know how much I went through to get where I was?
‪[영지의 떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪[복순] 그래‬Fine.
‪[툭툭 치는 소리]‬
‪잘 왔다‬You're just in time.
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪[복순] 꼭 이럴 때‬ ‪회사 일까지 생겨서‬It's always at the worst time that something happens at work
‪사람까지 보내고 난리야‬and they even send someone to get you.
‪아, 재영아, 저기…‬Uh, Jae-young, listen.
‪얘기는 다녀와서 하자‬We'll talk more when I get back.
‪[멀어지는 발소리]‬We'll talk more when I get back.
‪[덜컥 문 열리는 소리]‬[door opens]
‪[탁 문 닫히는 소리]‬[door closes]
‪[복순의 골치 아픈 한숨]‬[Boksoon] Hmm.
‪[복순] 그래서 너는‬So then,
‪나한테 따지러 온 거니?‬are you here to fight or…
‪저는 잘못한 게 없으니까요‬I did nothing wrong in that show.
‪잘못이 있다면‬If there was something, it would be that I lied for you.
‪선배님 때문에 거짓말한 거죠‬If there was something, it would be that I lied for you.
‪[복순이 꿀꺽 삼키며] 알아‬All right.
‪그런데 세상을 살면서 말이다‬Look, sometimes in this life,
‪때로는 잘못을 안 해도‬ ‪잘못이 되고‬things become your fault for no reason,
‪잘못을 했는데도‬ ‪잘못이 안 되고 그러는 거야‬things become your fault for no reason, and other times, you get away with things you did.
‪[영지] 그런 게 어디 있습니까?‬That doesn't happen.
‪[복순] 예를 들면‬For example,
‪네가 여자를 좋아한다고 치자‬let's say that you like girls.
‪그건 네가 잘못한 게 아니잖아?‬-You're not doing anything wrong. -Right.
‪- [영지] 그렇죠‬ ‪- 그런데 남들은‬-You're not doing anything wrong. -Right. But to others, it could seem like you are.
‪그걸 잘못이라고 볼 수가 있어‬But to others, it could seem like you are.
‪사람 죽이는 일 하시면서‬ ‪너무 보수적인 생각 아닙니까?‬Isn't that a little conservative for a hired assassin?
‪[복순] 어른들은 그래‬Adults are all like that. You think your parents are different?
‪너희 부모님은 안 그럴 거 같지?‬Adults are all like that. You think your parents are different?
‪저 부모님 안 계십니다‬Mine aren't alive.
‪[덜그럭 식기 소리]‬
‪잘못인지 아닌지는‬ ‪본인이 제일 잘 알아요‬It's up to us to know if we've done wrong.
‪남들이 정하는 게 아니라‬Nobody else can decide that.
‪[후루룩 국수 소리]‬[Young-ji slurps]
‪[탁 잔 놓는 소리]‬[Young-ji slurps]
‪하여간 요즘 애들은 참…‬You kids these days…
‪- 똑똑하네‬ ‪- [휴대폰 진동음]‬are so wise. [phone buzzing]
‪[아삭아삭 씹는 소리]‬[phone buzzing] PWINCESS
‪- [주인] 가세요 [웃음]‬ ‪- [손님이 웃으며] 어‬[owner] Take care. [chuckles]
‪[주인의 못마땅한 탄성]‬[sighs]
‪오늘 두 팀 받았네, 씨‬Only two tables today.
‪[문 닫히는 소리]‬Only two tables today. [door closes]
‪[영지] 안녕하십니까‬Hello, sir.
‪- [덜그럭 문소리]‬ ‪- [주인] 누구여?‬-Who is this? -Our company's intern.
‪[복순] 우리 회사 훈련생‬-Who is this? -Our company's intern.
‪[주인] 와‬ ‪이, 엠케이 인턴이면은 엘리트네‬Wow, an intern at MK? That's great.
‪데뷔는 언제여?‬When's your debut?
‪[영지] 저 잘렸습니다‬They fired me.
‪[복순] 너 안 잘려‬All right, that's enough.
‪얘 잘될 애니까 기억해 둬요‬You're not getting fired, okay?
‪내가 한번 잡아봤는데‬ ‪칼질을 싸가지 없게 하더라고‬I sparred with her. She's ruthless. She'll be big.
‪계집애가‬I sparred with her. She's ruthless. She'll be big.
‪[주인의 탄성]‬Whoa.
‪이 천하의 킬복순이‬ ‪이렇게 말할 정도면은 뭐‬And if that's coming from Gil Boksoon, bravo.
‪- [문소리]‬ ‪- [왁자지껄 대화 소리]‬-[Yun-seok] We'll eat this. I'm starving. -Oh?
‪- [복순의 한숨]‬ ‪- 어?‬-[Yun-seok] We'll eat this. I'm starving. -Oh? -[man] Let's go. -[Yun-Seok] That's what I'm saying.
‪- [웃음소리]‬ ‪- [주인의 반가운 웃음]‬-[man] Let's go. -[Yun-Seok] That's what I'm saying.
‪[광만] 어? 안녕하십니까, 선배님‬-Oh, hello, Boksoon. -Oh, Boksoon, hello.
‪- [윤석] 선배님, 안녕하세요‬ ‪- [현철] 양복도 쫙 빼입었네, 어?‬-Oh, hello, Boksoon. -Oh, Boksoon, hello. I mean, you even have a new suit. [chuckles]
‪[현철의 웃음]‬I mean, you even have a new suit. [chuckles]
‪[윤석이 웃으며] 먼저 와 계셨네요‬You're here early.
‪[영지] 안녕하십니까‬Hello, my name is Kim Young-ji, a trainee at MK from the 12th class.
‪엠케이 12기 훈련생‬ ‪김영지라고 합니다‬Hello, my name is Kim Young-ji, a trainee at MK from the 12th class.
‪[광만, 현철] 오, 엠케이!‬Oh, MK.
‪[윤석] 어, 엠케이?‬Oh, MK. How you doing?
‪- 야, 반가워‬ ‪- [영지] 아‬Oh, MK. How you doing? Uh…
‪[윤석] 회사 선배‬ ‪축하해 주러 왔구나? 어‬You've come to celebrate with us, huh?
‪이거 봐요‬Come on. See?
‪역시 큰 회사 사람들이‬ ‪의리도 있다니까‬Come on. See? I told you that people at big companies are more loyal.
‪[복순] 무슨 축하?‬Congratulate?
‪[윤석] 아, 오늘 희성이 형‬ ‪축하해 주러 오신 거 아니에요?‬Hee-sung, isn't that why you're here right now?
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪[현철] 아, 복순 씨 몰랐구나?‬You didn't hear about it? He was promoted to rank A today.
‪희성 씨 오늘 A급 승진했잖아요‬You didn't hear about it? He was promoted to rank A today.
‪갑자기?‬That was fast.
‪예, 뭐, 그냥‬ ‪갑자기 그렇게 됐어요‬Oh. Well, yeah, it happened today, so…
‪- [중얼거리는 기도 소리]‬ ‪- [파쇄기 작동음]‬
‪[덜그럭 의자 소리]‬
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬
‪어떻게 된 거야?‬How did they do it?
‪[쾅 문 닫히는 소리]‬[door slams]
‪[민희] 미리 말 못 한 거 미안해‬Sorry I couldn't tell you in advance, Oppa. You understand, right?
‪오빠도 알지?‬Sorry I couldn't tell you in advance, Oppa. You understand, right?
‪다 회사를 위한 결정이라는 거‬It's what was best for the company.
‪[숨 막히는 신음]‬[gasps]
‪너한테 그런 결정권 준 적 없어‬That wasn't your decision to make.
‪나도 이 회사 이사야‬I'm the director, aren't I?
‪길복순 그년이 뭐라고‬Why is she so special?
‪[민희의 거친 신음]‬[chokes]
‪[현철] 자랑 좀 해도 돼요‬Come on, you can brag.
‪뉴스 속보 나온 작품 했는데, 어?‬Come on, you can brag. Your show was breaking news.
‪[현철의 웃음]‬-[chuckles] -[Yun-seok] Yeah.
‪복순 씨도 이거 보고‬ ‪우리 희성 씨 칭찬 좀 해줘요, 어?‬Boksoon, you should take a look and tell him he did well, huh? [female reporter] Today at 4:30 p.m.,
‪[영상 속 앵커]‬ ‪오늘 오후 4시 30분경‬[female reporter] Today at 4:30 p.m.,
‪- [윤석, 현철의 대화]‬ ‪- 총리 후보자 오정식 씨의‬the son of prime minister candidate Oh Jeong-sik died
‪아들 오모 군이‬the son of prime minister candidate Oh Jeong-sik died
‪오피스텔 옥상에서‬ ‪떨어져 숨졌습니다‬the son of prime minister candidate Oh Jeong-sik died after falling from the roof of his apartment.
‪신고를 받은 구급차가 도착했지만‬Oh had already stopped breathing
‪오모 군은‬ ‪이미 호흡이 없는 상태였고‬by the time ambulances arrived on the scene.
