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Queenmaker 1


(TV 속 시위대) 구속하라‬ ‪구속하라!‬[people chanting in distance] Give us our jobs back! Unfair firing!
‪(TV 속 시위 주동자) 검찰은‬ ‪은채령을 구속하라!‬[people chanting in distance] Give us our jobs back! Unfair firing! Give us our jobs back! Unfair firing!
‪(TV 속 시위대) 구속하라‬ ‪구속하라!‬Give us our jobs back! Unfair firing!
‪[TV 소리가 계속 들린다]‬ ‪(TV 속 앵커) 회사 직원과‬ ‪운전기사를 폭행한 혐의로‬[on TV] The Eunsung Group's Director Eun Chae-ryoung, who had recently been accused of physically assaulting
‪사회적 물의를 빚은‬ ‪은성그룹의 은채령 상무가‬who had recently been accused of physically assaulting her employee and her driver, will soon arrive at the Prosecutor's Office
‪잠시 후 검찰에 출석해‬ ‪포토 라인에 설 예정입니다‬her employee and her driver, will soon arrive at the Prosecutor's Office and stand before the press.
‪[앵커의 말소리가 약간 작아진다]‬ ‪현재 검찰청 앞에는‬ ‪은성그룹 노조와‬The Eunsung Group Labor Union and various civic groups have gathered
‪각종 시민 단체들이 운집해‬The Eunsung Group Labor Union and various civic groups have gathered in front of the Prosecutor's Office protesting, demanding the punishment
‪[여자 한숨]‬ ‪은채령 상무의 처벌을 요구하는‬in front of the Prosecutor's Office protesting, demanding the punishment
‪시위를 벌이고 있는데요‬in front of the Prosecutor's Office protesting, demanding the punishment of Director Eun Chae-ryoung.
‪사건 발생 직후‬ ‪은성그룹 노조 측에서는‬of Director Eun Chae-ryoung. Right after the incident, the Eunsung Group Labor Union
‪은 상무에게 수 차례‬ ‪공개 사과를 요구했으나‬ ‪[숨을 후 내뱉는다]‬made numerous requests… [sighs]
‪철저히 묵살당했다고…‬[sighs]
‪니들 딜리버리야?‬So this is what you got?
‪[TV 소리가 나지막이 들린다]‬So this is what you got?
‪왜 생각 안 하고‬ ‪아무거나 막 갖다 나르는데?‬Where are your heads at? Why would you bring a selection like that?
‪블레임 룩이 뭔지 몰라?‬We need the focus on wardrobe alone.
‪비자금 사건 때 검찰청 앞에서‬ ‪벗겨진 저 신발‬We did it with her shoe that fell off during the slush fund case.
‪그 딸이 체포될 때 입었던‬ ‪스위스산 패딩‬Her daughter's jacket when she was brought in by the police.
‪(여자) 경영권 승계 파문 때‬[woman] Her handbag during the controversy over the management succession.
‪당사자 손에 들려있던‬ ‪이 드레스 백‬[woman] Her handbag during the controversy over the management succession.
‪전부 검색어 1위 찍고 완판됐지?‬They were all immediately huge bestsellers.
‪이렇게 사람들 눈을 가리는 거야‬ ‪[더욱 웅장해지는 음악]‬And this is how we divert attention away.
‪우리가 모시는 오너 일가가‬ ‪무슨 죄를 지었는지가 아니라‬We turn people's focus to our employer's fashion, their style and class,
‪뭘 입고 뭘 신은지‬ ‪궁금하게 만들어서‬which then means they're much less curious about what they've done.
‪이제 너희들이 얼마나‬ ‪중요한 일을 하는지 알겠지?‬Now do you know how important your succeeding in this task is? Huh?
‪응?‬Now do you know how important your succeeding in this task is? Huh?
‪프라이드 갖고‬Where is your honor?
‪다시 세팅해!‬Now do it again.
‪(직원들) 네‬Yes, ma'am.
‪[무거운 음악이 고조된 후 멈춘다]‬
‪[TV 소리가 다시 커진다]‬ ‪(TV 속 앵커) 다음은‬ ‪피해 직원들이 직접 제보한‬[TV anchor] Up next, we have the video of Director Eun's
‪은채령 상무의‬ ‪갑질 논란 영상입니다‬ ‪[심각한 음악]‬abuse of authority, submitted by the victims, her employees.
‪(영상 속 채령) 3시라고 들었는데!‬abuse of authority, submitted by the victims, her employees. You knew that it was three o'clock, but you still managed to be late!
‪(TV 속 앵커) 폭행‬ ‪상습 폭행, 특수 폭행, 협박죄‬[TV anchor] She is faced with seven charges, including assault, habitual assault, special violence, blackmail, and criminal contempt…
‪모욕죄 등 총 7가지 혐의로…‬ ‪[여성 비명 소리]‬habitual assault, special violence, blackmail, and criminal contempt… [woman screaming]
‪[여직원의 비명과 기침]‬ ‪[스프레이를 칙 뿌린다]‬[woman screaming]
‪[여직원이 훌쩍인다]‬ ‪[여자가 가쁜 숨을 내쉰다]‬[panting]
‪상무님‬Tell me what happened, and what did she do to you?
‪무슨 언짢은 일이라도?‬Tell me what happened, and what did she do to you?
‪차갑고‬It was cold.
‪시끄럽고‬And loud.
‪잠 다 깼잖아‬She woke me up.
‪아니, 상무님 가르마 라인이‬ ‪약간 비셔서‬[whimpers] Her hairline seemed a little thin, so I was trying to color it. [sniffles]
‪저 그거 채워드리려고‬ ‪[여직원이 훌쩍인다]‬Her hairline seemed a little thin, so I was trying to color it. [sniffles]
‪그냥 놔둬‬-Here, it's all good. -[woman] Ms. Hwang.
‪(채령) 황 실장‬-Here, it's all good. -[woman] Ms. Hwang.
‪나 오늘 기자들 앞에서‬ ‪배꼽 인사 하라며?‬You said I should bow in front of the reporters today.
‪그것들한테 탈모 사진 잔뜩 찍혀서‬You want them to take pictures of my thinning hairline
‪돌아다니라고?‬and circulate them online?
‪저한테 맡겨 주십시오‬Just leave it all to me.
‪이번 검찰 출석‬ ‪절대 누가 되지 않도록‬I will do what I need to so not one thing goes wrong.
‪최선을 다하겠습니다‬During the hearing, just wait.
‪나 뭐 입어?‬What am I wearing?
‪(시위 주동자) 은채령을 구속하라!‬[man shouting] Arrest Eun Chae-ryoung!
‪(시위대) 구속하라‬ ‪구속하라, 구속하라!‬[all shouting] Arrest her! Arrest her! Arrest her!
‪(시위 주동자) 은성그룹 해체하라!‬[man shouting] What should happen to Eun Chae-ryoung?
‪[시위 소리]‬ ‪(기자1) 상무님 이번 이 사건에‬ ‪대해서 어떻게 생각하십니까? ‬[reporter 1] Ms. Eun, how do you feel about the accusations?
‪(기자2) 은채령 상무님‬[reporter 1] Ms. Eun, how do you feel about the accusations? [reporter 2] Any comments on the accusations?
‪갑질 논란에 대해서‬ ‪어떻게 생각하십니까?‬[reporter 2] Any comments on the accusations?
‪- (기자1) 인정하십니까?‬ ‪- (기자3) 어떻게 생각하십니까?‬[reporter 3] Do you admit to the charges? How do you feel about this case?
‪[시위 소리]‬ ‪- (기자1) 은채령 상무님‬ ‪- (기자3) 한 말씀만 해주세요!‬[reporter 3] Do you admit to the charges? How do you feel about this case?
‪(기자1) 왜 아무 말씀도‬ ‪안 해주시는 거죠?‬ ‪[기자들이 너도나도 질문한다]‬Please, give us a comment! -Do you admit to the charges? -[reporter 4] Are you denying the charges?
‪(기자4) 전면 부인하시는 겁니까?‬-Do you admit to the charges? -[reporter 4] Are you denying the charges?
‪(기자3) 사실을‬ ‪인정하시는 겁니까?‬-Do you admit to the charges? -[reporter 4] Are you denying the charges?
‪(시위대) 물러나라‬ ‪물러나라, 물러나라!‬ ‪[연신 터지는 카메라 셔터음]‬[man shouting] What should Eun Chae-ryoung do? [all shouting] Step down! Step down! Step down!
‪[차량 경적]‬[man shouting] What should Eun Chae-ryoung do?
‪(시위대) 물러나라‬ ‪물러나라, 물러나라!‬[all shouting] Step down! Step down! Step down!
‪[긴박한 음악]‬ ‪(기자1) 은채령 상무님‬[reporter 5] Ms. Eun, do you have any words for the public?
‪국민들에게 하실 말씀 없으십니까?‬[reporter 5] Ms. Eun, do you have any words for the public?
‪(기자5) 상처 입은 피해자들에게‬ ‪하실 말씀 없으신가요?‬[reporter 6] Do you have anything to say to the victims you abused?
‪물의를 일으켜‬I apologize
‪죄송합니다‬for causing trouble.
‪[카메라 셔터음이 크게 강조된다]‬ ‪(기자1) 여직원을‬ ‪폭행하신 이유가 뭡니까?‬[camera shutters clicking] [reporter 5] Why did you assault your female employee?
‪(기자5) 피해자들은‬ ‪단순 화풀이 대상이었나요?‬[reporter 5] Why did you assault your female employee? [reporter 6] Were you venting on your victims?
‪물의를 일으켜‬I sincerely apologize
‪대단히 죄송합니다‬for causing so much trouble.
‪(기자6) 은채령 상무님‬Ms. Eun, is it true that you have intermittent explosive disorder?
‪분노 조절 장애가 있다고 들었는데‬ ‪사실입니까?‬Ms. Eun, is it true that you have intermittent explosive disorder?
‪[긴박한 음악이 절정에 이른다]‬Ms. Eun, is it true that you have intermittent explosive disorder?
‪분노 조절 장애는‬ ‪심각한 정신 질환인데‬Intermittent explosive disorder is a serious mental illness.
‪그런 상태로 기업 경영을 할‬ ‪자격이 있다고 생각하시나요?‬Do you think you should be managing a business in such a state?
‪(여직원) 상무님‬[woman] Let's go, ma'am.
‪은채령 상무님!‬Ms. Eun, answer.
‪지금 본인의 정신 질환을‬ ‪인정하시는 겁니까?‬Are you admitting that you suffer from this disorder?
‪(시위자) 에라이! 이 나쁜 년아!‬[man] Evil brat!
‪[시위대가 소리친다]‬
‪[더욱 고조되는 음악]‬[all clamoring]
‪[음악이 뚝 멈춘다]‬
‪[노크 소리]‬ ‪[문이 열린다]‬[knock on door, door opens]
‪(황 실장) 계란 던진 애들은?‬[Hwang] Those that threw the egg?
‪(여직원) 말씀하신 대로‬ ‪일당 두둑이 챙겨 줬습니다‬[Hwang] Those that threw the egg? [woman] We paid them a large sum, as you instructed.
‪[황 실장 피곤한 신음]‬[Hwang sighs]
‪걔들 입단속 단단히 시켜‬And they'll remain quiet? That's on you.
‪우리 쪽에서 미리 배치했다는 거‬ ‪알려지면 게임 끝이니까‬It's over if people discover that we employ these guys.
‪네, 알겠습니다‬Understood, ma'am.
‪기사는?‬And the article?
‪일단 블레임 룩으로‬ ‪이목은 끌었습니다‬Her wardrobe is getting much interest, as predicted.
‪(여직원) 아직 국내 출시 전인‬ ‪제품들이라‬People are very interested in these clothes
‪관심도가 꽤 높은 것 같습니다‬because we've yet to release them here.
