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  청춘기록 1

Record of Youth 1


… ‪[떨리는 숨소리]


현재 대기 중인 ‪수상 구조대에게 부탁드립니다

I would like to ask the rescue squad on standby

방금 보신 추락 지점에서 ‪즉시 수색 작업 시작해 주십시오

to immediately start searching the point of the fall you just saw.

분명 생존자가 있을 겁니다

I’m sure there are survivors.

전원 구조할 수도 있습니다 ‪제발 빨리 가서 찾아 주시기 바랍니다

You can save all of them. Please hurry and find them.


Mr. Park No-gyu.


Mr. Park No-gyu.

사과니 뭐니 이딴 소리 하더니 ‪이러고 전화 끊으면 끝이야?

You wanted an apology from the President, but you hung up. Is this it now?


Is it?

 어차피 죽일 생각이었지?

You were going to kill anyway, right?

‪[제작진이 키보드를 달칵 누른다]

‪(감독) ‪괜찮은데?

I like it.

하정우하고  다른 맛이야

His version is different from Ha Jung-woo’s.

아까도 말했지만  해효가  나아요

As I told you before, I think Hae-hyo’s version is better.

 이름은 뭔데?

What’s this guy’s name?

‪( PD) ‪인간적으로 우리 ‪이름도 모르는  뽑지 말자고요

Let’s be real. We don't even know his name. Why cast him, then?

이름 뭐냐고

What’s his name?

‪[흥미진진한 음악] ‪[카메라 셔터음이 연신 울린다]


‪- (보라안에 있죠? ‪- 아무도 들이지 말라고 했습니다

-He’s inside, right? -No one is allowed inside.


 아무 아니에요

I’m not just anyone.

‪(보라) ‪메이크업 아티스트 이보라예요

I’m the makeup artist, Lee Bo-ra.



지금 닿았네요?

You just touched me.

이거 성추행이거든요

This is sexual harassment.

‪[흥미로운 음악]



팩트를 알려 줄까요?

Care to go over the facts?

‪[도하의 한숨]

오늘 여기에 아무도 들이지 

Don’t let anyone inside,

특히 이보라

especially Lee Bo-ra.

거머리 같아거머리

She’s like a leech.

아주 그냥 징그러워 죽겠어

I'm really sick of her.


‪(도하) ‪근데  어디서 많이 봤다?

By the way, you look familiar.

어디서 봤지?

Where have I seen you?

알았으니까 비키세요

I got it. Just move out of my way.

그런데도 들어가겠다고요?

You still want to go in?

‪(보라) ‪ 연애는 내가 끝내요

I’ll be the one who ends this relationship.


-Can't I go in? -No.

 돼요 ‪오더받은 대로 해야 돼요

-Can't I go in? -No. I must follow my orders.

‪[보라의 한숨]

하지만 예외는 있죠

But there’s an exception

제가 힘으로 이길  없으면요

if I'm physically unable to stop you.

‪[도하의 아파하는 신음]

우리 그래도 5년을 만났잖아

We dated for five years.

‪[문이  닫힌다] ‪(보라) ‪헤어지는  받아들이는  어려워서

It was hard to process our breakup, so I know I’ve been clingy.

 찌질하게 굴었다고

It was hard to process our breakup, so I know I’ve been clingy.

이렇게까지 사람을 ‪쓰레기 취급해야 ?

But did you really have to treat me like some trash?

‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]


그래서  어떻게  달라고?

So what do you want from me?

‪(보라) ‪이제 헤어져

Let's break up.

네가 아니라 내가 끝내는 거야

I’m ending this relationship, not you.

 보면 패고 싶어서

Whenever I see you, I want to punch you.

네가 아무리 맞을 짓을 해도 ‪때리면  되잖아

Even if you do deserve to be punched, I shouldn’t be violent

 좋은 사람이니까

because I’m a good person. You’re completely full of yourself.

이거 아주 자기 미화 작렬이네!

You’re completely full of yourself.

‪[떨리는 숨소리]

‪(도하) ‪ ‪[문이 달칵 열린다]


‪[카메라 셔터음이 연신 울린다]

‪[도하의 한숨]

‪(도하) ‪

Hey. Hey. What do you think you're doing?

  하는 새끼야?

Hey. What do you think you're doing?

내가  들이지 말라고 했어 했어?

Didn’t I tell you to not let her inside?

막느라 최선을 다했습니다

I tried my best to stop her.

‪[한숨 쉬며] ‪최선

Your best?


Your best?

‪[흥미진진한 음악]

-Blood? -You looked familiar,

 낯이 많이 익어서 ‪내가 검색   봤어

-Blood? -You looked familiar, so I looked you up earlier.

‪(도하) ‪모델이더라?

You’re a model. It looked like you had a decent career.

아니무대도  섰던데 ‪어쩌다가 이렇게 됐냐?

You’re a model. It looked like you had a decent career. But what happened to your life?


But what happened to your life?

어쩌다 이렇게 됐냐고?

What happened?

‪(혜준) ‪내가 어때서?

What? What’s wrong with my life?

반말해서 놀랐냐?

What? I can't talk casually?

나도 검색해 봤더니 나랑 동갑이더라

What? I can't talk casually? I looked you up, too. It turns out we’re the same age.

‪[헛웃음] ‪(혜준) ‪갑끼리  까자

I looked you up, too. It turns out we’re the same age. So let’s forget about honorifics. You started it first.

먼저 시작했잖아

So let’s forget about honorifics. You started it first.

  새끼가 이게 아주 미친놈이구나?

You’ve got to be out of your mind!

‪[의미심장한 효과음]

‪(혜준) ‪ 꿈은 지금  앞에  있는 놈이다

My dream is to have what this jerk has.

‪[혜준의 아파하는 신음]

‪[연신 퍽퍽 맞는다] ‪[힘주는 숨소리]

Even a jerk like him can make it here.

이런 놈도 되는데

Even a jerk like him can make it here.

나에게 주어진 시간은 ‪얼마 남지 않았다

But I don’t have much time left.

‪[힘주는 신음]

‪[옅은 신음]



‪[입소리를  낸다]

‪[발랄한 음악]



‪[리드미컬한 음악이 흘러나온다]

‪(무진) ‪그렇지 ‪[카메라 셔터음이 연신 울린다]

Yes. That's it.

보면서깊게 보면서

Look into the camera. Gaze into it.


That's it.

‪"원해요 스타일 ‪설명"

Great job. Nice.

‪(무진) ‪좋았어좋아

Great job. Nice.



-There you go. -Yes. Here we go. It's the last one!


We're done.

‪(해효) ‪운동  해라

You need to exercise.

‪(진우) ‪아유밤마다 조깅하자고 부르지  

You need to exercise. Stop calling me in the middle of the night for a run.

‪(해효) ‪우리가 괜히 그러냐?

We have our reasons. Your cholesterol level is high.

콜레스테롤 수치 높잖아

Your cholesterol level is high.

제발 자기 관리  

Please take care of yourself.

‪(진우) ‪  내가 알아서  테니까 ‪너는  몸이나 알아서 하셔

I’ll take care of my health. So you just take care of yours.

아니면 우리 같이 알아서  볼까?

Or why don't we just take care of ourselves?

‪(해효) ‪정신 차려

Wake up, man.

‪(진우) ‪그래도 내가 너희들보다 나은  ‪하나는 있다인마

But there’s one thing I have the upper hand over you guys.

‪(해효) ‪하나만 있겠냐둘도 있고 셋도 있지

It’s not just one. You have about three.

‪(진우) ‪어쩜 우리 해효는 이렇게 ‪말도 이쁘게 할까?

You sure have a way with words, don’t you?

군대도  갔다  녀석이

You didn’t even serve in the military.

오늘도 진우는 1 1군대 했습니다

That was Jin-u's daily mention of his military service.

‪[휴대전화 진동음]

‪(진우) ‪혜준이다, SNS 올렸어

That must be Hye-jun. He posted a photo.

‪'아니다' 500 건다

I bet 500 won he didn’t.

 팔로워  ‪엄청 많이 늘었더라

Hey, you got a lot of followers now.

‪(진우) ‪네가 유승호랑 최진혁보다도 ‪훨씬  많아

You have more followers than Yoo Seung-ho and Choi Jin-hyuk.

 했다고 자꾸 느는지 모르겠어

I don't know why. I didn't do anything.

‪(진우) ‪이런 지나친 겸손은 재수 없다

Excessive modesty can be annoying!

겸손 아니고 팩트

I’m not being modest. It’s a fact.

‪(해효) ‪500 줘야 되냐?

Do I owe you 500 won?

‪(진우) ‪근데  얼굴이  그러냐?

But what happened to his face?

알바 가서 쥐어 터졌나?

Did he get beaten up at work? THE MOST DEMANDING JOB

‪(해효) ‪터질 일이 뭐가 있어?

Why would he get beaten up?

‪(진우) ‪하긴  같은 금수저가

#PART-TIME JOB #SOMEDAY A silver spooner like you wouldn’t know the sorrow of a dirt spooner.

우리 같은 흙수저의 비애를 ‪ 리가 없지

A silver spooner like you wouldn’t know the sorrow of a dirt spooner.

언어 위험 수위가 너무 높다?

That’s too brutal, man.

 그거 ‪발표할   됐냐 영화?

Aren’t they supposed to announce their decision for the role?

이번에도 혜준이  되면 어떡하냐?

What if he doesn’t get the role?

 어떡해내가 있잖아

Must you ask? He’s got me. I’ll take care of him.

혜준이는 내가 책임져

Must you ask? He’s got me. I’ll take care of him.

나도  책임져 

Can you take care of me, too?

‪(진우) ‪

-Sir. -You said you wanted to be on your own.

‪(해효) ‪아이각자 도생하자면서?

-Sir. -You said you wanted to be on your own.

‪- (진우아이 책임져  ‪- 김진우 저리 가세요

-Come on. -Mr. Kim, go away.

‪(진우) ‪아유형님형님해효 형님 ‪[휴대전화 진동음]

Mr. Won.

어머니에 500 건다

-I bet 500 won it's your mother. -Do you think I only get calls from her?

내가 전화  데가 엄마밖에 없냐?

-I bet 500 won it's your mother. -Do you think I only get calls from her?

‪- 누구인데누구인데? ‪- (무진  하냐?

-Who is it? -What are you doing?

‪(무진) ‪여기 놀러 왔어?

Are you here to play?

해효랑 너랑 처지가 같냐?

Do you think you and Hae-hyo have the same jobs?

‪(진우) ‪합쳐서   줘야 !

You owe me 1,000 won in total.

‪(해효) ‪아니라니까

It's not her.


Hey, Mom.

‪(이영) ‪스튜디오 촬영 한다면서   ? ‪[리드미컬한 음악이 흘러나온다]

Hey, Mom. You have a photoshoot. Why aren't you here? Where are you?

‪(해효) ‪어디를 ?

Where are you?

‪(이영) ‪헤어  옮기기로 했잖아 ‪내가 다니는 데로

You were supposed to get your hair done at the hair salon I go.

‪(해효) ‪싫다 했잖아

I said no to that.

 머리 마음에  든다고구리다고

I don’t like your hairstyle. It looks lame.

됐다고애들 쓰는   쓰지 말라고

Forget it. Stop trying to sound hip.

집에 들어가서 얘기하자고끊어요

Let’s talk at home. Bye.

‪[리드미컬한 음악이 흘러나온다]


‪[이영의 헛웃음]


‪(이영) ‪진주 디자이너   와요?

What’s taking Jin-ju so long?

잠깐 원장님하고 말씀 중이세요

She’s talking to the salon director.

‪(정하) ‪ 마실  갖다드릴까요?

Can I serve you beverages?

잠깐 아닌  같은데?

She's taking too long.

자기가  기다리기 싫어

Can you just do my makeup? I don’t want to wait.

 아직  단계 아니에요 ‪금방 오실 거예요

I'm not ready to do that yet. She’ll be here soon.

내가 하라면 

Just do it when I tell you to.

‪(이영) ‪전에도 했었잖아

You did my makeup before.

‪(정하) ‪그때는 진주 선생님이 하시기 전에 ‪바탕만 조금

I just did the base makeup before Jin-ju did--

‪(이영) ‪ 많다

I just did the base makeup before Jin-ju did-- You’re so chatty.

그냥 갈까?

Should I just leave, then?

‪[살짝 웃으며] ‪그럼


‪(이영) ‪ ?

What are you doing?

‪(정하) ‪살균요

I'm sanitizing my hands.


 이런  좋아

I like that. Some makeup artists touch your face without washing their hands first.

‪(이영) ‪딴거 하다가 손도  닦고 ‪남의 얼굴에 손대잖아

Some makeup artists touch your face without washing their hands first. I knew you were different when you did my makeup the other day.