‪[민희의 거친 숨소리]‬by the time ambulances arrived on the scene. [Director Cha breathes deeply]
‪- [민희의 거친 숨소리]‬ ‪- [민규의 성난 숨소리]‬
‪- [민희의 야릇한 숨소리]‬ ‪- [민규의 어이없는 한숨]‬
‪- [민희의 야릇한 소리]‬ ‪- [민규의 당황한 한숨]‬[moans]
‪[민규의 어이없는 숨소리]‬
‪[외마디 신음]‬
‪[실실 웃는다]‬[chuckles]
‪[민희의 키득대는 웃음]‬
‪[민규의 성난 숨소리]‬
‪왜 그런 눈으로 봐?‬Why are you staring at me?
‪오빠 눈에는‬ ‪내가 미친년처럼 보이지?‬You must think that I'm insane now, right?
‪적어도 나는 나한테 솔직해‬At least I'm honest with myself.
‪그런데 너는?‬Are you, though?
‪갖고 싶은 꽃이 있으면‬ ‪꺾어서라도 가져야지‬If you want it, it's best you just take it yourself, isn't it?
‪[약 올리듯] 오빠는 그거 못 하지?‬But you won't, right?
‪그래서‬I have,
‪칼로 가지려고‬and it's our knife.
‪계약서 마저 준비해 놔‬Finish preparing the rest of the plans.
‪내가 접은 작품인 거 알고 있지?‬You know, I gave up on that show.
‪[주인] 아이, 뭔 소리여?‬[owner] What are you talking about? You gave up on a sanctioned show?
‪허가한 작품을 접었다고요?‬[owner] What are you talking about? You gave up on a sanctioned show?
‪[영지] 아뇨, 아뇨, 그게 아니라‬ ‪실패한 겁니다‬Uh, no, she failed. She meant she failed.
‪[광만] 실패? 복순 선배님이?‬She failed it? Boksoon failed a show?
‪[복순] 누구야?‬Who was it?
‪[희성] 제가 꼭 대답해야 돼요?‬Do I have to answer that?
‪[주인] 아이고, 아이고, 아이고‬Oh my goodness. The soup must be ready.
‪알탕 다 됐겠네‬Oh my goodness. The soup must be ready.
‪왜 A급 일을‬ ‪갑자기 너한테 맡겼을까?‬Why were you suddenly given an A?
‪저는 평생 A급‬ ‪못 할 줄 알았나 봐요?‬Did you think I'd never make it to A level?
‪[헛웃음 지으며] 내가 씨발, 진짜‬That's just perfect, huh? [chuckles]
‪그동안 누구 덕분에‬ ‪일을 못 받았는지 알아요? 어?‬So it was you blocking me all these years, huh?
‪[거친 숨소리]‬[breathes deeply]
‪[휴대폰 진동음]‬[phone buzzing]
‪[난감한 숨소리]‬[sighs]
‪[통화 연결음]‬[line ringing]
‪[통화 연결음이 뚝 끊긴다]‬
‪왜 이렇게 전화를 늦게 받아요?‬What took you so long to pick up?
‪[복순] 차 이사‬[Boksoon] Director Cha.
‪[복순의 어이없는 웃음]‬[Boksoon] Director Cha. [scoffs]
‪[픽 웃는다]‬[chuckles]
‪어머‬Oh boy.
‪[복순] 되게 재미있는 짓 하셨네?‬I see you've taken an interesting approach.
‪[민희] 언니‬[Director Cha] Oh, Unni.
‪저 그 정도 깜냥은 돼요‬I have more power than you think.
‪그러다 혼나면 어쩌려고‬You'll get in trouble for this.
‪오빠는 나 못 혼내‬Oppa can't do anything.
‪[복순의 코웃음]‬[scoffs]
‪[복순] 아니‬No.
‪나한테‬But I can.
‪나 그런데 언니가 아니고‬ ‪희성 씨한테 전화한 건데?‬But I didn't call you. I called Hee-sung, didn't I?
‪[복순] 그래‬Fine.
‪너는 나랑 조만간 보자‬Fine. You'll see me eventually.
‪여기서 받아‬You'd better just take it here.
‪[희성] 예, 이사님‬Director.
‪아니요, 예‬Uh, no, um…
‪아, 복순 선배랑‬Uh, Boksoon's with me.
‪다른 회사 식구들이랑‬And there's some friends from other companies and one of our interns.
‪우리 쪽 인턴 하나랑 있습니다, 예‬And there's some friends from other companies and one of our interns.
‪[곤란한 웃음]‬[chuckles] Uh, it's just that…
‪아니, 그거…‬[chuckles] Uh, it's just that…
‪그거는 좀…‬That, um, would be a little difficult, yes.
‪좀 곤란하죠, 예‬That, um, would be a little difficult, yes.
‪예, 알겠습니다‬I understand.
‪이사님이‬Director Cha asked if she could say hello.
‪인사를 좀 하고 싶으시다고‬Director Cha asked if she could say hello.
‪[윤석] 우, 우리랑?‬To us?
‪[민희] 안녕하세요‬ ‪엠케이 차민희예요‬[Director Cha] Hello, this Cha Min-hee of MK.
‪인사 안 받아 줄 거예요?‬Are you not going to say hi back?
‪- [현철] 아, 예, 안녕하세요‬ ‪- [광만, 윤석] 안녕하세요‬Are you not going to say hi back? -Ah, yes, hello, Miss Cha. -Hello, Miss Cha.
‪[민희] 영지도 거기 있니?‬-[Director Cha] Young-ji, you there too? -Uh, yeah.
‪아, 네‬-[Director Cha] Young-ji, you there too? -Uh, yeah.
‪[민희] 희성 씨한테‬ ‪여러분 얘기 많이 들었어요‬I've heard a lot about all of you from Hee-sung.
‪잠재력이 아주 많은 인재들이라고‬He said that each of you has great potential.
‪그래서 이번에 제가‬ ‪기회를 좀 드리고 싶어요‬That's why I want to give everyone an opportunity
‪우리 엠케이에‬ ‪B급 이상 대우로 들어올 수 있는‬to become an employee of MK, starting at at least a B rank.
‪[어두운 음악]‬starting at at least a B rank. Young-ji, you'd make your debut right away.
‪영지 너는 바로 데뷔고‬Young-ji, you'd make your debut right away.
‪- [복순] 차 이사, 장난치지 마‬ ‪- [주인] 저기, 저기‬-Stop messing with them, all right? -[owner] Excuse me.
‪회사 잘린 무직자도 포함되나요?‬Does that mean the unemployed also?
‪- [민희가 웃으며] 네‬ ‪- [성난 숨소리]‬[Director Cha laughs] Yes.
‪대신 희성 씨랑 팀으로‬ ‪작품 하나만 해주세요‬You'll have to take on a show with Hee-sung.
‪우리 회사에 불미스럽게도‬One of our employees disgraced us by breaking the rules.
‪규칙을 어긴 직원이 하나 있어요‬One of our employees disgraced us by breaking the rules.
‪엠케이 대표이사 자격으로‬ ‪허가합니다‬I hereby authorize this as the director of MK.
‪- 그 직원 하나를 처…‬ ‪- [톡 누르는 소리]‬That employee will have--
‪한희성, 손 떼‬Let go of it.
‪안 창피해요?‬Aren't you all ashamed?
‪언제는 엠케이 같은 회사 때문에‬The last time here, you said that MK--
‪[긴박한 음악]‬[gasps]
‪[힘주는 소리]‬
‪- [빠드득 올무 소리]‬ ‪- [광만의 기합]‬[grunts]
‪[광만의 비명]‬Ah!
‪[비명]‬Ah, shit.
‪- 아, 씹…‬ ‪- [윤석의 신음]‬Ah, shit.
‪[힘주는 소리]‬[yells]
‪[아파하는 신음]‬-[grunts] -[grunts]
‪[주인의 비명]‬-[grunts] -[screams]
‪- [칼날 소리]‬ ‪- [복순의 비명]‬[Boksoon] Ah!
‪[거친 숨소리]‬[panting]
‪[휴대폰 진동음]‬PWINCESS
‪[박진감 넘치는 음악]‬[phone buzzing]
‪[현철, 광만의 기합]‬[grunting]
‪[윤석의 신음]‬
‪[광만의 기합]‬-[Boksoon] Ah! -[grunts]
‪[슬로모션 효과음]‬
‪[박진감 고조되는 음악]‬
‪- [복순의 기합]‬ ‪- [비명]‬
‪[복순의 거친 숨소리]‬
‪[복순의 아파하는 신음]‬[Boksoon grunts]
‪[동료들의 괴로워하는 신음]‬[men] Ah!
‪[윤석] 아우, 씨, 아우, 씨‬
‪[현철] 선배님, 잡아, 씨‬[Yun-seok] Come on! Get her!
‪[동료들의 성난 소리]‬Boksoon, please!
‪- [동료들의 짜증 난 소리]‬ ‪- [복순의 다급한 숨소리]‬
‪[현철의 기합]‬
‪- [신음]‬ ‪- [음악이 멈춘다]‬
‪아이, 씨, 비켜요!‬Ah, shit. Get down!
‪[아파하는 신음]‬Oh.
‪[현철] 아이고, 아파요?‬Is it painful?
‪얼굴은 건들지 말기‬No hitting my face.