‪은성백화점 본점부터‬Let's open each of our stores today,
‪(황 실장) 강남, 경기, 부산점까지‬ ‪오늘 중으로 매장 오픈하고‬starting with the Eunsung head office, and our Gangnam, Gyeonggi, and Busan branches.
‪[숨을 들이쉰다]‬and our Gangnam, Gyeonggi, and Busan branches.
‪상무님이 착용한 아이템‬Then each of the items Ms. Eun was wearing
‪판매 시작해‬can be purchased.
‪조사 전까지‬ ‪완판 기사 계속 올리고‬Release a bunch of articles about them selling out till we're through.
‪(여직원) 네, 알겠습니다‬Release a bunch of articles about them selling out till we're through. [woman] Yes, ma'am.
‪그리고‬Also, that lady earlier is an IBC reporter.
‪아까 그 기자‬Also, that lady earlier is an IBC reporter.
‪IBC 소속이랍니다‬Also, that lady earlier is an IBC reporter.
‪[코웃음]‬[scoffs, laughs]
‪지금 IBC 쪽에‬ ‪우리 광고 몇 개 걸려 있지?‬How many advertisements do we have running over there?
‪오전 뉴스 타임에 5개‬I know there's five during the morning news.
‪오후 재방 타임에 3개‬There's three more in the afternoon, and seven during evening prime time.
‪(여직원) 저녁 프라임타임에 7개‬There's three more in the afternoon, and seven during evening prime time.
‪총 15개입니다‬Fifteen in total.
‪올킬해‬Pull the ads.
‪전부 다요?‬Everything?
‪국지연‬Guk Ji-yeon.
‪너도 킬할까?‬There are others I could hire.
‪(황 실장) 두 번 묻지 말고 진행해‬Don't make me repeat myself. Do as I say.
‪[노크 소리]‬[knock on door]
‪(남자) 아이고, 늦어서 죄송합니다‬[man] Sorry I'm late.
‪이 귀하신 분‬ ‪의전할 생각에 떨려서‬[man] Sorry I'm late. Needed to smoke to calm me. Meeting certain people makes me nervous.
‪이 연초 좀 태우느라고‬Needed to smoke to calm me. Meeting certain people makes me nervous.
‪서울중앙지검 기준태 검사입니다‬I'm prosecutor Gi Joon-tae, central district, ma'am.
‪은성그룹 미래전략기획실‬ ‪황도희 실장입니다‬I manage Eunsung's corporate strategy. Hwang Do-hee.
‪아, 그분이시구나‬Oh, you're Hwang Do-hee.
‪은성 오너 일가가 싸놓은 똥‬ ‪싹 다 치워주시는 해결사?‬The fixer. You clean up the Eunsung family's dirty little messes. Right?
‪금방 나오실 수 있죠?‬She'll be out soon. Correct?
‪중범죄도 아니고‬It's barely a misdemeanor, as you know,
‪피해자 합의도 마무리 단계니까‬and the settlement with the victims is close to done.
‪[숨을 들이쉰다]‬
‪아, 그건 너무 후진데요?‬[sighs] That's so weak.
‪은씨 일가 똥 치우려고 만든‬ ‪특수부대에서 10년 계셨으면‬What, you've spent ten years on the Eunsung special forces team.
‪좀 더 신박한 솔루션을 내셔야죠?‬I'd assume you'd come up with something more original.
‪명분 만들어 드릴 테니까‬We'll find some excuse together.
‪불기소 처분 준비하시죠?‬But you will drop every last charge.
‪[음침한 음악]‬But you will drop every last charge. [tense music playing]
‪[숨을 내쉰다]‬[tense music playing]
‪나더러 지금‬You want me
‪여기서 젖까지 짜라고?‬to milk myself here?
‪자연스럽게 해주시면 됩니다‬Just try to make it look normal, please.
‪어차피 오늘 밤샘 조사라‬You'll be in here probably all night,
‪내일 아침 아이들 먹일‬ ‪모유도 준비하셔야 되고요‬and the kids will need to have your milk. Why not use the opportunity to prepare?
‪[고조되는 음악]‬
‪[카메라 셔터음]‬[camera shutter clicking]
‪[음악이 고조된 후 멈춘다]‬
‪[긴박한 음악]‬
‪[통화 연결음]‬[line ringing]
‪(남자) 네, 실장님‬-[man] Yes, Ms. Hwang. -[Hwang] Mr. Kang.
‪(도희) 강 팀장‬ ‪[손가락을 튕긴다]‬-[man] Yes, Ms. Hwang. -[Hwang] Mr. Kang. [clicks fingers]
‪내가 지금 클라우드에‬ ‪올린 사진들 취합해서‬[clicks fingers] [Hwang] Use the photos I've uploaded and have your staff write
‪기사 만들고 언론에 물타기 시작해‬[Hwang] Use the photos I've uploaded and have your staff write sympathetic articles based upon them.
‪출산한 지 두 달도 안 된 상태에서‬"Director Eun, who returned to run the organization,
‪경영 일선에 복귀한 은채령 상무‬"Director Eun, who returned to run the organization, despite her child's recent birth,
‪출산 후유증으로 탈모가 왔고‬is losing hair due to the stress put upon her,
‪과도한 업무 스트레스로‬ ‪극심한 산후 우울증까지 겹쳤다‬while postpartum sadness pushes her deeper down into a dark and depressed state."
‪그럼에도 불구하고‬ ‪짬을 내서 모유를 짜낸다‬"Yet she finds a way to prepare the milk for her children."
‪그러나‬"And still,
‪검찰의 강압 수사에‬the prosecution's tough interrogation
‪모성애를 박탈당했다‬violate a new mother's rights."
‪[긴박한 음악이 더욱 커진다]‬
‪[글자가 날아와 박히는 효과음]‬
‪(남자) 아, 줄 게 있다니깐 그러네‬[man 1] I told you I need to give her something.
‪(경호원) 사전 약속 없이‬ ‪들어가실 수 없습니다‬[man 2] I can't let you in without a prior--
‪(남자) 아니, 전화를 안 받는데‬ ‪약속을 어떻게 해요?‬How can I do that when they won't answer my calls?
‪잠깐만 간다니깐요?‬How can I do that when they won't answer my calls?
‪(경호원) 약속하고 다시 오십시오‬[man 2] Come back with an appointment!
‪(남자) 아, 왜 이렇게 답답해요‬ ‪사람이 진짜‬[man 2] Come back with an appointment! It's like I'm speaking to a wall!
‪어? 저…‬Wait. That's…
‪(남자) 저기요, 언니!‬Hey, lady!
‪아우, 진짜, 씨‬Jeez! God!
‪(남자) 드디어 뵙네요‬We meet at last.
‪은성그룹 해결사‬The Eunsung Group's fixer in the flesh.
‪(남자) 이야‬Man, you could seriously kill someone with a heel like this one.
‪굽 한번 진짜 살벌하네요‬Man, you could seriously kill someone with a heel like this one.
‪찾아주셔서 감사합니다‬It's nice of you to bring it back to me. You'll get compensated, thank you.
‪사례는 충분히 하죠‬It's nice of you to bring it back to me. You'll get compensated, thank you.
‪씁, 어허‬[inhales sharply] Whoa now.
‪(남자) 언니 성질‬ ‪되게 급하시네요?‬I see you're quite impatient, unni.
‪잠깐만요‬Hold on for a moment.
‪[가방을 뒤적인다]‬
‪(남자) 먼저‬First,
‪이거부터 좀‬could you pass this on to Director Eun Chae-ryoung for me?
‪은채령 상무한테 전해주시죠‬could you pass this on to Director Eun Chae-ryoung for me?
‪이게 뭐죠?‬And what is it?
‪노동 인권 변호사 오경숙 님을‬ ‪아십니까?‬Do you know a workers' rights lawyer called Oh Kyung-sook?
‪처음 듣는 존함입니다만‬I have never heard of that name before this.
‪그 안에 은성백화점 옥상에서‬The file has information about Ms. Oh Kyung-sook, ma'am,
‪78일째 고공 농성 중이신‬ ‪우리 변호사님‬The file has information about Ms. Oh Kyung-sook, ma'am, who, for the last 78 days, has been sitting in
‪아니, 오경숙 님이 계시거든요‬on the rooftop of the Eunsung Department Store.
‪그런데요?‬on the rooftop of the Eunsung Department Store. And you're saying?
‪아니, 은채령 상무가‬ ‪백화점 오너잖아요‬Director Eun owns the department stores. Correct?
‪그 양반이‬She unjustly fired as much as 500 of the female temp workers
‪푸드코트에서 일하는‬ ‪비정규직 여성 근로자 500명한테‬She unjustly fired as much as 500 of the female temp workers
‪일방적으로 계약 해지 통보해 놓고‬She unjustly fired as much as 500 of the female temp workers from the department store's food court.
‪반대 시위 좀 했다고 고소미에‬ ‪손해 배상 청구까지 먹였다고요‬After that, she sued them to get compensation because they protested.
‪그래서 또 우리 지금 변호사님이‬ ‪옥상에서 투쟁을 하고 있잖…‬So Ms. Oh is on the rooftop, fighting for--
‪죄송합니다만‬You know, I'm sorry, but
‪노조 협상은 제 소관이 아니라서‬I don't have authority on union negotiations.
‪(남자) 까고 있네‬[man] What a load of bullshit.
‪[긴장감 흐르는 느린 음악]‬
‪맨날 이딴 명품 구두나 신으면서‬ ‪편안하게 먹고 사니까‬You're just going to ignore the plight of the workers
‪노동자들 입장은‬ ‪그냥 쌩 까겠다 이거잖아요‬because you're living a comfortable life in these fancy, designer shoes. Oh, wait.
‪(남자) 아‬because you're living a comfortable life in these fancy, designer shoes. Oh, wait.
‪쌩 까는 게 아니라‬You're not ignoring them, are you?
‪알 수가 없겠구나?‬You just don't understand in the first place.
‪언니같이 고급진 인생들은‬People with high-end lives just like you, unni.
‪[도희가 신발을 벗는다]‬
‪그 킬힐 신고‬You see these toes?
‪10시간씩 뛰어다닌 발입니다‬They're in stilettos all day and barely breathing.
‪결코 노동자의 아픔을‬ ‪모른다고 할 수 없죠?‬I do understand the extreme pain the workers feel, young man.
‪(도희) 이건 저희 상무님께‬ ‪잘 전달하죠‬I will pass this on to Director Eun for you.
‪(남자) 방금 약속한 거예요?‬[man] You promised!
‪대답만 그렇게 해놓고 쌩 까면‬ ‪언니 진짜 후회해요!‬You'll regret it if you don't keep your word to me, unni. Yeah?
‪예?‬You'll regret it if you don't keep your word to me, unni. Yeah?
‪(여직원1) 이야‬ ‪역시 황 실장이야?‬[woman] Wow, it looks like Ms. Hwang's done it again.
‪어쩜 이렇게‬How does she do it? How does she sway the public's opinion every time?
‪원색적으로다 여론을 확 뒤집을까?‬How does she do it? How does she sway the public's opinion every time?
‪그니까 우리 오너 일가가, 응?‬That's why she's so adored by the Eunsung family. [scoffs]
‪[비웃으며] 격하게 총애하는 거지‬That's why she's so adored by the Eunsung family. [scoffs]
‪마흔에 실장 달고‬ ‪연봉 탑 찍는 게 뭐 쉬운 일이니?‬It's not easy becoming a manager with such a high salary at the age of 40.
‪[혀를 차며] 야‬ ‪조작도 대강 해야 귀엽게 봐 주지‬It's not easy becoming a manager with such a high salary at the age of 40. Yeah, but who cares how old she is? Faking breast pumping like a dairy cow?
‪무슨 젖소도 아니고‬Yeah, but who cares how old she is? Faking breast pumping like a dairy cow?
‪(여직원2) [실소를 터뜨리며] 젖소‬-[laughing] A dairy cow! -It's too far to fake this stuff.
‪모유 수유까지 조작하는 건‬ ‪좀 그렇잖아?‬-[laughing] A dairy cow! -It's too far to fake this stuff.