내가자기 ‪전에  얼굴 만져    왔어

I knew you were different when you did my makeup the other day.


You're not like the others.

‪(정하) ‪[웃으며] ‪감사합니다

You're not like the others. Thank you.

어떤 모임이세요정중한 자리신가요?

What kind of meeting is this? Is it a formal occasion?

가벼운 자리

It’s a casual meeting.

그럼 신경  쓰신  같은데 ‪아주 예쁘게  드릴게요

Then I’ll make you look effortlessly beautiful.


Then I’ll make you look effortlessly beautiful.

‪[흥미로운 음악]

눈이  예쁘세요

You have beautiful eyes.


Keep telling me that I'm pretty.

‪(이영) ‪기분 좋아

It puts me in a good mood.

‪5 뒤에요

In five minutes. If I say it again now, it won’t sound sincere.

‪(정하) ‪금방 하면 진정성 떨어지잖아요

In five minutes. If I say it again now, it won’t sound sincere.

‪[이영의 웃음]

Gosh, you’re so witty!

어머자기진짜 센스 있다?

Gosh, you’re so witty!

‪[이영과 정하의 웃음]

Gosh, you’re so witty!

‪(진주) ‪얘기가  길어졌어요

I’m sorry the talk ran long. I’ll take over once she’s done.

 정리하고 제가  드릴게요

I’ll take over once she’s done.

‪(이영) ‪오늘은  친구한테 할게

I want her to do my makeup today.


"An Jeong-ha"?

‪(진주) ‪?


저는  정리만 하고 ‪어시 할게요

I’ll assist after I finish the base makeup.

‪(이영) ‪싫다고 했잖아

I said I didn't want that.

자기요즘  빠졌어

You’re slacking off lately.

기다리게 하는  질색이야

I hate waiting.

‪(진주) ‪죄송합니다교수님

I’m sorry, Professor Kim.

‪(이영) ‪시작해

Go on.


‪[리드미컬한 음악이 흘러나온다]


Take care.

‪- (정하좋은 주말 되세요 ‪- (진주안녕히 가세요 ‪[이영의 웃음]

-Have a good weekend. -Bye.

‪(진주) ‪좋니?

Are you happy?

‪(정하) ‪?


‪(진주) ‪대기업 다니다 관뒀으면 다야?

You think you’re better because you worked at a big company?

‪(정하) ‪선생님


‪[진주의 헛웃음]

Ma'am. Do you have any respect for me?

‪(진주) ‪내가 안정하  눈에는 ‪선생님으로 보여?

Do you have any respect for me?

원장님이 예뻐해 주시니까 ‪눈에 뵈는  없구나

You must think you can do whatever you want because the director likes you.

내가  바닥 10년째인데

I’ve been working in this industry for ten years.

남의 밥그릇 뺏는 년치고 ‪제대로    봤어

I've never seen a bitch who steals clients becomes a good makeup artist.

다시  고객한테 살랑대면

If you ever try to steal my clients-- I’m sorry to interrupt you,

‪(정하) ‪말씀 중에 죄송한데요선생님 ‪제가  된다고 했는데

I’m sorry to interrupt you, but I told her I couldn’t. She was persistent.

고객님께서  달라고 해서 ‪  없이 제가

but I told her I couldn’t. She was persistent. -So I had no choice-- -“No choice”?

‪(진주) ‪  없이?

-So I had no choice-- -“No choice”?

다들 그래  없이 그랬다고

That’s what they all say. They all didn't have a choice.

얻다 대고 개소리야?

Drop that crappy excuse.

이런  다시 한번 생기면

If it happens again,

그때는 '내가 대기업 다닐 때는 ‪ 빨았구나느끼게  줄게

I’ll make you realize that you had it easy with your office job.


‪[입소리를  낸다]


‪(수빈) ‪언니  혼났지?

She scolded you again, right?

저거  열등감이야 ‪언니한테 열등감 있어서 그래

That’s her inferiority complex. I’m telling you. That's why she does that.

‪(정하) ‪나한테 열등감 있을  뭐가 있어?

Why would she feel inferior to me?

‪(수빈) ‪잘하니까

Because you’re good.



Thanks, Su-bin.

 진짜 잘한다는  ‪  만에 처음 듣는  같아

It’s been over a million years since someone complimented me.

그래그럼 내가 사혜준보다  좋아?

Really? Then, do you like me more than Sa Hye-jun?

그건 아니고

Not that much.

‪[정하의 웃음] ‪(수빈) ‪단호박이네

-Okay. You sounded firm. -Yes.

덕질을 아주 성실하게 

-You’re such a diligent fangirl. -I am.

언니내일 진주  ‪옴므 패션쇼 가잖아

Jin-ju is going to the Homme fashion show tomorrow.

거기 따라간다 그래사혜준도 올걸?

Tell her you’ll go with her. I’m sure he’ll be there, too.

억지 인연 만들고 싶지 않아 ‪때가 되면 만나겠지

I don’t want to force it. We’ll meet when it’s time. And I’ll do my best until that day comes.

그날을 위해 열심히 산다

And I’ll do my best until that day comes.

‪(수빈) ‪걔가 사라질 수도 있어

He might be gone from this industry. He’s a popular model, but he’s not doing well as an actor.

 모델로만 반짝했지 ‪배우로는 별로잖아

He’s a popular model, but he’s not doing well as an actor.



That’s the truth.

‪(수빈) ‪근데  금수저라며한남동 산다던데

I heard he was born with a silver spoon. He lives in Hannam-dong.

연예인  해도 먹고살겠다

I bet he doesn’t need to make money from his job.

‪(정하) ‪

Hey, you’re so mean.

 진짜 못됐다

Hey, you’re so mean.

아까 고맙다고   취소

I take back my thank-you.

혜준이 한남동 사는  맞는데 ‪금수저 아니고

Hye-jun does live in Hannam-dong, but he wasn’t born with a silver spoon.

되게 열심히 살아착하고

He works really hard. And he’s kind, too.

언니제일 한심한  ‪연예인 인성 영업하는 거야

Jeong-ha, the most pathetic thing a fangirl can do is complimenting a celebrity’s personality. How do you know he’s kind in real life?

‪(수빈) ‪언니가  인성을 어떻게 아냐? ‪[리시버 조작음]

How do you know he’s kind in real life?

‪(직원1) ‪1603 들어옵니다

We have a customer.

가서 일이나 보셔

Get back to work.

‪[멋쩍은 숨소리]

괜히 성질이야

Why are you so grumpy?

누가 보면 사혜준 애인인  알겠다

Some people might think you’re his girlfriend.

‪[리시버 조작음] ‪(직원1) ‪1 빨리 내려와 주세요

Please come down quickly.

‪(정하) ‪

사혜준 이름 나온 김에 ‪우리 혜준이 얼굴 한번 볼까?

Now that she brought him up, let me take a quick look at his face.

‪[밝은 음악] ‪[탄성]



 오늘도 너에 대한 덕심으로 ‪하루를 버틴다

Fangirling over you is what keeps me going.

너도  버티고 있지?

How are you hanging in there?

‪[휴대전화 조작음]

‪[휴대전화 조작음]


‪"좋아요 88,513 ‪원해효"


‪(혜준) ‪ 친구한테 꿈은 ‪자신을 지켜 주는 거지만

My friend's dream protects him.

나한테 꿈은

But my dream is

돈이 많이 드는 숙제다

like homework that costs a lot of money.

‪[휴대전화 알림음]


‪[휴대전화 조작음]



‪(태수) ‪제정신이냐네가?

Are you out of your mind?

제정신 아닌  ‪제가 아니라 대표님이죠

You are the one who’s out of your mind.

‪(혜준) ‪저번 런웨이랑 저번 저번 알바비 ‪ 통장에  들어옵니까?

You still didn’t pay me for the last fashion show and previous gigs.

‪(태수) ‪박도하가  고소하겠다는 거를 ‪내가 말렸어

I stopped Park Do-ha from suing you.

 쫄릴  없어요전치 2주는 나와요

I did nothing wrong. This will get me two weeks in the hospital.

‪(혜준) ‪쌍방  되려고 끝까지 맞았어요

And I made sure I didn't fight back even for self-defense.

불리하면 딴말하는 

Besides, deflecting the conversation

‪- 이제  통해요 ‪- (태수혜준아!

doesn’t work anymore. Hye-jun.

‪(태수) ‪너도 알다시피 ‪요새 회사가 너무 어렵다!

As you know, the agency isn’t doing well.

오죽하면 내가 ‪ 알바비를  넣어 주겠어?

Imagine how bad it must be. I can't even pay you. Stop trying to make me feel bad.

감성팔이  그만해요진짜!

Stop trying to make me feel bad.

한두 번도 아니고 ‪매번 이러시면 어떡합니까?

This isn’t your first time. How can you always pay me late?

 내가   받는데 애걸해야 돼요?

Why do I have to beg you to pay me?

‪(혜준) ‪ 애들 대표님 양아치라고 나갈 

When other models left, saying you were an asshole,

아니라고돈이 없어서 그런 거지 ‪ 있으면  그럴 거라고

I told them that you would have paid them if you had the money. I trusted you and decided to stay.

대표님 믿고 남았어요

if you had the money. I trusted you and decided to stay.

‪(태수) ‪그러게   믿냐?

So why did you trust me?

혜준아 그래서  되는 거야 ‪너무 순진해서

This is why you’ll never make it here. You’re too naive.

그래서 내가  위해서 ‪  대신 관리해 주는 거잖아

That’s why I’m managing your finances.

‪[혜준의 헛웃음] ‪(태수) ‪아이이런 얘기

Gosh, this money talk…


Did I scare you?

그래너하고  사이에  이래?

Come on, it’s us. It's just money.


Can money get between us?

‪(민재) ‪[책상을  치며] ‪진짜 해도 해도 너무하네

I can’t believe this.

대표님혜준이  주세요

You should pay Hye-jun for his work.

‪(태수) ‪아니그만둔다고 하셨잖아요

You said you were quitting. If you’re done packing, leave.

 정리 끝나셨으면 빨리 나가세요

If you’re done packing, leave.

‪(민재) ‪껑짜치게 애들 돈이나 떼먹고

You’re pathetic. How can you prey on these models?

이래서 언제까지 잘될  같아요?

Until when do you think you can keep this up?

‪(태수) ‪아주 나간다고 막말을 하는구나

You’re pouring it out now that you’re quitting.

다시   없다 이거지이민재 ?

You think we won’t cross paths? Ms. Lee Min-jae.

세상 그렇게 만만한  아니야

This is a small world.

   같지우리  ! ‪같은 바닥이잖아

You think we won’t cross paths, but we will. We all work in the same industry.

곱게 나가

Just leave quietly.

‪(민재) ‪ 바닥  거고요

I'm leaving this industry, and I won’t ever see you again.

대표님   다시는 없고요

I'm leaving this industry, and I won’t ever see you again.

나가면서 착한   하려고요

I’ll do a good deed while I'm at it.

 회사에 있는 내내 ‪착한 일이 고팠거든요

I’ve been itching to do a good deed while working here.


까고 있다진짜

You’re full of crap.

대표님 까는  좋아하시는구나

I see. You like crap.

‪(민재) ‪어떤 것부터 깔까요?

Which crap should I start with?

언론에 제보 먼저 할까요? ‪사모님한테 먼저 갈까요?

Should I talk to the press first? Or your wife? No. Should I head to the Labor Office first?


No. Should I head to the Labor Office first?

노동청에 먼저 갈까요?

No. Should I head to the Labor Office first?

뭐야협박하는 거야지금?

Are you threatening me?

이걸 협박이라고 느끼시면 ‪엄청 구린  많으신 건데

If you think I’m threatening you, it means you have a lot of crap.

내가 이래서 대표님 리스펙트한다니까

This is why I respect you.

‪(민재) ‪주제 파악 너무 잘하셔서 ‪계속 성공하실 거예요

You sure know your place, so you’ll continue to be on this successful path. So you’d better pay Hye-jun.

그러니까 혜준이 돈은 줘요

So you’d better pay Hye-jun.

 묻은 돈으로 ‪ 떨어지지 마시고오케이?

Don’t be a cheapskate who steals from kids.

아유 오케이

‪(민재) ‪제일 반응이 빠른 쪽이 어디인가? ‪[휴대전화 조작음]

Let’s see which one will get you to change your mind. It’s probably your wife. You’ll see her tonight.

사모님이 빠르겠죠? ‪저녁에 만나야 되니까

It’s probably your wife. You’ll see her tonight.

‪[흥미로운 음악]

‪(태수) ‪ 뭐야?

-What is this? -I had to clean up

‪(민재) ‪대표님 여자들이랑 헤어질 때마다 ‪내가 해결사  줬잖아요

-What is this? -I had to clean up whenever you broke up with them. Don’t you remember?