‪- [긴박한 음악]‬ ‪- [힘주는 소리]‬
‪[복순의 당황한 소리]‬
‪[음악이 잦아든다]‬Okay. [panting]
‪- [신나는 음악]‬ ‪- [윤석] 오케이‬Okay. [panting]
‪[윤석의 기합과 신음]‬Hi-yah! Ow!
‪- [힘주는 소리]‬ ‪- [음악이 멈춘다]‬
‪[복순의 거친 숨소리]‬Whoa.
‪[감탄하는 탄성]‬Whoa. [Boksoon pants]
‪존경합니다‬You have all my respect, Boksoon.
‪선배님‬You have all my respect, Boksoon.
‪[가쁜 숨소리]‬[sighs]
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪[복순의 가쁜 숨소리]‬
‪이것도 참 모순이다, 그렇지?‬This is some contradiction, isn't it?
‪선배도 즐기잖아요‬You've been enjoying this too.
‪[현철] 복순 씨가 이해해요‬I hope you understand, Boksoon, that it's…
‪- [데구르르 소리]‬ ‪- 사는 게…‬I hope you understand, Boksoon, that it's…
‪그렇잖아요‬just how life goes.
‪그래요‬Yeah, sure. [chuckles]
‪[후 내뱉는 소리]‬[exhales]
‪인생 뭐, 셀프니까‬Everyone for themself.
‪[하 내뱉는 소리]‬
‪[다가오는 발소리]‬
‪[거친 숨소리]‬
‪사회생활 잘하네‬You're going places, kid.
‪[옅은 숨소리]‬
‪- [긴박한 음악]‬ ‪- [희성, 현철의 기합]‬[grunting]
‪[복순의 힘주는 소리]‬
‪- [광만의 기합]‬ ‪- [복순의 당황한 소리]‬-[Gwang-man] Ah! -[Boksoon grunts] [grunting]
‪[현철의 기합]‬
‪- [희성, 광만의 기합]‬ ‪- [복순의 신음]‬[Boksoon] Ah! [Boksoon grunts]
‪[광만의 기합]‬
‪- [푹 박히는 소리]‬ ‪- [음악이 멈춘다]‬
‪[아파하는 신음]‬[groans]
‪- 아이, 씨‬ ‪- [긴장되는 음악]‬[groans]
‪[삭 뽑는 소리]‬
‪[광만의 기합]‬
‪[안도하는 소리]‬
‪- [긴박한 음악]‬ ‪- [복순의 기합]‬[grunting]
‪[현철의 신음]‬[grunting]
‪- [복순의 신음]‬ ‪- [광만의 기합]‬[Gwang-man] Ah!
‪[앓는 신음]‬
‪[복순의 힘겨운 신음]‬[Boksoon grunts]
‪- [복순의 놀란 숨소리]‬ ‪- [현철의 기합]‬[Hee-sung] Ah!
‪- [복순의 기합]‬ ‪- [현철의 당황한 소리]‬[grunting]
‪- [복순의 힘주는 소리]‬ ‪- [영지의 힘겨운 신음]‬
‪[영지의 기합]‬
‪- [광만의 기합]‬ ‪- [복순의 거친 신음]‬
‪- [복순의 기합]‬ ‪- [현철의 비명]‬
‪- [광만의 기합]‬ ‪- [영지의 신음]‬
‪- [영지의 기합]‬ ‪- [광만의 아파하는 신음]‬
‪- [복순의 힘주는 소리]‬ ‪- [현철의 괴로운 신음]‬
‪[현철의 비명]‬[screams]
‪[희성의 기합]‬[screams]
‪[복순의 기합]‬
‪- [복순의 힘주는 소리]‬ ‪- [희성의 비명]‬[Hee-sung screams]
‪- [광만의 기합]‬ ‪- [영지의 거친 소리]‬
‪[영지의 비명]‬
‪[영지, 광만의 싸우는 소리]‬
‪[외마디 비명]‬Ah!
‪[외마디 신음]‬
‪[힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪[거친 숨소리]‬[whimpering]
‪[불안한 음악]‬[whimpering]
‪[희성의 지친 한숨]‬
‪[광만의 거친 기합]‬[Gwang-man grunts]
‪[영지의 외마디 신음]‬
‪[영지의 가쁜 숨소리]‬
‪- [힘주는 소리]‬ ‪- [광만의 신음]‬
‪[고통스러운 신음]‬
‪[광만의 아파하는 신음]‬
‪[쫙 피 뿜는 소리]‬
‪데뷔 축하해‬Nice debut.
‪[거친 숨소리]‬[panting]
‪[거친 숨을 내쉬며]‬ ‪무허가 작품을 몇 개 했어요‬I did some unsanctioned shows.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪그런데 그걸 씨발‬ ‪차 이사가 알아버렸네?‬But then the director found out about them.
‪[힘겨운 숨을 삼킨다]‬[coughs]
‪[씁쓸한 웃음]‬[weeps]
‪[훌쩍이며] 나 선배‬ ‪진짜 좋아했던 거 알죠?‬You know that I really liked you?
‪[복순의 힘주는 소리]‬
‪[복순] 후져, 희성아‬That's lame, Hee-sung.
‪[희성이 웃으며] 안 통하네?‬So that didn't help.
‪[희성의 힘겨운 숨소리]‬[whimpers]
‪[훌쩍이며] 선배‬[sniffles] Promise…
‪가끔 우리 아빠나‬ ‪좀 들여다봐 줘요‬Promise me that you'll check on my dad.
‪[거친 숨을 내쉰다]‬[grunts]
‪[차분한 음악]‬
‪[힘겨운 숨소리]‬[sighs]
‪- [짧은 한숨]‬ ‪- [휴대폰 진동음]‬[phone buzzing]
‪[쓱 뽑는 소리]‬[blade clangs]
‪[털썩 쓰러지는 소리]‬
‪[가위 날 떨어지는 소리]‬[blade clatters on ground]
‪[계속 울리는 휴대폰 진동음]‬[blade clatters on ground]
‪[다가오는 발소리]‬PWINCESS
‪[거친 숨소리]‬
‪[복순] 길복순이에요‬This is Gil Boksoon.
‪설명은 나중에 할 테니까‬ ‪여기 청소 좀 해 주세요‬I need you to clean this place up. I'll explain later.
‪[요란한 청소 기기 작동음]‬
‪[영지] 저희 큰일 난 거 맞죠?‬-We're in trouble right? -[Boksoon] No.
‪[복순] 아니‬-We're in trouble right? -[Boksoon] No.
‪[한숨 쉬며] 좆 된 거야‬We're fucked.
‪[복순의 한숨]‬
‪[영지] 그래도 선배님이랑‬ ‪같이 좆 된 거라‬Well, I guess it's comforting to know that
‪좀 위안이 되네요‬we're fucked together.
‪[계속되는 청소 기기 작동음]‬
‪[영지의 무거운 한숨]‬
‪[복순] 그런데 왜 나 도왔니?‬Why help me?
‪그냥‬Just… to survive.
‪살려고요‬Just… to survive.
‪[웃으며] 왠지 선배님 쪽이‬ ‪좀 더 확률이 높아 보여서‬It looked like you had the best shot out of everybody there.
‪- [영지의 웃음]‬ ‪- [휴대폰 진동음]‬It looked like you had the best shot out of everybody there. [phone buzzing]
‪[계속 울리는 휴대폰 진동음]‬
‪[휴대폰 진동음이 끊긴다]‬
‪[복순] 전화 못 받아서 미안해‬ ‪그런데, 어…‬[Boksoon] I'm sorry I couldn't answer your calls, but, uh, I'll be home late.
‪엄마 좀 더 늦을 거 같은데?‬[Boksoon] I'm sorry I couldn't answer your calls, but, uh, I'll be home late.
‪[흘러나오는 울음소리]‬-[Jae-young crying] -Are you all right?
‪너 울어?‬-[Jae-young crying] -Are you all right?
‪[훌쩍이는 소리]‬Are you crying because of me?
‪[복순] 엄마 때문에 그래?‬Are you crying because of me?
‪- [흘러나오는 울음소리]‬ ‪- [옅은 한숨]‬[sighs]
‪재영아, 울지 말고‬Jae-young, please don't cry.
‪무슨 일 있니?‬What happened?
‪- [복순의 외마디 신음]‬ ‪- [호랑이 울음 효과음]‬What happened? [growling] [Jae-young] Mom, hello?
‪- [재영] 여보세요? 여보세요?‬ ‪- [긴장되는 음악]‬[Jae-young] Mom, hello? [sinister music plays] [Jae-young] Hello?
‪- 선을 넘어도 단단히 넘었어‬ ‪- [복순의 힘겨운 신음]‬You've gone too far this time.
‪내가 너를‬-I'm done. I can't keep letting it slide. -[Jae-young] Mom, what's wrong?
‪대체 어디까지 봐줘야 돼!‬-I'm done. I can't keep letting it slide. -[Jae-young] Mom, what's wrong?
‪- [재영] 엄마, 왜 그래?‬ ‪- [힘겨운 목소리로] 핸드폰…‬-I'm done. I can't keep letting it slide. -[Jae-young] Mom, what's wrong? Hang up the… [grunts]
‪[재영] 여보세요?‬[Jae-young] Mom, are you there?