‪(도희) 그럼 짐 싸‬[Hwang] Really? Then pack up and leave.
‪모유가 아니라‬ ‪멍청한 너희들 모근을 뽑아서라도‬It's our main job to protect both the family and the owner.
‪오너 리스크를 막는 게‬ ‪우리 일이야‬Even tearing out hair, if that's required.
‪오너 일가를 지키는 게‬ ‪그룹을 지키는 거고‬ ‪[음료를 졸졸 따른다]‬We constantly need to protect the Eunsung Group,
‪계열사에 매달려 있는‬ ‪수천 명 직원들 밥줄 지키는 건데‬and that in turn protects the jobs of all the valuable workers hired through subsidiaries.
‪티타임 간식용으로‬And yet I'm being ridiculed now, and mocked.
‪날 씹어?‬And yet I'm being ridiculed now, and mocked.
‪죄송합니다, 저, 실장님‬Sorry, ma'am.
‪정말 죄송합니다‬I'm terribly sorry, ma'am.
‪(강 팀장) 실장님!‬[Kang panting] Ms. Hwang!
‪검색 순위 보셨습니까?‬Did you see the trending keywords?
‪(강 팀장) 지금 1위부터 10위까지‬We've completely dominated the top ten--
‪- (강 팀장) 우리가 싹쓸이하고…‬ ‪- 됐고‬We've completely dominated the top ten-- Whatever.
‪이 똥 덩어리들부터 싹 치워‬Get rid of these excrements this second, you hear?
‪[컵을 탁 내려놓는다]‬[slams cup down]
‪[사무실 전화벨]‬[background chatter]
‪[피곤한 신음]‬[sighs]
‪(경호원) 여기서 이러면 안 돼요‬ ‪예?‬ ‪[여성 시위자들이 구호를 외친다]‬-[man shouting] You can't do this here! -[overlapping voices]
‪[시위 함성과 노래]‬[women] We are women!
‪(여성 시위자들)‬ ‪투쟁, 투쟁, 투쟁, 투쟁, 투쟁!‬ ‪[노래 반주]‬We stick together! [all chanting] Unite! Unite!
‪♪ 민주 노조 깃발 아래 ♪‬ ‪[녹음된 노래가 같이 나온다]‬[in Korean] ♪ Under the flag of the democratic union ♪
‪♪ 와서 모여 지키세 ♪‬♪ Gather 'round and protect what's ours ♪
‪(경숙) ♪ 단결만이 살길이요 ♪‬ ‪[밝은 음악]‬♪ If we unite, we will survive ♪
‪♪ 노동자가 살길이요 ♪‬♪ That's how workers survive ♪ ROOFTOP STRIKE DAY 78
‪아, 이러다 굶어 죽어!‬[moans] So much hunger!
‪아!‬[woman moans] PLEASE HELP THE WORKERS
‪[괴로운 신음]‬[moans]
‪(경숙) 어우‬
‪물! 물, 물, 물, 물‬Water! Water! Water! Water! Water!
‪물! 물!‬Water! Water! Water! Water! Water! Water!
‪물!‬ ‪[악에 받친 고함]‬[screams] Water!
‪[짜증 섞인 탄성]‬[groans]
‪[기쁜 탄성]‬ ‪나온다!‬[whoops] It worked!
‪[기분 좋은 탄성]‬[sighs]
‪(경숙) 앗싸, 앗싸‬ ‪앗싸, 앗싸, 앗싸!‬Yes! Yes! Yes! We can do this!
‪♪ 바위처럼 살아가 보자 ♪‬[yelling] Let's live like rocks do!
‪앗싸, 앗싸, 앗싸!‬ ‪[경숙 목소리가 울려 퍼진다]‬[yelling] Let's live like rocks do! WORKERS NEVER DIE
‪[음악이 뚝 멈춘다]‬ ‪[검색창 효과음]‬ ‪(도희) 오경숙?‬WORKERS NEVER DIE [Hwang] Oh Kyung-sook.
‪1976년생‬Born in 1976.
‪한민대 법대‬Hanmin University.
‪47회 사법고시 패스‬Hanmin University. Achieved bar exam 47.
‪(도희) 인권변호사‬A workers' rights lawyer and leader of Lawyers for Female Workers' Rights.
‪여성 노동자 인권 변호인단 대표‬A workers' rights lawyer and leader of Lawyers for Female Workers' Rights.
‪18대 서울시 의원‬She was with the 18th Seoul City Council.
‪별명, 미친 코뿔소, 쌈닭‬ ‪[숨을 들이쉰다]‬Was given names such as Crazy Bull, Rhino, Gamecock.
‪[박진감 넘치는 음악]‬ ‪존경하는 의원 여러분‬Respected members of the council.
‪대한민국 노동자들의‬Do you know how big the average rest area is for the workers in Korea at this time?
‪[카메라 셔터음이 연신 터진다]‬Do you know how big the average rest area is for the workers in Korea at this time?
‪[빨리 감기 소리]‬TEN TIMES FASTER
‪명백한 인권 탄압입니다‬For their human rights, this can't be accepted.
‪(경숙) 이 비위생적인‬ ‪신발 깔창으로‬Girls from impoverished families
‪빈곤층의 10대 소녀들이‬ ‪월경을 받아내고 있다고 합니다‬are said to use the filthy soles of their shoes as makeshift menstrual pads.
‪[불길이 타오르는 효과음]‬With all due respect, Ms. Oh,
‪[물 부글부글 끓는 효과음]‬hasn't your body
‪(철기) 여성성을‬ ‪잃어버린 게 아닌지…‬to be discussing-- Mr. Choi Cheol-gi!
‪읽어드릴까요?‬People are commenting about it already. I'll read it out loud.
‪[글자 날아오는 효과음]‬"Choi Cheol-gi is a repulsive, perverted sexual deviant."
‪보여드릴까요?‬A perverted sexual deviant.
‪(경숙) 네, 댓글 달렸습니다‬ ‪[뾰로롱 효과음]‬Look, there's a comment.
‪댓글 보시죠‬ ‪'최철기'‬Here. "Choi Cheol-gi
‪[한 글자씩 뜨는 효과음]‬is a perverted sexual deviant."
‪[뾰로롱 음소거 효과음]‬is a perverted sexual deviant."
‪[작게 놀라는 탄성]‬
‪[음악이 요란해진다]‬ ‪[탁상을 쾅 내리친다]‬
‪(철기) 야!‬-You! -Oh yeah?
‪왜요!‬-You! -Oh yeah?
‪이 손가락 뭡니까?‬What the heck's with that?
‪(경숙) 손가락 치우세요!‬Get it away from my face!
‪[박치기 소리]‬ ‪[철기 비명]‬
‪[음악이 멈춘다]‬ ‪[의원들이 웅성댄다]‬[video clip continues playing]
‪(남자1) 어이구!‬[video clip continues playing]
‪- (남자2) 빨리 구급차 불러!‬ ‪- (남자3) 구급차!‬[video clip continues playing]
‪노조 담당 쪽에 전달해‬Go to the team in charge of unions
‪이런 똥파리까지 상무님 주변에‬ ‪꼬이지 말게 하라고‬and tell them not to let this rebellious person near Ms. Eun.
‪(강 팀장) 알겠습니다‬[Kang] Yes, ma'am.
‪[도희 한숨]‬ ‪[휴대폰 진동]‬[cell phone vibrating]
‪[목소리를 가다듬는다]‬ ‪[휴대폰 진동]‬[clears throat]
‪네, 회장님‬Yes, Ms. Son.
‪[새소리가 작게 들린다]‬
‪어서 와라‬Good to see you.
‪식사는?‬Did you eat lunch?
‪했습니다‬I did have lunch. It's kind of you to ask, ma'am, thank you.
‪신경 써주셔서 감사합니다‬I did have lunch. It's kind of you to ask, ma'am, thank you.
‪오늘 수고했다‬You did well today.
‪황 실장 아니었으면‬ ‪이번에 아주 타격이 클 뻔했어‬Without your work, it would have been a big loss, as you're aware.
‪과찬이십니다‬You're being too kind, ma'am.
‪(회장) 차 바꿀 때 되지 않았니?‬[Ms. Son] It's time you got a new car.
‪며칠 내로 면세점 신사옥‬I want to pay a visit to our new duty-free shop in a few days
‪얼마나 예쁘게 올라가는지‬ ‪보러 갈 참이니‬I want to pay a visit to our new duty-free shop in a few days to make sure it turned out as I planned.
‪픽업 오렴‬-You will drive me. -Many thanks, ma'am.
‪[달그락]‬ ‪감사합니다‬-You will drive me. -Many thanks, ma'am.
‪(회장) 어, 나 물 좀 갈아주라‬[Ms. Son] Change the water, please.
‪[프랑스어] 좋겠어, 손 회장은‬[in French] Ms. Son, you must feel reassured
‪(천 회장) 저렇게 똘똘한 아이가‬ ‪받쳐주고 있어서‬having a smart girl like her at your side.
‪(사모님) [프랑스어] 하긴‬ ‪아무거나 막 먹고 막 싸던 똥개도‬[woman 2 in French] A mutt who ate anything and pooped everywhere
‪집 안에 들이면 지가‬ ‪사람인 줄 알고 품위를 따지니까‬[woman 2 in French] A mutt who ate anything and pooped everywhere thinks it's got class once we let it run around in the house.
‪(손 회장) [프랑스어] 애초에‬ ‪품위가 아주 없는 아이는 아니었지‬She had some class even when I first found her.
‪그래도 너무 마음 놓진 마‬Don't fully trust her.
‪(천 회장) 똥개는‬ ‪어쩔 수 없이 똥개니까‬A mutt is a mutt by nature.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬ ‪[물 붓는 소리가 울려 퍼진다]‬
‪[음악이 고조된다]‬
‪[첨벙대는 소리]‬
‪[가쁜 숨소리]‬[panting]
‪[한국어] 고마워요‬[in English] I want to thank you,
‪황도희 씨‬Hwang Do-hee.
‪[우아한 매장 음악이 작게 들린다]‬
‪[술을 따른다]‬
‪회장님께서‬ ‪똑같은 걸로 보내주셔서‬ ‪[술병을 내려놓는다]‬Ms. Young-Sim sent me the same scarf as hers.
‪(여자) 딱 회장님 스타일이었거든‬[woman] Because you were exactly the one she was looking for.
‪몸 안 사리고‬ ‪원초적으로 충성심 어필하는 거‬Proving your loyalty with little regard for your own well-being.
‪회장님이 아주 좋게 보셨어‬She was very pleased with you.
‪[옅은 웃음]‬ ‪당연히‬[scoffs] I only did
‪해야 할 일을 했다고 생각합니다‬what seemed obvious to do in the moment.
‪당돌한 그 본능이‬And thanks to that daring display of instinct,
‪자기한테‬ ‪이 동아줄을 내려준 거야‬you've received a helping hand from the Chairperson.
‪(여자) 스카이 출신도 아니고‬You didn't graduate from a major university,
‪본사 장학 재단에서‬ ‪작정하고 키운 꿈나무도 아니고‬you're not from the scholarship program, and you have no connections to any of the execs.
‪임원진 라인도 아니고‬and you have no connections to any of the execs.
‪존재감 일도 없는 머글 출신이‬Someone with no skills, such as yourself, is about to serve the Eunsung family loyally.
‪오너 일가를 모시게 생겼잖아?‬is about to serve the Eunsung family loyally.
‪[술을 졸졸 따른다]‬is about to serve the Eunsung family loyally.
‪[술병을 내려놓는다]‬
‪[무거운 음악]‬ ‪오너 일가를 모신다고요?‬Are you saying what I think you are?
‪좋지?‬Your happy, aren't you?
‪나도 그랬으니까‬I was the same.
‪오너 일가한테‬ ‪인정받았다는 것만 해도‬Receiving their approval alone was enough to make me feel successful.