기억  나세요?

whenever you broke up with them. Don’t you remember? So what will you do with them?

그래서 그걸로  어떻게 하게?

So what will you do with them? With these photos?

‪(민재) ‪이걸로요

With these photos?

‪[휴대전화 진동음]

  주시면 플랜  갑니다

If you don’t pay him, I’m moving onto plan B.

‪-  하냐? ‪- (혜준 열잖아

-What are you doing? -I opened the door.

‪(민재) ‪그러니까네가  문을 여냐고

Exactly. Why are you doing that?

‪(혜준) ‪ 매니저 합시다누나

Be my agent, Min-jae.

‪(민재) ‪?

-What? -I need someone like you.

누나 같은 사람이 필요해

-What? -I need someone like you.

통장에  들어오고 얘기해

Let’s talk after you get the money first.

섣부르게  받아 준다니까 ‪혹해 가지고

It’s so easy to win you over. This is why you get conned.

‪(민재) ‪그러니까 네가 사기를 당하는 거야

This is why you get conned.

‪(혜준) ‪아니사기 치는 놈이 문제지 ‪당하는 사람이 문제야?

The con artists are the problem, not the victims.

그런 시각이 사기꾼들한테 ‪면죄부를 주는 거야

That kind of perspective gives an excuse to the con artists.

그게 2 가해라는 거야

And that's called victim blaming.

말은 잘하지

Aren’t you a smooth talker?

 바닥 뜬다고 말했잖아

I said I'm leaving this industry.

‪(혜준) ‪누가 뜨지 말래?

I’m not stopping you. But I work in a different industry.

 바닥은  바닥하고 다르다고

I’m not stopping you. But I work in a different industry.

‪[자동차 시동음] ‪누나


‪[창문을 두드리며] ‪누나아직   끝났어?

Min-jae. Min-jae, I'm not done talking to you yet. Please?


That was cool.

‪(민재) ‪잠깐 설렜다

You made my heart race for a second.

‪[기어 조작음]

‪(혜준) ‪누나

What? Min-jae.


남편을 믿어야지 ‪그럼 누구를 믿을래?

Who are you going to trust other than your husband?

‪(태수) ‪잠깐만끊어 내가 지금

Hold on. I’ve got to go. I have a client.

손님 왔어

Hold on. I’ve got to go. I have a client.

 벌어야 우리

I have to make money

‪[태수의 헛웃음]

우리 식구 먹여 살리지

to feed our family.

‪(태수) ‪


‪[태수가 휴대전화를  내려놓는다]

 도로 왔어? ‪속이속이 시원하냐이제?

Why are you back? Look at this. Are you happy now?

아까 했던 얘기 끝내요

We should finish our conversation.

‪(태수) ‪ 무슨 얘기?

What conversation?

서로 원하지 않을 때는 ‪헤어진다는 계약서 조항

Our contract can be terminated if either party requests it.


-I'm sure you remember that. -You must think

보니까 너는 네가 대단한  아는구나?

-I'm sure you remember that. -You must think you’re some big shot model.

계약 해지서 써요

Let’s write a cancelation of the contract.


Suit yourself.

‪(태수) ‪[부스럭거리며] ‪은혜를 원수로 갚는 자식아

How could you bite the hand that feeds you? Don't you know that I did everything in my power to help you?

내가  위해서 사방팔방 뛰어다니고

Don't you know that I did everything in my power to help you?

‪(혜준) ‪ 위한다는 소리

If you say you did this to help me

 번만  하면 주먹 나갑니다

one more time, I’ll punch you.

‪(태수) ‪알았어

Okay. Fine.


Okay. Fine.

이제 갈라지자

Let’s split up, then.

‪[서류를  내민다]

‪-  돈은  준다 ‪- (혜준먹고 떨어지세요

-But I can’t pay you. -You can just have it.

당신 같은 인간하고 갈라지는 ‪대가치고는 싸다고 생각할게

It’s a small price I’m paying to get away from an asshole like you.

 모델 데뷔한  7년이야

You’ve been a model for seven years.

‪(태수) ‪네가   있는 최고까지 올라갔었어

You became a top model which was the peak for you. And who made that happen? It’s me.

그거 누가  줬어나야!

And who made that happen? It’s me.

네가네가 이래서 ‪무슨 배우가 되겠냐?

How do you think you can make it as an actor without me?


It won’t work out for you.

‪[태수의 한숨]


What is it?



‪[한숨 쉬며] ‪치고 싶어?

Do you want to punch me?

  잘되라고 내가

I’m saying this for your sake.

‪[태수의 겁먹은 숨소리]

‪[태수의 한숨]

‪[혜준의 떨리는 숨소리]

때리지 않아

I won’t punch you.

때릴 가치가 없어

You’re not worth it.

해효랑 너랑 같다고 생각해?

Do you think you and Hae-hyo are in the same boat?


Do you think

해효처럼   있다고 생각해?

you can be like Hae-hyo?

‪[잔잔한 음악] ‪(태수) ‪혜준아


네가 조바심 나는  그거잖아

Isn’t that what you’re insecure about?

‪(강사) ‪푸시업부터

Let's do push-ups first.


Go up.

마시면서 내려와요

Inhale and come down.

내쉬면서 꼬리뼈 말고

Exhale and tuck your tailbone.

‪[강사가 설명한다]

Open up your chest a bit as you inhale.

‪[혜준이 숨을 들이켠다]

‪(태수) ‪ 하냐?

What are you doing?

당신이랑 같은 인간이 아니라는  ‪보여 주고 있잖아

I’m showing you that I’m not like you.


Hae-hyo is my friend.


Hae-hyo is my friend.

걔처럼 되려고   없어

I've never wanted to be like him.

‪(태수) ‪아유어디서 약을 팔아?

As if.

‪[태수의 헛웃음]

‪(태수) ‪어유이제 홀가분하다

What a load off my chest this is. Seriously, having you--

내가 정말 ‪ 같은  데리고 있으면서

Seriously, having you-- I could have put you in jail. Stop talking.

‪(혜준) ‪콩밥 먹이려다 봐주니까 말이 많네

I could have put you in jail. Stop talking.

‪(태수) ‪그리고  법으로 가도  받아

Even if you take this to court, you won’t get the money.

  바에 법원에 벌금 내고 말지

I’d rather pay the fine instead of paying you.

내가   돈을  받는지 알아?

Do you know why I don’t want the money?


Because I know you won’t pay me.

  받으려면 당신보다 ‪ 더러운  해야 되는  아니까

To get that money, I have to get my hands dirtier than yours.

그럴 시간이 나한테는 없어

And I don’t have time for that crap.


You'll never make it here.

‪(태수) ‪평생 해효 따까리나 하면서  거다

You’ll be Hae-hyo’s sidekick for the rest of your life.

‪[휴대전화 진동음]

‪(민기) ‪화이팅

Have a good day, my grandchild.




What are you up to?

‪[흥겨운 음악이 흘러나온다]

‪(민기) ‪놀아

I'm having fun.

‪(민기) ‪이거 빨리    보니까 ‪전화해도 되네

He texted me back right away. I can call him then.

‪[휴대전화 진동음]




Hey, Grandpa.

‪(민기) ‪ 하냐?

What are you doing?

‪(혜준) ‪[웃으며] ‪나도 놀지

I’m having fun, too. Nice.

‪[잔잔한 음악] ‪(민기) ‪잘한다



Do you want some money? That’d be great.

‪(민기) ‪주면 좋지 ‪우리 손자  많이 벌었나?

That’d be great. Did you make a lot of money?



‪(민기) ‪그럼 주면  되지

No. Then, you shouldn’t. I can make money later.

지금  번다고 계속  버나?

I can make money later.

그건 아니지 분명 된다?

That’s not it. I’m telling you. You’ll make it. I’m sure of it.

‪(민기) ‪할아버지가 장담해

I’m sure of it. I’ve never seen a kid as talented as you.

세상에 너만큼 잘난 놈은 ‪내가 보지를 못했다

I’ve never seen a kid as talented as you.

그런  하니까 아빠한테 맨날 혼나지

That’s why Dad always scolds you.

‪(민기) ‪[웃으며] ‪ 아빠 무서워

Your dad is scary.

일찍 들어와 없으면  쭉정이야

Come home early. I’m nothing without you.

사민기  이렇게 졸보가 되셨나?

Mr. Sa Min-gi, when did you become such a coward? Grandpa, you outrank Dad.

할아버지가 아빠보다  위야

Grandpa, you outrank Dad.

‪[민기의 웃음]

‪(민기) ‪   오래됐어

It's quite the contrary.

혜준아우리가 현실은 알아야지

Hye-jun, we ought to face reality, you know?

그래도  최고야

Nonetheless, you’re the best!

‪[웃으며] ‪역시 할아버지는 사람을  

Grandpa, you're indeed a good judge of character.

‪(민기) ‪지금은  풀리지만 금이 똥은 아니다

I know your acting career hasn't been going well, but a gem is bound to shine.


And you're a gem.

다음 달에 용돈 올려 줘야겠네?

I should give you more allowance next month.


Thank you.

우리 손주 목소리 들었으니까 ‪이제 신나게 놀아 봐야지

Now that I talked to you, I'll go have some fun!

‪[민기의 웃음]

‪(민기) ‪그래그래그래

What? Yes. Okay.


‪[밝은 음악이 흘러나온다] ‪[손님들이 떠들썩하다]

‪(혜준) ‪시간 바꿨어?

Did you switch shifts?

오랜만에 만나니까 반갑다

Nice to see you. It's been a while.

‪(직원2) ‪나도네가 주문받아

Same here. You should take orders.

‪(혜준) ‪?


‪(직원2) ‪저기  

Look over there.

‪[손님들의 탄성]

Look over there.

‪[직원2 한숨]

‪(손님1) ‪오빠  거예요?

What are you going to do? I'm taking orders today.

‪(혜준) ‪주문받을 거예요

I'm taking orders today.

‪(손님1) ‪그럼 내가 먼저

I'll go first.

‪- (손님2) 저요저요 ‪- (손님3) 저요

-Me! -Me!

뭘로 드릴까요?

What would you like?

‪(손님1) ‪오빠가 추천해 주세요

Can you recommend me one?

‪(혜준) ‪이탈리안 비엠티 어떠세요?

How about Italian BMT?

‪(손님1) ‪좋아요

I like it.


 이렇게 맨날 똑같아?

Everything looks the same. I don’t see anything better than the last season.

저번 시즌보다 나아진  없네?

I don’t see anything better than the last season.

‪[다가오는 발걸음]

‪(이영) ‪달리아가 너무 길잖아 잘라

The dahlia is too long. Cut it a bit.

‪[흥미로운 음악] ‪(애숙) ‪기니까 포인트 되고  예쁜 건데

It stands out more and is prettier because it’s long.

‪(애숙) ‪알았어요


‪(이영) ‪아참내가 까먹고  내놨는데 ‪손빨래할  있거든?

Oh, right. I forgot to put it in the hamper. -I need you to hand-wash something. -Wait.

‪(애숙) ‪

-I need you to hand-wash something. -Wait.

 갈아입은   보이세요?

Can’t you see that I changed to leave?

‪(이영) ‪자기  갈아입은  ‪내가 어떻게 알아?

How would I know if you changed or not?

시간  끝났다 이거지?

I see. So your time is up, right?

‪[웃으며] ‪빨래 그거 하는  ‪얼마나 시간이 걸린다고

It won’t take long to wash it.

오늘은 일찍 집에 가야 돼요

I have to go home early today.

 주면  ?

Can’t you just do it?

다음에 와서 할게요

I’ll do it next time I come.

‪(애숙) ‪우리 큰애 오늘  출근 날이라 ‪축하 모임 있어요

Today was my oldest’s first day at work. We’re celebrating today. We even invited our neighbors, so I have to go grocery shopping.

동네 사람들 불러서 봐야 돼요

We even invited our neighbors, so I have to go grocery shopping.

‪(이영) ‪취직하면 ‪동네잔치까지 해야 되는 거야?

You have to throw a block party when you get a job these days?

그렇게 취직이 어려운데 어떻게 했어?

If it’s that hard to get a job, how did he get a job?


스펙이 좋아요

He has a lot of qualifications.

‪(이영) ‪스카이 대학하나도  부러워요

College diplomas from prestigious schools? I’m not jealous at all. Even if he works at a conglomerate, he'll work like a dog.

대기업  봐야 ‪평생 일만 하다  나는 인생

Even if he works at a conglomerate, he'll work like a dog.


Which company? If you had told me, I could've recommended him for our school.

나한테 얘기했으면 ‪우리 학교 직원으로 추천해 줬잖아

Which company? If you had told me, I could've recommended him for our school.