‪[숨이 턱 막히는 신음]‬[Jae-young] Mom, are you there?
‪해, 핸드폰 좀 꺼 줘‬Hang up my phone.
‪[재영] 엄마! [울먹이는 소리]‬[Jae-young] Mom!
‪[복순의 힘겨운 신음]‬[Boksoon choking]
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬[crying]
‪[울먹이며] 엄마, 왜 그래?‬[crying] Mom, what is it?
‪[겁에 질린 울음]‬Mom, what is it? Are you there?
‪여보세요?‬Are you there?
‪- [울며] 엄마‬ ‪- [복순의 힘겨운 숨소리]‬Mom.
‪[헐떡이는 숨소리]‬
‪[영지가 큰 목소리로] 대표님!‬[Young-ji] Sir, wait!
‪선배님은 잘못 없습니다!‬She did nothing wrong. Please, sir!
‪이사님이 시킨 겁니다‬She did nothing wrong. Please, sir! It was Director Cha's orders.
‪[다급한 숨소리]‬It was Director Cha's orders.
‪차 이사님이 선배님 죽이라고‬ ‪시켜서 벌어진 일입니다‬It's all because Director Cha told them to kill her. That's what caused it!
‪[복순의 숨 막히는 신음]‬That's what caused it!
‪[복순의 고통스러운 신음]‬[grunts]
‪[복순의 거친 숨소리]‬[groans]
‪[복순이 콜록거린다]‬[coughing]
‪[계속 콜록거리는 소리]‬
‪[거친 숨소리]‬
‪[안도하는 소리]‬
‪- [옅은 한숨]‬ ‪- [복순의 괴로운 숨소리]‬-[sighs] -[Boksoon gasps]
‪[복순의 힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪[민규] 청소부들은‬ ‪직원들 시체가 나오면‬Cleaners are required to report employees' bodies
‪각 회사에 보고하기로 돼 있어‬to their respective companies.
‪[하 내뱉는 소리]‬
‪[힘겨운 목소리로]‬ ‪오늘은 그냥 들어가 볼게요‬I need to go home for the night.
‪내일 아침이면‬All companies
‪다른 회사들 귀에 다 들어갈 거다‬will get notice by sunrise.
‪동생분한테 안부 전해줘요‬Tell your sister she can expect a visit.
‪내가 곧 보러 간다고‬Tell your sister she can expect a visit.
‪[탁 잡는 소리]‬Tell your sister she can expect a visit.
‪너 차 이사 못 건드려‬You won't touch her.
‪네 계약서 준비 걔가 할 거야‬-She's handling your contract. -Are you serious?
‪장난해요?‬-She's handling your contract. -Are you serious?
‪네가 계속 엠케이 소속이어야‬I can only protect you now
‪내가 너를 지킬 수 있어‬if you stay with us.
‪씨발, 감동적이네‬Well, isn't that touching?
‪회사들 자존심이 걸린 문제야‬The other companies' pride is on the line.
‪자기 직원들이‬Their employees died and they don't know the reason why.
‪- [거친 숨소리]‬ ‪- 아무 이유도 모르고 죽었어‬Their employees died and they don't know the reason why.
‪아마‬Get it?
‪네 시체 볼 때까지 달려들 거다‬They won't give up until you're dead.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪내가 그 이유를 말해주면요?‬I could just explain myself.
‪동생분은 무사하시려나?‬But how would you protect your sister?
‪그러면 내가 여기서‬ ‪너를 죽여야겠지‬That would mean I'd have to kill you right here.
‪나도 마음이 아플 거다‬It would break my heart
‪네 딸이 고아가 되면‬to leave your child as an orphan.
‪- [복순의 기합]‬ ‪- [날카로운 효과음]‬[Boksoon grunts]
‪[복순의 기합]‬[grunting]
‪- [힘주는 소리]‬ ‪- [복순의 비명]‬[grunting]
‪[위협적인 효과음]‬[growling]
‪[둘의 힘주는 소리]‬
‪- [민규의 기합]‬ ‪- [날카로운 효과음]‬
‪[복순의 외마디 신음]‬[Boksoon grunts]
‪[울리는 효과음]‬[growling]
‪[효과음이 뚝 멈춘다]‬
‪내일 출근할게요‬I'll see you at the office.
‪계약서 준비시킬게‬I'll get the contract together.
‪[옅은 한숨]‬
‪벽을 쌓고 있는 건‬Now aren't you the one
‪너도 마찬가지 아니야?‬that's building a wall?
‪[옅은 숨소리]‬
‪쟤는 잘못한 거 없어요‬She wasn't doing anything wrong.
‪그냥 자르긴 아까운 애예요‬She's too good for us to lose.
‪[영지] 수고하셨습니다, 선배님!‬Thank you for the lesson, ma'am!
‪[멀어지는 발소리]‬Thank you for the lesson, ma'am!
‪[차 문 여닫히는 소리]‬[car door opens, closes]
‪[자동차 시동음]‬[engine starts]
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪[하 내쉬는 소리]‬
‪[문지르는 소리]‬
‪[떨리는 소리]‬[crying]
‪[답답한 숨소리]‬
‪[고통을 참는 신음]‬
‪[깊이 내쉬는 숨소리]‬
‪- [도어록 작동음]‬ ‪- [문 열리는 소리]‬[door beeps]
‪- [소리치며] 아, 어떻게 된 거야?‬ ‪- [문 닫히는 소리]‬You just disappeared!
‪그렇게 끊어버리고‬ ‪전화는 왜 안 받아?‬What happened? Why did you hang up?
‪- [도어록 작동음]‬ ‪- 내가 얼마나 걱정했는 줄 알아?‬Do you even know how worried I got?
‪[재영의 울먹이는 숨소리]‬
‪[복순의 당황한 소리]‬Uh…
‪이… 떨어뜨렸어‬Uh, my phone fell.
‪너 무슨 일이야?‬-[Jae-young cries] -What is it?
‪[울먹이는 숨을 고른다]‬
‪엄마 아무 일 없었어‬Nothing happened.
‪너 무슨 일인데?‬I'm fine, okay?
‪[재영] 나도 아무 일 없었어‬Nothing happened to me either.
‪[멀어지는 발소리]‬Nothing happened to me either.
‪길재영‬Gil Jae-young.
‪[복순의 한숨]‬
‪소라랑 끝났어‬So-ra and I are done.
‪[떨리는 목소리로] 엄마한테‬ ‪얘기했다고 했더니‬Because you know about So-ra and I, she told me to never talk to her again.
‪앞으로 연락하지 말래‬Because you know about So-ra and I, she told me to never talk to her again.
‪[울먹이며] 그냥‬ ‪자기는 다 장난이었대‬She said she was never into it. [cries]
‪나 좋다고 한 것도‬It was all a joke.
‪나랑 키스한 것도‬All of it.
‪[멀어지는 발소리]‬
‪[털썩 앉는 소리]‬
‪[재영] 자기는 그런 애 아니래‬[Jae-young] She says she's not like that.
‪그래서‬Are you like that then?
‪너는 그런 애고?‬Are you like that then?
‪[재영] 어‬Yes, I am like that.
‪나는 그런 애 맞아‬Yes, I am like that.
‪그래서 엄마도‬ ‪아까 도망간 거 아니야?‬And that's why you ran away.
‪그건 미안해‬I'm really sorry.
‪[훌쩍이며] 엄마가 뭐가 미안해‬Sorry about what exactly?
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪이런 일이 생기니까 확실히 알겠어‬Now I have my answer.
‪내가 잘 숨기고 살게‬So I'll just make sure to hide it from everyone.
‪미안하다고 하면‬ ‪좀 그냥 받아 주면 안 돼?‬So I'll just make sure to hide it from everyone. Why can't you just accept my apology?
‪너 꼭 이렇게‬ ‪바보 같은 엄마 만들어야‬Do you only feel better by making me look stupid?
‪직성이 풀리니?‬Do you only feel better by making me look stupid?
‪[복순의 답답한 한숨]‬[sighs]
‪네가 잘못한 게 없는데‬ ‪왜 숨기고 살아야 돼?‬stop saying there's something wrong. You don't have to hide who you are.
‪[울컥한 숨소리]‬[cries]
‪[재영] 엄마도 무슨 일 있지?‬Something happened, didn't it?
‪[복순의 훌쩍이는 소리]‬[sniffles]
‪[복순의 깊은 한숨]‬[sighs]
‪말하기 싫으면 안 해도 돼‬You don't have to tell me if you don't want.
‪[복순의 한숨]‬[Boksoon sighs]
‪[복순의 훌쩍이는 소리]‬[sniffles]
‪[복순의 깊은 한숨]‬[exhales]
‪[복순] 같이‬ ‪일하는 사람들이 있는데‬I have this group of colleagues.
‪오늘 좀 나한테 못되게 굴었거든‬They were all a little mean to me today.
‪[복순의 한숨]‬[sighs]
‪그래서 좀 다퉜어‬[sighs] So we got into a fight.
‪[재영] 왜?‬Why?
‪[복순] 일하다 보면 종종 있어‬ ‪그런 일들이‬It happens sometimes on any job.