‪성공한 거 같고‬Receiving their approval alone was enough to make me feel successful.
‪내 인생, 내 인격‬ ‪내 인간관계까지‬Made me feel as if my life, character,
‪전부 업그레이드될 거 같고‬ ‪[잔을 달그락거린다]‬and even my acquaintances would all be upgraded.
‪[잔을 내려놓는다]‬
‪아닌가요?‬Isn't that true?
‪[깊은 한숨]‬[sighs deeply]
‪생각하기 나름이겠지‬It depends on how you look at it.
‪여기까지 올라오는 것만 해도‬ ‪죽도록 힘들었을 텐데‬It must have been very difficult just to get where you are now.
‪버림받을 거 무서워서‬ ‪몸 사릴 일 있어?‬Don't worry about how long you'll be able to last here.
‪[자동차 엔진음]‬
‪(천 회장) [프랑스어]‬ ‪그래도 너무 마음 놓진 마‬ ‪똥개는 어쩔 수 없이 똥개니까‬[woman in French] Don't fully trust her. A mutt is a mutt by nature.
‪[자동차 가속음]‬[engine revving]
‪[어두운 음악이 고조된 후 멈춘다]‬
‪[한국어] 은성그룹 차녀‬ ‪은채령 상무의 남편‬[in English] The husband of the Eunsung Group's second daughter Eun Chae-ryoung,
‪그린피플 재단 백재민 이사장이‬ ‪오늘 새벽 급거 귀국했습니다‬[in English] The husband of the Eunsung Group's second daughter Eun Chae-ryoung, CEO Baek Jae-min of the Green People Foundation, boarded a flight to Korea this morning in a hurry.
‪(앵커) 비영리 복지 재단을 이끌며‬ ‪꾸준히 봉사와 나눔을 실천해 온‬Mr. Baek is well known for his charity work through his non-profit organization.
‪백 이사장이‬ ‪아내 은 상무의 검찰 조사에‬through his non-profit organization. And the public is interested to see how he will react
‪어떤 반응을 보일지‬ ‪세간의 관심이 집중되고 있습니다‬And the public is interested to see how he will react to his wife Director Eun being investigated by the prosecution.
‪수고 많으셨습니다‬ ‪기자회견 준비되어 있습니다‬I'm so glad you made it, sir. I'll take you to the press conference.
‪(재민) 죄송합니다‬I apologize to everyone who is a part of the Eunsung Group family,
‪이번 일로 크게 실망하셨을‬I apologize to everyone who is a part of the Eunsung Group family,
‪[카메라 셔터음이 연신 들린다]‬I apologize to everyone who is a part of the Eunsung Group family,
‪은성그룹 가족 여러분들‬who was disappointed by the recent incident, understandably,
‪그리고 불쾌하셨을‬ ‪시민 여러분들께‬who was disappointed by the recent incident, understandably, and also to the public at large whom we have offended.
‪진심으로 사죄의 말씀 올립니다‬You have my sincerest apology.
‪(재민) 사실 전 지금까지‬To be honest,
‪아내 일에 섣불리 참견하기보단‬I thought it my duty as a husband
‪그 능력을 존중하고‬ ‪묵묵히 응원하는 게‬to stay out of my wife's affairs and cheer her on from the sidelines,
‪배우자의 참된 도리라고‬ ‪생각했습니다‬to stay out of my wife's affairs and cheer her on from the sidelines, as a show of respect for her competency.
‪하지만 그것이‬But now I'm aware
‪배려를 가장한‬that what I had been doing
‪저의 무능함이었다는 걸‬ ‪깨달았습니다‬was my carelessness in the guise of compassion.
‪이제부터 저는‬From here on out,
‪사태를 간과하지 않고‬I will not overlook the situation at hand
‪제 아내와 함께‬and do my utmost best,
‪이 일을 해결하는 데‬united with my wife beside me,
‪진심을 다하겠습니다‬to resolve this issue in haste.
‪다시 한번 죄송합니다‬I apologize once again.
‪[카메라 셔터음]‬[camera shutters clicking]
‪고생 많으셨습니다‬Thank you for doing this. I appreciate it.
‪아휴, 뭘요‬[laughs] It was nothing.
‪우리 황 실장님이 고생이 많으시죠‬It's you who must have been through a lot, I'm sure.
‪개성 넘치는 우리 식구들‬ ‪전부 케어하시느라‬Looking after that ever-so-colorful family of mine, that is.
‪[숨을 깊게 들이마신다]‬ ‪저…‬
‪채령이는요?‬What about Chae-ryoung?
‪곧 나오실 겁니다‬Soon she will be released.
‪이사장님께 이목 집중되는 동안‬The attention's on you for the moment, so with that, the prosecution has promised to drop the charges,
‪검찰에서‬ ‪조용히 불기소 처분 내리고‬so with that, the prosecution has promised to drop the charges,
‪의전까지 맡아주기로 했습니다‬and then they will soon escort her back safely.
‪[한숨]‬ ‪밤새 힘들었겠네요‬[sighs] She must have had a hard night.
‪채령이 낯선 데선‬ ‪한숨도 못 자는데‬Chae-ryoung has trouble sleeping anywhere she's not used to.
‪일단‬Have the press focus solely on me for the current moment. You got that?
‪언론 노출은 저한테‬ ‪전부 다 몰아주시고‬Have the press focus solely on me for the current moment. You got that?
‪지금은 무조건‬ ‪채령이만 지켜주세요‬And also do your best to look after Chae-ryoung.
‪알겠습니다‬Yes, I will, sir.
‪아이고‬[laughing] Oh gosh.
‪회장님 댁으로 가는 길입니다‬It's for Chairperson Son. You'll meet her.
‪그럼 또 예쁘게 매야죠‬ ‪[한숨]‬Then I should look my best.
‪우리 장모님‬My dear mother-in-law hates seeing men without a necktie,
‪남자가 노타이로 다니는 거는‬My dear mother-in-law hates seeing men without a necktie,
‪여자가 맨발로 다니는 거‬and women in bare feet.
‪발가벗은 거나‬ ‪매한가지라고 생각하시니까‬She thinks they might as well be naked.
‪커프스 버튼이‬Your cuff link is missing there. Your left wrist.
‪하나 비는데‬Your cuff link is missing there. Your left wrist.
‪(재민) 아이고, 그러네요?‬[Baek] Oh, it is.
‪체크 안 했니?‬You didn't check it?
‪아이, 제가 칠칠맞은 건데요, 뭐‬It's my fault for not paying attention better. What a pain this is, hmm.
‪아유, 이거 불편해, 이거 참‬It's my fault for not paying attention better. What a pain this is, hmm.
‪- 괜찮아요‬ ‪- (비서) 죄송합니다‬-[laughs] It's fine. -[woman] I'm sorry.
‪(재민) 아니, 이게 어디 갔지?‬[Baek] Where did it go?
‪가방에 있나?‬Maybe it's in my bag.
‪[멋쩍게 웃는다]‬[laughing]
‪[문이 열린다]‬
‪그 잘난 얼굴이 반쪽이 됐구나‬Jae-min, has your handsome face become more solemn?
‪[작게 웃으며] 아닙니다‬Jae-min, has your handsome face become more solemn? Has it, ma'am?
‪면목 없습니다‬I apologize
‪채령이 혼자 고생하는데‬for not having the ability to protect Chae-ryoung when she's suffering--
‪바람막이도 못 돼 주고‬for not having the ability to protect Chae-ryoung when she's suffering--
‪큰일 할 사람이‬ ‪그깟 일에 소모돼서는 안 되지‬for not having the ability to protect Chae-ryoung when she's suffering-- You can't let this trouble you. You are needed to fight greater battles.
‪- 들자‬ ‪- 네‬-Let's eat. -Yes, ma'am.
‪(손 회장) 음‬-[Ms. Son] Mm. -[Baek sighs]
‪[재민의 옅은 탄성]‬-[Ms. Son] Mm. -[Baek sighs]
‪이번 포럼에‬I was informed that many from the White House attended the forum.
‪백악관 쪽 사람들도 많이 왔다며?‬I was informed that many from the White House attended the forum.
‪네‬Yes. The Presidential Advisor of East Asian affairs was present,
‪동아시아 담당 보좌관이‬ ‪대표로 참석했는데‬Yes. The Presidential Advisor of East Asian affairs was present,
‪마침 스탠퍼드 동문이어서‬ ‪꽤 많은 논의를 했습니다‬and it turned out we both went to Stanford, so we discussed many things, ma'am.
‪잘됐네‬That's good to hear.
‪본인 돈으로‬ ‪서포트할 것도 아니면서‬It's not like all of this is coming out of your pocket.
‪너는‬ ‪[한숨을 내쉰다]‬[sighs]
‪백 서방이 석 달 만에‬ ‪집에 와서 식사하는데 꼭‬We haven't had Jae-min over in a really long time.
‪이 강아지까지 겸상을 시켜야겠니?‬Is it really necessary for that dog to join us?
‪엄마, 얘는‬ ‪그냥 개가 아니라 영물이야‬Mom, this is no ordinary dog here.
‪엄마 등쳐 먹으려고‬ ‪우리 집안에 기어들어 온 버러지들‬She has always weeded out all the big losers
‪그동안 얘가 기똥차게 가려냈잖아‬who came here to steal your fortune.
‪이거 봐‬Look.
‪7년째 한결같이 짖어대는 거‬ ‪[강아지가 헥헥댄다]‬She's been barking at him for the last seven years.
‪(여자) 메리 포핀스? 물어‬Mary Poppins, go bite!
‪앙, 앙‬[growls]
‪- (여자) 앙‬ ‪- 봐서 알겠지만‬It's clearly apparent,
‪난 우리 집안에서‬ ‪믿을 만한 인물이라곤‬the only person in this family I'm able to rely on…
‪백 서방 자네뿐이네‬Well, that person is you, Jae-min.
‪(손 회장) 자네 아니면‬ ‪[한숨]‬Who else is capable of changing Chae-ryoung's horrid and chronic temper?
‪채령이 그 고약한 성질머리‬ ‪누가 고쳐 써?‬Who else is capable of changing Chae-ryoung's horrid and chronic temper? -Only you can do that. -[woman] He hasn't changed her.
‪(여자) 고쳐 쓰는 게 아니라‬ ‪받아주는 거겠지‬-Only you can do that. -[woman] He hasn't changed her. He's just putting up with her.
‪사회 운동 어쩌고 해가면서‬ ‪엄마 돈 펑펑 쓰고‬It's thanks to your fortune that he can travel across the world
‪해외로 싸돌아다니면서‬ ‪똥폼 잡는 게 다 누구 덕인데‬It's thanks to your fortune that he can travel across the world for his so-called charity work, as if he's something special.
‪아후, 채령이‬Oh, Chae-ryoung. My poor sister.
‪불쌍한 내 동생‬Oh, Chae-ryoung. My poor sister.
‪(비서) 상무님 곧 도착하신답니다‬Director Eun will be arriving soon.
‪[긴장감 넘치는 음악]‬
‪모시러 가지 못해 죄송합니다‬ ‪검찰 측에서 요청한 사안이라‬My sincere apologies for not picking you up. The prosecution said that…
‪고생 많았…‬ ‪[채령의 힘주는 신음]‬You must've been so nervous-- [grunts] You gave a public apology?
‪대국민 사과를 해?‬[grunts] You gave a public apology?
‪기자 새끼들한테‬ ‪정수리까지 보여가면서?‬With your head bowed down to those damn reporters?
‪네가 그럼 내가 뭐가 되는데?‬How's that supposed to make me look?
‪왜, 난 이렇게 젠틀하고‬ ‪괜찮은 놈인데‬What? You wanted people to think you married a crazy woman beyond help,
‪답도 없는 미친년이랑‬ ‪사느라 아주 죽을 맛이다‬What? You wanted people to think you married a crazy woman beyond help, when you're such a gentleman?
‪폼 나게 변명하고 싶었어?‬You only care about how you present yourself!