‪[웃음] ‪(애숙) ‪ 학교 가려면 취직을  하고 말죠

Which company? If you had told me, I could've recommended him for our school. He’d be better off unemployed than working at that school. He got a few offers, so he just chose one.

오라는   군데에서 골랐어요

He got a few offers, so he just chose one.

그래서 어디 갔는데?

So which company is it?

자랑하고 싶으면 자랑해 ‪길게 늘어지지 말고

If you want to brag, go ahead. Don’t stall time.

‪(이영) ‪이럴 시간이면  빨래  줬겠다

You would've been done with the laundry had you just told me.

‪(애숙) ‪결국 빨래네

So we’re back to that.

‪(애숙) ‪[웃으며] ‪아이고이거 빨리해야겠네?

Goodness, I should hurry.

아유 돌리는  

Oh, my. Look at her deflecting.

우리   하루 이틀도 아니고

How could she say no like that

야박하게  잘라  된다고 하냐?

when she's been working for me all this time?

‪[못마땅한 신음]


‪[잘박거리는 소리가 난다]

‪(애숙) ‪하고 싶은   하고 사는 사람 ‪없다더니  뻥이야

People say we all have to do things that we don’t want to. But that’s all a lie.

세상 불공평한  ‪새삼스럽게   아니잖아

It’s not like this is the first time I realized the world isn’t fair.

어차피 이번 생은 꽝이야

This life is already a bust.

불평불만  봐야 나만 손해야

Complaining won’t do me any good.

‪[휴대전화 진동음]


Don’t forget we’re having dinner today.

안다 확인하네

I didn’t forget. He’s checking it again.


I’ll be late.

얘는  늦어?

Why is he coming late? His dad is going to give him an earful.

자기 아빠한테  소리 들으려고

His dad is going to give him an earful.

암튼 중간에서 다리를 놓으려도 ‪손발이 맞아야 놓지

I can’t mediate when he won’t cooperate with me. Be on time no matter what.


Be on time no matter what.

  무조건 맞춰늦을 수도 있지

“No matter what”? It’s okay to be a bit late.

‪[휴대전화를  내려놓으며] ‪암튼 마음에  들어

It's no big deal.

‪[의아한 숨소리]

 나간다더니  끝났나?

Well, he said he had work. Is he done with work?

‪[기계 작동음]


‪(영남) ‪먹고 싶은  있으면 말해

Tell me if there’s anything you want to eat. I’ll tell Ae-suk to cook it.

경준 엄마한테 하라 그럴게

Tell me if there’s anything you want to eat. I’ll tell Ae-suk to cook it.

‪(장만) ‪어련히 알아서 할까형수님이

I’m sure she’ll prepare a great meal.

‪[기계 작동음]

I envy you.

형님은 좋겠수

I envy you.

경준이 취직하고 ‪이제 혜준이 하나 남아서

Now that Gyeong-jun got a job, you only have Hye-jun to worry about.

 하나가 문제다

Now that Gyeong-jun got a job, you only have Hye-jun to worry about. He’s the problem.

  갖고 뜬구름만 잡으러 다녀

He has his head in the clouds.

‪(장만) ‪텔레비전 나오고 잡지 나올 때는

But when he was on TV and in magazines,

툴툴거리면서도 ‪좋아서 실쭉실쭉 웃더구먼

you’d still smile while complaining. Did you think I was happy about it?

‪(영남) ‪좋아서 그랬나?

Did you think I was happy about it?

그때는 진짜 얼굴로 ‪ 벌어 먹고살  알았지

I just thought he was able to make a living out of his looks.

차라리 아무것도  됐으면 ‪헛바람은  드는 건데

If it didn’t work out at all, he wouldn’t have false hope.

, 7 해서  됐으면 집어치워야지 ‪미련을  버리고

If it didn't work out for seven years, he must quit. He can't seem to give up.

우리 따라다니면서 ‪기술이나 배웠으면 좋겠어

I hope he tags along and learns the trade.

 우리 진우가 ‪혜준이만큼 생겼으면 올인했어

If Jin-u was as handsome as Hye-jun, I would've helped him with all I've got.

‪(장만) ‪ 좋다고 우리 일을 시키려고 ?

Why would you want him to do what we do?

아이기술이 있으면 ‪굶어 죽지는 않잖아

If he knows a few skills, he won’t at least starve.

‪[영남의 아파하는 신음]

‪- (장만에헤 ‪- (영남아이고

Hey. Come on.

힘쓰는  내가 한다니까

I told you I would lift everything.

미안해서 그러지아휴

I just feel bad.

‪(장만) ‪ 그림은 형님이  그리잖아 ‪[영남의 한숨]

You’re good at planning.

일하다 다쳐서 한쪽   쓰면서

Do you want your son to follow in your footsteps

자식한테 물려주고 싶냐?

when you injured your arm from this job?

나야 아버지  때문에 ‪무리해서 일하다가 그런 거고

I injured my arm because I was overworking myself to pay back my father’s debt.

아휴군대도 가야 되지

He has to fulfill his military duty, too.

내가  생각 하면 잠이  

Whenever I think about him, I can’t get any sleep.

언제까지 내가    있겠어?

I can’t support him much longer.

어마형수님도 벌잖아요

What? Ae-suk is working, too.

‪(영남) ‪  언제까지 ? ‪요즘 얼마나 유세인데

And I can’t let her keep working there. She brags about making money.

‪(장만) ‪유세  만하지

Rightfully so.

형님은 형수 업고 다녀야 

You should treat her like a queen.


You punk.

‪[장만의 웃음]

‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]

‪[ 목소리로] ‪ 가요!

I’m leaving!

‪(이영) ‪잠깐만!


오늘 시간 초과한   줄게

Let me pay you for overtime.


It’s okay. Why? I put in enough money. It’s 50,000 won.

넉넉하게 넣었어, 5 

Why? I put in enough money. It’s 50,000 won.

하루 10 원인데 ‪빨래 하나  했다고 무슨

My daily fee is 100,000 won. I only hand-washed a shirt.

일찍 가야 된다는 사람 붙잡았으니까 ‪보상하려는데  그래?

I stopped you from going home. I want to pay you for your time. That's all.

‪[도어  작동음]

I want to pay you for your time. That's all.


I said it’s fine.

‪[문이  닫힌다]

‪(해효) ‪어머니

Hello, ma’am!

‪(애숙) ‪아유해효 오랜만이다!

Hi, Hae-hyo. It’s been a while.


You’ve gotten more handsome.

어머니도 이뻐지셨는데요?

You look more beautiful, too.

‪(해효) ‪제가 맨날 늦어서  뵀네요

I never saw you because I come home late.

‪(애숙) ‪우리 혜준이도 요즘 맨날 늦어

Hye-jun is always late these days. He won’t tell me what he’s up to, either.

 하는지 말도   하고

He won’t tell me what he’s up to, either.

너한테는  말하지?

-But he talks to you all about it, right? -Of course.


-But he talks to you all about it, right? -Of course.

저도 엄마한테  하는 얘기 ‪혜준이한테  해요

I tell Hye-jun everything including things I keep from my mom.

‪[애숙과 해효의 웃음]

I tell Hye-jun everything including things I keep from my mom.

‪(이영) ‪나한테  하는 얘기가 뭔데?

What is it that you're keeping from me?

‪(해효) ‪우리  여사님 계셨네 ‪[애숙의 웃음]

I didn’t know you were here, Mom.

‪(애숙) ‪ 늦어서 먼저 간다

I’m late. I’ll get going now.

‪- (해효가세요어머니 ‪- (애숙!

-Bye, ma’am. -Bye.

‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]

‪[도어  작동음] ‪(이영) ‪'어머니'?


어머니  소리 잘도 나온다 ‪무슨 어머니야?

How could you address her like that? Why would you do that?

‪[도어  작동음] ‪친구 엄마한테 어머니라 그러지 ‪뭐라 그래?

Why would you do that? She’s Hye-jun's mom. How should I call her?



엄마는 젊은 애들 말투 ‪흉내만 내지 말고

Mom, instead of pretending to be young superficially,

‪(해효) ‪생각도  따라와 

think like one with an open mind.

 같지도 않은 계급 의식으로 ‪사람 깔보지 말고

think like one with an open mind. Stop looking down on her with your absurd idea of hierarchy.

‪(이영) ‪내가 언제 사람을 깔봤다 그래?

I never did such a thing.

나한테  하는 얘기 뭐야?

And what aren’t you telling me?

혜준이한테는 하고 ‪나한테  하는 얘기 뭐냐고

Why do you tell Hye-jun but not me?

 혹시 여자 있어?

Don't tell me you're seeing someone.

 정도면 영화 사이즈 나오는데?

At this rate, you’ll be writing a movie on it.


The Stalker.

‪[이영의 멋쩍은 숨소리]

‪(이영) ‪ 저녁은 어떻게  거야?

Hey, what about dinner?

내일 패션쇼잖아샐러드 준비한다?

You have a fashion show tomorrow. I’ll get you a salad.

‪(해효) ‪소름

You’re so creepy!

나한테 신경  

Stop stalking me!


Don't get fresh with me. Do you think you got here all on your own?

‪(이영) ‪ 지금  자리까지   ‪그냥    알아?

Do you think you got here all on your own?

무슨 뜻이야?

What do you mean?

지금  눈빛 뭐야?

Why are you looking at me like that?

 힘으로 성공할  있다는  ‪보여  거야

I want to show people that I got here all on my own.

그거 하나만은 존중해 

I want you to respect that.

아유존중 ‪열심히 하고 있으니까 걱정 

I completely respect that. So don’t worry.

‪[해효의 한숨]

‪[이영의 한숨]

‪- ( PD) 사모님 ‪- (이영김이영이에요 ‪[리드미컬한 음악이 흘러나온다]

-Ma'am. -It's Kim I-yeong.

‪(이영) ‪ 진짜 싫어 ‪ PD님한테 사모님 소리 듣는 

I really hate it when you address me like that.

아이그래도 이름 부르기는

But I can't call you by your name.


But I can't call you by your name.

‪(이영) ‪와이프 갖다줘요

This is for your wife.

‪( PD) ‪[웃으며] ‪감사합니다

Thank you.

지금 해효 밀고 있긴 한데 ‪감독님이 꿈쩍도  하세요

I’m pushing for Hae-hyo, but the director won’t budge. If you say that as soon as I give you a present,

‪(이영) ‪선물 받으면서 바로 그런  하면 ‪ 바라고 그런  같잖아요

If you say that as soon as I give you a present, it looks like I'm bribing you.

물론 뭐든 ‪'기브 앤드 테이크' 하죠

it looks like I'm bribing you. But then, the world is all about give and take.

해효가 스타 되면 ‪어머니 공이 반은 넘을 겁니다

By the time Hae-hyo becomes a star, half the credit goes to you.

반밖에  돼요?

Only half?


I should work harder.

‪[ PD 웃음]

‪[잔잔한 음악]

‪[새가 지저귄다] ‪[멀리서 개가 왈왈 짖는다]

‪[애숙의 한숨]

‪[애숙이 슬리퍼를  내려놓는다]

‪[애숙이 스위치를  켠다]

‪[애숙의 힘겨운 신음]

‪[헛기침] ‪[가방을  내려놓는다]

‪[놀란 숨소리]

‪[문이 달칵 여닫힌다] ‪(경미) ‪언니!

-Ae-suk. -Yes.

‪(애숙) ‪

-Ae-suk. -Yes.

‪[경미의 가쁜 숨소리] ‪ 벌써 아무것도  했어아직

You’re so early. I didn’t even start yet. I came early, so I could help.

‪(경미) ‪도와주려고 먼저 왔지

I came early, so I could help.

아이고하루 종일 ‪남의   하고 와서

After a full day of doing house chores at someone else's house,

밥도 거하게 차려 내야 되네 ‪자식이 뭐라고

you come home and have to cook a feast. Children are such hassles.

그러게자식이 뭐라고

You're right. Children are such hassles.

‪(경미) ‪ 여자 요즘 잠잠해?

Has she been quiet lately?

‪1년에 한두  지랄 떠는 

She throws a fit once or twice a year. But she’s been quiet these days.

근데 요즘은 조심해

She throws a fit once or twice a year. But she’s been quiet these days.

‪(경미) ‪조심해야겠지

She ought to.

전에 언니 관두고 다시  달라고 ‪애걸복걸해서 다시  거잖아

She begged you to come back after you quit. That's why you went back there.

나한테 익숙해져서 그래

She just got used to me.

사람을 구하자면   구하겠어?

I’m sure she can find someone else if she wanted.

‪(경미) ‪겸손 그만하시고요

Stop being so humble.

‪[함께 웃는다]

Stop being so humble.

‪(경미) ‪근데 이거 뭐야?

What is this?

혜준이 영장 나왔어?

Did Hye-jun get the draft notice?


오늘 피바람 한번 불겠어

There will be blood today.