‪자기들도 살아야 되니까‬We're all trying to survive.
‪장난이었다는 소라 말 믿어?‬you think So-ra really meant that?
‪안 믿지?‬Come on.
‪걔도 저 살려고 그런 거야‬She's also trying to survive.
‪[재영] 그래서‬ ‪엄마는 어떡할 건데?‬So what will you do now?
‪[복순의 한숨]‬
‪[복순] 끝났어‬It's over.
‪다시는 볼 일 없어‬I won't see them again.
‪[재영] 쿨하네‬You're fine.
‪사실 나는 안 끝났어‬And I can't let go yet.
‪내가 소라를 많이 좋아하나 봐‬I must've been really in love with her.
‪그냥 이렇게 될 줄 알았으면‬If I knew this was how it'd end,
‪철우 그 쪼다랑‬ ‪한번 사귀어버릴 걸 그랬어‬then I should've just dated that lame kid Cheol-woo.
‪[복순의 옅은 웃음]‬
‪그러면 소라랑도 안 헤어지고‬Then I'd still be with So-ra right now.
‪엄마가 원하는 학교도‬ ‪계속 다닐 수 있었을 텐데‬I'd be at that school you wanted. [sighs]
‪[복순이 웃으며] 그러게‬Okay.
‪그런데 왜 안 그랬어?‬So why didn't you then?
‪[재영] 떳떳하고 싶었어‬I just wanted to be true to myself.
‪나한테‬I just wanted to be true to myself.
‪[재영의 훌쩍이는 소리]‬
‪[복순] 멋있네‬You're amazing,
‪내 딸‬sweetheart.
‪[재영] 엄마‬Mom?
‪[복순] 응‬Hmm?
‪나 엄마 가방에서‬I looked in your bag once, and
‪총 본 적 있다?‬I saw a gun.
‪가짜 여권이랑‬A fake passport too.
‪엄마 다니는 회사‬The company you work for…
‪[긴장한 숨소리]‬
‪국정원이지?‬It's the CIA, right?
‪인터넷에서 찾아보니까‬'Cause I looked it up online, and that made a lot of sense.
‪그게 제일 말이 되더라‬'Cause I looked it up online, and that made a lot of sense.
‪엄마는 아무 말 안 했다?‬I'm not saying anything.
‪[웃으며] 아…‬[chuckles]
‪그럴 줄 알았어‬I knew it.
‪기밀‬Top secret.
‪엄마도 진짜 힘들겠다‬That must get pretty hard, huh?
‪우리 둘 다‬Makes two of us.
‪나 좀 씻을게‬I'd better change.
‪[재영] 응‬Mm-hmm.
‪[멀어지는 발소리]‬[door opens]
‪[문 열리는 소리]‬[door opens]
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪[쾅 소리가 울린다]‬[distorted foreboding note plays]
‪[후 내쉬는 소리]‬[exhales]
‪[탁 올리는 소리]‬
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪[재영] 엄마‬[Jae-young] Mom.
‪- [물소리]‬ ‪- 그 총 진짜 쏴본 적 있어?‬-Have you ever fired that gun? -[water running]
‪사격 연습할 때만?‬But just when I'm practicing.
‪[훌쩍이며 숨 고르는 소리]‬[sniffles] [breathing shakily]
‪- [불안한 음악]‬ ‪- [후 내쉬는 소리]‬
‪[풀벌레 울음]‬
‪[복순의 숨 고르는 소리]‬
‪[새가 깍깍 운다]‬
‪[대표1] 길복순이든 킬복순이든‬[man] I don't care if she's Gil Boksoon or Kill Boksoon,
‪내 이래는 못 넘어간다‬I can't let just let her go unpunished,
‪나도‬'cause I've poured everything that I have straight into this.
‪내 인생 갈아 넣어 세운 회사인데‬'cause I've poured everything that I have straight into this.
‪하, 직원들 보기‬ ‪면이 안 선다, 이거‬[sighs] There's no respect in this.
‪[대표2] 그런데‬ ‪길복순급이 움직인다면은‬He's right. If an elite agent like Gil Boksoon made that kind of move,
‪엠케이가‬ ‪무슨 의도가 있는 거 아닐까요?‬If an elite agent like Gil Boksoon made that kind of move, couldn't MK have other intentions?
‪[대표3] 청소부들 얘기로는‬ ‪술자리에서 벌어졌다던데‬The cleaners said they were having drinks.
‪개인 일탈이겠지‬It must've been her personal decision.
‪[후 내뱉는 소리]‬
‪[신 상사] 개인 일탈‬Personal decision.
‪[대표2] 그런데 엠케이가‬ ‪길복순이를 쉽게 내놓으려나?‬But, I mean, they won't fire her, will they?
‪차 대표가 제일 아끼는 칼인데…‬She's Chairman Cha's favorite knife.
‪[신 상사] 그런데요‬ ‪[후 내쉬는 소리]‬So…
‪이게 진짜…‬did she really…
‪개인 일탈일까?‬decide on her own?
‪[카드 인식기 오류음]‬[beeps]
‪[민희] 어머, 언니, 미안‬[Director Cha] Oh no! Unni, sorry!
‪- [민희의 이죽거리는 웃음]‬ ‪- [다가오는 발소리]‬[laughs]
‪나 언니 죽을 줄 알고‬ ‪카드 해지시켰거든‬I thought that you'd be dead, so I deactivated your card.
‪[다가오는 발소리]‬I thought that you'd be dead, so I deactivated your card.
‪아메리카노 맞죠? 시럽 없이‬Americano, no sugar, wasn't it?
‪웃지 마‬Don't smile.
‪송곳니 보인다, 너‬It shows your fangs.
‪조심해요‬Well, be careful.
‪물리면 아프다?‬My bite stings.
‪좀 따끔하더라‬It did sting a little.
‪[신 상사] 아무리 길복순이가‬No matter how much of an unprecedented, raving bitch she is,
‪전대미문의 쌍년이래도‬No matter how much of an unprecedented, raving bitch she is,
‪술 먹고 제 기분대로‬I find it hard to believe
‪다른 회사 직원들을 썰어버렸다?‬she killed them all just like that.
‪납득이 되십니까?‬Are you convinced by that?
‪[대표1] 안 되니까 문제지‬[man] I'm not, and that's the issue.
‪그러면 길복순이가 대체 왜?‬But then why would Gil Boksoon do that?
‪[신 상사] 그건‬ ‪차 대표한테 들어봅시다‬That's right. Let's hear it from Cha.
‪진짜 개인 일탈이면‬If she really decided,
‪우리한테 바로‬ ‪길복순이를 던져줄 거고‬then he'll give Boksoon over to us.
‪[한숨 쉬며] 혓바닥이 길어진다면‬[sighs] But if excuses are made,
‪차 대표도‬Chairman Cha
‪규칙을 어긴‬ ‪한패거리일 수도 있는 거지‬could have been involved in it.
‪[웅성거리는 소리]‬could have been involved in it. Ah, come on. -[overlapping chatter]
‪- [탕 책상 치는 소리]‬ ‪- 그런데 선배님들‬Ah, come on. -[overlapping chatter] [Sergeant Shin] By the way, gentlemen,
‪아, 이거 차 대표 앞에서‬can you bring it up to Cha
‪따져 물으실 수 있으세요?‬once you're face-to-face? We must! He's the one who made the rules
‪[대표2] 그럼! 물어야지!‬We must! He's the one who made the rules
‪그 뭐, 뭣 같은 규칙‬ ‪만든 게 누구야?‬We must! He's the one who made the rules we operate by in the first place, isn't he?
‪그 규칙 하나 어길 때마다‬ ‪그, 직원들 죽이라 캐 가지고‬Ah! And he made us kill our own. That's right.
‪회사들 다 주저앉히고‬Every time a lousy rule was violated.
‪- 내 이번에는 그냥 못 넘어가…‬ ‪- [문 열리는 소리]‬Every time a lousy rule was violated. -I won't let things slide this time. -[door opens]
‪[문 닫히는 소리]‬[door closes]
‪[민규] 다들 일찍 모이셨네요‬You're early this morning.
‪[다가오는 발소리]‬
‪반응들 참 본능적이시다‬That's what I expected.
‪오늘 차 이사님은 안 보이시네?‬Is Director Cha not here today?
‪[민규가 웃으며] 예‬ ‪맡겨둔 일이 좀 있어서‬[chuckles] She had to see to a few things.
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪시작할까요?‬Let's start.
‪[민희] 오빠는 지금 한창‬ ‪일 해결하는 중일 거야‬Min-kyu will be well into damage control right now.
‪참 대단해‬It's pretty remarkable.
‪왜 언니는‬ ‪오빠 규칙 밖에서 존재할까?‬How is it that you exist in a world beyond his rules?
‪길복순이 뭐라고‬What's so special about Boksoon?
‪[복순] 대표님이‬ ‪일을 잘 해결하셔야‬What's so special about Boksoon? [Boksoon] He needs to resolve this,
‪[탁 놓는 소리]‬[Boksoon] He needs to resolve this, in order to keep his sister's neck off the line.
‪우리 동생분 모가지도‬ ‪온전하실 텐데‬in order to keep his sister's neck off the line.