‪- 그게 아니라…‬ ‪- 그거 맞잖아!‬That wasn't the intention. It was!
‪네가 나 미친년이라고‬ ‪인정한 거잖아, 이 새끼야‬You've practically admitted that I'm batshit crazy, you dick!
‪(채령) 왜 거짓말해!‬Why?
‪감히 나한테 거짓말하냐고‬ ‪너 같은 새끼가!‬How dare you lie to me, you worthless ass!
‪[채령이 악에 받쳐 소리 지른다]‬[Chae-ryoung screaming]
‪(채령) [악쓰며] 왜! 거짓말해!‬Why? Why'd you lie to me?
‪왜 나한테 거짓말…‬Why? Why'd you lie to me?
‪[숨이 넘어가는 듯한 소리]‬Why? Why'd you lie to me? [gasping for air] [woman] Ma'am! Ma'am! Ma'am!
‪(비서) 상무님, 상무님, 상무님‬[woman] Ma'am! Ma'am! Ma'am!
‪호흡기 가져오고‬ ‪의료진한테 빨리 전화해요‬Don't just stand there watching. Make the call!
‪[한숨]‬ ‪(비서) 여보세요?‬[sighs]
‪[재민의 가쁜 숨소리]‬ ‪[비서의 통화하는 말소리]‬
‪(비서) 상무님‬[woman] Ma'am!
‪(도희) 다행히 상처가 깊진 않네요‬Luckily, it isn't a deep wound.
‪[깊은 한숨]‬[sighs]
‪실장님‬Ms. Hwang,
‪저 되게 억울하겠죠?‬I'm stuck in a bad situation.
‪더한 일도 많이 겪으셨잖아요‬You've been through worse before today.
‪그쵸‬You're right.
‪늘 이런 식이었죠‬It was always like this.
‪채령이랑 7년 살면서‬During my seven years with Chae-ryoung,
‪제대로 된 대화 같은 건‬ ‪해본 적도 없고‬we've never had a decent conversation to any degree.
‪채령이가 쏟아내면‬I would just take everything when she unleashed her anger
‪무조건 받아주고‬I would just take everything when she unleashed her anger
‪혼자 삼키고‬and put up with it alone.
‪난 아직 소화도 안 됐는데‬Before I was ready to take even more,
‪또 쏟아내면‬ ‪[한숨]‬she'd go at me again,
‪또 받아주고‬and I'd take it again.
‪한동안‬You've hidden
‪페이스 조절 잘하셨잖아요‬what's truly going in your life so you wouldn't break down.
‪(도희) 체하지 않게‬what's truly going in your life so you wouldn't break down.
‪아‬No. If it wasn't for you, Ms. Hwang,
‪나 실장님까지 없었으면‬No. If it wasn't for you, Ms. Hwang,
‪진짜 못 버텼을 거예요‬I would have been out the door.
‪저도 크게‬ ‪다르진 않은 것 같은데요?‬Well, it looks like you and I are in the same boat.
‪아무튼‬We're the only two
‪이 집에 굴러온 돌 중에서‬outsiders in this family who managed to come this far
‪온전히 버티고 있는 거‬outsiders in this family who managed to come this far
‪우리 둘뿐이니까‬in one piece.
‪앞으로도‬Tell me you'll
‪[도희가 구급상자를 정리한다]‬Tell me you'll
‪잘 버텨보자고요‬keep hanging in there with me.
‪[도희 옅은 한숨]‬[chuckles softly]
‪(비서) 회장님 출근하십니다‬[woman] Chairperson Son is leaving for work.
‪그래, 알았어‬All right, thank you.
‪[휴대폰을 닫는다]‬
‪상무님 댁으로 출발하셨답니다‬Ms. Eun is being transported home now.
‪채령이는 됐고‬Chae-ryoung isn't your concern now.
‪백 서방 얼굴 각별히 신경 써라‬We need to make certain Jae-min's scratches are treated.
‪며칠 있으면‬ ‪백화점 창립 기념일인데‬Our department store will soon have its anniversary.
‪흉이라도 지면‬It would be embarrassing
‪무슨 망신이야?‬if his face was scarred.
‪알겠습니다‬I'll see to it, ma'am.
‪매스컴은 또 채령이 문제로‬We know the press is going to use Chae-ryoung's episode
‪백 서방한테 때 묻히려고 할 텐데‬to damage Jae-min's name again, I'd assume.
‪우리 쪽 프레스 기자들 위주로‬ ‪콜했습니다‬Well, I only spoke to those reporters who do our bidding.
‪그동안 이사장님 이미지가‬ ‪워낙 좋으셨고‬The press is very fond of him, as we both know.
‪언론도 이사장님께 우호적이라‬Always a great public image, indeed.
‪상무님과는 별개로‬Despite Ms. Eun's actions,
‪긍정적인 기사들 많이 내줄 겁니다‬the articles regarding Mr. Baek are going to be positive.
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬ ‪[힘주는 신음]‬[groaning]
‪[힘겹게] 일곱‬Eight.
‪[신음]‬[groaning] Nine.
‪[힘겹게] 여… 덟!‬[groaning] Ten.
‪[가쁜 숨소리]‬[groaning] Ten.
‪[프로펠러 소리]‬
‪[프로펠러 소리가 점차 커진다]‬[whirring]
‪(경숙) 어!‬RHINO
‪어?‬Oh! [yells]
‪[반가운 탄성]‬ ‪여기, 여기!‬Oh! [yells] Here! Here! Here!
‪여기!‬Here! Here! Here!
‪[힘주는 신음]‬CHEER UP, MS. RHINO!
‪잡았다, 잡았다!‬
‪[기쁜 탄성]‬
‪[획 소리 내며 멀어지는 드론]‬ ‪[놀란 신음]‬
‪[가쁜 숨소리]‬ ‪보조 배터리!‬Power bank!
‪[가쁜 숨소리]‬Power bank!
‪물!‬ ‪[기쁜 탄성]‬Ah, water!
‪고맙습니다!‬ ‪[메아리친다]‬I appreciate it. Everyone.
‪여러분!‬ ‪[메아리친다]‬Everyone.
‪고마워요!‬ ‪[메아리친다]‬Empowered!
‪(손 회장) 어떠니?‬[Ms. Son] How does it feel…
‪[손 회장이 숨을 들이쉰다]‬
‪아시아에서 제일 큰 면세점‬ ‪꼭대기에 올라와 본 느낌이‬to be standing on the highest floor of the biggest duty-free shop in Asia?
‪역시‬It's truly the most incredible outlook up here.
‪전망이 참 좋네요‬It's truly the most incredible outlook up here.
‪여기 있으면‬Standing up here,
‪(손 회장) 천지도‬ ‪내가 창조하는 거 같고‬it feels like I'm the creator of this world,
‪서울 시내가 온통‬ ‪내 발밑에서 기는 거 같지‬and that the entire city of Seoul is groveling under my feet.
‪이거 허가받으려고 시장 놈‬ ‪배 속에 기름칠 꽤나 해줬고‬It was a real expense to get that lousy mayor to sign and make the permit go through.
‪회장님께서 애 많이 쓰셨죠‬What an effort you made to create all this.
‪덕분에‬ ‪상아지구 재건축 사업 건도‬And with any luck, the Sangah District will follow suit.
‪우리 쪽에 넘겨주는 걸로‬You now have the redevelopment rights.
‪[입을 쩝 뗀다]‬
‪건방진 시장 놈이‬You know what that arrogant mayor dared to ask?
‪나한테 상아지구 지분을‬ ‪요구하더구나‬You know what that arrogant mayor dared to ask? To share with him a substantial part.
‪토지 등기까지 쪼개서‬ ‪20%나 내놓으라는데‬The Sangah District should get divided, and he should be getting nearly a quarter.
‪미친놈‬What a loon.
‪제가 한번 만나볼까요?‬Would you like for me to speak with him?
‪은혜도 모르는 짐승이랑‬ ‪말을 섞어 뭐 하겠니?‬There's not a point in speaking with a thankless animal like that.
‪당장이라도‬I can take his job
‪끌어내리면 그만이지‬whenever I please.
‪하지만‬Yes, but
‪후임 물색도 안 한 상태에서‬ ‪갑자기 내리시면 타격이…‬you haven't looked for another candidate yet, have you? Replacing the current mayor could hurt us.
‪물색할 거 없다‬There's no need for that.
‪백 서방 올릴 거니까‬Our mayor will be Jae-min.
‪[의미심장하고 느린 음악]‬
‪이사장님을요?‬Your son-in-law as mayor?
‪내 식구 시장 자리에 앉혀서‬ ‪수월하게 풀어나가야지‬Things will get a lot easier, l trust, should one among us get elected.
‪(손 회장) 이 좁은 땅덩어리에서‬ ‪내가 못 할 일이 뭐가 있겠니‬Nothing is impossible for me on this tiny land we live on.
‪앞으로 생각하시는 방도가…‬what plans for the future do you have in mind?
‪도희‬Do-hee, I think you'll need to work even harder.
‪네가 고생 좀 해줘야겠다‬Do-hee, I think you'll need to work even harder.
‪시장 놈 내리고 백 서방‬ ‪공천받을 때까지 수고해 다오‬Until the current mayor has been replaced with Jae-min, I'll need you more than ever.
‪그리고‬And soon, when this is behind us,
‪홀가분하게‬And soon, when this is behind us,
‪너 하고 싶은 거‬ ‪다 하면서 쉬게 해주마‬you'll get time to you relax and do anything you want.
‪(손 회장) 안식년 어떠니?‬How about a sabbatical?
‪[옅은 웃음]‬[exhales]
‪고민해 보겠습니다‬I will definitely think about it.
‪[무거워지는 음악]‬
‪[급히 다가오는 구두 소리]‬ ‪(앵커) 속보입니다‬[tense music playing] [on TV] A guerilla protest broke out in front of Eunsung Department Store
‪조금 전 은성백화점 앞에서‬[on TV] A guerilla protest broke out in front of Eunsung Department Store
‪대규모 기습 집회가 발생했습니다‬[on TV] A guerilla protest broke out in front of Eunsung Department Store just a moment ago, demanding that Eunsung withdraw its decision to fire female temp workers
‪은성백화점‬ ‪비정규직 여성 노동자의‬demanding that Eunsung withdraw its decision to fire female temp workers
‪해고 철회를‬ ‪요구하는 시위인데요‬demanding that Eunsung withdraw its decision to fire female temp workers who worked at their department store…
‪[앵커 목소리가 작게 들린다]‬ ‪저게 지금 무슨 망측한 꼴이야!‬This is an embarrassment! How insolent!
‪죄송합니다‬I'm sorry, ma'am. Let me deal with it at once.
‪바로 내리겠습니다‬I'm sorry, ma'am. Let me deal with it at once.
‪[가쁜 숨소리]‬
‪(앵커) 현재 백화점 앞에는‬[on TV] The traffic has come to a halt
‪각종 여성단체와 시민 연대‬ ‪노동자 연합 등‬in front of the department store due to civic groups, women's rights groups, and labor unions
‪수많은 시민들이 대거 운집하며‬ ‪교통이 마비된 상태인데요‬women's rights groups, and labor unions who have gathered to protest against Eunsung's recent dismissal.
‪이들은 모두 백화점 비정규직‬ ‪여성 노동자들의 복직을‬who have gathered to protest against Eunsung's recent dismissal. They are demanding that Eunsung give the dismissed female workers their jobs back,
‪강력히 요구하며‬give the dismissed female workers their jobs back, and they are showing their support for Attorney Oh Kyung-sook.
‪오경숙 변호사에게‬ ‪힘을 실어주고 있습니다‬and they are showing their support for Attorney Oh Kyung-sook.
‪여성 노동자여! 일어나라‬Women, unite!
‪구독자 여러분, 안녕하십니까‬My dear subscribers,
‪정말로 반갑습니다‬I'm so happy to see my people, yeah.