‪- (수빈집에 바로 들어갈 거야? ‪- (정하?

Are you going home after this? Yes. What's up?

‪(수빈) ‪집에  발라 놨냐맨날 

What are you hiding at home? You’re always eager to go home.

우리  가서 삼겹살 먹을래?

How about pork belly at my house? I love you, Jeong-ha.

‪(수빈) ‪언니 사랑해!

I love you, Jeong-ha.

‪(정하) ‪ 빨리 정리해


‪- (수빈사랑해언니사랑해 ‪- (정하빨리 정리해

-Clean up. -I love you. -I love you. -What are you girls laughing about?

‪(원장) ‪ 사람 뭐가 그렇게 좋아?

-I love you. -What are you girls laughing about?

‪[정하와 수빈의 웃음]

-I love you. -What are you girls laughing about?

‪- (원장정하  ‪- (정하

-Jeong-ha. -Yes?

‪(원장) ‪내일 출장 갈래옴므 패션쇼

Do you want to go to the Homme fashion show tomorrow?

쉬는 날인데 싫으면 말고

I know it’s your day off, so it’s fine if you don’t want to.


No, that sounds great.

‪(원장) ‪진주 디자이너 혼자 하려면 하겠지만 ‪빡세너무

Jin-ju can do it by herself, but it will be too much work for her.

‪(정하) ‪감사합니다

Thank you.

‪[밝은 음악] ‪감사합니다원장님 ‪열심히 하겠습니다

Thank you. Thank you. I’ll try my best!

‪(원장) ‪열심히는 맨날 하잖아

I know you try your best.


-Just do a good job. -Okay.

‪-  ‪- (원장 간다

-Just do a good job. -Okay. -I'm leaving now. -Goodnight, ma’am!

‪- (수빈들어가세요원장님! ‪- (정하조심히 가세요!

-I'm leaving now. -Goodnight, ma’am! Goodnight!

‪[수빈의 신난 탄성] ‪(정하) ‪예스!

언니 운명인가 

I guess you and Hye-jun are destined to meet!

‪(수빈) ‪사혜준이랑 언니어떡해! ‪[정하의 들뜬 신음]

I guess you and Hye-jun are destined to meet! -Oh, my gosh! -No way.

어머언니얼굴 빨개졌어

Your face is red.

‪- 아니야 ‪- (수빈어머

-No! -Goodness.

‪(종업원) ‪

‪[손님들이 저마다 대화한다]

‪[혜준의 힘주는 숨소리]

‪(사장) ‪혜준아 ‪이거 6 갖다주고 요거 8

This is for Table Six. And this is for Table Eight.

‪- (혜준 ‪- 들고 그렇지

This is for Table Six. And this is for Table Eight. -Okay. -Tables Six and Eight. Okay.

‪(혜준) ‪나왔습니다

Here you go.

여기 있습니다

Here you go.

‪(손님4) ‪저기요

Excuse me.

‪(혜준) ‪  필요한  있으세요?

What do you need?

‪(손님4) ‪오빠너무 멋있어요

You're so handsome.


-Thank you. -We come here to see you.

‪(손님5) ‪우리 오빠 때문에 오는 거예요

-Thank you. -We come here to see you.


Do you want more vegetables?

‪- (손님4) 좋아요 ‪- (손님5) 좋아요

-Yes, please. -Yes.

‪(사장) ‪인기 많다? ‪[혜준과 사장의 웃음]

You're so popular.

‪(진우) ‪하이하이하이

‪- (혜준  우리 집에  갔어? ‪- (진우너랑 같이 들어가려고

Why didn’t you go to my house? So we can go together.

‪- 삼겹살 2인분? ‪- (진우받고 비냉 하나

-Two servings of pork belly? -And bibim naengmyeon.

‪[사람들이 저마다 말한다]

‪(장만) ‪레벨링 작업을 빨리해야 되는데 ‪어떡해걔들?

We need to start leveling soon. -What should I do? -It's not ready yet?

‪(영남) ‪아직도?

-What should I do? -It's not ready yet? Honey, come and take the plates!

여보와서 이것  날라!

Honey, come and take the plates!

‪(장만) ‪알았어


‪(경준) ‪제가 갈게요손님인데 앉아 계세요

I’ll do it. You’re a guest. Stay here.

손님은 무슨우리가 손님?

No, we’re not. Are we guests here? We’re having this meal thanks to you.

‪(장만) ‪ 덕에 먹는 건데?

No, we’re not. Are we guests here? We’re having this meal thanks to you.

‪(영남) ‪하게 놔둬애들이  잘해

Let him do it. He’s better at it.

‪(진리) ‪그래아빠오빠보고 하라 그래

He’s right, Dad. Let Gyeong-jun do it.

네가 그러니까 갑자기 가기 싫다

Now that you say it, I don’t want to.

‪(진리) ‪오빠는  누가 하라 그러면 ‪ 하기 싫어하더라?

You're always like that when people ask.

‪(경준) ‪나만 그러냐?

That’s how everyone is.

‪(장만) ‪나도 그래형님은 어떠셔?

Same here. What about you, Yeong-nam?

나도 하고 싶다가도 ‪누가 시키면 하기 싫어

I wouldn’t want to do something if someone orders me to do it.

‪(장만) ‪사람  비슷비슷해거기서 거기고

That’s how we all feel. We’re all the same.

‪(경미) ‪대체 나르라고  지가 언제인데 ‪수다 떨고 있어?

I told you to get the plate. Why are you still here? -You’re so chatty. -I’m coming. I’m sorry.

‪- (경미  많아 ‪- (경준제가 가요죄송해요

-You’re so chatty. -I’m coming. I’m sorry.

‪(경미) ‪네가  오늘 주인공이 넌데 ‪당신 

Why would you do that? You’re the man of the hour. Honey, you do it.

 하지 시키면  피곤해

Don’t do anything. You’ll only cause trouble.

‪(장만) ‪이하 동문 ‪'오빠는  시키고 나만 시키냐?'

I agree. “Why are you only making me do it?

‪'지금이 어떤 시대인데 ‪여자라고 집안일을 시키는 거냐?'

The world has changed now. Is it because I’m a woman?

‪- '시대착오적이다', 어유 ‪- (진리그렇지

That’s anachronistic thinking!” I’d rather do it myself.

‪(장만) ‪내가 하고 말아 ‪[진리의 웃음]

That’s anachronistic thinking!” I’d rather do it myself. Is that true, Jin-ri?

‪(영남) ‪진리야그래?

Is that true, Jin-ri?

‪(진리) ‪제가 요즘 주체적이고 ‪독립적인 삶에 관심이  많아요

Yes. I’m very interested in building my own life and living independently.

똑똑하다  딸내미인지

You sound very smart. Your father must be happy.

‪[영남과 진리의 웃음] ‪(장만) ‪형님이 같이 살아 

Try living with her, then.

경준이 잘하네

Gyeong-jun, you're good at this.

‪(경미) ‪아유당신이  !

Honey, you should do it. Give me a bigger one.

‪- (장만    걸로  ‪- (경미아휴정말

Give me a bigger one. Goodness.

‪- (경미이거 가지고 완전 뜨거워 ‪- (장만오케이

Take this, then.

‪[익살스러운 음악] ‪[고민하는 숨소리]

아하이거 나가야 말아야 ? ‪[대화 소리가 들린다]

Should I go out or not?

이거 부르러 오기 전에 나가야지

I should go out before they come for me.

애들 귀찮게 한다고 싫어하지 않을까?

They might think I'm a hassle.

‪(민기) ‪가만있자

Let me see.



‪[민기의 떨리는 숨소리] ‪(진리) ‪나와서 식사하시래요

The meal is ready now.

‪(민기) ‪ 운동하고 있었다

Okay. I was exercising.

‪(진리) ‪  물어봤는데

I didn’t ask.

 사생활을 존중해요할아버지

I respect your privacy.

‪[피식 웃는다]

‪(민기) ‪아이고


내가 눈치 보고 사는 

So the entire neighborhood knows

 동네가  아는구나

that I’m walking on eggshells.

‪[힘주는 신음]

‪[한숨] ‪[손을 쓱쓱 비빈다]

‪[노크 소리가 들린다]

‪[문이 달칵 열린다]



 언제까지 이렇게 살래?

Until when will you waste your life?

갑자기 무슨 말씀이세요?

What do you mean? I thought about what I could do for you.

‪(사장) ‪생각해 봤어 위한 일이 뭔가

I thought about what I could do for you.

알바 말고 ‪매니저로 일해 보는  어떠냐?

Why don’t you work here as a manager instead of a part-timer?

아이붙박이로는  되는  ‪아시잖아요

You know that I can’t work here permanently.

언제까지 젊을  같아?

How long do you think you’ll stay young?

‪(사장) ‪가게  배우면서 돈도 모으고 좋잖아

Learn the business and save up some money. It's a nice deal.

 군대 다녀와서 잘하면 ‪가게 넘겨줄게

If you do well, I'll let you take over after your military service.

말씀은 감사합니다

Thank you for the offer.

‪(사장) ‪에이생각해 보지도 않고 ‪바로 거절하는 거야?

Come on. Are you turning it down even before you've given it some thought?


I'm sorry.

어른이 얘기할   들어

Take advice from people who are older than you.

내가 살아 보니까 ‪어른 말씀 그른  없더라

I'm speaking from experience. The elders always have a point.

저도 처음에는  들었거든요?

I used to listen to them, too.

근데 살아 보니까

But I've learned it the hard way that people only look out for themselves.

인간은 자기 이익이 ‪제일 우선이더라고요

But I've learned it the hard way that people only look out for themselves.

Hey, I thought about giving you the restaurant.

가게까지 넘겨줄 생각 했는데 ‪그게 어떻게  위한 거야?

Hey, I thought about giving you the restaurant. How is that looking out for myself?

‪(사장) ‪혜준아

Hye-jun, I didn't peg you to be so cynical.

 그렇게  봤는데 꼬였다? ‪[혜준의 웃음]

Hye-jun, I didn't peg you to be so cynical.

‪(혜준) ‪아이사장님이 그렇다는 ‪얘기가 아니라

I wasn't talking about you. I was making a general statement.

일반적인 얘기를 말씀드린 거예요

I wasn't talking about you. I was making a general statement.

‪(사장) ‪그렇지?

-Right? -Yes.

‪- (혜준 ‪- 네가  그렇게 생각할 리가 없지

-Right? -Yes. There's no way you'd see me that way.

‪(사장) ‪그러니까 어른   들어

So you should listen to the elders.

다시 한번 생각해 

I want you to reconsider.

 대답이 없어?

Why aren't you answering me?



‪[피식 웃으며] ‪그래수고했다

Okay. Okay. Good work today.

‪[문이 달칵 여닫힌다]

‪[밝은 음악이 흘러나온다]

‪(혜준) ‪ 보겠습니다

-Bye. -Bye.

‪- (종업원  ‪- (혜준들어가겠습니다

-Bye. -Bye. Good work today.

‪(진우) ‪ 이렇게 오래 걸려 갈아입는 ?

What took you so long to change?

사장이 뭐라 그래?

Did the owner say something?

‪(혜준) ‪생각이 많은 날이다

I have a lot on my mind.

이럴 때는  해야 될까?

What should we do on a day like this?

‪[경쾌한 음악] ‪(진우) ‪ 해야 될까?

What should we do on a day like this? What should we do?



싫어싫어    ‪  거야  거야

No way! I’m not doing that! -I'm not doing that! I won't! -You don't have to.


-I'm not doing that! I won't! -You don't have to.

‪- (혜준하지  ‪- (진우   한다고!

-I'm not doing that! I won't! -You don't have to. I told you I won't do it!

‪(진우) ‪너무 빨라같이 !

I told you I won't do it! Gosh.

‪(진우) ‪  잡아 

Hey, stop him! Hurry!


Hey, stop him! Hurry!

‪(혜준) ‪웬일이냐?

Why are you here?

‪(해효) ‪우리 동네인데  불만 있냐?

I live in this neighborhood. Is it a problem?

‪(혜준) ‪불만 없지 ‪[해효의 웃음]

Of course, not.

‪(진우) ‪아유원해효  배신자저거

Won Hae-hyo, that traitor.

뛰는   막자고 불렀더니

I called him to stop Hye-jun from running.

같이   ‪ 기럭지  새끼들아!

Wait up for me, you annoyingly tall jerks!

‪(해효) ‪쟤는  맨날 입으로 뛰어?

He always talks when he runs.

‪(혜준) ‪입이 다리인가 보지

I guess he can't run without talking.

‪[장만의 탄성]

‪(장만) ‪경준아이제 대출받을  ‪   보는 거냐?

Gyeong-jun, does it mean you’ll help us if we want to take out a loan?

 기업 담당이라 개인은  몰라요

I mostly handle companies, so I don’t know much about that.