‪[피식 웃는다]‬[chuckles]
‪나요?‬That so?
‪그래서 우리가‬ ‪계약을 하는 거잖아‬That's why we're signing this contract.
‪[탁 놓는 소리]‬That's why we're signing this contract.
‪운명 공동체 서약‬A mutual agreement to share the same fate.
‪걱정 마‬Don't worry.
‪나도 너랑‬ ‪진짜 잘 지낼 생각 없어요‬You and I aren't going to get all chummy now.
‪하던 대로 서로 적당히‬I think I can go on as is,
‪빙그레 씨발 하자고‬pretending not to despise you.
‪[옅은 숨소리]‬
‪궁금하네, 어떤 시나리오인지‬Still, I'm curious what he'll say…
‪[힘주는 소리]‬
‪우리는 운명 공동체라니까‬since we both share that fate,
‪[민규] 저번 무허가 작품 주인공은‬The lead in the latest unsanctioned show was unfortunately one of my own employees.
‪불미스럽게도 우리 엠케이 직원‬The lead in the latest unsanctioned show was unfortunately one of my own employees.
‪- 한희성이었습니다‬ ‪- [무거운 음악]‬Han Hee-sung, it appears.
‪대표님들께 먼저‬First, I would like to apologize to you all here.
‪죄송하다는 말씀드립니다‬First, I would like to apologize to you all here.
‪저는 회사 내부에서‬This matter was assigned
‪일을 최대한‬ ‪깔끔히 정리하기 위해서‬to another of our MK employees.
‪역시 엠케이 직원인 길복순에게‬Gil Boksoon was given it so we could handle it efficiently and internally.
‪일을 맡겼습니다‬Gil Boksoon was given it so we could handle it efficiently and internally.
‪어젯밤‬Last night,
‪길이 한을 정리하는 과정에서‬as Gil was dealing with Han,
‪한이 저항을 했고‬Han ended up resisting.
‪그리고 평소 한과 친하게 지내던‬Han ended up resisting. And while aiding in his defense,
‪타 회사 직원들이‬the employees that you had, that were close to Han Hee-sung--
‪한의 편을 드는 과정에서…‬the employees that you had, that were close to Han Hee-sung-- [man] Wait, wait, wait.
‪[대표1] 잠깐, 잠깐, 잠깐‬[man] Wait, wait, wait.
‪그러니까 대표님 말씀은‬So let me get this straight.
‪[똑 똑 똑]‬
‪우리 회사 직원들이‬You're saying that…
‪그 규칙을 어기는 데‬ ‪동조를 했다 이 말이십니까?‬the violation last night was because of our employees?
‪아니요‬Not at all.
‪그저 친구를 도우려는‬ ‪마음이겠거니 생각합니다‬They were just trying to help Hee-sung, to save their friend.
‪안타까운 마음에‬ ‪우리 엠케이에서는‬As a result, MK would like to give you all
‪충분한 보상을 하려 합니다‬sufficient compensation for it.
‪- [툭 소리]‬ ‪- [대표2] 충분한 보상이면‬So just how much compensation do you mean?
‪뭐, 얼마나?‬So just how much compensation do you mean?
‪지금 그게 중요해?‬Is that what really matters?
‪사실 관계부터‬Is that what really matters? We haven't even gotten to the facts yet and you're just moving ahead.
‪제대로 짚고‬ ‪넘어가야 되는 거 아니야‬We haven't even gotten to the facts yet and you're just moving ahead.
‪[대표3] 자, 자, 자!‬All right. All right.
‪[탁 책상 치는 소리]‬So…
‪그러면 길복순이를‬So… how about we bring
‪위원회에 출석시켜서‬ ‪얘기 듣는 건 어떻겠나?‬how about we bring Gil Boksoon in and then hear her side?
‪예, 곧 그렇게 하시죠‬Yes, indeed, she's just, uh,
‪지금 부상 치료 중이라‬in treatment for her injuries.
‪[신 상사] 그러면 그 아이는요?‬[Sergeant Shin] What about that kid?
‪청소부들이‬The cleaners said
‪길복순이랑 같이 있던‬ ‪여자애를 봤다고 하던데?‬there was a girl hanging around Gil Boksoon last night.
‪엠케이 인턴이죠?‬She was an MK intern, right?
‪걔부터 출석시킵시다‬Let's ask her what happened.
‪[민규] 오늘 일은‬ ‪아무도 몰라야 돼요‬You must keep everything that happened tonight a secret.
‪네‬-Okay. -I know you'll do a good job, like before.
‪[민규] 잘할 수 있을 거예요‬-Okay. -I know you'll do a good job, like before.
‪지난번에‬Like when
‪나한테 거짓말했던 것처럼‬you lied to me about the show.
‪아, 그건 죄송합니다, 대표님‬Uh, yes, sir. I'm sorry about that.
‪죄송하면 안 되는데?‬You shouldn't be saying sorry.
‪[불안한 음악]‬
‪거짓말은 끝까지 뻔뻔하게‬You must just keep on lying,
‪그게 거짓말인지‬ ‪알고 있는 사람한테도‬even when others know about the truth.
‪저, 저, 저…‬ ‪저 잘할 수 있습니다‬N-- No! 'Cause I can do a good job, sir!
‪저 거짓말 되게 잘해요, 대표님‬No, I'm a great liar! Just please, wait.
‪저 끝까지 뻔뻔하게‬'Cause I promise, that I'm-- [gulps]
‪[외마디 신음]‬'Cause I promise, that I'm-- [gulps]
‪[고통스러운 신음]‬
‪[민희] 문제를 해결하기‬ ‪가장 쉬운 방법은‬[Director Cha] The easiest way to solve a problem is to get rid of it.
‪문제를 없애는 거잖아‬[Director Cha] The easiest way to solve a problem is to get rid of it.
‪안 그래?‬You agree, yeah?
‪[신 상사] 말이 됩니까?‬[Sergeant Shin] How does that make any sense?
‪이 일을 유일하게 목격한 사람이‬ ‪갑자기 사라졌다?‬The only witness to their deaths just suddenly vanished?
‪[민희] 에이, 계집애‬[Director Cha] That stupid girl.
‪나도 참 아까워‬I had high hopes, you know?
‪그런데 뭐, 어쩔 수 없지‬But there was no other option,
‪우리도 지켜야 할 게‬ ‪많은 사람들인데‬'cause we have so much to protect.
‪[신 상사] 사실 여기 우리 다‬Honestly,
‪속으로는‬ ‪비슷한 생각들을 하고 있어요‬we've all been thinking the same thing.
‪이, 뭔가 이상하다‬Something isn't right.
‪너무 이상하다‬Something like…
‪길복순이뿐만 아니라‬like Gil Boson didn't act alone.
‪우리 차민규 대표님께서도‬That maybe our dear colleague Chairman Cha
‪같이 규칙을 어기신 건 아닌가‬is breaking the rules along with her,
‪그런‬'cause that's
‪합리적인 의심이 듭니다‬the conclusion that we've made.
‪아, 하나 더‬Oh, and, uh…
‪이번 무허가 작품‬that unsanctioned show,
‪엠케이 직원이면‬what's your plan?
‪책임지신다면서요?‬You said you'd pay…
‪[옅은 코웃음]‬[Chairman Cha scoffs]
‪- [달그락 소리]‬ ‪- 어떡하나?‬…for the mistake.
‪진짜…‬Will you?
‪[비웃으며] 목이라도‬ ‪내놓으시려나?‬Will you stick to your word in the end?
‪어떡하시려나?‬I wonder what he'll decide!
‪[민규] 다들‬[Chairman Cha] I think
‪오해를 하고 계시는 거 같은데‬you've all misunderstood this.
‪[민규의 깊은 숨소리]‬
‪규칙을 어길 수가 없습니다‬cannot be a rule breaker.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬[suspenseful music plays]
‪왜냐면‬And that's because
‪제가 규칙이니까요‬I am the rule.
‪- [술렁인다]‬ ‪- [신 상사의 신음]‬-[men] Oh! -[Sergeant Shin] Ay!
‪[신 상사] 아이, 씨발‬-[men] Oh! -[Sergeant Shin] Ay! [both grunting]
‪[민규, 신 상사의 힘주는 소리]‬[both grunting]
‪- [힘주는 소리]‬ ‪- [신 상사의 비명]‬-[grunts] -Ah!
‪- [힘주는 소리]‬ ‪- [신 상사의 신음]‬[both grunting]
‪[신 상사] 에이, 씨‬[both grunting]
‪[민규, 신 상사의 힘주는 소리]‬
‪[달그락 안경 소리]‬
‪[민규의 거친 기합]‬[Chairman Cha yells]
‪[성난 숨소리]‬
‪첫째‬First rule,
‪미성년자는 건드리지 말 것!‬you are never to kill anyone underage!
‪회사가 허가한 작품만 할 것!‬you will only take shows from your company!
‪셋째‬you will only take shows from your company! Third,
‪회사가 허가한 작품은‬Third, you must attempt shows sanctioned by your company!
‪- 반드시 트라이할 것!‬ ‪- [퍽]‬you must attempt shows sanctioned by your company!