‪네, 행동하는 여성들을 위한‬ ‪유튜브 채널‬I'm so happy to see my people, yeah. You're watching the YouTube channel for women,
‪오경숙의 우먼 파워!‬Oh Kyung-sook's Woman Power!
‪네, 저 오경숙‬ ‪생존 신고 드립니다‬I'm reporting to tell you that I am still making it way up here.
‪저 살아있습니다‬I'm reporting to tell you that I am still making it way up here.
‪죽지 않아!‬I'm reporting to tell you that I am still making it way up here. I'm not dead! Yay!
‪네!‬I'm not dead! Yay!
‪여러분‬Have a look.
‪이 구두 보이십니까?‬Have a look. Do you see this, women?
‪(경숙) 이 구두가‬ ‪백화점 비정규직 노동자들의‬This heel here is a luxury brand and cost more to buy
‪한 달 월급보다 훨씬 훨씬 더 비싼‬This heel here is a luxury brand and cost more to buy than what the workers in your expensive department store make within one month.
‪무슨 명품이라고 합니다‬than what the workers in your expensive department store make within one month.
‪그런데 이 사치스러운 구두를‬ ‪신고 다니는‬So who does this luxurious red-soled heel belong to, you ask.
‪그 장본인이 누구냐?‬So who does this luxurious red-soled heel belong to, you ask.
‪이름은 황도희‬Her name is Hwang Do-hee.
‪이 황도희‬And Hwang Do-hee is the one who cleans the Eun family's mess.
‪은씨 일가의 온갖 더러운 비리를‬ ‪다 빨아들이는…‬And Hwang Do-hee is the one who cleans the Eun family's mess. Piss. Crap. Their fixer.
‪(경숙) 뭐, 변기통입니까?‬ ‪그걸 다 빨아들이게?‬What is she, a toilet? They dump everything down on her.
‪저는 이제부터 이 황도희를‬ ‪황 변기라고 부르겠습니다‬I will now refer to Hwang Do-hee as "Toilet Hwang" from here on out.
‪[진중해지는 음악]‬ ‪[통화 연결음]‬[line ringing]
‪(강 팀장) 예, 실장님‬[Kang] Ms. Hwang?
‪IBC 것들 제정신이야?‬Has IBC gone crazy?
‪그걸 왜 생방으로 뿌리고 있는데?‬Why in the world are they broadcasting this?
‪[한숨]‬ ‪(강 팀장) 꼬라지 부리는 것‬ ‪같은데요, 광고 잘랐다고‬[Kang] I think they're getting back at us for pulling our ads.
‪함 국장, 이 인간‬[Kang] I think they're getting back at us for pulling our ads. -Ham, the Director, did this. -[Kang] What do we do, ma'am?
‪[한숨]‬ ‪(강 팀장) 실장님, 어떡하죠?‬-Ham, the Director, did this. -[Kang] What do we do, ma'am?
‪광고 원상 복귀 안 해주면‬They said they'll send a drone to the rooftop
‪백화점 옥상에 드론 카메라까지‬ ‪띄우겠다고 지금 난리를…‬They said they'll send a drone to the rooftop if we don't give them back the ads--
‪- (도희) 준다고 해, 두 배로‬ ‪- 예?‬-[Hwang] Tell them we'll double the ads. -What?
‪대신 내가 백화점 도착하기 전에‬ ‪뉴스 안 내리면‬That is, if they stop broadcasting before I arrive there,
‪국물도 없어‬or they won't get a penny.
‪100m 앞이야!‬Make it happen, fast!
‪[자동차 가속음]‬ ‪[긴박해지는 음악]‬[engine revs]
‪[타이어 마찰음]‬ ‪[시위 소리]‬[crowd shouting]
‪[시위대가 북을 치며 시위한다]‬[protesters shouting] -Our rights! Unite! -[overlapping voices] -Unite! -We need to unite! Stand together!
‪저기, 노조 관리 위원장이요‬He's head of the Union Negotiation Team.
‪(도희) 미쳤어, 당신?‬[Hwang] Have you lost your mind?
‪창립 기념일이 사흘도 안 남았는데‬Our anniversary is three days away. She's still up there, and the news is swarming everywhere.
‪저런 것 하나 못 내리고‬ ‪뉴스까지 도배하게 만들어?‬She's still up there, and the news is swarming everywhere.
‪- (도희) 당장 끌어 내려요‬ ‪- 저기, 실장님‬-Get her off that rooftop now. -Uh, ma'am.
‪저희도 그럴려고‬ ‪진짜 별 짓거리 다 했는데‬We've tried everything, but she's stated she'll jump if we don't hire them again.
‪전원 복직 안 하면‬ ‪뛰어내리겠다고 해서…‬We've tried everything, but she's stated she'll jump if we don't hire them again.
‪[헛웃음 치며] 그러라고 해‬Then let her do it.
‪(위원장) 만에 하나 진짜로‬ ‪뛰어내리면 일이 너무 커져서‬ ‪[유튜브 알림음]‬[man] It will be disastrous if she actually jumps.
‪오경숙 저 여자‬ ‪보통 또라이가 아니거든요‬[man] It will be disastrous if she actually jumps. -That woman, Oh Kyung-sook, is-- -Oh, if it isn't Miss Cinderella.
‪(남자) 어유, 우리 신데렐라 언니‬-That woman, Oh Kyung-sook, is-- -Oh, if it isn't Miss Cinderella.
‪빨리 오셨네요? 구두 찾을라고?‬You got here faster than expected. You must want your heel back.
‪내가 말했죠?‬Remember, I told you that you'd regret it, didn't I?
‪분명 후회할 일 생길 거라고‬Remember, I told you that you'd regret it, didn't I?
‪까불지 말고 당장 중단해‬I recommend you put that camera away.
‪요란하게 굴어봤자 니들한테‬ ‪좋을 거 하나 없을 테니까‬You're only going to make the situation worse unless you stop that.
‪좋을 게 왜 없습니까?‬I can't agree with you on that.
‪온 국민의 이목이‬ ‪우리한테 집중됐는데‬We have the entire country watching what I'm filming right now.
‪이거 지금 완전 초대박 컨…‬ ‪[유튜브 알림음]‬This is some seriously great materi-- Oh man!
‪구독자 70만 명 돌파!‬The channel now has 700k subscribers!
‪와! 이게 얼마 만이냐?‬Wow, how long has it been?
‪[멀리서 들리는 시위 소리]‬Wow, how long has it been? [slurping]
‪와, 진짜‬Oh, so good!
‪라면은‬Ramen is the best!
‪사랑입니다!‬Ramen is the best!
‪네, 사랑해요, 여러분!‬Ramen is the best! There is nothing better!
‪와! 진짜 찐이다!‬Oh, so yummy!
‪아, 네, 근데‬ ‪제가 이렇게 좀 급히 먹어가지고‬Hold on. I think… I ate way too rapidly, and now my stomach has started rumbling a bit.
‪지금 조금…‬I ate way too rapidly, and now my stomach has started rumbling a bit.
‪네, 저도 사람인지라‬ ‪네, 신호가 좀 오고 있습니다‬I ate way too rapidly, and now my stomach has started rumbling a bit. I am only human, after all.
‪네, 여러분, 잠시만 쉬었다가‬ ‪2부에서 계속하겠습니다‬Let's take a little break, and I'll see you in part two of this special update.
‪네, 오경숙의 우먼 파워!‬and I'll see you in part two of this special update. Be back soon on Woman Power.
‪[꾸르륵]‬ ‪아, 아우, 배야‬-[stomach rumbling] -Oh, time-out!
‪으!‬ ‪[숨을 들이마신다]‬[groans]
‪[힘주는 신음]‬Stand up.
‪아우, 배 아파라‬ ‪[힘든 숨소리]‬[groans]
‪쇼맨십이 대단하시네‬You're quite an amazing actress.
‪괄약근에 힘주는 게‬ ‪여기서도 보이는데‬You still did that bit, although your sphincter is already visibly strained.
‪그 와중에 예고까지?‬You still did that bit, although your sphincter is already visibly strained.
‪[옅은 웃음]‬[sighs]
‪아, 이게 누구십니까?‬ ‪네, 안녕하십니까?‬Well, who do we have here? Hello there.
‪황변 맞으시죠?‬Toilet Hwang, right?
‪네, 저는 오경숙 변호사니까, 오변‬I'm Attorney Oh Kyung-sook. Nice to meet you.
‪그쪽은 은씨 일가 변기통이니까‬It's my understanding that Eunsung's owners use you as their toilet,
‪네, 황변!‬It's my understanding that Eunsung's owners use you as their toilet, so I'll call you Toilet Hwang. [laughs, snorts]
‪[경숙 코웃음]‬so I'll call you Toilet Hwang. [laughs, snorts]
‪[숨을 들이쉰다]‬ ‪[구두를 내던진다]‬
‪오경숙 씨‬Oh Kyung-sook, listen.
‪지금 당신 죄목이‬ ‪몇 개인지 알아요?‬You must realize how many laws you've broken.
‪(도희) 영업 방해‬Obstruction of business, violations of the assembly and demonstration act,
‪건물 불법 점거‬Obstruction of business, violations of the assembly and demonstration act,
‪공갈, 협박, 집시법 위반‬unlawful occupation of the building, and blackmail.
‪노동 운동도 좋고‬ ‪여성 인권도 좋은데‬Women's rights and workers' rights are very important,
‪밥은 지키셔야지, 변호사 양반이‬but I would think an attorney would abide by the law.
‪저기, 황변 씨, 지금 나한테…‬Listen, Toilet Hwang. You're seriously… [laughing]
‪[헛웃음]‬You're seriously… [laughing]
‪법 들이미신 거예요? 네?‬You really just brought up the law with me? Huh?
‪그러면 어디‬Then how about we go over the laws that you've broken as well, shall we?
‪당신들이 저지른 불법도‬ ‪한번 읊어드려요? 네?‬Then how about we go over the laws that you've broken as well, shall we?
‪첫 번째‬Number one.
‪일방적인 해고로 인한‬ ‪근로기준법 위반‬You've seriously violated the labor law with your unfair dismissal.
‪두 번째‬with your unfair dismissal.
‪시위의 자유에 대한‬ ‪방해 금지 조항 위반‬Two, violating our right to protest freely. Three, violating the employment discrimination act.
‪세 번째, 근로자에 대한‬ ‪차별 금지법 위반‬Three, violating the employment discrimination act. And finally, blackmail and bribery against the workers.
‪근로자에 대한 어… 공갈, 협박‬And finally, blackmail and bribery against the workers. I see you're very smart.
‪- (경숙) 뇌물 수수…‬ ‪- 생각보다 똑똑하네‬I see you're very smart.
‪우리 회사로 스카웃해도 되겠어‬I see you're very smart. Smart enough to come work for us.
‪[한숨] 근데‬[sighs] Question for you. Why on earth would you live like that?
‪왜 그렇게 사시는 거예요? 네?‬[sighs] Question for you. Why on earth would you live like that?
‪아니, 그렇게 몸 바쳐서‬ ‪회사에 충성한다고‬I mean, will the Eunsung owners even listen to you,
‪은씨 일가가 그 황변을‬ ‪인정해 줄 것 같으세요?‬I mean, will the Eunsung owners even listen to you, after your sacrifice and loyalty to the company?
‪세상이 그렇지가 않아요‬That's not how the world works. I see…
‪아‬That's not how the world works. I see…
‪은실 일가한테 이쁨받으려고‬ ‪지금 막 이렇게 순진한 척? 어?‬Are you pretending to be naive so that they would like you more?
‪그런 수작 부리시는 거예요?‬-Is that the trick you're pulling here? -[laughs]
‪[도희 웃음]‬-Is that the trick you're pulling here? -[laughs]
‪오경숙 씨야말로‬ ‪수작 부리는 거 같은데?‬Oh, Ms. Oh, you appear to be the one pulling the tricks here.