‪(민기) ‪ 알아도 공과 사는 구분해서 ‪일해야지 

Even if you did, you must not do favors for your friends.

‪(영남) ‪어련히 알아서 할까  ‪그런  짚어 줘요?

I’m sure he can handle it himself. Why would you say that?

‪(민기) ‪아는 길도 물어 가라 그랬어

You can never be too sure.

‪(장만) ‪다시 건배하죠

All right. Let’s raise our glasses again.

오늘 같은 날은 형님이 한마디 하시죠

Yeong-nam, why don't you give a toast?

‪(영남) ‪내가  말이 뭐가 있어?

I don’t have anything to say.

‪(민기) ‪  말이 없어?

Of course, you do.

 자식이 이렇게 잘됐는데

Your son grew into a fine young man.

 자식이 이렇게 잘났으면

If my son had turned out to be this successful,

동네방네사돈의 팔촌까지 ‪떠들고 다녔겠다

I’d be bragging about him even to my distant relatives.

‪(진리) ‪할아버지그거 디스 같은데요?

Sir, you just dissed him.

‪(민기) ‪디스그게 뭐야?

What? “Diss”? What’s that?

‪(진리) ‪우리말로 하면 욕하는 ?

To borrow our term, it means to criticize.

‪(장만) ‪[작은 목소리로] ‪아이고

‪[장만이 잔을  내려놓는다]

 그렇게 생각하는지 말해

Jin-ri. You should elaborate. That way, he won’t misunderstand.

‪(경준) ‪그래야 오해  하시지

You should elaborate. That way, he won’t misunderstand.

‪(영남) ‪오해는 무슨 오해디스 맞아

I didn't misunderstand. He clearly dissed me.

‪- 여보 ‪- (영남그렇잖아

-Honey. -It's true.

아버지 자식이 누구야나잖아

I’m his son. Aren't I?

‪(영남) ‪내가 잘났으면 ‪동네방네 떠들고 다니시겠는데

If I had been successful, he would have bragged about me,

못나서  한다  말이잖아

but he can’t because I’m a nobody.

‪(진리) ‪리스펙트



You’re so dope, Mr. Sa. Awesome.

‪[진리의 탄성] ‪(장만) ‪진리야  그래?

Jin-ri, what’s wrong with you?

얘가 대학 가고 이상해졌어

Yeong-nam, she’s gotten weird after starting college.

너무 사실만 말해

She only speaks the truth.

‪[함께 웃는다]

She only speaks the truth. Goodness.

‪(진리) ‪[웃으며] ‪뭐야아빠


‪(영남) ‪그래웃자좋은 

Fine. It's a good day. Let's laugh about it.

다들 건배해요

Everyone, raise your glasses.

우리 장남 경준이 취직 ‪다시 한번 축하하면서

Let’s congratulate my oldest son for getting a job.

진리야 들어

Jin-ri, raise your glass.

아저씨가 오늘 웃게   상으로 ‪따라 줄게

I’ll pour you a drink for making me laugh today.

‪(진리) ‪감사합니다 ‪[영남의 힘주는 신음]

-Here. -Thank you.

진우랑 혜준이도 있었으면  좋았겠다

I wish Jin-u and Hye-jun were here, too.

‪[웃음] ‪- (경미그러게 ‪- 

-Yes. -Cheers.

‪[잔잔한 음악] ‪- (경미경준아축하 ‪- (진리

-Congratulations. -Thank you.

‪(경미) ‪경준아축하해 ‪[진리의 탄성]

-Congratulations. -Thank you.

‪(경준) ‪고맙습니다 ‪[경미의 웃음]

-Congratulations. -Thank you.

‪[저마다 숨을  내뱉는다] ‪[잔들이 달그락거린다]

‪(진우) ‪나는 전생에  많이 지은 놈들이 ‪모델 하는 거라고 본다

I bet people with bad karma in previous lives become models.

먹고 싶은 것도 마음대로  먹고

You can’t even eat what you want.

먹는  인생의 다는 아니잖냐

Life isn't just about eating.

‪(해효) ‪어떤 사람한테는 먹는  인생의 다지

To some people, it is.


To some people, it is. -Me? -But we don’t tease them about it.

‪(해효) ‪우린 그거 갖고 놀리진 않아

-Me? -But we don’t tease them about it.

놀리지 않고 존중하지

We don’t tease them. We respect them.

‪[진우의 헛웃음]

We don’t tease them. We respect them.

‪(진우) ‪둘이 아주 죽이 척척 맞네아주 그냥

Look at your teamwork.

‪[해효가 피식 웃는다]


That's so cool.

‪- (진우언니! ‪- (혜준그러다 혼쭐난다

-Hey, girl! -She might scold you.

‪[웃으며] ‪?


‪[진우의 탄성]



Guys, get in!

‪- (해나심심해 ‪- (해효 

I’m bored. -No! -I’m getting in.

‪(진우) ‪ !

-No! -I’m getting in.


I’m in! Move out of my way.

‪(해효) ‪쟤는 자존심도 없냐? ‪[ 문이 달칵 여닫힌다]

Does he even have any pride?

동생한테 자존심 세워서  하냐?

What’s the point? She’s your sister.

‪(혜준) ‪해나 진짜 많이 컸다

By the way, she grew up a lot.

‪(해효) ‪ 정도냐?

She’s past that point.

성장은 멈추고 ‪노화가 시작되고 있거든? ‪[혜준의 못마땅한 신음]

She stopped growing. Now, she’s getting old.

‪[피식 웃는다]

Bye, guys.


Bye, guys.

‪(혜준) ‪좋단다

Look at him all happy.

‪(해효) ‪놔둬 앞에서 버려질 텐데

Let him be. She’ll leave him in front of my house.

해나 보니까 시간은 진짜 공평해

Looking at Hae-na makes me think time is fair.

나만 먹는  알았는데 쟤도 먹었네?

I thought I was the only one getting old, but she is, too.

어떻게 시간만 공평할 수가 있냐?

How can time be the only fair thing in this world?

무슨  있어?

What's going on?

계속 공격받고 있어

The reality has been


hitting me hard.


Get off.

‪- (진우그냥? ‪- (해나그냥

-Get off? -Get off.

‪- 진짜? ‪- (해나진짜

-Really? -Really.

‪- 후회하기 없기 ‪- (해나후회하기… ‪[진우가 안전벨트를 딸깍 푼다]

-Don’t regret it. -I will

있기 ‪[진우가 피식 웃는다]

regret it.

우리 여기 말고 다른  가자

Let’s go somewhere else.

싫어 ‪[진우가 입소리를  낸다]


네가 싫으면 나도 싫어

If you don’t want to, I don’t want to.

‪[피식 웃는다]

If you don’t want to, I don’t want to.


I like your attitude.

‪-  줘야겠어 ‪- (진우?

-I should give you a reward. -What?

‪(진우) ‪아니


‪[혜준의 한숨]

‪[잔잔한 음악]

‪(해효) ‪이제 말해 

Now, tell me.

오늘 어떤 일로 힘들었는지

What gave you a hard time today?

‪(혜준) ‪말하면 다시 기분 나빠질 일들이야

If I talk about it, it’ll upset me again.

‪(해효) ‪다시 기분 나빠지지 않을  ‪되면 얘기해

Tell me when talking about it doesn't upset you.

‪(혜준) ‪영화 오디션   연락 왔냐?

Did people from the movie audition call back?

‪(해효) ‪아니 왔어?

No. Did you get a call?

‪(혜준) ‪아니 왔나 궁금해서

No. I was wondering if you had gotten it.

‪- (해효 아니면 내가   같냐? ‪- (혜준

Do you think one of us will get it? Yes.

‪(해효) ‪[피식 웃으며] ‪동감

Yes. I agree.

네가 돼도 축하해 줄게

If you get it, I’ll still congratulate you.

‪(해효) ‪당근 축하해 줄게

Of course. I’ll do the same.

‪[해효와 혜준의 웃음]

 이번에  되면 군대 가려고

But if I don’t get it this time, I’ll join the military.

‪(혜준) ‪  만큼  봤다고 생각해

I think I tried enough.

‪(해효) ‪군대 같이 가기로 했잖아

We were supposed to go together.

사람들이 말하잖아

You know what people say.

나이 들면 친구도 바뀐다고 ‪사는 형편 따라

They say when you get old, your friends change depending on how much money you have.

‪(해효) ‪우리한테는 해당  되지 ‪처음부터 달랐잖아

depending on how much money you have. That's not true for us. We knew things were different in the first place.


That's not true for us. We knew things were different in the first place.

만약 우리가 달라진다면

If we change,

형편 때문이 아니라 ‪순수함을 잃은 거다

it doesn’t mean it’s about the money. It means we lost our innocence.

‪(혜준) ‪ 눈빛 뭐냐?

Why are you staring at me?


I love you, Hye-jun.


Stop it.

‪[해효의 장난스러운 신음] ‪(혜준) ‪하지 에헤

Stop it. Hey, quit it. Come on.


You're crazy.

‪[해효의 웃음] ‪[발랄한 음악]

‪(해효) ‪언젠가는  하고  거다!

I’m going to do it one of these days!

‪- (혜준간다! ‪- (해효!

Bye. Bye.

‪(정하) ‪[놀라며] ‪얼굴 썩었네요?

I look completely fried.

‪(수빈) ‪멘트 죽인다

What a line.

 이거 말하면  되나?

Wait. Should I stay quiet?

‪(정하) ‪괜찮아나중에 편집하면 

-It’s okay. I can edit it out later. -Okay.

여러분도 퇴근쯤 ‪얼굴 보고 깜짝 놀라신  많죠?

I’m sure there were times when you were surprised to see yourselves after work.

근데 갑자기 약속이 잡혔어요 ‪[수빈의 놀란 신음]

But you have plans after work.

걱정 마세요다시 화장하면 돼요

Don’t worry. You can fix your makeup. I’ll teach you a simple method.

간단한 화장법 알려 드릴게요

I’ll teach you a simple method.

아까보다 훨씬 좋죠?

Don’t I look much better? Remember my tip. Apply glitters under the eyes.

기억하세요 밑에 글리터

Remember my tip. Apply glitters under the eyes.

아이라이너 틴트

Then, use eyeliner and a lip tint.

‪[웃으며] ‪


내일 혜준이 만난다! ‪[수빈의 웃음]

I’m meeting Hye-jun tomorrow!

나도 배고파!

I’m hungry!

‪(정하) ‪빨리  ‪[수빈의 웃음]


‪- (수빈이제 먹어도 ? ‪- (정하먹어

Can I eat now? Dig in.

‪[수빈의 들뜬 신음]

‪[수빈의 놀란 신음]

‪(수빈) ‪ 조합 인정

I totally approve of this mix!

고기의 감칠맛하고 ‪치즈의 고소함

The delicious juice of the meat and the savory flavor of the cheese!

그리고 느끼함을  잡아 주는 김치!

And kimchi neutralizes the greasiness!

‪(정하) ‪이거  먹고 깍두기볶음밥  줄게 ‪완전 죽여 

After this, I’ll make you fried rice with kkakdugi. It’s really good.

‪(수빈) ‪ 처음에 언니 봤을  ‪진짜 짠순이다 그랬거든

When I first met you, I thought you were such a cheapskate. You always wanted to eat at your house.

 먹자 그래도 ‪맨날 집에 가서 먹자 그러고

You always wanted to eat at your house.

그래서 내가  집을 샀잖아

That’s how I bought this house.

‪(정하) ‪물론 현관문만  거고  은행 거지만

Of course, the bank owns most of the house for now.

‪(수빈) ‪당장 내일 일도 모르는데 ‪어떻게 30 상환으로 집을 ?

How could you take out a 30-year loan when you don't even know what might happen tomorrow?


I don’t get you.

네가  없이 살아 보지를 않아서 그래

That’s because you never had to live without a house.

 집이 주는 안정감이 있어

Owning a house gives you a sense of stability.

‪(정하) ‪오죽하면  채널 이름이 ‪'안정 좋아해요'겠니?

That’s why I even named my YouTube channel, I Like Stability.

안정 좋아하면 결혼해

If you want stability, get married.


No, I won't.

사혜준이 하자고 해도  ?

Will you say no even if Sa Hye-jun asks?

아무리 사혜준이라도 가치관은  버려

Even he can’t change my belief.

그러면서  좋아해?

Then, how are you his fan?

생각만 해도 기분 좋아지는  ‪사랑밖에 없잖아

Only the thought of love makes you happy.

사랑은  하고 싶고 감정은 갖고 싶어

I don't want to be in love, but I want to be happy.

‪(수빈) ‪사랑에는 술이지 있어?

Love and alcohol go hand in hand. Do you have alcohol at home?

‪(정하) ‪없어 일하기 전날   마셔

No. I don't drink when I have work the next day.