‪[민규의 거친 숨소리]‬[panting]
‪넷째!‬And fourth,
‪[거친 숨소리]‬
‪신성한 회의 중에‬you don't ever draw
‪장비 꺼내지 말 것!‬weapons during a sacred meeting.
‪[민규의 가쁜 숨소리]‬weapons during a sacred meeting. [panting]
‪마지막 건‬Well, that's it.
‪[가쁜 숨소리]‬
‪방금 생각한 겁니다‬That's our new rule now.
‪[계속되는 가쁜 숨소리]‬
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪[민규의 거친 숨소리]‬
‪[자동차 시동음]‬
‪또 합리적인 의심이 있으신 분‬Does anybody else in here
‪계십니까?‬have their own conclusion?
‪[자동차 시동음]‬[engine starts]
‪이 차민규의 목을 갖고 싶다!‬Who wants to come for my neck now? Come on!
‪[거친 숨소리]‬
‪- [차 문 닫히는 소리]‬ ‪- 혹시 또 제 목이 필요하시면‬If you decide to come after me,
‪저한테 피 묻은 칼을 보내주시죠‬then send me a knife with blood on it,
‪[거친 숨소리]‬
‪- [차 문 닫히는 소리]‬ ‪- 언제든지 받아들이겠습니다‬'cause I'll be glad to respond.
‪대표님한테 전해요‬The chairman should get this.
‪시간이랑 장소 정하라고‬He can set the location.
‪[멀어지는 발소리]‬
‪[다급히 뛰어가는 발소리]‬
‪[TV 속 정식] 정말로‬ ‪억울한 죽음이 아닐 수 없습니다‬[Jeong-sik] This really is an unjust death.
‪[울먹이며] 저의 아들은‬-My son had just turned 20. -[phone ringing]
‪- 이제 겨우 스물이 된‬ ‪- [전화벨 소리]‬-My son had just turned 20. -[phone ringing]
‪[TV 속 카메라 셔터음]‬-My son had just turned 20. -[phone ringing]
‪착실하고 훌륭한 청년이었습니다‬And he was so honest and talented.
‪[계속 울리는 전화벨 소리]‬And he was so honest and talented.
‪- [다가오는 발소리]‬ ‪- 이것은 단순한 자살이 아니라‬This was not just a suicide.
‪못난 어른들의 정치 싸움에 의한‬This was a murder committed by twisted adults
‪타살입니다‬blinded by political disputes.
‪[전화기 조작음]‬blinded by political disputes. -[phone beeps] -[Jae-young] Hello?
‪[재영] 여보세요?‬-[phone beeps] -[Jae-young] Hello?
‪[TV 속 정식] 하늘에서‬ ‪저를 보고 있을 아들에게‬To my son, who is watching over…
‪- [불안한 음악]‬ ‪- 여보세요‬Are you there?
‪[민규] 아, 네가 재영이구나?‬Ah. You must be Jae-young.
‪엄마한테 얘기 많이 들었어‬I've heard a lot about you from your mother.
‪누구신데요?‬Who is this?
‪엄마랑 같이 일하는 아저씨야‬Your mother's close colleague. That's all.
‪[재영] 아…‬[Jae-young] Oh.
‪이벤트 회사요?‬From the event-planning company?
‪[민규] 응‬Yeah.
‪[재영] 엄마 핸드폰 망가져서‬ ‪집으로 하셨구나‬[Jae-young] I guess you called here since her cell phone broke.
‪그런데 아직 안 들어오셨는데‬But she's not home yet.
‪그래, 알았다‬I see. Thanks.
‪[재영] 아, 저기요!‬[Jae-young] Uh, sir?
‪하나만 여쭤봐도 돼요?‬Can I please ask you something?
‪엄마‬What's she like
‪회사에서는 어때요?‬when she's at work?
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪[옅은 웃음]‬[chuckles]
‪참 잘해, 너희 엄마‬Your mother's great at what she does.
‪그리고 일도 좋아하고‬And she loves her work a lot.
‪또 궁금한 건?‬Is there anything else?
‪[재영] 들어오시면‬ ‪뭐라고 전해드릴까요?‬[Jae-young] What should I tell her when she comes home?
‪[무거운 음악]‬[sinister music plays]
‪여보세요?‬[Jae-young] Hello?
‪메시지 잘 받았고‬That I got her message.
‪이따 사무실에서 뵙자고‬ ‪전해줄래?‬And that I'll see her at the office later tonight.
‪[대표1] 차 이사를 죽인 게‬ ‪길복순이라며요?‬[man] So Gil Boksoon is the one who killed Director Cha?
‪일이 어떻게 돌아가는 거야?‬ ‪이, 씨‬[man 2] What the hell is even happening?
‪[대표2] 이건‬ ‪엠케이 내부 소스인데‬[man 3] Listen, I heard this from an insider at MK.
‪길이 차 대표에게‬But apparently,
‪피 묻은 칼까지 보냈다네요?‬Gil even sent Chairman Cha a bloody knife.
‪[복순] 이것도 좀 먹어봐‬Here. Have a little more.
‪[재영의 못마땅한 소리]‬Hmm.
‪[복순] 네 나이 때는‬ ‪고루고루 먹어야지…‬You have to try everything at your age.
‪- [달각 잔 놓는 소리]‬ ‪- [꿀꺽 소리]‬
‪엄마‬Hey, Mom.
‪나 그냥 다 말하고‬ ‪이 학교 계속 다닐까 봐‬I think I'll stay at my school and just tell them what happened.
‪[달그락 식기 소리]‬I think I'll stay at my school and just tell them what happened.
‪엄마도 내가 그랬으면 좋겠지?‬It'd make you happy too, right?
‪괜찮겠어?‬Are you sure, though?
‪사실 나도 시금치 싫어해‬I really don't like spinach either.
‪써‬It's gross.
‪오늘 늦어?‬Will you be out late?
‪[복순] 가봐야지 알 거 같은데?‬[Boksoon] I'll probably find out when I get there.
‪[달그락 소리]‬
‪솔직히‬You know what?
‪[달그락 소리]‬
‪몸에 나쁜 게 더 맛있어‬Junk food tastes better.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪[달그락 놓는 소리]‬
‪[승강기 문 닫히는 소리]‬
‪[분위기가 고조되는 음악]‬
‪[드르륵 드르륵 큐브 소리]‬
‪[드르륵 드르륵 큐브 소리]‬[Rubik's cube clicking]
‪[드르륵]‬[Rubik's cube clicks]
‪[드르륵 드르륵 큐브 소리]‬[Rubik's cube clicking]
‪[드르륵 드르륵]‬
‪[빨라지는 드르륵 큐브 소리]‬[Rubik's cube clicking]
‪[드르륵 드르륵 큐브 소리]‬
‪[드르륵 드르륵 드르륵 드르륵]‬
‪[점점 빨라지는 큐브 돌리는 소리]‬
‪[짧고 거친 큐브 소리]‬[gun cocks]
‪[자동차 리모컨 조작음]‬
‪[민규의 아파하는 신음]‬
‪[휭 바람 소리]‬
‪[다가오는 차 소리]‬
‪위에서 기다리고 계십니다‬He's waiting for you upstairs.
‪퇴근 안 해요?‬Aren't you clocked out?
‪누가 내려올지 궁금하구나?‬You're curious to see who'll make it.
‪[카드 인식기 작동음]‬[beeps]
‪이따 봐요‬I'll be down.
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬[sighs]
‪[긴장한 숨소리]‬[breathing shakily]
‪[승강기 도착음]‬[elevator dings]
‪[숨 들이켜는 소리]‬[inhales]
‪[또르르 탄피 소리]‬
‪[옅은 코웃음]‬[scoffs]
‪[옅은 코웃음]‬[scoffs]
‪[다가오는 발소리]‬[scoffs]
‪[멀어지는 발소리]‬
‪[계속되는 발소리]‬
‪[덜그럭 총 놓는 소리]‬
‪[달그락 소리]‬
‪[민규] 한잔할래?‬Anything to drink?
‪[조르륵 소리]‬
‪[힘주는 소리]‬[grunts]
‪- [달그락 소리]‬ ‪- 차 가지고 왔어요‬I drove here.
‪[살짝 웃는다]‬[chuckles]
‪동생이 죽었는데‬My sister died,
‪눈물이 한 방울도 안 나오더라‬but I couldn't shed a single tear.
‪내가 이 일을 너무 오래 했나 봐‬I guess I've worked here too long.
‪선배 원래 그랬는데?‬You were always like that.
‪너는?‬And you?
‪예전에는?‬I was.
‪나도 네가 변했다고 생각했었어‬I had actually believed that you'd changed.
‪그런데 전혀‬You haven't really.
‪내 앞에 앉아 있잖아‬You're here sitting in front of me.
‪[복순] 그러게요‬You're right.
‪우리는 변한 게 없네?‬We haven't changed a bit.
‪이렇게 서로‬ ‪마주 앉아 있는 거 보면‬Not since you're sitting across from me.
‪그 영지라는 아이 때문이야?‬Is this cause of Young-ji?
‪그 아이는 잘못한 게 없다고‬She did everything she was supposed to.
‪내가 말했던 거 같은데?‬I believe I told you that.