‪이번 기회에 얼굴 제대로 알려서‬Oh, Ms. Oh, you appear to be the one pulling the tricks here. You're pulling a dirty trick to get city council back,
‪시의원 한 번 더‬ ‪해 먹으려는 개수작?‬You're pulling a dirty trick to get city council back, and that's the real reason for this stunt.
‪[긴장감 있는 음악]‬ ‪[한숨]‬[inhales deeply, exhales]
‪다음 선거 때까지 월 천씩‬You could make a triumphant return in style.
‪지역구에 3억 정도 깔아주면‬ ‪폼 나게 복귀할 수 있을 테고‬If we have you spending 300 million won on the district, ten million each month,
‪도서관이랑 체육관 정도 지어주면‬ ‪그다음 번엔‬and if we build a library and a gym for this specific neighborhood,
‪여의도 입성도 가능할 것 같은데‬you might even end up making it all the way to Yeouido.
‪그렇게 만들어 주겠다고‬I can make it all happen for you.
‪[음악이 잦아든다]‬
‪아우, 황 실장님‬Aww, come on. Really?
‪진작 이렇게 나오셨어야죠‬This is how you should've been from the start.
‪아우, 진짜, 내 맘도 몰라주고‬My God! And here I was thinking that you didn't know what I wanted.
‪막 되게 이상한 소리만 하셔 갖고‬My God! And here I was thinking that you didn't know what I wanted.
‪어우, 너무 속이 탔잖아요!‬Gosh, I was getting so anxious!
‪아, 진짜‬ ‪[웃음]‬Oh, goodness. [laughs]
‪이럴 줄 알았니? 어?‬Is that what you expected, huh?
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬Is that what you expected, huh? [dramatic music playing]
‪개수작이야, 이게 무슨?‬Those are your dirty tricks. Really?
‪지금 막 나가자는 거야? 어?‬You wanna start a fight, huh?
‪뚫린 입이라고 지금 막말이야?‬ ‪여기서?‬You think you can spew nonsense with that mouth here?
‪그럼 이러는 이유가 뭔데?‬Then why are you doing this, really?
‪좋은 세상 만들라고‬To make the world better.
‪너 같은 것들이 못 설치는‬ ‪그런 좋은 세상, 됐어?‬A better world where people like you won't have a say. Does that explain it?
‪오경숙 씨가 여기서‬ ‪하룻밤 보낼 때마다‬You will be fined 5.8 million won for every day you stay on top of this roof.
‪580만 원씩 벌금이 붙어요‬You will be fined 5.8 million won for every day you stay on top of this roof.
‪오늘까지 정확히‬ ‪4억 5천 8백 20만 원!‬You already owe a fine of 458.2 million won in total!
‪소송 들어가면‬ ‪그 어떤 법적 보호도 못 받아요‬The law won't be able to protect you, even if we take this into a courtroom.
‪오히려 본인 때문에‬ ‪노조가 크게 다치겠지‬You'll only end up harming the union. And then, because they brought in an outsider,
‪외부인을 노조 협상에 끌어들여‬ ‪업무 방해까지 했으니까!‬And then, because they brought in an outsider, all process of negotiation will stall.
‪개나발‬Enough with your bullshit threats.
‪그만 부시고요‬Enough with your bullshit threats.
‪[속삭이며] 꺼지세요‬Get outta here.
‪(경숙) 아, 배 아퍼‬[groans] My stomach!
‪[아픈 신음]‬
‪[힘겨운 신음]‬[continues moaning]
‪[힘겨운 신음]‬[continues moaning]
‪오경숙 씨‬Oh Kyung-sook.
‪더 버텨 봤자 본인만 손해니까‬ ‪억지 그만 부리고‬Stop being so stubborn. If this continues, it'll come back to hurt you--
‪- (도희) 현실적으로…‬ ‪- 아씨, 진짜!‬You're telling me
‪현실은 뭐…‬to get a grip?
‪(경숙) 현실?‬Get a grip?
‪이게 니 현실이다‬Here's something for you to get a grip on.
‪[오물 떨어지는 소리]‬ ‪[음악이 뚝 멈춘다]‬-[grunts] -[gasps]
‪(강 팀장) 다음은 면세점‬ ‪종합 관리 용역‬[Kang] Up next is how we'll choose the company to manage our duty-free shop.
‪도급업체 선정 절차입니다‬[Kang] Up next is how we'll choose the company to manage our duty-free shop. Human resources will start taking in applications from January 14th, 2023.
‪인사 관리부에서‬Human resources will start taking in applications from January 14th, 2023.
‪23년 1월 14일부터‬ ‪입찰업체 공고를 낼 예정이고‬Human resources will start taking in applications from January 14th, 2023.
‪그에 맞춰 기획실에서는‬ ‪내정 업체 두세 곳에‬Human resources will start taking in applications from January 14th, 2023. And the marketing department has also contacted a few companies we have eyes on.
‪컨택을 해둔 상황입니다‬And the marketing department has also contacted a few companies we have eyes on.
‪창립 기념일 행사 준비는?‬And the ceremony for our anniversary?
‪준비는 전부 끝났고‬ ‪현재 경기점에서 리허설 중입니다‬Everything is being done, and we're rehearsing at Gyeonggi branch.
‪상무님 관련 보도 자료 배포는?‬And the press release regarding Director Eun?
‪지시하신 대로‬As you've instructed,
‪창립 기념일 식품관‬ ‪무료 개방 행사를 기점으로…‬we have it scheduled to coincide with the free opening of our food court--
‪- 몇 개?‬ ‪- 방송, 지면, 온라인 포함‬-How many? -We've sent them out to over 20 outlets.
‪총 26개 매체입니다‬-How many? -We've sent them out to over 20 outlets. Mostly TV networks.
‪- 온라인 쪽 관리 철저히 해‬ ‪- 네, 알겠습니다‬Keep a tight rein on the online reactions. -Understood, ma'am. -What about IBC?
‪IBC는?‬-Understood, ma'am. -What about IBC?
‪광고 추가 계약 건으로‬We arranged a meeting tomorrow morning on the ads.
‪내일 오전에‬ ‪함 국장 미팅 잡았습니다‬We arranged a meeting tomorrow morning on the ads. And the removal of the head of reporting?
‪보도 국장 경질은?‬And the removal of the head of reporting?
‪아, 죄송합니다‬ ‪저, 거기까진…‬I'm sorry. I forgot about that.
‪그 난리를 쳐놓고‬ ‪광고를 생으로 받아먹겠대?‬After what he did to us, does he intend to still get those ads?
‪함 국장한테 전해‬Tell Director Ham
‪[한숨]‬ ‪우리 돈 받아먹으면서‬ ‪편하게 자리 보존하고 싶으면‬if he wants to keep his cushy job and take our money, he'd better give up his right-hand person.
‪오른팔이라도 내놓으라고‬he'd better give up his right-hand person.
‪(강 팀장) 예, 알겠습니다‬[Kang] Yes, ma'am.
‪- 강 팀장‬ ‪- 예‬-Mr. Kang, stay back. -Yes, ma'am.
‪백화점 옥상 끌어 내려‬Get her off the rooftop now.
‪회장님 방식으로‬Use the Chairperson's method.
‪[음산한 음악]‬ ‪아, 실장님, 그거 실장님이‬ ‪원하지 않으시는 방식이 아니신…‬-We have no other options. -But you don't like such methods.
‪그럼 다른 방법 있어?‬The anniversary is coming up.
‪창립 기념일이 코앞인데‬We don't have the time to sweet-talk her into compliance.
‪사람대접해 주면서 어르고 달래게?‬We don't have the time to sweet-talk her into compliance.
‪물어뜯는 것밖에 할 줄 모르는‬ ‪미친개를‬She's like a mad dog who only knows how to bite people.
‪(강 팀장) 그건 아니지만‬I'll prep the enforcement squad. If this goes wrong, then we--
‪그 만에 하나라도 일이 잘못되면…‬I'll prep the enforcement squad. If this goes wrong, then we-- Take extra precautions with security then.
‪그러니까 보안 각별히 신경 써‬Take extra precautions with security then.
‪내리는 그 순간까지‬ ‪쥐도 새도 모르게‬Make sure no one finds out before she's removed from there.
‪(강 팀장) 예, 알겠습니다‬[Kang] Yes, ma'am.
‪[휴대폰 진동]‬[cell phone vibrates]
‪[휴대폰을 탁 닫는다]‬
‪[느긋한 음악]‬[gentle piano music playing]
‪[문이 닫힌다]‬-[door closes] -[sighs]
‪[한숨]‬ ‪[잔을 내려놓는다]‬-[door closes] -[sighs]
‪차가 좀 막혔습니다‬-I'm sorry. There was a traffic jam. -Ms. Hwang.
‪(재민) 아, 실장님‬-I'm sorry. There was a traffic jam. -Ms. Hwang.
‪[재민 한숨]‬[Baek exhales]
‪죄송해요‬[Baek] I'm sorry for asking you to meet me so late when you're so busy.
‪가뜩이나 정신없으실 텐데‬ ‪이 시간에 뵙자고 해서‬[Baek] I'm sorry for asking you to meet me so late when you're so busy.
‪아닙니다‬Not to worry.
‪좀 마셨어요‬I've had a few drinks.
‪이 시간에 집에 들어가기도 뭐하고‬I didn't want to go back home at this time,
‪맨정신에 잠도 안 올 것 같고 해서‬and I probably won't get any sleep if I'm sober.
‪[잔이 달각거린다]‬and I probably won't get any sleep if I'm sober.
‪오늘 같은 날은‬ ‪혼술이 더 위험하죠‬Drinking alone is dangerous on a day like this one.
‪생각도 많아지고‬It will make you worry more
‪자제력도 없어지고‬and lose control of yourself.
‪[재민이 숨을 내쉰다]‬
‪그러게요‬You're right.
‪뭐‬So, what's with you?
‪상의하실 일이라도…‬So, what's with you?
‪실장님‬Ms. Hwang.
‪협박당하고 있는 것 같아요‬I think I'm being blackmailed.
‪[불길한 음악]‬[intriguing music playing]
‪(이슬) 이사장님‬[I-seul] Mr. Baek, your speech today was amazing.
‪오늘 연설 정말 멋지셨습니다‬[I-seul] Mr. Baek, your speech today was amazing.
‪여운이 너무 강렬하게 남아서‬I was so moved by it that I don't think I'll get any sleep tonight.
‪오늘 밤은 한숨도 못 잘 것 같아요‬I was so moved by it that I don't think I'll get any sleep tonight.
‪저랑 산책하실래요?‬Would you like to go on a walk with me?
‪[메시지 수신음]‬
‪(재민) 혹시‬ ‪컵라면 가진 거 있어요?‬[Baek] You have any instant noodles? I hardly got to eat anything at dinner, trying to keep up appearances.
‪저녁 일정 때 격식 차린다고‬ ‪먹는 척만 했더니…‬I hardly got to eat anything at dinner, trying to keep up appearances.
‪(이슬) 네, 네!‬ ‪바로 배달해 드릴게요‬[I-seul] Yes, I do. I'll bring them right over.
‪[메시지 수신음]‬[cell phone chimes]
‪(이슬) 이사장님‬[I-seul] Mr. Baek,
‪밤에 방으로 가도 될까요?‬can I come visit you in your room tonight?
‪[메시지 수신음]‬[cell phone chimes]
‪(이슬) 이사장님‬[I-seul] Mr. Baek,
‪저 방문 앞이에요‬I'm standing outside your door.
‪(재민) 이슬 씨‬[Baek] I-seul,
‪더 이상 스케줄에‬ ‪동행하지 않아도 돼요‬you don't need to accompany me on my schedules anymore.
‪(이슬) 저 보직 변경‬ ‪원하지 않습니다‬[I-seul] I don't want to be transferred to a different position.
‪이사장님 옆에 있고 싶어요‬I want to be by your side.
‪저는 지금 여자로서‬ ‪너무나 수치스러운 마음 때문에‬Because of the humiliation you made me feel as a woman,
‪숨도 제대로 쉬어지질 않습니다‬I'm barely managing to breathe.