‪(수빈) ‪언니 너무 언니 위주 아니야?

You're doing everything you want.

 위주 맞아

Yes, I am.

내가 회사를 관두면서  결정이 ‪ 위주로 사는 거야

When I quit the company, I decided to live for myself.

너도  위주로 살아 ‪대한민국은 너무 가족 위주야

You should live for yourself, too. Our country is too family-oriented.

‪[입바람을  분다]

‪[멀리서 개가 왈왈 짖는다]

‪[혜준이 흥얼거린다]

‪[지퍼가  열린다]

‪[쓱쓱 톱질하는 소리가 들린다]


‪[잠금장치가 철커덕 열린다]


‪[드릴 작동음] ‪[연신 흥얼거린다]

‪(영남) ‪아주 노래까지 하고

Look at you humming.

어디 좋은  갔다 오냐?

You must have had a good time.


I was working.

‪(영남) ‪ 알바? ‪ 대체  하고 다니는 거야?

Working? What on earth are you up to?

 하는 거예요?

What are you doing?

대답하기 싫다 이거지?

So you don’t want to answer me?

‪(영남) ‪경준이  문짝 새로 만들어 주려고

I’m making a new door for Gyeong-jun’s room.

‪[드릴 작동음]

‪[잔잔한 음악]



‪[문이 달칵 열린다]


You're home.

‪(애숙) ‪혜준아


‪-   있어 ‪- (혜준뭔데?

I need to talk to you. What is it?

아빠 들으면  

Your dad can’t know.

‪(혜준) ‪아이그냥 말해 오늘 되게 피곤해

Just tell me. I’m really tired today.


Just tell me. I’m really tired today. It won’t take long.


‪(애숙) ‪어떻게  거야?

What are you going to do?

‪- (애숙이제는 가야지 ‪- (혜준가야지

You have to go this time. I should.


I’m glad to hear that.

‪(혜준) ‪근데엄마

But Mom, I auditioned for a movie this time.

 이번에 영화 오디션   있거든?

But Mom, I auditioned for a movie this time.

그거 붙으면 하늘이 나한테  ‪마지막 기회라고 생각하고

If I get that role, I’ll think of it as my last chance

 번만  미룰게

and postpone it one last time.

‪(경준) ‪어차피   그냥 

Just go. You have to fulfill your duty anyway.

‪(혜준) ‪ 남의 말을 엿들어?

Why are you eavesdropping?

‪(경준) ‪ 좁은 집에서 엿듣고   ‪어디 있어 들린다

I can hear everything in this small house.

‪(혜준) ‪남의 인생에 참견하지 말고 ‪형이나  살아

Don’t butt in my life. Just live your own.

‪(경준) ‪ 이미  살고 있어

I’m already living a good life. You know that you’re the burden of our family.

알잖아네가 우리  우환덩어리인 

I’m already living a good life. You know that you’re the burden of our family.

‪(애숙) ‪무슨 말을 그렇게 ?

Why would you say that?

‪(경준) ‪엄마도 말은  하지만 ‪그렇게 생각하잖아

You don’t say it, but I bet you agree with me.

내가 말을 했을 뿐이지

I only said it out loud.

‪(혜준) ‪진짜야?

Is that true?

그게 아니라

That’s not true.

‪(혜준) ‪ 모르게  뒤에서 ‪평가질 하고 있었어가족끼리?

My own family was judging me behind my back?

인간은 어디서나 평가받아

Hey, everyone gets judged.

‪(경준) ‪가족이라고 예외냐?

You think we're any different?

평가 기준이라는  똑같냐? ‪여기 다르고 저기 다르지

Do the same standards apply to everyone? Everyone is different.

 너는 내가 평가할 때는 인성 꽝이야

Gyeong-jun, I think you have a nasty personality.

‪(혜준) ‪네가 공부 잘해서 취직한  인정 ‪[문이 달칵 열린다]

I agree that you got a job because you are smart,

근데 네가 공부 잘해서 취직해서 ‪가족한테 기여한   있냐? ‪[문이  닫힌다]

but what have you done for the family after getting a job with your smart brain?

‪[문이 스르륵 열린다] ‪(영남) ‪기여한   없냐?

Yes, he contributed to the family.

‪[문이  닫힌다] ‪(애숙) ‪아이당신은  ?

Why are you butting in?

‪[경준의 한숨] ‪(영남) ‪대체  이러는 거야?

Why are you butting in? What's wrong with you?

‪(애숙) ‪별거 아니야

It's nothing.

‪[애숙이 속삭인다]

Go to your room.

‪(경준) ‪별거 아니긴 ‪엄마가 쟤를 자꾸 감싸니까

It’s not nothing. Because you keep babying him, you’re spoiling him.

애가 자꾸 스포일해지잖아요

It’s not nothing. Because you keep babying him, you’re spoiling him. I got it. That's enough.

‪(애숙) ‪알았으니까 그만해

I got it. That's enough.

‪[문이 달칵 열린다]

‪- (민기이제 왔냐? ‪- (혜준

-You’re home. -Yes.

‪(민기) ‪밥은 먹었어?

Did you eat?

‪(혜준) ‪먹었어할아버지는?

I did. What about you?

먹었지인마근데  얼굴  그래?

I did. What happened to your face?

아유아무것도 아니야

It's nothing.

‪[혜준의 웃음]

It's nothing.

‪(영남) ‪ 입영 통지서 나왔다며?

I heard the draft notice came. Why did you hide that?


I heard the draft notice came. Why did you hide that?

‪(혜준) ‪ 숨겨요나도 지금 봤는데

Hide what? I just saw it, too.

어쨌든 당장 군대 

Anyway, go to the military now. How can I go now? It’s night.

‪(혜준) ‪당장 군대를 어떻게 지금 밤이야

How can I go now? It’s night.

그런 말이 아니잖아!

You know I didn't mean literally now.

‪(영남) ‪어떻게  거야?

What will you do with your life?

계속 되지도 않는 일에 ‪ 청춘 바칠 거냐?

Will you keep wasting your good days for a dead end?

‪(혜준) ‪나도 하나만 묻자 ‪[차분한 음악]

Let me ask you a question, too.

아빠도 내가 우환덩어리라고 생각해?

Do you also consider me the burden of the family?

그건  물어?

-Why are you asking me that? -I want to judge my family, too.

나도 우리 가족 평가   보려고

-Why are you asking me that? -I want to judge my family, too.

가족은 특별하다고 생각했거든

I thought our family was special,

‪(혜준) ‪뒤에서  평가 하는 사람들이라면 ‪나도 바꿔야지생각을

but if you have been judging me behind my back, I should change my stance. You are no different than strangers.

세상 사람들하고 똑같잖아

You are no different than strangers.

군대 얘기 하다가  장래 얘기하는데 ‪ 말이 그리 튀어?

We're talking about the military and your future. Don't change the subject.

아빠가 진짜  장래에 대해 ‪걱정해서 말하는 건지

We're talking about the military and your future. Don't change the subject. I need to know if you are truly concerned for me or if you’re worried that I'll be a burden.

아니면 자기 짐덩어리 될까  ‪그러는 건지

or if you’re worried that I'll be a burden.

뭔지 알아야 ‪대답을 다르게   아니야

I must know to answer accordingly.

말하는 싸가지 봐라아빠한테

That’s no way to talk to your own father.

‪(영남) ‪아빠가  잘되라고 하는 얘기지 ‪안되라고 하겠냐?

I’m telling you this, so you could live a good life, not a bad one.

모델 실컷  봤잖아

You worked as a model long enough.

처음에야 좋아라 했지만 ‪지금은 어떻게 됐냐?

At first, you liked it, but look where it got you now.

겨우  용돈만 벌어 쓰잖아

You earn just enough for your allowance.

멀리  것도 없어할아버지  

You don’t need to look further. Just look at your grandpa.

지금  모습을 

Take a good look at him.

젊어서 남들이 ‪'잘생겼다인물이 아깝다'

When he was young, people complimented on his good looks

‪'이런   사람 아니다' ‪남들이 옆에서 펌프질 하니까

and said he ought to be on TV. People kept encouraging him. That got him thinking he could be a singer or an actor.

팔랑팔랑 ‪'가수 한다', '배우 하고 싶다'

That got him thinking he could be a singer or an actor. That’s how he got there.

이리저리 다니다 저렇게 됐잖아

That’s how he got there. Hye-jun is different.

‪(민기) ‪나랑은 다르지우리 혜준이는

Hye-jun is different.

 자꾸 나랑 비교를 ?

Why do you keep comparing him to me?

‪(영남) ‪다르긴 뭐가 달라요?

How is he any different?

똑같아 보기에는 ‪아버지 젊었을 때랑

I think he’s just like you when you were young. If you didn't get scammed with all of my savings,

아버지가 내가 모은  갖고 나가서 ‪사기만  당했어도

If you didn't get scammed with all of my savings,

우리 이렇게  살아!

-we wouldn’t be living like this. -I know. I'm sorry.

그러니까 미안해

-we wouldn’t be living like this. -I know. I'm sorry. That’s why I don’t even squeak.

그래서 찍소리  하고 살잖아

That’s why I don’t even squeak.

‪(민기) ‪우리  우환덩어리는 나야 ‪혜준아 아니야

I’m the burden of my family. It’s not you, Hye-jun.

‪(영남) ‪애는  이렇게 감싸요?

Why do you keep protecting him?

내가  얼굴  때마다 ‪그냥 가슴이 턱턱 막혀!

Why do you keep protecting him? Whenever I see his face, I feel so frustrated.

아버지 닮아서 인물값 한다고 ‪나댈 때면 가슴이 철렁 내려앉고

Whenever I see him trying to become an actor like you, my heart stops beating.

‪(애숙) ‪이제 그만해됐어

That’s enough. Stop it.

너도 그만 

-Darn it. -You should get some sleep.

‪(혜준) ‪  뒤집어 놓고 자라면 잠이 ?

How do you expect me to sleep when you have upset me?

‪(영남) ‪ 이래?

What's wrong with you? Stop it.

‪(애숙) ‪그만  

Stop it.

‪(영남) ‪ 그만해!

Why should I stop? He turned out like that because you keep protecting him.

당신이 이러니까 애가  모양이지! ‪[애숙의 당황한 숨소리]

Why should I stop? He turned out like that because you keep protecting him. He can hear you.

‪(애숙) ‪들어

He can hear you.

‪(경준) ‪들으면 어때쟤도 현실을 알아야지

So what? He should face reality.


So what? He should face reality. You give me no choice. Honey come here. You, come with me.

‪(애숙) ‪당신 이리  너도  ‪[경준의 짜증 섞인 신음]

You give me no choice. Honey come here. You, come with me. Gosh.

‪[스위치가  켜진다] ‪[문이 달칵 열린다]

‪(영남) ‪  ‪[경준의 아파하는 신음]


‪(경준엄마… ‪(애숙아이여기서 얘기하자

-Mom. I-- -Stop. Let's talk here. My father and you are the ones ruining Hye-jun's life.

‪(영남) ‪혜준이 망치는  당신하고 아버지야 ‪[경준의 한숨]

My father and you are the ones ruining Hye-jun's life. He should learn to face hardships in life.

사내자식을 강하게 키워야지

He should learn to face hardships in life.

‪(경준) ‪엄마


 지금 터닝 포인트야

This is his turning point.

지금 잘못 선택하면 ‪할아버지 테크 타는 거야

If he makes a wrong decision, he'll turn out like Grandpa.

할아버지가 어때서?

What's wrong with your grandfather?

‪[한숨] ‪(영남) ‪아버지가 어떤  말로 해야 알아?

What's wrong with your grandfather? Must I really spell it out for you?

다정다감하고 성품이 따뜻하시잖아

He's warmhearted and has a gentle soul.

‪-  ‪- (경준가식적이야


‪(경준) ‪엄마가 속으로 정말 그렇게 생각할까?

-It's so fake. Do you think she meant it? -I doubt it.

‪- 아니라고 본다 ‪- (애숙아유그래서 어떡하자고?

-It's so fake. Do you think she meant it? -I doubt it. So what do you want to do, then? He's already having a tough time. What are you bothering him?

‪(애숙) ‪가뜩이나   풀려서 힘든 애를 ‪잡아서  ?

He's already having a tough time. What are you bothering him?

애초에 걸으면  주는 일이라는  ‪말이 되냐?

How could he think of making a living by just walking on some platform?

‪[코웃음] ‪[애숙의 헛웃음]

How could he think of making a living by just walking on some platform?

방송 나올 때는 좋다고 ‪자랑하고 다닐 때는 언제고?

When he was on TV, you used to brag about him to your friends.

그때는 뭐가 되는  알았지

I thought he was going to be famous. I also had a pipe dream, back then.