‪걔가 없어져야 네 잘못이 없어져‬I had to make sure your mistakes disappeared.
‪이미 일어난 일이 없어지지는 않죠‬But you can't erase them, Min-kyu.
‪아무도 모르면‬If no one knows about it,
‪그게 아무 일도 없는 거야‬then it didn't happen.
‪[복순] 내가 아는데‬[Boksoon] But I know.
‪쪽팔리잖아요, 나한테‬I have to be true to myself.
‪선배 양손 안 쓰잖아요‬You never use two hands.
‪오른손인가?‬So your right hand…
‪[날카로운 칼날 효과음]‬
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬[suspenseful music plays]
‪[삭 베는 효과음]‬
‪[복순, 민규의 힘주는 소리]‬[both grunting]
‪[복순의 아파하는 신음]‬
‪[복순의 거친 신음]‬
‪[거친 신음]‬
‪[긴장감 고조되는 음악]‬
‪- [날카로운 칼날 소리]‬ ‪- [힘주는 소리]‬
‪[턱 박히는 소리]‬
‪[칼 떨어지는 소리]‬
‪[복순, 민규의 거친 기합]‬
‪- [힘쓰는 소리]‬ ‪- [복순의 신음]‬
‪[복순의 버티는 소리]‬
‪[힘쓰는 소리]‬[grunts]
‪[강렬한 효과음]‬
‪[민규, 복순의 힘주는 소리]‬[both grunting]
‪[복순의 다급한 소리]‬[Boksoon screams]
‪- [삭 베는 소리]‬ ‪- [복순의 비명]‬[Boksoon screams]
‪[복순의 고통스러운 숨소리]‬[Boksoon groaning]
‪[푹 박히는 소리]‬
‪- [쨍그랑 소리]‬ ‪- [복순의 거친 신음]‬-[glass shatters] -[Boksoon grunts]
‪[분위기가 고조되는 음악]‬-[glass shatters] -[Boksoon grunts]
‪[복순의 아파하는 신음]‬
‪[쨍그랑 깨지는 소리]‬
‪- [푹 박히는 소리]‬ ‪- [복순의 힘겨운 신음]‬
‪[복순의 외마디 비명]‬[Boksoon grunts]
‪[피 뿜는 소리]‬
‪[절박한 소리]‬[Boksoon grunting]
‪[힘겨운 신음]‬[Boksoon grunting]
‪[복순의 놀란 소리]‬
‪[복순의 숨 막히는 신음]‬
‪[민규의 거친 기합]‬
‪[민규의 힘주는 소리]‬
‪[분위기가 고조되는 음악]‬[suspenseful music swells]
‪[음악이 잦아든다]‬
‪수가 안 보이나 봐?‬Can't see my next move?
‪내가 어느 손을 다쳤든‬Regardless of which of my hands was injured,
‪그게 약점이 되지는 않을 거야‬I won't let it become my weakness.
‪[복순] 선배 약점은‬ ‪이미 알고 있는데?‬I already know what your weakness is.
‪[민규의 옅은 웃음]‬Hmm.
‪[민규가 웃으며] 뭔데?‬What is it?
‪길복순‬Gil Boksoon.
‪[옅은 웃음]‬
‪그런데 언제부터였어요?‬But when did it start?
‪- [쿵 울리는 효과음]‬ ‪- [감성적인 음악]‬
‪[덜그럭 소리]‬♪ You say this guy ♪
‪[날카로운 칼날 소리]‬♪ You say this guy ♪
‪[바람 소리 효과음]‬♪ Yes, I'm in love… ♪
‪[어린 복순] 이제‬ ‪아저씨가 목격자다‬[Boksoon] Now you're the witness here.
‪[쓱 베는 소리]‬♪ I'm glad ♪
‪[감성적인 음악이 잦아든다]‬♪ Yes, I'm in love ♪ [music fades] ♪ And what I'd do to make you mine ♪
‪[거친 숨소리]‬♪ And what I'd do to make you mine ♪
‪[힘겨운 숨소리]‬♪ And what I'd do to make you mine ♪
‪[강렬한 효과음]‬
‪- [쿵]‬ ‪- [피 뿜는 소리]‬
‪[민규의 거친 숨소리]‬[Chairman Cha gasping]
‪[민규의 힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪[찰그랑 소리]‬
‪[민규의 힘없는 숨소리]‬
‪[힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪[민규의 옅은 숨소리]‬
‪[힘겨운 숨소리]‬[grunts]
‪[옅은 숨소리]‬
‪[차분한 음악]‬
‪[지친 숨소리]‬
‪[민규의 옅은 숨소리]‬
‪생각해 봤어‬I thought about it.
‪[민규의 가쁜 숨소리]‬
‪네가 죽든‬Regarding of whether you die
‪내가 죽든‬or I die…
‪[민규의 거친 숨소리]‬
‪[민규의 옅은 숨소리]‬
‪내가 너 없이 사는 게 지옥일까?‬Would it be hell to live without you?
‪지금 네 애가‬Or more hellish…
‪[민규의 힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪이걸 보고 있는 게 지옥일까?‬for you to know that your daughter is watching this?
‪[민규의 옅은 숨소리]‬
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬[crying]
‪아니지?‬She isn't.
‪[힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪[거친 신음]‬Huh?
‪[힘없는 숨소리]‬
‪[복순] 아니야‬[Boksoon] It can't be true.
‪[울먹이며] 아니야‬She didn't see it.
‪[울컥해 흐느낀다]‬[cries] She didn't.
‪[흐느끼며] 아니야‬She didn't.
‪하느님, 제발요‬[cries] No, please. She couldn't. [crying]
‪[엉엉 운다]‬
‪[연신 엉엉 운다]‬
‪[흐느끼며] 하느님, 제발요‬Please, no.
‪[다급한 발소리]‬
‪[문 열리는 소리]‬
‪[복순의 긴장한 숨소리]‬
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬[breathing shakily]
‪[긴장한 숨소리]‬
‪[복순의 긴장한 숨소리]‬
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪[안도하는 숨소리]‬
‪[재영] 엄마?‬[Jae-young] Mom?
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬[Jae-young] Mom?
‪[잠에 취한 말투로] 늦었네?‬You're home late.
‪[복순이 떨리는 목소리로] 응‬[Boksoon] Hmm.
‪깼어?‬Did I wake you?
‪미안‬Just rest, okay?
‪자‬Just rest, okay?
‪[재영] 엄마‬[Jae-young] Mom.
‪수고했어‬Long day?
‪[복순] 응‬Yeah.
‪[재영] 피곤해 보인다‬[Jae-young] You look tired.
‪쉬어‬Get some rest.
‪자‬Good night.
‪- 아‬ ‪- [탁 문 잡는 소리]‬Uh, here keep it like this.
‪닫지 마‬Uh, here keep it like this.
‪답답해‬It's pretty stuffy.
‪[멀어지는 발소리]‬
‪[털썩 눕는 소리]‬
‪[울음 섞인 웃음]‬[scoffs]
‪[옅은 숨소리]‬
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪[울음을 꾹 참는 숨소리]‬[Boksoon whimpers]
‪[차분한 음악]‬
‪[TV 속 앵커] 속보입니다‬[male reporter] Breaking news. Newly elected Prime Minister Oh Jeong-sik…
‪이번 국무총리로 지명된‬ ‪오정식 의원이‬[male reporter] Breaking news. Newly elected Prime Minister Oh Jeong-sik…
‪[복순] 재영아!‬[Boksoon] Jae-young!
‪[TV 속 앵커]‬ ‪오늘 오후 12시 18분경‬[Boksoon] Jae-young! …was found dead inside his car today at 12:18 p.m.
‪차에서 숨진 채 발견됐습니다‬…was found dead inside his car today at 12:18 p.m.
‪[복순] 길재영!‬-[Boksoon] Gil Jae-young! -The cause was carbon-monoxide poisoning.
‪[TV 속 앵커] 사인은‬ ‪연탄가스에 의한 질식사로‬-[Boksoon] Gil Jae-young! -The cause was carbon-monoxide poisoning.
‪경찰은 평소 오정식 의원이‬-[Boksoon] Gil Jae-young! -The cause was carbon-monoxide poisoning. The police suspect that this was a suicide
‪아들의 죽음에 극심한 우울증을‬ ‪겪었던 것으로 보아‬The police suspect that this was a suicide based on the fact that Oh Jeong-sik suffered from severe depression…
‪- 극단적인 선택을 한 것으로‬ ‪- [복순] 재영아!‬based on the fact that Oh Jeong-sik suffered from severe depression… Jae-young!
‪[TV 속 앵커] 추정하고 있습니다‬…following the death of his son.
‪친구한테 작별 인사 좀 하려고요‬I just came to say goodbye to a friend.
‪[다가오는 발소리]‬
‪[재영의 웃음]‬[chuckles]
‪[재영] 베프 작별 인사도‬ ‪안 받아줄 거야?‬Won't you say bye to your best friend?
‪고민했어‬My plan…
‪여기서 너한테 키스해 버릴까‬was to kiss you in front of everybody here.
‪아니면 그냥 죽여버릴까‬Or just murder you out back.
‪[교사의 한숨]‬[sighs]
‪잘 지내‬Take care.

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