‪저를 짓밟으신 대가를‬ ‪톡톡히 치르셔야 할 거예요‬You will pay for what you did to me.
‪서울 돌아가는 대로‬Once we return to Seoul,
‪미투하겠습니다‬I'll join the MeToo movement and publicize what you did.
‪이사장님께‬I'll tell everyone
‪성폭행당했다고‬that you sexually assaulted me.
‪[느긋한 술집 음악이 작게 들린다]‬
‪어디까지가 팩트고‬How much of this is true?
‪어디부터가 협박인가요?‬Is any of this here the truth?
‪아주 잠깐이었지만‬It was a brief thing.
‪그 아이한테 마음을 줬던 건‬ ‪사실이에요‬But it's true that I had feelings for her.
‪마음을 주는 게 살 섞는 거보다‬At times, having feelings for another woman
‪훨씬 더 가혹한 배신일 수 있죠‬can be a much worse betrayal than an actual affair.
‪알아요‬I know.
‪저한테 실망하신 거‬You're disappointed in me.
‪[숨을 들이쉰다]‬
‪이사장님‬Mr. Baek--
‪(재민) 근데‬ ‪[한숨]‬[Baek sighs] But…
‪이건 너무 억울하잖아요‬[sighs] This isn't fair for me.
‪내가 지금까지 어떻게 버텼는데‬You know what I had to put up with all those years?
‪성폭행이라니‬Sexual assault?
‪마음 뺏긴 대가로 치기에는‬Isn't that too harsh of a price to pay…
‪너무 가혹하지 않나요?‬for having feelings for her?
‪[휴대폰을 내려놓는다]‬
‪정말 마지막 선은‬ ‪넘지 않으신 거죠?‬Are you telling me you didn't cross that line with her?
‪네‬I didn't.
‪제 딸들을 걸고 맹세합니다‬I swear on the dear lives of my daughters.
‪[잔을 든다]‬
‪[잔을 내려놓는다]‬ ‪[한숨]‬[exhales]
‪일어나시죠‬We should go.
‪[잔을 민다]‬
‪하룻밤 불장난으로 치기도‬ ‪허무한 일에 시간 낭비 마시고‬There's no need to waste your time when it wasn't even a one-night stand.
‪[도희 한숨]‬
‪더 하실 말씀 없으시면‬ ‪먼저 일어나겠습니다‬I'll get going if you don't have anything else to discuss.
‪할 일이 좀 남아서‬I still have some work to get back to.
‪(재민) 감사해요‬[Baek] Thank you.
‪저 믿어줘서‬For believing me.
‪[문이 닫힌다]‬
‪[컵을 내려놓는다]‬
‪차 한잔해‬Have a seat.
‪어젠 내가 잔소리만 한 거 같아서‬I feel like yesterday I did nothing but scold you.
‪이번 출장에서‬ ‪곧잘 했다고 들었는데‬I heard you did well on your business trip with Mr. Baek.
‪내가 경황이 없었네‬I was so busy, I forgot about that.
‪아닙니다‬I do what I can.
‪좋게 봐주셔서 감사합니다‬You are very kind to be mentioning it.
‪자기는 문제없는 거지?‬You're doing fine. Right?
‪[도희 옅은 웃음]‬[Hwang chuckles]
‪지금 선배가 아니라‬I'm asking you that as a woman, not as your senior colleague.
‪같은 여자로서 물어보는 거야‬I'm asking you that as a woman, not as your senior colleague.
‪(도희) 정말‬ ‪내가 도울 일 없는 거니?‬Are you sure there's nothing I can help you with?
‪[리모컨을 집어 든다]‬
‪[리모컨 조작음]‬
‪이사장님 문제니?‬Is this about Mr. Baek?
‪일방적으로 당한 거야?‬Did he force himself on you?
‪컵라면이 드시고 싶다고 하셔서‬ ‪갖다드렸는데‬He wanted some instant noodles, which I took to his suite. Then…
‪갑자기 절 침대로 넘어뜨려서…‬I went inside and got pushed on the bed.
‪기운 내자‬ ‪[이슬이 훌쩍인다]‬Pull yourself together.
‪[이슬이 훌쩍인다]‬ ‪어머니 생각해서라도‬For your mother.
‪(도희) 어머니가‬ ‪고생 많이 하셨을 거 같던데‬She must have gone through a lot raising three children alone.
‪혼자 삼남매 키우시느라‬She must have gone through a lot raising three children alone.
‪덩달아 자기도 힘들었겠지‬I'm sure you didn't have it any easier.
‪(도희) 그 비싼 사립대 등록금을‬ ‪혼자서 다 벌어서 내고‬You've managed to pay your way through that private university on your own
‪알바로 생활비까지 감당하고‬and pay your own living expenses too.
‪[이슬이 훌쩍인다]‬
‪백도 끈도 하나 없이‬ ‪이 대단한 회사에‬ ‪[숨을 들이쉰다]‬And you've managed to get into such a great company without any connections either.
‪취업까지‬ ‪[숨을 내쉰다]‬without any connections either.
‪정말 대견해, 아니‬I'm so proud… No.
‪존경스러워, 같은 여자로서‬I have tremendous respect for you as a woman.
‪근데 이제부턴‬But starting now,
‪내가 상사 입장에서 한번‬ ‪얘기해 볼게‬let me tell you my honest opinion as your superior.
‪이거…‬I didn't
‪제가 보낸 게 아닌데‬ ‪[도희의 코웃음]‬send these messages. -I… -[scoffs]
‪그럼 이걸‬ ‪누가 조작이라도 했다는 거야?‬Are you telling me someone fabricated them then?
‪네 이름, 네 전화번호, 네가‬ ‪보낸 시간까지 다 나와 있는데‬It has your name, number, and even the time stamps to prove it was you.
‪아니요‬That's not… I tell you, I never sent those messages.
‪저 이런 거 보낸 적 없어요‬That's not… I tell you, I never sent those messages.
‪- 제가 당했다고요‬ ‪- 너 술집 나갔었다며?‬-I did nothing of the sort-- -Is it true you worked at a hostess bar?
‪[태블릿 PC를 집어 든다]‬
‪[태블릿 PC를 내민다]‬
‪이걸 어떻게…‬How did you get…
‪밤새 벼락치기 좀 했지‬ ‪너란 아이에 대해서‬I stayed up all night looking into everything about you.
‪대체 무슨 깡으로‬I wanted to find out how you would have the guts to blackmail Mr. Baek like that.
‪이사장님한테‬ ‪그런 협박을 하나 궁금했거든‬I wanted to find out how you would have the guts to blackmail Mr. Baek like that.
‪근데‬But then…
‪답이 나오더라‬I found my answer.
‪그 예쁜 몸으로‬You used to make your living off men,
‪남자 이용해 먹는 게‬ ‪직업인 아이였어, 넌‬using that pretty, young body of yours.
‪아니에요‬That's not true!
‪그건 방학 때 잠깐‬That was the past. Just one summer.
‪등록금 벌려고…‬So I could pay the tuition.
‪그리고 거긴 그냥 바였어요‬And the thing is that it was just an ordinary bar--
‪그래, 그냥 바에서 담백하게‬ ‪웃음을 팔았다고 치자‬Fine. Let's say it was an ordinary bar where you only chatted with customers.
‪술집에서 남자 손님들을‬ ‪상대하며 번 돈으로‬A new employee who made it into the Eunsung Group by working at a bar,
‪명문대를 졸업하고‬chatting up men in order to pay for her school tuition
‪은성그룹에 입사한 신입 사원이‬chatting up men in order to pay for her school tuition falsely accuses CEO Baek Jae-min, the husband of Director Eun Chae-ryoung,
‪은채령 상무의 남편‬ ‪백재민 이사장에게‬falsely accuses CEO Baek Jae-min, the husband of Director Eun Chae-ryoung, of sexually assaulting her. But wait. There's even more.
‪성폭행을 당했다며‬ ‪거짓 협박을 가한다‬of sexually assaulting her. But wait. There's even more. Then comes blackmail.
‪(도희) 이 워딩 그대로‬ ‪기사 나가면‬Would anyone believe your MeToo story if an article like this gets published?
‪사람들이 네 미투를 믿어줄까?‬Would anyone believe your MeToo story if an article like this gets published?
‪저 미투 같은 거 할 생각 없습니다‬I've had no intention to go public.
‪- 그럴 용기도 없고요‬ ‪- 당연히 그렇겠지‬I couldn't do that. Of course not, since it was a fabricated story
‪순전히 협박할 목적으로‬ ‪꾸며낸 일이니까‬Of course not, since it was a fabricated story you made up to blackmail Baek Jae-min.
‪너도 지금 그거 인정한 거잖니‬And now you just admitted to it.
‪사표 써‬You must resign.
‪(도희) 그럼 조용히‬ ‪무마해 줄 테니까‬Then we'll let all of this slide.
‪[도희가 일어난다]‬
‪퇴직금이라도 건져야‬You'll need your severance pay
‪효녀 노릇 하지?‬ ‪[이슬의 가쁜 숨소리]‬to be a good daughter.
‪실장님!‬Ms. Hwang, wait!
‪그럼 사실 그대로 보도 자료‬ ‪배포하고 법적 조치 들어갈까?‬Or should I have the facts about you published and take legal action?
‪무고에 협박에 술집 출신 과거까지‬Blackmail, false accusation, and your past about working at a bar…
‪감당할 수 있겠어?‬Can you handle the public shame?
‪[이슬 한숨]‬
‪(이슬) 없던 일로 하겠습니다‬[I-seul] I won't bring this up ever again.
‪출장지에서 있었던 일‬I'll let the whole thing go.
‪전부 잊어버리고‬Everything that happened.
‪죽은 듯이 조용히 지낼 테니까‬I'll just live quietly, like I died.
‪죽은 듯이가 아니라‬You don't need to pretend.
‪넌 지금 죽은 거야‬You basically have just died
‪이 조직 안에서‬within Eunsung Group.
‪(도희) 짐 싸‬ ‪오늘 퇴근 시간 전까지‬Have your things packed before the end of the day.
‪[가쁜 숨소리]‬
‪저, 선배님‬Ji-yeon, wait. I wanna--
‪미안‬I'm sorry.
‪회의가 있어서‬I really gotta go.
‪[구두 소리]‬[footsteps approaching]
‪지시하셨던 서울시장‬ ‪해임 관련 자료입니다‬Here are all the materials in regards to removing the mayor.
‪[태블릿 PC를 펼친다]‬
‪사재곤 시장에 대한 약점은‬ ‪싹 다 긁은 거고?‬Is this all the dirt we have on Mayor Sa Jae-gon?
‪가족은?‬And his family?
‪서치 중입니다‬We're trying to find more.
‪사모님에 대한‬ ‪찌라시가 꽤 많아서‬There's many rumors regarding his wife. We're checking to see how true--
‪팩트 체크하고…‬There's many rumors regarding his wife. We're checking to see how true--
‪팩트인지 아닌지는‬ ‪내가 판단할 테니까‬I'll decide whether they're facts or not. Put together as much info as you can.
‪최대한 많이 수집해‬I'll decide whether they're facts or not. Put together as much info as you can.
‪알겠습니다‬I understand.
‪저, 근데 실장님‬I wanted to ask you.
‪한이슬…‬Regarding Han I-seul…
‪[옅은 한숨]‬ ‪[태블릿 PC를 닫는다]‬
‪[구두 소리]‬ ‪[문이 열린다]‬
‪[태블릿 PC를 내려놓는다]‬ ‪[문이 닫힌다]‬
‪[한숨]‬ ‪[휴대폰 진동]‬[cell phone vibrating]
‪네, 회장님‬Yes, Ms. Son.
‪네, 지금 출발하겠습니다‬Yes, ma'am. I'm on my way now.
‪[휴대폰을 닫는다]‬
‪[전화기 버튼을 누른다]‬ ‪차 대기시켜‬-[beep] -Get the car ready to go.

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