나도 그때는 뭐에 씌어 갖고

I also had a pipe dream, back then.

‪(경준) ‪지난 일은 지난 일이야

Let bygone be bygone.

현실을 직시해야 엄마

We must face reality. Protecting him won't solve anything.

무조건 감싼다고 ‪해결될 일이 아니라니까?

Protecting him won't solve anything.

‪(영남) ‪역시 경준이다

You do live up to my expectations. You take after me. You're so good at taking care of yourself.

 닮아 갖고 어릴 때부터 ‪ 앞가림을 얼마나 잘해

You take after me. You're so good at taking care of yourself.

‪(애숙) ‪어쨌든 혜준이가 선택할  있게 ‪기다려 줘야 

Anyway, we must wait until Hye-jun makes his own decision.

너한테는 항상 엄마 아빠 그랬어

We always gave you a chance to make your own decisions. So your brother deserves the same chance.

 동생도 그럴 권리 있어

So your brother deserves the same chance.

‪(영남) ‪아유


‪[민기의 헛기침]

‪[잔잔한 음악]


‪[정하가 키보드를 탁탁 두드린다]

‪[마우스 클릭음]

‪[정하가 키보드를 탁탁 두드린다]

‪(영상  정하) ‪퇴근쯤 얼굴 보고 ‪깜짝 놀라신  많죠?

I’m sure there were times when you were surprised to see yourselves after work.

근데 갑자기 약속이 잡혔어요 ‪[영상  수빈의 놀란 신음]

But you have plans after work.

걱정 마세요다시 화장하면

Don’t worry. You can fix your makeup.

‪[마우스 클릭음]


‪[리드미컬한 음악이 흘러나온다] ‪[카메라 셔터음이 연신 울린다]

‪(정하) ‪드디어 내일 만난다떨린다

I'm finally going to meet him tomorrow. I'm nervous.

 남자에게 말할 거다

I'll tell him

나는 너의 오랜 팬이고 ‪너를 응원한다고

that I've been his fan for a long time and I root for him.

‪[정하가 키보드를 달칵 누른다]

‪[흥미로운 음악]

‪[휴대전화 조작음]



‪[정하의 웃음]

‪[리드미컬한 음악이 흘러나온다]

‪(찰리) ‪어깨 펴고 눈에 힘줘

Square your shoulders. Gaze intensely.

‪(찰리) ‪뒷사람들 간격  맞추자

Guys in the back, keep your distances.

‪"옴므정 ‪서울"

‪(찰리) ‪1, 2 바꿨으면 좋겠어요

Switch the first and the second models.

‪(찰리) ‪좋아 템포 있게

Great. Walk with more rhythm.

‪(찰리) ‪혜준아좋아

Great, Hye-jun.

‪[디렉터의 한숨]

‪(디렉터) ‪선생님


‪(찰리) ‪


시선 앞으로 멀리

Gaze ahead. Gaze farther.


Try to look nicer than that.

‪[리드미컬한 음악]

Try to look nicer than that.

‪[원장과 진주가 대화한다]

Yes, where is that?

‪(진주) ‪정하  것도 꾸려 

Jeong-ha, can you organize mine, too?


‪- (해효메이크업하러 가자 ‪- (혜준그래

Let’s get our makeup done. Okay.

‪[부드러운 음악]

-Hello. -Hi.

‪(진주) ‪원해효 이쪽으로 와요

Mr. Won Hae-hyo, this way.

‪(해효) ‪

Mr. Won Hae-hyo, this way. Okay.

‪(진주) ‪교수님한테 얘기 많이 들었어요

I’ve heard a lot about you from the professor.

‪(해효) ‪교수님요?

-"Professor"? -Professor Kim I-yeong.

‪(진주) ‪김이영 교수님요

-"Professor"? -Professor Kim I-yeong.

‪(해효) ‪엄마 강의 관둔  오래됐어요

She stopped teaching a long time ago.

‪(진주) ‪그래요?

Is that so? Well, once a professor, always a professor.

한번 교수는 영원한 교수예요

Is that so? Well, once a professor, always a professor.

‪[진주와 해효의 웃음]

Is that so? Well, once a professor, always a professor.


Why didn’t you call my name?

Oh, I see.

‪"헤어&메이크업 ‪빅토리"

‪(진주) ‪우선 피부에 영양부터 주죠

Let’s nourish your skin first.

‪[울리는 효과음]


I'm sorry.

‪(혜준) ‪괜찮아요

It's all right.

‪[정하가 뚜껑을  내려놓는다]


How come I don’t get a face pack?

피부 좋아서  필요 없어요

You have good skin, so you don’t need it.

‪[부드러운 음악]

‪"옴므정 서울 ‪헤어&메이크업"


‪[의미심장한 효과음]

‪(정하) ‪끝났습니다

It’s done.

‪(혜준) ‪수고하셨습니다

It’s done. Thank you.

‪(스태프) ‪원장님이 잠깐 오시라는데요?

The salon director is asking for you.

‪(진주) ‪거의  됐거든요?

It’s almost done. But can I finish this up after I briefly talk to her?

잠깐 얘기하고 와서 ‪마무리해도 될까요?

It’s almost done. But can I finish this up after I briefly talk to her?

‪(해효) ‪괜찮아요시간 많아요우리

Sure. It’s fine. We have a lot of time.

‪(진주) ‪감사합니다

Thank you.

‪(혜준) ‪ 나가 있을게 하고 

I’ll be out. Come out once you’re done.

‪(해효) ‪같이 잠깐이면 된다잖아

Wait for me here. She said it won’t take long.

‪(혜준) ‪ 끝났는데 ‪앉아 있기 눈치 보이니까 그렇지

I’m done with my makeup. I feel bad taking up the spot.

‪(해효) ‪앉아 있으면  돼요?

Can he stay here?


He can.

‪[휴대전화 진동음]

‪(해효) ‪엄마

Yes, Mom.

여기 왔다고?

What? You’re here? Why?

‪(혜준) ‪여기  앉아 있어도 돼요?

Can I sit in the chair?


‪(해효) ‪지금 나오라고?

You want me to come out now?

‪(혜준) ‪근데 원래 그렇게 말이 없어요?

But are you always this quiet?

‪(정하) ‪아니요

-No. -Okay.

‪(해효) ‪알았어알았어요

-No. -Okay.

엄마가  준다고 나오라는데?

I have to go out. She has something for me.


I have to go out. She has something for me. Go, then.

이거 어떡해?

What about this?

‪(혜준) ‪ 됐어가도 

It's done. You can go.

‪(해효) ‪입술이

Gosh. My lips…

이것  마무리해 주세요

Can you finish this up?

진주 디자이너님 고객이라  돼요

You're not my client. I can't do that.

‪(혜준) ‪내가 갔다 올까?

Should I pick it up for you?

‪(해효) ‪나보고 오래

She wants me to come.

근데 되게 빡빡하다

By the way, you're too cold.

‪(혜준) ‪같은 숍인  같은데

It looks like you work at the same salon. Do you have to divide clients?

 그렇게  고객 고객 ‪나눠야 돼요?

It looks like you work at the same salon. Do you have to divide clients?

‪(해효) ‪ 분이 사이  좋은가 봐요?

I guess you guys aren’t on good terms.


‪(정하) ‪아니아니요

Wait, no. That's not it.

   선생님 성질 더러워요?

Does she have a nasty temper?

‪(혜준) ‪

Does she have a nasty temper? If you were her, would you answer that?

 같으면 ‪더러우면 더럽다고 얘기하겠냐?

If you were her, would you answer that?


I'll do it.

‪(정하) ‪ 드릴게요

I'll do it for you.

‪[정하가 붓을  집는다]

저희 선생님 성질 더럽지 않아요

She’s not mean at all.

어떤 사람들은

People say… I’m not saying that’s everyone.

대부분의 사람들이 ‪그렇다는  아니고요

People say… I’m not saying that’s everyone.

어떤 사람들이 그러는데

Some people say that

제가  사람을 ‪편하게  주지 못한대요

I’m not good at making people feel comfortable.

나랑 반대네?

I’m the opposite.

 사람들이 너무 편하게  준다고 ‪다들 좋아하잖아

People love me because I make them feel so comfortable.

‪(해효) ‪사람들만 좋아하냐?

Yes. It’s not just people.

동네 개들도 너만 보면 좋아서 ‪ 소리 작렬이잖아

When the dogs see you, they are so happy that they start barking.



‪(해효) ‪! ‪[웃음]


‪[혜준이 어른다] ‪[해효가  울음을 흉내 낸다]

‪(혜준) ‪잘한다  

Good dog. One more time.

‪[혜준과 정하의 웃음] ‪(혜준) ‪그만해그만

Stop it.

‪[진주의 한숨] ‪(진주) ‪너는 언제나 이렇구나?

So you always do this. You always try to steal clients.

남의 손님한테 껄떡대는 

So you always do this. You always try to steal clients.

저번에는 실수거니 했어 ‪너도 인정하지?

I thought it was a mistake last time. You agree the first mistake is

 번은 실수지만  번은 습관인 

considered unintentional, but after that, it's a nasty habit.

선생님그게 아니라 고객님께서

It’s not what you think. The client--

‪(진주) ‪죄송해요

I’m sorry. She and I made a promise.

제가  친구하고 ‪약속한  하나 있거든요

I’m sorry. She and I made a promise.

이런  다시 한번 생기면 ‪그때는 개망신 주겠다고

I told her I would humiliate her if this happens again.

약속은 지켜야 되잖아요

I have to keep my promise.

‪- (혜준… ‪- (진주어어

-Well-- -No.

‪(진주) ‪이런 데서 편들면 ‪상대방이  곤란해지는  알죠?

You know if you side with her, you’ll make it more difficult for her.


I'm sorry.

‪[진주의 한숨]

‪(진주) ‪사람들은 내가 나쁘다고 생각할 거야

People will think I’m the mean one here. "She should let it go. Why is she doing that?"

‪'참지 저러나?'

"She should let it go. Why is she doing that?"

하지만  알잖아 ‪네가 얼마나 사악한지

But you know how evil you are.

‪[정하가 도구를  내려놓는다]

‪(진주) ‪얼굴 라인   드릴게요

I'll contour your face

셰이딩 한번 할게요

and do shading.

‪[차분한 음악]

‪[정하가 훌쩍인다]

‪[정하의 떨리는 숨소리]


‪[코를 훌쩍인다]

‪[떨리는 숨소리]

‪[숨을  내뱉는다]

‪[코를 훌쩍인다]


‪[코를 훌쩍인다]

이런 행운이 어떻게 나한테 왔을까?

“I can’t believe I got this lucky.

살면서 이런 벅찬 순간이 ‪나한테 오다니

This is such an exciting moment of my life.

착하게  보람이 있구나

Living an honest life paid off.

정말 감사하면서 살아야겠다는 개뿔

I should be grateful.” Scratch all of that. Damn it.


 와중에 우리 혜준이는 ‪ 이렇게 멋있니?

But why was Hye-jun so handsome today?


‪[휴대전화 조작음] ‪[코를 훌쩍인다]

착하게 사는 거랑 행복하게 사는 거랑 ‪무슨 상관이야?

Living an honest life doesn't mean I'll be happy in life.

‪[코를 훌쩍인다]

인생은 원래

Nasty people who don’t care about others

성질 못돼 처먹고 ‪ 배려  하는 인간이 위너야

Nasty people who don’t care about others always win in this life.

  하기를 ‪정말 잘했다는 생각이 들어

But I’m so glad that I decided to be your fan.


But I’m so glad that I decided to be your fan.

‪(혜준) ‪ 팬이었어요?

Are you my fan?



‪[발걸음이 울린다]

‪[밝은 음악]


Do you like me?

‪(정하) ‪떨렸어요

I was nervous.

얼마나 떨렸는지 알아요? ‪[정하의 신난 탄성]

Do you know how nervous I was?

‪(민재) ‪[영어] ‪대니얼나야

‪(민재) ‪[한국어] ‪ 사고 쳤어혜준아

I did something crazy, Hye-jun.

‪[카메라 셔터음이 연신 울린다] ‪(혜준) ‪다시 시작하면 

I can start again.

‪(찰리) ‪같이 시작한 해효를 

Look at Hae-hyo now. You two started out together.

걔는 백그라운드가 좋으니까 ‪계속 승승장구잖아

Since he has support, things are working out for him.

‪(혜준) ‪혼자   없으면 그만둬야죠

If I can’t do it on my own, I should quit.

‪(영남) ‪그럼 이제 군대 가면 되겠네

Now, you can go to the military.

가족이라면서 위한다면서?

You said you’re my family. You want the best for me.

‪- (경준가족이 무슨 만능 키야? ‪- (혜준그럼!

-Family can’t solve everything. -Then,

 인생에 훈수 두지 

don’t tell me what to do with my life.


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